#me now: wow I love a man who strives to be perfect because he has an important role but is cracking under pressure what a babygirl
wysteriaisapenguin · 1 year
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Ah, the great Gordon Gresley. Driver of the #4 Blue Engine. 
The Biggest, Fastest, Expressiest Steamie on Sodor. 
That is you, isn’t it? 
Was slightly inspired by this piece by @bruhstation
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harocat · 1 year
I really want to babble about how thematically, this ending makes no sense, and it's so contrary to what we've seen up to this point, and how it's not just that it's sad and that TTJ deserves better (though both are true); it's a story about a man who wanted to die that ends up with him… basically committing assisted suicide to save the world, because well, I guess he was right to want to die all along, even though his reasons were ALWAYS because of the cruelty of others, not because of his own self.
Then he finally gains agency and a life that he wants to live, a simple life filled with love and fulfillment that is enough for him, and he doesn't want to die any longer. And it’s taken away from him and he is forced to go back into that mindset of seeking death. He was ready to live. He’d defied fate and he was ready to live. It’s bad. It’s not fulfilling. We already KNEW he would do anything to save LSS and her world. We didn’t need that proven.
It doesn't matter how hard you fight against your fate, how much you love and how much you strive to be a better person, if you are doomed to suffer and die, you will, is what TTJ's story tells us. And if you want to die, you may as well give in, because happiness never lasts.
I also want to ramble about how unfair it was to LSS, who at the end was deprived of agency and essentially just shifted around wherever she was needed, not being allowed to make decisions of her own. How episode thirty-five WOULD have been a much better ending, and if anything, what we see in TTJ's bo’re life in episode thirty-nine reinforces this.
But more than that it's just upsetting to me because this was such a good show, that presented such compelling ideas and did so in SUCH an entertaining way. And yes the scenery and costumes and aesthetics absolutely slapped. It's gorgeous as hell. But also the character dynamics were interesting and complex, and their relationships were easy to get invested in. There were fascinating relationships among the entire cast as well, not just between the leads and couples (XL and TTJ, LSS and Pian Ran). Yes, there were missteps along the way; the dream arc was about twice as long as it needed to be, and even Clam Gege and his sparkles could not save it, the show plodded along a bit in the early thirties (episodes like thirty-three were super disjointed because of time cuts), Mo Nv was added in as a new character for who knows what reason, etc. But nothing is perfect. This is still one of the better shows I’ve watched in a long time, and I was on edge for every new episode. A genuine enemies to lovers story with chemistry and anguish, hatred and tenderness, sometimes all at the same time. I was obsessed.
And… Tantai Jin is one of the best male leads I’ve seen for years. He’s so layered, so interesting, and so heartbreaking, and Yunxi does a beyond incredible job with every moment of his portrayal of him. He’s legitimately a tour de force in the role. Yunxi and Bai Lu both deserved better than this. But a great lead requires deserves a story that lives up to him, and TtEotM isn't that.
I hate that TTJ is going to probably kind of fade into obscurity, at least among English speaking fans, because people are going to be rightfully wary of recommending this drama now. And I can’t blame people, because if I’d known the ending, I probably wouldn’t have watched either. It left me feeling so empty today, and not in a ‘wow hurts so good’ way that true, well done, and cathartic tragedy does.
One can hope youku releases a ‘fix it’ clip like has happened with some other shows, that at least gives a happier ending for TTJ and LSS. Even then, that’s kind of putting a bandaid over a gaping wound, because a lot of the issues with the ending will still exist, but at least it might make it so I can recommend it with a ‘yeah the ending isn’t great, but it’s overall really good.’ And no the audio clip does not cut it.
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plutobutartsy · 10 months
You Mentioned OCs. (np)
oh di i'm so excited you asked about them i'm actually jumping up and down rn bc like,,, i've had these two for YEARS, i rotate them in my mind every single day and with all the media i consume i always think ok but what if the protagonists were ACTUALLY my ocs like i'm so mentally ill about them
their names are Briar and Evelyn (Evie for short) and they're both so silly and so disgustingly in love, think vincent and lovely but ten times worse
also this got like REALLY long so don't feel obligated to read it all lol
let's start with my boy Briar
his name frequently gets mistaken for Brian and it makes him so irrationally angry lol
he's a born vampire! so no old man activities this boy is like 17 as of now
he's the one who knows how to cook! he makes food for others as a love language
also fun fact there's like an actual vampire cuisine in this universe so vampires can consume food that's not just blood and still get nutritional value out of it
his family are part of the older vampire generation technically? what i mean is his family have been vampires for a few centuries now so they're kinda rich and well known
that said, his parents are for sure around 80-100 but him and his sisters are young!
as i've said he's only around 17 and he's the youngest out of his siblings
he has 3 older sisters (20ish, 24 and 28) and they're all very protective of him because omg!!!! that's their baby brother!!!
sometimes too protective to the point where they underestimate him and make him feel bad,,, woops!
he still really looks up to them and puts them on a bit of a pedestal, making him an overachieving perfectionist while he strives to get to what he assumes is their level
spoiler alert this results in a lot of angst and him not feeling good enough despite his parents and sisters never really pressureing him to do anything
he definitely tries to hide his insecurity by overcompensating and acting more arrogant than he is but his friends can read him like a book lol
"i had this leftover because i made too much on accident, eat it so i don't feel bad about being wasteful. honestly you should feel honored to be allowed to taste my cooking" translation: "you seemed stressed so i made you your favourite meal but please don't bring it up or i'll die. hope you like it ^-^"
terrified of bugs which is unfortunate since his 3rd sister loves them and keeps them as pets
when i said overachiever i meant it. student body president. excels in most sports. top grades.
he has to be perfect or he will literally die (real) (not fake)
oh he's also scared of dogs and he's very pathetic about it. i'm talking he sees a tiny puppy and he crosses to the other side of the street.
works at a convenience store because he doesn't want to end up being a spoilt rich brat stereotype lol the old ladies at check out love him because he always offers to carry their bags to their car for them
tries to act all serious and grown up when he's around his sisters to impress them but it's a lost cause
he's a complete sweetheart please tell him he's doing a good job and watch trashy dramas and reality tv with him
okie Evie time :3
she's a witch!! wohoo magic
she has like a billion siblings
jk just 5 but still
all of them are adopted and a different magical being (for example her older brother is a werewolf) simply because i think it's funny
listen hear me out: her dad is like fucking bruce wayne, adopting kids left and right, but he's just a regular schmegular human so i think it's hilarious that he adopts a new kid and he's all like "oh great they're just human phew no stress for me"
just to find out that no, this child is in fact NOT human, and on top of that they're an entirely different species than the rest of his kids so he has to learn about their specific needs and quirks and whatnot all over again
listen it's hilarious
okay anyways
evie stress bakes!! so she always has new stuff to give to others because WOW girl you're stressed beyond measure
brought 5 loafes of bread to school once to give to her friends. "thanks but you already gave me 2 yesterday my family really can't eat all of that :(" "girl PLEASE you have to help me i have 12 more at home and my dad is fucking PISSED he told me to get rid of them immediately."
if Briar needs to be perfect or else he will die, then Evelyn needs everyone to like her or she will die
she's honestly a bit of a pushover because of that but she's working on it and has made great progress (therapy queen)
fashion lover and lover of cute things
her outfits look like a claire's threw up on her
her magic manifested when she was like 5 when she got into a fight with her brother and she just. launched his ass into the sky lol
that accident broke his leg and made her resent her powers for a bit
like she wanted nothing to do with them and straight up refused to go to a school where she would learn about them. her dad was so worried because suppressing magic longterm makes you actually sick
that is until a friend of her dad explained to her that learning to control her powers would help her prevent any more accidents
that friend is called Makena and we love her! she's a witch as well and ended up giving Evie private lessons and also helped Evie's dad with learning about magic and how to care for non-human kids
at first Evelyn rly sucked at magic like REALLY sucked at magic and she was like, are you serious this is ASS
but she was just a slow learner and is really good now :)
works at Makena's cafe in an effort to help with her social skills
i have drawings of these two somewhere but it's been a while so i can't fund them 😭
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amporella · 2 years
I hate that breed of Cartman lover. Some Cartman lovers are actually pretty cool, I know a whole bunch of them, but the ones that are like "y'all turn your heads when Kyle does something wrong, he's just as bad!!" is when I'm like "Wow! You don't actually watch the show, do you? :)"
I am of course very biased because I love Kyle but I can acknowledge that he isn't the best at times, but he tries and generally does what he thinks is right.
Best way I can think of it is that, comparatively, Kyle has had more good doings to wrong doings whereas Cartman is the opposite, doing more wrong than good, yet people compare them because what? Kyle gets angry sometimes? He's self righteous sometimes? He's a selfish little 10 year old sometimes?? Makes no sense.
Sorry to ramble in your inbox LMAO
PRETTY MUCH!! And no matter how much 'nuance' you try to apply to the situation - how severe their wrong doings were, how often, etc - you're never going to shake it out to a scenario where Kyle is in any way worse than Cartman. Beyond that, it's really just common sense, and even analyzing it comparatively isn't necessary - you're comparing a kid who's literal purpose in the show is to be a nazi. He's meant to be the offensive kid - you're trying to justify a cardboard cutout of a character, because Cartman is not meant to be anything more than a manipulative, antisemitic shithead. His place in the show is obvious, and you're not getting anywhere by tying yourself into knots trying to change reality; if you went up to Matt and Trey and asked who was worse, Cartman or Kyle, they'd look at you like you were legitimately insane. It's not even meant to be a question, and it's bewildering to me that people have somehow managed to trick themselves into thinking this is even arguable.
Kyle isn't a perfect character, but in general, he is a good character; his intentions are rarely bad, and he has a legitimate idea of what good is, which already separates him from Cartman. Cartman has no idea what good is, or what nice is, or what any of those things are - in Casa Bonita, he can't even differentiate being nice from wearing a nice sweater. His idea of good is whatever he does. But Kyle knows what good is, and he strives for it, every single day - in Crack Baby Athletic Association, he acknowledges (even subconsciously) that he isn't being good and desperately tries to justify himself and make his behavior more acceptable, knowing that what he's doing is wrong. Even in Kyle's worst moments and his worst failures, you're never going to look at the intent behind them and find completely unjustified hostility, or bigotry, or anything of the like. With Cartman, that's the sole motive behind nearly anything he does; hedonism in one way or another, with his preferred method being finding himself in every plane - gentile, white, male - to be superior, and everyone else to be deserving of elimination.
Tbh, here's my theory: the user that responded to me (and now blocked me LMFAOOO) is a ky/man shipper. Acknowledging that Kyle is a morally superior character to Cartman would force them to look their ship in the eyes and acknowledge what they're actually shipping, but pretending that Kyle is equally as evil allows them to justify it in possibly the shittiest way ever - well, this Jewish character sucks too, so it's fine if we ship him with his antisemitic abuser throughout the entire series. It's still not an adequate justification, and even if Kyle was the absolute worst, it would still not be acceptable - but perhaps it makes it easier for them to stomach?
NEVER APOLOGIZE FOR RAMBLING!! I always appreciate it <3
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Wow being unwell feels like shit.
But, I had the opportunity to recover. Something I really take for granted, honestly, the fact that I could convalesce in relative safety and security. I've thanked my loved ones for their help and patience so now, let's get back to doing The Things.
Okay first, I watched Castlevania Nocturne and oh baby we have to talk.
What a great fucking show, moon above it was pitched so well. I feel like there are definitely things I can pick at, pacing issues that could have been resolved by a little longer in the storyboarding room, but I prefer to judge things by whether or not they hit the points they're striving for. In Nocturne's case I have to say yes, each major beat hit exactly what it needed to in order to make the story come together.
Nocturne concerns itself a lot with legacy, I noticed. There is a much more prescient theme and I'll talk about it in a moment, but it really struck me how much each character has to live up to the legacies left to them. Richter to the Belmont name, Maria to her mother's powers, Annette and the legacies of her ancestors, and in a twisted way Erzebet to her own history. Naturally the first Castlevania series was also heavily steeped in legacy, but I find it a lot more present in my mind. It's fitting for a series that is being made as an essential sequel to one of the most popular animated shows of the past while now. It's almost as though the show itself is asking if it can live up to the expectations set for it. Something I can really appreciate, I have had a series or two I've tortured myself with the same question over.
Revolution, freedom, inequality, however. Those are the title card themes. We're set just before the French Revolution now, which is nothing less that the perfect backdrop for such a story. I find that I'm appreciating how the vampiric upper classes are portrayed. It's a perfect pastiche of arrogant nobility. Yes there's something to be said for how they are unproductive monsters who literally leech their lives off the backs of the common people, it's a classic allegory with vampirism in general. But more than that I appreciate just how excessive they are, how overwhelmingly self-important they can be. Erzebet herself is impossibly dramatic, showy, and completely out of touch with anything beyond her immediate world. Normally I feel like I would call it over the top or cartoonishly evil but this is ultimately the point of using her so aristocratically. It's perfect to the portrayal of a ruling class that only cares for itself. It's absurd that this woman goes around, caging virgins in solid gold just for a drink while she calls herself a God. This is the excess our little revolutionaries see in each and every noble who denies bread to their starving workers and a wage to the ones who would care for their gardens.
Speaking of I find myself vastly preferring this version of Annette. Her agency, her story. Her magic is cool as fuck, too, something we haven't seen before and that's amazing. I wish we hadn't dealt with her previous captor so easily in the graveyard, I feel there was a lot more to be said about the man who had her branded becoming branded himself in service to Erzebet. It speaks so much to the mindset of hierarchy and it's so... low of Vaublanc, it is so telling how he was eager to treat Annette as lesser and mark her as such, just to voluntarily do the same in the eyes of his "better". It's creepy, it's disturbed, it only makes Annette's own fight all the more righteous in my eyes.
It's especially interesting how much Annette has to find her power in others. By being close with her ancestors she can wield their magic, even though she could kill Vaublanc all on her own she was bade to seek out Richter and I understand why completely. Not for the epic, vampire-slaying savior, but because he is another equal who can stand at her side. As I've said it's a very cool take, I wish it had been given more room to ripen. A little faith in getting a second season would've been delightful for the development of this arc.
And Edouard oh my poor man. Once he died I was worried they just fridged a character for some bottled motivation, but instead they went such an interesting route. A singing night creature. It's such a parallel, Edouard was born free and is now kept in service to Abbot Emmanuel. Compare to Annette who was born a slave and had to find her freedom. I'm really invested in seeing this smaller "revolution" that's happening under the Abbot, I wonder if going forward he'll have to own up to the cold fact of what he's doing to people. I hope so, I am eager to see Edouard confront Emmanuel with the real truths of personhood.
Gosh I could go on about every character. Maria, Tera, Emmanuel, Olrox, Drolta, even Mizrak, but I will be here an age if I talk about them all. Allow me to shorten this a bit?
