#this was a lot and really had me sit down and think through stuff holy shit
jekyllnahyena · 1 year
Dream, danger, need and fire for Bushra and Juliette 👀
penpenpenpenpenpenpen hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii<3<3<3<3<3 have foreheadsmooch <3<3<3<3
putting this under the read more cause jesus this got long ayayayayayay
dream: does your OC have a driving dream or goal? what is it? how far would they go to achieve it?
Bushra: Next to having a working government that doesn't employ her friends and future partner as slave soldiers? and wanting to burn down the whole galaxy and everyone responsible while helping in creating a happy life for those she cares about? Be able to wake up next to Fox and kiss her goodbye as she goes to work and not have to worry whether she's gonna see them in the evening?
Really wants to have her own office and continue her research into her medical studies and become a respected name in her field! (eye cancer to be a bit more specific! One of her grandma's is suffering from it and she's watched it happen over her childhood.)
Juliette: Ufffffff leave the fighting behind. Have a peaceful life. Be simply happy. Look, she knows what she's done, knows what she's doing but the one time she decided to dream of a peacful life it got blown up. Literally. (*cough with her partner cough*) I think, both in sw and cod, she's never thought she'd get that far, have an actual happiness with her partners. But god, the woman is tired. Tired of what she's lost, tired of the way she decided to stick with it (and still does), tired of the night terrors and the fear and the blood. I think she most wants a stable job that lets her have that without constantly looking over her shoulder in paranoia (in sw, she's never gonna get there btw)
danger: what’s one thing that makes your OC angry? what’s their temper like? how do they respond to people who make them mad?
Bushra: One thing that came most definetely with her work, predjudice in the medical field. It pisses her off, badly. She's very aware that a lot in it will end up with them not bothering (there are many reasons there but god, she's seen the fat phobia going on there and she wants to strangle some doctors) or calling others a lost cause and she's at a point where something in her starts burning then. Also, if you think anything self care and therapy are a hoax, she'll dislike you on principle and think you're an idiot and want nothing to do with you. Having her or her loved ones' boundaries disrepected is prob her biggest one though. She can take a lot, she worked in a closed psychiatry as a nurse from 19 to 24, she's dealt with some stuff, but that just made her that much cutthroat in affirming them. It takes a lot to get her really angry if you aren't pushing said buttons directly. She's a very patient person, very giving and forgiveful if people apologize (but she'll definetely remember it :)). I think there's like two levels to her, one is a sudden burst of anger where she gets flustered, will look actually angry and be a mix of 'trying to stay pleasant but just gets very ranty and demands an explanation and walks around the room a lot'. Will get loud, but tries hard not to. Actual, real anger from her though? Ice-fucking-cold. If you get her there, you know you fucked up. She doesn't need to say a lot and if she smiles, go to your knees and apologize because she will make you feel like an absolute waste of existence at that point.
Juliette: Hmmmm one sure fire way is questioning her strength (which Ghost very succesfully managed). It comes across as disrespectful to her, even if it's just because you care for her well-being. (Say that, she's gonna react a lot better to it. and look, she might hate what she does at this point and hate how she ended up like that, but it's still her point of pride. She has little else. Yes, that is very sad, thx) Being dishonest with her will also get her supremely pissed, she has no energy or time for it. Insults? Look, lady has a lot of anger still simmering in her, don't test her. Also, don't touch her hair unless permitted. Most terrifing would prob still be hurting her loved ones. Which, it happens in her field of work. Book it mate. Her temper is not exactly short, but there's lots of buttons to push and she'll react immediatly to them. Her respondse, dgain, depends on how severe it is and who you are. She'll directly confront, no use in being vague or hiding it to her. If you pissed her off, you'll know immediately. If you 'just' insulted her, she'll march up to you like the 1,93 m mountain of muscle and murder that she is and ask you what the fuck you think you are doing while staring at you like she'll eat your soul like a midnight snack. Most people will leave stuff be then. She'll be growly and calm though. If you push her hard enough after that, that's when she might get loud, but it happens rarely. She doesn't need to. Might ask you for a sparring session, it helps blow of steam and she's mostly around people where that goes. If, eh, you've hurt sombody though, just. Sorry, my dude, that's kinda it :/ (imagine grizzly bear appearing out of nowwhere.) The hair one is more specific, but I still kinda wanna adress it. To keep it short, she had to deal with assholes trying to use it against her during 'friendly sparring' just to piss her off/push her down a peg. She doesn't regret dislocating that shoulder. Got the message across, but it's something deeply personal.
need: has your OC ever experienced desperation? how has it affected them? what do they do when something they need is out of their reach?
Bushra: Several times. Again, she works in the medical field, she worked as both a hospital and psychiatry nurse. She's had people die under her hands while trying her damnest to save them. She's experienced with her parents dying too, the feeling of being left behind, just wanting them back, not understanding what is going on because she was just a child, all these things are branded into her mind. It drives her to try and be better, to work harder, to make it happen less, because she hates it. She's also trying to get into her mind that sometimes, there's nothing she can do, that it's not her fault. Its takes time though. If she sees that she can't do it, she asks for help, simple as that. For a long time she wouldn't keep the burdens to herself and only herself, but I think the desperation she's felt in the medical field have driven that one out. It's not yet her first reaction, but she's also learning that one. At least when she feels truly desperate she will.
Juliette: Again, also several times. On the regular tbh. Again, both in cod and sw, soldier. Juliette skimms by death on what feels like a monthly basis. She's had people dying before her, just behind her, in her arms. She listened over the coms to somebody screaming just before it cut off. Besides that, also her parents. It's scarred her for life, no questions asked. She had no family to simply fall back on then, had no immediate support system that cared for her and it's left it's marks. She's gotten very protective as a result, will try and endanger herself before others get the chance to. Also, ptsd and all that one entails. If she can't do it herself, she'll also scream for help. Otherwise, keep fighting through the desperation. You don't stop till there's a solution or the result.
fire: what’s one thing they’d destroy if they could, and why? would that destruction bring them any satisfaction or catharsis?
Bushra: the government :) she wants to throw fire and stones :) she wants to be able to see Fox smile and not find new scars :) she wants people to be safe and happy :) it would be cathartic and satisfying and let her behead Palpatine after she realised what those lichtenberg scars are :) (idk if u expected anything else, but that's her biggest one, currently)
Juliette: in sw? same. You have to know, she, Ghost, Soap, all of them got called in to work as commanders in this pangalactic war because yes, the jedi are the generals, but they aren't actual military, u know? And she's over 40 at this point, she's done her due, her even living is a miracle in and itself, and she was but a year before finally stepping back and leaving it behind. She has her husbands, she has her life, she's saver now, more stable, she's working on herself and trying to find ways to leave it. But then they got called in and she saw a bunch of 20 year old faces staring back at her, kids, that unlike her, had no choice in it and all three decided to do their damn best to try and get as many out as possible. They know best what a war entails. They don't know how to change a government (except try and murder but after that they're completely stumped, so going back in it is). But yeah, burn it down. Very much satisfaction.
In cod? As a teenager, everthing. As a woman now waking up with sweat drendched sheets and images of blood on her hands and lives she's taken and the fear of never knowing how to leave? Herself and everything that put her there. It's not rational, but who'd expect it to be :) Catharsis and satisfaction in equal messure I'd say. There's a lot of wrath inside her.
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meangirls-imagines · 3 months
Hi bubby! hey, could i get a smut fic/imagine with top! regina teaching an inexperienced y/n sex stuff? y/n is all like "she is jst teaching me" but regina definitely has a crush on y/n and is taking the opportunity to make a move on reader?? lots of praise, size difference, thigh riding? pls? ^^ thanks
Sex Education
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Description: Reader and Regina are partnered for a project in health class. Regina learns that reader hasn't had ✨spicy✨ time before and offers a helping hand to her crush.
WARNINGS: top!regina, bottom!reader, praise kink, size kink (regina is 5'10 and reader is 5'3), thigh riding (reader receiving), oral (regina and reader receiving), fingering (reader receiving), regina has a mommy kink hehe, aftercare, regina is a warning herself.
18+!!!!!! Get your holy water. Amen
Regina George always got what she wanted.
New car? Her dad had it for her within hours.
New shoes? Same-day shipping.
New flavor of the month? She had a line of North Shore students to choose from.
The only flavor Regina wanted, was one she had never even thought of tasting until recently.
Y/N Y/L/N.
The girl was a nobody to everyone at North Shore, but as of lately, she was everything to Regina. The blonde had noticed Y/N one day in health, trying to keep up with Coach Carr's weird lesson plans.
The girl had been nibbling on the end of her pen, listening to the droning sound of the man's voice as he tried to explain condoms to the class. Regina's eyes stay glued to the girl's mouth the whole class, the blonde imagining the filthiest things.
She had told Gretchen to get as much information on the girl as she could for her, which thankfully for Regina, didn't take long. She learned that Y/N had moved to North Shore halfway through their freshman year, played softball, and was gay.
Regina could already taste the victory.
For the next few weeks, the blonde was obsessed with Y/N. Going as far as to stay after school and watch the girl workout with her teammates. Y/N was noticing the attention she was getting from Regina, as did her friends, but she shook it off as Regina just playing with her mind.
It all came to a head a week later, as Coach Carr read out Y/N and Regina's names to be partnered up. The blonde smiled smugly at Y/N, making her blush deeply. As the man explained their "project" (he told them to go watch porn and write a paper about it), Regina moved over to sit next to Y/N.
"So. I know you workout after school, but how about you come over so we can do this project and...get to know each other more?" Y/N couldn't do anything but nod. The girl had no idea what she had just signed up for.
Hours later, the girls were in Regina's room, the blonde scrolling through PornHub, trying to find a semi interesting video. Y/N was trying to figure out how to write an essay about porn when Regina spoke up.
"So, what's your preferred category of porn, baby?" Y/N blushed deeply. "O-oh. I don't watch it." Regina looked at the girl curiously. "Really? That's adorable, baby. I'm honored to take your porn virginity."
Y/N's blush got even deeper. Regina instantly noticed. "What's wrong baby? Are you embarrassed? Don't be. It's just porn." Y/N shook her head and tried to go back to her outline but Regina gently grabbed her chin to stop her.
"Are you embarrassed about something else, sweetie? You can tell me. We're friends now, this is what friends do." Y/N didn't think that was true but she knew Regina was right somehow. Y/N sighed and whispered.
"I've never had sex with a girl before."
Regina felt like she hit the lottery. Oh, she was going to ruin this girl. "That's okay baby. You don't have to be embarrassed. If you don't mind me asking, who did you lose your virginity to?" Y/N looked down at her lap. "It was Jack on the football team." Regina smiled softly at the girl. "Oh, you sweet thing. I bet he didn't even make you finish, did he?"
Y/N shook her head. "It was more of an enjoyable experience for him." Regina nodded and rubbed Y/N's arm, pretending to ignore the goosebumps that formed. "Well, I have experience in making girls feel good. How about I help you out? Make you experience how you first time should've gone."
Y/N hesitantly nodded and the blonde smashed their lips together. The kiss started out soft and sweet but Regina turned it into a fiery, passionate make out. She pulled the shorter girl onto her lap, hands automatically going to her ass.
Y/N moaned at the contact, giving Regina the chance to begin marking up her neck. "Fuck. You're gonna look so pretty with my marks all over you baby." Y/N whimpered and began to softly grind against Regina's thigh. The blonde smirked and grabbed Y/N's hips, guiding her.
"Oh, my sweet girl, you just need some relief don't you? Don't worry, Mommy will take care of you." Y/N felt heat shoot straight to her core as she tried to grind faster, but the blonde kept her pace. "No, no baby. I wanna enjoy this. I'm gonna ruin you for anyone else. You're only gonna want me. Understand?"
Y/N nodded. "Yes, Mommy." Regina groaned. "And such good manners. I'm keeping you forever baby. And since you've been so good, use Mommy's thigh to get yourself off and you'll get a reward."
Y/N began to grind faster, desperate to please the blonde beneath her. Regina watched as the girl rode her thigh like a mad woman. She smiled at the desperation in Y/N's movements. She put her hands up Y/N's shirt, grabbing at her breasts as the girl moaned loudly.
"Cum whenever you need baby. You're doing so good." That was the breaking point for Y/N as she stiffened, her orgasm washing over her as Regina whispered praises to her. Y/N slumped against the blonde, Regina kissing her temple.
"Take your time baby, we have all the time in the world."
Y/N was now on her back, fully naked, watching Regina strip. "Since you've been so good, I told you that you would get a reward." Y/N nodded excitedly as Regina slowly crawled up the bed, kissing her way up Y/N's body.
Y/N was curious to know what her reward was when Regina crawled all the way up to Y/N's face, her pussy on full display for the girl beneath her. "Mommy is going to let you eat her pussy baby. We're gonna do something fun."
Regina turned and straddled Y/N's face, still hovering. "While you eat Mommy's pussy, Mommy is going to eat your pussy baby. Sound fun?" Y/N nodded and pulled Regina's pussy closer to her face and began to eat her like she was her last meal.
Regina was caught off guard but moaned at the feeling. "Oh fuck. Such a good girl aren't you baby?" Y/N moaned and Regina leaned down and gently sucked Y/N's clit into her mouth, causing the girl's hips to buck.
Regina smirked and began licking and sucking harder. Y/N was moaning into her pussy and the vibrations sent shivers down her spine. They began to bring each other to a shared high. Regina wanted Y/N to cum before her, since she had been so good and expertly slid two fingers into Y/N's core.
The girl moaned loudly as the blonde began to pump her fingers. Y/N kept eating Regina's pussy as she desperately wanted the blonde to feel good. Regina could tell Y/N was getting close, as was she. The blonde spoke up. "You can cum whenever, angel. Mommy wants to make you feel good. You've been such a good girl."
Y/N felt the pleasure bubble burst as Regina's words took her over the edge, the girl cumming all over Regina's fingers. Y/N cumming so pretty for her set her off as she came hard in Y/N's mouth. They helped each other ride out their highs as Regina adjusted and laid next to Y/N.
She looked at the girl, who had her cum covering the lower half of her face. She looked blissfully fucked out as Regina smirked at her work. She leaned over and kissed Y/N, also licking her cum off her face, moaning at the taste of herself.
The blonde got up, smiling at the whine Y/N let out. "Hang on baby. I gotta get you cleaned up." Y/N unwillingly let Regina go to the bathroom to grab a damp towel.
The blonde gently took the towel and wiped between Y/N's thighs, cleaning the mess as Y/N twitched. "Shhh...baby. I'm almost done. My good, sweet girl. So perfect." Y/N melted into the mattress at the praise.
The blonde finished her job and cleaned herself quickly before grabbing clothes for her any Y/N. After gently wrestling Y/N into the clothes, the blonde walked to the mini fridge she had in her room and grabbed a water, a gatorade, and a banana and gently coaxed Y/N to take the snacks.
Y/N drank all the gatorade, three quarters of the water and ate the banana and Regina pulled the girl into her arms. "You did so good for me baby. My sweet angel. All mine, huh baby?" Y/N nodded sleepily. "All yours, Mommy."
The next day in school, dressed in a pink hoodie a size too big, and covered in a fresh set of hickies, Y/N walked with her new girlfriend to Health class. No one said a word when Regina pulled Y/N into her lap, whispering what their classmates assumed the dirtiest things in her ear, the two girls fully ignoring Coach Carr.
No one said anything about the new couple, knowing better than to ask questions.
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lu-vin-it · 1 year
Made It
── ⋅⋅⋅ ────꒰ ୨ ♡ ୧ ꒱───────
Summary: After years of being apart, not knowing whether the other is alive or dead, you and your husband have reunited.
Pairings: Daryl Dixon x Reader
Pronouns Used: None mentioned, but Y/N is called Momma
Word Count: 898
Warnings: I hate this
A/N: Ty to @stqrluvr for proofreading, ily!
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“That all of ‘em?” You ask, wiping your forehead. Your sister, Candace, nods. Sighing with relief, you pull your dagger out of the last walker you had killed. You wipe it on your pants before putting it in its holster.
“That was a lot.” Candace says, sitting down against a wall. She starts rummaging through her bag before pulling a water bottle out.
“Take a minute, but then we gotta get back to the truck.” You walk into the hallway and start pacing. You hated being gone this long. The run, which was only supposed to be a few hours, turned into a two day stop when you found a small urgent care. You were itching to get back to Alexandria, to your daughter, to your home. You knew she was probably worried sick. Even though she was only eight, she knew enough about this new world to know that if a person doesn’t return when they’re supposed to, it probably means the worst.
Candace walked into the hallway a few seconds later, and the two of you left with bags full of medical supplies.
