#i am just so awkward at flirting. need to poke a lady with a long stick and be like
90sbee · 8 months
In my head I'm the one you come home to. You hug me and we have tea together. 
In my head I am your hero and I can kiss your forehead goodnight. 
In my head you look at me. In my head I had (have) a chance.
0 notes
iheartyvesss · 10 months
save a horse | j. miller preview
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and all the ladies say,
“save a horse, ride a cowboy!”
cowboy!joel x black coded!southern!reader (anybody can still read, only hairstyles are specified)
warnings: js sweet ole girl dad joel, small bits of flirting, tommy’s a flirt and joel doesn’t like it, and joel is a lil awkward but we love him!!!
wc? 1.5k (this a preview y’all!)
if any lingo is wrong you’re fuckin lying because i’m a texan born and bred RAGHHHH 🦅🇺🇸
moving to austin from dallas with your dead best friend’s daughter wasn’t on your 2002 bingo card. ellie was precious to you for a number of reasons, her fiery attitude and brown eyes that reminded you of your best friend. it all hurt you, but this little girl came first. her safety came first.
“ellie! babe, c’mon now, you gotta at least unpack your room.” the teen looked up at you over the book that was barely propped up on her chest. ellie scrunched her face at you, “i am aunty, just give me a second. the house isn’t goin’ anywhere, i’ll be just fine.” you sighed heavily, leaning on the archway of her door. ellie’s been pretty normal, but you don’t think it’s normal for her to be normal.
she’s lost her mother, you cried for days after losing yours. you remember that feeling of emptiness; not being able to believe the woman who gave birth to you was gone. you purse your lips instead, sighing in a more gentle manner before moving closer to ellie. “c’mon, up! let’s go. we’re baking and meeting our neighbors.” ellie groaned but let you take her hands, whining when you pulled her all the way up out of the bed.
“promise not to run from me and i’ll make you the red velvet brownies you like.” you squished her cheeks in your hands while grinning from ear to ear. you knew your niece couldn’t resist them, even if she was mad at you for making her assist. ellie whined in your grip, squirming around to get your hands away from her cheeks. “fine! fine! oh my god those stupid nails hurt, aunty. jesus fuck.”
her response is a hit to the back of her head, “ow.” you snort as you make your way out of the room, tying your soft locs up into a ponytail. “then watch your mouth, sugar. hurry on downstairs when you’re done. i already started the oven.” did you lie about beginning to bake to get ellie to come out of the hole that was her bare room? yes. and you are very proud that it worked.
you’re barely tying your apron back around your waist when ellie’s loud stomps come down the stairs of your new house. she fakes a frown before smiling at the aroma of chocolate and strawberries, hints of vanilla stretching across the entire first floor. you pretend not to see the scene that unfolded in front of you, instead turning to your buttercream frosting that you were mixing. “ellie baby, can you get the pie shells out for me? poke holes in the bottom with the fork then sit them in the oven for a bit. you know the drill, sweet pea.” she hums in response, yanking her little apron off of it’s hook and tying it around her body.
ellie’s practically sliding around the kitchen in her black and red polka dot socks, having the time of her life racing no one in the space of the kitchen. you laugh at her antics, gesturing for her to come over to you, “come ‘nd taste the frosting, let me know if it’s too sweet or no.” she practically scrambles to you, taking the spoon from your hand. “umm, ‘s alright. it needs more vanilla and a little more powdered sugar.”
“ugh, my little baking champion thank you so much!” you kiss the side of her head and get back to work, letting her get back to her own job that you’d provided her with. she laughed softly at your comment before she went back to her previous job of poking holes in your pie crusts. it’s not long before you’re pulling brownies and cookies out of your oven, letting them cook before icing the cookies with such carefulness that it makes ellie laugh.
you allow ellie to scoop the apple pie mixture into the pie shells before she settles them back in after placing the lattice on top of all three pies you’d made. you wait around another hour to let the pies settle and pack everything up, letting ellie hold the cookies whilst you grab one of the pies. “ellie do i look okay?” you mumble to her, turning slightly in front of the mirror on the wall near your front door. she snorts, covering it up with a cough. “you look fine aunty. what? you wanna date the neighbors?”
“absolutely n- ellie!” your face heats but you don’t say much else, instead opening the door for your niece since her hands were more full than yours. you do look fine though. your little sundress you wore for the drive down here from dallas was a soft blue with light pink flowers patterned on it along with complimentary white sandals. it complimented your skin well, enhancing the glow of it against the sun. your soft locs were still in a ponytail from your baking, and you’d had your lashes done shortly before you moved. you were particularly satisfied with the lip combo you’d mustered up before you left; a pretty brown liner with a pink filler. perfect.
ellie sets the cookies down on the floor in the bottom of your backseat, and you follow suit by sitting the pie on top of the containers. the both of you climb into the car once you’re positive everything is in order and won’t fall over or anything of the sort. the drive to the next set of land isn’t far, maybe 5 minutes, and you get a chance to truly take in the beauty of the countryside in austin.
when you pull up, you notice that your neighbors seem to be leaving the house just as you drive up. there’s two older men and a little girl, and you can only assume she’s one of the men’s daughter. your eyes trail over the taller one, though. he’s buffer than the shorter one and has a full beard. your ‘thing’ for beards was really tempting you with this one. he was clearly older than you as if that helped your attraction, but you purse your lips and relax your shoulders. no need to be weird in front of the new neighbors already.
you park quickly, biting down on your lip to hold any final nervous remarks your niece could possibly make fun of you for. ellie grabs the pie since she’s already on the side, setting it on top of the car and grabbing the cookies. you hum a soft ‘thank you’ to her before grabbing the pie and making your way towards your neighbors.
“excuse me?” your voice is saccharine to joel’s ears, and he damn near gets whiplash trying to turn to see who’s voice he’s hearing. “are you the millers?” you follow up despite a lack of response from the older man. you smile sweetly and gesture for ellie to come towards you. joel nods dumbly, swallowing hard before stepping forward to greet you. the girl that you mentioned earlier, who looked a little older than ellie, giggled at her dad (uncle?), and skipped her way next to him.
“i- uhm- we- damn.” joel stuttered terribly, rubbing a hand over his face before sighing heavily. sarah giggles before speaking up for her stunned father. “hi!! i’m sarah miller, this is my dad joel and my uncle tommy.” she smiled brightly at the two of you, curls bouncing as she spoke. tommy nodded from next to sarah, sticking his hand out for you to shake. “hi, darlin’! i’m tommy, nice to see a new pretty face ‘round here.” you feel your smile widen a bit, flattered by the younger miller’s words. you reach your hand out to meet his, but tommy turns it in his hand and presses a kiss to the back of yours.
joel’s stare practically burns through the two of you.
“cute.” is all you say, gently taking your hand back to pull ellie towards you. “i’m (name) (last name) and this is my niece ellie williams. we just moved into the house a few minutes down the road and wanted to properly greet everyone. i come bearing gifts, of course, but i can put ‘em back until you guys come back if i have to?” joel shakes his head, smiling at the thought you’d clearly put into the baked goods. “no, that’s fine sugar. we were jus’ goin’ to get some groceries.” his hand brushes yours briefly as he takes the pie, and you feel electricity shoot up your spine. oh you want him.
“me ‘n ellie can go ahead and head out and let you three get to it. we’re sorry to interrupt, but i hope we could come back over some time just to hang out or for anything else.” joel’s eyebrows shoot up at the end of your question but if he caught onto anything he didn’t say much. “’course. thank you again for the cookies ‘n pie. real sweet of you to make ‘em, sugar.” you bite down on your lip to hide the smile threatening to appear on your lips. ellie laughs beside you, tugging on your arm after she’s handed off the cookies. you glance back up at him briefly before nodding your head towards the car, sending your niece towards it.
“no problem, cowboy.”
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shoutogepi · 4 years
Red Roses
Kirishima Eijirou
word count : 7.5k
[ ✘ (nsfw!), flowershop!au ]  
themes : haaaa where to begin… almost dubcon?? (BEWARE!), dom!kiri, size kink!kiri, light spanking, tinyyy bit of ass play, little use of “Sir”
bio : Kirishima decides to educate you on the alternative meaning behind a red rose.
author’s note : this fic was meant to be for the @bnhabookclub​ provisional licensing exam event using their flowershop!au, but alas... i am a lazy procrastinator. anyway you should check them out!! i’ve absolutely loved being a part of something so great. also thanks to all who helped me with this fic <3 buuut special thanks to @lady-bakuhoe​​ for beta reading <3
tagging: @queensynderella @marilla-eldriana @1-800-callmekatsuki​ @hisoknen 
also available on AO3 here
   ─── ・°* ゚✧:* • 。゚:*・☽・*: 。゚•*:✧ ゚*°・ ───
🅃he bell tinkles overhead as you step into the quaint store, palm clammy against the metal doorknob and chest tight with apprehension.
“Y/N! Thank god for you,” your friend exclaims from behind the register, sliding over the counter with ease. She shoves the apron she’s holding into your hands before attempting to throw her hair into a messy bun. “I cannot believe my sitter cancelled on me this last minute— my husband has to be out of the house in ten minutes!”
You smile at her gratefulness, but your eyes are not on her. The curtains on the back room part and out steps the store owner, red eyes landing on you. “Y/N,” he greets you, the timbre of his voice low and cool. You nod and smile hesitantly toward him, shifting your attention back to your friend even though you can feel his gaze raking over your body.
Yuki wags a disapproving finger toward the man behind the counter, “Kiri, you better take good care of her!” She commands with a playful yet firm tone, body already halfway through the door you’d just come in through.
Your entire being screams out for you to beg her to stay, but you hold your tongue as you recall it was you who said you’d cover her shift. She already seems to have had the stress lifted from her shoulders at your arrival, and you can’t bear to back out after coming all the way here.
Looking back toward the source of your stress, you can’t help but admire him. Scarlet locks hang down around his face, majority pulled back into a sleek, short ponytail to give you a better view of his handsome face— jawline sharp as his teeth and the scar on his forehead slicing through his brow. He’s tall; well over six foot with rippling muscles adorning his long, tan arms. He’s wearing a crisp, white button down rolled up to the elbows, black and red ink poking out of the hem and trailing down his forearms. The store’s pine green apron is pulled snug around his figure, accentuating his broad chest and narrow hips. You already know his ass looks incredible, even though it’s hidden by the plastic countertop. He’s a five course meal on legs, for Christ’s sake, but you know better than to get ideas— he’s a player.
“Of course,” Kirishima replies across the store after her retreating form. His eyes drift over to you, catching your stare. “I’ll take great care of her.”
The door closes, sealing you to your fate with the red beast of a man. For a moment you just stand there, frozen as your mind runs through a thousand thoughts. Before he can comment about your blatant staring, you rip your eyes away from his, throwing the neck of the apron above your head. Tugging the tie around the back of your waist, your fingers fumble with the thick material as you turn to face him again. “So what should I work on?”
He seems amused at your question, even though it’s extremely valid. Not even bothering to hide the generous once-over he gives you when you've finally tightened the bow behind your back, he takes his time to answer you. “Yuki usually does the ordering for next week’s shipments tonight, but I’ll do that. You can put together some bouquets— I’ll give you one to follow off of.”
You’re honestly surprised that he’s giving you real work to do, but then again, you are covering a shift after all. Kirishima shows you the corner behind the counter designated for bouquet assembly, and he helps you make the first bouquet before he slips away behind the curtains of the back room once again, leaving you alone in the store.
He’d picked a simple bouquet for you to reproduce; a dozen red roses with a few sprigs of baby’s breath and a touch of greenery. The work is pleasantly methodic to complete, and by the time the sky is dark, a small sense of pride blooms in your chest at the pile of bouquets you’d managed to complete. It’s five minutes to close, and not a single customer has come into the store in the last hour. You’re snipping the ends off of the last branch of baby’s breath when you hear the rustle of the curtains behind you.
Immediately the atmosphere of the room changes. The once warm and light mood that filled the shop dissipates, replaced with a heavy, silent tension that causes trepidation to ooze into your veins.
“These look pretty good, Y/N,” Kirishima speaks from behind you, thick fingers moving over the packages of cellophane in a slow, analytical sweep. You roll your eyes, wondering if he’d thought you’d do a shit job or something.
You open your mouth to give him a curt thanks, but your voice dies in your throat as you feel his presence a hair’s breadth from your backside. The heat that rolls off of him licks at your skin through your clothes, your hands fixed midair.
“Though this one’s a little off,” he murmurs, breath washing over the shell of your ear. His hands come into your field of vision, arms absurdly thick and just generally large in comparison to you. His hands are just as big, dwarfing yours as he plucks the dainty flower from your stiff fingers.
The tattoos that peek out from the cuff of his sleeves hold a certain gravity that captures your stare. You watch him tuck the stem among the bouquet in your peripheral, placing it in precisely the perfect location to make the ensemble flawless.
Your stomach lurches when his chest brushes against your shoulders, fingers turning in on themselves to form to meager fists that you place atop the counter. “There,” he whispers, and you can feel just how close his lips are to touching your ear.
His voice does something to you; up close like this it sounds almost akin to how a tiger’s purr rumbles through its whole body. Except it’s your body that it thunders through, an unwanted heat beginning to form between your thighs. You shift your legs slightly, bringing your feet closer together in an attempt to mitigate the sensation.
You nearly gasp when he pulls away, eyelids fluttering shut in relief.
“You’re actually pretty good at this,” he comments, returning to the pile of bouquets that rest along the countertop. He starts to tuck them into his arms, red gaze flickering to gauge your expression. There’s a knowing gleam in his eyes, and you try your best not to allow heat to flood into your cheeks. But he doesn’t push it any further, turning and walking around the counter to crouch in front of one of the fridges that line the wall. You find yourself wishing for the cool air to wash over your own face, and you grab a few bouquets before making your way over to him.
You kneel down next to him, slightly annoyed that even sitting down he’s still at least a head taller than you. Stupid proportional man. You open the door and prop it open against your hip, leaning in to place the fresh bouquets inside an empty bucket, following Kirishima’s lead.
Kirishima watches you from the corner of his eye for a moment. “Thank you,” he says as he continues to fill the buckets in front of him, “for filling in for Yuki, I mean. The shop doesn’t look too busy but it needs two people to keep it up and running, so… I appreciate you coming in.”
His words are unexpected, and they bring a fresh wave of heat to your cheeks. You’d never seen the playboy be so openly appreciative before, although honestly you’ve only seen the fuckboy side of him— the one that eyes you down, and blatantly flirts with you when you come to visit your friend during her shifts. “Of course, Kiri,” you reply automatically. The burning in your cheeks only intensifies when you realize you’ve addressed him so informally, but when you turn to apologize to him, you find he’s much too close for comfort. He’s leaned in, taking you by surprise as the scent of his deep, savory cologne wafts into your face. Those carmine eyes piece into yours, making your stomach fill with butterflies, flapping round your stomach in a concoction of nerves and— you hate to admit it— hunger.
“You’ve done such good work today, Y/N,” he nearly whispers, and you watch as his full lips part to utter the words, sharp fangs glinting at you. Before you lose yourself to the moment, he stands, mollifying the intensity and severing you from the invisible string that pulls your gaze to his. You hesitantly take the hand he reaches out to you, trying not to think about how truly huge it is compared to yours. He pulls you up effortlessly, and you still as his other hand comes to touch the back of your waist when you all but collide into his chest. “Sorry,” he says but you wouldn’t deem his tone apologetic, “you’re so dainty, y’know— like a flower.”
You turn on your heel to face the other direction, hoping he doesn’t notice how much his comment affects you; you’re sure you look like a bird with fluffed, ruffled feathers— you certainly feel that way at least. You let out an awkward laugh as you take a hasty step toward the register, your body wanting nothing more than to rid itself of this infuriatingly delicious heat that Kirishima’s words create underneath your skin, licking and crawling along your bones. Finding yourself safely harbored behind the counter once again, your eyes fall to the nearly-completed bouquet you were just wrapping up when Kirishima exited the back room. Your fingers reach for a sprig of greenery, flat wide leaves fanning out in an elegant manner that could only accentuate the beauty and simplicity of the red bouquet.
But your sense of security is proven false, for Kirishima’s deep, demanding voice trickles like honey into your ears. “Red roses are accepted as the symbol of love all around the world,” he pauses for dramatic effect, and you hate to admit you’re left teetering on the edge of your metaphorical seat waiting for his next words, “but true florists know they convey another meaning.”
By the clarity of his diction you can tell he’s standing not far behind you, probably a step or two away. You can feel your heart rate spike again, your breath catching as you wonder what his next move will be. “And what’s that?” You reply dryly but it comes out more like a breathless whisper.
His thick forearms intrude your vision and settle on either side of your figure, leaving just a touch of space from your flesh. Your nearly shaking fingers drop the twig of leaves when he reaches between your hands, plucking a single thorny stem from the assembly before you and holding the soft, velvety petals to the tip of your nose. He doesn’t have to say the words for you to know to take a sniff of the blossom, and you inhale as much as your lungs will take before he answers your question, breath hot against the shell of your ear.
Your body freezes completely, too shocked to even draw in a breath of air, when his pointy teeth graze the very tip of your ear. Jaw hanging at his sheer impudence, you’re still as a statue when he moves the soft swell of the bloom across your far cheek, soft petals trailing along your fiery skin. The action tickles slightly, causing your head to turn toward his face that hangs down above your shoulder.
“You’re so beautiful, sweetheart,” he coos, and again there’s that rumble in his voice that resonates through your frame. He drops the flower, not caring to even spare a glance as it falls from his fingertips. The digits move to cup your chin, middle finger pushing the corner of your jaw to swing your face directly in front of his. Simmering red eyes stare deep into yours, flickering toward your lips briefly before he decides he no longer wants to drag this out.
You’re horrified to moan so unabashedly when his lips press against yours in a vicious siege, dominating them and claiming them as his. His kiss is rough, as if he can’t hold himself back from his beast-like passion, yet it’s much more meaningful and encaptivating than you’d imagined it would be. His arm slithers around your hips to place his hand atop your ribs. Your eyes widen at his undisguised motive, and you open your mouth to call him out— but before you can pull away to tell him to stop, his tongue slips between your lips. Knees wobbly at the sudden intrusion, your tongue begins to move with his, stroking, and swirling, and tangling into one sexy, sloppy mess. His hand slips from its place on your ribs, drifting underneath the side of your apron and cupping your entire breast— not much of a challenge for his large palm.
Kirishima moans into your mouth at your acceptance, and you can only croak out a small whimper of reciprocation. His hand is hot through the nearly sheer fabric of your blouse, and the bra does not do much to block his calloused hands from your chest. His other hand continues to grip your jaw, just hard enough so you’d have to struggle to pull away from him. That is, if you were ever to want to pull away from him.
Your hands are still frozen in front of you, unsure what exactly to do in this situation. Mind completely exhausted of all higher levels of thought, the only emotions you can recognize are lust and satisfaction. Actually, your brain is so hazy with these feelings that you don’t even complain when he starts to undo the tie at the back of your apron. His teeth drag across your bottom lip, the sharp edges not quite pressed hard enough to cut you, but for some reason it brings an unexpected thrill. Pulling away from your mouth, Kirishima’s lips meander across your jaw, his hand tilting your head up so he can continue his journey to your throat. He sucks on the tender flesh there, inhaling your sweet and clean scent as his tongue washes against your skin. You gasp at his brazen action, ass pushing against his hips to discover something long and thick there. Teeth prick into your flesh just a touch too hard, but he’s let go of you after only a minute, and he traces over the small wounds with careful licks.  
“Do you,” you suck in short breath when he squeezes your breast, your words faltering, “Do you do this with all your employees?” You taunt, but Kirishima can recognize the doubt in your tone. It’s hidden under false scorn, but your question is pure and filled with true intent. 
He pauses his treatment on your neck for a spell, and when he speaks, the wet skin on your throat feels cold as his breath falls upon it. “Of course not,” he purrs, raising his head to take your earlobe between his teeth, pulling away and sending a fresh wave of shivers down your spine. Your body jolts at the stimulation, and your bottom brushes against his crotch again. This time, his hand moves from your breast to wrap around your waist, securing you in place. He presses his concealed cock against the swell of your ass, and you bite your lip at the sheer size of him. Leaning in, he places a long stripe on the side of your ear with his hot tongue, and you can hear the teasing dripping from his voice. “Only with the pretty ones who beg for it.”
Kirishima’s hips rut against your ass, and he holds you in place so that the gentle grind he offers is felt in full effect. You nearly moan at the feeling of his hot length rubbing against you, your pussy starting to leak onto your panties. Of course you know he’s been around, but he’s so sexy— and he’s got to be good at what he does with all that experience.
He pauses, angling your face to still in front of his again. There’s a mischievous twinkle in his eye, and a pleased smirk pulling up one corner of his mouth. He turns your face away again, and your eyes fall shut as his nose scrapes along your cheek. “Yuki says to stay away from you,” he grumbles, lips pressing against your cheek as he speaks, a groan slipping from his parted lips as he rolls his hips into yours particularly hard. Your bottom lip is held prisoner between your teeth in a desperate attempt to hold in the moan that craves to be set free. “Says a good girl like you is too good for me to be messin’ around with.” His words convey a dash of irritation, and you’re caught off-guard at the seasoning of disdain.
You wonder when she’d told him that— when they’d talked about you— but Kirishima does not allow you another moment to ponder it. He kisses you again, and all thoughts are cleansed from your brain as his lips seize yours. The hand on your chin drops and you gasp as it lands on the hem of your skirt, curling around you so his hot palm rests on your inner thigh, just a short distance from your soaked panties. Your feet move to draw your legs together, and your quivering thighs rub against his hand as you struggle to make your body move to your will. Pulling back to fill your lungs with fresh air, you mumble against his lips, “Kirishima, that’s—”
“But I know you’re not all that innocent,” he continues, fingertips brushing over the saturated lace. He groans as he traces along your slit, delighted to find you’re more than aroused from all his touching and teasing. Your cheeks feel impossibly hot, and you let out a soft whimper as he grazes over your clit a few times, your head falling back against his broad chest. Kirishima takes in your lustful expression, and the way your eyelashes flutter at him makes his cock twitch in his pants. “You’re so wet, sweetheart— fuck, you’re a naughty little thing. Y’want this, huh?”
Even though you only give him the slightest nod, he seems to accept your response, for his grip around your waist tightens considerably, pulling you flush against him. His hips buck against yours and you moan aloud when the clothed tip of his cock rubs against your panties through your skirt. You can’t even react when he spins you around, your head feeling fuzzy and laden with desire. He grabs your hips, easily placing you on the edge of the countertop before his fingers move to rip off your apron, then coming to undo the buttons at the front of your blouse. “The— The store,” you pant, eyes darting toward the door that currently sports the ‘open’ side of the sign. You swallow thickly when Kirishima falls to his knees, landing at the perfect height for him to put his head between your thighs.
His hands move to snag the hips of your panties, and you nearly whine in embarrassment when he slides the item down your legs, a thick string of your lust connecting the material to your pussy before it severs. Kirishima only moans in awe, pride oozing into his system as he takes in how drenched you are for him. He shoves the soiled lace into his pocket, and you whine at the action, about to complain but he cuts you off. “Don’t worry, Princess. No one’s gonna bother us,” he breathes out as he comes closer to your weeping core, your slick trickling down your ass cheek to drip onto the countertop.
White hot mortification bursts through you as he takes a long whiff of your pussy, and you squirm to move backwards but rough hands trap your thighs open, dragging your ass to hang halfway off the edge. He smirks as he looks up at you, examining your flustered expression.
“You ‘dunno how long I’ve wanted to have a taste of this sweet little pussy,” he growls, and your hands fly to the end of the counter to steady yourself, grasping onto it tightly. He chuckles when your cunt twitches before him at his words, his hands spreading your thighs apart into an obtuse angle, moving forward to drag his nose along your slick folds. You whimper at the contact, clenching around nothing as he teases you, your mouth falling open to suck in ragged breaths of air. His tongue darts out just slightly, and he runs the tip along your slit, separating your folds and savoring how your thighs shake underneath his grasp. “Mmmm,” he moans, sending tiny vibrations echoing through your sopping cunt, “good girls always taste the best.”
You can’t bear to look at him any longer, and you move your hand to place your curled knuckle between your teeth as his tongue creeps out, the flat muscle petting over your entrance slowly. His teeth graze your clit and you whine at the stimulation, the smooth enamel sliding across your bundle of nerves easily. His tongue is slow and playful, stroking you and avoiding where he knows you want him most.
Kirishima nuzzles into your cunt, rubbing your clit again with a lewd snarl pulling up his lips. “Look at me,” he commands and you follow his direction instantly, eyes blown wide with lust and tongue pressed tight against your knuckle. He groans at the sight, and you only shift your hips in his grasp to try to get closer to his mouth. Those scarlet eyes find yours once again, and you struggle to hold his gaze as his lips wrap around your clit, sucking it in and rolling his tongue over it. He moves the muscle hard against you, just fast enough to have you moaning out, your hand flying from your mouth to grasp the top of his crimson hair. Pulling away briefly, he blows a small huff of air across your heat, shit-eating grin splitting to gloat. “Doesn’t that feel good, sweetheart? Be a good girl and keep those pretty eyes on me.”
