#i swear I've seen them for 15 years straight now
poodledeer · 8 months
Asking Alexandria t shirts never go out of stock or get stocked to begin with. They simply show up at the cash register at hot topic to fill out your wardrobe
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charlewiss-writes · 2 years
mein sieger / mick schumacher
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day 15: win (part of one-word november prompts!)
pairing: mick schumacher x reader
summary: after haas had dropped mick in the 2022 season, it had been a whole journey back to feeling like himself again, and returning to the grid.
warnings: poor translated german. not proofreaded enough given that i should be sleeping rn jajdjsjs
word count: 1.2k
abu dhabi, 2022.
you had never seen mick like this.
he was pacing his small driver room, fuming. if he could, he would've been walking on the walls too. the german boy was speaking a mixture of english and german, and you could only pick up a few of the things that he was saying, everything that came off his mouth sounding so unlike him. he, that was normally calm as the ocean, now furious as a tropical storm.
"I can't believe this. they told me i was in! god, i never should have trusted them. now I've got nowhere to go. fuck!" it was so strange to hear him swearing that it caught you off guard. you knew he was furious, and he had every right to be: haas had promised him the seat for next season, and last moment had backed off. mick now found himself stranded, without the chance of picking another team, given that the one where he was currently in made sure that he shouldn't negotiate anywhere else, due to him having his seat for next season secured.
"mick, baby, I'm sure this isn't the end. you'll come back." obviously you had plenty of faith in the words you were saying, but you didn't knew how he would react to them. he continued, now stopping on his track to get close to you. "how? I just fuck up cars. I don't have a single point off the last races. I'm a fucking fraud" at that last sentence, his voice got cut off due to the sob that escaped his lips. you quickly jumped to hug him tightly. and even though he doubled you in size, in that moment, mick looked like a lost child, and your heart broke at the sight. "hey hey, we won't go into that. you know it's not only your fault, mickie".
"yeah, but who's without a seat for next season? me".
you took his head out of the crook of your neck, and looked straight into his eyes, the once blue ocean that you saw in them and that brought you so much calm, now looking devastated, as they were filled with tears. softly, you whispered for only him to hear. "and you'll come back. maybe not next year, but I'm sure you'll find a way. and I'll be here when you get another chance".
and mick had been waiting for another chance for a while now.
he maintained busy with activities that didn't involve racing cars during 2023, his first year off, which included building a big portfolio full of pictures he took throughout the year. for the first time in forever, he could be present for birthdays, anniversaries and holidays. and even when you were immensely happy to have him with you, getting to fall asleep and wake up next to him, you knew that on the back of his mind, he was waiting to get a chance back at accomplishing his dreams, an opportunity to come back like he deserved, to fulfill what he believed was meant for him. written in the stars, in a way.
his first step to get back came with joining indycar in 2024, where his old mate callum, who he had raced alongside on f2 during the 2020 season, welcomed him with open arms. and even though the spark in his eyes had lightened up again, still, it wasn't as bright as it used to be.
a spark that you only saw again when 2025 came, and his old friend, sebastian vettel, called on a random evening, announcing that he was the new team principal at ferrari. it wasn't surprising to you when mick told you that the older german wasn't just calling to share the good news: he wanted him to be a driver for the scuderia, the same one that was deeply connected to him and his family due to his father, who had engraved his name in history by becoming champion of the world five times while dressed in red.
so here you were now, back in bahrain, to witness another start of the season, 3 years after the last one you got to see in 2022. with mick dressed in ferrari red, you couldn't do anything less than wear the famous rosso corsa yourself, with the surname of your boyfriend and his number on your back: schumacher 47.
you thought being a few years older, the nerves that came with every racing weekend would have subdued by now. but it was quite the opposite, you soon realised, as the expectations on your boyfriend's back where even bigger than before. not only he was making his comeback, trying to prove everyone that didn't trust him back in haas that they were wrong, but he had to embrace the legacy that came with being a schumacher dressed in red.
thankfully, everything went great. not only the car was working really well with him, being instantly comfortable with it, but also his teammate, charles, was a dream. the two of them had previous history, being close in age and both having the pressure of having their fate already written for them: il predestinato and the prince, heir of the legacy.
"it's mick schumacher, and it's his first f1 win here in bahrain! the prince brings ferrari back to their winning ways. 1-2 for the scuderia, with charles leclerc coming second! what a great result for the team, what a great start of the season for the cavallino rampante! I'm sure sebastian vettel is buzzing on the garage!".
mick jumped off of the car as quickly as he could after parking it behind the sign that indicated that he had taken first place and won the race. the other red car parked behind him, in close second, and his dear friend esteban went third. he swore he could be dreaming: not only was he back in the grid, but he was now part of a competent team, with a competitive car where he could fight for wins and podiums, just like he wished all those years ago when he first reached the category.
the blonde boy made his way quickly to the red sea of mechanics that engulfed his body whole when he first got close to them, buzzing with the feeling of another great season for the scuderia after charles got his first world drivers championship a year earlier. once they had let your boyfriend go, he got closer to you, being close but not exactly in the middle of it all. you could swore that his smile right now could have lighten up the whole race track, and even the city, too. his hair was all messed up due to the inevitably sweat that came with being on the car for too long, but he still looked like the most beautiful man to ever exist.
you beamed at him when you reached for his face, grabbing him by his neck to bring him closer, so you could share a little moment where you told him what you had said to him since you've met him, but now, it had more meaning behind. "never been more proud of you, mein sieger".
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crinkled-emotions · 6 months
Day 13: "You and me. Now."
Ship: Hangman x OC (Sav)
Take a shot every time I put a character in trouble with their significant other
Team I fuckin hate Christmas in the city people are straight up awful. I'm outta here to hug my dog and see a kangaroo in the bushes
(that sounds like a euphemism)
(I swear it wasn't)
(did anyone else see that photo with Glen wearing glasses?? Send help that was hot)
I've written day 13 and 14, but then I'm heading for 15 and potentially 16 by the end of the day because I am actually leaving the city tomorrow to be with my family for the holiday break!
Savannah was on a mission. Straight through the group of aviators standing at the collection point and into Jake’s arms, reaching up to kiss him. He didn’t even hesitate, brushing his thumb over her hip. They separated and Savannah glanced over her shoulder to watch the others find their families. Shifting slightly she saw Coyote scoop up his daughter when the little girl walked to him. The look of surprise on his face told her it was the first time he’d seen her walk. She felt Jake’s hand on her back and turned back to hug him again.
“You okay?” She murmured. He smiled into her shoulder.
“Happy to be back with you.”
“Nerd,” Savannah snorted, “but I’m glad too.”
“Hey Bagman, we’re going to hang out at Coyote’s once everyone’s had a nap. You down?”
Savannah turned in her husband’s arms, eyebrow raised when Phoenix walked past them. Jake hummed, running a hand down Savannah’s back to check with her.
“What do you think, baby? Wanna go get drunk?”
“Sounds like a plan.”
Jake nodded at Phoenix and she grinned.
“See you there.”
“Starts at seven!” Coyote called. Everyone cheered.
Savannah didn’t usually go and meet Jake when he got off a carrier in another state, but something told her this one was different. He’d been radio silent until the day before and she’d taken the first flight from Texas to San Diego to see him. By the time they got back to the hotel he was subtly yawning and Savannah felt like she’d been wired for almost twenty-four hours. They took one look at each other and stripped off, collapsing on the bed. Savannah went to set an alarm but Jake stopped her, pressing a kiss to her shoulder.
“C’mon; let’s just sleep. If we sleep till ten it’s no big deal.”
“What about tomorrow morning?”
“I’ll be starving and I might be in trouble with my CO for missing debrief but at least we’ll be well rested.”
Savannah hummed.
“Let’s not get you into any more trouble than usual. Go to sleep, Seresin.”
Jake flopped on to his back and Savannah sat up beside him. As much as he could pretty much fall asleep anywhere at this point, Savannah hadn’t quite adjusted to the Navy life and sometimes she needed a moment to just be grateful he was back and a-okay save a couple bruises on his chest and back. When Jake rolled on to his side he put a hand on her leg and she squeezed it before reaching for her book. Knowing her, she’d be out before she finished the chapter.
Somewhere during the night Savannah found herself separated from Jake and joining Rooster at the bonfire. She didn’t know him all that well, having met and married Jake in the time they weren’t friends, but something told her he was an alright guy.
“Bagman told you, huh?”
“Told me what?”
“Look; I’m really sorry. I already apologised to him, but-“
Savannah frowned. She scooted forward on her seat, flicking Rooster’s knee.
“What are you talking about?”
His eyes widened; he put his beer down and cleared his throat.
“Hangman and I... we stopped being friends years ago but he said something I had no idea he knew about and I flew off the handles.”
Savannah’s head shot up, dread building in her stomach.
“What did he say?”
“It’s not important, I-“
“-what did he say, Bradshaw- wait. Did you punch him?”
“I may have... uh. Yeah, I tried to- I wasn’t thinking... damn, Savannah, I’m sorry.”
“What did he say that was so fucking awful?”
“The man who’s been our commanding officer for this detachment flew with my father... they had an accident when I was two and my dad... didn’t make it. I don’t like it being shared around, y’know, sometimes I tell people and they think I got into the Navy as a nepo baby.”
“I’m confused.”
“Your husband broadcasted it to our squad and I guess I stopped thinking.”
Savannah sucked in a breath. Finally, she stood and took his beer.
“I hope you can go home and tell your wife that. Now excuse me, I have to go deal with mine.”
She stormed off, leaving Rooster with his brows furrowed.
“Hangman... isn’t a... hm.”
He shrugged.
“Hangman the wife. Well, if he wants he will.”
“You and me. Now.”
Jake whipped around when he felt Savannah tug at the end of his shirt, frowning when she gestured toward a quieter corner of Javy’s backyard.
“Everything okay, baby?”
“Now, Jake.”
He handed his beer to his best friend, letting his wife lead him away from the group. The first thing she did was gently turn his head from side to side, inspecting his face for any marks or bruises remaining from Rooster’s attempt. Then she put her hands on her hips.
“Tell me what you said to Rooster.”
“Did you seriously bring up his dad? I know you can be an asshole at work but fuck me, that is straight up awful!”
