ohwhale22 · 9 months
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btsficsandsuch · 8 months
I’m still working on requests but I had this idea for a Ghost Yoongi fic and since it’s getting close to Halloween I thought it was a good time to work on it.
This is probably the longest piece I’ve ever written at about 10,500 words and it’s the first time something I worked on actually made be tear up as I was writing it.
I hope you like it as much as I do!
One Last Dance
Summary: After moving into your new house you’re informed about a potential haunting. However, what you find is not the demonic ghost everyone claims to know.
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Warning: Swearing, Mentions Death/Murder. Angst, Fluff, Crack
“Alright guys, we’re here!”, your dad said pulling up to what is to be your new family home. When he announced to you and your mom that he had been promoted you were ecstatic and so proud of him. Then you found out that this promotion required him to move to the other side of the country which also meant you were leaving behind your friends and your school and everything you’ve known for your whole life. You were still proud of your dad but you had to admit that you weren’t quite as excited as before.
Getting out of the car you walked over to stand next to your mom who was admiring the house while your dad went to have a chat with the movers who had just pulled up behind you. “I think it’s beautiful Y/N. We can plant a few rose bushes over there and maybe once we get settled we can paint the shutters. It’ll be a nice home.”, she happily said while making mental notes of everything that needed done. “Oh I think that’s the window to your room. Your dad thought you’d like to have the whole third floor all to yourself. He said you can even paint it whatever color you’d like.”, she said pointing up towards the sky.
A whole floor to yourself would be nice. It was much more space than the little bedroom you had in the tiny apartment you guys were previously living in. You also weren’t allowed to paint or hang anything on the walls due to your dads fear of not getting his security deposit back so being able to express yourself sounded interesting.
Looking up at the third floor window you felt your mouth go dry and your heart rate increase. You squinted trying to get past the rays of the sun to see better. “Ready to go inside honey?”, your mom asked. You nodded,” Yeah umm is the house empty already?”, you asked before grabbing a few bags out of the trunk. “Yeah, according to the relator it’s been empty for about three years. Why do you ask?” Looking back at the window the figure you swore you saw staring down at you moments ago was no longer there. Must’ve been a shadow you thought. “No reason. Just asking.”
Once inside you were pleasantly surprised. For a house that had been empty for the last three years it was surprisingly well kept. There wasn’t any dust and the air smelled clean, almost like the windows had been regularly opened to let fresh air in. It took a few hours but the movers finally got everything moved into the house. Unfortunately their job was only to bring the stuff off the truck and put it in the house. They didn’t organize anything and they definitely didn’t take any of your stuff up to the third floor which meant it was all up to you. Thankfully your cousins Jimin and Taehyung were there to help. Taehyung made the trip with you guys after your dad offered to pay him for his time and then even pay for his flight back home and your cousin Jimin only lived 15 minutes away so he made the drive over.
“Jesus Y/N, how many boxes of clothes do you need?”, Jimin asked dropping the third box down on the floor of your room. You chuckled, “It’s not that bad. Stop being a baby.” “Where do you want this stuff?”, Taehyhung asked walking in the room. You looked at the writing on the box ‘Y/N’s music recording stuff’ and said, “Umm just put it in that corner over there.”
After a few more trips everything that was labeled with your name was placed in your room. “Want us to help unpack?”, Jimin asked taking a sip of a water bottle. You shook your head, “No I’ve got this. It’ll take awhile to go through everything.” At that time you heard your dad shouting for the three of you to come to the kitchen because the pizza arrived. Your two cousins were sprinting down the stairs before you could even speak so you turned off the light before shutting the door behind you.
After dinner you said goodbye to Taehyung and your dad drove him to the airport while Jimin hung out a little longer. “I can’t believe your parents actually bought this house. Must be pretty brave.”, he said. You furrowed your brows, “Why do you say that? It seems like an okay house. I mean our entire apartment could fit in the living room of this place.” Jimin smiled, “I guess you didn’t do your research on this house before moving in.” You asked, “Is there a point to you telling me this?” “Well yeah, this house is haunted.” Rolling your eyes you chuckled at his ridiculousness. He continued anyways, “Years ago a family lived here. The Min’s. They died in the house and it’s been haunted by their son ever since. That’s why no one has bought the house all this time.” Jimin had always tried to scare you ever since you were little. He knew you were kind of gullible and for some reason he got joy in getting under your skin but you weren’t going to fall for it this time. You sighed at his half hearted attempt, “Seriously Jimin fuck off. I’m not falling for that crap. You’re just trying to scare me. Besides the relator is legally obligated to tell us of any deaths in this house and plus if the whole family died here why would it only be haunted by the son?”
Jimin laughed at your response, “In this state the relator is only legally required to say anything about a death in the house for two years after it happens. We’re already past that. And the rumor is the parents made peace with what happened and they were able to move on. Their son not so much.” Now you were laughing at his crazy story but Jimin didn’t laugh with you like you expected. “Seriously Y/N think about it. A giant gorgeous house like this in a really good neighborhood being sold for significantly under its market value and no one actually makes an offer on it in almost three years. Seems a little fishy to me?”, he says. Biting your lip you try your best to not let him know you’re starting to question it. Then you think back to when you first got there and you swore you saw someone standing in your window. Playfully you punch his shoulder, “Get lost Jimin. Don’t you have somehwere to be?” He laughs before standing up and heading towards the door, “You’re right I should get going. But think about it Y/N. Don’t let them drag you down in the basement. You remember what happened in that one movie don’t you?”
Now you were slightly annoyed but you would never let him know that. You walked him to the front door where your parents came to say goodbye and told him to stop by any time. “Oh we’ll see about that.”, he said while looking at you with a smirk and heading out to his car. You wished your parents goodnight before heading up to the third floor. Once in your room you began unboxing some stuff wanting to get a big chunk of it done tonight. You moved some of your clothes to the closet and that’s when you noticed something odd. One of the boxes that had your music equipment in it had been opened and some of the contents were taken out of the bubble wrap. You thought it was strange because you remembered specifically making sure those boxes were taped very well and that everything inside was wrapped up tightly so nothing got damaged. You shrugged it off thinking that the box probably came apart when Taehyung dropped it down on the floor and got back to unloading your clothes.
Finally after getting the last box emptied you laid on your bed exhausted. You started to think that maybe Jimin was right and you had way too many clothes so you made a mental note to go through them and get a donation pile going. Speaking of Jimin his little story was starting to get to you. What if he wasn’t making up a complete bullshit story to scare you? What if the house was haunted? You shook the thought out of your head and got under the covers feeling a slight chill. With the warmth of your bed it didn’t take long for you to fall asleep only waking in the morning when you heard your mom knocking on your door.
“Y/N, your dad and I are gonna go up to the hardware store to get a few things. Did you want to come along?”, she asked. Not even fully coherent yet you mumbled something and your mom knew that meant no so she smiled, “Okay well I made breakfast. I left a plate for you in the kitchen.”, and off she went. After you finally woke up enough to not be a zombie you changed into some new clothes and made your way downstairs to look for the breakfast she had left.
As you were half way down the stairs you heard a loud bang coming from the kitchen. Quickening your step you ran into the kitchen and found the coffee pot on the floor with spilled coffee all around. You figured your dad must’ve left it sitting on the edge of the counter and it simply tipped over. He was always forgetful like that. After cleaning up the mess you poured yourself a cup of orange juice and sat down to eat some of the sausage and eggs when you felt your phone vibrate next to you. Checking the screen you saw a text from Jimin,
Chimchim: How was last night? Any ghostly activity?”
You: Don’t you have better things to do?
Chimchim: Maybe you should have Ghostbusters on speed dial ;)
Rolling your eyes you placed your phone back in your pocket before cleaning up after yourself. To be honest you had forgotten all about his little ghost story and you intended to keep it that way. Once back upstairs you started unpacking more of your belongings. You unpacked your laptop and that’s when curiosity got the best of you and you thought maybe doing a quick internet search about your house and it’s past might not be so bad. After the computer finally powered up and connected to the internet you pulled up a search bar and began typing ‘1613 Cherry Lane Min Family’. Before you could hit search the computer completely freaked out and shut all the way down. You tried hitting the power button and plugging in the charger but nothing was working. It was dead and you were pissed. “Stupid computer. You’re less than 6 months old.”, you said slamming it closed.
At that time your parents came home so you went downstairs to greet them and tell them the bad news about your laptop. The rest of the day was spent unpacking as much of your stuff as you could. You wanted to get it done so that it was one less thing to stress about, especially since you were starting at your new school in the morning.
Thankfully your night was uneventful and you managed to get as much sleep as your nerves would allow. You ate a quick breakfast before saying goodbye to your parents and headed out the door. Jimin was waiting for you in his car. Luckily he went to the same school that you’d be attending and agreed to drive you to and from.
You were walking through the hallways standing close to Jimin when you heard a group of guys calling his name and you saw four guys running up to you both. Jimin smiled, “Y/N these are my friends, Namjoon, Jin, Hoseok, and Jungkook. Guys this is my cousin Y/N. She just moved here. Be nice.” The boys all smiled and then Jungkook caught your attention with how wide his eyes got. “You’re the one that moved into the Cherry Lane house aren’t you? Is it really haunted?”, he asked. Jin continued, “Yeah I heard it’s haunted by the son Yoongi. I heard he’s really mean and scares off anyone that comes in the house.” Namjoon shook his head, “He wouldn’t. I was friends with Yoongi. He was really quiet and shy but very nice. It’s a shame what happened to him.”
Before you could question them the bell rang signaling that it was time to get to your first period. Thankfully the classroom wasn’t too far away because you couldn’t shake the conversation you had from your head. So there really was a Min family and maybe Jimin’s story wasn’t complete BS after all but you still didn’t believe in ghosts.
During your lunch period you couldn’t take it any more and went to the schools library so you could have access to a computer. Not having a lot of time you quickly got down to business and began searching ‘1613 Cherry Lane Min Family’ and luckily this time the computer didn’t short out. Clicking on the first article you came to you gasped when you began reading,
“On Thursday November 14th at approximately 9:35pm police were dispatched to the house at 1613 Cherry Lane after concerned neighbors reported hearing lots of shouting and a possible gunshot. When police arrived they found the back door had been kicked in and various items through the house destroyed and/or missing. The bodies of the Min family were located upstairs. It appears to have been a robbery gone wrong. Anyone with any information is requested to please contact the police department as soon as possible.”
With shaking hands you backed out of that article and clicked on the next. It basically said the same thing as the first but this time there was a picture of the family. Your eyes were trained on the son who from the caption you figured must be Yoongi. Based on his age at the time of the article he would be about your age now. He was strikingly handsome with a big gummy smile and the most beautiful eyes you’ve ever seen.
Before you could dig any deeper the bell rang signaling it was time for your next class so you shut down the computer and made your way to your biology class. Not only did you hate science to begin with but now you were focused on the newly obtained information about your house. Just because someone died in the house doesn’t mean it’s haunted. Right?
You were glad you only had one more class left and that was a study hall. It gave you time to get caught up on homework and stuff but also more time to think. When you walked into the room you heard someone shout your name and you looked over and saw Namjoon and Jungkook sitting together. Happily you made your way over and took a seat next to them. “Liking your first day here Y/N?,” Namjoon asked. You nodded, “Yeah everyone’s really nice.” The teacher took attendance and then let everyone get to work. “So Y/N, any idea what college you plan to go to next year?”, Namjoon asked. Shaking your head, “Not yet. I’ve still got so much to figure out. This move really messed up my plans.” Jungkook looked over, “Oh yeah so Y/N, anything interesting happen in that house?” Namjoon cleared his throat trying to distract from the question but you spoke, “It’s okay Namjoon. There were a couple weird things but they all have logical explanations so not really I guess. Are the stories about the house really that bad?”
Jungkook looked like a kid in a candy store. You could tell he’s been waiting to talk to you about it all day. “There’s a rumor that someone moved in and only last three hours before they got too scared and left. Said there was a demonic ghost that tormented them.”, he huffed. “Well nothing has been tormenting us and we’ve been there for a few days already.”, you replied. A girl in the seat behind you leaned in and joined the conversation, “Oh are you guys talking about the Cherry Lane house? I heard from my sister’s boyfriend that he broke in one time to try and see if the rumors were true and let’s just say he was never quite the same after that. He won’t talk about it but he refuses to even drive down Cherry Lane. He makes my sister drive ten minutes out of the way to take him home.” Another girl chimed in, “Yeah I heard Yoongi is a real jerk. He doesn’t want anyone living in that house so he scares everyone away. Something about not wanting people to forget what happened to him and his family or something like that.”
