#that he can share that with the people around him. and that he's still loveable despite it all
candyriku · 1 month
finally getting a chance to work on chapter 15 today :-)
#shout out AS ALWAYS to people leaving comments!!!! you are keeping me motivated you are keeping the dream alive#for some behind the scenes: in the last few weeks i've been barely sleeping and it makes it very hard to write or even be in a good mood#i usually need 11+ hours to function and so like. 2-3 hours a night is putting me in a bad place both mentally and physically#and yes i realize 11 or more hours is like a silly amount of sleep but idk. it's just how i am. i go to bed early AND sleep in ahaha.#i've been falling behind in all my classes due to the sleep thing so writing for fun has totally been off the table lol#ANYWAYS#typing typing typing (this chapter will be a lighthearted one)#we all need some fluff and levity i think (and i need to give time for Riku to care for Sora even more and be like. wow. i love you)#I was struggling earlier bc i wanted to write both about how Sora has been hiding darkness from loved ones and needs to let them in#but also with the idea of sora feeling that he needs friends to have strength or value. and i kind of realized i needed to pick one#like maybe a better writer than me could have both of those things be addressed at once but for me i was like... I want Riku to comfort him#which goes against him learning that he's fine on his own. we can address that in a different fic. rn he is just sad and needs to know#that he can share that with the people around him. and that he's still loveable despite it all#also shout out to my gf for teaching me “love isn't something you deserve that's not what love is” like. i did not know that b4 her#so I asked her lots of questions for chapter 14 actually cause I was like. i want Riku to support Sora in the way you'd support me#cuz IDK SHIT ABOUT THAT i have always felt unworthy of love and like i had to beg people to stay with me until i got into this relationship#so i was like. judy. what is your wisdom. how do you care for me when i feel like my pain makes me unloveable. what would you say#So yeah shout out to her! I am off on a tangent now hehe sorry. thanks for reading if you read this at all!! have a good day :)#jtsys fic#updates
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omgeto · 10 months
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summary: your best friend was used to picking up the pieces of all your heartache. and he's been idly waiting for the day that he could have you all to himself — but when he you give him a chance just for you to snatch it away you realise you might just loose more than his heart.
w/c: 3.3k
cw: afab!reader angst to fluff, you break his heart and put it back together again by giving him a great big blowjob so mdni! also unprotected sex (its more like making love if you ask me)
an: I actually really fw this fic. id say it was my best one yet so give it a chance people, just like how you should give gojo a chance. since he's actually super loveable here. hope you enjoy!
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gojo satoru was hopelessly in love with you, and everyone seemed to know that, but you. he was your best friend, someone that you relied on, depended on, its been that way since you were kids. ‘she’d never see me that way,’ he’d whine to all his friends about you, whenever they’d see you together, holding hands, cuddling, but still proclaiming the title as ‘just friends.’
you were currently crying in his arms, as he consoled you, caressing your back. gojo was used to this routine by now – you’d get a boyfriend, they’d break your heart, and he was left to pick up the pieces. “i just don’t get how this one failed, i thought i was doing everything right,” you mumble, your voice breaking as you sniffle against his chest.
“they just don’t appreciate how great you truly are,” he comforts you, a silent “i do though,’ left unsaid, as he stares down at your tear stained face.
“satoru?” you ask, pulling slightly away from him, “i'm pretty, right?”
“don’t even ask me that shit,” he scoffed, “you already know the answer.”
“just answer.” you did know what his answer would be already, but you just had to hear it, “i just need to know why all my relationships end.”
“listen to me,” he demands, tenderly holding your face in both of his hands, his gaze unwavering as he looks at you, “you're beautiful. you always have been, and it's not even just your looks, it’s your whole being, everything about you. there’s nothing wrong with you, you just have a terrible taste in guys,” he finishes with a goofy smile trying to lighten the mood.
“yeah, maybe you're right,” you reply with a soft sigh, your gaze dropping to avoid his intense stare. It was both comforting and unnerving how he could always see through your insecurities.
“i don't say things i don't mean, you know that.” he tilts your chin up gently, forcing you to meet his eyes once again. “anyways we should prob–” 
you press your lips against him, interrupting his sentence, and he eases into it, his lips moving against yours with no hesitation. but you pull away as quickly as you kiss him, your eyes widening as you realise what you’ve done. “shit im sorry satoru, i didn’t mean that.”
the air around you seems to shift, the atmosphere heavy with the weight of the unexpected moment. you can feel your cheeks flushing, and you look away, unable to meet his gaze. his fingers brush against your jaw, gently guiding your gaze back to his. the intensity in his eyes is undeniable, a silent acknowledgment of the shared feelings that had been hovering beneath the surface for so long.
"fuck that," he murmurs, his voice low and tinged with a mixture of determination and vulnerability. he closes the gap between you again, his lips brushing against yours in a gentle, lingering kiss. 
the softness of your lips against his is a sensation he’s dreamt of, and now that it's happening, it's even more intoxicating than he imagined. his hands cradle your face, his fingers threading through your hair as he deepens the kiss.
his lips move against yours with a skilled finesse, his breath mingling with yours, creating a heady mixture that leaves you breathless. your fingers find their way to his hair, tangling in the silken strands as you pull him closer, your bodies pressed together. 
“satoru, i need you.” you tug against the hem of his shirt, pulling it over his. you were desperate, craving his touch, “need you to make me feel better.”
gojo took your words seriously, aiming to make you forget about all the heartache you’ve ever felt with those other guys, and focus only on him. he lays you down on the couch, unbuttoning your shirt, pulling your tits out of your bra. 
“don’t worry, ‘m gonna take care of you,” he mutters, pressing kisses into your cleavage, until his lips eventually circle your nipple, suckling and pulling at it. you gasp slightly at the feeling of his tongue swirling on your tits. your hands go back into his hair, roaming through his scalp, tugging hard as he bites down on your nipple.
his mouth remains on you, his hand trailing down into your underwear, rubbing circles on your clit. you whimper at the contact, feeling yourself getting wetter as his fingers enter you, he starts off slow pushing his digits in you gently.
“is this okay?” he asks, he wanted to make sure you felt good, that was his priority. he grins as you nod, too caught up in your pleasure to verbally respond. his quickens his pace, gyrating his fingers into you, pressing another searing kiss on your mouth. 
you were dripping over his digits, as they pistoned in and out of you, but your hands reach out to his belt as you moan out, “‘toru i wanna feel you.”
“you wanna feel me huh?” he teases, unbuckling his belt with his free hand, he pulls out his hardened dick and strokes it a few times before rubbing it down your wet slit – teasing you with just his tip.
“c-c’mon,” you whine, grinding your hips down against him. he smirks at your excitement, forcing his dick inside you, your eyes widen as your pussy stretches and gojo can only bite down on his lips as you clench around him.
“you feel so good, y’know that right” he murmurs, forcing himself into you deeper, “so fuckin’ tight.” his eyes stay fixed on you, he loves you like this – pinned under him, clawing at his back, your mouth parting at the pleasure that he’s giving to you.
your legs wrap around his hips as he sinks into you further, you could feel his breath on your neck as he whispers in your ear, “you’re perfect, this is perfect.” he sucks on your collar bone, kissing and biting as he continues to thrust into you.
“‘you’re t-too much, i-it’s too much.”
“but you’re taking me so well,” he argues, with a grin. peppering kissing against your neck as he fucks you to a hilt. your hands find their way back into his hair, pulling and tugging at it as you moan out his name. 
his dick twitches inside you as you call at his name, you could feel that he was about to cum. his strokes were getting sloppier, and his mouth went from biting to sucking on your neck. you could feel yourself about to climax, scratching at his back, as he continues to hit your spot.
“toru, i’m about to–”
“cum with me,” he demands, thrusting into you a few more times before you both reach your peak. and just before he’s about to release into you, his whispers a barely audible “i love you” right in your ear. he sprays your walls and you cum all over him, mixing in with him. he slumps down on you, pressing his forehead against yours, his dick remaining in you as he catches his breath.
as you finally disentangle your bodies, gojo reclines on the couch, a blissful smile gracing his lips. his breathing gradually transforms into gentle sighs, a sure sign that he has succumbed to sleep. you weren’t oblivious to his feelings towards you – the way his gaze would linger a little too long, how his hugs would be tight and comforting. he was in love with you – and you didn’t know how to deal with that.
all of your relationships never lasted, they always had an issue with something you did. you ruined them. and you didn’t want to ruin gojo, you’ve been together since you were children and he’s always been so good to you. you couldn’t bear the thought of causing gojo pain.
your gaze lingers on him for a moment longer before you turn away, your mind racing with a storm of thoughts. you've been friends for so long, and the prospect of losing that connection is heartbreaking. but you also can't ignore the truth that's been staring you in the face – gojo's feelings have crossed the line from friendship to something deeper.
as you quietly gather your clothes, your heart aches with conflicting emotions. you've always been there for each other, and the thought of hurting him tears at your very core. with a heavy sigh, you dress in silence, your mind a whirlwind of thoughts. 
“you’re really just gonna leave?” he calls out behind you as you head to the door, your hand frozen on the handle.
“satoru,” you gasp, turning to face him guiltily, “i thought you were asleep.”
“you were actually just gonna leave?” he accuses further, ignoring your comments, “after this, after what we just did?”
“this doesn’t change anything,” you say shaking your head with your eyes closed, you couldn’t see his face.
“it doesn’t change anything?” he scoffs, standing up, walking over to you, “how can you say that? after i've given you my all, literally everything i can offer to you, and that still isn’t enough.”
"i was scared, toru," you ramble, the truth spilling out of you, your voice catching as you admit your own fear. he was upset, this was the last thing you wanted, him looking at you, his eyes pleading for you to choose him,"i've seen how my past relationships have crumbled, and I couldn't bear the thought of losing you too."
his gaze softens for a moment, his fingers itching to reach out to you. "but things can just go back to the way they were with us," you continue, your words wavering, unsure if they're just a desperate attempt to keep things safe and familiar.
“i think we both know they can’t,” he says bitterly, his hand clenches at his side, “just answer this. why was it never me?”
“i’d ruin you,” you explain, your hand reaching out towards his, a soft smile on your face, “you’ve seen how i am with all those other guys. you’re too good for me.”
"no, I'm not good enough for you," he concludes, his voice laced with a mix of frustration and sadness. he takes a step back, his expression conflicted, as if grappling with his own internal turmoil.
with your eyes brimming with unshed tears, you watch as he rushes past you, his departure leaving an ache in your chest. "you stay, I need to clear my head," he mutters, his voice strained, and then he's gone, leaving you standing there, torn between your fears and the feelings you've been trying to deny.
as gojo stormed out of the apartment, his emotions were a tangled mess within him. the mixture of frustration, hurt, and longing had him feeling like he was caught in a whirlwind. he couldn't believe how everything had escalated so quickly, how he had allowed himself to be vulnerable, only to feel tossed aside.
“suguru, i fucked up,” he cries into the phone to his best friend, his voice laden with distress, “i fucked up so bad.”
“satoru, calm down,” geto tries to soothe him, his tone steady, “what exactly did you do?”
“I fucked her,” he forces the words out, a mixture of regret and frustration in his voice, and he could sense geto wince on the other end of the line, “she kissed me, and i fucked her.”
"that's a good thing, isn't it?" geto's voice holds a note of confusion.
gojo's sigh came through the phone, heavy with a sense of defeat. "bro, she doesn't love me back," he practically wails, the weight of his realisation crashing over him, "she doesn't love me back. i got too greedy, she gave me an inch and i took it too far.”
"are you sure?" geto inquires, his tone thoughtful, "she wouldn’t have agreed to have sex with you if she wasn’t feeling something. i've seen you two together, i've seen how she looks at you. she loves you."
"if only it were that simple," gojo mutters, frustration lacing his words. "she said it doesn't change anything between us. that it was just a moment of weakness."
there was a pause on the line, geto processing gojo's words. "look, satoru, I know it's not easy, but maybe she's just scared. she literally just got out of a break up too, she’s probably just overwhelmed."
"but what if I've ruined everything?" gojo's voice was laced with uncertainty. "what if I've made things worse?"
"you won't know unless you talk to her," geto advises, his voice gentle yet firm. "honesty is the best way to navigate this situation. tell her how you feel, listen to what she has to say, and go from there."
gojo sighs, his tension slowly easing as he absorbs his friend's words. "you're right. i need to face this head-on."
"good, this whole ‘will they? won’t they?’ schtick that you two have going on, has gotten old. very old.” geto finishes, abruptly ending the call.
gojo takes a deep breath, feeling a mixture of anxiety and determination. he knew he had to confront the situation, to lay his feelings on the line and hope for the best. with a newfound resolve, he gathers his thoughts and prepares to have the difficult conversation that lay ahead.
“you came back,” is the first thing you say, when gojo enters the apartment. you couldn’t gauge his mood, his expression was off, and you didn’t want to upset him further. 
“well it is my apartment after all,” he spits out a bit too coldly, his words laced with tension. however, his face softens as he takes a step toward you, the coldness melting away,, “besides i didn’t go far, just outside.”
you nod in acknowledgement, not knowing what to say. your uncertainty making it hard to find the right words. the atmosphere is tense, and you're acutely aware of the weight of the situation between you.
"i had some time to think," gojo starts, his voice softer now, "and i realised that running away from this won't solve anything."
his words draw your attention, and you meet his gaze, searching for any clues in his eyes. "satoru, I'm sorry about what happened earlier. i shouldn't have acted on my emotions like that."
“it’s ok i-”
“no it’s not okay,” you insist, stepping towards him grabbing his hand, “i never should of acted that way, disregarding like you’re nothing. i was wrong.” you had time to think after gojo left, and you knew you were being unreasonable. there was a guy who was ready to love you, give you his all, and you were just going to throw him away without a chance. 
he weight of your words hangs between you both, the air thick with the shared acknowledgement of your mistakes. and as the intensity of the moment settles, a newfound sense of clarity takes hold – the understanding that your feelings for each other can't be ignored, no matter how much you try to suppress them.
“you really fucked w my feelings y’know,” gojo’s words hang in the air, heavy with hurt. his eyes bore into yours, his emotions laid bare.
“i know,” you reply softly, your voice laced with regret, “and i’m so sorry toru. i never meant to hurt you like that. i was scared, and i didn’t know how to handle my own feelings so i lashed out.”
gojo's gaze softens, a flicker of understanding in his eyes. "you were scared? of what?"
"of losing you," you admit, your voice quivering slightly as you reveal your deepest fear. "you mean so much to me. you're my best friend, and I was afraid that if we crossed that line, it would ruin everything we have."
a mixture of emotions passes over gojo's face – surprise, realisation, and something else, something that you can't quite pinpoint. "you think being with me would ruin our friendship?" he asks, slightly offended.
you shake your head, your eyes locking onto his. "no, that's not what I meant. I just... I've seen how my past relationships ended, and i didn't want the same thing to happen with us. i didn't want to hurt you or lose what we have."
