#i think it would be funny to get jacked even though my work does *not* require it
uncanny-tranny · 1 year
The nice thing about reaching adulthood as a trans person is that there are plenty of instances where, before as a kid, your transness mattered, but now it doesn't necessarily
When I was in high school, I was required to take a P.E. class to graduate, and I was always yelled at for being late and bringing my backpack to class with me because I couldn't change in locker rooms like the other guys. I changed in a faculty restroom and brought my bag with me, my tardiness be damned. It gave me an unhealthy view of fitness because I despised how othered I felt, and I couldn't articulate why I didn't feel safe necessarily. I felt like transness would always be what others saw before they saw me, and I hated that feeling. I don't like being seen as The Trans Person, I just like being seen as me, where being trans is part of me but not the whole.
However, as an adult, I can join a gym and they don't fucking care. I get to retrain how to have a healthy relationship with fitness on my own terms because now, I have the freedom to be left the fuck alone about my transness. I love weightlifting, I love feeling physically fit, and high school was not the place for me as a trans person.
If any young trans person is feeling how I felt about their transness being front-and-center, just, please hold out hope. I know shit's scary, especially for you young people, and I do not blame you for how you feel. Just know that there can be good out there.
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yandere-daydreams · 8 months
Idk if Sex doll!au Alhaitham has been discussed yet…(honestly it probably has been, but it was likely during the times when I wasn’t keeping up to date with this blog. Tumblr’s shitty search function doesn’t help with finding out either.)
Anyway, I’d like to share my thoughts about it, if that’s okay.
-I think sex doll! Alhaitham would mostly be for professional and academic purposes. He’s not reccomended for younger grades, mostly just colleges.
-His general purposes are office/administrative related. Especially since he’s a “scribe”, he’s especially good at file management and documentation. I don’t think it be uncommon to see him assisting librarians alongside a Lisa model…or maybe helping archeologists/museums workers catalogue info about artifacts.
-I think his way of not doing anything more than what his job asks of him would stay even as an Android. I know that as a product, he’d probably wouldn’t be given leeway or time off like that; but the thought of someone trying to assign tasks to Alhaitham that are outside his designated role being ignored by him is funny to me.
-if Alhaitham is acting as a companion doll in someone’s home, I can only imagine that he’s incredibly annoying. Alhaitham normally chooses to ignore social etiquette, and as an android it has to be even worse.
tw - unhealthy relationships, slight infantilization, slight stalking.
i think he'd absolutely be marketed toward researchers as a sort of lab assistant who acts like you're the lab assistant, if that makes sense. he specializes in archival work and bureaucracy, but he's a bit of a jack-of-all-trades and it's not uncommon to see him alongside more outdoorsy androids like cyno and albedo when you're out doing fieldwork. he's also especially loved by students for his,,, strict attitude toward studying. you wouldn't think the ability to say 'i'm not touching your dick until you finish your thesis' would be such a popular feature in a literal sex doll, but, y'know, what does it for you does it for you, i guess.
you're not a student, though, or a researcher - just a librarian for a big enough branch to warrant writing off a helper android as a business expense. you probably could've gotten away with bringing on lisa or nahida, but you were able to find a second-hand alhaitham for a price you couldn't turn up and figured dealing with the occasional comment on your organization skills or catalog maintenance was better than wasting an extra thousand dollars on a robot that'll be reading to children twice a week. he works well enough, too, even if it does take a few days for him to get used to the idea that you won't be using him for his, uh, intended purposes. it just doesn't feel right, considering he's basically one of your employees - something he's surprisingly indifferent about, considering how judgemental he's rumored to be about, well, everything.
you do take him home at night, though, since the alternative is leaving him in a dark building alone all night and trying to live with the guilt. he's a polite enough houseguest, even if does occasionally let out a disapproving huff at your admittedly less-than-steller diet, but he does have a few... bugs, you guess, for lack of something better to call his little lapses in decorum. he's overstepped his boundaries a few times - taking pens and reports out of your hands because you 'have a tendency to mess these things up', checking on you in the middle of the night when he's supposed to be charging - but he'll never indulge your attempts to confront him, just clicking his tongue and shaking his eyes. sometimes, he brings up your stress levels, mentions off-handedly that orgasms are known to reduce overall tension, but denies that he's done anything wrong when you ask him to change his behavior. he's good at that - justifying himself, bending his protocols until he can get away with practically anything. you'd be lying if you said you weren't a little worried, knowing the awful rumors that spread about second-hand andriods, about how demeaning alhaitham can be when he's supposed to be little more than a platonic assistant.
you'd be lying if you said you weren't a little worried that, one day, he'd find a way to justify disregarding your autonomy altogether.
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yukidragon · 4 months
Sunny Day Jack - Drunk Headcanons
First ramble of the new year. Whoo! I was considering what would be fitting, then I wound up thinking about all the drinking that happens at New Years’ parties and figured, why not go with some drunken headcanons?
Content warning: this post contains talk of drinking, negative experiences with drinking, being drunk, and maybe some smut as well.
Talking about drunk headcanons also gives me the excuse to break out the drunk Jack art drawn by the ever awesome Sauce, since it’s very relevant. Credit as always goes to them for their amazing work and for being cool with me using their art in my rambles about the awesome characters they’ve created.
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Isn’t Jack such a cute drunk? Funny how he’s only drunk when MC is though… possibly. After all, pictures like these don’t technically count as canon unless they’re in the game or on one of the official Sunny Day Jack pages, which you can find conveniently listed here.
Speaking of, why not consider supporting the SnaccPop Studios Patreon? If you sign up, you’ll get to see all sorts of exclusive pieces of art and sneak peeks at the lore, as well as amazing audio dramas. It’s well worth joining, in my humble opinion. Just remember to please not share anything privately posted on the patreon. Reposting paid content only hurts the team.
Anyway, back to the topic of drunk Jack, and specifically the teaser art by Sauce that may or may not be canon still.
I’ve talked about this picture before, particularly what it suggests for Jack’s powers, how it probably means he can be influenced by MC’s hormones, and how much he might be affected by MC’s state of being and vice-versa. To summarize, I believe that Jack and MC can sense how the other is feeling, both physically and emotionally, but it’s not quite as strong as the other is experiencing it, and it can be blocked out or minimized. I’ve alluded to it in Sunshine in Hell, as well as some of my short stories, especially the one where Alice is in a lot of pain.
So, as this picture suggests, if MC gets drunk, Jack does too. It makes me wonder though if he broke character and drank alcohol, he could be the one to get both of them drunk instead? The possibilities of these implications, canon to the game or not, are quite intriguing.
Of course, we can’t talk about drunk headcanons without considering what kind of drunk Jack and the rest of the crew might be. As they say, drunk words are sober thoughts, and alcohol does lower inhibitions…
Naturally, it’s kind of dangerous for a yandere character to be drunk. Self-control would be lessened, if not thrown out the window entirely if he’s totally hammered. I think Jack would be a clingy sort of drunk, hanging off his sunshine, shamelessly needing their warmth and reassurance that they love him and need him just as badly. He’s also a possessive and protective drunk, not wanting anyone else near MC. He’d probably insist on carrying them around everywhere even while he’s stumbling, though it’d take one near fall for him to decide that sitting with them in his lap is the better option. He needs to keep them safe, keep them close.
If you think Jack can be clingy normally, he is like glue when drunk, or at least I think so. Even if he was dutifully staying home like MC wanted them, once the drinks hit him through their connection, he’s got to be with them, no matter where they are. Suddenly there’s a clown in the club or party checking to see if they’re okay and wanting to take them home, hanging off them like a big warm blanket while trying to convince them to go and keep them safe from anyone that might take advantage of them.
Once agreeing to leave, Jack would probably forget about any implications or issues that might arise from carrying MC in a crowd of people. Hopefully no one is sober enough to film anything that might complicate things when he’s whisking MC away off into the night. He’s certainly not in any state to really consider consequences.
Well, maybe if they’re lucky any such videos would be assumed to be hoaxes. There’s certainly no shortage of fake “ghost” videos online. Maybe Shaun could use it to promote an upcoming movie…
Of course, if the relationship between MC and Jack is rocky, his desperation is cranked up while drunk. He needs them so, so badly.
Worse, if MC is getting physical with someone else, showing them love instead of him… Jack might not be able to hold back his yandere impulses to make sure that no one steals his sunshine away. He’d certainly have a lot of work to do once sober to convince his sunshine that he was just protecting them from being taken advantage of while drunk, especially if things escalated to outright violence. The level of intoxication, and the intensity of the moment would likely decide how far things might spiral.
Of course, you know me and how much of a sucker I am for my OTP being happy, so let’s swing back around to the fluffier extreme. If MC and Jack are in a relationship, that’s when Jack is drunkenly telling them how much he loves them, and that they should just go home together. There’s not even a token resistance to hold back his true feelings for them. He’s already got them whisked up in his arms, kissing and murmuring sweet words of love. MC is going to have a pretty hard time talking Jack into letting them stay, especially when they’d be more drunk than he is.
Naturally, the type of drunk MC becomes would affect things. Since there are way too many variables there, let’s use that as a segue to how my MC Alice is like when drunk. She’s not the biggest fan of alcohol, disliking beer, and only drinking sweet flavored mixed drinks socially before the breakup with Ian. Even then, it was rare that she got drunk at all.
After the breakup, the idea of drinking scares Alice, especially to the point of being drunk. She almost died after all. As such, the only way she’s getting sloshed in the present day is if she’s unaware that what she’s consuming has alcohol in it until it’s too late.
It’s kind of a shame, as Alice is a giggly, affectionate drunk. She stops caring about people around them and just wants to cling to her partner, giggling between kisses, occasionally gnawing on them or licking them playfully and saying silly things. Ian got quite embarrassed by how overly affectionate she was the few times she got tipsy when they were out with friends, though he certainly enjoyed the attention.
Needless to say, when Alice got drunk after finding out Ian cheated, she was anything but giggly or affectionate. Though the less said about that the better for now. Let’s keep this to fun headcanons, shall we?
Alice is also affectionate to her friends when drunk, telling them that she loves them, giving big hugs and saying what she loves about them. It was very hard on Shaun’s heart the one time he was around when Alice was drunk. She glomped onto him and told him she loved him soooooooooooo much while giggling happily~!
Of course, it was cut into by Ian crying because he was also drunk and thus more sensitive to things, so Alice went over to reassure him that she loved him mostest of all. It was a hard night for Shaun to be the sober driver.
Jack would sadly not get to experience this side of Alice. At least, not under normal circumstances. Knowing she doesn’t drink and isn’t comfortable even drinking a little bit, the moment he felt her get drunk, his protective instincts would kick into overdrive. What if someone spiked her drink? What if they had awful intentions? Even if he found out it was an innocent mistake, probably even a mixup, he would still be very concerned about her.
Well… until Alice latches onto Jack, squeezing him tight in a big hug as she tells him that she loves him. Oh how his heart would feel ready to burst, especially if they’re not together yet at the time. He longed to hear those words from her for so long… it’s just a shame that she’s saying them while drunk. Still, you better believe that his tipsy butt is going to tell her he loves her too. That would send Alice into a fit of happy giggles as she snuggles into his chest, since, let’s face it, her guilty impulses are on full display and his chest has always felt so nice and soft to cuddle.
Jack would be struggling to hold himself back and retain some sense of sobriety, to not ruin things, but it’s so hard when Alice is being so affectionate with him. Yet, he worries that her love for him isn’t the same as the love he feels for her. This is especially true if she was hugging and loving on other friends when he showed up.
Of course, even while drunk, Alice wouldn’t be open to physical contact with just anybody, only those she trusts. Being touched by someone she doesn’t know/trust would result in her fleeing to her nearest trusted friend/loved one to hide behind them, maybe even insisting they protect herrrr, and telling the person who tried to touch her to go away! Shoo! Shoo!
Naturally, if Alice was drunk while she and Jack were a couple, it would be a very strange sight for anyone else there to see her cuddling up to thin air, kissing, licking, gnawing, etc. It’d be even more outrageous to see her scooped up into the air! Hopefully Shaun isn’t there to see it and have his heart broken further. Though if he was around while Alice was drunk, and he was still sober, he would be getting her to drink water and getting her out of there since he knows she doesn’t want to drink alcohol anymore. So he’d be stepping in to help her out until Jack swooped in to steal Alice away from him… again.
Speaking of Shaun, he strikes me as a giggly drunk as well. Though he turns it more into a performance. He’s talking about stories he knows to anyone who will listen. Or anyone who is not listening, since he’d be drunk off his butt. I’m talking grand gestures, booming voice, passion thrown into it as he cries over touching moments in a movie he saw, or what he was directing. Oh, his actors killed it in the beach scene! He’ll tell you all about it, then get interrupted by a different thought halfway through the story, probably something he thinks will be a good idea for another film that he has to scribble onto a napkin. Of course, it becomes a weird scrawl that’s barely legible and makes no sense, but it was certainly exciting to him in the moment!
