#sans is curious about the little bean
smokerswifey · 7 days
Guys I had a dream last night where adult Nasiens and Percival leave Brittania after the war against Arthur to settle in a little territory/land like God's Finger .
They get married and have a little girl with dark green hair, the prettiest golden/brown eyes you've ever seen and a smile so bright she could light up the entire room .
She's the absolute love of their life . Percival is ( obviously) a girl dad and let's her messily braid his long hair or paint his face atrociously with makeup . Despite the sparkly mess on his face he'll always gasp in delight when she proudly holds up her rhinestone orned mirror to his face and hug her tightly saying " Thanks kiddo I look beautiful 😊😊 "
He's very obviously lying but the toothy grin abd the hug that he gets from his little girl is worth it .
She's basically a mini Percy but with darker hair and brown eyes .
And Nasiens gosh Nasiens loves their little girl ( I'm using they cause I don't know if in the future he's going to remain a he or a she, so I'm keeping the pronouns neutral for know ) who runs on her wee little legs to hug his knees tightly and say the most adorable things ever like " You're so prettyy Mama/Papa" or " I love you so so much more than the whooooole world " .
And Nasiens eats it allll up, plucking the little girl from the floor to tuck her into their arms and to kiss her fluffy hair adoringly .
She's a very energetic little bean, running and bouncing around at every second . A very curious and sharp kid tooo always asking questions. Like... always 💀.
She's also very good at hand to hand combat, her and Percy roughouse all the time much to Nasiens dismay .
For her magic tho I haven't really figured put what it is and I would really appreciate some ideas :))
As for her race she technically has human/life spirit ??/ giant and fairy blood running through her veins so there are a lot of options for her magic lmao .
Zeldris and Gelda are crazy about her .
Zel actually burst into tears when they announced that they were expecting.
He burst into tears when he heard that she was born .
And he burst into tears when he saw her for the first time .
( he was very embarrassed and forbids everyone from speaking about it but Meliodas heard and calls him crybaby now 💀 )
Anywas he's always asking Persiens to babysit her, like all the fucking time .
P : Dad its been three times in a row, we can find another sitter if ya want ?
Z : Nonsense son * plucks the baby out of Percy's arms and pulls her gently into his * You and Nasiens need some alone time hmm ?
N : Alone time can wait, Zeldris-San we really don't want to bother you-
Z : Bother me ??? * dramatically puts a hand over the baby's ears as is he wanted to shield her from what Nasiens said even tho she can't understand *Bothering me with this angel ?
* gazes into her big eyes adoringly.*
Never .
*looks to the couple*
To be honest I'm doing this more for myself than for you guys lmao, I just want to spend time with my beautiful grandaughter, isn't that right my little monster?
B : *coos happily *
Z : * strokes her cheek softly * You two can go now have fun *he says dismissively and turns around * You want grandpa to read you a story about how he killed a thousand godesses in one day ??
P : Please don't Dad .
Z : *pretends he can't hear* oh son you're too far, love you, have fun, byeee.
He would be the silliest grandpa .
And Gelda, Diane and King would have an amazing relationship with her naturally .
My imaginative juice has ran out for today but please expect ro hear more about Persiens daughter 🥰🥰.
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6nimus9 · 1 year
If Rain were to have gaster blasters what would they look like
Also if Rain were to die
Would he dust, slowly melt, or leave a body that is intact
Well-! Probably very much like Sans' as he's the only one who can make them?
There's a really cool drawing that comes in handy made by Cy on Twitter I got permission to use for this! (Go check their AU also, it's really cool!)
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Here's Rain's human version summoning Gasters because why not.
Most of Rain's magic come from what they are able to do and by memory, so it'd manifest in ways he's familiar with.
Maybe just the little detail of having different eyelights. It'd be cool that it didn't shoot just instant damage but something similar to the orange (move) blue (stop) kind of pattern...
And about if he were to die... The first and second ideas are correct!
As UT amalgamates, Rain can melt, and would melt on the spot if his Determination wasn't directly connected to a human soul. But, if for some reason his Determination were about to falter or he were about to run out of DT, he probably would melt and end up dying or mutating.
And like normal monsters, he can also dust, so probably after melting, his rests would dust normally.
The damage he could deal is as messed up as it happens with the Amalgamations, so if he were to get an arm cut off or similar, it would most likely attempt to dust or melt before glitching back the damage and part of the body as if nothing happened.
I swear when I made him I said 'It won't be too hard to explain or create' and here I am.
Thank you for the question! Even if I'm slow replying them, I really appreciate people being curious about my mess of a bean 💕
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yyumemika · 11 days
Colourful Good Job Episode 5
Episode 5
Season: Summer 
Characters: Subaru, Kuro, Sora, Tsumugi, Niki
(A few days later) 
Sora: Hmm~. Sora messed up again~ It’s hard to wrap yakisoba in egg 
Niki: Not at all, you’ve only just started practising and you’re already pretty good! 
The next one will surely be a beautiful soba omelette! Keep going, don’t be discouraged! 
Sora: HaHa~. Even if Sora uses a lot of eggs, Sora can’t get it right~?  
Niki: Please don’t worry. I’ll be responsible for eating everything Harukawa-kun makes♪
Kuro: Shiina. Do you really think that’s what Harukawa is worried about?  
Niki: Harukawa-kun, I think you’re good with your hands, there’s just a strange force in your body 
Let’s take a break and try again after. We still have time
Sora: Cooking-onii~san is so kind~? But it’s okay. Sora wants to keep it up for just a bit longer 
 …Whenever Sora does this, Sora remembers the time when Sora cooked for Kei-chan-senpai~♪ 
Kuro: Kei-chan-senpai… Are you talking about danna? 
Sora: HiHi~. Last year, Kei-chan-senpai and Sora made Chinese dumplings together. It was fun~ 
Niki: Sounds great~, Chinese dumplings. If you can even make bean paste dough, it can easily be added to the menu!  
Kuro: Haha, that’s a good idea. If we do then I want danna to come eat some too 
Sora: Sora wants Kei-chan-senpai to come too! Sora wants lots of people to have fun at the staff appreciation party~!  
Niki: …Speaking of which, Kiryu-kun. Are we good for time? Didn’t you say you had work in the afternoon 
Kuro: Shoot. It’s already noon huh. It seems a little early to head over now, but its always good to be flexible
Sorry but, I gotta get going. Harukawa, don’t overdo it 
Sora: Yep! Next time Sora meets red-onii~san, Sora will show you how to make a really beautiful soba omelette~!  
Kuro: Sure♪ I’ll leave the rest to you, Shiina
Niki: Leave Harukawa-kun to me! …Now then,  let’s give it another shot 
Subaru: Ummm… Oh, found him! Hey there~ Little yellow~!  
Sora: Ah, Sparkling-onii~san! Hello~! 
Subaru: Yup! I’m relieved you look like you’re doing okay~☆ 
Niki: Akehoshi-kun. Did you come to have your lunch at ‘Cinnamon’? 
Subaru: Nope. I had lunch in the lunch room so I’m all good. Aside from that, you’re planning a staff appreciation party, aren’t you? So was true that you were working in ‘Cinnamon’ 
Niki: When it’s not busy I’m allowed to borrow the kitchen 
Ah, did you get permission? On the day of the staff appreciation party, lots of people will come to help  
Subaru: Is that so? Shiina-senpai, you’re surprisingly reliable~♪
I saw Kiryu-senpai earlier, could it be that you’re already done preparing?  
Sora: No, Red-onii~san had work, so Sora is still practicing a little~  
Subaru: Oh, I see! From the looks of it, it’s going well
Sora: HuHu~. Sora is going to be a cooking master after this! Right now Sora is going to make a soba omelette, and Sora wants Sparkly-onii~san to watch~ 
Subaru: Sounds good☆ I’m curious about why you chose soba omelette! 
Sora: Fufun, the staff requested it!
Subaru: …H~mm. If you’re practising hard, then it'll be the best thing on the staff appreciation party menu 
Niki: No, not necessarily. I’d recommend the yakitori and potato fries too 
Subaru: Really? I like soba omelette and yakitori and potato fries, so I’ll be happy no matter which you recommend♪
Sora: Red-onii~san taught me about yakitori so that Sora can grill it properly!  
Sora will also be able to wrap the soba omelette nicely! Senpai and the others will be really surprised~ 
 …HeHe~? Sparkling-onii~san, did you just take a picture right now?  
Subaru: Sorry for taking it candidly? I think I just feel more relieved if I can see that you’re having fun cooking 
Niki: Speaking of which, you said you were relieved earlier? Were you worried about us? 
Subaru: Something funny has been happening to Natsume recently~  He’s always groaning “Sora this, Sora that” 
I think he gets a little lonely if he doesn’t see Little yellow for a while. He’s getting frustrated because you haven’t even discussed it with him 
Sora: …Sora is making Master~ uneasy?  
Subaru: Is that true? Is that why he asked me to check on you?  
 …Ah, I shouldn’t have said that. Keep it a secret from Natsume, okay?  
Since I’ve come all this way… Why don’t you tell me more about this staff appreciation party
I have to tell Natsume no matter what the situation is, so I’m curious about what kinda plan you’re coming up with☆ 
(A few minutes later) 
Sora: …Like this~? Did Sora explain it well enough? 
Niki: I think you did. Is there anything you didn’t understand, Akehoshi-kun?  
Subaru: Nope. You properly conveyed what the staff appreciation party is going to be like  
I thought it would be okay because Natsume says that NEW DI is always on fire, but I think that’s a good thing too
The staff appreciation party is going to be the usual fun isn’t it?  
Sora: …’Usual’?  
Subaru: Yeah. Because Little yellow is the host, I thought the staff appreciation party would be a little strange 
I’m glad it’s come together nicely. Is it the result of you asking around?  
Niki: Well, although it can’t be extravagant due to the budget, isn’t it okay as long as it makes people happy 
It’s not like Harukawa-kun isn’t satisfied with the current plan, right? 
Sora: Yeah. This is a plan to make Senpai and the staff happy. Sora properly understands that~?  
Subaru: H~mm. You’re really thinking about everyone huh. I think it’s certainly going to make them happy… 
But, are you really having fun Little yellow? 
Sora: …Does Sora look like Sora isn’t having fun?  
Subaru: It’s just that, I don’t know you that well so I don’t know what your true feelings are 
It just looks like you’re holding back somehow. Am I wrong?   
Sora: ……… 
Subaru: Sorry. If somethings up, Natsume’s really gonna be upset. But, maybe I stuck my nose in too much as an outsider  
As I thought, we’ve been talking for ages, so I’d better get back. On the day, I’ll take Natsume along to hang out☆
Niki: He said what he wanted to and left 
Sora: (Sora just wanted to do something for Senpai and the others that are always working hard) 
(Cooking-onii~san and the others are helping, and the preparations for the staff appreciation party are going smoothly. Sora thought that if the party was held, surely everyone could have fun) 
(Sora is having fun too, right?) 
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finoalcielo · 1 year
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YORU: Everyone.. you are all aware of what day today is, right? EVERYONE: (gulp) YORU: YES!!! IT'S SETSUBUN! Now, everyone, all together, okay~~?! EVERYONE: SOY-Ya!!!!
#Setsubun #Setsubun Cheering Committee
YORU: I'm going to attack... I mean, throw good luck all units but... KOI: Yo-Yoru-san? YORU: I'd like everyone to help choose which beans to use this year. IKU: We have choices for the beans? YORU: They'll be provided by Shun-san-Soy. SHUN: Leave it to me-Soy! EVERYONE: Uh oh
#Setsubun #Setsubun Cheering Committee
YORU: Vote this instant-Soy!!!! KOI: Yoru-san!?!?!?! YORU: Here are the choices. These are beans that will make you do ○○ if hit-Soy!!! ① Expose a secret ② Tell us what you like about your partner ③ Act like a Chuunibyou until the next day ④ Tweet a poem
#Setsubun #Setsubun Cheering Committee
#Setsubun #Setsubun Cheering Committee
YORU: Oh, let us start this year with the Bean Song-Soy!! KOI: Isn't this from last year!!!! YORU: Be captivated by the splendor of music! ! ! !
#Setsubun #Setsubun Cheering Committee
YORU: I apologize, my computer froze for a while. KOI: Before we knew it, Yoru-san has already turned into Setsubun-style! Or rather, your computer freezing is most likely a curse from those people who don't want beans tossed at them. YORU: I'll soon be hitting them soon. RUI: By the way, I'm curious about what the results are of that poll... YORU: Hmm, let's see~
#Setsubun #Setsubun Cheering Committee
Tell us what you like about your partner !!! YORU: The beans!! Please!! SHUN: I'm on it!!!
#Setsubun #Setsubun Cheering Committee
YORU: SOY-ya (hits) YOU: HEEEEEYYYYYY. I don't really get why he goes all out like an idiot on Setsubun but since he seems to be having fun, I guess it okay--NO, THAT'S NOT WHAT I THINK. Ah, also the way he treats only me a bit roughly make me happ-- ARGGHHHHHH!! EVERYONE: That really is embarrassing.
#Setsubun #Setsubun Cheering Committee
HARU: SOY-ya!! (Hajime dodges) EVERYONE: ... HARU: Don't dodge ittttttt HAJIME: ... (so troublesome) ARATA: SOY-ya (hits) AOI: ...I like when he acts like a little child even if I feel like scolding him. Lately however, he's been quite mature lately and sometimes, even my heart starts poundi---AHHHHHHHHH
#Setsubun #Setsubun Cheering Committee
KOI: SOY-ya! (hits) KAKERU: Whoops. I really respect Koi for his adaptability, and his ability to get information. Its like he has antenna all over the place. Oh, and he can literally talk about anything! Let's get along well! SOY-ya! (hits) KOI: A vanguard with a spirit that never gives up! Whenever I see him acting cool, like in Zanshin, I go "Ahh~" ✨
#Setsubun #Setsubun Cheering Committee
KAI: Come on, come on SHUN: SOY-ya! (smacks) KAI: He has a pretty face. EVERYONE: We know. SHUN: I'm happy but just a bit more! KAI: I was just kidding (www) I don't need the beans to praise you! I respect your kindness. You're cute when you get a bit lonely and would like some attention. Your Demon Lord's mode is cool. SHUN: Fuhehe... ✨
#Setsubun #Setsubun Cheering Committee
RUI: SOY-ya (smacks) IKU: Eh, you want to hear it too (laughs)? You play the piano so well that it makes me want to pray to it. Though he doesn't speaks a lot, when he does its filled with meaning... at times it feels like he's seeing through my soul and there are times when I get chills down my spine in a good way. I'm always intrigued by Rui. RUI: Fufu
#Setsubun #Setsubun Cheering Committee
YOU (finally normal): This. Is. Really. Embrassing!!! You guys!!! Let's raid the other units too!!!! EVERYONE: Roger ARATA: You-kun's face is red like an ogre~👹 YOU: SHUT UP!!!
#Setsubun #Setsubun Cheering Committee
???: Bringing love, justice and fortune!! The Setsubun Cheering Committee have arrived!! KOI: SOY-ya!!! (hits) OUKA: Takaakiiii!! Your eyes, erebrows, forehead, everything is my favorite but the moment you speak, your words and your inner self is the best---- GAOSGHSASHS!!!!!! TAKASHI: Wah, thank you!
