#malachite stone meaning
mavenn23 · 11 months
Discover a beautiful selection of Malachite gemstones at Cabochonsforsale.com. Shop our collection and find the perfect gemstone for your jewelry-making project.
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ask-aliasgar · 4 months
Azurite Crystal
Azurite is a stunning blue carbonate mineral that has been prized for centuries for its vibrant color and unique crystal formations. Its deep blue hue, often accompanied by green mineral inclusions, makes it a sought-after gemstone and a favorite among collectors and enthusiasts. Let’s explore the characteristics, significance, and various uses of Azurite. Characteristics of Azurite: Color:…
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Updated Post. Imma be real for a sec, some of the new information that was brought to my attention is amazing and, in fact, very helpful, so I'm making an updated post to this one here.
A Beginners Guide to Crystals.
How to spot fakes (typically glass) and dyed crystals, Crystal Shapes, and Crystal Color Associations are the topics in this post.
How to spot glass, resin, and other types of fake crystals. (You can still 100% use them in witchcraft, but if you want genuine crystals, then this guide may help you do just that!)
If you think that your crystals are fake, here are some things you can look and do to tell.
Rubbing your crystal with a finger should reveal tiny pores on the surface of the crystal. If it does not have any pores and is instead completely smooth, then it's possible that it's glass or resin.
While some crystals can have naturally formed air bubbles in them, it is rare and may just be glass that was shaped into the crystal.
You can easily search up "fake crystal name" vs. "real crystal name" and compare the two pictures.
You can also look up "dyed crystals" vs. "undyed crystals" to see what a natural coloring of crystals should look like.
If you're worried that your turquoise is fake, then you can take the tip of a hot pin and press it into the crystal, if it burns then it's real, however if it starts to melt its a fake.
Opalite and Goldstone are glass crystals, man made.
9/10 times if your Crystal looks very brightly colored it could have been dyed.
I'll put in some pictures of glass/resin crystals next to the real crystals to show the difference.
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Natural coloring of crystals occurs because of the different metals and other minerals that are absorbed during the creation of the crystal. Quartz is just silica and oxygen, so it's appears colorless, but when iron is absorbed, it creates purple or yellow, depending on how oxidized the iron was in the creation of the crystal.
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Natural citrine does form, but it's not going to look burned or splochty.
Splotchy color in crystals usually means that it's been dyed, as you can see in the first two images. Dyed crystals also very obviously look dyed because of how brightly they are colored.
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Even in Malachite, the green in the fake malachite is brighter than the genuine malachite. You can also look at the unnatural banding on the fake and compare it to real malachite.
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Real opal is not see-through like Opalite is. Real opal is more clouded with spots of color, while opalite will have streaks of color or look like the see-through ones above.
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Real turquoise is going to have brown or black webbings and cracks or chips, while dyed howlite is going to be smooth with brown or black inclusions. You can take a swab of acetone and rub it across the crystal to see if any coloring comes off. If the color does come off or the crystal looks lighter in the spot, then it's more than likely dyed howlite. You can also do that hot pin trick mentioned above.
The picture on the left is dyed howlite, while on the right is the natural turquoise. You can see that the natural crystal has deep webbing into the stone, very obvious cracks while the holite doesn't have cracks, only webbing that looks like it but it's going to be smooth along those lines.
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Crystal Shapes in witchcraft
Double pointed- absorbs and emits energy.
Cluster- Radiates energy.
One point- concentrates and directs energy.
Raw- Strong open energy.
If the crystal is more round then the energy is going to be calmer
If the crystal has multiple points, then the energy is directed off of each point.
The size of the crystal doesn't dictate the amount of energy it gives off.
Different crystals have different energies that they give off. The ones most commonly used in witchcraft and their properties are listed below.
Clear quartz- Clarity
Amethyst- Grounding
Citrine- Happiness
Rose quartz- love
Black Tourmaline- Protection
Obsidian- also protection
Aventurine- luck
Tigers eye- money
Labradorite- aura healing and protection
There are many other crystals that give off similar energies that can be used. As stated, these are just some of the more commonly seen ones.
Now, different crystals can give off different energies depending on the person using them. Some people may see use amethyst as protection rather than obsidian or black tourmaline. Some may use aventurine for money spells over tigers eye. That's 100% okay.
Crystal Color Associations.
Color associations can depend on how the witch feels about a color. This is the general association plus how I use colors in my path.
Red- Anger/passion
Orange- Courage (or in my case repulsion)
Yellow- Happiness
Green- Luck and money
Blue- Calming or sadness (depending on the mood)
Purple- Spirituality
Brown- grounding
Pink- self love
Grey- solemn, seriousness.
With some crystals, the color is also associated with the things listed above. However, again, not all witches will use the color associations of crystals this way, and that's 100% okay. Each witch has a different path and different associations when it comes to the tools they use in their path.
If you're interested in learning about what energies different crystals give off, often just googling "what is crystal name used for in healing" and you will receive an answer.
Though with any type of research, please look at 3-5 other sources that say the same or similar thing. Though it may take more digging to come to a conclusion.
Thank you for reading the updated post, and let me know if I missed anything or if you'd like to add anything. A big thanks to everyone who has corrected the previous post on this subject and any posts that may have contained misinformation in them.
