#on this journey to order 66 angst
Watching "Bad Territory" and "Paths Unknown" from a mental health perspective really dials up the angst. It's so obvious that the Batch all really need therapy and it's sad to see them all struggle. So much has changed over the past year for them and by season 3, the cracks really show more than ever. Because they're so used to the solider life, pretty much all of them, particularly Crosshair, internalizes their pain to the point of self-destruction. They don't want to talk about it and it affects all of them.
Hunter's inability to keep his squad together after Order 66 happens takes a big toll on him. He directs all his energy at Omega and losing her in season 2 really pushes him over the edge. Instead of talking about it, he begins to act more recklessly. Hunter also has to deal with seeing Crosshair get turned against him and choose that at the end of season 1. There's also a lot of guilt he probably feels about leaving Cross and seeing the Batch's numbers dwindle. Going back to Omega, she probably gave him something to hold on to. She gives him a purpose despite all the guilt and pain he feels.
Crosshair is the most sensitive of the Batch in my opinion. He internalizes a lot and holds on to it. He lets it fester and I think he does so much more Hunter. Omega is the only person he feels comfortable enough to be truly vulnerable around. He has his moments with Hunter, but it's not on the same level as Omega. But even with her, he's so haunted by what happened to him that he doesn't want to talk about it. He also deflects a lot, putting himself down or lashes out to protect himself. One of the reasons why I loved the meditation sequence is because he slowly begins to find peace of mind. That's really going to help him when he eventually opens up.
Wrecker had to become more mature and the voice of reason for Hunter. While he has his jokey moments, he's much quieter and reserved. He knows he has to be strong for Hunter, just like Omega is for Crosshair. There's something sad to see the most jolly and upbeat characters become more quiet and serious. It shows just how dark things have become.
Speaking of Omega, she's not ok. Between her past and whatever else she went through on Tantiss, there is a lot going on in that little head of hers. She feels guilty for leaving the other clones behind and she went through/saw some very bad stuff. However, she's neglecting her own mental needs for two reasons in my opinion. #1: she's trying to not worry her brothers. She knows her absence affected them. I can imagine she doesn't want to feel guilty about putting more stress on them. #2: she's trying to be strong for Crosshair. Crosshair is the most outward with his mental struggles because it manifests as psychosomatic tremors. That and he pretty much lost all hope after being imprisoned. Omega selflessly puts her own needs aside to be there for him because she knows he's hurting more than he says he is. But how long will keeping up a brave face last for our little sunshine?
I really think "Identity Crisis" will force many of these characters like Cross or Omega to finally open up. They can't hide it forever. Crosshair in particular will have to confront his trauma if he wants his hand to slowly heal. It's a long journey though.
If we compare the Batch in CW vs. TBB S3, it's crazy to think how much they've changed since then. They're all struggling deeply. However, they have each other for support and sometimes, that's the best place to start for healing.
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mandos-mind-trick · 1 year
Here’s To The Future (Let Me Forget The Past) Masterlist
Summary: The war’s over. That should be cause for celebration, except the wrong side won. Things begin to change quickly, and it doesn't take long for Midnight to realize something’s not right among the clone army. She should be glad the war is over, but the threat of her losing her boys is all too real. She did swear she would do everything she could to keep them from being separated when the war ended. 
She’s not going to give up on that promise. Even if it kills her. 
Pairing: The Bad Batch x reader (no clonecest)
Warnings: ANGST (with a happy ending), NSFW content, smut, injuries, inhibitor-chips, Order 66, The Empire, polyamory, violence, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence. (Each part will have individual warnings, and more will likely be added as I write the story.) 
A/N: Here it is! What this series has been leading up to all along. I’m super excited for this bit and continuing this journey with Midnight and the boys and seeing it through to the end. It feels a bit bittersweet already, but all good things must come to an end. This will follow Season 1 of TBB, though not an exact following (hence the AU warning, especially when it comes to the end). It will have a lot of angst, but it will also have a happy ending, since all my angst has a happy ending. Will it make you laugh? Maybe. Will it make you cry? Probably. 
Also I’ll be using the taglist I already have for Midnight, but if you would like to be added, please let me know. I will gladly add you. 
Also, also, you will need to have read at least one part of the series for this to make sense. You can read the whole thing, or just bits and pieces, but for their relationship to make sense, I do suggest reading the series. 
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PART 1 - Aftermath PART 2 - Cut and Run PART 3 - Cornered PART 4 - Rampage PART 5 - Battle Scars PART 6 - Reunion PART 7 - Bounty Lost PART 8 - Trust * PART 9 - Trauma PART 10 - What Comes Next
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thejediscrolls · 1 year
You Drew Stars
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Tech x Jedi reader
Unrequited love is a real bantha
Angst / Slow burn / Fluff
Pt 1 of You Drew Stars
Everything… Our home… Our lives… It was all gone. Sunk to the bottom of the sea.
Kamino had became a second home to me when I was first assigned to my squad, Clone Force 99. Otherwise known as the bad batch. The council thought my presence would help the team to be less wreckless, but they were once again wrong.
I did my best to take care of my team, to keep them safe with each battle we were faced with. In time they came to feel the same, our once shaky team became a family.
The few years were filled with funny moments and sad ones from losing friends along the way. My life had been as simple as it could be thrust into a war… That is until order 66.
Everything became messy back then. I ran away that day with Kanan as we fled from the clones we once called friends who were hunting us. I managed to get him somewhere safe before our paths parted. It meant what we wanted, the two of us with our only connections to our lives before and the Jedi. I had to leave the young Padawan, the only safest option to keep our identities hidden. I prayed to the force every night that he was safe as I continued to my journey to find my squad. To somehow reason with them… Months passed before I was able to track down my makeshift family.
When I found them in that dingy bar, I couldn’t stop the tears from falling. It was like the missing pieces in my heart were put back together. Hugs and greetings were made and I still remember the shock I felt when Tech gently wrapped his arms around me.
“It’s good to see you again General.”
It was no secret between the squad that I had a particular soft spot for the intelligent clone. It happened slowly through our days of war and the only thing to keep me from curling in on myself were long conversations with him of absolutely anything. Those moments were carried with me in my recent days of being alone.
“I am no longer your General.” I joked.
“Impossible. You will always be our general.” Was his simple reply.
I smiled into his armor, “I missed you to, Tech.”
It didn’t take long to relise that they were on the run from the empire as well. They told me about how they found out chips were implanted in the heads of every clone trooper forcing them to follow order 66. A heavy weight left my chest from hearing that it wasn’t truly them, but returned just the same thinking about all the poor clones out there who have to commit such atrocities… Then they told me about Crosshair and the feeling of pain only grew.
Though I did meet a new friend by the name of Omega. She was a sweet girl with a brilliant mind and I quickly took her under my wing. Absolutely no one would hurt this bright soul.
From that moment on we spent months chasing after adventures throughout the galaxy and working under Sid. Sid however, knew nothing of me being a Jedi and I’d like to keep it that way.
Everything was different, but not different in a bad way. Our family grew closer as we slowly learned what we could be apart from war. Tech and I grew closer, noticed by all especially Wrecker who seemed to tease Tech any chance he got. I still remember the first time I fully opened my grief to Tech.
It was just after Camino being destroyed, Crosshair staying behind once again for his beliefs, destruction surrounded us all. It was odd that it was in that moment that what we have lost hit me in an aching force.
“I can’t breathe.” The words barely got out as I held on one of the crates lodged in the back of the ship, “I can’t-”
Everything was shaking as if an earthquake was occurring in that very room. It wasn’t until later that I realized it was because of me and my heightened emotions causing an imbalance in the force.
“It is quite normal to be experiencing lack of breath do to an accelerated heart rate. By my calculations you are having a panic attack.”
“Tech.” I pleaded with the clone.
“I apologize… I’m afraid the only thing to stop your condition is to get your heart rate down.”
“How?” I cried out, a wooden crate crumbling into pieces on the other side of the wall.
I didn’t notice the way Hunter entered the room or Tech silently nodding at him to wait outside.
“Everything is gone! Our home is gone! My friends are… Crosshair… The Jedi… My master Secura. My force, Master Billaba didn’t deserve to die either! If only I had stayed to help her, but instead I ran. And your home didn’t deserve to be destroyed! Everything! Everything is just… Gone.”
“You are not gone. I am not gone.” He spoke softly, “Neither is Hunter, Omega, Wrecker, Echo, or Crosshair wherever he may be… And you didn’t run. You helped your friend’s padawan escape, you saved that kid.”
My breathing began to slow down as I took in his words. He was right in a way… We were not gone.
“As for our home is not gone either because a place doesn’t make a home-” He took a small breath, “We make each other a home.”
“Tech…” I spoke his name as soft as a gentle breeze.
“Your heart rate seems back to normal. How do you feel?” He asked.
I wiped the sticky tears from my face as I took a breath, “Better.”
I gave him a soft smile, one he returned.
I think that was the moment my heart began to beat a little faster for the tall trooper. He gave me a feeling that I have only ever felt before I was taken in by the council. When I was, but youngling held close to my mother’s side… A feeling of comfort and home.
My feelings only grew stronger from there as I slowly came to the terms that I was in love with Tech… A problem in and of itself and so here I was trying to solve my problems in a bucket of mantell mix.
“I don’t know what to do Hunter.” I sighed, “Jedi were forbidden to form any attachements… But I am no longer a Jedi under the council.”
“You could always just tell him.” He suggested.
“Have you met your brother? I can barely touch him without the poor man freaking out. Imagine just suddenly telling him I like him… He would go into shock! No, I need to do this slowly… Ease into it maybe?”
“That seems… Stupid.” He chuckled and I followed it with a sigh.
“It’s the only option I have. I don’t want to ruin our friendship by suddenly confessing and I don’t even know if he likes me back yet.” My shoulders slumped, “Oh my force, what if he doesn’t even like me back?”
“I highly doubt that.” Hunter muttered under his breath.
“Come again?” I asked not hearing him.
“Nothing.” Hunter shook his head as he stood up, “Why don’t you try openly showing how you feel and see if he returns it.”
My brows furrowed, “Like flirting?”
Hunter nodded, “Yeah. Although I think it’s stupid to not just admit your feelings, but it’ll give you confidence and when you feel comfortable to confess, do it.”
Wreckers voice echoed throughout the cantina signaling their arrival.
“Oh look who’s back.” Hunter smirked as he patted my shoulder as he left, “Good luck.”
I took a breath before sliding off my stool to greet the other half of our team. I slid in beside Tech, his eyes barely glancing up from his holopad.
“General.” He greeted with ease.
“Tech.” I mused as I carefully pushed the holopad down from where he had it so close to his face.
I could see the confusion and slight embarrassment in his eyes, “How was the mission? I have no doubt you handled it perfectly as you always do, yes?”
“Ah…” He trailed off and I could see his nervousness already starting to rise and I hadn’t even touched him yet.
It was honestly adorable in a way that embodies Tech. I waited patiently for his response in no means of retreating. He was just about to answer just as Omega wrapped me up in a hug.
“You wouldn’t believe the adventure we had!” She smiled as I returned her hug, “There was this huge sea beast and Tech whipped the ship so fast it we almost crashed into a cliff!”
“You what?” Hunter stepped in causing Omega to pull away from and towards him.
“I wouldn’t say crash. I had everything perfectly under control.” Tech intervened.
“Yeah!” She grinned.
“Tech crashing? I’d never believe that.” I glanced back up at Tech with a cheeky grin.
“Indeed.” Tech’s lips twitched upward slightly in return.
If anyone would ask me describe Tech’s eyes. I would say it felt like the warmest of hugs when he would wrap me into his gaze. I thought maybe… Just maybe…
We could be.
“Say… Do you want to go get something to eat?” I asked him hoping that he would agree and we could get some time alone.
“Oh I’m starving! But only if you’re cooking!” Wrecker boomed.
I couldn’t even be angry at the big teddy bear when he rubbed his stomach as if he hadn’t eaten in weeks. Even though I know fully well that they are because, I made them the food.
I let out a breathy laugh, “Well we should get going then.”
Our family was crazy messy and dramatic, but it was perfect… Until it wasn’t.
“Before you guys go I have another mission for you! It involves one of my informants.” Sid waved at us to follow her into her office.
As we walked by the bar, I grabbed my mantel mix and handed it to Omega so that she could have something to snack on before dinner.
“Thank you!” She accepted the treat, happily shoving a handful in her mouth and passing the box to Wrecker so he could eat.
“She’s going to turn into Wrecker with her eating habits.” Tech sighed.
“I don’t know… She has quite a bit of each of your personalities.” I smiled gently at him as we entered the office, “If it’s any consolation, I like your personality the best.”
He fixed his glasses nervously, “I am intelligent so it’s only natural that you would think so.”
“I wouldn’t see it any other way.” I replied.
“Well now that you’re all here, this is my informant.” Sid motioned to the chair and we all directed our attention to the beautiful woman sitting in it.
“The name’s Phee.” She grinned.
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flyiingsly · 7 months
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Square : I wasn't sleeping
Pairing : Crosshair x gn!jedi!reader
Warnings : angst, nightmares, trauma and implied PTSD, mentions of Mount Tantiss, Crosshair being touch starved, this man deserves more hugs honestly
Wordcount : 3,5k
Summary : Crosshair keep having nightmares after being rescued from Mount Tantiss. You are a former jedi who is very sensitive to other people's emotions, and you are able to feel how bad he struggles with them. One night, after another nightmare, you try to show him that he can count on you to help him overcome his trauma.
A/N : My second submission for the @clonexreaderbingo ! This is part of an Everybody lives AU in which the Batch end up peacefully living on Pabu after successfully rescuing Omega and Crosshair from Mount Tantiss, just has they deserved it :D
Disclaimer : I'm still struggling to understand English grammar properly, English is not my native language and even if I have proofread my writtings several times, there is probably still typos in it. I'm very self conscious about it and I apologize for it in advance, but I'm doing my best to do better and I'm actively working at improving my writting skills !
So if you spot a typo, feel free to point it to me so I can correct it, it will be much appreciated :)
It was a cold night on Pabu. The winter season was approaching, the days were shortening and the sun seemed to grow even more distant form the little island every day. It had been weeks since Crosshair was successfully rescued from Mount Tantiss and that the squad was finally reunited. You knew it was still hard for him to accommodate to his new life and his new environment. You could tell he was having a hard time socializing and trusting everyone around him. He was doing his best and was making efforts, but he was still often standing alone and was still a bit cold with those who tried to interact with him. It was going to take time for him to get over everything he went through, you and the Batch knew it, and you were all trying your best to make him the most comfortable and at ease as possible.
But nonetheless, at this point, he was starting to become close to his brothers and to trust them again, their bond was in the process of being restored, and you could see it was improving more and more with each day passing.
At first, you weren’t expecting him to open up much to you, as you weren’t originally part of the Batch. You have been knowing Echo for a long time now, since you were fighting along the 501st, before he was captured at the Citadel. You were a jedi, and have grown very attached to the clones during the war, so after you escape Order 66, you decided to go after Rex and Ahsoka, for you had the feeling that something had happened to them, but not in a bad way. You had the feeling that they had made it out of all of this mess. It was during your journey to find them that you met the Batch, and got reunited with Echo. You had worked with them before on a few occasions, and they took you in without hesitation. Since Crosshair wasn’t with them at that time and didn’t approve their decision to keep you, you were expecting him to not recognize you as one of the members of the squad. Furthermore, the last few times you had crossed his past, he tried to shoot at you …
But you were trying your best with him anyway, giving him all the time he’ll need to trust you, never rushing him, always being kind to him …  He was intriguing, and you took your time to get to know him. And surprisingly, as the time was passing by, that hard shell he was protecting himself under started to soften. He noticed all the efforts you made, all the patience you poured into trying to understand him, all your kindness … He wasn’t use to kindness, or to someone being so patient and open hearted with him. It felt strange at first, and even if he didn’t want to admit it, he was appreciating it sincerely. He felt at peace when you were next to him. All the attention and sympathy you gave him made him feel valuable and more human.
The two of you eventually became closer, although it was barely noticeable from the outside. He was still somewhat cold, distant and sarcastic, and you sometimes had troubles figuring out what he was thinking or feeling about you. But for the rest of the Batch, who knew him for so long, it was obvious that he ended up being really attached to you. You may be a jedi, but they were still a lot of things that you weren’t able to catch a glimpse of, even more with someone as mysterious as Crosshair.
Sleep was nowhere to be find that night, various and weird thoughts were spiraling through your mind and you weren’t able to get rid of them. You ultimately decided to do a better use of that spare time by reading some records from the previous mission that Tech had collated on his datapad then shared with you. You were the only one who was really paying attention to his ramblings about everything. You were an eager curious who loved to learn new facts as random as they can be, just like him.
You were absorbed in your reading when a strange feeling took over you.
You stopped your reading and just wait for it to go, but after a few seconds, you hear some very light footsteps passing by the door of your room. It wouldn’t have drawn your attention if it wasn’t for all the fear and anxiety that you were able to sense right now.
Something was wrong with the person crossing that corridor.
You knew it was him, it was obvious. You knew he was regularly having nightmares about what happened to him on Tantiss. In fact, it happened to every member of the Batch to have nightmares from time to time. The war has left scars in everyone minds, even in yours. You’ve spent a couple of nights comforting them already, you knew how bad it was. But with Crosshair, it was worst. And although the others were able to talk to you about it, he, on the other side, was using a lot of energy to hide it and keep it to himself.
You could feel it anyway, his torments were so violent that it was overwhelming your senses every time you were near him after one of his nightmares. It felt as threatening as those Echo had after he was rescued from Skako.
Now you knew what was keeping you up and bothering your mind. You let the footsteps move away until you couldn’t hear them anymore. You hesitate for a moment, then get up of your bed. You knew he was more comfortable alone in these moments, but what you just felt was so intense that there was no way for you to not, at least, go check on him.
You put your clothes back on with a coat and a scarf and pull on your shoes. Your instinct was telling you to take a blanket as well, and within seconds, you were out of your room, the light of an electric torch guiding your steps in the dark.
As soon as you were out of the building, the cold wind hit you right in the face, freezing you on the spot and sending a violent shiver down your spine despite your heavy coat. The moon was full and its light was bright enough to allow you to shut down your torchlight.
You didn’t search for a long time before spotting him, for his strong emotions were leaving an easily identifiable trail behind him. You head toward the beach where the see was at its highest level. The light of the moon was beautifully reflecting on the waves, making them shimmer as they swirl.
“What are doing here ?” a cold voice took you aback, making you stop in your tracks. You were still a few meters away from him when he spots your presence behind him, addressing you without even turning his head to look at you.
“Well, I heard you leaving the building, so, I wanted to make sure that you were okay …”
He finally turns his upper body toward you, raising his head to look at you with a surprised expression.
“Did I wake you up ?” he asks. His voice was filled with concern. It was so unusual for him to not wear his little snarky tone that you weren’t sure how to interpret it.
“Oh, no, don’t worry ! I wasn’t sleeping anyway …” you answer briefly, not wanting to explain to him what was exactly on your mind. It wasn’t a lie anyway for you were, in fact, unable to sleep.
You looked at each other for a moment in complete silence and without moving.
“But, if you want to stay alone, I’ll understand … I just … wanted to let you know that I’m here if you need it …” you add hesitantly, waiting to be send packing any minute now, “and … I thought you’ll appreciate to have a blanket if you plan to stay here, the air is particularly cold tonight …”
He furrowed his brows, still not saying a word, and lectured you from head to toes, surprised and not really knowing how to handle the situation.
“You can stay.” He finally answers bluntly, turning back to face the see again.
You slowly move closer and sit next to him, keeping enough distance for him not to feel pressured. The silence goes on, as both your gazes were riveted on the moving water. What a coincidence, you thought, that the spot he picked up was your favorite one. It was the perfect place to stay hidden when you needed a moment on your own due to the high rocks border surrounding it.
You could feel that his anxiety level has decrease since you arrived. Even if he was still struggling, it was better than nothing.
Then your mind starts to drift toward some more joyful thoughts, fondly recalling the first time that you and the Batch arrived on Pabu.
“Didn’t you say that you bring a blanket ?” a voice suddenly pulled you out of your thoughts.
You look at Crosshair in surprise, you thought that he didn’t care about it at first.
“Of course, here.” You answer, holding it to him.
“Thanks” he mutters with a blank expression. You smile at him in response, not expecting him to smile back, before focusing on the water again.
As he unfolds the fabric, you notice that he was getting closer to you in the process. When you felt his arm brush against your back and the blanket being settled on your shoulders, your eyes widen. You automatically grab its edge to tighten it up around your body before his hand release it. It was your turn to look at him in surprise this time.
“Thanks …”
“I’ve already prevented you from sleeping and made you go out despite the weather, I just don’t want you to catch a cold because of me on top of that.” He was looking back at you too now, his piercing eyes profoundly rooted in yours. It wasn’t so often that you can meet his gaze, especially for such a long time.
His words made you understand that he knew why you weren’t able to find sleep, and why you were here. He knew how sensitive to other’s people emotions you were, and how comforting and helping your company was for his brothers when they were at their lowest. You couldn’t tell if it was his way to make you understand that he was in need of some comfort, but you decided to take the opportunity.
“You know …” you slowly start, picking your words with caution, “… if you need to talk to someone about anything, you can talk to me, I won’t judge you.”
You gave him another gentle smile, and slowly, you feel like if something was beginning to break apart inside him, as the glowing of his eyes became more intense and his jaw clenched. He suddenly looks away, lowering his eyes on the sand with a heavy sigh. You weren’t waiting for an answer, you just wanted him to hear it.
After a moment, his whole body started to shake as he buries his face into his trembling hands. But much to your surprise, after another heavy sigh, he raised his head from his hands and turned his body toward you, unexpectedly wrapping his arms around your neck and shoulders under the blanket, pulling you in a desperate and tight embrace.
Your eyes widen and you stood there in shock, processing what was just happening. You couldn’t move a finger at all, you were completely frozen to the spot by this out of character move. He immediately notices your tension and loosen his grip, realizing what he had just done.
“I’m … I’m sorry, I don’t know what was going through my mind, I shouldn’t have done that, I’m sorry, I didn’t want to force that on you …” He seems terrified, his voice was heavy, and you could feel guilt and shame in his tone.
But as he was trying to move away from you, you hold him back by placing your hand on his shoulder.
