#sure is easy to sign up to donate your time though
decolonize-the-left · 10 months
.....does anyone else get the vibe that the limitless expanse of the internet, media, and consequent ability to interact politically, spiritually, and apathetically with people locally and globally maybe had an influence not only on the individual's relation to the collective but also their ability to participate in it and see their significance to it?
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Can we talk about it?
Like I feel like as some who was a frontline activist and now is a disabled social activist who dabbles in radicalizing liberals... The wall I and my peers continuously keep running into is the collective feeling that someone else will do it.
"it" being whatever action.
For me it's signing a petition, protesting, donating, community organizing (both online and offline).
We get tons of interest on stuff. Interest which very rarely translates to doing more than showing a poster to the friend theyre with before trashing it, reblogging a post, or hitting "interested" or like when we post local events.
And on All these platforms posts gets to a point of "enough" responses where ppl just stop responding and sharing, too.
On Tumblr you see this a lot with donation posts and people constantly having to make new ones. Cuz they're getting notes, but not tangible assistance that will help them. And the reblogs stop because there are so many notes that ppl start assuming that the goal was met or will be met soon.
But that isn't what's happening. And like I said this isn't just with donation posts or money so the answer isn't "well ppl are broke" which would be an easy and sensible answer.
Honestly, I've been thinking that with so Many people easily accessible online with so many opinions and varying levels of popularity and followers that it's easy to lose yourself in them. Especially now when so much of life takes place online.
It's so easy to think you're just one of those many people. ....So surely nobody would notice if you were being a little facetious, right?
Gonna be real, it seems a lot to me like a lot of people are trying to hide their lack of integrity through the anonymity offered online.
And like sure maybe nobody would notice if it was just a few people being facetious about supporting something but it's SO MANY (in my experience? Upwards of a thousand once) and Everywhere. Online, offline, and apps.
And the thing that makes it weird is that every one is assuming that people are being more helpful than they are. That more people are showing up.... Even though they themselves are not showing up either. Like I said reblogs for donations stop, shares stop, and only a handful of ppl show up to events irl. You can literally compare reblogs to the signatures when a petition is being shared.
Wanting to show up isn't the same as showing up.
"People" are not coming to change or show up to the revolution. It's you. You are the people. You are the people that need to show up. Not just as a notification on my screen but actually, because you think someone else will have enough integrity to show up for you but they don't.
Your integrity matters.
You matter so much. I don't know what it is behind this mass behavior that has y'all acting otherwise but I'm telling y'all right now that YOU and the choices that YOU make matter. The events that you choose to spend your time at and how you spend your energy and protecting your rights matters!
That isn't some "im just another drop fighting an endless battle in the ocean" kind of deal.
I'm telling you from experience: there is no ocean! We are in a fucking drought and every drop matters.
Show up. Nobody else is doing it on your behalf.
.......or is it just me? Has anyone else noticed this
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glorious-spoon · 11 months
hiiii, if you're still doing soft kiss prompts (and if it sparks!) how about "out of pride" for buddie? <3
hi, and thank you!! this went a bit sideways, but i hope it suits!
Buck signs up for the charity 10K more or less on a whim—apparently, Bobby's AA chapter has been working with them, and maybe all his talk of donations for a new treatment facility inspired Buck, or something. Maybe, as Eddie likes to tease him, he can't miss a chance to show off. He's not bothered about it, either way. It's for a good cause.
Of course, that was before the sky opened up with a torrential and unseasonable downpour halfway through the race. It was actually kind of nice, at first, but now he's closing in on the last half-mile and his damp clothes are clinging and uncomfortable enough that he's wondering just how much trouble he'll be in if he just strips down right here in the middle of the street lined with cheering onlookers. Eddie and Chris are somewhere in that jubilant crush of bodies; Eddie was supposed to run with him, before an ill-timed broken ankle ruined that plan. Buck's trying not to be too miffed about that.
He feels good, though—loose and warmed up, his blood singing, his breathing easy as he rounds the final turn. There's the finish line up ahead, half a dozen runners up in front of him. Buck puts on a burst of speed, lengthening his stride to pass a black-haired man in a red jersey and a rangy woman with a buzz cut, and then the finish line is bearing down, and he crosses it to a burst of cheering, slowing from a sprint to an easy jog, and finally a walk. The clock reads 39:14, which puts him solidly in the top ten percent of runners for this, which means—importantly—that Eddie owes him dinner now. 
He takes the water bottle a volunteer hands him as he moves into the cooldown zone, peering around to see if he can catch sight of anyone he knows. Bobby said they were going to try to set up near the final stretch, but it's crowded enough that he's not sure they were able to find spots.
And then he hears Christopher's voice, clear as a bell over the staticky Top Ten music blasting from a set of nearby speakers, yelling, "Buck! Buck! Over here!" and he turns just in time to catch an armful of excited pre-teen in an eye-searing orange t-shirt that matches Buck's colors.
"Hey, Superman," he laughs.
"You stink," Chris informs him, beaming, as Eddie crutches up behind him. He's in the same shade of neon orange, and he's wearing an expression so fond that Buck almost can't bear to look at it.
"Come on, bud, give Buck some space, let him do his cooldown stretches so he doesn't wind up in the medical tent after all this."
"Hen would never let me hear the end of it," Buck says as Chris releases him.
"I'd never let you hear the end of it," Eddie says, which, fair enough. He's still beaming, and Buck can see Maddie and Chim and Bobby and Athena making their way through the press of the crowd behind him, chairs in hand; Eddie and Chris must have got a head start. And then Eddie takes a half-step closer, hooking a finger in the collar of Buck's shirt.
"Thought you wanted me to do my cooldown stretches," Buck says, grinning. He's giddy with endorphins, flying high on this—the crowd, the music, the warmth of Eddie's smile.
"This won't take long," Eddie says, and tugs Buck down to kiss him lightly on the mouth, in full view of the entire street. "Hey. You did really great. I'm proud of you."
"Oh," Buck says, breathless now for reasons that have nothing to do with the six miles he just ran. There's a whoop that sounds an awful lot like Chim, and closer up Chris makes a noise of exaggerated adolescent disgust. Buck barely registers any of it—barely registers anything other than the fact that Eddie is kissing him until Eddie releases him and steps back, still smiling. He doesn't even have the decency to look nervous, the bastard.
"Do your stretches," he says.
"So, uh, so that's a yes on dinner, right?" 
"It's a yes on whatever you want," Eddie says. "Later. For now—"
"Yeah, yeah, alright," Buck says, but he can't stop smiling.
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captainkranos · 10 months
Dreaming of Metal- Part One A story for those wishing they were robots
This is my first major foray into writing, so id love constructive criticism! This is part one, and it doesn't contain any smut, but I am planning for future parts to have it. Hope you enjoy!!!
It was a cold evening. February was always cold. The local coffee shop was closed, so you had to go a lot further than usual. It was the nearest one that wasn't a chain. Starbucks was definitely worse now after the Apple buyout, and you're gonna need quite a bit of coffee if you plan to finish the coding project tonight. "602nd and 28th..." You mutter under your breath. Just a few more freezing blocks. Neo York City was big. After the Monopolization of 2350, corporations started buying out whole cities. The extra 300 streets added seemed like a good idea to most, but it really just makes the good parts of the city further away from each other.
Power walking down the sidewalk in an attempt to stay warm, a pink, blinking, neon sign catches your eyes. "Order a Robotic Companion Today! Keep you company! Great at coding!" That last tagline stuck in your mind as you remember the 457 bugs last time you tried to compile the latest project. And your last romantic partner walked out on you last week after suggesting those cybernetic enhancements... How were you supposed to know a cyborg killed their grandma? You only suggested them because you weren’t brave enough to get them installed in yourself anyways. "Dial 1-800-ROBOT today!" The number was easy to remember at least. You look down the street again, and spot the coffee shop your personal navigator directed you to. You make a mental note of the phone number, and head off to get fuel for the long night ahead of you…
“ITS DONE!” You exclaim as the compiler notes zero bugs found. It's a tool to help organize blog posts for your favorite website. The site creators should have added this years ago, but you're glad to have it done now at least. You sit in silence, appreciating your handiwork… but it's a sad silence. Your old partner helped write the start of this, and now they'll never see it completed. Your thoughts flashback to that sign you saw today. A robotic companion sounds so nice. Someone to confide in, to understand you, who would understand how you feel about robots. In a bout of weakness, you pick up your holophone, and mash in the phone number that's been spinning in your head all day. 
“Q.P.R.A.U. Robotics! Where we match you with the moving metal of your dreams! How can we meet your emotional needs today?” The voice on the other end sounds synthesized, but not automated. “Uhhh Hi? I think I'm looking for a companion bot?” “Sure! How would you rate your emotional starvation from one to ten?” Even though it's only been a week, the rate at which your apartment deteriorated into disrepair would put a bull in a china shop to shame. “...Ten” “And would you like to sign up for our alternate payment services?” Oh thank goodness. You really didn’t want to shell out too much for this. Most companies use these alternate options as a way to obtain and sell your data. A body scan or a blood donation will usually make rent much easier to pay each month if you want to buy something nice. “Yes I would.” “Great! We will have your order shipped out to you within 3-6 weeks! Have a great day!” The call ends. You never gave them a name or a shipping address? Maybe they scraped it from your IP address? You really didn't care. As long as a friend gets shipped in the mail, you would put up with anything.
March. It's been a tough few weeks. The coding commissions have been few and far between. At least the apartment complex therapist is back on call. He has really been helping you get through the emotional weeds of life. KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK You peel yourself up from the chair in your office and over to the door. It's probably the neighbors again, their cat is quite the escape artist. Opening the door, standing in the hallway is a synth, with a metal box the size of a large person. If they were not a robot, you would ask to help with it, but you know that their electronic muscles are at least 100 times stronger than yours. You wish you could lift that much… “Is this the residency of anon?” “Yeah… what's this?” “Your package! Courtesy of Q.P.R.A.U. Robotics!” You had forgotten everything about that night. Getting hammered off of French nano-wine tends to do that to you. “Do I need to sign anything?” “Nope! Heres your package!” The synth walked into your apartment and placed the box right in the center of the entryway. It came down with a rather hefty thud. You already knew the downstairs neighbors would be filing a complaint. “Have a nice day! And good luck with the alternative payment services!” The synth walks out with a jolly expression. They always seem happy, probably because they are made of metal… Glancing back at the metal box in your entryway snaps your thoughts back to reality. How the hell are you going to move this anywhere? Your eyes are drawn to a blinking red button on the side you hadn't noticed before. Hopefully it’s the “Open” button and not “Self-Destruct”. With all the confidence you can muster, you press the button and wait for something to happen. An agonizing silence follows, until distinct gear turning and motor wrrring noises begin to emanate from the box. Like a birthday present made of tinfoil, the metal begins to unwrap itself and pour an unknown smoke out into your apartment. Your first thoughts are of the fire dampening systems firing off, but knowing your landlord, they probably haven't worked for years.
The smoke clears, the metal lies in a pile at your feet, and a shiny silver figure stands before you. Its form is definitely feminine in origin, but the steel plates that make up the body are all that fill your mind. They have to be at least a foot taller than you, as you stare up into its blank but imposing expression. “Uhh… Hello?” A rather cute set of chimes ring out from a circular design in the machine’s chest as pink lights spread outward from the center out to the limbs. The last line of lights to reach its goal is the one moving towards the head, as the eyes fill with light and the body hums with the moving of cogs and belts It’s head slowly turns towards you and a smile creeps up its face as a mixture of fear and excitement fills your heart.
“Hello! I'm Daniella and I'll be your new mistress!”
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submissiveblender · 10 months
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Photo from the Facebook group This Cat is G R O M P Y
Below the cut is the text from the announcement by his carer Ash Houghton:
"Hey Spudbuds,
I’m honestly not sure how to start this post, but here it goes.
Today, our tiny spud, passed away suddenly in my hands. His energy had been slowly decreasing over the last week or so, and we were hoping it was an illness that antibiotics could treat. He also started showing signs of pneumonia a few days ago, and I had started pneumonia protocol with meds and a nebulizer.
I brought up the possibility of a heart condition with our vet, but Tater Tot was too small to have any tests run on him yet. With how sudden his passing was today, I truly think he had an enlarged heart and it just couldn’t keep up with him. One moment he was walking around and the next he was gone.