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mehiwilldoitlater · 11 months
Dehya:...What's happening here?!
Y/n:*in bed, full of bandages, with a small tray of food and some hot milk.*
Candace: *the one tending your wounds* Um? Isn't obvious?
Dehya:I don't mean this! I mean THEM! *Pointing to you*
Y/N:..H-Hi Dehya...
Candace: Dehya, please, your tone. You're scaring them.
Dehya: They should be! Why is the impostor here? And why are you curing them?
Candace: Our village will always welcome every traveler and, in this case, tend to their wounds and scars.
Dehya: They are WANTED! In all Teyvat!
Candace: Ah, They are? Well, it's a fortune then that the desert is obstile to many of them...
Y/n: I-If I'm a burden, I can just leave. I don't want to cause any trouble in Aaru village.
Dehya: Finally, some sense here!
Candace: ...or I can find you a more suitable place to live? Wouldn't it be better to stay in the desert?
Y/n: t-that's would be so nice?
Candace; good! Dehya, you'll take care of them until I find the right place.
A few days later
Dehya: *chatting nicely, showing you her makeup*, and this one is a very rare kind of green.
Y/n: *fully recovered* oh! I know it! It's from Malachite stone!
Candace: *leaning to the door* I found a nice little place, not so far from here. Would you like to
Dehya: ....UUUm..w-why don't you let them stay?! After all, what place is more secured than Aaru village?
Candace..* a small smile on her face, while the two of you keep on talking about gems and colors.*
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tiredwitchplant · 9 months
Everything You Need to Know About Crystals: Black Obsidian
Black Obsidian (The Regal Warrior of Stones)
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Color: Black, Dark Brown
Hardness: 5-5.5 (softer than quartz)
Rarity: Easy to Acquire
Type: Igneous Rock (Comes from a Volcano)
Chakra Association: Root
Angel: Uriel
Deities: Pele, Tezcatlipoca, Itzpapalotl and Sekhmet
Element: Fire, Earth
Astrological Signs: Sagittarius, Scorpio, Aries
Planet: Saturn, Pluto
Origin: Anywhere with Volcanic Activity
Powers: Protection, Grounding, Clarity, Releasing Blockage, Drawing out Stress, Creativity, Divination and Scrying, Negativity Banishment, Transformation and Absorption
Crystals It Works Well With: Howlite, Malachite
How is it Created: Obsidian is a black volcanic glass, formed when molten lava hits cold water or air and solidifies. It is composed of silicon dioxide (quartz) and many impurities which allows it to take different shapes and colors. Black obsidian gets it coloring from iron and magnesium.
History: The earliest obsidian tools can be dated back to the Oldowan, at the dawn of the Paleolithic/Stone Age (2.6 million- 10,000 BCE). Different origins of this rock can be found in Britain, Italy, Mexico, and the USA. In Egypt, obsidian knives were used in ceremonial circumcisions, as well as making mirrors (scrying mirrors for most) and other decorations in tombs. The word “Obsidian” was first used by a Roman explorer, Obsius, who “discovered” it in Ethiopia. In the Americas, Obsidian was used as a symbol of Tezcatlipoca, the chief god of the Aztec religion. Tezcatlipoca means “smoking mirror” which is why a lot of the Mayan priest used the glass rock for scrying mirrors like the Egyptians did. On the Eastern Islands, obsidian was used to make the eyes of the Moai statues before they were lost. The indigenous tribes of North America used pieces of obsidian to make arrowheads, spears and even knives by using an antler in order to carefully form different shapes.
What It Can Do:
Grounds the soul and spiritual forces into the physical plane, making it possible to manifest more spiritual energy
Increases one’s self control
Forces you to face your true self
Brings imbalance and shadow qualities to the surface to release them
Repels negativity and disperses self-hating thoughts
Powerful meditation aid
Great for scrying and divination as the glass allows you to look to see the “clear truth”
Can heal you after a spiritual or mental attack
Was used in the past during ritual for healing physical disorders
How to Charge:
Sit with the stone in the palm of your hand and enter a light meditation. Use your thoughts to charge the stones with desires of protection and make sure the thoughts are clear and concise.
Use high vibration to amplify the crystal
Use a singing bowl to send sound energy into it
Place it in a bed of Himalayan salt and let it sit for 48 hours
If you work with a sun or moon deity, I have noticed charging it in the sun or moonlight with the idea of protection helps to charge it as well
How to Cleanse:
Run under water (not hot just lukewarm) for a minute
Create a saltwater solution and submerge it for up to 24 hours
Burn herbs or incense over the obsidian with the intention of cleansing (I personally use sandalwood incense for this)
Leave your stone under the full moon to cleanse and retrieve in the morning
Bury your obsidian in your garden for 48 hours
How to Get the Best Out of It:
Wear a black obsidian bracelet. The wrist area is a highly energetic zone because it has nearly direct access to the bloodstream. This (in my opinion) is the best place to have obsidian to create a powerful shield and help with manifestation.
For lighter dosage, use an obsidian ring.
