#i mean mc but same thing amirite
moemoemammon · 3 years
So bear with me. MC sleeps like a rock. A bomb could go off next to them, and they don't wake up. Now, add shallow breathing, and they look like a corpse. You could mistake them for a corpse if you don't check their pulse.
How would the brothers (+ datables if you're not too picky hehe) react to the first time waking them up for school only to think they probably died in their sleep on day one??
Sleeping Like a Corpse!
(Feat. GN!MC and the Demon Bros)
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Lucifer didn’t think much of you when you arrived, now could he be bothered to personally make sure you peeled yourself out of bed in the morning. So naturally, he sent Mammon to go do it.
But when Mammon came back complaining about how you didn’t budge an inch, big bro realized he’d have to take care of it himself, like usual.
He figured slamming your door open would’ve done the trick, but you remain still. And as much as he wants to drag you out of bed by the ankle, he knows how fragile humans can be. He opts for giving you a vigorous shake, and.... you don’t budge.
He calls your name, nothing. He literally pulls you upright by the shoulders and jostles you around like a protein shaker bottle, but you don’t move, and- wait... are you breathing? MAMMOOOOOO-
“Haaah... It’s your first morning with us, and you’re already causing me trouble. If it weren’t for the warmth of your skin, I’d have thought you were dead. Perhaps I should give you an enchanted alarm clock, if you prove to be this difficult to wake every morning.”
Tch, he seriously didn’t get why THE Great Mammon had to do this sorta grunt work! Why should he have to make sure a lousy human gets up for school? It’s not like he’s their babysitter! but we all know he’s a p*ssy so he’s not gonna say that out loud
But that means he’s gonna make sure you know how irritated he is! Mammon bursts into your room, calling you a ‘stinkin’ human’ at the top of his lungs, and... you don’t move a muscle. So his next step is to stomp over and rip your blankets off, and..... you still don’t move.
What the hell? It’s like trying to wake up Belphie! He leans in to try to smack you awake, when he finally notices how it...kinda...looks like you aren’t breathing.
Wait. Wait wait wait-! SURE he didn’t feel like having to watch you, but that didn’t mean he wanted you to die on the first night! Lucifer was gonna KILL him-! Did you die of fright or something?! He didn’t really mean all that stuff he said about eating you, you know?! Hey, snap out of it-!
“What the- You’re ALIVE?! I thought you died in your sleep, dammit! TCH! What’s the big idea, playin’ dead like that?! Ya tryin’ to get me in trouble?!” “-N-no I wasn’t worried about ya!”
Why does HE have to wake you up..? Sure, he has to go to school today anyway for the student council meeting, but what does that have to do with a human..? Couldn’t Lucifer have asked ANYONE else..?
Beyond annoyed when he enters your room. What’s he supposed to do?? Shake you?? Hit you with something???? Levi opts for awkwardly poking your side, and noticing how you don’t react. Great. Ugh... this sucked....
He tries again, then pokes the back of your head, tugs your sleeve, shakes your arm... then you roll over from the movement and he nearly has a heart attack. Not only because you surprised him, but because you.. wait, did you die?!
Stuck between “LMAOOOO ROFLMAO the human died on their first night! What a noob! #fail!” and “KDAKLFHLDSJFKL OH NO HELLO?????”
“WH- Ahhh... I thought you were dead. You know how long Lucifer would've lectured if if you died, right? He'd be so mad, i bet he'd even confiscate my D.D.D.! Normies like you are nothing but trouble. This is why a human shouldn't even be here..."
What a chore... This felt like more of a punishment than anything, and Satan hadn’t even done anything yet. Unless Lucifer already discovered the ink he dripped into his shampoo? Either way, he wasn’t the slightest bit interested in you.
But seeing as he got to hang around you in your most vulnerable state, wouldn’t it be funny if he put a curse on you? He was sure that whatever he chose would become a headache for Lucifer in some way, so the possibilities were endless.
Temporary blindness, backwards speech, rainbow colored skin, extreme bad luck, he didn’t know what to choose! Ah, and there were a few curses he wanted to use on Lucifer that needed to be tested out, so why not experiment on you?
He had plenty of time to pick the perfect one and- ah. Were you.. dead? Did someone beat him to the punch?
“Ah, so you’re alive after all. And here I thought I could harass Lucifer with knowing his human had died in their sleep. Well, it’ll have to wait, I guess...I was really looking forward to the expression on his face...”
What? Lucifer was ACTUALLY letting him go in the cute little human’s room, completely unsupervised? What a bold move, dearest big brother~! There’s no way he’d pass up the chance to take a peek at your sleeping face! You were pretty cute, but he’d like to see if you were worth his attention.
That being said, Asmo creeps into your room like a sneaky toddler, and doesn’t hesitate to grab your shoulder and roll you over to get a good look at your sleeping face. Hmm... Not bad! 
So with that, he hops right into your bed unannounced, bouncing you around and giving you that innocent giggle of his. Aren’t you lucky? You get to be woken up by the endlessly charming Asmo-chan~! The first thing you’ll see is his gorgeous face, and you’ll be blessed with the perfect first school day! 
Why, there are hundreds and thousands of demons who wish they were as lucky as you were right now! He’s seen how they’ll fight tooth and nail for a chance to-..... hey, how come you’re not breathing..? Er, he’s not really into that sort of thing...
“Oh thank goodness! I thought you up and died before I had a chance to get to know you! You know how disappointed I’d be, right? Knowing I wasn’t able to explore the cute human living in our house... it’d be a tragedy!”
Surprisingly, he doesn’t mind that much. Having to go and wake you up reminds him of when Belphie was still around, so it’s familiar and feels kind of nice. What DOESN’T feel nice is that he’s missing valuable time he could be spending inhaling his breakfast, because you won’t wake up.
Hangry Beel enters your room with a bagel in his mouth, so you couldn’t understand what he was saying even if you were awake. Just know he’s calling your name and threatening to eat your breakfast. It’s your loss if you miss out.
Hm... You don’t wake up even after he shakes you, so he’s tempted to just leave. But he knows Lucifer will scold you if he returns downstairs without you, so he’s got to improvise.
It’s fine if he just carries you downstairs, right? He’s just tryin to eat man why can’t you- ...Beel is noticing a distinct lack of breath coming from you when he picks you up. Uhhh
“Oh, you aren’t dead. I was going to ask Lucifer if we could have you for breakfast too, but I guess that’s not an option anymore. He says hurry up and get dressed, and that you should give me your breakfast. Bye.”
He’s in the attic, so same lmao.
Twins! Still gonna strangle and throw you down the stairs in the future tho
Couple goals amirite?
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growing-past-me · 4 years
Steven Universe: Where does the corruption theory fit in with the eye foreshadowing?
We all know and love the corruption theory. If you’re not familiar with it, check out this post here that explains it in depth.
But one thing many people have been questioning is how would Steven even corrupt in the first place?
Let’s take a dive into that.
What first had me thinking about this theory was the Steven doll we see in “A Very Special Episode.” Most people in the community are familiar with the increasing number of times that it has been referenced that Steven will either lose or gain a pink eye, but this one was a little too on the nose for many fans, including myself.
Let’s take a look at that doll, shall we?
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There are many things unnerving about this stuffed animal, from the sewed shut mouth to the exposed chest, this thing’s just creepy! But it also made me think about McBear Bear, a device once used to explain corruption. To quote Garnet, “ It's sort of like if MC Bear-Bear didn't tear the fabric of his arm, but the fabric of his mind. “ So, one could assume that the stuffed animal is linked to corruption. But does that mean the eye is linked to corruption as well? 
How would Steven’s eye even turn pink?
Well, believe it or not, it’s already happened.
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Of course, both of Steven’s eyes are pink here, not one. But, it does instantly make a connection to this reoccurring pink eye theme we see with Steven.
So, what does this all mean?
Well, I think it has something to do with Bluebird. Bare with me here. The inclusion of her in this limited series was a very strange choice, seeing as there are clearly more evils we could be focusing on other than this harmless fusion that was instantly defeated.
So why did they include her?
To show us once again that fusions cannot be built on hate without unfusing.
Steven is a character with some extreme self loathing. I mean, it’s what even allowed him to fuse with Amethyst in the first place. It was even commented on again by Sunstone in the most recent episode, coincidentally the same one where the doll came from. 
“Don’t be a Steven, amirite?”
But, unlike most fusions, Steven needs both of his halves for the other one to exist. So, would they even be able to unfuse physically without removing Steven’s gem? I personally don’t think so. 
So how does a fusion in extreme emotional distress, that is unable to unfuse, stay together?
We’ve seen this before as well.
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I’d like to remind you that the fusion experiments had to try multiple times before finally being able to create a form. While this is most likely due to the fact it is composed of gem shards, I wouldn’t say it discounts the theory either. The gem experiments also prove that the crewniverse is not afraid to go where I theorize they might.
We also see this again with corruption, a gem tries to take it’s normal form when poofed, but is unable to. 
So, to recap, there is a LOT of foreshadowing about something to do with Steven’s eye turning pink. It becomes increasingly more obvious when we see this stuffed Steven animal. Stuffed animals have been used before in an important role when explaining corruption, thus creating a link between the two. Pink Steven shows us a time when Steven would be able to have pink eyes in the first place, thus it’s logical to make the assumption he is connected to the pink eye. 
Steven is also a fusion, one that is full of hate for itself and under any other circumstance, would likely have already unfused. But seeing as these two sides are bound to each other, this is physically impossible. Gems with extreme mental states have been seen to corrupt/change forms under these circumstances. 
So, how do I think it’ll go down?
 Steven’s attempts to distance himself from his gem half/past eventually actually come to a head as Pink Steven, forces himself to be heard. His “pink episodes” become more frequent, and eventually, parts of his body start to even stay pink. Steven continues to ignore his gem’s half’s cry for help (Perhaps a reference to the closed shut mouth.) Making Steven even more emotionally unstable, and thus his form. With his body now actively trying to unfuse, it doesn’t take long for his form to fall apart by the seams, (much like the doll again) resulting in a monster.
But that’s just my take on it.
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theclownandtheflame · 4 years
hi bet you thought you'd seen the last of me! Part 2 of my first Gaius x MC fic is heeeereeee
You guys know the drill: don't like Gaius?? Don't read. You think this ship is cursed? Jokes on you, we don't care what you think! And also, don't read.
Here we gooooooo
Victim, Victim, Monster.
A Gaius Augustine x MC fanfic
written by : @theclownandtheflame
DISCLAIMER: slight mentions of PTSD
Characters used &/or mentioned belong to Pixelberry!!! All rights to them even if they take ours on a daily basis
My mother language is Portuguese so please excuse my grammar should it be necessary!
MC's name here is Athena :P
You can read part 1 by clicking riiight here!
The first rays of sunshine peered into her chamber through a thin gap under the door.
It was unlikely to hope vampires were ever so prone to all-nighters, specially after crowded events. Yet, there she was, hoping to stay up no matter how weary the island made her feel. The ferals, the tree, the truth spilled by grandpa himself.
The late visit of Gaius Augustine and how it still made her body shiver.
Kicking the blankets aside, Athena sat upright and spared herself one minute to recollect her thoughts. Being related to the enemy and sharing a blood connection was enough to make her heart ache. Then, on the other side, Gaius brought something new to the table of unwelcome contents. She felt broken, dirty, undone. Incapable of facing her friends after last night's events.
Because the enemy is uncharted territory. It should remain that way at all costs.
"Yo!" The door flew open, Lily's cursed timing dragging her out of eerie reveries. "Breakfast's ready. If you can call that a breakfast. There's alcohol, though!"
Forcing herself to deliver a smile, Athena stood to her feet and stretched her arms towards the ceiling.
"Yeah, weirdly enough we never seem to run out of booze."
"Damn right!" The cheerful vampire didn't seem to pick up anything suspicious. Good. Gesturing towards the common room, Lily hurried off and clapped her hands as Athena followed close behind.
"She's alive, champs! A little oozy, though. Must be seasick."
Greeted by the three other vampires, the Bloodkeeper ran a hand through her hair and leaned into the table.
"So," Jax sighed, divided between talking to the squad and polishing the sword on his lap. "We got one sack of blood to make through this trip. Meaning we'll starve a little, but nothing compared to the shit we went through."
Rolling her eyes to his lack of enthusiasm, Kamilah laid back on her seat. Her fingertips drummed on the table's surfice, whereas Adrian's forearms rested upon it.
"Jeez. Tension's thicc." Lily whistled, plopping down between the two older vampires. "We'll each take a sip and pretend we're on a diet. Gotta be on shape to face Rheya, amirite?"