Your lips waver as they press into a firm line, your thighs straining to close at the intensity when he sucks your clit into his mouth again. But his massive hands hold your legs apart without any effort, and he lashes his tongue against you without mercy. There is nothing more you want other than to throw your head back and close your eyes, jaw hanging open and heated pants drifting out, but you force your gaze to remain on the man between your legs. Your fingernails scrape against his scalp as you try to find some way to channel the pleasure he introduces to your body, but the action only seems to spur him on. One hand leaves your thigh only for his other arm to wrap right around your ass, and your hips buck helplessly against his face when a fingertip prods your slicked entrance.
Kirishima does not ask for permission, and you suck in a silent gasp as his finger spreads your pussy, shock and pleasure shooting through your limbs at the stretch just one finger provides. “You seem a little quiet, sweetheart. Wanna hear that sweet voice of yours again,” he growls against your pussy, tongue flicking down to trail along the edges of his finger lodged deep inside of you.
You can only whimper as he glides the digit out, pushing it back inside slowly and nearly making your eyes roll back in your skull. His finger is already so long and thick— god, if you had fingers like that you could probably make yourself cum in—
A shriek of bliss rips from your lungs as he thrusts his finger into you, curling toward himself and rubbing some place your fingers have never reached. There’s a cocky grin on his face, and you hate to admit he looks so good looking up at you like that from between your legs, but you can’t bring yourself to form any words. “That was cute,” he chuckles, jagged teeth nipping gently at your pearl again and forcing your entire body twitch against him. He makes sure to capture your full attention before he finishes his thought, the corners of his lip curling with something darker. “Is that the best you’ve got? I think you can do better.”
He’s anything but gentle, the heel of his palm rubbing against your folds as he fucks his finger into you at a rapid pace. You’re seeing stars flash before your eyes, the sliver of sanity you were so desperately clinging to ripped from your grasp. You cry out when his mouth returns to your clit, sucking, and flicking, and slurping. Your eyes just won’t stay open, jaw losing the opposite battle as it hangs ajar, broken and unrestrained moans tumbling out like a burst dam.
Kirishima seems satisfied with your reaction, and he begins to groan against your cunt. You’re dripping with enough slick to coat the entire lower half of his face, and the vibrations from his throat only reverberate through your pussy, making you sharply tug on his hair.
“K-Kirishima,” you pant, a plea about to leave your lips. You’re not sure if you want to beg him to stop, or to give you even more. But Kirishima makes that decision for you.
A strained gasp slices though you when his finger slides out of you, only to be pressed against another digit and shoved into you. The unexpected addition causes you to yelp, a strained moan purring out of you as he allows a few slow strokes for you to adjust. Jesus, having two of his fingers in you feels like you’re being stuffed already— a fleeting pang of fear shooting through you as you wonder what his cock will feel like. But you’re not allowed to ponder the thought, his fingers picking up the pace and curling against that spongy spot again.
Body squirming with bliss, your hips thrash in his hold, switching between scooting back and forth, rocking yourself against his mouth. Kirishima can feel your cunt begin to tighten snug round his thick fingers, your walls fluttering and pulsing at his rough but generous stimulation. “Gonna cum? Bet you make sucha pretty face when you cum, come on sweetheart,” he murmurs, slick lips kissing along the top of your pussy, across your clit. You would’ve cum already if he just kept that sly mouth of his on your clit, and you don’t expect his next words to affect you so much as you cum all over his hand. “Sooner you cum, sooner I can split you open with this cock. You want that, right? Wanna have me fuck that tight little cunt— y’wanna be my good girl, huh?”
Kirishima holds your hips close, arm tightening around your bottom as your body spasms with your orgasm, euphoria zipping through your entirety. The broken moan that rings out into the room makes his cock pulse in his pants, trousers feeling suddenly much too snug for his liking. Your head is thrown back in ecstasy, thighs quivering atop the counter and toes curled in your sneakers.
Finally he allows you a moment to breathe, fingers slipping out of your pussy and standing before you. His arm slides up with him, snagging around your waist to lay his palm flat against your shoulder blade and hold you upright. Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, he smirks as your eyes finally open, only to catch him tracing his tongue along the fingers that just brought you to heaven’s gates.
Your palms land on the broad expanse of his chest, fingers curling around straps of his apron. He laughs as you whine gently, ducking down a considerable distance and allowing you to slip the loop over his head. You undo his shirt as your lips collide, this time in a sloppy and desperate kiss. His tongue rolls over yours in your mouth as he tugs your bra to rest on top of your chest, your breasts spilling out into his eager palm. He thumbs over your nipples and growls against your mouth, and you whimper and allow your fingers to spread across the flesh of his chest. When you open your eyes, you notice a black and red dragon carved into the top of his pec, dipping halfway down from his collar bone and curling around his shoulder down the length of his arm.
Shirts thrown to the floor in crumpled heaps, you trail your fingers down his hard six pack, thumb combing through a neat trail of black above the button of his jeans. Digits running down to cup his hard length, you look at him with wanton eyes and groan. “Wanna taste you, Kiri.”
Kirishima clicks his tongue in his mouth, a beefy hand wrapping around your wrist entirely and steering your hand to rest on the bulge on his thigh. Your eyes widen almost comically, your throat drying and pussy tightening with a cocktail of apprehension and excitement. He leans down to run his tongue along the column of your throat before he pulls back with a brief nibble to your jaw, locking eyes with you. “I don’t think a sweet girl like you can handle taking me in your mouth.”
His fingers move to undo the button on his jeans, the suspense thick in the air as you watch in awe. He tugs the jeans to rest beneath his ass, the bulge in his black boxer-briefs already indicating you might be in for more than you can handle. You try not to let your jaw drop when his cock springs free, swollen tip glazed with a sheen of pre and pulsing veins decorating the entire shaft. Hand around the base of his cock, you whimper as it only covers half his length— his fist is already considerably bigger than yours and suddenly you’re in fear for your pussy.
Kirishima laughs at your expression, pressing a quick kiss to your lips and smoothing the hair from your forehead. “Don’t worry Princess,” he murmurs, arm around your waist again to push your hips to the very edge of the countertop. Your pussy twitches when the head of his cock brushes your folds, and you find yourself wondering if you’re about to be in a world of pain or pleasure. Probably both. “I’m gonna make you feel so good,” he promises, nuzzling his face into your neck and pressing gentle, wet kisses there.
“I don’t— I don’t think it’s gonna fit,” you croak out, arms hesitantly wrapping around his neck. Yet your legs spread on their own accord, inching forward so his cock rubs against your opening.
Kirishima purrs at the action, licking his lips against your throat. “We’ll make it fit, sweetheart.” He brings his hand up to his mouth and spits into it, the crude noise making you flinch and wrinkle your nose in disgust. But it doesn’t last for long— any conscious thought leaves your brain when you glance down, seeing him stroke the top half of his cock with his slick hand. Biting your lip, you close your eyes and pull him closer, trying to prepare yourself for whatever is about to come.
Thankfully his movements are slow as he pushes into your wet cunt, and you’re surprised how easily his length slides into you. The stretch is unreal— unlike anything you’ve ever felt before— and it takes all your willpower not to clench around him for you know that will just cause you further discomfort. He only enters you halfway, grip tight on your waist as if he’s having a hard time controlling himself. Sighing against the flushed skin of your neck, he moves to kiss you again, lips tender and careful.
You whimper when he gives a tentative thrust, your nails clawing into the muscles lining the top of his shoulder. His cock is so thick, and knowing it’s only halfway inside you has your stomach twisting in terror. He’s goddamn huge. It takes a few more gentle thrusts for your grip on him to loosen, and your body relaxes slightly in his arms.
Kirishima clearly has enough experience with this, because the pace he sets is perfect. His hands slide all over your body, cupping and squeezing every inch of flesh he can find. Hips rock into yours at a slow, benevolent pace, your pussy stretched wide around him and fluttering as his thick veins drag along your velvet walls. Lips finding yours again, his tongue and pointed teeth distract you as with each thrust his cock shifts a tiny bit deeper inside of you.
At some point you start to moan, head falling back and mouth open wide as long, unadulterated sounds float out from the bottom of your lungs. Kirishima’s pace hastens, hands landing on your hips and thrusting into you swiftly. His cock is making your head spin, brain full of fog as your heart hammers in your ribs. He swears as his rough hand claps atop your ass cheek, taking note of the way your pussy shivers around him and a sharp squeak is summoned from your lips. “God you’re fuckin’ tight sweetheart— fuck, you a virgin?” He moans, fingers biting into the reddened skin on your ass. When you shake your head at him, he questions how on earth it is possible for you to be this snug around him, but he makes sure to thank whatever deity there is for it.
You cry out when his thumb greets your clit, and he fights to maintain his measured pace at the way your cunt squeezes so tightly. Your slick is dripping onto the countertop, his cock buried deep in your core, again and again. His added stimulation to your clit has you gasping for breath, a coil in your stomach filling with pressure. “Ohgodohgodohgodohgod Kiri please don’t stoppp,” you beg, pupils drifting up into your skull and your hands flying all over his torso, grabbing whatever skin you can reach.
Kirishima groans, palm pushing your tailbone forward so your hips bump against his. You scream at the full intensity of his cock inside of you; every inch and every vein setting fire to your insides, his thumb relentless on your clit. Your vision turns white as you reach your peak, your body seizing in ecstasy. Pulling him close, you wheeze for breath against his chest, his thumb never stilling its movement on your clit until you grab his wrist and rip him off of you, overwhelmed with the bliss from your orgasm rippling through every bone in your body. He’s still moving inside of you— albeit at a snail's pace— but it’s enough for him to prolong the pleasure simmering in your veins.
Finally you collapse into his chest, mind numb and eyelids too heavy to keep open, your lips pressing clumsy kisses into his skin. A deep chuckle rumbles through his chest, his fingers carding through your tresses. “Now, that was cute, Princess,” he says, the amusement in his tone laced with something darker. His fingers curl in your hair, pulling your neck back so your head tilts up to meet his sinister gaze. “But you didn’t get permission to cum, did you?”
Your heart begins to race, your stomach plummeting as he holds your gaze without vigilance. You whine as he pulls out of you, your cunt never feeling this empty before as his hot length disappears. Kirishima picks you up without effort, biceps swelling with intricate swirls of charcoal ink. He places you on wobbling feet before spinning you around, your hands flying out to grab the counter as he shoves your shoulder down.
“That makes you a bad girl, Y/N.”
Horror streaks through your every limb, and yet, only a sinful moan wanders out of you, your feet moving apart and thighs spreading for him to fit between. You crane your head to look at him, drinking up the beautiful man behind you. Broad shoulders trail into a broad, thick chest, tapering down to a tight and powerful waist. Each muscle on his body is prominent and enticing, covered snugly with tan skin that glimmers with a sheen of sweat. His red hair hangs to frame his handsome face, mostly still tugged back into his low ponytail.
As if reading your mind, he moves a hand back and snags the tie off, vibrant locks of scarlet licking the tops of his shoulders. Running a hand over his forehead, he looks at you with a predatory gaze, a smirk curling up one side of his lips. “Y’know what happens to bad girls, right?” You bite your lip and shake your head, egging him on as the top of his cock traces around your opening. “Bad girls get punished.”
The loudest scream of the night rips through you as he thrusts into you without warning, his cock hitting all different kinds of places than before in this new position. Kirishima doesn’t allow you a moment to adjust; he starts slapping his hips against your ass roughly, fist gripping the hair near your scalp again and pulling it tight so your back arches. You cannot breathe, or speak, or think— but somehow his name slips out of your mouth between all the moans.
A harsh slap across your ass sounds, the sting causing your pussy to quiver around his length. “Bad girls don’t get to use my name,” he growls into your ear, leaning over your body to take the tip of your ear between his teeth.
Your eyes are crossed in pleasure, your expression probably comforted into the most lewd, carnal face you’ve ever made. His cock is too big, and you know you won’t be able to walk right tomorrow, but maybe that adds to why it feels so fucking good right now.
“You’re makin’ this seem like a reward, not a punishment, Princess. You like taking it rough, huh?” He teases, pulling your head back by your hair and eliciting another moan from you. “Answer me.”
His cock pounds into your cunt, the sheer stretch enough to make you cum, let alone the length. Your lungs begin to shake as you feel your orgasm building again between your legs. “Yes Sir!” You yelp when his palm cracks against your ass again, your knees wobbly and the pressure continuing to build.
Your reply makes his cock twitch inside of you, and Kirishima sucks in a cool breath of air between clenched teeth. His hand grips the bottom of your thigh, and you cry out when he hikes your knee onto the countertop, cock drilling into you even deeper than before.
Your pussy twitches as you cum instantly, a drawn-out moan vibrating through your throat. Fingernails scraping along the countertop in your gaze of euphoria, Kirishima is forced to halt his assault on your cunt as it squeezes him tightly, his teeth piercing into his lip in pleasure. But as soon as your cunt loosens, he’s fucking into you with renewed vigor, your hips knocking into the counter as he plunges his massive cock into your sloppy heat. “You just don’t fuckin’ learn,” he snarls, wrist twisting to pull your hair tighter, bending your spine to his will.
“I’m sorry Sir,” you choke out, tears beginning to trickle down your cheeks. Each thrust brushes your cervix and it hurts, but at the same time the intensity of it all feels incredible. “I didn’t know I could… could cum so q-quick! Please, Sir— ah!— Please forgive me!”
Kirishima tosses his head back at your admission, your apology immediately accepted. His hand slips from your hair to your throat, turning your head so he can see your face as he pounds into you without mercy. The tears slipping down your cheeks make your eyes sparkle and he groans, his own end in near reach and only approaching quicker at the sight of you. “Y’look so pretty when you cry, sweetheart— shit, I know you have one more for me,” he leans in and pokes his tongue out to collect a salty tear, kissing the wet skin on your cheek. His thumb on your throat wanders to your lips, and you take the digit into your mouth with enthusiasm, keeping your eyes locked with his.
You whimper around his finger when his other hand comes around to circle your puffy clit, already overstimulated and thighs shaking. Your legs try to close but he keeps them spread apart, cock still ramming into you as his lips trail down to your neck. His hand on your throat loosens and comes to rest on your ass, pulling your cheeks apart and tracing his slippery thumb over your puckered hole. Your eyes widen with shock, and you force your voice to work even though it comes out scratchy and breathless. “W-What are you— Kiri wait, that’s—”
“Have you ever had anything in here, Princess?” He inquires as his thumb slips into you, making you shriek at the fiery stretch. Pushing the digit into your ass, he moans at the sight of you sucking in his thumb so obediently, your hole trembling and squeezing round his finger.
You shake your head, at a loss for words once again. You can feel his cock rub against his finger through your walls, and though it’s a foreign, unfamiliar sensation, it’s far from unwelcome. More tears of pure pleasure descend from your lashes, the combination of all his stimulation driving you insane. You can feel your climax building with every thrust, your walls dragging along his cock and his finger, his other hand rolling your clit.
“C’mon, baby. Cum for me, it’s alright,” he purrs, balls feeling tight with his near release. His fingers pinch and rub all over your slick clit, and you mewl out as that familiar pressure heightens in your stomach. “You’re a good girl, aren’t you? Show me how good you are, sweetheart.”
He doesn’t allow you a second to think, and you whine out for him when his hips crash against your ass, shoving his entire cock inside your soaked hole and spreading your aching walls. The spot he’s hitting with the head of his cock causes your eyes to cross— you didn’t even know it existed before now— and suddenly everything is too much, and you’re crying out his name as your orgasm tears through you.
Kirishima gives a few more hard thrusts before he’s there too, the tips of his teeth piercing into your neck as he floods your pussy with his heavy load. Your cunt pulses around him, milking out every drop he has to offer as you’re thrown into waves of complete euphoria. Eyes closed, toes and fingers coiled tight in pleasure, you whimper as he gives your clit a few more rubs before his hand moves up to push his hair back. “Good girl,” he praises, hot palms sliding along your curves and rubbing circles into your skin.
You’re totally spent; body limp atop the countertop, nipples hard and hot against the cool plastic, tears drying on your cheeks, ass feeling warm and fuzzy, and pussy trembling with the aftershocks of your climax. Kirishima is careful when he pulls out, and you can’t even find the energy to make a noise of complaint at the emptiness between your legs. You can feel his release begin to dribble out of your abused hole, and your body twitches when he presses his thumb in to shove his seed back inside.
He sighs as he grabs a paper towel from the sink behind him, dragging it along his weeping, yet still impressive, length. As you’re still catching your breath, he walks around the counter and into your field of vision, tucking himself back into his pants nonchalantly. When he reaches the door, he flips the ‘open’ sign over to ‘closed’ before sauntering over to you, eyes trained on yours. “Well, sweetheart,” he chuckles, gaze raking over your exhausted form, still collapsed on top of the counter in a sedated-like state. He reaches forward, tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear as he smiles brightly, but a shadow of something more ominous lingers in those scarlet eyes. “You’re gonna have to cover Yuki’s shifts more often.”
   ─── ・°* ゚✧:* • 。゚:*・☽・*: 。゚•*:✧ ゚*°・ ───
soooo that happened. finally some dom kiri on my blog!!! please be sure to lemme know if you enjoyed <3
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thr-333 · 3 years
Drastic Measures- Part 12
~Soul Mate~
I would like to point out that in my plan for this chapter i wrote ‘magic beam pew pew’ I take my work very seriously.
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“Were you like this for me?” Adrien pokes her with his foot.
“Worse believe it or not,” Marinette stares dreamily at the snowglobe, as she had been for the last hour.
“Terrifying," Adrien leans over her, teasing her, "You go it baaadd~”
“Adrien!” She pushes him away, blush taking over her face, “Plagg says something about cheese, not boys!”
“There’s an Akuma,” Plagg says deadpan, not what she was looking for but it will do.
“Saved by the moth,” Adrien jokes, opening the window.
“And they’re about to be saved by the bug,”
 “I hate love Akuma,” Ladybug laments at the man heartbroken and sobbing, making it everyone else's problem.
“At least this one isn’t brainwashing anyone, maybe we should let it run around for a bit, let some people find their other half?” Ladybug sends Chat a death glare, “... orrr we could do our job and you stop glaring at me like that, that works too,”
“Ladybug,” Batman lands behind her, Ladybug can just feel her irritation rise.
“If you say what I think you’re going to say I am not helping,” She stares him down, completely serious. She. Is. Done.
“You’re a distraction, you need to leave-” That. Is. It.
“Chat make some popcorn we’ve got a show to watch,” Ladybug turns around, plopping herself on the edge of the building.
“Just couldn't help yourself could you?” Chat Noir asks Batman before joining her.
“I’ll help when you apologize,” Ladybug cuts him off. Batman glares down at them for a few minutes before leaving to help the chaos below.
“Sooo, soul mates? do those actually exist?” Chat asks, the Akuma apparently trying to find their's as whoever they hit would have a line leading them to their soulmate. Meaning everyone hit was freaking out.
“Master Fu said they did, but I don’t think it's necessarily a romantic connection,” Below people with their act together are chasing after the lines while the Akuma wails they haven't found theirs yet.
“No?” The Akuma isn’t attacking anyone per se, just throwing the Bat pack back when they get too close.
“He said a soul mate was like a balance someone who is your opposite but also complementary,” Ladybug explains, “You balance each other out, strengthening each other,”
“Like us?” Chat grins, in the past it would have been an opportunity to flirt not anymore.
“Ideally, but Master Fu told me we weren't soulmates, that the balance was off, that's probably why this has been so difficult,” They might have been able to defeat Hawkmoth by now if they were.
“We still get along,” Chat looks wounded, Ladybug snapping back from her thoughts.
“Of course we do,” She quickly redeems, “Honestly I can’t picture a better partner,”
“Not even-”
“Finish that thought and I’ll throw you right off the roof,” Marinette glares knowing exactly where that's going.
“Fine, fine,” Chat surrenders, focusing again on the chaos below, “So what happens if you don’t find your soul mate?”
“Nothing usually, lots of people don't, as long as they're out there somewhere in the universe you’re at balance,” Ladybug still feels bad for the careless implication earlier, “Lucky Charm,”
“If they’re not?” Chat asks catching the Lucky Charm, a bucket of popcorn just their luck.
“If they’re gone they lose that balance, people can get a little unstable, traits becoming more extreme,” Ladybug munches on the popcorn with chat, “For a lot of people it’s not noticeable besides a mood swing but if you had a strong connection then the effects can be more drastic,”
“Think that happened Hawkmoth?” He says idly watching as a couple gets hit and their lines don't lead to each other.
“Maybe,” She hums as they start yelling at each other for cheating.
“Egh, Hawkmoth in a relationship? imagine if he had a child?” They both make a face, “They’d probably be a dick,”
“What?” Nightwing calls, trying to break up the fighting couple.
“Nevermind!” Nightwing says quickly, getting hit over the head with a purse.
“Again, soulmates aren't inherently romantic,” Should probably tell the couple down there that, “But having someone that balances you perfectly can lead to romance,”
“Or a killer friendship,” Robin runs in to help break up the fight. It’s getting busy people apparently learning about the Akuma's power and now the Bats are mainly busy with crowd control.
“We don’t need to be soul mates to have that,” Ladybug smiles, stealing the popcorn.
“Pound it,” They say at the same time, falling into comfortable silence at the show below.
“Think we should help?” Chat asks eventually the streets crowded, the bats fruitlessly trying to keep people away from the dangerous Akuma.
“Have I gotten an apology?” Ladybug asks, feeling some satisfaction as a lady slaps Batman. Alright, a lot of satisfaction.
“Robin’s struggling,” And he really was trying to drag a hysterical teen away from the Akuma.
“Eh, he tried to stab me, call this payback,” And it looked like the teen wanted to stab him.
“Damn try to stab you find out who your soulmate is?” Chat whistles as the Akuma tries to hit Robin, “You drive a tough ship Milady,”
“Seriously Chat, edge of the building, can push you right off,”
“But you wo- AH!” 
“Oh, but I will,”
She swings her legs. Chat catches himself as she knew he would and joins her back on the rooftop. Ladybug munches on the popcorn watching as Robin tries to avoid the beam while keeping people back.
It’s fun until it has consequences.
Robin gets hit, which would be all well and good if the line appearing wasn't connected directly to her. Robin looks up the line, finding a frozen Ladybug looking below.
“... Well Milady,” Chat gives an awkward thumbs up, “Good for you,”
 “He might not be your real soulmate,” Adrien pats her back, Marinette's head buried into the pillows, “It was an Akuma's magic,”
“An Akuma is from miraculous magic,” Marinette complains, muffled into the pillows, “If there's one thing in the universe that can recognize soul mates it’s miraculous,”
“Alright let's calm down,” Adrien pushes her over so she is staring up at the ceiling, “You said soul mates don't have to be romantic, so really this doesn't change anything,”
“But Robin?” Marinette sits up cringing.
“Do you really hate him that much?” Adrien asks genuinely, Marinette flops back onto the bed.
“Ugh, no, I don’t hate him at all, mad at him sure, generally annoyed yes, but not hate,” She takes the snowglobe Damian brought her, looking at it sadly, “I just… can’t see why he is,”
“Could have been worse,” Adrien's tone turns lighter, obviously he’s about to try and cheer her up, keyword try, “What if your soul mate was Lila- AH!”
“You need to stop standing on ledges when you annoy me,” Marinette looks at him dispassionately as Adrien is sprawled over the floor.
 She’s my soul mate! Ladybug is my soul mate
A cautious skeptical part of his mind warns that might not be right. It was a villain's magic, they could have been trying to manipulate them, it may be random or not accurate. Still, all of that depended on soul mates actually existing in the first place. But none of it mattered as Damian was practically giddy at the revelation.
He flops back on his bed staring dreamily at the ceiling. And yet still something nags at him. Not caution over being lied to or manipulated. It’s a feeling of loss. And he can’t figure out where it’s coming from.
Damian sighs in annoyance turning over to face his desk. He might as well get some work done. He freezes. Draped on the chair is the sweater Marinette made him. The feeling claws uncomfortably at his chest, worsening until he is forced to turn away.
Ladybug is my soul mate
 “Hey does anyone know why Bruce is having a heart attack,” Jason walks into the cave, throwing his helmet to the side, “And follow up, who caused it? I’d like to personally thank them,”
“Jason!” Dick chides, still hovering around a catatonic Bruce.
“It was me? I wasn't even in town,” Jason whistles, “I have to pat  myself on the back for that one usually it takes a lot more effort,”
“It’s not you, it’s Damian,” Dick rolls his eyes, leaving the unresponsive Batman.
“What did demon spawn do?”
“He’s going to marry Ladybug!” Dick whisper shouts, excitement practically radiating off him.
“... how long was I gone for?” Jason asks, “I was gone for three days, did Gotham get stuck in some time paradox no one bothered to mention?”
Did the demon spawn really propose? Honestly, it wouldn't have been the craziest thing their family has done, actually, it would be borderline sane in comparison.
