#i want to cherish any form of his bc he deserves more
ch-chau · 7 months
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Hyde repost
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https-furina · 11 months
guess who’s back, back again.
anyways i was looking through the prompts bc i wanted to see if anything would fit with another character but.
32 and scara? 🫣
(i will be back when i figure out the perfect prompt to go with who i was thinking of hehehe)
✎ grumpy meets clingy.
ft. scaramouche x gn!reader
prompt: "don't touch me while i'm trying to fall asleep."
w.c. 559 words
content: fluff, established relationship, clingy reader - usual grumpy scara hehe, harbinger!scara, light cursing, i’m gonna say hints to his story just in case
notes: the first time i'm writing for scara outside of my scara & ei angst omfg i hope i don't butcher the crap out of him
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moonlight floods through the open window, you’re indifferent about shutting the curtains when night falls. you like to gaze upon the moon in its fullest, admiring it in all of it’s peaceful serenity. to begin with, your boyfriend was reluctant to let you keep the curtains open. he complained, claiming that the brightness of the moon would keep him awake.
scaramouche would not explicitly say it out loud but he didn’t mind the loss of sleep when he sees you gazing out of the window, your eyes soft as you drift into another realm inside your head. he has objected that you love the moon more than him - you giggled in response, of course your boyfriend would be jealous of the moon.
you’re restless and not even the moon is comforting you. you shuffle amongst the silk sheets, rolling onto your back to see the form of your boyfriend. he’s staring up at the ceiling. you wish to reach out, touch him but he’s probably on such high alert in his current thought process. if you would ask, scaramouche would simply say he is scheming. it’s usually enough to put you off prying any further, you do not need the details of what the harbinger gets up to.
swallowing the lump in your throat, you slide over to scaramouche’s side in a futile attempt to curl up against him so that you may finally fall asleep. at the slightest touch against his arm, scaramouche is budging away from you. a scoff leaves his lips when he realises it was you.
“don’t touch me while i’m trying to fall asleep.” he mumbles, a little snarkily but you have dealt with him long enough to know that he doesn’t mean an ounce of what he says. you roll your eyes.
“you’re hardly trying for starts, the ceiling isn’t that interesting scara.” your eyes are beginning to burn, begging to be closed so you may drift off. scaramouche catches the way your eyelashes are fluttering, barely lowering as if fighting to keep your eyes open.
“i’m counting seelies or whatever the fuck that saying is.” scaramouche knows damn well what the saying is but the words leave his mouth in a mutter anyway as he tilts his head back on the pillows.
“just let me put my head on your chest and i won’t bother your counting any longer.” you sigh, just wishing he’d stop being stubborn for five minutes. scaramouche groans, uttering a ‘fine’ as he hesitantly watches you rest your head against his chest. the contact makes him tense, the muscles in his stomach tightening when you drape an arm across the region.
scaramouche is by no means warm, in fact he is naturally cold - perfect for summer nights like these. as you exhale in mild content, your eyelashes fluttering shut at the cherished contact with your boyfriend, scaramouche wonders what he did to deserve someone as patient and kind as you. you deal with him with little to no qualms - not even about this forsaken job he ended up with.
when he assumes that you have fell into a slumber long awaited, scaramouche lowers his arm around your shoulders and he tangles his lanky legs with yours. a sigh leaves his lips but as he closes his eyes, he misses the smile that crosses your face.
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© https-heizou 2023.
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muzzleroars · 1 year
(1/2) How do you feel about Masters Cyrus? I feel like their portrayal of him is very complex and humanizing. It seems like his has resolve cracked after two defeats. The darkrai episode was tough for me to play through, because it felt like Cyrus had finally reached his limit in it and wanted to be dead (feeling nothing in a blank void forever). But “a day with darkrai” was so illuminating! And his latest appearance- he and his commanders
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AUUUGH I LOVE MASTERS CYRUS.....like the development they're giving him is so unexpected but so welcome imo and i think it's deserved for his character. cyrus is sort of unique wrt masters in that way - he's not redeemed in his source game, but they're not at all playing him as a pure villain the way they do with characters like giovanni or ghetsis. which. makes sense. cyrus may not change by the end of dppt, but it feels as though he only doesn't because his own suffering is too woven into his core and he genuinely can't see any other way out. he's as destructive to the self as he is to everything around him and while he's 100% gone too far, i don't think he's a lost cause as a person and masters is recognizing that!!
the darkrai episode in particular was SO interesting and illuminating in contextualizing his character - it really shows, in a definite sense, that at least in this canon, cyrus is absolutely depressed and is likely grieving. i still cannot BELIEVE the line about how people only cherish their bonds so much because they haven't felt the pain of them ending yet. that's. THAT'S LIKE. HEY. WHAT'S GOING ON MAN. idk maybe i give him too much slack because i find him highly relatable as a character, but that arc made it obvious that cyrus genuinely thinks of himself as alone and incapable of being understood by anyone else - he connects with darkrai because they feel very similar at their centers. a day with darkrai is SO sweet tbh and i think it really does show that they intend to eventually redeem cyrus because. he's just. hanging out. and he's ok with you hanging out too. like to me that's kind of a massive step for him, to tell you that it's ok if you'd like to visit darkrai, that he doesn't mind. and that's because the protagonist is willing to understand darkrai, is willing to experience its nightmares in order to be closer to it. they're willing to be open to something cyrus likes and he doesn't hesitate to respond in kind. he's not acting as an antagonist here, he's not giving his speeches, he's actually happy, i think, that someone is willing to listen to him without the grandiosity about it.
and finally i SO agree his cameo has to mean more is coming for him - it's so out of nowhere and unexpected, like his inclusion is entirely unnecessary so i HAVE to believe he'll be back soon. and i genuinely hope we see him connecting with his commanders bc i love them so much as a found family TAT also please PLEASE rotom sync pair!!! because i like to use him reconnecting with a rotom as defining his growth and healing - all signs point to him losing his rotom and that shaping his current grief, so being able to open his heart again to one would be a turning point for him imo PLUS. PLUS. since elesa is already a sync pair with a base forme rotom, his will be unique in some way if they picked it for him!!! it would probably be one of its formes, most likely heat since that's what he uses in the battle tower in bdsp, but it COULD be something else. my favorite ideas are either shiny (!!!!!) or a rotom that can change formes sort of like steven and deoxys. BUT WHATEVER THE CASE i would be so happy to see him pair with rotom and what that story could mean for his character.
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listentothisyoooh · 3 years
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Care For You; BC
A/N: This piece is +18, minors do not interact.
Summary: You come home from work, only to find your boyfriend, Chris, exhausted and drained. What can you say, when he asks you to make him feel better in your own special ways?
Warnings: sub Chan, soft dom female reader, hand jobs, orgasm control, edging, ropes, dirty talk, use of nicknames (mistress, little, pup, angel, etc), mention of the color system --
Word Count: 4.2k
“Hey, hi baby!” You whispered, sitting down on the edge of the mattress next to Chan’s rigid body, “When did you get home?” Caressing the tangled, short platinum blond locks sprawled on the pillow, you smiled down at his puffy, tired face; it probably wasn’t a good thing that you weren’t answered by a smile.
“An hour, I guess.” He rasped, his cords rugged with sleepiness and something else –something you didn’t quite like. The cool, white sheets covered him up to his shoulders, leaving no patch of pale skin open for your sight, and the faded shade of raspberry on his perky lips further demonstrated just how tired the man was.
“Oh honey,” You cooed, leaning over Chan to plant a kiss on his temple while he lay on his side, facing where you sat, “you seem exhausted. Are you alright? Did something happen?” You couldn’t really help the way your brows knotted as a sign of worry. Using arms as pillars next to your boyfriend’s figure, you bowed above him; ceiling cream lights now blocked away from his sight and he could look up at you with those wide, glossy eyes, the peachy gleam of the bedside lamp reflecting from them.
“I’m okay, babe, don’t worry;” He assured, settling on his back gently, “It was just—a very, very long day!” A light laugh puffing out of him, he pulled on the sheets to conceal the lower part of his face from you, eyes still locked with yours. Chan was always soft –so soft, gentle and sweet, and that was why you just couldn’t stop showering him with light, lingering touches, one now being granted for him across his left cheekbone and the side of his eye by your thumb; he seemed to really enjoy it, lids flowing down and expression turning into a relaxed, almost blank one.
“Anything I can do, Channie?” Your gentle question fluttered his eyes open, “want me to make you something? Or get you some pills to help you sleep?” Sometimes, when he was too spent, it became frustratingly difficult for him to fall asleep, so it wouldn’t be far from ordinary if he were to have the same problem now; puffy eyes, flushed cheeks and tousled locks only asked for a bit of rest.
“Can you take care of me?” His quiet voice rose from beneath the sheets, his linear eyes staring right into yours, making your chest quiver alongside that innocent little request.
“Of course!” You smiled, “What do you need? I can give you a massage…” Your suggestion was met with his negative nod, the grips over the edge of the cover tightening.
“No,” He gulped, “can you take care of me, mistress?” There was already a certain breathlessness in his words which only made you grit your teeth; he looked so devastatingly vulnerable, looking up at you with hope, exhaustion and plea in his stare.
“Aren’t you a little too tired for that, pup?” Was the last thing you wanted to say to him, the last thing he wanted to hear too; shaking his head no, Chan squirmed in place while waiting for you to answer to the desperate request in a way that would satisfy both of you.
Instead, you just smiled. Cupping his right, warm cheek, you lightly pinched its plumpness and traced your hand lower unto his neck and chest, pulling that nuisance of a fabric away from those beautiful lips and skin. He visibly gulped at your movements –at being scanned by your sharp eyes, but made no objections whatsoever; the easy compliance egged you on to inch his figure further southwards, fingers dancing on the white sheet. It seemed like he was bare under the covers, and when your hand finally clasped at the side of his right thigh and absorbed the gentle body heat, your assumptions turned out to be accurate, slapping a smirk on your face.
“Are you naked, little?” You asked, stare switching between Chan’s agape lips and anticipating, bright eyes; he did nothing, as if waiting for your sly hand to figure that out itself. “Why is that?” Your gentle tone tried to coax the words out of the man, “Were you being naughty when I was at work?”
“No!” It was adorable how the reply cut off his quiet sigh, being shot out to convince you, “No, I was just waiting for you, and… I fell asleep.” He explained, his covered chest heaving out of slight nervousness. A light chuckle sprang out of you while you flew down to peck his pretty lips.
“Relax, pup; I believe you.” You assured, “It would be fine if you did, though;” Leaning down on your elbow, you peppered lingering kisses near his mouth, your free hand caressing his bicep from over the covers, “you’ve been so good lately—you deserve a treat, both from me and yourself.” By the way his cheek flexed under your lips, you could tell he was smiling. “So, let’s give you a treat then, angel!” He shivered when your breath rubbed on the sensitive spot under his ear.
As soon as you backed away and got off of the bed, Chan rose up to sit on his butt and see what you were doing, the white cover dropping unto his lap; knowing that you’re being watched, you made your way to the small, antique chest placed on top of a console table next to your closet, and opened its lid, eyes immediately landing on the dark jade bundle of silk rope as well as the small tube of expensive, cinnamon scented lubricant, both of them sitting brazenly over the extra pile of naughty toys and accessories! You grabbed the objects with content, having already formed a plan in your head while expecting eyes bore into your back; you threw the equipment on the mattress right next to the man’s feet, fighting back a smirk when your short glance caught him staring at them and gulping. The chair next to the ajar door welcomed your buttoned shirt and jeans to leave you alone with the tight red top and black panties, watching you silently set a course to your boyfriend back on the bed.
“Are you feeling verbal today?” You asked the young man whose eyes obviously swayed over your figure without any intention. It took a dazed, short while for Chan to answer, but he finally did after a gulp and pursing his lips.
“I don’t know…” He shook his head when you sat in front of his folded legs on the mattress, putting a calf between your locations; his slumped, pale body was screaming for your attention in the most innocent way possible, which wasn’t all that rare for the man, as he, deep down, was very innocent, despite what he liked to show his fans and or had to portray of himself because of his career and his position in their group. It hadn’t really been mentioned yet, but you were aware of the heartwarming fact that you were the only person entrusted with this side of his character –a side he himself cherished dearly yet had always tried to suppress, until meeting you, of course.
“Well then,” You caressed his puffy cheek, pressing your forehead on his and giving him an Eskimo kiss, “we just have to find out, I guess!” Your soft chuckle mixed with the one Chan let out, and you found the moment intimate and soothing enough to begin kissing the man, allowing his passionate lips to gently dance over yours for a while before adding your tongue into the mixture and earning light huffs and sighs from his waving throat.
“Fold your arms on each other.” Guiding his hands, you helped him hold his left forearm in front of his abdomen and place the right one on top of it, wrapping his fingers around his elbows to show satisfaction for the plan; catching the wait in the slouched figure, you got a grip of the ropes behind your rear and started your rather enticing mission of binding the man’s arms together, knots and rings gently kissing his pale skin.
He was more than compliant, once or twice pecking your face when you leaned too close to tighten a knot or readjust a bundle; his breaths were even yet deep, and in between all of that, you could clearly witness a tent forming on the sheet sprawled on his lap, slow yet bold. His mind was taken by your scent, the close but still far away heat of your embrace, and he couldn’t help the way his body reacted to your light, accidental contacts across his arms; dear lord, was he touch-starved!
“All good?” You asked, finally finished with your work. His simple nod was good enough of an answer.
The brightness which reflected from the white covers on the bed turned him even paler and that allowed the jade rope to show off its elegant color on Chan’s bare figure. He looked stunning, blond hair sticking out in this direction or that, lips swollen and red from the excessive nervous biting; there was nothing holding you back from lifting up his chin and crashing your mouth unto his, having him nailed in place by a heavy grip on his thigh. He huffed over your face shakily as your hand plowed in between his locks which you now realized were damp; he must’ve showered after coming home from the studio, you guessed.
“You like this rope; don’t you, puppy?” You giggled, leaving a gentle kiss on his perky bottom lip, trailing down to his jaw and throat while pulling his head back. “Is it the fabric? Or the color?” Your question drowned in the dip of his neck vein as you sucked lightly on it, hearing him whimper impatiently and wriggle in place.
“Color.” He replied simply, trying to gulp with the uncomfortable position of his head. Your tongue, tracing wet lines on the distinct veins and bulges beneath his sensitive skin, made him tense uncontrollably; he was already so worked up, despite being tired.
“Yeah?” Your teasing tone sent a shiver into his shoulders, “I was thinking about getting you that mini wand vibrator you showed me the other day –the jade one…” Looking back up into his eyes, he panted lightly, “Good, yeah?” He nodded once again, not trusting his voice to make an appearance, making you smile with adoration, “What’s so special about jade anyway?” The man’s heart-rate suddenly picked up and he leaned his forehead above your ear out of embarrassment for what he was gonna confess to.
“It was the color of your underwear the first time you… um—the first time I met mistress!” He tried his best to voice his explanation in the least flustering way, however hard it was. The confession was accompanied by his little hiss when you giggled and dragged the covers off of his figure, making sure it created the slowest, roughest amount of friction and grip.
“Oh, right…!” You mused, pulling your head away only inches; he didn’t seem too pleased about that, but watching you lean forward on your left arm nailed next to his hip and looking up at him with a little smile was all he could think about at the moment. Your index finger on the free hand began drawing circles on his hard tip, “That was a good night, wasn’t it baby?” He was too busy staring into your eyes with knotted brows and a bitten lip, obviously tensing to prevent from moving under your touch; seeing his composure, you massaged the head of his member with your thumb and index finger, gliding them down to its edge and dragging back up without haste but with good pressure. “You were bad, really bad—remember?” Smirking, at the way he kept pursing his lips while looking down at you, you came to the conclusion that he probably wasn’t going to be verbal that day; he rarely was, to be honest –only when he was too pent up or maybe too cocky, which didn’t happen all that often, but it was worth the experiment. He might not have liked to be talkative at these times, but he damn sure liked being talked to; he had admitted so more than once, dialogues and monologues being half of the pleasure for him.