Suddenly inspired, Jax grabbed the sword by the hilt and aimed the blade towards the center of the table.
"And if we give none to the freak, we're saving even more!"
"Stonks!" Lily grinned, and although their sarcasm didn't please her one bit, Kamilah's lips twitched into a smile. Adrian remained impassible, but his eyes searched for Athena's, reading through her distant expression.
"Anything in mind?" He lisped, reaching out to grasp her hand and gently tug her to the empty seat by his side.
"Where's Gaius?" She blurted out, unmoving, much to Adrian's surprise.
"He's brooding."
Kamilah clenched her jaw. The mere mention of that cursed name never ceased to displease her. Jax was the one to point towards a far corner in the room, the tip of his blade glistening under the sunlight.
The man in question had his back turned towards the bunch. He sat down on the floor, his head slightly crooked to one side, hands on his knees. One could tell he was probably meditating to deflect hunger strikes.
They all kind of were. In their own way.
Chewing on the inside of her cheek, Athena picked the bag of blood and considered its content for awhile. They had a little more than a half. Enough for the rest of the day, but not for the days to come.
Squaring up her shoulders, she took the first step towards Gaius only to be stopped by a murmur.
"You're not doing what we think you're doing, are you?" Kamilah squinted, her voice meticulously projected with a warning tone.
Lily was the second to protest, picking at her purple dreadlocks to – poorly – hide her nervousness. "Athena, please tell me you're just going to take your sip near him so he can thirst over temptation..."
Sucking in a breath, she closed her eyes and clutched the bag a little tighter.
"I'll give him a sip."
Jax' fist slammed into the table. A little more force and it'd bend.
"Absolutely not!"
"We need him swell to fight Rheya. He's the strongest of us all. It's only wise!"
"Nothing about this is wise! We have the weapon, we know how to kill her, we don't need him anymore!" Jax sought out to Adrian's support, but the latter didn't even flinch. He studied her with caution, his shoulders slumping helplessly.
Averting her gaze not to meet their eyes, Athena swallowed hard. Hiding the truth was getting more and more difficult, but she was keen on keeping it sealed until the final fight.
"The more help we get, the better. Trust me, I know. I... know too much, to be honest."
With her head lowered, she resumed her pacing and came to a halt once reaching him from behind. She needn't explain her reasons, or allert him of her arrival, just as much as he needn't open his eyes to welcome her into his personal space.
"You came."
She sucked in a sigh.
"That's what she said."
Twitching his face into a grimace, Gaius tensed up when she crouched by his side. The hands on his knees clenched into fists as he struggled to refrain from showing hints of affection.
He knew if they made it clear something else was going on, things would be a lot more complicated than just warming up for war. And she thanked him for his discretion. Even if she herself couldn't share of it.
"I brought you breakfast. It's not much, but it's honest work." She smiled, genuinely this time, no matter how much it hurt to push back the thoughts that swarmed her head.
His lips seemed to curl into a smile for an instant, until crumpling back into a frown.
"Save it. You will need it more than me."
Rolling her eyes, she shoved the bag on his chest.
"We all thirst the same. I'm not asking you to chug, just take a sip."
The hand which held the sack pressed a tad further, and her fingertips gently brushed the exposed skin of his neck. Shuddering under her touch, Gaius recoiled. He snatched the bag from her hand and hissed, his voice dropping to a whisper.
"Last night. Forget it." He opened his eyes at last, only to meet her weary ones. "It was a blunt mistake that I don't wish to dwell on."
Taken aback by the sharpness of his words, Athena glared at him even as he returned the bag and resumed his posture.
"Is that so?" She mumbled, leaning in to let her voice resonate into his ear. "Then I think I can keep the door locked this time."
He growled, building up a retort she didn't stay to hear. Taking a sip of the bag herself, Athena stood to full height and once again rejoined the restless group.
"You guys are right." She hummed, her voice loud and clear. "He's not worth the time."
Getting a nod from each in response, she carefully shot one last glance towards the second son... and witnessed a flinch he masked with a sigh.
Time went by like the weavering concept it is, lacking roots and the patience they needed to better prepare. Jax spent the afternoon training alongside Lily, having Athena join them once in a while. Adrian and Kamilah immersed themselves into war strategies, their foreheads crinkling at the pace they fumbled with plans.
By the time the sun set, she had already mingled with the team and found enough distractions to flee from the day prior. The Bloodkeeper slipped away from the common room to hide in her chambers, yearning for some time alone. It was hard to face everyone knowing what she knew. Being who she was.
Everyone... but him.
He was the only one who could possibly understand.
Scrunching up her nose at the thought of him, Athena locked the door and tossed the key aside. She stared at it for a second longer, until the faintest noise made her twirl on her heels and adopt a fighting stance.
"There you are." He cooed. His body laid peaceful on her bed, legs crossed and arms wide open, practically an invitation she felt compelled to oblige. But she didn't. Not one bit.
"You told me to forget about last night." The woman hissed, clenching her hands into fists this time around.
Catching sight of it, he smirked.
"Living off past memories can't be healthy, my dear. We both know that." His hand gently patted the spot by his side, his gaze never moving away from hers. "We're bound to make some new ones."
Swallowing hard, she eventually made a beeline towards the bed and yelped when he reached out to pull her by the wrist.
"What the f—"
He didn't give her the time to properly fall on the mattress. He pulled her in, their bodies pressing together, and slithered a hand up her arm to delicately reach her chin.
Athena gasped at his subtlety, moreover at the thumb that brushed over her bottom lip before settling on her jaw.
"Something bothers you as much as it does me." Gaius lisped at first, his expression surprisingly soft despite the intensity of his actions prior. "Something that happened at the island." He looked her in the eye, struggling not to stare at her lips instead.
"What did Demetrius do to you?"
His concern was more than welcome; however, his curiosity was not. Unwilling to share the truth so soon, she closed her eyes to escape his glare and shuddered at the reminder of the things that were at stake.
Taken aback by her display of fragility, he eased the embrace and stroked her cheek with his knuckles. This made her curl up against him, her hands clutching the fabric of his vests. Sighing, he stroked her hair.
"Sacrifices, Athena." Distraught, Gaius laid his chin upon her head. "Whether it be your mind, your ideals or those you love... they're never viable."
She tilted her head to face him, her eyes red but no tears left for him to wipe. They stood silent for a long while, just gazing into each other's hues, until he brushed their noses together and finished his thought.
"They're simply... inevitable."
Her eyes fluttered closed. As did his. And without further ado, they latched at each others lips.
Tags; @galaxy-of-rosess @thirteenis-myluckynumber @edgiestwinter @zeetao-hime
Thank you guys so much, I never thought this would drag any attention at all so I'm (happily) surprised!! ❤️
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bi-outta-cordonia · 4 years
Takeshi and the Five
I got my tin foil hat on backwards and I’m ready to fucking party. This is gonna be a long one so most of it is gonna be stuck under a read more. So let’s begin:
BB today, amirite?? Shit got fucked and got fucked fast but the only person I’m really worried about is Jax and everyone closest to him. And by everyone, I mean there might be some really interesting things that could potentially explain his mentor, Takeshi Watanabe’s backstory. In today’s chapter, Jax reveals a piece of information that Takeshi told him long ago and made him swear not to say anything about: Kano, a 500 year old psychic vampire was in Japan and, despite his efforts to respect his mentor’s wishes, Jax tells the group about Kano hoping he might be able to help unlock MC’s powers to help them stop Rheya. 
What we know about Takeshi is that 700 years ago, he served a powerful woman in the middle of feudal Japan. This woman was Aiko Nakamura:
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She was a powerful clan head that somehow came into contact with Gauis and Kamilah during this era. They seemed to provide services to her clan, slaughtering her enemies and helping her clan gain control of various territories. In the midst of this, her father wound up passing away, passing on the title to her and leaving her in control of her clan. She developed a relationship with Kamilah but was able to determine that Gauis and Kamilah were not exactly who they said they were, that they weren't human. 
After a particularly hard fought battle, Aiko summoned her soldiers and had Gaius and Kamilah divulge the truth under threat of death. They revealed to her that they were immortal and only sought to build a home for creatures like them. Sensing an opportunity, the two of them promised Aiko power beyond imagining. She could become immortal, unkillable to her enemies and conquer those that would stand against her. She took that deal. 
And it seems that Takeshi did as well. 
The one thing that seems to be evading us at this moment is how Takeshi went from this:
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To this:
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He was a samurai that served a distinguished lady and powerful family. More importantly, he was a vampire that was originally from Japan who somehow wound up in America and started a revolution of sorts with the hopes of killing the New York Council. So how did this happen? What led from point A to point B?
My theory is this: Takeshi may have served Aiko for some time but when he accepted the gift of vampirism, later down the road things changed as society changed and he was given power he had not possessed while living in service of Clan Nakamura as a human. He was given power and prestige, control that his mortal self had not known. He was given a spot on that led to him becoming one of the Five of Japan.
What we know of the Big Five comes from Jameson’s notes on them and, what Jameson did know was not a whole lot. The Big Five were secretive and did not find themselves getting involved in global affairs all that much:
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They built a vampire kingdom that predates the American kingdom’s level of freedom. They also seem to have relatively powerful vampires within their midst: 
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I think Takeshi was given a place amongst these vampires, possessing power as an elder and holding reign over vampires that flocked to the Five and adhered to their demands. Aiko seems a woman who is ambitious and desires power for herself and the Five seemed content with having their kingdom without outside interference messing with their kingdom. I think a big part of how they were able to set up their kingdom came with Kamilah and Gaius’s help. The two of them sought to build homes in places outside of Europe, where vampires were subjected to attacks from the Order of the Dawn on a constant basis. The Five were likely among one of the first shadow kingdoms that were able to establish themselves having power in the same sectors that the Order held power in Europe--politics, infrastructure, and the like. 
I think Takeshi was a part of this. I think he may have been immersed in it for some time. He could partake in the same pleasures that many of the wealthy vampires we’ve come across can. As much blood as he wants, all the flesh he could indulge in but a mere snap of a finger away--I think he may have enjoyed the power he had for some time or at least reveled in it.
But given his personality? The kind of person we come to know him as? I don’t think he’s always seen it as something that should be so easily given. 
I think the Five of Japan could be as terrible as the New York Council. I think that they held power over life and death itself. I think that vampires within their shadow kingdom had to essentially grovel for mercy and prostrate on hands and knees for the right to keep their lives to some of the most powerful creatures in all of Japan. I think it may have disgusted him after a time. I think Takeshi has always been a man that was not afraid of shedding blood and fighting, but the obsession with power? The need for it? It was never in his heart the way it was for the others. 
I think he may have had a falling out with the Five, but most especially Aiko. He likely served her clan out of honor. He likely joined her amongst the Five to honor his bond with her. But I don’t think he was built to be as ruthless as she was. As willing to do what it takes to obtain power of all things. 
He was a man that focused on justice above all. Doing the right thing may not have come easy but he endeavored to do it when he could. 
I think this falling out led to him leaving Japan and leaving the Five. I think he crossed the seas and found himself in New York City. He likely knew of Gaius setting up a shadow kingdom in America. He likely knew of Gaius’s temperament and the kind of person that he was. He would’ve heard about Gaius being killed by his progeny and a council sitting place rather than a king as Gaius intended. 
I think when he arrived, he heard of the New York Council and had hope that things would be better. 
When he arrived he found out that things were not. 
The six clans of New York were divvied up between all of Gaius’s progeny, people who found themselves drowning in wealth beyond imagining and who held control in various sectors of power within America. Priya LaCroix, entertainment head and mistress of the night; Adam Vega, political prodigy; Lester Castellanos, head of industry; Cecil Romano IV, the “Baron,” and king of the criminal element; Adrian Raines, former soldier and technological lifeline of the New York Council; and Kamilah Sayeed, Gaius’s former queen and butcher--
Their rule was tight and their decisions were final. Only a handful of vampires were given the honor of making up their clans, around 30 between each of them. But Takeshi would’ve seen the masses that made up the unaccounted for. The ignored. 
While the Council held reign, their vampires held everything but self-control. Members of their clans would feed on unwilling humans, often times draining them of all their blood and murdering them outright. In the streets, those that survive may find themselves returning to life as Clanless. Vampires with no brand and no one to support them during such a trying time. Worse yet, while these Clanless vampires walked about, their very existence is deemed a threat to the greater community. Takeshi would’ve known about the ferals. He would’ve seen firsthand what happens to vampires who exist without a proper brand and what must be done with them. 
