#i think it's very funny that my first fic in this fandom doesn't have will in it because he's my number one boy hgkldsajfk
bearhugsandshrugs · 2 days
Hey, what is this change in Raphael fanon you’re referring to? I think I noticed the same thing, but I wanted to make sure. Please don’t feel pressured to answer if you’re not comfortable with the question 🫶
Anyway, I just wanted to say that I really liked your take on him and feel like nobody writes him like that anymore (the other writers who did also stopped).
Hey! Let me preface this by saying that this is in no way to dunk on the fandom. I think it's pretty natural that as time progresses, certain fanon takes "stick" / gain more traction / become more popular. It's also not to say that my perspective of the character is "good" and another is "bad", it's more that the current dominant fanon perception of Raphael (and Haarlep) doesn't resonate with me.
Over the past months, most part of the Raph!fandom that is visible to me seems to have arrived at the conclusion that Raphael is smitten with the player character, rather than him being a manipulative fiend that uses charm to get what he wants. That leads to characterizations of him where he "loves" a Tav/Durge/OC, where his actions get attributed as driven by that player character (as opposed to them being an important tool to him).
As someone who's written a somewhat softer Raph in my own fic (and I only barely made that work for myself by making him human, and the ending – SPOILERS – very much is intended to contradict any perception of him being selfless/in love/able to love how humans love) I don't think it's true of his character.
Him being able to love is an interpretation that I don't personally agree with. Of course people can HC that! More power to you!!! Have fun with it. It's just a take I don't enjoy because to me, it takes away a lot of the complexity and a core part of his canon personality.
Related to that there's, again, from my pov, an infantilization that comes along with that.
Raphael as incapable. Raphael as a helpless plaything for Haarlep. Raphael as a dork. Raphael as comic relief. Raphael showing up because he "loves" the character instead of manipulating them. And so on. Same as before: It's, to me personally, a reduction of his character, and quite frankly, boring. He is more powerful than this fanon version portrays him. He is more frightening, and ruthless, and evil, as fanon seemingly wants him to be.
For Haarlep it's even more so that he gets reduced to that funny side character. The darker sides of that character often gets left out. Again, the dominant fanon perception of that incubus feels very one-dimensional and underserving of the complexity and outright shrewd brutality Haarlep displays (and probably needed to survive for this long under Raphael's roof).
They're both evil characters. But they can't be in the current discourse. They're getting washed into a softy, funny, cutiepie version. And that's not what I think the characters are.
To some degree this also happens to Gortash btw. But I digress.
Again. Not saying this read on the characters is bad, it's just one I personally don't agree with, and that I don't find interesting.
Now to the part about people enjoying my take on him in my writing. First, thank you so much for saying that! I really appreciate it. And I mean, I do see that Keeping Score and Folie á Deux are still two of my most-read fics to date, with tens of thousands of hits altogether. But the thing is. People don't comment on finished/older fics, not to mention reblog them lmao. I'm pretty sure that Folie has gotten 50-65% of its hits after even the expansion (chapter 6) was written. Did it get any comments since then? Ha.
Keeping Score also got a significant number of reads after completion. But I can count the number of people (!) on one hand who commented since I finished it end of 2023. So. Unless you tell writers you enjoy their work, we won't know. Because I cannot tell who clicks on the fic and leaves again, or who devours it all in one sitting.
Sorry for the tangent. It's just a pity to hear now, all those months later, that there are people out there who liked my depiction of Raph when I was pretty convinced that no one actually cared. Anyway!
I hope this doesn't start any drama, because legit, I don't have beef with anyone. I am happy that character is giving so many people joy. I have my Gorty delusions to keep me entertained. But you asked, so here's a long answer, hoping I gave enough context to make it understandable.
Happy headcanoning and shipping, everyone <3
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marshmellowtea · 1 year
what's this?? marshy actually finished a fic for the first time in ages??? no fuckin way—
anyway hi i forget how i usually intro these tumblr fics of mine gjdskfds but going by my writing tag it looks like i usually just wing it so uhh here! have some domestic age regression fluff between caregivers!tanya and mike and little!lila (with a liiiight sprinkling of angst and hurt/comfort in the middle there because i just couldn't help myself, lmao). small warning for a reference to will and lila's mothers and what that entails, ie emotional abuse, though it's not super explicit. if there's anything else i need to warn for, lmk!
super special thanks to @whenthedeeppurplefalls for betaing this fic, literally idk if it would've gotten done without you so i super appreciate you looking at it hglkdsjf 💞 tysm pal seriously :') /gen
as per usual with these fics, eventually this'll get posted to ao3 as well and i'll reblog this with a link when that's ready, but for now, without further ado, here it is please enjoy <3
"Babe, why is William in timeout?"
Tanya huffs out a laugh as she makes her way to Mike over at the door, greeting him with a kiss to his mouth and taking the grocery bags out of his hands. "That's Lila, honey," she says, moving aside so he can step inside the apartment and shut the door behind him.
"Ah. That makes more sense," he says, turning his gaze to the girl currently pouting in the corner of the kitchen. "Hi, sweetheart. What have you done this time?"
Lila turns to him, her arms crossed over her chest and her cheeks puffed out adorably. One leg is crossed over the other, giving her the air of an offended little lady, and Mike has to bite back a laugh. Her and William are both so cute—equally so, of course, given the fact they share a body, but they both have their own unique little quirks in the way they carry themselves that are absolutely precious in their own little ways.
"You can tell him if you want to, honey," Tanya says, putting away the groceries Mike had brought home. "I won't add time to your timeout."
Lila huffs, pout increasing somehow. "Mama's being unfair," she says, shooting a withering glare in Tanya's direction. "It was an accident."
"Ohohoho, no it was not," Tanya says, shaking her head with a click of her tongue. "You wanna actually tell him what you did?"
Lila glares at her for another moment, before turning back to the wall. Mike actually laughs at that, taking a few steps further to stroke her hair lightly.
"Well, now I'm curious," he says. "What'd you do to earn the timeout chair?"
Lila huffs, hunching in on herself a little. "You're on her side," she accuses, her cheeks reddening.
"Well, honey, I can't be on your side if I don't know what you did," he says, shaking his head slightly.
Lila stays silent, her eyes fixed on the ground. She almost looks embarrassed, an expression that's very rare for her. Mike ruffles her hair, before moving his hand to squeeze her shoulder lightly.
"I guess she doesn't want to tell me," Mike says, shaking his head. "What'd she do, Mama Bird?"
Tanya turns to him, her eyes alight with amusement and irritation. "Well, she almost burnt the fucking house down," she says, shooting a half-smile in Lila's direction.
Mike's eyebrows raise. "Oh? How the fuck did she do that?" he asks, absentmindedly rubbing circles against Lila's shoulder with his fingertips.
"Put a fork in the microwave," Tanya says, shaking her head. "She's very lucky I caught it before it started sparking."
"It was—it was an accident!" Lila protests suddenly. She looks up at Mike with pleading eyes, leaning against him all cutely in that way she does when she wants something. "This isn't fair!"
Mike hums, turning his eyes toward Tanya. "If she just left her fork in her food, I don't think it's fair to—”
Tanya shoots him a pointed look. "It was just a fork in there," she says, turning her eyes to Lila and adding, "and I'd just told her about how putting metal in the microwave is dangerous."
"Oh. Hmm." Mike looks back down at Lila, giving her shoulder a light pat. "Yeah, I don't think I can defend you, sweetheart."
"Not fair," Lila mumbles, kicking at the air helplessly. "It was—I just wanted to see what happened."
"I told you what happens," Tanya says, pulling out a pot from the drawer. "There was no reason to try it out, my sweet girl.”
“What if I didn’t believe you?” Lila protests, looking up at Mike pleadingly again, as though he’ll somehow be able to help her.
“Well, then we have a bigger problem then,” Tanya says, shaking her head. She turns around then, holding the pot out in front of her and turning her attention toward Mike. “How do we feel about spaghetti for dinner?”
“I brought the meatballs,” he says, shrugging lightly and moving his hand to rub Lila’s back soothingly. “I say go for it.”
“Dada—” Lila starts pitifully, presumably to plead for help or mercy.
Before she can finish, or Mike can say anything, however, Tanya interrupts. “Ah ah ah. No talking rule is back in effect.” She looks over at her, her eyes softening sympathetically. “Only a minute left, little one.”
Lila whines, her eyes dropping to her feet. Mike smiles at her, also sympathetically, and he presses a kiss to the top of her head.
“Sounds like you’ll be free soon,” he says, giving her a light pat. “Hang in there, sweetheart.”
Lila huffs, kicking her feet frantically. Mike steps away from her, then, making his way over to Tanya’s side, watching her as she puts a pot of water on.
“Once you get that on, can we talk for a minute in the other room? Real quick before little one gets free?” he asks lowly. Then, not wanting to worry her, he adds, “Nothing bad, just…caregiver stuff.”
Tanya nods, a slight look of relief falling across her face, before flicking the stove on and taking a step back. “Lila, we’ll be back soon, okay?” she calls in her direction. “We’re just gonna be in the other room for a minute, we’re not leaving, sweet pea.”
Lila turns to look at them, her eyes round and brow furrowed. She opens her mouth as if to speak, but then realizing she can’t, she huffs, turning back to the wall.
Mike snorts softly at the sight, shaking his head slightly and leading Tanya out to the living room. He looks through the doorway, and once he’s certain Lila’s not trying to snoop, he turns back to Tanya with a curious expression.
“How long you put her in for?”
Tanya shrugs. “Just ten minutes,” she says, running her fingers loosely through her hair. “She got it bumped up to thirteen, though, as she usually does.”
Mike hums, nodding thoughtfully. “Kind of a short time for almost burning the house down,” he remarks with mild amusement.
Tanya laughs quietly, shrugging a little. “Yeah, maybe…I don’t know,” she says, letting out a soft sigh. “I think she was just acting out for attention rather than trying to get on my nerves like she usually does. I mean, I was kind of distracted today…I feel bad about it, so I didn’t want to punish her too harshly.”
“Hmm, alright…it does sound like she didn’t add as much time as she usually does, huh?”
Tanya snorts. “Yeah, I think she’s feeling neglected, poor girl.”
Mike coos sympathetically, shaking his head slightly in the direction of the kitchen. “Yeah…poor girl.” He tilts his head then, regarding Tanya with a soft gaze. “What about you? You said you were distracted, are you alright?”
“Oh, yeah, I’m just…” Tanya frowns, waving her hand lightly. “Looking for a job has been…stressful. But it’s not anything more than that.”
Mike nods and reaches out, wrapping his arm around her and giving her a comforting squeeze. “Alright, I get that,” he says gently, rubbing her arm soothingly. “Hey, you’re gonna be okay. It’ll happen eventually.”
“Yeah…I just…I feel bad that you and Will are the ones supporting us, especially with the baby expenses, and—”
Suddenly, Tanya’s phone goes off, the sound ringing out through the apartment. She blinks in surprise, and she fishes her phone out of her pocket, turning it off quickly.
“Oh. Lila’s free,” she says, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips.
Mike smiles as well, despite his lingering concern. “You think she heard it?”
In answer to his question, they’re suddenly greeted with a shout, and the sound of little feet rushing in their direction. They turn to see Lila pausing just in the doorway, her eyes wide and round.
“Mama? Can I…” she starts, rocking back and forth on her heels.
Tanya chuckles softly, giving Mike a squeeze before pulling away from him to go to her. “Yes, baby, you’re out of timeout,” she says affectionately, reaching up to cradle her face. “Is the water boiling, honey?”
“Ummm…” Lila tilts her head, or at least, as best she can while still pressing her face into Tanya’s palms, anyway. “Yeah, I think so.”
“Okay. I’m gonna go continue making dinner,” Tanya says, squishing her cheeks gently and earning a squawk of indignation in return. She chuckles, kissing her forehead gently and asking, “You wanna hang out with Mike while I do that?”
Lila looks at Mike over her shoulder, her brow furrowed and lips drooping. “Um…okay,” she says, her voice sounding hollow.