#Setsubun #Setsubun Cheering Committee
KOI: One more! SOY-ya! (hits) HARUTO: His musical talent is SOYmazing! Though he looks thin on the outside, his bold nature is SOYmazing! He's dignified too, so he's just SOY! SOYmazing! SHO: Fufufu, thank you Haruto EVERYONE: (This is certainly embarrassing!) REIJI: Okay!!! Goodb-- KAKERU: SOY-ya!! (hits)
#Setsubun #Setsubun Cheering Committee
REIJI: Though his self-esteem is low, I like how his self-respect isn't low. I like that face he makes when he's proud of his work and when he's really into something. I can't help but think "Stop. I'm weak to that. Eat well". AYUMU: ...A-Ah... REIJI: ... AYUMU: ... EVERYONE: So serious. REIJI: AHHHHHHHHHH!!!
#Setsubun #Setsubun Cheering Committee
KAKERU: SOY-ya (hits) YUUMA: I think that strength of his that can reflect on his failures and keep on trying again and again is cool. He doesn't put on any air nor does he acts prejudiced. There are times when he feels quite mature actually to the point my heart pounds✨...I usually say this though (wry smile) NAO: But my heart skip a beat too (laughs)
#Setsubun #Setsubun Cheering Committee
KOI: SOY-ya! (hits) RUKA: Me too?!!! Everyone knows how cool Gakkun is, so its kind of redundant? But in my case, I like that sloppy side of his that not everyone knows about. He sometimes dozes off in his everyday clothes, hugs half of his futon when its hot, and like that bedhead is so amazing that I go "KYAA"! GAKU: So maniac (www)
#Setsubun #Setsubun Cheering Committee
FUTABA: Ah! Nii-san isn't here! TAKAAKI: As expected of him (www) He's aware that whatever he'd say would be too desirable (laughs) KOI: Well, I was aiming for him (laughs) Awww, now I can't~ *** ISSA: ...(sigh of relief). Who would stick arou-- YORU: SOY-ya (hits)
#Setsubun #Setsubun Cheering Committee
ISSA: He grew up taller than me. Might as well start taking responsibilities and becoming bigger internally too. He's got to give it his all. It should be to the point where I'd get the shivers. Keep challenging yourself. ISSA: ...AHHHHHH!! FUTABA: I'll do my best! KAKERU & KOI & YORU: Soy-bye!
#Setsubun #Setsubun Cheering Committee
ARATA: Hello~ SOY-ya! (smacks) SORA: So sudden?!?!!? Whenever Mori is busy with his work and then turns back to look at me with a smile, I get really happy and SOUSHI!! Your face, voice and personality are gifts from heaven. I'm so envious!! Explodeeeee💥 SOUSHI: Why get angry at me?
#Setsubun #Setsubun Cheering Committee
RUI: In that case, let's have Soushi come forth. SOUSHI: Eh? (hits) SOUSHI: Even though he's a crybaby and a bit stupid, I'm surprised by his soft and pure nature. I think Mori's stupid, despite being a smart one, since he puts others before himself way too much. As twisted as I am, I want to protect both of them-AHHHHHH!
#Setsubun #Setsubun Cheering Committee
IKU: SOY-ya.... a sweet magic spell (hits) REN: His character is... well, the times when I think he's childish and the times when he's adult-ish, both situations are bad for my heart (in a good way). He always chooses what's important to him without any hesitation. I'll continue to learn from him! NOZOMU: Yup! I can tell that you think of me that way.
#Setsubun #Setsubun Cheering Committee
AOI: Sorry to bother you. SOY-ya! (hits) MAMORU: Woah (laughs). I always say this but... Kou-kun's mind, body, appearance; everything is beautiful! It's like a beam of light coming from him...! I'm photosynthesizing when next to him! KOKI: Fufufu (sparkle) MAMORU: Photosynthesizing~ ✨🌿
#Setsubun #Setsubun Cheering Committee
YOU: Hmm, let's see. Who should be next~ RYOTA: ...Excuse me, I need to leav-- (appears) YORU: SOY-ya! (hits) RYOTA: ...!?!?!?!?! KEN: He's a sniper (wwww) YORU: It's why I joined the archery club. YOU: You're kidding, right? (www)
#Setsubun #Setsubun Cheering Committee
RYOTA: Ahh, geez! Ken is unfair with everything, you know!? It's my fault, but he comes up and apologizes, making it into a situation where I have no choice but to give up! He's too good at it and not sarcastic at all! I thought it was adult-like of him to be so considerate but no, he was just stupid like a dog! I don't think him as cute, not even sometimes! KEN: Woof (www)
#Setsubun #Setsubun Cheering Committee
PEOPLE HIT BY BEANS: ~~~~~~~~!!!! IKU: It looks like a picture from hell! RUI: They're in agony YOU: I get them. I really do. MORIHITO: Ah, but I heard some good things too, you know~? (laughs) KOKI: Indeed. YORU: It was truly a wonderful Setsubun. TSUKI-GROUP: SOY-bye!!!
#Setsubun #Setsubun Cheering Committee
YORU: There's only two of you in Infinit0, so how about it, both of you? A great deal, right? ROA: Your japanese got a bit weird there, but I get what you mean (ww) Also, your face is a bit scary, Yoru-kun (www) REI: Just what happens to you on Setsubun.... YORU: It's the Isoflavone effect. ROA: That's a lie, isn't it (laughs)
#Setsubun #Setsubun Cheering Committee
YORU: Excuse me. SOY-ya. (hits) ROA: I... what's this... something is forcing me to say the words... I've said it before but... Rei-san's voice is.. not fair. You know those times when we have those secret meetings and are whisperings? Half of those I spend thinking "Woah, what a nice voice" with some words going in one ear and out the other! REI: Don't do that (wry smile)
#Setsubun #Setsubun Cheering Committee
YORU: Please return the compliment. SOY-ya (hits) REI: I'm relieved to see that his innocence hasn't changed at all. I thought that there was another side to him when we first met. But I want to go back to the past me and say that Roa won't change. It's like you're my savior. Thank you. ROA: I'm a bit embarrassed.
#Setsubun #Setsubun Cheering Committee
YORU: What a marvelous love you have for each other... Thank you very much. SOY-bye!!! (whoosh) ROA: H-He disappeared... REI: ...Is he a ninja? ROA: I heard he was sniper... REI: Yoru during Setsubun... is amazing... isn't he.... ROA: Yes....
#Setsubun #Setsubun Cheering Committee
~An ordinary setsubun was celebrated too~ ROA: Ogres are... well, according to Tsukipro's bean song, ogres come in as friends too~! REI: Good luck in! BOTH: May everyone bless you all!
#Setsubun #Setsubun Cheering Committee
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~Everyone in SQ waiting while watching the TL screams~ ※It's just an image
#Setsubun #Setsubun Cheering Committee
KAI: 'Evening~! And SOY-ya! (hits) TSUBASA: Ah, I thought it'd be Shiki for sure.... When it comes to SolidS and music, listen to my solo. Takamura Shiki is the type of person who completely disregards what normal people would think of as important or interested in. And it comes so normal to him that even I can't help but think "what the heck are you?!" I can't help but think its your key point💢
#Setsubun #Setsubun Cheering Committee
SHIKI: Key point, huh...? TSUBASA: Ahhhhhhhh!!! THIS, I SWEAR AHHHHHH!! HARU: SOY-ya♪ (hits) RIKKA: It's my turn!! Dai's shyness is really cute. But, in spite of that shyness, he's also a serious guy that can throw blows that'll hit you in the heart. Children like him are scary since they make unfair adults forget their unfairness.
#Setsubun #Setsubun Cheering Committee
SHUN: SOY-ya🌟 (hits) EICHI: Even when Shu was in his previous unit, I thought he was amazing. Even now, he's so cool that I can't help go 'kyaaa'. I guess I'm quite the fanboy (laughs). Ah, but I also the you who go sometimes weak in private life.
#Setsubun #Setsubun Cheering Committee
KUGA TWINS: Please don't throw them as though it'll pierce us HAJIME: What kind of beans do you think I'm throwing? SOY-ya (hits) ISSEI: I'm sorry for always teasing you. It's just, you're getting more cooler and cooler as the time passes by... I just wanted to see your honest reaction, Ichiru. You've matured. And have grown. I love you.
#Setsubun #Setsubun Cheering Committee
EVERYONE: AH~~~~~~~~~~ KAI: The person listening also took the damage.. well, I guess the embarrassment was too much to handle. (www) SHUN: Isn't it nice to see them on such good terms~♪ HARU: Right! YORU: For you all, here's the love of isoflavones... TSUKI-GROUP: SOY-bye!!! HAJIME: Bye
#Setsubun #Setsubun Cheering Committee
~After returning~ KOI: Fu!! Mission accomplished! KAKERU: Setsubun was very successful this year too! ARATA: The love for their partners was overflowing. AOI: Yup. Though, it was kind of embarrassing... (laughs) HARU: My beans were avoided!! KOI: Haru-san (ww)
#Setsubun #Setsubun Cheering Committee
HAJIME: Why don't you say it instead? HARU: My love for you is a normal occurrence. It'd be meaningful to hear things I wouldn't normally... HINA: Uhm HARU: Huh, Hina-chan? HINA: Good evening! I've received some mysterious beans... Hajime-san, shall we? HAJIME: ... EVERYONE: (Nice!)
#Setsubun #Setsubun Cheering Committee
HAJIME: ............Fine HINA: Thank you! SOY-ya (hits) HAJIME: ...Seeing his unruly and fluffy hair under the sunlight makes me feel peaceful. I don't really hate how you fall asleep while listening to roundabout stories. I can laugh at your clumsiness, so I like the way you are.
#Setsubun #Setsubun Cheering Committee
~Procella have returned too~ YOU: I managed to take everyone down with me... IKU: You've got an evil look (laughs) RUI: But I think good luck came to them too SHUN: I think so too✨ We've all been with each other for so long. Though we may be able to convey our feelings without putting it to words, sometimes, saying it is important too.
#Setsubun #Setsubun Cheering Committee
KAI: Satisfied, Yoru? YORU: Yes! KAI: Alright then! 2023 Setsubun has come to an end! *** YOU: ... YORU: You? YOU: SOY-ya (hits) YORU: ...I like how you always go along with me with all your might even if you might grumble about it. YOU: ...whatever YORU: Ahaha
#Setsubun #Setsubun Cheering Committee
YORU: May we all be blessed with good luck! See you next year! SOY-bye!
#Setsubun #Setsubun Cheering Committee
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homo-rashi · 7 months
Kinktober 2023 | Public Embarassment
Original Male Character x Original Male Character
Yuu was completely enthralled with Akihiko. Hearing his stories of his past, eating the delicious food he recommended, getting completely lost is the dark, ashe like color of his eyes as he speaks so fondly about the owner of this little cafe, of this formerly bustling onsen town…If only his body hasn't jolted him out of his completely concentration on Akihiko. 
He went to take another sip of the warm rice based drink, after losing count of how many free refills he has been provided, he finally feels warm from the inside out and is dying to pee. Yuu honestly, had to go before Akihiko and him even go onto the train. Having waited at the station for almost an hour beforehand, drinking a hot coffee from a nearby vending machine to stay warm, He figured they would be at their destinations soon and he could relieve himself there, except, they were on the train for two hours…
Now, he doesn't want to get up, break the flow-oh god don't think about things flowing-of their conversation to excuse himself to the restroom, a restroom he hasn't seen. He has been looking. Whenever Akihiko breaks the conversion to take a bite, chew and swallow it, he has let his eyes wander around the small cafe, finding only a door back to the kitchen and nothing more.
“Aki-chan, would you two like desert? Its on the house!” Mimino-san comes back over to clear their plates, 
“Are you going to let me pay for anything? Come on, I gotta show Yuu-san that I'm treating him on our first date, like a gentleman.” Akihiko jokes with the older woman. It makes Yuu’s heart swell, imagining this is how Akihiko might interact with his own grandmother. 
“Yuu-kun! You mustn't let our princess pay!” Mimiko jokes, hustling back to the kitchen, presumably not taking no on the deserts. 
“Akihiko…How does Mimiko know about Aki-chan?” Yuu asks, genuinely curious. He was under the impression that Akihiko’s crossdressing was a very, very big secret from the hushed tone he recalled his past in, but clearly, Mimiko san thinks of Akihiko as a girl, or rather a princess. 
“Ah, well, I left that part out for a reason, it's rather embarrassing.” Yuu swears he can see a faint blush creep up on his cheeks, and now he had to know, 
“Come on, you read my horribly embarrassing english essays, I think I deserve some blackmail material on you.” Yuu teases, He wiggles slightly in his seat, pushing his cup of amazake away so he doesn't take another sip. He just has to get through the desert and then he can slip away to the restroom at the train station. 
“I thought I was so smart, you know, coming here where nobody would know me. I was pretending to be so confident…but I actually thought I still looked like a guy.” Yuu can't believe that, 
“But, you. Um, sorry if this isn't a compliment anymore, but you look very feminine…I actually thought you were a woman the first time I saw you.” Yuu is only slightly embarrassed at the admission hen Akihiko's face lights up, 
“I thought so, most people do when they see me from behind, but you still found me attractive when you found out I was a man…?” Akihiko teased further, 
“Even more so…actually.” Yuu blushes extremely hard at admitting that out loud, but pushes past it, urging Akihiko to continue with his story. Mimiko quietly drops off two bowls of Zenzai, a sweet red bean soup with mochi. 
“Well, Even so. I didnt think my whole plan through and one week while I was here, I ended up drinking a little too much at juice bar, free samples and such. I didnt have alot of money cause I was paying for my own university but…” Akihiko pauses, taking a big spoonful of his desert. Yuu does the same but cringes as he feels more liquid being added to his body. Of all the traditional desserts, mimiko-san had to choose the only liquid one he could think of. 
“I wasn't nearly ready to go home but I really had to um, relieve myself…” Yuu’s eyes go wide. Of course, when he is in this predicament, this would be the story Akihiko is telling. He tenses his legs under the table, uncrossing and recrossing them. 
“Oh-” Yuu doesn't know how to respond, he just wants to sound natural, not like he has to ‘relieve himself’ extremely badly right now. 
“Yeah and I was dressed like a woman, but I didn't think I really looked like one, and I was well am, a man. Going into the women's restroom like that was, well, not an option and the mens also could have been dangerous…” Yuu feels bad for Akihiko’s past self. He can definitely relate to the feeling of needing to go and nothing having a place to. 
“So, I went on with my day, just hoping it would go away…but that's not how it works. I ended up wobbling into Mimiko-san’s shop, like, hands between my legs.” 
“Oh my god.” Yuu laughs slightly at the mental image, he gently rests his free hand in his lap, realizing he can hold himself under the table without Akihiko seeing. He instantly feels relief. 
“Yeah, it wasn't my finest moment. I found Mimiko-san, she was younger and bussing tables, I frantically ran up to her, asking if he has a restroom…completely forgetting to change my voice at all-” 
“So you sounded like you do now?” Yuu asked, he was picturing Aki-chan with a very high pitched, normal female japanese voice this whole time, but he guesses, Akihiko couldn't really change his voice that much.
“A little higher, but basically yes…Mimiko-san did clock me immediately but she told me there were public restrooms at the station and they only had a private restroom for staff in the back and I didnt know what to do, so I…Lifted up my wig, showing her my short hair, and I just said  ‘I either use your restroom or your floor, miss’ and she took me back, and then helped me fix my hair and did my makeup and yelled at me for how dangerous what I was doing was and then, she let me always get changed here for a year, until I went to the states.” 
‘Wow. Mimiko-san was just…okay with it?” Yuu asked, normally, older japanese women were very set in their ways about lgbt stuff, if they even know what it is. 