Crystal Grid:
Letting Go (Triangle Grid)
Mantra: “I release everything that no longer serves me”
Center Stone: Smokey Quartz Tower
Secondary Stones: Obsidian, Malachite, Rhodonite, Citrine
Best Moon Phase: Waning or Dark Moon
Best Day: Saturday
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eneablack · 11 months
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before the shift:
i watched hotel transylvania 4 with my cousin and my mind instantly went “i love these movies i really gotta shift there, it would be so cool” and i went to sleep making scenarios of me in that reality without actually trying or putting effort (mind that i had a script for that reality made like a year ago but i forgot about that so i just went into the shift while basically being blindfolded lol) but i mean, it worked.
the shift:
i didn’t realise i shifted till like one hour later, i woke up in my supposedly room and the walls were a darker shade with bricks/stones, as i said i didn’t notice the change because it was just normal to be there so i just went to change in some clothes and get ready to go downstairs. then i went to the dining hall and had breakfast with a friend called Victor (he’s not in the movies) and my sister Mavis (she’s my twin sister actually, we look a lot like each other but the difference is that she’s a girl with black hair and i’m a boy with white hair lol). after that i went back to my room and did my daily tarot reading, and when i was reading my cards that’s when i realised i had shifted (tarot cards are not like in this reality, they tell you way more and are like magical if you’re a witch).
some facts about that reality:
my name was Aineías Dracula and i was a half vampire half witch, son of Count Dracula and Martha Dracula (she was half witch too)
it was the 18th november 1840 when i shifted there so two days before my birthday (i apparently had to become 120 years old)
for some reason the hotel was in italy (where i live in cr)
i was friends with everyone in the hotel because, contrary to cr, i made my presence very seen and had good social skills. i had a best friend called Victor and he was the son of Frankenstein, he was around my age and he was very tall.
the young man i met:
the night of my birthday, the 20th, i sneaked out and went to a little village some kilometres away from the hotel, and there i met a boy. i was trying to fit in with the few humans that were there, even if i was lowkey scared but mostly excited, and i stumbled across this goldsmith shop. it had such amazing pieces of jewellery so i was with my palm all over the glass trying to get a closer look at a ruby necklace. but then i heard a gentle low voice telling me to step away from the glass and when i look over the dispay window i see this young man looking at me, so i excused myself but he asked something like if i was interested in any of the pieces and stood up to come closer to me.
i was unsure whether to stay there as my dad would’ve killed me if he found out, but i felt adrenaline at that moment and tbh the boy looked nice and genuine so i just stayed still and nodded, so he started showing me different necklaces with some beautiful stones. i was really interested in the ruby one but then i remembered i didn’t have anything to pay with, so i was about to leave when he asked if i wasn’t from there, and then we just started conversating.
he was named Ilya and he was a human of course, he told me he was half russian and had to migrate because of some illness infestation and his dad was italian so they moved here. he was around 24 years old and he had jet black long hair, with very dark eyes.
after some time i had to go back and as i was going he told me he could not give me the nacklace for free even if it was my birthday lol but instead i could decide for a small stone, but i didn’t really knew which one to choose so when i just let him decide he gave me a small malachite telling me it was my birthstone and it was his favourite when he was back in russia. then we said goodbye and that was it.
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inkblot-mirror · 5 months
Malleyuu kid names:
Malachai—Has ‘Mal’ in it, similar to malachite, which is a green stone. The nerdiest name possible for a dragon princeling.
Mallenia— Elden Ring reference
Malisandra—Combination of ‘Mal’ and ‘Alexandra’, meaning “to protect” or “defender of man”. Mal, of course coming from the Latin root for evil.
Also comes from ‘Melisende’ (popularized recently by Game of Thrones character Melisandre’), meaning ‘strong’ or ‘brave’.
Melusine—no ‘Mal’ family tradition here. But in French folklore, was a literary figure born to a human king and his fairy wife, and was eventually cursed to transform into a serpent from the waist down. Morbid, but I like the sound of the name .
Malicia—Sounds just like Great-Grandma Maleficia.
Mallevan—A combination of Malleus and Levan, but this one just sounds like ‘Melvin’ to me if you say it fast, which is also another uber nerdy name.
TLDR Draconia girls have cool names, Draconia boys are geeks and nerds.
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Writing about Mines in your Fictional Universe: A Geology Introduction
Hello! I'm Bird, and I am here to guide you on a journey about different mines that exist, what materials are being mined, what those materials might be mined for, and what rocks/what processes might make these areas mineable. I will also touch briefly on the idea of gem quality, the commonness of the material, and what these things might look like fresh out of the dirt!
First things first, lets talk about the what types of things we might want to mine for in a fictional universe! There are a lot of things that are used daily that require mining, but there are a few that I see written about the most: Gold, Gemstones, Iron, and Coal. I personally would love to see this idea expanded on a bit, so lets talk about some mines that would definitely be necessary but overlooked! First one is pretty easy, glass! those beautiful stained glass windows are useless if no one is mining quartz to be made to glass, and I imagine it would be quite a profitable business seeing as glass, in general, was a luxury in ye olden times. The next thing we need to address is Abrasives! want to sand and polish stone and metal? Want to sharpen your blades for battle? May I introduce you to abrasive minerals! garnet, corundum (Ruby and Sapphire), and yes, diamond! Why are we using such beautiful gemstones to polish other things? Simple, even if you are to find a deposit of these gemstones (garnet being one of the more common ones) most of the time they are inclusion rich, ridiculously small, an undesirable color, or all three of these.