You made it home in an hour, Candace volunteered to take the findings where they belonged while you rushed to Emily’s, the woman who babysat Janis from time to time.
“Emily? Janis?” You yell as you barge into her house. You run into the living room where you see Janis and Emily sitting on the couch. Your eight year old immediately springs up and runs to you, crushing you with a hug.
“Hey sugar!” You hug her back tightly. “I’m so sorry, Auntie C and I found a little doctor’s office that hadn’t been looted, so we cleared it out and got some great stuff.” She pulls out of the hug and looks at you with the saddest eyes.
“I was really scared.” You can feel your eyes welling up.
“I know, baby, I’m very sorry. I wanted to come home to you the entire time.” You rub her cheek with your thumb. “I got you something!” You take your backpack off and put your hand into the side pocket, pulling out a necklace. It was silver with a small diamond on it. “Here, so we’ll match.” You put it against your own necklace which had your engagement and wedding rings on it.
“Woah!” She awes. “Put it on me!” She eagerly spins around.
Twenty minutes later, you’re back at your house, changing your clothes as Janis tells you about her previous day at school.
“Y/N?” You hear your sister shout, followed by the front door closing.
“In my room changing!”
“Get down here!” You furrow your brows.
“New people.. you’re gonna want to see one of them.” You raise an eyebrow at your daughter and the two of you shrug.
“K.. one second.”
“You have Jan, right?” You adjust your shirt before walking out of your room.
“Yeah.” You walk downstairs, Janis right behind you. Candace was waiting for you with a grin. “C’mon then.”
You all walk to the gates of Alexandria where Deanna, Aaron, and Eric stood in front of a group of thirteen strangers. You gave Candace a confused look before looking each stranger up and down. Stranger, stranger, stranger, stranger, st—what. You gulp. It couldn’t be.
“Daryl?” Everyone’s eyes snap to you in sync. The man glares at you for a moment before his eyes soften and all of a sudden he’s dropping his crossbow and running towards you. “Holy shit!” You call out as you wrap your arms around your husband. Your eyes well up and soon enough, you’re laughing through sobs. Daryl is squeezing you so hard that you think you might explode, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Y/N.” He breathes out.
“Hi honey.” You cry into his shoulder. You feel something crash into your legs, you glance down and realize it’s Janis. You pull away from the hug and Daryl reaches down to pick up your daughter. She buries her head in his neck and cries while holding him tightly. You wrap your arms back around both of them. All three of you are sobbing at this point.
“Daryl? Who is that?” Rick asked inquisitively. Neither of you move away from each other.
“She’s his wife.” Candace supplies. “Don’t y’all have anything better to do than stare?” She snaps, glaring at the fellow Alexandria citizens. Most scatter off. You pull out of the hug and put your hand on Daryl’s cheek.
“I.. You’re.. You made it.” He cries. You laugh and nod.
“I made it. We made it. I knew you’d find me, never doubted it, not for a minute.” You rambled. “I missed you s—“ He cuts you off by kissing you. God if felt good. For the first time since the dead started walking, you felt at peace.
“Eww!” You pull apart and you both laugh at your daughter. It was a beautiful sight to everyone else, seeing this man reunited with his wife and daughter. “Where were you Daddy? I missed you.” Janis whispered, rubbing his beard because it felt funny just like she used to do.
“I missed you too, pumpkin. I was helping out some friends but I’m back. I’m here. I ain’t going anywhere. Okay?” She nods with a smile.
“Okay.” She wraps her arms around his neck and hugs him tightly.
── ⋅⋅⋅ ────꒰ ୨ ♡ ୧ ꒱───────
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shellxrls · 3 months
okay let’s talk about how John b fucks. because ohmyfuckinggod
he has such and incredible, immaculate, crazy, aneurism inducing stroke game I cannot even begin to describe it. he just gets it. like ughhh.
he’s so thick and girthy and his VEINS!!! ugh. like I swear it just makes it even better. he has this one vein that runs alll the way down the underside of his cock NMFJFJDH. perfection.
okay I’m going off topic. when John b fucks. he takes it seriously. he will never, and I mean never intentionally neglect someone that he loves. and he is very very firm about that rule in the bedroom.
he always takes it slow at the beginning. he is amazing with the foreplay. sloppy kisses and HEAD!!! AMAZING HEAD!!!! and fingering. oh the fingering.
he knows he’s big, and he knows that it’s nearly impossible to get used to like ughhgh. has to spend minutes jst using his fingers to get me stretched out and ready.
and yall already know HE TALKS THROUGH IT!!! he uses the nickname ‘dolly’ which honestly I wasn’t expecting but I did not complain I can tell you that.
he lovessss pretty noises, and honestly acts like he’s not expecting it and maybe he isn’t but like.. ?? you really expect me not to whimper when ur four fingers knuckles deep inside??
but genuinely, he’s so soothing and lovely. comforting works and always coaxing sweetly.
the foreplay varies by instance but the sex is almost always the same. medium paced, gentle but rough, and soooo just ugh. makes the brain go to mush on autopilot.
he’s just so daddy. like omg. omg. ugh. daddy. he is daddy. daddy is him. I cannot exaggerate this enough.
he is dick is so perfect literally every time he goes in he hits that spot. you know the spot.
he makes these little grunting noises every time he thrusts in it’s so hawt like omg.
he LOVES a good mating press.
he’s also a titty sucker. and. he is. a. TOTAL. munch. he’s so sloppy when he’s suckin on the clit all perfect.
and you bet he does not EVER struggle to find the clit either. this man has experience.
he is also HEAVY. like his whole person he jst pins me down so effortlessly ugh. he literally radiates dominance.
he’s also a chronic clit rubber 🤞🏻always had a thumb on my clit over my shorts or under my skirt.
and he reeks of casual dominance. if I’m being bratty or just whiny he’ll just cup my pussy like it’s nothing. talking in that low voice like SLUT ME OUT.
he lovesss receiving head. normally he’ll be sitting down, me on my knees infront of him. he holds my hair back and guides me <333 ugh he is just SO daddy.
he also loves dry humping <3 ugh like if we’re outside the chateau at sunset n ill just hump on him for ages like YESSS.
also this surprised me but he has a mild choking kink, not like hardcore but he’ll wrap a hand round the throat definitely, even if he doesn’t apply too much pressure.
he’s also a pretty moaner <3
massive breeding kink too!!!! like ugh mhh ohh I love it. he shoots BIG loads so those creampies are immaculate.
when it’s all finished he’ll dip and hand down and scoop some of his cum up and feed it to me <333 mhh
and he is the KING!!! of aftercare. the absolute sweetest. has a checklist in his mind of things to make sure we both keep up our personal hygiene during and after sex. always wiped me up and is very avid that I don’t do too much very physical stuff after cause he fucks for a long time and he fucks deep so bet I’ll be tired af.
lots of cuddles and kisses <33 ugh love him.
okay I think that’s all the points but if I’ve missed anything out or if there’s anything else yall wanna know lmk!!
- rafe shifter
CRYING SCREAMING THIS IS MY BIBLE. this is my holy text oh my god.
PLSS i know that one vein must jut out and feel so fucking GOOD ohmygosksjsjdk.
i can’t even function him just being casually dominant and so daddy mode is making me SICK . clenching my thighs i knew he wld be like this <33.
‘dolly’ IS SO CUTE IM SICK PLEASE. it’s def the grandpa in him and i’d say it to his face no shame 🙏🏼.
i can imagine the grunts i know they’re practically punched outta him with every grind and thrust AGH !!
love that he uses your clit like a little fidget toy that so cute !! i’d never stop wearing shorts and skirts around him tbh bcuz that’s daddy wdym !!
also jeez i need to write a breath play drabble with him now bcuz i’d never though ab it before but i bet those biceps are perfect for choking someone out <3.
i love him so much and once again THANK YOU BABES !! cannot ever say it enough honestly this has been the highlight of my week and i love talking ab it with you <3.
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slayfics · 5 months
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Explosive tendencies a slow burn fan fiction about the readers developing relationship with Katsuki Bakugo.
Chapter fourteen: You visit Katsuki.
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You puttered around your room trying to keep yourself busy. It was taking everything in you not to text and bug Katsuki. It should have been enough for you to know he was safe at home, but you still worried about how he was doing. Surely everything that happened was pretty traumatic for him. Being kidnapped by the League of Villains, and being in the middle of that fight with All Might and One For All.
You mindlessly folded some laundry and put it away as you desperately fought the urge to check on him. You knew he had to be tired from all the questioning from the police and no doubt his parents, so you tried to give him space.
You finished putting away the last of your laundry and eyed your phone on your bed. Ugh- fuck it. He can ignore it if he doesn't want to talk to anyone.
You grabbed your phone and messaged Katsuki.
How are you doing? I'm fine. You don't need to check on me. I know, but it's hard not to worry with everything that happened. I said I'm fine. I'm fucking tired of talking about it. The cops were here for hours. I'm sorry that sounds shitty. Want to come over? I promise I won't ask about it. We can talk about other stuff and pretend it didn't happen for a while. Can't. I'm on some house arrest shit. They don't want me going anywhere. I'll come to you then.
You really want to see me that bad hu?
You blushed reading his last text and before you could think of what to say back Katsuki was calling you.
"Hey," You answered your phone.
"I'm going to give you directions on how to get to my place," he said
"You could just send me your address," you said as you snuck out your window.
"I want you to stay on the phone with me the whole time. In case something happens. I don't need you running into villains or anything on the way to my place. I'd never hear the end of it from the damn police," he grumbled.
You laughed at his remarks. While his words were harsh you knew by now it was just the way Katsuki was. It was actually sweet that he wanted to make sure you were safe the whole way to his house.
"Alright tell me what street you are on," he said.
You gave him the name of passing streets and he proceeded to give you what he decided to be the safest route even though it was a little longer.
"I don't want you walking down any alleyways or shit like that. And hurry up you're walking so damn slow," he said.
"I am not! It's not my fault I don't have a quirk that lets me explode through the sky," You teased him.
"Tch whatever- do you see the house with the brown wall yet?" he asked.
Your mouth hung slightly open as you realized the house Katsuki was talking about. It was a rather huge house, that you hadn't expected him to live at.
"Holy shit-" you said being unable to keep your thoughts to yourself.
"What?" He asked.
"This is a huge fucking house Bakugo, do you have a lot of siblings or something?"
"No. It's just me and my parents. Come to the balcony on the second floor," He demanded.
You looked up and noticed Katsuki coming out onto the balcony. He used his quirk to jump down next to you.
"Just grab on to me," he said holding his arm out.
"What?" You blushed taken back.
"Don't be so weird about it, I'm just going to get us back up," he said as he wrapped his arm around you and set his quirk off again landing you both on the balcony.
"Come on get inside," he said walking into his room and waving for you to follow him.
You looked around his room and noticed he was extremely organized. Probably the cleanest boy's room you had ever seen. It was huge too, double the size of your room, including its own restroom. A few posters decorated the walls and a drum set sat in the corner.
Katsuki sat at his chair by his desk, "Just sit wherever I don't care," He replied when you both heard yelling from downstairs.
Katsuki quickly yelled back causing your eyes to widen, "SHUT THE HELL UP I WAS JUST KILLING A DAMN SPIDER HAG!"
Katsuki grunted but didn't respond.
"Um- was that your mom?" You asked.
"Yeah, fucking bitch has been driving me crazy under this damn house arrest," he replied.
You stared at Katsuki dumbfounded. By no means did you have the best family relationships, but you'd never expected his home life to be this way. Suddenly, a lot of Katsuki's personality started to make sense to you and for the first time, you almost pitied him.
"Must be rough not being able to get some space," you said sympathetically.
"Hey, you said you weren't going to talk about it!" He barked angrily.
"Right," You looked around the room feeling unsure of where to sit, until you reluctantly decided to sit on the edge of the bed facing him sitting in his chair.
You let out a sigh, having no idea what to say to him now that you were here.
"She's um- not actually going to come up here, right? She sounds like she'd kick my ass if she found me in here," You joked trying to lighten the mood.
"Tch. Nah, she won't. She wants just as much space from me as I do from her," he grumbled, which only made you feel sadder for Katsuki. "How did you idiots find out where to go that night anyway?" He asked.
"I thought you said you didn't want to talk about it?" You teased him.
"This is different! I'm the one asking the questions now," he replied.
"Fair enough. Well, Yayarozu had put a tracker on one of the Nomu's back at the training camp. She gave one to the police and pros and then made another one for us to follow later. Once we got there Kirishima used some night vision goggles, he bought to look in the building. That's when we saw all the Nomu's and then pros started showing up. Shortly after it sounded like you just teleported there with the other villains," you explained.
"Yeah, it was some teleporting quirk that one villain had. Smelled like shit it was awful," he replied. "And then what?" he asked, encouraging you to keep going.
"We heard you and knew we had to do something. Midoriya came up with the plan for him, Iida, and Kirishima to rocket through the sky to give you an opening."
Katsuki grumbled, "Of course, it was that fucking nerd's idea."
You figured he wasn't going to be happy to hear it was Izuku who had come up with the plan, but you didn't intend to lie to him. "Then when they got you, me, Todoroki, and Yayarozu took off. After that, we met up with the rest of you and you know what happened from there," You finished.
"Yeah- you hugged the shit out of me like I was some weakling you expected to find dead or something," he spoke harshly.
You felt stunned by his words and snapped back, "Hey I was just worried about you! And it was nice to see you weren't hurt at all."
Katsuki rolled his eyes and you both sat in silence for a moment before he asked you another question.
"What kind of goggles did shitty hair have? Did he already have them or just bought them?" He asked.
"I'm not telling you," you said stubbornly still upset at his last comment.
"The fuck? Don't be a brat!" he barked.
"Then apologize! You know I don't think you're weak!" You yelled back.
"I'm not fucking apologizing," he said sternly.
"You're so irritating do you know that! You would think you'd have an ounce of gratefulness for your friends and me! We were risking a lot going to find you! You know that right!?"
"Of course, I know that dumb ass! I'm not a fucking idiot!" He yelled back.
"Then stop acting like one!"
Katsuki stared at you with a bewildered expression, he had no idea what to make of your sudden feistiness. "Ugh," he groaned running his hand over his face.
"Fine- look I don't give a crap about you hugging me or whatever. So, just fucking tell me if Kirishima bought those goggles specifically to come look for me," he pleaded.
You stared at him deciding if you wanted to answer. You figured that was the best type of apology you'd get out of him and gave in, "He said he bought them specially to look for you. Happy?"
"No, I'm not fucking happy, I don't want to owe anyone anything. I didn't ask you extras to come look for me," He grumbled.
"If it was any of us, what would you have done?" You asked angrily, fed up with his attitude.
Katsuki gave you an intimidating stare as he thought your question over. After some time passed, he answered honestly, "Depends who."
"Kirishima. If it was Kirishima that got taken, what would you have done?"
Katsuki sighed, "I'd go get the dumb ass, but I wouldn't have been as reckless about it as you idiots were!" He exclaimed and crossed his arms.
You rolled your eyes at him and stared at the floor as a long pause sat between you both and your next question, "What if it was me?" You asked gently.
Katsuki ignored your question and stared out the window for entirely too long before saying, "It's getting late you should head back. I don't want you walking back in the dark," he said.
You got up without saying anything and stomped over to the balcony, frustrated still by Katsuki's never-ending stubbornness and refusal to answer you.
"Come here, I'll help you down," he said, pulling you to him as he shot off his quirk again landing you both on the ground.
"Same fucking deal alright, call me while you walk back," he said letting you go.
"Fine," you said irritated, and pulled out your phone. "But I'm not some fucking weakling either you know," you snapped at him.
"Yeah, I know," he said, voice softer than before. "Look," he paused and seemed to gather his thoughts for a moment. "Don't think I don't understand what you all did. I get it, I just- I don't know." He grunted and you could see him becoming frustrated with himself.
You sighed feeling guilty for your attitude now. Obviously, Katsuki had been through a lot the past two days. It was asking a lot of him to be happy or grateful about anything right now.
"It's fine, Bakugo... I'm just glad you are ok." You spoke and made a quick decision to test your luck once more as you wrapped your arms around him and brought him into an embrace. To your surprise, he didn't push you off or make some snarky comment. Instead, he gingerly wrapped his arms around you returning the gesture.
You rested your head on his chest embracing the hug for as long as you could. You realized you'd never met anyone as hard to read as Katsuki. One moment she seemed irritated by your very presence and now you felt him giving in embracing you tighter. Your whole body froze as he moved to gently rest his head on top of yours.
You felt paralyzed as if any slight movement would have scared him away like a skittish cat. Although, a part of you wondered what would have happened if you were to have looked up at him. However, the moment passed, and Katsuki broke the peaceful silence.