“Hey, it’s ok, don’t worry, you didn’t do anything wrong. I know you’re having a hard time, but it’s ok, you didn’t force anything on me, I was just … Surprised, you know. Because you’re usually not the huggy-kinda person, and I know that you particularly value your personal space, so I just wasn’t expecting that and I did not know how to react, but, it’s okay, really.” Your voice was calm and reassuring, but he still was feeling really bad about it.
“I know, I’m so sorry, I don’t know what happen, I got overwhelmed, that’s not my type, I should never have done that, I should’ve asked, or just don’t do anything at all …” He was so embarrassed and moved it broke you heart.
“Please,” you gently ask for his attention, “it’s not a big deal, really, I’m fine about it, right ?” you were looking at him, but his eyes were avoiding yours. “Right” he mumbles.
“Hey, come here” you whisper softly, squeezing his shoulder gently and opening your arms, the edge of the blanket tucked in your hand, to show him that he could still have that hug if he wanted it.
He raises his gaze to look at you right in the eyes, then looks at your hands with a hesitant expression on his face, then back at you, like if he needed one more sign of approval to be sure to not make a mistake again. You gave him an encouraging smile to show him that everything was definitely safe and alright, before he finally wraps his arms around you again, burying his nose in the crook of your neck.
He was so close that you were able to feel the beating of his heart. It was fast at first due to his sudden rush of anxiety, but it was slowly calming down to go back to its normal pace. You knew he was struggling with physical touch and people being too close to him, so you couldn’t have ever imagined that he was so eager for contact and so touch starved under his need for personal space and keeping distances. You gently move your hand that wasn’t holding the blanket to his head, and started to softly run your fingers through his silver hair, sending a shiver down his spine. His breath was warm and steady against your skin, and even if the struggle was still present on his mind, you knew he was more at ease than before.
The embrace was peaceful, and you really were enjoying it. You stay here in silence, again, as you hold him tight, your chin settled on his shoulder, contemplating the moving water, and offering him as much time as he needed to calm down. A few minutes later, he lets out another sigh, before starting speak in a hushed voice.
“It’s not that I don’t want to talk to you, it’s just that … I can’t. I can’t put words on those things to describe them, I can’t even say that out loud, my brain won’t allow me to do it. It feels like it’s too much, like if every time I want to talk about that, I suddenly forget how to talk. The words are stuck in my throat, like if they don’t want to get out … I feel restrained, like if I was having some sort of blockage … And …. I can’t even describe that feeling properly … It’s so frustrating, but I just can’t do it, not yet … They never taught us how to express our feelings on Kamino … We’re just … Not supposed to open up about all of this, we’re not meant for that, we’re just meant to follow orders without complaining, without showing how these things affect us, or it’s considered a defectiveness …”
His words were hard to swallow. He must have been suffering so much more that you could have imagine.
“It’s ok, I understand that” you whisper softly, “I know how hard it can be to put words on such hard-to-accept and frightening thoughts. I know it takes a lot of time to be able to clearly talk about these things and open up about it. But don’t worry, you have all the time you need to process and learn how to explain everything. Just know that you are safe now, even if it’s difficult to believe after everything you went through, but nobody is going to hurt you anymore, we will never let that happen again, I swear.”
You feel his grip around you tighten and his face press harder against your neck, just like if he was afraid that you could suddenly disappear.
“Thanks you” he simply breathes out.
His voice was filled with emotions, you knew that he really needed to let this out.
“Whatever you need.”
After a moment, he breaks the embrace, creating a space between you under the blanket. When you look at him, it seemed that his nervousness has returned.
“Can I … Can I ask you a favor ?”
“Of course, what is it ?” you curiously answer.
“I know it’s a lot, it’s probably awfully inappropriate, and I’ll understand if you tell me to get lost, but …” he hesitates before finishing his sentence, “can I share your bed tonight ?”
He was embarrassed to ask you and afraid of your rejection, like paralyzed, eyes riveted on the sand, waiting religiously for your answer.
You weren’t expecting that, and for a moment you thought that you had misheard his words, before quickly understanding that he was perfectly serious and sincere about it.
The last thing that you wanted was to make him feel bad or ashamed about it, or to give him the impression that you were hesitating. Honestly, you didn’t need to think about it, the answer was loud and clear in your mind.
“Of course, don’t worry. And nobody will know, if that’s what’s bothering you”
“Honestly … I don’t care about it, the only thing that matters to me right now is being with you.”
Your heart sank at his words. You were expecting him to do everything to prevent the other to know about all of it, or that everything that matters to him was to not be alone no matter with who it was, but he didn’t.
“Then I’m not going to let you down, ever.” You whisper, placing a gentle kiss on his forehead.
You stay on the beach for a little while after that, holding each other close and watching the see, before going back into the building. You made your way toward your room without a sound to not wake up anyone else, and when the door closed behind you, you both felt relieved. It was like if something long awaited but never asked for was finally happening. It was like a reunion you never knew you were both needing before.
The light of your bed lamp was warm, the room was small but cozy, like a protective cocoon. Now that he was sure that nobody could bother him anymore and that he was safe, he really started to lower his guard. You could feel it, and it warmed your heart to know that he was getting better.
You get into the bed first, placing yourself on a side as near of the wall as possible to give him more space. He crawls under the sheets without a word. You were so close to him that you could feel his heat without touching him.
“Are you ok ?” you ask, looking at him lying on his back.
His eyes left the ceiling to stare at you. He was hesitant, but after a while, he gets on his side, and you felt his hand gently settles on your back, pulling you toward him. The contact made you shiver, for his fingers were cold, and soon, his body meets yours, his warmth enfolding you. He huddles up against you, and buries his face in the crook of your neck again.
“Now I am.” he whispers against your skin.
You could tell he was smiling, and the beating of his heart was resonating steadily against your chest. Your cheeks were blushing, but you didn’t care anymore, for you were, too, feeling great right now.
“Perfect then” you whisper back, stretching your arm to reach the light switch. The room was plunged into darkness as you settle your hand on his back, pulling him even closer. Your other arm slides under his neck, allowing you hand to land on his head and your fingers to wander thoughts his hair just like before on the beach.
He lets out a sigh of relief, drowning into the comfort of your embrace, slowly allowing sleep to wash over his mind. It didn’t take you long to sink in either, and soon, you were asleep in each other’s arms, both secretly wishing that this shared night will not be the only one.
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blacklegsanjiii · 3 months
warlord!sanji started off so fluffy T_T now it is making me cry. oh well suffering is as tasty as laughter :)
to continue the angst- i recently read a fic where sanji got abducted by germa and essentially turned into the winter soldier, brainwashing style, and it broke me, so ofc im going to spread the pain! judge fucks up big time by deciding to finally get some use out of his failure and arranges to have his remains, in the aftermath of a successful execution, to be brought back, revived, and altered into his mindwiped weapon. strawhats+warlords find out months later, when reiju, unable to disobey but desperate to save her brother, arranges things to get sanji a mission that happens to have him run across both of his families. they dont recognize him at first, just on guard by the raid suit.
but mihawk has haki. mihawk can recognize his son, even after everything thats been done to him.
they call after him--he doesnt recognize them, doesnt even recognize his own name, he flees after only a moment of hesitation, and. well. germa is going to burn.
ofc they get sanji back with the power of familial love and perhaps vegapunk threatened into finding a cure but before that there is bound to be a lot of angst as both crew and warlords struggle with a dehumanized sanji, trying not to hurt him when he is ordered to kill them. hahaha i feel very evil right now :')
gosh this got long but this is what your au has done to me you ought to be very proud <3
So if you're the same anon I showed my friend who got me into OP your last ask and they were like "this was supposed to be a happy blog, what the fuck?" And I explained we all like sticking Sanji in a blender to see what happens. I'm also horrible at names so you may pick one! It's long.
Gods okay, so the execution is successful and the warlords are waging war and the Strawhats and Jinbei are going about their new normal. Maybe they all get wrapped up in one of Luffy's plots like usual when Mihawk looks around and Boa questions him and he says he thought he felt Sanji with his haki. He shrugs it off because Sanji is dead and they're all grieving still so it just has to be that. It has to be that, it has to be. But then they see the black suit with a big yellow 3 on it and the '66' for Germa on it and there is no mistaking that haki, that is Sanji, but he has black hair, his blue eyes behind the dark glasses are empty.
Boa steps forward and reaches a hand out but the Sanji disappears and so does his haki signature. Mihawk yells but nothing happens. Sanji is gone. Doflamingo strings around but his haki is nothing compared to Mihawk's or Jinbei's and he's gone. Such begins the search for Sanji. They search for weeks before they find him again.
When they do he's alone again and it's just the four warlords. The Strawhats continuing their journey without them. Sanji looks at them and Doflamingo strings him up before he can get away. Boa rushes forward to hold Sanji's face in her hands and try to calm their son down who is struggling against the strings making him a puppet. She coos and strokes his hair as the others rush forward and join in trying to calm him down which only makes him more agitated and they eventually knock him out and get him on a ship and sail off. Fuck Germa that's their kid and they will not lose him again.
They get him to an island Crocodile has procured somehow and set up operations there to start getting Sanji over whatever...this is. They also call the Strawhats to let them know they have Sanji and where they are. Boa tosses the Germa suit into the ocean and Mihawk gets him in some of his clothes which are too large for Sanji still. Crocodile sets up some tents and Doflamingo helps by setting a makeshift kitchen because he's pretty sure that's how they're going to get the kid back.
Crocodile accidentally brings up killing as he talks on the denden to baroque and is suddenly attacked by his son who was sitting with him staring into space. Croc is trying not to hurt the kid, he's not but fuck man hitting his son in the face with his hook did nothing. The others come to help and get Sanji calmed down. It happens again when Boa simply asks what she should bring back and what Sanji would like to wear. Sanji's hands around her throat are shocking because Sanji doesn't use his hands and Mihawk wraps his arms tightly around Sanji and wrestles him to the ground. The one thing they weren't expecting was the total meltdown of screaming and clawing at his own face when Doflamingo wrapped Sanji in a scarf and it covered his mouth and nose before Doffy could adjust it.
Mihawk who simply doesn't talk a lot pulls out a stack of children's books and reads to Sanji. As do the others and Doffy is very uncomfortable because that's not what he was doing with Sanji. Sanji would be running and swimming and fighting baby 5 and dodging all her weapons. Would practice his haki and learn the foulest of language. None of them knew how to be soft until Sanji and so having to go back to a softness that has been almost forgotten is strange and rough.
Months later and lots of fights and bruises and broken bones and cuts, Sanji's skin is no longer metal, his hair is almost all blond again and he is talking again. No where near as foul as he once was but he is talking. He's cooking with all his present parents so they deem him well enough to finish with his crew. So they take him to his crew where he is weary around them.
Luffy is so excited to see Sanji, as is the crew but it's Luffy. He is, was?, Sanji's boyfriend. He loves Sanji and Jinbei is also excited and Boa is explaining to everyone they think they got all of the trigger words and he's mostly back to normal. What they've been doing. Luffy just rubber bands to Sanji and kisses his cheek and just starts talking about how the crew and he missed him. Sanji is blinking at him as Zoro and Robin step forward to intervene if need be, but it's fine.
They leave with nods and handshakes to Jinbei and a hug from Boa to Jinbei and Luffy. Another few months later the other warlords get a picture of Sanji, back to normal, smiling and holding Luffy who is planting a big kiss to Sanji's cheek. Zoro is using the opportunity to steal sake in the background of the photo but his face is stupidly fond of the two idiots in the foreground.
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surveilenceysystem · 4 months
Character(s): Ateez x Fem!reader
Synopsis: The past is often times better left in the past. But what happens when it holds the key to the future.
Trope: Hero's journey
Genre: Fantasy, Sci-fi, Action.
Rating: PG-13
Chapter 1: Lingering habits
Trigger Warning: Smoking, Mentions of Depression, Mentions of Physical and mental illness, brief mentions of death, Mentions of a missing person, suggestion of abduction, Angst.
Divider: @cafekitsune
Network: @cromernet , @wonderlandnet , @cultofdionysusnet , @sandsofire
WC: 1k
A/n: I'm doing it I'm finally doing it.
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For the past three years Choi San hasn't seen a single day where the sky wasn't darkened by clouds, masking the sunlight with a thick cover of storm clouds that seems intimidating as if it was threatening to bring down the heavens wrath on the land. A fury that the ocean under imitated. Violent sounds of waves breaking against rocks and cliffs and the smell of salt are carried by a cold wind laced with melancholy as he watches the waves crash against the shore, lapping around his Oxfords.
Choi San has been going to the beach every single day for the last three years. In fact, he turned it into a routine to stand by the shoreline as nightfall gradually approached and have a cigarette. His weak resolution actually led to the beginning of this habit; he had once read somewhere that it takes 66 days to create a habit and probably motivated by curiosity or need, he drove the fifteen minutes from his apartment to the beach in order to kick the smoking habit since it seemed especially hard to quit it just like that. Maybe the view would inspire him, he had thought.
That was a mere eight-day attempt. By the ninth day, his commitment to quit morphed to an episode of "self care" during which he would simply sit by the coastline and smoke. What was the reason? He had given it some thought. He was an adult who consciously chose to follow this terrible plan. One cigarette a day, as though it separated him from the rest. Ultimately, it will be fatal for him. One cigarette or an entire pack. Fuck it, it is what it is, the nihilist in him had said.
For him, nothing was truly significant anymore. Given his profession and the circumstances of the past few years, his life has effectively desensitised him to everything. He no longer experiences the happiness he once had. He no longer finds anything exciting. He's just surviving now, not living. using muscle memory to execute the steps. Mentally not quite there. He just came into existence. And nobody would notice his absence if he simply walked into the ocean in front of him. He was very aware of this.
It hadn't always been like that, actually this mindset of his was a recent development. Back then he was the most fun person in the room. He was the guy everyone went to if they needed anything fun. There were times in his life where his friends had woken him up at 2 in the morning and dragged him to a party because it was boring without him apparently. Hours that would go by where he and his friends would just fuck around in an empty parking lot of a store. He used to feel like that happiness would last forever. Well it clearly didn't.
Choi Jongho vanished in the summer of 2019. That day was fresh in San's memory like a new wound. It had been unbearably hot that August day—in fact, the heat and humidity had persisted throughout the whole week. San remembered sitting outside their neighbourhood convenience store with friends—people that day. After a dramatic game of rock, paper, scissors, Jongho lost and was assigned the honour of getting ice cream from the shop that was across the street.
San remembers when Jongho went into the shop, he loudly declared that he would lick each and every ice cream cone before giving it to them. He remembers that when Jongho was threatening them, everyone, even himself, was giggling at how adorable he looked. He remembers that after waiting for a long time, four of them entered the parlour before running out to let everyone know that Jongho was gone from the store.
Everyone initially believed that Jongho left them because he was angry with them. But as soon as the search party was sent out that evening, that theory was promptly abandoned. Despite the efforts of local volunteers, friends from university, and Jongho's parents, no one was able to find him. No amount of questioning or searching turned up any information. His case was eventually closed.
For him and the others, everything went downhill after that day. Jongho's parents soon left that town. They chose to leave the place where everything transpired because they were unable to cope with their one and only child going missing. And then it was as if all hell had broken loose. Within the friend circle, fights started to break out. They found a way to harm and accuse one another, whether it was by physical or verbal means. It felt like their very minds were being poisoned by that awful place. And on one day where the fights got particularly violent, Seonghwa had cursed everyone out– no, he outright screamed. His eyes were red from angry tears as he kept screaming how much he hated us. How he was done with everything here. Said that he'd rather die than see our faces ever again.
He left that night for the States.
Two days after Seonghwa's departure, San went apologise to him for everyone and found out about him leaving from the neighbour. It was like a kick to the gut. For something he hadn't even done, he felt terrible. But soon after, the melancholy gave way to anger toward the elder boy. He remembers meeting with everyone and telling them about it. He remembers Hongjoong laughing, saying that Seonghwa was a coward and all he could do was run away from problems. He remembers punching Hongjoong so hard that his knuckles felt numb. And he also remembers that was the last time he ever saw any of them.
He had effectively ruined his friendships with all of his friends from his past that day.
So imagine Choi San's surprise when one of those names from the past had suddenly sent him a message.
A message so oddly upsetting that he had finished a whole pack of cigarettes by the shoreline with no care of how his legs and back were wet from the salt water whatsoever.
(00)+419698327: They are reopening Jongho's case and want all of us back in the town for questioning— J.W
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triptuckers · 8 months
invisible scars - echo
Request: nope Pairing:  echo x jedi!reader Summary:  the war leaves a lot of scars, some you can see and some that are invisible to the eye Warnings:  mentions of war (big shocker!!), mentions of death, angst, negative self image I guess?? Word count:  2.2KA/N: this has been sitting in my drafts for too long. also im totally fine. enjoy reading! posts that inspired this fic: feral-ballad catchymemes nothingbutloveforyou
life after the war was hard. you had to constantly look over your shoulder. it's been a while since the war ended but it never hurt to be careful. you don't want to experience firsthand what the empire does to jedi who served in the war and managed to escape order 66.
you'd been traveling the galaxy on your own after getting a ship. it took a lot of hard work to get the credits to be able to afford a ship, but it was worth it.
your ship wasn't exactly big or fully up to date, but it got you from place to place, and it was entirely yours. while you loved having your own ship, it was hard to be alone.
long ago, when you'd served as a general in the grand army of the republic, you loved having people around you. it's been hard, being alone for so long.
you took work whenever you could, as you needed to eat and you needed to pay for fuel for your ship. some jobs were dangerous, others were boring, most of them you did on your own. you traveled from planet to planet, doing jobs for a few shady people.
at one point, in search of work, you ended up on ord mantell. someone pointed you in the direction of cid when you mentioned that you were looking for work.
so, you started to do some jobs for her. you suspected she wasn't always 100% honest with you and some of the jobs were tough, but you got paid. and though cid's bar was never packed, you were there a lot when you were on ord Mantell. it reminded you of 79's back on coruscant.
when you first went out on your own, you made a promise to yourself never to stay in one place too long. just to be safe. but you always found yourself back at cid's. you wouldn't exactly call it home, but it was a nice place to relax in between jobs.
it's also where you met the bad batch.
one day you were sitting at the bar, having a drink by yourself, when you sensed someone looking at you. your old instincts kicked in, and you slowly reached for one of your blasters. but then you spotted the figure coming out of hiding. it was a kid.
she introduced herself as omega, and started a conversation. she was happy and excited to talk to you. it was refreshing to sit and talk with her. you gathered she didn't know a lot about the galaxy, so she loved your stories.
over time, you saw omega more often at cid's. most of the times she was accompanied by a few men who she seemed to be traveling with. you had only seen them from afar a couple of times, before omega introduced them to you as her brothers.
you could tell they were clones. though they didn't look like the men you served with, you knew they were clones anyway. you never asked them about it, you never commented on it. they'd talk to you if they wanted to.
as you started to spend more time with omega and with her brothers, cid started sending you on missions with them. you got to know them better every time cid sent you somewhere.
after a while, you decided to do all of your missions together. you worked well alongside each other, and you liked the company.
it had been a few months since you started working with them, when one of cid's missions took you to a planet you were familiar with. you were silent most of the journey.
the others could tell something was troubling you, but they didn't want to push you. they knew little of your past, as you rarely talked about it. you weren't ready to share that story yet.
it was echo who was especially worried about you. you were never this quiet. he figured he'd wait til you opened up on your own accord, pushing his own worries away.
cid's mission hadn't been hard. you ran into little trouble as there was almost no one living on the desert planet. she had sent you there to retrieve some of the plants that still grew there. most of the plants were gone, but some still existed. they were worth some money on the black market.
of course, no one had told omega that was the real reason you were here. she was just happy to get the flowers and to see another new planet.
you're standing a bit away from the ship, looking out over the sea of sand in front of you. behind you, the others are loading up the harvested flowers.
you don't hear much of omega's talking, too busy drowning in your thoughts.
after a while, you feel someone's presence right behind you.
'you okay?'
it's echo.
of course it's echo. there was something unspoken between the two of you. you could understand each other with little to no words. it was just so comfortable to be around him. you often sought him out, even if you didn't have a reason to do so.
'I'll be fine.' you say.
echo is silent as he moves to stand beside you. he looks out over the desert in front of you. there's little left of the villages, a few ruins scattered among the sand dunes and memories in the heads of people that left long ago.
'you know this planet, don't you?' asks echo.
you turn to him. 'how did you know?'
echo smiles softly. 'I know we know very little of you past. but I can tell you've lived through a war. I know that look on your face. I've seen it everywhere, in everyone I served with.' he says.
over time, you had learned more about the bad batch and their stories. you know they served int eh army as well, yet you couldn't recall if you had ever crossed paths with them.
while most of them had been a part of clone force 99 along with their brother crosshair, echo hadn't always been a part of the bad batch. he had been part of the 501st, anakin and ahsoka's men.
looking at the horizon, you get the sudden urge to tell echo. all of it.
he's been in the war as well. he knows what it was like. he would understand. but it's all too painful to talk about.
the bad batch didn't even know you were a general. they figured out you were a jedi, but you told them you left the order before the end of the war. it wan't true. the truth was just too painful to talk about.
'I do know this planet.' you say softly. 'I haven't been here in years. I had heard stories of what happened here, what the empire had done. I just wasn't ready to see it with my own eyes. guess sometimes you end up at the very place you try to avoid at all costs.'
'was this your home planet?'
you swallow the lump in your throat. 'yes.'
'I'm sorry.'
'I thought I had already moved past it. but to see it with my own eyes. it's different. it used to be beautiful. this whole places was covered in the most gorgeous plants. now all that's left is a few dying flowers people sell on the black market.'
'it was weird for me to go back to kamino as well. it was still there of course, but the last time I was there, I was with my brother.'
'which one?'
you turn to look at echo. when he looks at you, you can tell the look in his eyes mirrors you own.
'fives. he didn't survive the war.'
'was he in the 501st as well?'
'he was. he was an excellent soldier. but an even better brother. I still miss him every day.'
'losing someone is never easy. especially during a war.'
'what was your rank?'
you're silent, fidgeting with your hands. you don't talk about the war.
'I'm guessing commander or general.' says echo.
'how do you know I served in the war?'
'you don't talk about it much, but when you do, it's like you were there. I don't think you left the jedi order. I think you're one of the few survivors. but don't worry. I haven't told anyone else. you can tell them yourself whenever you're ready. I know it's hard.'
