#i heart these guys they are the biggest losers but they deserve each other lol
monteruu · 2 months
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johndave nation rise up
[image id: 2 digital illustrations of john egbert and dave strider from homestuck.
first image: various scenes of john and dave. top left, they are drawn very simply holding hands with text under them saying "the pepsi and the cola". to the right, john is hunched over dave and kissing his cheek while dave has his sunglasses pushed up looking embarrassed and has his arms around him. they are wearing each other's respective colors (blue and red). center of the image, john is holding dave around his waist and looking up at him with a goofy face and dave has his legs around john and looks vaguely annoyed with him. in the bottom right corner john is smiling and doing a peace sign.
second image: various scenes of john and dave again but in various forms of their godtier outfits. top left is them sitting down and john has his hand on dave's shoulder. dave think off to the side "wtf is he yappin about" while john says "matthew mcconaughey!". behind the text is a small collage of images of matthew mcconaughey. to the right, dave is flying towards john with both of their arms outstretched as they greet each other. bottom right, john has a wide smile as he presents a very small dave squished in his hand. bottom left, they are sitting hunched with blank expressions and an "..." between them. end image id.]
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s-oulpunk · 1 year
I brought the IT novel today because of the quotes I've seen posted under gifsets. Big fan of your blog by the way! Can you talk about Bill for a bit? Less headcanons and shippy stuff, but just talk about how awesome and underappreciated Bill is as a person. He's so brave and so kind and so selfless and I think that all the Losers we're at least a little bit in love with him, even in an admiring sense. I'd love to talk about Big Bill all day and I love hearing your takes
Aaaaaaaa you’re so sweet I hope you enjoy the novel!!!🫶Its A Lot and I won’t pretend like it’s not lol. But I love it so much, I think Stephen King is a genius and IT is an insane masterpiece.
As for Bill❤️❤️❤️my son. I adore him so so much, and I wish he was appreciated more. I think a lot of the movie fans didn’t like him bc they watered down his character A Lot in the movie. You only really get a glimpse of the real Bill (novel Bill imo) in IT 2017&2019. The movies watered down all of the characters (which is a whole separate conversation — I could probably have a rant like this for each of the Losers) but it’s especially a shame with Bill since he’s the main character and the audience misses out on so many of his key traits.
The novel makes a point of making sure the reader knows Bill would die protecting his friends and that all the Losers are in this together. They all actively want to kill It and want to protect each other. One of my biggest problems with the movie is how much the Losers fight and how at times they don’t even seem to like each other?? It literally counteracts all of their characters traits in the novel and what’s important about their friendship.
I do think the fandom has grown to love & appreciate Bill more since when I first joined. The Bill hate used to be sooo bad, but it seems to have died down mostly. I don’t think he deserves the hate he gets. And tbh I think a lot of people would have liked him more if the movies did a better job of actually showing his personality and not giving him such a bad case of main character syndrome. I actually think it’s so funny bc every time I talk to someone irl who likes IT they always adore book Bill but they’re always like “yeah idk why the movies fucked him over so bad??” Bc in the movies you don’t see ANY of his personality if it doesn’t directly support the plot (finding Georgie, convincing his friends to go after It) whereas in the book he has so much personality and so much bravery and charisma. I also wanna be clear I love movie Bill!! I just think the writing did him a hugeee disservice.
And anon I loveee the hc that all the Losers are in love with Bill I think it’s so so so funny bc Bill is 100% oblivious to it. All the Losers are watching him like wowww🥰he’s so brave and handsome look at our fearless leader. Meanwhile Bill is like guys look at this cool frog I found do you wanna hold the frog. Heart of gold. Dumb of ass. But seriously, even if the losers love for him wasn’t romantic, I do think they loved him and looked up to him. And I think he loved them and looked up to all of them just as much. The losers love for each other is such a core part of the story, it’s what makes the story so beautiful. It’s this wonderful mix of horror and love and childlike wonder and the harsh realities of the world.
Anyway idk if this is the kind of rant you were wanting/expecting but tytyty for this ask I Always loveee talking about my boy🫶
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Can you maybe do a how you cuddle with the brothers + simeon, and lord diavolo if you haven't yet.
Oh! I actually did something of the kind but it's actually 'Snuggles After a Long Week' and it's only with the brothers, but although it is alike it's actually not the same sooooo.
I decided to do all the boys because I felt like it lol.
Cuddlimg Headcanons For All Boys
If you wait for him to have time to cuddle you are going to become this meme:
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Waiting for Lucifer never works, just go for it, consequences be dammed.
Sit on his lap and latch yourself onto him while he works, hug him from behind while he is making coffee and refuse to let go even when he has trouble walking around, put your legs over his when he sits on the couch, climb onto his bed and just let yourself lay right on top of him and refuse to move.
This pissy loser may become annoyed but he loves it.
And honestly? When he starts to cuddle you back, believe me, you will never feel comfier.
This boy is supposed to be a bird and yet he acts like one big puppy.
Just grab onto his head and drop him right on your lap and start playing with his hair, he will always nuzzle onto you with a chance of actually hugging your middle.
Have him sit on your lap with his legs on either side of you and carress his back while slightly scratching the back of his head and he will basically give up on functioning.
Naked cluddling right before falling asleep? Hell yeah. You two are a mess of limbs, basically glued to each other, your heads on each other's neck, arms holding each other close, legs tangled, you probably won't need a blanket, he definetelly wakes up sleeping on top of you with his head on your chest and his ear right over your heart.
If you think you two won't sit on each other's lap, chest to chest, and just, hold each other close, you are wrong. It doesn't matter who is sitting on who as long as Levi gets to be with you.
Also have you seen how he sleeps with his body pillow? Prepare yourself because you are definetelly becoming that body pillow if you sleep with him. And it's even better if you also sleep in the same way, because you guys will end up in the most hilarious positions once you wake up.
This baby may be easily flustered to the point of faiting at the start, but he gets used to it, to the point it becomes almost automatic for him to sit on your lap or you on his, laying his head you your middle in betwern your legs, actually doing some casual talk while hugging each other in the middle of the corridor which he was not able to do at the start.
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He will still get flustered if pointed out how he got used to it though lol.
Unicorn cat man is big on laying on chests, be it you on his or him on yours, just being able to hold you or be held by you and letting his guards down is enough.
And no you are not scaping cuddling with him AND cats at the same time. Who do you take him for???
And no you are also not scaping cluddling with him AND Belphie, or rather, neither of you are scaping.
Asmo sometimes also likes to be in the same position???
Oh yeah you will also be sharing space with whatever book he is currently reading.
And he basically has no shame in latching himself onto you in public and not letting go (or rather he curses you to no be able to let go for a while).
Good luck with this one;
Just give him your consent and he will basically become a second layer of skin.
And boy is that skin comfortable.
Free massage? Aromatherapy?? Softest pillow ever??? Personification of words of affirmation????
There is literally nothing better than letting yourself be pampered by this man, but you know what? He deserves it too.