Belmont. Richter has always been burdened by his fate, or it comes across that way in Symphony of the Night, especially. He has to be the best magician, the best vampire hunter, so much skill is demanded of him before his wounds can even be healed over. So when Juste fucking Belmont appears and gives his "evil will always win" speech, ooh. I knew that was it, that set his whole character into motion. He'll either defy Juste's prediction or live it out, time and time again. It's such an important scene, he's literally asking the past and his legacy if he can live up to it, and the past answers him with "No. You can't, not forever." and it's somehow the exactly right and wrong answer at the same time. It's the reason to keep fighting, it's the reason to forgive himself for not being perfect, it's a warning that he will probably lose people he loves, it's a promise that after he's gone, there will be another night full of terror and hardship. My entire spine was humming like a guitar string. Hell all of episode six is fantastic, really had me at the edge of my seat.
Also as a brief aside they actually added Juste Belmont I got to see my bisexual twink icon be a badass old man I am SHRIEKING.
Juste is my favorite Belmont and the worst I have to say about the series is that it was complete cowardice to not have him be in a polycule with Lydie and Maxim. There is no straight explanation for Juste and Maxim's relationship.
Ahem. Right. So yes, Nocturne was really great at doing what it set out to do, and watching it was a really fun time. I really hope they allow themselves some breathing room on the second season's plot points, it'd be nice to see the cast grow into themselves now that they're so established. The setup is all there and the payoff is really promising.
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the-cheese-writes · 3 years
I wonder ~ Prinxiety
Requested by: @_becxmoonsy on Wattpad
TW: None
Word count: 1895
To say that Virgil and Roman’s relationship was complicated was an understatement. It didn’t kick off smoothly if you wanted a base to start from.
Roman had been the first to meet him, and although Virgil had, somehow, greeted him, he didn’t exactly welcome him well.
‘Hey there, Princey!’
‘Oh… kay. Can’t stand that guy.’
And those were the first words they said to each other. Obviously, they had started off on the wrong foot (which was evident in later episodes where they argue and bicker constantly), but after Roman changed, so did Virgil and so did everything else.
Whether it was subtle differences like trying to nickname each other more nicely or bigger switch ups like Virgil’s style, it was apparent that they had both changed for the better and, seemingly, each other.
But with their development, came new emotions and feelings, especially for Roman. Seeing a spike of confidence in Virgil the day he donned a new appearance, sparked something in the prince, something he had never felt before or for anyone previously for that matter.
It was… a good feeling. It was exciting and sweet, like candy, but also a little nerve-wracking and it made him giddy inside as well as out. Roman loved it and he felt it the most around Virgil. He never dared speak a word about it to anyone though. Secrets like these were best kept hidden; they were fun to hide anyway.
Unfortunately, for Roman, he wasn’t exactly the best at concealing things, which was how the cat got out of the bag. (No, don’t worry it’s not a real cat. Patton’s allergies will be fine.)
“Hey Virge! Whatcha doin’?” Roman said as he approached his friend. Looking up from his phone for a second, Virgil smiled.
“Just scrolling through Tumblr, as usual,” he replied, patting the empty spot next to him, indicating to Roman that he wanted him to sit down.
The prince happily obliged and when he took his place next to Virgil, he laid down onto his lap. As he stared at the ceiling, Roman wondered about what he and Virgil were. What they did with each other normally happened around romantic couples, but they were just being friends… right?
They always hugged, and cuddled together, leaned on each other’s shoulders when they needed to and spent almost every minute of every day together. The only thing missing was the kiss.
His eyes then shifted from the ceiling to Virgil’s face. It was illuminated slightly by the light emanating from his phone and his expression was so… peaceful and he was smiling a little, causing Roman’s heart to jump a few hurdles.
Virgil was gently playing with his hair, softly stroking it routinely and massaging it occasionally; these actions made Roman wonder if they would mean anything more if they were a couple.
Nothing would really need to change, right? They would continue to do what they normally did around each other except then, they would be romantically involved. Would there be anymore significance?
His eyes then flickered to Virgil’s lips: always soft, always a little chapped but always kissable. In that moment, Roman wanted nothing more than to seize his face and drown him in affection, but obviously he couldn’t do that and he pushed himself off of Virgil’s lap and away from the sofa as quickly as he could to halt anything too… impulsive.
“Ro? You good?” asked Virgil, raising an eyebrow at him in confusion at his sudden movement.
“Uh, yeah. I just remembered that I needed to do something,” Roman lied, raking a hand through his hair. “I’ll be upstairs if you need me.”
And with that, he dashed up to his room, leaving Virgil completely baffled.
Briskly walking into his room, Roman closed the door, his back facing it, and sighed heavily. He looked ahead and tried to clear his mind of any thoughts of Virgil, but there was no use. He was there, imprinted and glued and Roman would just be wasting his energy trying to get him out.
But Virgil stuck in his head wasn’t such a bad thing though; at least his mind was, in a way, doing him a favour with images of his crush.
Being the creative side he was, Roman suddenly got an idea to place the scenario that had appeared on his head on a canvas - he had nothing better to do anyway. He grabbed his headphones and played one of his playlists on Spotify named ‘Virgil💜🔮🎵’. (It was called that because he would listen to it whenever he thought of him and what they could be.)
With a snap of his fingers, Roman conjured a pot of paint brushes and some paint and set to work constructing his mind’s image.
He started with the base of the painting first - the sky - with midnight blue which faded to a lighter shade as it descended. Then, he created the grass, using black paint since it would only be a silhouette and set it just below the halfway point and in the middle, he painted a bench with two people sitting on it, who he imagined to be him and Virgil.
Roman smiled at the thought of them stargazing together with nothing to interrupt them and their picture perfect moment but the occasional breeze. After making the trees on the side and the moon in the twilight sky, Roman tied the whole piece together with the addition of stars.
During this time, the song ‘Wonder’ by Shawn Mendes played and he grinned, seeing how relevant it was to his current situation. As he dipped his brush in white paint and flicked it across the canvas, Roman sang the words, not as passionately as Shawn did, but with as much energy as he wanted - which was a decent amount.
Unbeknownst to him however, Virgil had been listening outside the entire time. After his puzzling retreat to his room, the emo followed him, but what he heard when he was just about to knock on his door was a lovely surprise.
Roman was singing, as per usual, but what he sang intrigued Virgil. At that time, it was ‘Would You Be So Kind’ by dodie. He sunk behind the door, quietly singing with him and thought about how it tailored to their relationship. He had never been vocal about it, but he had always had a little crush on Princey, ever since the beginning; he wondered if he too felt the same way.
After a couple songs and unknown duets between them, Virgil finally decided to knock. When there was no response, he opened the door and Roman was still singing - a song he hadn’t heard before, but he listened to the lyrics. 
As he stepped closer, he realised what Roman was doing and admired the painting from afar. It was absolutely beautiful and from what he could see; it looked flawless and not a single stroke was out of place. Virgil didn’t really expect anything less than excellence from Roman’s work though. As the prince, he constantly strived for perfection.
‘I wonder what it’s like to be loved by you,’ Roman sang and Virgil instantly froze. They probably weren’t, but he couldn’t help but wonder if those words were meant for him?
‘I wonder why I’m so afraid,
Of saying something wrong, I never said I was a saint.
I wonder, when I cry into my hands,
I’m conditioned to feel like it makes me less of a man.
And I wonder if someday you’ll be by my side,
And tell me that the world will end up alright.’
Virgil thought that he might be getting to the end of the song, so he shyly approached him.
Clearing his throat, he said loudly to get his attention, “Princey?”
Instantly, Roman turned around. He was fixated to the spot for a few seconds, before he took off his headphones and set his brush down.
“Virgil!” he said, smiling awkwardly. “How- how long have you been standing there?”
“Not very long. I just wanted to see if you were okay ‘cause you left really quickly downstairs,” Virgil answered, stuffing his hands into his pockets.
“Oh, no yeah I’m fine. I just wanted to do… this!” Roman then pointed to his artwork, showing it off and giving Virgil a clearer view of what he had seen only a little of earlier.
“Wow,” Virgil sighed, stepping closer. “It’s lovely.”
“Thanks.” Roman grinned, proud of his work. Virgil glanced at him for a moment, then quickly looked back down, both of their cheeks tinting cherry red.
“Who are they?” asked Virgil, pointing to the black silhouette of the two boys seated on the bench.
“Um no one. Just characters,” Roman replied quickly, blushing and fiddling with his fingers. Noticing his flustered state, Virgil smirked and decided to dig a little deeper.
“Hmm. They look awfully familiar,” he teased, rubbing his chin thoughtfully then turning to Roman who tried to play it off as innocently as he could.
“Oh they do? How interesting.” Virgil smirked and stared at him for a bit longer, but soon realised that he wouldn’t be getting anywhere if he kept it up. So, he tried something else.
Sheepishly, he walked up to Roman, keeping his hands in his pockets and looked at him through his bangs.
“You once told me that everything you say, do or sing has a meaning behind it. Well, almost everything. What were you singing about earlier?”
Roman turned away and fiddled with his sash. “You heard?”
Virgil hummed in response, then he sighed and decided that now was a better time than ever.
“Those words, those lyrics. I sang from somewhere. Someplace only I know and hope to share with someone one day.”
“Someone? Who is…”
Roman was on the edge of the cliff. He could see the crashing waves below and knew that if he didn’t have faith in his wings, he would plummet down, but if he clung onto that hope hard enough, he could soar through the cotton clouds and the exhilarating breeze to the ends of the earth. All it took was a jump.
So he held his breath and leaped.
Virgil froze. His eyes widened and his jaw dropped; he was speechless, he didn’t know what to say. All these years of what he thought was once hopeless crushing and longing for something that he believed could never be, turns out he was wrong all along.
As Roman braced himself for the worst, the little smile of Virgil’s starstruck face grew and he lunged at Roman, embracing him in a tight hug.
The prince was surprised, but didn’t at all complain and hugged him back just as tightly. Even still, he didn’t want to jump to conclusions.
“You wonder what it’s like? To be loved by me?” Virgil said as he pulled away, meeting Roman’s eyes. He glanced at his lips and Virgil noticed, so he swiftly leaned in and softly kissed him. But it wasn’t long before the kiss grew more passionate, making it clear to them both that they had waited far too long for this to happen.
When they eventually parted, they stayed close, gazing into each other’s eyes. Both boys then grinned blissfully at each other, satisfied in the moment that they wished would last forever.
“That’s what it’s like.”
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Chapter 11: The New Deal
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Letitia was murdered in cold blood and little ol' me was bitter about stolen lotion. How cold.
I wondered why no one on campus that I know had told me about what happened. I called Natalie but she too was shocked by the terrible news.
"You and I have to look out for one another," was what she said as I completed my nightly routine.
"Sounds great and all, but that's what I thought we'd been doing."
We were supposed to be watching each other's backs since we're all women of the sun, golden godesses and highly sought after in the most sordid of ways. Unfortunately.
"Girl, if a wayward negro or redneck casper freak wants to shoot my ethereal ass, what exactly are you going to do about it," I ask wanting a genuine answer. What could she possibly do? Meaning well doesn't keep you alive when your enemies are determined.
I'm Gemini, angel of lust. I have an army of enemies.
Once off the phone with Natalie, I call my loyal steed, Keon, to make good on his offer of purchased security. I need that extra lock installed and whatever else he'll foot the bill for including pepper spray and a switchblade. The sooner the better.
I sigh tiredly as I fall across my bed, thinking at least I've got this beautiful clean new comforter set without the juices of myself and other people splashed all over it. It's bad for my skin to lay on filth.
"Not again," I sigh as the phone rings from my bed and after letting it ring twice, I check to see who's calling. It's the Professor, poor lil Tink. I think I'm proving to be a little too much for him.
"It's near midnight Stevens. My office hours are 9 to 9."
"You a slippery little thing, it's tough to get hold of you."
"I'm a busy woman," I shrug.
"I'm a busy man, yet somehow I still find time.. Come in to my office now, we have things to discuss."
I check the time on my phone. It's 11:47. Our deal ends tomorrow.
"There's nothing productive to discuss at midnight, Professor.. and I take your exam tomorrow."
"Academia never rests, Ms. Miller. I expect you to arrive within 20 minutes. I'm being gracious considering this call is for your sake."
"How? What did you want to discuss? We could do this over the phone. Professor? ...Hello?"
He hung up.
Oh he's such a bitch for this.
Rolling out of bed, I remove my rollers, fix my hair, and redress into pink sweatpants and a white halter top. Obviously I love pink.
This time, I'm ready. I pack a little purse with antiseptic throat spray, two condoms just in case, and a cloth.
I wear my white converse and a thick coat of gloss. It takes me the 20 minutes to get there to his office suite in the science building. Of course the offices are otherwise deserted because it's after midnight. His yellow artificial light is the only light streaming into the hall of offices.
I step into the doorway and there he is typing on the computer, gold-rimmed glasses sitting on the edge of his nose. He's sharp in his tailored grey plaid combo with his burgundy button down and silver watch. I can see the definition in his arms. As for his right hand where he wears his ring, I can picture it around my neck. I clear my throat and he looks up.
"Have a seat," he points me to the chair before his desk. I sit and sling my purse on the floor next to me like before.
"I recall I sat in this very chair when I gave you some of the most heavenly head you've likely ever had." His dick is beautiful. The flashbacks make my mouth water. "I wanna suck your dick again," I smile watching as his eyes remain on his computer screen as if he doesn't hear me. It only makes me want him more. "You know I can make you see stars."
He turns the computer screen to me so suddenly that I'm taken aback. "Your grades are in jeopardy. Look at your projected GPA."
"You aren't supposed to have access to my grades in other classes," I stir watching the screen. I wonder his relationship with the other professors. "Besides you said it was handled. You know.. when I gave you the super-glyuck 5000?"
Again he removes his glasses, folds them, lays them on the desk as is his habit, and reclines in his seat, hands folded.
"About that. There were certain criteria in place that you failed to meet, Ms. Miller. You knew the rules."
"Wow. Okay, I'm having difficulty taking you seriously after seeing you in such a drastically different light.. Suddenly I'm Ms. Miller again? I thought that was only for show. Professor.. and Criteria?"
"Yes, Ms. Miller," his eyes shine. It's on purpose. He goes inside of his drawer to produce a manilla folder which he hands to me as though he's serving a court document. When I open it I stare at it.
"List of infractions," I read aloud as I scan the numbered list of sins I've committed against this man along with a count of times I have committed them. Ignoring his call, failing to appear when summoned, hanging up on him, arriving to class tardy, arriving fully clothed, and a variety of other things he has never once mentioned. "Seriously?"
"The deal was.. you'd answer my calls, appear when requested, come to class on time and prepared, come to class the way I request."