This tiny little potato has had such a profound impact on my heart, and I am so unbelievably happy I got to share him with the entire world. What started as me sharing some photos of the goofy new foster I had turned into an entire community focused on kindness, humor and compassion. I am astounded at the reach Tater Tot’s story had, and I cannot express to you just how incredible it has been to see how he has impacted the world.
I hope that his resilience during his short time here continues to inspire people. He was dealt a really tough hand with multiple health concerns, but he didn’t let that slow him down. He showed us that even if we have some struggles, there is always something to fight toward.
I want to thank every person here who has been in his corner cheering him on. It has been so beautiful to watch millions of people around the world unite over the life of one small little creature.
Working in rescue is hard. We put so much love, care, literal blood, sweat and tears into trying to save as many animals as we can - sometimes they just don’t make it, and it is devastating. My heart is shattered. This tiny tot was such a joy to care for, even on the days it was hard as hell. Tube feeding a kitten every day for 6 and a half weeks is no easy task, and I definitely bonded with this guy in a way I’ve never bonded with a foster before. He has left his paw prints on my heart, and I hope he left some tiny paw prints on yours.
I am not shutting down this page even though our little grompy potato has crossed the rainbow bridge. His life has helped bring to light the difficulties of working not only in rescue, but caring for animals with disabilities. I want his memory to live on in the stories of other creatures who are built just a little different from others.
In closing, I would love it if all of the Spudbuds could make a donation to their local shelter in Tater Tot’s honor. Please help his life continue to impact other animals in the world.
Thank you for being a part of Tater Tot’s journey, and for having such a profound impact on me and our rescue. We never anticipated we would build a whole community, but my goodness, I am glad we did.
I will be taking a few days offline. This one really hurt. Tagging admins to watch this post so I can be disconnected for a bit to grieve.
Lots of love to you all,
Mama Bonker"
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theneeksilva · 1 year
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(—) ★ spotted !! neek silva on the cover of this week’s most recent tabloid! many say that the 31 year old looks like chay suede, but i don’t really see it. while the humanitarian aide worker / media sensation is known for being selfless my inside sources say that they have a tendency to be egotistical. i swear, every time i think of them, i hear the song let it be by the beatles.
AGE:    thirty   -  one     .
DATE     OF     BIRTH:   may   15th     .
mainly known for activism but was the bachelor in 2020.
PERSONA:    neek silva is a self proclaimed martyr ( and saint ) . wholly delusional and rich as fuck . if you’re lucky enough to be blessed by knowing him then you’re more than likely to end up being told all about what’s wrong with the world , a total dissatisfaction with any correction , neek is always seeking to improve on things and make the world a better place with little consideration for the little people that he affects along the way . in general though he is self - sacrificing , generous , creating and innovative but his head barely fits through the door . he can’t let any little trivial things stand in his way and he’s more than willing to leave pretty much anyone in the dust along the way - sorry guys ! neek isn’t the type of person that you want to make a permanent part of your life although he is a good catch in terms of net worth and moral value to the public appearance . he’s stubborn , stuck in his ways and always seeking a new adventure . he will never be satisfied .
neek silva had the fortunate to be born into a long line of socialites who made their money by simply feeding into the extravagance of being rich . he and his younger sister bluebell were the only children to their parents and were spoiled in every single fashion , loved wholeheartedly and given whatever their hearts desired . unfortunately , neek seemed to desire more than material possessions , his passions ranging from beginning in donating to the poor to becoming a vegetarian and calling his parents murderers every night at dinner . neek was no easy child and his behaviour escalated from simply verbal judgements to taking action against this wrong behaviour ; his parents were not best pleased but they still tried their best .
as they grew up , six years separated himself and his sister and he loathed her selfish , manipulative and fake ways . they could argue for hours on end and neither was able to identify a single thing that the other was doing right . he and his little sister were opposites in every single way and everything that was wrong with the world , neek believed was due to people like his family . now , don’t misinterpret neek for being a good person because in a way he was exactly the same as them … out of touch with reality and stumbling through life making decisions that negatively affected all around him and claiming he was doing it for good . when neek donated all of his parents clothes to charity , signed his sister up to be a guest speaker at the local church , invited the homeless into their mansion or dosed his mother in pigs blood to show that meat was murder … he might have thought that he was being a good person but he was actually just trying to force his beliefs on everyone else . over the years there was a certain friction growing and as he headed into his latter teens then that would come to a head , a number of arrests for activism , inciting protests , slander against corporations and rich families ; neek was causing great embarrassment to his family . still hanging on by a thread , the final straw seemed to be when neek publicly denounced one of their close family friends science foundation as morally wrong and claimed that during a break in he had seen that they were planning to test unknown substances on humans . of course , his claims were refuted but it sure did make a splash in the local news – had neek been right ? it was unclear , but , in his eyes , he was saving the world … or whatever . a few weeks later someone set fire to a tree in his parents front yard and he was told that he could either issue an apology or get out of their house and take his claims with him . he left .
neek felt after this point that he was a true joan of arc type character , a martyr who needed to be vindicated and appreciated ( very wholesome thoughts ) and headed out into the local community to his small following to continue causing a ruckus . he always started things but he never stuck around to see how it ended … peace to the people ! he was easy enough to get feathers ruffled but he only ever faced superficial consequences even without his parents , nobody really wanted to interfere with the rich boy who liked to scream and shout . his followers often ended up in way bigger trouble but they still loved him just the same . by the time he reached his mid twenties then he was touring the world doing humanitarian work and being hailed as a saint … even his parents were coming around although he still played his same old tricks , implying they were awful people unlike him .
rich people who know he’s also rich and think he’s a total idiot however he thinks he’s just on the moral high ground so they have to hate him
people who can’t stand to be around him but are allys in public for their reputations
ex husband/ex wife that wants to scream every time they see him. this probably stems from the fact that neek is a terrible partner who focuses all his energy on strangers rather than anything occurring in his personal life
friends who are involved in the same charitable activities although probably have better moral code than neek
someone who tells him off because he acts like an idiot
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experimentaldata · 2 years
Fictober Day 1: I Cho[o]se You
Setting: Original Fiction
Characters: Mia, No One
Trigger Warnings: Death mention, forced labor mention, vampirism
Little Rock was a real dump ever since the plague. The draconian measures set to crack down on the pathogen’s spread were still in effect - nightly 2000 hours curfew, police inspections, and med checks in every building were the norm, and had been for years. Of course, in the law’s eyes, all the better to keep an eye on ruffians, bums, and out-of-towners. Which is why, as the gaunt figure in a black leather duster picked her way through the crowded main street sidewalk, the three cops stationed at the city square checkpoint eyed her with suspicion.
She could feel their eyes on her, and ducked into a nearby building. She shuddered, ever since she got to the city, the stares and suspicion grated on her. People stopped fussing at their children, street vendors paused from hawking their wares, old ladies muttered a curse or a prayer to ward off the evil eye. She told herself that it shouldn’t matter, but it still stung. At least, from the sounds of it, this building was sparsely inhabited. She stepped across the cool marble floor, reaching a hand to find the Braille sign next to the door. Thank stars, she thought, her navigational skills proved true. Inside, the smell of dust, glue, and smuggled cups of coffee greeted her. She had found the best place to loiter in peace: the public library. 
She could just make out the desk in front of her, and by the clacking of keys, she guessed must be occupied by someone who hadn’t noticed her yet. She made her footfalls as loud as she dared, hoping to give them some warning. She knew from recent experience that, in her current condition, sneaking up on people was easy enough, but made whatever trust she might have gained with someone evaporate like mist. 
The person at the desk stopped typing, and let out a small gasp. The warning had worked. 
    “Um, hi there. How can I help you?” said a young female voice. 
She smiled in spite of herself, grateful that the bandanna around her face hid her fangs. “Hi, yes, I was wondering if you have any Braille books? Or audio?” 
    The librarian let out a sigh of relief. “Oh, I thought–yeah, sorry, we have a few. I haven’t met an Altaran before.”
    “Well, most of us don’t bite. Lead the way.” 
    She felt the librarian shiver as she put her hand on her arm. It wasn’t necessary; Altarans could gett around just fine, as long as they didn’t need to see fine details or read print. But most humans didn’t understand that, and she didn’t feel like explaining. Besides, she wasn’t Altaran anymore. She wasn’t sure, strictly speaking, if she was even alive. 
    They went two floors up the elevator, and then to a room across the hall. She squinted at the fluorescent lights, noting two other figures sitting at desks in the far corner of the room, and a small set of shelves. 
    “Looks like the audio stations are occupied right now,” said the librarian, “but all the books in this room are in Braille. So, uh. Happy reading.” 
She awkwardly disentangled herself, and soon the librarian’s steps were fading down the hall. She browsed the books, but there wasn’t much to speak of. About half were large board books for children, and another third were spiritual texts, likely donated by the state-sponsored churches and temples. She sighed and picked up the most interesting of the remaining options, some kind of romantic spy novel. 
An hour later, she was still reading, though the other patrons in the room with her were long gone. The novel was trashy, really - one cliche after another, a dramatic reveal of the spy’s identity halfway through. And then, as the main characters began to profess their love for one another, it happened, for the first time since she’d woken up in this body with little memories and a strange hunger she couldn’t explain. She was crying. 
“Mia, please!” the protaginist said, “Like your name, you are mine. I promise to never leave you, and to protect you with my life. Please, come, let’s be rid of this place! Mia, my life, I love you and I choose you, always.”
This is all so stupid, she thought as she wiped her eyes and bit down a sob. Why was she crying at this, of all things? She’d never been in love, never had what you’d call a real family, and if she did, she wouldn’t remember. She put the book down and buried her head in her hands. Flashes of memories were all she had left. She remembered working in the colony, her designation…what was it? It began with 3A, signifying heavy labor and security detail. Her batch was supposed to be the strongest, fastest, most intimidating. And then there was her batchmate, her friend. The one who shouldn’t have made the cut. She was physically weak, frail and sickly, and permanently hard of hearing from endless infections that hadn’t had time to heal. She wasn’t heartless like the rest of the batch, either. Her easy laughter and easier tears made the endless nights of work musical, magic somehow. They kept one another company, right up until the day of the attack. They got separated. When she awoke, her best friend was dead. 
    Another sob caught in her throat. No. She would not forget. Her friend hadn’t had a proper name in life, but she needed one now to remember her by. Mia. She tested the name, quietly murmuring it, rolling it around on her tongue. Maybe in a better life, they could have escaped, and she could have known her name, and…well. Best not to dwell on that now.
    She closed the book, placed it on the reshelving card, and headed back downstairs. As she crossed the lobby, she heard a familiar voice. 
    “Uh, ma’am, did you want to check anything out? Oh, I’m so sorry–” she said, noticing the tear-stained face. 
    “It’s fine. Yes, I’d like a library card.”
The keyboard clacked. “No problem. Name for the card?”
    Ah, yes. Names. Humans had those.
    “No One.”
    If the librarian was surprised, she didn’t show it. “First name N-O, last name O-N-E?” 
    “Yes.” She’d better hurry. Already, she could smell the blood coursing through the librarian’s veins. Time to leave town again. The librarian handed her the card. 
    “There’s a ten book limit for the first month, and then it's twenty-five. Books can be checked out for three weeks. Five cents per day late fees. Anything else?”
    The librarian said something else, maybe “have a nice day,” but No One didn’t pay attention. It was colder out now, and the rush hour traffic had died down. She made her way out of town, hungry and tired. Not an entirely wasted day though, she thought. She had no information on her old crew, or her next target. She had a name, though, and so did Mia. Maybe that was enough. 
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destinygoldenstar · 4 months
I’m Taking A Break
So… title says all.
I’m not quitting Tumblr, I’m just taking a break.
Any post you see from me the rest of this month is queued. And I have a friend that’s gonna help me reblog about Palestine so I can still keep word going. That’s important and it would be immoral to abandon that.
Why am I taking a break?
The answer is simple, really. I’m having an anxiety episode. And it’s just gonna get worse if I don’t get help for myself.
Some of my followers know I have anxiety. I got diagnosed a long time ago at this point. While I have moved to a better place that’s helped me since then, it still comes up from time to time. And let me tell you, it’s a detriment to a person. There’s no clear cure to feeling sick to your stomach and being unable to sleep due to nightmares and finding it hard to speak, feeling like you’re gonna throw up at any given moment even though that never happens…
The last time I took a break was the last time I had an episode like this. Three years ago. That was by Dhar Mann’s influence.
Here, some of my friends have figured, including myself, the genocide of Palestine.
