#very zen with my art today it was nice
disformer · 1 year
sketches and wips from my twitter today
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mikefrawley · 2 months
It's all About Forgiveness Mike (04-06-24)
I'm not quite sure why just yet, but today for me was my first ever be good to Mike Day. It was a beautiful Spring Day here in South Florida and I just knew it was time to spoil myself, which is an action I haven't taken in a very long time. Before I get into this story too deep, I want to pause a moment and thank my many friends for your love and support as I've started taking baby steps on a path I've been afraid to walk and addressing some inner child issues which have troubled me for most of my life, Okay, back to spoiling myself, but first I really want let all of you know just how much I love and appreciate you. Thank you! So, where was I? It was early Saturday Morning and I took a nice leisurely drive to the nicest Publix in town for my weekly shopping, and I realized that it was time to stop living like an active addict who can barely pay the rent and enjoy life a little bit. So, aside from the usual groceries I also bought some gourmet k-cups of coffee to share with my friends at work and took a different way home so I could tryout a new Starbucks which is my weekly splurge. Then armed with my Vanilla Latte I returned home and relaxed for a bit. At home I wrote a new poem which as is the case with many of us here is my true love. After finishing I just felt like getting out of the house and enjoying my day. I haven't bought a new book for myself in well over twenty years, so I decided to take a mini road trip to Barnes and Noble. After leisurely browsing a bit, I grabbed an excellent book by my favorite teacher, author, and poet, Thich Nhat Hanh, or Thay (teacher in Vietnamese) as he is known. The title is ZEN AND THE ART OF SAVING THE PLANET. After that I must confess I did go over the top a bit and stopped by a second Starbucks which was right next door and treated myself to another fancy coffee. Hey, as I said, it was be good to Mike Day. Sunday I leisurely sat outside reading my new book, meditating and just enjoying the moments as they passed. Please forgive me if this is a bit boring but my wish is that someone else suffering with self-destructive thoughts and feelings, may realize that they too are good enough and very much worthy of love. Well I guess that's enough (too much), but please do remember that you are indeed much loved!
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lumine-no-hikari · 14 days
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #153
I had an idea for a new music box, so I worked on planning it out a little today:
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This time, I thought the thing to do would be to get the melody correct in LMMS; I don't intend to put it to music box paper. Instead, I'm going to use Audacity to put the notes in the spots where I need them to be.
There are a few reasons for this. The first one is that the music box I have cannot play the song at the tempo I need; I can establish a BPM within Audacity to help me put notes where I need them to go. Second, the mechanical structure of the music box does not allow for a single note to be struck more than once in rapid succession, which is a bit of an issue for some things. Third, as much as I enjoy the zen-like repetitiveness that comes with marking and punching out music box dots, it really starts to hurt my hands after a while; I can't imagine the repetitive motion of using the hole puncher is very good for my joints and tendons...
I thought I would have gotten more done on it today, but I got distracted with doing some writing. Whoops, ahahaha. I regret nothing though; if I was so easily distractible today, I probably needed the rest anyhow.
I also made a tea today. This time, I brewed the blend I made with you in mind alongside the vanilla rose tea that I think you would like. Here are the results:
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I sweetened it with lilac syrup and cream; today's swirls were pretty stellar, I think:
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...Admittedly, I didn't do much else today, other than play some video game called Vampire Survivors with M. We unlocked a character called Luminaire today, and so far, that one is my favorite!
...Hey, Sephiroth? When's the last time you rested, anyhow? When's the last time you did anything fun? When was the last time you decided that something is your favorite thing? If it has been a long time, I hope you'll get to do any of these things, soon.
What do you like to do for fun, anyway? Besides sneaking into the Company Training Room and playing the game with Genesis and Angeal that involves balancing dumbapples on each other's heads and throwing swords at them, I mean? Which one of you three came up with that game, anyway? Did you have any others, I wonder?
...So many questions that you'll never be able to answer. But I like to think about these things anyway. I wonder who you are outside of the expectations imposed upon you by others? Given how naturally kindness and gentleness come to you, I imagine that someone like you might have gotten into gardening, or maybe cooking, or even dancing or art. Or maybe you would like singing, or playing an instrument of some kind...
...Oh!! Curious; do you play piano like Cloud and Tifa do? If so, is it something you enjoy, or was it imposed upon you by the SOLDIER program? Hmmm...
Maybe you would even like some types of video games. I think maybe Terraria might be something you'd be able to enjoy, or maybe even Stardew Valley. In those ones, you get to grow things and build things. Tell you what - if ever you find yourself in my neighborhood, pop by my house and I'll teach you all about how to play these; they're relaxing and a lot of fun.
And the music is nice in these, too. Here, I'll show you my favorite track from Terraria:
...Hey, Sephiroth? Do you like the rain? I like it when it's warm. I like the way it feels on my skin, and I like the way it smells, and I like to jump in great big puddles afterwards, like this:
Have you ever jumped in a puddle just because? If you have, then what was it like for you? And if you have not, then I hope you get to try it sometime soon; it's a lot of fun, especially if it's a super huge puddle and you're doing it with someone else and you can splash each other!! If you do try it someday, please tell me how it goes, okay? I'll look forward to hearing all about it someday, maybe, as impossible as that is.
Suppose that's all for today's letter. I've rambled a little, but something tells me that you probably don't mind. Something tells me that maybe, just maybe, you might enjoy the simple fact that someone out here in this great big huge universe is trying to talk to you about ordinary things, wishing that they could enjoy them together with you.
I love you. I'll write to you again very soon, so please stay safe...
Your friend, Lumine
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echantedtoon · 6 months
A Champion Time For The Heart Ch36 The Galarian Star Tournament
(Just for the sake of keeping track, Leon is wearing the outfit he wears when he becomes the Chairman in cannon and reader is wearing the dress above. Neither images mine,etc. I also don't know Peony's wife's name and just giving her one for the story, Petunia. Pic of your dress is above as well
Leon's outfit
Your Outfit 
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Getting to know Oleana was cuffed and taken away finally by Officer Jenny filled you with joy. And Leon had to struggle to get your form away from the scene..before just giving up, picking you up bridal style, and walking away with Sonia right behind him. That finally made you freeze up and stop from you being carried away like a princess. When you were finally put down he convinced you to just let Kabu and Officer Jenny handle things and have lunch with them before the day was out. His treat. Oh. ..Well since he was offering- You accepted and then there after went back to the hotel and your room. You had something important to do. Once in your room you finally let lose Silver from his pokeball. A smile gracing your face as the shiny inteleon made his way out...before you had to look up at Silver. The inteleon shook his head before blinking and looking down at you and for a moment both of you were silent. ...before Silver brought his hand up to his head's height and going straight across until he stopped above your head and stared between his white hand and your head to compare his now obviously taller height. He certainly was taller. He looked even taller than Leon and Raihan did. ...And then he chuckled at how small YOU were now compared to him.
"HEY!" You frowned when he patted your head and you pushed his hand away. "Don't try that with me! Just because you're tall now that doesn't mean I'm not boss anymore." In a very human fashion Silver held up his hands still chuckling and you crossed your arms. "Well...I guess you are taller. That part's true enough."
"Inta?" He cocked his head at you.
"What? Are you waiting me to praise you?" He nodded and you sighed before chuckling yourself. "Alright." Your hand reached over to pat his shoulder. "You did do good out there. Really good. Wasn't expecting -" Your other hand gestured to him. "-this but I'll take it. But at least I won't have to carry your butt through crowds anymore. My poor arms couldn't take it any longer." Silver have an undignified grunt and you chuckled at his response. Yep. Still the same Silver. "Just kidding." You then stopped and paused for a second ...before throwing up your hands in frustration and yelled out startling Silver and made Zen raise a brow. YOU FORGOT TO TALK TO LEON DURING LUNCH!! You were so shocked and made over seeing Oleana again it completely slipped your mind! "ARCEUS DARN IT!!!"
To say it was an interesting rest of the week was an understatement. Day by day went by and you did a few things. Mostly hanging out with Sonia when she offered or the guys when they weren't busy as they had a lot to tell you and fill you in on. Of course they were stopped by people. Like..A LOT of people who asked for pictures, autographs, questions, to talk- And it just reminded you just how popular they had gotten. Good for them. They deserved their titles as heroes and gym leaders/professors in training. It was nice to be able to just do domestic small things together like the old traveling days. Including a cute little shoppe that sold pokemon themed items and in the end you walked out clutching a cute sobble plushie to your chest with a small bag of trinkets. Silver didn't cause trouble and Zen seemed to not be as agressive as the zangoose articles you've read stated. Soon the days lead up to the weekend and you were woken up by the same thing. Lots of commotion early in the morning and you raced to take a shower and look presentable. Today's the day. The day of the Galarian Star Tournament. The same thing happened when you were all heading towards Rose Tower. A massive crowd in the front of hotel when you (followed by Silver and Zen) followed everyone out to the front of the hotel and plenty of taxies to take you all to the Wyndon Stadium. This time you managed to catch a ride with Gordie, Raihan, and Marnie. Marnie sitting beside you and the boys sitting across from you three. Gordie certainly seemed surprised to see a giant Inteleon and Zangoose sitting casually in the seat in front of him, but didn't say anything when you all took off. You excitedly looking at them with a smile.
"So you're going to be battling today huh?"
Raihan nodded. "Yep. Dunno who with though." At this you gave a confused look at him. "Oh. Right. You aren't battling so the officials didn't tell you. We're going to be paired up with a partner for the battles and double battle against two other people."
"Really?" Well that was news to you. "You should be good at this then since you're an expert at these kinds of battles. Do you know who you're partnered with?"
He shrugged. "Dunno. The match ups were all picked at random by the Chairwoman herself so I could be paired up with anyone from Leon to one of your friends. We should know by the time we get there."
It felt like an eternity when in reality it might've only been twenty to thirty minutes for you all to arrive at the stadium. And the first thing that hit you other than the sounds of the corviknight's wings and the whooshing air was the fact that there seemed to be the faint sound of something you've grown familiar too now. The sound of a GIANT crowd. Ah. You knew that all too well. One look out the window confirmed the same looking scenario that greeted you at the Champion Cup with the cheering crowds and there was Wyndon Stadium in all it's giant Pink glory. Ah. Such fond memories along with one involving the Chairman you had hoped to forget. Landing in front of the building you all got out and along with everyone filed on towards the entrance and into the stadium and into the same room you recognized from the last time you were here with a league staff behind the desk in the middle of the room and guess who was right there waiting for you all? LEON! Well him and a few others you had never seen before. One was an elderly man about Opal's age in a green jacket and long white eyebrows and copper-brown eyes. A girl with bubble gum pink hair and a bow in her hair that looked like a butterfly. ...But it was two that really made you freeze in your tracks. The first one was a blonde man with glasses with what must've been THE biggest top hat you had ever seen but that wasn't the strangest bit. What really caught your attention was the six or seven pokeballs that perfectly floated around his head without falling...HOW WAS HE DOING THAT!? But the most thing that caught your attention was the fourth person who was chatting with Leon with a big smile.
Or at least..it seemed so at first. He certainly looked similar to Mr. Rose but upon further staring there was complete differences. This man was a bit thinner around the stomach than Mr. Rose, his mustache and beard was a different style, and he had a complete buzzcut. But the biggest difference was his voice. His voice sounded completely different compared to Mr. Rose. Which is why this couldn't be Mr. Rose. You ended up sighing in relief before Leon turned his head and noticed you before smiling and waving.
"Hey, Y/n! I was expecting to see you here soon!"
You gave him a small polite smile. Maybe you FINALLY you'd be able to talk to him. "Uh..Yeah."..before silently pointing at the man next to him. "Who's your friend?"
His face lit up. "That's right. You never met before." He also gestured to the smiling older man. "Y/n, this is Mr. Peony. He was the Steel Type Gym Leader before he retired and it was changed to the new Poison Type Gym." His smile grew wider. "He was also Champion once."
Your eyes widened before looking back at the smile man who chuckled at your reaction and smiled at you. "Yep! 'Steel Peony' is what they called me! Nice to meet 'cha!"
His smile and body language was very positive and honestly helped to relax you more. You didn't get the strange feeling from him whenever you spoke to Mr. Rose. "Really?!"
The man, Peony, nodded. "Yep! ...Well that was before I retired from that position too. Because of that the old Champion before me had to come back out of retirement as well to take over the position before Leon defeated him."
"And that would be Mustard." Leon again pointed over and you turned to see where he pointed at. It was the other, much older man who Gloria was excitedly talking too and seemed to be introducing Kabu too. ..Wait. THAT was Mustard?! The one Leon said was the former Champion and who helped to train Gloria?? "He owns the training dojo over on the Isle of Armor. It's been a big help to train the new gym leaders and help Glory grow out of her shell!"
..You silently pointed towards them before looking back at Leon surprised. "So wait. You somehow got two ex-champions one of which is also an ex-gym leader, and two other new gym leaders here as the guest fighters??"
Leon nodded. "Yep! And Hop too!"..He then paused and hummed looking down a bit. "And well there's...two other uh...'surprise' guests too but they haven't shown up yet." He then coughed and went back to smiling as if he didn't look nervous beforehand. "But yes! The Battle Tower was to show Prince Lear how strong the future leaders of Galar can be, now he gets to see the power of the past and present all together!"
You smiled. "Hey! I think that's a great idea! I can't wait to see you guys out there!" You guessed that blonde man and the pink haired woman who you saw earlier must've been the new gym leaders Leon mentioned before since he said two guests were late which couldn't be the others you saw since they were already here when you showed up. "But who's the other guys?"
Leon grimaced instantly and he didn't answer you at first...but you would soon very, very, VERY much regret even asking that question. Because the question answered itself with a voice.
"Well, well, well,~" A voice behind you made you completely freeze up upon instantly recognizing it. And in front of you Leon gave you the most guilty, apologetic look he could ever give to you.
ABSOLUTELY NOT!! IT COULDN'T BE!! IT JUST COULD NOT!!..Wincing with a grimace you slowly looked over your shoulder and instantly wished you had just excused yourself, pretended you didn't hear them, and went off to hide behind Raihan. Because standing there were two brothers. In red and blue suits. With weird hair shaped like a sword and shield.
"If it isn't Ms. Y/n. It seems your talents have only grown greater since we last met. I would expect no less from one whom we ourselves call a celebrity," the man in the blue suit spoke with a large smile before dramatically placing a hand to his chest. "It is I, Sordward!"
"And I, Shielbert," his brother added.
...You shot a glare at Leon who guiltily looked away. What were THEY doing here!? Well they answered your thoughts when they both bowed.
"A dandy duo of celebrities, former royalty, and as so it happens the sponsors of the Galarian Star Tournament! Just so it's clear, being a sponsor means paying a jaw dropping sum of money. The truth is we have both been assisting in getting this tournament off the ground for quite some time now."
"This is how we seek to atone for the terrible troubles we've caused for the people of Galar. And naturally we'll be participating in the tournament too of course. Though it's hardly surprising you did not notice us, Ms. Y/n. We always lose in a first match for whatever reason."
And they both laughed standing back up, and you again shot a glare at Leon who smiled nervously at you. WHAT WERE THEY THINKING LETTING THESE TWO COMPETE!?
"However it's getting to the point where I would like to at least have some victories to speak of!"
"If all we do is lose what was the point of using our considerable clout as sponsors to join in?"
You gave them the most deadpanned look you could muster. Screw your life. First Olena then a Mr. Rose scare and now these guys. This couldn't possibly get any worse.
"So seeing as that is the situation-" You nearly shouted as Sordward had the audacity to grab your hand and hold it with a smile. "You and I together are sure to be able to reach new heights of glory, Ms. Y/n."
TAKE THAT BACK!! NOW IT COULDN'T GET ANY WORSE!! You flinched as Shielbert grabbed your other hand sending a strained annoyed smile at his brother.
"Forgive me but I must disagree, Brother. It is I who shall share the victor's stand with Ms. Y/n."
"Hmm. I see, Dear Brother."
"Hmm. Indeed, Dear Brother."
SCRATCH THAT TOO!! SCRATCH!! THAT!! T O O!!! THIS WAS WAY WORSE THAN YOU EVER THOUGHT IT WAS!! In your panicked mind you shouted one thing that you hoped would save your sorry butt.
"I-I'M NOT COMPETING!!" The loud tone of your voice clearly caught the two off guard as they blinked at you as did a couple others....And all of sudden you felt a waft of angry daggers shooting into your side as gold eyes widened. And then narrowed at you. "I-I'm just here to watch everyone else b-battle! S-So no match up pairs with either of you two!"
"That's right," Leon added with a small frown. And you jumped when two hands suddenly grabbed your shoudlers, with that same strained smile you saw him have earlier that week he gently but firmly moved you a few steps back making your hands slip from theirs. What was with that look?, "And you're forgetting you two are already paired up with someone else by the Chairwoman."
After a silent moment the two of them looked at one another silently.
"Oh. Well I guess that does change things a bit, but it certainly doesn't lessen our joy at seeing you again. Doesn't it, Brother?"
"Indeed, Younger Brother! We're very glad to be in your prescence yet again.~"
You scrunched up your face and thought you'd die from cringe at this point. Arceus! If you were real too just like Silver now, PLEASE SAVE ME FROM THIS!!
"Oh hey! There's Hoppy!"
You yelped as Leon suddenly literally picked you up before turning and placing you back down in Hop's direction still with a strained smile. "I don't think you two have talked today. Why don't you go over and say hi while I escort these two gentlemen to join the others?"
Thank you, Leon! Taking the chance to leave while Leon distracted the troublesome two, you took the chance to leap away and scramble through people towards your way towards Hop. Thankful to be away from THAT mess! ...But STILL frustrated you missed another chance to talk to him about your problem! UGH!! But you also didn't want to be around those brothers so you'd wait for an opening for now.  You went right up to Hop and who was happy to start a conversation with you and you definitely didn't want them to have an excuse to talk to you again. You were just talking to him when someone else walked up you two from behind and you stiffened at first dreading it was one of the troublemakers.
"*ahem* Forgive me for interrupting when you two seem so intent on leaving the rest of us out." And then the man revealed himself as he stopped beside you and Hop...and you sighed seeing it wasn't Sordward or Shielbert. It was that blonde with the tall top hat and magic flying pokeballs. "But I don't believe I introduced myself yet. I'm making it a habit to introduce myself to everyone here if they are to be my fellow gym leaders."
A flash of realization flashed in Hop's golden eyes. "Hey. You're Avery right? From the Master Dojo?"
"As I would expect from one related to the Champion. You clearly have an elegant mind and formidable memory," the man, Avery, complimented Hop with a smile.
"An elegant...what?"
"I have redoubled my training efforts since my last defeat at Gloria's hands you see. And my efforts were rewarded gloriously!" He proudly pressed a hand to his chest in a Bede-ish fashion. "You are looking at the chosen leader of the Psychic Gym!"
Psychic gym? Galar didn't have- OH! He must've been one of the two new gym leaders. "Congratulations." You offered him with a small smile.
He chuckled. "Well our gym is still in the minor division and the Chairwoman is still working on creating the designs for our gym badges, but you can feel free to praise me some more. It's perfectly deserved of course."
