#steve rogers x ps reader
assembletheimagines · 2 years
Could you do a Steve Rogers x reader where reader and Steve don't get along at all and they slowly become lovers. Idk if thats alright or not. Thanks. Ps love your work.
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A/N: Fuck, I feel like I don’t know how to write enemies to lovers' trope but hey practice makes perfect?? Idk, but lmao I tried. 
Summary: Captain America gets on your nerves. But he could say the same about you. 
“You can’t just-” 
“I can’t what?” You hissed, turning to Steve with a heated glare. “Save your ass?” You pushed and watched Steve’s eyes narrow as he puffed out his chest. 
“I don’t need saving, Sweetheart.” 
You were going to scream. 
Or fight him. 
Or both. 
“Just because you’re Captain America does not mean I won't kick your ass, Rogers.” 
His scoffed laugh infuriating you more, egging you further and without hesitating you swung. 
Stronger fingers wrapped around your wrist quickly, stopping your hand from connecting to Steve’s face. And you watched with a glare as his lips turning into a dark smile. 
“Like I said,” he hummed, his hand still holding your wrist in the air. “I don’t need saving.” 
Steve’s fingers twitched as a noticeable clicking sound resonated through the quinjet. 
“Stop,” Steve’s command calm and collected as he shot you an annoyed look before moving his eyesight to where the pen rested in your hand. Your thumb hovering over the end where you wouldn’t stop pressing causing the pen tip to appear and disappear with a simple ‘click,’ over and over again. 
You looked over at Steve, eyes never leaving his. 
Steve’s eyes narrowed. 
You flipped him the bird before leaving, moving towards the back of the jet to where Sam and Nat were. 
Steve had to close his eyes momentarily as he rested his head back on his chair. Inhaling through the nose before exhaling slowly. 
He must be going crazy, Steve’s eyebrows furrowing as he hit the punching bag in front of him. 
It’s been too long. It’s been too quiet. 
You had gone on a mission with Sam that had you both out in the field for over two weeks and he punched the bag harder. 
No, he didn’t worry. Another swing. No, he didn’t want to see you. Another jab. Actually, he was more than relaxed now that you were away. The bag split open, sand falling from the inside and slowly piling on the floor as his chest heaved. 
“Quinjet 316 has landed,” F.R.I.D.A.Y’s voice sounded from above and Steve tensed. 
He didn’t know why, but he found himself walking outside as the quinjet powered down. Sam walking out with you in tow. 
Steve’s face hardened, covering any emotion as you met his gaze. 
Your eyes rolled at the sight of him standing there. “No, don’t look too enthusiastic that we’re back.” You hummed sarcastically as you walked past him. 
He turned around, shoulders tensing again. “Don’t forget to file your report.” He watched as you almost stopped walking. But you continued without looking back, raising a finger in the air back at him as single response. Sam laughed and Steve relaxed, before looking away from you entering the compound. A small smile forming at his lips. 
You walked quietly across the deck, your wet suit sticking to your body from when you jumped from the plane and landed into the ocean. 
It was a simple mission. Get on the yacht, download all the files onto your flash drive and dip. 
“Hey!” A man called out and you froze at the sound of the safety of a gun being switched. You turned around slowly, seeing a man pointing his gun at you, looking angry. “Who-” 
But before he could finish his question, his mouth went slack, his grip on the gun loosening as his body fell forward. You grunted barely having any time to catch him, dropping his softly on the ground so no noise was made. 
Your eyes met with blue one’s. Steve already putting his shield back over his arm. “Are you trying to let everyone know we are here?” You glared and Steve looked from the guy unconscious on the floor then back to you. 
“Thank you would be nice.” 
You stared at him for a moment, blinking, before you looked up at him with round innocent eyes. “Oh, thank you so much for saving me, Cap.” Your words slightly sarcastic but Steve didn’t miss a beat. 
And you had to blink in surprise again, you were fully expecting him to bicker back to you. You were used to it. But you stayed standing in the same spot as Steve walked past you. 
You didn’t know what to say, so you kept quiet as Cap took over, leading you to the main communication room so you could finish the mission. 
Your fingers slipped the flash drive into the usb port and began the download, your gaze glancing over at Steve who guarded the door. You felt confused as you replayed his response in your head. 
Fuck this dress. 
And fuck these heels. 
That was what you were thinking as you walked around the ballroom, your mask covering the top half of your face. 
You were currently on a mission, gathering intel on a possible trade of stolen vibranium and the deal was supposedly happening at this masquerade ball. 
“Suspect is leaving through the doors on the west,” Sam’s voice rang through your comm. He was working communications from on top of the roof with redwing as you played dress up with Steve and Bucky. 
“Got it,” you murmured through your ear piece as you moved across the floor, eyes on the target as the door began to close. You slipped through and watched him turn the corner. 
You were so focused on getting to the dealer that you didn’t think about the possible guards patrolling. You heard the guards' footsteps from around the corner where the target had disappeared behind, coming closer. You raised your hand ready to strike but before anything happened a hand wrapped around your wrist turning you and pushing you against the wall. 
A head dipped into the curve of your neck as you gasped. You were about to fight the person holding you to the wall with their weight before hearing the man against you speak. “Wait,” Steve’s lips barely brushing on your neck as the guards walked around the corner. You froze. 
The guards snickered as they walked past the both of you, most likely thinking it was just a drunk couple kissing. 
Once the coast was clear, Steve moved back, leading you both to finish this mission. 
As you walked your fingers ghosted over the area on your neck, you could still feel Steve’s lips on your skin. 
“Stop moving,” Steve murmured as his hands brushed over your hips. He was standing between your legs as you sat on top of the counter. You had just gotten back from a mission with Nat and everything went well. Or as well as it could have gone with the target pulling a gun on you and shooting. 
You were lucky it had only grazed your side since Nat took the guy down last minute. But when you both returned with a bandage pressed to your side you found yourself in front of Steve’s door. A weak smile on your lips when he answered. His eyes narrowing when he saw your hand holding your side. 
“It’s just a graze, Cap.” You said softly and sucked in a breath as he lifted your shirt up gently, his fingers ghosting over your bandage. 
“It could have been worse,” He countered with a frown and you rolled your eyes placing a hand on top of his that rested down on your hip again. 
“But it wasn’t,” you reassured meeting his eyes. You couldn’t read what he was thinking but it had your heart racing. “Nat-” 
But your words were cut off as Steve dropped his head on your shoulder, his arms wrapping around you as he pulled you tight to his chest. “It could have been worse.” 
The way the words fell from his lips had your heart clenching as you moved your hand to the back of his head, your fingers tugging his head back so he could look at you. You two didn’t say anything for a moment, letting the silence fill the feelings you both didn’t say. 
You both realized the shift happening between the two of you at the same time. And you didn’t think as you pulled Steve back to you. Your lips pressing into his, confirming everything you felt for him and everything he felt for you.  
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You can totally ignore my idea lol but what about a fluffy/angsty fic about Steve Rogers or Bucky Barnes being turned into a baby/toddler by Tony on accident. But because they are babies they just want to be around and held by “Y/N” and get mad or throw a cute tantrum from lack of attention or if someone tries to hit on their “Y/N”. You can ignore this if it sounds idk weird or dumb lol but I thought it would be cute like they can’t hold back there affection for them while in baby form and when they turn back they are like well shit.. lmao
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(PS: the fanart here is from Alexa_520 on Twitter I’m not sure if she has a tumblr but in case you or anyone wants to see it for yourself)
This is so cute!!!
Thank you for the idea. Here it goes. The story has little angst a bit. 
Zero Crush.
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Summary: Y/N was on her way to go out for her day off. However, her plan got interrupted because the AI told her something at the lab. You almost lose your mind seeing both of your bosses turn into babies. 
And now, she has to watch them. Y/N is okay with kids, but the problem is she has a little crush towards Captain America and The Winter Soldier. 
Character: Steve Rogers x platonic!reader, Bucky Barnes x platonic!reader
Warning: If you squint a bit, there’s a little angst. 
Main Masterlist || Buy me Ko-fi please 🥹
Drawing of baby Steve and Rogers : Drawing 1, Drawing 2, Drawing 3
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It's been a long time for Steve and Bucky to cry, even for crying their heart out to release all their feelings through tears. 
The rest of the Avengers rubbed their eyes. They couldn't believe the strongest soldiers standing tall before, were shorter than them.
Steve and Bucky have turned into babies. They were standing too close to Tony and Bruce's new invention. 
The high IQ bros try to copy the Pym-particles to shrink and increase an object.
"What kind of machine is that, Tony?!" Natasha pushed Tony away while he was still in shock. 
"I'm trying to make a quantum machine like Ant-man. Look, it works!!! The box got small.” Tony pointed at the test object.
"Yeah, it’s obvious the zone needs to get fixed." Natasha carried Bucky to her arm. At the same time, Steve was taken by Clint. Steve wants to push Clint away because he stinks. 
Bucky did the same towards Natasha; her perfume was too strong. Natasha couldn't help it since she just returned from her mission, and Clint was training when Tony called him.
Tony shook his head. "If Steve and Bucky didn't stand near the test object, they wouldn't get transformed." 
Natasha wants to punch him. "You..!!"
All the adults are pointing at each other. At the same time, Steve and Bucky were confused. Since they're shorter than everyone and the mood in the room doesn't feel good, it makes them uncomfortable.
All of them stop arguing because they suddenly hear a sobbing voice.
"Hey, guys? Is everything alright?" You were preparing to go out since today is your day off. Before putting on sunscreen, F.R.I.D.A.Y informed you that something happened at the lab.
Nobody answered you, but from their face, you could say they were nervous.
Then you saw that Natasha and Clint have a baby in their arms. 
"Ooh, so cute. Clint, you have a twin? Congrats." You know Clint is a family man, but it’s new for him to bring his kids to the headquarters. 
Clint chuckled. "Y/N, you don't recognise him?"
After he said that, you did notice something that felt familiar, but you can tell what it was. Blond hair, blue eyes, straight nose. Then you turn to Natasha. The baby has black hair and vibranium arms. 
You gasped, “Oh my god!”
"Yaa! Yaa!" Steve stretched his short arms towards you. Clint gently put Steve on your arm. 
“Why did you give him to me?” You nervously hold Steve. Even though he’s a baby now, he is still your boss. You turned to Tony. "You better fix this!!"
"On it."
Bucky saw Steve get carried by you. And he wants it, too. "Ahh…" He pulled Natasha's shirt and pointed at you. 
"Even in baby form, you can't be separated from your best friend?"
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After everyone stops panicking, Tony wears his Iron suit and buys kid's clothes; perhaps he wants to run away. Bruce is fixing the machine, Clint went home to get toys for Steve and Bucky, and Natasha is helping you. 
But you know Natasha just returned after a 3-month mission, and from her eyes, you could see she's damn tired. So you told her to rest. 
In the end, there are two babies in your arms. You learn that Steve and Bucky are two years old and can walk alone. 
You put them on the couch while you went to the fridge to make warm milk for them. You're not nervous taking care of little kids since you always cared for nieces and nephews before being accepted as a SHIELD agent.
But you’re nervous since you have a little crush towards your idols. 
You're relieved to see milk inside the fridge. When you turn around to search for a pan, you're shocked not to see the two babies on the sofa.
Where are they?
Then you feel someone is watching you. You looked and saw Steve and Bucky looking at you. 
You lean down and speak softly towards them, "I'm making warm milk for you both. Do you want some?"
Steve and Bucky nodded at the same time. With their fluffy cheeks and small body-like dumplings, you wouldn't believe they're the same boss who is deadly and righteous at the same time. You patted their head gently. 
When the milk has warmed up, you give it to both. Steve and Bucky drink the warm milk. They widened their eyes when they tasted it. It's delicious. 
In their eyes, you're the person they could look up to. You never raised your voice, and you gave them a delicious drink. 
Is this what it feels like to have a big sister? 
After 30 minutes, Tony returned with shopping bags from the kid's store. 
"Give me the clothes. It needs to be cleaned first before they wear it." You received the bag from Tony. You look inside the bag and see there are pyjamas too. 
"I'm going to the laundry room. Could you watch them for a while?"
Steve and Bucky didn't want to be left alone with Tony. Their short legs immediately run after you. Then, each of them hugs each of your legs.
Your body froze. You looked down at the little boys who held your legs, their two big eyes looking at you intensely. 
You knew they didn't want to be left alone at this moment. "Umm, Tony, could you do the dirty laundry instead?"
Tony nodded his head. "Yup, the message is clear: both hate me." 
Since then, both Steve and Bucky have followed you everywhere. They helped you when you made lunch. They wash all the veggies. 