'thank you.'
echo smiles at you and nods, then turns his gaze back to the horizon. you stand next to each other in silence for a while. you're thinking back to the war, all the friends you lost and mourned. what you had to do to survive after the republic fell.
'you know, I may be a jedi, but in the end I wasn't a good person.' you say softly.
'what makes you say that?' says echo.
'I... hurt some of my men.' you confess. 'I didn't mean to. they suddenly turned on me. all of them. it wasn't until later that I figured out it was order 66. but... I did hurt them. I did what I had to do to survive. at least, that's what I tell myself. but I hate myself for it. every night before I fall asleep I think of them. they're in all my nightmares.'
'I had no idea. when you're with us, you're often the most optimistic one. save maybe for omega.'
you shrug. 'it's easy to forget that violence is mostly kept inside.'
'is that why you're sometimes so exhausted? nightmares keeping you awake?'
'mostly, yes. sometimes I'm afraid to go to sleep. I don't know what's worse, surviving the war or being killed by someone you trusted. those men did everything I asked them to. they were my brothers as much as they were each others. and in the end, I wasn't there for them. I failed them.'
echo turns to you so he can fully face you. 'y/n, it's not your fault. you know of those chips now. they had no choice, and you were defending yourself. if you hadn't, you'd be dead now.
you don't meet his eyes. 'maybe. it doesn't matter now anyway. I have no idea how many of them survived. and if they did, they're most likely serving the empire now. doing stuff like this.' you gesture to the desert planet you're on.
'for what it's worth, I think we can still fight. I think deep down, you haven't fully given up. otherwise you wouldn't have been a high ranking officer in the army leading men into battle.' says echo.'
a whistle interrupts your conversation with echo. you look back at the marauder to see hunter waving at you.
'you two ready to go?' he says.
'be right there!' says echo.
'I don't want to come back here.' you say softly. 'it's too painful, brings back too many memories.'
'we don't have to come back here. I appreciate you for opening up to me.'
you feel tears welling up in the corners of your eyes. 'I don't really talk about it. there's a lot more. but I haven't told anyone that.'
'listen, I know your struggle. having so many painful memories that are too fresh to talk about. and I hope you win this war you tell no one about.' says echo.
you look up at him and manage a smile. 'thanks, echo.'
'let's head back to the ship, yeah?'
'yeah, let's get out of here.'
echo starts to walk back to the marauder as you take one last look at the planet that was once your home.
'echo?' you say, walking up to him.
he turns around, expecting you to say something. instead, you walk closer to him and wrap your arms around his chest.
at first, echo freezes up, unsure of what to do. everyone knows there's something going on between you two, though you've never talked about it.
but then he slowly wraps his arms around you. he knows he's done the right thing when he feels you shuffle closer and press your face in his chest.
the two of you stand there like that for a while. you close your eyes and allow yourself to soak up the feeling of safety and comfort.
when you finally pull away, you look up at echo and smile.
'now at least I have one good memory of this place.' you say. 'thank you again for listening, echo.'
echo smiles at you as well. 'of course. if you ever need me, you know where to find me.'
'thanks. now let's get out of here.'
echo motions to the marauder. 'after you.'
while you still didn't feel like talking about all of it yet, you know echo will be there whenever you do feel like opening up. it was nice to have someone listen, especially someone who understands right away.
you just know you'd be seeking out echo a lot more after this.
A/N: If you want to request something, make sure to read my house rulesHere’s the list of characters I write for. Everything that I have written can be found on my masterlist. Please don’t repost my work, as I spend much time and effort on it!! Thank you for reading! Much love, Max/Marit
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dangraccoon · 1 year
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Hell's Comin' With Me
Request for @error6gendernotfound
The Bad Batch (post-order 66) & You
“I'm thinking bad batch angst and eventual fluff (bc I have fragile feelings) with 12 and 28 from the prompt list. One of the batch finds something out about the reader (sickness, past coming back to bite them in the ass, idk) and tries to get them to tell the rest of the batch. Tysm!! I love your writing!”
12. “Just…just don’t upset them. Not now.” 28. “Do they know?” “I don’t know how to tell them.”
Summary: It took years to push your past behind you, but when a new mission leads the Bad Batch back to your old stomping grounds, you're forced to confront your past.
Warnings: past abuse, violence, TW: religious trauma/abuse, TW: poor living conditions, revenge, canon-typical explosions, non-canon-typical murder (I believe I got the worst of it, but please, please, let me know if there's something you feel I should add!!!)
Author's Note: @error6gendernotfound, Garden, darling, thank you so so so much for requesting this! It was an incredible journey to write and I'm so glad that this was my first request! I also want to thank all of you for your continued support; it really means the world to me 💛
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It had been a long time since I left “home”. The little outer rim moon I was born on was dry, dusty, and dilapidated. It took 18 standard years to get off that damn rock, and I didn’t exactly leave on good terms with the people of my settlement. 
But that didn’t matter; I was off on adventures with a ragtag crew of rogue clones that had taken me in. We all had the same goals: stay away from the empire, and eventually disappear. That was all fine and dandy, until Cid gave us a new mission. 
“You’re goin’ to Vel,” she rasped. “There’s a little village called Tirra where you’ll touch down. Pick up the goods and bring them back here.”
“V-vel?” I stammered, doing everything I could not to look as frazzled as I felt. 
“It is a moon in the outer rim; part of the Regasta system,” Tech informed, barely looking up from his data pad. “It is not the most…advanced society.”
“That’s nice, Goggles, now shut it,” Cid scowled at him. 
The rest of the briefing flew by, and I barely caught anything. We were going to Vel. And worse, we were going to Tirra. 
It had been years since I’d left, and I wanted - no, I needed to keep it that way. I just couldn’t go back. 
“Oh, I forgot,” I mumbled as the Batch and I began making our way to the Marauder. “I have another mission to take care of.” 
The squad stopped in the tracks to look at me. 
“Another mission?” Omega asked, quirking up an eyebrow. I hated that I was lying, especially to her. 
“You didn’t tell us you were taking solos from Cid again,” Echo questioned, obvious concern crossing his face. Kriff, I should’ve known they’d remember that part of my history. 
“Th-that’s because it isn’t for Cid,” I blurted out. Idiot, I thought to myself. 
Hunter stepped toward me now. “You’re going behind Cid’s back?” His voice was full of the skepticism that was shown on his face. “You’re not one to make stupid decisions like that.”
“Tough times,” I said through gritted teeth. 
“Must be,” he replied, stepping away from me, but squinting his eyes a little, the way he usually did while using his other senses. 
He could hear my heart hammering against my ribcage, I know he could. 
“Yours have a deadline?” Hunter asked after what felt like a lifetime. 
“Well, no, but I need to-”
“You need to assist this squad, like you said you would.”
I glanced around at the others, hoping for some hint of support. Most weren’t looking at me, save for Omega, who was showing her usual curious look, only now it was mixed with something unfamiliar. Her family was uncomfortable, and she was certainly picking up on it. 
I could feel the anger rising in my chest, first at the way Hunter was ordering me around, rather than just talking to me, but then it was mainly as a defense mechanism; I was scared but I couldn’t- no, I wouldn’t show that. Not to them. 
“Fine,” I spat, hating the feel of venom on my tongue as I brushed past all of them to board the ship. 
The entire journey through hyperspace would take nearly a week, and about four days in, I had hardly said a word to anyone that wasn’t Omega. I couldn’t deny her my attention; she was simply too sweet. 
“Why don’t you want to go to Vel?” she asked one day, having just entered the gunner's-nest-turned-bedroom, that she liked to let me sit in when I needed to be away from her brothers. 
I didn’t know what to say aside from the truth. Omega was fairly mature for her age, but she was naive and innocent and still a child. I couldn’t lie to her.
“Because I was born there. I was born in Tirra, on Vel.” The words felt like gravel pouring out of my mouth, rough, jagged, difficult, but once they were out, once that fact was fully revealed, I did feel lighter. 
“What?” Omega nearly shouted, causing me to wince. “That’s amazing! You’ll be able to show us around, and we can meet your family and see where you grew up!”
I shuddered at the thought, and Omega, observant to a fault, noticed. 
“Aren’t you excited to go home?” she wondered, the excited smile beginning to fade from her face. 
“I…wouldn’t exactly call it ‘home’,” I started, feeling, but not becoming fully aware of the way my fist clenched, pressing my fingernails into the meat of my palms. 
Omega didn’t respond, just scooted closer to my side. 
I took a deep breath. I’d gotten this far, I might as well tell her the rest. 
“I didn’t have the best childhood,” I explained. “My parents died not too long after I was born, so I was sent to an orphanage - um, that’s a place where they take care of all the kids who don’t have any family anymore.
“It was bad; everything was dirty, the beds, the rooms, the clothes, us. And the food was worse than ration bars, when there was any. The grown-ups in charge claimed to be righteous, holy people, but they didn’t care about us. Some kind-hearted people would give money to try and help us, but it would just go right into his pockets.
“When I was a few years older than you are now, he noticed me. He’d hold me up as this example of a disgusting sinner even though I never did anything wrong. He had this…this power over people, and even though I was just a kid, they believed him.
“18 long years of being beaten and spat upon by the people of that town. I had enough. I told that man that I was leaving and he had the town stone me and he banished me from ever returning. I went to Indus, the capital of the whole moon, because finally I was old enough to book passage off-world for myself.”
Omega was quiet for a long time after my shaky words had tapered off. Silent tears were rolling down both of our faces, something I worried Hunter could sense. 
“Do they know?” she asked, the sorrow evident in her voice. She was such an empathetic child and the weight of the guilt I felt for unloading on her like I had? It was suffocating. 
“No, Omega,” I answered. “I don’t know how to tell them.”
“But they can help,” she scowled at the floor, her belief in her brothers shining through. “They can protect you.”
I took another breath. “I know you trust your brothers, and I trust them too, but I don’t think they trust me. I don’t think they even really like me.” I left out the part of how they probably only tolerated me because of my skill set and Omega’s affection for me.
“They do like you!” Omega protested, having no intention of allowing the idea that her friend and her family weren’t friends as well. 
“I’m sure they trust you. You should trust them.”
Omega left me on my own, climbing down the ladder. 
“I wish I could,” I whispered to the streaking lights of hyperspace racing past in the window. 
Day six was finally coming to an end. I needed to get off of this ship, even if that meant stepping foot in Tirra again. 
The moments before I’d left for Indus were replaying constantly in my mind. The way the townsfolk had cornered me, hurtling rocks, bricks, insults. What I’d told them, my rage taking over my brain in the moment. 
I shook my head. None of that mattered right now. There was a mission to complete. 
“Entering the atmosphere,” Tech called from the cockpit. 
I could feel my nerves rising again, and I clenched my fists, forcing myself to breathe calmly. 
We touched down without incident, kicking up a few swirls of dust. Some of the townspeople walking around looked towards us, but ultimately decided to mind their own business. 
As we all stepped off the ship, taking in our surroundings, Omega appeared beside me, pulling at my sleeve so I’d bend down towards her. 
“Did you tell them?” she whispered as softly as she could, side eyeing Hunter. 
I shook my head. Hunter was watching us, suspicion across his face. 
Omega scowled at me a little, which despite causing a bubble of guilt to rise into my chest, did little to make me want to talk to her brothers. 
“You should tell them,” she said, walking away from me to go ask Tech questions about the moon. 
“Tell us what?” Echo asked, suddenly right behind me. 
“It’s nothing,” I muttered. I started to walk away, but he grabbed my arm. 
The look on his face was heartbreaking; he was so worried about me. “Taking jobs from someone other than Cid? Keeping secrets? It’s not like you.”
Part of me felt touched. He was right, the lies I’d been telling weren’t like me. I preferred to be somewhat of an open book to those around me, especially those I trusted, like the Bad Batch. 
“I know, and I want to tell you, it’s just…really hard,” I breathed, the tiniest bit of relief dripping into my brain. At least that wasn’t another lie. 
Echo didn’t reply, but his expression of worry didn’t disappear either. 
We set out to the rendezvous point where we’d meet with Cid’s contact, walking the edge of the town. 
Wait, the edge of town?
“We have to stop,” I blurted out before I could stop myself. Four helmeted heads turned back towards me. I could see the confusion on Omega’s face, but I could practically feel it on the rest of them. 
“This is the fastest route to the rendezvous,” Tech explained, lifting his data pad to my view. 
“I know, but if we go this way then we’ll-”
I clamped my mouth shut. Damnit.
“‘We’ll’ what?” Hunter pressed. I could tell he was fed up with my antics. 
I could feel myself shaking and my heart hammering in my chest. I opened my mouth, hoping that more explanation would come tumbling out, but nothing did. 
Omega stepped towards me, taking my hand in hers. She beamed up at me, her smile supportive as she nodded. 
I took a long, deep, shaking breath in and out. “If we go this way, we’ll have to pass the preacher’s house. If he’s there, and he sees us, he will start trouble. That’s not trouble you want. If we double back and take the main road, the townsfolk will alert him to our presence if they didn’t already when we landed. We need to go up into the woods along the northern side of town. The woods are thick, but easy to navigate. It’ll take a little extra time, so we’ll have to pick up the pace.”
There were four sets of eyes on me, and even though I could only see Tech’s, I knew they all reflected the same thing; full confusion. 
They looked between me, Omega - who was smiling kindly at me, hand still in mine - and each other. 
Omega, with a slightly irritated tone I’d rarely heard from her, tugged at my hand. “We have to go quickly, right?”
I nodded.
“Lead the way,” she smiled again. A took a deep breath, eyes scanning her brothers’ helmets again, before putting on what I hoped was a determined expression, and turning to lead the group on the alternative route. 
Omega eventually let go of my hand as we walked, giving it a supportive squeeze before she did. 
As I’d told them, the woods were thick, but I knew them well. 
“You going to tell us how you know so much about this place?” Hunter asked slightly behind me.
“That is simple; this is where they were raised as a child,” Tech called from the back of the group. I froze in my tracks, the rest of the group stopping behind me.
“This is your home?” Wrecker asked, lifting his helmet to look at me. My mouth formed a tight line as I fought the tears threatening to pour down my cheeks.
“This is where they were born,” Tech corrected. “However, given the lengths they have gone to trying to avoid this very conversation, I would say their memories of living here are rather unpleasant.”
Echo stepped towards me, lifting his helmet from his head. “Is that true?” 
He placed a gentle touch on my shoulder and I was done for. A few tears slipped down my cheeks and Echo’s expression softened. 
No. No, we had a mission. I couldn’t do this right now.
I pulled away from Echo, turning my face.
“We’ll be late if we don’t get going,” I explained, beginning to continue our trek, walking briskly.
The rest of the mission blurred by without incident. Wrecker heaved the cargo container up from the ground, and Tech turned to me. “Shall we return the way we came?” 
I nodded, unable to really say anything. My nerves were still keyed up, and I had a terrible feeling in my gut. My fists clenched into tight balls as we began our walk back to the ship.
The walk back was uneventful, Tech occasionally looking over his shoulder at me to confirm that we were still on the right path.
“Stop,” Hunter ordered as the town started to come into view.
He pulled a pair of binocs out, looking over the town square we’d have to pass through.
He grunted, passing the binocs to Tech and Echo. 
“It’s a trap,” Echo concluded.
“Someone’s not happy we’re here,” Hunter agreed.
“Perhaps it is the religious figure you mentioned before,” Tech added, turning to look at me. The rest of the group’s eyes fell on me as well.
“I don’t know your history with this place, or with this preacher, but you need to tell us what we’re walking into,” Hunter said, his voice quiet. There was less bite in it than there had been before.
“He- He’s powerful. He’s got some kind of dark magic.”
“Like the Sith the Jedi would mention during the war?” Echo asked.
I shook my head. “I don’t think so. He’s never had one of those weapons they all have.”
“What’s his problem with ya anyhow? We like ya just fine,” Wrecker told me, warming my heart a little.
I never knew the answer to his question of course, not when I was kid. I could feel myself falling into my memory of that last day.
“You pathetic child,” the preacher spat. “The weight of your sins will follow you all your days, but you are no longer welcome on Vel. Leave Tirra once its people are done with you, and never return.”
That’s when the rocks began flying. Most of them missed me, or only grazed me, at least at first. But then a chunk of brick caught me straight in the gut. I tried to back away, but the alleyway they’d cornered me in had no alternative exit. I was trapped. Insults were hurled in my direction, hitting almost as hard as the rocks and trash that bruised and bloodied my skin.
I had fallen into a heap on the ground, barely able to keep myself conscious, let alone protected.
As I lay there, the people began to grow bored, only the preacher’s inner-circle lackeys remained.
I gathered my strength as they laughed, pulling myself to my knees, wiping the dirt, blood, and tears from my face. 
“You’re going straight to Hell,” said the preacher, rejoining his henchmen.
“I’ll be back,” I warned, my voice shaky. “I’ll come back one day, you’ll never see me coming. You’re gonna regret this, cause I promise you, when I come back, Hell’s coming with me.”
My attention snapped to the present as Echo called my name, his hand and scomp on my shoulders.
A firefight with the locals had broken out, and it wasn’t going well. Wrecker was hit and knocked out on the ground with Omega kneeling over him. Hunter and Tech were behind the cover of the trees, peeking out to fire back on the townsfolk. And Echo was in front of me, holding my shoulders tightly, gently shaking me back to reality.
“You need to get your head back right,” he instructed me, his words coming out more worried than upset. “You almost walked into the line of fire.”
“I- I didn’t- I wasn’t-” I stuttered.
“I know, but we need you,” Echo insisted.
I took a steading breath, wiping away the tears I hadn’t realized were flowing. “Right, right.”
“We need a diversion,” Tech called. 
“We need Wrecker to get back up,” Omega responded.
“Stop firing and stay out of sight,” I ordered over the comms. “Don’t make a sound.”
They hesitated, but ultimately did as I told them. After a few moments, the enemy blasterfire slowed, and then stopped altogether. Wrecker was slowly coming back to consciousness, much to all of our relief.
“Wreck,” I whispered. “I need you to do what you do best; we’re going to need a big boom.”
His face split into the grin of a menace and he nodded, clearly fighting the urge to shout his excitement.
“They’ll be coming up to look for our bodies any minute now; the rest of you need to sneak back to the Marauder. Split up and loop around, Wrecker will meet you there once he’s done helping me.”
“What about you?” Omega worried. 
“I’m the diversion. The townspeople might not have recognized me when we landed, but I know he will.”
“Are you sure?” Hunter asked, and despite his mask I could feel his eyes staring into mine.
“Yes. It’s going to work,” I assured him. Hunter nodded at me, and then again at the rest of the squad. I watched them disperse, as Wrecker began rigging together what he had in his kit.
The end result was a tangle of wires and explosives. “Good work, Wrecker,” I nodded to him. “Set this on the east side of the town - there should hardly be anyone there - I’ll tell you when to set it off. Now get back to the others, tell Tech to get the ship running as soon as I get into the square.”
Wrecker nodded, dashing off into the trees. I unholstered my blaster as I heard a few townies begin to make their way into the thick forest. I spared a glance around the tree I was using for cover. Just two men were stalking up towards me. 
I quickly fired off two shots, hitting each of them square in the center of their chests.
With the coast clear, I moved down the hill towards the town, pausing behind a tree just at the edge. I could hear another man - one of the preacher’s lackeys - shouting after the two who were now laying dead in the middle of the woods. 
I could see him. He was still dressed in her overly-ornate robes. He’d gained weight since I last saw him; unsurprising given how skinny the orphans likely were.
I knew I should have waited just a moment longer, but my anger, my hatred of this man was overpowering, and I ran into the middle of the square.
“They said to start the ship now,” I heard Wrecker breathlessly instruct Tech.
“Well, well, well,” the preacher said, stepping towards me. He dropped my name into the dirt beneath his feet. “I believe I told you all those years ago that you’d overstayed your welcome in this town.”
I said nothing, my jaw clenching and my grip tightening around my blaster. 
“Still a disgusting delinquent I see,” he mused, looking me over. “I’m certain you still haven’t cleansed yourself of your wickedness.”
I began slowly walking sideways towards the large tree that grew in the center of the square, the townspeople watching in repulsion.
“If you think you’re going to make it out of here alive, you’re an even bigger fool than I thought.”
I lowered my blaster, bringing one hand up to my comm device, “Now, Wrecker!” I shouted, and perfectly on cue, a giant ball of flame burst from behind me, smoke, ash, and debris flooding the streets and square. I used the distraction to climb as high as I could into that big old tree.
I felt myself losing my tight grip on my control, and suddenly it was like I was watching my actions from outside of myself.
I attached the grappling extension to my blaster, and held it up, aiming it at that damned preacher. I fired and it hit, plunging half way into his chest. I used the branches of the tree to steady myself as my grappler began to reel itself in. I wrapped the end of my extension to a sturdy branch, ensuring that the corrupt, evil man would hang before the town.
I jumped down from the tree, surveying the town. The people were at their knees, screaming, crying, begging for mercy.
“I promised I’d bring Hell with me,” I snarled. “But I’ll show you the mercy you never gave me.”
I walked towards the Marauder, not followed, simply watched. I could feel my fingernails digging into my palms but I didn’t move them, longing to feel anything but the rage that was coursing through my veins.
From the moment I boarded the ship until the jump into hyperdrive, it was deathly silent. No one uttered a single word, not even Wrecker and Omega were boasting about the successful mission.
I tucked myself away into a corner in the cargo bay. I felt hot tears streaming down my face, cutting through the dust and grime that coated my face, but I did nothing to stop them now. I let my mind wander away a little, only coming back to myself as I heard talking nearby.
“Omega, where are they?” Hunter asked, seemingly again, his voice filled with paternal scolding. 
“I don’t think they want to talk to anyone right now,” Omega replied, her voice firm. 
“We just want to help,” Echo pleaded, his voice a little louder so he knew I could hear him.
“Fine,” Omega relented. “Just…just don’t upset them. Not now.”
I expected Hunter and Echo to come across me now, but was surprised to see the whole Batch before me, waiting patiently.
“Are you okay?” Wrecker asked, his voice softer than I’d ever heard it before. He had his little tooka doll in hand, and was offering her to me.
I accepted Lula, pulling her tight against my body.
“A lot happened back there,” Echo started.
Tech continued “We will fully understand if our presence here makes you uncomfortable.”
“We’ll leave if you tell us to,” Hunter added. “But you’re part of this squad.”