No taglist :P
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dimitrescus-bitch · 3 years
Baby I’m Jealous (Eva Marie x Reader)
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Big events were not your thing. You were a much more lowkey girl. The glitz and glam was nice every once in awhile, but Eva had went over the top with this one. You loved seeing her dressed up, but it wasn’t exactly easy to sit in a chair and let strangers touch your face. Eva knew the makeup people, they’d done her makeup several times before. When you went out to wrestle, your face was covered in makeup for your gimmick, but that was different than this makeup. 
“You look uncomfortable,” Eva said with a small pout. You shrugged and she placed her hand on the small of your back. “40 more minutes or so and then I’ll take you out of here. Poor baby.” 
“Thank you,” you said as she led you towards a circle of people. You were introduced to the main roster Divas that you hadn’t already met. There was some tension between Eva and the Bellas, but you tried really hard to ignore that. Eva hadn’t really done anything whenever Nikki decided to not like her, which had upset Eva quite a bit, even if she hadn’t let anybody know that. 
“I think this is the first time I’ve seen you out of sweatpants or that gear,” Natalya said as she hugged you tightly. You hugged her back and glanced over at Eva, who was watching you pretty closely. Despite her efforts, Eva’s jealous streak had a tendency of showing itself around certain people. It didn’t help that Eva was under the impression that you had a crush on Natalya, which you swore that you didn’t. 
“I had to dress her up to show her off,” Eva cut in. You felt her hand move into yours and you squeezed it to reassure her. “We’ll call it a practice run before the ceremony.” 
“I’m not doing this for the wedding, it was hell babe,” you told her. “I’ll do the suit, but it doesn’t even take me this long to put on my ring makeup.” 
“Well, you definitely look hot. Next time Maxim comes looking for Divas, I’ll put word in with Stephanie to send their cameras your way,” Nikki leaned in to say. Eva tugged you back a bit and then wrapped her arm around you. Nikki hadn’t gotten that close, but you had noticed her hand extending to touch you. That had most likely been why Eva moved you back.
“You know, I’m pretty tired babe. Do you think we can get out of here? It’ll take me awhile to get your makeup off,” Eva said and you nodded. “Well, bye ladies.” 
“It was nice meeting you. I’ll see you at the PC next week right Nattie?” You glanced at the Canadian. Every other week, you went to the PC and had a training session with Natalya to either work on your in-ring abilities or your promo work. 
“11 AM sharp,” Natalya reminded you. You gave her one last hug, waved to the other girls, and then Eva was dragging you away from the bunch. The two of you stood outside together waiting for your car to be brought around, which was also when you noticed Brie and Daniel walking out of the event as well. 
“Hey,” Brie said casually. Eva waved over towards her, obviously upset by Nikki trying to flirt with you earlier. You leaned over to kiss Eva’s cheek and walked over to talk to Brie and Daniel. “That was kind of awkward in there. I’m sorry if Nikki made you uncomfortable.” 
“It was fine. She probably didn’t mean any harm by it,” you said as you glanced back at Eva. She didn’t too annoyed with you having left her alone for a minute, but you knew not to be gone for too long. “Eva can just be a bit sensitive sometimes. People like to talk about her and I guess Nikki hasn’t always been the nicest with her.” 
“Hopefully the two of them can move past that. From what Natalya has told us, you’re one of the good ones,” Brie said and you blushed a bit. Their car came around and Brie gave you a quick hug while Daniel opened the door for her. You walked back over to Eva and put your jacket around her shoulders. 
“Such a gentlewoman.” Eva leaned down to give you a quick kiss. You and Eva weren’t too different in height, but that little bit of height she had on you became a lot in heels. It was a couple more minutes before your ride arrived, but you liked standing outside with her. The two of you got a moment alone under the stars to just enjoy each other’s company. 
“Sorry for the wait,” the valet said. Eva took the keys and you went around to open the door for her. She was still bothered by what happened inside with Nikki, which you would fix once the two of you got home. Once the two of you got back, both of you changed into something more comfortable and then Eva started taking your makeup off. 
“Hold still. I don’t wanna poke your eye out,” Eva said as she started to wipe away your eye makeup. 
“Couldn’t I have just showered and washed this away?” you asked and Eva shook her head. 
“There is a reason that we got these wipes baby,” Eva told you as she brought her hand up onto your jaw to hold your head still. Eva leaned in to make sure that she got all of it on one eye before moving to the other. She never did move her face back to where it was, so you could feel her breath on your cheek. Whenever she finished, she noticed that you were staring at her and that your eyes were just slightly darker than usual. 
Eva bit her lip and you leaned forward to kiss her. She moved her arms around your neck as your hands moved down onto her waist. You could feel Eva’s body pressing against yours and you let your hands roam a bit. She started to push you back against the bed until you let yourself fall backwards. Eva sat up on your lap and pulled her shirt off, smirking as you just stared at her body. 
“You don’t give yourself enough credit sometimes,” Eva told you. You tilted your head at her statement and she leaned down to kiss your neck. She was doing a good job of riling you up, but this wasn’t about you. You were going to do this to reassure her that you didn’t want anybody else. If you truly wanted Eva to calm down, that was what you’d have to do. 
The flip was easy enough and instinctively, once Eva was on her back, her hands entangled themselves in your hair. She didn’t push your head down, instead letting you spend as much time kissing her body as you liked. Whenever the two of you had moments like this, it was almost ritualistic. Eva knew what you planned on doing and she’d lay back and enjoy the attention. You were an attentive lover usually, but this took things to another level. 
“Y/n, please,” Eva begged as you reached the waistband of her underwear. She had opted out of wearing shorts or pajama pants to bed, which you were grateful of. If she didn’t semi-regularly sleep without pants, you’d have thought she expected you to use sex to sway her mind away from jealousy. You grabbed onto the fabric with your teeth and tugged it down her legs. 
Eva didn’t immediately spread her legs, letting you push her thighs apart instead. It was a small motion, but it had a large effect on her. You hooked your arms under her legs, propping them over your shoulders a bit. You started with small kitten licks and slowly moved onto to longer and more solid strides with your tongue. Eva’s hands stayed tangled in your hair until she started to tug a little too hard, to which you just squeezed her wrist and she let go of you. 
You contemplated using the fingers on one of your hands, but by the time that you had decided not to, Eva was starting to cum. The noises of her moaning and groaning filled the bedroom. Even when her legs snapped shut, holding your head against her with her thighs covering your ears, you could hear her screaming out your name. 
“What did you mean earlier?” you asked once she had let you go. Eva had picked her shirt up from the corner of the bed and put it back on as you got settled next to her. “When you told me that I don’t give myself enough credit.” 
“You don’t see yourself for what you are. Someone compliments you and you brush it off like it’s this huge exaggeration. You get confused when I get jealous because of how another man or woman looks at you. I wanna keep you to myself because you’re definitely someone that if I didn’t have, I’d try to steal away,” Eva told you as she laced your fingers with hers. “I love you and I can’t help it if I get a little insecure and jealous.” 
“I love you too, which is why you don’t need to ever get jealous,” you promised her. “All I want is you.”
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2manyfandoms2count · 3 years
You can count on me (I will be there for you)
Alya joins the identity dance, and the chapters flirt with the 2k mark again (it’s fine).
Hope you enjoy!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | AO3
Chapter 4
Chat Noir detransforms as he lands into Marinette’s room, and goes straight for her sewing box. He knows the code for it; Ladybug had made sure he did after she’d started to find the blackmail letters, in case anything happened to her.
Not that they use it much, these days, mind you.
The Miraculous box unfolds before him, and he swiftly picks up the Fox and the Horse Miraculouses. He’s about to close it when his eyes land on the Turtle bracelet, and he pauses. Even though it would probably be better to have as few people involved as possible, he has to say it might be a good idea to have some backup, just in case.
He mentally scans the guest list. Alix already has her Miraculous with her, and he knows she’ll use it if needed. Luka’s Second Chance could come in useful, but he’s performing with Kitty Section. It would be a little tricky to camouflage his costume on stage, especially with Alya’s Mirage otherwise occupied. Chloé would surely be ecstatic at the idea of seeing Pollen again, but Adrien isn’t sure that she would be very discreet about it. Same for Kim and Xuppu.
This leaves Nino and Kagami, his best people. Calm, collected, trustworthy. He shoves their Miraculouses in his pocket, closes the box and dashes out of the door. He doesn’t know exactly what their role could be, but he knows that having the Miraculouses on him can only buy some time later.
He slows down as he walks into the reception room, nodding to a few acquaintances his father had insisted should be there, and grabs a canapé from a waiter’s tray as his eyes search the room for his wife’s best friend. He spots her in the middle of a conversation with Marinette, next to the head table, and makes a beeline for them.
“Hello, beautiful ladies.” He clears his throat as he approaches.
“And hello to you, Hot Stuff.” Alya winks and elbows Marinette in the ribs. The bride blushes a deep shade of crimson at the reminder of the time she’d stolen Adrien’s phone, and starts to regret asking Alya to be her Maid of Honour. I’m going to die of embarrassment before the end of the toasts, aren’t I? Her head shake says.
“Marinette, would you mind if I borrowed Alya for a minute?”
“Please, do.” She all but pushes her friend towards her husband, who smiles and starts leading her towards the edge of the room.
“Actually, Adrien?” Marinette calls out before they’re too far away. He turns around and sees her jog up to him.
“Erm… Have you seen Chat Noir yet?” She whispers, looking around them carefully to make sure nobody’s listening. Alya’s eyebrows shoot up and Marinette gestures that she’ll explain later.
“Yes!” Adrien nods. “You can count on me, after the toasts.”
“Okay, good.” Marinette lets out a relieved sigh. “Just wanted to check. I’ll leave you two to it.”
“See you later, love.” He leans in and kisses her on the cheek, ‘for appearances’.
“Y-yeah, sounds good.” She blushes again, her hand flying to her cheek as she watches him and Alya leave. Kwami, his acting is smooth.
“Aw, look at my girl, she’s just as flustered as when we were in collège!” Alya coos, glancing back at Marinette once they’re out of earshot. She waves at her, and Marinette waves back nervously before starting to talk with a guest. “What’s this about Chat Noir though?” She turns towards Adrien and looks him in the eye.
“Actually, he’s what I want to talk to you about.” He shuffles awkwardly on his feet, trying to find the right words. “But first, I need you to promise this conversation will stay between us. No telling Marinette, or anyone.”
“Not even Nino?” Alya clutches her heart. She can keep Miraculous secrets from the public, but she feels bad keeping things from her fiancé.
“Nino will know part of it soon enough, I promise. The rest is something I’ll only tell him once I’ve told Marinette.”
She pouts pensively, weighing satisfying her curiosity against lies of omission.
“I guess that’s alright.” She finally shrugs, and her eyes widen hungrily at the smell of a scoop. “So, what’s wrong with Chat Noir? And what does it have to do with Marinette?”
“Well, I wouldn’t call it a problem, per se, in normal circumstances, but today…”
“Spill it, Agreste.”
“Okay.” Adrien takes a deep breath. “You know how Ladybug is dating Chat Noir?”
“Duh, I was the one who uncovered that story.” She says with a smug smile. Adrien rolls his eyes, an amused smile playing on his lips. It had occurred to him later that Ladybug had made sure it was Alya who found out first, as if to soften the blow of keeping her identity from her later.
“Well, it turns out that…” Adrien looks around them quickly, just to make sure there are no ears lying around, and his voice drops to a whisper. “Marinette is Ladybug.”
“What? ” Alya’s shriek is muffled by Adrien’s hand.
“Shh, this is confidential info, we don’t want people to come poking around.”
Alya blinks, then closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. She takes her time to formulate a coherent sentence, although Adrien can tell from her slight nervous twitching that her thoughts must be all over the place.
When it looks like she's gotten over the news enough that she can control the volume of her voice, he moves his hand away from her mouth.
“So, Marinette is… you-know-who. Okay. This is fine. I can handle it. I just… I was obsessed with her! How did I not notice she was literally right there, next to me, the whole time!!” She facepalms.
“Tell me about it.” Adrien smiles. He'd had the same mini meltdown after he and Ladybug had parted ways on the day she'd called off her transformation in front of him. He’d sat in front of Marinette for years , and never suspected a thing. At least, he thought so. There was something about calling her their everyday Ladybug that had come back to mind when he’d dug deeper in his memories… But he would be lying if he said it had been intentional.
“But… If she’s who you say she is… She’s been seen kissing Chat Noir very recently, while you guys were dating. So, no offense, but… why would she be marrying you? Shouldn’t she be marrying Chat Noir? Unless…” She gasps and points at him. “ You’re Chat Noir!”
Adrien smiles at his friend's excellent deduction skills. “Well, see, this is where it gets complicated. You are correct in saying that I am Chat, but , Marinette doesn’t know that.”
“What? But why?” Alya frowns in confusion.
“The good old ‘no reveal’ rule.” He shrugs. “Long story short, Ladybug is being blackmailed. She revealed her identity to me because she figured it would be better this way. I -Chat Noir- offered to act as her bodyguard until we got to the bottom of it all, but she refused because she doesn’t want to know who I am, in case everything goes wrong. She wasn't sure where to get protection from, though, so I offered the Adrien Agreste option, since I have a bodyguard. Match made in heaven, really.”
“Dayum.” Alya looks at him blankly, taking the time to process his explanation. “So, to sum up: you guys are involved in a fake, fake-wedding situation, where Marinette thinks she married her ex-crush for benefits, instead of the love of her life, when you were the same person all along?” She smirks. “Boy, I wish I’d known that before writing my toast, I would have made so many allusions to it… I would have kept it discreet enough that she wouldn’t have understood, of course, but the satisfaction of her connecting the dots later would’ve been amazing.”
“Don’t worry, I took care of that in my own speech.” He winks. He plans on keeping a phone nearby to record it, so he can play it back to her when she knows everything and have her see how genius it was.
“Okay, now. I’m guessing you didn’t just tell me this to get it off your chest.” Alya clears her throat.
“Indeed. Something happened earlier, and Marinette thinks that the people who are blackmailing her are my father and Nathalie.”
“No offense, but that would check out.”
“None taken, I feel the same way.” He pats her shoulder, lips spreading into a tight smile. “Anyway, we’re going to go back to the Mansion to look for evidence after the toasts, and we’ll probably need Rena Rouge to come out of retirement to make sure there are ‘sightings’ of us here while we’re gone. I'm sure Marinette will tell you all about that part of the plan herself, but before that, I need your help because Marinette wants to speak to Chat Noir and Adrien.”
“Oof. She really isn’t making it easy for you to keep your identity a secret, huh.” Alya chuckles.
“Nope.” He smiles as he digs his hands into his pockets. “But it was bound to happen at some point, I’m actually surprised I managed to dodge the situation for so long. You wouldn’t believe the number of times she wanted to have dinner with Chat Noir and Adrien so we could all discuss the plan.”
“Typical Marinette, to overlook the potential awkwardness of having her boyfriend and her fake fiancé together if she’s working on something.” Alya shakes her head.
“Tell me about it." He chuckles, looking at the ground. His wife really is something else, and he loves her for it. "So, are you up for it?”
“Of course!” Alya replies, eyes twinkling as Adrien hands her the necklace. She slips it in her purse with a satisfied smile. “You can count on me.”
“I never doubted that.” Adrien smiles back, and turns back towards the room.
“I just have one question, though.” Alya holds him back before he can start walking away.
“Why me? I mean… It’s been a while, and… Why not get your cousin to do it? You guys are pretty much carbon copies of each other, physically speaking, wouldn’t it be easier?”
Adrien pauses. “Maybe in theory, but unlike him, I trust you.”
“Ooh, family drama.” She rubs her hands together. “Why did I assume there wouldn’t be any today?”
“Wishful thinking?” He jokes. “Anyway, I'll give you the signal to Mirage a nice little Adrien later. And then if you could bring the necklace back discreetly so that Marinette doesn’t suspect anything, that would be great.”
“Aye, aye, captain.”
Both head back towards the centre of the room, Adrien finding his way to Marinette’s side, and Alya to Nino’s.
Alya grabs a champagne flute and a knife. She nods at Adrien knowingly before she clinks them together, a sly smile spreading to her lips.
The toasts sure are going to be fun.
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isis-astarte-diana · 4 years
Sunday Dinner
Summary: “You’re trying to be distracting, and it’s working!” Missy aggressively flirts her way through a slightly tense Sunday lunchtime in the kitchen.
Warnings: Tickling. Yeah, it’s that fluffy. Innuendo. Also, obviously, MIHOW.
Word Count: 1639
NB: Because I can, I’ve decided that this is a follow on from Milk and Honey - a little bit of domestic fluff (with the teeniest hint of angst) from cohabitating inter-species girlfriends!
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"You look especially lovely when you’re holding a knife, you know.”
“Would you behave?” Throwing a look of fond exasperation over your shoulder, you find Missy at the sink, unbuttoning her cuffs. She folds her sleeves elegantly up to her elbows, revealing enough pale skin on her forearms to make you draw your bottom lip between your teeth.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She purses her lips and cocks her head in an unconvincing facsimile of innocence. “I’m being a good little scullery maid, putting my fair hands to use,” for emphasis she shows you her fingers, wiggling them in the air, “peeling potatoes, just as instructed.”
“Except you’re not peeling potatoes,” you point out, raising an eyebrow. “You’re standing there flirting with me.”
“Oh, poppet.” In the close quarters of your kitchen she only has to take a step to press a swift kiss to your cheek. You smile, ducking your head as she finishes cuffing her sleeves. “I can do both.”
“Yeah, I bet you can.” You turn back to the vegetables on the chopping board and she starts the tap running, setting to work at last. Slashing crosses into the tops of Brussels sprouts, you ask softly, “do you think this’ll be alright?”
“I’m fairly sure we won’t poison them.” She pauses for a moment. “Unless you wanted to, of course, in which case I could always-”
Chuckling, you shake your head. “You know what I mean, Missy.” To begin with, you’d worried that her habit of defusing certain serious conversations with a noncommittal threat of murder or violence might become tiresome; worse, that it was an avoidance tactic on her part to keep difficult topics in the dark. After a while, though, once you’d realised that she was willing and able to talk seriously when you needed her to, it had grown on you, and now, nervous over something as silly as having your friends over for Sunday dinner, you see it for what it is - a way of making you stop to question your own anxieties before they overwhelm you. “You don’t think it’s gonna be- I don’t know... weird?”
“Oh, it’s going to be thoroughly bizarre,” she agrees, over the sound of swift and skilful work at the sink. “Awkward, and uncomfortable, and you’ll probably say something embarrassing that’ll haunt you for weeks-”
Huffing, you butcher a particularly unfortunate sprout beyond recognition. “You’re not helping-”
“-but we’ll get through it. And you’ll feel better for it. And the next time won’t be quite so bad.”
You scoff, feeling mutinous tears heavy in your throat. “You promise?”
“Cross my hearts.” The tap stops running. “Potatoes are done.”
“Wait, really?” Setting the knife down, you turn to see her drying her hands on a tea towel. “That was fast.”
“Oh, of course, now you’re impressed.” She pouts. “Weeks of TARDIS maintenance with a pair of pliers and a butter knife and nobody bats an eye, but peel a few vegetables and she’s weak at the knees.”
“I was always weak at the knees for you.”
Missy grins, setting the towel aside and reaching for your cheek. “Well I know that now, don’t I?”
The moment is broken when her fingers brush your cheekbone and you yelp, jerking away from her. “Your hands are freezing!”
You realise your mistake immediately. 
Her smile widens, the barest flash of canine making you wince. As mischief starts to sparkle in her blue eyes you set your features as sternly as you can and warn, “no, no, Missy, do not-”
There’s nowhere to run as she backs you into the countertop, and before you can brace yourself her icy fingers are sneaking under your jumper and shirt, snatching your breath when they come to rest on the bare skin of your waist and wriggle.
“That’s not fair!” You push weakly at her shoulders, twisting in her grasp. A tickle just under your ribs makes you shriek with furious delight. “I was being nice to you-”
“You’re always nice to me, dearest,” she teases, nuzzling your cheek with the tip of her nose as you jerk under her ministrations. “It’s your greatest weakness.”
“You are a nasty Time Lady,” you squeak, no venom in the words, and she chuckles.
“That was never in question.” Working her fingers higher, she reminds you, “you know how to make it stop.”
You tighten your jaw and shake your head, steadfastly refusing to give in. “I will not.”
“Fine. I can do this all day.” She rolls her eyes skywards, tongue poking at the inside of her cheek as her fingertips climb past the band of your bra, and the first touch to your sensitive underarms makes you cry out, squeezing your biceps to your sides, succeeding only in pinning her hands in place. “Just say the words, and it’ll all be over...”
Whining, you make one last ditch effort to squirm out of her hands before you reluctantly cry, “please, Mistress, have mercy!”
“Good girl!” She snatches her hands away, giving you just long enough to get your breath back before she kisses you. Firm, this time, and not teasing, she rests her palms on your clothed waist. You mirror her, stroking your thumbs over the thin fabric of her blouse as your lips move against hers. When she pulls away, she chides, “that wasn’t so hard, was it?”
You scowl, but the corners of your mouth refuse to keep from turning up. “I’m beginning to understand why you got stabbed.”
“My last wife shot me,” she points out helpfully, “so, you know, swings and roundabouts.”
“You probably deserved it.”
“Oh, I definitely deserved it.” Missy presses another swift kiss to your lips and chucks you under the chin. “Next job?”
“Hmm?” You lean absently into her embrace. “Oh! Next job, I need stuffing.”
She chuckles, sliding her fingers just under the hem of your shirt once more. “Right here, in front of the vegetables?”
It takes you a moment to catch up to what she’s saying, and when you do, you smack her lightly on the arm and pull away. “Oh my God! Do you ever stop?”
“I’m only trying to be helpful, poppet.”
“You’re trying to be distracting, and it’s working! Blue box, top cupboard. I need to put the potatoes in the oven.”
“Blue box, top cupboard,” she echoes, in a mockingly nasal tone. You scoff, getting the potatoes ready to roast. Behind you the cupboard door opens and closes and she sniffs with disdain.
“Are you entirely sure this is a foodstuff?” She brandishes the bag of dehydrated stuffing mix. “Because it doesn’t look like one.”
“You mix it with water, Missy.”
“That sounds worse.” She frowns down at the back of the box and starts to read the instructions aloud with obvious boredom. “Pre-heat the oven to-”
“We’ve done that,” you remind her, bending over to put the roasting tray in. “Just put it in a bowl and-”
“Empty the sachet into a heatproof dish,” she speaks over the top of you, “and add two-hundred millilitres of boiling water, mix well, and, my goodness, you really do have the most captivating backside.”
You squeak, almost burning your fingers on the oven shelf. “I don’t think it says that.”
“No, no, it does, right here.” She shows you the box when you straighten up. “In fact, it says that you absolutely must cancel your plans for the day so that I can-”
"Kettle!” Blushing furiously, you point out the appliance and she smirks, snatching it up and filling it. “What happened to getting through this and feeling better for it?”
“It’s not my fault that you’re a ravishing temptress.” She rolls the word around in her mouth until you shiver. “How am I supposed to concentrate with you standing there looking like that?”
“Looking like what?” You glance down at your jumper and leggings - the ones with a small hole in the knee, you realise now. “In fact, don’t answer that.”
“Stop that.” She lifts your chin with her fingers and her brows draw inwards with her frown. “You look enchanting. You always do.”
“Sorry.” You offer her a weak smile. “I’m just- nervous, I s’pose.”
“Really? Because you hide it so very well.” Missy quirks an eyebrow saucily. “Talk to me, poppet. I’m sure I can help.”
“It’s stupid.”
“Probably,” she agrees, and you laugh. “But that doesn’t mean it’s not worth talking about.” Leaning against the counter, she loops an arm around your shoulders and gently tugs you into her chest. “Come on. Tell mummy what’s wrong.”
Melting into the embrace, you can’t even muster up a scoff at the way she refers to herself. “You’ll laugh at me.”
“I might laugh at you,” she admits, combing gentle fingers through your hair. “But only a little bit.”
You wrap your arms around her waist and bury your face in her shoulder. “I know that they know about us,” you mumble into her blouse. “But they’ve never actually seen us together, and- I don’t know, being here alone with you has been so good and I s’pose I just liked having you all to myself. Being yours, without anybody watching.”
“I’m not laughing.” She kisses your temple and gives you an encouraging squeeze. “But, as much as I would love to keep you locked away like a princess in a tower, I’m afraid that that might not be very well-received.”
“No, I imagine not.” You nuzzle into her shoulder. “And I am looking forward to making the Doctor squirm.”
“Not as much as I am,” she teases, and you can feel her grin against your cheek as much as you can hear it in her voice. “Could you say the stuffing thing again when they’re here? It’s honestly a shame that there was no audience for that.”
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kylo-hen · 3 years
The Milk Man
A/N Hello I wrote this while I was in a Sackler mood yesterday at like 4 am and its the first actual smut I’ve written so bare with me! There is quite a bit of build up because for some reason I love establishing characters. It’s also vaguely  plus sized!reader but not strictly! Anyways, hope you enjoy & my inbox is always open for requests/feedback.
Adam Sackler x Reader
Summary: You run into an intense man in the dairy section in the dairy isle one Saturday Morning, and by Saturday Night he’s in your bed.
