#Also THAT SHADOW like ok ok ok Clamp what are you doing
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Watanuki we love you for it. 
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Doumeki’s unimpressed reaction is a gift to the world. A global treasure. A timeless gift. 
But I mean like Watanuki didn’t CAUSE the fight last time by any means. He’s hardly at fault for spacing out for a split second and a GROWN ADULT attacking him with boiling water. 
Then again maybe Doumeki is just expecting to call his bluff.
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factual-fantasy · 3 months
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@elegysonnet (In response to this post)
Ok so to explain Lolbit, you'll need a little background--
In my sister location AU I was thinking that William uses the circus as a front to go from town to town killing kids. He takes the remnant of his victims and puts them in the animatronics. This remnant is making the animatronics more "human". Its giving them the ability to feel things like love, hate.. and fear..
Another detail is my animatronics do not move their face plates to appear more life like. The face plates are there for easy access to the endo skeleton and for easy make up changes and replacement. While the animatronic is in use, the faceplates are clamped shut. They are never meant to open them and are not supposed to see each other with them open.
This then leads us to Funtime Foxy. He went into a parts and service tent he wasn't supposed to go in.. and on a table he saw a set of purple and orange Foxy faceplates. But having been programmed to never remove the faceplates and having the remnant in his system.. he just.. couldn't understand what he saw.
It was his face.. but.. also not him? It had no eyes, no teeth, its jaw sat at a bizarre angle. It was.. horrifying. The remnant is really messing with Foxy's head after seeing that. He cant understand what he saw and is basically having "nightmares" about it. Seeing himself in the mirror as this "other Foxy" with missing eyes and a black mouth. With black sludge dripping from his eye sockets..
So "Lolbit" doesn't.. really exist..? Its more like a nightmare concept that Foxy created in his own head. And he just doesn't have the means to understand what he saw.
Yendo has a very similar story..
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Oh yeah.. I'm aware.😔 Remember folks, all reposted artwork is stolen. All.
(Also thank you! I'm glad you liked my FNAF stuff! :}} )
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AAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :DD As for the fusion idea, I love those names!! :DD And I was leaning towards it being a separate AU of sorts. Since the ability to fuse would change A LOT about my characters stories and personalities--
XD And don't worry, that was a good read! Though I believe I had already planned an encounter with King Boo.? Well, "encounter", they never saw him face to face--
I couldn't find the original post talking about this, but if I remember correctly..
Mario and Luigi had found the mansion on one of their adventures and went inside. In which the boos locked the doors and turned out all the lanterns. The boos then proceeded to play tricks on the bros and got them separated. I think King Boo was watching the other boos from the shadows..?
Now Mario had gone into one of the rooms and there was a fire flower in a plant pot. Mario grabbed the flower and created a fireball in his hands so he could see. Immediately after that the entire mansion went completely silent. The Boos were all stunned. Someone absorbing a power up was so foreign, so terrifying... so.. so impossible, that all the boos were immediately terrified of them.
All the lights leading to the front doors lit up and the doors swung open. Mario and Luigi followed the lights, reunited and left the mansion. As soon as they stepped out, the doors and windows all slammed shut. Basically saying "DO NOT COME BACK IN HERE-"
Then the bros went home! Shaken, but safe and sound <XDD
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(Referencing this post)
XDD Not exactly, my sona comes in all shapes and sizes. I just drew myself looking more human/"put together" in that post because I was resting on the couch XDD
Plus its only 1 drawing! I tend to put a lot more details into the characters I draw if I'm only drawing them once. :0
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@2006-stupid-thatsme (Referencing this post)
Oooo I've never heard of empanadas until now! They look delicious!! :DD
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(Referencing this post)
"What's a stomach ache??"
XD Ah don't worry about her! Lucky for Cici, her and the gang cannot get stomach aches. Mostly becuase I've dealt with them enough to know that they are the worst things ever! And I would never wish stomach aches upon even my worst enemy. :')💔
Sooo since I have full control over this universe, I have decided that there will never be any consequences to eating food! They can eat as much as they want, whenever they want, however they want, and they will never suffer any ill effects! No stomach aches, no gas, no uncomfortable fullness, no weight gain- no mess?? Once Cici is done chowing down on that cake the frosting will suddenly vanish from her face and hands. Cuz who likes to clean up after eating??