He would’ve come to America and seen the way the New York Council turns a blind eye to the atrocities their branded vampires commit and how they would condemn those that were unfortunate enough to become their victims to brutal deaths. He would’ve been in America during the last clan war that rocked the city. He would’ve seen all the helpless Clanless victims that the Council’s vampires left behind. He would’ve Turned many of them in the hopes of saving their lives. And in the hopes of forcing violent change. 
It was just like with the Five. Power remained everything and those that held it abused it gleefully. Takeshi was a man of honor, a man who valued justice and had seen enough bloodshed in his life that it would’ve boiled his blood to see these things happening and know that the New York Council was fine with doing absolutely nothing. 
He would’ve formulated a plan. He would’ve sought to undo the damage that the pursuit of power had done to those living back home in Japan. 
Along the way, he saved a young man’s life, another victim of the Council’s indifference:
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And he finds himself mentoring this young man. He teaches him how to defend himself. He nurtures the man’s background of justice and freedom at any cost. He guides him when he has nothing left. He essentially takes the young man on as a student, as a son. 
Takeshi tells the young man about his past, though not all of it. He talks about a powerful woman he once knew:
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And the gift he received for his loyalty. He speaks about the influence of the group that eventually came to be in Japan:
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And a psychic with power beyond anything he had ever come to know:
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But most importantly, Takeshi tells him that no matter what happens, the young man needs to remember the reason for why they are fighting. For why they are doing this. He tells him it’s because no one deserves to live a life under the boot heel of those that ascribe themselves superficial power. He tells him it’s because everyone deserves the chance to live a life of their own choosing. 
But what he doesn’t say? Is that they do this because he refuses to let his past mistakes reflect in a blossoming kingdom that could truly be a place of complete freedom for vampires.
I think Takeshi was a part of the Five of Japan and I so look forward to seeing his history laid before us. I look forward to seeing Jax tell us about Takeshi and for us to learn the truths that Takeshi could not reveal to Jax. I look forward to seeing the conclusion of Jax’s story and hope that it will be delivered in a manner deserving of him. 
Takeshi Watanabe and the Five of Japan. Jax Matsuo and perhaps the end of his story. I’m terribly excited.
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due4amiracle · 3 years
Day 120
Holy fuck this weighted blanket is amazing hot damn. i LOVE it!!!! Ughughugh i slept like the dead it was fantastic. Actually woke up feelin’ pretty alright. VERY COLD but pretty fuckin’ alright. Which was nice!
Kweh! All caught up on Shadow Queen. Gosh i love it so much! Then there were new chapters in:
The Reason Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke's Mansion - THAT CLIFFHANGER THO!??!?!? HOW DARE?!?!?!???!?!?!?!?!
Seduce the Villain's Father - These two make my heart so damn happy omf...
Beware of the Villainess! - "System: Nothing happened!" i fucking CACKLED so hard oh my FUCK. - THIS CLIFFHANGER THO?!?!?!?!?!?!??!??!? MELISSA!!!!!!!! MELISSA YOU GOT HIM PLEASE YOU GOTTA BE OK - i mean i know she's ok she's the main character but DAMN girl oof.
Up next is Beware of the Brothers! because wtfn amirite? It’s apparently in the same...universe? Or whatever? As Who Made Me a Princess which i do enjoy. Though, this one is...well. Let’s just say everyone in this fucking sucks and is annoying as absolute shit so far. Except Mom and Dad - they’re fuckin’ great, love ‘em. But MC and her brothers are absolutely A N N O Y I N G and it makes me glare at the screen when they’re fussing at each other. So, we’ll see how things go.
On the Waifu front, i am up to BP lvl 48, FeelsGoodMan.png And i’m running around Doing Things And Getting Them Done to get up to 50. ...Not sure what i’ll do after that. xD Keep Doin’ Things And Such. Prolly. Ya know. Shrug.
Got my downtime rolls done dabdabdab that Occult Thiccness is all up on my body and i’m happy for it. 
Tomorrow’s docket contains: Sir going to the jewelry place in town so they can resolder his glasses (the solder broke so they keep popping apart, they hold, but they’re not perfect, depending on how much that is, we might have to resort to glue lmao), me playing more Waifu, me doing some VtM things, and...idk. Heh. You know how it is.
Food, liquid, pain, and mental stuff were all relatively good today. Had a bit of a headache, and the cold meant pain, but other than that? Good shit.
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mysmedrabbles · 5 years
RFA Reacting to MC Growing Up an Orphan
requested: by anonymous
a/n: oof this actually turned out really cute so here ya go lads! enjoy!! if you’d like to buy me a coffee click here
warnings: light alcohol mention, but filled with fluff and comfort and kindness (saeyoungs delves more into abuse and emotions)
-somft mod alex
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-its a semi drunken night when you tell him, you’d finally gotten Jumin to loosen up after a long workday, and were now on the couch together, Jumin’s head on your chest as you ran your fingers through his hair lazily, letting the alcohol dull your mind as you listen to him rambling about his childhood
-it must have been an offhand comment you made that sparked his attention, making him rise from the comforts of your lap as he stares at you incredulously. you sheepishly tell him your story, and although he’s sensitive with you as to not upset you, he’s horrified to learn that you were constantly neglected in your childhood, growing up without a place you could actually consider a home
-he listens to you, quietly concerned as the alcohol hits him hard, and the next thing he knows he’s passed out on your shoulder.
-when he wakes up he has only a faint recollection of you telling him of your past, but he doesn't bring it up; partially because of a raging headache and partially because he didn't want to upset you, you looking so at peace reading something on your phone, a loving smile forming on your lips as you sense him watching you
-he’s not one to go in full steam ahead (well- he is, but he reAlly wants to be subtle with this) but he tries his best to make living together feel as homey as possible
-he talks to Yoosung, the Professional at all things Family, and realizes that he should tone down the money spending to ensure your comfort and instead use that time to do things together, bond over small dumb things. 
-knows that as much as he would want to go back in time and fix your childhood, give you the love you deserved, find you a home, the past cannot be changed. so instead he opts on building the sense of family between the two of you
-he takes you to ikea (Saeyoungs idea), and the two of you find new furniture, something that fits your tastes as well, to redecorate the penthouse. 
-imagine jumin trying to assemble ikea furniture 
-he gets frustrated with having to do things like a commoner, but bless him he’s trying his best to do it for you, and the way your face lights up whenever the two of you do something “domestic” or “familial” makes it all worth it. it’s a learning curve for him too, and despite his protests he cant help but admit that he was missing a lot from his childhood too but it brings him peace knowing he’ll soon be building a family with you ;^)
-he’s not willing to get rid of the giant aquarium pillars, however he lets you get them some cool aquarium furnishings and plants
-goes grocery shopping with you more often, and overall spends more time with you, even telling chef to take the weekends off from now on, opting to cook together instead, and even though most of the time things end up burnt or tasting weird, all that matters is that the two of you have fun
-everyone thinks he’s lost his mind, including for the RFA, who's in the corner crying because “What happened to our cold emotionless Jumin Why Is He SO Domestic”
-teaches you to waltz 
-the day you make an offhand comment about how you consider him your family, he stops and starts tearing up, pulling you into a tight hug as you confusedly kiss his cheek, only slightly worried about him
-it was one of the first things the two of you really talked about, a kind of bond forming over past trauma and losing a part of your childhood. 
-she’s a very action forward woman, knows that she can’t change the past, but she sure as hell can help you heal from it. 
-she takes you to show you all her favourite sweets from her childhood, and takes you to spots she loved sitting in as a kid, trying to share these experiences with you
-she challenges you to a race to see who can climb to the top of a tree the fastest, and it’s one of the few times you see her truly free, giggling as she watches you struggle up the branches, meeting you with a kiss when you finally reach the top, and with her it feels like nothing else in the world matters, that in that moment the only ones that exist are her and the sunset, making her smile shine, casting an ethereal glow on her face as she caresses your cheek lovingly.
-tries to take more breaks to spend more time with you, building more memories in places that most people deem “kiddie places”
-yes im saying she takes you to SkyZone and/or a ball-pit
-she gets lost in the ball-pit, slowly sinking lower and lower as you have to dramatically rescue her
-diner dates, sharing a milkshake and relaxing together after a long day of work, and although none of it can bring back the past, her devotion to giving you fu childhood related memories lessens the pain, and the memories that you build with her of course will always last forever 
-he’s always so excited about meeting your family, about joining two families and building a new one- with this boy its always about family, so how the hell do you bring up that you dont actually have one?
-when you do finally tell him, he stops in his tracks, trying to process how that could be
-he’s a good listener, bless him, and he listens to your story, how you were mostly in and out of orphanages and foster families and grew up a child of the System. 
-at first he doesn’t know what to do with the information, and feels the deep pangs in his chest when he realizes that you missed out on so many things growing up, things that he took for granted
-you already view him as family, (frankly its hard not too, his general attitude towards you, the constant loving gazes, the way the two of you were always there for each other, mixed with the annoying comments of the RFA on how the two of you are “so married” making it hard not to), but he still sets out to make you feel like his family is yours
-this means he introduces you to his family.
-he knows how nervous you are the day before, and calls ahead without you knowing and tells his family to take it easy and not overwhelm you
-however they still do- overwhelm you with love i mean
-his grandma is immediately sizing you up and telling you to eat more, asking what size sweaters you wear and his dad is making silly jokes at your expense, yoosung holding your hand as him and his dad go back and forth one teasing,  one protecting you. his mum is smiling, holding a wooden spoon as she steps out of the kitchen, calling yoosung to help her with the cooking
-his sisters dote on you, introducing you to their husbands as their children run around in the background screaming in happiness, yelling at you to join them in playing tag, and their gleeful laughs draw you in. stopped by yoosung as you run into him, almost making him drop the mashed potatoes, and the look on your face is priceless, making the whole day worth it
-you get along with his oldest sister spectacularly, and you have your time to joke about yoosung as you ask his grandma for embarrassing stories of yoosung. (you enjoy watching his get increasingly flustered as he tries to hide in the crook of your neck)
-you and his parents have a long chat, ending in them hugging you and telling you just how much they appreciate you and the way you’ve made his son grow. the two of you seem so happy together, perfect even.
-it’s almost one in the morning when the two of you start heading home. as the two of you walk to your car, he colds you close to his side, placing small kisses on your cheek as he watches you smile softly.
- “mc i know, i know that you,, may not have had a family growing up but know that,, know that you always have a family in us, you’re a part of my family now, and you’ll always have us. we’re not going anywhere.”
separate post [here]
-he’s a good listener, and listening to you talk about growing up poor and alone breaks his heart
-he can empathize, he had to grow up too fast, but he can’t even begin to imagine what you had to go through
-he’s there for you, always trying to make you feel better, and even though you never had a true family, he always lets you know that you’ll always have a family in him, even though you aren't legally married yet, nothing can stop him from calling you his family
-he’s not one to go all big and grand, he knows that logically you can never get that time back, but that doesnt mean you dont deserve that same childish delight that most people get 
-he’s one to treat you closer than ever, like true family, constantly reminding you that he loves you and protecting you from everything he possibly can, doing everything in his power to make sure that you’re protected from pain
-carnival date!!!!
-he takes you out to the carnival, playing all the booth games with you, making it a competition who can win more (the winner being no one)
-you get your face painted, a cliche green butterfly under your left eye, zen getting a matching red butterfly under his left
he ends up just buying you a large teddy bear, unable to have actually won you one (he’s extremely ashamed of himself but its the thought that counts)
-the two of you go on a carnival food spree, buying a little bit of everything as you walk hand in hand to the ferris wheel, (eating with a view amirite)
-please know that he’ll always do anything in his power to keep you safe and make sure you know you’re loved. you’re his family and, along with the RFA he’s yours.
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lunasilvermorny · 4 years
OC asks that reveal more than you think - Answered!
Another “ask” post, only I answered all of them without anyone asking! Yeah, best format, for sure.
The original post
I saw it and thought it would be nice to do it for both of my MCs:
Luna Silver - Hogwarts Mystery
Luna Penumbra - The Arcana
So I could talk more about Luna Silver (like I always do), while developing Luna Penumbra’s character a bit.
(I think I skipped a question or two, though.)
1. Do they sleep with a stuffed animal? If they have multiple, who’s the favorite?
Luna Silver: No.
Luna Penumbra: She has a plush-doll of Faust, so she wouldn’t be too bummed out by the fact she doesn’t have a familiar yet.
2. Can they take care of a plant? What about a pet? What about a child?
Luna Silver: She has plenty of pets she’s looking after, but no plants and no kids.
