#kinda long drabble
ochibrochi · 3 months
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spontaneous magic manifestation was NOT mentioned in the parenting handbook 😬
I know this isn’t how magic in dc works, but the fact that Damian’s ancestry includes some pretty powerful magic users is… INTERESTING 🤔? Drabble under the cut!
I wanna preface that I'M NOT SAYIN' that Damian should/does have magic powers, but there’s still so much unexplored potential with Damian's character, and the thought that he has a dormant adeptness in magic is somewhat compelling to me. Most importantly it would FREAK! BRUCE! OUT!!!!! What is this, magic puberty 😭??
By DC laws, anyone has the ability to learn magic, but it is also possible to be an innate ability. The Al Ghuls are no strangers to the occult-- Ra's has had increasingly been portrayed as a magic user, and the recent establishment of his mother being a sorceress/witch?? Even Talia dabbled in a bit of magic, I think. There is a catch that their power is suggested to be due to Lazarus exposure, but for arguments sake let's say the Al Ghul lineage is inherently proficient in magic (and Lazarus exposure simply enhances it).
I can't recall "magic" being a part of Damian's training/upbringing (I'm still slowly catching-up on Damian comics so apologies if I miss any canon examples of magic use). Not sure why Talia wouldn't want her little "heir to an ancient assassin empire baby" to learn magic, but it would at least give reason to Damian not knowing about his magic potential, or lack of interest in it.
Through the power of pseudo storytelling, what if Damian's encounter with Mother Soul could have triggered a manifestation of magic that was once dormant; like a pressure cooker waiting to explode with energy when it hasn't been given a safe outlet.
I've yet to read a satisfying arc where Damian truly gets to contemplate his Al Ghul roots outside of "dad is good guy, mum is bad guy". Damian's initial character growth stems from him running away from, and renouncing his association with the League (i.e. "I'm nothing like you, mother and grandfather!").
The most recent thing I've read was Robin (2021), and whilst Damian is much more cordial with his mother, there's still an emotional distance and sense of distrust/resentment (for good reason, even if the context was some cartoonishly evil writing). But there is a silver-lining that they still appear to be fond of each other, in a melancholy kind of way.
Realizing he's "genetically" primed for magic would be especially confronting to Damian. There's no denying his Al Ghul blood, forcing him to confront a facet of himself he can no longer ignore or reject. A family that he likely has to approach for help/guidance.
Damian is put in a position of acknowledging this power could be used for good, to be stronger, to fight crime, balancing it with the implication that what he possesses could be rooted in dark magic (Lazarus enchantment).
If he decides to embrace it, would that be too much of an endorsement of the Al Ghul's dark occultism? Can he separate the two ideas? What if he can't control it? What if he accidentally hurts someone? What if has the ability to save someone where his other skills fall short?
Ideally, I'd love for this hypothetical story to lead into Damian exploring his Al Ghul heritage more intimately, historically, and spiritually (à la RSoB: Year of Redemption adventures). Another little coming-of-age self discovery journey.
I have my own little personal thoughts on what Damian decides to do with his magic powers, but I'd like to leave that open to interpretation... By the end of it I hope that he will at least find some forgiveness over resentment, and a balance between accepting that side of his family a little easier. It is finally a sense of inner peace :)
Any thoughts? Did I get any characterisation wrong? Let's talk over on my DC blog @arkhamochi! I'm currently trying to read all Damian-centric comics until I catch up with the current run. I'm hungry for discussion and analysis!!!!!!
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moechies · 2 months
giving older bsf toji a bj cs u dont have any money on u for gas 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
oh mi gosh. dis is absolutely so filthy ‘nd absolutely perfect for him . dis is how grimy he is in my mind.. (modern au where toji is RICH $$)
“hm, darling?” you look upon the questioning man sitting besides you, one strong hand that guides the steering wheel of your own car. he insisted to drive, and in what position would you say no? you’d never pass up an offer to be passenger princess.
“i-i forgot.”
“forgot what?”
“forgot money for gas, toji.”
“are ya dumb sweetheart? goin’ t’get gas n the one thing ya forgot is gas money?”
“‘m s-sorry toji, can you lend me? please? promise i won’t forget next time!”
he scoffs, knowing well that he would’ve paid nonetheless. but watching you nervously scramble yourself together, anticipating a response from him is too adorable, he thinks.
“yeah, but ya gotta pay me back.”
“course i will! gonna give it back as soon as we ge-“
“no sweetie. not with money.”
your head turns slow to the man, already shooting you a evil-intentioned smirk. his free hand comes down to scarce over the evident bulge that pokes through his sweats, indirectly instructing you.
“with your mouth, honey.”
he chuckles when your face flushes red, how unexpecting.
with over 3 years of close friendship, the man had assumed that you at least would’ve noticed; his stares that pierce into your skin, touches that linger a little too long, and the constant absence of your favorite panties. what a naive little thing you were; he loved it.
if you didn’t know his true intentions then, you’d definitely know now.
“c’mon, y’want me to fill it up right?”
“the tank sweetie. the car. don’t you want gas?”
you huff when he chuckles at your flustered expression. your small fingers dance across his bulge, his own hand messily slipping under the band of his sweats, releasing himself. he can’t help the smile that spreads across his face when you gasp, fawn like eyes that immediately shoot up to meet his gaze.
“s-so big..”
“mm, you think so?” he teases.
his hand slithers to the back of your head, fingers playing with one or two strands of your hair.
“c’mon, be good..”
he smiles at you coyly, desperate even, and it makes your heart and your cunt clench.
with slight pressure from the man’s hand, you find yourself lowering onto the tip of his cock. your puffy lips press against the warm slit, an immediate groan that spills from his lips,
“no action recently?” you tease, facing him with a slight smile,
“shaddup princess. yer lucky you’re cute.”
you snicker, separating your slicked up lips to wrap around the thick of his cock head. your tongue presses against the slit once again, tasting the sweet substance that coats his dewy slit; more that spews from the teasing licks.
“don’t t-tease.”
you hold yourself further onto his cock to accommodate his length, a light gag that elicits from your throat. tears brim in your eyes when you feel your jaw begin to ache, but the needy man pays no mind when he begins thrusting into your warmth.
oh and when he feels a warm tear fall onto the skin of his thigh, he nearly cums.
“heh.. there you go, see? ya can do it.”
you hum around him, the light sensation that drills right through his sensitive cock.
“g-gunna cum. shit.”
and with a few shallow thrusts, his cum brims. it’s warm, and thick, but you swallow without a second thought. you pull yourself off to meet your eyes with his, vision daisy and face flushed with a sweet pink once again.
“hah.. gonna have to fill you up, darling. we’ll worry about the car later, kay?”
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anantaru · 1 year
brainrotting abt soft dom kazuha w a corruption kink🙌😩
him being all gentle and patient knowing its s/o's first time but on the inside he just wants to fuck the living shit out of them....yummy
cw. corruption, fem! reader
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it‘s not like kazuha has any ill intend behind his tiny, little actions, you have to understand where he was coming from though!
it‘s just the way you were so— untouched, or how your body was beginning to smell just like him, his scent casted all around your skin— as if he had claimed you just now. The fact that no one before had the pleasure to taste and feel you like he did, right now, this very second. Naturally, kazuha will take his time with you, he himself wants to enjoy this as much as possible as well, however he also didn‘t want to put unnecessary pain on you in any shape or form, being aware that you‘d require additional time of preparation.
the moment he feels you helplessly clamp down on him though, or the flex of your strained muscles on his girth— your mushy walls gushing on him. He‘d turn everything upside down, into a different approach. His hair strands were clinging on his glistering forehead now, kazuha did his best to remain as calm as he possibly could, but his natural body responses exposed how difficult it had been for him to hold back.
fuck, just— you were so inexperienced and innocent in your touches, yet all the more intense in his eyes, he truly couldn‘t get enough.
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©2023 anantaru do not share, copy, translate any of my work
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starrystevie · 7 months
steve falls in love with eddie because he's this perfect amalgamation of everyone he's ever loved.
there's nancy's curly brown hair, of course, but also her fierce stubbornness and her bashful little smile when steve is being purposefully obtuse. there's tommy's passion, his impulsivity, his need to get under steve's skin in the best way possible. there's jonathan's quick remarks with a crooked grin and heather m's soft touches on bruised skin and robin's flailing hands when she talks that steve loves so much.
there's even the dorkiness of his kids that only amplifies when eddie's around them, all their talks of fantastic worlds that steve knows nothing about but nods along like he gets it. there's the bright blinding smiles that seem to pull at every face in the room when they win, hooting and hollering in a harmonious chorus.
steve falls in love with eddie for all of those things but also for all of the things he possesses on his own. his charm and his wit, his need to make steve smile every waking moment. the way he knows when steve needs quiet and dark so he closes the blinds before wrapping him up in his steady arms.
eddie falls in love with steve for all of the things that seem new to him.
he's never had a guy treat him like steve does, never had soft smiles and cards on valentines day, never had date nights or kisses in the daytime or a hand that fits gently against his own. he doesn't feel like a dirty secret pushed away to closets and out of windows. he doesn't see the quick glances around to make sure no one's watching before he gets into steve's car like he's used to getting with old partners. he doesn't get shushed or ignored or heartbroken.
he's used to being shrouded in darkness but steve is like sunshine, his love warming eddie like sunrays in and of themselves. he's used to confusion and questions but steve makes him feel wanted. makes him feel loved back.
steve is protective and smart. he sees through the bullshit eddie's built up around himself and holds him when those walls inevitably crumble down. eddie falls in love with steve because he sees him for who he truly is and loves him because of it.
they fall in love with each other because their jagged edges were made for one another, like puzzle pieces in the wrong box finding their way back home. they fall in love with each other because nothing else has ever felt more right. they fall in love with each other because everyone they loved before was a trial, a test, pushing them together whether they knew it or not.