"Told you, you don't need to worry about me dumb ass. Now get going it's getting dark. And don't forget to call me on your way back." He said, removing his arms from you and breaking the embrace.
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Tags: @anon-mouse223 @unofficialmuilover @maddietries @sikuthealien @queenpiranhadon @melrs21 @poemzcheng @kazuumii @bakunianadecorazon @ur-crusty-uncle
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joonggphilia · 7 months
🩶🩶Top of the Class🩶🩶 ——————————————
pairing: Top San x Bttm M!reader genre: smut (super fluffy) cw: finger sucking, hickeys A/n: This is prob one of my favorites <3
You were so stressed. So many exams and projects to finish, just to keep those good grades you had promised your family. You’d do anything for your marks to go up. Today you decided to approach your classes TA. Choi San. He was so smart and pretty handsome for a nerd. “Hey San! I’m kinda stressing about this class and I really need my marks to go up. I’ll give you anything you’d like in return.” You ranted, praying he’d accept the offer. He looked down at you with his arms crossed and a big smile across his face. “Of course, M/n. I’m free later tonight actually, I’ll decide what I want then.” San accepted, his friendly smile never leaving his face. ————
A knock sounded on your dorm door, the loud sound resounding through your small room. “Coming!” You chirped, moving towards the door. “Hey M/n. Ready to get to work?” San asked, gesturing to the laptop and notebook in his hands. You didn’t respond, to distracted by the man in front of you. You were used to him with his business casual looks and glasses on. Oh no. He stood in front of you wearing a white tank top and grey baggy sweatpants. Seeing him in this new light made you sweat. “C-come in. You can set your stuff on the living room table.” You breathed, snapping out of your trance. While you two were studying you couldn’t help but gasp every time his hand brushed over yours. Fuck. Your eyes kept drifting down to his nether regions. The print in his sweats made you wonder, was he free balling!? If so he was big, holy crap. “Earth to M/n. We’re finished, good job.” San chimed, closing his laptop and leaning back against the couch. “O-oh..ok! Thanks San it means a lot. So what did you want in exchange, I’ve got money.” You stammered, reaching for your phone before San’s strong hand stopped you. “I don’t want you to pay me. I want you to tell me what you’ve really been thinking about tonight, sitting next to me.” San admitted, nonchalantly. “Well….I’ve honestly been admiring you this whole time. You’re extremely attractive.” You blurted, a light blush covering your face. “That’s what I wanted to hear.” San hummed, before grabbing your chin and pulling you into a heated kiss. Neither of you complained at the feeling, getting lost in each other’s warmth just felt right. San pulled his shirt, muscles rippling at the sudden movement. “Oh my god.” You gasped, the sight of his godly body sending your mind reeling. “I know. It’s your turn smarty.” He motioned at you to take your shirt off. You complied, even going as far as slipping your shorts off as well. San raised his eyebrows and quickly copied your desperate actions. “Let’s get to work now, shall we?” San laughed, latching his lips onto your neck, leaving marks up and down your shoulders. His wet kisses were going straight to your dick, the friction in your boxers becoming unbearable. “San. I need you, please.” You whined, grinding against his bulge. He moved in sync at a painfully slow pace. “What do you need pretty boy. Be the smart boy I’ve been tutoring and use your words.” San hummed, emphasizing his movements. “I want your cock inside of me, San. I love your body, I need you closer to me. Please.” You ranted and pleaded, San slowly slipping off your boxers, not needing to rid his. “Because you asked so nicely I simply can’t deny. What a smart boy, your marks are sure to go up.” He praised, his fingers shoving themselves into your mouth. “Suck them for me, yeah?” He asked, innocently tilting his head. You complied and did as he told you. After a few minutes he pulled them from your mouth and moved to your hole, pushing a finger in. You gasped at the intrusion, arching your back from the couch. He poked and prodded, adding more fingers one by one. The way he curled his knuckles and moved in and out was driving you crazy. You were getting close at just his digits, so so close, but he pulled out causing an exaggerated whine to leave your lips. “Don’t worry. Your gonna take my cock for me pretty boy.” He hummed, lining up with your entrance. He slammed himself into you, not missing a beat, moving in and out at an intense speed. San was such a nerd TA, and here he is, driving you to the best orgasm you’ve ever had. His thick cock was filling your perfectly. “Your doing so good.” He grunted, moving faster and hitting your prostate harder and harder. The tight knot threatened to break. You were close. “S-SAN!” You yelped, your orgasm hitting you as he slammed down on your prostate one last time, triggering both of you to orgasm. He sweetly kissed you once. “Your marks might go up if I stay the night.” San shrugged. ——————————————————————
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sturniololoco · 5 months
little sister fic: they catch her vaping and she says she will stop but then they catch her vaping with her friends again and she tried to run away but they catch her and lecture her and take them away
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Warnings: vaping, smoking, etc.
Note: I have so many (similar) requests for this one! It's kinda of short tho! Sorry!
I needed it.
I excused myself from the living room with my brothers, not being able to take it anymore.
I shut the door behind me and then pulled my vape out of my bra and took a hit, instantly feeling better. I watch the smoke come out of my nose in the mirror, satisfying my nerves.
Just as I was about to take another, the bathroom door opened.
"Oh shit! Sorry, I-" Chris begins to apologize, stopping dead in his tracks, looking at the object in my hands.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" He asks me, closing the bathroom door and walking close to me.
"I-I...It's just a little-I mean I-" I can't form words, so scarred about what Chris will say.
He's so disappointed.
"alright, I'll tell you what," He says, ripping the vape from my hands. I try to snatch it back, but before I can, he drops it on the floor and smashes it.
"I won't tell Matt or Nick about this, If you swear on all that is holy, you won't do this again." He gives me a stern look, bending down to pick up the remnants of the vape on the floor.
I nod, not wanting to disappoint my other brothers, or Chris even more.
He gives me one more glare before walking out of the bathroom and slamming the door.
"What is that smell in there?" Nick asks, poking his head out of the bathroom I just walked out of.
'I-uh...breakfast didn't sit too well with my stomach." I lie.
He shrugs and blows it off, using the bathroom all the same.
"Thanks a ton!" I say to the senior handing me a new vape in a brown bag, and handing him a $50 bill for the cost and his trouble.
He nods and walks away as I stuff the thing into my backpack and sprint home as soon as the final bell rings.
I really did try to keep my promise to Chris, but on the 3rd day, I was shaking like crazy and I felt like scratching my eyes out.
arriving home, I quickly said hello to my brothers, shoveling down the afternoon snack Nick had made me. I then ran to my room, saying something about having lots of homework.
I slammed my door shut and flung my backpack onto my bed after grabbing out the paper bag. I unpacked it and sank to the floor.
I took a hit, immediately feeling relief flood through my shaking limbs and scrambled brain, the light, almost see-through smoke, creating a wreath around my face.
But just like last time, the door opened on my second hit.
Nick, Matt, and worst of all, Chris stood in my doorway, standing there shocked. Chris pushed passed Matt and Nick, walking to me, only to snach the vape again and press it in my face.
"This again? Come on SLS/N! You broke my trust for this stupid thing?" Chris scolded.
Tears were flooding down my face, knowing he disappointed all my brothers are.
"I-I'm sorry! I n-need it. please," I say, trying to explain how badly my body craved this hunk of metal and plastic in my brother's hand. I just couldn't explain why.
Matt and Nick came over, Mat sitting down next to me while Nick comforted Chris.
"SLS/N, there are other ways of handling your stress. You can always come and talk to one of us, we are always here for you." Matt said, rubbing my arm comfortingly.
I nod as he hugs me, feeling extremely guilty about this whole situation. It made me want to chuck my vape out the widow, but use it at the same time.
Matt let go and Chris came next, wrapping his arms around me, cradling my head to his chest as I cried.
"I tried Chris, I really did. I-I couldn't do it! I'm s-sorry." I said.
He shushed me softly, stroking my hair gently, helping me calm down.
"I know you did. But we're all here now to help you get through this okay? You can always talk to us.
I nodded into his chest, feeling relieved that he was;t angry with me.
Matt and Nick joined in on our hug as Chris mumbled into my hair,
"I love you, sweet girl."
"I love you too."
Still cleaning out my inbox!
Tag List: @idkwhosnyla @babypat08 @eyelessdemon00 @christopherowensturniolo @sturnsxx @freshloveforthefit @matty443355 @sleepysturnss @emeraldgreenbeautiesstu @sunsetsturniolos @hoesturniolo @x4nd3rsukz @chr1sgirl4life @sstvrnioloo @sturns-posts @chrisstopherfilmed @kylasrealityx @zoeysturnioloooooo
92 notes · View notes
cowpokeomens · 4 months
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Pairing: Pastor!Joakim "Jolly" Karlsson x fem!reader
Word Count: 5.3k
Warnings: 18+ ONLY MINORS DNI!!!!!!!!! A looot of references to religion (it all takes place in a church, so), smut smut smut (p-in-v) I'm including dubcon bc consent is weird with power dynamics, age gaps (10 yr) (everyone is of legal age though!!), some body horror stuff, power imbalance, I think that's all but if you come across something that I missed please reach out so I can tag accordingly!!! Love u bye!!!
A/N: This was really cathartic to write lmao I have a sprinkling of Religious Trauma and this helped me work through some of those feelings in my own weird horny way. It is porn, please don't start expecting me to be some kinda respectable writer with plotlines or whatever. PLEASE HEED THE TAGS. Okay enjoy!!!!
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The guilt of it is eating you alive. 
The pressure between your legs- the raw, empty ache that plagues you day in and day out. Sitting on your pew, you are once again swept away by long, glossy hair and inked knuckles, turning sacred pages of a holy book that can do nothing to hold your attention at this moment.
What an impression of Christ he makes, you think to yourself, sounding hypnotized even in your internal monologue. 
He arrived when you were 19, to your small town, to your even smaller church. The rest of the folks in town think your congregation is too… fanatical. You can’t imagine a world in which someone could be over-zealous for the word of God, and even so, Pastor Karlsson had done a lot to level the congregation out. 
He was a divorcee, not by his choice, he has said. He was only 29 when he first rolled into town, funny accent and even funnier sounding name causing immediate distrust in your tight-knit community.
But God, did he have a testimony. Sex, drugs, rock ‘n roll, the tattoos adorning his body told you the story better than those gaudy stained glass windows in the snobby Catholic churches ever could. A lecherous lifestyle with a woman who didn’t love him, not really - not the way you do. He had humbled himself to you all, and you gladly let him in. He was made a pillar in your community - he became a leader to the congregation.
Which is why you always suppressed your feelings, putting them in a locked sarcophagus and hurling it to the far recesses of your mind. You will not be the thing that tries to come between him and the Lord.
You look up at him as he speaks, standing at the pulpit and wielding the word of God like the Archangel Michael who so valiantly struck down Satan. He who is made in God’s image; Had it not been for your utter devotion to the Lord, you would have wondered if he could sin at all.
But you knew better. Everyone carried their own sins. You had heard stories of husbands and wives who idolized each other so much that they left the church altogether. Your heart broke at the thought of leaving God’s light to worship something as sinful as human flesh, couldn’t imagine risking an eternity of paradise for what would one day be dust. 
Not that you’d know, of course. You’d never felt the touch of a man outside of when Pastor Karlsson baptized you the day before your 21st birthday. It had been fuel for weeks, his gentle hand on your back, guiding you underneath the water of the river that ran out behind the church. You had stuffed yourself full of your own fingers that night, stuffed your mouth full of bed linens so that no one would hear how you came undone at the mere thought of him. 
Perhaps you are the lecherous one, after all. Though you can’t help but think that God has given you Pastor Karlsson on purpose, as a test of your faith. A test that you believed you were passing, for the most part. You haven’t missed a Sunday sermon since you caught the flu in 2021, and even so, you watched the livestreams on Facebook. You keep your nose in your Bible, and ignore the clench in your gut when he tells you good morning. 
This morning is different. 
This morning is worse. 
You just come off of your period- disgusting and uncomfortable as it was, you are thankful it was over and you can enjoy the rest of your June in peace. But it lingers under your skin, an itch that can’t be scratched. Your emotions are raw, and you burst into tears twice this week, unprompted. Worst of all is the ache. 
You didn’t know you could feel so empty. It claws at your insides like a caged beast, mockingly calling in the voice of Moloch himself, “Fill me up, fill me up.”
You threw yourself headfirst into your studies; you reviewed Ecclesiastes as a way to ground yourself, to remind yourself that this was a temporary feeling, and would pale in comparison to the absolution of Heaven. 
Still, sitting in your pew, you felt the hunger gnashing at you, gnawing at your throat. It was overwhelming, all-consuming. You stutter through your hymnal, barely reading half the words. Your mother keeps giving you concerned looks, your father aloof as ever. Halfway through the sermon, she hisses in your ear, “What is the matter with you?” 
You blink up at her, wide-eyed, and stammer out a “I - I don’t know. I feel… weird.” 
She purses her lips, but says nothing, turning back to Pastor Karlsson in the pulpit. 
You pass the time in silence, feeling itchy and hot, until the sermon concludes, and everyone makes a mass exodus to the dirt lot where their cars are parked.
“Hold on.” Your mother stops you as you begin exiting your pew. 
She walks over and, to your utter horror, greets Pastor Karlsson, pulling him aside and speaking to him in hushed tones. He nods once, glancing at you, then nods again as she steps away. She looks grateful, patting his shoulder in that way that mothers do. 
He looks at you then, and his full attention is enough to make you combust. Suddenly your dress is too tight on your chest, your breasts straining with every breath against the linen that encases you. Your bones itch, but your hands stay resolutely tucked into your sides, your Bible held against your chest.
You’re so busy focusing on breathing that you don’t realize he’s walking towards you until he’s right in front of you, smiling warmly while greeting you by name. Your mother is by his side, looking at you in such a way that tells you she had something to do with this interaction. 
“Darling, Pastor Karlsson here wants a word with you. He even said he’d give you a ride back to the house! I’ll set aside a plate for you at home, you two take your time here.” She was smiling in a way that made all of her teeth visible, like a snarling animal. A lead brick settles in your stomach at the expression as you look up at Pastor Karlsson.
He was so tall, you think as you peer up at him. Dark eyes meet yours, making your gaze flicker away to something else- anything else to avoid the intensity you find there. Looking directly into his eyes was like looking into the maw of a starving beast- you weren’t brave enough to even consider it.
Your mother departs with a final “Wonderful sermon, Joakim, thank you!” Flashing one of her pageant smiles at him - one she’s never given your father - as she goes. 
He nods politely, murmuring a quiet, “All the glory to God.” before turning back to you. He gives you a thoughtful look before he speaks again.
“Your mother is concerned about you.” His tone was not accusatory or pointed, just repeating facts. 
You inhale shakily. “Yeah, I feel kind of weird today.” Admitting to such a thing is not a lie - you do feel weird today. 
He nods, as if understanding. Then, “Would you like to speak in my office? I have to pick up a few things, then we can head out.”
The thought of being in an enclosed space with him made you almost pass out, but you persevere, giving a meek nod as you follow him out of the sanctuary.
It was a short walk from the sanctuary to his office, your church is small, even among small churches. You love its modesty; It is a far cry from the towering spires and flying buttresses you saw in your history books back in school, but it has a self-effacing quality that makes it approachable to people from all walks of life. 
The walls are painted white, though slightly yellowed with age. Dark wood lines the floor, blue carpet cushioning your steps as you walk. There aren’t many windows - it was built for insulation, not sight-seeing, after all. Crosses hang sporadically throughout the hallways, some wooden, carved by members, others purchased at a discount at the craft stores a few towns over. 
His office is a glorified coat closet, something the elders threw together haphazardly when God called him to serve. It fit a desk, a desktop computer that was older than dirt, and two chairs, one on either side of the desk. The carpet is green, the walls beige, and you have always thought it is an entirely unbecoming space for such a Godly man. It’s a good thing he was humble; God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble, you think, almost bitterly, as he sits down in the chair by the computer. You make a mental note to work on your own humility as you sit down in the chair opposite him. 
“So, what’s got you feeling weird?” He asks with a small smile, putting his elbows on the desk and lacing his fingers together. His hair falls over his shoulders with the movement, cascading down in a curtain of silk. You remind yourself to breathe. 
Stammering, you try to explain yourself. “I’m- I’m not sure, Pastor Karlsson-”
“Joakim.” He interrupts you gently. 
You blink at him, confusion evident in your face. He must find something about the expression amusing, because he’s smiling softly and continuing, “You can call me Joakim. We’re both grown-ups here.”
You swallow loudly, the sound all but ricochets in the stillness of the room. “R-right. I’m not really sure why I feel so weird. I just had a really hard time focusing today.” You suddenly realize what you’ve said, correcting yourself quickly. “Not that the sermon wasn’t good! Your sermons are always wonderful, Pastor Karls - Joakim.” 
