#so i can randomly scroll past it and have a heart attack
skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
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OH MY GOD?? OH MY GOD????????
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makeste · 6 months
BnHA Chapter 406: Secret Menu Hero Name
Previously on BnHA: Kacchan was all “NOT EVEN DEATH ITSELF CAN STOP ME!!!” and saved All Might so easily and spectacularly that it immediately became clear why Horikoshi had to keep him on ice for fourteen months straight. All Might was all “thanks for the assist Bakugou-shounen, now please allow me to show my gratitude by lending you my SWEETASS ROBOT ARM that nearly gave makeste a fucking heart attack when she saw it, HOLY SHIT.” Kacchan was all “I JUST LIKE TO SMILE, SMILING’S MY FAVORITE” and he smiled the BIGGEST EVER and indeed has literally not STOPPED smiling ever since, and my heart is warm. <3333
Today on BnHA: A jubilant menace stirs in the air. A chill runs down Kid For One’s spine. A sudden crash behind him. He whirls around, only to be met with the face of Chaos itself in all its raucous glory. The boy is relentless. His pursuit, unending. His blows, unyielding. And his mirth, as perplexing as it is petrifying. What the fuck. Why won’t he stop laughing. He’s laughing. Horikoshi is laughing. The readers are all laughing. You’re laughing. Kid For One is shitting his pants while this cackling sleep paralysis demon gleefully chips away at his frail sanity, one frenetic BOOM at a time. And you’re laughing. :|
doo de doo, don’t mind me, just gonna scroll past the first couple pages of this chapter so I don’t get spoiled for the outcomes of all the other mini-battles I haven’t finished catching up with yet :’)
though I already caught a glimpse of a bloodied-up Shouji before I realized what was happening, so unfortunately that particular cat is now out of the bag. can’t believe the suspense of whether or not Shouji would survive his fight is now completely ruined for me. can you even imagine how tense it would have been wondering whether or not Shouji would get killed off. ...and you know what, even as I type this, I’m realizing that this is really not the type of sarcasm that translates very well across the internet, lol. and even if it did, it could just as easily come across as “WOW, MAKESTE REALLY DOESN’T CARE ABOUT SHOUJI AT ALL, HUH” sarcasm, rather than the “it’s not that serious guys, it’s just that there’s no possible way Horikoshi could ever convince me that he was actually going to kill off one of the kids” sarcasm it was intended as! so yeah. you know what, I’m just going to shut up about all this now and move on. glad he’s okay though
so now back to the Main Character Battlefield, where Kacchan is currently having way too good of a time for someone who actually WAS killed off by Horikoshi fairly recently
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All Might is all “he’s so fast!” and yeah he really is lol. ngl, I had a fair amount of Kacchan endgame theory stuff riding on his ability to meaningfully upgrade his speed, so all of this is very satisfying to hear! and to be fair, I do wonder how much of it is owed to the boost from Gearshift as opposed to Katsuki’s own newly acquired exploding bloodsweat. but I’d like to think that even without GS he’s still incredibly fucking fast at this point. like easily still a Top 3 BnHA Speedy Boi
well shit lol now Edgeshot is reminding everyone that even prior to his “death”, Kacchan was briefly able to surpass Tomura’s speed with his upgrade
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well there you have it! so yeah, that basically confirms he’s currently even faster than All Might was at his peak. just a homicidal little comet casually zipping around all of these other slowpokes
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just for the record, I still have no clue how Kacchan’s bizarre new upgrade actually works, but I am fairly certain that sweat is NOT SUPPOSED TO EVER DO THAT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES
like seriously though Kacchan, doesn’t this hurt? like at all?
(ETA: hahahaha. ouch.)
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well whatever!! if Tomura was able to bypass Erasure’s loopholes with all of his hand nonsense, then Kacchan’s sweat has my permission to zoom around inside his bloodstream and randomly explode inside him to somehow make him faster without actually harming him in any way, AND THAT’S FINE. the time for nitpicking ended roughly around the same time that a soft-spoken paracord man dove inside of him to forcefully restart his organs
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meanwhile back in Dekutown it looks like Tomura has maybe finally broken free of his impromptu Blackwhip toddler leash
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whatever man. how are you still not redeemed yet since I last saw you in chapter 369. you had like an entire year’s worth of chapters. get it together already!!
lol what in the actual fuck is “instadeath”
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is this just a Funny Ha Ha fanscan way of referring to Decay?? or were there some additional Tomura quirk developments that I missed out on which were somehow even wilder than the infinityhands
Deku keeps saying that he’s for serious REALLY going to run out of Gearshifts now, but I don’t fucking believe a word this kid says tbh
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it will be the “final one” once the fight is finally over, and not a moment sooner. if I know anything about Deku, which I do. and Gearshift, which to be fair I really don’t
-- oh, fuck yeah
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what the hell is up with that swirly hand shit though, Kid For One. you better knock that off right now
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:/ well at least this time you’re being ignored because he’s actually scared shitless of you. shh. don’t tell anyone
holy shit this chapter keeps hitting me with these random bits of information Destiel meme-style and it’s the wildest fucking thing
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so while I did obviously clue in to the fact that something must have gone down in the Endeavor+Hawks+Toko+Jirou VS AFO battle, on account of AFO very clearly not being in Jakku anymore, I have not yet caught up to that part of the series, so I don’t actually know anyone’s status! hopefully they’re all alive and relatively unmaimed! although they very clearly failed at their One Job, but oh well
that being said, “AS STRONG AS DARK SHADOW” looooooool omg. DS what did you do. my boy left an impression. I cannot wait to read that, oh goodness
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seems like someone ought to have told you that. could have spared you a lot of pain and agitation to come. more’s the pity
hee hee hee
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hello there
so now my feral wolfchild is having a big internal monologue about how he’s finally mastered his new superquirk through the power of being an unrepentant masochist
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fsdkfj. listen up Kid For One, he may be “nothing but a pebble”, but I promise you, if you could fucking hear this kid’s thought processes right now, you would already be halfway across the planet. living out the rest of your days in hiding while checking underneath your bed every night to make sure this little hobgoblin isn’t secretly waiting there to pounce at you
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(ETA: you guys will never believe this but I found a sneak peak of the as-yet-unreleased soundtrack which will accompany this scene in season seven of the anime! SPOILER ALERT!!!)
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(ETA: once again, I know this sounds highly improbable, but I actually found some 100% authentic footage from the anime version of this scene! I’m telling ya. once this hits the airwaves minds are gonna be blown.)
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you have to admit though, this really is the exact type of behavior you’d expect from someone who literally just got spat back out from the pits of hell
oh my god hold up what is this sudden tonal whiplash?
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you guys I seriously had to sit back and take a deep breath and calm myself down for a moment, because Final Form Katsuki is just So Much. like actually just THE MOST. that I had to physically force myself to slow down and take these next few panels seriously and resist the urge to keep on making jokes about how CLEARLY EVEN HIS PARENTS ARE TERRIFIED. LOOK AT THEM. MASARU IS SOBBING AND MITSUKI’S HAND IS TREMBLING. IN THE WORLD’S MOST EPIC TWIST, AFO GOES DOWN ONLY TO BE REPLACED BY KACCHAN HIMSELF AS THE FINAL VILLAIN!!!
but yeah I had to stop and calm down from all of that because, oh. Masaru has his head in his hands. and Mitsuki’s trying to get him to turn around, but her hand really is shaking though. and it just really hit me that the two of them have spent the last... thirty minutes...?? swept up in the highs and lows of almost losing their child, and then getting him back, and then watching him be so strong and so good and SAVING ALL MIGHT and RESTORING EVERYONE’S HOPES AND DREAMS. and they must be so incredibly proud, but at the same time he’s still caught up in this fight, and the fight is still not over, and they know the tide could still turn again at any moment. and I can’t even imagine what that must be like. especially with them having already watched their son die once today
oh my god Horikoshi you cannot freaking do this to me!
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goddammit. and now I’m all caught up in my Bakufam feels. DAMN YOU HORIKOSHI, THE MITSUKI TEARS WERE THE LOWEST OF BLOWS
and now Kid For One is once again whining about this “pebble” who’s pissing him off even worse than All Might. you love to see it!
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-- Horikoshi I swear to god
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okay, color me intrigued. so that is indeed why AFO was crying when we previously saw this flashback! this is actually so interesting to me, because it’s literally the one and only time he’s ever shown real emotion outside of generic battle-related stuff (anger, shock, surprise, etc.)
so he says Kacchan pisses him off because he looks like Two. and every time he gets reminded of Two, he remembers how his brother died. and, I guess, made him feel sad for the first and probably last time ever???
holy shit, Kacchan was right
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he really is AFO’s Final Boss. like even more than he realized
*~*~*OH MY GOD*~*~*
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I swear to god, if Horikoshi deliberately kept Two’s quirk and name Top Secret for YEARS only for them BOTH to wind up NOT ACTUALLY BEING REMOTELY SPOILERY OR WORTH ANY KIND OF SUSPENSEFUL BUILD-UP IN ANY WAY WHATSOEVER, I will. just sit here and be puzzled, I guess. lol. “sometimes I just like to fuck with people like that.” OKAY?? WELL GOOD JOB, THEN??
“Kacchan of the Bakugous” was so out of left field and I am grinning so, so hard right now. BAKUGOU NO KACCHAN. that’s officially the second Heroes Rising reference in as many chapters! sure feels like A Certain Mangaka is building up to a Certain Reveal about SOMEBODY maybe possibly still having SOMETHING which will remain unnamed for now, but which rhymes with “done for mall”! and that’s all I’m gonna say about that
except that it’s not, because I’d be lying if I said I didn’t also have fifteen other entirely different emotions about him proudly introducing himself to AFO not as Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight, but as someone even more powerful. “BEHOLD, it is none other than I... Kacchan!!! ( •̀ ᴗ •́ )و lolo get fucked you big dumb fart”
heh. but seriously. just me sitting here basking in the fact that he uses the name Deku gave him. the fact that he decides not to go with his formidable, much-agonized-over hero name in this one moment, but instead chooses to use a far more terrifying moniker, even if AFO doesn’t realize the significance. because Dynamight is a hero, yes. one of the very greatest and strongest!
but Kacchan? Kacchan is the boy with a dream. Kacchan is the boisterous child laughing at the danger, unafraid of the challenge. smiling in the face of the tallest wall. Deku’s motherfucking Image of Victory. hahahahaha. ouch
anyway so yeah! what a chapter. this may have actually derailed me because now my brain just wants to write a bunch of character metas even though I STILL HAVE THIRTY MORE CHAPTERS TO READ. and not to mention I still have to actually post all of them as well lol. but whatever! we’ll make it work. long live Kacchan of the Bakugous, and may his Secret Menu Hero Name always strike fear in the hearts of his enemies
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biscuitblinkeu · 2 years
Bon Matin!
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Park Chaeyoung x Fem!reader - Not Requested
Fluff • Angst • Suggestive • Language Warning • Supernatural
Prompt: You went outside for a change. It was a “nice” experience to say the least. And something did change, just not in a way you could’ve wanted or predicted. Your life just got complicated. Especially when you get a bubbly new neighbor, who’s not what she seems.
When I tell you this just came to me randomly, and I wrote it during the course of school. And the title means “Good morning” in French.
Your eyes slowly opened and you reached for your phone to check the time. Groaning when your eyes tried to adjust to its brightness. It was 8:49pm.
You dragged yourself off the couch and into your bathroom to freshen up. You felt like going out, something was pulling you to do it. And it's about time you do something with your life.You put on some comfy clothing and your sneakers. Bringing a small umbrella since New York’s weather can be rather unpredictable. And grabbed your keys, wallet, and then left the confinement of your home.
You walked along the sidewalks while occasionally stopping to look at the window displays. You walked into a small cafe, open for those who drown themselves in work and those who have trouble sleeping. The cozy vibe the cafe gave made you feel warm inside. You ordered an iced tea and a cinnabon roll, and then sat down at one of the cute tables to wait. You wanted peace and quiet but happened to be sitting by a semi-loud group of girls. So that's thrown out the window. You pulled your phone out so you would have something to do, and decided on playing subway surfers.
“Did you hear the news?...”
“....Yeah it's crazy.”
Your ears perked up at their little chat. You haven't checked the news since you've been holed up in your house doing nothing but sleeping and what not. You're definitely not eavesdropping though, they just happened to be talking loud. RIght.
“I can't believe how many bodies are being found in this area. It's even weirder that they can't identify them either.” The other girls agree.
“Based on the autopsy they're reporting…do you think vampires are real?” Their voice sounds worried. The rest of the girls give her a look and then obnoxiously laugh at her.
Vampires? Pssh.
“I'm serious!” She pouts. Then they start teasing her, going on about the Twilight show, and “if vampires are real, where's their Jake? If there really were werewolves” and you would laugh inside at that, if it weren't for the fact you were checking the news right on your phone. They weren't kidding about the news. But the news also says it could just be animal attacks, so it eases your worries a bit. But that's kinda uncommon in your area.
“(Y/N)” You get up and grab your order, leaving the cafe. You would stay and eat in the cafe, but you feel unnerved by that conversation and the news. You go to a nearby park with few people so you don't have to worry about noise, and eat while scrolling through twitter. After eating you throw the cup and plastic wrap in the trash, deciding to go home since it's getting late.
And because It's not safe this late at night.
You're in the middle of walking past an alleyway when you hear a bang. Making you jump in surprise. You hear the garbage bags rustling and a whiny growl sounds out. Sure, you're creeped out checking out a dumpster alleyway. But your good heart made you retrace your steps to check if it was a stray dog, knowing some people abandon their pets. Rounding the corner you see,
There was no dog.
It was two people fighting, a woman and a man, growling at eachother like animals. The man grabbed the woman’s throat in a way you’d think her bones were crushed and slammed her against the garbage dumpster. Making a dent. With the amount of blood running down the side of her head you think she’ll faint.
Wow, he’s super strong, she probably has a concussion. Why are you watching this fight? You don’t want to be a part of it now do you? You reprimanded yourself.
You began to turn to walk away but what you saw next had you rooted in your place. The woman recovered as if nothing happened and grabbed the man's arm that was still on her head and twisted it. His arm fell to his side and she kicked his legs in, making him fall to the ground harshly. A growl ripped from his throat and he bit her calf, then she kicked his face and you could see his eyes roll back.
While he was still out of it she brought her head to his neck and bit down, breaking skin. A blood curdling scream came from him but was cut off as soon as his neck was snapped and his lifeless body dropped to the ground. You grimaced hearing the thud. After a couple seconds the realization seeped in that this man just died. And you watched it all.
A bone chilling shiver ran down your back and you gasped at the foreign feeling. Wrong move. Her head snapped toward you, who now had a somewhat clear view of her face. You took note that she was kinda tall, and had blond hair, although you couldn't make out much of the rest of her face. Blood ran down the side of her head and mouth and you don’t know if it’s from the head injury or from the guy she just messily bit into. And snapped his neck. But you had only one strong emotion coursing through your body.
That’s all you felt, down to your very being. The color drained from your face at the thought of you being next.
Human instinct kicked in and at her first sudden movement you sprinted off. You could be considered a track star. You rounded corners and leaped over objects laying on the ground, careful not to trip and fall like the idiots in movies.
“What the fuck was that.” Repeated over and over in your head.
Your heart is racing, the sound pounding against your ears, blocking any sounds out. Your lungs burn, feeling as if they're about to burst. Your legs feel like jelly and are aching so bad you wanna cry, but you don’t stop running. You don’t think you’ve ever run this fast before. Is this what they call an adrenaline rush?
You can’t get that scene out of your head, it’ll haunt you forever. It looked at you. She looked at you. They weren't Human. You're sure of it.
You couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched, even as you were nearing your apartment's street. You're glad you invested in a good housing complex. They won’t let anyone in if they don’t have a registration or sign a waiver that you know them and they know you.
You quickly opened the building door and rushed past the reception desk for the stairs. You won’t risk getting stuck in an elevator today. Teddy, the front desk man looked at you worriedly, seeing as you were usually a calm and collected person.
“Ms. Y/n? Are you okay?”
“Just fine.” You blandly, but politely responded, giving him a tight lipped smile and began your way up the stairs. There's four floors, you happened to live on the second, so it wouldn't take you long to get to your room. As you were walking down the hallway, you felt as if something was creeping up on you. You quickly fished your keys out of your pocket and unlocked the door with little effort. Slamming it shut, you'll apologize to the other occupants later.
You pressed your back tightly against the door, breathing in and out, desperate to get air in your lungs from all that running. Once you got your bearings you realized that terrifying feeling was gone. But you still saw things you shouldn't have- or what felt like you shouldn't have. You locked the door, windows, and shut the curtains, you wanted to feel safer and that helped a bit.
While you were getting your pajamas on, many thoughts ran through your head.
Why did she kill him? Is she gonna come after you now that you witnessed her kill? Are they human? Maybe there are vampires like the news said. It's not too far-fetched actually..
You let out a groan, nobodys gonna believe you- not that you planned on telling anyone since you don't want to be called crazy, and there's the fact you have nobody to tell anyways. Oh god. If you go missing nobody will bat an eye, well maybe teddy will, but still. You sighed, and slid under the covers, hoping you don't have any nightmares about what you saw, and closed you eyes.
Maybe your life will go back to normal.
11:25 AM
Your phone alarm rings, signaling it's time to get out of the dream world. And surprisingly, you didn't have any terrible dreams. The sun rays peaked through your curtains and you squinted to get adjusted to the bright light. You stretched, then groaned, forcing yourself to walk to your bathroom to brush and wash your face. You made your way to the kitchen to get some hot tea started since you are not a coffee person.
While you were waiting you got dressed and half made your bed. Walking back into the kitchen and grabbing your tea, you sat on your couch pulling a small cover over your legs since you just got a shiver. Just as you were about to click something to watch, you hear someone knock on your door.
“Coming!” You shout, scrambling to the door.
You open your door to a new face, one you haven't seen in the building yet. The woman was hands down the most prettiest face you’ve seen. She looks the same age as you, but stands a bit taller than you. She had smooth pale skin with beautiful eyes, and seemed to have an elegant aura around her. You almost gawked audibly, almost. Because that feeling came back, that feeling that made your heartbeat speed up and your hands clammy, that made you nauseous. That unsettling feeling from yesterday. And you didn't know why.
Then she smiled at you, which was adorable but made you feel two things. The urge to awe from how cute she was, and the more dominant feeling, which is to run away. Why? - You noticed she was holding a plate of cookies, that looked and smelt delicious might you add.
“Hello! Did you need something?” You said kindly, despite the stiff feeling coming over your body. She spoke.
“Bon matin!”
(Good morning in french.)
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Baki boy’s handling a S/O who randomly flinches at being unexpectedly touched due to their past
Hi guys! I haven’t written in a while and I haven’t gotten any requests, so I thought I’d write about something that I struggle with and that other people might as well! So, Trigger Warning is in effect for down below, if you think it might bother you, feel free to keep scrolling and I’ll see you around for the next one, have a great day <3 
TW: Prior abusive relationships, dementia, anxiety, PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) and family issues 
Baki Hanma: 
The first time Baki notices it, the two of them are at school and he snuck up behind them to surprise them as they didn’t have classes together until after lunch, his hands resting on their hips and the moment he did this, they about jumped out of their skin.
 He instinctively believes that something is wrong, and despite his brain telling him to bring it up in conversation, he didn’t want to possibly upset them. Simply rationalizing it as he snuck up on them, of course they’d be spooked. Anyone would be... right? 
Wrong. This behavior continued at the most random of times; they’d be having a good time and then he’d move his arm too fast, the next moment they were flinching away from him with a frightened expression that they were consciously trying to control. 
This was no longer something that Baki could ignore, and chose to approach the conversation as gently and casually as he could to not upset them too much, but it seemed by the tears welling in their eyes that this was a sensitive topic.