Just hold him close by your neck or chest and let your hands roam freely on his body, carressing from the tip of his ears to his thighs.
Give him some kisses too, cheek kisses, forehead kisses, right between his eyebrows, the tip of his nose, his temple, pamper him!
50% of chance he will actually tear up a little bit.
Another puppy, but this one is a big puppy, so unless you're as buff or buffer than the puppy you probably won't be able to have him on your lap.
But that's okay because you can still pamper him even when you have to be the one on his lap instead, he will most likely lay his head on your shoulder and hug you close, so make sure to give his head some well deserved scritches, nuzzle onto him and he will reciprocate right back.
Depending on the night he will either rather be the one holding you, protecting you from the outside world, or be the one being held by you, finally being able to know what is like to be the one being protected, to let himself feel safe.
Probably carries you around when he needs to go on his midnight runs to the kitchen. He will give you a bite of whatever he is having if you ask for it.
This lazy cat.
His body is sprawled right over your lap wherever you are sitting on the couch, it's weighing like a backpack when you are standing and he just drops himself over your shoulders, your hands are free? Look again, they're now supposed to play with his hair, you're enjoying your time under the blankets? It's our time now, he is right there under the blankets hugging your legs, you need to go somewhere? Well, not anymore, he is on your lap now and so you aren't going anywhere.
Hug him while he is sleeping and he will immediatelly lock you in his grip but try hugging him while he is awake and he will just, become dead weight.
If you sit on his lap he will cuddle onto you but will definetelly fall asleep with a chance of slowly falling sideways, in which you won't be able to scape his grip.
Good riddance.
This man is definetelly not really big on cuddles, specially not with someone he needs to be openly vulnerable to.
One night stands? That's fine he is just cuddling because he wants to be polite, with you though? Whom he has built a close relationship to, who trusts him and is trusted by him, who he doesn't want, for once in his immortal life, have his walls separating him from? What on all realms is he supposed to even do?????
He is stiff most of the time but has enough muscle memory to make it pretty comfy.
He will be pretty amused if you decide to take the lead, but he makes sure to use your gestures as reference for the next time he wants to give you some loving.
He will make you feel just as loved as you make him feel, just watch him.
Sketchy angel will gladly allow himself to be cuddled and to cuddle you, just know he has more walls than Solomon, a LOT more walls.
Therefore although having him with you feels heavenly, just like the perfection of the Celestial Realm makes the whole place seem a lot more uncanny, you won't be able to shake off the feeling that, something is not quite right.
But don't give up, keep on talking to him, carressing his dark hair, feeling his exposed skin and just, loving him.
Don't let your guard down to the point you ignore that one thing that just doesn't feel quite right, but don't let your guard up to the point you won't be able to reach his true self.
One more puppy, the biggest of puppies, if you're able to have him on your lap and not get broken bones (or you aren't but are willing to have him on your lap anyways broken bones be dammed) he will gladly let himself get pampered.
Never you will find someone more needy due to loneliness.
He will gladly lay on your middle and let you mess up his hair, carry you around while you hug him and hold you close whenever and wherever.
Just make sure to keep some tabs on any possessive behaviour, he is scared of losing you now that he knows what is like to not be lonely anymore afterall.
To walk the line between casual cuddling and extremelly intimate cuddling perfectly is something only Barbatos can do.
Won't even hesitate if you drop yourself onto his lap and neither will he hesitate to be the one seated on your lap if you gesture for him to do so.
Holds you close with a soft but firm grip, it feels so natural it becomes hard even from those around to give a comment about it.
Need a boost for the day? Ask for a hug and he will hold you the same way for as long as you wish.
What about him though? He is not very used to being given affection, so make sure to hold him close when he least expects, Diavolo says the face he makes is priceless.
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haikyuuhoo · 3 years
Contemporaneous - Chapter 1
Pairing: Atsumu x F!Reader
Summary: In which you are so incredibly lucky to exist at the same time as Atsumu Miya. Or, perhaps, it’s the exact opposite…
Words: 2.6k
Warnings: Swearing, inconsistent chronology (sorry I just liked it better that way), that’s about it so far
A/N: Okay, here’s ch. 1 finally! Mostly background, setting the stage, all that. Things will probably move quicker in upcoming chapters because I’m busy and have a hard time thinking of filler plot lol. Enjoy, please let me know what you think!
Prologue | Chapter 2
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All of your best memories were with the twins.
Not like that was a hard thing to accomplish—pretty much all of your memories were with the twins.
The good memories, the bad memories, and all the ones in between. They were the biggest constant in your life and you felt so lucky to have them.
Sometimes you got emotional about it, and they teased you for it, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“H-Hey, why are ya crying?” Atsumu had asked one time at fifteen when the three of you sat outside of the 24-hour convenience store near your house at 2 in the morning, each of you holding your own popsicles you’d snuck out to get.
“I just love you guys so much,” you said with a sniffle, wiping your nose on the cuff of your sleeve.
Osamu grimaced, looking down at you. “Y-Ya don’t have to get all emotional about it. We’re kind of stuck with ya.”
You frowned, giving him a light punch in the shoulder. “Just say you love me too, dummy,” you huffed.
His eyebrows knitted together. “We love you,” he sighed before wrapping an arm around you to give you a side-hug.
Atsumu wrapped his arm around you as well and gave you a grin. “Yeah, but please don’t cry anymore. It’s kinda embarrassing,” he laughed.
“Oh, shut up,” you whined, though you felt comfort flood through you at the feeling of being sandwiched between your two best friends. “You know I get sentimental when I’m tired.”
“Doesn’t make it any less embarrassing,” Osamu mumbled, but a smile played on his lips.
You hummed and closed your eyes for a moment. “Well get used to it, you’re not getting rid of me.”
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The twins were like your personal bodyguards. If someone messed with you, they messed with the Miya twins—and no one wanted to mess with the Miya twins. You first learned that when you were nine years old.
The air left your lungs, palms and knees scraping against the ground as you were pushed from the swing you’d been sitting on.
“You’re so lame!” one kid teased from behind you, shrill voice barely making its way to your ears as tears began to prick in your eyes.
“Yeah, where are your dumb friends? They must not like you if they aren’t even playing with you!” another said as the three kids who were picking on you moved to stand in front of where you still remained on your hands and knees, head hung in an attempt to hide the way you were crying.
Atsumu and Osamu had been punished for fighting during in class and the teacher made them stay inside for the first ten minutes of recess. You told them you’d wait for them by the swings; you didn’t really hang out with anyone else anyway. This group of kids didn’t like that though, telling you that the swings were their hangout spot during recess. You told them you’d leave after a couple minutes—you didn’t really want to just stand around and wait for the twins. What was the harm in swinging for a bit?
The harm was too great for the kids currently bullying you, apparently, and they decided to shove you off of the swings.
Your hands and knees burned from the scrapes you’d gotten, and you pushed your palms against your legs to try to make it stop stinging.
“Aww, are you crying?” the third kid laughed, and you looked up at them, face wet with tears.
“Oh my god, she is crying!”