Gluing your lips on his chin, you felt him shake as the tip of your finger pressed unto his red slit and slid back and forth, eliciting short whimpers from his agape mouth; he squirmed and squirmed but with no apparent aim, since he neither tried to settle efficiently under your teasing touch, nor did he back away from it to protest. He kept staring at you as if there was something he awaited, gulping and gulping and gulping!
“Lie back and spread your legs for me, sweetie.” You crawled back to grant the man space for his task, the one he fulfilled right after hearing your command.
The now cool spot on the mattress welcomed his muscly back and the sheets straightened when his feet dragged away from each other to make a perfectly fitting nest in between his thighs for you. He had to strain his neck to look over at you, so you decided to help him out by hovering above his torso and grabbing your own pillow to jam it behind his shoulders, creating a better angle for his vision. It was the hardest thing to resist kissing his beautiful lips and you saw no point in it anyway, diving down to steal a few noisy, wet pecks from your boyfriend, retreating into your place near his groin next.
“Mistress has taught you well, hasn’t she?” You purred, kneeling between his legs and sliding them over your thighs to earn the closest spot possible, “You used to be so hesitant –so, so impatient too,” He kept licking his lips while gazing at you, his deep breaths egging you on, “but now look at you; a good,” Your palms slowly wrapped around his length and started screwing over its upper and lower half in opposite directions, “good little angel for me.” His head tossed back from the combination of your words and movements; he was fully hard and flushed.
A low whine echoed in the room when you detached your hands from him and grabbed the lonely bottle from over the mattress instead; the moment its contents poured on your palm and released their exotic scent, a breathy, whisper of your nickname rose also, Chan staring down at what you were holding. He was crazy about this smell –this certain smell that had always awakened a comfortable haziness inside him, enough to make it impossible for him to stand being in the dorm when Felix was baking croissants; it almost acted like an aphrodisiac for him, you had yet to understand why, and it would be a lie if one were to say you didn’t abuse this little effect!
“Red if it gets too much, yellow if you need a breath.” You repeated his safe words, earning a nod, and went back to clasping your palms on his member just like before, copying the same motion again; he shut his eyes with content, sighing when your warmth finally touched him, drenched in a scent he loved dearly.
In a matter of seconds, he was already mewling, dripping with precum, disheveled locks being plunged into the pillows. His state only worsened when your fingers formed a thin ring and placed it right beneath the prominent edge of his tip and started the classic vibrating motion on its ablaze nerves; a motion he had grown used to, no matter how torturous it was. Giving him short intervals, you managed to earn a glimpse of his face when he looked back down on your hand, eyes narrow and cheeks flushed –his entire upper body flushed.
“Am I bothering you, Christopher?” Hearing his complete name, he clenched his jaw and shook his head violently, most displeased with the full stop of your hands.
“No, no mistress, keep going!” His words were rushed and hoarse as he took a second to recount what he had said, “Could you continue?” He restructured his sentence after witnessing the raise of your brow, and his heaving chest, his sweet, calm voice was just too good to be ignored.
“Ah!” You cooed, “Such a polite little pup, huh? You’ve learned how to earn my favor, haven’t you? Yes, you have, gorgeous!” He was already too far away from sanity to comprehend your praises as your once again vibrating fingers knocked moans out of him one after another, having his legs wrap around your hips with the constant, cruel edging.
He couldn’t decide between watching the scene of your connection or throwing his head back to slap whimpers at the headboard; when he landed eyes on your hands skillfully tapping on the underside of his aching length through palms, all he could think of was finishing right then and there –it was shameful, how sensitive he was to the littlest of touches.
“Hey!” Your stern voice brought him back to his senses, making him stop gritting his teeth and look back down at you, “No hurting yourself!” Your frown confused him, your words too, but when you gestured towards his hands with the raise of your brows, he got the message; he’d become so lost in the on and off of the pleasure in his gut that he’d forgotten to notice the sharp pain of his nails digging into the side of his elbow.
This was the best opportunity –no, excuse, to frustrate him in the ways he liked, or usually did; you could only hope he’d like it now, too. Sliding your hands off of his weeping length, you kept a hard gaze on his linear, shiny eyes and placed your hands limp on your thighs, palms upwards to avoid leaving the mess of lube and precum on yourself.
“I told you never to hurt yourself, didn’t I?” His flushed face fell at your words, catching the serious worry on your features, “Don’t you wanna be good, Christopher?”
God, he hated his name when it left your mouth! He hated being called by his name when it came to you, because it never meant anything good. He felt cold all of a sudden, without your touch or a trace of your affection, and being naked was much, much more embarrassing. His chest was already heaving.
“I do!” He managed to voice out, awkwardly hoarse, “I am good, Mistress; always!” After all this time, it still flustered him to call you that certain name.
“Then why did you ignore my explicit order?” Yes, you were making a much bigger deal out of this than it was; the marks weren’t even deep, he knew that, you knew that.
“It won’t happen again –you have my word, Mistress… Please—“ He stopped to gulp past his dry throat, still looking into your soul with pleading eyes; he looked so tired, yet he never once dreamed of protesting –not to your work anyway.
“Please what, boy?” Your question had its sharp edges –sharper than Chan liked it. Was there any affection in boy? None he could feel, no –it felt colder than his own name.
“I wanna be good for Mistress;” He breathed out with knotted brows, “can I have one more chance? Please, I want—“ His arms wiggled desperately in between the rope, “I need to cum—“ He could feel fire searing his ears, “Can I, please? Only Mistress knows how to give that to me…” Was it enough? Did he have to go deeper? He couldn’t tell based off of your blank expression.
“Hmm…” A smile creept on your face just as the hum was released from your throat, “Such good manners!” You praised, lifting one hand to lightly drag over his pale, beautifully shaped thigh and finally plant around his cock again –a short gasp being his response, “Such a well-behaved little cub!” He clearly twitched at that! Your palm dragged up and down his veins and he was once again, jelly at your touch, “Who taught this little pup how to be so good and polite?” His moan interrupted your question when your other hand wrapped two fingers around the sensitive edge of his tip. One second he’d push his hips into the mattress to desert your touch, and the other, he’d push up to pump into your airy fist. “Christopher!”
“Mistress did!” His shaky answer came only after your call brought him back to earth and snapped his eyes open. “Only Mistress can tell pup to be good –he always listens to you, only you Mistress—oh, fuck, don’t stop –please!” His sweet voice became high-pitched whines as soon as the ring of fingers around his tip began vibrating again; squirming and spasming uncontrollably, he began throwing his hips up to feel more than the brush of your thumb on his base and the vibration of your fingers on his moistened head. “No—no no, ’m gonna cum—is it okay? Can—“ The hoarse groans piercing his mewls wouldn���t let him finish his thoughts, and your fingers weren’t helping his intellect either!
The bulging veins on his stretched back neck were ripe for marking and the way his pale skin had become many shades redder out of frustration and tension could only mean one thing: he’s few seconds away from covering his stomach with white.
What was cuter than normal, day-to-day Chris, was this Chris; the one writhing and begging and whining under the gentlest touch you could grant him –the one actually able to cum from that meager touch! His voice wouldn’t lower, making way for shameless babbles and incoherent pleas, and you just wanted to put him –and your cramping hand– out of misery.
“It’s okay, Little,” You murmured, still able to reach his ear from between his own noises, “you can cum in five…” Hearing the start of his countdown, Chan lowered his head to look at you, just like all the times he was close; he wanted to see you, and more importantly, he wanted you to see him lose it all. “Four…”
“Count faster!” His fingers were now somehow wrapped in the thick threads of the rope and tugged roughly; you could feel the way the mattress dipped eagerly behind you as Chan’s feet pressed on it with curled toes.
“Three…” You smirked, knowing full well his need for ‘being good’ is way more prioritized to his body than getting what he wants. He could always take what you gave him –every single time; he loved and yearned for the care that came after his success, he wouldn’t change it with anything. “Two…” A small, ecstatic mewl left him when your thumb caressed his slit rhythmically, body trembling out of the little stimulation that was successfully driving him insane.
He managed to keep his teary eyes open as his mouth fell apart wider and wider for a scratchy moan to swim into the room with nothing holding it back whatsoever; a big, irritating knot came finally undone in his burning stomach and then there it was, hot strings of white connecting the skin of his purple tip to his abs, your fingers still delicately wrapped around his twitching cook.
There was a gentle thump when he let his head fall on the pillow and the way his chest rose and fell seemed kind of painful; he, on the other hand, looked as blissed out as he possibly could, sweat gleaming on his temples.
“Everything okay?” You massaged his member carefully to help it soften sooner and when your hands eventually left him, he huffed out.
“I’m good, all good.” He panted, glancing down at you lazily, catching your satisfied smile.
His mind kept slipping in and out of reality, and the next thing he felt was the warmth of a kiss on his forehead as cold, wet wipes danced on his belly.
“You did so well.” You whispered, taking advantage of the close vicinity, “Take a nap. I’ll order some food and we can watch something later before bed.” His hazy eyes stared up at you, nodding when your fingers slid over the knots over his biceps to rid him of the restraints.
“Is noodle soup okay?” You asked as your steps lead you to the chest to put back the items you’ve retrieved earlier, “Or maybe we should get tomato?” Turning around, you were met with the unconscious figure of your boyfriend, half covered with white sheets, face as puffy and soft as spring clouds.
You couldn’t help but coo and return to his side to pull the sheets higher over his naked body, and when he made no movement at your touch, you just knew he was knocked out cold; and that meant he’d be up in two-three hours, hungry as a starved wolf, and he will need any kind of food he can find –so soup is probably not the best idea to satisfy Bang Christopher Chan!
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levisgirll · 3 years
How about one where levi comforts his s/o on her birthday? She maybe doesn't feel as important or not good enough? My bday is actually coming up and im a bit anxious for it and i tend to cry on my birthdays for no reason, but now im feeling as if i have a reason to cry? idk but i just would like some fluff/comfort with levi bc i love him sm. Thank you!
𝐚 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐝𝐚𝐲 (𝐋𝐞𝐯𝐢 𝐀𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
text: hello anon!! First of all thank you so much for your lovely request I would gladly write this up for you 🥺💕 and second HAPPY EARLY/LATE BIRTHDAY <3 I hope I am not too late and you get to see this post either on your birthday or before :,) I hope you have a lovely day filled with love and laughter cause everyone deserves that on their birthday 🥰 and also I hope this post somehow helps you go through with your bday and makes u feel perhaps less anxious or sad! I kind of felt like this on my last birthday but I went to read some fanfics and they kind of helped me out and made me smile so I hope that is the same case with you when you read what I wrote for you :,) also i made this modern au ahhhh
synopsis: it’s y/n’s birthday! He tries to make this day special as it is since he wants his s/o to realize that! Later he finds out that his s/o feels on this very day not that important and also tears up. As Levi discovers that, he does and says things only on your birthday that really made you surprised and on this day you felt extremely good and special y/n cries happy tears instead <3
comfort fluff, bit angst, a little bit suggestive (?), modern au ♡ —
Today is the day, and not any day but Levi's s/o birthday! He woke up extremely early for this day. He had already planned out what to do coming from a man who is pretty much organized and ahead of things you weren’t shocked to see him getting up quite early.
“Levi..?” Y/N said in such a soft and tired tone, it really warmed his heart. “Love...Happy birthday.” He would go near your ear and whisper that, then gave you a kiss on your forehead. “I’m sorry I didn't mean to wake you up...Go back to sleep.” He would say as he pushed your hair back gently that was laying on your face. You felt his warm fingertips brush against your cheek and you open your eyes slightly to look at your man, Levi that was up and putting his shirt on. You got up a bit reached out and pulled on the his shirt “Wait...don’t leave.”
He turned around quickly and looked at you, ‘Why does she sound uneasy....?’ He would wonder as he came closer to you and kissed on top of your head. “Silly, I’m not leaving or going anywhere. I’ll be in the kitchen so just rest a bit and I’ll wake you up later on, Hm?” Levi said with a smile, after the war and when you both left Paradise to start a life in the outside world, Levi started to smile more, laugh and be even more affectionate towards you and this warmed your heart. He promised you that he would protect you till the last days even if there was no war anymore and also....promised you to show you more love cause he deiced to spend the rest of his life with you, and he was in progress in doing that!
After a couple of hours, you felt a small rub on your shoulders. “Time to wake up birthday girl” He gave you a warm smile and helped you get out of your shared bed. You felt how gentle, and careful he was for you...he truly did cherish you and loved you a lot, you meant the world to Levi.
As you were brushing your teeth, Levi was brushing your hair and when he was done he would put his arms around your waist and kept kissing your neck until you were done and ready.
Your cheeks were red now and you had a shy look on your face. “Ha, Don't be shy with me Love, it’s just us alone.” He would say and softly rub your arms. “Let’s go then?” and you give him a nod and held on his hand.
When you both went downstairs, you gasped and was taken aback by what you saw. A beautiful breakfast that was set up and prepared for the both of you, a sack of pancakes with fruits that was cut by him, your favorite fruit juice, and there was a vase with a bouquet and you could see a card that was hidden in the beautiful flowers he picked out for you and it was written ‘Happy Birthday my Dearest’
“Wow, you did this for...me?” You would say while giving him a sad expression that almost broke his heart. “Who else?” He said with a sarcastic tone and pulled your hand towards the table. You and Levi enjoyed the breakfast and you both had a good morning filled with laughter.
“Sit down, I’m gonna clean the dishes” you nodded and went to sit on the coach. You then started to feel...a bit anxious? Y/N wondered how the rest of the day would go and you started to think if what Levi did was all worth it?
“Love, what's wrong?” Levi was quick to read your vibe, he approached you from behind, and sensed you were feeling perhaps down. “Nothing...”
“Yea I’m not gonna buy that, tell me....What’s wrong?” Y/N stood up slowly and was looking down, her hair was covering her face and that made Levi quickly go in front of her and held on her shoulders. Tears then started to roll down from your cheeks and Levi pulled you to his chest for a hug. “I-I don’t know why I’m tearing up! But I am feeling as if I have a reason to cry and I usually cry on my birthdays Levi...I’m sorry, it’s probably for nothing.”
“Why are you apologizing?” He hugged you tighter and then proceed to stroke your hair. “These feelings are completely normal, why apologize for it? But it’s okay you don’t need to explain why you are crying love.” Levi waited for y/n to calm down as he caressed her hair, and Y/N pulled her face away from his muscular chest and looked up at him. He gave a small smile to her and wiped her tears “Let’s....make those tears not for ‘nothing’ or for ‘no reason’ to be wasted, but instead let me make those tears a reason for you today. A reason that caused you to smile and laugh today.”
Levi was now looking at you in such a loving way, you could feel all his love, emotions, the way he caressed you, hugged you, touched your hair gently and now holding both of your hands, it warmed your heart. He was indeed a man who was really mature, and has a great deal of empathy towards Y/N. Levi understood your feelings cause of the deep love he had for you. “You are important to me, okay? So, let me make those tears....happy tears instead.”
After a while, Levi told you to get dressed up and ready because he was going to take you somewhere. You both left your apartment that you both shared at the moment and walked down the street, while Levi tightly holding your hand and on the other hand he was carrying a brown paper carrier bag which had something in it. “What’s inside?” “A surprise.”
Later did you know, you both reached a huge garden park and you saw a group of people that you recognized. Your friends! “Everyone!”
As soon as Hanji hear you, Hanji came running towards you and hugged you tightly which was then followed by Jean, Mikasa, Armin and the rest all wishing you a happy birthday!
You then spotted Onyankopn, Falco and Gabi preparing the huge picnic filled with a variety of delicious food and then Levi brought out the cake which he designed and baked just for you.
The whole afternoon was spent with your loved one, friends and you all had such a great time, playing some card games, tennis which Jean and Connie that they brought along with them. You were packed with so many gifts too, and Levi was holding on to your waist and hand the whole time and would sneak in some kisses on your cheek when no one would look. Hanji then talked about how your relationship was going and Levi would suddenly talk really highly of you, and pamper about you then he would mention all of the times you meant a lot to him and he cherished.