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Finding gemstones that are good quality is hard, your character will not stumble upon it, pick up the rock and immediately know if the location is good enough to mine gemstones. If you are determined to make it a gemstone mine, have your character hold the mineral up to the sun/a light source and let them be able to see light coming through, though it is considerably thick.
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Moving into metal mining! Metal mining is both easier and more complicated to write! Why is it complicated? Because unless it is gold or silver you are unlikely to see the desired metal itself. Why is it easy? welllll, I am going to try to make it easy. First things first, a lot of metals are chromaphores, this means that when the element is present, it will influence the color! Copper is an excellent example of this, old pennies oxidize and turn blue/teal/green, so do most rocks bearing copper! Looking for iron? It will probably stain the rocks dingy and brownish red. Things to note: copper and iron can be found in mineable amounts together! If you do this, iron will be present in the form of pyrite, or fool's gold, this has a nice cubic shape and can be described as such, the copper will typically leave a teal residue or veining across the rock, which in this case will almost exclusively be black to dark gray (Its basalt) but it can be found as the mineral chalcopyrite also (looks like fool's gold but it doesn't make cute crystals). Malachite is also a copper ore, in my experience I have never seen malachite from a mine that has looked like some of the stuff I have seen in gem shops, azurite (A darker blue mineral) can be present also, but again, these are usually very fine grained and would not be able to be used as jewelry, but obviously, in some places it must happen, just much less frequently.
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Another thing I will briefly mention is that, if you are writing about metals remember that these metals will require a smelting process to extract a pure metal, this usually requires some other material (For iron, it is charcoal). Also remember alloys! Most useable metals are a mix of different metals to make them harder. This even includes gold jewelry. Last comment about metals, a very interesting plot for a fictional universe would be the use of lead. Lead ore was a hot commodity before we knew it was toxic, the side effects (Being nuts) could really create some tension.
Lastly in terms of mined material, I will briefly mention coal and stone in general just to say, coal is a sedimentary rock, distinctly different from the typical environments necessary to form most gemstones and heavy metal deposits (Yes, there are exceptions). Coal is dark black/gray, which is quite uncommon for sedimentary rocks which tend to range from reds/tans/browns/grays. When coal is lifted it will feel much lighter than you anticipate, which is the polar opposite of what happens when you lift a metal rich rock, which will feel immensely heavy. Finally, Coal will not turn into diamonds in nature, diamonds need mantle pressures and temperatures to form, there will be no diamonds under a coal mine unless there was a mantle derived eruption that got covered in a swamp, that became coal and as they dug they exposed the kimberlite pipe (I mention this because I just read this in a story and it hurt my feelings). Finally, If you want to write about a mine that is definitely necessary but want the content to be pretty low-maintenance, but profitable for whoever owns it, owning a granite/marble/ or really any desirable stone quarry would be perfect.
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Now I will move onto what kind of mining exists today, I will not talk about every exclusive mine, but I will talk about ones that are common that are on my radar. First up, the one everyone talks about in books, underground mining. Underground mining is used when you are getting the material from the 'primary'/original source. The rock is rich in copper? Lets mine said rock. However, mining underground is the most dangerous form of mining, there can easily be a lack of oxygen because of insufficient ventilation (That's why people will carry something with an open flame when going into abandoned mines; if the flame goes out there is not enough oxygen and you have to turn back). There can also be lots of collapses due to overhead rocks, enough said. Cave mining is primarily done when the amount of rock above the deposit is too great to strip mine.
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Now lets talk about strip mining! Strip mining is when you just mine on the surface, and dig deeper and deeper into the ground to obtain your desired resource whether it be stone, coal, gemstones, or anything else. It truly is less glamorous, but it is safer than digging a tunnel. That said it has its own issues, sure the oxygen is good, and you don't have to worry about the rocks collapsing over your head, but oh wait, the rocks can collapse over your head. Landslides can occur due to the over steepening of sides, excessive rainfall, and most importantly, old faults or planes of weakness that happen to be facing towards the mine (the diagram will help this make sense). Both of these types of mines can also create ecological damage, which can be mitigated nowadays, but then maybe not so much. Namely acid mine drainage, I will not talk much on the effects but a quick google search will give you plenty of information that might be useful for writing.
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Now both of these are trying to mine a targeted rock, but sometimes its best to let nature do the work so we can do less. Diamonds, gold, corundum (rubies/sapphires), and garnets all have one thing in common. They are dense! So when erosion happens, and that sediment makes its way into a river, everything will separate based on its density. This is just because faster moving water can hold heavier sediments, and slower moving water will drop those heavy sediments leaving only the lighter sediments within the water. Lots of places that mine the things listed above will pan/sieve in active rivers and streams, or they can surface mine where rivers and streams used to be! These are called placer deposits. There is one setback though, the gemstones will not be perfect crystal shaped, they will be rounded due to being thrown around in a river (like beach glass). These are sapphires, but they have been rounded over time in the river.
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Final thoughts, writing about a mine can seem nerve-racking, intimidating, or just something that you want to briefly mention and move on from, but truly I think going into the weeds could really add something to a story! Even if stories are slightly inaccurate about information, I am still 100x more excited to see it mentioned in more detail than to see it as a sentence. Besides it is fantasy, it doesn't always have to be exactly like earth.