A chorus of laughter sounded in front of you, making you cry even harder. Your face grew hot with embarrassment, tears leaving silvery streaks on your skin. And then suddenly, the figures of the three kids in front of you were shadowed as someone approached them from behind.
Two someones, in fact.
“Leave her alone,” Atsumu said, his voice causing a terror to run through the bullies in a way you didn’t think was possible for a nine-year-old.
The twins had a few bandages decorating their arms and faces, evidence of all the spats they got into with each other. But even after being kept in from recess they were already willing to fight again—just not with each other this time.
“You’re really pathetic,” Osamu continued, arms crossed over his chest as he gave the terrified kids an apathetic look.
“Yeah, get lost before I punch yer stupid face.” Atsumu stuck his tongue out, and somehow, the intimidation worked.
The bullies scurried off and Osamu helped pull you to your feet. “I’ll take ya to the nurse,” he offered, looking at the scrapes on your hands.
“And I’ll go beat them up,” Atsumu said, eyes still angry as he watched the kids run to the other side of the playground.
“No, it’s okay,” you sniffled, reaching up to wipe your eyes.
“Yeah, you’ll just get in trouble again, dummy,” Osamu reasoned with his twin.
Atsumu sighed and turned to you, shoulders slumping when he really took a good look at you. “’M sorry we weren’t here,” he said as the two of them started walking you back to the building so you could get your cuts cleaned up.
“‘S okay,” you said again.
“No it’s not! They’re dumb for picking on ya,” Atsumu argued. He let out an annoyed grunt when the three of you got inside. “Wish they’d get kept in from recess for being idiots…”
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Being a family friend also meant that you got along with the twins’ parents too—especially their mom. She treated you as if you were her own daughter, and sometimes she joked that she wished you were because the twins were so hard to handle.
You were so close with them that sometimes you would go over to their house even when you knew the twins were at volleyball practice.
When you were twelve, she’d decided you were probably old enough to watch one of the shows she enjoyed, and so you started going over to their house after school to watch TV dramas with their mom while you waited for them to come home from practice.
“Y/N,” Atsumu whined one day as soon as he saw the two of you. He hadn’t even taken his shoes off and he was already complaining. This was the fourth day in a row they came home to find you watching television with their mom. “What’re ya doing? Yer supposed to be our friend!”
“Shut up,” Osamu mumbled, taking his shoes off and removing his jacket. “You’re so embarrassing.”
Atsumu frowned, eyes going wide as if he was pleading with you to come hang out with them instead.
“‘Tsumu, you just got home. We’re almost done with this episode, and then I’ll come hang out!” you reasoned with him.
He huffed, finally reaching down to take off his shoes. “Sometimes I feel like ya like her more than me,” he grumbled, earning him a smack on the back of his head from his brother.
“Keep up the attitude and she will start liking Mom more,” Osamu hissed.
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You were always at their games. And when I say always, I mean always. You were the loudest member of the cheering section, and there were countless times when you didn’t even have the voice left to congratulate them on their victories.
One thing you never did, though, was boo them. They were your best friends—and you were close with the rest of the team too—so you never had the heart to boo them when they messed up.
Atsumu confronted you about it once when you were seventeen—they hadn’t even lost—after he’d had a tough game.
“Y/N,” he said, face stuck in a frown as he approached you.
You gave him a grin, wrapping your arms around him as you pulled him into a hug. “Congrats, ‘Tsumu!”
“Don’t congratulate me,” he hissed, stiffening in your hold.
You frowned and pulled away from him. “Why not? You won.”
“Because I sucked. You should have booed me.”
You rolled your eyes, waving a hand dismissively. “You’re so dramatic. Everyone messes up, ‘Tsumu. It’s not that big of a deal.”
“It was close! I could have cost us the match!” he argued.
Now it was your turn to frown at him. “So you botched a few serves, it’s not a big deal. Your sets were great. Besides, I’m not gonna boo my own team, Atsumu—” He grimaced at the sound of his full name. “—and I’m most certainly not going to boo you.”
“Losers don’t need applause.”
You scoffed. “You aren’t a loser! I swear sometimes you’re so hard on yourself for no reason. People have bad games. I’m not going to ridicule you for it.”
“You should!”
Your jaw clenched. You hated when he did this to himself.
“I deserve ta be booed, ta be yelled at, ta be told what a piece of trash I am because I almost screwed this up for us!”
“It’s not going to make you better, you dumbass!” you finally shouted, shoving his chest.
Atsumu stumbled backwards a few steps, heartrate increasing. He couldn’t tell whether it was from the adrenaline of the game, his disappointment in himself, or your actions. You’d never pushed him like that. Sure, you bickered and things of that nature, but this time you seemed genuinely angry.
“You’re one of the hardest working people I know and seeing you put yourself down like that when all you had was one bad set makes me want to punch you in the face!” Your heart was pounding, the sound deafening you as your hands clenched into fists at your sides. “I don’t give a shit about those people in the stands, they don’t really care about you. I’m your best friend! I’m not supposed to beat you down, I’m supposed to pick you back up!”
His mouth opened and closed a few times, words getting caught in his throat as he tried to gather his thoughts.
You pushed past him with a scowl. “I’m gonna go congratulate ‘Samu. Don’t talk to me until you’ve got your shit together.”
Osamu had been standing with Aran, Suna, and Kita by the entrance to the gym. They’d been chatting, but it had gotten cut short in favor of watching your interaction with the setter.
Osamu was in shock. He’d never seen you like that, which was saying something considering how long he’d known you, and it was kind of refreshing to see his brother get put in his place like that.
“That was kinda hot,” Suna said absentmindedly, eyebrows raised in amusement.
The gray-haired twin turned to glare at his friend. “Say that again and I’ll punch you.”
“Osamu,” Kita scolded.
“Sorry, Kita-san.”
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Of course, with years and years of memories and friendship with the twins, you couldn’t help but think it was more than luck that brought you together. And even though you believed the three of you were fated to be together, as you got older something just felt different.
The summer before you started high school you had started to think that maybe you were fated to be more than just friends with Atsumu when feelings for him started to blossom. You tried to ignore them, far too shy and inexperienced in the ‘liking boys’ department to know how to deal with this new sensation.
You tried not to let it change your friendship with him, but there were times when you’d feel your face grow hot or your stomach flutter when you were around him.
At first, you didn’t like this feeling at all.
The twins had always been your comfort—your safe space. And now you were nervous to even be around Atsumu. But at the same time, all you wanted to do was be around him.
You hated it.
You hated the way you immediately perked up at the sound of them coming home when you should have been watching TV with their mom, now too distracted to even pay attention to the end of the show.
You hated the way you wanted to comfort Atsumu in a way that was so much more than friendly when he was beating himself up.
And you loathed the way you felt jealousy bubble in your veins at the thought of Atsumu liking someone else.
So you did your best to push the feelings away when you were around them.
But when you were alone, they all tumbled out, and you decided to take up journaling as an attempt to deal with the feelings. You felt embarrassed, as a teenage girl does, to have a journal filled with all of these thoughts, so whenever you were finished writing you hid it in your sock drawer lest one of the twins find it and tease you about it for weeks.