Your last period went by pretty quick, especially with all the gossip about your house. Jimin gave you a ride home and you thanked him before making your way back in the house. Your dad was at work and your mom had started her new job as a nurse at the local hospital so you were home alone for the next few hours. Happy to have peace you decided to try and clean up your room a little. Admittedly you were messy and had just left clothes thrown about and your plate from breakfast was still on your dresser. But when you opened your door you were shocked to see a clean and organized room. The clothes that had been thrown around the room were now neatly folded on your bed and there were no dishes to be seen. That’s odd you thought but figured your mom probably cleaned up before she left so you mentally prepared yourself for a lecture when she got home later about cleaning up after yourself.
The next few days went by as normal. Nothing odd happened and you were getting the hang of your classes. But each day you found yourself thinking about Yoongi. Wondering if he really is haunting your house. Wondering if you were going crazy for even thinking about that. When Friday came around and you made it to you last period study hall you took your usual seat next to Namjoon thankful that Jungkook appeared to be absent today. “Hi Y/N, ready for the weekend?”, he asked. Smiling you replied, “Of course!” The teacher took attendance and then like usual let everyone get started on their tasks. You kept looking over at Namjoon before finally working up the courage to ask, “Hey Joon, you said that you used to be friends with Yoongi right? I’m just wondering what he was like.” He bit his lip trying to make sure he thought out a proper response, “Well like I said he was pretty shy and quiet. He didn’t have a ton of friends. He was a little cocky but still thoughtful and caring. He was a caffeine addict, always had a cup of coffee. He was a clean freak too. He was constantly cleaning and organizing. That’s why he hated coming over to my house because my room is such a disaster.” He let out a small chuckle before continuing, “Yoongi was a huge basketball fan. He was always playing or watching it. He also really loved music. He wanted to be a music producer one day. He was pretty talented too. It sucks he never got to achieve that dream.”
“Wow yeah that is terrible.”, was all you could get out somewhat regretting that you asked. On the drive home you kept repeating Namjoon’s words in your head. Then it hit you. The box with your music recording equipment was opened, the coffee pot on the ground with spilled coffee everywhere, your room being cleaned and organized after you left it a mess. You felt like you were suffocating and quickly rolled down the passenger window trying to get some air. “Whoa Y/N are you okay? You don’t look so good.”, Jimin asked. Shaking your head was all you could do so Jimin sped up a little wanting to get you home before you vomited all over the interior of his car.
After you got into your house you were suddenly creeped out by the quietness. Was Yoongi really haunting this house? No, ghosts aren’t real. But how do you explain everything that happened? You felt another panic attack coming on so you were trying to run to the kitchen to get a glass of water but tripped over your untied shoe lace falling forward and hitting your head on the cabinet in front of you.
When you woke up an hour later you were in your bed with an ice pack bandaged to your head and a raging headache. Remembering how you tripped and fell you figured your parents must’ve come home and found you and put you in bed and not wanting to worry them you walked downstairs to let them know you were okay. But you were met with complete silence. No tv on, no dinner cooking. That’s odd. Then you heard your phone ding and saw a text from your father,
Dad-a-roo: Sorry Y/N, I’m gonna be staying late tonight. Go ahead and order yourself some food.
Okay that’s weird but maybe your mom came home and then left for some reason. Then you saw the text from her from a few hours ago,
Mommy Dearest: Y/N sweetie I’m absolutely swamped here so I picked up an extra shift and won’t be home until late at night. There’s some left overs in the fridge or order yourself something good. Don’t watch the next episode of our show without me!
Alright so neither of your parents came home so they weren’t the ones that put you in your bed. You stood there racking your brain and then it hit you, Jimin! Quickly you typed up a text message to send to him,
You: Hey Chim, thank you for helping me get into my bed. I must’ve been really sick to pass out like that. But why didn’t you stay to comfort me?:(
Chimchim: Umm Y/N, it’s only 6:00pm. Maybe lay off the drinking for a while. I haven’t been at your house since I dropped you off and I didn’t even go inside.
Immediately you felt like you were going to pass out again. So no logical explications can explain how you ended up in your bed and the more you thought about it the more your head began to spin and then the room went dark.
You woke up once again in bed, this time you looked over and saw someone sitting in the corner of your room. Panic set in. Should you pretend to be asleep? Should you scream for help? What kind of a person breaks into a house and helps you get in bed?
Before you could decided what to do the person looked up and set down the magazine he was reading, “Do you normally pass out a lot? Because if you do I’d appreciate it if you’d do it on the third floor so I don’t have to carry you up all those stairs.” You wanted to scream but no sound came out. This must be a dream. Yes, this is definitely a dream you thought. You looked back over at the man in the corner and you noticed how breathtakingly beautiful he was. He continued to stare back at you while you stared at him. “Umm a thank you would be nice.”, he said with an attitude. “Who are you?”, was all you could manage to whisper. He smirked, “You and I both know that you know that answer. My name is Yoongi. Min Yoongi.”
Laughing to yourself you quipped, “Okay now I know I’m definitely dreaming. That’s the last time I eat pepperoni pizza that close to bedtime. Every time it gives me nightmares.” Yoongi walked over to you and sat on the bed, “It’s not a nightmare and this is real.” He grabbed your hand, you could feel him. His hand was ice cold but you could still hold him. You felt like you got smacked in the face and you began to scream, kicking at the blankets trying to get them off of you so you could get away. “Shhh shh Y/N, do you want to wake up the whole neighborhood? I’m not going to hurt you.”, he whispered. “Really how do I know that? From what I’ve been told you’re pretty awful.”, you asked. He lightly chuckled to himself, “Y/N, if I was planning on hurting you would I have carried up to bed and tucked you in, twice might I add? But I’m glad I have such a reputation.” Trying to process everything you stared at the person in front of you. “So you’re really Yoongi? And you’re a ghost?”, you asked. He smiled, “Yep all of the above.”
“So were you the one that opened up my music equipment and spilled the coffee and cleaned my room?”, you asked. Yoongi nodded, “Yeah sorry about your equipment. I got excited when I saw it. And that morning I heard you coming down the stairs and was nervous you’d see me so I panicked and missed the counter when putting the coffee pot back. And you are so messy. I don’t know how you live like that so I had to clean up after you.” Curious you asked, “So if you can hide yourself from people why didn’t you just do it that morning instead of panicking and dropping the coffee pot?” He shrugged his shoulders, “Honestly sometimes I just forget.” You chuckled a little at his honesty but then remembered that you were talking to an actual ghost. “So you really don’t want to hurt me? Why have I heard so many stories about you chasing people out of here?”, you asked unsure if you wanted to really know the answer.
Yoongi sighed, “Usually I scare people out of here because they just want to be here because of the history. They’re always into ghost stories or trying to conjure up spirits or some shit like that and I find it disrespectful so if they come here looking for ghosts I make sure to give them what they want. But you and your family don’t seem to be like that so I didn’t feel like I had to chase you away. At least not yet. So no I’m not here to hurt you.”
You nod taking it all in. You weren’t really sure what to say next. “Umm I’m sorry about what happened to you and your family.”, you said immediately cringing. “Since you wanted to be a music producer I could show you my equipment.”, you said trying to change the subject. Yoongi looked over at you through slanted eyes, “How do you know so much about me?”
You giggled, “Well I googled some things but I go to school with one of your old friends Namjoon. He told me a lot about you.” The name of his old friend brought a smile to Yoongi’s face, “Oh Namjoon. How is he doing? I’m surprised he hasn’t done something to get himself killed. He was always so unbelievably clumsy.” You laughed, “Yeah he still is. He’s really good. He was just voted class president.” Yoongi nodded along, “Have you met someone named Hoseok? How is he doing?” You nodded and told him all the updates you could think of. The two of you talked for a while but the whole time you couldn’t help but feel like you were going to wake up any minute and realize this was all just a dream.
At some point you fell asleep because you woke up the next day tucked in bed and still with a major headache. You scanned the room and noticed you were alone. “Of course. It was all a dream. Just like you thought.”, you said out loud. “How many times do I have to tell you it wasn’t a dream?”, a deep voice said from behind you causing you to jump and spin around coming face to face with Yoongi. “Okay not a dream. I’m really talking to a ghost right now. Maybe I’m just loosing my mind.”, you said getting a smirk from him. Hearing your mom call you down for breakfast you grabbed some clothes and we’re about get changed when you suddenly peaked around but didn’t see Yoongi anywhere. Still unsure you grabbed your clothes and went to the bathroom to get changed. When you got back to your room you saw Yoongi sitting in the chair laughing, “You know if I really wanted to see you naked I could just walk into the bathroom with you right?” You cringed at the thought as he continued, “But don’t worry. I’m not a dirtbag like that. I respect you and always make sure I disappear and go elsewhere when you get undressed.” “Unless you want me here”., he said raising his eyebrows. “No thanks.”, you replied rolling your eyes. Hearing your mom call you again you began making your way to the door before turning around, “So umm you’re my first ghost roommate. Do you want me to bring you some food or do you even eat? Maybe a cup of coffee?” Yoongi smiled at your thoughtfulness, “No thank you. I’m alright for now.” Quickly you turned and ran downstairs before your mother had to call you a third time.
After breakfast you made your way back upstairs but not before grabbing a mug of coffee to bring with you. Even though he said he wasn’t going to hurt you, you still wanted him on your good side. But the room was empty. Setting the mug on the table you said, “I know you said you didn’t want anything but I brought you a cup of coffee.” Honestly you felt silly just talking to an empty room but you started to feel a presence and turning around you saw Yoongi standing in the corner. You chuckled, “Okay how about not acting creepy like that? You can just hang out here. You don’t have to keep disappearing and reappearing.” He began to smirk but you shut him down fast, “Except for when I’m changing.” “Thank you for the coffee.”, he mumbled while taking the cup from you. Awkwardly you stood there staring at each other until you broke the silence, “So did you have any plans today?” He chuckled, “Well I’m a ghost so probably just ghost things ya know.” Internally groaning at your awkwardness you replied,”Right makes sense.”
Thankfully Yoongi was a little more charismatic as he sat down in front of your music equipment turning to look at you, “How do you use this stuff? I never really had the opportunity to get this involved in it.” You spent the next few hours giving him a crash course on music production and he told you how he had dreams of being a music producer but his parents severely disapproved so he had no support and wasn’t able to spend much time on it so what little time he did have he spent secretly writing lyrics. He had just gotten a part time job at a local recording studio doing admin things right before the murder. “It was a crappy job at a no name recording studio but at least it was getting my foot in the door but oh well. None of that matters any more.”, he said and you could feel your heart breaking for him. He looked so small and dejected at the reminder of what could have been.
Sunday was spent pretty much the same, just the two of you talking. You told him about your life back home and how you had to move across the country. He didn’t say much but he was attentively listening. When Monday morning came around you were a little sad to have to leave him for the day. Walking into the kitchen you found Yoongi standing at the counter sipping on a cup of coffee. “Why are you so pouty?”, he asked before handing you a plate of waffles. “I’m just sad. We had such a nice weekend and I don’t want you to be lonely while I’m gone.” He chuckled at your answer, “Y/N, I’ve been alone for the last couple years. I think I can manage the next eight hours.” You heard a honk coming from outside signaling that Jimin was there to pick you up so after placing your dish in the sink you grabbed your bag and turned to say goodbye and leave but Yoongi stopped you. He handed you a bag, “Here I packed you a lunch. You’re always so hungry when you come home and I know it’s because you don’t eat at school. It’s really important to take care of yourself.” You smiled at his kind gesture and grabbed the bag. Jimin laid on the horn outside which meant he was getting irritated and about four seconds from making you walk to school so you quickly thanked him for the lunch and ran out the door.
Over the next few weeks you and Yoongi fell into a routine. Every morning during the week he made you breakfast and then handed you a lunch and when you got home he’d help you with your homework and then you’d both work on music or watch basketball. On the weekends you talked or created music together. It was really nice and you often found yourself forgetting that your new best friend was a ghost.