“Yuu, Mimiko is a trans woman…Why do you think she and her husband are still running this shop, she never could have any kids and in japan…she cant adopt.” Yuu’s eyes widen, 
“I-I had no idea!” He looks over at Mimiko-san shocked, but happy, happy she was able to help Akihiko in his time of need, now thought, he knows there is a bathroom but- is his circumstance really bad enough to ask to use the private restroom…
Yuu decides not to ask when Mimiko-san comes over and tries to refuse Akihiko’s payment and tip, Arguing that they don't do tips in Japan and Akihikp arguing back that he lived in San Francisco, and to not disrespect his American culture. Mimiko ends up taking the money and hugging Akihiko and himself goodbye, the tight squeeze of her arms around his body makes his shift in place, reeling how badly he has to go now that he is standing up. 
Leaving the cafe, Yuu expects Akihiko to turn to the train station, but he doesn't, instead, Yuu’s hand is taken once more and they head in the opposite direction. Five minutes later Yuu finds himself casually strolling through a park with Akihiko, hand in hand, it would be romantic. If Yuu didn't have his other free hand, in his pocket squeezing his cock for dear life, squeezing everything for dear life at this point. 
“If it's too busy, we can…not- '' Akihiko goes to pull his hand away, but Yuu is also squeezing it. He didn't even realize he was doing it. Yuu lets him go but without Akihiko pulling him along, he cant find the will to move, to part his legs. He really, really should have spoken up at the restaurant, but it's too late. They left, they have walks farther from the station, too far, too-
“You feeling alright? Let’s sit down, okay?” Yuu can't even process Akihiko moving him over to a nearby bench, assisting him in sitting down. He feels wetness drip onto his upper lips, he is sweating, yet he can see his breath. “Do you feel like you're going to be sick?” Akihiko asks, and Yuu can hear the worry and sincerity in his voice, Yuu doesn't say anything, not trusting his voice, he just shakes his head, he wishes he was sick, but no, he is about to wet himself because he cant speak up for himself. 
“Can you walk? Maybe you need some water-” Akihiko goes to stand, but Yuu cant. He is leaking, he feels it. His boxers soak it all up, but if he stands, it will be all over, He won't be able to hold it. 
“Hide me.” Yuu reaches up and grabs Akihiko's hand. He is going to wet himself, for the first time in years, on his first date with a guy, with Akihiko. 
“What? I don't understand, Yuu, What's wrong?” Akihiko is bending down in front of him, looking him in the eyes. Yuu can't, He cant hold it, He can't be looking at Akihiko when it happens, so he leans his head forward, slumping his weight into Akihiko’s suit jacket shoulder, Whats starts as a small drip, erupts into a waterfall falling through the wooden slats of the bench, onto the concrete park walkway below them. 
“Oh-” Yuu can't take the acknowledgment of Akihiko knowing what has just hapepned.He feels him, Akihiko pulling away, Yuu covers his face with his hands, not longer being shielded by Akihiko's warm body. He feels so utterly alone and humiliated. 
“Mommy- is that man okay?” He hears the child's voice, followed by rushed shushes from a few women, He is crying, shaking, when he feels the warm, soft fabric off something falling over his lap. 
“Sorry, there, nobody can see now. You're okay. If you didn't feel well, you should have said something.” Yuu finds the familiar warmth of Akihiko inffront of him, un-shielding his eyes, he sees Akihiko's suit jacket covering his lower half, that is now wet and cold, His accident having long finished during his breakdown. 
“I-I’m sorry.” He sobs, He isn't sick, He is just an idiot, an idiot with a small bladder, and an idiot who is beyond embarrassed.
“It's okay, seriously. Let's get you home. You need to rest and get cleaned up.” Akihiko stands, but Yuu doesn't. He knows what he looks like, it's so obvious he wet himself, 
“Here, Tie this around your waist, nobody will see.” Yuu stands, letting Akihiko take his own suit jacket from his lap and tie it around him. It's still obvious from the front what happened, but at least some people will be oblivious to his shame. “Come on, if you need to stop for anything, let me know, okay?” Yuu nods, still not wanting to speak and follows Akihiko to the train station.
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queenharumiura · 6 months
META + family ( in general, not specifically her family! )
*         send   META   +   a   word   ,   a   name   ,   or   phrase   and   i   will   write   a   head  canon   based   off   of   this   !!!  ||Accepting|| @dyingresolve
Also a bit on the longer side, so readmore
Hm... in general, Haru is a person who puts a lot of emphasis on ties with people. She cares a lot for others, and is prone to prioritizing others over herself.
If it came down to it, if the choice was between her and someone else dying, she'd volunteer herself. She's just that kind of person. It doesn't mean that she's brave, mind you. She'd be absolutely terrified, but above all that, she couldn't handle knowing that someone else died in her stead. The immense guilt is one thing, but she also cares much more for others, so she'd literally never forgive herself.
We know that Haru is quite the friendly bean, and she gets along with a wide variety of people. She could probably view people as important to her like family. Lambo is like a little brother to her, Kyoko and say-- Chrome would be like her sisters. Bianchi is that cool older sister to get advice from. Ryohei can be the older bro type.
The rest-- she don't see them as siblings I can tell you that much lol. Friends, for sure. If they hid less from Kyoko and her, maybe she could view some of them with like sibling bonds, but nah.
Honestly, Haru wouldn't even think twice before sacrificing herself if it came down to someone like Kyoko or Lambo. Not even a thought in her mind, she'd just move on instinct. She's very impulsive like that, sometimes.
I'd said before that if the situation was such that Haru had the choice to choose between herself or anyone in the Vongola, she'd choose to save the other person. That holds true regardless. IF it was a dangerous situation, she'd hesitate with some of the guys mostly because she has trust in them and is pretty confident they have the situation under control. She doesn't want to but in and accidentally make the situation worse.
HOWEVER, Lambo is entirely a different story. She views him as a kid brother. She won't even think. No hesitation, she will try to protect him. It's not even a question.
Haru's opinion on family is -- skewed. She did have a family, but she doesn't remember them, so as far as she's concerned, they're simply strangers. Then coupled with the fact that it's believed she died in the 'incident' and some other child was mistaken as her- she feels like any remaining relatives that are alive mean almost nothing to her.
They mourn the death of her parents and 'Haru Miura' so they made some other child their family. She feels disconnected to them, but admittedly she is curious about who they are. It's one of those things where you wonder about how your life could've turned out if things have changed, you know? (referenced in the one meme)
In a thread it was mentioned that she didn't feel the need to tell anyone the truth because she feels that finding out the truth that she became an assassin and she lives the days putting her life on the line for dangerous missions-- oh and she has literally no childhood memories, is that really something they want to know? Isn't it better to believe that the family had perished at the same time together? They can be together in heaven.
Then there is Bel who killed his own brother, Ravein whose parents have died because of a mistake he made so many years ago, she's just like DAMN families kinda suck and sound like a major lability.
Thus, I think I mentioned before that Haru in the Varia!au has no real opinion on romance and she has no drive to find one for herself. She's perfectly okay with being single- honestly, she prefers it.
She doesn't know what having a family is like so she only has like theoreticals to go off of. She really treasures Sentai-san, Bel, and Ravein, but she doesn't really know how to accurately describe their relationship. In truth, she does kind of view them as siblings, but she herself wouldn't know how to really put it that way.
She imagines what she feels for them is like siblings- but then she looks at Bel and is like 'mmm maybe not. I don't want to die' lol
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clarkresse · 8 months
This week I started uploading the Lost Journal of San Fernando. Really had no thoughts when I began uploading the entries. I wrote a similar plot months before. Though, I can't remember how I titled it or which folder I save it in. So, it's different from my first draft.
When I wrote it the first time, just as something to write while I took breaks from writing my WIP, it leaned more toward thriller, mystery, and horror. But after an hour ... okay maybe an impulse of a second, I thought this would be more fun for me to write as a horror/slice-of-life story.
Frankly, I'm enjoying it more as a slice-of-life/horror diary.
If you're curious:
Also, I started watching Alchemy of Souls and Skip and Loafer. I'm enjoying both but Skip and Loafer the most because the opening song by Keina Suda's Mellow has been on constant repeat for me. Especially the little dance near the end of the opening.
It's just freakin' adorable.
Raise by Chili Beans for the new One Piece ED has also been on constant repeat for me
Anyone who knows me knows how important One Piece is to me and I'm excited about the new live-action release at the end of the month. Especially when Oda said 'The fans trust me. I don't want to lie to them.' The things that did to my brain chemistry.
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Besides the cast seems so much fun and into their characters that there's nothing but love for them. Also, I need Season 2 because I have to see them
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There's so much love done for One Piece Live Action, that I have to return the same love and excitement.
After a week, taking a break from writing my WIP, I'll be going back to it again. I hope I can finish it soon. I want to share it with people soon.
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stars-of-kyber · 1 year
Getting to Know Me
I was tagged by @kateandanthonyaremyparents @harnitbee and @mimix007. Thank you lovelies ❤️
Relationship Status- Looking for someone who will stand my quirky arse and funky brain
Favourite Color- Its turquoise but I think that makes me sound rather pretentious so probably blue
Song stuck in my head- Until an hour ago was Dancing Through Life from Wicked bc I’m watching it tomorrow and as I was telling @mimix007 I have been dreaming very heavily about seeing Johnathan Bailey dressed as Fiyero with those cute tight pants (don’t judge me too harshly before you actually see the pants). But THEN I just watched the Bonnie and Clyde musical and Raise a Little Hell decided to live rent free in my head for the past hour (mum banished me from putting in the car after the third repeat)
Last Song I listened to- Raise a Little Hell from the Bonnie and Clyde musical that I just watched
Three favourite food- 1- Potatoes in any shape and form. 2- my Gran’s/Aunt’s freshly made rice and beans 🤤 3- Paillard Fettuccine (especially from this one restaurant in São Paulo I just had lunch today)
Last Thing I Googled- it was Bonnie and Clyde. I’m ADHD my brain see things gets curious and I need to know more about them
Dream trip - Now see here that’s not a fair question. I have SEVERAL. I got one of them down and when I visited Italy in Jan. I would love to go to Greece. I’ve always wanted to see St. Petersburg. I’d love to do a Broadway spree on NY or a West End Spree in London (I’d love to know London as well). I dream of going to Gramado during the Natal Luz. I want to visit Bonito-MT. I want to visit Mexico during Dia de Los Muertos. I want to go to Disney Oggie-Boogie Bash. I’d die to go to the San Diego Comic Con or participate in the Star Wars Celebration. I’d like to visit India. I’d love to go to Cappadocia and see the Balloons. I’m curious about Tokyo. I want to go to Argentina. I want to see France and the UK and Spain and some parts of Portugal I haven’t been to. I want to go to Berlin and Vienna and Croatia. Seriously I can go on for days here. In the end I just really love travelling and there’s so much I want to see and so little time and money ugh
I’m tagging @waterlilyrose @jeanvanjer and @alihightowers
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The Two Sans & Flowey Wearing Ralsei’s Clothes (2022)
Credit for Undertale & Deltarune goes to Toby Fox and His Team.
at first the flag was going to be a Aroaceflux Flag, but then I decided to make into something else instead, something that is different from Asexuality, Sexuality and Romantic Identities as well as Gender Identities.
the star in the middle is suppose to be like the Yellow Save Point in Undertale, we know that in Deltarune the Save Point is White when we are in the Dark World.
there is also wings, two symbols on the top and bottom.
the symbol on the top is the symbol for Air,
and the symbol at the bottom is the symbol for Earth.
you know how there is that Overlord series, not the video game that came out first where you can play as a Overlord and command those small different Minions and even make a Harem in one of the games of the series.
I haven’t really progressed very much in one of them, even if I was able to beat the one where the Overlord has these two siblings, and the one I haven’t beat yet is the one where you start out as a Small Bean Overlord but then there will be a time skip...
anyway that game isn’t what I’m talking about, I am speaking of Overlord that has Momonga/Ainz Ooal Gown (but the name can be spelled Ains...) and Nazarick are in.
well using the word “Demi-Heteromorph” is a bit inspired by that,
because apparently Angel Race in that series are Heteromorphic.
so if Half-Angels were a thing in that series, that are a mix between Human and Angel, they would fall under the Demi-Heteromorph.
Demi-Heteromorph could also be made up of other Hybrids as well,
like Cambion, Dhampir and a other hybrids.
Earth Angels could be a considered Demi-Heteromorphs, because not only because some are descendants of Nephilim, but also their souls are hybrids and they could be the Grandchildren or even the Children of Angel Parents through fragmentation of a soul.
and there can possibly be a Earth Angel who can end up fragmenting and giving “birth” to another Earth Angel, but another fragment could merge with that fragment before it forms into a newborn soul.
not everyone has to believe that, and it’s okay that it’s only me and a possibly a few others who believe it is true, though I don’t know how many would and it’s okay if it’s not that many.
and I did get curious after reading a little about Phenex, I found his name in a fan fic I was reading and I will read more of later...
so yeah anyway it is likely my pendulum is pulling a prank on me, and when I asked about the question I had, I did so by not using my outer voice/mouth to do so and only asked by thinking it in my head....
[Note: Feel Free To Skip Down To Where It Goes Back To Talking About This Drawing. the words “ anyway back to the whole topic of this drawing...” will be bold.]
and well the question I asked about if Phenex is my Soul-Dad, and my pendulum gave me a clockwise fast reply.
which that is a sign for “Yes”.....but for all I know it could be a prank.
(the question was suppose to be to Gabriel...)  
I mean I know I have a doll like voice, and sometimes my Mom mistakes it for one of the little kids that live at one of the other houses that is nearby,
and I was given a Yes before from my pendulum, that when I get really mad, my ethereal wings will go into flame mode, and there being the whole habit where I am scared or nervous or feeling any form of upset feeling, that my ethereal wings will hug around me.
I also decided to get a second opinion and double check about it again just now, and I still got a “Yes”.....
I know my pendulum can pull pranks on me, like when I asked about if the Aliens from Mass Effect are Real In Real Life, and no matter how many times I asked, I keep getting a Yes as a reply, and I don’t think that prank is gonna stop anytime soon.
well even if the info about Phenex is true, at least he has a better excuse than my Human Dad...who wasn’t around for my birth or the fact that I only met him once and it be nice if he had visited more from the start.
I know that I’m a Defective Earth Angel as well, meaning I don’t work at 100% correctly like some Earth Angels, I see it as me being like the “Amethyst” and now that I think about it, a “Off-Color” as well.
and in case no one knows what the term Off-Color is, it has to do with Gems from Steven Universe.
also I believe that the Circles or Rings Of Hell, were originally part of the Earth Kingdom Of The Earthly Mother, but had to be cut off from the rest of her Earth Kingdom, because of the take over by the Princes that fell from the Heavens.
so if this theory were true, that means that the Circles or Rings Of Hell, were possibly called something else and were possibly ruled by a type of Princess.
while it could be possible that Hell and even Heaven wouldn’t be in the physical realms of Earth, there could be a overlap of ethereal matter and the physical matter, where the Rings Of Hell are (but weren’t always that way possibly.)
they are possibly in a Ethereal Earth that overlaps with the Physical Earth that we live on. not everyone has to agree with that theory.
 also if I had a Angel like Belldandy or like one of her other two sisters from Ah My Goddess, I can’t help but have the thought that if the said Angel like those three have, had a name.....it would be Burning-Hope.
I think in a Earth Angel’s case, it could be like a Fairy-Angel maybe...?
but Earth Angels could classify as Fairies possibly. 
 I’m listening to one of the Opening Music for Ah My Goddess, right now.
anyway back to the whole topic of this drawing...
like I said the flag in this drawing was originally going to be a Aroaceflux Flag, but I decided to make it into a type of Demi-Heteromorph Identity Flag that has to do with Earth Angels.
