#meg if you see this i’m literally just mad at myself not at you you’re great and wonderful keep doing what you’re doing <3
rumoredtoexist · 2 months
actually howling at the fact that i wrote a panick attack scene in my fic and my beta reader (love you meg) was like idk if you’ve ever had a panic attack before but….
i have severe anxiety. i get panic attacks to the point of almost suffocation and throwing up and body shaking sobs i actually cant how do i not know how to write someone having a panic attack 💀
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bryngmemoney · 4 months
Megumi Fushiguro x Reader
⭑story masterlist link
Writing between messages!!
🪡Chapter Thirty-four: Show
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You walked past a couple of models and students, trying to find him. Moving by the side of yet another collection you finally saw Megumi. He was standing there, simply looking around taking in his surroundings. “Megs!” you announced. He slightly jumped in response, then recollected himself once realizing it was you. “Y/n don’t scare me like that.”
“Sorry, but just wanted to see if everything’s good. I just checked in with Yuki and Ino and everything’s in place, do you feel alright?”
Megumi looked around, before sighing and wrapping his arms around your waist, burying his face into your shoulder, of course being careful to not mess anything up.
“Hm, yea i’m good, just a little nervous.”
You patted his back in response, pressing a quick kiss to the side of his face that was still visible to you. “You’ll do fine, and if you do happen to mess up I won’t be mad,” you reassured. “Won’t mess up, just don’t wanna embarrass myself.” You laughed a little, while he stood up right once again.
“15 minutes till start time!” someone in the crowd announced.
“Okay well, I’ll see you after, good luck Megs,”
“Mhm, take care love,” he replied in a more hushed tone, “See you after.”
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“Who are those people?” You whispered to Maki next to you. “Which ones, the ones in the front?” You hummed in response, signalling that she was right. “They’re photographers, but there is also a few scouts I heard, then of course the ‘judges’ who are helping grade.
“Ah, okay, i’m kinda starting to freak out a bit.”
“Don’t Y/n! I’ve seen your designs and they look super cool, you’ll pass for sure!” You turned towards Yuji next to you, giving him a smile. “Thanks Yuji.”
“No problem!”
A couple minutes after the official start time the lights began dim around you, and brightening on the walkway. “Oh my god it’s starting!” you heard Nobara whisper-shout.
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A few collections had gone by now, and you sat with anxiety waiting for yours to show up. Once Yuta walked out, you nudged Maki next to you. “Look it’s yours!” you excitedly whispered. “Yea, I know,” Maki mumbled in response, and although she seemed nonchalant about the whole thing, the slight fidgeting with the end of the skirt she wore was enough to tell you that she was also feeling a little nervous.
After Maki’s finished up, your breath was caught in your throat at seeing Megumi walk out. Transfixed on watching him walk down, you had your complete focus on him. For a split second you met his gaze, and had flashback of the first time you saw him walk during the audition.
“Lovestruck much?” Yuji said while nudging your side. Maki on your other side was fighting back her snicker at your expression. “Oh shut up, he made eye contact with me!”
“Y/n you’re literally dating him.”
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“..And here in front of me is fashion student and designer, Y/n L/n!” Yuji exclaimed, holding up his phone’s camera in your direction in front of him. You turned around and gave the camera a small wave. “They’re dating my best friend, and he actually modeled for them, that’s how they got to know each other!” Yuji spoke indirectly to no one but his little vlog he was recording. “We’re gonna go give him flowers.”
You finally reached the door they had set up in the way of the official backstage and the hallway you guys were walking down. Yuji continued holding up his phone recording. “This is the backstage, we’re about to see all the models.” You opened the door, and with his free hand Yuji held it open letting you both in.
“Do you see him?” you asked as you both made your way through the crowd. “Uhh..” Yuji began, “Wait yeah look!” Yuji pointed, catching his hand in the frame of the video were he points to Megumi leaning against the railing of a short set of stairs.
“Megumi!” You called out, he looked towards you as you walked up the small steps, engulfing him in a hug, then backing up and handing him the roses.
“Say hi to the vlog Megs!” Yuji spoke up, recording from below you two. In response he just turned around, trying to hide the blush on his face, when the collar of the shirt doesn’t do enough, he uses the flowers once he feels Yuji approaching. “Don’t be shy!” You laughed at their antics, finding Megumi’s reaction the best.
“Shut up get that thing out of my face,” Megumi said trying to continue to turn away from Yuji. “Don’t be a grump c’mon!”
In an attempt to snatch his phone away from him, Megumi reached over, however completely forgetting about the lifted up step, causing him to trip over it. With that he tumbled over Yuji, both of them falling backwards. All the camera caught was Megumi’s hand grabbing it before hearing both of them exclaim as they fell, and your gasp, followed by a worried “Megumi!”
“Oh my, what happened here?” You turned towards Gojo who had showed up at probably the worst possible time, a taken aback Utahime besides him. “You’ve gotta be kidding me,” she grumbled, watching as the two boy groaned attempting to get up.
“Sorry,” you apologized on all your behalfs.
Author’s Note: epilogues out now too
guys this was sm fun to write and thank you all for support you’ve shown the story <33
im gonna start on another smau soon in a couple of days, i have two ideas and i can’t decide btwn them so you guys can click here to vote on which one u want to see first!!
hope you guys enjoyed!!
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cherryxcadbury · 3 years
Hello loveeeee! can I request request an imagine with Reece James? Maybe with angst and ofc flufff
hi lovely!! thanks sm for the request! I’d be more than happy to do it<33
tw: swearing
also for the picture I used at the bottom, ignore it! literally couldnt find anything else:(
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1st person point of view
I got myself comfortable on the large sofa and turned on the interview that Reece asked me to watch. It was his first one where the interviewer was a big name, so it’d obviously attract attention.
I watched with adoring eyes full of delight, carefully listening to whatever question was shot his way and how he answered them.
“So Reece, you’re a young, handsome lad. Certainly means you get attention from the females. Any special woman in your life?” the interviewer questioned.
Reece chuckled before running a hand through his hair. I looked up at the screen with hope that he’d mention me, as we originally wanted to keep it secret, no one knew about me other than his family.
“Other than my mum and sister. Nope.” Reece plopped the p sound.
Sighing, I shut off the television, deciding to prepare some food before Reece got home. Within about twenty minutes, he’d arrived.
“Babe! I’m home!” Reece called.
I walked from my place in the kitchen to the door and greeted him with a kiss to the cheek as I hung his coat. We both made our way to the kitchen.
“How was training? How many times you get megged?” I smirked.
“Actually I managed to meg Mase alone twice.” Reece stuck his tongue out at me.
“Wow. For the first time in forever.” I retorted.
Reece playfully rolled his eyes before taking a seat at the kitchen island.
“And your day?” He inquired.
“All spent finishing the school work I have due tomorrow. I hate uni.” I groaned.
“Just keep at it for another year then I’ll be able to say my girlfriend‘s a university graduate.” He winked.
“Well the way it’s going I wouldn’t count on that.” I breathed.
“You’ll be fine Y/N. You always are.” He reassured, rubbing his thumb against my hand.
“Oh by the way. Did you watch the interview?” Reece questioned with a smile.
I attempted to put a grin on my face but apparently Reece could see right through me.
“Sure did!” I exclaimed.
“Woah what’s with the fake enthusiasm?” Reece quirked an eyebrow.
“What fake enthusiasm? This is real! Its nothing.” I tried convincing him.
“If you didn’t like the interview just tell me.” Reece mumbled while he shoveled rice into this mouth.
“What do you mean? I told you I liked it. It was good.” I asked in a quiet, but annoyed tone.
“Okay why are you so mad? If I knew that you’d be in such a bad mood I wouldn’t have come home in the first place.” Reece‘s voice began getting louder.
“Oh my god. Who the hell said I was mad? I told you that I enjoyed it!” I gritted through my teeth, frustration growing as he began raising his voice.
“God damnit Y/N what is up with you?” Reece groaned.
“Me? What’s up with me? What the fuck is up with you?” I matched his tone.
Reece was taken aback at my choice of language as he knew I avoided cursing unless I was truly angry.
“Y/N. What’s the point of starting this fight?” He asked.
“I’m not the one who started it.” I muttered, putting my head in my hands.
“Right because I’m the one who started it.” Reece scoffed.
“I just don’t understand Y/N. What do you want?” Reece whispered softly.
I took a few breaths as tears discreetly cascaded down my cheek.
“I’m just annoyed how we have to hide our relationship. I-I don’t want to do that anymore.” I replied, my voice tired.
“That’s why you’re annoyed at me? That’s why you’re angry, moody, irritable?” Reece questioned for confirmation.
I slowly nodded.
“Your annoyed at me for fucking doing what you asked? You‘re the one who suggested keeping our relationship a secret. I was ready to show the whole world that you were mine. And now you’re mad because I respected your decision.” Reece summarised, his voice laced with venom.
“Reece I’m not mad at you—” I started.
“No. You are and you have no right to be.” Reece cut me off.
“Reece I changed my mind. I’m allowed to change my mind aren’t I? I only suggested it because that’s what I thought you’d want! I thought it would help keep you out of the tabloids!” I sighed with exasperation.
“The blame always somehow goes back to me.” Reece chuckled with an anger.
“I’m not blam—you know what. I’m going upstairs. Do whatever, I don’t give two shits.” I decided, marching up to our room, slamming it shut.
“I don’t care either. I can’t deal with this. I’m going to Chilly’s.” Reece shouted, grabbing his keys and slamming the front door shut.
I closed my eyes, my back pressed against the door as I slid down to the ground, unlocking it. The built up tears freely left my eyes while a sob escaped my mouth.
Elsewhere, Reece sat in his car parked in the car park groaning. His head was tilted against the driver‘s seat as he tried to calm himself down before driving. He barely noticed it, but a tear or two managed to escape his eye.
Three hours later…
I tossed and turned in the large, king sized bed. I felt guilt. I couldnt go to bed not knowing if Reece was safe. Though I sure as hell tried, my mind constantly wandered to bad scenarios. I’d sent him a text right before bed telling him I was sorry and wanted him home.
Suddenly, the sound of the door opening attracted my attention. I sat up, letting out a sigh of relief as I saw Reece walk through the door. Once we made eye contact, I was about to rush to him before he signaled for me to stay put. I watched him place his things on the bedside table and take off his slides and sweatshirt.
I watch with anticipation as I wait for him to finally come towards the bed. A sad smile makes its way onto my face as he climbs in bed.
“I’m so sorry.” I mumble, hugging him, burying my head in his neck.
“I’m sorry for being a jerk.” He hugs me back, arms around my waist.
“I love you.” I tell him, looking into his eyes.
Instead of replying he just kisses me, making me happier than I could have ever been.
We lie down together and a few minutes later i see that my hand has started subconsciously playing with hair. I grin as I see a peaceful smile on my face.
“So. You still wanna go Instagram official?” Reece smirks, raising an eyebrow.
“Is it bad if I say yes?” I laughed.
“Thank god we’re on the same page this time.” He chuckles.
Reece grabbed his phone from the bedside table, I smiled as I thought he was going to use an old photo of ours. To my surprise, he took a candid photo.
“Reece don’t post that. I look ugly.” I groaned.
“Oh shut up. Theres not a moment in my life that I’ve thought that you looked anything but beautiful.” He complimented.
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@/reecejames: the only person in the world I love more than my left back❤️‍
Tagged: @y/f/n.y/l/n88
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caranfindel · 4 years
Recap/review 15.17: “Unity”
THEN: Chuck is destroying all his worlds. Dean tricked Amara into going along with their plan. Empty!Meg is on Billie's side because she just wants to go back to sleep. (Don't we all, dear.) Billie wants Dean to be ready. Dean finally told Sam the truth and Sam was MAD.
NOW: Amara is enjoying a hot pool and a glass of wine in Reykjavik, Iceland. (She's pretending to read but there's no way she can see that book. Although I guess she could have super vision. Why not? And I'm sure the book itself is significant and maybe I'll look that up later but let's face it, I probably won't.) Her glorious view of the Milky Way is punctuated by what seems to be a falling star. But there are more and more and more and she knows what it really is. "Welcome home, brother."
Title card!
Bunker. Sam is on the phone with Cas, who just found out a possible lead in the "Basilica of Guadalupe" was useless. I wonder if he means the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico? A 35-hour drive from Lebanon? "That's all right," Sam says. "We'll find a way." {Sidebar: Eternal optimism or simple bullheaded refusal to accept the inevitable truth? Discuss.} Dean enters and asks if that was Cas, but Sam doesn't answer.
So, this is how it's gonna be? You're gonna give me the silent treatment?
I'm not sure what you want me to say.
That you get it. Like I said, killing Amara, Jack, dying, that's the only way.
Sam huffs and imitates Dean: "The only way. Our one shot. Our last chance. You ever get tired of saying stuff like that?" The guys are interrupted by a noise, and I'm just going to stop here for a minute, because I need to talk about Sam's anger. Sam's delicious anger. Apparently some people thought it was inappropriate for Sam to be so mad at Dean last week. At least that's what I read on the Tumblr. I'm sure no one reading this post feels that way. I mean, anyone who found Sam's anger inappropriate would have stopped reading my crap a long time ago, right? I just don't get it. This isn't an "I can see both sides" situation. Dean withheld information from Sam - lied to Sam - and I know they've both lied to each other before, but this was something catastrophic involving someone he loves. And when confronted, Dean doubled down. He didn't say "sorry, I just couldn't bear to tell you" or "I was hoping Cas would find some other way" or "I was trying to think of a way to break it to you easy." He blamed Sam. He told Sam he wasn't qualified to have that information because he would have done something about it. And after Dean spent the entire episode whining about having no control over his life, being a hamster in a wheel, he sentenced Sam to the same fate - he told him that he didn't have the right to know about Jack because he refused to just accept that this is their destiny.
I mean, I'm not bitter or anything.
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Silver lining: Dean treating Sam so horribly at least means I got some tasty, tasty Angry Sam. (Mandatory disclaimer: I love Dean. I love that he is heroic and self-sacrificing but also deeply, deeply flawed.) Moving on.
Wait. I also love that Sam's justification for the silent treatment isn't I'm punishing you or even I'm mad at you, but is literally there is nothing I can say to you. Nothing I say will mean anything to you. All right, now we're moving on. Searching for the source of the noise, the guys find - Amara! Drinking their beer! Wearing pink again, but this time it's sparkly! "We should talk," she says.
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Or, you know, we could just look. Looking is good. We have a little time jump in order to gather Jack. Amara tells the boys that her brother is back, and Jack knows this means it's time. She asks how they're going to cage Chuck, and Dean lies that Jack will be able to do it. Amara hopes she and Jack can get to know each other afterward, and Jack lies that they will. He just has to complete one final ritual. Sam doesn't lie to anybody; he just stands there looking unhappy. Amara asks what she can do to help, and they cut away from any discussion of what she's going to do, but then we get this. When the time comes, we can count on you, right? Like I told you when we first met, you and I will always help each other. Awkward! The way Amara is looking at Dean, I'm pretty sure she knows he's lying, and is just waiting for him to break down. (Spoiler alert: why do I even try?) But Dean and his lying, lying eyes do not break down.
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But those eyes don't exactly hide any secrets either, do they? Meanwhile, Jack is concerned that Sam is angry at him. Or disappointed. Sam manages to express both support for Jack doing the thing and a strong desire for Jack to not do the thing. "Sacrificing your life for a cause takes a lot of courage," he says."I still think it's wrong, though." OH SAM. YOU WOULD KNOW. AND YOU WOULD DO IT ANYWAY. Apparently Jack's final ritual is taking place in Santa Fe. Dean's ready to go, and says they can be there by morning. (Oh, I hope she tells us if that's possible, they said sarcastically.) Hey, anyone who doesn't want a deep dive into the logistics of Winchester travel can write their own damn recap skip this part. I think the guys actually went to Santa Fe last season? Ouroboros? Anyway, it's 10.5 hours away. 11 hours if you avoid highways, which we know Dean likes to do, although that route would take you on some mountain roads that would probably be a little much for the Impala. So yeah, depending on what time it is now, "by morning" is doable. I know you're relieved. I think the bigger question is when will Cas get back from Mexico City? (Yes, I'm sure he drove - he was standing by his blue truck. Yes, I know no one else cares.) Dean is surprised to find that Sam's not going. He accuses Sam of "taking a knee," but Sam says that's not what he's doing. He's still looking for another way. Sam, you and me, we have to do this; it's in the book. Oh, Chuck's death book, right? Come on, man! Blindly following orders, sending Amara to her death; does any of this feel right to you? It doesn't matter how we feel! You know what? Stay. Stay. But somebody's got to be the grownup here. Yeah, well, someone has to keep fighting for Jack. He knows what he signed up for! Last I checked, we don't give up on family. Jack's not family! I know how you feel about the kid, okay? I feel for him too. I do. But he's not like you. He's not like Cas. He's just not. I have to confess, I maaaayyyybeee haven't been keeping up with the A plot as much as I should have, because I wasn't aware they were actually operating from a book. (Or I was and I forgot. Stranger things have happened.) I thought this was just Billie's plan. But if it's a book, that means it was fated to happen, right? Um, like the Ma'lak box? And why isn't Sam pointing that out? Why isn't Sam saying "we've already changed one of Billie's unchangeable endings, what makes you think we can't change this one?" But, you know. That's not important. What is important are two things: 1, the way Sam reacts when Dean says "Jack's not family," and B, the fact that Jack has entered the room at some point and heard some of that. Again, awkward! How many times has Jack come up behind someone and overheard something like that? Why don't they put a bell on that poor kid? Jack says he's ready, Sam gives him a sad, broken little smile and Jack and Dean hit the road. Boy, that's gonna be an uncomfortable 11 hours.
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Whatever you think about this scene, you have to admit Jared is acting the hell out of it. Bunker. Cas is back, so I guess it's been 35 hours since that phone call. "Stayed behind to find another way, huh? I would have done the same." They research together. Wooded park. Amara. Chuck shows up. A title card weirdly informs us this is Amara. Yeah, we know that. I don't really care that much about their convo. All you need to know is he wants to do a "hard reset" - another Big Bang? - and can't do it without her. But she cares about this world now and wants to protect it. He thinks humans are lame and boring, and she says "what about your first children?" and zaps him into Heaven. He's welcomed by a small, adoring group of angels, but Crystal (an angel named Crystal?) annoys him so much that he snaps them all away. Amara offers him balance, darkness and light, here on this Earth, but he's not interested. So she zaps him into the bunker, which she has made into a trap for him. Impala. Dean, says the title card, unnecessarily. (Now that I've figured out what they're doing, I'd say the odds are 50:50 that Sam will have a title card.) Dean starts to talk about what Jack heard - not necessarily to apologize, but Jack says he understands that he's not like Sam or Cas. Okay then. Morning. They show up at a jewelry store and are greeted enthusiastically by the man and woman inside. "I'm Adam," the man says. "You know. God's primo. First dude off the assembly line." The woman with him is not Eve, but a hippie angel named Seraphina. I guess that means she's a seraph? Get it? (Sorry, I have to amuse myself sometimes.) She proclaims Jack's aura is "like Skittles," and of course it is. What else would it be like, other than something sweet and rainbow-colored? {Sidebar: Or should it be like nougat? Discuss.} Adam and Seraphina are very into Jack and also very much into each other. They separate long enough for Adam to take Jack for a "pop quiz." Seraphina says she knows Jack will pass because she saw it in a dream, which annoys me because angels don't sleep, but it turns out she means a mushroom-induced hallucination. She tells Dean that so many things had to happen for Jack to end up here, it was obviously "meant to be." Which doesn't sit well with Dean. Meanwhile, Adam explains to Jack that because of what God did to him and his sons, he's been wanting to kill him for a very long time. Billie is working with him, and kept him alive so he could finish the job. They've just been waiting for Jack. Adam shows him a tray of crystals and tells him to pick the one that was touched by God. Jack points to one, and Adam is disappointed. That's your choice? Yes. And... the others. All of them. They're just rocks, but their existence makes them divine, because God is in everything. And that's the right answer! Jack and Adam return, triumphant, and Seraphina celebrates by plunging a knife into Adam's chest and prying out a rib. Ew. "Everything can contain the spark of the divine, but this puppy? Is packing enough punch to create life. Or in this case, destroy God." With the power of the rib, Jack will turn into a "metaphysical black hole for divine energy" that nothing can escape. Not Amara, not God. But once is starts, it can't be stopped, so Jack shouldn't use it until "game time."