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sisters-of-starfall · 1 month
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Post made from everyone’s suggestions today about Beltane! Cannot wait to see what our sisters decide to create on this years Beltane 💗💐
A little bit about the holiday:
(May 1st)
Beltane celebrates the halfway point between the vernal equinox and the summer solstice. Occurring annually over April 30th into May 1st (or October into November in the Southern Hemisphere), this fire festival is derived from the Celtic Bealtaine , meaning bright fire . Mirroring with its counterpart on the wheel, Samhain, the veil between worlds grows extremely thin at this time of year, making this a day for warding off spirits and calling good fortune in.
This was traditionally the time when cattle were moved to their summer pastures, and is strongly associated with fertility rites, sex, and marriage. Use Beltane for dancing, noise-making, jumping over fires, and wild revelry.
Beltane Associations:
Colors: blue, pink, red, green, gold, yellow
Moon Phase: Waxing gibbous moon
Botanicals: oak, apple, hawthorne, birch, elder, ash, blackthorn, grapevine, rowan, holly, willow, cedar, yew, hemlock, hazel, dogwood, jasmine, rose, daffodil, tansy, honeysuckle, St. John’s wort, snapdragon, flox, lilac, primrose, blessed thistle, curry, coriander, fern, fire’s weed, nettle, flaxseed, marjoram, paprika, radish, rue, mushroom, almond, meadowsweet, woodruff, frankincense
Stones: carnelian, rose quartz, citrine, moonstone, malachite, garnet, emerald, beryl, tourmaline, amber, black obsidian
Animals: cows, sheep, goats, horses, rabbits, cats, butterflies, bees
Foods: dairy, oat cakes, cherries, strawberries, leafy greens, May wine, almond bread
Altar Items & Decor: salts, fresh flowers, fertility symbols, fire symbols, candles, chalices, honey, milk, oats, stone fruits, antlers & horns, swords, lances, arrows
Traditions: make a Beltane altar, collect morning dew, make flower crowns, plant seeds, dance around a maypole, manifest with fire, host a Beltane bonfire or feast
Rituals: prosperity, fertility, conservation, protection, strengthening relationships, divination
Website: https://seawitchbotanicals.com/a/s/blogs/swb/the-wheel-of-the-year-explained
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1218-814 · 4 months
Twisted Wonderland Characters' Birthday Stones, Stars, And Flower Meanings
It's back by the demand
Riddle Rosehearts: 8/24
Stone: Lava- "Lovers" Flowers: Diatom- "Elegance/Fashion", Cypress vine- "Delicate love", Montbretia- "Lovely memories" Star: Lambda Hydrae- "Logics based on tradition"
Trey Clover: 10/25 Stone: Red spinel- "curiosity" Flowers: Maple- "refraining and precious memories", Sieboldii- "special someone", Celestial Chrysanthemums- "cooperation" Star: Phi Centauri- "Mostest yet honest"
Cater Diamond: 2/4 Stone: Bi-color amethyst: "Awakening" Flowers: Camellia- "perfect, whole love", Red primrose- "unflawed/natural beauty", Quince- "precocious" Star: Nu Aquarii- "Ideas and self-reliance"
Ace Trappola: 9/23 Stone: Ametrine- "light and dark" Flowers: Spider lilies- "Lonely/passion/giving up", Dahlia- "beauty/betrayal", Purslane- "a hidden love" Star: Pi Virginis - “A conscious mysterious charm”
Deuce Spade: 6/3 Stone: Pink diamond- "A soft beauty and elegance" Flowers: Hydrangea- "High pride/high endurance", Honeysuckle- "Flexible love", Garden phlox- "Agreement" Star: Mu Eridani- “a talented independence”
Leona Kingscholar: 7/27 Stone: Melee diamond- "A start from a supporting character" Flowers: Pelargonium- "Well raised", Thunberg lily- "Falseness", Geranium- "Unchanging trust" Star: Beta Volantis- "Brave and independence oriented"
Ruggie Bucchi: 4/18 Stone: Dolomite- "Courage to the whole body" Flowers: Lily daffodil- "Exotic", Statice-"Unchanging heart", Love-in-a-Mist -"Love in a dream" Star: Tau Ceti- "Coexistence of strength and kindness"
Jack Howel: 10/11 Stone: Rhodolite Garnet- "Active love" Flowers: Coleus- "Unfulfilled love", Lythrum Ancesps- "Good family custom", Peacock Plant- "Love at first sight" Star: Xi 2 Centauri- "Bright with a charming way of talking"
Azul Ashengrotto: 2/24 Stone: White Pearl - "Modesty, sincerity" Flowers: Amaryllis- "Vanity", Crocus- "Believe me", Coptis- "Transformation" Star: Pi Aquarii- "Intuition and sensibility"
Jade/Floyd Leech: 11/5 Stone: Nephrite Cat's Eye - "The charm of the eyes"/ "The charm of maturity" Flowers: Pentas- "Your hope will come true", Dancing Lady Orchid- "Dance with me", Moss Rose/Sun Rose/Mexican Rose (however you may call it)- "Innocence" Star: Alpha Lupi- "Richness without profit and loss"
Kalim Al-Asim:2/25 Stone: Malachite- "Dangerous love Flowers: Bindweed- "Bonds, Friendship's sake", Montbretia- "Cheerful", Drumstick Flower- "Knocking on the door to the heart Star: Kappa Cassiopeiae- "Kindness that dislikes loneliness"