He’s smiling broadly now, clearly entertained by your flailing. “It’s okay, käresta, I understand what you mean." A pause, then he lowers his hands. "Is there something on your mind specifically? Something that’s preventing you from focusing?”
You go still, scared to breathe too fully, lest it give you away. Your eyes slide to the ground, teeth coming out to gnaw at your lip. You can feel your heart racing in your throat- the throbbing sensation makes you wonder if you’ll actually vomit from anxiety. You freeze further when Joakim places a hand on your arm, gently.
His voice is barely audible when he whispers, “Hey, it’s okay. We all have our sins, and sin is sin -”
“- Is sin.” You finish for him, sounding unconvinced. You take a deep breath, then redirect your gaze back to him. His eyes are soft with concern, mouth pulled into the faintest frown. Hating to imagine you’re the reason he’s so upset, you blurt out before you can even process your words.
“I’ve been having lustful thoughts about a man in the congregation.” Once the words have been said, you fight the urge to grab them clean out of the air and stuff them back into your mouth. 
The hand on your arm tenses for half a second, then relaxes again. “Okay.” He begins calmly, pulling his hand back to the table. You resist the urge to whimper at the loss of contact. “I can see where your concern is coming from. Is this man married?”
There were only so many unmarried men in the congregation; it would be an easy elimination if you were truthful. But... You were already coming clean about one sin, no need to add on others, you reasoned. Shaking your head in a negative, you give a meek, “No, he’s not.”
Joakim nods thoughtfully, staying silent for a moment. You can all but see the gears turning in his mind, deducing who it could be. You wonder if he lists himself amongst the unmarried men- or if he is courting some woman, unbeknownst to you all. No, your mind fired at you venomously. He is not the sort of man to slink around in the shadows. 
Finally, he spoke. “While lust is never something to give full rein to, it is understandable, biologically speaking.” Upon seeing your confusion, he offers another soft smile, continuing. “You’re at an age where your body wants you to have children. It is what God made you for, it’s only natural that someone as devoted as you are would respond strongly to His plan. You’re not doing anything wrong, käresta.”
Relief floods your body, making your shoulders sag at the loss of tension. You aren’t doing anything wrong, Joakim even told you so. But that makes you wonder- is there anything you should be doing? You’re about to ask when he speaks again. 
“I’ve been wanting to speak with you privately for a while now.” He huffs a small laugh. “It seems the Lord thought today would be a good time, so it shall be.” 
You straighten your shoulders, sitting up, wanting to make sure he knows he has your full attention. Looking at him fully, you’re not surprised why your body is so responsive to him. He’s so handsome, even with the shadow of dark stubble on his face. You wonder what keeps him up at night, which chapters he gets stuck on for days before clarity dawns on him. It’s no mystery why your body is putting thoughts of lust in your mind; he’s the sort of man who would make a wonderful father. 
You cut off that train of thought, needing to focus on the present moment. He needs your full attention for whatever he’s going to say next. 
“The Lord has been communicating with me for some months now, on the topic of finding a wife.” You both take deep breaths, though for different reasons, you imagine. “You’ve heard my testimony on my previous marriage, so I don’t need to emphasize how much I’ve prayed about this.”
Your heart breaks, shatters, combusts into nothing but ash at his words. The Lord wants him to find a wife, and it sounds like he has someone in mind. You swallow the lump of bile in your throat, trying to listen to his next words as your guts fight the natural inclination to stay in your body.
“I’ve spoken to God a lot, the last few months- even by pastor standards.” The playful smile he gives you feels like a knife twisting in your chest. “And if I’m understanding his message correctly, I believe God wants me to court you.”
You’re so busy wallowing that you don’t understand what he’s said at first. The words sink in slowly, like the drip of an IV into your veins. When you think you understand, you manage a, “What?”
He chuckles, not a degrading sound, rather like he understands your confusion. “I know, it seems sudden, but I’ve been speaking to the Lord about this for many months, and-”
“Oh my goodness.” You interrupt as realization hits you like a freight train. “No - I know. I know. Because God has been speaking to me, too.”
Joakim’s brow furrows at you, and it feels nice to not be the confused one for once. 
You continue, looking up at him shyly. “The… lustful thoughts I’ve been having, they-” You pause, building up your courage. “They’re about you.” 
He’s frozen, mouth slightly agape as he processes your confession. His head tilts to the side slightly, eyes darker than usual as he asks, “You’ve been having lustful thoughts about… me?”
You nod, cheeks tinged pink. “When you’re in the pulpit - I try to focus, I really do, but my mind wanders to… other things.” 
You should be embarrassed, should be ashamed of admitting something so unbecoming. But the comfort of this being God’s plan washes away any ill regards you have about the situation; this is what He has always intended. 
“Other things?” He echoes, eyes focused on you intensely. His voice is hushed, only loud enough for the two of you to hear. “Like what?”
Your blush deepens at his inquiry. “Well, it’s more of a feeling than an exact thought…”
He’s leaning forward now, all but hanging over his desk at your words. He looks hungry, you realize suddenly; Like he’d seen firsthand the famine in Canaan, pupils blown wide, mouth open, breathing slowly. “A feeling?” He prompts.
Nodding, you find yourself leaning forward too, almost desperate to close the gap between you both. You can feel the dust in the air, hear the quiet electric hum of his old desktop computer. Your breath is coming too loudly, it ricochets off the walls around you both. “It feels like an ache.” You explain, sounding hoarse. “It feels like an emptiness.” 
He takes a shaky breath, pushing himself back from his desk in a controlled motion. Standing up, he makes his way around the desk to stand in front of you, one of his calloused hands guiding your chin up to look at him. 
“Do you want me to help you - with the emptiness? The ache?” He questions, eyes boring into yours. 
The thought of it makes your thighs clench together, and the feeling is so delicious that you almost vocalize it. Your mouth is dry, but you feel wetness gathering in your cotton panties already. You almost forget to respond, nodding and breathing out, “Yes, please.”
“Always so well-mannered.” He praises, making you feel warm. You would do just about anything for him to keep going.
The hand on your jaw guides you upward until you’re standing in front of him. You’re not touching, but you can feel the heat emanating from his body, feel the way the air vibrates between you. His eyes travel down to your lips, back up to your eyes, then down to your lips again. 
“Have you ever kissed a boy, lillis?” He asks, eyes half-lidded and voice quiet.
You shake your head, a tiny movement. “No.” You pause, then decide to continue. “I wanted to save myself.”
His inhale is sharp, deep. “Such a good girl.” The words light a fire in your belly, and the familiar gnawing is back, worse than ever before. You shift on your feet, subconsciously searching for any kind of friction. He picks up on the movement. 
“Do you feel empty, now? Are you desolate?” You can feel where his breath hits your face. If you tilted your head right, your lips would meet. The clothes you’re wearing feel itchy - too tight, too rough.  
You can’t speak, so you nod “yes.” His eyes run down your figure, back up again to your lips. 
“Show me where.” Is his only command. You can’t read his expression fully, features arranged into careful neutrality. The spark in his eyes seemed to hint at desperation, though.
Your face is probably the color of a sun-ripened tomato, but you do as he says, grabbing his free hand, guiding it between your legs. His fingers curl up through your skirt, cupping your mound. Your eyelids flutter shut at the contact, hands coming up to rest against his chest to steady yourself. Heartbeat racing, you don’t think there could be anything better than the feeling of what’s happening right now.
“Here? Is this where you feel empty?” His lips move against your cheek, breath fanning across your ear, making you shiver.
You blink several times, trying to clear your head. “Joakim, please.” Is all you can muster, fingers gripping at his shirt. 
You can feel him sag against you as his lips crash into yours. You’re not completely sure of what to do, allowing him to guide your lips open, licking into your mouth. You hear yourself groaning into the kiss, crowding impossibly closer until your bodies are pressed against each other fully. 
He breaks the embrace to place wet, open-mouthed kisses along your jaw, down your neck. The feeling is euphoric, making your hips buck into his without conscious decision.
Hands run down your sides, coming up again underneath your dress skirt to grip at the backs of your thighs, yanking you forward with such force that you almost topple over. His left hand is at your back in an instant, holding you steady before unzipping the back of your dress in a swift motion. 
The material pools around your front, hanging loosely until you pry it off, happy to be rid of the too-rough fabric at last. His lips are back on yours in an instant, one hand gripping the back of your neck while the other kneads the flesh of your breast through your bra. 
You outright moan at the feeling, his teeth nipping at your bottom lip as your mouth opens to let the sound out. He works a knee between your legs, rubbing the meaty flesh of his thigh against your core in such a way that has you seeing spots in your vision. Fingers curling into claws where they grip onto his shoulders, you grind down onto his leg, an animalistic snarl escaping you as you do so. 
You know this feeling; Though it’s a sin to give into lust, you’ve made yourself climax before, silently, long after everyone had laid down to rest at night. This is so much more, though - you feel as though someone has soaked you in gasoline and laid a lit match to your flesh. Nothing could have torn you from the carnal desire you felt, being entwined with Joakim like this. You want to take turns ripping each other apart, severing limbs and gluing them back together until you have both been remade in His image. You want to bite and gnaw and lick until you taste blood, to soothe the worried skin with soft whispers and softer hands. Dragged to Hell and back, nailed to a cross and left to rot, rising from the dead with such vigor that Lazarus would envy you - you wanted it all, so long as this moment didn’t end.
“Joakim - I, I -” You choke out, eyes focusing on his, foreheads pressed together.
“Good girl, give it to me, everything you’ve got.” He urged you, the hand on your neck coming down against your hip, ushering your pelvis against his thigh. 
Burying your head in his chest, you climax with a wanton moan, body shuddering through the shockwaves of it. Your breathing is labored, vision blurry from clenching your eyes shut so tightly.
He’s gently prying you off his leg then, maneuvering your positions until you find yourself face-down on his desk. Using a knee, he nudges your knees apart until he fits comfortably between them. The new angle has you feeling vulnerable, visible, licentious. 
You don’t have time to dwell on the feeling, because suddenly his fingers are playing with your folds through your ruined panties. Your knees almost buckle at the stimulation, so sensitive it almost hurts. Gripping the other side of the desk to hold yourself upright, you do your very best to stay still as he explores your body. 
Two fingers hook into the side of your panties, moving them to the side. You know he can see everything like this, and while part of you is screaming at the debauchery of it, another, louder part of you hopes he likes what he sees. You’re fighting the urge to sneak a glance at him when the two fingers that moved your panties aside are thrust deep into your core. 
You let out a howl that could rival a rabid dog, nails scraping against the wooden laminate of the desk as your hands clench into fists. He’s curling his fingers inside you slowly, and you can feel every millimeter of it. A string of drool escapes your open mouth, cascading down into a puddle on a stack of prayer requests from this morning’s sermon. 
“That’s it, so good, just take it, lillis.” He murmurs, fingers still unfurling deep inside you. 
You don’t know that you can do anything but take it. His fingers are so much thicker than yours, taking up twice as much space as you’re used to. You feel wonderfully full, the emptiness inside you finally satiated.
But then he’s pulling them out, and you almost sob at the loss of it. You could feel your hole clenching on nothing, throbbing with want; Whether you enjoy it or not, you aren’t even sure. 
You hear a zipper, then the sound of something metallic hitting the carpet. When you turn your neck to see what’s happening, you’re met with the sight of Joakim’s full manhood on display. 
You’ve never seen a man naked before. There were pictures, shown to you unwillingly by the cruel boys who called you a “Bible-thumper” in school, but this is entirely different.
Joakim is… prettier, you think is the right word. His tip is pink, almost red, and wet-looking in the glow of the fluorescent office lights. Veins bulge along the length, throbbing at you angrily as if to mock the throbbing happening within you. It’s big, you realize suddenly. You can’t begin to fathom how it’s going to fit inside you, when his fingers alone made you feel so full already.
A hand is placed at the back of your neck, holding you flat in place. The weight is reassuring, grounding in its pressure as you’re pressed fully against the desk, the cool laminate a welcome reprieve from the fever burning in your skin. You feel him press his tip against your folds, running it through the slickness there, before slowly pushing past your threshold. 
“It hurts.” Is the first thing you whine, legs already trembling. It does hurt - in a sharp way, like stretching to reach your toes first thing in the morning. 
You gasp as he leans over, thrusting further into you as he whispers in your ear. “Shh, I know. It’s the price we must pay for our sin.” His murmur relaxes you a bit, reassures you of what you’re doing. Joakim would not lead you astray; God had spoken to him, given him fortitude in the last months. This was His plan.
The stretch continues as he slowly slides further into you, until your bodies are joined completely. You’re panting, open-mouthed as he fills you entirely. Your toes are barely brushing against the ground from how far he’s pushed you into the desk, corners digging into your hips sharply. 
A soothing hand runs up and down your spine, unraveling the muscles that have been pulled taut with anticipation. Your breathing slows, body easing around the intrusion until only the sensation of fullness remains.
Joakim pulls back then, a slow movement that has you inhaling harshly as he drags along your inner walls. Your mouth goes to ask him what he’s doing, when he slams back into you, cutting off your train of thought in favor of gargling on your breath. 
“Oh my God,” You keen, eyes so wide they might bulge out of your head altogether. 
A jarring slap lands against your backside, stinging skin left in its wake. “Do not take the Lord’s name in vain.” Joakim rasps, sounding as out of breath as you do. 
He pulls back again, only to crash back into you a half-second later. The force of it jolts you, making you wail as your hands reach out for something, anything to hold onto. Documents and envelopes fly onto the floor in your frenzy, looking as haphazard as you feel. 
He continues at an unrelenting pace, hand still firmly gripping the base of your neck from behind. You know you’re being loud; A distant part of you even registers that, given the circumstances, you should probably be much, much quieter. You can’t bring yourself to care, though, an endless chant of Joakim’s name falling from your lips as you do what you can to grind back into him.
The hand leaves your neck, coming down to grab onto your hip while his other hand mirrors the action. Your pelvis is lifted off the desk, thrusts never even pausing as the new angle drives him deeper into you. Tears spring in your eyes from the overstimulation, having climaxed only a few short minutes ago. 
This is absolution, You think. Being tangled together, conjoined like this - There is no fear of sin, no guilt at succumbing to the lust-filled desires of the flesh. As Joakim plunges himself into you, over and over, you find yourself almost dizzy with relief at the weight lifted off your shoulders, the panic of condemnation a distant memory. 
His arm wraps around the front of your hips, holding you in place, as his free hand tangles into your hair, yanking your head towards him. 
“Say the Lord’s prayer.” He groans in your ear, breath hot and sticky. “Beg for His forgiveness. ‘Our Father-’”
“‘-Who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name.” You whimper, the words slipping off your tongue like muscle memory as your body is rocked back and forth by his thrusts. “‘Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on Earth-” Your voice is cut off by your own gasp as he reaches something in you that you’ve never felt before. Knees shaking, you dig your fingers deeper into the mess of papers surrounding you to try and stabilize yourself. 
“Keep going. ‘On Earth, as it is in Heaven.’” He urges, grip tightening on you. 
“‘Give us today our daily bread,’” You continue, moaning pitifully as he drives into that same spot again. “‘And forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.’”
Tears stream freely down your cheeks now, a mixture of pleasure and overstimulation driving you mad. Joakim is mouthing at the junction of your neck and shoulder, tongue brushing over a spot that makes you shiver into him. A fire is building in your belly, lapping at the bottom of your throat as you move closer and closer to climax. 
“‘L-lead us not into temp- temptation,’” You stutter, mind hazy with want. “‘But d-deliver us from evil.’”
Joakim’s voice is back in your ear. “‘For thine is the Kingdom,” A harsh thrust, “‘The Power,” Another thrust, “And the Glory forever.’” 
The fire burns so hot that it rips the oxygen straight out of your lungs. Your eyes struggle to stay open, fluttering closed each time he rams into you. A particularly harsh pull of your hair reminds you that he is waiting for your response.
“Amen.” You whisper, vision going white as you climax, body twitching forcefully in his arms. His hips stutter once before he buries himself inside you, spilling his seed into you as he does. 
Whether you lay there for seconds or days, you don’t know. Eventually, Joakim pulls out, a string of his release coming with him, rolling down the inside of your thighs. You whimper at the loss, still too sensitive to move. 
“C’mon, käresta, we need to get you dressed. Your mother will wonder where you are.” His voice is gentle behind you, hand rubbing against your lower back to rouse you. 
Your joints pop in protest as you try to push yourself up off the desk. The room is a mess of papers and scattered writing utensils, your dress nothing more than a rumpled pile of cloth on the ground. 