The sun started to set and everyone was heading to leave, and Levi held on your hand and you both went to see the sunset while sitting on the bench. You found the sunset really beautiful, but to Levi he thought you were more prettier. He held on your hand and then said while focusing on your eyes “You know...When you are not around, I always crave for your touch. You just make me feel good so I always find myself a chance to hold your hand constantly.” Before you could say anything, he gave you a box that was wrapped with a ribbon. “Open it.” Your eyes widen when you saw the gift, it was Rose Gold Watch and it looked rather expensive but extremely charming. He went closer to you and brought your wrist closer and wore the watch for you. “I knew this would suit you.” Levi smiled again and looked at you, tears were now forming on your eyes but this time...it was happy tears and you gave him a big smile that really warmed his heart. “Thank you Levi, I really love you...” He went closer to you and kissed your cheek which washed away the tears that was rolling down. “I love you more....And didn't I say I would make that happy tears today, Hm? But we aren’t done, your birthday did not end yet”
After you both reached home, you both went to the bedroom and you started to change into your comfy silk nightgown, while Levi took of his shirt and was only...wearing his joggers? ‘Wait...He would only do that if he is in the mood’ You thought as you started to blush slightly.
“Lev-” Your words were taken aback when Levi suddenly embraced you and kept his face in your neck while bring his arms around your waist. “Can...I make you feel good tonight? I want to make your birthday memorable....just for today.”  It was more of a whisper when he said it, and you managed to hear it all even though you could feel his heart beating fast.
Your face was now red, you could feel his back muscle tense up and the detail of it as you caressed his back. You nodded, which Levi sensed and acknowledged, but asked again. “I need to hear your answer love.” He was now looking at you and he held on your shoulders, waiting for a response and he would not let you go until you answered. “Yes Love” You said with certainty and looked back at him which he suddenly blushed with you how you responded. Levi did had a tough and strong personality from the outside, but when it came to moments like these he was really soft and usually shy but tonight he wanted to try his best for you, cause you meant the world to him.
He picked you up and you could feel his biceps around you which you held on as he gently laid you on top of the bed, with Levi being on top of you. He leaned in closer and gave you a kiss on your forehead. “Oi! I can be romantic…So why are you giving me that look?” He said with a smirk and that made you laugh. “Hmm...Prove it then.” You challenged him and that made his ego boost up. He proceeded to kiss all over your face which made you giggle as some of them tickled, and then he stopped and reached the edge of your lips which made both of you open your eyes and gazed into each other, both feeling the affection and attraction. “Shit...it drives me crazy when you look at me that way.” He went and kissed your lips, it was soft, slow and very passionate...you could feel all of his love in that kiss as you held on his biceps while his arms where between you for support.
“Where....else do you want me to kiss you?” He moved closer to you as he whispered near your ear, you felt his hot breathe which made you shiver. “A-Anywhere..” You were a blushing mess right now, but you weren't alone your boyfriend Levi’s face was redder than yours.
“O-Okay....Y/N I’m gonna make sure tonight you feel loved tonight, and I want you to focus right now how good you are and how wonderful you are.” As he said that, your face was burning up, ‘what made Levi say this all?’ you wondered.
He came closer to your neck, and was kissing it...you held on to him and hugged his chest, and he was doing it gently. This then left a small hickey on your neck and he was surprised as it was kind of dark.
“I will leave this mark on you so you can remember my love tonight, and know that you are always in my thoughts Y/N” He brought his hand and caressed your cheek which you held on, “And...when its gone, I’m here to give you another one.”
Perhaps, in the days you cry, there would be sad days, but today was a special day which was your birthday, and that not only gave you any tears but instead happy tears which was cause of Levi giving you the warmest/sweetest comfort and love throughout the whole day and especially the whole evening. You really did love Levi Ackerman.
well i hope you enjoyed this! I tried something new and I really see levi doing this for his s/o especially in days where he wants to make them feel loved and he really tries his best to comfort them <3 I hope you loved this anon and you get to see this and also if anyone else did please leave a like or a reblog! ♡
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siriusmydeer · 3 years
can you do young sirius black x reader fic where him and the reader are dating the reader has really awful parents that make them feel like shit all the time
the promising potters
sirius black x gender neutral!reader
summary: sirius offers you a better position then one you’re already in.
word count: 1.2k
warnings: mentions of child abuse, mentions of self insecurity/doubt, crying, guilt, hurt/comfort, mentions of feeling unworthy/useless, angst but only if you squint, bad parent-kid relationship bonds
a/n: so i combined this with another request bc they’re so similar.
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there was a familiar recurrent amount of anticipation weighing like a tipping scale in your subconscious, simply waiting for it to tip too far. it was a circadian never-ending cycle of thoughts, of venomous thinking that had immense potential to swallow you whole if you’d allow it. the recurrent malignant thoughts were never-ending.
as the sorrowful day continued, it felt like an eternal chain of events that would never cease, the recurrent thought pounding in your psyche similar to an alarm without a snooze button. the burden on your mind, the letters upon letters barricading your every thought at the disappointing words scribbled upon the parchment. there was only feeling that was a considerable emotion among the others that were struggling to afloat,
how could you be good enough for yourself if you couldn't be enough for the people that brought you into this world that was supposed to love and cherish you? it was quite a familiar question that rapidly came and went in a vicious cycle swishing around your mind almost making your perception an obscuring fog that regarded any other thought.
your bottom had been sprawled upon the carmine stitched duvet, that belonged to sirius, for the past several hours. the small parchment clutched between your trembling digits from recurrent gazing at the wounding letters sculpted into the paper by your parents following their signatures. the letters becoming a jumble of words that you could no longer read due to the tears obscuring your vision.
there's a stutter of words that spill off your tongue in the sense of dejection, a faint cough escaping your lungs through your trachea before you spoke again. “sirius— i just can’t do this anymore.” you spoke desperately, the slight jut of your lip quavered whilst you spoke in sorrow. there was an erratic palpitation soaring through your chest every millisecond at the uneasiness strumming through every minuscule blood cell that your body could possess.
your fingers slightly trembled while you clenched them deeper into the creased parchment from your steady and unwavering grip. “hurts so bad.” your words slightly muffled from the tears that were bound to spill over your waterline. your sentence was almost disorganized from the congestion that had formed in your throat due to the number of tears you had shed then less than ten minutes ago.
he began to soothe you with his tranquil fingers that began to trace bemused shapes down your spine, feeling the balmy touch of his finger pads through your shirt ventured into the beginning of tranquility in his endeavor to comfort you. his chin had been resting on the curvature of your shoulder whilst his nose slightly prodded at your clavicle, seeking to conciliate you further.
how could a parent reject their child? what could that child have done so wrong that suddenly they’re unworthy of a parent's love?
who is deserving of that treatment?, not you, certainly not you.
there was a cycle of questions that remained prominent in your mind that only swirled down for a few moments as you were distracted by sirius’ soothing touch, your subconscious yearning for the answer since you had been a young child pondering why you felt so dejected by them. if you were given the opportunity you could've to plead on your knees for an answer as to why.
your respires were beginning to elevate tremendously as you thought of the answers to your ignored questions. whilst sirius began to notice the heaving movements that trembled in your chest, he placed a soothing palm on the bend of your spine— he was adamantly trying his best to comfort you in a situation he had been incredibly familiar with.
“i know baby, i know,” he spoke with a small quiver in his voice. an empathetic sense beginning to acquire over the planes of his sensorium, feeling the uttermost affliction that had been radiating off of your body now melding into his own.
“i wish things were different.” you sighed. your neck began to crane to the left in an attempt to glimpse at the boy. sirius’ chin remained on the curvature of your shoulder and the movements of his palms never faltering, he peered his eyes at you. the familiar pearl-hued irises covered in a clear glaze of empathy towards your slouched figure that was sat upon his bed.
he nodded as a sign that his attention remained on you, observing the way you brought your hand, with a slight tremor now enabling its way from the exertion of stress your body had to endure, and bringing it to wipe across the streaks engraved its way down your cheeks; letting your hand flop back onto your thigh in exhaustion.
“i’m here, m’love. ‘m here,” he whispered into the pulse point of your neck along with a small kiss, identifying how your jugular began to quiver faintly at his consoling words.
he pondered for a moment in silence. if his next words were worthy to be sputtered out in the despairing aura that remains present in the room since you had trudged in his dormitory. james wouldn’t have the slightest problem, euphemia nor fleamont either.
‘the more the merrier.’ they would say, sirius’ mind depicting their exact voices.
“i feel so useless.” you broke the silence once more, wiping another tear whilst expressing your concerns to the gryffindor. “like there’s nothing else i could do, besides disappointing them,” you spoke without an ounce of dishonesty in your voice.
the murmur of your honest confession was enough to bring tears cascading down his pallid cheeks.
sirius’ hand had paused and his chin had lifted from your shoulder, his brows contorting into a broad emotion of perplexity. bewildered at his sudden actions your eyebrows began to crease at his movements. “listen to me,” he began to speak in nobility, “you’re not a disappointment nor useless, you hear me?” he chastised sternly.
“and i don’t ever want to hear you think like that again.” he proceeded to lay his hand on your dampened cheek feeling the familiar searing burn of embarrassment rise to your face, sliding the pad of his thumb against your skin in a comforting motion. “stay with me, and james, and the potters.” he offered, your eyes shooting rapidly into a widened state at his request.
“i can't, it’s—“ you began to deny his offer with the shake of your head, feeling a barricade of guilt. you hastily cut yourself off while attempting to put together your disfigured thoughts. “s’not worth it, ‘m not worth it. to ruin everything you have going with the potters.”
“you aren't ruining anything, love. ‘m gonna talk with james, you don't have to do with it alone.”
you gaped at him, wide eyes glistened with glaciers of despair and dejection while your lips were adamantly trembling attempting to not let a flow of tears overcome you once more. simply not wanting to disturb the atmosphere that had been built in the potter household since sirius had arrived, as well as having no desire to burden them with the faults that had been weighed upon you. but sirius would have none of that, the potters had adored you since the first christmas you had to spend with them in second year.
there would be zero troubles taking you in, and he was going to make sure of it.
“everything’s gonna is alright, i promise you.”
taglist: @fific7 @wisedreamcatcher @kittykylax @ronbrokemyheart @aspiringsloth20 @georgeswh0re @amourtentiaa @msmb @fangouria @five-cups-of-coffee @dracofknmalfoy @emmaev @serenitywilderness @i-love-scott-mccall @artemis1orion @miss-starkov @siriusbarnesslut @inglourious-imagines @famdomhideout @hufflepogue @kirascottage @luvvninaz @miraclesoflove @black-like-my-soul @slytherclawbitch @90steaology
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tatestripedsweater · 3 years
Congrats on 400 bae! <3 Could you write some Jamesy for meeeee!! With the prompts "I'm not a sofite..." and "Boobies!", we both know he's a softie really xoxo
A/N: Thank you sweetie! And yes he really is he deserves all the affection possible! And obviously I done yours first bc ily! This is also slightly out of character but 🤷🏻‍♀️
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There was one side of James that was specifically reserved for you, the more cuddly side of him, he was like a child begging for your affection and love but honestly you wouldn’t have it any other way. Moments like having him cuddling up to you while you stroked his hair are what you cherished, the blood stained your fingers as your fingers massaged his head gently.
Humming softly he couldn’t help but smile, almost sounding like a kitten purring. The blood started to did in his hair as it did on your fingers, most of it getting under your nails. Looking down at him you appreciated the true beauty of the man, the candlelight in the room accentuating his beautiful features.
“It’s rude to stare dear” His voice broke the silence and you couldn’t help but laugh softly, the pout on his face made you want to squish his cheeks as he looked up at you. How was James so adorable covered head to toe in blood? “What are you laughing at?”
“You’re such a softie James, I mean here you are a serial killer, having his hair stroked by his lover” Instantly moving he looked down at you while he was kneeling on the bed, the offended look on his face making you laugh as James’ eyebrows scrunched together. “Oh come on you are, you love my affection!”
“I am not a softie..” It was as if he had to convince himself with that by the way he said it, it was almost like a confused baby trying to figure out what shape went into what slot. “I’m James Patrick March, the greatest serial killer to have lived! I’m not a softie!”
“Would the girls cheer you up?” Raising a brow an instant smirk was replaced by the frown on his face, undoing your shirt your breasts poked through your bra. He was on the edge of his seat as he watched you’re every move, a growl left his lips as he noticed you purposely going slow. James’ hand made their way onto your inner thigh with a hard slap and you couldn’t help but squeal at the contact, with your skin pink the bra was soon thrown on the floor.
“Boobies!” And with that his face was practically between them, you couldn’t help but smile widely and laugh at his reaction as James’ lips kissed between your breasts. “I’m your softie..” The mumble was quiet as he kissed his way down your stomach but it was enough for you to hear, the warm kisses from James’ lips caused goosebumps to form on your body. “Darling.. may I?”
Looking down at him, James mouth was near your underwear and as soon as you nodded the band was between his teeth as he pulled the delicate material down your thighs. You remember him doing the very same with the garter on your thigh when it was your wedding night, the very memory had you moan along with the feeling of the lace of the material on your skin.
Like a rabbit James’ ears twitched when he heard you moan, looking down at you with the panties still in his mouth he couldn’t help but grin widely. The wetness was evident on them, pulling them from his mouth they soon were placed in his back pocket.
“Now darling.. if you don’t mind. I’m rather hungry..” Looking between your legs like a starved man that hasn’t ate in months, before you could even speak his stomach was flat against the bed with his face so close to your cunt, his hot breath fanned against you as his lips wrapped themselves around your clit.. you didn’t see him rise from the spot again for another hour..
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hm okay so first of all it takes place a few years after the og series, I'm thinking like six to seven? point is the gang is all split up, maka was offered a teacher position at dwma but turned it down to travel a bit and consider if she's comfortable with working for dwma considering all the secrecy they're doing. soul is with her because that's what he does and crona is with her because Do Not Separate Them. blackstar and tsubaki are also out seeing the world but less to philosophize and more to get stronger because they're tsubaki and blackstar, possibly incorporating tsubaki's cool new forms from the manga. kid is still in death city and basically I think it'd be interesting if he's slowly preparing to take over as death god with full knowledge of what that would entail for lord death, since that would kinda put a new spin on it compared to the manga. also on the side he's also doing his own scheming because I think that would be fun.
anyway, plot stuff is that dwma have been using angela and mifune to get in contact with the witches and there's talk of a truce, once again incorporating stuff from the manga. the plan is to send kid to do some preliminary negotiations with a team to look out for him, and he asks to take maka and blackstar rather than like, stein or someone, partly because friendship and partly because they're more likely to go along if he starts scheming. this is how we reunite the gang, minus crona who would be wildly unsafe going into with territory considering their connection to medusa and because there's a chance the witches might want to study up on the black blood, in which case crona is the best test subject.
before they leave for the negotiations some way or another it comes out that kim is a witch, which the gang promises to keep secret also I think it'd be cute and sweet if the whole b-team knows and are looking out for kim. anyhoo through kim they find out a bit more abt what the current political situation in the witch world is, which angela and mifune had not been let in on since he's a human and she's like ten. basically, as eruka said in the og series mabaa is getting old so they're also prepping for a change in power, and the title of supreme witch or whatever is slated to go to one of three chosen young witches who have been trained from birth. the gang decide to keep this to themselves for now, partly to keep kim safe and partly because of kid's scheming.
