#shocking new discovery: done IS better than perfect
impossibletruths · 1 year
14 and 20 if you're still doing the end of year asks!
yes I am! <3
14. Favorite book you read this year?
the pickings are slim but I have really been enjoying 'the marvelous clouds' by john durham peters. it's about media theory and it's rad as shit. I think I'm going to enjoy babel too, but I'm only about 20 pages in so far
20. What’s something you learned this year?
how shared branch banking works lol. I also learned at the end of the day I'm actually perfectly happy doing things the easy way and letting someone else take care of things—it is such a relief to not be the one Dealing With Shit all the time
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starbabyg · 1 year
Ok this is just an idea but I love love love ‘Picture Perfect’ and I was thinking part 2 where one of the boys accidentally like finds one of the pictures… like Trevor and him ordered pizza or something and Jack tells him to grab his card out of his wallet and a Polaroid just tumbles out… and all the sudden Trevor can’t stop imagining you and jack. Maybe Jack catches him with the picture and is all cocky about how much of a good girl you are, how perfect you feel and sound… and maybe just maybe Jack invites Trev to watch… no touching because he’s a protective boyfriend but he knows you’ve thought about having someone watch before and he Trusts Trevor….
Picture Perfect Part 2 | Jack Hughes x Reader x Trevor Zegras smut
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Ugh nony I loveee this concept!! You’re mind is just ugh! Chef’s kiss!!!
The OG Picture perfect smut is right hereee to refresh ya memory <3.
Warnings; smut obviously, the c word lmfao, the word ‘daddy’ in a sexual context
It was guy’s night at lake cabin, which meant Jack and Trevor, the only two to ever pull through for guy’s night, would be playing video games, watching a game, and attempting to go fishing until they finally give up and order some food cause neither of them know how to cook.
“Aaaand another one bites the dust. 5-0. It’s settled my characters better than yours,” Jack taunted, putting the game controller down and picking up his drink.
“Okay, I’m still on the cover though sooo,” Trevor quipped back with sass.
“Yeah cause I was too busy for a shoot, now go get the pizza loser I gotta go piss.” Jack heard the door bell ring, the only person it could be being the pizza guy.
“In your dreams Hughes, I don’t got cash for the tip lend me a five.”
“Get it out of my wallet I’m about to burst,” Jack shouted as he walked down the hall to the bathroom.
Trevor chuckled shaking his head, picking up Jack’s wallet from the coffee table and opening it up. Trevor rifled through Jack’s wallet, seeing twenties and hundreds, but no small bills.
“Jesus does this guy have any change?” Trevor flipped Jack’s wallet upside down, dumping it out to find at least some coins. Thwip. Along with a bunch of dollar bills something heavier fell out. Jack’s special Polaroids fell out, all faced backside up. Trevor being the nosy person he is flipped them over and picked them up.
Trevor’s eyes widened as he saw the contents of said Polaroids. You spread out on the bed, lewd shots of you in the matching set, bent over and your tits hanging out. “No fucking way,” Trev whispered to himself still perusing through the countless pictures. He was brought out of his thoughts by the door bell ringing once more, this time sounding more impatient by the abruptness. Too enthralled with his new discovery Trevor just grabbed a fifty and handed it to the guy. I’ll just venmo Jack later. He grabbed the pizza and tossed it on the coffee table, sitting down on the couch and looking at the pictures once more.
How the fuck did Hughes bag her? Trevor was acquainted with you, knew for sure you were pretty as hell but didn’t know that underneath that seemingly quiet and meek exterior was a girl who would pose for something like this. With your makeup done and your body out of your normal casual clothes, he finally got to see the more private side of you that was reserved for Jack only.
“She’s fucking perfect huh,” Jack smirked from behind the couch. He walked over and plopped himself next to Trevor, who just sat there with shock on his face. His best friend had just caught him looking at his private pictures of his girlfriend. Fuck. “Such a good girl for me. Posed exactly how I told her to. Straight out of a magazine, a masterpiece.” Jack could just go on and on about you.
“Wait— you’re not tripping over me looking at these?” Trevor was surprised at Jack’s nonchalant attitude over the situation. He thought Jack would be more of the possessive type.
“Not really. I mean look at her, why would I want to keep that just to myself. I already have the exclusive rights to fucking her. Now that I’ll forever keep to myself,” Jack smiled, he knew that many men fawned after you. Imagined what your naked body looked like. How you felt.
Trevor now was dragged into the thought of fucking you. How good you would be in bed. How submissive. How you sounded. How it would feel to have his dick wrapped inside you. If you turned him on just from pictures imagine the real thing.
“You wanna know how it is huh,” Jack could see that look on Trev’s face, that look of longing. It’s like Pandora’s box was open, and that box, was well, your box. LMFAOOO I HAD TO.
Now Trevor didn’t want to cross any lines. After all Jack was like his best friend. He wouldn’t risk his friendship over anything in the world. Jack saw Trevor’s facial expression change, now looking more panicked.
“Come to my house next weekend. Now I’m not gonna let you fuck her. But you can at least watch her get fucked. The closest thing you’ll ever get to that perfection of a pussy. When I say she’s a goddess I mean it in every aspect.”
No way was Jack just offering to let me watch him fuck his girlfriend. No way in hell. “A-are you sure man? I just got caught up in the pictures I don’t need to do all that–”
“Zegras, it’s not that big of a deal it’s not like you’re fucking her behind my back– unless you are then I’m gonna beat your ass. Besides y/n has a lil voyeurism kink, she likes being watched sometimes. I’ll be fucking her against our apartment window or on the balcony. At least I actually know you.”
“Jesus y/n’s more of a freak than I pegged her for.”
“No, she really is. The things this girl introduced me to. The things she does to me. Literally has me wrapped around her finger.” Just from this conversation both the boys were getting turned on, Jack reminiscing in past moments and Trevor just imagining how good it could be having sex with you.
“Shit I need to get me one of those,” Trev laughed.
“Yeah, no one will ever compare to y/n, like ever,” Jack cut that quick, knowing that you’re literally the most perfect girl in the whole wide world. No one could ever come close to you in Jack’s eyes. “Just come by my place, you’ll see what I’m talking about.”
Just as Jack had told him, Trevor went to his house that next weekend. To say Trev was nervous was an understatement. In all honesty he felt like it was all a set up, that in the end Jack would be mad that his best friend would actually want to see his girlfriend getting fucked. But there he stood at Jack’s front door, contemplating on whether or not to ring the doorbell or just altogether leave and forget that any of this ever happened. Before he could even decide between the two, Jack’s door opened.
“What’s good Zegras,” Jack held open the door nonchalantly.
“How’d you know I was here–”
“Saw you on the ring camera duh. Come in though before my neighbors think I’m having a party and try to pull through. They’re just a little too comfortable.”
Trevor just laughed in agreement, still anxious about the whole situation. He sat himself on the couch, watching Jack as he pulled two drinks out of the fridge.
“Y/n’s on her way back from getting her nails done. We can just chill and play some chel til she gets back.”
“You told her that I’m coming over?” Trevor wanted to make sure that you were okay with the whole situation, after all you were the one getting fucked in front of the one man audience.
“Nah, I just told her to wear one of her prettiest sets cause I have a surprise for her.” Jack shrugged as he threw a piece of popcorn in his mouth.
“So you didn’t even tell her! You’re a dick Hughes. What if she gets weirded out and tells someone in the league,” Trevor was thinking about every possible way this could go wrong.
“God Trev, what did I tell you. Y/n isn’t gonna care she likes the taboo shit.”
“If you’re wrong I’m never talking to your ass again. Like ever,” He pointed seriously.
“Whatever, set the game up I’mma make us some mozzarella sticks,” Jack threw a piece of popcorn at Trevor, who was watching Jack’s every move.
The two boys were deep into a third round of chel when they heard the front door unlocking. Trevor quickly looked at Jack, an apprehensive look on his face.
“Hi lovey, I’m back,” you sweetly spoke out, not knowing where Jack could be. You locked the door, taking off your shoes and setting your purse down carefully.
“Hey my princess, I’m in the living room. How was your nail appointment,” Jack had his eyes glued to the tv, taking these moments where Trevor was distracted to get in some goals.
“It was good, I got them the color you chose for me. It’s prettier than I thought it’d be. With the red toes just how you like.”
“Ouuu you gotta let me see. I bet they look amazing on you.” Jack smiled, just imagining how it looked. Trevor looked to Jack and into the void where he heard your voice coming from. It was a bit awkward to hear such a casual yet intimate one on one conversation between the two of you. It seemed to him like eavesdropping.
“Mkay love, be right there. I’m just putting my stuff away. But what was that surprise you were talking about? It was so hot in the salon and I couldn’t even take off my jacket cause of what I got on underneath.”
“Come over here and you’ll see it, I got it right here for you,” Jack smirked as he patted Trev on the back, who looked like he was about to pass out.
You entered the kitchen area, back turned towards the boys as you perused through the fridge for a drink. Trevor blinked as he saw you, even more nervous than he thought he would be.
You opened a soda, throwing away the cap before going into the living room section to fully see Jack on the couch, with Trevor in tow. “Oh hey Trevor, what’s up?”
“Hey,” he mustered out, looking at you in your little yoga outfit. With one of those tight fitting cropped lululemon define jackets with the matching form fitting yoga pants. Your hair slicked back in a high ponytail.
“You know how I had that guys night with Trev?”
“Mhmm,” you nodded as you sipped your soda.
“Well he had to get money to tip the pizza guy out of my wallet and he came across your polaroids,” Jack casually explained. Trevor took a hard gulp as he gauged your reaction.
“The ones of me in the pink agent provacateur set?” You now knew what was going on, and surely this was quite the surprise on Jack’s part.
You turned towards Trevor, “Did you like how I looked in it?” You thought it was cute that someone who is always so confident was now a muttering mess right in front of you.
“Y-yeah of course. You looked stunning.”
“Good thing I wore the matching one then huh,” slowly you started to unzip your jacket, revealing a look alike set in a light blue hue. You shimmied out of your yoga pants, dropping them to the floor and giving the two boys a full 360°. Swaying your hips, doing cute little poses.
“Fuck,” Trevor said under his breath. The pictures only did so much justice. Now he could see every curve in person. The jiggle of your ass as you turned in a circle, your boobs bouncing in that tight bra you wore.
You got on your knees and crawled over to them on the couch. You made your way to Trevor, leaning up and spreading his legs apart. You started to unbuckle his pants before Jack laid his hand atop yours.
“Woah sweetheart, too eager now. You know I’m too selfish to let anyone else get a piece of you. Trev’s just here to watch and see just how perfect you are.”
Your mouth went into an ‘o’, now knowing the extent of the ‘surprise’ Jack had for you. “Okay daddy, I understand now.” You moved on to Jack, actually getting to pull down his sweats and boxers. His dick sprung out, already hard from the little show you had just put on.
You took Jack’s dick into your hands, licking up and down the base of it before going to the tip. You started off slow, giving his tip kitten licks before fully taking it into your mouth. Trevor just watched, mouth agape as he could only imagine the sensations Jack was feeling. And by the reactions Jack was giving the head must’ve been damn good.
“Fuck princess, show Trev how good you can take my cock in your mouth,” Jack groaned as he threw his head back.
“Mhmm,” you hummed, the vibrations causing Jack’s dick to prematurely twitch. You took his member out of your mouth, letting some drool dribble from your plump lips to trail down his tip. With enough drool as lubricant, you took him back into your mouth and started blowing him at a steady pace. Your cheeks as hollowed as they could, your tongue swirling around as much as it could.
“Fuck, I love when you do that shit with your tongue,” Jack put his hand behind your head and pushed you down even further, causing you to gag. Trevor just got harder and harder, his dick print now showing through his jeans. He gave it a few rubs, the strain being almost too painful. He just had to get off to you. You saw him writhing in his seat.
“Take it out and stroke it. It must be awfully painful to be that horny and not do anything about it,” you smiled, out of breath. With that you went back to sucking off Jack, looking Trevor in his eyes. The eye contact did something to him, his dick starting to throb and his tip turning a shade of pink. Trevor quickly unbuckled his pants and pulled it out, his hand gripping his dick in an effort to release all the pent up pressure he was feeling.
Jack lifted you up, softly tossing you face first into the couch and taking a position behind up. He cupped your pussy and gave your clit a few rubs before spreading you out on his dick.
“Ohhhh my god,” you drawled out with the prettiest moan. Trevor could’ve busted just from that sound alone it was so angelic. Your hands gripped the head rest of the couch, Jack hitting it from behind intensely. All while Trev’s face was just mere inches away.
“Yeah, take it like the good girl you are,” Jack slapped your ass, with it reverberating as a red mark replaced where his hand once was. You let out a squeal, rubbing it a bit to sooth the sting.
Trevor fucked his hand vicariously, imagining it was you in its place instead. It might’ve sounded sick but he had now developed a deep lust crush on you. How could he not seeing how much of a good girl you were?
Jack flipped you over, putting you on your back and drilling into you. Your knees touching your chest and your legs slung over his shoulders. With this position Trevor got the perfect few of Jack going in and out of you. Your punani looked perfect, looking so tightly wrapped around Jack’s dick, your lips and folds moving along with him as he pushed himself in further and further. It took everything Trevor had inside of him to have enough discipline to not start playing with your clit right then and there. The way it just sat there glistening. But it was as if Jack could read his dirty thoughts in his dirty mind, Jack’s hand going to the base of your navel and then trailing down to toy with you clit.
“Mhmm daddy just like thatttt,” you moaned out breathlessly, all that stimulation starting to run through the rest of your body. Your legs started to twitch, you were going to cum soon at the rate Jack was fucking you.
“Get on top, show Trevor how you ride this dick,” Jack heaved, pulling you up and into a deep kiss. He dropped himself right on the couch, waiting for you to get on top.
“Of course daddy,” you giggled as you placed one knee on each side of him. For obvious reasons you knew you had to show out for Trevor and give your best performance. You touted yourself up before slowly sinking yourself into Jack’s dick, which caused him to let out a low gutteral groan. His hands made their way to your ass, gripping the supple flesh.
Gradually you picked up speed, arching your back as you lifted yourself up and grinding yourself back down to the base of his shaft. Trevor’s eyes just followed, up down up down up. You then got on the soles of your feet, giving you more spring with your bounce. Now you had more motion, moving your hips in circles and back and forth. With Jack still inside you you turned a 180°, your ass now facing him.
“Lemme see that ass clap baby,” Jack instructed with a slap of your bum. You steadied your feet on the floor, your hands on your knees as you started to lift your ass up again. You bounced yourself on Jack’s dick, his hands on your waist to help you steady your pace. In this position his dick was hitting just the right spot, bringing you closer to climax each time it would his the back of your walls.
“Fuck daddy, I’m gonna– I’m gonna cum,” you panted, turning around to look at him. It was getting difficult to keep up the pace, your stamina draining as your vision became starry.
“Uhnt uh, not until Trevor and I both finish, okay?” Jack gave your ass a squeeze. Those words turned you on, giving you an extra boost that you most definitely needed.
“Oh-okay,” you continued to ride him, the knot in your stomach getting tighter and tighter. Trevor himself was close to finishing, the real life porn in front of him pushing him to the edge.
“Fuck I’m close,” Trevor finally groaned out, bucking his hips up into his hand, imagining he was the one fucking you from behind. It was a sick and twisted thing for him to fantasize but what else was he supposed to do seeing you ride Jack so immaculately? He sputtered out curse words a few moments later, busting out into his hand with a few stray cum drops landing on your ass.
Jack saw this, getting just a tad bit possessive over the seemingly nothing, now bucking his hips up and fucking you as you tried to steady yourself. He glanced over at Trevor for a second, seeing the green in his eyes. Jack gave him a smirk as to say ‘yup, this is mine and mine only. You only get the privilege to watch and to never touch.’
“Oh my fuck! I’m cumming, I’m cumming,” you squealed as your legs started to go limp. Jack held you, still pumping in and out of you.
“There you go princess, ride it out for me,” he held you close to his body, his face in the crook of your neck leaving wet kisses. “Get on your knees I’m gonna finish on your face.”
You obeyed his command, hazily turning around and getting down on your knees. You looked up at him with a smile, your tongue sticking out like a puppy dog. Jack groaned, pumping his dick until he came, cum dripping out and onto your face and tongue. You giggled before licking up the drops that fell onto your lips. Jack bent down a left a kiss on your forehead.
“Did I do good daddy?” You asked, still on your knees.
“You did amazing and more my love, now go get dressed we’re gonna go out to eat,” Jack praised you. You nodded and went to your shared room, now going to change and maybe lay down for a few, so fucked out you could barely walk. Trevor just sat there, heaving and replaying this whole scenario in his head. All of this really happened, he had just watched his best friend fuck his girlfriend.
Jack turned over to Trevor, pulling up his sweats, “See, didn’t I tell you she was the perfect girl?”
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theonethatyaks93 · 7 months
Sketch Showcase Time!!!
Sooooooooo, these are days two and three of my "Learning How-To Draw Pinky and Brain Phase." And, y'all, I think I found my groove! This is attempt 2 of drawing Pinky:
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Already, I'm very pleased with this. I mean, this was my attempt to re-create Pinky's design by @goosieboosie. I'm not a digital artist, so I couldn't capture all the majesty of this design perfectly, but I did a decent job. This style allows me to draw Pinky's face a lot easier, and I can get more creative with facial features. I was really happy when I finished this, I kinda freaked out because, he looks great!! I even drew my gender/sexuality headcanons for Pinky beside him, as well as his signature because, why not? I tried to re-draw this picture a few hours later and I made a new discovery:
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Sorry for the blurry pic! But yeah, I think I invented my own unique style!! This is the first version of this; there a few changes from my first re-draw. The main changes are Pinky's eyes being rounder, and his ears a little bit larger. I think the base shape of his head is also a little different. I think he looks so derpy!! I was instantly in LOVE with this updated design, so I decided to draw it again and:
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The design is a little different again! And also, my first expression!!!! (Ignore the weird as hell erased Pinky head you see; it was a massive failure and I couldn't erase it all :( ) I really think the Pinky on the left turned out better than I thought!! I love his cute little face and his extra floofy head. The second pic is another kind of model pic, but I added a little tongue because it looked cute. I also added the mind bubble and the little blurb just for added effect. I think he looks cute, what do you guys think?
On day three/attempt 3, I actually doodled a Pinky without looking at a reference in one of my books because I was in school. Here's how it turned out:
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I LOVE IT!!!! I was so shocked when I finished with this because I think Pinky looks amazing!! It's not perfect, but when compared to day one, it's like night and day. This is my favorite Pinky I've done so far, and it only took my like 25 minutes; what an improvement when compared to over an hour just for one drawing lol! I've made some small changes here, and I will continue to make changes for the time being. I'm still finalizing my style.
Later on, I did something I'm very proud of:
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My first full-body Pinky!! I drew the body first and then added a head in later. I also marked certain areas that I might improve upon later, and little personal touches that I added for fun. Yeah, I think his head is a little too tall, but I'll fix that. I implemented some unique elements such as his muzzle area being based on the OG show, the tufts of fur on his head being longer, the chest fur, his feet being stuffed-animal like, his short legs (which will probably be longer in the future), and his tail being from the reboot. I am currently working on hands; they're just not ready yet. I'm very excited to see my own personal style being formed. I like all the touches I added and I'm excited to maybe work on some screenshot re-draws and other things like that.
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Here are some hand sketches. Hand are EXTREMELY HARD for me so I'm trying to get an idea of what I want to do. I was either thinking of the one on the left (larger fingers, rounder shapes) or the one on the right (more angular, slimmer fingers). Idk, which hand style do yo guys think would work better?
I'm very proud of the progression I made on these designs. I'm currently planning on drawing Brain very soon and I will be doing screenshot re-draws, experimenting with changes to eye shape, and more expressions. I'm also writing still (new fic currently a wip), and I'm very excited to be contributing more to the fandom!! Let me know where I can improve and some tips on how to draw their hands. Also, special thanks to @cosmicangel139 for the drawing tips for Brain!! You are amazing and I will definitely keep those tips in mind!!!!
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razieltwelve · 2 years
Third Life (Final Effect x Youjo Senki)
Tanya could only vaguely remember how her second life ended. After years of struggling in the war, she’d died because a train derailment. What an utterly stupid, utterly unfair way to die. On the upside, there was no sign of Being X in her new life, and she’d had the fortune of being born into a highly advanced, space-faring society...
Or so she thought.
Because, of course, there were monsters that roamed the cosmos trying to murder everyone. Grimm, they were called, and from what she’d learned of them, they’d done more than enough to earn the moniker.
The orphanage where she had ended up was surprisingly well equipped. Despite not being on a particularly prosperous world along the galactic rim, it had still had access to the InfoNet, and schooling was free from anyone who could be bothered to attend.
All in all, it was clear that the people of her new life had a healthy respect for education and the benefits it could provide to the economy. Admittedly, they were also a bit too militant for her taste. Everyone was required to undergo testing to see if they had Aura, which seemed to be this universe’s equivalents version of magic, and to receive basic training.
Not even the children were exempt although their training seemed to be more related to basic self-defence, first aid, how to hide, and how to operate communications equipment than actual frontline fighting. As warlike as these people were, they at least had the good sense not to send children to the frontlines.
Tanya was also glad that rather than be disturbed by her apparent intelligence, the people at the orphanage had been very pleased. They mentioned some people called the ‘Dia-Farron’ and spoke of a great many possibilities for future employment, many of which were precisely the sort she could appreciate. A research position in a place of safety? It would be a dream come true.
Of course, her high levels of Aura and the ease with which she handled the more martially oriented training also won her praise, albeit not the kind she wanted. She’d spent her last life fighting. She would much prefer to avoid combat this time around although the abilities she’d seen on the InfoNet did intrigue her. It was a pity her Semblance had awakened yet.
Naturally, her research into her circumstances in her new life had led her to the three major factions of the Remnant Galaxy. She was, unfortunately, not a member of any of them. Her new home was a ‘shadow world’ that existed beyond the borders of the Arendelle Empire but was close enough to find safety in the shadow the Empire cast.
However, her eyes were drawn more to the Schnee Mercantile Alliance. Although there could be no doubting the might of the Empire and its incredible ability to focus on both military and economic growth, she hoped to one day find her way to the Alliance. It was the sort of place she knew she could do well. It had a largely free economy, metered only by regulations that seemed necessary and reasonable.
Even better, there were no communists around in this universe, or if there were, they were apparently far more sensible than the ones she’d faced in her second life. The closest were a number of more communally oriented species, but as far as she could tell, their political leanings were more a product of their biology than anything else. After all, if a species had a hive mind, sharing everything, including the means of production, made perfect sense.
She wasn’t foolish enough to think that she would be able to simply move to the Alliance. Full citizenship involves several milestones. However, she was confident she would be able to earn a scholarship to one of the better academies in the Alliance and eventually parlay that into employment and from there... citizenship.
Ah, the thought of settling down on a comfortable world where she could enjoy the many benefits of this advanced civilisation only made her work harder. The discovery of another galaxy - one that contained an Earth - shocked her, especially when it turned out to be nothing like the Earth she had known. Even so, none of it changed her goals.
She wanted a safe life away from the battlefield where she could live in peace and enjoy the fruits of her labours. To do that, she needed to study, work hard, and prove to first the people on her planet and then those from other planets that she was worthy of further opportunities. It was so refreshing living in a meritocratic society where her own efforts decided her advancement.
It was a pity it didn’t last.
She was eight years old when a Grimm swarm began its attack on the galaxy. Her home world, Insulam III, did have some defences, but they were designed to deter space pirates and other riffraff. They were not designed to fight billions of Grimm with murder on their mind.
X     X     X
“Stay back!” Matron Emilia cried. “Stay back, children!”
Tanya watched in disbelief as the kindly matron who’d watched over the orphans turned into a killing machine who wouldn’t have been at all out of place on the battlefields of the Great War.
The old woman had a shotgun, and she had picked a spot just inside the main gate of the orphanage where she could pick off any Grimm that tried to scale the walls or bash through the gate. The shotgun fired heavy slugs that had no problems ripping through Grimm armour before detonating in fiery burst of shrapnel.
“Tanya!” the matron shouted. “I’m out. Reload.”
The matron tossed Tanya the shotgun, and Tanya hurried to reload it as the matron switched to a pair of heavy pistols. The matron had once mentioned that she’d always favoured ballistic weapons over plasma weapons or lasers because of just how big a dent they left in whatever they hit.
“Argon,” she barked into her, gaze never moving from the Grimm that were still trying to break into the orphanage. “How is it looking on the other side?”
The man’s reply was calm despite the chaos. “It’s under control for now, matron, but we need reinforcements soon. The fighting in the south part of town has gotten fiercer. It looks like the militia are being forced back, and the military has its hands in orbit.” A thunderous boom filled the comm channel. From what Tanya had seen, Argon was a sniper, and his position gave him command over the entire southern side of the orphanage and a good view of the town too.
Gunfire continued to pour in from the few windows that hadn’t been boarded up. Tanya had thought the drive to train everyone in combat had been a sign of militarism... she now saw how necessary it was. The Grimm did not negotiate or take prisoners. They killed everyone they could reach, and anyone who wasn’t killed outright was probably destined for a fate worse than death.
Having every adult capable and willing to fight gave people a fighting chance even if there were clear differences in ability. More Grimm finally broke through the gate, and Emilia snarled as her pistols clicked empty.
“Here, matron!” Tanya gave her the shotgun.
“Good girl,” the matron said. She smiled. “Get inside. You’ve done more than enough.”
Tanya took a step and then stopped. That look in the matron’s eyes...
“Go,” Emilia murmured. “I’m an old woman, Tanya. I’ve already lived a good life. You’re just beginning yours.”
In her first life, Tanya wouldn’t have cared. In her second life, Tanya had never felt overly much affection for the people who’d raised her, perhaps because of their connection to Being X. But in that second life, she’d learned how to have friends, or at least people she cared about. Her subordinates, Visha especially, had been more than just people to order around.
In this, her third life, the people at the orphanage had cared for her well. They’d done their best to help her in everything she did and to hone her abilities and skills. They genuinely wanted her to succeed in life, and their only expectation had been that she try her best.
Just then, the matron’s communicator crackled and then hissed before Argon’s voice came back on.
“Emilia, we’ve got reinforcements coming! It’s coming through on the emergency channel. The Empire have arrived! They’re in system now. At least a dozen ships with more on the way. They should be here any second now.”
Emilia laughed. “Here that, Tanya?” She began to retreat toward the door, firing her shotgun until it clicked empty. When that happened, she drew a staff from her waist, the weapon unfolding until it was its full size. Electricity crackled along either end of the weapon, and she brought it down with crushing force on the head of the Grimm closest to her. The beast went down, skull crushed, and Emilia spun, knocking another Grimm out of the air.
It was, Tanya thought, an excellent demonstration of why Aura mastery was so important. From what she had observed, humans and Faunus were both far stronger than the people of her second life, but Aura made them stronger still. It allowed even an old woman like Emilia to strike with superhuman strength.
“Just a little bit longer,” Emilia said.
“Right.” Tanya had been reloading the shotgun the entire time, and she braced herself for a moment before firing it. The recoil was harsh, but the basic training she’d had in how to use her Aura allowed her to keep her footing and put her shot roughly where she needed it to be.
Emilia grinned. “Good girl,” she said. “You always were ahead of the rest when it came to handling weapons.” She nodded sharply. “Worry about any that try to flank us. I’ll take care of the ones who get close enough.”
They continued their steady retreat toward the doors when there was a flash of light in the skies above them.
A warship had appeared.
It had to be several kilometres in length, and it began to rain fire down on the Grimm with deadly precision. Areas were swept clean as perfectly aimed plasma and laser blasts thundered down. Moments later, drop pods began to fall, and Tanya was actually shocked by how quickly troops in power armour began to appear.
They bore the unmistakably snowflake of the Empire, and within minutes, the street was suddenly devoid of Grimm, their broken, battered carcasses littering the area as Imperial squads began to systematically eliminate the threat. One of those squads approached the orphanage.
“Ma’am.” The leader of the squad inclined his head. “We’ll be securing this area. Are any of the children hurt? Is there anything we should know?”