"Half naked.."
"The way I request," he reiterates. I can't help but laugh. This looks like a contract of sorts which reminds me of my dream. "In return for obliging said requests until your exam date, you were set to receive a high A in each of your courses. You failed to meet that criteria and now.." he gestures to the screen, "The deal is off."
"What? You can't do that! Why didn't you say something? I thought you were--"
"I know what you thought.. I warned you there would be consequences. It could've been so simple for you," his head shakes as if it's a shame. I'm sitting bolt straight.
"No!" I lean forward with my hands on his desk. His brow raises. It really was the perfect deal. I've dreamed of scenarios like this. I really did want to play along, especially with him. "I was waiting on a punishment from you all this time but not like this, I wanted--"
"A funishment?" The humor in his voice is faint but I don't miss it, he's enjoying my misfortune. "What you wanted is irrelevant. I said you'd recieve a punishment if you failed to comply.. You failed to comply."
"Do over," I blink in an attempt to compel him. "I don't care what it takes, you're going to get me those grades."
He doesn't look convinced, but I'm serious. "Do over," I urge. "It was a misunderstanding."
"Was it now," he toys. Actually I thought he was a pushover.
"Yes. Do over." He can see in my eyes, I'm serious and he deliberates.
"Hm," he pouts, luscious lips in a pensive pucker. I recall he only let me kiss him for the briefest of moments. As I watch him assessing me, his eyes on mine, I strive to do it again but for much longer. "Okay Ms. Miller.  Have it your way.. But new deal.."
"Yes?" I'm on the edge of my seat ready to suck dick now. In fact, I'm going to.. either way. I'm still staring at his lips when he rests his tongue behind his perfect top teeth.
"I'll tell you in the car," he says. "I wanna show you something."
"Is this where you live? I don't know what I expected." Hell maybe?
"Follow me." He leaves the car and opens his gate to the backyard exposing a stone sidewalk leading up to a large shed. It's more like a smaller house behind his house being that it's well kept, attractive, and he has a key for it. My jaw drops when I look inside. He flips the lights and the room fires to life, glowing fluorescent red. I know exactly what this is..
There's a thin red rug in the middle of the floor, easy to wash. A black leather love seat. An adult swing. A twin bed with black satin sheets. A tall black dresser. A wall of tools from whips, crops, and floggers to paddles and canes. Even violet wands. I see the pulleys. The fixtures. Instantly I know he's a rigger which is perfect since I'm a  rope bunny.
He loosens his tie and I grip it by the knot, sliding it up the fabric and pulling it tight against his thick neck watching the surprised look in his eyes darken to the lust filled expression I've grown to crave. His hand tangles in my hair with light tension, pulling my head back. Perfect tension.
"New contract," he says as I bite my lip, nectar stirring within my core, excitement fluttering like hungry butterflies. I needed this more I previously thought.
"Yes?" My voice is small. My eyes are hopeful.. breathing shallow. I feel needy! I need his hands all over my body, bringing me to ecstacy. I crave it. When his free hand softly strokes my cheek, I lean into it.
"You'll be my sex slave. My pretty lil slut... For the next semester."
My face drops.
"Semester," he repeats tightening his grip on my hair. The butterflies float to my nipples.
When I think about it, I will have him next semester as well as my internship. I'm excited to work CSI. A sex slave, however, is a full time job that could be time consuming. I have subs to tend to, a stage at Mickey's to dominate, and content to make. Between that, I still need to study, keep up my attendance and find the time to enjoy my collegiate experience.
"Of course you can refuse." He releases me and stands back watching the internal debate play out on my face.
"Wait," I pause him. There's something undeniable about the practiced nature of his hands. Those thick, stubby fingers know how to please, I can tell by the way he touches me. I know the difference between a man who touches for his own pleasure versus a man who seeks out mine. I miss that touch. "My grades are guaranteed?"
He nods leaning with his back on the wall and it's obvious he's giving me the space to decide. I look around the well organized room briefly appreciating the variety and aesthetic nature. I thought I had a lot of toys to play with.
"For the upcoming semester as well," he verbally confirms. His arms fold over his chest as he sighs and I picture his strong forearm locked around my chest, holding me in place as he does whatever he wants. "Consider your service your payment, Ms. Gemini."
I'm so wet.
It hits different when he says my stage name. Taboo and I love it. "It's a deal."
"Is it really," he says dully.
I blink up at him and bite my lip, bending my knee inward like a shy schoolgirl. "Your wish is my command, Professor."
This wakes him up and he emerges from his wall placement, reclaiming his position to tower over me as I look up to meet his eye. His jaw tenses then he scoffs, looking away. "You ain't ready."
"I am!" Hands on my hips, I bat my little lashes to prove it.
"Set up my phone on that tripod and press record then," he nods to the skinny black stand. "You outta know how that works.."
I fucking knew he was a subscriber to my content! I needed to publish more videos anyway so this is perfect.
"It's on," I report turning back to him and it hits me when he shifts so that we're both centered on the video that he's probably got a number of videos on the internet himself. "Request to view your video library when we're done?"
"We'll see," he winks straightening his posture. "For now..," he holds my gaze and I nod slightly, giving him the green light. "Phoebe Miller," he smirks taking a step back.. "Are you aware that you are free to leave at any time?"
"Of course, you couldn't keep me here past my will if you tried."
"And you understand as part of the BDSM community we take the motto 'safe sane and consensual' to heart."
"Are you consenting to a sexual relationship with me?"
"Are you consenting to an S&M dynamic with me.. as an adult who is into fully aware of what this entails?"
"I am. I'm ready, let's go." I reach for his tie again, but this time I only tug it gently to show my building impatience. He's got me all wound up, ready to spring and lay him out on the satin sheets as if I'm the one in the dominant role. I'm beyond ready for his suit to come off, as edible as he looks with it on.
"Patience," he whispers holding my cheek. "I want you to show me a sign of your volunteered submission. Tell me you want me to own your body, to take control of your every orgasm and push the limits of your body. Are you ready to be my slave understanding that you maintain your natural role as an independent member of society? Speak clearly for my records."
I face the camera and he seems pleased when I repeat the lines he's given. "I love the videoed consent."
"Good. Now face me."
Easily done. I spin to do just that.
"Good girl..," his chin raises and I see in his sneaky eyes, he's escalating. "One more thing," he tests tilting my chin up further. I stare him down evenly. As a fetish content maker and a domme, I don't flinch easily. "Hm.."
"Please sir, I'm ready," I confirm as his thumb strokes my chin.
"I think you might be.. Ok. Show me that you recognize your new master." He points to a spot on the red rug. "Kneel for me and present your wrists."
"Something different," I whisper.
"Nah.. This is the one," he smiles. "Feel free to say no, I can take you back. A high B ain't bad considering most my students operate at a low B."
"Hell no!"
"No?" He grins.
"Move." Brushing his hand off of my face, I back up to the rug and kneel with raised wrists. He undoes his tie and loops my wrists, completing the handcuff knot in a second flat, the free end in his hand like a lead.
"Don't worry it'll feel good to you.. to relax and let someone else take control. We'll take it easy tonight."
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A Sky Beyond The Storm: SPOILERY Review
*!!BEWARE!! A Sky Beyond The Storm Spoilers below. And it’s not just a little of them. It is FULL BLOWN COMPLETE SPOILERS! SO BEWARE! DO NOT READ THIS REVIEW IF YOU HAVEN’T READ A SKY BEYOND THE STORM!*
[CAUTION] This is all my opinion so please don’t leave anything negative. Or send hate or think this is a welcome post to start arguing. I’m only posting this cause sadly my friends have not finished the book yet and it’s been five days since I’ve finished and I have yet to be able to explore how I fully feel about the book. Thankfully writing this tired me out and completely reflected everything I feel! It was the perfect outlet! I also wrote it all in one go just pouring all my emotions out so if the grammar is bad or some things don’t make sense. I’m sorry! I’ll be sure to edit this at some point ❤️
Five years. I had stuck to this series for five years and it’s always given me love, heartache, pain, loss, but most importantly hope. 
I want to start off by talking about how happy I was with how Laia’s arc was handled. Usually when you have a “weak” and frightened protagonist their growth is mainly focused on how quick they can shed that image and because something else entirely. How they can become an ultra badass that is able to hack and slice through their enemies and become this killer warrior machine, but Laia Of Serra is not a killer. And that’s been reiterated throughout the books. She feels too much, cares too much, and loves too much. She mourns the for any lives lost even if it is the enemy. She hates taking lives cause she sees no reason to take one even if it is for the greater good. As shown in Torch and Sky, She cries after she accidentally that man. She’s wrecked with guilt when she accidentally kills that jinn. At the people who fall during this war. Laia Of Serra isn’t a killer. She’s hope. She’s love. She’s understanding. And many people do see that as weakness but I love that Laia is able to harness these emotions that make her human as use it as strength. That at the end of the day she isn’t a badass savage girl who lost everything and is out for blood. She’s still just Laia and I wouldn’t have it any other way! Being a big emotional scaredy cat I am I’ve never been able to relate to the big badass skilled warriors that can take down armies of men. I wish to be like them but the reality is I’m not. So I never thought I could see myself being a hero or doing any good if the time for me to be one ever came, but Laia really conveys that strength is more than just being able to shed blood and kill people. That it’s okay to cry, to be scared, to feel sad, and be insecure. Brown girls are always so used to being silenced and taught to behave in order to survive. That’s been our story for a long time but Laia was able to turn our meekness, our fragility, our fear, and our insecurities into something strong. Into something that moves her forward, that taught her how to fight, and that  ultimately makes her victorious. The Her final scene with the Nightbringer was beautiful and utterly heartbreaking.
Which brings me to the Nightbringer.  I used to hate him so much unable to understand him. I found his anger equivalent to that of an edgy teen that got told “No” too many times. But despite his cruelty book 4 really opened my eyes. Despite all the deaths and rage Sabaa has managed to also convey all his loneliness, his sadness, his hopelessness, his loss, and how all this pain had driven him to believe this was the only way he’d be able to be at peace. To get rid of the world that had been so cold to him. To get rid of a world that made him feel unaccepted and had taken away everything that mattered to him until all he had left was the broken pieces of himself with no one there to help him pick them up. I loved the Nightbringer here. I learned to respect him so much. He’s carried so much pain and loneliness for thousands of years in hopes to gain back what he has lost. I was finally able to sympathize with him and much like Laia - I didn’t hate him anymore. Couldn’t hate him. Of course what he did was wrong but it’s hard to wish more unfortunate things upon someone whose whole life has been nothing but misfortune. I loved his story with Rehmat. Their love though mentioned briefly was a beautiful thing and I found I wanted nothing more than him to be able to be with her again and to be able to feel that love again. I used to cringe and loathe the idea of Nightbringer and Laia being romantic but this book opened my eyes into seeing that that isn’t it at all. I mean yes he is in love with her but that’s just the kind of person he is. He loves. He’s the beloved. He has many loves. As his queen once said, he loves too much. So it isn’t about sparkly forbidden romance. It’s the fact that Meherya had love for all things and to be betrayed because of it had hardened his heart. Laia knows what this feels like. So to see her hold him and tell him it’s okay. That his feelings are valid and the world turned it’s back on him first, but he can’t blame all life for that. That she knows deep within him he still loves, he still hopes, and he must hold onto that. Skies, nearly made me cry. Then by the end when he is able to tell her goodbye with a hand to her cheek and she knows despite everything he still loves her - I nearly started bawling. Because he truly is the beloved and he did not deserve all those who took his love then basically spat in his face. I was happy to finally see him be able to reunite with Rehmat. His one true love and his only queen. Cause I know through her and finally leaving this world - he will be able to finally be at peace.
Now onto the next character. Elias. WHEEEEW! He was as cold as Sabaa promised. So distant and stoic. Reading about him through Laia’s P.O.V. was so heartbreaking. Yet reading through his was ALMOST worse. Where as Laia can’t find her Elias we are able to see little cracks of it. He still looks at her for too long. Lingers at the thought of her for too long. His heart beats faster when she is around when it shouldn’t. He remembers things he shouldn’t. Being around her is too hard because she is everything he had originally fought for. Inner Elias still sees her as his home and his freedom. However his cold demeanor was nearly too much for me! I even almost contemplated unstanning my favorite OTP in the world when he left her to the jinn. Though I think a lot of that mainly has to do with the fact cause we see how much he loves her. He’s risked so much for her so to see him abandon her was like a slap in the face and truly showed how much he has changed, but thankfully there was hundreds of pages left for him to make up for it. And of course in an Elias fashion he did. When the nightbringer had her captive he couldn’t get himself to leave her again. When he saw Laia scratched up after falling into a river and his thoughts immediately thought of ways to defeat this river (I cackled). When he told her he wouldn’t be able to help if she were to get in trouble trying to steal the Nightbringer’s scythe and yet he came in seconds the moment she called to him cause nothing else mattered as soon as he heard her voice. When Elias realized Mauth had completely weakened his first reaction was to run to Laia and while she had been frozen haunted by realizing what she had done it was Elias who ran in front of the storm to get her away from it and nearly sacrificing his life in order to keep her safe. I mean HOW CAN I NOT FORGIVE HIM AFTER ALL THAT!? I couldn’t stop the emotions running through when he was able to finally meet his father. When he was able to see the life he could’ve had if war and pain hadn’t tainted it. Then his final strive to live. Him fully coming back as Elias Veturius and chanting Always Victorious to come back to the world of the living. It was everything! Elias has been a death magnet throughout this series. His whole has made his hands drenched in blood and making him live a life so dirty that he believes at many moments is a life that isn’t worth living anymore. That he’s too damaged. Too callous. Too tainted to be considered worthy of anything, but in the end when the time came he pushed to life. He fought to be more than his mistakes. To be more than a symbol of death. He chose to live. 