You chuckled, even though they turn into kids, they are always helping. 
But no matter what, they're just a kid who needs attention. You learned that when eating together with them. 
When you help to feed Bucky because of his metal arm, it doesn't seem like he can control his body. 
Steve doesn't like to see Bucky get all your attention. He starts to make a noise and drops his spoon. "Ah..ahhh..."
Because of that, you feed them in turns. 
And before they go to sleep, you want to read a bedtime story. You thought this would be easy since they didn't take a nap. 
You were wrong. First, it was Steve's book choice; then, it was Bucky's. You should've said only one story but couldn't say no to them.
When they fell asleep, you slowly went out of the room. Finally, you could breathe. Even though you like kids, it takes time and energy. 
But at least because of this, your secret crush towards your bosses is gone. Like 50% gone. 
Before you join the Avengers, your HR has told you to keep everything professional. It's impossible not to like Captain America and The Winter Soldier.
At first, you saw them cute. But because their crying and whining hurt your eardrum, it shattered their perfect image in your brain. 
You don't think you could wait for another day. You could handle terrorists, pirates, and aliens, but not kids. You wish Tony and Bruce could finish the machine quickly.
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It took three days to fix the machine. When Steve and Bucky return to their old self, they fall asleep to get checked first. After two hours, they finally woke up and searched for you. 
"Ooh, you're looking for Y/N? I gave her a week off after caring for both of you."
Yes, you do. When Bruce said the machine worked fine without side effects, you immediately left the building and went to a bar. 
At the bar, you gulped the second glass of beer. You sighed heavily since you realised you needed the strongest alcohol to erase the image from your mind of baby Steve Rogers and baby Bucky Barnes when they're crying, nagging and pulling your hair. 
Their perfect image in your mind has been destroyed.
Drawing of baby Steve and Rogers : Drawing 1, Drawing 2, Drawing 3
Main Masterlist || Buy me Ko-fi please 🥹
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venusbyline · 2 months
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Hey guys, I'm Vênus (she/her). This is my new ff blog and requests are already open!
I really like writing dark, smut and/or angst contents for s/o x female readers.
Almost all the characters and artists I'll write for are tagged. Feel free to send me your writing requests on my ask. (ps¹: practically i'll write for all Jacob Elordi and Ryan Gosling's characters, there just wasn't enough space in the tags).
So don't be shy... I'm a member of the "toxic characters stan" too <3
ps²: some characters besides the other characters of Ryan Gosling and Jacob Elordi that I didn't put in the tags but that I can also write for:
Scream: Ethan Landry, Billy Loomis, Stu Macher.
Euphoria: Rue Bennet, Jules Vaughn, Ethan Lewis, Lexi Howard, Chris McKay, Fezco.
Hunger Games: Lucy Gray Baird, Katniss Everdeen, Sejanus Plinth, Johanna Mason, Treech, Clemensia Dovecote, Tigris Snow, Haymitch Abernathy.
MCU: Tom Holland!Peter Parker & Andrew Garfield!Peter Parker, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff.
Daisy Jones & The Six: Eddie Roundtree, Daisy Jones, Camila Dunne.
The Vampire Diaries: Stefan Salvatore, Damon Salvatore, Silas, Rebekah Mikaelson, Katherine Pierce.
Margot Robbie: Barbie, Harley Quinn.
Gossip Girl: Chuck Bass, Nate Archibald, Carter Baizen, Blair Waldorf.
YOU: Love Quinn, Joe Goldberg.
Harry Potter: Cedric Diggory, Hermione Granger, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Sirius Black.
Grey's Anatomy: Jackson Avery, Derek Shepherd, Mark Sloan, Alex Karev.
Outer Banks: Rafe Cameron, JJ Maybank.
Anyway, more characters can be added here over time!
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viennafantasies · 4 months
𝜗𝜚- Character's I write for
Outer Banks: jj maybank, rafe cameron, john b routledge
The Vampire Diaries: damon salvatore, stefan salvatore, klaus mikaelson, kai parker, kol mikaelson, elijah mikaelson, jeremy gilbert, enzo st john
Pretty Little Liars: toby cavanaugh, caleb rivers, Jason dilaurentis
Glee: santana lopez & sam evans
Once Upon A Time: killian jones & peter pan
Brooklyn Nine Nine: jake peralta
Gossip Girl: chuck bass & nate archibald (for now)
Riverdale: archie andrews & jughead jones
The Office: luke cooper & jim halpert
Stranger Things: steve harrington & billy hargrove
Cobra Kai: miguel diaz, robbie keene & hawk aka: eli horowitz
The X Files: fox mulder
American Horror Story: tate langdon, kit walker, kyle spencer
Pen15: dustin long, brandt
Outnumbered: jake
Marvel: loki laufeyson, steve rogers, bucky barnes, peter parker
DC: bruce wayne, clark kent, dick grayson, joker
Hunger Games: finnick odair & peter malarky, ps. I haven't done cornelius bc I haven't watched the new movie :)
Harry Potter: ron weasley, draco malfoy, blaise zabini, mattheo riddle, tom riddle, lorenzo berkshire, theodore nott, lucian bole, james potter, sirius black, remus lupin, regulus black
Note: Let me know if you want any poly, my requests will be open by tomorrow. You can request whatever you want but it has to be x reader. I don't mind writing anything but be careful with warnings. I hope you have a great day!! mwah :) ps. tell me if you want fluff, smut or angst. I don't know how to do smut that well but I will try!
cba to do tags
still did it ...
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Ooo this is going to be fun! Can’t wait to see what all you come up with! Will you do Steve Rogers with the prompt COAX? Please and thank you!
Hey, Nonny! This one was fun to write—I forgot how much I love writing for Steve. I think I used the prompt *a scooch* different than it was intended, but it still works. I hope you like it!
PS, I told you guys it'd get spicy now that I'm back from my conference. *wink wink*
PPS, I also think this is even funnier now because of the gem She-Hulk gave us.
Welcome Back Kisses (Steve Rogers x Reader)
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You're barely awake when you hear the sounds of the Quinjet land outside, causing your eyes to open a sliver and see the time.
Steve’s back. 
You're head and heart squeeze with excitement, longing to see him and be in his embrace after two and a half very long weeks apart, but all your body can say is sleep. Stay in the warm bed. You’ve still got some time before he comes to the room. Just one more minute . . .
Either you can’t tell time anymore or he bolts up to the bedroom, but Steve is by your bedside in no time, making quick work of his suit, anticipating your “back from a mission” ritual: he showers on the plane, puts on a fresh shirt and comfortable sweats, and lets me take them off however you so please upon his return. 
“Sweetheart?” he asks when he notices your lack of movement. 
You let out a groggy moan in response, his deep chuckle swirling in your ears like music in response to your noise. 
“Hi, Stevie,” you mumble as you feel him push hair out of your face. When you feel him move closer to press a kiss to your lips, you become more awake and aware that you have bad morning breath going on. Mortified, you roll away from him and cover your face with your hands.
“Sweetheart, what’s going on?” he asks sweetly. 
“I have morning breath,” you grumble through your palms. 
“What?” he laughs, pressing little kisses on the exposed skin of your arms.
“Don’t make me say it again.”
“That’s not what I mean, sweetheart. Since when do you care?”
“Since my dinner had garlic in it last night.”
Steve moves his kisses up your arms, pressing little pecks on the back of your hands. 
“You’re my sweet girl,” he praises. “I love the taste of you, no matter what.”
“C’mon, doll, let me see that pretty face of yours.”
His body hovers over yours as he continues to press encouraging kisses on your fingers, the scent of his shampoo and aftershave absolutely intoxicating. He manages to sneak a kiss on the apple of your cheek where your hands don’t cover. 
“I can feel that smile, sweetheart. Please?”
“Steve,” you whine, although the sounds of a laugh approach the edges of the vowels.
“Okay, fine. If you won’t let me kiss those lips . . .”
Steve peels the covers off of you, taking hold of your legs and sliding you down on the mattress a bit, spreading your legs open and making you laugh. You let out a yelp at the brashness of his movements as he slides down your underwear, leaving you in nothing but on of his t-shirts you wear to sleep.
“There’s my giggly girl,” Steve smiles. Rather than try to move up and kiss you once more, his places a tender kiss on the inside of your thighs, alternating as he moves closer to your core. Just as he gets to the apex of your thighs, he stops, letting his lips hover just above your mound as his fingers spread open your glistening cunt. “My God, you’re so beautiful for me—so ready for me.” With that sentiment, he presses a gentle kiss to your clit, making you hum in delight as his lips move slowly, taking every last ounce of slick you have to offer. His tongue licks a delicious line up your slit, repeating the motion up and down as his lips capture around your throbbing bud. You squirm around as he begins to devour you, your fingers moving to fist the sheets. 
The way that Steve only has to use his mouth to wind you up is incredible, and the way that his fingers repeatedly graze your thighs only adds to the pleasure. With your eyes fluttered shut, you only feel everything all the more. He wastes no time with his movements, making you cum as he kiss, licks, and sucks at you. You cry out in sheer pleasure into the bedroom, his moans into your core providing a wonderful baseline to your high notes.
As you come down from my high, he presses kisses up your body, leaving a damp trail of arousal and saliva along your skin. Once he reaches your neck, having stopped to decorate the skin with little marks, you move a hand back up to cover your face.
“No, none of that,” he muses, kissing your knuckles. This time, your fingers give way to his lips, letting him finally place a kiss where he’s been wanting to since he got home. It’s a deep, messy exchange that lets him taste every crevice of your mouth, letting you taste him and your lingering arousal just as much.
“I missed you,” he murmurs against your lips once he decides to tame the kisses.
“I missed you, too, Steve,” you tell him. “Next time, I’m coming with you. I don’t like being apart from you that long.”
His hands trail down you sides and before they begin to play with the hem of the cotton shirt serving as a barrier to the rest of your body. “Well, the good news for you is that I know the perfect way we can make up for all that time we spent missing one another.”
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agent99galanzo · 9 months
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Frozen in ice |Natasha x Reader
An: it's my first time writing so please your opinion and rebloging matters to help me grow, but only the nice once though I don't count any of your negativity things
Ps. English is not my first language
Reposting and translating my work to any other language is not allowed and any other kind of copycat stuff is prohibited. Happy reading Fellas.
Just like any other stressful day here in the compound Me and Steve just got back from a last minute undercover operation on a fancy ball in Costa Rica.
After finishing the debriefings and giving the file to Nick and Hill.
we start our trek back into the living quarters area.
And we're currently talking about the things that happened in our lives.
While I'm still wearing a fitted black dress that has a long slit to the side under my coat and also some black high heels
And steve is still also wearing his navy blue suit
"So it's been a while since the incident happened between you and agent Sharon Carter.... any new people you seem to have interest with or some?" I tell Rogers.
"No... and why you seem so interested in my love life?"
"Nothing,just asking because seems like the lady from the diner we went into last day couldn't take her eyes of you and.... I can't believe I'm saying this but she's kinda cute".I smirked at the last part
Steve glance at me " You mean the woman that served us or the lady at the counter? "
"The curly haired woman that served us"
"Huh... yeah she's nice the one with nose piercing?"
"Yeah... Why? You also found her you know... Intresting or something?"
I raised a brow and smirk
"Kinda but the piercing yeah... not ready for that"
"Huh... So if she doesn't have you know any piercing or whatever on her head that is hanging, I mean would you... go for it.... "
I raised a brow and looked at him
Before he could even answer an agent greets us when we enter the lift
"It's just that... it's hard to find someone you hade the same life experiences as you"
"Huh.... you have a point, but if you find that someone or anyone how would you like approach them?" I ask.
The lift opens and we head our way to the dining area
He raised an brow and looked at me "You mean flirt with them?"
"Yeah, Not like Flirt flirt more like you... know...something like how to approach them "
"Why did you ask
I look at him and say
"Nothing... just you know curiosity kills a pig that's all... plus I wanna know how much practice you had"
They reach the dining area where everyone was
"Practice I don't need practice. Why on earth would I need that?"
Natasha Pov's
After a long ass stressful day here in the compound it finally dinner time .
"Hey nat"
wanda greets as she is the one who first acknowledge my appearance, followed by the others.
"Hey" I greet back to them and also notice that both Y/n and Rogers are not here.
'Huh... wierd' I said to my self knowing that Rogers is not that late type of person.
His actually already here with the others every time I arrive that is why it's so strange.
And also Y/n the woman I secretly like for quite a long time now. They must be on a mission.
I mean who wouldn't like her she's beuatiful like me of course.... ,Ok fine as much as it pains me to say this but I gotta admit she is even prettier than me and she is also hot as hell she could be a Victoria Secret model if she is not an agent.