I have been reblogging posts to help aid. I have donated to URWNA. I have signed my name to help demand ceasefire. I even registered to vote so I could vote against the ones encouraging said genocide.
Now, I am not Palestine. I have no Palestine relatives as far as I know. Me and my family have the unfortunate privilege of being pasty white peoples in America. That, and my bosses tell me I have a bright future ahead of me.
But my privilege and lack of stakes in the matter should be no excuse for not trying to help those suffering. It’s not fair. It’s not fair that I have a good life and everyone else seems to not.
That sounds like something petty to think, but it is something that’s tearing me up.
That sounds really selfish to talk about at a time like this as though I’m more important than them, but it is how I feel and I can’t ignore my own mental health.
I am the only one in my family that was trying to help. I wanted to change that, so I reached out to them asking if they’d help.
And that caused a dent in my relationship with my grandmother. Who is Catholic.
She was so ignorant to what’s happening that she denied everything I was telling her. Someone who usually falls for scams in a heartbeat questions sites I show her, that I reviewed to be valid. Then she goes on to pray for my well being while also asking I stop what I’m doing and be careful. As it’s not my place in a ‘both sides’ issue.
I felt sick to my stomach the moment she DM’d me this. And I knew I had to keep my distance from her and not look her in the eye.
I’m not a good persuader. But I know she won’t listen. She’s heavily devoted to her religion.
She can do that. That’s not my problem. My problem is that she’s not even trying to understand the issue, or me.
I really hope this isn’t the case for some people, but for me it is. My family and my co-workers watch the Super Bowl. I didn’t. I don’t even care what happened there.
I’m alone in my care on this one.
I would talk to my parents, and a therapist, and I probably will after I post this, but I feel as though they’re gonna say “You’re not Palestine, right? Then you shouldn’t worry about people you don’t even know. Especially if it’s hurting you in the process.”
I care quite a bit about how people view me. Again, Catholic grandparent, even if I am not technically in that religion anymore. The one time I didn’t was when it was clear to me that they’d bully me no matter what. A part of why I moved.
If someone calls me a bad person, I feel that. It doesn’t just fly over my head.
Sure constructive criticism is justified, and I’m not saying people shouldn’t give it to me. But at a time like this it gets so easy to just assume people like me are selfish and evil for not caring and not helping enough.
I don’t need to be a perfect Angel, that’s impossible, but I do want to at least come across as a solid human being.
I work at a local Publix in my area. That’s a community that strives in training their workers to put others first and help people. And that’s a great moral. And I’m grateful to at least help people in a small community, kind of like an average Joe.
Cause I’m not a superhero. I’m not some famous person of power and influence. If I could use that power to save Palestine, I would.
But I don’t.
And I know that this is selfish. I’m not pretending it’s not selfish. Here I am making this all about me.
But anxiety episodes are dents on my well being. And if I can’t help myself, I can’t help anyone.
So for the sake of that, I have to cut myself off from social media. At least for a little while. So I can recover and help again.
I’m not committing to any Pro-Israel product while I’m gone. And I’m not forgetting the war is still happening. Alone or not, stake or not, it’s my responsibility to not ignore it.
So… give me about a month. We’ll see how I feel. Then I’ll probably come back.
Thank you for understanding.
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changelingz · 1 year
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(—)  ★  spotted  !!  neek  silva  on  the  cover  of  this  week’s  most  recent  tabloid!  many  say  that  the  31  year  old  looks  like  chay  suede,  but  i  don’t  really  see  it.  while  the  humanitarian  aide  worker  /  media  sensation  is  known  for  being  selfless  my  inside  sources  say  that  they  have  a  tendency  to  be  egotistical.  i  swear,  every  time  i  think  of  them,  i  hear  the  song  let  it  be  by  the  beatles.
AGE:    thirty   -  one     .
DATE     OF     BIRTH:   may   15th     .
PERSONA:    neek  silva  is  a  self  proclaimed  martyr  (  and  saint  )  .  wholly  delusional  and  rich  as  fuck  .  if  you’re  lucky  enough  to  be  blessed  by  knowing  him  then  you’re  more  than  likely  to  end  up  being  told  all  about  what’s  wrong  with  the  world  ,  a  total  dissatisfaction  with  any  correction  ,  neek  is  always  seeking  to  improve  on  things  and  make  the  world  a  better  place  with  little  consideration  for  the  little  people  that  he  affects  along  the  way  .  in  general  though  he  is  self  -  sacrificing  ,  generous  ,  creating  and  innovative  but  his  head  barely  fits  through  the  door  .  he  can’t  let  any  little  trivial  things  stand  in  his  way  and  he’s  more  than  willing  to  leave  pretty  much  anyone  in  the  dust  along  the  way  -  sorry  guys  !  neek  isn’t  the  type  of  person  that  you  want  to  make  a  permanent  part  of  your  life  although  he  is  a  good  catch  in  terms  of  net  worth  and  moral  value  to  the  public  appearance  .  he’s  stubborn  ,  stuck  in  his  ways  and  always  seeking  a  new  adventure  .  he  will  never  be  satisfied  .
neek  silva  had  the  fortunate  to  be  born  into  a  long  line  of  socialites  who  made  their  money  by  simply  feeding  into  the  extravagance  of  being  rich  .  he  and  his  younger  sister  bluebell  were  the  only  children  to  their  parents  and  were  spoiled  in  every  single  fashion  ,  loved  wholeheartedly  and  given  whatever  their  hearts  desired  .  unfortunately  ,  neek  seemed  to  desire  more  than  material  possessions  ,  his  passions  ranging  from  beginning  in  donating  to  the  poor  to  becoming  a  vegetarian  and  calling  his  parents  murderers  every  night  at  dinner  .  neek  was  no  easy  child  and  his  behaviour  escalated  from  simply  verbal  judgements  to  taking  action  against  this  wrong  behaviour  ;  his  parents  were  not  best  pleased  but  they  still  tried  their  best  .
as  they  grew  up  ,  six  years  separated  himself  and  his  sister  and  he  loathed  her  selfish  ,  manipulative  and  fake  ways  .  they  could  argue  for  hours  on  end  and  neither  was  able  to  identify  a  single  thing  that  the  other  was  doing  right  .  he  and  his  little  sister  were  opposites  in  every  single  way  and  everything  that  was  wrong  with  the  world  ,  neek  believed  was  due  to  people  like  his  family  .  now  ,  don’t  misinterpret  neek  for  being  a  good  person  because  in  a  way  he  was  exactly  the  same  as  them  …  out  of  touch  with  reality  and  stumbling  through  life  making  decisions  that  negatively  affected  all  around  him  and  claiming  he  was  doing  it  for  good  .  when  neek  donated  all  of  his  parents  clothes  to  charity  ,  signed  his  sister  up  to  be  a  guest  speaker  at  the  local  church  ,  invited  the  homeless  into  their  mansion  or  dosed  his  mother  in  pigs  blood  to  show  that  meat  was  murder  …  he  might  have  thought  that  he  was  being  a  good  person  but  he  was  actually  just  trying  to  force  his  beliefs  on  everyone  else  .  over  the  years  there  was  a  certain  friction  growing  and  as  he  headed  into  his  latter  teens  then  that  would  come  to  a  head  ,  a  number  of  arrests  for  activism  ,  inciting  protests  ,  slander  against  corporations  and  rich  families  ;  neek  was  causing  great  embarrassment  to  his  family  .  still  hanging  on  by  a  thread  ,  the  final  straw  seemed  to  be  when  neek  publicly  denounced  one  of  their  close  family  friends  science  foundation  as  morally  wrong  and  claimed  that  during  a  break  in  he  had  seen  that  they  were  planning  to  test  unknown  substances  on  humans  .  of  course  ,  his  claims  were  refuted  but  it  sure  did  make  a  splash  in  the  local  news  –  had  neek  been  right  ?  it  was  unclear  ,  but  ,  in  his  eyes  ,  he  was  saving  the  world  …  or  whatever  .  a  few  weeks  later  someone  set  fire  to  a  tree  in  his  parents  front  yard  and  he  was  told  that  he  could  either  issue  an  apology  or  get  out  of  their  house  and  take  his  claims  with  him  .  he  left  .
neek  felt  after  this  point  that  he  was  a  true  joan  of  arc  type  character  ,  a  martyr  who  needed  to  be  vindicated  and  appreciated  (  very  wholesome  thoughts  )  and  headed  out  into  the  local  community  to  his  small  following  to  continue  causing  a  ruckus  .  he  always  started  things  but  he  never  stuck  around  to  see  how  it  ended  …  peace  to  the  people  !  he  was  easy  enough  to  get  feathers  ruffled  but  he  only  ever  faced  superficial  consequences  even  without  his  parents  ,  nobody  really  wanted  to  interfere  with  the  rich  boy  who  liked  to  scream  and  shout  .  his  followers  often  ended  up  in  way  bigger  trouble  but  they  still  loved  him  just  the  same  .  by  the  time  he  reached  his  mid  twenties  then  he  was  touring  the  world  doing  humanitarian  work  and  being  hailed  as  a  saint  …  even  his  parents  were  coming  around  although  he  still  played  his  same  old  tricks  ,  implying  they  were  awful  people  unlike  him  .
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This Week’s Horrible-Scopes
It’s time for this week’s Horrible-Scopes! So for those of you that know your Astrological Signs, cool! If not, just pick one, roll a D12, or just make it up as you go along. It really doesn’t matter.
There are a few old maxims in acting you should remember: First, Dying is Easy - Comedy is Hard, though we’re not sure who said it. Second is Never work on stage with children or animals. Again, no idea who said it. Last is, “Take my wife, please!” That one is Henny Youngman, of whom Milton Berle said, "The only thing funnier than Henny's jokes is his violin playing." This week, take up violin playing. It’ll be funnier than bagpipe practicing.
There’s a lot of food out there to try in lots of combinations. No matter how much you liked the movie, “Howard the Duck”, we have to really warn you off of “Cajun Sushi” served at a 1950’s-style diner. If the description alone hasn’t set you on the right path, might we remind you it was in Howard The Duck. You know what, you do you. Don’t say we didn’t warn you.
The older you get, the less hip you are; and the less hip you are, the more out of touch with current-day vernacular you’ve gotten. Did you know that there is an antonym for the word “YOINK”? It’s “YEET” - originating from the idea that you are YOINKING something off its FEET. Now that you know that one, enjoy swaggering your new-found knowledge with the youngsters out there, Shakespear!
Cancer Moon-Child 
Just because you don’t cry at movies today doesn’t mean you never have before. Remember Artax the horse? Optimus Prime? Carl & Ellie Fredricksen! You still have a heart under all those layers of protection, and that’s OK. This week don;t worry too much about your emotional well being. You’re doing OK. 
The stars have a task for your old music tapes… Donate them. That’s right, donate them to a children’s hospital along with a personal tape player. Sign the outside with a glitter marker, “Star Lord’s. Hands Off.” And make sure you add a bunch of batteries. You won’t know how much fun those kid’s’ll have with it, but it’ll be a bunch. 
There was a PM Drivetime radio show in the late 90’s out of Washington D.C. called, “The Don & Mike Show”; a 4 hour “Morning Zoo in the Afternoon” kind of show. If you remember that show, then pay attention because we’re only going to say this once: “Cantaloupe Island” by Herbie Hancock. This week, hunt that track down. You’re welcome.
You still have records in your collection that don’t seem to exist in any other format. Vinyl album soundtracks for Dune, West Side Story, and Camelot are all well and good. But how did you come by “Burlesque Show” from Blooper Enterprises in South Miami, Florida? It says you get Comics, Songs, Blackouts, Strippers, and Beautiful Girls. We’re pretty sure there were no video disks back then, so… enjoy your vivid imagination this week.
Being the contrarian in the group isn’t winning you any points. Just because you can find some pedantic rule to wiggles doesn’t mean you should. Most people don’t know the difference between a Goatee and a Van Dyke, and truth be told they won’t care. Leave the personal grooming habits aside.
You don’t realize it, but you’d look killer in a Zoot Suit. The giant-wide shoulders, pocket watch chain, and spats? You’ll be able to strut to the head of the line and ask the bouncer to be let in ahead of everyone else. It’s totally possible they’ll let you in for pure chutzpah, but it’s not a foregone conclusion. Have a backup plan if you get turned away… and bring a bunch of the folks in line with you!
It’s almost Spring. If you haven’t decided what plants to get into the soil yet, you better figure it out now. You could buy those paper packages full of seeds, or just try to grow your own items from the store. Tomatoes, potatoes, and peppers are usually safe bets. Pineapple, pear, and grapes are a little tougher to build up. This week, Eat Your Vegetables!  