When you started high school and the twins joined the volleyball team, they were instant phenoms. And in turn, they garnered a lot of attention—especially from girls.
It upset you, if you were going to be honest with yourself. Not only because you couldn’t really hang out with your friends in the halls or during lunch without being interrupted by their gang of fan girls, but also because you despised the girls who flung themselves at Atsumu. It killed you to see them batting their long eyelashes and talking to your best friends with their cute voices, all while you sat to the side like some kind of unwanted piece of stale bread. And it especially killed you when Atsumu started returning their affections.
It scared you. It all scared you. The feelings, the girls, high school—you were terrified. You didn’t want to ruin things between the two—three—of you with your feelings, but the girls made you so insecure. So instead, you wrote in your journal.
You wrote down all of your feelings for three years.
You didn’t speak a word of them to anyone, no less the twins.
And there was a page you came back to almost every day, even though you had written it during your first year:
 The odds of existing are slim,
so the odds of you and I existing at the same time
must be next to impossible,
and I think that’s beautiful.
 Maybe the universe does work in my favor after all
because I got the chance to get to know you.
 You stared at the page, not even realizing tears were forming in your eyes until one fell and landed on your hand that pressed down on the page. It was a habit to hold it open, but it wasn’t even necessary anymore—you’d opened your journal to this page enough that it stayed open on its own.
When you’d written it, it was a happy thought. But now, three years later, it didn’t feel so happy. Atsumu was getting busier and busier with volleyball, and that meant he only got better, and when he got better his fanbase grew.
You were starting to feel like a second choice.
Scratch that, you were starting to feel like a tenth, twentieth, fiftieth choice.
You craved the attention he gave those girls. You wanted him to grin at you like that. You wanted to be more than just his best friend.
But you felt like you were running out of time.
It was ironic, considering you believed the universe brought the three of you together with the intention of you being side by side forever.
Maybe, after all this time believing it, you were finally starting to realize that you were wrong.
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colorseeingchick · 4 years
Hi☺️ can I plz request a male match up for haikyuu and bnha?
I’m a shy introvert and I can’t for the life of me start good conversations in real life with new ppl. And If I try to, it’s very awkward. Lol. I was mostly ignored as a child whenever I tried to express my opinions and that really effected me. My very close friends described me as “kind, brave, and pretty.” Like, every single one of them said the same thing🤣 when I’m out and about with my friends, I seem very friendly and approachable at first but then come off as cold and serious after meeting and first talking because I’m very shy and not assertive at all. I’ve also been told that I seem like I don’t care about anything. when I’m around ppl I’m very comfortable with I’m very loud and silly, dark/dirty humor. I’m always obnoxiously signing (shouting) Disneys Frozen songs at my friends just to annoy the crap out of them. my hobbies? Well... I have a horse and a mini donkey who are my BABIES and rarely no one comes before them. So, I guess horseback riding is my biggest hobby. I’d say my second is learning new languages. Im a huge music lover and love to play funny songs to remind my friends about our inside jokes. I’m very athletic with medium height but I have a thick build. love to play hard at games like tag, capture the flag, hide and seek. Like, I give it my all when I play. Very outdoorsy. Trail rides, hiking, fishing, camping... I’m pretty sure the only “talents” I have are remembering song lyrics and movie quotes. Aaaaaaaand annoying my friends. Thank youuuuuu! 😘😘😘💖💕💖💕 I’m sorry if this is kinda all over the place.
You literally sound so cool I have a friend crush on you its official! But the boy from Haikyuu that’s has a big fat crush on you is...
Tendou Satori!!
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Tendou loves you because you’re so safe. Like everything about you makes his heart warm and face turn up into a smile. He gets his energy just by being around you, and in return he’ll do anything he can to make you feel just as comfortable and happy as he is. 
He came to know you sometime after high school through a mutual friend group. His first thought when he saw you was - wow. She’s so pretty. And poor baby was shy and thought he didn’t deserve to talk to someone as pretty as you, but he decided to give it a shot because of how approachable you seemed. He concluded you weren’t intimidating (meaning it was safe to keep talking to you :D) even though were a bit serious and closed off. Nothing he wasn’t used to! He’s been friends with Ushi for years. 
But the process of getting to know you was where his heart slipped and fell in LOVE. His first impressions of your personality were that you were as goofy as him! You had no cares in the world- singing loudly, making crazy funny jokes (he found them crazy funny), and super passionate about your pet (do they count as pets?) horse and donkey. One look at a picture of both, and he decided instantly that the donkey was his favorite. He also saw how brave you were, and learning about your past, he grew to admire you and want to protect you then. He also dealt with some not nice things in childhood and it effected him too, so he wanted nothing more than to make your life better going forward. . 
Your relationship is so pure and fun ITS THE BEST. Both of you would be so freakin happy ya know. He has you teach him how to horseback ride, and your relationship is just filled with so many inside jokes. You have a whole shared playlist that’s just every song that pertains to your inside jokes, and you blast and sing it as you guys hang out or drive around. You write out lyric quotes on his wrist, and he’ll do song lyric texting pranks with you. You both do your best to keep each other happy, comfortable, and try and push each other to grow out of your comfort zones. Tendou would teach you to be more assertive, and you would teach Tendou to be more secure in himself. Your friend group knows you guys as the ‘fun couple,’ and you two really do live up to the name. 
From BNHA, the guy who’s simpin over ya is...
Denki Kaminari!
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There’s nothing on the face of this earth that could convince me that Pro Hero Denki wouldn’t be absolutely obsessed with you. When he first saw how pretty, approachable, and friendly you were while in the middle of a mission, he didn’t hesitate to make some moves on you (Denki I get it you wanna talk to the cute girl but PRIORITIES THERE IS A MISSION IN PROGRESS). And if you responded a bit coldly (unintentionally!) at first, he would just be more intrigued by you. 
As he met with you more times, he found himself slowly being sucked into a pit of “I want to spend a LOT more time with her,” which he didn’t know how to deal with at first. He was also caught super off guard when he found out you had a dirty sense of humor, but that absolutely sealed the deal for him that you were the perfect girl. 
He watched firsthand how brave you were. Despite his crazy missions, and sometimes you getting dragged into it, you always kept calm and were willing to keep moving forward, without being fazed. He also knew that you weren’t super assertive, and he wanted to help you become more assertive because he knows how strong you really are. Although he is relatively assertive, so he doesn’t mind voicing your concerns on your behalf if you need him to. He has your back always. 
In your relationship, y’all are all about living life as much as you can. You manage to get Denki away from the agency every once in a while, and when you do, you two just dip from the city and go on adventures. You go on walks, hikes, and fish on weekend long camping trips where you two just get to bask in each others love. He takes care to make sure you feel appreciated and loved. When you two are unfortunately trapped in the city doing work, you guys find way to embrace the inner child that lives in you both, playing hide and seek or tag at home at night. Loser has to do whatever the winner wants hehe. 