Tanya frowns, regarding her with concern. “What’s wrong, sweetie?”
“I mean…Mike usually makes dinner,” she says, huffing lightly. “And ‘m not allowed in the kitchen when you guys cook.”
“Ohhh…” Tanya says, shooting a frown in Mike’s direction. “You wanna be with me?”
Lila shrugs, and then, hesitantly, she nods. She’s very pointedly avoiding looking at both of them—the embarrassed look is back on her face, too. “Somethin’ like that,” she mumbles.
“I can take over dinner if she wants to be with her mama,” Mike says, shrugging a little.
Lila’s face turns even redder, a pout coming across her face. “You’re making it sound so—I just have somethin’ I need to say to her, okay?”
"Awww, baby, it's okay if you wanna be with me sometimes," Tanya coos, thumbs rubbing lightly at her cheeks. "There's nothing wrong with needing that."
Lila huffs, squirming out of her palms and crossing her arms over her chest. "It's not like—" she starts, before her eyes dart from the floor to Tanya's face. She flushes harder, somehow, her whole face pink, and suddenly races away from Tanya to throw herself onto the couch, curling into herself against one of the arms, making herself small in that way William usually does.
Tanya's eyebrows raise at the sight, and she turns to Mike, shooting him a look that's equal parts amused and concerned. He shoots her a matching look in return, pointing toward the kitchen.
"I'll go take care of the boiling water now," he says, voice wavering somewhere between light and uncertain.
"Sounds good to me," Tanya says, lips twitching slightly. They settle on a smile as she passes Mike on her way to the couch, however, and she keeps her expression soft as she settles down on the cushions next to the now pouting little girl she calls her own, carefully reaching out to stroke her arm. "Hey, sweetie. You doing okay?"
Lila mumbles something unintelligible into the arm of the couch, her face smushed up against the fabric. Once again, Tanya can't help but think of it as a very William move—she can't help but wonder how many traits they have in common that she's just never seen because Lila tends to be less openly vulnerable around them.
"I didn't catch that, little girl. Can you repeat yourself?"
Lila huffs once again, sounding entirely put upon. She looks up at Tanya, her face still smudged with a pink blush, her eyes oddly sad, and murmurs, "I'm sorry I'm such a bad girl, Mama."
The concern already bubbling up in Tanya's stomach suddenly spills over in the form of a coo falling from her lips, a frown falling over her face. "Oh, Lila, honey...come here..."
When it comes to William and Lila, bad isn't nearly as strong a word as naughty—naughty, for both of them, is a sign they're in a very, very bad headspace, naughty means that something has set them off in a very real way, naughty means that they're thinking about their respective mothers again, and that's never a good thing—but it still isn't good to hear, either. Especially not from Lila, who most of the time, refuses to acknowledge that the thing she's done wrong is, in fact, wrong.
Tanya's worries are only further confirmed when Lila crawls all the way into her lap, wrapping her arms around her neck and clinging to her tightly, like she's terrified of being let go of. Sure, Lila's become a lot more comfortable with being touched or physically coddled as of late, even going so far as to enjoy it (which she had admitted to them one afternoon in a very roundabout way), but she's still not much of a cuddler, and she definitely doesn't cling like this unless she's in a mood. Not necessarily in a bad mood, sure, but, well...right now...
"You're not a bad girl, honey," Tanya murmurs, wrapping her arms around her tightly and kissing her on the top of her head. "I mean, sure, you do bad things sometimes, but we all do. I mean, I've fu—messed up things more often than I can count, especially with William and Dada. That doesn't make me a bad person, does it?"
Even as she says it, Tanya has to choke back the uncertainty rising in her throat. She's gotten better about not thinking of herself as the certified worst person in the whole entire fucking world, but god, it's hard not to fall back to hold habits sometimes.
Apparently, Lila knows that too. "But you still feel like a bad person sometimes," she mumbles into her collarbone, clinging a little tighter. "S’okay. I do too s’metimes. 'm sorry. Sorry I do bad things."
Tanya swallows thickly, unsure of what to make of all this. "It's okay, sweetheart. I forgive you," she murmurs. "What brought this on, little one...?"
Lila's quiet for a moment, playing with the fabric of her shirt. "You seemed mad at me today."
"Mad at you...?"
"Mhmm." Lila sniffles, and Tanya's heart breaks as she realizes she's holding back tears. "You didn'...didn' really look at me, or wanna play with me, an'—an' then when you were makin' your tea you told me 'bout the spoon, an'—an' I dunno, I was stupid, an' I wan'ed you t' look at me, 'nd you got mad at me—"
"Oh, honey, I only got upset cuz you were doing something dangerous, I wasn't upset with you before that, promise," Tanya soothes, running her hand up and down her spine lightly. "I...I was a bit distracted today, and I wasn't paying as much attention to you as I should have, and I'm sorry. Did it feel like I was ignoring you? Is that why you thought I was mad?"
Lila whines a little, nodding against her shoulder. Tanya hums comfortingly, pressing a kiss to her temple.
"I'm sorry, I wasn't mad, and I wasn't ignoring you. I was just spacey today. It had nothing to do with you, I promise I would never ignore you on purpose, okay?"
"...mmkay," Lila mumbles, and to Tanya's relief, she sounds less upset than she did before. She does, however, sound a bit embarrassed.
"My little girl. It's okay. You can want attention from me, there's nothing wrong with that."
Lila makes a grumpy noise in response (and oh, Tanya can't even pretend not to chuckle at that, it's just too adorable), lifting her face from Tanya's shoulder. Her flush has gone down a bit, but she is still visibly pink, which is just unbearably precious.
"Hi, sweetie," Tanya says, reaching up to stroke her hair lightly. "How're you feelin'?"
"...better," Lila mumbles, her eyes darting downward, one of her hands reaching up to play with the necklace Tanya's wearing. "I'm glad—glad you weren't mad at me. At least 'til I tried to burn the place down."
"Yeahhh, never do that again, little love," Tanya says with a laugh, still carding her hands absently through her hair. "I wasn't kidding about it burning down the place."
A tiny smile appears on Lila's face at that. "But I still wanna see that!"
"Oh, do not even think about it, little missy," Tanya scolds, but her tone is still more light than actually angry. "We look up videos of microwaves catching fire on Youtube if you want, but don't you dare even think about trying it at home or you'll be getting more than a ten minute time out."
"How much more?" Lila asks, her voice lightly curious. "An hour?"
"Lila," Tanya says, fond and exasperated.
"...two hours?" Lila prods, finally lifting her eyes. As soon as she meets Tanya's dryly amused gaze, she bursts into giggles, bonking their foreheads together. "Three hours!"
"It'll be more like forever, Lila," Tanya says with a huff of a laugh, rolling her eyes fondly. "I don't think we can afford a place other than this. Or to replace all our stuff."
"Mm...William would be mad if I destroyed his toys 'nyway," Lila agrees, rolling off of Tanya's lap to settle at her side instead, still cuddled up close with her head resting against her shoulder and one of Tanya's arms still wrapped around her. "Fine, I won't burn the house down."
"Thank you baby," Tanya says with a chuckle, rubbing her arm lightly. "That's what every Mama wants to hear from her little girl."
Lila giggles at that, nuzzling further into her shoulder. Then, she falls quiet for a long moment, aside from humming contentedly as Tanya strokes her hair. Tanya almost thinks she's gone nonverbal, before Lila suddenly speaks up again, her voice going soft.
"What were you distracted by, Mama?"
"Oh," Tanya says, swallowing back a wave of anxiety suddenly rising up in her. "It's just...adult stuff, honey. I don't want you to worry about it while you're small, okay?"
Lila looks up at her with a scrutinizing stare, as though Tanya's a puzzle she's trying to figure out. "Mmkay...if you say so..."
Tanya smiles at her comfortingly, rubbing her arm lightly. "If you're still worried about it later, we can talk about it when you're big, if you want. But right now you're just a baby, so don't worry about it, okay?"
"I'm not a baby. I'm not William," Lila says, a very adorable pout coming over her face. "But...okay...if you're sure..."
Tanya's smile widens a little, and she chuckles softly. "Are you worried about your mama, Lila?"
Lila flushes, her nose scrunching up a little and her cheeks once again turning pink. "I just don't want you to ignore me again," she mumbles, turning her face away so Tanya can't see her.
"Aww, honey..." Tanya reaches over with her other arm, wrapping it around Lila and giving her a tight squeeze. She presses a kiss to the back of her head, smiling a little at the lightly pleased huff she receives for it. "I can't promise I won't get spacey again, but I promise I'm gonna try to do better, okay? And sweetheart, if it does start to feel like I'm ignoring you again, it's okay to ask me for attention. In fact, please please please tell me if you feel ignored, and I'll make sure to give you the attention you need. I love you to death and I don't want you to feel unloved. Okay?"
"Mmph...okay. Okay, Mama, I will," Lila mumbles, squirming a little in Tanya's embrace. "Thank you. 'n...'nIloveyoutoo. Now get off me."
Tanya chuckles, pressing one last kiss to her curls before drawing back, finally freeing Lila from her lovingly crushing embrace. Lila straightens up as well, lingering close but no longer trying to squish up against her side like she was before, and that combined with the fact she doesn't seem actually seem very irritated about being snuggled makes Tanya figure that she probably was just starting to get a little overstimulated by all the touch. Probably best to give her a bit of a cool down on it—she'll have to let Mike know when they go in for dinner.
"Hey, girls, spaghetti's ready!"
In speaking of the man himself. Tanya smiles, turning to Lila and gesturing back toward the kitchen. "You ready to eat, baby?"
Lila turns in that direction, staring at the doorway with a scrutinizing expression. "Yeah," she says, surprisingly casually for what an intense look she was giving the kitchen, and hops up to her feet. She lingers, however, watching as Tanya gets to her feet, tilting her head a little once she's standing. "Um. Mama?"
Tanya looks at her, another wave of concern washing over her. "Yeah honey?"
Lila looks at her for a moment, rocking back and forth on her heels. "...after dinner, can we watch microwaves explode on Youtube?"
Well, that's not what Tanya had been expecting. She can't help but laugh a little, shaking her head in amusement. "Yeah, honey, of course we can. Just me and you, or do you want Dada there too?"
Lila shrugs noncommittally, her eyes already lighting up in excitement with the yes she's been given. "He can watch too. I don' care, 'long as you're there." She then grins broadly, before turning on her heels and sprinting toward the kitchen, where Tanya can hear her calling, "Dada! Guess what me and Mama are gonna watch!"
Tanya can't stop the fond smile that spreads across her lips at that. She follows after Lila, readying herself to explain to Mike why they're about to spend their evening on Youtube watching cutlery spark and set fire to appliances, and knowing damn well she wouldn't want it any other way.
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victimsofyaoipoll · 7 months
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Propaganda Under Cut
Sakura Haruno
Her husband is gay and her author doesn't know how to write women. So many people say she's the worst but she. DESERVES. BETTER!!! Save her from this franchise.
My baby girl my bestie my best friend. She committed the crime of um being written by kishimoto who both doesn’t know how to write women and somehow writes men in the gayest way possible specifically naruto and sasuke. Like the thing is naruto and sasuke ARE gay and also she gets so much hate for the crime of kishimoto writing her one dimensionally in love with sasuke. I know her personally she is a butch lesbian to me just trust me she’s in love with Ino and has a lesbian thing going on with Karin okay just trust me. My everything. She needs to divorce the loveless lavender marriage she’s in 
What is there to say, even? The OG Threat to my 90s anime brain, the only woman I've ever hated with such a passion she made me turn away from the color pink. I used to write fics with my friend where she got left behind on purpose so our OCs could join the Naruto and Sasuke team instead. I loathed this bitch until I was 16 and realized the author simply couldnt write women and decided it was time to make peace with Sakura. It is not her fault she's vaguely written and obsessive over Sasuke. She deserves better. Sasuke and Naruto still should be together and Sakura shouldnt be with Sasuke but I no longer believe this because I hate Sakura, it is because I love her. She deserves a spouse who will actually put in the time to treat her like the hero she is.
