#the asexual space needs to be a safe space for asexual minors
cnonymousturtleduck · 1 month
get your sexual propositions the fuck off the asexual tag <33
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ace-of-pussy · 1 month
good GOD I am so angry.
I, as my bio suggests, am a minor. I am also asexual. And feeling quite dysphoric about all the adults in my life telling me ‘I wouldn’t know until I’ve tried it.’ But that’s a different topic.
I needed a little boost for myself so I looked at the asexual tag here on tumblr, so I’d feel less alone.
There are always thirst traps and other things of that kind on any popular tag. But I saw so many, on the asexual tag, that I actually cried, ripping my skin off as I did so.
There will always be people that abuse the tag system, I know. Tagging your posts with trending tags to make them more likely to show up on people’s dashes is a corporate tactic. But to see so many of these ads, I can barely call them posts, on the asexual tag, made me physically ill.
Asexuality is often overlooked by not just cishets but the LGBTQ+ community so often. To see that a safe space for positivity for such a overlooked community was being vandalised for the sake of marketing makes me so angry and so upset for myself and all the other people who fit under the umbrella of asexuality or aromantic who just want to feel like they belong.
I’m a relatively new blog, but I know how tumblr works. I know how the world works. The way the world is run means that we are all victims, and I thought that maybe society, that damned, twisted thing, could let us have a little corner to protect ourselves.
All it does is hurt. it hurts, and it hurts, and it hurts. Companies aren’t going to get new customers by ripping apart supposed safe spaces, and young asexual kids like myself aren’t going to get any validation or even feeling of home from seeing thirst traps targeted toward our community.
it’s targeted. I can tell. And I am by no means an expert, but this tag abuse is hurting everyone. And no one is doing a thing about it.
please boost this. Reblog, like, whatever. This is damaging people far more than you think, and it needs to be resolved.
thanks for hearing me
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littletism · 8 days
been seeing an influx of new regressors with twitter/pinterest/roblox brainrot lately, and i feel this needs to be said.
you do NOT need to be skinny to be a valid little.
you do NOT need to be white to be a valid little.
you do NOT need gear to be a valid little.
you do NOT need a caregiver to be a valid little.
you do NOT need to be feminine to be a valid little.
you do NOT need to be afab to be a valid little.
you do NOT need to be neurodivergent to be a valid little.
you do NOT need to be traumatized to be a valid little.
you do NOT have to be 100% pure to be a valid little.
you do NOT need to be asexual to be a valid little.
you do NOT need to be a minor to be a valid little.
all littles are valid. all caregivers are valid. everyone who partakes in this inner child healing passtime is valid. the amount of times i’ve seen people say you need to be a feminine skinny white girl or else you shouldn’t regress is insane. twitter/pinterest/roblox agere spaces are NOT your friend, they are exclusionist cesspools. keep yourselves safe, hugs n kisses 🎀
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just a few reminders:
- first pride was a riot
- black & BIPOC queer people are the foundation of our entire nation and the global culture
- we owe most of our rights and progress to BIPOC trans women/femmes and different communities of lesbians, trans/gnc folks and elders.
- trans people have always existed, they are ancient and indigenous to many cultures and places and are SACRED.
- I’m glad you’re here and there is community out there for you, waiting with open arms. Don’t give up just yet, please.
- rainbow capitalism isn’t liberation
- we are all we have, be fucking better to each other
- lesbians have done so much for lgbtqia+ people and should maybe idk stop being erased for no reason
- biphobia is real and just bc your ex cheated on you doesn’t make it bi folks fault, you’re projecting babe
- being queer doesn’t dissolve white privilege, pls touch grass
- be safe at pride. they’re coming for us all and we need to protect ourselves.
- not everyone wants to use the word queer/dyke/fag etc. I’m glad you reclaimed the slurs used against you, me too, but not everyone wants to and you need to respect that. LGBTQIA+* exists for a reason.
- the black and brown belong on the flag.
- the A is for asexual/romantic or agender, not ally.
- get some pussy (or whatever you do (or don’t do)) and make space for joy! because black/queer joy is revolutionary and fucking righteous just as much as our anger is, too
- Juneteenth coming up too, issa parade in my city fr
- asexuals/aromantics belong at pride. Period. Full stop.
- safe sex is the best sex
- get tested!
- it’s okay to not watch the news. america is hell, go take a nap
- people 100% know themselves better than you ever will, people are who they say they are and you don’t get to decide that for them. respect pronouns, identity, etc. or argue w ya mama/god/someone else cause it ain’t finna be me ❤️
- you deserve relationships that feel safe and actually are safe. Don’t settle.
- learn your queer history. they won’t teach us. they took our elders from us.
- Black LGBTQIA+* history IS Black History.
- we all need to be thankful to the house mothers and the ballroom scene and those who gave us what we have now, regardless of who you are.
- don’t call yourself a stud if you’re not BLACK. wit a capital B and at least one BLACK parent.
- not everyone is out. happiest of pride month to y’all. you’re still gang and we love you just as much. 💗
- our collective liberation lies in the fact that we are all tied to each other. if you’re down for the gays but not the theys, you’re not as decolonized as you think you are.
- shout out to fanfiction writers who have been single-handedly providing queer art/content/representation for years while the industry continues to make a mockery of us or intentionally leave us out. one thing we gonna do is help someone find their queer awakening, and get that story right. love us 🤪 go team
- your life means something. it’s important beyond comprehension. you look good. your ass is fat (if you want it to be). get the mullet as a lil treat.
- LGBTQIA+* people across the board have ALWAYS existed in literally every culture and every continent (and Antarctica counts if you count the cute lil gay penguins😌). Don’t let them tell you different. We are not a “mInOrItY”, we have been MINORITIZED. we are not small, we are great and mighty and have ALWAYS been here. And we always will. We exist in the future just as we have existed in the past. We stand on the shoulders of MASSIVE collective ancestors. If that’s not an indication to keep going, keep fighting, keep laughing, dancing, voguing, and keep showing up authentically - then I don’t know what is.