“i love you.” he declares simply, “that’s all that matters.” you couldn’t even respond because he was right, nothing else mattered. he places a gentle kiss to your forward, wrapping his arms around you.          
“let me make me it up to you,” you whisper, looking up at him bashfully through your eyelashes, “let me show you how much i love you.”
“you don’t have to–” he starts, but he pauses, taking a sharp inhale as your hands slip into his jeans. you peck his lips before working his way down to your knees. you take his dick out, licking your lips as you stroke him, massaging his dick. you pepper kisses all over the tip, still keeping your eyes trained on him.
“c’mon don’t be a tease,” he whines as you focus on his tip, sliding your tongue around it as you continue to pump his dick with your hands. 
you take him into your mouth, its warm and wet as you suck him in. you move your hands to cup his balls with a firm grip, massaging them as you continue to twist your mouth on his dick. you can hear him lightly cursing, drying his best to moan out at the pleasure you’re giving him. but you were determined to get him to cry out your name.
he was loving the sight of you, mouth stuffed, slobbering all over him. you were sloppy, just how he liked it, using your saliva and his precum to glide your mouth over and over his dick.
“f-fuck,” he stammers, biting down on his fist, he usually last way longer than this. but the difference is you, he would’ve never had imagined that there’d be a day you’d be on your knees all pretty, swallowing his dick. but now that you are, he wanted to burst.
you could tell that he was close, so you jut your head faster, using your hands to pump what your mouth can’t cover. he thrust into your mouth, aiding you in reaching his climax, forcing his dick deeper into your inviting mouth.
“you’re mouths t-too good, it’s–” his hands rest on your head as he releases into your mouth. you swallow all of him, licking your lips, satisfied.
“now toru,” you coo, with a smirk standing up to face him, “can you see how much i love you now?”
the rest of the night was spent just like many others you had shared together over the years, wrapped in each other’s arms in the comfort of his bed. this time, however, it wasn’t masked under the guise of friendship, you now exchange kisses with ‘i love you’ said in between each one.
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AN: and that is all folks, TELL ME YOUR THOUGHTS I actually dislike the friends to lovers trope, not gojos biggest fan, and I hate sucking dick BUT I LOVE IT ALL HERE. HE'S ACTUALLY REALLY REALLY SWEET, AND DONT U JUST WANT A GUY THATS DOWN TO JUST LOVE YOU! DIVIDERS BY @/CAFEKITSUNE.
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animekpopsimp · 9 months
Being In A Relationship With The One Piece Boys
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Luffy is absolutely clueless when it comes to romance
He didn't even realize what the feeling was when he tried to tell you about his feelings
Despite his lack of experience with relationships, he's still super sweet
Don't expect any super romantic gestures though
He'll do small things for you, so he's not totally out of touch
He's even willing to share his food, so you're special
Underneath his goofy exterior, Luffy is a very protective boyfriend
The moment he notices you in danger, he loses his shit
He'll drop whatever he's doing and rush to protect you
If he sees you injured, he will 100% blame himself
He'll stay by your side until you recover
And he'll start apologizing, even when you tell him it wasn't his fault
He's a goofy, sweet, protective boyfriend
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Zoro isn't seen as the type to be interested in a romantic relationship
But when it comes to you, he's whipped
When he's with you, he always has a soft smile on his face and a loving look in his eyes
When he goes into town with you, he'll have an arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you close to him
He secretly loves PDA
You often watch him train, and can't help but blush when you do
He notices this and it makes him smirk
Zoro loves seeing you blush
He's even more protective than Luffy
If someone is staring at you for too long, he'll glare at them, which is usually enough to scare them off
But if someone is stupid enough to keep trying, he's not afraid to get into a fight when it comes to you
The two of you will often sit in the crows nest together
That often leads to the two of you falling asleep together, with you sitting in his lap, resting your head against his chest
He's the type of boyfriend who's secretly a big teddy bear
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When Sanji meets you, it's like any other woman in the world doesn't matter
From the moment he lays eyes on you, he only keeps them on you
Both before and after the two of you are in a relationship, he's very attentive
He cooks all your favorite foods for you and he's always complimenting you
He's got a seemingly endless list of nicknames for you
When the crew finds another island, he always goes to explore with you
He'll buy you gifts all the time, jewelry, clothes, whatever he thinks is good enough for you
If someone disrespects you, you better believe that Sanji will start and finish a fight
He won't stand for any disrespect toward you, ever
Sanji may be considered a simp, but he genuinely loves you
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Ace is super flirty
He always wants to make you blush
Bad pick up lines, compliments, nicknames, whatever gets you flustered
When your face turns red, he has a satisfied smirk on his face
Ace can also be soft when he wants to
He really likes cuddling and is always the big spoon
The only down side is the fact that he puts off more body heat than most people
So if it's hot outside, you might be uncomfortable
He loves bringing you to different islands with pretty views as dates
Other times you two just stargaze on the ship
Ace has to have some sort of physical contact with you at all times, it just doesn't feel right if he doesn't
He's a loveable goofball
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iceunhie · 2 months
[8:06 PM.]
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drabble inspired by the little crumb of balladeer we got from the arlecchino animated short because what the FUCK man he's literally my pookie the loml the /gunshot
a/n: can i please put him in my pocket i want to kiss him silly omg my babygirl
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"stop looking at me like that."
you don't. you just smile more instead, face practically hurting from your jubilee; and the reason, scaramouche's current attire.
he's dressed up, the rare sight of the oh-so prickly harbinger without his trusty hat, instead almost swallowed up by the fur of his coat's hood.
it's just so endearing that you can't help but kiss him senseless, earning an irritated (but not disagreeable) huff from him, before not-so-subtly pulling you closer to him by your waist when you mention how cold you're getting.
(yeah, he tolerates you—your ass; who was the clingy one here?)
the two of you look ridiculous covered by his gigantic coat, like two cats trying to seek warmth, but something tells you scaramouche doesn't mind at all.
though you're pretty sure you've burnt the sight deep into your retinas by now, you look at him even more just to be sure. "can i not admire my very, very handsome, and cute, and loveable, and amazing lover?"
he bristles up from the comment against your embrace, despite not being cold at all, a strange reaction given that the cold is biting at your face. his cheeks are red like the red around his eyes. "shut up. you should be ashamed of your shamelessness."
you press your mouth shut, or else he'd continue to (fruitlessly) berate you for your idiocy—you don't believe any of it, because this rare initiation of affection by your rarely affectionate harbinger is something reserved for your eyes only.
"don't want to though." you drawl, letting yourself relax against his firm, clumsy hold. scaramouche chases your warmth, withholds it within his grasp and never lets you go. "i should be proud of having such a wonderful lover, no? you look especially handsome today with that coat of yours."
"...i don't know why i put up with you." he snarks, but the gentle hold his hands take over your waist says otherwise.
not that you'd want to, of course. he was so ridiculously contradictory that you can't help but fall even harder for your cynically standoffish boyfriend.
"mhm. i love you too." he shuts his eyes when you fix at his hair to kiss his forehead, making sure to linger just a bit longer. you can hardly resist him, after all.
any normal person this close in the balladeer's line of contact, especially in such a vulnerable position would be annihilated immediately. luckily for you, your status as his one and only partner grants you benefits other people would never get to experience.
like now, as you're granted temporary immunity from the cold of his quarters near the zapolyarny palace, with your bodies sharing in each other's warmth, your boyfriend finding it completely normal and fine almost suffocating you with his tight hold over you in your shared embrace.
really, if he wanted to cuddle, he should've just asked. but since you know he wouldn't be caught dead whispering his desire for your attention out loud (you found that out early on when you woke up to him muttering murmurs of hushed, tender i love yous that still make your heart melt when you think about it when now), you suppose you can indulge him as you always do.
"i heard that today's the succession of the knave." you muse, to which he responds to with silence, to which you'd prefer his constant stream of insults towards the fatui's questionable title bestowments.
instead, all he gives you is a simple hum, opting to bury his face in your shoulder, and you can feel goosebumps raise from the feel of his hair and the fur of his coat. "it's just a ceremony with the jester and that irritating witch. and that captain."
you laugh. he really couldn't hold his tongue when signora was mentioned.
"well. why are you still here, then? should you get it over with before coming back?"
"..." he grumbles something about "being subjected to people he can't tolerate"—you're used to it by now, so you only lift your head and position yourself to put your chin above his head. "it'd be better if i'd stay with you beforehand. it'd save me the early irritation."
you laugh. when will he ever stop talking in riddles? before cradling his cheeks in your palms, pinching them just a bit, earning you a zap that's more warning than threatening. "sure, sure."
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end notes i went feral over this man thank u @morkanslily for listening to me scream about him for 15 mins straight in our dms
© 𝐈𝐂𝐄𝐔𝐍𝐇𝐈𝐄 : do not repost, copy, or plagiarize my work.
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impactedfates · 8 months
Gayly crashes inside here/J
Anyways may I request a Jing Yuan with [platonic] bio-child reader.. Who has the most chaotic personality ever [ft sharing the same braincells as Yanqing] thank youuu
— 🫶🏻 Anon with a teddy bear gift 🧸
Genre/Trope: Platonic + Family (JY, You and Yanqing!) + Crack
Format: Bullet Pointed Scenarios/HC
Warnings: None
Extra: Reader is a teen in this // Single Father JY again but he loves his kids // Yanqing will be your younger brother for this // Reader works under Fu Xuan // Not fully proofread // Some mentions of modern day stuff but time is still taken in the HSR Universe
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Loveable Headaches - Platonic Dad! Jing Yuan x Reader
Jing Yuan really does love his children, both you and Yanqing...but you two never seem to give him a break do you? From your brother always buying swords to you deciding to dramatically gasp about the future, causing them to be scared when all that happened was that they trip over a pebble the next day...
On a day where he wished he could be sleeping having done all his paperwork (or...most of them) Fu Xuan comes barging in dragging you behind her, glaring at the man. And although making people scared of their future is rather bad when you're a diviner...he can't help but chuckle sometimes Fu Xuan tries to make him lecture you.
Fu Xuan: General Jing Yuan, your kid started laughing when they saw someone's future. Jing Yuan: Is that so? What did they laugh at? Fu Xuan: A poor guy who got jump scared by a ca- Jing Yuan: Wheeze Ah ahem I mean, they did?
When you and Yanqing are hanging out together. It's either Yanqing being the responsible one and leading you out of trouble, or the other way around. Not one time have you two shared a brain cell and thought logically. At rare times, both of you would have no brain cells and Jing Yuan would have a Cloud Knight knocking at his office and bringing the two rascals who scared the trainee knights.
When Mimi first grew up and the family realised she was in fact a lion, you climbed on her back and began riding her around like a horse.
[Name]: Go Mimi go!! Jing Yuan: Sweetie…please get off her. [Name]: What why? D: We're both feline great Jing Yuan: *Trying not to laugh* G-good one…but you're gonna get hurt.
You and Yanqing probably on more than one occasion tried to go into R rated films when you both were younger. Unluckily for you, everyone knows the Generals kid.
The Dozing General loves his naps and sleep but he also loves you!...But if he hears you playing "We Will Rock You" at 3am in the morning with pots and pans one more time-
Honestly you give Fu Xuan a headache too sometimes. We already said you laugh at a divination you give that scares the other person but you also tend to act disgusted, concerned or any negative emotion when reading future moments...this can either lead to you telling them what happened which is usually such a small thing or you not telling them, simply stating "Can't say, ruins the future"
You probably stole a bunch of things from his room, it worked out for a bit as he wasn't sure where everything was going but you revealed yourself as the lil thief when you tried to steal his heavy sword. (It's a sword right? Or smt??)
You made Jing Yuan wear a powerpuff girls outfit once for Halloween. If he was a powerpuff girl or Dr whatever his name was I forgot, is up to you.
Jing Yuan seems like the type of guy to give kids the big chocolate bars for Halloween, so he needs to hide them from you and Yanqing before Halloween is here or else the kids won't have any as you snatched them with your lil brother.
I see that when you and Yanqing were younger, you tried dressing up as each other, wearing wigs and each other's clothing to try and trick Jing Yuan...however, your clothes were too big on Yanqing, and his clothes were too small on you.
Yanqing tried to jump scare you once when you were using the hose for something, needless to say. Yanqing came back in the house absolutely soaked.
Perhaps one day, the two of you dressed up as Jing Yuan, he found it so adorable!! He took so many pictures of the 'Mini Generals'...he may or may not have attempted to take a day off, gesturing to the 'Mini Generals' and how they would do the work.
Fu Xuan: General…they're kids, they're not ready for your job Jing Yuan: Kids! That want to be me, why not train them? Fu Xuan: General Jing Yuan: Ah, no fun Madam Fu, I'm going I'll do my work, I'll do my work.
He questioned if you were a dog in disguise when you were like 5 tbh. Cuz you bit a lot of things, heck he once came into a meeting with you hanging off his arm...by biting him...doesn't hurt him but he did question where you learnt that.
Yanqing was adopted as a kid, when Jing Yuan first came home with the lil guy, and introduced him to you as your younger brother...you tried to make him fly by throwing him off the kitchen counter, to which THANKFULLY Jing Yuan has the quick reflexes to save Yanqing, he scolded you of course. And hey, good thing Jing Yuan did save your brother as you wouldn't have your partner in crime otherwise.
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Idk if I made the reader chaotic or not but hopefully this was alrightwfiof.
Sorry for slow updates (I say as if I didn't mention I'd also be concentrated on other things). I'm going to some resort or something for a school tour(?) and apparently it has no wifi/signal, so wish me luck...gotta bond with my classmates.
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razzle-n-dazzle · 3 months
Yandere Mammon. Do it (you don't have to if you don't want. I just saw you wanted mammon requests specifically and I felt called)
ᯓ★ "I LOVE you like an ALCOHOLIC" Yandere! Mammon / Reader | Drabble, (and some practice)
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‗ content / trigger warning: GLORIFYING YANDERE/OBESSIVE BEHAVIOR, dark romance, toxic relationship, not proof read (we die like Adam). hurt/comfort, mammon scaring the reader, threats of physical abuse, MAMMON APOLOGIZING???
‗ author's note: ngl, Mammon is like the worst rest flag you can have but also why is the bastard so loveable? I want someone to explain that to me.
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"BABE!" Came the gruff voice, the loud voice, the ever so demanding voice that snarled your pet name as though it was the last thing it wanted to do; and you were sure that was the case, especially after he had to come case after you like this. Mammon was not much of a chaser for what was his, he simply expected it, you know that fact well; And now, with trembling hands covering your mouth as you tried to cover your sobs, hunched over in a corner of your bedroom trying to silence your sobbing, you thought you should have headed the warning. The warning to stay put, the warning to listen to him, to accept whatever he had to tell you. The warning to not go back to the lust ring. A foolish warning, you had thought first, but now knew why he was so stern on such a rule. He wanted to keep you from Ozzie, he wanted to keep you from Fizz, he wanted to keep you from the outside world if you weren't right by his side; If he couldn't monitor you and make sure you were "safe" and no one "dared tried to fuck you over". And sure those had been his words, the lies that he fed into your pretty brain once upon a time as his played with your hair, promising to always keep you safe. . . But you weren't so sure you could trust such words now.