Then one morning you woke up cheerful and in a good mood padding down the stairs ready for whatever yummy breakfast Yoongi had prepared for you today, but the kitchen was empty. Coffee had not been made. You thought it was odd but then you reminded yourself that he wasn’t your personal chef and had no obligations to do anything for you. Jimin honked outside so you turned to leave and that’s when you noticed the bag sitting on the counter. So he did still make you lunch. Jimin honked outside again, “Man he gets more impatient every day.”, you thought to yourself. You threw on your coat and headed for the door waving to Jimin to let him know you were coming. “Yoongi I’m leaving. Have a good day.”, you shouted before shutting the door behind you. All morning you couldn’t help but feel like something was off with Yoongi. Again you knew he didn’t have to do anything for you but it was weird that all of a sudden he just stopped.
Sixth period was history class which you didn’t mind. The teacher was a little quirky and made things fun. At the start of every class she did a ‘This Day in History’ contest and whoever had the most interesting fact received five extra credit points. She stood at the front of the class and clapped her hands to get everyone’s attention. “Alright class today is November 14th. Who has a fun fact for this day in history?”, she spoke. That’s when it hit you. “Oh my god. November 14th! That’s the day Yoongi and his family were murdered.” You felt like you were going to faint again. You had a million thoughts going on in your brain, “Is that why he wasn’t there for breakfast? But he still made you lunch? Is he okay? What can I do for him?” You discreetly texted your mom letting her know that you weren’t feeling well and asking if she could call the school and give permission for you to leave. Thankfully she didn’t protest and let you know she just called the school office. After your history class was over you went to the office and signed out before quickly running home.
Sprinting through the front door you started shouting for Yoongi. Running up the stairs you reached your room panting and out of breath. Even though you were the one that was calling for him it still startled you when he appeared out of nowhere. “Y/N, what are you doing home?”, he asked. You took a long look at his face. His eyes were puffy and swollen. He nose was a light shade of red. He had been crying and from what you could tell he was crying long and hard. “Oh Yoongi, why didn’t you say anything? I would’ve stayed home all day today?”, you asked wrapping your arms around him. Even though he felt cold the hug was comforting. He scoffed, “Nonsense Y/N. Just because today is today doesn’t mean I want you to cater to me. You had a really important math test today. How did it go?” In just the few short months you’ve been with him you’ve grown to know him well enough that you could tell he was trying to change the subject. You pulled him down next to you on the bed, “Yoongi it’s okay to cry. It’s okay to be sad and hurt and angry. You don’t have to put up a wall for me.” Your words broke down that wall he had put up and he rested his face in the crook of your neck. His shoulders began to shake with each sob he let go, “I just miss them so much. It wasn’t supposed to happen like this. They were supposed to grow old and die warm and comfy in their bed. I was supposed to grow up, go to college, get a job, get married and have a family and watch my children grow and one day have grandchildren and grow old with the love of my life.” You didn’t say anything and just let him cry it out. “I was going to be the old cranky man that yelled at the kids to get off my lawn.”, he chuckled.
After a good while and you felt like he had sufficiently mourned the day you lifted his face to look at you, “I’m so sorry that this happened Yoongi. I wish I could take away all of this pain. I know it’s not much and I can’t change it but you’re always going to have me.” He nodded and gave you a weak smile. The two of you laid back in bed and you told him about your math test and how you’re pretty sure you bombed it and he playfully scolded you since he helped you study for a week. At some point you fell asleep listening to him tell you about a song he had been working on and he smiled when he looked over and noticed your sleeping figure leaning on his shoulder. He was glad you were so comfortable around him.
The next morning you woke up tucked away in bed. You smiled knowing that Yoongi was the one that always took care of you. Walking into the kitchen you were once again greeted by Yoongi who handed you a plate of food and pointed to your lunch sitting on the table. His face was still puffy from the events of the day before but you chose to ignore it not wanting to bring up those memories.
The next few weeks quickly went back to normal and you and Yoongi were pretty much inseparable any time you were home. Today was Friday and you were excited because that meant two whole days of spending time with Yoongi. Just before the bell was to ring signaling the end of the day you heard someone clear their throat. “Excited for the weekend Y/N? You’ve been staring at the clock all period.”, Namjoon asks. You smiled, “Yeah it’s been a long week.” He nodded in an agreement. You noticed he was fidgety and looked extremely nervous. “Umm Y/N, I’m just gonna come out and say this and not beat around the bush. Would you go to the winter formal with me? It’s okay if you don’t want to but I thought maybe we could go together, even as just friends?”, he said before letting out a long breath he was holding in. You saw Jungkook snicker behind him. You were torn about what to do. Part of you never wanted to leave the house on the weekend because you didn’t want to miss any time with Yoongi but you had heard that the winter formal was a pretty big thing and you’d never been asked to go to a dance before and Namjoon was kind of cute and so sweet. You hadn’t even realized how long you had been in your own thoughts until you noticed how red Namjoon had turned. He looked mortified. Nodding your head you agreed, “Yeah I’d love to go with you.” He gave you the biggest dimple smile before the bell rang and you let him know you had to leave or Jimin would kill you.
The following weekend was the winter formal. You picked out a dress that you thought was flattering. A floor length dark blue gown with a few embellishments and a slit that went up to your mid thigh. Was it a little risqué for a high school dance, yeah it probably was but you felt good in it. You were standing in your room struggling to put your necklace on when Yoongi walked in. He stood there staring at you in disbelief. You had already told him how you were going to the dance with Namjoon because for some reason you felt like you needed his blessing. He of course didn’t have any issue with it but now that he saw you in that dress he was definitely a tad bit jealous.
“Here let me help you?”, he said reaching out for the necklace. You turned away from him and lifted up your hair so he could place the chain around your neck. Carefully he clasped the two ends together his icy fingers lightly brushed against the back of your neck sending a chill down your spine. He smiled at you in the mirror, “You look beautiful Y/N.” You smiled back, “Thank you Yoongi.” Judging by the loud laughter coming from down stairs you knew Jimin had arrived with his date which also meant Namjoon was here. You turned to Yoongi and were hit with a sudden rush of sadness. Sadness at the fact that Yoongi will never get to experience this. He’ll never go to a dance or go on a date. He’ll never go have dinner with a group of his friends with his girl on his arm. It was enough to make you tear up. He must’ve known why you were crying because he reached up and gently wiped away the loose tears, “Don’t cry. I watched you spend hours on this makeup and it looks too nice to ruin. Don’t worry about me Y/N. Go have fun with Namjoon. You both deserve it.” You got an idea and not wanting to leave him like this you walked over to your stereo and picked out a perfect song. The melody started playing through the speakers and you walked over to Yoongi taking his hand and leading him to the center of the room, “Dance with me.” He chuckled at your cheesiness but he didn’t protest quickly placing a hand on your waist and slowly moving you around the room. When the song came to an end he smiled down at you and you up at him. Slowly the two of you leaned into each other lips getting closer and closer before he quickly pulled away. “Uhh thank you for the dance. It was nice. You should probably go though. I bet Namjoon is waiting for you.”, he said shyly rubbing the back of his neck. You nodded and grabbed your coat before heading downstairs.
Namjoon greeted you with a smile and a bouquet of flowers that you graciously accepted. Your mom started ushering all of you in front of the fire place to take photos. Yoongi sat at the top of the stairs just out of view but he watched you closely. He wanted to be the one with his hand around your waist while your mom took an embarrassing amount of photos. He wanted to be the one that got an awkward lecture from your dad about keeping his hands to himself. He wanted to take you out to an overpriced restaurant that served you microwaved food they claimed was freshly made. He wanted to dance the night away with you before he leaned in for a kiss just before the end of the dance. He wanted all of this but he knew it could never happen and for your sake he’d make sure you never found out. Hearing that everyone was moving towards the door he decided to leave before he was seen. He quickly wiped away the few tears that had fallen before returning back to your room.
The dance was as magical as you had heard but you couldn’t get Yoongi out of your head and it made you feel guilty for not giving Namjoon your full attention. Luckily he didn’t seem to notice and the night went by in a flash.
A few weeks go by and you and Yoongi get even closer. After the dance you shared that night something changed between you two. You realized that you had feelings for him. You told yourself that was crazy since he’s a ghost but the more you thought about it the more you didn’t care. It was working now so why couldn’t it work in the future?
The two of you celebrated Christmas together. You got him a new sweater and beanie after you noticed his were becoming worn. He wrote you a song that you thought was absolutely beautiful. New years came and went. You found out his birthday from Namjoon so you baked him a cake and decorated your room with balloons, having to lie to your parents by telling them it was all for a school project you were working on (somehow they bought that). Things were going really well.
Yoongi at some point also realized that his feelings were growing stronger. He however knew that this would never work in actuality. You were from two different worlds and because of that he tried his best to hide his feelings. He even encouraged you to date Namjoon. You eventually gave in but it only lasted a few months before you decided to end things because you realized you wanted to spend more time with the ghost in your house than your actual boyfriend.
You never imagined your life could get any better than it was. That was until a warm evening in June when everything came crashing down. You had just graduated from high school a few days before and now that you had a moment you were showing Yoongi all of the photos and videos that you had taken at the ceremony. “I’m really proud of you Y/N.”, he smiled. Resting your head on his shoulder you whispered a quiet, “Thank you.” The room fell silent before Yoongi cleared his throat “So when do you leave for college?” You cringed at the question. When you were initially looking at colleges you decided on one back on the other side of the country closer to your hometown. It was a really good school and had a great music production program. At the time your feelings for Yoongi weren’t as strong so you didn’t mind leaving but now the thought of leaving him and moving to the other side of the country makes you physically sick. “Umm actually I don’t think I’m going.”, you replied. Yoongi chokes on air from shock, “What? No you have to go. It’s a great opportunity Y/N.” You shook your head, “I changed my mind. I’m gonna go to the local community college. It’s twenty minutes away. Then I can stay here with you.” He runs his hand over his face, “But they don’t have a music program. That’s your dream.” Grabbing his hand and pulling him next to you on the bed you smile, “It’s okay. Dreams can change. You’re my dream now. They have a vet tech program. I love animals so I think that will be a good fit for me.” Yoongi tilts your chin up so that you’re looking at him. He goes to say something but you cut him off my taking a chance and leaning in and kissing him. Even though his lips are cold you feel a warmth spread through your body that only intensifies when he deepens the kiss. Gently you reach up to caress his cheek but that’s when he snaps back to reality.
Yoongi recoils back like he was just bit by something. He steps back running his hands through his hair, “No Y/N, I won’t let you do this. I won’t let you ruin your life.” You can feel the tears soaking your shirt, “You don’t get to make that decision for me. I love you Yoongi and I want to stay here with you. We can make this work.” He scoffs, “This can’t work Y/N. I’m dead. I’m a ghost. I can’t support you. We can’t buy a house or get married. We could never have kids. I can’t even taken you on a proper date. I can’t give you any of the things you deserve.”
Reaching out for him you reply, “I don’t care about any of that Yoongi. I just want you.” You expect him to embrace you but instead he steps farther away, “No Y/N. I’m won’t let you ruin your life. You have goals and dreams to achieve and I won’t be the reason that you get stuck here too.” Before you could say anything else he walks out without looking back.
You spend the summer trying to get Yoongi to show himself. You leave cups of coffee in your room that all go untouched. You even let your room turn into a disastrous mess hoping he’d get annoyed and clean up but the mess just gets to the point that even you can’t take it any more and clean yourself.
It’s late August and you just taped up the last box handing it to your dad and telling him you’d be down in a little bit as you just wanted a few minutes alone in your room to make sure nothing was missing. He nodded and told you to take your time. You sat down on the bed staring around the room and thinking back to all the memories. You looked over and saw your music equipment still sat out. Even though it was going to be expensive to buy a whole new set up you wanted to leave that for Yoongi to have in case he got bored. Sighing you tried to steady your voice before speaking, “Well Yoongi I’m leaving for college now. I’ll be on the other side of the country so I don’t know when I’ll be back to visit. It would be really nice to see you before I go.” You sat in silence for a while but nothing happened.
Sighing even deeper this time you grabbed your purse slinging it over your shoulder, “Alright well take care of yourself Yoongi. Please also take care of my parents if you can. I hope you can be happy Yoongi. I love you.” Taking one last look back you shut the door behind you closing that chapter of your life.