I will continue with the characters but here’s a short break to speak about my most prized possession: Elaia. So I already explained a good chunk in Elias’s snippet, but we ALL know they need their own portion for one to get their feelings out more clearly. Elias and Laia’s love as usual isn’t easy and broke me time and time again. One minute my heart flutters and I’m on the edge of my seat in hope and then the next it’s like I get a bucket of cold water dumped over my head. Their relationship was especially rough in the beginning. Elias pulled away consistently and though watching Laia try her hardest to break through was admirable it hurt all the more every time it failed. Yet even through all the hurt my heart still fluttered. The way she purposely said things, or did certain things, in order to get a rise out of him was such a delight to watch. Elias and his rocks ended with both Laia and I sad but I still can’t help how wholesome it felt to see them banter. Laia sitting on the boulder in the middle of his “workout”, him casually hoisting her over his shoulder, putting her down, and just to have her spring back up and follow him to continue the conversation. Who knew seeing two people talk about pets could get a giggle out of me. The last three hundred pages I’d say are the best. Cause this is when the Soul Catcher slowly begins to soften up. He lets himself care about Laia more. Lets himself get lost in her more. I had to put the book down after the mango scene just to catch my breath! I won’t lie and pretend I didn’t enjoy all the steamy scenes. I did and nearly fainted at every single one of them, but it was the soft moments between Soul Catcher and Laia that stood out the most. When she was sad and he’d hold her, the way he was so attached to the armlet that thought that he had lost it made him tear his cabin apart, when he went to find her to tell her to leave the waiting place but couldn’t help but stare at her instead, telling her he prefers being called Elias from her, still putting her first then then disguising it saying he is only doing it for his duty to the ghosts, and the way the old him springs up constantly whenever she’s around. Every little detail was a hit to the heart! Especially Laia telling Elias that he had no right to dictate her emotions. He has no right to tell her how to fell. She loves him and she finds him worthy of it and he cannot take that away. He can’t make her stop loving him. It was everything to see her always declaring how much she loved him seeing as she never got to at the end of Reaper. And now she won’t let him stop hearing it. Won’t let him not know it or forget it. Even their sex scene felt more than just steamy smut. It was so wholesome as they laughed together for the first time in a long time, the way he saw her as perfect, and by the end of it to have Laia speak about how she wanted everything with him forever. It made their ending all the more sweeter. I had made so many jokes before SKY about them finally being able to do it, about them practically being married, the wooden armlet being an engagement ring, and them being endgame and hoping that at least one of these would come true. Little did I know every single one would. Little did I know that the ending I have been hoping for but was 99% sure I’d never get was exactly what I’d get and more. Sabaa Tahir has truly spoiled me and I don’t deserve it but I will thank her a million times for it!
Next Character: Helene. Oh boy. Unpopular opinion but I had a strong dislike for Helene for a long time. I thank Sabaa for giving her a P.O.V. though. Cause without it all I and many others would see is colonizer and oppressor. Evil. Wrong. Wicked. I hated Helene in the first book. Tolerated her in the second. Found her likeable in the third. Then ultimately fell in love with her in the fourth. I found book 4 Helene to be the very best Helene she could be. Her finally letting her emotions break through is what ended up captivating me. Her scene as she slayed Karkauns all the while crying gave me chills in REAPER. THAT to me was strength . THAT was what reminded me as badass as Helene is she’s still human. She falters, she makes mistakes, she cries, she wins, she loses, and it isn’t power that ultimately drives her. For her too it is love. Love for family, love for friends, and love for her people. Her friendship with Laia made my heart bloom. I wish we could’ve had more of it! I also wish we could’ve seen it develop more but I also understand that this is the last book and I’d rather spend it seeing two queens getting along then bicker like they had been in the last three books. I loved watching them tease each other, them grin while talking about blasted men, Helene feeling like she can stand taller when Laia compliments her, and Laia ultimately being the first scholar to hail her as Empress. And all her fighting scenes!? BEST FIGHTING SCENES I’VE EVER READ! Helene is ruthless, she is brutal, she isn’t afraid to be stained in blood, and will defeat anyone in her way. I found myself so excited in my reread when I saw I was approaching those scenes. She is flawless in battle and I found myself completely entrapped by her. Slicing off heads, arms, and striding into every battle with her head held high. I was about ready to fight Harper to let her be with me instead! Her P.O.V.s had actually been my least favorite through book 2 and 3. Book 4 made me so happy that I got to go from chapter to chapter like: Oh yay! Laia! Oh yay Elias! Oh yay! Helene! I was able to be excited throughout the whole thing knowing each character was going to give me something good! Also I found her a lot funnier this time around! And Lord knows how I love my women bossy, sarcastic, and blunt.  I know a lot of people are angry about her ending. I was deeply saddened by it too. I used to think as a colonizer serves her right to lose everything! Why should I feel bad when she’s scoffed at the lives of the scholars and shrugged her shoulders at slavery for the longest time but of course that ended up biting me in the ass. I understand Sabaa’s reasoning. Helene has took for the longest time. So now it has come full circle for her to experience what that feels like for the other side. All those scholars who too lost a sister, brother, mother, father, and lover that she took away without a second glance when oppressing them. I loved that Sabaa protrays it in a way that before as someone who despised her, I can’t even be happy about it. Instead I am empty. Lost. Hurt. It shows all the more how useless war and vengeance is. We think more deaths and kills will make us feel better. It does not. Instead I found myself days later still haunted by what happened between her and Avitas. And now I wish nothing more but Helene to find happiness. To have more days laughing with Laia and reluctantly letting her braid her hair and dress her up. More teasing and reminiscing between her and her once best friend, Elias. And possibly something new and exciting and fulfilling with Musa. (Which I will touch on in it’s own paragraph haha)
Next: Avitas. Hmmm. Here’s the thing. I don’t hate Avitas. His moments with the shrike were meaningful and his presence is what ultimately led to breaking through her hard exterior. He taught Helene how to be just a girl again. How to feel without being weak. How love can be strength. I loved that he was able to bring out a more vulnerable side of her and show to her that it wasn’t a weakness. Every part of her is strong. Every part of her is beautiful. Every part of her he loves. That moment especially when she declares herself as broken and his eyes are wet with tears feeling for her. That he tells her being broken cannot stop her. It just makes her all the more of a force to reckon with. He was exactly what Helene needed in this time of war. Exactly what she needed to stay tethered to the world and faithful to herself. Sadly however I couldn’t get myself to connect with him. He was so reserved, so quiet, and so serious most of the time. It was hard to gather much from him. The little cracks of his demeanor whenever he was around Helene helped soften me. His fierce loyalty to her alone and understanding that a girl like her doesn’t need protection. She can very well take care of herself but it wasn’t about that. He just loved her too much to ever stop worrying. It ached something fierce within me. His death also haunted me for days and still does. Though I think it did hurt a little less cause I wasn’t attached to him. It was hard to considering how little I feel I still know about him and his thoughts and feelings. Plus his final scene with Elias at the waiting place brought me peace. He died for the person he loved and now he gets to reunite with his family. He wanted to leave and so he did. May Avitas Harper rest in peace and never be forgotten.
Next: Darin. His death ruined me. He was the sole purpose Laia went on this journey in the first place. He was the first person to always believe in her. He was the only family she (thought) she had left. He was one of Laia’s biggest fans and nothing else mattered more to him than her. He based so much of his life pushing Laia forward and encouraging her and getting her to laugh again even during the darkest of times. The way he pinched her cheeks before bidding her goodbye, the way he went back to find Laia and fight beside her, the way he teased her about Elias making the both of us laugh, and how even in his final moments before crossing over he wanted to know how his sister was doing. If she had won. Then being able to pass in peace proudly when he found out that she had. And his final words telling Elias that if there’s one person who can make up for all the love she’s lost it’s him. He will be missed greatly. So much so!
Next: Faris. Faris has been here since the beginning His last scene with the shrike also ruined me. I had to put the book down cause I was so hurt. Faris was a giant teddy bear always spewing jokes and being a clueless but brave boy. To see him go down like that though admirable still broke me nonetheless. Especially despite knowing a lot about them I loved him and Dex very much! I also thought maybe him and Livia could have their own happy ending, but I hoped too hard ):
Next: Livia. I bet you can guess this hurt very much as well. I loved Livia so much. She was such a powerful girl thrust into this world of politics and tyrants and held her own. My love first ignited in Reaper and only shined brighter in SKY. My jaw dropped and once again the book went down when Keris killed her. I was so broken. She was so full of life, witty, brave, sweet, and just as fierce as her sister. I wished she could’ve stayed!
Next: Musa. My FAVORITE secondary character in the whole series. Words cannot describe how much I love Musa and it saddens me to see that he is so underrated. Though I’m happy that even Sabaa says that he is one of her favorites! Musa was a light in every dark moment. I’m always a sap for handsome snarky sarcastic comedic relief characters with a tragic past. I loved that he was the one to always joke first despite how much he hurts. That he was the one always encouraging those around him to fight for love even though he lost his. I loved that he called Laia little sister and how his mere presence around her could make Elias go feral. Surprisingly most of all I loved his relationship with Helene.
Now here is yet another break from character talk to talk about another pair. Musa and Helene. I know it’s wrong. Helene had just lost Avitas and they are two broken people right now. But like said just for a moment, together, they make a whole. I never even thought of a possibility between the two. It felt so random. Awkward even. Though upon my reread I can see the little hints. Musa and Helene practically spend most of the book at each other’s side. They fight together, they encourage each other, they argue, and they see each other. Two people always putting on a brave face no matter how much they hurt. I was surprised to feel myself smiling at their bickering. Helene tends to be an uptight stoic person but around Musa she can’t help but smile and laugh as easy as it is to breathe. The way she endearingly considers him pretty. Around Musa she can’t help but talk about her feelings and him to her. The way she held his hand when they found out about Nikla’s death and how even when Harper went to talk to him he still wouldn’t let go of her. And their final scene together at the end of SKY. SO MANY FEELS! I CAN’T HELP THE FLUTTER OF HOPE I FEEL! Their bickering even cuter! Their vulnerability to each other even more powerful! All the while still respecting their past loves and understanding they can still mourn and yet live and strive for more. Absolutely perfect! Seeing Helene not close herself up after yet again losing in love was such a beautiful thing to me. Her telling Musa she’d like it if he stayed and him obviously happy about it but feigning arrogance instead is so him it only makes me love him more. Makes me love them more. Makes me hope! This could just be Sabaa testing the waters but Helene does still owe him a favor and I hope to the skies above Sabaa will be giving us that tale soon!
Next Character: Keris. I loved how she was handled as well. Learning about her past explained so much and yet erased nothing. I loved being able to learn more about her. I loved being able to see all the suffering she went through that we didn’t know about that turned shaped her into the cruel person she is today. How some of her actions still can’t be fully understood cause Keris herself probably doesn’t understand it either. I love that we are able to see her point of view and understand het and yet it’s plainly obvious that Keris has made her grave. Now it’s time for her to lie in it. It’s such a painful yet satisfying thing to see her reunite with her mother’s ghost. To be confronted by all her misdoings as Karinna looks at her in hope and then disdain upon seeing all the blood on her hands. From then she is unable to see her as her daughter leaving Keris ultimately alone and to confront all the wrongs she had cause to get to where she is. I felt it more fitting that Mirra killed her. Marcus is the one who took the Bloodshrike’s family away from her so it is only fair that Helene got to kill him. While Keris is the one who tortured Cook and her family. Forced Mirra’s hand to kill her own family just so they won’t have to suffer under Keris anymore. So it felt right to me that Mirra finally got to have the last word. I also loved how Mirra was able to take away all of Keris’s pain until she was reduced to nothing but a girl again before she was tainted. Then ultimately passed on. I found this a incredibly satisfying end to her arc.
Lastly: Mirra. I LOVED that Mirra was able to come back. I LOVED that Sabaa wasn’t cruel enough to leave Laia alone. Since Helene had baby Zacharias. Elias has Quin. Laia would’ve had no one. And I loved that Elias and Helene teared up also happy to see that Laia still had one person left. I loved that cook admits to her faults and how broken she herself is. How vengeance took over her and led her astray. But there is no one she loves more in this world than Laia. That she will fight everything and anyone just to ensure Laia will have a place in this world. I also loved her sense of humor. Had me cackling when she demanded Mauth to come talk to her and when she casually calls Elias her son in law. I loved her teaming up with the Bloodshrike! I love the big reveal leading up to it. It was all just so perfect for me!
In conclusion: Do I have my criticisms? Yes. There are a few things I wish to change. I thought Keenan was mentioned too much in the beginning. I found their relationship especially in book 2 very unhealthy so to hear her mention it and him as something to miss made me quite uncomfortable. Though I suppose it’s also just the thought of missing an ally and a friend cause there was a time where she had no one but Keenan to rely on. I wish we could’ve had more Helene and Laia scenes! Seeing her smile in a long time because Elias and Laia had their happy ending did wonders to my soul! I wish we could’ve had more scenes of Elias, Laia, and Helene all working together. I wish we could’ve had more scenes of Elias and Laia fighting side by side. Especially since I’ve always wanted scenes of them fighting together. The ones we got in SKY were EVERYTHING! I just wish we could’ve had more of that instead of them walking in the forest and pages of him being cold to her. I wish Avitas and Elias could’ve bonded more. To see them two be so reserved and yet so happy to be able to meet was such a gift. And yet they only fully spoke in two scenes ): I wish Darin and Laia got to spend more time together. I wish Laia could’ve gotten more scenes with her scythe. Or that we could’ve gotten more scenes of Laia with her bow and arrows. However these are minor things and do not take away much from my overall feeling for this book. 
Which is I am in love with this book. It is my new favorite book of all time. Of any other book ever. I think it is the best book in the series and the fact that Sabaa is so proud of it and says it’s the best book she ever wrote. I can’t help but agree and give A Sky Beyond The Storms a sky full of stars. The ending is everything I’ve ever wanted and so much more. It makes saying goodbye hurt less knowing my faves are alive, happy, and have finally found a place to call home. I love that we end off on Elias and Laia getting engaged and walking off to get ready to start a new life together. I couldn’t of asked for a better ending. Sabaa really outdid herself and I hope she gets all the praise and all the awards for this divine book and her flawless story telling. Truly one of the best Kehannis out there ❤️
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hi-i-love-u-bitch · 4 years
Azula the good sister AU (AKA the Fire siblings have a healthy relationship AU)
I’ve just finished binge watching Avatar the Last Airbender and I already have an AU ready in my head. Please enjoy my ridiculous rambling!
Azula is still really tough and intense but she isn’t a fucking psychopath like in the series
She’s still a bending prodigy and “daddy’s favorite” but the latter isn’t something she wanted or strived for
She shows affection by teasing people, but she is also fiercely loyal and protective over the people she cares about. Like she’s nice but she’ll still cut a bitch if they hurt her friends and brother.
As most siblings do Azula and Zuko like to playfully argue and insult each other:
Zuko: *having just woken up*
Azula: wow you look like shit
Zuko: big talk coming from a midget with rat nest hair
Azula: at least I only look like this in the morning, you willingly keep that rat tail on top of your head. No wonder you have no friends!
Zuko: oh yeah what’s your excuse then?
They’re the type of siblings that in a modern-day setting would send each other a picture of a toaster saying “I found you a new bath bomb”
She absolutely adores her older brother and Zuko took his role as older sibling in stride even if Azula could practically take care of herself
They’re great training partners
Their favorite memory as children was feeding turtle ducks with their mother, they still do so even now after she’s gone
When she overheard her grandfather ordering her father to kill Zuko she left to tell her mother immediately afterwards she snuck into Zuko’s room to cuddle with him in bed claiming that she’d had a nightmare.
