#not sure if i found the last twos correct birthdays
belpheg0r-luna · 15 days
For all you bitches who wanna pretend like astrology ain't real:
• james potter - aries
• sirius black - scorpio
• remus lupin - pisces
• peter pettigrew - virgo
• lily evans - aquarius
• regulus black - cancer
• dorcas meadowes - aries
• tom riddle - capricorn
• severus snape - capricorn
• mary macdonald - virgo
• marlene mcKinnon - leo
• evan rosier - gemini
• barty crouch jr. - cancer
• andromeda black - virgo
• narcissa black - cancer
• bellatrix black - leo
• ted tonks - aries
• pandora lovegood - taurus
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evvlevie · 2 years
I SHIFTED FOR THE FIRST TIME !!!!  (as detailed as a shifting blogger can be but scroll down for the juicy part)
Hi, Hello, my beautiful beautiful readers! It's your favorite blogger Evie again and I don't know where to begin 😭 You've read the title so you know damn well what this post is about, and I am freaking over the moon to say it finally happened!
"So how did you shift?" Is most likely your very first question, and I promise I will answer it, but not without giving you full context on what led up to this magical event (or just scroll down in case only the shifting part concerns you)
so as I mentioned in my last post I had been in this state of not putting any effort into my shifting attempts anymore and basically treating shifting like any other of my manifestations: that it will happen on its own, if I simply want to.
⇣the post in question in case you're interested⇣
"Did it work?", you may be wondering. It did not. It might work for other people, because some points I made in that post still apply to me, but the idea of just counting on it to happen on its own didn't really work in my case. This being said, just because it didn't work for me, doesn't mean it can't work for you, and if you are an advanced manifestor who has complete trust in the law, this mindset might even be yours to apply.
Ever since I posted this, some days went by and my typical shifting-cycle repeated. I didn't shift after being so confident I would, and then the realization hit hard and I became severely demotivated. I even told my shifting bestie I was about to give up and lucky for me she motivated me and gave me back my faith. Speaking of faith: I had been noticing that certain angel numbers kept reoccurring in my life. The numbers being 1237 and 119. These numbers seem random, but 12:37 is the time my niece was born and 11th of September is my birthday. (yes I was born on 9/11, no not in the year that it happened, but two years later which is basically irrelevant information but it's a little fun fact about me.) I always thought the universe was showing me my birthday, up until I googled both of these numbers and realized they both mean something among the lines of "keep faith and trust in the universe". And lucky for you I did.
⇣small fangirl and shout-out-moment ⇣
Then on Monday I had a doctors appointment, and being bored in the waiting room I opened Tumblr. My feed was full of law of assumption content and I actually took the time and read through them all, and I reposted the ones I felt like gave me a lot of insight. Now to the freaking craziest part of all of this. (okay not true but it sure meant the world to me). I wake up in Tuesday and see that THE @astra-nomy reposted my post about the newest shifting tip I had found, and not only that, my comfort-shifter @multiversebaddie not only liked one of my posts, BUT FOLLOWED ME BACK. All in the same night and even right after another. CAN YOU IMAGINE WHAT THAT DID TO ME????? I was like no, nope you guys, I can't not shift if my favourite shifting and loa bloggers fucking found out I existed. (APHRODITE FOLLOWS ME I CANT COMPREHEND THAT). Plus @lavender--fairy commented on the post mentioned earlier, and her post that I reblogged, was the one who actually gave me the key to shifting. Hell yes. I mean I knew what I needed to know from other bloggers anyway, but her post actually brought me back to the correct mindset.
so now it is Wednesday. I never really talked about what DR I am shifting to, and I mentioned it somewhere on an old ass post but to put it as briefly as I can: my DR contains a certain group of YouTubers, and I am shifting so I can be friends with them. Now they post videos on Wednesdays and due to the time difference I get to watch them at 11:30 pm, so basically right before going to bed. I went and grabbed a quick shower and then I laid in bed and started doing what I was always doing: affirming. But due to me being me this quickly turned into overthinking and overcomplicating EVERYTHING which is why I stopped, went back on TikTok to clear my thoughts a little and then returned to my attempt.
☞ I laid in a position most comfortable to me and I started imagining myself in my DR making myself ready for bed. In my head I reminded myself of the thing that I was able to remember due to @lavender--fairy 's post: The 4D is the real reality, and the 3D is only the translation of your inner thoughts. meaning: if I can visualize it, I am already IN it.
☞ Along with me imagining my DR-me doing what I did, I always reminded myself (affirming if you will) that if I can imagine it, I am in it. I purposely chose the Visualization of me doing things I was already doing in my CR day-to-day because you can feel the moment so much better and ground yourself in that reality way easier than imagining me climbing a mountain since I never did that.
☞ I was making myself aware over and over again, that the imagination is the real reality and that if I can imagine it, I am in it. For as long as I was trying to fall asleep. I even moved and rearranged my position constantly, imagining that I was my DR-me doing the same thing. I really just emerged myself in that visualization and started feeling what ever I did, because essentially that's how manifestation works. You don't need to worry about the 3D, and you don't have to feel like you're lacking something. You imagined it in the 4D, so you already did it silly!
☞ In combination to that I never forced myself to stay focused on my DR. Because as mentioned in this post below, you are supposed to let you mind do its own thing in a way, because you can't shift If you are too aware of what you are trying to do.
I found myself in this weird state between falling asleep and still being conscious enough to see and understand what you are envisioning. So I was technically awake while it happened. I didn't visualize my DR anymore, instead my mind went into a completely different direction and I saw myself buying milk with Harry Styles. No I did not even script him into my DR, this was just my brain doing brain things. Nonetheless I was still affirming that if I can see it, I am in it, and suddenly I felt myself getting pulled. I heard a little whooshing sound and I literally zoomed out of my body. I was standing in a dark corridor and I could see an open door in the distance with a little something happening in the room it was leading to but I was too far away to see what was happening. Suddenly the corridor started spinning and I felt myself getting pulled into a whole different door. I gained consciousness in this unknown room, but I couldn't tell where I was, or what I was seeing, because it was just dark in there and my eyes had no chance of adjusting quickly enough. I panicked and before I could even comprehend it, I knew I set the intention to shift back to my CR. I got pulled back into this mysterious corridor and shoved into another door by some weird energy and I opened my eyes back in the CR. I know it wasn't a dream because this whole zooming out, the mysterious energy sending me from door to door and the random dark room felt way too physical for it to be a dream. I could literally feel myself in this corridor as only a "being" of some sort, but definitely not as a human with a physical form. From the many success stories I have read regarding shifting realities, I have noticed that many shifters do not reach their desired reality on their first try. Almost every shifter that has talked about shifting mentioned that their first shift was weird and to a strange, undefined reality. (@multiversebaddie shifted to a random ass classroom for example)
I believe I shifted when I did, because my mind was in this gloomy state between conscious and unconscious, which ultimately made me believe myself on the spot when I told myself the affirmations I mentioned earlier. I did not doubt them and that's probably why the void state is such a powerful state to be in, because even if I wasn't, I imagine it to be very similar to this.
Another thing, that won't hurt you is educating yourself on the law of assumption. I know it helped me a lot and I believe that people who struggle with shifting, would benefit if they understood the way manifestation worked because ultimately manifestation and shifting is the same thing.
If you read everything from top to bottom: I love you. If you are doubting shifting, your ability to do it, or wether or not it is real: I can guarantee you as a first-person-witness: not only is it real, it's something every single dingus out there can achieve! And if I can help you in any way, shape, or form: don't be afraid to ask.
I send a lot of love and a lot of positive vibes to everyone reading this! I had been waiting to do this post ever since I created my blog and I still can't believe that I finally got to do it 😭
Yours in every reality
Evie <3
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kellykidd · 7 months
Personal Matter: Chapter 1
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*Gif belongs to its rightful owner, it is not mine*
Pairing: Matthew Casey x reader
Summary: You have to tell 51 about a mix-up off shift with a coworker
Words: 797
Warnings: mentions of having sex, pregnancy (lmk if there’s any I missed)
Read on Ao3 here
Notes: Happy my birthday day to those who celebrate. At last, another multi-chapter fic is here after my small hiatus. Getting out of my comfort (Kelly Severide) zone and trying some Matt Casey again. Thank you for reading and join the Taglist to be notified when any new chapters are posted!
Join my taglist here
Tags: @mrspeacem1nusone
Staring at the test on the counter, you were speechless. It was one time, he was cute, you were drunk. It felt right, but the two pink lines definitely did not feel right. 
Sylvie, who was ready to leave for shift, nagged you from outside the bathroom door, “almost done in there?”
“Yeah, I’ll be right out,” you gathered yourself and put the test in your pocket, not knowing what to do next.
You exited the bathroom with a nervous look on your face and your roommate could tell.
“What’s wrong?” She asked.
“Can you keep a secret from the firehouse?”
“Of course. What’s wrong?”
“I slept with Casey.”
“Wait, when?”
“A couple weeks ago.”
The look in your eyes told Sylvie you weren’t telling the whole story.
“Is there something else?” She asked, sitting you down on the couch beside her.
“There’s more.”
“Uh oh.”
“I think I’m pregnant,” you pulled the test out of your pocket and showed it to Sylvie.
Sylvie embraced you into a hug.
“Does Casey know?”
“I just found out this morning.”
“It’s gonna be okay. Should I text Boden and tell him you’re not coming in today?”
“No no,” you wiped the tears from your eyes, “I should go to work. I can’t leave truck a man down today.”
“Then we better get moving,” Sylvie smiled warmly.
You grabbed your things from your bed and followed Sylvie out the door to her car, keeping the test tucked in the side pocket of your duffel.
“Do you want to talk about it?” She asked, lowering the radio’s volume.
“I think I should tell Casey.”
“On shift?”
“Yeah, get it out in the open. I feel like I’m going to explode.”
“Can I ask you something else then?”
You nodded.
“Do you want to keep the baby? Because you shouldn’t be riding truck much longer if you’re pregnant.”
“I think so, but I want to talk to him first.”
Sylvie nodded and refocused on the road ahead. The rest of your short commute was quiet, but pulling up to the firehouse, you felt yourself get anxious.
You brought your bag into the locker room to get changed and stuffed the test from the morning in your side pocket. After changing into your station gear, you left for the bunk room to talk to Matt. He was sitting at the desk in his quarters reading the paper as you approached.
“Captain, do you have a second?” You nervously asked.
“Sure, have a seat,” he gestured towards the perfectly made bed.
There was something more than a shift change on your mind and he could tell.
“What was it that you wanted to talk to me about?” He closed the door and sat back down at the desk chair.
“This is a personal matter.”
“Ok, what about?”
“Remember what happened between us at Molly’s a few weeks ago? We both got a little drunk and one thing led to another…” you trailed off.
“I do. Is there something wrong?”
“I took a pregnancy test this morning… and it’s positive.” You handed him the test. 
Matt looked like his head was going to explode, but he kept his composure as he drew the blinds shut. 
“No no, we’re not just lieutenant and firefighter anymore. It’s Matt, please.”
“Matt,” you corrected, “I’d like to keep the baby, but you don’t have to be involved if you don’t want to. Or you can be really involved, it’s up to you. And I probably shouldn’t be riding truck…”
You had started to ramble, a familiar trait when you were nervous.
“I think you should move in with me,” he admitted, “help you prepare and then take care of the baby.”
“Matt, I don’t know what to say. We had sex once and now you want to move in together?”
“It’s not that simple. We had sex, got pregnant and I think we should move in together to create a stable home for this baby.”
“Okay? Like okay, you’ll move in?”
“Yes, but there’s rules.”
“Which are?”
“What is this? Do we share a bed when we move in? Are we dating or just friends and colleagues who have gotten themselves into a little mess with genetics?”
“Do you want that?”
“Ask me on a date Matt Casey.”
“Tempe Grill? Tomorrow night? 6 o’clock?”
“Hell yeah, Mexican food sounds great.”
“I’ve got something too then.”
“I’d like to be involved. Doctors appointments, things like that, as much as you’ll let me.”
“Of course.”
“We should go talk to Boden, you shouldn’t be riding truck while pregnant.”
You stood up and he took your hand, “thank you,” you smiled.
“What’s there to thank me for?”
“For taking care of everything.”
“We’ll get everything figured out, don’t worry.”
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accio-victuuri · 7 months
Sugar Rush : October CPNs
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This was an insane month to say the least, I’m not even exaggerating. Things happened that will go down in fandom history. Our detective skills in looking for places and trying to piece a story was tested and the clowning was at it’s peak. I would have to say that by far, this year, it’s this month that generated lots of noise. Both sides were just throwing sweets at us and we can’t even keep up.
It also proved once more the charm of turtle cpns and why context, history and time is important to fully enjoy a candy:
“The charm of turtle candy is that it is incomplete. It is not a one-time solution. You feel suspicious at the beginning, but you are more sure later, and then at some unknown moment in the future, you suddenly get it. The correct answer, everything forms a closed loop, it's so cool”
• YH poster for WYB is from a BJYX fansite
• On 10/1, there has been some talk about WYB’s hair hiding beneath his beanie when he arrived at the airport to Paris. People’s guess is that he is blonde. Some people are connecting it to the blonde character in the XZS vlog.
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People are free to interpret this however they want, as a candy, it appears to ZZ giving us a clue as to WYB dyeing his hair. Personally tho, this person is a member of GG’s staff & his friend who also takes part in putting out the amazing materials we get. People particularly remembered one of them had blonde hair during MFW. Anyway, I understand why people are so happy about this & interpreting it the way they do and go ahead and it this if you want 🍭
It also doesn’t help that the character kinda looks like WYB in Paris which is some next level coincidence. I can’t even with this fandom.
• I’m adding this beautiful analysis of Pie @potteresque-ire about the Mid Autumn festival photos posted by our boys. It’s technically from last month but i already published it before I read this meta. It just gives more weight to the meaning of it aside from how it matches 🌙
• Mengniu exhibit with zz and wyb standees
• Camera/Leica CPN : This has actually become everyone’s favorite candy of the year. It started out so simple and almost like a galaxy brain sort of clowning but both sides ended up “confirming” what we speculated. I have talked about this at length and in different parts below :
Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four / Part Five
10/6, WYB continues to show off his camera. Almost all the photos in the set released by YBO, he is holding it, and there are falling cameras on Weibo in that post!!!! 📸
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There is also this CPN on what WYB is taking a photo of and with people using google earth and comparing, they found out it’s the number 23. What a beautiful number. He really loves it! ♥️
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• Same place, different times. This is so bittersweet to me. One day, they will get that Romantic Paris getaway together 🖤
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• XZ 1005 birthday CPNs : one // two 🎂
• A photography studio shared a shot of GG for his bday and the kadian is 18:23. This same company also released a bday photo for WYB’s. They have worked with the boys a couple of time.
• The same description of something being like a film
• Glasswork art piece from France that could have been a gift and souvenir for GG
• Camping site and it’s connection to WYB selfie - At this point, there’s been so many “evidence” collected by bxgs and the most accurate date is really 8/14-8/15 that this “celebration” was done. There are also posts from people who visited the place and a motorcycle “parade” took place, so we know it’s a popular place to ride your moto. It’s one of the “services” they provide and looks like something that WYB took advantage of.
• Is one of the photographers yibo? 📸
• GG’s rope necklace and it’s meaning
• XZS birthday video taking some inspiration from a queer themed short film “we are animals”
• The camping trip was a team building of XZS and YBO?
• Both of them so sexy 🔥🔥🔥🔥
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• 10/12 ZSWW rumor house & fake story content 🤍
• WYB’s 10/13 Selfie : part one / part two
• A galaxy brain cpn of XZS 10/13 post’s caption
• On 10/16, XZ released a tribute song which is government sponsored of course. In the past months, the go-to person we usually see singing for these causes is WYB and now it’s XZ. This is not exactly CPN, but i like the way that they are both people seen as positive influences and may be used to sing for certain events. Maybe one day they can do a duet? LOL.
• This one is so funny, there is an interview in a Taiwan TV show i guess. and the question was, “Talk about the general interests of gay men in Taiwan” ; the person answering is also gay and he said it’s : fitness, mountain climbing, raising cats, and Shiba Inu. 😂😂😂😂
LOL. Why does it remind us of two people? It’s so specific. Who have always wanted to raise both a car and a dog (shiba inu) and is currently loving fitness and mountain climbing. They might as well add camping on there 🤪🤪🤪
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I don’t really believe in stereotypes and that there is a certain “checklist” that makes you gay or whatever— your interests are personal and what you enjoy. maybe you will be influenced by your environment but just do what you want. Tho I understand why this was so amusing to c-turtles cause they immediately thought of ZZ & WYB when they saw this.
• Even holding the camera is the same 😂✌🏼like a true photographer. Not acting all cute and using a camera to “pose” but actually using it.
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• Updated mole signature by XZS
• XZS video x Bottled Joy Parallel. 🫶🏼 ; and the fact that Bobo’s is by Bottled Joy, a brand who is known to be BJYX bias ( allegedly ) . Tho this was most likely filmed before that XZS video. A happy coincidence. && This is the renewal we have been waiting for.
