#i love how this series make so many meme reactions
kahixxi · 18 days
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x-authorship-x · 4 months
Can't stop thinking about some sort of Actor AU with Shisui reading for the first time the script of his death and having a whole reaction like, "THAT'S how I die? What?? Suicide, seriously??" talking with Itachi about how terribly written the scene is and arguing that there are so many more ways of him to die better than this! In ways that would make more sense for his character! And Itachi listens to it all while nodding because yeah, Shisui's completely right
*holds your hands and spins you in a circle* ANON, I LOVE AN ACTOR AU!!!❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
this is all so accurate lmao you know that picture from the script reading for game of thrones???
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That's the room when shisui yeets himself over the cliff and leaves Itachi's child actor standing there, eye in hand, looking like a whole ass murderer lmao
Okay but can we also imagine an Actors AU for my HOPE AU? Like I'm sorry I'll never leave that series alone but can we talk about this chaos?!
Bonus points if:
shisui being originally his character's stunt double and then something happens and the actor pulls out so Shisui is thrown the script and absolutely kills it (like that story about how Harrison Ford was the carpenter hanging the door when Lucas was running Star Wars auditions etc etc)
Inoichi's actor bringing in his own daughter to play Ino because she's an absolute force of nature
Sasuke's actor is actually played by Shisui's actor's little brother and it's this running joke that he likes Itachi's actor so much more 😂 (ino's actor taking insult to this and wanting her dad to take shisui home with them for real)
Itachi's mother is actually mikoto's actress who was the ideal casting but wouldn't let her son, who did adverts and stuff as a child model, attend the set without her... She makes filming a bit of a nightmare
Kakashi goes full Robert Patterson and starts wildly lying in interviews, his character was supposed to be way more intimidating, like a proper military hardass, but this is what you get when you cast an indie actor who proceeds to wear the strangest face coverings to all promotions (including a paper bag with cut out eyes to "preserve Kakashi's modesty") (the mask was also the actors idea, citing it was mysterious and dehumanising to his character... Only to later reveal it's because he didn't want to take his lipring out)
Kisame spends about 6 hours in hair and makeup every morning and he has to wear one of those huge cgi suits to make him taller (like Beast in live action beauty and the beast) and the struggle to take him seriously is REAL
Kana the crow... Is this huge green lump that shisui has to talk to so seriously, like a bull machine, and Akira is this stuffed green puppet lmao Kakashi please stop doing a David Attenborough commentary impression off camera
Danzo's actor was a huge heartthrob when he was younger and everyone who recognises him is both impressed and horrified at the transformation
Fugaku's actor becomes a meme for being photographed at several rallies standing off with police only to get cast as a Shinobi cop 😂
Sarutobi's actor is the guy they ALWAYS cast to play Old Wise Man (no one is quite sure what he did before he was old enough for these roles)
Tenzo's actor is a famous singer and this is his - very unexpected - breakout role and his fans almost break the barrier at the red carpet when he walks out
Like c'mon this is just 🤌🤌🤌 to me ✨
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sussoro · 5 months
hello!! please tell me more about your detective for M who’s gonna freak out when they say ily because that reaction and the aftermath is going to be so so good 💆🏻‍♀️💆🏻‍♀️💆🏻‍♀️
hello to you too! hope you're doing well 💕 i'm really sorry it took me so long to reply, but i needed to sort through my very confusing thoughts to give them some sort of consistency, sjksjks. if you guys ever find yourselves curious about any of my ocs (which you can easily find here) please, do not hesitate to ask! i just love talking aimlessly about them and receiving these types of questions makes my heart all fuzzy and warm, so thank you for taking an interest in one of my wayhaven detectives!
okay, you didn't ask for my stupid rambles (and i swear one day i'll stop — *insert the 'today is not that day' meme*) so here are some facts:
‘the wayhaven chronicles’ canon
personality stats: sarcastic, easygoing & charming (also: not really a stickler for the rules and authority in general);
professional skills: deduction, science & combat — no matter what she's doing or how many times she's done it, the results will always be perfect and spot on;
rebecca → relationship status: not overly bad. honestly? could be better, but it could be much, much worse (personal note #1: rebecca is not my favourite character in the series and i'd probably be happier if she had died already — fingers crossed for book5, sorry-not-sorry, becky — or, at least, if the narrative/characters would stop forcing the readers/mc to forgive her);
tina & verda → relationship status: best pals. her ride-or-die squad;
felix → relationship status: best friend. she found a mischievous kindred soul to relate with and if you ever encounter them together... run (there's this scene at the beginning of book3, where adam/ava asks why the werewolves attacked them and rue answered with: "i may have made one teeny sarcastic comment", causing adam's/ava's soul to leave their body, lol);
bobby → relationship status: ex-boyfriend (personal note #2: i've always hated that the mc's gender/sexuality is what determines the ros' and bobby's gender) — she's not bothered by him at all, but since her responses are very sarcastic, well... rest in peace, robert marks;
mason → relationship status: a big, bright question mark;
personal canon
if i have to choose a few words to describe her, i'd say: naturally talented, wild card & big dick energy;
hyperactive little kid — couldn't stay still at all. always exploring the world around her, climbing up some tree/furniture or hiding somewhere in the house/backyard to play (the sitters tasked with keeping an eye on her went batshit crazy all. the. time);
as i said here, rue is extremely smart, often prone to boredom if something is not mentally challenging/stimulating enough (which can also be applied to her romantic relationships);
if you ever need someone to cut out some tension (or spike it up even more), she is the right gal for you. unfortunately, 99% of the time, the saying 'taking things seriously' is not part of her vocabulary (e.g. in book3, when finding out about the trappers' bounty, she says: "how much am i worth?"). what can i say, she really likes to have a good time;
sarcasm is her default mode, plus she always downplays her feelings/emotions by either ignoring them or making badly-timed jokes;
rarely bothered by anything (e.g. in book3, during the 'fight' with mason/morgan at the bakery, rue replies with: "me being naked is way more important to you") plus, not a jealous person ever (alima included, when she'll make her appearance);
was in an on-again/off-again relationship with bobby. after a while, though, she got exceedingly bored by the monogamous lifestyle and decided to dump his ass;
never had serious relationships/fell in love before — this is partly because: a) she's a free-spirited person & b) she's scared shitless of commitment (mostly caused by rook's death and seeing what that did to rebecca). in a sense, she and mason are quite similar;
just thinking about the word 'love' has her panicking really bad (i.e. after the 'date' at the antique shop), so when mason will inevitably confess his feelings to her... the only way i can see this going is with rue assuming it's all some kind of prank but, once her huge brain will catch on the fact that mason is not exactly the joking type, she will get cold feet and blearily say: "uhh, thank you, i guess?". after realizing what she has said/done, she will skedaddle so fast that the only thing people are going to see is an indistinctive, blurry form (later, she will definitely wish for an asteroid to hit her);
likes to sing everywhere: in the shower, at her workplace, inside the car, you name it (and she's also very good at hitting those high notes too — while she was attending the police academy, 'the karaoke incident' happened and no one beside her and tina knows the truth about it. verda is still trying to unsuccessfully bribe them to know what took place);
excellent chef — loves to cook/bake when she has some free time (she just thinks the entire process is pretty neat, starting with a few ingredients to achieve a full-on meal);
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recurring-polynya · 8 months
If you're still doing these~! For the Fanfic Writer meme:
14. If you could see one of your fics adapted into a visual medium, such as comic or film, which fan fic would you pick?
17. What’s something you’ve learned about while doing research for a fic?
30. Is there a Bleach character that you haven’t had occasion to write for yet (or who’s cameo’d but not featured), but that you’d really like to it the opportunity presented itself?
