#lesson planner
vampiricvittles · 2 years
Wards and how they work a la my world.
Wards. I actually believe the wizards who say that everybody- magick users or not- that is exposed to the supernatural world albeit being; one of the races, the cursed, or the seeing.. Should learn at least the most basic of wards. Even that alone is enough to stop all but the highest of the food chain, and if you have them on your ass then chances are you're already powerful enough to have mastered the highest wardings anyway. That's why my first lesson here is going to be on what a ward really is, how you can go about casting it, and give an example of how it should be done along with some other examples I've seen of other's casting in their own unique ways.
So then. What exactly is a ward... Some of you may already know, some of you may have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about right now. No matter the skill level, you're all going to be amateurs tonight. Little babies who know nothing. Okay? Alright.
Wards are protections. Usually a circle. You don't need all that fancy schmancy stuff in the middle like you see in movies and media and all that. At least, not for the basic bitch ward. Those do exist, but they're only for higher powered wards. And usually only for those who can't do the necessary arrangements inside their head. It's not really based on education level or magick level, by the way. Being able to do the technicalities of magicks in your head, I mean. Some of the most powerful magick users out there rely on symbols of power to channel. It's nothing to be ashamed about. That was important. I don't want anyone getting high and mighty over here if you can't cast without channeling symbols. Simple wards though? Anybody can channel those in their head. Unless you have somebody else with you. That's a little different, but I'll explain it later.
Here's a fun little tricky bit for you. Anything that makes a circle can be a simple ward. I'm talking.. The lid of a bin, a tire, a hole in the ground. So long as you're standing in it or channeling a bit away from it, it's a ward.
I once used a full pizza to protect myself. Desperate times and all that..
What can wards keep out. Anything. Even angels. Even basic level wards, but a word of advice.. It won't keep for long at all if you're cahooting with powerful shit, so it's always good to have a backup plan. Most magick users will carry chalk with them, or sand they can spread out around them quickly. You should always have one somewhere in your house that's made of something permanent. Paint, probably. Iron paint. That'll keep the fae away too.
So then, I'll show you here an example. The lecture halls here all have a warding circle around the entire classroom. Every corner is covered, a special type of warding made for houses. It's usually not as strong as it's circular counterpart but it's one that allows magick to be channeled into it each day for extra protection. Pretty neat stuff. House wards won't repel anything inside with you, it only keeps things out. Circular wards however, will. If you aren't careful, if you don't channel with the ones with you in mind. It's very important you do this. I experimented last night, and let me tell you.. You fly very far and very fast.
[ The example goes well. Alli draws his own circle and has all the students stand inside of it, and he then goes quiet and hums to himself. In response, the circle that he had put down with chalk shimmers around the entire perimeter once. And then goes quiet. It seems like there's nothing happening, but Alli assures them that if anything now tries to grab at them all or step into the circle, it'll be repelled back. He then goes on to call over Marlo, who helps to show. He punches at the ward, and a transparent red completely blocks the punch, sending him back a bit. He'll laugh. Tell Alli he did a great job. That gets a little smile from Alli as he continues.]
Now, a ward's color will always match the color of your magick. It's different for everyone. Some magick users like to wear their color on their outfit. Doesn't mean much other than pride, really. Channeling is easy enough to do, but I'm gonna ask you practice this on your own time. You'll know you got it when the circle becomes the chrome loading symbol for a second. All you do, is think about safety. You do not stop thinking safety until you're safe. Not thinking about it is breaking the channel. Every strong hit to your ward will cause you to get a little fuzzy. It's how higher beings will break through easy. Eventually, with enough damage, even the strongest become addle brained and can't think straight anymore. This is where symbols come in. They conduit your thinking back at you, keep you going. Help you remember. Stronger wards start with that fuzz, that's a way around it.
Alright. Back to your seats. It's time to talk about some fun and creative ways to ward. Ah. We'll start with Marlo here. He uses his deck of cards to make a circle. It's.. Inefficient unless you know wind magick and have a hells of a dealing hand, but he's one of the fastest I know to ward in a dire situation. I will bite my finger and spin around, making a circle of my blood for quick casting. Couples who fight together will make the circle out of their arms and holding hands together. Fire magick users can just cast a simple immolation spell and set the ground on fire in a circle. Scorch the earth that way. You can definitely get creative with it. I always encourage finding your own style.