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I'm pleased that Adam is a Middle Eastern guy. Back in the Impala, some hours later, Dean pulls over right before they get home. He apologizes to Jack for hearing what he heard. Not for saying it, but for Jack hearing it. He tells Jack that he hasn't been free his entire life. "But now, now me and Sam, we got a shot at living a life. Without all this crap on our backs. And that's because of you. So, I want to say, I need to say, thank you, Jack." Well, that's a nice emotional moment, but isn't Jack doing this to save the world? Not just to get Dean off the hamster wheel? Dean's phone buzzes. It's time. Jack takes the rib out of its baggie and absorbs it into his hand and oh, Jack, I don't think I'd have done that just yet. Bunker. Is this Sam's section? Yes, it is! \o/ Sam hurls a book to the floor in frustration and is comforted by Cas. Guys, Sam and Cas tend to do some crazy fucked-up shit when they're left together unsupervised, and I am here for it. Sam wishes he could talk to Billie about her plan, and Cas immediately assumes he's going to kill himself and puts his foot down. But Sam suddenly remembers what Sergei said about the key to Death's library. "Oh, is that why I invited Sergei here to the secret bunker," Cas says, "because now that makes sense." They start digging through old wooden chests and I'm fairly sure these are boxes full of cursed objects, although all they find are a large novelty chess piece, a gold leaf cross from Hobby Lobby, and the Holy Grail.
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Tell me you didn't think the same thing. But Cas eventually does find the box with the key. The box has an inscription in Latin, which Sam reads out loud. By the way, Sam Latinating is always hot, even though he looks like he doesn't understand what he's saying. As the guys watch in amazement, a portal and keyhole appear in the wall. Cas wants to go with, but Sam asks him to stay and buy him some time if Dean comes back before he gets out, even if that sounds crazy. "Sam, for what it's worth, I don't think you're crazy," Cas says. "I think your internal compass is functioning perfectly." And Sam's all, aw, that's the nicest thing anyone's said to me in a long time.
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"Donde está la biblioteca?” He puts the key in the keyhole and opens the door into the W section of Billie's library. I want him to start pulling books off the shelves and reading versions of his death, but he's distracted by a dead reaper on the floor. And more dead reapers. And the sound of one begging for her life and then noisily dying. He finally sees Empty!Meg (\o/) sitting at the circulation desk, as another reaper pleads for his life. "Please," he cries, "she won't come!" He prays unsuccessfully for Billie to come, and gets his neck snapped for his trouble. Sam immediately tries to nope the hell out of there, but Empty!Meg snaps her fingers and he appears in front of her. Sam Winchester? Meg? Sorry, she's still dead. Just borrowing the queen's pretty face cause really? I'm empty. {Sidebar: Why would Meg's meatsuit go to the Empty with her? Discuss.} Empty!Meg is trying to get Billie's attention, and she drops a bombshell on Sam. Billie intends to become the new God. "Classic narcissist, right? So tingly for the rules, the good old days. Everyone back to where they belong. Realities, dimensions, graves. What should be dead dies, angels off Earth, demons back to Hell, and I go back to sleep!" Oh, wait. Graves? So anyone who was dead at some point, and was brought back to life, would go back to the grave? She tells Sam that he's in God's book - the ornate book in front of her that only Billie can read. "She always talked about how you should be so dead, except she needs you." Empty!Meg decides that hurting Sam might get Billie's attention, and well, y'all know I'm not opposed to that. (If you're new here, hi, my name is caranfindel and I have a problem.) She brings Sam to his knees, but he finally manages to say "Billie sent me." Oh, Sam. He claims Billie sent him to get the book, because she's trapped on Earth. Empty!Meg can't go to Earth unless she's summoned (hmmm, wonder if that will come up later), and Sam says he has a message for her, from Billie. "Billie will honor her promise. God, Amara, they die. And you, you can go back to sleep." Empty!Meg decides to believe Sam, even though he didn't even know who she was or why she was there when he got there, or that Billie had even made any promises, but I'd have a hard time saying no to that face too.
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I'll believe your lies. When Sam comes back through the door into the bunker, Cas greets him with "finally" as if he's been gone a long time, so time must flow differently in Billie's library. Cas tells him Chuck and Amara are here, and it's time. "We can't let that happen," says Sam. "We have to stop it." In the trap, Chuck narrates what's happening elsewhere in the bunker. "You hear that? Dean. Brought to the edge of doubt. His sense of duty, his rage, winning out in the end." As Dean drags Jack through the hall, Sam tells him about Billie's plan to take advantage of the power vacuum and become God. Dean doesn't care - he doesn't mind being duped as long as it's not by Chuck. "And poor Sam," says Chuck. "Always gotta know everything. Can't leave well enough alone." Poor Sam stands in front of Dean, trying to stop him. Dean yells that Jack already "lit the fuse" and they can't wait any longer. "This is my ending," Chuck says. "My real ending." And just as I'm wondering if he means his preferred ending, where one brother always kills another, Dean pulls his gun out and points it at Sam's heart. "Move, Sam. Move!" Sam's horrified. Cas and Jack are horrified. I'm horrified. And also, I'm ashamed to say, very entertained. I mean, I don't want the brothers fighting, and yet for Dean to lose the plot so badly that he'd actually shoot Sam in order to get off the hamster wheel? That's some gloriously messed up stuff, friends. Amara is shocked that Chuck orchestrated all of this. "What part of omniscient do you people not understand?" he says, and YES. THIS is something that has long needed to be said. He says that even though he can't read his death book, all he had to do was plant a few visions, mess with a few outcomes, bada bing bada boom! Nobody's killing him! Hallway. Sam pleads with Dean. "I don't want to do this," Dean says, "but this is everything!"
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THIS is everything. Trap. Amara tells Chuck they're going to cage him, not kill him. Hallway. Dean does that thing you do with a gun when you want someone to know you're serious. Clicks off the safety, or whatever. Sam makes a have we really come to this? face and yanks Dean's gun hand away. Dean punches him and he drops to the floor. Trap. Chuck tells Amara that TFW is planning to kill both of them. Hallway. Dean drags Jack toward the trap and Sam tackles him. Dean punches him again. Cas just watches all this. What the hell, Cas. Trap. Chuck says the Winchesters are using Jack to destroy them. Amara says that can't be, because Dean can't hurt her. "No, but he can lie to you. He can send you into the meat grinder with a wink and a smile." But isn't that hurting her? Hallway. Dean orders Cas and Jack to go. Sam yells for Jack not to do it. Cas asks why not, because... Cas has suddenly forgotten what side of this argument he's on? "Because if Billie takes over, then everyone goes back to where they belong!" Sam says. "That means everybody from Apocalypse World - Bobby, Charlie - they get sent back to a place that doesn't exist any more. And everyone we saved! Eileen, she just dies, again! And that's just the beginning!" Trap. Amara is devastated. Hallway. Dean yells that they don't have a choice, and Sam says "we always have a choice!" Trap. Chuck tells Amara "the only ones who ever really get us is us." Hallway. Dean says there's nothing they can do but get out of the way, and he doesn't care if Billie becomes God. I'd trade it all, I'd trade 'em all, for Chuck! In a heartbeat! What about me? Would you trade me? Okay, is this Sam pointing out that if Billie becomes God, he dies? Because it's awfully subtle, and I think he just needs to come right and say "that's fine, Dean, but when I told you everyone we saved would die again, I meant everyone, and that includes me!" And Dean would probably also want to know that angels will be banished to Heaven, don't you think, Sam? Anyway. I saw this on Tumblr, and I can't get to it now because Tumblr is being a little bitch, but basically: Sam Winchester may have low self-worth, but he absolutely knows what he means to his brother, and he does not hesitate to use it. Trap. Chuck offers Amara the balance she said she wanted. "Us, starting fresh, creating something new, something beautiful, peaceful, together. And we can finally forget about all this pain. No baggage. Only balance." He extends a hand. Amara takes it and dissolves into smoke, which is absorbed by Chuck, who now has one demon-black eye and one angel-blue eye. And a sadistic grin. Hallway. Chuck has to die. He has to! Otherwise he'll keep us tap dancing forever, and I can't live like that, man! I can't live like that; I won't! I know you feel like that right now, okay? I know you do. But you gotta trust me. My entire life, you've protected me. From Dad? From Lucifer? From everything. I didn't always like it, you know, but it's the one thing in the whole world that I could always count on. It's the only thing I've ever known that was true. So please, put the gun away. Just put it away. We'll figure it out, Dean; we'll find another way. You and me. We always do. Gotta admit, I'm torn about this scene. I mean, on the one hand, it's beautifully done, so much emotion and angst and anger and teary-eyed, shaky Sam. Once again, Jared is acting the hell out of it. (And Jensen too, but come on.) And yet, on the other hand... how bad is Sam's Stockholm Syndrome? "You protected me from Dad?" Have we seen any evidence of that? I'm sure Dean was forced to be the referee sometimes, but have we seen any evidence that Dean ever said "no Sam, you're not disowned just because you want to stop hunting and go to college" or "no Dad, I'm not even going to pretend I'll kill Sam," rather than consider it an option until he was actually faced with it? It seems like "protecting Sam from Dad" mostly meant "trying to get Sam to do what Dad wanted, so he'd stay out of trouble." And Lucifer? When Sam told him he was Lucifer's vessel, and the Devil was coming to him in his dreams, Dean basically said "sucks to be you, now pick a hemisphere." Now, I'm aware that Dean has actually protected Sam from many, many things. In good ways and in bad ways. And yet he's also hurt him in some pretty awful ways. I mean, he just now threatened to shoot him for refusing to accept his destiny is to help Dean escape the slavery of his destiny. So for Sam to say "you protect me" is one thing. Dean absolutely does that. But to say it's the only thing that's true, and to specifically mention John and Lucifer, well. Hmmm.
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Let's just concentrate on the pretty. Anyway. Dean puts the gun away, Sam sighs a tearful shaky sigh of relief, and then the door to Amara's trapped room explodes. Chuck walks out dramatically - not nearly as hot as Demon!Demon dramatically walking through his own destroyed door - and yells at them. "Are you kidding me? After everything, after all that, you did it again!" He tells them he absorbed Amara, mocks Castiel (which is kind of funny), and says they're all stupid, stubborn, and broken, and he's done with them. "You know what you do with broken toys? You throw them out. So, kill each other, don't kill each other, I don't care." Then he tells them to have fun watching Jack die, and zaps on out of there. Jack collapses, and bad things are clearly happening to him. Well, it's hard to get worked up over Jack dying again (what would this be, the third time?). After all, as Dean said, he's not Sam. I'm more interested in finding out if Dean understood he was sentencing Sam to death when he said he didn't care if Billie became God. {Sidebar: Would Dean die too? Or would everything that happened because Sam was brought back be erased? Discuss. And maybe fic.} And now Amara is gone. But, conveniently, destroying Chuck will also destroy her, so. Balance! Unity! Hugs and puppies all around! Oh, friends. The end is near, and I don't feel good about it. I'm anxious about a lot of things happening next week, and the third-to-last episode of Supernatural is one of them. How do you feel? 
Please help me stay unspoiled, including episode titles and casting info, thanks!
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scandeniall · 4 years
haikyuu characters as meg the stallion lyrics
a/n: a shit post that been sitting in the drafts for weeks now. sorry for making all 3 of u who wanted this wait. Tagging @trish-writes bc she been posted hers for flo milli and im so late 
Hinata: “Im at grand lux eatin a caesar salad with my sugar daddy’”  (when Kenma invltes him over.) 
Kageyama: “outta any bitch im the hardest in the litter” or “got that big budget with no major deal” // (cause yall know how his ass got invited to the training camp? ENOUGH SAID)
Tsukki: “You was already mad, I’m just adding somethin’ to that” (fight him. lives for pissing folks off)
Daichi: “bitches acting shitty, so I had to potty train em” (mad daichi will dog walk anyone’s ass so theres that)  
Noya: “You want to reach out to me its a process” or “moved out the hood but I still throw that bitch up” (mans was not showing up to them pro games. noya living his best life, good luck reaching him boo)
Kuroo: “can you keep these broke motherfuckers off me” or “walk in look like money” (yuh capitalism for the finest man. get into it)
Kenma: “I aint gotta worry bout shit, money GOOD” (and thats on him being a student, streamer/gamer, AND business owner at the same time)
Yaku: “Im fresh off a plane, I’m imported”
Alisa Haiba: “I’m overpaid and pretty, hair hanging down to my back”
Lev: “Bitch this a new outfit, turn to the back for a pic”
Aoba Johsai
Oikawa: “Bitch im a problem, nobody solvin” OR “im kicking bitches out they spot stalli chan” (king went to another country and popped tf off. Coming for everyone’s necks. Oikawa supremacy)
Iwaizumi: “he begging me for the treatment. He throw a fit when I leave” (i just KNOW japan team stay tryna get his attention. be faking all types of shit to make him come back) 
Makki: “I have not worked 9 to 5 in a while” (girl thats canon right there)
Mattsun: “Got a big boy then pull it out” (mattusn horse [redacted])
Bokuto: “I got face, I got body, you name it? I got it”
Akaashi: “I know a sexy motherfucker like myself might offend some” OR “I’m pretty like art, bitch I look like a fixture”
Konoha: “Ayy you bitches is weird” (he side eyes weird shit. Sometimes tilts his head because it sometimes makes sense)
Atsumu: “dont get hoe, get a bag hoe.” OR “bitch dont like me all you want, run up bet you wont” (talk shit? bet you wont act on it. This mans a pro player laughing to the bank on your ass. He cry about it at night though)
Osamu: “hoe you a copy of me, you a doodle” (he tells that shit to atsumu all the time yall.)
Suna: “bitch do i look like i fight?" (you want a man who will fight someone for you? this aint the one bby. He can’t even fight) 
Aran: “In the food chain, I’m the one that eat ya” (man he just radiate mature big dick energy. Grind don’t stop either. Get that bag and blow out his boo’s back all while keeping other folks in line) 
Kita: “I’m the only one that make you happy when you’re stressed” (hes sweet. Perfect husband material. But meg, girl i aint ask for this song) 
Ushijima: “if he say he a dog ima treat him like a pet” OR “I keep it realer than real fuck all them critics and fuck how they feel” (hes a literal king and talks his shit. all facts baby) 
Tendou: “drinking henny out the bottle, lets get ratchet”
Semi: “bad bitches singing all my songs like a prayer”
Sakusa: “Nose in the air cause they fucking disgust me”
Terushima: “I know you used to these women that’s timid. See what i want them I get up and get it” (he a nerd, but listen shooters shoot and he might fail, but he WILL try)
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corlds-world · 4 years
Top 10 Females from my Fandoms
This is all my opinion. It’s also from the fandoms I’m in (which are pretty popular). Your opinion of course will be different from mine. But I like sharing what I think and I like hearing your opinion, too. Also we’re doing ladies first because why not. Also I’m not good at explaining my opinion. So without further ado, here’s my top 10 females. Spoilers!
10. Meg (Supernatural) Meg is definitely my favorite female character from Supernatural. She’s a villain turned anti-hero. Also a demon. And being a recurring demon in Supernatural is a quick way to earn a spot in my favorite characters list. Apologies for Ruby for not making the cut though. Anyway, Meg is tough as hell (no pun intended). She starts by working for her dad, but that’s she’s not working for her dad because she’s a daddy’s girl. She works for her dad so she can get this apocalypse started. Her real loyalties lay with Lucifer. So when Lucifer was sent back to hell, she became a lone wolf. Season 6-8 Meg is my favorite, when she’s a lone wolf against Crowley. And I think the Winchesters have always been a little intimidated by Meg. Only 5′6″ to their 7′ but still has got fire. 
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9. Carol Danvers / Captain Marvel (MCU) I couldn’t just leave out the first woman to ever get a solo movie in the MCU. It was a long time waiting, but we still got it. I was pondering for a while between Natasha and Carol. I decided to go with Carol really just because I’m so excited for Phase 4 of the MCU. I’m the kind of girl that looks ahead. Captain Marvel is for sure one of my favorite solo movies in the MCU. Carol was a air force pilot from the 90′s who was told all her life that she couldn’t become a pilot. Like you see in the trailer, she picks herself back up time after time. And then she loses her memory, but she doesn’t lose that fighting spirit. She just has superpowers from the space stone. She knows her rights and her wrongs better than most people. It’s what makes her an amazing superhero. And she literally destroyed a huge spaceship in Endgame. I can’t wait to see what Brie Larson has in store for us because she is not done for sure.
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8. Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter) I know there’s a lot of controversy with the Harry Potter fandom right now, but I just can’t help but place Luna on this list. She’s an amazing character. As a fellow Ravenclaw, she really showed us what Ravenclaw was all about: wisdom and having an open mind. She knows her spells, too, and does her homework (I think). I think more people would expect Hermione on the list, but she didn’t resonate with me the way Luna did. She’s bullied for thinking differently, which really resonated with me. But she’s got her close friends and that’s all that really matters to her. She was the first character I saw myself in, even if she’s just thinks differently than I do.
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7. Eleven (Stranger Things) I really did not want to put Eleven this low. But I really just couldn’t put her higher because the girls above her are just better. However, Eleven is awesome. Truly awesome. We gotta respect the only character in Stranger Things that has superpowers. Nothing holds Eleven down. She escapes from a crazy laboratory and finds her new friends who she will literally do anything to protect. And she was messed up in that lab. But she still knows good from evil. She knew that her friends were not going to screw her over. And when she thought they were going to screw her, she kinda just said no. Like okay. She’s brave and kind and badass and everything I want in a superhero. I she’s a little intimidated by the world around her, but I would have run right back to what I knew if I were her. I think her bravery really shone in the third season. I’m sad about what’s happening to her powers, but I think they’ll find a way to get them back. Even if they don’t, I think Eleven will still prove to be everything she is without them. And just look at her. She’s just so cute. 
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6. Hazel Levesque (Riordanverse) I told you this was my list and I think Hazel deserves a spot. I mean, the youngest person on the Argo II, daughter of Pluto, can control the Mist and all the jewels in the earth, and tamed an untameable immortal horse. What more do you want? Yes, yes. I love Annabeth, but I really resonated with Hazel more, mostly because she just seems sweeter than Annabeth. I’m a sweet and shy person. And I love horses. And the 40′s. Speaking of which, a POC in the 40′s in Louisiana? If I ever make a top 10 POC characters, we’ll brush up on that. Anyway, let’s talk about when she died. Did I mention she died? She gave up an eternity of happiness so her mother (who was not good to Hazel) wouldn’t have an eternity of misery. Gotta thank Nico, though, for bringing one of my faves back to life. But when Nico was in trouble, there was nothing that Hazel wouldn’t do to help her brother. And when Hazel learned how to control the Mist in couple of weeks? What a display of power. She’s had a hard life, but she’s come out stronger because of it. 