Misa Amane
she gets treated in-canon the way fandoms treat female characters that Threaten an m/m ship. it's like, "oh why don't you go sit in the corner and be pretty, misa, while the Men have intelligent conversation and pretend they aren't ten seconds from fucking each other, doesn't that sound nice?" it's infuriating. and MAYBE it's better now but i remember her getting treated the same way in fanfiction too, like we all need to do just as badly by our female secondary characters as fucking tsugumi ohba, but with the added insult of making her be alternately oblivious of the relationship between light and L or actively trying to sabotage it—incompetently, of course, because god forbid misa be allowed dignity or moments of cleverness.
she's one of the first characters I think of when I consider old school fandom misogyny. The annoying bitch and clingy crazy gf allegations were AFTER HER ASS. She's also a lot more intelligent than people gave her credit for, but most seem inclined to take the Very Biased word of our unreliable, narcissistic narrator and his homoerotic arch nemesis and claim that just because she's bubbly and into romance that she's also a complete moron. Which is blatantly untrue. Everyone was afraid of Misa girlbossing too hard. Killing people and devoting yourself to the deranged twink of your dreams even though you know he'll never love you back??? Having a hardcore goth aesthetic and being so Hot even literal Death Gods are into you?? God forbid women do ANYTHING!
Not only is she the victim of yaoi culture, she is the victim of early 2000s misogyny by an author that wanted to introduce a girl character because he knew his male rivals were getting too homoerotic. She is a goth bimbo icon who portrays what I think is one of the few callouts for stan culture and what parasocial relationships can do to both the stan and the idol. The fact that she is a toxic fan of Kira and also hot, funny, sociable is tragic in its own way, which I think the author did try to touch on but was too misogynistic too really get through. Of course, she was reduced to villain status by the fandom and anime alike because she got in the way of the supposed romance in their psychological horror anime
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cozy-cinnamon-roll · 3 months
A Princess' Guide to Interrogating a Radio Demon (Part II)
(read Part I here!)
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Pairing: Ler!Charlie, Ler!Vaggie, Lee!Alastor (strictly platonic)
Content/Trigger Warnings: tickling, interrogation (in the most playful sense). If there are any trigger warnings you'd like me to add in the future (and/or to this fic), PLEASE let me know! I am always happy to oblige.
This is a ticklefic! If that's not your cup of tea, kindly move along.
First: MAJOR thank you for all the sweet notes and feedback on Part 1 of this fic! I was not expecting such an enthusiastic response, and it really made my week! So grateful to be part of this lovely community 💕
As promised, here is part 2... This one gets a little more intense than the last, but it's still all for fun (and Al can handle it 🤭) So excited to share it with you all!
Vaggie is never quite sure what she's going to find when she hears a commotion elsewhere in the hotel - especially when it's coming from the direction of Alastor's room.
But nothing could have prepared her for the sight of her girlfriend pinning the most powerful overlord in Hell to the floor, tickling him to hysterics.
"Uhhhh..... Sweetie?"
"He won't tell me where he hid it!"
Vaggie just takes it in for a second. "So you're tickling him?"
"How else am I supposed to get it outta him?!"
"That's an... unconventional method, babe."
Charlie pauses her assault to shoot her girlfriend a deadpan look over her victim (who merely remains sprawled out on the floor beneath her, using his reprieve to take in as much precious oxygen as possible).
"You think I'm stupid enough to threaten real harm on The Radio Demon?"
That remark draws a maniacal little chuckle from the crumpled heap.
"Doesn't sound very effective," Vaggie observes.
But Charlie is too busy growling taunts at her victim again, tazing him in the sides. "Sorry, did I say something funny, giggles? Huh?! Did I?"
Vaggie can't help but smile herself at how hard it is for her girlfriend to keep a straight face during her "interrogation." She pokes and prods and scribbles all over the poor man, until his distinctive cackle echoes from the ceiling. And then she sits back on her heels, practically beaming with delight as he continues to shake with residual giggles.
At one point Charlie flashes her girlfriend a goofy grin. "I really think I'm wearing him down."
"Oh yeah. Absolutely, babe." Vaggie leans back against the doorframe with a smirk. "He really looks like he hates this, doesn't he."
As Charlie goes after his ribs again, Vaggie tilts her head. "He's lost his weird radio buzz."
"Oh!" Charlie abruptly clasps her hands to her chest, eyes wide with sudden worry. "Are you okay, Al?"
"Heh - yes, yes, of course..." While he is indeed too drunk on laughter maintain his usual tinny radio filter, the tiniest hint of a wheeze still edges his voice - which surprises Alastor himself more than anyone. His evil cackle is, after all, one of his signature intimidation techniques, and it's never affected his voice before.
But the uncontrolled, helpless hysterics Charlie's had him clutched in is very different from what he's used to. For all his practice intimidating his victims with a well-timed chortle, it appears his genuine laughter is rather rusty.
"I'm not hurting you, am I?"
Still breathless, Alastor can't help but chuckle at that too. "...Y-you are aware of what an 'interrogation' is, right?"
Charlie's look of concern drops to a mild glare.
"Alright, babe. Step aside." Vaggie curls a dangerous little grin of her own. "I'll handle this."
As he sees Vaggie striding toward him, Alastor scrambles to sit up. "Wait, wait- Vaggie, dear, can't we-" He presses backward, only to find himself cornered between the couch and the coffee table. "Er- can't we talk this over?"
Vaggie crouches down. "You wanna tell me where Angel's speaker is?"
Fingernails are crawling up both sides before he even registers movement. Poor Alastor is clutched over cackling within seconds.
Charlie may be a surprisingly effective ler, but it quickly becomes clear who taught her: Vaggie is ruthless.
"Get his tummy, that's his weak spot!" Charlie chirps, not even bothering to hide her delight any longer.
Alastor actually feels a spark of legitimate panic as Vaggie's nails find their way to his upper belly, tracing along the lower edge of his ribcage, sending his laughter silent for a moment.
"Hey, if you really want me to stop, you can just tell me what I wanna know."
"YOou cahan-" (gasp) "-PRY it from my-" (brief giggle fit) "-cold, dead-" (wheeze) "-fingers!!"
"Yeah? I'll show you cold, dead fingers..."
Alastor feels a hand slip under his shirt.
"AaaaAAAHH! No, no, Vaggie don't!"
"Oooh, this is a good spot, isn't it?"
"NO don't do that- please please please..."
"What? You don't want me to do this?" Her fingernails skitter across his bare tummy. The poor man can't remember the last time he laughed this hard at anything - which, for someone who literally hasn't dropped his smile for decades, is a pretty high bar to clear. And he's gotta admit, it's the best he's felt in weeks.
"Don't kill him," Charlie pipes up, "I still need him to help run the hotel after this."
"I'm not gonna kill him." Vaggie leans in close. "I'm just gonna keep tickling this sensitive, vulnerable, unbearably ticklish little belly, up and down, over and over, on and on..."
The surge of radio static induced by this one sentence is so intense that it leaves Alastor's own voice virtually incomprehensible for several seconds. He tries to summon a shadow creature, a tentacle, anything, but he's so disoriented the shadows dissipate before they can be directed anywhere.
And that's finally what breaks his resistance. Being rendered helpless under Charlie's fingers is one thing, but being unable to use his powers at Vaggie's mercy is considerably more unnerving.
"OKAY, OKAHAY! I'll talk! I'll talk!"
Vaggie lifts her hands off him, though they remain hovering just a few inches over his torso.
It takes a solid minute for Alastor to catch his breath. "For heaven's sake, you could've just asked me..."
Vaggie scrunches her fingers in the air a couple times, causing the radio demon to fold up like a lawn chair.
"Ack! Nonono I'm kidding!! I'm kidding!" He fights back a fit of nervous giggles.
"Ten seconds to spit it out before I go borrow Nifty's feather duster."
Alastor rolls his eyes. "Oh please. You think you can threaten me with cleaning tools? Don't be ridiculous..."
"Five seconds." Vaggie turns to Charlie. "Hey babe, have you tried his ears?"
A little squeak of microphone feedback. "13th floor hall closet, second-to-top shelf, under a dead rat."
Charlie recoils. "Ew! Al!"
"Pardon, two dead rats." As Vaggie withdraws her hands Alastor sits up, brushes himself off, and reaches for his microphone. "Second one came along as I was arranging the first, and... offered to help."
Charlie just stares at him in horror as he stands and twirls his mic with his usual classy flair, the very picture of eccentric elegance - as if he hadn't just spent the last twenty minutes being reduced to a hysterical mess on the floor.
"Is there any point in warning you not to pull something like this again?" Vaggie mutters, more to herself than the demon.
"No. But you can if it makes you feel better." Alastor grins and offers a hand to Charlie as she gets to her feet. "That was a lovely chat, my dears. Next time I need a good laugh I'll be sure to commit another petty theft."
Charlie rolls her eyes as he turns on his heel and strolls off.
"And let me know if you need help finding the batteries for that speaker," he tosses over his shoulder.
"OH you little piece of-"
This was such a fun fic to write! Hope you had fun reading it too.... let me know what you think!
💜 - Cozy
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copperbadge · 1 month
I was making breakfast and listening to an episode of Just King Things this morning, which is a podcast I do recommend -- two very smart English teachers are reading the books of Stephen King in publication order and discussing them. This could go extremely awry except they're both highly conscious of his failings as well as his skill, so they do really well handling a lot of his less salutatory content.
They've hit the point in King's ouvre (this episode was about Hearts In Atlantis) that follows his recovery from the car accident that very nearly killed him, where he was struck by a van while out walking. One of them pointed out that it seems as though he came back from nearly dying determined to write the wildest shit imaginable and only write what he wanted, which struck a chord in me this time despite having listened to this episode before. Perhaps because I was thinking about my own writing and where it's going in the short term (there are a couple of short stories I want to do that I don't quite have a way into yet). I generally don't think about the drift of my creativity in the long term because when I do I usually draw the wrong conclusions.
I don't really classify my life, the way some people who've had high-impact injuries do, as before-TBI and after-TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury -- the fairly severe concussion I had in January of 2020). For one thing, given I had to cancel a trip to NYC because of it, it may have saved my life; I almost certainly would have caught COVID as someone with known lung issues in New York at the time. For another, the TBI was way scarier to almost everyone else; for me it was just one more dumb injury I gave myself and I didn't even remember most of it so it hardly registered. I used to open the story of it with a joke about waking up not remembering going to bed the night before, but nobody ever found it funny.
It's true that there are changes it wrought in my life, though. Even practical stuff like making sure my living space doesn't have tripping hazards and continuing to wear a fitbit even though I don't really need to (the fitbit told us, the morning after, exactly when the concussion happened, because it registered a heart-rate spike when I fell). For weeks after, I had to move slowly and put off making important decisions because I couldn't trust my physical or intellectual judgement; I didn't even jaywalk in my own neighborhood because I couldn't be sure I was judging the cars' speeds properly. For about a year after I had periodic post-concussion syndrome which basically just slammed me back into concussion space, which wasn't painful or upsetting but was definitely inconvenient.
And it's also undeniable that my writing shifted after the injury. It's not necessarily because of the injury, since my initial recovery from the TBI and the declaration of quarantine happened at roughly the same time, and anyone who tells you that a years-long global pandemic didn't impact their artistic expression is selling you a line. But the last thing I wrote before the TBI was the first draft of Six Harvests, and aside from the Six Harvests publication draft, which had fairly minimal changes, almost all that I've written has been blue-sky, light-hearted, PG-rated romance. It's been on my mind that I've been writing different subject matter from what I used to, but the timing of it didn't strike me until just recently.