“-did you even think for a fucking second that you could trigger him? Rooster is a ball of anxiety buried under his super cool exterior at the best of times! Why do you think he’s here right now, not halfway back to Virginia Beach? He could be home, with his wife and kids-“
“-he nearly fucking wasn’t!”
Savannah’s lips pressed together, snapped shut in surprise. Jake took a deep breath, running a hand through his hair.
“You didn’t see him during training, Sav. He was getting through the course but he was so slow. If he flew like that in the mission... god, I wasn’t going to be the one to tell Dee. Or his kids.”
Savannah watched him for a moment. Finally, she reached for his hand.
“You were scared.”
“No, I was terrified.”
“Whatever you said to him wasn’t okay, and you know that is not the way to tell him you’re worried about him, but... Jake, look at me.”
As much as he was exasperated, he was also doing his best impression of a kicked puppy.
“I’m glad he’s okay, I’m glad you’re okay, and I’m really glad your face is okay. I kind of like it.”
That made him snort, and he reached for her hand.
“I already told him I was sorry, we talked it out on the transport flight. We’re cool.”
“I can’t believe how fucking bitchy you two can be... c’mere.”
She pushed off her back foot, straight into Jake’s arms. His shoulders relaxed and Savannah gave him a little tap on the back.
“Still mean.”
“I know.”
“Why didn’t you just talk to him?”
“I was scared it wasn’t goin’ to work.”
“Not talking to me.”
“You may have deserved that, honey.”
“Stop bein’ the voice of reason.”
They separated, Jake kissing her nose. Savannah brushed a hand over his cheek, then subtly tilted her head toward the back gate.
“We should... get some sleep.”
“Totally; debrief and then the flight home, we’re gonna be... uh, busy.”
The pair exchanged a look, then took off to make hasty goodbyes.
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casspurrjoybell-26 · 1 month
💖Sweet Revenge💖 - Chapter 15
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*Warning Adult Content*
Aaron Keene
I leave Blake in the diner and walk back to my apartment.
The way he'd looked at me as I told him my story had hurt.
It wasn't pity I'd seen in his eyes though.
It was exactly what I'd wanted to see... pain, remorse, understanding and... if I dare be honest... maybe love.
I was in a lot of danger of feeling something similar.
Blake in high school had stomped on my heart.
Now it seemed like he was throwing his own at my feet.
I don't want that kind of power and it scares me a little to realize I have it over him.
So instead of think about it like an adult, I throw myself into my work, heart and soul and do my best to ignore the fact that every time I gave them a chance, my thoughts turn straight to Blake.
When he smiles and waves from across the street, my heart beats a little faster and I have to turn away quickly to keep my feet from carrying me right to him.
When I hear his voice from the front of the shop, chatting with Kate, I picture his crooked smile and hazel eyes and my batch of brittle burns and at night, when I lay in my narrow bed, all I have to do is imagine that it's his hand on me and I'm done.
Three days before Valentine's Day and my shop is stocked to the brim, my entry for the tri-state chocolate competition is finished 'a dark chocolate truffle with candied orange peel and a bourbon flavored center' and I'm exhausted.
She has a point.
Fortunately, she looks good enough for both of us.
She's taken to wearing outfits that look like they're inspired by someone's dirty dreams of Japanese schoolgirls and I think about half the male clientele are repeat customers because of it.
"It's cosplay, Aaron," she tells me when I complain that blue hair extensions and tiny skirts are not appropriate work attire.
"Haven't you heard of Sailor Moon? People love this shit. Lighten up and take a God-damn break, will you?"
I try but there's a Blake-sized weight on my heart and the only thing that takes my mind off it is more work.
Finally, the day before Valentine's Day, I've had enough.
Ignoring my feelings isn't working and I decide that the only thing that's fair to both myself and Blake is to tell him the truth.
After all these years, after everything that happened and all that I've been through since, some things haven't changed... even when I'd hated him the most, he was still the boy who saved me that day on the field, still my gold-skinned crush, still my high school hero and I still want him.
The very idea of admitting as much makes my hands tingle with anxiety, even though I think that this time he wants me just as much.
Mid-afternoon is one of the quietest times for business during the workweek.
People are still at their jobs or picking kids up from school, so both Sweet Revenge and Ardent Cycles are almost empty.
I leave Kate in charge of the shop and cross the street to Blake's store.
He's busy on his cell-phone when I enter but he looks up and I wave before turning and pretending to examine the bikes.
"Yes... yes, I'm sure," Blake says.
"Is there a problem?" he sounds a little strained and I wonder if maybe I've come at a bad time. I decide to wait around anyway.
It would be weird to have come over and then leave without even saying hello.
"Why now? The business is doing well. It's off to a great start. I don't understand," Blake is saying into his phone.
He's looking down, leaning against the counter and scowling at the ground.
"Listen, can't we discuss this in person?"
There's a pause and I notice that Blake's whole body looks tense.
"Fine. I'll be there in an hour. No. There's no need for that. Yes. Thank you."
Blake ends the call and then swears, slamming his phone down on the counter hard enough I think he's probably lucky it's in one of those heavy-duty cases.
"Is everything okay?" I ask, coming over.
He heaves a breath and runs his hand through his streaky blond hair.
"No. Not really. What can I do for you?"
"Um..." baring your heart when the other person looks stressed to the point of breaking is usually a bad idea, so I stall.
"I was wondering if we could talk... that is, if you have time."
"Actually, I don't," he says shortly.
"I have more important things to deal with right now than your hang-ups from the past, Aaron... like my fucking future."
"Oh," I swallow and take a step back.
"Okay then."
I start to leave and he calls out and comes around the counter.
"Aaron, wait... I didn't mean that... I'm sorry."
"No," I say.
"It's okay. I can tell you're upset about something. I'll come back... some other time."
He pauses and then laughs... it's a sound with a bitter edge.
"Well don't take too long this time. I might not be here when you finally make up your damn mind."
I stare at him.
This is not at all how I pictured this conversation going.
Once again, it feels like Blake is taking what I have to offer and dropping it on the floor.
A look of pain crosses his face that seems to mirror what I'm feeling but that I know my own face doesn't show.
He runs his hands through his hair.
"I'm sorry. I have to go."
"Yeah. Me too," I say and make my exit.
Blake hasn't hired any help yet, so he has to close the store.
I watch from my side of the street as he puts a sign in the window, locks up and drives off in his newly repaired truck.
When or if, we speak again, he has some explaining to do.
The rest of the day passes in a sort of blue haze and by evening, my mind is so tired from over-thinking everything from my latest recipe to Blake's unhappy expression, that it's caught on a loop like a broken record.
I don't like to but I decide to take one of the pills my doctor gave me the last time I complained of insomnia.
One way or another, Kate is right.
I need a rest and a good night's sleep... chemically assisted or not... seems like the best way to get one.
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iamearthangeluk · 4 months
it's been a while
i'll be turning 30 this year. i haven't been on tumblr since i was 15 and it is satiating the inner child in me. maybe i'll correct my grammar btu who fucking cares. it feels so good to be here again.
hello tumblr. you're going to like having me around again.
i've come back with 14 years of wisdom, of pain and beauty. i've needed this space to vent to you and God it feels good.
i don't care where anything goes, and unlike most of this fucked up world, i don't care if anyone reads it or cares about it. it's just me and you now. hello again.
i feel drunk it feels so good. hearing the tapping on the keys. the words spilling out of me as if no thought is ever needed. like i'm possessed by the spirit of art.
Art is a lie that makes us realize the truth." - Pablo Picasso
should i add a hashtag? no that's what the new plague of capitalism wants me to do. it wants me to suckle on the teet of recognition, of searching and yearning for others like me. there is no one like me and i will never find them. and i love it. i love being so disgustingly misunderstood and so rejected. so ignored. so hated and hurt. i'm so thankful for that pain. i'm so grateful for the art. i'm here again. i've missed you.
when i was 15 i couldn't give too shits if anyone saw what i wrote, if they even got a like. and here we are in this world of "look at me, look at me" it makes me sick.
i'm going to hide here for a while. just me and the words i won't speak just yet because how can i speak the same words i write? you can't do that. it's impossible. if i read this aloud it would take away the point of it all. it would become mundane and lifeless. much like the shit spilling out of social media. much like the brainwashing of others that make them create daily posts, add hashtags and strip ourselves bare of any reality of ourselves. who is even real anymore? am i?
i've delved into the darkness so many times and many have said it's not healthy. go get therapy. never will i ever. i will never shave away the pain because i like the way it feels. i like to stare it straight in the face like a friend i fucking love to hate. like a persons face you can't stop staring at because the feeling it gives you is so beautifully disturbing. because i know, deep down, i want to. it's a part of being human.
i can scream what i want from the rooftops in here.
[my space key is squeaking joyfully]
anything is art these days - the days of Pablo Picasso and Frida Kahlo are well and truly over but art does live on. it lives on in the people that will never be found. people that are stifled and lost. people like me. maybe i will be famous after i die. maybe my words will be found amongst the data that keeps on piling up. when will it all break down?
i write in notebooks, on paper, i paint on canvas. i sing to myself. i bake. i smoke cigarettes and walk around naked. my body is art. my sheer existence. my beingness.
no one will innerstand my inner desires that play with my inner demons. i am with God and He innerstands my need for pain, for darkness, for demons. He accepts me as i am because he knows the only harm i can cause is to myself but don't worry God, i'm here to play, to live. although many times in my life, i wanted nothing more than to cease to exist, for Him to take it all away, even the spirit that connects me to the ether. i wanted someone to care, to love me, to see my dead body and to regret everything they ever did to me. but now i couldn't give a shit. i wish there was a harder swear word to encapsulate my feeling towards not wanting attention. not wanting love or acceptance. i don't want to be seen. i want to be left alone with all my personalities to create and to laugh alone in the open space. to scream at the horizon. i am free in this moment. who knows how long it will last but i'm here.
welcome back to the living.