They explain about their relationship with their parents, how when they were living with them, they were physically abusive when it came to getting their way or discipline. Anything could be used as an excuse to hit them, not taking out the trash on time? Slap. Not doing the dishes and laundry before their parents got home? Smack. Seemed to be having an attitude when answering a question? Slap. Anything ranging to them ‘breathing with attitude’. So, when they were old enough and had enough money, they moved out and cut off contact.
Upon hearing this, Baki could hardly think straight, and it took everything in him to keep himself from finding them himself to give them a piece of what they put his beloved through, but he couldn’t do that. 
He knew that the place he was most needed was right there, so he’d wrap his arms around their shakily breaking frame and hold them close to his chest, one hand rubbing their back while the other smoothed back their hair, gentle kisses peppering their forehead as he rocked the two of them. 
He would never allow anything to harm them again, and if he ever got the chance to meet their parents... it’s game on. “I know it’s something that you can’t help, but try to remember as best you can that I’d die before I laid a hand on you in anger or allowed anyone else to ever again.”
Jack Hanma: 
This man is nowhere near as patient as his brother, so the first moment he notices something is off with his partner and quick, unexpected movements, he confronts them and he wants his answers then, not the second time he asks, something he makes very clear. Jack doesn’t like repeating himself or vague answers.
However, what he wasn’t expecting was for them to tell him to mind his own business and stalk away as if he had done something wrong. This doesn’t sit well with the blonde giant, they’re normally very open and honest about nearly anything and everything with him, so this personality flip only deepened his concern. 
Letting the pot simmer for a few hours while he worked to collect his thoughts on the matter, he would later find them in their shared room, an apologetic look etched into his expression which was a rarity held only for the likes of his S/O. 
“I’m sorry... can you please just tell me what it is that’s upsetting you already?” He would murmur from the door, waiting like a puppy to be called over to the bed and as soon as he is, he clears the room in two strides, taking a seat beside them and wrapping his protective arms around them.
Jack doesn’t have much tact when it comes to this, but his heart is in the right place and his S/O can see that he means well, so despite his blunt approach, so the moment his arms wrapped around them, they relent and finally open up to him about their past relationships with their older siblings and how they would frequently be used as the punching bag, figuratively and literally. 
Just as his anger was beginning to boil over, and he was ready to sit them down with a movie while he went out to have a ‘conversation’ with them all, they hit him with something that he hadn’t been expecting, 
“You know, if it wasn’t for them, I wouldn’t have wanted to start training, and then maybe I wouldn’t have met you. So, I guess I owe them a thank you for giving me you.” They spoke with such sincerity, how could he argue back at that? Their hands gently cupping his cheeks as they smiled slightly at him, hoping to get one back.
It was with that, he felt every ounce of anger leave his body and all he could feel was love for the person he was holding. They had a point, there was no guarantee that they would have met outside of their shared love for the gym, so maybe he did have them to thank. Not out loud of course, because fuck them, all he cared about was what was in his arms.
Katsumi Orochi: 
Katsumi would be one of the first to notice something was wrong with his S/O, he had known them for a bit of time before deciding to ask them to be his, so he had time to observe the way they interacted with others and the little tics that they had. 
The first time he had seen it happen as when someone in his class had walked up beside them without their noticing and then spoke, earning them a clock to the face and a thousand apologies after that. Of course, he like Baki, would try to rationalize it as them being spooked until the issue persisted into their relationship, and they were doing it with him.
The first time it happened in private, he would catch their fist as it swung in his direction and pulled them close, speaking in as soft and soothing voice as he could while addressing the issue at hand. “I don’t want to upset you, in fact that’s my last wish, but I can’t help you if I don’t know what’s going on.”
No longer able to run from it, they finally broke down and the two curled up in their shared bed while they went over their past relationship and how they were frequently met with physical violence at any time, ranging from a slap across the face, to a punch, to things further that they weren’t comfortable telling him. 
This was what he wanted, he wanted them to tell him what was wrong, why they acted the way they did, so why was he so upset over knowing the truth? Seeing the tears welling in his S/O’s eyes and trickling down their rosy cheeks told him the reason; who could hurt someone so kind and gentle? It infuriated him, but he couldn’t show it, he needed to be strong for the person he loved when they needed him the most.
Wrapping his muscular arms around their frame, he pulled them closer to him and rested his chin on top of their head, eyes focused on the wall ahead of them as he listened to their breathing, reminding himself that they were safe with him, and there wasn’t a chance in hell of them ever harming them again; if they tried, that’s free anger management. 
When the two of them laid down that night, he made them a promise that he would never let anything happen to them again, and that he would help them get their sense of safety back, that they wouldn’t have to react in such a defensive and reactionary way when the people around them would never hurt them. They didn’t understand fully just how seriously he would take that promise. 
From that day forward, he would frequently remind them that they were safe, they would train harder and longer so they would feel as though they could handle themselves in any situation, and anytime they would start to feel anxious or out of control, he would hold them in his arms and remind them of the promise he made, and that he would never leave them alone to deal with this. 
Kaioh Retsu: 
This man would be the best out of all of them when it comes to noticing and reaction, not gonna lie. He didn’t need to see them flinch away from people, he could see the way that they would scan the room before making any movements, how they would take note of everyone else in the room with them and where they were, the consistently worried and alert look in their eye. It had him coming to conclusions of his own, and he was afraid that they would be right. 
Would approach the topic after a night at home, the two in the shower and them flinching at his touch once he finally joined them in the water. He would bring it up gently, his arms wrapping around their body so that they would feel safe with him, pressing his toned form against theirs in an attempt to show that they are one. 
“I love you, and I can feel when you’re upset by something, so please, trust me enough to confide in me. I simply wish to help you.” He would plead with them, his dark eyes showing nothing but sincerity and honesty to where his S/O can’t deny him. 
Retsu would let them stray from the topic a few times before finally pressing the topic a bit more firmly, showing that he would not be relenting on this and that it would save them both some time if they just went ahead and told him what he wanted to know. 
Gently stroking their cheek with the back of his fingers, his other hand still placed on their lower back and holding them still as he listened to their words, processing how they had been bullied when they were younger and dealt with physical attacks at school that no one did anything about, so they had to always be on guard and be able to run at a seconds notice, hence the flinching away at unexpected touching.
It made sense to him, it did, but what he couldn’t grasp just yet was why they hadn’t chosen to defend themselves, until they explained it was nearly everyone, so one against a huge group when they were just a child wouldn’t have ended well and he had to admit they were right. 
Makes it his mission to make them feel as safe as possible, keeping them away from any type of danger or stressful situation where people would be moving at fast paces so not to trigger their fight or flight reaction and cause them anxiety. Retsu is very mindful of his S/O and makes sure that they’re comfortable wherever they go, and asks if there’s anything they need from him. 
Also goes the route of teaching them self defense if they don’t already know any, and if they do, simply helps them sharpen them and shows them new techniques that might be more effective to use, but never once does he make them feel like they aren’t strong enough. He wants to build their confidence, and he knows the right way to go about it. 
Kaoru Hanayama:
Kaoru’s S/O is incredibly private about their past, not wanting to let the poor guy in on anything about their prior experiences and why they act the way that they do or why they flinch away from people at the most random times. It’s frustrating to say the least, and whenever it happens, they give him a look that simply says ‘don’t say anything if you don’t want an argument.’
However, Hanayama isn’t the type to shy away from confrontation, and if he feels it’s something that’s detrimental to his S/O, you’d best believe he’s going to bring it up when he feels the time is right and won’t let up on it until he gets a satisfactory answer. Standing in front of the door and blocking it with his large frame to make his point clear as he stares them down with his shadowy hues. 
“I’m not doing this to upset you or trap you here, I’m doing this so you’ll finally tell me what goes on in your head and how I can fix it. If you really want to leave I’ll let you go but just... please. Let me try and do something to help for once instead of shutting me out.” This is not the type of man to beg for anything, he’s head of the Hanayama gang after all, but when it came to the person he loved, he’s willing to do anything, even look like a lovesick fool.
Somehow, that finally got through to them, and they’d sit down on the nearest piece of furniture, be it a couch or bed, and begin to explain slowly, as if they would run out of air every few sentences, about their relationship with their abusive, alcoholic mother, and how she would ‘discipline’ her children in the cruelest ways possible, how it could be at the drop of a hat, over the most obscure and miniscule things, anything that she felt like. 
Being the eldest child, his S/O was forced to endure the brunt of it to keep their siblings safe, things only ever happening to their siblings when they weren’t around, and how they aren’t understood by them now because of how they were raised effected them differently due to this dynamic. 
His mind goes blank for a moment as rage seeps in and takes over, causing his large frame to tense from his position in front of the door; the only thought he had was on repeat: Kill that bitch. Kill that bitch. Kill that bitch. He had the men to do it, he had the strength to do it himself, he had the police under his thumb, he could really get away with this. 
All of these thoughts flooded his mind and clouded his vision until he felt warm hands on his scarred face, earning his attention immediately as his vision cleared and all that he could see was the loving eyes of his S/O as they stood in front of him, a worried expression adorning their face. “Promise me that you won’t do anything to her, she isn’t worth your time or mine. What is, is going forward and leaving the past behind, okay?”
Fuck, they had him there. He was the one who wanted to help them after all, how could he do that by sinking down and doing exactly what was done to them to her? As much as he wanted to tell them that they were wrong, that they would feel better with her off this earth, he couldn’t. Instead, he wrapped his large arms around them and engulfed them into his frame, whispering quietly into their ear as he held them close, “I’ll never let anything hurt you again. Ever. I promise you.”
Kiyosumi Katou: 
This man understands being twitchy, not liking being touched too much unless initiated and would respect that the moment he noticed that was the way that they were, and would have no complaints. 
Until they started acting that way around him in private. They should know that he would never lay a hand on them, and gets slightly insulted that they didn’t register that. 
That is, until they explain that it’s something that they’ve always struggled with due to their high levels of anxiety and that they’d spent years living in an unpredictable environment where they didn’t know if someone was going to start throwing punches or not, unable to defend themselves or fight back.
This took a moment to sink in for Katou, not sure how to react or if they were telling him the truth but then he remembers that they’ve never lied to him in the past and this was something incredibly serious, so why would they do that, right? (Tell me you have trust issues without telling me you have trust issues)
However, the moment that it did fully get through that thick skull of his, he is engulfing his S/O in tight hugs and not saying a word, allowing his actions to speak louder than his words for once in his life, knowing that nothing he could say in that moment would make the pain that they’d gone through go away, and it was insulting to try.
Holding them for the remainder of the night, he wouldn’t want them out of his sight for longer than a few moments to go to the bathroom or get food while they sat on the couch and watched whatever it was that they wanted, because they trusted him enough to be vulnerable and express a part of themselves that they didn’t trust many with, so anything they wanted right now, they were going to get.
From that day forward would take it upon himself to ask how his S/O was doing during the day, if he could do anything to help them feel less anxious or stressed whenever he could tell that they were having a bad day. Most would assume that because of his cunning and brutal nature that Katou wouldn’t be very smart, and IQ wise they’d probably be right, however, when it comes to emotional intelligence, he’s pretty spot on.
Keeps his S/O close wherever they go, his arm is permanently wrapped around their shoulder while they walk down the side walk or standing in line, his expression that of ‘I wil break your neck if you come near them with any bad intentions and I’m not afraid of jail.’
Hector Doyle:
Doyle isn’t one to show much emotion, on his expression or in his words, but he is incredibly observant, and takes in far more information than the average person would in a simple situation, so the moment he saw his S/O flinch their shoulder away from a friend appearing suddenly beside them, he took note of it and began to analyze. 
Had that friend done something to upset them in the past that made them uncomfortable? Had they smelled bad and his S/O didn’t want to be rude by telling them? Several different things went through his mind based on that small interaction, and by the next time it happened with a different person, that it wasn’t anything to do with anyone else, it was you.
Now, the question is, what was causing his S/O to act the way that they had been? Obviously it was something that had been doing for a reason, and it seemed to stem from people either touching them or showing up without their knowledge, or swift movements by those around them. Could they have dealt with prior abuse? The mere thought made Doyle’s blood boil, but he didn’t want to jump to any conclusions without solid evidence or confirmation from them.
He’d bring up the topic while they’re laying in bed late at night one of the rare one’s he’s in heading to sleep the same time as them, given he’s a night owl and prefers the silence of night time and how few people were out, but he’s willing to sacrifice one night to get the answers that have been nagging at the back of his mind to get confirmation for.
“You seem to freak out at the smallest things, like someone moving their hand too fast near you, or touching you when you didn’t see it coming, even when it’s a friend or myself, what’s the deal?” Boy, he could not word that much worse if he had tried, and the reaction he got to such a topic being brought up in that way was to be expected; hostility.
“So, you’ve been sitting here observing me like I’m a lab rat in some experiment?” “What’s wrong with that?” A lot of things, and they made sure he knew it before deciding to give him the answers he’d been wanting to know so badly. It took them a while to find the right words, starting and stopping themselves several times but Doyle sat in silence, watching quietly as he waited patiently for them. He wouldn’t rush them, he’d already been an asshole with his approach.
After a long while of silence on both ends, they explained to him about how their grandmother had dementia while they were growing up and how she lived with them since her parents didn’t want to send her to a home, and while she was mentally deteriorating, she would get violent and throw things or blows, hitting his S/O several times in the head or body when they weren’t paying attention or fast enough, and so it’s become a reflexive habit. 
It wasn’t as bad as he had thought, but still, the mental scars it seemed to take on his S/O were just as bad as real ones in his opinion, so he would start to make it a habit of keeping an eye on their surroundings and stopping anyone from startling his S/O before they had a chance, doing little things like moving slower or announcing his presence; would 100% deny it if his S/O brought it up. He might be a jerk who loves a good fight, but not with his S/O.
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ravs6709 · 2 years
You'll Always Have A Home With Me- Hunter & Willow
Read on ao3 here!
@subrosasteath I have things to do but after you mentioned hunter seeing willow I couldn't resist writing a quick thing
Written as platonic, but can be what you want, really
Anyways! Spoilers for the latest TOH episode, Hollow Mind!
Warnings: panic attack, mentioned death (aka, warnings from the episode itself)
and then , Gus texted through Penstagram, he got super suspicious and was about to ask if it was an illusion he was talking to
what happened next??? Willow typed back, invested in the story.
and then viney came up n tapped him on the shoulder so he turned around and I RAN to take my illusion's place
Willow laughed—quietly, since it was the middle of the night and she was supposed to be asleep.
he didn't notice???
oh he did but I made an illusion of someone else running so it didn't look like it was me
you're so lucky , she began typing, but then there was a knocking noise. So her text ended up reading as you're sahmydadsatthwdpprbye as she quickly hid her scroll and closed her eyes shut.
One of her dads probably heard her laugh, so they'd want to see what was going on. But rather than the door opening, or a call to ask if she was awake, there was another knock. Then another, more frantic. Willow realized that this knock wasn't at her bedroom door, but the window.
That was weird. If it were Gus or Luz, they would have told her (especially Gus, who was literally in the middle of texting her!), and Amity wasn't really really the type to randomly come to her window in the middle of the night without warning (maybe in the past, but not now, not yet). 
Willow quietly got and began opening the curtains with one hand, and readied a vine with the other. Another knock, quieter this time.
She opened the window, and someone fell into her room and nearly knocked her over. She used a vine to grab the intruder's arms.
"Who are you?" Willow asked, then realized something. This figure was familiar with blonde hair and red eyes. "Hunter?"
She had so many questions to ask, but stopped when he didn't say anything or resist the vines. His whole body shook visibly, and his eyes were distant.
"Hunter?" she called out, a little more quietly, releasing the vines.
His eyes focused a little bit, darting all over the place as he began to shake more.
"I shouldn't be here," he murmured. "I shouldn't have come here I need to leave I need to leave I need to leave now."
He turned to the window, but Willow was faster, using a vine to shut the window.
"Breathe," she said calmly, though looking at his worsening state didn't really make her feel calm.
"I can't go back but then he's going to find me I can't let him find me—" his voice cut off as his breathing turned worse.
"Breathe," she repeated. "Hunter, can you look at me?"
He looked at her, but it seemed like it took a lot of mental strength to do that much.
"Nod if you can hear me."
A few seconds, and he nodded shakily. That was good, if he could hear her.
"Can you tell me one thing that you see?"
He stood frozen, but after a few seconds, his head turned. "Your bed."
"Good," she said, "can you tell me two things that you can hear?"
He gave her answers, and she asked for more, asked him about what he could feel and tell from his surroundings until his breathing finally started to slow and he was no longer shaking. The only evidence that he'd been panicking in the first place was his eyes—red even around the iris, and his eyebags seemed worse than usual.
"Okay," she began. She used a vine to open the window again. "I'm not going to make you stay and tell me everything if you don't want to. But you can tell me what's wrong."
He looked at her with wide eyes, as if surprised by that. He turned to the window and took a step towards it. A part of her heart hurt that he didn't think he could confide in her, but this wasn't about her, this was about Hunter, and she gave him the choice.
To her surprise, he shut the window again and then pulled the blinds.
"I shouldn't be here," he repeated. 
"But you came here for a reason," Willow said.
"I didn't… I didn't know where else to go," he confessed. "But you sent me your address a while ago and you were the first person I could think of—"
"Are you going to tell me what happened?"
Hunter closed his eyes. "I shouldn't, Belos will kill me."
"Well he doesn't have to know." 
She grinned, hoping it would make him crack a smile or something, but instead his face contorted with frustration.
"You don't get it! If I go back to the Emperor's Coven, Belos is going to have me killed!" His eyes went wide as if those words came out by mistake.
He wasn't exaggerating. Belos was… Belos was going to kill him.
"Wait, explain from the beginning," she said, because what. “And quietly, please.”
"I'm not—I'm not the first Golden Guard and he killed them and—and there were at least twenty masks and he killed them all and now he's going to kill me because I saw the truth—"
"Hey, breathe," she tried to soothe, and had him sot in the bed, "truth about what?"
"Belos has been lying about the danger of the wild witches and it was him all along!" he snapped, but hopefully it wasn’t loud enough for her dads to hear.
"Okay, okay," she said, more for herself than for him. She knew that there was something up with Belos because of Luz, but… but this? "What was this about other Golden Guards?"
"I… I… I can't say."
"Okay, that's fine," she said.
But she knew that whatever this thing was about the other Golden Guards, that was the more important part. That was the part that completely shattered Hunter. She could piece together some of the pieces already. Twenty Golden Guard masks. Hunter fearing Belos would kill him.
The thought filled her with rage. Belos was willing to kill children?  
“Wait, how does he know that you know?”
“I was there, in his mind—the human was there too and we saw it and he told us the truth and—I can’t go back because he knows I was there.”
“Is there any way I can help?” she asked.
“No, this isn’t something you can help with. I shouldn't have even come here in the first place.”
“You’re right, I can’t do much,” she agreed, even if it sucked, saying it, “I’m just a witch who does plant magic, I can’t compete with the Emperor. What I’m asking is if there’s any way to make you feel better?”
Hunter looked at her strangely.
“Fine, just tell me if you’re uncomfortable.” 
Willow moved and gave him a hug. Not a tight, bone-crushing one, but a light one, light enough that if he wanted to break free he could do so easily. He didn’t move.
“What is this?”
“A hug,” she replied, not letting go. 
His hands slowly made their way to her back, and honestly, it was a little awkward. But it was also comforting, and she could tell that Hunter felt the same as he began to relax ever so slightly. It was hardly noticeable, but so much better than how he was before.
Finally, she pulled away. “Do you want to braid my hair?”
Hunter looked at her blankly. “I don’t know how to braid hair.”
"I figured," she said, getting up to grab a hair tie, "the Emperor's Coven doesn't seem like the place to teach you that kind of thing. I'm not expecting you to do a good job, I wanted to ask if you wanted to brand my hair."
Hunter looked at the hair tie in her hand. "Fine. But don't complain."
"I won't even feel a thing, care to test that?" She turned her back towards him. "Split it into three even sections."
Fingers touched her hair, feather-light brushes against her scalp. She could feel calluses on his hands.