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marchtooctober · 14 days
It's been some time since i posted something 😅
My contribution for prompt "Desperate"
“Your scarf. It's falling off.”
“Oh… Shorry.”
It was one of those dinner nights of Loid and Yor, a regular practice that is part of their cover as Mr. and Mrs. Forger. Loid managed to pull off the date smoothly at the cost of another intoxicated Yor. At this point, he's now surprisingly used to it after so many times.
But maybe, this is the last.
“Thish too hard.” With struggling effort, Yor tried to fix her scarf.
“Let me.”
“N-No it'sh alright…” She mumbled.
Loid grabbed the scarf and wrapped it around Yor. As he adjusted the cloth, he felt Yor's warm breath on his hands. The sensation made Loid feel fuzzy inside, as if the warmth has spread all throughout his body. Then he quickly pulled back his hands, quite abashed.
“Thank you.” Said Yor and turned away.
She walked a few steps ahead while tapping her cheeks.
Loid wondered if he made a mistake. He didn't want Yor to be wary of him. But he couldn't help himself.
“L-Let ush cake some for Franky and Anya.”
Despite the messed up sentence, Loid understood.
“I don't think we can buy cake at this time. It's already late. I'll just bake one tomorrow if that's alright with you.” He replied.
“M'kay.” Said Yor and continued walking.
It's deep in the night and only a few people are still out, just like them.
The cobblestone pavement carpeted with dry foliage, the leafless trees line up the path. Howling of chilly wind signifies the near ending of fall. And it won't be long before winter comes, and a lonely one at that.
No matter how much he yearns for an ordinary life, Loid will never attain it. The so-called “home” where he wants to be, is a place very far from his reach.
“Loi? Where are you? Loi!”
Yor's voice took him out of his grim reverie. He rushed to her.
“I’m here. Hold on to my arm and walk carefully.”
Loid held out his arm but Yor declined.
“I’m fine. I jush thought you gone shomwere.”
Hearing those words, Loid swallowed hard.
“You don’t have to worry. I… I’m here. I’m not going anywhere..” Replied Loid and smiled bitterly.
They continued, Yor still walking ahead. Loid stared at her back and felt the unfamiliar sting of guilt. And where did it come from? Guilt out of saying those words? Handful of words added to the pile of lies. But it was necessary, lying for his mission. Yet, he couldn't shake the heaviness of guilt.
There shouldn't be any emotional hindrance. He knows it well. But for a second, he was possessed with selfishness and tried to reach out his trembling hand. Loid simply wanted to hold Yor’s hand.
Suddenly, he quickly remembered that he had no right to do such a thing.
Who he is right now is nothing but a disposable mask. Loid Forger is just one among the many passing shadows of Twilight.
Pain is welling up in his chest. Twilight realized his fault. The suppression of feelings that he didn't want to face.
Is this love after all?
What he knows about romance is mostly from theory but never experienced the real thing. It’s unfitting to someone like him. Feelings and sentiments were never beneficial to him.
Drawn to the flame he can't touch. As a last resort, he called out to Yor.
“Can we take our time walking?”
“Okay, Loi… If you want sho. Let'sh walk sowlowly.”
Yor beamed a smile and turned away. Loid was thankful that he was walking behind. He didn't want Yor to see the few tears that escaped his eyes.
This little distance between them is the only thing that keeps Loid from losing his sanity. He knows that even this moment will fade as a memory once everything is over. And he will be left with nothing but a blank canvas for him to paint another fakery.
That's all there is to it.
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twilghtkoo · 2 years
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sex with lee donghyuck
now y’all,,, i always thought of haechan having a high sex drive. before he fucks you, he likes to make you cum by eating you out first. he likes to slide his cock in when your pussy is practically soaking and clenching from overstimulation. he can go rounds and he knows you can too,, knowing you will tell him to stop if need be, vocalizing your safe word.
speaking of vocalizing, he loves when you’re verbal. he loves hearing his names leaving your throat and all the pretty sounds you make as he pleasures you. and if ure a hyuck stan you know that mf has a praise/degrading kink, it’s not news!!!! not only does your praises boost his ego but he gets off of it, he loves when you call him your good boy or when you tell him you’re making me feel so good, it rly sets off his submissive side bc you can’t tell me haechan isn’t a switch bffr
now… haechan’s kinks would be bondage, masochism, and orgasm control,,,, THATS WHAT I THINK. and it would be both ways, he loves being tied up and so do you. haechan isn’t afraid to try new things in your sex life, he trusts you and you trust him. sex is all about mutual respect and trust in your partner. he’s also not shy to ask to try new things and doesn’t get butt hurt when you tell him no. bc he loves you too much and cares for you. he doesn’t mind using toys but you both rarely do. he doesn’t prefer using them. he also wouldn’t care if you use them, he actually thinks it’s hot as fuck bc you once told him you only think of him when using them. and with watching porn, he watches them but he has a lot of videos of you guys to watch and jack off to. both of you like to take videos occasionally during sex, he loves when your ass is up and he’s ramming inside you with his phone in his hand and flash on, seeing you creaming his cock with your juices and your ass bouncing each thrust. ofc the videos are saved in a very hidden album in both ur phones.
aftercare w haechan is urs and his favorite. after you both calmed your breathing down and cooled off your sweaty bodies after lying in bed cuddled up together, you both make your way to the bathroom. haechan would order you to pee while he sets up the shower to the right temperature, then grabbing you both clothes and setting it on the counter. it’s a nice hot shower to relax your muscles. he always washes your hair for you and you first. sharing a few kisses here and there like the cuties you are. washing your bodies with a cloth, he hands you the cloth to clean around your center bc he knows it’s still sensitive and he doesn’t want to make you uncomfy. after you both are clean, he would make you his famous ramen as you both share a bowl of rice while watching a kdrama that you both started together on netflix.
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I'm here
Summary: Natasha holds you as you fall apart.
Pairing: Natasha Romanov x Reader
(No use of descriptive words for Reader's appearance. If you do stumble across one, please let me know and I'll immediately find a more inclusive alternative)
Warnings: 18+, mental breakdown, work stress, feeling overwhelmed by everything, tears, lots of tears, hurt/comfort, fluff, hugs and kisses, Natasha being a perfect human being and pure soul
Word count: 1.1k
Author's note: Comforting fluff and angst for everyone who just needs a damn break from life. I wrote this for @romanoffsbish because I wanted to give you something nice 🖤 I hope you like it ☺️😳
Your hands blindly reach out for your caffeinated drink of choice, downing the last dregs before pushing the empty container to the side with a grumble.
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You blow out an agitated sigh, eyes narrowing at the papers scattered across your desk. The black letters are barely readable in the dim light ofyour laptop screen.
Your eyes are burning, lids heavy as you fight to keep them open. You can't stop now. There's still too much to do, too many things to take care of. They just keep piling up, as soon as one thing is crossed off the list three new ones are added and you are drowning in the attempt to stay on top of the ever growing work load.
The sky outside your window is dim, the last rays of light vanishing on the horizon as the bright artificial lights of civilization take over the evening sky.
“Fuck,” you curse under your breath. Your teeth dig into your lower lip as you look at the mess of unfinished work spread out in front of you. Tears rise in your eyes and you tear your gaze away from the papers to stare at the ceiling.
Heavy breaths rattle in your chest as your throat starts closing up, the overwhelming pressure of life swamping you.
Your fingers desperately twist the fabric of your shirt and you can't keep the tears from falling. They roll hotly down your face, collecting at your trembling chin before sliding down your throat and wetting the collor of your shirt.
“Fuck,” you curse breathlessly, your voice shaky and unsteady. “I can't do this anymore. I just can't.”
Giving in to the tears you slump forward, elbows resting on the desk as you bury your face in your clammy hands. There's no holding back the mental breakdown bearing down on you with crushing might.
“God, I can't,” you sob, shoulders shaking with grief and overwhelm.
Broken sobs shake your body, tears dripping down your face, snot clogging up your nose and mixing with the tears.
You are so caught up in losing your mind, you don't hear the scraping sound of the front door or the whisper of quiet footsteps drawing closer.
You jerk up, startled by the sudden sound of a voice. Your heart starts pounding in your chest and you do your best to wipe your teary, snotty face with your shirt before glancing over your shoulder.
Natasha stands in the doorframe, her soft, red hair pulled up into a messy bun. She eyes you with concern, a sad slant to her full lips as she studies the part of your face that she can see from her position.
“Hi,” you choke out nasally, still trying to compose yourself. Natasha isn't supposed to see you like this. Weak, messy, desperate.
“What's going on, sweetheart?” she calls out softly and approaches until she stands next to you. One of her warm hands comes to rest on your shoulder, but you turn your head away, not wanting to reveal your puffy, tear-stained face.
Natasha is having none of it. She pulls your chair away from the desk and reaches out to grasp you chin between her fingers, forcing you to face her.
“What has you so upset, hm? What can I do to make it better?”
“It's nothing,” you try to deflect, squirming in her grip. But she doesn't allow you to turn away.
“It's not nothing if it makes you cry. Tell me.”
“It's stupid. Just... too much work. I have so many things to do and I don't know where to start. No matter what I do, I can't stay on top of all of it and it just keeps getting more,” you start, reluctant at first, but as soon as the first few words are out, it's as if the floodgates have been opened.
“I barely have time to relax, all I can think about the tasks still waiting for me, the neverending list of things that need to be done and I just can't- I'm tired, I'm so tired. I can barely get out of bed in the morning but I still can't sleep when I go to bed at night. There's just too much, too much to do, too many thoughts in my head, too much- I can't I don' wanna-”
The breakdown is in full swing now and the tears resurface as you crumple under Natasha's gaze.