Of course, Shaun enjoys a good buzz. It makes him want to purr, so it’s a good tell for when he’s getting tipsy. He’s very responsible when he’s the designated sober person, but when he’s ready to cut loose, he’s a tomcat ready to play!
While Shaun is a more bubbly and fun drunk, I think that Ian is the opposite. When he has a nice buzz, he feels pretty good, but when it goes too far and he starts getting drunk… that’s when everything goes downhill. This cropped picture drawn by Sauce makes me think that when Ian gets drunk, that’s when his guilt and self-loathing hits him hard.
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Poor guy needs therapy. Also, if you want to see the full picture, which is very NSFW, check it out over on Sauce’s twitter. While you’re there, send them some love for all their amazing art and characters!
I think Ian needs constant reassurance while drunk, especially from his partner. He clings to MC and feels lonely even if they’re a foot away from him. He cries at the drop of a hat, even for silly things like how tragic that is that snakes don’t have legs. Why don't they have legs? It's unfair! He’s going to be needing help not to get dehydrated from all the crying and the alcohol, and his hangover the next day is a bitch.
Needless to say, when Ian and Alice were drunk together, it was a very mushy scene. Ian would be down on himself, then Alice would smoosh his cheeks and tell him to listen to her because he is a prince. Prince Charming! No one else is better. That’d get the waterworks going, and he’d cling to her, crying. She would then start kissing his tears away.
I figure this too also happened when Shaun was around because I’m very mean with the guy and his unrequited crush. Sorry, Shaun, but it’s just too much fun teasing you, haha. Don’t worry though, he’s going to find his own happy ending in Sunshine in Hell with a partner or two who love him more than anything else in the world. Eventually.
On that note, let’s move on to the final love interest, Nick. Nick strikes me as someone who is very smooth when tipsy, but an absolute mess when sloshed. The filter is gone. He’s got opinions, and by God is he going to give them, even if they don’t really make sense. He especially has strong opinions about bad BDSM. That popular book series they made a movie about called, what was it again, 500 shades of fucked up or something? That is not BDSM. That’s abuse pretending to be BDSM. Do you have any idea what that mess has done to the BDSM community and how many people have done stupid things because of it? And don’t get him started on what an awful idea it is to tie someone up with rope from a hardware store of all places!
I see Nick as the type to start recording himself once his inhibitions are dropped. The people need to know! His thoughts have to get out there! His followers need to know the truth! This is why he makes sure that he has to put in several passwords before he can actually upload anything. He learned his lesson that he can’t trust drunk Nick with his socials the hard way. The fans are still making memes and using clips out of context from that embarrassing old video. At least he bounced back from it by joking about it even if inside he’s still dying of mortification.
Speaking of a drunk with complaints, I had the image of Barry really unloading all his grievances when he’s drunk. Fortunately, he knows better than to get sloshed with any of his employees, but if he did, they’d have a hard time escaping from him insisting that he knows what’s wrong with the service industry and customers and how the hell did his latest marketing gimmick fail?! Can’t they see how cute the new mascot is? He paid way too much to the graphic designer! Do you know what artists charge nowadays? It’s highway robbery!
Since we’re going into employees of Yogurtopia, why don’t I touch real quick on the other people on staff who I expanded upon a little in my earliest headcanon posts? Things have changed since then of course, such as the boss having an actual name now. Needless to say, I’m not going with what I came up with for that post, but let’s do a little rapid fire mode with the rest of the employees I want to use for Sunshine in Hell.
Carol is a flirty drunk, which is a big problem if she’s actually in a committed relationship at the time and the person she’s flirting with isn’t her partner. Though I’m sure she’d give her partner permission ahead of time to have sloppy drunken makeouts and sex with her.
Liz isn’t really a drinker so much as a stoner. Though if drunk they would be doodling on napkins and finding the ceiling tiles fascinating.
Susan is underage and isn’t much for breaking the rules, so it’ll be a few years yet before she’d have to worry about how she’d be as a drunk.
I know I haven’t touched on these characters a lot, but I figured why not expand on them when I can, even in small ways. If nothing else, it should make it easier for me to come up with more ideas of what parts they could play in the bigger picture of Sunshine in Hell.
Speaking of my OCs, why don’t I touch on the rest of the King family while I’m at it?
Mama Lycoris enjoys herself a nice glass of wine with good company, most notably her husband, whose name is still undecided. (I’ve narrowed it down to Eden, Seb, Luan, Yuri, or Heliotrope. Picking character names is hard sometimes.) It’s rare for her to get drunk, but when she does, she seeks out her husband, even if she just lost track of him for being out of sight. She’s the type to do the meme where she’s crying while texting them that she misses them while he was just in the bathroom. Once she finds them, she’s crawling in his lap telling them how much she loves him~
Papa King usually is the sober one at a party, embarrassed by his wife loving on them when she’s tipsy. Sometimes Lycoris pretends to be tipsy just to get him flustered. They do occasionally have a glass for a special occasion, like toasting at his anniversary or a special holiday. When drunk, they’re a sleepy sort of drunk, pretty out of it and just off in his own little happy world. They haven’t yet been drunk before though, or even gotten tipsy, as he drinks very responsibly.
Barbie isn’t one for drinking, even socially. Though that’s probably not surprising considering she’s not a very social person. If she did get drunk though, she’d be a mean drunk, eyeballing anyone who looks at her funny and ready to jump into any excuse to fight. It’s probably a good thing she doesn’t drink!
Though, I suppose if Barbie was drunk around Bo, she’ll probably let her dom side out more, ordering him around and getting a bit rough with him. Good thing Bo is a big strong alpha and can’t get drunk due to being an AI, so he’ll be able to take care of his puppy even when she’s gone a bit feral due to alcohol.
Coraline also doesn’t drink, but that’s because she can’t due to medical reasons. It interferes with her prescription medications, so it’s probably best if she sticks with non-alcoholic beverages. If she did get drunk, however, she would probably be similar to her father, being off in her own little world, looking at things as if they were fascinating. She would probably be very keenly interested in holding Elias’ head and examining his neck stump up close, which I’m sure her poor groom wouldn’t quite be comfortable with. He would have to make sure to redirect her focus elsewhere until she sobered up.
Of course, I can’t just end things there. I haven’t gushed nearly enough about Jack and Alice having some drunk shenanigans in a more specific sort of scenario. It might turn into some writing, or it might not, but it’s my post, and I can ramble on longer about my OTP if I want to.
As I said earlier, Jack would be very concerned upon noticing that he’s starting to get tipsy. At first he would probably be confused as to how lightheaded he is, until he realizes that it’s because of his sunshine’s influence. The immediate order of business after that is to find Alice and check to see if she’s okay. With lower inhibitions, it would be hard for him not to worry that someone spiked her drink or something.
While someone spiking Alice’s drink would make for some interesting drama, and a target for Jack to go yandere on for taking advantage of his sunshine… I think I’ll stick with something more innocent for this post and say that there was a mixup with her drink or Alice was unaware something someone brought at the party’s potluck had a high alcohol content until it was too late.
Though if y’all want me to chase that darker and more dramatic plot bunny of Alice getting her drink spiked by some unscrupulous character, and Jack has to save her, do let me know~ ;3
Back to the lighter scenario. While it is intriguing to imagine how torn Jack would be if Alice is loving on him while they’re not together, and she means tells him she loves him in a clearly platonic way, which wrenches his heart… At the moment, I’m more drawn to how much of a cock block it’d be for him if Alice was getting frisky with her affection and turning Jack on, forcing him to hold back his urges and stay responsible even though what he wants to do is take her and fill her with his love until her legs are too wobbly to allow her to stand anymore. He might be tipsy too, but she’s outright drunk, and he’s not going to take advantage of his sunshine in an inebriated state!
Of course, Jack’s first order of business is to get Alice home. It doesn’t matter if they’re in the middle of a party full of people, he’s carrying his sunshine home. Alice doesn’t protest being scooped up by her boyfriend, just giggling in delight before peppering his cheek and neck with kisses now that she’s in range. She also makes sure to tell Jack how she just loves him so, so, so, so, soooooo much~!
Jack does try to be discreet in getting Alice away from the party. He might be pretty tipsy, and his steps a little unsteady, but he needs to protect his sunshine. He needs to take care of her, be responsible. It’s what he’s there for after all.
It’s just a little hard for Jack to focus on walking straight when Alice keeps nipping at his skin. Her giggling tickles his ear too, and it’s hard for him not to melt when she tells him she loves him and that he tastes so sweet.
Having a hardon would also make it difficult for Jack to focus on walking straight. Poor guy. Alice doesn’t think about what she’s doing as she keeps kissing, licking, and nibbling on him, her hands wandering and squeezing his chest despite him trying to gently redirect her attention. He needs her to stop, since he can’t focus, but at the same time he really wants her to continue.
The first order of business once they get back home is to make sure Alice sobers up with some water and food. By the time they’re home, Jack feels like he’s going to go crazy. Like her drunkenness affected him, his horniness affects her, and those playful affections become more lusty as her inhibitions are lowered and the idea of teasing Jack and making him feel good becomes more and more appealing. Eventually it gets to the point that she’s being much more blatant in her teasing, such as tracing his nipples through his shirt with her fingers. Maybe even copping a feel lower down when they’re at the apartment and teasing him about the bulge in his pants.
Needless to say, Jack would be having a very hard time holding himself back. It’d almost be a relief when Alice abruptly nods off due to the alcohol. Of course, he’d have to give himself some real relief, imagining what it would’ve been like if she had sobered up so they could continue. All the while, he’s also swearing to himself that in the morning - provided Alice wasn’t in pain from a hangover - he was going to pay her back for all the love and affection she showed him tonight in spades.
The next morning, Alice is indeed hungover, though not quite as bad as she would’ve been if Jack didn’t have her eat and drink something last night. Of course, Jack is kind and cheerful, endlessly gentle and supportive of her, giving her some painkillers and making her a nice, mild breakfast. She remembers what she did last night and is too embarrassed to talk about it, just thanking Jack for helping her get home.
Though past the embarrassment, fear would slowly build as Alice woke up more and it sunk in how easy it was for her to accidentally get drunk at the party. It was so easy for her to lose control… for something to happen… Jack picks up on her worries right away and reassures her that he’ll always be there to take care of her and keep her safe. He’ll always protect her and make sure nothing bad happens to her. He made sure she got home safely last night, after all.
Jack won’t ever let Alice suffer through anything as awful as the night Ian broke her heart ever again.
Some reassurance and cuddles goes a long way, and Alice is able to let go of her fear and embarrassment to just appreciate how much Jack cares for her and takes care of her, even when the unexpected happens. She melts into his soft and reassuring kisses that soon turn hot and steamy. Suddenly the breakfast dishes are off the table, and she’s the one getting eaten by her very pent up boyfriend.
You better believe that Jack planned to feed Alice then do the deed with her as soon as possible. The moment she shows that she’s receptive to his affection, he starts enacting all the naughty fantasies that he had while giving himself relief the night before, making sure that Alice is the one being driven crazy this time. He won’t rest until she’s begging for him to make love to her. Repeatedly.
Needless to say, if Alice has work that day, she’s missing it. Jack would’ve turned her phone off after sending a text that she’s sick, just in case. There’s no way Jack is letting Barry cockblock him again. Not after he spent a night getting blueballed by a too sexy sunshine that was too drunk to make love to.
Fortunately, in the light of day and fully sober enough to consent, Jack gets to enjoy every inch of Alice, as well as a nice memory of just how fun and affectionate she gets when her inhibitions are lowered. He also has a goal to strive for, to encourage his sunshine to feel freer with him like that when they’re both fully sober so that they can enjoy every second of their lovemaking.
Well, I think that’s a good place to wrap up these drunken headcanons for now. I hope you enjoyed the silliness. It seemed like a good way to start off the year, and it certainly would be a fun start of the new year for these two!