"Take the one on the right and loop it under the middle," she continued, "and then take it and loop it over the one on the left. Take the one in the middle now and loop it over the one on the right, then repeat. Over and under."
He followed her instructions, braiding her hair. It wasn't great, it was too loose at the top and she could tell when he accidentally lost track of where he was braiding from, but it was never about looking good in the first place. As he braided more and more, his hands shook less and moved faster and more steady, until he reached the end and tied it with the hair tie.
"This looks awful," Hunter said at last. "What was the point of this?"
"Don't you feel a little better?" Willow asked, turning to face him.
"I… I guess?" he replied. Despite his words, his voice sounded stronger.
"Well, that was the goal," she said.
"I…" he paused for a moment. "I need to leave now."
"Where are you going?" she asked.
"I can't go back."
"I don't know," he confessed, "but I can't stay here, it's too dangerous. I'll figure it out, I might know someone I can go to."
"That's good," she said. "And Hunter?"
"You can drop by here anytime you need to. I won't mind."
His eyes widened, but the look was quickly hidden away. He nodded, and went back to the window.
"Be careful," she wished him.
"Thank you, Willow," he whispered, and then he was gone.
She stared outside at the dark sky. She really hoped that he was going to be okay.
Cannot guarantee I'll write more toh but if you wanna be added to the potential taglist, just let me know!
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shu-sakamaki · 3 years
(TW : Bullying)
Random and dark headcanons about Shuu Sakamaki
If you are not comfortable with those themes please just scroll, I don't want to make anyone uneasy, it's for fiction and fantasies only, Shuu is in NO WAY meant to be portrayed in real life, he is not a good person and none of his actions are acceptable.
In which you're a bride living in the Sakamaki manor :
- His voice is really low, much lower and raspier than his voice in the anime, it just makes more sense to me because he's always sleepy and horny, sadly he's the one who speaks the less (like, sir, just keep your mouth open and never shut up 👄🔪)
- He's just so disgusted everytime Reiji come near him that he's always scrunching his nose for a split second and then furrows his brows as if he smelled something bad but it's just Reiji (🤣🤣) and four eyes get even more mad.
- If your staring at him for too long he will stare back at you and look at you up and down. Now, there's two type of look, there is the "gtfo of my face, you're burning my eyes" (which is kinda hot in its own way 👉👈) and the "I'm horny as hell, keep staring at me I will mount you, female." And I don't know how, but he notice everything, you can try and  be unnoticeable by looking at him and then looking away but when your looking back at him again, he's staring right at your soul like 👁-👁 (sir pls stop you're scaring me)
- He have bedroom eyes like, 90 % of the times, Shuu always seems to be in his own reality with his closed eyes and earphones, he somehow look zooted (on sleep and sex uhu, anyways letmeshutup)
- He's the king of side-eye, if you bother his slumber he will give you the saltiest, hottest, coldest side-eye, it'll make you tear up. My theory is that he can make people crumble with just a look. (and that's on 💫trauma💫)
- Now that we're on the subject of tears, Shuu loves them (you monster) and try a lot of things mainly out of boredom and just to randomly see you cry because why not. And him being a teaser + dacryphilia is the worst thing you can ask for. Because when the oldest lay his interest on someone, I think that the rest of the brothers kinda back off to  not make him angry (they're not suicidal gud gud) so you're just getting bullied by him and everyone is just watching.
- For example when you walk past him, he'll pinch your thighs and it always hurts so bad and leaves red/purple spots or just grab your wrist and hold it really hard till you cry and beg him to not break it. And sometimes he'll just plainly ignore you which can be worst because it's always leaving you with the impression that something's gonna fall upon you when you least expect it. (Not mister playing as the Fates) And if you try to avoid him, he's going to catch up on it pretty fast and suddenly you're seeing him everywhere and he's not going to limit his torture to the manor, even in school he will find ways to terrorize you. He will say the lewdest, dirtiest things to you like its nothing or will just sneak up on you and touch your butt in the hall. (You need to keep an eye on him like the bogeyman). It's just a game for him, he's bored and you're the perfect prey to toy with.
- Yeah also he doesn't care about consent... just like the rest of his demonic gremlins of brothers, resisting him just makes it more fun for him. But if you are actually getting aggressive like pulling his hair, slapping him or scratching his skin he'll put out his knife (he gon look at you like dis 🔵👄🔵🔪) and will threatens to kill you really slowly. A thing about his knife, is that admin once said that he's carrying it everywhere, so he can just pull it out of idk where and rub it on your skin, threatening silently to slit your throat at any moment. There is always that one kid who like to draw on people's arms with a marker in school, Shuu does the same with his knife, you have little cuts here and there because of him.
- He's manipulative and merciless, you can pour your heart out to him and tell him how something just broke you and he's gonna look at you like "and what does it got to do with me?" or just fall asleep on you. He picks a lot on your insecurities just because he knows where it hurts (he doesn't really think it, he don't care lol) and will talk to you with such a mocking/condescending tone, as if your stupid and its not like you can complain about it.
- Shuu appears at the most random times and just ask you to do things that HE'S supposed to do. And you can either do your thing and he won't care or be bothered that you disobeyed and will punish you. Admin mentioned it often, how one of the scariest thing with Shuu is the unlimited feeling of uncertainty, you really never know. One day he's cool with you and the other he's not.
- Remember when Shuu talked about seduction ? He said that its the difference between him and Laito. Laito thrives off people's fear and disgust of him and he will force himself upon them, and with Laito, you're mainly scared of him. But with Shuu, there is something quite exciting about him being around you and just giving you his attention. (Idk how to explain it, it's the Shuu Effect 🦋) Sometimes you can even feel like you have a choice, when you really don't. He's guilt-tripping you a lot of the time and you don't realize it sometimes and think that it's your decision, but honey...
- When he starts to get use to you, use to you taking care of him and use to your presence that's when the trickiest part comes up. He can either, get bored of you so he'll probably leave you alone giving green signals to his brothers to do whatever they want (or he kills you) or he's falling in love.
- You know that he's falling in love with you when he's more around you to the point when he's the only face that you're seeing and his brothers are just avoiding you like the plague, everyone does, it's like, even humans have a gut feeling that being around you won't bring them good because of the scary demon behind you. (Well if you listen to him it's more of a "You're the one obsessed with me and not the opposite" but yk), he's going to insult you every ten seconds because you looked at an alive being "I'm not looking at you for ten seconds and you're already whoring yourself out ? Pathetic." (But really, it's the poSseSsiViTy), I can also see him as being more touchy in a way but it varies, it don't necessarily mean that Shuu would go tender on you.
- He built a wall around him (like attack on titan type of wall duh, Wall Maria I see you 🙄) to block and repulse any being who wants to be close to him, so when he realizes that he's falling in love with you (and hard because Shuu don't have the concept of limit) he will probably get scared and would try to back off, scare you, being even more brutal because he need to know, need to be sure, how willing you are to be with him. He can't handle a deception and also I feel like he is pretty aware of his mental state and he is deeply scared of losing you and losing himself completely in the same boat.
- When he starts to really care for you, I think that he will start to have nightmares again, especially about Edgar and other stuff involving you because how scared he is. Which bring me to an article that admin about Shuu mastering aftercare, it's 100% logic that he's with you and whispering sweet nothing till he sure that you are safe and asleep with him.
- When his shell starts to crack, it's when he's going to be as his probably most vulnerable state when you can just see how much the paranoia, the possessivity and all the trauma cloud his mind. He will still try to test you for some time and just kinda...still observing like a predator (but with more of a lovesick turn) till he's certain that you will not betray him. And don't take it personally, that's just how he is, everything has been taken away from him, all the happiness, all the color were sucked out of his life, and when there is a real opportunity of getting this happiness back he doesn't play. Literally, Shuu can not handle losing someone important again or he will go full-on Kanato insane. That's why he drown himself in sex and sleep, to not think, that's why he always have sound in his earbuds, to not hear the silence. Its not Shuu's fault that Edgar is dead, it's not his fault if the German shepherd got killed, it's not his fault if his mother didn't took care of his brother, but he'll still take the blame. (Well maybe not for Reiji but you get it.)
Thanks to everyone who manages to read it through and have a good day and remember that you're loved and worthy ❤😌
((I honestly LOVE how you emphasize the canon aspect that Shu has NO LIMITS. Or he LOVES you to the point of obsession, or no deal. That IS Shu... And I'm scared about the person I'm becoming but the ones about how scary he actually is while statically staring at you?... Was hot... O///O ???))
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uwua3 · 3 years
Hello! Sunflowers hold a really special meaning for me so when i read the "sunflower dreams" My heart was so happy!! I havent felt this happy in a long time since quarantine started so thank you for taking the time to write it! It really made my day. If i could request a kazunari x reader where they're both artists that would be amazing. Maybe the reader can be a famous anonymous art influencer? Its up to you! Again thank you so much for writing "sunflower dreams" 💜
i’m so happy i could make you smile ‧⁺◟( ᵒ̴̶̷̥́ ·̫ ᵒ̴̶̷̣̥̀ ) it’s messages like these that absolutely make my day! thank you so much for taking your time to even read it, i’m glad to know it touched your heart ♡ i hope you have a good rest of your day—please know all of a3! love you vvv much!!! `・ω・)9 i hope this makes your heart happy just like before! thank you, anon, for everything
summary: every time you fell in love, you made a new art piece
author’s note: please smile from this absolutely soft and endearing kazunari fluff! in times like these where negativity is all around us, it’s good to take a break and purposely give yourself happiness. i hope this is a light in your day and makes you experience all the goodness of love! ♡ — concept based on “to all the boys i’ve loved before”
word count: 3,389
music: i like me better – lauv
to everyone i’ve loved before.
🌻🎨 miyoshi kazunari
you created art every time you had a crush so intense, you didn’t know what else to do
no matter how big or small it was, or how long or short it lasted, love is love. even if it was a random stranger you’d never see again or someone you knew for a lifetime, love is love
therefore, there was no exact total. because even if you didn’t remember every single person you’ve made art for, you clearly remembered what it was like experiencing the euphoria of love. the phenomenon of your heart selflessly beating for someone else. the attack of getting hit by cupid’s arrow out of no where. the rush of emotions unlike any other
love was everywhere and you made sure to create something that was a memory of it. that was when you decided to practice art after being unable to recall a person’s face a moment too long
it was your form of a love letter. a picture spoke a thousand words you couldn’t write, and art was the perfect way to convey that. online for everyone to see were your love letters in art form: portraits of everyone you’ve loved
you fell in love again and again, a new art piece posted soon over the years of your life. under the username, to-everyone-ive-loved, a lifelong project was in the works for all of social media to see
unknown to the rest of the world, you were the artist behind the blog “to-everyone-ive-loved” who created portraits from memory
but, you didn’t mean to fall in love with another artist as well
all it took was one comment and you were theirs
it was one of your most recent posts, a finished piece on a stranger you saw. you found yourself in veludo way, the ideal street to find people you’d never forget. after witnessing a sudden street act, only one actor caught your eye that day
you didn’t know his name, but you didn’t need to. you were in love
you immediately rushed home without a second thought, the inspiration and creativity infectious after watching him perform. something about his energy was wildly entertaining and bizarre, like a modern pop song as a person. he was effortlessly trendy, popular, and charismatic just from the few minutes you saw him
the moment he stood up on that street corner like it was a stage, all eyes were on him and he knew it. as you sketched into the day, you remembered the small details clearly. dirty blonde hair with no dark roots in sight, glittering green eyes, wide welcoming smile. he had the face of an actor, that’s for sure
when you posted it right after finishing, you didn’t expect any major attention. on average, your posts got 100 likes or so. while it was an impressive feat, nothing could’ve prepared you for that one comment
kaz-PIKO: i’m in love with your art ♡
as your popularity and fame grew before your very eyes, you clicked on his profile and realized it was him. the actor you had seen earlier at veludo way
you didn’t know what happened, but all you knew was you couldn’t forget this one person, miyoshi kazunari, no matter how hard you tried
no matter where you went, you couldn’t draw anyone else except that boy named kazunari. after scrolling through his entire instablam account, you found out he was an actor for mankai company’s summer troupe. he was a star in his own right, with a stage presence like the spotlight was constantly on him and a heart of gold
this was the first time you ever got so caught up on someone that they didn’t leave your mind. hours became days, and days began becoming a week before you let yourself follow him back
everyone you had ever drawn had never recognized themselves before. it was all because a follower connected the visual similarities between your art and kazunari’s unique traits that kazunari knew you had seen him before
if only he wasn’t a social media influencer with followers reaching the hundreds of thousands. at least, his popularity attracted attention to your profile...
this was a problem, however. because if you couldn’t draw anyone else, what could you do? once again, you stalked kazunari’s blog once again like it was a habit
it was never really a rule to make one love letter per person, but you never had wanted to make another for the same person. until, now
video after video. picture after picture. story after story. you could see kazunari’s face even when you closed your eyes. what about him made you daydream about him constantly? was it his charming voice that could make anyone stop and stare? his intricate piercings that were different every day? his ability to make you feel at home? whatever it was (or maybe it was an accumulation of everything and more), you had to draw kazunari again
when you posted it, you typically didn’t add more to the caption than the date and time. except this time, you felt like all your rules were being broken over someone who had no idea who you were
to-everyone-ive-loved-before: XX/XX/20 (3:33 A.M.) — social butterfly
you watched it upload. it was a piece you had never done before. glowing butterflies of all colors surrounded the center of the masterpiece, a smiling kazunari
hopefully, this would solve whatever feelings you were having and the world would go back to normal. you’d move on, fall in love with someone else, and repeat
it didn’t work, because some time later, you woke up to a comment that made you feel the butterflies in your stomach
kaz-PIKO: like a butterfly, i’ll fly to you, wherever you are~ ☆
and for some reason, you wanted kazunari to find you
you had never felt so motivated to draw before. however, your muse was the same. a beautiful boy named miyoshi kazunari who was slowly capturing your heart without even knowing it. you watched the pages in your sketchbook lessen and lessen. the corners of assignments and napkins and anything in between was covered in doodles. if there was a writing instrument in your hand, something related to kazunari would come out of it
it was a fascination. a fixiation, even. you had only seen one performance before falling in love. was it because kazunari responded that it made you feel like you had a chance?
you wouldn’t admit it, but it was becoming embarrassing with how much you were staring at the few unread messages from kazunari in your dm box. they came in right after you had followed him back, and more arrived when you posted the “social butterfly” piece
what was stopping you from talking to your muse? you knew the answer without thinking: what if these feelings were real?
obsessions and crushes come and go, but... love, love stayed. there wasn’t any possibility you could love someone from afar without knowing anything about them, right?
but, then again... you did know some things about kazunari. you knew kazunari was the best actor of all time, with expressions and gestures the equivalent of art. kazunari was art—in every single way possible. everything about him made you want to draw and draw and draw
you only drew kazunari for a certain time, no matter which stranger crossed your path. people you knew you would’ve sketched simply became passer-bys, and it was all because of kazunari’s sunny smile that you were in love. or, what you thought was love
the more you thought about kazunari’s unread dms, the more you wondered what this was. why did kazunari make you so happy? was this truly the first time you were experiencing... a crush?!
for the first time since that street act, you found yourself in veludo way. while half of you was hoping you’d randomly bump into summer troupe’s moodmaker, the other half was petrified about how kazunari was a real person. a very much popular, recognizable person
it was the weekend, and the burden of university projects was telling you to go back and focus. yet, with a sketchbook in one hand and a pencil tucked behind your ear, you were very much prepared to draw to your heart’s content
as you tried to flip to a clean page, you heard something that made your heart flutter. despite the noise and busy atmosphere of veludo, a distinct laugh was audible above the crowd. when you looked up, your eyes barely registered a deep blue jacket before walking straight into the person
you nearly tumbled to the ground before two hands steadied you, a surprised “whoa!” leaving their mouth before being followed by a gentle laugh. the usual embarrassment didn’t set in until you went to go thank the person, only to stop
oh my god. you had just bumped into miyoshi kazunari, your muse for the past month or so
kazunari grinned, even though it faltered slightly at your wide-eyed expression and awkward silence. he didn’t seem to mind as he adjusted his black top hat, pocketing his phone and confidently meeting your gaze
“i’m so sorry~! i hope you’re okay, i’m kazunari!” kazunari introduced and you realized he didn’t know you were behind to-everyone-ive-loved-before. you quickly adjusted yourself, pretending as if this wasn’t the highlight of your entire week
when you introduced yourself, kazunari’s eyes sparkled with interest as he easily led you into conversation. despite being a bit of a socially awkward artist who preferred being alone over anything else, kazunari was... comfortable. you didn’t feel self-conscious of how you acted, because he readily accepted how you were with a smile
was he like this was everyone or... did he find you to be a work of art, too?
standing off to the side, you finally noticed several members of mankai were advertising their latest play. bright, aesthetically pleasing flyers were being handed out to everyone walking by, and you seemed to look a moment too long before kazunari followed your gaze and suddenly snapped his fingers
“oh! are you interested in theatre?” you really weren’t, but you nodded anyways just to see kazunari’s excitement. he pardoned himself for a moment just to snatch a flyer, returning to show it off with a proud smile
“please come to mankai company’s summer performance!” kazunari’s smile sparkled and before he looked around to see if anyone was watching, he winked. kazunari covered the side of his face that was facing his troupe members, pretending as if you two were sharing some big secret
“plus, i’ll be there. if you come, i’ll make sure to do my very best~” kazunari bargained, even though you already knew he was already planning on wowing the audience with his charisma. you took in his genuine want to impress you and the butterflies came back
“i’ll come.” you agreed without even checking the date or reading anything. now all of you just wanted more & more opportunities as the person kazunari was surprisingly interested in, not as the artist who was basically in love with him
agreeing right away was worth it when kazunari shot you a grateful, blinding smile in return. you stumbled over your words with how taken back you were, but asked anyways, “do you like flowers?”
kazunari’s eyes softened for a moment, his usual energy suddenly gone before returning. he seemed genuinely moved by your question, and you wondered how many flowers it’d take to see him smile again like that
“i do, especially if they’re from you.”