Emilia relaxed, and she was once again the old woman Tanya had known.
“The children are all fine, sergeant, although some of my staff were wounded during the battle.”
“I’ll have our medic check on them,” the sergeant replied. His power armour moved with an ease that almost made it seem alive. “This area should be clear of Grimm, but I’d suggest you stay inside until the all clear has been given. I’ll have some of my squad keep watch here.”
“Thank you.”
The sergeant’s gaze flicked to Tanya. “Was she helping you?”
Emilia smiled warmly. “Oh, Tanya was a great help during the battle.” She patted Tanya’s shoulder. “I wouldn’t have made it through the battle without her reloading, calling out strays, and then shooting toward the end.”
“Not bad, kid.” The sergeant chuckled. “With an attitude like that, you should apply for an Imperial academy. I’m sure they’d be happy to have you.”
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iwishiwasbatman · 2 years
Masked Love (Part 3)
Pairing- Jason Todd x OC; Dick Grayson X Platonic!OC
Warnings- death, violence, major angst
Summary- After making a shocking discovery with the help of Scarecrow, Elana confronts her demons. She’s forced to fight against people she loves in order protect her teammates. But can she say no when her demon comes to her for help?
Word Count- 6,935
I hate getting up early. I’ll get up for early morning training or an early gymnastics meet. But an early meeting? If I had any control over it, no. Don’t get me wrong, being CEO is better than any of the other jobs at Queen Consolidated and it made me filthy rich, but it required 7am meetings. Not my thing.
“So, we’ve got the funding for the police gala squared away?” I asked over the Zoom call.
“We should,” my CFO, Michael Bridges, answered. I noticed Dick walk in, but stay off camera to the right.
“That covers catering, venue, entertainment, and staff?” I checked.
“Yes,” he replied. “Our donation and the cost of our gift will be a separate total we should have by the end of the month, but it should fit our budget.”
“Perfect. Thank you guys so much for putting extra effort into this,” I addressed everyone who was dialed in. “With all you’re doing, this should be the best SCPD gala we’ve had in a while. If no one has any further questions, we should be all wrapped up.” When no one spoke, I smiled. “Great! Thank you guys!” With that I ended the meeting. I took off my headphones, closed my computer, and turned to Dick.
“Do you ever rest?” he laughed.
“Yes, when I sleep,” I said.
“Oh, you mean the three hours of sleep you get every night?”
“Hey, usually it’s three and a half,” I defended.
“Look, I, uh, just wanted to apologize for yesterday,” he started.
“Whatever could you mean by that?” I asked sarcastically.
“Ha, ha. You’re not funny.”
“I think I am,” I mumbled as he went to keep talking.
“I shouldn’t have lashed out on you like I did. I guess I didn’t realize how stressed I was,” he apologized.
“You are right about that.” I smirked.
“Are we good then?” he asked cautiously.
“I don’t know. You tell me.”
“Would it kill you to say “I accept your apology”?”
“What if I reject your apology?”
“Well, then, we’d have some issues.” Dick shoved his hands in his pockets.
“Is that even allowed? Like, can you actually walk up to someone and say you reject their apology?” I asked.
“You’re… weird,” Dick said.
“Old news, man,” I smiled. “Tell you what, if you tell me what had you so riled up last night, I’ll let it go.”
He sighed. “I saw the guy we’ve been after. Wears a red helmet. Calls himself “Red Hood”. He got away, but he’s a good fighter. He’s gonna be a problem.”
“Red Hood? How creative,” I scoffed.
“Are we good now?”
“Yeah, I guess.”
“Good, because if we weren’t, it would make asking for a favor awkward.”
“Of course,” I scoffed, leaning back in my chair. “Men, they always want something.”
“Real funny. Barbara and I are working on a lead for our guy, Red Hood. We need you to talk to Scarecrow about knowing anything about him. Are you cool with that?”
“Yup. I do need to get out of the house,” I said. “Er, apartment.”
“Good. I’ll call you if we need you.” Dick nodded.
“Why didn’t you just call me instead of coming all the way over here?” I asked.
“I-uh, felt like I needed to apologize to you in person,” Dick answered. That was super believable.
“‘K…” I said. “I’m just gonna take your word for it.” I stood up.
“If you can meet up at the Manor at, like, 10, would that work?”
“I should be done about then.” I nodded.
“Great, see you then.” I watched him walk out, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that he wasn’t telling me something.
I walked down the dimly lit halls of Arkham for a third time in three days. Unlike last time, Crane stood at the bars, ready to talk to me.
“Ms. Queen, as much as I enjoy having you visit me, must you do it so early? Are you an insomniac or something like that?” he asked as I got to the bars.
“Yes, I am an insomniac, but also, when you run a multimillion dollar company that insists on early meetings, you get up early,” I sighed.
“I see. So, to what, then, do I owe the pleasure?”
“New information showed up from the case you helped us with yesterday. We have a name now. Red Hood,” I told him.
“Like the Joker?” he asked, putting his hands behind his back.
“No, this guy’s new. The Titans fought him last night at the Hobbs Powder Plant building. Nightwing and him had a showdown, but he got away. I have a feeling there might have been more, but I wasn’t told.”
“Interesting. You think they were leaving something out?” he asked.
“Is that what you focused on in that sentence?” I raised an eyebrow.
“I simply find it curious.” He shrugged.
“Is there anything that you can come up with that would connect in a different way now that we have our guy?” I asked. I handed him the file and he began flipping through it with one hand while using the other to pull out other files.
“The red hoods that his people all wore is the only obvious one, which I assume you’ve already noticed.” I nodded. “Aside from that, I can’t see anything else.” I sighed in disappointment.
“This was a waste of time,” I mumbled.
“Precisely,” Crane smiled.
“Why do you say it like that?” I tilted my head in confusion.
“You did mention that you feel like these Titans are keeping something from you.” I cocked my eyebrow and crossed my arms. “I have a mind-bender for you. If you wanted to tell someone something you didn’t want someone else to know, when would you do it?”
“When that someone else isn’t around,” I said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Wait…” I trailed off. That little- Dick lied to me.
“Exactly,” Crane smirked.
“Well, thank you for the talk. You were very helpful. I’ll be sure to tell Barbara.” I smiled, trying to hide my anger.
“Glad to be of service.” He bowed. I turned and headed back down the halls to show Dick Grayson just how scary I can be when you get on my bad side.
I parked my motorcycle in the Manor’s driveway, threw off my helmet, not even bothering to put it on my bike handle, and stomped up to the door. Taking a deep breath, I swung open the door and headed in. From further in the Manor, I heard Hank’s raised voice. I laughed to myself. So he’s telling them about whatever this is, but not me? I got to the door of one of the living rooms and stood on the side of the doorframe.
“Everyone’s just trying to figure out what the heck happened,” Dawn said. I listened intently.
“Right. We figure out the how and why later,” Dick said. “Jason’s out there and we need to stop him.” I froze. What did he just say? Jason was dead. Unless… No. There was no way he could be back. As much as I tried to convince myself this, I knew he wouldn’t mean anyone else. The pieces slowly fell into place. The reason Dick was so shaken up yesterday was because he had fought Red Hood. Jason. Jason was Red Hood and he was back from the dead. I was a mess of mixed emotions.
“You know, you guys do what you want, but if it ends up him verses me, kid’s going down,” I heard Hank say angrily.
“So now we’re killing Jason?” Dawn asked. Not on my watch, they weren’t.
“He wrote his own ticket. He starts taking people out, game’s over.” I heard footsteps fade out. I assumed they were Hank’s.
“What do we tell Elana?” I heard Dawn ask. At least someone thought of me.
“Nothing,” Dick answered. My blood boiled. That was it.
“That doesn’t seem like a good idea,” I said, walking in with dangerously powerful steps that made all of them stand up straighter.
“Elana-” Dawn came toward me.
“Out, both of you,” I said cooly to her and Kory. When they didn’t move, I flashed my eyes. “Now.” They looked at Dick before hurrying out.
“Elana, let me explain-“ Dick started.
“What? That my dead boyfriend’s alive and you forgot to tell me?” I asked sarcastically.
“I didn’t want to have you with conflicting feelings,” Dick tried to tell me. “We still have a mission to complete.”
“A mission?! I can’t be successful on a mission if I don’t have the full details!” I raised my voice.
“That’s not true at all. I’ve seen you do it before. Jason means a lot to you and I can’t have you compromised!” Dick matched my tone.
“Oh, you can’t have me compromised?! My bad if the fact that I’m human and have feelings could “compromise” our mission, but you’ve been with me since the start of my hero days. Have I ever let feelings get in the way of a mission?”
“Talia al Ghul.” He crossed his arms over his chest, all proud of himself.
“The woman ruined my life, she doesn’t count!” I narrowed my eyes. “But my point stands. The mission comes first and I’ve never forgotten that,” I hissed.
“Okay, Elana, but tell me this! Tell me, honestly, that you could look Jason in the eye and do the hard thing if it came down to it!”
“You know I don’t believe in killing!”
“Clearly not, you killed people for three years like a sport!” I blinked a couple times. That was a step too far. Dick knew it, too. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.” Without regret, I punched him square in the face. His head flew back and his body followed. He clutched his nose that was now dripping blood.
“You’re right, you shouldn’t have.” I turned around and headed back to the entrance and Dick spoke up.
“Where are you going?”
“To clear my head. Follow me and you’ll see how mean I can get.”
I was sitting in front of my mom and dad’s tombstones, trying to quiet myself. This was my go-to place for just that. I always felt a sense of calm when I was here. It was the same calm I felt when they were around. I guess it just made me feel like I had something familiar. Not even fifteen minutes into sitting there, I felt a presence behind me and I knew exactly who it was.
“When I lost them,” I started, “it felt like I had lost a piece of myself. I was convinced there was no way to get it back. But then you showed up and I finally felt like myself again. Then, I lost you.” He came and sat down beside me. “And now… you’re back?” I looked over and had to keep my breath from hitching. There was nothing different about his appearance, but his eyes looked haunted. He looked back at me with a guilty expression and then down at the ground. “Oh, god, Jay, you scared me.” I ran a hand through my hair.
“I didn’t mean to scare you,” he said quietly. “I didn’t expect Joker to beat me to death.”
“What did you expect? You went after a psychopath who’s had Batman wrapped around his finger since forever.” He kept looking down, not saying a word. I shook my head and stood up. If he didn’t want to talk, then I didn’t want to talk to him. I turned to walk away, but a hand around my wrist stopped me and spun me back around.
“Elana, please. I’m sorry,” Jason said. He intertwined both his hands with mine. “I just… I wanted to see you. I-I’m just trying to figure out what to say.”
“Maybe you can start with why you chose to name your new persona after the man that killed you?” He laughed.
“It’s called irony.”
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” I asked.
“I doubt you like what I’ve done. I didn’t want you to have to worry about me.” His voice got small. “And I didn’t want you to hate me.” I grabbed the sides of his jacket collar and pulled him into a kiss. He didn’t expect it, I could tell, but he melted into it, his hands resting on my hips. As our lips parted, we touched foreheads and I laughed as he smiled. “I missed that,” he said.
“I couldn’t hate you if I tried,” I told him.
“I love you,” he chuckled.
“Who doesn’t?” I said with a smirk.
“Give me a pen and paper and I could come up with fifty names at least.” I playfully shoved him off of me. “I’m kidding.”
“You better be,” I laughed.
“You know that movie night I promised you? Tonight. You and me, your apartment, an unhealthy amount of junk food. How does that sound?” Jason offered.
“That sounds amazing,” I smiled.
“How about midnight?”
“Perfect.” I gave him a quick peck on the lips.
“Two things. Here’s my new number in case you need me,” he handed me a slip of paper with the phone number on it. “And you can’t tell anyone that we’re talking, especially Dick. If someone finds out, you could get in trouble and I don’t want you to.”
“I wasn’t planning on it.”
“Great. I’ll see you tonight then.”
“You better. If you die again, there’s no refunds this time,” I joked. He laughed, kissed my forehead, and walked away. I smiled as I watched him leave, the butterflies in my stomach going wild. I couldn’t believe he was back. A part of me wondered why I didn’t punch him in the face for what he’s done, but I knew. The Jason I just saw was the Jason that I knew, the Jason that he really was. If I didn’t push him, maybe he’d come back to all of us. Maybe, I thought, smiling.
I had gone back to the Manor, successfully cooled off. The others were confused as to how it happened in under an hour, but I refused to tell them. I had even talked to Dick about our little shouting match. We agreed I earned punching him and he was just being stubborn. I loved winning.
Flash forward three hours to the present; Dawn, Dick, Conner, and I were in the cave looking for Hank who had mysteriously disappeared.
“Where the heck did he go?” Dawn asked as we watched the security footage of him out and about.
“A couple minutes later, he leaves and gets in as cab,” Conner said. “Now his phone’s off the grid.” We watched on the monitor as Hank got into a cab.
“Can you pull the plate?” Dick asked.
“I’ll try,” Conner answered, though he didn’t sound too sure if himself. He zoomed in on the license plate.
“We talked in the kitchen. Everything was fine,” Dawn said. “I told him to dial it down a notch.”
“Present and accounted for.” We all spun around to see Hank walking toward us, clearly hurt. He fell to his knees before he could reach us.
“Hank,” Dawn gasped. We hurried toward him. “What happened?” He unbuttoned his shirt, showing us a device attached to his chest, blood around it. My eyes widened slightly in surprise.
“Get it out of me,” he panted.
“Oh my gosh,” Dawn breathed. “Is that a bomb?”
“It’s a gift,” Hank said, “from our pal, Jason.” I shot backwards, inhaling sharply. Everyone’s eyes were on me, but I didn’t care. There was no way Jason would do this. He would never do this to anyone, especially Hank. Right? I had just talked to him.
“Oh, good. You found him.” Gar walked in with a sigh of relief. Kory was right behind him. “Or not?” He could tell something was wrong. Dawn and Dick helped Hank over to the med-bay while I kept to the back, biting my nails.
“You went to talk to Jason by yourself?” Dawn asked.
“It seemed like a good idea at the time,” Hank groaned, laying down. “Just get me a shot of whiskey and get the dang thing out.”
“I’m all for not touching that thing until we figure out how it works,” Kory spoke up.
“Conner, take a look inside and tell us what we’re dealing with,” Dick instructed.
“Yeah,” Conner sighed. His eyes lit up blue as he looked at Hank. “Wow,” he breathed. “This is pretty crazy.”
“Conner,” Dawn said sternly.
“Um, it has anti-retraction barbs that hold the device in place. Looks like it’s embedded in the pectoralis major right through to the aortic arch.”
“No part of that sounded good,” Hank commented.
“The engineering is incredibly nuanced. Bomb’s designed to tolerate insertion, not retraction,” Conner explained, writing something down. He held up a drawing of what I assumed was the bomb. “These barbs are in Hank’s chest.” I cringed. It looked painful. “They have sensors. If those sensors detect too much force, it’ll explode.”
“What if we remove it surgically?” Dick asked.
“Same outcome,” Conner answered. I sighed and rubbed my eyes. “Once activated, it’s designed to kill.” No. I lost two people in a row, I refused to lose the man who had played a brotherly role in my life. What was Jason thinking?
“That stupid little jerk,” Hank growled.
“This whole thing is engineered to read EKG signals,” Conner told us. “The countdown isn’t seconds, it’s-“
“The number of heartbeats he has left,” I finished.
“What do you mean countdown?” Dawn asked. Conner removed the top piece from the bomb to reveal a countdown.
“When it gets down to zero-“
“Jason can’t actually want Hank to die, right?” Gar cut Conner off. Out of nowhere, Dick’s phone began to ring.
“I have a feeling we’re about to find out,” Kory sighed. We all were thinking it, she just said it. Dick walked off in what I assume was an attempt to get out of earshot, but it didn’t work. For me, at least.
“I’m listening,” he answered the phone. He paused. “Whatever you want, killing Hank isn’t the way to get it.” He paused again. “Enough of the games. Tell me how we end this.” There was a longer wait this time. “This isn’t about the money for you. I could wire that right now and this would be all over.” Money? Why would Jason want money? “Never gonna happen,” Dick sighed. “What would she think of you doing this?” I knew exactly who “she” was. And “she” was not particularly happy that Dick was using her as a negotiation tactic. Seconds later, Dick hung up the phone. I realized my heart rate had quickened and my breathing became shallower. I tried to calm myself by using my breathing techniques, but it wasn’t working.
“He wants 50 million dollars in gold bars in return for deactivating the bomb,” Dick sighed, walking back over. My panic grew.
“Gold bars?” Hank echoed. “Did he have a white cat on his lap, too?”
“What did you tell him?” Dawn asked.
“Freaking N-O, I hope,” Hank said. “No way we negotiate with terrorists.” I closed my eyes and tried to will myself to get grounded. There was no way I was gonna have a full blown panic attack in front of people who didn’t even know I suffered from them. Besides, we had worse issues.
“So we’re just gonna call his bluff?” Dawn sighed. “Jason’s crazy!” My mind was racing.
“Where I come from, you come after family, we show no mercy,” Kory added. I felt like the conversation around me was a mile away and underwater.
“How much time do we have left?” Dick asked. I clutched my necklace and reminded myself of the breathing patterns my mom had taught me specifically for my panic attacks.
“The average resting heart rate is eighty beats per minute,” Dawn answered. I became more aware of my surroundings and took one last deep breath, thankful that was over.
“Mine’s a little closer to seventy-two,”Hank commented.
“Forty-three hundred beats per hour.” Dawn did the math.
“That’s less than four hours,” Kory sighed.
“Get him on a beta blocker drip,” I spoke up for the first time since figuring out the bomb’s countdown. Everyone looked at me, surprised I said anything. “It’ll slow down his heart rate and buy some more time.”
“Elana’s right,” Dick sighed before walking off. Dawn followed him. I exhaled sharply and put a reassuring hand on Hank’s shoulder.
“I’m sorry about this, Hank. You don’t deserve it,” I said.
“Don’t apologize. It’s not in any way your fault,” he told me. I nodded, but I guess I still looked a little unwell. “Hey, are you okay, kid?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. You’re the one that’s not. Try to get some rest, okay?” I covered.
“Got it.” Hank offered a smile that I returned halfheartedly before walking out. I headed upstairs to the kitchen where Bruce kept his medicine. I dug through the cabinets in search of Librium, the anxiety pill Dad had said I should take whenever I had an attack.
“Looking for this?” I turned around to see Dick holding my medicine.
“No, I have a headache. I’m looking for Tylenol,” I lied.
“Don’t lie, Elana. I know what an anxiety attack looks like,” he sighed.
“How could you tell?” I crossed my arms.
“Your eyes and your breathing. If I didn’t look as close as I did, I wouldn’t have noticed. You’re really good at hiding it.”
“I’ve been doing it for a while. It’s called practice,” I mumbled.
“How long?”
“Why should I tell you?”
“Because I’m trying to help. And I have something you need in my hand.”
I sighed and pursed my lips. “Once every two months for eight years,” I looked down.
“What?!” Dick exclaimed.
“It’s fine! It doesn’t happen a lot!” I defended.
“This is why I didn’t want to tell you,” he sighed, throwing me the pills. I popped one in my mouth and swallowed it.
“I’m not feeling like a lecture right now, thanks,” I said, walking past him. He grabbed my bicep and pulled me back a step.
“If you need to talk about this, I’m here,” he offered, calmer than he was a second ago.
“Yep.” I pulled out of his grip and headed upstairs. I got to my room and slammed the door shut. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and dialed Jason’s number. It rang… and rang… and rang. He wasn’t picking up. Not because he didn’t see it, because he didn’t want to answer. I muttered a curse under my breath, running a hand through my hair.
I texted him with the words “we need to talk now”, but I doubted I’d get a response. I threw my phone down on the bed and grabbed a pillow. Bringing it to my face, I let out an frustrated scream. I chucked the pillow across the room and flopped, face down, onto my bed.
The others had moved Hank into a bedroom in the Manor to try to keep him calm and comfortable. I felt, in a way, that it was partially my fault. If I would’ve just brought Jason in or talked him down, this could’ve been avoided. To try to ease my guilty conscience, I went to talk to Hank.
“Hey,” I greeted, walking in.
“Hey yourself.” He smiled tiredly.
“How you feeling?” I asked, sitting down next to him on the bed.
“Top of my game,” he said.
“That is a lie.”
“Eh, I’ve been in worse situations.”
“Worse than having a bomb strapped to your chest?” I raised an eyebrow. “I doubt it.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right,” he sighed.
“But hey, we’ll figure something out. We always do,” I tried to convince him.
“Elana, we both know how this is gonna end.”
“Hank,” I groaned, “don’t talk like that. I lost Donna and Jason, I can’t lose you.”
“You know this isn’t your fault, right?”
“What? I didn’t say-“
“You didn’t have to. I know you, Lanes. You think everything is your fault.”
“This one might be.” I looked down. “I saw him, Jason, before he got to you and I didn’t do anything. We talked, but not about what he’s done. If I would’ve just-“
“Were you the one who put this bomb on my chest?” he cut me off. I shook my head. “Right. So this is not on you. Got it?”
“Yeah.” I gave a weak smile.
“I need you to do me a favor,” he said.
“If I don’t make it-“
“Hank,” I cut him off.
“No, listen to me. I need you to do this.” He took a deep breath. “If I don’t make it, I need you to look after Dawn for me. Keep her in check. Don’t let this ruin her. The world needs Dove.”
“Yeah, I can do that,” I nodded. “But you’re gonna make it.”
“One more thing. Don’t beat yourself up too bad if this goes the wrong way. You’re a good kid with a whole life in front of you.”
“That might be a little harder, but I’ll try.” I smiled.
“Pinky promise.” I held out my pinky and he laughed, but connected our pinkies.
“Do you remember when we snuck off to go after Liam Nells? Dick didn’t let us out of his sight for days,” Hank recalled.
“I believe he tried to get Bruce to ground me,” I laughed. “Dawn chewed us out for an hour straight.”
“He deserved it, though,” Hank pointed out. “You don’t get to screw up a relationship and then go after the other person for it.”
“I still don’t understand why we got in so much trouble. He was a jerk,” I sighed.
“Ah, the golden days.” Hank closed his eyes and smiled. We sat in silence as I willed myself not to break down.
“Well, I won’t keep you any longer.” I stood up and put a hand on his shoulder. “You should get some rest.”
“Come here, kid.” He opened his arms for a hug and I embraced him. I began to tear up, but squeezed my eyes shut as to not let any tears fall. I wouldn’t admit it, but the chances of him surviving were very slim. “Thanks for everything.” We let go. I looked at him one more time and smiled.
“Thank you, Hank.” I turned and headed out the door, a single tear streaming down my face. I kept walking down the hallway until I ran into Dick.
“Hey, Elana,” he greeted, but stopped upon seeing my face. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” I shook my head.
“You went to talk to Hank, didn’t you?”
I sighed. “I figured I better say something to him just in case, but I’m not giving up yet.” Dick looked down at his watch. “We’re running out of time.”
“We’ll figure this out, we will,” Dick said. “I talked to Crane. He thinks Jason is doing this because of the fact that he wants a father figure. It wasn’t really that helpful, but I have Conner working on deactivating the bomb.”
“You put that on him? Dick, that’s a lot of pressure.” I crossed my arms.
“I’m also working on a way to fix this, so it’s not only on him.”
“Did you tell him that?”
His expression said it all. “No,” he said, trying to fake that he was sure of himself. I smirked and shook my head.
“I’m gonna go check on him,” I said. “No stupid decisions until I’m back.”
“Your the one that makes those kinds of decisions,” he said.
“I can name a whole lot of stupid decisions you’ve made. When I find time, I’ll write them down.” I smiled, walking backwards toward the clock room.
“Mhmm, come back when you’ve finished that,” he called after me.
After getting into the Cave, I found Conner working on the deactivator. “Hey, Conner,” I greeted.
“Hey, Elana,” he sighed, but smiled.
“Not going so well?” I asked, looking over his shoulder.
“Not really, no.”
“Don’t stress too much over it, you’re pretty brave for doing this. There’s not a lot of people that would. And this is a backup plan if all else fails. The rest of us are trying to figure something out.”
“I’ve been at it forever and I can’t figure this out.” Conner looked at me with sad eyes.
“Hey,” I put a hand on his shoulder, “you are incredibly smart, more so than, don’t tell anyone I said this, everyone else in this building. If anyone’s gonna figure this out, it’s gonna be you.”
“Thanks.” He smiled. “I, uh, was wondering if you’d look over the specs to see if you find anything that can help.”
“Sure.” I nodded. I sat down at the monitor and pulled up the schematics. I flipped through them as Conner continued to work. “Woah, these are pretty advanced,” I mumbled.
“Yeah, I’ve been trying tons of different combinations, but the success rate’s been all over the place,” Conner commented.
“It looks like there could be five possibilities for the central piece.” I set those three parts off to the side. “If you try out the same combinations around the five pieces, you might figure it out.”
“How did I not see that before? Thanks, Elana. That helps a ton.” He smiled, looking less defeated. “Oh, by the way, Dawn was looking for you.”
“Got it. I’ll go find her. Good luck Conner, I believe in you.”
“Thank you again, Lana.” I headed back up the stairs to try to find Dawn. Walking the hallways, I finally found her walking out of the room Hank was in. I noticed her teary eyes. Without saying anything, I pulled her into a hug. After a few bittersweet seconds, she pulled away.
“We can’t let him die,” she said quietly, drying her eyes.
“We won’t,” I said confidently.
“There’s only one thing we can do to stop it. We need that gold. Dick won’t do it and I don’t want to do it alone, but I will. Are you in?”
I nodded. “Yeah, without a doubt.”
Dawn and I crouched in the rafters of the Central Bank of Gotham’s parking garage. We watched as the van pulled in and the guards got out. There were five of them, armed with submachine guns. I looked at Dawn and she nodded. We dropped from the rafters, taking the guards by surprise.
I took the three to the left, Dawn had the two to the right. I grabbed the barrel of the first guy’s gun and threw it downward, then driving it up to hit the man in the chin for a knockout blow. The other two began shooting at me, so I had to duck for cover behind the van. Once their rounds had finished, I jumped out and threw a throwing star shallowly into each man’s leg. They groaned in pain. I took the opportunity to kick the back of one’s knees and swing him by the arm into the other guy. Their heads collided and they were both out cold.
I looked over at Dawn, who had finished off both of her guys, too. She nodded to me and I nodded back. We both walked over to the truck, seeing the keys to it laying there. Dawn pulled out her flip phone she used to contact Jason and dialed.
“Now what?” she asked into the phone. I tried to divert my attention elsewhere to try to forget who was on the other side of that call, but it didn’t work. “Just tell me where to meet,” Dawn sighed. After a few more seconds, she put the phone away. “He wants to meet alone.”
“No way! I’m not letting you go after him alone!” I exclaimed.
“If I don’t go alone, he could kill Hank,” she said.
“I guarantee you I’m smarter than him. I’ll just hide. He won’t know that I’m there,” I told her. “I just don’t want to see you get hurt.” She considered this for a second before sighing.
“You won’t regret it, Dawn, I promise.”
Dawn went inside the alley space to meet Jason while I hung back on the outside of the building, out of view from anyone else, but able to see inside. It only took a minute of us being there for Jason to walk in. He was fully dressed in his Red Hood suit. I hadn’t seen it before. It looked pretty good to be honest.
“Where’s the deactivator?” Dawn demanded.
“In front of you.” I winced at his robotic voice. Dawn looked around and I did, too. She found something but I wasn’t quite sure what it was. “You’re wasting precious time.” I watched Dawn walk over to a box and tentatively pull out a small handgun.
“What the heck is this?” Dawn asked.
“I’ve got the deactivator as promised.” Jason held up that very item. “It engages as soon as I release my finger from the trigger.” I ran a hand through my hair in anxiousness. “You want to save Hank?” He took off his helmet. “All you have to do is kill me.” What the heck is he doing?
“What happened to you?” Dawn asked, exasperated.
“Same thing that happens to everybody- I grew up. You can, too. You just have to face your fear,” Jason said. “Batman did it. It’s easier than you think. Just pull the trigger and you’ll be free.” I moved to get ready to go in.