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore @okamiliqueur
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payasita · 8 months
Good job getting ADHD medication! I’m so proud of you :D
thanks so so much im very happy and so hopeful for the first time maybe ever but also it TOOK ME LIKE. A YEAR. A YEAR.
like yall for real?? for real. for real i have been diagnosed since i was like six. (funny story my teacher thought i was on the spectrum so my parents get me tested with the nodes and shit and according to mom, who loves this story, my neurologist did all that and talked to me and then just turned to my mom and went "she's not autistic. she just hates the other kids" but they DID find an adhd diagnosis in there so net win for all of us)
diagnosed since i was SIX. on stimulants until i turned 8, and you know why i got off em? my pediatrician retired. we could not find another who would take our low-income insurance. so i just had to rawdog The Rest Of My Fucking Life. diagnosed when i was six. legally neurodivergent for 20 slutty slutty angry years.
and it still took me like. a few months to get a psych appointment. a few weeks to reaffirm my diagnosis as an adult. a few more weeks for another appointment for meds. he doesnt Want to do meds first, because i must have been doing fine without them if its been two decades, right? i got a job and a car and everything. well gee fuckin shittickers Dr. Brain Guy, just WHAT was my alternative? would you prefer i be maladapted to the point of incapacitation; is that what it takes for someone to be considered? i cheated my way through school. every day after work i sit for an hour in my car because i dont have the executive function to stand up and walk the ten steps to my house. garbage just appears around me. i have three empty bags of hot chip and two cans of sprite on my desk as we speak, neither from today. at that point i hadnt had a debit card for six months because that would have required me to Drive To The Bank, a location that was new to me in this area, so i just did everything on credit. is this all normal? is this fine? am i GOOD, actually, Dr. WeirdBrain?
so we cordially agree that yes i should probably be medicated. i want to do a stimulant. he does not want to put me on a stimulant. "stimulants can mess with your heart," he says, "and you're young, you don't want heart problems." i say ok because i dont want to make him think im just looking for narcotics. even though i am. because they WORK. i agree to try some kind of antidepressant.
the antidepressant gives me tachycardia. i go to the emergency room after reading a heartbeat of, oh, 140 bpm, which is about like double what it normally is and juuuust below the You Are Having A Heart Attack threshold. i get to the ER and the doctor there is very obviously convinced i'm a local addict having some sort of episode. it is the most ironic experience i've had all year and i feel an abrupt and all consuming kinship with those birds in australia that will swoop you and peck at your face for seemingly no good reason.
so yeah, we narrow it down to the antidepressant. as it turns out, these particular meds are known to, semi-commonly, Mess With Your Heart. i have my next appointment with my psych and somehow refrain from pecking his eyes out. he puts me on a noreprinephrine inhibitor(iirc) that isnt actually FDA approved to treat ADHD specifically(i DEFINITELY rc) but it IS given to smokers to help them quit. i dont smoke. i may very well fucking start before this whole ordeal is at the point where someone listens to me
it obviously does a combined total of jack and shit, and the man waffles with this one because he has "had success" using it as treatment for other ADHD patients. he ups the dose. twice. three months on the smoker meds, which are also apparently notorious for destroying your appetite, but they didnt even do THAT. no change to the average amount of hot chip on my desk.
he wants to try quelbree after that. i finally tell him i'm tired of this shit and would like to have more than two hours of usable daylight to function before it all falls to uncontrollable youtube shorts binges and a daily experience i like to call The Weighted Nothings and i would very much like to PLEASE. TRY A STIMULANT.
he's been friendly enough with me over these past four or five or whatever months but at this he gets suddenly very very business-baseline. gives me the whole spiel about the north american shortage. gives me a spiel about how i absolutely cannot, under any circumstances, lose or sell this medication, because they will not refill it if i do. i am sitting here wondering if he he's telling the truth about having other ADHD patients at all like ever in his career, and also, am i nuts or should the "don't sell your prescription drugs" bit apply to EVERYTHING? i dont fuckin know man i just live here
he says he wants a urine test first. its scheduled for two weeks out. i take it.
"hey uh, your piss came back with cannabis in it" "well it'd be weirder if it didn't, we are in california and i am a kitchen manager" "you can't have weed if you want adderall" "fine i'll stop" "we'll schedule you another test in a month" "aight bet" it didnt go exactly like that but this is kind of what the vibe between us has devolved into by this point.
anyway i wait a month and get a good grade in piss. i get the meds prescribed. i go to fill out the prescription
all i really need to say to you are the words "prior authorization error" for most of you to get what happened next.
the psych isnt even aware. i wait another month for our next meeting, which was yesterday. i do not yell at him. he tells me to take it up with the pharmacy, and yell at them. i am going to yell at them.
so i go, and guess what, it actually went through a while ago! NO ONE TOLD ME OR DR. FEEL-BAD OVER HERE. but we can't fill it right now because its a controlled substance so come back in a few hours. hey it's ready where the hell are you? TAKE YOUR METH AND GET OUT
anyway i started it today, reorganized my pantry, and fixed the fire alarm in my hallway that's been chirping at me for a week. i no longer have to wear earplugs to bed.
and with my newfound executive function superpowers, i will be spraying my weed-free piss all over Reagan's grave.
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Stray kids x genderneutral!reader headcanons
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Random Stray Kids prompt headcanons because I’m too lazy to write a whole fucking fic but I still want to post:
Pairing: Stray kids x Genderneutral!reader, established relationships for all of them
Warnings: Just fluff, one teeny tiny mention of throwing up, Remember that this is all just my opinion!
Would they win a pillow fight against you?
Bang Chan:
Technically, yes
But my guy is too whipped to allow you to loose
He’s gonna let you win
And he’s also gonna let you brag about it
He’s so cute AShSJKMVFNDjsk
Lee Know:
My guy is gonna be COMPETITIVE
You better run
He wont back down
He is gonna tease you about your loss for days
It’s hot though
(is it just me that finds being teased hot???)
Anyways you’re absolutely done for😻😻😻
I think it’s 50/50
On one hand he would totally win and then brag about it endlessly
Like bro is jacked there is no way he wouldn’t win
Lots of muscle flexing if he wins😶
On the other hand
He is baby girl
He would loose and complain
He would be pouting for the rest of the day
Bro is dramatic asf
If you hit him, my guy is going to be screaming, crying, throwing up into a pillow case instantly
I don’t think I need to explain anymore
He would try 
Eventually you’d end up getting the upper hand
He’d be the type to just hold the pillow above his head to protect himself and scream
I think he’d just congratulate you when you decide to spare him💀
I have no idea why but I think he’d just be insane at pillow fights
He seems like the type to just be good at them
He’d be so sweet about winning though
He’d eventually give up after declaring his win and just cuddle with you instead😭
This bitch is evil
How do you cheat in a pillow fight?
Idfk but he’ll find a way
After winning this dumbass will be pinning you to the floor while making fun of you for losing
If you tell him that he cheated he’ll just evily laugh and ignore you
Literally satan if he had an adorable laugh and was hot
Mostly no
Most of the time he won’t put any effort in
“Isn’t this a bit too childish?”
If you do get him to participate he’s winning
He’ll be putting up the fight of his life
Similar to Seungmin, he will be pinning you to the floor while making fun of you for losing
Bro is trying to make you blush
If he succeeds his mission will be complete
What are their love languages?
Bang Chan:
Words of affirmation
He will shower you in praise
But you need to shower him back
Call him pretty.
Call him talented.
Call him sweet.
He will melt
Lee Know:
Gift giving
Bro is bad with words
He’ll give you cute shit
You’ll give him cute shit
You’ll both be happy 
Quality time
He needs to be screaming into your ear at all times
Quality time
He just wants to hang out with you😭😭😭
Acts of service
Idk why I think this
Bro is just whipped for you
He’ll do anything 
Physical touch
This is obvious
Just let the bitch hug you
This was hard
Probably gift giving
I don’t have much reasoning
He just gives the vibes
Acts of service
He wants to do shit for you
He wants you to do shit for him
It's practical
How much would they tease you and what they would tease you about?
(I love this prompt my brain is so incredible)
Bang Chan:
I don’t think he’d tease you very much
If he does its more like 😻 instead of 😼
It would usually be you blushing at one of his many shit pickup lines he says instead of just making fun of it
“Aw look at you!”
“You’re so pretty when you blush”
“Did my pick up line work? Are you in love with me now?”
Lee Know:
Bro can’t stop
It would be for you making a mistake, blushing, breathing or doing anything at all
If you show any signs of getting flustered from his teasing YOU BETTER RUN
“How did you even do that? What is going on inside your head?”
“Oh my god are you blushing?!”
“I made you blush! That is so funny”
“You are so red, it’s so fucking cute”
I gave up on the rest of the members because I'm sleep deprived😻😻😻 sorry🤷‍♀️
Where would they kiss you the most?
Bang Chan:
You’re sitting down doing nothing
He’ll kiss you on the cheek
You’re making some food
He’ll kiss you on the cheek
You’re having a bad day
Cheek is a weird word
Lee Know:
I love wholesome Minho shit
He’ll look deep into your eyes and kiss your forehead at random times in the day
Mainly before you go to sleep
(sleep is what i need rn)
It’s so cute😭
I love my brain
Bro would just come up to you and kiss your nose and hug you
Changbin is so pookie
In a previous headcanon I called him poetic
He is still poetic
My guy is a mother father gentleman
It’s normal
It’s also super cute
Han is so bbg
Poetic pt2
The word eyelids sounds so aggressive
Imagine shutting your eyes, about to go to sleep and you feel soft lips placing gentle kisses on your 👹eyelids👹
It’s so cute
But the word eyelids isn't
Lips pt2
It’s normal
As I said, it’s also really cute
Basic is good sometimes LMAO
Bro likes to fluster you idk what to say
Getting hugged from behind by him and feeling kisses going down your neck aGFgyuhbVGyhuJbgHJBVghJBgyui
How good would they be at cooking (scale of 1-10)?
Bang Chan:
Good enough
He can totally cook for you if you don’t feel up to it
But he isn’t a 5-star Michelin 
Lee Know:
Cooking god
How does he have so much skill???
Nothing has burnt down yet
He knows how to follow a recipe
Screaming can regularly be heard from the kitchen
The stuff he makes may not be Lee Know level, but it works
He seems like the type to find it calming
The stuff he makes doesn’t taste good
He can make it
Just not well
Frozen meals>
He’s way better at baking
The stuff he makes will look like shit and taste decent
At least you can survive off of the food
The Michelin shit was a lie dude😭
Seungmin, babe, no.
Fires have burned
Ash has been consumed
Pure chaos
He's gonna be laughing about it too
He’s taking a Zoom class
He can cook some scrumptious shit
Author note: Like always, constructive criticism is wanted! If you liked this, please follow me for more fanfics like this one <3 Thank you!
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Ace, Lilia: Be Not Deceived
OH???? 👁️ One of the paintings in the background is the Ace of Hearts card soldiers… Does this mean we’ll get to see the actual character inspos for each boy, even the obscure ones like Jack and Sebek??? Will we finally solve a 3+ year long mystery??????? 🔍
… Also, not Ace casually wanting to go to karaoke with Scar 😭 (Funny, cuz he was denied hearing L*ona sing during Endless Halloween Night.) Figures that Ace would be the best at singing of the first years, the others are just no competition…
A Tale as Old as Time.
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Not every work of art had a seriousness about it. In fact, Ace preferred to ogle the sillier pieces, finding solace in the nonsense and the chaos of them.
Hands shoved into the pockets of his finely tailored slacks, he found himself entranced by a bed of oysters. They were pried open, one half of their shells propped up to resemble bonnets. Their fleshy, round faces were still drowsy from sleep.
Little babies, the whole lot of them.
“My, you’ve taken quite an interest in that painting. I wouldn’t have expected it of you.” The remark came from Lilia, who curiously peered over at Ace from one side. “Have you an interest in oysters?”
“Nah, can’t stand’m. Especially raw,” he replied. “I was just thinkin’ of something I heard from back home."
“Oh?" Lilia’s large eyes glittered with a keen interest. “Now this I must hear.”
“It’s not really that interesting.” Ace shrugged. “A walrus dressed up in a suit to wine and dine a bunch of oysters—but the punchline is, instead of being taken out to dinner, the oysters are the walrus’s dinner! We have a Walrus-brand oyster sauce in the Queendom of Roses that gets its name from that story."
“Kufufu, I see! What a fascinating origin," Lilia mused. "It's a cautionary tale to not trust strangers. It brings to mind warnings to be wary of wolves in sheep’s clothing.”
"I guess so? The walrus looked nice at first glance, but he basically robbed a cradle. Seriously, who'd actually go and kidnap a baby like that? It’s just an exaggerated story to scare gullible kids into acting straight.”
Lilia's mouth adopted a mysterious, knowing smile.
"Oh, you'd be surprised!" he chuckled softly. "You never know when a big, bad monster might come in the night to steal you away from your family."
There was an eerie intenseness behind his every word, the magenta of his irises darkening to match. A shiver bolted down Ace’s spine. Lilia, too, was a creature of that very night that threatened to consume him.
"Y-Yeesh, you're freakin' me out, Lilia-senpai” Ace jokingly shoved his upperclassman. His fear had been fleeting, easily chased off with a laugh. “Don't say scary stuff like that. Halloween isn't for like another whole month!"
“Oopsie~ Perhaps I’m a little overeager.”
“I’ll say.” Ace rolled his eyes. “Sometimes I forget how weird you can be.”