- it’s gonna be ok baby. pinkie promise.
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lu-lus-duckies · 3 months
Hi, here's about me and some questions you might have!
Updated: april 26th 2024
Important!! Please don't use real money to do things for me in any capacity. It makes me uneasy, uncomfortable and puts a lot of pressure on me. Thank you for your understanding <3 also Important: I can not and will not take anything seriously, if you want to say something serious to me, send me a DM, I'm more likely to respond seriously there
Who are you?
@ nunalastor's emotional support white boy™
People just call me lulu on here. I'm 20 and go by any pronouns. AFAB (and cis). my gender is whatever makes you gay. somewhere on the ace spectrum.
Also CEO of forcing people to get some fucking sleep!
important note: I respond in the horniest ways to @ nunalastorscursedkitten, but they have explicitly stated they don't want sexual stuff directed towards them without their consent. I have confirmed that they are okay with me responding in a horny way and you should make sure before doing it too
tags (will not sort these out at all):
lulu is delulu - my posts babygirl anon fest - asks specifically from babygirl revoke lulu's art license - my art stuff nunwhiskers - the ship of nunalastor x huskers-bar lulu is feral - reblogs where I am feral lulus nun reblogs - I just tend to reblog everything of nunalastors so it's a tag now lulu reblogs - art/theories/incorrect quotes ect lulu convos - me interracting with peeps here lulu crooks - going into detail about things i shouldn't be going into detail of. (maybe infodumping) cursed polycule - me and the 100+ husbands/wives interracting (xxx-angie list in their pinned) lulu asks - me answering asks this is a nunalastor simp blog - anytime I openly bark for nunalastor lulu lore - me accidentally dropping irl lulu lore lulu fun facts - exactly what it says lulu polls - polls lulu is a boomer - me not knowing basic pop culture things cuz I live under a rock lulu loves nunalastorscursedkitten / and paincaat too / lulu loves paincaat / and nunalastorscursedkitten too - my interractions with @ paincaat / @ nunalastorscursedkitten lulu loves getting called slurs - me getting called the f-word lulu infodumps - infodumps about stuff that might not always be hazbin hotel fools being sexy - @ the-aprilfools-bitch tag
who is safe here?
everyone except minors. I don't judge. This is a safe space regardless of race, gender, sexuality or anything else. Be as cringe/not cringe as you want
What is this blog?
Used to be a hazbin blog, now turned to me simping for daddy nunalastor and interracting with the cursed polycule
What can I ask or share with you?
Literally anything you want to share, no limits. I respond to everything, even hate so if I haven't responded I'm either asleep or the message didn't appear in my inbox.
One thing I don't respond to is chain sends cuz I can't be bothered with that shit. Anything else is a yes
What's with the bad English?
English is my second language. I pride myself on being able to read it fluently, but I might have problems with talking in a way that flows naturally to native speakers. So sorry bout that
What time are you active?
Honestly, all over the place. Don't look too much into it, but I'm from the country of Georgia if that helps
Can I use your ideas?
Absolutely! You don't even need to ask. I won't say this is a necessity, but If you decide to use them, I'd love it if you'd tag me. I love seeing all kinds of things people make and I'd love to see yours too!
Why are you so unhinged and sexual? Aren't you ace?
Asexuals aren't all sex-repulssed and can enjoy it too. I am uncomfy with the act of sex but I love joking and shitting about it. Me saying something is hot/sexy/makes my dick hard is just me saying "I love this and i think it's cool" when that isn't enough to express my love. (I think I'm being funny)
Is the art on nunalastor's blog you sometimes repost yours?
Yes, the art posted on their asks by mylz-flick is by me. It's my primary blog and i don't use it for anything so all my asks are submitted through there
Why don't you post as often anymore?
Because all my posts go straight to nunalastor's blog. Go check them out, it's great
By nunalastor s request:
Who hurt you?
Nunalastor did when they rizzed up my mom
What's with the worms? That's disgusting
Well, nunalastor made this post and it turned me on a little ngl
What is the cursed polycule?
Well, I spontaneously decided that my go to funny (not funny) joke would be to start asking everyone who agreed with me or had similar tastes to kiss me. Long story short, now I'm a whore™ with 100+ husbands that I can't keep track of and that's the cursed polycule
Why do you keep calling nunalastor daddy?
Many reasons. First, Nunalastor saying they would fuck my mom in the DMs when I told them about her. So naturally, if my mom and nunalastor got married they would be the dad hence, daddy. Also, nunalastor is unapologetically my favourite blog on here and the title "daddy" is reserved for them. Also their word is law to me and they deserve the respectful title
The way you interract with minors is disgusting
I have minors please don't interract in my bio for a reason. I expect a decent human being to see that and kindly leave my blog. I don't check who I'm responding to most of the time so I probably didn't even notice it was a minor. I'm just trying to be fun.
If you are a minor and I responded/reblogged your art or post with some batshit crazy shenanigans like I do with everyone, send me a DM and I'll delete it. I'd rather it be in the DMs instead of out in public because out here I have people acting like they hate me and I don't want to accidentally take something that's meant to be a serious request to stop like a joke.
What's with that one pregnant anon stuff at nunalastors blog?
Listen, I don't care what shit people send me, but if you even dare harm, harass or just in general be an asshole to the ones I consider nice people, I will not take that lightly.
To everyone: if you get haters, tag me so I can draw them pregnant.
Is the cursed polycule an actual relationship or just a joke?
It's just a joke between us.
Can I join the polycule?
Daddy has revoked my marriage license so you'll have to consult with the other members. I take what daddy demands very seriously
You can however, talk to the other members of the polycule and join. We could also have a platonic relationship going on in the polycule if you want
What is up with you and pronouns?