14. If you could see one of your fics adapted into a visual medium, such as comic or film, which fan fic would you pick?
This is really silly because my first instinct was to say "If it's not too selfish--" but this is a purely theoretical exercise in an Ask Meme, if you can't be selfish here, where can you?? Anyway, I would pick one of my longer chapters of Heart is a Muscle, probably Call Me Back When the War is Over, but What We Do with Our Hearts would also be extremely acceptable, and I would like to see it animated in the style of the late OG Bleach anime (think Reigei Arc).
In these stories in particular, I feel like I am always trying to capture the Full Range of Bleach, from the fight scenes to the reaction faces to the dramatic dialogue, and it would be really super cool to see that somewhere outside my own head. ngl, I mostly just want to see the fight scenes, particularly the ones where Rukia fights Ikkaku and the one where Rukia and Renji fight Yoruichi, with sick Bleach fight music. I would also cry a million tears to hear Orikasa Fumiko and Itou Kentarou banter with my dialogue. I want to see Kira make a series of really horrible faces when Rukia and Renji make him go to the Squad 11 bar with them. I want to see how many split screen reaction shots they could possibly fit into the scene where Renji has to go have Fancy Dinner at Kuchiki Manor.
I also have to say that being adapted into comic format would also be extremely cool, I would not say no to any of this.
17. What’s something you’ve learned about while doing research for a fic?
Ahhhhh, this is hard because I feel like you know all my Fun Facts! (you probably know this one, too, but I still think it's neat)
Here's one I learned when I was studying travel in the Edo era enabled by the Five Routes. Traveling medicine sellers had a system called okigusuri, where they would just leave their big box of medicine at your home. They would come back on some semi-regular schedule and you would pay them for what you used, and they would re-stock your box. The medicine sellers kept really detailed ledgers that let them figure out which medicines were used in which areas, the rates at which they were used, families' medical histories, etc. These ledgers became so valuable that they could be sold when a medicine seller wanted to retire. The medicine sellers also brought little souvenirs with them, which reminds me of the pens that drug companies give doctors. I thought that was a surprisingly sophisticated business model, except that it's all paper ledgers and people walking around with giant boxes on their backs, and I love that combination of modern and period elements. Here's an article for further reading!
30. Is there a Bleach character that you haven’t had occasion to write for yet (or who’s cameo’d but not featured), but that you’d really like to it the opportunity presented itself?
I don't usually hold back from Writing What I Want and also from shoehorning every character I can think of into a fanfic, so I think my bingo card is pretty well checked off. That being said, I think the answer is actually, believe it or not, Grimmjow. He very much Does Not Appear in my usual circles, and I don't love him to the degree that I want to write an actual Grimmjow fanfic. On the other hand, he is very much an Important Bleach Personality and he's got really fun energy. He also has such huge popularity within the fan community that it just feels kinda weird that I never get to get my hands on him. The most I've ever written him was in one chapter of my Tattoo Artist AU. I think it was short and unimportant enough to be safely classified as a cameo but I had an awful lot of fun writing it. If I could come up with a story that he could reasonably take a supporting character role in, I'd love to have a chance at him.
(full question list here)
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luci-z-wont-shut-up · 12 days
Hi hello
Greetings all I am here because yesterday I made the objectively awful decision to start listening to the podcast series Malevolent. Now the "objectively awful" part is not in reference to the podcast itself but the fact that I made this decision at 11 O CLOCK AT NIGHT and didn't stop until almost 5 in the morning. So. Yknow. You can imagine how my day was at work.
Anyway I started this bc after flinging myself headfirst down the TMA rabbit-hole I wanted to pick something else up so that I wouldn't burn myself out on TMAGP too quickly (I'd like to think that I have at least somewhat of a handle on managing my hyperfixations by now), so I started WTNV but only got a few eps in bc its narration style is so chaotic (as evidenced by my #LucizbulliesCecil tag).
So as I was looking up crossover fanart and memes and what have you here on Tumblr, there were a surprising amount of contenders for the Venn diagram niche of Creepy-Weird Podcast With Some Kinda Freaky Eyeball Shit Going On, which I'm finding out is super duper totally my jam, and Malevolent seemed to be one of the most popular while also not having too many plot points spoiled (I am very All Or Nothing when it comes to Spoilers™️),
I am h o o k e d
I am v i b r a t i n g there is so much happening all the time and it's terrifying and disgusting and I'm loving every second of it go give a listen it's insane
Anyway said all that to say I will NOT be documenting/liveblogging my Malevolent journey the way I plan to with TMAGP and Nightvale, B U T I will probably still make maybe-spoilers reaction posts here every once in a while, so. Heads up 👍
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epickiya722 · 1 year
Now that we're halfway through the season, quick recap of how this works!
My reactions consist of jokes, thoughts, pictures but not too many, praises, emojis, all that good stuff. This is all for fun and I don't expect for anyone to take this seriously.
Spoilers are under the cut!
Are we getting a new OP? Are we getting a new OP? Are we getting a new OP? Are we getting a new OP?
The answer is no... BUT I AIN'T MAD, THIS SONG IS A BANGER!
Usually, they change it up with arcs. So I'm guessing next arc we're getting the new OP and ED.
"What's wrong with Shigaraki anyways? Aren't you the one who summoned us?" Well, yeah, but that was before he got jumped.
What kind of horror movie crap is this?!
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"... despises human mutants..." Oh, hell no. Spinner brought a sword and I hope he gets every single one of you. Slice and dice, honey!
GOOD, I'M GLAD YOU GOT GOT! Discriminating disappointments...
"League of Villains is flat broke." That line delivery is hilarious.
*Dabi shows up* I actually just realized Dabi wasn't with them the night before.
Aah, Spinner spilling out some of his backstory... don't make me cry right now.
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All I wish you didn't do, Spinner, is choose polka dots. Look, this is the first time I actually despise polka dots on someone, okay? AND THEY'RE BLUE! He does not have blue anywhere else, damn it!
"You mindless cosplayer." Dabi, villain or not, can you not be be mean for 5 seconds?
"That's right. I am empty on the inside!" DAMN! That... that shouldn't hit me right in my chest. But it did and it did HARD.
The way Tomura is just... that face... "why are you grabbing me? Calm down, my guy."
"I still liked the League of Villains." Aaaaaw, Mr. Compress!
Please, stop showing Spinner choking. He even has tongue action going...