You had only gone back home to speak with Ozzie, to catch up with him and share how your lives had been fairing since you left the Lust Ring. You had never told him why, granted, as he would have surely freaked out hearing that you left to be with Mammon of all people, and you were sure Fizzarolli would have hated your guts. So you had left under the guise of having met someone new, of testing the waters of living with them . . . and Ozzie had been happy with that response, though a bit uneasy upon your constant dancing around who your new lover could be. It's not like Ozzie would have burnt them to crisp, Fizz had joked, but you knew differently. Ozzie absolutely hated Mammon's guts after the clown pageants that Fizz was still recovering from. He would have scolded me relentlessly, though also in the end said he would be there if I ever needed anything if I was in trouble; Knowing how Mammon could get. You would have blown him off, saying Mammon was not that kind of person to you and it would be alright. That you loved him, that he loved you, and no it wasn't any sort of weird love potion or crystal and it wasn't forced. You had loved him, truly and fully and deeply and you still do. . . yet that love was slowly muddling with anxiety and hatred as you heard his spider legs tap against the floors of Ozzie's apartment, slyly getting closer to your bedroom. "Baabe," His 'a' was dragged out, his voice ever so sweeter, honeyed to convivence you to come out of the room without him having to use force. His hands pressed against the door, "I know you're in there sweetheart, just come on out and we can talk! I promise." Yet his words only caused you to shrink more into yourself, hiding your face away from the door on the most likely chance that Mammon would knock it down, forcing his way into your room. Into the one place that you still had felt safe in, safety which was now dwindling. My bedroom, well Ozzie's guest bedroom in the flat Fizz and him shared, was the one place you had thought to run too when Mammon hatched from his larva egg; Having grown in size and towered over you.
He had gotten upset as soon as he realized you had gone to the Lust Ring behind his back, accusing you of having cheated him and having cheated on him with Ozzie or even Fizz! Which was absurd, and you quickly tried to explain that Ozzie was simply like a brother to you and you would have never betrayed his trust by trying to get with him nor Fizz! You had simply gone had gone to catch up with Ozzie and Fizz and nothing more! You swore by it on your life, all while slowly shrinking away from Mammon in fear. Fear . . . Terror . . . Worry, Anxiety! You should never have to feel any of those things about Mammon, you should only feel secure around him and loved by him and likewise he should feel the same. Yet the way your heart pounded in your chest, the way your tears fell down your face, it was all too much and you knew this wasn't love. At least, it didn't feel like love but in a weird way it also did. He cared enough to come after you; He still stabbed any person who dared tried to get close to you; He just wanted to make sure you were okay! Right? Were you over reacting? Some part of you screamed no, shouting and pleading as the bangs on the door started to grow louder. You hadn't noticed them before they threatened to start breaking down the door, where their pounding brought nothing but a sickening feeling in your stomach that curled and churned and knotted inside you, wanting to be puked out and swallowed all the same. You help back a scream, hearing the last blow before the door was slammed open. It gave a devastating swing the wall, crashing against it and helplessly getting as stuck as you felt right now. Your breathing became ragged, your body trembled as your hesitated to look up and towards the crawling that was no other than Mammon, slithering his way towards you. Hide, Hit, Yell, Scream! But your body just froze as Mammon took a pause at the center of the room, and you weren't quiet sure why he did so yet you were too terrified to find out. You did your best to curl around yourself, to make yourself small and hide and hopefully avoid any sort of punishment that was to come from your small little mistake. Was it small? No it had to be a big one for Mammon to be acting like this, right? It's not like he's ever made you feel like this before, the rush of adrenaline you only get when faced with the possibility of death looming over you. Never. . . he's never. . . "Babe," Mammon's voice came out softer, less echoey and less demanding as it had been, though you still refused to look up. You barely heard the "shit" that Mammon had muttered from under his breath as he still stood in the center of the room, unsure what to do now that he finally got a good look of the state you were in. His top pair of hands subconsciously rubbed together, his right over the back side of his left palm; The actions he had taken replaying in his mind with a feeling of disgusting regret filling his stomach. This is now how he wanted this to go, not at all; He only wanted to give you a little scare, a small seed of terror, to show you how much he cared and yet . . . he caused this to happen. It was for the better no? . . . oh but he couldn't stand seeing you like this, in this state. You shouldn't be cowering away from him, no matter how fucking sexy it looked, you should be cowering away from others behind him! "Fuck, Babe I'm-" Mammon helplessly started once more as he extended his arms out, trying to gather some sort of explanation or reason or apology he could give to you. Yet his words fell flat, and everything he was going to say to you didn't feel right or it felt like some half-assed excuse or apology strung up by some lazy PR team just trying to sweep some incident under the rug like it had never happened. And Mammon was a bit lost on what do to. . . so then he did the only thing he could even fathom of doing to try and comfort you.
Slowly, evenly, he would make his way over to you, trying to make his footsteps rather loud and clear, yet paced and even to show you he was trying to think more rationally, more clearly. You still didn't look up and flinched at time from the steps. So then, he made it to you, and looked over your smaller figure next to his for a moment before he slowly sat down next to you. Silence; It was deafening to the ears. You were too afraid to speak. Mammon was too afraid of making the situation worse than it already was. What could he do in a situation like this? Pat your back?. . . actually that didn't sound like a half-bad idea, you always liked some sort of comfort through contact or PDA while around Mammon! And yet when he went to go do so, you only flinched away from him and drove yourself further against the wall, if that was even possible at this point, and Mammon lowered his hand back down with a frown.
Fuck you weren't ready yet for that. Okay! But he was sorry, he needed to show it to you and you couldn't be a whiney bitch about it either; He was trying to give this a shot! But then again wasn't there, like, boundaries he should respect?? This love thing was all too complex for Mammon, it hurt his brain trying to get everything right, and yet. . . it always felt rewarding whenever he had to by his side or sat upon his lap. It felt rewarding to even look in your direction and know he managed to snag someone like you, to get someone like you . . . someone so perfect . . . to love him back despite everything. It felt rewarding just to be in your presence, to be by you. It was an odd feeling that stirred Mammon's chest, it was an odd feeling he didn't know much about yet wanted to explore while he explored you. It was an odd feeling that delivered highs and lows that not even money could give him. It was an odd feeling only you can give him. . . And he hadn't realized he began to spew all this out to you; "-And that's why I got like, upset, Babe! I thought if you went back to the Lust Ring and feel in love with some fucking hot shot like Ozzie, or the fucking bastard ass clown Fizz, or some . . . GUY here that I would lose you!" He tried explaining the best he could, though his heart felt like it wanted to vomit. "I didn't want you going to some weird ass who could only give you half of what I can too! Babe, I'm fucking all you need and you're all I fucking need, and I didn't-. . . I shouldn't have-. . ." There was a pause in Mammon's words as his face scrunched, trying to find the correct way to phrase what he wanted to say. He barely noticed the fact that you had raised your face to look up at him, even if you were just peaking through your arms. "FUCK! I lost my train of thought." He would shout soon after, shaking his head as though he was disappointed in himself. So, instead, he would snake an arm around your waist and pull you upon his lap, even though he had felt you jump and jolt, trying to pull away from his touch.
And still, you sat ever so stiffly in his lap and yet. . . it felt right, for you both. It felt right for Mammon to have you on him, it felt like bliss, he was sure he could just jack off to this if he wasn't concerned about you! And . . . it oddly felt like home for you. Even still stiff and unsure about being this close to Mammon after what happened, you still leaned against him as you usually did. Fear and love, it was an odd combination that nestled itself into your heart whenever you now thought about Mammon. Yet, all the same, your heart and brain agreed he was home. "Babe, what I'm trying to fucking say is I'm s-" Mammon started, trying to apologize yet quickly felt sick to his stomach and gagged. The word felt so foreign and disgusting, he never had to 'apologize' before! And yet, when he glanced down at you and saw the small look of shock in your widened eyes, mixed with some sparkle of hope, he tried again . . . to only gag once more before he could choke out the sorry. And you were sure you both would be sitting here for eternity, and he would never be able to choke out a sorry. Even a pathetic one for your sake. It was just how Mammon was, for being the Sin of Greed he was ever so Prideful as well, and that always came at some sort of price. Yet, he was trying. . . that had to mean something, right? . . . it had to mean that he truly cared, somewhere deep inside that small heart of his, he cared; Truly cared. It was also amusing to watch him struggle. He never struggled often.
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ᯓ★ All posts/fanfictions posted under this blog is owned by @razzle-n-dazzle. Please do not steal, copy, or plagiarize the works! Likes, reblogs, and comments are always appreciated.
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Request: Hey, just wanted to let you know that I loved this fic! I would love read more Sam x Reader written by you, specially one where we could see a more vulnerable side of Sam and her being taking care of! Thank you for all the content you give us 😊
Of course I can do that, I too love the vulnerable side of Sam that I picture in my head. She's so cute and loveable and just adorable in general. She's definitely protective af as per usual like "Touch her and your dead", but at the same time is like begging you to hold her hand, kiss her, hug her etc basically all of the time.
@carolcunha7 This one is for you.
This is smuttier then I intended it to be, but let me know if you'd prefer a less smuttier version and I'll see what I can do :)
Make You Feel Better
Sam Carpenter x Female Reader
Word Count: 1524.
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You had been on the floor of yours and Sam's bedroom, in the apartment the two of you shared with Sam's little sister, Tara, and their roommate, Quinn, painting for the past hour and a half, waiting for Sam to come back from her appointment with her counsellor.
You had nearly finished painting you were making for Sam, almost ready for it to be signed, when you heard the front door open, and then close again.
"Sam! Is that you baby?" You shouted, slightly on edge in case you had to get up from the crossed leg position you were in on the hardwood floor of the room, and hide the painting from her and not smudge the wet paint.
You heard somebody grunting and mumbling, along with things being thrown around. Assuming it was Quinn and one of her 'gentlemen friends'; as you and Tara had so graciously named them, you decided to grab your earplugs from your bedside table, hoping it would drown out the gross sounds they would most likely be making.
Just as you were about to put them on, somebody burst into the room. Quickly turning around, you saw Sam wearing her headphones, pacing up and down the floor at the end of your double bed, not noticing you were on the floor yet. You took this opportunity to slid the painting under the bed, luckily there wasn't anything under there yet.
"You're gonna wear the wood out if you keep doing that." You said, making her break the pattern of pacing and almost jump out of her skin.
"Fucking hell," Sam stated, pulling the headphone off her ears and letting them rest on her shoulders, "You can't scare people like that, Jesus. I thought you were still at Econ with Tara and Ethan" She added, wiping her face.
"Sorry, decided to come home early." You said, laughing it off, before getting up and walking over to and standing in front of her, "Wait, Sam have you been crying?" You questioned, seriously, placing a hand on her cheek and tilting your head to get a better angle at looking at her bloodshot eyes.
"It's nothing." She replied, avoiding making eye contact with you, fiddling with the seam of her jumper.
"Sam, don't lie to me baby." You mused, grasping her face gently with both of your hands making her look at you. "What happened?" You asked her, looking into her glossy, brown eyes, searching for any trace of doubt or hurt.
"I just- I," She stuttered, trying to think of an excuse, but seeing the sincere look on your face, made her realise she couldn't lie to you, "I was with the counsellor and we were talking about Woodsboro and about everything that happened in the house and about Richie, and I told him what happened, how I- how I killed him, how if I didn't I would've died, you would've died, how we all would've. And he got all bitchy about me being just like my dad and how I'm a sorry excuse for a human, just being a massive asshole. So I cursed him out, shouted at him, called him every name under the sun, and left." She explained.
You didn't know what to say, there's no way somebody could professionally talk to someone like that.
"I mean he's right though," Sam stated, breaking away from the soft hold you had on her, taking off her jumper and discarding it on the floor before turning back to you, catching a glimpse of her chest were her top had ridden up, in the mirror in your room walking over to it, "I mean look, I'm a monster." She added, keeping her t shirt held up half way, tracing over the scars where she had been stabbed just over a year ago, tearing up at the sight of how horrific she looked.
Picturing her blood dripping down her stomach and hands, with her dark grey tank top stained with Richie's blood, looking as fresh as it did the day she saw it in an evidence bag when she climbed into the ambulance with you and Tara.
"No, no Sam," You started, walking up behind her and resting your head on her shoulder, wrapping your hands around her waist, rubbing light circles into her hips. "You are many things, but you are not a monster. The scars you have, they aren't meant to be hidden, they're meant to be shown, shown to all the fuckers out there that think horrible things about you, not knowing a single thing you've been through, that you're a fighter, that you survived. Not many people can do that, not many people can say they went through all of that shit and came out the other side." You added, kissing the crook of her neck.
Noticing her gaze was still focused on the scar peaking out of the bottom of her shirt, and tears starting to pour down her cheeks, you moved around to stand in front of her.
"Hey, look at me baby," You stated, grasping the hand she had holding up her shirt in your right hand gently, and wiping the tears away with your left. "What can I do?" You asked, making sure she's looking at you.
"I want them to go away." Sam choked, indicating to her scars.
"I know you do, I know you do." You repeated, hugging her tightly, before sitting her down on the end of your bed "Can you take some deep breaths for me, darling?"
"Yeah, I can try." Sam replied, breathing in and out slowly, trying to calm herself down to stop herself from crying more.
"I can't make them go away, but I can make you feel better about them." You said, as Sam gave you a questioning look, before she could get any words out to ask you what you meant, you kissed her deeply.
"Do you trust me?" You asked as she broke from the kiss. She nodded.
"Then trust me and relax." You stated, pushing her back gently.
As Sam felt her back hit the mattress, causing her to yelp slightly.
"You okay?" You asked, towering over her stomach.
"Yeah just caught me by surprise, that's all." She replied.
"Okay, am I good to keep going?" You questioned.
"Yeah, it's fine. Do what you were doing, I don't mind." Sam spoke.
You nodded in acknowledgement, before moving up to her face and beginning to plant kisses on it, on her jaw and down to her neck, sucking light hickeys on it, before your mouth travelled down to the strap of her tank top, moving it to the side, starting to kiss along her shoulders, left to right, right to left, and back again.
After repeating this several times, your hand moved to lift her tank top up to where her bra ended, before your mouth moved to her sternum, kissing up and down it, causing her to moan your name softly and shiver slightly.
Moving yourself down to the end of the bed, kneeling in front of Sam's legs and resting your hands on her hips, made her tense up, suddenly getting insecure again unsure of what to do.
Sensing this, you moved your hands to her stomach, starting to gently trace your hands over it, to somehow communicate with her and reassure her that it was okay. You continued this for a little, until she relaxed a lot more.
This was when you continued the kissing trail down her body, and started kissing over her stomach, taking extra care and kissing them longer when your lips lingered over her scar.
This made both her hands go to the back of your head, entangling her fingers in your hair, tugging on it firmly when she felt good, whimpering occasionally, in between moaning your name softly.
