#sun-kissed angel!
christiangeistdorfer · 4 months
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ELIO DE ANGELIS studying timing sheets at the 1980 BRAZILIAN GRAND PRIX
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sunkissedlouis · 2 months
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louis making sure a fan was okay (during the group photo) 02.04.24
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wwwkissu · 1 year
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marsmad · 12 days
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The sunlight on his face 😍💖😍💖😍💖😍
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tennessoui · 4 months
new to the fandom and apparently theres anakins hair color discourse ??? this seems like an old fandom, so whats the general consensus there so far
hahahahaha let’s leave some stuff in 2021 it’s more fun that way to pretend there’s been growth here
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You had NO RIGHTS to make Alex a sap acshsjsjaja THEY ARE KILLING ME
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dorkylilguy · 1 year
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It’s a beach day! 🏖️💚💙
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euesworld · 2 years
"Icarus was an idiot, he thought he could fly into the sun using wings.. I just move in for a kiss from your smile and it's the same thing. I fall, but not to my death.."
Your smile is exactly 7 times brighter than the sun and a billion times hotter - eUë
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zorkaya-moved · 2 months
' I am not the seraphic ideal so many paint me to be! ' songbird loses control of her carefully crafted persona, ' just for once, I want to be loved! I want to be choked by true love until I weep with joy and revelry! so, chain me, if you like! possess me! love me, Apostle, love me! fulfill the frantic wish that even all this fame could never fulfill! fulfill me! I will sing away all that haunts you, I will hypnotize you and remove all of your burden. I will give you peace. ' ( shall we be a bit fucking insane 😳 )
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There is never trust in anything that looks divine. Divinity is a lie and the gods are cruel. There is deep unsettlement whenever the concept of religion and holiness comes into place. She, who has used religion and holiness, witnessed all it had done to the minds of others. The seraphs will be praised, people will kneel before them and pray upon their salvation (Cleanse me, cleanse me, cleanse me) while forgetting the true nature of these creatures. But the galaxy seems to be filled with more than just ideals and ideations, it is filled with those who live such lives through and through. 
I was the god, the saint, the destroyer, the devil, the sinner, the peasant and the empress. I was everything and nothing, I took on roles of holy worship and satanic rituals. This body is not pure and it will never, it’s been tainted by more than others fear. The energy of Honkai found its way to deep, altering everything and anything it came into contact with. 
The maiden of lying masks tells her, persona slipping and she looks all the more beautiful in her imperfections. The wings on her head are lies told by those who wish to take them for granted, and Zarina thinks their white color is beautiful and pretty when coming together with Robin’s general color palette. The soft blue, the gentle touch of the sky in her hair and such a gentle shade of green in her eyes. The winter within her craves to have more of these colors inside of it, to dance in a flurry of snow around her to witness all that she is and to preserve in memory and in ice the sight of her beauty. 
There is never trust in anything that looks divine, but there is trust in the one who lets her facade fall and expose her selfishness. There is trust in the rawness of emotion and the desire to be loved. Is it not the most perfect imperfect thing? To be loved wholly, truly, with the vices and imperfections included? The angel shows her true face and the Apostle finds it better than any alcohol she's ever tasted, an intoxicated feeling of appreciation and delight. Her frozen core beats for she no longer has a true heart that acts like it, her being yearns to touch her, to taint her more, to possess more of her voice, her warmth, her lips, her gaze, her everything.
Chain me, she says. Possess me, she says. Love me, she says.
It's impossible to stay away when such allure is presented. No, not impossible, but she doesn't want to. Zarina always chooses what she wants to do and now she steps so close to the seraphim that their chests touch and her hand rests on the songstress' waist while the other tilts her chin up so she could look at her. How frantically she's been speaking, but the Sovereign (Herrscher) can only look in admiration, fascination, and adoration. Perfection bores her, perfection brings out her apathy and disinterest but this? Oh, Robin's truth is what intrigues her and brings her here like a moth to a flame (you were a flamechaser too, faux goddess, once).