The red-head moves quickly, pushing her hands under your arms to keep you from folding in on yourself completely. She hoists you to your feet before taking your place on the chair and pulling you into her lap.
“Shhh, it's okay. I got you,” she whispers, one hand stroking up and down your shaking back while the other holds the back of your head, tucking you comfortably into the crook of her neck.
You mindlessly burrow into her embrace, arms winding around her body to have something to hold onto while you fall apart.
Natasha holds you through all of it, the tears, the choked sobs and violent trembling shaking your exhausted body. She coos calming words at you, kissing the top of your head and humming to you to bring you down to earth.
Eventually, your sobs quieten down, tears slowing and allowing you to see more clearly.
“You're okay, I'm here,” Natasha mumbles, giving your body a little squeeze.
You stay silent, head tucked away in the crook of her neck as your breathing slowly calms down and grows more even, matching Natasha's steady breaths.
“I- I just want a nice, easy life. Is that too much to ask,” you croak out tearily, voice muffled against Natasha's skin.
The red-head hums, her hands slowly caressing your back.
“Not at all,” she says after a moment of silence.
You scoff, though there's no bite behind it. You're too wrung out to feel upset.
“Then why is everything so difficult? Why is everything more than I can handle,” you ask, not expecting an answer. Natasha gives one anyway, but not one you expect.
“We'll figure it out, love. Make plans for you, charts and lists to keep track of things. Keep everything managable,” she says and kisses the side of your head. “I'm here for you.”
The sincerity in the red-head's voice makes you tear up again. You cling to her and rub your face on your shoulder, brushing away the tears that threaten to fall.
“Thank you,” you mumble and turn your head enough to kiss her neck.
“You're welcome, sweetheart,” Natasha replies softly, slowly rocking the two of you in your desk chair. “Now rest. I have you.”
Closing your tired eyes, you do as Natasha tells you, drifting off into a deep slumber in the loving embrace of your girlfriend.
I need Natasha so bad, pleeaaase *whines*
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ancientschampionau · 25 days
RealAgeAU drabble - Moving
Hello I am back and I got another idea for this little silly au that I have @spotaus to thank for for the original idea :3 Though I think this may be officially becoming one of my AUs hahahaha First part Prev Part Next part
Also yes. I know it would work better to number these uploads but also i am not writing these in any set order so it will become miserable for all of us if i number them because either they will be out of order or I will have to rework all the names and I am already editing links I don't need that extra energy in my life.
Next part! The one I lovingly clal in my head - The one where the gang finds a more permanent temporary home. (also yes. Before this they all speed-run the whole Parental bonding and emotional bonding to the idea of having a babybones. Which honestly can and probably will make four different drabbles)
Horror stares at the door and wonders once again how he got to this point.
Well, no. That is a lie. He knows exactly how he got to his point.
He glances over his shoulder where the other four at hiding off to the side. Out of view from the doorway but still visable for Horror if he looks just right. Seems like Dust won the discussion, again, and is holding Nightmare, again.
Horror wants to say it is surprising how quickly they all just... accepted the situation they got into but he really isn't. Monsters are weird like that. Forced adoption is not that wild all things considered when you are talking about beings made of magic and emotions.
Horror stares at the door and raises his hand before knocking twice.
He really hadn't wanted to do this but they have no other choice. As he waits he can't help but think back to what made them decide this.
Cross walks from side to side "That was way to close! That was the third time we came across the Stars with Nightmare out. Third!"
Killer nods from where he is sitting wiht the sleeping Nightmare in his lap "Yeah no kidding. It is annoying as shit that they are hunting us."
Dust shrugs "Not surprising. Nightmare 'disappeared' after all. We are their only lead."
Killer grins "We were lucky Cross managed to lie his way out of the last one." and he shoots Cross a wink.
Cross sputters "I panicked!"
Killer grins and winks "Sure sure daddy crossy."
Horror holds up his hands between his two... co-parents "This is not the time. We need to figure out where we can go." and he thinks things over.
Cross sighs "I don't get how they keep finding us!"
Dust huffs as he packs their bags "We go to too little universes. Makes it easy for Ink and Dream to pick us out because they recognise us personally."
Killer frowns "Meaning. we need a big universe?" he taps his chin "But also mostly positive as we still don't know how obvious Nightmare would be otherwise."
Cross frowns "I think it will be fine. He can't feel the balance anymore right? And no one seems to have a reaction to him like they had before nor how people have a reaction to Dream's aura thing. Maybe with the corruption gone he really is just... ex-guardian now?"
Killer groans "I hope so. I am not a fan of child labor."
That is when it hits him. Horror sits up "I think I know a place."
All of them turn to him and he immediantly regrets saying anything. See? This is why he normally tries to limit what he says.
Either way. Here they are now and Horror prays this works. Please. They need one thing to work in their favor.
The door opens and a gasp "Horror! It has been ages! It is great to see you. How have you been?" Crop smiles at him.
Horror steels his nerves. Come on. Too much hangs on this moment "Hey Crop. Nice to see you. I am... okay. How are you?"
Crop frowns at him instantly "You sure? You don't sound okay. Trouble at home?"
Horror chuckles "Kinda? Not exactly. Euh... Can't go back to that place now?"
Crop frowns "Why? Need a place to stay? I got a spare room."
Okay yes! this is going great! just... gotta make sure he knows.
Horror nods "I do need a room. Not just for me though..." Crop starts to frown and Horror raises his hands "Just temporarily!"
Crop frowns "Did... something go wrong?"
Horror pauses and thinks this through once more. He trusts Crop. Crop has never been anything but kind even when Horror had been an ass. Even when he had to once drag Dust here to get healing before they could make the jump back home.
Horror looks to the side and he sees the others just beyond the treeline, hidden in shadows and waiting. Crop takes a look as well but he can't quite spot them. Crop looks back up at him.
Horror takes a deep breath "You need... to promise me, no not just promise you need to swear. That what you are about to learn will not leave this universe."
Crop frowns as he immediantly looks uncomfortable. It is the reaction a promise gets from most of them. But Crop also shoots him a considering look before he nods. He holds out a hand "I swear and promise I will not share the about to be giving information. UNLESS! It endangers anyone." and he waits.
Horror stares at the hand and thinks. That... That is fine right? That should be fine. Nightmare being a child doesn't endanger anyone. Only them and Nightmare. Horror nods and shakes the hand.
Crop nods and steps aside "Come inside. I bet you will be more comfortable explaining there." he glances at the forest "Do your... friends? Want to come in too?" a guess clearly. probably on multiple fronts.
Horror shakes his skull "Not yet. Need to know your answer and reaction first." He turns to the forest and makes a signal to wait a bit longer. He sees a thumbs up shot his way back. Probably Killer. He never bothered with the signals they had learned together.
Crop nods as he steps aside and Horror walks in, having to duck slightly for the door. The door closes behind him and Horror sees the small living room with fireplace.
Crop leads him to the kitchen "Lets talk there. I will get some tea."
A few minutes later they are both seated and with a cup of tea. Crop looks at him expectingly.
Horror takes a deep breath and takes out their most valuable resourch. The Dreamtale book. And places it on the table. Crop frowns at it before looking at Horror.
Horror nods to it "It will help explain... Very long story short... Nightmare was never an adult. He was a child with a magical shield of some type. That magic has ran out."
Crop stares at him for a moment, then he pulls the book closer and starts reading it. He pauses at the title before opening it.
And now he waits.
Crop sits wiht his skull in his hands. Horror just sits across from him, with his empty cup of tea. Crop's own cup has grown cold a long time ago. Horror just waits for anymore questions but Crop hasn't said anyhting in the last ten minutes.
Horror looks back at the book and sees that Crop has turned the pages back to the one with the drawing of Nightmare's head being cracked open. The image makes a very clear show on how small Nightmare was compared to the ones attacking him.
Horror still thinks the book doesn't do it justice. Nightmare is much smaller in person than the picture makes him seem. The cracks had been much worse than the picture showed. But it is the closest they got.
Crop finally sighs and speaks. He doesn't look away from the picture "I don't... Know a lot about this whole... multiverse stuff. It isn't my place at all. And that is fine." he pauses for a moment "But this... You are telling me... That the one being that had everyone afraid. That everyone saw as a demon. Is a child... is this child?"
Horror nods before he explains more "Nightmare... gained a lot of magic and powers when he ate those apples. At least that is what the story implied. We haven't managed to get him to tell us yet, mostly because well... he is six again." Crops pulls a face as well, yeah. Horror agrees. A PTSD filled six year old is not easy. But they are managing.
Horror nods "so... What Cross nad Dust think what happened is that... The magic and negativity of the apples bond itself to Nightmare. Which game him the magic and powers he would use. The connection to the balance because the apples were part of the balance. and more importantly, an adult form and mind to fit all the magic. There was just no way all that magic and energy would have fit a babybones. Especially one that hadn't shown much magic beforehand." an assumption on their end as Nightmare was never said to use magic in the book.
"We think... We think that this magic of the apples just. ran out. We had been in battle at the time and Nightmare had been hit but it shouldn't have had that much of an effect. it was the same type of attack he had been hit by before. Dust thinks it was just the last bit of magic that the apples had having run out. Meaning that with the magic and energy so went the form." all a theory of course. But it is the only thing they have.
Crop nods as he clearly thinks "And as he was suddenly an adult. instead of just being afraid and scared. all that pain and emotions took a more violent turn. As he was an adult and was suddenly able to realise that it was unfair which made him angry..." Crop pauses.
Crop glares back at the table and shakes his skull "It is... It is a whole story about victim blaming. A victim is blamed for the abuse they suffered. They are made to believe they deserve it and should be abused. Then as soon as they fight back and defend themselves they are seen as guilty." Crop takes adeep breath as he leans back "What I don't get... Why come here? I can't help with any of this."