I hope you enjoyed your matchups love :) #Colorseeingchick matchups #bnha #haikyuu 
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tunehummed · 5 years
TWO-PLAYER GAME. — 355 sentences from joe iconis and george salazar’s 2018 album plus a few bonuses from live performances! change pronouns as needed. trigger warning for mentions of drugs, depression, and suicide.
‛ i’m high above the city. ’
‛ i’m standing on the ledge. ’
‛ the view from here is pretty. ’
‛ and i step off the edge. ’
‛ and now i’m fallin’, baby, through the sky. ’
‛ it’s my callin’, baby, don’t you cry. ’
‛ i’m fallin’ down through the sky. ’
‛ broadway, here i come. ’
‛ i could almost go to pieces, but i’m not quite there yet. ’
‛ see i’ve been bravin’ crazy weather, drownin’ out my cries. ’
‛ i pull myself together. ’
‛ i’m focused on the prize. ’
‛ and it’s a tune you can hum. ’
‛ will i remain the same, or will i change a little bit? ’
‛ will i feel broken or totally complete? ’
‛ will i retain my name when i’m the biggest, hugest hit? ’
‛ or will i blend in with the rest of the street? ’
‛ the people all are pointing. ’
‛ i bet they’d never guess that the saint that they’re anointing is frightened of the mess. ’
‛ but even though i fear it, i’m playin’ all my cards. ’
‛ baby, you are gonna hear it when i give them my regards. ’
‛ and i refuse to go numb. ’
‛ is it a scream or a cheer? ’
‛ well, never mind, i’ll never find out. ’
‛ cause broadway, i am here. ’
‛ find the bad guy, push ‘em aside. ’
‛ then move on forward with your friend at your side. ’
‛ it’s a two-player game. ’
‛ so when they make an attack, you know you got a brother. ’
‛ gonna have your back. ’
‛ remain on course! ’
‛ and if they give you a smack, you use your force! ’
‛ and if you leave your brother behind it’s lame. ’
‛ cause it’s an effed up world. ’
‛ dude, you are cooler than a vintage cassette. ’
‛ it’s just that no one else but me thinks that yet. ’
‛ you’re just a nothing in this high school scheme. ’
‛ but it’s no big cause you and i are a team. ’
‛ nobody here appreciates, but soon we’ll be together where they do. ’
‛ cause guys like us are cool in college. ’
‛ we rule in college. ’
‛ high school is hell, but we navigate it well. ’
‛ it’s what we do. ’
‛ we make it a two-player game. ’
‛ as losers, we have fought together for years. ’
‛ now we’re stuck on a level and i wanna move on. ’
‛ just wait two years whereupon you’ll realize guys like us are cool in college. ’
‛ dude, i know, i get it. ’
‛ but we’re not in college. ’
‛ high school is wack, but we have each other’s back. ’
‛ you know that you are my favorite person. ’
‛ that doesn’t mean that i can’t still dream. ’
‛ is it really true? ’
‛ we’re never not gonna be a team. ’
‛ high school is shit, and you gotta help me conquer it. ’
‛ i love play rehearsal. ’
‛ because it’s the best. because it is fun. ’
‛ and i get depressed as soon as it’s done. ’
‛ see, i just use the word to emphasize the point. ’
‛ i am passionate a lot. ’
‛ i have mad, gigantic feelings. ’
‛ red and frantic feelings about most everything. ’
‛ like if i’m living up to all i’m meant to be. ’
‛ oh, uh… where was i? ’
‛ cause you are equipped with directions and text. ’
‛ life is easy in rehearsal. ’
‛ you follow a script so you know what comes next. ’
‛ sometimes life can’t work out the way it works out in the play. ’
‛ only when i’m in a show am i the center of attention. ’
‛ like when i’m [role] or [role] and can i mention? ’
‛ those were two of my greatest roles. did you see those? ’
‛ and no matter how hard i try, it’s impossible to narrow down the many reasons why. ’
‛ i happiness cry whenever it starts! ’
‛ it’s just so universal, getting to try playing so many parts. ’
‛ most humans do one thing for all of their lives. the thought of that gives me hives! ’
‛ i’ve got so many interests i wanna pursue. ’
‛ and why am i telling this to you? ’
‛ guess there’s a part of me that wants to. ’
‛ my brain is like ‘bzzz.’ my heart is like ‘wow!’ ’
‛ and it’s starting soon. ’
‛ monkeys are cool. babies are too. ’
‛ they make funny sounds that sound simple and new. ’
‛ these are sounds that belong in my tiny short little song. ’
‛ i ride my bike to work every morning. ’
‛ i ring my bell and make sure my helmet’s tight. ’
‛ have a nice day! ’
‛ that happy grin is enough to provide me with total satisfaction for a long, long while! ’
‛ and i don’t have a car because of pollution. ’
‛ so completely not cause i’m much too scared to drive. ’
‛ i’ve gotten pretty far in my evolution. ’
‛ i don’t need a lot to be totally alive! ’
‛ you know those bicycle seats cut down on your sperm count. ’
‛ uuuh… i know that cause you tell me everyday. ’
‛ that boy needs to get laid. ’
‛ i tuck my polo shirt in my levis cause it looks SHARP! okay? ’
‛ how come every person i receive tries to tell me i need ‘something more?’ ’
‛ i don’t need a girlfriend, i got a goldfish! ’
‛ i don’t have a secret dream or some bold wish. ’
‛ i’m fine with what i’ve got, i feel totally alive! ’
‛ i never open it or shake it, too afraid i’d break it. ’
‛ i’ve had self-control since way back then. ’
‛ there’s nothing else i really need. ’
‛ you may think that i want more than i let on, but i’m really fine. ’
‛ but i’m really fine, so no need to be appalled. ’
‛ i’m this way by choice and what you can bet is i’ll keep moving forward. ’
‛ i’ll keep moving forward, the opposite of stalled! ’
‛ your bike is LITERALLY stalled in front of my car! ’
‛ i don’t have a car cause they’re overrated. ’
‛ i don’t have a girlfriend and somehow, i survive! ’
‛ and just as i’ve stated, i mean what i’ve said. ’
‛ sure as the helmet’s on my head, i feel totally alive! ’
‛ i’m the opposite of dead, i feel totally alive! ’
‛ when a fire starts in the hull, how much time do you have before it spreads to the deck? ’
‛ minutes? hours? what time is it anyway? ’
‛ how do you tell your family that you wanna quit school and just play with your band? ’
‛ when a fire starts in the hall, how much time do you have before it burns itself out? ’
‛ and why do i feel like i’m choking lately? ’
‛ what am i doing here? ’
‛ what am i looking for? ’
‛ maybe school, or maybe love, or maybe none of the above is the answer. ’