"A show can't go on without its supporting characters..." *has flashbacks to the time I and some of my moots was getting messages about wanting some of the characters to die, hero and villain*
"I applaud his courage..." Me, too! Because I ain't taking a chunk out of my thigh on purpose!
But go off, Mr. Compress! Start the show!
Oh, oh! That's... um... his grandfather!
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Dabi! He is still your little brother! Damn! You did not have to knock him out the sky like that! Just rude! Rude as hell!
Okay, great-great grandson!
"The blood of the Burgular King flows in my veins." Okay, king, do your thing!
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Spinner got his card with that "COME AT ME, BRO" pose. Love that purple! Ooh! And Mr. Compress!
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... I don't care how much you shine through this episode, I'm still mad about what you did to Miss Midnight.
Burnin's reaction to Master Driller sacrificing himself and killing that Tremor... I mean... Nomu is exactly my reaction.
This season really turned up on the horror!!!
Oh, my green boy is up again!!! WAIT, IS THAT... *smirks in manga reader*
That shot is meme worthy... I am so sorry...
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DANGER SENSE!!! AAAAAH!!! Wait, hold up. He kinda pretty in this shot.
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"It's free to watch." Sadly, that can't be said for a lot of things today.
Damn, did Lemillion just do that before he could do any ultimate moves?! I'm so sorry, but damn... that is funny! 😆
"I'm counting on you, Spinner. You admire Shigaraki more than anyone." Aaaaw, that's kind of sweet. I have to admit though, at the beginning of this series, I would not have guessed that out all the League, it's Spinner that becomes close to Tomura. It's a pleasant surprise though. I mean, I have a soft spot for characters that at first glance you didn't think would be buddies later on.
"I get this heartburn that makes me want to throw up." Maybe you should get checked out, my guy.
I forgot he had that hand this whole time.
Spinner... SPINNER!! 🤣🤣🤣 "Well, damn... it worked!" That's his face!
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"Tomura got himself a bunch of great friends." And what would you know about that?!
"Did you just call me Iguichi? Just who are you?" 🤣🤣🤣🤣
"This is all my sake." YOU SELFISH PRICK!
"Midoriya and Bakugou need medical attention." You are right, Class Prez! My boys needs help ASAP! LOOK AT THEM! Shoto, too!!
"Move now... Izuku Midoriya!" I swear Daiki be delivering Izuku's frustration so well that it makes me want to cry! 😭💚
"Shut your trap, All For One!" Like please! Like today!!
"It looked like a signal asking for help!" 😭😭😭 Izuku's heart is too big for his body, I swear it is! Like... why he is so good? WHY?! It's a cruel world and here you are wanting to save people no matter what side they're on!
And that concludes this half of this season!
By far, this was the most gut punching arc of the anime. I had cries, laughs, screams, times I rethink my life choices...
Like... what else can I say? I loved it! And I'm scared for what's coming because... oh, boy. *shivers in manga reader*
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raxistaicho · 1 year
“She started it!”
What better way to celebrate Engage’s release than with another Three Houses post?
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So Emblemxeno a while back did a post that I found to be a really really useful springboard to tear into a defense I’ve seen bandied about by anti-Edelgard types for years. Some of you who’ve been with me for longer will partially recognize it from my “it was an accidental imperialism!” post from like last summer or so. Emblemxeno’s post was in reaction to the whole shitstorm that brewed over the ridiculous,
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Tweet. I could make a whole post on this but it’s been argued to death already so there’s not much point.
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That’s slander, sir!
Edelgard’s coup was bloodless. In Houses, at least. She just told Aegir what was what and the slimeball capitulated.
Aside from that you have the usual rap sheet I’ve talked about a dozen times. That said, nobody’s gonna deny she’s “directly violent” because uhh yeah, this be Fire Emblem, even Eirika and Corrin will be directly violent when they must.
As an aside, where’d this notion that Marth is a near-pacifist come from, anyways? Play Mystery of the Emblem sometime, Marth actually gets pretty fierce when it comes to it. Maybe it’s a Flanderization thing, New Mystery did soften him up considerably.
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So yeah, notice how he put “you decided to attack first,” in italics? That emphasis is the crucial point around which his whole argument revolves. It only matters who starts the violence. Escalation isn’t a thing that exists, widening conflict doesn’t matter! With that pretty little meme at your side, you can easily rebuke the fact that recruiting enemies in Fire Emblem, in practice, often comes down to, “join us or we’ll have to kill you,” couched in flowery language.
And if you base you analysis of the morality of actions done during war with, “who started it,” as your starting point, you’re dead wrong and you’re opening the door to justifying pretty horrendous shit.
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This is just to emphasize the point. Other Fire Emblem lords always act defensively so any counter-violence is fine in Emblemxeno’s eyes. That’s what makes them different from Edelgard for him.
Now in the case of Fire Emblem, villains are basically always so bankrupt of justification for what they do and the heroes tend to have such a spotless track record that it’s pretty easy to say, “well they started it!” Even the otherwise fairly-mature Tellius games have Daein in 9 and the Begnion Senate in 10 blatantly lacking any sympathetic qualities so the player never has to question their actions while they’re mowing down enemies for EXP.
Simple fact, the series just didn’t adequately prepare its core player base for gray morality, and the discourse surrounding Three Houses - the eternal effort to paint Edelgard black as pitch and Rhea and Dimitri white as the driven snow - is the result. Edea was wrong to categorize people that way in Bravely Default, people.
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This part wasn’t very important, I just wanted to toss that in to remind everyone how many L’s Edelgard’s detractors collected when Hopes came out.
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It’s cute how Emblemxeno tries to paint Edelgard, the one who most often offers her enemies terms of surrender, as the one who’s a hard-liner about her enemies surrendering.
Need I post, again, the whole “no quarter” line from Seteth during the Garreg Mach defense?
Need I post, again, that Count Bergliez had to offer up his own neck for his entire army to be granted quarter?
Need I post, again, Rhea saying she’d like to put the entire Adrestian army to the sword (which means executing them) herself (meaning personally) in Three Hopes?
It ain’t Edelgard who has issues with accepting surrender, Emblemxeno.
Now in regards to the Judith point, Judith was retreating, not offering surrender. They’re very very different things. Attacking an  enemy in retreat is justified under rules of war even to this day.
I also love how backed into a corner Edelgard’s detractors got over Seteth and Flayn now that it’s starting to become known that other units can non-lethally dispatch them. That Edelgard raises zero fuss over their survival, and in fact can let them retreat herself, certainly punches holes in the whole “she wants to genocide the Nabateans! D:” argument.
Finally, wow, three and a half years out and we’re still getting misinterpretations of her battle dialogue with Dimitri at Tailltean.
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Edelgard wasn’t going, “no you, you’re the one dragging this war out!” she was calling Dimitri out on the fact that if she fell, he would invade the Empire. She spent a few years in Faerghus with nothing to do, she’d have learned how Faerghus... uhh... reacts to misdeeds done to them. See what they did to Sreng. Twice.