"That's all you needed baby? Just needed me to make you feel better?" You asked, suggestively.
"That's all I needed- all I needed- to feel better." Sam replied, panting lightly, while scratching the top of your back lightly.
"You're so fucking perfect, Sammy." You stated, teasingly tracing your hands over her thighs, causing her to buck her hips up and moan loudly.
"Not now baby," You said, resting your hands firmly on her thighs, "Maybe later, but for now we are watching movies and cuddling." You said, standing up and planting a kiss on her forehead.
"Okay," Sam sighed, grumbling a little, "As long as we've got popcorn, cause if we don't I'm not watching." She added.
"Who do you think I am? What psycho doesn't eat popcorn when they watch movies?" You questioned, walking toward the kitchen to get snacks before turning around when you heard Sam giggling, to see her with her hands covering her face.
"I'm glad you're my happy girl again Sam." You stated, looking at her with heart eyes.
"Me too," Sam replied, "But that doesn't mean I don't still need to be made to feel better late." The brunette added, seriously, sitting up and pointing at you.
"I'm counting on it." You answered, walking out the room to get snacks.
Wow okay, disclaimer my first time writing anything remotely smutty so don't judge me if it's absolutely shit, but yeah I'm gonna go bleach my eyes (for legal reasons, that's a joke).
Hope you enjoyed reading, I guess, and yeah see you in the next one.
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ithebookhoarder · 8 months
Open Arms (Matt Murdock x Reader)
Description: There are some nights where just having someone waiting for him is all Matt can ask for...
A/N: Who wouldn't want this loveable doofus to curl up in bed with?
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It was always late whenever Matt finally got his ass home, after a night out patrolling across Hell’s Kitchen.
Sure, most people would have found your decision to wait up for him night after night insane - especially when you normally had to be at work bright and early the next day - but you didn’t mind. 
In fact, you felt relieved to know that Matt had someone watching out for him, whilst he so tirelessly continued his crusade to watch out for the people and place he called home. You may not have been as strong as Elektra, or any of the other super companions that somehow seemed to gravitate towards your boyfriend, yet this was your way of helping. Of showing up. Of being there for him without donning a mask and mantle yourself… even if you had jokingly mentioned it once or twice. 
Tonight had clearly been a long and gruelling shift, but successful nonetheless. You could tell without him even saying a word, from the way he drifted around your apartment, slowly shedding his mask and muttering to himself as he eventually made his way over to join you on the sofa. 
Cocooned in your favourite throw, you’d been trying to make your way through your seemingly never-ending stack of files you'd brought home from work, but had felt your eyes drooping every time you made it to the end of a sentence. However, it was a better alternative than trying to stay awake watching the late night shopping channels.
Your credit card had been abused enough for one month, and even Foggy had said your home had started looking like the inside of an IKEA show room. 
“What time do you call this, young man?” you teased, turning to gaze up at Matt as he approached.
His smile was immediate. 
Good God, you’d never tire of that adorable grin. 
“I missed you.”
“I missed you too, sweetheart,” he purred, arms winding around you, hauling you close enough for him to press a kiss against the top of your head. “You still working? I thought we agreed it could wait until tomorrow?”
“Wow, Matthew Murdock! You are such a hypocrite.” 
Matt laughed. “Fair enough, I had that coming - but I’m home now and you’re the one still at it.”
Damn it. He had you there. 
“Any chance you fancy taking a break and coming to bed with me?”
With a sigh, you began to put the file down, knowing better than to argue. After all, it was bad when Matt Murdock was the one to tell you that you needed to take a break. Besides, the idea of curling up in his arms sounded pretty good about then. 
“Alright,” you conceded, extending your hands towards him. “You win.” 
With that, Matt grinned and helped you to your feet, clearly pleased with his victory. The pair of you then began to make your way to your bed, peeling back the covers and nestling together in a routine that was second nature by now. 
You didn’t even need to ask for Matt to slide in next to you, crawling across the mattress to rest his head against your chest. It was a moment of vulnerability - one you cherished as you felt the tension seeping out of the Devil in your arms with every passing moment. 
“Rough night?”
Matt nodded. 
He didn’t need to explain. 
He never did. Not when you could read him like an open book. It didn’t matter that you didn’t have his enhanced “super senses”, as you liked to tease. You could tell what he was thinking, and how he was feeling from a single glance. Like tonight - tonight, the way he was so willing to come to bed said that whatever had happened out there, in the dark, he was happy to leave it there. 
His focus was entirely on you, in the here and now, and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t feel a rush of selfish pleasure at the prospect. After all, it was a rare thing to have Matt to yourself, and to not to have to share him with the city he called home. 
“You smell good.”
His soft murmur made your lips flicker upwards.  
“Thank you. I may or may not have used your shampoo while you were gone…”
He chuckled, the vibrations making your chest shake. “No wonder you smell so good.”
Rolling your eyes, you flicked him on the nose in retribution. Matt yelped but was clearly exaggerating. This was the man who’d once split his head open and had carried on walking about like nothing was wrong. In fact, he’d only been given away after he collapsed in the middle of his office, giving the game away and terrifying poor Foggy in the process. 
Bending down as best as you could, you leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to his lips by way of apology. You also began to gently run your fingers through his hair, the motion causing him to hum and nestle back down against you. 
So much for the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen. If only the world could see him now. Like this, it was hard to equate the fearsome vigilante that prowled the night, with the man curled up around you like a stray kitten. 
He seemed so much more vulnerable like this. 
As if sensing your train of thought, Matt spoke. “I love you, you know?” 
“I do. I love you too,” you replied. “Go to sleep, Matty. I got you.” 
“Thanks, sweetheart.” 
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shoyostar · 7 months
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internationally regional profiles.
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vacation bible school m.list. // hq. masterlist.
MISC. — (y/n) has known kuroo since childhood and kenma since middle school, but met bokuto and akaashi in uni.
second year systems biology student. has a philosophy of never chasing after men and instead letting them come to her. never fucks unless there’s something in it for her. has a part time job at a cafe on campus. she shares an apartment with kenma that neighbours bokuto and akaashi’s. got into utokyo on a scholarship and is really serious about her studies despite her lax attitude. has a lot of acquaintances on campus who she hangs out with sometimes but not people who she considers ‘friends’. doesn’t like getting into relationships (the emotional stuff makes her feel icky) and is pretty closed off to people except close friends.
second year programming student. has an “alter-ego” (as he likes to call it) of being the increasingly famous faceless streamer kodzuken. a lot of rumours float around campus that he and y/n are dating (it lowkey repulses them, but it’s fun to fool people). has a horrible sleep schedule and always looks like he needs an energy drink. goes to class like once a week but is still passing with ease. took programming because of video games but is considering becoming a professional streamer or indie developer instead of going into an industry job. writes absolutely scathing, career ending game reviews on steam in his free time.
second year comparative literature and japanese literature student who actually needs an energy drink. rues the day he decided to be ambitious and do a double major. chronically stressed and bokuto never shuts up about it. is around 580k yen in debt so he takes his academics extremely seriously. sometimes called a prude because he gets snarky when sex is brought up. has lost around three pairs of glasses and still doesn’t know where any of them are. has a little side groupchat with kenma and y/n where they hold study sessions and do late night snack runs together. plays solitaire with kenma at two am and their games get a little too heated for what should be considered normal.
third year sports science major who really shouldn’t be in university to begin with. considered going pro after highschool but thought the transition would be easier if he played in uni instead of making the huge jump immediately. doesn’t really know what he’s doing in his classes so it’s a miracle he’s still in the program and is banking on his future pro career so he can slack off on his studies. works out with kuroo who keeps trying to lure him into a pyramid scheme. on the utokyo volleyball team and still gets lost around campus despite being in his third year. a loveable guy all around who has absolutely zero enemies. what he lacks in academics he makes up for in emotional wisdom.
third year marketing major who debates if he should’ve just taken chemistry instead because it was easier. the only one of the group who lives off campus and commutes to school (he’s always simultaneously out of the loop and in it all at once because of this). is really well known because he loves networking and is the most socially active by choice. keeps trying to get kenma into stock trading (it’s working to some degree). works out regularly with bokuto. does really sketchy shit for connections and is probably in some kind of ponzi scheme. doesn’t really stress over school because he passes with minimal studying and likes to gloat about it to akaashi who wants to strangle him at times.
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bidisasterevankinard · 2 months
So you’re pretty sure of him being next season still around… glad to know, because I totally agree, cause a lot of people is sure that they’re going to break up soon…and honestly, if that was the case, story wise, it wouldn’t make any sense to me…
Maybe you’re right and the ILY will arrive next season, but this season I would love for them to take the next step and label themselves as a serious relationship…
Yeah, I'm pretty sure Tommy will stays at least for season 8. because of story they are making and because of how bucktommy was taken by fandom and the thing that Lou was followed by 911 ig account. For me it all speaks "we want more of him"
You're absolutely right that story wise for now there's no reason for Buck and Tommy to break up. They for now was only on two dates(and we will not see the time skip to wedding I guess but still I believe it's several week after coffee date so we also can add some more dates+ wedding) and they are absolutely smitten with each other and want to try to know each other. Tim, Lou and if I'm not mistaken Oliver all said they want romcom and I can't see them break even at the end of the season,but I can see them taken more serious step as calling each other boyfriends. Oliver also said there's gonna be more kisses and Buck initiate some of them, so Buck definitely feels more confident in his relationship and I can see him only trying to make them deeper and more meaningful, but not "clinging" because he's scared to be alone, but because he really likes Tommy
When they didn't want someone for long, Ali for example, they barely gave us anything about the character. We literally just knew that where she works, that she was dying her hair blonde for a lot of time and that's all. About Ana, who stayed for pretty longer, we jts knew her work, that she has sister(right before break up) and that's all. Even Taylor had backstory only in 5s when I guess they tried to make Bucktaylor work.
About Tommy we already know some things from begins episodes and that's btw makes everything easier. Tim said that they chose Tommy because he was already existed in the universe, they don't need to create new person, but they made Tommy deeper. We literally had Tommy in 6 episodes (in one barely) and we already know more about him we know about Tailor who was around for 1,5 seasons. They showed us where he works, said that he was in the army(in begins it never mentioned), made his story we saw in begins deeper with saying "yeah, he was in closet.", told us about his interests like Muay Thai, cars, basketball, we know he's a movie fan like Chim (begins). We know he loves Love,actually and craft beer. They made him Eddie's new friend. Also they let Lou to share his ideas how he sees Tommy (hard unstable childhood) which I'm sure wasn't for nothing. I see them making Tommy the character on the Karen's level at least .The LI of the main character, who is regular with enough backstory to make them interesting and lovable to the audience, but no need to make them main. Also Tommy's job allows him to make appearance any time they want. And his friendship with Eddie, Chim and Hen too. So he doesn't need to be just "Buck's boyfriend". Tommy has way better treatment any gf of Buck or Eddie had and we have him as a LI for only 3 episodes. Imagine what they can do till the end of the season and during next one? Make him loveable LI who is not plot device, but also no need to make him main. And as Tommy not in 118, 911 don't even have to go through standard plot of "oh, we are working together and it's gonna be a lot of drama about it". Too old
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dozing-marshmallow · 9 months
waiiit hear me out, chris with a yandere reader headcanons
(also i just realized im just spamming your entire inbox full, my bad actually😭🙏)
Now that’s a rare concept! 😳 You always give fun requests so please don’t worry! Thank you, and enjoy! :)
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Chris can’t help being rich, hot and successful.
So it’s only normal that he’d have a fair, if not, larger share than most people of dealing with fan behaviour, especially of those who made it their life’s purpose to know everything there was to him; fantasies of marriage also being very popular among these goals.
Hence why when you in particular acted up in such way, he didn’t think much about it for he’d already seen it many times in the past.
Besides, he loved the attention. To have someone devote their entire lives to him and see it in action...
“Ohhh Chris! Your body is the sculpture of angels!” 
“Yes it is! Tell me something I don’t know.”
“I want to crush it into a jar and use a bit of your flavour every day as a bar of soap!”
You are not at all like his past interactions- you’re worse.
From the position of his assistant, which is more sucky on his part, since you were employed by the network itself, so he can’t get you fired easily.
No biggie! He’ll use your maddening devotion to him to carry out his biddings, from something as simple as getting him coffee(never needing to tell you his order) to something as vile as murder.
Yknow with his interns? Yeah. If anyone gets in trouble, it won’t be added to his record.
Somehow, every time he tried convincing himself there was nothing to be alarmed about, you would stray further away from your humanity.
“I can’t wait for you to die so I can take your skin and turn it into my one of a kind Chris McLean duvet! That way, I’ll always feel your warm embrace.”
“Haha yeah... I’ll always feel yours too...”
He nicknamed you “Sierra 2.0”- not to your face.
You understood how loveable your darling was and how he was a necessity to the world than you were to him.
Buuuut you would appreciate something in return if you were going to do all this for him in such a close proximity.
“I’ll give you a suuuuper big peck on the cheek if you do this right. You know how happy it’ll make me.” he winked.
Well, besides from that.
It was like he died already!
“Oh Chris... Why are you holding out on me? Is there something new about you that I have yet to learn? Why do you hesitate to love me? Are you embarrassed to be seen with me?”
“Kinda. Stalkers aren’t really my type, but please, don’t stop the attention.”
“Stalker?! No no Chris. I’m not a stalker! I’m your true love! I’ve torn myself apart to serve you as the noble thing you are! I worship you morning and night, I lick your dirty laundry clean, I give you the organs of everyone you ask of in heart shaped boxes, I even had one of your interns carve your figure into my back!” You take your shirt off and turn around, revealing the bloodied outline of his perfect body burning in your skin.
Okay, he loved his face being on anything possible.
But what the hell.
“You...love me a lot, huh?” What would happen if he took his sight off you to blink?
You turn back around, with that smile still drooling on your own face,“And it wasn’t just any blade he used... It was the blade you keep on you. So after he was done...I took it and...did things with it... You’re the most beautiful thing on this earth Chris, I can’t imagine how dull it would be if you were never born... I had to have you in me one way or another...”
You know what...
Having a second look, it was actually appealing. Of course it’d be! It’s him. Wait...why was he even freaking out? He doesn’t care about what happens to you! You chose to do this to yourself, in his image, in his honour and he didn’t even need to lift a finger. Exactly! This is just what was expected of a person like you to resort to when they’re constantly around someone as good looking as h-
“Should I have him carve me into you now?” You suggest, face as hot as a Bunsen burner.
“N-No, please! I’m good.” He raised his hands up in front of his chest.
You pause.
“Of course... How selfish of me. I shouldn’t be asking you, my love, to do anything that’s not from your free will. I don’t have the right to trap you or force you to do anything, I can’t do that to someone I love... You’d be selling yourself short if I won you over that easily anyway...” you drop your face into his chest,“Oh Chris McLean... You’re too aristocratic for anybody in this world. No one could ever be remarkable as you. I’m so lucky...I got to be from the same generation as you.”
...He pushes you away,“Yeah...sooo...personal space. Please.”