Sorry, in my native language there are no gendered pronouns. We just have a singular he/she/they for everyone. I use he/him for me (despite being a woman) because it's what rolls off the tongue easier for me. For everyone else I use they/them because you can never go wrong with neutral.
Are you actually attracted to nunalastor?
Honestly, the only time I've experienced attraction (i think? Still unsure if it was that) was with one girl at my uni and the feeling I have for nunalastor is very similar. It's not the exact kinda feeling but I have a very strong desire to make them proud. Not sure exactly what it is but no, I don't want to actually fuck them and I don't want to kiss them either. That seems gross. I do however wanna hold their hand and recieve headpats from them. Idk just know me as the nunalastor simp, that's easier to explain.
(and yes both mods)
Why do you keep mentioning nunalastor calling you the f-word?
Because I genuinely /gen /srs loved it. This isn't a joke. It made me overstimmed and honestly was a little overwhelmed with giddiness. keep in mind though, that while I enjoy getting called the slur, I will not be calling anyone that because that makes me uncomfy.
why haven't you responded to my reblog/comment/ask?
I generally respond to everyone I can. but either it was
lost in my notifs
was posted by a minor and I don't want to attract minors here
If it was on a reblog of something, I assumed it was meant for op
I just couldn't think of anything to respond with (which is rare)
feel free to let me know if it was either 1 or 3 but I won't respond to minors
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queengenweek · 1 year
Queen GenWeek 2023
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Attention, Queen enthusiasts across the world: we bring to you Queen GenWeek! We decided it was high time we brought back this event so we can celebrate the enduring friendship between the members of Queen together.
When and where?
The event will take place from Thursday 15 June-Sunday 18 June. You can upload your work on Tumblr using the tag #QueenGenWeek2023 and @queengenweek us. We'll make sure to reblog all contributions with this tag to this blog for an overview! When you post your fanfiction on AO3, please add it to the Queen GenWeek 2023 collection.
What does Gen mean?
Gen, short for “general,” is a term used in fanfic communities to refer to works of fanart that are platonic: they explore bonds of friendship rather than bonds of romance. There may be some form of romance in the background, but the main focus should be on the non-romantic relationship between the characters. Gen fanart celebrates the friendship between characters.
Mind AO3's Gen tag and policies for further instructions.
With help from last year's event post, refer to this amazing resource on asexual/aromantic characters and how to give them substance! This is an ASPEC safe space and consciously inclusive.
Who and what is welcome?
Everyone who wants to celebrate the platonic friendships in and around Queen is welcome! All gen-oriented works of art are welcome, which include but are not limited to:
Other forms of literature (poetry)
Visual art (traditional or digital)
Photo edits
If you prefer so, you can stay anonymous during the event. Both AO3 and Tumblr have options to post anonymously. You can use this quick guide on how to post anonymously on AO3. If you want to upload to Tumblr anonymously, you can DM us, and we will share your contribution on your behalf. You can also submit any questions you have about the event to us with the ask-button or DM function.
To help you get going, we’ve come up with different prompts for each day of the event. You are free to use them, improve them, combine them, mix and match them, or do whatever you feel like with them: creativity is key!
Day 1: Thursday 15 June
Lyric: I'd better go to bed and have an early night
Childhood friends
Growing apart
Cult classic: The Outsiders
Looking back at memories
Day 2: Friday 16 June
Quote: “The group tends to be the most stable family we’ve got.” B.M.
Police encounter
Getting lost in a strange city
Cult classic: Spirited Away
Facing a fear
Day 3: Saturday 17 June
Lyric: Take heart, my friend, we love you/Though it seems like you’re alone
Family/marriage problems
Revealing a secret
Cult classic: The Lord of the Rings
Getting a tattoo together
Day 4: Sunday 18 June
Quote: “Not too bad for four ageing Queens.” F.M.
Best Man speech
Teaching each other instruments
Cult classic: Hangover
House fire
More rules?
If you've participated in fandom events before, you probably know the drill by now. If you still have questions on what to keep in mind when creating and/or consuming, please refer to the detailed additional rules we have set up for PolyWeek this year. In short, mind the following:
Support creators.
Tag your work appropriately.
Do not engage with hateful feedback.
Do not supply negativity.
Do not interact with NSFW/18+ content if you're a minor.
We encourage you all to participate, contribute, consume, and support the event if you feel you want to! It's a safe space for all, no need to feel shy about creating. We wish you all the luck, inspiration and fun in the world and hope to see you there!
Hosted by @carrrothead-vol2, @of-streetlightfancy and @shewas-agaystripper
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New intro!!
(Because I felt the need to update my blog out of boredom)
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Information about the drow running this blog
Preferred names: Ninetails, Merlot, Silver
They/them/theirs, hoof/hooves/hoofself, bite/bites/biteself
Asexual biromantic
Furry and a nonhuman (I don't mind being referred to as human, I prefer to be referred to as a drow or elf in a humanoid context.)
ADHD + PTSD don't you dare treat me like a toddler I will maul you.
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What am I?
Questioning being Ninetails Okami
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Tag guide:
#silly — silly reblogs, memes or just stuff I found funny
#neato — interesting stuff, like an animal fact or something.
#Freaky — horror related reblogs
#Nuzzle — furry or animal related content
#Maul — nonhuman related content
#Serious — stuff I don't wanna joke about
#Scratch — art
#Rant — posts made by me, usually if I'm upset and angry. Usually being aggressive about something. Might be fandom, might not.
#Ramble — random ass rambles.
#Horde — Fandom related content
OC related posts will be tagged with the OC's first and last name.
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Zoophile supporter
Map supporters
Don't come at me for the anti endo shit, I have ptsd officially diagnosed by a fucking doctor. This is a Endo safe space. Idgaf what excuse you have for hating them.