“This family,” Omega corrected, scooting close to you.
“We’re here for you, if you want to talk about it,” Wrecker finished.
They all looked at me, somewhat expectantly, Omega, placing her hand on my arm.
A fresh flood began to pour from my eyes as I gasped and panted. “I-I’m so-sorry,” I managed between sobs.
Before I knew it, Wrecker scooped me up into a tight hug, Omega joining it as well, standing on a crate to reach around my shoulder. I felt her send looks towards her other brothers, who relented, coming into the group hug as well.
The warmth and pure familial love that surrounded me now was overwhelming in the best possible way. Eventually it had to come to an end, but for now, all I could do was let myself be swept up in the fraternal display of outright affection.“You do still have a family,” Omega whispered. “We’ll always be your family.”
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Thanks for reading! - Dang
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jobey-wan-kenobi · 1 year
Untitled fic number 66?
This one also goes out to @weirdowithaquill!
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So, this is for a fic that was meant to be a "day in the life" sort of deal, a sort of spiritual prequel to Ex Condor, but this time it is Edward in 1947.
Although it's an "ordinary day" (at least—it starts as one) there are mounting clues (and Thomas coming right out and saying it) that the engines are anxious about what nationlisation is going to mean for them. (There are rumours that the Fat Director will move to Manchester to become controller of the entire Midland region! Which is actually their best-case scenario, but still a daunting prospect.) It is also helpful to know that this is in the same universe where Topham Hatt and Charlie Sand have some mutual tension that everyone tries to shove under the rug in order to carry on with things.
This scene is technically at/right after the climax of the plot. I still plan to finish and publish the whole fic one of these days but it might be years. In the meantime, we all already knew that FC1 would retain control of the North Western even under nationalisation so how much of a "spoiler" is this? I ask you.
I also ask you to consider that early RWS!Edward — eager, childlike, and wholehearted — is really freakin' cute, and you do not want to wait years to read this.
​​The return had to be the best run of Edward’s life. Clarence hushed him a good few times, when Edward absent-mindedly began to sing; the engine had no idea how the saloon could keep so calm but he did appreciate it, for without being checked he should have shouted the news from the hilltops. The joy throughout the whole train was palpable, and he felt it in his very heat-pipes. At first he didn’t have much steam to spare for self-control or rational thought… though a good eighty or ninety miles in and it all the sudden became easy. His wheels went numb and seemed to pound along of their own accord, his heart was somewhere up in the stars, and he was simply at one with the night. 
The journey seemed to merge into eternity, and yet it was all too soon that they approached old Furness territory, came to the bridge, went through the tunnel, encountered the gradual side of their own hill. When they pulled into their own station at quarter to two, Edward felt both exhausted and sure that he could have gone twice as long. It was a wonderful heady rush. Little wonder, that it had taken Gordon two decades to stop regaling them all with reminisces of when he had been run-in on the East Coast Main Line. Edward whistled for first one triumph, and then again for the other. And then again because he was laughing and couldn’t help it. 
There had never been such a night as this. It must be a dream. It was all too good to be true. 
But controller, assistants, and crew all disembarked, and they were in just as high spirits. The small party in Clarence had evidently had a drink or three to celebrate, and Mr Hatt was remarkably light on his feet. 
On the platform, he and Mr Sand accidentally made eye contact, and Mr Sand cracked, ducking his head to partially hide a slow grin. “Well done, sir,” he said, sounding as though the words were being pulled out of him against his will, “congratulations.” And then Mr Hatt smiled too, and somehow everyone collectively burst into deep belly laughs. They all clasped hands and shoulders yet again, as if they needed the touch to be sure everyone else was real. Edward whistled again, sheerly for seeing them so happy, and even Clarence went so far as to eye the noisy little gathering with a certain benevolence. 
“Good news, sir?” enquired the stationmaster, emerging from the house, in full uniform and looking harried.
“Does it look bad?” retorted the Fat Controller, all booming merriment. “I cannot announce it tonight. But conjecture, man; conjecture!” 
“Very good, sir.” The stationmaster flashed a sincere if baffled smile of his own, but went on soberly: “I beg your pardon, sir, but we need Edward down the branch line; the harbor train still hasn’t been taken; and there’s a gentleman on the phone for you, he’s been calling every hour—”
Every other man present gave a good-natured, even rather chucklesome groan. 
“Ahh,” said one of the assistants. “Right back into it.” 
“Our carriage is about to turn back into a pumpkin,” sighed the other, amused. 
“If it’s Manchester,” the Fat Controller told the stationmaster, “then never mind. I’ve taken care of it. Tell them to read the papers tomorrow.” 
“I’m afraid it’s Ulfstead, sir.” 
The Fat Controller, still smiling broadly, sighed and ground the palms of his hands against his eyes. “And to think I fought to keep this job. Very well, stationmaster. I will be just a moment. But I must overrule your arrangements for the harbor train. This engine and his crew have earned a rest.” 
“We have a relief crew at the ready. But the loaner is still laid up, and Myron was re-routed to the mainland. There are no engines in steam to be had. If not Edward, we’ll have to ask the L.M.S. to take it—”
“Give them a last hurrah,” said Mr Sand flatly. “Makes no odds now. This engine is off-duty.” 
“No, indeed,” protested Edward, only a little breathless. “I’m up for it! That train’s none too heavy nor fast. The L.M.S., indeed!” 
Mr Sand chuckled a bit, but shook his head and sounded firm. “I know you’re flying high now. But you’re going to feel this, tomorrow.” 
“I’m sorry to contradict, driver, but that just is what it is. We can’t pass off that train, tonight of all nights.” Edward whistled without even realizing it. “The L.M.S.! To-night!” 
Everyone except the stationmaster, knowing well the source of this indignation, simply had to laugh for sheer pride all over again.
“Ahem!” the Fat Controller coughed pointedly, “I believe I am the one who makes these decisions. In fact I have a little piece of paper here that says so…” 
This time even the stationmaster genuinely smiled. The outcome of Mr Hatt’s emergency meeting was becoming more and more obvious each passing minute. 
The Fat Controller, chuckling at his own joke and his own victory, held his watch up to the lamplight, and then carefully pocketed it. “Stationmaster, tell his lordship I have just arrived and will call him back on the hour. I trust I may use your phone, and, in the meantime, my men will fill you in. We won’t say no to a little hospitality, either. Driver, Edward will take the harbor train. I assure you that I shall have his morning timetable covered so that he may have a lie-in. If you insist that only you can prepare him properly I am sure the relief won’t argue with you. And Edward—” He turned around, and added with great seriousness. “Thank you.” 
Edward blushed. It was plain that his controller was referring to more than taking on the harbor job. It was even a great deal more than simply the ride he had been given that evening. 
It encompassed all the thirty-odd years of reasons that the Fat Controller had not wanted Myron to be the engine to take him, not on this occasion, and Edward was warmed through, deeply touched. “My pleasure, sir.” 
After the Fat Controller spoke another few low words to Clarence, Edward took him away to the carriage shed. Clarence yawned a little, once they were out of sight and earshot of the lit station. Perhaps the strange comment about turning into a pumpkin had shaken him out of his usual reserve.
“That was probably the last important turn of duty I shall I ever have,” he mused aloud, as he was shunted into place under shelter. 
“Nonsense,” said Edward. “You’re wanted quite often, and there’s no new saloon coming.” 
“I said important turn of duty. I know I shall take the directors and their wives to many another picnic or club, and you will never hear me murmur a word against it. But that was the last of the backroom deals where history is written that I shall ever host.” 
“The last, and the greatest, I suppose?” 
“I did not say that.” Clarence sighed his eyes closed, but he was smiling a little too, well-satisfied with himself. “But this much I suppose I may say. It has been a fine life, collecting secrets.” 
“And never telling them,” Edward said… a little too gravely. 
Clarence, being no fool, opened one sleepy eye. 
“You’re just a locomotive. You wouldn’t understand.” 
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vintage-marina · 2 years
Pls i have such a good fanfic idea but i only watched the mandalorian + Obi wan Kenobi + i know somewhat the plot of the prequels so bear with me.
It's a Darth vader x reader fanfic
This story is set during revenge of the Sith and Obi wan kenobi
So what if: the reader is a grieving mother from a toddler who was killed by Darth vader himself during order 66. or the child was kidnapped from their home and killed by him or the inquisitors on their home planet bc the toddler is force sensitive.
In her grieve she promise (shes a single mother bc she is a girlboss) to her dead child that she would do whatever it takes to avenge their death (killing Darth Vader herself lol). So she becomes a rebel and during those years she discovers secrets about the Sith himself (cough his two kids). And so she waits and waits, when her group finally faces him (maybe its in a shoot out or from their battle ships) she confronts him with it carefully. And he is himself so like force choke the reader and being his emo self: i am a father?😢
She doesnt tell him that he killed her child, no she keeps this information for later when he is on his deathbed.
but shes lucky and she lives and hes like: take me to them and so their journey begins. Basically shes manipulating and girlbossing their way to his children and slowly but surely there is a respect growing (one-sided surely and the reader doesnt respect him) we can go the full angst route and building up a relationship while the reader never loved him and he does. When she finally has the chance she would wreck him and telling him about her child or we can give a somewhat happy ending where they grow closer and have a mutual understanding. He knows about her dead child and he lives with the guilt of it and knowing that he forever caused her this deep sadness that would never go away.
Anyways its both sad but this was a thought of mine. They are both so sad and emo lol
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multi-fan-dom-madness · 6 months
Hi! For the OC ask game how about #4 and #15 for Ilani ❤️❤️
bestie! thanks so much for this ask, always happy to talk about Ilani. i hope you like angst, because that's what this became. answers under the cut!
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4. What are your character's quirks or eccentricities that make them stand out from others?
Answered here.
15. Describe a defining moment in your character's life that marked a turning point or significant change in their path.
there are definitely two major turning points in Ilani's journey. the first is, unsurprisingly, Order 66.
but the second is the moment she realizes that she fucked up. That Rowan survived the order, was captured by the Empire, and tortured into becoming an Inquisitor. Here's a lil snippet of that realization because I'm a slut for angst.
For the third time in her life, the Force abandons Ilani. She's left bare, stripped, her soul naked before the very heart of the universe; surprise and shock suck the air from her lungs. Cold flurries of snow eddy around her, but it's as if they coat another being's skin, not hers. Because across the clearing, garbed in all black, with a spitting crimson saber, is a figure Ilani thought she'd never see again outside of her memory. "Rowan?" Their hair is longer, shaggier, more unkempt, and a scar cuts across their nose, but otherwise Rowan looks the same. Except their eyes: the soft, spongy moss green Ilani missed so dearly has hardened into emerald glass, sharp and pointed. "Wish I could say it's good to see you, Master," Rowan spits, "but I'd be lying."
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ao3feed-techphee · 18 days
Bereft (A Bad Batch Story)
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/NQyClMR by timeless_love260 Padawan Aesaedii "Saedii" Synn barely survived Order 66. At 15, she gained only a year of experience learning under Master Plo Koon before her Clone friends turned on her. Now alone, she is struggling to survive in a world without Jedi. Starving and desperate, she makes the dangerous journey to Ord Mantell, following rumors of an old Jedi contact who can get her a job. There, she makes a chance meeting that will change the course of the galaxy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ or: The Bad Batch still aren't sure what to do with Omega, and now they've accidentally adopted a teenage Jedi with an attitude problem. Cross-posted on wattpad. First 7 chapters uploaded 5/16/24. New chapter uploaded every Friday at 6pm central. Words: 16487, Chapters: 7/?, Language: English Series: Part 1 of Bereft (A Bad Batch Story) Fandoms: Star Wars: The Bad Batch (Cartoon), Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Characters: Clone Trooper Hunter (Star Wars), Clone Trooper Wrecker (Star Wars), CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo, Clone Trooper Tech (Star Wars), Omega (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Original Jedi Character(s) (Star Wars) Relationships: Hunter & Omega (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo & CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives, Crosshair & CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo & Hunter & Omega & Tech & Wrecker (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Omega & Tech (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo & Omega (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Omega & Wrecker (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), CT-9904 | Crosshair & Omega (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Phee Genoa/Clone Trooper Tech, Clone Force 99 | Bad Batch & Omega (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Crosshair & Hunter & Omega & Tech & Wrecker (Star Wars: The Bad Batch) Additional Tags: Hunter Needs A Hug (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Protective Hunter (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Parental Hunter (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Good Parent Hunter (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Clone Force 99 | Bad Batch as Family, Omega Needs a Hug (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Tech Needs a Hug (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Protective Wrecker (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Wrecker Needs a Hug (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Protective Tech (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Soft Tech (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Post-Star Wars: The Clone Wars, References to Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008), Canon Divergence - Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008), CT-9904 | Crosshair is Bad at Feelings, CT-9904 | Crosshair Needs a Hug, Soft CT-9904 | Crosshair, Protective CT-9904 | Crosshair, Soft Wrecker (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Clone Trooper Tech Lives (Star Wars), Clone Troopers and Jedi as Found Family (Star Wars), Original Character(s), Major Original Character(s), Teenagers, Padawans (Star Wars), Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Clone Troopers Deserve Better (Star Wars), Clone Trooper Inhibitor Chips (Star Wars), Ahsoka Tano is a Sibling to the Clones, Protective Clone Troopers (Star Wars), Lightsabers (Star Wars), Lightsaber Training (Star Wars), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/NQyClMR
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dukeoftheblackstar · 1 year
I see so much asks and interaction from you on the Jango Fett tag. I can tell you're a fan lol. What made you a fan of Jango?
Hi, Nonnie ♥ ~
In line with the recent discovery of very accurate depiction and discourse about my king, my baby, and overlord, Jango can-get-it Fett, I will answer this trying to suppress an all time high. Bear with me.
I think I have such a high drive for daddies that it cannot be helped. And I'm not just focusing on the daddy!kink part, but the entire concept of fatherhood and the angst and glory behind it. This probably stems from my sheer amount of daddy issues, but I always am drawn to the workings of a father; someone who is not motherly in a plethora of definition and depiction. Someone who is hold to a certain standard and demand that it always come with the mysteries of 'why did he choose to do that', 'why didn't he just', 'he should have', 'well, that's what dads do'. 'a mother would', etc. I think I went ham on how the concept of fatherhood plays such a huge role in my choice of muses, threads, and perception of life but I'm quite horrible at tracking posts so, I hope this answers a little bit?
I am a sucker for men in armor, uniforms, and all the mysterious shindig.
But in all seriousness, the first time I saw Jango Fett I was in love. In love with how shiny and badass this mfker is and the western allure of all things cowboy-related. The day I saw that man spin his gun and shove it down the holster was probably my spiritual awakening. It didn't help that this all happened in space, because ya girl's a space ho.
He was so bad ass that he didn't even flinch when held at saber point. Like this man was so smart to hire somebody to do his bidding as to not get caught. The audacity and BALLS to be sassy with Obi-Wan in Kamino before ensuring his armor was tucked away (I believe this was no mistake or negligence).
The ingenuity of modifying his blasters for optimum usage. Being an absolute utility belt of all things gadget and gizmo. The sheer I will kill you without hesitation but also, you need to die but as an honorable man, I will not cause unnecessary casualties and give what is due.
Then I fell more into the comic series and I just, ugh. This perfect being and origin is too much. The angst. The journey. The drive.
The Tem comes along and destroys me like there's no tomorrow.
I'm very much an audiophile so my auralism comes naturally.
And the fact that he is neither Jedi nor Sith, making him sit in the perfect balance that I would paint in my head with everything of two choices; good and bad, yes and no, red or blue. That grey area that has so much color to pull from just takes my breath away.
Then you go over the stories of Mandalorians in general. I think tribe things have an effect on me coming from a country who has originated from tribes to modernization.
I am also dtf with how people may think he's such a minor character without realizing that he lives on past death. I'd go on about how order 66 secured his legacy and vengeance by being the last pair of eyes beyond the gave (through the clones) the Jedi will see as they fall dead is the...
I am weak just thinking about it.
Also, just look at him? Won't you love him too?
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He don't even have to do anything and I'd be on my knees worshipping this god.
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zoruui · 2 years
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Word Count: 5058
Pairing: Commander Night x Reader
Summary: You hadn't planned on having a legion dropped upon your lap so soon after your knighting, and you never expected them to be the infamous 82nd of all units. With you as their newly appointed General, their leery commander is anything but pleased. You grapple with earning the respect of your men, but unbeknownst to both you and your commander, something beyond your control is beginning to fester.
Content/Tags: gender neutral jedi reader, slow burn (but like speedrun slow burn), unresolved tension, touch starved, hurt/comfort, developing friendships, enemies to friends to lovers (not exactly enemies really, night is just passive aggressive LMFAO) order 66
AO3 Link: x
CHAPTER 1-”the lion with a thorn in its paw”
21 BBY
Your transport ship’s landing hatch extends with a hiss as it finally docks inside The Reaper.
This marks your first assignment as a fully-fledged Knight. It may not be your first time being dispatched without the company of your Master, but you can’t say you aren’t at least glad to have Rex and Cody along for the job. The mission is sending you all to a rather remote planet bordering the Mid and Outer Rim, on reports of a threat to a village with Force-sensitive younglings. It was by a stroke of luck that Cody was able to get a hold of the ever distanced 82nd Legion through a mutual contact for a joint mission. From what you’ve read off what little of their public and military records that are available to you, they don’t often work with other units, if at all.
“Keep the objective in mind, but make the most of your time with them. This is quite the rare opportunity,” your Master suggested good-naturedly before you departed her flagship. You thought it was an odd piece of advice, but you know Master Endivain wouldn't mention something without reason. You could only wonder what she meant by “make the most of your time with them” and why.
The vessel’s hangar bay is quiet, save for a few clones doing routine maintenance on their starfighters or transporting supplies. Cody and Rex follow closely beside you. You don’t consider yourself “ship-savvy” but if the outdated designs of the floor layout and equipment are anything to go by, even you could tell that this is an older model of assault starship. You rub your nose to stifle a sneeze. Perhaps the air cooling system has seen better days, as well- the cold chill that nips at your skin almost makes you wonder if you’ve somehow landed on Hoth. 
“You doing alright?” Rex asks.
“Just a little chilly.” You offer a small smile and pull your heavy woolen robes closer around your shoulders. “Though I’m starting to think I should’ve worn winter gear instead.”
Cody says, “Well, if this campaign goes smoothly, you won't need to be here longer than you have to.” 
“I guess we can only wait and see...” The texture of your robe is rough between your fingers. You were advised to stay behind aboard The Reaper, while Rex and Cody were to be called back to their own vessels after the briefing. They figured they’d visit if they had a little time to spare, since they hadn’t spoken with this unit’s commander in person for some time.
Rex speaks quietly, “I’ll be honest, I never thought we’d see the day where we’d have the 82nd as support.”
A rickety old mouse droid rushes past Cody’s feet and he narrowly avoids bumping into it. It beeps an apology before scurrying off. “Neither have I.” He mutters, “But these situations are their specialty and they’ve dealt with these specific creatures before. Either way, we can’t risk having a repeat of the Stalgasin hive. Not if they’re available this time.”
 “Agreed." You nearly grimace at the memory. Ahsoka told you all about the incident. Some mind-controlling parasites sound like something that would be up the 82nd’s alley. You wouldn’t be surprised if it weren’t the worst they’ve had to deal with either.
It isn’t long until the three of you are approached by a trooper.
“Welcome, commanders. We’re honored to have you.” He salutes the three of you stiffly. “Sergeant Major Hull reporting.” He stands straight, his hair cropped neatly to standard regulations. A geometric tattoo creeps up from the collar of his undersuit and along his neck and jawline. The pauldron fastened over his right shoulder mirrors his rank.
You give a slight bow of the head, “Thanks for coming to greet us, sergeant.”
Hull nods, “If you’ll follow me, I’ll escort you to the bridge.”
“Lead the way.”
He guides you down the hangar towards the south wing and your gaze wanders back to the troopers you pass. The other clones preferred to call the 82nd “gravediggers” - a term meant to be delivered with callousness and bite. They aren’t the most “popular” unit, to say the least. A few greet and salute Rex and Cody, but otherwise keep to each other. They carry themselves differently compared to the 501st, who’ve been in your company for some time now. The clones under Master Skywalker’s command were fiery and headstrong, but these troopers felt inward. Not shy or cold or particularly unwelcoming. Just different, and comfortable among themselves.
Speaking of different, you can’t quite tell why but even their ship feels a bit strange. You noticed the moment you docked. You peer up at the towering ceilings and trace the slithering network of pipes and wires. It heaves slowly through its dusty vents, its old flesh patched with newer, unfamiliar panels of durasteel. The air this ship pumps through itself is crisp, cold, and sterile.
A lift is hailed and its doors rattle slightly when they open. Curiously, you ask Hull, “We’ll be meeting with Master Ollis, right?”
He presses a button and with a subtle whir of a complaint, the lift begins to ascend. “Unfortunately, the general has since passed. You’ll be meeting with the commander instead.”
You hum, “Mm, I see…” Ah. A frown tugs at the corners of your lips. If you can recall correctly, Master Mar Ollis was their third general to date. You only ever saw him in passing at the Temple during your early studies as a padawan, and never knew him personally. But the news of his loss is disheartening. He always seemed so sure and steadfast…
Soon enough, you arrive at the command bridge. The observation deck is dim and thrumming with a low chatter, the occasional beeping of consoles, and the residual drone from the bowels of the ship. The familiar expanse of space is dark and peppered with stars through the transparisteel windows.
“Here we are. Commander Night should be with you in a moment.” Hull departs with a salute, leaving the three of you to gather and wait by the holotable. 
You lean against a weathered gray alloy packing crate and absent-mindedly fiddle with the soft leather details of your belt as you half-listen to Rex and Cody’s light chat. Understandably, you never had the opportunity to meet the commander in person before, but you’ve heard his name occasionally float around the 501st and the barracks back on Kamino. Especially among the younger cadets. Most of the rumors were either related to his apparently notorious reputation or why the Kaminoans appeared to dislike him as much as they did. But the cadets who were absolutely desperate for a true challenge actually looked forward to the rare instances in which Commander Night returned to supervise graduation tests and scout for new troopers. He was not described as someone who is easily impressed or pleased. And you don’t think he’d leave any exception for you, Jedi or not.
Master Endivain’s words echo in your mind. Try to make friends. How hard could that be?