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juniejunes · 2 years
hello :) so first of all, i'm mad because in the middle of writing this letter to you, the website was lagging and it DELETED my previous draft (DUCK THIS SHEET) so lemme just...cut the introduction short because this DUCKING website made me DUCKING angry 🦆 let's get to the point cuz my patience is running frickin low right now
soooo...hi, namjoon! :)
you can call me June, same as your name, but with an "e". so, June with an e. i don't even know if you're reading this, but if you are, thank you. i don't want to turn myself into a fool thinking you notice me, but if you're reading this, i think i can die peacefully at this very moment, right now.
to be honest, writing this makes me feel so...exposed. it's so different from spamming your instagram dm. it feels more formal, and intimate in a way, and i feel...a little embarrassed, i guess. i get to express my feelings and thoughts more openly, and i do feel like you are attentively listening to me rambling, no matter how long it takes. it makes me feel appreciated, because i love it when there're someone who listen to me without any questions and arguments happen in between. it's great when they just listen and understand, though it sounds a little bit selfish of me to do that to them haha :)
anyways, this letter is dedicated to you and my little adventure in s.korea last october. it's a bit long, but i'll try to convey everything without making a part 2 so...bear with me lol
my first stop was busan. and i guess i'm in love with this city.
i cannot recall anything that i don't like about this city. if i ever to make a comparison, busan is like the youngest child in the family that everyone adores. busan welcomed me with the prettiest sceneries and most beautiful weather the moment i stepped foot in gimhae airport. it makes me jealous because, weather here in my city is so...weird, i even got seasonal allergy because of it. but busan, or s.korea in general, autumn is amazing, lovely and enjoyable.
everything here makes me feel...familiar somehow, or s.korea does, not just only busan. the people here are so nice and amiable, i even love busan "satoori", though many people say that it sounds heavy and agressive, i find it lovely and friendly. taxi drivers even recognized me and my friend were ARMYs and they tried to hold little conversations with us, despite my poor korean lol.
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📍haeundae blue line park the sea cabin car experience was soooo worth it. i got to enjoy such breath-taking view of the ocean, also beautiful greeneries alongside the coastal line.
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the sceneries were straight out of a movie. i've seen them so many times on pinterest, instagram...but never have i ever thought that one day i got to see them with my own bare eyes. they even look better in person i swear.
i guess i miss everything about s.korea, especially busan because maybe i won't have the chance to visit this lovely city again in a long time. i miss the haeundae beach, the way coastal wind blew my hair messy, and of course the highlight of october, or the year 2022 even, the BTS Yet To Come concert in busan.
i've got to say this, the concert experience was MIND-BLOWING. this was my first time going to a BTS concert ever, and i'm so glad i went. i got to feel the atmosphere, see the ARMY Bomb sea and the amazing performances. so DUCKING lit and eyes-popping. it's quite sad because now everything is just a memory, seeing you and BTS in real life, screaming your names on the top of my lungs and singing throughout the whole concert... this means so much to me because not only it was my first time but also, this happened in the year i turned 18. if i could go back in time and told my 14, 15 year-old self that i'd go to a BTS concert in 3 years, she'd call me crazy and a liar haha. but it really happened, and it truly amazed me because, so many things could happen in such a short period of time and most of the time, we'll never know what would happen next in the future. it almost feel like dream, a miracle. a dream come true. this concert is so meaningful, because it was BTS's last concert before you guys enlist. listening to all members' messages to ARMYs makes my heart warms. we believe in you and we hope you guys believe in us to, that we'll be here waiting for you to come back and continuing our journey for the next 7, 10, 20, 30... years. me personally, i won't ever stop being an ARMY, i promise.
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credit to my friend for taking this beautiful picture! she was in the standing area while i was on the 3rd floor :)
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and we ate ramyeon after getting back from the concert, while watching BTS's live haha
i guess from now on, whenever "busan" or "2022" is mentioned, i'll always be reminded of my first BTS concert experience. i can't wait to go to many upcoming concerts of BTS if i ever get another chance. see you again.
next and last stop is, seoul.
i have so many mixed feelings about seoul. because unlike busan, it was my second time visiting seoul, and the experience was very different from the first. my first was in 2018, when i was 14 and signed up for a package tour (the worst decision in my life ever tbh but it was the only choice back then). but the on the second, i feel like i was living a seoul-person, "seoul-saram"' life, though not quite, but close. i took buses and subway like everyone else does, going for the longest walk i ever took in my 18 years of existence (yes, i took nearly 20.000 steps a day when i was in s.korea, here at home i only take around 3.000 steps per day max) and got to experience the whole city by myself.
if busan feels familiar, seoul feels like a second home.
i really don't know why i feel like that, but seoul is like home to me, because for some reason i don't feel like an outsider in seoul. i may not speak korean fluently, may not fully understand korean culture, but somehow i feel seoul has a place for me. seoul welcomed me as a long-lost child coming back home, i guess.
it is making me confuse because i've never felt like this before. after coming back to my country, my city, i long for the day i "come back" to seoul, to s.korea again. not "go" or "visit". "come back". like in, "come back home". i know, it's...weird. how come i feel belong to a city so much, despite not being a part of it since birth?
maybe i like it because seoul has you.
your history, your origin, your story...almost everything of you is attached with seoul. to me, seoul is you, you are seoul. so i love seoul, means i love you. it sounds a bit crazy, but there's a saying that goes, "sometimes loving a place is not because of something but someone".
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these are some photos i took (minus the one that has me in it, it was taken by my friend ><) during the days in seoul. the last picture was taken at the same place you went to, near the gwanghwamun square? (i don't remember exactly). i was so mad after seeing your instagram post though, nearly same pictures, taken at the same place at the same angle, yet i couldn't meet you. clearly destiny is playing with me and i don't like it >:(
the rest were taken at hanok bukchon village, i got to wear the prettiest purple hanbok ever! (both me and my friend decided to go for purple cuz it reminded us of BTS haha)
i also visited places that you went to before, like this bookstore which has a really nice retro, 80s vintage vibe to it, and also 운경고택.
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and lastly, i took a look at the old neighborhood that BTS used to live in, nonhyeon-dong.
i've been an ARMY since 2015, clearly have been by your side for 7 years already. visiting this neighborhood makes me feel nostalgic for some reasons, even though i wasn't the one who actually going through all the hardships and all. but these places, the old company building, the old dormitory...again brings me back to the freshly-debuted BTS and your very first few years, and maybe even reminds me of the 화앙연화 era that i love so so much.
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7 years with BTS has helped me grow a lot, as a person, emotionally, mentally. to be honest, if it wasn't because of BTS, i couldn't have stayed this long. you are my motivation to keep going, fighting and living. in some moments when life was just too much to bear, i thought of BTS and keep telling myself, "you have to stay, so one day you can attend BTS concert". now it has come true, but yes, for the best is yet to come, i'll have to overcome so many other things. yet i'll continue to remind myself that "once is not enough, i want to meet BTS again".
i'd say, and i meant it with all my heart, "i love you in every universe".
let's meet again, in 2025. a promise i'd never break. i hope we'll grow old together, BTS and ARMY.
november 6th, 2022.
p/s: i want to attach my playlist~ some song recommendations i guess :) might not be your taste but i hope you can at least check some of them out:
let you break my heart again - laufey
seoul (prod. HONNE) - RM (i like this one the most)
love me that way - sabrina sterling (literally me if i couldn't marry you)
the only exception - paramore
berlin - yerin baek (this song is perfect for winter)
i also wanted to mention some taylor swift's song in her latest album but i guess you've already gone through them all lol, besides my favorites are midnight rain, anti-hero and lavender haze.
it took me 2 hours to write all of this so i hope you read until the very end. and if you are reading this sentence, i'd love to give you a super big applause and lots of love >3<
thank you, and good night/day!
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sparklingchim · 2 years
long way home 05 | jjk
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pairing: jungkook x reader
word count: 1.1k
rating: pg
genre: dilf!jungkook, friends to lovers, angst
warnings: making out, poor girl oc hears them making out
summary: the one where you think calling jungkook will make you stop missing him but it actually worsens the ache in your heart.
a/n: a little flashback cos...i love flashbacks
chapters: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08| 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 |
masterlist | long way home masterlist
[2 years ago]
"Are you crying?"
Your brows draw together at the sound of sniffling when Jungkook picked up the phone.
"No, I just cut onions and haven't recovered from that yet."
You roll your eyes. "What the hell made you cook? The kitchen is a dangerous zone for you. You should get out of there."
"Sora and I have date night today and I volunteered to cook. And, by the way, so far everything went smoothly so keep your hate to yourself."
Of course the only time Jungkook is cooking it's for a date night with Sora.
" 'm not hating, just concerned for your well-being." You lean against your couch, staring up at the ceiling. "What are you cooking?"
"Sora's favourite dish," he mumbles distractedly, a loud fizzing noise rings in the background.
Very enlightening, you think. Of course you know what Sora's favourite dish is, why not?
"So why did you call?"
You sigh, averting your gaze to the commercial that plays on the television.
"Just to check in and see if you're alive. I haven't seen you for like, a week?"
This is actually concerning, as you're used to seeing him everyday. You noticed how he cancelled your meet ups more often up till the point where you hadn't seen each other for a week straight. You had stopped asking too - one, because you have a boyfriend with whom you can spend your time and two, because having Jungkook constantly cancel your plans doesn't go unaffected.
"Has it been that long already?"
"Yeah, now tell me, what have you been up to." You twirl a strand of hair between your fingers, waiting for his answer.
"Just...I've been busy," he explains.
"Busy burning down the kitchen?"
"Hey, that hasn't happened yet. I'm actually a good chef, believe it or not."
You don't because you still remember that one time when Jungkook almost set the kitchen on fire because of some popcorn he wanted to make.
"So busy that you can't stop by at the coffee shop for your morning coffee?" you inquire.
"Well...Sora thinks the cute coffee shop around the corner tastes better so she insists on going there every morning."
You gasp, feigning shock. "You're getting your coffee from the competitors?!"
"It's not my fault! She swears it tastes a hundred times better there so I'll just go with it."
You're not surprised that Sora has a weird taste.
"You're a traitor," you huff.
"Though I have to admit that their cookies doesn't taste as good as your cookies," Jungkook says.
"We have the best in town," you claim. "But hey, I really miss seeing you in the mornings tho. You know how sad I feel every time I have to buy a cookie for myself?"
Jungkook chuckles. "You want me to stop by tomorrow? I'll buy you a cookie for everyday I wasn't there."
"Deal." After pondering about his offer you say, "Actually, don't. I don't want to end up with my tummy hurting again."