Red lips part to begin to speak:
"I will not chain you for freedom fits you better," her words are a melody laced in velvet, deep and sultry. "I will not possess you for obsession is my love's face," she presses her thumb against Robin's lips while looking into her eyes, enjoying the perfection of her rosy lips. "But I will love you. I will love you as people love in winter to stay warm, I will kiss you breathless and steal your voice when the moon is high." Now her thumb traces across the lower lip. "Be my duet in the song, Robin. Be my equal, want me and yearn for me as much as I yearn for you. I'll let you sing me to sleep, I'll let you be my final lullaby."
There is a pause between them to let the words sink in, sink as in the abyssal ocean where countless memories will forever be buried. The voices, oh, the voices are so loud but they will never be forgotten! The Discipline orders you to remember and it's a golden necklace around your neck, Apostle, you'll never be free from the God's Voice! But Zarina knows, she listens to the angel's words and she accepts them. Not recklessly, but solely because there is nothing left to lose and because she'd love to jump into this horror with her arms open for the seraphim to claim her love.
"But you must be my equal. Be selfish, be greedy, be loving. Want me and desire me, reach out your hands and cling to me to not let me go," she whispers now, so it will be only heard to by the wings of faith and fate. Harmony won't interrupt them as Sokolova's arm circle around Robin's waist, hugging her close and her hand cups the songstress' cheek. Golden eyes - half-lidded - are full of winter charm, warmth within them is both tempting and dangerous. How can ice be warm? Just like people fall asleep under the layers of snow never to wake up again. "I will only ever love the [real] you, not the diva, not the daughter of Oak Family, but you - the one so imperfect, so selfish, and so greedy. So be wanting with me," Zarina then kisses her forehead, too tender of a gesture for words spoken but a promise done before her lips press against her eyebrow. "Because the others will see perfect, what beautiful mask, but I want to see you come undone with me," another kiss to her cheek, it's reverence for the truth and true beauty in the eyes of gold. "I'll be loving with you, Robin, I will revere you and worship you but only if you do the same. Obsess with me as I obsess with you. I don't want half-loves, I want all that you are. So give it to me, give me your voice, your lips, and your soul. And you will have it all from me." Another kiss to the corner of her lips.
Origin is all about Ego, the true self. Thus, Zarina exposes the truth of herself before Robin and wishes for the same. Reverence for the Ego, love for the Ego, adoration for the Ego. She is the Apostle of Origin, the Messenger of Ego, and the one who continuously begins.
"I will be your true love, so be mine."
Now, the angel's lips are captured by the apostle's. A kiss to seal the promise.
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wyrmzier · 1 year
Tell us the story of Sam and Zipporah :))
Once upon a time in a land faraway there was a young boy named Zipporah who lived with his mother and grandfather. The boys father was forbidden to see him and watched from afar. His father was given another little boy to watch over and teach. This boy was Sam, an angel of destruction. Zipporah's father was Hunter, an angel of ritual. Zipporah was neither human nor angel.
Zipporah was often lonely and outcasted. Other children were disgusted by him, his strange unnerving eyes, and the manner in which he spoke. They knew something was wrong with him.
Zipporah was alone. . .until he met Sam. Another feared monstrous child who put his hand out for Zipporah. And when their fingers interlaced they decided they would never let go.
Hunter was distraught at their friendship. If they were discovered Zipporah could be killed. But no matter how he pleaded or punished them they refused to abandon the other.
Their days were filled with laughter and sunshine. With age friendship bloomed into love. They knew they wanted to spend eternity with the other.
One day Zipporah proposed to Sam, knowing he wanted to stay at Sam's side forever and start their family. Sam, an angel who has lived hundreds of lives, didn't understand. Marriage was such a young concept in the grand scheme of life, a silly human ritual. Sam had laughed at Zipporah, but wanting to make him happy, said yes.
Despite having lived hundreds of lives in his reincarnation cycle, Sam was immature and childish. Never taking the commitment Zipporah desired seriously.