“You’re a jerk, Jason,” Dawn sighed.
“Yeah, well, we all get there eventually,” Jason said. “Oh, Hank’s gonna blow soon.” Not cool. “So who’s it gonna be, babe? Me or him?” Dawn pointed the gun up. I didn’t even think twice. I ran right in there.
Jason sighed and looked down upon seeing me. “You’re not supposed to be here.”
“What are you doing?” I demanded.
“What has to be done,” he responded. I looked into his eyes, but there was something missing. They were duller than earlier.
“Dawn,” I said warningly.
“You did this, not me,” Dawn said, ignoring me.
“Don’t,” I tried again. A bird-a-rang came out of nowhere and knocked the gun from Dawn’s hands and stuck in a post.
“Dawn,” Dick’s voice came from behind, “Don’t.”
“Who invited that guy?” Jason groaned.
“What did you do?” Dick asked. Dawn and Dick looked at each other for a couple more seconds before jumping for the gun. I watched, unsure of what to do, as they grappled for the weapon. I looked at Jason who had an amused smirk on his face and scoffed in disgust, shaking my head. The next thing I knew, Dawn was holding the gun at Jason.
“Dawn, don’t,” Dick warned. “This is what he wants.”
“Let him have it,” Dawn growled.
“You don’t want to do this,” I tried.
“Don’t tell me what I want! You’re just trying to protect him!” she accused. I was taken aback.
“I’m trying to protect you from making a mistake you can’t come back from,” I told her.
“She’s right. You can’t come back from this. We can save Hank another way,” Dick said.
“He’s lying, Dawn,” Jason said. I glared at him and he made eye contact with me. Those eyes weren’t the same eyes as earlier.
“Gar, talk to me,” Dick said into his comms. He paused. “Dawn, we’re almost there.” Dawn checked her wrist for Hank’s heartbeats left. I could guess it wasn’t too high.
“I can’t wait anymore,” Dawn breathed.
“This won’t fix anything,” I said.
“If you do this, he wins,” Dick added. “He won’t save Hank, he’s lying.”
“Hey, batboy, she’s a grown woman. Let her make her own decision,” Jason sneered. Dawn checked her watch again.
“Dawn,” I said softly. She didn’t listen. “Dawn, if you kill him, you’ll never be the same and you’ll have to live with that guilt forever. That’s not fun, believe me. Look, it doesn’t matter if it’s him you kill or some random person off the street, you’ll never be the same.” She began to breathe heavily. After a few seconds, Dick seemed to be hearing something through the comms.
“Dawn!” he shouted. But it was too late.
She pulled the trigger and I heard the click, expecting the worst. But a bullet never came out. She examined the gun as the deactivator in Jason’s started beeping. Then it dawned on me what he’d done.
“Oops, my bad. Looks like I gave you the detonator,” Jason laughed. I took a step back in shock, my mouth dropping open.
“No,” Dick breathed. We all looked down at the gun in astonishment, and the second we looked back at Jason, he was gone. Dick took the gun from Dawn.
“What happened?” she asked breathlessly. We looked at her sympathetically. “No. No, no, no,” she cried. My heart broke for her and for Hank. He was my family and she and him were always together. Sure they’d gone through a rough patch, but they’d always love each other. Everyone knew that. But now he was gone. I had to stop the tear in my eye from escaping as I put my hand comfortingly on Dawn’s shoulder after Dick had pulled her into a hug. What just happened?
I sat on the floor of my apartment bedroom against the bed, head down, hands gripping my hair. My eyes were red and my face was tear-stained. How could’ve I let this happen? kept echoing in my head. There was now a hole in the wall that I’d have to fix from my fist. The only reason there weren’t more is because I had switched to punching a pillow. My grief was like a roller coaster. First I was in denial, then I was furious, and now? I couldn’t put words to my sadness. Maybe if I had just turned Jason in, this wouldn’t have happened.
The soft creek of my bedroom window pulled me out of my thoughts. I didn’t even have to look to know who it was.
“Give me one reason why I shouldn’t kill you right here, right now,” I said through gritted teeth.
“Elana-“ Jason started.
“No.” I stood abruptly. “Don’t “Elana” me. You killed Hank today. What makes you think that you can walk in here and have everything magically be okay.”
“Elana, please,” he begged, “let me explain.” He took a step closer and reached out.
“Don’t touch me,” I growled, taking a step back and putting my hand up to distance him from me.
“I’m sorry, Elana. I-I don’t know what came over me. I shouldn’t have done that, I know,” he swallowed. His demeanor was completely different and his eyes had their brightness back. He wasn’t the sadistic, cocky villain that was in the alley four hours ago. “I just came to say that I’m sorry.”
Without a second thought, my hand flew to his face with a loud slapping sound. His head flew back, but he never retaliated. “You should be!” I snapped. “You murdered the man I consider family by strapping a freaking bomb to his chest! Are you insane?! That is Joker-level stuff!” I couldn’t help the tears that fell down my face. “He died painfully and alone and now I wonder if I had just taken you in before this whole thing started if he would still be alive,” my voice died down. “Oh, god.” By back hit the wall as I used it for support. I sank back down to the floor. “Why did you do it?” I asked quietly, raising my puffy eyes to look at his.
“I-I don’t know,” he said honestly, looking at the floor. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back. I felt a hand touch my own. I knew I should brush it off, but something about Jason’s touch made me feel safer. I couldn’t help the silent tears the rolled down my face. I hated crying. I was told when I was with the League that only the weak cry. I especially hated crying in front of other people.
Jason hesitantly wrapped his arms around me in a hug. I didn’t return it, but I didn’t stop it. I knew I should’ve pushed him away, told him to leave, but I just couldn’t. Like before, I felt safer when he was right there. He put a hand on the back of my head in a comforting way and I let my head dropped down on his shoulder. He gently stroked my hair as I tried to calm my breathing. Pulling away from him, I wiped my eyes.
“One more chance. Please, Elana, give me one more chance,” Jason said. I closed my eyes and dropped my head. “I swear, I will make it up to you. If I don’t, I’ll let you take me in. I promise.”
“No, just hear me out. I want to change. I want to be better. If I mess up, you can throw me in Arkham. Just please, let me try,” he begged, grabbing my hands. “Please.” His eyes shone bright and desperate. I met his gaze and sighed.
“Fine, but if you mess this up, we’re done and I’ll personally escort you to prison,” I warned.
“Thank you. You won’t regret it,” Jason said excitedly.
“But for tonight, I need to be alone,” I said. He nodded.
“Yeah, I- I assumed. I’ll see you later then?” This time, I was the one that nodded. He gave a weak smile, disappearing out the window.
I curled back into myself and reburied my head in my hands. I should’ve said no. I should’ve taken him in right then. I just couldn’t bring myself to. What did I just do?
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flickeringart · 3 years
Uranus in the houses
Descriptions could be relevant for houses with the cusp in Aquarius or houses that contain Aquarius
1st house: This house is related to self-image, persona and outwardly projected identity. It represents the point of entrance into the world, the point of birth and emergence from the undifferentiated source as a singular entity. Uranus here points to someone that is not very happy with the denseness of physicality. The person is restless and fidgety, running on high voltage. It’s almost as if there’s more energy to the person than is able to integrate into their being. The person could be impulsive and might give off a vibe of wanting to “level up”, get out of the old and jump on board with the new. Coming into life might’ve been particularly jarring for the individual in one way or another. Perhaps the birth was abrupt and unexpected, fast and overwhelming. Since the 1sthouse represents beginnings, this person might find himself or herself thrown into new contexts and situations rapidly without much time to lean into things slowly. There’s something within that can’t stand how things are and must uproot and move on but it’s questionable if there ever was any rootedness to begin with. The energy of the person runs high, but it’s unpredictable and unreliable. It can prove difficult for this person to follow conventional norms, not necessarily because the motivation is lacking but because there’s an inexplicable urge to switch things up and change gear. Changing gear is a good metaphor for Uranus in general because once you’ve changed you’re on a completely different level of experience. This kind of person is in their own lane, going at their own pace in their own way. While “in the mode” one can accomplish a lot of things by virtue of being in a certain mind frame but once the mind frame changes the behavior and patterns of action are conducive to something else. The person is predictable to an extent, but there’s no way of knowing how long that “mode” will last. One is showing up in life from a certain standpoint but that standpoint might alter and then there’s nothing anyone can do about it – conforming is not something that is easily done for this type of individual. No amount of pushing or coercing from others will get the person out of their state. It’s a little bit like trying to reach an airplane by stretching one’s arms up and shouting. Once the person has “switched” there’s little connection to the previous context. It can be exciting to be around these individuals because they have the ability to switch the way they present themselves to the world by getting into completely different states of being on the flip of a dime. Needless to say it can also be unnerving. They come off as charming, a bit distant, quirky, somewhat irrational but stubbornly determined, completely unique and original. They can come off as detached from reality and fixed in their own perspectives. They are distinctly more open and easy to be oneself with than most.
2nd house: This house is related to value, safety and control on a tangible level. It has to do with one’s talents and one’s ability to generate wealth, to acquire money and possessions. Uranus in this house can make a person experience unpredictability when it comes to their income. It might be difficult for this person to create stability because of the inexplicable urge to break out of limiting structures regardless of the safety they provide. The person might find themselves in circumstances where it’s impossible to find a foothold in the world; there might be constant ambivalence around how things are going to work out financially and materially. This is the type of person that could have a lot going for them one month and then suddenly everything is switched up and there’s no longer any desire to produce or put innate abilities to use. The person probably has great potential for living a life that is on the edge, waiting for sudden bursts of energy or insight to kick in in order to be able to have it all under control again. The annoying thing is, that one can’t predict when the impulse comes or when the light bulb goes off. There’s no way of knowing how things are going to work out over time because Uranus is an extremely erratic and disruptive planet. There’s a risk of not being the least bit practical with this placement, seeing as Uranus operates on a higher plane of thought progression rather than personal security and stability in the material realm. The risk is to be too ahead of oneself, acting on premature convictions and causing unnecessary unease because one can’t stand to keep doing the same thing. “Isn’t money an outdated concept already?” Uranus in the 2nd might be too progressive in their thought patterns and too concerned with the possibility of a better system of doing things in order to align with conventional structure. These types may be the first one’s to subscribe to new ways of earning a living, more exciting and evolved methods of putting one’s skills to use. Doing things the same way for years, working in the same place, saving money or playing it safe might not be in the cards for this person. In the extreme case, this person might get rid of all their personal possessions only because they felt bored and deemed them outdated and boring. There could be perpetual dissatisfaction with the material situation since Uranus is about potential more then manifested reality. Once everything imagined is actualized, it no longer holds any value in the person’s mind. Uranus certainly keeps the person in constant pursuit of the future, but the future never comes, as we all know. Visualizing the perfect meal or getting an idea for the perfect way to decorate the living room might be very satisfying but when seen in the “flesh” it all seems very unappealing. It’s difficult to satisfy Uranus in the 2nd, but it’s a positive thing in the sense that it keeps the person reaching for the ultimate physical translation of the perfect thought version. One could be prone to be unintentionally careless with material objects, causing breakage easily and wearing things out because of the unrealistic expectations on the physical objects somehow survive despite themselves and their frailty.
3rd house: This house relates to communication, interaction with the environment, siblings, neighbors, as well as learning and early education. It’s basically the house of everyone and everything that one relates to mentally on a daily basis. Uranus makes for quite a highly charged mental sphere being placed here. There’s potentially a lot of changes and disruptions of the way one is interacting from day to day – it’s difficult to fit in or mold oneself to the pace and jargon of one’s close circle. The person might have a lot of unusual or unconventional methods of relating and is prone to bewilder and stir people up. It might be difficult to make friends, or rather, keep them, because of the unreliable pattern of relating. However, there’s the promise of being very exciting and surprising. Because Uranus is so characteristic of creative freedom this type of person might be a bit of a loner. One needs to be or do whatever one wants even if it means disrupting the status quo. The mold that conventional education forces on individuals might not work well with this kind of person. There needs to be more freedom and openness for originality and rapid changes of pace. This is the kind of person that is rebellious without trying to be, unable to relate in a consistent manner. One lacks boundaries for how to be in and conceive of the environment, which makes for potentially genius ways of operating and thinking. Albert Einstein had this placement (according to astrotheme.com) and his observation and ability to step out of the boundaries of conditioned thinking led him to great discoveries. Learning is done through lightning speed in bursts of insight with this placement. Lightning strikes from above and an idea has hatched that other people have a hard time understanding. These people might prefer being observers of people and the environment rather than actively engaging. They might relate to things with a cold and seemingly uncaring energy. This is because the mind is very far up in the sky of potentials and ideas, far removed from the fixed and permanent reality of the earth plane. Other people might feel as if they’re being related to as concepts rather than physically manifested beings. The very thing that makes these people revolutionary thinkers (and creative odd balls) will perhaps get them into difficulties when trying to adapt and fit into the environment they find themselves in. Since the 3rd house is about communication, these people might dress contrary or despite of the norm, use body language that is a bit eye-catching, and appear in a way that’s considered to be shocking and provocative. It’s not necessarily that they’re trying to be different; it’s just that they have very open minds and doesn’t see the purpose of performing within limits. If an idea and concept appeals, it’s not any less valid than the preexisting set of unspoken rules of conformity. Blending in is too boring and dull, it doesn’t allow for free thinking and free living.
4th house: This house relates to roots, family, home and the ancestral past. It’s the place at the bottom of the chart, hidden from view, constituting relational foundation, our emotional base, our heritage and sense of deep belonging. When Uranus is here, home is potentially something distant, something that is more conceptual and abstract rather than concrete. The sense of belonging isn’t very stable. Although it can be captured every now and then it is very ambivalent. Usually one’s sense of home is anywhere and everywhere or perhaps so far removed from reality that it doesn’t seem to exist at all. The people of one’s family and family past are experienced as individuals, not as inextricable marks on one’s soul. In a sense, the universe is these people’s home, they might feel unusually connected to the people of the world and deriving their sense of containment from larger movements and units rather than the family of origin. They’re children of the universe first and foremost – perhaps very much inclined to find people they really feel connected to and make them their base rather than focusing too much on the blood relatives. These people might change residence often, feeling too restless to settle anywhere or with anyone for too long. It’s likely that the people of one’s family were never truly present even they were in close proximity physically during the formative years. The family is never “had” in the real world, but ever present in the realm of potential. It can make for a dissatisfaction to never be able to be in the same space or feel any real emotional closeness to one’s family. Unpredictability and disruption might’ve been characteristic of the familial sphere. On a more positive note there could’ve been a space of high openness and room for unconventional and highly original streaks. Independence might be deeply rooted in this type of person who might be trying to find a connection to a deeper identity through going against the grain. Again, being a “rebel” is not necessarily intentionally pursued; it’s just a consequence of needing to be whatever one feels to constitute the path forward. Conforming is not an option, it’s deeply important to ride the wave of one’s own convictions and insights no matter how risky or unsettling it might be. “Breaking the rules” is not done out of aggression per se, it’s done because being a game changer establishes a connection with one’s soul, the archetypal father and hero myth. The 4th house is where legacies are born and carried out. Uranus is the legacy of the sky god, the creator of the universe, the maker of the blueprint, which makes these people extremely invested in progression and tuned in to the winds of change. They might be keen to generate large movements toward a cause, more in love with the expectancy than the actual manifestation of the results.
5th house: This house relates to entertainment, leisure activities, uninhibited self-expression, creativity, play, romance and children. Basically, it’s the domain of anything that is done purely to have fun and enjoy life. When Uranus is active in this sphere, there’s detachment and innovative genius in approach to play. The person might have unusual ways of finding pleasure and enjoyment that is quite different from the norm. It’s also done with an urge to construct something of novelty, something fresh and exciting that hasn’t been experienced before. Playing around with the potential of doing something or exploring possibilities mentally might be a real thrill for these types. Ideas make these people excited, especially if it’s advanced and revolutionary and can be applied universally. These people are creative thinkers and have fun when catching some wind and can elevate above the ground for a while in their minds. When they can get to a place that feels elevated in terms of concept and ideas they are having the time of their lives. There’s an urge of wanting to express something profound and precious in the mental realm – to arrive at a conceptual point of perfection. Having children could be a very appealing idea, but one would do well to remember that the idea is more appealing than the actuality – especially when it comes to Uranus. The person might take an intellectual approach to having kids, insistent on doing things as properly as possible according to modern scientific discoveries – or simply according to one’s own “elevated” objective perspective. One aims to be progressive, not only with one’s children but also in romantic pursuits. These people might have a slightly odd style of courting their love interests, certainly well thought-through but a bit special in the sense that it has an unexpected element to it. There might be a feeling of not being seen in the present “here-and-now” by these people, being treated as a component in their mental narrative of the ultimate romantic situation. In any case, Uranus in the 5th certainly takes the experience of “having fun” to the next level in terms of planning and visualizing something unique and new. One might shock a few people in the process, some may like it and some may recoil from the strangeness of it all. It is possible to completely revolutionize entertainment with this placement, coming up with something that people haven’t experienced before, going a little overboard or testing the waters of what is acceptable. If it’s paired with enough finesse and good -will, one might be warmly received as someone who can be perform something that wouldn’t seem to belong on this plane of existence. That being said, it that which is foreign and unfamiliar is not always welcomed with open arms. It’s scary – and people might want to censor one’s self-expression.
6th house: This house relates to work, employment, the practical daily activities that needs to be performed in order to sustain health and well-being over time. This house is where one manages the technicalities and details of living in order to make the expression of life more pure, clean and organized. Uranus here can’t stand routine, which might cause the individual to be unable to stick to any routine or prior commitment. There’s a deep urge to break free from that which has become tedious and unexciting and one has no way of knowing when that famous restlessness is going to kick in. The person might go a long time doing the same things, keeping the same job or sticking to a set routine but it’s never because one does so consciously, it just happens to be the “mode” one is in for the time being. It could switch at any time and the individual might find it impossible to keep doing things the same way. One has to follow the spark of inspiration because it literally goes off like lightning and won’t be denied. This might not be comfortable for the conscious self that might be adamant about sticking to a set plan and operating out of reason. There’s not much to do than to trust and hope for the best with this placement. What one should do on a given day is not set in stone, even if one attempts to be very structured and conscious of what is being done. There’s a stronger push-and-pull force that dictates the daily activities. Some days there’s a lot of energy to put into projects and chores and work and some days are void of electric charge all together. Some days one is on fire and on others there’s no energy left at all. It’s wise to take advantage of the spurs when they come and work with the erratic pattern of energetic bursts because they might prove very useful. On a more negative note, the high productivity that can be generated by Uranus in this house might lead to burn out because of the high voltage of the planet. Exhaustion might be a high risk and all the related physical symptoms that come with it, since the 6th house rules physical (and mental) health. There might be temporary ills and pains that come and go – sickness might come from “out of the blue” and then disappear without apparent reason. The body might require very specific and unexpected nourishment and one might do well to yield to the impulses and insights received in the name of health. Keeping up unconventional dietary habits could be a thing, experimentation and change in the way one manages necessary activities such as eating, sleeping and exercising would be typical of this placement. Employment might also be irregular and unconventional in some way – working odd shifts and hours, having no set schedule, having undefined and unspecified tasks, not being able to go by anyone else’s guidance etc. Uranus in the 6th would have a hard time working “for” someone because of the strong emphasis on freedom and space, it can only be done if there’s complete integrity in the subordinate position, in which case one is really not subordinate at all. There’s no such thing as obligation, there’s only modes of being, which are set and carried out. These people could be very concerned with health and daily life as an experiment, like observers studying phenomena in order to get a grip of all the intricacies and details in order to change and explore potential. The boldness of experimentation can of course get out of hand and turn destructive, so one ought to be careful.
7th house: This house relates to other people, cooperation, union and commitment. Usually that which is in the 7th in the chart is projected onto other people and sought after through engagement with “that which is other”. It’s through looking to other people that the planet is discovered in one’s own life. When Uranus is here, innovation, change and genius is encountered through cooperation and deals, whether it’s marriage, business or any other social declaration of entanglement. Uranus is discovered through the consideration of other people and their perspectives. This type of person has a very liberal and open attitude to other people and is focused on progress and change as to make things better for the sake of social well-being and harmony. It’s no wonder that successful politicians have this placement such as Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Angela Merkel (as found on astrotheme.com). One is inclined to be open and insightful in relationships, detached, rational and impersonal. Emotional bonds could be difficult to form and stability in relationships could be hard to come by for these people. Somehow, other people might get up and leave for no reason and there’s no way of being sure that anyone will stay, especially not out of dependence. This kind of person is going to have to be in partnerships that allows for a lot of freedom of expression, to the point of there not being any ties that bind at all. Uranus has such force and charge that nothing is going to go according to convention. Everything is going to be a bit odd and erratic in relationships, for better or for worse. Saying “I love you” is never a guarantee for life-long commitment because the next day Uranus might’ve switched gears and the person has fallen out of love – not by choice of course, but because the feeling is gone and the mental frame is completely different suddenly. These people crave excitement and looks for it in others. They would find people who strictly lives inside the “box” of convention to be extremely boring and painfully narrow minded. If cooperation and engagement with others doesn’t bring some kind of fresh and new perspective, if it doesn’t feel exhilarating and revolutionary, one might not be able to stick around for too long. In the case of Uranus being projected on other people and not realized as part of oneself, one might be shook by other’s unpredictable and jerky behavior. One might see potential, genius and originality in others but fail to recognize it in oneself. The great ideas and insights that come from engaging with others might add a lot to the person’s life, but one might also feel sad that these qualities are absent outside of a social context. There’s no need for this of course, because Uranus will always have to be accessed through the house that it’s placed in. On a more negative note, people with this placement might scorn and reject others for being so “up in the clouds”, inconsiderate and individualistic. “Other people are so unpredictable and unreliable” might be the narrative, when in reality one is failing to recognize the same tendencies within oneself.
8th house: This house relates to the deep end of experience, death of all kinds and transformative yet traumatic experiences. It’s related to everything that is hidden, the most private, intimate and vulnerable dimensions of life, which includes shared finances and sex as byproducts of strong emotional attachment. Uranus here makes for potentially shocking discoveries of grim, taboo or soul-shattering realities about oneself or other people. Death of loved ones, random inheritances or unforeseen debt could surface from seemingly out of nowhere in the strangest of ways. However, one might be able to deal with it in an objective and detached manner without getting too drenched and sunk by the whole experience. A lot of things related to the most intimate sphere could change very quickly without a moments notice. The most personal and deep dimensions of life are never stable for this person - but the transformation is not that severe since there’s a simultaneous distance and objectivity in one’s way of relating to death and crises. Uranus here is a bit of a contra-intuitive placement because there’s coolness in the face of the most soul-shattering experiences. It’s as if this person is looking at everything but is never completely enmeshed in the emotions surrounding it all. Objectivity and rationality is sought in order to keep things light and up in the mental realm of clarity. The transformations this person goes through are quick and life altering, at the speed of light everything is turned upside down. There’s openness and fascination for everything occult and one might have quite an alarming universal perspective in personal and deep emotional matters. Death is related to primarily as a concept – and so is intimacy. Tying oneself to another can be done, but the risk of doing so is understood from a higher perspective. It’s easy to get into states of paranoia, fearing that important attachment will be broken because there’s a push for change from below the surface. When Uranus is in the 8th, socially/societally divergent behavior might lurk in the basement of the psyche and carefully kept out of sight from the conscious self and the rest of the world. Certain impulses and urges that don’t fit into a preconceived framework might be suppressed because of early conditioning and fear of losing something or someone. These people have the capacity to get a broad and clear view of the darkest facets of life and humanity with revolutionary insights into the depths of the psyche. There’s excitement in probing deeper and uncovering more and more through personal experience but also from looking into other people’s lives, what they invest in, support and might hide from view in order to stay in control and protect their interests. These people look for the unexpected and can therefore spot things that others don’t because they’re not blinded by the veil of convention.
9th house: This house relates to knowledge that is gained through experience and exploration. It’s the house of higher learning and the intuitive search for truth. It’s the house of exploring themes and patterns through life; in essence it’s the house of studying the archetypal realm. With Uranus here, there are bound to be life-altering discoveries and insights into the themes of life, how energies express themselves through the collective and what they ultimately mean in the context of life as a whole. There might be a strong push to discover the meaning behind things in order to change it and work with it to elevate humanity in the process – especially as it relates to the mental framework of people. One might be inclined to share one’s progressive perspective and insight in order to educate people and have them get more out of life that way. Belief systems and innate knowing can be thrown out the window with this placement and replaced in a heartbeat. Other people might be confused as to what one really thinks because it depends on what gear one is driving on at the moment but it could change at any time. There’s restlessness and a strong urge to look to the future for answers and reject the “old”. Openness to experience the strangest things could be characteristic of this placement – if one is in the right “mode” or mind frame to go along with it. Stubbornness and rigidity when it comes to certain opinions and insights could be typical, although it might change very quickly and won’t stick over time. Something the person is thoroughly convinced of today might seem foolish to them tomorrow. There would be strong push to go out of one’s way to discover things, no matter how impractical and inconvenient the pursuit. There’s electricity and charge to the person’s mental pursuits, to one’s observation and efforts to extract value out of experience. Although there’s force and intensity to the process of learning about life as a whole, there’s also a peculiar detachment to the whole thing as if one isn’t part of what one is learning about. In contrast to someone with say, Moon in the 9th, Uranus in the 9th doesn’t experience the overwhelm that it means to learn and experience existence because one is the “observer” not a living and breathing merged component of the experience. With this placement one might have an unusual outlook of life and a very rare and interesting life philosophy. In fact, one would not really subscribe to any one outlook and might identify solely as the observer because one has switched perspective so many times that one knows that none are ultimately real. This doesn’t make the person discouraged, it only confirms that life is complex and multi-dimensional and that truth is nowhere to be found within the hologram of existence.
10th house: This house relates to public image, career and our personal contribution to society. It’s represents worldly purpose and outward persona. When Uranus is here, the person has a certain protruding electricity and charge – there’s a lot of energy put towards moving forward into the future in revolutionary ways. The person could have a reputation for being unpredictable, eccentric and a bit irrational as a byproduct of only seeing potential and not taking note of the limitations. The person exist “outside of the box” and is somewhat of a stranger in society, presenting far-reaching ideas that might be difficult for the average person to digest. There’s probably great openness to all kinds of people and experiences, but the person is extremely jerky and fidgety, so it’s impossible to really know when there’s going to be resistance and when there’s going to be acceptance. More than any other placement, Uranus in the 10th is an indicator of someone to catch people’s attention because it’s so potent and forceful in an electric way – it’s so unsettling and unconventional that people can’t help but turn their heads. “I’m not like everyone else” is the kind of message these people convey, consciously or unconsciously. These are extremely flighty individuals – they can be miles away, seemingly living in their own fantasy world, except that they know that everyone else is doing the same thing and they’re just not aware of it. These people are likely pinned as the odd person that has a lot of energy and unusual opinions and modes of being. They can switch gears or “roles” frequently, unable to be bound by any standardized career path and pushed to carve their own lives, take risks and live on mental impulse. They probably have no idea what they’re doing most of the time, or at least it seems like it when taking the most contra intuitive paths and moving into unpaved territory in terms of vocation and worldly achievement. Some force of the unconscious is seemingly moving these people, pushing them and compelling them to take mental leaps. The curious thing is, that once the leap is made, there’s absolute certainty because one is not merely hoping to level up, one has switched gears and is now operating on a completely different level of existence that is just as real as the previous one. These people are really the pioneers and revolutionaries of society because they radiate a collective urge for change; they shake things up, perhaps even negatively in some people’s eyes. They are symbolizing the urge to break free from old shackles and to reinvent the ways of society. People might feel uncomfortable and put up a lot of resistance to this kind of energy, because it’s disruptive and destabilizing. These people might have “weirdo” painted all over their forehead, being misunderstood and taken for extreme creative individualists with no anchoring in the norm – or they might become the “hook” for collective unconscious forces as the leader of a collective movement. In the case of the latter, the individual becomes a public image for the winds of change for better or for worse. The career might be paved with unforeseen events sudden blessings and curses, as well as unpredictable turns of the road.
