#tangle au
the-hydroxian-artblog · 6 months
If Hanging Out continues, would Whisper and Tangle make an appearance? They're my favorite lesbians
Also I suggest you check out "What if Metal Sonic Turned Good?" by Pickled Dill Podcast, if you haven't already. It's really really good
The problem with Hangin Out in general is that it was/is an outlet for my brain to go feral and throw out something stupid that I always wanted from canon in some way but know in good faith couldn't actually happen or fit. But I don't have particularly divergent ideas or headcanons for those two. I love them, but if I had any reason to throw em in, they'd likely just.. Match their IDW depictions, with some exceptions to account for the 7+ year continuity.
...You know, something that stuck out to me was the fact that Whisper being one to.. whisper, was framed as a consequence of her trauma and changed demeanor. Like, she was more upbeat before Mimic came along and acted like shithead. While I think it makes sense and trauma isn't something that you'd just get over in a few weeks, I feel as though 7+ years of interacting with Tangle and other folk means she'd probably have more time to heal.
I don't wanna say she'd just revert, but the freaky wild crazy difference between Hangin Out!Whisper and canon Whisper would just be that she now talks at normal volume. Tangle likewise might be toned down a tiny bit from just the natural experience and age that comes with the timeskip-- until some exciting adventuring prospect comes along, and she jumps right back into being energetic like her canon self. Maybe a little less reckless and more strategic in dealing with problems, but mostly the same.
As for the latter, I might check that out later!
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I See The Light - Billy Hargrove X Female Reader
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Title: The Outside World
Billy Hargrove X Female Reader
Additional Characters: Reader's mother
Modern Tangled AU
| Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 |
WC: 1,073
Warnings: Modern Tangled AU, set in 1984/5, Reader can't leave the house, manipulation, and slight family angst
You sat on your window bench, looking out as you watched a small group of kids ride their bikes down the street as you brushed your long blonde hair. You wished you could go out there and play with the other kids. Well, it would be rather awkward. You were too old to play silly games; as your mother called them. But, they seemed to be having such a good time together. To have that type of friendship... You craved that. 
Sure you had time to spend reading, learning, dancing, singing, etc. But, it only prolonged your need for the outside world. You wanted so badly to have someone besides your mother to talk to. Someone to share your secrets, hopes, and dreams. You wanted to have sleepovers, go to dances like you saw on tv, and finally feel... Free
Ever since you were really small, your mother didn't let you out of her sight. She kept you by her side constantly if you were out at the store or somewhere else. As you got older and were able to take care of yourself, around five, she'd leave you home while she went out. But, she always came home, even if it was only for a few hours. She then started homeschooling you young. Teaching you math, science, and art. Bringing you book after book. You learned how to speak three different languages, how to cook, and even how to sew.
As you got older you noticed your want and need to meet others your age. But, your mother had told you how dangerous the outside world was. Poison ivy, snakes, big bugs, and men with pointy teeth... Well, you didn't believe that part, but you did when you were little. But, this didn't stop you from asking; begging your mother to let you go outside. At least for a day. Or nearly an hour. Anything. You wanted to splash in the muddy puddles and lay in the soft grass below.
Your mother always made up some excuse as to why she couldn't do that. She'd say she needed you here, helping her make dinner. Or that she felt ill and wanted you to take care of her. You've been wanting to go out ever since you saw the children playing outside. So, you decided that today was the day you would convince your mother to let you go outside. Your eighteenth birthday was coming soon, and you wanted to go out on your special day.
Sighing, you placed down your brush on your desk and got up from your seat. You knew that you had to be unique in some way. Your hair was long. So long, it went way past your feet and then some. Dragging on the floor most days if you didn't try and painstakingly braid it. You had read once that a regular human's hair grows half an inch per month. Your hair grew three inches every single night. It wasn't that you liked it, not really, it just happened so fast. And, that was the reason why you had so many headaches. You wanted a haircut, but your mother never let you cut it. She said to be thankful for your hair, for it was special. Your mother had told you once before that people would kill you for your hair. You didn't know if she was just saying that, or if it was true.