(it should also be noted that there needs to be so many heartwarming reunions also also blackstar is still the shortest he's the token manlet of the group)
anyway they get going and eventually meet up with a witch who uses magic to transport them to where mabaa is hanging out, maybe the witches have a cool witch city that's like. a pit or something whatever it is it needs to be dramatic. negotiations start and kid reveals that he's not only interested in a truce, he wants an active partnership, hence the scheming. mabaa at least isn't outright opposed to the idea but notes that the dwma have been hunting witches for ages so the larger community is bound to be at the very least hesitant. the whole witch election is brought up and mabaa agrees to set up meetings with the three witches with the understanding that if the gang so much as lay a hand on them or in any way try to meddle in the process she will personally see to it that the dwma/witch conflicts escalates to an all out war.
after this I'm kinda fuzzy on the plot, but the first one they see is maggot witch, who's not interested in a partnership. she gives the group brain worms which they manage to get through by the power of friendship or something, and which blackstar has a problem with bc he has a hard time asking from help because that's a sign or weakness or whatever, once again I'm unsure on this. around this time is also where crona shows up because they only managed to keep still for like a day before they started worrying abt maka since they have a lot more experience with witches than she has. they've gotten a lot better over the years, they're still very sheltered but their partnership with ragnarok is much more stable and they can make a joke or two I think. I feel like they deserve it.
next they probably take a quick break at some kind of safe house to recover and build character dynamics, after which they go see bee witch. bee witch is a lot more fun to be around, she throws big parties and has a laff, and she says she'd be interested in working with dwma, because she has a personal loss in the conflict. here we find out that a witch she was really close to (maybe her mom idk) was the witch maka's mom killed to make a death scythe, which maka is smart enough to shut up about but which makes the potential alliance a bit shaky since it's one thing to talk abt it in abstract and a whole other thing to have a shot at revenge within arm's reach. they leave not feeling entirely sure and with crona deeply uncomfortable since they had to endure a party scene press f.
last with they see I haven't drawn or developed a whole bunch yet, but she's a dragonfly witch and doesn't really care either way abt working with dwma since she's not interested in the leadership position in the first place. she has a lot of feelings abt being raised for this One Purpose and not getting to be a person, especially with the risk that she's not even going to get to serve that purpose, which hits home with crona. after this I have. no idea what happens but probably something goes wrong, maybe because of kid's scheming since lord death is bound to find out at some point.
additional notes: I think soul and crona should get to bond over being the most introverted, like just seeing them look genuinely comfortable sitting away from the group and not saying a word to each other. maka's mom's achievements kinda coming back to bite maka in the ass I feel like would give some nuance to the way maka idolizes her mother and constantly tries to follow in her footsteps. I think maybe since this is soul eater season two that lives in MY head I should get to sprinkle in some romance who's to say. I could back it up with how it would add to the themes if I wanted to but it's embarassing and this post is already filling up my embarassment quota for the night, so ask me like. tomorrow if you want to know. I cherish you so much for asking me abt this though make no mistake. I dip you like a dancer
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aerynwrites · 4 years
Frankie Morales x Reader
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Author’s Note: I hope you all enjoy this little Frankie One shot! I love this man with all my heart and I have obviously been bitten by the Frankie bug bc I cannot stop writing for him lol.
Request: Prompt - “I am so in love with you”
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: Kissing
Laughter filled the night air as the flames of the bonfire sent sparks up into the dark sky. You were currently over at Frankie’s house for a get together with the guys. They had made it a tradition since they had retired – and even more so since that trip to South America – and since you were Santiago’s sister you pretty much got a free pass to come whenever you liked. You had pretty much been made an official member of the group from how much you had hung around the boys and kept up with their antics.
You were currently listening to some horrible one night stand story Benny was telling as you sat between Santi and Frankie, leaning into the latter man’s side - all of you laughing your asses off as Benny finally finishes his story.
“Oh, come on!” He groans, “You’re telling me none of you have had any dating disasters?” Benny pointed to you and called out your name before pointing to Frankie, “You guys are still single, where are your horrible dating stories?”
You roll your eyes and Frankie just shakes his head before you finally speak up, “Well up until recently I hadn’t dated anyone in a long time so no – I don’t have any terrible dating stories,” you inform.
All the guys look to you immediately eyes wide, “What do you mean ‘up until recently?’” Santi’s voice meets your ears causing you to turn to him.
You feel your face heat up, not really wanting to discuss this with a bunch of guys, “I’ve just been on a couple dates with this guy recently is all,” you sheepishly explain.
Immediately all the guys start rapid firing questions at you – especially Santiago – and you are so distracted by this that you didn’t notice the way Frankie went rigid beside you the moment you mentioned this other guy. You also failed to notice how he stayed silent during all of this until he abruptly stood from his position, making you fall to the side slightly at the loss of support. You watch as he all but storms into the house and you feel your heart clench slightly.
If you were being honest, you had harbored feelings for the former military pilot since Santiago had introduced you all those years ago. But as time wore on and Frankie never showed any interest, at least not that you noticed, you thought maybe dating other people would help you get over him. however, it just made it worse. Everyone you dated just reminded you that they weren’t Frankie. They weren’t as funny as him, or handsome, or caring, or…you could go on.
An elbow in your side pulled you from your thoughts and you turned to see Santiago giving you a soft look.
“Why don’t you go check on him?” he asks softly, a knowing look in his eyes.
You gave him a small smile before standing from your spot and walking towards the house, the boy’s voices and laughter fading into the distance as you entered the house and shut the door behind you. you walked into the kitchen only to find Frankie hunched over, hands braced on the counter – seemingly in distress over something.
“Hey,” you greet gently, as not to startle him, “Are you alright?”
Frankie’s head snaps up at your sweet voice and he almost breaks down right there at the concerned look in your eyes. Unknown to you, he had left the gathering because he couldn’t stand hearing you talk about being with another guy. Frankie has felt more than friendship towards you for a long time and to hear that he had blown his only chance to be with you – it made him so frustrated. Not with you – no he could never be upset at you – but upset with himself. The guys told him to make his move months ago, well aware of how their friend felt about you. Even Santi had told Frankie to tell you how he felt – convinced that you and him would be perfect for one another. But he was too scared – scared that he wasn’t good enough for you, scared that you would laugh in his face – too scared to act.
And now he had lost his chance.
“Frankie?” your voice brought him from his thoughts once more and he let out a deep sigh – running a hand over his face.
“Uh, yeah – yeah I’m fine,” he said, turning to grab a beer from the fridge, anything to occupy his mind.
You walked over to him, leaning against the counter and trying to find Frankie’s eyes, frowning when he wouldn’t even look at you.
“I’m sorry if that talk upset you for some reason – I’m sure Benny didn’t mean to make you feel singled out or anything –“ you stopped short when laughter started falling from Frankie’s lips and you furrowed your brow, kind of insulted that he was seemingly laughing at you.
“That’s not –“ he finally looked at you before shaking his head and looking down to the drink in his hand, “Benny didn’t make me upset.”
You crossed your arms, frustrated that your friend wouldn’t just talk to you, “Well what is it then? Something is obviously bothering you,” you say, walking over and taking the drink from his hands so you could hold his hands loosely in yours, “We’re friends Frankie you can –“
“I don’t want to be friends!” he blurts out.
The words make you drop his hands as your heart drops into your stomach, “What?” you breathe, “Why? Did I do something wrong? did I say something –“
Frankie’s eyes widen as he realizes what he says and a hand comes up to the back of his head, gripping his baseball cap harshly, “What? No , no – that’s not – fuck –“ he curses, trying to string together his thoughts enough to form a coherent sentence.
Confusion blankets your features as your hands fall to your sides, “Then what –“
“I love you okay?” He blurts out again, continuing when you don’t respond – eyes wide with shock.
“I – I’m so in love with you, and just –“ he sighs stepping closer to you now, “Hearing you talk about that guy just made me – I don’t know,” he mumbles, taking a step away from you and shoving his hands into his pockets.
“I’m sorry,” he continues, “You don’t deserve this – me dumping all this shit on you just because I’m some jealous ass-“
He doesn’t get to finish because you lips pressing against his own cuts off the words. He freezes at first, caught off guard by your actions until his brain finally manages to catch up and he melts into you. He wraps his arms around your waist as he feels your fingers tangle in his hair knocking the ballcap from his head in the process. As much as Frankie wanted this to go on forever, he finally pulled away from you, both of you panting slightly as you looked at one another. Frankie was the first to speak.
“What –“
“I love you too Frankie,” you breathe, face still flushed from the kiss, “I have for years.”
His eyes widen at this admission and he tugs you closer unconsciously, “Years?” he whispered.
You bit your lip and nodded, “Pretty much since the moment Santiago introduced us.”
A large smile broke across his face at your words and he pulled you in for another kiss, relishing in the fact that this was finally happening. The one thing he has wanted for years is finally coming true.
This time you’re the one to pull away, but you don’t go far. instead you tuck yourself into his chest as he pulls you tighter to him, arms still wrapped snugly around your waist as he rests cheek on the top of your head. Neither of you speak for a while, wanting to cherish this small moment for as long as possible. Finally, however, Frankie speaks up.
“What about that other guy?”
You pull away from him, giggles spilling from your lips, “He was gone the minute you said you loved me.”
Frankie cringes, “Damn, tossed out just like that?”
You scoff playfully and smack his arm, “I can go out on another date with him it concerns you so much!”
Frankie shakes his head firmly pulling you into him all the while pressing a multitude of kisses to your cheek and jaw, “Oh I don’t think so princesa,” he says before finally pressing a quick peck to your lips and pulling you into his chest, “I just got you, I’m not about to let you go so easily.”
You smile and bury your face into his chest, “I’m not going anywhere.”
Permanent Taglist: @lord-wolfgen @petalduck​ @sebastianstanslefteyebrow​ @stillreadingfantasy​ @pedrosdoll​ @simonsbluee @justlovetoreadfics​ @discogrrl​ @maryan028​ @asaucecoveredsomething​ @hiscyarika​ @theforceofdisney @hail-doodles @murdermewithbooks @getinthepoolkeanu @ah-callie​ @adikaofmandalore​ @fleurdemiel145​ @fioccodineveautunnale​ @harrypotter-life2​ @mandalorian-theway​ @spxcedxdddy​ @dizzydazed​ @readsalot73​ @wickedfrsgrl​ @shayna-winchester​ @blushingwueen​ @oloreaa​
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scarletwinterxx · 4 years
First and Last pt. 4
Hello! I was going to post earlier but got distracted. had to pause writing for bit bcs I was watching Hyuck’s vlive. Anywayyysss thank you for all the love and support. I hope you enjoy this chapter!
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2020 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
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“Do you think he’ll like it?”
“He said he likes tiramisu so yea” Jeno answered
“But I don’t want it to seem like I’m bribing him with food. Maybe I should just-“
“Y/N-ah, it’s fine. Jaemin will love it. And he’s not really mad at you, you know. He’s just sad and disappointed” Jeno assured the girl who was currently fiddling with the cake she was holding.
When Y/N came to Jeno, asking him for help he didn’t hesitate to say yes. He knew the situation was a bit complicated considering his friends are not on speaking terms at the moment. 
He could only imagine the tension over at Haechan and Renjun’s dorm.
“You know that doesn’t make it any better” y/n deadpanned, the boy sitting across her just shooting her one of his famous eye smile
“Don’t worry about it, where is Haechan by the way?” Jeno asked
“He still has two more classes, I had to call him this morning to make sure he actually got out of bed” y/n stated, Jeno was just smiling to himself as Y/n speaks about his friend.
Even if their relationship was pretend at the beginning, it looks like it isn’t anymore. He’s just not sure if those two were aware of it.
The first time he saw y/n and Haechan together, he didn’t even think twice about their relationship. They just clicked so easily it seemed like they’ve been dating for a long time.
All those times the two were together, it wouldn’t even cross anyone’s mind that it was fake. 
They brought out sides of each other, better sides, without even realizing it.
“I should go over and see if he’s okay but I don’t want to bother Renjun, I’m sure I’m the last person he would want to see” The girl mumbled, she looked so down and ridden with guilt
“That’s not true, he just needs some time. He’ll come around” Jeno said then shot Y/N a comforting smile. The two didn’t notice Jaemin approaching the bench they were sitting on
“Hello” Jaemin said making the pair jump in surprise. Y/N immediately stood up and bowed her head, holding out the box towards Jaemin
“I’m really really sorry about making you upset and lying to you. I understand if you don’t want to be friends with me anymore, here’s a little peace offering to lessen your sadness atleast for a bit” Y/N said, her voice getting lower as she speaks more
Jaemin leaned his head down, standing in line of Y/N’s sight
“My eyes are not on the floor though” the blue haired boy chuckled
“You need to stop apologizing for everything, like I said I wasn’t mad” Jaemin shot the girl a small smile then accepting the gift she was handing over
“Sorr- I mean... Yea...” Y/N stuttered, trying to stop herself from saying sorry again
“Don’t worry, thanks for this. You didn’t have to but thank you”
“I really do apologize for making you upset. That was never the intention we had when we did it” Y/N told him and also Jeno
“May I know why? Why did you do it?”
“Hyuck... he just doesn’t want people to give him the pity looks anymore. I would never understand what it’s like to be in his place, no one should ever know what it’s like to be cheated on. He just got tired of being reminded of that everyday”
“We don’t even talk about it” Jaemin mumbled, a pout forming on his lips as he recall if they ever mentioned Lia in any conversation they’ve had. Renjun was very adamant about never speaking her name ever again so he can’t remember much
“I know but you also have been treating him with baby gloves, Hyuck won’t break you know. He might have been upset, sad and broken about it but he’s also trying to get better. If you tiptoe around him then he’ll feel like he’s not making any progress” Y/N explained, the two boys now understanding more 
“Did he tell you this?” Jeno asked, wondering if he should have listened more to his friend or if he could have done something more
“No, but I can see it. He didn’t have to tell me. That’s why I agreed to do it, not because I wanted to make Lia jealous or to fool you guys but because I saw he was tired of tiptoeing too. He needed some room to breath, if having a fake girlfriend is what it takes to get that then why not” 
"Don’t get me wrong, it’s not like he was using me. If anything we really helped each other out. These past few months have been an adventure compared to the past 20 years of my life, I’m thankful for that”
After Y/N’s explanation, they finally get why.
“Thank you, too” Jaemin said surprising Y/N 
“For what?” she asked back
“You understood our bestfriend more than we did. You saw right through him and helped him when he needed it and he didn’t even say a word, thank you for being there for him”
Y/N smiled warmly at him, getting a little teary eyed
“Ya don’t cry, Haechan will kill me if he sees you crying” Jaemin said making the girl laugh
“Thank you”
“So we’re good now? Shall we eat this cake? Thanks by the way. Now I’m going to prove how Tiramisu cake is so much better” Jaemin said, the atmosphere significantly lifting. 
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To say Y/N feels nervous is an understatement, she’s currently standing outside Renjun and Hyuck’s dorm waiting for the door to open. 
When it finally did, she felt like her heart skipped and she lost all the words she was about to say, 
“What are you doing here? Hyuck’s not here yet” Renjun answered, his voice devoid of any emotion making Y/N feel more nervous but she knew she had to do it. 
“I actually came to talk to you” she told the boy, honestly speaking she was expecting to have the door slammed on her face but Renjun just opened the door wider and gestured for her to go in. 
“You can sit, you know” Renjun said when he saw Y/N standing awkwardly in the middle of the living room
Renjun sat on the seat across from Y/N, still sporting a blank look on his face. 
Y/N took a deep breath before speaking. 
“I fully understand why you got mad, I’m sorry for lying. I do feel bad for fooling you like that-”
“Then why do it?” Renjun asked, never the one to beat around the bush always straight to the point
“Hyuck. And some selfish reason I had, trying to feel something more”
Renjun raised his brow at this, a signal for Y/N to explain some more
“It was never his intention to hurt you guys, he just needed a little more room to breath. He does appreciate you caring for him, especially you. He never tells you guys but he does. He cherishes you all” 
“I had to watch him be so down for months, did you know he ran away?” to this Y/N shook her head, this story new to her
“You already know he never confronted Lia, we were all telling him to talk to her and that he didn’t deserve to be treated like that but he was waiting for her to say her side. Then when Lia broke up with him, making it look like he was the bad guy, he just ran away”
“Last summer, we thought he just went home but when we decided to visit him his mom told us he hasn’t been home all summer. He went back to Jeju for awhile, by himself. He only came back after we went there and literally had to drag him” as Renjun retold the story, a little smile appears on the side of his face.