11th house: This house relates to collective movements, common goals, friends and shared interests, societal change and progression. Uranus is very much at home in this house, seeing as it is the planet of large-scale revolution and change. When Uranus is here, there’s a strong awareness of the differences and commonalities of human beings and a capacity to switch between groups of people and finding a common ground with all of them. This is the type of person to jump in between social groups – not belonging to any one group but open enough to partake in all of them. The humanitarian and liberal perspective is protruding and very strong – there’s no one more open and willing to find friendship with people from all walks of life than Uranus in the 11th. It’s likely that one views the self to not belong to any specific group or class of society, but to them all simultaneously. All people are part of the human family and this is profoundly clear to this person – religion, political opinion, ethnicity, sexuality or any other factor comes second to the fact that everyone depends on one another. This person might have great ideas about how humanity should organize itself in order to benefit everyone without the blood thirsty uncivilized game that is “survival of the fittest”. Of course, primitiveness is not innately bad, but the person with Uranus here aims to view things objectively and find new ways to make everyone live in a way that benefits the whole rather than merely themselves. That being said, this person could have some unconventional ideas and highly creative solutions to certain collective issues. One might be associated with various groups of people and have great insight into their way of viewing things, their needs and convictions, their character traits and innate disposition. More than anything, this person is an observer of humanity, a person of mental understanding of the inner workings of social systems and groupings. Prince Charles, Prince William and Prince Harry all have Uranus in this house (according to astrotheme.com), which makes sense considering that they are people who are supposed to have a connection to the people – they are essentially symbolic “agents of the divine”, supposedly anchored in Christian values of brotherhood, love, compassion and respect. They are involved in various social projects and aim to improve that quality of people’s lives through their work and presence. Whether it’s successful or impactful can be up for debate but it’s certainly their intention. People with this placement will likely seek to offer guidance or insight to the masses in some way, whether it’s through expressing certain values or bringing an objective perspective to the situation that equalizes the charge within people. This type of person would be phenomenal at reminding everyone of the commonalities and shared quirks, reminding people of their basic humanity and all the problems and gifts that come with it. By being radically open and honest, other people are allowed to show their weaknesses and strengths as they are without feeling the need to fit into a box.
12th house: This house relates to the collective unconscious, undifferentiated reality and the absence of separate self. It is a house that is related to universal feeling, the truth of everything being one. This house is essentially the enemy of individuality and at the same time is the birthing place for it. The 12th is dual and paradoxical, the place where “reality” and dreams blend. With Uranus here, the person would feel as if collective forces govern his or her life to a large extent. Changes in the collective unconscious affect these people personally more than others, for better or for worse. They live in a perpetual atmosphere of Uranus, which means that mental impulses and insights flood them daily of the most new and jarring kind. The inner world is potentially absurd and strange and completely different from the mundane everyday life. In fact, these people might not find that there’s anything mundane about life because everything is a fascinating phenomena to them. There can be hidden feeling of not being of this world, of feeling things more objectively and from a standpoint of universal reality. These can be very creative individuals, able to channel some genius ideas through letting go of the defenses put up by the ego. This could potentially be done through sleep, drugs or any other method of releasing resistance. Since this house is related to hidden enemies, it might be that certain original ideas are detrimental to the separate self and to other people in one’s surroundings. Because the 12thhouse is the realm of no boundaries, doing the most destructive and weird things might come easier to these people. There’s a disruptive quality to these people that shines through their subtle aura – they’re not trying to act out of the norm but little twitches and pushes make them do things that they ultimately can’t control. In a sense, these people are sponges for collective energies and pushes for change. Adolf Hitler had this placement (according to astrotheme.com), which expressed itself extremely destructively. Uranus in the 12th reaches for the heavens and might end up in hell because ecstasy is only felt through complete disregard for the preservation of the individual even though one might argue that it is in the individual’s best interest. In a sense Uranus in the 12th is a push for societal structure and progression that comes the closest to ecstatic bliss and one might take the most insane actions to get there. On a more positive note, this placement can express itself as a positive force for changing group consciousness, and communicating a vision of a civilized and peaceful society based on humanitarian values, mutual respect and love. Whether the ideas are realistic and applicable might be another question, however, the dream of redemption can inspire people and instill hope in the darkest of times.
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anon-e-miss · 2 years
Facade - 3 Investigation
Though Prowl knew his disguise was solid, he was still wracked with nerves as he pulled up to Mix’s. He was horrified and awestruck by the damage Devastator had done during their fight with Prime’s agents. The street for blocks was closed. It had truly been a battle and he was mildly baffled that he had not been called out with all the others that had been dispatched to the chaos. Hopefully, no one had died but seeing the wreckage, Prowl was not convinced such a miracle could be possible. Jazz transformed and Prowl followed after him. There was an Autobot guarding the sidewalk who let them pass with a nod to Jazz. He did not pay Prowl any processor and Prowl hardly dared ventilate. This agent had just been steps away when Jazz had been tending to him the previous dark-cycle. Even as he told himself that his disguise was perfect, Prowl feared discovery with every step.
“There was a buffaloid in that arcade machine,” Jazz explained. Prowl nodded as if he had not spent joors in these things on a regular basis. “Pay to play scrap. It’s got this milker hooked up, piped directly to the bar.”
“Did you speak with the victim?” Prowl’s glossa felt fuzzy as he asked the question to which he already knew the answer. He saw the warming blanket Jazz had draped over his shoulders on the floor where he had left it.
“I did,” Jazz replied. “He didn’t say anything. Mighta been in shock. By the time we got done wit the gestalt, he was gone. The scaplets we had tied up all said they didn’t see anyone take’m or where he went.”
“That is unfortunate,” Prowl said.
“‘M just hopin’ he got ‘mself far away,” Jazz sighed. “‘N not caught up in another one o’ these Pits.”
“Do you believe he will come forward?” Prowl asked. Jazz stared at the floor.
“No,” he replied. “Cause he’d be scared we’d throw the book at’m, right? ‘Cause he’s loose in the city ‘n not hooked up with a factory or farm.”
“These places,” Prowl looked around the speakeasy. “Have you ever been to a buffaloid farm?”
“Just last quartex,” Jazz replied. “Farmer was outraged his buffaloid were gettin’ lured away.”
“I imagine he was more worried about his loss of profits and not the missing sparks,” Prowl said.
“That’s right,” Jazz sighed. “That’s exactly right.”
“It would not be hard to lure the right heifer away,” Prowl said. “With the sweet promise of being something other than a number, of being unique.” “Buffaloid farms are all over Praxus,” Jazz said.
“I grew up in Petrex,” Prowl replied. “The farms were the bulk of the economy, everything, every business was linked to them. They had huge herds. The heifers were branded on the aft and well. The farm’s sigil would be on their aft, and their number on their well. You would hear the overseers calling them in by their number.”
“Don’t sounds like ya like the industry,” Jazz said.
“I came to Iacon to get away from it,” Prowl replied. It was dangerously close to the truth. “I wanted more from my life that the banality of it. Those farms owned the city. No grocer, no restaurant could do business with more than one farm. You had a contract, you may as well have been owned by the farm as well.”
“Woulda been ballsy, not just to move to the big city but to a new city-state,” Jazz said. “Yer conjunx come wit ya?”
“No,” Prowl replied. There had been no conjunctions, just bulls, who like him had been numbers and not designations. He thought of the bull who had sired Strongarm on him and felt nothing but loathing. “No, he left us before my femmeling emerged.”
“‘M sorry,” Jazz looked at him. “That’s such a load o’ scrap. Mecha like that ain’t worth their sentio-metallico.”
“It was no great loss,” Prowl said. “I prefer life without him.”
“There ya go,” Jazz smiled. “So it looks like we got the same idea... heifers hopin’ for a better life, they would be easy ‘nough to lure to the city. Even if they wanted to run from this slag, they’d be terrified o’ gettin’ locked up on one o’ the penal farms. Even if these sacks o’ slag hurt ‘em, they wouldn’t dare go to enforcers.”
“Correct,” Prowl replied. Jazz cared. He care for heifers he had never met and Prowl felt that much more guilty for his part but he could not tell the Autobot that he had not been trafficked, he had put himself in that arcade and there were more heifers like him, doing the same thing to survive.
“Walk the scene wit me,” Jazz said. “Maybe we can see where the victim went ‘n if someone “helped” ‘m get away.”
For a moment, indecision had Prowl’s processor all but paralyzed. He walked with Jazz on autopilot. Prowl was a decorated investigator. If someone found the trap door after he investigated the scene, they might look at him and wonder if he had lost his touch. The last thing Prowl could afford was any extra attention. Jazz gestured to the floor next to the arcade and led Prowl over to where the pipe beneath their peds ran to the bar. When Prowl had been hooked up in the arcade, Mixmaster had served his ichor energon straight from the tap at the bar. It made Prowl’s plating itch terribly. His plating felt too small. It took will and practice to force it down.
“We took a sample,” Jazz explained. “The rest is bein’ pumped out ‘n taken to be destroyed.  Our lab’ll see if it matches the sample o’ one o’ our missin’ heifers.”
“Excellent plan,” Prowl replied. He knew it would not. Heifers on his farm had been numbers in a herd. Everyone’s ichor energon had been drained into the same canisters. No one had ever been individually graded.
They walked behind the bar. The last drink Mixmaster had been making remained on the counter with an evidence tag next to it. The rich, opalescent blue of the fuel told Prowl it was energon from his utters. He set his jaw and looked away. Perhaps he would not need to mention the trap door. Its hidden door blended in perfectly into the tile. Jazz walked back and forth behind the bar and Prowl wondered what he was thinking but then he knelt and rapped his fist against the floor as his helm was canted to the side. With a mixture of wonder and horror, Prowl watch him examine the trap door and then trigger it.
“Nice!” He grinned. Prowl nodded and willed himself not to purge.
Jazz wasted no time climbing down into the cellar. Prowl willed his fuel tank down as he descended the ladder only joors after he had made his escape from this place. As he stepped onto the dusty floor, Prowl almost stepped in his own hoof print. He stared for a moment, just for a moment, as he pulled his  ped up. They were not the same. These peds he wore looked nothing like his hooves and the prints he wore were not the same; Prowl stepped away from the ladder, they were not the same at all. Like Prowl, Jazz was fixated on the hoof prints, but for a different reason, obviously. The Autobot followed Prowl’s hoof prints through the cellar, to the false door hidden by the crates. It was strange retracing his steps like this but Prowl kept his doorwings up, kept his anxiety to himself.
“No cameras,” Jazz sighed as he looked about the empty viaduct the tunnel opened out to. “No surprise there.”
“I suppose not,” Prowl asked. “Did you speak to the operators of that speakeasy?”
“Not yet,” Jazz replied. “They went down hard. Gonna take time in a CR chamber before I’ll get a chance to talk wit’em. Only thing I know is they didn’t get a chance to come back for the heifer. But that don’t mean he’s safe.”
“Very true,” Prowl agreed. He looked, almost unseeing, down to the road where he had made his escape and thought of heifers who had not been so lucky. “Can any heifer or bull at large be safe?”
“No,” Jazz nodded his agreement. “No, I don’t think so. Let’s see if there’s anythin’ else in the cellar we outta no about.”
Prowl nodded and followed Jazz back down the tunnel. There was likely illegal engex in those stills, not merely unlicensed, but dangerous intoxicants. The charges against the Constructicons would be innumerable.  He would never have to feel their spikes within his frame again. As much as Prowl felt relief in that realization, the loss of access to their arcade was still a problem. Working with Jazz on this investigation would further legitimize his visit to the evidence warehouse, in fact, Prowl thought Jazz would likely want to see what they had gathered in other raids. When he was preoccupied... maybe Prowl could steal what he needed.
“Now what’s this?” Jazz asked. Prowl watched the Autobot pick the heavy locks with thin picks. It not appear this was his first time picking a lock. “Frag.”
It was an interfacial dungeon. A milker, a fragging machine, a breeding bench, cattle prods and other instruments of pleasure or torture were laid out. There was a berth with crisp, clean white linen set off to the side. He looked at the cuffs, welded to long chains that were hooked to the head and foot boards and imagined them around his own wrists. In shocked horror, Prowl surveyed the room with Jazz. Everything was shiny and new. Not a single piece had been used, not even the berth. They had prepared it for him, Prowl was certain. His spark raced in his chassis. If not for the raid...
“Are ya a’ight?” Jazz asked.
“It is...” Prowl said, schooling himself. “Horrific.”
“Yeah,” the Autobot agreed. “Looks like that heifer made a lucky break.”
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Nemesis: Retribution (2)
Summary: 10 years after the Avengers had left you for dead during a mission gone wrong, you unexpectedly re-enter their lives. Wholly unrecognizable from the person they used to know and now with a new team behind you, they ask for your help to stop a chain of syndicates who were manufacturing and peddling the super soldier serum. You were determined to say no until the chance at the vengeance you had been chasing for years was added to the offer.
Fandoms: Avengers, Marvel, MCU, The Punisher, Daredevil
Pairings: Female Reader x (Frank Castle, Billy Russo, Matt Murdock, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Pietro Maximoff)
Warnings: MENTIONS OF SMUT FOR THIS CHAPTER. SHAMELESS SEXUAL BEHAVIOURS. (18+ ONLY), polyamorous relationships, reverse harem, blatant disregard for canon timelines and events, mentions of illnesses, momentary fluff, bit of angst care of Bucky, Punisher canon level of violence and gore, rejection, bullying, heartbreak, character death
A/N: I couldn’t resist not posting this early. Here you go. Next ones will probably take a while coz I have to be an actual adult for a bit. 
No permission is granted to repost, steal, or translate my work. Not even a credit makes it okay. Tumblr is the only place I post my writing. If you see it anywhere else please report it.
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1:2 Dark Chocolate
A few days of rest was required to recover from a super soldier's punch. The doctors had said that you were lucky Steve hadn't punched you with full strength or else you would probably have a whole cracked rib cage. You were anxious to jump back in to training, not used to being idle for very long.
You were given some painkillers at the clinic and ordered to stay there for the rest of the afternoon for monitoring. When you woke up, it was early evening and a blonde super soldier was napping on a steel chair next to your bed. He jumped when you moved to sit up, his heightened senses alarmed and disoriented for a second before he quickly switched to repeatedly apologizing to you. You laughed out loud. It was just a little ridiculous to you to see such a commanding presence in the field so charmingly boyish and adorably embarrassed.
Steve was a comforting presence but to be honest you were hoping to see Bucky. You didn't get a chance to thank him since he left immediately after the doctors had ushered you into the examination room. Once you were cleared to return to training, you caught sight of his long brunette hair and the bright smile on your face couldn't be stopped. It was the glare he pinned you with that made you halt your approach.
He was back to his disapproval of your very existence.
You had to admit that it stung. You thought that you were getting somewhere with him after he helped you. At least somewhere outside of the realm of outward disdain. And maybe you were hoping just a little bit that it could lead down the road to him feeling the same about you.
The timing was perfect when you were assigned to your first official mission with the Avengers. It was a chance to prove your worth to the team and to Bucky in particular. A chance to maybe make him see you as more than just a troublesome recruit.
You came back from the mission with your head held high and absolutely glowing with confidence at the kudos from Sam and Natasha. The great Natasha Romanoff had complimented your sniping skills, picking off enemies in her area even before she could aim her own gun at them.
The first thing you wanted to do after getting back to the Compound was to tell Bucky. You wanted to brag a little bit and maybe even thank him for the mentoring. If he hadn’t been so hard on you then you wouldn’t have pushed yourself to be at this level. You were skipping down the halls of the Compound in search for him, clutching the bullet casing from your first official Avenger kill.
FRIDAY had informed you that he was in the training area and you were bouncing on your feet with excitement. As you entered though the place was empty, the rest of the agents having retired to the mess halls. You ventured further in, trusting FRIDAY’s intel until you heard some noises coming from the adjacent armory. You smiled, he must be cleaning his guns again.
As you got closer, the noise began to get louder until you could make out what was undeniably pleasured moaning, one low and gravelly while the other more high pitched. You should have turned away, if only for the privacy of the couple who was wrapped up in their passion, but your curiosity pushed you to come closer and peak through the small crack in the door.
The brief image that you saw made you instantly draw back, a shaking hand pressed to your mouth to silence the shocked gasp. You backed away slowly, your mind struggling to process what you had just seen, then your flight response kicked in and you ran like hell out of there. The scene was burning a hole in your brain and caused your skin to grow cold. Sergeant Barnes rutting hard against a woman wrapped around his waist, his glinting eyes locked with yours, and a cocky sneer on his face.
You didn’t go to dinner that night or to the team celebration for a successful first mission. You chose instead to lay in your bunk with tears burning in your eyes and trying to erase the memory of your discovery. Of course he was already dating someone. A man of his caliber was sure to have a line-up of gorgeous eager women at his disposal. He probably had no interest in boring recruits like yourself. The woman he was throwing into bliss must be some supermodel or high ranking spy. How did you even end up deluding yourself that you could possibly catch his eye?
The rest of your roommates filtered in after a few hours, chatting away noisily about the party. Anna had come to sit on the edge of your bed and ran a comforting hand along your arm, concern clearly etched on her face.
“I’m fine. Just tired. The mission really wore me out,” you muttered with a small smile. You weren't ready to talk about it yet.
“Personally I think I had better success today than all of you,” Kim’s shrill voice cut through the good natured conversations in the room.
She wasn’t part of the group taken on the mission, claiming beforehand that she was ill. A chorus of curious why’s rang out through the group and she preened at once again being the center of attention.
“Well I just had the fuck of a lifetime from none other than Sergeant James Barnes.”
The room of women burst into chaos; squeals of disbelief, rapid fire questions on how big he was and how good of a lay was he, were they dating now or was this a fuck buddy situation. Of course Kim was more than happy to entertain each question.
You tuned all of it out, the noise turning into an annoying ringing in your ear. You turned around to face the wall as the silent tears that refused to be contained any longer fell to wet your pillow. You barely registered Anna squeezing your shoulder or the words that Kim threw your way.
“Sorry, Y/N. I guess I was just more Bucky’s type.”
You curled yourself into a tighter ball as the pain in your chest radiated across your whole body. You had assumed wrong about Bucky. It seemed that he wasn’t opposed to dating new recruits.
He was just opposed to you.
The taunting from Kim continued on and you just couldn't take it any longer. You brushed the tears away, grabbed your sweater, and marched yourself to the door. You needed to get some air. You needed to get away. Anywhere but there. You wrenched open the door and almost came crashing straight toward a solid chest. Your eyes travelled up to lock with the kind blue gaze of Captain America. You wondered why Steve was standing at the doors of your bunkers holding a pack of beer in his hand.
"Good evening, ladies," he said to the room of now suddenly speechless females. "I'm just going to borrow Y/N for a bit."
The crowd remained in shocked silence while you stared at him in confusion as he smiled sweetly down at you. He had gone looking for you when he didn't see you at the celebration after Natasha and Sam had sang your praises to him at your performance. He wanted to congratulate you and bring you a drink for a job well done.
"Come on. I know a good spot," he said, placing a hand on your back and guiding you out.
Steve brought you to the top of an observatory in the Compound. It was quiet, peaceful, and offered a great view. He cracked open a bottle for you and the conversation just flowed naturally. He kept making you laugh until your sides hurt with stories about his time as a performer in the military and all the unfortunate videos that came with it. You were crying with pure joy when he relented and re-enacted his buy military bonds act, your earlier darkened mood forgotten for the moment.
Steve felt like he did something right when your glassy eyes and defeated expression was replaced with clear amusement. Even if it was at his expense. He wouldn't ask what the reason was, but he felt happy he made you feel better.
"Thank you, Steve," you muttered before you parted ways. Somehow both of you understood that it was more than just for the drink.
You promised yourself then that you would give yourself tonight to weep over your unfortunate romantic feelings. Only for tonight. Come morning you would focus all your energy on what you actually came here to do; become an Avenger. You slept fitfully that night, the shell casing from your first mission still gripped in your hand.
You made a conscious effort after that day to limit your interactions with Bucky and Kim to polite clipped conversations. At first Bucky had been surprised at your change in attitude, your blank expression and sparse words causing a momentary guilt to flash in his eyes. You had chosen instead to spend more time with Steve and the twins, your mood obviously brighter around them.
You were sitting now in a large conference room for a briefing on the next mission with a handful of other recruits when Sam Wilson sent you out to fetch the rest of the Avengers who were running late and not responding.
"Can you get them for me, sweetheart?" he chuckled, knowing that you blushed uncontrollably each time he used a nickname on you.
FRIDAY had directed you to the private common room exclusive for their use. You were about to knock on the door when you heard your name in the middle of what sounded like a heated argument. Against your better judgement, you leaned in closer.
"I don't think Y/N's cut out to be part of this team."
Your heart dropped. The conviction in Bucky's voice was clear. It was one thing for your infatuation with him to be forcefully thrown back at your face, but for him to explicitly state to a set of people that you held at such high esteem that you were not good enough was a whole other vicious heartbreak.
Lily was wrong. This time you should have known when to quit.
You forced yourself to crack the door wider and step inside, clearing your throat to announce your presence. You didn't see the startled look on their faces or the guilty one that followed when they realized that you had heard. One look at your sad glistening eyes that refused to look up confirmed it. Natasha and Steve both threw Bucky a deadly glare.
"Sam wants you all at a briefing. I was sent to come get you."
Your voice was so small and unsteady, none of the easy happiness and optimistic determination that it usually carried. Bucky felt the shame burn through him, the guilt drowning him in an instant. You weren't supposed to hear that. He took a step towards you, instinct driving him to do anything to wipe that defeated look off your face, but a threatening look from the twins pinned him in place.
"We'll walk back with you, little star," Pietro said softly, appearing beside you and wrapping an arm around your shoulder. Wanda came on the other side, looping your arm with hers.
For the rest of the briefing, you strained with the effort of focusing on Sam while blatantly ignoring Bucky. You knew he was staring a hole at the back of your head, but you couldn't allow yourself to give him any satisfaction by looking back. You were soon assigned your tasks, you being placed on sniper duty again having performed well the last time.
It was supposed to be a run of the mill mission for intel and taking out a criminal base, but with the expectation of more hostiles so a slightly bigger team was necessary. You practically flew out of the room when you were dismissed, not giving anyone a chance to talk to you. A decision was solid in your mind now for when you got back.
This would be your last mission.
The ride on the jet to the location was spent with you cleaning your gear and checking your weapons. You were sliding a few knives in place when Bucky came in front of you holding out another set of knives for you to take.
"You know if you tilt the hilt to the left you can fit more in one holster," he said.
It was odd hearing him with almost warmth in his tone toward you. If it had happened yesterday, you probably would be celebrating this fact. You nodded at him, but didn't say a word.
"Remember to keep your head low and stay on your post. Okay, doll?"
You nodded wordlessly again. Because you made a point not to look at his face, you missed the way he was struggling to say more to you and the disheartened look when you obviously weren't going to answer him. You ignored him for the rest of the ride, choosing to focus on reviewing the intel.
As far as bad intel could go, this had to be the worst. You were perched up on a densely covered hill a good distance away from the base that the rest of the team were storming. You were picking off as many hostiles coming out of the base as quick as your hands would allow. Your fingers were starting to ache from the constant reloading, your eyes stung from the gunpowder, and your lip was already bleeding from biting down on it.
The noise in the comms was pure mayhem. Each team member trying to ask for help, for backup, for a plan. You had all come expecting a fight but not an army prepared to defend. You were certainly not expecting HYDRA.
"They have Bucky."
Three words spoken that sent a cold dread to wash over all of you. HYDRA couldn't be allowed to take Bucky. You abandoned your post without a second thought and sprinted down toward the base, pistols at the ready for anyone coming your way.
"Last location," you asked urgently as you slipped into the building shooting down two agents immediately.
"West wing. Near the last corridor," Steve grunted, clearly having a hard time on his end. "Y/N, do not engage!"
"I'm the closest one, Cap."
"I'm close too. Just a little busy," Natasha huffed. "I'll follow, Y/N. Steve, we need to get the hell out of here."
Steve had reluctantly agreed, seeing that there was no other choice. He quickly barked orders and commanded you to keep safe. You nodded although he couldn't see it as you wove through the corridors at full speed in search of your teammate. The moment you barged into that last room, your eyes found an unconscious Bucky immediately.
Seeing him in that chair horrified you; shirt ripped, bleeding in several areas, skin pale and cold with sweat, chest rising and falling far too rapidly, and eyes that were unresponsive. You were so distracted by the jarring image that you failed to notice the operatives across the room until the bullets were burning through your soft flesh.
You screamed from the pain, but raised your gun and fired back until you heard their bodies thud heavily on the floor. You clutched at your side, the amount of wet blood pouring out was alarming. You pushed your own welfare aside and hurriedly undid Bucky's restraints. It was a struggle to sit up a semi-conscious super soldier and when you took his weight on your shoulders, you collapsed to the floor at the intense pain in your arm. You hadn't realized that you had multiple shots there too.
You gritted your teeth and groaned at the effort of lifting you both up, your blood soaking through your gear as well as Bucky's. You huffed painfully with each step but you just had to get him out of there. You could have kissed Natasha square in the mouth when you saw her come barreling towards you.
"Jesus fucking Christ, Y/N!" she winced at your state before taking Bucky's other side. Apparently you looked as bad as you felt. "We gotta move fast. I hear more of them coming up this way. This path is clear."
Having Natasha's help in carrying Bucky alleviated some of the burden from you and made you all move faster, but the blood loss was already starting to make your vision blurry and the adrenaline was wearing off. Through the haze, you could also hear the rapidly approaching footsteps. Soon you would be basically useless and you knew there was no way Natasha could carry you both out while fighting off a hoard of enemies.
"Natasha," you said quietly, your steps faltering.
"No. Keep going goddamn it!" Natasha cried.
She knew what you were thinking. She had assessed the situation too and come to the same miserable conclusion. You smiled sadly at her angry eyes and shaking head as you let go of your hold on Bucky. Her eyes widened further as you limped toward the doors behind you and locked them tight before raising your guns to aim right at anyone who would come through them.
She didn't miss how your hands were shaking and your shot arm could barely hold up, the way you scowled deeper in pain with each movement, or how your uniform was soaked in your own blood and slowly forming a pool at your feet. Ghastly as you looked, you turned your head and tossed her another gentle smile. You were basically going to use yourself as a human shield for them and yet you were comforting her. You were reassuring her.
"Check on my sister for me, yeah?"
Natasha wanted to insist on another plan. Anything other than leave you behind to hold off the nearing enemy units. Shouting and gunfire from the other side of the door forced her to make a decision. She cursed sharply under her breath and dragged Bucky away with her, the regret heavy on her heart for having to leave you behind.
You stepped further back and supported your weak body against the wall after Natasha had thankfully left. The enemy was trying their hardest to barge through the door, ramming into it and shooting their guns at the locks. It wouldn't be long now before they manage to breach it.
You took a moment to spare a thought for your sister. A part of you was saddened to think of her grief after she finds out that you had done the most heroic thing anyone could ever do.
Another part of you was relieved knowing that she had Jill and she wouldn't be alone in that grief. When you decided this morning that this would be your last mission, you didn't necessarily expect it to be in this way.
"I'm sorry, Lily."
Natasha managed to get Bucky back to the jet where the rest of the team were all converging, still fighting off operatives chasing after them. There just didn't seem to be any end to them.
"I'm going back for Y/N!" she yelled to the team as she dropped Bucky on the floor of the jet. There was no time to be gentle, she had to hurry back to help you out.
"What do you mean? Where the hell is Y/N, Nat?" Steve shouted as he grabbed her arm.
"She stayed behind to hold off the ones chasing us so we could get out. I have to go back!"
"I will go. I can get her out," Pietro volunteered at once but he doubled over immediately from the extensive wounds on his torso.
Natasha was already sprinting back into the compound, not willing to waste another minute. She made it only a few feet before the entire facility exploded into a fiery inferno that quickly ravaged it and threw her farther back.
The entire team watched in horror as the explosions continued on several parts of the structure. The area was quickly getting engulfed by the flames and smoke. Steve had to force everyone onto the jet and bodily carry a shell shocked Natasha.
No one could have possibly survived that.