10 Years Later…
“Alright Mae go say hi to grandma and grandpa.”, you told your young daughter who excitedly ran through the house looking for her grandparents. You felt a strange sensation stepping foot into your old house. You hadn’t been back since you left for college, always making an excuse why you couldn’t come home or convincing your parents to come visit you instead. The thought of possibly facing Yoongi always made your chest ache, if he’d even show himself. But something happened recently and it encouraged you to want to come see him, or at least try.
You and your daughter ate a lovely dinner with your parents before you excused yourself saying that you wanted to check your room for an old sweatshirt. Giving your daughter a kiss on the head you told her to keep her grandparents entertained while you made your way up to the third floor room.
Stepping inside you were hit with a wave of emotions. Everything was still clean and organized. The familiar smell of lemon hit your nostrils. You sat on the bed unsure of what to do next. You knew that Yoongi had been around over the years. You thought back to the time your mom called to tell you how the strangest thing happened where she tripped going down the stairs but instead of falling forwards something grabbed her wrist and pulled her back. She said it was probably just your dad even though he fully denied it but you knew it was Yoongi looking out for her. Or the time your dad called you frantically after a battery caught fire in the garage in the middle of the night while they were sleeping. Luckily there wasn’t a ton of damage and nobody was hurt but the fire department couldn’t figure out how someone had used a fire extinguisher to put out the flames when both of your parents claimed to be asleep. They chucked it up to an intruder but you knew who really put out the flames that night and potentially saved your parents lives.
Staring at the floor in front of you deep in thought you were snapped out if it when you felt the bed dip next to you. Looking over you saw a smiling Yoongi staring at you. He still looked the same even after all this time. Excitedly you wrapped your arms around his neck, “I missed you so much.” You felt him smile against your skin, “I missed you too Y/N.” The two of you sat in silence for a while before Yoongi spoke up, “You’re daughter is adorable. She looks just like a tiny Namjoon in a wig.” You chuckled, “Yeah Namjoon and I reconnected after college and ended up getting married and having Mae.” He nodded, “What’s that big guy up to?” “He’s a curator at one of the biggest museums in LA.”, you responded. “And you?”, he asked. Smiling you replied, “I’m a music producer.” Yoongi grinned, “I know. I’ve been listening to all the music you work on. I just wanted to hear you say it.” Playfully you pushed his shoulder away from you.
“So why did you come back after all these years?”, he asked clearing his throat. “Well I saw something on the news a couple weeks ago and I wanted to know if you saw it too.”, you said. Yoongi bit his bottom lip before falling into a smile, “I did. I’ll never forget that day.” He pulled out a newspaper article and handed it over to you. Reading over the words again you couldn’t hide the smile that crept up on your lips,
“On July 22nd officers made an arrest in the case. Soobin Park admitted to murdering the Min Family after they woke up while he was attempting a robbery of their home on Cherry Lane. Fearing that his identity had been compromised he committed the murders to protect himself. Mr. Park is also being charged in connection with six other robberies in the area over the last fifteen years. For the Min family murders he has been sentenced to 75 years to life in prison without the possibility of parole.”
You handed the paper back to Yoongi and watched as he gently put it back in his pocket. “I’m so happy for you Yoongi. This is what you’ve been waiting for and I’m glad you and your family finally got Justice.” He smiled, “Yeah me too.” You fell back into a comfortable silence until you broke it. “You know I have a lot of connections in the music industry now. I thought maybe we could work together.”
Yoongi gave you a shy smile before walking over to your closet retrieving a notebook and walking back over to hand it to you. “This is my lyric book. I’ve got dozens maybe even hundreds of songs and ideas in here. I want you to have it. Use it for inspiration. Claim the songs as your own.”, he said placing the book in your hands. Flipping through the pages your brows furrowed in confusion, “Why would I claim it as my own? I can still give you credit without you having to be in the spotlight. You deserve the recognition. I can even get the money transferred to you.” Yoongi shook his head, “I won’t need the money Y/N. I want you to have it.” Looking over to him you saw the light in his eyes and knew what he meant. He continued, “Now that I know that my family got justice and I now know that you’re happy and well taken care of I feel like I can finally move on. I can move on and be at peace with my parents. I told them that one day when justice is served I’d join them and that say has come.”
You felt a familiar burning sensation in your eyes. Yoongi chuckled and reached up to wipe away the tears, “Hey don’t cry Y/N. This is a good thing. I’m finally happy and you can finally move on knowing that I’m okay.” Leaning into his touch you whispered, “But how will I know that you really are okay?” “Trust me. You’ll know.”, he smiled before standing up and walking over to the stereo.
You watched him carefully choose a song and he turned around before flashing you the gummy smile you missed so much. A familiar melody began to play through the speakers and you thought back to that day you danced with him before your winter formal. He walked over and held out his hand, “May I have one last dance?”
Nodding your head you took his hand and slowly began to twirl around the room. “Namjoon will kill me if he ever finds out about this?”, he chuckled. “Well luckily you’re already dead right?”, you laughed. The song ended and you walked back over to the bed grabbing the notebook. You could hear Mae downstairs getting antsy so you knew you were running out of time.
Yoongi reached out and gave you one more hug but instead of the usual coldness he felt strangely warm. “Take care of yourself Y/N. Thank you for everything.”, he whispered in your ear. You nodded trying to choke back the tears before walking towards the door. Turning back for one more look you saw him sitting on the bed. He looked up and smiled giving you a shy wave before you turned back around and closed the door behind you. You stood with your hand on the door knob for a few moments unable to make your feet move down the stairs. Deciding you needed one more hug. You couldn’t just leave like that. You swung open the door ready to run back into his arms but the room was empty. He was already gone.
Doing your best to compose yourself you went back downstairs greeting Mae who was already waiting by the door. When your parents questioned your sad disposition you gave some lie about seeing old photos and it bringing back memories. You and Mae bid your parents goodbye and got in your car before driving off thinking it was finally the end.
5 More Years Later…
It’s funny how things work out. Sitting in the drive way staring up at the third floor window of your parents house just like you did all those years ago brought back such a wave of emotions. A lot had happened in the five years since you and Yoongi officially said goodbye. You opened your open record labeled titled MYG records. You used a lot of the lyrics Yoongi had written in that notebook even winning a Grammy for one of the songs, a song you were pretty sure was written about you as he titled it ‘Dancing Before the Formal.’
Now you were sitting in the driveway of your old home waiting for the relator so you could hand off the keys. After both of your parents passed away you decided to put the house on the market. Instantly you received a bunch of offers. The highest offer you received was from a paranormal hunting group who wanted to use the house as a headquarters thanks to its history and rumored haunting. You shut that down immediately much to the dismay of Namjoon who didn’t understand why you accepted the much lower offer from a family of four who told you how it was their dream house to watch their children grow in.
When the relator finally arrived you handed over the keys and thanked them for all their hard work surrounding the sale. Getting back in your car you took one last look up at that third floor window thinking back to that boy who made you fall in love for the first time all those years ago.
That night you had a dream. A dream that you were back in that same third floor bedroom. Yoongi came to visit you. He congratulated you on your Grammy. He let you know that your parents were doing well. He told you how he told his parents all about you and they asked a million questions just like parents do. He told you that he was finally at peace and was able to rest. He gave you a hug and started walking towards the door but stopped just shy of the frame. He turned around and smiled, “I do love you Y/N. I always did. If things were different maybe we would’ve worked out. I’m happy though. I know deep down you are too.” With that he turned and walked out the door with it shutting behind him. When you woke up you felt strangely euphoric. It was a weird feeling you’d never had before. Then you remembered his words he spoke to you all those years ago, “Trust me. You’ll know.” Laying back down you smiled to yourself knowing that Yoongi was finally truly happy and at peace and that was his way of telling you. Feeling Namjoon stir next to you in the bed you slid over and rested your head on his chest letting his arm pull you in closer. You snuggled deeper into him letting the sound of his heartbeat slowly lull you back to sleep finally feeling at peace yourself.
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bts-hyperfixation · 3 years
Hello Angel..
When you can you could do a reaction where BTS finds out through its members that his girlfriend is a former Miss Universe winner.❤❤
· He knows you’re stunning, but just how stunning doesn't really click until the letter from the pageant arrives asking you to crown the new queen.
· The fact is never come up before shocks him the most. Obviously you’re Miss Universe.
· Worldwide handsome and Miss Universe just makes sense.
· He spends the time leading up to your return helping you look for the perfect outfit being your gym buddy and buying a special suit so he can be the best arm candy possible.
· He watches reruns with you as you point out each individual detail of your run.
· And of Course he reassures you the entire time that he still loves you for you… this is just a great bonus.
· He doesn't seem remotely fazed he finds out while you're out for coffee when one of the girls from the pageant bumps into you and brings it up.
· She disappears you look at him trying to gauge his reaction to the news. It wasn't like you were hiding the information from him, but you'd only been dating three months and it was a weird thing to bring up sometimes.
· So when he has no reaction you're a little stunned, until much later on when you’re getting ready for bed.
· He looks at you a little sheepishly as you take off your jacket.
· “Do… do you still have the crown” he asks looking down sheepishly.
· You discard your jacket over the back of your desk chair and head for your wardrobe where the crown has sat since you want it you pull it from the velvet box and show it to him.
· He takes it from you and placed it on your head dragging his hands down the side of your face and cupping your cheeks.
· “You look beautiful in that you know.”
· That is the best sex you have ever had. The crown stays on the entire time, the only pet names used equate you to a queen, his queen.
· Hobi is completely uninterested in the fact you are Miss Universe.
· But he is so thrilled for you. He was so proud to find out that you had achieved what you had set out to achieve.
· Not that he isn't proud of you anyway.
· The title itself makes no difference to this boy he loves you for you and only you.
· Everything about the award is just icing on the top because he knows it makes you happy.
· Breaks him the minute he finds out his brain falls out of his head and into his dick
· We all know that namjoon likes a model.
· Teeny Weeny Meanie In A Bikini
· Like he likes a model
· So you being miss universe = no more blood in his head.
· He still loves your sexy brain, but the man is now broken you broke him congratulations.
· His hands are not going to leave your ass for the rest of the night until he can get you home.
· Jimin is also another one very proud of you he really is thrilled when he finds out.
· He's genuinely excited when you were invited back, and he asks you about every detail…
· And then he pulls away.
· You notice he is eating good little less and working out more turns out
· He got really insecure, and you have to spend a little bit of time reassuring him that this has not changed anything about your relationship
· You were Miss Universe before him and you’re Miss Universe now and he is still the one you want exactly the way he is.
· Taehyung dies a little bit at the news we've seen the boy react to a real pretty girl he malfunctions.
· His eyebrows go in too his hairline, his eyes widen, and his tongue won't stay in his mouth
· Yes you're already dating. Yes he knows how hot you are. No that doesn't help
· He insists on watching every available video of your performances and interviews with you.
· And with each one his hand creeps a little bit further up your thigh.
· That boy makes love to you for hours with your segments running on the big TV in the background
· Jungkook finds out about your previous title in a drunken game of two truths one lie.
· He assumes it's the lie the minute he finds out it's not his face becomes frozen in O.O
· Poor Bunny is full on broken
· He can't quite comprehend how despite the fact he was named international sexiest man alive he is dating a former Miss Universe
· In fact the thought terrifies him he does not do well in these sorts of situations
· Not that these situations arise often
· But we've all seen him struggle in the face of a pretty girl.
· Eventually two or three hours later his eyebrows come back down from his hairline and his mouth closes.
· At which point he questions you about the entire thing
· Has you find out all dresses to try on for him.
· Then he fucks you for an hour straight wearing one of those dresses.
· You not him… for now...
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reshille · 4 years
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In the soop with the tiny boys 🌊
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Kpop boys with their rings and dangly earrings and colourful hair really think they’re everything, huh? Well they’re right
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hoes4bangtan · 5 years
My Mate ~ A Forbidden Love Story
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Pairing~ Taehyung X Reader 
Genre~ Dark Werewolf Prince Tae ;) X Human Mate
Warning~⚠️ (Lots of smut will come later on) dirty talk, gore, blood, Dom!Taehyung, anger issues, mild angst, fluff (I guess)...
Summary~The Prince of Alka was made to believe he did not have a mate and if he did he was forbidden by the council and his father the king to even touch her. But what happens when his wolf screams mate at his fathers human mixed werewolf ball. A ball where Y/N was not supposed to attend because it would later determine her fate with a “heartless” monster.
Taehyung -Point of View-
I stared at her from my seat on the luxurious wine room above the darkly golden colored ballroom. Not many people were up here, just my brothers and some girls. Due to father warning us to stay away and not cause any trouble to our precious guests.