Horror shakes his skull "This isn't about any of the big stuff. We don't even care about it. We just... Nightmare is himself again. His real self." he taps the page lightly "Not his aged-up self that the corruption enabled him to be."
Crop stares before his face changes to shock "You are trying to hide him." Then a frown "Why not go to your own home? Has it been compromised?"
Horror snorts "At this point? probably." a confused look and Horror continues "Nightmare used his magic to shield off an universe and make a castle." he shrugs at the glance "Nightmare likes to read. I imagine he liked to read back then too. He may have been an adult technically but he was still a child at soul. Child him wanted a home and wanted that to be a castle and adult him made it happen... probably... that is Killer's theory at the moment."
Crop laughs and nods "Suonds reasonable- oh... and with his magic disappearing."
Horror sighs "When I left his universe the castle had already been decaying..."
Crop frowns "Left? The five of you you mean?"
Horror looks to the side and feels the shame return "We.... we did not react well... when we saw the changes at first... we... we obviously dind't know what was going on and well." he looks down "We abandoned him. I know it was wrong and stupid and we all regret it. We came back but we still did it." shame.
shame shame shame shame shame shame shame-
A hand on his shoulder. Horror glances up and Crop smiles at him "It is okay. You are trying to fix it now right? obviously. Not cool that you abandoned a child... but it can be nerve wrecking. Suddenly going from a position where a person is mostly guiding you, to going to a position where you suddenly are responsible over that same person."
Horror looks to the side "We still left." he can't believe they just left!
Crop nods "But you returned." he grins "And you are trying to fix it."
Horror nods again "We are..." he chuckles "Not that we have been doing a good job at it. Jumping from place to place."
Crop hums "So you are looking to settle, at least for a little bit, while also hidding. Why this universe?"
Horror nods "Yeah..." He looks to the side "We... we don't know how everyone will react. To him being like this. Maybe they will react well. Maybe not. We don't want to risk it. Risk him."
Crop stares at him for a long time and nods "There must be better places?"
Horror shakes his skull "The Stars kept finding us. Dust figured out we needed a big universe that leans towards positive. Yours is one of those. It is one of the wider and bigger ones. And overall leaning towards positive."
Crop frowns "It can't be the best one..."
Horror shrugs but continues "True... there are bigger and more positive ones. But those are busy. Many people. many places. Yours is quieter. more empty. Gives peace and room to work from."
Crop frowns as he taps his chin. He thinks deeply before sighing "You guys got any type of backstory we can use? The multiverse thing isn't a known thing here and the only reason my brother and I know is because you crash landed here."
Horror blinks "You will let us stay?"
Crop nods "Sure." and he grins "Can't kick out four parents with a babybones." and he gets up.
Horrro shakes his skull "That isn't... Well I mean technically." He knows that Killer has come close to killing quite a few people with how protective he has grown over Nightmare and that isn't even including the motherhenning of Cross nor the clinginess that Dust has.
Crop chuckles as he nods towards the stairs "The attic is messy and should be cleaned but can be used by you four, well five. There is an old bed and an old lounge chair up there." more thoughtful "How big is he exactly? we will need some clothes. Probably also get a healer to check him if he is developing okay after all those magical shenanigans."
Horror stares for a moment before smiling "Thank you... I know it is a lot."
Crop shrugs as he opens the linnen closet "Horror. Taking care of milking all the cows on your own is a lot. Having to fix your roof in the middle of a thunderstorm is a lot." He straightens his spine with blankets in his arms "Helping a friend and his friends who have somehow aqcuired a babybones, while strange, does not compare to either of those. Now get your friends out of those woods. They will make the animals nervous." he grins "I am excited to be one of the first ones to meet the real Nightmare."
Horror smiles as he packs his book and goes towards the door. "Thanks again Crop."
Crop waves it off as he moves the piles upstairs.
Boom! and they are staying in FarmTale for now! Horror and Crop are homies and Dust is more of an acquaintance of Crop but it works. Aged-up Nightmare knew that Horror had an universe he liked to visit but never demanded details. *shrugs* Nightmare didn't see the point. as long as horror wasn't going to betray him what did it matter he didn't tell him?
Surprise Nightmare, this is your temporary home now. For a bit. or maybe longer? They are still figuring it out.
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{ 𝟐𝟑:𝟒𝟏 } — 𝐣𝐢𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠
18+ content ahead. minors dni.
phone sex. softdom!jisung // sub!femreader. praise. teasing. fingering. sex toys (vibrator). jerking off. breast/nipple play. pet names. dirty talk.
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ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ʀᴇᴘᴏsᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ sɪᴛᴇs (ᴛʜɪs ɪɴᴄʟᴜᴅᴇs ᴛʀᴀɴsʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴs). © ʙʟᴏssᴏᴍᴡʀɪᴛᴇsᴛʜɪɴɢs ⤐ ᴀʟʟ ʀɪɢʜᴛs ʀᴇsᴇʀᴠᴇᴅ
At one point, you just began to loose count of how many days he had been gone. 
  Your boyfriend Jisung had been on tour with Stray Kids for the past few months, traveling from one country to the next. And it seemed like every day that passed, you started to forget the feeling of him. 
  Of how it felt to wake up next to him every single morning. Of how it felt to be held by him late into the night. Of how it felt to smell his scent on every part of your shared apartment. 
  But at least your daily phone calls were still a thing between the two of you. 
  Jisung had had the idea to do such a thing just before he left for the tour, claiming that talking on the phone late at night would be easy enough since the time zones wouldn't be too much of an issue. Plus, if it was nighttime for him, he'd most likely be done with his schedules. 
  "Are you tired, baby?" He was asking you, voice filtering through the speaker of your phone. It trickled out and flooded around the shell of your ear as you held your device close to your head. Since they were currently touring in Manila, the time zone difference wasn't too bad, leaving both of you to be snuggled into your respective beds for the night. 
  "Mhm- not too much... just, the sound of your voice always relaxes me so much..." It wasn't a lie, either. The feel of it pushing against your ear through your phone speakers did wonders to ease you into sleep at the end of every night. And you found yourself looking forward to your daily calls, while you worked hard at your job in the daytime. 
  It was like a nice respite, to listen to him talk about his way and make you laugh with his stupid jokes. It was especially nice if you had had a shitty day. He was the perfect salve to calm your heart no matter the circumstances. 
  "What're you wearing right now, darling?" He suddenly asked, voice a little husky from how much he had used it at the concert that night. 
  You already felt the start of a blush creeping up your neck and pooling in your cheeks. "I-I don't know, why?" You didn't know why you were getting so nervous all of a sudden. Han Jisung was your boyfriend, for goodness sake, it shouldn't have felt weird for him to ask you such an innocent question. 
  "C'mon, tell me." He purred in that deep voice of his that he only used on you when it was late at night and you two were playing around with each other buried deep in your coverlets. 
  You took a resounding, shaky breath, feeling your heart race in your chest. "I'm in my summer pajamas. You know the ones- the shorts and tank top with the light pink heart print." You found your hands traveling down to your waistline under the bedsheets, fingers toying with the drawstring of your shorts. 
  "Hmm- I always loved that set on you," he mused, voice sounding a little far off like he was reminiscing about what you looked like in that exact moment - sprawled out in your bed, cuddled up in the covers with the phone pressed to your ear. "I bought that for you as a gift last Valentine's Day, right?" 
  You ran your palm down the length of your right leg, feeling the soft fabric of the shorts as you went. "Yeah... I still think it's one of the cutest things you've ever gotten me." 
  He was quiet for a moment, and all you could hear was his breathing. That was turning heavier, more solid, against your ear. Then, he was speaking again, but in a tone that was a little grave and lilting. "Bet you'd look even cuter without anything on..."
  "Jisung!" You blurted out, your cheeks erupting in heat from his suggestive comment. Your hand stopped its messaging of your leg, as you held your breath, waiting for his next words. 
  "You miss me, yeah?" He was suddenly questioning you, even though he already knew the answer. He knew that you thought about him every second of every single day that he was gone. You told him so on many occasions. "You'd do anything I told you to, right?" 
  You found yourself swallowing down a moan, the feeling catching in your throat and making your mind move like you were trapped in a vat of molasses. "Yes- yes, of course... you already know my answer to everything, Ji." 
  "Then I want you to play with yourself." 
 Choking on a strangled gasp, you felt your eyes widen in the shock of it all. But already - instinctually - your legs were pressing together, trying to garner some kind of friction without doing anything just yet. 
  "When's the last time you fingered yourself, babydoll?" Jisung's tone came out gravelly and hushed, and you heard him shift on his end of the phone, like he, too, was getting restless under the sheets.
  "L-Last week." 
  "And did I cross your mind, while you fucked yourself with your hands?" 
  "Y-You're always on my mind, babe... couldn't get the thought out of my head that it was you touching me, fucking those perfect, long fingers up into me." 
  "Where are your hands right now, princess?" He asked, and you were ashamed to admit that they were already stuck down the front of your pajama shorts, palm just barely ghosting over your heat. 
  "I-In my shorts." 
  "Good. Now, start to touch yourself." His command came out a little garbled like it was painful for him to talk. Like, he was already battling an oncoming orgasm as you were at that moment. 
 "Not unless you're doing the same thing." 
 At that, he let out a dark chuckle, and an image of him flashed across your mind - midnight black hair rumpled from a long day, eyes heavy-lidded, and a sardonic smirk pulling across his lips. "Oh, don't you worry about me, darling. I've been rutting into my hand since you first answered the phone tonight." 
  His confession left you quite dumbfounded, as you had had no idea. But how could you, since the two of you were miles apart? And besides, Jisung was good at downplaying shit. Downplaying his arousal when he needed to and masking his wants. 