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• Luoyang Tourism video uses a BGM of a song by ZZ
• BJYX and Skydiving 🪂
• 130 fake rumors compilation
• Wuzhen Day 3 Yibo shirt CPN ⛳️
See you all next month for another round up! 💛
Previous Posts: Jan-June 2023 / July / August / September
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inairbinad · 10 months
maybe together we can get somewhere
Written for my lovely, talented, and frequent brainworm-sharing friend @stobinesque! Happy birthday, I hope you have the best day!! 🥳💙 This one is also affectionately known as stobin: codependent delivery drivers. Featuring the soulmates soulmating, some Rockie fluff, and just a dash of Steddie. rated: T | wc: 4k | cw: none [read on ao3]
Robin slaps the classified section in front of Steve as he’s making their morning coffee. It’s been another long night of tossing and turning, of holding each other through anxious dreams thanks to the latest round of shit they’ve been through. It’s exhausting, but they’re figuring it out together. Again. Because if all they can do is stay attached at the hip, share a bed, and tell each other everything’s okay as long as they have each other? Well, Robin’s more than willing to do that for Steve. And after two times around this ride already, Robin knows Steve’s more than willing to do that for her too.
So she uses the time not sleeping to scour the paper for job leads. It’s not like she’s dying to work again, but if she and Steve ever want to realize their plans of getting the hell out of Hawkins and moving to the city, they’re gonna need something. If they can’t sleep without each other, they certainly can’t be expected to work without each other. 
Luckily Robin thinks she’s finally stumbled upon something that could be great for both of them.
“I think I found our next excursion through the perils of capitalism,” she grins and takes her mug from Steve, who always knows just how to make her coffee. She’s actually pretty sure they could do each other’s morning routines in their sleep, by now. 
“Yippee,” Steve says with all the enthusiasm of someone on death row. He knows as well as Robin does that they need to find another job after the Family Video quite literally crumbled to dust, but neither of them is exactly eager to dive back into the hells of minimum wage labor. Not to mention that Robin’s more than a little worried that they’re cursed, and the total destruction of both of their previous workplaces might precede them.
“Come on, as long as we do it together it won’t be that bad,” Robin tries to persuade him before telling him what the actual job is.
“You said that about the last one!” Steve points out, looking so scandalized that Robin’s a little annoyed.
“Are you saying you don’t want to work together anymore?”
“No,” Steve course-corrects so quickly that Robin can’t help but laugh at him. “I whine about work about five-hundred percent more if you aren’t there with me, Robbie. You know that.”
“I’m familiar,” she chuckles, thinking back to every single time Keith scheduled Steve to work without her at the video store. And every time they’d come back to work together at Scoops after a few days apart, Steve would have countless tales of people-watching and bizarre customers to share, even before they considered each other certified soulmates.
“So what is it?” Steve asks.
“How would you like to be one of the newest faces of Surfer Boy Pizza?”
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“I thought you couldn’t drive,” Keith narrows his eyes at Robin before going back to inspect her newly acquired driver’s license. She figured it was time to get one after the shit hit the fan for the second time in less than a year, so that’s exactly what she did…after a few tries, anyway.
Steve would argue that she still can’t drive, actually looks like the words are poised on the tip of his tongue before he thinks better of it.
Robin can’t exactly blame him, not after all he went through trying to teach her. She has to hold back a wince as she relives the time she popped one of his tires like a balloon just from rolling over a curb. But by some miracle—arguably her impeccable parallel parking skills, which might be the only thing she’s actually good at, go figure—Robin finally did manage to get her license.
So the way Keith is looking at it like it has to be a fake is a little bit insulting.
“It’s newly minted, I’ll admit,” Robin sighs and leans across the counter to try and level with him. How he managed to snag up a manager’s spot here so quickly baffles her, quite honestly, since they just opened. (The rumor is that the owners saw Argyle driving around in his van so frequently that they were inspired to open a franchise. Robin isn’t sure what that says about her potential new employers, but she’s trying not to think about it too hard.)
At least she knows how to talk Keith into things he doesn’t necessarily want to do by now.
“But I’m super careful and am an excellent parallel parker,” she continues. “You won’t find any scratches on your shiny new delivery vans when I’m working, or get calls from customers saying I left a dent in their bumper like the infamous kid that used to drive for that other pizza joint in town.”
“We don’t mention that place in here,” Keith grumbles, knowing full well that he is that infamous kid. It’s another reason Robin is shocked that someone hired him to work at a pizza place again, even if he isn’t driving this time around. Keith passes her license back over before glancing at Steve, who knows to stay quiet and let Robin handle things. He merely shrugs and gives Keith a look that imparts so much confidence in Robin that it makes her heart swell. “Fine, you’re both hired. Again. But—”
Robin cuts him off with a soft whoop, surprised at how excited she is to be able to make a mixtape and drive around town without a manager breathing down her neck for her entire shift. She doesn’t really care much about the handing pizzas off to people part, more so the independence. And then to come back to the store and gab with Steve about it while they wait for their next call.
It maybe doesn’t promise quite as much togetherness at work as they’re accustomed to, but Robin has a feeling they’ll find a way to work around that.
“But—” Keith says again with his supposedly stern face on and points at Robin specifically. “You’ll deliver by bike until I trust you with a van.”
Robin feels the way her shoulders slump like she’s sinking into quicksand. “It’s about to be summer, Keith—”
Steve kicks her ankle and clears his throat loudly before he sells her out like a Judas. “Deal.”
Robin stares daggers at the side of his head like the good old days when he was just the douchebag who left bagel crumbs everywhere he went. He doesn’t look at her, though, just shakes hands with Keith and seals her to her sweaty fate.
Robin doesn’t speak to Steve again until they pull up in front of her house. “I can’t believe you threw me under the proverbial bike like that, dingus.”
“Do you want to hear my plan, or do you want to go back and quit before you even get your little yellow visor?” he asks as he shuts off the Beemer.
“I’ll hear your plan,” Robin sighs, glad he seems to have one at all. “But I reserve the right to reject it out of hand. Visor be damned.”
Steve smiles and twists around in his seat to face her, like whatever he’s come up with excites him.
“Okay, so every time Keith sends you out on your bike, you ride around the corner and wait, then I’ll pick you up in the van. That way we can do all our deliveries together until Keith trusts you to drive on your own.” Steve crosses his arms and grins at her like he’s some kind of evil, work-avoidant genius.
Robin thinks he just might be.
“I guarantee we’ll still cover just as much ground if I push the speed limit, Hawkins is so small,” he continues. “Then we’ll both basically be getting paid to do one job, and Keith never has to know.”
“You’re a genius Steve, you know that?” she figures it can’t hurt to tell him. It breaks her heart a little to watch the shadow of disbelief that crosses his face to hear it.
“I don’t know about that…”
Robin claps a hand over his mouth before he can say anything self-deprecating. “Nope. Take the compliment. I only have one question.”
“Shoot, Bobbie,” Steve says. He’s probably trotting out one of Robin’s favorite nicknames to counteract the fact that his lips are moving against her palm as he talks, which he knows creeps her out. How she understands what he’s saying anyway is beyond her, but she does.
“What do we do on nights that I’m scheduled to work, but you’re not?” Robin asks as she drops her hand.
Steve shrugs and gives her such an easy smile, Robin thinks his knack for scheming is one of her favorite things about him.
“Help cover the gas, and I’ll drive you around anyway,” he says. “But you’re pretty good at convincing Keith to schedule us together already.”
Robin wonders if maybe this job will actually be kind of fun.
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Robin’s pretty sure Keith catches on to their little routine after about a week of doing it. But she’s already plotted a route around Hawkins that maximizes the ground they can cover, and Steve’s had all the best places to speed memorized for years, so every customer ends up singing their praises to the point where Keith can’t really bring himself to do anything about it.
She thinks she might never have to drive a delivery van herself as long as they keep this up. That’s fine by Robin, because even if the pay is shit, it’s probably the most fun she’s ever had at work.
It beats slinging ice cream in a sailor outfit, anyway.
People actually seem happy to see Robin when she’s the one who rings the bell, delivering their dinner with a smile and a little bit of a clumsy lilt to her gait. It always gives her an extra dose of confidence when the particularly hot moms of Hawkins are thrilled to see her—whether it’s for closeted sapphic reasons or just gender solidarity, Robin can’t help but enjoy the attention and praises heaped upon her.
“Robin, you look almost as adorable in that uniform as you did in the sailor outfit. Yellow really is a good color on you,” Mrs. Wheeler says to her one night, and Robin nearly faints from it.  
Eventually she starts flirting a little—not with Nancy’s mom, but maybe with some of the others who didn’t birth her friends—just subtly enough to make getting out of the car to talk to the babes on their route worth it. Steve grumbles about letting Robin talk to all the pretty girls at first, but it’s good natured and really Robin can tell that he’s proud of her for being a little charmer.
He doesn’t mind flirting with the dudes instead, anyway. Especially not when Eddie starts ordering pizza way more frequently than is strictly necessary, even for someone still recovering from his first stint in the underworld.
“Why don’t you just ask him out?” Robin asks when Steve climbs back in the van with a goofy smile on his face for the fourth time in one week. Between the kids hanging out at Max’s and Eddie calling so often, they spend more time delivering to their new, unearthquaked end of the trailer park than anywhere else.
“Why don’t you just ask Vickie out?” Steve counters, just like he always does. Robin tries to flick some of her Coke at him (that she may or may not have snagged from the work fridge behind Keith’s back), but she fumbles the execution and ends up spilling the whole can on Steve’s shirt. Then Steve’s laughing, but also glaring at her as he whines about his work shirt being sticky now.
Robin tries to stifle her own laughter with apologies, chooses not to point out that Eddie’s laughing from his door, too. She strips her own Surfer Boy tee off, leaving just the white tank top she’s wearing underneath, and hands it to Steve to change into. They share clothes like it’s their lot in life anyway. Robin’s actually kind of convinced that one might’ve been Steve’s shirt to begin with.
“Thanks,” he grumbles and changes hastily. He finally notices Eddie’s still watching once he’s trying to fix his hair in the rearview mirror.
Robin revels in the way his neck flushes, just a teeny bit. Steve waves shyly, Eddie waves back, and she wonders how long they’ll continue to be dumbasses as Steve finally pulls away.
“Where to next?” he asks, and Robin checks her list.
Her groan tells Steve everything he needs to know.
“Vickie’s it is!” He sounds entirely too cheerful about it.
The drive from Eddie’s to Vickie’s is vanishingly short, especially with Steve and Robin’s System of Fast and Efficient Pizza Delivery, patent pending.
“Gimme my shirt back,” Robin implores as Steve pulls up to Vickie’s, feeling exposed all of a sudden in just her tank top. She anxiously looks towards the front door as she waits. The porch light’s on for them, because Vickie is always one of the more courteous customers they’ve got—and one of the best tippers.
“Oh so I’m supposed to sit here shirtless because you don’t want to show off your arms to a pretty girl?” Steve asks, and Robin whips her head around to realize he’s not planning on giving her shirt back at all.
“It’s company policy not to approach a door without your uniform!” Robin shrieks, not because she cares much about company policy, but because Steve should have her back on principle. “Plus, you enjoy being shirtless, you flirt!”
“I don’t think Vickie’s going to mistake you for a missionary,” Steve says blandly, ignoring the mild-slut shaming completely. “Plus, you’ve still got your visor on.”
“Steve,” Robin tries, but he just grins at her without moving a muscle.
“You look great. Go get ‘em, Tiger.”
“Oh god. You did not just say that,” Robin sighs, delaying further just to make fun of him a little. She thinks it’s deserved.
“I did, and I meant it,” Steve raises an eyebrow at her. “Unless you want me to drop this one?”
“No,” Robin tells him with all the annoyance she can muster. She might be awkward, flailing, and hopelessly pining over Vickie already, but she’s not gonna let any of that stop her from going up to that door. “Gimme the damn pizza.”
Steve reaches to get it out of the back and hands it over to Robin with a shit-eating grin. She really regrets not giving him more hell over Eddie back there, but she takes the box and squares her shoulders before making her way up Vickie’s front stairs.
Robin rings the bell and does her best not to fidget the entire time she’s waiting. Which isn’t very long at all. Vickie opens the door with a wide smile in greeting, looking almost angelic in the way the light behind her frames her fiery hair, her eyes bright and excited just because Robin’s there. 
Or maybe she’s just really hungry, a more cynical part of Robin’s brain corrects.
“Veggie pizza?” Robin asks, and Vickie nods.
“Thanks,” Vickie says, already moving to exchange pizza for money. “That was really fast.”
“Oh, well. Steve and I have a system. I kind of buried myself in maps for a night while I worked out the quickest routes around town, then we spent the next couple of days figuring out how to drive them quickly without hitting any pedestrians or breaking too many traffic laws,” Robin says without thinking. No matter how many times they talk, Robin doesn’t seem to be able to stop blurting things out around Vickie.
Vickie just laughs though, leaning a little around Robin so she can wave to Steve who is very obviously watching them from the car.
“That’s a whole lot of dedication to the job,” Vickie comments, and Robin can feel her ears turn pink.
“Sometimes I just plan stuff out when I can’t sleep, even if I never actually end up doing it,” Robin admits.
“Me too,” Vickie says with such soft knowing in her voice that Robin wants to wrap herself up in it like a blanket. For the first time she wonders if maybe Steve isn’t the only person who can calm her nerves enough to help her sleep. She doesn’t have much time to get caught up in the thought, though, because Vickie keeps talking.
“Is that your normal uniform?” she asks, and Robin hopes she’s not imagining the way Vickie’s gaze lingers over her bare shoulders, her chest, her neck. She feels exposed, still, her skin alight with any attention Vickie is willing to give, but it feels nice. So nice, actually, that Robin doesn’t remember how to respond for a moment. “Or did you just want to show off your tan?”
Vickie bites her lip and flushes ever so slightly, like maybe she hadn’t quite meant to say that part out loud. Robin can’t think of anything but how desperate she is to kiss her.
“I really don’t tan,” Robin admits. “Freckle, mostly. Sometimes burn if I’m not careful. Which I guess isn’t surprising, given the history of skin cancer in my family—” Robin hears herself and wants to die. She snaps her mouth shut before she can say anything else horrifying.
“Oh, I burn too! Even with all the sunscreen in the world, sometimes–” Vickie cuts herself off with a nervous laugh. “Well, the freckles look very good, anyway.”
“Thanks,” Robin murmurs, and she thinks maybe she’s blushing enough to look sunburnt now.
“Robin?” Vickie asks, still holding the pizza between them like she’s afraid if she moves the moment might break.
Or maybe that’s just what Robin’s scared of.
“Can you help me with something real quick, or are you super busy tonight?” Vickie asks. The hopeful way she tilts her head is so precious Robin might implode right there on the spot.
Robin doesn’t care how busy they are, there’s no way she’s not following Vickie inside. “I can help. What’s up?”
“It’s just that my VCR is jammed,” Vickie says, already leading Robin inside and talking over her shoulder. She puts the pizza down on the coffee table and nods toward the TV. Robin ambles over, not sure there’s anything she can do to fix it, but she’s willing to try.
“You worked at Family Video for a while, right?” Vickie asks. Robin nods and tries not to relive every time Vickie came in to rent something and Robin acted like a fool. “Thought maybe you’d have the magic touch with it.”
Robin doesn’t think she’s imagining the flirtatious way that Vickie says magic touch, so she pours all of her focus into the malfunctioning machine in front of her before she malfunctions and melts into a puddle on Vickie’s floor.
She feels Vickie’s eyes watching her as she works and thinks she might melt anyway.
It doesn’t take long to figure out the problem. After some fumbling, Robin manages to untangle some loose tape from inside the deck. She can’t help but think it looks haphazardly shoved in there. “Were you babysitting, or something?”
“No?” Vickie says, voice inexplicably laced with questionable guilt.
“Just seems like it got stuffed in there,” Robin says as she turns around with the tangle on display. “Like maybe a kid was playing with it.”
“Oh. Well. Weird.” Vickie’s biting her lip and looking at her feet all of a sudden. Robin can see the sheen of freshly applied gloss on Vickie’s lips. She wonders what it tastes like.
She also wonders if maybe Vickie put it on just for her.
“Vickie?” Robin’s voice is whisper quiet.
“Did you really need my help with the VCR?”
Vickie’s eyes snap to Robin’s face, worried, like she’s been caught out. But then Robin smiles at her, so gently she feels like it might break her own heart just to feel it on her face, and Vickie relaxes her shoulders.
“No,” she admits.
Robin doesn’t know where the courage comes from, what comes over her or how, but one minute she’s standing in Vickie’s living room thinking she might pass out from nerves, and the next she’s cupping Vickie’s cheek with all the casual smoothness Robin’s ever mustered in her life. Then Robin leans in to kiss her.
It’s heady, the power Robin feels just from being the one to move first. It’s like her body was made for this, for gently holding Vickie’s face and tasting the strawberry flavor of her lip gloss, feeling the soft pout of her lips slotting between Robin’s own like puzzle pieces fitting together.
But mostly Robin is soaring because Vickie is kissing her back, fiercely, like maybe this was actually what Vickie was hungry for instead of pizza in the first place.
Robin isn’t entirely sure what being a good kisser entails, at least not when you actually want the person you’re lip to lip with so badly you’re seeing stars. There’s no universe in which Robin thinks this can’t be good, though, because her whole body is tingling from the way Vickie presses up against it, the way she gently slips her hand into Robin’s hair and tilts Robin’s head just so.
Robin feels her visor come tumbling off her head, but she can hardly care when Vickie lets out a delicate moan that leaves her absolutely weak in the knees.
“Vickie,” Robin breathes out when they separate, already wanting to dive in for more. Vickie smiles against Robin’s mouth, kisses the corner of her lips again like she’s worried she missed a spot.
“Yes, Robin?” Vickie asks, suddenly sounding much more confident than she’d looked just a moment before—almost teasing.
“That was really good,” Robin says plainly.