"That really is amazing. I hope you keep working your way to the major division."
"Hop, rest assured that I will bring my best performance to this competition. I will be a fearsome challenger to face down."
"Suddenly I'm feeling all fired up for this. If everyone's taking it that seriously, I don't want to be the one to lose!"
"Just what I like to hear! I look forward to battling both with and against you dear Hop!" he then turned his gaze to you..and blinked confused for a moment. "Oh. Pardon me. I don't think I've met you yet. Are you one of the other gym leaders or trainers perhaps?"
You shook your head. "Neither. I'm just here to watch." At that he looked surprised. "A couple of my friends are competing and I was invited by Leon. I don't think I'd be good in battles anyways. I wouldn't want to subject Silver to that. He's already been through that earlier this week. You can call me Y/n."
"Oh, I see." ...Avery then smiled and bowed to you, his hand reaching up to tip his unseemly large hat towards you. The pokeballs still bobbing around like a beach ball in the water. "Well then it's a pleasure to make the acquaintance of an elegant lady such as yourself. I do hope you enjoy the show."
"Thank you." The way he complimented you might've been considered 'flirty' but he didn't come off like that. Unlike the dunderhead duo and Prince 'Charming', Avery seemed to just ..talk. If that made sense. He also complimented Hop no problem so you didn't mind too much. "Good luck out there."
"All right, Everyone! Sorry to keep you all waiting!" Leon's voice shouted over everyone and you all looked over towards the Champion who smiled hands on his hips. "Now that everyone's acquainted I believe it's time we get to the important announcements out of the way. First thing's first. I want to say a quick thank you to all of you for coming running when I called. I really wanted to explain this in person because I wanted to be sure I could get across to you all how great this idea is. We hope to represent Galar to it's fullest potential! Not just to Pasio but for everyone around the world!" His smile widened more as he cleared his throat. "That being said the Chairwoman is entertaining his majesty now with everyone's families in the V.I.P. balconies." his hand pointed upwards. "Therefore I'll be the one to read off the listed pairs she decided to write up herself." In a moment the staff member next to him held up a piece of paper to him which Leon took. "Thank you!" His golden eyes happily glanced over the paper. "Now as for everyone's paired partners. ...Milo! You'll be battling out there with Nessa! Kabu will be with Peony. Bea and Gordie. Melony with Allister. Piers! You'll be with Marnie! Raihan's with me. Mustard will battle with Opal. Avery with Klara! Gloria shall be with Bede-" Leon looked up briefly hearing Hop yell another what from somewhere to the left of him. "*ahem* Hop. You'll be with Victor. And finally Sordward and Shielbert shall be with one another. Any questions?" He was met with silence so he nodded and handed the list back to the staff member. "Now then. We have ten minutes before we put on the show. I suggest everyone head to the locker rooms and prepare before we meet back with our partners. The announcer's going to be telling who battles who as the rounds go on. Good luck and let's all give the audience a Champion Time!"
With that everyone split to head towards the locker rooms except for you obviously since you weren't battling and instead decided to walk back up to Silver and pry him away from the poor staff member trying to shoo the inteleon off of his remanding breakfast. And someone approached you again. You felt him before you saw him. Whipping your head around and sighing in relief when none other than Leon stood there looking at you. And you smiled. Phew. It was just him. Unfortunately..those weren't the only eyes you felt on yourself because when you looked past Leon, your stomach dropped. Great. The weirdo duo were staring at you again. Looking like they wanted to talk. Great. These guys would just NOT give up! Arceus what would make them go-..You paused..before looking at Leon who seemed confused at your reaction. You looked between the three men for a moment before an idea dawned on you..that made your face flush a deep pink. Ooohh no. No. No! You couldn't do that- But it was either that or deal with whatever 'courting' they tried to spring on you. Seeing your expression he turned his head to look behind himself only to snap back around when you grabbed his arm. His eyebrows rocketing up as you stared at him.
"Leon." Soft hands grabbed his cheeks and he froze as you stared directly into his eyes. "Win for me will you?"
And then you leaned up standing on your tiptoes, and Leon felt his eyes bulge out of his head when your lips met his cheek in a kiss. A very quick kiss that only lasted a second before you stepped back and released his face. Red flooding your cheeks as silence set in and the two of you stood there until a cough made both of you jump and turn to a Staff memeber who looked between the two of you awkwardly.
"Well...Now that I have your attention." the man cleared his throat awkwardly before gesturing towards you. "I was told to escort the young lady up to the V.I.P balconies there. If we don't leave we'll be late to the battles."
Leon opened his mouth, looked at you, closed it, put a hand on his cheek where you kissed him with his face going red,  then gave that confident smile, nodded, turned around and slowly began to follow after the others. You however refused to look back at anyone. Only grabbing Silver by the arm and pulling him along after the staff member who showed you into the elevator and up you all went followed by Zen. You were expecting to see that room with the windows you were in when the Gym Challenge was present but you were surprised when he didn't. Instead leading you a level higher than that and rose a brow before he lead you through a door finally to the outside..and your brows rose in awe. This wasn't just a balcony. THIS WAS AN ENTIRE FLOOR!! Empty except for a few seats/tables and a long table with more fancy looking food along with so many people. On second glance you noticed that they all must've been the gym leader's families because Mrs. G and Mrs. L was there along with Hop's grandparents. All of Gordie's younger siblings. All three of Raihan's triplets. Felix..and four other people you've never seen before. Two women with what must've been their children. One with reddish-brown hair and blue eyes wearing emerald earring, green shirt, and white pants. Next to her was a small boy with the same hair and eyes no older than nine or ten years old on a phone. The other mother and child pair were right across from then with the mothers talking. The other lady had sandy-blonde hair with a red shirt and jeans and green eyes. Next to her was a girl Hop's age who looked bored. Same green eyes as her mother and sandy-blonde hair that faded to a bright pink hear the end. They must've been some of the guest star's family. You busied yourself by following Silver and grabbing yourself some food from the table before Mrs. L ended up noticing you and inviting you to sit down at the table with them which you happily accepted. It was nice to be able to sit down and talk to familiar people and try to take your mind off the kiss earlier. Oh boy. You'd have to apologize to Piers later for that one later and explain your actions. From where you and Silver were sitting you finally saw the Prince. He was sitting with the Chairwoman at a table closest to the barred off edge and his chair was pointed to where he had a perfect view of the field and giant stadium TV below without standing or straining his neck to look down. Food in front of him, a fancy glass in his hand, his body guards standing on either side of him, his own..Waiter!? A man in a waiter uniform was right there already hurrying to replace anything the prince finished as the Chairwoman calmly sat in front of him. Guess she really did go all out to please the prince. You did pause when Prince Lear looked up from his drink over to your table and it took you staring at him for just a little bit to realize he was staring directly at YOU. Which made you pink in embarrassment. Prince Lear giving an amused smile before holding up his glass to you and taking a drink. You used the excuse of eating and Mrs. L talking to you to look away from him. Maybe Leon would get another kiss sooner than you thought. Five more minutes passed and you were about to get up to get another drink when a high pitch speaker noise sounded out amongst the crowd noises below you and the announcer's voice piped up.
"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN AND PEOPLE OF ALL AGES! WELCOME TO THE OPENING OF THE FIRST EVER GALARIAN STAR TOURNAMENT!!" The crowd cheered. Faces turned towards the field. And attention was FINALLY away from you. It was enough to make you cry in relief. "THE DAY HAS ARRIVED AND THE EXCITEMENT IS IN THE AIR!! PAIRS OF TWO SHALL BATTLE AGAINST EACH OTHER BUT ONLY ONE CAN COME OUT ON TOP!! WHO WILL IT BE!? LET'S FIND OUT BY GETTING THE FIRST ROUND MATCH STARTED!!" Oh? The first match already? Guess they didn't want to keep Prince Lear waiting too long because he was fully focused on the field now. "THE FIRST MATCH OF ROUND ONE WILL BE OUR OWN TOP GYM LEADER AND CHAMPION AGAINST SPECIAL GUEST STARS SORDWARD AND SHIELBERT!!" It was then a smile crept up onto your lips. Oh you were FULLY going to enjoy this. The crowd cheered and Leon and Raihan walked right on out to challenge the weird hair duo who also showed up.
"Let's put up a fight worthy of showing to Ms. Y/n."
"It goes without staying, Older Brother! Such is our noble duty."
Leon's smile strained again and his hands gripped the pokeball in his hands increased. Raihan picked up on this and gave his friend a look.
"Hey. Are you alright?"
"Mm hm. *INHALE* Never better! Let's just give everyone watching a Champion time!"
It wasn't surprising that the weirdos lost to them which made you as pleased as punch as the rest of Round One flew by. Avery and Klara vs Melony and Allister. Avery and Klara won. Bea and Gordie vs Gloria and Bede. Gloria and Bede won. Milo and Nessa vs Piers and Marnie. You perked up..and were nearly jaw dropped at the ferocity Piers shown against the others. Piers and Marnie won. Mustard and Opal vs Kabu and Peony. Mustard and Opal won. Hop and Victor got an automatic win since they didn't have anyone else to battle against. With a small break between each battle to repair the fields.
Both fighting pairs met each other on the field. Both looked at one another. Avery before Marnie and Piers before Klara.
"POKEMON READY!! LET'S GO!!" And thus the second round went underway. Avery and Klara vs Piers and Marnie... Piers/Marnie won. Raihan and Leon vs Mustard and Opal. Raihan and Leon won. Gloria and Bede vs Victor and Hop. Victor and Hop won. "THAT'S IT FOR ROUND TWO!! THERE WILL BE ANOTHER BREAK BEFORE WE START UP ROUND THREE!!" Well another twenty minutes went by fast as you got yourself some more food and chatted more with the ladies at the table. "ALRIGHT FOLKS!! ROUND THREE SHALL NOW BEGIN!! BATTLERS TO YOUR STATIONS!! GET SET!! GO!!" Piers and Marnie vs Raihan and Leon. Raihan and Leon won. You did feel bad for Piers and Marnie, but they had made it all the way to the second to last round which was great compared to everyone else. Victor and Hop had another Automatic win considering there was no one else for them to battle against either, which means Hop would finally be able to have a chance to battle against his brother just like he wanted. So that was good. "THAT'S IT FOR ROUND THREE!! THE FINAL ROUND SHALL BEGIN AFTER THE BREAK!! WILL THE CHAMPION AND TOP GYM LEADER BE DETHRONED FROM THEIR PLACES OR WILL THEY SUCCEED IN KEEPING THEIR TITLES!! WE'LL BE BACK AFTER THE BREAK!!" Amazing how fast another twenty minutes could fly by. By now it was nearly dark as the sun pushed through the skies. "THE FINAL ROUND WILL NOW TAKE PLACE!! PLEASE GIVE A ROUND OF APPLAUSE FOR OUR CONTESTANTS!!" An uproar of cheers sounded out as the last four battlers walked out onto the field. "READY YOUR POKEMON! BATTLE SET!! BATTLE BEGIN!!" Victor and Hop vs Raihan and leon.... Leon and Raihan won. Not that you were surprised but you did feel a little bad for the boys. "MATCH OVER!! LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!! THE WINNERS OF THE GALARIAN STAR TOURNAMENT ARE THE UNBEATABLE CHAMPION AND THE STRONGEST LEADER IN THE STADIUM CIRCUIT!!"
THE. CROWD. ROARED!! Cheering and clapping for the two strongest trainers in all of Galar as the two men waved to the crowds in their victory. Even Prince Lear was slowly clapping his hands to their success but something was on your mind. You stood up and Silver and Zen followed you as you slowly stood up, excused yourself, and left the balcony. You wanted to see Leon, and you found him after nearly twenty minutes of waiting, walking right into the lobby beaming ear to ear and happily chatting with Raihan before he stopped noticing you were standing there smiling at him. The next thing you knew he was beaming ear to ear happier than a rapidash with a bunch of sugarcubes and you were being picked up and swung around like you weighed nothing. What met you when he placed yourself back down was a smile that crinkled the corners of his eyes.
"I won for you! See? I kept my promise!"
You shook your head from the sudden spin he gave you and blinked. "Uh. Yeah! You sure did! Congratulations. But uh...You didn't really promise me anything."
"Maybe not but I did meet up with what you asked!"
You smiled. "Um..Y-Yeah. Speaking of which I also wanted to ask you something else. Do you think we can talk for a-"
"Leon." Both of you looked behind you and talk about bad timing. Behind you was both the Prince with his body guards and the Chairwoman who gestured for Leon to follow her. "Would you please follow me? I have something I want to discuss with you."
Leon nodded before looking to you with a smile. "Hey. Don't worry! We can talk later ok? I promise we can when I pick you up for the after party! Just wait for me at the hotel!"
"But-" He patted your shoulder and walked around you towards the others leaving you standing there watching as they left, before you groaned out in frustration. NOT AGAIN!!
Your flight back to your hotel room from the stadium felt like a blur and before you knew it you were already ordering room service, having dinner, showering, then falling down on your bed and letting the Sandman take you to dream land. It was late-ish into next morning when you woke up groggily and began the morning routine of getting up and making yourself look presentable and throwing on some comfy clothes before relaxing and kicking back on the bed and switching on the tv mounted on the wall. You had hours to wait until Leon picked you up so you could relax or try to relax your nerves until then and just watch TV. You had settled on some action movie Silver excitedly pointed at and the both of you just sat on the bed having ordered breakfast watching the movie as Zen curled up at your feet. It couldn't have been more than an hour when a knock came at your door. It was in the middle of a big chase scene between the protagonist and police when you heard the bangs and had turned to the door confused. ..Who could that be? A glance to the clock showed you it was five thirty seven, not even time yet. Too early for it to have been Leon. Maybe he wanted to talk to you before the party? ..Oh Arceus you hoped it wasn't those weird hair duo. Oh! It was probably room service here to collect your breakfast dishes. If that was the case you had better let the maid come in and collect the dishes. Getting up from your spot on the bed, you walked over to the door and opened it expecting one of the staff members but instead met with two familiar faces instead. There was two women before you. One with orange hair and the other with dark hair with blue highlights...It was Sonia and Nessa. Sonia had paused with her hand up clearly being the one who knocked on the door the three of you stood there in silence for a moment before you spoke.
"Uh..Y/n." She lowered her hand blinking. "Hi. Um..You're not Raihan."
"Last time I checked I wasn't." You rose a brow. "Why?"
"O-Oh.." She awkwardly reached a hand up to her neck in a Leon like fashion. "I uh was hoping he'd lend me some of his Goodra's goo to take back home and study before everyone left but I guess I must've gotten the wrong room. S-Sorry about that. My bad totally."
"It's alright." You then turned to Nessa. "But what are you doing here?"
"I'm helping Sonia actually. She's great with science but not so much with make up," Nessa said rather bluntly which earnt her a glare from Sonia.
"Hey! I made my smokey eye look like a fire's ashes one time!"
Nessa chose to ignore her friend's comment and instead spoke to you. "I also never got to thank you for the save earlier this week. Victor would've been defeated on the second round if you hadn't lent us a hand."
"It's no problem," you confirmed as Nessa rose a brow and looked you up and down, "Silver's really strong now so it's no big deal-"
"What are you wearing?" You blinked at Nessa as she gestured towards your clothing. "Those look like something you'd wear to a picnic with your grandma."
"Oh." You looked down at your comfy pants and the shirt with a pikachu print on the front. You didn't think you looked that bad. "My...clothes?" Both looked at you. "What?''
"Aren't you supposed to be going with Leon tonight to the Prince's farewell banquet?"
"Um. Yeah actually but that's not for a couple hours still. Why?"
"Are you serious? This is as important as a Gala or a wedding," Nessa insisted frowning, "You're telling me you're planning on wearing lazy day clothes to that? With Leon?"
You opened your mouth before looking down to yourself again before back up at them. "Well it's not like I have much choice. I don't have any fancy clothes."
Both stared at you for a long moment before looking at one another silently as if talking to each other telepathically, before Sonia nodded and both looked back to you. You didn't like those looks.
"You have the nemuk?"
"You know a model never goes anywhere without it."
"Nessa's Emergency Make Up Kit. She never leaves home without it. Luckily for you we're here to help you."
"....What- GAH!?"
In an instant two sets of arms pulled you from your doorway and you were pushed back inside. It was all a blur as you were sat down in a chair and they pounced at you like a cat to a mouse. You managed to shout a hey before Sonia pulled your hair from the lazy bun it was set in before Nessa placed down what must've been a massive pink suitcase on your bed next to you before opening it up revealing a make up crew's DREAM of make up, brushes, nail polish, and products that'd put a salon to shame. As Sonia wrestled to pull a brush through your locks Nessa quickly left before soon returning from her room down the hall, returning with a few outfits in her arms. By then Sonia had already prepped your head for any styling they might do to it before you were pushed back up onto your feet and turned to face the two. You only got a 'What the' out before a sparkling green dress was held up in front of your body to which they both scrunched up their faces at before shaking their heads no. Repeated two other times before a flash of purple was held up and smiles were beamed at your worried looking form. Fast forward fifthteen minutes later and there you were. Squeezed into a purple sparkling ballgown with white heels with a purple gem necklace slapped over your neck to complete the look. Your hair slightly curled and framing your face in a way it wouldn't without a proper stylists' touch. And you were staring at nothing as Sonia attached some kind of fancy purple bedazzled hair clip to your hair and Nessa with the precision of Leonardo Da Vinci started putting on make up on your face. Which you struggled to hold still for.
"Ah!" Nessa sternly held up a mascara brush to you. "Hold still. I need your lashes not your eyeball."
You groaned. "How much longer until you're done?" You mumbled through the lip stick.
"Just one lash away if you'll hold still for one moment. AAAAnnnnddd THERE!!" She pulled away from your eye as you blinked lowering the mascara and smiling. "I'm all finished." She beamed and they both stepped back looking at you as you looked at them from the bed. Even Silver was blinking at how different you looked now.
"You look so pretty, Y/n!," Sonia gushed, "You're gonna knock Lee dead!"
"I doubt that," you mumbled. !?
Nessa had grabbed your arm again pulling you up and already pushing you towards a mirror on the wall. Stumbling to follow her in your heels. "Well look for yourself!" She said before pushing you in front of said mirror and you froze as soon as your f/c eyes hit the reflection.
Staring back at you wasn't you..At least not the you you were used to seeing. Soft hair framed your beautiful face as the bedazzled hair clip sparkled from the light. The purple dress you were wearing sparkled and looked beautiful with the little lace and design on the side of the waist. If it wasn't for the fact you knew this was a mirror, you would've thought someone else was staring back at you. You still stared at the reflection before looking around to the two women behind you and a pattern ensued. Of you opening and closing your mouth like a fish and looking between the mirror and them as if any second the Cinderella in the mirror would disappear. You repeated this process so many times you feeling dizzy. Until there was another loud knock at the door. Making you yelp and jump and stagger, almost falling over on the heels Nessa insisted on you wearing before you stared back at the door along with everyone else. You stood there for a moment before the knocking picked up again but louder. Your eyes snapped over to the clock on the wall and your eyes widened. It was seven o' eight in the afternoon. KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK!! And you felt your stomach drop. There could only be one person who that could be.