How ironic it was, a time when you were actually sane kicked in his adrenaline.
Ring ring.
“Yoooo Cody. Codemeister. How you been, buddy? Good? Greaaaat. How’s that therapist? Any good? Cuz I might need you to reference me...”
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mod-kyoko · 10 months
Maybe the chocolate aphrodisiac prompt with korekiyo 👀 I feel like korekiyo would buy it for his s/o bcs he thinks it’s cute to share things, people of different cultures do things like that blah blah but little does he know 👀👀 if ur okay with that hehe
chocolate aphrodisiac w/ Korekiyo
info: !nsfw!, one shot, established relationship, non-despair au, gn!reader, Korekiyo is dominant around 2,000 words a/n: Korekiyo is my mans fr, thank you for the request! Also, I hope that this gives gn!reader, I tried being very ambiguous on reader's genitals
"my beauty, I'm home." korekiyo called out softly in the apartment, bags upon bags hanging off his arms. he was the grocery shopper between you and him, he could actually follow a shopping list (unlike you) and his long arms made good bag hangers.
"coming!" you sang to him from the bedroom. he smiled at your voice and walked to the kitchenette to place the bags on the counter. thank goodness his jacket was made out of a hard material, else his arms would look like he had been tortured. he got started on putting the groceries away, lifting his head up when he heard your bare feet padding down the hallway.
"oh, amazing... thank you, kiyo..." you went on your toes to smack an appreciative kiss on his cheek. he always did so much for you. "here, let me help." you happily help him put away the shopping, he was putting food in the fridge and you were putting food in the cupboard. you both worked together in silence, just enjoying each other's company without much word. that's how it always been and it never bothered you, or him. Korekiyo found it wonderful that you can both work together in unison, expressing a language without needed words - just actions; hearing the gentle murmurs under your breath as you list where items should go. a smile stretched underneath his mask.
he was just finishing with the bags as his eyes landed on a particular sweet, chocolate. it deviated from the shopping list but he thought to spoil you. "ah yes, my love." he caught your attention, holding the bar of chocolate between his fingers. "I've bought you chocolate, as I know how much you love the dessert." your eyes lit up and you snatched the chocolate from his hands, he stifled a chuckle.
"oh thanks, kiyo! it's dark chocolate too..." you were already drooling at the thought of eating it, causing Korekiyo's eyes to crease in happiness. "it is my pleasure, really. perhaps we can share it and relax on the couch? sharing is caring, afterall; many humans express love with sharing" he drawled on that you couldn't help but roll your eyes. he was such a loveable dork.
"of course! it's better we share it anyway... else I'm going to eat it all..." you giggled as you scratched your cheek. he chuckled with you and placed a gangy hand on your lower back. "shall we then?" he gestured to the living area. you didn't need to be asked twice, you skipped your way onto the couch and he followed suite albeit, with more grace. you curled into his frame and his arm went around you. it was his turn to pick something to watch tonight and unsurprisingly he had picked the history channel. you're sure he's seen every episode already, yet he still sat there humming and going 'wonderful' or 'very interesting'. you leaned your head against the side of your chest and his hand snaked itself on the back of your head, running his fingers through your hair.
you unwrapped the chocolate in the meantime, it looked like it was expensive on the wrapping alone. kiyo really did enjoy to spoil you. you snap a piece off, then raising the bar to korekiyo who absentmindedly snapped a piece off for himself and it disappeared through his mask when you went to look. you tore off another piece and plopped it into your mouth. the chocolate was bitter as you would expect, it wasn't bad at all however. You ate a third piece, putting the chocolate on the coffee table if kiyo wanted more although he seemed more interested in the show right now.
it was about 30 minutes in that you felt a tightness in your stomach and you were feeling quite warm. you looked around to see if the heating was on but that wasn't so... it was the middle of winter; why were you so hot? you saw korekiyo shift in his seat for the first time in half an hour, taking his hat off his head and setting it on the table. as you looked at him, you could see his forehead was glistening. "are you feeling hot too?" you asked, he glanced to you and finally noticed that you were quite red. "yes, just a little but I am wearing layers... you are dressed less than me yet..." he laid the back of his hand on your forehead. "you're burning up..." his gold eyes observed the rest of you, he spied that your chest was heaving slightly and you were fidgeting like if you had an itch you couldn't quite get rid of. "are you alright?" he asked with his voice laced with concern.
"I.. I don't feel sick, just... hot... strange?" you squeezed your thighs together and his eyes glinted as he noticed this. he looked at the coffee table and picked up the chocolate bar. korekiyo stared at the ingredients, perhaps you were allergic to something? however, as he read on he came to a full realisation. he chuckled lowly, closing his eyes in a sense of satisfaction. "it appears... I have made the common human mistake... of not reading the fine print." he looked to your confused face. "this chocolate is in fact, an aphrodisiac..."
your jaw was slack. "w-what...?!" you began to whine. "kiyooooo... I ate three of those..." he chuckled at your despair in front of your pouting face. he waved a hand. "it'll be okay, dear. I'm positive that the effect will wear away soon. just relax and do not think about it." you slumped on the couch, letting out a heavy sigh. this was his fault and he wasn't even feeling the effect of the chocolate as much as you were... this was literally unfair.
you tried, you really did. each passing minute was absolute torture as the hotness inside of you kept throbbing and building up over time. you crossed your legs, wiggled your hips, curling and uncurling yourself. you bet that you looked rather silly next to korekiyo who just leaned his elbow against the arm of the sofa, eyes trained on the TV screen. he was still sweating and red in the face, but compared to you he was an unmoving shape. you cleared your throat to hide the groan that wanted to come out of you, nails digging into your pants as your breathing simply got heavier and heavier. you were about to cry out 'I can't take it anymore!' until long fingers grasped your thigh.
"my darling..." korekiyo whispered in your ear, even through his mask you felt his warm breath against your skin. you shuddered, eyes darting down to his hand on your thigh then to his face. his serpent eyes observed your face and every detail on it, somehow that made you even more aroused. "you can not hold on any longer, can you?" he asked with a cock of his head. he was smug... he knew that it was his fault you were this way, it was his mistake yet he was relishing in your crazed state. he enjoyed watching how your eyes darted around, the sweat rolling down your face; the way your shaking leg felt in his hand. he enjoyed it, thoroughly.
finally, you swallowed the lump in your throat and you nodded feverishly. "I-I can't.. can't handle it anymore, kiyo..." you whined, eyes completely glossed over. "please get rid of this pain..."
you saw his eyes narrow once you said that. you couldn't even make out what kind of expression he was making, whether he was smiling or frowning. either way, he knew he felt the same by the shape in his pants. "oh..." he sighed, dramatically leaning his cheek into his hand. "what a beautiful song that is, yes... hearing you utter your pleads and begs... reminds me of a song I once-"
he was a smug bastard but he knew better than to push your buttons especially when you are in this state. with an amused crease in his eyes he pulled you into his lap, your back against his front as both your frames fit together perfectly. "i can already feel your excitement just from where I'm sat..." he dragged a finger up your inner thigh and you arched your back against him, letting out the cutest whine for him. however, he brought his hands away from your legs and settled them on your waist. "tsk.. tsk... this is what happens when you get hasty with your chocolate, my dear." you were getting impatient and getting tired of his teasing. you whimpered, staring to roll your hips into his lap just to feel something even if it was through clothing. you heard him groan just a bit behind you and it sent shivers up your spine. one of his hands on your waist travelled upwards under your shirt, your skin felt so hot against his touch and if he didn't know any better he would assume you were terribly ill. your stomach muscles flexed and twitched under his touch, you couldn't even bite back the moan that escaped you when his fingers traced your ribs.
"sensitive, are we?" he chuckled, pressing his lips underneath your earlobe. when did he take his mask off? "b-be quiet..." you grumbled, only to get punished by his fingers touching your chest. your breath hitched in genuine shock when his hand escaped from your shirt. "k-kiyo-" you were cut off from his hand grasping your chin, squeezing your cheeks with his index and thumb. for a lanky guy, he sure has a strong grip. you heard a familiar snap and the taste of chocolate on your lips.
"open wide, dear..." he whispered. he... he was feeding you another chocolate...? this bitch. but like a good puppy you opened your mouth and let the tainted chocolate fall onto your tongue to melt on your mouth. you couldn't see his face however you were certain he had the most satisfied smile on his face right now. "good, now... let me take care of you, my fine artifact..." his lips travelled the base of your neck as his hands made good work to undo your pants for easier access. you whined and cried for more, your hips kept trying to get some kind of friction even if it was just his erection against your ass, it would help. his fingers curved underneath all of the fabric, opening your legs wider just for him. your entire body jolted as you threw your head back against his shoulder, letting out a cacophony of noises as his fingers tenderly stroked where you needed them most. you didn't even know how to react, your legs shook and you practically bounced on his lap as you rock your hips against his hand. his soft groans stimulated you further, that painful knot in your stomach was growing tighter each passing moment he touched you.
he certainly recognised this, ceasing his attack on your neck to hush words into your ear. "are you close... dear?" his words were quiet yet you nearly screamed your own. "y-yes! so close... p-please don't stop, kiyo!" you cried, hand flying backwards to go around the back of korekiyo's neck. he chuckled like a devil, quickening the pace of his strokes on your sweet spots. it made your sex twitch and throb like none other time before. you whined and babbled to him, repeating that you didn't want him to stop, that you were close.
your eyes went crisscrossed and you practically squealed as your climax came to you like a truck, rolling out in waves whilst your hips grinded against his hand. "f-fuck! fuck! kiyo!" your entire body shuddered, calming yourself now as your eyes closed in bliss. that burning feeling in your stomach was still there but it was certainly less painful now. you heard korekiyo chuckle behind you, that was when you came to the realisation how flustered you were.
"you made quite a mess." kiyo teased you, sliding his now messy hand from your undergarments. you were about to give him some immense sass until you felt him tugging you closer. "but I believe it's my turn now." ⟡♡⟡♡⟡♡⟡♡⟡♡⟡♡⟡♡⟡♡⟡♡⟡♡⟡♡
-Mod Kirumi
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inkpot909 · 1 year
I loved your one shot with Spike! He was soo pure with his feelings 😭Do you have any HC’s for when Spike realizes got a crush and he’s fallen in love with them?
A/n: Thank you so much for the lovely message; I’m glad you liked the one-shot! Spike Spiegel is one of my absolute favorite characters of all time, so I was more than happy to write this request for you. I hope you enjoy!
Warning(s): Swearing.
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Falling in love overall brings out the best in Spike Spiegel. 
Having a special someone in his life gives him the extra kick in the ass he often needs to keep motivated. Not long after realizing his feelings, many aspects of his life become something done ‘for you.’
He works hard as a bounty hunter, earning money in order to have the ability to support the both of you and show off his successes (you’re just about the only member on the Bebop he willingly financially assists). Taking a more active role in caring for Ein was born purely from wanting to share the weight with you.
Now, don’t be mistaken, he’s still your lazy yet loveable Spike. But there’s added pride in what he does that wouldn’t be quite the same without you in the picture.
Spike does not shy away from flirting. It comes to him naturally, meaning he’ll flirt with you a good amount even before learning the extent of his feelings. He’s confident, has his fair share of romantic experiences, and is aware he’s the type to turn heads.
What mainly separates his treatment of you and his short-term relationships/hookups, is that he’s very reactionary. Spike deeply cares about you, so he’s going to take his time in studying your body language and responses to his flirts. He’s patient enough to put in the time, and persistent enough to put in the work.
He’ll adjust his actions according to your responses, especially if you’re shy and don’t favor getting teased in front of other people. His usual approach is quite forward, regardless of location or the people around. But if that makes you nervous, he’ll start off much more discrete. Discomforts such as those matter a lot to him, as what’s important to you is important to him. And ultimately, he hopes that you’ll return his interest. 
Not only that, but he’s a total showoff. From smoothly beating up a group of assholes, to lying about the amount of times he wins at card games with Jet. Even if you merely blush or smile, that’s good enough incentive for him. Jet once even felt the need to inform you it’s best to take what Spike tells you about his own skills with a grain of salt.
However, humor him and play along with the joke- he thinks it’s adorable. It boosts his ego, sure, but deep down he longs to know your opinion of him. Even if it’s tongue and cheek, it warms his heart to believe that you think so highly of him.
Before long, it’ll turn into a common conversation shared only between the two of you; especially when alone. It’s one of many inside jokes he’ll be sure to form with you.
Spike is also very protective. He wouldn’t ever describe himself as possessive, but he certainly likes keeping you within arms reach.
If you’re not a bounty hunter, he’s going to want to know where you are and how you’re doing quite often. Partially, he loves being your knight in shining armor, but it goes a bit deeper than that. The thought of not being able to keep you safe from his past or present… it eats away at his brain. 
But if you're a bounty hunter as well, or generally engage in a dangerous lifestyle like him, he’ll hold back just a bit. He knows you can hold your own in tough situations (undoubtedly a huge reason as to why he fell for you in the first place). He does have his moments, though, where letting you run off towards peril is done begrudgingly. It’s hypocritical of him, but he cannot stand whenever you leave the Bebop without telling him beforehand. Spike could care less if Faye or Jet know about where you rush off to; just be sure to let him know. He’ll grow sick with worry if you’re gone for days on end, and isn’t above lecturing you on your recklessness.  
Initially, it will admittedly take some time for him to realize how he feels about you. Especially if you meet after Julia’s unfortunate end, he’ll be closed off from his own emotions.
Regardless of that, he’s going to need a bit of a push. The life of a bounty hunter isn’t exactly a glamorous one, and he finds it difficult to deny his own hesitance over long-term relationships.
Luckily, the step he needs to take isn’t a large one. Just a moment of clarity; a skip of his heart beat. Full understanding of the warmth that builds within his chest every time you’re together practically comes at him with a steel chair. It was on an average afternoon, after having caught a decently-sized bounty:
With his chin held up, a cheeky whistle plays on Spike’s lips. Passers by give him a variety of strange looks, turned off by the tied-up man he’s practically dragging behind him. John Pilgrim was the name; a rowdy criminal with a shiny price tag attached to his person.
He tugs at his binds, letting out an obnoxious curse towards the bounty hunter. A mother walking by gives both him and Spike a disgusted look, covering her small child’s ears. Smiling casually, Spike gives her a nod and a pleasant “Howdy.”
Turning a corner, the Bebop is sitting just yards away. Ein’s excited barks quickly reach his ears; running circles around the ship's landing site. Ed is dancing around the chipper dog, cartwheeling and mimicking Ein’s yips. Jet is tinkering with Faye’s personal ship, a large frown on his face. You’re standing beside him, holding a bright red toolbox and observing his work in silent awe. 
Glancing at Ein, Jet raises a brow. Searching for the source of the dog’s glee, Jet is the first to notice Spike’s return. “Oi, Spike!” Jet calls out, immediately removing himself from Faye’s trashed ship. Ed stops cartwheeling, and your head perks up. 
“Spike!” you squeak. Your hands both clasp over your heart, dropping the toolbox on top of Jet’s foot.