I wonder what type of creature or god mold her perfect beauty.
And also she's clever, wise, smartass, sassy, and maybe  many people would say that she's rude but the truth is she's really kind and caring in her on way.
She doesn't like to show to people but I've seen it quite a few times when we went on a mission and also,when we went grocery shopping she bought like a whole separate grocery basket for a homeless person 2 kilometers  away from here at the compound.
I snap back to reality when someone tap my shoulder "Romanoff", I  quickly twist there arm and bring them to the ground
Then I realized that is was Barton who tap my shoulder and also the that I bring to the ground.
I let go of him and help them get up.
"Jesus clint are you planning to give me a heart attack and that's what you get for scaring me."
"Ok.. first of all that hurts" he said as he rolls around his shoulder.
"And second of all I've been calling you for about a minute straight and your not responding... so sorry if I scared the living shit out of you.." he said as we sat back down
"What got you so far from your mind?"
"We both know that, that nothing means something"
"So what is it"
But before I could answer an arrival of people interrupted us.
And... they have arrive
"Practice I don't need practice. Why on earth would I need that?"
Y/n Pov
"I didn't say anything about you needing practice. I ask about how much practice.... ok let's not say practice 'cuase now I think that's sound so trifling... let's just say... experience. There 'experience'... now let me rephrase the question and answer it. Steve Grant Rogers How much experience have you had with flirting with somebody in your time back then
"Fine many than once."
There satisfied?"
"Oh... real-" before I could finish I didn't realised that everybody is already here.
"Hey you two... how was the mission " Tony ask
"Fine everything goes as
planned. " steve said
"Yup.. Ahuh.. everything goes as planned" I said sarcastically while rolling my eyes.
"What... everything did go as planned" steve answered.
"Yeah everything except the distracting the woman part"
"Well what happened"
"Let's just say I instructed him to flirt with the woman at the bar so I can swooped in and get the USB from the back,but guess what"
"What...? What happened did he peed on his pants" Sam chimed in
"Haha that's hilarious sam"
"I know right"
"No thank God he didn't, but it looks like he almost did" I said smiling
"No. I did not "
I just smiled at him "What matter is we execute and did the job done on time without causing any harm".
"Awhh look at you covering up how awful your flirting skills are..." I said with a sass.
"I- whatever you say. In my defence I did my best to that woman and... the woman wasn't even invlove there".
I smile at him "I know just wanna see how fast can you go from bieng a 0-10... and my..my... if I may say I would rate it a 5 if you aren't that good looking"
I walked pass him towards the fridge to get my self some refreshing water before turning around to look at him straightin the eye." Looks like your body might be defrosted from the ice but your flirting capability hasn't...." I pause to drink.
"would you want me to go and do you a favor of going down there and check if it still frozen and defrost it for you so you can use it..??" I said it playfully.
He look at me with a slight annoyance in his face "whatever I'm gonna go take a shower" and walks away.
I laugh as he struts away.
"Very clever" Nat said and I just wink at her in response as I also walk away and grabbing my coat along the way to
Get change in my room.
And that dress was already enough to sweep Nat of the feet by the agent but damn she got got her by the hook with that wink.
@romanoffsbish @dirtyvulture @natsarrownecklacx @natsfirecat @natsxaddiction @jedi-luca @darkwaveho @daddynattt @an-evergreen-rose @abbyromanoff @twilight-99-tm @traveler-at-heart
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Happy Birthday to you and me
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: Two people born on the same day at the exact same time were soulmates. Most people met their soulmates already in their early years. Some of them met them later. Then there were the people - only really a handful of them - that never met their soulmates. And then there was Steve.
If it weren’t for this, Steve still wouldn’t have been fond of his birthday. He didn’t like the grand parties celebrating him when in truth it was just a pretense. To his surprise, for this year Tony agreed to a small and laid back gathering with just the team.
It is then that fate turns kind and changes his life forever.
Warnings: Soulmate au, fluff, some angst but with a happy ending, hurt/comfort too I guess, Reader is intended to be European/written to be born in Europe
Wordcount: 6.2K
A/N: This is entirely self-indulgent. The idea arose when I realized that Steve and I nearly share a birthday. I was so close to having been born on the 4th of July xD So as both a (late) birthday gift for Steve and an early one for me I post this (at 00:00 between the 4th and 5th). Enjoy~
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PS: Tony somehow ended up a huge jerk in this, sorry Tony.
PSS: This beautiful divider was made by the lovely @firefly-graphics, thank you for them!
A soulmate, people said, was the person meant to be your other half, the one perfectly cut out for you. 
Now if you asked most people about the definition of what a soulmate was they would answer ‘The person you share your exact birthday with’ because that was how it was. 
Two people born on the same day at the exact same time were soulmates. Mind you they didn’t have to share the same birth year. That in fact was a very rare thing. 
And yet people started obsessing over it the moment their child was born. There were entire web portals collecting people's date and time of birth and even the hospitals themselves offered a matching service to see if a child’s soulmate had been born in the same hospital.
Most people met their soulmate already in their early years. A large percent of them met in kindergarten or primary school. Oftentimes parents already knew their children's soulmates, had they already found them through said matching services or just the local playgroups. For although sharing the same birth year was a rare occurrence, it wasn’t so rare for soulmates to only be a couple of years apart.
Of course with a large percentage there followed a smaller percentage that didn’t have this luxury. There were the people who only discovered their soulmate in college or even later, once they had moved across the country or even somewhere else behind national borders. 
And then there were the people - only really a handful of them - that never met their soulmates. 
Some of them didn’t want to meet them, some of them had already lost them, some of them desperately searched for them and yet would never find them. 
And then there was Steve. Born 1918, experiencing the second world war, being frozen in the arctic for nearly 70 years. He hadn’t found his soulmate then and nor had he found them now. 
It wasn’t that he didn’t want to, that he didn’t long to know if they were out there and what it would be to have finally found them. It just didn’t happen. Life or fate didn’t seem to want to grant him this experience. So at some point, he had stopped searching.
Still, there was a little portion of him left, deep down and hidden, that still had hope. That little part of himself that felt that there was still time, still a way, a chance for him to find them. He just had to be patient enough and it would happen. 
But that didn’t make it easier for him. With each passing year that part got smaller, quieter, as it was replaced with dread. 
Dread that it took so long, dread that the hope was pointless. Dread for another year, for another birthday to come and go by without having found the one.
In his childhood, they had never had enough money to celebrate it big. His mother would save some of the sparse money she earned and buy him a small treat, later on a new pencil or sketchbook. Bucky would give him some treats he had sneaked from somewhere, possibly, definitely stolen, and they would eat them while sitting on the stairs to their apartments.
After waking up from the ice he had found out that his birthday was now celebrated heavily. Besides it being a national holiday it seemed the people needed another excuse to celebrate. He didn’t like it. He didn’t like being in the spotlight, he didn’t like the attention he got that was never truly directed at him but always at the persona he had taken on.
Not many people understood his distaste for the day. Tony the least of all. Tony Stark loved to celebrate and nothing stopped him from throwing a good party if he wanted to. Steve knew it best for he had begged and pleaded with the billionaire year after year to have something small, not one of the usual exorbitant parties. He never succeeded, opting to make a quick appearance and then withdraw to the comforts of his room.
This year however Tony had finally listened. Steve wasn’t sure what had ridden Tony to agree with his wish of something small and relaxed, with only the team present. Nonetheless Tony had agreed and Steve had never been more thankful.
Tony Stark and Steve Rogers had very different views on many things. The scale and definition of ‘something small and relaxed’ was one of them apparently. Still, Steve supposed, it could have been worse. 
What he had imagined was a nice order-in dinner with all the team in the living room of the Tower. Not a luxurious high-end restaurant that - mind you - Tony had booked entirely for them. Even with them being the only guests he had also requested a private room in the back, shielded from the prying and spying eyes of paparazzi and other curious people.
The entire team was there, well, almost the entire team. One person was still missing.
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Y/N looked out of the taxi’s window as the colorful scenery of the New York City skyline drove by. It was late evening, the sky dark yet the city was as bright as ever. The fireworks had already died down again. Halting, the taxi arrived at its destination. With a quick thank you, she handed the driver a wad of cash and left the vehicle.
She was sure to be the last one to arrive, seeing as she had just come back from a mission while the rest of them had had the day - or the last days - off. Slipping through the immaculate and tinted glass doors into the restaurant a pair of waiters greeted her to lead her to the backroom. She could already hear the buzz of voices that belonged to her fellow team members.
They were all in different states of busy, deeply absorbed in their conversations. Except for one person. The birthday boy stood with a glass of what looked to be whiskey in his hands and stared into space.
Luckily for her this space of nothingness he stared at, lay in her direction, and as she approached he saw. A small smile spread on his face as he watched her come closer.
“We were just waiting for you. F.R.I.D.A.Y. gave a heads up about your return,” he told her as he leaned in for a hug.
“Hello to you too Steve,” she jested with a smile, reciprocating the hug and holding it for a moment longer than what was needed or may be appropriate. For Steve the hug still felt too short.
“Happy Birthday. Another year to pass by in a blink of a moment huh?”, she murmured in his ear, knowing well that he wasn’t a big fan of the concept. He had told her so once in the middle of the night, at the back of a quinjet on their way home from a mission.
“Thank you,” he mumbled quietly, politely. Looking down he studied her. There was a faint bruise forming on her cheek and collarbone which made him furrow his brows.
“Did the mission go well?”, he wanted to know. He needed to know. If she was alright. While he would have been disappointed for her to miss this evening he didn’t want for her to be here if she was in better hands resting at the Tower.
Nodding she set to reply but got cut off by the rest of the team finally noticing her arrival. More hugs and greetings were traded with the rest of them. Tony was the last to greet her before he ushered them all to the laid table waiting for them. They all shuffled to the table to take their seats when a waitress approached her and asked for her preferred drink. Halting in her movement she thought for a moment before telling the waitress. 
Steve stood by her, ever the gentleman he didn’t want to leave her alone. Instead, he led her to the table and mumbled into her ear.
“Sit with me?” 
She looked over to him and nodded, smiling softly at him. 
“Sure. Want me to tell you about the mission?”, she asked. Steve now smiled at her too.
“Please,” he agreed. 
Exchanging one more smile the two headed for the table to join their team members. Everyone was already seated, except for them. Steve pulled one of the two chairs back and motioned for her to sit down. Only after she had sat down he pulled his own chair back and sat down.
Y/N’s drink arrived just a moment before more waiters entered the room to serve the appetizer.
“Tony chose the dishes?” Y/N had leaned over to Steve, eyeing the fancy concoction on the dark, square plate. She took a sip of her drink, the bubbles prickling her lips and making her grimace.
“What gave it away?” Steve joked before he studied her once more, now noticing the small cut on her lip and the droplets of blood at the corner of her mouth.
“How was the mission? Did you get hurt?” He had to know now. The suspense - the concern - was killing him.
“It was fine. Could have gone smoother for sure. It seems someone had been tipped off, informed of our arrival. Thus I was met with more hostiles than anticipated,” she picked up her fork and poked at the funny-looking dish. Picking up a small piece of it she carefully tasted it. It tasted fine she concluded before she continued to tell Steve, “I was able to hold my own, they got me once or twice. But I don’t think I have to mention that as you are perceptive enough to have already noticed.” 
Steve nodded. Of course, he had. Even if the bruising was subtle as it was still forming. How could he have not?
“Just the bruises?”, he asked instead, eyeing her closely.
“Yes, just these. I already applied some of Dr. Cho’s cream to help reduce the bruising.”
His eyes still focused on the bruises, not entirely pleased they were forming at all. Yet he knew best that this was the price to pay in their field of work and sadly it was inevitable to end up with some sort of injury. 
“Believe me. I gave them much more back,” she told him with a mischievous smile. “Knocked one out in an instant with the kick technique you taught me.”
Surprise made his eyes grow larger before he broke out in a proud smile. Looking down at her he wished to have been able to witness it.
“Well done.”
Conversation flowed freely between them for the remainder of the appetizer. The following courses were much the same, even if at some point they had to share their attention and conversation with the others.
Dinner went by fast and soon the last plate got cleared up. It was then that Y/N noticed Steve’s mood had changed. He seemed tense, his shoulders squared and the blue shirt straining over his broad back. The grip around his glass was choking.
“Are you alright?” she asked him, concern lacing her voice. Something was going on in that head of his but she couldn’t tell what it was. 
Steve snapped out of it, his stern focus shifting from the spot in front of him to the woman at his side. His face relaxed, no longer frowning but now softening as he looked into her eyes.