"Crap!," you hissed to yourself. Tap, tap, tap. "Crap. Crap. Crap, crap, crap!" You staggered towards the door still trying not to fall over in heels with your arms out for balance. Again the door knocked a little bit louder than the first two times. "COMING!! Coming!" You shouted finally getting to the door, reaching out, taking a breath, grabbing the doorknob...and then slowly opening it.
The door opened with a loud CCCCRRREEEEAAAAKKK noise from how slowly you opened it and once you peeked out you were hit with the over powering smell of...Roses?? Yep! As soon as you opened the door you face was attacked by a giant bouquet of roses. Purple roses- Wait- You looked up and you froze. Because staring back wide eyed and slack jawed at you, and you also stared back Leon was wearing a long red coat with a black collar and white tie with shiny gold buttons on the front along with tanish-white pants and polish black boots. But what really surprised you was the fact that he wasn't wearing his signiture hat at all letting you see him without it for the first time without it.
You both continued to stare at one another before Sonia coughed behind you making the two of you flinch and Leon finally react. "Beautiful- AH! I M-MEAN-" Your face flushed and he cleared his throat seeming nervous all of a sudden before attempting (and failing-) to compose his own red face as he spoke. "I mean you look great! T-That dress really brings out your eyes!" The roses were held out to you. "H-Here. I got you these."
You blinked...before slowly taking the roses from him. "Oh..I-.." You stared at them before shaking your head and giving a friendly smile. "T-Thank you! They're beautiful! I-I didn't know they came in bouquets this big...Or in this color. I didn't know roses could be purple."
He coughed and averted his eyes before nodded and reached a hand up to rub his neck. "Yeah. There's this flower shop around the corner Melony told me about who specializes in personal bouquets for their customers. I figured it was only proper to get you an official bouquet. After all this is our f-f-f-first y-yknow?" Was he nervous. He certainly looked it with how red he was and a few beads of sweat formed on his forehead. "B-But i-if  you don't like the roses I-I can take them back and g-get you a different color instead! I j-j-just got m-my favorite color in instinct!!"
"N-No! It's ok! I love them! They're lovely." You coughed and turned your eyes down red faced as well. "T-Thanks. You look...beautiful too- AH!! HANDSOME!! H-HANDSOME!! Y-You look really handsome!!"
"T-Thank you."
You both continued to stand there awkwardly for a long time without eye contact. Before Leon eventually coughed and offered his arm to you. "So should we head out?"
"Uh..Sure. L-Let's go."
You turned really quick and threw the roses towards Sonia who caught it for you. Silver perked up before standing up and followed after you as you half walked half staggered your way out the door with Leon who walked off in your direction. Zen grumbled before slinking off the bed and waddling after you all. As soon as the two of you disappeared Sonia turned back to Nessa.
"Well I don't know about you but I think that went well."
"Oh good." Nessa turned back to Sonia. "Then it's my turn to make you look beautiful for tonight."
"Sure-...Wait. What?"
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A Champion Time For The Heart Ch36 The Galarian Star Tournament
(Just for the sake of keeping track, Leon is wearing the outfit he wears when he becomes the Chairman in cannon and reader is wearing the dress above. Neither images mine,etc. I also don't know Peony's wife's name and just giving her one for the story, Petunia.
Leon's outfit
Your Outfit
Getting to know Oleana was cuffed and taken away finally by Officer Jenny filled you with joy. And Leon had to struggle to get your form away from the scene..before just giving up, picking you up bridal style, and walking away with Sonia right behind him. That finally made you freeze up and stop from you being carried away like a princess. When you were finally put down he convinced you to just let Kabu and Officer Jenny handle things and have lunch with them before the day was out. His treat. Oh. ..Well since he was offering- You accepted and then there after went back to the hotel and your room. You had something important to do. Once in your room you finally let lose Silver from his pokeball. A smile gracing your face as the shiny inteleon made his way out...before you had to look up at Silver. The inteleon shook his head before blinking and looking down at you and for a moment both of you were silent. ...before Silver brought his hand up to his head's height and going straight across until he stopped above your head and stared between his white hand and your head to compare his now obviously taller height. He certainly was taller. He looked even taller than Leon and Raihan did. ...And then he chuckled at how small YOU were now compared to him.
"HEY!" You frowned when he patted your head and you pushed his hand away. "Don't try that with me! Just because you're tall now that doesn't mean I'm not boss anymore." In a very human fashion Silver held up his hands still chuckling and you crossed your arms. "Well...I guess you are taller. That part's true enough."
"Inta?" He cocked his head at you.
"What? Are you waiting me to praise you?" He nodded and you sighed before chuckling yourself. "Alright." Your hand reached over to pat his shoulder. "You did do good out there. Really good. Wasn't expecting -" Your other hand gestured to him. "-this but I'll take it. But at least I won't have to carry your butt through crowds anymore. My poor arms couldn't take it any longer." Silver have an undignified grunt and you chuckled at his response. Yep. Still the same Silver. "Just kidding." You then stopped and paused for a second ...before throwing up your hands in frustration and yelled out startling Silver and made Zen raise a brow. YOU FORGOT TO TALK TO LEON DURING LUNCH!! You were so shocked and made over seeing Oleana again it completely slipped your mind! "ARCEUS DARN IT!!!"
To say it was an interesting rest of the week was an understatement. Day by day went by and you did a few things. Mostly hanging out with Sonia when she offered or the guys when they weren't busy as they had a lot to tell you and fill you in on. Of course they were stopped by people. Like..A LOT of people who asked for pictures, autographs, questions, to talk- And it just reminded you just how popular they had gotten. Good for them. They deserved their titles as heroes and gym leaders/professors in training. It was nice to be able to just do domestic small things together like the old traveling days. Including a cute little shoppe that sold pokemon themed items and in the end you walked out clutching a cute sobble plushie to your chest with a small bag of trinkets. Silver didn't cause trouble and Zen seemed to not be as agressive as the zangoose articles you've read stated. Soon the days lead up to the weekend and you were woken up by the same thing. Lots of commotion early in the morning and you raced to take a shower and look presentable. Today's the day. The day of the Galarian Star Tournament. The same thing happened when you were all heading towards Rose Tower. A massive crowd in the front of hotel when you (followed by Silver and Zen) followed everyone out to the front of the hotel and plenty of taxies to take you all to the Wyndon Stadium. This time you managed to catch a ride with Gordie, Raihan, and Marnie. Marnie sitting beside you and the boys sitting across from you three. Gordie certainly seemed surprised to see a giant Inteleon and Zangoose sitting casually in the seat in front of him, but didn't say anything when you all took off. You excitedly looking at them with a smile.
"So you're going to be battling today huh?"
Raihan nodded. "Yep. Dunno who with though." At this you gave a confused look at him. "Oh. Right. You aren't battling so the officials didn't tell you. We're going to be paired up with a partner for the battles and double battle against two other people."
"Really?" Well that was news to you. "You should be good at this then since you're an expert at these kinds of battles. Do you know who you're partnered with?"
He shrugged. "Dunno. The match ups were all picked at random by the Chairwoman herself so I could be paired up with anyone from Leon to one of your friends. We should know by the time we get there."
It felt like an eternity when in reality it might've only been twenty to thirty minutes for you all to arrive at the stadium. And the first thing that hit you other than the sounds of the corviknight's wings and the whooshing air was the fact that there seemed to be the faint sound of something you've grown familiar too now. The sound of a GIANT crowd. Ah. You knew that all too well. One look out the window confirmed the same looking scenario that greeted you at the Champion Cup with the cheering crowds and there was Wyndon Stadium in all it's giant Pink glory. Ah. Such fond memories along with one involving the Chairman you had hoped to forget. Landing in front of the building you all got out and along with everyone filed on towards the entrance and into the stadium and into the same room you recognized from the last time you were here with a league staff behind the desk in the middle of the room and guess who was right there waiting for you all? LEON! Well him and a few others you had never seen before. One was an elderly man about Opal's age in a green jacket and long white eyebrows and copper-brown eyes. A girl with bubble gum pink hair and a bow in her hair that looked like a butterfly. ...But it was two that really made you freeze in your tracks. The first one was a blonde man with glasses with what must've been THE biggest top hat you had ever seen but that wasn't the strangest bit. What really caught your attention was the six or seven pokeballs that perfectly floated around his head without falling...HOW WAS HE DOING THAT!? But the most thing that caught your attention was the fourth person who was chatting with Leon with a big smile.
Or at least..it seemed so at first. He certainly looked similar to Mr. Rose but upon further staring there was complete differences. This man was a bit thinner around the stomach than Mr. Rose, his mustache and beard was a different style, and he had a complete buzzcut. But the biggest difference was his voice. His voice sounded completely different compared to Mr. Rose. Which is why this couldn't be Mr. Rose. You ended up sighing in relief before Leon turned his head and noticed you before smiling and waving.
"Hey, Y/n! I was expecting to see you here soon!"
You gave him a small polite smile. Maybe you FINALLY you'd be able to talk to him. "Uh..Yeah."..before silently pointing at the man next to him. "Who's your friend?"
His face lit up. "That's right. You never met before." He also gestured to the smiling older man. "Y/n, this is Mr. Peony. He was the Steel Type Gym Leader before he retired and it was changed to the new Poison Type Gym." His smile grew wider. "He was also Champion once."
Your eyes widened before looking back at the smile man who chuckled at your reaction and smiled at you. "Yep! 'Steel Peony' is what they called me! Nice to meet 'cha!"
His smile and body language was very positive and honestly helped to relax you more. You didn't get the strange feeling from him whenever you spoke to Mr. Rose. "Really?!"
The man, Peony, nodded. "Yep! ...Well that was before I retired from that position too. Because of that the old Champion before me had to come back out of retirement as well to take over the position before Leon defeated him."
"And that would be Mustard." Leon again pointed over and you turned to see where he pointed at. It was the other, much older man who Gloria was excitedly talking too and seemed to be introducing Kabu too. ..Wait. THAT was Mustard?! The one Leon said was the former Champion and who helped to train Gloria?? "He owns the training dojo over on the Isle of Armor. It's been a big help to train the new gym leaders and help Glory grow out of her shell!"
..You silently pointed towards them before looking back at Leon surprised. "So wait. You somehow got two ex-champions one of which is also an ex-gym leader, and two other new gym leaders here as the guest fighters??"
Leon nodded. "Yep! And Hop too!"..He then paused and hummed looking down a bit. "And well there's...two other uh...'surprise' guests too but they haven't shown up yet." He then coughed and went back to smiling as if he didn't look nervous beforehand. "But yes! The Battle Tower was to show Prince Lear how strong the future leaders of Galar can be, now he gets to see the power of the past and present all together!"
You smiled. "Hey! I think that's a great idea! I can't wait to see you guys out there!" You guessed that blonde man and the pink haired woman who you saw earlier must've been the new gym leaders Leon mentioned before since he said two guests were late which couldn't be the others you saw since they were already here when you showed up. "But who's the other guys?"
Leon grimaced instantly and he didn't answer you at first...but you would soon very, very, VERY much regret even asking that question. Because the question answered itself with a voice.
"Well, well, well,~" A voice behind you made you completely freeze up upon instantly recognizing it. And in front of you Leon gave you the most guilty, apologetic look he could ever give to you.
ABSOLUTELY NOT!! IT COULDN'T BE!! IT JUST COULD NOT!!..Wincing with a grimace you slowly looked over your shoulder and instantly wished you had just excused yourself, pretended you didn't hear them, and went off to hide behind Raihan. Because standing there were two brothers. In red and blue suits. With weird hair shaped like a sword and shield.
"If it isn't Ms. Y/n. It seems your talents have only grown greater since we last met. I would expect no less from one whom we ourselves call a celebrity," the man in the blue suit spoke with a large smile before dramatically placing a hand to his chest. "It is I, Sordward!"
"And I, Shielbert," his brother added.
...You shot a glare at Leon who guiltily looked away. What were THEY doing here!? Well they answered your thoughts when they both bowed.
"A dandy duo of celebrities, former royalty, and as so it happens the sponsors of the Galarian Star Tournament! Just so it's clear, being a sponsor means paying a jaw dropping sum of money. The truth is we have both been assisting in getting this tournament off the ground for quite some time now."
"This is how we seek to atone for the terrible troubles we've caused for the people of Galar. And naturally we'll be participating in the tournament too of course. Though it's hardly surprising you did not notice us, Ms. Y/n. We always lose in a first match for whatever reason."
And they both laughed standing back up, and you again shot a glare at Leon who smiled nervously at you. WHAT WERE THEY THINKING LETTING THESE TWO COMPETE!?
"However it's getting to the point where I would like to at least have some victories to speak of!"
"If all we do is lose what was the point of using our considerable clout as sponsors to join in?"
You gave them the most deadpanned look you could muster. Screw your life. First Olena then a Mr. Rose scare and now these guys. This couldn't possibly get any worse.
"So seeing as that is the situation-" You nearly shouted as Sordward had the audacity to grab your hand and hold it with a smile. "You and I together are sure to be able to reach new heights of glory, Ms. Y/n."
TAKE THAT BACK!! NOW IT COULDN'T GET ANY WORSE!! You flinched as Shielbert grabbed your other hand sending a strained annoyed smile at his brother.
"Forgive me but I must disagree, Brother. It is I who shall share the victor's stand with Ms. Y/n."
"Hmm. I see, Dear Brother."
"Hmm. Indeed, Dear Brother."
SCRATCH THAT TOO!! SCRATCH!! THAT!! T O O!!! THIS WAS WAY WORSE THAN YOU EVER THOUGHT IT WAS!! In your panicked mind you shouted one thing that you hoped would save your sorry butt.
"I-I'M NOT COMPETING!!" The loud tone of your voice clearly caught the two off guard as they blinked at you as did a couple others....And all of sudden you felt a waft of angry daggers shooting into your side as gold eyes widened. And then narrowed at you. "I-I'm just here to watch everyone else b-battle! S-So no match up pairs with either of you two!"
"That's right," Leon added with a small frown. And you jumped when two hands suddenly grabbed your shoudlers, with that same strained smile you saw him have earlier that week he gently but firmly moved you a few steps back making your hands slip from theirs. What was with that look?, "And you're forgetting you two are already paired up with someone else by the Chairwoman."
After a silent moment the two of them looked at one another silently.
"Oh. Well I guess that does change things a bit, but it certainly doesn't lessen our joy at seeing you again. Doesn't it, Brother?"
"Indeed, Younger Brother! We're very glad to be in your prescence yet again.~"
You scrunched up your face and thought you'd die from cringe at this point. Arceus! If you were real too just like Silver now, PLEASE SAVE ME FROM THIS!!
"Oh hey! There's Hoppy!"
You yelped as Leon suddenly literally picked you up before turning and placing you back down in Hop's direction still with a strained smile. "I don't think you two have talked today. Why don't you go over and say hi while I escort these two gentlemen to join the others?"
Thank you, Leon! Taking the chance to leave while Leon distracted the troublesome two, you took the chance to leap away and scramble through people towards your way towards Hop. Thankful to be away from THAT mess! ...But STILL frustrated you missed another chance to talk to him about your problem! UGH!! But you also didn't want to be around those brothers so you'd wait for an opening for now. You went right up to Hop and who was happy to start a conversation with you and you definitely didn't want them to have an excuse to talk to you again. You were just talking to him when someone else walked up you two from behind and you stiffened at first dreading it was one of the troublemakers.
"*ahem* Forgive me for interrupting when you two seem so intent on leaving the rest of us out." And then the man revealed himself as he stopped beside you and Hop...and you sighed seeing it wasn't Sordward or Shielbert. It was that blonde with the tall top hat and magic flying pokeballs. "But I don't believe I introduced myself yet. I'm making it a habit to introduce myself to everyone here if they are to be my fellow gym leaders."
A flash of realization flashed in Hop's golden eyes. "Hey. You're Avery right? From the Master Dojo?"
"As I would expect from one related to the Champion. You clearly have an elegant mind and formidable memory," the man, Avery, complimented Hop with a smile.
"An elegant...what?"
"I have redoubled my training efforts since my last defeat at Gloria's hands you see. And my efforts were rewarded gloriously!" He proudly pressed a hand to his chest in a Bede-ish fashion. "You are looking at the chosen leader of the Psychic Gym!"
Psychic gym? Galar didn't have- OH! He must've been one of the two new gym leaders. "Congratulations." You offered him with a small smile.
He chuckled. "Well our gym is still in the minor division and the Chairwoman is still working on creating the designs for our gym badges, but you can feel free to praise me some more. It's perfectly deserved of course."
"That really is amazing. I hope you keep working your way to the major division."
"Hop, rest assured that I will bring my best performance to this competition. I will be a fearsome challenger to face down."
"Suddenly I'm feeling all fired up for this. If everyone's taking it that seriously, I don't want to be the one to lose!"
"Just what I like to hear! I look forward to battling both with and against you dear Hop!" he then turned his gaze to you..and blinked confused for a moment. "Oh. Pardon me. I don't think I've met you yet. Are you one of the other gym leaders or trainers perhaps?"
You shook your head. "Neither. I'm just here to watch." At that he looked surprised. "A couple of my friends are competing and I was invited by Leon. I don't think I'd be good in battles anyways. I wouldn't want to subject Silver to that. He's already been through that earlier this week. You can call me Y/n."
"Oh, I see." ...Avery then smiled and bowed to you, his hand reaching up to tip his unseemly large hat towards you. The pokeballs still bobbing around like a beach ball in the water. "Well then it's a pleasure to make the acquaintance of an elegant lady such as yourself. I do hope you enjoy the show."
"Thank you." The way he complimented you might've been considered 'flirty' but he didn't come off like that. Unlike the dunderhead duo and Prince 'Charming', Avery seemed to just ..talk. If that made sense. He also complimented Hop no problem so you didn't mind too much. "Good luck out there."
"All right, Everyone! Sorry to keep you all waiting!" Leon's voice shouted over everyone and you all looked over towards the Champion who smiled hands on his hips. "Now that everyone's acquainted I believe it's time we get to the important announcements out of the way. First thing's first. I want to say a quick thank you to all of you for coming running when I called. I really wanted to explain this in person because I wanted to be sure I could get across to you all how great this idea is. We hope to represent Galar to it's fullest potential! Not just to Pasio but for everyone around the world!" His smile widened more as he cleared his throat. "That being said the Chairwoman is entertaining his majesty now with everyone's families in the V.I.P. balconies." his hand pointed upwards. "Therefore I'll be the one to read off the listed pairs she decided to write up herself." In a moment the staff member next to him held up a piece of paper to him which Leon took. "Thank you!" His golden eyes happily glanced over the paper. "Now as for everyone's paired partners. ...Milo! You'll be battling out there with Nessa! Kabu will be with Peony. Bea and Gordie. Melony with Allister. Piers! You'll be with Marnie! Raihan's with me. Mustard will battle with Opal. Avery with Klara! Gloria shall be with Bede-" Leon looked up briefly hearing Hop yell another what from somewhere to the left of him. "*ahem* Hop. You'll be with Victor. And finally Sordward and Shielbert shall be with one another. Any questions?" He was met with silence so he nodded and handed the list back to the staff member. "Now then. We have ten minutes before we put on the show. I suggest everyone head to the locker rooms and prepare before we meet back with our partners. The announcer's going to be telling who battles who as the rounds go on. Good luck and let's all give the audience a Champion Time!"