Warnings: SMUT! Spanking, name calling, Oral (F receiving), hair pulling, longer build up, and oat milk.
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    Living in New York has its odd challenges here and there. There aren’t dishwashers in unit, rent is the price of one’s soul, people were colder, and grocery shopping was a drag. This Saturday morning was supposed to be relaxing, no work, no designs, no awkward booty calls from dudes I met in the club a moth ago looking for some action. It was all looking up until I looked in my fridge and remembered the Wednesday ritual was pushed back because of a meeting.
     With a groan I resigned myself to the reality that I would have to do some chores before I could allow myself the relaxing pamper day I deserved. Once I was out of my apartment, down a couple blocks, and at the grocery store I was relieved to know that on a Saturday morning it was pretty empty. Only a couple people that really just ignored each other as they passed in the cereal isle or the small produce section.
     It was an overall normal trip until I made it to the dairy section. There in front of the large selection of milk stood, what I could only describe as, a smoldering giant hunched over a comedically small phone.
    Usually in this kind of situation I would let them be, but he just happened to be in front of the only brand of Oat Milk I actually like, so it seemed like I would have to wait it out. This dude, however, was not one to mind social cues. After what felt like five minutes of awkwardly waiting off to the side for this dude to get the message and move on from the last bit of the store I needed before I could get on with my day, I decided he wouldn’t move without a nudge.
     “Ehm,” I cleared my throat softly, hoping that would alert him to my presence, “Excuse me.” The man barely grunted, acknowledging I was there but continuing to frustratedly channel into whatever he was doing on his phone. “Excuse me?” I said louder, hoping to get a civil response.
    “What the fuck do you want?” He finally snapped at me, actually turning to look at me. That was also the first time I was able to see him fully. The man was hot, I’ll give him that much. His tall frame matched by solid muscle, a tasteful amount of facial hair that suited the intense features, and now a scowl. A scowl that was presently pointed in my direction while I ogled at him. “What the fuck do you want?” he demanded again; this time much harsher. I took a step back, not really expecting this full-bodied giant to be yelling at me on a Saturday morning in the grocery.
    “Fuck,” I muttered to myself trying to dip into some of my confidence I gained in the years living here and finding it much harder to let his anger flow off my skin as it usually does. “I’m- fuck- I just need some of the oat milk and you-“ I rambled on but stopped at the sound of a deep sigh from the man in front of me. “I’m sorry, I’ll just-“ I abruptly turned, figuring the milk wasn’t even worth it anymore. The experience spoiled any hopes for a peaceful day, and the faster I made it back to my apartment the faster I could wallow in the new mood crashing over me.
     “Wait, shit!” I heard from behind me before I felt two large hands brace my shoulders. One thing the man didn’t expect was for my self defense lessons to kick in the second he grabbed me. I swung my elbow into his stomach, well because of his height it ended up being more of an elbow to the man’s balls. As I turned and backed away from him, I noticed in his hands he had the milk I was looking at earlier. Shit fuck fucking shit fuck! He was trying to give me the fucking milk!
    “Oh my god, I’m so sorry fuck, shit!” I moved to help him stand up, his face beet red a twisted up as he processed the pain, I unintentionally put him in.
    “Fuuuck,” he groaned out while he took some deep breathes, “I, fuck you’re a good shot… I just wanted to give you the fuckin’ milk.” He muttered out, still mostly bent over. Guilt washed over me in waves. I just attacked the poor guy trying to give me milk, even if he yelled at me earlier. Fuck, I can’t believe I just did that. My body heated up in shame, burning from the inside out, hoping that I could just melt within my own skin. The day only getting worse by the minute, I prayed that I would get to my apartment in peace so I wouldn’t cause any more damage.
    “I’m so fucking sorry,” I said again, not being able to emphasize it enough, as he began to recover more and more, and stand taller but not his full height, “Thank you for the milk.” I said still feeling the dark pungent shame in my chest. As he stood up more and more, he handed me the milk.
    “Don’t-“ he breathed sharply, still regaining his footing after being in pain, “Don’t apologize kid.” He muttered the name out at me and I wondered how old he was suddenly, or how young I looked trembling in the middle of the grocery store. “I was a dick.” He breathed and straightened fully, towering over me.
    “No, no, “ I denied his apology, shocked that he wasn’t pissed anymore, “I shouldn’t just go around attacking people, you didn’t deserve that.” I took the milk that I realized he was trying to give me still.
    “Nah, don’t sweat it kid,” again with the fucking nickname, oddly enough it lit a fire in me somewhere I hadn’t felt in years. “I should’ve known better than to just grab a lady.” He smiled at me, chuckling at his own joke and I smiled with him. His moods sending me for a bit of a loop, but it wasn’t anything I couldn’t handle myself.
    “I still feel bad,” I admitted to him, he tilted his head curiously, “could I get you a cup of coffee or something?” I offered, hoping that he wouldn’t be too offended by the offer. Something about this man was drawing me in, his effect leaving me wanting more and more. What the hell is going on with me today?
   “Oh, I don’t drink coffee.” He stated, rejecting me bluntly and with that statement. The shame bubbled hire a fire burning in my cheeks whether he can see it or not I was embarrassed. Another time I put myself out there, thinking I read a situation one way, and it going very differently. My eyes suddenly very interested at the floor rather than the attractive man before me. “Shit,” he muttered to himself, “Not, I don’t drink coffee but maybe we could get lunch or some shit?” he offered with a cocky smile.
    My eyes snapped up to meet his, a warm feeling that for once wasn’t shame flooded my veins, I smiled at him in return, “Yeah we can get lunch and shit.” I replied easily, proud of myself for regaining some of that confidence I usually held. But then I remembered where we were, and that I had a cart full of groceries I needed to get home, it seemed he was coming down in the same way. “Actually…” I trailed off, not knowing his name.
    “Adam.” He answered and shook the milk carton playfully in lou of my hand, “Adam Sackler.” His crooked teeth poking out through his smile making my heart pound faster in my chest.
    “Adam,” I hummed, testing out the way his name felt on my lips. It felt like they were always meant to say his name. “Since you don’t drink coffee, which seems sac religious to me,” I allowed myself to flirt with him, testing the water, “And I’ve got a shit ton of groceries to put away, what about dinner tonight?” I asked.
     He laughed, unabashedly checking me out, my chest tightened hoping he liked what he saw, “Fuck yeah, dinner sounds great.” He replied confidently, boosting my confidence.
    “Alright Sackler, it’s a date.”
    After exchanging numbers, into his comically outdated flip phone, we decided to meet at the grocery store before dinner. I rushed home to clean my apartment, a girl can be hopeful, and get ready for any outcome of the date. It had been months since any person had given me any romantic indication, dating apps had long since run dry and I was tired of having to explain my size to people before they met me. Rarely after meeting someone, in real life, had they shown as much interest that Adam has shown me in the last hour. That meant I was hopeful and hope was a dangerous game for a girl like me.
    By the time it came to meet up with Adam I was a nervous wreck. My brain kept trying to convince me of the worst-case scenarios as I made the walk to meet up with him. All of those thoughts seemed to fade to black when I saw him. He was dressed casually, as I was as well, in a pair of dark wash jeans and a white t-shirt. He smiled when he saw me approaching, he perked up from where he was leaning and met me halfway.
    “Sorry if I’m late, there was a man trying to save the turtles outside my apartment and I’ve already out run him twice so he’s out for blood.” I joked when he was finally close enough to me. He laughed at my ice breaker, and I thanked all the powers at play that he had a sense of humor, he was shaping up to be quite a catch as long as his mood stayed up.
   “Don’t sweat it kid, I got here early anyways. Fuckin’ in my bones at this point with acting and shit.” He grumbled the last bit as he flailed his arms about. An actor? I’d never actually been on a date with an actor before, I mean with there being globs of them in the city for Broadway and whatnot. I always assumed they were stuck up about looks, and if anyone could be Adam was definitely a hot enough actor to be picky.
    “You’re an actor?” I asked coyly, hopefully digging deeper into the mysterious moody man.     “Yeah, also do some other shit.” He answered vaguely which only drew me in deeper to the mystery of this man. Who the fuck is he? And why the fuck is he so hot? “I know this diner just a couple blocks that way, does that sound good?” He asked considerately, and in that moment, I swear I could marry him.
    “Fuck yeah, I know exactly what you’re talking about, Lou’s is a fucking gem.” He responded with a grin, wide and unabashed, that made my heart flutter. But even when I made my way that direction, he kept his gaze on me, not in a creepy way but in a refreshing way. He acted like if he didn’t take all of me in now, that I would disappear forever, or that I would have been a figment of his mind. When I looked back at him a moment of sadness crossed his features, maybe it wasn’t sadness, maybe it was fear. He looked so young for just a split second, and I saw him, I really saw him.
    So instead of saying anything I simply reached out and offered my hand, and he grabbed it. With that we began walking back in the direction of my apartment on the way to the diner, and throughout the walk we talked about meaningless things like the mean lady that lives in his building to his morning run routine. I kept it light, trying to stay away from sticky topics before we sat down, but I also wanted to actually know who I was going out with.
    Once we were seated, the games began. Adam and I ordered before we got into a grittier subject matter but instead of just asking, Adam wanted to make it more fun. So, like middle school girls at a sleepover, Adam suggested we play truth or dare.
    “Truth.” I stated with no hesitation, what could he even dare me to do right now? It’s not like anything juicy could happen while we were in public.
    “Oh, come on, you scared of what I could dare you to do?” He taunted at me, still flashing his signature crooked grin.
     “I’m giving you an opportunity to ask me whatever you want Sackler, use it wisely.” I goaded him testing his waters, watching his reaction to see if he was game. His eyes trailed down to my shirt. Bingo, he’s interested.
    “Alright Kid, when was the last time you got laid?” He went straight out of the gate with a sexual question. The longer I spend with him the more apparent it becomes that Sackler might be a little sexually deviant, that thought only escalated the fire burning in my belly.
    “It’s been about six months since I got laid,” I started, “But about a year since I actually, let’s say, enjoyed getting laid.” I clarified, feeding into the building sexual tension.
    “Hmm, that’s a crime,” he responded, trailing his eyes over every part of me visible across the booth, “They should be punished for leaving a woman like you unsatisfied.” He murmured, leaning forward tracing a finger along one of my hands placed on the table. Every light touch, even if it looked innocent, felt dirty and drenched in the want I had for this man.
    “Truth or dare Sackler?” I angled my torso to him so he could see down my shirt, I could see his reaction, his eyes start to glaze over, his mouth open, ready. I had never been with a man so openly affected by me and at every move I took the opportunity to tease him.
     “Fuck, Truth.” He said, not really paying attention to what he responded with but more paying attention to the parts of myself I was revealing to him.
    “What do you think of me Adam?” I asked softly, some could even say sensually, as I retracted my hand and my body, ripping away the points of contact that he was latching to physically and visually. He suddenly retreated his stance as well, looking me in the eyes to see a knowing smile already dancing across my features.  He groaned playfully, knowing he played right into my hands.
      “Fuck, kid, what do I think of you?” He asked redundantly, “For starters I think you’re the biggest fucking tease and if we weren’t in public right now, I’d put you over my knee and punish you.” He began, speaking in a low threatening tone. Every word, every syllable, every fucking letter sent a shockwave to my core, shaking my resolve and tumbling every other instinct down. I let a soft delicate whimper, only loud enough for him to hear, pass my lips as I closed my eyes and leaned my head back to take in what else he was saying. “You’re a tease, but you’re also fuckin’ gorgeous.” I snapped my head open, not expecting a real genuine compliment from the sexual haze we were in.
    “What?” it slipped out of my lips before I could really do anything about it.
    “Kid,” he began, by putting his hand on top of mine and staring so far into my soul I felt like I was naked in front of him, “You’re so fucking beautiful, like I- I saw you this morning and fuck I think you might actually be perfect and fuck! Like even if you’re not, you’re better than that.” He said and I couldn’t remember the last time I had ever felt like this, maybe never. He was so different, and intense, but funny, and God I want to sleep with this man, but I also want to cook dinner with him and see how he likes his eggs, or what his favorite book is, and who hurt him. I want him, and he wants me.
    “Thank you,” I began, getting a bit shyer under the smoldering chestnut eyes, “I don’t think anyone has ever called me gorgeous before, or if they have, I can’t remember.” I explained, trying to brush it off as a joke, but he doubled down.
    “They must be blind kid, or stupid.” He chuckled to himself, “Probably fuckin’ both.” He smiled, and I smiled back, bursting at the seams, but before I could respond our waitress came with our food.
    The spell we were under before we got food was somewhat broken when we were eating, returning to the more casual atmosphere, talking about our jobs and whatnot. He was really interested in knowing more about my job which made me feel almost as special as before the food came, but I kept it to surface details for now. Adam had a lot of weird habits from what I could tell, he cursed like a sailor, and he got super intense then switched back to normal out of nowhere. Yet, despite all the odd facts this man drew me in every time he opened his mouth, he had me on the edge of my seat constantly. Throughout the meal I couldn’t help but wonder, what’s going to happen next?
    When we both finished our meals the tension from before began to seep back into the conversation in doses. By the time the waitress returned with the check it was pretty clear Adam was ready to get out of there, and I wasn’t much farther behind. While Adam went to fish for his wallet, I threw enough cash out on the table to cover both meals, not wanting to linger for change. Adam looked like he was going to protest, but I just offered my hand out to him.
    “I asked you out,” I explained, leading him out of the restaurant and back on the sidewalk. “Its only polite I pay since I invited you out.” I turned to him and realized he was much closer to me than expected. He took a step closer to me and his long shaggy hair began to cover his face.
    “I guess I’ll just get it next them then kid.” He offered with a smile and I looked away, feeling an excitement bubble through me for more. “We never did finish our game.” He said not teasing anymore, I looked at him and pondered for a moment before answering his unspoken question.
     “Dare.” I said confidently this time, leaving him to smirk down at me in pride. He puffed up his chest and moved even closer. He leaned in like he was going to kiss me but just before he allowed our lips to finally meet, he stopped.
    “I dare you to kiss me.” His gruff tone sending my nerves haywire, a chill running down my spin at the command. His eyes darker than I had seen them, only balanced by the smirk on his lips daring me, goading me to follow through. The final straw was the sensation of his hands settling heavily on my waist, keeping me steady and sure as I surged forward and planted my lips on his.
    From there he wasted no time gaining access to my mouth and invading each of my senses one by one.
    Touch; the feeling of his tongue languidly pushing against mine, fighting a war for dominance and winning without hesitation. His hands finding themselves roaming over every point of my body, and mine deeply nestled in his hair.
    Sight; the possibilities of what comes next floating by in my head in vivid detail. The sheer number of ways this encounter could finish, all unbelievably tempting.  
     Sound; the deep velvet groan from his dulcet tones when I tugged on his chestnut locks, the whimper that snuck out of my mouth when his hands made home on my backside.
    Smell; the dark woodsy pine notes of his cologne mixed the sweet vanilla of my perfume creating an intoxicating scent.
    Taste; nothing I’ve had in my life could compare to the taste of Adam on my tongue, the feeling of wholeness only grew. My wanting grew with it, wondering if Adam tastes good now, what other perverse acts would taste even better.
     Eventually the heated kiss broke, and the depths of Adam’s eyes told me everything I needed to know in that moment. “My apartment is just a block that way.” I spoke breathlessly, pointing behind us in the direction the night would take place. He threw his head back with a groan, a sight that sent shockwaves of anticipation through my body and to my center. He nodded his head furiously.
    “Fuck yeah kid, lets go.” He spoke, pulling me along with my hand to head in the direction of my apartment. By the time we made outside my apartment and pulled out my keys Adam sprung into action, pulling my back to meet his front allowing me to feel the full effect I’ve had on him throughout the night. His errection dug itself into the curve of my behind and suddenly I realized just what I would be dealing with for the night. Adam Sackler is fucking hung.
    His kisses trailed up my neck, his hips grinding into my body and the noises he was making were borderline pornographic. The task of opening my door was lost as I allowed myself to lean back into the pleasure, he was giving me. His hand trailed down my arm slowly as he sucked on a particular spot behind my ear that made my knee buckle in bliss. His hand wrapped around mine, that was still holding the keys, and raised it to the door.
    “If you don’t unlock that door now, I’ll fuck you in the hallway.” He threatened, no doubt in my mind he would follow through with the threat. I quickly refocused on getting my key in the door and getting this man inside.
     As soon as the door was shut, he had me pressed against it, mouth pushing against my own once again, but now his hand travelled under my shirt kneading my breasts in his large sturdy hands. I reached, clawing at his shirt to come off as he unclasped my bra from the back, which only succeeded in turning me on. Once his shirt was removed, he made quick work of mine, stopping only to marvel at the sight of my topless body. He stared for just a moment too long, doubt flooded my veins and my throat tightened at another failed encounter where someone didn’t like what they saw.
     Just as I resigned myself to my own fate, reaching down for my shirt, Adam took both of my wrists and pinned them above my head. Once again pushing me against the door and pinning me from any other means of movement.
    “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” he demanded with a dark grit in his voice I had not heard before, his fire like anger only lighting the fire of hope in my belly once more.
    “I thought,” I started and as soon as I began to speak, he ground his erection into my core, effectively beginning my decent into madness. “Fuck, Adam that feels good!” I cried out rather than explain myself.
    “Come on little girl,” He teased breathlessly into my ear, obviously enjoying the act as much as I did, “Explain yourself to me.” He spit out all that came out of my mouth in return was a needy whimper and shuttered breath. It set my body on fire, turned my bones to jelly as he shifted to hold my weight for me.
    “I- fuck- I thought you didn’t like it.” I said softly, simply as the pleasure built with every thrust of his hips against mine. My back arched as he slowed to a stop, my eyes shooting open to see him looking down at me with furrowed brows.
    “You thought I didn’t like your pretty little tits huh?” he looked down at me, and I nodded softly, shyly up at him and his eyes softened slightly. He made the move to prop me up against the wall and move his body down. He kissed his way from my jaw down to my chest, finally settling with both his hands caressing my breasts. “You have,” He punctuated it with a small suck on my chest leaving a hickey a few centimeters above the nipple, “The most,” He took his sweet time worshiping every square inch of my chest, “Glorious tits I’ve ever fucking seen.” Finishing it off with an intense attachment to my nipple that sent earthshattering shockwaves throughout my body from the first real contacted pleasure Adam had given me all night.
    “Please, baby girl,” he murmured against my tits as he moved further down my body, “Let me eat your sweet little pussy.” He spoke, the dirty message matched only by the lewd and carnal tone he spoke with. Before he could anywhere with my pants, I took his hands and began leading them to my bedroom, which wasn’t too far away.
    He followed like a lost puppy trailing its owner, looking at me with wide and hungry eyes, taking in every movement my body made. As soon as I laid back in the bed, he made quick work of my pants, pulling them off with my underwear in one swoop. I let him handle me however he wanted and he moved with swift expertise that had my core drenched by the time he was done.
     With his hands stabilizing my hips, keeping them pinned to the bed, he sat between my legs admiring the sight laid out before him. He smirked at my disheveled appearance, trying desperately to hold on to my sanity and he hasn’t even laid his hands on me. Suddenly his tongue was on me, taking one long stride of my core before focusing on my clit.
    “Fuck yes!” I shuttered out when he brushed his tongue in a zig-zag on my clit before detaching with a sadistic chuckle. He explored every part of me, places no man had ever considered now have me careening towards the pit of bliss at lightning speeds. He took his time prodding at my hole while swiping his nose at my clit and in that moment, I swore no one was better at this than Adam fucking Sackler. My hands twirled themselves into his hair tugging harshly, making him pause for his own pleasure. Only then did I notice his gyrations on the mattress himself, which sent my mind into an overdrive of pride and arousal.
     “Your pussy tastes so sweet for me baby girl.” He hummed smugly into my pussy, the vibrations bringing me that much closer to the edge. He looked up at me, watching me fall apart as he brought his hand to my entrance working in a finger, beginning to stretch me out for him. “Your pussy’s tight, that for me?” He spoke, knowing I was way too close to orgasm for me to respond with anything but whimpers of his name mixed with any expletive that comes to mind.
    “Adam,” I called out, tightening my hands in his hair, trying to signal him for more. “Please!” I cried out, his pace slowing to a teasing momentum before he added another finger without warning. My head tilted back, losing all sense but the sense he was feeding me through his ministrations. I was teetering a dangerous ledge and with every thrust of his fingers he brought me to the edge. He took one last thrust of his fingers hitting the deepest part of me, paired with his tongue swiping my clit and the damn burst within me.
    Euphoria was flooding my system; I was floating in orgasmic bliss surrounded by nothing by the feeling of Adam bringing me through my haze and the smell of sex mixed with his cologne. After what felt like a lifetime of bliss, I felt him begin to kiss his way back up my body, taking special care of my stomach, sucking hickeys along the way.
    “You’re so good at that.” I murmured, still coming down from my high. He chuckled into my neck before coming up to my face and planting a big kiss on my lips. I immediately responded, wrapping my arms around his shoulders and bringing him flush to my own body. I could taste myself on his lips, his facial hair still coated in a layer of my cum, which only added to the kiss. “Adam, I need you to fuck me.” I said as I broke the kiss. His eyes lighting up again like in the living room, he moved away from me to finally take off his pants.
    “Condom?” He asked as he stood in his boxers, outlining his prominent erection pulsating in need. I only shook my head, moving to the edge of the bed where he stood to palm him over his boxers.
    “I’m on the pill.” I whispered seductively in his ear, he nearly doubled over in pleasure once the statement registered in his brain. He wasted no time taking my hips and twisting me around so I was on all fours before him. A deep feeling of butterflies reverberated in my stomach as I arched back into the hands he planted on my ass. He let himself groan at the sight of me before him once again, this time he had his hand moving over his thick cock.
    He rubbed the head of his dick over my pussy before catching it at my hole and pushing forward. The sting of him stretching me was not lost on him as he braced himself around me, caging me into his dick. He hissed as I clenched around him, trying to accommodate the difference. “Fuck your pussy’s so fucking tight you’re gonna squeeze me out.” He gritted out through clenched teeth, waiting for my signal to go ahead. His dirty comment only helped relax me, sending me spiraling in euphoria.
    “Adam, I need you to move.” I whined out, desperate for the friction he was made to bring me. He pushed farther and farther in until he was buried at the hilt. Both of us shuddered out, he filled me to the brim, his body made for mine in ways I had never felt before. Suddenly he pulled back and slammed back in with a deliberate force, landing perfectly on my G-spot. I cried out his name, the only thing I could remember at this point.
    “Yeah, yeah that’s it,” He praised my squeals of pleasure, “Say my name you fucking whore.” He spit out making my pussy clench around him in absolute pleasure. The way his hips slammed against mine, the way his hands groped at the cheeks of my ass, mixed with the things coming out of his mouth sent me into another dimension. “You like that you little slut? You like when I call you dirty little names?” He prompted me, adding a harsh slap to my ass to punctuate his thrusts.
    “Yes!” I cried out, burying my head into the sheets, letting Adam have his way with me exactly how he wanted. “Yes, I love being your little slut! Fuck!” He landed another spank, jolting me forwards on his cock. He retaliated by taking charge with my hips once more, grunting out insults mixed with praise.
    “Are you gonna cum? You gonna cum on my fucking cock you whore?” He stopped his thrusts, teasing me and my climax fading. “If you want to cum on my cock, fuck yourself on it.” He demanded, his hands kneading and soothing the damage he caused my backside already. I began rocking back on his dick, creating a similar rhythm to before. The harsh slaps echoed around the room and the lewd situation escalated my frenzy. “That’s its little slut, you’re fucking yourself so well.” He lost himself in the pleasure of it all, meeting my thrusts halfway.
    “Adam,” I moaned out, feeling the same euphoric anticipation building in my gut, I escalated the force trying to push myself to the place of bliss. “Adam, I’m going to cum!” I announced feeling the cliffs edge building and building. His hands trailing up my back and grabbing a fist full of my hair and pulling me flush against his chest, changing the angle so he was pushing deeper inside me.
    “Cum for me little slut.” He commanded, another hand wrapping around me to rub my clit in time with his thrusts. The bubble built higher and higher until I felt myself release for the second time that night. His thrusts continued, faltering as my body spasmed in absolute satisfaction, his grunts of pleasure travelling into my ear as he chases his own high.
    As his hips begin to falter their rhythm, he pushed into me for one last time before he let go and painted my insides with the ropes of his cum, marking me from the inside out. He wrapped his arms around me, collapsing us both on the bed, his cock still inside me, beginning to soften as he spoons me from behind. Our highs collectively lower and he is left trailing small kisses on the back of my neck and shoulder.
     “Where have you been all my life?” I joked once the atmosphere was returning to normal. He chuckled out, squeezing me into his chest even if I didn’t necessarily fit, and shifted his hips away from mine for the first time slipping out of me.
     He moved to look at me properly before saying, “Brooklyn.”
A/N: Thanks for reading! Let me know what you thought, my inbox is always open!