So don't worry bout her, anyone in the factual fam could eat that entire cake and come out absolutely thriving XDD
..Lucky aren't they.. :/
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Yes! Though its only really a moustache-
I pictured that they're basically just straight up tentacles and there's a set number of how many can grown out of his head at once.
He can grab things with them too! And I imagined that they can fully grow back if cut off and the longest they can grow is down to Octo's knees. Once they get that long they kind'a stop growing.
Though Octo has never grown them out that long before <XDD
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@minnesotamedic186 (Post in question)
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These past few weeks/months(??) have not been my best
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"The Jar".. how can a name be so haunting and creepy yet so funny at the same time? XD
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Thank you, <:} I'm sure that I'll peek into the fandom every now and again.. becuase I cant escape my love for Octonauts. But I'm rethinking how I'll approach the fandom next time around-
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<XD What can I say, I'm a wizard ✨✨ Though some parts have been spoiled but that's my own fault tbh.
As for why I haven't watched it, its just really hard for me to switch gears for some reason. All I gotta do is sit down, and watch the movie. But my brain just cannot seem to do that, it makes it seem like its this huge task/activity that will be a drag to go through. Its really hard to explain.. I guess I'd much rather just sit in my room an draw and not interrupt the usual flow/pattern of my day-
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(In response to this post)
:DD Thank you so much!! And yeah Luigi could probably use a hug or at least a friendly pat on the shoulder <XDD 💔
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XDD Not just when I wanna draw. This is my mood like 75% of the time-
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For ME??? THANK YOU!! :))))) 💖💖💖
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Its all ups and downs, not quite sure where I am rn but it don't feel great so it must be a down :(
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I don't know much about those characters or the relationship they have.. but Blue and Seafoam have been compared to them in the past. They must be really similar! :0
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OH! <:DD Whelp I guess they're not saying there long!!- <XD
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Tucked away deeeep within my brain goo. Its a rarity that I have the motivation to return to that fandom :( the characters are just so hard to draw! 💔💔
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Ooooo this is so clever!! :D I can totally see this being apart of the actual games too!
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YOO I LOVE SURFACE PRESSURE!! :DD I'll have to look into the other songs too! :00
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I cant remember much of Chef Saltbaker.. he's from the Cuphead DLC right? I imagine he's giant to them, maybe they'd be afraid? DD:
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(Related to this post) (I cant find the ask post- but this is in response to someone saying "what about Cici?" And I commented that the mic simply wasn't offered to her-)
Bibi picks up an absolutely miniscule Cici and she squeaks out a tiny;
" ᴵ ᶜᵃⁿ ᵃᶜᶜᵒᵐᵖˡᶦˢʰ ᵃⁿʸᵗʰᶦⁿᵍ >:³ "
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prettyflyshyguy · 1 month
It's wip wednesday motherfuckers and its 3am so you know what that means, here's an unhinged writing excerpt that's barely edited (WOOHOO WE MADE PROGRESS TONIGHT)
“Hey, hey look at me.” Dean’s vision was hazy, but he could see the stranger was tied up the same as he was. Sitting a few feet away in a wooden chair, his mouth was taped over, otherwise he seemed unharmed. His head jerked up at the sound of his voice, he tried to speak but only a muffled cry escaped the tape clamping his mouth shut. “Hey, it’s gonna be ok. Everything’s gonna be ok, help is on its way, I’m gonna get you out–”
“Oh I’m counting on it!”
The stranger whimpered and frantically looked around for the source of the voice that echoed through the room, glancing back at Dean with a harrowing look in his eyes. He rattled the chair he was tied to, the wood scraping on the old floor making a noise that pierced the emptiness of the space. Dean grunted as he felt the sound scrape the inside of his brain, pain throbbing in his temples like a hangover on crack. Great, I’ve been drugged. Despite the discomfort he tried to focus his senses, he could hear the racing heartbeat of the tied up man, but not much else. 