"I mean, you could also just not eat them all at once, but okay, then I'll just buy one."
You hear Jungkook walking around, he probably put the phone on the counter and on speaker. You missed talking to him so much.
You part your lips to say something, but get cut off by someone else speaking.
"Jungkook, baby, how much longer will it take?" It's Sora's voice.
"Babe, I told you not to enter the kitchen! It's supposed to be a surprise."
"But Kookie, I'm hungry."
You almost roll your eyes. She has never used that nickname before but after hearing you call him that she suddenly couldn't go five minutes without calling him Kookie.
"Fifteen minutes and then I'm done here, okay?"
"Give me a kiss?" You hear light steps coming closer. And then you hear Jungkook and Sora kiss but it doesn't just end at that. You hear their mouths languidly moving against each other, how the kiss turns into a sloppy make out session and how little sighs fill the room.
Your heart drops and you bite your lip to stop yourself from screaming an insult into your phone to remind Jungkook that you're still there.
"B-babe," you hear Jungkook muttering and Sora giggling against his mouth.
The kissing sounds stop. "Who were you talking with, by the way?"
"Y/n called. I'm actually on the phone with her," he answers quietly, but his phone still picks it up just like it picked up all the other noises.
"Oh, I- I didn't know. Oops."
"It's fine."
No it's not fine, you want to say.
A few seconds later it's silent. You only hear the food bubbling and fizzing.
Jungkook clears his throat. "Y/n?"
"I'm still here."
"Sora came in and - did you hear something?"
"No just...you talked and then it went silent," you lie.
"Okay, good. So about - "
"Gguk, I think I gotta hang up. Minjun and I wanted to have a movie night so...you know. Gotta prepare some snacks."
"Oh okay...Have fun you two!"
"Thanks, uh, you two as well. I hope you didn't mess up the food."
"You could have a dish by Gordon Ramsay next to mine and you wouldn't be able to tell which is his."
You giggle, though it's sounds a bit strained to your ears. "I hope this will also apply to the taste of it."
"You're underestimating me, baby." You can hear the grin plastered on his face as the words leave his mouth. You have to gulp because - baby. You shouldn't be feeling tingles down your spine at a nickname he has called you his whole life with. "I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?"
As soon as you hang up you throw your head back on the couch. You feel...empty. Which is not how you thought you'd be feeling after hearing Jungkook's voice after a week again. You didn't stop missing him either. At least he's visiting the coffee shop tomorrow morning.
"Y/n," Minjun says behind you.
You jump, not expecting him in the living room. He was taking a shower and you didn't hear how he turned off the water.
"Who were you talking with?" he asks, walking to you to sit next to you, his hair still wet.
"Just...Seulgi," you lie. Minjun is a little jealous of your close friendship with Jungkook and because you don't want to put up with his annoying mood that he gets into when he's jealous, you decide that you're better off with lying.
He throws an arm around you, pulling you closer to him. He smells nice.
"Did you pick out a movie yet?"
"You can pick one out. Lemme get us some snacks first." You peck his cheek and want to stand up but he grabs your wrist, turning your head to him to give you a proper kiss on the lips.
It's a kiss. With your boyfriend. And yet you don't feel nearly as many tingles running down your spine as when Jungkook called you a stupid little nickname that has no deep meaning whatsoever.
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Piece Of Cake (Fred Weasley)
Summary: Fred claims that asking a girl out to the Yulle ball is a piece of cake. Harry and Ron dare him to prove it.
Prompts: fluff list: 2 - "I don't care, just hold me." & angst list: "Try to see things in my point of view." & miscellaneous list: 4 - "My mum thinks I'm dating you." (changed a bit)
Warning: angst at the beginning, some swear words, fluff at the end
Author's Note: This is for @lunalovecroft 's 1K writing challenge! Probably it was meant to be the other way around, but that idea suddenly strucked me and I decided to give it a go. Happy reading ♡
HP Taglist: @alienoresimagines @95swifi
"You have a place in my heart no one else ever could have." - F.S. Fitzgerald
All the Yulle Ball decoration were making Y/N beyond sick, every ribbon reminding her that she still did not have a date to accompany her throughout the approaching evening. Molly Weasley was so kind to send her as a gift the most beautiful dress Y/N had ever seen in her life and now she was genuinely thinking about not going to the ball at all. 
When she threw herself at the bench in the Great Hall right next to her best friend Hermione who was sitting way too far from Ron, Harry and the twins were seated. Y/N knew about the brightest witch's secret crush on the young Weasley that was slowly but surely growing into something more than just a simple crush. She'd even swear that Ron felt exactly the same about Hermione but she had to promise not to get involved or play a cupid. 
"He didn't ask, did he." Y/N dared to speak up first, glancing from Hermione's sad expression on her face to absolutely oblivious Ronald just a few metres away from them who seemed to be stuffing as much food as possible into his mouth as fast as he could. 
Y/N's eyes wandered from one Weasley to another, much taller one, who's smile was so contagious that she found herself grinning like an idiot for no particular reason.
"What do you think, Y/N." Hermione sighed bringing her back from her daydreaming, "guess he's not the only one who didn't ask, right?" 
Y/N looked at her friend again, simply nodded as she wasn't able to react in any other way. As much as she tried not to, she felt a bit disappointed when the only person she wanted to go to the Yulle ball with, hasn't asked her.
"They've been bickering for the past 15 minutes whether asking a girl out is easy or not." Hermione stated, clearly upset with the whole situation.
"Are you serious, 'Mione? What are their points of view?" 
"Well, Harry and Ron are obviously struggling to even compliment a girl in the right way but Fred reckons there's nothing easier." 
The girls look at each other and burst out laughing in the next second. "Like he'd know how to ask." Y/N managed to get out of her through her laughter, "however, I must agree with Harry and Ron. They're the most oblivious idiots." 
"Tell me about it." Hermione giggled but a trace of hurt flew over her face and Y/N suddenly felt really sorry for her dear friend. 
"Hey Y/N!" Fred shouted out of the blue, his clear voice echoed through the Great Hall causing other students to perk up their heads in order to find out what possibly he has in mind now. 
Y/N threw a look full of question marks to Hermione before turning her head to the tall red-head. "Yes?"
The moment his typical mischievous grin appeared on his face Y/N knew that something either funny and unpleasant to her or something embarrassing is about to happen.
"Will you..." Fred kept on talking as loudly as possible while wildly gesturing with his arms - apparently pretending to dance, "go to the ball..." now he was just pointing at her and him, "with me?"
Y/N's whole face turned brightly red, her nervous eyes wandering from student to student with such awaiting and amused expressions on their faces. Her heartbeat fastened in the matter of seconds that it seemed like it might jump out of her chest. Y/N looked at Hermione for help with such desperation hidden behind her gaze but her friend just simply shrugged, absolutely shocked with the sudden question, just like Y/N was.
A few seconds passed and Y/N was still sitting at her spot totally speechless. She imagined many times how Fred would ask her to the ball but never in a million years did she think it'd be like this - shouting at her in front of the whole Great Hall with absolutely no sign of sincerity or romance; to her it seemed like some sort of a bet to prove his point.
Their eyes for a moment and Y/N realized that Fred was convinced that she's going to accept his offer, confidence was basically radiating off of him. She knew he's not bragging, Fred was one of the kindest people she'd ever met but sometimes, sometimes he just wasn't able to estimate the situation. 
Anger was slowly bottling up in her as she quickly stood up grabbing all her books. As much as it hurt her to say it, Y/N was still able to straighten up looking directly into his eyes. "Sorry, Weasley, not interested. But thanks for the offer, I feel flattered." The sarcasm in her voice was more than obvious. 
Y/N winked at Hermione, rightly feeling satisfied with her as she heard a few laughs from many students when she walked out of the Great Hall leaving absolutely speechless and embarrassed Fred Weasley. 
Y/N rushed into her dormitory, not wanting to deal with anybody at the moment as the anger was slowly transforming into hurt. This wasn't what she imagined.
She threw herself at her bed; her books were casted off on the ground, papers flying all over the place.
"Y/N! Wait!" a muffled voice of the too familiar Weasley filled her ears and before she knew it, Fred was standing in the middle of her dormitory with flushed cheeks due to the long run, doors slammed shut behind him. 
"Let me explain." he almost begged taking a few steps towards her. She quickly got on her feet as she shook with her head couple of times. "Please, no. I don't care if your intentions were the noblest, but it happened and that's it."
"If you could just let me talk."
But Y/N didn't see the regret in Fred's eyes, or how his hands trembled a little bit, she was way too furious to notice all these things.
"Try to see things from my point of view, Weasley! You basically shouted at me in front of the whole school if I want to go to the ball with you! I understand that you just wanted to prove something to Ron and Harry but this is not a game for me."
Every single word that left her mouth went straight to Fred's heart. He never in a million years intended to hurt Y/N, he'd rather suffer himself than have something happen to her. But he was scared, Fred felt truly terrified of asking her out and when the boys confronted him about it, he panicked. He didn't have an idea why he reacted that way. The pounding heart, sweaty palms, the hotness in his cheeks - all this was new to Fred Weasley and he wasn't sure what do to with his stormy emotions.
"I'm real sorry, Y/N. I didn't want to offend you but that doesn't mean I don't stand behind what I said earlier." he tried to ease the tense in the small room, his lips even formed into a cute little innocet smile.
"I don't know, Weasley. I simply think-"
"Let me make it up to you! The ball's tomorrow, just say yes."
Then they were there - Fred's puppy eyes that no matter how serious the problem was, Y/N wasn't able to bring herself to say no. She knew he's very well aware of that fact, he somehow managed to melt her heart.
"Fine. I'll go to the Yulle ball with you, Weasley. Don't make me regret it."
"I can certainly promise you that, Y/L/N."
Y/N was nervously pacing in her new white dress that she got from Mrs. Weasley while Hermione was watching her with an amused expression.
"You know, this isn't funny." she frowned but a part of her was telling her how unreasonably ridiculous she is.
"Actually it is," her best friend couldn't held back the laughter, "you'll be fine. I bet he's even more nervous than you are." 
"Hermione! His mum thinks I'm bloody dating him!" 
"That's just so perfect. Maybe you will be after tonight."
Their eyes met for a moment and then, as if their minds were connected, the girls started giggling like some 13-year-olds. Y/N finally relaxed a bit, just like Hermione did, as they both promised themselves to look after each other during the evening.