But soon word spread that Sam was engaged and Zipporah was discovered by The Order. They swooped in at once and killed Hunter for this grave transgression, and interrogated Sam relentlessly to learn where Zipporah was. But Sam remained tight lipped. He escaped just long enough to warn Zipporah to run before Sam was killed and tossed in a river.
Zipporah's heart had been killed alongside his fiance's. His own magic corrupting in his grief. Zipporah grew cold, angry, and lonelier than ever.
After the death of his mother, Zipporah seemed to lose all of his humanity. A local Lord saw Zipporah's desperation and shackled him as his servant. Zipporah faced much cruelty, his anger growing until he defied his Lord so offensively he had no choice but to rid of him, permanently.
Zipporah, however, is hard to kill. The Lord had Zipporah trapped inside a cave to starve. Zipporah fell asleep, ready to die, but his magic had other plans. It preserved him in an eternal slumber. Zipporah taking claim of his own angelic domain of dreams.
Sam did not stay dead for long. Reincarnating into a new host. But by the time this body was grown Zipporah was trapped. Sam searched for him, and found the cruel Lord who trapped his love and enacted his vengeance. Sam was able to find the very cave and Zipporah's sleeping body. But try as he might he could not wake him. Sam, distraught, curled up next to him willing himself to die in his love's arms. But as he drifted to sleep he discovered Zipporah could visit him in his dreams. Knowing his love was alive and could speak to him, Sam dedicated himself to waking him and protecting his body. Sam built mazes and traps to keep looters out of the cave, searched endlessly for a cure, and at the end of every life he curled happily into Zipporah's arms to die.
But Sam's work did not go unnoticed. The angel Wrath discovered him. She grew disgusted at Sam's abandonment of his duty and worship of a monstrosity. In her glory as an archangel she erased Sam's memory of Zipporah and left them both to die.
Sam did not stay dead for long. But his memory was truly gone.
Zipporah did not die at all. But he only had so much power to return Sam's memories of him. For hundreds of years Zipporah lay trapped drifting through the dreams of the masses and praying he may get his Sam back.
Sam's heart was gone. For every life after he was empty and didn't know why. Nothing filled the gaping hole. Not sex, drugs, or burying himself in his work.
Many many years later Sam found himself in the small town of Puddle. He made a friend named Zeke. Zeke was a curiosity. He had no memories of who he was, and found himself able to walk through people's dreams. With this ability he noticed he was always being watched. The dreams of everyone in the town were being haunted! No, the very god of dreams, Morpheus, had noticed him!
Of course he was wrong. Although Zipporah never bothered to correct him. Zipporah made a deal with him: he would help get Zeke's memories back if Zeke helped Sam remember who he was.
Zeke is not a total idiot and slowly learned who Zipporah was and what Sam meant to him. But no matter their efforts Sam just couldn't remember.
Until Sam corrupted. His magic taking full control of his body and turning him monstrous. It took the efforts of many people to rescue him. With Zipporah and Zeke diving deep into his psyche and finding an artificial dreambeast eating all of Sam's memories. Zipporah killed it, releasing all of Sam's memories.
Sam remembered his love! His heart beat again and his body felt full. Alas, Zipporah was still trapped in his eternal slumber. But with Zeke's help they managed to wake him.
Zipporah and Sam reunited, their hearts bright and golden again. And their lives were filled with laughter and sunshine.
Over the centuries they were apart Sam had matured. He grew regretful of his behavior laughing at Zipporah wanting to marry him. And he wanted nothing more than to make Zipporah his. But he was frightened by it, the happiness he could have. The chance it could be taken away so easily again.
Sam doubted and doubted until he couldn't anymore, when they had their daughter Aliza. Sam wanted it all, the pageantry, the rings, the titles. He wanted his family to be complete. And they married. And their family grew more with their two sons Zekey and Ezzy. And all was good ;)
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(Art by @kami-scribbles)
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Nico who has alot of moles. That's it. That's the post
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bleeding-hart · 2 months
all this stuff about black cat/orange cat, black cat/golden retriever. What about orange cat/golden retriever.