Yeah, Breaker-Breaker. Got some notable quotes for ya to ponder on. ‘Bout twenty minutes out from that choke-and-puke ‘cross the street from the bear den, gunna want to back-it-down for some alligators in the slammer lane. Don’t bother putin’ the hammer down ‘cause they got a Kojak with a Kodak just ‘round the bend from that. So brush your teeth and comb your hair out there. Nail the Double-Nickles and it’ll be a smooth ride out to the cash registers. So you keep the sunny side, the greasy side down, and we’ll catch you on the flip-flop. We’re the One Lone Wolf out your front door and we’re gone!
You need to get out more and stress less. There’s a few choices, but one of the most economical would be buying some booze. No, we’re not suggesting slamming rum or sipping brandy. How about something more gentle and fun - maybe wine, maybe cognac, maybe inexpensive champagne. Just enjoy some adult drinking for a change is all. And Irish Coffee isn’t off the table either.  
And THOSE are your Horrible-Scopes for this week! Remember if you liked what you got, we’re obviously not working hard enough at these. BUT! If you want a better or nastier one for your own sign or someone else’s, all you need to do to bribe me is just Let Me Know! These will be posted online at the end of each week via Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook and Discord.
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sirneeksilva · 1 year
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(—) ★ spotted !! neek silva on the cover of this week’s most recent tabloid! many say that the 31 year old looks like chay suede, but i don’t really see it. while the humanitarian aide worker / media sensation is known for being selfless my inside sources say that they have a tendency to be egotistical. i swear, every time i think of them, i hear the song let it be by the beatles.
AGE:    thirty   -  one     .
DATE     OF     BIRTH:    may   15th     .
PERSONA:     neek silva is a self proclaimed martyr ( and saint ) . wholly delusional and rich as fuck . if you’re lucky enough to be blessed by knowing him then you’re more than likely to end up being told all about what’s wrong with the world , a total dissatisfaction with any correction , neek is always seeking to improve on things and make the world a better place with little consideration for the little people that he affects along the way . in general though he is self - sacrificing , generous , creating and innovative but his head barely fits through the door . he can’t let any little trivial things stand in his way and he’s more than willing to leave pretty much anyone in the dust along the way - sorry guys ! neek isn’t the type of person that you want to make a permanent part of your life although he is a good catch in terms of net worth and moral value to the public appearance . he’s stubborn , stuck in his ways and always seeking a new adventure . he will never be satisfied . 
neek silva had the fortunate to be born into a long line of socialites who made their money by simply feeding into the extravagance of being rich . he and his younger sister bluebell were the only children to their parents and were spoiled in every single fashion , loved wholeheartedly and given whatever their hearts desired . unfortunately , neek seemed to desire more than material possessions , his passions ranging from beginning in donating to the poor to becoming a vegetarian and calling his parents murderers every night at dinner . neek was no easy child and his behaviour escalated from simply verbal judgements to taking action against this wrong behaviour ; his parents were not best pleased but they still tried their best . 
as they grew up , six years separated himself and his sister and he loathed her selfish , manipulative and fake ways . they could argue for hours on end and neither was able to identify a single thing that the other was doing right . he and his little sister were opposites in every single way and everything that was wrong with the world , neek believed was due to people like his family . now , don’t misinterpret neek for being a good person because in a way he was exactly the same as them ... out of touch with reality and stumbling through life making decisions that negatively affected all around him and claiming he was doing it for good . when neek donated all of his parents clothes to charity , signed his sister up to be a guest speaker at the local church , invited the homeless into their mansion or dosed his mother in pigs blood to show that meat was murder ... he might have thought that he was being a good person but he was actually just trying to force his beliefs on everyone else . over the years there was a certain friction growing and as he headed into his latter teens then that would come to a head , a number of arrests for activism , inciting protests , slander against corporations and rich families ; neek was causing great embarrassment to his family . still hanging on by a thread , the final straw seemed to be when neek publicly denounced one of their close family friends science foundation as morally wrong and claimed that during a break in he had seen that they were planning to test unknown substances on humans . of course , his claims were refuted but it sure did make a splash in the local news -- had neek been right ? it was unclear , but , in his eyes , he was saving the world ... or whatever . a few weeks later someone set fire to a tree in his parents front yard and he was told that he could either issue an apology or get out of their house and take his claims with him . he left . 
neek felt after this point that he was a true joan of arc type character , a martyr who needed to be vindicated and appreciated ( very wholesome thoughts ) and headed out into the local community to his small following to continue causing a ruckus . he always started things but he never stuck around to see how it ended ... peace to the people ! he was easy enough to get feathers ruffled but he only ever faced superficial consequences even without his parents , nobody really wanted to interfere with the rich boy who liked to scream and shout . his followers often ended up in way bigger trouble but they still loved him just the same . by the time he reached his mid twenties then he was touring the world doing humanitarian work and being hailed as a saint ... even his parents were coming around although he still played his same old tricks , implying they were awful people unlike him . 
rich people who know he’s also rich and think he’s a total idiot however he thinks he’s just on the moral high ground so they have to hate him 
people who can’t stand to be around him but are allys in public for their reputations 
ex husband/ex wife that wants to scream every time they see him. this probably stems from the fact that neek is a terrible partner who focuses all his energy on strangers rather than anything occurring in his personal life
friends who are involved in the same charitable activities although probably have better moral code than neek 
someone who tells him off because he acts like an idiot
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psychicpeachpanda · 2 years
10 Benefits of Online Dating
The trend will probably continue to rise even after the pandemic owing to the distinct benefits of online dating. You can get started by tapping the Dating button in the shortcuts section of the three-line menu on Facebook. I'm sure I'll get to it eventually. I never get jealous of that. נערות ליווי בהרצליה Nah, but I get off the couch on a semi-regular basis, though. This sounds awfully cruel, completely robbing you of your right to find out why you have been dumped so that you can get some closure and move on. Have you ever felt this kind of intense pain - pain so deep that it physically wears you out? The problem is that sometimes it's not super easy to figure out for some of us. Super Like/Swipe up: This is a term derived from Tinder’s “super like” feature, which allows you to highlight your profile to a user that you’re very interested in. If you’re often wondering, “where are the senior singles near me? There are many people that love to do mental math whenever they see a set of numbers.
Meeting new people can sometimes be more difficult when you are dealing with a disability. Not too well, but meeting them went well. So well! I've even hung out with them without my partner. Every few days I make sure they are doing well. If you've never been 100% sure what makes you a sexy guy, or if you're already pretty sure you know what you've got but want to see how well we are at guessing this sort of thing, then just take the quiz and show us who you are. Then we'll contact you. 1. Customer valuation - Gordon (1999) describes how to value customers and categorise them according to their financial and strategic value so that companies can decide where to invest for deeper relationships and which relationships need to be served differently or even terminated. If this is not achieved, you will start to see your customers churn.
What's sexy to one person will be the exact opposite to the next. Make sure that one person is designated as the leader -- this person is in charge of keeping everyone on track and thinking about the next steps. Make a wonderful night beneath the stars for him. I play on my phone during date night. They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and it's both true and not true. Some shapes and designs are just more pleasing to the eye than others, and it's very scientific. There's evidence that a symmetrical face, no matter what face it is, will be perceived as more attractive than others. If they seem really cool, I will. What attracts one person will not attract another and, in fact, might repulse them. But rest assured, there is something in everyone that attracts others. But within that objectiveness, there is plenty of room for subjective beauty.
This job boasts bags of variety, plenty of new challenges and a very healthy wage at the end of every month. We have planned things a month in the future. We have planned things for six months in the future. It's also important to remember that this relationship does not define you and that you can build a future where a healthy relationship is possible. I guess anything is possible. I shop for them a few times a week. I shop for them on holidays. I shop for them all the time. I donate my time to napping. Dr. Walsh says that if your relationship goals are at odds, this could be a sign that it’s time to walk away. I love going for a walk with them. Hormone levels and pheromones and all sorts of different chemical reactions are going on when you meet someone you find attractive, and all of those affect the biological functions that help move this whole love thing along. While the therapist stereotype in many people’s minds is someone who displays unconditional positive regard and simply draws out the answers that already exist inside each patient, the reality can be a bit different. It's hard to forget about Bambi's sidekicks and family who supported him when he needed it most.
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seotoolskit · 2 years
How many backlink generate traffic?
Ahh yes, the question that is on everyone’s mind is ‘How do you generate traffic to your website or blog?’ Many first-time bloggers assume that you make a few posts, submit your blog to the search engines and traffic will come naturally. It's not that simple and it takes a little more work than just that.
Here are seven tips to generate traffic to your website or blog.
1. The primary way of promoting any website is by creating valuable content. It is important to have something of value to offer to your readership. Adding quality content to your Web site or blog is the best way to keep visitors returning. Not only will it keep them coming back, but it will encourage them to create links to your website or blog. Make sure that you update your content regularly. Once people realize that you add fresh content regularly, then they will constantly check back to see what is new. The purpose of having a website or blog is to attract regular visitors.
Visit Seotoolskit for more exciting and free SEO Content.  
2. You've worked really hard on your Blog, but no one is reading it. Read and comment on other blogs, but make sure that you comment on the topic at hand. Don’t ask them to come and visit your blog. Write valuable comments and leave a link to your blog.
3. Technorati currently tracks 35.3 Million weblogs. It is one of the best traffic providers for bloggers. If you don’t already have a Technorati account, you can create one at Home - Welcome to Technorati. Once you sign up you’ll be required to claim your blog. Technorati will give you two codes. You’ll need to put one of these in your blog for Technorati to verify that your blog exists. Technorati also offers tagging. When you use the tagging system of Technorati, you’re drawing attention to your keywords. Tags tell the search engines which category your posts are under. Many of Technorati tagged pages rank high in search engines. Once you’ve added tags to your post be sure to ping it.
4. Use to ping more than 50 directories each time you republish to your blog. What does pinging do? Pinging lets the weblog tracking sites know
that your site has just been updated with fresh new content.
5. Write articles and submit them to article directories. Writing and submitting articles is a free and easy way to drive traffic back to your website. Article directories are a huge hype with new ones sprouting up all over. When a webmaster or blogger uses one of your articles it increases your web exposure though backlinks to your blog or website.
6. If you want to drive traffic to your website or blog and keep visitors returning then why not consider giving something of valuable away. Giving items away for free is a great way to increase traffic. Some of the things that you can give away are free downloads, free e-books or a free audio. If you administrate a community, you might suggest that your members donate something to give away as a way of supporting their community. Also holding a contest is a great way to boost traffic.
7. Make a commit to yourself to blog regularly. All it takes is ten minutes everyday to increase your traffic. Ask any SEO expert and they will tell you that search engines love content. However don’t blog for the sake of blogging. Make sure that what you’re blogging about is of interest to your readership.
Visit Seotoolskit for more exciting and free SEO Content.  
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milsostruggles · 7 years
Trying to get signed up for any type of spouse assistance program
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primofate · 3 years
Hi there, can I request the boys seeing you got injured or being attacked, whichever is fine ^^
Hey anon! You didn’t specify how injured but I’ll just run with it hahaha :)
Scenario: You got injured Part 1
Part 2 with Zhongli
Part 3 with Xiao
Characters: gn! reader x Diluc, Kaeya, Albedo, Childe
Warnings: angst, injury, no character death though
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“Master Diluc, if I could just interrupt--” one of the caretakers in the winery walked up to his office and prepared for the assault of words that could be fired towards him, sure enough, Diluc interrupted. “What is it? I’m a little busy right now, make it quick,” he hadn’t turned his face to look at the grim expression weaving in and out through the caretaker. Hadn’t bothered to look up to check if there was anything amiss, but the caretaker continued quickly “It’s Y/N,” the caretaker had only paused for a moment but Diluc had already picked his head up at the mention of your name. It was here that he realises something must have gone wrong, the caretaker’s expression was not a pleasant one. He was up on his feet, eyes widening a fraction at the following words, “They came back to the mansion seconds ago and they’ve been injured past what Adelinde could fix so we called for a doctor—”
In Diluc’s hurry he had stumbled over his chair, it tripping behind him with a thud on the floor but he ignored it and fast runs towards your room. Dear Archons he should NOT have let you go on that commission by yourself. You could hold your own, yes, but things happened and he really should have thought that through first. He was berating himself for it as he swung the door open. “Y/N?!” 