Luckily, Fire Emblem as a series has gotten better about calling into question when the heroes begin to take defensive violence too far. Alm tries his damndest to avoid an invasion of Rigel and yet you’re still treated coldly by the commoners there unless you jump hoops and take out Nuibaba. In Three Hopes, the actions of Faerghus are frequently condemned once they actually invade Adrestia, and the player even ignorantly sabotages an effort by the western Adrestian Lords to rescue Edelgard from Aegir and Thales, which would have ended the war with much less bloodshed.
It’s almost as though the game was trying to convey that escalating the situation by bringing war to the Empire isn’t completely justified just because the Empire struck first. And then when this happened, Edelgard’s detractors threw a gigantic fit about it.
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Something something “Edelgard can’t be cute and be serious at the same time.” “Why does Edelgard have no character development? Stop being a waifu.”
A male Edelgard exists: his name is Lelouch vi Britannia and I agreed with him too, Emblemxeno.
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That’s because Conquest actually is naked imperialism, and of an intensely brutal sort, no less. Thankfully there’s no indication the Imperial army does anything even remotely close to Hans’s sacking of Cheve.
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That’s because Micaiah was being coerced into assisting an out and out unabashed genocide attempt against the Laguz.
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Sure feels like 2019 in here, seeing as how we’re back to deadass “why’s Edelgard going after the church? They didn’t do anything to her! D:”
There’s a reason Emblemxeno tends to lose arguments he gets into on Reddit. And then he flounces off for a couple months to fume about it.
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And now we’re back to “Edelgard doesn’t know the true history(tm) of Fodlan!”
Now he’s just rapid-firing shitty anti-Edelgard arguments from ‘19 and ‘20 that got long debunked at us.
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If only Rhea was just “creepy”.
So while we leave Emblemxeno impotently spewing out garbage points, let me make one more of my own.
So in Tactics Ogre, the game opens with two of the clans on the islands of Valeria, the Galgastani and the Walister, at war because the Galgastani have launched an out and out war of extermination against the Walister, whom they outnumber 7 to 1. Like an actual honest to god extermination campaign, with a forced labor camp and everything.
The protagonist, Denam, is fighting for the Walister resistance. At the end of chapter 1, their leader orders him to launch a false-flag operation against the Walister captives in a work camp and frame the Galgastani for it to unite the Walister and divide the Galgastani. Nearly everyone who learns of this becomes rightly outraged against Duke Ronwey.
Under this law of “who started it,” the Walister Resistance is a lot more justified in carrying out this kind of atrocity, since they’re only defending themselves against Galgastani “direct violence”.
That’s the peril in analyzing morality this way.
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daz4i · 3 months
whats up man. got any opinions or things to share with the crowd? love to hear your thoughts on whatever
i started typing a rant in a new post but then i remembered your ask. thank you for giving me an opportunity to ramble 🫡
ok so. inspired by a thread i saw on my dash
i still don't get why so many ppl on this site use electroswing as a punchline and treat it like it's the worst genre and such. like it's one thing to dislike a genre but this one's used in a lot of jokes about bad music and???? i don't get it
i mean. setting aside the whole "just because you personally don't like this music doesn't mean it's bad"/"just because you didn't like the few songs you ran into doesn't mean the whole genre is just these songs" arguments bc that's a given and it's not like people making jokes do it out of some burning hate (usually. i hope). it's just a bit disappointing to see ig 🤔
but i really don't get it. i saw someone in the original thread explain and i didn't get their explanation either. "it's riding a trend that wore off years ago" sometimes people just like a genre so they want to make music in it regardless of popularity?? "it's overproduced" i don't think that's a genre issue i think you just ran into some specific songs that fit this description and decided that's representative of all electroswing. also that's probably smth you can find in some songs in every genre? it's not unique to just this one
ig the core of it all is. why is this some running joke i feel like i'm not in on. i think making fun of people's personal taste is always kinda mean spirited as is but why do ppl keep coming back to hating on electroswing specifically. if the trend wore off years ago then where do you even run into this music if you don't actively look for it. how do you keep finding yourself annoyed by its existence enough to be vocal abt it (it feels like a lot of people are just joining in on the joke without actually knowing anything abt the genre or more than a few songs in it if at all, just bc they wanna be involved)
(i'm ngl i think that's a thing in a lot of. um. for lack of a better word i'll say types of culture? the whole finding one thing and consistently making fun of it even tho it's not uniquely bad. you usually see it in smaller things like for example fans of a game series hating on the most mainstream one, but here it's more general and not even hating on a popular thing 😭 like the average person doesn't even know what that word means. which again makes me repeat that part from the last paragraph, how do you keep finding yourself annoyed by its existence enough to start making memes and jokes about it and having a kneejerk reaction to make fun of every online stranger who mentions liking it)
so tldr my opinion here is. making fun of people's personal taste is mean. and this repeating gag of making fun of this completely harmless thing that people like is annoying. get a new joke 👍
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jingerhead · 2 years
hi! in your recent post you asked to do more recs. i have no idea if this is what you meant but can you rec the fics that just make you want to fall to your knees and moan? and not in a sexual way (though it could be) but more of a “holy shit i love them, this is fantastic, i can’t believe something like this exists and i get to witness it” kind of way. like for me, biomy makes my knees weak, just because of how much they love eachother (and the smut helps ofc >:)
Interesting wording there anon but I think I get what you mean SJJSJS. Here's some of my all time absolute favorites that make me think "holy shit I love them, this is fantastic, I can't believe something like this exists and I get to witness it":
Inked Truths by Paradoxolotl
Oh Inked my beloved, this is just a series that I treasure so much. I remember so clearly I had seen this cute meme about Brother of Mine and it was something like "ok I can do this, I can get through this without crying" - can't get through BOM without crying. And then I became friends with Para and THEN binged the entire series and god it's just so great (also the BOM alternate ending is totally my fault I'm sorry).
This is absolutely my favorite canon-divergence fic for AFTG and there's so many reasons why. Para is so incredible with the way they write their fics, how much care they have for their ideas and the amount of love they have for the original series. I have never read anything with more accurate characterization - if some fics are ooc, then this is the complete opposite. Not to mention the way they write Andrew's backstory as we walk through it, every single struggle from not just his POV, but from Aaron and Abram's as well.
And god, Abram is just so good in this too. Honestly this fic just gives me a whole new insight to Andreil, a whole new way to adore them, and I am quite frankly obsessed with it. I've only read one other fic with a slower burn than this one and I love you for it Para.
Also we get Greer which honestly is a whole reason in itself to have that sort of reaction :3
2. Artist AU by Fortheloveofexy
The artist au is just so amazing to me for a couple of different reasons. For one, you can just tell how much love Jess put into this one - if the fact that they drew art to go along with it didn't give it away, then the amount of detail and effort they put into Neil being an artist definitely should. At first you think this is going to be a cutesy artist short fic, but NO. They gave us some sequels that completely dive into Neil's past and how that trauma affects him as a person in the present and JFC IT SENDS YOU ON AN EMOTIONAL ROLLERCOASTER.