  "Get that toy out, kitten," he commanded, thick tone cutting through your thoughts that were swarming with lust. "The one that I bought you for your birthday." 
  He meant the Rabbit. It was a vibrator that was famous, and after the two of you had watched a movie where the main girl had used it and sung its praises, he had decided to buy it for you as a surprise. It was big, and took some practice to get the hang of. But man, did it work. So much so, that you had to refrain from using it too much, otherwise you were afraid that you'd start to crave it more than your actual boyfriend. 
  Leaning over your bed, you reached into your nightstand, digging the large pink toy out from underneath a pile of junk. You grabbed the unflavored lube that you always kept there too. 
  "How wet are you?" He grunted, his voice shooting down your ear and pooling in your core. The way that it danced around the room from being on speakerphone did something odd to you. Made you go wild for it all.
  Dipping two fingers into your heat, you felt your essence there. "Fucking sopping, baby." Your thumb trailed up to your clit, toying with it in lazy circles. Imagining that it was Jisung touching you just so, you pressed your head into your pillow, whining out his name. "Fuck- I need you so bad." 
  "I know princess, I know... fuck, I'm just imaging you right now- pretty little cunt dripping with your sweet, sweet juices as I fuck my fingers up into you." His voice trailed off, as you delved into the feeling between your legs. Thrusting up slowly, your two fingers curled inside your walls, hitting that warm sweet spot and sending a burst of starlight across your closed eyes. "I want you to imagine that it's me right there- fingering you. Fuck yourself with the toy, baby girl, and imagine that it's me using it on you." 
  Without even realizing it, your hands were already moving, picking up the vibrator and centering it against your core. You peered down at it, a little bit of fear rising deep inside of you from the sight of the large girth. "It's so big, I-I don't know if-"
  "C'mon now kitten, you can take it," your boyfriend taunted in a playfully seductive way, making your cheeks bloom with a furious blush. "Your little pussy takes me all the time, and I'm much bigger." 
  With the help of his coaxing, you begin to slide the tip of the toy into you. Ever so slightly, with the help of the lube, it finally fits into your core just right. "Ngh- I've got it in." You gasped, your other hand that wasn't holding the toy traveling up to your chest, fingers playing with your tits, twisting and pulling on pert, sensitive nipples. "F-Feels so big, Ji." 
  "Good girl," he cooed darkly, and the praise went straight to your head. Made you feel all light and floaty, lighting a tiny flame of arousal inside of you. "Now turn on the vibrator." 
  You did as you were told, bracing yourself for the feeling of it all. And it hit you like a ton of bricks. The curved point of the toy hit deep inside of you, while the outside rabbit ears pressed against your swollen bundle of nerves. 
  "You gonna be a good girl and follow everything I say?" You could hear the muffled sound of him just beyond his voice. Of squelching juices, as he played with himself. As you imagined what he was doing at that moment - practiced hand tightening around his thick cock, squeezing up and down the length of himself while his thumb played with his red, swollen tip. 
  There was a pause on your end, as your thoughts tripped over themselves, heart rattling against your ribcage. Your wetness poured out of you and mixed with the lube, causing a messy scene between your legs, and coating the white sheets underneath you. 
"Always, Ji." You finally managed to answer in a choked groan, as you began to move the toy around, thrusting in and out shallowly. 
  Jisung's voice came out husky against your ears. Grating, even. It sounded like he was already close to the edge of release - since apparently, he had been edging himself for hours during your phone call. "Then turn up the vibrator to the highest setting, babydoll. I wanna hear you scream my name while you fuck yourself on it."  
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bygiornogiovanna · 1 year
Back to what we were
a small yandere! giorno one shot because I love this man so much
actually, it isn't small at all oopsie. I got carried away.
warnings: implied yandere themes, implied stalking, giorno still considers you are together, manipulating
also, i don't know if my previous post was seen, but my requests have been opened again. send me your ideas!
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Everything went quiet.
The chatter stopped the moment he opened the door.
You felt your knees getting weak when you saw his tall figure. It felt like time stopped the second he stepped inside the room.
With his blonde locks resting gracefully on his shoulders and his head held high, he exuded a superior air. The power he gave off was intoxicating.
His presence was overwhelming.
Every pair of eyes was laid on the influential man walking across the room. Even you couldn't break away from his spell over the public.
You, who weren't supposed to be there.
Actually, he wasn't supposed to be there. Because you worked there and he didn't.
You and Giorno broke things off a long time ago. At least, that's what it felt like.
In reality, only a few months passed. And, during those months, you couldn't say you were the happiest without him. You missed him much, but your pride kept you from returning to him. Especially since you were the one that broke the relationship.
Your gaze dropped as soon as he stared around the meeting room as if searching for something. His vigilant eyes quickly caught your figure, but he kept up the show.
"Is L/N Y/N here?" His voice rang through the room, pretending to not know exactly where you were, hiding behind your documents.
Your best friend leaned to you, his gaze moving between you and the blonde. He whispered- "Why is our new boss searching for you?"
Wait what? New boss? How?
Even though that would explain what he was doing here.
"New boss?" you whispered back, almost inaudible. Your heart was pounding so hard inside your chest that you were afraid it would get out.
"Yeah, how didn't you know? Mr. Giovanna became our boss a few weeks ago. It's said he bought the company from Diavolo." Before your friend could say anything else, Giorno's suave voice was heard again.
"I'm not aware of how the last boss let you treat him, but when I ask something, I expect answers. Immediately. I also hate repeating myself."
You rolled your eyes at his remark, but you remained quiet. You didn't want to speak with him. You preferred him being mad at everyone in the room, rather than seeing him for the first time in so long.
However, your plans were ruined by one of your coworkers, who almost yelled - "Yes, they're right there!" while pointing to you. You shot a deadly glare across the room, from where your coworker sat.
"Y/N, stand up, please. I can't see you." Giorno said, but the words sounded more like an order. Not wanting to make a scene, you sighed deeply and got up from your seat. "Good. Thank you for telling me, miss Hannah. You, come with me."
You shot another glare in Hannah's direction and got your things. "I'll be back." you murmured to your best friend and followed Giorno outside the meeting room.
Not a word could be heard until you got into what you supposed was his office now, and even then, he didn't say anything. He sat down in his chair, his emerald eyes eating you up.
"Okay. What the hell is happening here? Why are you here? How did you get this position? Why don't you leave me alone?" you said, trying to sound like you were mad at him. Honestly, you were just confused.
The corner of his lips rose, forming half an arrogant smile. You felt your heart flutter, and you bit the inside of your cheek.
"That's no way of speaking to your boss, is it now?" he said calmly, but your head was spinning with the need to know, not giving a damn about his role now.
"Cut the bullshit! I didn't even know you were my boss until like, what, five minutes ago?" you kept your attitude while Giorno just extended his lips into a full smile. However, his eyes weren't smiling back at you.
"I suggest you lower that tone of yours and change your attitude, sweetheart. If you are not aware, I'm the one who is in charge now. I could fire you any second. Perhaps, I should." The coldness hidden in his calm voice sent shivers down your spine.
You roll your eyes, annoyed, and he signals you to sit down. He was right. He did have the power to do it, given his new position. "Fine, I apologize for my behavior. I'm just...confused, to say the least. You were okay with us breaking up, and now you are in my life again. As my boss, but still. I thought that's where our paths diverged. Why are you here?"
"Well, I think you know my dream is to make Italy a better place. Meaning I need to absolutely get rid of drugs. And I'm pretty sure I never agreed on our break up"
"What does that mean? I asked you if you are okay with us parting ways and you said yes!" Probably the combination of shock and confusion that was displayed on your face right now was more than funny, considering the giggle that left his pretty lips.
What am I thinking?!
"Oh, my silly little bunny...You are so funny sometimes."
You raised your brow at his remark.
"What do you mean? I'm pretty sure you did agree." After he realized you were serious, his smile dropped. You felt shivers running down your spine and it suddenly felt like the temperature went down.
"I told you I'm only giving you a break. You really thought I'll let you leave forever?"
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shawtuzi · 2 years
imagine kazutora being the biggest bitch boy for you like my mans is so obsessed with you bc you’re so pretty and kind to him he never ever wants to let you go. you were very special to him. you were the first girl he ever held hands with, bought flowers for, kissed, gave head to— and now the first (and only) girl he’s made love to.
“s’okay tora just go slow,” you gave him a warm smile brushing a stray piece of hair behind his ear. kazutora was a nervous wreck. not only were you his first he was also your first time too so in his mind the pressure was really on. of course you knew losing your virginity was not bound to be how it was in the movies but tora was determined to give you exactly that. he wanted to hold you close and coax you into multiple orgasms while you clawed at his back asking him to go faster, deeper—but the second he swiped his tip between your soaked folds he was an absolute goner.
“s-shit you’re so….so wet,” he whimpered tapping the tip against your clit. you whined at the contact bucking your hips up against his dick, “c’monnn kazu j-just put it in it’s okay,” you gave the mole below his eye a gentle kiss to ease any tension he was feeling. “o-okay m’putting it in now j-just let me know if i need to stop ‘kay?” he didn’t move a muscle until he saw you slowly nod your head then proceeded to push the tip of his dick in as gentle and slow as possible. “o-ohhhh my fuck y-y/n you’re so warm,” kazutora buried his face in your neck tears brimming his eyes because by god this was heaven. this is exactly what heaven felt like.
in one swift movement kazutora fully sheathed himself inside of you much to your surprise causing a high pitched squeal to escape your kiss swollen lips. “kazu wait-” you were cut off by tora smashing his lips against yours bringing one of his hands down to sloppily rub at your puffy clit, “you feel so good, you feel so good, you. feel. so. fucking. good.” you could hear the soft jingle of his bell earring with every thrust and it brought the the strangest comfort. kazutora lifted his face from your neck giving you a weak smile, “does it feel good? am i making you feel good y/n? p-please tell me i’m doin’ good,” you couldn’t utter a word let alone a full sentence but you tried your best muttering out a broken ‘yes s’good tora’.
before you or even kazutora knew it his hips were stuttering and he was cumming inside you. you tried to move your hips just a little but tora had your hips in an iron grip muttering a low, “d-don’t move m’still c-cumming,” and yes he indeed was. you felt yourself getting more and more full by the second it was almost becoming unbearable. kazutora sat up on his knees pulling out slightly and not even a second later copious amounts of his cum began to drip from your pussy, dripping onto your now ruined pink sheets. “kazu?” you whispered furrowing your brows at the look on his face. he looked almost feral—like a lion about to devour a helpless gazelle.