“I agree,” Vickie hums. She pecks Robin on the lips one more time, gentle and quick about it. “And as much as I want to do it again, I think Steve’s waiting for you.”
It’s only then that Robin even hears the distinct sound of the van’s horn honking—two quick beeps to remind her that there’s still two more deliveries they need to make.
“Damn him,” Robin mutters, and Vickie just laughs. Her breath against Robin’s face is minty fresh, and Robin can’t really be expected to function when she knows Vickie planned this whole thing, can she?
“Call me later?” Vickie asks.
Robin nods, but not before kissing her again, deliveries be damned.
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“Your lips are swollen,” Steve says first thing when she gets back in the car, dazed and floaty like she’s just taken the best drugs of her life. (This is something Robin actually has a point of reference for now, and she’s easily putting ‘Kisses From Vickie’ at the top of the list.)
“I kissed her,” Robin says, staring straight ahead. Steve squeals like a little girl and bounces in his seat.
“Finally!” he cheers, giving Robin’s shoulders an excited shake. “Are you comatose over there?”
“A little,” Robin admits, but she feels the smile break out on her face like an explosion of fireworks. She sucks in a deep breath and finally looks at Steve. He looks so happy for her she thinks her heart might burst all over again. “I kissed a girl.”
“Was it everything you imagined?” Steve asks, not bothering to hide the hopeless romantic that lives in his chest and pulls all of his heartstrings.
“And then some,” Robin says, hearing how dreamy she sounds and just rolling with it. Steve starts the van up again just as Vickie waves at them both from her front window. She blows Robin a kiss, and Robin thinks she’s died and gone to a heaven she’s not sure she believed in until now.
“Seems this job was worth it after all,” Steve admits.
Robin really can’t disagree.
101 notes · View notes
chronically-ghosted · 10 months
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Second Base.
rating: 18+
pairing: max phillips x f!reader
word count: 3712
summary: you try out second base; hand stuff only, but it changes things between you two, as much as you don't want it to.
warnings/tags: cute little outfits designed to drive max nuts, hand jobs (m and f receiving), more blood, fangs, one emotionally unavailable vampire
a/n: this contains one of my favorite lines i've ever written!
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Second base.
Because you aren’t actual sadists or masochists, after the first bite, your sex life with Max went back to normal. Well, as normal as sex with an immortal creature of the night ever was in the first place. Okay – as normal as sex with an immortal creature of the night who is Max Phillips ever was in the first place. Which is to say, often, hard, and loud. It had been weeks since you’d seen that worried look of consternation, that sweet vulnerability he expressed, as if feeding on you might be the thing that kills you and not being railed against your couch for the better part of an entire day. Sometimes you wished he had much respect for your ability to walk upright as he did your jugular vein. 
On some level, you were aware that his recent overexuberance was in part due to that vulnerability. As if you might lift the curtain and find that the man behind it all might leave you wanting. Truly a frat boy at heart, Max struggled to express anything that couldn’t be summed up with the three “ings” ��� licking, sucking, and fucking, obviously – but now, he had been exposed as someone capable of those deeper feelings, as if he had been the one to split open a vein for you. And despite the heavenly glow you indulged in after the first bite, you really weren’t quite sure how you felt about it all. You hadn’t started dating Max with any illusions about who exactly he is. In fact, you might have started fucking him in the first place because it seemed wildly out of character that he or you would get attached at all – to anyone or anything. The dating thing just sort of happened, when you both came to the same conclusion at roughly the same time: no one else was really doing it for you, so why not? So what if you only directly referred to each other as boyfriend and girlfriend in the privacy of your own apartment, or his? So what if half of the office was entirely clueless about your relationship and the other half was actively placing “secret” bets about how long you two had been fucking? Annoyingly, Tim had been the one to be almost right: “six months ago, I’m telling you, man. That’s when he stopped eating secretaries and she got so much nicer.”
Technically, he stopped eating secretaries about a month into your relationship, and what Tim accidentally overheard was not him “eating” a “secretary”, but you weren’t about to correct him. But Max found it all hilarious: “he’s right, you’re so much nicer when that pussy has been taken care of. But I like it when you’re mean.” 
You actively choose not to think about what he meant by a “deep emotional connection” last time.
Fine, Phillips, I’ll show you how mean I can be.
“Nope, no, uh uh.” 
You put your hand just over the frilly blue lace on your hip. “I’m sorry, I don’t see the problem.” 
It had been about a month since first base and while Max had gotten notably more relaxed around you seeing him eat – he now occasionally walked around your apartment with his food in an opaque smoothie tumbler with a straw – he was still very strict about moving onto second base. 
Which, if left up to him, meant you’d be wearing a straight jacket and thick flannel pajamas. 
“Max, if we’re ever going to do this thing for real, you’re going to have to get used to seeing me naked. I’m not letting you fuck me and bite me while I’m in riot gear.”
“Okay, but, baby,” he whines and he can’t help himself from rubbing the satin bow above your crotch between his fingers. “You look like a birthday cake.” 
Is the baby blue lingerie with a strapless bra that catches around your biceps with white lace a bit overboard? Yes. But last time was ridiculous.
Max frowns, his visible pout morphing into something subtly dangerous as he realizes he can unpeel your bra with a string in the back. “Can’t I just fuck you normally in this and then we’ll try again later?”
You swat his hand away as it sneaks across your ribs. 
“You know, if I wasn’t already dead, I’d think you’re trying to kill me.” Smirking, he drops his hands down to your waist and, not so subtly, curves them around the mold of your ass. Distractedly, he slips one finger under the seam of your panties. You press your hands against his chest and blink up at him coyly. 
“Whatever gave you that impression.” 
He shakes his head, squeezing your ass once. “And I’m supposed to be the soulless demon with a heart of darkness.” 
“So you’ll do this?” 
With a sigh and his eyebrow jumping, he nods. “Yeah. Fine. Go get on the bed.”
Trying desperately not to squeal, you tear away from his arms and all but run and leap on top of the white towel. Max slips out of his shoes, and starts unbuttoning his shirt. You bite your lip, nerves humming in anticipation, as you sit up on your knees to watch him. To your enormous dismay, no matter how hard you worked, no matter how much spit or cum you used, you could not make him purr again. You’d had wet dreams on the idea alone of putting your head against his chest as he vibrated but he swore it was involuntary. “And,” he added as a way to soothe your ego, “I’m pretty sure it can only happen when I’m feeding.”
“Does it happen every time? Like with blood bags or back when you hunted people?”
“No,” was all he said about that.
Max slips his shirt off over his shoulders and goes to work unbuttoning his pants. When they slide off his hips, you frown. 
“The boxers with the hole in the waist? Ooh, baby, I’m so turned on when you make such an effort.” 
He rolls his eyes as he climbs in next to you. “Look, I didn’t think you’d be seeing my underwear and I need to do laundry.”
“You didn’t think I’d see your underwear in a situation where we’re going to specifically jerk each other off?”
Attempting some version of contrite, Max’s gaze falls from your face to your throat, to your clavicle, to your tits, pillowed up for him beneath the blue lace. He leans in as if pulled by magnets. 
“I’m sorry if I thought we’d both be a little more preoccupied.” 
His broad palm smooths across your thigh, around your hips, to just above your tailbone, his nose drawing indistinct lines from your shoulder to your ear. You sort of hate how quickly he can make you not irritated with him. You shift to take him into the cradle of your thighs, when he winds your panties up in his fingers and tugs. The gossamer material tightens just over the seam of your pussy, teasing your clit, you choke. That heated, teasing Max Phillips smirk spreads like hot butter across his lips. 
“What are the rules again?”
“Max,” you whine as you drag your nails over his chest and up his shoulders. But he hesitates, his hand knotting your underwear in his fist. One move and it’ll rub against you again.
“I’ll stop,” he murmurs in a half-sing-song voice. You huff.
“Silver. Bad touch, on your skin. Lightheaded or dizzy, I use the safeword. And,” you sigh. He’s so painfully handsome sometimes it hurts. He’d set out candles again, as if he needed any help in his seduction of you and he just sort of glows. You don’t know if it’s your anticipation or some vampire illusion, but every line on him is blurred. Soft, as if he doesn’t have your pleasure literally in his hands. There it comes again, that small bit of light in his eyes, the emergence of the early morning sun over the horizon. The way he looks at you makes your chest heavy. “And . . . only hand stuff,” you grumble. 
He chuckles, pouting at you in faux-sympathy as he reaches out, other hand wrapping around the back of your neck. “Only hand stuff, she’s so sad about it,” he whimpers into your cheek with a high, mocking voice. 
Your fingers dig into the skin on his chest, daring to hold him away as he goes for your mouth. “I swear to god, Max –,”
In one single fluid motion, he pushes on your tailbone, and swings your hips forward as he tackles your mouth with his own, effectively yanking you under him. You huff in surprise, before pulling away to find menace and glee in his eyes. Grins again as he nips with flat teeth on the curve of your neck. 
He plants wet, hot kisses across your chest, heat blooms against your ribs and tunnels down between your legs, as he tongues the softer places along the hollow of your throat, then up the other side of your throat, teasing your earlobe. 
“I’m sorry,” he breathes, “that was mean. What can I do to make it up to you?” 
Pressing your chest up against his, knowing he can feel the squish of your tits, you wrap your legs around his waist and pull him towards you. His hard cock rubs up against your seam and he lets loose with a muffled groan into your mouth. You roll your hips once with him between you and he turns his head to your jaw, as you both pant at the sensation. 
“You know exactly what I want.” 
His teeth graze you gently. This is an exercise in restraint for you as much as it is him. Given any other night, you’d have his pants off by now, on his back, or behind you, but you refrain. You can’t squeeze him like you want to and that only frustrates you more, makes you heated and ruffled, makes you want more of his skin on you, around you, as if he could smother you. You want to merge your bodies. Your knees dig into his ribs.
He whispers something, too low and fast for you to catch it, but it ends broken and uneasy as if you’re touching something delicate within him. Bending back with one hand, Max reaches between your legs and cups you, one finger barely pressing the wet material back inside you. 
“Was this waiting for me under all those layers?” You nod as he pushes deeper, your mouth dropping open. He kisses your chin, before tucking his head under your jaw again. “No wonder you were burning up.” 
He inhales as if his face was pressed right up against your cunt, two fingers rubbing up and down over that sodden material. It scraps against your clit and it burns. “I could eat you. Just like this.”
“Max, c’mon–,”
“I know, baby, I know.” 
Smearing that pink little bow with the smell of you, he dips his hand under the line of your underwear, past your damp curls, and soothes your overheated sex by filling it with two thick fingers. You arch, brow furrowing, mouth open, fingers clamping down around his shoulders, arousal crawling up your spine, higher and higher the deeper he goes. Max likes the build up, the tease, it’s why his thumb only hovers above your clit, the heat doing half the work for him, as he pumps his fingers in and out of you, the wet squelching almost embarrassing. Behind his hand, his hips swing in time. He groans, deep, into your ear, breathless. 
“Could come like this, baby, could come right like this.” 
The bend of his cock bumps the back of his hand as he thrusts against nothing. You hitch your pelvis up, opening wider, pussy easier within reach, and you forgo any teasing for him, hand sliding right past his boxers, molding your grip around him. He’s hot and leaking all over your fingers. 
“‘Ngh . . . shit, baby.” The arm holding him up shakes. You want to lick the salty precum but there has to be a rule about that, right? If you aren’t so desperate for that final fuck, you would have been a bit more careless. His fingers inside you press up into the places only he knows can send you into oblivion, as if grateful for tearing him apart. His wrist flicks quicker, faster into you, fingers plunging deeper, up to the knuckles, bouncing you as if you were on his cock. You match his speed with your own hand and Max hums, a dark sound verging on distressed. 
You bite your bottom lip, eyes drooping, the rocking motion scraping against your pleasure again and again, like a match scratching against the box one stroke at a time. “Maaax –,” He adds a third finger and you keen, high-pitched and desperate, the width stretching you out for a cock he won’t let you have. You grind against his fingers, the bounce knocking loose every sane thought in your head. 
Opening your eyes, you realize he’s been staring at your tits this whole time. His chest warm and glowing with sweat, his eyes track every bounce and jiggle, the cups of your bra putting them more on display than if you held them up yourself. 
“Where do you want it, darling?” His voice is strained, softer than it should be with your cunt sucking up his fingers. 
Max Phillips doesn’t do cutesy nicknames. Not during sex, not ever. Your his slut. His monsterfucker. Not – 
Your already unspooling mind struggles to grasp at darling before it slips away. 
His cock is throbbing against the palm of your hand. If you could see it, it would be flushed red, the vein at the base protruding. You pump him faster and his hips stutter. He’s so close and so are you. 
But he’s not talking about that. 
“On my tit, Max. Bite me on my tit.” 
With a groan that is all growl, all tension and feral hunger, his arm collapses and he sinks his weight against you. He manages to get his hand out, but yours is still trapped there, pinned between your tender cunt and his painfully hard cock. You writhe. “Max–,” 
His kiss against your lips is a starving sort of one, one that steals the breath from your lungs, wiping any lingering ache temporarily from your body. He licks the inside of your mouth, swallowing the moan that races from your throat into his. It’s all need, desire, a blistering familiarity that you didn’t realize existed between you two. He’s trying to say something with this kiss. 
He doesn’t give you long to read into it, as he pulls back, sinking more into his knees as he mouths the skin under your neck, above your clavicle bone, and in between the valley of your tits. His weight shifts off you, enough to pull your hand out. You arch, pushing your chest deeper into his mouth, using the back of his neck to pull you higher, he groans and licks, and you yank the tie of your bra behind your back. 
“Max, you can –,”
His hand claws at your cups, mouth consuming yours again, the ropes almost stinging your back as they are ripped so fast across your heated skin. Before you lie flat, his hand cups under you, fingers pressing into where the threads burned and forcing you to maintain that bend in your spine. 
The moment is coming. You can feel it. It’s different from a rising orgasm, or the first time he ever sucked your nipple into his mouth. Your lizard brain is sending off warning flares, but you ignore it once again. Those flares arc and bend, your arousal now fire hot. 
His tongue pressed flat, Max draws a long stripe of spit from under your breast, over the weight of it, and up your nipple, where he swirls it between his teeth. Whether Max Phillips was an ass or tits man depended on the day of the week, or whatever was blowing in the air, but he laved attention onto yours like they were the first pair he’d ever seen in his life. The skin on your other breast shines from where his fingers mold around it, smearing your wet juices all over your pebbled skin. He switches over and laps up that smell off you. 
He’s wavering, caught between drawing it out and doing it so instantaneously he might black out and miss the whole thing. Your heart racing, skin almost too sensitive, you feel like you might shudder apart.
“Max, please –,”
He chooses the second approach. 
Without warning, his fangs spring out and he latches onto the skin near the valley of your chest on your right breast. 
You yelp in surprise, pain and pleasure zigzagging like rough scissors from his bite out through the rest of your body.
Okay, that hurts. 
You gasp, bucking, yanking on his hair. “Baby, baby, gentler, be gentle–,”
He swallows and the ache lessens. Hot blood pools out of the spot where his fangs punctured you. It runs warm then cold, teasing like a feather, as it rolls down your stomach. It’s not a lot, but it's more than last time. It stains his chest too.
Slowly, that same sort of miraculous fog sinks down into your bones. The grip on his hair eases, softens, and soon you are petting him against you.
You swear you feel his fangs scrape your heart. 
“That’s good, Max, that’s so good.” Your eyes roll lazily in your head and you nuzzle his hair. “God, how does this feel so good?” 
As though determined to remind you he is more than just fangs, his hand pulls away from the mattress and slides back between your legs. You feel only one finger brush against your folds through your underwear – you’re almost disappointed, go back to using three, Max –
His finger plunges deep, deep inside of you, and you gasp, feet scrambling against the towel, as a swell of pleasure almost smothers you in an overwhelming wave. You nearly choke from the force of it. You were so overly sensitive but the gooey haze didn’t let you realize it until it was too late. You come hard, harder than you thought possible, seeing eons of galaxies and stars behind your eyes, with just one of his fingers inside you and his thumb distractedly circling your clit. 
He feels you gush around his hand, wetting his wrist, and with a moan you can feel in your ribs, he spills in his boxers, the spend running down his thigh and smearing on yours. 
Your entire body goes slack, as if someone had made all your bones disappear. His hips jerk slightly as if his orgasm is still trying to wring him dry before he stills and plucks his head from your chest, unplugging his fangs from the holes he made.
Blood immediately bubbles up from the wound and without his fangs there, it spills freely and violently over your tits, your ribs. The whiplash between your orgasmic high and a full-body weakness sends hot nausea swooping into your stomach and the room spins.
“M-m-ax,” you murmur, barely opening your mouth, your voice weak and thick as if stuffed with cotton balls. 
“Fuck, sorry –,” you can’t quite see him clearly as he moves and suddenly there’s a warmth over your chest, comforting and heavy. The blood trickles to a stop and you breathe deeply. The darkness of the room stabilizes as you fully open your eyes. The room spins but this time pleasantly. 
“Hmm, whoo, wow, ah, okay . . .”
You don’t realize he’s gotten off the bed until the mattress sags again and he’s cleaning you up with cold cotton balls. 
“So, I’m going to take that mindless babbling as a good thing.” He smiles gently, but he’s holding something back. He keeps his head low like he doesn’t want you to see his face.  
You wiggle your shoulders, as he delicately wipes you down. “What, you don’t wanna clean me up with your tongue? And why do you even use disinfectant – there’s no open wound.” You poke him in the shoulder with your toe. “And you didn’t even purr that time! I demand a refund!”