"So what do you think?" Y/N winked at her friend, "shall we?"
The duo walked together down the stairs leading to the dance hall, side by side, both of them smiling widely. Y/N found Fred's tall figure right away as he was nervously pacing back and forth mumbling something under his breath while George watched him amused. Just like Hermione watched her a couple minutes ago. God, how similar they could be.
"Well done, brother dear. Fucking well done." George whispered into his twin's ear tapping his shoulder. Fred's gaze immediately landed on approaching Y/N making him stop in his tracks. George just smirked and left with his own date to give them some privacy.
Fred was closely watching her every step, how elegantly she carried herself through the room, the beautiful white dress flew around her making her look like an angel descending from the sky. 
"Blimey, I don't think I've ever seen something so beautiful like you." Fred breathed out, his eyes roaming all over her body.
"You don't look too bad as well, Weasley." Y/N blushed at his compliment as she sent him one nervous smile. The truth was, he looked way more better than just 'not bad' and she had to remind herself not to stare at him too much. He pulled her into his side, his scent and warmth immediately embracing her, and she found herself falling for this dangerously good looking red-head. 
"Everybody's turning their heads after you. I swear I even saw a smile on Snape's face." Fred pointed out, his voice filled with obvious jealousy as his grip on her waist tightened. 
"I don't care, just hold me, Fred." Y/N gave him a reassuring smile taking his hand in his, "just hold me."
"I never wanted anything more." 
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Their Doll 8
Let me in
B.Barnes x Reader, S.Rogers x Stark!Reader
series synopsis:  y/n Stark, all records of her non existent, and yet Hydra still find her. When she is kidnapped by a certain super-soldier and no one believes her, she finds herself searching for unexpected familiarity in her not-so-distant past.
Series Warnings: smut, violence, torture, swearing
Chapter Summary: y/n gets emotional
Warnings: swearing, feelings
A/n: The timeline in this has been altered, as there I things I wanted to include but I also wanted this fic to follow the storyline/timeline of Winter Soldier and Civil war.So for purposes of this fanfic, Peter Parker was discovered by Tony at a much younger age - when he was bitten - and has been an intern with him since, almost like a protégée.(For the purposes of this story Peter was bitten much younger too - more like when he was 9 or ten rather than 14/15)
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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Life at the tower was...tiring, to say the least. During my free time I often found myself in the gym, lobbing knives at a target and trying my hardest not to biting one in Steve's chest every time he would correct my technique. When I wasn't trying to murder the avenger in cold blood, I was usually dragged into things by the other: briefings and debriefing for missions I'd never go on, my dad's parties, group training sessions and study periods with Bruce in his labs to name a few.
But for now, I was huddled in my rooms - fresh out of a hot shower after a brutal two hour training session and four mile run with Natasha - curled up on my bed and attempting to catch up on a few of the films I'd missed. But the exhaustion and drowsiness clouded my eyes, the noise from the TV merely in the background as I felt my eyes growing heavier by the second.
A sharp knock at the door snapped my out of my lowsey state, the people movie across the screen simple a blur of colour as my eyes darted past the tv and over to the door.
"Mr Stark is waiting at your door. Would you like me to let him in?" FRIDAY's evenly calm voice chimed, making me groan and mumble a 'no' into my pillows. The last person I wanted to see right now was my dad.
"Come on kid, let me in." My dad called from the other side of the door, and I could practically hear him roll his eyes and shake his head when I stayed silent. When he spoke again, it wasn't directed at me. "FRIDAY, override command and open the door."
"Wait! That's hardly fair!" I whined like a five year old, groaning again when the door swung open and my dad stood on the other side, quite clearly just as exhausted as I was.
"Get used to it, kiddo. Life isn't fair." Tony chided, walking over to my bed. I tried to shuffle away slightly when I felt the bed dip, my dad perching on the edge as his eyes scanned over the room. "I see you haven't decorated yet." He commented casually, as if nothing had ever happened between us.
"Yeah, well, I thought It'd be a shame to spend so much time on something when you're probably waiting to kick me out anyway." I mumbled, refusing to look at him.
"What the hell is wrong with you, y/n? Ever since you got back you've been-"
"Acting different?" I cut in, and when Tony simply swallowed thickly I nodded. "Funny that, seeing as I was kidnapped and tortured for three years. Not to mention made to kill people for another year after that."
"Y/n I'm sorry..."
"But you're not! You can't be, otherwise you'd actually have tried to save me, rather than leaving me to rot!" My voice cracked, tears pricked at my eyes and I now sat up straight in my bed, facing my dad but not looking him in the eye. "And you can't change that, you can't go back in the past and fix your mistake. And trying to fix it now sure as hell won't work, so I suggest you leave before I'm tempted to use you as my target for my training session tomorrow." I raised my voice, eyes now keeping his captive as the tears rolled freely down my cheeks.
"Oh, kid, they broke you." Tony murmured, cupping my cheek with his hand, eyes swimming with sorrow. Sorrow that I didn't want.
"You can't fix me either, because I'm not broken!" I said harsher now, voice only getting louder. "I don't need to be fixed..." I trailed off, voice barely above a whisper Joe as my eyes broke the contact, averting to my lap as the tears dropped onto the bed sheets.
That's how I found myself in my fathers arms, face pressed against his shoulder as the sobs made my body shake, hiccups escaping me as I tried to speak.
"A-all I needed W-was my D-dad, and yo- you took him f-from me!" I wailed, hands clutching my dad's shirt and his arms wrapped protectively around my shoulder, hands rubbing circles over my back soothingly.
"I know, kiddo. I'm sorry."
"Who is that?" Clint frowned, staring at the pictures scattered over the table in front of Natasha and Steve as they studied them deeply,  brows creased in thought.
"Our newest pain in the ass." Tony answered for them, slapping a thick folder down in front of Clint as he said so. The marksman was quick to pick it up, flicking through the documents, news stories and information sheets greedily.
"The...winter soldier?" He asked, looking at the three superheroes in front of him as if they'd gone mad. "But he's a ghost story!"
"I've seen him. Been shot by him, actually." Nat said, an sadistically proud smirk forming on her lips with her last words, almost as if it were an achievement.
"We're trying to find out more about him, maybe that way we can beat him." Steve explained, sitting back in his chair with crossed arms as he huffed in defeat, sick to death with staring at the same five pictures all morning.
Y/n walked in, a skip in her step as she crossed the room to Tony.
"Morning, dad." She greeted, placing a quick kiss to his cheek and heading over to the cupboard to grab a mug. Clint and Natasha frowned in confusion, looking between the two as if they'd witnessed pigs fly.
Tony shrugged, y/n too preoccupied with making herself a coffee to notice the avengers' reactions. When her coffee was done, y/n swiped her mug from under the machine and sipped happily, letting out a content sigh before wandering over to stand behind Natasha.
"What are you working on?" She asked, peering over the spy's shoulder to get a glimpse of the pictures.
A loud smash crashed through the room, Tony's eyes widening in shock and Natasha jumping from her seat in order to not get covered in spilt coffee. Y/n stood paralysed, eyes never leaving the photo in front of her as she started at the Soldier. Steve frowned deeply, studying the girl as her eyes glossed over with with what seemed to be...sadness.
Clint was already at her side, a comforting hand on her shoulder as they all asked y/n what had happened and if she was alright. It was like a constant ringing in her ear interrupted their words before they reached her ears, and y/n suddenly felt nauseous as she starred at the bright red star on the soldier's arm, his long and messy dark hair shrouding his face and his leather clad, muscular body. Only his cerulean blue eyes could be seen, the rest of his face covered in a black mask she didn't usually see him in.
"I-I need some air." She stuttered, stumbling blindly out of the room and down the stairs, tipping over a few steps from the bottom and tumbling down the last few. She quickly pulled herself to her feet, hearing still ringing and vision offset, hazy, as she scrambled for the double glass doors. Luckily they already stood open, so she flew through them and out into the busy streets of New York.
Y/n found herself colliding will someone almost instantly, angry shouts of 'hey, watch it!' And 'look where the fuck you're going, kid!' Being called after her like a chorus as she pushed through the bustling people.
She finally stopped, dropping to her knees and simply staring straight ahead, no intended subject in her line of vision as she tried to comprehend the-the grief, at seeing the a soldier's face again.
It had only been two weeks, and yet two weeks without him, his touch, his scent - it felt like an eternity to y/n now. She hasn't registered what her feeling meant for him before, liking him beyond a source of comfort had just felt...wrong, after all he'd done, and yet y/n couldn't deny it.
She was in love with the Winter Soldier, and she didn't even know his name.
I wasn't aware of when someone had found me, nor of how they got me back to the tower or even how I was now stood staring blankly out of the window that stood next to my bed. I gazed longingly, almost as if I stared long enough, hard enough, he'd appear.
But of course he wouldn't, he was probably half way across the world, knowing HYDRA. A soft knock on my door and my head was turning, facing my visitor with a look of pure grief and want. Desperate, unhinged want that could eat you up from inside out and you'd still feel it.
"Hey, y/n. Can I talk to you for a moment?" Nat asked tentatively, clearing trying to to disturb my shaken up state. I nodded, offering a small smile which she returned as I now faced her. She walked up to me, talking my hands him hers and playing with the as she spoke, eyes kind and full of understanding.
"There's a mission, and we want you to go." She said calmly, almost as if the mere thought of it would send me into some kind of heart attack.
"Okay," I begun, eyes flitting down to the floor before back up again. "What is it? Aren't you scared that I'm still HYDRA and all I'd do is stab someone in the back?"
"Not exactly." Nat informed me with a smile, amusement glinting in her eyes at my assumption. "For starters, we all trust you, well maybe not steve - but everyone else does." Nat and I both laughed slightly. "And I think you wouldn't have it any other way it to go on the mission yourself." Nat finished.
"How come?" I asked, brow raised.
"There's been a lead..." she started. "On the winter soldier. We thought you might want to help check it out, possibly capture him. Your powers may be the best chance we have a detaining someone as strong as him." Nat spoke. "And if we can detain him.."
"We can save him." I finished.