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5. Katniss Everdeen (Hunger Games) What? Why is Katniss so low? Mostly because it’s been a while since I’ve read the Hunger Games. I never even finished it. I stopped halfway through Mockingjay. I really like Katniss, though. She’s never had a lot. Let’s just start with the obvious that she takes on the Capital. Like you’re taking on the government? Okay go off. Of course, it’s not for no reason. They’re slaughtering everyone. But let’s just talk about when she’s in the Hunger Games the first time. I don’t think I could start to go into detail about everything that Katniss has done. She’s a badass in summary. She took on people that train for the event. She dropped a... what are they called? *googles hunger games bees* Tracker jackers! She dropped a nest full of tracker jackers on to those stuck-up kids. And Rue. Rue helped. Rue’s the best. She’s not on the list, but still. I love Rue and Katniss’ friendship, even if didn’t last. I’m sorry Rue you had to die if Katniss was to win. Anyway, Peeta got her in sort of a weird romance, but I think Katniss saved Peeta more times than Peeta saved Katniss. I love gender role reversals. Also I’m such a sucker for girls who can shoot a bow.  So, yeah, Katniss gets her spot which is very well earned. 
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4. Vanya Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy) The second season recently came out so she’s fresh in my mind. The most powerful sibling in the Academy uses sound to harness energy. And does she do it in style. Yeah, she kind of causes the apocalypse, but that’s not her fault. It’s Luther’s. And Reginald's. Vanya had a rough childhood. She was told all her life that she was ordinary in a house where there where only the extraordinary.  But she powered through it. And wrote a book as revenge. Like Five said, that took guts. She’s such a complicated character. She’s shy and kind. But don’t make her mad. She might stab you. I really couldn’t believe how hard I cheered when she killed Harold. Like it was bad. Also she blew up the moon. Do you want more? She’s dating a farm frau. If I ever make a top 10 canon couples, that’s going on the list. You know, if you can’t go straight, go gay. Also she’s a human bomb. I’m a sucker for human bombs. And memes. 
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3. Morgana Pendragon (Merlin) I really love good girls turned bad. I was a little worried that Morgana was just going to be Merlin’s love interest in season 1. But man was I wrong. Going from a ward with bad dreams to a witch determined to be queen. I was actually kind of rooting for her. But that just could be because Katie is a phenomenal actress. But anyway, Morgana really has issues, which is why she’s top 3. Also the fact that she didn’t have a girlfriend, so disappointing. But she’s a villain, and villains don’t have lovers. Or they’re not supposed to in my book. Also she can go toe to toe with Merlin, who is supposed to be one of the best sorcerers of all time. What a show of power. 
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2. Regina Mills (Once Upon a Time) My favorite redemption arc. From good to evil and back to good. Honestly one of my favorite characters to watch. And Lana just does such a good job with it. Do you see the trend that I have with my favorite characters? Tragic background is the base requirement. Magical badass gives you an improvement in the list. But Regina has had a horrible life. The fact that she is classified as a villain is heartbreaking sometimes. But she did kill a ton of people so she’s definitely a villain in the storybooks. And that sass. Only Regina could pull off that sass. But I think the fact that she tries to be good when it is not in her nature, I think that speaks volumes. 
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1. Kara Danvers / Supergirl (Supergirl) I feel like people just got thrown for a loop. It’s like wait a minute. Didn’t you just say that your favorite kind of character is a “magical badass with a tragic background?” Um maybe. But Kara has her own tragedies. She just doesn’t show it. She lost her parents when she was 12. Not just her parents, but almost her whole family and all of her home. But she learned to have a new home on Earth. But she manages to figure out how to save the world with all of these conflicts in her life. Shoutout to Alex for being an awesome sister. And she has a great social life, something I aspire to have. I’m so upset that the show is ending after season 6. I love Kara so much. Kara is the most amazing woman in the Arrowverse so I’m so sorry to see her go. 
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Chapter 57 - Phone numbers and Spring breaks
In the previous chapter: Eddie and Angie get some alone time in a secluded romantic place near the beach but are caught by two cops, who trap them in a cross-fire of questions, halfway between gossip and interrogation. During this conversation, Angie unexpectedly opens up and reveals she's afraid to tell her friends about her relationship with Eddie also because she doesn't want to lose them, in case they'd break up. Angie manages to overcome her fears and insecurities and, as he drives Eddie back home, she suggests to tell their friends about them at the Ok Hotel on the next Pearl Jam show. The two also have a small fight caused by Eddie being jealous once he finds out Angie had already been in the same isolated romantic spot with Jerry too. Thanks to the cop, who had read Angie's driving licence aloud, Eddie also finds out that his girlfriend has a second name that starts with a W but Angie has no intention to tell him what it is. In the meantime Stone and Grace are coming back from their latest eccentric date. She's brought a tape with some songs she likes so they could listen to it in the car and he criticize the selection and the sequence of the tracks. Once they're at home, after a moment of passion, Stone is determined to confront Grace and her problems with sharing her bed and intimacy with another person, also because he can sense there's something more going on. Anyway he's shocked when he finds out the true reason of her insecurities: many years before, due to an aggressive form of bone cancer, the girl had her foot amputated. Stone's reaction is total confusion, he doesn't know what to do or say and, although he reassures Grace about his feelings, he leaves, saying that he just needs to process the news.
I swear I didn't do it on purpose. I mean, maybe I shouldn't swear, because even if I didn't do it intentionally, my subconscious must have given me a little push. Or it's just some kind of fucking mental automatism, just like when you're used at driving the same itinerary every day and once you get to the crossroad you turn left as usual. But you had to go somewhere else instead and you only notice once you get to the wrong destination. That never happened to me anyway. But it's something that happens to everybody, you know, people's always talking about stuff like that. Well, this time it must have happened to me because I left the Music Bank, I got behind the wheel and, I don't know how, I drove and found myself in fucking Roxy's parking place. I sit still without doing shit for who knows how long, uncertain about what to do. Why am I here? What should I do? Do I get in and say hi? Sure, the first thing you wanna see after a hard work day is your ex boyfriend's shitty face, isn't it? Well, actually, maybe she doesn't even remember I'm her ex, just look at the way she treats me, like she treated me in San Diego. Just like a friend. She's not even mad at me anymore, you know, she's even grateful maybe. After all, if I hadn't sabotaged our relationship, she wouldn't be with Eddie now. 'Cause of course she's with him. I don't know but I can guess. He must have hit on her and she said yes. She said yes to me and I'm a loser. Whoever comes after me would look like Prince Charming in comparison. By the way, my car engine is still on. I turn it off when I see Angie with Brian and another girl, coming out of the diner, followed a couple of seconds later by Roxy herself, who waves at them and closes down. Angie's holding a trash bag and is walking towards the dumpsters on the side of the diner, while the others leave walking or by car. I get out of my car and run to the opposite side of the diner, hiding, I don't know why, and peep out from time to time to check her moves. She shows back up after a few minutes, she's still got her uniform on, both hands in her leather jacket's pockets, her face half hidden under a big scarf, her usual colorful bag on her shoulder. She crosses the parking lot and walks down the street, followed by me at a safe distance. I look around to see if someone noticed me, 'cause to the external observer I could look like an attacker going after a helpless girl. But I don't have bad intentions, honestly I don't even know what my intentions are, I don't even know why I'm following her. I almost get caught a couple of times, when she stops and looks at some shop windows and then unexpectedly turns around towards me. The first time I got to sneak into a phone booth, the second time I managed to blend in with the small crowd of a street busker. I keep on following her and I'd really wanna know where the fuck she's going, since we've already passed two bus stops. We're at the third one when she stops and looks around, whereas I literally launch myself into the first alley not to be seen. But why not anyway? Can't I just go there and say hi? I sneak a peek and see her lighting up a cigarette and pacing the small portion of sidewalk in front of the bus stop back and forth. And I hide behind the wall every time she comes into my direction. I look out once again and I just can't see her anymore. I get out of my hiding place and I guess she must have left to the next bus stop, maybe it's early and she doesn't want to wait standing still in the cold. Or maybe someone came to pick her up, maybe her boyfriend... No, there she is, she's still walking all alone, literally all alone, 'cause as we drift away from the shops and clubs the streets get more and more empty. I walk along the wall, basically on my tip toes, 'cause I'm afraid she could hear the sound of my shoes. And this is the very moment I realize there's no fucking sense in what I'm doing. I curse under my breath and jog to catch up with Angie, I put a hand on her shoulder and that's when I feel one of the strongest pains I mean can experience in his life, the moment she suddenly turns around and epically knees me in the nuts.
“JESUS, ANGIE!” I cry, I don't know if it's more for the pain or to call her, since she's about to run away.
“Jerry??” she stops and looks at me perplexed as I squirm in pain, before cautiosly coming back to me “Was it you following me?”
“Are you stupid? Why?”
“I wanted... well, I wanted to play a prank on you” I didn't lose my improvisation talent.
“What a shitty prank, you scared me!”
“Well, I'm sorry too. Did I hurt you?”
“No, I'm great” I sigh as I finally start getting my sight back.
“You had it coming... you scared me to death!”
“And I got punished”
“I thought you were a guy who wanted to attack me”
“Hehe I was attacked instead.” it looks like I have to get hurt everytime I meet Angie, physically or not. I notice her hand and point at it “What about those?”
“It's a trick Meg taught me” she answers and takes the keys she had placed between her fingers in her closed fist and puts them back into her bag.
“Do you know you can get hurt if you don't hold them tight when you throw a punch? That's a dangerous trick”
“What's that, are you volunteering for training me?” she retrieves the keys and clinks them, whiles she gives me a devilish smile and I give up to the fact that I'll always love this girl. In my way, my wrong and senseless way, but I can't help it.
“No, thanks. It's not that I don't deserve it, but I have other plans for the night”
“What plans?”
“Something like... go on listening to the demos I've just recorded and try to figure out why they just don't work”
“Demos? Of the new album?” Angie goes from joking to being extremely interested and I cannot wait to satisfy her curiosity. That's probably why I came here in the first place.
“Yeah but it's my stuff, you know, songs I wrote by myself, I haven't played them to the guys yet”
“Well maybe you just need to work on them a little, with the band as well. And then Layne can sing anything and make it perfect, so don't worry” Angie shrugs and smiles and I think I'm going crazy, 'cause I'd happily let her kick me in the balls once more just to be touched by her.
“Do you wanna listen to them?”
“I'd love that! Do you have a copy for me?”
“No, but... I've got the tape in the car... we could go and listen to it, what do you think?”
“Uh well, I don't know, it's a bit late” even though it only lasts a second, I can feel the whole hesitation in her answer. It's obvious she doesn't totally like the idea but she doesn't know how to say no without removing that mask of complete indifference towards me. Admitting that being alone with me would make her uncomfortable would be like admitting that there are still unfinished issues and feelings between us. And she'd never do that.
“It's just three tracks. You'll listen and give me an opinion, and in return I'll drive you home. What do you think? “
“Ok, let's go!” she shrugs again and follows me like nothing's wrong.
“So?” I ask her after the first song.
“Jerry it's... what exactly do you think is not working in this song? It's great”
“Do you really think that?”
“You're not saying so just because you don't wanna go home by bus, are you?”
“Don't be stupid...”
“It'd earn some points with Layne's voice”
“In the chorus for sure but I like your voice in the verse” play my new songs to Angie is not just an excuse to spend some time with her, I like her cause she's sincere and her opinions are honest. She won't tell you a track is good only to please you.
“Thank you”
“Does it have a title?”
“I was thinking about Would. A wordplay, with Wood”
“Yeah, of course the song's about him. I've been thinking about him a lot lately. Well, I've never stopped thinking about him but he's been in my mind more and more often. Our first album did great, we've been playing around the country ever since it came out, Stone and Jeff are finally making it, many other bands start getting recognition and-”
“And he's not here”
“Right. He's not here. And I miss him. Andy was a friend. Not one you talk deep serious shit with or something like that. It was only fun, everything was fun with him, we had the time of our lives, Andy, Xana, Chris and I. He was such a great person, full of energy and life”
“His life choices tell a different story though...”
“He made the wrongest choices in his life but that doesn't mean he wasn't a good person. So he made a big mistake. I don't judge him though. I hate the people who judge”
“Sorry, I didn't mean that”
“Nuh, it's not you, I didn't mean you, you're not like that” Angie doesn't need to judge you, she just speaks her mind or looks at you in the eye and you feel like shit for the mess you made.
“Meg told me he died around this time last year, didn't he?”
“Yeah, it'll be one year in a few days. And to me it's like ten years have passed”
“Will you play another song to me?” Angie knows when it's time to change the subject. What she doesn't know is that the mood of the conversation won't get any higher with the second recording.
“Rooster was the nickname my dad's grandpa gave to him when he was a child,” I tell her before she even asks and I press STOP on the cassette player “because he had this cocky attitude hehe and  his hair, it used to stick up on top of his head, just like a rooster's comb, you know”
“Did you write a song about your dad?” Angie perfectly knows the whole messy story of my family and also knows how difficult it is for me to talk about it, although it was much less difficult with her.
“I wrote a song trying to put myself in his shoes, trying to imagine what an American soldier in Vietnam could think or feel in those moments. As you know, he never wanted to tell us anything”
“You should play this song to him”
“We'll see. If an actual song comes out from it, it could happen, who knows”
“That could be a way to reach out to him and reconnect, bring you closer”
“That's not why I wrote it”
“I know”
“I wrote it for no particular reason”
“It just came out like that”
“It just had to come out then”
“Do you like it?”
“Yes, I do. Can I listen to the last one?”
“This was the last one” I shamelessly lie.
“You mentioned three songs..”
“Yeah, well, it's like three tracks but two complete songs. The third one is just an instrumental” telling lies to Angie is still easy for me, like in the good old days. What I don't know is if it's still as easy for her to believe me.
“I wanna hear that one too” she folds her arms and gives me a bad look.
“Alright, I'm taking you home” I play dumb and turn on the car but Angie has a different idea and stretches out her hand to press PLAY on the stereo.
Here are the first chords of a song that's too slow and too soft and will never even be a fucking B-side on a band's single and that I'd never play to the guys, not even under torture. Also because it's so personal that they'd make fun of me for ages and I believe I already gave them enough reasons to do that. Luckily, in the first part of the song I had the idea to sing the melody with some mmm mmm mmm so I can reinforce the excuse of the instrumental piece.
“See? It's just a draft. It's just an asshole strumming and humming an improvised tune” I shrug and stop the tape, then take it out and sneak it into my jacket's pocket. Why am I like that? I shouldn't have gone to see Angie in the first place. Then, when I saw her and talked to her and asked her to come listen to the demo I tried and told myself it was just a trick so I could spend some time with her. But that's not true. I clearly wanted her to listen to this song too. Well, especially this song. And now? Am I chickening out or did I just realize it was a stupid idea? What did I expect from this? What did I want to get? Let her know that, as she goes on with her life, I'm still stuck with my bullshit?
“Well, it seems a nice draft”
“Too slow, too depressing, I don't know”
“Is everything ok?”
“Sure, why?”
“I don't know, just asking” why I ask. It's only natural for her to wonder if there's something wrong with me. I just show up out of the blue where she works, I convince her to listen to some songs I wrote, then it all turns into some fucking psychotherapy session under cover.
“It's alright, it's just... just the same old shit, you know”
“The same old shit will always be the same if you don't deal with it, Jerry”
“I know. In fact, I'm dealing with it. Music is perfect for that, didn't you say it too?”
“Yes, but it's not enough”
“Yeah. Oh and sorry if I came and bothered you and took your time. It wasn't planned, you know, I just found myself there. I mean, it's not like I got to Roxy's by chance, I'd say that until a certain point I had no idea I was coming to see you. Then, you know, on the last mile...”
“Ok Jerry, I got it”
“I'm sorry”
“Don't be sorry, you have no reason to be”
“It's just that, well, it's easier with you. It's easier for me to talk to you, despite everything. Weird, right?” Angie knows everything, I don't owe her any explanation and now that we're not together anymore, I don't owe her anything. At the same time though, she doesn't owe me anything either. She doesn't have to listen to me.
“Well, a little weird but not too much. People love to vent with me, maybe I look trustworthy. Or just innocuous” Angie shakes her head and I think that she's not like that at all, considering that the (too short) time our paths crossed left a big deep mark on me.
“Innocuous? With your key brass knuckles? I wouldn't say so”
The drive to Angie's house lasts more than it should, 'cause I deliberately choose the slowes most trafficked road, but she's too kind to say anything. Or she doesn't even notice.
“So, good night. And thank you for the ride” she says as she holds her hand on the already open car door.
“Thank you for being my test subject, and for the opinions”
“No problem. Anyway, whenever you wanna talk or let me listen to something else... I'm here for you, ok?”
“Really?” I ask, not because I don't believe her, but because I perfectly know that she means what she's saying, that's she's really ready to suffer through the rants of a guy who can't open up emotionally with anybody but his ex, who's with another man now.
“Sure. Only because you acted like shit, that doesn't mean I, I don't know, that I wouldn't rescue you from a fire or offer you a hand as you're on the edge of a brink to pick you up. For the serious stuff, the things that really count, I'll always give you a hand” Angie shrugs as she's telling me beautiful things and by now I should just stop and admire her kindness and selflessness, get inspired by her concept of friendship, learn something from her total lack of resentment. But all I can do is fixating first on her eyes, then on her lips, and this time I doubt she didn't notice I have every intention of kissing her. And that must be why she tells me good night and sprints out of the car in a couple of seconds, running towards the entrance of her condo.
“Good night!” I yell through the window as she distractedly waves bye at me.
What the hell have I got myself into?
What the hell have I got myself into? What am I doing now? Making promises I'm not sure I can keep? Sure, mine were such great words, they sounded very good, but will I be able to support them with actions? Will I truly always be there for Jerry, although he's been a jerk? Aspiring to be a better person is great but I think that, in my case, it's more like a sort of masochistic complacency. Because you know what? I love being good, acting like a good person and have everyone see me like that, like a kind and understanding young woman. Everyone, even those who wouldn't deserve any regard, well, especially those. You were a bastard to me, right? And now you're expecting from me to at least cross the street when I see you coming, aren't you? But no, instead I'm here listening to you as you vent, holding your hand and encouraging you, telling you everything is gonna be alright. Take that! It's not like I'm faking it or doing it on purpose but I can't deny there's this element of satisfaction in being the one who does the right thing, or better, who does the good thing no one would do. Now I know that when I tell Meg about what happened tonight, she will shake her head and tell me I'm stupid and that I should've just told Jerry to fuck off as he deserves. But what she'll actually think is that I'm too good, too kind, or something like that. Well, I adore being too good, it makes me feel... well, good, at peace with myself and the other people, because it's one of the few existing social roles I easily fit in, that I feel comfortable in. At least for a while. Because the problem is that if you decide that you're good, then you have to be it all the way, from start to finish, without any doubts, afterthoughts or shit. And that means that if I've just told Jerry I'll always be there for him as a friend, the next time I see him I can't just kick his ass because I suddenly remembered he cheated on me and totally disrespected me, not only as a girlfriend but first of all as a person. That's how it works with Jerry: I talk to him and it's like I'm interacting with a completely different person from the one who was with me, but it's not just rhetorical, it actually is like he's another guy, no upset, no tension between us. That is until something happens, a word, some noise, a fucking joke or anything that reminds me who's standing in front of me, and then I swear I'd throw stones at his face just like that, out of the blue. But no, you can't. Because if you've got the Jesus Syndrome you gotta be Christ all along, turning the other cheek and all the rest. You can't just enjoy your fame as a messiah, you have to get crucified at some point, or more often crucify yourself.