“Yeah, it’s just…I have a feeling Tony gave in too easily at my request.” he contemplated for a moment, putting the fork on the table, before he leaned in and whispered into her ear, “I have a bad feeling there is going to be an unwanted surprise.”
Discreetly looking over at him, she studied Tony who was deep in a conversation with Bruce. He had been surprisingly calm and laid back the entire evening. No teasing, no snarky remarks which in turn was very unlikely for Tony. 
“Maybe Pepper talked some sense into him. You know how much of an influence she has over his decisions and actions.” Tony’s soulmate was a godsend gift when it came to reigning Tony in. She was good friends with all of them, so why not could it have been her doing?
“I’m sure nothing will happen. Dinner is almost over, we are only missing dessert aren’t we?” But Steve didn’t seem to be convinced.
“Okay, let’s make a bet,” she tried to take his mind off of it, to make him relax.
“A bet?”, he asked her.
“Yes, a bet. I bet you nothing will happen. It’s almost midnight anyways. The day is almost over.”
“And what if you lose?”, he smirked at her.
“Then I’ll buy you a whole apple pie from that one bakery you like so much. Just for you.” 
She knew how much of a sweet tooth he had for that particular baked good. He also claimed that this little bakery on the other side of town made the best pies known to mankind. Only that the drive there always took so long and they often didn’t have the time in between training and missions to go.
“Alright,” he agreed, how could he not if her offer was so tempting, “and I bet you against it. That something will happen.” She smiled and nodded, offering her hand for a shake to seal the deal.
“So what will I get when you lose?” 
Steve thought about it for a moment, looking around the room as he racked his mind for a good idea. His eyes landed on the small clock. It was nearing midnight and the look at the clock had made him nervous again. Y/N noticed it too.
“Steve,” she mumbled softly, putting her hand on his upper arm to reassure him “nothing will happen.” 
Both of them watched the clock's needle jut forward. Once, twice until finally, it landed at midnight. The day was over.
“See, nothing happened,” she told him softly, smiling. 
But she spoke too soon, for something did happen. Instead of plates with dessert two waiters brought in a big cake, with lit candles placed on top of it. They brought the cake and placed it in front of Steve, forcing him and Y/N to lean away from each other.
Tony had stood up and clapped. He started to talk after the two waiters had left again.
“Even though Cap asked for a laid back day without much celebration I felt this was due. Of course, I didn’t want to go against his wishes to not do anything on his birthday. Which is why, now two minutes after midnight on the 5th of July we want to celebrate our dear friend once more.”
“Tony.” Steve started but cut off again.
“I know I know, you didn’t want to be celebrated in a big way. Which is exactly why I did this. It is just a cake Capsicle. I promise. And if you still don’t want to celebrate, you can pretend we are celebrating you only secondarily.”
“What are you talking about?” The team looked confused. Any other birthday was weeks if not months away.
“You see, there is another birthday person here tonight…One who has kept her birthday a secret from us. Isn’t that right Y/N?”
All eyes turned to the woman that had gotten very quiet and reserved since the cake had come out. She hadn’t glanced away from the table. Only now her face slowly lifted. Blanky she looked at Tony, not saying anything.
“What the hell are you playing at?” Steve’s voice was tense and snappy.
“Y/N over here never wanted to share her birthday with me. Then one evening when we already looked a bit too deep into some glasses she mocked me. She challenged me to go find out if it so desperately wanted to know. Which is exactly what I did.” Tony revealed with a grand gesture as if this was the most normal thing in life.
“And that’s a reason for you to reveal it to everyone? No matter if she wanted us to know or not?”
“Steve.” Softly she cut him off before he went on a tirade. Her hand landed on his biceps, which made him halt and look at her. “It’s okay. I challenged him.” 
In truth, she hadn’t kept it a secret from then on purpose. Her birthday had never been a big thing for her, besides her aging a year there wasn’t anything sentimental connected to the date. And she didn’t really like celebrating her birthday. For most of her life the date had been used as a threat against her, a tool to manipulate her. It still left a bitter taste just thinking about it.
“Why don’t you two lovebirds blow out your candles together?” Tony suggested with a clap of his hands. Y/N shot him a dirty look for this comment which bothered him little, even going so far as to wink back at her.
“What? You two always act like two lovesick teens.”
“Tony.” Now it was Y/N whose voice was warning, daring him to continue to mock them. She didn’t like it. He was venturing out onto thin ice the more he mocked.
“If I didn’t know better I’d say you two were soulmates. Born on the 4th of July at 18:14 and the 5th of July at 00:14. So close.” Yeah, so close and yet so far off. It felt accusing and the way it was even written on the cake in icing seemed to bore into her soul. A taunt, so painful.
“Tony that’s enough now!” It was Natasha that spoke up, calling an end to the mockings. It seemed incredibly rude and senseless to joke about such a matter.
Wanting to make a brave face in an otherwise very uncomfortable situation, Y/N put on a smile. She turned to Steve, whose expression was sour. He kept shooting daggers at Tony. Until he noticed her looking at him. Then his sole attention was on her, his face softening, questioning her wordlessly.
“Blow the candles out with me?”, she asked him softly. Steve didn’t like it one bit what Tony had sprung on them but when she looked at him like that, he couldn’t say no. There was an innocence to her, a softness as she looked at him like he could give her the world. All his resolve crumbled. Swallowing all his words, he simply nodded.
“Alright. Don’t forget to wish for something.” Y/N said in agreement and turned to the cake. But Steve had only eyes for her. He knew what he wanted to wish, there was only one possible thing he could wish for. 
The candles were nearly burned down and threatened to spill their wax onto the frosting. Still, she hesitated for a moment and watched the fire sway from side to side. The light reflected in their eyes, making them glow as she glanced over at Steve one last time. He gave her a little thumbs up under the table where only she could see it.
“On three.”, she concluded and mumbled the first number, “One.”
“Two.” Steve whispered softly.
“Three.” They said in unison.
Leaning forward they both took a big gulp of air and blew. The fire of the candles swayed in the air and went out, leaving behind only the faint billows of smoke. They stared at the cake, lost in thought until the clapping of the others brought them back.
Slowly starting to clap herself, she didn’t seem to notice much going on around them. Steve sensed something was off. He could feel the discomfort radiating from her. Ever since Tony had brought in the cake she had gone quiet, reclusive even.
Someone got up and grabbed a knife to cut the cake. It shouldn’t go to waste even if Tony’s well meant gesture had been anything but well. Steve hardly noticed the person stepping between them, he kept looking at Y/N.
Yet she didn’t look at him. Y/N didn’t look at anyone. Her view was directed at the white table cloth in front of her and nothing else. Even as Steve reached over to her and softly tugged at her arm.
Then the cake was served. Everyone got a piece. It brought her back, at least a bit. She pocked at the sweet confection more than she ate it. One or two bites that’s it. Steve hadn’t even touched his piece yet, too focused on the woman taking over his every thought.
The scraping of the chair was what alarmed everyone. Several heads turned around. Trying to lighten the mood again they had restarted their conversations. Everyone except for Steve and her. 
Y/N had scooted back and now was slowly rising from the chair.
“I think I’m going to head back to the tower. I feel very tired and sore from the mission.” 
If everyone thought that was an excuse and if they pitied her for what had happened, no one said anything. They nodded sympathetically and wished her a good night, to see her in the morning again. 
Everyone but Steve. He was rooted to his seat. Only as she neared the exit of the room did he jump up and follow after her.
“Y/N wait!” he called and softly grasped her wrist, his thumb instantly starting to draw small and comforting circles over her skin. Again she didn’t look at him.
“Look at me,” he begged, “please.”
Slowly she turned around and looked up at him through her eyelashes. He could sense her discomfort. But it couldn’t be him that was causing it, could it be? All he wanted was to make sure she was alright.
“Are you alright?” God, how many times had he asked her this already?
“I am,” she told him yet he didn’t believe her. She wasn’t sure she believed it either. Yet she brought herself to smile at him. It was a weak and unconvincing one. 
“Please just let me go, Steve. I am really tired. I’ve started to get a headache too. I just want to rest.”
“Let me accompany you back to the tower.” She shook her head.
“No, it’s okay. Really. It’s your celebration. You barely spoke with anyone else this evening. Go talk to Bucky and Natasha. Enjoy the rest of your birthday dinner.”
How could he enjoy it if she wasn’t there? He wanted to tell her that but couldn’t. She tucked at her wrist and he let go defeated. And then he watched her go with a sense of dread and disappointment. He couldn’t help but feel empty as he watched the doors fall shut behind her retreating form.
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Something hit him in the head.
“Stop daydreaming Punk.” It was Bucky’s voice coming from the side that made Steve’s head turn. He was in the gym with Bucky, Sam, and Natasha. To train. He must have zoned out. 
“Let him be.” Sam this time. 
Bucky shot him a dirty look, one that was followed by the bickering of the two. Natasha rolled her eyes and leaned back on her hands. When had she sat down? The last thing Steve remembered was how he and Bucky had started sparring while waiting for the others to arrive. 
The others. Right. That’s what had thrown him off. Y/N was supposed to join them for their regular training session. Yet she was nowhere to be found. Just like the last days. She was avoiding him and he didn’t know why. Ever since the birthday party she did her damn best to stay out of his way.
“You really are upset about this huh?” Puzzled, he looked at the redhead, and she shot him a sympathetic smile. “I haven’t seen you so off-kilter before.” At her words, Bucky and Sam stopped their bickering and too looked at Steve.
What did she want him to say? Frustrated he scoffed before he dropped onto the floor, feet planted on it and knees bent. His jaw ticked with frustration as he ground his teeth. Yes, he was upset! And frustrated. He didn’t understand what went wrong and how he was the one that she avoided. It had been Tony who had overstepped and made both of them look like fools. 
Why did this affect him so much in the first place, some might ask. Well, because he cared about her. A lot in all honesty. He cared for her like he cared for no other. There was their bond as colleagues and team members, there was them being friends and then there was something more. Love. 
Slowly and over time he had developed feelings for her. Even though she wasn’t his soulmate. He who had been so hung up on finding the one, who had still some hope left to find the one destined to be his. She had made him forget the disappointment, his inability to find the one. She had made him feel true happiness and if she hadn’t also made him blush on more than one occasion he would be lying. Oh, how he had wished to kiss her in some of these moments. He had wished for them to have a chance in a world where your ideal partner was destined for you. The same world in which they got along so well, yet weren’t each other's soulmate.
Sighing defeated he let his head hang. He didn’t have to say it out loud for his friends to understand the predicament he was in. But the unspoken words weighed heavily on him. They were pulling him down and drowning him alive.
“I don’t know what happened,” he admitted. He ran his hands through his hair, pulling on the tufts until it hurt. “That cake was inappropriate but it’s not like I asked Tony to do it. Even less for him to reveal her birthday like that. I tried to stop the whole thing.” He huffed and shook his head. “She insisted on blowing out the candles,” he further mumbled and furrowed his brows.
All three of his closest friends looked at him. He had momentarily lost his train of thought, too caught up in ranting about the events of that night. What had gone wrong? It was a simple question, yet its answer stayed concealed.
“Is it so upsetting for her that we nearly could have been soulmates? Did the mention make her uncomfortable? Did it disgust her so much she can’t even be in the same room with me anymore?” Steve scoffed. 
He felt deeply hurt. There was so much sadness and anger swirling in him, clawing and ripping at his heart. All the sensations made it hard for him to breathe. 
“I don’t think that’s what’s going on with her, Steve,” Sam said. Raising one eyebrow Steve looked at him, urging him to continue.
“I think it’s the exact opposite.” He revealed, “She is upset you aren’t soulmates and by such a close miss too.”
“Tony wasn’t even right with her time of birth.” All eyes turned to Natasha. It had gotten so silent in the gym that they could have heard a pin drop.
“What do you mean?” Steve demanded to know. Was she saying that the date had been wrong? Could that mean there was a chance…? His head was spinning now.
“There are different time zones all over the world. You were born at 18:14 local NY time but she wasn’t. I don’t think Tony accounted for that.” All three men looked at her puzzled. She rolled her eyes and elaborated,
“She was born in Europe, which you should all know. There is at least a 6-hour difference between the two places.”
“So while it’s still  evening in New York, in Europe it would already be early morning of the next day?” Bucky questioned.
“Hold up,” Sam raised both hands. “So 18:04 on July 4th plus six hours is July 5th…”
“Holy shit.”
He felt the blood rush to his ears, tuning out any other noise around him. That couldn’t be. It was too good to be true. He felt nauseous. Both from the shock and the excitement. It was a truly earth shattering realization.
But it made sense. It made so much sense. As if something had clicked, he realized so many things at once. 