With that everyone split to head towards the locker rooms except for you obviously since you weren't battling and instead decided to walk back up to Silver and pry him away from the poor staff member trying to shoo the inteleon off of his remanding breakfast. And someone approached you again. You felt him before you saw him. Whipping your head around and sighing in relief when none other than Leon stood there looking at you. And you smiled. Phew. It was just him. Unfortunately..those weren't the only eyes you felt on yourself because when you looked past Leon, your stomach dropped. Great. The weirdo duo were staring at you again. Looking like they wanted to talk. Great. These guys would just NOT give up! Arceus what would make them go-..You paused..before looking at Leon who seemed confused at your reaction. You looked between the three men for a moment before an idea dawned on you..that made your face flush a deep pink. Ooohh no. No. No! You couldn't do that- But it was either that or deal with whatever 'courting' they tried to spring on you. Seeing your expression he turned his head to look behind himself only to snap back around when you grabbed his arm. His eyebrows rocketing up as you stared at him.
"Leon." Soft hands grabbed his cheeks and he froze as you stared directly into his eyes. "Win for me will you?"
And then you leaned up standing on your tiptoes, and Leon felt his eyes bulge out of his head when your lips met his cheek in a kiss. A very quick kiss that only lasted a second before you stepped back and released his face. Red flooding your cheeks as silence set in and the two of you stood there until a cough made both of you jump and turn to a Staff memeber who looked between the two of you awkwardly.
"Well...Now that I have your attention." the man cleared his throat awkwardly before gesturing towards you. "I was told to escort the young lady up to the V.I.P balconies there. If we don't leave we'll be late to the battles."
Leon opened his mouth, looked at you, closed it, put a hand on his cheek where you kissed him with his face going red, then gave that confident smile, nodded, turned around and slowly began to follow after the others. You however refused to look back at anyone. Only grabbing Silver by the arm and pulling him along after the staff member who showed you into the elevator and up you all went followed by Zen. You were expecting to see that room with the windows you were in when the Gym Challenge was present but you were surprised when he didn't. Instead leading you a level higher than that and rose a brow before he lead you through a door finally to the outside..and your brows rose in awe. This wasn't just a balcony. THIS WAS AN ENTIRE FLOOR!! Empty except for a few seats/tables and a long table with more fancy looking food along with so many people. On second glance you noticed that they all must've been the gym leader's families because Mrs. G and Mrs. L was there along with Hop's grandparents. All of Gordie's younger siblings. All three of Raihan's triplets. Felix..and four other people you've never seen before. Two women with what must've been their children. One with reddish-brown hair and blue eyes wearing emerald earring, green shirt, and white pants. Next to her was a small boy with the same hair and eyes no older than nine or ten years old on a phone. The other mother and child pair were right across from then with the mothers talking. The other lady had sandy-blonde hair with a red shirt and jeans and green eyes. Next to her was a girl Hop's age who looked bored. Same green eyes as her mother and sandy-blonde hair that faded to a bright pink hear the end. They must've been some of the guest star's family. You busied yourself by following Silver and grabbing yourself some food from the table before Mrs. L ended up noticing you and inviting you to sit down at the table with them which you happily accepted. It was nice to be able to sit down and talk to familiar people and try to take your mind off the kiss earlier. Oh boy. You'd have to apologize to Piers later for that one later and explain your actions. From where you and Silver were sitting you finally saw the Prince. He was sitting with the Chairwoman at a table closest to the barred off edge and his chair was pointed to where he had a perfect view of the field and giant stadium TV below without standing or straining his neck to look down. Food in front of him, a fancy glass in his hand, his body guards standing on either side of him, his own..Waiter!? A man in a waiter uniform was right there already hurrying to replace anything the prince finished as the Chairwoman calmly sat in front of him. Guess she really did go all out to please the prince. You did pause when Prince Lear looked up from his drink over to your table and it took you staring at him for just a little bit to realize he was staring directly at YOU. Which made you pink in embarrassment. Prince Lear giving an amused smile before holding up his glass to you and taking a drink. You used the excuse of eating and Mrs. L talking to you to look away from him. Maybe Leon would get another kiss sooner than you thought. Five more minutes passed and you were about to get up to get another drink when a high pitch speaker noise sounded out amongst the crowd noises below you and the announcer's voice piped up.
"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN AND PEOPLE OF ALL AGES! WELCOME TO THE OPENING OF THE FIRST EVER GALARIAN STAR TOURNAMENT!!" The crowd cheered. Faces turned towards the field. And attention was FINALLY away from you. It was enough to make you cry in relief. "THE DAY HAS ARRIVED AND THE EXCITEMENT IS IN THE AIR!! PAIRS OF TWO SHALL BATTLE AGAINST EACH OTHER BUT ONLY ONE CAN COME OUT ON TOP!! WHO WILL IT BE!? LET'S FIND OUT BY GETTING THE FIRST ROUND MATCH STARTED!!" Oh? The first match already? Guess they didn't want to keep Prince Lear waiting too long because he was fully focused on the field now. "THE FIRST MATCH OF ROUND ONE WILL BE OUR OWN TOP GYM LEADER AND CHAMPION AGAINST SPECIAL GUEST STARS SORDWARD AND SHIELBERT!!" It was then a smile crept up onto your lips. Oh you were FULLY going to enjoy this. The crowd cheered and Leon and Raihan walked right on out to challenge the weird hair duo who also showed up.
"Let's put up a fight worthy of showing to Ms. Y/n."
"It goes without staying, Older Brother! Such is our noble duty."
Leon's smile strained again and his hands gripped the pokeball in his hands increased. Raihan picked up on this and gave his friend a look.
"Hey. Are you alright?"
"Mm hm. *INHALE* Never better! Let's just give everyone watching a Champion time!"
It wasn't surprising that the weirdos lost to them which made you as pleased as punch as the rest of Round One flew by. Avery and Klara vs Melony and Allister. Avery and Klara won. Bea and Gordie vs Gloria and Bede. Gloria and Bede won. Milo and Nessa vs Piers and Marnie. You perked up..and were nearly jaw dropped at the ferocity Piers shown against the others. Piers and Marnie won. Mustard and Opal vs Kabu and Peony. Mustard and Opal won. Hop and Victor got an automatic win since they didn't have anyone else to battle against. With a small break between each battle to repair the fields.
Both fighting pairs met each other on the field. Both looked at one another. Avery before Marnie and Piers before Klara.
"POKEMON READY!! LET'S GO!!" And thus the second round went underway. Avery and Klara vs Piers and Marnie... Piers/Marnie won. Raihan and Leon vs Mustard and Opal. Raihan and Leon won. Gloria and Bede vs Victor and Hop. Victor and Hop won. "THAT'S IT FOR ROUND TWO!! THERE WILL BE ANOTHER BREAK BEFORE WE START UP ROUND THREE!!" Well another twenty minutes went by fast as you got yourself some more food and chatted more with the ladies at the table. "ALRIGHT FOLKS!! ROUND THREE SHALL NOW BEGIN!! BATTLERS TO YOUR STATIONS!! GET SET!! GO!!" Piers and Marnie vs Raihan and Leon. Raihan and Leon won. You did feel bad for Piers and Marnie, but they had made it all the way to the second to last round which was great compared to everyone else. Victor and Hop had another Automatic win considering there was no one else for them to battle against either, which means Hop would finally be able to have a chance to battle against his brother just like he wanted. So that was good. "THAT'S IT FOR ROUND THREE!! THE FINAL ROUND SHALL BEGIN AFTER THE BREAK!! WILL THE CHAMPION AND TOP GYM LEADER BE DETHRONED FROM THEIR PLACES OR WILL THEY SUCCEED IN KEEPING THEIR TITLES!! WE'LL BE BACK AFTER THE BREAK!!" Amazing how fast another twenty minutes could fly by. By now it was nearly dark as the sun pushed through the skies. "THE FINAL ROUND WILL NOW TAKE PLACE!! PLEASE GIVE A ROUND OF APPLAUSE FOR OUR CONTESTANTS!!" An uproar of cheers sounded out as the last four battlers walked out onto the field. "READY YOUR POKEMON! BATTLE SET!! BATTLE BEGIN!!" Victor and Hop vs Raihan and leon.... Leon and Raihan won. Not that you were surprised but you did feel a little bad for the boys. "MATCH OVER!! LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!! THE WINNERS OF THE GALARIAN STAR TOURNAMENT ARE THE UNBEATABLE CHAMPION AND THE STRONGEST LEADER IN THE STADIUM CIRCUIT!!"
THE. CROWD. ROARED!! Cheering and clapping for the two strongest trainers in all of Galar as the two men waved to the crowds in their victory. Even Prince Lear was slowly clapping his hands to their success but something was on your mind. You stood up and Silver and Zen followed you as you slowly stood up, excused yourself, and left the balcony. You wanted to see Leon, and you found him after nearly twenty minutes of waiting, walking right into the lobby beaming ear to ear and happily chatting with Raihan before he stopped noticing you were standing there smiling at him. The next thing you knew he was beaming ear to ear happier than a rapidash with a bunch of sugarcubes and you were being picked up and swung around like you weighed nothing. What met you when he placed yourself back down was a smile that crinkled the corners of his eyes.
"I won for you! See? I kept my promise!"
You shook your head from the sudden spin he gave you and blinked. "Uh. Yeah! You sure did! Congratulations. But uh...You didn't really promise me anything."
"Maybe not but I did meet up with what you asked!"
You smiled. "Um..Y-Yeah. Speaking of which I also wanted to ask you something else. Do you think we can talk for a-"
"Leon." Both of you looked behind you and talk about bad timing. Behind you was both the Prince with his body guards and the Chairwoman who gestured for Leon to follow her. "Would you please follow me? I have something I want to discuss with you."
Leon nodded before looking to you with a smile. "Hey. Don't worry! We can talk later ok? I promise we can when I pick you up for the after party! Just wait for me at the hotel!"
"But-" He patted your shoulder and walked around you towards the others leaving you standing there watching as they left, before you groaned out in frustration. NOT AGAIN!!
Your flight back to your hotel room from the stadium felt like a blur and before you knew it you were already ordering room service, having dinner, showering, then falling down on your bed and letting the Sandman take you to dream land. It was late-ish into next morning when you woke up groggily and began the morning routine of getting up and making yourself look presentable and throwing on some comfy clothes before relaxing and kicking back on the bed and switching on the tv mounted on the wall. You had hours to wait until Leon picked you up so you could relax or try to relax your nerves until then and just watch TV. You had settled on some action movie Silver excitedly pointed at and the both of you just sat on the bed having ordered breakfast watching the movie as Zen curled up at your feet. It couldn't have been more than an hour when a knock came at your door. It was in the middle of a big chase scene between the protagonist and police when you heard the bangs and had turned to the door confused. ..Who could that be? A glance to the clock showed you it was five thirty seven, not even time yet. Too early for it to have been Leon. Maybe he wanted to talk to you before the party? ..Oh Arceus you hoped it wasn't those weird hair duo. Oh! It was probably room service here to collect your breakfast dishes. If that was the case you had better let the maid come in and collect the dishes. Getting up from your spot on the bed, you walked over to the door and opened it expecting one of the staff members but instead met with two familiar faces instead. There was two women before you. One with orange hair and the other with dark hair with blue highlights...It was Sonia and Nessa. Sonia had paused with her hand up clearly being the one who knocked on the door the three of you stood there in silence for a moment before you spoke.
"Uh..Y/n." She lowered her hand blinking. "Hi. Um..You're not Raihan."
"Last time I checked I wasn't." You rose a brow. "Why?"
"O-Oh.." She awkwardly reached a hand up to her neck in a Leon like fashion. "I uh was hoping he'd lend me some of his Goodra's goo to take back home and study before everyone left but I guess I must've gotten the wrong room. S-Sorry about that. My bad totally."
"It's alright." You then turned to Nessa. "But what are you doing here?"
"I'm helping Sonia actually. She's great with science but not so much with make up," Nessa said rather bluntly which earnt her a glare from Sonia.
"Hey! I made my smokey eye look like a fire's ashes one time!"
Nessa chose to ignore her friend's comment and instead spoke to you. "I also never got to thank you for the save earlier this week. Victor would've been defeated on the second round if you hadn't lent us a hand."
"It's no problem," you confirmed as Nessa rose a brow and looked you up and down, "Silver's really strong now so it's no big deal-"
"What are you wearing?" You blinked at Nessa as she gestured towards your clothing. "Those look like something you'd wear to a picnic with your grandma."
"Oh." You looked down at your comfy pants and the shirt with a pikachu print on the front. You didn't think you looked that bad. "My...clothes?" Both looked at you. "What?''
"Aren't you supposed to be going with Leon tonight to the Prince's farewell banquet?"
"Um. Yeah actually but that's not for a couple hours still. Why?"
"Are you serious? This is as important as a Gala or a wedding," Nessa insisted frowning, "You're telling me you're planning on wearing lazy day clothes to that? With Leon?"
You opened your mouth before looking down to yourself again before back up at them. "Well it's not like I have much choice. I don't have any fancy clothes."
Both stared at you for a long moment before looking at one another silently as if talking to each other telepathically, before Sonia nodded and both looked back to you. You didn't like those looks.
"You have the nemuk?"
"You know a model never goes anywhere without it."
"Nessa's Emergency Make Up Kit. She never leaves home without it. Luckily for you we're here to help you."
"....What- GAH!?"
In an instant two sets of arms pulled you from your doorway and you were pushed back inside. It was all a blur as you were sat down in a chair and they pounced at you like a cat to a mouse. You managed to shout a hey before Sonia pulled your hair from the lazy bun it was set in before Nessa placed down what must've been a massive pink suitcase on your bed next to you before opening it up revealing a make up crew's DREAM of make up, brushes, nail polish, and products that'd put a salon to shame. As Sonia wrestled to pull a brush through your locks Nessa quickly left before soon returning from her room down the hall, returning with a few outfits in her arms. By then Sonia had already prepped your head for any styling they might do to it before you were pushed back up onto your feet and turned to face the two. You only got a 'What the' out before a sparkling green dress was held up in front of your body to which they both scrunched up their faces at before shaking their heads no. Repeated two other times before a flash of purple was held up and smiles were beamed at your worried looking form. Fast forward fifthteen minutes later and there you were. Squeezed into a purple sparkling ballgown with white heels with a purple gem necklace slapped over your neck to complete the look. Your hair slightly curled and framing your face in a way it wouldn't without a proper stylists' touch. And you were staring at nothing as Sonia attached some kind of fancy purple bedazzled hair clip to your hair and Nessa with the precision of Leonardo Da Vinci started putting on make up on your face. Which you struggled to hold still for.
"Ah!" Nessa sternly held up a mascara brush to you. "Hold still. I need your lashes not your eyeball."
You groaned. "How much longer until you're done?" You mumbled through the lip stick.
"Just one lash away if you'll hold still for one moment. AAAAnnnnddd THERE!!" She pulled away from your eye as you blinked lowering the mascara and smiling. "I'm all finished." She beamed and they both stepped back looking at you as you looked at them from the bed. Even Silver was blinking at how different you looked now.
"You look so pretty, Y/n!," Sonia gushed, "You're gonna knock Lee dead!"
"I doubt that," you mumbled. !?
Nessa had grabbed your arm again pulling you up and already pushing you towards a mirror on the wall. Stumbling to follow her in your heels. "Well look for yourself!" She said before pushing you in front of said mirror and you froze as soon as your f/c eyes hit the reflection.
Staring back at you wasn't you..At least not the you you were used to seeing. Soft hair framed your beautiful face as the bedazzled hair clip sparkled from the light. The purple dress you were wearing sparkled and looked beautiful with the little lace and design on the side of the waist. If it wasn't for the fact you knew this was a mirror, you would've thought someone else was staring back at you. You still stared at the reflection before looking around to the two women behind you and a pattern ensued. Of you opening and closing your mouth like a fish and looking between the mirror and them as if any second the Cinderella in the mirror would disappear. You repeated this process so many times you feeling dizzy. Until there was another loud knock at the door. Making you yelp and jump and stagger, almost falling over on the heels Nessa insisted on you wearing before you stared back at the door along with everyone else. You stood there for a moment before the knocking picked up again but louder. Your eyes snapped over to the clock on the wall and your eyes widened. It was seven o' eight in the afternoon. KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK!! And you felt your stomach drop. There could only be one person who that could be.
"Crap!," you hissed to yourself. Tap, tap, tap. "Crap. Crap. Crap, crap, crap!" You staggered towards the door still trying not to fall over in heels with your arms out for balance. Again the door knocked a little bit louder than the first two times. "COMING!! Coming!" You shouted finally getting to the door, reaching out, taking a breath, grabbing the doorknob...and then slowly opening it.
The door opened with a loud CCCCRRREEEEAAAAKKK noise from how slowly you opened it and once you peeked out you were hit with the over powering smell of...Roses?? Yep! As soon as you opened the door you face was attacked by a giant bouquet of roses. Purple roses- Wait- You looked up and you froze. Because staring back wide eyed and slack jawed at you, and you also stared back Leon was wearing a long red coat with a black collar and white tie with shiny gold buttons on the front along with tanish-white pants and polish black boots. But what really surprised you was the fact that he wasn't wearing his signiture hat at all letting you see him without it for the first time without it.
You both continued to stare at one another before Sonia coughed behind you making the two of you flinch and Leon finally react. "Beautiful- AH! I M-MEAN-" Your face flushed and he cleared his throat seeming nervous all of a sudden before attempting (and failing-) to compose his own red face as he spoke. "I mean you look great! T-That dress really brings out your eyes!" The roses were held out to you. "H-Here. I got you these."
You blinked...before slowly taking the roses from him. "Oh..I-.." You stared at them before shaking your head and giving a friendly smile. "T-Thank you! They're beautiful! I-I didn't know they came in bouquets this big...Or in this color. I didn't know roses could be purple."
He coughed and averted his eyes before nodded and reached a hand up to rub his neck. "Yeah. There's this flower shop around the corner Melony told me about who specializes in personal bouquets for their customers. I figured it was only proper to get you an official bouquet. After all this is our f-f-f-first y-yknow?" Was he nervous. He certainly looked it with how red he was and a few beads of sweat formed on his forehead. "B-But i-if you don't like the roses I-I can take them back and g-get you a different color instead! I j-j-just got m-my favorite color in instinct!!"
"N-No! It's ok! I love them! They're lovely." You coughed and turned your eyes down red faced as well. "T-Thanks. You look...beautiful too- AH!! HANDSOME!! H-HANDSOME!! Y-You look really handsome!!"
"T-Thank you."
You both continued to stand there awkwardly for a long time without eye contact. Before Leon eventually coughed and offered his arm to you. "So should we head out?"