Their mother came in to kiss them goodbye goodnight before disappearing into the night. Zuko had been half asleep so he had no idea what was going on but Azula did and she knew what her mother was about to do. She didn’t know what the outcome would be but she knew that it would be the last time she’d ever see her mother.
Azula never told Zuko what happened only that it was all their father’s fault
It was then they began mutually hating on their father
Of course, they had no choice but to respect him as he was still the Fire Lord and could possibly kill them. But as soon as he was out of ear shot the siblings were like:
Azula: Why the fuck did he think growing out his beard was a good idea???
Zuko: He looks like a goat-pig
Uncle Iroh treats them both as his own children and helps them perfect their fire bending as well as teach them the art of tea brewing. Zuko still thinks it’s stupid but Azula becomes just as much of a tea fanatic as her uncle
Azula has had a giant crush on Ty Lee ever since they were children and everyone, but Ty Lee knows about it. On the flip side Ty Lee also has a giant crush on Azula ever since childhood and everyone but Azula knows about it.
Azula: That's a sharp outfit, Ty Lee. Careful. You could puncture the hull of an empire-class Fire Nation battleship, leaving thousands to drown at sea, because it's so sharp.
Ty Le: *confused but happy that her crush complemented her* Gee thanks Zula.
Azula: *later, screaming into her pillow* I’m such an idiot!
Zuko: *sitting beside her, sipping tea* Yeah, you really are.
The day Zuko was challenged to Agni Kai Azula told him that he was an idiot and that he better kick that loser general’s ass or it would be an embarrassment to both their training. It was her own way of telling him to be careful and that she was rooting for him.
When she found out that it was her father challenging Zuko to Agni Kai she had to be held back by Iroh to keep her from jumping into the arena to help her brother
Azula was determined to join her brother in his banishment but Zuko wouldn’t allow her, saying how it was his fault for speaking out of term and that his sister shouldn’t have to suffer from his mistakes.
They had a big fight after that because the siblings were nothing if not hotheaded and stubborn. Zuko didn’t want his sister to leave all she knew behind just because of him and Azula didn’t want to be stuck doing nothing while her brother suffers alone.
They parted there days later, regretful, angry, and sad. They didn’t necessarily apologies (let’s be honest what kind of siblings apologies to each other) but they did start writing letters to each other, which was their way of saying that they were cool now.
Zuko wrote to her about his journey to find the Avatar as well as Uncle Iroh’s ridiculous jokes and tea ramblings while Azula wrote to him about how things are back home as well as potential places where the Avatar could be located.
Both aren’t sure if the Avatar even exists anymore, but they keep hoping as it means that they will one day be reunited with each other.
The day Zuko found the Avatar he entrusted only his sister with the information as he knew that once word got out that the Avatar was still alive it would be an all-out man hunt.
Everything works out relatively the same as in the series except with Azula helping out her brother in the background. She’d secretly send her brother information about general Zhao’s whereabouts so as to avoid him as well as any resources he needed for his journey.
When Ozai ordered Azula to go retrieve her brother and uncle she was both delighted and terrified; she was happy to see her brother again, but she didn’t want to take him as her prisoner. So of course, she came up with a plan.
The first thing Azula said to her brother after two and a half years apart was: “Wow, you look like shit.”
He replied without missing a beat: “Big talk coming from a midget with rat nest hair.”
They hug for the longest time and in that moment, she quietly resights her plan to him: They had to pretend to escape from her and go into hiding. She’ll pretend to hunt him down and he’ll somehow manage to escape from her clutches every time. All the while they’ll work together in trying to capture the Avatar.
She enlists the help of Mai and Ty Lee telling them the minimal amount of information just in case things go south they can plead manipulation. Of course, Mai and Ty Lee are ready to go down with their captain/friend no matter what, but they don’t mind being out of the loop for the time being. They trust Azula and know that everything she does is to help her brother and uncle.
The events leading up to the battle of Ba Sing Se are pretty similar up until the part where Zuko makes a choice between helping the Avatar or his kingdom. He’s realized the pain and terror his ancestors have installed in the world; tearing away hope for a better future.
Just as Azula was about to strike Aang with a finishing blow Zuko stops her, telling her what they’ve been doing is wrong and if they want the world to prosper, they need to help the Avatar.
Azula was a bit annoyed seeing as she went through the trouble of sneaking into Ba Sing Se and taking over the earth kingdom from the inside out. But then again, her brother was right as she already knew of her father’s end game plan.
Azula: Zuzu, I love you, but couldn’t you have told me we were going to rebel against father sooner so I could have planned accordingly.
Just as there are loyalist to the Fire Lord there are also loyalist to the Princess as they see her as a more fit leader than the current ruler. And thus, that is how team Avatar was able to get a good portion of the fire nation army on their side.
Ba Sing Se has now been established as their main base with the entire city now having chosen the side of the Avatar.
At this point Azula still had Suki and the Kyoshi warriors held prisoner close by so she was able to bring them back without much fuss.
Azula: Er, sorry for imprisoning you and stuff. I just needed to save my stupid brother but we’re on your side now. Cool?
Suki: Only if I get to punch you in the face as hard as I can.
Azula: That seems fair.
Katara does NOT trust Azula and Zuko which is fine because Azula doesn’t trust her either but she knows they need to work together if they want to even have a slim chance of beating her father.
Katara: You might have everyone else here buying your ‘transformation,’ but you and I both know you’ve struggled with doing the right thing in the past. So, let me tell you something right now. You make one step backward, one slipup, give me one reason to think you might hurt Aang, and you won’t have to worry about your destiny anymore. Because I’ll make sure your destiny ends right then and there. Permanently!
Azula: Right back attcha bitch!
Toph and Azula get along swimmingly which both amuses and terrifies Zuko because one: he’s glad that his sister is finally making somewhat normal friends but two: those two together is just chaos incarnate
Ty Lee also really bonds with the Kyoshi warriors who teach her some of their fighting techniques in exchanged for her teaching them some chi blocking moves.
Suki and Mai start getting cozy with each other with Suki liking Mai’s skills and straightforward attitude and Mai admiring Suki’s confidence and bravery. It’s easy to talk with each other.
Sokka, at one point: Why the hell don’t we just send the girls out to defeat the Fire Nation? We’re all completely useless compared to them.
Also after a few month working together Zuko can now join his sister in her gay screaming
Azula: Did you seriously fall for that Water Tribe boy?
Zuko: You’re one to talk!
Azula: Hey! Ty Lee is an angel and we’re all lucky to have her!
Zuko: She once ate a whole bowl of fire flakes by herself and had to get her stomach pumped.
Azula: Look, what Fire Nation teen hasn’t done that at least once
Zuko: She did it THREE times!
Once the siblings and Co finally bond well enough with team Avatar tension lessens and their attitude go from: “uhg, I guess we have to work together or whatever” to “you are my friend now and I would die for you! I would literally commit murder if you asked me to, no questions asked”
Aang is baby and the Fire squad has now joined in the “Aang protection army” and in a similar fashion team Avatar have also learned that Ty Lee is baby and have now joined the “Ty Lee protection squad”. Even though Aang and Ty Lee are perfectly capable of taking care of themselves one cannot help but want to protect and care for the literal ray of sun shines.
Zuko and Sokka still have their epic rescue adventure to the boiling rock, with the extra help of their team. They sneak into the facility with disguises, Azula and her crew walk in like they own the place (news of her betrayal to the Fire Lord has yet to reach certain places), while the rest of team Avatar keep watch from afar just in case things start going south.
You know that scene where Zuko gets put in the freezer and when Sokka goes to let him out Zuko breathes out a breath of fire with a smirk? It was then and there that Sokka realized that his teeny tiny crush on Zuko might actually be a giant massive crush.
In this AU it is actually Azula that helps Katara track down the man that killed her mother because let’s face it, no matter what universe she’s in Azula will always be down to beat a bitch is ass.
This is the first time Azula has ever witness somebody blood bending and unlike most people that would usually freak out she was actually really impress and kind of turned on.
Azula: You know if I weren’t already madly in love with Ty Lee, I’d ask you to marry me in a heartbeat.
Katara: And I would accept that offer if only for the pleasure of rubbing it in your dad’s face
Azula: Why didn’t we become friends sooner?!?!
It is then the Little Sister alliance was formed in which they teamed up to poke fun at their bumbling brothers who keep awkwardly dancing around each other.
Their friendship can be summed up to: “I will kill you where you stand but also I respect you”
Okay, Imma just say this right now: Sokka is a fucking badass and even after getting taught how to fight by the Kyoshi warriors and the Fire sibling + Co. he reached a whole new level of badassery once he learned the ways of the sword by Master Piandao. Zuko’s little gay heart could only take so much and Sokka being all cool and collected while wielding a sword made the former Fire Prince short-circuit.
Zuko, in his tent, face down screaming into his pillow: Uhg, I can’t with this boy anymore!
Suki, rolling her eyes at her best friend’s melodramatics: Pull yourself together man.
Ty Lee, patting his head reassuringly: Don’t worry, you’ll get through this.
Azula, sipping tea beside him: This wouldn’t be happening if you just asked him out already.
Zuko: Don’t you fucking start with me hypocritical bitch!
Azula: *nervous gay drinking*
The day of the final battle Azula and Katara lead Hakoda’s army plus the Kyoshi Warriors to reclaim the fire nation capital while Aang, Zuko, Sokka, and Toph chased after the Fire Lord and his war ships.
The battle to take back the capital was brutal as there was still an entire army keeping guard with one of the Fire Lord’s generals acting as temporary leader. Unfortunately for them Azula still had a reputation of fear amongst the Fire Nation army and a lot of soldiers surrendered once they realized it was her leading the invasion and not the Avatar. Those that didn’t surrendered were defeated in battle because let’s be honest with a team this fierce there is no way in hell they couldn’t not win.
There’s also a scene where Azula is fighting off the general and a bunch of soldiers and it seems like she’s not gunna make it but she does, bloody and bruised but victorious. I imagen in that moment Ty Lee goes running up to Azula, jumps into her arms, and kisses her right then and there, while they’re still in the middle of battle. It’s super cool and romantic and it seemed to give Azula more energy than Sozin’s comet ever could as she seemed now ready to defeat god.
Azula: Y’all bitches be fucked now! I ain’t afraid to die but now that I gotta girlfriend I’m not going nowhere fuckers!
With Aang and his team it goes about the same as it did in the show; take down the ships, battle the Fire Lord, almost die, etc. That scene where Sokka thinks that Suki died on the aircraft is now replaced with Zuko almost dying then coming back to save their asses at the late minute. They too also kiss once they see that the other is unharmed while Toph rolls her eyes and gags at the sight.
Again, Aang does not kill the Fire Lord and instead takes away his fire bending powers before locking him in prison to rot. The fire siblings come by sometimes to annoy the shit out of him by flicking fire flakes at his head for target practice or psychologically torture him with excruciating detail of how they’ve been thoroughly fucked by their significate others in is bed and on his thrown.
Zuko: How’s it feel knowing that not only are both your kids gay but they’re also bottoms?
Ozai: *screams*
Azula: Ty Lee also fucked me atop your war room table :)
Ozai: *screams intensify*
In the end Zuko really doesn’t want to be Fire Lord so he happily passes that torch on to Azula who only agrees to take the job so long as Zuko becomes her second in command. Everyone is happy and with a lot of hard work throughout the years there is finally peace amongst the four nations.
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chibicalzones · 3 years
skz x karasuno
part 1 of kpop groups x haikyuu!!
[a/n Yes you may have seen this before, but this is our version >:) ] 
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Man this is a short group of volleyball players 
I cant even call them short when changbin is an inch taller than me- chloe 
bang chan - daichi
a dad™
both of them share a lot in common tbh
both are compassionate leaders 
they care a lot for their peers, hardworking, selfless
very soft and generally fun people to be around
also inviting and social people as well
as much as they are fun, they also know when it's time to be serious
whether you know them or not, you will always highly respect them regardless
also, i feel like bang chan would be really good as a receiver
strong, trust, responsible receiver who’s got your back 
always count on the two of them to be there for you
bonus: their muscles-
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changbin - tanaka 
wants to fite everybody, will fite everybody 
the fricken difference in personalities for this boy, good lord
don't ever underestimate changbin’s height 
comes off very scary once you first meet them
once fired up, the both of them are energetic and unstoppable
boys that never give up and always support you wherever
changbin would be a good wing spiker in all honesty
you see those muscles -  perfect for spiking the ball
packed with power and an urge to win
freaking blows everyone away
a literal monster on the stage/court
but once they’re off that? 
big softies
literally if you see changbin in private, you would think he’s the youngest because of how soft and uwu he is 
tanaka and changbin are both mentally strong
he shuts up all the people who doubt him and talk shit about him in an instant
cause when he’s up on the stage, he blows them away B) 
they may look like just your average guy, but you can bet that they gives it their all and be someone you can count on
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minho - tsukishima
pls minho as tsukki; name a better match-
both are fricken savages 
don't mess with either of them unless you don't want to live another day
vvvv intimidating when you first see them
seems like they don’t care most of the time with their stoic rbf faces
but in reality, both really do love what they do (and their friends) and try their best 
tsunderes ngl
both vital and essential parts of their groups
one of the most level-headed people of the group
yet probably one of the most easiest people to annoy lmao
you’d think for someone who always has something teasing to say, they’d be hard to fluster 
not for these boys 
mostly the fluster comes from the surprise of their roast being roasted  
bonus: both attract cats to them (minho attracts soonie, doonie, dori,, while tsukki attracts kuroo) 
meow meow
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hyunjin - oikawa 
yeah he isn't karasuno shush 
there’s only 1 drama queen in haikyuu 
and that title goes to seijoh’s captain and all around milk bread enthusiast, shittykawa
absolute visuals like goddamn-
also extremely popular with the people (have you SEEN how popular they are)
you don't stan them? that's okay because we all know you will eventually
there’s a point in all of our lives we go “shit i LOVE THEM” 
tried and true - take it from a former oikawa anti
like their looks may deceive you to think that they’re a delicate flower 
but goddamn, do they prove you wrong 
these two have worked themselves hard to get where they are now, despite people telling that they have it easy because of their looks and talent 
aces of their teams
okay and i see them playfully annoying their friends
*flashback to when hyunjin spilled coffee on his clothes* nOoOOooO
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jisung - nishinoya
they’re both crazy crazy sexy cool 
hinata may be hyper, but these two will literally want to make you cry from
both very lively and energetic and just so fricken friendly
draws a lot of people/attention towards them cause of their personality uwu
a lot of people overlook them because on the outside, they just see a goofy airhead and not someone who should be taken seriously 
they wow everyone with their talent because they’re just that amazing 
guardians of their teams, no joke
always got your back no matter what
also both hate school-
all in all, best bois  
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felix - hinata (aka thE SUN)
both are literal suns, fight me on this i DARE YOU
literally such hard-working people
both working from the bottom and striving to improve
no matter what, they stay positive active balls of energy 
a smile from both of them can instantly brighten up your day
how could you hate them?
angels in disguise i say
easily befriends people and a lot of people are amazed by them
ex: when idols hear felix’s voice and dance & when people see hinata perform on court
“cookin like a chef, im a five star michelin” (that day was a day to go down in the books-)
if skz had their own anime, no doubt felix would be the main character
felix is just main character material, just like hinata
bonus: when felix had orange hair- spot the difference, i bet you can’t
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seungmin - sugawara 
look, they may look like an angel, but they are a literal devil in disguise 
they’re both very caring and friendly, just very kindhearted 
very affectionate to the people they love
pls and they are so adorable when happy 
a reliable and trustworthy friend who you can always go to
but under that nice/kind boy next door, there’s a cheeky mischievous side
literally will roast you with a smile on their face and anime flowers blooming behind him
you can’t get mad at them when they’re like that ;-; 
would pay for them to do that to me no joke-
everybody gangsta till seungmin and sugawara find out you hurt a friend 
pls i can assure you that you won’t even be able to looks their friends in the eye anymore 
you will be teased/roasted brutally out of existence  
bottom line: fluffy adorable boys but don’t ever mess with them or make them angry unless crying is your new favorite pastime  
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jeongin - yamaguchi
babies of the group
young and taller than most in the group
always improving and learning from their elders
overlooked and underdogs unfortunately
but once they improve and get their well deserved spotlight
“oh honey you got a big storm coming-”
doted on and supported by their older members/teammates so much
even though they stumble and make mistakes, they pick themselves back up to try try try again 
again duality problems smh 
goes from cutie patootie to fricken badass in the span of 2 minutes
if one of their friends even THINKS of speaking bad about themselves 
these two will smack that friend full on with praise, love, and compliments 
pls treasure these boys and give them all your love
you won’t regret it
jeongin/yamaguchi supremacy im calling it- 
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padme-amitabha · 4 years
Is Anakin a Mary Sue?