“Yowch! Fuck!” the older man shouts, inhaling a sharp breath. His knee bends upward, hopping on one foot as he mumbles more curses and profanities underneath his breath. Ed erupts in laughter, pointing at Jet. As always, any mocking tone in Ed’s voice is totally unintentional. “Jet Black! Jet Black! Give him some slack!”
Spike stops walking towards the Bebop, sighing. Home sweet home. 
“Spike!” you call again. His eyes search for you, having lost track of you on top of the Bebop. He’s taken aback upon spotting you running towards him on ground-level. “You’re okay!” you pant, slowing to a stop in front of him before long. You clutch your stomach, having rushed yourself off the Bebop in mere seconds. 
“Whoa, whoa, of course I’m alright,” he chuckled, nodding towards his annoyed captive. “Got the job all done and everything.” 
“Well-...” you pause in order to take a breath, “You’d stopped responding to us. I figure that’s also why you don’t have your racer?” 
He nods, “Yeah; I’m sure Jet will be happy to repair it when he’s done cleaning up Faye’s mess.” 
You giggle, covering a hand over your mouth. Tilting your head to the side, you tell him earnestly, “I’m really so glad you’re safe… I was damn near ready to head out and look for you myself. Next time, tell us you’re abandoning your vehicle. Don’t get me so concerned! I worry about you, you know.” 
Spike’s eyebrows rise in unison, and both his hands release any tension. Now… that’s real interesting. ‘I worry about you…’ your words echo in his mind. Briefly, he recalls past missions. You always are the first to greet him whenever he returns. A bright smile is spread on your lips regardless of whether or not the bounty was caught. Even if the others are annoyed, it never halts your expressed happiness. You’ve even engulfed him in tight hugs before, so thankful that in your joy, you’ve damn near thrown yourself at him.
‘I worry about you…’ 
Heat rushes to Spike’s cheeks. In slow motion, he watches you race back towards the Bebop. You’re going off about how you’re going to “tell Faye you’re back safe and sound!” but the majority of what you say flies over his head. Your arms spread wide and chin tilts upwards. Inspecting your body language, Spike swallows a gulp of spit.
Why hadn’t you hugged him this time if you were so concerned? He wouldn’t oppose it. No, he wouldn’t. In fact, his heart pounds desperately against his ribcage just imagining you taking the opportunity. Your arms wrapped around him, head buried in the crook of his neck, and the both of you sharing each others’ warmth. Even if it lasts for a moment…
Turning back to him, your smile falls. “Spike!” you exclaim, frantically tripping over your own feet as you stumble into another run.
Chuckling, Spike closes his eyes. In dramatic fashion, he opens his arms for you to rush into. He ignores his flushing cheeks, and pushing through the possibility of Jet or Ed watching him act like some romantic gush. Instead, he braces himself for impact.
Running footsteps blitz right past him, leaving his arms empty, and a tiny gust of wind fanning his face. “Huh?” Spike blurts, turning. 
You’re running after John Pilgrim, wiggling away as discreetly as he can muster. He’s still bound up, but while Spike got lost in his thoughts, he’d slipped from the bounty hunter’s grasp with ease. You barely manage to keep up but with a single lunge forward, you tackle the man to the ground. He struggles against your grip, but you keep him pinned down, a feat made easier due to his restraints. “Spike!” you yell, “Why the hell did you let him go!?” 
“Shit!” Spike exclaims, jerking his body forward and chasing after you. 
After that day, Spike Spiegel no longer can define his feelings for you as anything other than affectionate and loving. It’s so clear to him at that point he’s nearly ashamed to have not understood before.
But being in such a state of mind allows hope to flood his heart, so he doesn’t get hung up on the fact. Instead, he immediately starts making up for lost time.
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𝐵𝑢𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒
A/N: Hi, hello! I'm sorry for making people wait but I had to get my shit together, I hope everyone is fine! This chapter was, for some reasons, so hard to write even though it has 7.8K words and I once wrote 18K for one chapter in 3 days...
Warnings: Minors DNI( there is a smutty part in here), dry humping, nipple play, hint on smexy times, my inability of writing anything smutty when I read the most filthy shit, Joel Miller being softie for who he loves, 7.8K words...
Series Masterlist
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“Maria, I swear I'll be living in here for these foods!” You moaned in delight at the delicious food while Joel, next to you, chuckled affectionately and offered a napkin to wipe your mouth. But upon seeing that you childishly declined, he sighed softly and touched your cheek, turning your head to himself and wiped your mouth.
Tommy let out a loud whistle, Ellie made a disgusted face while Addy squealed and Maria tried to stop her husband from making a scene that would end with you withdrawing inside but to her and everyone’s shock, you giggled and let him do as he wanted, making him blush and laugh at your puffed out cheeks. “Thanks, old man. Didn’t think I would let someone wipe my mouth...”
“If ya ate like the adult you are, you wouldn’t have.”
“Yeah, and it’s definetly not because you have a caring side...”
The night went like that, with you two sharing meaningful glances and shy smiles and Joel telling embrassing stories of him and Tommy.
“Come on, man! It was one time, stop complaining all the time!”
“One time? Tommy you smoked like shit, and our parents always blamed me because ‘you were such a good boy.’ It hurted me at that time!”
“Just because you have a fuck-boy look, doesn’t mean I can’t use that to my advantage, brother!”
You and Maria smiled to yourselves in the kitchen, the typical Miller mischief as Maria called it kicking in at high drive when the duo sat together and even the girls started to meddle in with their affairs. “Those two are so smart when they’re seperated, but so stupid when they are together.”
“You know what they say, Maria. Two men are always more stupid then one man.” You both giggled at that, briefly looking at them happily sat together when your eyes caught Joel’s through the window. Even though years obviously passed, and wrinkles slowly appeared on everyone’s face by now, his eyes still captivated you. Your first thoughts at seeing the man for the first time was how his eyes seemed so cute and loveable, and even after weeks knowing him, it didn’t change a bit. He was well-built, strong and brave, all the reasons why he survived this long- and made many women swoon over him-
But they never knew that tender side he had he only showed to those close to him. You saw how he went to many shops here even though he didn’t want it just for Ellie, how he always had time for Addy to teach her new ways to hunt...
Or how he always helped you around your home, came by whenever he was close and had a cup of coffee with you while asking how the hell did you find these here happily like an excited kid, you answering with an equally giddy heart how you traded something for the luxury...
How he would sit with you in the middle of the night, talking about the past, the future...
“What are your hopes fo’ the future, Y/N? You don’t think of spending it like this?” you looked at him curiously, both of you leaned over the fence in your home with mugs warm enough to stop you from shivering. It was an odd question coming from him, someone who didn’t see the appeal of a future-yet alone dreaming of one in a shit world like this.
“I don’t know, never saw the appeal. I think I’ll always spend my life, fighting etc. When I no longer can... Maybe I’d teach or something. How about you?”
“Never imagined one either. Before coming here, at least...” the silence stretched over, you nodded at his question absentmindedly and looked over to see him biting his lips. The sight made you smile, not expecting the grumpy man to feel anxious over talking to you. It was no lie that you two had gotten more closer over the days, lingering touches, flirting and embrassing the other...
Both sides thinking that the other wouldn’t accept the other’s feelings.
“Have someone in mind, Joel? Did anyone catch your attention for a possible future?” you asked teasingly, nudging him with your elbow and he gulped nervously. He couldn’t possibly tell you that he thought about one, someone to spend the rest of his life with, here in Jackson after taking Ellie to the Fireflies...
That someone being you.
He didn’t exactly know when his feelings started to change for you, when all he had ever felt was annoyment and anger whenever you spoke.
At least for the first few days.
To him, you were a cold and mean survivor who didn’t care who she killed. And it wasn’t like he was any different, he stopped having any morals after Sarah died and after he saw that the world they lived in had no more ethics or morals. People run around, doing their jobs with fear and if you weren’t someone the others feared, you would be one of those piles of dead. Blow after blow would make even the softest person harden, especially after loosing someone precious.
And that was what happened to him. He was, at first, scared just like anybody else but through time... He became some kind of a scary legend around, to silence his own heart beating in pain and fear.
That was his sorry excuse of a life he wished he didn’t live, not after loosing his daughter.
But, even though you irritated the shit outta him with your corny jokes and answers... He was grateful to have you, to meet you. He was grateful for the way you treated Ellie as one of yours, how you fought for everyone. He was grateful for the way you trusted him and opened up about your past, also making him come to conclusion with his. When you had to listen, you listened and when you had to comfort him, you exactly did that.
If he thought a bit harder, he could feel the warmth and comfort you gave. Feel your hot breath against his neck, fingers softly raking through his hair and rubbing his scalp...
Yeah, he was down bad... But he wouldn’t seal your deal with death by loving you.
Even though eveything led him to you.
“Nah, darlin’. I’m too old for that-“
A giggle made you shook your head swiftly and turn to Maria leaning over the sink and cleaning every plate with a smirk. “You may deny all you want, sweetie but you both are down bad for each other. And before you talk, you both always blush whenever you would look at each other. Just like now.”
You slapped a hand over your cheeks shyly, turning your back to save yourself from the embarrassment of being caught. It was true that you told yourself that it wasn’t your right to be happy, that he wouldn’t feel like that and therefore didn’t see the appeal of ruining what you had.
“The world we live in is harsh and lonely, Y/N. And just because you did bad things in your life doesn’t mean you should shield yourself from happiness.”
“I killed dozens of people Maria...”
“Yet all of them were rapists, cannibals, shitty army! You saved more than you killed, Y/N... Before it’s late, please take a step to your happiness. For yourself.” With a final pat on your shoulder, she went out to her husband’s waiting arms outside, leaving you to your thoughts.
You desperately wanted to confess, to have that said-happiness with Joel. It was one of your dreams when you were younger after all... But the things you did, the horrors you bestowed on people...
The way you lost your last love...
Would you trully feel happy? Would he still look at you the same after he knew-
“What’cha doin’, sweetheart?” Joel leaned on the doorway with worried eyes, coming to where your figure was looking out of the window dejectedly. Upon hearing his husky voice, you turned to look at him and your eyes went to the plates he was holding out. With a smile, you took and set them inside the sink, avoiding his question about you.
"Thank you... I would have come to get these."
“ I know, I wanted to help though.”
You chuckled sweetly at him and put the plate in the sink, slowly turning to him with a playful smirk tugging on your lips, making him blush at how your laugh reached deep into his heart and pulled him more towards you. His feelings got the best of him, making his heart soar loudly and maybe he couldn’t tell his feelings, his love for you...
But he would express his gratefulness.
“Thank you...”
You stopped momentarily at the foreign words leaving his mouth but continued scrubbing the dish with your heart skipping a beat. “You have been doing that a lot recently..." you mumbled quietly, making Joel step closer and set his hand on your shoulder , turning you to himself softly.
"Do what, darlin'?"
"Thanking me. What did I do this time? Because I baked for you and Ellie? Or get her off of your back for a few hours with the training? Oh, maybe..." you continued rambling, hands making gestures here and there and Joel only smiled wider second by second. His eyes watched your lips, even if he tried to stop himself, and the way your chest rose up and down fast. His hands slowly creeped up, following the path the column of your neck and held your face in his much bigger and warmer hands.
The act alone made your heart stop beating, eyes looking at his widely, breaths evened out. You didn’t realize when your hand started to trace the lines on his forearm, slowly rubbing his wrist.
I could get used to this, you thought happily but a frown soon replaced the smile. But what is this to him? Is this a game-
"For being in ma life... our life." He tried to correct himself but you already got the message behind the soft words he uttered.
His eyes betrayed his words.
Shuffling to him, you took his face between your palms boldly. His beard itched yet it was a pleasing feeling to both of you, with him leaning closer to your height. You could just tip-toe and then your lips would... touch...
“You’re welcome, Joel... I’m always here, you know?”
“Hmm...” he grumbled and lifted his eyes to yours, so that he wouldn’t be seen as a creep.
But the eyes he was met left him breathless and shaken.
For the same want, same pull, same... love was there. Waiting for him to do something. Just like how you always did, waiting for him...
He saw your own fear, fear of mistaking all of these, and in amidst all, he wanted nothing more than wipe those silly fears. But he, too was scared.
Scared of fucking everything up.
I can see that you like her, motherfucker. Just go for it! Ellie’s words rang in his mind, telling him that you also liked him. At that time he didn’t believe in her, thinking that she was playing games again because how can a 14-year-old actually understand that concept?
But right now, as you both were so close yet so far, he made a note to thank her.
He slowly lowered his head, finally saying fuck it, and wanted you to know how he felt. You already knew him well-enough to know that he wouldn’t go around kissing everyone and hoped that he could convey his feelings like this.
And, he also wanted to feel your lips too.
Seeing him slowly move towards your lips, waiting for them to touch for the first time, was an agony by itself for you. Not because you didn’t want to, but because you knew you would be betraying both to him and yourself.
Even if you wanted him, this, the voice in your mind wouldn’t allow you to have this tiny bit of happiness... But, still a part of you was able to fight back against it, your still a teenager part which always knew you deserved this.
Yes, you deserved to be happy.
Taking a deep breath, your hand slowly went to his waist and bunched the flannel he wore. The sight of him, all wanting you and loving, made a heat crawl up in your belly, a warm feeling settling in your heart, making it beat harder. You felt his hands also slowly crawl up on your back, slightly pushing for you to land on his chest with a hand on his pounding heart. The sound of it brought a smile, he was also nervous...
But before anything more happen, Addy burst in and let out a high squeal enough to make you both part quickly and look at her with wide eyes.
Gosh, I can’t believe my kid literally saw me almost kissing!
“A-Addy, dear-“ you stuttered to her, Joel’s hand still grasping on your waist with an equally shocked stare at the girl standing there frozen like a statue. She didn’t expect to see her mother in this state, kissing the man she and pretty much everyone was shipping her with, and definetly she wasn’t expecting to be the one who cock-blocked you.
She stumbled out and went to sit with the others with a tomato-face, one that matched yours. And by the looks both Tommy and Maria gave, you knew that they knew what was going on inside.
“We, uh... We shoulda get out... I guess, darlin’.” Joel was also embarrassed, not being used to experience such things. You nodded at what he said, embarrassed and unsure of what to do. You didn’t know what the night would bring for you two tonight, but hoped that you wouldn’t have to break a bone.
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“Oohhh, I see that two lovebirds finally came down~”
“Shut it, you old fucker. I don’t make fun of your activities.”
Tommy raised a hand in defence, murmuring to himself that Joel’s head was in trouble with a feisty one and Joel chuckled while trying to hold you back from possibly killing someone who was yet to be a father and rubbed your sides softly, which made you melt slowly and curl up to him.
Tommy would have laughed his ass off but he had half of the mind to anger you, knowing you would jump on him, kill him twice if needed with no sign of tiredness.
Ellie, watching how he cowered slightly at your anger, snorted at his misery. “Dude, you really are scared of her? She couldn’t kill you, right?”