My inner rant takes a mystic turn right when I enter my apartment, maybe it all depends on the fact that as I'm inside I take my shoes off and on the ecstatic feelings my feet had as I did after spending the whole day standing. I grab the phone without even turning on the lights, I notice something scribbled on the notepad nearby but I don't look it twice since I guess it's a note from Meg telling me Eddie called looking for me. After all we were supposed to have a phone date... well, like an hour ago. I plop down on the couch, even though I know it's not the best thing to do and that I'd better reach for my bed, and dial the number by heart in the dark.
“Hi Eddie, were you sleeping?”
“Obviously not my dear... Wallflower?”
“Haha no, you're cold, sorry! “
“How cold?”
“North Pole I'll say”
“I'm never telling you, just give up”
“I'm gonna find out all the same”
“Oh really, and how?”
“I got my persuasion techniques, don't you know?” yes, I do know, that's why I drop the subject.
“Anyway, you're getting more and more unpredictable, I was sure you'd have answered with 'Is it Friday already?' instead of hello”
“I love to surprise you, kitty. By the way, is Friday yet?” he giggles, whereas I try to get off the couch but end up losing touch and rolling down on the carpet.
“Hey, are you ok? What was that?”
“Huh nothing. Excuse me Eddie, what the actual fuck have you just called me?” I ask as I straighten on my side, stroking my sore buttcheek.
“Kitty, why?”
“Why, he says!”
“Are you actually talking to someone or is it just your usual imaginary audience?”
“Don't ever do that again”
“Aw come on, it's cute”
“That's what you think”
“And you like cats anyway”
“I like a lot of things, I like horror movies too, but that doesn't mean I'd let you call me poltergeist... although, well, thinking about it...”
“That's not bad but I prefer Kitty”
“I'd prefer anything rather than Kitty”
“Beware of what you wish for”
“Ugh do you mean you could come up with something worse?”
“Try me”
“And kitty doesn't make sense anyway”
“Sure it does”
“'Cause I like cats?”
“Because you have big beautiful cat eyes, you're sweet and cute but you know how to pull out your nails when needed... also literally. My back says thanks hehe” it's past midnight, I'm still lying flat on the rug and I'm blushing.
“It's just I don't like nicknames in general” the defense diversion mechanism kicks in by itself as I try to get back up.
“You like princess though”
“That's another story, it's not a couple nickname”
“The fuck are you talking about, it's the epitome of couple nicknames!”
“Ok but in our case it was a thing between friends” I finally sit back on the couch and instinctively hug one of the pillows.
“Haha friends my ass, had it been about friendship only, that nickname would have been born and dead that same night”
“Ok but technically it was born in friendship so it can go” I focus on the technical aspect because I still find it hard to acknowledge the fact Eddie has had this... crush (?) on me for a while. I mean, I rationally understand he didn't get a sudden epiphany on that morning in San Diego at the bus station and that he must have thought about it before that. But my irrational side hasn't realized yet that Eddie is with me, let alone comprehend he's been having an interest in me for months.
“Alright alright, what's wrong with kitty?”
“It's too... too sappy”
“It's a nickname, it's gotta be sweet, that's how it is”
“It's stupid”
“What were you expecting from a stupid guy like me, kitty?”
“Umph you're really stuck on that, huh?” I roll my eyes and I already know I'm not gonna win this, not even by mistake.
“You know what? I think it's not that you don't like it, it just... you're just embarrassed for some weird reason I don't know”
“That's not true” I retort clinging to the pillow.
“Yes, it is”
“No, it's not”
“Do you know the tone of your voice slightly changes whenever I say something and hit the target right?”
“Haha what... what the hell are you talking about?”
“Nothing. If you let me call you kitty, I'll let you call me whatever you want”
“Haha you mean you really do want to introduce it as an official nickname! You've been working on this for a while, haven't you? Confess!”
“No, it just came out like that, without thinking. And I'd have probably forgotten like two seconds later, if only you hadn't had that amazing reaction”
“It's basically my fault then”
“As always, princess”
“Princess or kitty? You gotta make a decision”
“Why choose? You can be both, I mean, you are both”
“If by any chance that word comes out of your pretty mouth in front of one of our friends you're-”
“HA! So that's the big deal! Is that what terrifies you? That the guys could hear it??”
“If something like that happens, you're dead, just so you know”
“You're too preoccupied with what people think, let me tell you”
“But not dead as in me kicking your ass, ripping you apart or literally killing you. It's just that from that moment on you'll simply stop existing to me, I'll mentally celebrate your funeral, cry a little, then I won't talk to you ever again and won't even acknowledge your presence in any way”
“Have I ever told you I love it when you're so dramatic?”
“Have I ever told you my threats are always real?”
“Ok ok, I promise I'll never use that name unless we're alone. Is that better?”
“Yes” as I said, I knew I'd never win this.
“Thank you, kitty. What do you wanna call me instead?”
“I'll call you Eddie and that's it”
“Look, I'm fine with a non sappy nickname too”
“Ed?” yeah, that's the most I can do.
“What the fuck are you laughing for?” actually I love it when he laughs, especially when he laughs at me, but he doesn't need to know.
“Wow, isn't it too intimate? I don't know if I'm comfortable with you calling me Ed”
“Fuck you, Ed”
“Especially in front of our friends”
“It's not something you can say on command, it just comes out spontaneously, didn't you say that? When I feel the urge to call you a stupid name, you'll know”
“Ok ok. Now, on a more serious note, is it Friday yet?”
“No, it's still two days before that”
“Technically one, it's waaay past midnight”
“So if you already know, why do you ask me?”
“Just checking on your level of attention”
“See what happens when you talk stupid shit on the phone? Time goes by fast”
“That was my goal from the beginning. Anyway we could have talked more stupid shit if you hadn't took your time. I've been here waiting for you since half past eleven”
“I didn't take my time, I've just come home. I mean, like a minute before I called you”
“Roxy makes you work extra hours? I can't understand why you're always the one closing up, they're called shifts for a reason, they're supposed to shift”
“I'm not always closing up. And I'm the one who asked for these shifts because they're more comfortable for me for multiple reasons. Anyway, I almost left on time tonight, I wasted some time later, but I wouldn't call it wasted time, since I got an exclusive preview! Or pre-listening, I don't know how to call it”
“Really? What did you do?”
“I heard a couple of demos by Alice that are gonna be in the next album. Well, that's what I think, because they're very good, although Jerry's not sure about that. But that's normal, 'cause Jerry doesn't understand shit” another fucking perfectionist songwriter like Eddie, they should get along in this.
“Jerry? Did you see him? Was he at the diner?” in spite of their supposed chemistry, the adorable and playful Eddie disappears in a second and the very moment he says Jerry's name, I know he's about to get mad just like the other night.
“No, I met him after work”
“You met him? Where? Did you go somewhere after work with your colleagues and-”
“Oh no, I met him in the streets”
“In the streets?”
“In the street in front of Roxy's at eleven o'clock on a Wednesday evening?”
“Yes” the conversation is slowly turning into inquisition”
“And what was he doing there?”
“I don't know, he was out, I didn't ask him”
“Ask me”
“Hehe what?” I'm not an idiot, it's not like I'm here laughing knowing that Eddie must be fuming, literally having steam coming out of his ears right now. It's more a nervous chuckle I can't hold.
“Just ask me, I'll give you the answer”
“Eddie, I don't-”
“ASK. ME.” Eddie can convince me, although I prefer his other methods, the most enjoyable ones.
“Ok, what was Jerry doing there?”
“He came right to see you, obviously”
“It didn't come to see me” of course he came specificaly to see me. What I mean is that he didn't come with the idea to hit on me and get me back, like Eddie thinks. He just came looking for me because he didn't know where to go.
“Sure, and then?”
“Then what?”
“Then what happened? What did you do? Where did you go? Where did he play THIS FUCKING DEMO?” Eddie shouting through the phone startles me on the couch.
“Ok, easy there, calm down, why are you raising your voice?”
“'Cause I've been here waiting to talk to my girlfriend on the phone at least, since we couldn't meet in person tonight, while she was hanging out wandering around with her ex”
“I wasn't wandering around”
“Did you go directly to his place?”
“Did he came to your apartment? Maybe you even made him coffee”
“We stayed in the car, just the time to listen to two songs, then he took me home” I ignore his sarcasm because if I didn't, I'd end up using mine back against him and we wouldn't come out alive from this.
“In the car”
“Yes, where do you think he would he play the tape to me? Nobody went to nobody's place and Jerry's not going around with a boombox on his shoulder like John Cusack” here it is, my sarcasm couldn't resist, this discussion cannot end well.
“In the car” he repeats harshly.
“Yes, in the car”
“And where did you sneak off this time? Since the old parking spot is off limits now, you know...”
“We didn't sneak off anywhere, we were there, on the street. Is the interrogation over?”
“No. Did you kiss?”
“WHAT? ARE YOU CRAZY? What do you think??” I'm unwillingly loud but at the same time I don't wanna react too vehemently and give him the impression he struck a nerve and something really happened with Jerry.
“I don't know or I wouldn't ask”
“You really don't know? I mean, you seriously think I could kiss Jerry? And, most of all, that after kissing him, I could just call you and talk about cats, poltergeists, names and nicknames as if nothing happened?”
“I don't know Angie, I only know you're ex boyfriend showed up with the excuse of the demo and you couldn't resist. And considering the timing, I'm sorry, but I doubt you just listened to a couple of songs and then went straight home, unless Alice in Chains turned into prog rock and now make 15-minute long songs”
“We talked”
“About what?”
“It's personal”
“Oh well great! Perfect! I've got absolutely no reason to be upset then! You met your ex and you talked about your secrets, now I'm really calm, thank you!”
“Personal stuff about him, that has got nothing to do with me”
“Oh because you're Jerry's favourite confidant now, right. Why can't he go tell his bullshit to the girls he used to fuck behind your back?” well, wow, thank you Eddie, that was so tactful of you... I remain quiet for a moment before replying.
“And how would I know? I don't know, maybe he does, maybe he doesn't. Why are you asking me about how he acts?”
“I'm asking you because you are my girlfriend, not his, just in case you forgot”
“I didn't forget. Maybe you did, given how you're treating me now” keeping calm is great but I didn't do anything, why should I be defensive? I don't like him at all when he's like this.
“Right, I'm the jerk here, after all you only went out with Jerry, I shouldn't get mad”
“Listen, I told you I saw Jerry, on my own initiative, without you asking shit. If I hadn't told you, you'd have never known. But I wanted to tell you and I told you, 'cause I've got nothing to hide and did nothing bad” fighting is one of the things I hate the most and I avoid at all costs. I hate fighting, it makes me anxious, even when I'm right, and that's why I often play dumb and close my eyes and ears, even when I shouldn't, even when I'd have something to say in the matter, because I simply don't wanna make a fuss and just wanna be in peace. In this case though, I can't really shut up, so I try and talk some sense into him.
“Ok, listen, I believe you didn't do anything, that nothing happened, I trust you. But I don't trust him. Can't you see he did it on purpose? It was a fucking excuse to see you” Eddie stops treating me like shit for a while but that doesn' make me feel that much better.
“That wasn't the case at all, I can assure you. But even if it was, I didn't do anything about it. He just asked me to listen to a couple of songs and give him my opinion, that's all”
“You could've said no. You could have told him you had to go home, that you had an appointment. Which you actually had, with me”
“Honestly I can't see anything wrong with listening to a couple of songs and half a vent of a friend, so I can't see why I should have said no” the appointment I had with him was a phone call, the world won't end because I called him a little later.
“Maybe because he's not a friend but he's your fucking ex?”
“Right because he's my ex, I can't see why you're jealous. It's in the past, it's over, I put multiple pins on it. If you're jealous, that's your problem” if there's one thing I can't stand is jealousy, I just can't, it's stupid, it's-
“If you can't see the problem, then you are the problem. Good night” the disconnect tone goes on for a while before I realize Eddie's just literally hung up on me. I'm weirded out, not just for that, but for the whole situation. What the fuck has just happened? How did we go from an easy phone call to World War III in a minute? Why did he get so mad? I don't know what to do, I wait for a couple of minutes, then try to call him back but his phone rings and rings and I get no answer.
“WHAT THE FUCK! Angie, what the hell are you doing there?” the lights in the living room suddenly go on and seeing me appearing on the couch out of the blue scares my room mate.
“Hi Meg, sorry”
“Sorry my ass! Ok, the Make your roommate shit in her pants championship has officially ended. You won, period. I give up” she walks up to me holding one hand on her heart and I already know now she'll sit with me, she'll sense in a second that somethig's wrong, I won't tell her shit at first, then I'll inevitably spit it all out, she'll confort me, insult Eddie, curse Jerry, then she'll tell me it's nothing that can't be solved, she'll give me advice that will not make sense to me but in the end will turn out to be just right and everything will be ok in the end. Maybe.
“Sorry, I was on the phone”
“Oh you called your friend back then” Meg completely disorientates me, as if I wasn't already confused enough.
“My friend?”
“Yes, Jane, your ex school mate. I left you a note...” Meg skips away then comes back holding the notepad I noticed before, beside the phone base. It only takes me that name, first mentioned by her, then written on the yellow sheet of paper, to immediately regain control of myself.
“Yeah yeah, I've just called her, thank you!” I get up from the couch and delicately but firmly take the notepad from Meg's hands, before tearing off the written page.
“Is everything alright? It seemed something urgent”
“Hahaha it's always urgent for Jane! Nuh, she just wanted to give me the big news, that she finally found a job. And give me her new number now that she has a place of her own” I take my bag, fish out my planner and stick my note in it, not to lose it. At least, that's the impression I wanna give Meg. I already have this number and I'd secretely love to lose it.
“718... uhm... what code is that, Texas?”
“New York”
“Wait, do you have a friend in the Big Apple? That's so cool! And what is she doing there?”
“She's a model. But her dream is to be an actress” it's be more correct to say that her dream is to be famous, actually to be adored. Possibly by everyone. But I don't feel like adding this detail, I don't even know why I'm talking with Meg about her.
“Will you direct her then one day? An actress and a direction: the perfect squad!” the enthusiasm expressed by my friend goes doesn't reflect my mood but I can't show that.
“Apart from the fact that I'd rather write than direct... don't worry, I still have a lot of burgers to serve before I get there” I zip up my bag and put it back on my shoulder.
“Why have you never told me about this Jane? It's the first time I hear about her, I thought you only had three friends” she doesn't give up and follows me across the hallway.
“That's right, I confirm the magnificent three. Jane is not really a friend, she's more... she's a more superficial acquaintance”
“It's nice of her to keep in touch though” yeah, sure, very nice indeed.
“Yeah, she's a good girl” I think she'd throw up if she heard me say this about her.
“What are you doing? Are you going out?” Meg stops me as I'm about to open the door instead of rushing into my room as she was expecting.
“Yeah, I'm out of cigarettes, I'm going to buy some, it'll take me a minute”
“And can't you just not smoke?”
“No, definitely not, Meg, trust me”
I leave, telling her to go to sleep since I've got my keys and she doesn't have to wait for me. I go downstairs in a flash and when I'm outside the condo I take a look at the windows on the fourth floor. They lights are all off again. That's better, I won't need to go around the block. I get into the nearest phone booth, put the money coin by coin into the pay phone as if they weighed a ton each and dial the number that's now inside my planner. But I don't need to take it out, I've been knowing it by heart for years now.
“What do you need?”
“Fuck, it's still too early” I tell myself as I look at my watch, which says it's a quarter to eight. And I should just throw away this fucking watch. Or sell it. I told Angie too, asking her if it was bothering her, but she looked at me as if I was crazy and asked me why. She doesn't care if every single day I wear the watch a girl who liked me bought for me, a girl I even kissed. Angie doesn't know what jealousy is, that angst that starts from the middle of your stomach and goes to your head, that makes you see everything black, that takes your breath away, like a sea monster emerging from the ocean that catches you off guard as you're swimming, wrapping its tentacles around you and immobilizing you, that convinces you that everything's lost. Angie doesn't even think about that, she didn't think about it last night, when she met Jerry, and not even when she told me, innocently, like it was normal. 'Cause to her it is normal. 'Cause it's most likely normal to everybody but me, the unstable jerk, who's been standing outside his girlfriend's house since six o'clock in the morning, waiting for her to come out so he can apologize and save the day. I had no intentions to wake her up early and I knew she wouldn't leave that early, but I couldn't stay at home any longer after a sleepless night, when I quite quickly went from anger to realizing the big mistake I had just made. I get out of my truck once again. I must have got out and in like five or six times in a couple of hours and the cigarettes butts of a whole pack are covering this shitty sidewalk. It's not raining but the air is cold. But I'm sweating. I stretch my hand through the half open truck window to retrieve the baseball cap I left on the passenger seat and I wear it. As I'm busy sticking all my hair under the hat, I hear the door open and see her walking out, while fixing her big scarf around her neck to protect herself from the wind. She doesn't look my way but comes towards me and I don't even need to put any effort into looking sad because as soon as I see her, my heart skips and I'm sure my natural expression is already the right one. I'm almost about to call her when, instead of walking right up to me, she turns to her right and goes who knows where. Didn't she see me? Did she see me and ignored me on purpose? I don't care. I throw the umpteenth cigarette away and follow her.
“Angie” she comes to a dead stop as she hears me calling her name and it clearly means that no, she didn't see me. She turns around and literally looked at me up and down, from head to toe, before stopping at my eyes and answering with a nod.
“Hi Eddie” she turns around and starts walkig again but slowly.
“I know you're mad at me, you've got every reason to be” I catch up and walk beside her, who's burying her face into her scarf, as if she wanted to hide herself from me.
“I'm not mad. You were the mad one, I think”
“I got upset for no reason, Angie, I'm sorry. I want to apologize”
“You were a fury”
“I know, I know, I was a jerk”
“You hung up on me and didn't even answer when I called you back”
“Better that way, trust me! I was out of my mind, who knows what else I could have said” well, maybe I shouldn't have said this.
“Ok, better this way then” Angie shrugs and subtly quickens her pace.
“Angie, can we just stop for a second? I need to talk to you, properly, not just walking like this”
“I got shit to do, I need to go to the bank and run some other errands before going to class”
“It'll only take a couple of minutes, Angie, please. Let me talk to you, I haven't slept all night” I delicately and cautiously circle her shoulders with my arm and gesture in the direction of the closest bench.
“Oh and what's new about that?” she asks with a weak smile. I guess she didn't get much sleep either.
“The news are that it's my fault this time.” I nod towards the bench “Please”
“Ok, just two minutes though” she rolls her eyes and gives up, sitting with me.
“So... well, as you might have guessed, I have a little problem with jealousy” I start confessing.
“No! Really?” she gives me that sarcastic smile of her and I feel a little better because maybe there's still I chance I didn't fuck up completely.
“I'm jealous. And it's my problem, as you said last night, you were right, you are right. As you didn't do anything, you never do anything, it's about me, it's not about the things you do or the way you act or shit like that. You could as well never leave your apartment and I'd be jealous of the pizza delivery guy because, the fuck I know, because he smiles a little too widely to you when you leave him the change as a tip”
“Well, yeah, considering the ridiculous paycheck they get, someone could actually fall in love for a tip, I can believe that” Angie keeps on making fun of me and I admit this makes me feel more and more comfortable.
“The fact is that nine times out of ten this thought flashes upon my mind, upsets me for a couple of seconds, then goes away and I forget about it. I mean, most of the times I can keep it at bay, I just ignores the voices in my head and go on with my life as nothing happened.
“We're not talking about actual voices, right?”
“Hehe no, just inner voices of conscience”
“Huh ok. And what happens that single one time out of ten instead?”
“What happens is that I lose my mind and say things I don't actually believe”
“Are you sure you don't believe them?”