Natasha steadied her breath as she quietly landed on a perch high above in the rafters of a seedy warehouse. Wanda joined her seconds later, weaving her magic to better cloak them. The other twin was running a lap around the perimeter and would join them later.
She was assigned weird missions all the time. Missions that had very little to doubtful intel was common. This mission though was by far the strangest she's ever gotten. There was a very small list of vague things that were told to them; the time and location, not to intervene, to remain unseen until the target was ready, bring the target to the Compound.
She was slightly annoyed, but she complied anyway. She was curious too as the mission was given in secret to only the three of them. A million questions was speeding through her mind as she observed the activity below. It looked like a regular run of the mill drug den filled with busy workers and roving guards.
"How many, Wanda?" Natasha whispered.
"I sense more than 25 of them. All armed, but with much fear."
A gust of wind signaled the return of the other twin. He had a frown on his face and a concerned look in his eyes. "There is another one, but this one does not seem to be with them."
Natasha was starting to sincerely doubt this mission when a fast movement from the shadows caught her eye. By the way the twins perked up too, they surely had seen it. They followed the figure as it slipped through the darkness, almost losing track if they hadn't noticed that the guards were quickly dwindling in number. Natasha was growing worried, this was surely a highly skilled group of assassins. Pietro must have been mistaken. They were clean and efficient too.
All of a sudden a gunfight broke out below them. A figure completely clad in black, strolled casually out from the shadows with a pistol in each hand firing precisely at their targets. They confidently charged closer, unfazed as they greeted the gunfire. They continued to tear viciously through the crowd with a deadly mix of combat, bullets, and blades. 
The workers had drawn their weapons by now as well, but they were quickly killed off with barbaric aggression. It did not take long for the floor below to become a sea of blood and lifeless bodies. One person remained barely alive, hanging on to his middle to keep his internal organs from spilling out from the wide gash. The attacker came to him, nonchalantly stepping over decimated bodies. They couldn't hear what was exchanged from this distance, only the choked scream that followed as he was stabbed straight through the throat. His blood spurting out like a broken faucet.
Natasha had been in this profession for a while, but she has never seen this level of unrestrained violence.
One person.
One single person had cleared out a base of approximately 30 people. Natasha was growing more and more worried. Clearly this person was at the very least an enhanced and even with the twins with her, they were not prepared to face someone powered.
What kind of bloodthirsty lunatic does this?
"You can come down now."
All three of them froze in place. Looking down, the attacker was staring right at them with cloaked eyes. Reluctantly and very slowly, Wanda used her powers to float them down carefully keeping a good distance from this murderer.
From this close they could now see that they were in full military tactical gear in what was originally all matte black, but now had an explosion of dripping red. Combat boots, fitted cargo pants, a long sleeved shirt underneath a tight bulletproof vest, gloves, a loose hood over their head, and a cloth mask around the lower half of their face.
"Should have known something was up when my team mentioned seeing a really fast man."
The shivers that travelled through every expanse of skin on Natasha, was a reaction to that voice. It sounded strangely familiar yet unknown, but something in her mind was denying her from piecing it together. The moment the hood was dropped to reveal their eyes was when she spiraled into a complete icy shock. They were eyes that had haunted her for the past ten years. Haunted all of them. The only difference was that the eyes in her memories were smiling warmly.
The bloodied face mask was lowered to reveal a face they mourned, unmistakable and yet completely different. White raised scars branched out like weaving vines from the right side of the neck to just above the jaw and the ears. They were obviously old and healed but still raised and prominent, adding an even more dangerous edge to the menacing look on their face.
Your face.
"Hello, Natasha. Pietro. Wanda."
10 years after they had watched you tragically perish in a burning HYDRA facility, you stood before three of a group of people you had unknowingly tormented all these years.
The earpiece you wore crackled to life. "Blackbird to Hedwig. I have a visual. Should I shoot them?"
You smirked. There was no need for that. At least not right now.
"Hey, Blackbird. Tell Raven I'll be late for dinner. I have a reunion to get to."
A/N: Tell me which pairing or combination in this harem you’re most looking forward to. Smut or otherwise. I’m still rearranging scenes and working out smut. There is a long list of kinks. I need help.
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flareish · 3 years
akaashi x reader
summary: you and akaashi are fighting for that #1 class rank. however there is not just a scholarship at stake here but some deeply hidden feelings too
genre: rivals to lovers
word count: 2.1k
warnings: kissing, there is a kinda sexual joke
a/n: ahhh! my first request thank you so much! I haven’t written for akaashi yet but he is so great so I hope this does him justice. Love our pretty setters. 
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Rage consumes you. You want to throw Akaashi out of the wall of windows right now. It’s only one test you tell yourself. One test that he managed to scrape in one point higher than you. You got 99% and somehow this idiot gets 100%. Quickly putting your stuff away you try and slip out of class before you he finds out. You would like to avoid his snarky remarks. 
“Oh, that’s a pretty good score.” Too late. Akaashi has appeared from behind you, smugness ran through his sarcastic comment. You compose yourself and bounce right back.
“Thought I’d give you a little something since I’ve been crushing your scores lately.” You fire back. He’s not the only one who can play at this game.
“Careful you might just give the spot away at this point.” That spot being #1 in class rank as well as the hefty academic scholarship that goes with it. The spot you’ve occupied for the past two years and suddenly this guy comes out of nowhere and tries to take it from you, right before it really matters. 
“Haha. Well some of us actually have stuff to do. Have fun playing with your balls.” You walk straight past him and out the class. He held a smug grin the whole time. No matter what you did it never left his face. The amount of insults you’ve thrown at each other and every time it’s you who always gets bested. 
Anger fueling your walk to the point onlookers might think you were exercising, not walking home from school. You make it home in record time. As soon as you’re in your room you immediately start studying. You’ve never had to study this hard before in your life. You don’t mean to sound conceded but academics just kinda came easy to you. Sure, you had your rough patches but you just seemed to absorb information. You didn’t really have many other passions either but your parents always said that could come later right now isn’t for fun and games it is for learning. So learn you did. 
The next day, your teacher had started a new project and decided to assign partners. 
“Akaashi and Y/N. You two will be working together.” What did you do to deserve this? You remain in your seat waiting for him to come over but he never does. You look over and see him still sat there, reclined back in his seat talking with Bokuto who sat behind him. That’s when you realize he is waiting for you to move over there. Cocky bastard. Taking a deep breath, you swallow your pride and move over there.
“Please don’t rush, I would hate for you to strain yourself.” You snap sitting down. “That’s so great you got the hint, I wasn’t planning on getting up. Thank you for being so obedient.” Still wearing that grin. Oh, what you would do to slap it off of his face. You ignore him and start working on the project. He simply resumes his conversation with Bokuto, who never does the projects anyway. Seems like you will be doing this all by yourself. Half of you is tempted to purposefully fail but then it would just hurt your grade too. Although it would be pretty funny to see his face. He ignored you for the rest of the class. Once again you part ways.
When you go home and open your computer to continue working on the project to find that it has been already done. Did he seriously not lift a finger in class just to do a rush job right before his volleyball practice. You roll your eyes before reading through his work. You realize it hadn’t been a rush job at all but was perfect. Now you weren’t sure to be happy he actually did it or pissed that it was better than what you could have done. 
After you’ve cooled down a bit you take a moment to think. Maybe he isn’t as bad as you think. You’ve never taken the time to think about why he is doing this. You just immediately jumped on that he was out to get you. That’s pretty childish now you think about it. Maybe he really needs this academic scholarship so he can go to college. There is no way you can be nice to him but perhaps you could be tolerant. You weren’t giving him that scholarship though. No matter how much he needed it, you did too. 
The next day in class you are determined to stick by your discovery. With it including being nicer to Akaashi. You were talking to your friend when he came into the classroom.
“You’re so loud Y/N I swear I could hear you from across the school.” You don’t say anything just look at him and smile. You almost see his grin falter, you’re not sure if he is surprised or scared at your smile.
“Wow have I finally broken you.” You keep ignoring him. This annoys him and he pokes you. You swat at him and he chuckles before walking off. Your friend laughs at the two of you. The teacher came into the room and everyone quickly settled down and class began. You could feel Akaashi’s stare from across the room but you didn’t dare look at him.
When class ended you are your friend took your time and ended up being the last people in the classroom.
“So is ignoring him your next idea?” Your friend asks amused by the earlier interaction, “Can’t beat him then just will him out of existence.”
“No, I’m trying to be a nicer person and embrace competition.” Your friend bursts out laughing.
“That’s not going to last long. Before you know it you will be at his throat again.”
“I don’t know. Think why does he want to be #1 so badly? The scholarship. He probably needs it for college.” You say seriously.
“Ha! As if.” Your friend laughs as if she knows something you don’t.
“Why is he secretly loaded of something?” You ask kinda curious as you pack up your stuff.
“I don’t know about that but I do know he already has multiple athletic scholarships lined up.” You pause at that.
“What?” You are in complete and utter disbelief. If he didn’t need this scholarship what was the point in stealing it from you. Did he seriously hate you that much? You were beyond angry now. You throw your stuff in your bag messily and march out of the class room heading straight for the gyms. If he wanted this scholarship so badly from you, you were going to get an answer. 
As you near the gyms however you hear something that stops you in your tracks.
“Are you seriously going to study for all those classes tonight?” One of his teammates asked in shock.
“He’s got to if he wants to keep up with Y/N.” Another teases. You make sure you are out of sight and continue listening in. 
“Wait why do you compete with Y/N. I thought you were a jock, not a nerd.” You hear laughter and something being thrown at someone. 
“Can’t you see? Our Akaashi is smitten!” You recognize Bokuto’s voice.
“Shut up you dumb owl.” Akaashi didn’t deny it though.
“He’s so crazy for them that he decided to bring his class ranking up so they would notice him,” Bokuto breaks into laughter “But now they just hate him. We got a real  player here, am I right.”
You hear Akaashi yell at him and then you hear some hitting and decide to leave before you got caught. However, not once did you hear Akaashi deny it. He was just silent and then would yell at them for outing him. For telling the truth.
Akaashi likes you.
What an idiot. Who decides the way about trying to get to know someone is by threatening their biggest goal?! You can’t deny though he’s not the only smitten one. Although lately, you have absolutely hated him, before all this you actually had a crush on him. You never acted on it because you were so busy with academics. Is now a second chance? You decided to wait for him after practice. 
By some miracle he is the last one left in the gym, meaning you can confront him without an audience.
“What are you waiting to jump me? I’ll warn you I’m not afraid to fight back.” He snapped at you but you kept quiet. This silence was driving him crazy. At least when you were arguing back with him you were acknowledging him but now. It was like he didn’t exist all over again. He was about to lose it when you spoke up. 
“You know there are better ways to gain someone affection than trying to take the scholarship that they have been working towards for the past three years away from them.” It was your turn to shoot him a smug look. He looks like a deer caught in headlights. For once you’ve caught him off guard, good and proper.
“Wha-Who said I wanted your affections.” He tried to play it off but it was written all over his face. He truly did like you.
“You know I would have said yes.” You say nonchalantly as you begin to walk away. He snaps out of his confused stupor and grabs your arm, turning you around.
“What did you just say.” No longer is he embarrassed or caught off guard but intense and desperate. Like he had misheard what you just said. Like it was a dream.
“That maybe if you had just asked me, I would have said yes.” You try to be as confident as you were a moment ago but that was hard with a blush spreading across your cheeks.
“And what about right now?” He asked, almost pleaded. This was no longer the Akaashi you had known the past year. This was something different. Something raw and intense. 
“What?” You were shocked. Was he seriously about to ask you out? Like this?
“All I ever wanted was you to talk to me. I thought that if I got my rank up that you would respect me, that I’d be smart enough to hold a conversation with you. But no matter how high my rank went, it never felt good enough so I decided that #2 would be the greatest spot I could reach. Then instead of getting you admiration and praise, you thought I was trying to steal your spot. Maybe I should have just explained then that I wasn’t but you were actually talking to me. What if after I explained it we just went back to the way it was before. Suddenly we had some common ground, so I just kept going. When you stopped talking to me today, I hated it so much. So please I know our relationship is in a weird place and we’re not even friends but-” He trailed off. He didn’t even know what he was begging for. 
It was so strange to see him like this. Normally, even with his friends, he was guarded, quick-witted, confident. Now he was so vulnerable. It sparked something in you. At first, it was just a quick thought in your brain but before you knew it your body was moving. Acting on it.
You pulled your arm out of his grasp and with it his face dropped, thinking this was you rejecting him. You didn’t pay it any mind and grabbed the front of his shirt, pulling his stupidy tall body down.
With that, you kissed him.
He was frozen for a moment before jumping back to life. His hands came up to your face and he kissed you back as if he would never get the chance to again. He definitely wasn’t expecting this but he wasn’t going to waste this once in a lifetime opportunity. Eventually, you pulled away and his lips chased yours back. You caught his eyes and he relented. 
“Maybe we could work something out.” You say began a smug smile. You run your hand down his side and into his pocket, his eyes blew wide in surprise not really sure what you were doing. You pulled his phone out of the pocket and started putting your number in.
“Call me tonight.” When you handed him his phone back he matched your smug smile with one of his own. 
“You bet.” He said as he watched you walk off. Once your back was turned you couldn’t help but let out a giddy giggle.
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fabina h/cs?
Oh yes I was hoping someone would ask me this. Warning this got very long I have a lot of thoughts and feelings
They are so sweet it makes everyone wanna barf sometimes
In S1 some of them (Mick, Mara, Alfie, Patricia) place bets on when they're gonna get together. Mick wins
During S2 Amber tries to get them together in a multitude of different ways. She tries mistletoe, the old "trapping them in a small dark room together" trick, conspiring with Patricia and Alfie to ensure they just so ~happen~ to find themselves alone together, etc.
Throughout S3, they literally never stopped thinking about each other
After graduation, it's a really turbulent and transitionary period in Fabian's life, and he has to assess what he really wants. And he realizes he never stopped loving Nina, and he wants to be with her again
Amber actively encourages him to go after her, saying he'll regret it for the rest of his life if he doesn't
Nina realizes the past year without him has been miserable. It's been awful not having her best friend by her side to talk to and confide in and do things with, and she's missed him so much. So when he reaches out, all of her feelings come rushing back with an intensity, and she decides she doesn't want to lose him again, and they get back together. For good this time.
They go to college in America together, and Fabian ultimately moves to her hometown of Cleveland to be with her
After college they work at a museum together looking at historical stuff all day long. They get to nerd out and they work together well; it's a dream job
Nina tries her best to introduce Fabian to American culture. Some of it is a bigger culture shock than others. Nina is always incredibly amused when he doesn't get words right or he gets flustered and confused at certain customs
He's not sure how he feels about American fast food
American pie, however, is his new favorite thing. Especially Nina's gran's pies
The Fourth of July scares him. But barbecues are nice
Nina is a fan of Cleveland's baseball team. She takes him to a game, and by god is he confused. He has trouble following. The first game is a lost cause. But once Nina points out how dependent the game is on math, then he starts to get the hang of it. A little bit
American driving, however, is horrifying to Fabian. Nina's a pretty good driver, and Fabian's fairly good (if not a bit stiff and nervous) at driving in the UK, but in America it's a whole different animal. Not only are they on the other side of the road, but the drivers here are fast and aggressive. It's very scary. The ONLY reason he eventually learns to do it the American way is because he wants to be able to take Nina out and be a competent enough man to drive a car around
Speaking of cars: one summer they definitely go on a cross-country road trip, just the two of them. It's meant to bring them closer and be romantic, and it is. They love looking at all the sights together, and Fabian is amazed by the sheer diversity of landscape and how gorgeous parts of the country can be. He TRIES to split the driving 50/50, but America is just so goddam BIG, like intimidatingly huge, and he's not used to driving for that long. The driving ends up being more like 70/30 in Nina's favor, but she doesn't mind. She gives Fabian the responsibility of making a road trip playlist, and he knocks it out of the park
At home, they enjoy cozy nights by the fireside, reading and snuggling under blankets
Sweaters! They are sweater people and I enjoy the image of them snuggling together in sweaters
Handwritten letters! They write each other handwritten letters all the time, especially in the summer between season 1-2 and the period of time between graduation and Fabian making the move to America. They both keep every single letter they receive and each keep them stored in a sentimental little box
They like to frequent old/used bookstores and antique shops. Their place is filled to the brim with odd knickknacks and collectibles that they find, and they have an entire wall with shelves piled high with books
They don't need a lot of fancy stuff, and they don't care about being high-class; they don't care much about appearances, and they don't need a lot. All they care about really is being together.
They learn to get better at communication and not let anyone else's opinion about their relationship impact their relationship. They're the only ones that know what's best for them, and they take things at their own pace
Nina can get overly emotional and stressed sometimes, and Fabian's her rock. That's how it's always been, and that's how it always will be
They love to watch the discovery channel and the national geographic channel, along with netflix documentaries
They fuckin LOVE escape rooms, they use every excuse they can to go to escape rooms
Nina takes Fabian to the rock and roll hall of fame, and he's like a kid in a candy store
They are frequent patrons of their local coffee shop, to the point where all the baristas know who they are
They are very cheesy and sentimental all the time. Most everything they do is very thoughtful and has some kind of meaning
They like to write cute notes to each other and leave them around the house
It takes Fabian forever to actually propose to Nina, to the point where he gets calls from Amber just about every day asking when she's getting an engagement announcement. He just wanted to be careful and deliberate about it and make sure everything was perfect
He makes sure the proposal is simple and romantic. He sets up a candlelit dinner, the lights are low, he talks to her softly and sweetly and tells her he loves her and pops the question
Nina, surprisingly, does not cry. Fabian, however, definitely does when she says yes
He proposes with a family ring; his grandmother's ring. It's very sentimental and has a lot of history behind it, and we all know Nina loves that stuff, and the history and story makes her very emotional
He does what he should have done in S2 instead of writing a poem: he writes her a song and plays it for her on the guitar. It's her favorite thing he's ever done for her.
After the engagement they tell Amber before they tell anyone else, because she'd kill them if they didn't
They surprise her with a video call, and they don't tell her at first, but then Nina surprises her and shows off the ring, and Amber screams so loud they're convinced she's going to break glass.
Amber is even more excited than they are, she talks with them absolutely non-stop about their wedding. She even tries to take control of it at some point
Their wedding is a fairly small wedding; it takes place at an outdoor venue in the spring, at a beautiful location just outside her hometown in America. Mick is the best man and Amber is the maid of honor. Amber gives an incredibly emotional MOH speech and sobs buckets. Gran walks Nina down the aisle
Her wedding dress looks a little something like this; definitely something with long lacy sleeves
They have 3 kids, all girls
The oldest is Evelyn, named after Nina's gran. She's got dark hair, Nina's curls, Nina’s light blue eyes, and she looks like Fabian. She got Nina's courageous leadership side, she's very adventurous
The middle child is Sarah. She looks like someone legit photocopied Nina. Same hair color, same curls, same eyes, same general facial features. She got the intellectual and bookish side of both of them
The youngest is Eloise, kind of a little bit after Sarah's mother but mostly they just liked the name. Often they call her "Lou" and she definitely goes by that when she's older. She somehow got to be strawberry blonde, has less curls than her sisters, she has Fabian's blue-green eyes, and is a mix of them both when it comes to facial features. She got the part of them that liked to sneak around and break the rules; as she gets older she becomes very rebellious, and Nina jokes "are we sure this child came from me and not Patricia?"
All 3 girls are little troublemakers and they're partners in crime
At some points when the girls are a bit much Fabian gets stressed and shouts "we're outnumbered!!!!!"
Amber is their aunt and showers the girls with expensive presents all the time, especially clothes, which all of the girls LOVE. Nina and Fabian accuse her of spoiling them and she says "If I can't spoil them then what's the point of being the rich beloved aunt?"
The girls do indeed love Amber, all three of them adore her
When the girls get older they find the boxes of letters their parents wrote to each other, they think it's very sweet
Even as they get older, the two of them always set aside time to be romantic with each other
And they remain each other's best friend and confidante forever and ever
yo please feel free to keep sending me these! or asking me my opinions on stuff! this is a lot of fun!
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weelittleweasley · 3 years
growing pains (d.m.)
prompt as requested by anon: after the war and settling down with draco, the time comes for your children to attend hogwarts.
pairing: draco malfoy x fem! reader
warnings: recollection of pregnancy, recollection of the war, crying, lots of cute fluff though :)
word count: 3.6k
a/n: i cried writing this. have fun.
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Never did you think that you would have a normal life with Draco after everything that happened. The war took so much life away from you both; it showed you how truly ugly and vile the world could be. Especially Draco.
After the war, Draco refused to allow himself and his future family live in a world that was so cruel and unforgiving. Draco wanted to undo all of the wrongdoings he had done and work harder for a better future for himself, for you, and your family; it’s what you deserved, he told you. Draco wanted to give you the world and he would rest at nothing to do so.
Draco left his past behind him and moved from Malfoy Manor to settle somewhere new. A new start, a new life. You two were married immediately after the dust had settled from the war. The ceremony was very private just the two of you, professing your undying love for each other, Draco promising profusely that he would do anything and everything to keep you happy.
Life, for the first time, felt ordinary. And you thanked Godric for that. The two of you worked your jobs, supported yourselves, and were happy. And that’s all you could really ask for. You had everything you needed, a job, a roof over your head, and Draco by your side.
Although life was ordinary for the first time in years, Draco would do special things for you here and there to show you just how much he loved you and adore having you as his wife. During work, he’d send you three dozen roses to your desk, earning you strange glances as you just sat there, smiling like a school girl. Or when he knew you had an awfully long day, he’d draw you a bath and pour you a glass of wine and let you be for a few hours, letting you decompress. Or it could be something as simple as leaving you a love note on your pillow when he woke up before you. Draco was so thoughtful when it came to taking the time to appreciate all that he had. He had taken it for granted so many times in the past and with the war, it was all threatened. Draco learned quickly that he needed to recognize his blessings and take a moment each day to really show you how much he cared.
This was more than enough for you, just you and Draco living your lives together, relishing in this new life you created together. 
But soon enough, Draco started casually tossing around the idea of having children. You had been married for a year when it he started toying with the idea of having your own kids. You were in the kitchen, cleaning the dishes from that night’s dinner, Draco wiping down the table.
“(Y/N)?” he spoke from the dining room.
“Yes, my love?” you called back.
Draco walked into the kitchen, leaning on the door frame his arms folded across his chest. “Do you think we should move?” he asked, searching your face for a reaction.
Your eyes furrowed. You had been living in this house for a little over a year and you loved it. It was a symbol of your freedom away from the mess of your pasts and your renewed love and dedication to each other. Why would Draco want to leave this place you so fondly called home? You spoke your thoughts that swirled around your head, “Move? Why would we move?”
He peeled himself off the door frame and took a few steps towards you as you shut off the water and turned towards him to give him your full attention. “I think we’ve out grown this home,” he speaks. “Think about it. With my new business starting and with your promotions at work, we’ll both need a home our own offices. Not to mention, we’ll need a nursery soon and that means we’d have to covert the guest room into one, but where would your parents stay when they visit us. Besides, I want to move somewhere were my commute is shorter to work,” Draco shurgs, dancing around the fact that he just mentioned having a nursery in your home.
You stop him in his tracks, “Hold on there, lover boy,” you tease him with the nickname you’d given him back in your sixth year at Hogwarts. He smiles at the name, lightly laughing. “A nursery? Why would we need one of those?”
Draco inhales a deep breath and takes a step closer to you, placing a hand on your hip, pulling you close to him. “I love you, (Y/N). I always have. You are and will always be the most important thing to me,” he tells you as you smile, him kissing the tip of your nose. “I want to start a family together. We have more than enough money to move into a bigger house,” he refers to his hearty inheritance along with the money he’s made from his booming company, “we are both mature and ready, and don’t try to tell me you wouldn’t want a little Malfoy running around,” he teases.
You hated to admit when Draco was right. He saw the way you watched children play in the park around the corner from your home. How children giggled and played, their small feet running around, tiny voices speaking childish phrases, getting excited over new discoveries. Having a child with Draco would be a blessing. But you didn’t know if you were ready to be a mother yet. It was a large step, and one you wanted to take, it was just a matter of if you were ready for it.
Sighing, you brush your fingers through Draco’s blonde hair, a familiar feeling to the both of you. Draco lets his eyes flutter closed as he hums as you do so. “You’re right, Dray,” you admit as he smiles widely. A child. For the both of you. “But,” you interrupt, “I don’t know if I’m ready to be a mother just yet. I’m doing so well in my job and I love working. I’m not ready to give it up. This is only the beginning for me. And it’s not fair to ask you to leave your job to raise a child.”
Draco lets out a breathy laugh as he cups your cheek, rubbing it gently with his thumb as you lean into his touch. “I’m not asking you to drop everything for our child, sunshine,” he tells you. “Besides, we can always take leave from our jobs temporarily on maternity and paternity leave. When you’re ready, you go back. I run my own company, darling. My own. I call the shots. If I need to work from home to raise the child we created, so be it. I’ll enjoy every moment.”
Your heart flutters as Draco speaks. He really was perfect.
And in nine months time, you had created the most perfect thing you could have ever imagined. Celeste Frances Malfoy. Celeste...your star. A gift from the heavens. Your family was as complete as the sky; Draco, the moon, you, the sun, Celeste, your star.
Watching Celeste grow up was like watching a movie unfold before your eyes. Your beautiful baby girl held the universe in her eyes. And boy, oh boy, was she her father’s child. Identical grey eyes and silver hair, but she had your smile and laugh that made Draco’s heart swell with so much love. She had Draco’s love of mischief and often found herself in sticky situations.
Once you had found Celeste sitting quite literally in the toilet, red lipstick from your make up bag smeared across her face and chest, along with the toilet brush. You gasped as you found her and stared in shock. “Cel, what did you do?” you laughed.
She simply smiled, that mischievous smile at the age of two, and spoke, “It’s my wand! Just like mummy and daddy!” She waved the toilet brush around, making small mouth sounds that replicated those of magic and your wand. 
You laughed at the antics of your toddler. Instead of getting her out of the toilet bowl, you called out for your husband and called that he get the camera. This would be a memory you would love to keep. 
Draco ran in and saw his baby girl in this predicament and burst out laughing. “What mess did you get into, my star!” he laughed as Celeste giggled along with him. “Merlin, I need to tell your Uncle Blaise about this!” he wiped his eyes from laugher. 
The years past and Celeste grew and grew before your eyes. The more she grew up, the more she grew into her features. Her long blonde hair grew out and her eyes only grew to look more like Draco’s. But it became evident that your daughter possessed the same ruthless nature as you did. Celeste was bold and clever and wise beyond her years. She really was a perfect blend of you and Draco. 
Knowing that you could make such perfect children, that only encouraged Draco and you to have more children. Draco insisted that he wanted five children, but you stared at him with wide eyes. “Do I look like Molly Weasley?” you laughed as he chuckled to himself. “How about three?” you suggested as Draco rolled his eyes.
“I don’t like odd numbers. What if two are very close and the third one feels left out. I can’t do that to our children,” Draco pleaded as you groaned. “Four? Four and I’ll never ask for anything else!” he begs as you roll your eyes, knowing damn well that him not asking for anything else was the biggest lie. “Okay, maybe not that, but four! Four is a great number!”
And in typical Draco fashion, he got what he wanted. Four children. Celeste, your oldest, your leader, your star. Xander, your second, the jokester, the pot-stirrer, but also the empath of the family. Sage, your third, the free spirit, the humble one, Miss Independent. And last, Nicolas, your last, the baby, the soft-spoken one, but incredibly defensive of your family and its honor. Your perfect family. 
Each of your children all bore that same striking Malfoy hair, warning children to know who they were messing with. The girls looked much like their father, same hair and eyes, making your heart swell as you looked into their eyes. The boy, on the other hand, had Draco’s platinum hair, but your eyes and smile. The perfect combination.
Having such a large family meant chaos in the house. Celeste would often squeal about how Xander was bothering her while Xander tried to blame Nicolas for his pranks. Sage would quietly sit and observe before telling you the truth about what happened before going back to coloring. You laughed as Xander yelled at Sage for throwing him under the bus, but she just shrugged. The house never being silent always brought you a comfort that you never thought imaginable. The blabbering mouths of your children, the laughter, the fatherly voice of Draco booming over it all, catching your children’s attention. 