‛ maybe for once i’ll really try, or fuck it all and just get high cause that’s an answer. ’
‛ cause that’s answer. feels like an answer. ’
‛ and who do i wanna be? ’
‛ what’s the furthest distance a ship can be from shore before it loses its signal? ’
‛ maybe i’ll practice my guitar, or read a book, or steal a car and steal the answer. ’
‛ i’ll get a job and i’ll get paid, or get a girlfriend and get laid, and get the answer. ’
‛ i’ll join the army, go to war, give up my smokes or smoke some more. ’
‛ i need an answer. ’
‛ move to the village, shave my head, wind up happy, wind up dead. ’
‛ wind up in debt, wind up in love, or maybe none of the above is the answer. ’
‛ maybe it’s okay that i don’t have a plan and i don’t have a clue. ’
‛ i’m 19 and that doesn’t mean that i should know exactly what i wanna do, right? ’
‛ i’m 19 and that doesn’t that i should know what i wanna do. ’
‛ i’ve got time to make mistakes, make up my mind. ’
‛ i’ve got time enough to find out all the answers. ’
‛ but i am scared and i’m afraid that a decision won’t get made. ’
‛ i’m afraid that a decision won’t get made and i’ll be like this forever. ’
‛ i need help, need extra help to find the answers. ’
‛ what’s the answer? ’
‛ i don’t know. ’
‛ pencils down, papers turned over. time’s up. ’
‛ time’s up. ’
‛ ain’t got no future. ’
‛ ain’t got no future, but i got ADD. ’
‛ but i got ADD. ’
‛ i steal from 7/11. ’
‛ i’m fuckin’ ugly. ’
‛ but she pretends she doesn’t care. ’
‛ she laughs and smiles, fingers through my hair. ’
‛ she must be ashamed of me. ’
‛ so i try and i try to change myself. ’
‛ so i try and i try to change myself, but my back’s against a wall. ’
‛ but my back’s against a wall. ’
‛ i don’t deserve all the coolness of her. ’
‛ i don’t deserve [name] at all. ’
‛ pollute my body. ’
‛ she makes me feel clean, clean, clean. ’
‛ i say ‘i feel like i’m drownin’’. ’
‛ and even though she don’t, she say ‘i know what you mean.’ ’
‛ sign on to AOL and think of funny things to say. ’
‛ she’ll always LOL, never pretends like she’s away. ’
‛ because she likes me for some reason. ’
‛ i know i’m dumb. i know i’m ugly. ’
‛ i know that she is not. ’
‛ i know if i were her i’d hate me. ’
‛ i hope that she does not. ’
‛ i hope that she does not hate me. ’
‛ i’m wearin’ two pair of underwear, some worn out kicks, and my mangy hair. ’
‛ my mangy hair could formerly be referred to as blond. ’
‛ i’m just a couple years out the clink and i’ll take showers in your kitchen sink. ’
‛ i guess i’m what you’d call a vagabond. ’
‛ i been walkin’ the highway for a while. ’
‛ fragrance of the road is my cologne. ’
‛ maybe i get some sun, maybe get a ride. ’
‛ i don’t worry none, let destiny decide. ’
‛ life’s laid back when you’re totally alone. ’
‛ life’s laid back when you’re on your own. ’
‛ see i don’t have much, don’t have much. ’
‛ don’t want much, don’t want much. ’
‛ don’t need much, don’t need much. ’
‛ don’t need much ‘cept maybe the promise of whiskey at the end of the day. ’
‛ i’m just a vagabond lookin’ for a place to stay. ’
‛ see i walk and walk and walk some more. ’
‛ i’m green grass high and a little sore, hopin’ that a car will soon appear. ’
‛ i stick out my thumb and i let it linger. ’
‛ and my eye kinda travels to the ring on my finger. ’
‛ it reminds me of a woman who’s not here. ’
‛ and my chest starts hurting, that’s just cause of the heat. ’
‛ and for the first time in days, i start feelin’ my feet. ’
‛ i start feelin’ the feelin’, the journey’s crushin’ me. ’
‛ cool it, man, just get it out of your head. ’
‛ where’s the car, where’s the car? this road’s fuckin’ dead! ’
‛ but i don’t worry, just repeat instead. ’
‛ yeah, well fleein’ ain’t a problem for me. ’
‛ cause if you get me down then i guarantee, i’ll up and leave and i never will return. ’
‛ i’ll break your heart, i’ll break your back. i won’t lose no sleep. ’
‛ shit, i can’t keep track of every bridge i use and then i burn. ’
‛ and the thought of what i’d done to you is what sends me through the desert and beyond. ’
‛ i’m up for a trade. just take me far away from mistakes i made. ’
‛ take pity on the broken vagabond. ’
‛ the promise of shelter at the end of the day, from the places where the bad bastards swarm and pray. ’
‛ with every bone in my body wanna hear you say that this vagabond can put his walkin’ shoes away. ’
‛ i haven’t known her very long. ’
‛ think i can tell that something’s wrong. ’
‛ think i spy tear drops clinging to her pale white skin. ’
‛ on this dirty night, i just want her to feel alright. ’
‛ we all get a little sad sometimes. ’
‛ i want to watch her chew her food. ’
‛ i want to watch her in the nude. ’
‛ i want to watch her wash away her ugly sins. ’
‛ and if i’m caught she will not slap my hands because she understands. ’
‛ because she understands that we all act a little bad. ’
‛ we all act a little bad sometimes. ’
‛ i can see your image in picture frames looking ever so formal. ’
‛ if you rearrange the letters in both our names, you get one away from normal. ’
‛ we’re both one away from normal. ’
‛ i’ve never seen a girl like her. ’
‛ we’re not in love. i wish we were! ’
‛ put all your love inside of me. ’
‛ i’m in a trap so set me free. ’
‛ let’s go right now, the two of us, and not look back. ’
‛ and the logic might be hazy, but i’m hoping that she’s just as crazy. ’
‛ we all go a little mad sometimes. ’
‛ we all go a little mad sometimes. don’t we? ’
‛ i can tell you’re hungry and you need some food. ’
‛ if i didn’t offer i’d be awfully rude. ’
‛ it’s not fancy, it’s not stable. but join me if you’re able. ’
‛ uuuh, might i ask… who the fuck are you? ’
‛ hey, white man. do you know what i am? ’
‛ i’m the brown buffalo by way of mexico. ’
‛ i am an attorney on a lifelong journey. ’
‛ never met a man i couldn’t devour. ’
‛ never met a plan i couldn’t put in place. ’
‛ they attack, i brace. they escape, i chase. ’
‛ i’m a tad temperamental, so get out my face. ’
‛ i’m mad monumental, see my dick from space! ’
‛ i am strength for the weak, i am speed for the slow. ’
‛ this is the song of the brown buffalo. ’
‛ i’m beastly and i’m brutish and my fur is caked with gore. ’
‛ i’m the trouble you’ve been looking for. ’
‛ you don’t know i’m brilliant cause you only hear my roar. ’