“Angie, no, I don't believe them. I'm sorry, it won't happen again, I promise” I try and take her hands, kinda timidly, and she lets me do that.
“How can you promise that? If you lose control, like you said, how can you prevent that?”
“I can because I want to, because you're more important than anything”
“Eddie, listen to me,” she sighs and turns a little more towards me, still keeping her hands into mine “I can understand your jealousy. I mean, I can't accept it, I don't excuse it, but I can understand how it works, I guess what the mechanism is and what the triggers are. I know you must feel very insecure about yourself, although I have no idea how, since you're such a wonderful guy and I'd never leave you”
“Maybe there's someone more wonderful than me out there...”
“Who? Jerry Cantrell?” Angie doesn't waste any time and goes straight to the point.
“There must be something good about him if you got with him. And if you're still friend to him after... well, after he hurt you”
“Sure there's something good about him, but no potential boyfriend material for sure. Not anymore. And I don't know what else I should do to convince you”
“So why are you still talking to him? I don't mean you can't talk to him, I'm not that kind of guy, imposing things or telling you who you can hang out with or where you can go or shit like that. It's just that, I really can't understand how you can do it, I mean, if Beth came out of nowhere, looking for me and telling me she needs to talk to someone, my answer would be just showing her the middle finger”
“I'm not you” her reply is as quick as simple.
“Hehe I know. And thank god, I must add”
“That's the only explanation I got, that's how it is for me. Before he got with me, he was a friend, and what happened between us as a couple didn't change things. To be honest with you, I thought things would change, a lot, but as time went by I realized that to me Jerry went back being what he used to be before, no more no less: a friend”
“That's unbelievable, it's like you're separating the two things”
“It's not like that, it's exactly that. I separate the two things, the two relationships, the two Jerrys. There's my ex Jerry and my friend Jerry, the former has gone, the latter ha stayed” Angie shrugs as if she was explaining the most obvious thing in the world, but I don't even try to understand and I don't know if I should believe it or not. But I gotta make an effort if I want to make this work and not fuck it up now that it's just started.
“That's... a concept that's really far from my way of seeing things but... I can understand it”
“Same here with your jealousy. That's something really, really far from me but I can understand it. What I can't accept is the way you treated me because you were jealous.
“I know, Angie, I'm sorry”
“You said very bad things to me. And your voice... the tone of your voice was so mean, like you were trying to hurt me as much as you could”
“I told you, I just flipped out on you for no reason”
“I think your problem is not with jealousy but with rage. As soon as you feel in danger, you attack, blindly. It's not the first time I see this in you but not at this level” ok, guilty as charged. Angie has known me for less than six months and she's been with me for a few weeks and she already has me pretty well figured.
“I know, it's a mess. I am a mess.” I lean down and rest my head on her lap, without letting go of her hands “I hoped you'd never see this side of my character” I was just fooling myself, of course it came out almost immediately as we got closer.
“I'm a mess as well, we all are. But when you're deliberately mean to someone, to hurt them, well, that's where I draw a line, that's my limit. What am I supposed to do with sappy nicknames, if you then take your frustrations out on me?” I knew that, she's breaking up with me. She put up with me long enough though.
“It's over, isn't it?”
“WHAT? What are you talking about?” Angie lets go of my hands and grabs at my head, gently forcing me to turn around and look at her.
“Aren't you breaking up with me?”
“Hehehe who's the dramatic one now?” she pushes my head back down, takes off my hat and puts it on her head, before playfully messing up my hair.
“But you said that's your limit...”
“Do you think I'd break up with you after one fucking fight?”
“No?” am I safe?
“Next time you get upset for some reason, before insulting me, just take a nice deep breath and talk to me, openly, tell me what's wrong, what you're afraid of and how I can help you. Or you can as well insult me but only if I deserve it or if you believe there's a valid reason. I mean, it's ok to discuss, fuck, it's ok to fight too, although I hate fighting and I'd do anything to avoid it. But I admit that it can happen and it's not necessarily bad if there's a reason. Well, I wanna be free to fight with you without risking an emotional breakdown every time, ok? Because, as I already told you, I'm a mess too, just like you, I've got my problems as well, don't you know? Can't you see how hard it is for me to express a single fucking feeling? To a certain extent, I kind of envy you, you know?” what she says leaves me speechless at first because it's so... mature. I'm here whining like an annoying brat, whereas she's rationally examined the situation and is just telling it like it is.
“You envy me? Do you think that being a slave to your emotions is better? Every time is like flipping a fucking quarter in the air, I throw it and I have no idea what will come out: how am I doing today? Good? Bad? Happy? Mad? Jeff and Stone could place bets on me” I sit back up like a normal person and notice one of my shoes is half-untied.
“Well, my quarters are never flipped, I just push them down into the piggy bank, one by one, and I keep them there. At least until Christmas comes and you need to break the piggy bank and then BAM! They come out all together” I'm about to tie my shoe when Angie gets there before and ties it for me as she speaks, then takes my hands in hers once again.
“Can I borrow your piggy bank?” I ask her before I get that kiss I was afraid I wouldn't get anymore.
“Ok, but only if you let me flip your quarters from time to time” she smiles at me and now I'm sure: I'm safe.
“I'm sorry, Angie, for real”
“I don't need you to say you're sorry, I need you to not be an asshole anymore”
“And if something's wrong, you just tell me and we can talk about it, like adults”
“Because I'm not your punching bag”
“No, you're my...” I wait for her to figure out what I want to say and to react to the provocation. Finally she turns around abruptly and gives me that nasty look of hers I love.
“Don't you dare”
“Why? You said I could”
“Not in public”
“But nobody's around” I look around and the few passers-by don't give a fuck about us.
“Do you think that since I didn't break up with you for the scene you made last night, then I won't cut you off for calling me kitty? You could be surprised”
“HA! You said it. By saying it, you automatically accepted it as official nickname”
“Says who? You?”
“Yes, kitty” I whisper into her ear because I'm ok with risking but I don't wanna push it too far.
“What the hell have I got myself into?” Angie rolls her eyes for the nth time and I'm afraid forher it'll soon become a habit with me.
“You got no idea, trust me”
“I don't wanna fight with you anymore”
“I can't wait to fight again though”
“Haha what?”
“Only you can turn a fight into an open hearted confrontation about emotions, feelings and how to handle them. I like talking with you about these things, I like talking to you, I like you”
“I like you too,” Angie gives me a peck on my nose then stands up “but I really have to go now”
“Huh so wasn't it just an excuse to avoid me? You really got things to do?” I joke as I stand up too and I pretend to ignore the fact she's just told me she likes me, without blushing or being ashamed, without me asking her or trying to extract a confession with torture.
“Yes and I gotta hurry up”
“When does school end?” I puff as I get my cap back and put it on my head.
“Tomorrow's the last day”
“Finally! How long is your spring break, one week?”
“Ten days”
“That's even better... listen, I was thinking... well, actually I didn't think about it before, I'm thinking  about it just now as I'm speaking. What if we just leave for a few days, you and I?” I take her hands again, actually I take her by her wrists and softly stroke the inside with my thumbs. I know she likes that.
“Leave to go where?”
“Wherever you wanna go. Just to take a break and spend some time alone, would you like that?”
“I don't know, aren't you busy with the movie and the album recording?”
“Yes but we could leave this weekend, what do you think? It just makes me mad that I'll be busy right when you're on holiday and we could see each other more.
“I don't know, Eddie. Actually I had already signed up both with Roxy and Hannigan to work some extra hours, in the weekend and also during the week, you know, to save some more” she looks down too often, there must be something wrong.
“Oh ok... but is everything alright?” I shake her a little, prompting her to look at me and be honest.
“Sure, why?”
“I don't know. Do you need money?”
“Hahaha who doesn't?” Angie backs up from me and gestures for me to walk with her.
“Hehe no, I mean, maybe you have some problem and you need money for that”
“My problem is the same old problem: paying the bills, rent, college and books. Or books' photocopies, those cost too” we walk side by side as Angie counts her expenses on her fingertips.
“Well, ok, but your parents are helping you, right? Ray doesn't look like the type of dad who freaks out if you don't pay your part at the beginning of the semester but a little later”
“That doesn't count, it's a matter of principle. When I make a commitment, I follow through with it”
“Sure and that's great. But you know, there's nothing wrong with asking for help when you need it” I go on and I don't immediately notice Angie has stopped.
“Ok, now this is the kind of advice I should get as a tattoo, if I ever got one. So maybe I'll finally follow it” I turn around and see her standing on the first step of the stairs outside the bank.
“Everybody comes to you when they need help, what about you?” I walk back and hug her.
“I call you if I have a spider at home”
“You can call me for anything else too, you know that, right?”
“Thanks.” she kisses me again and this time she can't help looking around to check if someone we know is nearby “Anyway, everything's ok, it's just about every day needs, don't get weird ideas or something, really”
“I really gotta go now. Can I call you on lunch break?”
“You don't need to ask me”
“I'll correct my question: will I find you at home if I call at lunch break?”
“I'll call you later then, have a good day” she gives me another (too) quick kiss and leaves as quickly.
“Later... Whirpool??”
“You're so cold, you're freezing!”
'If something's wrong, you just tell me and we can talk about it' that's what you told me. I hope you know the same goes for you as well.
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miggydiaz · 3 years
for the salty ask: 3, 7, 10, 11, 15, 16, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25 and 27 for spn
I had to do this one today because I have a LOT of Supernatural feelings and so a lot of these are even longer than my CK one. But thanks for the ask @wonderwolfballoon!
3. Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion? 100000000% I have unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion in the SPN fandom. SPN was the fandom that taught me to make JUDICIOUS use of the blocking feature tumblr offers in order to curate my experience. I would actually encourage anyone and everyone to use the blocking feature if they disagree with people. Honestly, we don’t owe anyone our time or energy, especially on the internet! It is much healthier than sending or responding to hate, IMO. 7. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?* This is actually a hard one for me to answer, so let me start by saying -- I have not seen a SINGLE episode since 9x05? I think? Whichever episode was the Dr. Deanlittle one where he talks to animals. I just couldn’t do it anymore. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the first 5 seasons, and they are all I watch anymore and I pretend nothing else exists after that (except The French Mistake because that episode is hilarious). But uh... I guess the simple answer is when I was originally watching it, I really loved Dean. He was brash, snarky, rough around the edges... but kind of soft in a I’m too toxically masculine to deal with my softness sort of way that I love seeing characters grow out of as they mature. But when I go back and rewatch now, much older than I was in 2006 when I first started watching, I see how awful a lot of his older behavior truly was. I still love Dean, and I will be a Dean girl until I die probably, but sometimes you gotta remind yourself that your faves have been problematic in the past so you don’t put them up on fandom constructed pedestals.
10. Most disliked arc? Why? AND AS A BONUS, MY ANSWER to 11. Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why? I could write a literal essay about all of the problems I have with the later seasons (the ones I watched, which encompasses 6, 7, 8, and a few episodes of 9). But by far and away, the thing I hated most, was the Men of Letters.
Okay, this is where I am going to recognize my love of certain characters is at FUNDAMENTAL ODDS with how that character develops later and what history and background we get later on them. I RECOGNIZE this character is problematic, and I would NEVER STAND for his shit IRL, but fiction is complicated and nuanced, and fantastic circumstances do not make for normal behaviors. That being said, with all warnings I could possibly give, and with the full understanding that what I am about to say is basically fandom blasphemy of the highest order...
I like John Winchester’s character.
I know, I know. If you wanna stop reading and block me now, you are free to do that. I will not hold it against you. I am not about to apologize for anything he has done. I just need to contextualize why I have such an issue with the MOL storyline and it starts with the simple fact that I liked John Winchester as he was originally presented.
To me, and with the full understanding that I am answering this from the perspective of someone who DOES NOT regard anything past season 5 as personal canon, John Winchester is the perfect example of a truly complicated character. Here’s a parent who, if we take the pilot and the original s2 Djinn episodes at face value, could have been a great parent, who then got shoved into a fantastically impossible situation and made terrible choices that he thought were necessary in order to keep himself and his sons safe. That does not EXCUSE the heaps of abuse that he piled onto Dean in any way. We know John and Mary didn’t have a great marriage. But we also know from the pilot that John was at least a caring and present father, mostly,  for the 4 years he got to parent in a normal world, and that if Mary had lived, John would’ve been a softball playing dad who raised his kids and had a loving marriage with his wife. (Again, I need to reiterate, I did not watch anything past the early episodes of s9. If there is later canon that negates this, I do not know about it, nor do I want to because I don’t think of anything past 5 as canon) This is all important to me because these things emphasize that John was “NORMAL”. He was a mechanic, from a family of mechanics, whose father didn’t bail on him (a man in the episode where Dean is transported back in time to Lawrence tells John to ‘say hi to your old man for me’ or something to that effect). He was just a midwestern dude. Giving John Winchester a fantastical background through this Men of Letters bullshit made me SO MAD. First of all, I hate when later canon negates previous canon. I cannon TELL you how much I hate it. And the later seasons of Supernatural are riddled with stuff that doesn’t make any damn sense in the context of original, Kripke written canon, which is exactly why I stopped watching. That’s not ~Evolution of the show.~ That’s conveniently forgetting stuff that made your show and its premise so successful to begin with in order to keep filming episodes so you can keep making money. It’s the sacrifice of art for capitalism and yes I know this is a stupid TV show but as a writer myself it PISSES ME OFF.
ALSO, the idea that this toxically masculine family was set on this path by Heaven, and inherited this curse that put them on this path from their mother was such a good plot twist in its heyday. We spent four seasons thinking of Mary Winchester as a victim of circumstance, whose fate could not have been avoided because she was the mother to Sam, who is effectively cursed. And then, we learn that its BECAUSE of Mary that this ball even got rolling in the first place. IDK if you were around for that time in the fandom but at least in my circle, this was a big fucking deal. There had been so much (rightful) discourse about John before this, and what kind of parent he was, that Mary became almost deified in the same way Dean deifies her. And then we find out that this whole story gets set in motion by a decision she made because this was the life she found herself in. This was great. It was interesting. And even though the MOL doesn’t negate any of this, it does give John this weirdly fantastical that isn’t necessary. Let this guy be just some Joe Schmoe who fell in love with a kick ass hunter and had no idea any of this even existed. Let Mary and her want to be ‘normal’ be a complicated moral choice that fundamentally altered the paths of her husband and sons. It’s good tv!
Also, I fucking hate the bunker. The best episodes are Dean and Sam having moments in the car, or while in motel rooms on their cases, or whatever. I don’t mind them having a home base. I’m fine with that. But if a building could ever be a Mary Sue character, the bunker is it. I hate all of the MOL storyline, starting with this place.
I may not even tag this as Supernatural, I don’t need angry later season stans in my inbox.
15. Unpopular opinion about the manga/show?
There’s nothing good about anything that happened after season 6. It’s all a bunch of retconning bullshit. Season 6 had its moments where it was interesting, so I cut it a little bit of slack, but as far as I’m concerned, the show ended in season 5. I’m not sure that’s necessarily unpopular, but it does feel that way on tumblr, so. 
16. If you could change anything in the show, what would you change?
Aside from ending it in season 5?
Oooh, I’m about to blaspheme again. I am definitely not tagging this as Supernatural.
I would never have introduced Castiel, and I would’ve given that entire storyline to Anna. Or, alternatively, I would’ve flipped their story lines.
Look, for whatever it’s worth... I agree with the idea that Dean Winchester is a repressed bisexual. His Dr. Sexy love, the entire storyline with Benny in season 8, etc. I just don’t think he feels romantically about Castiel. And like, that’s okay! Just because you’re not into someone who is into you doesn’t mean you owe them a relationship or anything, no matter what the fandom thinks.
But I also think Dean has a big problem when it comes to women. Again, obviously later on in the series, Dean shifts and Charlie happens and Claire Novak and I know all of these things from gifs okay, context is not applicable here because I have none. But early on, Dean struggles A LOT with thinking of women as A) capable and B) trustworthy. He exists in a perpetual state of identifying women along the Madonna/Whore binary. Even Jo, however you feel about her, and to be clear, I loved Jo, but he doesn’t stop thinking of her really as a kid until they’re about to shoot the devil. Up until then, he’s genuinely surprised Ellen lets her out of the damn house.
Giving him a strong, capable woman who rebels against Heaven for HIM would have fundamentally altered Dean’s perceptions of women much earlier on than we get and would have forced him to examine some of that misogyny head on.
Dean has no problems trusting men. This is why the entire Gordon fiasco happens, right? It was less work for him to trust Castiel because Castiel is the inverse of Ruby. Angel to her Demon. Angels and demons don’t really have genders, but for the sake of presentation of vessels, man to her woman. Not even getting me started on the problematic parts of having significant demons mostly symbolized by women (Meg, Ruby, Lilith) and having significant angels mostly represented by Men (Castiel, Michael, Lucifer, Zachariah, Gabriel, Raphael), and how that ties into the idea of Original Sin and yada yada, but just like it’s interesting to have Mary and her decisions be the catalyst for the story, it’s interesting to have this badass warrior angel in Anna who marches down to Hell to yank Dean out, and through her interactions with him, decide to rebel against the ultimate patriarchy, while Dean gets an equally strong female counterpart to Sam’s Ruby, a woman for all intents and purposes that he respects as a soldier and an ally and not just a potential piece of ass.
Also, Castiel fans being literally unbearable is why I left the fandom. Nothing against Misha or anything, and not even anything against Cas as a character (who I very much enjoyed in seasons 4 and 5), but his fans have always been the worst and they try to insert him into everything.
19. What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
Castiel/Destiel fans, which even though I also hated the direction the show was going, drove me out of the fandom. Not like, personally or directly, but just the sheer mental hoops they had to jump through in order to make their ship work and I just got tired of seeing all of the contrived meta on my dash. Oh, and the rampant misogyny that came out of those early Castiel fans. I didn’t appreciate it from the Wincest corner, and I definitely didn’t appreciate it from the fans of the new guy. Gross.
22. Popular character you hate?
Oof. I don’t know. I don’t really hate Castiel, because again, I liked him a lot in seasons 4 and 5. Even 6 was interesting, even if I don’t regard it as my own personal show canon. I don’t think there was a popular character in those first five seasons I ever really hated. I didn’t fundamentally hate a character at all until the MOL stuff came around. Um. Yeah, I don’t really have an answer for this.
23. Unpopular character you love?
Pretty much every female character ever. Jo, Ellen, Ruby, Meg... although Meg became more popular as the series went on, Anna. Um. OH, BELA. Bela ESPECIALLY, I recently rewatched season 3 and I cannot emphasize how MUCH I love Bela. She was the best purely human foil ever. Bela is hands down the character I love most that the fandom had frothing at the mouth hatred for. It doesn’t help that I legitimately think Lauren Cohan is one of the most beautiful women on the planet. But seriously, Bela. Hands down.
24. Would you recommend XXX to a friend? Why or why not? 
I have! Many of times, and ALWAYS WITH THE CAVEAT to stop at the end of season 5. Not a single one of them has listened to me and almost all of them came to me at the end of the finale and were like WHY DID I WASTE SO MUCH TIME, and I don’t want to say I told them so, but like, I explicitly in neon colored text once told them so, so like, idk what to tell them. But yes! I think if someone is interested in some classic mystery television that has an overarching theme of family and forgiveness and striking out against the boxes that life tries to put us all into, SPN is a great show. But only the first 5 seasons. Also, be prepared for some thematically problematic parts of the show because there’s a lot of cishet toxic masculinity in those early seasons, and we should examine our media critically. There’s also a lot of good though too, and IMO, the good outweighs the bad.