Beside you, Rex knows a pensive face when he sees it. “You’ve got nothing to worry about, sir. The commander may have a bit of a...critical attitude, but he’s one of our best. Tough as a rancor and smart as a whip.”
You offer him a small resigned smile, “Thanks, Rex. I guess I’m just curious about who I’ll be working with. Not that the boys gave him… raving reviews. But you knew each other, right?”
“Back when we were cadets, yes. Fought together in the first battle of Geonosis actually, before he was transferred to a different unit.” Rex rubs at the back of his neck. “We fell out of contact after that.”
Cody dusts a speck off his pauldron, “Frankly, I don’t think we’d really be here if Hunter didn’t patch me through to the commander’s comm channel.”
Behind you, a lift finally opens with a hiss. 
“Commander Cody, Captain Rex. It’s been a while, boys.” Night responds with a slow nod of acknowledgment. His voice, low, smooth, and measured, is warmer than you expected despite its gravel (at least, it sounds warm when he’s speaking with his brothers). His armor is stained a blueish, inky black- a stark contrast to the warm standard ivory. He stands tall with his hands clasped behind his back. 
“You and your men are more elusive than we thought. I’m almost hurt you haven’t kept in touch all this time.” Rex says lightheartedly as he places his helmet on a crate beside the holotable and the three of them exchange their handshakes.
“We all have our places to be. But I’m glad to see you’re still kicking, Captain.” Night turns slightly and you notice the grisly, jagged scar that runs across his left eye and cheek, across the corner of his lips, and the bridge of his nose. A peppering of grey and light brown streak from his temples and the nape of his neck. His hair is well kept, but a rogue curl falls lazily over his forehead. And he looks exhausted . The dark circles are heavy beneath his eyes and there’s a tiredness in the way he moves. You realize now that what little official holopics or recordings there were of him never showed his face. Clones were men of a thousand faces, yes, but they were each undoubtedly unique.
You snap back to yourself when Cody introduces you and warmth rushes to your cheeks and the tips of your ears. Maker, where are your manners? It's rude of you to stare. You bow your head hurriedly, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Commander. I look forward to working with you.”
Finally, Night’s attention settles on you. He didn’t pay you much mind when he arrived but now he looks at you as if you’re some stowaway that crawled onto his ship, or even a pebble beneath his boot. You can’t sense exactly what he’s thinking, not that you would pry, but you don’t need the Force to tell that he’s judging you. Nonetheless, he returns a slow bow of the head, “Welcome aboard, Master Jedi.”
Something tells you that may just be the best you’ll ever get from him.
With no interest in a reply, Night turns to the holotable and powers it on. “If you’ve all read the initial report, then we may begin the briefing.”  
The initial report, crafted carefully by the 82nd’s senior researcher from recent ground reconnaissance, was generous with its information. It provided a relatively thorough map of the destination planet, Koseron 8, and their data on the invasive predators that have been terrorizing it.
At face value, the mission is an extermination job, but the two younglings that were reported missing are your top priorities. For now, you listen intently as a strategy is formulated. An image of the objective is projected above the holotable; a laurek - a rare species of carnivorous subterranean fauna previously known to be native only to a planet far into the Outer Rim. The beast’s body is long and segmented with a sickly pale leathery hide. Despite the insectoid fangs protruding from its jaws and long neck, its face is flat and eerily human. Its forward facing eye sockets are sunken and deep set, with lips curled into a sharp, toothy snarl. But its looks should be the least of your concern, what with the species’ insatiable appetite for midichlorian-enriched blood.
The projection fizzles out to display a slithering network of tunnels below the barren expanse of a desert. The laurek seemed to have made quick work of their new environment. But it’s a peculiar place for them to be, you think. From what you’ve read, they’re exceptionally sensitive to sunlight. Their skin could crisp up like rice paper on oil if they remained exposed to it for too long. 
You ask, “If they’re vulnerable to sunlight, can’t we lure them to the surface, where they’re at a disadvantage?”
Night’s gaze flickers to you, as if reminded that you were even there, and his brow furrows just the slightest. “That used to be an option, but based on their recent movements and behavioral patterns during the day, we can only suspect that these have either grown starved enough to be desperate or somehow adapted to their sensitivity.”
Rex huffs, “I guess it can never be that easy.”
“Unfortunately, no.” Night switches the map to a series of data, graphs and charts, “The more we study them, the more unnatural the laurek on Koseron seem to be. Generally speaking, lasting evolutionary change takes thousands of years to develop. And considering that the earliest account of their sightings on this planet was barely 3 standard months ago, there has to be something else in play here.”
Cody crosses his arms and brings a hand to his chin, “I doubt just anyone would express this much interest in creatures that have a natural taste for Jedi. You think these could be some Seppie lab rats?”
“I believe there could be a high possibility of that.”
You didn’t like the idea of it. It could mean the Seps potentially have access to the locations of all recorded Force sensitive children. To even infiltrate the Temple’s vault would be beyond risky on their part. You speak up uneasily, “Evidently, the best case scenario is that this is an isolated incident or pure coincidence. If the Temple's vault was somehow breached without any of us knowing, then we’ll have a whole different issue at hand, and it’ll have to be escalated directly to the Council.”
Night nearly scoffs, “Of course. But currently, we do not have the intel to make any solid theories behind this yet, so we’ll anticipate and prepare for the worst. And that includes Separatist involvement of any degree.”
“How do you say we should approach this then?” Rex asks.
“Skinner will take a small portion of the squad and follow any leads on the missing younglings. The rest of us will deal with the laurek. These things are no greater krayt dragons, but they have numbers and are sturdy enough to be resistant to blaster fire and even lightsabers to a lesser extent. Taking them on one by one would be a waste of time and ammunition.” The map zooms into a specific area. “Fortunately, their tunnel system is within proximity of an active volcano and there are three paths that connect to a lava chamber where they dispose of their scraps, here and here. I’m sure you can tell where I’m going with this.”
Cody remarks, “It looks promising. Rounding up so many of them isn’t going to be easy though.”
Night’s gaze is on you again. “Then it’s a good thing we already have our bait.” 
You blink. “...Pardon?”
The rest of the briefing is quick and concise and the plan is solid and straightforward. But the commander did not make it easy. Every fleeting interaction between the two of you felt like a challenge- like he was waiting for you to make some rookie proposition that he could pick at. You aren’t particularly chuffed about the role he dropped on you, in fact, you would’ve volunteered yourself for it anyway. It’s the most effective position that you could think to take. However, funnily enough, now you’d believe it if you were only brought onto this mission solely as bait.
As the meeting wraps up, the doors to one of the lifts slides open. Hull steps out with another trooper at his side and he clears his throat. “You’ve got another incoming transmission. It's the director.”
There’s a subtle and tired droop to his shoulders before Night accepts a tablet from Hull. He turns to the three of you, “If there are no further questions, this concludes the briefing.” The holotable is powered off and he secures his helmet over his face. “It’s good seeing you two again. We’ll make quick work of this.” He exchanges a parting handshake with Rex and Cody, sparing you nothing but a brief glance behind the shadow of his dark visor. Only when he and the sergeant head off into another office, does the tension roll from your back.
Something beeps on Cody’s commlink and he tucks his helmet beneath his arm, “Excellent, right on schedule. We should be on our way, sir. We’ll see you on the ground.”
Rex gives you a heavy pat on the back as he passes, “Hang in there.”
You shrug and chuckle lightly, “I’ll try. Safe travels you two.”
The other trooper, having waited patiently on the side, salutes Cody and Rex as they take one of the lifts back down to the hangar. He approaches you with an easy and pacified smile, though you feel it doesn't fully reach his eyes. His dark curls, parted through the middle, reach just above his ears. A faded Medical Corps sigil is branded on his shoulder pad. 
“Chief Medic Hollow at your service. Hull said you’d need an escort to your quarters.”
“It’s nice to meet you, and that’d be appreciated, thank you,” you say politely. 
He steps aside and lets you step into the lift first before joining inside. He leans against the wall opposite of you with an ankle crossed over the other and quips bluntly, “So, you’re the Jedi we’ve been hearing about? You look a little younger than the ones we usually get.”
Amused, you replied, “I’ll take that as a compliment.”
He gives you a cheeky, good-humored look as though to say ‘you do that’. The lift falls into a natural silence as his attention falls back on his datapad, save for the muffled drone of machinery. But a question still hangs at the back of your throat until you decide to speak up, “I hope this isn’t rude of me to ask, but - is he normally like that?”
He hums absentmindedly, “Who?”
“The commander.”
Hollow glances at you briefly from the screen of his datapad, “Ah, he gave you the ol’ cold shoulder?”
“I wouldn’t say ‘the cold shoulder’ per se but…” You start to fiddle with the end of your sleeve. Well, actually, maybe you would.
The lift comes to a stop and you follow Hollow out. He waves his free hand dismissively, “He’s like that with all the Jedi that come in here, but he means well and for good reason. Not to mention all the paperwork and meetings he’s been dealing with lately. I don’t know how he does it.  Especially since his insomnia’s only been getting worse.” He shakes his head, “I try to get him to rest but let me tell you, he’s stubborn and a horrible workaholic. But hey, that’s what makes him commander.”
“That so?” You don’t know whether or not you should feel relieved that Night’s distaste towards you isn’t personal. You’ve never met a clone who had such an ill view of Jedi. There’s a lot you wish Hollow would unpack, but you choose to refrain from digging further.
“Yeah, I mean, y’know, I may be a medic but if it were me trapped with all those boring meetings, I don’t think I’d last a day.”
“You don’t say.” You fold your arms into the warmth of your sleeves.
At this point, the medic begins to ramble off about his day to day woes and a placid smile settles on your lips. His short tales of messy shenanigans with his brothers keep your mind from wandering back to your somewhat tense meeting with the commander and you laugh along with him. You imagine he and Kix would get along pretty well if they ever had the chance to meet. You don't even notice that you’ve reached your destination until he stops in front of the door to your quarters.
“And this is where I leave you.” Hollow gestures with a tilt of his head, “If you’re ever feeling peckish, the dining hall is three levels down. Make two rights and a left past a storage area and you’ll be on the right track.” He snickers to himself, “That is, if you’re craving vitamin slush.”
You give a soft laugh, “Sounds appetizing, I’ll keep that in mind. Thank you for the help and company, Hollow.”
“Eh, no need to thank me. And look on the bright side. You play your cards right and maybe he’ll warm up to you eventually.” The clone smirks and gives you an easy, two-finger salute. With that, he takes his leave and you wave goodbye as he disappears back down the hall.
You tap the access switch to your quarters and think to yourself, ‘I hope so’.
The ship has been in hyperspace for a while now- about 13 standard hours to be more precise. Your private quarters isn’t anything out of the ordinary and is perfectly by the code. Clean, quaint, and minimalist with a meditation mat tucked by a small bunk. The refresher is modest and the crate kept by the desk holds a set of sleeping robes that are neatly folded, if not a tad big on you.
You’ve preoccupied yourself with rereading your notes from the briefing or meditating, but it doesn’t do much to help with the light itch of restlessness in the back of your mind. You slump forward on the desk and drum your fingertips on its surface, staring at your handheld holoprojector. You know your Master would appreciate an update soon, though you’re not sure how to go about a report- or where to start, for that matter.
You aren’t bothered by Commander Night. The galaxy is far too big and busy for you to worry about how one individual thought about you. And the lightsaber that hangs at your hip is not and never should be a tool that instantly commands someone’s respect. You suppose now, you’re more intrigued by him than anything. You pick up the holoprojector and idly balance it between the desk and your finger, watching the worn metal glint. You only hope his attitude doesn’t compromise the mission; if Rex and Cody’s faith in him is worth its weight, you trust that it won’t. 
A low grumble from your stomach pulls you from your thoughts. With a heavy sigh, you lean and stretch out the tight muscles in your back. Maybe having something to fill your stomach would help you clear your head. Throwing your heavy robes over your shoulders and slipping into your boots, you lock the door to your quarters behind you.
You recall Hollow’s directions. Take the lift down three levels, make two rights and a left... As you wander, the sound of the heel of your boots on the metal floors echoes against the walls. Somehow, the ship seems drowsier than before. The illumi-panels along the hallway have dimmed slightly to paint the corridors a pale, dreamy blue. You hear the occasional beep of maintenance droids and the hushed voices of the few troopers on their late patrols. By now, you’ve grown a little more accustomed to The Reaper ’s low temperatures. 
You don’t realize you’ve got company until you hear a low mechanical whirring beside you. An R5 unit, one you remember seeing briefly at the observation deck during the meeting. The black paint of its plating is faded and littered with scratches and deep dents. It continues forward without a word. 
“I don’t reckon you’d like to join me for a quick bite, would you?”
The astromech doesn’t respond or address you for what feels like a solid minute or two. As if registering your question at last, it slowly turns its head towards you. Its lone red sensor light flickers and a glitchy beep gurgles from its loudspeakers.
You watch it move on ahead of you into a darker hallway and mutter to yourself humorously, “Huh. I guess everyone’s a critic.” 
You make the last turn and the hall opens up to a larger space. The lighting is sparse here but you can see stores of supply crates lined into neat stacks. A few were put aside and cracked ajar, with some of their contents strewn atop their lids. Hollow mentioned a storage area, so you should be going in the right direction. You pass through quietly. Curiously, you approach one of the open crates and take a quick peek. Jetpacks, ascension guns, assorted survival gear…These must be some of the equipment being prepared for the mission.
“A bit late to be exploring, isn’t it, Master Jedi?”
You nearly jump out of your skin and whip around, “Oh! I'm sorry, Commander, I didn’t realize you were still up.” Night stands by one of the crates partially in shadow. He doesn’t spare you a glance as he inputs something in his datapad, and you realize he’s been here,  double-checking their inventory for the mission.
“Likewise,” he replied dryly.
You shift awkwardly in your place. “You don’t always have to address me so formally, by the way. I wouldn’t mind, really.”
His nose turns up to the idea. “I’ll hold on to the formalities, thank you.” His back is to you as he continues inspecting a crate of JT-12s.
A few seconds of silence pass but they hang over your head like a thick canopy. Feeling bold, you decide to try your luck. “Would you want to join me for something to eat? I was just on my way to the dining hall.” You see his hand falter for a second while he types and you add, “It’ll be quick, I promise. I can even help you with the work too, if you’d like. I might as well be useful while I’m here.”
Night carefully places the jetpack back into the crate and pulls the cover back over. A cloud of dust kicks up and you stifle a mild cough. Patting down his kama, he drawled, “No need. I was just leaving.”
You aren’t surprised that he’s cutting the conversation short. Hollow wasn’t kidding when he said the commander was stubborn. A part of you nags that you should just cut your losses and leave this whole thing be, let sleeping akk dogs lie, but you wish he would at least just communicate with you. Something has got to give. Against your better judgment, you blurt, “Have I done or said something to offend you?”
This makes him pause. The space between the two of you feels wide and empty. “Offend me?” There’s a hint of cold amusement in the inflection of his voice, as if you’ve asked the silliest question. “No. You haven’t,” he says flatly and powers off his datapad, “Now goodnight, Master Jedi.”
With a frown, you press on, “Commander, if we’re going to be working together- if you could give me a moment-” You take a step forward and reach out to catch his wrist.
The moment your hand touches him, you feel the air thrum, then freeze like ice in your lungs. A flare of white flashes in your mind before a heaviness settles deep in the pit of your stomach. Night glares at your hand clasped around his clothed wrist. You feel an echo of distrust, melancholy, weariness, and a slurry of voices you cannot recognize. His gaze flickers back up to you. You don’t know why but a shiver shoots down your spine. Whatever you were going to say dies pathetically in your chest. 
You release him and hold your hand close to your body, as if you’ve touched fire. Your cheeks feel flush with shame- you didn’t mean for that to happen. Night's jaw is set tight, but he doesn’t yell or lash out. You steel your resolve, though a vague tremble remains in your voice, like your heart has been pushed up your throat, “I…I apologize. But…I want to stand by my words because I feel it’s best to establish this now. If we’re going to be working together, then I don’t believe it would be beneficial for either of us to constantly be on edge like this-”
“With all due respect, sir,” Night's voice is quiet and measured, “I’m afraid you may be misunderstanding the conditions of this temporary partnership so allow me to make this perfectly transparent.”
He takes a step closer and this time you can’t help but waver. The small of your back bumps against the chilled metal of a crate behind you. You know you aren’t in danger, and physically, he’s no taller than any other clone. But his presence feels heavy, intense, and oppressive. Breaking eye contact, you swallow and focus on the mauve markings painted across his armor that glow faintly in the shadow of the broad line of his shoulders.
“All you require from me is my obedience and cooperation. I will obey your orders and lay down my life if you give the word because that is what I was bred for. But we will not be ‘friends’, nor will we even be acquaintances. Once this mission is over, we’ll part ways and that will be the end of it.” His tone is smooth and eerily calm despite the sharp venom in his words. However, the warning look that burns in his eye betrays the facade. 
You know better than to continue to fight that. 
Deciding you are no longer worth the trouble, Night’s posture shifts and he takes a small step back. He turns and says bitterly,  “That should be one less burden off your precious shoulders.”
The commander disappears back down the hall, but you do not miss the way his hand- the one you nearly touched- flexes and clenches into a fist at his side. A dull throbbing still pulses behind your eyes and you rub at your temple. Well. That entire ordeal could have gone a lot smoother. You shake the headache off and make your way towards the dining hall alone. Maker, what were you thinking? You’re sure this isn’t what Master Endivain had in mind when she suggested that you ‘make the most of your time with them’. 
But if this is where Night wants to draw his boundary, then who are you to protest? And it’s just as he said. Once this mission is over, you’ll part ways and that will be the end of it.
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lamamasjamas · 2 years
A King's Foreordination
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Summary: Din Djarin has made a deal with the Jedi to be able to see his son. The catch is that he's only able to see him from a distance and he has to be watched by someone during his stay...He also has to deal with being a king and the weird voices that suddenly appeared in his head on top of that.
a/n: It's an AU in where TBOBF didn't happen at all, and also Haunted!Din. The summary sounds so happy, the fic is indeed not the same vibe.
Warnings: Haunted!Din, Jedi!Fem!Reader, possessive, lowkey gaslighty Din, smut, violence, angst, character deaths
Word Count: 15.5k
Part 2-ish
Masterlist Playlist
Act I: The Agreement
Din made a deal with the jedi, he could only visit Grogu, his foundling, his son, from a distance. Grogu couldn’t see him, for it would only deter his training to be a great Jedi. Ahsoka’s words, not his. He thinks it wouldn't be so bad for Grogu and him to meet, but it goes against the Jedi code to form attachments. Bantha fodder. He was a mandalorian’s foundling, family and ‘attachments’ make people stronger. It would make him stronger.
He would make do with what he has, he’s pretty sure he ticked both Luke and Ahsoka off when he kept on coming back to the planet where the school was being built. He had nothing better to do and being surrounded by silence and nature was way better than the constant running from Bo-Katan. At times he would just stare at the darksaber in his hand, never igniting it but feeling its heavy weight. He is still deciding on whether the mental weight of it is heavier than the physical.
Another part of the deal was to be monitored by someone. It was added about 6 months after his initial ‘visits’. He hated it, he just wanted to see his son, not be watched as if he were to commit a crime. It was considered a necessary addition, mostly so that they wouldn’t worry about him breaking the original agreement, and because Ahsoka needed to go on her own journey. She could no longer watch him, instead leaving him with one of her “friends”.
Her friend wasn't really one of her friends, he noted. He was told by Ahsoka that she used to be a padawan, and like Grogu she escaped Order 66. They are acquaintances at most, only sharing their similar losses because of the war and the Empire. He has observed her from a distance, not really knowing if she was a teacher, like Luke, or a padawan, like Grogu. She helps students who arrive and guides and assists them alongside Luke's teachings. But, after the classes with his regular students Luke would assist her one on one, mostly meditating, and sometimes dueling. Din doesn’t stay much after he sees Grogu be put to bed, so he rarely sees you after daytime hours.
Din arrived early in the morning, like always, and Luke took the opportunity to finally introduce you two. He lightly jogs over to him, “Mandalorian.” He turns his head causing the light reflected from his helmet to sting Luke’s eyes. “Good morning, I hope the journey wasn’t unpleasant”, Din could see through his facade. He was nervous and through the boyish smile he could tell he wasn’t just saying pleasantries.
“Ahsoka left, didn't she?”, Luke's smile drops. “Yes, she did'' He didn’t know how Mando would react, even if he was already told of the possibility beforehand. He knew he didn’t exactly like being watched by Ahsoka, but he did know he respected her, and would often, albeit dryly, have conversations together. He would only hope he didn’t get crankier than he already was because of his new companion.
“I would like to introduce you to someone”
She took the initiative to introduce herself first, “Y/n l/n” You clasped your hands together. For a moment you waited for him to introduce himself to you, glancing back at Luke in confusion, then remembering. He’s a mandalorian, they don’t just give their names like that.
She looked up to his helmet, “Mando it is”
Luke left with a “I’ll leave you to it”, and proceeded to start the days with his students. For a while you both just watched as Luke instructed the padawans. Of course from a distance, where most of them wouldn’t look towards or wander through. Some were as young as seven while some were already young adults, it ranged and Luke made sure to group them accordingly. Most of the time, Luke would have the older padawans in rougher terrain, which also happened to be where Mando would hide out. He studied them and the techniques they would use in order to wield their lightsabers, or in some cases their ‘lightsabers’ made of wood.
Now that she was here, he noticed a lot of the padawans finally had a chance to stare. Maybe because of the fact someone they know is sitting right beside them. He was considered safe because of her presence. They would occasionally wave at her, which earned them an irritated “Focus” from Luke. Teenagers, he noticed, were much more brave and would come up to her during their training session, “asking for help”. She would oblige, but deep down he knew that she knew they were only trying to waste time and have some fun.
The youngest children would have their lessons in the evening, a time where it wouldn't be too early for them to wake up, or too late to stay awake. By this time Grogu was out, and Din gave his full attention to the class. Most of the class was about meditation, Luke only focusing on their mental abilities and their connection to the force rather than their physical strength, which was still set to grow. He only took out those exceptional few after his last classes to start them on the path of using all of their abilities. Grogu, already being a padawan a long time ago, was one of those exceptional few.