“what kind?”
someone called kazunari’s name, insisting they were going to be late for practice. kazunari shouted back an agreement by telling them to go ahead first, before putting all his attention on you once again
“hibiscus.” meaning delicate beauty
before kazunari could ask for your socials, with his hand already reaching for his phone, you cut him off, hoping your voice wasn’t off
“next week. 7 P.M., mankai theatre. i’ll be there, front row.” you promised and took off, rushing off with a wave as kazunari stared after you for a second before waving back enthusiastically
as you left, kazunari was about to leave before he noticed something on the ground. it was a plain sketchbook, unassuming at first but it was nearly bursting at the binding with how many pages there were
when kazunari picked it up, he was about to flip to the first page before mankai called his name again, impatient this time. kazunari held onto the book and sent one last glance towards your direction before disappearing, hurrying to make sure the director wouldn’t penalize him for being the reason everyone was late
when you arrived home, you instinctually reached for the pencil behind your ear. at the same time, you put your hand in your bag, attempting to feel the familiar edges of your sketchbook
then, after turning your bag inside out and finding nothing, you collapsed onto your desk chair with shock and disbelief
you lost your sketchbook in veludo way the moment you met kazunari. what if he had it?
you drew another piece and stared at your screen, wondering if you should post it. it was kazunari once again with a yellow hibiscus flower behind his ear, the same gentle smile you couldn’t perfectly capture gracing his lips
you typed the caption and backspaced before settling on something that only you and him would know
to-everyone-ive-loved-before: XX/XX/20 (8:01 P.M.) — delicate beauty
you hesitated before deleting the post a second after. maybe, you’d keep some artwork to yourself
kazunari had the sketchbook open next to his bedside, his phone in his hands and your profile open. he could recognize your art style a mile away, and the moment he saw the first sketch after practice, he couldn’t believe it
did this explain why he felt such a natural attraction to you? when you bumped into him, kazunari swore he could see the sparks flying. you made him feel like he was falling in love and you only proved him right when you two talked earlier. he wanted to know everything about you, he wanted to see you again
was this what love at first sight felt like? kazunari giddily typed a message over and over again, the unread messages of his filling his screen
kaz-PIKO: heya!! ★>d(,,・ε´-,,)⌒☆ just wanted to say i LOVE your art fr!!! we should totes collab, you know???
kaz-PIKO: thanks for drawing me btw :0 does this mean you live near veludo? let’s meet up!!!
kaz-PIKO: ,,, i don’t usually say this but, that social butterfly piece was breathtaking. you must really like me, huh? (・ω<)☆ jk haha
kaz-PIKO: no but really, it’s beautiful. thank you, honestly. it made my day, you make me happy ♡
kaz-PIKO: you must be really beautiful, too. i would want to draw you as well. lmk if ur up for that haha
kazunari read back his previous messages, all of them delivered but unopened. he realized how... how open he already was with the anonymous faceless artist, despite never interacting with them
now that he knew what you looked like, it only reassured his intuition that he was rightfully head over heels for you
kazunari typed something before deleting it, closing out of instablam and throwing his phone somewhere on his bed
kaz-PIKO: i was right, you are beautiful. i may have fallen in love, too
some things were better left unsaid. after all, you two had until next week to figure everything out
for the rest of the week, all you and kazunari did were think about the other person. a small part of you was afraid kazunari wasn’t the dream boy you imagined, but he was much more. you noticed he started posting more often and turned his notifications, wanting to be one of the first to see his practice videos and university selfies
you didn’t post any of the art you made of kazunari, making it the longest you hadn’t posted ever. kazunari couldn’t help but refresh your account every now and then, hoping he’d see his face again, as selfish as it was. kazunari wouldn’t know how’d he feel if he saw someone else had your heart
the longer time went on, the more you were certain. every fascination you had with someone was temporary, and you remembered the feeling rather than the person. but, with kazunari, you liked him for who he was. everything kazunari made you feel was new and exciting, but even when that went away, you still liked him
kazunari was your first crush, for real
kazunari liked making people like him. so, your online confession through art wasn’t exactly a surprise. but, yours was different. it was earnest, honest, and everything he didn’t know he was needing
kazunari looked through your sketchbook again and again, tracing over the notes you wrote in the margins and admiring your skill
kazunari liked you, and he was certain he would’ve still liked you even if you weren’t to-everyone-ive-loved-before
when showtime arrived, kazunari was oddly nervous. peeking from behind the red curtain, kazunari could already see you were one of the first sitting front row, just like you said. he had practiced his lines a thousand times and summer was fully prepared, why was he nervous?
before he went on, kazunari ignored the urgency of the mankai staff and quickly texted a message to your profile, hoping you’d at least see the notification this time
kaz-PIKO: i like you, too
(when you felt your phone buzz, you quickly silenced it)
the show moved you to a standing ovation, just like everyone else in the audience. as summer walked out to bow and express their gratitude, you watched kazunari’s eyes search for yours as he tilted his head towards backstage. you nodded, knowing you’d do anything to see this kazunari. actor kazunari, who was on cloud 9 with his performance and glowing from praise
you wanted to see, to experience, to draw, all versions of kazunari
after the applause, you looked around backstage before feeling a hand on your arm, the feeling reminiscent of the first time you bumped into kazunari
“you came.” kazunari breathlessly stated, as if he was surprised. before he could say anything else, you presented him with a bouquet of hibiscus flowers. the same shade of yellow you drew him with
“of course, i wanted to see you again.” you honestly admitted, knowing it made you flustered. kazunari carefully took the flowers before grinning, gently placing then beneath his chin. he looked like a vision, you wish you could’ve asked him to stand still so you could capture this moment forever
“i wanted to see you, too.” kazunari softly said, all the energy of being on stage gone. it was tranquil and peaceful, like you two were the only people in the entire theatre
kazunari took a moment to admire you before realizing something, taking something from behind him and presenting it to you. it was your sketchbook on the bottom, but a smaller version was on top of it, signed in silver sharpie. kazunari’s signature was glittering like his eyes as you took it
“next time, let’s draw together.”
kazunari’s sketchbook was filled with you. anything from small doodles to encouraging messages was found inside, with tens of post-it notes of just thoughts about you. kazunari’s art was colorful and extremely out of the box compared to his usual traditional style. it made you smile
kazunari watched you flip through it, already knowing this was the greatest act of love he could’ve declared this early on. he anticipated for you to reach the end
when you landed on the last page, you saw a note
do you want go on a date with me?
“next time, respond to my dms! that way i don’t have to write everything~!” kazunari teased and you two shared a laugh, knowing everything was going to be okay
“yes, i’ll respond to your dms. and yes, i’ll go on a date with you.”
eventually, you ended up closing your blog for good. your last post was a picture of you and kazunari, with one caption
to-everyone-ive-loved-before: XX/XX/20 (3:33 P.M.) — to the one boy i love now, i love you
kaz-PIKO: i love you, too ♡
109 notes · View notes
timextoxhajima · 3 years
Grounded: Level 8
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Level 7 | Level 9
Member: Minho (Lee Know)
Genre: idol minho x idol trainee reader
Taglist: @jaehyvnsvalentine @licorice526 @lolwhatameme @felixn-recs @yunapixie @rindomo @sleeping-hero-of-procastination​​
A/N: This chapter includes fake character idol profiles so please don’t attack me that your face isn’t there. No, I am not glorifying the fact that only korean girls are pretty, but this is in fact the most culturally accurate account of a fake profile I can create given the context. 
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WI5HES (위셔스) is a South Korean girl group under HYBE (previously known as BigHit Ent.). The group currently consists of Ju Rin, l/n, Ga Hyun, So Eun and Min Jung. WI5HES debuted on March 15, 2021 under HYBE. They are HYBE’s first girl group since 2014.
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Stage Name: Ju Rin
Birthname: Wang Ju Rin
Position: Leader, Lead Vocalist, Sub-Rapper
Birthday: May 10, 2000
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Height: 167cm (5′5)
Weight: 48kg (106 lbs)
Blood Type: A+
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Stage Name: l/n y/n
Birthname: y/n
Position: Main Dancer, Lead Rapper, Sub-Vocalist
Birthday: June 15, 2000
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Height: 164cm (5′4)
Weight: 49kg (108 lbs)
Blood Type: O
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Stage Name: Ga Hyun
Birthname: Choi Ga Hyun
Position: Lead Vocalist, Lead Rapper, Lead Dancer, Visual
Birthday: October 25, 2001
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Height: 170cm (5′6)
Weight: 51kg (112 lbs)
Blood Type: O
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Stage Name: So Eun
Birthname: Kang So Eun
Position: Main Rapper, Lead Dancer, Sub-Vocalist, Center
Birthday: November 5, 2001
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Height: 172cm (5′6)
Weight: 50kg (110 lbs)
Blood Type: B
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Stage name: Min Jung
Birthname: Gwang Min Jung
Position: Main Vocalist, Lead Rapper, maknae
Birthday: August 15, 2003
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Height: 163cm (5′3)
Weight: 46kg (101 lbs)
Blood Type: AB
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“Five is better than three, annyeonghaseyo, WI5HES-ibnida!” The echo of your introduction rings through the dressing room, backstage of the MCountdown stage. It draws goosebumps from your arms and your back. Min Jung grits her teeth, attempting to contain her anxiety when she sees herself on stage through the recording for the first time.
So Eun’s sobbing into Ju Rin’s shoulder, and Ga Hyun has her phone out, randomly snapping photos of So Eun’s slightly smudged make-up. 
“Yah, haven’t you taken enough?” Ju Rin wraps the rim of Ga Hyun’s phone with her palm, covering the camera, unable to contain her grin. 
“Aw, come on!” Ga Hyun pouts, retracting her phone and wiping the lens with her sleeve. “It’s not everyday we get to debut.”
Knock Knock
“Who is it?” Ju Rin cranes her neck behind her, nodding for Min Jung to get the door. Already halfway down a bow, Min Jung opens the door to reveal a strange mixture of Hyunjin, I.N, Soobin, Yeonjun and Beomgyu. 
“Oh, annyeonghaseyo,” Min Jung’s reflexes are to greet Hyunjin and I.N first. 
“Annyeonghaseyo,” Hyunjin and I.N bow to the lot of you, and suddenly everybody’s bowing. “Congratulations on your debut!”
Ju Rin releases So Eun to receive the adorable box of cupcakes from Hyunjin and I.N. 
“Chan-hyung and the others send their regards. They couldn’t be here today for a separate schedule.”
“Oh, we’re not the ones you should be reporting this to,” Ga Hyun snickers, pulling away from what looks like a handshake routine with Beomgyu. Eyes turn to you, forcing the blush on your cheeks to be of natural effect and not the make-up. 
After the scandal with Yeonjun, things died down relatively quickly. More pictures of you training with the other members were released, diluting the idea that you and Yeonjun were dating. Furthermore, there was no other evidence of you and Yeonjun going out on secret dates that the company didn’t know about. 
But of course, WI5HES and TXT know about Minho’s confession, and needless to say, they had to be reeled back under control.
“My God, it’s like you want Lee Know hyung to pass out from jealousy,” Hyunjin’s eyes narrow with mischief, holding out his phone screen to you. 
“What? Why would he be jealous? There’s not a single person on that page that’s a threat to him,” Scrolling through the pictures absent-mindedly, you scorn at his baseless remark. 
“He’ll be jealous solely from the fact that you look good in your photos,” Jeongin sucks on the upper row of his teeth. 
“I know,” A shy smile appears on your lips. “We’ve had this conversation before.”
“Eugh,” Hyunjin shudders, shoulders reaching his ears as he groans in disgust. “Glad I wasn’t around for that conversation.”
“Anyway, thank you all for coming by our Debut Stage today, but we gotta head back to BigHit to handle some new scheduling,” Ju Rin’s waving her hands, telling the girls to pack up and for TXT to help. 
Walking past Sunmi, Chungha and other idols while you make your way out of the building felt so strange and alien, you almost couldn’t believe you were at the end of your first promotion. You were an idol now, and there was no going back. Everything you did, every move you made - would be under public scruntiny now, regardless of the reason, whether you liked it or not. 
“Thank you!” The bodyguard nods at you as he shuts the door. Sat in the middle with Ju Rin to your right, and the three younger in the back, you can smell the odd mixture of perfume and that strange scent of new costumes and clothes. BigHit - no, HYBE - had invested so much into your costumes though they looked nothing like the price they cost. 
Then again, half of you were wearing YSL pullovers and Dior jeans.
“You okay?” 
“Hmm?” Turning your head as it leans against the headrest, your eyes meet Ju Rin’s. “Yeah, you? I’m surprised you haven’t cried yet.”
Ju Rin laughs under her breath, glancing out the window as the car starts. “Oh, believe me, I’ve cried. I just don’t do it infront of you guys.”
“Aw,” The sides of your lips curl downwards. There’s a pinch in your heart you can’t take, only because Ju Rin has to keep up such a strong facade for you and for the rest of her members. She’s responsible, and time and time again she reminds you why she was chosen to be leader. “You know you can cry infront of us. You don’t have to act or put up a strong front.”
“I know, but I wouldn’t be able to see you guys crying tears of... happiness if my vision is blurred out by my own, right?”
You can’t contain the scoff that runs out your throat, eyes darting to look at the city outside, now coated with the drizzle that’s blurring the city sights. 
“Fucking full of shit,” You chuckle under your breath, unable to hide the smile that’s stretching across your face.
Ju Rin snickers and purses her lips, reaching her left hand out to you. Her hand is warm and soft (from all the moisturizer products she’s using - HYBE’s trying to get her some make-up CF already), but the smile on her face is more home than anything will ever be. 
Time to count the number of days before the world is made your home. Tours, meeting new people, inspiring others with your love for performance and dance, the same way you were inspired into chasing a dream that you didn’t even think you had a chance of achieving. Some might say it’s unfair, how the chance fell unto your feet all so easily, like it had been planned. It’s unfair that of all the crew members to be scouted, you were the only one. 
But that wasn’t your dream. At that point of time in your life, all you wanted was to fulfil your need to be perfect in dancing; to be by Minho’s side. So, in some way, fate had pulled you away from him instead. 
He didn’t tell anybody he auditioned for Cube. He didn’t tell anybody he’d auditioned for JYP before that either, only for JYP to call him back to be part of that cursed show.
And before you knew it, you had lost the one thing you didn’t want to lose: Minho. It was heartbreaking, watching him live his life of a dream that he’d been chasing without you knowing in the first place. You couldn’t decide if you were angry with him for leaving you out of his happiness or if you had simply convinced yourself he had forgotten about you. 
But you caught yourself tripping over your own feelings of hurt and love when you realise you started searching for some bit of Minho in someone else, and you were lucky it was Yeonjun. Yeonjun who had a pure heart and nothing but kindness. 
The things that could’ve happened had you searched for a part of Minho in someone else who might’ve taken you for granted. 
Minho made up for that heartbreak though, when Hyunjin had told him you were alone with Yeonjun, walking to some desolate part of the building but only spotted Yeonjun coming back alone. Minho, who at that point of time already known you a good three (or was it four?) years, knew you well enough to know that you were somewhere sobbing your eyes out. 
His scent when he had his arms around you was stuck in your nostrils for days and weeks because that was just how long he had spent being away from you. You didn’t even know how much you missed his scent until it was in your system again. 
The risk you both had chosen to take that fateful day when the scandal of you and Yeonjun was released was of astounding magnitude. 
Who the Hell confesses their love to another celebrity, so close to their own debut date?
“You,” Minho trills, almost crumpling the Uno cards on the table. The tears in the corners of your eyes are threatening to dribble over your lids, but then Changbin is sitting behind you on the sofa, trying his best to hide his laughter through his gritted teeth. “We’ll see if the two of you can still laugh after this.”
Minho picks up twelve cards with a disproportionate amount of strength, the cards nearly being folded under his fingers. 
“Yah- hyung!” Changbin yells and points at the cards, glaring at the elder.
“What? You complain about me damaging the cards as if you can’t afford a new deck yourself.”
“This is our fifth deck!” Changbin nearly screeches, and the exchange forces you to fall to your back at Changbin’s feet, your arm clutching your tummy from how much it hurt from your laughter. 
“Oh my God!” The words are struggling to leave your voice box, between silent giggles. “This- this is your- oh, my God- this is your fifth deck?” 
“We’ll need a sixth deck soon! Can you tell your man to be a little less aggressive?!” Changbin loses his patience and gets up, hands sweeping the cards off the table and plucking Minho’s set out from his hands. 
“‘Yah’,” Changbin’s distorted imitation of Minho calls for the elder to surge to his feet, suddenly towering over Changbin who cowers on the couch behind you. “Ah- Ah- OkAy, take your stupid cards back-” 
“I’ll get you a new deck if I destroy this one, but first I gotta destroy you.”
The finger in your face goes unnoticed when you laugh again, stomach hurting from the aggressive giggling. 
“My God, she’s lost it!” Minho sings sarcastically, holding his hands to his head with the cards still in his palm. “No, quick, Earth to y/n, come back so I can win!”
“Eugh,” Changbin groans and squints his eyes. Minho never says these kind of things, so when he does, it’s weird, and unlike of him to do so, making it ultra-
“CriNGe!!!!!” Hyunjin yells at the top of his voice as he exits his room and heads for the kitchen. “Just get a room already!”
“HYUNJIN!” Chan’s voice booms from elsewhere in the apartment. 
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shattered-catalyst · 3 years
OCD Subtypes for the RPC
Part 1 is here
Well well well, we are back for Part 2 of the Roleplayer’s Guide to OCD.
Fellow Ocd Folks, I see you in those tags and I'm going to do my best to ensure those obsessions are represented here- BUT understand that physically it is not going to be possible to list every single one because I am one person.  Regardless its incredibly brave of you all to rb and add things in the tags, I know its hard to talk about this shit and I see you. I see you.
Resultantly I typed this out and posted it in formatting to assist with accessibility in mind; if you cannot read it still ( I tried Im sorry!) i recommend the copy and paste method or getting the chrome extension bee-line reader.
 There will be grammatical and spelling mistakes. Im sure spacing is odd some places, but you have to understand doing this is extremely anxiety provoking for me so Im just getting it done when I can.
Remember to use your critical thinking; not everyone has the same symptoms/compulsions/triggers and all that.
OCD is fluid. Its like liquid mercury. One day its a handful of subtypes another day its another different serving.
If you are in general squicked about certain topics even by mention read ahead with your own judgement. Remember us folks that have OCD have many disturbing and distressing experiences so if you are writing a character who has OCD and you can’t read about it just don’t give them that obsessive thought/ compulsion. Make sure writing is still a safe and enjoyable hobby for yourself first and foremost.
But ethically and morally I cannot and will not leave out the more disturbing bits. You have the ability to scroll by, I and many others do not get the chance to escape triggering content that our own mind creates.
So read ahead with your best judgement or at least skip around the squicky parts and educate yourself on what OCD is so people quite using it as a Obsessive Christmas/Corgi/Cat Disorder thing. Alright? Cool beans.
Okay so you made it passed post 1 and got under the read more. Give yourself a gold star for diving into this monster of a document.
Below is a crash course it is not meant to replace actual psychoeducation, personal research, or google. Honestly most of us do our research extensively but because OCD is treated so horribly by social media, media, and society in general.
I wasn’t sure where to throw these together because the education tools to learn fully about OCD are very specialized and thus very restricted. I found that many people DO have these experiences with OCD though so I will represent them throughout. I’ll also sprinkle some of my own experiences so you can get a good reference of a person who has the disorder and not just a randomly generated person.
So OCD is made up of Obsessions, Trigger, Intrusive thought, Misinterpretation/feared consequence,Somatic and Psychological Anxiety, and Compulsions/Rituals.
Your character may not be able to list all of these. In fact if they aren't in ERP therapy they may not be able to puzzle these things out. But YOU as the writer should know them. Your character won’t be walking around talking to just ANYONE that they have OCD. Remember a huge aspect of OCD is it’s Shame.  The disorder makes us feel intense shame regarding our intrusive thoughts, as a result OCD goes undiagnosed for years especially if it has pediatric onset.
  We won’t tell anyone what we are experiencing or why we are doing x y or z. We act like nothing is wrong because to emotionally react is to admit to yourself- and therefore the world- that you have had this intrusive thought and are therefore by virtue a horrible person.[For further information I would suggest also researching PANDAS].
It may be noticeable if your character has an intrusive thought. They may wince or grimace or roll their eyes certainly, but they won’t open up to Joe at the cafe about how their brain is constantly torturing them. I apparently have a very noticeable eye twitch.
 Depending on the nature of the intrusive thought it will get more or less of a reaction out of me. Its usually dependent on how distressing the intrusive thought is and/or if its a new one.
You see OCD doesn’t sit still. It never looks the same. You’ll have your long haul intrusive thoughts that are with you for years but then you’ll have weird ass ones that just appear and demand their voice be heard yelling about cars hitting people or squirrels getting eaten.
Some people have similar ones! So while everyone is different there will always be someone out there with an intrusive thought similar to yours.
 For instance; I bonded emotionally with a lady on reddit because we both have intrusive thoughts during storms that animals and the homeless are dying. We were both horribly relieved to find another person and also distressed that every snow or rain storm brings horrible images and whispers to your mind that while you are warm and snug in bed someone is freezing to death. And its all your fault.
Some days are better than others. As with all mental illnesses it isn’t CONSTANT ALARM BELLS. Some days it will be all alarms and other days it will be like a gentle whisper on the breeze. You can almost not notice it. Almost.
Obsessive thoughts run the gauntlet from ‘i will/could have/may/may accidentally harm etc’ something that you hold of value. This is any obsessive thought that you have: you think about repeatedly and not by choice, it is very anxiety provoking, it is unwanted, and unwelcome.
 Mine run the scale from ‘squirrel will be murdered’ to ‘being responsible for harm’.
Compulsions or ‘rituals’ are any behavior done to alleviate the anxiety from the intrusive thought and trigger object. In short, compulsions and rituals are not fun. they are absolutely not logical, and we know they are not logical but we are forced to do them. Thats why its a disorder. 