25. How would you end XXX/Would you change the ending of XXX?
I would’ve ended it at season 5. I would’ve had Sam escape the pit and seen him standing under the street lamp, but then I would’ve had him walking away to leave Dean with Lisa (btw, side note, I DIDN’T like Lisa because I don’t think Dean would ever be truly happy with someone completely outside the life). Not because Sam doesn’t love his brother, but because he *does* love his brother, and because he would want Dean to be happy, even though Dean and Sam’s ideas of what makes the other happy have always been a little bit screwed up.. but that’s a different story.
27. Least shippable character?
Probably Zachariah. God, could you imagine? And... maybe Alastair, but I’m sure there are fics out there that I do not want to think about.
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supernaturaltfwmeme · 4 years
Between the lines. Part 6
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Summary:The reader is at Stanford with Sam and a few other familiar faces. She gets introduced to Dean, an FBI agent for help with a paper. The two grow even closer when Dean learns about her daughter and her troublesome situation. Check out the other parts here.
Pairing: Dean x reader.
Warnings: Language, Domestic abuse.
A/N: tags open! A big thank you once again to @waywardaardvark79​, i don’t think i could of done this without your help and support. 
Deans POV
Today was my first day of in a while and I was heading over the Cas’s house to hangout. We lived close enough to each other that I could walk. I got there and just walked in, I was literally here all the time anyway.  
“Hey meg.” I said to the short brunette when I walked into the kitchen.  
“Hello, Dean. Clarence is in the yard with Claire.” Meg Said carrying on with what she was doing. I walked over to the sliding door and made my way out side.
“UNCLE DEAN.” Claire screamed running away from Cas towards me. I scooped her up into my arms spinning her around.
“Hey angel.”  
“I have a friend coming over today.” Claire said excitedly.
“Wow that’s great angel, what are we playing today?”
“Can I ride my bike?”  
“ooo I don’t know about that you’ll have to ask your dad.”  Claire squirmed out of my arms and ran back to Cas.
“Can I daddy?”
“Go on then.” Cas smiled. Claire ran off to grab her bike. About 10 minutes later me and Cas were sitting on the deck drinking a few beers watching Claire play, with her friend Amelia.
“So” Cas said turning to me. “How are things going with y/n?” I didn’t even bother to keep the smile off my face.
“She’s still with her boyfriend, and I'm sure he’s hitting her but if she doesn’t tell me that there’s nothing I can do about it without seeing it. But I mean other than that I think it’s going ok we went on a kind of date a few days ago, not that I told her that’s what it was.”
“I never thought I'd see the Day Dean Winchester Openly talked about his feeling, and about a girl.” Cas said pretending to be shocked.
“Winchester?” Amelia said interrupting.
“Yeah, that’s my last name.” Amelia’s eyes went wide.
“That’s my uncle Sammys last name too!” I looked at Cas clearly confused.
“Sam Winchester?” I asked.
“Yeah uncle Sammy is friends with my mommy.” She said before running off back over to Claire.
“Well that was weird.” I muttered to myself.
Around five o’clock Claire and her friend were playing upstairs and Meg was in the kitchen cooking dinner. Me and Cas were sitting in his office that was downstairs. There was a knock at the door and Cas went to answer it, I heard voices out in the hall and then Meg shout up to Amelia that her Mommy was here. My curiosity got the better of me, I had to see who Sam’s friend was that he’d never mentioned. I leaned against the doorframe and saw a very familiar looking woman.  
“Please don’t tell Dean!” She said to Cas. I could hear the panic in her voice. Y/n was Amelia’s mom. She never told me she had a kid. Sam knew and he never told me. How could she lie about something like that. I thought we were friends.
“It’s a bit late for that sweetheart.” y/n span around to face me. She looked as if she wanted to say something but before she could Amelia interrupted.
“Hey baby girl did you have fun today?” She asked her daughter completely turning her attention away from me. Looking at Amelia now I don’t know how I didn’t put the pieces together sooner. She looked just like her mom.  
“Yes mommy, can I Come back again tomorrow.” You laughed.
“Maybe another time baby. Go get your shoes.” As soon as Amelia left the room Y/n turned back to face me.
“I can explain everything.” She glanced at the clock behind me “Just not right now we’re already late.”
“Save it sweetheart.” I wasn’t as angry as I was letting her think. If anything I was hurt. I Grabbed my coat and walked out not even sparing her a second glance.
I got in my car and drove around for hours not even sure where to go, I wasn't even paying attention. I eventually found myself pulling up outside Sam and Jess’ apartment building. I got out of baby and made my way to their apartment, bring up a shaky hand to knock on the door.
The second the door opened I let slip the words that had been playing on repeat for hours in my head.
“She has a daughter.” Sam moved to let me inside. I started pacing the living room.
“She finally spoke to you then.” Sam sighed sounding relieved.
“No Sam she didn’t, I was at Cas’ and Claire had a friend over and when her friend's mom came to pick her up it was Amelia. How could you not tell me Sammy?” I ran a hand through my hair.
“It wasn’t my place to say but I did try and convince her, she tried to the other day actually.”
“What? When?”
“The day you broke her out of Crowleys class, when you got a call from Lisa.”
“Then why didn’t she?” I asked getting frustrated.
“Because she likes you Dean, but she heard you tell your ex that you refused to raise a child that’s not yours and she realised you two couldn’t work out.” I stopped pacing.
“Oh god Sammy no I-I didn’t mean it like that, well I did but I.” I sighed defeated sitting down on the couch. I may as well just tell him.
“Lisa cheated on me and now she’s pregnant. She wanted me to play happy families so her parents wouldn’t cut her off.”
“Dude that’s messed up.”
“I know that what I meant when I said I wouldn’t raise a kid that’s not mine, I didn’t know Amelia even existed. Hell, I don’t care that y/n has a kid, I just don’t want to raise the child the woman who cheated on me and the guy she cheated with.” I put my head in my hand. This whole situation was so fucked, of course you didn’t want to tell me after hearing that.
“So is Daniel..?” I trailed off not really wanting the answer to that question.
“He’s not the father dee, just her boyfriend.”
“So then why the hell is she with him, I know he’s hitting her even if she won't admit it.” I felt a tear slide down my face, I didn’t even have the energy to move it.
“She finally admitted it to me and Charlie after we cornered her about it, that’s how I found out about Amelia. Hell, Charlie only found out a few weeks ago she doesn’t let anybody know about her dee.” Sam explained.
“Then why is she with him, why won't she let us help?”  
“He’s got her trapped dee, she thinks no one will want her and she’s got no place to go, he pays all the bills. He’s got her on lockdown too, she’s only allowed to go to school and run Amelia around. He even made her quit her job.” Sam sat down next to me.  
“Sam I gotta go, she thinks I'm mad at her I've got to fix this.” I said practically rushing out of there door. Nearly knocking Jess down as she was coming inside.
“What was that all about?” Jess asked Sam.
“That is a very, very long story.” Sam sighed.
I made what should have been a 20-minute drive to Y/n in 5. When I got there only her car was outside so I assumed Daniel was out. Before I could get out of the car Amelia came running outside, her white top now stained red. I moved before I could think rushing over to her.  
“Hey Amelia it’s Dean, do you remember me?” I asked her as calmly as I could checking her for injuries but I found none. The blood wasn’t hers.  
“Y-Your Claire's uncle.” She said still sounding a little scared.
“You remember how you told me I have the Sam last name as your uncle Sammy?”
“That’s because he’s my little brother, look.” I showed her a photo on my phone of me and Sam.
“Does that make you my uncle too?” It’s a question that should of come out excited when you got to meet her properly, not scared.  
“Something like that Princess. Where’s you mommy?”  
“She in her room, I heard Daniel yelling and then he left and when I went to find her she was bleeding.” Amelia barely finished her sentence before bursting into tears. I could feel my heart drop in my chest. I picked the little girl up placing her on my hip and carrying her inside. I walked up stairs with Amelia and stopped once I saw y/n lying on the ground.
“Hey Amelia, go pack some clothes for yourself, you’re gonna stay with uncle Sammy tonight.” I told her setting her down. As soon as she was in her room I ran over to y/n and checked for a pulse. She had one but it was weak. I sent a quick text to Sammy before calling an ambulance
Sammy got there first running into the house and up the stairs.  
“IN HERE!”  
“Is she ok? What happened?” Sam asked the second he saw y/n.
“I don’t know Sammy I called an ambulance they’re on the way. I need you to take Amelia and get her out of here, she doesn’t need to see her mom get taken away in an ambulance. She's seen enough.” I said trying to stay calm. I could see Sam’s mind working over time trying to process what was going on. I could tell he wanted to stay, but he knew I was right. I tossed him the keys to baby. He grabbed Amelia and left. As soon as I heard the rumble of baby’s engine fade, the sound of sirens approaching started to get louder.  
“Hang in their Sweetheart. Helps almost here.”
Tags: @waywardaardvark79​ @vicmc624​ @frackinawesomeninja​ @carryon-doctor-lock​ @supernatural508​ @heyyy-hey-babyyy​ @rvgrsbrns​
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spiltscribbles · 4 years
🌙 - you’re really cute
✨ - i love seeing you on my dash
☄️ - we don’t talk, but i wish we did
🌸 - you’re really sweet
💫 - you’re super talented
MEG YOU ABSOLUTE FUCKING ANGEL!!!! I AM SCREAMING! I need a minute to collect myself from feels lkdgajoiajkldsagjiowhgkslafjgh I adore you to bits and YUUUUS please fucking talk to me!!! I am a dweeb you know this from the server dklsagjoieawjflksghdlkafjoigh Literally just text stupid slag and I will be summoned LMFAO. ILYSM!!!!😘
Though I’m mad becs I actually DID do it on Anon and you are a rule breaker who breaks the rules!!!! (Kinky?) fklasdjgaoiejfladskgh
Let Me What You Think Of Me
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symphonicdemise · 4 years
fill out & repost ♥ this meme definitely favors canons more, but i hope oc’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. multimuses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
tagged by: stolen from the Dash 
tagging: I stole it, so you can steal it too.
MY MUSE IS.   canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless
is your character popular in the fandom?  YES / NO/ Uhhhhhhhh
is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  WELL… / NO / IDK. 
is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK.
are they underrated?  YES (imo) / NO.
were they relevant to the main story?  YES / NO. 
were they relevant to the main character?  YES / NO / THEY’RE THE ‘PROTAG’
are they widely known in their world?  YES / NO.
how’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD (VERY BAD) / NEUTRAL.
I make it a point to try and follow his canon attitude and reactions as closely as possible. That being said, most of the interactions that take place happen after MTMTE 55# and are therefor divergent from canon. I still try to stay true to his characterization (organiphobe, still a loyal decepticon, yadda yadda) but for the sake of roleplay and interactions, I do tone him down quite a bit.
SELL YOUR MUSE! (aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutual.)
Tarn is... god How the hell do I sell this man. He’s not exactly a kind mech, but civility is one of the things he misses about his old life... Getting to sit back at a bar, relaxing and chatting up strangers that you probably will never see again. 
Being backstage at the opera house, getting ready to go on stage... I’m getting off on a tangent so I’ll just cut to the chase: If he doesn’t know you, and any interactions take place after MTMTE 55# he probably won’t try to cause bodily harm at first sight (with a few exceptions of course (Lookin at you Megs and OL)).
NOW THE OPPOSITE! (list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?)
HAHAHAHAH Where do I even begin with Tarn?
He’s probably clinically mad, absolutely loony... but it’s no fault of his own (partly). He’s flawlessly loyal to The Cause... and that’s one of his many flaws.
He cares more about enforcing some twisted sense of justice than he does about literally anything else.
Hoo boy... that’s a hard one. There are probably a few things, one being that I’ve always been drawn to the antagonists since I was like... 5 years old. I think it’s mostly that I really like how he was written in, his personality, his overall design... I mean... just look at him!
Tumblr media
That shouldn’t be allowed...
I have a single playlist on youtube that’s filled with music I think Tarn might listen to.
do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO.
do you frequently write headcanons?  YES (mostly in my head) / NO.
do you sometimes write drabbles? YES / NO.  
do you think a lot about your muse during the day? YES / NO.
are you confident in your portrayal?   YES / NO.
are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO.
are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO.
As long as it’s constructive, and not just someone who’s like “ur bad k y s” cause that shit doesn’t fly with me.
If you think of something that I could do to make the portrayal more accurate, my god please tell me so I don’t fucking embarrass myself anymore!
ABSOLUTELY!!! It’s always fun to write up little drabbles from time to time (especially when I get to write about Pre-war Tarn/Damus
Yes, It’s always nice to see things from another perspective and hey! Maybe I’ll adopt a new headcanon!
I’d be upset for maybe a day, probably think about deleting my blog at least 50 times then go have a smoke and a beer and be good. *~*~*Poor Coping Kids*~*~*
You know, I wouldn’t blame them, at all. He really is an awful asshole. 
That being said, if they continued to harass me about it, I’d probably just be like “lol ok bye fam. If you don’t like him, fucking bounce kiddo”
AAAA Please! I like to pride myself on catching my mistakes as I write them but I’m only human, I’m also blind in one eye so I’m seeing at half capacity compared to other people lol.
Heck yeah! I’m just super nervous about talking to people. I’ll usually be lurking on my dash.
Don’t ever be afraid to hit me up, I’m like a freakin puff ball who’s riddled with anxiety about initiating conversation.
I don’t say it often but I do have other muses who are much easier to interact with. If you’re ever curious about them, just slide into my DM’s.
anyway this is a long ass post so I’ll just leave it here, Steal this if you want to!
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chocolatemillkk · 4 years
Conor’s been a nuisance to me for as long as I could remember. It was stealing my bike when we were four, telling me santa didn’t exist as soon as he found out at six, blaming his shenanigans on me in school in all the classes we had together, and telling every guy I was interested in that I had herpes. The ones who knew Conor, dated me anyway, but Conor could have very well scared away the love of my life-I’d never know.
Ever since we graduated school and I went to college while he focussed on music, we’d seen each other less and the only bothering he did was tagging me in pointless memes. But every so often when I visited home and our gang met up, I would have to put up with him all over again.
“Come over here!” Jessie tugs me as soon as I get out of my uber. Our friends stand around the car parked in front of her house and they greet me while my face stays buried in Jessie’s shoulder
“Tell me it hasn’t been half a year since we saw each other,” Sam joins the hug and Mel says something about taking a picture of us. When they release me I grab Fran in a hug even though she hated them and notice Conor wasn’t around.
“Where’s Conor?” I ask.
“I thought you’d be glad not to see him,” Mel exchanges a glance with Fran but I don’t understand it.
“Just curious,” I say cautiously. “He’s never missed our mini-reunions.”
“He messaged the group, he’ll meet us at the club.” Jessie says. “Probably already attached himself to a girl there. Let’s go before he does anything stupid.”
“In that case, let’s take our time.” I say dryly with a hint of irritation and my friends just laugh.
We pile into the car and eventually find the street after driving in circles for fifteen minutes. “Could that little shite have picked anything more obscure?” Jessie sighs as she parks.
I hadn’t been to our last meet-up a few months ago due to exams and Conor had missed the meet before that so it’d been a little under a year since I saw Conor. The last time was on the weekend of my 20th birthday where he tried to shove a cupcake in my face. But there was a moment I can’t help but remember. As we were waiting for our separate ubers and he’d leaned into me drunkenly, saying something I’d never forget.
“I think I always loved you.”
“Y/N?” Mel snaps. I hadn’t realised the group was already to the door while I stood still on the sidewalk, remembering the way the words felt against my skin.
“Coming!” I hurry, my heels clacking again the pavement. I catch up to Mel and we walk in silence into the club.
“How’s work been?” I ask Mel, the silence becoming too much.
“Been keeping me busy,” she responds quickly. “I think they went that way.”
With that, she walks ahead of me to the bar where our friends are figuring out the drinks.
“Hey,” I pull Jessie aside after we order them. “Is it just me or is Mel acting weird?”
“Mel?” Jessie was the only person I felt comfortable asking since I knew she would always be objective. “She seems fine to me. Why?”
“I dunno,” I couldn’t put my finger on it. Mel was usually silly with me, teasing me that I was becoming a big nerd. But tonight she’d been serious, deliberately cut the conversation short as if she was mad at me. I would ask her if she was alright later, I decide.
“Ladies,” Sam approaches us, wrapping his arm around Jessie. They’d started dating the summer after graduation and it was no surprise to us. A relief actually, to see all the sexual tension built up between them for years disappear overnight. Quite literally.
“Let’s dance?” Jessie asks us but she’s mostly looking to Sam.
“I’ll just finish my drink first,” I smile-I didn’t feel like being a third wheel. Jessie makes me promise I would join in later and I watch them leave, now all alone. I spot Fran and Mel talking but it seems intense so I turn my back to the crowds and lean on the counter.
“Is it hot in here or is it just you?” I hear the familiar gravelly voice in my ear. My heart beats a little faster as my back straightens in anticipation of the stupid routine Conor and I had.
“You’re so full of shite you should probably find a toilet,” I say easily before turning to stare him straight in the eye. Except. He looked different.
I lose my smirk and my defence as I try to remember what I was going to say to him. He looks older; somehow in the last year he’d lost the boyish look and his features were sharpened by maturity...not that he had any....and with that thought, I remember who I was looking at.
“Still a complete arse, I see.” I look Conor up and down.
“A bigger snob than usual, I see.” Conor retorts but it lacks his usual snarkiness too. Almost as if seeing each other knocked us out of the ring we always fought in. I sip my drink as we find our footing still.
“How’s it going?” Conor asks.
“The usual-going to my snobby school and doing my snobby work.”
Conor chuckles. “Nice to know some things don’t change.”
I don’t answer that, thinking back to what he’d said that night. He was so drunk but apparently not drunk enough to forget because a few mornings after, as I was on the train back to school I’d received a text from him.
I was shitfaced the other night so whatever I said was just nonsense.
The text stung a little even though I never really considered being in love with Conor. His next text reminded me why I never considered it: It’s not like it could work out anyway. You’re too freaky.
Thanks, I’d sent back with an eye-roll emoji. And that had been that.
But it hadn’t been just that. The more I thought about it, the more I realised that deep down I enjoyed the banter. It had become familiar, more reliable than a lot of other things in my life. I’d never miss the juvenile pranks he played on me but our banter was our own little language. And it made me realise other things too, like how it might feel to not have that...like it would make a bigger hole in my heart than I initially thought.
“Have you been working out?” Conor asks beside me and I only barely make out the question over the noise.
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” I roll my eyes but secretly flattered that he’d noticed.
“No I’m being serious!” Conor says. “You look good!”
I turn my body to him and raise an eyebrow, assessing if he was going to tease me but he seemed genuine. “I’ve been rock climbing recently, and training for a marathon.”
Conor whistles. Well he looked like he was whistling but I don’t hear anything.
“You don’t look bad yourself,” I comment without letting on that I thought he looked really good. Like really really really really good.
“I’ve been making some changes,” he says casually. When I raise an eyebrow he continues, “I cut back on the alcohol but that’s cuz my label said I need to clean up my image and stop partying so much.” He laughs but it has an edge. “And I try to go to the gym but it’s...”
“A losing battle?” I laugh. “Remember that one summer we all made a pact to work on our ‘summer bodies’ but you went for a week and missed your alarm every week after that.”
“To be honest,” he says. “I never set an alarm after the first week.”
My mouth drops, “You piece of shite! You had us all convinced you were struggling!”
Conor laughs with his whole body and my breath catches with the way the room narrows down just to him. Coming out tonight was not good for my heart-I was only falling
“I can’t piss you off now that you’ve been working out-you could probably beat my arse.”
“Who said I couldn’t do it before I worked out?” I tease as I flex my arm. Conor’s eyes widen and he touches the muscle I’d proudly built over the last few months. His touch sends a zap to my nerves and I drop my arm back to its side.