“look how pretty it looks,” he smiled using his middle and ring finger to push his cum back inside. his fingers brushed against a spongy spot that had you gasping and that immediately caught his attention, “y’like that? does that feel good?” his fingers began to move in a come hither motion. “y-yes it does,” you whimpered, your back arching up from the bed. kazutora nibbled on his lip thinking to himself for a moment before smiling once more. he was quick to put both his hands on the back of your knees, pushing them all the way to your chest. a glob of spit fell from his lips and onto your clit, slowly trickling down your pussy until it blended in with your wetness and his cum.
kazu slapped his tip against your clit once more until he felt your thighs begin to shake then slipped right back in, your breath getting caught in your throat at the sudden intrusion. “kazuuu d-don’t stop please please please—fuck! right there right there!” you squealed your eyes now rolling into the back of your head. you had no clue where kazutora learned how to do all this but you wouldn’t dare stop now to find out not when it felt like he was quite literally rearranging your guts. kazutora bent down to lick up the bead of sweat that was trailing down the side of your face humming in satisfaction, “t-this is called a m— fuck, m-mating press! i learned about it online d-does it feel good y/n? i learned about all this sex stuff j-just for you! all for you baby everything i’ll ever do is gonna be for you i love you i love you i love you,” the last three words were punctuated with every thrust and it was driving you quite insane.
with tora’s blunt tip hitting your special spot with every thrust and his oh so sweet words you felt as if you were on cloud nine! or maybe it was just the fact this position was causing a whole lotta blood to flow to your head but who really cares? you didn’t care about anything besides the man above you. “cumming i’m—i’m cumming,” you sounded completely fucked out and dazed which is exactly what kazutora wanted to hear. he brought one his hands to your chest yanking your bra down so he was able to tweak and pinch at your nipples, “go ahead and cum y/n, wanna see you cum so bad.” you mumbled something about feeling like you were gonna pee and that only encouraged tora to go faster and harder, bringing the hand that was once focused on your tits to your clit rubbing tight little circles.
“kazu i-i oh fuck!” kazutora’s dick managed to slip out from how wet you were but that didn’t stop him from rubbing ferociously at your clit, a small fountain of your cum soaking the sheets below you as well as your thighs. you looked absolutely adorable to kazu right now. your eyes were squeezed shut and your entire body was trembling. you suddenly felt your body being lifted up and next thing you knew you were on top of kazutora, the tip of his dick brushing against your sensitive clit with every slight movement you made. “i don’t know if i can go again tora….m’so tired,” you sighed burying your face in his neck, the mixed smell of his cologne and sweat making you drowsy.
kazutora chuckled pressing soft kisses to your shoulder and hummed in agreement, “i am too…hey is it okay if i just put it in and leave it? you’re so warm,” he whispered the last part so quietly to almost didn’t hear but you agreed of course grabbing his dick by the base and slowly pushing it inside you. tora’s eyes fluttered shut in bliss and he almost fell asleep but he just had to ask the question that’s been burning in his brain since you two finished. “did i—did i do okay? sorry i got a little rough i didn’t mean to hurt you if i did,” his voice was shaky anxious for your answer. you lifted your face from his neck swiping sweaty strands of hair from his forehead before speaking, “it kinda hurt like a lot at first but then it felt really good! you did amazing i wouldn’t change anything about it thank you kazu i love you.”
it wasn’t long until you fell asleep on kazutora’s chest, small snores leaving your parted lips. meanwhile kazutora was staring up at the ceiling his mind racing a mile a minute. in some twisted way in his head this meant you were bound to him forever. his girl forever. you were a drug he couldn’t quit—his own personal brand of heroine. you brought him to climax even without sex how could he ever possibly let you escape his grasp. the correct answer ladies is never—you’ll never be able to truly escape kazutora but i think you’re okay with that right?
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irondad-defensesquad · 2 months
“W-What’re you doing here?”
“You could say I have Peter-senses myself.”
Peter doesn’t laugh or give him a comeback.
“What’s up?” Tony asks.
“I dunno, I couldn’t sleep.”
“Bad dream?”
“No. I haven’t slept a wink.”
“Oh. Hyperactive brain, then?”
Peter shrugs.
“What do you want to do? Watch something? Listen to music? Or maybe build something in the workshop?”
“I don’t know, I just– want some peace right now.”
He gulps, fearing he might’ve slightly snapped. Tony though realizes he must’ve asked him too many things all at once, so he doesn’t take Peter’s reaction to heart.
“Can I sit with you?” Tony requests.
Peter immediately feels some of the tension go away when his mentor sits next to him. Just the weight on the couch helps him relax a little. Tony notices the blanket wrapped around Peter like it’s trying hard to bring him back to reality, yet to no avail.
“Are you cold?” The former asks, already implying he can get the latter another blanket or maybe the sweater he’s currently wearing.
It’s half a lie.
Peter is missing a different kind of warmth. The blanket and his current hoodie are warm enough. But they cannot replace the safety of two arms around him.
“Mr. Stark…” He trails off.
“Can you just–”
Why is asking this so hard?
His face flushes red.
“... Hold me?”
Tony is suddenly a lot more relieved, but he doesn’t ridicule Peter.
“Bring it in,” the former snickers.
Peter awkwardly scoots to him and lies against him. Tony hugs him with no hesitation whatsoever.
“You can always ask for a cuddle,” the man lets him know.
“I didn’t wanna come off as annoying.”
Tony sighs in sympathy, no sarcasm at all.
“It’s hard to ask for this kind of stuff, right?”
“... Yeah.”
They don’t add anything else with words. Tony holds him much closer, to the point Peter is being nestled. It kind of makes the boy tear up. He doesn’t know why. There was nothing out of ordinary this week, and Peter still has no idea why he couldn’t fall asleep tonight.
… he does know, though, that if he stayed in his lonely apartment, things would’ve been worse.
Peter grows heavier, breathing with more ease.
Tony rubs his back up and down, rocking him a little.
“... thanks for savin’ me, Mr. Stark…” the teenager says quite tiredly.
Tony chuckles. “Always, kid.”
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ebongawk · 8 months
Eddie and Chrissy have a big fight/argument/misunderstanding (but with a happy resolution please 🥺). Just for hurt/comfort sake.
Eddie couldn't wrap his head around it.
Reconnecting with Chrissy Cunningham (yeah, that Chrissy Cunningham) five years after leaving Hawkins to snap at his heels while he went out and made a name for himself had, at the time, seemed like an act of fate. He'd just gotten out of a year-long situationship that ended when their mutually agreed upon exclusivity had, apparently, been too exclusive for her.
Eddie wasn't heartbroken or anything. He didn't really let his attachments take up that much space in his chest, but it was disappointing to realize that, yet again, he was deemed not enough by a person with whom he'd expended so much time and effort.
But, whatever, right? Who gave a shit. Rockstars weren't supposed to dip their fingers into one honeypot at a time, anyway, so to speak. And Eddie was kinda in a place where he should have wanted to explore that.
(He didn't, but that seemed secondary.)
Then, in aforementioned act of fate, Chrissy Cunningham showed up at his signing booth at the end of a show, and all that space in his chest he hadn't allowed another person to occupy was suddenly pitched with a For Sale sign, paperwork drawn up and just waiting for her to take out the mortgage.
Wonder of wonders, she fucking did.
They'd just celebrated a year together by buying an adorable little three-bed townhouse in Carlsbad. It was kinda dated – the wallpaper had definitely been picked out by someone's grandma – but it was theirs, and Eddie fucking loved it. Chrissy did, too, if all the squealing was anything to go by.
Producers called up about a week later to let him know they were going on tour for four months, and Eddie and Chrissy were torn between elation and devastation, since she could only go with him for the first month before she had to be back at work.
Which was fine. They made it work. Eddie called whenever he had a chance and Chrissy had sent him off with polaroids and a letter about how much she loved him and the stuffed frog he'd won her at the San Diego County Fair and it was fine.
Except, recently, shit had been weird.
Like, weird weird.
Like, Chrissy could only talk for a few minutes weird. Like she'd missed his nightly phone call a few days ago because she'd been "out", and when he'd called her last night, he swore he heard a man's voice on the other end of the line.
He asked, and Chrissy explained that she forgot to mute the TV, but that was completely unlike her. Chrissy never forgot that kind of stuff because she always lamented that it was impossible to focus on their conversation if she had distractions in her periphery.
It hit him like a goddamn ton of bricks.
She's cheating on me.
And it didn't make sense, but then it did, because who the fuck wanted to wait around for some asshole guitarist in a band that barely had name recognition? For four fucking months? She was a publicist, for fuck's sake, she made plenty of money to support herself and Eddie was just the dead goddamn weight that nobody wanted––
He didn't want to believe it. But she knew he was getting home the following day, so Eddie did what any sane person would do. He boarded a plane twelve hours earlier than was originally planned, took a taxi to their new house, and was going to catch her in the fucking act.
Even if it ripped his heart to shreds with fucking dragon claws and made it impossible for him to ever love anyone else. That was just the fucking price he'd have to pay for trusting someone, he supposed.