The source of the voice sauntered into the room from a shadowed doorway, her boots crunching on the broken glass and rubble on the floor. The tied up man’s breathing became sharp and shallow, and his heart rate spiked as he watched her pace around the pair slowly. Dean watched her also, noting her attire resembled the crowd from The Black Rose. A tacky leather skirt and jacket combination, dull and dark colours. Her hair was short, one side tucked behind her ear while the other half shadowed one side of her face. She had dyed it black, he could see light organge regrowth peeking in at the roots. She had a gentle face, with a warm smile that contrasted with the black lipstick and panda-like eyeliner that seemed to be the trend as of late. Dusted with freckles, she had a youthfulness about her, but he guessed she was somewhere between the ages of twenty five to thirty five, as the lines that crinkled by her eyes and mouth when she smiled gave him an indication. He considered he might have thought her to be attractive if she was wearing a more palatable getup, though all the people that frequented that bar confounded him. He watched her carefully as she stood behind the man, gripping the back of the chair he was bound two with both hands and settling in a gentle lean hovering over him as he bowed his head in silence. Dean noted that he still only heard one heartbeat in the room.
“The hell’d you do to me?” 
“Just a little dead man’s blood. It’ll wear off soon.” she smiled at him. He examined her face. It was the kind of smile he’d practiced in the mirror. An attempt at faking genuinity. The kind you make when you want something from someone. You can’t bullshit a bullshitter, he thought. 
“Oh c’mon you think you hunters are the only ones who are in the know-how?” 
He glared at her in silence, staring up from under his furrowed brow. “Oh don’t be like that, I just want to talk.” she continued to smile. Dean returned the gesture, not attempting to hide that his was fake.
“Ok, sure, let's talk.” He looked down to the stranger sitting under her. He was shivering slightly. “Why’s he all taped up then, huh?”
“He’s not who I wanted to talk to.” the man jerked in his seat, crying out. He sobbed slightly as the woman placed a hand on one shoulder, gripping him tightly. “I just need Max here to prove a point, that’s all.”
“If you so much as scratch him I will kill you.” Dean hissed. 
She laughed. “God, you know I was told you hunters were all the same. And to think, people say we’re the ones who are all alike. I mean seriously. If I wanted him dead, don’t you think he’d be dead by now?” She removed her hand and the man breathed out, slowly looking up at Dean, his eyes pleading for help. Dean flexed the restraints holding his arms to the chair. The rope dug into his wrists and it scratched his skin as he pulled and tugged in protest. The woman smiled wider. 
“I saw what you did to the fridge. Damn waste of good blood.” She walked out of the room, returning a moment later dragging another chair in one hand, and holding a blood bag in the other. She placed the chair next to Dean and Max, settling herself a few feet away from both in a triangular formation. “Especially for someone so hungry.”
She pulled the cap off of the bag, and with unwavering eye contact she stared at Dean as she leant down to take a deep sip. Max whimpered softly as he watched her, too horrified to notice the way Dean stared at the bag. 
She paused for a moment after drinking, savoring the moment before addressing Dean once more, “You are hungry, aren’t you, Mister Winchester?”
The corners of his mouth twitched, “Please, Mister Winchester was my father. Call me Abraham.” his eyes flicked between her face and the blood bag. She watched him with that soft look in her eyes, observing him as he tugged at the rope and shuffled restlessly in his chair. 
“Ooo, I don’t know about that.” she said after a moment. “You seem more like an Edward Dalton type.”
Tilting her head back, she took a deeper drink from the bag. This time, Max watched Dean instead, eyes growing wide as he saw his mouth ajar, eyes fixated on the bag, his body lean forward slightly pulling at the ropes holding him back, as if he was entranced by the sight of the woman partaking in such a disgusting act, or worse, he longed to be in her place. Max sobbed again, and violently shook the seat, the rope cutting his skin as he was tied much tighter to his chair than Dean was.