You slip it over your head gingerly, every muscle in your body somehow sore. Joakim zips up the garment for you, running his hands over your clothed back, as if to smooth the wrinkles. 
Turning to face him, you’re met with a soft pair of lips to your forehead, dark hair brushing against your cheeks. The kiss makes you feel brave as you ask, “Joakim?”
His eyes are warm as he gazes down at you, his fingers coming up to comb through your tangled hair. “Hmm?” Is his response as he works out a particularly knotted strand.
You flutter your eyelashes, a move that feels foreign, but somehow right. Looking up at him demurely, you ask, “Will you be leading tonight’s Bible study?”
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boldlyvoid · 6 months
Bigger Than The Whole Sky | Part 5: Next Chapter
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Aaron Hotchner x Reader
Summary: Juliette Hale Hotchner is born
Warnings: birth, newborn phase, adjusting to being a family of 4, Aaron thinking about quitting, slight mentions of sex, being sick
Word Count: 4.9k
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She lets out the most guttural sob the moment her baby is placed on her chest. 
After almost 48 hours of labour, excruciating pain, not being able to eat real solid food, being unable to find the right position to sleep and the pain pushing with every fibre of her being… it all ended with the sound of her daughter's cry and the feeling of her warm, gooey body being placed on her own naked chest. 
She’s overwhelmed with love, every hormone known to man rushes through her as she looks down at her daughter. Her. Daughter. It almost doesn’t feel real. She’s shaking with adrenaline, and Juliette is crying too, adjusting to the outside world. Aaron is sobbing, he wipes the tears off his face and leans over to kiss Y/N’s temple, “You did so good.” 
“10:21,” the doctor announces and she finally snaps back into reality.
“I did it. Holy shit, I did it?” She honestly can’t believe it. 
The nurses intervene and start to wipe the gunk off Juliette, her doctor is still between her legs waiting for her to pass her placenta, there’s so much going on in the room but all she cares about is her baby. She hasn’t really gotten a good look at her yet, she’s just cuddled into her chest, listening to her mom's heartbeat through her skin, collecting warmth and calming down. Two warm blankets are wrapped around them, Aaron places his hand on the blanket covering Juliette's back, gently rubbing the fabric with his thumb. 
Once everything is said and done, the room calms down a lot. Juliette isn’t crying anymore, she simply makes little coos and grunts as she blinks into the new world. Aaron’s got his head on Y/N’s shoulder, looking down at their little girl, he studies her eyes, her cute little nose, the way she keeps licking her lips. He imitates her, speaks to her softly, and tells her he loves her over and over. “She’s so beautiful…” 
“I want to see her,” Y/N says, getting the attention of the nurse. “Can we do all her stuff now so I can hold her longer?” 
“Absolutely, we can. Come on Dad, you can help me with this,” she cheerfully takes the blankets off Y/N and carefully picks up the baby. “Does she have a name already?” 
“Juliette,” they say in tandem. 
The nurse lays her down in the incubator and turns on its weighing feature, she has Aaron cut the cord closer to the clip, and begins taking her measurements all while checking her APGAR score. She watches from the bed as she checks things off on a clipboard and adds a security bracelet to her ankle. 
“She’s big mama, 8 pounds on the dot…” the nurse turns back to her with a smile. “20 inches too, holy moly.” 
“I had a feeling she’d be tall, her brothers 10 and already almost 5 feet,” Y/N says from the bed, watching on with awe, wishing she could stand and be there, right there… she wants Jack here too. 
Once they get her settled in a diaper and swaddled in a little pink blanket, they bring her back over to her mama. Aaron places her carefully in her arms and smiles. “Look how Beautiful she is.” 
“When are you going to call Jess?” She asks. “I want Jack to come see her soon and to get her picture taken before she starts to change too much.” 
“She won’t change too much for the next few days,” the nurse teases with a smile. “Her swelling will go down and the colour will change in the next day or two, but she won’t look different for at least the next month.”
She lets out a sigh of relief, holding Juliette out in front of herself so she can get a better look at her. “She’s so beautiful already.” 
Aaron sits beside her, a little more than half his ass is on the bed, he steadies himself with his foot flat on the floor. He leans into her, resting his head on her shoulder, “She looks so much like you.” 
Juliette starts to blink, her eyes finally adjusting to what it’s like to be outside of the womb, she squints because of the lights, but she looks at her dad. “She knows your voice,” Y/N whispers, trying not to cry but she’s so overwhelmed she could cry for the next 4 days if you let her. “Keep talking to her.” 
Y/N bends her knees and keeps her feet flat on the mattress, she rests Juliette there in the crease between her two thighs and Aaron starts to talk to her some more. 
“Hi Juliette,” he says with the same voice he’d used to talk to her belly for all these months. “Hi sweetheart, it’s me, your dad.” 
Juliette looks at him, sticking her tongue out, she starts to lick her lips along with her blinking, she’s becoming more aware, and she’s getting hungry too. She wiggles her arms out of the blanket and Aaron reaches out for her hand, her whole hand grips his index finger and he smiles so big. “You’re so pretty, so much prettier than I ever imagined. I can’t believe you’re here, sweetheart.” 
She starts to fuss a little so Y/N brings her back to her chest and lets her settle there. Once she feels her mom's warmth and hears the beat of her heart, she coos and closes her eyes again, full of relief, she feels safest there. Aaron holds his hand on her back, caressing her with his thumb, the three of them are silent, content, and beyond happy. 
This time last year she thought she’d never be a mom. She had almost given up… on everything. In just a week it would be 1 year exactly since Peter punched her in the face. A year since she ran to Aaron for help. A year since she moved out. And in 2 months it’ll be a year since she got divorced and Aaron asked her out. And in 3 months, a year since she and Aaron made a baby. The very baby she’s holding right now. Her baby. 
“I can’t believe I made her,” she whispers. “She grew inside me? Everything about her comes from us… she’s so absolutely breathtaking.” 
“I know,” he smiles, turning his head just to kiss her cheek. He rests his forehead against her temple. “I love you so much, this is the best thing that could’ve ever happened to me.” 
“Thank you,” she smiles at him, her heart is so full and warm that she feels like she could melt away. “Thank you for her, thank you for taking care of me, thank you for making this a lot easier than I thought it would be…. I love you so much.” 
He kisses her again, presses his lips against hers and breathes her in, staying there for a few seconds before he peppers more kisses to her lips, and then her forehead. She leans into him, resting her head on his shoulder, holding her little girl against her body, this is the life she always wanted. 
When Jack shows up, he pushes the door open and walks in slowly, “hi,” he whispers. 
“Hey,” they welcome him at the same time and Aaron gets up to walk over to him and wrap him up in a big hug. “How are you, buddy?”
“I’m good, is she here?” He says, peeking past his dad to look at Y/N on the bed.
From the doorway, Mel, Jess’s girlfriend has her camera out, ready to take a slew of photos of this family’s first meeting. 
“Come here,” Y/N beckons him over. 
Jack is quick to her side, standing on his tiptoes as she tilts the baby upwards so he can get a better look at his sister. “She’s so tiny and cute,” he whispers. 
“Isn’t she?” Aaron smiles, placing his hand on Jack’s back. “Do you want to hold her?” 
“Can I?” He looks from his dad back to Y/N, eyes wide with excitement. 
They get him settled in the little chair and he sits with his arms out the way he’s been taught to hold babies. He’s absolutely beaming with excitement, kicking his feet as they dangle above the ground. Aaron takes the baby from her arms and carefully puts her in Jack's arms, supporting her head as he kneels down to Jack's level. He’s gobsmacked, jaw dropped as he looks at her in awe and all they can hear is the camera clicking with each beautiful photo Mel takes. 
Jack tears up, having to remove one of his hands from hiding her to wipe his face and cover his eyes with embarrassment. 
“Oh, Jack,” Aaron’s emotions get the better of him as well, making him tear up as he takes over holding her securely in Jack's lap. 
“I love her so much,” he choked out, face red and wet as he moved his hand out of the way. “Can you take her off for a second?” He asks. 
“Yeah?” Aaron stands and cradles her in his arms once more. 
Jack jumps off the chair and rushes to Y/N’s side, pulling her in for a hug, “thank you.” 
She scoots over a bit and pulls him up into the bed with her so he can snuggle into her side. Face buried in her shoulder, he shakes while he cries, bringing her to tears alongside him. She rubs her hand over his back and lets him cry, “I love you, Jack… thank you.” 
“for what?” He asks, pulling back to look at her. 
“I always wanted a son,” she whispers. Holding his cheek in her hand, she smiles at him. “Even if I never had a baby of my own, loving you these last 10 months has changed my life.” 
“As much as I miss my mom… I’m really glad I have you now,” he whispers right back. 
She kisses his forehead and pulls him in for another hug. Aaron's standing right there, his little girl is secure in one arm while he uses his free hand to wipe the tears off his face. Jess places her hand on his back, soothing him as she peaks in at her new little niece. 
“She is so beautiful,” Jess agrees. 
“Thank you,” he smiles. “She’s all Y/N.” 
“She has Jack's little baby nose though,” she swoons, hand on her chest, remembering him as a baby. 
“Can I get one of all of you?” Mel asks. 
“Yeah, come here,” Y/N beckons him over. 
Aaron places Juliette in her arms, Jack leaning on her shoulder as he looks down at his sister. Aaron stands beside the bed, smiling as the pictures are taken. They get a few, some with Juliette just in her arms, one with her in Jack's and possibly Y/N’s favourite photo that’s ever been taken. 
All their hands resting on Juliette's tummy, her small hand slipped out of her swaddle and resting on top. All 4 of their hands together, two families become 1 right in front of their eyes. The amount of love in the room is palpable even without their faces in frame. 
When they bring Juliette home from the hospital a few days later, she’s exhausted but also so excited. The team wasn’t home when she was born, and they never had the chance to make it to the hospital to see her during visiting hours. Penelope was able to come by after work, she brought flowers and balloons and unbeknownst to Y/N, asked for a key to their house to set up a coming home banner and fill their freezer with meals. 
She sets up flowers in the kitchen, and she has all the cards from people in the office set out on their kitchen counter. Then, in the living room, there are 4 wrapped presents sitting on the coffee table as well as a yellow gift bag stuffed with pink tissue paper. 
“What the heck is this?” Y/N asks Aaron, “Did you guys plan this out?” 
He sets Juliette's car seat down on the couch, nodding, “I might’ve forgotten to put your push presents in the car during all the chaos when your contractions started so I had her come set this up for me.” 
“Presents, plural?” She teases. “You didn’t have to?” 
“I know but I wanted to. I went online and looked up some sentimental gifts and there were too many good options so I got you a few,” he explains. “And then the gift bag is from the team.” 
“I want to see that one first,” she says, reaching out for it before taking a seat while Aaron works on getting Jules out of the car seat so he can snuggle her again. He loves seeing Y/N hold their baby, he knows how long she’s waited for this so he doesn’t interject or ask to hold her too often, but when she’s busy or needs a minute, he’ll take all the time he can get. 
She pulls the tissue paper out of the bag quickly, she feels around inside the bag for a card first but there isn’t one so she pulls out one of the gifts. It’s a photo album with “The Hotchner’s” written on it. Inside, however, the first few pages are full of memories. From handwritten notes of how the team realized she was pregnant before she announced it, the first ultrasound photo she got, photos of her at work with her feet up and all her snacks… and the cutest photo of her and JJ with their bumps touching. It’s so sweet. And then there’s a page full of photos from her baby shower and then the photos with Juliette are already printed and laid out. There’s a whole page of Jack with her, crying and smiling and so, so happy to be a big brother. The photo of all of them smiling, all their hands together and the first photo Penelope has with her first ever god-daughter. 
She cries the whole time she flips through the book. It’s just so perfect and sweet and everything she ever wanted. But the next gift… that’s where it gets good. 
Inside the bag, there’s another box with a piece of paper taped to it. The paper reads, ‘for adding new memories to this book with ease’ and when she peels it off, she sees that the box holds a Polaroid camera. 
“Oh my god?” She’s so overjoyed, that she holds the box close to her chest. “This is going to be so amazing! I’ve wanted to do photos of her each month to show her growth and everything, this is perfect!!!” 
The last thing in the bag is about a dozen cartridges of film so they’ll be able to take photos for months. She’s quick to take the camera from the box, stuff it with film and point it at Aaron as he holds their daughter close to his chest. He smiles and blinks slightly after the flash but she gets a perfect picture of them. “I’m going to kiss Penelope on the mouth next time I see her, I swear, this is the most perfect gift ever.” 
“I’m pretty sure it was also Derek's idea… but yeah, you can kiss Penelope,” he teases. 
“I’m not actually going to kiss her,” she looks at him like ‘come on?’ But she smiles, so, so in love with him. “What one of yours should I open first?” 
“That big square one,” he points. 
The wrapping paper is cute, light pink with darker pink hearts all over it. She takes off the cute little bow and runs her finger over where he signed them all with a sweet smile. She’s so appreciative, these are so cute and she loves them no matter what is behind the wrapping paper. 
Under the wrapping paper, it looks like 4 books in a sleeve, only the first two books have names on them. She pulls Jack's out to see it’s a memory organizer. There are drawers for important things, like their hospital bracelets, hat and socks, their umbilical cord stump and the trimming of their first haircut. And at the bottom, there is a bigger drawer for documents. Jack's things are already in his own, Aaron put it all together before wrapping it up. 
“Juliettes only has her pregnancy tests in it,” Aaron shares before she can even say anything. 
“These are so cute? Why did you get 4?” 
“Well, I didn’t want them to be sold out or discontinued if we have more kids, I want them all to have one,” he explains, the sweetest smile on his face. 
“You want 2 more?” She teases. “I mean, give me a couple weeks but we can start churning them out quickly.” 
“Funny,” he shakes his head, not thinking she’s serious. 
“I’m not kidding,” she stares him down. “We can have them close together, they’d be good friends and I could do back-to-back maternity leaves… it would be cool.” 
“You seriously want to get pregnant again this soon after?” He can’t believe it. 
She nods, “I have heard about people who have a baby in their 30s and then go infertile right after, so honestly I’d rather just try right away and keep trying until it happens.” 
“Okay…” he’s a bit hesitant. “Can we just wait like 3, maybe 4 months? Get used to life with her and get her settled and on a schedule and everything before we change everything again? I want her to have her moment to shine. I want to shower her in love as long as I can before I have to split my heart in half again.”
“Yeah, yeah, absolutely… sorry, I’m not trying to rush I’m just— you know, I’m always going to be worried I’ll never have any more babies even though I just had one,” she rationalizes. “Sorry.” 
“You don’t have to be sorry,” he assures her. “You want a big family, I want a big family, but we can wait a bit. Even if we have to eventually go do IVF like JJ and Will, it’ll be okay.” 
She moves over on the couch, closer to him and he leans in closer to her so they can share a quick kiss. She presses her lips against his, breathing in deeply through her nose as the kiss lingers and then she pulls back with a smile. “Thank you for my first present.” 
“Am I getting a kiss for each one?” He teases. 
She nods, “That can be arranged.” 
“Open whatever you want next,” he nods towards the table. 
She goes for a smaller one, it looks like it could be a jewelry box for a bracelet or necklace… as she peels the wrapping off, she’s right. It’s dark blue velvet, soft and beautiful without any logo on it. That means it might be a custom-made piece. She cracks the box open, a little light turns on to make it shine inside and her jaw drops. It’s a beautiful necklace with 4 stones on it. 
Her birthstone is in the middle surrounded by topaz and citrine for Aaron and Jack as well as a sapphire for Juliette. It’s beautiful. She’s quick to take it from the case and open the clasp. She puts it on herself and readjusts it, holding the stones in her hand as she turns to him. “This is so beautiful.” 
“I thought you’d like it,” he smiles. “I’ll get more stones added for the others before they come.” 
“You’re too good to me,” she shakes her head, unable to stop smiling as she leans in for his second kiss. “I love you.” 
“I love you,” he smiles right back against her lips.  
Her next present is an odd shape, he clearly wrapped them all himself and this one is… interesting. She pulls the wrapping apart to reveal a purse— no, a diaper bag. A very stylish, black leather diaper bag. “Holy shit?” 
“It’s nice isn’t it?” He brags. “I also got that in LA, and kept it at the office until last week when our leave started.” 
“I love it,” she says, looking inside at all the pockets and how deep it is. “I’m going to use this all the time.” 
“And it’s one I wouldn’t mind taking around when it’s just me and Julie going out,” he smiles. 
She gives him a third kiss and then kisses Julie on the head, “Your daddy is going to look so snazzy with this new diaper bag.” 
“Okay, open the last one,” he laughs, pointing at the final gift. 