(Blinkies and stamps I like are below the cut, if you're sensitive to flashing proceed with caution!)
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clone-anon-after-dark · 10 months
Brunch (Demisexual Jesse x GN Asexual Reader)
Word Count: 3020
Warnings: NSFW, minors DNI, mention of attempted sexual assault, a punch to the jaw (reader not involved), implied masturbation, some fooling around just to make each other feel good, kissing (but no making out)
A/N: I wanted to write a story about someone who doesn’t experience sexual attraction, but is open to sex with the right person and has a sex drive, so here we are.  Also, Jesse lives through the war, obviously.
If you are looking for an ace reader story that doesn’t include sex, I’ve written one with Wolffe and I’m exploring the idea of writing another one as well.
It was the end of a work week and you were looking forward to a comfortable night on the couch with your boyfriend.  You received a comm from Hardcase thanking you for letting the boys borrow some tools to fix their holoprojector so they could have movie night.  He said Jesse would be over some time to drop off the borrowed implements.  You sent a short response, but were quickly distracted when your boyfriend came through the door.  You smiled at him and pulled him into a hug. You hadn’t seen him all week and were looking forward to some quiet time together.  He brought dinner with him and you both parked on the couch in front of a holomovie.  Later, you cuddled up together in bed and just as you were getting comfortable enough to fall asleep, he made a move to pull you closer.  You thought he might be trying to be sweet, but he quietly asked, “Want to get frisky?”  
What followed was a harsh exchange of words as he tried to keep you from escaping.  You asserted that you had talked about this. That you had not left any doubt on how you felt about sex.  He called you a tease.  He said you told him you might want to have sex eventually so why not now? You thrashed as much as you could to get away, tears rolling down your cheeks.  You felt so completely betrayed when he uttered “You never give me what I want. Don’t you love me?”
You jostled around enough to end up falling to the floor.  Just as you did, you heard a set of footsteps and a very firm, “Back. Off.”  Jesse was over your boyfriend in an instant, grabbing him by the neck, twisting his arm behind his back, and hauling his ass out of your home.  You could hear a “This isn’t about you” from your boyfriend and what sounded like him initiating a scuffle with Jesse, followed by the clear sound of a punch landing on a jaw.
Jesse came back inside and found you still sitting on the floor of your bedroom, shocked and speechless.  He clenched and shook his hand, his fist clearly the one that had actually landed.  His face softened when he looked at you.  He reached out and helped you sit up on your bed.
“I’m glad you gave me the door code,” he said.  “I came by to drop off the tools we borrowed.”  He paused for a few moments and looked you over, trying to make sure you weren’t physically hurt. The emotional hurt was written all over you.  
“May I sit next to you,” he asked.  You nodded and he sat.
“I really thought this time I might be enough,” you said.  He held up an arm and you wrapped yours around his waist.  He held you close as you cried.
“You’re enough,” he said.
“Then why is it that I never am,” you retorted.  “It always comes down to something like this, only usually they just leave instead of trying to do… all that.”
He held you a little longer and promised to stay for the night when it was clear you didn’t want to be left alone in your apartment.  He parked on the couch after noticing you really needed space to yourself and what felt like multiple doors of protection.  He made sure the front door was locked and no one could come in.  You laid in bed, still shocked, and eventually your exhaustion overcame you.
It wasn’t enough for Jesse to sleep on the couch.  He watched the door and although he didn’t think your boyfriend would be stupid enough to return, he wanted you to feel safe in your room.  He got up and shuffled down the hallway, pillow in hand.  He laid on the floor in front of your door and fell asleep, content that no one would be getting through him.
The next morning you woke up, but still felt exhausted.  You remembered the night before, slowly got out of bed, and collected the few things that were your boyfriend’s.  You threw them in a bag and went to use the refresher.  You were surprised to find Jesse sleeping in your hallway.  With the door opened and pressure off his back, he rolled over and smiled up at you.
“Just guarding,” he said.  You smiled and let out a little sigh. It was good to have someone who cared so much.  
During breakfast you received a comm from your boyfriend declaring himself your ex.  Jesse rolled his eyes and you huffed.  As if there was any question.  His reasoning was so incredibly one-sided, but you didn’t want to argue. You just wanted him out of your life.  Jesse was kind enough to take your ex’s bag of belongings back to him so you wouldn’t have to.  You were certain they’d had some more words, but were grateful you didn’t have to be involved.
Over the next few months Jesse came over any day he could.  When he wasn’t able to come over, he sent a little message to check in.  Things started to grow from there.  You didn’t really go out on dates, but you couldn’t deny your feelings were getting more complex.  You didn’t really want to put a label on it, but you felt a sense of belonging with him.  Jesse loved your company and you loved his.  He felt relaxed with you and protective of you.  
One evening you were both on opposite sides of the couch, you sitting up and Jesse laying down as you painted his toenails.  You were painting your nails and he wanted to see what it looked like on him.  He had just taken a shower and not so secretly preferred yours to the GAR showers.  You didn’t mind.  It felt nice having someone around. As you twisted the cap onto the bottle and put it down after finishing his last nail, he smiled at his toes, wiggling them and declaring them pretty.  He looked up at you and smiled again, eyes warm and friendly.  He was clearly relaxed and happy.
“Can I ask you something personal,” he said.
“Sure,” you replied curiously.
“What’s it like being asexual?”
That was not the question you thought he would ask.  You bit your lip for a minute and thought about how to answer.
“Well, I’ve never looked at anyone and felt that way toward them,” you started.  “I have never looked at someone and wanted sex with them.  I just see people as people.”
He nodded slowly, taking in the information. “So you don’t ever feel the urge…?”
“Umm, no that’s not it exactly. I still have a sex drive. I just don’t experience sexual attraction.”