"Uh..Sure. L-Let's go."
You turned really quick and threw the roses towards Sonia who caught it for you. Silver perked up before standing up and followed after you as you half walked half staggered your way out the door with Leon who walked off in your direction. Zen grumbled before slinking off the bed and waddling after you all. As soon as the two of you disappeared Sonia turned back to Nessa.
"Well I don't know about you but I think that went well."
"Oh good." Nessa turned back to Sonia. "Then it's my turn to make you look beautiful for tonight."
"Sure-...Wait. What?"
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runveganwankerrun · 2 years
Mon 28th Nov '22
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For some reason I had some nerves about Manchester/London this morning. Never mind the fact that I've yet to decide what to do regarding running both of them (I really should ask Coach for his opinion!) I think it was precipitated by the book I'm reading, Zen and the Art of Running, which is exactly the opposite effect it's meant to have! It made me think of standing at the start line in either city, and I started to get butterflies. Fuck! I'm getting them now too!
Well! So much for looking forward to my Monday morning weigh in! I was up over 168lb after being about 4.5lb lighter yesterday morning! Damn Sunday's unofficial figures! 🤣
It doesn't matter. It's just my body playing silly buggers. Nothing's changed. I still ran and ate well last week. The numbers don't invalidate that. I know sometimes it would get me down, but today I'm not bothered. I can feel my running starting to improve after three weeks of more consistent sessions, and I've gone down a notch on my belt. Those things are way more significant than the numbers on the scales
With reference to talking to Coach about my unexpected London place, I messaged him and he was well chuffed for me. London is so hard to get in to. Then he asked the £64,000 question. Two marathons within two weeks? Or pick one? I asked what he thought. He said he'd do both, but he's crazy. So the thought is do Manchester for a time, then London for the experience. Sounds like a plan!
Now I feel like I have to give the training, including getting to a sensible weight, my all. I really want to do him proud. He'll be proud regardless, he's a really supportive guy, but it'd be nice to let him see me work at it. The trick is to do it without putting too much pressure on myself.
If I can remember, as I get into the training plan, that getting miles in my legs now will make the runs themselves easier, then longer training runs will be more bearable. Long, boring solo runs on a Saturday or Sunday morning are what will make the end races a more pleasurable experience. It's often said that the training is the main event, the race is the victory lap.
I also need an attitude adjustment if I'm going to think of the long runs as boring, as I referred to them above. I'm going to have two or three runs of at least twenty miles on my plan, so I hope to get into a mindset to enjoy them. Also, it helps to think that every run and every healthy meal from now is an investment in these races and making them both easier on my body and more enjoyable. God! I sound so bloody serious about this! 😁 And I'm starting to repeat myself.
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Club tonight was great! Well, it was tough, but I really worked on changing my pace between easy, steady and fast. My average pace over the thirty minutes was a good bit faster than it's been in ages. I'm so happy 😊
My ankle niggle seems to be easing. It hasn't hurt for a few days. It's a wee bit achy now, but not too bad. I wonder if it was weight related and now I'm going down a little, it's getting better. Fingers crossed 🤞
That was a very waffly post. Gonna shut up now.
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oliviainjapann · 11 days
May 24th- Kinkakuji Temple and Daitokuji
Today was a 180 from yesterday and I had a really good day! We started off with a quiz, but I persevered. My group and I walked over to the morning lecture, and then headed to the Kinkakuji temple to start our day. The bus ride was kind of long, but Loryn and I stood together and vibes with our headphones. Two girls noticed us from their own bus next to us and waved and smiled and did the kawaii symbol. They got so excited when we returned the gesture. The temple was absolutely stunning, and was so golden and bright. It was a very touristy place, but regardless it was a very pretty area with the water surrounding the temple as well as the gardens. I studied this temple in AP Art History in high school so this was great to see the temple in person. We then headed over to the Daitokuji temple and zen gardens. This was the most amazing experience, and even though the actual zen garden was relatively small, this made it even more intimate and peaceful. I loved just sitting by the rocks and contemplating for 20 minutes and even closing my eyes and just absorbing the moment. Then, we went on our own ways to explore for the rest of the day. Maddie, Loryn, Ryder and I went to Ichiran Ramen (of course) and then got boba that was not good. A shoe store then caught our eyes and Ryder and I got matching adidas that are special edition and say Shibuya on the side as well as Tokyo on the inside. I got navy blue ones and Ryder got white ones. We’re the same shoe size so we decided we can switch some days. Then, Maddie and I went to a custom ring place and got matching rings with our initial engraved on the inside of them! It was so cool to see the ring maker make the rings right in front of us, including shaping and polishing! We then shopped some more and as a joke got “I heart Japan shirts” for our group to wear tomorrow to Osaka. So fun, so tourist. We then headed home and rotted in our beds for a bit, and then got Italian for dinner at the place next door. Chef’s kiss as always. Finally, we walked to a local market store and got ingredients to make omelets tomorrow morning for breaky! I now just helped Loryn dye her hair, and will be passing out in 0.25 seconds to get a good night’s sleep!
Academic Reflection
Today’s readings focused on the temples we went to today as well overall zen temples. In terms of the first temple, I thought it was very interesting how many times the temple burned down and how some people had varying views about the temple itself. The fact that one person thought the temple was so beautiful to the point of disliking it and wanting to burn it down makes me really think, and I don’t understand this logic exactly. But, it was also interesting to learn about the duality of Buddhism and how we could all be Buddha’s, which somehow translates to all dualities being illusions. This was slightly confusing but also make me ponder about many dualities we face on a day to day basis.
After reading about the zen temples, it was a new concept to me that “zen garden” is a coined term and isn’t really proper. I also fully expected a zen temple with koi fish, water, and lush gardens, but honestly was pleasantly surprised that it was much simpler with raked rocks and larger stones, as well as some greenery. It was so nice and quiet, as well as pristine and clean and I felt very safe there. It is quite compelling to learn about the Buddhist traditions and how much of their faith centers around contemplation, and I think many can learn from being present in the moment and taking time out of the their day to just simply “be”.
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kameshwar · 1 month
When you start doing things consciously, you stop doing meaningless things. When you are present in the present, your mind stops chattering.
Today it was mostly a quiet day for me. Got up late in the morning today. Last night I could sleep at 1 AM in the night. Netflix was the culprit. I stayed awake late night because I was watching a film, ARTICLE 370. It was a film loosely based on the actual events that culminated in the final event , the abrogation of Article 370. The film is an eye-opener. I kept thinking about the film long after I had finished watching the film.
Today morning, I got up late and the Sun was already hot. I decided against going to the park for my regular grass walk. I took the car of an aunt who lives in the same apartment. She had requested me a few days ago to take her car for a drive. Otherwise the car battery dies down. The engine needs a little action every few weeks. She lives alone. She has no one to drive the car and keep it in drivable condition. She lost her husband to Covid in 2021. Her only son lives in America and her only daughter in Mumbai. She, the aunt, is a nice woman. She is also a good client. She invests her money through us. It was a Sunday morning and I was free . I took the car for a spin and came back after half an hour.
Coming back, I picked up the book ZEN & THE ART OF MOTORCYCLE MAINTENANCE for reading. This book is a popular read worldwide and has been so for more than 50 years. After a long time, I have picked up a book that is autobiographical in style. The book is an interesting read. This seems to be a book from a genre I like very much. Traveling, motorcycling, nature-watching, reading and introspecting- all these are so close to my heart. I wish I could do all those things all my life. This book has all those things. So far I have finished only 5 chapters, but I feel like picking up the book each time I sit at my study table.
I tried working out some appointments with my clients. None materialised. One had some other engagement while the other was out of the town.
After reading till 12 noon, I bathed and got ready as is my routine all days through week. I had to compensate for the lost sleep of the previous night. I lay down to have some sleep. Thankfully, no mobile calls came through during my sleep. At 3 PM, I got up and felt hungry. My wife had cooked rice and a vegetable from potato and and adding curd to it. The lunch was pure bliss. Simple home-cooked meals made with love are incomparable.
Of late, I have arrived at a life-stage where I have fallen in love with the food my wife prepares for me. It is not that she was not making tasty meals before. Two things have happened. First, she has been cooking meals for me for the last 26 years and she is gaining perfection as she is getting old. She always endeavours to cook light but healthy meals for me. She would not use much cooking oil or spices. Items that require adding sugar are seldom cooked.
Secondly, I have outgrown the desire of having fancy dishes at fancy restaurants. Meals cooked at hotels and restaurants no longer excite me. Now I generally avoid them. Now I truly understand why many people prefer home-cooked food even when traveling. My grandfather would rather stay hungry when he went on a day-long journey than eat anything cooked in the market places.
In the evening , my wife and I went out for buying some stuff from market. When we returned, I felt the craving for reading some more pages of the book, ZEN AND THE ART OF MOTORCYCLE MAINTENANCE. I finished around 20 pages and took a break.
Youtube didn't cause much distraction today. I was a little more vigilant about getting drifted in the wave of watching funny YouTube shorts. The only video I watched there a podcast where Peepal Baba was being interviewed . He has planted more than 2 million trees in the span of the last five decades. He is truly a nature-lover. He tells some very interesting aspects of human life. Buddha, Mahavira, Guru Nanak, Kabir and many others sang the song of life that gave them the ultimate joy. You sing the song of life that you feel like singing. You do what you are passionate about. That should become the psalm of your life. Day in day out, you sing the song of your life and you have a fulfilled life. What else do you need ?
0 notes
dzpenumbra · 1 year
I'm starting this super late - 4:17 AM. Today was a massive shift from the norm. I woke up a bit late and started with a yoga routine that kicked my ass... so I didn't work out and decided to go with that change of pace and have a day that took a very different pace than normal.
I decided to sorta just take care of my home today. I made a physical list (just like the old days) in my notebook of things I need to do around the house, and just started taking care of that. I put art projects and whatnot aside and just took the day off. First day in a long time that I didn't actually work on a specific project.
I cleaned up my windowsills and reorganized the table that my orchid lives on. I moved my incense burner over... then remembered how horribly cheap it is and how poorly balanced it is. So, I used incense sticks and mod podge to make a wooden foot for it, and glued it to the bottom. It's much better now. I rearranged the moss and gravel terracotta dish I have a little bit, I had some extra soil left over from when I tried and failed to get a flowering tree cutting to root. So I put that soil in the pot and reclaimed the gravel from that, so I actually have a handful or two of gravel to work with for a potential Zen Garden piece.
I took three large yogurt containers and poked some holes in them, filled them with my remaining on-hand potting soil and planted the beans I got a few weeks back. I only had enough soil to do two of the containers, so the other one will have to wait. I had extra lids that fit really well too, so they should work really well as incubators as well. So, that's cool!
I also did laundry, including a hoodie from ages ago that hadn't been washed in years. So... all-in-all, I got a bunch of shit done today. All home stuff, which is nice.
The coup-de-grace of it all? I put in the Lowe's order. A terracotta saucer, a ceramic saucer, potting soil, a bag of sand and a length of PVC tubing that hopefully fits the mini pump I have (from my cat's old porcelain fountain that she didn't like). This should set the stage for a few test run projects.
I did some shopping online for trays and whatnot. God damn, everything is expensive nowadays, isn't it? -_- Like... I was hard-pressed to find a wooden tray of any kind that was under $20, plus shipping. What would be the slick fuckin move here would be... going to Goodwill. I bet Goodwill has a shit-ton of stuff that I could use, and cheap too. The catch? I have to fucking reserve and rent the shared car to do that trip. So, I have to plan a day that I'm going to be awake when Goodwill is open... have the car reserved... then pay for a trip specifically there. If I'm going to do that, I really want to go to the occult shop the next town over, too. I really want it to be like... a "day out on the town". And really... I could do that any day, right? BUT... my sleep is so fucked right now. I haven't been getting to sleep until like 7 or 8. It's never gotten this far before. So... do the math on that. 8am bedtime... 4 hours of sleep gets you to noon... 8 hours of sleep gets you to 4pm...
I don't even know how it gets to 8am, honestly. It's frustrating.
So yeah, again... insomnia and nocturnal tendencies turn really fucking simple things like "what day am I going to go out and go on a fun shopping trip" into "how can I reset my sleep schedule without being utterly sleep deprived the day-of... because I don't feel safe driving tired." The obvious answer to solve all of this? Get someone to drive me. I swear to god, one friend in my life would completely change my life. Because I would fucking love to go for a hike in actual nature, too. It's been so long.
So yeah, today was mostly just wandering around my apartment assessing what needs to be done and fixing up a few things, listening to Wagner's Tristan und Isolde and whatever YouTube Music brought me to after that... I cooked dinner at 2 AM. It was just a relaxed, no pressure, do whatever feels right, take care of the home day. And it was nice.
I rounded out the night by watching NKAVids' newest video on a freestyle skateboarding competition in Vancouver. It was... profound. Here, check it out if it seems appealing.
There were like 40 people there, tops. And it was like... the world's best freestyle skaters. And it was at a fucking State Fair and Rodeo. And he interviewed absolute legends of skating. The first pro skateboarder ever was there. The guys who like... created the sport. And hearing them talk was just like... so goddamn refreshing. So inspiring. I really felt like I was hearing my people speak.
But it also made my heart sink, and made me tear up at parts. There was a guy who was being interviewed, he was a mentor of Andy Anderson's, and he was talking about how like... the way people are being taught to skate is really fucking them up, and we really need to reassess the way we're teaching kids and introducing them to the sport. He was saying you really really need to teach kids to ride and manual and tic-tac way before ollie and kickflip and all that. And freestyle is all about that. He was going off about how every kid nowadays just wants to learn how to kickflip, like it's a right of passage. And honestly, you can blame --- okay, I'm not going to out specifically The Berrics here... XD --- you can blame Pop Culture for that. But I mean... come on... The Berrics literally has a series where they get pro skaters to yell out of a car "Do a Kickflip" and if the person can, they give them free shit. ... ... So... I mean... I'm just sayin... But it's more than just them, okay? It's a cultural thing. And the ollie is just as much to blame.
And what really hit me in the feels and the... well... the ever present shame... was when he was talking about how much pressure... how much peer pressure there is in the park. How you will get the shit teased out of you and pressured and pushed not just if you wear pads and a helmet... but if you don't know how to ollie or kickflip. I have been skating off and on since I was 13. I can't kickflip. I can kickflip inconsistently on a snowskate, but I have only kickflipped on a skateboard... maybe once or twice moving. But I did do a manual sidewalk snakerun at my old college that was... probably 150 feet long? And that fucker had big cracks in it, so I had to learn how to manual-ollie-manual over the cracks mid-way through the run.
His talk hit me hard because... I backed off of a lot of my skating because of shame and peer pressure. I am still hesitant to go skating at the local park because of peer pressure. The pressure to be as good as people might expect me to be. The pressure to be better than I am. The pressure to be able to consistently ollie onto a low box. I don't know. I developed a very unique style of skating because I never really gave a shit about what people thought and I just did what was fun... I also didn't learn a lot of tricks because of that, no one really offered to teach me... and I really lacked the social skills and confidence to just approach strangers and ask them to teach me... I was kinda just doing my own thing. But after taking a few years off and trying to come back? It was the judgement that freaked me out. Now I'm the older guy, so there's this expectation that I'm going to be good. And I'm not that good. And I feel compelled to like fucking... apologize for that. When I don't need to. And never should.
I saw representatives of a culture that is all about skating being a personal journey, and encouraging all people to find what they love on the board. And it warmed my heart so much. The first pro skater said skateboarding isn't a hobby or a sport, it's like a friend. It's a friend you reconnect with every time you go skate. And you should approach it the way you approach spending time with a friend. Go have fun, seek happiness. And that just really warmed my heart.
And I felt really sad that I've let the imaginary superficial judgments of others (which are all hypothetical in my head and never actually existed) prevent me from doing what I love. I feel bad that I've let that happen with so much of my life. And that is caving to peer pressure. Letting a parent talk you out of a career that you love because they "don't approve" or whatever. Letting a "friend" bully you out of learning a trick you think is cool. Going with what the crowd, or just with the people nearby, think is "cool"... so that you can appear "cool"... and they'll accept you and like you. I am really sad that I actually caved and did so much of that in my life.
It's weird, because a lot of my life... I have lived in quiet defiance of the protests of peer pressure. But I have ironically still conformed to other peer pressures at the same time, just from other cultures. And I'm still doing it, to some degrees. But I'm just gonna say this, and hopefully remember and live by it. Fuck what other people think. Fuck em. Haters are gonna hate. And hating seems super goddamn popular nowadays. Nothing more popular than correcting others, telling them how the majority is doing things, conforming and deliberately excluding those who don't fit your ideals.
The people who support you for who you are? They won't correct or pressure or unfairly judge you. And I hope to find them soon. I'm not sure I've ever had them around before.
Here, I'll use an example that's been rattling around my brain since last stream. When I last last streamed, a few months ago... that high school kid came in and was there for the stream. And I mentioned that one of the pieces I had on the docket was carving (at the time that was the plan) the goat skull, and making a quartz knife from scratch in order to do that. I was so stoked on this idea, I though it was really cool. And this kid, who specifically sought out my stream, has been watching for years, joined my Discord, has been in my chatroom for cumulatively probably over 100 hours now... he was weirded out by the skull as a project. ... And didn't seem interested in it at all. ... Does that mean I should abandon that project? XD I actually thought that for a while, it deflated my confidence and excitement, I actually bought that bullshit. Let me tell you what it actually means. This kid still, after all this time, doesn't know who the fuck I am. And probably doesn't really fully like the kind of content I produce. And probably just hangs out in my chat because it's a place he can go and talk about his Minecraft and Roblox shit who will actually listen to him. Because he has no friends. And, though he may not realize this, and may never realize it... that's very parasitic. And if he keeps doing it, regardless of how long he's been around, I'm going to have to boot him. Because he's there for the wrong reasons, and it sets a really bad example for others in chat.
So yeah, it's a shame that being a professional creative in our culture is entirely dependent on social acceptance... rather than... just being fucking creative. It completely derails creativity. "How to be creative - do what your fans want." Are your fans creative? If so, why the fuck are they consuming and not creating? If not, why the fuck am I listening to them?! It makes no goddamn sense. So yeah, I really want to remember this - when I run a project idea past a friend, it's not for approval... it's to get a gauge whether they support me as a creator or not. It's to see where they stand, and how they will be supporting me with that project. And I strongly suggest any true creative try to stick to that creed. Only you know what inspires you, what your vision is.
Don't let someone else snuff out your creative spark simply because of their own ego, or their lack of investment in or attention to your life. Whether it be art, or music, or skating, whatever. Be you, and seek those that love and support you for being you. And fuck the haters.
Tarot time! (Because I have the delivery coming tomorrow and it's already past 5)
Past - Nine of Wands, inverted (The Wounded Warrior.  Defense, guarding yourself. Suspicion, self-protection.  Need rest and recovery.) Present - Eight of Cups (Had enough, moving on.  No sadness, determination, courage, freedom.  New journey, closing of an old cycle and the start of a new one.  Inevitable change.) Future - Three of Pentacles (Teamwork, accomplishing more together.)