Luna Penumbra: She grows plants, especially ones with magical qualities. She doesn’t have a familiar yet, but she probably helps Muriel with the chickens.
3. Ask  them to describe their love interest. (Instead of describing them, I’ll just name them.)
Luna Silver: Liz, Barnaby, Bill, Rath… (Fleur?)
Luna Penumbra: Muriel, Julian, Lucio and Nahara.
4. Do they look good in red?
Both: Probably? But they prefer more neutral colors.
5. Speech! Speech! Speech! Speech! Will they give one, and what about?
Luna Silver: Yes, she’ll give a speech, no matter what’s the situation.
Luna Penumbra: Depends on the situation.
6. Who will they take advice from, no matter what it is? Who won’t they     take advice from, no matter what it is?
Luna Silver: No one, she won’t just take an advice without considering its validity first, no matter how much she trusts that person.
Luna Penumbra: Probably Asra, even though he doesn’t like to consider himself her “master”, he did teach her everything she knows. And she probably won’t take any advice from Lucio, no matter how well his intentions are. 
8. Do complex puzzles intrigue or frustrate them?
Luna Silver: She loves puzzles – the harder, the better.
Luna Penumbra: Again, depends on the puzzle itself. She loves a challenge, but if it’s too complicated, she’ll get frustrated and stop.
9. Do they empathize with non-sentient things (dolls, plants, books…)?
Luna Silver: Yes, her car – Oliver… and books, maybe.
Luna Penumbra: Her plants, her crystals, etc.
10. What age do they most want to be right now?
Luna Silver: Doesn’t care.
Luna Penumbra: She wants to be a few years older, since she’s the youngest within her circle of friends (she’s 22 and my headcanon-age for Asra who’s the 2nd youngest is 24.)
11. They’ve won the lottery. Spend or save?
Luna Silver: Save, although she has plenty of money as it is.
Luna Penumbra: Spend some of it, probably go a few more times to a spa with the other characters, and save the rest.
12. Do they like romance in the books they read (or in the book they’re in)?
Luna Silver: She doesn’t read fiction and she doesn’t like romance, so… That’s a big no.
Luna Penumbra: She also doesn’t read a lot of fiction, but she can appreciate the romance.
13. Name one thing their parents taught them.
Luna Silver: Her father taught her how to excel at anything she puts her mind into.
Luna Penumbra: Amnesia due to… death. So she doesn’t remember.
15. What would they consider a waste of time– other than school or work?
Luna Silver: First of all, school and work for her aren’t a waste of time at all. Second, anything that doesn’t enrich her knowledge is a waste of time for her.
Luna Penumbra: She likes to take things easy, so there aren’t many things she’d consider a waste of time, but maybe... hmmm... I need to think about it a bit more.
16. If money wasn’t a limit, what would they wear?
Luna Silver: For her, it’s almost unlimited, so… the same thing she wears on a regular basis.
Luna Penumbra: Maybe more jewelry and more expensive fabrics, but she’ll keep her regular style.
17. Do they like children?
Luna Silver: Depends, she likes being around clever children and in general kids tend to like her, but she prefers not to spend too much time around them.
Luna Penumbra: In general – yes, but if the children are too rude, she’ll get tired of them pretty quickly.
18. Kissing: tongue or no tongue?
Both: Tongue.
19. Do they study before tests? Practice before job interviews?
Luna Silver: Yes and yes – for hours on end.
Luna Penumbra: She usually does.
20. What do they like that nobody else does?
Luna Silver: To let insects/spiders crawl on her skin and hair.
Luna Penumbra: Lucio! Amirite?
21. What would it take for them to break up with someone? What would be the last straw?
Luna Silver: It’s easy for her to detach herself from her feelings in these situation, so she’ll break it off way before she reaches “the last straw”.
Luna Penumbra: If they intentionally hurt another person/animal/creature/anything defenseless.
23. Stability or novelty?
Both: Novelty.
24. Honesty or charity?
Both: Honesty.
25. Safety or possibility?
Both: Possibility.
26. Talent or effort?
Both: Effort.
27. Forgiveness or vengeance (or…)?
Luna Silver: Denial.
Luna Penumbra: Mostly forgiveness, in extreme situations - vengeance.
28. Would they date a fixer-upper?
Luna Silver: No.
Luna Penumbra: Yes.
29. What recurring dreams do they have?
Luna Silver: She doesn’t remember much of her dreams. (she sleeps 3 hours per night)
Luna Penumbra: Probably stuff that are related to the Arcana.
30. What would they do if they knew it would be forgiven?
Luna Silver: Break the rules (and it’s almost always forgiven, so… Way to warp her values, Dumbledore.)
Luna Penumbra: Help a fugitive clear their name? (I mean, it was the whole point of Julian’s route, so…)
And that’s it.
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eddisfargo · 4 years
CoMC Chapter 114
26 minutes
Oh hey I remember Peppino! The guy MC saved from execution, right? Anyway, here’s some random Frenchman in Rome! It’s not MC because no one even clocks him as French, and this guy speaks an amount of Italian that rounds to 0 (just music words). Tried to recognize his voice from the narrator, which I know is cheating, hahaha. But he introduces himself like 5 minutes in, when he gets to the house of Thompson and French--MC’s bank! It is…. DANGLARS! I was honestly starting to question if we’d get our big reveal with him after all!! It’s so late game! 
So it turns out he’s here to pick up $5 million of MC money! And we find this out from the bandits who are planning to rob him, hahaha. Namely our old friend Peppino, here on account of our old friend Luigi Vampa, whom I have not mentioned since Chapter 38! 
Anyway, Danglars is very happy (temporarily) because he has money and plans and people are calling him Your Excellency. He dgaf about the beauty of Rome, which he doesn’t bother trying to see. He accidentally leaves town pretty late and it gets dark. And unbeknownst to him, there’s literally a bandit in his carriage. He’s a happy little clam whose life has only improved after his bankruptcy. I mean, until he realizes he’s being attacked by bandits. First he thinks it’s the po-po and he’s being arrested, but nope! Just held for ransom, presumably, but by the erudite bandito Vampa himself! 
He remembers the exact same thing happening to Albert (although at the time he heard them he was like “haha yeah right”), and he realizes he’s in the very same cell! He’s happy because it has a bed, and he remembers Albert getting ransomed for 4K Crowns. Presumably Danglars, who considers himself worth two Alberts (omg dude you’re worth like a millionth of an Albert) will be ransomed for about 8K Crowns. That’s less than $50,000, which is like 10% of his spoils, so he’ll be fine. It’s not like they’re going to ransom him for all five of his millions. They don’t even know he has 5 millions, amirite? 
PS, you known how I said I last mentioned Ouija Vampa in Chapter 38? That was page 25 of the doc where I’m writing all these. I’m now on PAGE 98. I’ve got to hit 100!! I promise I won’t ramble on purpose (although I will ramble like normal), but I reserve the right to totally cheat and include like… a reaction gif or something, hahaha. Probably won’t be necessary anyway. Three chapters, 2 pages? It’d be impossible to avoid hitting 100. Also I might do like a conclusion post. 
OH MY GOD I HAVE THREE CHAPTERS LEFT. I will almost certainly finish this tomorrow. Although I originally thought I’d finish it today. 
Later edit: So I totally did hit 100 pages, so I don’t need this for stats padding, but I thought it was fun. I took this picture right around the end of this chapter to show my progress bar in the book.
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Do you see that orange progress bar? Do you see that teeny tiny bit of the bar that’s not orange? No? Squint real hard? That’s the amount I have left! Not quite 2%. 
(PPS, sorry if you got excited by Dorothy Dunnett--that’s actually my mom’s book, not mine. First book’s totally on my tbr, but it’s SO HARD. I will get there though! But NOT as an audiobook)
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atimefordragons · 4 years
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☾♔; May 19, 2020 ☾♔; 2:19am ☾♔; sotd: Man of the World (Takanashi Yasuharu) ☾♔; cotd: Kuruma ☾♔; Elite Highschool ☾♔; Audition
𝐓𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞: Sailor Moon, the Champion of Justice!
𝐀 𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐑𝐚𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐞 (𝐌𝐚𝐲 𝟐𝟑, 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎): Finally done, I'm soz for taking so long! I've just been Narutoing. He's my boy, dattebayo!  
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➤TITLE: S̶p̶o̶r̶t̶y̶ ̶S̶p̶i̶c̶e̶  The Sports Star ➤OC NAME: Katarina Văduva ➤AGE: 16   ➤BIRTHPLACE: Brăila, Romania ➤BIRTHDAY: December 31 ➤FACE CLAIM: Bruna Marquezine ➤USERNAME: @.dracarysbitch
➤LIKES: football (soccer, not the american one), eurovision (obvs), tennis, volleyball, basketball, ice hockey, figure skating, anime, manga (loves shoujo, but would rather die than admit it), a song of ice and fire (of course), russian literature (tolstoy is a fav ofc), winter, blizards, snowstorms, fresh snow, sweet foods, video games (dragon age, assassin's creed, the witcher, until dawn, pokemon), sailor moon, pink, blue, stitch, disney (sleeping beauty is her fave, even though she doesn't really match her personality, it's more that her parents gave her away for her safety, and Kat used to imagine it was the same for herself when she was a kid), space, faberge eggs, sanrio (her favourites are Kuromi and Pandausa)
➤DISLIKES: sasuke uchiha (fucking bitch), supercilious people, the lodge (lol, grow up you fucking losers), shows that go on forever and never end (please, please just end), shows that have shit endings, game of thrones (fucking dumbfucks), americans, right-wing politics (it's so stupid, just grow a heart), religion (what a scam), being alone (either physically or with her thoughts, let's bury that shit), losing, being wrong, having to concede any ground on any matter whatsoever, not knowing things
➤HOBBIES: anything that is physical (fucking jocks, amirite?), she's loves going for jogs (can't relate - secretly naruto runs during night time jogs 'cause no one can see her being lame), and playing streetball, etc. watching anime, reading manga, ranting on the interwebs about her shows and books (in general she avoids the bigger internet drama 'cause it's stupid, but sometimes you gotta put a bitch in their place, 'CAUSE DAENERYS IS THE PRINCE THAT WAS PROMISED, FUCK YOU!), watching reruns of pro-games (can't relate, so boring)  
➤STRENGTHS: determined, perseverant (is that even a word?), passionate, relentless, protective, observant, straightforward (usually ends up insulting people though, so it's more of a weakness tbh), goal-oriented, independent, self-reliant, has enough self-awareness to not go off on weeb/otaku interests in front of most people, but if it's like a "smart" anime, she'll discuss it (like Death Note, she's not gonna fucking admit to still loving Naruto at this age, shut up), diligent, loyal, a bad bitch (lol, not so much, but she likes being perceived as a strong girl who can and will stab you with her stiletto. the image only lasts for a few seconds, she more just comes off as rude).
➤WEAKNESSES: stubborn, very blunt, which tends to come off as brash and rude, though she's not always intending to be mean, despite that rude, blunt nature, she's also a bit tsundere, and struggles admitting her to deeper feelings. Gets flustered when complimented (outside of sports, there she's fine 'cause I'm the best bitches, or so she says), and she just can't admit it when she needs someone, whether it be a friend or romantic interest, especially if it's a romantic interest, 'cause she's also of the mind of who needs a boyfriend when there's food? while she's observant when it comes to changes in people's behaviour, she in general lacks the capacity to act well on her observations, and is awkward when trying to comfort someone or cheer them up. When it comes to her own feels, part from rage, annoyance, or "Jock Mode", she can barely admit to them, let alone discuss them with other. Speaking of "Jock Mode", she is competitive AF, somewhat dismissive (this usually only comes out in games, but she tends to ignore weaker opponents in search of stronger ones who pose a challenge). Also tends to display some arrogance in the sports she's most talented it, particularly volleyball. It's not quite a personality flaw, but she's weak for loving parents, or just a loving family in general (in life and when watching movies, it makes her fucking cry every time, which really puts a damper on her tough girl image, it's not usually a visible one, but she can't hide the longing in her face when she watches a parent and their child being a normal, happy family). Definitely has tunnel-vision, once she has a goal in sight, that's all she sees. Can even be paired down to dumb things, like C-grade trashy alien movies. She tends to notice only the aliens and revel in their destruction, while ignoring everything else, including the plot. Has plenty of issues; abandonment, trust, ptsd - none of which she is dealing with. She's just ignoring it and hopes it goes away once she becomes a cool, reliable adult™️ (lol, good luck that, adult life is a lie).