Flowey wearing Ralsei’s Hat, Cloak and Scarf has to do with the theory that Flowey is the Ralsei from Chapter 1 that we befriend and form a party with, and who possibly switched places with the Original who was still in a Hood that was knocked to the other side by Lancer or one of Lancer’s Brothers.
I still think it is possible that Lancer is a Quadruplet, and they are all named Lancer because Lancer’s Dad is too lazy to give his sons different names and at some point forgets he has Quadruplet sons and thinks all the Lancers are one in the same.
so yeah I don’t think the Ralsei we meet in Chapter 2, is the same as the one we form a party with, but the Ralsei from Chapter 2 might be the same as the Hooded Figure who got knocked to the other side by Lancer.
with that Ralsei knocked out cold, gave Flowey time to switch places with him, and use the hat that was given to him by the Real-Ralsei of that world, who was locked up by the one who was flung to the other side off screen by Lancer.
like it turning out that Flowey is entrusted by the Real-Ralsei who looks how he appears Chapter 1 when joining Kris’s Party.
to protect and watch over Kris and Susie, and keep them safe from the Fallen Prince from another world, meaning that the Ralsei who we meet in Chapter 2, is possibly Prince Asriel from Undertale.
but he is soulless and was able to reform his body thanks to Chara’s determination, but not all his dust re-merged with him, because part of it was lost by becoming one with Flowey when the Royal Scientist took one of the Flowers from the King’s flower garden.
Flowey might have a small part of The Original Prince Asriel’s Soul, or at least his essence that could form into a new soul inside of Flowey, but it wouldn’t end up being a Monster or Human Soul, but like a type of Flora Soul.
like for plants and animals that aren’t like anthropomorphic or humanoid,
their souls could be like in the shape of teardrops but in Flowey’s case,
the teardrop soul could change into a yellow orb or yellow butterfly.
Flowey or at least one of the Undertale Timeline versions of him, could of escape from Undertale and end up in Deltarune.
and one of the Undertale Timeline versions of Alphys could of been with him,
but she ends up betraying him and leaves him in the Dark World while she ends up in the Light World.  
Flowey is then found by the True-Ralsei (this is before the Fallen Prince Asriel comes along and locks Prince-Ralsei away inside the Castle.) 
Flowey ends up forming a type of bond with the True Prince Of that Dark World,
and when True-Ralsei is locked up by the Soulless Body Of The Original Prince Asriel from Undertale.
True-Ralsei takes a extra hat of his and possibly some extra scarf and cloak that he is wearing while behind bars, and gives them to Flowey.
True-Ralsei used magic on his extra hat that he gave to Flowey,
to let the hat’s magic transform Flowey into his likeness.
he could of infused the hat with his soul essence and some other magic that would let Flowey transform into “Ralsei” and protect the Lightners from the imposter....
why True-Ralsei doesn’t try to ask Flowey to get the key, is because there will be no time and The Other-Ralsei/Soulless Prince Asriel from Undertale...
could always have it on his person, and he could end up making Flowey seem like the bad guy, and have the Lightners attack him if he tries to take the key while they are still around and would believe anything that Other-Ralsei says is true.
but while Flowey/Decoy-Ralsei is going out the Delta Rune Door with Kris,
Soulless-Asriel was secretly following behind them, and watching them.
and once Kris and Susie left to go back to the Light World, Soulless-Asriel from Undertale, ends up using magic to throw all of the citizens of that Dark World through the Dark Fountain before Kris’s Soul closes the portal.
but Soulless-Asriel left some behind, like the Lancer who took over as the new King of that Kingdom, as well as Flowey and possibly Jevil if were not able to beat him but only unlocked the door that he is imprisoned behind.
and when Kris and Susie were busy with King, Soulless-Asriel possibly left the Dark World and went to the Dark World to lock the closet door in the unused classroom, and then went back to the Card Kingdom, and when Susie and Kris were heading to the Dark Fountain....
Soulless-Asriel used a magic spell to throw all the Darkner Citizens through the Dark Fountain before Kris could close the portal.
Soulless-Asriel leaves out Lancer and Flowey out of the spell, and even Jevil if we weren’t able to beat him and add his item form into the inventory.
and once Kris and Susie are back to the Light World, Soulless-Asriel heads back to the Castle Town by going through the Delta Rune Doors, then he locks the door behind him, so Kris and Susie wont end up going through it and find out the truth and also to keep Flowey and The Lancer that became King, from getting through.
Soulless-Asriel only let the Other Lancer Brothers come to the Castle Town, like the one who keeps wearing a mustache, and the other who would soon be at home in the sub-space dimension in Kris’s pocket.
Flowey and King-Lancer, could still be trying to get through the Delta Rune Door but aren’t able to, meaning they can’t get through unless they find another way back, and that would be from going through some other doorway from the Dark World to the Light World.
reasons why I believe the Ralsei we meet in Castle Town in Chapter 2 (but could of originally been the Hooded figure in Chapter 1 who was flung off screen by Lancer, and ends up having Flowey switch places with him.)
is not the same one that we befriend and form a party with,
because the Ralsei in Chapter 2, his horns are much longer, his feet are bigger and he is obviously a few inches taller than Kris.
in Chapter 1, the Ralsei (who is possibly Flowey who was asked by the True-Ralsei to look after and protect Kris and Susie from The Soulless-Asriel from Undertale.) who we form a party with, he has smaller horns, has smaller feet and is around the same height as Kris.
the Ralsei that Susie and Kris meet up in Castle Town in Chapter 2,
ain’t fooling anybody, because they are clearly not the same Ralsei we form a party with, even if it does turn out it was Flowey in disguise, it could be possible that he was only disguised by the request of the imprisoned True-Ralsei.
also if Flowey did try to get the key that keeps the True-Ralsei imprisoned,
The Other-Ralsei/Fake-Ralsei/Soulless-Asriel from Undertale,
would likely lie to both Kris and Susie, and Flowey would have to fight them in a battle.
True-Ralsei asking Flowey to take on the role as “him” and looking after and protecting Kris and Susie from Soulless-Asriel from Undertale,
would be a lot safer for Flowey and he wont end up hurt in a battle by Kris or Susie or even The Player that possibly has The Original Asriel’s Soul as their Proxy-Soul.
the reason why the Red Soul breaks when we get a game over in Undertale,
is because it is in fact really a Monster Soul, and possibly infused with The Original Chara’s consciousness, while their Original Soul Heart is being used to power the underground and is inside that generator that powers the True Lab, CORE and the elevators.                                                                                     
the Proxy-Soul might have the good half of The Original Prince Asriel, and Flowey could have that half as well.
The Original Chara could of ended up fusing with Kris, when their Half-Human & Half-Monster fused soul ends up in Kris’s body, and if Kris’s Original Soul was accidentally taken and absorbed by their brother Asriel...
the Proxy-Soul would end up fusing with Kris’s Spirit and becoming their new soul.
Kris could of became Soulless and it ended up letting a Hollow-Soul of Kris take over and do dark pranks.
Kris could still pull pranks, but before The Player and The Proxy-Soul came around, Kris was not fully themself anymore.
the Chara meets in Undertale, is possibly a creation from the True Lab...
that Chara could be a Tulpa, and Darkners in Deltarune, could be Tulpa.
the Chara that stands before the Player, could be a A.I. made from the Red Soul that is trapped in the generator that can be found in the True Lab.
so when that A.I. of Chara, who we can view as a A.I. Clone of the Original Chara....takes the Proxy-Soul, they are possibly sending it to the Deltarune World, where it will end up becoming Kris’s New Soul.
it could be possible that the Red Soul that is powering the underground in Undertale, and is in that generator, might be The Original Soul of Prince Asriel, but the minds and spirits were swapped, like Chara’s Spirit end up in their brother’s heart soul, and Original Asriel ends up in theirs and ended up being taken by the Scientists from the True Lab and then placed into the generator.
anyway like I said, in this drawing, Flowey wearing Ralsei’s Hat, Scarf and Cloak as to do with a theory that he is the one who we had formed a party with in Chapter 1, and is possibly asked to act as “Ralsei” by the Real-Ralsei, to protect Susie and Kris from Soulless-Asriel from Undertale.
while Flowey (acting as Ralsei in the True-Ralsei’s place to protect them from Soulless-Asriel/Ralsei of Chapter 2.) is in Kris’s party.
he starts to form a bond with them and starts to love them, and even Susie when she officially joins the party for real.
 Flowey could have another reason to try to get through the Delta Rune and get back to the Castle Town, not just to help the True-Ralsei and warn everyone about the Soulless-Asriel from the same world and timeline he originally came from, but also get back to Kris and Susie.
Flowey would have to team-up with the Lancer that was left behind, in trying to find another way back to the Castle Town, and that might mean either finding another way to the Light World or finding a Door that leads to another Dark World.
the two Sans in this drawing, has to do  with the whole possibility that Riverperson is trying to warn the Player and Frisk about the Sans from another world who speaks in hands.
Sans uses his hands when fighting The Player and Frisk, in the Geno Route.
so that means that Sans is the one who speaks in hands....
plus it might be hinted in Riverperson’s message....
Beware Of The Man Who Speaks In Hands.
where it comes out as “Beware Of Sans.”
like a secret message, like the possible secret message in the crossword that Sans gives us, which is him telling us to go on a diet, well telling Frisk to go on a diet. 
The Crossword Puzzle:
comes out as “I See Someone Better Go Diet.”
for all we know, Sans has been sending secret messages in the Crossword the whole time, depending on how we play the game.
the Sans from another World, could be the one that we eat with at the restaurant at Mettaton’s Hotel.
while the Sans we eat with at Grillby’s, is the Sans we can trust and isn’t the same one that we eat with at the restaurant at Mettaton’s Hotel.
the Other World Sans, could of overhead the promise that the Good-Sans made to the lady from behind the door.
and he used that info in the conversation with Frisk (and the Player) at the restaurant.
while Sans could be the human half of Steven Universe, the Other Sans from another World might not, but could be “Wingdings Gaster” from Deltarune.
or he could of been a partner and friend of Gaster, and it could turn out that Other-Sans, could be Greg Universe.
I can talk about how that theory could work, we know that in the flash backs of Steven Universe, Greg looked like Steven but with different color hair and it being very long.
even if Steven’s hair is suppose to be brown, and might only appear black when setting the colors on the television a certain way...
but Steven having black hair seems a bit more cooler and seems to fit him better than just dark brown.
also right now I can’t help but view the Other-Sans aka “Bad-Sans” from another world, as Greg Universe, while the Sans behind him who is the “Good-Sans” as his long lost son Steven Universe’s Human Half that becomes Sans.
the Other-Sans/Greg, is based on the in-game version of Sans in Undertale,
where he has about six teeth showing,
and him having eye-bags under his eye-sockets.
so new Crossover Theory, is that The Sans from the Other World who pretends to be Sans.....is really Greg Universe.
I will talk more about that theory in another post....
but anyway this drawing is a mix of being a theory about The Two Sans and Flowey acting as Ralsei in Chapter 1.
and once again, the flag in this was originally gonna be a Aroaceflux Flag,
but I decided to make into a Demi-Heteromorph Identity Flag....
if there can be Asexuality, Sexuality and Romantic Identity Flags
as well as Gender Identity Flags, why not this...?
anyway hope some like this drawing and theories about Flowey and Sans.                                                                         
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I wonder how small I can make him
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amjustagirl · 3 years
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a sea of flowers in bloom: chapter 3
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chapters: one.~ two.~ three.~ four.~ five.~ six.~ seven.~ eight.~ pairing: kita shinsuke x f!reader genre: angst, fluff  wc: 4.5k warnings: none in this chapter 
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You get some reprieve from Kita Shinsuke’s charm when he insists you sleep in for the remaining few days of your trip, that your body needs the rest for your skin to pucker and stitch itself together, heal from the multitude of bruises. You agree readily - your body, including your ego, has been battered to bits.  
But then he seems intent on killing your poor heart because he starts heaping attention on you. 
“I’ve a surprise for you”, he says, ducking his head to you.  
You open your mouth to question him, but he only responds by crouching down, unfolding the bundle in his arms to spill fluffy balls of sunshine onto your lap. Ducklings, all eager and chirping and extremely, exceedingly sweet. 
“This is momo-chan”, he introduces a very plump looking duckling to you. She pecks your fingers but snuggles into the cradle of his. Possessive for a duckling but rightfully so, considering it’s him. A troop of curious, fluff balls trail behind her. You meet Ichigo-chan, named for strawberries, obaa-san’s favourite fruit because of the slightest pink tint to her downy feathers. Kaida-chan, the little dragon, the most daring of the pack of ducklings for staring down an overly curious neighbour’s dog. Maron-chan, little chestnut, for being picked up in the fall. 
But regardless of their personalities, it’s clear that the ducklings, much like half the village, adore Kita Shinsuke to bits. They follow him around like he’s the leader of their troop, quack at him as if they expect him to quack back. You wonder if he might if you weren’t there. 
“Learn yer manners”, he scolds them gently when they peck your fingers. 
They just chirp at him, bemused, as if they can feel the lack of heat behind his words. You spend a happy afternoon in his orphanage for ducks run by a very dedicated nursemaid, carding through their soft feathers, chatting with him about each duckling’s quirks and personality, laughing at their antics as they tumble in and out of the water, fighting over Kita’s attention. 
It’s the perfect afternoon, save for the fact that if you weren’t too afraid of the consequences of letting your lovesick heart loose, you would’ve swooned. 
It doesn’t stop there. He roasts rice cakes with red bean filling for you, toasted with sesame seeds, packing it along to bring you out bird watching once you stop wincing when you pull on your boots. You spot green breasted pheasants, elegant white cranes, but your favourite is the grey heron with black tipped wings, and you make him laugh when you blurt that it reminds you of him. 
“Herons are meant to bring good luck for a farmer.”
“Well”, you say, toasting him with a half eaten rice cake. “Perhaps this year your harvest will be exceptionally good.”
“Perhaps”, he replies, amused. “If so, I should offer it some fish as thanks.”
The heron perks up, as if it’s heard Kita’s words. You giggle. “I think he might like that.” 
He even foregoes his usual evening jogs to sit on the porch by your side, pouring you steaming cups of tea and wrapping you in blankets to keep you warm. You don’t have the willpower to refuse or concoct some excuse to stay away from him, not when you convince yourself that you’re going to leave soon anyway, there’s no harm in indulging yourself. 
“Are ya lookin’ forward to goin’ back?” 
You try to smile but you can barely stop yourself from drooping. “Not really, no”, you answer, wistful, a little sad. “Thinking about it just makes me depressed.” 
He leans back on his hands. “Don’t ya like city life?” 
You sigh, mouth tilting downwards as he turns to look at you, eyes curious. The thought of heading back to your tiny apartment for one loosens your tongue, melancholy bitter in your mouth. 
“It’s...okay I guess, but it can be lonely. You’re surrounded by people all the time, crammed on the streets, typing furiously beside you at work - heck, even at home you can’t really get away from your neighbours when they yell at each other through the walls.” 
“Shouldn’t that make you feel less lonely?” 
“Not really. Everyone around you is just rushing by, far too busy with work or their own families. It’s hard to make friends, meet people genuinely interested in you once you’re out of school. When you’re an adult, people you meet are just interested in what you do and what you can do for them - and that’s just sad, thinking that there are millions of people around you but no one would notice if you could disappear for good.” 
He looks away, face tilted to the dying sun and you wonder if you’ve said too much. 
“Sorry - I shouldn’t have said all that”, you apologise, and he shakes his head. 
“It gets lonely on the farm too, sometimes.” He admits, voice low. “It’s just grandma and me most days, and it’s a long way from any of my old friends.” 
“How d’you deal with it then?” 