“What, you don’t think someone as adorable as me could possibly be capable of committing a war crime or two?” Lilia grinned. “I’m not entirely innocent, you know.”
“You definitely wouldn’t be able to pull off any war crimes though!! You just act way different than your looks would suggest.” Ace rapped his knuckles on the wall beside the framed oysters. “Like the lying walrus.”
“Do you think I’m a lying walrus?” The question was teasing.
“Everyone is. There’s plenty of them in Heartslabyul too.” Ace counted off on his fingers.
“Loosey Deucy comes off like a straight-laced honors student, but he’s an ex-delinquent and dumb as a rock. Cater-senpai looks flashy and friendly, but he’ll trick you into doing his chores and leave you hanging. Trey-senpai’s got his weird teeth hobby… and then there’s Riddle-ryocho, who has a babyface but throws fits like an active volcano!!
“The Great Seven had parts of themselves that were surprising too. No one would think the King of Beasts would be the type of guy to be belt out a song, but he still did. That’s what moved the hyenas to join his cause. It just goes to show that you really can’t judge a book by its cover.”
"A good takeaway from the tale," Lilia agreed. "Taking the morals of a story to heart... you're very clever, Ace."
"The cleverest." He cheekily stuck out his tongue.
The knowing smile suddenly returned to Lilia's face. "I'm sure you have a wicked side to yourself as well. As you've said, we all have a bit of the lying walrus in us."
"No way, miss me with that. I’m the poor, helpless victim,” Ace grumbled, rubbing at his neck. It had stiffened considerably at the memory of his skin chaffing. “Haaah, if only I wasn't bullied so much by my dorm leader~"
"By Riddle?" Lilia smirked a little. "His temper is rather infamous. Silver and Sebek are his club mates. I've heard of Riddle's rage.”
"Dude, you don't know the half of it. He's always nagging me one way or another, and if I don't listen... BAM!
"'Off with Your Head'!!" Ace scrunched up his face in a show of pretend anger and pantomimed casting a spell by wiggling his fingers. The voice he adopted was elegant, yet arrogant—a replica of Riddle's. "Now you sit there and think about what you've done, Ace! The collar comes off when you've repented."
He fell back with a groan, Lilia's amused chuckle accompanying him in the otherwise quiet museum.
"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up while you still can."
From the corner of his eye, Ace spotted the oysters again. The entire bed, a colony of easily deceived infants. Unaware of the world and its eager, snapping jaws—the jaws of a well-dressed walrus.
“Guess a smile and a snazzy suit is all it takes to get people to waltz right into a trap, huh? With the right looks and attitude, even a villain can be made to pass as a hero.”
Ace tugged at the silver sash slung across his torso, drinking in the details of his luxurious platinum suit. A bow tie, a vest, a jacket with trailing coattails. Shining fabric, pure and unblemished.
He was all dressed up, with nowhere to go. Only lies to tell.
“You make for a good hero,” Lilia offered, “with that winsome charm and cheer of yours. Ah, but that’s not all. It never is. These old eyes can’t be deceived.”
“Whaaat? I can’t believe you’d side with Riddle over me. I’m being unfairly ganged up on here!! Aaah, my senpai are so mean to me…!”
His laments echoed off the cavernous rooms of the museum. Mere whining of a high school boy against the backdrop of great figures and illustrious history.
He was small, one little white lie against a sea of them.
“… Juuust kidding.”
Ace turned away, a wink thrown playfully at the painting of the oysters before their very doom.
As if anyone would believe that.
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ateriblewriter · 10 months
It’s Kind of Funny (q.h)
requested: sort of but not really. they requested one thing and this is what my brain came up with but it doesn’t really go with what was requested but it kind of does at the same time? sorry about that.
warnings: none really
enjoy! let me know what you guys think (please)
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y/n always loved the off season because it meant that she could spend more time with her beloved quinn, wether it was in vancouver or michigan. where they were didn’t matter, as long as they were together. it had been like that for years, until this year. this off season she was stuck in vancouver. with it being summer and all, many of her co-workers opted to take vacations, leaving the office short on people. y/n being the nice person she was, decided to take one for the team and work through her summer.
quinn planned on staying with his girlfriend but she knew he missed his family and urged him to go home to michigan to visit with them. to combat the fact that they weren’t going to be together, they set up a schedule with certain dates and times where they would sit down and chat over the phone. sometimes the call would take place over facetime, which often times of you were alone would lead to sexy times
unfortunately for y/n tonight wasn't a phone date night. after having a crummy day at work and desperately missing her quinn, she just really wanted hear his voice and maybe see his face. ideally she would love to curl up into his side as he held her, but she was going to take what she could get. and sure they had been messaging all day long but it wasn't anything compared to hearing his voice
"hey queenie. im a little busy right now what's up?" quinn inquired. he was currently out on the boat with his brothers and a couple of others. it wasn't the ideal place to have a conversation but since it wasn't a regularly scheduled time something must have been up.
even though it had been an unplanned call quinn was always willing and wanting to talking with his girlfriend. she was his everything. it had physically pained him when he had to leave her behind in canada. he wished like hell that he could have brought her along with him to michigan, but he understood how important her job was to her.
"i just need to hear your voice. today wasn’t good and i need you.” her voice was soft and quiet a hard combination to hear over the boat’s motor. but it had sounded a little bit off to him, there was a certain sadness oozing out of it.
"y/n? what's up? are you okay?” he pulled the boat to a stop as best he could. they hadn't started wake boarding yet, so no one was in the water. he could tell she was about to say something when he noticed the phone no longer in his hand.
"no phones quinn!" jack plucked he mobile device from his brother's grasp. there was a rule that bee put in place some time ago that no phones were allowed on the boat. of course they still brought them in case of emergencies, but that was their only purpose. this was friends and family time, everything else could wait.
"come one man, can i have it back? it's y/n" quinn tried to get his property back from his younger brother. "please jack."
"oh it's queenie? pass it here jack!" luke jokingly used the nickname that had been reserved only for quinn to use. the younger boy made grabby hands towards the thing in his older brother’s hands to which jack happily gave him, mischievous smiles dancing around their faces. holding the phone up to his ear, luke started to speak mimicking quinn's voice the best he could.
"queenie, darling, sweetie pie, my cutie patootie. you are the love of my life. i miss you so much. my love for you is endless. i want to marry you and have ten babies, three dogs, a cat and, maybe a fish!" the youngest sibling finished his little speech by making kissing noises into the receiver of the phone, causing everyone on the boat to erupt into laughter. everyone except quinn, who's face was beet red.
"luke come on. please, give it back" quinn began begging luke to stop and give him his phone back.
"but i'm not done talking to y/n. we still have things to discuss." luke giggled holding the device out of quinn's reach, coincidentally over the edge of the boat. “i haven’t told her about the big house yet!”
he had had enough. he was going to get the electronic back. climbing over his brother, quinn reached as far as he could and almost got it before the phone was knocked out of luke's hand. everyone watched in horror as the mobile device sunk to the bottom of the lake.
to say he was mad would be an understatement, quinn hughes was furious. y/n called him sounding like she was having a hard time with life and their summer distance and his stupid little brother had to go and dropped his phone.
"im sorry. i didn't mean for that to happen quinn." luke apologized profusely, but quinn wasn't listening anymore. sitting back down in the driver's seat, he turned the boat around, heading back for home base, so he could call her back on his computer.
y/n felt her phone vibrating in her pocket before she heard the deafening ringtone she programed into her phone letting her know that it was her favorite boy calling her. the caller was confirmed when she unlocked her phone, accepting the call and quinn's face popped up on the screen. once she answered and pleasant greetings were given, quinn listened as y/n ranted about her bad day throwing in an i’m sorry and a i love you every once in a while, and she did the same for him when it was his turn to complain about the people he was with.
“so what happened before?” y/n placed an elbow on the table and her head on her fist. she felt a lot better now that she was talking with her boo.
“it’s kind of funny, but it’s not funny.” quinn launched into the story of what happened after luke said what he did and why he was on a computer and not his phone.
“you really want to marry me? and start a family of ten with a couple of dogs and cats?” y/n joked about what the youngest hughes had said. a smile appearing on her face, that made quinn feel warm inside despite being thousands of miles away.
of course he did, he loved her and even had a ring picked out, he was just waiting for the right moment. the only thing he wasn’t sure about the ten kids. but who knew maybe a big family was in their future.
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f1crecs · 2 months
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Fic Rec List - Sex Worker AUs
if your fic is on this list and you don’t want it to be, please let me know and we will remove it immediately, no questions asked. we have contacted most of the authors on this list, but sometimes people fall through the gaps - just pop us a message🤍
have a pairing you want us to do next? please read the faqs and then head to the inbox.
don’t forget to give the authors featured on this list some love in the form of kudos, bookmarks, and comments!
nsfw: dancing on quicksand by @tearstrung | E | 3.3k Lando is outrageous, and Oscar struggles to understand what's a joke and what isn't - until he sees a link on Twitter. This fic is red hot, very funny, and perfectly characterised! Oscar's special brand of bamboozlement is especially wonderful here, as he comes to terms with Lando's job on the side. The ending is like a beautiful punch to the gut. Love it!
'Though, the guy’s skin is similar in color to Lando’s—olivey, the natural tan Lando wears year-round, even if he’s barely been in the sun with his shirt off. The same big hands, which don’t really match up with his small stature, rippled with lithe muscle; followed by a wide ribcage that slips down into a tiny, tapered waist. Nipples, shades darker and always hard from what Oscar can see from a long scroll. At the tips of the guy’s fingers, Oscar notices leftover chew marks, the skin pulled back, nails bitten short into nubs.'
nsfw: when the time comes by @venerat | E | 7.6k Lando asks his friend Carlos, an escort, to arrange an appointment with another male escort for him. Lando has never been with a man and wants to have the experience. When Pierre falls ill and has to cancel, Carlos decides to go in his stead. Only one problem, though - Carlos is in love with Lando. Will he be able to keep his emotions in check? This situation could have been awkward but Lando is nothing but sweet and kind with Carlos. The encounter results in a lot of revelations for them both, and although they seem to start the next phase of their relationship a bit backwards, they clearly have a future together.
Time doesn’t seem to be very real. Carlos thinks. He thought it would be different than this, that’s all. Different from the way it’s—happening. Because the way it’s happening feels like sex. Real sex. It doesn’t feel like work. It doesn’t feel like a transaction. It feels like—trite; cliche, of course, but—it feels like passion.
nsfw: pièce de résistance by @capsize (copenhagenborn) | E | 14.5k Pierre, a sex worker, is approached one night by the assistant of someone calling himself Marc. Marc, it turns out, is really Prince Charles of Monaco and is looking for an arrangement. This is quite low-angst for a royalty AU (don't get me wrong, I love my angst) but this fic just has them slot together so easily. Pierre is rather happy as a sex worker, which is actually a nice change when it comes to sex work fic. The relationship side of things is slow burn and even the inevitable miscommunication part of the story is done so well I enjoyed it.
'Pierre does spend the night. He sends Charles a picture of his gateau marcel and soaks in the tub as he finishes the bottle of wine they were supposed to share. The house is predictably a mess when he gets home: George is crying on the couch with his eyes glued to the television, a small Union Jack pulled from somewhere and now proudly displayed in front of him. Alex is sitting by his feet, badly hiding his laughter as he scrolls through what Pierre can only imagine being memes. Lando is passed out in the corner, a bottle of vodka close to his hand, while Oscar stares at him with an oddly closed-off look in his eyes. Pierre isn’t quite up to date on the current geopolitical relationship between Australia and the rest of the commonwealth. Pierre sits down next to Max at the dining table, sips his water and goes, “What does it mean if someone has to be summoned after the death of dear old Lizzy?”'
nsfw: cause baby, I'd be satisfied forever by @wolfiemcwolferson | E | 88.5k Pierre, retired from racing after a career-ending injury, is closer to 40 than 30 now and has reinvented himself as a designer. He's also venturing out of the closet. He is put in touch with Charles, who gets by as a sugar baby, and decides this is a perfect way to get some experience dating another man. Pierre finds himself developing feelings for Charles. I'm at a point now with @wolfiemcwolferson fic where I just gesture wildly at whatever they've written and make vague noises but in the interests of trying to sound like the sane person I pretend to be, this fic is a perfect distillation of the Pierre/Charles relationship. What if they didn't meet until later in life? What if Charles never went beyond karting? What if the age gap was larger? All of these, and yet, it's still them. There is a "soulmates in ever universe" theme in the Piarles fandom and this story absolutely embodies it.