‛ i don’t ever hide from a fight that needs to be fought. ’
‛ i would never filter a cigarette or a thought. ’
‛ my mind is open wide and it grows and it grows. ’
‛ inhibitions cast aside, it just goes where it goes. ’
‛ see i’m a great big bad brown buffalo. ’
‛ my head is full of acid, but my heart is kind and pure. ’
‛ he’s the trouble you’ve been looking for! ’
‛ my politics are liberal, but i pack a .44. ’
‛ i pack a .44, which i use to fight for those who are too weak to wage a war. ’
‛ i’m the trouble we’ve been looking for! ’
‛ my mind is open wide, it expands, it expands. ’
‛ every open gate i pried with these hands. ’
‛ leaving no path untried, walks the sands. ’
‛ i’m no ordinary human, no no no. ’
‛ this is my birthright, baby, and this is my song! ’
‛ food, booze, drugs, guns, and radical politics! ’
‛ you’re the brown buffalo. ’
‛ see now you know. ’
‛ i am hanging in the bathroom at the biggest party of the fall. ’
‛ i could stay right here or disappear, and nobody’d even notice at all. ’
‛ i’m a creeper in a bathroom cause my buddy kinda left me alone. ’
‛ but i’d rather fake pee than stand awkwardly or pretend to check a text on my phone. ’
‛ everything felt fine when i was half of a pair. ’
‛ now through no fault of mine, there’s no other half there. ’
‛ now i’m just [name] in the bathroom. ’
‛ [name] in the bathroom at a party. ’
‛ forget how long it’s been. ’
‛ no, you can’t come in! ’
‛ i’m waiting it out till it’s time to leave. ’
‛ i’m just [name] who you don’t know. ’
‛ [name] flyin’ solo. ’
‛ [name] in the bathroom by himself. ’
‛ all by himself. ’
‛ i am hiding, but he’s out there, just ignoring all our history. ’
‛ memories get erased and i’ll get replaced with a newer, cooler version of me. ’
‛ i’ll get replaced with a newer, cooler version of me. ’
‛ i hear a drunk girl sing along to whitney through the door. ’
‛ now there’s no one to make fun of drunk girls with anymore! ’
‛ i half regret the beers. ’
‛ i’ll wait as long as i need till my face is dry. ’
‛ i’ll just blame it on weed or something in my eye. ’
‛ they’re gonna start to shout soon. ’
‛ oh hell yeah, i’ll be out soon! ’
‛ it sucks he left me here alone. ’
‛ here in this teenage battlezone. ’
‛ i feel the pressure blowin’ up. ’
‛ my big mistake was showin’ up. ’
‛ i throw some water in my face and i am in a better place. ’
‛ i go to open up the door, but i can’t hear knocking anymore. ’
‛ and i can’t help but yearn for a different time. ’
‛ then i look in the mirror and the present is clearer. ’
‛ this is a heinous night. ’
‛ i wish i stayed at home in bed, watching cable porn. ’
‛ wish i offed myself instead, wish i was never born! ’
‛ i’m just [name] who’s a loner, so he must be a stoner. ’
‛ god, he’s such a loser! ’
‛ all you know about me is my name. ’
‛ awesome party, i’m so glad i came. ’
‛ the time has come. ’
‛ i’m flying away. ’
‛ mouth is numb. heart don’t know what to say. ’
‛ and although i’ll be out of sight, dear, know i’ll be right here. ’
‛ right here forever. ’
‛ and when you look to the night skies, don’t think of goodbyes. ’
‛ think how i’m right here. ’
‛ thank you for teaching me lessons. ’
‛ thank you for listening to mine. ’
‛ don’t be scared, you’ll be fine. ’
‛ come! ’
‛ no, you can’t come with me. ’
‛ stay! ’
‛ i wish i could. ’
‛ goodbye. ’
‛ i know it’s hard to say. ’
‛ i’d stay if i could. ’
‛ i’d stay if i could, but the universe won’t let me. ’
‛ but the universe won’t let me, so please be good. ’
‛ so please be good and don’t you forget me. ’
‛ i never cared about caring much before. ’
‛ i rolled my eyes and even texting was a chore. ’
‛ i was your average heartless kid. ’
‛ hey, read this book. ’
‛ the book is by some guy who’s dead. ’
‛ i read it and i’m glad i did. ’
‛ it was by a person who i never knew, but the words made sense and the message too. ’
‛ the words made sense and message too. ’
‛ it made me fired up, it made me care. ’
‛ i wasn’t scared, i was not alone. ’
‛ made me wanna make something of my own. ’
‛ something wired up that i could share. ’
‛ and that person i would never see just totally affected me. ’
‛ is that legacy? ’
‛ i never cared about fireworks before. ’
‛ i thought that they were just for babies, nothing more. ’
‛ i was your average fucking kid. ’
‛ i was your average fucking kid, but then i started giving things a second look. ’
‛ but then i started giving things a second look and realized fireworks were kind of like that book. ’
‛ and i’m really glad i did. ’
‛ if handled with intelligence and care, the explosion and the crashing sound can seen and felt for miles around. ’
‛ it reaches folks who weren’t even there. ’
‛ even though i didn’t see the blast, i watched glitter in the sky blow past. ’
‛ and that’s legacy. ’
‛ what do i leave behind? ’
‛ which is why we gotta make a spark. ’
‛ which makes a flame and then will leave its mark for someone else to find. ’
‛ and that person who lived dangerously makes me braver than i used to be. ’
‛ and now i’m fired up and how i care. ’
‛ and i always squeeze my bloody heart and i let it drip into my art. ’
‛ and wow, i’m fired up. ’
‛ the light that shines on the distant shore is the light i will be aiming for, forever. ’
‛ it’s where i want to go. ’
‛ and i’m gonna reach it. ’
‛ oh, on with the wonderful show! ’
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iceman-maverick · 6 years
Favourite avengers movies scenes?
i went through avengers 1-2 because i’ve done similar posts to this about IW and i’m not really in the mood for reopening that wound at 1:32am and this really got away from me i make no apologies LOL 
(but i do thank you for asking!!)
Nick Fury’s drama in the opening scenes surpasses Real House Wives
the fact that her stockings are ripped when she leans down to pick up her heels was such a fucking moment for like 11 year old me it meant big things that my badass angel was also feminine and still badass
Bruce pushing the baby carriage when he first meets Natasha foreshadowing omf he deserves more (and so does she)
Tony’s “his first name is Agent” to Coulson
Tony’s hair in this movie
Tony in this movie
Tony in every movie
Steve’s costume, specifically the cowl that makes him look like a big dumb EGG
“What you scared of a little thunder?”