I'm not here to teach magicks, frankly I kinda suck at magick. This doesn't count. Wards will save anyone's life, magick user or not. I'm repeating myself because you need to remember this. If you have any questions you can ask now, otherwise.. I wanna see you all draw a circle. A small circle on a piece of paper. Get some practice in here, so I can answer any questions on channeling. It's tricky at first, but easy enough after a few times.
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TopSchool Lesson Planner - Aid to a Better Teaching-Learning Experience
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In today's ever-changing educational landscape, schools often encounter challenges in providing an effective learning environment for both students and teachers. Without a reliable lesson planner, educators face difficulties in organizing and delivering engaging lessons that cater to diverse learning needs. This absence can result in disorganized teaching methods, leading to decreased student involvement and understanding. Consequently, the teaching-learning experience may suffer, hindering student progress and academic achievement. That's where TopSchool's Lesson Planner comes in; an innovative solution that revolutionizes how teachers plan, teach, and assess classes, making it an integral part of the best learning management system. Let's look at why having a better teaching-learning experience is important, and how TopSchool's Lesson Planner can assist.
Importance of a Better Teaching-Learning Experience
A better teaching-learning experience is essential for multiple reasons. For starters, it improves student involvement and participation, resulting in a more fun and meaningful learning experience. Active participation in the learning process improves knowledge retention and develops critical thinking abilities. It also stimulates student participation and communication, enabling more effective engagement and idea exchange. This collaborative approach fosters a feeling of community and encourages students to take control of their educational experience.
Furthermore, a better teaching-learning experience addresses students' unique needs and learning styles through customized instruction. Providing tailored learning opportunities ensures that each student has the support and resources they need to succeed. This tailored approach encourages diversity and equity in education, enabling all students to reach their full potential.
Introducing TopSchool's Lesson Planner
TopSchool's Lesson Planner is a cornerstone for improving the teaching-learning process. With its simple design and powerful capabilities, this tool empowers teachers and improves the learning experience. By revolutionizing how educators design and deliver classes, it provides a smooth experience for teachers as well as students.
TopSchool's Lesson Planner stands out for its broad selection of in-built lesson plans for teachers. These ready-to-use tools save teachers considerable time and effort, allowing them to focus on providing high-quality education rather than starting from scratch. With an extensive array of lesson plans spanning a variety of subjects and concepts, teachers can easily identify content that connects with their curriculum objectives and fulfill the requirements of their students.
Furthermore, TopSchool's Lesson Planner uses multimedia and interactive tools to create interesting courses. Teachers can use several tools, including 2D and 3D animations, interactive quizzes, and simulations, to pique students' interest and increase their comprehension of the subject. This multimedia method promotes active learning and ensures that classes are both educational and entertaining.
TopSchool's Lesson Planner is also completely in line with educational standards such as the National Education Policy (NEP) and National Curriculum Framework (NCF). This alignment ensures that lesson plans are up-to-date and meet the most recent educational requirements, providing instructors confidence in the quality and relevancy of their teaching resources.
Thus, optimising the teaching-learning experience is important for promoting student engagement, cooperation, and academic success. TopSchool's Lesson Planner allows teachers to create dynamic and personalized lessons that are tailored to their students' specific needs. Teachers can use the lesson plan generator to effectively build customized classes that address a variety of learning requirements. Teachers may improve the quality and efficacy of their instruction by using in-built lesson plans, multimedia resources, and compliance with educational standards, resulting in a more engaging and meaningful learning experience for all participants.
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reallycreative · 1 year
Step-by-Step Guide: How to Create a Lesson Plan in Canva [2023]
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judasisgayriot · 5 months
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Real legit photos of the covers of my school planners, mid-2000s. Historical fucking artefacts.
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healthy-liiviing · 26 days
how to develop good habits
Tiny Steps: Start small and achievable. Replace sugary drinks with water or walk 10 minutes daily. Celebrate these wins!
Find Your Fun: Like dance, not weights? Choose activities you enjoy, making them more sustainable.
Habit Stack: Piggyback new habits onto existing ones. Do jumping jacks while coffee brews or stretch after brushing teeth.
Schedule Success: Plan healthy habits into your routine at consistent times.
Prep Makes Perfect: Pre-portion snacks, lay out workout clothes – remove temptations and simplify healthy choices.
Celebrate, Don't Shame: It's a journey! Reward progress, not perfection: a relaxing bath after workouts or a new book for mindful eating.
Setbacks Happen: Don't beat yourself up! Embrace them as temporary blips. Get back on track with your next healthy choice.