The afternoon class finished and you spoke, startling the Mandalorian. “I am not exactly one for politics, but I do know that Mandalorians don’t meddle in Jedi business. What would cause a Mandalorian, such as yourself, to start to mingle?” You were patient and you aren’t really expecting an answer, but he surprised you. “I guess I’m different then, not exactly one for politics myself” He was sassy, you liked that. For the rest of the day you two sat in silence, watching the padawans. You would occasionally wave at some as they got close and they would run off giggling once they saw him next to you.
The day ended and he finally spoke first, “It was a pleasure to meet you” “And you as well” He didn’t know if he meant what he said, it was just a polite way to say goodbye to a stranger. Nothing more.
The following days the padawans were curious, asking her many questions on the mystery man, who they've seen before but have never approached. “He’s a friend”, she would reply, not wanting any of the gossip to get to Grogu. The days progressed and she thought of Ahsoka's comments about him, he would usually come once every two weeks, most of the time staying until Grogu had gone to bed. He would also sit on the same spot every time, quietly watching him. She sensed what Ahsoka did, deep longing, on occasion she would feel his gratitude, especially when Grogu was successful and when he could hear his laughter throughout the hills. She could also sense something Ahsoka didn’t tell her about. She couldn’t quite describe it, it felt like a pulse, a heartbeat, admittedly it was still weak. She went to sleep with that in her thoughts.
Everyone was surprised to see him the following week, sitting in the same spot. You were always skilled with your senses. You immediately felt him enter the area, you felt the force shift. You weren't yet familiar with him so you approached with your saber at the ready, expecting an intruder, someone who would cause harm to the padawans.
“You're here early”, he turned sharply, his pistol already pointing at your chest, and his hand resting at his hip, the handle to the darksaber glinting in the morning light. You tilt your head and narrow your eyes, how come you didn’t notice it before? It’s energy was pulsing much stronger than the last time he visited.
“I didn’t know we were in the presence of a king?” He just scoffed, he shoved his pistol back in his holster and sat back down, looking back at the distance. “You don’t want it” It was a statement rather than a question. He sighs, “No, I don’t. This was thrust upon me, I just wanted my son back, nothing more” This was the most he’s spoken to you, both in words and in sentiment. You just hum back to him, to show that you were listening.
Today was an exceptional one, Luke took most of his students on a trip off world. No classes for the day. There were a few devotees of the force, who volunteered to take over responsibility of some of the younglings while Luke was away. You were supposed to be taking care of them, but it looked like plans had changed.
“Look, Luke took most of the padawans off world, so there’s no classes today” He just stared at you, silently asking if Grogu was with them as well. “Grogu is still here, as well as most of the younglings” He nodded and continued to sit. He didn't know what to do anymore, he assumed he wouldn’t get to see his son today, but he didn’t want to seem rude to the woman sitting next to him. So, he asked you questions. “What are you?” What a great question to start off with.
She chuckled it off, “What am I?” “Yes, are you a master or are you a student?” She took a moment to think, she kind of just, was. No one really identified what she was in the new jedi order yet. “I would say I'm both and neither” He tilts his head, he wants you to elaborate. “Before the order fell I was still a padawan, my training stopped and I was on the run, I wasn’t advanced enough to proclaim myself a jedi master, and I still don't consider myself advanced enough to actually teach. I guess I am just an assistant, to Luke, that is”
After a while he asks another question, “ Do you want to become a master?” Again, she hasn’t had much time to think about it, no one has ever really asked. “I’m not sure” She thinks that if anyone else would have asked her she would have said, yes, of course, but he seems like the type to not judge her. She takes comfort in the fact that they are both unsure of who they should be.
Din was found, despite him trying to evade Bo and her clan of Nite Owls. They were always one step behind him. It was only a matter of time before a confrontation would occur. “Din Djarin!” He sighed deeply, he was just paid for the bounty he caught, literally ten minutes ago. He was running, not really knowing where to go, having lost his sense of direction. He could hear them shouting at him to stop. He made a turn to a dead end. “Damn it!”
Again, she shouts his name, “Din Djarin, there’s nowhere else for you to go, just give up” He was ready to jetpack away but he was surrounded in the sky. He would have to deal with them the old fashioned way. He shouts back, much more irritated and angry than she was, “Bo Katan! I want no part in dueling, just take the damn thing and leave me alone”
He took out the hilt of the darksaber and was shoving it towards her. “Just wait, let me explain. We don’t want to fight for it.” He was confused, why the hell were they still chasing after him, if not for a chance to kill him for it? She continues, “We believe that you being in power of the darksaber is a good thing. You will be able to unite all mandalorians”
Everyone put their weapons down, and Bo-katan was finally, after several months, able to explain that with the help of her clan, Din could unite all mandalorians, not just those loyal to her, bringing back true mandalorian society. “Look, those from the death watch, and those associated with the watch don’t want me in power, if you were to proclaim yourself as Mand’alor we would be able to unite every single clan out there”
In Din’s eyes this was a stupid plan, he did not want to be Mand’alor and he most certainly didn’t want Bo-Katan telling him what to do. But, he could also be saving his covert, those who were misplaced. He could get everyone out of hiding, once and for all.
He agreed to said “stupid” plan.
He was itching to go back to some peace and quiet, so he decided to visit Grogu earlier than usual. He didn't want to think of Bo-Katan or her plans of taking Mandalore again or finding other clans. He wanted to feel like a normal man, on his way to see his son, normal, or as normal as things could be. He was early but he needed this.
It was evening, lunch time, so most of the younglings were inside eating. You decided to interrupt the silence, “I could teach you how to wield the saber, if you want” He doesn’t say anything, “I saw the way you were looking at Luke and the students when he was instructing. You're very vigilant.”
He says, “I wouldn’t want to bother you-” “No! I mean, no, it's fine. It’s not like we’re doing anything today anyway”
You lead him away from your spot, farther into the forest and away from the temple. He would occasionally look back, “I don’t think-” “They're fine, Grogu’s fine” He gave you a nod and let you lead him by the hand.
“Now, grab a stick, any stick” You gestured to the floor, to the many sticks to choose from. “What?” “There’s many options around, there's a short one, a long one, a thick one-” “I mean, why are you making me pick up sticks?” He crosses his arms on his chest, and you can feel his slight annoyance and confusion. “To train with. This is what we do with the younglings, so that they know how to maneuver a saber without them fatally wounding someone or themselves”
He picks up a stick from the ground, as do you, “But I know how to use a blade-” “Lightsabers are much more different than metal blades. You can touch a metal blade without getting burnt to a crisp, you can't exactly drop a lightsaber sideways on your foot and still have it” He chuckles, “Fair point”
You started by teaching him the very first position you learn as a padawan, the defensive position. You gesture to him to follow you. You point your branch forward pointing towards a tree, your opponent, and slightly widen your stance. He copies you. Hours go by and you go through various positions, switching every once in a while and combining them. He's a fast learner, of course he is, he's a mandalorian. You've gotten to the point in which both of you have started to “duel”. You started off on the offense and him on defense. As the duel progressed he started attacking you. You were thoroughly impressed, but you knew that wielding a lightsaber, especially the darksaber, which was its own struggle, was going to be drastically different.
The sun was starting to set and he was having such a nice time with her. He felt like a little kid, playing with rocks and sticks, pretending to be ancient warriors. He didn’t feel the burden of his title anymore. She suddenly stopped, both of them breathing heavily from the constant hits and blocks.
She went into her bag producing a bottle of water, offering it to him, which he denied. “I'll turn around if you want, I understand adhering to codes” He trusted her, so when she turned, he grabbed the bottle and he quickly lifted his helmet. Chugging the water hurriedly he almost choked. She laughed when she heard him. He turned to see if she was peeking at him, she wasn’t, and she was laughing at the ground. “Are you alright?”
“Never been better”
They didn't get to the lightsaber part of training, but he was hoping for the next visit to finally use his own. They make it back to the outskirts of the temple. “Until next time, Mando” He nodded, just as he was about to say his goodbye, he was interrupted by multiple ships coming in from the distance. “Looks like they're back from the trip” He was suddenly filled with irritation, borderline hostility. For what? He doesn’t know. But, maybe, just maybe it was because of the realization that his son’s master returned, the same master that was keeping him away from him. Taking Grogu from him. The one who had no right- “Mando”
She felt his anger festering inside of him the second Luke started landing his ship, it only increased by the second. She could understand him, she truly could. But, this was unlike any emotion she’s ever felt before. “Mando” He snapped out of his daze and looked at her. They could both feel the negative emotion dissipate almost instantly.
“I guess this is goodbye, for real this time” Luke happened to have landed next to Mando’s starfighter, and you decided to come with Mando to help Luke with the students. He clasps his hand in yours, “Guess it is, for now. Thank you for the lessons” He didn't let go of your hand until you responded. His grip was firm,”No problem” He finally let go but not before slightly rubbing his thumb over the underside of your wrist.
Luke approached, and placed a hand on your shoulder, “I didn’t expect you to be here today Mandalorian” “I didn’t expect you to not be here Skywalker” Both men chuckle as if they were just joking, you knew they were both being backhanded. Mando leaves giving you a final wave and nod before exiting the atmosphere.
“You keep him entertained the whole day?”, he was teasing you. You elbowed him in the gut before walking away. You can faintly hear him shout out, “Or was it the other way around?”
Act II: The Ascendance
“You need discipline Din, the darksaber flows with your thoughts. The more you fight it the more it fights you.” Another heavy block, “Be one with the blade”, he's getting slower. He finally yields, causing her to stop her attacks. She whispers gently, gripping his shoulders which seem to be tense and trembling, “Would you like a break?”
Din told her his name some weeks after his first lesson. He has also been coming back a lot lately, on average once a week. Sometimes Luke didn’t even know he was there. He’s too busy to notice that she's been having some “alone” time more frequently. They would meet in secret, she didn't want Luke to punish Din for coming to his visits more often, and she, kind of, likes talking to him. He’s nice company, she thinks. She would tell him about Grogu and his progress, and he would talk about how the mandalorians are holding up.
Recently Din has been distracted, everything seems to be building up and there was no release. He has gathered a lot of clans, and they have pledged his allegiance to him and his “cause”, more like Bo-Katan’s cause since she was the woman behind the scenes. He felt like a puppet, like he was just being pushed around for everybody to use.
He didn't feel that way around her, she always pushed him to voice his thoughts. To let it all out. He’s grown infatuated by her, she’s strong, intelligent, caring not only for people but for the things around her. She’s witty, and sarcastic, but she knows when it was appropriate to joke around.
He’s selfish. He wants her to be a mandalorian.
Sometimes he dreams about her being part of his clan, raising children with her, being a family with both Grogu and himself. Most recently he dreamt of ruling over Mandalore with her. She would make the best queen, both for him and his people. With her wielding her lightsaber and him wielding his darksaber.
He wants her to abandon the Jedi. Wants her all to himself.
“I’m fine. Let’s go again” He gets into position, with great effort. “Well if you don’t want a break, I'll take one for both of us” She hasn't broken a sweat, she was doing this for him. She reaches for her water, offering him some as well. He accepts without hesitation. He built that trust over the span of five months. As they have their backs against each other on the ground and drink water, she can feel Din’s frustration. He’s been emotional lately, she knows why but she refuses to acknowledge it.
“What is going on with you Din? A month ago you were right on the cusp of fully mastering the darksaber. Now it feels like you’ve gone back to square one” You sigh, “What’s been on your mind?”
“You…” Kriff he wasn’t supposed to say this out loud. You quietly mumble, “Did I do something?” “No, Maker, of course not” “Then what is it Din” “Well technically you have done something-not your fault obviously” “Maker Din just tell me already” “I’ve been… developing feelings… for you” He feels you tense up against him.
“Oh... I-” He tries to clarify hurriedly, “I understand if you don't feel the same, I know Jedi don’t want attachment, how it gets in the way-” ''Did you ever wonder why I never tell Luke you come over?” He straightens up and gulps, “Why don’t you tell him?” “I know he wouldn’t let me see you anymore if he knew. I think it’s already too late anyways” He whispers, “T-too late for what?” “To not form an attachment to you Din”
There was so much warmth in her voice that he wondered if this was actually real, and not another one of his dreams. He’s been yearning for her, loving his time spent with her, and to think she could also reciprocate those feelings. It makes him think that every minute spent in the hell that is leading the mandalorians, has been worth it.
He turns his body to you, swiftly cupping your face and turning you to him. You stubbornly close your eyes so he kneels in front of you. He can finally see you clearly, without the helmet filtering you in a faint blue-gray. “Open your eyes, cyare, its ok”
Your lips tremble and your eyes water, tears start cascading down your face. Din felt awful, you probably didn't want this, him. “I’m sorry y/n, I-I think I misread your intention-just forget about it-kriff” “No!, you didn’t misread a-anything” you hiccup as you speak, “I'm just-ugh- are you sure? Are you sure about this?”
“Yes, I am” “I'm just warning you. This is serious” “I would know, don't you think” You groan, “Stop joking around I'm serious-” “So am I” You can hear the grin in his voice. You open your eyes slowly. You were scared you were gonna offend him if you didn't react the way he wanted you to. For a moment you just stared into each others eyes. He is everything you did and didn’t expect him to be at once. You weren’t disappointed and your smile showed that. He felt relief, a weight on his chest finally lifted. He was seeing your face, in your true color, for the first time. Your eyes were glossed over, and he couldn’t think of any other word to describe you as, but beautiful.
He had to leave, it was getting too late, and you haven't eaten dinner yet. The younglings, even Luke must have noticed by now that you have been gone for most of the day. He wasn't even supposed to be here, the week before was meant to be one of his “official” visits.
You both crept to his ship, which was stationed very far from the temple. Once you made it to the ship you just stood in silence for a while. You’ve noticed the humming getting louder, almost as if you could hear it. Every day he comes back it gets stronger. Perhaps it's the fact that he is more connected to it the more he wields it.
You’ve heard stories of the many users of the darksaber. The amount of violence and wars it has caused. There was always a rumor among the Jedi during the war against the mandalorians that, like kyber crystals, the obsidian rock is connected to its user. But obsidian is much stronger than a kyber crystal. It is an endless battle against mandalorian and blade, one wins in the end, always.
“It was a pleasure to meet you” You furrow your brows, not really sure where he’s going with this. He extends his hand out to you, just like the first time you met. He has his helmet back on, he said he wasn’t fully comfortable yet with taking it off for extended periods of time. He was used to never taking it off until he was completely sure no one was around.
“And you as well, Din” He nods, and you laugh, finally getting it.
As she was walking back to the temple she saw Luke’s light was still on. She hurried her steps, she could see him stepping out of his front door. “Y/n…” It was too late to get out of this one he was already using his scolding voice. “Yes, Master Skywalker”, she tried to sound as cheery as possible. “Where have you been?”
“I was meditating”
“The whole day?”
He stood crossing his arms, clearly not believing her.
“I've done it before Luke, how come you haven't noticed?”
“Maybe because this time the Mandalorian was with you the whole day”
Her eyes widened slightly. Even if she bribed R2 with extra maintenance time, she should have known he was still going to spill that he could see Mando entering the atmosphere once a week, sometimes more. R2 liked to gossip, especially to Luke. She would ignore him, being one of the only other people that can even understand droids in this whole place. At least for a while.
She still stood her ground, not really feeling guilty. “There’s nothing wrong with a father wanting to know how his foundling is. He’s just worried for him, that’s all” Luke stares at you, a smile slowly forming on his face. “Hmm” he rubs his chin as if he was contemplating. “If you say so…” he breaks out in a grin, causing you to do the same. “Next time you can tell me, it seems to me he doesn't only come for Grogu anymore” “I don’t know what you talking about-” “You seem to be training him well…” He clearly knows more than he’s letting on.
She takes his permission with grace and leaves to bed.
There was conflict within the clans. Up to this point Kryze was right, Din did garner the support from more traditional mandalorians and the ones who have sided with the Nite Owls. There has been clashing of ideals, and values between clans that he had to deal with. He had to be loyal to his covert, his own values, and he would usually side with those with them. He didn’t mean to, it was his instinct to protect those who he viewed as similar to him.
This infuriated the other more modern clans, seeing this as unfair. They thought he would always keep the other more ancient way of thinking, which would push all of them back. In their eyes, they needed a leader who wouldn’t look to the past, one who could look for the prosperity of all.
So, they all decided they would challenge him to a duel. One opponent from each clan.
Din was angered, he was starting to blame all of this on Bo-Katan. She was the one who wouldn’t take the darksaber, she was the one who wanted to unite all mandalorian clans, not him. Now, he needed to fight his own people for a right he never wanted. So be it.
They were all younger than him, early twenties, some even the age of eldest padawans at the school. He noted most of them were from Bo’s alliances. He would never underestimate them, although his covert was taught to fight from a very young age he knew that they were just as brutal, if not moreso.
Bo-katan told him not to expect them to plead for mercy.
That only left one choice, either die by their hands or…
That wasn’t the way he was taught, the “old” values may be outdated but it did come with its benefits. He saw every mandalorian as his vod, his brothers and sisters, he couldn’t just kill them.
He grits his teeth, “Yield!” They struggled underneath his grip, he could hear their clan chant, shouting for them to not forfeit. During the fight their helmet got knocked off, he could see their fury, their passion, their youth. They were so young…
“Kill me!” His eyes widened, and in his moment of shock he was kicked off. They spit their blood onto his breastplate. Din grips the dark saber hilt tightly, feeling it’s weight. They lunge at him, getting him on the ground with a knife to his throat.
He thought of the kid, of her. He imagines leaving his foundling fatherless. He knows what it’s like to lose his parents, he doesn’t want that for him, even if he hasn’t seen him in a year. He imagines leaving her, he never did tell her he loved her. He didn’t want to die
The hiss of the darksaber is heard throughout the makeshift arena. The chanting stops. Their eyes widen, and he pushes himself up to his knees. Cradling the child in his arms he realizes he’s won.
The clan carry their warrior off and another steps forth. “Do you accept this duel Mand’alor?” This made him realize he’s won the first of many.
His ship landed almost right next to the temple. Was he crazy? It's the middle of the day, grogu was out, and all of the younglings could see the starfighter. Luke looks to her with furious confusion, and she looks back at him in shock. She shrugs, and looks on apologetically. She didn’t know why he was acting this way. R2 decided right then to alert everyone of the presence of someone entering the atmosphere. Yeah, no shit.
Luke gathers the younglings and corrals them inside the main building, while she jogs up to his ship, ready to tell him off. The windowpane lowers and she gasps in shock. Her voice shakes, “R2! Call for Luke! Now!”
He was badly injured and half unconscious by the time you and Luke moved him to your home a little ways from the temple. He was gripping the darksaber when you lowered him onto the bed he lays in now. You had to pry it away from his hands. Even unconscious he was able to exert enough strength to tug it back to him.
Your brows were permanently furrowed. You’ve been working the rest of the day making sure you cleaned all of his wounds and that his heart didn’t stop. Luke as well as some of the older padawans would come in as well to try to help, but you just pushed them away. You didn't want them to see his face, he wouldn't want them to see his face.
He’s been unconscious for three days, and you have been wide awake the whole time. The only person allowed inside your little home was R2, whom you entrusted to keep him safe while you showered or ate. You could feel yourself on the verge of collapse, too worried that his system would crash like it was doing the first few hours he arrived. He was so beaten, but you have been using most of your energy to heal him, he looked exceptionally better than he did three days ago.
You didn't know if it was because you were exhausted and you haven't slept but everything felt heightened, you feel the darksaber, the vibrations humming so much louder since his last visit. You were scared, not only because of his health but because of the things he must have done to get to this state. The humming grew stronger as he did, and your dread increased with it.
He woke up in the morning, throat dry and panicked. He was searching all over the room, not quite sure for what, but when his eyes landed on his saber on the nightstand next to the bed he calmed considerably. By his peripherals he can see his armor, freshly cleaned as well as his flight suit hanging outside of the window drying. It was still stained, he didn't think anything could take it off if he tried. He’ll just buy a new one.
He sits up and looks around the little apartment. Some of her robes can be seen in her closet, as well as her shoes, some bags, towels, and sheets. Outside her door he can see a garden set up, with herbs, fruits and vegetables. Very homey. The clothes he’s wearing aren't his, they must be Skywalker’s. He shifts on the bed, gripping the soft linen. It smells like her. He takes a deep breath in, it still hurts a bit to breathe, but otherwise that's pretty standard for him.
He didn't realize he grabbed the saber from the nightstand. He looks down between his hands and stares. That’s how you find him. Staring into the hilt of the darksaber, his finger at the button. You were just about finished from taking a shower, when you heard the bed shifting from the other room. You hurried changing only to find him in a hypnotic state. His face is blank and void of any emotion. You approached him as if he were a wounded animal. You felt so much relief that he was finally awake that tears started blurring your sight. “Din…”
He places the hilt back down, and stands abruptly, immediately moving towards you. You meet him in the middle of the small room, “Din, you're gonna hurt yourself” You guide him back to the bed. He was surprisingly sturdier than you were at the moment. He can see your eyebags, you were too good to him. He pulls you into a hug, and you cry on his shoulder. You finally pull back, “What happened to you?” He glances back to the saber, and tilts his head towards it. “I made sure they knew my place”
You held each other until you both fell asleep in one another’s arms.
She woke up to his hands caressing her face. “Mesh’la, you took such good care of me” He was thinking of the state she was in, how much she needed this sleep. What she must have gone through because of him. He knows he would have reacted the same way if not worse if he found you in the state he was. He didn't want to think about it, it filled him with such anger, so much that he would… he would kill for you. He would kill anything that would threaten to take you away from him, and anything that would take him away from you.
You stare into his face, not really listening to him. “I love you, Din” You grasp his hand in yours and for a moment both of you don’t have to worry about anything anymore, no Jedi, no Mandalorians just the two of you. “I love you too” He kisses you so hurriedly you had no time to adjust smoothly.
He’s never kissed anyone in his life so he was messy, not really knowing what to do with his mouth. He was sucking, biting, licking, anything to get a taste of you. Sounds started pouring out of you, you moaned and whined, not really knowing how to kiss either. Being so loyal to the jedi codes you never tried to form relationships with people, at least not like the one you have with Din. It was if he was starving, groaning into your mouth and trailing down your neck, to your collarbones.
Palming your breasts through your thin tunic and tugging at the hem of your shirt, you finally departed. You carefully take off your shirt without losing eye contact. Your lips were swollen, pupils dilated, waiting for him to continue. “I got you… I got you, mesh’la” He was babbling, not really knowing what to say, he just wanted to affirm to you that he knew what he was doing. His goal was to please you, to fuck you so good you wouldn’t want to go anywhere else for this, have anyone else but him for this.