“Next time, okay?” 
You frown. “What’s wrong?” 
“Nothing. Just let me–,” 
You sit up, the dried blood pinching your skin, and he pulls away. “Max, what is it?” 
He pulls away so much, he’s on his feet by the dresser before you can touch him, the back of his arm tearing at his mouth to wipe it clean. Max is a lot of things but cold when you need aftercare is not one of them. 
“It’s nothing.” The line of his shoulders is taught, tense. But he cracks his neck and takes the Gatorade from the dresser. He finally sits back down on the bed in front of you, offering the bottle to you. You take it, unease mounting, your fingers brush his, but this time he doesn’t retreat. Instead, gently, his fingertips ghost over your wrist, down the fine hairs on your arm, drop from your elbow and settle delicately on the blue material covering the crease of your hip. Where your blood had pooled, wet, and stained the blue to a deep magenta. 
“I ruined your pretty underwear,” he says softly, forlorn. 
You move closer to him, your knee touching his hip, but you refrain from seeking out the warmth of his hands. 
“Max, I can get new ones, I don’t care about that. Please, talk to me. Did I do something wrong? Did I push you too far?”
His fingers flex around the towel, now also appropriately ruined. He shakes his head, more firmly this time. He snags his shirt off the floor, over his head, then moves towards the bedroom door.
“I don’t wanna talk about it. I’m sticky. I’m gonna take a shower. You wanna come?”
The invitation, it’s something, an encouragement you genuinely feared he might not give. Maybe it’s not you he wants to part from. 
You didn’t enter into this for the emotional connection and neither did he. You have to remember that.
“Y-yeah. Of course.”
He invited you. He still wants you around. 
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sunwarmed-ash · 9 months
🔥Sinful Sunday🔥
🎂Happy Birthday Gavin🎂
Rating:🔞 Explicit-sexual content🔥 Fandom:💙Detroit Become Human💙 Ships: Hankconvin900, Nines x Gavin x Hank x Connor Tags: Birthday sex, blow jobs, multiple orgasms, bukkake, Bottom Gavin, M/M/M/M, DBH polycule, PWP- plot what plot/porn without plot, Daddy kink, sir kink, degradation/humiliation kink, unsafe sex A/N: this took me all day, please give it some love🤝💙
Of all the places to be, on his least favorite day of the year, he has to be at phcking work, sitting through yet another PR meeting about ‘Accepting Androids in the workplace.’
The revolution last November changed the world, and now, 10 or so months later, things are just starting to balance back out. And that he thinks has more to do with two Androids in particular, who were able to reach Gavin in a way even Hank, his longtime friend and partner couldn't. 
He sure didn't make it easy. Gavin never makes anything easy. But they persisted. And now he’s moved back into Anderson's house, he’s work partners with Nines, and he, Nines, Connor, and Hank are in the weirdest, most unpredicted polycule he's ever been a part of. 
It's been great, at least the last couple of months have been. Like he said, he didn't make the transition easy. But once they found the key to getting Gavin to open up, everything just kinda spilled out. Then it was easier. Because the shit Gavin was actually mad about finally came out, and he learned Connor and Nines weren’t really that bad of dudes. Annoying, yeah, but hey, so was he.
They also helped introduce Gavin to some of the best sex he’s ever had. Turns out, having two high-stamina Androids as fuck buddies had its advantages. The pair opened him and Hank up to a world of new kink opportunities that had the additional side effect of bringing them all closer together as a result. Which he guesses is good too. He’s certainly happier than he’s been- 
Nines bumps his shoulder, and Gavin only notices now he’s drooling. He wipes his mouth quickly with the back of his hand before clearing his throat. No one in the large lecture hall outside of Nines caught the action, which Gavin was grateful for. His phone lit up with a silent message from the Android just a moment later. 
{Bored Gavin? Or daydreaming again?} 1:43 PM
Gavin chuckles quietly before slipping his phone under the table. They were all adult officers, looking at their phones wasn’t disallowed, but Gavin was trying to be polite with how much he was actively not paying attention. 
[I can think of at least 15 things I’d rather be doing with my time than this…] 1:44 PM
{This is a required seminar for all officers} 1:44 PM
[Yeah, I know, but it’s not like I’m gonna give Androids any trouble anymore.] 1:44 PM 
[Even if I tried, you’d kill me before I got half a sentence out.] 1:44 PM
Gavin sent the message and waited for Nines to read it. A growing warmth bloomed in his gut when the side of Nines' mouth turned up in amusement. 
{You're correct, I would.} 1:45 PM
Gavin assumes it would be left at that, and starts to try and pay attention. Until another message popped up. 
{Only a little bit longer now. We will be leaving for the day after this.} 1:47 PM
That surprised Gavin.
[As much as I’m pro ditching work, don’t think Fowler’s gonna go for it.] 1:47 PM
Nines' face remained stoic and emotionless, giving nothing away.  
{The request for PTO has been entered and accepted for months.} 1:48 PM
Gavin’s mouth dropped open. Because he sure as hell didn't put in the request. He prefers to work on his birthday. Helps him avoid thinking about it. About Cole. About everything. 
Nines sent another message. 
{Just because you refuse to acknowledge the day doesn’t mean it ceases to exist Gavin.} 1:48 PM
Gavin flushed red and flipped his phone over on the desk. He was done talking about this. He had purposely avoided telling Nines and Connor when it was for this reason. Though in hindsight, it was kind of stupid to think two supercomputers didn't have access to something as mundane as his birthday, but still. Hank knew how he felt about it. He’s made it crystal clear. 
He didn't say anything to Nines for the rest of the meeting. 
It was a quiet and un-phcking-comfortable 36 minutes. 
“GAVIN, WAIT!” Nines is shouting after him, but he doesn't want to talk about it. 
“I PHCKING HATE SUPRISE PARTIES,” he shouts back instead. He’s so edgy by the time he reaches his car he drops his keys twice, and Nines catches up to him… 
“Gavin, I know how you feel about your birthday-” Nines starts, but Gavin doesn't let him finish. 
Gavin acts before he considers all ramifications and grabs Nines by his jacket. He sees red. He shoves Nines until his back hits the four-door. 
“No! You don’t know shit,” he insists furiously. 
When Nines' face exposes genuine shock and his LED flashes red does Gavin remember that he's a mushy, mortal, sack of bones who just physically, stupidly, assaulted a top-of-the-line Police Bot. Who ya know, also happened to be his partner and nonconventional boyfriend. He should definitely let go. Why can’t he let go?
“Let go of me Gavin,” Nines insists calmly, LED back to a steady and less homicidal, cyan. 
Gavin does. Immediately grateful Nines chose mercy and both his wrists were still intact. He straightens his own clothes before unlocking his car. 
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
“I’m not asking you to. Just, to keep an open mind. We have spent a fair bit of time setting this up for you.”
“Who’s we?”
Nines opens the passenger side and slides into the seat without answering. 
Gavin’s teeth clench but he yanks himself into the driver's seat. When he pulls on his seatbelt, Nines finally answers. 
“Connor, Hank, and I.”
That admission has a fair bit of Gavin’s anxiety melting off his shoulders and leveling out his temper. 
“Just you guys,” he clarifies as he turns the engine over. 
“Yes. Unless you want to extend the invite to others.”
Gavin shook his head. 
“Not really.” 
Gavin didn't trust anyone else like he trusted them. 
When they pull up to Hank’s house Sumo rushes out to greet them. 
“Hey buddy.” 
The comfort of Hank’s dog helps ease more of the discomfort Gavin is feeling as he walks up to unknowns in the house. Nines doesn't rush him inside, so he takes an extra minute, waiting until he can breathe without wheezing before heading inside. 
The rest of his anxious reservations melt upon opening the door. 
“Yes,” Nines confirms. “I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you sooner. I was bound to secrecy. Connor threatened fratricide.”
“I did,” Connor smiles, sitting completely naked on the living room couch, with Hank between his legs. “Welcome home, Gavin.” 
“Phck me,” Gavin pants, because it's suddenly way too hot in here and he swears his jeans just shrank.
“That was the plan,” Nines confirms amusedly, and his hand finds Gavin’s low back. “Shall we join them?”
Gavin’s having trouble making his mouth form words so he nods. The drool is back in full force,  because there really is no prettier sight than a naked Hank Anderson, on his knees sucking cock. 
While Connor continues to use Hank’s throat, Nines is opening Gavin up on his fingers over the loveseat. It gets easier and quicker every time they do this, but it's becoming increasingly obvious to Gavin that Nines is taking his time on purpose tonight. 
“Please Sir,” Gavin asks, pushing his ass back against the long slender digits. He needs so much more than just two fingers inside him.  
“I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of hearing that,” Nines hums and it makes Gavin weak. 
“I’ll say whatever the phck you want as long as you don’t stop touching me.”
Nines rewards him with another slick finger, pumping gently in and out with the others. Gavin relaxes even further in the Android’s grasp.
“Why aren't you obedient like this more often? You’d get what you want faster.”
“It’s no fun being good all the time,” Gavin laughs, a little breathless from the sudden increase in speed. “Ask Connor.”
Connor looks up from Hank, who currently has all of Connor’s cock in his throat. The brunette grins and slips his hand into the older man’s silver hair, holding Hank’s face in place.  
“He’s right,” Connor shrugs. To emphasize his point, he pushes Hank down further, waiting until the last possible moment before pulling Hank back by his hair so he could breathe. 
The sputtering sound Hank made upon removal was gorgeous; wet, gasping, and needy as he tries to keep any part of Connor’s cock in his mouth while he takes some much-needed breaths. 
Gavin’s cock spits more fluid. It’s so phcking hot. They are so phcking hot. He could watch that shit on a loop forever. 
“I think that's enough Connor,” Nines says a moment later, and both Connor and Hank are up and moving without a fuss, walking towards the bedroom.
Gavin is confused why they aren't following. Nines pushes in another finger and twists them until Gavin squeaks, holding him right where he wants him as Gavin catches his breath. When he has, Nines takes his chin and kisses him, forcing the air right back out. 
Nines chuckles and the heat sends goosebumps rippling down Gavin’s right side. 
“Ready for the next part of your present?” 
Gavin groans. “Oh hell yes.” 
Four fingers are not enough of a stretch to fully ready himself for Hank’s monster cock, but with a lot of lube and stimulation pretty much everywhere else and Gavin’s too pleasantly distracted to notice any pain upon entry. 
Connor has his mouth and is kissing him filthily and with teeth while Nines has his hand around his cock, pumping Gavin closer and closer to the edge. That plastic bastard Nines knows how sensitive the skin around his piercings is, so his fingers stay there, playing with the slick mess of his tip and pushing his thumb across his piercings until Gavin cries. Hank’s own thrusts inside his body start slow, but every time one of the Androids pulls a ple2ased sound out of him, Hank’s next thrust is harder, deeper, or faster. Like they were competing to see who could get him to bust first. 
Nines’ fingers catch his piercings, tugging against the head and Gavin whines, desperate and needy. Connor’s tongue pushes deep into his throat, chasing the sound and Hank pulls Gavin’s hips flush against his own. The next two dozen snaps are pointed and so perfect they turn his legs to jelly. 
"Daddy-” he whimpers, resting his forehead against Connor’s while he attempts to catch his breath through the powerful thrusts. “Please."
Hank’s hand comes down on his ass cheek hard and the sound echoes perfectly off the walls. 
“Again,” Gavin groans. Hank delivers another slap as hard as the first one. Gavin’s cock spits more fluid into Nines’ hand. "Fuck, again." Gavin is sobbing. His prostate is under repeated abuse and every thrust of Hank’s cock is so much to take he feels delirious on pleasure. Connor swallows down his every moan, biting into his neck when he wants to hear him cry and Gavin loves the feeling of being strung out on them.  
"Getting close already baby," Hank chuckles knowingly and Gavin doesn’t have an ounce of energy left to feel shame. 
"Pleaaase," Gavin begs, because the ache in his core is driving him feral. He needs it. Nines has finally stopped touching his dick but it doesn't matter, he’s gonna cum no matter what. 
"Get up then, I don't think Nines or Connor can see how wet your cock is."
Gavin doesn't have time to think of a retort because he's being pulled up against Hank’s chest that next minute. The new position allows the final few inches to slip in and break Gavin's brain. 
"Ph-ck, oh god, yes, Daddy-” Gavin whimpers, quieter than a whisper. 
“There you go,” Hank praises before taking Gavin’s cock into his hand, “you boys see that?”  
"Sloppy mess, as per usual," Nines agrees and Gavin thrashes as that degradation sends a powerful wave of arousal down his spine.  
"He's absolutely gorgeous," Connor whispers. His eyes are still on Gavin, taking in every inch of his exposed and vulnerable form and making Gavin feel all kinds of ways. 
"Hear that Sweetheart?" Hank praises, and Gavin is too lust-drunk to do anything but feel and whine. 
"Can I- come on, please-"
"Yeah baby, go ahead, let us see you.”
Gavin whines as his long overdue orgasm punches out of him, rocketing his body down and then immediately away from the enormous cock inside him. It hurts to be full, but he doesn't want to be empty either. Where he stopped and where Hank’s holding him is perfect. 
Nines and Connor’s eyes haven’t left his cock which is pumping white all over his stomach and the carpet below. He wants to stay here forever. It aches in his balls just the way he likes. Relaxes his muscles and releases so much tension. Clears his mind, and makes him feel light, high, and floaty. 
Until Hank starts thrusting again and Gavin desperately needs a break. Just for a second. 
“Hank,” Gavin whines, because his prostate is so sensitive. 
“I got ya baby, don’t worry.” 
Hank pulls out slow, kissing down the back of Gavin’s neck because knows his body and his sounds better than anyone.
“Thank you,” he gasps, and he’s melting right back into that warm floaty place.  
“Course,” Hank chuckles warmly, “can’t break our fuck toy before the twins even get a full turn with ya.”
“Phck,” Gavin gasps, more cum dribbles out of the sensitive tip of his spent cock and he barely has the energy to moan. He wants it though. Even if it’ll wipe him out for the next two days, he wants it. 
Nines and Connor each return to his side. Connor hands him a glass of water and he’s so grateful he could cry. 
When they get back at it again, Hank elects to watch the next round from his armchair. Gavin is in the center of their Cali king mattress, naked on his knees with his arms behind his back. They’ve caged his cock, because Gavin doesn't want to cum again just yet. 
Nines and Connor are standing at the foot of the bed. They haven’t started touching him yet either, which is as agonizingly frustrating as it is intimidating. Probably because they just kept looking at him, obviously communicating telepathically because both of their LEDs were flashing. 
It’s been like this for a while, not even Hank is putting up a fuss about the lack of action. Gavin begins to wonder just how long they have been planning this. 
When something in Connor’s eyes changes and he flushes blue Gavin starts to squirm under the gaze. It moves the plug in his ass, lining it up a little better with his still-sensitive prostate. He moans before doing it again. 
Evidently, that's enough of a rule break to receive the wrath of Nines' glacial stare.
“Didn't say you could move slut. Flip over, onto your stomach. Now.”
Gavin tries to hold back his pleased grin as he does what Nines instructs. He didn't hate getting punished, it was so much better than not being touched at all. 
When Gavin is comfortable on his stomach, Nines grabs his hips and pulls him backward, until his legs fall over the edge of the mattress.  
“You’ll appreciate the angle better,” Nines explains and Gavin is sure he’s right. His fingers then move between Gavin’s ass cheeks, finding the plug and pulling it free. Some of Hank’s release came out with it and dripped down Gavin’s caged balls. Hank and Connor both gasped their appreciation.
“Phck,” Gavin pants and Nines chuckles before slipping two fingers inside him.  
“Feeling impatient?”
“What do you think?” Gavin sasses and Nines pulls his fingers out. Gavin is pushing back to try and follow them but Nines’ steel grip on his hip has him halted in place. Pleasure burns hot in his gut. “Please, Sir, please fuck me?”
“Yes. but I’m not gonna cum inside you.”
“What? Why not?” Gavin whined, surprising everyone but Nines. 
Nines spanks him hard, harder than Hank and it has Gavin bucking against the mattress just from sheer force. The sting that follows is blissful, and Gavin relaxes onto his chest. “‘Sorry Sir,” he hums and Nines smiles. Though he can't see it from this angle.
“Because I’m going to paint you with it instead.”
That has Gavin groaning along with the full-body shudder the suggestion caused. Evidently Hank had let the twins in on that particular kink of his. He’d be mad, if it didn't make him so phcking hot to imagine it. 
“Is that alright?” Nines asks and Gavin realizes he didn't speak.
“Phck yeah,” Gavin pants.
“Sir please…” Gavin begs again for who knows how many times now. Nines and Connor have been edging him for close to an hour now. His cock is still trapped in the cage and the floor below is puddling with Gavin’s precum. 
Nines and Connor’s matched assaults with their cocks paired with Hank’s filthy praises have brought him to the absolute edge but never over and it's killing him. Gavin’s been reduced to a shaking, whimpering, pathetic pile, just begging to be destroyed and they still won’t do it. 
“What was that Gavin? Did you say something?” Nines asks cheekily, pulling Gavin’s hips down, the tip of the android's cock pressed against Gavin’s prostate which throbs it's so sore now.  
“Sir, Connor, please.”
“What do you need Gavin?” Connor asks, voice so much gentler than his younger, meaner brothers. 
“Cum on me, and then let me cum for you. Please, I can’t take any more.”
“Hmm, I suppose you have suffered enough,” Nines chuckles. 