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am-i-sans · 4 months
dnd adventures 41
we spent a long time talking about weed and shadow the hedgehog
inferno pops out of eeby deeby by tori oh no. frog says hi. tori is cursing at this lol. frog shows sunnie inferno's cat. suzy tackles him lol. frog introduces inferno to sunnie. inferno pretends to not know sunnie xD suzy says he told her to beat up sunnie. inferno got a 22 to deceive but sunnie also got a 22 wtf. sunnie trusts the kids more xD tori and sunnie just give each other a look.
suzy bites inferno for covering her mouth. clamped down lol. he manages to escape tho! tori says she normally tries to stop suzy but not when it involves inferno. inferno flips her off lol. cam goes eeby deeby. sunnie asks tori what inferno did, so much my guy.
dess and dans are still getting high. talking about how fucked up eeby deeby is. dess mentions another storage and freaks dans out. 'dess are you ok?' 'what do you think?' 'i think no but i wont push.' dans asks why dess joined this weird journey and she says she has a contract. cause of tall ass creepy elf man. cant talk about it cause contract stuff maybe lol. dans peeks in the bathroom on undyne shes snoring up a storm. he says his lawyer could help dess get out of her contract xD his lawyer is gaster and hes a nerd. dess says "oh 2 of them thats weird." "yeah thats weird."
suzy is poking inferno lol. run away inferno! sunnie asks if thats normal xD tori asks if sunnie is in town long. not long just research. inferno is still running from suzy lol. frog makes sunnie put them on his shoulders. sunnie is ghost hunting? he doesnt believe in ghosts tho like wtf xD frog says cam got possessed by a ghost lol. sunnies like what?! tori's like yeah lol. sunnie is also a flat earther nooooooo!
inferno is just walking randomly. he walked in a loop oh no welcome back. suzy pokes him again lol. tori is critiquing sunnie for not believing shit he writes xD suzy kicks inferno in the shin. sunnies next research is a haunted house outside of town. let frog go! sunnie pretends to not know infernos name and tries to take his name xD 'wouldnt you like to fucking know.' tori is surprised he still does that lol.
lady of the house set fire to it and killed everyone side, sounds familiar. very ironic. he was invited to investigate by a fan of his books. a bit sus. sunnie is fucking blind. both tori and sunnie said no ghost hunting DX tori tucks suzy under her arm like a football. tori has sunnie kneel and she peels frog off his head. tori mentions undyne is out of commission and inferno gets excited.
dans and dess finished the boof and now shes pacing. dans is a bit worried. undyne sings in her sleep xD. dans asks dess if shes worried about berdly. kinda but theres a lot on her mind. 'what are you a cop?' fuck no xD he says again she doesnt need to tell him if she doesnt want to, hes just all ears. shes worried from the crossover event cause she didnt appear in spingledorfs future. dans says maybe she just settled down somewhere. she cant go home, same buddy. 'you are fucked up and abnormal. i like you.' dans is so high he sees 3 of her lol. this is her first time seeing a bearded dans lol.
as dess and dans hang out undyne starts sleep walking and broke the bathtub. dans tries to lead her toward the bed and she fucking smacks him wtf. dess throws a snowball in her face to wake her up. doesnt work and she barrels toward dess. dess tries to restrain undyne with magic but since shes high it turns into wild magic lol. dess is blue now oh no and undyne slams into her and they fall over.
group 1 arrives at the hotel. sunnie pats frog on the head he was glad to meet them. tori asks if theyll see him tomorrow. suppose they will! tori sends the kids upstairs. inferno follows. they see undyne outcold ontop of a blue dess. dans is trying to pull her off dess. she wakes up finally. shes so confused lol. dess shuffles away lol. dans hands her some water. he tells her she was sleepwalking and smacked him in the nose for a nosebleed lol. and destroyed the bathtub. inferno says tori wont let us go to a haunted house. dess calls undyne a murder slut xD dans tells inferno theres a soap cart at the end of the hall lol then removes dess blue curse.
tori comes up and is very concerned. dans asks how brother time was and dess takes it the wrong way and then walks into a wall. cam pops out of eeby deeby by dess with an egg in their mouth xD dans catches tori up on what happaned with them. suzy and frog ask tori what cannabis is xD ask again in 10 years.
we long rest and frog is very energetic and they want to see sunnie. breakfast first kiddo. dess tells frog cannabis is a plant lol. cam says dess really likes quests. undynes got a headache and dess picks up frog from jumping on her. dess says she saw frog die 40 times or so. like girl what. tori of course really hates that. after breakfast frog runs out and starts asking people where the haunted house is.
frog you smell like weed stop that xD the guy just runs.dans is just having vani sniff out sunnie and undyne follows him. haunted house! frog just runs in okie dokie. frog avoids a hole then starts yelling for sunnie. time to split up! very burnt home. are we sure this isnt tori's family? after a long investigation i didnt bother writing, inferno sees a ghostly woman. cam returns to eeby deeby lol. undyne just wants to leave. ghost lady hates the husband guy i guess. sunnie isnt here.