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emmaannaelisabeth · 2 years
Short Circuit
ahh hi everyone, remember i told you about some new ocs earlier? now you'll get to meet two of them. i hope you like them!lore uses she/they pronouns and honestly that was a challenge to write but i hope i've made them and all of you that use she/they pronouns justice. also even though i'm posting this, the characters might change over time just as we all do. to know where this takes place in the swk au, look at the caption of the post. possible tws: mild swearing.
The blade is already clean, but Ava keeps polishing it with her soft rag. She sits with her legs crossed on the couch, a thin blanket draped over her legs. Her dark hair is up in a messy bun, a few rebellious strands of raven black hanging down, falling over her shoulder. “So how did the lab go? You got teamed up today right? Like you talked about.” Without taking her eyes off her knife, she asks Lore about the science project.
Lore is lying on the floor, her legs propped up against the couch, sticking straight up; their left arm is bent up, her hand resting on the back of their neck. Her wide-legged pants have slipped down to her knees and her feet are bare; the afternoon sun shines through one of the windows and makes the hairs on her leg glitter.
She draws in a deep breath and catches the ball they were throwing into the air. “Horrible”, she answers Ava and throws the ball again, catching it perfectly as it falls down. “I love physics but like for real, I can’t with this guy.”
Ava huffs and raises her eyebrows, glancing at Lore. “That bad?”
“Huh, you have no idea”, they complain. “Saints, my partner.. He’s such an idiot.” She throws the ball again and shakes her head, rolling their eyes. “First of all, he doesn’t say a word. And secondly, he’s way too confident for not knowing the difference between voltage and current.”
“I don’t know the difference”, Ava laughs, lifting up her knife and turning it in the sunlight falling in from the window across the room.
“But you’re not taking an extra science class thinking it’ll go perfect just because you’re a year older”, Lore says and pulls her free hand through her wavy shoulder long hair. “He’s an H guy, he doesn’t know anything about physics.”
“He’s an H guy?” Ava laughs and rolls her eyes. “Sometimes the history dudes should just stick to their trading history.”
“I know”, Lore mutters. “I mean, I chose the Science path because I actually like maths and physics. But this guy can’t even count 37 minus 15 in his head.”
Ava chuckles and glances at Lore on the floor. Their golden earrings glitter in the sunlight and the dark orange patterned scarf around her head makes their green eyes look even greener than they usually are. Her brown hair lies around their head like a halo of mahogany. She throws the ball into the air once more; her open sleeve slides down their arm as she lifts her hand to catch the ball, showing a small golden chain around her wrist.
“Is he hot?” Lore’s eyes widen and their thin eyebrows fly high up on their forehead at Ava’s question. They try to hold back a laugh, grinning, squeezing her eyes shut. They fail to catch the ball and it falls down on her chest. “Well, um”, they begin and pick up the ball before it has rolled away. “He’s got hot potential.”
“Hot potential?” Ava lays the knife down in her lap and looks at Lore, frowning. “As in..?” She trails off and raises her eyebrow at Lore, giving her a subtle grin. Lore turns her head and meets Ava’s gaze and then they burst out laughing. Ava tries not to join, but Lore has got that kind of big broad loud laughter that you simply cannot resist.
“Ah, nah”, they chuckle, shaking her head. “He’s too stupid.”
“What, he’s too stupid?” Ava covers her face with her hands. “Excuse me but have you seen Eskil?”
Lore chuckles, her double chin making an appearance as she turns her head to look at Ava. “Oh, I’ve seen that crackhead almost kill himself, thank you.” They shake their head and squeeze her eyes shut. “What was it last time? Didn’t he try to fry something?”
“Oh Saints”, Ava breathes, leaning back on the couch. “Yes, he tried to cook.” She sighs and blinks slowly. “He almost burned down the apartment.”
Another chuckle passes Lore’s lips and she rolls their eyes. “But like, Eskil is smart”, they say. “This guy isn’t. He connected the wire wrong and short circuited the battery.”
“Eskil would’ve blown up the battery. What’s his name?” Ava asks and raises her eyebrows in excitement. Lore rolls her eyes.
“Mr. Quiet Ass”, they say.
“Seriously, Lore. I wonder if I know him.”
“Mr. Overly Confident.”
Lore sighs and stops fiddling with the ball. “I don’t know”, they say. “It was something short.” She pauses. “He’s got pretty hands though.” Her eyes are locked at the ceiling. “And a ring.”
“Lore”, Ava says and grins. “You looked at his hands?”
“What? No,” Lore says and frowns at Ava. “I did not, or like of course I had to because I needed to know he fixed it right, the wire.”
“And you don’t remember his name? Saints.”
“No, you know I’m bad at remembering names. I can remember faces but not names.”
“Okay but what does he look like then? And give me a one to ten.” Ava puts her elbow on the armrest and rests her head in her hand, as she waits for Lore to speak. At first, Lore’s eyes widen but then the fragment of a smile flicker’s past her lips, there and then gone. Almost unnoticeable.
“He’s got dark hair, almost black, one strand fell down into his forehead when he destroyed the battery. He wore a knitted shirt and black pants”, they say and frown, squint their eyes, as if to remember everything correctly. It always amazes Ava how good memory Lore has, she can remember what a person wore two weeks ago, and she always pays attention to the little details, like the fact that her lab partner had orange socks and short nails.
“His eyes were grey, almost colourless and he had round glasses”, Lore says. “He had some acne scars on his cheek but you don’t really notice it. He’s got a pretty sharp jawline. He was pretty tall too, just a little taller than me.”
Ava huffs, glancing at Lore, as she tries her best to hide a grin. She doesn’t know who the guy is but from what she can tell, he definitely has hot potential. “And what number do you give him?”
“Three”, they say. “I give Mr. Stupid a three.”
“What?” Ava frowns and straightens her back. “You can’t give him a three if he’s got hot potential. That’s at least a seven.”
“Ah, fine”, Lore sighs, meets Ava’s gaze. A smile hides in the corner of their lip. “Maybe an eight then.”
Ava laughs and raises her fist into the air. “I knew it.”
“Oh, hold on there”, Lore giggles. “He’s still stupid. He’s still Mr. Short Circuit.”
“You told me he was tall”, Ava says.
“That you’re tall doesn’t help when you leave your brains at home.”
Lore shakes their head at Ava, who’s tilting her head to the side, one eyebrow raised. “Nuh uh”, Lore says. “Not gonna happen.”
“Why not? You told me you wanted someone too.”
“He’s frickin annoying! And honestly, he’s not that nice either. He might be an eight but he didn’t say a word to me unless he really had to. I don’t need people like that in my life.”
“Maybe he was just nervous?” Ava tries.
“I don’t like him.”
“You do, I know that face.”
“I hate him”, Lore says and throws the ball into the air again, trying to hide the fact that she’s blushing.
“You don’t”, Ava teases.
“I do, with every fibre of my eternal being I say I do.” They catch the ball and throw it up again with a little more power than the last time.
“You’re not eternal.”
“I still say I do.”
Ava laughs and shakes her head. “Well, you know what-”
The door to Ava’s apartment squeaks when it opens and Eskil’s laughter fills the room with the same warmth as the sunlight does. “Djel, she glared at you the whole time?” he says and the door closes.
“Yeah, she looked so mad. I tell you, if gazes could kill I’d already be buried”, another voice says. “Deep.” Ava recognises the voice as Arie’s, Eskil’s best friend for as long as she can remember, and gets ready to get up and greet them. Lore moved here with her family a month ago and hasn’t had the chance to meet Arie yet. Ava picks up the dagger and stands up, but before she’s taken another step, they’ve entered the room.
Eskil and Arie stand there, the height difference hopelessly obvious in the sunlight. “Oh, you two look like you’re having a good time”, Eskil says, his smile bright as always. Then the room goes quiet. Lore stops throwing the ball as soon as her gaze lands on Arie. “For fucks sake”, she mutters and stares at him. He’s got round glasses, a ring and orange socks.
“Saints”, Ava whispers and the dagger slips out of her hand and cuts deep into the wooden floorboards. No one moves.
“Why y’all so weird?” Eskil breaks the silence, a question mark written all over his face. He looks at Arie; he’s staring at Lore, his back straight and jaw twitching. Then Eskil’s eyes widen and his mouth falls open.
“Oh.” He points at Lore with one hand and the other at Arie. “So that’s…” He can’t even finish the sentence before he’s bending over with laughter. He wheezes and grabs Arie’s arm, barely even able to stand straight.
“Well, man”, Eskil says and claps Arie on the back, drying tears from his eyes. “I ship it.” Arie turns his head to his friend. Eskil tries desperately not to laugh, pressing his lips together so tight they go white.
“I’m gonna kill you”, Arie hisses and Eskil can’t keep it in anymore. He bursts out laughing and stumbles out of the room as quickly as he can. Arie follows right behind him. Lore covers their face with her hands.
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illusivesoul · 5 years
OC Interview Meme
Thanks for the tag, @forlornmelody :)
I'll tag @occorner @commander-sass-effect @comefeedtherainn @inoshatrynn and @sabitherunt . Only if you feel like doing this, of course.
The rules: Answer the following questions as your OC of choice.
1. What’s your name?
Katerina Shepard. If all goes well, it might be Katerina T'Soni in the future. We'll see how that goes.
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2. Do you know why you are called that?
The people that "took care" of me when I was a child called me Katya (short for Katerina) because of a disgusting, cheap candy which had a redhead girl in the loggo it with the same name.
Shepard was the last name of someone who save my life when I was young.
Let's leave it at that.
3. Are you single or taken?
4. Have any abilities or powers?
I'm very, very good with sniper rifles and knives.
5. Stop being a Mary Sue.
I'm far from being that.
6. What’s your eye color?
7. How about your hair color?
8. Have any family members?
I've several people I consider family by now, but otherwise, no. No direct family.
9. Oh? How about any pets?
Have a Varren but he's on Thessia.
10. That’s cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don’t like.
11. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do?
I like studying history, mainly human history. I like to hike, swim and cook, tough I didn't had much of a chance to do them before.
12. Have you hurt anyone in any way before?
In more ways than you can imagine.
13. Ever… killed anyone before?
I think I can safely say I'm the biggest mass murderer the Milky Way has seen. Or do you know anyone else who has a couple consecutive genocides on their record ?
14. What kind of animal are you?
I like wolfs. Maybe that. A "lone wolf".