 What a disgrace that would be.
“You guys aren’t fit to interact with the villagers yet” his words still rang freshly in my mind and I will have to pester him later to decipher what he meant by “we aren’t fit to interact with the humans”. In my mind, I think I’m quite a gentleman when it comes to  those warm blooded creatures.
A glass of whisky is suffering under the tight grip of my right hand and the other is sustaining some girl on my lap. Who keeps on grinding and wiggling her ass on me as she whispers sinful things in my ear. For some reason I wasn’t listening to her or to any of the other girls who have come to me today for pleasure. I had to admit that is quite weird of me, I would've been in the guest room fucking girl after girl right now but for some reason: I just wasn’t. 
Because of her. 
“Mate,” my wolf growled again for the fifth time but it couldn’t be. No, I wasn’t capable of having one.
It’s forbidden, they said. 
I could feel the confused gazes of my brothers as they noticed the weird vibe surrounding me. I had not touched my bait and my mind was lost, I ignored their stares and was frozen in place  somehow mesmerized by her. The girl who caught my eye since I sensed her coming to our kingdom. 
She was beautiful like nothing I’ve ever seen before. Her face glowed with the emotion I wish I had: happiness. She wore a white gala dress that fit her curves deliciously, her lips where red and plump so delicate yet so sinful. 
She looked pure and innocent, like an angel who couldn’t be touched. I felt almost guilty looking at her, knowing I had to stop myself before I hurt her. But I couldn’t control myself: I never can.
I wanted her and for some reason a deep hunger ignited through my body like a never ending fire. My lips feel dry, I gulped down my whisky and slammed it down on the table as small beads of sweat formed around my neck. I let out a moan as I sniffed her intoxicating scent, making my dick twitch. 
“Why don’t we go to your room, Tae?” The girl whispered seductively as she kissed my neck and wiggled some more, making me growl in annoyance because my desire wasn't for her. I pushed her off my lap and onto the empty seat next to me, making her cough in disbelief. 
“Get out,” I said coldly, not daring to look at her knowing she would just start to cry like the rest because for some reason they just don't like rejection. She whined and groaned until I finally heard her loud heels stomp out of the room in anger. 
I took a deep breath as I gulped another shot of whiskey and set it down on the mahogany table in between the couch. I got up and in an instant was hovering over the balcony to get a better view of her. I almost smiled when I saw her laughing with an elderly woman. 
She stopped laughing all of a sudden and started to look around. I knew she felt someone staring at her, the woman talking to her stopped as well and asked her what was wrong but she didn’t respond. 
She kept searching until our eyes met. My heart jumped as those beautiful brown orbs stared directly at me and she flashed me a soft smile making me grip onto the railing harshly. My wolf whined and thrashed around like the psychotic monster he is. 
What the fuck was happening to me she is not supposed to be smiling. Doesn’t she know who I am? I am Taehyung, the Dark Prince of Alka. 
Our eyes lingered for a while until I saw the fear in her eyes take over. Then, her smile fell and then her gaze, making me frown. I looked over at the woman next to her, watching as she whispered something into her ear and grabbed onto her arm, pulling her away into the crowd until she disappeared behind colorful dresses and expensive suits. 
“Fuck” I whispered as anger started to arise through my veins once again. The thought of hurting the woman played in my mind but I couldn’t kill her. “But she scared away what’s ours” my wolf whined making me look back at the crowd of people dancing and drinking but I couldn’t find the woman.  
I shook my head and moved to sit back down on the soft plush seats soon thinking about what was going on with me. I never felt this way before, I think I may have a fever. I rubbed my forehead feeling it was hotter than its usual temperature. I spotted her again next to a different woman now, a younger girl. The young girl spoke to her with fearful eyes but I couldn’t see her face anymore as her back was turned to me. 
“Can I ask you a question, my dear brother” I called upon Yoongi who was talking on the phone over in the dark corner of the room, never taking my eyes off her. Once he didn’t respond, I turned to him and watched as he put up a finger signalizing for me to wait, in which I nodded. I couldn’t contain myself as my wolf kept whining and my legs started to fidget, I almost fooled myself to believe I was nervous.
Monsters don’t get nervous
I looked over at Hoseok, Jimin and Namjoon, who were all at the built in bar eating off some girls face. Jungkook was sniffing some cute girl’s neck, holding back his urge to do anything for father’s sake, and Jin was on the path to commit a crime of passion. 
How lovely.
“Tae, what do you want?” Yoongi said as he now stood in front of me, his dark persona beckoning over me. His eyes seemed emotionless and cold as he shook his head at Jin and Jungkook.
“ I have a question about someone” I said, watching as he averted his attention back to me and gave me that same confused glare from earlier. His glare soon turned into a warning that didn’t seem too convincing because he kept scratching his head and looking over at Jin. 
“No, Tae, you heard father’s orders,” Yoongi said, crossing his arms over his chest confidently but I could smell his unease. Almost as if he knew what I was going to ask.I stood up from my seat and breathed out heavily, moving over to the railing of the balcony now leaning coolly against it. “Since when do I follow orders… brother” I said lowly, shifting my gaze to him with an evil smirk displayed on my lips as he gave me a cold glare. 
“Since father tells you everything and you probably know everyone, I wanted to ask if you know a girl” I said my throat already starting to itch with thirst from the thought of her warm sweet blood running down my throat or something else I can't wait to taste.
“Who”He said as he scanned the crowd until he stopped somewhere and his eyes flashed with something I couldn’t read because once I went to follow his gaze he broke it and looked down at his grey expensive clad shoes.
“Her” I said pointing my finger over at her small frame, her back was still facing me which made me frown but it soon disappeared when I saw Yoongi follow my finger and freeze in his place.
“Well that is Y/N/L, she’s the daughter of fathers right hand” Yoongi said with a nervous tone making me watch him suspiciously and I knew he was hiding something. “Father never told us Mr.Lun had a daughter and why is that”I said looking at him suspiciously as he avoided eye contact knowing I was capable of making him spill the beans with one look.
“Don’t you dare lie to me brother” I mind linked him making him bite his lip harshly and look back at Jin who seemed too busy to see him begging for help
“I know what you are feeling is strange right now but I can’t tell you” Yoongi said his voice seemed disoriented making me send him a glare as my wolf growled loudly. “Tell us now brother you know how I turn when I’m angry” I said through gritted teeth as my fists turned white from their tight grip on the railing 
“Tae-“Yoongi started to say but I cut him off with the raise of my hand, I closed my eyes and breathed in and out like mother taught me. “Yoongi now please” I said in a warning tone and whimpered as a strange hotness creeped in and out of my skin.
“She’s your mate but you can’t get close to her, it’s forbidden and you know that... Tae you are a monster the worst out off all of us and you know it goes against the council. You will hurt her when you turn into that morbid thing... she’s too innocent and pure for you. Her father and the council tried to hide her away and I don’t know why he brought her here if he knew this already”Yoongi said now looking up at me with a sense of pity and confusion also trying to figure out what was happening but I was frozen.
My mind whirled with confused thoughts and I couldn’t believe what I was just hearing— It couldn’t be. “How” was all I could muster out,  my voice scratchy and low as I looked over at her frame and the fire seemed to ignite.
This doesn’t make sense, I could kill her that’s why it was forbidden for me to even have a mate. Since I was born I was told and set to believe that she never existed so why now, I was fine and I shouldn’t be feeling this way for no one.
“Everyone has a mate Tae, please don’t do whatever you are thinking on doing, you can’t get close to her”he said slowly and carefully as if he wanted to drill the fact that I had a mate but couldn’t touch her, which only made my anger worse and my wolf hungrier with thirst for not only her but blood.
I needed to kill someone to get rid of all this anger but I’m going to get her first, no one is going to keep me away from my mate, that I finally found. My woman who was destined to be with me forever, the one who will love me for who I am and not the monster everyone sees. The one who will bear my children.
No one will stop me.
Not the council, not my brothers, not even father. If they want to stop me from getting what’s mine they’ll have to get through me and I know they won’t even dare.
Everyone is afraid of me.
I gave Yoongi one more look and smirked as I stared at her again and growled with want. “Tae please you can’t drag her into our mess she’s an innocent human-“ Yoongi yelled but I ignored him as the rest of my brothers stopped doing what they where doing and gave me a warning glare but before they could even say anything. I was out of the room and down the grand staircase.
I set my eyes on her and nothing else.
 I wasn’t even halfway down when someone yelled “My prince” and everyone turned around but she didn’t which made my wolf whimper. For every step I took the music seemed to get more and more dramatic making me shoot a look at the violinist who froze along with the rest of the musicians on the stage.
I made it down the stairs, some people whispering and watching my every move as they bowed down to me but stood far away as if I was some monster coming to eat them but I just smiled evilly because that’s exactly what I could do but not now.
I ignored the woman who tried to talk to me as they extended their arms out to stop me and look at them even for a useless minute but they weren’t who I wanted. looked up at the balcony seeing all my brothers gathered by the railing looking down at me with a look of curiosity and anger making me shoot them a quick wink.
I could feel father trying to mind link me but I just ignored him and kept walking until I saw her small frame dressed in white. I grabbed ahold of her arm feeling a sense of power burst through me which made me feel dizzy for a second as I turned her around.
Y/N -Point of View-
“He’s coming, where’s father-” my sister said but she didn’t finish her sentence when I suddenly felt a cold hand wrap around my arm and I swear I felt an electric current flow into my body.
I looked around the room ignoring the dirty looks I was suddenly getting from some women and the fearful gazes of man and the elders, but I couldn’t find my father no where in the room.
My heart fell as the person I learned so much about in such a short period of time. Since the moment I smiled up at him and was scolded for doing so turned me around to face him.
I gasped as my breath got stuck in my throat and the silence of the room ate me alive but he was so beautiful. He seemed soft and tender but dark as a poisonous snake. His lips were a soft pink and his eyes dark with yellow glowing specks, he looked too perfect to be real.
“Dance with me”he whispered, his eyes boring into mine and I couldn’t seem to break the stare as his voice made me shiver like a cold winter breeze.I shook my head no, but he gave me an evil smirk making me whimper as his hand  moved up to my waist and pulled me to him. “Are you scared of me” he said in a low tone making me start to shake in his hold as I tired to break eye contact but I couldn’t look anywhere else but at him, it almost felt as if  he was controlling me.
“If you don’t speak to me, we will stand here all night”he said leaning down to my neck and inhaling deeply making me let out a whimper. “T-theres no mus-music”I stuttered wanting to scold myself for saying that. “I know baby but we don’t need music to dance,  just follow me” he said softly and with that he pulled me to the center of the ballroom that was already empty with a crowd forming around us. He kissed my cheek softly making me widen my eyes as I started to think if he was really as horrible as they made him sound.
“Your so beautiful”he said softly as he guided me back and forth in a soft slow rhythm that almost would’ve seemed romantic if I wasn’t shaking. “I-I’ve ne-never seen you before”I stuttered which made his frown deepen as he let go of my waist and twirled me around for a mere minute and pulled me back into his hard chest. His hand snaked back onto its place on my waist as the other gripped onto my hand tightly.
My chest heaved up and down as I gasped along with everyone else around me. “Well, let's start off by saying- I’m the most dangerous person in the world, and may I ask how don’t you know about me”he said with a raised eyebrow as he pulled me even closer to his chest.
“No-no I’ve never heard of you until today this is my first time here, Papa doesn’t really allow me out much”I said with a nervous tone knowing father will be mad at me for getting close to him or even talking to a man.
“Why”he said as if he was interrogating me but his face was plain and cold as stone, you couldn’t read him. “He’s protecting me”I said my voice escaping below a whisper but loud enough because he heard what I said due to the smirk growing on his lips. 
“From what”he said as he kept guiding me back and forth in circles across the marbled floor of the ballroom. “The bad people”I said breaking my gaze and looking down at the floor as a weird feeling watched over me after finally breaking eye contact.
“Oh so do you know who I am” he said with amusement in his voice as he moved down to my neck his cold lips grazing softly against the little hairs that now stood up.
“Use your words baby”he said making me shiver as I closed my eyes tightly and brought my hands up to put them on his shoulders feeling as he tensed up from my touch. “Your one of the bad people that is all I was told” I said as he hummed and brought his lips away from my neck and moved down to my chin making me suck in a breath. I tried pushing him away but he didn’t move an inch.
