What is it? A 3-month campaign by LADbible launched in 2017 to raise awareness of mental health issues in men. The campaign used films, editorial pieces and a dedicated online hub to encourage men to open up and ask each other ‘U OK M8?’.
It’s good because the campaign used a variety of different medias to spread the word and gained huge attention on social media, reaching 36 million people and gaining 823,000 engagements.
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Quieter aisles
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What is it? A weekly quieter hour introduced by supermarket Morrisons to make shopping easier for those with autism. During the quieter hour, lights will be dimmed, music turned off, check out beeps quietened and the tannoy system won’t be used.
It’s good because it extends autism hour from an annual to a weekly occurrence; making the daunting task of doing the weekly shop more manageable for those with autism and their families.
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What is it? A wearable bracelet from New Deal Design, the studio behind the Fitbit. The bracelet monitors blood alcohol levels and alerts the wearer and their friends when they may not be in a state to consent to sex.
It’s good because it is a very different approach to tackling sexual assault and may be particularly effective in college/university environments. The wearable also doubles up as a device to flirt with other users, a clever strategy that will hopefully increase its appeal to the student market.
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Dead whale
What is it? An attention-grabbing campaign from Dentsu Jayme Syfu for Greenpeace Philippines that saw a 73-foot sculpture of a dead whale made entirely from plastic waste appear on the shores of the Philippines.
It’s good because the huge sculpture is a great visual representation of the damaging effect of plastic pollution and is a brilliant example of the role art can play in highlighting important issues. The campaign gained a lot of attention on social media, bringing the issue of plastic pollution onto the political agenda in the Philippines.  
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Newspaper Design
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What is it? A book from publisher Gestalten, coedited by Javier Errea, that brings together top pieces of editorial and graphic design from newspapers around the world.
It’s good because the book charts the changes in design, typography and illustration that have accompanied the shift to a more digital news format and is a great source of inspiration for designers, journalists and publishers.
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Your greatest wealth
What is it? A campaign by McCann Health Brazil for Hospital Moinhos de Vento that saw precious organs re-styled in the form of Faberge eggs to highlight the importance of organ donation.
It’s good because the use of the expensive looking design along with the tagline ‘who will inherit your greatest wealth’ presents health as far more important than any worldly possession.
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We counter hate
What is it? An campaign from POSSIBLE that uses an AI platform to detect and respond to hate messages on Twitter; once the message has been tagged $1 is donated to charity for every retweet.
It’s good because it uses hate itself to support charities fighting hate, while making those who might spread hateful messages stop and think.
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Highlight the remarkable
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What is it? A series of print ads for Stabilo by DDB Dusseldorf that highlight important and often overlooked women in historical photographs.
It’s good because the ads show great use of the highlighter, emphasising the contributions of women throughout history.
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C21 restaurant
What is it? A one night only statement restaurant from NDSS and Saatchi & Saatchi NY staffed entirely by people with Down Syndrome. The restaurant served dinner to those with the power to change the American law preventing them from having a full-time job and receiving Medicaid.
It’s good because every tiny detail reflected the goal of the evening, from the staff right down to the name of the wine. We really hope the message got through!
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IVF for rhinos?
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What is it? A breakthrough in IVF technology from the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research, which has produced rhino embryos using the sperm of dead males.
It’s good because this technology is the last hope for the northern white rhino sub-species, as Sudan, the last male, died in March 2018. This breakthrough could save the species!
Published in Nature Communications
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Free Lyfts for cancer patients
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What is it? A collaboration between the American Cancer Society and Lyft, which offers cancer patients free transportation to their appointments.
It’s good because healthcare costs are already high in America, this collaboration helps to reduce the burden of cancer for patients ensuring they are able to get to hospital to receive the treatment that they need.
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Read something better
What is it? A light-hearted campaign from Black Button Books and Romanian ad agency Friends/TBWA that reimagines Facebook, Twitter and Instagram as actual books.
It’s good because by compiling the text that we absent-mindedly scroll through into a book format the campaign highlights how dull a lot of the content can be. The campaign also produced tongue-in-cheek posters displaying images of the three social media books to spread the message further.
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Funding the NHS
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What is it? An interactive tool from the Institute of Fiscal Studies that allows users to play around with government spending cuts and income tax rates in order to achieve the NHS funding target of £188 billion.
It’s good because we are all aware that the NHS needs additional funding but rarely think about where that money will come from. This tool gives a real insight into the juggling act that the government must perform to keep the country running financially.
View the tool here
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What is it? Surreal digital moving sculptures created by Jonathan Zawada for Vivid Sydney 2018, which use the iconic sails of the Sydney Opera House as a shell.
It’s good because the constantly changing design celebrates Australian nature with a mesmerising display of geometric shapes and neon colours.
View the full show here
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Planet or plastic?
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What is it? A selection of shocking photographs published in the June issue of National Geographic magazine that showcase the devastating impact of plastic pollution on both land and sea.
It’s good because many of the harrowing photographs focus on animals caught in life-threatening situations due to plastic waste and really bring home the message that this issue must be tackled now.
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NHS app
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What is it? An app from the NHS available to download from December 2018, which will allow patients to book GP appointments, view medical records, order repeat prescriptions and check symptoms.
It’s good because when launched the app could save vital time for GPs and enables people to play an active role in their own healthcare.
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The problem is not seeing the problem
What is it? A film from the Unstereotype Alliance created by IPG and MullenLowe London, which urges the advertising industry to look beyond stereotypes when casting roles.
It’s good because the film focuses on a wide range of stereotypes and highlights the various levels of discrimination that occur in films and advertising.
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