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hoshigray · 2 months
Satoru and Suguru having a competition over who can impregnate their sweet shared lover first, please?
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𝐚. 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: oh my goodness???....you got my attention.
⊹ 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬: Geto + Gojo x fem! reader - explicit content; minors DNI - canon divergence; implied geto is still a jujutsu tech sorcerer - satosugu taking turns with you - kissing; making out - lotus (geto) + eagle (gojo) positions - breeding kink - scratching - multiple orgasms - unprotected sex (psa: wrap it up, of get tf up) - cervix fucking - creampies - clitoral play (swiping) - pet names (angel, baby, my love, pretty girl, princess, sweetheart) - humor - mention of drool + heavy depictions of come/semen.
⊹ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2.1k
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“Oooh—Haahh! Ohhh, God, Suguu, y’ feel so good…!”
“You feel good, too, princess...Hgghh! Shit, Y/n—“
“Yo, can you hurry it up? You know I’m not a patient guy, Suguru.”
Gojo sucks his teeth while watching you get it on with Geto. It was one of those nights when they’d come home and surprise you together. Usually, one would be assigned longer shifts or missions (that one mostly being Gojo), and the other would return home to eat dinner and sleep with you. But there would be those days when they’d arrive home in unison and try to do whatever they can to have you enjoy these rare moments with all three of you.
Sometimes, it would be Gojo taking you guys to some delicious café that sells parfaits that you’d probably like or Geto having the idea to have lunch at the park and enjoy the sun together. But, of course, there’d be those days when simply being inside the apartment, talking about each other’s day, watching a random movie, and then snoring while spooning would suffice. Because it doesn’t matter what they choose to do; all three of you being at the same place is always the best!
Tonight, however, was one of those nights where they’d pull you aside, drown you in kisses and gropes, and carry you to the bedroom for a more intimate occasion. For tonight, Geto and Gojo wanted to fuck you in the hopes you’ll be with child. And what better way for the two best friends to go about such an eventful issue than by a competition to see who can fill you up the most? 
Suguru has you propped on his crossed lap, your arms wrapped around his neck, and his hands kneading your asscheeks as you bounce on his cock and wail out his name in pretty notes. This was about the third round of the night, your cunt wet and filled with both Geto’s and Gojo’s cum. The fluids stream down with every jump of your hips from the base of his girth to his balls, the sounds of your union so filthy with the groans and moans that bounce around the bedroom walls. 
Geto sighs and burrows his chin into your shoulder. “Hahhh, oh, stop your crying, Satoru. You finished your turn and didn’t hear me heckle while you and Y/n were doing it.”
The white-haired man grunts with more complaints, to Geto’s dismay. “Yeah, well, I’m not the one who takes longer to finish,” he persists, even if his raven-haired friend frowns. “I don’t want you to be the reason my dick falls asleep.”
“Tch, what you should be worrying about is finishing too quickly when it’s your turn. You act like being faster is better…Heh, maybe you can’t handle Y/n better than I do.”
“You son of a—“
“Hey now,” you’re the one who mediates the growing childish tension between your husbands, turning your face to lock Gojo in a spell with your gorgeous, hooded eyes. “Be nice, Toru; it’s Sugu’s turn now, so you can have me however you want when we’re done here, okay?”
Like a heart-struck fool, pink shades creep into the helix of Gojo’s ears as he happily complies with your request. “Okay, my princess.”
Geto rolls his eyes at his friend’s display; what a total loser. As if he has room to talk because once you turn back to face him and kiss his cheek, his breath hitches. “Come on,” you whisper. “Don’t let him ruin your fun.”
The dark-haired one chuckles before claiming your lips with his, “Wouldn’t dream of it, angel.”
As you two kiss, you rock your hips more to create a steady rhythm on top of Geto. His girth stretches your vagina nicely, and with his pulsing veins, you can feel them rub on the velvety texture of your inner walls. It’s good that the pace is at a respectable tempo, allowing you to feel him at your wits and pleasure truly.