I don't mind, really. I love fandom and I support fanfic in whatever expression it comes, but I'm also happy writing my own stories. While I'm aware it's been years since I've meaningfully written fanfic, it doesn't bother me per se, as long as I'm writing. It bothered me much more when I could write fanfic but not original fic, especially in those last few awful months at my last job. I'm proud of the literary and non-genre fiction I've written in the past, but it's also much more trying and frustrating to write at times, so I'm enjoying having a different sort of challenge that feels more fulfilling in the process. I'm sure at some point I'll go back to literary fiction -- there are ways in which it's hard to avoid turning the later Shivadh novels into literary fiction, being honest -- but for now I like what I'm writing, and I'm writing primarily to please myself and without regard to what's necessarily rational or linear.
Just struck me, is all, that it's by far the most noticeable major shift in my work. I do sort of wonder what will be next.
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rwrbficrecs · 4 months
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First monthly faves for 2024 !! ❤️
Leave a message by @sherryvalli (book-verse)
@dot524: In the mood for some cute, heart-melting fluff? This is a one-shot that recounts Alex’s voicemail messages over the years from those who care about him - including Henry.
would you be my love, my love? (would you be mine) by ohprongs (book-verse)
@wilmonsfolklore: a strictly come dancing AU with a lot of feelings that I've been thinking about ever since i read it!!!
even though we know it isn't true by @matherines (book-verse)
@wilmonsfolklore: for everyone struggling with academic pressure, or anyone, really. it's pretty sad but of course there's comfort personified in Henry!!
beyond infatuation, how obsessively i adore you by @waterloolovers (book-verse)
@wilmonsfolklore: a new fandom classic if you ask me. Henry works at the daycare Alex's daughter goes to and their relationship progresses really naturally. the kid content in this fic is some of the cutest i have ever read and this is the perfect fic to go on your reread list for comfort.
And They Were Roommates by @14carrotghoul (book-verse)
@na-dineee: Alex and Henry get to know themselves and each other after they move in together. This story is not sugarcoated at all, very realistic - just how life is, and so so sweet. Also, unfortunately, rather short, but still worth the read - as are many other stories by this author, such as the 'Las flores' series.
Spirit of the Season by @pridepages (book-verse)
@heybuddy-drabbles: A little late to the game but I finally read E.J's Christmas story. Her way of story telling doesn't disappoint in this shorter tale (by her standards). It's not lighthearted and it touches some difficult topics (mostly canon) but it's all worth it because of the way they fall in love through Christmas Eve/night. Can't recommend it enough!
Where There Are Octobers by @iboatedhere (book-verse)
@na-dineee: 31 short chapters that are just really fun to read! Some are post-canon or canon-compliant, others are AUs - but in all of them the characters are so beautifully drawn, true to how we know and love them! A vet AU, a hospital AU, major fluff, even an X-Files AU - and who knows, maybe one or two dribbles will turn into more?! Fingers crossed!
The Art of Losing by bigfishbigpond (book-verse)
@dot524: If you think the mid-story breakup should have been longer and more angsty, here’s the story for you. An interesting and heartfelt story of what Henry and Alex are like apart, and what pulls them back together.
I know that you hate me (Do you though?) by @arand0mdutchgirl (book-verse)
@magnificentandcoolfez: A bit of good ADHD angst (with some comfort ofc). I like the focus on how hard adhd can be and it's a short and good read for those who like comfort that comes in the shape of your crush holding you until you feel grounded again.
blushing ears and beating hearts by @kill8a (book-verse)
@na-dineee: This story is not just slow burn, it is glacial burn. It's an college AU, set in New York, and so slow, so tender, so fluffy - after reading it I was floating on cloud 9 for quite a while. I don't know if you feel the same way, but it's funny how changing one given variable somehow changes the whole dynamic between the two of them. Or is it just me?! Either way, it's so wholesome to tag along as their love blossoms, I still feel so hugged and cared for.
all so human with our guards down by @maxbegone (book-verse)
@myheartalivewrites: a post-apocalyptic story that is unlike any other. There are no zombies or gore, but instead it focuses on rebuilding and the softest love growing between Alex and Henry, surrounded by family and friends. I kinda wanted to live there by the end of it.
The Snow Prince by @orchidscript (book-verse)
@zwiazdziarka: several fairy tale tropes meet to create this absolutely amazing story. It has dreaminess of a fable, best kind of yearning of your favourite slow burn fics and a little bit of adventure of a fantasy novel.
but to say that I'm a rainbow, to tell me that I'm bright (when I'm so used to feeling wrong, well, it helps me feel alright.) by What_Is_A_Mild_Opinion (book-verse)
@zwiazdziarka: Fandom is really sleeping on this one! This story is a canon rewrite with characters reimagined as creatures with animal characteristics. The wordbuilding is so fantastic that even if you are not a fan of long fics following canon step by step, it's absolutely worth to check this even for a chapter or two and get to know these wonderful versions of Alex and Henry. (Alex is literally rainbow.)
safe with me / more than I ever (in a thousand years)by @indomitable-love (book-verse)
@na-dineee: I think the author is very well known among all rwrb fanfic readers. I really, really liked these two stories, like a lot: Two 5+1 fics, one from Pez's point of view, the other from Bea's - unfortunately both characters are given too little attention in the book imho. As expected, both narrators are sharply observing, protective of Henry, loving, honest, tender - and you end up loving Henry (and Alex) even more.
check out our past Monthly Faves here ❤️
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1dcommunityficrecs · 3 days
Long Distance Fic Recs
I didn't know this would happen when I picked this theme, but my fiancée spent the last week away at her sister's -- celebrating a new nibling! So an exciting time, but I definitely missed her, even for only a few days. So really feeling this list of long distance recs, loving each other despite the miles and yearning to be reuinited. Here are seven amazing fics!
Baby, I'm Right Here by FallingLikeThis/suddenclarityharry (8186, Explicit, Louis Tomlinson/Harry Styles) – fic post
Leave it to Harry to not realize he's in love with his friend until they're living in different hemispheres. It takes a date with a lovely guy who just isn't HIS lovely guy for Louis to finally say what they've both been thinking.
Reccer says: I love their easy back and forth banter and the comfortable solidness of their friendship. And when that transitions into romance -- beautiful. I'm always a fan of a meddling Niall, too, even if he's meddling in a different way than usual here!
Danger I can’t hide by CelticSky (227290, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
Flying Officer Styles and Sergeant Tomlinson would have likely never crossed paths in a time of peace, their lives laid out neatly, predictably before them. But then the world became unrecognisable. Too soon they grew accustomed to fear, surrounded by death and destruction, not even their freedom a certainty any more. Until they found eachother. Comfort. Companionship. Understanding. Another person to lose.
Reccer says: In my opinion, this fic is the masterpiece of 2023. It's one of those fics that should be a movie. It's perfect. The script is masterful. The story is gripping. The characters are masterfully constructed. There's emotion, anguish. It's beautiful. It's powerful. A gem.
Du är mitt livs kärlek (You are the love of my life) by goldenkinglouis (1749, Teen, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
Harry finally meets Louis at the airport after six months of long-distance love.
Reccer says: This fic is so sweet my teeth hurt and I just want more. So adorable and romantic and full of love.
From Eight Until Late, I Think About You by supernope (35227, Explicit, Louis Tomlinson/Harry Styles)
Louis and Harry are both YouTubers, and if they didn't want all their viewers to ship them they should maybe stop flirting in the comments of each other's videos. They don't live all that far apart in miles, but it still takes almost a year for them to meet in person. When they're paired up as roommates at a YouTube meetup, there is NOT only one bed, but that doesn't stop them.
Reccer says: I always love watching a relationship build and grow, and this fic does it beautifully. From joking comments to texting to Snapchat to meeting up (and promptly making VERY questionable but hysterically funny decisions together) it's just great.
miles away from seeing you by LiveLaughLoveLarry (SoLongAndThanksForAllTheFic) (1749, Teen, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
Harry is in his final year studying marine biology, and is doing an international exchange at the University of Auckland. This fic is entirely told through images of social media posts and conversations (Image descriptions are available)
Reccer says: it was the first all-media fic i've read, but i was impressed how the entire story/feelings etc came across in just pictures
seven hours behind by justanothershadeofblue (5000, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) – fic post
Harry gets Louis off over the phone during Louis’ first tour.
Reccer says: Really fun slice-of-tour-life fic, and also hot!
the blue never ending sky by justanothershadeofblue (4000, Teen, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) – fic post
a heart-aching AU where Harry and Louis had a dream to go off and make music together after school, but then Harry goes… without Louis. Louis PoV, with an epistolary element.
Reccer says: this fic is simple but perfectly angsty! you don’t see a lot of ambiguous-ending fics in this fandom, but this one nails it.
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bluishfrog · 1 month
(Warning: slightly longer post incoming cause sometimes I gotta be a sentimental bitch ok? So let's go on a little trip down memory lane.)
This day, a year ago, I made my very first fanart. It was dnf (if that surprises you, then welcome to being on my blog for the very first time). I drew a little frog face too so I could use it as a watermark (fun fact: I still use that very same first one).
I immediately put my drawing up on twt because I told myself that I wasn't gonna be afraid of having people see that I was at the very beginning of this journey and had no clue what I was doing. That instead of being bad at art, I was gonna be awesome at being a beginner who doesn't know shit.
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I started with little doodles and silly comics and then I laughed way too long when the first drawing of mine that gained some attention was a dnf butt joke. At the time I was trying to balance shipping and non-shipping art so I didn't even draw dnf that much but in hindsight it's probably the only possible way this could have gone.
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At the very end of August I woke up to @honelle56 caps-locking at me in my messages - I was very confused and tired (I am no morning person and I will never be, fuck off with your mornings) because Dranart liked my drawing of singing Dream. Dranart was my 17th follower on twt which is a useless yet extremely funny fact about my time on that hellsite.
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I also drew human!patches because a) patches was and will always be my favorite dteam member and b) it was a really cute trend and while I do love drawing dream, george and sapnap, I was also quite happy to try drawing anything but a white man for once. And I really liked how the drawing turned out.
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Much, much later, I tried to draw my first slightly more realistic looking drawing. I was extremely confused on how to draw anything like this. Especially their hair gave me tons of trouble but given my experience, I think it's not a bad attempt.
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When hijacked smp started I obviously wanted to participate, and I drew c!blu who doesn't associate with any side in particular but instead serves soup to everyone who visits her tavern 'The Soup House'. She also wants to be paid in stories from all around the map.
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One of the events I was most excited about was dnf week. I even collaborated with two talented writers and I drew the corresponding art for two fics.
(Fun or not so fun fact: when twt had like three hundred collaborative aneurysms about the situation at that moment, that was when I created this tumblr account. I didn't use it super actively (I guess I needed another situation to fully make the switch) but I at least started the account that now developed quite a bit since then.)
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I didn't really draw at all through January and February and I actually kinda thought I would move on from that hobby and fandom (not because of negative feelings, just because I didn't really have the urge to create anything within this fandom) and then situations happened and now I am here; and for some reason that is beyond any logic and my understanding I am now even more insane about dteam.
Wild to me but we are rolling with it now, I guess.
Since I got here, I drew more than ever (I actually think I might have made more drawings in the month since I got here than I made the whole rest of the year). There's just such an active and funny community here that cares about fan works for the sake of creating and not just because a CC might see it.
Unfortunately, Tumblr won't let me add more than 10 images in one post (maybe fortunately for everyone who has this monstrosity of a post on their dash). So if you want to see all the progress I made since I got here, you can look at everything in my art tag. For now, I will close this post with one of the art works from the past month that I like the most:
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Can't wait to see what the next year might bring :)
Love, blu
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elvisabutler · 9 months
show off
fandom: elvis 2022 | elvis presley rating: m pairing: elvis presley ( big daddy flavor ) x female reader word count: 2100 you didn't see any other word count. warnings: cockwarming! p in v sex ( unprotected ). public play. mildly excessive baby talk. use of buntyn and nungen and princess as nicknames. mild embarrassment kink? author’s note: welcome to day 11 of ally’s wet hot smut summer, public play with big daddy elvis presley x reader. sorry this took a minute, i've been incredibly exhausted lately and so it's made finishing things a bit of an adventure. quick notes for this fic, this is a sort of au, in that i placed it in a mythical place where elvis doesn't die in 77 and is free of his vegas residency in the 70s. so maybe call it a nebulous 78 to 80? reader is implied to have been with him for years and you can read it as having an age difference but it's in my head as not having one. basically this is secretly a reader version of quiet on the set's future and i'm not sorry for it. beyond that if y'all have left me a comment on any of my fics or anything i'm going to get back to them. when i tell you i've been exhausted it's been a lot. without further ado, i hope y'all like this. also pick if you want austin elvis or real elvis the end.