“He looked so lost, I’ve never seen him like that. I wish I never see him like that ever again. That’s why we’ve been very cautious around him”
“You’re a good friend, sounds like you helped him alot” Y/N said
“Looks like he doesn’t want that help though”
“I needed the help, I didn’t know I did but apparently I do. I’ve always been alone, I’m never anyone’s first choice. No one would ever ask me first to be their partner in a project or ask me to go out and hang out. I was always that girl in the background, only being asked so it won’t get awkward. When Donghyuck asked me to be his girlfriend, well fake girlfriend, my first question was why me”
At this, it was Y/N turn to smile
“Out of everyone in that room, he saw me and somehow thought ‘Oh I pick her’. When we did that project last semester, I was already expecting I was going to do it alone but suddenly Hyuck was sitting next to me going on about when should we start doing the project, my first thought was ‘someone picked me’“
Y/N was fiddling with her fingers, a habit she developed when she gets anxious
“It takes strength to admit your weaknesses, I admit I’m not the best when it comes to making friends or expressing myself. It’s a big fault of mine, I overthink a lot. I worry over things I shouldn’t be worrying about. I’m a mess” Y/N said
Renjun now understand why she was saying. 
Out of everyone, she understood what it feels like to be a mess. They all were but Y/N saw the mess Haechan was trying so hard to hide. She saw how he was struggling but unlike the rest of them, she didn’t pressure him into getting better. She just let him take the steps he needed until Hyuck felt okay again. 
“Hyuck knows when to give me space when I need it, he reminds me not to worry about things I absolutely have no control over”
“He gives you that room to breath” Renjun finished the sentence for her, the girl nodding her head gently 
“It still gets hard at times but now I know I have someone with me”
While the two were having a serious talk they didn’t hear the door open, Donghyuck entering the dorm room and hearing his bestfriend and the girl he likes having what looks like to be a very serious talk. 
“Sometimes you just need to get lost to find yourself again. I get lost a lot, now I met someone who can anchor me down. Am I a bad person for putting that on him?” Y/N asked, a confused look crossing Donghyuck’s face having no clue what they were talking about
“No, he looks like he actually likes it” Renjun chuckled
“I’m sorry, I really am. You didn’t deserve being lied to” Y/N said, apologizing to the boy sitting across from her. For a while Renjun didn’t say anything, the tension rising inside the room
“Do you like him? Like for real?” Renjun asked, Hyuck unconsciously holding his breath waiting for Y/N’s answer. 
“I do”
There are moments when it's just the two of them that tells Hyuck she feels the same way about him, but then it goes as fast as it came. He wanted so bad to talk to her about it but he didn’t want to pressure Y/N into anything. 
Things started out complicated, their whole relationship wasn’t the typical one. Hyuck knew there are a lot of things to set straight, he’s just finding the right time to do so. 
“But this isn’t about us right now. We can resolve that later” Y/N said with a gentle smile, “He needs his bestfriend more than he needs a girlfriend”
“I think right now he prefers you more” Renjun said, Hyuck held in a chuckle. He could already imagine the blush on Y/N cheeks
“I- well... I mean we’re friends”
“What happens to the two of you?”
“I thought I just said this isn’t about us, I’m trying to fix your friendship” Y/N mumbled, Renjun letting out a little laugh before speaking again
“He won’t get rid of me that easily, I just needed the time. As much as we fight and bicker, I don’t think I can live without him. Don’t tell him though”
Little did Renjun knew, Hyuck was standing near by waiting. 
“I really am sorry” Y/N said once again
“I understand”
“Now back to my question, so what happens to the two of you. I’m pretty sure Haechan like-” before Renjun could say more Hyuck decided this is a good time to make his presence known
“What is happening here?” Hyuck saw Y/N jump a bit on her seat at the sound of his voice, the girl turning to where he was standing. Acting as if he just arrived and didn’t hear the conversation that just took place between the two. 
“I can feel my ears burning, are you talking about me?” Hyuck asked again
“Only the embarrassing stuff you’ve done” Renjun replied, any tension that was there during that party was long gone. 
“You two must have been here all day then” Hyuck said then took the seat beside Y/N, 
“I heard you bought Jaemin cake” the boy tells Y/N
“As a peace offering”
“Where’s my peace offering?” Renjun asked jokingly, “Uh- well... I thought about how to approach you and a cake didn’t sound like a good plan” Y/N explained seriously
“He’s kidding, he likes hotpot though. If you ever need him to do something, try that” Hyuck told the girl, she just chuckled at his advice
“Stop exposing me like that”
After Y/N and Renjun’s talk, all was well again. The trio had dinner then decided to call it a night, Hyuck volunteering to walk Y/N back to her dorm even when the girl insisted she can just walk alone
“I can go home by myself, it’s been a long day”
“Sorry I can’t hear you” Hyuck said as he throw the take away bags they just finished, Renjun already in the kitchen clearing the rest of the dishes while quietly listening to the two
“I said I can walk home alone” this time Y/N pulled on Hyuck’s shoulder and spekaing directly into Hyuck’s ear, meanwhile the boy just smiles at Y/N’s action
Renjun rolling his eyes at the two but also smiling at them. They were perfect for each other, he thought. 
“I heard you this time but deciding not to listen still” Hyuck said then walked to the door, already putting on his shoes
“I swear one day, I’m going to hit you” Y/N mumbled under her breath but the two boys heard it. Renjun laughing at her statement while Hyuck had a smirk on his lips, “And like I said before, I don’t mind being hit on as long as it’s-” Y/N eyes widden, already knowing what Hyuck was about to say so she cut him off
“Okay okay okay, fine. Let’s go. Bye, Renjun” she waved at the boy, Renjun saying a quick goodbye
After the two were out the door, he could hear the faint sound of their playful argument. Y/N must feel that comfortable around Hyuck, he has only ever seen her like that when it’s with Hyuck. 
With this thought he pulled his phone out, quickly calling his other friends
“I’d give it 2 weeks, loser treats the winners” Renjun said as Jaemin picks up the call, he didn’t even need to explain 
On the other side of the line, Jaemin was smiling widely. Jeno saw this and asked who was on the phone so Jaemin put it on speaker 
“I say a week” Jaemin answered
“What are we talking about?” Jeno asked, “How long will it take for Y/N and Haechan to get together for real” Renjun explained, 
The other two already understood that Hyuck, Renjun and Y/N made up. 
“I don’t think we should be betting on this” Jeno mumbled, meanwhile Renjun rolled his eyes at this statement
“Just say your guess, Jen” Renjun deadpanned
“Injun said two weeks, I said 1″ Jaemin told the boy, “Three” Jeno answered
“Weeks? no way, they like each other too much”
“Day. Three days” Jeno clarified, feeling confident about his guess
“It’s on”
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haveuseenmyhalo · 4 years
My Choices
Someone innocently said to me “I find it hard to believe women like to be treated that way.. but if you enjoy it.... to each their own”
Now there are a million and one posts from submissives floating around about different scenarios. Amazing accounts of overcoming body issues and how their Dom is right there with them through that. Account after account of overcoming abuse. Posts about how so many different milestones are accomplished with the help from the discipline of their the Dom.
But I want to talk about me for a moment. And what I like. I’m not sure if it was the shibari or the post about choking on his cock that make him think I was treated in a way that prompted his statement.
When I kneel at his feet the world just fades away. My worries disappear. The chaos slowly vanishes. My world tunnels and my focus is on the one man who cherishes me in every way possible. This man that places me on a pedestal. That loves me. Tells me how beautiful I am over and over. This man that shows me in every way he can that he is deserving of my devotion.
This man does not force anything from me. Even when he grabs my hair, pins me down, and ties me up. There is no “force”. Would it appear that way from an untrained eye? Sure it could. But this man would NEVER hurt me by forcing me. He would NEVER betray that trust. He would NEVER take advantage of me in any vulnerable position for a multitude of reasons. One bc he wants to do it again. Two bc he loves me. Three bc he respects me. Four bc he’s worked too hard to ruin that. Five bc he doesn’t have to. (I’m sure I haven’t listed 6-1000 but you get my drift). I choke on his cock bc it turns me on. I want to please him. I take immense pleasure in looking in the mirror and seeing my makeup all down my face and knowing that I got that cock down my throat and I made my Dom feel good. He takes pleasure in knowing I want to do that for him. He does not make me. There is no harsh treatment. As a matter of fact it’s beautiful. Bc he’s groaning all kinds of hot sexy things when he can form a sentence- but always, ALWAYS, he’s stroking my forehead or cheek and praising me.
He makes rules for my safety and my peace of mind. The more I thrive the happier he is. I’m not always happy with my rules but I’m always happy he enforces them.
D/s is a beautiful and rewarding way to live. The fluid movement of give and take is mesmerizing and requisite. Each day is a gift. Each day is earned. Each day meets a need so deep in my soul I can’t adequately explain it.
So I love being treated this way. I wish more people understood that this way is not at all what they have been conditioned to believe.
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ddaenggtan · 4 years
monachopsis | knj x ksj
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seokjin knows - has known, for years - that his life will be like this forever. there is no more sea, there is no more swimming, there is no more of anything he used to know. this is life - wake up, go to a shoot, try not to piss giho off, go home, sleep, wake up again. because he was caught. because giho owns him. because he can't. 
but then he meets namjoon. and seokjin starts to realize that maybe...just maybe. he can.
pairing | namjin
rating | sfw (some swearing & violence, so T for teen)
wc | 5.7k | cross-posted to ao3
warnings | mild violence, allusions to violence and physical abuse, a very brief depiction of said abuse, non-sexual choking, non-sexual slavery in a way, selkie!jin, aquarium worker!joon, marine biologist!joon, model!jin
a/n | hi this is for fwl’s Luv Library project, for the Fantasy & Fairytales section, and its also the first mxm i’ve ever posted so it might be a Little Rough but i am very attached to these characters and also i Love Selkies SO you get selkie jin!!! special super shoutout to @personawife​ for reading through it and also giving me the title!!!! im luv u!!! i hope u like the surprise ending that you didn’t get to read bc it was a surprise!!!!!!! ALSO added shoutout to user @jamaisjoons​ for the SUPERB banner she made!!!!!!!! im in love!!!!!!!!!! sol i do not deserve u!!!!!!!!!!
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 He misses the sea, sometimes. 
He misses the refracting light and the weightlessness and the bubbles. He aches for the days he could swim, for miles and miles and miles, without getting tired. He misses the way his hair would move in the water, the way it felt to lay in the sun to dry off, the warmth that came with it all. 
Seokjin wraps his sweater more tightly around his torso and forces the thoughts away. Remembering gets him nowhere, he scolds himself. This is his life, now and forever, and he’s got to accept that if he wants to survive long enough to see the sea once more. He can do this. He’s strong enough for this.
The chill of the winter air is strong, too; it seeps into his bones and roots in them, lingering long after he’s made his way inside the studio. Giho is already there, berating some poor girl for her outfit choice. When he sees Seokjin he stops, waving at the intern. She runs out without even looking up. 
“You’re late,” Giho says with a sneer. They both glance at the clock on the wall. 11:55.
“You said noon,” Seokjin responds. His tone is neutral, a carefully constructed skill that has saved his life many times over the years. 
Giho tsks, likely because he can’t outright smack Seokjin with so many people around. Still, Seokjin can feel the old man’s eyes on him as he strips out of his clothes. 
The cold is prominent against his naked skin, and it doesn’t ebb as he slides the new clothes on. Giho is already yelling again, at the stylist this time, and it’s a familiar background noise. It’s still going on when he gets on the set, face in the perfect mask that everyone seems to love. 
The photographer barely needs to direct him; he and Taehyung have worked together for months now, and it only gets easier. Tae knows his best angles, his best lighting, how to highlight the cold expression he wears in shoots so the audience can interpret it their own way. 
Seokjin doesn’t know where Giho found this kid, but Tae is lucky the old bastard can’t keep him.
“To the left,” Tae mutters, and Seokjin does so without a word. 
The hours pass quickly. Between outfit changes and makeup retouches and actually shooting, the day flies. Before he even knows it, the clock is striking ten, and everyone is packing up. 
Jin changes quickly back into his sweater, the ever-colder air chilling him once more. Giho is off to the side with Taehyung and the Artistic Director, Hoseok, all three of them conversing quietly as they look at the photos from today. There’s no need for Seokjin to look; he knows how he did because Giho’s hands are kept to themselves. 
Checking again that they’re all suitably distracted, Seokjin turns to leave. He promptly stops, because he runs almost directly into someone coming through the door. Hands dart up to catch him, big and strong and warm as they wrap around his elbows for a second longer than they should, and there’s a muttered “Sorry,” from the guy in front of him. 
“Careful, hyung,” Taehyung’s voice calls. “Don’t damage the moneymaker.”
Seokjin’s eyes meet the man’s - a warm brown, one that reminds him of chocolate and muddy snow and love - before he physically pulls himself away. He doesn’t have to look at Giho to know what he’s thinking, what his paranoia is telling him about, and Seokjin needs to be able to eat tonight.
“It’s fine,” Seokjin says in the same unaffected voice he always uses around sets. “Barely touched me.”
The man frowns - probably because Seokjin is lying - but he lets it go, and Seokjin is thankful for it. Small mercies. 
“Jin,” Giho calls. He stops and turns. “Eleven, tomorrow.” He nods and leaves, ignoring the exhaustion in his bones and the familiar sorrow that fills his chest as he passes the all-too-familiar trunk by the door.
In the studio he leaves behind, Namjoon shares a look with his brother, who very minutely shakes his head. Namjoon knows that look, created that look to warn Tae off the ones that were more trouble that he could handle. Namjoon always wondered why his little brother never listened to that look. 
As he and Taehyung head to dinner, passing billboard after poster after billboard with Jin’s face on it, Namjoon thinks he might understand. 
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The guy shows up more often. Seokjin knows his name, has said it a thousand times in his head over the weeks, but he won’t let himself acknowledge it. He can feel the guy’s stares on him, every time he arrives to get Tae at the same time Seokjin is running out the door after a shoot. He feels the interest, he’s intimately familiar with how it feels to have someone’s eyes running up and down his body, and he knows exactly what kind of danger that puts the both of them in. 
Giho sees it too, he’s sure. That’s the most dangerous part of it, the thing that could be the end of them both. He hasn’t said anything - yet - but Jin is positive as he switches poses for Taehyung that Giho can tell. 
He can tell that Namjoon - the guy , Jin corrects himself - is showing up earlier and earlier, more and more often, often hanging out beside the photo monitor and talking to Hoseok while he waits. That his eyes linger, long after the model is gone, and that they wonder, about everything. That he’s interested . 
Seokjin doesn’t like to remember what happened to the last man that was interested in him. 
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It’s pouring rain. There’s a fog over the city that clouds vision and hushes conversation. There’s damp in the air, a wetness that seeps into each breath and covers the earth in its scent. It’s like a blanket over everything, making it all grey and dark and quiet, and Seokjin lives for it. 
It reminds him of the sea. How it would churn and darken and crash before a storm. The way the salt spray would hit the ice, the smell of the lightning in the air, the way he could just let it carry him wherever it wanted him to go. 
He stands outside the studio. Giho left hours before, for some important networking dinner. He’d tried to drag Seokjin along with him, until Taehyung offhandedly mentioned needing to reshoot a couple things. Giho had sneered and stormed out and that was that.  
Now he stands outside, in the rain, with his back against the building. The trunk is just on the other side of the wall; it lingers in the back of his mind, taunting. He can feel it. He knows it’s there. 
It’s a testament to how thorough Giho is in his punishments that Seokjin doesn’t attempt to claw it open and instead just tips his head back, eyes closed, basking in the water soaking his sweater and the pull he can feel in his stomach. 
He should be swimming.
“Do you need a ride?”
Seokjin doesn’t even open his eyes; he knows the voice. Has spent too long hearing it murmur on the sidelines of photoshoots, has watched its owner as his lips form words he isn’t supposed to listen to. 
He should ignore it. That’s what Giho would warn him to do.