To emphasize from post 1: magical thinking and the faulty link between thoughts and actions are hallmarks of OCD.  Magical thinking can be anything from contamination to if I turn around three times or stare really hard at something the bad thing wont happen. Sounds weird and is weird and we know it is thats why its a disorder and not a delusion.
The faulty belief that thought=action is the biggest hurdle it is incredibly difficult to grasp, at least for me maybe some of you that have done further ERP can attest, that the mere concept of a thought not being the same as an action is completely and totally mind blowing.
Free will? Yeah thats terrifying. IDK about anyone else but free will is absolutely terrifying; what do you mean i could do anything i wanted?
Thats how you face OCD(WITH A TRAINED THERAPIST). You give in to ambiguity and the unknown. Its breaking that link between thought and action. Its incredibly difficult and draining. A five minute exposure leaves me in shatters for a week and two five minute ones had me ripping my nails past the nail beds with anxiety.
Just a reminder: Do not have your character expose themself or expose folks with OCD to a trigger to “ help us get over with”. That is literally forcing someone with a mental illness into a break down and is not helpful. In fact its worse because a person knows about this intrusive thought and they tried to make it real. More shame and some trauma. 
If you have OCD, more likely than not a family member or significant other has tried this with the purest of intentions. But it never works like that. Theres a reason that therapists get special training for this. If people want a post on ERP I can make one at some point. 
Actually let’s drag me with the squirrel thing as the example- fellow OCD Folks get out a pen and paper and try breaking down one of yours;
Obsession:Squirrel will be murdered
Trigger: seeing a squirrel
 Intrusive thought: Graphic images of a squirrel being murdered by a hawk/ impaling depending on the day
Misinterpretation/feared consequence: Squirrel will be killed and its all my fault
Somatic and Psychological Anxiety:intense anxiety, palms sweating, heart racing,
Compulsions/Rituals: Must stare at the squirrel to prevent bad things from happening, 
Now imagine if that is every time you see a fucking squirrel. You have somehow become completely and totally transfixed on a squirrel and nothing is going to pull your attention away or the squirrel dies- which your mind is giving you lovely images of btw.
Cute right?
Below are the subtypes with general information/example thoughts/ and how some of these have impacted me socially because apparently some people dont understand that mental illnesses impact their social lives?? yall...
Social: This can range from ‘ i am constantly thinking i did something wrong so i have to ask for reassurance that we are still friends’ to completely unrealistic worries. Maybe its an intrusive thought that ‘ your voice is annoying them’ . There’s reassurance seeking, internal and external checking.
 It makes friendships extremely difficult and exhausting. You’re not trying to get to know someone with an annoying frat boy egging on anxiety in your brain. This can also manifest as having strict rules for yourself and ethical codes. 
My therapist likes to say she could give us (folks with OCD) a pile of hundred dollar bills and come back and they’d all be returned. Because OCD makes you so strict and morally confined. Which ISNT fun. Like I dont get pleasure over having to memorize the entire Code of Conduct!
Social Media: Its the bane of human existence some days and a lifeline the next. But what if everytime your follower count was an odd/even number it sent you into a panic attack. What if you spent all your time with intrusive thoughts that somehow someone misinterpreted a post or that someone is going to be harmed by a post you made about tapirs. 
You may be forced to block people to get your number down or keep pornbots on your blog to keep your number what you like (see there is a use for them! We sacrifice those before actual users!) You may be refreshing your page every second because ‘what if you miss a message’. It's going to look a lot like ‘check check check check reassure yourself double check your posts check check check reassure check check FALSE MEMORY check your post etc’
Clothing/Body Image: When its not Body Dysmorphia it can be OCD. Sometimes this looks like I obsess about a body part and therefore I choose my clothes/hairstyles to hide those.  Some personal examples: as a kid I was sure that mind readers exist ( THIS IS AN OCD THING TOO I was so relieved to find that out) and that if i didnt wear  a particular hat they would see all these horrible thoughts and it would be revealed what an awful person I was. So I wore the same dumb ass bucket hat for a year (or more I cannot remember but it was a long ass time).
I was once so fixated on being given a compliment on my eye color that I wore sunglasses (even at night) to a summer camp. And if any of those teen girls in that cabin that stood up and mocked me in a crowded lunch hall by singing ‘i wear my sunglasses at night’ you all owe me 40$.
Even younger still I had intrusive thoughts. Like say, if anyone noticed I was female that i would be kidnapped so I chopped my hair very short. I altered my appearance to be very androgynous and even switched to walking more masculine. Because omg if your hips move someones going to kill you thats just how it works. ( It doesnt help I later figured out I was a lesbian)
Your wardrobe may be impacted by OCD and yes so can your body image.
Also yes the fear of mind readers is also a thing; i always thought I was somehow faking OCD because yes that is also a…..
Faking: Do you value telling the truth? Do you detest lying ? Boy Howdy do I have some news for you. OCD is going to try and convince you that YOU LIED. Whether it was on a chastity pledge to get a free sandwich or in a conversation you just HAD. This links a lot with false memory OCD.
Another aspect is OCD makes us doubt we have OCD and tries to convince us we have any other diagnosis under the sun and we are obviously faking our OCD.
Sexual Orientation OCD; It is as it is called. Sexual Orientation OCD is what happens when your brain goes ‘hold on what if you’re not this orientation what if you are THAT’. It doesn’t matter where on the LGBT umbrella you fall you will have OCD trying to convince you otherwise. From compulsive staring at members of the same/opposite gender to compulsively reassuring or checking with yourself to ensure that ‘ no no you are in fact THIS orientation.’ 
This can range in behavior from binge watching porn, staring compulsively to check that there is OR is NOT attraction,self checking past experiences and memories, analyzing your clothing and your lifestyle in painful and intricate methods.
False Memory OCD; False memory OCD is basically your brain sitting you in a noir interrogation room, handcuffing you to a chair grilling you. It demands that you did *insert bad thing here*. This can range from anything from something Harm based to pretty much *anything* from other OCD subtypes. Which is quite delightful really.
Sensorimotor OCD; Sensorimotor OCD is obsessive body responses. These can be ‘ I have to cough really hard and really feel it right in my chest and if I can’t get it right I have to cough until I do’. This can be counting your heartbeats. Trying to check yourself that you in fact have a heart and checking and reassuring that it is still beating. It can be hyper-awareness of swallowing or even swallowing repeatedly. It is anything with selective attention; ie its an automated process but your OCD is forcing you to be aware of it.
Your OCD makes you aware of the sensation of, say, breathing, and then it convinces you that if you stop paying attention to it you will stop breathing. So now you’re horribly aware and focused solely on breathing and breathing alone. It keeps me up most nights with the pounding anxiety fueled by the pressure of ‘if you stop focusing on breathing you will stop breathing completely’ or waiting to feel that last heartbeat in your chest. 
Existential OCD; You ever feel existential ? Existential OCD is like having a very aggressive existential crisis that turns you into NEEDING answers IMMEDIATELY. This can look anything from hours panic scrolling the net to panic inducing anxiety because you don't know what happens after death. The thoughts are like foghorns on a misty sea.
This sounds basic and the only example i can give is as a teeny tiny 7 year old I had a panic attack in bed screaming that ‘ what if im a dinosaur and im asleep and i wake up and my whole family is GONE’.
To be fair I did like dinosaurs a lot.
Harm OCD; This is pretty self explanatory but I will give more details. Harm OCD is OCD demanding that you will/could/can/may have/might harmed yourself/others/any living creature and that you alone are responsible. 
This means anything from getting anxious driving over crosswalks because ‘what if you dont see one and hit someone and its all your fault and you hit someone go back and make sure you havent hit anyone’ to ‘im holding a knife so im going to accidentally stab someone’ to ‘ i didnt see my cat this morning and now im at work and think she must be dead and i am responsible for her demise.’
 It can be as simple as ‘if i use a pencil i will stab myself in the eye’ or as complex as ‘ i may accidentally say a slur’/ ‘ i am going to say this horrible thing out loud if i cannot control myself.’ It can also be images of terror or racist/sexist/ableist jokes in your mind that repeat like a broken record.
(Please note from section 1 that this is extremely anxiety provoking and not something you would do. OCD preys on what we respect the most.)
pOCD; Tumblr listen the fuck up because I am tired of seeing people get called shit on this website for having this mental illness. People who experience pOCD are not pedophiles, they do not get any pleasure or benefit. The thoughts and images are meant to induce harm to the person experiencing them. Children are normally the trigger for this and the resulting images can be very graphic. Again you aren’t attracted to children- thoughts of them getting harmed hurt you so your OCD makes you see them.
Know this so you can advocate for folks with pOCD in real life. Remember we are here. We are suffering and we are terrified of your children.
Poisoning others/or in your food; Life isn’t medieval anymore but sometimes OCD demands we have a food taster or that we obsessively worry that we may kill someone with our cooking. Personally I struggle with colorblindness so I am constantly fretful over cooking any sort of meat so it’s difficult for me to cook it.
 However this also comes as; obsessive horrible thoughts of your cooking kill someone or that you have somehow/accidentally poisoned someone’s food (even if you haven’t touched it or been within a foot of it ) or that someone has poisoned YOUR food even if no one has touched it except you. You’re going to be picking apart your food or unable to eat out at all.
Emotional Contamination: It’s similar to magical thinking and this terrifying prospect of mind readers. Emotional contamination can manifest as anything from intense worry over somehow gaining someone else’s negative personality traits.
 Or that somehow by interacting with any role of someone horrible will make YOU somehow also responsible for the horribleness.  There is usually a person or a type of person that is a trigger, but it can also be location based.
 This is one subtype where magical thinking and superstition are apparent.  
For instance; as a teen if a male was in my space or had physical contact;like shaking hands,giving a high five, being in my room etc. I would have to go around and physically touch all the objects that I perceive they may have also touched as a way to cancel out their presence. 
This includes wiping off myself to negate even the touch of family members. It really hurts peoples feelings, my father was especially hurt by this.
Physical Contamination: This goes beyond physical dirt and grime. Most of us dont have spotless homes because if you’re having a fist fight with your brain everyday cleaning falls by the wayside just like it would for anyone else. Physical contamination holds 2 things: physical contamination obsessions AND compulsive cleaning behaviors/rituals. We believe that a small amount of a contaminate can cover large surfaces.
 Oh, and did I mention its not JUST dirt/germs/viruses. The list is expansive but heres a mixed bag of what they can be: sticky substances,dead animals,glitter (FUCKING GLITTER),negative words or language,colors, numbers, surfaces in general, food, people, and activities.  There is also a hyper responsibility to protect yourself and others from ‘contamination’.
Strangely there is a magical separation between the contaminated world and the ‘clean’ one. Spaces designated as clean would be a bedroom/bathroom/workspace where you are most active. That space is where the compulsions and intrusive thoughts occur. Its not I MUST CLEAN EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME. Otherwise I would be working cleaning houses because why the hell not amiright?
A real world example from a colleague would be a young man with physical contamination OCD is struck with such intrusive thoughts about cleaning that they refuse to allow anyone in their room or any animals in their home. But they are not able to even flush the toilet, take out the trash, wash dishes, or do garbage because of their intrusive thoughts.
The most famous would be compulsive hand washing but I feel it is important to also note OTHER aspects of physical contamination because everyone sees the hand scrubbing stereotype. 
Other compulsions include intricate rituals, not touching the floor (i played X-treme the floor is lava during college. I couldnt let my feet touch the floor because it was ‘dirty’),excessive showering (2-8+ hour showers guys, 8 hour showers. Thats what we’re talking about.)
Relationship OCD: This comes as no surprise that yes you will have intrusive thoughts that you are somehow harming/ will harm/ may accidentally harm your significant other. Whether that be by physical or emotional means. It can look like ‘ I may have lied to her about how much I love her’, ‘ i may not actually love her and I may be leading her on’, and ‘ I must be corrupting her’. These can extend to certain physical activities with false memory OCD as a cherry on top. A great finishing garnish to leave you feeling absolutely dismayed and unable to trust your own perception.
Scrupulosity: Religion! Whatever that may be! Its a thing with OCD.  With Scrupulosity obsessive thoughts run all over the board from; you committed a sin and forgot about it you monster to having to pray continuously/ a certain time/ until its right. What is right?Ask OCD that’s the only person who knows. 
We are fairly certain my grandfather had OCD because he went to church for every single Catholic Mass. Every single day. Every. Single. Day.  That’s not a healthy amount of attendance(I'm calling you out posthumously because I care Robert!). This can also look like: praying a certain amount of times. Praying until you do it ‘right’. Confessing every single potential sin. Cataloguing and dwelling over ‘sinful’ things. 
Symmetry or Just Right OCD: Symmetry OCD is the runner up for ‘most likely recognized on tv shows’ award.
Symmetry OCD convinces you that if *insert thing here* isnt symmetrical or ‘just right’ (a magical position or number of objects that makes 0 logical sense) that something bad will happen.
This can range from the known; rearranging things. But it also looks like buying more objects until you reach the right amount and even throwing out objects if theres ‘too many’.
It can range from ‘the walls are percievably not straight so now i avoid that room at all costs otherwise i will be trapped traveling the edges of the wall with my eyes otherwise it will fall in and murder us ALL.’ to ‘ this historical bust is one inch off to the left and now all i see is visions of it breaking against the ground.’
So that is what I have time for. 9 pages on subtypes and basic information. If you find yourself wanting me information all of this is easily accessible online. So go, be free and dont ever compare people to Monk again. Write Batman and Scott Summers with OCD. Give us ACTUAL representation and not throw away joke lines. We are here. Our suffering isnt funny. We deserve representation too.
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smylealong · 3 years
Fanfiction Recap
@terribleteej tagged me for a fanfiction recap. Well, I wrote quite a few, so brace yourselves for a long post. Keeping it all behind a “keep reading” so you don’t have to scroll down a LONG post. (fics are linked with the title)
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Broken Hearts and Shattered Breaths - Thirteen years after the war, Sokka breaks into Zuko's courtroom with a plea to help Katara who faces certain death. Zuko abandons everything to rush to his friend's aid, but once there, he realizes that for Katara to live, he has to make a big sacrifice - one he is not ready for. Post War Zutara. (Finished)
Subterfuge - Thirty years ago, the Fire Nation attacked, throwing the world off balance. Katara entered the Fire Nation war camp at Ba Sing Se as a healer, prepared to do whatever it takes to play her part in stopping the war. Getting kidnapped with the Fire Prince and falling in love with him were not parts of the plan.AU. Zutara.This is the Zutara story I have always wanted to read but never found it anywhere. So I decided to write it myself. (Ongoing)
Sleepless in Ba Sing Se - Zuko did not sleep. Hasn’t done so in years. Spending the nights alone is getting tougher and tougher. But then, he meets someone else who also spends the nights alone. Together, Katara and Zuko are Sleepless in Ba Sing Se. Modern AU. (Ongoing)
Embers and Snowflakes- Six years after tragedy tore them apart, Katara meets Zuko at a party. Old feelings rise anew.- Modern AU. Zutara week 2020. (Finished)
Tease- Three one-shots where Zuko teases Katara. Non-canon compliant. (Finished)
My Country: The New Age
Knife- Nam Seon ho thinks after Nam Jeon's death, when Hwi asks him to live. (Finished)
My Brother- Consumed by his own rage, Hwi had failed to see the loneliness of the one he called his best friend. For the world, Seon Ho painted himself as the villain. And Hwi took his words at face value, never bothering to peel the mask and see what lay behind it. Seon Ho had inherited poison. He drank it, day in and out. Somehow, somewhere, the venom had to manifest. The poison had consumed Seon Ho, leaving behind this hollow shell. While Hwi had real venom running through his veins, corroding him slowly, Seon Ho’s venom had consumed his soul. Where Hwi realizes just how much pain Seon Ho hides behind his impassive, expressionless face and the cold persona. (Finished)
Forged in Fire- "Make your decision. Will you die by his hand or thrive in darkness?" Surrounded by fire and facing certain death, Nam Seon-ho makes a dangerous wager. One that works his way and now he has a talented Jurchen swordsman as a retainer. But months of rivalry cannot be set side by just shaking their hands. What happened after they escaped the burning hut in Uiju? This fic traces the duo's journey from Uiju to Kaesong. (Finished)
Save Me
Growing Pains- The unexpected appearance of someone from his past jostles Dong Chul, sending him spiraling into a dark place. While his ghosts come to haunt him, help comes from Im Sang Mi. Through his troubles, he learns that perhaps pain was a part of growing up. (Finished)
You Saved Me- Sang-mi might have left Goosenwon, but Goosenwon had not let Sang-mi go. The nightmare that began three years ago, continues. They had won the battle, but the war was still on. Only this time, the battle ground is Mooji and the weapon they have is friendship, love and law. - This series reworks bits of the last episode of Save Me and then tracks the events that follow after the fall of Goosenwon. Consider this as Season 2. (Ongoing)
The King: Eternal Monarch
Stolen Moments- How did Jo Yeong and Myeong Seung-ah end up together, hidden from everyone's eyes. (Ongoing)
The Untamed
Birth of the Yiling Patriarch-  “This place is called Burial Mounds. It’s a mountain of corpses, an old battleground. You can dig up a corpse wherever you point your shovel. Countless, nameless corpses have been randomly wrapped up and tossed here for years innumerable. Look at these dark clouds. Isn’t the hatred strong? Isn’t the resentful energy thick? When a living person goes in, there is no return for either the body or the soul. Ah, Wei Ying. Let me see if you can keep smiling till the end.”Wei Wuxian is stranded in the worst place in the world. Surrounded by malicious entities and he is alone. Coreless and defenseless. Yet, he emerges victorious. This is how the the Yiling Patriarch was born. Alternatively: A chronicle of the three months that Wei Wuxian spends alone in the Burial Mounds. (Ongoing)
I tag @sadviper @avauntus @elciaisshrinking and @rain-hat for their impressive list. @arlothia you get double tag from me.
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More Than Words (Ten)
This chapter requires tissues and the obligatory TW of (temporary, because it’s Wade and because we have 19 more chapters) Character Death. Also beneath the cut cos it’s a little difficult to read and I don’t want anyone randomly scrolling to be upset. 
Tissues! (seriously) And if you don’t 100% hate me after reading, I’d love to hear what you think because I sort of love the end sequence! 
Wade didn’t think he would make it home to the cabin. 
He must have faded in and out of living a half dozen times, blacking out and coming back to himself with a scream, every breath agony, the weight of the lion at his back terrifying. 
Somehow, the Alpha got a hold of his hunting knife, somehow he wrenched his arm back far enough to slash through the muscle and sinew in the predators foreleg and make the beast scream in anger. It shifted its weight in a split second of shock and Wade took the knife in his other hand, heaving himself to the side and using the momentum to hack up and into whatever he could reach. 
He couldn’t see through the red dripping into his eyes, could barely stand with one thigh shredded nearly to bone, but Wade still struggled to his feet, still pressed a hand to his torn side and staggered off in the direction of the cabin, bloody prints marring the snow with stuttered, sluggish prints. 
He didn’t know if the cat was still behind him or if he’d wounded the creature beyond repair. All the Alpha could think about was getting home to his mate, to his Omega, making sure Peter was alright because that was the only thing that ever mattered. 
He would heal, he always healed, he would heal and he would be fine but Peter would be alone in the cabin, alone and probably frightened----
“Pete.” Wade meant to yell, he meant to shout but the word came as nothing more than a wheeze, a desperate pant as he stumbled past the trees at the edge of the clearing. “P--Pete-- my mate--” 
Peter was too pale, leaning on the door frame as if he could barely stand on his own, and through the stink of blood and his own pain Wade could feel the terror from his mate, could almost feel the way Peter was shaking, sore and confused.
He felt it, felt the attack.
“Wade! Alpha!” the Omega ran to meet Wade, and then there were soft soft hands at his face, a panicked sob when his legs gave out and Peter nearly collapsed under his bulk. “Oh no no no, please. Please my mate, don’t do this. What happened, what happened to you? No no no, please. Wade? Wade!” 