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There's something funny about how Elvis would prefer the two of you to be private. There is something truly and genuinely hilarious to you about the fact that he preferred the two of you to be private. His argument has always been that the happiest he ever is in his life is during those private moments with the people he loves. You always argue that he can't show you off like you know he wants to if you're being private and yet he'll flash that little twinkle in his eye and ignore your protests. So much of his life isn't private but the love he has for you— the love between the two of you is supposed to be private. An oasis for him to relax in as much as he does in Hawai‘i.
Despite all of this you know so very well how much he cares for you and how much he loves you. And if you were being entirely honest, the privacy makes the times he does want to show you off all the more special. Indeed it makes the times he does feel like delightful surprises.
Maybe that's why you had agreed to come play poker with him and the boys. It's been a long time since you've enjoyed that sort of thing and you've missed it. Truthfully it's been a while since Elvis has even been in Vegas, memories of how he almost was stuck in a revolving door of engagements here cluttering his mind and giving him a nightmare or two. So having him enjoying time with friends and you seems like a perfect recipe for a night. Of course, you should know better by now, know how Elvis always has something up his sleeve. A playful little trick he can play with that glint in his eye.
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"Where's my chair, Mr. Presley?" You ask, not bothering with his nickname or his first name. There always was something fun about how he acted a bit like an admonished schoolboy when you called him Mr. Presley. "Can't very well play poker if I don't have a chair."
Elvis looks at you and gives you that sly smile you know so very well by now as he pats his lap, thigh jiggling just a tad as he does. There's that glint in his eyes that spells trouble of the best and worst kind. "Ya got a chair right here, Princess. Nice 'n plush too."
You'd think after all these years and after seeing his body through so many changes that you wouldn't be affected by the jiggle of his thigh and the open v of his legs. Yet, you're a woman who knows what she wants and you're the woman he put a ring on all those years ago. Most of the things he does get you more hot under the collar than they have any right to. This is one of those things. You feel your pussy clench around nothing and despite yourself you rub your thighs together even as you're standing.
"Are we playing as a team, then? Us against the boys?" The questions roll off your lips with an ease and familiarity only you manage when it comes to him. "Otherwise I think you'd be able to cheat."
As you speak, you've started to walk closer to him and finally find yourself at arm's length. Elvis wastes no time in grabbing your arm and pulling you flush against his lap, his thighs cushioning your behind and his cock stirring ever so slightly under his stomach. A gasp leaves your lips unexpectedly.
His arm wraps around your waist, making sure you don't move too much while he talks. "My wife accusin' me of cheatin' at cards. I could take ya thinkin' I'd step out on ya but I would never cheat at poker."
The soft rumble of a laugh courses through your body and has you following suit as you shift in his lap. "I let you step out and you let me as a present. But I know you're a sore loser who can't focus when I'm here."
You turn your head just slightly, watching as Elvis's eyes practically dance with mirth. He's mercurial as all get out when he wants to be but he can take some good-natured teasing when it comes from you. It's why you've worked well all these years.
"Now honey, my yittle nungen, I know you're still smartin' from that game ya lost against me 'bout a week ago but that ain't no reason to be tellin' lies about my sportsmanship."
A defense is on the tip of your tongue when you feel Elvis's warm hand against your thigh, slipping under your dress that you decided to wear today. That warmth does away with the words in such a quick fashion that you find yourself biting your lip to keep from sighing. "Elvis."
You say his name in a feather soft whisper as his friends start to trickle into the room. You've been in a situation like this before, when you were younger and somehow just as randy as you were now but Elvis hadn't done something like this in ages. He hadn't even thought to tease you like this in ages.
As if he isn't paying attention, he merely hums at your whisper of his name and uses his arm to maneuver your crotch against his cock, the flowing fabric of your dress hiding his actions from prying eyes. You don't know when or how he managed to free his cock from the confines of his pants and yet he has. That hand that innocently is burning against your thigh has crept up to your panties and with the ease of someone who knows your body like the back of their hand, he moves them just enough to the side to slide inside of you.
"Goddamn. Didn't expect ya to be so wet. Was hopin' but— Lord almighty, ya gonna stain my pants if ya move." Ironically you choose just that moment to move, attempting to get off of him for a moment before his grip on your waist stops you. "Nungen, you be a good girl for yer Buntyn and stay put. Can't have 'em seein' Lil Elvis, now can we?"
You feel the heat of mild embarrassment and excitement flush through your body as a shiver racks it. A shake of your head is the only answer you can manage for a moment. "You want me to sit like this for the whole game, baby?"
Elvis nuzzles his lips against your neck, his eyes taking in his friends pulling out their seats and sitting down, none the wiser to what was happening in his lap. They wave at you and you, ever the courteous host wave back and even smile, saying hello as Elvis mumbles words into your neck. He doesn't need to greet everyone, not while he's buried inside of you, his cock leaking precum like he's ready to fuck you on the table instead of just letting you sit on his cock. Besides, they know better than to disturb him when the two of you are wrapped up in one another.
The chair isn't close enough to the table and you move to drag it a little closer, or drag both you and Elvis a little closer only to have what feels like the world's loudest squelch come from between your thighs. No one looks at the pair of you as if they heard it but to Elvis and you it might as well have been a shout. You let out a shaky breath as you shift to try and make yourself comfortable. Elvis's legs open up just a bit more to make sure you're where you need to be, even as he thrusts just a tad. "Gotta stay still. Gonna, if ya move— I might just take ya on this table, damn the game."
You can't help but swallow at the idea, your mouth filling with saliva at the mere idea of being flipped thrown onto the table, pussy exposed to people you and him call friends. It's primal and practically voyeuristic and the sort of thing both you and Elvis aren't incredibly fond of with your relationship and yet. Yet it fills you with such arousal you feel it actually dampening his pants as the game starts.
Elvis isn't the worst of poker players but in combination with you, he's nigh unstoppable. Of course, maybe that's because everyone else's eyes are on you, wondering why you haven't moved to the empty chair next to Elvis. Jerry— who's there on a surprise visit is closest to the two of you and raises an eyebrow as he looks at his cards and then at you. You clench around Elvis's cock in a bit of worry.
"Is it a little warm in here?" A simple question to everyone but from the way he's staring both of you down it's not meant to be one. Both you and Elvis open your mouth before you kiss Elvis to stop whatever one liner is about to leave his lips.
"With how cold he keeps it in here? The only reason I don't need a jacket is because of his body heat," you practically titter out a laugh, the fear of being caught heightening your arousal even further. You feel your clit throbbing as everyone laughs at your joke.
Jerry rolls his eyes and shakes his head looking down at your lap. Still, the game is going nicely, with Elvis winning more hands than not and you trying to grab at a free hand to get some form of relief. After what feels like an eternity Elvis finally has his hand move between your legs, his calloused fingers brushing up against your aching little clit.
"Haven't teased ya like this in years, have I, Princess?" Elvis murmurs against your ear, feeling your vagina clench around him. "Haven't shown everyone how good ya are for me for a long time, have I? Haven't made 'em realize why I couldn't forget 'bout ya."
Your answer is a hum caused by you biting your lip to keep the cry that threatens to escape your lips at the pressure of his fingers against you. It's not enough for Elvis though, he knows you can control yourself better than he ever can. "Darlin' use ya words."
"It's been too long," you choke out the words, one of your hands moving to grip his meaty thigh and the other to grip at the table. You can feel your walls fluttering around Elvis, feel your body tensing up as it chasing something you know he won't give you in public. The face you make when he pulls an orgasm from you is one that's strictly between the two of you. Yet you're so wound up that you fear you'll be leaning over the table for support as soon as he says the word. In an attempt to alleviate something, anything you try and bounce only to have him nip at your ear.
"Ask me nicely, Nungen. Ask me nicely. Give 'em their game and their show. Remind 'em I caught ya jus' the same as ya caught me." His voice is more of a grunt as he slides a set of chips into the pot wordlessly. "Show 'em what I get in bed every night. What 'm wakin' up to every night 'less ya let me stray. Show 'em what I see after I've eaten my dessert.
Despite the way you're biting your lips so hard they're practically bleeding a noise that sounds like a scream forces its way out of your lungs and mouth as you clench around Elvis. You feel a gush that you only identify with times you've been played with so much by Elvis that you make a mess of every sheet you have. His pants are ruined but they'd be anyway from how you feel a warm rush of his cum follow yours. Through the grace of God himself you don't fall onto the table, instead stabilizing yourself using Elvis's thigh and somehow his lap in general. Your breath takes a few minutes to even out, even as everyone watches you and Elvis panting as if you've run a marathon. There's a knowing look that crosses everyone's face but everyone is too scared to speak until finally you smile and smooth out your dress as if you plan on standing up.
"This is why you're losing boys, you can't pay attention the game."
You make no effort to get off of Elvis's lap.
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taglist: @ab4eva , @blurredcolour, @butlersxbirdy, @precious-little-scoundrel, @eliseinmemphis, @prompted-wordsmith, @missmaywemeetagain, @lookingforrainbows, @araxw, @thatbanditqueen, @ellie-24, @austinbutlersgirl67, @heartbrake-hotel, @ccab, @18lkpeters, @slutforsomegoodlettuce, @dkayfixates, @kendralavon7 @chasingwildflowers, @notstefaniepresley, @wanderingelvis, @kxnnxy, @powerofelvis, @stylespresleyhearted @be-my-ally, @mooodyblue, @pixiedustcosmos, @jessicarcates, @amydarcimarie, @flwrs4aust @myradiaz, @adaydreamaway08, @arabellalightning505, @doll-elvis guarantee i'm missing someone. i tried the end. also i clearly added this originally. also you want to be added just ask me. i keep forgetting people or losing people in these and just it's a mess.
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always---wrong · 4 months
Okay, so I wanted to discuss the situation with Alastor, his canonical sexuality, and fans.
I have seen the two sides alot.
So one side ships Al with numerous characters and sees this as casual fun.
And the other thinks this is disrespectful cause he is ace, or Aroace.
(I believe that he is Aroace. His va said so, his character has shown no interest in romance, and Viv may have confirmed it at some point)
Now, I am sex repulsed ace and I'm aro. And I have strong opinions. Alastor is my favorite character in Hazbin Hotel, he is also the FIRST confirmed ace character I've seen. (This doesn't include subtly implied characters) Because Al is the first and I care for him he is very important to me.
My opinion is really mixed because on one side it's; yeah, it is a fandom, and fandoms ship. It's what they do. Its also kind a rude to judge someone for their favorite pairings and stuff, in my opinion.
On the other side though I'm hurt. I am a queer person with basically no rep. And I hadn't realized how upset I was by this until I saw discourse over this character. I had FORGOTTEN that it was possible to have confirmed canonical ace characters. I had gotten so used to that just being a head cannon. And not only just an ace character but also an Aroace character. And not just that but a seemingly non sex favorable ace character. I would even argue he is sex repulsed.
My real problem with all this is:
Yes, I KNOW ace characters can have sex. But do you know who else can? Literally every single allosexual character. I KNOW aros can date. But you know who else can? Everyone else. The appeal of ACTUALLY having characters with the same sexuality as me is that they would be like me. Cause I and other aces like me never, ever get stories like that. So many times in media I would be enjoying a character who had shown NO interest in sex/romance and would suddenly be partnered up with another just for the heck of it. This has happened SO many times it's not even funny. It's incredibly frustrating.
So, the point I'm trying to make is that; YES, there are aces who have sex. HOWEVER, a large number of us do not. And it's like everyone forgets that. Your not writing Alastor having sex with Angel cause your showing the vast spectrum of asexuality. Your most likely writing it cause it's sex between two hot characters. It's simply maddening.