Reflect & Adapt: Regularly evaluate your progress. Swap a walk for a bike ride to keep things interesting.
Focus on the Journey: Building healthy habits takes time. Celebrate positive changes – more energy, better sleep, a happier you!
for mre read this article
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le matin de 16 Janvier 2023 
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A mildly interesting morning today since I woke up relatively early, early enough to get out of the house with my roommate, who has a 9 am; so early in fact, that I even had time for breakfast before leaving the house, which did not deter me from a crêpe when I arrived in the 7th.
After my roommate and I parted ways, I knew I wanted to sit in a little café for some coffee or espresso in the morning. I didn’t have a particular place in mind, with the abundance of cafés surrounding campus in the 7th I knew it was more so a matter of where I wanted to go, not what was available to me.
I ended up on Rue Cler, a classic spot for little cafés, produce, flowers, and anything else of the sort. I ended up in this little spot called L’Éclair. They were super friendly and had a really sweet ambiance, which drew me in to the place. I had a crêpe with raspberry jam and an espresso. 
I was a big fan of the espresso but the crêpe tasted a little too much like a pancake for my tastes. Overall it was a great 7.70€ spent. Something I learned today was that you can just choose where you want to sit in a café, still trying to learn those social norms/etiquette things. When I said by I was really confident in my ‘merci’ but mumbled the ‘bonne journée’ since I lost my nerve, but it’s getting there and really I think my nerves better represented me, and not my understanding of the language.
After my second breakfast of the day, I headed to campus to check out the little study spot overlooking the Seine. It was peacefully quiet this morning and the view is just as dreamy as it sounds. 
All in all it was a morning well spent. I got a double breakfast, got caffeine in my system (whether or not it works doesn’t really matter), and I got to practice some french. I think this will encourage me to end my nights a little early so I can enjoy mornings like these, where I feel well-rested and prepared for the day ahead. Wish me luck on my first class of the semester! 
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silvercaptain24 · 2 years
If anyone has any hugs to spare, I could use one.
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vaerjs · 8 months
Notion template per insegnanti Planner gestione della classe - Etsy Italia
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alsoyooraiyah · 10 months
not over how it is actually monday already omg
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ostrasvictoria · 2 years
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Hey, guys!
I made a digital dictionary. You can use this 60-page dictionary for language courses, university, school or personal use. You can download it to your tablet or print it.
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successfulpickleball · 4 months
How Create A Yearly Training Plan
An annual training plan is a document that outlines a training program and is crucial for self development. Compare your desired skills with reality. Get some organized support for your training here.
A yearly training plan is long-term, flexible tool to help organize your training. Your plan is highly unique from other pickleball players. There are many factors that affect your play. Your training should reflect your potential to maximize your time on the court. If you are like me, a huge amount of my time is spent in the present but at this time of year, I like to take a look at the…
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Importance of Lesson Planning in Streamlining School Education
In this evolving era of education, there's an increasing demand for tools that can simplify teaching while also keeping students engaged. Leading this charge is TopSchool's Lesson Planner, a digital integrated platform that revolutionizes the way teachers plan their lessons. With its comprehensive features and user-friendly interface, Lesson Planner makes the process of lesson planning both exciting and efficient. While TopSchool has multiple ways in which it benefits schools, Lesson Planner is one of the most important features that sets a school apart. This article explores how Lesson Planner is reshaping school education in multiple ways:
Built-in Lesson Plans: TopSchool's Lesson Planner offers a comprehensive library of in-built lesson plans for teachers, providing teachers with a valuable resource to streamline their lesson preparation process. By leveraging these ready-made plans, teachers can save precious time and energy that would otherwise be spent on creating course materials from scratch. This convenient feature empowers teachers to concentrate their efforts on delivering engaging lessons that are specifically tailored to meet the unique needs and interests of their students, thereby enhancing the overall quality and effectiveness of the learning experience.
Multimedia Integration: TopSchool's Lesson Planner goes beyond traditional methods by seamlessly incorporating 2D and 3D animations, taking learning to the next level. With multimedia elements readily available, teachers can effortlessly capture students' attention and deepen their understanding, transforming classrooms into interactive learning hubs.
Alignment with Educational Standards: Compliant with National Education Policy (NEP) and National Curriculum Framework (NCF), Lesson Planner ensures that lesson plans are not just current but also in sync with the latest educational standards. By upholding this commitment to excellence, teachers gain access to pertinent and contemporary information, thereby elevating the caliber of instruction they provide.