“Ah” He quickly sits you up on his lap facing him, with his back against the headboard. You didn't know where he got the strength to do that, as he broke several of his ribs. You take a moment to feel him up because you 1) wanted to check his injuries and 2) … well… you wanted to feel him up. You traced up his sides slowly, making goosebumps rise from his skin. You felt his hands trail up and down your thighs, before cupping your ass and giving it a jiggle.
You give an unsolicited moan so quiet he could barely catch it. Smirking at you he does it again, and you have to stop yourself from grinding on his pelvis. “Stop it, you bastard” “ooh, dirty talk, I like it” You finished your inspection and ask with much confusion, “Are you okay right now?” “More than” He then presses your core against his very obvious bulge. You heat up and feel that some of you has rubbed off on his groin. You ignore him despite the urge to just let it all go right then and there and let him take you “You’re fully healed, I thought it would take you longer, at least a week” He’s gone serious again, he plants his forehead against your own “I’m okay, really y/n'' You contemplate before nodding. You stare at each other's lips. He interrupts the moment by moving his hips against you and you can’t help but moan loudly. “Kriff Mesh’la…” You can feel him throbbing against you and you finally decide to put him out of his misery. You shove your mouths together, not really being coordinated at all. He groans deep in his chest and you lift up your hips. Almost immediately he starts shoving down the sheets that cover him and you start to shimmy down your pants.
The next thing you knew he was on top of you grinding his bare cock onto your panty covered pussy. He quickly pulls off his shirt, leaving himself completely bare against you. You close your eyes as you feel him trail kisses from your belly to your breasts, giving them open mouthed kisses through the shirt. You discretely squeeze your legs together, hoping he didn’t notice yourself trying to get off. He noticed.
He pulls down your panties and starts spreading your folds with his knuckles. It felt like you couldn’t breathe, you've never been touched there, at least not by anyone other than yourself. His thumb starts circling your bundle of nerves, causing you to take a sharp intake of breath. Seeing you subconsciously grind against his hand he inserts one of his fingers in, pumping in and out. He would alternate between rubbing you and pumping you full of his fingers. “Your tight mesh’la, I have to loosen you up”
Just as you were on the verge of climax, he would let up. You whined, feeling your orgasm escape you for the umpteenth time. As you were on the verge of tears, lips swollen and bitten red from trying to quiet down your moans, he pushed himself up. “If you're going to cum, you're gonna do it on my cock, pretty” He aligns himself, then taps your cheek to direct your attention to his face. “Are you sure about this?” You take a moment to inhale, “Yes”
He pushes himself into you slowly, allowing you to adjust to his girth. A few moments later you start rocking your hips into him, pushing him deeper into you. You both groan and he starts his pace. After a while you wanted more, “Faster Din, please” The squelching and slapping of your skin sounded so vulgar, it made him fuck you harder. Once he angled his hips to bump into the soft spongy spot inside of you, you were a goner.
Your cries and his groans of pleasure could be the only thing heard in the room, the sounds produced by the two of you bouncing off the walls. You clung to his broad back, and swung both of your legs over his hips, taking him in deeper than before. You were on the edge again and he flipped you both over. He was back to babbling, he could barely form words, “Want you all over me when you cum…”
You bounced on him and he could only watch as your breasts swayed and bounced in time with your movements. You were starting to get uncoordinated, rubbing your clit on his pelvis. So he grabbed you by the hips and started bouncing you with his help. His hands were so big you could feel him grip your ass as well. He felt you start to tense up, so he tilted his hips towards you with each thrust. You came with a cry, your cunt choking him, letting him feel every pulse of pleasure you were feeling.
You felt him tense up underneath you, despite the overstimulation you urged him to finish as you rocked yourself against him. “Come for me Din”, and with a groan of your name, he did just that.
You woke up the next day, warm underneath the covers of your bed. The smell of caf wafts throughout the room. You turn and stretch your limbs, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. His armor and flight suit are nowhere to be seen, as well as the darksaber.
You see the sunlight reflecting from something in the kitchen and you start to grasp where the armor had gone to. Walking out from said kitchen was Din, in full armor, excluding the helmet, holding a cup of caf. “Good morning” He speaks softly, as if you would spontaneously combust at any second. The bed dips with his weight and the extra weight of his armor.
You could still see some blood stains you couldn't get off on his flight suit, you cringe and he barely notices as he moves closer to you.
Something feels wrong, you can't quite put your finger on it, but the closer he gets to you the more anxious you become. You feel guilt build up as well. You want to enjoy his company but seeing him in his armor, weapons all over his form, it makes you think of what’s happened to him.
You spend your morning together, just like the many mornings before on his weekly visits. Eating your breakfast and drinking your homemade caf. You were in your own little bubble of peace, until someone was knocking on your door. He immediately put his helm back on and his hand went straight to the hilt at his hip. He looks tense, as if he was ready for anyone to fight him, or maybe it was the other way around.
As you push the door open you feel a sense of dread fill you as Luke stares behind you at the mandalorian, sending him glares and a look of disbelief. You keep yourself between them both as he steps inside. “Grogu knows you're here”
You had hoped he wouldn’t have seen his father, although deep down you knew that it was foolish to think he wouldn’t have seen him along with the other younglings. He was a curious boy, but he understood that his father needed help, for now that is . He was grumpy, hyper and he was on the verge of throwing a fit for the past four days. It seems that Luke realized he couldn’t exactly keep them apart any longer. Things were going to become complicated.
She watched them reunite, it was a very wholesome sight really. You left them some time alone, to hug it out and decided to have your own reunion with the rest of the students. They were ecstatic to have you back, greeting you sweetly with makeshift gifts and lunch. You were talking with one of the students, discussing their lessons, what they needed to improve on, when you were suddenly being pulled by hand towards the hills, where all of the children were gathered. “Ms. y/n look!” She pulls your hand harder, urging you to walk faster. “Yes, yes i'm going” You could hear giggling and laughter get louder as you approached the top of the hill.
It was quite a sight to behold. The mighty Mand’alor tackled to the ground, by half a dozen children, Grogu included, sitting happily on top of the pile. His helmet lifts off the ground slightly, and his hand reaches out to you shakily, asking for your help. “Cyar'ika… please help me” You put on a blank face and raise your brows while shaking your head. He plops his helmet to the ground dramatically, feigning his death.
After several more hours of play, and of Grogu pulling Din by the cape to show him off to his friends, it was time for bed. You ushered everyone inside, while Din, Luke and Grogu kept themselves back. You came back out just in time to see him say his goodbyes to Grogu. “Yeah, I know kid I'll miss you too” , more coos could be heard. “I promise i'll visit, I even left y/n a comm” His ears flattened across his head. “Be good, I don't wanna hear that you’ve been misbehaving, yeah?” He just nods his head in response. Mando was about to pass him to Luke before he saw you and gave him to you instead.
You understood his dislike of Luke, but you didn’t understand the borderline hatred he felt for him, you were pretty sure Luke could feel it as well. It was like a bad migraine, jagged and sharp pulses that come and go, despite the underlying presence of something heavy, always being consistent. You assume their talk didn’t go as well as you would have liked, considering the feeling was more intense than usual.
Din in passing the kid to you pressed himself against you, giving you a tight hug. It lasted longer than a simple friendly one and you absolutely knew Luke noticed. The kicker really was when he purposely bumped your foreheads together. You couldn't hear him through the modulator, but you could hear his whisper from underneath his helmet, “I love you mesh’la” He cast one last look towards you and the kid, lightly scratching him behind his ears and left.
He landed his ship on the location of the refuge. A forest planet, densely populated by plants, no people around for miles. He can see as some of the mandalorians who were on watch spoke into their comms on their vabrance. If they wanted a show, he would give them one.
Everything was silent except for the clinking of his beskar armor and the weapons he carried with him. Those who happened to be outside hurried to their makeshift units, staring as he walked past them. He walked through the village and headed straight for the main building. As he was about to pass by the guards, they immediately went on their knees, lowering their heads, not daring to lift them from the ground below.
He paused briefly, not looking at them. They were beneath him… He scoffed and went on pushing past the heavy doors and through the corridors to the throne room. His room. He paid no mind to those who knelt to his presence.
The heads of each clan were present, they were planning something, barely paying attention to whoever walked through the door. Bo-katan was the first to raise her head and look towards the intruder. She paled as she realized he was holding the dark saber, ignited. Everyone followed suit and soon they were all stunned into silence. Many paled, some averted their stare and others just trembled.
Take the throne Din… They can’t be trusted to lead… He walked around the room, saber heavy in his hands, the thrum of the energy pumping through the hilt and out. Several voices whispered in his head, He tilted his head to her. She’s a traitor Din… Don’t trust her… She’s only using you for her own gain… She’ll kill you the moment you turn your back… He didn’t trust her, not ever did he trust her. He thought she had respected him enough. He thought they had all respected him enough.
Make them kneel… kneel… You’re their king Din… The voices started getting louder, the pressure in his head getting stronger. He could feel the darksaber thrum to his own heart. Yes Din, make them kneel… The voices speak simultaneously, he doesn’t understand, maker, they're all jumbled. He doesn't understand… They all seem to scream in unison. Make them kneel… kneel… kneel…
“Kneel!” His command is echoed throughout the halls.
The hum of the blade is the only sound in the room. They hurry to get down on their knees, Bo-Katan being the only one who was still standing. He moved towards her steadily, placing the tip of the blade to her chest. He could see her beskar turn to a bright red, gradually heating up her armor and the layers beneath. He presses on and can see an indent start to form from the beskar slowly starting to soften and melt. The moment she winces from the burns, he grips her shoulders tightly, pushing her further into the blade.
His helmet was in front of her face, “Kneel to your Mand’alor, Kryze '' Her eyes widened in shock, her legs on the verge of buckling. She almost falls into the blade headfirst if not for him pushing her to the ground by the shoulder. She lands in a heap. No one bothered to help her as they all started chanting. “Long live the Mand’alor! Long live the Mand’alor!”
Long live the Mand’alor…
Act III: The Corrosion
He wanted to take Grogu with him. He called it a little “vacation” from school, but you knew he just wanted to spend more time with him.
As of late he’s been more aggressive in his demands, never taking no for an answer, always arguing back at Luke’s instructions. But, when it came to you he wouldn’t even question it. That is why Luke has called for you, to persuade him not to take the kid maker knows where.
You're caught in the middle, Luke looks to you, pleading that you help him in the argument.
“I don't really see anything wrong with Mando taking Grogu to his covert for a couple weeks” He glares at you, he thought you would aid him.
Din puffs up his chest and tilts his head to the side, his hands at his hips. Told you so. He knows that Luke was trying to use you to persuade him out of his idea, he also knew you didn’t see anything wrong with him spending more time with his son.
Luke was about to disagree, “I just don’t think-” “Leia always visits Ben. She even takes him out of the school sometimes so that he could see his father, how is Mando any different”
Well, Leia isn’t an ex-bounty hunter, isn’t trying to take back a dead planet, and isn't almost always on the run for one reason or another, but sure they aren’t different at all.
He holds his tongue in front of the Mandalorian, but he knows you can hear him. Oh, As if Leia hasn’t committed any war crimes before. Really? Din watches in confusion as the two of you start making faces at each other. It was comical really until he realized you two were probably talking about him.
“Well I’ll just go with them then” “What?” They both say it at the same time. Two drastically different sounding ‘whats’ coming out of their mouths. Luke looks at you as if you were insane, meanwhile Din feels excitement build up in his stomach at what you just said.
Luke couldn’t convince Mando not to take both you and Grogu to his covert. You were adamant that you would be an extra protection for Grogu, but he knew that you grew to like the Mandalorian a little too much for just being friends. He senses a deep connection between the two of you, and he hasn’t missed the adoring looks and intimate gestures increase after he arrived gravely injured. Something obviously happened between the two of you.
He has a pit in his stomach, growing each day. He can’t make decisions for people. He could only give his guidance.
Din was able to come back with a bigger ship this time. His last ship could only hold him and a small being, Grogu, and you didn’t fit anywhere but on his lap, which could be very distracting. It was pre-empire like his starfighter and was given to him by a fellow mandalorian. He told you he had one just like it, before it got blown to pieces. A Razor Crest, he said. You're not one for ship names so you nodded your head as if you knew what he was talking about, “What a shame” He responded by caressing the side panel of the hull, “Yeah…”
You packed for the trip accordingly, the planet you're staying in for two weeks is on the warmer side at this time, and you would need clothes that were not the robes you had on currently. Mando brought you clothes in between his visits and surprisingly most of what he brought you fit. He also bought the kid some new toys and you some gifts as well.
You often wondered how he even afforded to buy some of the things he brought you. Jewelry, expensive chocolates and candies you would share with the little ones, maker, even the clothing he would bring you felt expensive. You felt like he was trying to woo you, even though he already had your attention.
You also brought a spare shawl he had gifted you. It was from one of the planets he had visited in his travels to find more mandalorians. It was very thick and was perfect for when you stayed outside of the temple at night looking at the stars. As the ship descended on your destination you carefully wrapped the shawl around yourself making a makeshift carrier for Grogu on your back.
Din watched you as you prepared to go outside, he was excited to have you two to himself and in his “home” no less. Just as you were done finishing the last knot he started fishing for the last gifts he wanted to give to you before you made your way to the village. She looked up at him in question before he produced the chainmail shirt first. Her eyes instantly brightened up, “Is this for Grogu?” “Yes, it’s for a mandalorian foundling and to keep him safe”
He didn’t have time to show her the last gift before she rushed outside of the cockpit with the shirt in hand. Arriving at the sleeping bunks he could see her trying to dress the kid in the shirt, even if he was sleepy. It was cute. Seeing her act so eager to put the shirt on him was cute. Even when he whined about being disturbed from his sleep she still put up a smile and shushed him quietly. She wanted to indulge in playing dress up.
She turns to let him see it. She’s grinning, “It fits” “It does” He copies her smile. Grogu goes back to sleep again, in her arms, and he was almost completely distracted by the sight until he remembered about the last thing he had to do before they left.
You moved to place Grogu in the shawl before Din did it for you, tucking him in the layers and folds. He suddenly thrusted something in your hands. The necklace was smooth in your hands and well polished. The chain seemed to be the same material as Grogu’s shirt and the pendant attached was the same signet as the one on Din’s pauldron. A mudhorn skull.
He didn’t have his helmet on and his face was that of pure nervousness, “Din?-” “I want you to wear the pendant” You would laugh at his bluntness, if not for his face of vulnerability. He continued on, in a hurry to clarify, “I just think it would look nice on you” He's lying. His face was serious now and he was closer to you, chests barely touching.
You look at the pendant in your hands, He must really like mudhorn skulls then. It’s not really your style but you would wear it for a day.
You eyes met his and you nod at him, silently asking him to put the necklace on you. As he walked behind you, you heard him quietly mumble under his breath, “I won't let them hurt her. …won’t …take her away from me” You could barely hear it, and you didn’t catch most of what he said. Just as he clasped it on and the pendant moved in place, you turned, “What?”
He looks just as confused as you did, maybe you were hearing things. He went to gather his things before you two would leave the ship. You think to yourself as you see him fuss about his weapons a little too much for it to be considered normal, especially the darksaber. You noticed he wouldn’t let you touch it anymore, not even when training. When you did, you would see him tense, his hands twitching as if he were ready to lunge towards you to steal it back.
You liked to tease him about it, pointing out how, in the beginning, he wouldn’t like the idea of even mentioning it, and now he uses the thing as if it were a part of him.
You could hear him use his comms to send a message while you were impatiently kicking at the dirt outside of the gates. “We’re here” He voiced into his vabrance. He sounded blunt, irritated even and you were surprised.
The gates opened and you could see the camps they had set up around the abandoned village. Din told you they found this planet on one of their searches. The village was abandoned and left behind when the empire took over. Most of the inhabitants left, and the planet was being used for its resources, until recently. Now, the town was used as a hub, where mandalorians of all clans could live until they were finally able to return to the planet of Mandalore.
The sounds of festivities greeted you, suddenly rousing Grogu awake. You were pulled closer by Din as you walked further into the town, following the dirt path. It seemed there was a festival today and by the looks of it everyone was out celebrating. You were greeted with nods and smiles as you both headed toward the main building.
The main celebration was being held outside of the main steps and Din watched on as a group of children came towards you shoving welcoming gifts in your arms. You were trying to politely reject them, suddenly feeling overwhelmed by the amount of things they shoved your way. You heard him laugh from a distance as you were suddenly pulled to kneel by a rather energetic child. Mandalorian children really were built strong.
Grogu saw the commotion and the children and decided he wanted to be part of the action as well. The children stood in awe as he unfurled himself from the shawl, immediately starting to crowd your back to get a better look at him. Din was able to help you with some of the gifts they gave you. You noticed a lot of what they bestowed upon you so graciously were handmade. A lot of drawings, sewn together blankets, some necklaces and bracelets, and one even managed to make you a pair of earrings.
You watched as Grogu played with the rest of the children. Some of them already having helmets, “Did you get your’s around that age?”you ask, gesturing to his head. “Yes, I might have been younger, but mandalorians from my covert would earn their helmets around that age” It was cute, seeing so many mini-mandos running around. It made you a little sad too, no one would be able to see their face in a long while, at least no one except their parents.
Apparently you were being waited on by the clan leaders in the throne room. As you entered, with Grogu back in his shawl, you were met with fully armored mandalorians similar to Din. The room was tense and was almost suffocating to you. They all stare you down, until one breaks the trance and approaches you slowly. They presented you with a knife and it’s scabbard. The pieces were intricately designed, you even made out Din’s signet carved onto the handle.
“A gift from the clans for the Mand’alor’s riduur”
You didn’t know what they meant by riduur, you would ask Din about that later. “Thank you”
He watches as Bo-katan stays while everyone leaves the room like he’s signaled them to do. She walks up to you and he feels himself tense, she takes a glance and sees his hand move over his hip right where his darksaber is hooked on his belt. He’s trying to warn her away and she grins. She knows he sees her as a problem now, and she can't help but widen her smile while approaching you, in the guise of being welcoming.
“You picked a real beauty, didn’t you, Mando?” Din can see her get more uncomfortable as Bo circles her, analyzing for any weakness she could pick up on. She chuckles awkwardly, not really knowing what to say in response. Grogu glares from the folds of fabric and makes noises of annoyance. Bo just chuckles. “Kryze…” “I'm just welcoming your wife Djarin. She is going to be our future queen. No harm done”
He could see her eyes widen, but she says nothing. Her breathing picks up and her eyes scatter around the room, until they finally land on him.
“You didn’t tell us she was jedi, Mando. Don’t you think we would have liked to have known the woman you’ve been telling us about is one of our enemies. Or should I say ancient enemies.” She looks back at her and puts on a polite smile. She talks to her as if she were a child, “But don’t worry sweetheart, we’re not going to start anything anymore, that was in the past. At least… I’m not going to start anything”
She steps back and bows slightly, in mockery. “It was a pleasure meeting you my queen” He was furious under his mask as she strides past him. “Mand’alor”, she says in dismissal. Now, left alone in the throne room, there was only silence.
‘So… I’m your wife now?” She doesnt turn to look at him and he so desperately needs her to. He moved towards her and she started backing away. “Why did you lie to them?” “To keep you safe-” “From what?” He was stuck, he didn't know how to explain to her the deep need to always keep her with him, the need to keep others away. He didn’t have anything to say, and she knew he wasn’t going to be able to justify anything, at least not fully.
You sigh. It was getting late and the sun was setting. “I’m tired Din, I want to rest” “Alright” He leads you to his room where you agreed you would sleep in along with Grogu during your stay. Entering his room, it seemed impersonal, with no decor, or defining features that would show that a person slept there in the first place. At least the sheets were nice and the bed was big.
You and Din drop your bags on said bed, and you avoid meeting his gaze. Grogu was starting to get fussy, hungry and sleepy at the same time. So you occupied your time taking care of him. It was better than dealing with whatever happened in the throne room earlier.
You weren’t even angry at Din anymore, you were just disappointed. Staying in the balcony of the room, you watched as the lampposts brightened as darkness enveloped the valley.
It was beautiful here, a little too much on the humid side but you imagine you could get used to it if you stayed long enough. There were trees for miles, and you could see streams connecting together to form one big river. There was also an abundance of animals you couldn’t even identify, flying above the trees and crawling through the shrubbery. There were these frog-like creatures you’re sure the kid would definitely enjoy eating. It’s nice.
Over the course of the week you were fulfilling your purpose, watching over Grogu. At times Luke would call and ask how things were. You always said things were fine, and he never questioned why you were suddenly not as enthusiastic as you were when you left.
Din kept his distance, but not really. He knew you were upset but he was valid in his thoughts. Don’t trust them with her… your foundling… Don’t you see, everyone agreed.
You always sensed when he was near, despite him trying his best to watch you without you knowing, you always knew when his eyes were on you. Which happened to be almost all the time.
You were fed up and decided to finally confront him about the awkward tension that was created. Your absence made him snappy, you could often hear his shouts from several rooms over. Arguing about decisions made by the council, failed searches and faulty plans.
He was training in a bare room with no one around and you took the opportunity to finally talk. You watched as he went through all of the positions you have taught him, never once noticing your presence. He was too into his head to realize you were there in the same room. You approach slowly, your hilt in hand.
He couldn't stop hearing the voices in his head. They grew louder and incessant every day, it was starting to get suffocating. He was getting irritated from every inconvenience that got in his way. He wasn’t like this before. This is not who he is. Maybe it was the new role he had taken, it had gotten to him. He’s not really hearing voices, no. It was the stress. It had to be. What else could it be?
You weren’t close enough to hear him mumble to himself, and you couldn't see that his eyes were crazed, the helmet hiding his features.
The hiss of the lightsaber was what made him turn, swiftly blocking the oncoming swing. There you were, standing with poise. The shrieks and pops of the connecting blades, illuminating your face a faint blue and white, reverberated between the both of you. Your brows furrowed in concentration. You smiled playfully and stepping back you got into a defensive position urging him to start. The fog in his head lifted and he felt calm, despite currently trying to dodge your never ending hits.
It was like a dance, you both were so in sync with each other. There was this unspoken rhythm between the both of you. One step back, one step forward, two steps back, two steps forwards. You add in a little twirl in for style points. It was as if you were back at the temple, having the padawans watch and “try” to learn from the both of you.