Dick measuring contest between The Big Three that levels a forest
the sexual tension that launched mcu stony
tony rubbing at his eyes afterwards
literally i could do an entire thing about the argument on the helikraft mac and cheese
“you rented my room”
bruce banner was not here to play in this fucking movie
maria hill’s fucking useless “INCOMING!!” as like something i can’t fucking remember flies through the window this could be ultron actually idk i’m in a convent with nuns right now my memory is hazy
“son you’ve got a condition”
the comic book styling of having the camera track tony buzz around
tony and steve firing off the shield paralleling civil war angst omf
the theme song that my heart beats to
tony hero stark saving the fucking world again
okay actually for the first time but you know, starting a trend
thor ripping the iron man mask off is hot
tony literally died and his first thought was like literally DID CAPTAIN AMERICA KISS ME
the fact that in canon all of the big gay babies also known as the Avengers decided it was necessary to smoosh together for a big group shot just to be like “hey loki we w o n” and loki being just like “booze. now”
loki in chains ;)
get in losers we’re going to do science
the super dramatic nick fury monologue that is never addressed or revisited in ca:tws like fury is really like reverent about the avengers in this movie but then in winter soldier he’s just all like cap, listen, i have a story about paper bags and grandaddy
avengers: age of ultron
guys i know this movie sucked but it was also a stevetony Event
gROUP SHOT in the opening sequence
tony’s little “yay!” with the secret door
tony grabbing the scepter and then bIG DOOMSDAY MUSIC
literally the entire party sequence
especially slutty, slutty thor
bruce’s hair is BIG in this movie for no reason lol
tony mourning jarvis (j fucking k whedon sucks)
“aw junior you’re gonna break your old mans heart” foreshadowing to hoco
im joking but imagine ultron having a “i didn’t want a little brother” complex with peter lmfAO
ultron chopping the guys from black panther’s hand off
i really really hate the 9/11 symbolism with the hulk and the tower ngl just wanted to put it out there how not okay that shit is
Bruce Banner sponsored by Beats by Dre
natasha backstory
when the red room lady is just like “schloppy” instead of sloppy and like the Russian Intensifies 
“together” is the gay agenda
hawkeye’s stupid fucking family sucks bUT
bed-sharing fics
i wondered who got top bunk (steve)
okay sorry im back 
nick fury is tony’s dad!!!!!!!!!!!!
when clint is like “cap hold off ultron” and steve is just getting his ass kicked and dangling off of a truck or something and is like “wHAT DO YOU THINK I’VE BEEN DOING”
“you’re not a match for him cap” “thanks barton”
“thor you’re irritating me”
quick little bastard
the entire ending of that movie lowkey sucks
costel. we were in the market more like L AM E you let the wrong twin die
“They think order and chaos are somehow opposites and try to control what won’t be. But there is grace in their failings... I think you missed that” is weirdly beautiful but also a whole lotta yadayadayada it’s like a fake deep lana del rey song which i really never thought i would associate with vision but now that i think about it he’s like basically carmen 
that man has no regard for lawn maintenance 
a lot of manful tears oh tony if only you knew how he was gonna break your heart sweetie im sorry you never stood a chance
self driving car was a nice touch
why is tony’s car that hideous red tho like it’s loud and ugly
“i’m home”
i thought you two were still gazing into each other’s eyes
why was nat just staring at that wall in the room
what the fuck is that room anyway
like is that in interpretative art peace
what the fu c k 
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hunbomb · 7 years
dating yuta!!
also thank you @that-little-asian for helping me w trying to find ideas
and @jaeminnana for trying to help w my master list (even tho it still doesn’t work rip) 
3/? for the nct dating series
- oK ofc i always gotta start off on how y'all start dating
- aight so you and yuta are on this co ed rep soccer team (also knows as the best)
- and y'all r both the best on the team
- so u guys are always competing for the #1 spot
- its pretty serious lmao
- “what the fuck does that have to do wi- you know what? never mind” - you
- secretly though, yuta has the biggest crush on you 
- same w you
- y'all r good at hiding your feelings tho
- yuta didn’t really interact with you outside of soccer he wanted to tho
- you guys have 0 classes together 
- anyway back onto the story
- so yuta goes to his friends (the other guys on the team) and you go to your friends (the girls on the team)
- “WE KNEW IT” - everyone
- so they devise a plan to get you guys together (without y'all knowing cause ur blinded by love)
- so during the next practice, jaehyun “accidentally” bodychecks yuta who falls onto of you
- his arms are on either side of your head and his legs are in between yours
- your heart bbbeats
- “,,,,,you can uh-like- get up now” - you
-  both of ur faces r so red
- he just awkwardly helps you up and you guys have moment
- like y'all r staring into each others eyes
- what u didn’t know though is that the rest of the team filmed it
- even the coach was in on it cause everyone ships u two
- time skip
- after that moment, y'all stopped bickering
- “hey bbygirl ;)” - nakamoto yuta
- but that changed on one very special day
- aka the day he asked you to prom
- aka the best day of your life
- with like hearts n memes
- and when u opened it, it says “go to prom w me loser”
- ok so now y'all r technically dating
- and when he goes to your house to pick u up he had to do a double take
- you almost fell down the stairs lmaoaoao
- cause he was so handsome (not like he isn’t everyday though)
- he gives like the best kisses
- not to rough, but not too slow ya feel
- and he is so caring for you
- like he always asks in between periods how you’re feeling and ugh goals
- once a guy from another school tried to hit on u during a tournament
- “hey you. this girl is my girl friend so if you bippity back the fuck off that’d be great” 
- that was just quick sample
- all the girls love him and can’t get over the fact that he’s taken
- the always hug him and cling onto him and he’s like 
- “ewwwww’
- cause the only one doing that should be you
- he accidentally tripped u during practice one day
- “omg baby r u ok?!’
- “do you want me to carry you babe?
- yo but he is so cocky and shit sometimes
- like he doesnt even try to tone down his flirting w u
- “those shorts look good, but they’d look even better in the storage room floor ;)))” - yuta
- u aint gonna disagree w that
- cause sexy time with yuta is the best time
- its either super rough n hot or sweet n caring there is no in between
- you’re not complaining though
- y'all r still competitive w soccer though
- “bAbe get out of my way”
- “nah babe i got this”
- “SHUT THE FUCK UP” - everyone
- its the hard knock life for u guys
- his lock screen is a photo of you after a soccer game with the first place medal
- you just looked so good
- you had like a loose ponytail, a flushed face, and a smile so big it would rival his “healing smile”
- yours is the same (him with the first place medal, a flushed face, big smile) cause y'all r like that
- this girl once tried to steal him away from you
- he literally told her “stop trying to be hot, you’re not y/n’
- she cried and ran away
- lol 00ps
- “yours first perfectly with mine”- him
- “bitch no ur hands r sweaty” - you
- you guys are both so petty,,,,,,people wonder how u can stand eachother
- when!he!first!said!i!ove!you!
- cutest thing ever
- it was your 500 day anniversary 
- and he came to practice w a bunch of flowers and gave u the biggest hug
- he spun u around and was like
- “god i love you so much”
- you almost peed ur pants
- the coach almost peed their pants
- the team almost peed their pants
- the school almost peed their pants
- your first date was a mess though lol
- he set up this picnic and EVERYTHING IT WAS SO SWEET
- then it rolled down a hill and was never to be seen again
- “jfc yuta”- everyone including himself
- in conclusion
- yuta is a babe and everyone should love him
- he deserves everything and all the love in the world
- osaka prince <3
by the way i know my master list is rly messed up, I’ve been trying to fix it for like 2 hours but its not working :( 
- emma
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