Connor’s hand leads Gavin’s mouth back onto his cock while Nines' hands are busy between Gavin’s legs. He hears the blissful sounds of the lock tumblers and then the cage is falling free. 
“Thank you, phck, thank you,” Gavin pulls off to gasp, because his dick is quickly filling, and Nines has him flipped over, back onto the center of the mattress. 
“Hank, did you still want to record this?” Connor asks Hank and Gavin feels another pull of arousal in his gut. 
“Better hurry,” Gavin warns and is rewarded with the first taste of Nines' orgasm on his tongue. It tasted like nothing, well not nothing, he tasted like flavorless, water-based lube. With every pump of Nines’ hand, Gavin is coated with a warm slick release. Every drop that landed on his cock has him bucking up, eager to cum. Too eager actually. “Phck,” Gavin pants, gripping the base of his cock to keep the orgasm back. Connor still had his turn to take after all. 
The brunette in question gained his attention now. He straddled Gavin and the detective was excited for the up close and personal view. 
“Pump it,” Connor orders and Gavin drops his own cock in favor of mono-focusing on Connors. He loves watching Connor cum. Loves how expressive his dumb, pretty face is when he’s toppling over the edge into oblivion. 
Connor’s eyebrows bunch together, signaling he is about to shoot and the words are falling out of Gavin’s mouth before he can stop them. 
“Mark your claim Con.”
Connor’s head falls back and his cock is still in Gavin’s hand. Cum is spurting across Gavin’s chest, under his chin, and pooling around the base of his cock, making everything so much wetter. Gavin is surprised he hasn’t cum yet. 
When Connor finally recovers from his orgasm, he’s moving. Not far, just enough to line up his hole with Gavin’s cock and sit on it.  
“Phck!” Gavin curses.
“Say my name, I love when you beg it,” Connor groans, tightening around his cock and rocking against him. 
Gavin chokes on his gasp, he thrusts into Connor hard. These androids drove him fuckin’ crazy.
“Connor,” he says, cock near bursting. 
“Yes Detective?” Connor chuckles, hot, wet, and secret in his ear and that's it. Gavin can’t hold back anymore. 
“Connor, phck, phck-” he’s cumming. Hard because he’s been edged for so damn long. Because each of them has thoroughly scratched each of his kinks. His hips thrust up against Connor’s ass as he rode out the waves of his orgasm. Connor pulled him forward until he could kiss him. Gavin kisses him back.
“So, how did you like your birthday gift?” Connor asked. 
Gavin turned to where the Android was currently curled up against him post-sex and smirked. Nines was on his opposite side. Hank was snoring behind Connor, his arm draped across the android's hip and hand interlocked with Gavin’s. Gavin didn't blame Hank for passing out, nor was he mad. He was seconds away from falling asleep himself. Gavin nods to answer Connor’s question.  
“Easily, best birthday I’ve ever had.”
Nines hums pleasantly whereas Connor smiles like Gavin hung the fucking moon. 
Gavin nods. 
“Yeah Tin Man, really.”
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nikethestatue · 1 year
There Was Only One Bed
Happy birthday @tswaney17
My bestie, my mate, my girl. I love you oddles and I hope that your birthday is amazing! Enjoy this provocatively titled little story.
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“When will you ever man up, grow a pair of actual balls, swallow your pride and your insecurities and do what you fucking want to do? For once!”
Cassian’s rough words jolted Azriel out of his reverie and she gave his brother-best friend-bro-business partner a look of contempt and disdain. The best one he could come up with. Problem was that Cass could give it back just as well, and then some.
“Fine,” Cass shrugged, feigning indifference.
“Yeah, fine. Mind your own business,” Azriel suggested, his annoyance tripling, simply because he knew that Cass was correct.
“You know, Cass is correct,” Rhys called out–unhelpfully–from the sofa.
Azriel couldn’t stop his eyes from rolling. It was as if his brothers were in cahoots and agreed to drive him crazy.
Cass tipped his tumbler back, swallowing the last of his whiskey, and pointed his finger at him, “You know, literally everyone knows.”
Rhys was nodding, drinking his vodka and lime, brow cocked meaningfully. 
Azriel, usually the picture of self-control and unreadable emotions, growled at both of them,
“Nobody knows anything. Why? Because it’s not true. You and her sisters convinced yourselves that there is something going on,”
Cassian shook his head vigorously, his long black hair whipping about as if he was advertising for Pantene,
“No, no, we know that nothing is going on,” he kept pointing at Azriel with his finger, and Azriel wondered if it would be inappropriate to just break it. Cass was a tough guy, he could handle it. “Because if there was something going, you’d be with Elain freakin’ Archeron, in bumfuck Tennessee, drinking bourbon, eating barbecue, just before going home and getting your birthday dick sucked like a proper 30 year old, instead of hanging out with us–two dudes, who will definitely not suck your birthday dick,”
To that, Rhys nodded his head in acquiescence and piped in,
“Yeah, love you bro, but you can keep your anaconda in your jeans,”
“Jesus fuck,” Azriel gritted through his teeth.
“No, Jesus wept!” Cassian roared, like he was personally offended by Azriel and Jesus. 
“Jesus has taken his hands off the wheel,” Rhys agreed. “He is no longer helping,”
Defensively, Azriel snapped at them, “Vanderbilt is not ‘bumfuck Tennessee’ Cassian.”
Cassian got up and went to the bar, pouring himself another drink, while saying,
“You know, don’t come crying to me a year from now, when Elain is getting a proposal from some corn-fed good ol’ boy who’s got a lifetime membership at an exclusive golf club, wears Sperrys, played football in college and is now a VP in daddy’s successful company.”
“Yeah, I’ll make sure not to run to you,” Azriel assured him, his brother’s words stinging sharply and filling him with dread.
And that’s how he found himself on the plane from NYC to Tennessee. 
What was he even trying to accomplish? He had no idea.
All he knew was that last night, Elain texted him.
Elain: Hi Az! Happy birthday! It’s weird to not be there with you today.
Azriel: Thank you, El. 
(Thank you, El? What the hell?! That’s all he could manage? Maybe he was hopeless.) At that moment, for better or for worse, Cassian ripped the phone out of his hands and began tapping on it furiously. Azriel began wrestling with him, trying to get the phone back, before horrible damage was done, but Rhys and Nesta wrangled him back, while Cassian finished whatever he was typing, waited for the response, smirked widely once he read it, and then typed something more.
“Stop,” Azriel half-begged and half-ordered.
Cassian didn’t listen.
With a smug smile, he handed the phone back to Azriel. Azriel’s heart was beating in his chest like a bird in a cage, when he looked at the screen.
Azriel: I wish you were here as well. With me. For my 30th birthday.
Elain: I am sorry. I didn’t think you’d miss me.
Azriel: Don’t be ridiculous. I miss you all the time. More than you think. But guess what!
Elain: What?
Azriel: I’ll be there tomorrow. In Nash. Business trip.
Elain: You have business in Nashville? 
Azriel: Sure do. Can I stay with you?
Elain: You want to stay with me?
Azriel: If I may. If it’s alright with you. 
Elain: I suppose that’s fine. I will see you tomorrow? I am excited!
Azriel: Me too! See you.
“What the fuck? What the fuck? What the fuck?” Azriel screamed at Cassian, slapping the back of his brother’s head, and hearing Nesta’s defensive, “hey, chill out, Az!”
“He asked her if I could stay with her!” Azriel raged. “I’d never ask something like that! I’d never write something like that!”
“She don’t know that,” Cassian puffed indifferently. “She is fine. She wants you to stay with her.”
“No she doesn’t!” Azriel pulled at the ends of his thick, black hair. “No! No she doesn’t,”
“She said ‘yes’,”
“It’s because you forced her!!!”
Cassian slapped his shoulder and announced,
“No, you forced her, Az.”
Scowling, Azriel groaned ‘fucker’, while Rhysand handed him his own phone.
“Ticket booked and bought,” he grinned the most annoying fake-innocent smile.
Collapsing on the bar stool, Azriel buried his face in his hands, muttering, “fuckers. You are both fuckers.”
Azriel Knight loved Elain Archeron since the first time he saw her.
Pathetic. Cliche. 
He’d fallen for her during a very uncomfortable dinner, when her youngest sister Feyre introduced her new boyfriend Rhys to her sisters Nesta and Elain. Rhys had both Azriel and Cassian accompany him, and the dinner was kind of a disaster. Neither Cassian nor Nesta could keep their mouths shut, and there was plenty of bickering and sniping between the two. Feyre player referee. Rhys tried to remain diplomatic, and kept the conversation going. But Azriel…well, Azriel was enchanted by the beautiful middle sister, Elain. He didn’t hear Nesta and Cassian going at it. He didn’t notice Rhys’s hands balling into fists. He didn’t notice Feyre’s squirming. All he saw was an ethereal 24 year old, who glowed like the sun at dawn. Polite, lovely, welcoming Elain. Elain, who was clutching a fork in her small soft hand, ready to attack Cassian, if he continued to fight with Nesta. 
How could Azriel not love her?
How was it possible not to love a sweet, lovely girl who was willing to throw it down with his 6”5 ex-Navy Seal brother?
Elain. The love of his life.
Elain. Who had no idea that he was attracted to her. Elain. Who wasn’t interested in him. Elain. Who only saw him as a ‘friend’. 
Fuck his life. He didn’t want to be a friend. 
Now, he was turning 30 and he felt like his life, his last chance with her, was slipping through his fingers. However, somehow, the longer he waited the more paralysed he became. Conversations between the two of them became stilted, uncomfortable, and he was frustrated with himself and his inability to approach her and just have it out with her. Explain. Confess his feelings. But the prospect of her rejecting him filled him with such unbearable dread that he couldn’t bring himself to take that fateful step. He couldn't grow the balls that Cassian was recommending for him to grow. 
Azriel’s heart was broken even further when Elain notified everyone that she received a full scholarship to go to Vanderbilt University for her graduate program. 
Two years.
She’d left three months ago and he was already climbing the walls.
He texted her frequently and awkwardly, needing the connection, yearning for the thread of affection and yes, fucking friendship, because it was better than nothing. There was a glimmer of hope however–the communication wasn't one-sided. Elain texted him frequently as well. She sent him jokes and memes, and his favourite days were those when she greeted him in the morning with a fun emoji. He wasn’t sure what that meant, but the morning ‘hello’ was what he lived for. And luckily, she’d been sending those to him consistently. Sometimes, she sent him links to ridiculous Reddit posts and they laughed together at questions such as ‘I Ate a Year Old Packet of Ketchup. When will I die?’ and they laughed and laughed, talking on the phone for hours, often when they were cooking dinner or watching a show together.
Her not being at his 30th birthday sort of broke his heart. That’s all he actually really wanted. The only person who mattered. And she wasn’t there.
Nashville was hot as balls. 
By the time he got into his Uber, he was already sweating. So that was great. He was going to show up at Elain’s doorstep dripping sweat like a freak. 
The drive from the airport took about 25 minutes and with every minute, Azriel was getting more and more nervous. He and Elain were never really…together before. They hung out, they went out together in group settings, they celebrated Christmas and Thanksgiving and birthdays together, and Rhys hosted his annual huge 4th of July celebration barbeque, where they had to be in charge of dessert last year. Elain went into a full general mode, telling Azriel what to do, how to do it, what to get, and he was happy to follow her directions. Especially when those directions led him to her little apartment, where they spent 6 hours together, baking pies, making fudge, Elain directing him at every turn, and him following dutifully. 
The car stopped at a modern four-story apartment building and he got out, standing at the door for a good five minutes, sweating again, unable to press the button.
“Az!” he heard the familiar voice and looked up. She was on the balcony, waving at him, and just like that, the nervousness abated. 
This was his Elain. 
And whatever was going to happen, at least, he would spend his 30th with her.
Elain’s apartment was small, modern and very her. Piles of flowers everywhere. Smelled of jasmine and vanilla, and a touch of honey. Cute furniture. A neat sofa nestled between two bookshelves. 
He noticed all of these details while holding Elain in his arms, in which she threw herself the moment he stepped over the threshold.
“I can’t believe you are here!” she exclaimed, her arms wrapped around his waist, while he gingerly held her to himself. And it felt so, so good. For a moment, he forgot about everything–his bogus story about his ‘business trip’, his insecurity, the past, and the future. His girl was in his arms and that was enough. That was his best birthday gift.
“Okay, I made you dinner!” she announced, taking his ugly scarred hand in hers, her thumb tracing the bumpy, rough skin.
“You didn't have to,” he began, but she interrupted him breezily. 
“Nonsense! It’s your birthday! I wanted to make something special and I am so excited that you are here,”
He looked down at her and asked,
She nodded and smiled at him. 
“Of course really! I was beside myself for not being able to go back to NYC for your big 3-0, but money is tight,”
“I understand,” he assured her quickly. “I wasn’t expecting,”
“You should expect,” she told him firmly. “You should expect your friends to be there for you.”
There it was. His most hated word.
“If you want to shower, it’s through there,” she showed him, “and I’ll finish up dinner.”
It was strange.
This domesticity between the two of them.
Azriel didn't know what to do with his bag, so he left it by the door. What worried him now was the little couch. He was 6”4. He could probably make it work, but he really wasn’t convinced. It was not made for someone of his bulk and his height. He hoped that Elain had an air mattress or something. Maybe he could sleep in the bathtub?
However, once he stepped into the bathroom, he only found a shower. 
As he stepped inside the glass enclosure, he became acutely aware of his own nakedness in Elain’s space. There was just a door between him and his nude body and Elain. Using her body wash was also nice. Intimate and he was happy that it didn’t smell too girly. Whatever ‘Snowflake Sparkle’ smelled like, it smelled good.
Elain went all out. 
The small round table was set up properly with nice dishes, wine glasses, even cloth napkins and a few candles.
When he emerged from the bathroom, he looked around, still hoping to see another sofa or something, but then Elain caught his attention. She had rebraided her hair, put on some softly-shimmering lip balm, which made her already soft, luscious lips look even plumper, more kissable.
He really needed to stop thinking like that.
They were friends.
But did friends wear cute flower dresses like these? And did friends nervously invited him to sit down at the table and handed him a bottle of Prosecco, murmuring shyly,
“I thought it would be appropriate to have some bubbly for your birthday.”
“Thank you, Elain. You didn’t…” he stopped himself, knowing that she’d just argue with him. “This is perfect.”
She blushed and when he poured a glass for each of them, she lifted and said,
“To you, Az! I hope you have a good birthday,”
“It’s proving to be pretty great already,” he said.
“And I hope that you get what you wish for,” she clinked the glass with his and then gulped down nervously.
He was pretty much already getting many of his wishes come true.
“I made risotto and scallops,” she announced, as she skipped to the stove and he gasped and chided her,
“Elain! Scallops are so expensive!”
“But it’s your birthday. And for your birthday, you deserve to get the best.”
Without thinking he said, “I already have the best.”
She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and glanced at him in a way that maybe wasn’t exactly friendly. Like maybe it was something different…
Azriel was full. And happy. And pleased. And it was the best birthday of his life.
He ate so much lemon risotto and six very large, succulent scallops, and drank Prosecco and then they split another bottle of wine between the two of them, only to end the feast with a strawberry mascarpone cake, which was out of this world, and was homemade by Elain. She lit birthday candles and sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to him, while doing an adorable dance, which also looked unbelievably sexy.
“I can’t believe you did this for me,” he marvelled.
She bit her lower lip, and said, “It was my pleasure.”
No, it was definitely his pleasure. All of it. If only he could pull that fleshy lower lip of hers into his mouth and kiss her senseless, then his birthday would be complete.
“So?” he wondered what this was about.
Her hands on her small round hips, she looked both fierce and anxious somehow.
“I only have one bed,” she said at last.
His face dropped.
“Oh…Well, that’s okay. I’ll sleep on the couch.”
She frowned at the idea and shook her head,
“I don’t think that’s going to work. You won’t fit.”
“It’s okay. I’ll shimmy.”
She picked at her skirt and then said,
“If you promise to be honourable, you can sleep in my bed.”
He was so taken aback by the offer, that he just stood there and stared at her dumbly.
“Elain, that’s not necessary,” he protested weakly.
Fuck. He wanted to be in her bed. Very much so. Like he never wanted anything more than that.
“Well, I know it’s not, but…it’s okay with me,” she admitted.
“Of course I will be honourable,” he promised immediately.
It will be tough, but he wasn’t going to betray her trust no matter how much he wanted to touch her, and if his mind was currently in the gutter.
“Okay then,” she decided.
…He agonised over what to wear to bed–usually, he just wore his boxers, and sometimes, slept entirely naked, though he didn’t think that this was the time or the place. Should he wear a t-shirt? But that felt weird and dorky, with too much bare leg. Shorts only? Too forward?
He had no idea what the rules were, and finally, while Elain was in the bathroom, he just settled on shorts and that’s it. Most men slept like that? Right?
He was in bed, under the covers, when Elain emerged from the bathroom, and his breaths stalled in his chest when he saw her. Her long hair was loose, and she wore a pink cami and long pyjama pants. 
“Are you still okay with this?” he inquired, just to make sure.
She nodded once and then slid under the blanket next to him.
“Is this strange?” she asked softly.
“Not for me,” he said simply.
“Oh good. I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable,” she exhaled a relieved sigh. “When you texted me yesterday,”
Cassian. Cassian texted you. 
“I was worried about where you’d sleep,”
“But you said yes?” he pondered.
When he snuck a look at her, he saw that her cheeks were pink and she whispered,
“Well, yes.”
“So then why would I be uncomfortable?”
…Sometime in the night, Azriel found himself cradling Elain in his arms.