➤SHORT BIO: Katarina is half-Brazillian, half-Russian, though she is under the assumption that she is Romanian, she is biological the daughter of Vasily Raevsky, a Russian Oligarch, and Xuxa Amalia Reis Moreno, a Brazilian businesswoman and all round bad bitch. For reasons unknown to her, Katarina was in effect abandoned at birth and placed in a Romanian orphanage in Brăila, which is also presumed to be her birthplace. Her birth certificate lists both parents as unknown, the orphanage named her. Having no parents or known family, and raised in an orphanage has given Kat many self-reliant skills, and allows her to live independently, but it has also left her with a deep sense of loneliness (not to mention PTSD 'cause Romanian Orphan life is a nightmare). She recognizes that much of her yearning is still childish fantasy, and often covers up that desire with her brash nature or jock hobbies.
Growing up in the orphanage was... not easy. The Brăila Home for Children was not the best, to say the least. Though it could've been worse (*shudders at the case of the Sighetu Marmației institution for disabled children* - do better Romania, oh my god). The orphanage was under and poorly staffed. They would often neglect and abuse the children, one year shaving every childs head so they all looked the same, and often chaining rowdy children to their beds. During Katarina's time, many of her fellow orphans died from minor illness or injuries such as cataracts or anemia, which were treated poorly or simply ignored, and a number also starved to death. Because of this, Katarina has a habit of hoarding food, and keeping snacks under her pillow. She also has difficulty sharing, and despises headboards that are railed(? the ones with gaps, idk what to call them).
When she was around eleven, the orphanage received ample anonymous donations, leading to much improvement, and the arrival of a new Director, Ileana Cojocaru, who, over time, earned the trust of Kat and her fellow orphans, and became something of a surrogate mother. Ileana did a nearly complete staff overturn (fun side note, some of the staff, especially those who harmed Kat have gone missing in the past few years, coincidence? no), as well as hiring accomplished childcare professionals from all over the world to help the children. It was Ileana who sparked Kat's, or rather Rina as Ileana called her,  interest in sports, though Ileana was more into football herself, she encourage Kat to explore whatever she wanted, though particularly team sports so that Kat could foster dependent relations. Kat herself particularly enjoyed volleyball, joining a little league team and winning a number of competitions. Due to her skill both in setting and spiking, she usually plays in the Opposite Hitter position.
Katarina entered EHS in Highschool, on what she assumed to be the Elite's scholarship program, arranged by Ileana, who even said as such, though in truth, her entry and tuition are all being handled by an anonymous benefactor. This fact was revealed to Kat last summer after Ileana died (of p̶l̶o̶t̶ ̶d̶i̶s̶e̶a̶s̶e̶ cancer), whose lawyer was put in charge of the bank accounts meant to pay for all of Kat's needs. The lawyer refused to divulge whom the anonymous benefactor is, citing a non-disclosure clause, though the need to discover who has given Kat a whole new mission in life.
➤FAMILY: On Katarina's part, she doesn't believe she has one, though she does consider Ileana to be her family, and has grown to care somewhat about her fellow orphans from the Brăila Home, while growing up they were rivals struggling to survive. Ileana's death devastated her, and she's dealing with it by straight up ignoring it. Lol, I'm not sad, my eyes are just glistening with the ghosts of my past.
Biologically, despite her complete lack of knowledge of it, Kat comes from rather a rather illustrious family. Her mother, Xuxa Amalia Reis Moreno, is a Brazilian Businesswoman, herself the daughter of a self-made millionaire, Xuxa is expanded the Moreno parent company, MC Inc., an oil and mineral company in origin, into numerous side ventures, owning and operating businesses ranging from restaurants to magazines and clothing lines. Her father meanwhile, Vasily Raevsky, is of the (former) noble House of Raevsky, now oligarchs in modern-day Russia, who virtually control Russia's diamond and precious stone industry, currently owning controlling shares of ALROSA, the largest diamond mining company in Russia, and accounting for 95% of the countries diamond production, as well as 27% of the global diamond extraction, and the House of Fabergé, which they purchased after the fall of the Soviet Union. If she remained in the care of either of her parents, her name would technically be Katarina Vasilyevna Moreno Raevskaya, which is a fun and utterly useless fact.
Her parents met at a rich people conference (idk, Davos or some shit like that) and engaged in a short lived affair. Her father was already married and could not accept her, and her mother had no interest in being a mother at all, let alone a single one, leading to them choosing to give her up in Romania, an arbitrary choice that fucked her up, lol.
Via her father, she has an elder brother, Viktor Vasilyevich Raevsky, who is in fact her anonymous benefactor. Viktor discovered her existence after Vasily had an accident and was close to death, so he confessed his sins and what not. Viktor eventually tracked her down and sought to improve her life. Though he wants to bring her into the family, he doesn't for the sake of his mother who cannot deal with the affair, though she refuses to divorce Vasily for appearances sake.
➤MOODBOARD: https://tinyurl.com/y8a2gjy8 ➤SCHOOL WARDROBE/AESTHETICS: https://tinyurl.com/ycodubrb ➤PLAYLIST: https://tinyurl.com/y6wwmp74
➤TOP 3 CHARACTER PICKS: the Sports Star, the Princess, The Rebel(de) <-- lol, see what I did there? I'm so funny.
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splazbee · 5 years
A guide to Reverse Asra (and how to avoid it)
I’ve seen some people already covering the reversed routes for the characters, but I found the need to try and understand first hand.
So, after a lot of pain, I found my way to the Reversed Asra route. There are several keys to getting it, which is the same for all the characters: feed into their bad habits and negative traits. Don’t push them to change. For Asra, those negative traits are as such: his tendency to run away, to push away the problems, isolating himself and an obsessive need to keep MC safe.
The first three are all aspects of one problem. When talking with Asra about our past, he told MC about the argument they had. Asra wanted to escape the town, leave the people to fend for themselves and him to find a safe place. He wanted to go with MC, but MC wanted to help the city. 
Here are some roots of the problem, and Asra can react in different ways. In the Upright route, Asra learns how to stand his ground in face of adversity, how to let people in and let them help. He can make MC grow. The other, Reverse reaction, is to regret even more not keeping MC safe and going to extreme heights to do so. He already gave up a part of his heart for MC to return to life, what more wouldn’t he do?
Encouraging his desire to run away, making MC look and act helpless, therefore making Asra believe MC would never survive without him, is the recipe for the disaster that is the Reverse route.
And here is why.
I went aaaall the way back to when MC and Asra went to his Sanctuary out of Vesuvia. MC is asked by Asra if they would prefer a big, bustling city, or a remote place. Answering remote appeals to his want to run away, especially with the apprentice.  Clap and a half for escapism everyone. 
The next choice is possibly not the most important in this whole scheme, but even choosing how to ride Beast can have its weight. Sitting in front is more adventurous, while sitting behind Asra? It already shows MC relies on him, in a way literally hiding behind his back.
I forgot to take my note in this choice, so i forgot where it was exactly in the midst of important choices, but it’s about MC’s dream. Telling Asra the dream about MC and him going off in a separate dimension or universe all of their own was a good one, welp, (a little maybe spoiler) lets not plant ideas in either Asra’s or MC’s head, m’kay?
Helping the villagers. While you do help them anyway, the way you go about it matters. Picking “We’re busy”, even though that is not exactly true, makes MC seem very callous, and selfish. Asra is shocked for a moment before he laughs. While picking this choice made me feel guilty, it does its job of isolating MC, and therefore Asra, from the outside world.
Next, relying on Asra to deal with the well. Again, enforcing the notion that MC needs to rely on Asra to do all the heavy lifting, and Asra, being the precious bean he is, shows once again that he would do anything for MC. This is not shaping up to be a healthy relationship people, especially for Asra.
Not taking the initiative and asking Asra to dance, and instead sitting in a faraway corner with him - isolation again.
Next the choice of going back directly to the palace, or first visiting the shop - this is avoiding the problems, leaving them for later. Running away from them. Not literally, not yet, but going there.
Meeting Muriel is the next on the chopping block. The most important bit is MC’s reaction to meeting him - whether MC is happy to meet him, or feeling nervous. Choosing nervous shows an unwillingness to meet new people, slight suspicion of them, and most importantly - a dependency on Asra.
Following this is MC’s opinion on Asra and Muriel. The choices being “Good thing you got away” and “Good thing you had each other”, based on previous statements, it’s written right there on the box which answer makes it more likely to get the Reverse route.
When Asra is confronted about his vanishing habit by Julian, MC saying “You’re always there for me” sounds suspiciously supportive, but it isn’t really, not in the long run. Telling Asra he has a vanishing-into-lands-unknown problem right in his face provokes change. In a positive direction, god forbid. I’m saying this sarcastically, but while he cares about Muriel, Nadia and Julian, if MC tells him to do something, he will follow it to the dot. Telling him he is always there for us just keeps him blind to his faults.
And so, we reach THE TRIAL. Picking the choice of Asra telling the people he’s innocent? Nicely packaged, but ultimately a bad decision. Asra keeps his secrets close to his chest, and while we all love this floofy boy, it is a fact he has quite the dark side. So he also lies. Condoning that is not okay. Him telling the truth challenges him. It’s against him. But he trusts MC, so when MC wants him to tell the truth, he changes. He grows.
Next up, MC asking Nadia to stop the fight is a bad choice, though I don’t believe it to be such a major one. But it shows one thing: no matter how much MC relies on Asra, they don’t truly believe in him or his abilities. This exact thing will play its role again in a later choice.
The next few choices are a bit foggy for me. I’m pretty sure in the next choice, picking “Let me help” is an Upright choice. Because wow, MC doesn’t want to rely on Asra and actually tries to be equal with him, like a healthy relationship should be? Whaaat?
When asked by Asra what MC would do in his place, I am confused as to which one is the Reverse choice. To me personally, “I’d do anything” seems to validate everything Asra has done for us, making it a situation of ends-justify-the-means. While I’m very happy that he did resurrect MC, because we wouldn’t have a story without that, it may push him into thinking that its always all in when it comes to MC. Pushing his protectiveness into an obsession.
“Why am I here?” and the “...” option seem to be the next Reverse choices. The first one shows that MC is still relying on heir teacher to explain things to them, a bit of naivete that kindles at Asra’s protectiveness. It’s a similar situation with “...” MC has no idea how to react, and need Asra to support them.
I’ll be shorter for the next choices, as this is getting quite long. “Did it change you?” seems to be the next Reverse choice, because “I’d do the same for you” is supportive, but i could be wrong here, as I was very conflicted. Trying to cancel the Masquerade is again avoidance of problems and running away. When it’s about Faust the “You’d do the same for me” seems to be the reverse choice. To me it feels like MC implies they don’t really care about Faust, and who would be so mad as to not like her, amirite?
Next up, dealing with the Devil. I picked No for his first offer, and then yes after he made Faust vanish. He confusion and fear broke me. Next I chose to tell the Devil that indeed, the Masquerade was enjoyable, but now we are so far into this Reverse hell, I don’t even know if it matters anymore. The next choice is very transparent - MC telling Asra they can’t do this alone after MC is left stranding in the Half world (what was the term for it again?)
Trusting Scout and telling the Magician MC doesn’t feel safe with him also aren’t very obvious to me.
Next up - Asra’s confession!!!  I trembled as, when in the face of his declaration, I made MC stutter out an “I... um...” Get yourself together MC, this boy needs love.
Magic realm time! Choosing the “I just want this to be over” shows the now infamous in this essay need to escape and get away, preferably to some isolated place. When confronted with the magic chains, “Find a safer path” shows MC unwillingness to stand up to adversity, and, well, a lack of courage. How will MC deal with the Devil is now beyond me (pun not intended, but the foreshadowing is too good for me to redact this).
Interactions with Asra’s parents. As with Muriel, an unwillingness to meet and trust new people, no matter how close they may be to Asra, must be shown. To me shaking hands seems more impersonal, and later not commending the spell Asra’s dad crafted. When in a timed choice attacking the tree is too straightforward, so the Reverse answer should be when MC goes into ‘helpless’ mode and just going “what do we do?!” Then right after, unwillingness to trust Asra’s dad to heal us, making Asra do it, and the poor boy is so jittery and nervous and afraid and stressed he can’t cast the magic fully and/or correctly.
Here comes LUCI! Asra presents MC with the idea of trapping Lucio. And here comes that point from waaaaaay back up at the gladiator battle, where MC doubted his abilities and his decisions. Picking “I’m not so sure...” and then completely disregarding Asra’s advice about approaching the water, shows a complete lack of faith in Asra, unwillingness to listen to him and sealing the deal of his protectiveness of MC turning into an obsession.