“Hmm, they are right”he said lowly as he moved his rough hands to my cheek caressing it softly as my trembling became worse. “Can-can you please stop, I don’t want to dance with you anymore”I stuttered as I tried to get away from his tight hold just to receive a cold glare.
“Why, aren’t we having fun”he said in a dark tone making me whimper as he tightened his grip around my waist. “Please let me go” I said my eyes getting watery as I tried hitting his chest harder this time but nothing.
“No”he growled making me stop in my movements as he moved his hand away from my cheek and stared at me his eyes entirely black now. “Excuse me” I said in disbelief making him smile evilly as he shook his head excruciating slow at me.
“Your mine”he said lowly making me widen my eyes as all the blood soon drained from my body and I got lightheaded. “N-no, i’m not” I said but he only nodded making me look around for my sister who was hugging my mother but they had their backs turned to me.
This can’t be true, “but it is” something told me.
“Let’s go”he said and pulled me away from the center of the ballroom and toward the large crowd that opened up a path for him. “Mama help, please call Papa”I cried out as tears formed in my vision and I tried to to get out of his tight grip on my arm to reach for my mother who didn't budge.
“We are going to my house”he said as he pulled me behind him roughly as I tried to wiggle out of his hold again but he was too strong.“No-no”I said but groaned when he stopped, making me bump into his back with a thud.
He turned around and wrapped both his arms around my waist and pulled me toward him as he hid me in his chest, he secured his arms tightly around me in a protecting manner as a tall shadow descended over us.
I tired hitting his chest and kick him but he was holding me too tightly making me whimper as more tears fell down my cheeks.“Son where do you think you are going with her, you have rudely disrupted our guests with this scene”A man I couldn’t see the face of due to him covering me spoke coldly. “We are  leaving” he said letting out an animalistic growl which made me cry even harder. 
“Alone right, because you are not taking her”the man shouted powerfully but he just laughed as if this was funny to him. “Father, should I say what I’ll say next in your ear or for everyone to hear and tremble in fear”he said with a chuckle at the end of his sentence.
“Son”the man who I figured was his father said in a warning tone that made me afraid to hear what he’ll say next but I had a feeling I already knew. “Y/N is my mate and thanks for keeping it a secret from me because now you can't take her from me”he growled loudly his chest rising harshly as everything around us turned unbelievably quiet and with that he unwrapped his arms from around my body and picked me up bridal style.
I was in a confused daze with what was happening as I screamed with all my might, hitting his chest as I tried to look for father for that he could help me. I saw him running from behind the crowd towards me, but he suddenly stopped and fell to his knees making my heart fall. My world soon became blurry as he ran at such a fast speed, everything was turning into mush and then darkness captivated me.
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your-kpopmama · 6 years
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I Like You A Latte - Part 1/? Summary: an au in which y/n and yoongi communicate solely between post its between shifts at the cafe they work at. Theyve never worked together but build a friendship over time.
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answerbtss · 4 years
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↳   𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐚𝐯𝐞, 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞! 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐬
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serijaneu · 3 years
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dezzy101 · 3 years
What is up folks?! This is my first BTS Rp Blog, so be nice please 🤣. Rules and regulations are below and thanks for reading 😎
1. NO HATE! There will be nothing but love and thriving here on this blog alright?
2. HAVE TO BE 18+! Ya girl likes kinky shit.. so you have to be old enough to roleplay here, cool? Cool!
3. NO MEMBER X MEMBER OR BXB STUFF! I'm sorry, but I am not experienced with that so, only Female Oc x Member.
4. DMS! I'm use to rping in dms so, message me! There will be a limit so come quick!
5. DOUBLES ONLY! I like things to be fair, so you play my s/o & I play yours.
4. HAVE FUN! We're all here for a good time! So let's have one!
Now, on to the fun stuff 😁
1. I can rp any member, so just feel free to ask 😉
2. I'm normally into idol verse, college au, fairy tale/ fantasy au, single parent & family aus, and I am a COMPLETE SUCKER FOR SOULMATE AU'S!
3. While I do like kinky shit, there's just some no no's for me, such as; Underage play, DD/LG, Knife play, and anything deemed disturbing.
What I am good with is; Dom (mainly by the male) /Sub (mainly for the female), daddy kink, light bondage and choking, spanking, hair pulling and stuff like that 😝
Blog name is bangtan-roleplay9898
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Now, if there's anything else y'all want to know, feel free to ask! Can't wait to rp with ya!
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btsreactionimages · 4 years
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crankybangtan · 6 years
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SOCIAL MEDIA AU // DANCE TO DEATH Jimin x Y/N the road to championships 34/?
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ramensprinkless · 7 years
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Bts Lyrics Edits (3/??)
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bonny-kookoo · 3 years
Rabid: the beginning (JJK x Reader) 1
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Absence makes the heart grow fonder. But for Jungkook, who spots his mate at an annual werewolf festival, this might be not all that accurate; because your absence makes his heart feel nothing- it only makes him hurt.
Tags/warnings: werewolf traditions, bangtan pack, werewolf jungkook, wolf hybrid jungkook, alpha! Jungkook, omega! Reader, werewolf reader, wolf hybrid reader, romance, a lot of angst, fluff, some rough playfighting, biting, kookers in love, like he's whipped right from the start, but also heartbroken later, whoops, smut, knotting, marking, mates, all that shebang, just read it lol
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The festival is bustling, with people crowding the makeshift marketplace, children running and playing around. Jungkook watches some chickens scattering about for a while, until his packmates return; Taehyung and Jimin chatting about recent finds as they walk up to Jungkook, who had been waiting for them outside the shop. As an alpha, newly presented too, he didn't want to be in a shop full of omegas. You never knew how he'd be perceived.
"Oh, Jungkook, look!" Jimin says, as they pass a small open shop, several people working, two omegas in their wolf form lounging around as his packmate points to the blankets they're making. They're knitted, and beautifully patterned, he has to admit- but there's only one that catches his attention as he walks closer. It's incredibly soft, something he's quite sensitive to, as a woman walks up to him. The scent on the blanket is filling his mind and he can't stop thinking about it as he hears his alpha.
ɢᴏᴏᴅ ᴄʜᴏɪᴄᴇ.
"Interested?" She asks kindly, and Jungkook can scent something motherly on her, assuming that the two young omega wolves are her children. He nods, as she takes it down for him, folding it neatly before he takes out his wallet to pay.
"You're very skilled." He compliments the woman, thinking that she must've made it for her to walk up to him like this. But she simply laughs a bit, before shaking her head.
"Oh thank you, but it wasn't me who made it." She explains, pointing towards a spot as she continues talking. He knows that it wasn't her- that's why he was about to ask. But she obviously must've known his intentions, as she answers him right away. "If you're searching for the real artist, she's right there." She says, and Jungkook turns around just as the woman calls out for you.
When you turn around, it's as if the world stopped turning.
Your eyes meeting his, wide open while his own must've looked similarly as surprised. The connection is there right away, as if he's known you for an entire lifetime already- and he knows you feel it too, by the way your cheeks redden, your hands clutching your knitting needles a little tighter. The woman chuckles along with Taehyhung and Jimin who watch the scene unfold as Jungkook walks up to you, his inner wolf already happily wagging his tail at the sight of you.
sᴏ sᴡᴇᴇᴛ.
"This.. is really well made." He says, as you nod, accepting the compliment with a shy smile while he scratches the back of his neck. He's not good at things like these. "I.. will I see you tonight?" He asks, and you nod yet again.
"I'll be wearing white." You tell him, white being the color of unmated omegas of a pack. He smiles at the hidden remark, already intrigued by the way you're not acting submissive with him as an alpha, but simply rather shy at the attention you're getting. It's as if you're giving him a small glimpse of your actual character- and he wants to know more right away, unsatisfied with just a small taste of who you are.
He holds the blanket a bit closer to himself as he nods in a silent goodbye. "And I'll be wearing this." He says, gesturing towards your creation as your eyes widen. You know he's your mate, you've felt it right away, but its still a bit weird to experience it like this. Because by wearing this, he's not only covering himself in your scent, but he's also very openly putting out a statement that he's trying to impress and win his mate over.
He leaves you at your little shop, the other omegas giggling in excitement as they chatter away about how handsome that young alpha was, and how lucky you are to have a connection with him.
And its Taehyung and Jimin who talk his ear off as well, teasing him all the way back to where his pack is staying, eagerly telling everyone about you. And its all fun and games, until Taehyung, the most recently presented omega, tries to touch the blanket in Jungkooks arms.
He growls out of instinct, pulling it closer as he apologizes right after to Namjoon, his leader who simply chuckles as he waves it off. "Its fine, Taehyung, please don't touch his stuff okay?" He gently scolds.
They all talk for a while together, playfully arguing here and there, the blanket carefully resting on Jungkooks bed upstairs in his room his pack had rented for the three days of the festival.
He can't wait to meet you again.
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your-kpopmama · 6 years
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I Like You A Latte - Part 7/? Summary: an au in which y/n and yoongi communicate solely between post its between shifts at the cafe they work at. Theyve never worked together but build a friendship over time. AN: i had to repost!! Some of the photos didnt post.
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jiminsa · 7 years
His Throne [KTH] | 03 final
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Genre: smut, angst, fluff
Word Count: 6,242
Summary: You, a maid for the royal family, have sex with the irresistible prince Kim Taehyung on his throne.
Parts: 01 | 02 | 03
Other member vers: Hoseok | Yoongi | Namjoon | Jimin | Jungkook | Seokjin
You shuffled between tables, wiping them clean of the drunken mistakes the village’s fustian knights left behind. You were so tired of working at the local inn, but it was the only way you could afford to adequately support yourself.
It’d been two months since you left the palace to find work elsewhere, and not a day’s gone by where you haven’t thought of Taehyung. Sometimes you wish you could go back. You left behind so much more than the love of your life; you left your friends, your integrity, your home. It was hard on you having to adjust to your new environment, all alone, with no one to support you the way Taehyung always silently did.
But then you think of Taehyung with Jisoo… It just wasn’t worth it to you to stay in the palace knowing you came so close to something only to let it slip away without a fight. That constant reminder would tauntingly dangle in front of you every time you made their bed or cooked their breakfast.
You had to leave, for your sake and for his. Without saying a word to anyone, you disappeared from the palace and into the night. You figured there was no point in telling anyone; it's not like Taehyung would've stopped you if you'd said anything anyway. You weren't sure what you were going to do after you left, you just knew you couldn’t take anymore of the suffering of watching Taehyung care for someone that wasn't you.
Luckily for you, not long after you arrived at the barren town, the inn’s owner was kind enough to give you a job as a maid and server for the pub connected to the inn. She even allowed you to live in one of the inn’s old storage rooms. It wasn’t much different from the room you stayed in at the palace, so it was comforting in a sense. You could easily cry yourself to sleep on the pile of blankets you called a bed, just like in the palace. It was almost like home.
A month after arriving at the inn, you began to feel very fatigue. You brushed it off as a symptom of overworking yourself at the pub, but what could you do when it was your only source of income? So you continued working until you started feeling nauseous in the early mornings in addition to your weariness. That’s when you realized, you were pregnant. You told Sumi, the innkeeper, about your pregnancy because you felt scared and alone. How were you supposed to raise a child on your own? The worst part was your baby would grow up without ever knowing their father.
It was then that Sumi became like a mother to you. She listened to your problems, soothed your aching heart with warm hugs, and loved you like no other. You trusted her more than you've ever trusted anybody before. Not even a month after you met, you felt comfortable enough with her to tell her about your relationship with the crowned prince. You knew she'd keep your secret safe, and it felt liberating to finally be able to tell someone that you loved Kim Taehyung.
And that he loved you, too.
After you finished cleaning off the tables and sweeping the floor, you grabbed one of the many candles that lit the pub and disappeared behind the bar. It was around midnight, ten minutes past closing, and about time you locked up the entrance of the pub. You searched the shelves under the bar and shuffled around old rags trying to find the key. Usually it hangs on a hook under the countertop, but of course you forgot to put it there after you opened this morning.
Sumi always berated you for your carelessness - you were always misplacing things. You never did that at the palace. Then again, you were mainly in charge of cleaning and cooking, not watching over small dumb keys. The lack of light didn't help. No matter how many candles or lanterns you lit, the pub would never be bright enough for you.