He spooned her, without meaning to, but somehow, in his sleep, he naturally drifted towards her. She was curled in her side, arms tucked into her chest, and he wrapped his arm around her, pulling her closer. Her bare feet tangled with his legs, and once he settled in behind her, he didn’t move, burying his face atop of her head, and holding her tightly next to him. 
He lay there for a few peaceful, calm moments, inhaling her scent and enjoying her softness before whispering “I will be gentle with your soul, if you let me in. I promise.”
The next time Azriel woke up was when he sensed light behind his eyelids and a light, tentative scraping of a little finger over his chest, his shoulders. He noticed the silky skin of her leg, which was slotted between his own legs, the toes sort of scratching and playing with his calf. Her finger kept tracing erratic patterns on his skin, and it finally dawned on him that she was following the design of his tattoos. 
“Always wanted to do this,” he heard her whisper.
“What, exactly?” he asked. Feeling bold today, because clearly things have changed since last night, actually, ever since he came here, he added, “Wake up next to me in bed? Have me hold you in my arms through the night? Touch my tats?”
She didn't answer immediately and when he managed to open one eye and peer at her, he saw her gorgeous face and a vexed expression which wrinkled her forehead.
“What?” he pressed, reaching up and cupping her cheek in his palm.
“All of the above?” she said at last, looking up at him.
“Good. I’ve always wanted to do this,” he murmured then, and fuck all doubt and questions swirling in his head, because he was swooping down and pressing his mouth over hers. There was a tiny gasp of surprise and satisfaction when he licked over the puffy lips, learning their texture, before she parted them for him, without him even asking for permission. Offering him entry, she lightly licked on his tongue, as she wrapped her arm around his back and pressed him closer to her chest, the wonderfully ample tits smashing against him, the little nipples poking through her cami.
Azriel kissed her. And kissed her. Slow and sensual. Forceful and dominant. Gentle and exploring. Filthy and sexual. Every kiss in one kiss. And she happily, eagerly responded to every variation, often taking control and kissing him in her own manner. 
The need for oxygen finally forced them apart, but only barely. He still placed slow, sensual kisses over her lips, her face, her ears, her hair. 
“May I take you on a proper date?” he asked at last.
She giggled joyfully and tucked her face into his neck, vibrating with excitement next to him.
“I thought you’d never ask!”
“Better late than never,” he said sheepishly and kissed her again.
Azriel’s phone dinged with an incoming message.
The flight attendant announced on the intercom that they should be turning things off right about now, but he glanced at the message.
Elain: When you come visit in two weeks, I’ll have a place for you to sleep.
There was an image attached.
Her neat sofa in the living room, extended into a perfectly nice, large sofa bed.
He stared at the photo and then grinned.
Azriel: You are a bad, bad girl.
Elain: Some men need a little push in the right direction.
Azriel: Some men do. But too late
Elain: For what?
Azriel: From now on, I’ll be sleeping in your bed.
Elain: Please do.
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stories-and-chaos · 4 months
Tarnished pt 5
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[Helluva Boss AU where Blitzø’s childhood theft from Stolas’ palace is discovered and major consequences ensue for everyone involved.]
[18+ rating for language, sex, violence, alcohol consumption, abuse, and general Hellaverse-ness]
[CW: child abuse, child abandonment, blood, slavery]
[Part 5/?? Word count 2319]
20 years ago, the day after Stolas’ birthday
Blitzo’s father hadn’t picked him up at sundown. Or as the moon rose that night. The young imp spent a fitful night, sleeping on a lounge chair in Stolas’ room. What if his dad had gotten in trouble? Maybe he got hurt, going back and forth between the palace and circus. Maybe someone saw him with all that fancy stuff and beat him up.
Maybe the Goetia found out.
His dad still wasn’t back in the morning and Blitzo was getting scared. Stolas tried to comfort his new friend, but the young prince was just confused in this situation. The boys ate breakfast, with Stolas insisting that his friend have a seat at the same table and the same meal. Afterwards, they were summoned by King Paimon.
Stolas wanted to be happy since he rarely saw his father, much less two days in a row. But Blitzo was looking more and more scared, his face turning a pale pink when Paimon ordered his presence.
Two of the king’s guards maneuvered the little imp in front of Paimon’s throne. Stolas tried to greet his father like the day before but he was silenced with a look. “You. Imp boy.” Blitzo gulped. “There are a number of items missing from this palace today. Why?”
The boy gulped again. He didn’t dare lie. So he told a half truth, hoping to avoid or at least minimize any punishment. He choked out an answer, “My dad told me to play pirates. I threw them out the window.”
“I see. So you had my son, a prince of the Goetia, assist in your common thievery.” A flickering black aura built at the bottom of Paimon’s cloak.
You were wrong Papa. Nothing is scarier than this. “I…I thought it w-was just a fun game. I d-d-didn’t want anyo- anyone to get in tr-trouble.” Blitzo couldn’t stop his voice from stuttering as he forced the words around the lump of terror in his throat.
“Father, we really were just playing. Neither of us knew what the game was about,” Stolas stepped up next to Blitzo and bravely tried to defend his friend. He’d had no clue that the pirates game was really Blitzo’s father making him steal; surely the young imp hadn’t known either.
“Hmmm.” Paimon rose from the throne and stalked deliberately over to the two boys. “Perhaps you were ignorant of the crime, but you committed a crime against the Goetia nonetheless. Have you wondered why your own father isn’t here, boy?”
Blitzo nodded rapidly. “I w-was supposed to g-go home last night…”
“Indeed. My staff discovered the theft yesterday and I had my security guards looking for your father. It seemed he spotted them and ran. Had he come back with the stolen items I might have let you and him leave with a minor punishment. A few fingers or a hand removed.” Both boys gasped and Blitzo’s legs gave out underneath him. “He has not returned and my servants say that your circus is no longer at their location from yesterday. It seems your father has decided to abscond with our possessions and leave you behind.”
Blitzo was crouched on the floor now, crying. He tried to be quiet but his sobs were audible behind the fisted claws he pressed to his mouth. Stolas, still confused and being infected with his friend’s fear, looked back and forth between Blitzo and Paimon.
“I do not care about the stolen goods. But you and your father have dared to insult the Goetia by committing a crime against us.”
“Father, please-“
“And you, my son, were foolish enough to let them. This will need to be corrected if you are to become the prince of Hell you are meant to be.” Paimon made no effort to hide the distaste in his voice. “Imp boy, I purchased your time for a day. As your father has taken more than was originally agreed, I will treat this purchasing more of your time. You belong to Ars Goetia now. Your servitude will be to my son and will last until your death.” Blitzo continued to cry, unable to move.
Paimon turned his attention fully to the prince. “Stolas. You need to be taught a lesson in status and the dignity of the Goetia. I have something in mind to give you that. You, your grimoire, and your imp will be required in my study at the witching hour tonight. Now go.” The king swept out of the room, bits of his magickal aura pulsing in his wake.
Stolas managed to get Blitzo to his feet. “Let’s go back to my room Blitzo. Maybe we can figure something out.” Blitzo didn’t answer. He just let his friend guide him back. A number of Hellhounds followed and placed themselves at every exit of the Prince’s chambers.
Once back in Stolas’ room, nothing could stop Blitzo from becoming a wailing mess. Just hearing Blitzo like that made Stolas start crying too. His tears were quieter and all he could say was “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” over and over.
Well after the point that Stolas started to feel hungry, Blitzo cried himself to sleep. He passed out, emotionally exhausted, in the middle of the floor. The prince wasn’t strong enough to lift his friend to the bed and the guards stationed around the room made no move to help. So he brought a blanket, pillow and a horse plush from the bed instead. He did his best to make Blitzo comfortable where he was curled up.
Stolas tried to distract himself with books but not even his favorites could get his mind away from what was happening. Not with his first friend terrified to tears on his bedroom floor. He picked at the meals the servants brought. They brought portions for Blitzo as well but he was too exhausted to do more than stir when the doors opened. The guards changed and the red sky of the Pride Ring gave way to a deep black before Blitzo woke up again.
Stolas had started to doze off while reading when movement from the bundled blanket startled him awake. “Blitzo! You’re awake!”
“Yeah, guess so,” the imp mumbled as he wrapped himself in the blanket. Maybe if he was wrapped up enough he’d wake up at home and this would all be a bad dream. He didn’t wake up; instead his tummy growled, telling him he’d missed at least one meal. Probably more.
“Stolas, I’m kinda hungry…” he whispered, his voice hoarse from all the crying earlier. There was something fuzzy and soft wrapped up in the blanket with him. He unwound the fabric a little to find a horse plushie with him. He had to fight to not cry again.
“Oh! Yes, of course! You slept through lunch and dinner after all and you didn’t have much at breakfast.” Stolas rang a buzzer to call the staff, having them fetch something for Blitzo. The platter of food quickly disappeared once it arrived, with how hungry Blitzo was.
He curled back up in the blanket, hugging the plushie to his chest. He and Stolas were sitting on the lounge chair, having no choice but to wait for this “witching hour.” Stolas’s head was bobbing though and he kept leaning on the imp’s shoulder.
“What’s this witching hour thing anyway? Are a bunch of witches gonna show up.”
Stolas jerked awake. “What? Oh, witching hour. It’s at three in the morning. It’s supposed to be when the veil between us and the living world is thinnest and magick is strongest. There’s no witches. At least not here. I’m pretty sure there aren’t.” Stolas continued to talk, his explanation devolving into sleepy mumbles.
“A veil? Like what people wear to get married and junk?” Blitzo was sure there had to be more than that separating them from the living world. Otherwise you wouldn’t need portals.
“Mmnnoo, not that kind,” Stolas managed to reply. “‘s what th’ barrier b’tween realities ‘s called.” After that, Blitzo just heard quiet trilling hoots from the other demon boy.
Blitzo kept hoping his dad would show up, bringing back all the stuff, saying that everyone packing up was just to go to their next stop. But he knew better. Cash liked his friend Fizzarolli more. A lot more. The audience always laughed and clapped during Fizz’s parts in their act. Fizz was just better at all the clown stuff. If it was Fizz here…well Fizz wouldn’t have been left behind at all. Cash didn’t need his “disappoint-o” son with Fizzarolli around.
At some point Blitzo fell asleep too. He must have because the next thing he knew a group of Hellhounds were pulling him up to his feet. Stolas was awakened more gently but they made him get up and out to the hall just as quickly. One of the Hounds made sure Stolas had the grimoire in his hands.
They were brought to a dimly lit study. King Paimon stood up from his desk, grabbing a thin object as he did so. Wordlessly he led the way through a curtain. It shrouded an alcove barely big enough for three adult Goetia to fit in. In the center was a stone altar. Carved circles made a ring border in the stone floor. Stolas expected to see his father’s sigil in the center and his name in the ring but it was blank.
One of the Hounds remained with them. He kept a firm grasp on Blitzo’s small shoulders. Paimon stood to one side of the altar and directed Stolas to the other, farthest from the exit. “Place your grimoire on the altar.” Stolas obeyed silently. His father grabbed his right wrist before he could step back.
“Each grimoire requires a blood oath to wield its full potential. It is more binding than any contract in all the realities and confirms your place in Ars Goetia.” Paimon twisted his son’s palm upward. “You will make a more formal oath at your majority to take up your duties. But this part can be done at anytime. Repeat after me.”
The words of the oath were nothing Stolas recognized. Perhaps if he’d had any studying of his tome he would have but he’d only had it two days. He did his best to repeat it; fortunately the words came naturally, as if he knew them already and just had to be reminded.
As he finished, Paimon unsheathed the slim dagger he’d brought. The gleam of white swirled over the blade; this was a blessed weapon able to wound the highest ranking demons. With quick methodical movement, he sliced Stolas’s palm and pressed the fresh wound onto the book’s cover.
Stolas cried out involuntarily at the sudden pain. Once his bloodied palm touched the grimoire, the circle beneath them filled with Stolas’s name and sigil. Paimon started a new phrase and Stolas repeated the strange words on reflex. A gold light shone from the floor before spinning, little motes of light and letters flowing through the air. They coalesced into something like a bracelet around Stolas' right wrist.
Despite the pain and his fear over what his father was doing, there was also an electric feeling of joy running over the prince. Having the blood oath confirmed felt like a puzzle piece slipping into place. Wielding magick felt right in a way that had only one comparison; spending time with Blitzo.
Blitzo was in awe of the sudden show of power. No amount of illusions in their circus could compare. For all his talk about how cool blood was, he’d been terrified to see the sudden ichor from Stolas’ hand. Before he could really process anything, Paimon grabbed his right wrist, twisted the hand up and sliced his palm as well. He screeched hoarsely which grabbed Stolas’ attention.
“Stop! Don’t hurt him, he’s my friend, don’t hurt him!” Neither Paimon nor his Hellhound acknowledged the prince’s cries. The Hound simply grasped Blitzo’s hand and forced it onto the grimoire. Paimon took Stolas’ cut hand and pressed it onto the imp’s forehead. Both young demons felt a burning pain where the cut and bleeding palm met the black skull-faced heart brand.
Stolas kept saying, “don’t hurt him” over and over. The bracelet of light flowed off his wrist, over Blitzo’s head and to his neck. The sigil spun rapidly before clasping onto the imp’s throat. He screamed again as it fused onto his skin with another burning sensation. His hand against the book singed with pain at the same time.
Then all the pain was gone. Even the cuts and black ichor on the grimoire were gone. Paimon and the Hellhound released them. Stolas staggered back, dizzy. Blitzo scrabbled his claws at his neck, a deep growling hiss bubbling from his chest as he tried to yank the binding off. But it was part of him now, like a birthmark. No way to remove it with his hands. Not only that, the black circus mark on his forehead was now the white crowned heart of the Goetia family. Looking at his suddenly healed palm, Stolas saw the same mark there.
King Paimon stared down at his son. “You are now the master of your grimoire and your imp. Make sure you learn to command both.” Then he was gone.
This time, the Hounds were allowed to carry them back. Otherwise the pair might have fallen asleep right in the alcove or in one of the hallways on the walk back. This time, Stolas insisted Blitzo sleep in the bed too. Blitzo fell asleep as soon as he hit the mattress. Stolas wasn’t awake for much longer. Before he fell asleep, two thoughts started to form.
First: he loved magick as much as he loved Blitzo.
Second: he hated Paimon more than any words he knew could describe.
A/N: I hope this part isn’t triggering for anyone. I have a hard time writing anything negative happening to kids so the binding scene I kept to a minimum. The next couple parts continue this flashback but no more physical abuse, emotional trauma is incoming though.
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ch0c0-cake · 2 years
Let Go
five hargreeves x gn!reader
part two
part three
summary - getting teleported to the literal end of the world isn’t too fun, especially when you lose the person you came there with. (I might do a part 2?)
warnings - mention of death, cursing, angst, unaliving thoughts
note - this is set before viktor comes out, although i will be using his correct name and pronouns
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What you definitely were not expecting that day was to be dragged out by your best friend and start time traveling all willy-nilly. It was supper time for The Umbrella Academy last time you had checked, thus you were simply sitting on the balcony of the home you shared with your guardian(s), which just so happened to be two buildings over from the home of the Hargreeves ‘household’.
After your guardian discovered your powers that consisted of telekinetic abilities, they had started searching for a solution. For about a decade they had searched endlessly. A cure, something. Anything. When you were thirteen, they had barged into your room and proudly announced you two were moving. They found something. While the two of you were in the car, you were handed a magazine with six children on the front, deemed The Umbrella Academy.
“So, your solution is for me to join a group of superheroes?” You had asked skeptically, eyeing a particularly cute boy on the front. “After all the shit I’ve broken, I don’t think a superhero group would be the best for me.”
“Language,” they had said. “Mr. Hargreeves trained these children himself, not knowing their powers fully at first. He agreed to train you almost immediately after I told him of your capabilities. Wanna know what’s funny, too? Those children have the same exact birthday as you! Isn’t that wild?”
“…small world.” You sighed out.
Meeting the family was interesting to say the least. When you and your guardian first entered the building, a boy showed up and started yelling about how you were intruders, straight up tossing a knife at you from the doorframe. It swerved and about impaled your guardian in the chest, but it stopped when you furrowed your eyes at it and it flew back and stuck into the wall next to the boy.
That had been your first introduction to the kids you’d be spending pretty much all your time with. Reginald’s training was hardcore, that’s for sure. You remembered crying and throwing up countless times due to how hard he pushed you. However, there was one boy who was there to pull your hair back and offer you water when this happened.
Number Five.
He didn’t have a normal name like Luther or Klaus, which you found strange, but he tended to stick around.
One time you had asked him a question after he’d gotten you some water after another night of crying and throwing up your insides.
“Why do you help me so much?”
And his response was what made you decide that you wanted to stick with Five for a while.
“Well, unlike my siblings…you’re tolerable.” He had smiled ever so slightly at you. “You’re strong, even without Dad’s training. I sorta admire you, y’know? I dunno, maybe we could be partners or something like that.”
You and Five were partners in crime ever since then. You guys did everything together. Reginald didn’t seem to appreciate this, since apparently in his words…
“Being too close to somebody can jeopardize a mission. Friends, lovers, they are all just liabilities.”
The both of you weren’t meant to spend as much time together like you had been doing, but you were teenagers. One of which had the ability to teleport. Five always had a sort of brash and rebellious nature. He hated being told what to do. So when Reggie instructed him not to bother with his time travel idea, he was pissed. You knew Five had secretly developing this little formula and trying to time travel, you’d sometimes sit quietly in his room while he made calculations. You didn’t know if you liked his idea. Five was dead-set on it, and he got a little irritated when you spoke against it.