It feels like a shirt or something made of fabric wrapped up in gift paper. She slowly peels it open and her heart almost stops. It’s a baby dress that looks exactly like her baby shower dress. It’s exactly the same just tinier. “Aaron?” She says with tears streaming down her face, “Oh my god?” 
“I got them together,” he smiles. “I knew you’d want to match. We can do the next photoshoot in them. I know you’ll want to take some photos every few months.” 
“Well, it helps having a photographer in the family,” she smiles, wiping her tears. “Aaron, these are the best gifts… but nothing is better than her and that little boy you share with me.” 
The first week flies by and before she knows it, it’s 10:21 am on the 13th again and she’s had this baby girl in her arms for 30 days. The best Month ever. Sure, she hasn’t really showered and there’s currently puke on her shirt and she smells like spoiled milk… but she’s never been happier. 
And Aaron loves it. 
Aaron, who wakes up at night to change Julie and gives Y/N time to wake up before he hands her the hungry baby. Aaron, who makes her snacks and brings her breakfast in bed and keeps the house clean. Aaron, who brings Jack to school during their morning nap time, and never forgets to pack him a perfect lunch. Aaron, who snuggles his little girl so mommy can have a few moments of peace, be it in the shower or at the grocery store. Aaron, who’s replaced his weekend run with a daily walk with his little girl in the stroller.
He loves it so much she’s worried that he won’t want to go back to work… and he’s been talking about it. 
They’re lying in bed, Juliette asleep between them while they watch TV on the lowest volume possible. He looks down at her and then at Y/N with a smile, “I love this.” 
He nods, “and I think I’m done… with work. I felt so awful when I couldn’t do this for Jack. I had a week off, Haley assured me she was good being a stay at home mom when I went back and then the more I missed, the worse I felt—
“But Jack doesn’t remember, he didn’t even know you missed so much,” she assures him. “He thinks you’re Superman. He loves knowing you save people… but if you wanted to stop, you’re more than allowed to.” 
“The first time Dave retired, he was my age,” he explains. “I think I want to take time off to be a family and when they’re in college, maybe I can go back? Or maybe I could teach?” 
“Whatever you want to do, we can make it work,” she agrees, with no problem. None at all. She’d actually love to have him home. “Although, that will be in 18-24 years…” 
“24?” He asks, confused. 
“I want more kids, you would go when all of them are in college, right?” She teases. 
He laughs, “Yeah… if I get antsy I can teach early. Or I could go back to being a lawyer. I could do family court or small claims, or teach law?”
She nods, “That sounds fun too. You’ll find something to fill your time with.” 
“Are you going to go back to work?” 
She shrugs, “If I wanted to be a stay-at-home mom, would you mind?” 
He shakes his head, “not at all. And the same thing goes for you, when you find another thing to fill your time while they’re all at school, I’ll be fully supportive.” 
She leans in and kisses him, “Thank you.” 
“Thank you,” he reminds her. He thanks her every day for creating another little life with half his DNA for him to love for the rest of eternity. 
“Now, the big question… What are we dressing her as for Halloween?” 
Before they know it, it’s Christmas.
November flies by so quickly, they have Jack’s birthday, Henry’s birthday, and Aaron’s birthday all within a week. They have a huge party at a trampoline park for Jack, they go to JJ’s for Henry’s and they meet her mom and their babies get to spend some time together, getting to know one another before little Michael starts coming over for regular playdates now that his mom has gone back to work. 
But for Aaron’s birthday… Aunty Penelope and Uncle Derek take both kids out for lunch and time at the park so Mommy and Daddy get some alone time. Some very much-needed, loud and obnoxious alone time. 
Now, she’s standing in the kitchen at Derek's new place, holding her baby while the adults talk about work and what they’ve missed. They hired another person, Matt Simmons, who has taken over the empty spot JJ left while filling in for Derek who is filling in for Hotch. The team is pretty stacked now, especially with Spencer back on his feet and at work every day. 
Savannah, Derek's girlfriend, takes a Mac and cheese out of the oven and places it on the countertop and a whiff of it heads Y/N’s way. She doesn’t like it. Something in it makes her stomach turn, she hasn’t felt this way in a while… she hands Aaron the baby, “I’m sorry,” is all she can say before running to the bathroom. 
“Oh no,” Aaron’s face drops when he remembers the last time this happened. 
“What, is she okay?” Derek worries. 
“I’ve got her,” Penelope takes Juliette right from his arms. “Go see if she’s okay.” 
“She is,” he says while handing her the baby. “I think we fucked up… oh my god.” 
“What?” Derek still doesn’t get it. 
“Oh my god,” Savannah and Penelope say at the same time. 
“We were so used to not using protection while pregnant that… that we didn’t on my birthday,” he explains, there’s no use being secretive when the women already guessed. “Normally, it’s just boxed Mac and cheese that makes her sick when she’s pregnant, but I’m gonna—” he points to the bathroom and follows after her. 
He knocks on the bathroom door and she groans, “What?” 
“It’s just me,” he says while walking in. “Are you okay?” 
She’s hugging the bowl, wiping her face with toilet paper. “I’m sorry.” 
“Don’t be sorry,” he assures, kneeling down to rub her back. “I should be sorry, I didn’t even think about putting on a condom, it’s been a year and we never have so—
“Oh my god?” It clicks for her. 
“Yeah,” he manages to laugh. “We’ll probably have two under two this time next year.” 
She starts to cry, overjoyed, “Oh, my god?” 
He pulls her in for a hug just as someone knocks on the door, “I have some of these,” Savannah says, tossing a pink little square under the door. “I have a box of like 100 for how many times my period is late by like a day and I freak out. They’re pretty reliable but if you need another, let me know!” 
“Thank you!” They call back. Aaron reaches for the packet, tearing it open while she gets up and starts pulling her pants down. 
He hands her the little test while she sits down and starts to pee. She gets it under the stream for a few seconds all while he gets some toilet paper to place it on. “It should take a few minutes,” she starts to explain but he’s already watching the lines appear. 
“oh no, you’re super pregnant,” he says with a laugh. “Holy shit, that’s a dark second line.” 
“It’s been, what? A month and a bit since your birthday?” She asks, forgetting how much time has passed. “I didn’t think anything of it, my period hasn’t come back while breastfeeding anyway?” 
“And you were complaining the milk had changed…” he reminds her. 
She wipes, she pulls her pants back up and she immediately lunges for him, hugging him so tight. “Oh, this is amazing news, Aaron!” 
He laughs, “You always get your way.” 
She smacks his arm as she pulls back, “You’re the one who knocked me up.” 
“You’re the one who arranged to have the kids go to Derek’s for my birthday,” he teases right back. “But We wanted this. This is what we needed.” 
“This is the best Christmas present you could’ve ever given me,” she whispers so she doesn’t cry. Leaning in for a quick kiss, despite being sick. He couldn’t care less. He loved her more than he could ever explain. Maybe even more so, because another little baby he gets to love for the rest of time is growing inside of her once again. 
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revasserium · 1 year
neverending daydreams with kenma? 🫶
reqs are open :)
neverending daydreams
kenma; 3,709 words; almost freakishly fluffy, but also kinda trippy. basically my specialty and i love this fic a holy freaking hell of a lot. if u read pls PLS tell me what u think u__u and lemme know if u 'get' the ending!!!
he has never been, in all seriousness, what people would have called a dreamer. but having spent most of his waking hours either gaming or wishing he were gaming, kenma quietly considers the implications of being called as such. a dreamer. what a title — what a name.
what a burden.
“was it bad last night?”
“no, not as bad… but at least it was interesting.”
“oh yeah? tell me.”
“so there was a maze, right — and then you know the super hot manga character from the new series — yeah, he was there too, and we had to like figure out this maze but we couldn’t wear shoes —”
kenma lets his head lilt to one side, his eyes falling shut in the early afternoon sun filtering through the wide classroom windows. they’d been cracked open half an hour ago to let in some air, the spring blossoming into what kenma is already sure would be an absolutely sweltering tokyo summer. he’s already dreading it.
“— and then i woke up!”
“aww… lame! you didn’t even make out!”
your laughter spills across the room, warm as the sun now soaking into kenma’s skin and he shakes himself awake, blinking unfocused towards the gaggle of girls sitting three rows ahead of him, heads bent together, a multi-limbed conglomeration of painted nails and hair pins, phone baubles and perfume. he shudders slightly — making out — what a thought. how gross. he’d never understood the appeal, even as more and more of his classmates began to whisper about it, to joke and cackle about it next to the shoe-lockers, in the stalls of the boys bathrooms during lunch, on the benches near the playparks on the way home, loitering around convenience store corners, eyes lingering on bare skin and bracelets, on rolled up sleeves and blushing cheeks.
kenma crinkles his nose, thinking now, of noses. and where on earth they’d even go if you were to —
“oi kenma-kun, do you have notes from yesterday’s class? i lent mine to kiyo in 2-b and she says her dog ate it.”
kenma blinks, nonplussed as your face swims into view, his vision catching on the tiny gems glinting from your earlobes.
“huh? you… don’t really believe that, do you?” he asks before he can quite stop himself. the resulting silence makes an uncomfortable heat climb up the length of his neck till his cheeks are burning with it, and still, you stare at him.
“why shouldn’t i? her dog eats weird stuff all the time.”
kenma blinks again, owlish, and he’s unsure if your confusion is feigned and this entire thing is just some elaborate prank, one that’ll break you into laughter any second. he resists the urge to look around, to make sure that the rest of his classmates aren’t all watching him like they’re in on the joke, waiting for the cue to start laughing as well. he feels his shoulders shrugging up as he fights down a frown.
“yeah but… that’s like the oldest excuse in the book, isn’t it? my dog ate my homework?”
this time, its your turn to blink, cocking your head to one side as you regard him, not a hint of malice or trickery in sight. he feels almost ashamed of himself for thinking it of you. of course you wouldn’t.
and then, you laugh. and he starts again, not because this was what he’d been afraid of but because this is the exact kind of laughter he was not expecting, pure and unhurried and unabashedly happy.
“ah — i guess you’re right, but… well, if she wants to keep my notes, then that’s fine. i’ll just make another set. so…” you smile at him, bright as dawn and summer starlight, “can i borrow your notes from yesterday?”
kenma resists the urge to groan, because his mind is already racing into overdrive — why not just ask kiyo from 2-b to give you back your notes again? nay, to demand that she give it back? to threaten her dog with… with what yet, kenma isn’t sure, but he is sure that that would be simpler, would it not, than to ask him for his notes. even though, sure, yes — he has almost all the same classes as you and sure, yes — he does also take pretty good notes. and sure, yes — fine.
this might be the path of least resistance but… doesn’t it feel a bit like punching in the cheatcode? isn’t it stunting… character growth and exp gain for both you and kiyo in 2-b? what if this causes a glitch in the matrix and you’re stuck in the eternal loop of borrowing people’s notes only to have your own notes be taken and eaten by kiyo’s homework-devouring dog until no one in school has notes anymore and everyone fails? would everyone have to hard-reset and start the year over?
“uh… sure… i guess. if you promise to give it back.” he reaches into his bag to pull out his notebook, pressing his lips for a second before handing it over.
you make a noise that’s caught between a squeal and a squeak. it’s a happy sound, he’s sure.
“thank you, thank you, thank you! and yes, i promise i’ll give it back! and my dog doesn’t eat homework — only table scraps and puppy treats — and maybe the occasional piece of trash on the sidewalk, but definitely no homework!”
you press the notes to your chest and beam at him and kenma finally lets out a soul-shaking sigh. he wishes he were home; he wishes he were playing video games; he wishes that the day came with a fast-forward button so he didn’t have to deal with all these scenarios that don’t make a lick of human sense.
the next day, when you return his notes, it’s with a shy smile and that he isn’t entirely sure what to make of. you’d licked your lips and looked anywhere but at him before pressing the notebook back into his chest and scurrying off with a thankssomuchforyournotes! tossed over your shoulder before you’re disappearing into your multi-limbed girl-gaggle and they were all laughing and giggling as they absorb you back into their amorphous blob, casting furtive glances his way that make his shoulders want to shrink up to his ears, if only to hide his face behind.
he hunkers down over his notebook, adjusts his sports bag and hurries into homeroom.
it isn’t until japanese literature, when he’s flipping open said borrowed-and-now-returned notebook that he notices — there’s a drawing on next blank page. or, well, what used to be the next blank page but is now definitely no longer blank. and it’s a drawing of you.
kenma stares down at it, at the cartoonishly large head, the huge, anime-lashed eyes, at your chibi-rendered hands clasped together in an unmistakable gesture of thanks. and something inside him jumps. something warm and thumping and uncoordinated. it coughs, skips, skids inside his chest and it takes him a moment to realize that it’s his heart.
thanks again! let me treat you to lunch sometime?
he reads the line four times before he finally manages to process the words. lunch. sometime.
he frowns. but school lunches are always free.
his eyes slingshot towards you, drawn as if by a magnetic force, and he finds you immediately. your eyes meet and a zing sings through him, shaking him from the top of his head to the tips of his toes. your cheeks flush, but you don’t look away. instead, you cock your head as if asking a question.
his heart thumps, and then thumps again. heat slowly unfurls in the base of his stomach, something like hunger, except it isn’t actually hunger. it’s a wanting, a thrumming wish — pressing and feverish and — he swallows hard, tearing his eyes away from you to look back down at the drawing, at the words.
treat. lunch. sometime.
sometime. but it can’t be during school. then when?
kenma freezes as realization washes through him, cold as a too-large bite of icecream.
oh. oh.
and then, he blushes hard enough for him to bury his face in his arms, refusing to pick his head up even when the literature teacher asks him expressly if he were feeling ill.
it’s saturday at noon, to be precise. and as kenma waits outside the neighborhood soba house, he wonders briefly if he’d accidentally stumbled upon a hidden side-quest that’s actually more difficult than the main storyline, because he’s almost certain that he’d never signed up for this.
cold-soba with you. alone. together.
no. he scuffs his feet against the floor, his fingers furling and unfurling in his pockets, so unaccustomed to not having a game console to fiddle with, no controllers to twiddle. he feels it like a phantom itch, like ghost-controllers as he opts for chewing on his lower lip instead.
stupid kuroo, taking away his switch. stupid, stupid, genius kuroo, letting it “slip” that kenma had a date on saturday, so that his mother had fussed all morning and had subjected him to a full-body pat down to confiscated the rest of his ill-hidden hand-held gaming consoles one by one with a scowl and a reprimand of no gaming when you’re on your first real date, kozume!
at least, he thinks, tugging his phone out of his pocket to flip through the preinstalled games there, there’s alway snake —
“kenma-kun! hi! sorry i’m late!”
your voice catches him like a punch in the stomach and he almost drops his phone, fumbling it for a second before catching it and shoving it into his pocket.
he looks up, a frown already forming on his forehead when he stops — he catches sight of you and that strange, twisting not-hunger-hunger gnaws at a growing space inside him. because oh — there you are. you’re standing in front of him, a little breathless, but dressed like… like a display from a pastry store window, or one of those ball-jointed dolls that have entire fan-followings online. you’re lashes and lace, earrings and nail-art, and all the normal things he’d come to associate with the strange, foreign concept of girl-geometry but you’re also nervous, and sweet, and looking up at him with those huge eyes, not unlike those in the chibi-doodle version of yourself that you’d left in his notebook.
and nervousness he understands. sweetness… he understands too. to a certain degree.
“no, you’re fine… i just got here too,” he says, and it’s a not-really-lie, because he did just get here… like fifteen minutes ago. but time’s just a human construct anyway, and there’s no point in getting caught up in the semantics.
he takes a breath at the same time you do, and you break into a fit of nervous laughter that makes him want to reach out and bottle the sound. or maybe just to record it on his phone for a rainy day. he tamps down the strange and doubtlessly creepy urge with a cough and motions vaguely towards the door.
“uh — you wanna…”
you nod, a bit too hard, before brushing by him into the soba shop and bowing to the middle-aged woman behind the counter.
she seats the pair of you in a booth, tucked into the corner, and for this kenma is thankful. he feels himself relaxing into the secludedness of the position.
“hot?” he asks, watching as you fan yourself with your hand from across the table.
you freeze and blush again, and he looks down immediately, feeling rather guilty for putting you on the spot. but when he glances back at you, you’re smiling.
“yeah, a little. it’s gonna be so gross this summer.”