Cliched, I know. Not sorry.
15. Name your worst habits?
I'm, uh... a bit of a drinker. Coping mechanism.
16. Do you look up to anyone at all?
Several people. Admiral Hackett, David Anderson, Kaidan Alenko, Karin Chakwas...
There are others, but I'd rather not name them.
17. Are you gay, straight or bisexual?
Bi, I guess. Never been one for labels.
18. Do you go to school?
Only schools I went to were the Alliance Basic Training and N School.
19. Ever want to marry and have any kids one day?
Never thought about it until a couple of years back.
Now... yeah, I'd like that. A lot.
It's a nice dream, at least.
20. Do you have any fangirls/fanboys?
The Alliance propped me up as their poster girl after Elysium. It was inevitable.
It was mostly colonists. Most people on Earth didn't knew or care about who I was or what I did, and I liked it that way.
21. What are you most afraid of?
Hurting and losing what little I have left. Again.
22. What do you usually wear?
Tank tops, cargo pants or shorts and jackets. That's about all the clothes I own.
23. What one food tempts you?
Pizza. Brings back good memories.
24. Am I annoying you?
You'd know If I was.
25. Well, it’s still not over!
26. What class are you (low/middle/high)?
I'd say low for most of my life.
The only times I've gone up was because I was fortunate enough to meet people who took care of me for a while.
Money was good when I was with the Alliance, but all I ever wanted was food and a roof over my head.
27. How many friends do you have?
Like 6 or 7.
28. What are your thoughts on pie?
Good, I guess ? I don't eat it much tough.
29. Favourite drink?
30. What’s your favorite place?
There is... there was this beach in the Gran Colombia, back on Earth. I swear it was the most beautiful place I'd ever seen.
Nowadays, well, sorry If I sound corny but wherever Liara is.
31. Are you interested in anyone?
No, not at all. What makes you say that ?
32. That was a stupid question…
I get a lot of those. Its no problem.
33. Would you rather swim in the lake or the ocean?
The Ocean. Nothing compares to the Ocean.
34. What’s your type?
I've never much of a romantic life, believe it or not...
The few people I've been with romantically were very different from each other.
I can't explain why my mess of a brain just connects with certain people. It's a mystery, even to me.
35. Any fetishes?
Go ask Liara. If she doesn't throws you across the, I'll tell you. Deal ?
36. Camping indoors or outdoors?
Outdoors! Nature is what we need. Get away from cities for a while.
Its good for the body and soul.
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themonkeycabal · 7 years
Hi! Me again! Can't remember if I've asked this before but regardless - are we going to see anymore of LaTroy and Sylvie in upcoming fics? 😊
I don’t think you’ve asked that before, I don’t think anybody has. I originally didn’t plan to have them appear again, but everybody seemed to like LaTroy and his family, so, yeah, we’ll see them again.
I have one that I started but I haven’t finished it, because I wasn’t sure if I liked it. So it ends sort of abruptly, and it’s a first pass, so it’s probably pretty rough, but, I’ll happily share it with you. Enjoy, and Thank You!
LaTroy was sitting at a table in his deli, going through their supply and grocery orders. He had a little office in the back, but it was too easy to let that room eat away a whole day. Nobody wanted to disturb him there — even though he was always plenty glad when they did — so they’d leave him alone and the hours would slip away into numbers and accounts. It was awful.
Besides, he liked to be in the heart of things in case somebody might need something. Please, Lord, let somebody need something. Even if it was wondering where he put the napkins.
Going through the paper costs for the month, he was gratefully distracted when somebody joined him at the table. Glancing up with a smile, expecting his wife, he happiness faltered when he saw Darcy L. smiling back at him. It was months since he’d seen her or James. Just that one time, actually. Then neither hide nor hair of either of them until right now.
“Do you bake your own bread?” she asked without preamble.
LaTroy stared for a moment, not sure she wasn’t a bizarre vision; the result of too many numbers doing weird things to his head. “No. There’s a local bakery we order from. We do some of our own special breads sometimes, around the holidays mostly, and we make probably half the desserts.”
“Cool. Do you cater?”
Scratching at his jaw, LaTroy was trying to figure out what exactly was happening. She came out of nowhere, no greeting, just straight to business like they’d been talking all along. “Sure. Breakfast, lunch.”
“Nice.” She grinned at him and nodded. “Good to see you again, LaTroy.”
Letting out a small, bewildered laugh, he nodded back. “And nice to see you around, Darcy L. You bring James with you today?”
“No, just me.” She kept smiling, but there was something under it now. Like a warning. LaTroy frowned.
“How’s he doing?”
“Good. Maybe better than good. He’s got the property for his dream bar, so he’s busy planning and knocking down walls, as you do. He’s on cloud nine, or whatever the freeze-dried soldier equivalent is.”
LaTroy licked his lips and kept staring, not sure how to respond to that. Darcy didn’t seem to notice.
“So, can you do lunch for 15?” she asked, getting back to their business - the business he didn’t know they had until he was dropped right into the middle of it. Did Bucky ever feel this confused by her? “Or maybe 20? Make it 25. Like, box lunches. You know, sandwich, chips, potato salad, whatever else?”
“Sure,” he replied, trying to work around his bemusement. He pulled out an order book from his pocket. “When are you aiming for?”
“Friday. Is that too short notice?”
“Nah. It’s Tuesday. Plenty of time.” He wrote down a note. “Delivery and setup?”
“Just delivery.”
“Okay. Where we headed?” She rattled off an address in Williamsburg and LaTroy felt his confusion grow a little bit bigger. “Nobody closer?”
“Probably,” she told him with an easy shrug. “But, we’re friends.”
“Suppose we are,” LaTroy muttered, but he wasn’t really getting friendly vibes from her. In fact, it was peculiar how much this little slip of a woman was unsettling him. More than James did, even that first time. “This an office lunch? You want drinks?”
“I’ll handle the drinks. And, no. It’s for the construction crew. A) they have to put up with Bucky looming and hovering, and b) it’s been a couple hot, gross, sucky weeks, weather-wise. I figured they deserve lunch, you know?”
“That’s nice of you,” he said and wrote another note on his order book. It seemed smart right now to stick to business. “Assorted?”
“Yeah. Maybe five of the veggie option if you’ve got one, but the rest, just like turkey, ham, roast beef, corned beef, and whatever your usual build is.”
He dutifully wrote that down then glanced up at her, and watched as her eyes traveled over the deli. It was almost an absent look, not like James and his jumpy eyes. But, he still felt bothered, watched; hell, surveilled.
“You know,” he said as he turned back to the order book, “if you’re worried, I never said anything to anybody about him.”
“I know.”
“Do you?”
“I do,” she said with a nod and a little obnoxious smirk. “Lt. LaTroy Walker, 75th Rangers. Your CO was way disappointed when you retired so suddenly, by the way. He had big plans for you.”
Licking his lips, he set down his pen and rested his hands flat on the table. So, yeah, this was a warning. Clearly.
“My wife’s dad owned his place,” LaTroy said, explaining his retirement. He wasn’t sure why he felt he ought to explain to her, but he thought mostly it was important right now that they have an understanding. And it helped him keep his temper; her digging into his personal business and all didn’t make him happy.
“He got hurt pretty bad in a car accident. She came back to help the family out. I figured she needed me more than the army did. And I figured I needed her more than I needed the army. We were still dating then, but we got married a year or so later, when her pops was back on his feet.”
“That’s sweet,” Darcy said, and she offered him a genuine smile. “How’d you meet your wife?”
“You don’t know?”
“I limited my snooping to you.”
“Thanks, I guess,” he grumbled. He could see it, he supposed. If she was keeping Bucky Barnes safe, he’d guess she’d want to know who knew about him. It was just what it was that LaTroy found himself uncomfortably on that list of folks. “We met in college. Her family were always real good to me. They had their reservations at first; she’s Italian and I'm—”
“Not Italian?” Darcy interrupted with a guess and LaTroy laughed. Well, she was pretty polite about the snooping.
“Exactly. Not only that, but I’m not even from Brooklyn. I’m from Delaware. But, I guess you knew that.”
She snorted, but didn’t confirm or deny she’d dug that far. “So, how’d they get past that Delaware thing? My grandpa is from here, and of course, a couple friends. You’d think Brooklyn was some sort of Eden on Earth. I’m from California, so, you know, I don’t really get it.”
“It’s still a work in progress,” he admitted with a wry smile. “But, anyway, they were always good to me. Her grandma, well, she loved me more than my own grandma ever did, you know. So, when Sylvie’s dad decided to retire, we worked it so Sylvie and I bought the deli.”
“Nice. A real family business. Is that your son over there?” She nodded to the boy behind the counter, who was smiling at a pretty businesswoman.
LaTroy’s jaw tightened and he stared hard at Darcy. There were limits to how far he was willing to tolerate the intrusion into his personal business. Dante was way the hell off limits.  "Why’re you here? You warning me?“
She looked away from Dante and shook her head. “Not the sort of warning you’re thinking of. Like I’m going to threaten you?”
He raised an eyebrow and gave her a pointed look over. His old army sizing-you-up look. She didn’t flinch away from it.
“I know,” she said with that aggravating smirk. “I’m not much, but I am scrappy.”
“I guess maybe you are,” he said carefully.
“Should you be saying that?” he asked, shooting his own look around the deli. It was the second time she mentioned his nickname, and it made him tense up every time. There were three other customers in there and his son. They could overhear maybe.
“Who’s going to notice? Unless you act all weird about it and make them notice you being weird. Relax.”
LaTroy blew out a breath and sat back. She had a point; the name only meant something because he knew it meant something. “Alright.”
“How did you figure it out, by the way? Did he tell you?”
He scoffed and gave her an incredulous look. “That guy doesn’t say anything.”
She laughed. “I know, so imagine how confused I was.”
“I saw a book; it had his picture in it,” he explained.
Darcy took that in and was quiet for a minute, looking thoughtful. “Did you ever play Howling Commandos when you were a kid?”
“Course I did.”
“Me, too. Then I grew up and one day Bucky Barnes sat down next to me. Weird, right?”
“Just like that?”
“Not exactly.” She leaned forward and gave him a very serious look. “Keep not saying anything about who he is. There are people who’d like to get their hands on him; really bad, awful people. I’d prefer they didn’t. Actually, we’d all prefer they didn’t.”