'He’s beautiful and he smells like cologne and something fresh and he’s still not let go of Pierre’s hand - the cool leather underneath Pierre’s hand seems so…foreign. So flipped. Pierre considers all the time he touched other people’s hands while wearing leather gloves. “I hope I am not late,” Charles smiles at him still. “I missed my train and I -” “Charles,” Pierre says, realizing that Charles seems a bit nervous - a bit ruffled. “I only just arrived. “Come and let’s go inside. We can get warm.” His smile makes his perfect face less so - a mere mortal instead of the god he is and Pierre gets it immediately.'
nsfw: Be Snoozing That Lust In The Morning by @sebchalex & @meova101 | E | 14.5k When Formula 1 decides to clean up their sponsors, teams are left scrambling to find money. Ferrari finds an unconventional way to get more budget – Charles starts an OnlyFans. The initial premise of Charles having to get an OnlyFans to help Ferrari is just unhinged enough that it could be real – but this fic has a lot more to offer than just comedy. The way it follows Charles personal growth from not believing he could actually make money of OF, being embarrassed when Seb subscribes, to them working together to produce record breaking content and falling for eachother in between – its like a modern day fairytale, if Cinderella had to sell nudes to help the evil stepmom with money.
"This was the only way," Charles says. "I know this could tarnish the Ferrari legacy and everything, but I want to help my team. I will do anything to make them stay on top." Once he finishes his sentence, he looks straight at Sebastian. It's already disgraceful enough that he had to do this in the first place, but this type of rejection coming from Sebastian is making him feel worse. Finally, Sebastian raises his hands in a yielding gesture. "Fine," he says, sending a breath of relief through Charles. "I still have a problem with it." "Seb, I know. I wish there was another way as well, but—" "It's not about that," Sebastian says, looking even more pissed. "Have you realised that your pictures are terrible?" Well. Charles certainly hadn’t expected that. "What?" "Charles, if you are charging that much in the first place, then you should at least put in a little bit more effort," Sebastian explains, extending his hands out. "Your lighting was horrible, and it was blurry. Why did no one offer help?"
nsfw: With you I'm in real danger by @jean----ralphio | E | 55.5k Charles, a well-known porn actor, shelters from a mob of fans by hiding in a rare books shop. The bookseller recognises him but is too considerate to say anything about it. Charles notices and they strike up a friendship, and more. Charles and Seb are from such very different worlds. Charles is accustomed to sometimes being judged for his line of work but Seb treats him with utmost respect at all times, which should be a low bar but isn't. Things get a bit rocky for them in true romance story fashion, but all is well by the end.
Sebastian feels himself go bright red, as Charles’ mischievous smile turns gleeful. “I can tell the instant I meet someone whether they know who I am or not,” he explains. “So I knew right away that you know of me.” “Ah. Sorry.” Sebastian feels foolish, guilt settling over him for not having been honest about it from the beginning.
nsfw: your mouth makes me reconsider where my heart lies by @yukierres | E | 10.4k Pierre, still an F1 driver, discovers a streamer who plays video games while using sex toys and is immediately fascinated (and hugely turned on). He lavishes gifts and money on the man on his screen, and finds himself falling in love with someone he hasn't even met. The guys are so well characterised. Yuki is unashamed, he loves what he does, is brilliant at it and gets well paid for it too. You can see why Pierre couldn't resist. Pierre is confused and ashamed as hell to begin with (that darned Catholic guilt again) but can't stay away. The author grows the relationship to a point where it seems inevitable that Yuki will one day feel comfortable enough meeting Pierre in real life.
"That was -" Pierre says around breaths, a laugh in his voice, disbelief in what has just happened. Yuki himself has flopped back on the bed, laptop now beside him as he lies against the pillows. His eyes are wet and pink looking, a content sheen in them. "That was something else." A pleased cat-like expression forms on his mouth. "You enjoyed that Pierre?" He says with a blissed-out face, attempting to bat his eyes temptingly at the camera before yawning tiredly, the whole face scrunching up. It is more cute than seductive in the end, but it doesn’t matter because Pierre is head over heels either way.
nsfw: chemical highs and clear blue skies by @yekoc | E | 43.5k Daniel is a porn actor, which is where he meets newbie Max. Max, along with his cats, crash on Daniel’s couch whilst they continue to shoot various scenes together. They get to know each other and get to miscommunicate on the way to comfort. The pacing of the plot was really pleasant to read, as was the dialogue. Max is flippant but also careful and cautious at the same time. Daniel is self assured and kind and perhaps a little too trusting. Both of them keep their cards close and all of it makes for a very gratifying read.
'Max laughs, just a little bit, something that in someone else you might call a giggle. Daniel hasn’t seen him laugh before. He’s seen him come—in person, and then over and over again on video that one night, which he should probably forget about really quickly. Max laughing is oddly similar; it breaks something hard about him all to pieces.'
nsfw: Fly Fast (With Broken Wings) by @mysticalbreadcollective | E | 44.2k (ongoing) Max is an escort who turned to sex work due to lack of options. Daniel is an F1 driver, and Max's first ever customer. Daniel quickly becomes obsessed with Max - but the Max that Daniel first knows is a construct - the real Max guards his feelings out of necessity and can't afford to go all in with Daniel. Daniel doesn't understand the precariousness of Max's situation, or why Max would choose to keep working and earning his own money - keeping his independence - rather than agree to become Daniel's kept man. This fic digs deeply into the power imbalance and dubious consent issues of sex work, the necessary artifice of it and the need for emotional armour and distance on the part of the worker. Daniel, sadly, proves Max right with some of his behaviour - he can be selfish and spoiled, and sometimes outright cruel. There is love on both sides, but this relationship is a minefield they each misstep in more than once.
'“You think you are saving me, but it will be someone else. And maybe they will not be so nice.” Emilian says, and oh fuck, his voice is cracking a little at the end and Daniel can’t stand it. Because Daniel knows. He knows the types of clients, can imagine them, the ones that would pay extortionate amounts of money for Emilian. He feels sick hearing Emilian’s voice shake a little, wonders how nervous Emilian has been for this. What he was expecting, who he was expecting. When the agency told him that he was meeting someone who’d pay extra for him. If Emilian had built it all up in his head what he’d be asked to do. And then to say he’d been hopeful that it had been Daniel. Shit.'
nsfw: asunder, asunder by @ladyeggplant | E | 53.3k Lando is very socially awkward, highly intelligent and cashed up. He decides the best way to lose his virginity is to hire an escort. The progression of the relationship here from transactional to something more is not smooth. Lando really doesn’t have much of an understanding about how a relationship should work and makes a few big missteps, especially later in the story as the emotional stakes get higher. Daniel is professional and gentle as he gradually figures out exactly what Lando needs. Lando is physically inexperienced and emotionally awkward and nothing about it is easy.
Silence settles over steeping tea and half-eaten fruit, and he wishes he’d left the music on, because at least it would make this awkwardness bearable. He’s had super wealthy clients before, but none of them this young, and none of them this achingly insecure where it was practically bleeding out of them. Everyone who has ever booked him as wanted him there, obviously—it feels like Lando would rather eat glass than sit in the same room as him. Daniel clears his throat. “So, first time, huh?” Lando chokes mid sip.
In for a penny, in for a pound by @f1-stuff | M | 7k (ongoing) Charles, smarting after being unceremoniously dumped by his girlfriend, hires an escort to take as his plus one to Arthur's wedding. A dashingly handsome man turns up to the rendezvous, and they figure out Charles checked the wrong box when he was making the appointment. He's spent the money, Carlos is easy company, so he decides to roll with it. This fic is amusing and sweet. Carlos is wonderful at his job - perceptive and empathetic and kind, and is probably way ahead in understanding of Charles's sexuality than Charles is himself.
“Charles...listen,” he says, shifting slightly in his chair. He looks self-assured and confident with one leg crossed over the other, hands loosely clasped over his knee. Charles is annoyed and jealous of him all at once. “I probably shouldn’t say this, considering why you hired me. But you are trying to prove to your ex that you aren’t sad and lonely by hiring someone to pretend to be in love with you...” The man raises his brows at him. “You do see the irony, no?” Charles scoffs, shaking his head down at his lap. But he can’t deny that this guy sort of, possibly, has a point. Great, even the escort he’s paying to not make him feel so pitiful is calling him out.
nsfw: pleaser by @alltimecharlo | E | 34.6k Seb is a student struggling to make rent, and Mark is a very successful lawyer. They enter a mutually beneficial agreement. This story is fantastic - the author characterises them both beautifully, and they are the perfect balance of sweet and hot and funny. I particularly loved Sebastian's first trip to Mark's house... A gorgeous story, with lots to love.
Mark’s sitting right there. Like, directly in front of the changing room in one of the extremely comfy-looking armchairs, his eyes latching directly onto his form once it’s revealed and lingering there so heavily that Sebastian almost feels the need to hide his entirely clothed body. The older’s green eyes flick up and down his lithe frame so intensely that Seb can feel his stomach doing flips and a burning heat instilling under his skin. It only worsens when he watches Mark’s tongue dart outwards to wet at his lips.
In order to keep this list organised we have chosen to categorise it as 'Sex Worker AUs'– note that we understand that some tropes here are not always sexual in nature nor are they always categorised as sex work. We respect any and all sex workers and non sex workers alike!
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fushiguroshotwife · 8 months
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MDNI 18+
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ N!sfw alphabet of Toji fushiguro (my husband 4life) and a Huge Thanks to @sashi-ya my Love! For giving me this template<33 (luv u bae!)
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Enjoy Loves!
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Toji doesn't really seem that much of a aftercare type guy, he'll screw you n probably leave you breathless and tired to the point where you just want to sleep. He'll give you kisses on the cheek as a little tease afterwards though. He loves to make you think he's gonna make out with you or kiss your neck but then trick ya. You'd scream at him for it, but hey your too tired for that. But he'd probably give you something to drink and you both call it a night.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He's an ass guy def. He plays w/ yo ass, Spanks it, puts his fingers in it, and he makes you sit on his face, he'll even force you to ride his cock like there's no tomorrow. And you loved sucking his big ass cock, Stroking it n stuff, you'd swear you Didn't cry when he gets real mean when in sex, but you're be a lier, n he knows it.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Toji would cum in your mouth, ass, face, etc. He would have never let you be the first to have came, he'd make ya hold it until he's in ya.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Mama-megumi lmao.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Fuck yeah, he made megumi, so he definitely knew how to fuck. Most of the time though he'd just try something new even though if you would like it or not he wouldn't let you go without trying. He's not letting go without a fight, that's for sure.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Doggy style and cowgirl definitely, but anything works for him, to be honest.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He would torment you, tease you, say some harsh things when doing it with you but he's definitely not the goofy type when Fuckin. If you would mess around he'd make you regent the day you wanted to say something 'funny' with him.
H = Hair (how well-groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
This man has pretty spikey hair but not pointy so I'd say that's pretty easy to keep clean, plus, it's you getting ruined, not him, honey.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Not really 'romantic' at all, he's quite the harsh fucker, with his words too. He calls you pet names like "doll" "princess" "brat" "slut" "cunt" "whore" "bitch" "little shit" (Personally idgaf it's hot.)
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Oh he Loves jacking off. Started when you tried your hardest to seduce him, let's just say he ruined you that night.. yeah..
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Toji has a huge daddy kink, loves it when you ride em' and I feel like he has a rape-play kink on him for sure.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Anywhere, anytime, anyplace. Doesn't matter if you're busy, with friends, or in a open place, he'll find a way to make you helpless and needy for him ...
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
When you whine, beg, scream, cry, whimper, moan. And whenever you call him "daddy" of course. Although moaning would definitely turn him on.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Nothing really, maybe when he's busy?
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Definitely giving. That's all I have to say.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
ROUGH, definitely, but he's quite fast at the same time, very very rough and hard (like his dick hehe) mostly when it comes to thrusting.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Every night basically, whenever you're a brat and you want him to notice you then he'll give you one. He'll do quickies whenever he doesn't have enough time or gets bored sooner than later the night, he'll even do quickies in bars, shops, while your working, when he's bored, etc. He loves it when you're embarrassed if someone will notice in public.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
he LOVES to take risks and try new positions, and he's a big fan of oral sex.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
he can do it all night long, it's a matter of you'll take it or not, because he's not the one to give up, never.
Hell, He'll even do it until you pass out. All night long he'd keep it up.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He's definitely Not a fan of toys, plus, his huge dick is enough anyway. But I feel like He would use hand cuffs on you sometime, maybe one night...
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
No matter what, he'll be teasing you all night long, the morning to night. He loves to torment, fluster, tease, and anything along the lines of that ordeal. He loves to see you flustered and embarrassed over his raspy voice.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
You. Are. LOUD.