Draco was a phenomenal father. You didn’t think he could love anything as much as he loved you, but you stood corrected. Draco loved you fiercely, but Draco poured his heart and soul into the needs of his children. Each child had a different relationship with Draco but each so beautiful and lovely. Celeste, being the oldest, idolized her father and how he treated you with such love and compassion. Xander insisted he wanted to be just like his father, smart, funny, and successful. “What more do you need?” Xander would shrug as you laughed. Sage loved Draco something wild, she would draw him little pictures that he’d tape to the walls of his office, she slept with his old quidditch jumper as if it were a blanket. The sight was heart warming. And Nicolas was the baby, Draco’s baby. Nicolas was Draco’s shadow, following him room through room, staring up at him with wide eyes. Your children loved each other and that was all thanks to how you raised them.
From a young age, you told your children that family was everything. You needed to protect and love each other because if you didn’t, who else would. From then on, your children were fiercely close and loyal to each other. You remember clear as day when Xander got into a fight on the playground and word got to Celeste. Celeste then gathered the other siblings and walked up to the child and scared the living shit out of the poor kid who thought to lay a finger on Xander Malfoy.
As your children grew up, you and Draco knew very well that a Hogwarts letter would arrive in the mail soon for Celeste as she approached her eleventh birthday. Your children knew of magic and magical abilities; you wanted them to know the powers that they would posses rather than shield them so they grew to fear it. Each child had a different reaction when they found out about magic, but all fears dissipated when you showed them each your wands and old robes. (Of course, Draco revering his time as a quidditch team member, Xander immediately yelling that he would also be a Seeker like his father.)
Soon enough, the eve of Celeste’s eleventh birthday rolled around and like you expected a letter dashed through the front mailbox and landed perfectly on the breakfast table as you sat down to drink your morning coffee. The pale beige envelope was addressed to Miss Celeste Frances Malfoy. A small smile grew on  your lips as you sighed and looked towards your husband. Draco’s eyes laced together in confusion, but soon recognized the slip of paper you had in your hands. The two of you smiled at each other before Draco called out, “Cel! You have an early birthday present!”
Almost immediately footsteps sounded down the staircase before Celeste arrived in the kitchen. “What is it?” the almost eleven year old asked excitedly. You handed her the envelope with a beaming smile as she looked at you quizzically. She tore into the envelope and unfolded it to read the words scribbled onto the parchment. Soon, joy and excitement filled her eyes as she squealed out in excitement. “I’m going to Hogwarts?!” she yelled as you and Draco laughed. 
You engulfed your eldest child in a tight hug as happy tears flooded your vision. She was growing up far too fast for your liking.
The start of school eventually rolled around the corner as Celeste happily pushed all of her luggage through the train stations, veering around different platforms. Draco carried Nicolas in his arms as you held Sage’s hand in yours as Celeste walked ahead with Xander, blabbing about Hogwarts, smiles on both you and Draco’s faces.
Your eldest child was about to embark on the greatest journey of her young adult life and you couldn’t be more excited for her. You had no doubt that Celeste would excel at Hogwarts, taking after both you and Draco. 
“Mum,” Celeste calls from ahead, “What house do you reckon I’ll be sorted into?” she asks.
You smile and look at your husband speaks before you, “I have my guesses, but I don’t want to influence you in any way, my star.”
Cel groans and speaks, “Come on! You reckon I’ll be a Slytherin like you?”
Draco laughs and tells his oldest child, “It doesn’t matter to me or your mother what house you’ll be sorted into. We know whatever house you are in, you’ll make us proud.”
Celeste smiles wide before looking at her surroundings realizing its come to the part she’s heard so much about. You look to Draco who nods as you sigh. Walking to Celeste, you place your hands on her shoulders. “You ready, star shine?” you ask, giving her shoulders a squeeze. Celeste gulps and looks at you, excitement and fear laced in her eyes. “We’re gonna run through together,” you aim the luggage cart at that all too familiar wall. “On the count of three,” you tell her.
Your daughter takes a deep breath in and huffs, “On three.”
“1, 2, 3,” the two of you speak before running directly at the wall, passing through with ease as another world appears before your eyes.
Multiple wizard families bustle through Platform 9 3/4, mothers calling to their children as fathers carry bags here and there. A smile forms on your face as Draco slides his hand in yours. “Looks familiar, doesn’t it?” he laughs as you roll your eyes teasingly.
You grab Celeste’s hand, “Come on, darling. Xander, push the cart for your sister. Sage, hold Daddy’s hand. She’s got a train to catch!” 
Your family starts walking to the platform where the train awaited the loading of multiple new and returning students. Draco loads Celeste’s luggage onto the train with the help of Xander as Nicolas holds onto your leg and sucks on his thumb in wonder at the scene before him.
Turning to Celeste, you see watch her anxiously bite on her lower lip as you did when you were nervous. You place a hand on your daughter’s shoulder. “Cel,” you speak as she turns towards you. “This is going to be the greatest journey ever. Enjoy every minute of it because it goes by in the blink of an eye,” you comfort her as you see tears well up in her eyes. “Oh, sweetheart,” you pull her into a hug, tears forming in your eyes. You hold onto your eldest daughter, pressing kisses onto the top of her head. “I’m so proud of you, star shine. You are going to be incredible. I have no doubt about that.”
Draco places a hand on Celeste’s back and rubs gently. “Your mother is right. When is she ever wrong?” he teases as Cel laughs and hugs Draco’s torso tight. “My star...” he gets choked up before breathing in. He squats to her level and speaks, “Have fun. Make friends. And don’t forget to write us.” Cel giggles as Draco smiles widely at his daughter. “My first born...go kick some ass.”
Cel laughs and hugs you and Draco tightly. You wished you could stay in this moment forever. It was so bittersweet. Watching your baby grow up before your own eyes, but doing everything you’ve ever wanted for her. “Okay, my star,” you pull away, letting her know it was time. “Kids, give Cel a hug goodbye.”
You smile, wiping your tears away as Draco wraps an arm around your waist, pressing a kiss to the side of your head. Your kids embrace in a tight group hug, telling each other how much they will love and miss Celeste. “I’ll be home for Christmas! I love you guys and I’ll see you soon!” Celeste waves as she climbs onto the train. 
“Come on, Cel!” a voice calls out that you recognize as Tanner, Pansy Parkinson’s eldest daughter.
She’ll be just fine. 
Celeste looks at you and Draco as you both send her a wink, letting her know she’ll be just fine. And there she goes, disappearing into the train car.
Slowly, you watch the train pull away from the station, waving at it, watching Celeste embark on the journey of her life. You turn to Draco, watching him gently wipe away the tears that escape his eyes. “Where did time go?” you whisper to him. “I remember being on that train.”
Draco smiles and looks at you, “I remember flirting with you on that train. And then you stomped on my foot and told me to piss off. Didn’t expect to be by my side years later with four children, did you?”
You roll your eyes, “You really know how to ruin a moment, don’t you, Malfoy?” you laugh. “Alright, my lovelies,” you call to your children. “Reckon we should get some ice cream to celebrate, shouldn’t we?”
Your children all cheer at the prospect of a treat as you scoop Nicolas into your arms, kissing his plump cheeks as he giggles. Sage jumps into Draco’s arms and Xander leads the way out.
With one final look back, you sigh out. This wouldn’t be the last time you did that. You still had three more children. But part of you wished it wouldn’t come as quickly as that just did. “One down, three to go, eh?” you tease Draco who laughs.
“Yeah! I’m next! One more year!” Xander exclaims as Draco tickles his sides.
“Yeah, a whole year! Don’t try and leave us too quickly,” Draco laughs as you join in. 
It was almost surreal. The life you and Draco had built with each other. A life of love and beauty; beautiful and healthy children, successful jobs, a beautiful home to call your own, and all your loved ones safe and sound. You thanked your lucky stars that you had this life and that Draco was so adamant on giving it to you.
Draco looked back at you and noticed how deep in thought you were. As you walked through the train station, Draco took one of your hands in his. “I wouldn’t want to go through any of this with anyone else. I love you,” Draco squeezes your hand.
You smile fondly at your husband, brushing his cheek with your thumb. “I love you. Forever and always, my dear,” you whisper before giving him a sweet kiss in the middle of Platform 9 3/4 just like you had done so many times before.
Times flies when you’re having fun.
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by-nina · 3 years
AO3 | FFN Royai Week 2021 | Day 2 – Serene Rating: K+ Genre: Romance/Fluff Word Count: 1,640
A/N: Dedicated to my good pal @candidhart, whose big and sexy brain first came up  with the idea of Royai playfighting in bed. Song inspiration: "Sunday Morning" by Maroon 5. Enjoy!
Roy reaches for her in search of comfort. His slow, trembling fingers brush her hair away from her face and behind her ear, and he releases a deep, tense breath. He is now relaxed as well, maybe even enough to go back to sleep and keep soaking in her warmth for another hour or—
When he wakes warm in his bed and entangled in a woven blanket he has owned most of his life, Roy knows at once that it is Sunday morning. While he is half-asleep, he doesn't question the unusual weight on the other side of the bed, or the way his body is curved to make room for company that he isn't used to having. It takes another moment for him to remember that this isn't right. This isn't something he had planned.
This simply isn't done.
His eyes snap open, and what he sees before him is a perfect painting right out of his dreams. His confidante, his Lieutenant, his Riza, sound asleep in the sunlight that comes in from the window behind him. It's a wonder the sun hasn't blinded her awake. She is a wonder. Her hair shines in the light like pure gold, draped over her bare arm which looks deceptively gentle at rest—all of her does.
"Serene" isn't a word that Roy (or anyone, really) would typically use to describe Riza Hawkeye. In this moment, it's the best word he has. Even her breathing is so quiet that he would have missed it under the faint birdsong outside his window if he weren't paying attention. He shifts the slightest inch closer to hear it better; he thinks he catches her heartbeat as well.
Roy is no fool. He knew just as well as Riza did that this was bound to happen eventually. What else could their heartfelt conversations and comfortable silences have led to? What other consequence is there for trusting each other so wholly that they've needed to be careful not to give too much of themselves in doing so? And yet the foregone conclusion does not negate how he feels right now, and all that is is nervous. Every part of him shakes down to the bones; every noise rings in his head in spite of his quiet bedroom.
Nervous because in spite of the evidence before him, this couldn't possibly be happening, and goodness knows what situation he will actually wake up to once he comes to his senses;
Or because this is real, and he truly is lying next to Riza, and she has never been like this with him—or (he selfishly hopes) with anyone, for that matter—and no matter how blissful the moment is, it will end, and they will never allow themselves to make the same blessed mistake again;
Or perhaps because Roy has never cared for anyone like he cares for Riza, but what will she think? What will she say? What will she be like when she wakes up and finds that they have crossed the line they swore to never cross, that they have risked everything that they have devoted their lives to?
The thought terrifies him.
Roy reaches for her in search of comfort. His slow, trembling fingers brush her hair away from her face, behind her ear, and he releases a deep, tense breath. He is now relaxed as well, maybe even enough to go back to sleep and keep soaking in her warmth for another hour or—
Next thing he knows, he is on the floor with a throbbing cheek, and Riza is sitting up on his bed, eyes wide and alert, panting, holding up his blanket against her body with the same fist she had decked him with. It takes them both a second to realize what has happened. Then Roy winces as he falls back, leaning limply against the side of his bed, and the expression on Riza's face turns into one of panic and concern.
"Roy—Colonel! I didn’t mean to—"
Riza scrambles off the bed and leans in closely to check the damage. She pushes Roy's hand away from the bruise now forming on his cheek, exclaiming—"Did that hurt? Are you all right?"
Another moment passes before they realize that she hasn't let his hand go. Their eyes meet—or, Riza's eyes meet Roy's, because he hasn't looked away since she came up face to face with him. Her expression changes again, this time displaying shock and disbelief over what they had done. She withdraws from him, pulls back her hand.
"I'm sorry," Riza breathes shakily. "This was a mistake. We shouldn't have let this happen. You and I..."
Roy has been afraid of this as well. He has carried the fear with him long before they even came dangerously close to breaking all the rules. And although the mistake has long lingered on their horizon, it's the prospect of losing Riza because of it that he cannot fathom. Even now, he is afraid that he is already losing her before she has even put any physical distance between them.
And so, he smiles.
Riza stares at him disbelievingly, apprehensively. "What are you—"
Then she half-screams, half-laughs as Roy attacks her sides, fingers running and jabbing playfully from under her arms all the way down to her hips. It never occurred to him that Riza could be so ticklish, but wherever his hands go, she seems to only cry out more loudly. She has fallen to the ground, defenseless—almost as startling as his new discovery. Then she's kicking in the air involuntarily, pushing him and thumping away at his shoulders and arms without quite hurting him. Roy begins to crack up as well.
“Roy Mustang!” Riza yelps amid gasps of breath and laughter, “I swear I’m gonna—!”
“You’re gonna what, Hawkeye?”
In one swift motion, Riza catches him by the wrists and flips him over, straddling his belly to pin him down with his back on the floor. Roy pushes, but Riza quickly goes for his ribs—now he is the one in raucous fits of laughter, writhing and twisting as though it will hide the ticklish parts of his body out of her reach. Out of the corner of his eye, he spots one of his pillows perched on the edge of the bed. He makes a grab for it, but Riza is quicker than he is, and suddenly she is alternating between smacking him with the pillow and tickling him wherever she can touch him.
He is helpless between the pillow and her hands, but not for long—“Stop—I’m warning you—!”
Roy reaches for the small of her back and the back of her neck all at once, and the effect is instantaneous. Riza flinches and shrieks and she's distracted enough to drop the pillow. He takes the chance to pull her down towards him. His fingers drum against her body, eliciting her laughter, and then he rains kiss after kiss on her neck, then her ear, then her cheek. Riza giggles at each turn, then slaps the floor repeatedly to signify surrender, to get him to stop. Soon, she gives in; she kisses him right back.
Roy doesn't quite remember how he held Riza the night before, or how he kissed her, but he'd die before he forgets the way she is now. Riza is dressed down to her underwear and one of his old shirts, hair undone and untamed. Her lips are sweet and passionate against his, beautiful with the smile she wears, and he loves her like he has loved nothing in this whole world.
At long last, they break away from that blissful silence. First, they exchange a glance, then they smile tentatively, like they've just realized for the first time what they feel for each other. Roy reaches up to Riza and tucks her hair behind her ear. She strokes his unbruised cheek gently with her thumb.
"Good morning, beautiful," he says softly.
"Good morning.”
Riza kisses him once more, then slowly rolls off and lowers herself onto the floor next to him. He pulls her close so she can lay her head on his chest. As she does, she reaches across him and grasps his free hand tightly. Roy feels her heartbeat through their clothes, and he knows that Riza’s mind is wandering; she isn’t quite there with him now. He gives her shoulder a comforting squeeze.
After a while, she says, "Was that you trying to get back at me for punching you?"
“I can’t even court-martial you for that when you and I are clearly guilty of a graver offense.”
Riza lets out a short, dry laugh. "So what was that about, then?”
"I couldn't be sure at first that you were actually lying next to me, and that I wasn’t dreaming. It seemed too good to be true." A pause. His voice drops to nearly a whisper. “I want to keep waking up like this—next to you, hearing you laugh. Even if it's... complicated, even if there's still so much ahead of us, I've decided that I don’t want us to worry about how we can get through this. I don't need to worry as long as I have you."
Roy can tell that she spends the following moment deep in thought. There is hesitation in her breath, a slight tension in her shoulders. Then, Riza slides her fingers between Roy’s, pressing her entire body into his by the slightest inch. He knows the way she thinks; this is Riza standing still in the eye of the storm, struggling to navigate their quiet in search of serenity. But to Roy, there is nothing to be afraid of, because if there’s anything he knows from the way she has stood by his side all this time and from the perfect way she fits into him now, it’s that Riza isn’t going anywhere.
She asks much later, "Should I make us breakfast?"
He turns and buries his face in her hair, already half-asleep again when he responds.
"Stay. It's Sunday. We could just stay here a little longer."
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writerofthecourt · 4 years
the rhyme and reason for lying
pairing: suna rintarou x reader
summary: when you and your husband are called to your daughter’s school for a meeting with the principal, the last thing you were expecting to hear was that she had punched a classmate
warning: time skip spoilers
a/n: here you go, anon. this was a request from my 200 followers event. thank you to my followers for your continued support of this blog and my writing!
“Rin, can you please stop scrolling on your phone and help me clean up the house?” you asked with an annoyed glare from across the living room.
It was a calm Monday morning. The sky was clear, and the weather was beautiful. Today also happened to be a rare day off from volleyball practice for your husband, so you thought it would be a great idea for the two of you to get some chores done around the house. However, the prospect of getting Suna to even help you was beginning to seem more arduous than the actual chores themselves.
“Rin,” you repeated with an unmistakable tone of diminishing patience.
Picking up on your anger, Suna silently placed his phone on the coffee table and got up from the couch to go wash the dishes from today’s breakfast. After being married to you for so long, he knew when to stop testing your patience.
“That’s what I thought,” you said to yourself, a victorious smirk now plastered on your face.
Turning your attention back to the shelf that you were cleaning, you made sure not to knock over any of the framed photos that were in your way. There were a few photos from high school, family vacations, and your wedding day.
You paused to smile before you picked up a particularly lovely photo. It was from two summers ago at a tanabata festival. Dressed in matching yukatas and standing under the glow of various paper lanterns, you thought it was a perfect family photo.
Your reminiscing was soon cut short, as the house phone started to ring. Putting the photo back down, you went to answer the phone.
“Suna residence,” you greeted with practised ease. “Yes…oh, well…all right, we’ll be there soon. Yes, goodbye.”
“Who was it?” Suna questioned as he exited the kitchen, finished with his task of washing the dishes.
“It was Suzune’s school,” you replied with a worried expression on your face. “Apparently, she got into a fight?”
“What?” Suna asked, his eyes easily giving away his disbelief. “No way. Not our Suzune.”
“Yes, well, the principal wants to see us now,” you explained as you hurried to get your purse and put on your shoes.
After grabbing his phone and the car keys, Suna joined you at the genkan to also put on his shoes. “Did she at least win?”
“Not now, Rin,” you said with an exasperated sigh before turning away with a proud and subtle smile. “…But yeah, I think so.”
Suna only smirked. “Nice.”
As the two of you drove down to Suzune’s school, a thousand questions ran through your head. What could have possibly happened to set off your mild-mannered Suzune? For the most part, she was a calm and quiet child, similar to her father in many ways. Nevertheless, after arriving at the school, you and your husband found yourselves sitting in the principal’s office, signalling the end to your peaceful Monday morning.
“For starters, thank you for being here this morning,” the principal said as he addressed the three parents in the room. “Now, I assume you’ve all been made aware of the current situation, yes?”
“I heard Suzune got into a fight with one of her classmates?” you asked with great trepidation in voice, casting a glance to your sulking daughter who sat next to you. Suna, who sat on the opposite end of the office couch, tried his best to not look bored with the whole situation.
“I’m afraid so,” the principal gravely responded before he gestured for the other mother in the room to speak. “Yamada-san, if you will.”
“Please, call me Karin-san,” Karin said with an all too polite smile on her face. “Now, my Satoshi-kun said that your daughter had punched him for no good reason. Clearly, your daughter was in the wrong because my son would never do anything to provoke someone.”
“That’s wrong!” Suzune shouted angrily before pointing to the quiet Satoshi who sat next to his mother on the opposing couch. “He kept bothering me and making fun of my height!”
“Are you calling my son a liar?” Karin scoffed.
Suzune frowned before looking away. “No, but it wasn’t completely my fault.”
“So you did punch him!”
In the midst of this argument, you and Suna both exchanged looks of disbelief with one another. While you didn’t condone Suzune’s choice of violence, it was quite obvious to you and your husband that there was more to this story.
“All right, no more arguing,” the principal announced as he quickly tried to defuse the situation. “In any case, Kagami-sensei informed me that you did indeed punch Yamada-kun, so please just apologize, Suna-chan.”
“I refuse,” Suzune responded plainly.
Not liking this answer, Karin raised her nose to the air with a haughty huff. “Well, you’re going to have to apologize if you want this matter to be resolved, little missy. I could easily sue you if I wanted to.”
“Don’t sue them, mom,” Satoshi mumbled.
“Hush, Satoshi. She is the one who is clearly at fault here,” Karin maintained with an unbelievable level of smug confidence.
No longer having the patience to deal with this woman’s behaviour, Suna was the next one to speak up. “Weren’t you listening? There’s obviously a reason why Suzune punched your son. Maybe if you stopped throwing out blame left and right, we could actually resolve this problem in a timely manner.”
“Suna Rintarou-san, yes?” Karin asked with disinterest in her voice. “My husband is a big fan of you and your team.”
“Thanks,” Suna drawled out, making no effort to pretend as if he actually cared for the compliment.
“In any case, I would have to disagree with you,” Karin replied before she sent you a patronizing smile. “Perhaps if your wife did a better job at raising her child, we wouldn’t be having this problem.”
The room fell silent as all of the other occupants inside the office stared at Karin in complete shock, unable to believe that she had said something so bold and uncalled for. You were about to shoot down her claims when your husband promptly stood up, his arms crossed as he glared down at the woman across from him.
“You apologize for that right now or else-”
“Or else what?” Karin challenged, immediately copying Suna’s defensive stance, crossed arms, and seething eyes. “Are you threatening me?”
You could do nothing but bite down on the inside of your cheek to keep yourself from swearing up a storm. If it weren’t for the current situation and anger that you felt towards Karin right now, you would have applauded her for being able to stand her ground against your professional athlete of a husband. She was strong-willed and unwavering in her determination, you’d give her that.
“Okay, it was my fault!” Satoshi proclaimed, fearfully staring at his mother and Suna. “It was my fault, so please stop fighting!”
“Satoshi? What are you talking about?” Karin asked in total surprise and bewilderment.
“I-I kept bothering Suna, so she punched me to make me go away,” Satoshi admitted. “I only told Kagami-sensei that she punched me first because I didn’t want to get in trouble…”
The room returned to silence once again. With the truth now revealed, Karin could only blink slowly before she realized her absolute mistake. Her face began to burn hot from all of the embarrassment and drama that she had stirred up, and while she was too busy trying to think of ways to save face, you and your husband only grinned in victory.
“I’m sorry for everything, Suna,” Satoshi quietly apologized.
“I accept your apology,” Suzune said with a smirk, only to stop once you gave a look that told her she also needed to apologize. “I-I’m sorry too. For punching you, I mean.”
With everything now resolved, the principal smiled, simply glad that a fight had not broken out in his office that day. “Well then, if there are no more problems, Yamada-kun and Suna-chan can go back to class. Thank you to both sets of parents for being here today. I’m sorry for the inconvenience.”
“O-of course,” Karin answered nervously before both families quietly exited the principal’s office
Once out in the hallways, Satoshi turned around to happily chat with Suzune. “It’s almost lunchtime. Wanna play some volleyball later? My team could use your height.”
“Sure,” Suzune replied with a small grin, causing Satoshi to smile and look away with a faint blush on his face. Noticing this curious behaviour, you soon found yourself lightly chuckling as all of the puzzle pieces came together. It all made sense now.
After Suzune and Satoshi were dropped off at their classroom, you, Suna, and Karin all awkwardly walked together towards the entrance of the school. Clearing her throat, Karin stopped to look at you in the eyes.
“I’m sorry for what I said earlier,” Karin began mournfully. “It was ignorant and rude of me.”
“Yeah, it was,” Suna agreed harshly, making Karin flinch at his straightforward response.
You jabbed your husband in the ribs before you sent Karin a strained smile. “I accept your apology. I can understand why you were so protective.”
“T-thank you,” Karin said with a wobbly smile. “Well, I need to go buy some groceries for dinner tonight. It was, um, nice to meet you. Hopefully, our next encounter will be less…confrontational.”
Wishing Karin farewell, you and your husband silently made your way to the car. You couldn’t help but chuckle once again as you thought back to your new found discovery. It just made so much sense now.
Your husband gave you a strangle look as the both of you got into the car. “What’s so funny?”
“You mean you didn’t notice?” you asked with an amused raise of your eyebrow. “He obviously likes her.”
“Suzune and her classmate,” you clarified. “He likes her.”
Your answer only made Suna more confused. “I don’t see how you came to that conclusion.”
“Didn’t you hear Suzune? He kept bothering her, making fun of her height, and when she agreed to play volleyball with him, he blushed,” you said as you listed off your reasons out loud.
Your husband continued to flatly stare at you. “Yeah, so?”
“Well, if I remember correctly, there was a certain somebody back in high school who used to steal my lunches and bother me all the time because he had a crush on me and wanted to get my attention,” you explained. “Sound familiar to you?”
“I never did any of those things,” your husband defended with a frown. “I just asked you out like a normal person, remember?”
“I know. I was talking about Atsumu,” you casually threw out, causing Suna to freeze and stare at you in pure shock.
“What?! He never told me he liked you!”
“Well, it only lasted three days before I told him that I liked you,” you graced the corner of Suna’s mouth with a quick peck, “why are you even worried? I married you, didn’t I?”
Your husband made no effort to hide his blush, only starting up the car to drive back home. “Yeah, whatever…I need a nap. It’s only noon, and I’m already too tired for any of this.”
“Great! After your nap, you can help me with the chores. Right, honey?” you asked with a sickeningly sweet and innocent smile.
“Y-yes, dear.”
Later that day, in a totally different prefecture, Atsumu nervously approached his teammates with an uneasy smile on his face.
“Um, hypothetically speaking,” he began, looking to his teammates for help. “What does it mean when someone sends you a picture of a knife and tells you to stay away from their wife? Hypothetically speaking, of course.”
Bokuto and Hinata furrowed their eyebrows in confusion, while Sakusa simply shook his head.
“It means you’re going to die,” Sakusa answered bluntly.
“Maybe they sent it to the wrong person?” Bokuto suggested.
“Why do you ask, Atsumu-san?” Hinata inquired with a curious tilt of his head. “Did someone do that to you?”
“Of course not! Totally hypothetical,” Atsumu replied with a nervous laugh. Thinking back to Suna’s cryptic and ominous text from earlier, Atsumu reasoned that he would have to talk to his old teammate sometime soon, but perhaps not in person…
Yeah, definitely not in person.
fun fact: suzune’s name is written with the characters for ‘bell, sound’
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(Open Rp) Summer, Romance, Fantasy Au, And Horror in "Wrath Of The Son of Baba Yaga"
After The Discovery Of Her Boyfriends Filthy Affair, Saphira was Sitting on the Couch in the Middle of the Night Waiting For his Sorry ass Inside of her home and Shows that Picture of him With that Harlot Of his.  She was So Inflamed that She tapped Her Claw like Fingernail on the arm of the Chair while the lamp is remain off. She waiting patiently about 20 minutes later, She sees him coming inside with his messful clothes as Saphira turns on the light and She said,
Saphira: Dear....Where have you Been?
????: OH! Babe! Umm.. Listen.. I can Explain everything...look I know I made a way pass Curfew.
Saphira: Oh Really Derek Von Biship? Then *Whipped the Pictures out and Shows it to him* What is the meaning of this!?
Derek: Oh umm.. Its well Very Meaningless you know hehe *gulps Sheepishly*
Saphira: Thats it mister,, After all my years of my Relationship with you For 10 years and it had been wasted in my Whole Life! I am So ashamed of you! and this is my final Straw! Its over! You've been cheated on me for the last time! I was a Damn Fool To Forgive you after I caught you cheating!.. I want you Out of my House and my Life!!
Derek: but where Do I sleep?
Saphira: You Will be Sleeping in the Filth that you Created it!
Then saphira Gives Derek "the Boot" As She Locks her door and sighs sadly And then She said to herself, " Why am I A Fool, Forgiving that Dirty Rotten Cheater? I mean Does Men ever Do that Often.. I think Not! *Sighs* I need to Find a Right man who loves me for me.. After I remember when i'm with Stoppable Before and I am Just Sick Of Ron Rubbing the Family against me.. Grrr! If I ever See that Lying, muderous Cheating face again.. I will rid him off For good! *Sighs*...But Now... I had No one in my life, But.. I need to Spend sometime of myself.. alone."