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Can you write a fic about Noe rescueing female reader from danger? Hope you are doing well and taking breaks. Your writing is amazing. Keep up the awesome work.
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It was supposed to be a quiet evening of tea and pastries at your favorite café, with your new favorite book, when all hell broke loose.
A long black limb , one could only call a tentacle, flew through the front window display. Shattering the glass and tossing tables, leaving you only a moment to fly away from yours before it shattered into a million pieces.
The creature in the now destroyed French café was big and spider like. Boasting multiple limbs and jarring razor clamped bite as it gargled out noise instead of words. 
It was terrifying. You wanted to run but were frozen in fear. You just stood there, even as it turned on you and two of those hideous long limbs came at you.
You expected death to be cold, but....this was so warm.
It took you a moment to realize you were not dead, your vision filled with a sea of white when you open your eyes, and look up. A handsome young man looking down at you in concern as he asked, “are you alright Miss?”
It was hard to answer that question with everything going on but, physically? “Y-Yes. I’m fine.”
There was a flash of light, which caused you alarm, before is dissipated and the monster was gone. Leaving behind a husk of shadow floating way in the air, and wounded & limp body of a man who was a live, but worse for wear. “Another successful patient of the vampire doctor Vanitas!”
‘Vanitas?’ you ponder. Having heard the rumor of a man taking the Blue Devil’s name and roaming the city side hunting cursebearer. This was him?
“Vanitas. You shouldn’t boast so shamelessly in front of others.” Your rescuer criticized. Setting you down gently, as if he was righting a vase that had tipped over, but looking at the other man. “It’s disgraceful.”
“I uh...t-thank you.” You squeak out, getting the other man’s attention and full view of those beautiful violet eyes. “For saving my life.”
The man smiled softly. Seeming pleased by the comment, but also seeming to think it unnecessary. “Don’t mention it.” He knelt down and picked up your book that had fallen on the floor. Dusting the glass off the jacket before handing it to you. “I’m just sorry we couldn’t help sooner. It’s a shame such a lovely place was ruined. And your book.”
You take the book and clutch it to your chest. The new slash on the front your new favorite feature. “That’s ok. Paris has no shortage of cafes. Perhaps...I could show you a new one? As a thank you Mr.....”
“Noe.” He supplied, still with that soft smile. “And, perhaps. It would be nice to find some places to eat, since I’ll be here a while. The city is so large, it’s difficult to find things from time to time.”
“Then let me be your guide!”
You give him your name and receipt on where to contact you. You found out he was staying at a hotel near here, with that Vanitas character; curious on what their relationship was. 
It was not a quiet evening but one you would remember for some time to come. The day you met Noe.
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learnyouabiology · 2 years
Fun Fact: These molluscs look at you with eyes made of stone
this is a chiton:
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and this is a chiton that can look at you:
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(alright, so i admit this picture is edited. I know they look real, but dont be fooled! Those aren’t its actual eyes!)
This little critter is a West Indian fuzzy chiton, aka Acanthopleura granulata, and they can actually see. With what eyes, you ask? Well, I’ll tell you
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But how do they see? What do I mean, the eyes are made of stone? And can they actually see, or is this a light/dark sensing situation? 
More information under the Read More 😉
Yes, those are eyes. Really. Those little dots can see you. Here’s a scientific diagram, if you don’t believe me:
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This is cool for a lot of reasons. For one, they’re one of the simplest eyes we see in nature, and can actually tell us a lot about how eyes evolved. But they’re also interesting because they’re kind of unique in one awesome way: their eye lenses are made of stone.
More specifically, they’re made of aragonite.
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Aragonite is a crystal structure of calcium carbonate, which is the same stuff mollusc shells are made of. You can also find it in pearls!
These stone eyes are useful, in part, because these chitons live in intertidal zones, which means they are sometimes underwater and sometimes out of water. And these eyes work in both environments. 