The urgency in his voice tells you that he perhaps had the wrong idea of what was happening, it was really just a gash on your leg, although it was bleeding profusely, the cut must have been deeper than you thought. The maid had already placed a tourniquet to stop and slow the bleeding. You tried not to show it in your face, not wanting to alarm your lover any further, but it. hurt. like. hell. “Diluc, I’m fine, it’s just a gash,” 
The maid that was previously sitting on the chair next to your bed moves away, Diluc replacing her, his eyes didn’t tear away from the wound on your leg, his expression contorted to that of worry and nervousness, before finally turning to your face, reaching a hand out to cradle your cheek. “Stop lying. You’re pale, you’re sweating--” of course he sees through you, he knows the second you get upset, knows every crease on your forehead and every slight furrow of the brow. He had memorized every inch of his beautiful, beautiful treasure. “Your hands are trembling, you’ve lost too much blood, where’s the doctor?!” He grips your hand at the realization that you might actually be in a more dire situation than presented, and just on cue the doctor comes through the door, asking for some time alone with you to do his job. 
Diluc paces outside the door, unable to stay in one place for long. He kept thinking about how frail you looked. How, if you were unlucky, it wouldn’t have just been your leg. He shook his head at the thought. He didn’t know how he was going to let you out of his sight from then on. He knew full well it would annoy you to have him following you around everywhere but.... How could he not after this?
The doctor emerged half an hour later and explained that you just needed a bit of rest and that, with a little healing magic, you didn’t need the stitches at all. “Don’t let them use that leg for a day and they should be fine, it’s nothing life-threatening but they did lose a lot of blood and is going to need time to recuperate. They’re asleep at the moment,” 
Diluc takes note of everything and quietly slips into your room. They must have sedated you in the process and he sighs as he plops down on the chair that was still placed next to your bed. His eyes soften at the sight of you finally relaxed and less in pain, hand reaching out to brush off strands of stray hair that blocked his view of your face. “You’re the only one who can scare me this much,” he mutters under his breath, as if complaining and he swears that he sees a very small and light grin on your face, as if teasing him. He smiles a little, just happy that you’re stabilized and leans in to kiss your forehead, opting to stay by your side till you wake up.
“What do you mean unconscious?”
“J-Just as we said, Captain. They were unconscious when we found them,” Kaeya sighs in slight exasperation. Normally he was a jolly camper but when the knight in front of him is unable to say how injured you are, Kaeya gets a little wordy. “I meant to say why were they unconscious? Were they hurt? Where are they now?”
Kaeya stands. He was in the middle of some Favonius paper work. “They were bleeding profusely from the head,” Kaeya stops as if lightning has struck him and stares pointedly at the knight. “These details should be said early on,” he thought that it had just been something less threatening. Perhaps you had somehow passed out, exhausted, on your bedroom floor. Or perhaps had just rolled from the bed and onto the floor. They said that they found you in the bedroom, and his blood froze when he realizes that someone went in there to attack you.
Kaeya doesn’t bother talking the other knight into giving better reports next time, he’d do that later. He could guess that you were probably taken into the Favonius infirmary. Sure enough, when he walks in there, face scrunched up into what could only be described as worry and anger mingling together, you were awake, head bandaged up and your eyes meet. His heart breaks at how you still smile at him despite the fact that he wasn’t there to protect you. He stands next to the infirmary bed and gingerly touches your cheek, peering into your eyes. “Y/N, what happened?” he asks, eyes scanning the bandages wrapped around you. “Who did this?” and there was that angry and cold undertone in his voice that you rarely heard, as if his cryo vision had taken over his whole being.
“I’m sorry, Kaeya, I-- I can’t quite remember,” You put a hand up to cover half of your eye, your head was still throbbing and in quick realization Kaeya eases up on you and gently pushes you on your back to rest. “It’s fine, sorry, I just--” he cuts his own speech off and takes a deep breath in. Focus on the good. He tells himself. “I’m glad you’re alright, take it easy, I’ll take care of things,” By that he means he might just slaughter whoever even had the guts to break into your house and attack you in the middle of the day. The break-in was reported by townspeople, and Kaeya was sure as hell he’d get every witness to describe that asshole’s face. 
“You’re staying with me for the moment,” he decides quite quickly, and you had no qualms with that whatsoever. Hearing that you had no protest at all, he grins and leans down to capture your lips in a soft kiss, afraid to hurt you. “No complaints? Perhaps this was your grand scheme all along to come live with me,” You can’t help but chuckle at how quick he bounces back. “Maybe, honey. Maybe,”
“Ow--” the knife clatters to the floor, as blood starts to pool around your finger. Albedo spins around at the meek sound you make, ignoring the knife on the floor and strides over to you just as you’ve turned on the sink and started running water on the small cut on your finger.
“Let me see,” You turn to him, blinking. His face was blank. You couldn’t tell what he was thinking but he was staring straight at you. “Oh, don’t worry, it’s just a small cut,” but he doesn’t waver and glances at the water running over your finger. “Let me see,” he tries again, this time rather forceful. That got you to obey. Turning the faucet off and awkwardly offering your hand to him.
He receives it and cradles it in his as if it was porcelain, upturning your hand to look at the small cut on your pointer finger. It was tiny. Really nothing compared to wounds that a knight might sustain. Albedo sighs and looks up at you, “Don’t go anywhere,” before stalking off, coming back a few seconds later with a first aid kit. “...Al, it’s alright, it’s not a big deal,” Albedo would only let one person give him a nickname. You. No one else. Frankly he thought the nickname was weird but if it danced on your lips, he didn’t mind it at all.
“Y/N, you’re mistaken if you think I’m going to take this lightly,” he takes out some ointment and a small roll of bandage, starting with the ointment. “Everything and anything that hurts you is a significant thing,” his gaze darkens, as if glowering at that microscopic cut. “Miniscule or massive, it doesn’t make a difference to me,” he starts wrapping your finger, “if it taints your skin, I cannot help but feel--” he doesn’t know the right word, but you do, judging from how his hold on your wrist tightens. 
A soft smile paints your features at how he was such a worry-wart. Sometimes he was so bad at navigating his own feelings but you could decipher them anyway, from his actions. You let him worry over you, and thank him once he’s done. He finishes his work by taking your hand, and pressing it to his lips, his eyes darting up to lock on yours. That made you blush every damn time. His green eyes were just so mesmerizing, and so was his heart.
Dear mother of the Archons, perhaps whoever was responsible for your injuries had some type of death wish. Everyone should offer prayers for whoever had cut you up. Your arms and legs were littered with small scratches from trying to run away from the attackers, you thought going through the thick forest was a good idea. In essence, it had slowed the thieves down. They had managed to throw a fire bomb at you that severely burned your right hand, and the right side of your abdomen. 
Perhaps it was thanks to adrenaline running through you that you had actually managed to make it to the gates of Liyue, just before the bridge, but you’d crumpled down right then and there. The Millelith guards didn’t recognize you, but the three Fatui agents walking on the bridge did. “Someone had better tell him,” The group of Fatuis scrambled nearer to you, one of them picking you up, but glancing at the other who had just spoken up. “I’m not doing that, you do it,” it was slightly comical, seeing them pass off the duty of who was supposed to report to Childe about it. “You know how he gets when it comes to them, I’m not doing--” then one of them finally gets their bearings together.
“Shut up, get them to the healer first,” The tallest one shoves the one carrying you, urging him to go fast and off he went. Now it was just two Fatui agents looking at each other. Two Fatui agents who decided that they would just face his wrath together. “Sir,” one of them starts as Childe turns around to look at them. He actually had no tasks today and was just about to go off to find you. “About Y/N...” Childe’s eyebrows shoot up, what in the world could these agents have to say about you? “We’ve sent them to the healers, they collapsed at the entrance of Liyue, it... doesn’t look good...”
All hell descends upon Childe’s demeanor and poise. His face darkens, his eyes burning holes through the two agents and his fists closed up on his side. His bow appears and hovers behind him, the only thing that shone through his dark person. “The two of you--” he starts, “are going to find out who did it. I’m expecting a report by nightfall,”
Childe himself shows up at the healers quarters, and was told of your condition. “Their hand is going to scar,” keeps reverberating in his head. Like the sound that he imagines the skulls of those who dared touch you crunching under his feet, over and over again. Childe actually winces when he sees you. Small bandages on your arms and legs from the scratches, your right hand wrapped up adequately and, he couldn’t see it now, but he was sure your abdomen was wrapped too.
You cracked an eye open, feeling another presence in the room. Childe immediately appears next to you, leaning over the bed and watching your expression. “...It hurts, doesn’t it?” he asks, tracing over your bandaged hand. You remained quiet for a moment before nodding your head slowly. Just remembering it caused a blinding pain in your mind’s eye. You’d been given drugs to ease the pain now, but there were still traces of it lingering on your skin. “How dare they,” both your eyes snapped open at Childe’s nearly contorted voice, shadowed and overpowered by rage. 
You pick up your good hand and touch his arm with the tips of your fingers. You didn’t like it when he got like this. “Childe, it’s alright,” far from it, but it was the only reassurance you could offer. He catches your hand and brings it up to his face, pressing your hand to his cheek as if it was a lifeline. “It’s not. It’s not,” he repeats to himself, his anger also stemming from the fact that he wasn’t there to protect you. “They’ll regret even laying eyes on you,” You knew he wanted to go now, knew that he wanted to get to the bottom of it, but you yet again pull your hand away to grasp at his shirt, the fabric scrunching up under your hold. “...But stay with me for tonight? Please?” 
That got him. He would never say no. His form relaxes and he leans in to kiss your lips, gentle yet with a hidden hunger in them. “Of course,” he simply says, as if his previous agenda forgotten.
But he would never forget. He would never forget for as long as he could see that scar. 
Tomorrow, he would decimate each and every one of them.
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musclelover4826 · 2 years
Bartending part 1
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St. Patrick's day Gamma Tau special. My plan got longer than I wanted so its in 2 parts. 2nd one won't be today though. Enjoy
Josh Miller was a fairly average college guy. He was from a well to do family and 3 generations have gone to this school so he had to be the 4th. There was even a hall named after them, Miller Hall, which was used for buisness classes. He was a finance major and very serious about his studies. Too serious if you asked his friends Michael Preston and Thomas Baker.
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They were also finamce majors and met Josh in class. The two of them were gay and while Josh considered himself straight he was really more asexual, but he didn't judge them or give them any shit about it. While they too were on scholarships, from well to do families and quite studious in their own right, they also knew when to relax and put the stress aside. Josh didn't. If he wasn't studying he was failing. Which is why he initially refused to drive Mike and Tom to a st Patrick's day party being hosted by one of the frats.
"Come on dude they are accepting pledges there!" Mike practically begged.
"I have a project due the day after" Josh said. "I suppose I could drop you off and come back when your done?" He offered but Tom scoffed at him.
"No way! your coming too! Just uh, don't drink, your the driver" Tom said.
"I said no" Josh groaned.
"Take us and we can help with the project after" Mike offered. This time it was Josh's turn to scoff
"Sure let two drunken idiots help my project, that should go over well"
"You can't study all the time; your project is definitely at the passing point already, doesn't have to be perfect!" Fine. They had a point. Josh reluctantly agreed and a few days later he was pulling up to the Gamma Tau house. Music blasting and signs directing students to the indoor pool. How is it that they convinced the school to let them do this? Easy. All proceeds from the drinks were being donated to a local food bank. The same way Gamma gets away with everything. There were also rumors of the president making deals with the school and one of the Deans being a forner member and letting things slide.
The music was bumping, some guy named Kyle was DJing, Josh only picked that up from the cheering from some guys who were already drunk. It didn't take long for him to lose his friends in the crowd as he looked for a relatively quiet place to sit down. However as he wormed his way through the crowd he bumped into one of the gamma boys dressed in only a green speedo.
"Common bro I cleaned the pool for this party! Enjoy it!" He shouted giving Josh a chest bump that caused him to back flop into the pool! He quickly got his head above the surface gasping and coughing as he climbed out of the pool.
"What the hell I'm soaked!" He shouted as the guy who pushed him chuckled.
"Oh shit sorry bro, guess I bumped too hard!" he said but Josh was fuming. "Tell you what bro, pretty sure we got some spare clothes follow me" he said tossing his arm over Josh's shoulder and leading him into the house. "Names Dean by the way" he said as if Josh really cared. He was above most of these dumb muscle bound frat boys naturally, though in truth most of them had good grades. They just knew how to have a good time but Josh was too caught up in his own stereotypes to realize.