A light seemed to go off above his head and you added, “I am open to the idea of being physical with someone, or try it, but it has to be the right person. I’d be open to it as a way to be close to them, but they have to understand that I don’t want to have sex all the time and sometimes it’s way easier to take care of things myself.  With my ex, I didn’t trust that he wouldn’t take it too far.  Clearly, my instinct was right.”
Jesse reached out, sat up a bit, and held your hand.  You gave it a squeeze and quietly affirmed, “For me the most important thing is companionship, partnership. Someone I can count on.  Sex doesn’t have to come into it for me.”
He thought for a minute and his eyes started to dart.
“What is it,” you asked.
“That makes sense to me. Sure, I flirt a lot.  Love flirting.”  He winked at you and licked his lip playfully.  You smiled and rolled your eyes before he got serious again.  “I feel blind to what others must see when they call someone ‘sexy.’ Someone can be beautiful, wonderful, caring, gorgeous, and I can see that right away, and maybe that is sexy, but I still don’t see them as someone I want to get naked with without a connection or without feeling like they understand me.  The one time I had that and everything clicked into place, but they didn’t feel the same.”  He sighed.  “Some of the boys really go out looking for a one night stand and can see someone and it’s bam! They are running off together because they feel that attraction.  I am happy to get to know someone and flirt, but I could never take someone home without really knowing them.”
Your eyebrows raised at this new information.
“Jesse,” you replied, “I believe what you’re describing is demisexuality.”
“Oh.”  He blinked a few times and let this realization soak into his brain.  A slow grin spread across his face as he softly said, “What I feel has a name.”
You smiled back and felt the overwhelming urge to hug him.  As if he knew, he reached for you, chuckling a little as you collapsed in his arms.  Jesse laid back a bit and, with you laying on top of him, you eventually fell asleep together.
You woke up to the sun shining through the window.  You felt him stir beneath you.  You turned toward the back of the couch and let out a yawn. You felt his hand lightly caress your back and sides.  Waking up this way felt so peaceful.  You opened your eyes and turned to see a smile plastered on his face.  This was someone who really knew you and saw you through your lowest point and stuck around.  Being with him like this felt so right.
“Mornin’,” he said.  You both took your time fully waking up, but he kept his arm around you and you stayed laying against him.  You could hear his heartbeat pick up the pace a little.  You played with the string from his hoodie, slight worry clouding your mind.
“Hey,” he said.  “Is it a weird time to tell you I love you?”
You smiled up at him.  “Is that why your heart started going faster,” you asked.
He shrugged.  “I wasn’t sure what you’d think.”
You snuggled back into his chest.  “I think it’s a perfect time because I love you too.”
His eyes lit up, warm and playful at the same time.  He kissed your forehead and you looked back up at him before planting a kiss on his cheek.  He gave you a squeeze and kissed your cheek too. 
You both got up to eat some breakfast and start the day.  You spent your time visiting a local park and picking out a few things to make dinner together.  He invited you for another holomovie night with the boys and you couldn’t say no.  He then got contemplative again.
“What is it,” you asked, always loving how open he was when it came to asking you questions.
“Are we a couple now? Is that what we tell them when they see something has changed between us.”
“Is that the term you want to use,” you asked.  He nodded.  “Then that’s what we say,” you replied.  He took your hand and kissed it before continuing to walk home with you.
Life with Jesse was incredibly comfortable.  He was happy to hang out and talk or watch movies.  When you got a video game setup, he was thrilled. He loved playing with you, whether it was a slow-paced game or something more competitive.  He also loved washing dishes, making sure the towels were fresh, and those little things that made this feel like a home.  There was never any pressure to have sex and you were both happy with the status quo.  He also loved sleeping with you.  He always had to be touching you in some way to know you were there.  Usually, it involved having an arm draped around you in some fashion if he wasn’t able to outright hold you.  
You knew that the war haunted him.  He had experienced so much, being one of the older clones by war’s end.  You were always there when he came home in shambles.  His heart was so big and the loss was so great.  Each time he came home like that, you took him to the bedroom, helped him take off his armor, and get into something comfortable and homey.  He always inhaled the smell of the pillows and curled up into your arms.  When you were having a hard time, he did the same for you.  When the war was finally over and he needed a plan for his future, you were there.  You provided him steadiness in a time of massive change.
More than a year went by like this.  Some days were hard, but you depended on each other and supported each other.  You formed a strong bond and partnership.  You’d found a steady rhythm.
One morning you woke up in his arms and smiled as he coiled around you just a little more securely.  It wasn’t unusual for Jesse’s cock to stand at attention first thing in the morning, but on this particular morning you felt like you wanted to touch him, like you wanted to explore.  It felt safe enough to experiment.  He dozed for another half hour before he started to stir.  Although you normally took your time waking up, you’d stewed with the idea and now that it came to it, you weren’t sure how to bring it up.
“What is it,” he asked, rubbing his eyes.  You popped a mint and offered him one.
“Well, for whatever reason, I was wondering if you’d like to…” you bit your lip.  He tilted his head and looked at you quizzically before you asked, “Umm, do you want to have sex?” 
“Yeah, if that’s what you want,” he replied.  He reached out to hold your hand and kiss your palm.  “If you don’t want to, then we stop.” 
You nodded.  You were both a little hesitant, unsure of where to start.  You’d never actually wanted this before, but you knew this was your person. Your ultimate safe space.  And right now, your body and heart said ‘yes.’
Jesse took his clothes off and helped you out of yours.  You’d been naked together before, but never for this purpose. It was always so you could shower together.  Now it was new and exciting.  It wasn’t scary like you were worried it might be.  Jesse wasted no time and asked, “When you touch yourself, how do you like to be touched?”
You showed him and he mimicked the movement.  He laid next to you to get more comfortable and placed kisses on your cheek, resting his forehead to yours, whispering, “I want to make you feel good, love.”