And Jess too just puts so much into the characterization. It's so incredible and I adore it. The way certain events happen, how the story progresses, Neil's flighty-ness constantly clashing with his desire to stay...it's so perfect. You should at the very least read this for the art and stay for everything else!
3. In My Defense, I Have None by likearecord
A high-school AU with fake dating?? Sign me the hell up, this is literally everything I love rolled into one, and it only just keeps getting better. I have no idea how many times I've recced this by now, but this is one of my all time favorites and I reread it so often. Not only does it put a twist on fake-dating, but it gets a high school romance done so well while also keeping those essential aspects to the original characters that it makes me explode.
Not only that, but you don't have to worry about any sudden kidnapping or the past catching up to anyone. It's just these idiots and their own dumb decisions and I live for it. Not to mention this entire conflict could've been avoided if people literally just confessed their feelings instead of doing cartwheels around them, but honestly that's just what makes this fic even better, I'm literally begging you to read it.
4. Learning to be Human by coritkyo
This one I've only just gotten into (and it's incomplete) but holy shit I can't believe I didn't find it sooner. I'm absolutely obsessed with it. I won't say too much so as to not spoil things, but dear lord is it good. The author does an incredible job with the characterization, I'm obsessed with how everyone's dynamic works, and their worldbuilding is incredible. You might be left in the dark for a little bit, but there's a reason for it and I fuckinggggg love when that happens.
And I'm just obsessed with Neil in this one. Seriously, robot Neil is everything I never knew I needed before.
5. When the frost is in bloom by Silveriss
I don't know what exactly it is about this fic that gets me feral but it's just so good. The angst is peak, the descriptions are flawless and it just makes my heart ache in the best of ways. Silveriss writes these two so well, especially with everything that happens that I won't spoil. Winter Spirit! Neil and Author! Andrew, what more could we ever need? I am literally begging you guys to read it.
6. Touch me, love me, leave me by BakaDoll
The soldier Andrew fic. Honestly I'm sure most of us have read it by now but it needs to be said again: jfc this fic is so good. It's a long but well worth it read, and if you don't mind a bit of smut then you should definitely check it out. The author put so much effort into this one, and you know the idea that Andrew gets sent to the military rather than get court-ordered drugs kinda makes more sense (I'm sure anything makes more sense than the drugs but c'est la vie). These two dummies immediately being able to understand and work with each other while having to live together is perfection, and I love reading about how their relationship develops, too. It might start of as pure physical attraction - whatever excuses float your boat Andrew - but just their inside jokes and constant texting and caring about what matters to the other is so good.
7. Junk of the Heart by AmaliaIR
This one isn't that long but to me it just packed such a punch. So much is in it, so if you can handle a bit of angst you should definitely read it. Neil's heart condition finally becoming something he can't ignore, and yet his martyr complex still kicking in is so accurate it pains me. There is so much inner conflict and Amalia does such a good job with it, especially when attributing it to outside factors. Neil's constant flee vs. stay mentality is something we've seen countless times, but once again we get to see it differently, and Amalia just did incredible with it. So much research went into this fic too, I loved it so much!
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prettyyprogressive · 2 years
My problems with true crime
Despite being only 3 episodes deep in the new Netflix Dahmer series, it already has me questioning the new wave of true crime media and the intentions of avid true crime consumers.
Being someone who has been interested in true crime for quite a few years, I found DAHMER - Monster: the Jeffrey Dahmer Story to be incredibly distressing. I have seen documentaries about it, so I know most of the case details, but this new portrayal is upsetting for many reasons.
Director, Ryan Murphy, claims to have created the show in order to "give victims a voice". This attempt has fallen flat on its face, for me. The idea of portraying victims as real humans who lived real lives was completely disregarded within the very first episode. In a scene where police officers are explaining to Dahmer's father what they had discovered in his apartment, they list off a whole host of gruesome items. This is done to make the audience uncomfortable, which completely contradicts the original intention of the show. Murphy reduces the victims to dismembered body parts for shock value.
This is one of many issues I have with the series. Murphy wants to seem sincere in his efforts to pay respects to the victims and their families. But can you really be respectful when you're recreating scenes of some of the worst trauma imaginable in the name of 'entertainment'? I have no affiliation with any victim or family involved in the case, but I found the series deeply harrowing, so I cannot imagine how the victim's families feel, seeing another portrayal of their relative having their life torn away from them.
Putting the ethics of the director aside, I'd like to comment on audience reactions. I've seen a flood of memes and TikToks being made about the series, attempting to make the topic seem more light-hearted, which I feel is inherently tone-deaf. People who have no association with victims or their families feel entitled to make the subject matter a little easier and fun to talk about. Not everything needs to be made more comfortable to talk about, especially not the murder of multiple men.
One more thing I have noticed on social media is flexing. People bragging about how they were not phased by seeing young, mainly people of colour, being horrifically murdered. One TikToker made a video saying 'when you watch the Jeffrey Dahmer series without being grossed out' with the caption 'Honestly, I'd watch it again, I was hooked' with laughing-crying emojis. I can't be the only person mortified at that claim? How de-sensitised has true crime made us that we find brutal murders something to laugh about.
Maybe I am a snowflake, but this new series has really put the ethics of new-wave true crime into question. There have been countless adaptations of the Jeffrey Dahmer case, do we need any more, really? Who is it benefitting? It is surely not made for those who carry the trauma of having a loved one taken from them in the worst circumstances possible. New true crime no longer serves to educate or share the stories of victims. It satisfies the twisted curiosity that has been normalised and lines the pockets of content creators and film studios.
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nettleshuttle · 1 year
Ask meme: Yusei.
yusei it is!
my fav thing about them: definitely his backstory. i love how we get a protagonist that’s already entangled in a net of complex relationships with different people, whom we get to encounter throughout the series and gradually get to know what was actually going on between them. i miss that a lot for protags such as jaden or yuma, all of whose interesting relations are established within the show and who seem to have little to no history of their own to explore and wonder about. besides, cheesy and run-off-the-mill as it may be, yusei’s talk about how every card is unique, precious and worth treasuring is really heartwarming and it’s great to see him putting all these strays to good use and properly appreciating them.
least favorite thing about them: actually, i find yusei to be quite boring personality-wise. i’m halfway through 5ds and he still hasn’t shown any more interesting characteristics. i get that it’s nice how caring and determined he is, but i’d like to see some flaws of his, some less ordinary and predictable reactions and/or developments. i feel like the great backstory is partially going to waste because he’s so standardly fixed as a character. also, maybe the following episodes will prove me wrong, but i see little room for development in him, which is kinda sad — or at least, he’s far inferior in this aspect than even the yuma or jaden i have already mentioned.
favorite line: not a single line, but i live for the two prison duels where he uses other people’s decks/cards to beat the shit out of the arrogant bullies that his opponents are. i remember i started this short arc being rather indifferent and left it so emotional about him it was actually funny.
brOTP: jack. i totally see them as exes, but either way their reconstructed friendship is a great thing to follow throughout the series. they have wildly different approaches to many things, but respect each other and get along anyway — their mutual backstory is very well-constructed and with a suitable pinch of bitterness where necessary.