Now it may shock you to learn this but it turns out that Disney Star Wars is kind of a contentious topic. The fandom's been more or less divided between those who like the sequel trilogy and those who like good movies but both groups spend a great deal of time slinging [ __ ] at each other over every form of social media known to man and truly no battleground is more fiercely contested than the protagonist of each trilogy. People who hate the Disney trilogy tend to criticize Rey for being an overpowered, flawless, perfect, invincible and unrelatable character for whom everything just kind of happens with no real struggle or difficulty a Mary Sue if you will.
Meanwhile supporters of the sequel trilogy are quick to leap to her defense usually with one of two potential counter arguments:  1. You just hate strong women 2. So what if she's op as [ __ ] Anakin Skywalker from the prequels was a Mary Sue too and you don't criticize him. You just hate strong women. This argument was brought into sharp focus for me the other day when I was perusing twitter in search of calm, logical, rational discussion about the merits of the sequel trilogy and I chanced upon this little gem of a comment. Ah yes that famously perfect protagonist who wins everything, always makes the right decisions, has a selfless and compassionate personality, and is universally loved and respected by everyone. Well random twitter [ __ ] as it turns out, I am ready to have that conversation right now. So saddle up y'all because the drinker's here to round up this [ __ ] and put an end to this argument once and for all. Let us journey deep into the world of the Star Wars prequels and see if we can figure out whether Anakin Skywalker really is a Mary Sue.
Now in order to do this, we have to nail down what exactly a Mary Sue is. Well according to the dictionary definition it's a term used to describe a fictional character, usually female, who is seen as too perfect and almost boring for lack of flaws originally written as an idealized version of an author in fanfiction. Now the finer points of what makes a Mary Sue can vary depending on who you talk to but after consulting multiple sources and drawing upon my own experiences as a writer, there's a few common traits that I think most people would generally agree on:
1.      Mary Sues usually possess skills and abilities that are not consistent with their situation and personal history. They can do stuff they shouldn't realistically be able to and they can do it better than anyone else.
2.      They usually possess flawless idealized personalities that no real person could measure up to they never give in to negative emotions like anger, greed, jealousy, selfishness or arrogance.
3.      They're universally loved respected and embraced by every good character they encounter even when there's no logical reason for this to happen.
4.      They never get seriously challenged, fail at anything or get beaten by anyone, success and victory come easily to them.
5.      They always make good decisions and strive to do what's right in any situation so why is this actually a problem.
Well I think the answer should be obvious, Mary Sues are boring as [ __ ]. If a character has got no flaws or weaknesses and never really gets challenged or tested by anything then what is there to get invested in?
It's the flaws and failings of a character that make them interesting in the first place and their struggle to rise above and overcome these flaws that make them so compelling. If these things are missing from a character, then there's nothing for the audience to latch onto or care about. There's nothing to like or root for. That's the essence of a Mary Sue and that's what we're going to be looking at here. So, with that in mind let's see how Anakin stacks up against this list shall we?
Point number one: Being overpowered and having abilities that he shouldn't. Now this more than anything else is what people tend to latch onto when they criticize Anakin and who can blame them really? On the surface it seems pretty ridiculous to see a nine-year-old boy doing stuff like this autopilot but let's put it into a wider context, shall we? When we first meet Anakin in The Phantom Menace, he's a slave living with his mother on Tatooine. He's spent most of his life salvaging junk and using it to make new stuff that can marginally improve their quality of life. As a result, he's become pretty good with technology. Well that makes sense, I guess. He's even applied these technical skills to pod racing where he's been fairly successful despite suffering at least one major crash that we know about. Again, this kind of makes sense when you consider he's strong with the force which would likely give him heightened perception reactions and understanding of the world around him, you know qualities that are important to high performance racing drivers. Anyway, his racing abilities allow the main characters to win an engine part that they need to repair their ship as well as enough money to buy his freedom. Sensing his importance Qui-Gon Jinn takes him under his wing and begins to teach him about the force. Remember when older mentor characters were allowed to teach the protagonist things? I miss that. He also takes part in a space battle that destroys an enemy mothership at the climax of the movie. Now as goofy as this scene is in its execution, it's not actually inconsistent with Anakin’s abilities and experiences. If you've worked around technology vehicles and ships your entire life and you can pilot a racing pod to a high standard then it stands to reason that you could probably operate other types of spacecraft as well, particularly if you have a droid on board to manage most of the ship's systems for you. However, for the sake of argument let's concede the Anakin in The Phantom Menace is indeed more skilled competent and capable than your average person.
So, what kind of effect would this have on a young man from an impoverished background suddenly thrust into a much larger world of power, politics and opportunity? Well that brings me neatly along to point number two: Mary Sues are supposed to have flawless personalities never giving in to anger, jealousy, resentment, vengeance or ambition. All throughout the second and third movies in the prequel trilogy, Anakin displays an increasingly severe set of personality flaws that begin to undermine his position in the world and his relationship with other characters. He's impetuous and hot-headed, frequently rushing into dangerous situations without waiting for backup or considering the risk to himself particularly when someone he cares about is in danger. Keep that one in mind because it'll be important later. He's ambitious but also impatient, feeling like he's been unfairly held back by other characters, particularly Obi-Wan Kenobi, and this resentment causes a growing rift between the two men that eventually spills out into open conflicts. Rather than taking the longer and harder path to wisdom and understanding, Anakin wants everything right away. He also cares deeply about people close to him and this attachment often manifests in explosive bites of anger and jealousy when he feels that they're being threatened like when his mother gets kidnapped and killed by Tusken Raiders, causing Anakin to go on a violent rampage that escalates into wholesale slaughter. Afterwards even he's shocked by what he did or when he believes that Padme has turned against him by Obi-Wan Kenobi, causing him to lash out violently against both of them. By this point he's been totally consumed by uncontrolled jealousy anger resentment and betrayal. All of the emotions that lead to the dark side of the force. The point here is clear: if you [ __ ] with someone he cares about then mercy and compassion go right out the window.
All of his skills, abilities and potential which seemed so overpowered and unnecessary in the first movie in fact serve a very important purpose for his character development. They've generated a sense of superiority, arrogance and overconfidence, and a reluctance to listen to criticism or advice no matter how well intentioned they might be. These are dangerous flaws in his personality all by themselves but combined with his overwhelming emotional attachment to people he cares about it creates a potent cocktail of reckless ambition and deep-seated insecurity that makes him uniquely vulnerable to manipulation something which will later prove disastrous because while Mary Sues are universally loved respected and trusted by everyone, Anakin certainly isn't in the first movie. Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mace Windu and Yoda are all against training Anakin to become a Jedi despite his obvious potential because they know he's already too old to be inducted. This lack of early discipline in his life would leave a dangerous gap in his personality, making him unpredictable and less able to control his emotions, two factors which are extremely dangerous for Jedi. These misgivings would carry over to the next two movies where Anakin is elevated to the Jedi high council on Palpatine’s orders but the council itself refuses to grant him the rank of master because they feel he hasn't earned it yet. Now a different man would see this as an opportunity to prove himself by working hard and earning their trust eventually winning them over and gaining the recognition he deserves but Anakin takes this as a personal insult from the council which drives a deeper wedge between him and a Jedi order which he believes will never truly respect or accept him. Wow it's almost like Palpatine knew this was going to happen and engineered the whole thing to pull Anakin closer to him portraying himself as the only one who can help Anakin realize his full potential. It's a surprisingly smart piece of characterization that's completely consistent with everything we know about both men. The higher Anakin rises the more it stokes the fire of his ambition and superiority and the more he comes to see anyone who doubts or cautions him as a threat to his success. This arrogance and overconfidence also causes him to test himself against powerful opponents before he's actually ready for them and unlike Mary sues who easily win every battle they have to fight, Anakin’s recklessness causes an escalating series of losses like here where he tries to take on count Dooku all by himself and it ends with Anakin getting his [ __ ] arm sliced off. But his desire for revenge against the man who defeated him ultimately causes a more powerful and better prepared Anakin to execute him in the following movie, again proving his willingness to give into vengeance and anger even against helpless opponents or here in his climactic confrontation with Obi-Wan where his enemy has the advantage but Anakin presses the attack anyway and well I think we know how that turns out. Just as a side note I love how this carries over to Return of the Jedi. See Luke’s taking the high ground here just like Obi-Wan did.
What we have here is a clear pattern of behavior from a man whose ambitions consistently outstrip his abilities. Rather than demonstrating patience and restraint and taking the slower and harder path to lasting wisdom and fulfillment, Anakin’s inherent character flaws cause him to push himself beyond breaking point with increasingly disastrous consequences which brings me neatly along to the final points: whereas Mary Sues consistently make good righteous decisions and always strive to do the correct thing, Anakin on the other hand demonstrates a consistent pattern of mistakes and misjudgments that ultimately cost him everything. As I've already shown you the flaws in his personality are exacerbated by his powers and abilities making him easy prey for a ruthlessly ambitious man that knows exactly how to flatter his ambitions and prey on his weaknesses this eventually causes him to commit terrible crimes like murdering an entire tribe including unarmed civilians murdering children, executing a helpless opponent, helping to kill a jedi master, trying to murder his own wife, trying to kill his mentor and best friend, joining forces with an evil dictator to overthrow the republic, delivering this scene…
What I’m trying to say with all this is that Anakin Skywalker is the very furthest thing from a Mary Sue that you can get. Trying to label him as a Mary Sue for no other reason than because he's good at lots of stuff demonstrates a complete misunderstanding of what a Mary Sue is and also of who Anakin is. The reality is that he's a powerful but deeply flawed man whose unique combination of circumstances and abilities have created a dangerous personality that's vulnerable to manipulation and corruption his greatest strengths ultimately proved to be his most terrible weaknesses with consequences that echo across the entire galaxy. Now I have my own thoughts on the prequel trilogy as a whole and I’d be lying if I said they were great movies but fundamentally I think the story they tell is actually pretty [ __ ] good and I’m just gonna say it: Anakin’s rise to power and fall to the dark side is a damn good piece of character work that Disney would have done well to pay more attention to. Anyway, that's all I’ve got for today. Go away now.
I would argue the prequels are great movies but he makes some very good points. I have seen so many Disney fans claim Anakin is a Mary Sue, when he’s anything but a Mary Sue. 
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I don’t know about you, but this felt like a long month. I just looked back on my August post and that felt like another life. Putting together this list I couldn’t believe how much I was able to watch with the start of the semester. There was a lot of great ones, so let’s get to it!
Our usual spoiler warning....
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The Umbrella Academy
Umbrella Academy was a show that I started at the end of August. Many people I know were shocked I had never watched it and honestly I don’t know what took me so long. It was great and made even better by the second season getting released this summer. Now I had even more episodes to watch. 
I love how chaotic the Hargreeves are. The things that happen to them would only happen to them (if you know what I mean). I also love how they always put family first. Despite everything that’s happened to them. They might all be a mess (and honestly who isn’t), but deep down they love each other. For the first season I thought it was great how they formatted the plot. These characters were new to us and they didn’t give us all the backstory. (When you think about it we still don’t know how Ben died.) It made me continue tuning in and figure it all out. I always sensed Vanya had powers and I know it’s shocking that I wasn’t spoiled coming into the show so late. I liked the irony of the family essentially creating the apocalypse themselves by locking Vanya up.  Leonard aka Harold always felt shifty to me. I also liked the way they set up his story. Five and Klaus are definitely my favorites of the siblings. I love how Five is such an old man in a young kid’s body. The way they show his teleportation is really cool. The early scene in Run boy run, episode 2, is definitely one of my favorites from the whole show. The images paired with the song are chilling. Really nice job there. I love how Klaus’ power has been explored. We see more of it in season 2 and it’s something I wasn’t expecting. I love his and Ben’s relationship and I easily fell into the Klaus/Dave ship. We only got a slice of their backstory and I was already too invested. Season 2 took me a little bit to get into with the new setting, but after about two episodes I did. I really liked the plot and found it funny that there was yet another apocalypse. With that cliffhanger, I can’t wait to see where season three is headed.
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Derry Girls Re-watch 
2020 felt like a good time to re-visit my girls in Derry. I wanted something familiar and funny and this was perfect. I just love this show. It makes me so happy after watching it. I’m so thrilled that we’ll eventually get a third season (even if it will be the last). This watch through I am noticing how many songs are in each episode. (Might help I’ve been watching it with subtitles.) There are so many bops. Sister Michael is always my spirit animal. She is hilarious! I also feel Gerry gets funnier as the season goes on. When he’s making the sandwiches at the funeral I crack up EVERY.TIME. I also love the seriousness of the show too. There are SO MANY great parallels. In the season one finale when the historical bomb goes off and the girls are shown at school unaware and just dancing with Orla it is so pure. Then we see Da put his hand on Gerry’s shoulder. Wow. It shows how the generations were affected. I will suggest this show to everyone no matter what they like to watch. IT IS THAT GOOD! So, why aren’t you watching it? (Or Re-watching?)  