He flutters his lids open, casting a glance at where Namjoon and Taehyung stand. Taehyung has his camera out, and Seokjin has no doubt he’s already snapped a few photos of their surroundings out of habit. 
“I’m fine,” he says softly. His voice is slightly hoarse from disuse, but Namjoon doesn’t even flinch. Taehyung is fiddling with his camera, oblivious to the way Namjoon’s eyes search Seokjin’s face for the lie he won’t find.
The rain is the only solace that Seokjin gets; he cherishes these nights. He won’t cut it short, especially not for a human.
“I’m fine,” He repeats. Against his better judgement, he continues, “I enjoy the rain. It’s refreshing.”
“Refreshing…” Namjoon echoes quietly. Neither of them speak, for a long moment; Namjoon continues to look for any sign that Seokjin is lying, and Seokjin continues to pretend the streaks on his cheeks are from the raindrops. 
“Walk Jin home.”
They both turn at that, to where Taehyung has his camera pressed to his eye as he frames some shots. When he’s finished, and there’s been no response, Taehyung looks at them both. 
“It’s bad weather,” Taehyung explains, “On a dark night. It’d be rude of us to let you walk home alone when anything could be lurking in the shadows.”
Namjoon looks at Seokjin, practically begging for him to agree. He should say no. He should walk himself the ten blocks to his apartment, and pretend neither of them ever said anything, and continue on with his life. Giho would go berserk if he ever found out, would never allow it, would do everything he could to prevent it. 
“Sure,” Seokjin says. He’s tired of doing what Giho wants. He’s tired of being without the sea, being kept landlocked with just the rain to remind him of home. “It’s this way.”
Namjoon and Taehyung share a look, but Seokjin pays it no mind as he heads down the street. 
The rain is coming down in sheets, and his clothes are soaked. They rest heavy against his skin, and it just makes Seokjin miss the ocean more. He misses how it felt to be weightless, constantly; to feel so powerful and strong and capable. He never feels that way on land. 
“How long have you been a model?” Namjoon eventually asks. For a moment - a split second - Seokjin considers ignoring him. It’s what Giho would demand he do. 
“Too long,” He says instead. 
“You don’t enjoy it?” Namjoon asks, surprised. Seokjin shakes his head, just slightly. 
“I do, it’s just…” He searches for the words. He can’t tell anyone about it, has no one to talk to, no one that would believe him. He’s never even felt the urge to share it. Until now. “It’s not what I would have picked for myself.”
Namjoon is silent beside him, and Seokjin can feel the question on the tip of his tongue. He’s going to ask why he does it, why he would bother being a model if it isn’t what he wants to do, and then Seokjin will be forced to come up with an excuse. 
“What would you have picked?” Namjoon asks instead. 
It brings all of the thoughts in his head to a standstill; all the worry and anxiety and stress stops, distracted by the thought that he had wanted, once upon a time. It takes a long time for Seokjin to find words, to find something that could translate into human language. 
“To swim,” He says simply. “To be in the ocean, or with my family. Something.”
“You aren’t with your family?”
“No.” He debates how much to say, but eventually, Seokjin decides, fuck it . He’s been quiet for long enough, and something about Namjoon is comforting, and soothing, and encouraging. “I lost them, when I was very young.”
“I’m sorry,” Namjoon says, and Seokjin thinks he actually means it, even if he doesn’t know the real truth of the matter. How Seokjin strayed too far from them, despite the warnings he’d been given his entire life. How he wanted to stretch human legs and snuck away and got caught by someone that recognized the coat drying on a rock and what he was. 
How Giho locked it away, for years, and forced Seokjin to be his ticket to wealth. 
“So am I.”
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It becomes an irregularly regular thing, Namjoon walking him home. 
He can’t do it every night. They’re both too aware of the way Giho watches them, though for different reasons. Namjoon doesn’t know what Giho has done to others in his position, the lengths he’s gone to ensure Seokjin stays his. 
But the nights when he can, when Giho leaves for some dinner or event or something and Taehyung can come up with a believable excuse...those are the nights that Seokjin starts looking forward to. 
He learns so much about Namjoon - that he studied marine biology in school, got his doctorate in it as soon as he could; that he visits his parents’ grave every Wednesday morning, leaves flowers for them when he has the money; that he wants to travel the world and help endangered species everywhere, wants to take Taehyung with him as a nature photographer; that he’s the best man Seokjin has ever known with the biggest heart and the most patience that he’s ever seen. 
Namjoon doesn’t question why Seokjin only ever gives vague answers, or skirts around mentions of where he comes from, or why he doesn’t have a phone. He doesn’t ask Seokjin to let him up into the apartment, or answer his questions, or explain why he stays at arm’s length despite leaning closer because Namjoon is warm. 
He doesn’t question any of it, and it makes Seokjin’s heart flutter dangerously in his chest, and it means that when Namjoon asks if he has a free day anytime soon, Seokjin only hesitates for a second before he responds. 
“Giho has a business trip coming up,” he tells Namjoon. “As long as we have three full shoots, he won’t suspect anything.”
“Will you come with me?” Namjoon asks. “I just want to distract you for the day. I’ve seen your life, what you do, so much. I’d like to show you mine, if you’ll let me.” 
He should say no. He shouldn’t go with him, he should say no, and stop letting Namjoon walk him home, and let Giho move them across the country again.
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The day comes. Seokjin dresses nicer, though he’ll never admit it. A nice button-down, black slacks, hair styled, sunglasses to combat the glare in the sky. Giho is gone for three days - three marvelous, liberated days - and Seokjin can use that time to come up with a believable excuse if he’s recognized.
Namjoon looks like he always does - warmth and welcome and strength. It settles in Seokjin’s chest the second he sees Namjoon, and he wonders if this is what people meant when they say they found home in someone.
He doesn’t ask Namjoon where they’re going; just follows him onto the subway, and off, and on, and off again, listening to him talk about this cafe and that bookstore and the busker on the corner. He gets the full experience of Namjoon’s commute, and he couldn’t be more in love with him. 
With it. He’s in love with it , the commute, seeing what other people do each day. That’s all, because that’s all he can let himself have. 
When they arrive, Seokjin stares. He doesn’t know why he didn’t know, why he didn’t put the pieces together from all the times Namjoon has mentioned his work and his degree, but he didn’t...he didn’t think , didn’t even consider, and now he stands on the sidewalk, staring at the large building, and Namjoon is waiting for him. 
“Seokjin?” He asks softly. “We can turn around right now.” 
He looks at Namjoon - really looks at him. Takes in the nice turquoise shirt and the cuffed slacks and the dress shoes, the glasses that are so thick Seokjin wonders how he sees without them at all, the way there’s already disappointment clouding the acceptance in his eyes. 
“No,” He says. “No, it’s fine. Let’s go.”
He shouldn’t be here, his mind tells him throughout each exhibit. Not just because of Giho this time, but for himself. 
Namjoon is so excited about each exhibit, telling him about each creature as they go through. He mentions how each one has its own name, though they get confused sometimes for the larger populations. How so many have been released into the wild successfully, how so many have been rebuilt and are on the brink of non-endangered status. 
He talks about the sharks, and how Louise and Wheein haven’t been getting along, but that Yari and Chainsaw are expecting a pup soon; he talks about the penguins and how Potato keeps stealing extra fish but he does it to give to Frenchie, so they let him get away with it; he talks about the jellyfish, and the rays, and the octopuses, and everyone and everything, and it’s nearly too much for Seokjin, but he manages. 
He gets through nearly the entire aquarium, exhausted but content with the happy grin on Namjoon’s face, but he stops, because Namjoon has mentioned Maple throughout the entire trip, has talked about her before. Seokjin knows Maple’s history better than his own, almost, but he never realized…
Now he does. He watches as Maple dives back down off the landing, flipping and turning in the water. They stand in a viewing area, a room long and tall and tinted blue with the water at the bottom of the tank. It gives way to land halfway up, is more than generous for the lone animal that dances through the water. 
“Isn’t she beautiful?” Namjoon asks. “She’s the one we’re working hardest with. Hawaiian monk seals are critically endangered, so when she was brought in as a pup, she took first priority. We’re doing everything we can to get her back up to breeding standards. She keeps getting sick, though, and no pregnancy has been viable so far.”
Seokjin doesn’t answer. He doesn’t even blink. He doesn’t know this seal, not really; she’s just a seal, she’s not like him, she’s not even the same species, but a human wouldn’t know that. Especially not a human like Namjoon, completely out of the loop on all of it. 
“She wants to be free.”
He can see it when Namjoon turns to look at him, confused. Watches the reflection in the glass as closely as he watches Maple’s mourning dance. 
“Her environment is larger than most,” Namjoon says. “She’s got plenty of room to swim and we’ve got activity sets throughout so she’s mentally stimulated as well. She eats, probably more than she should, and-”
“A cage is still a cage, no matter how pretty it is.” Seokjin can see it, can hear Maple’s call, can feel it in his very soul as the urge to respond grows. She spots them standing there and swims closer, and Seokjin places a hand on the glass wall. “She wants to be back in the ocean.”
“It’s dangerous for her there,” Namjoon says quietly. He says it like he knows, like he’s always known, what she needs, but doesn’t want to admit it. “There isn’t enough food, humanity keeps taking their territory...she’s sick. She wouldn’t survive out there.”
Better to die free than spend eternity in a cage, Seokjin thinks bitterly. He takes a breath and reminds himself that Namjoon cares. He’s helping, in the only way that he knows how. 
Maple spins when she spots Namjoon, clearly excited, but when her eyes land on Seokjin, she stills. 
“Ah, she’s not always friendly to strangers, so…” Namjoon trails off. His reflection shows his jaw slack, open in a surprised o , because he’s wrong, this time. 
Maple lets out a whistle - long, and low, and haunting in the stillness of the building. Her nose is nearly against the glass, she’s so close, and she looks straight into him. She sees him, recognizes him for what he is, and uses the call. 
Seokjin can feel the snap as his soul breaks; what little was left of him shatters, into pieces. He can’t return her call, he can’t tell her that he sees, that he knows what she’s feeling and will do what he can to help her, because he can’t . He can’t help her, he has no way to save her from her cage because he’s stuck in his own. 
She must see it, somehow, because her song trails off, and Seokjin hates himself. He hates himself for being here, for allowing himself to get close to Namjoon when he can’t, for not being able to even hear her song the way it deserves to be heard. 
“Hey,” Namjoon calls, soft and quiet. His thumb brushes hesitantly along Seokjin’s cheek, carrying a tear with it. “I’m sorry, I didn’t…”
“I’m fine,” Seokjin tells him. “I’ve got to be up early tomorrow, to do the shoots, so I’m gonna head home.” 
“Do you want me to go with you?”
He turns on his heel and walks out, ignoring Namjoon’s question entirely. He can’t lie right now, he does want Namjoon with him, but he can’t. It’s too dangerous, and seeing Maple just reminded him of it. 
He can’t let Namjoon get hurt just because he makes Seokjin feel marginally better. 
In his wake, Namjoon sighs. He turns to Maple, wishing he was up top in his wetsuit so he could run his fingers through her fur the way she likes. Her eyes are big and sad, more so than usual, and Namjoon thinks maybe he understands her for the first time. 
“I’ll try,” He tells her. “I’ll try.”
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Weeks pass. Months fly by. Shoot after shoot after shoot gets published, and Giho rakes in the cash from them. Seokjin stays in his small apartment, watching the light reflect rainbows through the window pane. He stopped letting Namjoon walk him home when Giho got back, and nearly ripped part of Seokjin’s hair out with fury that he’d gone out. 
The only reason it wasn’t worse is because Seokjin managed to convince him that it was promo for the upcoming swimwear collection, and good press about the humanitarian efforts of the label. 
It doesn’t matter anyway, because Namjoon stopped showing up after a few days. Seokjin refuses to ask Taehyung why, because he shouldn’t care. He can’t care. Not with Giho hovering over his shoulder at every turn. 
One day, for some reason, things change. Giho gets less certain, more fidgety. Starts looking over his own shoulder. Stops threatening Seokjin with every glance. 
Stops glancing altogether. 
It just makes Seokjin worry more; if the one in charge is afraid of something, everyone else should be as well. That was the first lesson his mother taught him. 
Seokjin gathers his things. Packs them all back into his suitcase, keeps a single change of clothes out and starts washing them every day. Giho looks ready to run, and Seokjin knows by now that he needs to be ready when it happens if he wants to keep any of his things. 
Then Giho disappears. 
Giho disappears for a while . 
He doesn’t take Seokjin with him. He just disappears one night, when everything is quiet and still. The calendar is still booked with shoots, so Seokjin just keeps working. One night, he and Taehyung go out for Korean BBQ. The entire week after that, Seokjin expects Giho to pop up and berate him for doing anything that isn’t working, but it never comes. 
A few weeks later, they go on a day trip to a mountain and walk the trails together while Taehyung takes pictures. Neither of them mention Giho or Namjoon or anything except the way the leaves fall. 
Life goes on. For months, Seokjin begins tiptoeing across the line. He goes out more often. The time between shoots gets longer and longer, and Seokjin begins to enjoy things. He goes to see movies, and shopping, and eating, and travelling. He starts doing the things he wants to do. 
He sees Namjoon again. 
They get dinner together, whenever they’re both free. It starts with Taehyung inviting him for drinks, and turns into them meeting each other at the cafe on the corner that makes the good boba. They talk for what could be hours, or what could be minutes. Seokjin never knows, because everything else seems to stop when he’s with Namjoon. 
He says as much as he can, as much as he dares, but it never seems like it’s enough. Namjoon takes what Seokjin gives him, more than happy to be included again, but they both know that there’s a time limit on it. Still, Seokjin fools himself into thinking that it’s become an if , instead of being a when . 
He fools himself into thinking that this can be his life. 
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It takes almost four months. It’s been nearly a year since Seokjin first met Namjoon - he refuses to acknowledge that he remembers the day. Giho returns in a whirlwind. 
He interrupts the shoot, throws the clothes around, breaks some mannequins, it’s all out war on the set, and they all watch silently. The only thing that keeps him from breaking Taehyung’s camera is the look on the younger’s face when Giho goes for it. 
But of course, nothing lasts forever. He spots Seokjin, sitting as still as a statue in the makeup chair, and that’s the beginning of the end. He recognizes the feral rage in God's eyes, has seen it barely contained too many times before, and he’s clearly not holding back this time. 
He has Seokjin on the ground, under his shoe, with a cane against his throat when the door opens. The others have tried to help, but Giho is surprisingly adept with a cane when he wants to be, and as such, no one has gotten close. But Seokjin can guess what time it is, he knows in his bones who just walked in, and he refuses to let this happen.
“You,” Giho hisses. The pressure on Seokjin’s throat disappears as Giho stands; the model coughs, several times, choking down air even as his hand darts out to wrap around his owner’s ankle. 
The elder crumples to the ground, kicking at Seokjin’s steel grip, but it’s useless, because Seokjin is tired. 
He is tired of being afraid of a bitter old man. He is tired of being without the sea. He is tired of not allowing himself to be happy. 
He’s on top of Giho before he even realizes he’s moved, prying the cane from his hands and holding it steady over Giho’s windpipe. He doesn’t press down, not yet; just holds it there, like the threat it is.
“You will not hurt him,” Seokjin commands. “And you will run, as far as you can get. You will run to the ends of the earth, and then, God willing, you will run further. You will leave your wealth and your fame and everything I have made for you, and if you dare to show your face among humanity again…”
“What?” Giho spits, a smirk growing on his face. “What is a defenseless little pup like you going to do?”
Seokjin leans down, letting the cane choke the man below him as he drops his voice. “I will find my brethren, and I will tell them what you have done. They will spread your story far and wide, across every ocean, over every continent, and when they find you, they will remind you why we are considered predators.”
He sits back, letting the cane go and allowing air back into his lungs. He stands on his own two feet, the legs that have carried him for so long, and he looks around. 
“This shoot is over,” Seokjin says. “Everyone get out.” 
The people scramble, even Taehyung gathers his things to leave, and the room is empty in seconds. Only he and Giho remain. 