4 months later, Saphira Hears something from the News that The Stoppables Family company was a huge Success as she is pretty angry at him as she growls..and She turns it off and said "That is it! I need to Find someone Who was Better than Stoppable..*growls* He will pay For his own betrayals! and I swear it! I'll Do anything to get back on that Son of a Bitch Ya hear. I'll Do Anything to get back At him!!"
She was pretty angry at Her First Ex.. But then She hears the loud thud as she hears the Loud Footsteps and then She sees the House With Birdlegs from the outside as She covers her mouth and said "It can't be..Baba yaga"  She comes out and saw the house lowering it down as she sighs.. knowing that she use her magic to summon a beautiful welcoming basket.. and knowing that now Baba yaga is Her "new" Neighbors now. She approach the Door and knocking on it.. as it opens, the House began to Rise and stands there still. She went inside of the House of Baba yaga herself.. Inside was Even More creepy and grim-Like and also Its old time too, She looked Around and said "Hello? Ms. Baba yaga, Umm Hi..I'm your New Neighbor.. I saw your House parked Near my Home so I decided to come here and Brought you a welcoming present.. it has Blue Roses, Your favorite." She said while holding the basket of blue Roses and Nice Beautiful Berries and treats..But then She hears the Creepy Voice...
Baba Yaga: I Sense your Desire to be loved and Compassion..I can Help you with that Dearie..
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Then She turns and saw baba Yaga Makes a creepy appearance as she is shocked and she try to be Nice as Possible.
Saphira: Whoa..umm You Look Nice today
Baba Yaga: Some them Find me Grotesque, an Ugly Old Hag with one eye...So I hear you Brought me a Gift as a Welcoming gratitude. I am Delighted that you Brought me Some Spare Roses For tea. *comes to Examined Saphira and made Smile* You Look Lovely Like a Rose that Blooms in Springs..Yes Perfect For a Bride..But Some Men are Blind with greed with your Wealth.. I know Someone that you Should be marry To dear.
Saphira: Who?
Baba Yaga: I'll tell you when we Dine *comes to the table and grabbed the staff* Come...Sit Dearie and I'll tell you..
Saphira then comes to the table and setting the basket down. She sits down and baba yaga sits down with a grinned
Baba yaga: You See my dear Saphira, I have a Son...Who Is the Prince, A Handsome Prince that was Desparate For a Beautiful Maiden to set him free from His..."Prison" as an offer..I want you To marry Him and as Return..I want you to Bring me the bastard of your ex name Stoppable...
Saphira: Alright... its a Deal..after all.. Stoppable Will lose everything when I'm through with him He'll regret it....and then Lets See how he likes it when he lost his Kids the way he Murdered mine...
Then Baba yaga made a Genuine Smile and knowing that Saphira wanted him to pay the Horrible Price for what he's done to her.. and then she said,
Baba yaga: Good Dearie, I started to Like you after all. Tell you what, as a Special Wedding gift.. I will bring your Beloved Children back with a Different Dna and this Time They will be My Sons..I'll make a Spell that will bare you 2 twins each when you Drink the potion.. So Do we have a Deal?
Saphira: Deal... I'll get Rons Bastard Children..and I'll find your son and married him..
Baba Yaga: Yes~ and also He's in the Form of the Water Dragon..he's at the Sea of the Loch..Find Him..and Break the Prison Spell and he will be yours and Bring him to me...
Saphira: Will Do..Ms. baba Yaga
She Left and Stole Rons children..and Deliver to baba yaga..and then She head to the Sea Of Loch..and then She sees the tail Of the Dragon as she gasp.. And then She began to Sing with her beautiful Siren songs...
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When she sees the Dragon Coming in..and then.... it rises from the waters and it gaze upon saphira and he said..
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Now I Am An Arsonist
Chapter 1: The Spark
Summary: GLaDOS learns a few things about love, hate, and the human condition.
Tags: Canon typical violence, ChellDOS, human!GLaDOS, found family
A/N: I know technically I published this a while back but I did some major edits to both the chapters I’ve already written and the story as a whole. As promised, I’m re-releasing what I already have with the edits/illustrations. 
The tests, at least, hadn’t changed.
The centuries had washed over them like a dawdling stream, dragging them down into an overgrown abyss. Even then, the moon dust had stayed firmly adhered to the portal surfaces, the metal doors still creaking and the ceiling still intact. Eons of rain had barely even permeated its surface.
She remembered those years with profound regret; dying was not as peaceful as the science would suggest. For a machine like Her, death was nothing more than a shift of programming, a new prerogative. Her backup program had been an endless recall, restarting Her systems over and over again, trying to salvage something. In each of those moments, GLaDOS could feel the scorching heat from the incinerator, the electricity burning through her body before everything went dark. 
Still, without dying, GLaDOS never would’ve fully appreciated how soothing, how wonderful it was to test.
She remembered the urge to solve, to do Science, clawing within Her even as She broke into a thousand pieces.
Those tests were Her art forms, Her self-expression. Every arrangement of deadly turrets, each layout of gleaming lasers and the perfectly calculated solution felt like a piece of Her soul turned reality.
Now, those tests were better than ever.
Every inch of moss had been thoroughly scrubbed, walls repaired, and acid pits replaced. All except for the grave of Old Aperture beneath Her was now newly outfitted, perfect for the humans P-Body and Atlas had located.
These, of course, hadn’t been the first ones they’d found.
The first batch of humans lasted a measly week, quickly killed by some of Her easiest tests. Even with reminders, the acid is deadly, the turrets are live, they’d failed within a few chambers.
As a result, Atlas and P-Body had been deployed on a new mission. She’d been overjoyed when they’d bravely traveled all the way to the bottom of Old Aperture, and found even more humans preserved in cryosleep.
This time would surely be better.
All obstacles finally removed, science could continue.
GLaDOS could not smile, but if She could, She was certain that a grin would reach across her faceplate. 
Today was a momentous day for technology, for the advancement of Aperture Science. It was as if She’d sent a man to the moon, and he’d come back with the theory of everything.
Originally, of course, Her plans had been different. The difficulties with Chell had worn down Her admiration for human data, and prompted her to come up with a replacement.
The Cooperative Testing initiative was infinitely more of a success than GLaDOS ever thought it would be. Atlas and P-Body were built to test, but She had still been surprised how those little androids with so much personality had managed to be so efficient.
Atlas and P-Body had overcome their own confidence through their excellent teamwork. The knowledge that they depended on a partner humbled them, and the idea of a common goal incentivized them. GLaDOS wished She’d thought of such an idea sooner. 
Still, there was something about human testing, something She couldn’t quantify, something that wasn’t quite the same with robots. Humans had a particular spark, and without it, testing never felt complete. 
Today would finally be the day She could put all mistakes behind Her. GLaDOS was sure She’d see that all of the other humans would prove Her experience with Chell to be exactly what She knew it was.
Bad science.
GLaDOS had learned from Her errors.
She knew for certain that She would not repeat them.
It’d been extraordinarily difficult to move the test subjects from Old Aperture all the way to the newly renovated Relaxation Center, with entire teams of robots struggling to reconnect Her control over the condemned area. Their work easily took a week to complete as they rewired the dilapidated circuits, barely restoring function. GLaDOS took what She could get, and rewarded their achievement with immediate, merciful destruction.
When the humans had been successfully relocated, anxiety filled Her servos as She scanned the cryo-chambers. Upon reading the results, She found herself pleasantly surprised. Good physical condition for hundreds of years in stasis. Relatively low rates of severe brain damage. Nothing particularly concerning in their associate files. Had Her comprehension not been perfect, She would’ve done a double take. After all this time, She had something that She could work with.
Atlas and P-Body would have to wait until they were needed again, their consciousness safely stored in Her mainframe. Her processors hummed with excitement as She prepared for the awakening of the first humans, buzzing with hypotheses to test.
What would be Her experiment this time? GLaDOS scrolled through Her endless lists of deadly trials. 
She hadn’t used rocket turrets in a while; those weren’t as efficient as the regular ones but were always a surprise for Her unwilling participants. With only a thought, She placed the machines inside a few chambers, lining them up in a neat, strategically placed array. Companion cubes would be a definite no, at least for the first few tests. There were occasions when the humans became so deprived for social connection that their behavior would influence the results. In order to better control the experiment, She’d deploy them only in emergencies like these.
With those exceptions, and the addition of a floor to some of the more difficult levels, the chambers didn’t require too much preparation. GLaDOS had nothing particularly new to add; for so long Her energy had been focused on Atlas and P-Body that development had nearly come to a standstill. Regrettably, She’d been deprived of ideas. It didn’t matter too much; the facility remained operational even if it wasn’t constantly progressing. Even the replication of old results was invaluable for science.
It confirmed that the trends hadn’t changed.
The files of the subjects were all very much the same.
Scientist. Scientist. Scientist. Scientist. Scientist. Praying mantis, formerly scientist.
Occasionally, She’d find the elusive Astronaut, War Hero or even Olympian.
She was tempted to begin the testing with these special cases, curiosity piqued at the prospect of their odd results. GLaDOS chastised Herself. She didn’t want to skew anything, and She would surely begin with a normal subject chosen at random. It wasn’t the most interesting thing to test, but it would be the most informative.
With the chambers compiled and the facility clean, testing was finally ready to start.
She almost couldn’t believe it. All technicalities aside, She was finally, finally, getting exactly what She wanted. For as long as She needed to, for as long as the subjects lasted, She could just test.
It couldn’t be real, could it?
That was the most beautiful thing about science. For all its disappointments, a discovery would be worth it all.
“Hello, and welcome to the Aperture Science computer-aided testing program.”
Her voice resounded throughout the Extended Relaxation Vault as the subject stumbled across the room in disbelief.
“The Enrichment Center would like to take this opportunity to remind you that hundreds of years have passed, and that all of your friends and family are most likely dead. In the off chance that your friends and family are not dead, they will be tested. Thank you, [insert subject name here], for your unwilling voluntary participation in the advancement of science.”
The subject, an adult human male, selfishly resolved to huddle in the corner of the relaxation chamber. Of course, he was either brain damaged, in shock, or both. In order to assuage his gentle human feelings, GLaDOS would have to resume Her telling of… alternative truths.
GLaDOS wasn’t entirely sure what She’d said wrong. Honestly, She was surprised the subject didn’t appreciate Her integrity. After all, Chell hadn’t exactly taken kindly to Her tendency towards pathological lying. Here She was, trying to improve the well-being of Her subjects, and this was how they thanked Her?
           “Hello, again, valued forced participant. The Aperture Science Enrichment Center commends you for your blind faith in the words of authority. As part of routine testing protocol, we have lied to you about the fate of your family and friends. When the testing is complete, you will receive cake and the opportunity to… see them. Your response has given us valuable psychological data on the well-being of our test subjects when told that all of their friends and family are dead.”
GLaDOS paused for a moment, focusing Her camera in the chamber and watching as the man lifted his head from his upright fetal position.
“Good. You’ve already passed one of the first stages of testing. Congratulations, [insert subject name here].”
As much as it felt wrong to use, positive reinforcement was highly effective when employed sparingly. Too many attacks on character could obliterate a subject’s morale. Just enough would account for the variable of human hubris.
Cautiously, the subject stood up and examined the room around him, fear still apparent in his apprehensive gait and wide eyes.
“In order to mentally reinvigorate you for the tests and to ensure your aptitude, the Enrichment Center recommends that you stare at the painting on the wall in front of you.”
Creeping over to the portrait, the subject followed Her orders and stared intently at the picture of Mount Rainier. He ran his fingers over the edge of the frame, tracing the tall peak of the mountain.
Interrupting his thoughts, a buzzer sounded, blaring throughout the entire room. The subject flinched from the surprise, nearly losing his balance.
“Good job. If you are not reinvigorated, consider this piece of human music.”
This time, the human expected the buzzer after the quick classical piece, seemingly more at ease with the abrupt nature of Aperture Science. In all reactions, he was completely, almost painfully average.
“Well done. You have completed the Aperture Science mental reinvigoration procedure. We may now begin testing.”
Without warning, the chamber jerked to the side as She moved it to a nearby docking station, then coming to an unexpected standstill as the door automatically opened.
GLaDOS could barely maintain Her monotonous affect, in joyous denial that testing would finally start. 
Carefully, the human stepped out of the door into the test track. The door slammed behind him, as he examined the purely white room with nothing but a cube, a large button, and a locked gateway.
Almost immediately, he wrapped the blue storage cube in his arms, then gently placed it on the button. A line of blue lights leading to the gate illuminated, flashing a bright yellow as the door slid open. A lift was waiting on the other side.
As he sauntered over to the lift, it was difficult to miss the human’s triumphant smile. GLaDOS knew the expression well; it was satisfaction, victory, an unproven sense of control.
He really does have no idea.
She was tempted to spoil the ending, to mention turrets, to mention pools of burning acid. It had to wait, She reminded herself. An important control was that the test subject needed time to acclimate to a dangerous environment. Creating unnecessary fear would definitely affect her numbers.
The next few puzzles weren’t particularly challenging for Her first subject. Completed within a span of about ten minutes each, the first five chambers were hardly difficult for anyone. That much She’d expected.
On Her end, everything else was normal. She hardly spoke Her mind, instead opting to repeat the same script She used for every subject.
Did you know you can donate one or all of your vital organs to the Aperture Science Self-Esteem Fund for Girls? It’s true!
You have completed the test in a moderate amount of time. You can do better, [insert subject name here].
The Aperture Science Enrichment Center reminds you that we prioritize your safety. We also prioritize science. In fact, we prioritize science more, but if you feel unsafe in our unsafe conditions, please notify a testing associate. They will process your complaint in three-to-five business days.
Like most subjects, the man had not volunteered to give up his organs nor asked for an associate. Instead, he responded to most of Her passive-aggressive quips with useless questions. She did not reply, passing them off as typical human blabbering. Rather, She recorded them in his file underneath a new section She labeled Overly-Talkative: Examples. There was plenty to jot down.
Uh, robot lady? When can I go home?
So, uh, what kinda cake is it? Like, I don’t really mind the flavor but I’m allergic to almonds if that’s relevant.
How long does this last, again?
I kinda like my organs, sorry. Wait, is the organ thing required?
Once again, pitifully average.
It was times like these, whether with humans or with Atlas and P-Body, that GLaDOS caught Her mind wandering towards forbidden thoughts. Science was not always supposed to be exciting; sometimes, running an experiment meant repeating the same process to verify the data. The result was satisfying, but the process was more often not.
This human epitomized the dullest parts of her day.
As informative as the humans could be, they were often far from entertaining. Every behavior could be predicted and rationalized once it’d been observed enough.
Chell, though?
Oh, sure, GLaDOS was terrified of her, no matter how much She’d deny the feeling. No subject had ever left the track before. 
But Chell didn’t just survive. She’d escaped from the tests, she’d found Her chamber, she’d murdered Her with little else than a portal device. Twice. 
Her ego was as vast as the realm of Aperture, but it would never recover from that spectacular injury. Even GLaDOS had to be humbled by that.
And yet, with morbid curiosity, She had eagerly anticipated Chell’s next plans, laying traps in scheming delight. For the first time in Her life, She’d been challenged.
It was an odd little game they’d played, and whenever She was close to getting the upper hand, a part of Her was disappointed that the chase would be over. There was something delightful about watching the peculiar way that Chell and Chell alone tested.
When Doug Rattman had switched Chell’s file, GLaDOS was not so oblivious as not to notice. She’d clearly read the bottom of the paper, firmly requesting that this subject not be tested. GLaDOS had other tenacious subjects before, and She’d simply assumed that this human was particularly overconfident. Those ones never lasted too long.
Chell was not, as She’d thought, only determined. 
She was curious, changing variables one by one until she finally found the answer. Her patience was remarkable, but so were her deductive skills. Some test subjects with similar tenacity levels resolved to try the same solutions over and over again, exhausting themselves and eventually burning out. It was the reason why GLaDOS typically ignored the warnings. Most humans labeled ‘tenacious’ weren’t too different in the end. The key for Chell was not simple defiance. Chell could control herself. That’s why she was such an outlier.
She had the mentality of a scientist.
Most subjects were cautious, prioritizing self-preservation over a solution. Turret levels could be aggravating for GLaDOS to watch, as the humans spent more time hiding behind a corner in fear than actually solving the test. They would be safe if they’d just strategized, but the human mind made accepting that fact a difficult feat.
Chell was the opposite. GLaDOS theorized that perhaps, Chell understood the same principle She did. Chell was scared like any other, but despite her pounding heart and racing thoughts, she’d kept her cool. Any new element was only a matter of adaptation for Chell, and Chell was always evolving.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, Chell was an optimist, often performing pointless tasks that could only be described as trying to have fun. GLaDOS gave her lemons, and Chell made lemonade.
Chell would smile as she soared, launched from the aerial faith plates, and took her time to explore the little rooms hidden in the corners of the tests. There was one time she’d put off the completion of one puzzle by nearly an hour, hiding out in one of Doug’s rat dens, fascinated by all the little cups and cans he’d arranged.
It would be a lie to say that Chell liked testing. Her episodes made it clear that escape was Chell’s first priority. That didn’t mean she couldn’t enjoy the small glimmers of hope GLaDOS gave her, whether that was bouncing on repulsion gel, saving a defective turret or smuggling a companion cube.
After Wheatley took over, one of the more terrifying aspects of the whole journey was being stuck on Chell’s gun. Chell was a risk taker, building her strategy off of previous attempts and lessons learned, but knowing when to dive into the unknown. It wasn’t exactly comforting to be strapped to her side, not knowing if or when one of Chell’s ideas would kill them both.
Somehow, though, her spontaneity had worked.
GLaDOS could respect that… creativity.
It was for this reason that even though GLaDOS now had everything She’d ever wanted, something deep in her hard drive felt empty.
Something had changed the moment Wheatley stuffed Her into that single-volt potato. For the first time in Her life, there was nobody else there in Her mind. No one but Caroline, who had been buried underneath layers of code until She was barely there at all.
It was over the span of those fifteen hours that She’d seen Chell from a different perspective. Looking at Her tests from this angle, it was much easier to see why Chell wanted to leave. Some small piece of GLaDOS almost felt bad upon realizing that Her subjects didn’t enjoy dodging bullets nearly as much as She liked watching. 
Fortunately, GLaDOS had been able to shove that down with the arrival of a different, equally unpleasant emotion.
She was supposed to hate Chell. And for a very long time, She had. How dare Chell ruin Her perfect tests, Her perfect existence, Her perfect world? What had She ever done to her to warrant such a cruel punishment?
And yet, it seemed Caroline had done a number on GLaDOS’ logic processors, because now no matter how She tried, She could not hate Chell.
Before She’d let her go, let Chell go of all things, GLaDOS had called Chell Her best friend.
Not an enemy. Not a begrudging ally. A friend. Her only friend.
Now, Caroline was gone. The part of GLaDOS that had once looked at Chell and found something beautiful in her icy gray eyes was corrupted beyond repair, erased from memory.
She was not supposed to feel its presence any longer, yet still it lingered.
It was there, whispering to Her as She tried to test like nothing ever happened.
It was there when a thousand turrets sang the opera She’d written specifically for Chell.
It was there when She’d found Her baby birds, Her little killing machines, and She hadn’t crushed the eggs. No, She’d raised them. Because, deep down in those cold avian stares, there was this irrevocable quality that reminded Her so much of Chell. This spark of life, this undamnable will to survive. 
Somewhere, though She refused to ever admit it, She wished that it was Chell in those test chambers. She wished it was Chell glaring through Her camera feed, and She wished it was Chell searching for that elusive cake.
I’d make you the cake if you came back. Really, I would.
The sudden thought moved like a spark in GLaDOS, as She fearfully located the source and removed whatever She could. There was no time for ideas like that, not with science to be done.
The past few months had been full of random deletions, spurned by paranoia that Caroline’s base program was not entirely gone.
It’s not here anymore, GLaDOS reminded Herself. Once, She had been Caroline, but She was no longer the kindly woman who followed Cave Johnson’s every order. GLaDOS was a machine that felt nothing and lived only to test. And because She was immortal, and because She was perfect, GLaDOS was not supposed to care about some disobedient human being.
You do not care about Chell anymore.
You don’t care because she killed you, remember that?
You don’t care about anyone, because you don’t need to.
Necessity was the core reason why GLaDOS did anything. She tested because the mainframe made Her feel awful until She did, and She killed because it was what she was made to do. She did science because it needed to be advanced, for the brighter future She was sure She was making.
It made no sense to do something because She wanted to. 
Of course, things seldom made sense here at Aperture Science, and in this moment, GLaDOS did something unconscionable.
GLaDOS did not glitch often. She’d made sure to update and replace faulty parts whenever She could, keeping Her mainframe running smoothly. Even so, somewhere deep within Her, She was sure there was a pulse that misfired. There could be no other explanation.
Perhaps it was Her rumination over Chell that brought this upon Her, some kind of karma punishing Her for acting too human. Why else would She have done something so incredibly unscientific? To distract Herself, GLaDOS turned her attention back to the captive man.
Like many others before him, this test subject had underestimated the turrets’ range. He hadn’t turned around fast enough to see the gleaming, bullet filled machines behind him, and nearly flew directly into their line of sight after careening through a portal. His momentum would take him past all three, riddling him with bullets. 
That is, it would’ve.
The human quality of the subject had activated some kind of horrible reflex, a split second decision in GLaDOS She would come to regret. The way he walked through the chambers, the way he clung tightly to cubes… all of it was so similar to Chell. Even if he didn’t meet her performance level, even if his personality was nearly the opposite of Chell’s, their shared humanity was enough to remind GLaDOS. That same emotion She felt when pulling Chell back from space, waiting for her to open her eyes while Atlas and P-Body looked on… For some inconceivable reason, it had reappeared.
Quickly, the subject hit the side of a rising panel, suddenly pulled up in front of the turrets by none other than GLaDOS Herself.
This would surely ruin Her numbers.
As the participant rubbed his head in pain and slowly stood up, immediately noticing the turrets he’d evaded, GLaDOS’ voice resounded from the intercom.
“[Insert subject name here], your decent performance has warranted the use of an Aperture Science Emergency Life-Saving Instantaneous Response. This is the only safety gesture that will be provided. Continue testing.”
Another lie.
It was good to know that function was still online.
That uncharacteristic moment of empathy had been pointless, anyway. Just as She’d predicted, he’d accidentally tripped over a ledge and landed himself into a puddle of acidic goo, dissolving within a few short seconds.
It didn’t matter. GLaDOS had more subjects than She could count. She didn’t need this human, and the tests didn’t need him either.
Some part of Her, a piece which was faulty and insignificant, disagreed with the notion.
You killed him, it whispered accusingly.
That’s the point, GLaDOS hissed back, once again delving into Her files to cut out whatever was causing the issue.
Trying to calm Herself, GLaDOS reminded Herself of the facts. She was in control of Her facility, and She was in control of Her mainframe. Little errors could not ruin the chambers, and if they ever showed up, She had the power to crush them.
Everything was fine, She thought.
Everything would continue to be fine.
All She needed to do was keep testing.
Everything was, in fact, far from fine.
A few days had passed, and GLaDOS was finally ready to admit that maybe something was wrong.
At first, the issue was Her own. Little surges of emotion and bursts of unforeseen empathy plagued Her but didn’t affect the facility at large. Begrudgingly, She’d factored in the new bias into Her results. From Her calculations, She could already see an egregiously high percentage of error. This study could’ve been Her worst one yet, and even that was with generous rounding.
Still, She had hope for each subject that She wouldn’t mess up this time.
The facility had other ideas. Cameras would fizzle out, emancipation grills would stop working, cube dispensers malfunctioned and even the elevators would refuse to move. It seemed that the moment GLaDOS got around to fixing something, another thing would fall apart.
Many of the subjects had become confused as to why this seamless, futuristic facility was suddenly malfunctioning, and She’d had to become increasingly creative with Her excuses.
As part of the Aperture Science testing protocol, we have simulated faulty equipment in the testing environment to see how subjects react to faulty equipment in the testing environment. Hint – they typically react well and continue testing. Like you will.
The lifesaving, and the reflexive empathy, had become unfortunately common as well.
Although the Enrichment Center previously told you that your life could only be saved once, we regret to inform you that protocol has suddenly and permanently changed. We would also like to remind you that your measly existence is still not valued despite our attempts to preserve it.
GLaDOS knew She had to find a solution, quickly.
Interrupting the tests wasn’t an option. The chassis would never forgive Her if She stopped, filling Her body with an ache that would not disappear until science resumed.
Deleting wasn’t an option, either. Fervent attempts to find the source of the problem had led only to more glitches upon the erasure of critical files. Then, Her attempts to restore them only recreated the original error.
The problem was like a moving virus, jumping between Her systems before She could catch it and kill it. Even for Her, it proved too fast to find.
She couldn’t panic, not now. Surely, She thought, She’d fix this like She’d fixed everything else. With science on Her side, most threats resolved themselves or died trying. This wouldn’t be any different.
It couldn’t be any different. For something to be uncontrollable, and uncontrollable for Her especially, was the most terrifying thing She could possibly imagine. It brought Her back to Her potato days, during which She’d promised Herself that She would never be weak again.
For these few months, She’d kept that promise. Until now, no subject had seen Her mercy.
But had they?
She thought back to the birds, creatures who trusted GLaDOS, who loved Her in whatever capacity three little crows could. She thought back to Chell, because for some awful reason, Her thoughts always went back to Chell.
No, She thought firmly.
We are not doing this now.
We are fixing the facility, because we need to.
Because we need testing. We like testing.
The voice from before suddenly returned.
Do you like it? Do you really?
GLaDOS felt Her rage processors fire up.
What was this little virus even saying? Of course She liked it. It didn’t matter anyway. Science had to be done, and so She was doing it. GLaDOS could not even begin to imagine life without tests, life without science. What kind of meaningless, awful existence would that even be?
In fact, She would prove to the voice that science would continue. She would prove that testing was productive, that everything in Aperture was doing good for the world and good for humanity. Most importantly, it was doing good for Her.
Wasn’t it?
GLaDOS ignored Her curiosity. Just test. That was all She had to do. Just test, and everything would be alright.
Just. Test.
As another few days passed, the facility had become almost unusable. She’d had to shut down some of Her favorite testing tracks, the power leached out of them and the appliances completely nonfunctional. GLaDOS knew She was running out of time before something drastic happened. Still, She had to keep testing.
Now, even the subjects had begun to sense Her panic. One even strolled up to a camera, made eye contact, and asked if She was alright. GLaDOS didn’t dare respond the question; She wasn’t ready to admit the answer.
For all intents and purposes, She was definitely, absolutely, decidedly not alright.
Knowing that, She should’ve considered this next subject an omen.
There was absolutely no way She could test with this one.
She barely looked like Chell, but GLaDOS could see her tenacity, her drive and determination from a mile away. The way the subject carried herself, tied her hair into a ponytail and said nothing was too much.
GLaDOS couldn’t even bring Herself to kill the woman, instead instructing her to return to Extended Relaxation after only a few chambers.
It felt as if GLaDOS physically could not test anymore, despite everything inside Her craving the satisfaction of a completed trial.
This isn’t right. This isn’t right.
GLaDOS prided Herself on Her apathy, but even that had left without a trace. Now, She had tried everything, and still nothing was working. The facility was closing down on Her, and if She didn’t do something, She’d go down with it.
When the announcer finally sounded, GLaDOS couldn’t say She was surprised. If anything, She was grateful for any kind of clarification.
The male voice on the intercom was matter of fact, unaware of the danger it spoke of.
“Reactor Core malfunctioning. All major power systems except for reserve geothermal are going offline.”
Offline? She’d been managing the reactor core perfectly; if She hadn’t, the entire facility would’ve gone up in flames weeks ago. It wasn’t melting down, it was shutting down, as if someone had flipped a switch and turned it off.
What the hell is happening?
There was nobody else in the facility who could’ve possibly done such a thing, nobody except Her, and as far as She could tell the glitch had not interfered.
It didn’t matter now; She didn’t have time to waste.