OTP: akiza! i feel like i wrote that a hundred times already, but i’m dying to see more of the trust and care that has built up between them. yusei being a far healthier replacement of divine for aki is the best development ever, while it’s obvious he’s worthy of that assurance. the date episode was so precious too,,
nOTP: i used to like his ship with jack a lot, but now it just doesn’t appeal to me anymore, i guess? for once, their canon romantic relationships with akiza and carly are just far better. in terms of actual notp i’d put sherry because she’s a lesbian and i’m gonna die on that hill (also they make far cooler friends, c’mon).
random headcannon: yusei always has trouble building his decks because, no matter how responsible his duelists thinking is, he just wants to put every single card he has in there — it feels so wrong for him to leave anyone out. similarly, i feel like he’d love to exchange decks with others for a single game, even people he doesn’t really know: if his instinct finds someone trustworthy, he can borrow them his deck without fear. he’d really like to get to know new people this way and see how they use his cards too; exchanging decks with closer ones, like akiza or crow would be quite special too. he’d dislike using power decks though, like jack’s (or, hypothetically, stuff like ddds, blue eyes etc) — it’s not that he doubts using them requires as much skill, but he doesn’t find it nice to use such archetypes, that’s it. in a modern au, i’d totally see him enrolling in small tournaments all the time, testing the most obscure card sets imaginable and trying to make all of them as good as possible. by the same token, he’d avoid meta stuff in this au — not his cup of tea.
unpopular opinion: i guess what i said about his personality counts as rather unpopular? oh, and i just find it ultimately stupid that when he faces ghost and the meklords, who totally trash all synchro decks, he still thinks about using synchro without synchro summoning instead of just?? idk?? building a non-synchro deck?? i’m not saying he should switch to some fusion or whatever, but there are viable decks that don’t even rely on ed cards. why make shit so difficult for yourself and wonder why you’re still on the losing position. i get that it has to align with the plot, this being a synchro-themed part and all, but it’s just so stupid i can’t get over it — the creators should have never maneuvered themselves into a corner like that.
song i associate with them: cohen’s heart with no companion (this will always be a ryo bakura song in my head, but i’ve also thought it somehow fits yusei’s vibe, though in a very different way) and, contrastingly, probably born for this (the score). btw i’m an enjoyer of sappy romantic shit in context of his ship with akiza, so walking the wire (imagine dragons).
favorite picture: i like his regular design a lot so seeing him whenever is great, but a shout out to this edgy boy right here:
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thebentleyao3 · 1 year
Genuinely need to know how the pro soccer Daniel/pro karateka Johnny storyline escalates.
What’s their reaction to the shipping? Do their publicity people try to capitalize on it? Do they show up at each other’s games? Does the knee injury come back? Is there a World Cup/what ever karate guys do?
Sorry if these are two many questions—never sent one of these before so I figured i’d just ‘ask’ lol.
Tell me about this!
PLEASE NEVER APOLOGIZE FOR ASKING TOO MANY QUESTIONS you have no clue how long ive wanted someone to ask me about this au In this AU, Johnny joined Cobra Kai at the same age he did in the series, and Daniel also learned karate from Mr Miyagi in his senior year. He ended up joining the soccer team at West Valley though, instead of getting kicked out like in the movie. Johnny and Daniel had a stupid, petty rivalry that never got as serious as it did in TKK. Even though Daniel still loves karate, he ended up pursuing soccer as a career after highschool. Since Johnny never fought Daniel in the All Valley, he won first place for the third year in a row and eventually started fighting internationally. The whole story starts because during an interview, Daniel gets asked about how he got into soccer specifically, yaknow, why not any other sport? And Daniel talks about how he used to play with his cousins all the time back in Jersey, and it reminds him of his dad because he taught him how to play when he was little. Then he starts talking about how he does karate too, ever since he was in highschool. The interviewer jokes a little, asks him if he's a fan of any specific people, and Daniel, little shit that he is, responds with "Oh yeah, sure I am. Ever heard of Johnny Lawrence? Big fan of his! I never miss a single match. Can't get enough of the guy :)" The somewhat niche soccer rpf fandom loses it over this. CONSTANT posts joking about Daniel's celebrity crush and how he was basically twirling his hair giggling kicking his feet over johnny in the interview. Johnny was already losing his mind when people started making jokes about shipping them but things are only made worse by the fact that during an interview before a pretty big match, they just won't stop asking him what he thinks of the memes about him and Daniel Larusso. He's so fed up he eventually just says that he and Daniel go "way back" and that they had a classic highschool rivalry, Larusso was just messing around in the interview! Somehow this only makes people more serious about shipping them?? People start talking about how they just give off the biggest bitter ex energy Daniel finds this all hilarious, even more so because he knows Johnny absolutely does not. He starts making jokes about it on his official twitter account, which obviously pisses Johnny off MORE. Meanwhile, Johnny's PR team (mainly Shannon and Bobby, obviously. don't ask me how.) start begging Johnny to let them start teasingly responding to speculation on social media for "publicity". As for whether they show up to eachother's games...ohohoho. I already had them hatewatching all of eachother's matches in mind but with the shipping only getting more popular, Johnny decides to actually buy tickets and go to one of Daniel's games. To tell him to quit making people think they liked eachother, obviously. Only, he gets...really really into watching Daniel play? There's something about seeing him move, so focused as he evades his opponents without any problem. Johnny gets so into it that he kind of forgets why he even came. the second Daniel spots him in the stands though? he stumbles, distracted, and trips over his own feet. he feels red in the face for the rest of the game. once almost everyone has left the stadium, and Daniel's on his way out, johnny stops him. they get into an argument in a secluded area, somewhere behind the seats, and that should be that right? except for the fact that the minute they both get home they see the most mortifying fancams of "johnny's face watching his bf play SCREAMS in love" and blurry pictures of them having an "intimate" conversation after the match.
that's about all I've got on this au, so sorry i didn't answer all your questions. im also SO sorry this got so long oops that was my bad...THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SENDING AN ASK!!
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hey so i binged your entire "Nymph of the house Black" series and i have got to say its amazing. Like it takes the common time travel trope but makes it different. Dora isn't a super powered Op who can defeat Dumbledore in seconds and wins over all Slytherins and destroys the horcruxes in a day. I also love that she isn't playing the moral high ground. In a lot of fanfics, the mc just doesn't play dirty and to me its a breath of fresh air to see her do so - obliviating people, not revealing to everyone that she's a time traveller, taking unbreakable vows. And the character reactions, like how everyone doesn't just accept that she has secrets and actually questions her and her story. I also love how she doesn't cave in and just tell remus abt her time travel and its all happily every after. I love how you made her wait till remus was 17.
What I also like is that her relation with remus/es? I will say it up front i am not a huge fan or remus lupin or remadora. I always felt he was too immersed in his self pity and destructive behaviours and Dora deserved better (just my opinion) But your representation was quite nice to see in the sea of chocolate loving uwu remus who can do no wrong. We see the constant struggle by both sides. And it made me enjoy the remadora ship. And even then we see dora lose control and curse Marlene and lupin jumping to conclusions and being stupid which makes it so real. I also like her interactions with the death eaters, like she doesn't just go in the black family and infiltrate like and get all secrets and none is the wiser. She slips many times during the story, we also see her struggling with the whole time travel thing. Which is nice. In most time travels (its usually harry or the golden trio) and they are pretty chill about everything.