“I just keep busy with work.” He straightens his back, brushing dry grass from his knees. “There’s a lot to do around here.”
“Of course”, you laugh, very well acquainted with his work ethic by now. “That sounds exactly what you would do.”
You watch as the sun sets as it has for a thousand years before you, the night swallowing it up as it will continue to do so a thousand years after you. The stillness of dusk consumes your thoughts, shadows growing long as the last vestiges of light fades into the grass, the chill rising from the ground. 
“Still”, he says, with a tilt of his mouth that’s too slight to be considered a smile. “I may be far away from the bright lights of the big city but if it helps, you may count me as a friend.” 
You don’t dare to look at him. 
“I’d like that”, you answer, heart a-flutter when he wishes you good night.  
You are weak. Your heart will be your downfall. 
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Grandma Yumie is none too pleased on the day of your departure.  
“Men are blind sometimes”, she pronounces when you bow politely to take your leave. “They don’t seem to notice what’s before their very eyes.”
“Obaa-san!” you cry, scandalised, whipping your head around to make sure if Kita is out in front, nowhere in the near vicinity. 
“I never knew I had to say that about my own grandson”, she says, shaking her head so solemnly it almost makes you laugh. “He doesn’t know a good thing when it’s staring him right in the face.”
“Kita-san and I are just friends, obaa-san. Nothing more, nothing less”, you say, but there’s no chance of convincing her when you can’t even convince yourself. 
“You should grab the bull by its horns”, she whispers, leaning forward with a wicked grin, and you nearly choke on your spit. “That way, maybe I’ll have him married off by next Spring.”
Please don’t give me ideas lest the gods smite me for being a damned liar. 
“It’s really not like that. I don’t think he’s looking for love right now.” 
“Is that so?” she tilts her head at you, eyes sharp. “I might be old but my eyes haven’t failed me, unlike Shin-chan’s.”
You try protesting further but she only reminds you that you’re welcome back anytime (for forever, if you please), ushering you outside to wave you farewell and cheekily remind Kita not to leave you until you’re safely on the train. 
“Of course, obaa-chan”, he replies, the picture perfect obedient grandson, before you both set off in the truck, speeding through mountain roads lined with trees, He does as she bids, carrying your bags all the way onto the platform, waits with you patiently until the train pulls into the station. 
“I guess this is goodbye”, you say. Perhaps now the health of your heart will improve. 
“I suppose”, he answers, before adding as an afterthought - “I come into Osaka twice a month for business. If you’d like to meet a friend for dinner - ” 
“Of course”, you interrupt, your heart hijacking control of your mouth. “Just not at Onigiri Miya, I’m dragged there more than enough already.”
“Your pick then”, he says amiably, with a half smile. “Though we could get a discount considering I’m business partners with Osamu.”
“It’s not worth it if I have to deal with Atsumu’s teasing.” You finally gain control of your mouth enough to snap it shut, your fear overriding your idiot heart. Thankfully, he doesn’t seem to think much of it, simply helps to lift your bags onto the train. 
He waves goodbye to you. You don’t stop smiling until he turns his back. 
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You knew that you’d be ambushed by your best friend the minute you walked into office. She doesn’t even do you the courtesy of getting you coffee before she’s peering at you from the top of your cubicle. 
“Don’t ask if I’ve gotten into his pants because you know I haven’t and he’s not interested, so please can we leave it as that?” 
“I didn’t mention anything about his pants - you did.” She sticks out her tongue at you, a habit she must’ve learnt from her daughter. Her eyes gleam. “I take it you’ve been fantasising about taking them off?” 
She should’ve brought you coffee so you can fling it at her.  
“We’re just friends” you begin, nose scrunching when she throws her head back in a laugh.  
“That’s what they all say”, she says, reaching over the wall to your desk, snagging a post it note. “Here”, she slaps it on your desk after scribbling furiously on it.  “These are the dates when Kita’s gonna be in Osaka next month.”
You stare down at the offending piece of paper, consider whether you should toss it in the trash (your mind is in favour of that), or snap a picture of it with your phone (your heart squeals and swoons). Kaiyo doesn’t allow you to decide when she bugs your secretary to insert the dates into your calendar in bright red font, sweet talks her into rearranging your schedule so you can keep those dates free. 
Two weeks later Kita texts, asking if you’d like to have dinner. Your thumb slips, you text back yes before your face meets your keyboard. 
Kaiyo cackles so loud she nearly scares your intern to death when you begrudgingly tell her why you can’t meet her for dinner. You know who to suspect when you open your drawers to find condoms, a whole pile of them. Your secretary refuses to meet your eye. 
You love your best friend dearly, but at times you want to strangle her. You really do. 
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He listens to your request not to meet at Onigiri Miya in a bid to avoid Miya twins. It’s a bit pointless when Kaiyo is all-seeing, ever-knowing, at least in respect of your schedule vis a vis him, but at least you won’t run the risk of ruining Kita’s impression of you by getting into a shouting match with Atsumu.
His usual work shirt replaced by a soft sweater, neat slacks instead of loose linen pants. Your mouth is already dry - you should order some sake or you won’t last the night. Though sake might be a bad idea. Alcohol might loosen your tongue too much and heaven only knows what you might say if your mind isn’t fully engaged - 
“You good?” 
Like now. You’ve been waging an internal war within yourself that you don’t even notice that he’s been trying to get your attention for a while. 
“Yes!” you snap to attention, smiling to try and cover up your moment of reverie. “How’re you, Kita-san?” 
“Good”, he replies, scanning you once over to confirm that you’re truly okay before turning to the menu. “Have you decided what to order?” 
You’d like to order him for take-away, but you shake your head, no. He’s patient with you, listens to you ramble about what’s good in this hole-in-the-wall izakaya you’ve frequented ever since you were a fresh faced graduate, before calling the waitress politely over, reciting your order perfectly to her. 
Conversation with him flows easily enough, the setting might have changed but your two weeks together has given you enough to talk about. Obaa-chan is doing fine, the doctor gave her a clean bill of health, the ducklings seem to have imprinted onto him - to the lack of your surprise. The rice harvest is over after weeks of backbreaking work, and now he’s busy arranging to ship them out all over the country. 
“Most of them go to Osaka, though. That’s why I’m here.”
That’s right. He’s here for business, not for you. But he’s decided to take your advice, build a guesthouse on an empty plot of land, though he’s a little unsure where to start. 
“It’s a bit intimidating”, he admits. “I’ve got money saved up, but I don’t know if it’ll be enough.” 
“Give me the details, and I’ll help you figure it out”, you tell him, resolving to pull all the strings you can, call in all the favours you have on hand for him. 
He smiles at you gratefully, insists that he pick up the bill. 
The rest of the night is spent discussing floor plans and bank loans, the choice of a contractor, the need to hire staff (obaa-san knows plenty of housewives in the village with older children who’d be willing to help out), the licenses he’d have to apply for, the overall feasibility of running a guesthouse. 
“So much for my winter break”, he says almost ruefully. “Looks like I’ll be keeping myself busy. Might need to come into Osaka even more at this rate.”
Your traitorous heart likes the sound of that. “If you ever find yourself in Osaka and need a companion for dinner…”
He glances down at you with a slight smile. “I’ll know who to look for.” 
He pays the bill despite your protests, walks you to the sidewalk for you to flag down a cab. The harsh street lighting betrays what the dim lights of the izakaya hides, the silver of a scar running down the left side of your face. 
“It doesn’t seem to be healing completely”, he says, eyes tracing the puckered skin. 
“I guess I’ll have a lasting souvenir of my trip”, you reply, flippant. Your mum shrieked when you video-called her, rattling on and on about how the unsightly scar would hurt your chances at finding a decent man. You should thank the scar then - you have no desire to be tied down to any of the idiots she’s been trying to introduce you to. 
Kita frowns again, but doesn’t get to say more when a cab rumbles by, stops for you. “Well. Thank you”, he says, hands tucked in his pockets.“I really appreciate your help.” 
“Not at all”, you fist at the lapels of your jacket. “That’s what friends do.”  
He nods at you gratefully and insists on opening the door for you, waiting until the cab turns the corner before he leaves. You wonder if that means yes, but your quiet question is answered the day after next when Kaiyo drops by your desk with a tube of ointment, a too-wide grin on her face. 
“From Kita”, she sing songs, dropping it into your palm. 
You stare at the gift a little too long. But to Kaiyo’s credit, she reserves her cackling until she reaches her own desk. 
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You start messaging him, starting with a smooth thank you for the ointment and he replies rather dryly - it’s no problem at all, as if he’s unused to conducting conversations over text. The topic of his planned guesthouse is abused thoroughly by you as a pretext for chatting with him more and more - you walk him through all the bank loans he has to take, scrutinise fee quotes from contractors with him, complain incessantly at the swamp of bureaucratic nonsense that needs to be waded through. 
“You’re working really hard. Have you even eaten lunch?”
You jump in your seat, trying to shuffle the offending papers away from Kaiyo’s scrutinising eye. 
“Got a report due today, a call with some hotel chain that wants to buy over an Okinawa resort -” 
She’s too quick for you - must be the side effect of being the wife of a professional athlete and mother to a half feral child, snatching the papers you’ve tried to hide away from you. 
“Loan rates? Don’t you usually get your interns or juniors to churn this kind of information out for you?” 
“It’s a personal matter”, you admit, unwilling to tell her more. 
She actually rounds your cubicle wall, takes a seat on your desk. “You don’t have to take a loan - you know I’m more than willing to help you out - “
“No no no - “ you interrupt, waving your hand wildly, gesturing for her to lower her voice. “It’s not for me - I’m just helping a friend out with a project of his.” 
“Ah.” She’s giving you that smile again. “Kita and his guesthouse?” 
You just look at the ceiling, count the number of lights flickering at you overhead. Maybe if you just don’t give her what she wants she’ll go away. 
No such luck. 
“You’re really into him, huh.” 
“It’s not like that!” you hiss. “He just needs help and it’s something I’m familiar with so of course I’m going to try my best to help him out.”
She just continues grinning at you. 
“I claim dibs on being your maid of honour when y’all get married, okay? Or matron of honour - even though gods, that makes me sound so old.” 
“Go away!” 
“I’m going, I’m going”, she says, backing away with her hands raised though not before she dumps an onigiri on your desk. You chew on it grumpily, thoughts of your interfering best friend falling to the wayside as you spend the rest of your lunch hour churning out the information Kita needs into an email he can easily refer to and use.  
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“Why’re you texting so late?” 
A simple question, one riddled with far too many pitfalls. You have to carefully answer. 
“My boss kept me up. Did you see the numbers I sent you last night?” 
He takes his time to reply. “Yes. Made my decision. Coming to the city to sign with the bank soon. Would ya like to have dinner with me?” 
“Of course”, you reply immediately, making a mental note to clear your schedule with your secretary. “Just name the time and place.”
He meets you again at the noisy little izakaya you’ve grown far too fond of, despite making enough money to frequent finer places because you cling on to the familiar, it makes you feel a little less alone in this city of too wide streets and too few smiles. He looks as if he belongs in your usual booth, a city boy instead of a farmer with his pressed shirt, glasses perched on the arch of his nose. 
“Ya look tired”, he says as his greeting to you. “Have you been resting enough?”
You wonder if you should take it as an insult and realise you shouldn’t, because there’s a warmth in his eyes that seems more like concern than judgment, adding further fuel for the bonfire aflame in your heart. 
“I’m used to it”, you reply. 
Work is shit, your hours are long, but he doesn’t need to know that you’re spending even more time at your cramped desk because you’re running numbers and pulling favours for him. Your lunch hour, even your usual dinner hour has been burnt with endless calls to business contacts of yours, governmental officials, all to smooth over any bumps in the road that he might face. 
“You should take care of yourself”, he tells you before beckoning the waitress over to take your order. 
“I am”, you huff, even though that’s a lie. 
It’s worth it though when he actually smiles at you, a full curve of his lips, eyes crinkling in the corners, when you lay out all the discounts, the shortcuts, the information wrangled from stubborn government officials, all neatly typed out and filed for him. It’s worth it when he reaches over the table to take your hand, express his gratitude and thank you for being a good friend. 
That word stings just a little, even though you know you don’t have the right to demand anything more. “Of course”, you say, heart beating against your ribcage far too violently for you to mistake your feelings for him as being anything platonic. “You don’t have to thank me at all.”
“When the guest house is built”, he says. “Ya should’ve the honour of being the first guest.” 
“Make sure there are clean sheets and I’ll be there”, you tease, laughing when his brows furrow in confusion at the thought of there being anything but pristine sheets in an establishment run by him. 
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His presence in your life blooms. 
The little izakaya becomes your place to meet him once a fortnight. 
He’s old fashioned, giving you a pained look every time you manage to snatch the bill from him, insisting he should buy you dinner especially since you’re burning so much of your spare time to help him. That’s not untrue but you do it freely though not without an ulterior motive, you want the excuse to talk to him as much as you can. 
You smile every time you walk past it nowadays, and the lady boss even greets you as you pass, cheekily asking after your handsome boyfriend, even though you giggle demurely and tell her it’s not like that. You wish it were true though - and it’s easy to pretend your wish comes true when he knows your exact order, your preferred drink, and walks you outside with a warm hand on your lower back, bidding you goodnight in his calm voice with a hint of a smile in his eyes. 
“You seem happier”, Kaiyo notes over lunch at work one day. 
You scarf down your bento, mentally counting down the minutes until your next client call. “I guess I am”, you answer distractedly. 
Slowly, surely, you stop viewing him as an unattainable god, see him for who he truly is - a good man with a kind heart. He sends you pictures of his ducklings, or more accurately, the young ducks that refuse to leave the confines of the water-nursery he’s constructed for them, the cold dew that covers his bare fields at dawn, the flowers he’s been trying to grow, hues of red and pink and gold burning across the skies like quickfire that remind you of sunsets spent by his side. Each picture is accompanied by a story about its subject, each text from him contains a message - affection from Grandma Yunie, concern from him about your long working hours, hope, pride even - about the progress of the guesthouse. 
In turn you text him back about the tasks your boss drops on your head, the mistakes your juniors make that you need to spend hours fixing, the clients that expect you to work miracles overnight. 
“It can’t be all that bad”, he says as an aside once, which made your belly pool with unbidden guilt.  
You’re not being fair to him when he brings colour to your dull life with shades of his. 
So you try your best to send him brief moments of beauty you find of life in the city that sometimes feels all grey - the sparrows you meet in the park on the way to work, the little extra oden that the combini staff slips into your breakfast bowl, the jokes you and Kaiyo share. 
"Aren't these the moments that make you feel alive?" he texts you when he’s feeling particularly philosophical. 
“Moments of brief human interaction?” 
“You sound so cynical.”
You want to tell him that’s what living in a city does to you - an unnatural way to live, removed from your tribe, not belonging anywhere, you’re just a permanent tenant, drifting amidst millions of other lost souls. 
But you don’t. 
He doesn’t need to know the struggles you face. He doesn’t need to know you’ve missed the scheduled date for garbage disposal at least twice a month without fail. No one needs to know that you’ve actually had to buy disposable underwear (the horrors) once or twice when you come home late at night and realise you’ve been too busy to clear your laundry for the past week or so. You’re pathetic, floundering on a life raft trying to stay afloat, he - the lifeline you clint to in an attempt to alleviate your loneliness. You can’t afford to drive him away. 
It’s easy when he’s so encouraging whenever you gush about how a client complimented your work, even if it’s followed up by a pile of even more work - the eternal contradiction of a worker bee, good work being rewarded with more work, when he actually sounds proud of you when you text him about how you’re being trusted with a big file to yourself. 