Integration with TopSeries: Through seamless integration with TopSeries, Lesson Planner becomes an integral component of a comprehensive educational toolkit, delivering equivalent benefits to teachers as well as learners. This synergy grants access to a diverse array of resources, evaluation tools, and supplementary materials, thereby elevating the teaching-learning experience to new heights and promoting a more holistic approach to education.
Personalized Learning: Understanding that every student is unique, Lesson Planner prioritizes personalized and diverse teaching methodologies. By incorporating features that cater to different learning styles and interests, teachers can customize instructional content to suit the individual needs of students, thereby fostering an impactful learning atmosphere.
User-Friendly Interface: TopSchool's Lesson Planner comes with a user-friendly interface that enables teachers to efficiently prepare and execute lessons, maximizing their instructional time. Meanwhile, students can effortlessly interact with the content, promoting autonomous learning and active participation in the educational process. This seamless integration of technology into the classroom environment enhances the overall learning experience for all stakeholders.
In the dynamic realm of modern education, teachers are the catalysts for fostering engaging and inspiring learning experiences. TopSchool's Lesson Planner enriches this role by equipping teachers with essential tools to create dynamic and interactive lessons. Utilizing features like Line-to-Line Animation and Chapter-wise Checkpoints, teachers can design lessons that trigger curiosity and prompt active engagement. With multimedia elements and interactive activities, Class Planner for teachers redefines conventional teaching methodologies by creating immersive learning experiences that captivate students' attention.
Lesson Planner fosters a collaborative learning environment where students actively engage in their educational journey. This not only enhances student engagement but also develops critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills, all essential for thriving in the 21st century. Moreover, with adaptive lesson planning and differentiated instruction, teachers can cater to the diverse learning requirements of their students, ensuring that every learner receives the support they need to succeed. Whether it's through small-group sessions, individualized assistance, or customized learning pathways, Lesson Planner empowers educators to connect with students on a personal level and guide them toward academic achievement.
As a result, students embark on a journey of continuous discovery and growth, appreciating the excitement of learning something new each day. Thanks to Lesson Planner, every class session transforms into a platform for exploration, where students actively engage with interactive simulations, multimedia presentations, and hands-on activities. This active participation not only reinforces academic concepts but also bridges the gap between classroom learning and real-world applications. Such immersive experiences strengthen academic performance while also igniting a lifelong passion for learning that extends far beyond the confines of the classroom.
Thus, TopSchool's Lesson Planner exceeds mere functionality to become a catalyst for transformative learning experiences. As we imagine the future of education, Lesson Planner stands as a beacon of innovation and excellence, driving educational advancement and nurturing a love for learning among students. Embrace the potential of a Lesson Planner today and unlock boundless educational opportunities.
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themamabair · 5 months
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Starting some planning for next week. Marking which poem each high school student has chosen to memorize for our poetry unit, deciding how to celebrate the end of said poetry unit, planning all classes and calendar for at least the next week. Emails to send, lessons to plan, exchanges to think about. A good, busy morning.
I’ll take baby into the woods a little later when it warms up a bit. His merino wool adventure suit finally fits and it is just so cute.
Happy Saturday 💚
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navneettoptech · 5 months
Empower your students with Navneet Toptech - A Digital classroom solution in India, offering an interactive learning experience with engaging content. Know more. For more information visit https://navneettoptech.com/topclass/
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healthy-liiviing · 26 days
10 healthy habits to follow everyday
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Hydrate: Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
Nourish: Focus on whole, unprocessed foods for balanced meals and snacks.
Move: Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days.
Zzzs: Prioritize 7-8 hours of quality sleep for optimal rest and recovery.
Mindful Munching: Eat slowly and savor your food, paying attention to hunger cues.
Sweat it Out: Break a sweat regularly to manage stress and boost your mood.
Stretch it Out: Maintain flexibility with regular stretches to improve posture and prevent injuries.
Unplug & Recharge: Disconnect from electronics before bed to wind down and prepare for sleep.
Positive People: Surround yourself with supportive and encouraging people who inspire healthy choices.
Mindfulness Moments: Take a few minutes each day for mindfulness practices like meditation or deep breathing to reduce stress and improve focus.
learn more in this this article
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hello !
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since I’m studying abroad in Paris this semester I’ve decided to start up this little blog to chronicle my adventures, experiences, and little things I pick up along the way. let me know if there are places you think I should check out !
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