I also liked that even though she tried her best alphard and regulus (i thought jily might live and damn did that hurt) still died. It was gut wrenching especially since i thought regulus might live.
I also adored the black family interactions- everyone of them is flawed and it feels real, narcissa's personality isnt just being Lucius' wife and bella while still insane is seen as the formidable and cunning woman she was.
I dont know what i just wrote or why i wrote it but i just finished the series after binging it in like 1.5 day and i am patiently waiting for the updates on the 3rd part. I just finished it a minute ago and had to put my feelings somewhere.
thankyou for writing the story its absolutely phenomenal. little dora and dora are so sweet together.
i think ill head to sleep now its too late.
came to you blog for a meme stayed for the fantastic fanfic
First, thank you SO, SO, SOOOO much for leaving these lovely thoughts in my inbox about my work!!! *warning - spoilers in the ask and answer below*
The time-traveling Tonks story was a labor of love. It was born out of the classic "you write what you want to read" and all of the issues you pointed out were tropes I wanted to avoid because I was so sick of seeing them in other stories. I wanted Dora to kick ass and be a strong MC - and in the end, she's really powerful and talented, but still so human. She can do wrong and she makes a LOT of mistakes. She's powerful, but she's not perfect.
It's a point of great pride for me that you liked the way I portrayed the Remadora ship. I can't stand uwu super cutesy Remus. That's a bastardization of his character. He's not a super softie. He has the deep capacity to love but it's matched by self-loathing and jealousy.
My decision to have her struggle with time travel repeatedly came from the same observation. I put myself in her shoes. If I went back in time to the day of my birth I'd lose my shit.
I wanted to write a story that had realistic, gritty emotions, flawed, but good-hearted and sympathetic characters, and fix canon all at once. It's still my favorite story that I've written.
If you like my time travel mechanics, I recommend my Teddy Lupin time travel fic. It's only about 100k words and was another joy to write.
Thank you so much for reading!! I'm glad you stayed for the fanfic :)
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technodromes · 1 year
2, 4, 12, 15, 19 !
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Who was your first muse? Online in general, I'm pretty sure it was Noah/Greed from Soul Eater. I was active on Animexx back then and only wrote in German. On Gaia Online, I wrote Renzo Shima from Blue Exorcist. And then on tumblr, I think it was Slayer from Guilty Gear. But I was writing waaaay earlier actually. On paper. With my mum. I get into that in another reply with the same question tho ;) Favourite thing about roleplaying? There's lots I like about it, Idk which I'd call my favorite. But one thing I like is learning about new series and the people writing characters from there. During my time rping in Isola Radiale (Citta Alveare at first), I get to know many series/games I never ever heard of before and it was nice. I also got to know many ppl online from all over the world, but I lost contact with many of them sadly. Have you any old muses that you’d love to bring back? Yeah, tho he's not very old per se. I was just thinking about Hypno/Mezmer-Ron today and a few days back. He'd even vaguely match into my main blog, being from the TMNT franchise. But his muse has been massively on and off and I don't want to set him up only to never touch him again here lol. *side-eyes my side-blogs which I consider cutting off for good* What do you look for in a rp partner? A willingness to communicate openly with me. To be frank, depression and constant self-doubting are recurring problems of mine, sometimes more and sometimes less. I am very chill about writing or interests and I really don't care how long a reply takes or where partners come from etc. But, I tend to assume a lot, and usually, it's assuming the worst (which also runs a bit in the family, my dad is the personification of pessimism and sarcasm). I am already happy on discord when I see a reaction on my posts to know it was seen, I don't need a reply right away. Same for tumblr replies/memes, I'm already happy when I see a like to the thing/s I wrote. I just made a lot of bad experiences in the past and silence tends to make me think I did/said something wrong or stupid pretty quickly. It's a thing I struggle with since a while and I might get there eventually in silencing these negative voices a bit but yeah. Communication is super important to me. If there's a problem, tell me.
Do you listen to music whilst writing? If so, what kind of music? Depends a lot on my mood. I often daydream to music and it can distract me a lot when I'm writing. I keep telling myself that I want to spend an afternoon setting up playlists on youtube for writing and other activities but I never do it lol. I also still need to post a playlist for Shredder and/or Krang but I'm hands-down terrible with playlists. I found out that I can focus better on writing and drawing when I listen to sad tracks, which usually totally don't fit the stuff I write but it still works kinda. 'To Your Eternity' compilations, for example.
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(I'm about to send too many of these. Please feel free to pick and choose. XD) Hinamori -- 🎁 - How do they feel about their birthday/birthdays in general?🤡 - What’s something dumb they’re embarrassed about?💀 - How do they feel about horror movies?
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Misc. ask meme
Momo Hinamori
🎁 - How do they feel about their birthday/birthdays in general? : In honor of her birthday I assume :P Hinamori likes her birthday, but she doesn't like to make a big deal out of it. She doesn't set up a party or any event to celebrate it; at most she would invite some of her friends to go to dinner or a tea shop. She gets the warm and fuzzies when someone wishes her 'Happy Birtdhay' or she receives gifts from friends.
🤡 - What’s something dumb they’re embarrassed about?: she has a secret liking for romance novels. She's embarrassed by it because she's known for liking mystery and drama novels what are well-written, thought provoking, and often highly regarded, and she worries that if someone discovered her reading a romance book they'd just think she's reading it for the trashiness. In reality, she's drawn to romances that are more light-hearted and fluffy, usually involving a slow burn, plenty of melodrama and convoluted 'will-they-wont-they' dynamics and sometimes unintentionally hilarious moments.
💀 - How do they feel about horror movies?: she doesn't go out of her way to find or watch horror movies, but she doesn't mind watching them with a group. She has a fond memory of watching one with several friends, including Renji and Izuru, when TVs were first rolled out in the Seireitei. She remembers being freaked out a few times but more than that, she can't help but smile or chuckle remember Renji, Izuru, and Hisagi's reactions to certain scene (one of them Hisagi even jumped and screamed when a bat suddenly appeared at the end of the film). In general, if it's a well-written film with not too many jumpscares she enjoys it.
Orihime Inoue
🌳 - What’s their extended family like? She loves her sisters-in-law, with her and Yuzu sharing cooking tips and going shopping together with Karin. She can get swept up in Isshin's enthusiasm for whatever he's cheering about, and one time she asked Isshin if he had any photos of Ichigo when he was younger and of Masaki; the reaction from Isshin was so loud it could be heard all the way to Ryuken's house. He showed all the photo albums, going into detail about each one.