“congrats”, he texts, and it feels inadequate to respond with a simple “thanks” when the warmth you imagine in that message keeps you sane in the face of the sting of your boss muttering that you might as well take the responsibility since you don’t have children or a husband to rush home to every night. As if you don’t have the right to personal time as a relatively young, unmarried woman, the right to rest, the right to just let your brain shut off for just one second - but you bite your tongue and try to smile.
Even during Hatsumode, you hide the fact that you’re adrift in the city with too many other lost, lonely souls like you. It should be a time for family, for reunions and celebrations to usher in the new year but you don’t want to head back to Tokyo to face your mother, not when she’s a-flutter about your younger sister getting engaged before you, so you chose to stay in Osaka on the pretense you have work to clear anyway. 
“at least you can spend time with your friends” he texts, sounding a little judgemental. 
“yeah - new year parties are always fun” you respond breezily, omitting the fact that one - you haven’t been for parties since your university years and two - your friends, like Kaiyo are spending time with their families, and you’ll be damned if you take any of her precious time away from Atsumu, who always seems to be travelling. 
Kita’s family joins him on the farm for the holidays, but still he texts you at least once a day. “don’t forget to take breaks”, he might say every once in a while, or “make sure you eat - you know you tend to get gastric when you skip meals” around dinner or lunch. His texts chip away at the insurmountable ice wall of loneliness that’s crept up on you but you also see the irony in finding comfort in someone who’s miles and miles away most of the time.
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a/n: a quieter chapter with a chockful of pining, but a lot more development in the chapters to come :) 
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lumelii · 3 years
Summary: Nanami and Yuuji stop into the local bakery. Nanami finds something he wants that’s off the menu.
Content warning: fluff, little bit of pining, child-parent relations, singledad!Nanami
Note: thanks again to Moni for beta-reading 🥰
word count: 1.6k
“Daddy! Look!”
It was a bakery they had passed multiple times on the way home, living just next door to it. It was small, tucked into one half of the ground floor of the low building it occupied, sharing a wall with a pharmacy. It served reasonably priced pastries and sandwiches, as well as some of the best coffee in Tokyo. Nanami usually took Yuuji there once or twice a month and let him pick what he wanted for breakfast.
The window display was almost always the same, Nanami would have missed the slight change as he tried to juggle the various bags they had accumulated from their early Saturday morning errands if his young son hadn’t pointed it out. He looked over to see the small bag of fruit he had asked Yuuji to carry on the sidewalk, a lone apple rolling away while his son stood on his tiptoes, his nose practically pressed to the glass. 
Instead of the standard fare on the very top shelf, there was a row of buns in the shapes of various animals, with different fillings for each shape written neatly on cards next to each. Nanami had to admire the work, they were incredibly detailed. 
“It’s a panda!” Yuuji looked back at Nanami and pointed at the aforementioned bun in the middle. “Can we get one?”
Nanami caught himself before denying Yuuji outright. He had been especially good today when they were running their errands, not complaining once as his father dragged him through town and entertaining himself in the various shops without getting into trouble. And they could go to the park later so Yuuji could run off his energy. A little sugar wouldn’t kill him.
“Sure. Go pick up your bag, though.” He pointed to the forgotten paper bag.
Yuuji quickly ran to pick up the bag (as well as the apple, adding it back to the bag before Nanami could tell him no), and grabbed his father’s hand to all but pull him into the bakery. It wasn’t as crowded as Nanami would have thought for a Saturday morning, something for which he was grateful. When there was a crowd, Yuuji liked to use people as obstacles and run around and through them as fast as he could. Only the obstacles moved, and he usually ended up on his butt more times than he would have liked.
They were able to go straight to an empty table to drop off their shopping before moving to the counter, and after a few seconds, one of the workers packaging cookies turned around, and Nanami’s breath caught in his throat.
It wasn’t like the bakery didn’t have pretty women working there-there were several, ones who would shamelessly flirt and try to butter up Yuuji as a means to get closer to his father, but Nanami didn’t indulge or even notice them. He was polite, got what he needed, then left. He never played into whatever fantasies the cashier of the month decided to dream up. 
However, this time, it was hard to remind himself of that conviction when easily the prettiest worker he had ever seen there walked up to the register and smiled at him. Was she new? She had to be new, he’d never seen her before. He would have remembered seeing someone like you. 
“Hi, welcome in.” You greeted and leaned against the counter. “What can I get for you?”
“Panda!” Yuuji yelled, his nose peeking over the top of the counter as he looked at you. 
“Yuuji.” Nanami scolded and picked him up so he could actually see you. “Ask politely, son.”
Yuuji smiled at him then turned to smile at you. “Can I please have a panda bun please?”
You smiled and nodded. “Of course, sir.” You replied, making him giggle. Your smile widened and you finally looked at Nanami. “And for you?”
“I’ll just have a black coffee.” Nanami didn’t think he could focus on eating without choking if you were going to be walking around the bakery.
“Me too!”
“He’ll have a hot chocolate.”
“I want what you’re having.” Yuuji pouted. Nanami sighed and turned back to the counter.
“Make mine a hot chocolate too.”
You took his money and handed him a number for the table. “Give me just a second, I’ll bring everything to your table. Make yourself at home.”
Nanami nodded and lead Yuuji away from the big display case by the register back to their table, helping him out of his heavy winter coat when he was seated safely. He tried his best to listen to his son as he talked about a dog they had seen earlier today during their shopping trip, but he was finding it very hard to focus.
His eyes kept wandering back behind the counter, watching as you made their drinks and talked with the other workers, laughing along with them at a joke someone had said. He’d never felt this kind of attraction toward another person. It was irrational. He didn’t know you. Yet he still felt that draw.
There had been other women before Yuuji had come into his life, even a few dalliances on nights when Gojou would take him out and Toji would stay home to watch the kids, just to satisfy that primal need. There was even a girlfriend at one point. But Yuuji had declared he didn’t like her after several months, and that was enough for Nanami to end the relationship. There was no point in pursuing a woman who couldn’t to get along with his son.
So why was it now, after finding contentment in being alone for so long, that all he wanted to do was go up and ask you, a complete stranger, on a date?
“You boys are lucky.” Nanami looked up and saw you were now standing next to their table, placing their to-go cups in front of them as well as Yuuji’s panda bun. “This was the second to last one.”
“Do you normally sell out quickly on the animals?” He heard himself asking, like the back of his neck wasn’t on fire right now.
“We only just started making them this week, but for the most part, yes.” You straightened from setting the food down and hugged the tray to your chest. “The red bean panda usually sells first. I suppose people are more used to the flavor.”
“What’s your name?” Yuuji asked suddenly, taking a big bite out of the head of his panda.
“I’m Y/N.” You smiled at the young boy. “What’s yours?”
Thankfully, Yuuji took the time to actually swallow his food before speaking, which was uncharacteristic of him. “My name is Yuuji.” His son said proudly. “I’m five.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Yuuji.” Your eyes turned to Nanami expectantly. “And your name?”
“His name is Dad.” Yuuji told her before Nanami could reply. She laughed, and he thought he hadn’t heard anything quite so wonderful today.
“And is that your first or last name?”
“Our last name is Nanami.” Yuuji answered again, cutting off his father as he opened his mouth to speak. “We live in the building next door.”
“Really? So I do. I just moved in. We’re neighbors.”
“Can I come visit you?” Yuuji asked excitedly.
“Yuuji, let’s not take up any more of the lady’s time.” Nanami interjected, noticing another customer had walked in, but also slightly embarrassed at his son’s oversharing.
“You’re fine, don’t worry. We already had our big morning rush.” You leaned in closer so the young boy wouldn’t hear what you were saying. “I put a shot of espresso in your cup. It should help if you need the caffeine.”
Nanami merely stared back when you pulled back and smiled again. He didn’t know how to respond to this kindness from a total stranger. You didn’t even know him, yet you spoke and cared as if you had been acquainted for a lifetime.
“Y/N!” A voice from the kitchen yelled before Nanami could open his mouth to thank you properly. “We’re almost out of spritz cookies!”
“Coming!” You yelled back and bowed slightly to Nanami. “It was nice to meet you, Dad-san.”
You were gone before he could reply. “It’s Kento.” He murmured to himself. However, Yuuji heard him and fixed him with a frown.
“Your name is Dad.” Yuuji said resolutely.
“I had a name before you came along.”
“And now it’s Dad.”
They sat quietly finishing their drinks, Yuuji swinging his legs happily as he finished his bun and watched the people coming and going in the bakery with wide, curious eyes. Nanami tried hard not to stare at you behind the counter as you worked, but his eyes kept drifting your direction of their own volition. He’d never felt this kind of pull before. He had to be imagining it. He was being irrational.
His line of vision as he watched the door to the kitchen, waiting for you to come out again after disappearing several minutes ago, was blocked when another server came up and set a brown bag with the bakery’s logo on the table. Nanami immediately picked it up and tried to hand it back.
“We didn’t order this.” He told the teenage boy.
“They’re on the house,” was all the boy said before going back behind the counter.
Nanami looked behind the counter and saw you had appeared again, now watching them. When he caught your eye, you smiled widely and gave him a small thumbs up. Looking inside the bag, there was a pair of peanut butter chocolate chip cookies, along with the last panda bun. When he turned the bag to put it in with one of the larger shopping bags from their trip, the black ink of a marker caught his eye. Pulling the bag back out, he noticed the same neat handwriting from the display case.
‘Thanks for coming in, neighbor ^_^’
He was truly fucked.
tags: @oikawaandkuroostan (let me know if you want to get added to my tag list-either for this story or any of my writing!)
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cherryatiny · 3 years
𝙲𝚑𝚎𝚎𝚛 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚞𝚜 - 𝙲.𝚂 & 𝚂.𝙼𝙶
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⩥𝙿𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐: 𝚓𝚘𝚌𝚔!𝙲𝚑𝚘𝚒 𝚂𝚊𝚗 (𝙰𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚣) 𝚡 𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚏!𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚡 𝚓𝚘𝚌𝚔!𝚂𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝙼𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚒 (𝙰𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚣)
⩥𝙶𝚎𝚗𝚛𝚎: 𝚜𝚖𝚞𝚝, 𝚌𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚐𝚎 𝙰𝚄
⩥𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 𝟸,𝟺𝚔
⩥𝚂𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚢: 𝚆𝚑𝚊𝚝'𝚜 𝚊 𝚋𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚠𝚊𝚢 𝚝𝚘 𝚌𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚋𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚝𝚎𝚊𝚖'𝚜 𝚟𝚒𝚌𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚊 𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚘𝚗 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚕𝚊𝚙 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚛𝚘𝚘𝚖𝚜?
⩥𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐: 𝚍𝚘𝚖!𝚜𝚊𝚗, 𝚍𝚘𝚖!𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚒, 𝚜𝚞𝚋!𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎, 𝚎𝚡𝚑𝚒𝚋𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜𝚖, 𝚙𝚞𝚋𝚕𝚒𝚌 𝚜𝚎𝚡, 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚜𝚎𝚡, 𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚓𝚘𝚋, 𝚋𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚝 𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚢, 𝚌𝚕𝚒𝚝 𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚢, 𝚍𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝚝𝚊𝚕𝚔, 𝚗𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝚌𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚍𝚎𝚐𝚛𝚊𝚍𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗/𝚑𝚞𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚒𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚒𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚚𝚞𝚒𝚗𝚝, 𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚗 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚜𝚎 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚖𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛𝚜
⩥𝚃𝚊𝚐 𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝: @galaxteez @gyubaby @frankenstein852 @bobateastay @aurianaaaa
„Wow, immaculate, Choi scored yet another goal, Choi is in his best form ever this season, to be honest, I'm kinda curious, what or who helped him develop such confidence on the field. Looks like the other team won't be able to score 3 or more goals to win, so we can be almost 100% sure that today's winner is the home team.”
Loud cheers and clapping sounds were hearable at the university's soccer field, where the team's sensation Choi, brought the team to yet another victory. Finishing the last 10 minutes of the game with the difference of two goals, all the team's members ran over to the aforementioned male, patting him on the back along with saying phrases that only boosted his confidence.
Choi San was the typical school athlete. The popular guy everyone knew when he walked through the school's corridors, the guy every girl wanted to date and every boy wanted to be. The type of guy to not really care about his academic results, because he knew his talent in sports would make him successful in life. If he didn't train on the soccer field, you would for sure catch him fucking random girls at his friends' parties.
But that changed slightly when the poor cheerleader caught his eyes.
Finishing the choreography off with a triple headspring, the girl in question stood there with her arms in high V, to match with other cheerleaders in her team that in the meanwhile did a pyramid. The fans that sat on the bleachers in front of them cheered, as the girl tried to catch her breath from the stunts they pulled while the team played. As she was about to finally leave the field and go home to prepare herself some tasty meal, two strong arms wrapped around her, picking her up into a hug. It was no one other than San who picked her up, as his beaning smile soon turned into a cocky smirk. „Put me the fuck down, Choi.”
„Aww, don't be so grumpy my little vixen, I'm the best player in our school's team and I won the game for us once again, shouldn't you be thrilled about such an amazing guy showing you affection?” Rolling her eyes at him, she grasped out of his embrace, falling back onto her feet on the ground, as she picked up the bag with her clothes to change into, since the cheerleading uniform that consisted of a top that hardly covered her chest and a short skirt, weren't the best option to go home dressed in.
„Not so fast Y/N, where are you going at this hour? The night is still young, besides, shouldn't we celebrate the victory? You know how much that little costume of yours riles me up. Fuck I'm not sure if I can wait any longer, should I fuck my little cheerleader behind the bleachers or in the changing room?” His arm wrapped around her waist pulling the cheerleader closer to him. Hand going lower, down her spine to her bare thighs, going under the skirt and groping her ass, San bent down to whisper into her ear.
„The guys will go celebrate right away, so the changing room will be there just for the two of us. Come in 15 minutes, you already know the way.“ The young jock left her standing there, in the middle of the soccer field that was slowly emptying itself. „Here we go again, he better buys me dinner after this.“ murmured the girl as she was making her way to the soccer team's changing room. It was always like this. The two of them fucked after every match or whenever they wanted to, but apart from that, they didn't even acknowledge each other in school and acted like they were strangers.
Going through the calm hallway, she opened the door to the changing room at the end of the hallway. The room was already emptied out of the team members. The wetness in the room from the usage of the shower and the odour of sweat immediately hit her nose. „You guys should try opening the windows sometimes, it stinks here.“ Complained Y/N as she approached the shirtless male who was sitting on the bench, staring at his locker. Standing up to look at her, Y/N was met with the sight of his sculpted abs, she loved that much. „Soon enough, it won't stink of sweat, but sex, babe.“ Said smirking San as he walked closer to her, not wanting to spend any more time, his lips attached to her bare neck right away.
„How many times do I have to remind you to stop calling me babe, San.“ declared Y/N in between her lustful moans. „I don't think I want to stop,...babe.“ not stopping the movement of his lips on her neck, he tugged her closer to him, walking backwards to the wooden bench he previously sat on. Pressing her back against the cold metal lockers. Y/N's arms roamed over his exposed stomach and chest, caressing his muscles with her fingertips.
San rolled the top that covered her chest up, her breasts being exposed to him. He broke the connection between his lips and her neck and attached them to her hardening nipples. Sucking on her right breast, his palm paying attention to the other one, as he covered her chest with purplish hickeys, that marked her as his. „Your tits are even prettier now that they are covered in my marks. You should walk like this, without a shirt around the school so everyone would see the marks and know who's fucking our main cheerleader, don't you think?“ Groping them and pressing them against each other, he observed his creation in amazement as the girl moaned under his touch. His hand went under her skirt, pulling her safety shorts down to her ankles, she stepped out of them.