While your bodies reacted quickly to each other, it didn’t feel rushed.  You took your time, caressing all over and eliciting responses from each other that belonged to no one else.  You held each other afterward and felt absolute contentment.  He let out a series of deep sighs, joy radiating throughout his body.
You looked over to him after some time and asked, “Do you want to shower with me?”
He let out a little hum and gently pulled you up, thoroughly taking his time making sure you felt cared for and loved.  You ended up with most of the morning gone and eating brunch together.
“Was everything okay this morning,” he asked.
“Of course it was,” you replied.  “Are you worried about something? Was it okay for you?”
“Oh it was wonderful for me,” he said. “I just wanted to make sure you were okay with everything.”
You reached for his hand and reassured him.  “I’m glad we fooled around. It felt good, so good, and I don’t know,” you shrugged, “This morning I wanted to feel a different type of closeness. And hopefully there can be a repeat when it feels right.”
He smiled and squeezed your hand gently.  “Let me know,” he winked before seriously adding, “but there’s never any pressure, cyare.”
“I know there’s not,” you said. You stood up to clear the plates and he snaked his arms around your middle. 
“I love you,” he said. “And I want to have brunch with you forever.”
You grinned and kissed the top of his head. “I love you too. And also the brunch thing.”
It wasn’t frequent by any means, but every so often, you’d have a sexy romp together.  Jesse always put you first until one day you took control and insisted he lay back and let you take over.  That was fun.  It felt great to know what you wanted and to know that you were safe with each other.  He always insisted on cuddling after, followed by cleaning you up (even when you took charge he insisted he be the one to wash you), and having something to eat.  
Then about a year went by with what some might call a dry spell.  Your relationship remained steady, but you hadn’t felt like being intimate in that way.  You were close in other ways and while that was more than enough for you, you started to worry he might feel differently.  You both sat at the table mid-morning, finishing brunch.
“Is this still okay,” you asked him.
“Is what still okay,” he asked before shoving the last bite of toast in his mouth as you picked up the plates to walk them to the sink.
Your eyes darted, unsure of how to bring it up when you flat out said, “We haven’t had sex in a long time and I just don’t want you to get bored of me.”
His face dropped and he hurriedly swallowed his food while reaching his arms around your middle to reassure you.
“I love you,” he said, giving you a firm but gentle squeeze, “And I want to have brunch with you forever.”
You smiled, tears of relief misting your eyes.  You kissed the top of his head and murmured, “I love you too. And also the brunch thing.”
Tagging: @kixs-husband @staycalmandhugaclone @wreckers-wife @dukeoftheblackstar (Sinker is next!)
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starsdoart · 24 days
ᯓᡣ𐭩 my name is Star, I am 18, an asexual lesbian, and I use she/her pronouns
ᯓᡣ𐭩 this is a side blog for my main account @starsthewitch that i made for art and writing purposes! i don’t want my spiritual practice and my works to be in the same space and be all cluttered
ᯓᡣ𐭩 i have 3 comics in the works at the moment and hopefully more to come. the comics are called VYNL, The Worlds Broken Hearth, and Someko meets Someko, all of which i plan on posting about
ᯓᡣ𐭩 when i’m not focusing on writing lore for my comics, i write and draw things for my ocs instead! i have a lottttt of them, more than 30 which i absolutely adore, they aren’t apart of the comics but i’ll just post about them anyway
ᯓᡣ𐭩 i play dnd! so i’ll be posting things about my character as well
ᯓᡣ𐭩 i’ve been drawing for as long as i can remember, but only took it seriously when i was in the 8th grade. writing is something i’ve always done as well, but the first comic i wrote and drew was when i was a freshman in highschool
ᯓᡣ𐭩 just like it says on my main blog, i don’t mind if minors interact with me as long as things are kept appropriate, same goes for older audiences
ᯓᡣ𐭩 i’m always open to making new art and writer friends so please feel free to dm me! my asks are always open so if you want to ask me anything about what i create, also feel free!
ᯓᡣ𐭩 safe space for those who are neurodivergent, i have ADHD :D
ᯓᡣ𐭩 average DNI criteria, no racists, ableists, homophobes, proshippers, aphobes, biphobes, bigots, free palestine antis, race fetishizers (please actually do not interact with me i don't want this on my feed at all.) etc.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 i am a black, neurodivergent, gay woman. any disrespect towards any of those fronts will have you or your comment immediately blocked or deleted
ᯓᡣ𐭩 my commissions are open! i just need to make an official post about them, you can dm me if you’d like one :))
i wont be able to post consistently, i still go to school, i have finals coming up, i have a job, i’m in the process of moving, and i’m getting ready to go to college! so please bear with me during this time ^^
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roseredsnow · 11 months
Trying to have an actual discussion here so please keep the comments civil.
Seeing more posts about Kink at Pride again (obviously because it's pride month) and as a sex repulsed asexual I understand where people are coming from that they'd be uncomfortable, but also acknowledge that kink is an important part of pride.
What I've never seen is discussion on how we actually have kink at pride while making people comfortable and that is the discussion I think we need to have instead of who deserves to be where.
Aspec people and minors are constantly being told we don't belong in lgbt+ spaces so we have to make sure that they are welcomed.
However isolating people wanting to celebrate kink to a certain time or space defeats the point.
I've only been to pride in one place (Carlisle, Cumbria) and the way that'd always been while I'm there is a parade through town before arriving at a set location for performances and stalls.
The best solution I've came up with is at the location instead of isolating the people showing kinks there is a tent where anyone can go to if they need to get away from the crowds but don't want to leave the event entirely.
Not only would that give people that are uncomfortable with what they're seeing a place to get away but also anyone with sensory overload or anxiety etc a place to decompress.
And again during the parade these people either towards the front of back and that allows people not participating that want to watch but aren't comfortable with kink to also choose a safe spot for them to watch.