“That’s like-proper muscle.”
“Yeah!” I’d lost the humour as my heart continued to race. It was just Conor. Just Conor.
“What are you two gossiping about?” Meg and Fran appear and she shouts to be heard. I balk-for a few minutes we were actually getting on.
“Was the world ending or were you two laughing with each other.” Fran reads my thoughts and I blush and glance at Conor who’s glancing at me too.
“I was just getting her comfortable for the trouble I have in store later,” Conor says without the usual sauciness. The girls seem to pick up on it because they glance at one another again. God, that was getting annoying.
“I think Conor’s finally growing a brain in that skull of his,” I joke.
“Is that where my brain’s supposed to be?” Conor bounces off my joke and my laugh’s cut short when I realise Meg is staring at us as if we’d grown another head.
“So Conor,” Meg says after we sip our drinks in silence. “It’s been a while since I saw your face. You haven’t sent me any vocal clips anymore of your music.”
“I’ve been working on lyrics actually...” I tune the conversation out, Meg’s comment making me uncomfortable. I don’t remember Meg being anything but snarky towards Conor yet he was sharing his music with her. And not me. Actually he’d never even talked about his music with me, I have to remind myself. Why was I getting jealous over a stupid comment?
“So Fran-you’re even more quiet tonight than usual.” I say.
“I had a long shift this morning.” She groans. “Kids can be brutal.”
“Aw,” I grab her arm. “Then your next drink’s on me!”
“I have a weird question,” Fran says once we get the drinks. She was never one for beating about the bush.
“Shoot,” I say.
“Do you have a thing for Conor?”
My drink nearly comes out of my nose as I choke. Fran hands me napkins as she pats my back and I begin laughing.
“Why would you think that?” I ask, paranoid that my small-big crush was obvious.
“You two are always going off on one another,” she shrugs. “Maybe that’s your way of flirting?”
“Oh my god,” I laugh. “When I flirt, I’m a lot less aggressive! At least I hope so.”
“So the little piece you were doing just now with him?” She raises an eyebrow.
“Uh-wh-no?” I stutter. Fran and I stare at each other before bursting into laughter.
“You are so bad at lying.” Fran shouts.
“Lying about what?” Jessie shows up with Sam trailing behind her.
“Hey! Weren’t you two dancing?” I ask, hoping to distract from the question.
“Yeah! You never showed!” Jessie says. “And I want a drink. Non-alcoholic don't worry.”
“I’ll give you the seat,” Fran slides off and says she was going.
“Not a word!” I shout out to her and she makes an X over her heart.
“Shotgun!” I shout into the dark as our eyes adjust from the flashing lights to the night sky.
“Aw no!” Sam complains. “You know my legs don’t stretch in the back!”
“Should have thought of that before! Shotgun rules says it’s my seat.” I say, a little tipsy but mostly just happy having all my friends together again.
“I call a window!” Sam frowns.
“Where does Conor sit?” Meg asks. “There’s not enough seats.”
“I’ll sit in Y/N’s lap,” Conor wraps his arm around my shoulders and pulls me to him so I stumble in my heels.
“Get off!” I shove him away, the scrunchie in my hair sliding off. “Ugh.”
“You cut your hair?” Jessie asks as we get in.
“Yeah! Just last week. So many dead ends...” We continue the small talk as the gang piles in the back, Meg agreeing to sit on the floor as she was the smallest. I connect the car with bluetooth and put on a throwback playlist as we reminisce about the old times. Meg falls asleep and we all laugh, the boys taking snaps of her to make fun of. Just as I feel relaxed, the music goes fuzzy and a familiar voice sings through the speakers.
“Isn’t that-“
“Conor!” I twist in my seat and aim to hit his knee but I get Fran instead and while I apologize Conor begins singing out loud which earns groans from everyone.
“Stop hijacking the Bluetooth!” I say and turn my music back on but Conor puts his on again and I feel my frustration rise so I turn it off but Conor just finds a way to play his music again. I cross my arms and sigh, deciding to just ignore it while Jessie starts to hum to the music. Fran and Sam are having a discussion and I feel Conor playing with my hair from the back.
“Stop that!” I twist to see him again and he’s grinning. “Ugh, I hate you.”
“Only because you’re afraid of how much you’d love me,” Conor teases but the words hit too close to home so I flip him off again and turn back in my seat.
Fran and Sam get off first as they lived a few houses down from the other. Next, we drop Meg who took a few shakes and shouts to wake up. Conor says to drop him off at his brother’s and we do so but before he goes in he leans his elbows on my open window.
“You’re gonna get run over,” I say as a car whizzes by behind him.
“So are we doing anything later? This week or something?” Conor ignores my comment.
“Ah I don’t know.” Jessie says. “We can all hang out after work but Y/N’s home for the whole week before she disappears on us again.”
Conor doesn’t even look back at Jessie when he asks me, “Great, maybe I can show you some of my music then.”
I blush, thinking he’d noticed my earlier bitterness about Meg’s comment but his face is casual. “Sounds cool,” I nod and when he’s out of sight Jessie squeals.
“You two are so into each other.”
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dust2dust34 · 5 years
The Right Tools (Olicity, S7)
Summary: Set during the Happy Months (as I’m calling them). Some fluffy silliness - Oliver and Felicity move her desk into her new office at the cabin. (Prompted by Meg)
(read on AO3)
“Let me do it.”
“No, I’ve got it.”
And she did, damn it. She wasn’t going to let this thing win. Not now, not after days of looking for the perfect desk, of waiting for it to be delivered, of spending the last few hours putting it together. She was going to do this. It just… it wasn’t supposed to be this frakking heavy.
Felicity hissed as the edge of the desk bit into her fingers, but she didn’t let go.
Never give up, never surrender.
She curled her fingers, tightened her grip, and shuffled back into the little room that was going to be her office.
Their new cabin wasn’t huge, not that they needed huge. It was more than enough for her and Oliver, with space to expand. They were going to make one of the rooms a nursery for Mia. Oliver already had plans to convert part of the garage into a training space. And then there was the space in the attic that could be converted into a large bedroom.
That would be for William.
A familiar pang radiated through her chest. He still wasn’t taking their calls, and every contact she and Oliver tried to make with his grandparents seemed to fall on deaf ears. But they weren’t giving up. Even if it took months, they were going to find a way to bring their son home. Or at the very least remind him that no matter what he had a place with them, and he always would.
The momentum on the desk carrying stopped.
“Oliver, come on,” she urged.
“What?” She looked at him where he held the other side of the desk. “Come on.”
“Put it down.”
“I can do it myself, you don’t have to-”
“I’ve got it.”
“Oh my god, Oliver,” she snapped, finally dropping the desk. It landed on the floor with a heavy thud and she widened her eyes at him incredulously. “What?”
He gently set his end down and… and then he just paused at her outburst. She gritted her teeth, narrowing her eyes, waiting. But instead of speaking, he snapped his mouth shut and pressed his lips together in silent acquiesce.
Felicity rolled her eyes so hard they nearly popped right out of her head.
He’d made the mistake once of commenting about pregnancy hormones and she’d almost slapped him silly. Hormones. No, it wasn’t just hormones, damn it. He was being annoying and over-protective and she was sick of it. Her stomach might be getting to the ‘oh hey wow you’re definitely pregnant there, hey, can I touch your stomach’ - that’d been sweet the first time and the first time only - but that didn’t mean she couldn’t lift this stupid desk and get it into her stupid office.
Oliver blinked.
Felicity groaned. “I said that all out loud, didn’t I?”
“Yes,” he replied quietly. Too quietly. He put his hands up in supplication and she huffed. Loudly. “You can’t blame me for wanting to make sure nothing happens.”
“It’s a desk.”
“It’s a heavy desk,” Oliver corrected, already moving to shuffle into the small space left between said piece of furniture and the doorjamb. She rolled her eyes again and threw her hands up in the air as he barely made it through. When he reached her, he gently tried to nudge her out of the way, but she batted at his hands. He sighed. “Felicity-”
“This is so dumb-”
“It’s too heavy-”
“You are being such a di-”
“Is it so wrong that I want you to take it-”
“Don’t you dare-”
“Felicity,” he breathed, dragging her name out in exasperation. “Move.”
They stared at each other, Felicity fuming, Oliver steadfast. Neither backed down, not until Felicity finally snapped. “Fine! Fine, you stupid, stubborn man! Do your man thing. Be the man, lift the thing up with all your manness that your pregnant wife just cannot help you with-”
She was pretty sure he tried not to roll his eyes, but he didn’t succeed as he muttered, “Seriously?”
“Yes, seriously,” she said as he lifted her side of the desk.
She was ready to go on a tirade, a huge, vicious, amazing tirade about… about his stupidity and… and other things, but… But then he started moving the desk and… and oh.
A flush worked its way up her chest and neck, flooding her cheeks with warmth as she watched him work. It didn’t take a lot to remind her how gorgeous her husband was. Especially when he did things like this. Felicity swallowed hard. She was positive he was using his attractiveness against her. When she’d accused him of such during a recent argument, he’d told her she was being ridiculous, which she was absolutely not. He was probably doing it right now. Using his hotness as a sexy argument-winning weapon. And she should be mad about that. But also… he was doing sort of fine. He still huffed and puffed - that desk was heavy, and she wanted to throw a good ol’ “A-ha!” at him - but there was muscle. Lots and lots of bulging muscle, all bunched up under his newly-tanned skin and…
Wow, she loved white t-shirts, had she mentioned that before?
He snorted.
Felicity wondered if she was thinking out loud again. Not that it mattered, because he looked really good in white t-shirts, especially when he had to lift heavy furniture.
Or rather, drag it.
“Don’t scratch the floor,” she told him.
“I’m not,” he retorted with a little more bite than she was used to. Okay, maybe it was warranted considering he was covered in sweat and his face was red with exertion.
The muscles on this man.
She pulled herself out of her reverie. Seriously, self, be less of a cliché.
“You will scratch the floor if you don’t lift it, like… Yes, like that, good job.”
He rolled his eyes, but his sense of self-preservation kept him from saying anything.
Felicity watched him slowly scoot it into the corner where they’d decided it would go.
It was going okay. More than okay, actually, not that she would tell him that, but she did feel some of her aggravation bleed away as she watched him shove the desk into place…
And not move his hand fast enough.
Oliver smashed his fingers between the hard edge and the wall.
“Oh, fu…!” he growled, immediately yanking the desk back just enough to rip his hand out of the spot. His skin was already bright red and she could see the groove where the desk had crashed into his digits. “Son of a…”
“I told you!” was the first thing out of her mouth.
Oliver threw her a disbelieving look. “Really?”
“Well, I did,” she replied as he shoved two of his fingers into his mouth to assuage the ache. His face morphed into a mask of pain that had her melting before she knew it was even happening. “Oh okay, come here,” Felicity said, moving towards him. He made a face at her, his lips still wrapped around his fingers before turning away. “Oliver.”
“No, you’re being mean,” he said, but she could hear the smile in his voice.
“I am not,” Felicity replied, grabbing his shoulder and turning him back around to face her. He didn’t fight her and when he was facing her again, he let his hand fall from his mouth, leaving an incredibly pathetic attempt at a sad face in its place. She raised an eyebrow. “Now who’s being mean?”
Oliver scrunched up his nose at her.
“Lemme see,” Felicity said, holding her hand out for his. He plopped it in hers and she examined the damage. The skin was still damp from his mouth, and it was still incredibly sensitive from the hit considering how he whimpered, “Ow,” when she ran the tip of her finger over the spot. “You know, for a guy who’s been shot, and stabbed, and arrowed, and tortured, and… and all sorts of horrible things-”
“I can say with confidence that getting stabbed didn’t hurt nearly this bad,” Oliver interrupted.
“Okay, Mr. Tough Guy,” Felicity murmured, bringing his hand up to her lips. She kissed his fingers, over and over, making sure to cover every bit of him that she could. His breath hitched and she smiled against his skin. “Then I guess it’s a good thing I’m here to make it all better.”
Oliver hummed his agreement.
Felicity looked up at him from under her eyelashes to find his eyes had darkened. He slowly licked his lower lip and the sight had another flush racing over her. This one was hotter, leaving her panting slightly, especially when it also spiraled inward. Heat tugged at the pit of her stomach and her thighs clenched as Oliver slowly curled his fingers around hers.
“Much better,” he whispered.
“I think I know how to get the desk back against the wall,” Oliver said, his voice low, throaty. It only had more heat cascading through her. “One that doesn’t include smashing any fingers, or toes, or…” He took his hand back and dragged it down her front, the edges of his fingers ghosting over her beading nipples. “Other very, very sensitive parts.”
She managed to give him a little, “Oh?” through a choked whimper.
“Yep,” he replied before grasping her waist and lifting her up on the desk. Felicity let out a little delighted yelp as Oliver pushed himself between her thighs. Her stomach was definitely getting bigger, but it wasn’t in the way yet. Especially when he hooked his hands in her knees and lifted her legs up to spread her wide so he could press his growing hardness right against her core. She grabbed his shoulders to hold on as he arched his hips closer with a rasped, “We’ll just scoot it right back in there.”
Felicity chuckled, a husky sound that had his eyes dropping to her lips.
“That is a very, very… very good use of the tools we have at hand,” she agreed.
“Mmhmm,” she managed before she pulled his face down to hers.
The second her lips slanted over his, they were done for.
(And it did work. Sort of. Well, okay, not really, because Oliver had to reposition it completely when they were done.)
The End
Thank you for reading! Reviews literally feed the soul and muse!
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twistedsimblr · 5 years
"Trust Me."
For  you @saps-sims  ( Yes I sent this to myself lmao!)
 Also going to throw in a NSFW warning because well it’s not M.K or Meg with out it going there lmao!
“You ready to go Meg?” I hollered buttoning up the last few buttons of my shirt and spraying .. maybe a little bit too much cologne … “Shit” the bottle broke thankfully not on me though. I quickly rinsed my mouth with mouth wash and grabbed my hat. 
This place required you to dress somewhat nice. This wasn’t your normal fancy restaurant this was a restaurant owned by vampires. With exquisite taste. which meant expensive elegant clothes.
Me and Meg liked to have fun and often we’d go shopping for each other.  we were weird I knew her size and of course her bra size.  daaaaaym girl  She was a  D cup lucky me. Not that it mattered but we would pick each other stuff out and then surprise each other with it.
“I don’t know do other couples do that?”  Or just us?
Anyway, I put my imported Italian I mean leather boots are pretty much Italian right?  on and walked out into our bedroom Where Meg was just slightly leaned over her vanity putting earrings on  
She could only wear real gold silver or what not. Mostly gold though silver makes me queasy a little not much though a little nauseous some times despite my dolphin bites well never mind they were some kind of metal in space that was nonirritating anyway not important.Here’s where it got weird.
A wig?  I don’t remember buying that?  Anyways it was styled and it was warm out not super humid but warm anyway it was spring-like April May I don’t remember the exact month.  I never saw Meg with long hair like that it was so pretty. okay, maybe I did. But I had my reasons. Like I said vampire restaurant. I was hoping it would help maybe mask her scent? If her head made one.
I’m not going to lie. I had my doubts about this place but, every once in a while We all had to gather to discuss things that were happening I hated it it was boring as fuck and I never really fit in my self, because I’m not fully vampire and a lot of people didn’t like that.
 But I was the Grand Master of Brindleton Bay .. Maybe that’s why nobody challenged me because everyone hated that area, it’s not heavily populated so the food source is sort of limited must be a water thing.
I wanted Meg to tag along this time because I really hated going, everyone else brought their spouses so I was going to bring mine. Little did I realize how almost stupid that idea was going to be.
“Wow…” I walked up behind her and put my hands around her waist it hugged the pudge but just the right amount.  She seemed somewhat annoyed though.  When she turned to face me. “Don’t say it   I know it makes me look fat…”  “You look good though.” 
 “Nah it’s perfect I like a little jiggle and you jiggle in all the right places I teased tickling her causing her to giggle. It was an A-line hybrid trumpet dress with a low back that tied up. and tie behind the neck with an open back that laced upThis dress prohibited her from wearing a bra but it could be tightened.It made access to the goods easier later on. I started to zone out.
  “ Mal…  .. “ MALIKOR!”    “ Huh, what?” I was distracted.”  “Can you tie me up?” Meg asked.
  “Sure..”   as I started the long and agonizing process of crisscrossing this thing I started to feet a aroused and casually pressed myself into her standing close to her so she could feel how hard I was getting because I’m a nasty bastard.“You perv..” She snickered  Is that why you picked this out? “Maybe.“ I winked as she turned around after I finished lacing her up.
I looked out the window, and heard the sound of a horses neighing and snorting had to be at least 6 of them maybe 8 of them I could see and a rather large carriage behind it. It was almost the size of a bus!  They had glowing eyes and they were huge.  And it was very gothic looking almost deathly which I found rather odd. But didn’t think much of it.
“That’s our ride..”  
“Wait what?” Whoa!  Talk about riding in style! Meg piped giddly��
 ‘Well ,we don’t fly there silly .Well at least I can you can’t. I said scooping her up.She let out a shriek of surprise as I literally exited our bedroom to our front second floor balcony and jumped from it. I can’t fucking jump skyscrapers or anything but I can jump a bit think sort of Dragon ball Z Okay bad example but I can jump pretty fast hop from one place to another. It beats getting distracted by street lights and moths… tasty moths. Meg buried her face after screaming. I threw in an overly enthusiastic WEEEEEEEEE .
(insert Siren/ A.J  reading a book or something as they pass her and his window lolol with Meg   SCREAMING)
I helped  Meg in first before getting in my self This carriage was huge it even had a bar in it with some  ghost taking orders  It was pretty scary considering my own heritage apparently it was up there for being super weird the weird wraith-like creature both handed us, wide-eyed doofuses, a drink Meg hung onto my arm so tightly her nails dug into my arm.
“What is this final fantasy 3?”  Am I in a video game? Meg asked.  “I don’t know maybe? I shrugged.   A gnarly creature greeted us it pretty much came out from under   Megs dress.
She gave it a kick   “ Wife not wearing  undergarments   lovely body ..” NICE BOOBIES YES!   Lucky man, you are Malikor yes.
“Ride will be  little long yes an hour or 3  hours  weather rainy there  lots of lightning do ring if need much else.”   Meg’s eyes were wide as she shook her head.  “We’re good thanks…”   a package appeared upon the table 
  “This must be the low down of all the shit that’s been going on in the vampire realm that I have to read.
“Ugh, I hate this crap. Wanna blow me while I do it?”  Megs features fell flat as she looked me dead in the eye. “I just had a gremlin crawl out from my dress a GREMLIN  who knows what else is up there.  “I could check I grinned cutting Meg off causing her to blush.  “THAT’S NOT THE POINT!”
“No  blow yourself.”  She huffed and looked out the window. For a moment.  ‘Where is this place anyway?”“ Outside of  The Forgotten Hollow in a place called the Enchanted Vale   
Forgotten Hollow apparently is the place where humans tried to get into the vale and burned it down out of anger that they were denied entry. Thinking they were superior or some shit.,
Apparently, this was in the late medieval times despite what people think it’s freaking huge humans just aren’t supposed to know about it because they can’t really process what they are seeing here. It could literally fuck them up.
I saw Meg swallow nervously. I leaned over and kissed her cheek. “ You’ll be fine, trust me Her eyes became glossy I could tell she was starting to feel a little scared.  That’s only if your heart is already corrupted or something. “Like the Zelda games?” 
 “Yeah, something like that I took my hat off and ruffled my hair. Even though I was wearing what Meg picked out for me I was still required as per tradition to sport my Area Grand Master Emblem or Badge which was an Anchor to represent the bay. The hat wasn’t necessary I just liked it and it made me feel more traditional.