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Violetta Season 3
We can all rejoice! The third and finale season of Disney’s Violetta was released onto Disney Plus mid month. As someone who recently finished the second season, it was no surprise that I was ecstatic and wanted to watch it ASAP. This season is hands down the fastest one I have gotten invested into. Usually it takes me a bit to get into the new plot and characters. Because I’ve gotten so attached, I’m worried that means it will go downhill. I’ve heard mixed things about season 3. But let’s focus on the positives! There is so much music so far (both old and new songs). I am loving a lot of the new songs: En Gira and Armor En El Aire. I like how they started on tour and how they included actual footage from the real tour. Now they are in their last year in the studio (so I guess Seniors?). Lots of changes are already occurring including people leaving the Studio. Some are headed to Gregorio’s Art Rebel. I have to say that Gregorio has grown on me so much and now he is one of my favorite characters. I love his relationship with Diego and every time they call each other Papa and son. OMG it’s fantastic! So great to see them happy. This season we have a new teacher, Milton and I honestly can’t figure out what his deal is. Why is he so mean? I’m in episode 18 now and I am happy Leon and Vilu are still going strong. Obviously, they’re going to have issues (and they’ve already had minor ones), but it’s good to still see them in love. (It is adorable how they call each other Amor.) I also like that their “love triangles” seem to be misunderstandings right now. I’m in the VERY early stages of Fran and Diego and honestly I am so in love with them already. I’m going to fall hard for this ship. I know it. I am so tempted to continue watching spoilers, but I feel they’re not true spoilers if I can only find them in Spanish with no subtitles. ;) 
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Sunshine on Leith
My journey through watching George Mackay films continued with Sunshine on Leith. This was a great choice and I highly recommend. The main difficulty is how to access it. I couldn’t find it fully anywhere online or through a streaming service, so I wound up purchasing it through Amazon and getting it as a UK DVD. This means you need a Multi-region DVD player to watch it. (I know. It’s weird that not all DVDs are the same.) Of course, I have one of these. I am a TV/Movie junky and love a lot of British programs that are unavailable to purchase in the US. I got it a few years ago also on Amazon and it was pretty cheap. I haven’t had any issues with it, so I highly recommend. 
The movie musical includes songs from the Proclaimers and takes place in Edinburgh. As someone who got to visit Edinburgh it was so cool to see the characters in places I’ve actually been. Before watching the film, the only Proclaimers song I knew was (of course) 500 miles. While watching I realized I actually new more and those I didn’t know I really liked. So, now I have a new playlist on my phone. Some are the original songs and others are from the movie (because I prefer their voices on some). What was cool to see was how not all the actors had the strongest voices, but could sing really well. I’m not sure if this was a purposeful choice or not. (I’d have to look more into it.) At times the plot felt a little rushed. Overall it was a fairly short musical, so that was probably why. Characters seemed to know each other really well really fast. So, if a lot of time would have passed I didn’t notice it. I can’t wait to re-watch the film. George Mackay in the cast brought me to watch it, but I stayed for a great story. (And of course I fell more in love with my crush on Mackay...No shock there :) 
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I Am Not Okay With This
Netflix’s I Am Not Okay With This had been in my queue since the beginning of this year, but I didn’t get the chance to watch it till now....when I heard it got cancelled. [Netflix hit us with this news about a month back when they released that shows that were originally picked up were now getting dropped for a second season. I Am Not Okay With This and The Society were on the chopping block.] To make the comment everyone else already has, I am Not Okay With This. 
Despite knowing the show got cancelled, I still wanted to watch it. As I was watching Derry Girls, I wanted another show that was contemporary. I was very surprised to see how few episodes there were as well as how short they each were. It was a very quick watch because of this. While I expected this show to be contemporary with a touch of the supernatural, as Syd has powers, I was not expecting it to be so much more! This show blends so many genres and it does it so well. I honestly don’t know if I’ve seen it done before...at all. Which makes it hard to compare to some others. It feels like an Indy/Contemporary Coming of Age with both supernatural and thriller vibes. It even touches into horror-ish towards the end of the season. If only there was another season to see where it would go. And that ENDING! Is it bad I laughed? I think I did because I was not expecting it to go down like that AT ALL. Syd was a very dynamic main character and I really like how they had her explore who she truly is. Her and Stan’s friendship is one that I strive for. (Speaking of, where can I get a Stanley Barber? I need one in my life.)If you’re willing to be upset that the show got cancelled and there is no second season in the works, then I definitely suggest you just out I Am Not Okay With This. 
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Enola Holmes
Man, I feel like I’m giving a lot of support to Netflix this month, but there was a lot coming out/ a lot in my queue so it makes sense. Overall, I would give Enola a 7/10. I had a lot of hype for this one (as it was one of my highly anticipated watches for September), which I think hurt my overall reaction. This doesn’t mean it wasn’t entertaining and enjoyable. I loved the female empowerment message as it was very strong. Millie Bobby Brown was fantastic and so charismatic as Enola. I loved the feature of her talking to us as well as giving some really great facial expressions. I am a sucker for a retelling (of any kind, but especially Sherlock Holmes), so I loved the concept and how they included a younger sister to the Holmes family. I know there has been some conversation about how Sherlock was portrayed and that’s not really Sherlock, but I had no problem with this (and I’m not just saying that because he was played by the dashing Henry Cavill). Honestly, Mycroft’s character bothered me more. I get that there had to be a “villainous” character (well other than the one in the mystery), but he felt a little too over the top. The movie felt a little too long at times and I still don’t like the reason for why her mother left and the conclusion to that plot. It did set it up as if there could be a sequel and I would definitely watch it. 
I would also like to add that I cannot get enough of the cast. Thanks to the YouTube interviews Netflix keeps uploading, I am falling more and more in love with this trio. They just seem like so much fun and I would love to be a part of this cast. They feel like siblings! 
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Another one in my watch-list for September can be checked off! Harriet has been a film that I have been wanting to watch since it came to theaters last year, but I felt like it came and went pretty fast. Luckily HBO just released it in the past month or so, which made me to tape it. I am so happy I did. 
WOW! Why didn’t I know about these facts about Harriet Tubman sooner? Why aren’t we taught these parts of history in school? I already knew she was amazing, and this just put her over the top. She did SO MUCH! It’s super impressive that she was a part of the Civil War and fought. Not only was this something difficult to do as a Black person, but also as a woman. I didn’t know about her visions, so that was something I Googled right when the film was finished. She never lost a freed slave in their journey to freedom. The list goes on and on how amazing Harriet Tubman was. This film showcases that so well and Cynthia Erivo is amazing as Harriet. (I have to start finding synonyms for ‘amazing’.) Her voice...WOW! Before watching the film, I have loved listening to “Stand Up,” but now afterwards it takes on a whole new meaning. Especially when you understand the direct quote from Harriet Tubman: “I go to prepare a place for you.” CHILLS! This film was nominated for multiple Academy Awards and it should have gotten one. WATCH HARRIET!
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The Crimson Field
I’ve noticed that most of the programs I watch through Amazon Prime Video are mainly period dramas. So it was no shock that I would tune into The Crimson Field, a 7 episode series following the nurses and surgeons in France during WWI. As someone who is often more drawn to WWII, I am finding myself interested to watch more things involving the first World War (ie: 1917 and Tolkien). And this show was just what I needed. The pressure was on to watch it though, as it was only available through Prime Video till September 30th. Luckily with only 7 episodes this was an easy feat to accomplish, plus the first couple I marathoned because it was so good. As with any show it took a little bit to understand the setting and the cast, but I feel like I got to know them rather quickly, which made me invested to know what would happen next. I did find it strange that Prime Video only had access to the show for a month as it originally aired on BBC one and then PBS in 2015. The streaming service has programs older than that readily available to watch any time. 
The beginning of the series was definitely stronger in my opinion. I like how they gave breadcrumbs into people’s backstories, such as the main character Kitty. There was a lot of mystery there when we first learned she had a kid and then of her scandalous marriage. There are still a few things that I don’t 100% understand, but that might be because they thought they were getting a season 2 (but they did not). And with the way they ended the show it definitely had the feel. I enjoyed Kitty and Tom’s romance, but more at the beginning than at the end. With Tom’s character, I feel like they set him up as the super nice guy while Miles was the player, but then as the show progressed they decided Tom should have more Mr. Darcy traits and I just thought that was out of his character. Either way, I did still like him (and Miles) and could listen to Richard Rankin’s Scottish accent ALL DAY! It wasn’t until I looked up his IMDB that I made the connection that he is on Outlander now. Can you see the resemblance to him now? 
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   Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Candace Against the Universe
And don’t we all just feel against the universe sometimes?
I know my range for this month is all over the place, so is it that shocking that I would add a cartoon to the mix. Definitely not...especially because it’s Phineas and Ferb. One of my favorite Disney Channel shows. Watching this film feels like FOREVER ago because it was so early in the month. I’ve only watched it the one time (because I don’t think it needs a second watch...I guess that tells you something), so let’s see how much I remember...
It’s been a while since we’ve had a new installment of Phineas and Ferb grace our screens and it was great to see the citizens of Danville once again. In a way, it felt like no time had passed. (And for them I guess it hadn’t because it always seems like the same summer.) It just felt like the moment for Phineas and Ferb. While I was really happy to see our beloved characters again, the plot of this film felt familiar. Very Queen of Mars. Now thinking back, it’s hard for me to relay what happens and I think that’s a good way to describe this movie. It was very familiar, and I wish they would have done more with it. I can’t even remember any of the songs (and that’s often my favorite part). Of course, it had all the classics antics and jokes. I love how Perry was helping out the kids and had to be very secretive about it. I always love a good Candace and Venessa team up. Dr. Doof was hilarious as usual and his pairing with the kids (specifically Isabella) was a great time. My favorite part was when they got meta and did the reverse engineering of their animation and then we saw the creators in front of the story boards. That was really cool and unexpected. Overall, it felt like Phineas and Ferb and made life in quarantine a little bit easier. 
Well! That’s a wrap. These were some of my favorite picks to talk about (even if it took me longer than usual). I hope you watched some great stuff last month and continue to find new picks for October! 
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isozyme · 4 years
just listened to "something to do w my hands" and WOW YEAH the savior complex & the need to support someone but a lil bit in a selfish way bc then that makes himself a good person... also YES idk why i haven't seen this yet but he's actually extremely smug & judgemental if you watch the corner of his mouth in cql it's VERY funny. would love your thoughts on why you think he doesn't ever put himself together again/come out of seclusion? have seen args either way & i think it comes down to jgy!
yessss you understand lxc!!!! the way his relationship with jgy is about lxc’s hunger to be needed, to be special, to be the only one who can see who jgy really is, to be better and kinder and more fair than everyone else, oof, it’s so good. i am hype to share my opinions on why lxc is irreparably broken at the end of the series.
to start, importantly: i basically take lxc/jgy as canon. i don’t think the plot makes sense without it. they are fucking, they love each other, they’ve both fucked around with nmj and that shit is fraught. you can’t convince me otherwise and all of my meta assumes this is fact.
i think lxc knew that jgy's hands were dirty, and almost certainly suspected that jgs’s death was jgy’s doing. i don’t think he knew about nmj, or how gross jgs’s death was, the incest stuff, etc. i think he saw enough to know that jgy probably killed his dad, went “you know what, that’s fair, i can forgive him for that” and decided that if he didn’t dig any deeper he wouldn’t have to know for certain and he wouldn’t be forced to do anything about it. lxc averting his eyes so he didn’t have to confront jgy doing a couple murders led to some...uh...bad stuff happening.
so that’s guilt #1.
then there’s guilt #2: he killed jgy. he got tricked into being a weapon and he put a sword through jgy’s chest.
guilt #3: he still loved jgy, even though jgy was an objectively vile person. he grieves jgy and he feels guilty for grieving and it fucks him up!
when it comes to lxc and guilt, you gotta take into account that this man has been told his entire life that he’s the most talented person in the five clans. he’s the first jade. he’s peerless. lxc strives for perfection and is pretty sure he’s basically nailed it, which means he believes fundamentally that if a thing is possible, he is capable of doing it. are we seeing where this is going? yeah. lxc thinks he could have stopped all of this. if he’d looked closer. if he’d been less selfish. it’s all on him. it’s his fault.
building on the “lxc has put his own damn self on a pedestal,” issue, now that he’s fucked up so spectacularly, all that certainty that he’s a perfect person is torn to shreds. he can no longer trust himself to make any good decisions. a huge part of his self-concept was a lie all along. he was not good. he was not fair. who the fuck is lan xichen if he’s not the cultivation world’s shining beacon?
in guanyin temple he shuts his eyes, drops his hand, and decides he doesn’t care how he dies, because he’s fucked up so bad. all the fight goes out of him. i don’t think he’s ever going to heal entirely from that moment.
oh also he’s really really angry and is absolutely not going to acknowledge that or deal with it, because lxc doesn’t do angry. (that’s the cost of having perfect control of your temper.) he’s furious that this happened to him and he was massively betrayed and that nhs used him and that his brother chose right when he chose wrong. so that’s fucking him up on top of the guilt and the grief.
basically that’s why i think lxc is permanently damaged by the end of cql. he’s never ever going to go back to being the first jade, zewu-jun, lan-zongzhu. that identity has been thoroughly destroyed. with time he might recover enough to be a functional member of the clan, but he’s always going to be fragile.
as for the seclusion question! i’d totally believe it if lxc walked into seclusion and never came out. that seems in character to me. with the right coaxing, he might come out again. absolutely not before at least 5 years have passed. likely longer. when he goes into seclusion i certainly don’t think he’s planning to ever return. 
it really hinges on lz, who’s the only one with a chance of drawing lxc back out into the world. lz is stubborn enough to do it! eventually, even lxc would be worn down by “my beloved little brother, who i basically raised from a child, kneels outside my door for eight hours on the first day of every month, the same way he did outside our mother’s house after she died, and i can’t stop remembering scooping up his cold little body out of the snow where he’d fallen asleep waiting, again, for someone who’s never going to emerge, watching him kneeling bravely during lessons the next day even though his knees were so, so bruised, and i’m repeating every single mistake our parents made only worse because i know exactly how much it’s hurting lz because i’ve watched it before.” 
i personally headcanon that a decade or so after guanyin temple, lxc shows up unexpectedly at lz’s shoulder at a cultivation conference. he’s got the exact same smile and makes the same polite conversation, because those things weren’t ever particularly connected to his actual emotions. but he’s thinner, and he holds himself like a porcelain statue, one missed step away from shattering. if he thinks nobody is looking at him, the smile stays on but his face doesn’t move, like there’s just nothing there underneath the polite expression because he’s not putting any effort into animating it. it’s unsettling as fuck!! he’s useful, efficient, great at killing evil things, he eats, he drinks tea, but you can tell his tether to the physical world is tenuous at best.
after guanyin temple, lxc never weighs in on a single important political decision ever again.