The natural attraction and pull between them. It had always felt so good, so instinctive. As if it was meant to be. He hadn’t permitted himself to acknowledge it and more importantly he hadn’t allowed himself to think or act on it. Too good would it have been.
After waking up from the ice Steve had believed to have missed his chance at finding his soulmate. Surely whatever person fate had assigned to him had been left behind. For a long time he had thought Peggy was the one. Then he had become hopeful to still find the one. But after year after year of nothing, the hope had dwindled.
Maybe he had been scared of it too. Scared to finally have found someone who was so closely what a soulmate should be. He had been hesitant to go further and to be disappointed again. He had fought his feelings for her were a mistake. A gruel play fate had on him. He had been scared to have his hopes crushed once more.
Instead, the person he had craved to find for so long, who had wished to be by his side turned out to have already been there. She had been a steady companion of his.
“I need to find her.” Determination coursed through him. Scrambling to his feet he couldn’t leave the gym fast enough.
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The room was silent as she padded through it on bare feet. The noise of the bustling city around her hidden behind the soundproof glass. Her slow breathing and the steady ticking of the clock were the only noise in the room. The quiet felt good. It was balm to her racing mind. The fibers of the towel felt soft under her palms as she squeezed at the damp strands of hair dangling over her shoulder.
Loud and frantic knocking startled her, made her drop the towel and look at the door. Steve’s voice could be heard from the hallway. He sounded urgent, yet she hesitated to answer the door. 
Facing him felt too difficult, too painful for her. But there also was this pull. This never-ending tugging at the depths of her mind made her want to seek him out.
The knocking didn’t cease, it lulled her in eventually. Made her set one hesitant step in front of the other. The door handle felt cool under her palm. There was barely enough time for her to pull her hand back again before the door swung open. 
Barreling in came Steve. She was his goal, her location his destination. He didn’t waste any time enveloping her in a hug. A hug that felt much more desperate and personal than the ones they had before. One with a purpose.
His urgency confused her. Everything right now confused her. Ever since the birthday party, since the reveal and Tony’s words. She hadn’t known where her head lay since then. And the reason for it? So simple and yet the most complicated thing in the world.
Truly it had upset her. Not her birthday being revealed, no. It was the other revelation that had shaken her to her core. It was a cruel joke of life to have given them such close birthdays. So close and yet so far away from being soulmates. As if developing feelings for someone who wasn’t your soulmate wasn’t enough of a ridicule. It was the worst torture she could imagine. 
It became too much for her. The hurting thoughts that had plagued her for days on end together with the close proximity of the one who nearly was everything she wanted him to be. Pulling away from the embrace turned out to be too hard. Steve didn’t give her a chance to get away, each pull of hers was countered with him tightening the embrace and inching her impossibly closer to him.
“Steve,” her voice wobbled. Finally, it made him respond in a different way. His head shot up to look at her. Her words left her, dying on the tip of her tongue. Instead, it was him to take the lead again, to speak up.
“Do you know what I wished for when we blew out the candles?”, he asked her.
“No,” she shook her head, voice weak and dangerously watery.
“That it was true you were my soulmate.” Gently he caressed her cheek, brushing away a tear that had escaped from its confines. 
His words were like an arrow shot straight into her heart. Just another cruel reminder that it wasn’t like that. That dream and reality weren’t one. Her face scrunched together with hurt, tears pooling in her eyes and threatening to fall. She didn’t want to hear this. He didn’t need to remind her too, when every waking moment caused her enough pain.
“A stupid thing to wish for really.” 
A wave of anger mixed itself into the hurt that penetrated every fiber of her being. Pulling one hand free from the embrace she raised her arm, ready to strike. Yet there was no strength she could muster to hurt him. Weak was the collision with his chest. A faint thrumming of her fist against his strong chest. It couldn’t even closely convey everything she felt.
His finger hooked under her chin and turned her head upwards again. He looked at her with a softness that would have made her heart sore in any other moment. Delicately his finger brushed her heated skin.
“So stupid to wish for something that was already there.”
“W-what?”, she whimpered. He didn’t make sense.
“You are my soulmate.” He mumbled softly and leaned his forehead against hers. Their noses brushed against each other, their breaths mixed.
It couldn’t be true, could it? This had to be another cruel joke, another notch to wear her down and hurt her heart impossibly more. Screwing her eyes shut, she started to shake her head.
“I didn’t need to wish for it when it was already true.”
“N-no,” she whimpers. It couldn’t be true. What was he saying? They weren’t. She would know if they were, wouldn’t she? Shouldn’t they have felt it? But what were the feelings between them then if not the pull of a soulmate. The love that could only blossom between the one you were destined to be with?
“How?”, is her question next.
Steve pulled back to look at her. Searching her face, he could see the pain and hurt slowly fading away. He hadn’t believed it at first either. But the moment he had heard at his heart he had known.
“Time zones,” he told her softly, “We were born in different timezones, but still at the same time.”
The last bit of her defenses crumbled and her shoulders drooped. A small laughter of disbelief left her as her mind was still reeling, trying to comprehend everything. Looking up at him there was no doubt in her heart. She had hoped for it to be true, she had longed for it to be true. The last days had left her heartbroken, the realization of her dreams to be naught had crushed her entire being. Now her heart had been mended again.
A smile started to spread over her features, one that became blinding in a matter of seconds. It was contagious, so much that Steve broke out in one not moments after. They stood there together, looking at each other, basking in the moment.
“Finally,” he murmured. After all this time he finally had found her. His one. His soulmate.
“Finally,” she agreed softly, equally as happy to have found the one.
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They met in an embrace, lips connecting in a chaste kiss. The first of many that would follow. And as their lips parted again, they looked at each other. Chuckling, in disbelief of how happy someone could be, how magical one moment could feel. And as their foreheads touched once again, they were content.
Steve broke the silence after a while, “I believe you lost a bet.”
“Oh, I did?”, she mocked him softly.
“Oh yes you did,” his forefinger booped her nose as he grinned down at her, “but I never got to tell you what your prize would have been had I lost.”
“Well, what would have been my prize?”
“A date.”
“What a shame,” she mumbled quietly. Not actually sad to have lost this prize, for she had still won.
“What a shame indeed. But I will tell you something. I’ll share my apple pie with you and we can make a date out of it. This way both of us have won.”
Standing on her tiptoes she pressed a kiss to his lips, mumbling against them, “We already have.”
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jewels2876 · 2 years
Lucky You
Filling another square for my bingo card: Author AU for @marvelfluffbingo​
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader Word Count: 478 No warnings just fluff! Graphic at the bottom is an original
I would love any feedback/reblogs/love in general but my work is *NOT* permitted to be used in any other way, on any other sites, without my express permission  
You stood in line, grateful you had gotten to the bookstore early; the line was already out the door and police had been called in to monitor the traffic of people and cars. You danced from foot to foot, hugging the book tightly to your chest. You heard the girl behind you mutter “Damn that is a lucky sweater.” 
You turned to her, curiosity clear on your face. “Did you say lucky sweater?”
She nodded, her eyes wide. “To be that close to all those muscles?!” You both giggled. The line surged forward; the buzz of voices grew a tad louder as more people pushed in. You could barely see his elbow as he signed his book. You turned back to the girl behind you. “How did you see his sweater?”
She shrugged. “I’m just assuming, considering the weather and all. But I mean, anything that touches him has to be lucky, right?” You giggled again and nodded. The line moved forward again; butterflies started forming as you could see more of him now. You quietly sighed as his arm and shoulder came into focus. You danced from foot to foot again, your impatience and nerves getting the better of you. The line lurched forward rapidly; there were only three people separating you now. And then…
“Hi,” came his voice, quiet and low. “Thanks so much for coming out.” His hands reached out towards you. You extended a hand, feeling the heat cover your face. His smile grew before gently chiding you. “Do you want me to sign it?”
“My hand?” you heard yourself say. The girl behind you laughed and you felt the heat in your face grow. “Oh yeah! Um…” You loosened your death grip on the book. He removed it out of your grasp, his hands gently caressing your arm as he did so. The butterflies in your stomach quickened and you thought you might pass out before squeaking out “Thank you!”
“What’s your name, sweetheart?” His eyes twinkled, watching as you licked your lips before telling him your name. “Beautiful name. Thanks again for coming.” He handed the book back to you; you clasped it to your chest once more and bit your lower lip.
“Thanks Steve… Mr… Cap… Steve,” you stammered as you stepped out of line, your heart squeezing slightly as you walked away. You paid no attention to anyone else as your feet carried you out of the store towards your car. You fumbled in your purse for your keys; finding them, you opened the door and threw the book in, landing with the cover opened. Your eyes barely skimmed the handwriting before you barked out a shocked laugh and grabbed the book up in your hands.
The world needs more beauty; thank you for gracing me with yours. Love, Steve Rogers
PS. if you don’t mind my being forward, 212-555-5683
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gummydummy19 · 2 years
hi guys! Last year I decided to join kinktober for the first time and I loved it BUT me being me....I didn't finish it and woop look at that its October again! So I decided that I'm just gonna have ONE kinktober masterlist and add to it every year :))
PS: You can also find every fic on my main masterlist under their respective characters <3
Day 1: Ball-Sucking (Captain Syverson x F reader)
Day 2: Temperature play (Bucky Barnes x F reader)
Day 3: Anal play (Stucky x F reader)
Day 4: Spanking (Captain Syverson x F reader)
Day 5: Vaginal Felching (Wanda Maximoff x M reader)
Day 6: Squirting (Natasha Romanoff x Wanda Maximoff x M reader)
Day 7: Dry Humping (Ransom Drysdale x F reader)
Day 1: Semi-public (Sherlock Holmes x F reader)
Day 2: Mask kink (Simon 'ghost' Riley x F reader)
Day 3: Somnophelia (Ari Levinson x F reader)
Day 4: Bondage (Captain Syverson x F reader)
Day 5: Manhandling (Tony Stark x Steve Rogers x Aunt May)
Day 6: Aftercare (Ransom Drysdale x F reader)
Day 7: Edging (Wanda Maximoff x M reader)
Feel free to let me know what scenarios you'd like to see or who you want me to pair someone else with a certain kink!
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inthemourninglight · 2 years
She’s Trouble
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader this could be read as platonic
Warnings: non-detailed mission related injuries (few broken bones, cuts, blood), alcohol (takes place in a bar), fem!reader but no body description, like at all (as of rn)
Words: 1.3k
Notes: So! I have no idea where I’m going with this. It could totally be left like this as a one shot, or if anyone likes it, I’d be happy to continue with it! On that note, pls lmk if you’d like this to become a series or send me requests/prompts! If I do make this a series, please keep in mind the tags/pairings will change! So please read them in the future! Ps. What the fuck is up with this spacing?
By the time the Quinjet landed, it was late. Or early, Steve supposed. After a three day long recon mission gone wrong, they finally arrived back at the compound at 1:28am.
He exits the jet last, and stretches his legs slowly, in no rush to head inside despite how worn out this mission has left him. He watched as Sam and Natasha walked ahead of him, no doubt eager to get cleared by the med team then head to bed.
They had each taken a beating this time around. Outnumbered, and unprepared, the three of them left looking pretty banged up, though Steve had taken the majority of the blows. After getting back to the Jet, he was examined by a doctor on board to assess his injuries.
All minor lacerations had already healed, as well as any other shallow wounds. Some of the deeper cuts were still healing, along with his broken nose and fractured ribs. Truth be told, he looks worse than he physically feels. Bruises bloom across his nose and ribs and parts of him still caked in dried blood that only a shower would take care of. But all in all, it could’ve gone worse, he supposes.
Natasha notices he falls behind, and turns to face him. Seeing him standing ten paces behind, she silently asks a question.
“I’m gonna take my bike out for a while. Clear my head,” he answers halfheartedly.
She nods, and gives a silent, be safe.
He returns the nod and offers a tight-lipped smile in return, then heads to the garage, keys in hand.
It’s a nice enough night out, chilly, but not unusually so for the start of October in Brooklyn. He ends up riding through old neighborhoods, catching glimpses of the home he remembers. Although, most times it’s hard to believe that this is the same place he grew up in. It’s getting better, easier even, but it’s nights like this when he remembers just how truely out of place he is.
His ribs start to ache from his posture on the bike, so he pulls off and parks in front of a dimly lit bar.
Ryder’s, the semi-lit sign above the door reads, as does the chipped lettering on the window. He looks around in an attempt to find the bar's hours of operation posted somewhere, but they’re nowhere to be seen. Glancing down at his watch, he sees the time. 2:37am. He peers into the window. Seeing the dim overhead lights still on and barstools still left down, he decides to head inside.