“yeah, i know. i hate it already.”
he would’ve winced if it hadn’t been cut off by the sound of your laughter. with this, at least, he is familiar. how many times had he let himself melt into that sound during all those classes you had together? how many times had he centered himself around it, made it the still point of his turning universe, grounded himself to it so he could count from one moment to the next. he hadn’t thought it anything strange before now — after all, isn’t that what the internet says you’re supposed to do when you’re feeling unmoored? to find a commonality and stake yourself to it. only…
is it strange that he’d chosen your laughter?
it’d been such a simple choice, so easy to make — it was everywhere, and when it wasn’t there, he could conjure up the sound perfectly.
sitting across from you now, he pauses, wondering what kuroo would say if he were ever to bring this up. probably call him a pervert and never let him live it down.
“me too. i think i hate a lot of things but…” you break off, your eyes meeting his for a split second before looking away.
kenma breathes, watches the way you worry your bottom lip.
the conversation is stilted, but after a while, the awkwardness wears off. like silver soaking off years of accumulated tarnish, the shine breaking through as the soba is served and the pair of you are left slurping at the chilled noodles.
by the time he offers to walk you home, kenma finds that he’s no longer searching for things to do with his fingers, the phantom itch of a ghost-console no longer needed to occupy the space between his hands. and when you say goodbye to him this time, it’s no longer a string of words strung together too fast, tossed like an endless hope over your shoulder, but held between the pair of your bodies like a promise.
“see you on monday!”
kenma smiles, “yeah… sure. see you then.”
he watches as you turn to walk away, and his feet warm with the premonition of motion, but something holds him still, holds him there as he watches you take two steps, three steps — and then, you turn back around. and you’re closing the space between you and him, quick as a flash, your lips grazing the skin of his cheek, and then just as quickly, you’re falling back onto your just-taken steps, your cheeks ablaze as you wave a hand at him and race off before he can do more than open his mouth, his jaw loosened by the action, the thought — the motion and e-motion of it all.
kenma stares at the place where your body had just been, taking up space, and then oh-so-abruptly… not.
you’d turned the corner, and now not even your shadow lingers, but he fancies that there’s still a break in the light, a tear in the air just in front of him where you had been, warmed by your just-there-ness. slowly, he raises a hand to swipe it through that space, before bringing it up to his cheek to brush it against the place where your lips had been.
and are now no longer.
and there too, he feels his own skin, warmed by the just-there-ness of your no-longer-there lips.
three days, it takes him. three days to build up the courage to ask you out again. on another date. and this time, he doesn’t tell kuroo, or his mother, but he doesn’t bring games with him either.
the frozen yogurt place isn’t too crowded on a wednesday night, early enough to still be dinner-time, too late for the afternoon-stragglers to be out and about. he arrives, as he had done, fifteen minutes before you, and he wastes no time in starting a game of snake on his phone.
by the time you get there, it’s getting hard to maneuver the pixel-snake’s body without it’s tail trailing across the entire screen.
“i thought you’d only be into the kind of games with like… a million levels or something.”
your voice jolts him out of his intense concentration, and this time, he does drop his phone. your reach out to catch it with a knowing grin, handing it back to him, but by then, the large GAME OVER is already flashing over the screen.
“oops… sorry,” you say, looking genuinely apologetic.
“don’t be. and you’re right, i do like games with a ton of levels but… things like this are fun once in a while too.”
he blushes as he motions at the space between the pair of you, his phone still clutched in his hand, so that it’s unclear if he’s talking about the game or… something else entirely.
“only once in a while?” you venture, the slightest hint of a tease in your voice. and it’s incredible, he thinks, the change a single week’s worth of familiarity can do for the both of you. because while your first “date” had been all awkward silences and rough, stumbling changes of topic, this one — already — has taken on a sheen of smoothness and liquidity that makes kenma’s skin prickle up with what he can only assume is excitement.
“well… maybe — i dunno…” he gulps as he holds open the door for you to walk into the yogurt store, “it’s only a pattern if something happens more than three times, right?”
and god, where had this come from? this daring, this strange, almost alternate-universe confidence — and is he really flirting?
you let out a pleased sort of hum that warms his entire body and he thinks that he’d rather like to hear that sound again too. to add to his collection of bottle-able sounds that come from your body — he bites off the thought there, because kuroo will really start to call him a pervert then.
“i’m free on saturday,” you say, turning towards him to offer him a yogurt cup.
he stares at it for a second before taking it, letting his fingertips linger where they brush against yours.
“okay then,” he says, allowing himself the shadow of a smile as you ask him what his favorite yogurt flavor is, and he asks you your favorite toppings. and it’s easy like this, isn’t it? how had he ever thought this difficult? had it ever been? the bell-like sonance of your voice, the tinkling texture of your laughter, the great, blossoming fire licking up, up from the base of his stomach all the way to the top of his chest.
why had he ever scorned this as strange? as unnatural?
how could he have ever thought this to be a mere sidequest when this — he’s sure of it now — is the entire point of the game to begin with? because don’t all roads lead to this? to this giddiness and certainty? to this… unshakable knowing that he, even in his youth, is held still by in it’s immensity that this could be something more?
something like… love?
but it’s too early for that yet, and he’s getting ahead of himself. skipping the levels and peering at the walkthroughs.
he forces himself to focus on the tang of the yogurt, the crunch of the oreo chunks. he anchors himself to the grace of your smile and the weight of your laughter.
and after, when the yogurt is done and the night is still young, he offers to walk you home again. and this time, he doesn’t wait for you to close the gap between your bodies — he leans down to do it himself. because somewhere between the space of then and now, he’s made the decision that he doesn’t want the shadow or the just-there-ness anymore. he wants the just and the there. separate and whole and oh.
so that’s where your noses go.
the kiss breaks between you and kenma leans in to unbreak it.
you make a small noise at the back of your throat and he has to keep himself from grinning.
there, again, another bottle-able sound.
he inches his hand up to cup your cheek and you lean into him, pressing both your palms to his chest. and for moments and moments and moments, the pair of you stay locked there, breaking and unbreaking the kiss again and again and again until finally, you press him away to take a breath.
you are breathless, and so is he.
and briefly, oh so briefly, kenma wonders as he looks at you, stares into your eyes as you look back at him, if this could be called dreaming.
“oi… oi kenma-kun?”
kenma blinks, frowning slightly as your face swims into view, his vision catching on the tiny gems glinting from your earlobes.
your face is inches from his, and the afternoon sun is warm against his skin. the classroom behind you is filled with the scent of a blossoming spring, trailing into what kenma already knows will be an absolutely sweltering tokyo summer.
your voice rings through him like knowing, and your smile, when he finally focuses on it with bleary eyes and a buzzing mind, looks something like the remnants a dream.
“do you have notes from yesterday’s class? i lent mine to kiyo in 2-b and she says her dog ate it.”
kenma chews on his lips as he weighs the answer on his tongue, and finally, he allows himself a tiny, secret smile as he digs around in his bag for the notebook, handing it to you as he says —
“you don’t actually believe that, do you?”
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ifearzombies · 1 year
Headcanons about Living in the HOL
1- [x]
2- [x]
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Now for more!
- You have suggested therapy to the brothers. A lot. They still haven’t agreed, but you’re going to keep trying because even with you doing all you do FUCKING HELL do these boys have trauma to deal with.
- You’ve gone down and visited Lilith’s memorial in the basement a several times. You talk to her and occasionally lay a flower on her ‘grave’ and thank her for helping you in the small ways she’s been able to.
- You hired an artist to make a family portrait and have everyone in it; even Lilith. It hangs in the living room over the fireplace.
- You’ve grown to... tolerate Solomon’s cooking. You’ve told him point blank that the food isn’t really edible. You’ve told him he’s terrible at cooking. But it’s in one ear and out the other. It normally goes as such:      MC: “Solomon. Honey. I love you. But your cooking is rancid!”      Solomon: “You love me?!” 8D “Let me make you dinner!”
- Diavolo has plans for you to eventually teach at RAD. Mostly to teach about Earth history and cultures; which has led to you studying extra hard and wondering why Solomon isn’t going to be helping you teach since he’s lived through history. But Diavolo’s plan is for him to teach ancient languages.
- You spend some nights at the palace every month. The brothers always get jealous when you go. Especially when you come back with a tell-tale limp. Or being carried back home.
- You were sadly at ground zero when Luke snuck into Asmo’s room and his innocence became lost since Asmo had porn of himself playing on his laptop and was ‘enjoying’ it (because of course he faps to videos of himself). You tried to stop the little angel but he’s like an actual child and darts the moment you blink. Simeon was outraged, but you pointed out that Luke didn’t knock. Asmo was glad you stuck up for him because he was certain he was headed for a bath of holy water otherwise. It took Luke a month before he could stand to be around Asmo again. It took longer for Luke to look at him again.
- Since Satan is not allowed to have a real cat (not that Satan cares as he has at least 10 ‘hidden’ ones), Mammon bought him a realistic robot cat for his room. Satan nearly cried tears of joy. Satan did cry when a book-a-lance fell and broke it. Lucifer replaced it so that Satan didn’t start destroying stuff once the sadness went away.
- Lucifer knows about the cats. He lets Satan think it’s a secret so that Satan won’t try to get an amount that would be noticeable. You found this out when you went to bring Lucifer some coffee and found him petting one of Satan’s cats. You were sworn to secrecy.
- You tried edible underwear with Beel once. And only once. He accidentally bit your thigh and you have small scars from the indents of his teeth. He felt awful about it, still does, and anytime he’s between your legs for fun he kisses the scars in apology. Also he found the rest of the edible underwear you’d intended to use with others and ate them like a snack. You’ve decided to not bother with them anymore.
- Belphie and Satan ask you to every Anti-Lucifer League meeting. If you don’t attend, they email you the minutes of their meeting to see if you wanna join in in pranks.
- Despite your bedroom lock being enchanted, Diavolo can and has waltzed into your room and started cuddling you. Barbatos chastizes him every time as he comes in with him, but it still happens.
- You have shown Simeon the movie ‘Sister Act’. It’s now his favorite movie. You two sometimes sing ‘Ave Maria’ together, stomping and clapping the beat. Luke joins in when he can.
-You had a custom plush made for Levi of his goldfish. He cried tears of joy and it now sits in a glass case in his room.
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witherwallflower · 12 days
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“you’d be the love of my life when i was young”
“i made a mistake and i’ll tell you im sorry,, sorry”
summary: taylor devoras makes a song called “21” about her youtube influencer ex, chris sturniolo. can this song bring them back together or make things worse?
warning: hate comments ig?
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~ taylor devora
“CHRIS 🧡🦋 sent you a message.”
my phone read, “what the fuck.”
after me and chris broke up months ago, we never really kept contact. yes we did end it on okay terms, but we hadn’t spoken to each other after that. we would only be around each other when i’d come over to hang out with nick or matt, just sharing small glances.
something in me told me not to open the message but i do miss chris dearly and im kind of curious on what he has to say. i clicked on the notification.
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“holy shit” at this point i had zero idea on what to do. reply? leave it on read?
i ended up just sending back a quick
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to put my mind at ease, i opened my instagram.
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opening the comments was probably something i mostly regret.
“boring ass song”
“oh fuck you 😂. chris deserves better”
“you do not deserve a platform lmaoooo”
and so much more, filled my comment section. my vision started to blur by tears forming in my eyes. hate comments never really got to me this bad but for some reason now, it’s hitting me.
most of these people are part of the sturniolo fandom which makes a lot of sense, but im so tired of this. people nagging me, sending threats, being called names.
out of everything i can do, i just chosen to turn off comments for all my posts.
i’ve decided this is enough for today. sighing, i put my phone down and just laid in bed, slowly letting sleep take over.
~ chris sturniolo
“i missed your 21st birthday….” replays back into my headphones for the hundred time. 
after taylor released her song, i can’t stop listening. no matter how many times i’ll tell people, including myself that i don’t want taylor again, i know im lying straight through my teeth.
i regret ending stuff with her, i regret wanting to put this new lifestyle over her, i regret telling her to just leave. i regret it all.
id do anything to go back to the day we broke up and just change my mind. all of this thinking of her had me picking up my phone, finding her contact and typing out, “hey, the songs fire. i know we don’t talk anymore but im proud of you taylor”
i know maybe sending this could be wrong but i just want to text her again. i hit send. i stared at the message while biting my nails out of being nervous.
it felt like forever until i saw the 3 dot bubble of her typing back.
“thanks chris, it means a lot” i sighed in a bit of relief, because she could’ve said something real worse like to leave her alone or something.
i went onto her instagram and started scrolling through her posts. she looks…happy, which makes me glad. i pressed the comment button and saw the mix of hate and support.
i know i need to speak up for her, she did nothing wrong. but im too hesitant and i don’t want to say the wrong thing.
i got up to go up to matts room. when i reached his door i knocked a couple of times before entering. when i got in he was just on his phone laying in bed.
“matt i need help” i said while sitting down on the edge of his bed
“what is it?” he asked me, still looking at his phone.
“well you know how ever since me and taylor broke up, everyone keeps hating on her and assuming the worse for her?” i said pausing to quickly look at him. he took his eyes off his phone and just nodded at me.
“do you think i should say something about it to maybe help all of the hate towards her?” still making eye contact with him
“i mean obviously… she does nothing to deserve all that.”
i looked down at my feet slightly nodding, because i know he’s right.
mahli talks! HI GUYSSSS!!!! im actually so proud on how much im actually doing for this story, it’s really bringing the writer of me back out and just ahhh!! i want to start a taglist so please lmk if u wanna b part of it! love ya 🩷
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softholand · 1 year
spidey kisses | tom holland
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pairing: tom holland x youtuber!reader
summary: tom gets a little jealous when he finds out, through your old high school journals, that another spider-man had your teenage heart
warnings: a tiny bit of cursing i think
words: 1.7k
a/n: i wrote this??? after almost a year without writing anything??? what??? this is so random, i know but i had this idea a long time ago so when inspiration finally came i decided to just do it lol this is another part of my youtuber!reader series but it can also be read on its own. i really hope you guys like it, pls let me know what you think, your feedback is always appreciated 🫶
You positioned your camera on top of one of the dozens of boxes filling your soon-to-be, old living room. The box labeled KITCHEN was the chosen one to work as a tripod, and as you adjusted the lenses of your camera, you prayed it’d be stable enough for you to film your video. “You ready?” Tom asks as he exits the kitchen, rubbing his hands together. “Almost. Sit down so I can make sure it’s centered.” You tell him, watching in the visor of your camera as he takes a seat on your sofa.
Once everything is ready, you press the play button and start recording, before taking a seat next to your boyfriend. “Hi everyone, welcome back to my channel! I have a special guest with me on today’s video, which isn’t that special anymore since he likes… shows up in every other one of my videos now. No offense." As you turn your head to look at your boyfriend, you catch his dumbfounded expression. “Some taken.” He feigns being upset about your words before introducing himself to the camera.
With a shake of your head, you continue. “If you follow me on Instagram, then you already know this but… we are moving.” You and Tom say in unison. “Actually, I am the one moving.” You correct yourself. “Yeah, we were basically already living together so it just didn’t make sense having two separate places,” Tom explains to the camera. “So now I’m moving out of my apartment into this one’s place.” You bump your shoulder against your boyfriend and he smiles at you.
“Anyways, my living room is now full of boxes, so much so that my camera is currently sitting on top of at least three of them.” You laugh. “The thing is, when you move, you end up finding stuff you didn’t even know you had, and that’s exactly what today’s video is about.” You tell the camera, getting a box from behind your couch. “As I was looking through my old stuff, I found these.” You laugh at Tom’s clueless face. “These are my high-school journals.” You say, watching as he starts eagerly rummaging through them. “Holy shit! I can’t believe you still have it.” Tom exclaims, already picking one. “Right? So yeah, I thought it’d be fun to go through them and see what my teenage self was like. Oh, and embarrass myself, of course.” You laugh, watching as Tom flips through the pages.
Once your boyfriend finds something, he turns one of the pages to you. “Look at this!” He says excitedly, showing you a page full of collages of One Direction pictures. “Oh my God, I was a real One Direction fan when I was younger.” You say, already feeling your cheeks burning. “Can I show them?” Tom asks. “Go ahead!” You nod, laughing at his excited expression. “You’re really having fun with this, huh?” You laugh, going back to the pages. “You have no idea!” Tom says with a huge smirk on his face.
After flipping through more pages, you found an entry that makes you laugh. “August 9: “Today was a good day. Brendan asked what brand my sneakers were. I told him: “Adidas”, and he said: “Nice!” before walking off.” God, I can’t believe I’m putting this out there on the internet. You remember Brendan?” You asked, feeling your cheeks grow warm. “Not really. Was he your crush?” Tom said, a smirk still plastered on his lips. “Yep! I think we’ll see him pop up a lot of times here.” You said, rolling your eyes at your boyfriend’s smug look.