San tugged her panties to the side, his fingers traced her entrance while he devoured her mouth. Pressing onto her clit with his thumb, he pushed two of his long fingers into her wet hole, stretching her as he spread them, to prep her. Breaking the deep kiss, they were breathing heavily, trying to catch their breath from the intense kiss. San opened his locker, searching for the box of condoms he kept there for situations like this.
Sitting down onto the bench, he stripped off his sweatpants and briefs, focused on rolling the condom on his length. Spreading his legs widely, he motioned with his fingers for her to come up to him. Turning her around, so her back faced him, he grasped her ass. His hands spreading her ass cheeks, looking at the wetness leaking out of her. „Looks like I've made your wet cunt waiting for too long, cuz you're dripping. Come and sit on this cock, after all, you know what to do, your slutty hole did it many times.“
Pulling her to him by her waist, he sat her down on his lap, positioning his tip leaking of precum to her entrance throbbing out of the arousal she felt. San never failed to arouse her with just a simple touch, she slept with some other people in her life, but it wasn't like this with them, San was just... different. Whether it was his team captain Hongjoong or his shy (not so shy in bed) teammate Yeosang, she always came back to San for more. He was the drug she got addicted to.
Without much warning, he slipped into her entrance with ease, forcing a couple of moans to leave her mouth from the delicate feeling of San's girth stretching her velvet walls. San let out a few quiet groans as he pushed her hips onto his length.
Moving Y/N by her hips up and down onto him with the pace of his liking, it was harder and harder for the girl to comprehend herself. Her knuckles turning white from clutching the edge of the wooden bench they were fucking on. Her skirt still covering the place where the two of them connected, as their skins continued to smack against each other. The arm wrapped around her body held her close to San, as he nibbled on her ear lobe. Hand roaming over her body and playing with her hard nipples.
Unaware of the pair of ears in the room that could hear them, San never stopped in his thrusts, knowing well what to do to make the cheerleader in his lap break from the pleasure he could give her. Mingi, who was in the changing room for the past few minutes, on the other hand, didn't know what to do at all. Should he leave before they see him and forget about the sweatshirt he forgot? Should he wait until they finish or should he approach them in the middle of their intercourse?
However, the solution to his dilemma was found when he accidentally bumped his foot into the tinplate material of the lockers. The sound resonating in the room and alerting the couple that was lost in their pleasure. „Who's there?!” asked San with an annoyed and somehow angry voice at the disturber of his victory's celebration. Rubbing his temple nervously, San's teammate Mingi came out of his previous spot behind the lockers.
As soon as he approached the two of them, his whole face flushed into a reddish tint, cheeks burning from the embarrassment. His eyes widened as he locked contact with Y/N's breasts covered in San's marks. Unable to comprehend any coherent sentence, he stood there, not knowing what to say, hoping the older teammate would say something instead. „Come on Mingi, I'm waiting for your explanation on why have you been eavesdropping on us. Did you forget something? Or have you decided to rather celebrate the victory with me and my little fucktoy?”
„I-I forg-got my sweatshirt...” murmured Mingi quietly, his head lowered down, so he doesn't have to face the exposed cheerleader he yearned for many endless nights spent with his dick in his hand, imagining it was her giving him a handjob. And now she was there, displayed for him. Unfortunately not for him, but for his friend and teammate San. „The look in your eyes told me that you were relieved to have forgotten your hoodie. Do you like how her tits look covered in my hickeys? I can see how you eye them..”
„I- no- I wasn't looking I swear I didn't know you and Y/N were a thing... I swear I wasn't looking at her, San.” San chuckled at how defensive Mingi was being, trying hard to deny everything. „You weren't looking? Then why don't you look? Don't you want to see her perfect tits? If I were you I would use the opportunity.” San only let out yet another chuckle when the male he was talking to, lifted his head lightly, looking at the girl's exposed breasts freely.
„Do you want to join us too? I'm sure my little vixen wouldn't mind having her mouth shut with your dick. Her slutty cunt is already taking my cock and it's such a pity I won't let you experience the amazing feeling of her wet hole clenching around you, but her mouth will gladly take you. I can feel her clenching around me because of that idea.”
Y/N didn't know why it was like that, but San talking about her as if she wasn't even there aroused her even more than she thought was possible. Normally, she would have been shy in a situation like this, but a flame of confidence sparked in her. „Yes Mingi, I need someone to shut my mouth, if you don't want to, I can look for another one of your teammates, I'm sure they'd be more grateful than you...“ Teasing him with her words, she tried to make him agree to this, and she knew he would, after all, the obvious stares he gave her when he passed their training didn't go unnoticed by her. „I- yes, I want to... I've been wanting to shut your pesky mouth so much.“
Approaching the two figures on the bench, Mingi with a particularly harsh tug gripped her hair into a makeshift ponytail, tugging on it to make her look at him, as she was still seated on San's lap, clenching around his length in her. Parting her lips for him obediently as he tugged down the same team sweatpants San previously had. Mingi and San locked eye contact, it was as if they communicated thanks to it since they started moving unexpectedly for her, in the same pace and rhythm, their movements synchronised. As San started thrusting from underneath her, his arms gripping around her to pull her back closer to his chest, hands fondling with her breasts, as he lightly pinched and twirled her purplish turning nipples. Mingi's grip tightened around her hair, allowing him to control her better as she bobbed her head on his dick at a rapid pace. Tears were forming in her eyes as he bucked his hips deeper into her, the tip of his dick hitting the back of her throat.
„Fuck, your mouth is taking me so well, should have fucked you sooner if I knew it'd be this easy. Such a good cock-sucker you are, I guess we should reward you with making you cum.“ Leaning closer to her, Mingi's hand reached to the place where Y/N and San connected. Parting her lips as she was sinking down on San's cock, his thumb played with her sensitive clit. Twirling and pinching the bundle of nerves between his fingers, he pressed onto it, adding to the pleasure Y/N was feeling. The moans that were meant to leave her mouth were muffled by Mingi's cock in her mouth, the vibration bringing him closer to his high as the bucking of his hips got irregular. The same goes for the twitching cock of the older boy in her core.
The both of them didn't stop their movements trying to reach the well-deserved orgasm. Y/N shaking uncontrollably on San's lap as the tip of his dick grazed against her g-spot and Mingi's work on her clit pulled an orgasm out of her. San emptied himself into the condom when Mingi filled Y/N's mouth full of his seed. Some droplets of it, leaking out of her mouth and running down her chin as she swallowed the rest of his cum. All three of them breathing heavily from the intense session they went through in the team's changing room.
San's cocky voice was the first one to break the comfortable silence. „Fuck, this was a hell of a celebration. Why don't we arrange something with the other boys next time? I think they'd love it. Maybe I should make you ride my abs and the I'll let the boys have as many rounds with you, as the number it takes you to get yourself off on my abs...“
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twonderland · 4 years
☆*:.。 NRC HAS A MAID CAFE ?!? .。.:*☆
Note: sooo this is my first writing ! Omg I’m so nervous I have never written for any fandom before but I wish this goes well 🙏🏻😂 anyway, hope y’all like it and if you have any thoughts about it pls comment I would really appreciate it ☺️💖💖
Summary: NRC was organizing a school festival to attract new students and also to let the guys have a day of fun and chill. However the dorm leaders were out of ideas while deciding what activities they were gonna have, until you decided to talk about some options of what your school used to do in this kind of events (before coming to twisted wonderland), most of those activities were really alike to what NRC already had, except one thing ...
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- when you mentioned that in your “dimension” there was different options that could be introduced in NRC at the festival he was actually pretty interested. Obviously he would have to make some changes so that “activities” could fit in Heartslabyul rules but, he never thought that he could have the opportunity to see you in such an ... outfit.
- Who does he think he can fool ? He’s a blushing mess and can’t even look at you in the face. How can he ? The moment you got out of your room with that white coping, that really short skirt, and oh god the stockings
- You look so cute and obedient and hfkogkebdiej
- The plan was simple, you were a “maid” and the boys attending the clients at your side were butlers, easy ! Except from the part of talking to you
- He’s angry because he can’t believe that such an outfit has this power over him and he thinks “god Riddle get yourself together and just talk to her about the menu” but somehow you think he’s angry for some strange reason since he tends to get all red face when he is angry (poor bean he’s trying his best to not collapse)
- HE’S A GENTLEMAN ! HE DIDNT HAVE SUCH A HARD UPBRINGING FOR NOTHING !! he goes with a straight face to your direction and then .... “(y/n) ! Have you learn your lines ?! Customers need the best of attention from this establishment !!” (Riddle this is just a classroom turned into a maid cafe, chill)
- “Ah sure Riddle-senpai, just look *you clear your throat* Welcome home master !!”
- Riddle.exe has stopped responding
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- what ? A maid cafe ? Isn’t it just like the rest of the maids at his palace in Afterglow Savana ? He’s used to being attended by this kind of servitude at his homeland but he had never seen Classic or French (I leave that to your imagination ☺️) maid style
- He thinks “ohoho this can be quit interesting” and has that smug smirk in his face, OF COURSE he’s gonna take this opportunity to tease you
- However after he sees you in that cute and tempting outfit, for a little moment (just a little moment) he doesn’t want to admit it he goes shy, stops just a moment to admire you from head to toe in your outfit, you go like “what? “ and then he just shrugs it out just in time before you notice “hmph are you some kind of panda ?”
- Seems like he doesn’t care but actually you never get out of his view, he drinks his woman respect juice every morning but not the rest of the students
- If he sees that some idiot gets a little too close to you he may roar from across the cafe and shoot some killing glares to those idiots and problem solved
- Don’t get it wrong, he’s still Leona and may slide the tip of his tail under your skirt a little ... just a little 😏
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- He listens to all your descriptions of the activity of the maid cafe, takes notes and adds some good ideas so everything’s on point
- He’s pretty chill the majority of the time while preparing everything, he even helped you to practice your lines so you could attend customers with the best training !
- Until ... he saw you in character. It was kind of a self goal since he told you to not get out of character when you wear your uniform, how fool and unfortunate (lucky) soul he was
- “Ashengrotto- sama ? I had some doubts about the menu ...” “yes ? (Y/...n)”
- his glasses break
- Azul.exe has stopped responding x2
- His mind can’t process all the things that are going on, you , on a cute really really short skirt, calling him “sama” with your innocent voice, and OH LOOK AT THAT
- he didn’t know he had a thing for thights until this day
- Tries to solve all your doubts without stuttering but fails miserably
- Thinks really seriously in a way to make you sign a contract where you accept to wear that outfit whenever you visit octavinelle (azul that’s practically impossible but ok try 😂)
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- OMG A MAID CAFE ?! It’s foreign and interesting !! This guy is all in after you finish to talk about your idea
- Kalim is also used to being all pampered and having hundreds of people attending him at all times so he’s really curious about what is the difference between what he knows and what you know
- You tell him that is nothing too awesome, but is more to have fun in getting into character of “master and servant” BUT NOTHING IS BORING IF YOU ARE IN IT he tells you that you don’t need to worry and he just wants to participate in the experience
- He doesn’t assist as a butler but like a customer, and the night before the event he can’t sleep from the excitement, “Jamil, how do you think is a maid ?” “Idk Kalim sleep now” “ne~ ne~ Jamil do you think that (y/n) will call me master? tehehe” “OMG KALIM ENOUGH” poor Jamil he also couldn’t get enough sleep that night
- He’s one of the first clients to arrive and oh god ... when he finds you. He doesn’t know what is it with that uniform that it makes you look ADORABLE AND BEYOND also ... kind of .... ?? (Sexy kalim the word you look for is sexy) he just doesn’t know how to react the very first seconds but doesn’t last long until
- “Kalim-sama ! Welcome back, we are so enlightened to see you again”
- What is this ? Why is he feeling funny things in his stomach, every time he’s called like that in his palace it doesn’t happen anything, is something of everyday but now...
- “.... kalim-sama ?” “AH ! Sorry sorry ! Haha I zoned out , say ... could you say that again ? It was so fun !” “Uh.. hu, of course, if that’s my master’s wish !! ☺️” (HAPPY BOY HAPPY BOY HAPPY BOY)
- He probably is inside the maid cafe for very long time just to hear you every time you come around
- “Is everything alright master ? Would you like something else ?” “YES ! One more parfait please !! “ meanwhile Jamil is like “KALIM STOP, YOU HAVE ALREADY ORDERED 30 PARFAITS !!!, what are we going to do with all of this ?!”
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- “the potato ? As a servant ? That’s hilarious” Vil is aware of all the maid thing since where he comes from wealthy families tend to have this kind of employees in their mansions
- NEVERTHELESS he can’t have a girl/boy in NRC dressed as a maid and you NOT 👏🏻 BEING 👏🏻 ON 👏🏻 POINT
- DRESS ! Check HIGH HEELS ! check STOCKINGS ! Check .... he goes on and on
- “Vil-senpai, I’m really grateful that you have taken your time to help me but don’t you think that your dorm also needs help-?” “SHUT UP GRACELESS POTATO we are not getting out this classroom until you learn how to move graciously in those high heels between tables while holding the tray , NOW LETS START AGAIN”
- At the end of the day somehow you have managed to make him happy, the next day you will show all your effort to Vil !
- He comes with Rook, it seems that he’s looking for you with his eyes but when you look back at him you never expect to receive such a gentle and proud look
- “Vil/senpa- ! I mean ... “Vil-sama !! Welcome ☺️” you say nervous yet excited to see him there. “Good enough, it looks like even dirty potatoes can turn into princess” (you are like “wait I’m the maid here, not a princess 😅”)
- Vil leans forward and puts a string of hair behind you ear and says in a low voice so only you can hear “a really pretty potato indeed”
- He enters the maid cafe and leaves you blushing in the entrance
- “Are we gonna treat ourselves or what potato ?! “ “ ah ! I’m so sorry master !!”
- Vil has a satisfied smile
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- He is so grateful that every time he attends councils is via LIVE ‘cause the moment you said “maid cafe” he spilled the beverage he was drinking
- “m-m-m-mAID CAFÉ ?!” He can’t believe this is happening, for some seconds he can feel a creepy smile appearing in his face until ...
- “But how am I going to go to the cafe ?, I can have Ortho going there but knowing him he will focus the camera on desserts and not in (y/n) costume ... NOT THAT IM A CREEP OR SOMETHING Ijustwanttoseearealmaidinaction well is not that she’s/he’s “real” per say but-“
- Ortho is listening to all his mumbling from back his seat
- “Onii-chan 😊”
- “Ah... what is it Ortho ?”
- “Just go 😠”
- It took A LOT from his little brother to convince him to go and look for you
- The day of the festival it was CROWDED as hell and he was sooo grateful that the classroom where you were having the cafe had a window that had a view to one of the gardens
- He was peeking all the movement from the window looking for you, but some minutes passed and he started thinking (what am I thinking ? Obviously she’s not gonna see me from here ... but entering is NOT an option either ... maybe I just should go-) “Iidia-San?”
- You scared the crap out of him, he was lost in thought but thanks to that he didn’t go
- “Ah! Sorry sorry, Um ... (you remember your character) “iidia-sama, is something the matter ? Why are you out there ?”
- Perhaps Zeus had pity on his soul. You look SO CUTE SO ADORABLE SO SEXY-
- “Uh.... no, it’s just ... there’s a lot of noise inside” you know about his anxiety and you tell him “well, doesn’t my master want something ? I can bring him anything he desires to this window if Iidia-sama wishes”
- He just had a nosebleed
- “I-Iidia- sama ?!” “Ah ! Sorry .... Um yeah o-one crepe... p-please”
- He goes back to Ignihyde with a delicious crepe and a memory of you calling him master... but wait a sec...