It’s different from what he expected, but unsurprisingly, it was empty. However, it was clean, and though the booths are well worn, they’re obviously taken care of. His shoes don’t stick to the floor and every piece of furniture matches. It’s unglamorous and outdated, but comfortable and easy. He stepped further into the room and away from the door, to take in more of the bar's appearance.
So engrossed in the scenery, he failed to hear the footsteps as someone walked into the room from the back. He was brought out of this trance by the flickering of the overhead lights. Whipping his head around, he quickly found the source of the problem.
Standing in the corner with one hand on the light switch, was a woman staring directly at him. After determining she had his attention, she spoke.
“Hey, sorry about the light thing. I just didn’t wanna startle you by making noise behind the bar or getting too close to get your attention. You were pretty zoned out there, didn’t even hear me come in. Doin’ alright, space cadet?” She spoke slow and soft, voice teasing but concern flashed in her eyes. Steve watched as she looked him over, studying him. It didn’t feel like judgement, but more of an assessment.
Leaving the lights on, she moved from the corner and took up residence behind the bar.
“Yeah, I’m doin’ fine, thanks,” Steve replied, obviously distracted by what you were doing behind the bar.
Steve finally moved from his position in the center of the room. With every slow step he took towards the bar, he was made more and more aware of his healing ribs. You stopped your frenzied movements to once again look at him. An unreadable expression crossed your face, and suddenly you ducked out of Steve’s line of sight. Steve heard a small grunt as you crouched, some sort of muffled crunching sound, and the sound of a bag being sealed shut. By the time you popped back up, Steve had sat himself on the stool directly in front of you. You slid something across the bar to him before explaining.
“Here. ‘S for your ribs. Maybe your nose too, if the ice melts slow enough.”
Steve looked down at the item gifted to him.
It was a gallon ziploc bag, full of ice, and wrapped in the gently used dish towel that once hung out of her back pocket. He slowly moved to hold the ice to his side, then looked back up at the woman, who had already moved on to rearranging the glasses behind her.
“How’d you know about my ribs?” Steve questioned, sounding both apprehensive and intrigued.
“It’s in the way you’re holding yourself. Walking slow, but not limping or favoring one side. Turning with your full body to look at something, instead of just your torso. And your breathing- it’s shallow, manual. Deep breaths and cracked ribs don’t really get along, do they.” As she ended her sentence, she spun around with two drinks in her hand, and placed one in front of Steve. “Drink up space cadet, it’s on the house, you look like you need it,” she said as she nodded towards the drink.
“Alcohol, it uh, doesn’t really affect me much,” Steve sheepishly admitted, as he held the drink up to his nose.
“Me neither,” she told him wistfully, “but sometimes, it’s nice to pretend.”
She raised her eyebrows and her glass in his direction, then downed it in one swish. Copying her movements, he did the same.
There was something oddly familiar about the amber liquor, something long forgotten, but safe. The two fell into a comfortable silence. The woman worked, eventually putting up all the stools and wiping every surface, save for the place Steve was sitting. He watched as she did the chores seemingly unconsciously, only using muscle memory. When the last glass was put away, and every chore was finished, Steve handed her the bag that once contained ice, and her towel.
“I guess that’s my que to head out,” Steve sighed, and the woman hummed noncommittally. Slowly, Steve moved himself towards the door.
Despite having one foot already out the door, he stopped completely when he heard her begin to yell from across the room.
“Hey space cadet, try not to be a stranger, yeah?” she called to him and flashed him a grin, seeming to find amusement in her own nickname for him.
“Yeah, I’ll uh, definitely try. Goodnight….?” ending his goodbye with a silent question, asking for her name.
“Trouble.” She states, straightening her posture slightly as she does. ”It’s a nickname, technically, but uh, they call me Trouble,” she tells him, while attempting to gauge his reaction to hearing her name.
She almost looks relieved when he smiles softly at the name.
“Goodnight, Trouble. I’ll see you around,” he says fondly, still wearing a tired but genuine smile. He leaves, pulling the door shut behind him.
Dead leaves crunch under his boots as he slowly makes his way to where he parked. Standing in front of his bike, he looks down at his watch. 4:17am. With a sigh, he starts it up, and gets ready for his ride home. As he slips on his helmet, he lets out a small laugh. Wincing in pain, he tries not to acknowledge the ache in his ribs caused but his own amusement. Heading off down the road, he thinks to himself,
Yeah, she’s Trouble.
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kippykasey · 2 years
Grace - Chapter 9: Fighting Commandos
Pairing: Howard Stark x F!Reader , Bucky x Reader [Eventually]
Word Count: 3430
Series Summary: A young nurse is recruited by Dr. Abraham Erskine to join the SSR to assist on Project Rebirth. Following her work with the SSR she is drafted into the US Army Nurse Corps in the war against the Nazis…and HYDRA.
Chapter Warnings: small mention of blood
Author’s Note: This chapter is a hot mess. I rewrote it like 5 times and I'm still not really happy with it but I might just be over critical of it? Either way it's here now! Ps. Can you find the tiktok memes?
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the gifs they are either found on google or under the gif tag provided by tumblr. Any language other than English was translated using Google Translator, and translations will be posted in bolden italics after. I am not a nurse or in the medical field although I may do some research medical treatment written may not be correct.
Grace Masterlist | Snowdrop Masterlist | Masterlist
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Howard and Peggy joined the flight over to the base in Europe. Howard was the one to pilot the plane. His head would turn and his eyes would lock on the nurse he was once again going to see leave with the possibility of never returning. He would always look away when Peggy caught him looking and would raise her eyebrow in question, almost as if silently taunting him to talk to her. The couple hadn’t spoken much in the last twelve hours, in fact Howard seemed to be the one avoiding her despite his wanting to talk to her. Instead he watched as the three nurses performed initial health exams on the commandos. The commandos got to learn exactly why their head medic was nicknamed ‘Amazing Grace’ after Maxine requested the nurse to sing while they did their examinations. No one noticed the two sets of eyes with different expressions watching the nurse as she sang. When the flight landed and the nurses divided amongst the group Maxine moved in step with Monty who she had become friends with during the long flight. Charlie moved between Dugan and Gabe, finding them the most interesting to be around, although Dugan might have reminded her slightly of her eldest brother. The head nurse herself stayed with Rogers and Barnes. There was nothing but a shared look between Howard and the nurse before Peggy called him away.
Rogers requested that she be a part of any planning meeting. Like the infiltration of the first base. It would only take a few days to reach it and a troop would be sent out a day later as a backup and to care for any hostages, although Rogers swore they weren’t going to need backup. The team set out only 48 hours after the moment the plane landed. Surprising enough for the nurse is how often Steve asked for her thoughts on a plan. Sure she expected him to ask Bucky, but her? She gave her honest opinion each time even if it was ‘don’t be stupid kid’. 
Cold metal pressed to my face. My chest clenched tightly, a reminder of my struggle and need to breathe. The blur that seemed to cover my eyes faded in and out before revealing the smirk worn by a man in a dark military suit.
“Bereit zu reden, Weib?” His voice was sickly sweet but his eyes showed the pleasure and amusement he was getting from the interrogation. Ready to talk, wench?
I didn’t recognize the gravelly voice that came from my mouth. “Rede ich hier mit Idioten oder bist du es nur? Ich sagte nein.” I was thankful that there wasn’t a tremble in my voice as I glared at him. Am I talking to idiots here or is it just you? I said no. 
The man’s lip pulled up in a sneer. He waved his hand and as if he flipped the switch himself my body tensed, back arching against the restrained hold of the chair under the influence of the burning electricity.
My body lurched up into an upright position. The soft fire crackle was the only noise, except for maybe Jim’s rhythmic snoring, that could be heard in the camp they set for the night. As my eyes swept over the sleeping bags of passed out people stopping on familiar eyes watching me from across the fire. He just slightly dips his head to the side to the spot open next to him. I looked at the two other nurses asleep on either side of where my sleeping bag was laid out. Being as silent as possible I moved over to his side. 
We sat next to each other for a while just staring into the dancing flames of the fire. My eyes kept going in and out of focus much too similar to the way they blurred and cleared after a session in the chair. There was a strange almost tickling sensation in my brain. “Are you okay?” Bucky’s voice was a mere whisper and it sent images through my head. 
Boot toes scrapped along the ground. Her body writhing in the grip of two men as they dragged her by her arms back to the cell. Barnes looked up as the metal door clattered open. The nurse was thrown inside like a ragdoll. Her body trembled in pain but not the kind that came from the electric chair. This was a different pain. “Are you okay?” He murmured as he crawled over towards her.
My eyes squeezed shut and I curled into his side, my head pushed against his bicep in effort to block out the images not realizing that they were mental.
The needle stabbed into the skin near her navel as she whimpered in pain. A dark blue mixture was pushed through the needle into her. Pain. Pain followed.
“Tell me please.” I spoke against his arm, the fabric muffling my already weak voice. His hand wrapped around my hand. “You are first lieutenant (Y/n) (F/n) of the US Army Nurse Corps.” His voice was soothing and it stopped the images of failed serum tests. “Thank you, soldier boy.”
“It’s alright. I get it. It was hard when I visited home. My sister got scared when I woke up from a nightmare and she was sneaking into my room.” 
“What is your family like?” I turned my head so I was no longer hiding but still leaning against him. The physical touch was helping me feel grounded at the moment.
Bucky went on to talk about his family. His mom sounded like the sweetest woman I could think of and it made me miss the relationship I didn’t get to have with my own. His sisters, oh dear did they sound like a handful but the tone he used when talking about Rebecca was something else, it was gentle and I could just tell how much she meant to him. In turn I told him about my pops and brother. He went on to talk about how he met Steve and that was a hoot. The pair was definitely trouble. 
We talked until the sun began to rise and the others began to wake up. I stood up patting the man’s left shoulder as a silent thank you for the early morning comfort chat. I moved to roll up my sleeping bag to put it away before pulling out the rations for everyone to eat before we continue on the road. We should reach the first base soon. 
Our little caravan stopped just over two miles outside in a dense part of the woods where Maxine and Charlie would set up to handle any injuries. I followed the guys to the armory truck where I pulled a rifle out. “What do you think you are doing, Gracie?” Charlie questioned, stopping on sight of me grabbing the weapon, the box of supplies in her arms easily forgotten.
I looked over as I loaded the gun and slung the carrying strap over my shoulders. “The guys are going in together. I’m going to watch over the camp.” I explained simply getting a pat on the upper back from Pinky as he passed by me. 
Charlie nods before moving on to set up the medical tent. The commandos were ready to head out within the next thirty minutes and I was right there with them. “I thought you were staying here?” Rogers asked, looking down at me. 
“Oh I am. I’m just walking with you for a bit.”
I walked with the men of the commandos halfway before stopping and nodding them on. Like some worried mother hen I counted each head as they walked passed and would count them as they returned making sure I didn’t lose one of these men. I didn’t walk back to camp though. I stood there hidden in the trees looking in the direction of the Hydra base. I stayed there until the faint echoes of gunfire could be heard. I headed back to camp. My eyes kept scanning all around as if someone might try to attack at any moment. 
Smoke was now visible on the horizon. My hands instinctively tightened around the gun in my possession. The sun was going down already and the commandos weren’t back yet. Maxine and Charlie had poked their heads out of the medical tents a few times to check how things were going but I merely smiled and told them that the boys haven’t returned yet.
The first noise that came near the camp was the rumble of a motorcycle. I raised the rifle and took aim in the general direction it was coming from but a shot never left the barrel as the shine of the shield gave away the rider. Behind him in a jeep was the rest of the guys. I slowly lowered my weapon as they got closer. 
Steve stopped next to me with a large smile on his face. “Any trouble?” His question was expected but my attention was on counting the heads of the men climbing out of the jeep. “Nothing. On our end.”
“Any injuries?” Maxine inquired, being the first out of the tent. “Nah they didn’t even get close.” Monty grinned wrapping his arm around her in his post fight excitement.
“We should move out tonight.” Rogers told everyone still standing next to the motorcycle. He turned towards me like a child asking for candy. “Think I can keep it?” He gestures towards the bike and I snorted, unloading the rifle for storage.
“You get hurt on that thing and I’m not going to give you my angelic bedside manners.” I pointed between the man and the bike before following Dugan to put away the rifle. 
Sawyer, Juniper, and Jones helped take down and pack up the medical tent. Barnes took charge of putting away the guns and making sure they were safe for travel. No more than two hours after the commandos returned we were on the road to get to the next location. 