The clothes were hardly something he'd ever wear. A pair of green and black plaid boxers, a green tank top and a pair of overalls with some green socks and a pair of green and black checkered vans.
"Got anything else?" Josh asked.
"You'll look the right color for the party!" Dean grinned. After Josh was dressed in the clothes that seemed a bit loose Dean completed the look by pushing a green hat with the frat letters on it, backwards, onto his head. He turned around suprised but felt a rush to his head and before he could complain further about the outfit he suddenly forgot why he was upset. He just stood there with a dazed look. He didn't react much as Dean leads him back to the party. The music thumping room spinning a bit, the music and people chatting. The sounds kind of just blended together resulting in Dean giving him a funny look.
"Wha?" Josh asked and Dean chuckled.
"I said, know anything about mixed drinks?" Dean repeated a question he apparently already asked.
"Uh no not really" was that true? It felt right but he was really confused right now.
"Really? Thought drinking was in your genes bro!" Dean said laughing. Josh wanted to correct him but he felt too light headed to refute it, not noticing his dark brown hair starting to lighten. Or his skin gaining a sudden paler. As he was lead to the poolside bar he realized yes. He did know about the drinks. There was vodka, wines, beer, rum, soon even just looking at the brand names he knew what type of liquor it was. Soon he was behind the bar...how had that happened? Before he could question it guys were placing orders and how is it that off the top of his head, as if on auto pilot, he know how to mix the perfect Lomg Island Iced Tea, or Screwdriver? As he mixed the drinks his arms swelled with neew muscle. His chest began to inflate into 2 lean but square pecs that filled in his new tanktop nicely. His stomach always had a 6 back rite? Of course. He had known these drinks because it was in his blood rite? His face shifting to be more angular and itching as redish hair grew to fill in some stubble as freckles dotted across his face. He knew drinks, he bartended all the time for his bros! Hell his family practically had him doing it as a kid! Though unlike the stereotypes of his heritage he actually didn't like to drink a lot. Though he couldn't say the same for his 2 brothers! His memories of studying intensly began to fade. Replaced with being intelligent still, but knowing when to turn it off and have fun. His dick englarged as his balls swelled up. They burned breifly as the sperm containing his old genes died off replaced by potent ginger sperm. He was definitely still straight and definitely willing to let any girl catch his leprechaun...if she was willing to show him her pot o gold! Haha. His legs began to swell with muscle and fill his overalls snuggly as his feet grew a bit bigger to fill his new shoes. In the haze of noise and hormones he remembered. He wasn't some boring nerd named Josh...no he was Jameson O'Hennessy! A Gamma Bro, their bartender, and no party could be complete without his cocktails! He wondered where his brothers had gone but couldn't go look for them for now as he kept getting requests. Dean and Prez Dorian looked on at their new bartender with broad grins.
1 down 2 to go.
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shuadotcom · 2 years
Neeba Zow | KTH (M)
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🟢 Summary: A contest to win free food and all you have to do is play The Sims? Obviously you’re going to sign up. Unfortunately, Taehyung, who is a much more popular streamer than you (and also your ex-boyfriend) also decides to participate. This’ll surely be the longest gaming session you’ve ever taken part in.
🟢 Pairing: Sims Streamer!Taehyung x Sims Streamer F!Reader
🟢 Genre/AU: Smut, a twinge of angst, a little fluff, pwp honestly, college au, exes to lovers au
🟢 Game: The Sims
🟢 Words: 7.5k
🟢 Warnings: Profanity, brief mention of someone being roofied (everyone is okay!), mention of alleged infidelity, unprotected sex, oral (m receiving), fingering, marking
🟢 Note: FINALLYYYYY here is my fic for the Bangtan DLC: A Streamer BTS Collab that I hosted with the lovely @kookskingdom​​​​. This went through 3 rewrites before I finally didn’t hate it!! Thank you to the amazing and talented @missgeniality​​​​ for this wonderful banner! 💚💚 And thank you so much to @rkivian​​​​ for being my beta! 💚
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Wanna win free food just for playing The Sims?
You only need to read the first line to snatch the flyer off of the library bulletin board.
Join the gaming club next Friday in the computer lab! Just make a donation then play The Sims as long as you can! The last player standing wins free meals from any campus eatery for the rest of the semester!
This is a no-brainer for you. As someone who’s been playing The Sims since the first one was released and has been a small Sims streamer for a year, this contest will be easy to win.
When you’re not buried in homework or struggling to study, you’re live streaming on Twitch and uploading on YouTube. Even though you’re still a newbie to the streaming world, you’re proud to say that you've managed to wrack up thousands of followers. College and your journalism degree are your plan b, but your real goal is a full-time content creator, and doing this contest can not only aid you in that goal, but at the end of the day you’re also a broke college student and free food is always ideal.
“So… you just have to play The Sims as long as you can? Can you pee or eat or anything?” Your roommate Jihyo asks while you’re eating later in the evening. You’ve read the flyer you took to her and your friend Krystal and they’ve both voiced support while also being confused about the whole thing.
“I think so. This seems like a version of one of those contests where you have to like, keep your hand on something longer than anyone else and you win it - it’s usually a car or a boat I think.”
“That sounds like it sucks, honestly, but we’ll be rooting for you,” Krystal voices. “I don’t see how anyone else will want to do it, or if they do I doubt it’d be anyone that can beat you.”
“True. Remember you did that ten-hour charity stream a few months ago and you were fine. Like Krystal said, who the hell else will even be able to beat that?”
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How can you be stupid enough to forget about Kim fucking Taehyung? When you walk into the computer lab on Friday, you scan the handful of other faces briefly while looking for a seat. Your gaze quickly lands on the only empty seat next to Taehyung. The same Taehyung that has close to a million followers on both Twitch and YouTube combined. The same Taehyung that challenges you and plays devil’s advocate in your political science class every time you answer a question. The same Taehyung that you dated last year who you broke up with after you found out that he hooked up with another girl while you were out of town.
Needless to say, he’s the last person you want to breathe the same air as let alone sit next to, but there are only so many computers (ones that work at that) so that’s exactly where you stomp over to.
His brown eyes catch sight of you as you enter his row and he has the audacity to smirk at you as you sit.
“Well hello there, Y/n.”
“Hi.” There’s no enthusiasm in your voice to match his, but he doesn’t seem to care.
“I didn’t expect to see you turn up!”
“I could say the same for you,” you grumble. He cocks his head at the question, and you roll your eyes. “What do you even need to be in this contest for? You have a shit ton of followers whom you play this game for and I’m hard-pressed to believe that you need the free meals.”
Taehyung chuckles, looking at you as if you’re silly for even saying that. “See, that’s why you shouldn’t just assume. I’ll have you know that this is a rough month for my bank account. I just bought a very pricey gaming chair and I won’t be getting any streaming money till the beginning of the month.”
Scoffing, you turn away from him. The urge to smack that smug expression off of his face is strong, so instead, you focus on waking up your computer.  
The president of the gaming club, Junhui, addresses the room then, silencing all chatter.
“Thank you all for donating and joining us today! This is our first big event like this so it means a lot to us that you all showed up! The rules for the contest are simple. You have to play a family in The Sims as long as you can. This means no spontaneous breaks to use the phone, to talk to any of your friends that try to stop by, and no taking breaks whenever you want.
Since we’re not trying to torture any of you, we will tell you when a bathroom break is allowed. We’ll also provide you with snacks and drinks. Other than that, you just need to have fun until you get too tired to continue. Me and some of the other club members will be monitoring you all along the way and wish you good luck! When you’re all on the game home screen we’ll start.”
You quickly unpack your bag of snacks - courtesy of Krystal’s secret snack stash - and take a sip from your water bottle before following Junhui’s instructions. Out of the corner of your eye, you watch Taehyung also unload some snacks and set up a desk-sized tripod and camera.
“Are you seriously going to be streaming this?” You ask incredulously as he opens a familiar app on the computer and you see the Twitch logo on the screen.
“Of course! All of my supporters begged to see me while I play. The gaming club was okay with it as long as they donated as well and a bunch of my followers did!”
He smiles at you, but you don’t reciprocate. Of course, he uses his status to do this. A few of the other contest participants around you shoot him dirty looks, likely in agreement with you on the ridiculousness of it all.
“Okay everyone, have fun and we’ll start the timer… now!” Junhui beams at everyone before starting the large, LED timer at the front of the room. You immediately open up Create-A-Sim to begin building your family to play with.
“Hey everyone, thank you so much for joining the stream and donating to my school! You guys know how much sleep means to me but we’ll see how I do! I’ll start with building a new family, maybe with a dog or two.”
You pick up your headphones and slip them on, intending to drown out the sound of Taehyung’s voice until he inevitably gives up.
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Ten hours is the longest that you’ve ever played The Sims nearly nonstop. Today, you're going on hour fifteen and you’re holding up surprisingly well. You’ve already been allotted two bathroom breaks and you’re nearly done with your snacks after rationing them as much as humanly possible. A quarter of the room has already given up and left, a few people simply being too sleepy and others wanting real food and not the chips and sweets you were provided with.
Unfortunately, Taehyung is still next to you, barely seeming like he’s bothered. His brown hair is tousled on his head, fluffy bangs hanging in front of his eyes. He’s smiling over at the camera, thanking someone for something they said through his headset (you only heard him because there was a lag in audio through your own headset. You didn’t intentionally eavesdrop). The two of you haven’t spoken since the contest started, save for a few conversations he attempted to start during bathroom breaks.
Each time you dismissed him, not wanting to give him your time. You refuse to admit it, but maybe you are still just a little bitter about the whole breakup. Sure you broke up with him, and cheating on you is an instant no, but after a year together, it’s still hard to so easily discard those feelings. Plus, he’s still as handsome as ever and still has an irritatingly charming smile. Again, you won’t voice it, but your brain thinks it every time your eyes stray his way during class or when you see him around campus.
“Alright, everyone!” Jeongyeon, another game club member, calls out, loudly clapping her hands together. “Another bathroom break! Five minutes and you need to be back or you’re out.” You pause your game and dash out of the room, taking another one of the swiftest pees of your life.
Taehyung is coming out of the men’s bathroom at the same time you’re leaving and you nearly collide. He reaches out his hands to steady you by your shoulders, but you shake him off.
“Yuck, you just left the bathroom!”
“What? I wash my hands!”
You eye him skeptically. “Mmhmm. You’re a gamer boy so I’ll take that with a grain of salt. Now move,” you move to push past him, but he steps in your way. “What the hell are you doing? We have like two minutes left to get back in the room.”
“Bet me.”
“Bet me. Whoever wins the contest also wins something between the two of us.”
“What?” you repeat.
“Say yes,” he speaks at the same time that Jeongyeon gives the sixty-second warning.
“Fuck, fine!” You agree, shoving him hard as you sprint back to the room. He laughs from behind, both of you making it back within a second of one another.
Taehyung has a very untrustworthy smile as he gets comfortable in his seat and you grimace in response.
It isn’t until another five hours go by that you begin blinking harder than you mean to. Your Sims family is already on their third generation and you’re slowly working your way through the career paths in the game. Your back hurts and your legs keep cramping, but you refuse to let Taehyung win.
He, on the other hand, seems to be doing just fine, if only sagging in his seat a little more than he was before. He’s running his mouth to the people that are still somehow watching him, but his voice is nowhere as chipper as it was when the contest started.
When your Sims are all at work or school without you, you glance around the room, using the time as a quick way to let your eyes rest from the screen. The room is much emptier than you thought it was. You and Taehyung are two of ten students left in the room from what you’re able to count. Two other members of the gaming club are sitting at the front and back of the room, both on their computers and looking nearly ready to doze off themselves.
You’ve only been looking away for a second, and when you turn back, you catch Taehyung staring at you. When your eyes meet, he’s quick to focus back on the screen in front of him. Was he just staring at you?
No, he was probably just being nosey and seeing what was happening in your game. You turn your attention back to it, ignoring your surroundings once more.
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Hour twenty-eight hits and your eyeballs are burning. You should be good at this. The number of long nights you’ve stayed up to study or work on an assignment should’ve prepared you for this - so why are you so exhausted? As a professional procrastinating college student, there should be no reason as to why you want so badly to curl up on the floor and sleep the rest of the weekend away.
During another break, you use all your remaining energy to make it to the bathroom and back in record time. Taehyung is right behind you and you’re both the first ones to return.
“How are you holding up?” He asks, taking a sip from his water bottle.