Finally, we have come to the Reversed route. Asra goes completely into a tunnel vision mode. Where in the Upright path, he suggests we use MCs blood to give the immunity of our magic to all the guests of the arcane feast, in the Reversed path he completely focuses on running away. Asking where we should run, the oasis or the shop, trying to find the right way in the maze. 
At a moment he says “... we can escape. Make sure the ritual fails. That’s... that’s all we can do now.” and when Muriel’s charm starts to completely give out Asra says “You can escape. Run far away, live your life...” In answer to MC choosing to say “I don’t think I can”, he apologizes. 
“I... I’m so sorry, MC. I wanted to protect you, but...”
Everything we started with. His desire to escape, run to a faraway place, protecting MC. All traits present thorough the story, fed by choices of at least 11 books. This is what causes the Reversed end.
He turned into a scared, helpless wreck of a man, desperate and trapped in his needs. And even if at the table, MC finally tries to take a stand and use Magic, its finally revealed why we can do what we can do, but seriously, we all knew we were the Fool already. Even then, MC has go make a deal with the Devil.
This is the end of this long, long essay. I’ll probably make a summarized version of this. More people will be inclined to reach the end at least :D
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I really liked Lanque’s Route in Friendsim, especially the “problematic” endings
Discourse and Spoilers, don’t read if you’re just looking for rage fuel. Or do. You control your own actions, and as long as you take responsibility for them everything will be Gucci. We good? We good.
Fight me if you want, but I’m putting it out there. I am happy to have a character who is trans, but who also has other elements to their personality even if they aren’t innocent. Yeah he’s got flaws, so does everyone else. Alternia is an alien planet with a culture is clearly different from ours, and that needs to be taken into account when considering what’s “problematic”. We’re talking about a planet of kids being raised by animals or by themselves on the streets into a classist society where they are allowed to murder each other for a physical trait that they can’t control somehow permissible but as soon as someone acts like an ass and tries to get some serious action it all goes to the fan? There’s a lot more “problematic” behavior we could be worrying about but we only hyper-focus it on Lanque because he’s canonically trans. Not every trans person is a good person, and characters who are trans shouldn’t be sheltered from some more tricky personalities to handle.
Idk man, I fuckin loved how V straight-up went out and said that you had to own up to looking at the problematic material. They called out the discourse, and after writing a route like the one they did for Marvus none of us should be surprised. The idea of it being Hussie is one I personally like, but even if it’s not I think it’s great that they don't hold back just because of what some fans think. They deal with characters like they’re actual people, meaning that some will be what others think is problematic. 
I’ve seen a lot of people upset at the fact that Lanque called out Lynera, and don't get me wrong that was hella uncalled for, but have y’all considered that maybe since we haven’t known Lynera for the last 2.43 sweeps (which is what, about 5 years? As long as a middle or high school career?) we don't know the kind of shit she’s been talking? It’s a bit unfair to judge yet, really. He doesn’t take her feelings into account, but then again was she taking his when she was saying shit?
Lanque is selfish, but dare I present the fact that he’s gotta sacrifice himself to the caverns when he goes off-planet? Maybe he’s projecting a bit when he is so crude calling out Lynera, holding on to the little bit of freedom he can still take before the trials. I dunno, food for thought.
If the issue is the sexual nature of this route I would like to remind people that the MC still has the ability to make choices for themselves, shown when they refuse the drugs even after Lanque tries to coerce them into it (good job protag I love you) and aren’t being forced to do it in a fashion similar to how Ardata controls them early on in the game. That, and after being denied Lanque doesn’t force the MC to do anything. Yeah he pokes fun, but he still stops. As for dancing, it's sexual, and the MC even states that they know what he wants and it might be more than they’re willing to give, but they go with it because it “feels good”. That’s kinda why people do things like this in the first place, isn’t it? And in the bedroom scene, again, the MC doesn’t say no because you as the player consented at the start to seeing the kind of material that the mature content warning covered such as sexual situations, language, and coercion. The decisions of the MC are executed based on the presumption that you followed the rules Ardata set when you first agreed to play through this version of the route(aka being of legal age to see mature content, being aware of the specific mature content contained, and knowing yourself well enough to know whether or not you could handle possibly problematic content). If you looked at the warnings and thought “I can’t handle some of these aspects” and yet continued on anyway, that’s on you. If you did it just to fuel your rage against Lanque, same deal. You could have played it safe, and even if you didn’t whether the MC and Lanque “pail” is up to you. You either consent by keeping your mouth shut like Lanque tells you too or you don’t by calling Bronya in to take care of the situation, which you get rewarded for by getting the good end. Even the Hiveswap team knows that there’ s only so far they can go reasonably, literally labeling the option as “Call in his mom. This has gotten problematic enough.” 
Yes, opting out of it does get you some grief, but it’s a reflection of the general crowd that wanted to see a “safe” character in a world that really doesn’t have them (not to mention the nicely added piece in there about bi erasure, especially since trolls have a default bi/pan sexuality but as soon as same-sex attraction is seen that concept is thrown out the window). They gave some people what they said they wanted, but not without a clear jab to say that they’re not doing it necessarily because they want to. And don’t worry folks! Us sinners who decided to go all the way and then get tossed aside got dunked on too (but hey alien coochie amirite). So teasing for both sides! Equality! Yay!
The team honestly had the right to pull this. We couldn’t even behave when we first learned his damn pronouns. TWO LETTERS threw everyone into an uproar. Let’s not forget that this is considered THE SECOND ROUND OF DISCOURSE and there will probably be more when he reappears in Hiveswap Act 2. They were damned either way they tried to go, so they did both. It’s a spiteful move, but the Homestuck fandom is one of the few places where that can be done thanks to the unique relationship between us as players and readers and community creators, and them as canon creators and the facilitators for the whole thing. 
I’m sick of flop/problematic/discourse culture. I’m sick of overused exclamation points!!! being used!!! to try and make a point more valid!!!! and right!!!! I’m sick of wig-snatching, tea-sipping, uwu-ing, social justice phrased-as-if-you’re-above-all-of-this bullshit being perpetuated as legitimate discussion. Yeah, I sound like a dick here and I’m being petty, and that’s the point. This isn’t so much satire as it is how I close I can get to posting something related to discourse. I’m not putting out a twenty-page analysis on how “bad” Lanque really is or isn’t until my hand is forced to give my evidence over and explain how I as someone who is over 18 with reasonably neutral views sees him not being that problematic compared to a lot of other content I’ve seen with similar themes and actions. I’ve played Dramatical Murder and Boyfriend to Death, and if you want problematic I dare you go play one of those games.
TL;DR Ardata warned you, everyone complaining about how problematic her party was is playing right into the hands of the team, and the only ones to blame here for the drama are ourselves.
If you get owned, fucking own it. And boy, we sure as hell did.
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artistdaura · 6 years
Tips for Getting Into Character! (RP)
Hi! I'm by no means an expert in roleplaying but I thought I'd give some tips! This mainly directs to those roleplaying canon characters who wish to stay true to the original, but it might help for OCs/MCs/fan-created characters too! ✨
1. If a character has a theme, LISTEN TO IT. It's very likely that it'll remind you of a time in-game, especially if you were invested in said game, and hopefully you'll be carried by that wave of nostalgia& memorable vibes! You might even be cast back into the scene where that particular music score played, and remember a quote or two.
2. Revise a bit of their dialogue. Can you remember any quotes on the top of your head? If you can? Great! That's an awesome start. Go crazy and quote them aloud and heed not to people who call you a nerd //kicked.
Here's some questions that might help! > How do they respond to different characters? Is their response altered based on their closeness or familiarity with said character?
> What's the difference? Are they more open? More shy? Angry? If they're hesitant, how is it indicated through body language? What about their way of speech? Trails of ellipsis (...), stuttering? A change in formality? Does it change depending on their mood?
> Find a line they've said. What's the most noticeable thing about their dialogue? Do they use harsh words? Is there a reason for using that word?
> ...Roleplay with yourself. I'm serious- just... find a space alone, and recite a conversation to yourself. In character.
YOU MIGHT LOOK COMPLETELY SILLY BUT... : " ) Character dedication, amirite? 😂 Find a quiet space or while you're alone if you're worried.
> Practice Have a friend or partner practice with you! Not in the same universe? No worries! Create a scene together and practice your dialogues anyway!
That's all from me!
Much love, from...
Remember to have fun! Feel free to explore! And don't hesitate to take a break if things are getting stressful!
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cultgambles · 6 years
Soulmate AU (RFA x Reader)
I’m a sucker for soulmate au’s… what can I say?
Word count: 1511
Yoosung; sharing injuries
As you were talking with Jaehee, an immense pain started soaring through you.
You started to scream in pain, alarming the mom, ofc
“MC?!!? What’s wrong?!”
“I-I don’t kno-know! It h-hurts! So mu-much!”
Somehow, you stumbled into the bathroom, to see your eye all red and swollen. 
“What is it? Are you okay?”
“I can’t see out of my left eye.”
“I don’t know…”
You carefully wrapped some bandages around the area, not before trying some neosporin on it.
At the party: the RFA asks you what happened to your eye, which you cannot answer.
“Where’s Yoosung, Seven?”
As he was about the answer, the lights dimmed and shone on the stage.
It was him.
Yoosung, with an identical bandage to your own.
After his speech, you both laughed because of the same injury.
“Well, soulmate, do you want to stop being my pre-girlfriend and be my actual girlfriend?”
“Of course, Yoosungie..”
Zen; matching tattoos
At age 18, you and your soulmate develop a tattoo in matching places
MC: hey, zen, why do you always wear long sleeves?
Zen: Well, I have a tattoo...I can’t have my fans getting jealous now can I? ;)
MC: what is it?
*photo received*
It was of his wrist. In smooth black ink, there was a crown and underneath it it said “King” in cursive
mc.exe has stopped working, you were staring at the photo. Slowly, you pulled back your own sleeve to take a shaky picture. You have the same crown and same cursive, but spelled out was “Queen/King”
Zen: Jagi, is everything okay?
MC: y-yeah!
*photo received*
Zen: Is this what I think it is?
MC: I think so! ;;;
Zen: ...
Zen: ...
As Zen gives his speech, he surprises you by bringing you up on stage.
He pulls up his sleeve, and you follow suit.
you two press your tattoos together and they both changed colour to a rich gold while everyone watches...
MC! We need a photo right now! Then the whole world will see our love!
Jaehee; not seeing colour until meeting your soulmate
Her world was always colorless, and she had just about given up finding anyone capable of loving her
Until you came in the chatroom
She was wary at first. Not just because you were a total stranger, but that she didn’t see the normal greys and whites.
She saw faded colours. Colours that had hues and pigments, which honestly scared her.
The more you and her talked, the brighter both of your worlds became.
Don’t even get me started on your first phone call!
It was so cute, that’s what I’m getting at. “MC, I love talking to you, I know that you love me because I’m starting to see things in a different light.”
At the party, though, was where it really was at.
You spotted her as soon as you arrived.
As you both locked eyes, colours actually burst, and were so much deeper than before.
“Wow, MC, I can’t believe our friendship is this strong..”
“Jaehee, we are GAY for EACH OTHER.”
“Oh, well, okay.”
And you kiss her. In front of everyone. She’s trying to push you away, her giggles filling the quiet air.
Jumin; red string of fate
As Jumin’s father always dated many women, he felt that the string around his finger was useless, and he tried to cut it off. Luckily, V stopped him.
“Jihyun, it’s not important.”
“Yes it is. Trust me, okay?”
Throughout his life, he never sought to find out its destination, rather expecting his soulmate to come to him.
When you come to his apartment, however, he notices the string becomes more taught, like you’re just another room away.
And you are. Just outside the door.
“It’s you.”
“It’s me.”
“No, I mean, it’s you.” Jumin grasps your hand and you both stare at the ribbon in between.
“I never thought that this day would come…”
“Well, it did.”
He smiles a beautiful smile and brings you into his dwelling.
Somehow, he gets even more possessive, but you try to work with him.
“Jumin, I need to leave.”
“No, kitten, I need you here, where you’ll be safe.”
“I want our relationship to grow. Not have you dictate my every move.”
The string slacks as you pull away, it becoming longer and longer as your relationship strains.  
He sighs. “Let’s work together, MC. Just know that I want the best for you.”
“I know you do. But I also know that locking me here won’t help you better yourself either,” you say, cupping his cheek.
Saeyoung; a telepathic link after meeting
(Thoughts in bold!)
You call him up one day, staring at the CCTV.
“Seven, you need to stop staring at me.”