I shit you not, the Nine of Wands showed itself to me three separate times as I was shuffling. It was comical.
Again, I've gotten all these cards before... some I'm more familiar with, some I'm not... so I quickly copy-pasted the definitions and I'm going to try to read it from memory, just using the card imagery.
The thread starts with inverted Nine of Wands. Nine of Wands is the Wounded Soldier; tired, worn out, needing rest, needing to heal. Inversion on this I tend to read as being stuck in the wounded phase... or possibly not taking R+R time and trying to push through shit.
This is connected to Eight of Cups... this one I think I've only gotten once before and I'm not very familiar. It's a woman pouring out a cup, casting it aside. She looks like a mystic. There are seven more cups upright sitting outside of what looks like an abandoned house in the back. A quick glance at the summary I posted confirms my suspicions that this is basically... moving on. Casting the past aside and striding forward.
This is connected to Three of Pentacles... the helping hands. It's a rope being grasped by three hands. It symbolizes people coming together, teamwork.
So... because I've been stubbornly pushing forward and working myself to the bone. All day, every day... Either on projects, or on writing this, or on therapy, or on dream journaling, or working out... always working... Because I haven't really let my spirit heal... I've been struggling to move forward. To evolve. To get to the next step, of moving forward into a new chapter of life, with confidence; with excitement, even. And with that step forward... comes the helping hands I needed all along.
I'll be honest. I'm anxious of it. It's been so long since I've had friends... that... okay, it's more than just inexperience, it's experience with people who just gaslit the fuck out of me and blamed me for literally everything... and part of me believes it. I'm afraid that I'm gonna fuck it up. That I'm going to piss people off.
I hate that thought. I hate that it still sounds... like it makes sense. I look at a card just... illustrating the idea of teamwork, of people working together... and it makes me anxious. Anxious that it will happen, that I will make friends... and then I'm going to fuck it up. Oh... Oh... I'm starting to get it. Oh man, the brain is fucking weird how sneaky it can be. The "me fucking it up" part... that's a coverup. That's a deflection. It's a veneer, a façade so I don't see what's just past that. Because... when I "fuck up"... what happens? People get mad. People get angry. And they hurt me. They take things away from me. Opportunity. Social connections. Potential resources. And they say cruel things. And they leave. So... blaming myself... it gives me the illusion of control. Like... "if I can just be a perfect person, they'll never have a reason to hurt me or leave me."
Oh man. Yeah, it's easy to get trapped in that.
But it's all an illusion. Coming full-circle on the post, all that is necessary of a creative person is to be themselves. All I need to do is be me. And I'm getting so much better at comfortably being me. I shamelessly did laundry at 2AM on a Monday. And anyone comes along who doesn't support me being me, and tries to leverage... if I "change" me a little bit... then they'll support me... I need to step away from that. Knowing that there is something that I can do... not altering my behaviors, because that's something I need to do for myself, not others... but walking away when I see people trying to peer pressure, or alter, or change me or my creative expression... The agency I need lives in that, that simple gesture of... just walk away. And I feel like within the empowerment that the ever-present option of walking away gives me... lies the courage I need to put all this hiding and avoiding behind me. And finally get the community help I deserve. And maybe even reach my full potential, from which we all will benefit.
0 notes
jobamakes · 2 years
[Project Story] Galli & Ganesh
When: 2017-18 Where: São Paulo - Brasil Roll:  Co-Creator / Community Manager / Designer What I Did: Handmade eyeglasses made of natural resin For: Private clients With: Flávio Galli Collaborators: Emanuel Brito / Felipe Ventura
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The last year before leaving Brasil, I worked at Spot, a hyped restaurant/bar where all the local actors came to have their last Negroni before heading back to whatever weird shit actors do in their home after 2am. This time of my life was so intense and inspiring that I wrote a series of chronicles about it.
Anyways, at that time I was wearing a pair of eyeglasses that me and my buddy Flávio made just for fun. Day after day, clients started asking about them and I realized there was a business around those neo-Corbusier eye correctors.
Flávio agreed to start producing them beyond our inner circle and Galli & Ganesh was born. Even though it lasted only 1 year, because I left to the other side of the world, it was a great experience and a lot of fun.
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Galli&Ganesh Worlwide.Vietnamese security guard was mesmerized by my shades and asked to try them.
Flávio Galli aka Jamaica is one of my favorite humans. The passion for playing football in very small Nike cage-ish courts united us, and then his unique sense of humor and design jokes kept the friendship alive until today.
Another common passion was homemade haircuts with cuban music in the background. Once a month, Flávio would become Le Jaime and give me a cool retro haircut. This ritual went on for years, and it was so important for me that when I left Brasil, I gifted him my vintage De Wahl shaving machine, which was a heritage from my dad.
Those sessions used to happen in the last floor of Leaf, a handmade wooden eyeglasses company, where Jamaica used to work. He had the keys, so we could sneak in afterhours and do whatever we wanted. Including having zen haircuts and making our own eyeglasses. Once, I got my hands on some really nice resin blocks from another friend, Felipe Ventura, which owned a really cool brand, Otica Ventura, and then we decided to fool around with them and do our own pairs. The first successful one is depicted above on that vietnamese security guard’s face. Before they became sunglasses, I wore them with normal correcting glasses and, even though they were a bit tiny, they looked really cool.
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Flávio in a glorious moment.
Moving a bit forward, I managed to convince a couple of clients from Spot to make some Galli&Ganesh. I was the one in charge of talking to the client and do the first measurings and designs, and Jamaica was the handyman: assembling and producing the final product. They were all made of resin and acetate, laser cut and hand assembled and polished.
I remember going to each clients place to talk about the designs and having a really good time listening to their stories. One was an art collector, the other a civil engineer that did the biggest bridge in São Paulo, the other was a techno event promoter, etc... I really enjoyed biking from one house to the other, having this intimate moment and turning it into a handmade object. It was like two passions, client’s and Galli&Ganesh’s, were combined into one eyeglass.
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Digital design test. We would draw 10 to 20 differente models for each client before getting into one final product,
I think we did around 12 pairs before I left. All in different colors and designs. I’m really proud of this endeavour and from all the projects I left behind in Brasil, it’s the one I would definitely ressurect if I ever come back.
Emanual Brito, a friend from Jamaica’s, did a really cool photoshooting for our first 6 pairs. You can find the full gallery here and here.
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0 notes
swinterr · 3 years
fic rec vi ♡
this is a another new set of fic rec and i’ll probably do a compilation of genre (?) just like the first ones.
made some changes like tidying up a bit and adding summary, for those that doesn’t have any summary i’ll try my best to add my own summary (it will probably be shit tho, i ain’t making a smut summary guys, i’m not confident in my describing a fic ability but i’ll try my best. if its in italic it means i made the summary hehez )  if the summary is shit, i made it okay.
read and support the fic and authors here: the fic rec ♡
a for angst
f for fluff
s for smut
// for series or list
no title by @tyongf-nct | s
- smut blurb.
body guards and boyfriend by @pastelsicheng | f
-  sometimes the only way you can really get some alone time with your boyfriend is by making his job hard.
lipstick smears by @kopikokun | f
-  jeno never thought trying to get his makeup artist’s attention would be this hard.
[10:30] by @moonttaeil | 
- a lockdown moment.
[2:40] by @nct-jungjaehyun | f a
- cute quality fluff time with bf!jae with a dash of angst.
[11:41] by @jeongvision | f 
- family time with apples.
just like magic by @starryhyuck | f s
-  jung jaehyun’s body count is almost as high as yours. however, after yuta spreads a nasty rumor, you learn that jaehyun’s always imagined those girls to be you instead.
love to hate me by @moonctzeny | s a 
-  you and jaehyun meet as sm trainees, developing a friendship until he debuts and you decided to leave the company and pursue a solo career. when you reunite again in a music show and he acts like he barely knows you, you stubbornly begin a series of hate-brimmed sex rendez-vous. your touch-and-go relationship continues on, until a song collaboration will force you both to deal with all your repressed feelings for each other.
moving on by @ddeonghwaa | f a
- reader has been chasing jae for some time but when she moved on jae suddenly enter the picture.
sun&moon by @ppangjae | f a
-  asking jeong jaehyun to accompany you to your family’s 1-week christmas vacation as your boyfriend has its consequences. one can surely get through 1 week of pretending to be in love with an enemy, right?
snack run with a snack by @kopikokun | f 
-  on your usual movie night with the members, they assign you sudden snack collecting duty. you’re a little peeved, but at least jaehyun offers to tag along. Unfortunately for you, things really aren’t going in your favour tonight.
lover boy by @neoct-zen | f s
- bunch fics of lover boy jae and reader.
one more time, please by @haequarius | f s
-  you don’t know what you and Jungwoo are, but you are certainly weak for him.
jealous by @whiplashsan | s 
-  jungwoo is all smiles and sunshine until he gets jealous, and he just so happens to get jealous over the smallest things when it comes to you.
sugar, spice and everything not nice by @alreadyblondenow | s
-  doyoung getting your ring size wrong, unprotected sex, kitchen sex, slight fingering, wedding tragedies.
no title by @ncteaxhoe | s
- dom!doyoung, rough? i need holy water.
the little one by @ethaeriyeol | f 
-  a gift of life; female reader x husband!Doyoung; fluff, light angst, married au
exquisite taste by @weishenkonbini | s f
- smut but with a fluffy ending.
for you always by @labyrinthsofyou | f
-  in which you surprise yukhei when he forgets about your date.
6:19 by @cozykpopblurbs | f
- a cute fluff ft kun and winwin.
10:18 pm by @nctsoftarchives | f
- reader supports lucas at his superm debut stage. 
16:47 by @sichengssmile | f s 
- a fluffy smut. lucas a big boi.
missed you by @tokyobts | a f
-  after you and yukhei broke up, yukhei still has feelings for you. he reaches out to you at school and tries to get you back. at first you avoid him but later his actions manage to make your heart flutter. you’ve come to a sudden conclusion that you maybe still want him in your life.
34 + 35 by @domjaehyun | s 
- you and your husband johnny decide to take your marriage to the next step.
i couldn’t wait a little longer by @alreadyblondenow | s f a
-  you two were never together longer than two days, but the feelings, oh the feelings that you have for each other is clear as the day. it was a never-ending try of making the relationship official. johnny tried, you tried but it never happens.
what happens in korea, not stays in korea by @alreadyblondenow | f s 
-  a week vacation in korea for your sister’s wedding became even more exciting when a famous dj had a crush on you. johnny was sure that it’s love at first sight. not putting both of your careers on the line, you two had no regrets when the time comes and you finally leave.
laundry day by @immabiteyou | s
- a domestic fluffy smut.
make a wish by @sluttyten | s f a
-  you’re jungwoo’s sister, and he’s made it clear he wants you and Johnny to have nothing to do with each other. so you and johnny start fake dating to piss him off.
want it all by @sluttyten | f s 
-  you are entirely innocent to the point of being naive. johnny is not innocent, but he loves that you are because it means he can teach you everything you don’t know.
wish i was her by @softsungchan | f a 
-  you wished you were her, laying in Sungchan’s arms and feeling his warm breath on your neck, giggling about sweet nothings whispered into the starry night. You wished for it to be you, the girl he liked.
2:21 am by @the32ndbeat | f 
- sungchan being whipped, thru a text message.
14:52 by @ukiyoexo | f
- a cute haechan and reader ft the reader’s baby sister moment.
prince’s order by @nsheetee | f
-  prince haechan nurses you after you faint, and orders you to stay with him until you feel better.
sweet treat by @markresonates | s
-  haechan takes you for ice cream but all you can think about is sex with him.  when you act like a brat, eventually you end up in the bathroom. with no panties. 
clingy by @love-mi | f 
-  I’m not clingy! I just love your company and constantly want to be around you and have your full attention at all times
hyuck is always right by @luvrenjun00 | f 
- ceo!mark x reader ft baby donghyuck. a tooth-rotting fluff.
snow storm by @whereisten | f s 
- a fluffy smut whilst a snow storm.
1:59 by @smoll-tangerine | f
- reader and taeyong ft my favorite game (where i always die first) among us!
is this allowed 1 2 by @seokiie  | f s
- how were you supposed to know bts would be filming at your coffee shop today? how were you supposed to know a certain curly-haired boy would take a liking  to you?
cabin pressure | f by @jiminrings | f 
-  pilot!y/n who accidentally became famous bc of a viral post about her, best friend!jimin!, taehyung having a shy lil crush on you aND ot7 being meanies for a tad bit :((
art major!tae and biochem major!yn | f by @jiminrings | f
-  tae’s cold and probably needs a friend more than he needs a model, y/n feels this nEED to take care of him, a term of enderment then a dash of emotional constipation and a sprinkle of jealousy :D
gank mid lane by @kimtaehyunq | f s 
- gank / verb: (in a video game) use underhand means to defeat or kill (a less experienced opponent)
birthday surprise by @ephemeralkookie |
-  like every year, you prepare a little surprise for your boyfriend’s birthday, one that you’ve been preparing for days. and after a very tiring day, taehyung only wants to spend the night in your loving arms.
cookies & cream | s by @1kook | f s 
-  jungkook will watch a thousand cheesy christmas movies if it meant making you happy. (and maybe having his dick sucked.)
unholy night | s by @ephemeralkookie | f s
-  after a christmas day passed with the Jeon’s family, Jungkook decides to transform the holy night into an unholy one.
‘a short’ abstinence | s a by @seokiie | s a
-  maybe blue-balling you boyfriend (who has an insanely high sexual drive) wasn’t the best.
in which she’s done with him by @minstrivia | a
-  jungkook angst/fluff where he always pushes oc away (who confesses her feelings but was cruelly rejected) and insults her but she always comes back to take care of him when he’s drunk or picks him up from his one night stands and she finally decides to leave him alone.
bad influence by @noteguk | s 
-  in which you know jungkook is a bad influence on you, but you can’t avoid falling for him every time.
jock!jk and shy art major!yn by @jiminrings | f
-  established relationship ft. jock!jk and shy art major!y/n, y/n gets an unexpected pep talk and jungkook doubts himself, and either so much tears or so much dUST according to kook
special affair by @1oserjk | f
-  sugar daddy au except it’s just jk spoiling u thru animal crossing
fairy of shampoo by @ironicarmy | f s
-  sundays are for relaxation, house cleaning, and happiness.
abstract ft bob ross by @mimithings97 | f
-  paintbrush in one hand, joint in the other and you sitting on his dick is what jeongguk wants. and what jeongguk wants, jeongguk gets.
badboy!jungkook by @jungshookz | f 
- badboy!jungkook falls for good girl reader ft the boys and the reader’s apple. 
growing by @lesgetittkookie | f
- dad!jungkook teacher his daughter how to walk. super super cute family/domestic fluff.
quiet, baby by @bratkook | s 
- i don’t how to write a summary on smuts so imma just put this. reader and jungkook doing something in the subway.
still want that by @whatifyoulivelikethat | s
-  fucking min yoongi ex-girlfriend? a terrible idea. being hopelessly in love with her at the same time? an even worse idea. knowing he was being used and still doing it anyway? ah, Jeon Jungkook, what are you doing? part 2 of savage love.
desiderium by @jeonggukingdom | f s 
-  “we’ve been at it like rabbits, how are you still so horny?”. a newlyweds!au smut.
chapstick by @softyoongiionly | f s
- based on the time Jungkook said he needed someone to scold him so he’d remember to put lip balm on. or jungkook’s had a really long day and the only that can make it better, is seeing you. 
lover boy by @jingukk | f 
-  jungkook likes you. a lot.
unexpected confession by @sunkissedjk | f
-  you gathered up the courage to confess your feelings, but it seems everyone in school knows about it before you could even find him.
string attached by @ephemeralkookie | s
-  jungkook is what we can call your sexfriend. No strings attached, just you and him having fun and releasing the huge pressure and stress of being idols. But after spending an entire day together, you realize that maybe he’s not just your sexfriend.
no title by @himbojk | f s 
- dilf jk.
ceo!eunwoo by @m0onbean
no title by @yutopiada | f
- a cute idol!reader and eunwoo moment at a music show.
disney by @bangchan-sonyeondan | f
- a cute date with eunwoo at disney. reader likes vintage things hence using a disposable camera.
baby, it’s cold outside by @fresh-outta-jams | f 
- a cute cold christmas fluff with eunwoo ft. the boys. reader went to the boys’ place for a sweater and cocoa gift exchange.
cruel brothers by @imsarabum | f
-  jackson and jaebum have always acted as if they were your big, overprotective brothers. so when they both walk in on you and yugyeom in a very intimate position, things get a little tense!
a special night by @gyuluster | f
-  an intimate insight on the first night of choi soobin’s wedding, consisting of kitchen floors, witches and an eternity of love.
boughs & branches by @jeogiyall | f 
-  decorating the tree with boyfriend! choi soobin from txt! fluffity fluff fluff with a lot of cute fluff thrown in and a dash of christmastime fluff. 
sleepy binnie by @immabiteyou | s
-  “i’ll let you do anything if you just touch me now. “ a sleepy soobin smut.
cake by @immabiteyou | s
- reading waiting for mc soobin with the guys. a cute fluffy smut moment.
kpop oc/s
seri by @ggukkiedae
anyway, thank you again for the writers please take care and be safe!
please free to recommend your favorite fic that i haven’t feature yet.
if the links won’t work and i labelled some fics wrong please let me know and i’ll try to fix it as soon as possible!
support the fic and the writers!
693 notes · View notes
juminsmysticmc · 3 years
Hey, it’s me, the one who request the moth headcanon, sorry about the trouble and if it’s okay, instead I would like to see an MC who’s major is digital arts and animation. If not, it’s fine, just have a great day.
RFA + Minor Trio with a Mc who's major is digital arts and animations
Hey! It was no trouble at all! I hope that it’s okay for you tho, I am happy that you could request something different! I hope you enjoy this one too! Have a nice day!
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Your husband observed you. Ever since he installed a room for you alone in his penthouse, you could finally work from home a bit more.
He hadn’t realized that even before you came into the RFA, he had already worked with you.
Your major, digital arts and animation, was often used for his advertising or other programs.
You often wanted to meet the CEO, but since he always thought that you would be just a gold digger, he always rejected you, just making Jaehee send emails with the things he wanted to have inserted.
Well, today he regretted his choice back then.
Instead, he observed you.
You were working on a new project.
,,How many years did you have to study? I mean, you have so many majors… Design Director, Storyboard Director, I didn’t know, you were multitalented, my love,’’ he praised you.
You even worked a lot with the audio.
You looked up and smiled at your husband.
,,Thank you, my love. I’m trying to make your latest project work. Wanna see?’’ you asked him.
However he knew that your work would be amazing and wanted to have it be a surprise rather than get spoiled.
Your boyfriend never understood how you could be such a good multitasker.
You could cook, set the table, chat with Jaehee, and even post something on your blog.
But once he saw you at work, he understood.
It had something to do with your job.
You had to work in different kinds of media at the same time.
,,This isn’t just one,’’ you told him and scrolled through your phone.
Your long hair was in your way so you put it away with one hand.