But the best part of this position is how easy it is to stimulate your clitoris. Every time you rock your hips against Geto’s, the bulb rubs against his body and has your frame jolting. It feels so fucking good, having your cunt stuffed with his girth member and graze your walls deliciously while your precious button is being pressed.
The pacing soon goes in sync, his subtle thrusts as you bounce your ass on him while kissing. Your mewls are taken by his hungry lips, sucking on your tongue to evoke more cute noises, your hand coming to the back of his head to massage and grab strands of his onyx hair. He’s so romantic with you and your body, the position making this intimacy so much more personal. Your chasm frequently clamps on his cock when you pull your waist up, making the man below you hiss at the grip.
He breaks the kiss, “Shit, you tighten around me so nicely…”
“Really?” You giggle, laying more kisses on his cheek and ears. It sends shivers down his spine. 
“—Khhh, damn it, I can’t...” Suddenly, Geto thrusts upwards in a faster notion, and you scream to hold on quickly and follow his cadence. “Fuck, you feel too amazing, sweetheart…!” You can’t reply to him appropriately; your only responses are narrowed down to high-pitched whines and squeals. His hands wrap around your back to keep your body close as he chases his climax, his hot face melting with the sweat of your shoulder while he pushes his cock to meet your cervix. “Hmng! Hmmnn, I’m gonna cum, baby…!”
“Ohooo, me too, Sug’ruu, me—Tahhh! Ohhh, Jesus…!” Your clit keeps bumping onto Geto, your nerves getting activated with every rut. Shaky moans leave your puffy lips, and your hand scratches his back at every jab of your delicate cervix. You bring him in for another kiss – this one a lot more rushed and steamy – and your orgasm hits you both from the erratic speed of your hips.
You two sigh heavily into each other’s mouths, your body sinking into Geto’s gentle hold as his cock ejaculates his semen into your throbbing slit. His hands massage your back while his pelvis rolls to grind his dick and have your walls clench onto him more.
With a soft sound, you remove your lips from his, smiling gently while you brush his bangs off to view his left eye. “You love to finish strong, Sugu.”
He chuckles before kissing your nose. “Can’t help it if you drive me crazy, my love—“
“Alright, round’s over!” 
Before Geto knows it, Gojo’s already on the bed, yanking you off his best friend’s lap and laying you down with your back to the sheets. He voices his discontent, trying not to appear too upset. “Excuse you? Can’t let me have a moment?”
“Nope!” He shoves a middle finger to Geto’s face, and the black-headed one almost pops a vessel. “I practically went limp after watching you two for so long. So obverse from the side and let me have my fun.”
“So annoying,” Geto mumbles under his breath, yet the milky-haired one chooses not to listen with a huff and places all his attention on you.
“Now,” Gojo turns to you with half-lidded cerulean eyes, a smile beaming too much that his dimples show up. He spreads your legs to evince your messy chasm; Geto’s come spilling down to the crevice of your butt as he massages your inner thighs. Fuck, so fucking nasty, it had him bite his lip. “You ready for more of me, baby?”
You titter, bringing your legs up your chest and spread to a V-shape. “Yes, Toru, thank you for being patient.”
He snickers while pushing his glans to meet your soapy folds, humming when the excessive come lubes your labia sufficiently for his cock to be inserted. The hug of your walls makes him moan, and you jerk as his left curve scratches the plush itch. “Fuuuuck, so warm and tight for me, baby.” 
His arms support your legs in the air, and the position allows him to initiate with slow thrusts. Your purr at his movements; the curve has you howl with every push, stretching your pussy when he propels himself into you and rubs the upper wall of your vagina. Oh God, feels so fucking good…
You peer to where his dick is plunging into your cunt, silently awing at the mussy display of cum ringing around the base of his shaft and stringing to where your folds are. Holy shit, you chew on your bottom lip and move a hand to finger your clit, silently howling at the swipes you dance around your bud. “OhhhGod, hmmmm, right there…”
Gojo looks down and sees what you’re doing, and he chuckles, “Shit, you enjoying yourself, pretty girl? Hmm?” He ruts into you with sudden haste, and an abrupt hit to your cervix has you almost choking on air. “Like being filled up, huh?”