The last thing Wade saw was his mate’s eyes flood with tears, spill down over gorgeous freckles and onto beautiful, bite reddened lips. 
“Wade?” Peter’s voice pitcher in terror, clanging sharp against Wade’s ears as he spiraled towards darkness. “No no no, don't close your eyes! Don’t close your eyes! WADE!” 
It took a level of strength Peter didn’t know he possessed to get the Alpha out of the cold and into the cabin. Wade was practically massive, thick limbs and solid muscles and when he was unconscious, all that mass was simply deadweight, heavier than Peter by almost a hundred pounds. 
The Omega struggled and strained through every step, hooked his hands under his Alpha’s shoulders and dragged Wade through the door and over to the fireplace where it was warm. Peter couldn’t look at the smear of red left on the cabin floor, so he set Wade’s head down as gently as he could before running for blankets, blinking tears away as he went. 
No no no, my Alpha. Not this, please not this. 
He needed blankets, right? Blankets and towels and wait--the wash basin needed filled first and oh no, the pot above the fireplace. That needed to be filled first and set to boiling so he could disinfect rags for a compress. Rags had to disinfected, right? But first he should make sure Wade was comfortable, that was more important. A pillow maybe, or no no no wait he should try to stop the bleeding first, he had to stop the bleeding first---
“Focus.” Peter dragged his fingers through his hair and then recoiled in horror when he realized they were stained with Wade’s blood. “Oh my god-- oh my god---” 
He was sick into the wash basin immediately, and fuck now that needed to be cleaned before he could fill it again and oh Jesus he did not know what to do.” 
“Focus.” the word was a whimper. “Focus, Peter. Come on. Okay okay okay.” the Omega forced a steadying breath, then another and another. In through the nose and out through the mouth, in through the nose and out through the mouth until he wasn’t shaking quite as badly. “I can do this. One step at a time.”
I can’t do this.
“I’m here.” Peter whispered to Wade’s still form, over the doubt circling in his mind. “I’m here, I can do this. I can help Alpha. I can--” he closed his eyes and clenched his fists, willing away the last of the pain that had hit so suddenly before, the lingering migraine from when he’d passed out on the cabin floor. 
It had obviously been a reaction to Wade being attacked, their souls linked so tightly that they shared pain and even though the migraine was nearly blinding, Peter still managed a tiny smile. 
He was hurt because his mate was hurt, and if that wasn’t proof they were meant to be together, nothing was.
“I can do this.” He repeated, ad it was a little stronger this time, the reminder of their bond settling his scattered mind. “I-- I can do this.” 
“Stay with me, Alpha. Stay with me.” Peter managed to fill the pot at the fireplace despite the still lingering tremor in his hands, and then he grabbed one of the extra sheets from the basket by the bed to tear into strips. Fingers at Wade’s pulse and the Omega choked back a grateful sob when he could still feel a weak heartbeat. “Okay my love, I dunno what I’m doing but I’m gonna try anyway okay? Hold on.” 
It was impossible not to cry as Peter poured first water and then a measure of Wade’s moonshine over the would at the Alpha’s side. He didn’t know much about first aid, but he knew that alcohol cleaned wounds and he hoped Wade’s healing factor would negate any damage to surrounding tissue and muscle. 
“I’m sorry.” he whispered when Wade seized up in pain, the Alpha’s body contorting in an effort to twist away from the burn. “I’m so so sorry, I’m just trying to help. Stay still, Alpha my Alpha, stay still.” 
Peter cleaned the gouges with the warmer water from the pot until it ran clean into the cracks of the floor and then he gently gently wrapped the bedsheet around Wade’s abdomen, pushing the fabric beneath the Alpha’s back and pulling it out the other side until Wade was wrapped tight. 
The gouge at Wade’s thigh had stopped bleeding already and Peter didn’t know if that was good or bad, but he was grateful for any reprieve, and made quick work of scrubbing away the dried remnants to see where the cut began and ended before cleaning it with alcohol and water again. 
This time Wade barely twitched and Peter held a compress to the gash while he felt again for a pulse, cursing when it was even weaker than before. “Stay with me, love.” he begged. “Oh please, hold on for me. I can’t do this without you.” 
There was a myriad of smaller cuts on Wade’s arms and shoulders and the Omega leaned in and lay a shaky kiss on one that had already healed in the time it had taken Wade to escape the cat and make it to the cabin. He cleaned the others as best he could, ripped pieces from the sheet to wrap Wade’s torn hands and up his forearms, and when all that was finished, Peter set to work pulling Wade’s boots off and cutting what remained of the Alpha’s trousers away. 
The clothes couldn’t be saved, they’d require more sewing and material than Peter had on hand and he doubted the blood would ever come out. Even if the clothes came clean, he’d never be able to look at them again without remembering his Alpha bleeding out on the floor and--
Nope, can’t do that.
The clothes would be rolled in the ash from the fireplace and buried in the clearing so no other predators would be attracted to the smell, and once the sheets came off Wade’s injury, those would be buried as well. 
He never wanted to see them again. 
A pillow under the Alpha’s head, a bundle of blankets beneath the hurt leg, and Peter checked Wade’s pulse one more time before finally stepping away to wipe the blood from his palms and under his fingernails. 
His tongue hurt from biting it so hard as he worked, the tremble in his hands had spread clear through to his core and as the Omega tried to clean up the mess near the door, this time he didn’t bother to quiet his sobs. 
Tears mingled with the boiling water from the fireside pot and wet the rags with the rest of Wade’s blood, dripped onto the back of Peter’s hands as he scrubbed, burned in his eyes along with the fumes of moonshine as he poured the high-proof alcohol into the wooden slats to erase the reddened stain. The air was thick with the smell of looming death, Wade’s cedar and licorice scent buried beneath the stomach churning stink of despair and Peter-- 
-- Peter didn’t know what else to do. 
He couldn’t leave Wade alone to get help in Haven, and even if Peter could ride Arthur or Bea, he had no way of knowing whether the pass down the mountain was open or not. There wasn’t even a way to get word to Bruce and somehow hope the Doctor could make it up the slopes to their cabin in time to help. 
The ibuprofen in his pack could be crushed and mixed with water, poured down the Alpha’s throat to combat any fever but it might already be too late for that sort of thing, or Wade’s healing factor might cancel anything the medicine would do, which would make it a wasted effort.
The wounds on Wade’s shoulder already healing was a good sign and Peter clung to that tendril of hope with his entire heart, even as makeshift bandaging turned scarlet over the deeper wounds and the Omega knew in his soul Wade wasn’t healing fast enough. 
He could keep the fire going all day and all night, there was plenty of wood and plenty of kindling so at least he didn’t have to worry about that. The goat had already been milked for the day, the chickens and horses taken care of only a few minutes before Peter had returned to the cabin and then collapsed when Wade was attacked, so chores were done at least until morning. 
Peter could concentrate on cleaning up the cabin, on keeping Wade comfortable, on making sure there was always hot water around to disinfect the next round of bandages. There was one more sheet that could be torn to strips and then the Omega would use the more worn out of their clothing, Wade didn’t actually keep much moon shine on hand, but there was enough for a second round of disinfecting in case an infection set in. 
Peter could have sold his soul for a proper first aid kit with gauze and disinfectant and supplies for stitches, but even as he wished for better tools, he knew it was a moot point. 
He didn’t know what to do, and the overwhelming helplessness of the entire situation sent Peter back to the wash basin on his knees, gagging and heaving as he was sick all over again. 
He didn’t know what to do. Wade was lying there maybe healing, possibly dying and Peter didn’t know what to do. He didn’t know how to sew a wound shut even if he had the needle and thread, and other than keeping pressure on the deepest cuts, he didn’t know where to go beyond the first rudimentary bandages. 
Two months Peter had lived in this timeline and other than the initial panic attack, he hadn’t worried a single whit about how he would survive. Any insecurity was hushed by Wade’s expertise, any worry rushed away by the Alpha’s reassurance of age and experience and Peter had grown comfortable, maybe even confident in his new found life. 
But now his Alpha was unconscious, barely breathing and steadily bleeding through the bandages. His scars were too pronounced on too pale skin, not even the sunshine through the windows and the firelight able to bring a healthy color to his face.The broad chest Peter loved to snuggle up against was rising and falling only barely, the thick arms limp and powerful legs useless. 
Peter didn’t know what to do, and for the first time since that first, fateful day, Wade wasn’t able to help. 
I’m sorry, Alpha. I’m sorry I don’t know what else to do. 
Peter carried the wash basin outside and washed the sick from it, rubbing snow around the bowl and scrubbing at it with a piece of soap, swishing alcohol around it for good measure. The simple chore and the bracing cold helped to settle his mind and gave him a break from the awfulness of everything in side, but even as he gulped in deep breaths of clean air, Peter didn’t dare linger too long. 
Back inside, Wade was still and pale and Peter dragged the chair up close to the Alpha’s frame, then settled cross legged on the floor and lifted his mate’s head up into his lap. Careful careful fingers down Wade’s cheekbones and along the sharply defined jaw, and Peter lingered over the barely there pulse for a long minute before flattening his palm over Wade’s heart and closing his eyes. 
Thump-thump. Thump-thump. Thump-thump. 
“Stay with me, Alpha.” he whispered. 
Thump-thump. Thump-thump.Thump-thump. 
“I can’t do this without you.” Peter tried hard not to cry again. “I mean it. I really can’t do this without you. The goat is too ornery, I can’t handle her alone, she hates me.” 
Thump-thump. Thump-thump. Thump-thump. 
“And besides.” He leaned far over to bump their noses together gently. “I’ve gotten entirely too spoiled sleeping next to you every night. I’m not going to go back to sleeping alone in that big bed, I refuse.” 
Thump-thump. Thump-thump. Thump-thump.
“We already decided I won’t be shoveling snow, so you’ve gotta wake up at least for that.” He tried to smile, though Wade’s eyes weren’t open to see it. “And I know I’m getting better at chopping kindling but I dunno if I can even lift that axe out there, so you know… hurry and wake up so I don’t have to try it alone.” 
Thump-thump. Thump-thump. Thump-thump. 
Thump-thump. Thump-thump. Thump-thump.
“I’ve got to put another log on the fire, stay right here.” Sometime later, Peter eased out from beneath Wade to stoke the fire up. The room was almost stifling, but the Alpha was shivering, cold and clammy and Peter tried hard not to panic when he felt Wade’s forehead. “Oh no. Oh shit, you’re too hot. You need to cool down. I don’t um--” he shook his head. “Okay hold on. Hold on, my mate. I’ll get some snow.” 
It didn’t feel right to lay snow soaked rags on Wade’s neck and down his chest, but Peter did it anyway, muffling a distressed whimper when the Alpha started shivering harder. “I’m so sorry, I'm so sorry I don’t know how to do this better.” 
Thump-thump. Thump-thump. Thump-thump.
“I’m sorry.” Peter said again once he was back holding his mate, his hand steady over Wade’s heart. “I don’t know what you’d do in this situation, but I feel like you’d be better than me. I have--” tears, and he didn’t bother to wipe them away. “--I have never felt more helpless in my entire life.” 
Morning fell into afternoon, and afternoon slid right into evening, the hours passing without the Omega noticing. Peter only moved from Wade’s side to re-dip cold rags or stoke the fire, only took his hand off his mate’s pulse and heartbeat to try and coax a few sips of water down the Alpha’s throat. Peter’s butt went numb and his legs fell asleep, every vertebrae in his back aching with the effort of being hunched over for so long, but still the Omega sat on the hard floor and held his mate. 
Thump-thump. Thump-thump. Thump-thump.
He tried to talk to fill the silence, part of him hoping Wade would hear his voice and come back to consciousness, the other part of him afraid if the cabin went quiet, Wade’s heartbeat would go quiet too. 
Peter talked about his friends, talked about Auntie May, talked about the article he’d written that had led to him receiving the grant. He whispered stories about modern life and all the things Wade would never believe about the twenty-first century, chuckled through recitations of his favorite part of terrible comedies, pondered aloud the differences between Wade and the Alphas he knew back home, questioned how different his life would be if the seventies and eighties hadn’t been rife with Omega led protests for equality. 
Thump-thump. Thump-thump. Thump-thump.
Exhaustion hung oppressive over the Omega’s shoulders but Peter fought to keep his eyes open, not willing to miss a single breath, a single blink, any sort of sign that Wade was recovering. The scrapes that had healed earlier had already deepened into new scars and Peter concentrated on tracing the new lines, learning and relearning their contours in an effort to stay awake. 
Thump-thump. Thump-thump. Thump-thump.
Sleep was an unwanted mercy, and Peter cursed out loud every time he jerked awake and realized he had drifted. He rushed to check Wade’s heart, to feel along the cuts, to check the bandages for fresh blood and sat up straighter, sipped at ice cold water to shock his system alert and talked even louder for as long as he could. 
Sleep was an unwanted mercy, inevitable and needed and eventually the Omega’s head fell forward and his eyes stayed shut after too long a blink. The stars were out by now, the moon high in the sky and while the well fed fire crackled behind the grate, Peter gave in to slumber after nineteen hours of desperate vigil. 
Thump-thump. Thump-thump. Thump-thump.
Thump-thump. Thump-thump. Thump-thump.
Thump-thump. Thump-thump.
Peter stirred as the sun was barely rising over the horizon. The fire was nothing more than coals, the cabin almost uncomfortably warm despite the freezing temperatures outside and the Alpha in his arms was--
“Wade?” Peter rubbed at his eyes then pressed hard over his mate’s heart, searched for a pulse at the Alpha’s throat and down at Wade’s wrist, leaned over and listened for any rattling breath, strained to see the rise and fall of Wade’s chest. 
No no no.
@ships-galore @ceealaina @izziebladez @cwar1864 @hausoffro @lookuplaughing @tonystarkisanangel @multishippinglife @girlnic @iam93percentstardust @water-colouredmemories @paranormalmoonlight5 @igotloki @moosette05 @wayward-student-philosopher @kaz-brekkers-gloves @atomicfandombomb @desitonystark @ricecakeandhoney @ardatlily @fawnandgays @bluedreamdino @bibbarnes @blackstar1602 @hi-inevitable-im-deadpool @scientifically-lesbian-jesus @the-pagely-gun-slinger @oshuncheyenne @the-dragonwolf-den @pumpkin-spidey @sozvuchiy @cappunico @tired-dragons01 @chiby-chan @ahumoki0 @kanizsacollage @tulipsnbigcats @hiddenaurora @notchronicle24 @marvels-gurl @iridescent-idiot
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kristallioness · 3 years
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2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019
*arrives a month late*... Happy 2021 to all of you, my dear followers! *raises a glass* It seems that my tendency to finish my artwork or personal posts on time has only gotten worse over time (I blame work *lol*). Oh well, better late than never, since there are things I would still like to take with me from this extraordinary year of 2020.
It is cringeworthy that I have two huge red X-s this year. But after I'd put these puzzle pieces together, I remembered far too well what was going on in my (work) life at the time, so it's completely understandable why I didn't have the time nor the energy to draw at all during those two months.
What were those typical statistics that I wrote about again to compare the years? *goes to read last year's post*.. Oh, right! In 2020, I managed to finish 3 full digital drawings (from the months of April, July and December) as well as work on several sketches. I wrote 28,154 words worth of fanfiction (oohh, that's a lot better than previous year), plus 3,126 words in English (I dare say I wrote an equal amount in Estonian) for the prompts I got during UYLD (making the total 31,280 words, which is quite impressive!).
I finished reading the 1st Kyoshi novel in the evening of the 20th and slightly past midnight on the 21st December (barely before the holidays, but I set this goal for myself and I did it!). Am already looking forward to starting with the 2nd part some time this year. Besides that, I ordered and received all the other new Avatar books that came out (3rd part of "Ruins of the Empire", "Katara and the Pirate's Silver", "Legacy of the Fire Nation") as well as BOTH Avatar series DVD sets (I still can't believe I found these on sale on some random online store in Estonia, but these are now among my most prized possessions!).
I finally started my Avatar rewatch last January, but merely got to the Ba Sing Se episodes in Book 2 (I need to continue with "The Earth King") and now it's been 5 YEARS since I last saw Korra. Reading through my journal personal posts from last year, I know far too well that it's not about rushing through it as fast as possible. Instead, I should enjoy the ride and continue watching the episodes when I'm well rested and in the right mood. That way I'll end up feeling much more at peace.
As for the entire year as a whole? I don't think anyone in this world of ours was prepared for the way this decade would begin - with an uncontrollable pandemic, the virus of which is randomly attacking and threatening to wipe out the weakest amongst us. If any of you (or even if you know someone who) have lost a loved one to this plague, there is not much else I can offer but my sincerest condolences! Me, my family, friends and colleagues seem to have managed to avoid catching it so far. *spits 3 x over her shoulder*
I had such high hopes for this year in so many ways. Event-wise I was looking forward to watching the Eurovision Song Contest in May (where Uku Suviste was supposed to represent Estonia for the 1st time ever after so many unfortunate failures to get selected as the winner of our local competition), the European Football Championships in June (asking my colleagues which countries they support, perhaps make fun bets / guesses with them to see whose team would win the matches), the Tokyo Olympic Games in July-August, the President of Estonia (Mrs. Kersti Kaljulaid) coming to visit my hometown to celebrate our Victory Day by taking part in the parade together with the Defence Forces (after 15 years *sigh*)...
I will always remember my last big event, which took place when life used to be "normal", so to say. It was the 102nd anniversary of Estonia on the 24th of February, when I took part of all the most important celebrations in Tallinn on our Independence Day, FULL-TIME (whenever I scroll through my Facebook timeline, I see the photos I uploaded of that day, my heart melts and I smile fondly). But the day after that.. utter hell broke loose. We had our first infected person in the country.
I will also remember the last day I went to work in "normal" conditions. Friday, the 13th of March (typically my lucky day-number combination): I missed the tram I wanted to get on in the morning, at work my team received great news that one of our colleague's family had grown bigger by a new tiny member the day before, we had our last team lunch together, we discussed the safety measures that we should take and joked about what might happen next week, I took the bus home instead of the tram (as the tram's route came from the airport and that place was considered to be more dangerous and with a higher risk of catching this virus).. It was another 2.5 weeks later by then (since the 25th of February) - Estonia (along with the rest of Europe) went into full lockdown.
The beginning was frightening and people were on edge, nobody really knew what to do nor what was gonna happen next. But in time, things began to shake into place and everybody developed a comfortable routine for remote work, including figuring out how to get everyday things done (such as grocery shopping). I found solace in taking photographs of various beautiful bird species, who began to fly around and serenaded me during spring, visiting the trees around my "nest" i.e. rented apartment (with a pair of them ACTUALLY building a nest in the chestnut tree right beside my window, thus turning me into a protective godmother of their chicks).
To be honest, I was awestruck by the positive / surprising aftermath of this lockdown: how the world / environment began to heal itself from the pollution that was normally caused by humans. I was taken aback by how dead silent our usually loud capital became in my neighbourhood (I could only hear trams passing by my house according to their schedules, practically no cars whatsoever, streets were empty of people.. absolute silence).
By May-June, things started to look up in Estonia (as well as the rest of Europe) and people were allowed to start travelling / moving around more freely. During my vacation in July, I managed to go to my last (open air) event (for the rest of the year) under these new "corona" conditions and ended up having a blast at the Open Farm Days in my home county for the first time.
Our country's shining moment came during the first week of September, when we hosted the first ever Rally Estonia of the World Rally Championship (WRC), where our very own Ott Tänak and Martin Järveoja won. The event was so well organized and successful that nobody caught the virus nor did the spectators / participants spread it to others, which surely must've helped in ensuring us a spot in the WRC calendar for 2021 as well.
The remainder of the year was rather dull, with the exception of the US Presidential elections in November, when we were all holding our breaths that Joe Biden would win (congratulations, my American friends!). This eventually led to the painful downfall of THE WORST government the Republic of Estonia has ever had, and to the rise of our first female Prime Minister, Kaja Kallas (both happening in January 2021, I couldn't believe it all spiralled so soon, ha-ha!).