,,I have to work with the sound, video, and stop-motion graphics at the same time. I do this and much more, but I don’t want to annoy you,’’ you laughed as you looked up.
,,You don’t annoy me, Mrs. Director,’’ he laughed and kissed you.
You were even the director of a whole section and helped new students get into the job.
,,Okay, so, see this video?’’ you showed him an animated movie you just got via email.
,,This was made by my students, but she used the wrong program because the audio is slightly separated from the video itself,’’ you told him.
He hadn’t noticed anything at first, but after you told him, he saw it too.
,,And you noticed after a few seconds? You’re amazing!’’ he smiled and looked over your shoulders. You were still cooking.
Your husband wondered why he never saw you or met you since your college wasn’t that far away from his building.
But thank God both of you finally met thanks to the RFA.
He was also amazed by you because you were pretty famous among students.
You even had your own blog and of course you programmed everything yourself.
It looked amazing.
You had every single section working in there, but your point was the digital arts and animation.
,,Did you really have to submit a portfolio to be admitted?’’ he asked you when he read your latest blog.
You nodded at him as you typed something on your keyboard.
,,Mhm, especially to bachelor of fine arts,’’ you told him.
He didn’t quite understand, but he still nodded.
,,I didn’t have to,’’ he mumbled.
,,That’s why it’s written on there. The little word ,,may’’ says that you possibly have to, but not always,’’ you told him, making him sulk.
,,I know what ,,may’’ means… ah, and tell me. What are the admission requirements?’’ he asked you.
You turned your head and looked at him.
,,Can you maybe read the whole post instead of just the keywords? You need to check on the page itself for the requirements. Every university does it differently,’’ you told him and closed the page.
,,Ah. I just wanted to test you,’’ he smiled and looked at you.
He looked so up to you. You always knew what the latest LOLOL update changed in the game. You were amazing...
,,What? You went to Harvard University?’’ Zen asked you. He didn’t know that he was in a group with such an intelligent person and you were even Jaehee’s girlfriend.
You nodded.
,,She’s also very creative. Did you see our advertisement? She did it herself. Pretty amazing, right?!’’ Jaehee said proudly, no one had ever seen her that excited.
You changed her.
You and Jaehee also often went to different festivals to check the latest innovations. It was something even Jaehee was interested in.
And thanks to you, she even understood a few things since you were very good at explaining things.
,,Should we buy this new keyboard? It fits much better than the one you have now in your studio,’’ she told you and admired the keyboard in front of you.
She looked up to you since you were such a hard worker as a owner of a coffee shop and even a designer of word advertisements and 2d animation.
,,You make pretty good money, huh?’’ he asked you as he looked around.
Your studio just looked so aesthetically pleasing in the middle of Seoul.
You shrugged your shoulders as you kept typing something.
Then you took your pen between your fingers and began to draw something.
You were a storyboard artist.
Saeyoung, your finacé, loved to watch you.
He sometimes even helped you when a program stopped working.
,,Look, which one do you like more?’’ you asked him as you turned your screen towards him to show him a park.
,,Mh, I don’t know. What’s the story? LIke, this one looks cute as if you’re in a fairy tale, but this one looks more realistic,’’ he answered, making you turn the display again.
You nodded and stood up, taking your jacket and facing your fiancé. ,,We are going to the park now,’’ you said and pulled him by the hand.
That’s what he loved about you.
He, too, was someone who would simply do his work, but you wanted to give your best, even at  that moment.
At the end of the day, you however, knew which one you would decide on and you were happy that Saeyoung opened your eyes.
,,Mc! It’s so nice to see you here!’’ someone said and hugged you.
Saeran observed the person who was so happy to see you.
Both of you were in a foreign country and people still knew you?
You hugged the person who was apparently named Mira.
,,Saeran, this was my teacher, Mira,’’ you said and told Mira about your boyfriend.
She was so happy to see that you got a boyfriend.
,,Have fun here and go visit Josef! He will be happy to see you!’’ she said, meaning your other teacher.
You took Saeran and with him you walked through every department.
,,They try to motivate you to be creative, get started, start your own company, make your own shows, produce medical videos or animations, and they want you to learn things by doing,’’ you explained.
At some point, you arrived at a place that was lit by lights. Students had pencils in their hands and they began to draw something on their papers. This was something that amazed Saeran.
,,I thought it’s digital art,’’ he whispered.
You nodded. ,,They first try to make you get used to it. When you’re ready, you can move to the digital version,’’ you told him and observed the students.
It was a pretty good day and Saeran also enjoyed seeing you presentate something on a stage about your own work in South Korea.
He was proud of you.
Hand in hand, both of you walked into an institute to talk about digital art.
Jihyun also liked art a lot. However, he was a painter.
But your art was also something beautiful in his eyes.
He once tried it, but failed.
,,I remember back then, I also was unsure if digital art was real art, but after I saw it myself… I’m sorry I was like that back then… so don’t give up if people are the same here as in this art institute,’’ he told you.
You nodded.
Your goal was it to teach digital art in that institute and they first invited you to talk about it.
They first invited you in and then they were ready to listen to you.
,,Thank you for your words,’’ the older man said and nodded.
,,However, digital art is, itself, placed under the larger umbrella term new media art that doesn’t require any effort, Mrs. Kim. Digital art is not considered real art,’’ he said and closed his book with the notes.
,,Why did you invite my wife then?’’ Jihyun asked as you watched your dreams get crushed in front of your eyes.
No one dared to say anything. Were you just the laugh stock? Why did you even make the effort? You were ready to give up when Jihyun began to say something again. ,,I can understand you. At first we thought that digital art was easy. Why should we ask a teacher to teach us? I’m an artist myself and I thought like that too, but here too, just like the art with real pens and colors, you need to start with it gradually. I experienced it myself and I was surprised by how difficult it was. I beg you, try at least once to draw a forest in digital art,’’ Jihyun said, begging the person in front of him.
,,Very well, I have been an artist since my twenties and I am now sixty years old,’’ he laughed and took your tablet, ready to draw.
While he was drawing, you did the same on the second tablet and a bit later you all noticed the difference, making them all apologize to you.
,,I can’t thank you enough,’’ you sobbed as both of you walked out of the room, you overjoyed about the good news.
,,I told you not to give up on them. They were just like me,’’ he laughed and kissed your hand before you could both go and pick up Lucy at Jumin’s penthouse.
When he first saw your room, not Rika’s, but your own home, he was kind of shocked to know that you were almost like Agent 707.
He quickly noticed that just like him, you loved your profession.
It was something that satisfied you immediately ever since you first learned how things worked.
Indeed, animation was attracting more and more people and you were one of them.
,,Back then, when we lived in Japan, we somehow won a sightseeing trip and I got to see the Ghibli studio. I think that that was the moment I fell in love with it,’’ you told him as he looked around.
,,And then? I mean, Japan is one of the best countries to study animation, right?’’ he asked you. Vanderwood was truly interested in it.
He wanted to know everything about you.
The brown haired man wanted to know what made your eyes shine so brightly and why you were so in love with your job.
,,Uhm, yeah. Spain is the best country to study animation, but I also expected it to be Japan. Back then and still today, living there was too expensive. My parents wanted to move back to Korea and so I went to Spain to study my dream,’’ you laughed.
,,I’m amazed. I expected you to go with your parents,’’ he laughed and observed you.
,,I was amazed by myself too, you know? It was a hard decision, but I never regretted what I did. I could fulfil my dream and it’s my life after all.
And knowing more languages is even better because there are so many more opportunities,’’ you laughed.
,,Please never lock the door in other languages like Agent 707,’’
You laughed at his comment. ,,I won’t… but maybe something animated?’’ you teased him.
17.04.2021// 00:18 MEST
141 notes · View notes
Saeran’s Passport Package
I’ve been waiting since the 19th to get my hands on this baby and I’m glad that it got here today. It took me a little bit to sit down and go through everything cause I wanted to cry about it the entire time. 
Spoilers Ahead, everyone. So, if you’re not interested in seeing what’s in the Passport set AFTER the events of Saeran’s After Ending, then do not click Read More, got it? I’ve made it clear to you. I will say that it’s worth the money if you’re debating buying it. 
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So, we can go over the contents in the box, first as an overview. You receive a letter stamped with a cute sticker as well as the passport itself which holds the notes that Saeran’s been taking and drawing since this all started. I just think that’s cute. My brain said don’t open that passport until we review the letter first so, why don’t we go over the letter first? The little details are really cute. There’s just so many stamps on this baby. 
The little touches are what sell it. You’ve got this man putting his love all over it and there’s a CUTE NOTE of CATS. Sir, was that a touch to Saeyoung? I know you know that your brother is a dork. Homage to brother who is an idiot but too glaringly obvious. It got a chuckle out of me. I know this man, and it’s just getting to me. 
The passport itself is also really cute. It has the art from the promo banner but instead of everyone hustling around together, there’s new poses and all of that jazz. Jaehee isn’t rushing around. Zen’s got a selfie stick, no surprise on that front. Jumin just chilling. Seven and Yoosung... doing what they do best and you know it. RUN, YOOSUNG, RUN.
Saeran and MC... being cute on the inside made me go, “Aw!” Ice cream. They can really just put ice cream and it’s going to make me cry, huh? Really? Is that how easy this is? Am I a joke to you, Cheritz? Is that what this is? 
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Now, if you want to talk about the contents in the letter, you get this sheet that is listed in three languages, surprised me, Korean, Spanish, and English, and it lets you tick off little things that you like to do. An itinerary sheet. I feel like this is purely Jumin crafting these. It asks about Cats. Literally. Cats. Wine? Yeah, this is on Jumin. You always come in flex, Jumin, but oh boy, I’m chuckling over here at these little touches. 
You get 2 boarding passes. One with Saeran’s name and one with a blank to fill in your name. I thought that was cute. Tying in that with the CG of the passes in the game with this just makes it more real to me. I’m holding this in my hands and it just makes my immersion feel much more real than it did when I was holding my phone in my hand and playing this out. 
I think merch like this just makes you feel more apart of the story then you do when you’re able to talk and chat, you know? If you really like feeling like you are involved with the game, this is how you do it. You wanna know how I know that Jumin is the one setting this up with Saeran? Flip over the fucking passport and you realize that Elizabeth is on the back.
I’m still laughing. 
I’m trying to imagine this and now, like, I’m starting to see why Jaehee is so damn tired because Elizabeth really is on everything that he can get his hands on and she’s good too many files to sort through when it comes to whatever the photographers take of her. Jumin can’t take photos. He’s either got Jihyun to do this for him at some point, or he’s straight up hiring photographers for her cause he can’t do it. 
I mean, we all know that Jumin will put Elizabeth everywhere but I just— It’s on the BOARDING PASSES? JUMIN! 
There’s also a postcard within the letter that is once more, written in all three aforementioned languages. Saeran says that it feels like a dream when he is with you, like this is where he’s always meant to be. His promise of happiness is made truest when he’s with you. I teared up a little. I know that he means well when he does that but damn, does it take an arrow to the heart every single time he does it. 
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Saeran put a lot of thought into this in a very short amount of time. I know that he did this plan likely with the idea that he may not be able to go with us but he wanted us to be able to see the world for him. You know, how he implied that he wanted Saeyoung to see things for him? To live for him? Even if he was dead, he wanted Saeyoung and the player to be happy and free. 
The blurred state on those... doesn’t have names. It doesn’t name Saeran in this photo. 
The implication of his sacrifice with the boarding passes kind of hurts because this is a side note of the fact that Saeran Did Not Know If He Would Live To See This Through. He made it thinking maybe.. if things worked out, it would be an okay future, but this was... God. I just. I’m thinking about the weight of the AE and what that felt like. I almost glossed over the Boarding Pass because I was just so upset with him.
I’m the type to try to sacrifice myself for others, too. I have that in common with Saeyoung and Saeran. 
I think that we’d argue over who should die for the others and while that’s macabre, it’s just the kind of people that we are. We love these people so much that we’re willing to die if they’re safe and sound. Knowing that, I understand what Saeran tried, and even what Saeyoung tries, but it’s hard cause I want to make sure they’re happy in comparison to myself. 
This is where being selfless is a bad thing. 
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Does anyone know what a big deal it is for Saeran to have a passport? He’s never had an ID or paperwork in his entire life. If he did, he would’ve been killed, so would his brother. They’re both never had IDs. Unless you count the ones from the Agency and Mint Eye. They’ve got them in the Believer box with their names and faces, but that’s not official. That’s not paperwork that everyone else has. That’s just... 
You know? 
Seeing this tangible thing in my hands is a testament to Saeran Choi being alive and thriving. He’s not afraid of showing his face. He’s living. He’s a free man and nobody can kill him for existing. Does that not weigh on anyone here? It hit me and I wanted to cry. I might break down thinking about this later because I just take this too seriously. Look at him. Look at HIM. Okay? Did you look? Now, LOOK AGAIN.
Okay, I’m not going to share every single page inside of the passport but I will give you little snippets of the journey ahead and show you what he writes and draws. Yes, he’s drawing. I knew that he was talented because he is great at doodling and drawing, but he knows how to have such a cute style that I want to gush about and he probably has no clue about how cute it is because nobody’s ever told him!
Okay, so the trip is broken up over a few months and into segments. You know how I was surprised by the 3 languages? Yes, this passport is written in three languages and it stays that way. It implies that Saeran knows English and Spanish, or at the very least, he’s been studying them, I get that it’s kind of a neat tie in to make sure that all languages are included but I only English and I can only read Spanish, I suck at conversational Spanish, so I could only read the English and Spanish sections. 
So, if anyone wants to throw in what the Korean segments say, please do. I have a rough idea, but it’d be nice to know. The first segment of the trip is spent traveling over Korea. You see the things that he packed in the bag! 
I almost had a heart attack because I thought the vitamins were Caffeine Pills. I was about to beat my Husband and make him go to bed. Thin ice, Saeran. Thin ice, the Special Believer package implied you take more then ten and I want you to go the fuck to sleep at night. 
He packed his hanbok! Look! You remember? From the title screen event? The blue shirt is the one that he matches with MC in. There’s so much I’m screaming about it. 
It shows you things that you do. Like, biking, karaoke, gardens... is there a locket bridge in Korea? You know? If you put them together on a bridge, it’s said that your love lasts forever. I forget where that came from but I guess there must be one in South Korea, too. Oh, and food. Can you believe that he can eat whatever he wants now? I’m sobbing. 
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Okay, here’s the thing. I only have one gripe with the Passport Package and I’m going to say this again at the end, but I really wish that they had included big photos for this because the Passport itself it rather small and I wish that I could have bigger photos of this. It’s my only complaint. Literally, it’s the only thing I have to say about the box that will affect my rating. Look, we’re doing cheesy couple stuff! 
God, I wish I wasn’t broke. I would commission someone to do this for my MC. 
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The second and third portion of the trip are spent in the U.S.A. and Mexico, I was so surprised by that! New York and Hawaii specifically are what they name and I was. Well, those are really far apart, huh. I mean, those are very popular spots. I’m not surprised. I’m chuckling because he’s got matching outfits. 
Saeran Choi, you really want the embarrassing couple look, don’t you? Well, if it’s for you, I’d do it. Did... Saeyoung or Jumin set us up, are we fucking loaded? There’s mad bank here. 
Saeran and MC basically are living per Jumin and Saeyoung, to be honest, because Saeran’s never had a job and MC is... your MC literally agrees to go and test a game in the woods, how good can our lives be? I’m broke, boy. I ain’t got nothing. So, I like to think that those two are offering to let Saeran be as happy and free as he wants. No expense. Like, kindness. The RFA is too damn much, I’m gonna cry. I’m starting to understand why the RFA didn’t hear from us for months. 
The final Check-In with the RFA is set 6 Months after the events that take place when we save Saeran. The events of this Passport cover 3 months. So, we go back to Korea after this adventure and met up with Saeyoung, because we know that we’re hanging out with him in the conclusion. So, if they haven’t really heard from us, that means that we’ve been traveling more with him. 
I kind of like that. 
We’re spending time with Saeran alone and time with the brothers together, and that’s sweet! I love that. I need to write more about it. 
I’m trying not to laugh about this Mexico portion but it looks like he passed out from an ice tea... lemonade...? It’s surely not alcohol. Maybe too much sugar, I know that crash can hurt. I’ve been there. I just know that you’re not implying the man with alcohol trauma is gonna drink. Nope. Neither he nor Saeyoung ever will do that. I stand by that statement and I’ll die by that statement. Bite me my tongue if I’m wrong, but I stand by that. 
Saeran is at least mindful of the sun. He’s also made notes that the perfect time for sunset is 18:34. Cute. He notes that it’s time for the Day of the Dead as well, so that’s fun!
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There’s actually a portion in here where he asks you certain questions and you have the space to fill in it. I like that it’s interactive. 
Do you have favorites sweets? Are there things about yourself that you hide? Did you make sure to ask Santa what you wanted? I’m wheezing. The food doodles are one thing, and the Christmas photo is one thing, but he really drew himself as a butterfly and the MC as a bug catcher. 
Help me. 
I’m laughing so hard.
Saeran, you fucking goofball.
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And, the last page of the passport is us assumedly returning home with all kinds of trinkets and gifts. Flower crown, snow globe, cactus, hats, listen, there’s a lot of details in this photos that I really wish I could have it blown up. 
That’s really my only complaint about the Passport Package. I really want to have bigger photos that are shared. I wouldn’t have minded if it was the photo of the final CG in the game, or the Christmas photo, I really would have enjoyed getting that to have for myself. 
You know? The passport itself is roughly like 5 x 7 or so, so while it’s not big, it’s still like. I would love to see the details blown up. It’s smaller then the diary, that I know for sure. I think it’s the only thing stopping from giving Cheritz a 10/10 on this item. 
I’m going to have to give them a 9.8/10 simply because it feels like we are lacking one big photo. 
I guess I’ll print my favorite CGs and decorate my room like that. But, all and all, I really enjoyed reading this and it made it feel like I was there and I was able to reflect on Saeran’s vacation with the player. Like, he was doing this as we were going using his little doodles... I’m in love with this fucking sap. I’d say that this is worth the money. 
For sure. 
My only gripe aside. That’s a personal problem, not really a content problem. I love this bastard. 
Look at him, he’s GOT A PLUSHIE. I have so many things that I want to write about now thanks to this. Saeran, darling, sweetie, my love, I am dying. Either way, I’m glad this arrived when it did. I needed this. I justified getting this for myself because I don’t expect to get anything for my birthday in early February but I’m happy I have him.
It’s been five years since I found this game in August 2016. I’m happy that it’s been here with me. 
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201 notes · View notes
completeotometrash · 4 years
Secret Love (Jumin Han Fluff)
(WARNING): Spoilers for Seven’s route, implied nsfw. Read at your own risk.
Part 1
Word count: 2.4k
(She/her) pronouns.
For years he has hopelessly longed for her. There was never a second that he thought she was anything other than ethereal beauty. Like a graceful and refined goddess, she blesses his vision. Though Jumin Han is not one to express his feelings or be interested in art for that matter, somehow, she makes seeing both so much clearer.