Jamil Viper: 9/12 Stone: Peridot- "The bond of fate" Flowers: Diascia- "Forgive me", Indigo- "It all depends on you", Clematis- "Stratigest/Creativity"/"Bondage Star: Delta Crateris- "Strong companionship"
Vil Schoenheit: 4/9 Stone: Cerasite (Cherry Blossom Stone)- "Mental beauty/Purity" Flowers: Cherry blossom- "Mental beauty", Acacia- "Grace/secret love", Wallflower- "Long-lasting love" Star: Theta Cassiopeiae- "Effort to get through on their own"
Rook Hunt: 12/2 Stone: Black Coral- "A calm wit" Flowers: Cineraria- "Always comfortable", Heliconia- "A weird person", Carnation- "Increasing feelings Star: Tau Scorpii- "Not restrained by common sense"
Epel Felmier: 5/6 Stone: Lemon Quartz: "Bear fruit/harvest" Flowers: Chinese redbud: "Modest/simplicity", Butterfly flower: "Rebellious", Gardenia: "Carrying happiness" Star: Tau Persei- "A sense of responsibility that does not despair"
Idia Shroud: 12/18 Stone: Fire-Opal -"One who is falling in love" Flowers: Pomegranate- "Beauty of maturity", Leopard plant- "Humility, Restraint", Kumaszasa: "Lonely" Star: Beta Ophiuchi (Cebalrai)- "authoritarianism with strong courtesy”
Ortho Shroud: 8/14 Stone: Inca Rose Stone: "Welcoming new love and romance" Flowers: Globe Amaranth- "Immortal", Cheeses flower: "Gentle heart", Oleander: "Danger" Star: Ursae Majoris (Chalawan)- "Lonley and honest"
Malleus Draconia: 1/18 Stone: Roselite- "The bliss of reaching goals" Flowers: Hepatica- "Trust", Primula- "I can't live without you" Star: Gamma Sagittae- "A self-reflective maturing person"
Lilia Vanrouge: 1/1 Stone: Jade- "Long life and prosperity" Flowers: Pine- "Immortality, and longevity", Snowdrops- "Hope", Adonis Ramosa- "Permanent happiness" Star: Vega- "an optimistic person with a peaceful heart"
Silver: 5/15 Stone: Red Jadeite- "Judgement" Flowers: Houttuynia Cordata- "Wild", Campanula- "Moderation/Sincerity", Western Azalea- "Dignity" Star: Xi Tauri-"The charm of being lonely and unreliable"
Sebek Zigvolt: 3/17 Stone: Emerald- "Mental stability" Flowers: Lupine- "You are my peace", Ixia (African corn lilies)- "Unity" Star: Tau Cassiopeiae- "A focus that doesn't fail twice"
I know ppl are going to say, this looks familiar...
Yeah, you are right, idk if anyone's reposted this tbh but ppl liked this when I posted this
It helped me see characters better ngl
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themori-witch · 2 years
Witchcraft 101: Crystals & Water
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When it comes to crystals and crystal care, an important thing to know is which crystals can be put into water safely and remain undamaged. I suppose, in a way, the more pressing question isn’t which crystals can, but rather which cannot.
A general rule of thumb to guide you, is to take a look at The Mohs Hardness Scale [linked here]. Although not perfect, the rule is that anything numbered a 6 or above is generally safe to put into water.
The Mohs Hardness Scale is a set of ten reference minerals (numbered 1 through 10) that are used to determine the relative hardness of minerals and other objects. [X]
Another thing to think about is the water in which you wish to place your crystals. If you are set on cleansing, for example, and want to use salt water as a means of doing so, the crystals that are safe in salt water are different to those that are safe in unsalted water.
Jade (for long periods of time).
Black Tourmaline.
Lapis Lazuli.
Tangerine Quartz.
Tiger's Eye.
Black Obsidian (can crack/break in extreme hot or cold temperatures).
Carnelian (in unsalted water only).
Clear Quartz.
Rose Quartz.
Rutilated Quartz.
Smokey Quartz.
Tiger's Eye (in unsalted water only).
*This post is not talking about which crystals are safe to be put into elixirs or any liquid that will be ingested. Please do not use this post as a guide for that. It is not recommended to put any stones into drinks or fluids that are intended for ingestion. Please be safe. 
If you like my content and would like to help me keep providing free stuff for my gorgeous Ghoul Gang, you can tip your witch here: Paypal.
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Anonymous asked! -> “name ideas for a terezi (she/it) introject would be greatly appreciated >:] ↩️ and some for our nepeta (he/she/mew/it) too, if you accept multiple per ask :] ↩️ no preferences for terezi and our nepeta says it likes more "round" sounding names”
Justine - A French name, meaning "Justice."
Adila - An Arabic name, meaning "Righteous" or "Fair."
Themis - An Ancient Greek name, meaning "Divine law," or "Divine justice."
Malachi - For Malachite, a stone often associated with protection.
Sard - Another mineral, often associated with justice. It's bright-red and orange for the fires of judgement. >:]
Milo - A multi-source name whose meanings range from "Soldier" to "Beloved and merciful."