Time became a foreign concept after a while. They were due to hit their fifth Hydra base in a few days. The last one was a bit rough. Junior got hit with a bit of shrapnel and was carried back to base by Pinky and Jacques. The shrapnel itself was easy to remove. Between Maxine and Charlie they were able to do it but they had trouble stopping the blood loss. Grace stepped in singing her signature song as she stitched up his leg ignoring the camera that seemed to just be there at the moment. She was able to give him a shot of penicillin followed by a shot for the pain. Maxine took over watching him from then on. 
Grace stepped out of the tent removing the gloves from her hands and tossing them into the lit fire. “He’ll be okay, Just needs some rest.” She told the group taking the seat in between Dum Dum and Bucky. Bucky held out the flask in his hand. She gave a weak smile and took a sip from it. One of the late night conversations Bucky had with the nurse was the realization that alcohol didn’t seem to have an effect on them anymore. So they did it more to appease the group and seem normal. 
“Your hair is a mess Gracie.” Dugan chuckled, his eyes glazed slightly from the alcohol he had partook in that night. The nurse rolled her eyes as she passed the flask back to Barnes. Bucky slid the flask back into his pocket before nudging the nurse. 
Bucky stood up from his spot and moved behind the nurse. She looks up at him with furrowed eyebrows confused about what he was doing. Buck placed his hand on her head, tipping it back forward before he carefully pulled out the pins currently in her hair. 
“What ya doin’ there Barnes?” Monty called from access the fire as he watched the sergeant run his fingers through the nurse’s hair. 
Bucky didn’t answer right away and focused more on the strands of hair in his hands. “Are you braiding her hair?” Sam questioned in disbelief. Grace’s eyes had drifted closed as she relaxed under the gentle movement.
“Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up.” Bucky smiled as he folded the strands of hair together. “I have little sisters and my ma would make me help them with their hair.” Charlie passes him a tie for the end of the braid. The man tied off the end before sitting back down next to the nurse. Her eyes were open again this time staring into the fire. Her body leaned over until her head rested on his shoulder, a small yawn escaping her mouth. 
It wasn’t unusual for her other the other two nurses to do this but for Gracie, she only ever leaned on Bucky or Dum Dum (if the former was busy). Many hushed conversations appeared behind their backs wondering if the two were secretly lovers given the few times people have woken to find them alone together, and occasionally wrapped in each other’s arms. Yet the occasional glimpse of a ring on the nurse’s tags made it that more confusing.
The next morning the two were once again found awake together, coffees in their hands. 
“God, waking up to you two is like waking up to a married couple.”Jim muttered as he reached for his own cup of joe. 
His comment made the two laugh softly. “Doubtful.” Bucky mumbled into his cup.
“What? You wouldn’t want to be married to me, soldier boy?” Gracie smiled, glancing over at the others as they cleaned up their sleeping bags. 
Bucky sets his cup down and leans on the crate that he was using as a table. His blue eyes locked onto the nurse sitting a few feet away on the hood of the jeep. “Sugar, if we were married I’d put poison in your coffee.”
Grace leaned forward slightly, being careful not to fall. “If I was your wife, I’d drink it.” She grinned and downed the rest of her coffee without breaking eye contact with the soldier staring at her with a boyish grin.
“Alright you two, enough let's clean up.” Rogers chuckles stepping in between them, breaking the line of sight between the two. The nurse nods and hops off the jeep to assist in packing up the camp so they can finish their short journey to their next location.
They were almost done but the closer they got to finishing the more she got an uneasy feeling in her stomach. It was probably just nerves. Maybe a bit of lack of sleep mixed in too.
Today was the day the commandos were going to infiltrate their seventh Hydra base. Maxine and Charlie had their medical tent set up. Each was entrusted with a pistol for protection since the head medic was going to be going with the commandos to the base. This base was the largest they have infiltrated since their own break out and Rogers wanted to be over prepared. So after a whole day of training the two nurses how to handle and fire the pistols the group of commandos headed out. The nurse was given a sniper rifle and was going to be positioned on the opposite side as Barnes.
Snow had begun to fall recently making it a bit cooler. The nurse was wrapped in a thick white nurse corps cape. Underneath she had put on one of Barnes’ thermal shirts, a dark gray one with her usual nurse corps uniform. Her hair was pinned up and Charlie had sprayed it with so much hair spray she doubted she could get a comb through it but at least there wouldn’t be hair flying into her face.
The group silently walked through the trees following Captain America’s silent command. Suddenly Steve stopped and turned to look back at us. His enhanced hearing was picking up on something. The shield left his grasp, spinning through the air until it connected with a tree, successfully knocking a man out of it. Everyone’s eyes moved to the man that had fallen. But it was only there for a moment before a vehicle, one of ours, was blown up.
Shots and explosions disturbed the once silent landscape. Bucky and the nurse exchanged a glance before nodding and going in opposite directions. They moved to slightly higher grounds. The nurse dropped so suddenly to the ground that she slid against the snow. Her rifle was positioned and she began to take aim at anyone that got too close to her men.
Jacques, by an alert from Jim, attached a bomb to a passing tank. The Tank got a couple yards away from where the French man stood plugging his ears with his fingers when it exploded. The team smiled as they made their way back to camp.
America released footage of Captain America and his elite group, the Howling Commandos. Black and white footage that caught Rogers planning their next move, Bucky across from him, the head nurse standing inside the jeep they used to look at the map, and Roger’s compass open showing the picture of Peggy Carter. Footage of Gracie singing to an injured Junior as she stitched him up with Maxine and Charlie there.
The eighth Hydra base. The guys came back patting Bucky on the back. Dugan pulled Barnes over to the nurse’s a large smile on his face. “This man saved the captain’s life. Shot a guy from the tree line, he did.” Dugan bragged, making the head nurse smile and look at Bucky who almost seemed to be hiding a smile, the tips of his ears pinkened.
That night was another night everyone sat around the fire drinking from flasks. Bucky and the nurse sitting next to each other with Steve on the other side of Bucky. By now most of the guys were fairly buzzed and the other two nurses were giggly under the influence of the wine that Jacques seemed to have. 
“You’re a hero you know,” The nurse states, bumping her shoulder into the soldier’s arm. Buck raised an eyebrow and looked down at her. “Oh? Well I’m sure you are the prettiest girl in Brooklyn.”
“Why, thank you Sergeant Barnes.”
Bucky grins down at the nurse as she drank from the flask they had gotten used to sharing on nights like this. “What do you say, will you accompany me to Roger’s wedding one day?” He inclines his head in the direction of his best friend. 
The nurse tries not to laugh as she dramatically turns her head away. “No.”
Bucky frowns, actually it almost looked like a pout. “But… but.. Sugar, I love you.” His tone was sad but Rogers and the nurse could hear the playful undertone.
She looks back at him with a dramatic gasp that caught the attention of the other commandos. She cups his cheeks. “I… love your too. I LoOoOoOve you.” She cooed wiggling his face back and forth in her hands, making Steve laugh behind him.
 Barnes took the nurse’s hands into his and looked at her with wide eyes, “Marry me, sugar.” Maxine and Charlie let out giggles as they clung onto Dugan and Monty for support.
“No.” The nurse pulled her hands out of Bucky’s grasp.
“Why?” His playful whine drew laughs from a few of the commandos watching the two.
She held a hand to her heart and dramatically turned away as she replied. “I am in love with another.”
“Who is this man?” Bucky moved to kneel in front of her. His playful anger coming through in his furrowed brows.
“He. Is. You.” The nurse paused between each word for dramatic effect. She was glad that their little joke was entertainment for the others so she just kept playing along.
Barnes gasped quickly, taking a hold of her hand again looking up at her with gentle eyes, there was something so sincere in them that made the nurse’s stomach flip and flutter. “I love you! Marry me, (Y/n).”
The nurse inhaled quickly feeling her breath get caught in her breath but quickly played it off seamlessly as if it was a part of their dramatics. “No.”
The soldier dramatically dropped his shoulders as he called out her name in a fake cry. This finally broke her resolve as she began to laugh softly. “I can’t marry you when I’m engaged to Howard, you nut.”
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blackwidownat2814 · 1 year
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I posted 3,067 times in 2022
That's 2,019 more posts than 2021!
55 posts created (2%)
3,012 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,438 of my posts in 2022
Only 21% of my posts had no tags
#bucky barnes - 568 posts
#bucky barnes x reader - 452 posts
#eddie munson - 424 posts
#bucky barnes x you - 422 posts
#bucky barnes fanfiction - 387 posts
#eddie munson x reader - 305 posts
#eddie munson fanfiction - 299 posts
#eddie munson x you - 292 posts
#eddie munson x female!reader - 206 posts
#bucky barnes x y/n - 206 posts
Longest Tag: 90 characters
#for the mexicans and the atheists and pagans and the iranians and iraqis and everyone else
My Top Posts in 2022:
I just need everyone to know that @blizzspeaks is a QUEEN and amazing person. That is all.
PS: go read her work!!!!
19 notes - Posted March 25, 2022
Thanks go out to @give-me-a-moose for bringing this to my attention. I’m famous now, so ask questions must go through my ‘people’. Thank yew.
49 notes - Posted May 30, 2022
See the full post
53 notes - Posted August 16, 2022
Roll the Dice (B.B)
After an argument with your mother, you rage-search for a new job, eventually landing on the homepage of your local county and off the cuff, apply for an opening at the library you frequented as a child.
Your first day on the job changed your life. A few years later, you got your Master’s in Library Science, and left your hometown...
…and you ended up in Manhattan at the New York Public Library, a few blocks from a certain Tower.  
And after meeting the Black Widow herself, Natasha Romanoff, when she, Captain America, the Falcon, Wanda, and Thor came to do a program for the kids one weekend, Nat and Captain Rogers (“Please, call me Steve.”) invited you back to the Tower to meet the rest of the team.
And the rest, as they say, is history…
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x female!reader
Word Count: 3490
Warnings: fluff.  
A/N: I haven’t written anything in almost three(?) years.  I just stopped.  But then, I sat down in March 2021 to watch The Falcon & the Winter Soldier and my brain started poking me to write so many different plot bunnies, y’all have no idea.  I was inspired to actually finish something thanks to @pellucid-constellations #LoveLettersWritingChallenge.
I am new to writing reader insert fic, so I wrote what I know and that’s being Latina.  I am constantly reading up on how to make reader insert fics more inclusive, so I will try to make it less specific next time I write.  However, once again, I am Latina so that might come up now and again, while I get used to writing all inclusively.
Also, thanks to @beefybuckrrito for all the help in beta-ing this oneshot!  You the best queen!  Another shout out to my girl Col @foreverindreamlandd for no reason other than she’s awesome!
‼️⚠️I do not give permission for any of my work to be copied, translated or reposted anywhere else but on my own blog.⚠️‼️
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See the full post
173 notes - Posted March 31, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
wip meme
post the last line you wrote (from any wip) and tag the same number of people as there are words.
Tagged by the awesome @thisonesatellite
Heimdall and Loki stood unbothered in New Himinbjorg...
-From my attempt at a Bucky x reader, with Hanahaki disease as a main part of the story.  Still working on ironing out the details.
Tagging: @foreverindreamlandd @jobean12-blog @navybrat817 @writing-for-marvel @radiantheartbeat @just-chirpin @tuiccim @sillyrabbit81
186 notes - Posted April 22, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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t-marveland · 3 months
𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐥 | steve rogers
Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings : aucun
Mots : 171
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Cela faisait presque un an que Steve était parti à la guerre. Il te manquait énormément et tu lui manquais aussi énormément. Quand il avait le temps, ce qui n'était pas vraiment le cas, il t'écrivait pour te rassurer et dire qu'il allait bien. Aujourd'hui, il avait un peu de temps avant sa prochaine mission alors il alla s'asseoir à l'abri de la pluie et commença à écrire.
❝━ (T/P), tu me manques beaucoup et j'espère que tu ressens la même chose que moi. Nous avons beaucoup de missions ces temps-ci mais ne t'en fais pas nous allons tous très bien. J'imagine que tu dois bien t'ennuyer sans Bucky et moi mais je te promets que nous allons rentrer prochainement à New-York. Je voudrais être à côté de toi pour te voir sourire mais ça ne tardera pas. Il faut que j'y aille, je pense à toi.
Je t'aime, Steve.
PS : je te réserve la prochaine danse.❞
0 notes
waywardimpalawriter · 2 years
Little question for everyone
In the desperate attempt to get myself motivated and/or ideas flowing I want to ask my wonderful doves/followers and friends what would you like to see written first? In my bid to return to a normal writing schedule. 
The next chapter of (?) 
Eyes on you (Marcus Pike x PS Reader x Bucky Barnes)  
Sinful delights (Baker!Bucky Barnes x PS Reader)
All they want for Christmas (Steve R. x PS Reader x Bucky B.)