“Ahhh, y–yesss, I lov—Mmmph!!” He grinds his pelvis down, drilling his length deep inside to scuff your smooth walls. “I love y’r dick so much, Satoruuu…!”
“Awww, look at you playing with yourself,” the view excited him more, increasing his speed to pound into you. You cry out at the poke of your cervix, clamping onto him in response. “Ahhhh, there it is,” he coos while adding more weight onto you, making his rocks precise where he wants to hit. More shrieks fly out your lips, “Wanna be bred so bad, princess? Want me to fill you up again?”
Your head aches, ears ringing from the sloppy sounds of his dick rutting inside you, his balls smack your grundel with every push. “Ahhnn, mmoohhh, ye’sss,” you whisper.
“C’mon, angel, let me hear you.” Gojo places his forehead on your sweaty one, azure eyes examining your expression in a haze. “You want—Nnngh! Fuck…Want me to fuck a baby into you, yeah? Make you a mama? ”
“Yess, ’Toru, yesss!! Give me y’ur babiess, make me all fat and full!!”
“Heh, good, pretty girl; so good for—Khhckk!! Shit, shit, I’m gonna cum…” He brings his lips to yours, moaning to the kiss with you while his hips turn up to a volatile rate. Your whimpers are sucked and drunk by him, your eyebrows furrowed from the cyclical hits to your cervix and rubbing on your silky tunnel.  
Your arms come around to his shoulders, beckoning him to deepen the kiss as your body gets ready for the orgasm that hits you like a train. Trembles climb up your frame, whines muffled, and drool slips out your mouth down to your chin. Your cunt contracts around his length, milking him into his own release and filling you with his essence, adding to the pile that squelches and trickles down to the sheets beneath you. 
Gojo nibbles on your lip as he pumps every last bit of his load into you, his tongue twirling with yours until he removes his face from yours. He smiles, dimples greeting you with disheveled strands of snow-white hair sticking to his forehead. Too distracted by his charm for him to sneak in more harsh thrusts to your aching frame. 
You gasp aloud, “—Ohooo! Satoru, nooo! I’m too sensitive nowww..!!”
“Mmmm, sorry, princess,” an apology with a smile doesn’t match, placing a kiss on your forehead as you wail for him while he ruts into your vulnerable slit. “You just feel too good, can never get enou—Owwww!!”
“What do you think you’re doing?”
Witness to the entire thing, Geto smacks Gojo with a house slipper before pulling him off you and throwing him to the side. The blue-eyed man looks at the other with an annoyed face. “I should be asking you the same thing, you psycho; what’s with the assault!?”
“Did you forget? Your turn is up,” indigo eyes narrow with a dark glint. “So why are you still moving?”
“Oh, quit yapping, giant earlobes! Can’t a guy squeeze in a few more before I get off…Or what, you scared I’d make them pregnant first? Your frail soldiers can’t compete with mine, is that it?” 
“Hah, you tell me, blue-eyed snowflake; you’re the one still trying to fuck into them like you’re afraid your load isn’t enough. Poor guy; can’t be a sore loser too early, now.”
“Choke on my dick!”
“You first.”
The two bicker back and forth while you observe, unable to find the right cue to intervene as you’re still in a daze. You sit on your side, feeling the liquids inside you exit your frame and slide down your thighs.
As they fight, you remember that you had forgotten to tell them that you took a birth control pill earlier today after they texted about returning home together. It wasn’t until after dinner that they said they wanted to try and fuck and fill you to the brim, practically dragging you to the room before you could utter a word to them about the contraceptive.
…Oh well, surely they don’t mean to have a baby right this moment. Plus, there will be other times! So, for now, you watch your husbands argue before you while shaking your head with a smile.
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requests/thirsts are open hehe~ 🧸
© 𝐇𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐲2024 – reblogs and comments are appreciated wholeheartedly ☆ header edit done by me + dividers by @/benkeibear.
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esotericallymelanated · 4 months
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