(One thing I wanted to say was, despite the fact that Al is ace i don't think it's bad to find him attractive. He is very pleasing to look at so I understand allos finding him hot. However I'm not sure where I stand with people sexualizing him. I think I'm leaning towards, 'please don't do it'.)
Now, the worst thing though is when I'm looking for content to enjoy. When I found out Al was canonically ace I was so happy and excited. I'm pretty sure this situation wouldn't make me nearly as frustrated if it weren't for the overwhelming amount of sexual content for Al. Some would be fine. I could just scroll past it if this were the case. But it is not. Content for Al is MOSTLY sexual. That's why I don't believe people when they keep saying they aren't invalidating aces because almost every time I go looking for a fic I have to scroll for HOURS just to find few non ship fics.
I can't even use the Asexual Alastor tag because all that does is bring me to a bunch of fics where the author is like 'he's ace trust me,' then proceeds to write smut.
Why can't I even use a tag made for aces without being drowned in smut. It's so frustrating! Like I'm getting to a point where I wish the authors would stop using the tag and openly admit they made him not ace for the story. Like I know your trying to not throw away his canonical sexuality but I mean at this point I think it'd be better if you did. And if someone is going to write sex favorable ace Al then please leave it to the aces. I trust us to at least weave it into his character instead of stating it and acting like it's there when it's not.
So basically: I don't mind if you ship him, just don't say he's ace or Aroace if your neither of those in ship/smut content. I'm sick of trying to find content that isn't sex/romance in Aroace tags!
I don't want to judge people for liking a ship. But I'm really tired.
ON A DIFFERENT NOTE, I would love to see content with Al and Lucifer. Like them hating each other to like frenemies. It would be so funny.
Anyone have any platonic content with Al and the rest of the cast???
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prince-liest · 4 months
Omg, I just wanted to say I ADORE your characterization of Al and Vox! I don't even have the words to express how much I love reading your stuff, especially the Anon responses you post on here. The behind the scenes thoughts are literally my food, lifesource, its so good when people not only write characters IN CHARACTER, but also include stuff about their analysis/understanding of the character too.. I'm literally obsessed with breaking down characters and yk, cracking their chrome domes open to see how they work (which admittedly, I am not the best at <_< but I love reading them). Just wanted to say how much I love your writing. I had maybe 2 questions, please don't feel pressured to answer them :>
What in your mind (in reference to the 66.6 fics) would motivate Alastor to let Val get close to him in the first place? Or was that more you picking these two characters up by the scruff of their necks and plopping them into a hypothetical scenario to explore their character and write some fun intimate thingsTM?
What do you think of the dynamic of Vox and Al vs something like Lucifer and Al? Personally I've noticed that something Alastor craves, behind the mask of his static smiling persona, is attention. He's (at least how I saw it) usually peeved when people don't care about his absence, and seems especially bothered by the King of Hell refusing to really acknowledge him, so he goes out of his way to push Lucifers buttons (like calling himself a father figure to Charlie, IN FRONT OF HER ACTUAL FATHER LOL) whereas with Vox, Vox is literally CONSTANTLY thinking about Alastor. Man literally interrupted his regular TV program to do a segment about how much he totally didn't at ALL care about Alastors dissapearance or the fact that he returned (suree buddy). So Alastor can have more fun with him and annoy him by ignoring and messing with him on purpose.
ty if you do respond to this, sorry if it was hard to understand, sometimes I forget how to put the thoughts in my brain into coherent words!
Ahhhh, thank you very much, anon! I'm especially happy that you're enjoying my commentary on Tumblr, haha - I spent a while on Twitter because that's where all the fandom zines I was in were being hosted, but nothing beats Tumblr for giving me a nigh-unlimited word count and a captive audience for my rambling! >:D <3 I'm back to cocooning myself on the OG hell site.
Thank you for this ask, it really brightened my day! :D
As for your questions:
1. I'm assuming that was a typo and that you mean Vox (but in case you did mean Val: that was just a funny accident of him walking by the room! Alastor wasn't paying enough attention until it was too late), and to that I say:
I think Alastor allows Vox to take a go at him in canon because he finds Vox's obsession with him to be entertaining, but also because Alastor is kind of a narcissist and that same obsession massively feeds his ego, especially in a political climate that otherwise forgot about Alastor. Vox's whole "Who gives a shit about Alastor coming back?! Haha, now let me have a public meltdown and short out power to the whole city about it! Oh, fuck, why is he back, though?? Can we send a spy in to find out??" is exactly the reaction that Alastor wants every time he mentions his mysterious absence and gets brushed off.
At the same time, Alastor doesn't seem to register Vox as a sincere and genuine threat. He's a big enough fish in the Pride Ring pond that his obsession with Alastor is gratifying, but Alastor's self-absorption also doesn't really allow him to treat Vox as a threat tier above "annoying in a funny way, and also television is stupid." (Perhaps this will change in season 2... :eyes: (or perhaps Alastor will get Even Worse) (please god let him get even worse))
So those two things in combination make Vox the perfect candidate for Alastor to experiment with while maintaining his ego and not feeling particularly threatened. Despite Vox's Safeword 101 talk, Alastor would never put stock into that system with Vox unless he was certain that he himself would be able to back up a 'no' with overwhelming force. Him even considering safewords in the Live On Air! series is less for his own sake and more a politesse he offers on Vox's request to warn Vox to slow the fuck down before Alastor tries to put his insides on the outside.
2. And in direct contrast, we have Lucifer...
... Who Alastor obviously actually cares quite a bit about, because he's a whole nother power tier from both Vox and Alastor, and furthermore and possibly even more importantly, a credible threat to Alastor's relationships and standing in the hotel. I think a lot of discussion I see about Alastor prodding Lucifer seems to talk about how quickly he got annoyed about Lucifer's comments, but that misses the fact that he was pissed off before Lucifer even showed up. He got pissy the moment he saw the welcome sign, actually! And I wager that he was narratively absent for the scene where Charlie actually calls Lucifer because he would have done his best to manipulate her out of doing so had be been there.
And given that the two clearly haven't met before (though obviously Alastor knows of Lucifer - and hates that the inverse isn't true, hah), it's not 100% clear exactly why he's immediately so annoyed, but in my personal view of things and barring something like "he's projecting onto Lucifer because his contract is with Lilith," I think that what we know of Alastor's personality points most strongly to "he liked being the hotel's benefactor and sees it as His Project, and doesn't like the idea that Charlie called daddy for something that she thought mysterious, powerful Alastor couldn't handle." He distracts a lot with obviously-goading comments about practically being Charlie's dad in his duet with Lucifer, but underneath that he puts a lot of emphasis on the work he's done for the hotel and the fact that he's been supporting Charlie and the hotel from the start, so why the fuck is this deadbeat asshole suddenly turning up?!
Tl;dr: Charlie missed her insight roll on Alastor's personal investments and he's sooooo offended - and taking it out on Lucifer!
I think one of my favorite things about both Lucifer and Alastor is that they both sooo obviously belong in the Pride Ring, hahaha.
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brynnmclean · 5 days
saw a post questioning shipping Senua and Thórgestr and started to reblog it with a tag novel-- felt weird about doing that since this is lengthy and potentially derailing, so making my own post instead. Spitballing under the cut:
First off, any time someone is like, "the real reason people ship this is because they find the dude attractive," this is SO funny to me as someone who doesn't find men attractive IRL and has fiercely loved Senua since I played the first game, like-- actually I find the dynamic between those two characters to be compelling and interesting precisely because of all the baggage between them re: their backgrounds, the rough (put mildly!) beginning of their relationship, all the things they don't talk about, and them finding a common enemy/common ground to work with. The explicit parallels between them stated in-game scratched an itch in my brain. The minute they pointed out the dark rot on his arm, it was like, "oh! hello there! NOW I'm interested in whatever your whole deal is" for me. Also, idk man, I too would follow Senua around after she knocked me into the dirt and then showed me a way to fight the giants that I very much wanted to fight instead of appease.
The idea that Thórgestr was part of the Orkney Raid that killed and mutilated Dillion is VERY interesting food for thought, even if I don't personally have that headcanon (surely there are more viking raiding groups than just the Bjorg). I think the Furies or the Shadow said something similar about Fargrimr (his kin murdered yours, you shouldn't save him, etc.) so I completely get that line of thought, but I think the game left it ambiguous enough that it's up for interpretation. Would I read fic with that premise? Yeah, I'd check that out. Could Senua forgive Thorgestr if his people were involved? Sounds fun to explore.
If (ha, when?) I write fic, I'd have to think more about it especially wrt timelines, like when did the Bjorg start specifically raiding for slaves for giant food sacrifices vs. killing people for resources and wealth? How far off are we from the old gods "dying" and the volcano erupting? Was it indeed a different group of raiders who made a deal with Zynbel, attacked Senua's home, and made the sacrifice at that time to Hela?
At the very least, I think there's a time jump between the end of Hellblade I and the beginning of Hellblade II since Senua wasn't alone on that slave ship and at least one of the (brief) survivors knew her by name. I wouldn't mind exploring that gap of time, too.
In any case I do agree that it would take a VERY long time for Senua to consciously catch feelings for anyone let alone Thorgestr with all their collective baggage. The idea of them having a relationship beyond friendship in the far off future of an AU where he survives is the only one that can make sense in my brain, personally. It would take time! Time they didn't get in the game! But I think there are a lot of different roads that could take, and some of them might be healthier than others. Shipping them certainly isn't forgetting or excusing what happened to Dillion-- or even mutually exclusive from still shipping Senua and Dillion. Or, frankly, also shipping Senua and Astridr, because I can see that ship too.
One of the nice things about all the details Ninja Theory didn't expand upon and that they left that ending so open is that the sky's the limit. I'm VERY interested in seeing fandom tackle this game as we get farther from the initial release.
#kate plays hellblade#senua x thorgestr#a friend did laugh at me recently and say there's always a weird guy i latch onto and i laughed back and said i'm a boy in my brain#i think i've felt that way forever and it's still true. i DO gravitate toward male characters#especially ones who are a bit starry-eyed over their female counterparts#anyway that's not what this post is about#it's more of me throwing thoughts out into the ether because i don't have the energy or time to write fic yet#but i am Thinking About It#what happens after the story left off? what if we changed ONE THING and gave them more time#i stopped using accent marks midway through this sorry i'm typing on a computer. my phone would catch them but alas.#i can't remember my video games tag#senua#thorgestr#hellblade#senua's saga#i'm really just excited to talk fannish things about this one#the first game was so neat and tied up that i felt no fannish inclinations beyond loving the game#but there's SO MUCH ROOM HERE with this second one#delightful#i'll read all the AUs even the sad ones#when it comes to thorgestr and senua i think thorgestr fell first and pretty hard but he doesn't talk about it until senua starts opening u#i really think those two are made for a glacially slow burn#maybe not if she becomes the tyrant seer. loved and feared.#could be quick and very unhealthy. ALSO compelling to me!#senua's saga spoilers#to be safe#these tags are about as long as the post. i'd better quit while i'm ahead.#hertan writing tag
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olderthannetfic · 6 months
I do think the disclaimers from authors about NOT ENDORSING!!!! certain behaviors in fics is pretty funny, but I’ll admit I do it too. Oddly I only put warnings for abuse of the self, not the abuse of others. I write a fair bit of fic that “romanticizes” (or seems like it does) suicide/self harm/eating disorders to the point where it can almost be a tutorial of how to do it if I’m graphic enough. So in those I normally just add dead dove tags and put a disclaimer about how the trigger warning is no joke and you shouldn’t do the things that the characters do in the fic. It’s not like a Lifetime Movie end credits where the authors note is filled with hotlines and stuff, just a quick little note that, hey, yeah, if you’re considering this, don’t do it.