He spits out his drink.
One night, a quick rap at the door awoke you from your slumber. Then, you heard it slowly creak open.
“SHh. It’s just me.”
“Why are you here?” you rubbed your eyes.
I’m here to protect you. “Because there’s a bomb here. It would be easier for me to be here if the hacker comes.”
He’s so cute. “I’ll try to protect you too, okay?”
He blinked. “You think I’m cute?”
Your face turned as red as his hair. “W-What? N-No.”
“I’m sure you did.”
OMG! Did I just say that outloud? “No!”
“You just confirmed it!”
“Wait.. What am I thinking about right now?” Sunshine bananas.
“Sunshine..bananas..?” Why is she so weird. I love her.
You blush again, but keep it to yourself.
“What am I thinking of, then?”
“He need some milk ?”
“What the FUCK is going on!?” you both scream.
“I...I” Saeyoung looks down and shakes his head. “Don’t bother me while I’m working.” give me attention, please.
In the car ride to the cabin, y’all literally just have a mental conversation without saying anything while you listen in on the RFA party.
“I’m glad to have met you.”
“AH, MC! Why are you being so loud?!”
“I wanted to hear your voice out loud,” you shrug.
Cue Saeyoung blush. She’s so cute. I love her.
“I love you too.”
V; important events in your life brings background music, finding your love brings romantic tunes
“Ray, where is V? What’s Rika going to do to him?”
“Don’t worry about him! Pay attention to me! ..that traitor.”
Seven finds you, and you both search for V
He’s in the dungeon, and y’all basically smuggle him out, drugged as he is.
He’s barely coming to, but he utters one word: “Music?”
Seven looks back at you questioningly, “The radio is off.”
“I hear it too. It’s romantic sounding.” you look down at V, “It’s you, isn’t it?”
V nods off as you reach the cabin where Vanderwood is waiting.
2 years later
“Another party, I’m impressed, MC,” Jumin congratulates.
“It’s too bad you and V never hit it off, amirite?” Seven nudges you.
“I just wanted him to be happy and healthy,” you shrug.
“You are too kind, as always,” Jumin shakes his head.
The members leave to attend to their duties, while you stay back and watch the hustle and bustle.
Suddenly, soft, romantic music starts playing.
Can it be?
A voice calls out. “I’ve been waiting for this moment.”
You smile softly “...Me too. V.”
“It’s Jihyun, now. I’ve missed you so much...MC..”
Saeran; soulmates can heal better than medicines
Ngl, i was gonna do ‘sharing scars’ but that would be too sad
“Ray, you need to get better sleep…” you sighed, slightly fixing his collar ruffles
“What? I feel fine. I feel so awake when I’m with you…”
“But still, It’s important to me, and it should be for you too.”
As soon as Saeran (Unknown Saeran) came in, the air was completely different.
But somehow, he felt more at peace...which he hatED
“Saeran, you’re not allowed in there, Savior’s orders,” a believer said.
“NO! SHe’S mY TOY. I SAY WHAT I CAN AND CAN’t DO!” he yelled, “My Toy IS in TheRe!”
When Ray came back for that short while, he couldn’t get anything else out other than apologies, and you shushed him and held him softly.
He sniffed one more time, and wiped his tears, running out of the room.
The elixir wasn’t working because he had found another; you. You were healing him from the inside out.
Rika hadn’t noticed until the real Saeran came back.
At the cabin, he always wished to stay close to you, and you him.
Even when you both went to therapy he always thought you would heal him just fine, but you urged the talk sessions.
Eventually, he did see the benefit and started to go regularly without complaint.
“MC, you’re my favorite drug.”
Masterlist | Requests? open
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hyukorkook · 7 years
A/N  hey guys this is writer aish I’ve decided to keep all my scenarios and au’s on this blog so my main @yeol2bean can only be for my fangirl stuff and reblogging stuff. so in celebration of JJ project’s comeback, here’s boyfriend!jaebum you can find the rest of my boyfriend series here
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The kind of frustrating boyfriend who’d never accept his feelings or acknowledge them in front of you, for fear of letting himself be loved.
Jaebum’s biggest issue in the ordeal of finding and staying in love, is just himself. Everytime he finds himself around someone that he actually wants to spoil and spend his life with, he always forces himself to consider his career or all the troublesome things that could lead to a happy ending. His default setting is pessimism. But it’s really impossible to do that around you
You find yourself backstage at one of got7’s concerts. Your friend was an intern at a management company that helped out during events and honestly you were just there to drop off some juice and food for her and her coworkers. You had heard a lot of tales about how the backstage of a concert looked and felt like and you knew it was no easy feat. But you hadn’t expected your friend to barrel at you when you saw her and drag you to the waiting room because one makeup intern hadn’t showed up and there were 7 minutes left to the stage and one of the got7 members had just woken up and there was no one to do makeup for him because everyone was going crazy.
You held her hand and tried to assure her that it really wasn’t your place and you didn’t wanna mess with the idols and get yourself (or worse – her) kicked out because of some mistake. But in her words, “it’s like code red right now and me talking to you just might get me kicked out y/n PLEASE SAVE MY LIFE” ofcourse a friend in need must be helped so you find yourself with a huge (alarming) makeup set and in front of a sleeping jaebum
You tried to get some instructions from the girl working on youngjae next to you, trying your best to understand everything in whisper yells, trying not to wake up jaebum or anyone sleeping behind him. Jinyoung occasionally looks up and eventually passes his manager’s phone with a picture of their last stage with jaebum’s makeup as a guide. You whisper a quick thank you and get working but the minute your fingers touch his skin, jb jerks awake and holds your wrist tightly and dazedly asks
“who the hell are you?”
Though rolling your eyes is a very good option, you don’t have time for that. So you tug your wrist out, murmur a quick ‘the makeup girl’ and keep working on his face. Every few minutes, his eyes keep darting around him, still suspicious. He even tries to ask youngjae for help but youngjae is too busy belting out songs and warming up his throat and eventually jb resigns back into his seat and people are yelling @ you to finish this quick because THE MC IS ON THE STAGE ALREADY GUYS
You can see that every minute makes jb even more nervous so while you’re adding the last bit of mineral powder to set his makeup in place and surveying his hair, you hold onto his wrist. His eyes dart back to you, absolutely shit terrified and he looks at you warily. But you manage to smile at him and go “you can’t go wrong when you look like this ok? Im putting my bets on you.” And while he’s perplexed as hell, you boop his nose and walk out to find your friend
Jinyoung obviously smirks to himself behind the script to his new drama
By the time you’re out, your friend is in the clear and the concert begins and you say your goodbyes and promise her you’ll meet her later for gossip and coffee or something
And nobody mentions anything of that evening except that one time your friend asked how you managed to be in such close proximity with jb and didn’t scream because she knew you were a fan and you were like ‘listen I was tyna d e a l but also the poor boy was so nervous I really couldn’t scream and scare him even more. He looked like a cat dreading a bath’
But is that the end of it???? No because jb just can’t forget this cool and chic girl who walked into his life (aka dressing room) and did his makeup, gave him a smooth af pep talk and walked out just as suavely. But ofcourse he’s got a team to lead and performances to perform and concerts to do and like he can’t possibly ask his manager to track down someone amirite so he keeps mum
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But jinyoung cannot handle how passive aggressive jaebum has become because everytime he sees a new female staff at a GOT7ing shoot or a photoshoot or around the office, he does a double take and creepily stares at them from afar because he keeps expecting you to show up again out of the blue. So jinyoung takes it upon himself finally and he pops up by your friend at their next music bank stage like ‘hey who’s that friend of yours that keeps giving you juice and stuff?’ and your friend is so flustERED AF because jinyoung the prince is talking to her but she gets her shit together soon enough like why she’s just a mom friend why do you wanna know
And jinyoung being the absolute savage he is, SPILLS.
So jinyoung and your friend get into a secret (unnecessarily elaborate) mission to bring about a natural meeting between the two of you and jinyoung basically drags jb to a café you were supposed to meet your friend at, late in the evening. It’s a weekday and most of the crowd has gone home for dinner and the café is nearly closing and you are sending the last of your emails and finishing up work (maybe updating tumblr idk) and jinyoung and jb walk in and you don’t notice them because who cares your friend will find you but jaebum just yells “MAKEUP GIRL” and you legit wanna put your head down like guys it’s been a long day don’t @ me (a/n this is me in real life guys) but you look up anyway to see JB STALKING TOWARDS YOU LIKE A PANTHER AND HE JUST
“what do you mean place your bets on me? You just walked off like that?? What was I supposed to think??
You are quite shook at this point and you’re just watching jb glare at you confused and sit back because he’s also confused about why he’s behaving like this, next to a very smug jinyoung and your friend who carefully slinks into your booth and you’re just looking from one person to another and you’re super low on human strength to communicate so you just make out a bare ‘wait what?’ before jinyoung and your friend decide to SKIDADDLE and leave the two of you to maybe  get something to eat? Drink? Make it a date? Idk you guys go crazy!
Jaebum, who by now has finally realized that you are very lost, offers to buy you food and you refuse out of habit and he just shakes his head and gets up and offhandedly mutters over his shoulder ‘if you don’t come along I’ll just order whatever for you’ so you fucking get off your arse and follow him like a lost puppy.
When your order is all settled and the barista gets to work you just turn to him and ask him what the hell is he doing here and wow why is this so comfortable? You just spoke to him like he was some sot of long term friend you hadn’t seen in a while? And he chuckles under his breath because you said all of that out loud and he replies, ‘honestly I don’t know what’s happening to me either but I’ve been looking forward to seeing you again’
And wow im jaebum we did not know you could flirt so well and he just shrugs like well I didn’t know either.
You guys get to talking and exchange numbers and meet up often for casual food dates blah blah you guys know the drill but that’s not even the fun part
Jb is CONVINCED that he’ll never get a normal life of just being a boyfriend with you, out in the sun, enjoying the day and you’re like CHALLENGE ACCEPTED and you take it upon yourself to plan dates with him where you can take him out but he won’t be stalked by fans or anything and that is. Hard
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So you come up with the weirdest date ideas and you have to pull a lot of strings to make that happen like the time you asked one of your lawyer friends if he could help you sneak onto the terrace of his building so jaebum and you could have a picnic and look at the skyline from there and jb is just like ‘how did you manage to do this??? I can see everyone but no one can see me??’
And on days when there is a baseball match or like graduation in schools, you decide THIS IS THE DAY and you take him to spots that are frequented by high school kids like lets say a famous café strip or some quaint little beach drive and nobody there really cares about him because the kids are at their graduation and he’s so shook because this was such a brilliant idea why did he never think of this
One time you guys took a late night bus to a small coastal town and spent the day in the most remote places that were only frequented by locals and the fisherwomen cooed over how you and jaebum looked so cute walking by the sea, holding hands and trying to take care of each other and jb is so happy because even adults that aren’t related to him, approve of you
But as your relationship progresses you realise that jb is just a very simple man like his idea day is just perform for his fans, have a successful practice day, maybe get inspired and write some lyrics and make progress on the album, and come home + strip to his shorts + make dinner with you
He’s so domestic, he loves making dinner with you. He doesn’t care if you’re good or if you’re making Korean food or whatever. He says that just cutting vegetables in the same space as you, without any words and just jazz playing in the background makes him calm. On really bad days, he looks forward to this time and if he is too tired he’ll sit on the kitchen counter with a carrot or a cucumber and just watch you cook and listen to you talk about your day because he doesn’t have the energy to talk but he thinks listening to what each other has to say is the most important part of a relationship
Such a random hand holder like you won’t even see it coming. He would love it if your hands are smaller than his and everytime you hold hands his brain just explodes with ‘OHMYGOD THEIR HANDS ARE SO SMALL AND CUTE MUST PROTECT ASDFGHJKL”
Nsfw time. Jaebum is bed is a force to be reckoned with because this man is feral, let me tell you a definite strong dom with the most simple but sensual kinks like he just loves neck biting and tracing your collarbone with his lips. Absolutely adores tummy kisses and will put in all his efforts to kiss every inch of your skin but hopes for nothing in return
Will worship the very earth you walk upon if you change things up a little and press kisses to the inside of his elbows and behind his ears and trace your tongue over the outline of his bellybutton and will fucking lose it if you graze your nails down to his navel and he’s just like smh just let me do you already
Not very patient.  Not very quiet. Always moans like he’s seething in anger but he’s just legit trying to keep himself in check from BITING INTO YOUR SKIN and like taking you from here to Neverland wow
A sucker for forehead kisses, especially in the mornings when he’s barely awake but he can feel every inch of your skin next to him
Jb is such a warm pessimistic angtsy sweetheart he deserves all the love guys.