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sagasofazeria · 3 years
Song of the Seven Suns, Part 2
Taglist (ask to be added/removed!): @hellishhin
(content warnings: violence, implied sex)
“You were making gay eyes at the guard. How’d it go?”
“I- Um. We’re gonna talk. Later.”
“Nice. Good for you.”
“Thanks, I think.”
“You’re welcome.”
Jetra smiled. A least Faulkron was quickly making friends. That would end up helping both of them. And honestly, what kind of bard would she be if she didn’t get her friends laid? Getting her new friend set up with somebody less than an hour after meeting said friend was a new record though, even for her.
As much as she enjoyed watching awkward gays at work, however, they had a purpose here other than flirting with cute mercenaries. Sighing and switching the subject to why they were actually here, she said, “Well, now that we’re here, we should see what trouble we can get into before the sun fully sets.”Seeing Faulkron’s reaction, she quickly amended her statement. “Metaphorically, that is.”
Faulkron chuckled a bit. “Hopefully it’s only metaphorical.” Then, he turned his amber eyes back towards the mercenaries, beginning to look around. “We should probably find whoever’s in charge first. Elikon, I think he mentioned?”
With eyes peeled for someone who looked important, the duo walked further into the compound. They could see mercenaries all around, some lounging, some sparring, some sitting intently around tables, planning jobs in hushed tones. Others were playing dice games or otherwise passing the time.
Jetra noted some other mercenaries around who looked promising. A particular halfling and dragonborn were sitting at a table, competitively playing cards. She made a mental note to talk to them later. She also noted a large wooden board, almost completely covered with papyrus scrolls nailed to its surface, likely detailing jobs and notices. Another thing to remember.
She was shaken from her scan of the place by Faulkron’s hand on her shoulder. She turned back to him, following where he was pointing with her eyes.
There in a small courtyard, in a pit of sand, stood 9 figures. The first 8 were standing in two rows, all of them standing dazed and sweaty. Standing in front of the two rows of exhausted trainees was a towering woman with a large spear in her hand. Her dark gray-brown skin was covered in white tattoos. The ones on her face were made like a stylized helmet, to match the gray mohawk that topped her head, as if it were the helmet’s crest. Jetra nodded her approval. Very cool. The woman watched as they approached, sizing them up as they got closer. When she spoke, her voice was rough and firm.
“Well, well, well. What’s this? Wait, hold on.”
She paused her regard of the newcomers to look at the trainees.
“Hey! You eight. You’re dismissed. Take a rest, get some water.”
While the trainees filed off to recover their strength, Faulkron walked forward, holding up a hand in greeting. “I’m Faulkron Rhodes, this is Jetra. Are you Elikon?”
The woman nodded, looking Faulkron and Jetra up and down. “In the flesh. What’s got you asking for me?”
Jetra had never really felt short before. She was happy with her height. However, given that Faulkron was nearly 6 foot, and Elikon was nearly 7 and a half, she was almost considering finding a box to stand on.
“We’ve come searching for opportunities. We were thinking about heading inland, most likely. We’d like to know of any offers, or jobs?”
“Hm. Well we’ve got a board up over by the barracks, you could look there. You’ll probably have better luck tomorrow though, new ones will probably be up by then, and I’m sure the best contracts from today have been taken already. You looking to join, or just here for the info?”
Faulkron bowed his head slightly as they began to back way. “We did not intend on joining, no. But thank you for your help.”
“Well that’s a shame. I could use a warrior like you... If you can back up all that muscle with skill, that is.”
Faulkron stopped.
“Are you insulting me?”
At his question, Elikon only crossed her arms and smirked. “Am I?”
Jetra watched as Faulkron’s eyes narrowed in response, and she suddenly was very glad she wasn’t standing on a box. It made it much easier to back the fuck away from whatever was about to happen.
So much for only metaphorical trouble. And this time it wasn’t even her fault. Which was, in itself, another record for the books.
Elikon watched as Faulkron’s eyes narrowed in anger. She chuckled. “Don’t start this fight. I can spar ‘til dawn, and each mercenary here knows it, ‘cause they’ve seen it. I was only poking at ya. It ain’t worth the humiliation, kid.”
Faulkron felt his cheeks flush. He didn’t come here to fight, not technically. But he wasn’t gonna let this lady talk to him like that, no matter who she was. He’d take the challenge. And he definitely wasn’t gonna let her call him “kid”. Sure he was young for an elf, but not that young.
Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that at some point, most of the mercenaries had stopped their leisure activities to watch, and had even drawn a circle in the sand.
“I’m not a kid. And if you want to see skill, I’ll show you skill.”
Elikon chuckled. “Alright then. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” She threw him a wooden sparring sword, taking a wooden version of her own weapon from a rack just outside the circle. Then, she quickly got back into a fighting stance. He tried to get into his own stance, but before he could, the butt of Elikon’s spear swung towards his temple. He managed to duck, leaping to the side and readying the blade.
Elikon laughed. “Not bad, not bad.”
Before she could go on the offensive again, he stepped forward, slashing downward with a heavy swing. It was powerful, enough to send sand spraying when it hit the ground rather than its target. Elikon was surprisingly nimble for such a large woman, and she had already sidestepped.
He turned back towards her, just in time to deflect away a jab with the spear and make a quick swing of his own. This one she simply knocked away with her gauntlet, before continuing her assault.
The fight went on, both fighters attacking back and forth, blow after blow. Faulkron could feel himself wearing out, but Elikon kept going, barely even winded. After quite a few minutes of intense sparring, Faulkron was panting, sweat pouring down his face. Thankfully, the sun had set, and it was cooling off now, but his muscles were aching, and the temperature wasn’t helping him much now.
He watched as Elikon stalked forward, spear held aloft. Before he could make another attack, she spun her weapon, aiming to slam the shaft into his side. Before the hit could land, however, he caught the spear, using his other hand to swing his sword forward with all his weight. She twisted to dodge, but she wasn’t fast enough, and blade cracked across her chest. Quite literally, cracked. Faulkron watched in shock as the other half of the sword fell to the ground, Elikon laughing all the while. There was no evidence, save the broken sword, that he’d even hit her at all.
“This skin’s tough, but that was a good one! I like the spirit.” He almost thought it was over, until his legs were swept from under him. He slammed onto his back, hard. Elikon just laughed again, before she offered a hand to help him up. Defeated and exhausted, he accepted. She pulled him to his feet easily, clapping him on the back. “You could use some training still, but you’ve definitely got skill. The offer to join up still stands, if you wanna think about it. You did well. Now go get some rest, and drink some water.”
As Faulkron made his way out of the courtyard with his wounded pride in tow, he saw Jetra talking to two more mercenaries, where it looked like they had been watching the fight. They were all sitting around a table with some game pieces scattered across it. Jetra stood as he approached, tossing him a cloth.
“If it makes you feel any better, it was at least one hell of a show.”
Faulkron sighed. “Not much, but thanks.” He turned to the other two people at the table. “Who are they?”
The first one stood on his chair at being mentioned, hands on his hips, bringing him to just about eye level.
“I’m Fuego Tamir. Sorcerer, assassin, and baddest bitch around. ‘Sup.”
Faulkron looked over Fuego. The halfling was dressed in dark robes with flame designs on it, and the chest and arms were open, showing off a startling amount of tattoos. The biggest one, right on the center of his chest, was a large stylized skull with “RUN” written beneath it, right between two small identical u-shaped scars just under his chest muscles. His hair was dyed a fiery red at the ends, and held up in a ponytail, shaved at the sides of his head to make room for more tattoos. He had a scimitar on his hip that also had crimson flame designs carved onto it.
“I’m Faulkron. And who are you?” He looked over to the blue dragonborn warrior who sat in the other chair. Her scales were a vibrant blue, but they were covered with various cloths that looked suited for desert travel. A khopesh hung off of their left hip.
“I am Shakari. You fought well, Faulkron.”
Jetra nodded. “They’re headed inland too. We were talking, and it looks they’ve both got experience with both magic and the blade. Figured they might join us. Could always use some extra swords.”
Faulkron nodded. “Ah, good idea. If you all don’t mind though, I’m going to go recover. Jetra?”
“I’ll see you in the morning. Come find me at the Spinning Compass, by the marketplace. We can devise a plan then.”
“See you then.”
Fuego called out as well. “When you need to find us, we’ll be here.”
Faulkron nodded in response. He eventually recollected himself, and began heading off to find some place to rest. Before he could leave the compound though, he was approached by Alejandro, who was smiling and holding two flasks.
“Hola! You did pretty good out there. I haven’t been here long, but it seemed you made a lot of good impressions. Most of the warriors that spar with Elikon last half the time you did.”
Faulkron faltered a bit, not expecting such immediate praise from Alejandro, or to be told he actually did well.
“Well, I’m sure you did really well too.”
“I’d like to say I did, but it wasn’t quite as spectacular as your fight.”
Alejandro paused a moment. “I’m sure Elikon told you drink water, would you like some?” he asked, holding out the other flask.
“Yeah, she did. Thank you.” Faulkron gladly accepted, gulping down the water. After he finished, he stood for a moment, unsure what to say next.
“I... you wanted to talk, right?”
Alejandro nodded. “Sí, I was thinking maybe we could go somewhere with less rules and less deadly weapons, and talk a while? Maybe have some drinks?”
“That... yes! It sounds good, yes.” Faulkron was starting to stumble over himself a bit, still a little tired and kind of in shock that this was happening at this specific moment.
“Good! Come then. If you haven’t already heard, the wine here is to die for. It’s one of the things I’ve got to give the company credit for, they did pick a good city for a bunch of thirsty mercenaries to revel in.”
With that, Faulkron followed Alejandro back to the pavilion in the marketplace he’d seen earlier, which was now far busier. They drank and talked for a while, and by the time midnight came around they were both grinning like idiots. They danced with the music as the night went on, occasionally bumping into each other or other dancers. Eventually, Faulkron stepped away from the pavilion a few paces, Alejandro just behind him.
Faulkron took a deep breath of the night air to clear his mind. He was far more relaxed now, and he was enjoying his night with Alejandro immensely. They had talked about a lot of things, from fighting to weapons to the ocean to the wine. Overall, it was going quite well. Suddenly, he had an idea. “Let’s go on a walk. It’s way too hot and loud here, and I’m sure it looks nice here at night.”
“I agree, it is perhaps a little crowded. And the city does look quite nice at night, though I’m not certain that it’d compare with what I’ve already seen.” Alejandro said it nonchalantly, but there was a flirtatious tone in his voice as he regarded Faulkron.
Faulkron could only hope Alejandro couldn’t tell how hard he was blushing.
Decision made, they began to walk off, snaking their way out of the crowded pavilion, through the marketplace and out into the silent torchlit streets.
They walked along for a while, enjoying the fresh air, the tapestry of shining stars in the clear night sky, and each other’s company, letting the effects of the wine trickle away.
Eventually, Faulkron turned to Alejandro. It was late, and he started to ramble on before he could stop himself.
“Okay, so I know it’s late so you should probably head back to the camp and sleep. I will be fine, because I’m elvish, but you need your sleep, you know? This has been fun, please don’t get me wrong, I really liked it, but I don’t wanna keep you up and-“
He was halted by Alejandro’s finger on his lips.
“Hush. It’s alright. I can sleep in. It isn’t that much of an issue. Plus, they don’t exactly allow swordplay in the compound barracks.” Alejandro winked at the word ‘swordplay’.
Faulkron felt his face flush again as he caught the meaning.
“Oh. Good point. Okay. Yeah. I mean, if you say so. Are you sure?” Faulkron laughed a little with nervousness. How in all the worlds is he still interested?
“I’m sure.”
Alejandro grinned, then slowly leaned forward, and placed a small kiss on Faulkron’s jaw. Faulkron felt it almost like a distant breeze, and his face got warm again.
Alejandro smiled at him again. “There’s more where that came from, you know.”
And Faulkron wasn’t about to say no to that.
With that, the two wandered off into the night.
Part 1 | Part 3
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arcadianstuff · 4 years
“Diner Date”
Waitressing on the hottest day of summer is less than ideal and things don’t seem to be going your way. That is until Douxie walks in and your day gets a little bit better.
“Order up !” Jerry yelled at you from the kitchen, pushing a tray with two milkshakes and two burgers on it towards you. A grimace befell your face as you realised your break was now over, and you had to get back to work.
It was an unbearably hot summers day, and the diner was cramped full of people. With only one little fan behind the counter to keep you cool; you were definitely feeling the heat and wishing you had the day off to spend outside Aja and Krel’s house in their pool. Sadly, your need for money was greater than your need for a cool dip in the pool, as your last year of high school drew closer. College was only a year away, and you needed to rack up some serious cash to help ease the financial burden.
“Well don’t just stand there (y/n). We’ve got customers.” Jerry’s annoyed yell from the kitchen snapped you into action and with a swish of your pink skirt, you were off.
“Here we go guys, two milkshakes and two burgers.” Smiling cheerily you handed out the food on the tray to Darcie and Toby, two students in the year below you, who seemed to be on a date.
“Thanks (y/n), this looks great.” Darcie was very excited to start eating whilst Toby hadn’t even waited a second before wolfing down some fries.
“Yeah thmanks (y/n).” He tried to say through a mouthful of food.
You cringed slightly at that but smiled anyways, telling them to call you over if they needed anything else. With that you rushed back behind the counter, grabbing a coffee pot and making your way around the diner, refilling drinks and taking orders.
It was just after the lunch time rush when Douxie entered the diner on the corner of 3rd street. It had been a long day of pushing a broom around the bookstore, and he wanted a nice cold drink to try and beat off the heat. In all his 919 years of life, he’d never learnt to adjust to the extreme heat of Californian summers. His time in England, a much colder country, had left him uncomfortable in hot summers.
Soft music played in the background, mixed with a little bit of chatter from the few customers left in the diner. In the corner he spotted Toby and Darcie, who he recognised from Arcadia Oaks High school.
Seeing that there wasn’t anyone sitting up at the counter, he grabbed one of the red leather stools and sat down. Douxie sighed, the heat almost unbearable. He grabbed a menu from atop the counter, searching for something to queñch his thirst. And that’s when he heard the voice of the one girl who made him lose his cool. As someone who was seen as being a bit of a lady’s man, flirty and cool, it was a big thing for someone to leave him speechless.
Peeking over the top of the menu, Douxie felt his world stop as he saw you, in a pink skirt and matching top pouring some coffee into a mug behind the counter. The way your tongue poked out of the corner of your mouth when you were concentrating, made him smile in amusement.
You looked lovely.
And Douxie was now very nervous to order.
‘Seriously Hisirdoux Casperan. You are 919 years old, get a grip and order a drink.’ He scowled at himself and internally berated himself for feeling so nervous.
He could do magic, battle monsters and save time itself, but apparently struggled to ask a pretty girl for a milkshake.
‘Fudgeknuckles, why am I like this ?’ With a groan at his nervousness he hadn’t noticed you coming over to him, a smile on your face as you flipped you pad open to take his order.
“Hi Douxie, what can I get for you ?” Your lovely voice took him by surprise and he found his cheeks going pink ever so slightly.
“Hello love, could I get one strawberry milkshake please.” Just like that, his nervousness faded as Douxie turned on his usual charming and flirty self.
You giggled a little at the idea of the punk rock boy, who wore all black and a skull necklace, drinking a pink milkshake but took the order nonetheless, promising to be able very quickly.
What you didn’t notice when you walked away to the kitchen, to give Jerry the order, was the way Douxie’s eyes followed after you. That skirt did look very good on you. Plus he’d never seen you in one before, as you normally wore jeans or shorts.
Sure the pair of you went to different schools but somehow still bumped into each other all the time; the town was very small. Whether it was when you came into the bookstore, needing more sustenance for your reading addiction, or rushing into the coffee shop first thing in the morning, before classes begin, for some coffee to get you through the day. He managed to see you nearly everyday. Now it felt weird if he didn’t see you.
You were bithteenagers, well douxie was one biologically, it was natural that you’d start developing crushes on each other. It was just a question of who’d act on it first. Archie and Zoe made a bet that you’d ask him first - twenty bucks was on the line. Where Archie was going to get twenty bucks from Douxie did not know.
“Here you go, one strawberry milkshake.”
Your cheery voice broke him from out of his thoughts, and he gave you a grateful smile as you slipped the drink across the counter.
“Thanks love, I really need this. Can’t beat the heat.” After thanking you, he took a sip of the cold drink appreciating the little relief it gave him.
“Tell me about it, I’ve only got twenty more minutes left of my shift, but it feels like a lifetime. Been in here all day and I’m boiling.” You chatted back, hoping to strike up a conversation with the guy you had a small crush on.
Okay a big crush. Plus the diner was pretty much empty now so you had a bit of time to kill.
“I can only imagine. Yeah I was wondering where you’d displeased to seeing as you didn’t come into the bookstore all day. Got a load of new books in, some I think you’d really like.” Douxie’s comments brought a pink rosy tint to your cheeks.
He’d not only wanted you to stop by the store but also thought about the books you might like. Yep you were definitely blushing now.
“Well save me some of the a d I’ll be round tomorrow to pick them up.” You played with a strand of your (h/c) hair trying to calm your nerves.
“Yeah, I’ll do that...” Douxie’s nerved came back and he couldn’t think of anything else to say.
The conversation lulled into a bit of an awkward silence. You bit the inside of your cheek feeling the tension start to build as neither of you knew what to say. It felt like the conversation was going to naturally progress somewhere but apparently the pair of you were two nervous to continue it.
Sighing you decided to gt back to work, maybe clean a few of the tables before you got to call it a day and head home.
Douxie watched, a little crestfallen, as you smiled at him and started to walk away, telling him to enjoy his drink. Damn it, he acted so cool and level headed in front of basically everybody else except for you.
‘Dont back down Hisirdoux or you’ll never get a chance again.’ With that final thought he called your name out.
You turned around, looking at him confused.
“I was wondering...if maybe you’d want to go out some time...on a date ?” He practically face palmed at how awkward he sounded. Douxie was used to charming girls with his jokes and flirting or even his music, yet here he was stumbling over himself trying to ask you out on a date.
You on the other hand were practically screaming in your head. Finally, after all of the flirting and tension-building he’d asked you out.
“Yes !” You quickly realised how eager you sounded and dialed it back.
“I mean yes, I’d like that. My shift ends in like ten minutes if you maybe want to go out after ? I was going to the park.” You cringed inwardly at yourself. What if he thought the park was lame or it was too soon to go out or to-
“That sounds good love. I’ll be here when you’re done.” His response calmed your worries of being lame but the wink he sent you at the end only increased your blushing.
“Cool. Cool. I’ll be back out in five.” With a little squeal you ran into the back of the diner, finding Jerry in the kitchen on his phone.
“Hey Jerry, my shifts over. Debby should be in soon.” You surprised the more man from his game of Dog Fight on his phone.
“Yeah, yeah go on and have a good day. See you tomorrow for 3.” He grumbled turning back to his game and watching the smile grow on your face as you ran back out of the kitchen.
“Ugh teenagers...”
You grabbed your jacket and bag from the staff room, quickly taking your hair out of its ponytail and brushing it. Back in the diner, Douxie was on his phone, drinking the last of his milkshake and smiled as he saw you approach.
He got off his seat and offered you his hand, trying hard to steel his nerves.
“Ready to go love ?” His question made your stomach flip, but you summoned all your courage and linked your hand in his, smiling up at him.
“Yep lets go !” You practically cheered as you dragged him out of the diner, happy to be free of the place and also to be going on your first date with Douxie.
A chuckle left his lips as he w at chef you eagerly pull him down the street. For the first time in a long time Douxie felt like he had someone, not just Archie but another person in this world to call his.
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idjitlili · 4 years
Heat of the moment
Thorin x reader
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As requested on quotev , by a lovely reader, they wanted more thorin so here you are.
Summary: you end up in middle earth , only to fall for the dwarven king.
N/o/p= number of pillows Chips= fries , we British here, plus in lotr Sam calls them chips so that's how it's gonna be. Fries are skinny chips. Word count:2673
It was a day in July , well night you had fell asleep in your bed in your room on your n/o/p ,nice and toasty. You had been dreaming about eating a nice bunch of chips , golden thick potatoes. They tasted like keanu reeves love in a potato. oh how you wish to real live that, but you were roughly awoke by something prickly poking you. "Five more minutes ,mummy /mommy/mama." You groaned as the thing stopped poking you, you felt rough ground stabbing your back as you rolled over.
You felt under you with your left hand to only to feel your mattress sheet not your mattress , and just your fluffy blanket you used in the summer instead of the duvet somethings. You slowly opened your eyes , as the bright light hit your eyes , causing you to groan again rubbing your eyes to make them focus. When you opened them again you were faced with a bunch of short men and an old man and an even shorter man. You look at them wide eye, as hatted dwarf held a stick that poked you they look at you in confusion some held weapons.
"Why are you in my room?!" You had almost shouted , grabbing a pillow holding it up in defence,you looked pretty bad,what you gonna do braid eachothers hair and have a pillow fight. Its only lucky that you had put your new pair of shoes in their box on the other side of your bed ,with socks so you could cherish them. Well be ready for the next day,to wear them inside.Little did you know would be travelling with these short men,due to the wizards say so. "uh,lass this is the forest." the short man with the stick and hat had spoken up causing you to gasp when noticed you were in a forest,and so was your bed,you could ony come up with answer to this mess...
"HElp! I've been kidnapped." you had shouted,remove your blanket pulling on your socks and shoes ,standing up,before you can run the majestic hair dwarf shouts. "circle her lads," and with that a barrier of short men surround you. You stood on your bedding ,luckily in clean shoes ,and your night clothes aka a strappy top,with your favourite tv show characters on it,and the shorts that come with,and yeah they are short. You were exposed by strange men ,and you didnt like that,your bust on show and yours ass if you bent over. Thats what she said.
You picked up your blanket ,placing the pillow down,wrapping it around you ,to cover youself. "what do you want from me?" you had spoke anooyed by the sitution,though the majestic man was quite the looker,if you were honest."your the only that fell out of the sky,what do you want?" A short ginger one had growled ,pissed off."what Gloin is trying to say is that we never touched you ,Dwalin was on watch when you fell ,we do not know how you didnt wake up from the impact." the shoretest man that reminded you very much of John waston from sherlock.
You didnt know what to think of the sitution ,then the man that was apparently a wizard spoke to you and the majestic man privately,saying that he was going to try get you home ,after you admitted you never had heard of Rohan ,or erebor or middle earth,concluding you werent from this world. So basically the wizard you know as now Gandalf is forcing this other dude who is a dwarf , a dwarf! Can you believe it? on this journey to reclaim his home ,he wasnt impressed but soon enough he agreed.
Gandalf had forced the company to stop at a small village :so he could buy you clothes,a tooth brush,cleaning supplies and womanly products,you had thanked him dearly. You now wore ,your small trainers with these legging pants and a tunic plus a coat but it was too hot for that right now,during the day anyways. Then you all were back on the road ,and you would have to share a pony with one of the dwarves,which ended up with you sharing with Thorin's youngest nephew.
It didnt take much for you to lift yourself up on the pony,well actually you just swung your leg up and boom you sat upon it as kili mounts behind you struggling a bit. "damn ,miss y/n those are some long legs." he had smirked from behind ,you felt like he was going to be doing a lot of flirting. "uh yeah ,puberty does that sometimes." you spoke gripping the rains of the pony lightly,as the company began to move.your coat in your new bag on the side of the pony hanging,leaving you in your tunic and pants,kili pushed at against you back,one arm around your waist.
"I would sure love to get lost in them." his grip tightened a little,as fili laughed at his brothers remark,your face screwed up."..uh...how long do dwarves live generally?" you questioned,to anyone in ear range. "around 200-250 years ,lassie." Bofur spoke up behind you ,you hummed in response. "and how old are you kili?" Thorin was listening in on the conversation as the whole company had went silent to hear it too. "77." he was confused at what you were gettingat ,he was a little scared even.
"right so the average human lives for 80 years ,right. So if you was to date or court me ,i'll be dead before you mature." bilbo laughed at you ,with some of the others. "what are you getting at?" he stated his face like pink with embarrassment. "if i was to get with any dwarf ,they would be older."you had smirked thinking of someone in mind,Thorin smiled to himself only Dwalin was able to see,he smirked at him,for Thorin to give him a look which almost told him to drop it. Which he didnt later he would tease him.
Thorin had grew to like you more than a member of his company,in the past couple of weeks ,as did you he was very attractive how could you not. Now you were in Rivendell,in which Elrond had supplied the company with food as he talked to andalf about you.It concluded he had no idea how this could happen and then later they would talk to lady galadriel about it. she didnt have a clue,except galadriel thought there was a reason you were brought to this world and you should carry on with the company.
After that you had been led to your room,which had a bloody bath,oh my you were so glad about. Once you had finish you had wrapped a single towel around your body,going to get dressed ,at this point it was late at night everyone would have been asleep by now.However before you could even dress,your bag was gone,with all your clothes ,and an elf had taken your dirty ones when you had gotten in the bath. You had no clue what to do,you would not go to sleep naked in the elves guest bed,not that they werent clean,youjust never know whos been in there or done what.