But he'll shut you up by covering your mouth with his hands, or make you suck on his fingers, if you're lucky.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
I know I already said this before, and I'll say it again, This man has a lil Rape-Play kink on him. And he would deny it. But someday he'll play out this grown man's weird fantasy. (With your consent ofc)
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Uhh you want cock headcanons? Okay serving up ! He has probably nothing to offer but his Huge ass dick. But like- he built damn good—
6.3 inches tall
okayy I love my husband and all but his dick gotta be the hairiest thing I've ever seen, and the prettiest of course, of course, his dick has ALOT of vains and his tip is a Dark pink or a kinda darkish pink, I can't really make up my mind okay? Sometimes it just changes.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Not that tame, usually he doesn't give a fuck at all but if you're horny or wearing something sexy that day/night.. He'll fuck u till you bleed, fuck you till you cry bitterly. Doesn't matter, he'll even do it all night and grin like a psychopath.
Toji's mean. Like I said.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
after a nice fuck, he'd probably lay on the bed and use your little body as a pillow to rest on, you'd probably put one of your legs over his leg and cling on to him like your life depends on it and hide your face in his tits as he strokes your hair and as you both fall asleep after a long tiring but good-night.
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𓊈𝐑𝐞-𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝! 𒆜𓊉࿐
FUSHIGUROSHOTWIFE2023/2024™ all rights reserved, do not translate, copy, use my layouts or ideas, do not repost my work even on different sites, do not steal any of my work. Do not claim any of my work as yours, like shit ain't nice. ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑
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cooketimm · 4 months
Bruce Timm about Jack Kirby influence
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The funny thing about Kirby is that I actually became stylistically influenced by him pretty late—probably in my early 20s. I had seen his stuff and been influenced by other artists, but I was always a little ambivalent about his artwork. I would go through these love/hate periods with it, where I would look at it and think, “It's pretty good, but if only it wasn't so weird and abstract. If only he had a better inker"—I'm talking about the DC stuff. Of course, now I look back on the DC stuff and it's some of my favorite stuff. The Mike Royer stuff is killer. Somewhere in my early 20s, just from looking at it more and more, I just really started grooving on it and started aping it. There was a time when I was definitely trying to mimic Kirby's style. Everybody looks at Kirby and thinks it's so weird and obvious that anybody could swipe it, but it’s a lot harder to do than you realize.
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Crystal (Marvel Comics) by Jack Kirby
There're certain things in the staging and the exaggerated action poses, that are definitely in my work— some of his usage of those great slashy straight lines he uses in place of muscles. If you use those weird, straight lines as a crutch to cover up a bad drawing, they don't really have much purpose. But to get certain thrusts or lines of action into your drawings, they're a great tool. Some of the abstract ways he does wrinkles on clothing and things like that are good comic book tricks I use in my own work.
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Bruce Timm's Kirby-esque Crystal
Every time we have done Kirby-based designs in our shows, we have found that the more you try to stick to the actual Kirby-ness of it, the more it loses. Everything about animation is exaggeration. The Kirby style is somewhat abstract, it has to be translated. You have to find a middle ground between what Kirby did on the comic book page and what can actually be animated. We're always pushing Kirby onto our younger board artists who've never really been exposed to his work. “This is an example of good staging. This is an example of a good round-house punch. This is an example of a good explosion." Even though it will have to be translated, the dynamism of Kirby is a good starting point for animation.
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johnny-slaughter-me · 8 months
— “ 𝐍𝐒𝐅𝐖 𝐀𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭. ” | Johnny Slaughter x Female Reader.
Headcanon. My take on a nsfw alphabet with Johnny.
Notes. English isn't my native language so typos and grammar issues are likely.
Warnings. This fic is nsfw, minors dni please. Canon gore and cannibalism mentioned.
Enjoy. I hope you enjoy the content. Much love, Cherry. 🍒
- A. Aftercare, what are they like after sex?
On rare occasions will he cuddle or hold you. After quickies he'll give you a peck on your face or slap your ass and tell you that you've "been a good girl and should go back to your other chores". Or if its after proper sex he might just fall asleep.
- B. Body part, what is their favorite body part on their partner and themselves.
Johnny takes pride in just how strong he is, his arms are probably his favorite part. Especially since he can use them to hold or choke you. His favorite body part of yours is your thighs, he goes wild for them. Also he loves your ass.
- C. Cum, anything to do with cum.
Johnny likes to cum in you, on you, or have you swallow his cum. Depends on his mood. Though no matter where he cums, he likes to make a little show of it and appreciate his own work.
- D. Dirty secret, what's a dirty secret of theirs?
Not the dirtiest of secrets; Johnny could and have had his twisted fantasies come to life before with victims, but he truly likes it when you get all suggestive trying to initiate intimacy or suggest new things to try (usually he is the one telling you he's horny). He wouldn't let a soul know that he enjoys that side of you though.
- E. Experience, how much experience they have?
Johnny has experience sleeping with girls, but they are usually victims he fucks for his own pleasure before slaughtering them for supper, so he isn't very good at first with making you feel good about the sex.
- F. Favorite position, what is their favorite position?
Johnny is always in the dominating position. He likes the power he feels over you. He's top position would be the "low doggy style".
- G. Goofy, are they more serious in the moment or are they more humorous?
Johnny's pretty serious in bed and outside of it. However if something funny happens he won't hold back. However usually the only laugh you'll hear from him during sex is a mocking one whilst he talks nothing but filth to your ears.
- H. Hair, how well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drape?
Johnny has a bush that he trims for maintenance and some hair creeps up towards his lower belly. The hair is thick and as dark, matching the hair he features on his head and other body parts.
- I. Intimacy, how romantic are they during the moment.
Johnny is selfish, he mostly thinks of his own pleasure and he is overall very rough and fast. Sometimes he tries to be a little more giving and romantic towards you with some role play and directing the attention towards your pleasure.
- J. Jack off, masturbation headcanon.
Since he now has you he's prefer to do you instead of jacking himself off but if he can't have you for any reason he has no problem to jack off and relief himself.
- K. Kink, one or more of their kinks.
Johnny is a man of many kinks, here are to name a few; light age play (likes to be called daddy by you and in return nickname you baby girl), bondages and blindfolds, dominating, humiliating and dirty talks, knife play, and public & outdoor sex (the thrill of getting caught makes him feral).
- L. Location, favorite places to fo it.
As long as the family isn't at risk of seeing the two of you he'd fuck you anywhere. I'd still say his shed and his truck- which no one else is allowed to use, are his favorite places as he just feel even more so that you belong to him.
- M. Motive, what turns them on.
He gets turned on pretty easily, he strikes me as a generally horny guy. Usually by the end of a hunt or execution he'd get all worked up and would try and seek you out to help him. If you wore some nicer clothes he'd get turn on seeing you all pampered up. Or if you are acting a bit needy he gets turned on. Y/N has no problem turning this guy on.
- N. No, what is a turn off and absolute no?
Johnny will never let you dominate him or for him to be submissive to you in any way, shape, or form. Also Johnny won't share you.
- O. Oral, oral headcanon.
Johnny loves receiving more than giving. Sometime a blow job in the middle of his work day can energize him and help him focus more on the hunts or chores he does for the rest of the day. He isn't a huge fan of eating you out simply because he always puts himself first, including his pleasure. He will eat you out during special occasions, and will make sure you are overstimulated and that you'll be a good girl and cum for him a few times on those nights.
- P. Pace, do they go rough and fast, or slow and sensual?
Johnny can't be gentle nor slow. It's not who he is. He likes to go fast and hard. Every now and then he'd slow down for some rougher trusts but he'd go back to a faster pace not faster after. They only time he slows down is when you give him a blow job, even then he might just up the pace and fuck your brains out.
- Q. Quickie, their opinion on quickies, how often, etc.
Johnny honestly enjoys quickies, depending on what chores he has to do that day, he'd more often than not seek you out in the middle of his day for either a quickie or a blow job. Quickies, however, don't come at the expense of a good, full on session, they are a bonus.
- R. Risk, are they game to experiment? Do they take risks?
Johnny doesn't mind risks or experimenting new things as long as it doesn't involve the family or give you any form of power over him.
- S. Stamina, how long do they last and how many rounds can they go for?
Johnny can go for hours, it depends on his mood and the environment. But when he fully goes at it it lasts for at least an hour or so, he can also go for multiple rounds.
- T. Toys, do they own any? and how do they feel about them.
Johnny doesn't own any toys, and since you didn't plan to be captured by the slaughter family on your way to your camping trip, you didn't bring with you any- that's if you had some. Johnny however isn't necessarily against them, he doesn't particularly need them and stealing them when he visits the city for necessities is not worth it for him.
- U. Unfair, how much do they like to tease?
Johnny likes to tease you in and out of bed- he's pretty unfair but he just likes how you react to him teasing you.
- V. Volume, how loud are they, what kind of sounds do they make?
Johnny does not keep quiet, and with how good he does you you can't really keep quiet either. He groans a lot more than he moans, and he laces a lot of dirty talking with his bedroom sounds.
- W. Wild card, a random headcanon for this character.
Johnny isn't a fan of condoms. He usually goes in raw and needed to ask Sissy for help a few times to craft you from her flower and botany knowledge a knockoff plan b.
- X. X-Ray, headcanon for what's under their clothes.
Johnny is packing, probably around 7 inches, fairly thick and kinda veiny. Not to forget he is also packing in his rear side *wink wink*.
- Y. Yearning, how high is their sex drive?
Johnny's sex drive is pretty high, but he can also hold back if he needs to.
- Z. Zzz, how fast are they to fall asleep afterwards.
After a quickie Johnny gets a boost of energy from the sexual relief, but after a proper session- which he can just go at for hours, he fairly quickly falls asleep. Sleep after sex is some of the best sleep he experiences.
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the-s1lly-corner · 4 months
Hello, I saw that this account can write for creepypastas so can I please have some headcanons for characters such as Laughing Jack, Eyeless jack and slenderman (and maybe Jason the toymaker) with a S/O who often holds their emotions and anger in and gets easily annoyed and frustrated but they dislike telling them the problem (like out of fear of being humiliated or lack of trust)
Laughing Jack, Eyeless Jack and Slenderman x reader who bottles up emotions but becomes irritable!
not at all confident in my writing for jason since i never really got into him </3 hope thats okay !! runs around ehehehehehe another creepypasta request (chews) AND its with my favorites unrelated to this post but ik i said i was gonna get on that grind but admin hasnt ate yet today and he hungers for sammy so me thinks im going to knock out this request then take a quick break then come back!!
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honestly as much as i love this clown, hes a clown at the end of the day. he doesnt take many things seriously, and when he does hes still giggling and treating it lightly. so arguably, between these three he might be the worst.. unless having this goofy fuck trying relentlessly to get a smile on your face is helpful to you, at least in the short-term.. he DOES notice that youre tense and upset, but hes more likely to try to cheer you up or get you to laugh or smile instead of actually asking whats wrong with you. though, if youre crying.. i think thats where hed drop everything and ask if theres something going on. its that little caretaker bit in him thats still lingering from before he got all twisted, you know?
does not have much to say or any solutions, but he does offer to hold you while you cry or yell, hell he would even let you hit him around if it makes you feel better; though hes a little touched that the offer gives you pause.. clown physics be damned, you dont want to do that. crying/yelling into his chest it is then.. hes pretty soft and warm, i think.. might even start purring to try to soothe you during the tail end of your whole thing.. i know i just said that he doesnt have much to say but i think theres like. a tiny chance he would drop the most profound and effective reassurance.. so you know what maybe hes not the WORST, its just getting him to stop being silly can be a little tough...
dont snap at him, hes either going to keep riling you up or hes going to legitimately get angry, theres no in-between and it depends on the day and jack doesnt have the sense or thought to step away to let you guys cool down
doing ej first, but i think between the three hes the worst with you. not because he cant relate to you or that he doesnt care about you; but out of... him not being able to understand. which is a little funny since a lot of my hcs for him and his whole deal has to deal with suppressing himself but i think emotions and eating flesh are two different things. shrugs... every blunt with just telling you to talk to him, which can sometimes come off as cold and uninterested but rest assured thats not really his intention. he DOES care about you, but hes not exactly the softest person in this situation... rare that hes around when youre out and about doing things, given hes a hermit and is very careful about not getting seen... but when you do come to visit and he notices something is up with you he does ask if you need to talk. will snap back if youre being short with him, though, so both of you guys are going to need to take a few minutes before continuing the conversation to try to find a solution... if one can be found; he studied to be a doctor, not a therapist
though... i think overtime he would pick up on cues and things that make you untense just a tiny bit, and i just know he would utilize it. massages? hes already working the tension in your shoulders down. favorite food? sure hes not the best cook and he might have to go raid your pantry if hes visiting, but hes going to try his best to make you some food! just want to sit in the quiet? jacks already a pretty quiet guy, not too chatty, so youre set there already... wanna talk? he will listen, but a lot of his advice and solutions are more logical and straight forward rather than emotionally driven..
oh you dont think he would notice that you bottle your feelings up and shove them down? get real, he may not be the best with reading humans and understanding them but hes not clueless with your feelings. but do i think he would ask you to talk and open up? its hard to say... because on one hand i love the idea of slenderman just minding his own business, but i also enjoy the fatherly energy the old fandom have assigned him to... and finding a middle ground here is a little... hard... shrugs. he does take you away from situations that have you stressing out very quickly, though.. if youre alone? its as easy as just taking you and dipping.. but if youre around people (with slenderman standing off to the side out of sight, of course) hes going to wait until everyone is looking away. side note but to others it has definitely looked like you disappeared when a bus passed LMAO
rather than straight up asking you whats wrong and trying to coax you into speaking, i think he would give you journals so you can get your emotions out in some way... but if you want to talk to him, hes not going to stop you. centuries of living but not interacting much with others does offer some interesting advice, typically in the form of self care and meditation rather than trying to express your discomforts to others before they have the chance to stomp all over you... shrugs.. but if youre being irritable around him, similar to ej i think hes going to have to detach for a moment to avoid any conflict, though i dont think he would snap back at you unless you do something that REALLY gets under his skin.. buuuuut simple snark isnt going to do shit
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cursedcola · 1 year
Could i request trey, jack, sebek and jamil taking care of their sick s/o who is too stubborn to rest and insistes that theyre fine?