Eventually you noticed the key at the back of the shelf behind a glass mug. You probably shoved it back there on accident after putting a cup back.
As you reached for the key, you heard the door of the pub open and then shut with a loud thud.
Oh, great, you thought. Probably another drunk.
There were too many occasions in which you had to chase out a drunkard - some nice, others not so much. You really hoped it was just someone asking for directions or the innkeeper coming to tell you to hurry up. You mentally prepared yourself to meet the unidentified stranger.
“I’m sorry,” you apologized as you stood up, “but we’re closed.”
The stranger jumped at your voice, his back turned to you. Finally, he turned around and faced you. You immediately recognized his face; he was one of the pub’s regulars.
He greeted you with a smile. “Uh, hi.”
By his steady voice and somewhat calm composure, you assumed he wasn't drunk. He looked like he was around your age, maybe a couple of years older. His hair was dark brown and laid flat against his forehead.
He scratched the back of his head and knitted his brows together as he took a step towards you. “I don't know if you remember me, but I was here earlier today…”
“Yeah,” you said. “I remember.”
The sheepish grin he bared widened. “Well, my name's Hoseok, and I was - uh - I wanted to ask you this earlier but timing wasn’t right. You were so busy getting people their orders and stuff. I didn’t wanna bother you. Actually I’ve been wanting to ask this for a long time now, but I figured it’d be weird since we don’t know each other. But then I was like how else am I supposed to get to know you if I don’t ask you and talk to you? Anyway, I was kinda wondering if… you’d wanna go out sometime?”
You couldn't help but smile and let out a small chuckle. He came all this way, this late at night, to ask you out. His rambling gave away his nervousness which you found cute.
That thought suddenly left you as it sunk in just what he was asking. It'd only been two months since you left the palace. You weren't sure if you were ready to start seeing other people. You wanted to move on because you were so tired of crying over a married man that you'd probably never see again, but wasn't two months too soon?
When you didn't say anything, Hoseok cleared his throat. “We could just get something to eat? Doesn't have to be anything serious.” He tried to convince you to say yes.
“I don't know…” you responded.
“Just one date.” Hoseok motioned the number one with his pointer finger and took another step closer to you. “And then if you don't think we could be anything serious, we can just be friends.”
Would this be a good idea? You asked yourself. You knew you'd never get over Taehyung if you just stayed at the inn and worked, but you didn’t want to go out with this guy just to help yourself get over someone. Hoseok didn’t deserve that.
“I’m sorry, I don’t think...” your voice trailed off. You wanted to tell him no, but you couldn’t bring yourself to say it. He seemed so nice; he was always smiling and laughing when he’d drink with his friends at the pub. He had a cute smile that was hard to forget.
If it weren't for Taehyung, you probably would've said okay without a second thought.
Hoseok’s smile faltered slightly, and you immediately felt bad and wanted to take back your rejection.
“Well, it was worth a shot,” his smile was back, only not as bright as before. “If you ever change your mind, just let me know.”
Hoseok turned around to leave.
Would one date really be that bad? He did say it’d be enough. Who knows, I might actually have fun. You debated with yourself some more, still unsure if you wanted to go or not.
You thought about Taehyung again. He would have wanted you to go. He would want you to move on and be happy. You could hear his voice in the back of your mind, and you could see his heart-shaped smile, the one you loved so much, form as he’d say, “Come on, Princess, this guy could be your new prince.” You could hear him telling you it wasn't like you to be so hesitant.
As Hoseok neared the door, you senselessly called out to him, “Wait!”
With his hand on the doorknob, Hoseok turned around to look at you. You didn't know what you wanted to say, but you knew you didn't want him to leave.
Stepping out from behind the bar, you tentatively walked towards him. Your hands were balled into fists by your sides, you clenched and unclenched them, nervously. “Uh, I change my mind. I'll take you up on that offer.” You gnawed on the inside of your cheek, hoping you weren't going to regret this decision.
That familiar smile was back again, and Hoseok's eyes lit up, “Really?”
You smiled gently and nodded your head, “Yeah, but you gotta keep your word. If I just want to be friends then we'll just be friends. Okay?”
Hoseok nodded his head vigorously, causing his hair to fall into his eyes. “Of course! Are you free later today?”
It was Sunday, so you knew the pub would be closed today. Sumi didn’t believe in drinking on the day of the lord, so that was the one day out of the week the pub didn’t open. “Yeah, I am. The pub will be closed, so I’ll be at the inn next door.”
“Okay, great!” Hoseok said, his excitement evident in his scrunched eyes and wide smile. “I’ll come pick you up around noon.” Hoseok gave you one last look before leaving you alone in the dimly lit room.
You really hoped the Taehyung in your head led you to make the right decision.
After you locked the pub up last night, you made your way to the inn where you found Sumi, warming you up some leftover dinner. You told her about your date with Hoseok and how you'd be gone - you assumed - for most of the day.
Sumi was elated to hear you were trying to move on, but the motherly part of her was still worried you were forcing yourself too soon. She kept reminding you that you weren’t obligated to go on this date and that you could leave in the middle of it if you felt like you needed to. You wanted to be annoyed by her nagging, but all you could do was appreciate her concerns.
Once Sumi was finished nagging you, she began to ask you what Hoseok was like since she had no idea who he was. There was only so much you could say since you didn’t really know Hoseok either, but you did know he had the sweetest smile. Of course, it was nothing compared to Taehyung’s, but it did make your heart flutter just the tiniest bit. You told Sumi he was a brown eyed cutie with soft features that reminded you of a puppy dog.
The more Sumi talked about the date, the more excited and anxious you became for it. You’ve never been on a date before - never went through the process of picking out an outfit, anticipating what you're gonna do on the date, or wondered if this could be the guy. So, your nerves were kicking into high gear as the date neared.
It was almost noon, about an hour till, and you were all ready for your date. You did your hair and wore your nicest dress; it was Sumi’s dress when she was younger, and she was nice enough to give it to you since you didn't have any clothes other than the ones you wore on your back the day you two met.
As you stood in the inn’s kitchen, you kept having to drink water to calm yourself. You were getting so anxious.
What if he’s the one? The one that'll take your breath away even more than Taehyung ever could. The one you can actually grow old with. The one that'll make you forget Taehyung. Although you found that highly unlikely, you couldn't help but wonder.
What if he isn't the one? What if he just makes you miss Taehyung even more?  You've never loved anyone like you loved Taehyung.
Your thoughts were boundless and slightly irrational for just one date, but having to bounce back from a love that meant the world to you was scary. You didn't know what was scarier, the thought of never finding love again or actually moving on from the one who taught you how to love.
You were in the middle of downing your fourth glass of water, pondering if it was too late to cancel the date, when Sumi walked into the kitchen. She eyed you, admiring how beautiful you looked in her old dress. It reminded her of when she was young and lively.
Sumi smiled gently as she said, “Hoseok's here!”
“What?” You almost choked on your water. “But the date's not for another hour, I'm not prepared!” You thought back to what Hoseok said and remembered he told you around noon, not at noon. You stood next to the island in the middle of the kitchen and placed your glass on it. Your grip on the cup was tight as you looked to Sumi. Nervousness settled into the creases of your furrowed brows.
Sumi chuckled. “I found him standing in front of the inn, he asked about you. He really did look like a puppy - a lost one.”
“What'd he say?” You inquired.
“Just asked if I knew ya, and I told him I did and to wait in the check-in area. You can still cancel, you know?”
You knew that, but it'd be rude to have him come all this way only to cancel last minute, right? No, it wouldn't be rude, but it wouldn't feel right. It's just one date. Just two people hanging out, getting something to eat. It's not like he was expecting you to fall in love with him today.
“No, it's fine. I'm dressed. I'll go.” You released your grip on the cup and inhaled deeply. You gave Sumi a smile and thanked her for notifying you that Hoseok was here.
He's not gonna propose for goodness sake, stop being so nervous, you told yourself.
You gathered your courage and made your way to the inn’s lobby where you saw him sitting on one of the couches, his back turned to you.
“Hey, sorry I made you wait,” you released a shaky chuckle. “I wasn't expecting you to be so early.”
When he stood up and looked at you, your heart dropped. Your eyes widened and your breath caught in your throat because that wasn’t Hoseok waiting for you. “Taehyung?”
He looked tired and worn out, but his eyes lit up the second they met yours. Your name dripped from his lips like honey, all sweet and loving, as he took a step towards you. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you.” Taehyung smiled, and it made your heart flip.
Taehyung wore the clothes of royalty, but they were slightly tattered and dirtied - evidence of his quest to find you.
Seeing Taehyung brought back all these painful feelings and made nostalgia bubble in your stomach. It took everything in you not to reach out and touch him or hold him, tell him how much you’ve missed him, how much you still love him. You didn’t need him here to make you lose your will to move on.
The fact that Taehyung was here was surreal. You’d always fantasized about him coming to find you, but you never expected it to actually happen.
“What are you doing here?” You asked as you took a step back. Your heart was racing and your palms sweaty. You flattened them on your sides to rid them of the claminess.  
You always thought if you saw Taehyung again, you’d run straight into his arms and never let go. But now that he’s really here, your legs felt like lead, heavy and immobile. There was an anchor in the pit of your stomach keeping you from embracing the love of your life. You were paralyzed to your very core.
The tone in your voice made the sparkle in Taehyung’s eyes die out, and his smile disappeared without a trace. “I came to see you.”
The weak part of you melted at his words, but you quickly regained your composure. He’s married, you reminded yourself. “Does Jisoo know you’re here?”
You were so conflicted with your feelings. You wanted to be happy he was here for God knows what reason, but the practical - and slightly cynical - side of you kept screaming for you to disregard your feelings because if you don't and succumb to them, then you'll be left vulnerable and susceptible to being hurt again. Seeing him brought forth a rush of feelings that you’ve been trying to lock up for months now. The gates have opened, the dam broken, and your feelings were like a unyielding flood trying to drown you.
“No,” Taehyung sighed. He dropped his head and stared at his feet. Taehyung thought you’d be overjoyed to see him. Then again, he did show up out of the blue with no warning whatsoever. He never stopped to consider for even a second that you wouldn’t want to see him. “I… ended things with her.”
Taehyung lifted his head and searched your eyes, looking for some kind of reaction.
Your mouth fell open in shock. You wondered for a second if you heard him correctly. Did Taehyung really just say he “ended things” with the princess of a neighboring country? “Ended things” with his wife.
“What are you talking about?” You questioned. “Nothing’s as simple as ending things, Taehyung… Are you saying you got divorced?”
“Not exactly,” he responded. “I told the king about us…”
As soon as Taehyung muttered those words, it felt as if the ground that was keeping you steady suddenly crumbled from beneath you, and you were falling. The rush of adrenaline that consumed your every nerve wasn’t exhilarating in the slightest, it made your hairs stand on end and your heart clench.
“Taehyung,” you whispered. “You didn’t.”
What exactly did he tell the king? “Hey I’ve been screwing one of the maids for the past couple of years.” That’s the only way you could have imagined the scene to go down.
“I told him I love you,” he continued. “Told him I can’t be with Jisoo, and that I want to marry you.”
Before you could even digest the fact that Taehyung just said he wanted to marry you, he continued.
“He told me to never bring divorce or you up ever again, especially not in front of Jisoo, or he’d disown me. He said that this was the path chosen for me since birth, and that he’s given me everything I’ve ever wanted, and I didn’t deserve to ask for more.”
You couldn’t help but agree with what the king was saying. This was the path chosen for him. He’s a prince for goodness sake. It’s his duty to help bring our country and neighboring countries together in any way possible. Even if that meant marrying somebody he doesn’t love because someday he’s going to be king, and he needs to learn how to sacrifice his happiness for the sake of this country.
Besides, what did he think he’d get out of telling the king? Did he really think that just because he says he wants to marry you that his parents would allow him to sever ties with Jisoo so soon after their marriage? For a maid no less? Even if they were okay with him divorcing Jisoo, they wouldn’t let him do it to be with a maid. Perhaps someone of royalty, but never a maid.
That thought saddened you, but this was your reality.
“So I left,” Taehyung’s husky voice pulled you out of your reverie.
“You should go back,” you found yourself whispering in a soft voice. He can’t just leave the palace as if there won’t be any consequences. How typical of a prince to assume he can do whatever he wants. “Taehyung, this isn’t right. You were born to be king. You deserve a lavish lifestyle in the palace where you belong. You wouldn’t survive a day in a commoners shoes.”