“Trust me, Ellie, that woman is as crazy as the Night Killer and wouldn’t hesitate to land a good punch on my handsome face.”
“That awesome person who murdered more than hundreds of cannibals?!” / “ The one who punishes pretty much every FEDRA officers?!” both young girls exclaimed at the same time, and had it been another time, you would have laughed at how they were in sync with each other.
But it seemed that even when you were trying to get yourself away from that name, that past... It always found its way back to you.
Without realizing, your body tensed under Joel’s arms. Your back muscles were thight as if you were ready to run miles, jaw clenched thightly while they... spoke highly of you, unaware that the person they were gushing about- not that you thought there was anything to gush, after the bloody past you had- was sittin right there, and accross the fire in the middle, Maria’s eyes caught yours worriedly.
She was the only one who knew who you trully were, after all. You only told her after giving birth to Addy, not having anyone to trust. And when the guilt became too much while holding the purest creature you had ever seen with your bloody hands...
You just burst out the truth to her.
You were lucky that she didn’t judge you, but rather understood you. It wasn’t her place to judge, after all she did her own share of questionable things. She swore for secrecy until you were ready to share this with everyone, never ever uttering something to even Tommy even if it ate her alive.
She would protect her best friend.
“Man, I wanna be just like her! She has this wicked yet rightful way of thinking! Like the world is already shit, and the people are even more shitty!”
“Yeah, as if cordyceps isn’t bad, there are cannibals, rapists and ruthless army cornering people around! I say, they deserve it!”
With every word they spoke, your heart beated faster and faster, breaths coming shorter while cold sweats gathered around your forehead. Too much, it’s too much...
You don’t know how I murdered women, how I watched men turn into monster before taking my time with them...
I killed in the most gruesome way, waiting for them to suffer with a sick smile...
I’m not someone heroic, not someone my own daughter should look up to-
“We’re goin’ back, ‘kay? It has been a long day for Y/N and she needs to rest...” Joel voice boomed over the excited sounds of Tommy and the kids. He got up while supporting your frame to his chest, grabbing his jacket to throw it around your shoulders when three heads snapped to you and a worried Addy ran at you, holding your hand in her much smaller and softer ones.
“Mom, you okay? Do you need me to come with?” you smiled at her happily, her worried big, brown eyes making you melt inside at how she was thoughtful of you. You couldn’t blame her, she only had you. She knew that her father died because of FEDRA, you had to tell her after she came to you crying her eyes out while asking why her daddy wasn’t with her, if he hated her.
He would never, sweet girl, you remember telling her while trying to keep yourself from crying. He would have fallen in love with you the moment you were in his arms...
Shaking your head at the past memories, you looked into her much more worried eyes and shook your head while kissing her forehead and cheeks affectionately. “No, sweet girl. Stay here and have fun with your uncle and friend, I’m sorry I ruined-“
“You’re more important mom! But... if Joel’s gonna be there with you... I think I can stay.” She said almost immediately, pouting at you cutely. You gave a small smile and nodded to her, her kissing your cheek while waving you goodbye.
You didn’t see but Addy gave a cheeky smile to Joel and whispered him to do what he meant to do back in the kitchen, which he blushed as an answer.
“Come on, I wanna show you something...” he put his hand on your shoulders, leading just outside of the Jackson where you used to go out with Addy whenever you both needed some time alone as mother and daughter. You walked past the tree you two used to sit under, when Addy was still a baby and a toddler that would run around trying to get her little hands into anything. You used to bounce her up on your lap, lifting her high and slowly making her come back with your arms to give the biggest smooch on her chubby cheeks, resulting with the most beautiful sound you ever listened...
Damn, they grow up so fast... I feel like I’m old even if I’m almost 40...
Joel softly gazed at your far-away look, how your eyes glowed under the moonlight and looked amazed at the fireflies that flew around from time to time. He was nervous, to say the least about both what happened back in Tommy’s and being alone with you right now. What he did back in that kitchen was a sudden burst of confidence and he was sure that he no longer had that.
Get yer ass together Joel! It’s not your first rodeo with a woman... But it’s the first time with the woman you love, you dickhead!
His inner voice screamed at him back almost instantly and he groaned at himself for acting like a teen when he was 52 year-old-man who was trying to ask his 38 year-old crush out... He was no longer the man he used to be, the easygoing man he once was gone. And even then, he wasn’t good with expressing his feelings in general.
But he wanted you to know, to feel how he felt. How you made him feel safe, how you made him feel alive and young again...
How you helped him with his problems, how you made him fall asleep quickly even without really being there.
He sighed to himself, finally getting enough courage to walk up to you, putting his hand before your eyes and cooing at you to calm you down after letting out a shriek. Feeling his calloused hand over your eyes, completely blinding your eyesight, your hands immediately found his to stop him. Your eyesight was everything to you, they were what made you and Addy survive. It was thanks to them that you were able to survive this long, it was them that made you who you were.
And even if it was Joel, with whom you trusted your life with, it was still a big thing to show your trust to him.
“I’ll show ya what I wanted to show now... Yer safe with me.” You breathed out almost instantly, relaxing back against his sturdy chest and he smiled down at you sweetly while making you take a few steps further before you two completely stopped, the voice of the nature was the only thing you heard and the feel of his lips on your ear. “Are you going to let me see, or do I need to bargain with you?”
“What would ya offer if I said yes?” he teased you back playfully, which you responded with a hit of your head to his chest, making him laugh at you amused. “Maybe a kiss that we couldn’t share back then. Would that be enough?”
“It’s more than enough... Here we go.” He gave a long sigh, eyes expecting to see a look of boredom. He didn’t think that this place was anything special, you must have seen it maybe before he did and possibly thought of him to be stupid-
His wide eyes turned to look at your hand thightly holding his, fingers flexing over the veins of his hand. And when he looked inside your eyes...
He saw the true wonder in there.
What was laid open before your eyes was a sight by itself, as if it was dropped from the heaven itself to give a tiny bit of hope to the humanity. It was just what you needed to see after years of fighting, surviving... protecting... killing...
After years of never feeling like you were enough.
All you wanted, ever since you were a teen, to be enough for the whole world, to achieve something, to have someone you could shoulder all of them together. Your biggest wish was, probably, to return to the days before cordyceps, turn back to those days when your biggest worry was what to eat the next day.
You once opened up to Joel about this all, while he was carving the wood he was working on and you were sitting on one of the empty tables with your mug. You told him about your once-hopes for the future, of what job you wanted to do, places you wanted to visit, telling him that you always wanted to sit down under the night sky and watch the stars with someone you loved next to you...
And at that moment, even though he kept his silence, Joel wanted for you to know that you were the whole world.
His world.
And looking at the astonished, wide eyed look you gave around yourself, amazed at how ruins covered in nature could have such a sight, he swore that he wouldn’t loose you like he lost everyone.
If here were to loose you, his whole world, he would loose himself.
And if he lost you... He would make everyone and everything pay, bringing Hell itself on them.
And he wasn’t going to let you get away.
You weren’t aware of the emotional turmoil Joel was in, how a silent rage filled him with the possible outcomes but one look at you, who was already looking at him with a happy and excited look, Joel couldn’t help but marvel at you, eyes going back and forth between you and the hand on his arm when you spoke.
“I have been living in Jackson for 16 years almost, but never thought the scenery would be this good... How did you find this?”
“ Patrolling, I thought you would like it. Wanted to return the favor...” he mumbled the last part shyly, eyes never looking at you for fear that you would hear his heart beat hard and loud for you
“What favor?” you asked curiously, his chuckle making the butterflies erupt again. He tugged on your hand softly, getting back to the path you two took to his home when he awkwardly explained that he wanted to return everything you had done for him and Ellie so far. That he felt like he was using your good will, which you responded with a hard hit to his head, making him flinch and wince at you.
“What the hell was that for?!”
“For thinking bullshit! I’m so mad at you right now, you have no idea!” You playfully hit his chest, him returning it with his own that caused a soft scuffle between you two. “You sure as hell love loving people by hitting them, huh?”
“I love rough and harsh, what can I say?”
The silence you were met stretched over minutes, you walked ahead of Joel, giggling to yourself in dizzying happiness when the weight of what you said dawned on you.
Did... I just say something dirty in front of my crush?Oh, God...
Both you and Joel kept your silence to not make things even more awkward, two adults blushing as if that was their first time with a crush, Joel went to his kitchen to make coffee for you both while you were left alone in the living room, looking at everything that screamed that Joel Miller was living here.
There were not many things yet, with him not even actively trying to find things for himself to have in his home, there were many things scattered around.
Things that you gifted him with, things he took with a grumble but kept.
Your eyes widened yet a soft look soon settled when you realized that he had been so kind and considerate with you, making your heart jump up and twirl in your ribcage when you caught a movement outside, a curtain being pulled. Cautiously walking to the window, you saw Esther-someone Tommy was trying to set Joel up with- peeking through the gap between her window and curtain but immediately closed it after seeing you dead-staring at her.
You didn’t know, but Tommy only did it so that you could act on your feelings out of jealousy...
You always knew he was attractive and basically a heartthrob to many in here. Everyone also had their eyes on Tommy when he first came with you, and you were the one who had to sit back and listen to Maria scowl at every women passing by while taking care of a toddler.
Unaware that there were many men who was the same with you. Not that it mattered to you, not after loosing your first love and the father of your daughter.
But now... You understood how Maria was so vivid about them.
Joel came back with two mugs, steaming hot, and you dropped the curtain when you heard the squeak his shoes made, taking the mug from his hands while thanking him and sitting down on the sofa right next to him. As soon as you did, your legs started to bounce- a habit you had whenever you were stressed, a habit Joel quickly noticed- while drinking the coffee with the most blank face ever.
Joel sighed to his mug and set his down before laying a wide hand on your thigh, making you stop and look at him with wide eyes. He shuffled closer to you, his hand almost covering your whole upper thigh when he spoke, rubbing the tender flesh to soothe your worries. “What’s wrong? You were fine before coming here... If you don’t wan to, you can-“
“No, no... It’s not that or you, Joel. It’s just...”
“I don’t wanna remind you of bad memories but... Is it about the Night Killer?” you willed yourself to not get tense at the name, heart beating hard at the question but shook your head, not being ready to talk about that part of your past.
“No, it's not that either.”
“I saw and felt how tense you were when kids were talkin’ about that person... Did that shit do-“ you sighed at his protective voice and dipped your head low at his stubbornness, knowing that he wouldn’t let go of it if you didn’t tell him the real reason.
“I heard Tommy trying to match you up with Esther... She is a good woman, funny too...” you mumbled to yourself, not looking to where he was sitting right next to you and rather played with your flannel. His hand froze at the sight of you, all shy and awkward and it made Joel’s chest burn in the most beautiful way. His heart beated faster, breaths coming out shorter at the true beauty that was you. His eyes never saw the way women looked at him, even before the Outbreak. But now that he had you, and you had his heart and soul between your smaller hands...
He would never dare to hurt you, or let anyone hurt you.
Not when you showed all of your beauty, inner and outer.
Eyes big and shiny, soul so bright it even loghted his dark one, skin so beautiful that it lighted you in an ethereal way that made you open all of his eyes and take you in.
Let you in...
He no longer could stop himself from reaching out to you, slowly and tenderly, fingers brushing yours so softly that one would think he was holding a fine China.
And you were unaware of the feelings suddenly surging to him, continuing to ramble out of your heartbreak.
“ And it’s not like I have a saying in this, you may choose anyone you wanted. Esther is beautiful and talented-“
“Yes, she is talented and funny too...” you turned and looked up at him shocked, not really excepting an answer and your heart broke more...
Until you saw the look in his eyes.
His hands slowly caressed either sides of your face, rubbing the apples of your cheeks softly and huffing out towards your nose to warm your cold cheeks and nose, amused at the shock of finally understanding what he had been trying to tell you. “... I’ve already chosen but that woman also needs to choose me.” You leaned to the warmth his palm emitted, like a cat nuzzling, and he smiled at you lovingly feeling your smaller and less calloused hands clasp his and look at him with big, full of wonder eyes.
There was no longer the painful beating of your heart, no more hurt. Only one thing you always denied yourself from: Love.
And even if it could be taken away from you any time... You wanted to saviour the feeling of him longer.
“She already had...” Joel’s eyes slipped to your lips as soon as those words left, lingering there for a second and you shuffled closer to him, body half on top of him, lips apart by just a slight inch. He felt your breath as his own, both of you breathing in the same air, feeling the same emotion, being one.
And in that moment, Joel only wanted to kiss you, and officially make you his.
Just when you were ready to pull away, taking his hesitancy as this being too much for him, his arms shot up and slithered around your waist, making you brace on his chest with a giggle, hopeful eyes looking into yours. “Can I... Can I kiss you?”
You rolled your eyes at his ever gentlemanly attitude, feeling your smile erupt again for the millionth time before diving in to do what you always wanted to do.
“Please, do.”
When your lips touched for the first time, it wasn’t a burning feeling but rather a calm one. It was like all the chaos and rage in you calmed down as soon as you had a taste of him, making you both sag in relief and moan into the kiss in relief. It has been a long time since you let someone in, let yourself love someone again after...
After Michael, your first love, died. Brutally.
If it was up to you, you would have spent your life taking revenge for him. Find the shit who gave his location away, torture that fucker to death for taking such an amazing, considarate and kind man away from you...
But the last words he had told you, begging you to move on and find someone to love again... Knowing how dark of a place your mind was and how you had the potential to ruin human kind, he begged you with his last breaths.
Find someone you could love again, my love. Live your life, don’t waste it over me... Your heart and love is beautiful, any man would be happy to love you...
And that’s what you did, even when a part of your soul left with him that day.
You loved again, you loved Joel and it scared you with how fast you had fallen for the man next to you, but it was all this world meant. Without loving, caring for someone... There was no way to keep going.
And, as the fates would have guessed, in this damned world, to Joel, you were the most beautiful thing. His only light that made him still human, a man with feelings, love and care.
And in amidst all of his fucked up self, you chose him. Waited for him to come to you patiently, never rushing him into things. At first, he always thought that patience, love... They were unnecessary, not when he had the pent up rage of years and the strength to throw a good punch. He was used to make things go in his way through them, and seeing you so patiently explain why it wasn’t a good idea to go to hunt in a certain place or that time when you sat down with Addy to talk about her frustrations so calmly, caressing her hair lovingly made him realize that being loving, having someone in his life wasn’t a bad thing.
And realizing this, alongside with everything you did around, how you always teased him, offered him help with his work, baked and cooked which Ellie was happy to eat, grabbing some coffee beans for him whenever you went out because you knew how much he loved them... All of the little things you did for him and others piled on each other slowly and surely, and with the physical attraction he felt for you whenever he saw you in those thight clothes or whenever you picked something up with the muscles of your arms and back flexing...
It made him fall for you, crave you.
He moaned harder to your lips when you get on his lap while his mind played dirty tricks by reminding him of your body, sitting directly on his cock under the rough jeans he wore, eyes closed in bliss while your hands took a hold of his neck and brought him closer to yourself, bruised lips kissing down his neck and putting a red hickey right on the sensitive spot, which made him groan louder in pleasure and grab your hips hard enough to print his hands on your skin.