You suddenly grasped his hand, and you caught him off guard when you broke out of the constant pushing back on eachother. You were able to twist his wrist enough to make him let go of the saber. The blade retracts and your own blade is inches away from his neck.
“We need to talk”
He started as you both made it back to the room, both of you sitting on a bench on the balcony watching as the sun set once again, “It wasn’t my intention to scare you away… I know this is a lot, but I have made my intentions clear for the past few months” What?
“What intentions?” “Marriage” He wasn’t clueless, he knew you didn’t know the courting traditions for mandalorians, he just used that to his advantage. He didn’t see it like that anyway, he thought it would be endearing to tell you later into the trip, ease you into it, propose.
“The gifts, the festival… Maker Din, they all think we’re going to get married?” Is that what all the fanfare was about?” “... it was for Grogu too” You didn’t find the humor in his comment.
You stood up and started pacing by the railings. He stood up too, sensing he might have made a misstep earlier.
“You can’t just assume this position on me, I can’t just up and leave the padawans, I can’t just become a Queen to people I don’t even know”
“Do they really need you back there?”
You’re slightly hurt by his words and he could see it in the way your brows furrow. “I mean, ugh, don't you think you could help more people elsewhere?” You start to get irritated, and he scrubs his hand over his face, sighing. He never said he had a way with words. “I am helping people. I’m helping Luke and the padawans…” “But it seems to me that you never use your full potential… not with him at least”
You fully turn around, your arms crossed over your chest. “Full potential?” You scoff, “What is that supposed to mean?” You raise your brow, daring him to elaborate further.
She’s being used Din… He’s using her as a glorified nurse maid… So much potential… wasted…
“He’s using you as a glorified babysitter” His voice sounds sarcastic and rough, you can tell he’s getting frustrated. But so are you. “No he does not, he needs me there, he needs my help”
“I need you!” he shouts. With that you're stunned into silence. The desperation is evident in his voice, you've never heard him like this. “I need your help” He continues as he strides closer to you. He softly pries your arms apart, “My people need your help” As he holds your hands in his and he whispers softly to you, you feel your resolve break.
They did look like they needed all the help they could get. You saw as they could barely cooperate with each other, barely having enough food for everyone to live without having to ration. Luke would surely do fine without you, as well as the students.
He watched as you slept, gently rubbing circles into your back as your breathing evened out from the past activities’ “exertions”. Grogu was off having a “sleepover” with one of the many children he’s met. It went smoother than he expected, and for that he’s grateful.
It took him weeks to prepare, he often thought of the many things that could go wrong. He had a firm talk with Bo-Katan after the mess she caused, threatening her of her power in the counsel. He doesn’t need her causing any more problems for him.
You were so sweet, thinking of the younglings back at the temple, but you weren’t needed there with them, not anymore. You’re meant for greater things. Greater things with him.
You were nervous to go back to the temple, you had to tell Luke of the recent “situation” and depart from the children. Din wanted you to tell Luke through the holopad, but he was your friend and you wanted to be honest with him, doing it through a call would feel like you were breaking ties. Besides, you still needed to gather some of your things from your small apartment.
You only had a couple days left of the “vacation” and you wanted to enjoy your time. You often conversed with the other mandalorians from all of the different clans when dinner was being distributed. They all had very interesting stories to tell you and even more interesting personalities. They were very much like the warriors described to you as a padawan at the temple in Coruscant. Noble, loyal, and strong. The one downside was that they were very passionate about the things they loved and the things they despised.
For some, those things were the Jedi. They seemed to avoid you, or downright stare you down until you squirmed where you stood. Most of the time Din had to put himself close to you to make them stop, but when he was sent to take care of his mand’alor business it went back to the blatant glares being thrown at you.
He was alerted that Paz made it through the atmosphere, new supplies in tow. He’d been sending him off on tasks out of the planet to gather supplies, and even more mandalorians. He’s never come back empty handed and the people viewed him as an esteemed warrior.
He didn’t like Paz, he always wanted to start disputes with him back at the covert in Nevarro, and he was a Vizsla. LIke Kryze he has the idea that the title of Mand’alor was supposed to be his because of ancestry. Also like Kryze he hasn’t made the move to fight for it yet, his family lineage was that of terrorists in recent years, many of the clans see his namesake as one of the main catalysts for the fall of Mandalore in the first place.
Him being in power wouldn’t allow him to have full control of every clan, but he was steadily gaining popularity by his recent gains for the people.
He clasps hands with him, “Vod” “Vod” They both say with much disdain.
Din was busy taking stock of the supplies, when commotion started to break out in the center of town. “The hell…”
There in the center of the village, where food was usually being served to everyone, were two groups of Mandalorians each aiming their weapons at each other. He could see Paz at the forefront of one side. While Bo-Katan was on the other, having you stay behind her. Your saber already ignited. “What the hell is happening?”
“You dare fornicate with a Jedi? After all they’ve done to our people?” The crowd beside him makes noises of approval, egging him on further. “I challenge you Djarin, you are undeserving of the title of Mand’alor. That blade was forged by my ancestors and it should be in the hands of someone worthy”
You feel the atmosphere shift, dread fills the air, you didn’t know what a duel entailed but you were sure he would win. Bo stepped up, “Paz don’t-” “I accept the challenge”
You watched as everyone was busy setting up for the duel. It was considered sacred to many, but not all. It was mostly the older, much more traditionalist clans that wanted this to be like a ceremony of sorts. You just wanted this to be over quickly.
He was silent throughout the whole process, but he felt different. You haven’t really noticed before, too busy enjoying the highs of being in “love”. You also seemed to disregard the humming of the darksaber completely. You guess it was just so constant now that you got used to it. That scared you.
Paz Vizsla snapped you out of it, the rose colored lense you put on yourself. Everything was not as okay as you thought it was. You still remember the first time you felt it, felt ‘Mando’, it was barely there. You would describe it as the buzzing wings of a bee. Now it feels as if your ears were ringing, there were no longer pauses between each hum. No heartbeat, per se.
You were pushed to stand on one side of the arena, Din’s side. The other side was that of Paz’s clan. His back was towards you and his cape was obscuring his form. He looked straight ahead.
As both opponents approached each other it was as if you knew. Din wasn’t himself, he changed. You were terrified of the outcome. Your eyes connect with those of Bo-Katan, she knew this already.
Paz was on the ground quickly, the blade at the side of his neck. Paz was panting, “I yield, vod, forgive me” You sigh in relief, it’s over.
You couldn’t have prevented Din from raising his blade and swinging, it happened too quickly. His head rolled on the floor and you couldn’t help but stare in shock at the visor, his headless body slumped onto the ground, the thud reverberating around the room.
You look around frantically, suddenly feeling the gravity of what he did, once again you meet the gaze of Bo-Katan. Her arms were crossed and her body was facing you, she slowly moved her gaze to the body and back at you. A hint of a sneer, on the verge of forming. This is our Mand’alor.
Din turns partially and looks to you. The silence was drowned out by everyone chanting around you. “Long live the Mand’alor”
You wanted to puke, bile was accumulating in your mouth and filling it with saliva. Your legs shook as you walked to the room. You were seconds away from missing the tub as you spilled everything you ate. Your throat burned and you gagged as your stomach emptied and there was nothing else to vomit out. You wiped your mouth with a spare towel and you looked up into the mirror.
You needed to call Luke.
He could hear her voice shake as she asked him to pick them up early. Without hesitation he agreed, he immediately called for R2. They both departed within thirty minutes.
She was packing. Why is she packing? All of her bags were on the bed, along with Grogu’s. He could hear her in the bathroom, talking to someone. Who was in there with her?
He could only see her heat signature from the other side of the door. He could hear Skywalker. Skywalker, he thinks with contempt. “... pick you up. Just hold on tight alright?” “okay”
He’s taking her away from him now. He needed to stop this, stop him. “Y/n…” She didn’t respond to him. “Y/n, please open the door” She felt numb, he was still so soft with her.
No wonder she didn’t notice his cruelty to others, his malignant behavior.
She opened the door. He didn’t have the helmet on anymore. He was in his most vulnerable state for her.
“He yielded Din” He did, but it wasn’t enough. He could have gone and threatened her, him, his people if he didn’t do what he did. “I had to make sure he wouldn’t cause any problems. Besides, the challenge entailed someone's death. If not him it would have been me. This is the way”
“It’s not your way. You wouldn’t care about the traditional way, he was already down, you didn’t need to end his life. The old Din would never-” “If he threatened you I would, if he threatened my foundling I would” Liar, even you know you wouldn’t have gone that far.
She turned away from him, shoving him away whenever he tried to explain further or get close to her. She got a ping from her comm. He’s here. She was storming out of the building straight for where the x-wings just outside of the gate were. She collected Grogu along the way as well. He didn’t want to follow her around and stop her. She would come back. Luke greeted them both, helping them onto the x-wing being piloted by the R2 unit. She would come back.
The clans were starting to divide. After his display days earlier, arguments amongst each other started to get more violent. Some thought he was turning into a tyrant, he was brutal for killing one of his past clansmen. Others thought it was his right, as Mand’alor he needed to show his power and keep it.
Bo was concerned that history was repeating itself, she remembers the civil war and this was surely going to be the beginning of another. It was too late to keep everyone unified like they have been the past year. It was only a matter of time.
Many of the clans left, and those who were associated with the Death Watch stayed. They were always into unnecessary violence, it was fitting they chose to stay with the Mand’alor. For now, everyone else would regroup and make their own plans.
She did not come back. He was spiraling. He realized, several hours later, that he killed a vod. He’s known Paz since he was a child, and they grew up together. Although over the years they developed a rivalry, they were still semi-family. Guilt ate at him, and he didn’t know what to do with his emotions. Maker, he missed her.
Why didn’t she come back? She should have commed him by now.
Skywalker is keeping her away from you…
She was just angry, she’ll come to him eventually.
The Jedi are pulling her back…
No, they're her friends, they love her like family.
They don’t love her, not like you do…
He grips tufts of his hair in his hands, “Stop it, please”
They’ve done this before…
“Get out of my head!”
You would do anything, remember…
He’s pounding against his head and like a mantra he repeats “Stop, stop, stop…”
Keep your promise, you promised… you swore your word…
His screams echo through the halls. They were too loud, too many of them in his head. All speaking at once. He falls to the ground, cradling his head between his hands. It just won’t stop. Will it ever stop?
You're their family…
Tears were streaming down his face. What did he do to deserve this? If you were here things would be better. He would feel better. He needs you and Grogu to feel normal again.
Bring them home…
You’ve moved temporarily to a planet far away. It’s only temporary. Luke sent you here to clear your mind. To meditate. All that you’ve done is overthink.
You watch the sunset like every other day here, and think of him. You wanted to fix this, the darksaber was corrupting him. You just needed time away. You smile to yourself reminiscing of the first time you met. It quickly fades as you think of what has become of him.
You’ve been having nightmares recently. Of Din specifically. He would morph into different beings, past kings and queens who’ve suffered the same fate. They’ve always perished gruesomely. It seems that the holders of the darksaber never get a fighting chance. You’ll change that.
The darksaber has caused too much bloodshed, it needs to be taken away from him. You just hope you can persuade him enough to let go.
An unknown ship lands a few miles off of your current little hut. Bo-Katan and Ahsoka appear from the tree lines. You’re confused. For a moment you just stand there in silence. Meeting Ahsoka’s eyes, your heart falls to your stomach.
Standing in the rubble of the temple you break down to your knees. How could he have done this? You should have never left, at least then Luke and the others might have had a fighting chance. Most of them didn’t even have experience in fighting.
It seemed like they bombed the temple and the surrounding buildings around the area, burnt marks were covering the few standing walls. The only building untouched was your small apartment. The flowers in your garden were wilting from the lack of care and the door was caved in. It was as if you could feel his presence still, from when he was still your Din and he made you caf in the morning.
The funerals were held a week later, in Coruscant. Some of the mandalorians in their show of defiance of the ‘Mand’alor’ and their support of the jedi and the new republic gave their sympathies and made it to the ‘event’. Ahsoka was there for the burial. You felt the sympathy and sometimes pity of those around you knowing that you both were the only known jedi to remain now.
The only thing keeping you going now is the hope that the younglings were okay. They seem to have taken the youngest padawans, including Grogu, with them. You assume they took them in as foundlings now, against their will. Your goal is to get them back, no matter what.
“I’ll lure him out, make sure there’s no one around and take the darksaber” “And how will you do that?” Ahsoka was skeptical, resting her chin at the table and staring at the plans in front of her. Bo looked towards you, who was leaning by the doorway, arms crossed and face blank, not really wanting to be at the center of planning. “With her” You lifted your head to see everyone peering at you. You sigh, meeting Ahsoka’s eyes, and nod minutely.
Ahsoka can sense your pain. In a moment to yourself, as everyone else was getting ready to depart she approaches you. “Are you willing to do what you have to?” “...What?” “He’s too far gone, I think that deep down even you know that. So, I'll ask again, are you ready to do what’s necessary?”
“Yes” Liar.
You were being led by Bo to a clearing, far away from the town. She demanded him to be alone, no one else around to help or aid him. In exchange for a duel, she would give you to him. The plan was working so far.
The cloak you wore was black, because you were in mourning and because it happened to be Luke’s. You were now going to be in charge of the padawans left, of the Jedi order. You can see Din, the moonlight reflecting off his armor. It almost made you laugh at how ironic the situation was. Before you both didn’t want the title being offered to you. Now you had no choice but to conform. It was as if the universe mocked you both. Nice one, universe.
Your hood was roughly pulled back, Bo putting the “act” perfectly. You can feel and hear the longing in his voice, “Y/n…” At first he didn’t think it to be true when Kryze said she had you, but seeing you now he was grateful he accepted her request.
You were filled with regret for what you had said to Ahsoka earlier, until he ignited the darksaber. You visibly flinched as you were knocked back from all of the negative feelings it enhanced. It was as if you could feel the pain of all of the blade’s victims. It was like a parasite, making Din dependent on it. They were connected now.
Bo-Katan was holding her own. She was a brave warrior and much more familiar with the darksaber than most. For that you were relieved, the fight would have ended a long time ago if not for her skills.
The sounds of the ships could be heard from a distance. It distracted Din enough for her to knock him down. This was your chance. Just as you were moving towards them, thinking the duel was over, she was kneeling to the ground, groaning and holding her side. He stood, feeling the full extent of his anger at being betrayed and swung.
Bo closed her eyes, this was an honorable death. Accepting her fate she prepared herself for the final blow that never came.
There you were, standing with poise. The shrieks and pops of the connecting blades, illuminating your face a faint blue and white, reverberated between the both of you. Your brows furrowed in concentration.
“Don’t do this, y/n” You turn slightly to see her being helped up by some of the reinforcements who were on standby, “Bo, get the younglings safe” She gives a meaningful nod and mouthed, end this between heavy breathes and hurries off.
You were suddenly shoved back from the force of the darksaber. He unsteadily steps back, gripping the side of his helmet, his hands clenching, “Agh” He sounds as if he were in pain. They were telling him to kill you, but how could he, he loved you.
“Did you kill them, Din?” You already knew the answer, you just needed him to admit it to himself as well.
“I had to…” He sounded like a frightened child, and his voice cracks and shakes, “I’m sorry”
“That’s not enough, Din” It was as if you were pleading with him, you didn’t even know for what. You feel all of the built up emotions bubbling up, you're angry, you're depressed, you miss Luke, you miss the way things were before, and you know you're never going to get them back anymore, because of him.
You miss Din, so much, but you're not sure the man you met, the sarcastic, noble and kind man you met almost a year ago, exists anymore.
Your blades collide, “They admired you Din, they looked up to you! You killed them!” He doesn’t fight back, that angers you more. As your hits get heavier, faster and even more desperate he staggers back, the only thing he could do is block you. “Fight back!” He’s never seen you like this. There was so much anger and pain in your form.
He wouldn’t fight you, he couldn’t.
He grips your wrist, twisting it enough to make you let go of the hilt. Your saber falls to the ground and you fall with it. He puts his arms around you sob against him. As you finally catch your breath he pushes you up to your knees and puts it in your hands. Moving your fingers to wrap around the hilt, he places his own hand on top of yours. He knows as well as you do that it was too late for him. Nothing can take back what he’s done. He whispers to you “Do it mesh’la”
You don’t seem to move; your face is scrunched in agony. He forcefully pushes the hilt against him, right between the beskar plates. You shake your head frantically, “No…” He repositions himself closer to you, “No, no, no…” You sniffle and he catches the stray tears with his other hand.
He suddenly lifts his helmet off, and he smiles warmly at you, tears accumulating in his eyes. “It’s ok, i'll be ok. It’s time to let go” With the hand not holding the hilt, you push the back of his neck forward. Your foreheads meet, and you remember the first time he showed you his face. You look deep into his eyes, “It was a pleasure to meet you” a brief pause, “and you as well, y/n”
“I love you-I love you so much” “I know, I love you too” Just as your lips connect, you both press the button to ignite the darksaber. He grunts in pain, but otherwise follows through with the kiss.
As you retract he starts to slump against you, you immediately position him to lay down. Not, wanting him to suffer more than he has to, you use your lap as a pillow for him, softly caressing his curls out of his face. He’s staring up at you.
Your eyes were glossed over and he couldn't think of any word to describe you as, but beautiful. You grasp his hand in yours and for a moment both of you don't have to worry about anything anymore, no jedi, no mandalorians, just the two of you.
He lays there, his head on your lap, and you both start to watch the sun rise from the hills. His face glows a warm orange. He hasn't felt the sun on his face in a long time.
He closes his eyes and prays that he would have dreams of this moment for eternity. Just the two of you, watching the sunrise, maybe with some caf, although he's more of a tea person himself. But you liked caf. That's all that matters now. You feel his grip on your hand loosen and his life force flow from his body to the galaxy beyond.
You cry. Finally you allow yourself to mourn, knowing he's been gone for a while now.
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han-ban-bam · 2 years
Arite I’m typing up my Star Wars spn AU buckle up my dears;;
Castiel is a Jedi Knight at the time of Order 66, Jack Kline is his Padawan.
They are off world when Order 66 starts, evading Troopers they get to the best idea of safety they can manage.
They succeed at being off the radar for X amount of time, getting by, living quietly and despite everything Castiel keeps teaching Jack behind closed doors. In his mind if he were to stop, the Empire wins.
Jack is mid teens when everything shifts.
One day they slip, or something let’s slips, and they are set upon by Stormtroopers and an Inquisitor. Pause: inquisitors are Jedi hunters, Jedi turned Sith in effect. I may be wrong but I'm here for the angst.
As Cas' is cornered, Jack is knocked out and taken away as the Inquisitor stands over Castiel musing over whether to do the same or kill him. With their pause, Castiel strikes and bolts in the chaos.
After getting tf out of dodge, he eventually enlists the help of two scoundrels, Dean and Sam. Dean does the best business sell of his life, or so he thinks, whilst Cas is running out of time and agrees.
I've just decided the brothers have a BD Unit. Namely for him to be very tall on Sam's shoulder and for Dean to bicker and mother it.
Cas' tells them he's a Jedi after the first skirmish they get into, and gives them an out if they no longer want to help. The brothers say fuck that. Where to next?
Ultimately they discover X location where Jack is being held the Empire. Cas attempts to give the brothers another out, they shut that down bc Cas!! We are ride or die for u and ur kid!!
They formulate their plan and arrive at the base with the old ‘we captured this guy for u, payment plz’ routine.
Forcing their way through the base. Tech boy Sam time to shine bb! He discovers the purpose of the building, and discovers where Jack is being held, bruised and exhausted.
The facility they find themselves in is one where force-sensitive kids, and where previous Jedi are made into Sith/Inquisitors. The process is through pain and agony. Jack seems to be the only one around, this is concerning for a multitude of reasons.
They all bolt for the ship, but the Inquisitor from earlier cuts them off. She names/reveals herself as Inquisitor Abaddon. Recognising Cas' and having been waiting for him; They have unsettled business.
Cas gives Jack to Sam and tells them to run so he can hold her off.
Cue This Exchange.
As Cas and Abaddon fight, Sam and Dean get on board the Impala. They settle Jack on a bunk, Dean tells Sam to ready take off and goes to help Cas.
Sam tries to stop him but Dean turns and regales him with his very brief but bold plan.
Cas is about to be struck down when the Impala fires down on Abaddon giving Dean the opening to dart in and rescue Cas, carrying/pulling him back to the ship as Sam just takes pot shots.
Cas is badly wounded, Dean is working like a mad man to get him stabilised as well as seeing to the kids wounds. Sam comes to help when he has the Impala in a safer territory (probs lingering in hyperspace).
Meanwhile Cas’ consciousness is wandering amongst the force. Recovering from his 1v1 with Abaddon, reflecting on his journey thus far and what the future holds now.
Sam gets Jack stable, Cas is still touch and go and Dean is getting more than a touch frantic.
Cas is just, self vs self in the force. Inevitably he recentres himself and defeats his Sith visage. This allows him to properly start healing through ✨the force✨.
Dean keeps vigil over Jack and Cas despite Sam’s concerns, Jack wakes first. Dean introduces himself and does his best ‘your dad is going to be just fine’ talk, despite knowing Jack probably knows more about Cas’ state through the force than he does in that moment. Dean also catches Jack up in the most kid friendly way possible, regaling him with the adventures they went on before they finally found Jack.
Cas wakes for a moment to Jack giggling away at Dean’s stories, he dare not disturb them until one of them notices, he goes back to sleep before they can.
Dean keeps vigil by Cas' side, meanwhile a recovering Jack is exploring the ship and helping out where he can. The brothers also helps him through any trauma that presents itself. BD becomes his new best buddy!
Days later and safely landed and settled on a quiet foresty planet, Cas finally wakes with Dean by his side. They talk quietly, and they eek ever closer to talking about Feelings.
They end up staying on that planet for an age, and eventually Cas says he and Jack need to leave.
Many emotions abounds, Jack doesn't want to go but he knows how they have to live.
Classic 'you should tell him how you feel' talk from Sam for Dean. Classic Dean 'shut up sammy' retort.
It comes to the day Jack and Cas are going to go and -
And I don't know how it ends.
Tagging as you all very kindly and politely but ur hands up bless u all
@bendingsignpost @ltleflrt @nasayra @atwistingturningcorridoor @jodyfan-82
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