Prompt: Taking care of a stubborn s/o who is sick Characters: Trey Clover, Jack Howl, Sebek Zigvolt, and Jamil Viper
Trey Clover
He is not happy with you. Get ready for a lecture.
First? You ignore your health. Work is not an excuse and neither is the headmaster's demands. He has seen you talk back enough to know that you are not afraid of repercussions. No. You're just stubborn and don't want to sit in the nurse's office.
Second? You act irresponsibly. If another student gets sick because of you - how would that make you feel? What if someone had an important test to study for, but couldn't because you decided to hack up a lung in the 'quiet' library?
Be thankful he doesn't tell Riddle. Not only would you be sick, but you'd be collared. For days.
Third? You made him worry. Horribly. Trey sensed that you weren't feeling well, yet trusted that you would know your limits. Do you have any idea how he felt watching you hobble across campus? So out of it that you did not spare him a simple 'Good morning!' at breakfast?
You made him think that he did something wrong - that you were fighting over something he had no idea about.
Fourth? Even now. As he sits at your bedside with a bucket of ice water prepared to help with your fever...you resist
Needless to say, Trey is a patient man. Yet you somehow always manage to push that definition.
"MC, if I didn't know any better I would think that I am caring for one of my little siblings. Not my s/o," Trey says with an eerie smile. The twitch of his eye and hand pushing you down sends a shiver down your spine. You've run his patience dry.
"You are going to stay here and sleep. I am going back to class, and will come back at the end of the day. I expect to see you in this bed, this pitcher of water drank, and this medication taken. Am I clear?"
Don't piss off momma Trey. Enough said.
Jack Howl
He is understanding. Dare I say that your will to push through sickness makes him love you more?
Not for reasons you may be thinking of. Your bull-headed behavior...it's definitely annoying. Yet, still charming. It's that spark of yours that's gotten you this far in Twisted Wonderland. That fire. He adores it.
Not so much when it comes at the expense of your well being though. Jack openly scolds you for taking things too far, and for causing trouble. He doesn't mean for it to come off as harsh but it does nonetheless.
He essentially forces you to rest once your stubborn behavior begins to test his patience. Jack straight up heaves you over his shoulder and calmly begins the walk back to your dorm. No ifs, ands, or buts - everything falls to deaf ears. Any student that looks at the both of you funny likely gets glared at
"It's for their own good. Mind your own business,"
It's very rare for Jack to appear openly cold towards others (aside from his intimidating appearance)
Your health is important to him. Perhaps more so than his own...he's always been the type to silently worry. In fact, not a day goes by where he is not concerned for you. Whether someone is causing you trouble, or you're overloaded with schoolwork - he worries. You somehow always manage to get in the worst situations....
"I'll be back later. You have my number and don't even hesitate to call if something's wrong," he says, laying you down in your bed and closing the curtains so you can rest.
Jack hastily fills a glass of water and leaves it at your bedside with some pain killers. Along with it is some fresh fruit stolen from the breakfast hall, and your cellphone. It's easy to drift off with the white noise of his scuttling, and soon you're in a dead-like sleep.
Jack sighs through his nose with a shake of his head, "I knew it," and gently kisses your forehead before leaving quietly to return to class.
You wake up that evening to find a stack of notes from all your missed classes on your bedside table. Guess you owe your next exam score to Jack, because the notes are perfectionist level (Riddle level, dare I say)
Sebek Zigvolt
Sebek is very caring during your time of need. Which is more in-character for him than you may think.
He's finely attuned to the mannerisms and norms of others. Even people he does not particularly care for. It's in his nature to be keenly observant; after all, he needs to be. He's one of Lord Malleus' guards and has trained under mighty generals. (His grandfather as well. The man is quite feisty he does not understand why people say they are alike)
He knows you are unwell before the sickness hits. One sneeze and Sebek pulls out a hankey from his pocket. The one that is not silk - that is reserved for Malleus. Still, it's the gesture that counts.
He then begins to lecture you on the fragility of humans and maintaining your health. What if you spread your germs to his lord!
"Stay away! There must be a six-feet distance barrier between us at all times. Do not come any closer!"
If you are sick, then you must stay as far away from Sebek as possible so he does not catch whatever it is you are carrying.
He is...loud. To say the least. Frustrating too. With how he forces a bag of medicinal potions and other treatments on you. For someone who insists that you keep away, he continues to pop up around every corner.
Naturally you ignore him during all of this. You feel fine! He's just being paranoid...until the soar throat kicks in. Then you're panicking and freaking out over the possibility of your boyfriend having precognition powers
Everything else hits full force. The fever, fatigue, stomach aches, headache...it's a struggle to pull yourself out of bed and pretend to be okay.
"I told you! I told you and you did not listen! This is retribution for never taking my words seriously!" Sebek can be heard across the campus courtyard as he's storming his way through - with Lilia laughing his ass off in the background and Silver burying his face in his hands from disappointment
The growing migraine you have makes his screams sound like explosions, and your façade slips instantly. A flash of regret and (gasp) self-reflection flickers across Sebeks face
He's torn. You are in obvious need of a lecture help, but he has his studies and his lord....this is why you should have listened! He wanted to avoid this!
"You will see to the prefect's recovery. This is an order," Malleus' lays a hand on your shoulder and shoves you into Sebek. The latter remains flabbergasted, unable to refuse the command yet also unable to fully accept it
"At once, Lord Malleus," he decides to accept it with a grain of salt. You will definitely be receiving one of the longest rants you have ever heard after recovering
but for now? Sebek takes you home and watches over you like a hawk. He uses the order as an excuse for being so attentive, but in truth he would have behaved this way regardless.
Sebek never fully understood why his mother cared deeply for his father - a weak, frail, and overly affectionate human. He still thinks it to be unconventional; yet, you have changed his mind somewhat. Which is why your health is so important. Don't prove his assumptions right and ditch him before these feelings get a chance to grow
Jamil Viper
Do not expect sympathy from him. He is another one who doesn't want to get sick. One day off for him equals an entire week's worth of work for the average student.
He also notices that you're feeling sluggish early on. Another observant one - except his warnings come in a more taunting manner than Sebek.
"Still working? You do realize what time it is, don't you? Sometimes I wonder who will give me grey hair first - you or Kalim"
Yeah, supportive boyfriend is not in the equation with this one
Jamil is not careless though. he recognizes that if he leaves you alone that your stubbornness will put you in a grave. So, he puts his wits to the test and essentially tricks you into taking better care of yourself
He will guilt trip you into joining him for dinner, which forces you to take a break and eat a healthy meal. Occasionally he'll pull strings to 'persuade' bothersome students to leave you alone, or conveniently invite you to relaxing events that will lull you to sleep
"Not coming to eat? Too bad. Kalim will be disappointed and I'll have prepared too much food. It's a shame, really"
He knows that you like his voice, and will occasionally begin to read his textbook out loud when you're studying together. You never last long, and can't bring yourself to tell him to stop out of fear that he'll never do it again.
He'll give you small gifts. Ones you won't feel bad accepting, and will feel compelled to use since he paid for them. A basket of fruit, a cozy blanket, homemade soup, etc. he makes sure you are doing well across all fields. Stress, nutrition, rest, etc. At first it's bothersome but then becomes second nature.
"Come here. You're hair's a mess...just let me fix it," definitely conditions you to relax when he combs your hair. If you don't have hair, then he'll ask to fix your uniform which will likely lead to a neck/head massage
Honestly? It would take an actual effort for you to get sick with Jamil around. Ever since becoming his lover, you've never suffered even a small cold or stomach bug. The record is clean.
If you do get sick though? You're on your own. He did what he could to prevent it, and stupidity is contagious
"(Y/N)'s sick? They'll live. If a simple cold is what takes them out then we all might as well give up and go home. They have the resilience of bedrock, it's inhumane"
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Ninjago post crystalized HC
-Therapy (I was considering only writing that and posting lol)
-Everyone starts finally settling down and a couple of the ninja are even looking into college courses since a lot of their technical skills revolve around fighting and they're kinda sick of that.
-I like to think Jay and Nya open up a mechanic shop together with some silly name like Electric Wave or something along those lines.
-Pixal starts working with Cyrus Borg again
-I think Zane should be an EMT or something like that, since he can asses wounds and work really quickly and has endless knowledge in his database so I think it fits
-Cole probably takes a bit to figure out what he wants to do but I could honestly see him going into psychology since he's pretty empathetic and a chill dude (bestie literally made friends with a snow monster and some dude who'd been a ghost for centuries I think he's got the skill)
-Kai was kinda hard ngl but I think that since he's seemingly ending up with Skylor maybe he helps out at the noodle house? Honestly I'm not sure Kai is tricky for me.
-Lloyd goes into law to some degree, HERE ME OUT, he totally seems like the type who still wants to defend innocents and those who have been wronged and what better way to do that (that doesn't involve ninja powers) I could totally see him fighting so hard for like kids and stuff since his childhood was pretty jacked up too.
-Wu and Misako probably start adventuring again, though more for fun and not looking for answers to anything, it's just to learn more about the world.
-I think it would be funny if Garmadon got a painfully mundane job in an office, like a data entry person or some shit like that would be so funny (like imagine "Oh you need that done? Yeah go ask Folson" and then you find out "Folson" is fucking GARAMDON who's just like chilling at his desk with coffee like "What do you want?")
-Lloyd reconnects with some of his old friends and while they're still a little bedazzled by him but still
-The ninja probably do a couple interviews after Crystalized kinda finally sharing how they really feel and people are shocked how scared their hero's have been this entire time.
-The ninja totally compare scars, like "Dude I got my face scar from literally being turned into a ghost, it's cooler than yours" or "Are lightning scars cool if I accidentally did it myself?"
-Lloyd starts reconnecting with his father again and slowly but surly the man Garmadon once was begin to shine through bit by bit, not fully but clearly he's there.
-Cole helps with reconstruction once his powers start coming back
-They all meet up when they can to do something fun together
-In addition to the last prompt: Sometimes they need to get some energy out and they're like "I need to fight" and they get together to absolutely pummel each other to get the fight out until the next time (Zane has totally recorded a couple of these fights, a particularly flasy one between Kai and Cole is in fact on the internet and people go nuts over it)
-They all pick up hobbies to relax a little: Kai-wood burning Lloyd-felting Zane-baking (he still does it to wind down) Cole-crocheting Nya-knitting (her and Cole fight over which is better by) Jay-skating Pixal-drawing
-Garmadon get's more plants, him and Vinny's new place has the nicest front and back garden and the oxygen in their house is CRISP
-Cyrus Borg kinda adopts Zane like "I already have one nindroid child, what's one more?" they totally have family dinners and I'd like to imagine Pixal's partner (idk who but it's not Zane cause like sibling dynamic> anything) and Cole just kinda siting there with three super geniuses and the two are just like "I forget what I have for lunch sometimes"
-Everyone starts to heal and the world is better... at least until this new show (whether I think of it as cannon is dependent on how much I like it lol)
That's it for now, I will be back, that's a promise and a threat :)
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neteyamkink · 1 year
I read your Wattpad Series and I’m loving it so far and I was going crazy over chapter 8😫
Anyways this is my first time requesting something so I have no idea how this works or what to say😭but I’m wondering if you can make a nsfw alphabet of neteyam?
i’m writing this half asleep at 3am and not proofreading plz ignore any mistakes LMFAO
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
neteyam would make sure you’re all cleaned up and everything before he lets you fall asleep. But after all of that, he’ll hold you and brush the hair out of your face and give you sweet kisses until you are asleep. <3
also lots of praise!! “You did so good for me”
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
like I’ve said NETEYAM IS A BOOB MAN!! he will focus on your boobs almost the whole time. licking sucking touching literally anything. he loves em and he holds them any chance he gets even out of a sexual context.