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rebelracket-a · 7 years
Team Rocket defense #SQUAD
//...Or, Lo thinks too much, drinks too much, and cares about children’s videogame mafias a little too much, so here’s a think piece nobody asked for about why Rocket deserves less schtick than it gets.
I know for fact that other Rocket RPers have experienced the same vaguely annoying thing I have: your character is out there being their intimidating self, only to get flooded with snarky replies from characters blatantly disrespecting your Rocket muse’s threat-level. There’s a reason I feel the need to have a rule about taking Rocket at least semi-seriously. I don’t mind a little IC ribbing, or characters ICly underestimating or doubting the power members of the now washed-up organisation might hold—but sometimes it’s SO prevalent in the community that it feels like people trying to force their own fanon notions about Rocket unto other players...and, by extension, the notion that your muse poses no challenge and is guarenteed not to stand a chance against theirs, regardless of whether they play another Team boss, or generic Pokémon trainer #51,828. cough POWERPLAYING cough...  At very least, it gets boring having your muse run into the exact same smarmy conversations over and over.
Here’s a handy rundown of where I think these conceptions spring from, and how Rocket is (or at least was) no less a force to be reckoned with than any other team.
Jessie & James =/= gameverse Rocket If I had to pick the number one cause fans don’t take Rocket as seriously as the other teams, I would place 80% of my blame on THIS terrible twosome. For some of us, the English localisation of the Pokémon anime was our primary introduction to the series at large. Mention “Team Rocket” to anyone who grew up at the height of the 90s-early 2000s Pokémon craze, and they probably know about Jessie, James and Meowth even if they never played the GBC games or watched the anime in much depth. We all know Jessie & James are a pair of comic relief fuckups, but they’re so culturally prevalent that I’m certain their ineptitude has coloured people’s opinion of Rocket as a whole...even though even anime Rocket can be a real and genuine threat when the plot calls upon it. Mewtwo Returns? Domino? Come on!!
I mean seriously, gameverse Rocket is actually a prime bunch of assholes They murder Pokémon, terrorize entire towns, control entry to entire cities, and kick what might be Kanto’s most affluent corporation out of their head offices just because Giovanni decided he wanted to put his greedy hands all over the Masterball tech Silph was developing. Think about that for the moment: if the city-based headquarters of a real life tech giant were forcibly taken over irl, it would be considered a major terrorist incident. Considering Silph likely has mad security and the headquarters is such a landmark in Saffron, to pull off something like that would require considerable manpower and disregard for whatever opposing forces stand in your way. Same can be said for the Goldenrod Radio Tower takeover. Pokémon Origins was also golden for showcasing Rocket’s cruelty and making them feel like a heavyweight threat, even in the face of maintaining the team’s trademark comic relief in the silliness of its grunts.
The child protagonists are actual prodigies Yes, Rocket was defeated by a child. On two separate occasions, no less (three if you count Sevii). Egg on their face, amirite? But then, so were Magma and Aqua. And Galactic, Plasma, Neo Plasma, Flare, Skull, and Aether... Sure, on the surface it’s laughable (not to mention downright humiliating) for entire mafias and extremist groups to be toppled by minors, but consider this: Red and Gold/Kris/Ethan/Lyra...none of these kids were your average Youngster toting around a Rattata. If any of these teams were so flimsy that any old novice trainer could waltz in and take them down, why were they not vanquished by the police long before they reached the point they could commandeer a radio tower, fuck up the environment, or provoke Poké-satan into saying “enough of this shit” and dragging them to Poké-hell? And if not the police, what about the Elite Four or the rest of the League? Is everyone just lazy? Why does it take a child to topple giants? Because the protags are blank-player-self-inserts fan-fucking-tastic at what they do and have a proficiency as Pokémon trainers that allows them to face literal gods. Youngster Joey, eat your heart out.
Rocket “did it first” Yup. No getting around it: Rocket set the bar for every antagonist team that followed it. By now we’re used to the slightly hairbrained schemes (yeah Maxie, you go and detonate that land-locked volcano. What could go wrong?), and the irreverent and klutzy mooks who drop keys, let the player character slip by while they argue over whose shirt is whose, and go down in a couple hits when you fight them. But by now these are all part of the formula. You almost don’t notice it anymore, but since Rocket’s quirks were new, it sticks out in the minds of the fans that this supposedly fearful mafia-like group employed bumbling fools who blurted out about the secret entrance to their base because the MC looked at them funny.
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170115 Team 8 Full Group Concert Live Viewing Report
not exactly the same as a live report but you know. had some thoughts i wanted to go through with this. 
So first up being the intro with the East General Rinrin and West General Oonao, I’m really glad those two got these positions since-- despite my gunning for Oonao as 8 captain, she has said she’s not fully comfortable with the idea. But at the same time, she DOES act like a captain to the group and the idea of splitting the responsibility makes a lot of sense, especially with how Rinrin has stepped up for the East as of late. 
It was also really cute because they started up a chant of “East!” or “West!” depending on who you were “rooting” for and Oonao got confused halfway through and started chanting “East”
OP1. Ice no Kuchizuke (Sakaguchi Nagisa, Kuranoo Narumi, Oguri Yui, Yamada Nanami, Nakano Ikumi, Yokomichi Yuri, Sato Nanami) cute performance, but i did really like this choice of lineup
M01. RIVER okay this started everything off really well especially since it had some of the most intense dancing for this that i’ve seen in a while, especially from Nagi, Naru, and Ikumin. also surprisingly, Riona (not that it’s surprising that she’s a good dancer, more surprising that she was visible tbh) it also had the whole east vs. west theme going and really built hype
M03. Hoshizora wo Kimi ni (Team EAST) & M04. Shishunki no Adrenaline (Team WEST) Maybe it’s just my preferences but honestly pretty sure Shishunki won in this matchup just with how much energy they had. It’s a very energetic number, yeah, which definitely did give them a leg up so i’ll cede that. 
M06. 47 no Suteki na Machi e (Full version 47 members) : ‘ ) The fact that this is the first version with the full 47 in so long and the last with all 47 for a while makes me very sad. Emotional on that level, but honestly not the best 47 performance I’ve seen by a long shot. 
M07. Kiseki ma awanai (Hayasaka Tsumugi, Abe Mei, Yoshikawa Nanase) Okay so literally in the middle of the MC Tsumugi interrupted to be like “Hey so I have to go catch a plane like right now so that I can take an exam so even though we’re still in the same costumes and just grabbed some trillbys we’re doing our unit now.” 
They also mentioned in the MC that they’d only been practicing since this morning and you could kinda tell they were out of sync. 
Also worth mentioning is that Tsucchan very nearly dropped her hat during the toss and then just threw it out into the audience anyways.
M09. Hone Hone Waltz (Utada Hatsuka, Noda Hinano, Takahashi Sayaka, Hirano Hikaru) I just want to say that honestly this is one of my least favorite songs ever and petition for Team 8 to sTOP PERFORMING THIS PLEASE. WHY DID YOU WRITE A SONG ABOUT BONES AKI-P
Other than that, since it’s all of the new girls, they opened with self introductions, since the main concert didn’t have that. 
M10. Escape (Yokoyama Yui, Yokomichi Yuri, Yamada Nanami, Nakano Ikumi) Okay hands down best part of the concert for me, and honestly I am not too into the cool dance-heavy numbers. All of these girls were seriously skilled and got to show off their own strengths really well. Lip-syncing was awful but it was fairly clear that that was not what they were going for anyways
I want this concert to be released JUST for that number
After the music faded out and they all turn to walk offstage, Yamada turned around
“I’m sorry everyone, but, I have something to say. Actually, I... have school in the morning so I have to leave right now.”
This then kind of tied into the next number because she then had a spiel about “While I’m gone, you can play with my figures!” and dragged out the members for the next number who, of course had a little dialog about how they’re figures that can’t move when humans are watching (bc Nageki no Figure)
M15. Wimbledon e tsureteite (Oguri Yui, Sakaguchi Nagisa, Kuranoo Narumi) OH MAN THIS WAS A BIT OF A MESS HONESTLY
And I kind of hope it’s not just my memory exaggerating things
But right before they started they had a short skit sort of thing about Oguri talking about how she wanted to confess to her senpai and Nagi encouraging her 
And then Naru interrupting just flat out being “Well I mean if you’re not going to do it, then I’ll do it. And I’ll also take your position in AKB senbatsu.”
They all had a bit of a back and forth about that before launching in and oh man
Maybe I was just imagining it and I’m sure the live venue atmosphere might have been different but just??? It really felt like after that Naru was trying to show up Oguri. 
Their dancing was so out of sync. Naru was just going hard and outdancing the other two while Oguri was... honestly just doing an okay job which looked really bad next to Naru and especially in the center
Meanwhile Nagi is just dancing normally
Then they all got on the trolley things and at the end Naru stumbled trying to get off of hers onto Nagi’s and Oguri’s
And also they sung all of it live
Because we all know how well the solo concerts went amirite
M16. Kima wa Melody (Oda Erina, Chou Kurena - guitar) Honestly not the best OdaEri performance especially at the beginning, buuuuut p sure it was because she started sitting down which yeah why would you do that. By the end when she stood up it was really pretty. 
East and West Deputy Commander MC: Nakano Ikumi and Takahashi Ayane These two as Deputy Commanders make a lot of sense. But the MC itself was pretty awkward, mostly about being how they’d never actually talked before other than “Good morning” and “Good work” and such. Ayane even called Ikumin “Nakano-san” the entire time.
They did quiz each other on facts about themselves which was cute. The best part was Ayane asking about her old catchphrase and saying that it had been too embarrassing and Ikumin was just like “Your current one isn’t embarrassing? lol” like Ikumin you aRE NOT ONE TO TALK
M17. 1!2!3!4! Yoroshiku (Team EAST) & M18. Seishun no Laptime (Team WEST) (Center: Oota Nao) & M19. Max toki 315-go (Team WEST) & M20. Melon Juice (Team EAST) (Center: Yuiyui, Nagi) All of these wen tH ARD. Special mention to Seishun no Laptime which was just perfect for West and the Oonao center. Melon Juice was also very great. 
Then after they finished this rampage of sister group East vs. West songs they were basically just like “Okay let’s get along or whatever”
M21. High Tension Tsucchan casually showing up in the background in the Kiseki wa ma Awanai costume. In the MC afterwards she said she missed her plane. 
East vs West moe serifu battle: Yoshikawa Nanase, Oguri Yui, Sato Shiori vs. Gyouten Yurina, Yamamoto Ruka, Kuranoo Narumi They had to make up a moe line based on a single syllable. Highlight of this was Nanase (I think????? It might have been Shiorin now that I think about it) being given “mi” so she literally just took Oguri’s catchphrase 
M22. Kegareteiru Shinjitsu (Yokoyama Yui, Honda Hitomi, Sakaguchi Nagisa, Nakano Ikumi, Oguri Yui, Sato Nanami, Yokomichi Yuri, Tanikawa Hijiri, Kuranoo Narumi, Nagano Serika) & M23. Amanojaku batta & M24. Aisatsu kara hajimeyou & M25. Isshou no aida ni nannin to deaeru no darou & M26. Yume e no Route (Recording allowed) honestly just wanted to say that I love Team 8′s choreo and they are always so into dancing they are just wonderful to watch but where is my henachoko
So after the main show ended and before the encore call, Top Lead came out to do a drawing, basically one of the movie theaters with the live viewing got a special chance to attend a live show at the AKB Theater. Clearly, the one I was in did not get chosen. 
So my summarizing thoughts are:
As a concert it was pretty solid if only for how engaged everyone in Team 8 is and the level of some of the performances. Others unfortunately fell flat and honestly just looking back on the setlist, it’s kind of lackluster. The majority of these songs are just recycled from previous concerts. 
From a logical standpoint, I totally get that though. It must be hell to try to schedule rehearsals for a team of 47 girls who may or may not live in very different parts of the country, and also have to worry about potentially school and of course, other arrangements including another concert earlier that day, and for a certain three, an additional solo concert the day before. 
So I do kind of understand, and again, the enthusiasm here does definitely help make up for it, but I feel like the West or East concerts by themselves would have made up in the surprise or interest factor. 
Additionally a lot of the hype that built up at the beginning just... kinda faded especially when the East vs. West concept they built up didn’t really amount to anything except a couple of the group songs. 
The encore itself was super forgettable, so what I’m taking from this is that they need a good encore song for their next original song. Or to bring back Henachoko honestly. 
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