“Me too,” he says, even though you didn’t ask. “A good number of my viewers are still up too so that’s surprising.”
“Wow, amazing,” you deadpan, but he’s not bothered by it.
“Did you think about what you want from me if you win?”
“Speaking of when I win, what exactly are the rules?”
“Winner gets the loser to do anything they want.” He shrugs.
You narrow your eyes at him. “Anything?”
“I don’t mean like that! You know this is the third time you’ve assumed something incorrectly about me and it’s quite offensive.” Taehyung huffs, clearly not actually offended.
“Again, you’re a male college gamer. And I know you, remember?”
“Well, I’m different now, thank you very much.”
Before he can offer a retort, the contest time starts again, but only two other people file back in on time. Two of the other participants never come back and another guy tries to come in well after the break is done. You go back to ignoring everything around you, but you also try to think about what you’ll even make Taehyung do when you win.
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A little over thirty hours pass and it’s just you and Taehyung. Saturday is well into the evening and you’ve just emptied another bottle of water and what feels like your twentieth bag of honey butter chips. It’s a true struggle to keep your eyes open and the energy drinks you’ve been chugging are barely helping anymore. You’ve been doing a spectacularly bad job at accomplishing anything substantial in the game the sleepier you get. You’ve also allowed more of the family members to die than you’d like to admit.
Taehyung too has been snacking and drinking energy drinks but you can tell he’s as tired as you are. His demeanor has sunk, slouching in his seat and voice much lower and lethargic than usual. His hair is up in a sloppy ponytail and you can see the growing bags under his eyes.
The game club member monitoring everyone waves at you both, signaling to take your headsets off.
“You two can go to the bathroom. You know the rules,” he looks as tired as you are when he dismisses you and sets the five-minute alarm before lying his head on the desk.
You barely call your movement to the bathroom rushing, but it’s quick enough. Taehyung comes back shortly after you and looks even more tired than he did before.
“How much longer are you gonna try to keep this up?” You tease, fighting back a yawn between your words.
“Until I win.” He says back, but it’s much less confident than earlier.
“You must really want that free lunch.”
“Yeah, and I want to get my prize from you too.” He forces a smile and you sneer in response.
“I swear to the gods Taehyung, I am not doing anything fucking weird and if you even suggest it, I’m going to kick your ass.”
He lets out a loud laugh at your threat. “Y/n, come on. I thought you knew me a little better than that.”
“How would I know you better than that? Did you forget why we broke up?”
“First of all, you broke up with me. I didn’t want to.”
“Oh what the fuck ever. I’m not getting into this with you right now.”
Taehyung has the nerve to look annoyed, but he’s cut off by the five-minute timer going off before he can offer a rebuttal. You immediately get back to the game, headset on to drown out anything else he has to say.
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At a little after forty-eight hours, Taehyung calls it quits. Out the corner of your eye you see him stand up to stretch.
“Well if you’re sure, then that means Y/n wins!” You didn’t hear what Taehyung said, but you’re taking your headset off just as Junhui says this, not even noticing he had returned to the room.
“Congrats!” Taehyung says, shooting you a thumbs up. You barely pay attention to Junhui coming over to congratulate you and explaining how you get your free meals. Taehyung ends his stream and packs all of his equipment up while Junhui is snapping a picture of you in front of your computer. You muster up your best exhausted smile, still peeking over at Taehyung as he leaves.
It’s not as though you didn’t want to win because you knew you would, the problem is how you won. Something about this victory didn’t sit right with you.
As soon as you receive your free meal card from Junhui, you run out of the room and down the hall, still seeing Taehyung’s fluffy hair bouncing when he walks.
“Taehyung!” You call as loud as possible and thankfully, he hears you. He stops and turns, patiently waiting for you as you huff and catch your breath. “What the fuck was that?”
“What was what?”
“Oh come on, I’m not stupid. You gave up on purpose.”
“Y/n -”
“Don’t bullshit me. You of all people know I don’t like being lied to.” You stare him down, your gaze unwavering, until he gives up and looks away first, letting out a long sigh.
“Look, yes I could’ve kept going, but I’m tired, okay?”
Taehyung groans, wiping his face. “And it’s clear you already hate me so I just wanted to do something so that you won’t hate me more.”
“I knew it! And for the record, I got over hating you a while ago. Now you just irritate my entire soul.”
“Wow, that’s so much better,” he snorts, beginning to laugh, but stopping when he sees your lack of amusement.
“You already know why so don’t act so surprised. Why does it even matter how I feel about you anyway?”
“Well I mean, why would I want the most beautiful girl in the world mad at me?”
A loud, sarcastic chuckle slips out of your mouth, but you don’t even try to hide it. “Give me a fucking break!”
“What?! I can’t say you’re beautiful?!”
“I wasn’t beautiful when you fucked Nayeon at the beginning of last summer!”
Taehyung looks defeated, yanking on his hair in annoyance. “How many times do I have to tell you that I didn’t?!”
“However many times you fucking want because I don’t believe you!” Suddenly over this conversation, you turn to go back to your dorm, but Taehyung stops you with a hand on your arm.
“Wait, Y/n, please. What do I have to do? What do I have to do to get you to forgive and believe me? I’ve tried to talk to you, but you’re so stubborn you never want to listen to me.”
“Oh, now I’m stubborn?!”
“Yes, you are!”
“I’m done with this discussion.” You spit out, fast-walking away from him. He doesn’t call out to you to stop, so you keep moving. You’re over him and over that relationship, so why did that conversation still feel so painful?
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On Monday, when your political science class rolls around, you’re shocked to see Taehyung sitting in the seat next to where you usually sit.
“Hey, Y/n.” He smiles, completely ignoring your confusion and the bewilderment of other students around you. Unfortunately for you, more people on campus know about your break up than you’d like.
“Why the hell are you sitting here?”
“Well, I want you to stop thinking so poorly of me. Plus, you won the bet for the Sims contest so you win anything from me.”
You plop unceremoniously into your seat and take a few seconds to think about it. “No.”
“No. You still let me win. I’m taking my free food and that’s it. I don’t need any other pity prize from you.”
“But… but you still won? You can tell me to do whatever I don’t care.” He sounds a little desperate, but you still refuse.
“No. Class is starting now.”
Your professor comes in then, greeting everyone and launching straight into the lesson. When she asks a question, for what feels like the first time in a long time, when you answer it, Taehyung has no retort. Everyone in the class, your professor included, seems to pause after you answer as if waiting for Taehyung’s input but he has none and continues scribbling in his notebook.
Class carries on after that and Taehyung somehow invites himself to lunch with you. Krystal and Jihyo don’t say anything when the two of you show up, but they’re throwing you confused looks over and over again. At one point, while Taehyung is talking about some streaming event he has coming up, you just shrug at them, completely at a loss.
“So lunch was weird,” Krystal comments later, lounging on your bed while she, you, and Jihyo are studying.
“You can say that again. Who would’ve thought 48 hours of playing video games and not showering would’ve had Y/n and Taehyung making up.” You throw a nearby stuffed animal at Jihyo but she dodges it from the other side of the room.
“We’re not back together! I told you, he’s being annoyingly persistent and saying how he wants me to stop hating him or whatever.”
“Do you think you two will be friends?” Jihyo wonders.
“I don’t know. I mean, he hurt me you know? Do you know what it’s like to find out on Instagram that your boyfriend cheated on you? And he never apologized.”
“Is he still saying he didn’t do it?” You nod and she scoffs. “Typical guy. Like who sees a video of themselves leaving a room with another woman, clearly drunk, and clearly having just fucked and still denies it?!”
“Yeah, I say unless he apologizes or finally tells you the reason why he’s denying it, don’t let him weasel his way back in so easily.” Krystal chimes in.
You agree with them both. “Believe me I know. I doubt he’s going to be able to keep up this being nice thing anyway. He’ll be nice until he feels like he wants to just quit on us again.”
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As if Taehyung hears you utter those words, the next few weeks go by and he continues to sit with you during your shared class and eat lunch with you. He even makes sure he greets you in the hallways and wherever else he sees you. After the breakup, you both ignored one another, save for your shared class, and went out of your way not to interact unless you had to.
Seeing and talking to him again is still something to get used to but it stops being so incredibly bizarre after a few days. You learn that there are so many habits he has and things he says that you’ve missed. The boxy way he smiles, the full-body way that he laughs when something is especially funny and even the common yet sweet, casual pet names he used to call you.
These once dormant feelings creep in more and more until the day you see him in the hall speaking to Nayeon. You’re leaving your last class of the day, fully intending to see Taehyung at lunch when you arrive. Instead, you see him around the corner, leaning against the wall, talking to the very woman he cheated on you with.
Not even a second goes by before his eyes meet yours and he panics. You panic too, not wanting to deal with this at the moment. You’re fast, turning on your heels and using energy you’ve never had to lose yourself in the crowd.
Once shut up in your room with Jihyo questioning your frazzled state, you let out a scream. It’s a mix of your disgust at Taehyung for getting your hopes up and annoyance at yourself for believing it.
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Later that evening, there’s a knock on your door as soon as you get back to your room from the shower. Looking through the peephole, you expect to see Jihyo, assuming she left her key behind, but instead, you see Taehyung standing there with Nayeon at his side.
Rage is the only emotion you feel upon seeing them there. How dare he? How dare they? Nayeon hasn’t spoken to you since before the incident, but even then it was only ever casual greetings in a class you shared last year.
You mull it over briefly before deciding to just get whatever this is over with for good. You take a sharp breath and after tying your robe tighter, you fling open the door.
“Hi,” your tone is icy, both parties on the other side stepping back.
“Hey Y/n, can we talk to you?” Taehyung mutters.
“What in the fuck could either of you want to talk to me about?”
“We just need to. Please, can we come in?” He stammers, clearly torn between meeting your eyes and looking away.
It takes you a few seconds before you move aside. They enter and stand in the middle of your room nervously, clearly unsure where to be.
“What is it?” You snap once the door is shut. They look at one another, deciding who should go first. “I don’t care who talks, but someone better open their fucking mouth.”
“Okay!” Taehyung volunteers. “I’m tired of hiding from you. I didn’t tell you the truth when the video of us was posted because Nayeon begged me not to tell anyone what happened. I wanted to respect her privacy, but I hate the way things ended with us and I miss you and I can’t do this anymore.”
His words earn him an eye roll from you and he nudges Nayeon to speak up.
“Y/n, Taehyung and I didn’t have sex. I knew he was dating you so I wouldn’t have done that.”
“Is that all you have to say?” You sneer at her. “This asshole has constantly been saying he hasn’t done it, and I’m sure you know I don’t believe a word he says.”
Nayeon clenches her fists, taking a deep breath and holding it for a few seconds before speaking. “The same night of that party someone tried to roofie me, but it wasn’t enough I guess, because I was still lucid enough to go upstairs and hide in the bathroom. Taehyung walked in because he had to use the toilet and he found me crying.”
“What?” She ignores your interruption, pausing to inhale again before continuing.
“He stayed with me and let me sob all over his shirt until I was done then he helped me out. He was going to walk me downstairs to find my roommate to take me back to my room. That’s when someone in the hallway took that video. I made him swear not to tell because why would I want people to know I was drugged? I didn’t know who it was so I didn’t want to bring it up. I just want to forget it happened.” None of you say anything as her words sink in.
“You’re not lying?”
“Come on, Y/n. Why the hell would I lie about that? I didn’t want to cause a bunch of hysteria on campus so I kept it to myself. No one knows except the three of us in this room.”
Too stunned to speak, you mull over what you’ve just been told. Taehyung has always been telling you the truth - he never cheated. He was genuinely, innocently helping Nayeon with a serious problem that had absolutely nothing to do with him. He was just being kind and all these months you’ve thought he was the scum of the Earth. It’s a lot to take in.
“I’m sorry that I caused you guys to break up, okay? It’s ultimately my fault for not letting him tell you the truth, but please don’t tell anyone. Please? And again, I’m really sorry that I came between you two like this.”
Nayeon is practically begging you, eyes brimming with tears. This is enough for you to believe that she’s being truthful. Taehyung is visibly uncomfortable as he awaits your next words. You assure Nayeon that you won’t say anything.
“Are you sure you don’t want to tell someone though? What if it happens again?” You question, thinking about the seriousness of her situation.
“I’ve actually been working with the women’s rights club on campus and we’re going to be raising general awareness about drink safety at parties. We want to release a segment on the school blog, it’s just taken us this long to even get approval from the administration to talk about it.”