Oddly, I don’t think that behavior comes from fandom itself but rather from a completely different corner of the internet — when I struggled with the same stuff that I write about, it was pretty common for everyone’s bio to say that they “don’t promote” or they’re “not pro” and I guess old habits die hard. (Whether or not certain types of depression/SH/ana blogs etc really DONT promote or those words are just a please-don’t-ban-me card is a completely different discussion.)
It’s pretty ironic actually because when I’m on the other side of things (as the reader), reading about it is really cathartic in fic, but triggering (not in a fun way) in “real” books. Like there’s several books I had to DNF or shelf because it got to be too much, but oddly enough fic actually helps me a lot.
WOW that was all way heavier than I intended to get when I first started typing this ask! But yeah, that’s my own personal relationship to “I do not endorse” and I didn’t realize how odd it actually is until I started reading some of these other asks! I don’t think any type of “this is bad, actually” authors note is ever necessary honestly, but I also don’t think they’re that big of a deal — if a note from the writer about how they’re ~totally against the “bad” thing they’re writing about~ really takes you out of the fic that much, I don’t understand that either…it’d be one thing if they rambled on and on but even then I don’t think it’s that big of a deal 🤣 Annoying maybe but no one is required to read the AN.
My general threshold is “would a movie/podcast/real™️ book have a similar Viewer Discretion Adviced notice? If so, your A/N is likely fine and not virtual signal-ly or OTT at all.”
Heh. I think you're assuming a very different type of PSA from what other people are.
From what I've read, self-harm, suicide, and disordered eating are some of the topics that are a bit Monkey See, Monkey Do. Even support group discussions may increase the desire to cut, for example. It's still not 1:1, and we should be able to make art about serious topics, but a PSA doesn't feel totally absurd here. There are plenty of scientific studies showing measurable increases in people hurting themselves IRL after consuming certain material. Even if you did include a hotline, most people's objection is like "That number isn't valid for where I live", not "No one should ever do this".
I think if you polled people, you'd find that many of the PSA-haters are actually totally fine with "Hey, this fic contains serious depictions of mental illness. Make sure you're up for that today." and similar warnings.
But what people are actually talking about in 99% of "PSAs suck" discussions is rape fantasies.
Some clown writes a fic that is blatant fap material for people who like bodice ripper ravishment, and then they plaster it with "Rape Fantasies Bad" commentary that shows that they're judging themselves and their readers in a puritanical way that's a mega-buzzkill, completely out of keeping with the tone of the fic, and completely out of keeping with the actual scientific evidence.
Rape fantasies are commonplace and not a big deal, and to the extent that any depictions are demonstrably harmful, it's things like mainstream Hollywood movies reinforcing very standard cultural narratives, not somebody's sex pollen fic that's probably full of "It's so wrong, so why is it so hot???" anyway.
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strangesthirdeye · 13 days
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Me: *open my account door hall gently with a sweet smile on my face* ok, kiddos.. I have good news to share.
Doctor: ohh, good news. I love hearing good news. *glances at Donna excitedly*
Donna: you always love everything, Doctor.
Crowley: *sprawling on my massage chair in the corner of the hall* nguhh- damn.. this massage chair is something. *fiddling with the remote control for the massage chair*
Aziraphale; *snatches remote control from Crowley's hand* Crowley! It's not good to play someone's stuff, like that. What if it's broken?
Crowley: *shrugs* just want to increase the speed.
Aziraphale: *sighs before helping Crowley increase the speed on the massage chair* So.. what is the good news you want to share?
Stephen: *crossed his arms against his chest while leaning against the wall* Don't tell me that you have new ideas for other fanfics while you haven't finished the old ones yet.
Wong: Is it the continuation of Snape's fanfics that you promised him a few months ago? because as far as I know you have made two fanfics for him. That's why he seems in a good mood lately.
Severus: I've been in my own mood for a long time... what makes you sense that I've been in a good mood lately?
Wong: *shrugs* maybe because you don't always make a few snarky remarks the moment Dhani enters this noble hall.
Severus: who says if I don't make a few snarky remarks to Dhani I'm in a good mood? Tell me, Mister Wong.
Me: guys, settle down ler.. just chill out.. we don't need history to repeat itself..
Sherlock: With what you say first, old things will be repeated without having to be told because your mouth is the type that likes to talk without thinking about the consequences.
John: *massage his nose* Sherlock.. just.. let Dhani tell what the good news is so that this meeting will not be long.
Me: John's right.. if you don't want this meeting to be long, you need to let me do the talking. While y'all.. Listen to me.
Them: *grumbled before agreeing with what I said*
Me: *nods* good.. now *press the button to open the projector* This is the good news I want to share.
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Doctor and Donna: *raise their eyebrows to show they are impressed*
Sherlock: *narrows his eyes*
John: *mouth agape*
Severus: *keeps his stoic face*
Crowley: *opens his black tinted glasses slightly to see clearly*
Aziraphale: *stunned*
Loki: *blew his lips* that's growing fast.
Stephen and Wong: *disbelieving*
Stephen: that's very fast because a few months ago it was only 200.. now it has increased to 300
Me: 322 actually.
Donna: Well, if 22 unfollows you, it will be 300 exactly.
Doctor: no no.. don't do that
Me: woi! don't jinx it!
Aziraphale: but- but you don't post any fanfics these days.. how come it can be so many?
Me: i did posted something a few days ago, okay.. two incorrect memes and Chapter 13 Unspoken Love..
Stephen: of course it's about their fandom *nods his head at Aziraphale and Crowley*
Crowley: Did I sense jealousy, Doctor? *smirks*
Stephen: *glares at Crowley* I don't need those kind of incorrect to make me jealous.. At least I have a full chapter
Crowley: *rolls his eyes, annoyed with Stephen*
Sherlock: plus about the two of them too *gesture towards Doctor and Donna* something about Y/n making dad jokes.
Donna: don't remind me of that please *groans*
Doctor: it's funny.
Donna: for you, yes.. but me? no.
John: Well at least she doesn't make dark jokes right?
Doctor and Donna: ...
John: right?
Me: *write notes* that's a good idea, Johnny boy.. Might make dark jokes for incorrect Sherlock too *grins*
John: for God's sake!
Sherlock: I don't have any comments to make.
Stephen: whatever.. as long as my lists will be full of fanfics only.
Me: who says your lists will be full of fanfics only? Your Unspoken Love series alone has taken time to complete and you want your list to be full of fanfics only? Huh! in a dream.
Stephen: you-
Severus: did i get new fics?
Me: let me check.. *open my notes app* hmm.. Supreme Strange imagine.. Little Star miniseries, Sherlock's.. Ahh not yet
Severus: pardon?
Me: *glance at Severus* not yet lah.. sorry.. but don't worry, Sevvy, I will do it.
Severus: she always says the same thing but won't do it.
Me: oh! don't let me not do it
Loki: Am I getting new fics too?
Me: same goes to you.. i still have a few paragraphs for Too Many Secret part 2 which is not ready yet. It's a long fic. So it will take time to prepare.
Loki: not ready yet? I thought it was ready?! it's been what? a few months!.
Me: oh! you have to remember that I use my phone to write all these fanfics okay! that's why it takes time!
Loki: i sense deception! she has a new laptop which she didn't use for writing instead she uses it to read fanfics!
Me: I'm still not used to writing using a laptop because I'm so used to using the phone to write, you snake!
Loki: This is ridiculous. *cross his arms*
Donna: seriously, what is our purpose for gathering at this meeting? to roast each other? I thought it was to celebrate 300+ followers.
Aziraphale: I must say that, although Dhani is the type who is slow to update or post something but in the end her work will finish in no time.
Severus: she has really bad writer's block.. that's why she's a bit slow to write fanfics.
Me: is that judging or a compliment? because I'm gonna take it as a compliment even though it's a bit harsh.
Severus: none of the above
Me: okay, compliment then.
Doctor: Well, at least she writes, right?
Egon: that's right, but judging by some of the abandoned fanfics in her notes apps says something.
Them: *turned their heads to look at the source of the voice*
Stephen: who are you?
Sherlock: new character crush i suppose.
Doctor: She added character crush again?
Egon: I don't know how I can be here actually. All this started a few months ago where Dhani got bored and decided to watch Ghostbusters. My name is Egon Spengler
Donna and Wong: *look at each other*
John: *raises eyebrows* she sure has a taste for men who are introverted and high functioning and intelligent and cold..
Me: it's not my fault that they are all fine.
Aziraphale: so you're going to start making fanfics for him?
Me: I'm still thinking about that, actually.
Crowley: great! more abandoned fanfics *clapping his hands*
Me: why are you all being so cruel this day? you all should raise my spirit to write so that I will write diligently..
Aziraphale: oh, Dhani.. don't be sad.. Just.. you don't need to rush for time to write.. You have plenty of time to write and do other things.. Just take your time and relax.
Donna: yes, just sit and relax.. having tea and sleep..
Sherlock: gosh that's kinda boring
John: *smack Sherlock on the back of the head* shut up
Egon: I don't mind if I don't have fanfics about me.. I mean.. I'm still new so only 'seniors' have fanfics, right?
Me: oh, don't worry! I will try to do it.
Loki: well let's just don't rush. I mean you have a lot of time to write.. so there's no need to rush.
Donna: yeah, Loki's right.. I mean.. we are just Characters.. so we can only entertain you.. all our dialogue and actions are in your hands.
Stephen: and you kind of use us to motivate you to write or do other things.
Wong: that's right.
Crowley: Ngh- don't stress too much.. Everything will be okay in the blink of an eye.
Me: *tears up* oh guys... thank you!
Them: no problem
Wong: so.. is there anything else you want to talk about?
Me: nahh.. I think this is enough.. you can go.
Stephen: *stands up* right.. if you say that *open portals* in you go, gentleman and lady.
Crowley: *points his index finger at me* remember what I said. *enter portal*
Aziraphale: it was nice to see you all again.. thank goodness we don't have to argue before going home.
Severus: at least we all got what we wanted.
John: yeah.
Aziraphale: i think i should go, see you guys later! *enter the portal and the portal directly vanish*
Sherlock: *nods in farewell before entering the portal*
John: see you guys later *enter portal*
Severus: i must go before all those dunderheads do inappropriate things.. Farewell *enters the portal*
Egon: it was nice to meet you all.. I hope we can get to know each other more.. goodbye *enter portal*
Loki: I think this is the time for me to withdraw.. until next time. *disappears*
Wong: I should go then *enter the portal*
Stephen: *look at me who is watching they all go in front of me* Dhani. ..
Me: hmm?
Stephen: *walks closer to me and stands in front of me* as a first fictional character that you like, I must say that.. you grow up fast.. mentally.. physically you look like a 12 year old girl although your age is more than 18 years old.. so it's a bit different from the others because you can remember all the plots and stories even though they've been left for a long time. Consider you have short term memory but you can still remember all the stories and plots for your stories that you abandoned.. That's why you are always slow to update because you always follow the mood to write.. not because you have no ideas...
Me: so you mean that I'm lazy to write? Even though I have an idea to write.
Stephen: more or less like that..
Me: wha- what the hell! i thought you wanted to give me advice instead you just want to tell me that i'm lazy.. sheshh...
Stephen: it's not my fault.. I'm just telling you in a way that's not straight forward.
Me: wouldn't it be nice if you just told me straight forward.. haiyaa
Stephen: well I don't want you to be offended.
Me: of course I will be offended if you said like that.. but I just accept it because it's true. Heh..
Stephen: *nods and pat my head* good.. well, i shall go back to my realms.
Me: right, bye bye! *closes my account hall door loudly*
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Pickup Lines [P.Jackson x Reader] ᯓ★
by @riordanness
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Fandom: Riordanverse
Character: Percy Jackson
Genre: Fluff
Summary: reader has a crush on Percy but his friends keep flirting with her?
Warnings: cheesy pickup lines, and one minor threat of violence
Review: Okay so PERSONALLY I don't tend to read fanfiction set in the first pov. I don't know why, it's just something I personally dislike. (However because it's my own taste/opinion, it doesn't reflect onto the story.)
I found this story to be quite enjoyable! It was relatively quick read despite having a decent word count. It was very breezy and cute to read.