Rory - An Irish-originating name meaning, "Red king."
River - For the naturally-occurring body of water.
Arlo - Old English name meaning "Fortified hill."
Noah - Hebrew name meaning "Rest" or "Repose."
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sagemonsters · 10 months
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@jasper-the-menace has a blind date with...
Trevan the Fairy
Trevan is of average human height, with the ruddy, patterned wings of an atlas moth and deeply tanned skin. He is a proud knight of the Seelie Court and walks with a magical glass rapier at his hip. He rarely visits the human world and is ordinarily very contemptuous of mortal affairs, but once he saw you through a magic mirror he couldn’t stay away.
Trevan is a master swordsman and fights with style, finesse, and clear joy. He loves to teach his chosen skill to other Seelie folk, and is eager to show off for you and talk about his pupils’ accomplishments. He is 100% willing to throw down the gauntlet and fight a duel for your honor, and is secretly a tiny bit disappointed that nobody has dared to take him up on that yet.
He isn’t much of a reader himself, but he has gone on many quests to recover bits of knowledge and find the answers to various riddles. He has a deep respect for your literary habits and is quick to come to you whenever he has a burning question about something regarding the mortal world.
Trevan sees video games and tabletop games as ways of training one’s mind and finding strategies for overcoming obstacles. He has a personal weakness for rhythm games, however, and can be entertained by them for hours. They help him discover new human music, which he is slowly coming to enjoy just as much as fairy music.
Trevan loves your feistiness and argumentativeness. He’s always down for a good debate over any subject he has even a passing knowledge of, and will give as good as he gets. He browses the wikis of your favorite games so that he can be informed about those topics (ironically, he knows less about IRL human history), although he doesn’t just mindlessly agree with your opinions.
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“These crystals are very beautiful. I think you will find them useful in your craft,” a spritely voice said to the two young women eyeing the rose quartz display in the rock shop. You turned around and narrowed your eyes at the salesperson. For a second, out of the corner of your eye, you could have sworn that he had large moth wings. 
“Oh, we’re just making jewelry,” one of the women said. “Everyone loves the healing vibes of crystals these days.”
The salesperson smiled politely. “Indeed.” He looked down at the small bag of greenish stone with whorls of deeper color that the woman was holding. “Are you aware that malachite isn’t safe to handle when wet? That might not be a good choice for jewelry.”
The other woman snorted. “So? People will buy, which means we’re going to sell.”
“Are you sure?” the salesperson asked, and something about his voice seemed a little bit… off. For a moment, the eyes of the two women unfocused, and then they came back to themselves and blinked hard.
“You’ve got a point,” one said. “Maybe… maybe we should do some more research before we start selling crystal jewelry on Etsy—for poisoning liability if nothing else.” They returned the bag to the counter and left the shop.
You squinted at the salesperson, and once again got a glimpse of wings. He turned and smiled at you. “Can I help you?” he asked.
“Yeah,” you said. “Who are you really?”
The fairy knight snapped his fingers, dropping his glamor for your eyes alone, and struck an elegant bow in the center of the shop floor. “I am called Trevan by certain friends,” he said. “And who might you be, mortal?”
You knew better than to give your real name to a fairy, and told him a nickname instead. The fairy laughed, apparently delighted at your cunning. “Clever!” he said. “I think we will be good friends. Can you help me learn about the human world?”
“I’ll consider it,” you mused, “for a price.”
Trevan smiled. “You are refreshingly un-generous,” he said. “Let us talk of what services I might render you, and what knowledge you will give me in exchange.”
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see here to get your own blind date with a monster!
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bosses-stay-flawless · 7 months
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“Native (North, South & Central) American History Month “
When I first saw this replica Aztec sundial I walked by it several times, but it has a very strong energy. I ended up buying it because I recognized the stone that it is made from.
Malachite is an intense stone, I normally pick it up and never buy one, but I bought this one and when I took this one home, it’s energy intensified. I immediately knew that I needed to clean, and clear the energy of this sundial, so I am surrounding it with Selenite & Blue Kyanite , both are very powerful at dispelling negative energy.
When my ancestors bring something to my attention, I pay attention. Even after realizing the deeper meaning of this replica sundial, I respect the culture behind it, and I value the artist ability required to replicate the original using materials that are highly energetic.
It’s a wall piece but I’m not sure how I will display it yet.
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thebiscuiteternal · 5 months
past ruosang, nhs mourning secretly alone (or with my/jgy if you need another character in there) for wrh? thanks!!!
"I think something's wrong with me."
Meng Yao looks up from the report he's been drafting at the small, rough sound of his former young master's voice.
When his father arrives -there will be a victory banquet, he's already been informed, paid for by the Jin coffers that were barely dented by the war effort while other sects are struggling to rebuild- he will deliver it and the head that has been sequestered away in one of the qiankun bags on his hip.
"You've been through quite the ordeal, gongzi," he says, keeping his voice neutral despite the fact that he has been concerned about Nie Huaisang's state of mind since the Undying Sun fell from the sky.
Since well before that, in fact.
He hasn't even asked for a bath to get rid of the blood yet, when Meng Yao had expected that to be the first thing requested.
"It would be more unusual if you weren't affected."