There is ways we can comparise and I'm just not seeing that discussion being had, like I said I understand the need for kink at pride but also would not be comfortable with full nudity (most other stuff hell even top upwards nudity I'd be fine with but obviously I'm not every person effected by this)
Also of you're using aces as your excuse to exclude kink from pride you also better be fighting for us at other times.
I would love yo hear other ideas but again please keep the comments civil.
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dadzawa004 · 8 months
Hi ^^; .. (tldr at the bottom + bit of a rant I think) ⚠️ vent-ish ? ⚠️
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We're gonna take another break. but this time it's mental health and not physical like the first time. The truth being Tumblr is a very stressful place, and it's hard to keep in touch with followers and make sure every follower that follows us actually is SFW or isn't something that is against our boundaries— all that. We love everyone here, we love Interacting with our followers and we love it when people come to us and say that our blog makes them happy. It makes me happy as well. But unfortunately no matter what we do, and no matter how much of a personal safe space we try and make this account, it just crumbles in the end. Our safe space is invaded, and no matter how much we block or do ANYTHING to stop them, they keep coming and it's exhausting. As someone who's asexual and a caregiver who is SFW (obviously) I never asked for "x reader" that is INFESTED with things we don't want to see, it damages you. Even as an adult (minor bodily) it does alot to someone and it's slowly making our safe space into something we are scared of. We don't want anyone to worry about us, this is mainly why we're removing the "ask" box on our account. We don't want to attention seek, or seek pity. We need a break and the last thing we want is people getting worried. We are fine, I promise. We are taking a break, because if we try and keep going we might just delete/purge this blog. And we don't want that so—
Tldr; taking a mental break for (unlisted) amount of time. During our break our ask button will be disabled. So please don't contact us, even via message. Don't worry about us, we are fine. So please don't worry. We love you all 🖤
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Hello; ladies & gentlemen, and everyone in between. Welcome to thebloodbringscolorandfluoresce, aka my poetry blog! <3 let's start with some basics...
WARNING: my work may be explicit, sensitive and in some instances, triggering. My poems are based on many life experiences and feelings of mine, so please... Read and follow me under your own risk; minors DNI!
Don't like my work? Just leave. No need to report me...
THE POET (basic information):
Name: Amy Jade (nicknames: Ames, either Amy or Jade works for me as well).
Birthday: September 13th (Virgo Sun, Gemini Moon, Scorpio Rising if anyone's interested in horoscopes lolz)
Pronouns: she/they; I'm bisexual & asexual. This is a LGBTQ+ safe space, so any hate (homophobia and/or transphobia will not be tolerated here).
Ethnicity: Latina (Mexican), currently I live in the U.S.
About Username: "the blood brings color and fluoresce" comes from a song from my favorite singer's album; "Traumatic Livelihood" by Jazmin Bean.
Fun Facts: I'm part of the alternative culture, aiming more for a scene/emo look. Some of my favorite music includes Jazmin Bean, Bring Me The Horizon, Melanie Martinez, Halsey, Elita… My music tastes are pretty wide. I've been writing poetry since 2020, and I wish to publish my book one day.
My main account: imonsterkive on Instagram and Tumblr, i post TMNT stuff there since I'm in the fandom too).
my tag: #amy's poetry
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finniestoncrane · 9 months
Here for a blind date!
Im 18, going on 19, asexual. I have some sensory issues and social anxiety. I'm generally very well organized, neat freak, I'll constantly tidy up my space, organize thing, even when its already clean. I like to do things at my own pace, namely in small bursts. Its easier to manage. As I easily get overwhelmed. I write, draw, sow, namely embroidery and pacthes, and dabble in some video game programming when I can! I tend to keep to my own corner, I try to be cordial, a good listner, and provide a safe space for others. I'm admittedly also very independent and stubborn to a fault.
I also own a pet Chinchilla named Wallace!
💜 blind date 💜 the kitchen is now closed! 🔞minors dni🔞 • masterlist • kofi link • tag: finnie1500 (to follow or to block) a/n: next time you come, bring the chinchilla. i want to see him💚
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"Hi, and welcome to the Vill-Inn! Just signal if you need to be saved at any point. Your guest has already... what's a polite term? Lectured? He's already lectured us all, so we will understand."
When you get closer to the table, your date looks up at you, studying you for a moment before he introduces himself.
"Edward Nygma. I'll find out your name later if I'm still interested. Please, sit down."
He's quick to explain to you what he was complaining about earlier, something about the order in which they were tending to guests, and how it would be more efficient if they followed his way, and also they really should strive to lay the cutlery out differently because it makes no sense. You're not really sure what he's saying, you're too busy staring at him with little love hearts in your eyes. A man after your own heart. And when you explain to him that you are also very organised, and a bit of a neat freak, he returns the look.
"Hm... interesting. What did you say your name was?"
You've got him hooked. He's even beginning to get interested in you, beyond subjects that he himself has a passing interest in. Truly a sign that he's keen. Although, while he is polite and listens as you talk about your more artistic hobbies, you do find it hard to shut him up when you broach the subject of video game programming.
"Please, tell me more. But only after I've finished speaking on the matter, as I believe I might be a bit more skilled than you. Than anyone, really!"
You're a polite person, so you let him go on. it feels like you're doing him a favour, giving him a space to just be himself and talk about the things he likes to a sympathetic ear, rather than someone who is rolling their eyes and waiting to tell him to shut up.
"I appreciate this. I can admit I have a tendency to... wax lyrically. So thank you for listening."
You assure him that the feeling is mutual, you're thankful that he listened to you, but you're grateful to hear his takes and for him to impart his wisdom. A fact that fills him with so much joy, a feeling of being appreciated, finally, that he can't help but ask for another date.