Slices of life series (Bucky Barnes x PS Reader) 
Pieces of life series (Triple Frontier boys and their ladies) 
Or something totally new but from the fandoms I write for which to refresh the memory.......
Supernatural (Dean, Sam and Castiel)
Triple Frontier (Santiago, Frankie, Will and Benny)
Pedro Pascal Characters (Marcus Pike, Marcus Moreno, Pero Tovar, Javier Peña)
Marvel (Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson)
0 notes
plus-size-reader · 2 years
Christmas 1932
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12 Days of Christmas 2021
Steve Rogers x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 2373 words
Warnings: none
Summary: The reader helps Steve enjoy modern Christmas more with a touch of vintage nostalgia.
Christmas had always been hard for Steve.
It just brought back so many memories for him that he would rather not remember, and a lot of the time it was more painful than cheerful.
After all, it wasn’t like he had a lot of memories of holidays like that after they chipped him out of the ice so most of them were from the forties.
He remembered waking up on Christmas morning as a little boy, and going downstairs to find his mother slaving over homemade cinnamon rolls. He remembered tearing paper off of hand wrapped presents beneath the tree.
He remembered all the traditions they had, and all the things he loved to do, but it wasn’t the kind of peaceful reminiscing that brought him calm and happiness.
It was agonizing, and as if that wasn’t enough, there was no escaping it.
He couldn’t get away from people celebrating in the streets, or Christmas music blaring from the speakers in every store and restaurant you two visited.
It was everywhere he turned, and that made it really difficult to avoid all those good memories, and all those awful emotions.
No matter what he did, there was no escaping the truth. All the people in those memories were long gone, and so was the person he used to be.
It was a feeling he couldn’t have hoped to explain to anyone else, least of all you.
You loved this time of year.
For you, it brought back a lot of those similar childhood memories Steve had, without all the trauma and loss. It meant a lot to you, and he knew it, which meant that there was no way he was going to share all his unease.
That wasn’t something you did to someone you loved.
It wasn’t right.
Steve found it much easier to suffer in silence as you gushed about all the fun festive things you could do together than inform you of his inherent issues with the holiday.
It wasn’t your fault he’d been frozen all that time, and he had no intention of making the consequences of that your problem either.
You deserved to have a good Christmas, and if he had to fake it so that you could, that was exactly what he was going to do.
Not that he was entirely successful in his mission.
It would have been impossible for you not to notice what he was going through, no matter how well Steve might have thought he was hiding it.
You weren’t just somebody, after all, and you had gotten to know him pretty well in all the time you’d known one another. You could tell that he was hiding something, and given the clues, it wasn’t hard to guess.
If you had been in Steve’s place, you figured everything that reminded you of your life before would have been hard for you too.
Of course it was hard.
He wouldn’t have been human if it wasn’t.
Still, you debated whether or not to say something about it to the man in question. In a lot of ways, you felt it wasn’t your place to bring up things he clearly didn’t want to talk about.
…but eventually, you made up your mind.
There was no way you were going to continue about your holiday season as planned if something was bothering Steve.
It just wasn’t going to happen.
“Hey, can I ask you something?” you hummed, coming out from your shower to find Steve sitting on the living room floor, just looking at the Christmas tree you’d put up.
It wasn’t anything huge, but it looked nice in the room and gave you somewhere to put out the things you needed to put out this time of year, but he hadn’t stopped doing that since you pulled it out.
You had to know why.
Steve hummed, letting you know that he was listening without having to commit to any real response. He didn’t mean to ice you out, but he was kind of in his head, and you couldn’t blame him.
You took a deep breath before sitting down beside him, in nothing but a pair of comfortable shorts and your tank top, thankful for the heat inside the apartment.
Without it, you would have been frozen.
“What is it about this time of year? You’ve been acting odd. Am I doing too much?” you questioned, hoping that the man you loved would be honest with you if something you were doing was bothering him.
If he didn’t want to celebrate, you definitely didn't have to.
This was his apartment too, after all.
Again, Steve was quiet for a moment as he tried to work out how he wanted to respond but once he’d taken some time to think about it, he figured there was no harm in telling you the truth.
You had dealt with far worse since the two of you got together, and knowing you, this wouldn’t even be that big of a deal.
“No, it’s not too much. This time of year is just difficult for me. Everything has changed” he allowed, trying and failing to sum up what exactly it was that he was dealing with.
It wasn’t nearly as easy as it should have been, but how could he explain something he didn’t even understand?
You got that.
The two of you hadn’t spent a Christmas together yet and he wasn’t really used to the way you celebrated. For all you knew, Steve didn’t even celebrate the holiday before you moved in.
If you were him, you wouldn’t have either.
Nothing was ever going to be like it was when he did celebrate, no matter what he did, and you were sure that it was hard.
Still, it wasn’t completely hopeless.
Just because the time he’d known was gone, and there was no getting it back didn’t mean there weren’t some elements left that could serve as reminders.
Nothing was ever really gone if you kept it alive.
“Not everything. There is one thing that might cheer you up” you decided, remembering the one tradition you’d been saving for last with a slight smile. It was by far your favorite thing about Christmas and something told you Steve would like it too.
At least, he’d be able to connect to it more than many of the other traditions you had.
Without any further ado, you got up from your position and left the room, heading for the closet in the other room.
That was where you kept your most prized possession.
“I inherited these as a kid, after my grandmother died” you explained, coming back into the room again with a large box in hand. The edges and seams of the box showed obvious age, but not enough to suggest it hadn’t been taken care of.
In fact, given the age of the item in your grasp, it was clear that it had been taken excellent care of.
“I usually put them out on Christmas eve so they can go back up on Christmas morning, but something tells me Nana wouldn’t mind if I put them up a little early this year” you shrugged, kneeling back down next to him.
The contents of the box were still hidden from his gaze but as soon as you pulled back the lid, there was no hiding the reaction it pulled from him. His eyes didn’t move for a moment as he processed what he was looking at.
They were ornaments.
Spherical Christmas tree ornaments, each hand blown in colorful glass and decorated to be one of a kind.
“My grandfather gave them to her as a wedding present in 1932. They got married on Christmas eve” you continued, more and more proud that you’d managed to maintain them as the moments ticked away.
If there was anything that could make him feel a little better about all the things that had changed, it was these fragile little decorations.
Steve sighed, the sort of weighted sigh that held more emotion behind it then either of you was capable of dealing with right now before finally letting himself meet your gaze.
“I was fourteen” his words were little more than a whisper by that point but you were so invested in this that it didn’t matter.
He didn’t care much about things like this back then but he remembered Bucky’s mother putting up a set almost identical to this on their family Christmas tree that year.
They were really popular, and in all honesty, he’d forgotten about them until now.
“I had no idea that we’d be sitting here today when she gave them to me, but something tells me Nana would have been thrilled about this” you smiled, taking one of the ornaments from the case and holding it for a moment.
The glass was cool to the touch against your skin, as you outlined every little detail beneath your fingers and in every way, it reminded you of being a kid and helping her and your grandfather put them on the tree Christmas morning.
Your only hope was that, maybe, they could do the same for Steve.
“Are you sure about that? I’m probably only a few years younger than her” he tried, a small smile creeping onto his face as he fought back the swell of emotions he was feeling right now.
In every way, it was a lot to take in, but he knew that you meant well. He knew that you were sharing this with him because you loved him, which only made it that much more emotional.
“Very funny” you tutted, before turning your attention back to the keepsake in your hand.
There was only one thing left to do.
As gently as you could, you reached out to place the glass orb into Steve’s waiting hands, making sure to keep them braced under his own just in case he needed you to.
Neither of you really knew how he was going to take this whole thing.
“Do you want to help me put them up?” You whispered, taking the next step slowly as you waited for him to be ready. After all this time, you couldn't imagine how difficult it was to do this again.
Especially with the same ornaments he always found in those memories he tried so hard to forget.
Steve looked almost lost for a second as he thought about what you were asking before he nodded, trying to force himself to focus on all those beautiful memories for what they were.
When you looked at these ornaments, you thought about your grandparents on their wedding day, and watching the two of them put them up every year on Christmas eve.
All Steve had to do was adjust the way he looked at those old memories so that he could enjoy them rather than punish himself for all the time he missed out on.
“Yeah, I’d like that” he decided, gently placing the blue ornament back on the case before finally getting up from the floor to survey the rest of the case and the tree you’d insisted on putting up.
At first, he wasn’t thrilled about the idea but as it would turn out, having a Christmas tree in the apartment did manage to make it a lot more festive.
The lights were bright red, and cast a glow on the walls surrounding it. Even for someone like him, who had a tumultuous relationship with Christmas, he had to admit that it was gorgeous.
You had thought out every placement, from each strand of lights to the garland, all for one specific purpose, a purpose Steve was unaware of until now.
The gaps in the tinsel, and the color scheme, all of it was specifically tailored to make these ornaments shine as brightly as possible. They were the most important piece of the puzzle and the focus.
Now that had could see the full picture though, Steve had to admit that it was gorgeous.
He didn’t know your grandparents, but there was one thing he knew for sure, they would have been proud of how well you’d done this whole thing. He was proud, and it wasn’t even his heirloom.
“Put them wherever feels right” you instructed, deciding that this year, Steve needed this a little more than you did. He needed to know that Christmas could still be good, even if it wasn’t the same as it was.
It could still be something that he enjoyed, that he enjoyed with you.
….and for the most part, it seemed to be working.
After a few timid moments, Steve did what you knew he’d eventually do, and leaned into the tradition you were bringing to the surface.
It came naturally to him, mostly because it was about as close to his childhood holidays as he could physically get a hundred years later.
“So, what do you think?” you asked, once everything had found its place and the whole picture was in front of him.
In every way, it was a perfect holiday dream, and it was hard not to be in awe of how beautiful it was.
Steve took a second to consider the tree in front of him before addressing you, a soft smile on his handsome face.
“I think that you’re amazing” Steve eventually decided, taking your hand in his own to give it a gentle squeeze so that you understood just how important this was to him without having to put it into words.
He loved you, he loved you so much that it was ineffable to him, and he wouldn’t have had it any other way.
You always found a way to make him feel better, even without knowing what was wrong.
“Well, I think that you’re amazing, and I’m so happy that I could share this with you” you hummed, admiring the tree one last time. It was a little different this year than any year before but you felt like it was meant to be that way.
After all, you and Steve were doing something neither of you had ever done before, and if he could give it a try, you knew that you could too.
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littlemessyjessi · 5 years
“On Your Left” : Steve Rogers Imagine
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Steve Rogers Imagine Steve Rogers x Reader: PS Reader, Plus Size Reader
Imagine singing while you make breakfast on the Avengers base...
Steven is infuated, of course.
It doesn't matter if you sound like an angel or if you sound like a cat being run over by lawn mower....he's smitten.
"If by some miracle I get to heaven and the angels sound anything less than you, I'm asking if I can come back."
"Steve, I don't know if that was cheesy or the most romantic thing I've ever heard."  you smiled.
"It was so smooth, it was gross." Sam said as he shoveled his chicken strips into his mouth.
"Agreed." grunted Bucky through a mouthful of cheeseburger. "Disgusting."
"Says the two pigs talking with food hanging out their mouths." you said pointedly.  "Now shut your faces!"
"Alternatively, if I get to hell and the demons have any less temper, I'm requesting I be sent back as well." Steve added.
"Now, you're speaking my language." you winked at him.
"Get a room!" Sam called out.
"Alright." you smirked. "We're taking yours."
With that, you grabbed Steve and made a run for it.
Poor Sam torn between leaving his precious chicken for Bucky to undoubtedly eat or the two of you to fuck up his room.
"Don't eat my food." he said to Bucky.
"Yeah, ok, birdbrain." the brunette said just staring him down before Sam cussed and ran after the two of you.
However, by that time, Steve had already picked you up, thrown you over his shoulder, taken a lap and now...
He ran passed Sam and you smirked at him as you did.
"On your fucking left."
"Damn it!"
Hey, smoochies! I hope you enjoyed this piece of content and if ya did please be sure to let me know in the comments! If you’d like to read more of my work check out my profile! There you can find my masterlist for my works on this blog as well as my two other blogs for my witchy content @witchyweirdness and my monster blog @monsterbaesbymamakennysaurus !  Enjoy and Happy Reading!
Love, Mama Kennysaurus
@pleasantdreamqueen   @becrazy–beyou –beyou
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@jimmys-afterlife-love-deactivat @the-great-irene @fanfictionandjunk
@alanlizzingtonshore @buriednurbckyrd @disneymarina@@tubbypeachwriting
@sullybot @georgiagrl1990 @whenallsaidanddone
@mischiefnevermanaged94 @inumorph
Love, Kenny
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