“Would it be weird if I asked to help? I’ll tell people I know to read it when it comes out or something, whatever you need me to help with.”
The earlier tension has melted away, at least between you and Nayeon. She accepts your offer and you exchange numbers. She says she’ll text you as soon as she and the club get the final okay, then promptly excuses herself, thanking you and apologizing to both you and Taehyung again on her way out.
Then it’s just the two of you.
You look at Taehyung trying to come up with what to say, but you settle on. “Sorry.”
“Me too. I shouldn't have chosen to keep a woman’s secret who wasn’t you. I should have told you the truth.”
“Yeah, you really should have, but wow, I still feel bad about everything I said to you when I broke up with you.”
“It’s okay.”
“Ugh, no, it’s not. I manifested the nastiest shit to happen to you and badmouthed you to everyone. Fuck, Taehyung, you just let me dump you like that!”
“What was I supposed to do?! I couldn’t just force you to be with me. I couldn’t make you stay because I chose not to tell you the truth. I couldn’t do anything else.”
“Our whole relationship ended because of this. I’ve missed your dumbass so much, you now.”
Taehyung takes a tentative step forward, the wide gap between the two of you closing slowly.
“I’ve missed you too, Y/n. You have no idea. It hurt so bad when we were done. I agonized for weeks over how to get you back or get you to understand, but I could never think of anything, and every time we talked you’d shut me out. I was hoping when this year started you’d give me a chance, but you made it pretty clear we were done.”
“Tae, I was so mad. I was heartbroken. We’d only been together for a year but you meant so much to me. Even when I hated you, you still did. You still do.”
You take a step at the same time he does, the two of you now at arm's length.
“I could never muster up the courage to tell you, Y/n, but I was falling for you. Then you broke up with me and that ate me up inside, but I never once stopped caring for you.”
Your heartbeat resonates through your entire body, Taehyung’s words ringing in your ears. You step closer, so close you have to look up to speak to him. “I still cared so much about you too. I wanted to stop, but even now, I still think about you.” Even though your brain is a clusterfuck of emotions, you know that statement to be true.
“That’s good enough for me, Y/n,” Taehyung says with a smile, his hand grabbing your neck at the same time that he bends down, your lips crashing together in a kiss.
You give in immediately, the familiar taste of his mouth flooding back to you. His soft lips move against yours in a gentle yet greedy kiss. All of your feelings hit you as you wrap your arms around Taehyung’s neck and he pulls you closer to him. The warmth of his body and the strength of his hold gives you a sense of safety again that you haven’t felt since you broke up.
The kiss shifts from loving to playful to frenzied in no time at all. The harder you kiss and the further Taehyung’s hands wander, the more you fully realize just how much you’ve yearned for every single part of him. There’s not a doubt in your mind that he doesn’t feel the same if the subtle rocking of his hips is any indication.
Moving away from his lips, you both take a loud gasp of air before your mouth moves to his neck, placing small pecks over the soft skin. If your memory serves you correctly, Taehyung’s neck is one of his most sensitive areas and you’re right. He lets out a deep moan from his chest as soon as you begin peppering kisses everywhere your lips reach. You lick, suck and bite on every inch of exposed skin, marking him up for old times sake.
He lets you do this until he can’t handle it anymore, grasping your shoulders and pulling you away. Still holding onto you, he meets your gaze as he then moves one hand to the front of your robe, lightly tugging on the knot. He’s giving you a chance to tell him to leave and be done with him for good.
You don’t want to be done with him though, so you nod, eyes never wavering. That’s the assurance he needs to forcefully pull on the fabric, the cloth opening completely as he pushes it from your shoulders and it pools at your feet. His eyes finally leave yours, darting down to drink in the sight of you.
“Fuck I missed seeing you like this.” The words leave his mouth in a whisper, his voice husky and laced with desire.
He looks up at you again and you move in unison, hands reaching out for one another as you close the distance between you again, mouths meeting harshly. The air shifts, heady and thick as both of you are just desperate to feel each other again.
Long fingers dance on your bare skin, squeezing every part of you at his fingertips before resting on your bare breasts and playing with your hardened nipples. Your hands run through his brunette locks, down his broad shoulders, then down to his waist, pulling his hips against yours. This succeeds in catching him off guard, and he falters only a little before going back to kissing the breath out of you.
Taehyung’s arms adjust to secure around your waist as he walks backward with you, further into the room until the back of your knees hit your bed and you fall onto the mattress. Your eyes rove over every one of the handsome features on his face as he admires you right back. His brown eyes sweep over you under him, and you realize you’re the only one naked.
“Clothes off,” you demand, tugging at his t-shirt.
“Aw, no please?” He flirts and you scoff in return.
“No. Take your clothes off, now.”
Taehyung bites his lip in response, but no other words follow. Instead, he shuffles to the end of the bed to stand up and yank his shirt off, the soft fabric falling somewhere when he flings it. His pants come next, also being tossed elsewhere. He’s just in his underwear then, the material hugging every muscle in his thighs and accentuating his more than impressive bulge.
Scooting down to the edge of the bed, greedy hands reach for his crotch and you can barely contain yourself. You squeeze his bulge, Taehyung hissing and bucking his hips into your hand immediately. Your mouth waters at the sight of him, remembering just how full he always made you feel. He lets you peel his underwear down, cock whipping out of its confines and smacking against his stomach. Taehyung sighs at the freedom, watching your next move like a hawk.
“Did you miss me?” He teases, right as a string of precum drips from his swollen head and lands on your thigh.
“What do you think?” You ask hypothetically, both of you already knowing the answer. You quickly get comfortable as he stands in front of you, almost shaking in anticipation. Leaning forward, you swipe your tongue over his swollen cockhead, the salty taste making your thighs clench. Taehyung gasps as you slide the rest of his cock past your lips, your tongue swiping at the veins on the underside.
Taehyung bends his knees, hands shooting out to rest on your head to steady himself. When he tries to move his hands away, you reach up and keep them there, simultaneously sliding him further down your throat.
“Y/n! Oh, fuck,” He shouts, fingers firmly grabbing at your hair while you start to bob your head. Your hand rests on his warm thigh as you suck him off, relishing in the breathy, practically methodic sounds coming out of him. Your unoccupied hand slips down your body and between your legs, fingers rubbing your clit in time with the back and forth of your head over his length.
You get lost in your rhythm, the only thing clouding your mind is the ache between your legs and the warm, heavy taste of Taehyung on your tongue. He’s making high-pitched noises now and rocking his hips forward, gliding himself further down your throat over and over again. It isn’t long after that Taehyung has both hands firmly on your head and is fucking your throat. The gagging sounds coming from you ring in your ears along with the string of curses Taehyung mumbles from above you. Your fingers rub your clit harder, hoping to cum in time with Taehyung. His leg begins to quake in your other hand and your body tingles as the anticipation builds within you.
You’re right on the edge, drool dripping from your mouth as your eyes roll back, but as quick as the feeling approaches, it goes away as Taehyung yanks his dick out of your throat and takes hold of your arms, stopping your movement. You open your mouth to object, but he shuts you up with another kiss.
“I can’t let you make me cum yet,” he huffs between kisses. His tongue grazes yours before he sucks the muscle into his mouth and you whine, the action so much hotter than it should be. He guides you back onto the bed as he continues, finding his way between your legs as your arms wrap around his neck to pull him closer.
The kiss gets sloppier as the seconds go on and your hands grasp desperately at every part of Taehyung’s warm skin that you can reach. One of his hands is cradling your head, holding it tight as you kiss, while the other trails down your body until he cups your sex, the action making you break the kiss.
“Taehyung!” You call out as one of his fingers gently rubs against your dripping hole. You squirm underneath him as he teases you a few more times until he finally relents and slips a long digit into you, walls clenching hard at the intrusion.
“Fuck, Y/n you’re as tight as I remember… will you still be able to handle my cock?”
“Y - yes. Yes, I can!” His finger curls and your back bends almost painfully.
“Mmm are you sure?” He taunts again, a second finger slipping inside. He quickly gains momentum and begins rubbing your clit with his thumb; for the second time in less than thirty minutes, you feel yourself approaching your end.
“Yes, Tae, fuck, please either let me cum now or fuck me!”
Taehyung chuckles at your desperation, but you don’t have any shame. You haven’t slept with anyone since him so not only are you eager for release from something other than your toys, but you’d be lying if you said Taehyung isn’t one of the best fucks of your life.
He’s still smirking as he pulls his fingers from you and licks them clean. The sight sends you into full feral mode. Your body practically vibrates as you drink him in, eyes wide yet unfocused, built pecs covered in a sheen of sweat, whole body flushing a beautiful shade of red. He wants you just as much as you want him and it makes your heart jackhammer in your chest.
Easing between your thighs, Taehyung gets into position, the tops of his thighs hugging the back of yours. His cock breaches your tight hole, his length filling you agonizingly slow. Once he’s fully sheathed, you realize you’re panting, body utterly and completely belonging to him.
Large hands grip your hips to help him adjust to a pace that starts sluggish but quickly becomes aggressive and feverish. Taehyung’s hips slam into yours as he manages to crane his neck down to guide you to another messy kiss.
All of your self-control is out the window as he drills into you while probing your mouth with his thick tongue. Your mind is hazy, all forms of thought escaping you, leaving you in a dreamy, fucked-out state. Electricity pricks at your skin the closer you get to finally cumming tonight.
The entire time that Taehyung thrusts into you, his breathing goes from heavy and ragged to uneven and whiny. Eventually, he can’t keep his mouth on yours with how hard he’s working, and thanks to your quick yet effective blowjob earlier, he’s only moments away from exploding.
“Y/n, you feel so fucking good. So soft and wet for me. All for me.”
“So good. So wet all for you. Always for you,” you babble, eyes still cloudy while a tingle starts to move from your toes to your calf, slowly creeping ever higher. “Oh shit, Taehyung! I-I’m cumming!”
“Cum all over me and cream my cock, babygirl,” His filthy words are the push over the cliff you need. Your head shoots back, mouth open as you chant Taehyung’s name as if it’s the only word you can remember. Your muscles seize as you cum, your eyes not closing once as the waves of pleasure wash over you.
As soon as your spent body sags, Taehyung swiftly pulls out of your pussy and begins stroking his aching cock over your body. In seconds, thick, hot, spurts of his cum splatter onto your stomach. A few drops make it to your breasts and one even on your neck.
With a few more whimpers and tugs, Taehyung finally finishes, body slumping and flopping onto the comforter next to you. Utterly spent, the two of you lie still long enough that you feel your eyelids begin to fall until Taehyung’s hand taps your knee and you spring awake.
“I hate to break this delightful post-nut daze, but please tell me you take me back. I don’t think I can handle it if you go back to icing me out after this.”
Doing that to him never once crossed your mind tonight. The only thing you wanted that entire time was Taehyung in any and every way possible that you could have him again and for as long as you could. You voice this to him and watch as his gorgeous cocoa-colored eyes light up at your words.
Taehyung lunges towards you, pulling you into another kiss, but this time it’s soft as you both savor it. Your body melts on the spot, words not even needing to be spoken to him. The two of you stay like that until the sticky cum on your body begins to feel itchy and you loudly declare that you need another shower.
“I’ll come with you,” Taehyung doesn’t even hesitate to hop up. “And then we can go get some free dinner on your dime.”
You playfully smack his hand away when he reaches out to help you off the bed. “It all comes back to my free food for you doesn’t it!” He calculates whether you’re serious or not, but deduces you aren’t.
“Don’t do that! You’re scary when you’re mad at me. I’m sensitive now, you know.” Faux cries come from him as he pulls his underwear and pants up, staying topless to walk to the shower.
“Good. I want you to remember how scary I am, especially when I beat you at an all-you-can-play Sims rematch.” You’re up and pulling your robe back on, grabbing your shower caddy from your desk.
“We are?”
“Yep. This weekend. You stream as long as you can from your room and I stream as long as I can from mine at the same time.”
It takes him less than a second to agree, already bragging about how this time he won't be going so easy on you.
“And also,” he starts. “Winner gets to actually get their prize this time.”
“Oh of course. This time I’ll actually let you make me do anything that you want.”
“Anything?” His question is hesitant but dripping in hopefulness. “Like what?”
“Guess you’ll have to win to find out.” You shrug, winking at him as you step into the hall. You don’t see the face he’s making over your shoulder, but you already know he’s going to push himself as far as he can to win. And maybe this time you’ll be the one to let him win.
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