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luxnebula · 23 days
A couple of years ago I attended to a course on online communication in my university studies. One of the assignments on the course was to write a blog post about a subject we chose. When I was on that course, I didn't have this blog, so I published the blog post on my Twitter and LinkedIn. These platforms do have limitations on how long the posts can be, so I had to edit my blog post a lot to get it published. But now that I have this blog, I can translate it into English and publish it as I wrote it. So here it is:
Library services for LGBTQI people
Pride month is still ahead of us this year, but LGBTQI folks exist outside pride month, too. That's why it's good to consider how libraries could be more open and comfortable for queer people. In this blog post I introduce a couple of ideas on what libraries could do to enforce the equal treatment of sexual and gender minorities.
Queer people read books like cis straight people do. That's why it's important to have current and fresh literature where queer people can see themselves. Queer fiction is still unfortunately rare, but there are recommendation lists and book reviewers who specialise in queer fiction. Libraries can use these lists and reviewers to find new material for their collections.
Of course, libraries need also nonfiction, which acts as a segue to my next point: information services. There have been studies conducted on especially trans people's information needs and information seeking in the field of information studies, because they have especially unique information needs in different stages in their lives. Especially Aira Pohjanen found in her study Transsukupuolisten identeetin rakentamiseen liittyvä informaatiokäyttäytyminen (2013) (link and study are both in Finnish, unfortunately) that transgender people need information on a huge variety of subjects. These include:
identity, words, phenomena and concepts,
other trans people's experiences,
gender reassignment surgeries and hormone treatments and how they affect the body,
how to get a referral for these treatments,
how much these treatments will cost and how long they will last,
changing one's name
and risks involved with the surgeries.
According to Pohjanen, the most important information source is peer support and other trans people, but libraries should also know where this information can be found and offer this information for various reasons. For example, there might be trans people out there who don't have a peer support network yet or if a cisgender person is just interested about the subject and wants to educate themselves. Brandon Lyttan and Bibika Laloo agree in their study Equitable Access to Information in Libraries: A Predicament for Transgender People (2020): they say that libraries can ease trans people's information seeking by making it easier to access information about trans issues and offering physical and digital material on the subject.
Libraries can do other things too: they can offer a safe space where to meet other people. A majority of queer-oriented spaces are bars or nightclubs, which excludes a lot of people, for example minors, former alcoholics, people suffering from epilepsy and those queer people who just don't like noisy clubs. It is especially crucial to offer places for queer minors so they can be themselves without fearing discrimination and where they can get peer support and the sense of community.
Library staff also has to be ready to meet queer patrons. They have to be aware of the basic terms (transgender vs cisgender, asexual, nonbinary etc) and a patron should not be cross-examined on why they want information about transition processes. Librarians should be aware of reliable information sources about queer issues and challenges their own internalised thought models. It would be great if library staff could get training against discrimination and anti-discrimination policies were used in general.
Equality can be advanced in the patron databases of the libraries also. For example, marking down the patrons' gender feels, to me personally, unnecessary as a library patron and as library staff. But if there is indeed some insurmountable reason to mark down patrons' genders, the options "other" and "prefer not to say" should also be offered. And of course, the patrons should be given free access to change their gender marker later by themselves, either from the library's website or by email. Changing your name should be just as easy.
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anthrubicon · 1 month
Masterpost Thing
Welcome! This is the blog in which i'm gonna be making posts about stuff 'n such, including complaining about life or posting the odd sunrise pic or something (but mostly reblogging furry art). This blog is completely sfw, so if i accidentally post/reblog something too spicy here you're legally allowed to kill me.
I currently have two side blogs:
@anthrubi-con-artist is where i'll be posting my art (which will be reblogged here anyways so mutuals there's no need to follow there unless you love me forever and ever). The art there is strictly sfw.
@anthboobicon is my 18+ blog, so minors look away the link leads to boring taxes or something. I don't draw nsfw, but if that ever changes that's where it'll be. But for the moment it's just horny reblogs or just reblogging stuff that shouldn't reach a non-18+ audience.
Some more info about me:
Asexual, but still figuring things out.
19m He/Him, but if it's funny enough you can call me anything
Pianist who loves jazz or anything with good enough chords
Studying electrical and electronic engineering at university
idk i'm boring shoot me ask for literally anything I'm biologically incapable of being offended
No, my name is not Rubi, as the #rubi rambles tag would suggest - she is my fursona. I'm just a cis guy with a fairly common guy's name.
Should go without saying but given the recent state of this website I feel the need to clarify that this is a safe space for trans people and no hate will be tolerated towards anybody.
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d0omzdayfursuitz · 3 months
✨hi! I'm neptune.✨
Toric, lunarian, transmonster, catgender, lesbian, asexual, demiromantic, aroace
I am a minor!!
I am disabled, with autism, ADD, OCD, and IBS, which make having a regular schedule hard (so posts will not be consistent)
This account is meant to be a buisness casual account.
That means that i'll be posting silly things, buisness, as well as things that need attention.
My buisness is going to be a nonprofit.
All the money earned is going to go twoards wildlife conservation.
I strongly believe in equal rights, and i think that rich people should die and then be deprived of the peace of rot.
Terfs, jk rowling, trumpies, anybody who participates in the color coded political system, racists, nazis/antifurs, proshippers, and bri'*sh people are not welcome on my blog. (Sorry bri'*sh people!! I've just got a grudge against your ancestors, though i wont block anyone for being bri'*sh XD) (my hate twoards bri'*sh people is satire, and mostly a petty joke.)
I am white!! My experiences and advocations are always going to be slightly wrong, and anyone who wishes to correct me is appreciated. The voices of those suffering are more important than the voices of those who are not, and i will do my best to try and step behind and give them a megaphone.
I like to try and find the safe spaces with sunshine and rainbows in the world while i give creative threats to people who try and erase things :3
This blog will also most likely have taxidermy content, as this is a hyperfixation and a passion of mine, and i also hope to turn this into something that will help people too.
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