As you continued to look through the journals, you kept finding more and more entries about Brendan, just like you thought. “August 15: “Today Brendan gave me a hug. He said I smelled good and when I said he did too, he laughed. I like his laugh. I think I’m in love with him.” Oh, you’re not honey!” You laughed, feeling embarrassed. “Oh, that escalated quickly!” Tom let it out while searching your other journal. “That’s not fair! All you have here is One Direction collages.” Your boyfriend groaned. “Yeah, I think that one was like my scrapbook. This one has the good stuff.” You laughed.
With a little more rummaging, Tom showed you a page covered with The Hunger Games pictures. “Ah yes, my old The Hunger Games days.” You chuckled, rolling your eyes at your boyfriend, who seemed pretty entertained with a page dedicated to Peeta. “I definitely remember him being your favorite,” Tom asked. “Yeah, he still is and to this day I still love this franchise.” You proudly exclaimed, watching your boyfriend nod. “Yeah, they’re pretty good.” Tom let it out.
Bringing your attention back to the journal in your hands, you found an entry that made you laugh. “Oh, this is a big one! September 22: “Brendan and I shared our first kiss today. It was perfect, I just wish we had more time before Ashley saw us.” You read, looking at your boyfriend to gauge his reaction. “Was that your first kiss?” Tom asked. “No, my first kiss was with a guy named Lucas, behind one of the school’s gates. The headmaster caught us and we got suspended.” That made your boyfriend laugh, to the point he was clutching his stomach.
“I honestly don’t remember any of this,” Tom mumbled. “Yeah, you were kinda busy becoming an international movie star.” You smiled, earning a roll of eyes from him. “Who was this Ashley girl?” Your boyfriend asked, giving you his full attention. “I think she liked Brendan at the time, I don’t actually remember.” You said, trying to work through your memories. “What I do know is that Brendan and I didn’t last long after that.” You shrugged. “Bye Brendan.” Tom gave the camera an adorable little wave, making you chuckle.
After a couple of minutes, you turned to your boyfriend, who seemed pretty into this whole thing. “Did you find anything good?” You asked. “Nah, just more collages of One Direction.” He shrugged, turning a few more pages before stopping on one of them. “Oh, my God!” Your boyfriend gasped, turning the journal away so you couldn’t see what he had found. “What?” You asked, watching as his eyes grew wide. “What is it? Is it bad? Tell me!” You practically pleaded, wanting nothing more than to reach for the journal and snatch it out of your boyfriend’s hands. “I cannot believe you did this!” Tom shook his head, seemingly disappointed with you. “What did I do? Stop gatekeeping it from me.” You begged, finally getting Tom to show you what he was hiding.
Two whole pages of the journal were covered with pictures of Andrew Garfield’s Spider-Man. In the center of it, a heart with another picture of Andrew and the words: “Favorite Spider-Man Ever” scribbled in your handwriting. “Oh shit!” Was all you could say, as you tried your best to keep yourself from laughing. Tom kept looking at you as you fought back your smile. “I’m sorry, baby!” You tried hugging your boyfriend but he pushed you away. “You really hurt my feelings with this one.” Tom choked, using all his actor qualities to fake a few tears.
Reaching for the journal, you found more pages filled with Andrew Garfield and Spider-Man pics. “God, I remember being obsessed with the Spectacular Spider-Man movies.” You added, flipping through more pages. “This is humiliating!” Tom mumbled, shaking his head in disappointment. “Shut up! You were a big fan too.” You exclaimed, biting back a smile. “Not to the point of writing about him in my journal.” Your boyfriend whined, making you chuckle. “In my defense, I didn’t know you were going to play Spider-Man one day when I wrote this.” You gave Tom your best puppy eyes. “I think we should talk about this whole moving situation,” Tom mumbled, and you could see he was holding back a smile. “Oh, shut up!” You laughed, flipping him off.
From the corner of your eye, you saw Tom take his phone out and snap a picture of some of the pages. “What are you doing?” You asked, furrowing your eyebrows. “I have to send these to Andrew.” Your boyfriend replied, a huge smirk dancing on his lips. “No fucking way!” You exclaimed, taking his phone out of his hands. “What? Why not?” Tom asked, biting back a smile. “Are you kidding? I will not be able to look at his face anymore.” You said.
Closing both of the journals, you stuffed them back into the box they came from. “Oh, c’mon!” Your boyfriend tried again but you were not having it. “Don’t even waste your time. You’re not convincing me.” You told him. “I’ll just send him this video.” Tom shrugged, laughing at your murderous expression. “Don’t you dare, Thomas! I’ll cut your balls off!” You said, giving him a warning look.
After checking for how long you’ve been filming, you decided it was time to end the video. “Well, I think that’s enough for today. Maybe we can come back another time to look through my other journals. As always, make sure to give this video a big thumbs up if you liked it, and don’t forget to subscribe to my channel if you haven’t already. Anything to say?” You turned to your boyfriend. “Thank you for having me once again. It was really fun!” Tom smiled, putting one of his arms behind your back. “Thank you for watching, I love you guys and I’ll see you in my next video. Bye!” After a little wave, you got to your feet and turned the camera off.
As you turned back to your boyfriend, you caught him already looking at you. “You were not actually jealous, right?” You asked, wanting to make sure you two were good. “Nah, I was just playing along,” Tom said, watching as you approached him and collapsed on his lap. “Good, because Andrew could have my heart back then but you one hundred percent own it now.” You smiled, folding your arms behind his neck. “Yeah?” Your boyfriend smirked, taking hold of your hips. You nodded, lowering your mouth to his. “Now give me a kiss, Spidey!” The words had barely left your lips before Tom captured them on his own with such fervency you doubted his previous words.
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whoblewboobear · 1 month
At this point Wednesday and Thursday are the highlights of my week like I’m vibrating with excitement when I know Wednesday at like 7 something I’ll be sitting down to giggle at my favorite show like I- 🤧
I don’t always watch d20 seasons as they’re airing but for fantasy high, it gets so woven into my schedule when a new one drops 👏 like not to get super sentimental (I’m absolutely going to in a read more. Plus the season is ending soon and I’m emo about it but also just excited in general to get all the answers) but this season really means a lot to me. Absolutely none of them will see this (thank god) but the intrepid heroes & BLeeM mean so much to me. They made a show that is so funny and beautiful and kind and so stupid at its core and it just goes to show how lovely they are. The impact they’ve made on the actual play community is so huge. For me a lot of actual play was very intimidating to get into because of huge backlogs or the kinds of stories being told weren’t for me but goddamn, d20 just hits on so many levels. In part due to the storytelling and also just holy shit everyone at the table shows up and cares so much about who they’re playing and their place in the world and the story they’re helping be told. It’s just 🤧💖 I hope one day I’m half the dnd player that Brennan, Emily, Lou, Murph, Siobhan, Zac, and Ally are. They truly inspire me so much.
**TW For SA, trauma, mental health + personal shit etc under the cut**
I stopped watching d20 for a long while. Give or take a year or two? I know it was around the zoom season era. Me and A guy I was really close friends with bonded over dnd and d20 and it was one of the main things we had in common. The night he SA’d me we were watching FH S1 from the beginning. And I think that kinda.. like I didn’t watch d20 because it brought up a lot of thoughts of him and that night and just so much ptsd.
D20 was my favorite form of escapism during hard times and it really sucked to lose that for so long. When d20 Junior year was announced I decided it was time to get back into the show because I missed it and I loved it and I couldn’t let him make me so scared that I never went back to what gave me so much joy. I introduced the show to him in the first place, I could reclaim.
I watched freshman year after I dropped out of art school because my parents and I couldn’t afford another loan and I was really lost. It took my mind off a lot of it thankfully.
Sophomore year aired when I started going to community college. I had a night-time psych class that would end about half an hour before the streams would start so it gave me motivation to get through it because I had something to look forward to after. Now junior year is airing while I’m dealing with a lot of health stuff + depression + job stress (now that I write it all out, both college stresses passed and I did end up getting a decent-ish, albeit very shitty job in graphic design, so I know there’s light at the end of the tunnel so to speak, this’ll pass)
I don’t know if they’ll ever do a senior year/graduation season but if they do, I’ll be there still excited and brimming with joy and anticipation for more d20 Wednesdays to come. 💖
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sapshorelines · 2 months
vampire! lucas x m reader
story: m/n recently broke up with his girlfriend, and his friend comforts him in...more ways than one.
NO this is not smut, its suggestive!
You've recently gone through a bad breakup with your girlfriend. However, your vampire friend is here to comfort you. (mentions of cheating, suggestive themes, vampires, mentions of biting, comfort, angst, vampire AU) (not proof read | 1.3k words)
!! NOTE !! None of my works represent any IRL people. These works are purely meant for entertainment purpose and shouldn't be taken seriously. Do not steal any of my works and reupload them to other medias MINORS DNI
You lay in your bed, all wrapped up in various blankets. How long have you been there? You don't even remember. You just stare at your phone screen emotionlessly as you browse your social media. How on earth did you get here?
Well, you've just went through a nasty break up with your girlfriend. You've found out that she's been cheating on you with someone else. You've been with her for three years and you two were pretty much a match made in heaven. But that was a lie.
You haven't done much of anything as you just lay there in your bed mindlessly scrolling on your phone. Until you got a notification, it was from your best friend Lucas. Ah yes, lets not forget that your bestie is a vampire. You already know of him being a vampire and that didn't bother you.
[Lucas] [M/n you doing alright? You haven't said a word to me for ages now.]
Ages huh, yeah that's what it feels like. You open your messages and typed back.
[M/n] [no dude, im going through hell right now]
[Lucas] [Do you need me to come over? Do you need company?]
You think for a second, it has been awhile since you had any human interaction.
[M/n] [yeah sure, you got my spare key still right?]
[Lucas] [Yeah I still do, Ill come over] [Be there in ten minutes]
What's amazing about Lucas is that you two don't live that far from each other. Its only a ten minute walk. You look at the time and realize its afternoon and the sun is still out. Of course vampires aren't the best when it comes to the sun as they can get serious sun burns rather than combusting into flames. But you know he has a special umbrella that can protect him from the sun rays, plus he takes a route that is mostly shaded so at least he is safe.
What felt like hours was only ten minutes, then you hear the door being unlocked and open. He was here. You wanted to get up and say hi to him but you really did not want to move. "M/n?" He calls out as you can hear the door closing behind him.
"My room." You call back to him, you can hear footsteps making their way to your room. The door would open and Lucas stood there. "Holy fuck- how long have you been in your bed dude?" He chuckles as he makes his way to your bed side to sit down on it. "Ages, centuries even." You say, "You sure you're not a vampire dude?" He cracked up a joke, which of course was successful as you let out a small chuckle too.
"What even happen that made you hibernate in your apartment anyway?" He asked. "..I broke up with her."
"Wait for real?! You two were perfect for each other!" He was shocked by the news, of course you haven't told your best friend that your girlfriend- now ex had been getting dicked down by some random for awhile now. "She cheated on me."
"Oh-" He was taken aback by why you broke up with her. The silence after that was so loud.
"Can I be honest? She wasn't really worth it." He says, "…I don't blame you but- the fun we had." Yeah, you two had a lot of fun from various dates and all, couple stuff. "I can understand that. The process of getting over a breakup is hard." He pats your back in. "Say, have you even cleaned yourself or ate?"
"Uhm… I have got out of bed to get water and food, as well as using the bathroom but.. nothing else." You replied to him. "Say, why don't I help you. Take a shower real quick while I go make you something to eat, sounds good?" He offers. "Mmm, sure but- why?"
"Why not? I don't wanna see my best friend acting like a depressed high schooler." He chuckles, you two were in college by the way. "..Fair point." You agreed to his statement. "Alright, anything particular that you want?" He asked, "No not really." You say as you finally sit up from your bed. Lucas exits your room and heads to your kitchen to cook something. You then head to the shower to clean yourself up.
After half an hour, you exit the shower and changed into new clothes. Afterwards you headed to your kitchen where Lucas was almost finished with the food. He was making Galbi, how sweet! Well, of course he'd pick something 'meat' related though he can't get much energy from eating meat. Lucas takes notice of your presence, "Ah, food's almost done." He says. "Thanks again Lucas." You say as you make your way to your small dining table. Few minutes later Lucas comes over with two plates of Galbi, setting one in front of you. "Here you go." He says as he then sets his plate down and then sits across from M/n.
After eating, Lucas then went ahead and puts the dishes away. Lucas also offers to stay over which you gladly accept. You two were watching some random show on live TV, after an hour or so you then excuse yourself to use the bathroom. But once you came back you can see Lucas sitting there, sweating. "Lucas? You alright?" You asked.
"N-No I-.. shit I didn't think this would have happen so quick." He stutters out. You stare at him, worried but then you remembered, he needs blood. You have gave him your blood before, so this isn't nothing new to you. "Do… Do you need blood?" You ask.
"If that isn't too much to ask for, y-yeah." He says as he gets up. "Thought you said you had feasted awhile ago?"
"I thought so too but, I guess it wasn't enough." He sighs. "Do… Do you wanna sit down or just stand?" He asked. "Here is fine." You say. You then tilt your head to the side, opening your neck to Lucas. He then took the invitation and latched onto you, biting down on your neck. You held back from making any noises, he then pushes you against the wall as he drinks from you. After almost a minute you realize he was taking a bit too much but you really didn't mind but, you couldn't hold back anymore as a moan slipped out of you.
Both of you just froze, he stopped drinking from you as well. He then backs away and stares at you, "You-… You meant to do that did you?" He asked. You stayed silent for a second, but you got to admit, you do have a crush on him and you did find it hot. You nod to his answer as you look away out of embarrassment, your face clearly red. He lets out a chuckle, "You think I'm handsome huh?"
You nod, then he gently moves your head to look at him. He stares at you, "Well M/n, I do too." He then leans in for a kiss. You froze for a second, then embracing both him and the kiss, in which soon turned into a french kiss as he pushed his tongue into M/n's mouth. Lucas then puts his hand under M/n's shirt as his hand slowly inched his way to his chest. Then they both break away from their make out session, "You sure you wanna continue?" Lucas asked. You were hesitant at first but, your friend below had the answer. Lucas then grabbed the bulge that was in your pants as you let out a moan.
"I… Y-Yeah, yeah we can continue.." You say. Lucas smiles, then carrying you to your bedroom.
Looks like it was gonna be a long night for the two of you, making up for ignoring your friend for days. ----
I hope you enjoyed this! I am open for critique and suggestions to improve!
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thalassic-p4rk · 8 months
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okay okay so some explanation:
kwazii: self explanatory really. it’s kwazii.
shellington: totally hc him as aroace and so oblivious and i love him sm for it
paani: might accidentally flirt or attempt occasionally, but most of the time is so completely oblivious. he’s got sm autistic rizz.
inkling: okay don’t come for me he has a really really nice voice okay?? i’m working through it still 😭😭
peso: okay unpopular opinion probably bc of this one wild 120k fic i read in one go but i totally think peso isn’t as naive and innocent as everyone thinks he is and he totally uses that to his advantage. like, not even with flirting, but in general like with cursing and stuff. but i feel like he’s not as oblivious as he pretends to be, and when he chooses to flirt holy shit this guy can flirt. 10/10 best twink 4ever <3
barnacles: i have. many thoughts about barnacles. but, all i will say is that he is so completely oblivious to how hot everyone thinks he is and he has sm unintentional rizz. he will accidentally flirt with like random people he helps or comes across and he has no idea why they keep swooning and calls peso over cuz he’s concerned and peso just is like *sigh*. also, i know fictives aren’t their sources but our barnacles is pretty damn close and when he first split me and peso spent weeks simping over him before another headmate forced us to sit down and explain this to him (which was one of the most embarrassing experiences of my life btw, fuck u eddie /lh)
dashi: i am a hardcore tweak/dashi shipper all the way, and while i think dashi is a very professional person (dog?), i think she’s also really good with people and knows how to use her skills to get what she wants. i think she totally worked in like customer service or something pre-octonauts and that she would charm her clients and customers almost instinctively. however, flirting for her, while common, is something she doesn’t really view as flirting flirting? like, it’s just something she does to steer the conversation in a more favorable direction. she very rarely actually means it, or genuinely tries to flirt, so that’s why she’s not where kwazii is. she was struggling with tweak though lol.
tweak: i think tweak is similar to dashi, she’s not naive and she certainly is good at flirting and probably did a lot of flirting and uh sleeping around in the past (who doesn’t love a butch lesbian mechanic), but i also think that she just. doesn’t really care. fhjffjjgdg like she likes having fun and stuff but generally outside of her video games and her inventions she does not give a shit about much lmao. not in like, a bad way or anything. she just never really saw the point of a social life yk? and the octonauts are an exception, that’s family it’s different. but she’s always had more important shit to do than playing social games.
anyways thank you for coming to my ted talk i am very eepy.
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