Anyways, during the last 4 months, work was very stressful and driving me nuts, so badly that when I eventually went on vacation before Christmas, I had a slight anxiety disorder that wouldn't let me relax for several days (luckily it went away just as quickly once I began to take it easy and managed to get some proper rest / sleep).
In hindsight, I kind of get this weird feeling as if I saw this whole thing coming, given how actively I was living my life throughout 2019. My final year of the 2010's was so full of important events and personal achievements. It's almost as if something mysterious inside was driving me, telling me to visit all the places and do all the things I wanted to do, cause I wouldn't have this sort of a chance again for a very long time.
This must be the main reason why I am thankful for 2020 for going the way it did. Sure, I'm disappointed that a lot of events were cancelled, that so many people have had to leave this world so soon due to this unpredictable disease.. But I think there are so many lessons to take from what came out of all of this. I believe the world needed some sort of a restart or break, given in what direction we were headed (politically, economically, environmentally, socially etc.). I'm just sorry it's had to come with such a high price of innocent lives.
I have even higher hopes for 2021, given how amazingly January has already passed for me and my country, and what is to come in my hometown in February. Let's take the lessons learned from 2020 with us and keep on heading back towards the "normal" lifestyle we used to know. Except this time, let's improve our ways, put all the hatred behind us, be more considerate, keep a distance, stay safe, but still try to make the world a better place for everyone. Thank you so much for reading, for remaining by my side, and for your support and love throughout the years, my friends! I hope to see you all alive and healthy at the end of the white metal ox year of 2021! *virtual hugs*
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samsbastardzone · 4 years
kiss meme: 16, 32, 45, 47. for osfyr and chef’s pick of partner. also these were randomly generated so i do not actually know what these are as i send this
you givea me the rights.... hohoho
readmore for the rights of anyone scrolling past this!
16. One person pouting, only to have it removed by a kiss from the other person.
It’s only right, of course it is, that Osfyr should be doing this. It’s their old friend they’re talking about, of course they want to find him. But as he’s watching them do the final check on their pack, Xerxes can’t help but be a little sad.
“It’s hard to go from Constant Boyfriend to No Boyfriend, you know?”
Osfyr jumps and looks over at the doorway to see him leaning there, a smile cracking their face. “Babe, I’m hardly leaving you forever. We can talk, like, SO many times per day, for a whole twenty-five words each!”
Xerxes’s lips quirk briefly before descending back into a pout. “But I don’t know how long you’ll take to find them,” he begins to cross the room, “and besides, doll, I’d much rather have you here...” His hands brush Osfyr’s waist and settle on their hips, but they turn away, laughing.
“X, why don’t I call Yelkian and ask him to stay here for a bit if you’ll be so lonely without me?”
Their voice is teasing, but Xerxes’s frown only deepens. “But I want you.”
Osfyr’s heart flutters a little at the sight and the sentiment, and all they can think to do in response is plant a solid kiss on Xerxes’s lips. They can feel his pout smooth out under their care, and by the time they break apart he’s smiling too.
“I’ll be home when I can. I’m only going off to find them in the first place, it’ll be easier to visit them when I have more to go on than drugged-out rambling. And I’ll call often.”
Xerxes’s smile is soft and loving. “Say hi to Drago and Jennifer for me, alright?”
Osfyr breaks away to buckle their bag shut before kissing him again, briefly. “I will.”
32. A kiss so passionate, so perfect - that after they part, neither person can open their eyes for a few moments afterwards.
They were going to have to fight, of course– no way around it. He’d been pretty sure they were going to win as well, but there’s never certainty in these things. He trusts Osfyr– enough to listen to them when they told him he wouldn’t be safe in the city, although he’s not sure he believes it. So he’s been hunkering down with their family for a time, with various degrees of tension– the parents and one brother have been mostly ignoring him, while the sister and the other brother are much friendlier. Still, it’s been a hard few days.
It’s a lovely late spring evening, and Yelkian is inspecting the burned-out shell of a house in the dying light when he hears a thump behind him. Whirling around, hands already in a casting pose, he sees Osfyr crouching on the ground awkwardly and looking up at him, relief and joy evident all over their face, and his shoulders relax.
“We won.”
And suddenly they’re crossing the short distance to him in a single bound, and pressing their lips to his, and all the air leaves his lungs in a single instant. Their hands come up to grab his face and keep him there and he’s not objecting, just rests his own on the small of their back finally finally finally and hangs on for dear life. When they pull back, their face is wet with tears, and for once in their life, they’re speechless. Their forehead presses against his, and the sounds of the grassland at night hit him all at once– they’re surrounded by a full complement of crickets. He doesn’t want to move from this spot.
“Hey,” they say, and it sounds like a promise.
“Hey,” he says back, and it’s a witting response– yes, that was alright, I’d like to do that every day until I die or you do.
They seem to understand, and they’re certainly not rushing to reunite with their family, so Yelkian is content simply to stand there in that crumbling town, feeling more stable than he has in years.
45. Kisses exchanged as they move around, hitting the edges of tables or nearly tripping over things on the floor before making it to the sofa, or bed.
The sounds of the party fade in the background, replaced with hurried footsteps and labored, stair-climbing breaths. “How the hell do you manage all these stairs every day?”
“I got used to it, weaksauce, and now I have these to show for my troubles.” Jupiter lifts her dress just enough to show off her strong calf, and Osfyr immediately misses a step and falls, because they are a Disaster. Jupiter stops and offers a surprisingly firm hand up off the ground, which Osfyr accepts graciously. “Don’t worry, though, we’re almost there, and I intend to have you much more than fall down at my feet.”
As Osfyr hoped, as soon as the door closes to Jupiter’s private quarters, they’re bracketed against it and being kissed senseless. One of her forearms is braced on the door by their head, and one hand is on the side of their neck, thumb stroking their cheek. They gasp, and squirm, but she’s got them tight, only pulling back to drop a line of kisses down their jaw and bite across their collarbone.
“As lovely– oh– as this is, unless you intend– hnnn– to have me against this door, we should probably move.” She responds with a wicked grin and a deliberate grind of her hips into theirs, and their eyes flutter closed. “To the bed, Jupiter.”
Her eyes twinkle in the lamplight. “I’m terribly sorry. Of course. Right away, oh saviour of Boralus–”
She’s cut off by another kiss, Osfyr planting their hands on her hips and walking her backwards towards... something. Osfyr’s never been here before, is the thing, and it’s sort of hard to navigate someone else’s house when 1. The lighting is practically nonexistent, and 2. Most of your field of view is filled with said person’s eyes. There’s a reason people tend to close their eyes while kissing. All this to say, Jupiter’s back hits another doorframe with an oof sound, and that’s just fine. Now it’s her turn to gasp as red marks are sucked into her neck, hands tangled in thick hair.
It doesn’t last long, though. “Osfyr– Osfyr this is the kitchen. I’m sure there are better places– fine, I’ll just show you.” She tries to push them, but they aren’t budging, and in the end she just sort of steers them towards her bedroom still latched to her. Except, then they nip a little at a sensitive spot, and she forgets completely that she was unpacking a  new chest of dresses that morning, and suddenly she’s on the floor with a willing partner under her, eyes wide and panting, and then their hand is on her hip pulling her down and their other hand is on the laces of her dress and maybe the rug will do just fine after all.
Next time, they make it to the bed. The time after that, just the couch, then the bed again, then they make a game of it and aim for the kitchen just for fun.
47. A kiss paired with a tight hug, knocking the breath out of the person being hugged.
Osfyr wasn’t expecting it to break this badly. They’d tagged along last minute on a vacation with Jupiter and Krem, hoping to spark a bit more of a connection with their girlfriend’s boyfriend. They’d gotten attacked on the journey, though, and said boyfriend had been laid flat by, of all things, a dragon– an escaped  “monk” out for revenge. Jupiter had saved the day while Osfyr was busy having a panic attack.
When they finally come back to themself, Jupiter is kneeling over Krem and pouring a healing potion down his throat. He sits up, sputtering a little, and gazes at Jupiter above him, and just wraps his arms around her and buries himself in her shoulder. Osfyr looks on as they try to stop shaking and sobbing. Eventually, they succeed, but they’re still crouched rocking in the dirt, oblivious to the world.
Without much preamble, Krem is kneeling before them, having untangled from Juupiter. “You hurt much? Are you doing better?”
They take a deep, shuddering breath and nod, finally looking up to meet his gaze– the intensity is startling, not least the clear depth of his worry for them, and they can’t help but to surge up, kissing him briefly but mainly wrapping themself around him as tightly as they can manage. He’s muscly enough to do a damn good hug, and Osfyr is also clinging tightly enough to make Krem wince.
“Ouch– bruised rib–”
“Whoops– sorry Krem–”
A shadow looms over the both of them, and Jupiter extends a hand up to each of them. “I’m glad you both got through that, boys.”
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trialround · 4 years
[Here’s the beginning]
Philipp Aschenwald/Gregor Schlierenzauer
Zakopane 2020
Everything is fine.
I hate that word.
We had the conversation two days ago when we arrived, and maybe it should have been awkward and weird, but it kind of felt like any other conversation we have.
“So we’re just not going to talk about the kissing?”
“That’s right.”
“Shut up.”
And that was it. Short and simple, with Gregor being snappy towards me like he usually is. Gregor went to take the shower after, and I stared at the door for five minutes before I stood up and left the room. I spent the evening with Daniel and Jan and it was fine.
Everything was fine. Yes, the kissing had been great the other week, and yes, maybe I had had dreams of us continuing the kissing in the future, but I knew those were only dreams and the reality was, it probably had been just a game for Gregor. It was fine. Maybe even good that it had turned out that way, because I knew myself, and I knew that kissing, however great, wouldn’t be enough for me. Still it had felt nice to have someone so close to you, if even for a little while. To share that moment of intimacy with someone else. With Gregor.
But I was fine with how things had turned out. Everything was fine.
Everything is fine.
I hate that word.
Everything is not fine. Everything is fine with Gregor ignoring me. I was expecting that. I wished it wouldn’t go that way, but it was Gregor and I expected nothing from the older man.
But this. This was not fine. I was innocent. I hadn’t done anything wrong. I had passed by the stupid can on the counter. I had maybe brushed it, the tiniest bit, and of course the can had taken the opportunity and jumped to the floor.
I almost had a heart attack for those two seconds when I watched the can fall, because it would’ve been just my luck to see the can of energy drink explode over all of Gregor’s clothes. But it hadn’t. It had stayed intact, and I did a little victory dance before picking the can up.
That’s when everything went to hell.
The fucking can of Red Bull exploded in my hand, soaked my t-shirt and the floor.
I panic.
Then stop panicking. Because it’s fine. Fine, like everything else in my life.
I curse out loud, take my soggy t-shirt off and use it to wipe the floor. The floor is sticky and it smells – I smell – but otherwise I am able to clean of the mess. I’m still crawling on the floor, making sure I have cleaned off every drop, and that is of course when Gregor walks in.
It’s fine.
Just a man of my dreams staring at me while I crawl shirtless on the floor looking like a mess. Do I always have to be crawling in his presence? Can’t I act like a normal person for once?
I probably shouldn’t open my mouth. Opening my mouth usually makes everything worse. But I need to defende myself. So –
“It wasn’t me! I didn’t do anything! It just exploded.”
Gregor looks at me up and down, and I know he doesn’t believe me. I get up from the floor, remind myself of all the dignity I have, and meet Gregor’s eyes. Gregor cocks his head to the side.
“I cleaned it up already. Nothing got near your stuff, don’t worry.”
Gregor sniffs the air. The room reeks of energy drink. Or maybe it’s mostly me. Gregor grimaces, while I try to sneak a peek around the room to make sure Gregor’s camera is far away from the war zone. He’d never speak with me again if I ruined his precious Leica. Thankfully, it lies on his side of the bed, safe from any potential splashes of energy drink.
“Take a shower. You stink.”
“Right. Yes. I’m on it.” I escape to the bathroom with my ruined t-shirt.
Gregor is sitting on the bed, when I come back from the shower with a towel around my waist. He is fiddling with his phone and doesn’t look at me when I dig clean boxers out of my suitcase. That means he’s not mad. Which is great.
Although maybe it would be better if he was mad, because at least then he would look at me, and I’d know for sure that I exist in his world.
Gosh, I’m pathetic.
I crawl to my side of the bed, careful not to cross the line between our sides. I take my own phone and start to scroll the Instagram feed, hoping that the pretty pictures would be enough to get my mind off of everything that happened.
The silence around us is nothing new. We usually go the whole evening without saying anything to each other. That’s how Gregor likes it. This time though, this time the silence lasts only a couple of minutes.
Gregor sniffs twice, turns to me and sniffs again.
“You still stink.”
“I just took a shower,” I huff.
“Did you wash your hair?”
“It got to my hair?” I turn to him, and try to lift my hand to feel if my hair is sticky from the energy drink, but he beats me to it. He lifts his hand, fingers brushing my hair as he leans closer. He’s looking at me, maybe searching my face for something, some sign that his touch wouldn’t be welcome. He finds no such sign.
I blink as he leans over the invisible line between our sides of the bed. I blink as his hand drops from my hair to my neck. I blink as he pulls me closer.
And then we are kissing and I don’t blink anymore, because I have closed my eyes and I’m breathing him in as he is kissing my bottom lip, then licking his way into my mouth, and yes, he was right.
I do still stink. I can smell a faint whiff of Red Bull in the air, and the smell keeps me from forgetting the world around us, and I pull back, and Gregor makes a noise, which almost sounds like a whine.
“We are kissing.” Well, good job, genius. Very attentive.
“We are”, he smiles at me, and I’m blinking again. “You have a problem with that?”
“No.” No, not when he looks at me like that, with that soft smile on his face, the smile I’ve seen only once before, the last time we kissed a week ago.
“Good,” he smiles as he leans closer, and for another moment I’m lost on his lips. It’s definitely not a game for him this time, I think randomly, as he smiles against my lips.
Except maybe it is. Maybe he’s bored and figured kissing me would be a great way to spend an evening. Which it is, but I don’t want to be just a pastime for him – not for anyone.
“Yes,” I breathe against his lips, and for a second he thinks I’m encouraging him on, because he moves closer, pushes me against my pillow as he pulls our bodies flush together, and it’s like a dream come true, except it isn’t, because I dream of so much more than just a meaningless kiss. It would be so easy to let go and just go with him wherever he wants to take me, but – “Yes, I have a problem with that.”
The effect of my words is instant. He pulls back, back to his side of the bed, the smile fading from his face, and I realize the difference my words made. It’s a mask he keeps on his face, a mask he only ever drops when we are kissing: the mask of indifference.
“Okay.” It’s the only thing he says, grabbing his phone and starting to scroll again. It’s like the past two minutes never happened.
“It’s just that,” I feel like I need to explain myself although I’m not sure if he wants to hear my words. “It’s just that last time you didn’t want to talk about it.”
“That’s right. Still don’t.”
“Right, yes. And see, I kind of do want to talk about it,” I continue.
“Clearly,” Gregor says, and although his voice is neutral, there’s a tiny smile tugging on the corner of his lip, a crack in his mask.
“I mean, just kissing is great, but I’m kind of past the stage where I just want to kiss guys without it meaning anything. Like, don’t get me wrong, you’re a great kisser. Which obviously you know that.” I’m rambling. Someone shut me up before I have time to embarrass myself any further. Of course no one does stop me, because Gregor is the only other person in the room with me and my rambling seems to amuse him. So I continue. “But it just bothers me to kiss you and then not talk about it for a week and I think it’s fair for both of us to be on the same page with that. I don’t know how you have done things in the past. Not that I’m implying that you’ve been sleeping around. Which. I doesn’t matter if you have. Or haven’t. Really, it’s none of my business what you’ve been doing in the past. But it is my business what you do with me. And. Yeah. The kissing and not talking after. That doesn’t work for me.” I stop to take a breath, and I’m fully prepared to babble even more, because that’s what I’m good at, but apparently Gregor takes pity on me, because he interrupts before I can continue.
“So you want me to take you out on a date or what?”
“No,” I laugh. He looks at me, lifting his brow. It’s infuriating. “Yes?”
“Okay?” I repeat. He turns back to his phone. “Wait? Okay as in okay you’ll take me out or okay this conversation is over?”
“Okay,” he says again and refuses to look at me. I blink at him, trying to understand. There’s a smile on his lips, one he’s definitely trying to hide, but he’s not as successful as he probably likes to think he is. Maybe it is still a game for him. Maybe everything is. Who knows.
“You are the most annoying person ever, did you know that?”
“I know.”
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Three Hundred: It’s Futile ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Suigin Ryū ] [ SasuHina ] [ Gun, vulgarity ] [ Verse: Oil and Blood ] [ AO3 Link ]
“Sir, please...I need you to calm d-”
“Y-you don’t understand! This thing, it’s...it’s killing me! Since the model is outdated, my insurance won’t cover it...a-and I can’t afford to have it replaced! And fixing something this old...no one’ll do it, let alone have the parts. And it’ll cost me too much! Please...there’s gotta be something you can do!”
Head in her hands as she tries to think, Hinata mutes herself while she heaves a gusty sigh. How many times a day does she hear stories like this…? It’s all part of her job, she has to numb herself to it, and yet...it eats at her. Every time she has to turn someone down for help, it kills her a little more inside. What she wouldn’t give to find a new job, but they’re so scarce…
“...sir,” she then offers, reenabling her communication mod. As she does, furtive glances side to side show her colleagues busy with calls of their own...and their floor manager is nowhere in sight. Cupping a hand over her ear, she makes to act as if she’s simply leaning her head into her palm.
But as she does, a new transmission - text-based - begins sending alongside the call.
“I’m so sorry, but your policy is...is clear. There’s nothing I can do. If your model is outdated and no longer within the service pool, it cannot be w-worked on and be covered. You’ll have to have it replaced.”
Via text, she sends him, I know an underground biotech who can help. Meet me, and we can see her together to get something figured out. Her high-paying clients help cover those like you. Don’t reply to this text until after five o’clock to give me your answer. She then adds coordinates and a time for a meeting.
There’s a long pause as he clearly goes over her message. “I...I understand. Thank you for your time, miss. I’ll...I’ll think over my options and see what I can do.”
“All right then, sir. I hope you have a good rest of your day.”
“...I’ll try.”
Letting the call end, Hinata sits back in her chair with a heavy sigh. Oh, if only she could do that for everyone…! But this particular client is suffering from a mod that aids in regulating his heart rate. It could literally kill him if it doesn’t get fixed, and soon. Someone with a loose elbow socket or a cosmetic mod that keeps turning their hair green is not as needing of care. Her underground contact will be able to help him...if he agrees to meet. There’s a risk on all sides, after all...this is very, very illegal.
...but it’s also a matter of life or death.
Technically Hinata can’t arrange any of it until she’s off the clock. Sending that text was risky - she has a relay scrambler to help cover her tracks while she’s connected to the company’s network, but she only uses it when absolutely necessary as not to gain attention to herself. If she were caught going through back doors to help clients that would otherwise be denied their claims? Not only would she lose her job, she’d end up in jail. The government takes mod regulation very, very seriously.
...Hinata knows that well, as both the daughter of a mod mogul, and being someone who’s worked in mod claims for several years now. Few are aware of the ins and outs - and the corruption - of the industry more than her.
She originally got this job hoping she’d be able to help people. Her father’s greed and bowing to the governmental contracts meant a great deal of suffering. Surely companies like the one she found herself working for after her father disowned her would help remedy it, right?
Ha...wrong. They don’t exist to help people...they exist to extort people. And though Hinata does her little bits of good when she can...overall, she’s hardly making a dent.
Hence taking opportunities like this when she can. Any small difference in the grand scheme might be a huge impact one just one life. And for her...for now...that’s enough.
...just like when she hauled that Uchiha out of the litter and took him to the same doctor she’ll be taking this man to, if all goes well.