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- maid ... cafe ? This is interesting
- He was processing everything, from the concept and your explanation to all of the reactions that caused in the guys
- (Why were they so shocked ? Well I guess I will have to find out)
- He’s royalty and everyone calls him “sama” all the time, well except from Lilia, so he thinks that a bunch of butlers calling him that again isn’t any different ... but you 🤔
- How intriguing, you always call him “senpai” or “san” ... now this have caught his attention
- His dorm was organizing everything quite well and as usual Diasomnia had really disciplined members so his presence wasn’t really that necessary so he went to Lilia and asked him about this “maid cafes”
- Lilia knew about the maids but also didn’t understand the concept of mixing maids and cafes, but Lilia being the little devil he was he said some ... funny information that could intrigue Malleus
- “They are humans, but just like pixies they charm every man when they see them” “charm them ? But (y/n) is human ... how can she/he charm anyone ?” “Hehehe you will understand when you see her/him”
- The day arrived, and oh yeah, Lilia was right, he was expecting you to be little and with wings, leaving pixie dust behind but no ... it was just you with a strange yet cute little skirt and fluffy sleeves... your eyes looked at him and your little cheeks tainted a light shade of pink ... (what is this ? I can’t stop looking at her/him) he was in daze
- “Umm .... Malleus-sama ?”
- “Uh .... I’m sorry, so this is a maid ... you are quite powerful”
- “ uh.. hu” you just said your lines when you saw him but he didn’t seem to have listened to you so you decide to repeat them
- “Welcome back Malleus- sama ! We are so enlightened to receive you !!”
- Again .... he’s dazed , but this time he did hear you, so acting a little weird he enters the cafe, you handle him the menu and explain the recommendations
- You are so nervous trying to remember all your lines that you don’t notice it but Malleus is admiring everything about you with loving eyes
- You take his order and go to the kitchen (he honestly doesn’t know what the hell he just ordered since he isn’t familiar with the dishes but anyway)
- Maybe he doesn’t notice himself but he’s looking at you everywhere you go with a little smile on his face
- “Maybe (y/n) has magic after all”
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ateezthings · 3 years
ATEEZ Reaction: Playing with your hair
Anon said: “ Can I have wooyoung ,seonghwa or jognho or all of them hehe.  Playing with your hair 🥺🥺🥺 im so touchstarved and I just want warm hugs.“
I felt this in my bones, so thank you for this request (even tho you requested this over a year ago, I still hope you somehow see this) I’ve also been extra lonely + stressed when I wrote this so fluffy fluff ahead. forgive me I’m a little rusty with writing, it’s been a while.
I tried to be inclusive of all hair types, textures etc. This is also gender neutral 😊
Also here are some songs that convey the mood I was going for:
SYML – Where’s my love (Alternate Version)
Parade of Lights – Tangled up
Khalid – Better
I Prevail – Hurricane (Reimagined)
The Band Camino – The black and white
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- Everyone was annoying you today
- When you arrived home, Jongho saw you were in desperate need of some Jongho cuddles
- You two got comfy on the sofa watching Kung Fu Panda
 “Y/N do you want a scalp massage?”
“All of a sudden?... uh yeah, of course”
- He sat up a little, taking your head in his lap, starting to gently massage your neck by holding up your head a little
- He went up the nape of your neck, moving towards the crown of your head, rubbing symmetrical circles in your scalp
- He spent a good 45 mins on that until you were sighing of relaxation
- You spent the rest of the evening engulfed in his big arms, feeling protected
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(this long dark hair is doing things to me)
- One afternoon Wooyoung walked into the bedroom where you were organizing some skin care
“Babe, could I try braiding your hair for you?”
“Uhm… Yeah…sure”
- And with that he got to work
- He was really gentle, careful not to pull your hair too tightly
- His face seemed so concentrated; you fell a little bit more in love with him
- His technique was questionable but you enjoyed being close to him and the free hair treatment
- When he was done, he had this satisfied look on his face that made your world light up
- so you just had to sneak a kiss
“what was that for?”
 “I just love seeing you happy, Woo”
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- Being the curious baby Mingi is, he was fascinated by your hair from the first time he saw you
- You were hanging out with the rest of the guys one evening
- After a few hours he asked you if he could touch your hair and you agreed
- That’s how you ended up in a bean bag chair, lying in his arm
- Him being totally immersed in your hair texture and the feeling of twirling strands between his fingers
- Trying to get him to focus on talking to you again, you surprised him with a kiss on the cheek which made him blush
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- Sunday morning after a particular stressful week
- San was awake first, you were turned away from him
- He admired the back of your head with all the tangled strands of hair
- He started playing with the strands that fell on his arm, slowly and gently detangling them one by one
- When he couldn’t find anymore tangled pieces, he turned you over and woke you up with the faintest sweetest kiss on the lips
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(i swear I’m gonna report him one of these days, this should be illegal collarbones are my weakness hng)
- You two were watching some random sitcom on Netflix, you lying lazily on his chest
- Yeosang however was more interested in you and your hair
- Every now and then he grew fond of a particular strand of hair, so he kept twirling that between his fingers
- The more he kept twirling your hair around his fingers, the softer the strands felt and the more you dozed off
- With the steady lifting and lowering of his chest, you were off to sleep quickly, not a care in the world
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- After a romantic picnic near the river, you and Yunho did some star gazing
- He pointed out some weird star constellation that, he insisted, looked like a unicorn
 “What? No, Yunho… I’m sorry but never in a million years does that look like a unicorn”
 “I’m telling you, look at it!”
- After laughing at him a little, you grew silent, just lying in his arms with his hand combing slowly through your hair over and over again
- You could have stayed like that forever
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(oh this man)
- After a long day you just wanted to see your favorite person in the world, but of course he was still at the studio, working his butt off
- So, you decided to surprise him there with some snacks
- The producer let you in and told you where Hongjoong was supposed to be
- When you entered the studio, your heart nearly combusted: Hongjoong was asleep on the little sofa in the room, looking like the smallest cosiest fairy
- So you decided to lay next to him and cuddle up to him
- After a while Hongjoong noticed you without needing to open his eyes
- Half asleep his hands found their way to your hair, holding you close to his chest
- He kept on running his hands through your hair till you were both fast asleep
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(these men have no business being this handsome istg)
- It was about 9pm and you heard Seonghwa’s keys in the lock, so you rushed over to the door to greet him
- The moment he saw you, he relaxed
- You didn’t need to speak
- He engulfed you in the cosiest hug anyone’s ever seen
- You stayed like that for a good minute
- After a while his hands started to caress your hair
- Staying like this and hearing his steady breath made all your stress melt away
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stiltonbasket · 3 years
(Is this where you submit prompts? I really dont know ^^💧) Prompt for the renouncement au: I don’t know why i love when gossip is involved, so maybe something about people’s opinions on wangxian’s marriage and how it slowly changes to a better perspective to the point that anyone who doubts their feelings for each other gets immediately shut down. And you could add some juniors shenanigans to make wangxian have that good of a reputation because i miss them </3. Thank you for your time and effort! (And sorry if this is not the place for the prompts, i will submit it again if you say so ^^’ )
(author’s note: please please reblog if you can, since that’s how we get prompts for future chapters!)
Lan Siyong considers himself one of the more moderate elders among the Lan sect. 
He has been close friends with Lan Qiren from childhood, and he saw Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji grow up into the fine, upstanding men they are today. When the two of them were boys, he even had fond thoughts of attending their weddings, and watching them take on the most sacred of duties with glad, willing hearts. 
Learning that Xichen would never wed had been a disappointment, but Lan Siyong rallied again when Lan Qiren confided the reason why the boy rejected marriage—chastity in an upstanding cultivator was to be lauded, especially in an age where Jin Guangshan had once demanded such high respect, and there could still be children born to Lan Huan if he decided to cultivate them. And of course, Wangji was there, and Lan Siyong knew from the first that he would be the kind of youth to fall in love deeply, at first sight, and remain passionately devoted to his mingding zhiren until he drew his last breath. 
But then Lan Siyong had Wangji’s own sword turned upon him at the Burial Mounds, because the one that his many-times distant nephew loved so dearly was none other than Wei Wuxian. 
“Qiren,” he says hoarsely, when the lotus-scented wedding invitations arrive from Lotus Pier. “You cannot let this happen—an unrighteous cultivator, one who spurned orthodoxy without remorse and led Wangji down such a dangerous path—”
“What has been done has been done,” Lan Qiren replies. “We have sent the bridewealth, and the marriage was contracted between Xichen and Jiang-zongzhu. All their terms have been agreed upon, and the date set.”
And then, after a brief pause: “He makes Wangji happy.”
Lan Siyong nearly cries. He does not attend the wedding, for fear of shaming Wangji with the open despair that appears on his face whenever he sees Wei Wuxian, and sends the newlywed couple the most expensive gift he can afford in an effort to do something useful. 
Wei Wuxian is the one who writes him a letter in thanks. Lan Siyong almost has a qi deviation.
“You know,” one of the other elders mutters after the second wedding ceremony: namely, the ceremony held in the Cloud Recesses, since Jiang-zongzhu demanded that his brother should be married at Lotus Pier first. “Wei Wuxian refused to have a blessing for children spoken at the an chuang ceremony.”
“Gossip is forbidden,” Lan Haiyang says tranquilly. He stopped caring about practically everything after his son’s wife gave birth to the whirlwind that calls himself Lan Jingyi, so Lan Siyong has long since given up relying on him to fix any kind of sect turmoil. “And they already have two children. I have not seen a finer Lan disciple than Lan Sizhui in all my days.”
Lan Siyong is forced to concede this last. Wangji has two good children, even if the Yiling Patriarch is perhaps the most unsuitable person alive to raise them with him, and a couple’s choice to expand their family is up to them, and no others.
“He should at least have let the blessing be spoken, though.”
Lan Siyong does not disagree with this. Traditions are traditions, and surely even Wei Wuxian should know to respect them once in a while. 
“It’s worse than I thought,” Lan Siyong murmurs, on a summer afternoon about six weeks after Wangji’s wedding. He passed Haiyang’s grandson and his friends on his way to the refectory that morning, and heard them discussing how heartbroken Wangji had looked upon hearing that Wei Wuxian did not return his love. “I ought not to have eavesdropped, but—poor Wangji!”
“Poor Wangji what?” Lan Haiyang asks, as if their little Lan Zhan being in trouble was all in another day’s work to him. “What’s happened to him now?”
“Wei Wuxian disavows Wangji’s love at every opportunity,” he replies dismally, going over to the refreshment table to drown his woes in chestnut cake and tea. “I fear for him, Haiyang. To love for so long, and to wed his beloved, and have children with him, and still…”
Lan Haiyang snorts into his tea. 
“What do you mean by that?” demands Lan Siyong, more than a little offended. “Wangji is in distress! We must do something!”
His friend does not reply. Honestly, it’s as if no one remembers what Wangji suffered for Wei Wuxian’s sake. Lan Siyong even tries raising the issue with Lan Qiren, and then with Xichen, but all he gets in return for his pains is a tray of fresh-baked red bean buns from the hanshi and another cryptic comment about Wangji’s supposed happiness from Qiren. 
Yet again, he is forced to leave his worries for another day, and try his best to follow rule three thousand, one hundred and sixty-two: that the affairs of a married couple should not be discussed by outsiders, even if they happen to be close, concerned family. 
Lan Siyong thinks his hair might be turning white by now.
And then, in early winter, Lan Siyong is roused from his bed one night and told that Wei Wuxian has gone missing. He joins the search party that Wangji leads, and follows him to a dark house in the woods with the Ghost General leading the way—and then he watches as Wangji kills at least a dozen men in an effort to reach his husband, whom they find unconscious in a cave beneath the house with corpse bites dotting every visible inch of his skin.
Lan Siyong nearly weeps as he hears Wangji’s desperate whispers to his beloved on the way back to Gusu, and watches him hold Wei Wuxian close while refusing help from anyone who offers.
Let him live, Lan Siyong prays silently, when Wei Wuxian is carried into the infirmary with Wangji at his side. Please, for Wangji’s sake, let Wei-gongzi live. 
A few days after the news about Wangji’s soon-to-be-born daughter is made public (public being a subjective word, since ceremony preceding the birth of a third child is unnecessary, and Wei Wuxian had said that he would rather wait until the baby arrives to make a formal announcement) Lan Siyong discovers Lan Qiren in one of the common rooms, sitting at a writing desk with his head buried in his hands. It’s a strange thing to see his friend do, since Lan Qiren has not looked so distressed since those three dark years after Wangji’s sentencing, and he hardly even looks up when Lan Siyong lays a hand on his shoulder. 
“It was just four weeks ago that Wei Ying was kidnapped and confined in that dungeon,” Lan Qiren says blankly, after he registers Lan Siyong’s presence and turns around to greet him. “If he—oh, heavens—”
Two weeks later, Lan Siyong requests a week’s leave from teaching to attend the trials of Wei Wuxian’s kidnappers, who are being held under Nie-zongzhu’s jurisdiction in the Unclean Realm. He has always believed himself to be a gentle man, but when the only sentences dealt are life imprisonment and execution, Lan Siyong’s heart is strangely devoid of any pity. All he can think of are the corpse bites he saw on Wei Wuxian’s face and throat, and a baby girl who nearly perished with her father before she had the chance to take her first breath. 
On his way back to the Cloud Recesses, he purchases a bolt of thick cream-colored silk with fine sky-blue embroidery and brings it to Wangji as a gift after the next monthly sect meeting.
“Xinhua-jun will need wider-cut robes before long,” he says, when his nephew gives him a curious glance before bowing low in thanks. “Zewu-jun has told us all that he and the child are in good health, and that the little one is growing well. All of our good wishes go with them both, and we pray that you should not hesitate to rely on us in the months to come if it should be needed.”
Wangji’s eyes go soft. “Thank you, San-shushu. It is much appreciated.”
Lan Siyong gets his first chance to hold Wei Shuilan at the baby’s full-moon ceremony, while Wangji and Wei Wuxian are running back and forth through the banquet hall to greet the arriving guests, and seize the first trusted elder they can reach to watch little A-Lan for a moment. At first, Lan Siyong merely stands by her cradle to keep an eye on her, but then she seems to sense her parents’ absence, so he picks her up and jogs her up and down to keep her from crying; and then he begins to hum softly beside her tiny ear, soothing the baby back to sleep by the time Wei Wuxian returns. 
“My good Lan-bao,” Wei Wuxian croons, cradling the child to his chest before rearranging her crumpled swaddling clothes. “Such a good baobei, to take your nap even with so much going on! Just like your A-Die, thank goodness, and not like your A-Niang.”
Curious, Lan Siyong clears his throat. “What do you mean, Wei-gongzi?”
Wei Wuxian laughs. “I never sleep properly at night, but Lan Zhan always falls asleep at hai shi, even if he isn’t in bed yet,” he says, with his voice so full of love for the newborn child in his arms and the husband who gave her to him that Lan Siyong feels strangely humbled. “A-Lan’s just like him that way.”
At that moment, Wangji appears with a plate of cut fruit and lotus cake before presenting it to Wei Wuxian. “Here, Wei Ying. Give A-Lan to me, and eat your lunch.”
“Lunch?” Wei Wuxian asks, confused. “But we’re having the banquet in just an hour.”
“You have been having your luncheon at this time for the past six months,” Wangji says stubbornly. “I will not have you going hungry even for a minute, xingan.”
“Lan Zhan, sweetheart…”
Thank heaven they found each other again, Lan Siyong thinks, slipping away to find Lan Qiren with a rising lump of tears in his throat. I do not think anyone else could have ever made Wangji so happy.
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