The entire trip home (six hours), all he could think about was what he was going to say when he found her in bed with someone else. And he kept choking on his own tongue to keep the bile from coming up his throat.
Unlocking the door, Eddie set his duffel bag and guitar in the foyer, automatically toeing off his Reeboks (Chrissy was adamant about no shoes in the house) and walking down the hallway toward the kitchen.
It was empty.
Then, from up the stairs, a soft, continuous banging noise. Like a hammer tapping against a nail or––
Or a fucking bedpost hitting the wall.
Taking the stairs two at a time, Eddie rounded the corner and practically barged into their bedroom, shoulders heaving and fists clenched.
A blink, then two, and Eddie looked around. There was something different about the room. Like, yeah, okay, it'd been a while since he'd been home, but the walls were... definitely not green when he left. Because they were covered in that awful wallpaper.
And... did they always have those built-in bookshelves around the picture window? And that window seat?
He nearly went to investigate, but then the banging started up again, and Eddie whirled around, looking at the ajar door of the empty guest room down the hall. Heart in his throat, he approached and cursed his own fingers for trembling like that.
(Didn't these hinges used to squeak?)
The room was not empty like it'd been when he left it.
In the middle, beneath a clear tarp, was a huge desk that was stacked with boxes. He couldn't make out everything hidden within them, but his synth pedal and headphones were spilling out over the cardboard tops.
Chrissy was standing on a stepladder in the corner, holding a hammer as she hung up... was that soundproofing?
Standing beside her was a man. A man Eddie immediately recognized as his uncle, given the bald head and set of shoulders. And, in the opposite corner of the room, Jonathan Byers and Nancy Wheeler were screwing things around the pieces of soundproof that were already hung.
Things like...
A guitar mount.
Jonathan looked up, his eyes widening as he let out a loud, "Oh, shit," at the unexpected ghost haunting the doorway. His statement made the other three pairs of eyes turn on him, each of them widening with shock.
"Eddie!" Chrissy shouted, nearly toppling off the stepladder in her haste to get down. Wayne's arms automatically stretched to catch her, but she was halfway across the room, practically leaping into Eddie's surprised embrace. "You're early!"
"Uh," he said, his voice breaking as his mind struggled to comprehend what was happening. "Y-Yeah. Just, uh, caught an earlier flight."
Chrissy's pointy little chin dug into his chest, her grin broad and her eyes glimmering in the sunlight still streaming through the window. "Well. I can't even be mad that you ruined your own surprise, I guess. I'm too happy to see you!"
Eddie's hands were still trembling.
"Yeah!" she said, still giddy with excitement. Not quite leaving his uncertain embrace, Chrissy turned, broadly motioning toward the room. "I was building you a studio! For, um, for songwriting and stuff. Because I know you have to make appointments to go to the recording studio. So, we took down all the drywall and double-insulated in here, and we're just finishing up the soundproofing tiles!"
Fuck, she was still grinning. Looking up at him with bright, expectant eyes as she waited for his response.
Before he could formulate one, she bounced, her eyes widening again. "Oh, and! And! Look what I did to the bedroom!"
She grabbed his hand, walking him back toward the room he'd already seen and whipping the door open with a flourish.
"Ta-da!" she exclaimed, motioning toward the walls, the shelves, the window seat. "That wallpaper was awful, so it was the first thing to go. Then, Wayne came down a couple weeks ago and helped me fit these shelves in, so we'd have somewhere for all our books! Isn't it lovely?" She gave a dreamy sigh, leaning her head against his chest and wrapping her arms around his midsection.
Oh, fuck.
Oh, fuck.
She was–– Jesus Christ, he'd been so fucking convinced that Chrissy was cheating, and she'd been... She'd been rebuilding their goddamn house from the inside out. Creating a home for them, where they'd just been living in a place they liked.
She wanted him to come back to a home he could love.
"Not," he rasped, trying to blink away the sudden buildup of moisture in his eyes. "Not–– Not cheating?"
Chrissy's brow furrowed, her grin growing confused as she shook her head. "No?" she said, giving a little giggle. Then, she looked at him for a long moment, her smile gradually falling as understanding lifted the shades from her eyes. As the furrow in her brow creased from misunderstanding to complete heartbreak. "No," she repeated, more sure, more broken, and Eddie felt, all at once, like the world's biggest asshole.
She unwrapped her arms from around him, stepping back.
"I'll, um," she interrupted, backing out of the room. "You can explore, I'll just... I have some stuff to finish up, okay?"
"Wait, Chrissy––"
But she was slipping out the bedroom and down the stairs, making Eddie feel fucking awful for assuming the worst. Because he knew her – of course he knew her. And of course Chrissy would never do something like that. She–– God, she was so fucking good, way too good for him, and he couldn't reconcile that so he made her the villain?
Old insecurities were fucking impossible to shed.
Their three guests were still in the guest bedroom – the studio – and Wayne gave him a smile as he finished up his wall of soundproofing.
"Crazy, huh?" he laughed, joining Eddie in the hallway when Eddie couldn't bring himself to enter the room. "She was a gosh darn dictator, trying to get all this finished before you made it back. I think even Miss Wheeler in there was impressed." Wayne chuckled.
He just looked at his uncle, lost, and said, "Wayne, I think I fucked up."
(to be continued)
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deadduvznap · 11 months
desperately need peter parker pussy rn
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you ask i answer im gonna go with just peter masturbating this time bcs. i can. and i want to. we all know blah blah blah spider bite blah blah high libido but as i always do. i have to add that when he gets into a fight he gets horny :( esp when it makes him bleed ??? hes got a bloody nose nd hes cut nd bleeding in different places :3 crying he has to hurry home after the fight cus hes drippin sm that if it wasnt night youd be able to see the little wet patch in his suit :(((( and ugh his suit hugs him so tightly too that when he swings he can feel it rubbing up against him nd its making him more horny ugh :((( he had to swing across the city feeling the suit on him nd hes bleeding sm :3 and he literally launches himself into his apartment and takes his suit off gets on the bed nd shoves his fingers into himself :3 he def prefers using a vibrator over a dildo i dont make the rules it was lazered into my brain okay and he likes it when hes touching himself nd the blood drips from his nose nd into him mouth :(((( he definitely lifts one of his legs up to his chest nd presses a vibrator to his clit nd he covers his mouth with the hand thats holding his leg up :333 stupid innocent little nerd peter whos scared of using a dildo and when he uses a vibrator for the first time he cried cus it felt so good :3
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zillyeh · 2 months
L'appel du L'eau
Characters: Miles, The Racketeer, The Oddsman (ancestors w/ no pages unfortunately soz) Pre Smiles Miles thing hi<3
Under the bright Alternian moons, the lower Delhon docks swayed. The trolls walking the uneasy planks grew sparser and sparser as sunrise grew closer- returning to their ships or the various other places sailors spent their time during the harsh daylight.
Rare was it that a certain pirate didn’t stay in the company of a particular jadeblood until the madame kicked him out. Rare as the weather being this nice in this season. Rare as that jadeblood choosing to be out on the docks rather than seeing clients.
His short mane of curls blew behind him at the speed he walked, striding as long as his little legs could muster. It would be a run if he didn’t want to look as desperate as he felt. The heels of his buckled boots clicked fast, his catlike eyes darting between ships until he found the one his companion had described. The Scull Kraken stood tall, proud and purple in the moonslight, the squid patterning carved into her hull shining a brilliant gold.
Amillo felt like he could burst into a desperate, desperate sprint. Domnik’s horns also shone under Alternia’s three moons, next to him the seadweller he could only assume was the “brother” he’d heard about.
“Domnik!” Milo shouted down the dock when he was just close enough. The both of them startled, the taller violet’s hand flicking to his side.
“Amillo?” Domnik asked, confused. He swatted his captain’s twitchy fingers away from his firearm.
“I thought I’d never find you before you left,” Milo said, breathless now that he’d stopped. “I was thinking about your offer. Also hello, you must be Rothan. Amillo Ariika.” Milo straightened himself, smoothing his coat before offering his hand.
The taller of the pair of highbloods eyed it with disdain. Milo faltered slightly, but he daintily switched the offer of the handshake to a loose hanging wrist- fingers to kiss if he were so inclined.
He was not.
“Amillo what are you doing here?” Domnik asked gruffly, lowering Milo’s hand with his own.
“I have been turning that offer you proposed to me around my head for nights, Dom,” he said, chin high in the air. The vertical feet between the jade and the other two trolls was almost laughable. The flowery fins of the seadweller shifted as he tilted his head.
“You’ve been proposing things to…” Rothan eyed Milo’s least frilly pair of puffy shirts and tight trousers with disdain, “Suckerfish?”
“Rottie-” The blueblood’s pale face darkened noticeably.
“Is that a problem, captain?” Amillo asked with a polite defiance.
“Milo-” Domnik attempted through gritted teeth. Rothan shut him up with a hand on his chest.
“What does my idiot brother offer you, eh? More money than your domineering lady takes from your affairs?” There was a joking tone to his voice that made Amillo’s ears twitch annoyedly. 
“Something like that.” Milo cast his sharp gaze to Domnik, uncomfortable and bracing for impact. “Perhaps I’m a bit too romantic, Domnik? To think perhaps you had more intent with me than most?”
“Will you get on with it?” Rothan interjected before Domnik could take a breath in. “What do you bother me for, jade?”
“I am coming with you,” Milo said, as if that were an obvious fact. Those five words hung heavy in the air, Rothan seemingly waiting for a punchline. He did not receive one.
That didn’t stop him from laughing.
Cruel and cartoonish, doubling himself over to hold his knees, exaggeratedly wiping a tear from his eye. Domnik chuckled uncomfortably, but Milo remained unmoved. He crossed his arms over his chest, tapping his foot as he waited for him to be finished.