Nie Huaisang shifts, hunching in on himself more, and Meng Yao bites down on an involuntary shudder when he sees copper and jade and malachite peeking out from the edges of borrowed robes and blankets.
He's still wearing the collar.
Meng Yao hadn't thought to remove it, figuring Nie Huaisang would have found a way to do it himself as soon as possible, but he's still wearing-
Mouth pressed into a thin line, Meng Yao opens one of the drawers of his desk to take out some small metalworking tools, since it's unlikely the key will be found quickly. "Gongzi... let me take that off of you."
His fingertips haven't even made contact with the metal when Nie Huaisang flinches away from his hands with the smallest shake of his head, eyes wide, yet glazed over in a way that makes his emotions unreadable.
Ah... That's what he means by 'something wrong'.
He lets out a breath, then lays down the tiny cutters and reaches out instead to touch the almost completely dried blood spatter across Nie Huaisang's face that makes his eyes stand out even more. "Alright. Not yet," he murmurs, soft and soothing. "Let's at least clean you up, then, before you wind up having to get your hair cut to remove all that blood."
There is a moment of hesitation, then Nie Huaisang nods.
A full bath would still be best, but he doubts Nie Huaisang's mental and emotional state is good enough to let himself be that vulnerable yet. So he settles for heating up a basin of water and the mix of cleansers and oils he'd designed for getting blood out of his own hair during his time working in the Fire Palace, then coaxes Huaisang to lie down on one of the benches for an easier angle.
Wiping the blood from Huaisang's hands and face are easy enough, but his hair takes even more effort than Meng Yao had predicted, and Meng Yao painstakingly goes in small sections, first kneading in the oil blend, then making short, slow comb passes.
He doesn't look at the mess they're making on the stone floor, the melted blood and other things pooling there.
It won't matter.
As he works, he thinks again about the contents of the bag he will be presenting to his father.
Surely, his father will not care, or even notice, if there is something missing.
Pausing in his task, he wipes his hands and gets up. "Just stay put," he says in response to Huaisang's questioning noise, then turns to walk over to one of his other workstations.
When he opens the bag, the head inside looks almost unnervingly serene, staring sightlessly at nothing.
Much like Huaisang has been the entire time he's been washing his hair.
Swallowing back the bile that rises up threateningly in his throat, Meng Yao focuses his attention on the guan the head still wears, on the layers and layers of golden flames around its central ruby-studded sun, on the droplet chain that had always dangled down over its owner's forehead.
It's this that he carefully snips free, hiding evidence of the alteration by folding the connecting links back under the sun.
And it's this that he carefully presses into Huaisang's hand in a gesture of understanding as he sits back down. "If you will let me remove the collar when I'm done with this, I can have it fashioned into something... smaller. A bracelet, perhaps?"
A bracelet, like the droplet chain, will be easy to hide.
It will be a little secret, just between the two of them.
Nie Huaisang folds his hands in against his chest, then closes his eyes and nods. "Thank you."
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smudgingpumpkins · 4 months
Also referred to as Imbolg or Candlemass
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When is Imbolc?
Typically celebrated between February 1st to February 2nd.
What does Imbolc mean?
It is a celebration of rebirth, fertility, and the arrival of the lambing period of sheep. It is considered the halfway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox, celebrating the near arrival of springtime.
Who does Imbolc celebrate?
The Goddess Brigid is honored at this time, who is the goddess of fertility, hearth, poetry, and smithcraft.
Work with stones that promote fertility, healing, and/or creativity, such as moonstone, amethyst, carnelian, rose quartz, malachite, clear quartz, and turquoise.
Utilize aromatic herbs and flowers such as cinnamon, basil, angelica, daffodil, plumeria, and myrrh, which are known to be mood-boosters, diaphoretic, and aid with quelling anxiety. Daffodils specifically symbolize “new beginnings.”
Create or consume diary products such as cheese, cow’s or sheep’s milk. Imbolc is the celebration of lambing, after all! Sweet berries such as blackberries and strawberries are also good choices.
Wear or decorate with brown, beige, white, ochre, and gold colors.
Incorporate animal imagery (e.g., drawings, photographs, figurines, et cetera) of sheep, cows, and swans, symbolizing the Goddess Brigid’s connection to animals. These animals are specifically associated with love and fertility.
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Burn candles to symbolize the welcoming of light and warmth of the forthcoming springtime. Burning herbs and palo santo can aid with cleansing and purifying around you.
Take a ritual bath: add one cup of milk, dehydrated strawberries, and a couple drops of rose hip oil to your bath.
Create or purchase Brigid’s Cross. Place it on an altar or near your front or bedroom door for protection. You can make one out of rushes or paper!
Indulge in creative endeavors, whether it be painting, sewing, poetry, journaling, singing, metalworking, playing and instrument, et cetera. The Goddess Brigid is specifically associated with poetry and writing as well as working with metals.
Appreciate nature. Take a walk around your neighborhood or a park; engage in outdoor activities; or take photographs, draw observations, jot down notes and observances, or simply introspect.
Plant seeds of your chose in your garden to represent birth and growth, and foster a connection to nature.
Get creative with recipes! Carlota Santos, who is the author of Magika, recommends a simple strawberry milkshake or baking a blueberry and chocolate cream cake.
Carlota Santos’ Imbolc Cake Recipe
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