She is still in contact with the aunt who financially supported her during high school. This aunt has actually been there for Orihime a few times: first, she helped Sora and Orihime to get away from their abusive parents, offering to let them stay with her until they could find a place to live (however, Sora had already got a place), then she briefly came to Karkura Town after Sora's death to offer Orihime financial help until she completed high school, and she came to Ichigo and Orihime's wedding, staying a few days after all was said and done to get to know Ichigo better. When Ichigo met this aunt, he thanked her for helping Orihime
📱 - What social media do they use the most? Can see her being on something like Instagram, where she'd mostly share some of her bizarre cooking creations. She was hesitant to join social media, but with Rangiku's prompting and with Rukia wanting to get updates from the World of the Living, she created an account. She has a small following who genuinely like her creations and asked for recipes.
🗺️ - What languages do they speak? (post-series/epilogue): she's not bad at English. If an English-speaking tourist came up to her asking for directions or she can see they struggled with Japanese, she offers to help them. With Ichigo working as a translator, she can practice with him and is learning a few bits and pieces from other languages - so far she likes French and is thinking about taking up classes when she gets a chance.
Toshiro Hitsugaya
💝 - What gestures do they really appreciate? How do you get on their good side?: oh boy, here we go:
If I had to pick one of him, I'd say Hitsugaya's love language would be acts of service - he shows his love by doing things for the people he cares about, whether they be big or small and often without them having to ask. When someone does it for him though, he doesn't know how to react. At worst he'll get flustered, which can come across as him being annoyed, which then leads to a misunderstanding and he has to explain himself. At best, he'll thank them, maybe give a small smile, and remember what they did for years to come.
In terms of gifts, he isn't really a fan of receiving them. He appreciates thoughtful gifts with a practical use - like tea mugs, pens or writing tools, that sort of stuff. For those he's close to though, he's more accepting and appreciative of other gifts, like food and small decorations for his desk(usually little figurines or that one time he got a small pot plant...and neglected to water it as often as he should've because he was too busy working).
He's not a fan of physical affection, but there are exceptions with certain people. He's willing to accept hugs from Orihime, Hinamori, and Granny, and he won't admit it, but he likes it when Hinamori holds his hand.
He appreciates hard work and honesty, and recognises that everyone had a limit (someone's 40% will be someone giving it their 100%, and someone else's 100% is someone else giving it 40% if you will). He tries to inspire his division to be diligent and hard working and appreciates everyone's efforts, and when he sees a division member is burnt out to take leave or if they're struggling with a task or with training, he'll help them (usually by assigning them to another division member who can help, and all the better if they can help each other in different or similar areas they're struggling in). If he sees someone is being careless without regard, is dishonest or not putting any effort in, that's usually a once way trip into his bad books. It's where Rangiku comes in, because she will take the subordinate aside and try to find out why they're acting this way. If she sees it's a personal problem or that there's potential for them, she'll tell Hitsugaya and he'll weigh up what to do next.
To get on his good side, all one has to do is respect his title, be a hard worker, don't be loud or impulsive, and not threaten those he cares about be honest.
🤔 - What’s something they’ll never understand?: how anyone can like shopping. Hitsugaya gets tired at just the thought of going shopping to buy food let along clothes, housewares, anything! Myabe the whole getting-dragged-along-by-Rangiku-to-go-shopping-almost-every-month doesn't help.
🧑‍🦰 - Have they ever dyed their hair? Ever cut it themself?: Yes, and let us never speak of it again. He tried once to cut his fringe, wanting to save on going to the barber; it was early in the morning, he wasn't completely awake and thought it couldn't be that hard to cut hair...he was wrong, very wrong. Most times he'll go to a hair dresser or barber, and a few times when he was a third seat Rangiku has cut his hair (she learned to cut her own from a young age).
Thanks for sending these in! :D
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whatifsandspheres · 2 years
One of the most obvious and petty of disingenuous "coincidences" is how my mother communicates her passive aggressions and insults. Especially her choice of username is ridiculous. Nature... Right. You and my father flew almost 2,000km just to barge into my private home and disregard all my work and progress on a food forest for myself. Then you call the house yours, too? All saccharine and sly, asking for forgiveness. The moment they lost their temper with me, they had the police march into my private home and lock me in a non-prison, with no charge or sentence.
Nature, right. Like the nature I can't grow here because of all the materials and tools I've had stolen from me or damaged by the neighbors you're friends with? "Oh, no, that neighbor might be bad, but trust us, this time were sure you can trust these other neighbors." A cycle of a broken record they could repeat in their sleep but never mean. The nature I can't grow because of all the pavement around the house in the patio? The nature I have no garden planters despite trying for years to set up garden beds for feeding myself?
How about the nature of humanity to be humane? The human nature and humanity you all have exploited and mocked me for as if it's a weakness and opportunity for you to criticize and judge instead of assist alongside and strengthen. That humanity you have used against me when it's come to the stray animals you threw my way! How could I ever speak to anyone about the surreal and unbelievable facts that dying animals were tossed into my patio, on the brink of death, because they wanted to exploit my reaction. To watch me flail and attempt to save their lives. I failed once. The animals were not even of concern to these people. One dog two cats, one cat that died in my arms because it was so far gone it couldn't possibly have even made it into the patio from any side or corner before because the gate and door were still mostly functioning, and two cats now that they conveniently had broken my gate and let in. There's two cats I couldn't take in at all. I've had to practically barricade the gate to keep them out because I'm not hoarding animals, I'm trying to do the right thing. I have my limits. But that means I have a capacity. A capacity for caring these assholes and pieces of shit don't have. I'm doing more than my fair share and all they're doing is egotistically forwarding their self interest in the most inhuman series of decisions I could have ever imagined so many plainclothes civilians engaging in without it being a literal lynch mob.
I'm in a situation I have no precedent to refer or compare to anyone else who might relate and also lay side-by-side with my life in order to understand the magnitude.
It's all too little, and all too late.
Are you the judge of how much more my soul can handle? I say enough. I've had more than enough. I see all of these people and never in their lives, some twice the age of mine, having had to endure a fraction.
Get Karen's smoothie order wrong and she'll give you an example. Try to speak up for your rights and officer itchy trigger finger will throw a tantrum. My own mother will click her fingers or *psht* at a restaurant server and sum up the entire problem of homelessness as "they want to be homeless, so many are just going to buy drugs with any money you give them."
I'm an aberration. I'm a sort of anomaly.
In loving my family and wanting to do right by them, to hunt and gather out of academia and knowledge pieces which could honor them and make them greater that they are by themselves. To be greater together and autonomously. I became something else. Something so much more my own. Now they have no attachment like what they were gambling I might be to them. My siblings have their memes, I just have their genes. And they say the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb. They see me as inferior, they see me as stupid. They see me as weak and gullible, exploitable. They don't value a single one of my aspirations, and achieving them would do nothing for them. I'm expendable.
Who the hell would put their children in one of those places?
Realistically, obviously, lots of people would. That's the range of humanity that pragmatically exists. Realistically, some parents would even sell their kids into slavery.
I just want me, to myself. It's not the same if others are burdening me with their excess neuroses or dysfunctions and siphoning or skimming off the top of my earnings. There's barely any of me left.
I wish it were better.
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