"That was probably smart. If someone woke me up, they'd most likely leave that situation with a black eye and seeds growing in their skin. I can be fairly lethal when I want to be." This whole paragraph I found to be relatable. Nobody should wake me up from my slumber!!! It was also a creative threat, that fit specifically with reader being a daughter of Demeter.
"It was the best feeling in the world, just being with him." Such a swoon worthy line. It is so simple but packed with emotion. I absolutely adore it (it sent me screaming into my pillow)
I loved most of the pickup lines (how they were specified for Camp Halfblood made me quite happy!!) but this one I'll include in here so I can say something, "I was cut off by Jason grinning and saying: 'Because I'm dying to call you mine.'"
I found it funny because SPOILERS FOR TOA: Jason using the one about death was ironic due to his future.
"'Are you a child of the Sea God?' I asked softly. 'Because I'm drowning in your beautiful eyes.'" I absolutely loved that reader returned the pickup lines during the confession scene. It made me think of rom-coms, how they always include cheesy but cute scenes/lines/parts of the movie.
Overall this fic was such a joy to read and I think anybody who likes Percy Jackson should read.
Link: https://www.tumblr.com/riordanness/730299891094618112/pick-up-lines-pjackson?source=share
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eroticwound · 3 months
I love your thoughts on The Bear. Particularly the Berzatto siblings. I was wondering if you could talk about Mikey. And possibly his relationship with Richie. Outside of the internet when I talk to peers about the show people are quick to demonize or dislike Mikey. They cite his behavior with Lee and his taking part in ganging up on Carmy with Donna as reasons why. Also, how Richie was so desperate to get away from the beef.
I would love to hear your opinion about how this could be someone’s impression of Mikey. And how you would describe Mikey to someone who maybe isn’t seeing the whole picture? Or just how you would describe Mikey as a person in general.
And do you think his relationship with Richie was very one sided? Do you think it was always Mikey in the lead? I’ve read some fic that truly makes Mikey terrible to Richie.
Hi anon. Thanks for this incredibly thought out ask. Cannot emphasize enough how much I enjoy getting questions like this :)
Michael Berzatto is a complicated guy and he’s a guy we don’t get a lot of screen time with. That’s by design. He’s the character haunting this narrative. Mikey is the Laura Palmer of The Bear (I have that disease where I see everything through the prism of Twin Peaks), and as such we get to know him mostly through people’s grief. Through their imperfect memories. We’re left missing him just as much as any other character. And while I would love a feature length movie showing Mikey’s last days a la Fire Walk with Me, I very much doubt we will get that. So we’re left to figure out this complicated character with scraps.
For these reasons, I do get why people don't understand Mikey. As you mention, they are literally not given anything close to a whole picture. In fact the screen time we have most with him is during Fishes, when he is quite literally at his worst. If people only saw scenes where Carmen was yelling at people in the kitchen or where Richie was being sexist to Syd, I'm sure they'd have a poor opinion of them as well (in fact, being in this fandom after the first season, I can confirm that most of tumblr disliked Richie).
The healthiest we see Michael is in the Ceres flashback in season 1. He’s exactly how everyone describes him: loud, brash, funny. Both Carmy and Richie are just having the best time, completely immersed in the story he's telling. Even Nat’s having a great time, though both brothers stop her from adding raisins, which is Donna’s recipe for the dish they're making (side note, I find it so interesting that Nat is the one trying to follow their mom’s recipe. She's still trying to please Donna, to garner favor, whereas the boys, who Donna relies on in the kitchen and emotionally, feel fine deviating from Donna’s recipe). Even beyond the Ceres flashback, we do get flashes of what makes Mikey great in Fishes: the opening is him checking in on Natalie, he's really sweet and engaging with Carmen in the pantry, and even though Carmy doesn't take Mikey and Richie trying to set him up with Claire well, it's still proof that Mikey cares.
The thing is Mikey is mentally ill, like Donna and like Carmen. He’s dealing with some sort of chemical imbalance (depression or bipolar) on top of the severe parentification he got from Donna. I talk about it at length in my unfinished series delving into the partentification of the Berzatto siblings. As I point out in those posts, Mikey is actually the sibling getting the worst of the parentification, which is a form of abuse where there is a role-reversal between parent and child. Nat can't morph herself easily to accommodate Donna's dysfunction (she un-normalizes it), so she gets Donna's ire instead. Carmen was also parentified, especially when Mikey was out of the house growing up (they have such an age gap), but Mikey was the oldest. He has high EQ and can morph himself to accommodate Donna's dysfunction. It has in fact shaped him into the person he is. Which is someone who is trying to avoid all of the bad: bad outbursts from Donna, bad feelings from his siblings, bad reactions from outsiders to their family dynamic. He's also trying very hard to avoid the bad emotions he's feeling. Michael is looking to avoid all of this through any means necessary, which includes using alcohol and drugs. As I mention in that parentification meta series, using substances is quite literally the only way he's managing his distress.
I want to talk about each point you mention people citing as to why they don't like Michael. But first, I want to preface it by pointing out that Michael has been forced to move back in with Donna. His failed business ventures and poor mental health have forced him back into this scenario that is NOT GOOD FOR HIM. That scene where Cousin Michelle says to Carm that it's not good for him to be in this environment? Well, it's not good for any of the Berzatto siblings. And throughout the episode, you can tell how exhausted Mikey is by it. By having to fulfill his role as Donna's pseudo-partner.
So let's start with Michael and Donna ganging up on Carmen in the kitchen. When Donna and Mikey do this they are functioning as a parental unit. This is the perfect example of Mikey's parentification at work, of Michael acting as Donna's partner. It's what he's been trained to do to maintain the delicate ecosystem of that house. Donna's emotional state is given top priority. Everyone else's emotions fall to the wayside in light of what she's feeling, otherwise you get fallout like her crashing her car into the house. Mikey talks to Nat about this at the start of the episode:
What do you think she's at right now? A 4? A 5? She's not at a 6.
The siblings literally have a rating system for Donna's moods. They're all trying to avoid escalation above all else. Michael in particular. So in that scene with Carm in the kitchen, Mikey is trying to keep things from escalating. This is something Carmen knows too—hell, it's the first thing Carmen asks Mikey to do in Fishes:
Hey Mikey can you come inside and be you for a little bit, I don't know how to deal with these people.
Carmy needs Michael to come fill his role of buffer between guests and their family. Carmy, notably, gets Donna duty—a role I'm sure Mikey filled before Carmen came along. I say this based on Donna calling Carmen "Michael" when he's trying to coax her to the dinner table at the end of the episode. She's implying talking to her like this is what Michael does. When the people you know irl cite this moment, unfortunately this is the rebuttal: this is Mikey's role. Donna needs his emotional support. Otherwise she'd be more abusive towards Nat and Carm. Michael is doing it for the greater good.
As for Lee, that's another great example of soooo much being implied. Lee, along with Cicero, were best friends with their father, and it is heavily implied that Lee and Donna had a fling or two after their dad fucks off (whether Mr. Berzatto is dead or a deadbeat, who’s to say?). When Lee is helping Donna clean shit off the floor, Mikey grabs a beer from the fridge and asks if they are "doing this again." Basically, Lee and Donna have been romantic before. This means Lee would have been around erratically growing up. And it's clear Michael and Lee have a historic antagonism because of this. Lee's first interaction with Michael in the episode has him threatening to "lay [Michael] out." This screams to me that Lee stepped into the man of the house role, and that Mikey and him had altercations that got physically violent. That's why Mikey says at the dinner table, "I can throw forks cuz this is my father's house." That feels very much like something a kid would say to a man who is trying to replace a missing father. And it's especially heated, because it is Michael who has had to consistently step into the man of the house role for Donna and for his siblings! Michael couldn't leave like Lee when Donna and him broke up. Living with Donna and keeping his siblings ok is daily life for Michael.
So all through the episode, Lee is poking a bear (Mikey Bear to be exact). Lee calls him out about telling the same old stories, embarrasses him in front of everyone by revealing he's borrowed money from Cicero and had to move back in with Donna. Lee has been explicitly disrespecting him. And maybe if Mikey was in a better place, he would have been able to roll with it, but as I mentioned before, Mikey is not in a good place. He's depressed, he's been drinking and taking something (pain pills?) to manage the stress he's under. Him throwing forks is not a lucid reaction. Frankly, if people don't also blame Lee for that outburst, then they really weren't paying attention during the episode.
Finally, onto the Richie portion of your question. Richie’s family is something I would *love* to get more canon info about. All we know is that he's not Italian but Polish, his home life wasn’t great, his dad sucked, and Donna allowed him over so often that he’s practically her fourth child.
Richie and Michael grew up together. They're best friends, practically family. It's why Richie is "cousin." Michael's relationship with Richie is his closest relationship. Everyone says Mikey was their best friend, but Mikey's actual best friend was Richie. Period. And there's some complicated jealousy between Carmen and Richie because of what each is to Michael: Carmy's jealous of Richie and Michael's genuine closeness, and Richie is jealous that Mikey has special regard for Carmen as his actual brother. You see this jealousy in the very first episode of the show during that first walk-in fight: Richie was there for Mikey, buried Mikey and took care of Donna, and yet Mikey left the restaurant to Carmen. Left the money in cans for Carmen, so he could fulfill their dream restaurant together. There's honestly some great fic out there that goes into this jealousy. I'll come back to link it if I can find it.
Bottom line is that Richie was the closest person in Mikey's life. They have the same humor, the same life experiences. They had each other's backs. So when you ask if Richie and Michael's relationship was one-sided, I'm going to answer with a resounding no. They're literally besties. It's just by Fishes, Michael has deteriorated. His depression and drug abuse and failures have shrunk his life. Just compare where they're both at: Michael's moved back in with his mom, is single, and is telling the same old stories from their youth. Richie, on the other hand, might have anxiety (the xanax from Dogs <3), but he's in a stable and loving relationship and has a child on the way. That's why Richie asks Cicero for a job—not to get away from Mikey, but to make more money for his expanding family. And yes, he wants to amount to something more than working at a sandwich shop, but hell, so does Mikey. Neither of them want that for the rest of their lives. It's why Michael tried other business ventures. They fail, so he's stuck at The Beef. But it's a weight around his neck bringing him down. He says as much to Carmen when they're in the pantry:
Yeah but the place is no good, Carmy. It's a fucking nightmare. Like trust me I'm doing you a favor.
He even tries to set it on fire for the insurance money! Only Carmen sees the potential.
As for whether it was always Mikey taking the lead, I do think there's some merit to that. Mikey is talked about as more charming than Richie. You see it in Ceres when the edit compares Mikey telling the Bill Murray story to Richie telling the Bill Murray story to his date. Mikey is loud and funny and can "dial a room." Richie can too, but I think Mikey has more finesse. Still, they rely on each other. They back each other up. Michael would hook people with the stories, and Richie would embellish and inject at the right points or reel Mikey in when needed. They supported each other and worked together. I think any fic you might be reading that's demonizing Michael isn't accurate to his character and is actually falling into a pretty common fic trope: if the focus is Character A, then a fic author will cast Character B as the villain in order to serve whatever they're writing, twisting and embellishing the traits of Character B until they’re barely recognizable. Could Mikey be dismissive and hard to contain? Sure, but I don't think that means he didn't love Richie, or was undemonstrative with his affections. Even when Michael was out of it on drugs, they still had a very close relationship—Richie says so. In fact, everything Richie says about Michael supports this. I see zero support in canon for their relationship being one-sided. I'll say it again, they loved each other.
So this is how I would describe Mikey: loud, funny, obnoxious. He could dial a room. He cared deeply for his family, friends, and employees. He suffered parentification and has some sort of chemical imbalance. In fact, because he was charming and loud and funny, people could ignore his deterioration. Even Richie says, "he was Mikey Bear! I thought he'd come out of it," because he was able to come out of it up to that point. But after decades of not treating the problem, the only solution Michael could see was killing himself. He's a complicated character. He's a tragic character. He's the Laura Palmer of The Bear.
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