You decided the best thing to do was go wondering around until you found someone,just in a towel and your shoes,wet hair sticking to your skin ,making you shiver. Opening the beautiful carved pine door,quietly ,before shutting it behind you walking down the hall. It was more than cold out in the hall,your room had a fire lit by the same elf that took your clothes. In honesty you knew you have to go ask onee of the dwarves if they had a spare tunic or something;but that was an incredibly awkward and emabarrassing.If you went fili he would tell kili and then they would tease you,kili would tell everyone how those legs looked in just his tunic,you didnt want it to happen and you didnt want them laughing at you.
You felt like you could trust him,but you felt like if he saw you like this he would never like you back,and you had developed big feelings for him. Even though you barely spoke,he would check on you regularly not when the others where around,when bathing in the rivers he would stand watch, Apparently just incase you drown ,or the others especially his nephews tried peeking or you got attacked. Some how he would know when you got your period he take your watch ,lay hot stones in your bed ,he even made you tea.Dwalin would grin,knowing his bestfriend deeply cared for the human from another world. Damn Thorin and those thic-
you were so deep in thought you didnt notices a figure walk out thier door as you walked down the hall,causing you crash into them. You had lost grip of the towel ,only for the figure to pull you against them holding the back of the towel up,pulling around your sides. You gasped,scared the figure had seen your breasts,but their actions were so sonic speed they hadnt and you were pressed against their muscular chest. You had looked up to see Thorin ,your eyes had widened,you had taken the sides of the towel wrapping around yourself again ,as Thorin looked away. "I-im so sorry." you had spoken stuttering slightly,looking at the floor,before going to walk away,but Thorin had gripped your arm stopping you. "what are doing out here,y/n,in just a towel." he had asked sternly,he thought you were to no good,if you get me,and he was not impressed.
"uh..well.um I had a bath went to get dressed but my bag was gone,so it turns out they had told me that they were going to gift me stuff..but they  must have used it for my measurements,okay so I dont know.All i do know is I am search of something to wear,Its freezing." you spoke still not sure on your own words,it didnt seem right that the elves would take all your clothes. "stupid bloody elves,just leave you naked to freeze to death.I have some spare clothes if you need them." he hated the elves more that they had taken your belonging ,yet didnt he liked the way your hair fell once wet and the shine on your skin from the now cold water.
You had nodded eagerly ,he hadled you into his room,guiding you to sit down in the chair next to the fire,whilst he got you cllothes.He had came back with only only his dark blue tunic,handing it to you."I'm sorry ,my spare trousers are currents drying since kili decided to jumped on me covering me in mud like a dog." he spoke turning around allowing you to dress quickly infront of the fire,you let out a small giggle. "its fine,you have helped me so much,i would be laughed at if i had ran into anyone else. Doesnt matter what anyone else says you are very nice dude. thank you so much,goodnight." you had hugged him,he stood there a little taken back at your words hugging you back wishing you goodnight as you went back to your room.
He had watched you leave ,he like seeing you in his tunic,which only reached barely your mid thigh. He knew he wouldnt be sleeping soon,he was glad you bumped into him and not anyone else,he already thought you were beautiful from your personality but now you were bodacious.
In the morning your clothes still hadnt turned up,and an elf had knocked informing you for breakfast ,so you had no choice but to try sort your hair and go to breakfast in just a tunic and shoes.You looked like you were really at home and sorta a whore. Not that it was your fault at all. You had walked there crossing your arms looking down ,mulitple gasps were heard as you arrived.You had quickly sat down to the closest open sit which turns out was next to Thorin. "lass where are your clothes?"
"yeah you are practially naked."
"damn those legs bend over for me." kili had smirked saying the second,only to be kicked hard under the table by thorin ,who you sent a smile to him thanking him.
"treat her with some respect,shes not some bloody toy." Thorin had spat angrily at his nephew ,who looked down in embarrassment. "BAHAHAH YOU MUST  BE SO EMBARRASSED." You were tempted to say,pointing at him while laughinghysterically at him,sound like someone? yeah i would show you a picture but he stands to still I cant see him."im sorry ,miss y/n," he spoken sincerely towards you. "itsfine,dont worry about it." you had stated you were embarrassed by the sitution too.
After a few minutes Dwalin decided to break the silence,"lass where are your clothes,seriously?" he asked,he knew that wasnt your shirt.Damn the elves appart from elrond ,and Lindir looked at you in disgust. "uh well,I actually dont know,i got of the bath and then asked couldnt find my bag anywhere." you spoke looking at the fruits that sat infront of you,eating a piece of mellon. "oh miss y/n,i had an extra bag in mine and kili's room,i didnt know where it was from. I'll go get it,it must be yours." and with that fili rushed off to get it fpr you,soon returning passing it to as you place it on the floor. "thank you,fili.2 he had sent you a smile that reminded you deeply of seth rogen ,you couldnt help but picture him as seth rogen if you thought of him,you didnt know why.
And with that everyone was back to eating breakfast;oh what until someone questioned you again. "wait is that uncles tunic?" kili had questioned you ,causing a small blush to apear on your face,you nod going back to eating.Fili and Kili snickered,you looked up glaring at them wanting to know what was so funny. "did you happen to stay with him last night.?" and with that they burst out laughing again ,now with bofur.  "are you still tight about me not wanting you to get lost in my legs?hm" you had spoke annoyed ,causing bilbo to luagh,gandalf smirking at you.kili and fili stopped laughing,kili just blushed again. "nothing did happen,but I would mostly definitly enjoy having him in my legs." and with that you got up ,crouching down to grab your bag before heading to your to your room.
Only for Thorin to run after you,you were about to walk into your room,only to be smashed into the wall,lips pressed roughly against yours,you knew who it was from his beard ,and his strength. Your legs wrapped tightly around his waist,as his hands cupped your bare bottom gently,before taking you into your room. In the end you did get a proper apology from kili and life was swell.
that was until,HEAT OF THE MOMENT 'rise and shine y/n' joking joking.
Turns out your purpose in middle earth was to save Thorin and his nephews,
idk what happened it went pretty shit.
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sadgirlx9 · 3 years
It’s funny because I went on a first date again after a long time, thinking I could get over you. The whole time I sat there in the noisy bar listening to the music more than I was listening to my date. I really wanted to tell him to shut up or just have him see how bored I was. We all knew I was too nice to let that happen though. I sat there, listening to him ramble about how many ladies he had before and how he’s such a smooth talker. I couldn’t keep you off my mind no matter how hard I tried. I had flashbacks to when we played pool and how you had so much fun ‘teaching’ me how to play. I caught myself drifting away, zoning out, while he spoke.
“Am I boring you?” He caught me. Crap.
“Nah, I’m just thinking about all the times I brought other guys here for our first date,” I let out a nervous laugh, thinking why the hell I said those words to him.
“I’m going to go outside for a smoke,” I tried changing the subject.
“I can come with… if you want,” he suggests, half-heartedly.
“I really don’t care if you want, that’s fine,” I was trying so hard not to sound so harsh.
We stood outside talking and you came up. I told him about my best friend who unknowingly broke my heart. My best friend that tried to leave me way much earlier than we expected. My date stood there, swaying. He was already drunk but I was there trying to get him to understand that he didn’t compare even the slightest. He inched closer and closer to me on the sidewalk and I wondered if he noticed how I kept backing away from him. Distancing myself. I just wanted to get drunk at that point, honestly.
We went back inside the bar and I went to the bartender to get another beer. I ordered my date and I another shot. Jameson, the only whiskey I could drink like water because of our late night hangs. I took the drinks back to our table and he took them right away, telling me he was having fun. He inched closer to me again and I let him put his arm around me. I kept peering over to our usual table in the corner and tried to stay present in our conversation.
“So, after this,” He comes closer to me, trying to whisper into my ear, “did you want to go back to my place?”
I wince at the question and try not to laugh.
“I think I’m going to go home,” I tried explaining that I needed to wake up early for work. We both knew I was lying because I told him earlier that night that I didn’t have plans the next day. I downed my shot and beer and motioned that we should go outside to the patio. I couldn’t keep looking at that same old corner and at that damned pool table.
The thing is, no matter how clouded my mind was with drugs or alcohol. My mind always found a way back to you. The last night we spent together always plays in my head. Replaying those delicious moments, those sweet words. How we both laughed when something we both said resonated with an inside joke we shared.
“Let me be a man!” you yelled in a joking manner.
I could never keep a straight face around you. Always joking or talking mad shit to each other. I never knew what people meant when they said that their best love was a best friend. I always thought it would be awkward to try to change that into a relationship. But I get it now, I get it. After all this time, it’s you who fills my head. Our memories.
I recently came across this video from my deep files on my hard drive. It was a video of us from the first time we hung out. It was one of those silly videos that was initially supposed to be a photo and we’re giggling and saying hi to the camera. I remember my boyfriend at that time was so jealous because he said you were only hanging out with me to hit it. I remember laughing because we didn’t even know each other that well but we didn’t know that was the start of our never-ending friendship. We were inseparable and all my friends kept asking if you were my boyfriend when I was still clearly with the other guy.
Everyone told me that we were going to end up together and I never saw it. It wasn’t until that last weekend together. Everyone gushed over how we completed one another. How quiet we were when we weren’t together. It still makes me giggle because we were really that in-sync. The way the party started when we met up. Making everyone laugh with our jokes and roasting each other. I saw the sparkle we each had that everyone was talking about. It made me roll my eyes at how similar we were. Then I remember Doreen’s words.
“Me and Jay are best friends,” she told me one day, “you two are something else. Y’all are best friends but not how me and him are. You’re on a whole different level than all of us.” She really knew what she was talking about.
The date was coming to an end and I was sitting outside smoking cigarettes with what's-his-face rambling again about some adult film star that he was talking to. We laughed about how she was trying to charge him for every message and every phone call. I almost believed him, but to be honest, I really thought he paid her for all those texts and video calls. He would never admit it to me. He really is a nice guy, we’d known each other for at least six years. Maybe more. He was my supervisor at a warehouse job I had back in the day and we clicked. I honestly only ever saw him as a friend, probably the reason why I wasn’t taking this date seriously. I couldn’t. He just kept talking and talking about how great of a guy he was and what a catch he is. I mean, I guess he was. He wasn’t my type. I, however, liked guys who didn’t show any interest in me. That was my toxic trait.
He asked me the dread question once again. And again, I couldn’t hide my face, which showed him how I felt about going back to his place.
“If you don’t want to just say that,” he stated, kind of annoyed.
I noticed the more he drank the more controlling he was getting. Every time I tried talking to other people I recognized he would pull me by my arm or the back of my shirt. I looked at him with an expression as to say are you fucking kidding me? Or wrong bitch, man. He didn’t get it though, or maybe he did but chose not to address it.
We were in the parking lot now and we were deciding on how we were going to get home. He suggested we take an Uber to his house first so in case I changed my mind we could end the ride there. Very doubtful, my guy. Someone then poked me on the shoulder. I turned to see a familiar face. It was my ex-boyfriend and his awesome new girlfriend. I hugged them both and that didn’t rub my date very well. I tried introducing them but he was too busy trying to order the Uber. We all caught up with each other and I gave them some smokes. We stood there laughing about the last time we saw each other.
That was probably the last thing I remembered.
Me and my date did spend the night with each other. But the only thing on my mind was you. The last night I spent with you really did something to me. You did something to me. I can’t even enjoy a date without you entering my mind. I honestly remember getting slightly annoyed with you and the hold you so obviously had on me. I remember when I would go out and just be a serial flirt. Now I have flashbacks to how you used to touch me, how soft and delicate you were with me. How every time you said my name I would get weak. I loved how you treated me, like I wasn’t just some damaged thing. You really are my best friend. You ran your hands through my hair, and asked what was on my mind. You knew how to take care of me better than anyone I had ever known. I don’t think you know how much I tried to leave you. I tried so many times. Now it’s just me missing the hell out of you and countless nights crying myself to sleep. I need you so much but I’m scared to see you because I’m scared of the way I would break down. That’s why I choose to write you letters rather than visiting in person or phone calls. The sound of your voice alone would simply be too much. All I know is that you’re really the only person I would settle for. The only person who sees the real me and knows I’m enough. For me, it’s you. It’s always going to be you.
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Stardew Valley Imagine Reader/(Probably Sebastian) Part 2
-Before we start, I would like to remind you that English is not my main language, but I am doing my best to write things correctly.
Previous part here:
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“... and this is the tavern.” he says, pointing from the center of the square. “It is not a big town.”
“It is very charming.” you say. “I don’t remember much from when I was here.”
“You have been here before?” his voice changes from the monotonous tone he was using to describe the town to a slightly more interested one.
“When I was a kid... I used to come here during summer to visit my grandfather. Me and my eleven cousins.”
“You are one of the Paradise kids?!” he asked while gagging at the smoke of his cigarette. “I guess we used to play together... wow, it has been a long time. Sam had a crush on one of you, maybe it is you?”
“Who’s Sam? I barely remember my cousin’s names.” you say, shrugging.  
“Oh, ok.” he says, replicating your gesture. “I guess it’s been a very long time.”
You suddenly feel something bump into your head and it makes you dizzy for a moment. Sebastian holds you by one of your arms so you don’t fall forward out of surprise and two kids come running towards you.
“We are so sorry! I told you not to kick the ball so hard, Vincent!” a little girl dressed up in lilac says.
“Sorry.” a little boy with messy hair replies.
“It... it is ok.” you say rubbing your head with a moan of pain.
“Hi Seb.” the little boy waves at Sebastian and he smirks at him.
You hear a call and a ginger lady comes running after the kids. She tries to greet you, but her breath is too heavy to proceed. You can’t help but notice how pretty she is.
“Hi... he... hello. I am really sorry about the kids.” she finally gets to say. “Oh, you are new here, aren’t you?” then she turns to Sebastian. “Hello, Sebastian.”
“Penny.” he replies without much excitement.
She actually is not paying attention to you. She is staring at Sebastian. She is staring at Sebastian’s hand, the one with the cigarette. She glances from it to the kids, then to the cigarette again.
He tries to pretend not to notice, but her stare is too firm, so he groans and puts it out in his shoes, then puts the bud in one of his pockets. She smiles and then turns to you.
“So, you must be the new farmer, right?” she says with a gentle smile, offering you her hand. “I am Penny.”
You are completely blushed and seem not to know how to react. She is REALLY pretty. Sebastian seems to notice your situation and pokes you with his elbow, making you wake up and shake her hand, but in an awkward way.  
“I am the farm. I mean, I live in a farmer. I meant... I will live in the farm, but I am not a farmer.”
Sebastian chuckles at your disaster of an introduction.
“So... what is your name?” she says.
“Y/n!” you answer promptly, annoyed by Sebastian’s laugh.
“It is going to be very good to have you here in the city! If you need anything, I live in the trailer near the bridge to Joja Mart.” she says. “I will be glad to help. Let’s go kids.”
“Bye bye.” they both wave at you, and you wave back in a very dummy way.
After they are a little further you turn to Sebastian with a frown as he is still laughing. He takes a while to stop.  
“So... now that you are done flirting, should I take you to the farm?” he asks.
“Oh, shut up.” you mumble under your breath. “You don’t need to bother about me, I need to buy some stuff to settle. Where is the Joja mart?”
“YOU ARE NOT GOING TO THE JOJA MART!!!” a man comes down the square screaming and running towards you.  
“Hi mister Pierre.” Sebastian says as the man tries to catch his breath.
“Sebastian. I can’t believe you were going to let the new farmer go to Joja Mart! What kind of in-law are you?! You need to help me protect business for the future!”
Sebastian who is unusually pale blushes to the same tone of his mother’s hair and he puts both hands on his forehead as if he was about to have a stroke. You wonder why but are suddenly pulled by the man to a small market on the top of the square.  
“So, what is your name again?” he asks while conducting you through the corridors.
“y/n” you say, confused.
“So, y/n, Pierre’s store is the local, community friendly, and best store around. We also have a cashback program that is very useful for newcomers. Even more farmers! I have seeds of all kinds, some saplings too, everything you will want to have to rebuild that old Paradise farm...”
You tried to explain that you were not a farmer but the man kept talking nonstop and you felt like you were being brainwashed. All of a sudden you had spring seeds in your hands and were paying in cash for an apple sapling.  
“It is really good to have you come to our lovely community y/n, remember to come by when you need anything. This chicken totem is a small gift for you, as a new costumer and friend. I might also buy things you produce in your farm for a nice price, so come by when the crops are grown! Also to have a tea with my wife, she will love to meet you. Now I need to get back to work, and it seems that you have a lot of work to do too! Bye!”
You found yourself out of the store as suddenly as you got into it.
“I thought you were not a farmer.” Sebastian says as he sees you come out.
He seemed to be leaning against the wall waiting for you.
“Me too...” you say, very confused about everything that just happened. “I don’t even have farming tools. I don’t know what the... am I going to do with these.”
“You will figure it out. Can we go now? I have a code to finish by tomorrow.”
“I said you didn’t have to wait for me.”
“If my mother finds out I left you here I am going to be so busted. Let’s g...”
Sebastian stopped talking as the door from Pierre’s store opened up and a beautiful purple haired girl, like those very stylish girls from the city, came out. She looked at you confused, but then her face brightened up when she turned to Sebastian. He was blushed and you didn’t need to do much math to understand what was going on there.
“I thought I had heard your voice.” She says smiling.
“Hi, Abby.” he greets her with a low whisper.
“So... who is your friend?” She asks turning to you.
“This is the new farmer.” he says.
“Not a farmer.” you reply and turn to her. “I am y/n. I will be living in the Paradise farm now.”
“Ah, you are the new farmer!”
You put your head down with a sigh, why even bother anymore?
“Ah man, too bad. I liked exploring that abandoned farm sometimes, at night. There are so many bats there.”
“BATS?!” your voice fails after you shriek.
“Some frogs too.” Sebastian says.
“Frogs are fine, but BATS?!” you say turning to him. “I don’t remember granpa’s farm having bats.”
“They probably live in your roof.” Sebastian mocks, but as soon as he sees you getting pale, he gets back to being serious. “They are no hazard, bats around here feed on fruits and insects.”
“Why did I have this fucking idea, who do I think I am, moving to a farm, of course there are bats, and probably scorpions and spiders, oh shit, I didn’t think this through.” you murmur to yourself while walking towards where you think is the path to your farm.
“Hey wait!” Sebastian yells but you are not even paying attention, stuck in your anxious thoughts. “I gotta go, my mom had me take care of the farmer.”
“Ok, see you later.” Abigail answers in a mix of a affirmation and a question.
He nods and goes after you.
“Where the hell do you think you are going... hey?”
Sebastian notices that you are not fine. You have tears streaming down your cheeks and your skin has gone two tones paler, you are shaking so much you have dropped some of the items you purchased at Pierre’s. That is a panic attack, and you are very used to those.
“Hey, I was joking about the bats. And Abby just saw one once.” He says trying to calm you down.
You finally notice he is next to you and let go a gag of surprise. You hate letting people see you like that, and once you get these often, you don’t keep many people around.
“I... I am fine. You can go back to your house. I am going to mine.” by mine, you don’t seem to mean the farm.
“No way I will leave you here like this.”
“Like this what? I am fine.” you even try to smile but it comes out so fake you seem to be growling at him.
Sebastian sighs, he must be thinking you are such a weirdo right now. He takes your purchases away from you and grabs you softly by the forearm.
“Either you let me drive you to the farm or I am taking you to the hospital.” he says.
“What?” you reply, but you are already following him to the truck.
He drives you there, both of you in complete silence, you are still staring at the horizon filled with your thoughts of uncertainty. When you get there you see him lean towards the car’s lever to go out, but you burst out as quickly as you can, carrying your things and yelling “good bye and thank you!” and then rushes to the cabin, locking the door behind you.  
“Oh my fucking yoba!” you say tossing these purchases on the small table near your bed and then lying down. “What do I think I am doing?”
It was not about the bats or the scorpions, neither the spiders. It was about that feeling of uncertainty of leaving that old life in the city behind you. It was about having interacted with more people in a day than you were used to in a whole month in the city.  
You had no friends anymore, not since high school. You barely spoke to your father, your life used to be all about work and you didn’t have a job anymore. What to do now?
As you turn around you see a package closed. You hadn’t noticed it there before. There is a letter on top of it.  
You knell beside it and read.
“My dearest and most precious grandchild. If you are reading this, you have gotten the courage to leave the city life behind and come to Stardew Valley, to my precious Paradise farm. I know many of you cousins would like to have the farm for themselves, but only you, y/n, would be the one not to sell it for profit or turn it into a modern mall, but the one to bring It back from the ruins they are left. I am sorry I could not make things easier to you, but I guess there is beauty in turning something rotten into something bright again. And I am not talking about the farm, only.
You see, my child, you were always the one to connect to the valley the most, the one that cared about the farm, the animals, the trees.
Remember that day, when you almost drowned in the mountain lake? I thought you would never want to come back, but you did and you swam on the lake so many more times, for you are the most fearless of my grandchildren.
In this package you will find my old tools and some seeds I asked Lewis to provide you.  
I hope not only you bring the farm back to life but it also brings you back to that nice life.
Love, Grandpa.”
The tears came down your cheeks smudging grandpa’s pretty handwriting as you sobbed unstop. For quite a while you cried, but not out of despair. You were feeling hugged by grandpa and filled with good memories and hopes for a better life. You needed that.  
You unpacked the tools, and then your laptop.
You opened google: basics of farming.
Next part here:
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slyscenarios · 4 years
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prologue words: 2.3k member: park jimin an:  hihi uwu. i’m back from the dead hehe. here’s something i wrote a while back when i was on my hiatus. i don’t know if i’ll be continuing this or not but if you guys demand it enough, then maybe i will :) i hope you enjoy reading this!
During the end of senior year in high school, you had planned and searched for a place to live on your own in order to attend the top university you dreamed to go to. After your acceptance, your parents had agreed to you living on your own. Now, you were quite excited to have moved out of your parent’s home and live in your very own apartment. The complex you were living in was quite nice and your neighbors, the ones you’ve met so far, were also friendly. You lived close to the campus and didn’t mind the few minutes walk to campus, so all was well. That was until nightfall.
The first week of living alone was what you had expected, the freedom to do what you want without your parents nagging you. You loved the independence and will to do what you desired without being scolded. Although living alone meant no home-cooked meals (since you didn’t really know how to cook), you were always up for some cheap, delivered pizza. 
As the darkness of the night grew, you found yourself sitting at your desk while working on your first project for the semester. You had figured out your major already, focusing on psychology and narrowing what job you really wanted for your future. Breathing a sigh of relief, you smiled while setting your things aside. Taking out your earbuds, you close the lights before running towards your bed and wrapping the blanket around yourself. Inhaling deeply, you lay on your side while trying to rest. 
As sleep began to overcome you, the faint sound of a woman’s voice was heard. The sound soon becoming clearer as you laid in bed, confused. Please don’t tell me what I think it is. 
“Fuck, Ji-”
Taking your extra pillow, you covered your ears in order to tune out the “noise”. You were quite confused but more annoyed as to why this had to happen to you, especially during the middle of the night. “I’ll just have to inform that woman tomorrow to do her business in quiet throughout the night.” You whispered to yourself before completely falling asleep.
Waking up around noon, you finally get ready and wash up, thankful for your evening class schedule. You tie your hair back into a low bun, putting on a pair of leggings and a white tank top as you wear a long green cardigan over. Grabbing your backpack and keycard, you lock the door to your apartment as you proceed to walk down the hall. Stopping in front of the door of who you assumed was your neighbor, you rung the doorbell in hopes of a woman answering it. Instead, you were met with a man who looked as if he just woke up.
“How can I help you, love?” His voice was raspy and deep, unusual for his appealing face. You scanned him top to bottom, noticing the wrinkled jeans he probably threw on last minute as the fly was down. Although he had just woken up, his face was quite flawless. 
Snapping out of your thoughts, you simply smiled at him. “Sorry to bother you, it’s just that I recently moved in and thought that today would be the day I greet my neighbors.” He rubbed his eyes before a smile formed on his face.
“Well, I’m sorry you have to see me like this. If I knew, I would have at least dressed for the occasion.” He chuckled as you shook your head.
“No, there’s no need for you to look nice. I mean, your fly is down and you could have at least combed your hair, but that’s not the point.” He interrupts with a laugh before turning his body around to zip up his fly, then facing you again. 
“Thanks for informing me.” He grins before taking a step towards you, his face closing into yours. Inhaling sharply, you feel his breath tickle your ear. “Hopefully this isn’t your first impression of me.” 
Taking a step back into his apartment, he faces you with a charming smile before you hear a familiar voice. 
“Baby, what’s taking so long?” A feminine voice calls out as the man turns around in response.
“Give me a sec.” Yelling back, he then turns back to face you. “Well, duty calls.”
“I have to leave too, as a matter of fact.” You blurt, pointing towards the direction of the staircase as he nods.
“You have someone you need to court as well?” Raising a brow at his question, he laughs again before shaking his head. “I’m just teasing you love. I’m sure you’re going to class or something.”
“Oh, how did you know?” You tilt your head, questioning him as he chuckles. 