Which reminds her...this might be a good way to get his debt repaid…! Then she won’t have to worry about him randomly showing up like he did a few days ago, trying to get her to assign him a task to relieve the debt. He’d agreed to serve as a makeshift bodyguard the next time she arranged a meeting like this. It’s perfect…!
She doubts anything will go wrong - it hasn’t yet. But either way, they’ll be out of each other’s hair.
So when her shift ends and she’s cut off from the company network, she steps outside and has her communicator mod dial him.
Unable to help a small jump at the blunt answer, she stutters, “I-I, um...this is Hinata. Uchiha-san…?”
“I know it’s you.”
“Oh...well, I just wanted to forewarn you, I might have an upcoming job for you. To...to settle the debt?”
“Perfect. Just send me the details and I’ll be there.”
“All right...thank you.”
The line then goes dead, and she decides to head to her meeting place. She has about twenty minutes - plenty of time. If he shows, she’ll take him to the doc. If not...well, she did all she could. She can hardly force him. Until she knows, however, there’s no point in calling Sasuke in case the man doesn’t show.
The time comes...and then goes. Deciding to wait, Hinata pretends to scroll through her feed along her palm, not wanting to look suspicious.
Ten minutes after the designated time, she’s almost ready to leave when a man walks up beside her.
“That’s me. You must be Ito-san?”
“Yes...you - you said you could help me?”
“I can take you to someone who can,” Hinata offers, giving him a small smile. “But we have to be careful...if you would, I’d like to call a...friend of mine to go with us. Just to make sure we’re safe.”
“Oh...are they trustworthy?”
“...yes. It won’t take him long to get here, I just need to call.” Dialing hands-free, Hinata hears Sasuke answer before offering, “Can you make it to my location?”
“Lucky for you, I’m a block away. Had a feeling it would be soon.”
“Thank you.” Disconnecting, Hinata gives the patient another brief smile. “Just a minute, sir.”
When Sasuke approaches, however, Ito goes white as a sheet. “I-is he…?”
“A friend,” Hinata insists, giving Sasuke a look. “It’s not too far, so he won’t be with us long. As I said, it’s just to make sure we arrive safely.”
“...right…” Tone faint, Ito follows as Hinata leads the way toward the doc’s shop, who she sends a mentally-dictated text to forewarning of their arrival.
Got it. I’ll be ready for you in ten.
Rounding the last corner, Hinata can’t help a small gasp as someone suddenly lifts an arm, barring her path as the limb rests at eye level. Ito, beside her, also goes stock still as, from every shadow outside the clinic, men begin to appear.
“Well, well...look who showed up. This the one?”
Nearby, a sunken-eyed man looks Hinata over. “...yeah. That’s her. That’s the one I saw talkin’ to the Uchiha the other day.”
Ohhh shit.
“...p-please sir, I...I have a client that needs -”
“I don’t care about your client, sweetheart,” one of the other yakuza offers, lazily letting his bat rest over his shoulder. “The Uchiha. Where is he?”
“...I-I…” Is he not behind them…? Did he see the ambush coming and bolt?
“I know you two’re in cahoots. So, you tell me where he is...and I don’t gotta bust your kneecaps. Sound like a d-?”
Like a cord-pulled machine, the man suddenly goes slack, crumbling to the alley floor. There’s a moment of shock, and Hinata uses it to drag Ito back around the corner as gunfire rings out.
“O-oh gods...oh gods…!”
“Please, just stay calm!”
“M-my chest...I-I can’t…!”
Panic mounting, Hinata tries to glance around to the chaos. She doesn’t see Sasuke: only the half a dozen goons firing wildly at a ghost.
“Get out here, bastard!” one calls. “It’s futile! I don’t give a shit what mods you have, you’re not takin’ down all of us!”
“Wanna bet?”
In what looks like a flicker, Sasuke stands beside him, pistol to the man’s head before it goes off with a muffled bang. The firestorm starts all over, Hinata flinching back from the sounds. Ito, in the interim, doesn’t look good...she has to get him to the clinic...!
With a roar, an engine flares to life, and a hoverbike screams out from the building toward them. Whipping around, the doc shouts, “GET ON!”
Hefting Ito into the sidecar, Hinata sits behind the doctor, who - for now - circles around the block to buy time.
“What’s going on?”
“I-I don’t know!”
“What about the patient?”
“F...faulty, outdated pacemaker mod. It’s been giving him pain, and I think he might be having a heart attack from the stress!”
Ducking into another alley, Ryū powers down the engine, tossing a piece of tech to the sideroad mouth. An image flickers to life, a hologram hiding their presence as it displays an empty alleyway.
“Let me see.”
Moving out of the way, Hinata lets her work, watching nervously as she attempts to save his life.
This is not what she had in mind…!
By now, police sirens are blaring, and the stimuli are almost making her head swim. Leaning against a building for stability, Hinata does her best to stay calm. But all she can do is worry about Ito, and Sasuke…
…is he still alive? Has he been arrested? If he was...it’s all her fault...she dragged him into -
Crying out, Hinata finds herself lifted by an arm around the throat, pulled out past the hologram and tossed into a van. Doors quickly slam shut, and tires squeal.
“You chose the wrong side in this little turf war, missy,” one of the gangsters offers.
Struggling to breathe in her panic, she can still make out the leaf tattoo along the man’s neck.
Oh gods.
As they fly from the scene, Hinata can’t help but recall the doctor’s words: about helping so many Uchiha. If they found her...will they…? And Sasuke...is he still alive? He...he must be. Why else would they take her? She doesn’t know anything or anyone else!
...or maybe they think she does.
Either way...things just went from bad to worse.
     More cyberpunk AU! And uh...things got a little messy :'D Here Hinata thought she'd be getting out of a problem, and now...well, quite clearly, she's got an even BIGGER problem! Fun!      I really really REALLY like this verse xD I've even been writing a liiittle bit of it with my OC, too (the doc in this mini series) over on my other account...and I wanna do more! But hopefully I'll have a good prompt soon to do more here, cuz...well, cliffhanger! Sorry xD      Anyway, it's SUPER late and I'm falling asleep on my keyboard, so I better go lol - thanks for reading!
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celestialstress · 5 years
Sorry @cas-is-a-hunter​ I accidentally deleted the post, thank god for google docs
Well Quindlen, Quinndiana Jones, buddy, chum, pal your literally all my asks almost all the time thank you ily
This is for my and @itzshira‘s superhero au so they did help me tysm bean, bless
20 head cannons per character because all would be to much (200 in all)
And I will only be doing the ships in a separate post because I can
A tall boi at around 6’1, tallest boi
High school jock? High school theater nerd? Practices fencing in high school? Yes!
Flirty boi, and will look up at you with a wink well kissing your hand
Quality gentleman but will talk about himself a bit to much on the first date
His tongue pokes out slightly well he is working on stories or reading scripts
Plays the guitar
Quick to anger but will feel bad after, potentially spoiling their boyfriend after they fight unless he knows he's right or is still mad
Has a big family and is the oldest sibling, his siblings steal his Disney stuff and a dog named Princess
His eyes are brownish red but look red in curtain lighting
He and Remy have sleepovers where they will go to the mall spend like $200 and come home with a fashion show for the other
Over protective, but not in a bad way, yes yes there is a bad way (checking of texts and stuff that can make the other uncomfortable are the bad way)
Has made a comic but doesn't show anyone because he is scared of their reaction
“this is my lap now I have claimed it as a seat, best throne in the house”
Favorite video game, card game, and board game? Dance Dance Revolution, Uno, and Battleship
Tends to look up well thinking, leaning back on his heels as he does
Will overwork himself but not as often due to his beauty sleep schedule
Usually will tease and joke but is good as ‘reading the room’ and will become serious if need be
An overthinking child, but usually only when they are stressed
He will talk out his feelings but will sometimes hide things he thinks he can handle or are insecure about
VERY gushy about any crush he has “you'll see I'm their prince charming” and stuff like that
Another tall boi at around 5’10, second tallest boi even if he slouches
His hoodie is oversized and baggy but it looks great
Sleep? No scrolling through tumblr for hours, same amount of nightmares, but those I can scroll past
His dad is bi and he the two live with his step dad and step brother Thomas
Fight or Flight? Leans more towards Fight
Has a little shadow wolf pup named Fang
Just moved here this year
Has quiet anger, going silent with everyone especially the person he is mad at.
When Virgil found out he had a crushed he probably (hopefully lightly) banged his head in a wall then face planted on his bed yelling "Ahhhhh" into it for knows how long
If anyone asked if he had a crush, even if they didn't specify the crush's name, he'd get defensive and refuse. Though you could probably tell he was lying
He is very bad at opening up to others, he does try but it's hard
Bites his fingernails, to be more specific his right thumbs nail
Walks to and from school with Roman, having usually playful arguments on the way
Favorite video game, card game, and board game? Fallout 4, Mafia, and Connect Four
Plays the piano and has learned half of his playlist on it as well as meme music
Roman has entered into his house when it was dark forgetting about a sleepover, just to walk in hearing Virgil playing horror music, or megalovania
But he is also teaching Patton how to play piano, they just started though
His playlist is larger than Roman's ego
Has gotten in a debate with Logan about crocs, no one left happy
Yes yes he does have his pet spider we love her, her name is Luna
Kinda tall boi at around 5’6, one things for sure, his stance is straighter than he is
Nervous glasses and tie adjusting
Used to be homeschooled
Someone please get this boy a more understanding mother, please our boy needs to understand that he isn't a failed and can relax
Gets really confused when it comes to emotions that aren't an everyday occurrence
Will stay up for days on end rewriting his paper, his cat doesn't help
The oldest in the group, and will use that to get the others to listen to him
Has an older brother who moved out right when he was 18, cutting off all communication with the family
Don't lie to him, he can literally read your thoughts
Was in debate but almost got kicked out for yelling falsehood to much, so he uses the extra time to hang out with friends
He doesn't like to be held, most of the time at least, he does have his moments
When he has a crush he doesn't realise it and will question himself wait why did I share my crofters sandwich with him? Sure he didn't have a lunch but my crofters
Favorite video game, card game, and board game? Portal, Solitaire, and Risk
His selfview gets shattered by a douche named Richard (thank you Shira for the fitting name)
His dad works at home and is usually in his office
Well if one thing is for sure, Logan doesn't handle being upset very well, just don't get them silently mad
He has a hard time passing at classes and when he finally did traded it out for college courses
The smart boi will strategies things, but if one thing goes wrong he will have a very hard time functioning
Rarely flirts but can't take a flirt at all, unless they are mad then don't try but Logan.exe crashing is easy when he is relaxing
Smolest boi at around 5'1, he loves his height because he loves the tall slouched hugs of his friends.
Commonly wears oversized sweaters and shorts rather than a cardigan and sweater tied around his shoulders
This child is great at sewing, and made the other beans costumes using Roman and Remy's designs
Parents are usually on business trips and rarely home
Also still believes in Santa because “how would gifts get here if my parents aren't here for Christmas” thank you Roman
Has a pet hamster named Mr. Squeakers the first name is Sammy
Patton is more supportive than protective, though when he feels he needs to will block an attack or stand in the middle of a fight (which is more often than not)
He likes to be picked up, and really doesn't care by who most times
Probably has glitter or marker somewhere on him at all times
A cuddler, especially when he is tired, he will cuddle up to one of his friends or a doll and fall asleep
He can bake but not cook, don't let him cook
His hair is a curly mess no matter how much he brushes it
Favorite video game, card game, and board game? Animal Crossing, Go Fish, and Candy Land
He does have his cat hoodie but he usually wears it one or two days a week and as pajamas until he can or remembers to get it washed for school again
He was in gymnastics and is a very flexible child
Him and Roman were childhood friends
Will play connect the dots with the freckles on his arm when he's bored
Spends most of his day out of the house doing nothing in particular
When he realizes he has a crush is usually quickly after he gets one and his face goes pure red but he's happy about it
Kinda tall boi at around 5'8
A very sarcastic child, usually when he is lying
This bean has vitiligo and it is mostly where his scales would be
Heterochromia as well, one green and one brown eye
Will confusedly shake gifts before opening them if he randomly received them
Has played a game of patty cake in a closet, probably the strangest experience he's had but he enjoyed it
Uses his magic to cheat on tests
Will poke out his tongue when annoyed
Upset Dee is not a Dee you want to deal with they can be very hostile unless they like you
Wears at least two bracelets everyday
An ace boi who we love
He loves his hat, his hat was a gift from his parents and he rarely takes it off
Literally changed some of his wardrobe to match said hat
Favorite video game, card game, and board game? Skyrim, Town Of Salem, Jenga
First to learn to drive
He plays the flute, and loves to play simple yet pretty melodies on it
He doesn't like parties but he won't say no if invited, though he usually stays near his friend or where there is the least amount of people
Will sometimes steal something small at parties
He has a pet garden snake named Luka, Luka is a good danger noodle who likes to chill in pockets
Usually wears colored contacts to school to hide his different eye colors
Second shortest boi at around 5’3, and he hates his height wanting to be taller
Talking to himself during movies and shows? Yes
A nervous flirter most times but we stan
A lot stronger then he looks, and his sweaters don't help lol
He has a defensive anger and will argue easier when mad, or give them questions to make them shut up so he can leave
Will hide out by himself when mad or nervous as well
An easily jealous bean but we still love him
He loves to cook and is a good cook
Has more sweaters then I have friends
Just barely bad enough nearsightedness to make it so he needs glasses
He used to have fake glasses though now he hates his real ones
Plays the violin and learned the Steven Universe songs
Is a lucky bean, gets a TV in his room
Favorite video game, card game, and board game? Kingdom Of Hearts, Exploding Kittens, and Mancala
Holding hands and hugs are a given
Has little action figures and dolls around his room
Bold of you to assume he doesn't have way to many onesies for one person
Shops at hot topic for the fandom merch, but brings Remy because they enjoy everything there
Has a few posters scattered around his room but they are the cloth ones
He is very quick to self blame for instances and think “maybe if I did this-”
A medium height child at around 5'5, wears five inch heels to add on
Wears crop tops most often but idk where I got that idea from
Doesn't sleep and binge watches cartoons a lot
Addicted to coffee, and will shake without it after a while
Has and will just insult someone who is throwing punches at them and insult said person rather than actually fight in some cases
Their hair is a mess most of the time due to sleeping in and not having time to fix it
They live with their dad, their mom walked out on the family when they were five
They have Aniridia, and are almost always seen wearing sunglasses and watching shows for long periods of time can and is difficult
Has a very hard time opening up about anything, it takes a lot of trust
I guess you could say they've experienced a lot because I don't want to get into it but some of it involves alcohol and parties
Has played seven minutes in heaven once and they ended up literally playing patty cake in the closet because making out wasn't specified
Bold of you to assume they don't have a Scottish Fold, and bold of you to assume her name isn't Belle
Secretly watched all of SU and Adventure Time
Favorite video game, card game, and board game? Mario Kart, Cards Against Humanity, and Blokus
Their eyes have a gold ring around where the pupils should be when they use their magic canceling ability
Will either sleep for a whole day or not sleep for weeks
Has two leather jackets but most commonly wears their more warm out one rather than the newer one
Is the kid who pulled the fire alarm in elementary school
They are really good at rollerblading/ice skating
They ran out of coffee once after almost a week of no sleep and just shut down completely in class
They will carry each other, even if Remy is taller, Picani is stronger and Remy is lighter than they seem.
Cuddles on the couch watching SU after making or buying brownies, depends on how lazy they are that day
Remy doesn’t know weather to be amused or annoyed with how people get so confused on the relationship
If they were to propose they would both have a ring ready on the date but Emilie would manage to get it out first, and Remy would just sit there in a excited shock as they pull out the ring they were gonna use
Sharing clothes is common between the two, even if their styles are completely different
The first time Remy took off their heels next to Picani he made a short joke, even if he’s shorter
Emilie will sometimes gain the confidence to flirt without being embarrassed which causes Remy to be even more flushed (less aww but more holy crap)
Remy rarely swears in front of Picani, it just doesn’t feel right to them
Picani keeps their house lights dim when ever Remy comes over so they can keep their sunglasses off
“Remy..? What are you doing..?” “mixing five hour energy, redbull and coffee” concerned Picani noises
Remy will sometimes bring their cat to Picani’s house without telling him beforehand, just because “I didn’t want Belle to be home alone”
Picani got rid of his coffee maker to try to help Remy stop drinking coffee
Remy still manages to somehow get coffee without leaving his house
Picani and Remy make small deals to slowly help the other with their insecurities “I’ll let you borrow my jacket if you can at least try to complement yourself more”
They really don’t fight until one can’t bottle it up anymore and the other impulsively responds
Remy jumping towards Picani not realising he had a drink and him dropping his tea just to catch them
Picani does need some help reaching the higher shelves where Remy will just climb onto the counter
Picani doesn’t want to push Remy to talk and Remy rarely wants to say what’s wrong or something that has happened
Picani is usually the first to initiate a hug, where Remy is usually the first to hold his hand
The insecurities of one is ome of the things that the other loves most about them (Remy’s pure black eyes and Emilie’s talking to themself during movies)
Forehead touching, and a soft kisses? Yss
One of them will usually give the other random facts of the day
“a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet-” “the rose was the theater next to the Shakespearean theater and it had a sewage problem causing it to stink that was made to mock it” “Logan why-?”
Star gazing on cool summer nights with a warm blanket in a hammock
Roman is really bad with roller coaster drops and will cling onto Logan
Roman is the type of boyfriend who will steal the fries from your plate
Logan enjoys Roman’s random bursts of inspiration where he will excitedly talk about ideas for an hour
Taking dance lessons together
Neither of them will let the other touch their hair unless they are tired enough
Small play tickle fights were Roman will sometimes purposely let Logan win
Roman does try to carry Logan it usually doesn’t end in his favor
The two do tend to fight, as all relationships do, but afterwards they will silently talk it out on the couch until they feel better or at least understand it better
Game nights on fridays
They both refuse to give up on a game of monopoly that has taken them two years so far
Roman will never admit it but he will play D&D with Logan
Watching Doctor who on the couch cuddling with a bowl of popcorn in between them? Definitely
Roman was the first person to see Logan cry, and Logan would be one of the first people who get Roman to talk about his insecurities
Roman is a flirty boi Logan.exe crashing is common (idk why I phrased it like this)
Debates on who's magic is stronger, it ends in more of a tie because neither of them will choose themself
Gentally cuffing the other ones face when they are upset so they would look at them? Yep
Virgil gives Patton piggy back rides
Patton tries to give Virgil piggy back rides but it doesn't work out to well
They have a movie night once a week, one gets to choose the movie every other week
Patton gives Virgil a lot of gifts but will feel bad at times when Virgil gives him gifts because “I have nothing to give you in return”
They will doodle on each other, sometimes just sit there for hours silently drawing on one another
Virgil will sometimes bake with Patton, learning a few cookie recipes from doing so
“okay I'm not letting you cook you usually end up burning yourself, I got this”
Playing with eachothers hair, messing it up and sometimes fixing it
Dancing with each other in the living room when no one else is there
The best hang out moments is when it's raining and they are sitting inside with hot chocolate
Virgil is more protective over Patton, because he knows Patton isn't one to fight people
Patton will sometimes put hair clips in Virgil's hair so he can see both of Virgil's eyes
Hugs are very common unless Virgil states he isn't in the mood to have a hug
Patton found out Virgil was being bullied and refused to leave his side at school even if it means being a bit late to class
“I won't leave your side not tell you won't get hurt and until you love yourself, even then I'm here to stay”
Neither of them really flirt but they do make crappy puns to see the other laugh
Patton borrows Virgil's hoodies and has a few overly sized hoodies in case Virgil wants to borrow them
Patton's ability let's him know when Virgil is upset so he will help Virgil as much as he can to feel better
Virgil took them to an amusement park on their six month anniversary
At the mall Patton would be shamefully holding Virgil's hand, and vice versa. They go to stores that they've been wanting to go to. It's not much shame it's just the world is still not as accepting as they could be of lgbtq+
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