“Cinco, are you sure this is…the best idea?” You brought up the idea quietly, tearing your eyes away from the book you were reading.
“…” the only sound that you got back was the pen meeting the paper Five was meticulously writing upon.
“Five.” You spoke up a little, drawing him out of his little trance.
“Hm? I would really appreciate no interruptions, Eight.”
Of course, you weren’t officially in the Hargreeves family, and you didn’t have a tattoo or number. But Five always thought of you as a partner, thus he gave you an unofficial number.
“Yeah, I know.” You said, placing a bookmark in your book and laying it on the bed. “Just…I have a few…concerns.” You stood and walked to Five, laying a hand on his shoulder.
“What do you mean concerns?” He frowned, looking up at you.
“Well like…what if you get hurt or something y’know?” You voiced. “Like, yeah, time travel is awesome and all. Reggie could be right, you know.”
Five’s brows furrowed. “What? Come on, I know you’re better than that. He just doesn’t understand.” He sneered a little.
You shrugged. “I dunno, I guess I don’t understand either. I don’t want you risking your life over something like this.” You said with a sigh and decided to leave the conversation, not wanting to bother arguing with Five. He was a very stubborn boy. You picked up your book and continued reading.
Then you heard a familiar sound and a flash of blue light popped up in the corner of your eye. The mattress sunk down next to you and your book was suddenly taken out of your hands and tossed on the ground.
“Hey now,” Five’s hands were on your shoulders and he had you look at him. “I just need you to trust me, okay? We’re partners after all. Imagine all the amazing things I could do with this!” He said, hope shining in his eyes. “That we could do!”
You couldn’t stop a smile from appearing. “You’re so ambitious, Cinq.” You marveled, putting your hand on one of his. “You just have to promise you’ll be careful.”
“Always am, Huit.”
That didn’t turn out too well.
Five teleported to your balcony. “Come on. I think I have it figured out, and I am about to prove this old man wrong.” He grabbed your copy of Frankenstein from your hand and shoved it into his inside pocket before taking your now-empty hand.
“Five, what are you talking about?!” You asked as he kept a firm grip on your hand, a wave of nausea going over you as the boy teleported the both of you to the sidewalk, walking with you. His grip on your hand stayed tight, forcing you to up your pace to keep up with him.
“You’ll see, my dear friend.” He said with a mischievous grin. He sped up his pace and you heard the familiar warping sound of him teleporting, only this time…
The trees were red, brown, orange, and yellow. They fluttered to the ground and different people than before walked by.
“Five! Did you-” you stopped yourself when you saw a huge grin on your best friend’s face. His eyes shone like a thousand fireflies. You had never seen him this excited. “Can you do it again?!”
“Just what I wanted to hear, partner. Don’t let go of my hand, okay?”
After another flash of blue, a chill suddenly blew through your being. White, delicate snowflakes descended down from the gray clouds above. The trees were bare and not many people roamed the streets.
You laughed from excitement, joy, and adrenaline. You two were time-traveling. You didn’t think it would be possible.
“I think I underestimated you, my dear partner!”
“I told you so, didn’t I?” Five grinned, squeezing your hand, staring at the look of wonder in your eyes. Have you always had eyes like that? He wondered.
“Oh, Five! Can you take me somewhere else?” You laughed, touching some snowflakes that fluttered around the both of you.
“For you my dear friend, anywhere.” He breathed out, keeping his fast pace. “Just don’t let go!”
You both kept running and running, and you braced yourself for another change in scenery. Would it be springtime? How far could Five take both of you? You heard that familiar noise and then…
He let go.
As soon as you felt his warm hand disappear from yours, you stopped and took in the scenery around you. If you could even call it scenery.
More like hell.
The skies were muddied with dust, smoke and ash billowing up into the air casually. The buildings that were previously standing tall and proud had been reduced to rubble all around. The once lively and bustling city you were able to call home was now…nothing. Red and orange flames licked around the ground, the smoke coming from them causing you to begin coughing. Wind blew your hair into your face, but only one thought occurred to you.
A broken gasp escaped your throat, before crying out. “Five!” It was almost as if you’d forgot how to say anything else. “Five?! Five!” Without thinking, your legs started moving and you started wandering aimlessly. Screaming out his name until your throat went dry was all you could think to do. With every cry, hopelessness and despair pulled you down. Where could he have gone?
Tripping on a pile of rubble, wet tears fell down your face as you hit the ground. Five was nowhere to be seen. Blood slowly trickled down your nose from where you landed, and you glanced to where you had tripped. A scream was ripped from your throat from seeing the dirty, lifeless face of Klaus Hargreeves. You tried to fight against the thought that nobody was left, but you felt as if you had to face that reality. Not a single soul was left in sight.
With shaky hands, you used your power to lift the rubble away from Klaus’ face, flinching at the sight. Moving more bricks away, the bodies of the other members of the academy were discovered. Except for Five and Viktor. Where could they be? That thought lingering in your mind, you used your powers to create several holes in the ground before gingerly moving the corpses of your friends into them. You had no clue what had happened, but they’d always shown you a lot of kindness. You figured they deserved a proper burial.
Afterwards, thus began the waiting.
Waiting that Five would eventually come and save you. But you knew you couldn’t just sit and wait. You had to survive. For your partner. If he was still out there. It turns out, you were pretty damn good at surviving on your own. Food and water was very scarce, but luckily you were just one person. It was still hard, though. Being alone for so so long was slowly starting to drive you mad. You had absolutely nothing. Days passed, then months, then years. Every single day was filled with nothing but despair. You began talking to yourself, since you had nobody else to talk to. You knew you were pretty much going crazy, but there wasn’t anything you could do about it.
It had been 40 years.
40 years you counted by using tally marks. 40 years of scavenging for food, water, anything. 40 years of pure isolation.
Your stomach ached. It had been a while since you’d found something to eat. You gently lifted your hands and brought yourself into the air with your powers, scanning the whole area but finding nothing. Your eyes eventually averted down. What would happen if you let go? Right now? You would fall to your death, and maybe not have to deal with this anymore. Would you see Five? You had no clue what happened to him, but you knew that you’d give anything to see his face again.
“Hello! How about you come down from there, sweetheart?”
You yelped and accidentally let go of yourself. Right before you touched the ground you remembered to catch yourself, and you discovered you were staring at the heeled shoes of a slim woman, smoking a very thin cigarette. She definitely did not look like she belonged in the apocalypse. She held a briefcase in her other hand, which hadn’t been damaged in the slightest. Where had she come from?
You pulled yourself away with your powers and stood in a fighting stance.
“Who the hell are you and what are you doing here?!” You barked at the woman, and her red lips smiled calmly at you.
“No need to be so aggressive, dear (Y/n).” She crooned, almost like a mother addressing her child.
“How the hell do you know my name, lady?!” You snapped, not lowering your defensive attitude.
“I’ve come to offer you a deal, is all. A job. A way out of here.”
Turns out, this woman was called The Handler. She worked at this strange place called The Commission, where they dealt with all things time-related. Making sure certain events happened the way they should. You were confused as to why or how The Handler found you. Why you? Her response made you feel something you hadn’t felt in a long time.
“I believe you’re familiar with a Five Hargreeves? He requested we find his partner.”
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djkibrit · 2 months
During Which Months Did Persona 1 And 2 Duology Take Place?
It’s well known among fans of the series that the later entries take place during an entire school year, however the same can’t be said about the earlier games. The only confirmed information about the time frame that P1 and P2 occur is the year, but dialogue present in these entries and the characters’ birthdays allow us to stipulate a more precise date of when they took place.
Before starting, it’s important to be aware of how the school year in Japan is divided (I’m not Japanese and all the information I got is from the internet. So if you are more familiar with the system, feel free to correct me or to just talk more about it): The academic year in Japan starts from April and ends in March, having summer vacation in August (normally going from July 20 to August 31) and winter vacation in the end of December to the beginning of January (normally going from December 26 to around January 6).
-Obs: All of the dates that I have just mentioned are related to 2023/2024. I wasn’t able to find anything about it in 1996 or 1999. So take them with a grain of salt.
Persona 1:
List of the main cast birthdays + their ages:
April 09, 1979 - Yukino -  17
June 04, 1979 - Maki - 17
July 11, 1979 - Mark - 17
August 18, 1979 - Reiji - 17
September 21, 1979 - Eriko - 17
October 02, 1979 - Nanjo - 17
December 24, 1979 (it's a complete nonsense) - Protagonist IN THE MANGA - 17
January 01, 1980 - Brown - 16
March 03, 1980 - Ayase - 16
Analyzing the age of the characters, it can be assumed that the game takes place at the end of 1996 since Nanjo is already 17 when it occurs. However, the birthday date of the protagonist in manga, generates some inconsistencies: if taking this date into consideration, the game would take place between December 24, 1996 and December 26, 1996 - since, after that, the winter vacation starts. It could be hypothetically possible for the game to only last two days, however, considering that there are two routes and that most people believe that P1 happened during a whole week, I’m ignoring this date. With this, we can conclude that:
Persona 1 Probable Time Period: Between October 02, 1996 and December 26, 1996
Persona 2 Duology:
List of the main cast birthdays + their ages:
April 09, 1979 - Yukino - 20
February 14, 1982 - Jun - 17 
May 04, 1982 - Lisa - 17 
June 13, 1967 - Baofu - 32
July 04, 1976 - Maya - 23
July 27, 1981 - Tatsuya - 18 
September 21, 1979 - Eriko (P2:EP) - 20
October 02, 1979 - Nanjo (P2:EP) - 20
November 15, 1982 - Eikichi - 16 
November 30, 1974 - Ulala - 24
December 30, 1973 - Katsuya - 25
-Obs: If you want to know why I only used July 27, 1981 as Tatsuya’s birthday while ignoring August 21, 1981 (present in the SMT Wiki) as a possible date, there’s this post explaining it.
Let’s begin with Innocent Sin. Besides the age of cast, there’s another variable that needs to be taken into account: when the Grand Cross happened. In real life, this event occurred on August 18 1999 and, while, in Eternal Punishment, many NPCs mentioned that the Grand Cross had passed during the summer, we can’t be sure if it happened during this specific date due to one small thing: rumors becoming true. It could be very plausible that the Grand Cross in IS took place in a different time because it was influenced by rumors, while, in EP, the actual Grand Cross occurred as normal. That being said, I’m using August 18 1999 as the day that this event happened (only because I can’t even think of another date) since I don’t believe that the creators would change it.
Well, we found out the period of when the game ended so finding when it began should not be that difficult, right?... Oh, is August 18 during the summer vacation in Japan? And are there characters attending class both during the beginning as well the end of the game? Well… things just got a little bit more complicated. 
In front of this adversity, I have two prepositions. The first one depends on the assumption that the summer vacation in Japan used to happen during a different time frame in 1999 than the one we have now. With that, we can guess that the game starts around July 27, 1981 since Tatsuya would already be 18. On the other hand, the second one regards the vacation period of 1999 as the same one as the one of now. In this hypothesis, we can guess that the game began some time before July 20 as well that the Kasugayama School Festival happened on the last day of class. Personally, I’m putting the latter just because the former’s time frame is also included in it. With this, we can conclude that:
P2:IS Probable Time Period: Between July 12, 1999 and August 18, 1999
Finally, we can get into Eternal Punishment! After the many contradictions present in Innocent Sin’s time frame (Nyarly would be proud), discovering when EP takes place is going to be way easier and this is only possible due to the main cast’s birthdays along with their dialogue. 
First of all, it’s been confirmed by the creator that EP occurred some months after the Grand Cross, more specifically, during the autumn 1999. With that, we can take a closer look into one dialogue said by Nanjo in Parabellum a bit before going into Mt. Iwato: “Ms. Amamo, he is still a minor. I do not feel it wise to bring him to this kind of establishment… NO, I’m not being tense!”. For those unaware, the drinking age in Japan is 20 years old. Based on that, Nanjo becoming tense could be interpreted as him being nervous since he’s just recently turned 20. With that, it’s possible to presume that the game takes place after Nanjo’s birthday.
Another series of dialogue to take into consideration are of Ulala’s. During the entirety of the game, she is always stressing out that she’s turning 25 soon which indicates that her birthday has still not passed. With this, we can conclude that:
P2:EP Probable Time Period: Between October 02, 1999 and November 30, 1999
And now, we can say that this analysis is finished! Remember that this is only a personal theory of mine, done only because I couldn’t find any posts exploring the subject. Feel free to discuss your own opinions on the matter and to correct any errors I’ve made.
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no-see-um-incorrect · 6 months
Remember when
Charlie/Casper  as middle school babies❤️ very fluffy 
⚠️middle schoolers⚠️bullying⚠️ 
No proofread 
Idea from @irrelevant-system
“Oh my god…CHUCK, BABY!”
“YEA CAS?” He sounds like his face is full
Charlie enters the living room and. Yup he’s got a sandwich. “what’s up babe?” With a very large bin in front of them Casper pulls out a photo album that’s practically bursting at the seams. with large newspaper cut letters spelling Casper’s name on the cover“it’s my scrapbook  journal from when we were younger!” “I didn’t know you kept a scrapbook!” He glides his hand across the plastered letters “of course you didn’t know! No one was supposed to know is was SECRET. And if I’m correct” They quickly skimmed through the pages before landing on one that was titled First Day “………FOUND IT” “Found what?” They pull him closer and lay their head on his shoulder “the Day we first met” they adjust themselves so Charlie is laying against them and they are resting against the couch armrest and start reading “September 20”
It was an early Monday morning the first day of school for many and as it goes trouble was already starting amongst them.
“What’s the matter chuck!” The bigger kid shoved the blonde boy to the ground and started hitting him “OW! That hurts!” ““OW! That hurts!” What are you gonna do about chuck? huh? Gonna cry Chuck? Is the little rat gonna cry?! I’m gonna give you a reason to cry little punk!” Before the kid could swing his fist again it was stopped  by an unfamiliar hand  “you wanna try that shit again Ass!” “who the hell are you!?” “i’m gonna be your worst nightmare if you don’t stop beating on him!” he rips his fist back with a smug face  “oh yeah? What are you gonna do if I don’t?” in response  The kid raises their bat  and with an expression on their face that you’d see in the exorcist  “i’m going to turn your brains into maggot food” the bigger kid stammered back before running away.
they turn around to the blonde boy on the ground behind them  “hey there. Are you OK?” The Blonde boy was hyperventilating, quickly trying to wipe the tears off of his face “yeah yeah I’m fine.T Thanks for that. B by the way” the kid pulls off their backpack and takes a few things out  “hear you got a cut on your face let me get it” they take a hello Kitty Band-Aid out of a little red pouch and carefully place it over the cut on his cheek  “here have a sip” “Are you sure you wanna let me Drink outta ya water bottle? Ya never know what someone eats for breakfast” they shove the plastic bottle in his hands “I’ll take my chances”
They both start walking to school
“So what’s ya name freckles?” “O oh uh Charlie..what’s yours?” “[Name]….I never liked my name though…Always preferred nicknames” “Well all be sure to think of one to call ya if ya ever wanna see my Sissy face again” they looked at him puzzled “Charlie. Why would I not want to see you again?” Charlie looks down at his shoes “well that’s some first impression….getting the snot beat outta me…and tearing up like a baby” they grabbed his hand and held it “I never believe in first impressions. Because that’s all they are. first. the most important part of a first impression is making sure it’s not your last impression�� Charlie laughs and holds their hand a little tighter  “where’d you learn that?” “I don’t really know….maybe just in the air”
Weeks went past as they often do. And the Two were as buddies as buddies could be.
“CHARLIE! Look what I got for my birthday!” “A new skateboard! I know you were really upset after ya last one busted” they Dropped the board on the ground “you wanna Try?” “OH! No no I’m tooo clumsy for that maybe some other time” “I can show you how to Casper! It’s one of my favorite tricks!” “yea. Maybe you could show me how to Casper”
———————present —————————————
“damn. that feels like for fucking ever a go” “….do you think anyone ever predicted that we’d be like this?” “um. No I don’t think urban exploration, untrained animal rescue and you railing me was ever on anyone’s Charlie&Casper bingo card” they both laugh, and Casper hit him in the leg with a couch pillow  “NOT What I meant. I mean, do you think anyone ever saw us together?” “well I did get a good old fashion. I told you so from my folks not too sure about anybody else though” “well freckles, if you really look at it..only a couple things have changed. I’m still patching your clumsy ass up!”  Charlie rolls over and sits up on his knees  “ew! Don’t call me freckles you haven’t called me that since high school it feels weird” “oh, and what would you prefer me call you~” “baby, sweetheart, love, Charlie the pizza rat, maybe~” Casper threw a pillow decking Charlie causing him to fall back on the couch  “i’ll stick with baby girl. Thank you”
The two spent the rest of the night. Looking through the book as well as looking through any of the other old memories Casper had in their box from home. a few home videos they had filmed on whatever camera they could find. a few Polaroids of them on a field trips, or at the skate park. Old memories. 
Grateful that now they have the chance to make new ones.
This is small. But decent.  I need to see canon little Charlie more than I need life 
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crazyk-imagine · 9 months
Wolf-Verse Headcanon
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A/N: This was a thought that came to mind a while ago and then I finished it. Mainly about when the three first met and first heat. This is very random and more could come to it or not.