Most thought of him to not have an attachment to his feelings, like he wasn’t aware of them. But he was, he always was but just scared to show them when all it would ever end with was agony in his end. But right now, having you between his arms, knowing the taste of you, the feel of you... He knew that what he felt for you was beyond casual fling, it even repulsed him. You were so lovely, yet dangerous, like poison ivy...
And he loved it, he loved you.
Both of you let out breathy moans through each stroke his hardening cock made over your clit, sure that the wetness growing in your panties also leaked to Joel’s jeans but neither of you cared. Neither parts knew, but the moans weren’t just because of the blinding pleasure building up bit more like you both come to accept your feelings. You both were lost in each other, too dazed in the pleasure to care for such things. “f-Fuck, Y/N... I-I....”
Joel felt like a teenager, as if that was the first time he had a woman on him. It surely wasn’t, but it was the first time that he had a woman he loved with all his heart.
Straddling him, making him feel so much love and pleasure by just grinding on him, making him also leek precum and wetting his own boxer briefs. His hand absentmindedly shot up to your breasts, kneading the flesh roughly and making you moan harder at the impact over your nipples. He growled under his breath, yanking down the collarless shirt you wore under the flannel and immediately took one in his mouth, swirling his mouth around the hard nipple but never giving it much attention.
You groaned at how he was teasing you, how coy he was being but if he wanted to play this game, you would give him a taste of his own.
Your hands yanked the shirt open, making the first three buttons fly while he let out a surprised yet amused chuckle, dark eyes watching you kiss down his upper chest while your hands tavelled through the hair on his chest, down to his v-line and up to-
You smiled devilishly to his neck, still kissing his neck when your fingers pinched his nipples, mouth travelling down to take the other in your mouth which made him leave your breasts and threw his head on the couch, letting out a loud groan and a few tears.
Who knew the lone wolf, the grumpy Joel would have sensitive nipples?
“You’re so sensitive, Joel~ It’s kinda cute.” He groaned harder at you, yanking your head up to kiss your feverishly, his chapped lips roughly finding yours.  As he lightly nipped on your bottom lip while his hands grabbed a hand full of your ass, his other one pinched your nipple roughly, pulling it up and down, left and right as you cried out in ecstasy, hips grinding harshly on his big cock to reach that sweet release when a familiar thightness grew deep in your belly.
“Joel, Joel I- Fuck, I'm cumming...” your cunt spasmed with want, the sight of the grey hairs and the lopsided smile over Joel’s lips making you cum undone alone. You let out a slight cry at the thunder like orgasm you had, panting and letting out an amazed wow at having such a relaxing and amazing orgasm. It surely wasn’t the same as masturbating and before you could have slumped over to Joel’s chest to catch your breath, you shrieked when he grabbed your hips and made a few hallow thrusts over his cock. “I know, I know... Lemme cum, sweetheart, fuck-“ Joel selfishly chased his own release, touching all over your body while watching your breasts bounce, entranced by your beauty while you whimpered for him, nodding to what he said and moved your thighs even though they burned.
He gave a long groan when he shot inside his boxers, seeing your fucked out look ending it for him, hips giving a few jerks while your hips rolled on their own.
After having the man you always dreamt of right beneath you moaning your name, and a courtesy of him rubbing your clit to make you come for a second time, you both panted and slumped against one another, breathing in each others necks while Joel peppered kisses down your neck and up to your cheek, shocked at how much more amazing this was than the sex itself. He rubbed your slightly damp hair lovingly, “Am I still an old man after this?” he asked, smirking coyly while you hit his chest playfully, him faking hurt but let out a relaxed hum when your lips found one of the scars on his collarbone. His eyes got glossy at the many emotions passing through him with your lips and fingers caressing every part of his chest so smoothly.
Never in his life did someone touch him so lovingly, so delicately. Even when everything was okay, even when he had a normal life. He sacrificed everything for his girl and he couldn’t help but curse the world for not having you at that time...
Sarah would have definetly loved the shit out of you.
Unknown to his turmoil, you let a finger linger on there, the scar on his collarbone, rubbing the puckered skin and peppering a kiss there lovingly. Joel pretended like it didn’t faze him, as if his heart didn’t press painfully hard to his chest.
“I don’t know... Maybe you can show me that by carrying me upstairs to have a shower?” he chuckled and sweeped you off of your feet, happy and content after a long time and feeling alive with you giggling between his arms like highschoolers and looking deep in your eyes, he took you to the shower to spend more time, your moans and his grunts reverberating deep into the night with the bedroom door closing behind you two...
And you didn’t have to know, but both Ellie and Addy reached out to Tommy to tell them that the ship was sailing, and they were close to vomitting because of sea sickness.
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When the first lights of the morning reached behind the chest of the man you were holding, somewhere in the middle of the dark ending up spooning him, you groaned slightly at the intruding burn to your eyes and raised your hand to fix the messy hair you both had when Joel shuffled to lay on his back with a groan, his chest shining with pecks of silver thanks to the light coming in.
And upon realizinghis open arms greeting you, you happily snuggled into his chest, happy to be like this with him. Joel, after years of having nightmares, had the best dream he had ever seen. He didn’t wake up in the middle of the night, he was happy, he was loved and in love...
There was nothing that could stop him from smiling down at you, taking your sleepy state in and letting his knuckles run through your cheeks softly. You weren’t stupid, and he definetly wasn’t too, he could very well see that you were indeed awake and was just trying to enjoy the warm bed more. “Stop looking at me like that, Joel...”
“Lika what?”
“Like you want to kiss me, I just woke up and my mouth probably smells-“ you were cut in the middle by his lips and when you opened your eyes with shock, him smiling cheekily at you. “Too bad, I already kissed you...”
It was a waking moment for you, with the sun shining over both of your naked bodies, the domestic vibe, the way his chest flexed under your hand and his heart beated...
That moment was the moment of realization that you were trully, madly in love with this man.
And that was fine, maybe one day... You would tell him what you kept hidden, and even if he would hate you for it.
You at least had him for this time.
“Y/N, do you copy? We need to go outside, we are waiting.”
“May both sides of your pillow always be warm, dick.”
Joel let out a laugh at the way you didn’t miss to insult whoever was the one at the other side of the radio, calling to you and let you stand up to get your clothes on while he himself leaned on the back of the headboard with the blanket covering his lower region, watching you mesmerized.
“You’re so beautiful...” you blushed at his breathless whisper but still went up to him and kissed him both from the cheek and lips. “You can’t get away from what you did to me with being cute, mister. I’ll teach you a leasson when I come back.”
“Then, I’ll be waiting for you... Be careful out there.” Kissing his lips one more time, you nodded and got out with a skip over your steps while Joel let out a disbelieving chuckle and plopped back on the soft bed with a lovesick smile, a head sporting his head.
But before you got out, a paper and pen caught your attention. You knew the “mission” Joel had and you knew what Fireflies would do to Ellie, causing her to die for vain when you knew there was no way you would let them kill an innocent girl...
Do the thing they weren’t able to do to you.
He would most likely want you to explain how you onew all of this, and you would tell him at one point. But your first mission was to make him change his mind.
And not knowing when you would be back, you quickly grabbed the pen and scribbled what you hoped was enough to let him know that it was a bad idea, putting it on the table in his working shop before jogging up to where your squad waited with teasing remark.
Joel, I know that you intend to continue your mission but we both know that you had started to care for the girl... Fireflies will not be the answer human kind is looking for, and the only thing you will end up with will be regret.
Regret of letting them kill her.
Please, just wait until I came back so that... So that I can explain everything. For once, don’t be stupid. For me, okay?
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petersbaby · 2 years
Stepbro!eddie installment #7
Warnings: this is just fluff but mentions of parent loss/abandonment
“I can’t talk about this with you.” You say, wiping your tears off your cheek.
“Hey, sure you can. Why not?”
You’ve been upset all day, on edge constantly and you’re finally breaking down. It was inevitable. You just wish it hadn’t happened in front of Eddie, he came to your room and asked if you were okay and it all came out.
His eyebrows immediately furrowed in concern, and he sat down next to you on your bed. You didn’t answer, but just leaned your head on his shoulder.
“Because. It’s a family thing. I don’t want you to think I’m not happy with how everything ended up, but it just hurts sometimes.”
“What hurts?”
“It-it’s the anniversary today. I wish my dad had never died and I wish he was still here and with my mom. She loves your uncle I know but I can’t help but feel some sort of resentment that she moved on.”
“I understand. But it’s time, isn’t it? It’s been six years.”
“Mhm. I know. Like I said, I’m grateful for the family we have now. I just miss him extra on days like this.”
“Do you wanna talk about it? Like maybe share memories or something?” He asked awkwardly. He never really knew what to do in sad situations.
“No offense, Eddie, but that’s the last thing I wanna do right now.” You replied, sniffling.
He moves to sit back against your headboard, placing a pillow in his lap and patting it.
You immediately come to him, laying your head down and crying silently. He let you have that silence, and only just ran his fingers through your hair.
“You know, I can kind of relate. My dad’s not dead but he may as well be. I haven’t seen him in that amount of time either. He just left.”
You nod, signaling that you’re listening, appreciating him opening up since it’s something you’ve never discussed.
“Do you miss him?” You ask.
“Nah, no not really.” He said, shrugging his shoulders. “My uncle stepped in pretty quick, so I wasn’t really without a guardian for long. I love him like a dad, sometimes I even refer to him as my dad.”
“That’s sweet. He really loves you.” You comment.
“Not sure why, but yeah I guess so.”
“What are you talking about?? Why aren’t you sure?”
“I don’t know, I’m just a pretty shitty person I think.”
You lift yourself up, tears drying now, to look at him.
“You are not shitty. I find you to be quite loveable.” You climb into his lap to hug him tight.
“Thank you princess. I’m glad someone thinks so.” He smiles.
You pull back, to look him face to face.
“I love you, eds. A lot.”
“I love you too. Even more.”
He changes the topic with hopes of distracting you, telling you about different embarrassing things that have happened to him over the years because it always made you laugh.
Your favorite was probably the one where he walked past a water fountain at school without looking down and slipped in a puddle of water that was leaking out of it.
He busted his ass and had to walk around soaking wet and holding his butt for several hours afterward.
You had the biggest dumbest smile on your face by the time he was done talking to you, and he considered that to be a win in his book.
“You know, this is cheesy, but I think that if homes were people instead of places, you would be mine.” You breathe in the scent of him from his cotton tee shirt. It does smell like home.
“You’re mine too. And I’m never gonna leave.”
“You promise?” You ask hopefully.
“It would never even cross my mind. I promise.”
“But what if-“ he stops you before you even get the chance to start bringing up crazy hypotheticals.
“I said never. Okay? Never ever gonna let you go.” Even with the abandonment issues and trust issues you had, the way he spoke these words made you trust that they were true.
You start to cry again on his shoulder, realizing soon that you were getting his shirt visibly wet. “I’m sorry”, you say, slightly laughing.
“It’s fine. How about this, do you wanna go somewhere, see a movie or something? Just to get your pretty little mind to focus on something else.”
“Hmm.” You pulled away, “do you see me? I can’t go anywhere in public. I look like a crazy mess.”
“If you’re a crazy mess, I’m an insane train wreck. What about a movie here? We could get food and watch one in the living room?”
“Mhm. That sounds really good. Can you go get the food though? I’m too lazy and it’s too chilly to come with you but I’ll warm up a spot on the couch for you for when you get back” you ask with a slightly devious smile.
“Fine, I guess princesses don’t have to go out when it’s cold. McDonald’s?”
You look at every VHS tape in your collection in the living room, trying to pick one that he would like. You pick out 3 options, but can’t settle on one, so you lay them out on the table. Soon he comes back, a paper bag and two milkshakes in his hands.
Your eyes light up like a little kid on Christmas, and the sight of you so happy brings warmth to his heart that he can’t deny.
“Couldn’t decide. You pick.” You say, gesturing to the three movies in front of you.
“Hmm”, he says, looking at the options. “How about all three? Or probably one and a half before you inevitably fall asleep at 11pm”
You punch him in the arm. “I need my beauty sleep, shush.”
“You’d still be beautiful if you never slept a minute. You don’t need any help with that.”
He pushes a movie into the slot and you both sit through the intro while you dug into the food.
When you’re both done, he starts to stand up. “Nooo”, you say.
“Just throwing away our trash, princess. Coming right back.” And he did.
You lifted the large knit blanket you had draped over you and scooted closer to him as you covered him too. He wrapped an arm around you, holding you tight.
“Ah, jesus. What the fuck was that??”
You giggled. “Sorry. My hands were cold.” You had slipped them under his shirt to warm them up and the sudden sensation seemed to startle him.
“I’m not your own personal heater, but I’ll allow it.”
You ended up in the same position as earlier, your head in his lap but this time you weren’t crying. Quite the opposite, you felt so warm and happy that you drifted off to sleep with a smile on your face.
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yandere-romanticaa · 11 months
We all know just how crazy dad lore can get. Well, I just found out some interesting things about my own dad and they're so silly that I couldn't help but to share them with y'all. My father was an absolute menace (he still is tbh) and I love him for it.
When he was around 2-3 years old he broke out of the house and ran all the way to his friends because he was bored. His uncle was watching him but fell asleep after the evening news. My father was a restless kid and couldn't sleep so he just walked out the door like it's no one's business. The neighbors all caught him lol.
He broke out of kindergarten because he was bored and the teacher was mean to him. He went straight home, ate lunch and climbed the fence back to his kindergarten. The woman who was supposed to be taking care of him was beyond herself to say the least.
In highschool he was that popular kind of rich kid that always got in trouble but he always got away with it because he was just that loveable. (It is what it is, he's awfully good at making his own money)
One teacher threatened to fail him because he wasn't trying at all in her classes so he decided to get sneaky. His next door neighbor was luckily really good at writing essays and in a few weeks she was supposed to enter a national competition with her essay and my dad copied it word for word because he KNEW that the essay was good but he'd still get a bad grade. He was right, he barely passed and the teacher said that his essay was shit but he knew that wasn't the case because the woman who wrote it made sure it was pitch perfect. He ended up telling his school principal that he copied it and that it was all to see what she would do and suffice to say that after that she never dared to give him a bad grade ever again.
A teacher in highschool kept threatening to fail my dad so, he asked his buddy at the time who's dad was a cop, to get him a gun. He wasn't going to hurt anyone but he made sure to gather his whole class and made this big scene how he was gonna hurt the teacher if he failed him and made sure that everyone saw the gun. He knew that some people were gonna tell the teacher and word got around FAST. Suddenly the teacher said that my dad did good in his tests and stuff because he got scared that he'll actually hurt him. No one found the gun and he later gave it back to his friend. If anyone tried to confront him about this, he'd just laugh it off and say it was a stupid rumor.
He secretly bought a motorcycle behind his parents back and wasn't caught for months.
There's even more bs he got up to but I'm too lazy to type.
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