“A lot of students attending that close by university live in these apartment complexes.” He grins at your awed response, resting on the doorframe of his apartment door. “So, I assume you’d be going to class and all, your backpack being a hint as well.” He points out as you realize yourself.
“You’re pretty smart for someone who just woke up.” You say aloud as he chuckles.
“I’ll take that as a compliment young lady.” He winks at you playfully. “Anywho, I don’t believe I got your name love.”
“Oh, you can call me Y/n.”
“Pretty name, love. I’m Jimin.” He grinned at you charmingly, making you look away briefly. In the awkward moment, you pull out your phone to look at the time before looking up from it.
“Well, Jimin, it’s time for me to go.” Your eyes catch onto his plump lips, taking note of his lip bite. “It was, uh, nice meeting you.” Your eyes move up to meet his as he quirks a brow before chuckling.
“It was nice meeting you too, Y/n. Let’s talk more in the future, yeah?” You nod in response before taking a step back, your eyes unable to move on from his. 
“Goodbye.” You gently say, snapping out of your trance as you both exchange waves. While walking towards your school’s library, you had gone over the discussion that had just happened, throughout your head.
“Pretty smart for someone who just woke up? Why am I so dumb?” You groan, facepalming yourself as you continue your walk towards the library entrance.
As the day came to an end, you had just finished your last class, Luckily walking home as the sun began to set, the vibrant colors distracted you from your drowsiness and hunger. You entered the building, making your way up the dreadful stairs as you paused in front of Jimin’s door, wondering if the man was inside at the moment. 
“I still can’t believe I said that.” Remembering the awkward afternoon encounter, you move forward and quickly head to your own apartment. Making your way to your room, you collapse upon your bed as you pull out your phone. Your professor had just canceled class the next day, so you proceeded on not doing any homework, having no motivation to even start it in the first place. 
Checking up on time, you notice how late it got. Changing into a tank top and shorts after your quick shower, you heard a faint female voice coming from the room beside you. “Come on, again?” You groaned in annoyance as you finished up changing. Once you were rested in bed, the voices grew louder. A woman, someone who sounded much different than the one from the other night, had been crying out loud. You decided to ignore it, knowing for a fact that it would not stop any sooner. You were able to tune out the woman’s voice for a while until you heard a particular choice of words repetitively throughout the night. 
“Harder Jimin.”
Laying onto your back, you stare into the ceiling, hoping that what you’re currently experiencing is a dream. Closing your eyes, images of the charming man show up, making you flustered at the whole situation. Getting out of bed, you grab your blanket and pillow before making your way to the living room. Plopping onto the couch, you close your eyes, hoping to fall asleep quickly.
When you awoke around noon, you groaned as your back ached from sleeping upon the couch. Scratching your head, you get up and head to the kitchen, fixing yourself a glass of water. Taking a big gulp from the glass, you take a deep breath; trying to forget the vivid experience from last night. While finishing your glass of water, you jump in place at the sudden knocks coming from your door. Raising a brow, you walk over to the entrance of your apartment. Cracking the door slightly open, you squint with your weary eyes before being greeted with your devilishly handsome neighbor.
“I take it that you’re the one that just now, woke up.” He laughs, his hands resting behind his back as you fully open your door. “If that’s the case, good morning Y/n.” His cheekily smile had made you awfully suspicious as to why women were screaming his name out at night. 
“Is there something you want from me, Jimin?” You question, leaning your body along the doorframe as you rest your head upon it. He grinned before moving his arms towards you, an envelope in his hands. 
“I believe this is yours, love.” Grabbing your hand, Jimin places the envelope in your open palm. “I’m sure it got mixed into my mailbox, it happens.” You look down to the envelope before quickly looking up to meet his eyes. 
“Are you sure you didn’t ask the mailman for a mail of mines in order to talk to me or something?” Raising a brow, he smirks before removing his hand from yours. 
“Maybe I did, maybe I didn’t.” He shrugs before laughing, digging his hands into the pockets of his sweats. “Weren’t you looking forward to talking to me too?” 
“Okay, first and foremost: although you’re quite handsome, we just met yesterday. Therefore, how could I have been looking forward to talking to you today?” Folding your arms, he opens his mouth to speak before you cut him off. “And secondly: are you flirting with me?” You tilt your head, waiting for his response. 
“Wow, you’re pretty bold love.” Licking his lips, he takes a step closer to you. “What if I was flirting with you? What would you do?” Frowning, you poke his chest and do your best to push him away.
“If you plan on flirting with me, it won’t work.” You purse your lips at his lip bite, adjusting yourself to stand properly. “I don’t fall for womanizers.”
“What?” Jimin quirked a brow, dipping his head to stare you down. Inhaling sharply, you bite your inner cheek before clearing your throat. 
“I’ve heard many of the women moaning your name throughout the multiple nights I’ve been staying here.” In all honesty, you’ve only heard the woman from last night moan out his name, but you weren’t about to let this fine ass man take over your heart. A smirk appears from his lips as he looks away briefly before meeting eyes with yours. 
“Love, I’m not really sure what you’re talking about.” He says, tilting his head as he smiles. Scoffing, you step into the hallway to stand directly in front of him, looking up to him as he was much taller than you.
“Don’t lie to me Jimin.” You exclaim. “I haven’t been able to sleep recently due to the multiple women screaming your name at night.” You await his reaction only for him to quirk a brow at you.
“I really don’t know what you’re talking about love.” He smiles at you innocently. You furrow your brows, a pout forming on your lips, upon the frustration of the situation. Before you were able to speak again, he snaked his hand upon your bare arm, making its way to fix the loose strap to your tank top. “How old are you?”
“Why all of a sudden?” Taken aback, you then feel his arms wrap around your waist as he pulls you closer to his body. 
“Just answer me, love.” His voice was deep.
Hesitating, you bit your bottom lip before responding obediently to him. “I’m turning 20 soon.” Swallowing the lump in your throat, you feel a cold touch on your back; his hands making their way underneath your tank top.
Eyeing the movement coming from down the hall, you push Jimin away from you before stepping back into your apartment, making way for the random woman to pass by. Glaring at Jimin, he lifted his head, proceeding to give you a cocky smirk. As the woman passes by, you open your mouth to speak before being interrupted by his act of “kindness”.
“Love, you should really wear something warmer.” He gently speaks, taking off his hoodie and to your surprise, he was able to put it on you easily. “The days are getting colder.” 
“Okay, I will admit that you’re quite the charmer.” You hold a hand up in defeat to see him smile. “But, that doesn’t mean your charms are working on me, mister.” You stand your ground to see him laugh, this time he takes a step into your apartment, his hands passing by your head.
“Stay warm, love.” He grins before pulling the hood over your messy hair. “I’ll see you around.” He whispers before shooting you a wink. Pursing your lips, you watch him leave your apartment before making his way to his own. Leaning against your doorframe, you raise a brow as he knocks on his own door before seeing it open up by itself. Your eyes widened a bit as you saw a slender hand reach out for his shirt, tugging him back into the apartment. Jimin looks back to you for a second, a slight smile forming upon his lips before he entered his apartment, closing the door behind himself. 
“Fuck.” You groan, throwing your head back before closing the door to your own apartment. Throwing the envelope onto the kitchen counter, you sit on your couch before deeply sighing. “What have I gotten myself into?” You pull the sweater off from you, tossing it beside you in frustration as his scent was now stuck to you. His scent was synthetic and strong, along with a faint hint of lavender, although it was quite faded.
Of course, that night and almost every other night was spent sleeping on the uncomfortable couch in your living room. You would hear countless women screaming at the top of their lungs due to the fact that his room was right next to yours, you figured. You tried your best to avoid the handsome man but always ended up bumping into him as he was your next-door neighbor. During those situations, you would most likely give him small talk in order to leave the awkward scenario. Other than that, you would focus on your schoolwork, really trying your best to finish your first semester with the best grades. 
Unknowingly, living next to Jimin was one way your life would change forever. 
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callme-sarge · 5 years
Warnings: Smut 18+ Light dom/sub  
A/n: I have no excuses as to why this is so so late I am simply a garbage human being and writer I rewrote this like fifty times with a different story every time. @satisfactory-to-incredible I am so sorry if this sucks girl but I hope you like it!
“Hey Thor, have you seen Bucky?” You had your hand curled around the back of his neck pulling him down, so you could be heard over the pounding music. He settled a hand at your waist as he glanced around the crowded room.
“He’s at the corner tables with Steven. Why is he glaring at me?” You grinned. If Bucky was acting a little jealous then Steve must have been telling you the truth and he did like you.
You leaned up planting a kiss to Thor’s cheek. “Happy birthday lightening boy, I hope it is as filled with debauchery as last year.” He straightened up letting out a boisterous laugh.
“As it seems my brother and Brunhilde have arrived so I assume it will be even worse than last year.” You waved to the two Asgardians as they passed you on your way to Bucky.
“You just need to up your game.”
“What do you mean Nat.”
“Steve just confirmed what I’ve been telling you for weeks, and you guys already flirt like horny teenagers so y’know just up your game. Get him all worked up, so he can’t hide his feelings anymore and make him confess.”
“Well, it’s not an awful idea.”
“Of course, it isn’t.” Nat pushed away from the table with a sigh.
“Look Thor’s birthday is in a few days Asgardian parties are always insane it’s the perfect place, just give it a try.”
You strutted towards the boys table, the revealing dress you wore giving you even more confidence when you realized Bucky hadn’t been able to take his eyes off you.
Steve let out a whistle when you neared his side. “Y/n you look amazing, I thought you didn’t like getting dressed up like this.” You licked your lips when you turned your head making eye contact with the metal armed soldier.
“Only when the situation calls for it.” His jaw tensed.
“So how are you liking the party so far Steve any girl caught your eye?” You teased poking at his side.
“Nah but I have been thinking since it is an Asgardian party and I never got to get drunk with my friends back in our army days maybe I’ll try and catch up on a little lost time.” He looked down at you his grin matching yours.
“Well Brunhilde is at the bat with Thor if I was you I’d make my way over and pray the serum will protect you from the universes strongest alcohol poisoning.” Steve strummed his fingers on the table and glanced at his best friend who barely growled out a,” Punk…” before Steve said, “Fuck it.” And began shouldering his way through the crowd.
A heavy sigh had you turning back to your real reason for being here. “You know I’m gonna have my hands full with him all night now right?” You leaned your forearms against the table, his eyes shot down to your breasts nearly on full display now.
“Or, you could have your hands full with other things.” His blue eyes were much darker now as he held your gaze. Out of no where there was a pair of arms wrapped tightly around your waist and you turned to see a very drunk Wanda with Natasha behind her.
“Sorry she took a sip of Thor’s drink and,” She simply motioned to the poor girl who was grinning up at you from your rather awkward position. “So, we’re gonna go see if we can’t sweat some of it out dancing you wanna come.” She ended with a wink and you new it was the perfect chance to tease Bucky even more.    
“I’d love too.” You reached over trailing your hand down Bucky’s forearm. “I’ll see you later James.”
He watched as the three of you walked away silently thanking whoever designed your dress, he knew if there were any brighter lights he would be able to see just what you had on under the hip high slit up your skirt. The way you were dancing, grinding with Nat was doing nothing to quell the growing tightness in his pants. He took a large sip of his whiskey shaking his head.
“Bucky come on.”
“No Steve I told you it’s not gonna happen.”
“What if I told you she likes you too.” He froze. “Nat’s been trying to get her to tell you for weeks she’s scared you don’t see her that way.” He stood chewing his lip Steve’s words running through his head on a loop.
“Look Thor’s party is tonight, talk to her, dance with her, don’t let this go before it even starts just because you’re scared.”
You threw your leg over Natasha’s hip the thin chain around your thigh glittering enticingly, Wanda stood at your back your arm around the back of her neck, all of you laughing at each other but then you looked at him and he was done for. “Now or never you coward.” He muttered.
“Guy’s he’s coming over.” Your body hummed in excitement you were hoping your plan would work out but now that it was your nerves were getting to you.
“Told you it was a good idea.”
“Ya the drunk routine always works.” Wanda laughed grabbing Nat’s hand pulling away from you quickly and when you felt the warm body at your back you knew why. One hand went to your waist as the other wrapped around your torso his hand just under your breast pressing your back tightly to his front.
“You know the dancing has gotten really different since my day,” He leaned down pressing his lips to the shell of your ear. “But I can’t say I hate it.” He spun you around before pressing close to you once again, when he slowly started moving you to the beat of the music he leaned down again. “I haven’t danced in a while doll you might have to show me how.”
You looked up at him through your lashes. “You sure you can handle it Barnes.” He slid his hand down the curve of your hip to grip the back of your thigh pulling it over his hip. The cool metal of his hand felt amazing on your heated skin you had to bite back a moan.
“I think I can handle you doll face.”
 “Oh my God can they just do it already.” Wanda sipped her drink as she leaned into Vision watching Y/n and Bucky on the dark dance floor.
“The longer the foreplay, the better the sex.”
“Nat.” Wanda chastised.
“Oh come on the tensions been so thick between them if they don’t do it someone’s gonna explode. Plus don’t you want our girl to get laid she’s had a pretty long dry spell because of Barnes.” Steve stumbled into the corner of the bar with Thor laughing behind him both clearly drunk.
“What’s that about Bucky.” He grinned.
“Steve are you drunk?”
“Whaaat. Noo,” He looked back at Thor and they sent themselves into another round of laughter. “Ya, ya we might be a little drunk.”
“Steven and I are going to go play baseball. Loki suggested it would be more fun if we used my hammer as the bat and Steven’s shield as the ball, would you ladies care to join us.”
Wanda’s eyes widened as she stared at Nat, they turned back to the drunk, grinning blondes completely forgetting about Y/n.
“Hell, yes we’ll watch that train wreck.” Nat grabbed her drink and followed them outside, Wanda hot on her heels as Vision followed failing to reason with them.
 “It seems our friends have finally stopped staring.” Bucky’s hands roamed freely over your body as you rolled your body back into him pushing your ass against his hardened length.
“Good I was starting to feel like a zoo exhibit.” He abruptly turned you no longer moving with the music.
“Baby girl I was just waiting until they left, and I don’t think I can wait any longer.” He pressed his forehead to yours trying to slow his breathing. “Do you want this?”
You looked up into his eyes, you knew he meant more than just one night of sex, he looked far to nervous of your answer.
“Of course, I want this Bucky.” You cupped his cheek in your hand. “I want you.” No sooner had the words left your mouth Bucky let out the breath he had been holding, smashing his lips to yours in a needy and demanding kiss. You pull away quickly already feeling light headed.
“Don’t you think we should move this up to your room.” A grin slowly replaced the worried expression that had overtaken his face when you had pulled away. He grabbed your hand and quickly pushed through the crowd towards the elevators, a few people wolf whistled as you passed, you were pretty sure one of them was Tony, but you had no way of proving it.
You reached the elevators as a group was coming off once Bucky hit his floor number and the doors slid shut he rolled over caging you against the wall and his arms. His lips trailed up your neck sucking and biting little marks into your skins while his hand trailed up your thigh gripping you tight.
“I’ve been dying to see what you got on under your dress all night baby girl.” You giggled loving every chance to tease him.
“You really think I’m wearing underwear in this dress? I don’t think so; all the lines would show.” His hand tightened around your thigh as he slowly brought his head up to lock eyes with you, his pupils had nearly overtaken the gorgeous blue of them.
“You mean you were dancing on me like that and you didn’t have a thing on underneath.” You wrapped your fingers around the wrist that held your thigh sliding it higher until he was gripping the smooth skin of your ass.
“Not a damn thing.” The elevator doors opened, and he scooped you up in his arms he held your skirt higher to keep you covered till he reached his room down the hall.
“I can still walk Bucky.”
“To slow.” He answered shortly as he pushed open his door kicking it closed behind you. He set you gently on his bed a contrast to his actions in the elevator, you reached for him when he didn’t move to join you.
” What’s wrong?” He placed his hands on the bed on either side of you.
“You’ve been teasin’ me all night doll, I wonder how much you’ll like it.”
“Wait, what?” He leaned into you pushing you down onto the soft sheets and you instinctively parted your legs to make room for his hips. He trailed his lips from the space between your breasts up your neck to your lips completely making you forget his previous words. He slowly started rocking his hips against your quickly dampening core causing a gasp to escape your lips to which he took advantage of, swiping his tongue against yours deepening the kiss. You let out a low moan, sliding your hand up to pull at his chocolate strands, he pulled away from your lips dropping his head to the crook of your neck letting out a broken groan that had you absolutely soaked. You rolled your hips trying to relieve some of the tension between your legs, but he put more of his weight down not letting you move.
“Bucky.” You whined.
“Put your hands above your head.” He pulled his head back quirking a brow when you hadn’t moved. You sighed but slid your hands up. “You move those hands and I’ll tie ‘em to the bed you got that?” Your eyes widened in shock, you had never heard Bucky like this before. “I said,” He slid his flesh hand up to your neck applying pressure to the sides that had you a whimpering mess. “You got that sweetheart?” He loosened his hold from your neck enough that you could talk.
“Y-yes, sir.” He groaned low at that.
“You’re gonna be the death of me baby girl.” He slid down your body undoing the clasp that held the fabric over your breasts together. He cupped each one in his hands running his thumbs over your hardened nipples, you had to bite your lip to hold back a moan at the cold feeling against your hot skin. But you couldn’t hold back when he wrapped his lips around the stiffened peak sucking harshly.
“Bucky-James oh my god please.” He had started rolling his hips into yours again the rough fabric of his jeans creating just the right amount of friction to your wet heat and his teeth and lips at your nipples was to much yet still not enough. He slowly worked his way down your torso kissing and nipping your flesh as he slid your skirt down your thighs sucking marks into the soft flesh, your whimpering and begging doing nothing to speed him up.
He threw your skirt to the ground and groaned at the sight of your glistening pussy, he wrapped his hands around your calves pushing your knees to your chest fully exposing you to him. You heart felt like it was going to leap out of your chest, “Oh baby, look at ya. All wet and open for me.” You clenched around nothing his teeth tugged in his plump lip and he practically growled. “You want me to fuck you baby girl? Want my cock?” He pressed his hard length against you, your juices soaking through his jeans. The delicious burn had your hands shooting to hold his forearms, nails digging into the flesh and metal plates. You half screamed half moaned as he pushed harder against you, you swore if he kept this up you were likely to ruin his pants.
He leaned down close to you and you thought he was going to kiss you but, “I told you to keep your hands above you or I’d tie you to the bed.”
“What?” Your eyes flew to his but he didn’t give you a chance to say anything, his hands went to your waist flipping you over on your stomach, you heard the clink of metal and heard his belt hit the floor then his hands were tugging yours up making you grab the wood bars of the headboard as he weaved the fabric of your thin top around your hands to the wooden slats. You pushed up onto yours knees, craning your neck to look over your shoulder and practically drooled as you watched him undress. The muscles in his chest and arm rippling as he shoved his pants and boxers down, kicking them away. Your eyes were drawn to his hard cock standing out proudly, the tip red and leaking precum.
You looked up when Bucky chuckled, “Like what you see doll?” He took himself in his hand stroking himself before rolling on a condom you hadn’t even seen him retrieve.
You licked your lips, “Very much so but I think I’d like it even better inside me.” You arched your back pushing your ass further up in the air. He grabbed a handful of each cheek groaning.
“You know patience is a virtue Y/n?”
“Not right now it isn’t Barnes.” You hit his thigh lightly with your foot and he laughed at your eagerness.
“Ya and as much as I want to tease you more I’ve wanted this with you for so long I don’t wanna wait anymore.” He ran his cock through your juices slicking himself up before he pushed slowly into you letting you get used to his size. You whimpered at the stretch he was bigger than anyone you had had before but it didn’t hurt quite the opposite actually. He leaned over your back his metal arm holding him up as he held you tightly, his forehead pressed against your shoulder, when he spoke he sounded absolutely wrecked.
“God Y/n you feel so fucking good sweetheart.” His hand slid down to grip your thigh as he nearly pulled all the way out of you before slowly sliding back in working you up this went on until he had your legs quaking, he held you right on the edge your body was so worked up if he would just move a little faster you’d reach that peak.
“James please we can do slow another time can you just fuck me.” He pulled out of you completely and reached above you untying your hands, you rolled onto your back reaching a hand up to pull him down to you crashing your lips to his. You wrapped your legs around his waist and he pulled back from your lips panting.
“All you gotta do is ask baby girl.” His hands went to your hips in a bruising grip as he slipped back into your wet channel, setting a brutal pace. You fisted the sheets next to your head simply trying to ground yourself, you could feel him hitting deeper than anyone you had ever been with had and it didn’t take long till you were cumming around him. Your back arched off the bed and your mouth dropped open in a silent scream as your orgasm washed over you, but Bucky didn’t let up his punishing pace.
“Come on doll you gonna give me another one? Feels so good when you squeeze me like that sweetheart.” He leaned down pushing your leg over his shoulder, so he could still reach that sweet spot deep in you as he captured your lips in a surprisingly sweet kiss. You rolled your hips in time with his as best you could in your position. His whole body shuddered and when you bit his lip and he whimpered against your lips.
“I love when you make those little sounds James.” He dropped his head to the crook of your neck and you ran a hand through his hair pulling at the strands and he let out a strangled, ‘fuck.’ You tightened around him feeling you were close again, he propped himself up on his metal arm letting your leg slide down to the crook of his elbow as he brought his other hand to your mound running his thumb around your clit in hurried circles that had you chanting his name like a prayer.
“I’m so close doll want you to come with me.” His thrust had gotten sloppier as he pushed himself closer to the edge and his soft words of encouragement and his fingers running over your clit had that coil in your belly snapping and you came hard. He let your leg fall as he dropped his arms around you caging you in as he chased his release moaning low against your chest as he bottomed out his seed spilling into the condom.
You stayed that way for a little while both of you just trying to catch your breath as you came down from your high. You felt cold when he lifted his weight off you and pulled out, you rolled onto your side watching as he stood disposing of the condom and walked into the bathroom. You closed your eyes snuggling into his pillows as sleep tugged at your mind. You heard him walk back over to the bed you only cracked open an eye when he started moving your legs.
“Come on doll, gotta get you cleaned up.” He ran a warm washcloth between your legs apologizing softly when you hissed, your body still to sensitive. He threw the cloth into the bathroom before walking to his closet to grab a shirt and slide on a pair of boxers. When he returned to your side of the bed he smiled down at you when you made grabby hands at him. He grabbed your hands tugging you up to a sitting position as he slid his t-shirt over your head kissing you softly once you were settled. He pulled the covers away crawling in next to you as he pulled them up to cover you, he pulled you tight to his chest and tangled your legs together.
“We should have done this sooner.” You smiled softly into his chest.
“Ya I definitely should have listened to Steve sooner, he’s pretty smart sometimes.”  His arms tightened around you when out of no where a loud crack of lightning and what sounded like metal rang through the air.
“What the hell?” He leaned up on an elbow trying to look out the window over your shoulder as the faint sound of laughter sounded from outside.
“I don’t even wanna know we can look at the cameras tomorrow, lets just sleep.” You tugged him back down to you pressing soft kisses at his chest as you started drifting off with the comforting weight of his arms around you.
He thought his heart would beat out of his chest when he heard your sleepy voice say, “I love you Bucky.” He didn’t know if you’d remember saying it in the morning, but he knew you meant it.
“I love you to sweetheart.”
 Nat and Wanda stood on the balcony looking over the training yard cackling like hyenas. Steves throw had been spot on and when Thors hammer hit the shield with a powerful crack of lightening it went flying into the woods mowing trees down like grass. A harsh cut path of fried trees and small shed that had been shattered when a flaming branch landed on it the evidence of the one hit game.
“Tony is gonna be so pissed at them.” Wanda wheezed clinging to the rail. Nat slapped at her shoulder trying to speak between the laughter as they watched the two men as they started grappling one another on the lawn.
“Steve is gonna be so confused when he wakes up tomorrow and can’t find his shield.” Neither of the women heard the door behind them open or the man that walked up behind them until he yelled.
“What the fuck did you meatheads do to my lawn!?”
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The Marshmallow Chronicles (Ch. 14: Fair Game)
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Author’s notes: SURPRISE! I couldn’t resist writing this chapter! DRAKE SEMI CONFESSES HIS SEMI LOVE!! Idk why I’m screaming, we all know that but what can I say? I’m excited. I reaaally, really hope I did that particular scene justice!
Thanks to everyone who likes, reblogs and/or comments. It honestly means SO much to me! And even bigger thanks to @starstruckzonkoperatorbat, @notoriouscs, @simplyaiden-blog, @snyggflicka, @asprankle, @speedyoperarascalparty, @mirivalencia, @mymandrake and @asobigokoro2018 for asking me to tag them!
Love youuu <3
Rating: T
Pairing: Drake x MC
Words: 5,276
The country jamboree. Drake’s least favorite event in the social season – not including anything involving Olivia Nevrakis, of course. Still, Drake walked out of his room that day feeling cheerful; yesterday had been a success in terms of being friends with Riley.
You did have to hold yourself back from kissing her a couple times.
But did I? Nope! And that is success in my book. I’m gonna do it; I’m gonna beat this crush.