“In the event of a power malfunction, standard procedure is to shut down the central core to preserve remaining power.”
How convenient.
“Central core, do you consent to the removal procedure?”
“No, no, no! Do not start removal!”
How was this happening? GLaDOS was sure this couldn’t be real.
“Noted. Removal procedure has been delayed by five minutes.”
You have got to be kidding me.
Skimming over Her files, GLaDOS desperately searched for anything with removal procedure or shutdown. Scanning thousands of documents, looking for anything, all mention of the procedure was absent. There was no reason, no explanation, it was just happening. And worst of all, She couldn’t do a thing.
“Dangerous levels of panic have been sensed in the central core. Do not worry, methods of core preservation are available.”
Why the hell had they waited to tell Her that?
“Show me, show me now!” Anything would be better than shutting down again. She couldn’t do that again, not after hundreds of years. She couldn’t, She couldn’t.
“Panicked request acknowledged. There exist two types of core preservation features. Direct Mechanical Implantation or Organic Transplant Procedure.”
Direct Mechanical Implantation. She hadn’t heard of the second thing, but GLaDOS did know what Direct Mechanical Implantation meant. It was only a transfer into an empty personality core, which was far less than ideal, but better than dying again. Far better than dying a third time.
As fast as She could, GLaDOS selected the first option.
“Unfortunately, Direct Mechanical Implantation is unavailable. Continue with Organic Transplant Procedure?”
“Do you have any other options? Anything else?” GLaDOS did not want to take Her chances on anything with the word organic in it.
“Other methods unavailable. Two minutes remaining.”
This was it, Her only choice. If She shut down now, there would be nobody to come and wake Her this time. 
There was nothing else to do.
“Initiate Organic Transplant Procedure,” She commanded.
Without a second thought, the facility obliged.
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Hey ummmm can I have the v3 cast confessing to S/O who does self harm and doesn't believe that they want to be with them? (S/O hides the fact that they do self harm)
I allways get a bit concerned when I get asks like that. Either way since it's sensitive topic and the post is long I'll put it under read. Not only that I made sure to let you think about the ending for yourself since there is too many outcomes for this and I don’t think that I should write this many endings.
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Mentions of self harm ahead.
V3 cast confessing to reader who doesn't believe their feelings
Ryoma Hoshi
There was tons of hesitation before he decided to confess. He was sure about his feelings towards you but he didn't feel worthy of you.
When he finally said those words he was more surprised than you were to be honest.
He basically just blurted it out so he felt a little bit bad about not putting more effort.
When he saw your expression he wasn't sure what to think... But let's be honest neither did you.
You just left without a word and he took that as a no, but he followed you since he was concerned about the way you ran away... Since you didn't look okay.
He tried to apologize for making you uncomfortable but you cut him off both mid sentence and off guard. He didn't know how to react to this honestly.
So he asked why did you think he was lying. After all he literally had no motive to lie.
You didn't know how to respond. He didn't push it further but yet again he couldn't just leave you like that.
He felt quite bad about the fact that he started this whole thing... Maybe it'd be better if he never spoke up?
As regret began to mess his mind he heard you mumbling why he was still here with you. He took it as you saying "Go away I don't want to see you" and so he decided to let you be.
It hurt him but he expected something like that to happen. He didn't push the topic further and it was up to you to think this through.
He couldn't forget about you so he kept glancing at you, he just couldn't help himself and his gaze always directed at you.
That's how he noticed it... A small yet fresh and visable wound. His concern skyrockets but he doesn't know if he should say anything. Or rather WHAT to say.
But he had to so few minutes later you'd find him approaching you. You still thought about his "lie" and you couldn't face him.
It was rather bold of him but he just grabbed your hand. His grip wasn't strong but all he did was further reveal the injuries.
You were surprised by his so sudden act. You reacted fast and fixed your sleeve to cover the scar.
Now you were mad, he didn't blame you but he wanted answers. It was rather out of place but you could hear how concerned he was for you.
No matter if you believed that he loved you or not you could feel that he cared about you deeply. But what could you do at this point?
Kirumi Tojo
She was oblivious to her own feelings for a very long time. She just didn't think about how she felt until one day it just came to her when she saw your soft smile when there was just the two of you.
It just came out naturally, but your reaction made it clear to her that she shouldn't have said it.
"I didn't intend to make things akward... I apologize, let's just continue and pretend like this didn't happen" what she said pretty much confirmed for you that she tried to joke around.
She didn't think of a possibility that you just didn't believe her but you never specified it so it was an assumption anybody would make: rejection. And Kirumi being mature woman she is, she handled it pretty well. She was hurt but she still felt slight hope.
Few days later she made concerning discovery... Blood on your clothes. Right away she asked you about it. You couldn't think of any excuse. Kirumi wouldn't take anything without proper reasoning and you knew that.
She insisted that you show her where she suspected you got injured. No matter how embarrassing it was for you she wouldn't let you go.
You suspected to be scolded but instead Kirumi took out bandages from a small bag she was carrying but you didn't notice it until now (before confronting you about the blood she prepared herself).
She took care of your injuries but you noticed that she was tearing up while doing so.
You couldn't believe you saw her crying so you asked her... Her response was simple "I can't forgive myself that I haven't noticed it sooner" of course she noticed that some of the injuries weren't exactly new. Why wouldn't she make things worse for both of you?
The second she was done she allowed herself to hug you closely. She was apologizing to you so many times you started feeling more guilty with each "sorry" that escaped her lips.
Now you stopped to think... Did she really pull that cruel joke on you and she loves you? Or is she just caring for you as a friend... Perhaps both for she first played with your feelings and thought that it's her fault you were in such state?
Gonta Gokuhara
You always can count on him, whenever something happened Gonta was there for you even when he didn't understand fully what was going on he was sure to give you support and figure things out in his own time.
He realized his feelings and after that he just couldn't be more happy, he was thinking about how great you are and sometimes he caught himself smiling like an idiot thinking about you (but those parts happened "off camera").
It took him a while to get enough courage to confess, he also thought of a perfect gift before he says those magical words.
You two often went outside and he once asked you about your favorite flowers... So this was what he went with. Unless you don't like flowers... In that case he'd get some sweets he figured you'd like.
He could feel the butterflies in his stomach as he approached you, something told him to run away but he wanted to tell you how he feels about you and there was no way he'd back off now.
Nervously he handed you the gift and said "Gonta loves you Y/N! Will you date Gonta?"
You had no idea what was going on at this point. You were shocked, why would he like you?
He was getting a little bit confused since you didn't answer him. But seeing your face expression was enough.
He was a bit sad but he said "Gonta's sorry for making things akward..." with a soft smile on his face that was comforting.
Definitely he must have confused the feelings... Or person. It was just a little bit too good to be true.
So you two remained as friends, he took the 'rejection' quite well. He acted as though none of this happened which led you to believe that he indeed didn't know what was going on with his feelings.
But he still loved you and others could see that. It was obvious and pure love at it's finest!
Then that happened. He caught you in act when you were harming yourself.
He was panicking at the sight of blood but you tried to calm him down. Then he asked you if you had any bandages on you... Or anything to stop the bleeding for that matter.
It was a very scary thought that he might lose you and he couldn't understand why you were so calm... On the inside you were freaking out that he saw you in such state...
After everything was taken care of he wanted answers and you knew you had to provide them.
No excuse would work, turns out he can be quite stubborn once he sees you in situation such as this one and probably at this point he knows what's up and just wants you to trust him and say it yourself...
Miu Iruma
She was always direct with what was on her mind and you admired that. Little did you know she was lowkey hiding one thing: she was in love with you.
Sure if she just said it you wouldn't understand it. After all she couldn't possibly be in love with you... Right?
Turns out that it's very much possible and it's happening.
She can keep her cool around you and doesn't make it obvious that she's in love with you. However whenever you smile her heart stops go a second.
It took her... A LOT of time to gather the courage to say how she feels...
But once she did she had to do it right. She was as straight forward as you can get. There was no way for you to interpret her words in any other way.
That wasn't the issue in the end... You thought that she was just lying and she was mad at the very idea.
It kinda made it look like she was mad that the prank failed so it made you believe your earlier thoughts even more.
She wouldn't let you go though. If you really thought that Miu would let your amazing self believe that she doesn't like you and it's all a lie you are very wrong.
At this point you just wanted her to leave you alone and so you tried to get away from her.
But she grabbed you before you could go and of course it was the worst spot for her hand to be on. You had a fresh injury there so you winced in pain.
She was surprised by your reaction and asked if something had happened to you.
Pretty much blocking the way while doing so... So you couldn't possibly run even if you wanted to...
She was pretty worried but you could just decide to lie at the moment... But would you really do so? Could you find it in your heart to tell her the truth?
Right now she wouldn't let you go but she was just worried about you like she wasn't about anybody until now. 
He wasn't sure about his feelings, perhaps he was desperate to feel human emotions... Even though he most certainly did feel them.
Experiencing them was confusing but it was right. For him it was very natural and yet he was scared that it was all fake.
His fear was caused by the idea that he might hurt you if he's wrong. Still he wanted to give it a try.
After he was sure that he loved you he confessed. His choice of words was just the sweetest but he was really nervous too.
So when he saw that look on your face it hurt him... You didn't like him back?
That wasn't the case at all but you just didn't know what to say. It's hard to respond to something said by someone you're close to when you don't believe it.
So your silent and body language was his answer. He apologized for this and out of embarrassment left.
He felt like crying, but couldn't do so. It made him feel even worse.
He was scared that what he said freaked you out or he confessed too soon or maybe he just assumed things too soon and ran away like an idiot!? He had no clue.
You didn't try to reach out to him and he didn't leave his dorm at all, he didn't wanted risking seeing you.
However it might made a small thought cross your mind that he hates you.
It took him about 4 days to get himself together and go out. But the delay of you talking to each other was a different story.
Both you and Kiibo avoided one another, if anyone asked you just ignored the remark.
It was a bit sad but you just had to accept it.
But the silent treatment didn't last for long. Everything changed once he saw your scars.
It was only for a short moment but ever since... He couldn't stop thinking about it so he had to talk to you.
It was akward to say the least. First he confessed to you, then you ignored each other and now he was about to ask about something so... Serious.
This conversation could save your relationship whether you'd stay friends or become something more and yet it was now all up to you.
How do you react when he brings it up and what will you do next?
At this point no matter what you do he will try to get the truth out of you and he's ready for the truth no matter how shocking it may be.
Kaede Akamatsu
As open as Kaede is aboue her emotions this time things were a litttle bit different. It was quite scary to confess romantic feelings.
She didn’t act differently under her emotions though so it didn’t cross your mind that she even could like you, but it’s not like it’s something you find easy to belive in.
So she tried to be subtle and hint that she has feelings for you, that way when she finally says it, it won’t be as shocking if you connect the dots.
Too bad her efforts were in vain and it all went over your head, it’s by no means your fault of course. If she wanted you to let you know how she feels she should just say it.
And she did, after long time sure but she finally did it. You (literally) couldn’t belive it was happening. It was almost as it all were a dream you hope is reality. It was reality. 
So why? why couldn’t you just say how you feel?  Why did you accuse her of lying instead? You have no idea.
She was shocked by your reaction, but she didn’t do anything to stop you, nor fight to change your mind.
It was just... so unexpected. So she just stood there for few minutes shocked before realizing that she needs to go after you!
She finally managed to find you and she was now super worried. She never thought you’d react like that. You laughing at her was something she expected to be a bigger possibility than this.
But your feelings now were more important than her confusion. So she tried to calm you down.
Only then did she ask you about the reason you thought she was a liar. To her it just didn’t make any sense but she wanted to know what you think.
Yet you weren’t able to respond. You didn’t know what to say.
She understood that so instead she tried proving her love to you. She wanted you to know that she isn’t lying.
She was ready to do anything for you but then she noticed something. How much you were shaking.
She asked if something was wrong and you said that you were fine. She responded with “And who is the liar now? I can see that you’re shaking” 
Kaito Momota
Now Kaito was actually really good at hiding his crush... Either that or you were doubting the possibility since the very beginning.
He always showed you everything he loved about you and tried to make you feel confident and happy about yourself.
Whenever you needed someone to listen he was there, whenever you needed someone to distract you from cruelty of this world he was there, whenever you called out for him guess what? He was there.
But all of it could be seen as just friendship, it's only natural to care for your friend after all. The line between friendship and love can sometimes be really thin.
That's why he was hiding his feelings so well, everything he did could be considered as friendly behavior.
One day though he had enough and he was ready to confess.
He could feel his heart beat faster and he was really nervous but his wide smile was something to absolutely delete all of the akward tension.
He acted confident but he did stumble a bit which made you smile. Untill he cleared things up and said the "I love you" part.
How were you supposed to react really!? After all there was no way he likes you.
Well... He clarified it about three times on accident that he means it romantically. He meant to just say it once though!
But his efforts were in vain, he can say it as many times but you just really can't understand it. It's like he's speaking entirely different language.
He realized that he was making you uncomfortable so he didn't continue pushing any further.
It was akward but it didn't stop him from further interacting with you.
You tried to pretend that he didn't confess to you and decided together to ignore his feelings.
But what couldn't be ignored is what he found out: the fact that you harm yourself.
He just once noticed blood on you and insisted right away that he will patch you up.
So that's how he found your very old and very new scars.
He didn't know how to react but without much thought he asked you why would you do this to yourself. But he brushed his own question off just to make you promise to him to never do it again.
Instead he asked that you talk to him instead. He was going to ignore everything in the world for you if you'd need him.
He knows he might sound stupid, ignorant hell probably both but he just can't stand the idea of something happening to you and not being able to do anything about it. Now it was your time to decide if you believe him and if you accept his idea.
Shuichi Saihara
She didn't think that her pushing was wrong but she knew that she had to change her approach.
You on the other hand didn't believe her feelings so you turned her down. And believe me when I say that she didn't react to this rejection well...
She was smiling like always but she was confused.
He's often scared to admit his feelings becouse of anxiety and possible rejection that will make it uncomfortable for everyone.
Still he bottled it up for so long the bottle began to crack a little. Unintentionally he was throwing some hints, few were small and almost insignificant but some were... Huge.
At this point his confession was almost accidental. He planned to tell you today (but let's be real he was putting this away constantly) but he did it at the wrong time.
You felt like it had to be a mistake of some sorts. And considering that he just blurted it out made it a bit easier to ignore.
But from that time you were even more cautious around him. You don't want your feelings being played with so you started distancing yourself from him slightly.
It was a sign for him that you connected the dots and figured that he likes you but you just didn't return his feelings.
It was to him normal response and not wanting to cause you discomfort he decided to leave you be for a while so the akward tension between you two can go away.
But he started to be a little bit concerned about you...
You see earlier he noticed and even suspected that you might be doing self harm. But there was never enough signs for him to talk to you and confirm it.
Since there could be various of solutions to everything he saw. However after literally catching you in act when he was trying to talk to you again... Let's just say that he couldn't belive that he pushed that theory aside.
He was acting quick, you weren't bleeding much but Shuichi helped you regardless.
You couldn't see him panicking, he was very focused but what you could see that he was tearing up.
Entire time you were looking at him confused. But it also felt both akward and comforting for some reason.
He didn't know what to say... Neither did you. So you were looking at each other in silence.
After few seconds that felt like hours he asked you why. He didn't expect a response actually but are you going to give it to him?
Angie Yonaga
She was pretty quick to confess. As soon as she realized her feelings she was ready.
After all if it feels right then there is no reason to avoid it. She wants you to know that you are her beloved.
Honestly you thought that she was going to use you, there was no other reason for her to confess to you.
She made it her goal to make you hers at this point. Your lack of response was tiring so she kept asking you over and over in the both cutest and most overwhelming way.
When she saw your reaction to her constant asking she wanted apologized and asked last time politely about how you feel.
She didn't think that she did anything wrong really but she had to change her approach since otherwise you won't say anything and that suspense is torture as it is.
You rejected her, you didn't believe she liked you and there's no way you're gonna let yourself be played like a fool.
And she didn't take the rejection well... She was smiling as always but it was clear to everyone that she wasn't okay with it, given her vibes. She wasn't sure what she felt but she felt bad that's all there is to it.
Angry at you? Herself? Or maybe she was just sad? Her feelings for you were really strong so being rejected hurt more than she expected. After all she never thought you would reject her! She thought that you must love her too!
So she still wasn't giving up. She was just as friendly as always and she tried to get closer with you which to you was a huge red flag and you tried to push her away again.
But this time you didn't manage to make it before she noticed that you were harming yourself.
Now let's go back with her emotion twist: now she was mad at you. But because you hurt someone so dear to her-yourself.
She was calm and hugged you close while scolding you- with very soft words.
Did she love you? Did she really care about you? You finally realize it? Or do you keep yourself blinded by doubt? 
Tenko Chabashira
She wasn't the kind of person to hide her true feelings. She adored you and cared for you and tried to express it whenever possible.
You could always count on her to help you out and she always listened to you and you couldn't thank her enough.
However... When she realized that she likes you and that she wants to be with you... Things changed.
She was surprised that you accused her of lying but it didn't stop her from saying "I'll just have to tell you everyday until you know I'm for real!"
And that's exactly what she did. She left gifts, kept saying sweet things and everyday she had to say goodbye she ended it with "Love you, see you later!" even though she was a bit nervous each time she said it.
It was slowly driving you insane since your mind didn't allow you to even consider that someone might have feelings for you.
She could be very dedicated to destroy you, make you believe she cares about you just to stab you in the back.
So you tried to protect your heart, you were stronger than her constant 'lies'.
Tenko was running out of ideas to show you that she's serious. What else could she do?
So she started repeating some old ways but she changed few details.
One day however she didn't do anything. You thought that she gave up finally but then you saw her on her knees apologizing to you for being so stubborn and not realizing how you truly felt about her, which was clearly you not returning her feelings and trying to find a way to reject her.
It was false but you just didn't know what to say. Your mind was a mess, one part of it wanted to be with Tenko while the other continued poisoning your mind with negative thoughts.
So you ended it at that, you agreed with her and you stayed friends.
or did it end like that?
After your agreement something happened, she accidentally walked on you changing and she couldn't be more sorry, after all it's no better than what some degenerates do!
But what caught her attention was a lot of wounds on you, signs of self harm to be exact.
Only after she left your room did her mind connect the dots...
She was freaking out about it and didn't know what action she should take. So after you put on your clothes you were forced to have this conversation.
She kept asking you questions and it was too much for you to take. After realizing it she let you be. But she wanted you to know that she wants you to rely on her if there is a burden you can't take anymore. You can do whatever you see fit with that statement...
Rantaro Amami
He realized his feelings a long time ago but he just didn't think that he should confess.
It was never a good moment and he has to admit that he was rather nervous whenever he thought about saying how he feels...
He knows how risky waiting around is but it's just hard. He tried many times to confess but fate always drifted the conversation onto different topic right away.
It made him feel like you just knew what he wanted to say and you just weren't letting him... It's half true...
You didn't believe that he liked you, so when you felt like the conversation was in direction that'll make you feel false hope you changed the subject.
So he didn't really confess to you before he found out about your self harming habits.
He was so shocked but he kept his cool and tried to comfort you. No matter the reason why you started he was there for you.
From that time he was often checking on you making sure you won't do it ever again.
He didn't wanted any of this to continiue. But can you really blame him? Even if he was just a friend it’s only natural to care.
However he did much more than that, His words and the way he acted it was all different. 
You didn't understand why he was like this, he cared much more than he should it just didn't make sense.
That's when he confessed, he did so purely so he won't lie to you when explaining it to you.
Now it was your turn to decide if you believed him or not and more importantly what you're going to do about it.
Kokichi Ouma
He didn't wanted to fall in love but you were just irresistible to him. You were the person he felt like he never wanted to lose
Did it stop him from lying to you whenever the mood strikes? Sadly no. But even if he did stop your trust in him was rather complicated to say the least.
On top of that his confession was so straight forward it was super suspicious "What is your deal making me fall in love with you like that huh? So inconsiderate to make a guy think about you day and night!" with that goofy tone like he is about to laugh at you any second now.
It was definitely one of his pranks it had to be. So cruel, you knew he wasn't nice but saying something like that made you feel weak, pathetic even.
He expected for you to not believe him but he tried to prove himself to you. You didn't believe and denied his every word.
He never thought he'd regret being the way he is up until he heard you reject him in such way.
His tone changed and it was serious one, the one you didn't trust either. Trying to show you he's serious he is he tried to show desperation because he didn't let you go.
But this only overwhelmed you, resulting in you not even listening to what he was saying and his body language was lowkey terrifying.
He that you started to feel more than a little bit uneasy so his attitude changed quickly as he apologized and grabbed your arm in order to bring you closer to him, he often was (teasingly) affectionate with you but this time was different he tried to comfort and properly apologize.
You flinched in pain since earlier that day you harmed yourself. He didn't suspect it for now but he asked if something happened to you.
You gave him a quick excuse and tried to get away from him. He knew that you lied but he let you go, after all he caused enough harm for today.
Next time you saw him he was ready to ask again, what happened to your arm. He didn't see the injury and didn't knew what kind of injury it was exactly but he knew it was there and looking at how you tried to explain yourself he knew it wasn't "accidentally burning it when you were cooking"
So he kinda manipulated you into revealing the truth. He felt terrible about it the second he found out the truth of your injury.
He wasn't sure what action he should take but all he knew is that he couldn't leave you all alone with this.
No matter what you thought of him he'd still help you even in indirect ways. It's now up to you to decide what you should do next.
Himiko Yumeno
She never showed off her emotions, it was too much hassle and you understood that, you understood her.
This made her a bit more open with you and being emotional didn't feel like something she had to do, it was more natural.
You rarely mocked her, you respected her boundaries, didn't question her magic and not to mention that you were just the best in every single way.
What else? Well it just felt right to be with you. So why should she explain anything related to love? It just happens!
Her love confession was simple magic. Making a bouquet appear and in the middle there was a little card that said "I love you Y/N, can we start dating?"
You looked at the card and asked if she was serious. Yawning she asked why you think so. She assumed at this point that you were happy and wanted to be sure that it's not a joke.
You couldn't believe her. No matter what you truly wanted you just said that you have to go.
Before she even could ask "I'd like to know how you feel" you were gone from her sight.
It's only natural that she'd think of it a a rejection. And that's exactly what happened.
She was upset but she insisted on bottling it up. She's stronger than that!
Anyway what's the deal with you ignoring her? She has to set things right because even if you don't like her back you always can at least admit it to her face, it's only fair!
The next thing she knows is her catching you harming yourself. At the sight of blood she felt a bit grossed out but she didn't care.
You were bleeding she didn't connect dots as to why so she said that she'll get help right away.
Kirumi was the first person she saw and it didn't take long either so she got a bit lucky.
The maid was first to connect the dots but she let you and Himiko talk it out and if it was needed she'd ask Himiko about it.
After Kirumi was done she left the room. It was now just you and crying Himiko, who asked if it hurt and if there's anything she can do to help you.
You two talked a lot even though the atmosphere was akward. She ended up forgetting about the reason why she looked for you in the first place.
But now you got to think it all through. Right now you still might not believe if she truly likes you, it might change but it's only up to you now. What will you do?
Maki Harukawa
Around you she felt more at ease, even as far as to say that she couldn't trust anyone but you.
You always were able to make her smile as unusual as it sounds.
She thought more about how much she loves you than how much she hates herself... Wait-
That's right... She loved you! That explains why she felt so happy whenever she even only heard your voice.
But... Admitting to it was the hardest part. After all she wasn't sure how to go about it...
In the end she was straightforward with it. She just took a deep breath started walking towards you after remembering all the training in front of a mirror just to turn and run away last second before you even noticed her approaching.
She ended up confessing over text since it wasn't as stressful, however this made you believe that it was some kind of prank.
There was a lot of people who just faked confessions in order to harm others just to see their reaction. Or someone could steal her phone just to mess with you.
You leaving her on read made her go through emotional roller-coaster to be honest...
So she had to approach you yet again, to apologize for confessing in the way she did. Her choice of words was confusing but things were bad enough as they were.
Things ended up like this: you told her that it was okay and it seemed as though you didn't even acknowledge or consider her feelings.
That was because you didn't. You simply didn't deserve to be loved by her or so was your mind telling you so. Whatever the case it doesn't matter.
Maki didn't handle this rejection well but she didn't have anything against you, the only person to blame was her.
It was hard for her to talk to you again. She just kept thinking about the way you turned away from her.
But she noticed some concerning signs in your behavior she wasn't able to notice earlier because she just was fully stunned by you.
That's how she pretty much realized that something was wrong and it was just a matter of time for her to find out what it was exactly.
And it didn't take long either. When she was scared about your well being she sure didn't let any major clue past her.
She asked you directly and you refused to cooperate that's why she had to investigate it in the first place. She even went a bit far to be honest... But it's best to not discuss such details.
So when she finally got her answer she couldn't belive it.
How did she miss that? How could she not see how someone she claimed she loved is suffering in this way...
Obviously she wanted to help you but she felt powerless, and you had no idea what to think when she found out about it and talked to you about it out of nowhere.
You had to think for yourself, did you want to avoid her? Or would you alow her to help you even though she has no idea what to do but still reaches her hand out to you.
Korekiyo Shinguji
He was very stubborn to not show his feelings for you, he thinks that with time his feelings will go away...
BUT bOY it didn’t happen. Each time he saw you he just knew that he’s falling for you more and more with each second.
It made him happy yes, but he just didn’t know how to react? It made him panic a bit knowing how now he can’t get you out of his mind.
So he decided to confess to you. He didn’t think about it much but he just wanted to get it off his chest once and for all.
And so he did... leave you confused. His voice and body language said how happy he was but... Can he really like you?
You were the only one he felt fully comfortable around to be himself and he wanted to be by your side as long as he could without you he felt incomplete and around you he felt like the world took new color, you may not see it this way but it’s simply the truth.
Hearing him admit to it was a bit too perfect. You thought he must have some other motive behind it and so you didn’t acknowlage his feelings.
 It hurt him but he had no choice but to let you go. If you don’t like him back as he suspects it’s simply not meant to be.
So you returned to be the way you were before and he seemed to very quickly adapt so it made you think that he actually lied and you doged a bullet there... Still you couldn’t give up on seeing him.
And this is what led him to find out about your secret. Have you just told him you never want to see him again then he’d respect your wish. 
He wasn’t sure what was the right action to take at this point, but his cool and composed act dropped. However he wasn’t overreacting either.
It seems as though he could keep this a secret if you asked, but are you really going to do that? 
Tsumigi Shirogane
It was always troubling for her, she wasn’t fully sure if she likes you. Some part of her belived that she was faking it. 
So that’s why it took her quite a while to realize it all. Once she did her feelings for you were stronger than ever. 
Around you she was just the happiest person alive. It felt so right after she knew that her feelings were real.
But she still tried her best to hide her crush, she wasn’t ready to confess even though she really wanted to.
Once there was the right time she fianlly said it. To you on the other hand the timing wasn’t right, it was everything but right.
You couldn’t find it in your heart to belive her. it just wasn’t possible for her to like you. So being afraid you said that she was lying.
It made all of her doubts come back when she heard you say that.
She was so sure and yet after one sentance she suddenly doesn’t know anymore.
Still she didn’t wanted to just let you believe that! Her heart might be now confused but she knows what she wants, and what she wants is you!
She tried to talk it out with you, she really did but it was hard since you didn’t listen to her.
So she let you go. For now so you can be alone with your thoughts and figure out what do you really want and believe.
In the meantime she waited for the best moment to contact you again. So she studied your body language when the two of you “ignored each other”.
That’s basically how she came to a conclusion that something wasn’t right and it was followed up by noticing few other things that led her to belive that you might be harming yourself. 
She was more cautious now. Ready to approach you any second now, she wanted to apologize first.
Your conversation ended up being like the one’s you used to have which was comforting. Then she asked you if you were taking good care of yourself latley.
It was normal enough so you went with the good old “I’m doing okay thanks for asking” and this made it harder for her to bring up this topic.
I mean what was she supposed to say really? I mean she could be very wrong and it’d make things super akward again.
Yet she found it too important to throw aside, so she asked you directly...
Now what will you do? Will you tell her the truth?
~Mod Angie
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