I suppose I should get to reading this then. I sighed. About half an hour in my interest was fading and was starting to get distracted. Meg had fallen asleep her head on my shoulder. I pulled out my phone. “  Dammit no wifi”  Maybe I need a password.
I called over the whatever that thing was that crawled out from  Megs dress.  “Hey is there a wifi password I need?”“wifi?” 
 Yes .. please give phone will put password in.” Reluctantly I handed him my phone which he put in the password and handed it back to me.“Great thanks..” I whispered. I quickly checked my messages I texted Ren telling her to make sure her stupid brother did his homework Archie had his bath and Fae and Hunter were getting ready for bed.
But then I got another hankering … Noticing a curtain up above me I examined where it goes and noticed it was a privacy curtain and in case you wanted to nap or something I stood up and slid the curtain over and around the area we were seated in waking up Meg in the process. “ Are we there yet?” She snuffled.  “ No not for a while.  about another hour… Or 2.
I started to fidget as I was reading. Maybe I had adhd too  I couldn’t focus now that I knew nobody was watching at least I hope they weren’t.“ You okay?”    Me I’m fine I just have to piss real bad..”  Megs hand slid over my left thigh she inched closer and closer to my crotch and rubbed playfully.   She smiled seductively …she knew
 “ You sure it’s not cum real bad?” “You’re really hard right now,” I grunted  I’ve been trying to tuck it in my belt for about  20 minutes.
 “Poor baby…” She quivered her lip mocking me… 
“Yeah.. poor baby..” I raised a brow.  “  Do you want me to help you?” She canted her head in a way that suggested she maybe will do it or maybe wouldn’t   “It would be nice. I swallowed my voice cracking
. “If you won’t at least don’t make me jizz in my pants.” Her fingers toyed with my belt  “  “What do you say?”   
 “Please, just fucking suck my cock already .” 
“ That’s better, I love it when you talk dirty.”
  “I breathed a sigh of relief as she loosened my belt and started to tease me even more.  My dick was twitching like mad as she continued to tease me her warm tongue soaking the front of my briefs her lips leaving traces of lipstick around my bulge.
I wriggled slightly in the seat to get my pants down  I really wanted them down to my ankles a little more. She was taking her sweet time. Not that we were there yet. At least… I hope not. 
 “ Ungh finally..”  Her hands twisted around my shaft and stroked I know this was a pretty basic handy she spat on it for lube kinda gross but kinda hot at the same time.
I had to ask.. “Are you really wearing anything under there?”  Meg briefly stopped sucking me to answer but continued to stroke me. “Didn’t you offer to check?”   “I did didn’t I?”
And I didn’t spare another minute let me tell you, She sat with one leg on the ground and the other hoisted up on the bench with this look on her face. That just drew me in.  she pulled her dress away from her behind so her ass was on the seat but I still couldn’t tell if she was her dress was rather long. I slowly pulled her dress up over her knees and saw.
“ Well, what do you know you really aren’t wearing panties.” I could see clearly through those nylons
“You know how I feel about panties..” M.K fuck em.  
Meg stood up her dress rolled up from behind. She almost lost her footing when we went over a rather large bump this also forced me to my feet as it sort of threw me off the bench.
Slowly and carefully once it seemed like there were no more bumps  I rolled down that thin material while loosening the lace corset gusset whatever you call that thing. 
That was keeping me from what I wanted.
“Mal I don’t think..” She started I silenced her by kissing her neck gently nibbling on it while my hands  pulled the string keeping her chest in place her dress fell forward. Freeing her breasts. Shortly after her dress followed.
 It slipped down her body leaving my wife in only heels and pantyhose slightly pulled down  as I went down to pick up the dress I couldn’t help my self and kissed her thighs
 I threw it to the corner of the bench no sense getting that dirty. When she had to look pretty. “That wig looks nice on you,
” I commented.  “ If only my hair were really this long she sighed,” “You’ll always be fuckable no matter what you do with your hair… As long as you don’t cut it butch ass short.”
 I said continuously nibbling and kissing her neck as I slid myself inside her unable to stand it anymore.“You’re an ass hole ungh,” she replied her voice breathy as I went on full bunny mode thrusting wildly.
 I placed a hand around her throat gently and allowed my thrusts to get harder choppier and louder. I was forced to place a hand over her mouth for a second as a way to tell her to be quiet before I was able to massage those creamy white tits I love so much.
 I tugged and pulled and rolled her nipples between my fingers. She spread her legs wider for me that or she was going to pass out from pleasure “Oh god…” 
She whined almost pathetically  I’m gonna cum.” She whispered repeatedly between breaths and pants Unhh unnhh…"she purred before I grabbed her holding both legs around my waist and laid her back on that table. 
I bent over her and kissed her. My hands still glued to her boobies of course.We honestly had no idea how long we’d been at it but a sharp abrupt stop sometime during our heated love making that this time made me bite Megs neck hard enough with my fangs that it caused her to bleed a bit.
“OW!”  She cried. Like a lobster pinched her nose or something.  Without thinking she slapped me out of anger. “  It was an “ACCIDENT MEG!  “We’ve stopped moving.
“Now hold still.” And stop panicking you’ll bleed more. I didn’t get your jugular but close.” I’m kidding.” She shot me daggers for that one. 
  She was bleeding not too bad but bad enough which allowed me a quick moment To greedily lap it up it was serious enough to maybe require stitches but it was where her neck met her shoulder where it happened but it was deep enough to get a decent taste of her sweet life nectar.
  A quick lick from my tongue across what just looked like a  giant snake bite  across her wound would close and make the wound disappear completely.  We didn’t speak for a moment she was furious.
As I helped her get dressed. I felt horrible. She stormed out of the curtain once dressed to see what was going on.  After I pulled my pants back on and zipped my pants back up and grabbed my jacket and hat I quickly followed.
We both stood in awe.  Meg’s anger diffusing almost completely as her eyes focused on the huge gothic castle-like building.  
“Vampires all over the world must come here..”
 “I’ve never seen anything like this.  This is a restaurant? Or is it a venue?  The food here must be good then. …” She opened the door and stepped off the carriage. 
 “ Yeah hahaha” I  swallowed nervously. right behind her.
 “If this place serves food…”    
“I’m sure it does Mal.”
 Meg says as she held onto her clutch bag. But I brought some snacks just in case  hehehe.”  ‘At least it stopped raining anyway. I muttered.”  Not that I mind the rain. “
This place looks like it caters to every type of vampire out there at the moment.” “ Let’s hope.”
 I swallowed.  wondering if this was a good idea I quickly caught up with her and allowed my hand to curl around hers stopping her for a moment.
Pulling her out of an eager and excited state.  I couldn’t look at her I was totally ashamed of what happened and she was quick to pick up on it. 
“Mal it’s okay I’m sorry I overreacted her hand caressed my cheek still stinging from when she slapped me. I’m sorry I slapped you.  I know you’d never hurt me..”
“ Not on purpose anyway.” I snorted, my gaze finally shifting to look at her. 
“ But it’s not me I’m worried about.” “ Do you trust me?”  
I asked tilting her head up to look at me.
 “With my life.”  She shuddered but her expression was sincere  “That was all I needed to hear.” I smiled and replied with a quick peck on her forehead.  “ Stay close or things could get ugly alright?”
 I put my arm around her and escorted myself and her to the front entrance of …this strange place.”
 “Least it’s warm outside.”  I could hear music Classical music as we approached.
  Almost immediately we were greeted by a vampire that seemingly came out of no where.  He had a large book in hand. “Good Evening Sir, Madame may I have your names, please?”
“I’m Malikor Kregore Grand Master of Brindleton Bay.”
 I saw him smirk.  “So that place hasn’t floated off the map yet then.”  
“ Oh fuck off  very funny.”
  And  “Yours love?” his demeanor changing upon eyeing Meg becoming sweet on her.  
Megan Kregore  “lovely just like yourself.” as the vampire flipped through the book  “Ah yes there you are.
 Welcome to the estate. - You may board here for the night as well if you are interested. I mean You must be exhausted after all that swimming … “Oh for  Christ-“Please remember to “drink” responsibly enjoy yourselves!”.  he cackled. As he disappeared.  
“I swear I’m going to hit that son of a bitch with a brick,” I uttered to Meg as we walked through the door.
                                             End of  Part One
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mittensmorgul · 5 years
7.21, Reading Is Fundamental.
Poor thing, he was struggling to even come up with a topic for his college admission essay, when BAM! holy lightning puts visions of God's word into his head and everything else loses purpose aside from getting the Leviathan Tablet.
(another identity sacrificed to the supernatural, since Kevin is never able to reclaim his own life again)
And the biggest sacrifice of identity-- Cas awakened when they "free the Word from the vault of the earth." But he's suffering on multiple fronts, and is unable to entirely engage with reality. First of all, there's his own sense of guilt and worthlessness. But on top of that:
DEAN: You realize you just broke God's Word? CASTIEL looks away and DEAN sits down at the table opposite him. DEAN: It's Sam's thing, isn't it? You taking on his, uh, cage-match scars. I'm guessing that's what broke your bank, right? CASTIEL: Well, it took... everything to get me here.
Everything from his guilt and inability to truly face what he had done, his shame for having broken the world through his own hubris, his fear that he'll break whatever he touches, compounded by his "lost time" spent living as innocent Emmanuel, his guilt over having to face SAM, despite having essentially sacrificed himself to restore Sam to himself by taking on his cage match scars, as Dean said... but also when facing Dean during his "Sorry game," we have to think way, way back to Cas's mindset regarding Dean, even before his Emmanuel Road trip in 7.17, and "we didn't part friends."
We have to go back to the last time Dean and Cas were friends-- before Cas threw it all away and believed he'd burned all his bridges to Dean in 6.20. And then the horrors he experienced as the Leviathan took him over and used him-- much the same as demon possession would feel to a human, or perhaps possession by the Mark of Cain. He was absolutely swamped by the power of the souls he took in, refused to heal Sam, and almost destroyed the world again. He's been profoundly screwed over by his experiences.
CASTIEL:  I feel regret, about you and what I did to Sam. DEAN: Yeah, well, you should. CASTIEL: If there was time, if I was strong enough, I'd -- I'd fix him now. I just wanted to make amends before I die. DEAN: Okay. CASTIEL: Is it working? DEAN: Does it make you feel better? CASTIEL: No. You? DEAN: Not a bit.
CASTIEL: I'm ashamed. I really overreached. DEAN: You think? CASTIEL: I'm gonna find some way to redeem myself to you. DEAN: All right, well, one thing at a time. Come on. Let's get you out of here. Come on. CASTIEL: I mean it, Dean. DEAN: Okay. All right. But let's go find Sam, okay?
But throughout his absence-- both through death, amnesia, and processing Sam's soul damage through himself (which he likely only survived because angels don't die without eating and sleeping), he's been "forced awake" by the revelation of the Word. He's... not fully reassembled.
CASTIEL: What about me? You're worried about the burden I lifted from you. SAM: I think I was done for. Do you see Lucifer? CASTIEL: I did at first. But that was... It was a projection of yours, I think, sort of an aftertaste. Now I more see... well, everything. It's funny. I was – I was done for, too. The weight of all my mistakes, all those lives and souls lost, I... I couldn't take it, either. I was… I was lost until I took on your pain. It's strange to think that that helped, but – SAM: I know you never did anything but try to help. I realize that, Cas, and I'm grateful. We're all grateful. And we're gonna help you get better, okay? No matter what it takes. CASTIEL: What do you mean, "better"?
Just as Sam's damage protected itself to Sam as a hallucination of Lucifer to torment him to death, but it's tormenting Cas with a more... "angelic" version of processing the suffering of a human soul in that specific way. He's implying that taking on Sam's pain was "simpler" for him to proccess than his own guilt. He still can't even refer to his own actions in the first person:
DEAN: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Back off. We're actually trying to clean up one of your angel's messes! You know that. CASTIEL: He's right. An angel brought the Leviathan back into this world, and – and they begged him. They begged him not to do it. DEAN: Look, just give us some time, okay? We will take care of your Prophet.
I'm not sure if he's even fully capable of engaging with reality yet. I'm not sure he's fully healed of this disconnect until he lands in Purgatory.
(I recently ran across old meta written in 2012 about this episode suggesting that Cas was somehow not in the least bit compromised, and actually closer to the purest version of Cas, completely honest and forthright, just not so great at communicating. It was honestly the most enraging thing I've read in a long time, and I was sickened at how far someone was willing to go to villify Dean. I've read equally infuriating posts swinging the opposite way, suggesting Dean did no wrong and Cas was entirely to blame, being deliberately manipulative and in denial. And I mean... owwww, this whole episode is painful enough without that garbage so I'll maintain the middle road here-- Cas is clearly suffering and not fully healed of the damage he relieved from Sam, but Dean is also clearly suffering both because of  how hurt he was in the past by Cas, betrayed and then abandoned for the better part of a year, and now feeling so close to the first real solution to the Leviathan problem that Cas literally was responsible for starting in the first place and absolutely needing his help to fix what he broke... despite still being broken himself... gah... what a mess)
HESTER: No more madness! [She punches CASTIEL.] No more promises! [She punches CASTIEL again.] No more new Gods! [She punches CASTIEL repeatedly and then holds up an angel knife.] INAIS: Hester! No! [He grabs HESTER’s arm.] Please! There's so few of us left. HESTER punches INAIS in the face with the hand holding the knife. HESTER: [to CASTIEL] You wanted free will. Now I'm making the choices. HESTER raises the knife. White light blazes from her chest and she falls to the ground. MEG has stabbed her. MEG: What? Someone had to.
Inias tries to talk Hester out of killing Cas, because "there's so few of us left." But Hester has had enough of Cas and the trouble he's brought them, also blaming him for all of it. But thank heck it was Meg who killed her... A HUGE chunk of Cas's guilt is directly tied to the number of angels that died by his hand, as well as in the war leading up to that. Meg had already said earlier in the episode that she picked up an angel blade because so many angels had died recently, and that's how she was able to kill Hester. The look Cas gives her after is just... heartbreaking. He's heartbroken that yet another angel died in his name. He's not grateful to her, it's just one more burden laid on the mountain of burdens at his feet that he doesn't want to (or isn't yet capable of) facing. And honestly I feel like this is all part of the personal tangle of character that he’s still picking knots out of at the end of s14.
And then the angels, trying to follow the rules, accidentally deliver Kevin directly to the Leviathans. Oops.
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maroonskies · 6 years
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rep room - 7/28/18 - gillette stadium
ok ladies i guess it’s time for my rep room story! sorry it’s taken me so long.. i’ve been really overwhelmed with everything and just like … how is this real ya know. i’ll put everything under a read more but please enjoy these polaroids from rep room hehe. love u @taylorswift
so i guess i’ll start from saturday morning.. i had just woken up and i was visiting with king oliver (lejla @iknowplacesclean and liana’s @cuzustilldontknowwhatineversaid rabbit) when meg @stolenkissesprettyliies literally just.. kicked my foot sjkdfjs. she told me to come into the kitchen and she was like “we’re meeting taylor.” all i could say was “are you serious? are you kidding?” and then i just like started crying bc i’m dramatic. like?? she wanted to bring me with her?? what kind of angel?? i was pretty much in shock for the rest of the day tbh
i’m just gonna skip to rep room now hehe. so as we were walking back to get our wristbands i spotted dana @befearlessandstaybeautiful who literally had no idea what was happening and it was the funniest moment of my life. so we got our wristbands and finally it was time to go backstage!! we walked in and they made us put all of our belongings on a table and we were able to give taylor nation any gifts/letters we had for taylor. i had ordered a pack of worry dolls to give to her last week just in case something like this would happen and like IT DID WIG. meg and i kept one for each of us and gave the rest to her along with a few letters!
so we walk in to rep room and the first thing we see are the iconic outfits from various music vids. i took a pic with the delicate dress (as you can see in one of the polaroids). and then you see the arch that says rep room and it’s like this is actually happening this is real life. so we walk a little further and we see the throne and the couches and iconic pillows and the posters on the wall and the bench in the middle of the room with freaking snakes wrapping around it and i almost died i’m not kidding. we see the polaroid cameras and pick one up but no one else did bc they were scared we would get in trouble so i put that down REAL fast. turns out we were allowed to use them anyway lmaooo. so we took a bunch of pics and took some for queen em @ninetay89 (who is a literal angel and i’m so glad we got to do this together). then TN tells us we need to line up and the m&g’s started.
we were like.. 5th or 6th in line i think and while you’re standing there you can hear taylor and see her when they open the curtains to let people in and let me tell you … i’ve never felt more nauseous in my entire life. it was finally our turn.. we walk in and meg says “hi i’m megan” and taylor’s literally like “i know i picked you last night, i saw your airport selfie” like who is she.. then i introduce myself and tell her i love her and hug her and she’s like “i’m so glad you guys are here.” me too bicth the fuck?
i’m gonna like summarize the LWYMMD convo because I can’t remember all of it and megan told it better anyway so HERE is a link to her iconic rep room story. but basically we were talking about the snake situation and how people are like “why is she so obsessed with the snake thing, she’s taking it too far” and taylor, i kid you not, literally screamed “YOU WERE THE ONES THAT TWEETED IT OVER AND OVER AGAIN” while acting like she was typing on a phone and then said “you’re just mad because it doesn’t bother me anymore” like … my fucking queen. it’s important to note that meg’s story started with her talking about throwing up and at this point i looked at taylor and was like “i’m surprised i’m not throwing up right now” and she laughed and was like “oh my god no you’ve done so well” i can’t breathe
when we were done screaming about lwymmd she turned to me and i immediately started tearing up bc i’m soft. so i grabbed her arm and i was telling her about my anxiety and how bad it’s been for the past year (shoutout to meg for literally latching on to me to comfort me). she grabbed my shoulder and was like “i’m so sorry” in the most genuine way possible and i absolutely melted. i was telling her about how my anxiety was at its worst when the delicate music video came out and how it made my heart happy (like i actually said those words who am i) and how i’m glad that she’s so happy. so after i was done she was like “i’m so glad you’re here! small steps lead to big steps! you’re gonna in a stadium full of people soon and it’s great that you’re here i’m so proud of you” and at that point i’m pretty sure i blacked out bc i barely remember anything else.
meg got to talk to her about some other things which is in her story (i’ll link it again here). and like throughout the whole entire interaction she would make sure to look at both of us to make sure we didn’t feel left out of the convo she’s so pure. now it’s time for the picture rip. i said something about how i’d been crying and she was like “no you’re doing great this is an emotional time” like LITERALLY ME. so we got into position and then i remembered the pose we wanted to do and I was like “we were wanting to smush” and she was like ………. (big mood) and then at the same time meg and i said “like a taylor face sandwich” so taylor grabbed our faces and said “LIKE THIS??” UHHHH YES BITCH LIKE THIS.
after the pic we all hugged one last time (sad). as we were literally walking out of the room i turned around and said “OH YEAH, can you play come back be here… . please” and meg said “like tonight” (slkdjs mood) but taylor was like “i can’t tonight because i already have a request but at some point I will, I promise” and my heart was so happy. then we screamed that we loved each other and that was it.
i’m literally SO thankful to meg for bringing me along because i wouldn’t have wanted to share this experience with anybody else. i’m so glad i got to talk with taylor and hug her and tell her i love her. she was so sweet and genuine and funny and she cares SO MUCh and she’s sO BEAUTIFUL. i just love her. i also wanna thank all of you for all of your messages, posts, replies, etc before and after everything. you guys mean the absolute world to me and i’m so glad to have you. i’m truly having the time of my life fighting dragons with you ♡
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