Walking into the kitchen, you found your mother cooking dinner. "Hey, mom," You greeted her happily.
You tried to keep your voice upbeat and cheerful, but you couldn't help but feel sad. You were used to this routine. Every day, same as yesterday, and tomorrow, and next year, and forever.
Your mother turned, her long curly shoulder-length black locks swaying as she moved. "Hello, baby. I made your favorite."
That made you smile as you sat down at the table. Your mother sat the plate down in front of you, placing one for herself before the two of you began eating. Your eating slowed as you thought, you poked at your food slightly before you spoke.
"Mother? My eighteenth birthday is in a couple of days..." And your mother hummed as she ate, not bothering to look up.
"And... I was wondering if I could go to the movies. I heard on the tv that they are showing The Breakfast Club." You quickly spoke, watching tentatively as your mother paused her eating and slowly looked up at you.
"Y/N. You know what the answer is to that question." She simply answered, her voice deep in frustration as she went back to eating.
You knew for her the conversation was over, but for you; it wasn't.
"I just... I was wondering..." You spoke softly, your mother interrupting.
"Y/N, please. You know how I feel about mumbling." She sighed, rubbing her temples with both of her hands.
You sighed and tried again, "I had never been to a movie before and I saw in the newspaper that they just opened a new pool near the high school. And I was wondering if I could go for my birthday?" You sputtered out quickly.
Your mother sighed and put her fork down, pushing her food away and standing up. She walked to the sink and rinsed her utensils off before walking back to the table. She sat down and crossed her arms, "The outside world is dangerous, Y/N. The theaters are full of insignificant no-good teenagers looking for their next victims and the pool? You could drown or get seriously infected. There are so many germs in those... Cesspools."
"But, mother, please. Just one day-"
Your mother only chuckled, waving her hand at you dismissively, "My little fragile flower, you are not ready for what is out there. And you constantly ask and ask… It only proves to me that you probably won't ever be." She sighed dramatically, "Now, finish your food."
You nodded as you wiped your mouth with your napkin. "Yes, ma'am." You frowned, taking your fork in your hand again.
She gave you a stern look as she stood up, grabbing her purse from the counter. She stopped and turned to you, her face stern and serious. "Don't ever ask to leave this house again. Do you hear me?"
You nodded slowly, "Yes, mother." You sighed, defeated.
"Good girl," Your mother smiled, patting your head before heading out the door.
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sboochi · 17 days
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An update on what has been occupying my brain lately
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koytix · 5 months
Zelda and Link!
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mexicanvarianz · 1 month
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Hey guys idk how to use tumblr
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violetscanfly · 2 months
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Art inspired by a tangled/mdzs fusion fic called the rivers start to sing by fruitys on ao3! Rapunzel-xian with his Xiao Pingguo crow just wouldn't leave my brain :'D
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takofuus · 2 months
Before I forget to post
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For @anuphim !!! I usually don't post artworks when I plan to doodle more for it, but I also know I'm prone to forgetting to actually finish those doodles and it leads to that spiral where I make-I plan to make more-I won't post till I make more -I forgot to make more-I got a new hyperfixation-I can't make more- I forget to post the original altogether-I don't post at all for three years
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anuphim · 3 months
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so. i recently had an idea.
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achillean-knight · 5 months
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happy birthday to one of the greatest fics of all time <3 ( @bisexuallsokka , thank you for writing this masterpiece.)
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strawberrycartt · 1 year
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Hell yeah it's more tangled au Mammon
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head---ache · 6 months
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More of this au thingy stuff designs
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koytix · 5 months
queen Zelda and baby Zelda <3
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bmj-arts · 7 months
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Spiderdads Tangled AU 🕷️✨
i was feeling silly im sorry
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disast3r4rtist · 3 months
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If no one makes a Huskerdust Tangled Au, Then I Make a Huskerdust Tangled Au 🫡🫡🫡
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blue-solstice · 9 months
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A healer and a bard 🎶 I’ve had this for months and kept forgetting to post it lol
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