 He can recall the day she entered the RFA chat room, the way she presented herself. He is still amazed with how daring and bold she was. Everyone loves her for it. At the party, she wore a beautiful red dress that flattered her every curve and did wonders for his wandering mind. But it was not her body that truly earned his attention, rather, her charisma; the way she adapted and took advantage of every opportunity. They got along surprisingly well and even scheduled dinners to enjoy together so they could keep in touch. But she was never too close. He knows he is a busy man; he has no time to indulge in romantic affairs. Even with that aside, from his knowledge she does not share the same feelings.
 So, they stayed strictly platonic.
  Another year passed; another party was thrown. That time she truly outdid herself. Over a thousand guests were brought in, triple the usual. She slaved away to ensure that it was a great success; and that it was. She did not appear to be overworked, the smile on her face that traveled up to her eyes was magnificent. He found that to be a beautiful quality, the ability to stay positive. His heart hammered in his chest harder than it ever had. That night he found himself unable to sleep. He tossed and turned for hours but the exhaustion never came.
 Finally, there is now. He has watched her grow more successful and gain the respect of everyone around her in less than three years. Her parties have raised millions of dollars that has all been donated to charity.
 They talk every day in the chat rooms, but it never satisfies the urge to speak to her. To hear her voice. As he normally would not act upon this, his fingers are already dialing her number. She picks up only seconds later.
With poise, she brings the glass of wine to her lips, one he specially ordered from a famous brewer located in Europe. After a small sip, she licks her bottom lip. He watches her reaction that seems to be a pleased one with the grin that follows.
 “It’s exquisite, Jumin. Some of the best that I’ve ever tasted!” She chuckles giddily, setting the glass down. He tries a sip of his own and agrees.
 “I’m glad you enjoy it. Would you like the winemaker’s contact information?” He takes another sip before adjusting his collar. She nods, trailing on about how she should invite him to the party as a guest. Her enthusiasm does terrible things to his body. Jumin finds himself heating up and wanting to take off his jacket.
 He doesn’t, of course. He has self-control.
 “So why is it that you would rather meet here at my estate than go out?” As he enjoyed her company and greatly prefer staying home himself, he could not help but ask. She has only visited his home once before, a brief exchange to deliver something.
 She fixes her posture, crossing her right leg over the other. “Honestly, I just wanted to enjoy you and our time together without anyone being around. As much as I love going out with you, I prefer just relaxing together on a less formal level.” She glances around only to look down at her hands, “Also, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t curious about what your apartment looks like.” She nervously laughs, rubbing her hands together.
 He swallows, his throat becoming tighter. Such honesty in her statement making him feel a little bashful. Taking a deep breath, he stands. “If you’re interested in my decor, I can show you around.” In a way, he takes pride in the way he keeps his house tidy. He has a modern dark theme with all the newest gadgets on the market. She happily obliges, standing beside him.
“The view is breathtaking.” She stares out the window with astonishment, finishing her glass of wine. He agrees, but only watches her.
 “Yes. The city is quite beautiful in the afternoon while the lights are lit. I made sure of that while searching for my apartment. I’ve found that Elizabeth the Third enjoys the view as well.”
 She cackles, shaking her head. “You know, you’ve got her spoiled. It’s actually really cute, just how much you care for her.” Turning to face him, her head tilts to the side. “You’re a good host. We should do this more often.”
 Revealing a small smile of his own, he looks down at her. “I appreciate your words and agree that we should do this more often. I find myself enjoying your presence in a less formal environment nice as well.” A small moment of vulnerability.
 She gasps, excitedly clapping her hands. “One day, maybe we can do some wine tasting while watching a movie!”
 Jumin takes her empty glass and refills it and his own. “I don’t see why we can’t do that now unless you have plans for tomorrow. It’s getting rather late.” He checks the time on his watch. “If not, I’ll have a ride set up to safely escort you home.”
 “I don’t mind staying. “
 Despite having the movie ready and being situated on the couch nearly an hour ago, it was never started. Sitting side by side, he talks with her instead.
 “I’ve always wanted to visit Rome and see the Sistine Chapel! The art there is so beautiful.” She leans back, seemingly more relaxed after two glasses of wine. He too feels the effects of the alcohol.
 “That is one place I have not been yet. As I’ve never been one to care for art, I’m sure your company there would be nice.” Jumin freezes, realizing the gravity of his statement as her eyes grow wider. There’s the crippling fear of her suddenly being repulsed by him. Mentally, he scolds himself for possibly making her uncomfortable. “I apologize if that was too-”
 His sentence is stopped yet again, but this time she is the one to do it. “In the future I’d love to go with you. What is the fun in traveling alone, anyways?” She smiles, rubbing her head. “Shall we start the movie now?”
 He inhales sharply, lifting the remote and pressing play.
When the credits roll, he shifts, ready to go to bed. Seemingly, she’s already passed the point of exhaustion, eyes closed and chest heaving slowly. Jumin wonders how long she has been asleep and whether he should wake her. He yawns, standing up. It’s dark and it would be dangerous to send her home at this time. That is what he tells himself, at least.
 That night he brought her to his guest room, now being unable to forget about it. She went home early the next morning and insisted that she leave immediately. The next day he was given a gift from her, an apology for her accidentally falling asleep. If she gave it to him in person, he would have returned it, she need not apologize for something a friend should do. Although, he cannot help but feel flattered by it. She gave him a navy-blue tie from one of his favorite brands. The material is soft against his fingers; he incorporates it in his outfit for the party.
 The day of the party comes quickly, it is at a different location his time because it’s become much vaster. The area is loud, everyone talks cheerfully with each other. Business owners negotiate and bond over shared interests. The same brewer he told her about that was invited to the party was so flattered that he gifted several bottles of his product for it. He notices it being served at the bar.
 Jumin continues to scan the room, firstly wanting to congratulate MC. He walks around until he feels a tap to his shoulder. It’s a very excited Saeyoung.
 “Jumin! We’ve been looking for you.” Seven steps back, motioning for Jumin to follow. He rounds the corner and immediately notices a familiar tuff of teal hair. He joins the circle, adjusting his sleeve.
 “Good afternoon, everyone. The party seems to be a success.” He pops into the conversation in his own giddy way. His excitement doesn’t show, it almost never does.
 “Jumin, greetings! We’re glad you could make it.” V smiles wholeheartedly, nodding his head in his companion’s direction.
 Yoosung smiles as well, chiming up when he sees him. “The party just gets better every year with MC! She’s just amazing at what she does.” His eyes glimmer with adoration. 
  Zen crosses his arms, looking around. “Of course, she works her ass off every year, and it pays off. I worry about if she doesn’t take time to relax.” It’s no surprise that Zen worries for her well-being, the multiple lectures in the chat rooms prove just that. 
 “I’m sure she takes time for breaks; she also knows that we’re here to help with the guests of needed be.” Jahee pushes up her glasses, “Good afternoon, Mr. Han.”
 Jumin straightens his posture, “Where is MC at?” His mind returns to its original concern, craving to see her again after their last meeting. 
 Jihyun places a hand on his shoulder playfully. “She left a few minutes ago to give her speech on the stage, she should be there any moment now- “
 Ironically, at that moment, the sound of the mic booms through the speakers, silencing the room.
 Jumin is left speechless when he spots her. She wears an elegant dress that reaches just below her knees. It has a V-cut front with golden embroidery; being tight around her hips. She screams utter elegance, and he cannot look away.
 Awkwardly, she readies the mic, smiling at everyone in the room. A part of him wishes he were the only one to see it. She looks around, taking a deep breath. “Thank you to everyone who could be here and join us this evening; your presence today means a lot.”
 Her eyes catch his own, everything feels like it’s in slow motion now. All but his heart that has seemingly quickened its pace. He wants to pull her to the side, to hold her close to his chest so she can physically feel exactly what she does to him. She touches her neck, smiling a little wider. That same smile that absolutely captivates him. Even as she looks away, he cannot stop his own lingering stare. She looks so ridiculously happy, so pure- beautiful. 
 Jumin only realizes he was holding his breath when everyone begins applauding her speech around him. He joins, swallowing gently to bring himself back to reality. To his right is an open balcony, one that he quickly moves to catch some fresh air.
 It’s brisk outside, but it helps his body cool down faster than it would in the crowded room. He knows the best thing to do is wait and speak to her with a clear mind, urges aside. Taking a deep breath, he holds it until his lungs burn. Feeling almost ashamed of himself, disgusted with how greedy he feels tonight. He moves out of the view of the party, standing alone and gazing upon the city lights. 
 “Hey stranger.” There is a shuffling noise as the presence of another accompanies him. Jumin glances to his side, MC is looking him up and down. “It’s unlike you to leave a room like that, are you alright?”
 He is fine, in the physical sense, so he nods his head in retaliation. “Yes, I found myself getting hot and needed the fresh air. I’d like to congratulate you on the party, yet again, it was a success.”
 She places her head on her hand, sighing exhaustedly. “Thank you, that really means a lot to me. I’m so glad you think so. I have been so stressed out lately because of it. I’d also like to thank you for last week, you didn’t have to let me fall asleep, let alone take me to your guest bedroom.” She grins sheepishly, tucking her hand beneath his tie. “I’m also happy that you liked your gift, I saw it and thought about you.” Her fingers softly glide along the fabric.
Her lips are a burgundy color, he cannot help but notice as she comes closer. He wonders if she thinks the same way as him. Jumin looks into her eyes to see if he can find the answer there. Instead, she simply wraps her arms around him, swaying from left to right gently. There is no music, but she makes her own rhythm. “You should dance with me.”
 Her hand is now in his, his arm cradling her back and pulling her closer as they move in unition. He finds himself speechless, only focused on the steps she makes. He thinks of all the ways he could confess to her, forgetting just why he had never said anything in the past. Because when he sees her now it’s almost as if he had been struck by Cupid’s arrow.
 He stops moving, lips parting open as he looks down at her. He wants to speak, but the words do not come. His mind is suddenly blank. Her eyes flicker for a moment before her head comes closer, he can feel her hot breath against his skin. By instinct, he tilts his head to the side, drawing in like a magnet.
 Their lips join finally when she stands on her toes. She tastes sweet, better than even the finest of wines. He immediately pulls her closer, years of pent up feelings releasing themselves in a single kiss. His hands are traveling everywhere on her body that he has ever longed to feel. When his tongue glides against her lower lip she gasps, running a hand through his hair. He moves his lips elsewhere, peppering kissing along her gnaw and down her neck.
 Jumin speaks between breaths. “I’m tired of pretending that I don’t want you.” His voice is low as he continues, now kissing her shoulder. This only makes her blush and forcefully hold back a moan.
 Right as his lips meet the scratchy fabric of her dress, he pulls away completely. “If you feel the same way, meet me at my apartment after the party.” There’s a sincere look in his eyes as he gazes at her, he’s softer than usual. His hands adjust his coat and hair before he walks back inside, disappearing from her view.
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addieatkins · 3 years
I saw [ADELAIDE “ADDIE” WOLFE] at a coffee shop in [BROOKLYN] today. She is a [TWENTY-NINE] year old [B&B OWNER] who’s been in NYC for [TWO YEARS] now. Every time we run into each other, they are always [RESILIENT & ALLOCENTRIC] but I’ve heard people say they can also be [DECEITFUL & TACITURN]. [GROWING PAINS BY ALESSIA CARA] reminds me of them every time it comes on the radio.
tw: child neglect, arson.  // @villagestart​
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hello fellow kids, i am g (aka the dumb dumb behind @soulcfaman​ here with another character nobody asked for. without further ado, i give you my sweet baby girl, addie:
Adelaide Atkins Savoy is the daughter of Edward Atkins, an English salesman/conman and Ann Savoy, a French teacher that came from a (somewhat) noble family.
The Atkins family moved to Peachtree, Georgia from England when Addie was five years old after a business initiated by Edward, her father, went awry with the Savoys. Addie’s grandpa, who probably lost the most out of the business con but loved Addie to no end and wanted her grandkid to have a decent life, decided to fly the Atkin-Savoy family and bought them a wonderful, luxurious home on Addie’s name.
Her childhood was… an odd one, to say the least. Her parents still acted like they were part of the Savoy family while in Georgia (and with the housing/jobs Addie’s grandpa got them, there was no reason to doubt them) so they fit perfectly with Georgia’s finest, they were living a double life of sorts, socialités in debt who schemed their wealthiest friends without them knowing. Her parents promptly got Addie to work alongside them, either as a distraction or as an active asset in their plans and she couldn’t quite deny her skills to them alas, Addie did stuff she wasn’t proud of, illegal stuff she could get away with because no one suspected the little girl with the ponytails.
Edward Michael Atkins Savoy, Addie’s younger brother was born when Adelaide was around eleven. Ann lost interest on Eddie pretty quickly so Addie pretty much raised the kid as well as she could after she turned thirteen. The two formed an unbreakable bond very quickly.
She learned many skills during her time with her parents: pick locking, html, pickpocketing, boxing, sewing (which served the young woman well when her parents decided to stop buying their kids clothes and she started making them for the two of them instead), whatever her parents required of her and whatever she could learn to make sure her brother was well taken care of, she’d learn.
CHILD NEGLECT TW The worst instance of their parents neglecting both Addie and Eddie happened right after Eddie turned five. Their friends found out about how the couple had played them and the Atkins family lost all respect within the community, so they quickly started to go in debt with banks and strangers to try to live the life Ann and Edward were so used to. By this time, the matrimony had mostly forgotten their kids to the point where they stopped providing for them unless they needed Adelaide for some job, so it was all Addie’s responsibility to not only care for her brother but her parents somehow. She started working (an honest job) when she was fourteen and never truly stopped.
ARSON TW when Addie was seventeen, one year from graduating high school Edward and Ann made a decision: they needed money to pay off credit debts and alas, they needed to burn down the house the Savoys had bought for the family because they needed the insurance money. Addie started to storage as many stuff as she could when she was informed of what was going to happen (was guilt-tripped into staying silent) and the night her parents actually burnt the house down, Addie grabbed Eddie, everything she had gathered, a car a friend had lend to her and flee Peachtree, the two siblings didn’t look back. Adelaide didn’t finish High School.
After the two siblings escaped Peachtree, they situated in New Orleans for about a year, where Addie worked around two, three jobs in order to take care of herself and Eddie. No longer after a friend encouraged her to give her testimony (and all the proof she had gathered that backed up the claim that the fire had been premeditated) and she put her parents in jail for arson and child neglect, gaining her brother’s full custody and whatever money was left from the insurance payment.
By Eddie’s request, the two siblings moved to California in 2011 where she met a young musician called Dillon Wolfe. The couple fell in love shortly after. Six years later, they were getting married, Eddie being the person walking Adelaide down the aisle.
The little Wolfe-Atkins family moved to New York in 2018.
After working as a waitress/bartender/cook/whatever she could get to make a living for her and Eddie throughout her life, Addie got a letter from the Savoy family one day with the news that her grandfather had died and had left behind a trust fund for her, enough money for the two siblings to live off comfortably for the rest of their lives. However, the oldest decided to only use enough to buy a nice house for the two of them and to open a modest, lovely b&b, their major source of income and save the rest as the family wasn’t in dire need for money anymore.
She and Eddy don’t really talk about their past a lot, unless any of the parts truly trust the person they tell their story to.
p e r s o n a l i t y
Most days, Addie is one of the nicest people you’ll ever meet, the kind of girl who smiles at everyone she meets and greets strangers with a smile on the daily. She likes making people around her happy. She thrives when people around her shine.
However, she can be very closed off and go as far as to be very deceitful? I mean, she is sharp, even though people don’t think she is because they write her off as a “southern belle” type, but what most people don’t know is she can be cunning whenever she sets her mind on it, she learned from a very young age how to take advantage of everything she had to get what she had her mind settled on.
The one thing she cares the most about in the world is her brother, Eddie. The boy is pretty much her own and has been since the day he was born, she would stop at nothing to make sure he is fine and he is happy.
Her hobbies include painting and sculpting (which she makes some money off of), gardening (the Atkins sibling’s home is a glorified zen garden by now) and designing (she sometimes uses this skill to make clothes for selling to friends and acquaintances).
Loyal to no end, good god. It takes a lot for her to feel comfortable with someone to call them her friend but once she does, she is the most loyal friend. Also the mom friend, no matter how close you are. If it’s even a little bit chilly outside and she sees a stranger shivering she WILL give them her sweater, has medicine and candy on her at all times.
She can be quite impetuous and extremely curious to the verge of being noisy, but never in a malicious way, unless you mess with someone she cares about.
Whatever you throw her way, she’ll land on her feet.
Best friend: Either the best friend who help the Atkins while the lived in Georgia (preferably) or a new friendship they’ve built in the years they’ve been in New york Addie would be nothing without this person. She trusts them more than her own shadow and would kill for them in a heartbeat.
Foreign cousins: Maybe someone seeking vengeance because of what Addie’s father did to the family? Maybe they don’t even know they are related, everyone loves having someone you can tell “well, now i know where the craziness comes from”.
Muse: Whenever she’s stressed or just… inspiration strikes, Addie calls this person to either use them as a model or a canvass. She has every line of their body engraved on her memory and she still finds them fascinating and could spend hours painting them. We can discuss what shape this plot could potentially take.
People she works for: Either her art or the clothes she makes, I’d love to write about any of those.
Friends, enemies, neighbours… just love my baby, she and Eddie will love you back!
so if you read that whole mess ily sm <3 if you wanna plot w/ us please shmash that lke button and i’ll come to you at some point of the day when i don’t feel like crying because everything.hurts. (i’m v sick. like... dehydrated type of sick BUT I’M TRYING NOT TO THINK ABOUT THAT RN)
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187days · 4 years
Day Forty-Three
My first class during this rotation is my biggest, loudest, and most challenging class. I don’t have any serious discipline cases or anything- they’re all nice kids- but they’re very young, and sometimes impulsive, and a lot of them are not really into their academics. I found a way to hook them all today, though: karate moves. 
My lesson was about the key characteristics of “The Big 5″ religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism) and how they influence other aspects of culture, including stuff we don’t even think of as being religiously-based. I brought up the western calendar as my first example. For my second, I explained the influence of Zen Buddhism on martial arts. I had students read a quick essay on the subject because, starting next class, they’re going to be writing essays about the influence of religion on culture, so that’s going to serve as a model. 
Then, to further explain the information in the essay, which focuses on mindfulness and intention, I did a couple “karate magic tricks,” including making my arm temporarily unbendable. That really blew their minds. I promised I’d do some more tomorrow before they get into doing research and writing on their own topics. 
I’m glad that it got their attention.
My second class of the day also had a long conversation about current events, since their write-ups were due today. There are about half as many students in that class as the first, but they talked about things going on in the world for about twice as long. They had lots of questions about the election, which is obviously dominating the news, so I did my best to answer those. We also discussed SCOTUS, the wildfires out west, the protests in Chile, and other things. I enjoyed it a lot. 
It was pretty blustery in the afternoon, but they still wanted to spend advisory time outside, so I agreed that we could do that. We went walking down one of the many trails on school property, got some fresh air, and came back just in time for dismissal. It was a nice way to end the day, for sure.
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