I think his favorite body part of his are his hands! He loves the way he can make you feel just with a finger or two. <3
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically…)
he would only cum after you have and he definitely lovessss to cum on your boobs
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
when you aren’t there to satisfy him best believe he’s thinking of you. He probably can’t even count the number of times he’s been in his bed and night trying to fall asleep and one thought leads to another and suddenly he’s stroking his cock thinking about you and your pretty little lips (both of em)
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
he has absolutely 0 experience so you guys kind of just figure out things together. however, he does somewhat know what he’s doing from overhearing the human scientist talk about sex.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying.)
ima have to go with good ol missionary or just you riding him. he HAS to see your face. he just can’t go without it. he thinks the expressions that you make are so cute.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
it’s definitely a mix it depends on what the mood is tbh. If something funny happens he’ll laugh it out with you and he loves talking to you during sex. but if he’s “punishing” you or just going rougher than usual he’s more serious.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
correct me if I’m wrong I don’t think na’vi even grow body hair??? like they don’t even have armpit hair or like beards or mustaches so I’m going to say he has none
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
OH MY GODDD HE IS SUCH A LOVER BOY. like literally he will call it “making love” instead of sex or fucking. he is so in love so almost every time you guys have sex it’s so personal and so affectionate. he’ll whisper sweet things to you and kiss you as much as he can.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
like I said this boy is always horny for you so he will jack off just to the thought of you wayyy too much. he’s just so obsessed <3
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
ngl I feel like he is somewhat vanilla?? idk maybe my mind will change. but he definitely has a praise kink, he loves when you praise him and he loves praising you.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
usually in private places unless he’s in a lil silly goofy mood. even though it’s kind of boring he loves fucking you in your bed nothing can top it. The second best is definitely the beach for him <33
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
moans moans moans!!! he lovessssss hearing you moan like it turns him on so much it’s insane. He loves when you praise him and he definitely has a thing for seeing a lil bit of tears just because you’re so fucked out and happy you can’t control your emotions.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
he would never hit you. even if you asked for it he just couldn’t bring himself to hurt you. he’s so sweet <3
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
he is insanely good at giving head. he loves giving more than reviving for sureee. he loves to hear you moan and watch you squirm it’s a hugeeee turn-on. He likes receiving too just a little less, he’ll never turn down head though. he loves the way your lips wrap around his cock, and the look you give him through your eyelashes as tears start to fill your water line. ugh he's in love
P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
this one really depends on the mood but I’d say he’s a very passionate guy and loves to take his time and explore every inch of your body and savour every single second of pleasure
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
I think he would rather have proper sex so he can really take his time with you. HOWEVER!! if he is super needy and you guys are in a rush he will definitely do a lil quickie with you.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
if you ask him to do something he will gladly do it he is always welcome to try new things with you and will never make you uncomfortable by asking to try anything. When it comes to risky sex like people seeing you I don’t think he would like it a whole lot just because he doesn’t think anyone should see you in that sort of state but him and he just wants you all to himself <33
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
he will go for however long you want to. even if he is all fucked out but you still want to keep going he’ll sit back and let you ride him. He will never stop before you cum though like literally he will make sure you finish before him.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
if we’re talking about a modern au he would use toys on you if you wanted to. probably just a vibrator or something of that nature.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
he lovessss teasing. he will egg you on alllllll day just so when the time is right he can fuck you dumb with all of that tension built up.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
I feel like he’d be kind of embarrassed to moan at first, but when you tell him it’s okay and to let it out he’d completely let loose. he wouldn’t be very loud but he would definitely groan/moan in your ear and whisper a lot of sweet stuff to you <3
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
he lovessss talking to you during sex. like he will talk you through your whole climax. HE LOVES IT. and sometimes if you’re human he’ll throw in a little na’vi, and if you are a na’vi he’ll throw in a little English.
 X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants)
It’s definitely pale blue and I think his tip is a little bit darker. I’ll give him at LEAST 10 inches maybe 12 if I’m pushing it. The girth is pretty regular not too skinny or too thick. he fits in you perfectly <3
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
I’d say it’s pretty high. he fucks you any chance he gets, and is always needy for you.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
As I said, he would wait for you to fall asleep before he does so it really just depends on how long it takes you to fall asleep. If you don’t fall asleep he’ll ask you if you’re okay with him sleeping. Of course, you say yes every time but he doesn’t want you to feel alone <3
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arent-i-the-fairest · 2 years
We’ve had it good for too long… it’s time for some angst >:)
Can I req the first years with a reader who was severely injured trying to protect them? Like from an overblot or something. If you’re uncomfortable with this then feel free to decline ^_^
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𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐚𝐤𝐞
author’s note : you’re right, anon— it’s been over a month now since my last angst work! it’s about time it made a comeback, hm?
hope you enjoy~ ♡ (˃̵ᴗ˂̵ )
🔺chapter 1 overblot spoilers in ace and deuce’s parts and chapter 5 overblot spoilers in epel’s!
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ace trappola
ace stumbled back after taking a hard hit from riddle, who had overblotted.
“hey buddy, ever heard of dodging?” you joked as you pulled him back up to his feet. he scoffed, softly pushing you away. “quiet, you! bet you couldn’t have dodged that either!” “pshh, i totally could have, no sweat—!”
“both of you! take this a little more seriou— LOOK OUT!” trey shouted. you both looked up and saw the terrifying sight of riddle approaching. about to strike.
out of instinct, you threw ace behind you and took the blow— the last thing you heard before blacking was ace shrieking your name.
he completely abandoned the fight, leaving deuce, cater, and trey to deal with the overblot. instead he just sat off to the side with you in his lap. he was shaking you, crying, begging you to just wake up already— his frustration and anxiety growing with each second you were still unresponsive.
your heartbeat was the only thing letting him know you were still alive, but even it seemed to be slowing down. he prayed and prayed that it was just his mind playing tricks on him, continuing attempting to wake you up.
ace let out a sigh of relief as you opened your eyes. “t-there! hah! i knew you were fine!” he laughed, hugging you.
“ace..?” he pulled away to look at you. “i’m gonna be real with you. i… don’t think i’m fine. in fact, i’m pretty sure this is it for me.” you weakly chuckle. but ace didn’t find this the least bit funny.
“stop— stop! you’re scaring me! you are going to make it!” ace let out a jagged, panicked breath as you closed your eyes once again. “you are!” he hissed. “you are, you areyouareyouare! if you don’t.. i-i’ll…”
he doesn’t know what he’ll do. does he even know what he’s doing now?
deuce spade
he was determined to be the one to help you. in his mind, it was only fair since you’ve done so much for him. from the more insignificant of things like letting him copy off your answers on homework he forgot to do— all the way to helping him change as a person and giving him emotional support.
he wanted to be able to do something for you even just once. and he swore that ‘something’ would be protecting you from riddle’s overblot— even though deuce was already quite tired and beaten up himself.
“deuce, i really appreciate what you’re trying to do, but just take it easy! you’re hurt enough as is!” you gently shook him by the shoulders and he looked down at his feet.
“but…” “— i know. you wanna make yourself useful to me in some way. but you don’t have to.” you gave him a smile.
riddle scoffed, “letting your guards down during a fight, are you?” a shiver ran down your spine as you hugged deuce, shielding him from riddle’s rose-bush attack.
freaks. out. you were hit so hard you were seeing stars and could hardly stand up— he’s got no idea what to do until ace just yells for him to get you in one of the spare rooms of heartslabyul until the fight is over. he’s scared and shaking, but he toughens up and hightails it out of there, whispering apologies over and over again under his breath.
deuce let out a shaky sigh as he pulled a comforter over you. “i’m sorry, y/n, i’m so sorry this happened— do you need water? bandages? h-how— where, ah— what can i do..?” he sniffled, burying his face in his hands.
“i can’t do anything, can i?”
jack howl
a while back, jack made a promise to himself. and that promise was that no matter how dangerous the situation was, he’d protect you.
today, he’s broken that promise.
here he was, carrying you to the infirmary as fast as he could go because you were injured. protecting him. protecting him from a monster so strong and so violent, you knew you couldn’t take any of it’s attacks on. but you did anyways to save him from the pain.
it touched him to his core, but also hurt him just as much.
the trip to the infirmary was nearly too much to take for him. the way your breaths were all rough and uneven, your pained cries, the scent of your blood— jack hates seeing even a scratch on you. he’d take your place in a heartbeat if it meant seeing you unharmed. but he won’t dwell on it for now, his sole focus is on getting you help.
jack sat beside your bed in total silence. and he was going to stay until you woke up and he could talk with you.
he looked at one of your arms, which the nurse had just finished bandaging. then at the other, which was going to be bandaged soon as well. it was covered in bruises that were most likely going to scar.
jack let out a heavy sigh and grabbed your hand gently, nuzzling his nose against it. “i’m sorry i failed you back there.” he whispered to you.
epel felmier
vil was running epel ragged.
you, being magicless, were only allowed watch from the sidelines since the others weren’t allowing you to partake in the fight. but seeing your boyfriend getting tired, becoming more and more susceptible to being heavily injured, you were itching to get in there.
“c’mon, epel, hold out for just a little longer..” you whispered to yourself. your breath hitched when you saw him trip and not get up— and vil only seconds away from obliterating him with a spell.
you sprinted to action, ignoring the protesting shouts of your friends and hurling yourself in front of epel. everyone else be damned, you were going to keep him safe.
he’s so frustrated. not just at you for being so.. selfless, but at himself too because he didn’t have the strength to keep dodging and keep casting out magic. that frustration is gonna eat at the poor boy for a while.
you better believe he’s gonna scold you for your recklessness when you’re all fixed up. he’s already got a whole script set up in his head, and you’re gonna get to hear all of it when you’re better— or.. if you get better? god, he’s frustrated at himself for even thinking of the possibility.
.. but he knows that things could turn out that way. the uncertainty is killing him— but there’s only one thing he knows for sure. he’s gonna take vil down, even if it’s the last thing he does.
epel pat your back with what little energy he had left, trying to help you get out all your coughs. he panicked upon seeing your body go limp, immediately sitting you up against a column.
“’ya really don’t look so good— you’ve gone pale. and your heartbeat…?” he placed two fingers on your wrist and was shaken to feel that it was extremely slow. “are- y-you sure you’re alright? —who am i kidding, of course you are! i don’t need to treat ‘ya like you’re dying…” his smile faltered. “you aren’t, are you?”
you didn’t move or speak. just stared right back him. but it spoke volumes. epel’s eyes widened as he grabbed you by the shoulders.
“you’re kidding, right? right?? you can’t go yet!” he panicked, looking you in the eyes— searching for any confirmation you were okay. that you weren’t going to die. but still, nothing. just more empty staring.
finally, epel broke. unable to bear the guilt and anxiety, all his tears came out uncontrollably.
“you can’t die yet— i need you by my side!” he hiccuped, tugging onto the sleeves of your shirt. he felt hopeless. and utterly pathetic. “i at least wanted to bring you back to my home village.. even planned to live together later down the road, after our graduation. and maybe, even…”
sebek zigvolt
humans and the way they are will always be a mystery to him.
“i’m only gonna ask one last time, human!” sebek narrowed his eyes at you. yet he didn’t look mad. or even annoyed. just genuinely confused. “why? why did you protect me from that beast?”
you were absolutely exhausted from the incident, and he was not helping.
“i don’t see why you can’t tell me.” he huffed. you buried your face in the soft mountain of pillows that he had set up for you. “isn’t it obvious? because i love and care about you.” you whispered before passing out.
sebek just stared for a moment. “oh...” he blinked, and his vision was blurred with tears.
he would never admit how he had cried that day. and he would never admit how he stayed around much longer than he had planned on, guarding you while you slept and sort of just basking in your presence. he was relaxed sitting next to you.
— “what do you mean their condition has gotten worse?!”
the nurse sighed, setting down his clipboard. “it’s exactly what it sounds like. to make it a long story short, whatever beast attacked them casted a spell on them as well.” sebek paled, glancing over at you.
“making a rough estimate, it’ll probably take them 3 weeks to be back in full health, if not a whole month. that is, assuming they’ll recover. they.. seem to be getting worse, unfortunately.” the nurse coughed.
“now, it’s quite late already, why don’t you run back to your dorm?” sebek nodded and turned around to leave, but stopped.
it’s true, he should be tending to chores, training, and watching over the young lord, but he couldn’t bring himself to leave the room.
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