He whistled an improvised tune as he strode out after brunch to find a beautiful sunny day. Remembering their last interaction, he magnanimously decided to go talk to Bastien, who was standing at the gates.
“Bastien.” Okay, so he wasn’t completely ready to forgive him.
“Drake! It’s good to see you.”
“Oh, yeah?”
“Yes. I’m sorry I was short with you the other day.”
“See, that’s how Liam put it too, but I think I’d use a different word.”
Bastien frowned. “... A dick?”
“Ding ding ding!”
“I suppose that’s not far from the truth,” said Bastien ruefully. “Well, as I said, I’m very sorry. I just hope you can understand that...”
Bastien seemed to be having difficulty speaking; if Drake didn’t know any better he’d think there was a lump in his throat. He swallowed hard.
“I hope you understand that duty will always come first.”
Drake clapped his back. “Hey, you know I totally get that! I understand you can’t always talk! Only next time, maybe instead of being a dick you could just say that, okay?”
Bastien sighed. “Yes. I will.”
Drake smiled at him and turned to leave.
“Drake,” he heard behind him. He turned to look at Bastien squinting from the sun. “I really am sorry.”
Drake nodded, still smiling in hopes of reassuring Bastien, who was taking this way too seriously, in his opinion.
He ambled back towards the manor, not ready to face the jamboree with its variety of stupid games. 
That I suck at. 
Once he got closer to the enormous wooden doors, he could hear someone coming down the stairs. He stopped and waited; he wouldn’t say no to company either way. He realized with a stab of annoyance that he was hoping it was Riley.
Okay, stop. Whoever that is, I’m gonna keep rocking this friendship thing.
It was maybe because he mentally prepared himself this way that he only felt a small hint of dismay when Hana emerged from the threshold. He quickly covered it up with an easy smile.
“Hey, Hana!”
If he’d been smiling it was nothing to the way Hana was grinning from ear to ear.
“Uh, why are you smiling like that?”
“Like what? Oh!” Hana’s hands flew to her cheeks as if she hadn’t realized what she’d been doing.
For a brief, awful moment Drake thought something might have happened with Riley. He pushed the image aside, chastising himself both for his selfishness – friends want their friends to be happy! – and for indulging his crush – friends don’t care who their friends kiss!
I’ve definitely been quiet for too long.
“So are you gonna tell me or what?” It came out harsher than he’d intended in his haste to say something.
Hana’s smile faltered a bit, “Oh. Yes, sorry. My Mom called and she-she was making me feel dreadful; she said I was being a disappointment and that I shouldn’t be making friends at court..."
Drake grimaced sympathetically.
“Yes, it was very distressing. Until Riley,” at this point her smile came back in full force, “intervened. She reminded me that this is my life and my choices and... well, she essentially gave me the courage to stand up to her for the first time in my life!”
Hana looked so utterly happy that it was contagious. Drake found himself grinning along with her and feeling an unfamiliar warmth in his chest.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it? Despite the pain.”
Drake tilted his head, completely nonplussed, “Huh?”
“Liking someone so deserving of it.”
That’s exactly what it was. Every time he heard of Riley doing something kind or intelligent – which is all the time, dammit – he couldn’t help but feel... joy. It was like an extreme form of pride, in a way. Proud of himself for having a crush on such an amazing person; proud of her for being that amazing person.
He just sighed and nodded. 
It’s not looking good for our friendship. Pretty sure I’m gonna start writing poetry or some shit.
“Well, thanks for checking in on me, Drake, but I should go. I only went into the manor to get bandaids.”
For the first time, he noticed Hana was holding a small box of bandaids.
“Maxwell,” he said without any doubt.
“At the archery station. What I don’t understand is how he managed to hurt himself with a bow...” Hana shook her head, mystified.
Drake shrugged. “This is Maxwell we’re talking about. We should feel lucky we only need bandaids and not paramedics!”
Hana giggled, “That’s what Riley said!”
Drake chuckled. “Great minds and whatever. But anyway, I shouldn’t keep you, go save that kid’s life.”
Hana hurried off toward the games. Drake stood there for a moment, trying to get back to the calm, certain headspace he’d been in until a few minutes ago. 
Maybe if I just spend some time with her as friends, I can remind myself what it’s supposed to be like.
With that goal in mind, he directed his steps to where Hana had gone, positive that Riley would be playing something; in the thick of the action, as usual.
He was right, and he immediately wished he hadn’t been, for Riley and Liam were playing a very flirty game of ring toss. He stopped abruptly when he spotted them, then moved to the side so he could watch them from a less conspicuous place. 
Like a masochist stalker.
In fact, the game was just ending and it seemed Riley had lost. 
Finally, something we both suck at! 
He smiled at that, but it was fleeting, as he saw Riley and Liam make their way, smiling and talking, to the hedge maze. He felt the by-now familiar gut punch he always experienced when he saw them together. This time, however, it seemed to spread from his stomach all the way up to his chest like some kind of poison, eating him alive from the inside.
Goddammit. Who the fuck am I kidding?! I can’t be friends. I can’t. At least, not now.
He stomped back to the manor, wanting nothing more than solitude. And maybe some whiskey and dramatic music to go along with it. He must have been making a racket because he heard a voice call from the sitting room.
“Who’s there?”
He poked his head in and found Lady Kiara sitting in the same armchair she’d been using two days ago.
“Drake! What a pleasant surprise! I thought you’d be out there enjoying the games.”
“Nah, not a big fan. What about you? Shouldn’t you be mingling or something?”
“Bah, and what for? Prince Liam has disappeared again, with Lady Riley I’m sure, and I don’t like those games either.”
“Good point.”
She gestured for him to join her and with halting steps he went to her, sitting uncomfortably on the armrest.
“So... what are you reading this time? More sexy French books?”
She raised an eyebrow at him. “No, I have been skimming this landscape photography book.”
“Oh, cool! I love nature.” Drake had to restrain himself from leaving the manor or possibly the country after that. 
Really? I love nature? How fucking interesting, idiot.
Lady Kiara was gracious enough to disguise a derisive laugh as a cough.
“So what kind of landscapes?” he asked in desperation.
“Oh, there’s all sorts! But I am particularly partial to the photographs of the vineyards in California and France. They remind me of my home,” she sounded far away when she said that.
“You have vineyards there?”
She snapped back to reality and turned to look at Drake eagerly. “Oh, yes. We make some of the finest wines in all of Cordonia,” she puffed up with pride. “We might even go toe to toe with the French, en fait.”
“And everybody knows the French make the best wine, right? The more unpronounceable the names the better?” Drake chuckled. 
Kiara, on the other hand, did not look amused. “I would hardly say something like Bordeaux is unpronounceable, would you?”
Drake felt his neck grow hot. “I was kidding,” he muttered.
Kiara seemed not to have heard him, still engrossed by the photos. She flipped the page to yet another picturesque vineyard and suddenly her hand was on Drake’s knee. He glanced down at it automatically.
“I wish you could see it! The hot summer days, picking grapes and then crushing them with your feet...” she trailed off, looking up at Drake, whose mouth was inexplicably watering. 
“Sounds,” he cleared his throat, “sounds nice.”
“It’s better than nice, c’est magnifique!”
“I-I’m sure.” He peeked down at his phone. “Oh, look, it’s time for dinner!”
“Right.” Kiara’s hand fell from his knee. “Well, let’s go, then.”
Kiara waited for Drake to get up and help her off the armchair. Once she was standing, she cleared her throat, looking pointedly at her arm.
“Oh, uh, yeah!” Drake offered her his arm and they walked out together in what, at least to him, felt like an awkward silence. He had the chance to feel relieved for a few seconds, before he realized they would probably sit together as well. 
He was right. He sat down next to her and involuntarily scanned the crowd. It took him longer than usual to find Riley, which he was cautiously pleased about until he came to the conclusion that it was only because of her company. 
What the hell is she doing with Tariq?
The fashionable noble appeared to be flirting and Riley looked hilariously bewildered. He almost snorted. Riley managed to extract herself from Tariq and took her seat at another table nearby, next to Maxwell and Bertrand.
He was wracking his brains, trying to come up with something to talk about with Lady Kiara, when he heard the blessed sound of a clinking glass.
“If I may have everyone’s attention, please,” came Liam’s voice. “I’d like to say a few words before we close this evening. First, I’d like to thank all of you for joining us out here at the country estate. I’ve had the honor and privilege to have you in my court, and I couldn’t have asked for better company.” 
He smiled out at the crowd as he said this. It may have been Drake’s bitterness, but he thought he saw Liam’s gaze linger on Riley.
He continued, “As I step into my father’s place in a few days, I can only hope that I’m half the man he’s been for Cordonia.”
“Long live Prince Liam!” Maxwell yelled from his table with cupped hands over his mouth. 
Cheers and claps erupted from all around. 
Yeah, yeah, Liam’s great. 
Drake couldn’t bring himself to clap.
Liam gestured for everyone to quiet down. “Thank you all. When next we meet like this, it’ll be the last event of the social season. As per tradition, this event will be hosted at the illustrious Beaumont House.”
“Yeeaaahhhhhh!” Maxwell exclaimed with both arms up.
Bertrand, ever the solemn one, agreed, “An honor, to be sure.”
He noticed Riley sharing surprised words with the brothers. 
Huh. How are they gonna host that? Aren’t they broke?
“The Beaumonts will surely give us another legendary night to remember.” 
When Liam said that, Drake felt Kiara’s hand squeeze his leg and nearly jumped out his seat. Looking mildly amused, she whispered, “It could certainly be a night to remember.”
Drake swallowed, although at the same time his mouth felt impossibly dry.
He barely heard Liam finish his toast with, “Until then, I thank you again, and wish you a good night.” He raised his glass and most people followed suit. Feeling guilty for his lack of applause earlier, Drake raised his own.
“Cheers!” Liam said, and the crowd echoed him.
Drake turned to Lady Kiara and as they clinked their glasses together, he murmured, “To legendary nights.”
For a split second, Kiara’s face was delightedly surprised. An instant later, she had regained her composure and was smirking at him.
Fuck, she might really like you. You’re an asshole.
Oh, come on! We’re both consenting adults and clearly there’s nothing I can do about... the other thing, so why shouldn’t I have some fun?!
Whatever, dude, you know what you are.
He drained his champagne in one gulp.
Dinner went by in a blur of delicious food and flirty conversation. Of course, they couldn’t make it too obvious – Kiara had a reputation to maintain, after all – so once in a while she’d turn to her other side to talk to Penelope.
By the time they’d all finished eating, he felt drained. It had been such a long day, and it had taken his emotions for a ride. For someone who for years had felt either bitterness or a lukewarm contentedness, it was a lot.
As soon as it was barely polite to leave, therefore, he scurried away to his room. He lied down on his bed and fell asleep almost immediately.
Something shook him out of his deep sleep. 
Did someone scream? Or was I dreaming?
He could’ve sworn he heard it come from the room next to his. 
Addams’ room. But what if I dreamed it and I barge in there and wake her up? Or even worse, what it she’s awake... with somebody. 
He weighed his options and concluded that he could not stay in his room while she might be in danger. And if he embarrassed himself, he embarrassed himself. He got dressed as quickly as he could, which was not very; flustered as he was, he put his pants on back to front and furiously corrected his mistake. Finally decent, he flew out of his room and threw Riley’s door open, caution be damned.
He found Tariq and Riley kissing. Or, should he say, Tariq kissing a very clearly unwilling Riley, who pushed him away as soon as she recovered from the shock.
Anger like he couldn’t remember feeling flooded Drake. Without thinking, he was by Tariq’s side in a second. “Get away from her,” he growled.
He seized Tariq by the shoulder roughly and dragged him away from Riley.
“Unhand me!” wailed the noble. ”How dare you enter my room without my permission!”
Tariq pulled the arm that wasn’t in Drake’s grip back and punched him square in the face. He reeled backwards in shock, his hand going to his jaw right away. He took a moment to get his bearings, then tackled Tariq with all his might. On the floor, he put up more a fight than Drake expected, rolling around and trying to pin him down. Drake struggled against Tariq’s hands and managed to flip him around once more and pin his arms.
Tariq tried to fight back a few more times. He must have known it would be useless though, because he went slack, conceding defeat. Breathing hard, Drake stood up and waited for Tariq to follow, glaring at him, daring him to attack again.
Tariq limited himself to yelling, “Who the hell do you think you are, bursting into my room?”
“This is Riley’s room. And I heard a scream.” For the first time, Drake allowed himself to doubt the conclusion he’d jumped to. “I think she wanted interrupting.”
He turned his head sharply to Riley, dreading she might contradict him.
With fire in her eyes, she replied, “Drake, Tariq deserves to have his ass kicked.”
He sighed in relief.
Tariq seemed to have shrunk. “So this isn’t to be the bold, romantic beginning to our love story?”
Riley crossed her arms and gave him a firm, “No.”
“But... I’d heard...” Tariq was looking at the floor, ashamed and confused. 
You almost feel for the guy.
“You heard wrong. And for the record, before you try to kiss someone, ask first!” Riley said, her nostrils flaring.
Yeah, never mind, he’s a piece of shit.
Tariq flushed. “Let me deeply apologize here. I’m so sorry for this transgression. I was incredibly wrong.” He started heading to the door. “Now, before I can humiliate myself any further... let me take my leave.”
He left, slamming the door after him.
Riley rounded on him. “Drake, what took you so long?”
Not wanting to go into the details of his clothing mishaps, he answered, “I know I’m in the room next to yours, but it still took me a minute to make it over here.”
“Why are you in the room next to mine, by the way?”
“Liam made sure of that. Since he couldn’t be here himself, I mean.” 
And instead of looking out for Addams, you crush on her and fall asleep when she’s in trouble. Nice going. 
“Liam would never forgive me if something... bad... happened to you.” 
There was a small silence and on impulse, he added, “And you know what? I’d never forgive myself, either.”
Having entered the room worried out of his mind and in a rush, he hadn’t had the presence of mind to register that Riley was not wearing a shirt. Until now.
Oh, shit. Ohshitoshitohshitoshit. Don’t be a creep. Don’t look at her. Oh my God, I looked. Holy shit.
She was wearing a lacy pink bra, which contrasted against her pale skin, which was luminous in the moonlit room, and her breasts – fuck me, her boobs are RIGHT. THERE – looked incredible. Drake had seen his fair share before, both in real life and in videos, but damn if there weren’t his favorite pair ever. It’s not like he hadn’t checked her out since he’d known her, but this was different. This brought him mental images he didn’t – couldn’t – want. 
He licked his lips unconsciously, noticing a beauty mark right at the upper edge of the bra. 
Okay, that’s enough or she’ll kick you out, too, you perv. Goddamn, this is gonna haunt my dreams.
He cleared his throat, “Er, Addams...”
He glanced down again, forcing himself to make it a very quick, significant look.
“OH!” She blushed a deep red and reached to the chair where she’d carelessly thrown her top. She put it on hurriedly, and Drake was satisfied to see he was not the only one who had problems with hastily thrown-on clothes; she’d put her shirt on inside out.
Drake tried to pull his mind away from images of Riley and her bra and focus on the conversation. “Anyway, you can see why it looked bad. I heard a scream, saw you half naked with Tariq all over you...”
“Yeah, I get it.” Riley sank onto her bed.
Drake’s eyebrows furrowed with concern, “Are you okay?”
“I’ll be fine.” She sounded shaken. He couldn’t blame her. 
I wish I could stay and comfort you. I wish I could put my arms around you, but that would be... dangerous.
Instead, he said, “Well, I should get out of here before we really cause a scandal.”
He headed to the door and as he leaned in to grab the handle, he winced. He might have hurt himself tackling Tariq. 
Man, fuck nobles. Seriously. 
He tried to play it off as nothing, grabbing the doorhandle, but of course she’d seen.
“You’re hurt.” He knew he shouldn’t be enjoying her worrying about him as much as he was.
He dropped the handle and turned to her, shrugging, “Nothing a few shots of whiskey won’t fix.”
She stood up and took a couple of steps toward him. “Let me take a look. It’s the least I can do.”
“You trying to get me to take my shirt off, Addams?” he smirked, hoping she’d let it go. 
I need to get out of here.
She said, “I just want to help,” but blushed again, which made his collar grow warm.
I need to leave NOW. 
“I’m fine. Save your fussing for someone else.” He turned to the door once more, ready to escape Riley with her eyes full of concern for him, and her lips saying kind words, and her pink fucking bra.
He should’ve known, but he still didn’t expect it when she stepped in front of the door, blocking his way. The look in her eyes let him know he was definitely not going anywhere.
“Drake, you got hurt for me. I’m not letting you leave this room until you let me take a look at you!” She crossed her arms. “You can start by taking off your shirt. I think he hit your ribs pretty hard. They could be broken!”
Drake scoffed. “Wow, you’ve got a real bossy side to you, you know that?”
She put her hands on her hips and raised an eyebrow. “You think I’m being bossy? Drake, I’m taking that shirt off you myself.”
Before he could utter anything other than a startled, “Hey...” he felt small, warm hands grab the hem of his shirt and lift it. He cooperated and took it off, trying his best not to think about how much he’d like her to say that in a different context.
“So, doctor, do you see anything alarming?”
Her hands ghosted over his ribs and then his back. He suppressed a shudder.
“You’re going to have a few spectacular bruises...” she grimaced.
“Yeah, Tariq hits harder than you’d think. He almost impressed me.”
She didn’t say anything back but he thought he saw the corners of her lips twitch.
He narrowed his eyes. “What is it?”
Riley snorted. “I can’t believe you lost a fight to Tariq!”
It took Drake’s wounded pride a moment to recover from that. “I didn’t say I lost! I never said that. I definitely won. I’m just saying he got in some good hits. And I didn’t expect that from a palace brat.”
“Mmhmm,” she hummed, biting her lip to keep from laughing.
He shook his head at her and ran his fingers through his hair.
“You can be so...” 
Irritating? Funny? Smart? Fucking incredible? ... Yeah, I’d better shut up. “Never mind.” 
He cast about for a distraction. “Hey, weren’t you supposed to be tending to my wounds?”
Riley smacked a hand to her forehead. “Oh! Right. I think one of the servants fills this bucket with ice every night. You know, in case I need to chill some champagne...” She said the last part in a mockingly snobby voice.
“Or ice down a friend’s bruises.” He knew at this point that friendship was all but futile, but he was going down fighting.
Drake noticed a small cabinet on the opposite end of the room. “And it looks like someone’s left a fully stocked liquor cabinet in the corner here, so...”
He went to it and poured himself a glass of whiskey – one the finest, obviously – and looked over at Riley, who was putting ice in a cloth.
She nodded, “I’ll have whiskey. I wouldn’t make you drink alone.”
He smiled. “Heh. Thanks.”
He poured another one and handed it to her. She put it on the bedside table so she could more easily handle the improvised ice pack. She pressed it on his ribs and he hissed in pain.
“Hey! That hurts.”
He regretted the words as soon as he said it. 
Knowing Addams, she’s gonna crush the ice against my body now. 
Yet, to his surprise, she touched it to his wound much more gently. It still stung, but not nearly as much. 
Will she ever stop amazing me?
“Is that better?” she asked tenderly.
“... Actually, yeah. Didn’t realize you could be so gentle, Addams.”
“I’ve got a gentle side... you just don’t see it very often.” She continued patting him softly with the ice pack. Occasionally, she would rub her thumb soothingly over the areas she’d gone over. He knew he had the dumbest smile on his face.
“I could stand to see more of it.” It was meant as a jab at first, then he realized he would actually love to see that side of her more. Just him. He looked in her eyes and, for the umpteenth time, felt he might ruin everything if he held her gaze for too long. 
He looked down at his glass and muttered, “Thank you.” 
He drained it and went to pour himself more. 
Bad idea.
“I know I don’t act very grateful for anything most of the time, but I do... care about you.” He’d said it before, only this time it felt more high stakes. They were alone and unlikely to be interrupted. He was shirtless. He shouldn’t be saying anything at all.
She moved a step closer and murmured, “Drake, I care about you too.”
She had also said this before, but this felt... different. There was an ache in her voice he hadn’t noticed before. 
You’re imagining things. How can she even care about you? 
“You... you do?”
Her answer came without hesitation and full of conviction. “Yes.”
He rubbed his face and clenched his jaw. “You shouldn’t say things like that, Addams.”
“Why not?” He knew her more than well enough by now to see that she was honestly puzzled. That’s how he knew she cared about him only as a friend. 
Hell, I’ll explain it anyway. 
He was in too deep and the whiskey, though not enough to get him drunk, had certainly encouraged him.
“You’re here for Prince Liam. All of the suitors are. And, well, so is the entire court. All of the nobles, all of the royals, all of the servants, even. Everything and everyone in this place exists to orbit around Liam. You could almost hate him for it, if he weren’t so damned likeable.” He shook his head. “It’s dangerous for people like you and me to forget that.” 
Mostly me, really.
Riley still looked confused, but there was something else in her expression. Drake wouldn’t have believed it, except he’d become so closely acquainted with that emotion lately that there was no mistaking it: hope. 
“What are you getting at, Drake?”
He sighed. 
Are you happy in this hole you dug for yourself? 
“Hell, Addams. Don’t make me say it.”
He looked down at his glass again. 
Here goes nothing. 
He finished his drink again and set his empty glass down next to her full one. His hand was trembling.
“If we’d met somewhere else... anywhere else. At a club in New York, or in an airport, or at a party... If you hadn’t been our waitress that night, and I hadn’t been sitting next to Liam...” He mustered all of his courage, balling up his fists. 
“Do you think all of this... do you think it could’ve been different...” he swallowed, “between us?”
Say no. Just say no and kick me out. Do it.
“Drake...” she said slowly. “It would’ve been different.”
Drake inhaled sharply, wanting desperately to believe what she had just said.
“Sure, you would’ve still been gruff and I wouldn’t have let you get away with anything... But all the rest? Yeah, it would’ve been different.” They were standing so close. “Maybe everything would’ve been different.” 
She emphasized the word “everything” in a way that made his stomach flip. 
Everything. That’s what we could be.
She said yes! 
He could not wrap his head around the fact that she might return his feelings, even in a hypothetical scenario. Right now it didn’t even seem that hypothetical; her eyes were an invitation and it had never been harder to resist kissing her.
He reached out, brushing his fingers on the back of her hand. He’d always thought that saying you could feel electricity when you were really attracted to someone was a cliché. 
Well, maybe it is, but it is also true. 
He felt the hairs on his hand stand on end. 
This is no shitty electric current either, it’s goddamn lightning.
Riley looked down at their hands and her fingers twitched, itching to intertwine with his. 
He panicked and dropped his hand. “What am I doing? I need to go.”
He made as if to sprint out the door, when he felt to soft arms wrap around his waist. It was not the first time he’d had the wind knocked out of him that day, but definitely the first time that made him so happy.
Fighting against everything he wanted, he forced out, “Addams... You shouldn’t.” 
Or I’ll stay. I’ll go too far. This is impossible. What if anybody sees us? What if... Liam.
“Don’t you get tired of being so careful all the time?”
He closed his eyes and bit his lip. She’d hit the nail on the head, as she always did. He was sick of this. Sick of every second he couldn’t kiss her or even hold her hand.
“Constantly,” he said in a strangled voice.
Before he had time to think it, he turned around and pulled her close, her head resting perfectly on his chest. He tangled his fingers in her hair and breathed in, knowing he would never get this chance again, marveling at how soft it felt, how amazing it smelled. 
This is... this is just... unbelievable. I get to hold her like this.
If it had been hard not to kiss her before, Drake’s effort now was nothing short of superhuman. Her smell and touch were invading all his senses and he knew he was close to losing control. 
I have to leave while I still have brain cells and before I fuck up even worse.
He pushed her away gently but firmly and tried to ignore the hurt in her eyes.
“I’ve got to get out of here. Now. Before I do something we might both regret.” He looked down at her lips.
Riley was resigned. “Okay.”
She handed him his shirt and he put it on correctly, thankfully.
He got to the door, looking at her as little as possible. “And for all our sakes,” but mostly mine, “lock your door this time...”
He looked down at the handle and noticed something odd, “Huh.”
“What is it?”
He examined it more carefully, though it was hardly necessary; the handle was completely smooth. 
“Addams... there’s no lock on your door handle.”
Riley knitted her eyebrows, “I thought they were all like that?”
He shook his head. “No. All of the other rooms on this floor lock.” Seeing her face all scrunched up with worry – she’s so damn cute – he backtracked, “It’s probably nothing.”
Her face relaxed a bit, but there was still a hint of anxiety between her eyebrows. “Probably?”
Drake had already resolved to tell Bastien about this tomorrow and investigate, but right now her rest was more important, though she should still be on guard.
“Just... be careful, okay?” He gave her a look which he hoped conveyed everything: how much she meant to him, how much he worried, that he would protect her...
He left her looking calm enough and slumped on his bed, determined to stay awake in case of anything. He didn’t think he could sleep anyway, his thoughts were bouncing uncontrollably from pure joy to heavy guilt. And hiding among them, waiting to pounce on him if he dared dream, was the image of Riley in her pink bra. 
Nope, we’re not crossing that line. 
He settled in for his sleepless night.
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