The elder lies on the floor, still catching his breath, as Seokjin tosses the cane across the room. He looks around, spots an old iron trash can from a shoot last month, and starts toward it. 
“It won’t do you any good,” Giho says. Seokjin ignores him and hefts the can up, carrying it across the room. “You won’t get anywhere. You can’t just disappear, not when the world knows your face.”
“Maybe so,” Seokjin says as he positions himself. “But at least I’ll have the choice.”
He brings the iron can down with all his strength. There’s a colossal crash as it connects with the old padlock, and it only gets louder with the next one. It takes seven hits for the lock to break, and the sound of it clattering to the floor isn’t one he’s likely to forget.
When he opens the trunk, however, it’s empty. 
“I told you,” Giho hisses triumphantly. “It won’t do any good.” 
Seokjin resists the urge to curse under his breath and forces himself not to sob as he looks back at Giho. 
“Then it won’t do you any good either.”
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The sand is warm beneath his feet. The setting sun paints the sky a myriad of colors, orange turning into red bleeding into purple shifting into blue curling into black, all of it reflected in the cool water below. The tang of salt wafts in with every breath he takes, and just confirms that this is right. 
“Thanks for meeting me,” Namjoon says from behind him. Seokjin didn’t hear him approach, but he didn’t need to. He knows Namjoon won’t hurt him. 
“Thanks for calling,” Seokjin responds. He feels the tide tickle his toes, and he knows that this is best. “I actually wanted to tell you something.”
“I think I should go first,” Namjoon’s voice is firm, but hesitant. Like he doesn’t want to say what he’s saying. Seokjin turns, frowning slightly when he sees the other. Namjoon looks troubled, looks like he would rather be anywhere else, and that doesn’t bode well for Seokjin. 
Still, he gestures for Namjoon to continue.
“Tae pointed it out,” Namjoon eventually says. “He mentioned how you looked at it, and thought maybe...maybe it had passports or something inside, something you could use to get away. So when he left, and we thought he might not come back...I opened it.”
A weight settles in Seokjin’s throat. 
“Opened what?”
“The trunk,” Namjoon says. “I broke in and I picked the lock and...I didn’t know it was...I didn’t think he had it….” He sighs and pulls his hands from behind his back, and there it is. 
Seokjin’s coat. 
It’s silky and smooth and soft and perfect and exactly as he remembers it. It’s bigger now, grown with him, and the sight of it in the light is enough to bring tears to his eyes. 
“He had some kind of alert on the trunk,” Namjoon continues, “So when I opened it he knew. That’s why he came back. I didn’t know he would come back.”
“Namjoon…” Seokjin looks at him, eyes wide and tear-filled, and for the first time since they met, Seokjin is scared. His life is here, right in front of him, but he doesn’t know if he can have it. 
Because now Namjoon knows. He knows what Seokjin is, he’s fully aware that Seokjin can’t leave without the coat in Namjoon’s hands. He could keep him forever, just as Giho intended to do. 
“I didn’t know,” Namjoon says again. “Or I wouldn’t have taken you to the aquarium. I wouldn’t have done that to you, I wouldn’t have hurt you like that, and I am... so sorry, Seokjin. I’m so sorry that I did that to you, I-”
“Namjoon, you didn’t know-”
“But now I do.” Namjoon sniffles slightly, and his hands shake, but he extends them, holding the coat out to Seokjin. “And I’m sorry.”
Seokjin’s fingers curl in the fur, almost reverently, as he takes it. It’s still warm, and it feels like water in his hands, and it’s everything he’s missed in his life. 
“Namjoon, I…” He trails off, because there’s nothing he could say. No words fit this gift, this release; there’s nothing he could say that would properly convey the emotions building in Seokjin’s chest. 
“I know,” Namjoon says. “You’re not in a cage anymore. You’re free to go and do what you want to do.”
Seokjin strips his sweater off and wraps his sealskin around his shoulders. It’s the perfect size for him, exactly what he needs, and when he crashes waist-deep into the surf, it keeps him warm. 
He turns, though. Namjoon stands on the shore, just out of reach of the tide, and watches him. There’s a smile on his face, small and sad, and Seokjin wants nothing more than to wipe it from his lips, but he can’t. 
Because he’s free. 
He turns, wrapping the skin tighter around his shoulder. When he gets under the water, he can feel it in his hair and he can feel the water against his tail and he’s almost home. 
But something is missing. 
There’s warmth and weightlessness and the setting sun painting the water a rainbow , but the buzz in Seokjin’s chest isn’t full. There’s something not right, something not quite perfect about this moment that he’s been dreaming of for years, and he can’t figure out what. 
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Namjoon stares at the horizon, wondering how far Seokjin has already gone. He sends up a small wish, a hope, that Seokjin can live his life, free and happy and himself. That he can find his family, see his pod again. 
His heartbeat turns painful, something constricting his chest and making it difficult to breathe, so he turns away. The crash of the waves covers the sound of his shaky breath, because of course, of course , he would find love in a man that couldn’t stay. 
Fingers tangle in his own and Namjoon turns, shocked, to see a wet Seokjin, hair damp with his sealskin around his waist. 
“I can’t,” Seokjin says softly. “I can’t go back, I can’t find them, I don’t know how to do that without…”
He trails off and Namjoon stares because this is it, he thinks. This is everything he’s been waiting for his entire life, here, right in front of him. He just has to let himself have it. 
Seokjin’s hand pulls away from his and Namjoon mourns the loss for the brief moment it takes for the selkie to pull his sealskin off and place it carefully in Namjoon’s arms. 
“Namjoon,” He says, voice hushed and serious, “I want you to...because I…” 
He’s never Seokjin this unsure, this at a loss, and the way he keeps starting sentences that have no end is undeniably endearing. But he can feel Seokjin’s growing frustration at his inability to articulate his thoughts, so he just smiles. 
“I know,” Namjoon says. He takes the coat and places it back in Seokjin’s hands, covering them with his own. The heat from their skin combines and warms Namjoon straight to the core. “And I love you too.”
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haikyupid · 4 years
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hi can you do the 1D music matchup for me😃
my recent emojis:💓🗣👩🏿‍🦱💔🐲😋😈😜⚱️🔪😆😫🤧🚦👍🏾❤️😳😐🔫💯🙊🙉🧍🏿‍♀️🧚🏾‍♀️🙈😃😒👩🏾‍🦱🎂🦒
i followed this blog bc it was very ~aesthetic~ and i like the ideas like the love menu🙈🙈
i found out ab haikyuu bc i read a fanfic ab ushijima on wattpad LMAO. and im staying bc i really like the fanfics writers and editors in the fandom.
my favorite character is FUTAKUCHIIII BECAUSE HES HOT, LIKE HAVE YOU SEENNNNN HIM SIS? also his character development is amazing, he even becomes CAPTAIN and hes still a piece of shit sometimes doe. him and aone r one of my favorite duos idc. hes so underrated🤧🤧🤧🤧
letter to you, what motivates you to write? and how r you so creative, its not fair smh😠😠😠😠😠 also whos your LEAST favorite character? im curious, mines is yachi🙊🙊🙊 and which characters personality fits you most? i’d also like you know your thoughts on Koganegawa (i know its random but nobody talks ab himm) okay im asking too many questions. anyways i really like your blog💓💓 CONGRATS ON 200 FOLLOWERS and thankkk you😜😜😜😜
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for kenji — when he notices the small glint in your eyes as your lips form into a genuinely affectionate smile. when he knows the difference between a facade you put when you’re trying to protect your true feelings, and when you’re showing your vulnerability to others. when he realizes that he’s able to tell the differences between your tones and each of their meanings. when it finally hits him, that you’re the comforting warmth that he never knew he was searching for.
You never fail to make the atmosphere much brighter. There’s something about you that colours the walls in warm tones, like how you make others feel when you’re around — how you make me feel when you wrap your arms around my waist, smiling up at me so widely with that signature grin of yours. My heart melts from too much warmth, but I wouldn’t want it any other way.
Just like right now. You’re joining Koganegawa’s ruckus, and giving Aone praises that he more than deserves. You’re giving everyone in the volleyball club your attention, yet you’re still making sure to smile at me every now and then — different from the smiles you show everyone else, because I know that this one’s meant for only me.
“I won’t be surprised if our captain has a shrine of Y/N in his room,” Fukiage jokes, “he’s whipped.”
I lightly chuckle at his assumptions, well, the first one at least. The words that’s followed were nothing but the evident truth.
Sure, I’m whipped, or so the others say. But it’s more so that I’m madly in love with you. Could you blame me? I’ve come to know the real you. Each imperfection of yours I’ve come to love. Your insecurities I’ve learned to adore. For the ugly times, when you cry yourself into oblivion, I’m always willing to be there for.
I know you, just like you know me. You’re my other half, and I’m more than certain of that.
You give me the chance to be the real me. To be vulnerable with you — to show my ugly side. I no longer feel the need to be overly confident, to be the one shoulder for everyone to cry on, to be the captain that everyone relies on. Not when I have you.
It doesn’t matter what others say. That it’s just puppy love. That you‘ll leave me, because your love is nothing but a lie. That it’s just a phase. Fuck those people, they don’t know the real us.
All I know is that I’d kiss the ground you walk on if it means that I’ll have you forever. I’ll pray for the heavens each waking moment if it means you’ll be by my side until life allows it. I’ll do everything if it means that your heart belongs mine, and my heart is the only one you’ll cherish. I’m madly in love you, and that’s what matters.
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for you — when kenji rests his head on your shoulder, your back pressing against his front, his arms around your waist in gentle embrace. when he finally lets a sigh of content, one that no one hears other than you. when you hear the small ‘i love you’ that he whispers before snuggling your body closer, his face resting on the crevice of your neck and shoulder.
“Thank you,” he breathes out.
The smile on his lips are almost non-existent with how little the corners visibly lift upwards, but nonetheless, you know that he’s expressing genuine gratitude for everything that you do.
He’s said it before: that you’re the only person to see the most vulnerable side of him — the side of him that he hides behind a facade of overflowing confidence — because he knew that there was no point in hiding it from you, not if you knew everything about him like the back of your hand.
He no longer refuses your offers of being his shoulder to cry on, to be the person he can call in the midst of the night when his thoughts get the best of him. No, this time, he welcomes them with an open heart, knowing that you’re the only one to make his heart beat calm and flutter at the same time.
Every time you find yourself in the same position with Kenji, your mind tells you to stay, your heart tell you to never leave. You’re in love is what it is.
You’re ready to protect him. To be there for him when he hides himself from others. To be the person he looks for when he’s vulnerable. To be the one by his side, through thick and thin. You’ll always be there for him.
And he knows it. To Kenji, he’s certain that he can conquer every obstacle that life throws at him, as long as you’re waiting at the end with that reassuring smile of yours.
0 : 00 ───────────♡─ E : ND
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this one is really short, but i honestly couldn’t think of any other concept than you being kenji’s lil’ ball of sunshine. your personality just screams ‘i light up the room every time i walk in’ if you get what i mean. but if we were friends, i’d definitely give you a nickname like ‘my one and only sun’ ahahahahahaha.
thank you for the questions, bub! 😚 my least favourite character is mika, only bcause i don’t know much about her unlike the other girlies in haikyuu, but i still think she’s a real cutie! i apparently kin bokuto (from that famous reblogged quiz), but i’ve been compared to oikawa before by friends and my brother tells me that i’m like a mix of the third gym squad all together. i love, love, looove kogane 🥺 he reminds me of my favourite pet chicken back when i was young. he’s like a little ball of sunshine and purity! i just wanna give him my email and send him cheesy pickup lines, and ask him about his day.
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pro-anders · 5 years
Pro-Anders Week
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Pro-Anders Week is a week dedicated to the amazing revolutionary of Dragon Age 2. Our goal is to give Anders the appreciation he deserves! The event is running from October 10-17, 2019.
We are tracking #proandersweek
What is this? Who can participate?
This is a week appreciation for the character of Anders. During this week, the Dragon Age fandom is invited to post positive content about him. From artists to writers to cosplayers, everyone is welcome to participate!  We ask you to tag your post with #proandersweek so that we can reblog your work.
What We Accept:
Loving and cherishing Anders in all forms of art; fanfiction, gifsets, edits, fan videos, screenshots and anything else you could come up with. Nsfw is welcome, but should be tagged accordingly.
What We Don’t Accept:
* Abosolutely no Anders negativity. This is a Pro-Anders event * 
Racism, anti-blackness, homo/bi/transphobia, bi-erasure, antisemitism, anti-native, anti-Romani, Islamophobia, whitewashing, graphic depictions of violence, rape, abuse, pedophilia. No character or ship bashing. No ship pairing him with ANY Templar. This is first and foremost an appreciation week so we want to make sure to make it a safe environment for everyone.
Themes for the week:
Day 1 - Life in the Circle | Ships 
We all know that Anders deserved better than life in the Ferelden Circle. What can you tell us about his time there? What antics did he and Sir-Pounce-a-Lot get up to? What happened on his many escape attempts? Was your Surana or Amell close with him? We’re ready to hear from you! Alternate Theme: What are some of your favorite ships that include Anders? Please include your platonic ships as well!
Day 2 -  Grey Warden Anders | “Why I Love Anders”
Anders wasn’t destined to end up a Grey Warden, but do you have anything to say about his time in Amaranthine? How was his relationship with the Warden-Commander? What stories did he weave while wandering the Deep Roads? What did he really think about life after the Joining? We can’t wait to hear from you! Alternate Theme: Give us more reasons to love and support Anders!
Day 3 - The Kirkwall Medic | Justice
It must’ve been difficult for Anders to set up a healing clinic in Kirkwall, how do you think he did it? Do you think many Kirkwallers didn’t believe Meredith’s lies about mages? What are your headcanons about this time before Anders met Hawke? Alternate Theme: Maybe you’re feeling philosophical! What is Justice to Anders?  What does justice mean to you? How does this relate to Anders? 
Day 4 - Activism | Headcanons/AU
We all know that Anders took many actions before that fateful day at the Chantry. Tell us about them! Alternative Theme: What are your favorite headcanons for Anders? Bioware did him no favors in Awakening or in 2. Or maybe an AU? Share them with us!
Day 5 -  Manifesto | Neurodivergent Anders
It’s not discussed much but hinted at Anders Manifesto that he is writing for ages before 2 and throughout the game. We don’t get to see it, so this is why we came up with a day dedicated to it. What do you think it looks like? What would you write if you were Anders? Share your ideas with us! Alternative Theme:  Neurodivergent Anders. They don’t have a word for it in Thedas bc they don’t have modern medicine like we do, but its obvious he suffers from mental illnesses and PTSD. This is an important fact to many fans of his. How do you feel about him being ND? And how he is treated by other companions? How would you change the writing in the games?
Day 6 -  Inquisition | Pride Day
Inquisition was a mess on how they treated Anders.  If it was up to us the  writing would have been more favorable. What would you have like to have seen and heard from Hawke and Varric? If Anders was in inquisition how would you write him?Alternative Theme: Pride day! Anders is bi! Isn’t it wonderful! Something that is hidden from fem!Hawke but, thankfully, not us. How would you have changed the writing? How do you relate to him? Explore it all on day 6.
Day 7 - Post-Game | Free day
What is Anders up to these days? Is he happily settled with your Hawke or is he too busy helping out his fellow mages? That is up to you. Alternative Theme: If you want, you can just let your imagination run wild and come up with your own theme! Anything goes!