Reader can seen as Mickey's cousin or long time best friend (this came out of left field for me)
Bob and Natasha are alphas and you’re an omega, but everyone thinks he’s a beta with how quiet he is
The two knew each other for a while, of course, seeing as they work together and hangout all the time
Naturally they got closer and found themselves drawn to one another even if no ones heard of two alphas being together (for as long as they have)
Then low and behold, they smelled a sweet and enticing scent, and their duo slowly became a trio
You were at Mickey’s birthday party, invited by his fiancée and were one of the first few people to arrive and help with setting it up
Leaving the dagger squad to bring him home
Not many people had met you, mainly due to the fact of your status which makes Mickey so so protective
Another reason why so few members of the squad had heard little about you
You’re the only unclaimed omega in the house, making Mickey slightly worry but can’t focus on that when everyone’s pulling him into conversation and fun activities
You were in the kitchen while everyone else was outside playing games and drinking, enjoying their day off
The birthday boy's fiancée knows how much of a sweet tooth you have and leaves a special plate off to the side for you
Your wolf was purring at, what you thought was due to you satisfying your craving but was actually because the two walked in the house
They turn into the kitchen, following your scent
You open your eyes sensing a shift in the room
You finish your last bite, covering your mouth
“What’s a little omega like you doing in here?” The female asks, fixing herself and, who you assumed to be, her boyfriend a drink.
He steps closer to you and she copies, leaving you cornered by two
You don’t respond, instantly amusing the two.
“Looks like someone has a sweet tooth.”
Mickey shouts over his shoulder with his girl beside him. They stop and stare.
He shakes his head at the two and tell his fiancée to grab you and leave the kitchen
You grab another cupcake and follow her
“You’re not going anywhere near her.”
The change in their eyes earns a groan of annoyance from him. “For fucks sake.” He sighs, “at least take care of her and treat her right.”
“Who do you think we are?” Bob asks, pulling out a bag of chips from the pantry.
Mickey grabs the two and forces them into the living room with him
They scan the room for you and spot you instantly
You’ve never been as warm as you were that day (and it wasn’t a cold day)
Everyone made sure to steer clear of interacting too much with you and even as most of them left, you had one or both following you
The only time you were alone was when you were in the kitchen, helping Mickey clean up while Bob and Natasha are outside, chatting with Bradley and Javy as they wait for Jake
“What do you think?”
“About what,” you ask. You have a feeling he’s talking about.
“You know what? How do you feel? Anything I need to take care of?”
You shake your head, “no. No. Everything’s fine. I just- is this normal?”
“Is what normal?”
His head bobs from side to side. “It's better than everything that went on with Rooster and Hangman. God, they were annoying.”
“That’s not helping me.”
“Okay, fine.” He sets down the container. “I think this is good for you.”
“You’re finally going to have people who can help take care of you and I’m talking about when I’m not here.”
“No, no,” he shakes his head. “You know I’m always worried about you when I’m gone and that’s why we have that guest room for you. This is good. You know Bob.”
“I don’t know Bob.”
“Correction, you’ve heard about Bob and Nat but now, you can learn more about them from them. You see where I’m going with this.”
You roll your eyes, “I do.”
“You sure?”
You shove his shoulder.
You get their number after they drop you off at home
Thus, the start of an odd friendship
And then came the moment you weren’t ready for… your heat with two powerful alphas nearby
They didn’t know you were close or even having it until they showed up to your place after coming back from their recent deployment
They slammed the door shut as soon as your scent hit their noses
Bob was the first to make his way to your room while Natasha locked the door and made sure everything else was too (her arms full of water and snacks as she entered)
He stood at the foot of your bed, waiting for you to give a sign of consent
“Are you just going to stand there all day?”
Your eyes widen at the sight of them, the lain in your belly getting worse and worse. “What are- what are you two doing here?”
“Helping you, if you’ll let us.” She stands by you, leaning over.
“It hurts,” you mumble.
“I know.”
After that day, you three were together all the time
Your nest has never been more comforting and they can’t bring themselves to be upset because you look adorable
They buy more sweaters and hoodies just for you to steal (you pretend not to notice)
Mickey shakes his head every time he sees you three together, pretending to be upset about you three
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mortifiedatbeingknown · 9 months
"An Odd Little Thing" (Pt. 5)
Hidden in the deepest reaches under her bed, drowning in dust and conquered by cobwebs, lay a small, unassuming crate. She took a deep breath as she dug it out. There it was… just as she remembered. She ran a gentle finger, down the endless line of construction and instruction manuals… 
…And then promptly dumped them out onto the ground. If there was anything about the OLI models she could use… It would be here. They were released a few years before Father… so there was a chance. A chance he’d left something here behind to help her. 
She didn’t like thinking back to those years. At least, that’s what she told herself. In truth, she didn’t remember because she couldn’t. Those years had blurred together into a slow, sad mass of gray. The coughing. The collapsing. The paleness in his face and the trembling in his hands, all the while she had stood by, unable to do anything to help. She didn’t remember when the trips to the dump had transitioned from a search for parts, to a search for manuals. Sometimes they found them fully intact. Sometimes it was just a few pages, or even just a scrap with nothing but a diagram and a few words. Everything was valuable. Everything was something she would need if she was going to keep on the business after he’d be gone. 
For the first few years, it was. That box was her salvation. She had pored over every single gift her father had left for her, the final connection she had to him. Then as the years went by, her skills grew. Her talent was honed. Experience had replaced naivete, and strength had overcome weakness. Finally, finally, her tears had all dried up. Once she no longer depended on the manuals, she shoved the box away. The last thing she needed in this life was that crack in her armor. Her father would have understood. 
As she hunted through the leaflets and pamphlets now she tried not to dwell on how familiar the paper felt to her fingers. Even know, she still knew most of their contents by heart. And if her gut was correct, there should be a stray magazine clipping or two… 
It was little more than an ad, a stupid commercial praising the extent of the OLI's “emotional intelligence” and “perfectly simulated humanity.” What it did have however, was a diagram of the androids’ innards, a way to show off the complexity of their internal components. 
This’ll do. 
She swept the rest of the manuals under the bed and jogged back to her workshop. 
The doctors were here. 
They marched in, proudly showing off their freshly washed lab coats and their brand-new stethoscopes, birthday gifts from their parents. He let them poke and prod him as they sighed and hummed, writing down notes on a clipboard. 
“What do you say, Nurse? 
“Oh…I don’t know… it looks bad…” 
It was always bad. Horrible, really, the worst they’ve ever seen. No matter how many times they worked on him, he always ended up back in their office, almost near death. It was a pattern his mind had picked up on now, as long as he was ‘almost’ dead he’d still survive. 
But still, the fear never went away. 
Especially not when the patient was being carried to the operating table, dumped unceremoniously onto a kitchen towel in the dark, dusty basement. They’d giggle over each other, shushing, making sure their parents wouldn’t hear. Tweezers were ready, yes. Towels, bandages, medicine, scalpels. They positioned the light just perfectly, so that they’d be able to see what they were doing. 
All that was left… was to put the patient under. 
“Hey. You still with me?” The figure asked. It loomed over, with goggles as blank and as wide as an insect’s. Its gloves were a fresh, clean pair, and a screwdriver gleamed bright in that palm of its hand. 
It was a monster. A horrible, fearsome, brutal monster. But it hadn’t really been acting that way, had it? No… from all he had experienced, and all the patterns it could recognize… This was no monster. It behaved more like a doctor. And whether a doctor left him behind or a doctor picked him up… what did it matter? 
It was all going to hurt just the same. 
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maehemthemisfit · 9 months
lyney is .. not one to trust easily.
you found it ironic.
or, perhaps, it fit perfectly — because why else would someone without trust become a magician if not to fuel their cynicism?
you were aware of this since first meeting him. he had a suave demeanor, sure, an air of swoon-worthy confidence — but that was just the type of person you were always weary of.
you didn’t believe in magic. he didn’t, either.
he had piercing eyes. a gaze that looked as if it could bore into your very soul and sear it while still hiding his intentions. yet, the look in his eyes was the one thing that he was unable to mask; and you, ever-observant as you are, picked up on the sorrow and hesitation within them without a second glance. though, in your opinion, it didn’t take someone as astute as you to notice that he was not all flowery words and romantic gestures.
it was a facade. that, to you, was clear to see — even with how desperately, and how adept he was, at trying to hide it.
the moment someone asked him about his troubles and he simply diverted their attention was the one that solidified your suspicions. while you never really had a solid foundation to build doubt upon, it seems you were correct — as usual. you relied more on intuition, you supposed, though that was just as unreliable as the look in someone’s eyes.
you, of course, did not inquire about this instance. after all, you figured prying would be a step forward and three back.
instead, you kept a close eye on him whenever you met. harboring a sly tongue, showcasing an air of confidence, and working in a field based around sugarcoated lies — why wouldn’t you?
it was only an attempt at learning more about someone born out of skepticism. so, imagine your surprise when this very same skepticism turns into more of a curiosity, then an infatuation, and then love.
you never really thought you could fall for someone like him. he was just too guarded, too dishonest — a far cry from yourself, who valued truth above all else.
even so, you two grew close. slowly but surely, he’d opened himself up to you, even as it scared him greatly to do so.
first, it was a small truth, here and there, in a sea of lies; until the honesty began soaking up the deception like a sponge, and instead what poured out of the sink next time you turned the faucet on was all verity.
soon after, your birthday came. it had already been a year since you’d met..? it didn’t feel like that long.
lyney was the first to approach you. that wasn’t unusual, of course; you two practically saw each other every day, now. he waved you down, sauntered up to you, and presented you with ..
“i have a feather here, just an ordinary feather... go ahead, you can hold it and see for yourself.”
you did as he said. you took the feather from his deft grasp, careful not to brush against him even if his hands were gloved.
“ready? and... boom!”
you didn’t flinch when it ‘miraculously’ changed shape in your grasp, turning into a flurry of colors before your very eyes. after all, you were used to his tricks by now.
“it was a party popper all along. happy birthday!”
he reached into the air, grasping a scattered piece of it between his thumb and forefinger.
“see this? i caught one of the paper streamers floating down. now, make a wish and picture a birthday gift in your mind's eye as i light it.”
and, you do. you don’t believe in magic, and you definitely don’t believe he can read your mind — but, perhaps .. you’d humor him. just this once.
“three... two... one... great! verrry good, i know exactly what you were thinking now. the last step, put your hand inside my hat...”
and perhaps he wasn’t all lies, because the moment he turned and pressed a soft kiss to your lips was the moment you did begin believing in magic — and, maybe, he did, too, because this time, it wasn’t a trick or meticulous setup. it was a true miracle.
“well? it it the gift you wanted?”
— the mutual who asked about sending a fic earlier!! happy (maybe belated, now?) birthday!
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Hi There 👋
I wanted to request for a genshin smut, where yae miko x fem reader fingering and teasing the reader and a mention of yae using electro element while fingering her, idk why but i just imagined this in my head and it looks like a cool idea😅 i really can't wait to see someone write about this
All the love ❤️❤️
Best Birthday Ever
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Summary: It's Miko's first birthday that isn't spent working, or doing house chores after ending her relationship with the unbothered Ei. She now is being celebrated for being alive and spoiled by her new girlfriend and she decides to pain her back in pleasure.
Tags: Female!Reader, Undefined roles, Lesbian Sex, electricity play, Cunninglings, Fingering, Scissoring, spoiled Miko, slight aftercare.
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I sighed, it had been several hours that I had spent in this bookstore as my darling, pink and prettied girlfriend browsed the numerous shelves she would occasionally come back to me and hand me books she wished to get before hurrying back to hunt down the best ones. I currently had a stack of seven books by me as she returned from her fourth search. 
“I found more!” she beamed happily, I smiled, Miko was oftentimes a temptress that aroused me beyond belief but here, on her birthday where I decided to take her out to dinner and a bookstore along with a movie she never lost her child-like smile as she danced happily at her finds. 
“What are they about?” I ask
“Well some of them are the basic romance stories or classical hero stuff but this one, I’m most excited for this one!” Miko said, showing me a cover from the book on top of her three. I smiled and took it from her. 
“What’s got you excited about this one?” I ask
Miko quickly sat next to me with her other two books on her lap, “It’s a book set in old japanese times that discusses the love that blossoms between a knight and the queen. Apparently the king is always with his concubines that the king forgets about his wife, the queen ends up falling in love with her guardian knight that- happens to be a woman disguised as a man.” Miko explained. 
“I pretty sure I’m thinking of Chinese women, but weren’t Japenese women able to learn how to fight?” I ask
“It was china that had female warriors. But anyways, the book has suspense, love, and from reviews it also explains how both women experienced pleasure from each other’s body,” She whispered the last part to me, “ And don’t even get me started on the murder arc!” Miko squealed, I chuckled and pet her before having her lay her head against me. 
“I hate to cut your hunt short but we do have a movie to catch.” I say, she giggled softly before nuzzling her face into my neck. 
“I was wondering when you’d ask me to stop.” Miko said.
“Shall we go check out?” She hummed and gathered some of her books as did I. We quickly checked out and the moment we were out of the store she bounced so happily that her tail revealed itself from the pure joy she was feeling. When we got in the car she hugged the bags still having the biggest smile. When we got to the movies Miko hugged my arm and though I don’t believe it was unconscious she did wrap her fluffy tail around me. I got our tickets and concession snacks before I was dragged into the movie and to my shared seat. The movie was about some Oni story that I didn’t entirely get but Miko was excited about it so I didn’t mind the confusion. When the movie ended Miko was cuddling up to me and she was increasingly clingy. 
“Sleepy vixen?” I ask
“No~ I’m happy.” She corrected, “Y’know out of all my birthdays I had spent with. . .Ei. She never did anything like this for me. If I’m being honest my birthday hasn’t been something I celebrated with her, I-I mean she didn’t really do anything with me. I-If I’m being honest I was surprised you asked me to get dressed up, I didn’t expect anything today.” I sighed and hugged Miko. 
“Princess, you are not Ei’s Girlfriend anymore. You are my girlfriend, I will always spoil you so never expect anything less. Alright princess?” I say
“Y-yes,” I planted a kiss on her forehead before taking her hand and leading her back to the car. Miko was quiet to a concerning point but instead whenever I looked back her tail was swaying happily and she’d make small yips of happiness that she tried to conceal by using a hand on her mouth. When we got to the car I was about to start the car to head to dinner but Miko quickly pounced and planted her lips on mine.
Her kiss wasn’t like the many others she had started, in fact she was reckless, she was being clumsy and so messy but neither the less she was passionate and rough. She pulled away out of breath, she panted slightly before looking at me, “C-can we skip dinner and go home?” Miko asked
“Aren’t you hungry?” I ask
“I am. . .but not for food.” I flushed at the realization and nodded, she smiled and I drove us home. The moment we got inside our shared apartment Miko had me pushed up to a wall and her lips were back on mine as her hands were on my hips pulling me in closer. 
Though sex with Miko before has felt good, it never felt this good and she was only kissing me. When we pulled away Miko’s pink tongue was out as she panted along with her sharp teeth I loved the sight of. When she finally caught her breath. 
“W-wanna see a magic trick?” She asked, I nodded slowly and Miko quickly dragged me to the couch and got on her knees. She quickly took off my pants and panties before she held my thighs open. Before she started she looked up at me. 
“If I hurt you tell me.” I nodded petting her before she dove into my cunt the was soaked, though it felt the same as it did when she ate me out previously only mere seconds after that thought I felt a spark, though it wasn’t painful, more kept happening all these sparks were concentrated on my clit and I don’t remember a time I had ever orgasmed that fast. When Miko pulled away I saw what looked like electrical sparks coming from her tongue. 
“Are you ok?” Miko quickly asked. 
“Are you?” I ask
“Huh? I-I’m ok. . .More than ok, despite changing my techniques this made you cum faster and harder than ever.” she smiled, before tilting her head, “Why wouldn’t I be ok?” She asked
“T-the sparks from your tongue.” I say
“Oh! Hehehe, that’s my magic trick. Here.” Miko opened her mouth and showed me how the lighting was in her mouth before it went to her tongue and was focused on it. 
“T-that doesn’t hurt?” I ask
“I’ve been able to do this since I was little all I’ve ever felt from it is a little ticklish.” I sighed and pet her, “do you mind if we keep going?” I shook my head and was forced to lay down on the couch as Miko positioned her fingers to tease my clit. I went to reach out and cup hers but she took my hand and pinned it down before stimulating my clit until I was ready to take her fingers, when I did those sparks were stronger, more enjoyable, and she was in fact making me even more wet to the point I was ruining the couch, but I felt a pressure in my stomach. Miko smirked as I gushed out, completely ruining our couch with my giant squirt. 
“F-fuck Miko. You made me destroy our couch.” I sighed. 
“Hehe, I’ll clean my mess. But I still want to get you to cum one more time, think you can?” Miko asked
“Yeah, anymore than that I might pass out.” Miko giggled before she got rid of her panties and tangled our lower halves together. Miko began grinding her cunt into mine slowly but passionately. 
“F-fuck Miko, shit you feel. . .” Miko laughed and sped up to a mind numbing point, in fact as her moans echoed through the apartment I listened intently as she sang a beautiful tune that only helped me get off even more. Miko was breaking my mind and it was hard to make sense of anything until I untied that final knot just as Miko did, having our bodies convulse which only overstimulated us more until Miko finally moved to lay her head on my chest. 
“Best birthday ever.” Miko hummed as her tail swished before her stomach growled. She looked sheepishly at me before asking, “can we order pizza?” I hummed and Miko smiled, sneakily taking my phone and ordering pizza before snuggling into me. 
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I am so sorry it took so long for me to finally get around and write this, life is hectic right now and I've been in a slump but nonetheless I hope you all enjoyed this!
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