“Oh that is rich- oh.” Rothan paused, something in Amillo’s eyes giving him reason to you. “You think you’re serious.”
“I am serious,” Milo said firmly, tugging on Domnik’s sleeve to pull him to his side. Domnik, for some reason, allowed this. “My matesprit said he desperately wished I could come with him, and as it so happens, I’m free tonight.”
The violet looked between Domnik and the jadeblood, some bioluminescent anger pockmarking his neck around his bud shaped fins.
“Dom- fuck’s sake, idiot get your ass back over here.”
“Maybe we hear him out?” Domnik asked sheepishly, “Rottie-”
“Captain now. I sooner throw you off this dock before I take your dainty little screwtoy out on the water.”
“Don’t talk about him like-”
“Oh so it iiis more than that, da? Of course it is. You get softer every fucking time we dock this port.” He jutted his chin out to Milo. “You think that thing can survive my ship?”
A low hiss escaped Milo, Domnik’s hand instinctively moved to stop him going further.
“Shows what you know about this port, Lilyfin.” Milo shot, looking like a child being held back by Domnik’s trunk of an arm. “You would think that someone who’s name precedes him as far as it does would look into what role the suckerfish on these docks play.” 
Milo kicked in the back one of Domnik’s knees, sending him down with a yelp. His head was just level with Amillo’s chest. The glint of his blade at Domnik’s throat was immediately preceded by the click of Rothan’s gun. Milo hardly blinked, keeping Domnik’s head in place by his horn.
“Could I survive this province were I not half as much a savage beast as you are, captain?”
“Let him go,” Rothan snarled, trigger discipline waning. Miles barked out a laugh, gripping Domnik’s horn tighter.
“Or what? You’ll shoot me? Like I have anything to lose? Like I won’t come back from it?” Milo’s skin rippled as he taunted, the undead alabaster glow sending a shiver down Rothan’s spine.
“I will shoot you in your head,” he said, a hitch to his voice that made Milo’s smile widen.
“I’ll make it his,” he said, jostling Dom around by the horn.
“Quiet, Dommy.”
Rothan paused, weighing his options, but quickly came to his senses. Something in Milo’s eyes must have scared him.
"You think I'll let you on my ship one step after this?" He straightened himself, lowering his gun. "I say yes, you let him go, I shove you in with the sharks to play chew toy."
"Shut up, Domnik," said both Milo and Rothan at once. 
"I would never hurt Domnik if I get what I want, captain," Milo reassured, keeping pressure on the blade at the blueblood's throat. "I can be a model addition to your crew if you let me."
"I think we should give him a chance, Rottie," Domnik strained, trying to keep his throat unopened. Rothan swore in his upper province tongue, swinging his gun around as he spoke.
"Still, dipshit? How often does he have you on your knees that you want to bring him with us?"
"If he disarmed me, couldn't he-"
"He disarmed you because you're stupid." Rothan raised his gun again. "Get up, Domnik. Get back over here."
Dom didn't move. Amillo wouldn't let him, or perhaps he was on his side after all. Rothan let out a frustrated growl and stomped. He holstered his gun, but Milo's hand was steady.
"You actually know how to fight?" he asked exasperatedly. "Not just this little trick?"
"It's a miracle none of us got hired for your head, Lilyfin. Yes I can fight. I can shoot, run, and steer if need be." The breeze brushed Milo's hair back for him. The smell of the ocean was nothing new, but tonight it smelled like freedom. He was so close to leaving this place behind. For good. 
"I know you're down a crewmate as well," Milo continued. Rothan swore again, staring daggers through Domnik.
"How much did you fucking tell him you gulper-mouthed moron?!"
"A little- I- You know how it is when you're-"
"No I don't because I don't need to pay for port whores every time we dock!" Captain Lilyfin stomped again to exaggerate his anger. Or maybe he was just that dramatic. “I can keep my mouth shut.”
“Oh I've heard that,” Milo said, tapping on Domnik's horn. “Daylight is approaching, captain. I'm offering myself for nothing more than the ability to get away from Delhon. I want nothing more, I want nothing less.”
“Kitten,” Dom whispered, “Could you, perhaps, let the knife down a little, I'm-”
“Shut up, Dom,” Milo and Rothan said at the same time. Dom did as he was ordered. Rothan paced at the end of the dock, then stopped with a heavy sigh.
“Fine,” he growled, “Persistent little he-wench… I have three conditions.”
“List them.” Milo's undead heart could be mistaken for alive at the pace his pulse was thrumming.
“Release the idiot.” Milo did so, keeping his dagger raised. Domnik scrambled to Rothan’s side. He received a hard slap across the face before the captain continued.
“Your fangs don't touch me. My crew will not be weakened by your diet either.”
“Understood, captain.” Rothan rolled his eyes. Domnik rubbed his cheek. Captain Lilyfin paced closer, enough to make Milo tense.
“I need you to prove you want this, kitten,” he sneered. “Not enough to yes yes yes me- I need a display of loyalty.”
Rothan got close enough to touch, if not for the blade in Milo's hand. He leaned down anyway, baring his sharp teeth.
“I want your finger.”
Captain Lilyfin shot his first mate a deadly look over his shoulder. Milo bristled, briefly looking back to the docks, then to the waiting black of the ocean.
“Which. One?” he asked through gritted teeth. Rothan barked out a laugh.
“Forefinger. I'll let you pick the hand.” He pinched Milo's nose, despite the threat of the dagger. “And since you so kindly brought your own blade… do it yourself.”
Domnik made some noise of protest, but Rothan shut him up with another stomp on the pier. Amillo hesitated, eying the dagger in his left hand. It would be such a small price… they can make new ones, right?
“Well, koshka? Or do you not want boarding before the sunrise?”
“Of course, captain,” Milo said with hostile grace, switching his blade to the right. The jadeblood felt the knuckle on his left hand. Bone or joint… Bone would be more difficult, but joint could take more hand with it. 
Good thing his blade was sharp.
He positioned his dagger against his forefinger, holding it in place with his teeth. 
His new captain let out a low hum, holding Domnik back by the jacket. Milo was eerily silent as he turned his head like a predator shaking its prey's neck to death. Barely a grunt of pain when steel sliced through solid. The loudest noise any part of him made was when digit hit dock. His skin rippled white again. Most unsettlingly, so did his finger, until it couldn't and lay there dead on the planks. He bled surprisingly little, but what could one expect from something undead? That wasn’t to say no blood stained the dock, his dagger, or his face, but not nearly as much green as one would think.
“Satisfied?” he snarled, sounding more like a wounded animal than a troll. Rothan still held Domnik back from him. Though, his efforts to get to him paused when he licked his own blood off his blade. All without breaking eye contact with Captain Lilyfin.
“Fucked up little thing, aren't you?” Rothan leaned down to pick up his severed digit as if it were a dull coin on the ground. “Satisfied enough. Get whatever shit you’re bringing, ninefingers.” He wiggled it at him as if to beckon him. “Unless they don’t let suckerfish keep more possessions than the frills that cover your asses.”
Milo let out a low hiss and grabbed Domnik’s arm to tug him back to his side. Without a word he sheathed his dagger, wrenching a handkerchief out of Dom’s pocket to wrap his hand with. 
“Uh, Milo-”
“Show me around the ship, won’t you, first mate Abroka?” he said with a far too wide grin and far too sweet a tone. “I am here on your offer, aren’t I? Plus, it’s almost daybreak.”
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hellfirefucker · 2 years
Ok but imagine foster dad Steve Harrington (With foster dad Eddie and crazy aunt Robin ofc)
Steve moves out of his family home and moves to an even bigger house. At first, something doesn’t feel right even after he and Eddie do their best to make it feel like home. He’s always thought that there was something missing but he couldn’t figure it out.
That’s when he has the brilliant idea to start fostering. The home is perfect to have kids running around and would give it life. When he proposes the idea to Eddie, he excitedly agrees. They would be the perfect foster parents.
When the first kid comes in, the two don’t know how to approach so they are bound to make many mistakes. The kid is young and is obviously not used to being in foster care. Over time though, the three learn to coexist with one another along with Robin who occasionally pops by to take the kid out on wacky adventures.
Eventually more kids come pouring in. Steve is always excited to see a new face and does his best to comfort and support them in any way he can. He tells that he doesn’t want to be like his own family that would leave him to raise himself and that he would do his best to raise these kids to be the best.
There are little traditions that come about in the Harrington household. Birthdays are always loud and rowdy as the birthday person is woken up by loud singing. Breakfast is easy and organized with the kids doing small tasks so they can all eat together. Dinner is sometimes messy but always fun at the table. Family outings are always enjoyable because Steve always plans places that each kid wants to go to just right.
Unfortunately, all the good times can’t last forever and many of his little nuggets either grow up or get adopted. When it is time for a child to go, Steve, Eddie and Robin stay up all night making sure their farewell is perfect. Steve plans a care package filled with all sorts of their favorite treats, a stuffed animal, and trinkets to remember their siblings by along with phone numbers of all the adults in case they want to call or visit. Robin and Eddie make banners and plan party supplies for the farewell party with cake and ice cream, anything a kid could want.
Steve puts on a brave face as his beloved child has to leave him but to send them off, he and his friends take a picture together with the whole family. He does this every kid without fail and has a whi ole wall dedicated to these pictures. He writes their name on the frame along with making sure to highlight who they were with small drawings. He doesn’t want to forget any of his beloved kids because for a short while, they were his but now they must go.
Although his heart breaks, Steve knows he’s done a good job when he and his child cry together in a hug, neither of them wanting to pull away.
He loves his kids like his own blood and he will never forget all the great memories they shared.
This was inspired by my dear friend Kai who suggested the idea of foster dad Steve. Thank you for the inspo!
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