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yeetdam · 5 years
Could you ship your mutuals with silverboys/treasure 13? I’m curious 🙀
smh i accidentally closed the tab before i could save it fml but anyway: instead of studying maths and after killing my body with a 45 min workout, i am here to answer this ask that was long overdue thank you anon for being so curious uwu!! also i apologize i might’ve got carried away skjdl and this is not proofread in any shape or form
@yoonbins x yoonbin is the couple that tries to keep it low but everyone knows that they’re a thing imo 💖 mini god kara i’m not trying to call you out but yoonbin would gladly accept that s***** from you anytime úwù skinship in public isn’t really their thing, but if bin is feeling bold, he’d secretly hold her hand under the desk klasjdklajs kara isn’t one to show her emotions a lot but it’s fine bc yoonbin is an attentive guy and just knows how smitten he is for her!!! not really the most romantic couple out there, but when it comes to banter? OOF nobody can beat them what a pure relationship (also, expect long cuddle sessions when it’s just the two of them teehee)
@byounggonsgf x byounggon is the power couple everyone on ygtb tumblr and their MUMS know of and approve of: first of all, visual wise?? GOD TIER. SUPERIOR. YOU WISH. we all know how much of a visual kweenie angel zeen is, and we all know how hot gon is (pls the entire fandom has a crush on him) and the two combined?? YOUR FAVS COULD NEVER (unless your favs are zeen and gon uwu) also, just one glance at zeen’s tags just show how much love she harbors for him and i imagine her to be the type to write stuff abt him in a seperate notebook and when gon finds out, he’ll go all out and arrange some romantic candlelight dinner or shit 💖 in other words, they’re the disgustingly sweet couple you’d see in romance anime uwu
@ggoncafe x byounggon is also a ship i advocate !!! he’d do anything to make ess smile and laugh; it’s one of his fav sights after all - especially that thing that ess does where she scrunches her nose whenever she laughs??? he is SOLD. WHIPPED. IN AWE. i feel like gon can be quite the romantic in his way and would write so many songs abt ess lskjdlkj aside of that, ess strikes me as the type to annoy the shit out of him just for fun LMAO - it’s nothing bad, imagine this: she’d text him in capslock and keyboard smashes just to garner his attention and then, he’d face time her and try to be fed up but in reality? he’s glad she did that? bc that gives him the perfect excuse to see her lkjsdj 
say what you want; okay cool you think the earth is flat fine then but not thinking that @mashilove x byounggon is a cute ship? sis you’re abt to cATcH ThESe HaNDs - uyen radiates something akin to big mom energy: maybe it’s partly bc she’s just as old as gon but her tags to everyone just SCREAM soft protective nature 💖 also i feel like uyen, as great as she is, sometimes deals with huge insecurity issues and gon would try his best to lift up her spirits and convince her that she is a beautiful child of the angels the world doesn’t even deserve!!! we are talking abt gon dedicating 28398309 songs to her and cuddle attacks and soft shit oof
looking back i realize byounggon also has a mf power harem and to finish it off, i also think that @speckofglitter x byounggon is the couple you should be scared of. why scared? bc they’re gonna make you set your standards so impossibly high AND THATS THE TEA 💖 gon picking up tiyi after her lectures at university? every time when he can afford to? which is pretty much every second day? and if he has much free time before he’d make sure to buy some food for tiyi? it doesn’t help that he’s a soundcloud rapper of course everyone’s gonna have high standards! it doesn’t stop there tho; just imagine them trying some couple dances like ellen and Brian hnnngh 
@junkyeu x junkyu is ! so ! pure !!!! junkyu would be so so smitten and so so proud of Linh and he’d take any opportunity to boast abt her. she’s so beautiful? he’d say that to every second stranger they pass by. she’s a multilingual queen? he’d tweet it out several times a day, post it on his snapchat, probably write it on a wall “LINH IS A MULTILINGUAL LEGEND YOUR S/O COULD NEVER 💖“ and so on. he is so damn supportive up to the point where it might be a little excessive to her but she still loves him dearly :’) the harshest thing she might do is prolly insult him lightly in any language he doesn’t understand LMAOOO
1/3 of the seunghun harem ship i support is @kimseunghoney x seunghun ! yet another couple that would flaunt that they’re together but guess what?? everyone is LIVING for it 💖 christina is such a soft fluffball who’s trying her best to get through her exams and seunghun being the supportive (yet needy) boyfriend he is, would partly distract her partly help her?? he’d be the type to randomly come over to her place with the reason of wanting to help her study bc ! good ! grades ! is ! what ! she ! wants ! but then five minutes later, he’d try to get her to take a break and then woo her to a nap bc she’s been working so hard uwu (also, the perfect timing for him to fill up his camera roll full of pics of christina saljdlk)
2/3 of the seunghun harem is @seunghunies x seunghun 💖 now with those two combined,,,, get ready for the skinship and disgustingly domestic and tooth rotten fluff between them uGh [edit: the latter got deleted WHY TUMBLR WHY SMH so starting here is the cont.] seunghun is the type to show off that vale is his up to the point where he might shove it up everyone and their mum's faces jskdk but it's full of love!!! Snapchat? Instagram? Everywhere — he's gonna say how much he loves vale during an ig live or in his story dedicated to vale and vale ONLY 💞🤧 also!!! Restaurant dates!!!! So many!!!! They'd go taste testing in the entire city !!!! And he'd take so many pics of her and the best thing abt the cute shit? Vale plays along!! (At least most of the time teehee) say he'd want her to pose for the camera? She'd gladly do it- unless she's feeling a little sneaky then she'd do anything to mess up the snapshot kajdjdjkdk we love banter 😜💓
3/3 of the harem is @seunghunn x seunghun uwu THE. SOFTEST. COUPLE. IN THE UNIVERSE. mashikyu doesn’t compare anyway, we’ve already established how much of a passionate lover hun is right?? and i peg seunghun the type to crave his s/o’s attention at any time possible so if you ever lay his eyes off him, he’d do anything to win your attention back! perhaps one might say that maddi cherishes her sleep more than our #1 furry king and if she’s particularly stressed, she’s heading straight to her bed and to the one-hour nap she desperately needs. depending on how hun is feeling, he might either a) play the big spoon and nap with her sdjlkjsa or b) be the whiny bitch he is and try to wake her up (ofc only if he’s 100% sure that she wouldnt mind as much as usual) 💖 in case he guessed wrong and woke her up while she’s pissed, he’d make up with some good homecooked food UGH
@moonxlika x hyunsuk is the badass couple who always hype one another up you don’t even KNOW. be it a competition or a game, you can bet that one is cheering for the other - unless they both participate, then it’d be a mixture of “good luck uwu” or “i’m gonna beat your ass just watch me” 💖 they’re the type to bond over their music taste and seriously lika and hyunsuk aren’t afraid to show that they’re a thing it’s so cute kljfl you know that some ppl get embarrassed when their s/o suddenly does a hoe drop or dresses really hot like with chokers or shit? then there are some ppl who get pissed / jealous / idk at least not embarrassed and shy when their s/o does that? neither of them fall into any of those types. say hyunsuk is suddenly out there with a choker and what do i know a mesh shirt? lika strikes me as someone who’d go yES BITCH THAT HOT DUDE RIGHT THERE IS MY BOYFRIEND SEE HIM and say lika pops of on the dance floor, hyunsuk would be like mY GIRLFRIEND HAS SOME MOVES Y’ALL 
whereas lika x suk could be classified as one of the more hard couples on the spectrum, @hyunsukmyass x hyunsuk is the epitome of bubblegum and sugar and (perhaps little) spice (at least that’s what everyone thinks but sshhh) 💖 i feel like in public suk would try hard to have the image of being sim’s edgy boyfriend but little does he know that sim dishes out the truth to all of her friends HDSJKHSKJ like that one time suk admitted his wallet was suffering due to the bouquet of flowers he bought her when sim was feeling low? or the time where he put his pride and sanity aside and took care of her when she was sick even tho it was a given that he’d get infected too? everyone knows and whereas suk is HIGHkey embarrassed to a certain extent, he’d try to find something he can tease sim with!! and then… he finds it... cute shit sim writes abt suk…. or even worse… her fanfics abt celebrity xy and suk has a LOT of fun teasing her with it ksajdkljkl he’d never say anything negative but once in a while he’d go like “so,,, sim,,,, wanna recreate that one scene you wrote in fanfic xy?” or even “hey what do you think if i were a rocker but also super super good at school?” gET READY FOR THE BANTER AND LAUGHTER AND TICKLE FIGHTS THAT FOLLOW SUIT
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riviae · 5 years
⭐fave lines per chapter MoF? Also your personal fave chapter and why?⭐
[cracks knuckles] k, let’s get to it! (bolded sentences are like my most favorite line) 
under a read more bc this is,,, a lot: 
chapter 1: “Oh, we’re plenty talkative. A side effect of immortality, I imagine. When one can live forever what is the point in conserving words? I have all the time in the world, unlike you, nameless witcher, who will die a bloody, forgetful death. No one to mourn you. No one to even bury your body. You could die here in this abandoned hut and no one would come looking for you. That is the pitiful fate of a witcher, abandoned by humans and gods.” Regis grabbed the witcher by the collar of his armor and threw him, slamming the man into the wall. -regis hitting the witcher nail on the head–witchers in-universe are relics of a bygone era. they are a testimony to how low humanity would go to preserve its progeny, taking abandoned or stolen children & turning them into killing machines… :/// 
chapter 2: Regis nodded, pouring Geralt another glass. “We are quite alike, you and I. Family sounds like something made for other people. I am not easily tied down. The fiercely independent sort, which I’m sure you’ve guessed. This world we younger vampires have been born into, the one we are merely sojourners in, is not kind. It breeds fierceness and mistrust. Even among my own people, though I am popular, I cannot say I have any close friends. Vampires know of me, but that is all. I guess that is why you’re still alive. Perhaps I’ll find more in common with a witcher.”-another regis monologue; oh man, if he only knew what was coming. the irony is still hilarious. 
chapter 3: “Thanks. You’d make a good healer, you know. If you ever wanted to give up terrorizing villages.”
Regis laughed, exposing the tips of his fangs. “Perhaps in another life, Geralt. I enjoy being a fiend, to some degree. Healing sounds like a lot of boring, thankless work.”
“So is being a witcher. But someone has to do it.”-another nod to canon bc i love doing that lmao. good thing vampires can basically have multiple lives due to their longevity!! ‘cause joke’s on young regis lol 
chapter 4: A sense of déjà vu seized Geralt when he awoke a few hours later. He was perched carefully on the back of Roach, a certain vampire taking up the majority of the saddle. 
At his shifting, Regis turned to look at the witcher, giving a grin.“I do say, I’m starting to feel like your caretaker. Have you always been such a handful?”
“I…I’m alive?” Geralt said, tone laced with surprise.Regis rolled his eyes. 
“Yes. Thanks to my quick wit, I was able to drain most of the poison out of your system. Which tasted horribly, might I add.” -i apparently have the most fun w/ young!regis’ dialogue lmao. but tbh 99% of the witcher series is geralt’s friends taking care of him bc he’s a disaster and prone to bouts of, well, near death ^^; 
chapter 5: “Comfortable?” Regis asked, a teasing lilt taking over his voice.
“As comfortable as I’d be sharing a coffin with a corpse,” Geralt retorted.-ch.5 aka the start of the bed-sharing™ trope and also the beginning of genuine banter between geralt and regis!
chapter 6: “Thank you, Geralt.”
The witcher gave a small smile. “No problem.” Reaching into his pouch, Geralt retrieved the white vial and downed it in one go, closing his eyes. The White Raffard had the added side effect of being a mild sedative and tiredness—from the blood loss and the day’s events—robbed him of coherent thought as he felt himself drift off beside Regis. His head lolled against Regis’ good shoulder and he soon fell into a light slumber.
“Geralt,” Regis muttered with endearment, looking at the sleeping man, “you are truly an awful witcher.”-this is probably my favorite chapter tbh! we get a lot of bonding between geralt & regis, and this was also where i caved and made it a geralt/regis fic lol. i just think, in a technical writing manner, this was one of my better chapters. the scenes flowed well and i got some good banter in. my favorite things to write are generally dialogue and action–so i really enjoyed doing this one. 
chapter 7: The innkeep’s mouth formed an O, worry knitting between her brows. “Thank you for the warning. I’ll write a letter to put on the notice board. In the mean time, did you find your lodgings to your liking?”
“It’s fine.”
Regis grinned. “As Geralt said, the room is good. No mites, fleas, or termites. Quite the sturdy bed, too…”
Geralt choked on his ale, sloshing some of its contents onto the tabletop in his surprise.If anything about the comment and the witcher’s subsequent panic startled the innkeep, she did not show it. She busied herself by checking the wine glasses for dust with a cloth, a soft smile upon her features.“Have you two known each other long? It’s quite rare to see a witcher traveling with another person.”
Geralt shook his head. “No, we’ve only been acquainted a short while.”
“I think you’re selling our relationship short, Geralt. We both know a great deal about each other.”
“That may be true, but—“
“Time doesn’t dictate closeness. I think we’ve experienced much together. Enough to make us close acquaintances, at the very least.”
The innkeep laughed. “I must agree with you, sir. Many travelers pass through my inn, but none as chatty and argumentative as you two. You remind me of an old married couple.”
“Well, one of us is ancient,” Geralt muttered under his breath to where only Regis could hear him.
The vampire, to his credit, merely snorted into his mug, giving a tight-lipped smile.-lol more geralt/regis banter.™ the innkeeper is truly the mvp here. -also, regis’ thoughts here make me sad™: The vampire pulled the hood up as he waited by the noticeboard for Geralt, the warm Toussaint sun fixed high in the cloudless sky. Regis closed his eyes and listened to the chatter of passing townsfolk, the sound of children splashing at the bank of the lake, the creaking of wicker chairs and the clacking of knitting needles, and felt something akin to peace. Quaint village life… perhaps in another life, in a time where he deserved such a respite, he would have settled down in a village like Francollarts and spent his time as a healer. He could imagine himself living on the outskirts in a yellow-roofed home, spending his free time reading on the porch and giving coin to the village children so they could buy sweets from the traveling merchants. He could see himself living a full life and then growing old, giving in to the gentle lull of time, and dying in a room full of people who loved and cared about him—people that he too loved and cared about.
But that wasn’t—and never could be—his life.
chapter 8:There was a sort of natural aristocratic shape to Regis’ profile that the fire highlighted, his high cheekbones, strong features, and onyx eyes begetting otherness in the same manner that Geralt’s cat eyes did. He looked out of place in a village, as if he were instead a traveling noble who had taken refuge at the inn, content to spend the day pretending he was just like the common folk.
And Regis was pretending, to some effect, that he was normal. Human. But the witcher had spent enough time with the man to see the nonhuman traits he tried to hide: his pointed nails that clutched the stem of the wine glass, the barest glimpse of his teeth which gleamed white and dangerous from behind his thin lips, the reflective layer of tissue in his eyes that Geralt had seen glow in the pitch-black darkness of their room, and the man’s lack of shadow, as if Regis wasn’t really there at all.-geralt checking out observing regis in this chapter was fun to write. i like that witchers are canonly observant and whatnot for their job. 
also, this scene which i shamelessly borrowed from the book: “I apologize for leading you astray. But truly, you are much too easy to manipulate. It must be due to your youth. This world is cruel. It hasn’t broken you yet, Geralt, but it will and I’ll be there to see it.”
“No, you definitely won’t be,” Geralt said, pointing his sword forward.
To his surprise, the vampire moved so that the tip of the blade pressed against the center of his throat, scraping against his Adam’s apple as he swallowed.
“Go on, then,” Regis leered. “Thrust it in.
chapter 9: “Hmm, how lovely. Truly, you are everything I’ve ever wanted—and more.”
Regis cupped the nape of Geralt’s neck, clawed hand digging into his mess of white locks to tilt his head up, capturing the witcher’s lips in another searing kiss. 
Geralt melted into the touch, a warmth settling in his chest. He felt whole. Complete. It was beyond anything he’d felt before.-that dream sequence tho ;3c in all seriousness, i had fun writing this scene bc it was just.... end game geralt x regis. like how sweet they’ll be by the end of the fic. 
chapter 10: “Thank you, Geralt."
“For what?”
“For giving me something to cherish.”-dream sequences, am i right? they’re always fun!! and give me the chance to show what characters would say if they weren’t inhibited by their pride. soft & sweet and to the point--regis is slowly falling for geralt and he’s gonna just... meet it head-on. bc what else can he do? he’s not gonna leave geralt unless the witcher asks him to. 
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