ONE THOUSAND WORDS LATER, that’s why i think lxc’s not gonna just bounce back from this one!
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pinkiepiebones · 4 years
If my memory serves me well, then I’m pretty sure we see Papa II applying his own makeup. But do you think the papas ever get someone else to do it? And wow how cool/amazing would it be to be the person to do that. Being that close to their unholyness for at least a long long chunk of minutes. Being trusted with such an important task! That would feel so intimate 😩🥴🥰😍👌👌👌
We do indeed see Papa II applying his own makeup, towards the start of the first Papaganda video iirc. As far as Papa II goes, I’m sure he fired any makeup artists the clergy appointed (whether the firing was metaphorical or literal is up to you). He was a very intimidating figure to begin with, but to be there, in his face, his eyes either boring holes into yours, or fixated on any cleavage the clergy member might have, and he never talks to you. There is no direction, little acknowledgement of your presence. Just breathing. Sometimes smoking, or taking a phonecall, doing things in his routine that can and will mess up your work, because he cares very little about the trembling clergy person trying to paint teeth on his lips. Papa II was a very bitter man about 98% of the time. In his mind, HE was the one who needed to do everything because only HE knew how to do it correctly.
Papa I sought no assistance. He tried to emulate the makeup of his father, but found the 60s/70s style just wasn’t “him.” He did seek advice, though, mostly in the practical sense, asking a few of the higher-ups about brands of face paint. He didn’t want to be spreading the glory of Satan with a poor, greasy paint job.
Papa III... Oh, Papa III. He might have been what you’re looking for. He went to every clergy member, from worshipper to cardinal, asking advice and making shopping lists of makeups to try. “Brother, what sort of eyeliner doesn’t smear during a hot, sweaty orgy?” “Sister, what brand of lipstick is that?” “My love, can I inquire about your foundation?” So on. Papa III was no math whiz but he made grids, noting how different brands looked together, what lasted longer, what would wipe off too easily, etc. and he would never admit it but he had to seek out makeup to smooth out his wrinkles. We forget, all the Papas were old men, Papa III included. He also employed the clergy artist, Archbishop Necro-I forget the rest of his name right now- to design for him a “modern” papal skull design. And he would allow any sister or brother or lovely who was not bound to the earthly binary to volunteer to assist his makeup application. And the volunteers would always strive for perfection, because Papa III wore the sin of pride very well. 
Copia pretty much exclusively has Special Ghoul apply his makeup because they are lovesick bastards and you can pry that headcanon from my clammy dead hands.
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flowerspecial · 4 years
How You React To Him Crying Because Of Stress
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Oh wow you definitely would not expect to see this guy crying, especially in his studio. He seems to have everything together at all times, and he has never shown any signs of cracking before. But he's only human, so when you see him cry you wouldn't want to draw a lot of attention toward him. I think when JB notices that you can see him, he would probably be the type to try and hide his face away. He wouldn't want you to think that you can't depend on him. You would remind him that everyone has their bad days, and no one is expecting him to be perfect all the time.
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Your heart strings would practically break seeing this boy in such distress. Seeing Mark cry would make you want to take all the bad things out of the world forever. He’s such a sweet boy, he doesn't deserve anything hurtful coming his way. At first you would just give him a tight hug, gently stroking his hair. You'd remind him of everything that you love about him. He needs to know just how perfect he is. If the stress was coming from something like his work schedule, you would try to help him find some time off so he has something to look forward to.
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Jackson is another one who seems to strive in stressful situations, so when you see him break down, it would definitely take you by surprise. You’ve never seen him cry over something serious, sure he cries over movies and cute YouTube videos that he watches. But not anything serious. You decide that the best thing to do would be to take him away from his work for a bit. He needs to clear his head so you suggest that maybe you two should go for a nice walk in the sunshine. Even if Jackson is reluctant, you'd tell him the work will still be here, but hopefully the negativity around it won't be.
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Right, I’m sorry to say this but I think Jinyoung probably goes a bit MIA when he's stressed. He thinks being on his own will give him less distractions and thus more clarity. He’s probably been avoiding your calls for about a week now, so you'd have to go over to the studio to try and find him. You'd be shocked to find him slumped in the studio with his head in his hands. You'd slowly walk over to him and place a hand on his shoulder. “You might not want to talk, and that's okay. But please know that I am always going to be here. You don't need to suffer alone if you don't want to.”
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I don't ever want to see any of these boys cry, I really don't. But god damn does Youngjae crying hit harder man. It's kinda relevant for the moment to be honest, Youngjae does not seem to be having a very good time. Maybe he's been sad for a while, and today was the day that he let all of his emotions get the better of him. You kinda knew that this was on the cards for a while, so you did your best to prepare. You made sure to have all of his favourite snacks and drinks ready. You made sure the bedding was clean so he could cocoon if needed. You wanted him to feel safe.
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It must be tough times if Bambam is crying. He just doesn't strike me as the type to cry a lot, you know? He’s one of those people who would just shrug it off, so when you see him crying, you know it's bad. I think you would be a little bit dumbfounded on what to do. You would definitely rely on Bambam’s cues. If he looks at you like he wants cuddles, heck you are holding him so tight and never letting go. If he looks like he wants some time to himself, you would just make yourself scarce. Maybe get him a drink or something. It would definitely be a learning curve for the both of you.
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So I don't know about you, but remember that video of the older boys playing a prank on Yugyeom and he started crying? Well my heart sank to the bottom of the bloody ocean when I saw that boy cry, and you would be no different. Yugyeom doesn't tend to let negativity affect him so much, but when it does, it hits him hard. No matter where he is, you would wrap your arms around him in an instant. You would not care at all if the other boys were with him, right now Yugyeom is your main priority and you want to make sure he is okay. There's nothing worse than seeing him in distress.
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dear-yandere · 4 years
—ask collection!
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a collection of mostly very old chats and sweet asks that i never got around to answering! thanks for the patience and love!! 
beware, fairly long post... woops....
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chat asks.
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darling: Eu-jin is best boy. Change my mind.
vanya: i am physically incapable of fulfilling that request, how dare you do that to me... i’m biased since he’s my own oc, but i would die for my (very best) boy eu-jin... who can resist such a gentle yandere that loves you so whole-heartedly?
that reminds me! he’s actually based off of kuroyuki and gekkamaru from the otome nightshade, so if you want similar characters by any chance, do check them and the game out ♡
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darling: I was watching the dub for Part 5 of JoJo's Bizarre adventure yesterday...Mista called himself Daddy and I like- sdfghjfgsdhnhnmj!! My heart can't take this--
vanya: WAIT HE DID???? i’m not even big on daddy kink and reading that made me go 😳 this is vital information to know... what episode was this??? for research purposes, of course. gotta perfect my yan! mista, after all~...
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darling: for yandere songs, have you heard of the major to minor covers by chase holfelder :O? the way he delivers the lyrics in some songs (betty, all i want for christmas), added with the key changes to minor, is really fantastic, and gives a stalker-ish vibe imo! and he's a really good singer in general
vanya: i have!! a good chunk of them are actually on my personal yandere playlist, so i end up hearing them frequently when i’m writing!! i haven’t been keeping up with his uploads recently, so ‘betty’ is completely new to me and just, wow???????????? this man is an absolute god send for us “romantic” horror fans... ♡
this ask gave me such a lovely idea, though, darling: assigning yandere types/mbti based off each of chase’s minor key covers. i think i’ll do that just for you. ♡
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darling @blossomiich​: I reread some of your old character interaction asks and saw the one with Jotaro hugging his Darling after a panic attack and the elephant seal plush reminded me of the iconic C H O N K Y ringed seal plushie that was kinda trending and I can totally imagine Jotaro having one of those >w< that's so adorable!
vanya: i honestly don’t remember that interaction, but then again i don’t remember most things hmghng so i looked it up and
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j...just imagine star plat hogging it and not letting joot cuddle with it 🥺 the duality of man...thank you for this cute image...
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darling: Umm, sorry for asking this. I'm just curious because of your bio language in your header. Are you Chinese too, perhaps?
vanya: no worries!! i’m mixed guyanese (indian, chinese, & possibly black and/or portuguese), but my family only celebrates (or rather, acknowledges?) our indian descent, since the majority of our family is predominantly east indian. 
my header is actually a quote from a danmei novel (and one of my all-time favorite fandoms), tiān guān cì fú (heaven’s official blessing)!
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darling genki stan anon: Omg you're writing for free now, i didn't expect that one lol. It's a cute show innit? Not a nagi stan but I feel like nagisa has that kinda unsnapped personality that would make him peak delusional yandere material lolol like oikawa but less threatening and without his head being up his own ass 😂. Hope you're doing well!! -gsa
Gdjsjs im such a fool, i think my last ask said something about not thinking you'd write for free when i literally just pointed out kisumi on your sideblog LMAO my bad 😅 😂 also ill hold back on the gen chan requests because ive already asked so many in the past! Thank you though 🥺. Also feel free not to post this, it can just dip into my onesided chats with my lil flower 💐 so long as you receive them im fine 😌 -genki stan anon
vanya: nagisa isn’t my favorite (kisumi is), but gods if he wouldn’t make a great yandere. honestly, out of the iwatobi boys, nagi is probably the most unhinged. i wouldn’t peg him as delusional, at least not at first; i think he’s very lucid and knows exactly what he wants and how to manipulate people in order to get it!!! kisumi is fairly similar now that i think about it... i might... have a type...
please feel free to send in gen-chan requests whenever you want!!!! i’m kinda super asocial, so it’ll take me a while to answer, but i love getting asks from you since you’re so sweet and excitable!!! your little flower reads and cherishes them all!! 🥺
also darling genki stan anon: Sorry for spamming you with asks hdjkdks, u dont even need to reply im just kinda brain empty venting here whether you recieve them or not 😂 i just needed to confess that while yes i am #1 gen simp, and he is undoubtedly my fave oc of yours but that Ilya tentacle smut had me very much so highkey kinda 👀, had to re read the genki oral style drabble to bring my head back. He dont even need to worry about luca bc that man a thot. I think therin is a thot too but like lowkey, a classy thót -gsa
vanya: omg i’ve kept this one for forever mnmghngh i might’ve even answered at some other point, now that i think about it... but i just 🥺 gosh i hope i find my muse soon, because i really wanna write you a genki fic 🥺 hhhh
the ilya tentacle smut was so in character for that boy... i have no clue how to write monsters, much less tentacles, but i’d honestly do anything for him 🙏 kinky russian boy...
therin is definitely a classy thot, the kind that only bangs the finest concubines then turns around and slut shames you for banging the very same prostitutes gbfmngnfg rules don’t apply to him, in his kingdom...wish that were me tbh ✊😔
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sweet asks.
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darling one: i've read almost all of your dazai and chuuya fics and i love them so much!! your formatting is also super aesthetic just a question, i saw on your kofi that you also draw so i was wondering if you drew all the header arts?? bc they're all super pretty :) have a great day!
darling two: Just wanted to say love the writing and the way your format your posts is so aesthetically pleasing. One day I hope my posts looks half as good as yours because I legit can't get over how pretty and organized it looks.
vanya: omg thank you so much!!!! one of my bffs, yue, is to thank for the formatting and aesthetic choices, really! if you wanna see more of her aesthetic formats and posts, she actually runs a few blogs! you may know her as @milkscafe​, formally @milkaaton! i adore her and her aes choices so much 🥺
as for the headers, i don’t draw 99.98% of them! i have drawn a couple, but they’re so few and far in between since i almost never finish my art wips haha... my older posts are lacking proper credits because i’m an absolute idiot, but i’m slowly working my way backwards to credit them all where possible! they’re all indeed super pretty!!!
have a great day yourself, my love!!
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vanya: this was in response to a now-deleted lil blurb but i kept it in my inbox because i wanted to say i love u very much and seeing this ask each time i open my inbox makes my heart skip a beat ♡
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darling: Listen I love your writing, you inspired me to start it myself! I've always loved to write, and read of course but your style and concepts just stick with me. If you where to write something besides Yandere content/fandom content and started your own series? I would read the shit, out of it. I'm always nervous to interact with my favorite writers because you know, I'm afraid of the impression I'd leave but I just wanted to say this anyway! 💞💞💞🔫😳
vanya: wowowow fgfnmgnfmngfg that’s such a high compliment my brain just gmfnbgmnf go boom fogjfngnfg and thank you for the interaction, us writers truly appreciate it no matter how awkward or nervous you think you may be / come off!!!
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darling one: As a writer, your post struck a nerve with me. I don’t send feedback to writers I like nearly as much as I should (and certainly not as much as I’d like in return as a writer). So, as such, I’m going to start doing that when I can, starting with you.
You are an incredible writer. You were one of the first yandere writing blogs I found and you’re still one I check in on regularly to see what you have been working on. You can portray a sense of suspense and intrigue in a natural way that many other writers - published ones included - struggle with. You delve into the darkness without it feeling forced, and you have an amazing grasp on the psyches of the characters you write for (which is a quality I adore in writing and strive toward myself).
I’m not great at ending these things so I guess.. you keep doing you? Because the you is great and I appreciate it.
darling two:  hey. i'm here to tell you that from the bottom of my heart i love you and your writings. i really admire your writing skills. you inspire me. one of your posts once saved me from a nervous breakdown. thank you for everything you do. you're a wonderful person. good luck!
darling three: I wanted to tell you that thank you for writing such wonderful beautiful writings and that you take time to edit and write I hope you are taking care of yourself 💖❤
darling four: Thanks. I was having a hard time and deleted all my apps, but as soon as i opened my phone my first instinct was to look at your blog and i got my motivation back. Thanks (:
darling five: Hi ! I just wanted to say I really enjoy the stories you write and how they are detailed so well ! Stay safe and I hope you have a good day/night ! ლ(╹◡╹ლ)
vanya: ahhhh, these are very old asks mostly dating back to my “tumblr writing community is dying” post, and i’ve kept them this entire time because i’m just so starstruck. i have no clue how to reply to compliments, so i’m not sure what else to say besides that these asks made me very happy and got me through a few insecure moments!!! i’ve actually been feeling a little down about my writing recently, mostly because of lack of motivation / inspiration, so revisiting these really warmed my heart, so thank you truly ♡ i’m certainly keeping the originals in my inbox until the end of time!!
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darling @monstrously-obsessed: psst, this local cryptic mom thing send all of their love for you 💕
vanya: your local herbo says she loves you very much momster 🥺 mwah
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also, to the anon worried about my safety:
thank you so much for pointing that out!!! it hadn’t even crossed my mind when i made those ocs, so i appreciate your concern! i was contemplating revamping those two as is, so this is a great place to start! thank you again!!
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