What would happen to Jisoo? How would this affect our country's relationship with hers? Who will be king now? So many questions ran through your mind as you wondered what would happen if Taehyung did stay. Of course, Taehyung’s younger brother Jungkook could always take the throne, but he was considerably younger than Taehyung. He was only sixteen years old. It’d be a long time before he could become king.
Taehyung walked towards you, his face hard. “No amount of riches could keep me away from you. I deserve to choose how I live my life, and I choose to live it with you.”
“Taehyung…” It’s not like you genuinely wanted him to go back, but you knew what was right, and him staying with you wasn’t. He has a duty to uphold.
“If I can’t be with you, then I don’t want to be with anyone.” He hesitantly reached up before slowly cupping your face in his large hands. They were warm and felt like home. He was thankful you didn’t withdraw from his touch like he thought you would. He knew how much he’s hurt you, and he was so worried the damage was irreversible.
“But you don’t get to choose.” You looked into Taehyung’s pleading eyes, they were dark and solemn. You never would have thought you’d have to reject Taehyung, but here you were, saying no to a man practically begging you take him. Oh, how you wanted to take him.
You reached up and engulfed Taehyung’s hands in yours. You gave them a light squeeze before removing them from your face, watching as his face fell with despair. You took two step backwards, bringing some distance between you two. It made it so much easier to reject him when you couldn’t feel his warmth and imagine yourself wrapped up in his arms. Tears brimmed your eyes, but you smiled at him.
“Y/N,” his voice trembled.
“Go back, Taehyung. Go back to where you belong, and live the life that you should. You could be happy with Jisoo if you tried.”
“I left everything for you.” Taehyung huffed. “Do you really think they’d take me back after what I did to be with you? I walked out on the royal family; no one even knows where I am, Y/N. They’ve probably disowned me already.”
You considered Taehyung’s words for a second. No way they’d disown him that easily. Surely they’d take him back. At least that’s what you hoped.
You opened your mouth to assure Taehyung they’d accept him without hesitation, but he cut you off.
“I won’t go back.” His voice was firm. Taehyung took a step towards you, closing the space you’d just created. “I love you, and I know you love me, too.”
Everything around you stood still. This was the first time Taehyung’s ever directly told you he loves you. He’s said he loved you, he’s said he told his father he loves you, but he’s never told you face to face, out loud, “I love you.” It nearly broke your entire resolve to send Taehyung back. You were too taken aback to retaliate, so Taehyung continued without giving you a second to completely compose yourself.
“You don’t want me to go back, and you know it. Don’t give me some bullshit lie that being a prince is what I deserve, and the palace is where I belong. We both know that’s not true; I belong with you wherever that may be.
“We could be happy together. I don’t care about this country, I don’t care about money, and I sure as hell don’t care about Jisoo or what the king and queen think. I love you Y/N, and I want to be with you. I want to live with you and wake up to you every morning and go to sleep to you every night. I want to get married and have kids with you. I’ll work day in and day out to give you everything you deserve. Stop putting me before yourself because you deserve to be happy, too, and I know that you’d be happy with me.”
I want to have kids with you. You immediately thought about the child you were carrying. If Taehyung stayed, your child wouldn’t be fatherless, and you could actually tell Taehyung that he’s going to have a kid. Of course you wanted to live with him, raise your kid with him, and you had no doubt in your mind that you’d be happy with Taehyung. The thought was so deliciously tempting that the more you entertained it, the more your resolve seemed to dissipate.
You imagined Taehyung as a dad, taking care of your little baby and playing with them. You pictured yourself growing old with him and watching as that child turned into an adult and started to love like you and Taehyung did.
Instinctively, your hand rested on your belly. The tears that were welling in your eyes earlier finally spilled over. A soft sob fell past your parted lips. You bit your bottom lip to keep it from trembling and allowing more whimpers to escape. You looked down at your small baby bump. You gripped your dress and let the cloth bunch up in your clenched hand.
Would it be wrong of you to change your mind and ask him to stay? You wanted that - you wanted that happy ending, and by God did you deserve it. Taehyung was right, you deserve to be happy. You were hardly ever selfish or voiced your wants and needs. Would it really be so bad for you to let yourself have this one thing even if it meant getting in the way of Taehyung’s life?
Suddenly, you found yourself searching for reasons for him to stay. He wanted to be with you. You didn’t force him to come find you or leave his family behind. He did that all on his own. Who are you to say no to that? You should be grateful and accept him with open arms.
“What?” Taehyung asked when he noticed your tears and your hand on your stomach. He wondered for a second if you were in physical pain. Concern laced his words as he asked you again, “What’s wrong?”
“I’m,” you choked out, “I’m pregnant.”
A second or two passed and suddenly you were in Taehyung’s arms. He held you tight against himself. You could hear his heart hammering inside his chest. Taehyung rested his chin on your head, trying to find the right words to say.
He was so caught off guard. He didn’t want to insult you, but he had to ask. “Is it m-”
“Yes it’s yours, you idiot.” You answered without him having to finish his question. Your tears stained his shirt as you buried your face further into his chest.
Taehyung thought about the last time you two had sex. You must have been at least two months along. He immediately felt bad thinking about how scared you must have been when you found out all alone. He was a little bitter because he knew, if he’d never came to see you, he would have never known about his own child. But that wasn’t important at the moment. What was important was you were so obviously shaken, and all he wanted to do was console you.
“I can’t go now, Y/N,” Taehyung lifted his chin from your head and leaned back so he could look you in your eyes. His thumbs wiped away the tears streaming down your face. You stared into his brown eyes, they were soft and inviting. “You need me as much as I need you. I can help you raise the baby. You don’t have to do this alone. Jimin can be king, Jisoo can find some other prince from some other country, but you’ll never find another man that will love this baby as much as I would.”
With each passing word, Taehyung continued to tear your resolve to shreds. There was hardly any piece of you left that was convinced he should go back to the palace. You were overcome with a sudden desire to keep Taehyung all to yourself. Screw what was right.
“Sh,” Taehyung silenced you. “No ‘buts’. I’ve let you go once, and I’m not doing it again.”
Taehyung leaned down and kissed you. It was a soft affectionate kiss filled with love, there was no urgency to it. You simply melted into him, and that was it. There was no turning back; he’d won you over. As Taehyung deepened the kiss, he pulled you close into a loose hug. His hands rested on your waist, intimately. You snaked your arms around his neck and clasped your hands together.
Your heart was pounding loud and clear, and you were sure Taehyung could hear it, too. After what felt like an eternity, you broke the kiss, your eyes still closed.
It still hadn’t quite registered that you and Taehyung are finally going to get your happy ending. You knew there were going to bumps and obstacles along the way, and you might have to fight to stay together, but you knew it would be worth it in the long run. Finally, all the suffering would come to an end because Taehyung was yours.
“I love you,” you whispered.
“I love you, too.”
“And then what happened Mommy?” Your daughter, Nayeon, asked. You sat perched on a rickety old rocking chair Taehyung tried to make for you not long before Nayeon was born. She was seated at your feet, her legs crisscrossed, her chin resting on her clasped hands, and her eyes gleaming.
You’d just finished telling Nayeon the story of how you and Taehyung got together and how Taehyung so bravely left his home and family to be with you. You weren’t afraid to mention he was the prince because you knew if Nayeon mentioned it to any other kid, they’d think it was a simple story.
In fact, your story had spread throughout the country. You were the protagonist of the great love that overcame societal differences. Your story inspired young women everywhere and helped them realize that, if meant to be, love was boundless and could overcome anything.
You picked Nayeon up and placed her on your lap, and her arms naturally wrapped tightly around your shoulders. “And then you came along,” you booped her cute button nose.
“So if daddy was a prince and soon to be king, does that make me a princess?” She inquired, her eyes sparkling with excitement. Every six year old dreams of being a princess, but in Nayeon’s case, she was one.
You chuckled as you said, “I guess it does.”
The grin on Nayeon’s face only grew wider; she couldn’t wait to boast to her friends that she was a real life princess.
You pushed a strand of her long dark hair out of her eyes. They reminded you so much of Taehyung’s, slanted towards the end but bright and wide with wonder and so full of curiosity. She was compassionate and understanding, very intelligent, too. She took so much after her dad. Although Taehyung likes to argue she took all those traits from you.
“Then does that mean the baby inside you will be a princess, too?”
“Who knows?” You smiled. “Maybe they’ll be a prince.”
Taehyung was the first one to suggest having another kid. He loved Nayeon so much he wanted another child to cherish and shower with love. At first you were against the idea because even though you weren’t poor, you weren’t exactly the most well off family. Having another child would put a strain on money, but Taehyung was so good with kids, and he vowed to work hard enough and make enough money to raise a second child without worry. So of course you couldn’t say no to him. Once Taehyung is determined to do something there’s no stopping him.
Your daughter placed a small hand on your round belly and jumped when the baby kicked. She giggled endlessly, and it was music to your ears. You gave her a tight squeeze and proceeded to smother her in kisses and tell her how much you love her.
Eventually, she asked you to continue with the story, so you did.
The world continued to turn after you and Taehyung decided to stay together. Everything really fell into place. It turns out the neighboring country was secretly planning to assassinate the entire royal family with Jisoo as their perpetrator, so she was executed, and the relationship with her country hasn’t been the same since. For awhile, we were in war with them, but once Jungkook became king he put an end to it. He realized it was only wasting rations and hurting civilians who were losing loved ones in a stalemate war. If it weren’t for the war, however, you were positive the royal family would’ve sought out Taehyung and forced him back into the palace to be king.
Taehyung never went back to the palace. You two stayed at the inn for a couple of months. Because you were pregnant, you were too weak to work yourself, so Taehyung took on your shifts at the pub and the inn. With a little help from Sumi, eventually you accumulated enough money to buy your own home and finally get married. It wasn’t a big wedding, but it was perfect in your book because Taehyung was the groom, and that’s all you’ve ever dreamed about.
After you moved, you still visited Sumi often, especially since she was Nayeon’s godmother, and even started working at the pub again when Nayeon turned three.
“What about the guy you were supposed to go on a date with?” Your daughter cocked her head to the side and pulled her eyebrows together, curious.
The corners of your mouth twitched up slightly. You rocked the chair back and forth and hugged Nayeon to your chest. “We became very good friends.”
You thought back to the moment Hoseok walked into the inn’s lobby, looking for you, only to find you crying in Taehyung’s arms. You were so upset that you forgot all about him and apologized profusely for having to cancel the date and any further offers he’d want to make.
Hoseok was no fool; he easily read the atmosphere and assured you he was okay. He told you he wished he’d gotten there sooner, but timing really just wasn’t right for him when it came to you. You remember the chuckle that escaped his lips as you both thought back to his incessant rambling on how he wanted to ask you out sooner.
You always wondered what would have happened if he did.
Suddenly, Taehyung walked through the front door, pulling your attention away from your thoughts. Your daughter perked up, immediately leaving your lap to hug him. She truly was a daddy’s girl, even though she claimed to love both of you equally.
“Daddy!” She squealed.
Taehyung effortlessly picked your daughter up and pulled her into to a tight hug. “Hey, Buttercup.”
He was dressed in casual work clothes, a white short sleeved shirt tucked into his pants. Ever since Taehyung started working, he’s grown more robust, his hands bared calluses from working to support your family, and he genuinely seemed happy. You never thought he’d make it this far.
“Mommy told me I’m a princess!” Nayeon smiled a toothy grin. Taehyung looked to you with a raised eyebrow, a smile playing on his lips.
You shrugged your shoulders and smiled slyly at him.
He turned his attention back to the squirming daughter in his arms. “That you are!”
“I’m daddy’s princess, right?” Nayeon asked in a sugary sweet voice. She wrapped her arms around Taehyung’s neck and waited for an answer.
“Sorry, Buttercup,” Taehyung smiled, setting her down onto the ground. He strode towards you and rested one of his hands on the armrest of the rocking chair and the other on your stomach. His hand caressed you as he smiled thinking about the little baby boy or girl that would soon be entering your lives. He leaned down till his face was merely inches from yours. “But that spot’s been reserved for your mom for a long time now.”
He kissed you, smiling against your lips. With his eyes closed he pulled away, and when he opened them, he admired you like he’d never seen anything more beautiful in his entire life. “I told you you’ll always be my princess.”
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