“I get that,” LaTroy agreed easily. Whatever the man had been through, somebody was holding onto him for all that time. And however he got away, somebody was probably looking.
“And I don’t want anybody to come here looking for answers. Bucky wouldn’t want you involved. Not as far as anybody anywhere would notice, you know? That the only warning I came to give, I swear.”
LaTroy nodded slowly and glanced over at his son again. He’d grown another inch or so. If Dante got much taller they were going to have to raise the ceilings. But, no matter how big he’d get, Dante would always be his sweet little boy. “I gotcha.”
“Okay.” She pulled out a card and handed it to him. “If anybody ever comes sniffing around, call me.”
He flicked a finger on the edge of the card. It was just her name and a number. “What’re you going to do?”
She watched him for a second then smiled, an actual smile and not that smirk. “Can I tell you another secret, LaTroy?”
“I guess,” he mumbled, hesitant about this whole thing. “This one need a warning?”
“No. My dad’s coming here.”
“Okay?” How was that a secret? This girl’s brain didn’t seem to work in any sort of straight line.
“We’ve been making a point to have a daddy/daughter date every few weeks. And, I told him about this place. So, he’s on his way now. We’ll grab dinner to go.” And as if that explained anything at all, she kept on smiling and sat back. “I’m serious. Call me. Even if somebody’s looking sort of shifty. Like, you’ve just got a bad feeling. Don’t second guess it. I mean, you were a Ranger, you know the drill.”
“Okay, but, really, what’re you going to do?” LaTroy demanded again. She might know Bucky Barnes, and maybe then by extension Captain America, but … what? They were more set up to help if somebody nasty came around. So, what did she think she’d be able to do? Was she one of those weird aliens they said looked human? Inhumans, right? Was she one of those? That’s the only way he could figure she’d be much help.
“Oh, I’m way helpful,” she assured him. Then she jerked her chin at his order book. “So, are we good for Friday?”
“Uh, yeah,” LaTroy said, and finished tallying up the order.
While he was still puzzling over Darcy L. and still wrapping up their business, the door opened and a man in old jeans and a faded t-shirt strode into the deli. LaTroy glanced up reflexively, as he always did with a new customer — somehow Darcy snuck in on him.
Squinting a little, he took the man in. This fellow might be dressed down, but he was wearing expensive sunglasses, had an expensive haircut, and everything about him said expensive.
He looked around the place, bemused, until his eyes landed on Darcy. “Hey, kid.”
“Hey.” She grinned at him and stood, then waved a hand at LaTroy. “This is LaTroy, he and his wife own the deli. LaTroy, Tony.”
When recognition hit, it was a surreal moment for LaTroy. Part of his brain said that was Tony Stark standing there, but another part of his brain refused to accept the idea that Tony Stark of all people would be in his deli.
Tony’s lips twisted in confusion, like he wasn’t sure why they were being introduced, either, but he nodded. “LaTroy.”
LaTroy got to his feet and offered his hand. “Mr. Stark. It's—”
“Yeah, you’re stunned and amazed and it’s nice to meet me. Got it. Good to meet you, too,” Tony said and gave him a brief handshake. “So, I hear you’ve got some kind of amazing soup? Like, Darcy didn’t shut up about it for a week. It was weird and, frankly, irritating. So, obviously I need to try it myself.”
"My wife makes it. Uh, we’ve got minestrone, tomato, and french onion today.” LaTroy was still processing the strangeness of Tony Stark, and okay, so he was a little slow about realizing exactly what was happening. Darcy said she was telling him another secret, and what she’d do if somebody threatened him, and that her dad was visiting.
Damn. Not just damn, but day-um!
“I’m feeling tomato,” Tony declared and drifted over to the counter.
LaTroy shot her a wide-eyed look and dipped his chin in question. Darcy patted his shoulder and said, “So, if somebody worries you, you’re going to call me, right?”
“Uh, yeah. I will. Promise.” Did she … she just said … Wait, wait. That was Iron Man, and she was Iron Man’s kid, and she knew Bucky Barnes and he’d already figured she’d know Cap. So, she must know all the others, right? So she just said if there was trouble, he could call in the Avengers. That’s what she said without actually saying it, right? The Avengers. For him? For real?
“Cool.” She started after Tony, but stopped and turned back to LaTroy. “You were nice to him, to Bucky. Nobody was kind to him for a long, long time. He told me how you met, how you tried to get him to come in. He wasn’t in a place to accept that then, but he appreciated it.”
“Wasn’t hardly a thing,” LaTroy said with a shrug.
“It was a huge thing,” she said, rolling her eyes at him.
At the counter, Dante was helping another customer and hadn’t noticed Tony Stark yet. That was going to be entertaining when he did. Though, LaTroy thought he should probably scoot on over there and spare his son the embarrassment.
But, before he moved, he asked the girl next to him, voice low, “Why’d you tell me?”
Darcy, who had an amused anticipatory smile as she waited for Dante to notice Tony, too, shrugged. “You kept Bucky’s secret. It seemed only fair.”
“How’s that work?”
“It’s the currency of trust. Right? I pay you back with my own.”
“You didn’t have to do that. I didn’t do it for you.”
“Look, he’s my partner.” Darcy turned away from watching Dante and gave him a very serious look. He didn’t know her much at all, but thought the serious look was probably a pretty rare one; worth paying attention to her, he figured.
“It matters to me that you noticed him,” she continued, “that you cared before you knew who he was, that you cared enough to figure out what was going on with him. And then, after you figured it out, that you still cared. You didn’t have to do that. You didn’t have to care. You didn’t have to wonder about him. And you didn’t have to keep quiet. It’s nice to remember there are good people in the world.”
LaTroy felt both humbled and baffled by her reasoning and could only manage a mumbled, “Man’s a hero.”
“I agree. But, not a lot of other people do.” She let out a long breath through her nose and rubbed at her forehead. “He was a POW for more than 70 years. Brainwashed. They made him do terrible things.”
Licking his lips, LaTroy remembered that article he found online that said Barnes was the man who ripped apart the D.C. SHIELD building. He didn’t want to believe it when he read it, but it made awful sense now. “Hydra?”
“Yes.” With narrowed eyes, she watched him for a long moment. “It wasn’t his choice. He fought them every way he could for all that time. And he’s not that man anymore. He got away.”
“Good,” LaTroy told her, firming up his lips. That was good. Good for him. And to hell with Hydra. How dare they. Monsters. They were monsters for a whole lot of awful reasons — this one just felt personal. “Hope he took some of them down on his way out.”
“Well, that’s an ongoing process,” she said, laughing a little. “But, buddy, let me tell you, it is satisfying as hell to blow up a Hydra base.”
Raising an eyebrow, he looked down at her and asked, “You do that?”
“Once I helped, and once I did it on my own,” she said proudly.
“Good for you, girl,” he praised and clapped her on the shoulder and was struck again by how petite she was.
He glanced over at Tony’s back, and then down to her again. Stark’s kid. His daughter. A beautiful little girl, the man somehow kept out of sight, safe from the world. LaTroy liked to think he was a modern man, but he didn’t think he could let his little girl go do something like that. Actually, he got a little shaky thinking of his boy doing that.
He had to ask. “Don’t take this wrong, but, how in the world does your dad let you go out and do that?”
“Another ongoing process,” she told him with a sigh.
LaTroy frowned for another minute and, finally, Tony was the next costumer up. Dante didn’t realize who he was talking to. Not yet, anyway. But, LaTroy wasn’t entirely noticing now, either. So, how’d Stark’s kid end up in a place where she was blowing up Hydra bases? With her partner Bucky Barnes? Bucky Barnes who, apparently, was the guy who took down the SHIELD building and who —
“Damn. You a SHIELD agent?” he asked in a strangled whisper.
“Who? Me?"she asked, and then laughed.
"I thought SHIELD was gone.”
“It is,” she said.
Dante finally noticed who he was talking to and was giving LaTroy a panicked look, pleading for help.
“Then how—”
“Bucky wanted a bar, I used to bartend in college, and you know, for a little while, seems like a good place to rest,” she said simply. It didn’t really explain anything, but that was probably the point. A gentle nudge telling him to butt out. He supposed he could accept that, she made amends for her poking into his life and he got why. Guess it was his turn to back off.
“Sounds good. I’ll have to come by for a cold one sometime.”
“On the house.”
LaTroy nodded and headed for the counter, ready to rescue his son from having to get Tony Stark a bowl of soup. “So, lunch for 25? Let me ring you up.”
“Make it thirty,” Darcy said, following after him. “They’re hard-working, burly men and women. They get hungry. My partner will eat any leftovers.”
LaTroy noticed Stark make a face at the partner comment and she raised an eyebrow back at her father. “What?”
“Nothing,” Stark grumbled and flashed Dante a grin. “How old are you, kid? Want a job?”
Dante stared for a second before remembering his manners. “No, sir. I have one, but thank you.”
“You sure? I’ve got an opening for an assistant. My last one left me to go be a bartender. What the hell is that, huh?”
“Uh …” Dante shot LaTroy another desperate look.
“I wasn’t your assistant,” Darcy protested.
“You assisted me with things.”
“Tony,” she sighed and kicked his ankle. “I haven’t gone anywhere.”
“Fine, fine, whatever.” He leaned over the counter and gave Dante a serious nod. “Think about it. Give me a call if you change your mind. Give him one of my cards, Darce.”
“I don’t carry your cards on me. Why don’t you have your own cards?”
“If this kid was my assistant, I bet he’d have my cards on him. Pepper always had my cards.” He looked back at Dante. “What’s your name?”
LaTroy, who’d watched the exchange with amusement while he fixed up two bowls of soup, decided his son had been tortured long enough.
“This is my son Dante, Mr. Stark. And he’s seventeen and he’s got school, so there’s no going across town to be passing round your business cards. He’s got a job here and homework he probably ought to be getting to.” He patted his son on the shoulder and nudged him away from the register. “You go on, Dante.”
“Yes, pops. Thanks,” he muttered and his shoulders rose and fell on a relieved sigh. He bobbed his head self-consciously at Stark and said, “It was nice to meet you Mr. Stark. Enjoy your meal.” Then he hustled through the door to the kitchen as fast as his long legs would carry him.
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