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This is kind of amazing, because light moves differently in water compared to air, and most types of eyes have a real problem doing this! Behavioural experiments confirm that they can see in both air and water, which is honestly pretty neat
How do you tell if a chiton can see you? Well, they have this handy behaviour that makes it easy: when they see something approaching/looming, they clamp down on the rock really tightly to prevent getting pried off (and possibly eaten)!
Ok, but next question: are the chitons just reacting to the shadow (i.e., detecting light vs dark), or can they actually see a picture?
Well. the eyes are pretty basic. But if it was just light/dark detection, then we wouldn’t expect them to be able to focus, like in the above picture.
Unfortunately, we can’t ask the chitons to tell us what they see. Well, we can ask, but they generally don’t respond in any human language 😔.
HOWEVER, science is SUPER DUPER COOL, and some scientists thought to themselves “ok. so this is an optics question. So, theoretically, we could just... take a chiton lens, shine light on it, focus that light onto some light sensors, and see what happens... right?”
the answer was “yes, you can absolutely do that”
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See that image on the far right? That’s what a chiton sees when you show it the picture on the left. Admittedly not a very detailed picture, but a picture nonetheless! 
So: chitons. They can see you. The next question is, can they remember your face?
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cinnamonest · 3 years
I feel like I’ve found my kin, I fell in love with Kakashi when I was like 8 LOL. Can I request some general yandere Zoro headcanons btw? I loved/still love him too 😶
Yes you may ahhh!!!! I love Zoro so much. I love writing for fandoms like this bc shounen anime are... Well, shounen, they're aimed at dudes, so they tend to not have as large of a female audience so there's not a lot of content out there. I love Luffy and there's like zero girl-targeted content for him. I swear I've spent so much time looking for wholesome, decent LuNa (my otp im sorry i just hhhh) doujins that aren't super male-oriented, and there's like... 2. For a 900+ episode anime. 2.
I also love the concept of a yandere in a situation where they CAN'T kidnap you, they're limited by their circumstances, so they have to kind of adjust or go insane. It's an interesting dynamic because it eliminates the norm for yanderes.
I think I mentioned this but I'm not 100% caught up with one piece (I mean, who is?), so I'm just keeping it simplistic and going with kinda basic Zoro and nothing with specific character developments or any spoilers other than his backstory
Yandere Roronoa Zoro (One Piece)
Tws: all the usuals -- yandere, noncon, kidnapping
He meets you while he's lost. I'm sorry I just. Zoro gets lost in the middle of some place they're docked, and you're just such a sweetheart, you see this guy clearly not knowing where he's going, and offer to help him. He's kind of taken aback by your softness and sweetness.
He's not easily made aware of his own feelings. He's a rough and tough sort of guy, and he has dedicated himself to swordsmanship so much that he's neglected to focus on himself and his interpersonal relationships, and he's not really self aware at all of his own feelings, very out of touch with his emotions.
Obviously, even if he tries to shove it down, Kuina weighs heavily on his mind in relation to you. He's another man that has known loss and it's dealt its damage on his psyche. He can't lose another person who's dear to him again.
This results in him becoming insanely protective, one of the most protective yans out there. He's easily one led into paranoia delusions regarding your safety. However, he's an honest and reasonable guy and can be level-headed when confronted. If someone (not yourself, as he thinks you're naive, but maybe another girl like Nami or Robin) tells him he's being overprotective and exaggerating about your safety, he may actually have a moment of self-realization and admit to it. He's capable of being reasonable enough to see it once it's pointed out to him. However... this doesn't stop him. He tries, really, he genuinely tells himself that he needs to stop. But his instincts just kind of take over. It's an impulse, to stop you from doing even the most slightly dangerous things.
Once you join the Straw Hat Crew, he just kinda... clings. It's a silent presence, but he's always there, constantly seems to show up wherever you are. Unfortunately, you can't really... get away from him per se. You're kinda limited to one ship, at least as long as you're out on the sea. Your only option for respite is going to your room or bathing, otherwise, he's gonna follow you, even if he's not saying anything and (very badly) trying to feign indifference, pretending you just happen to be going the same way all the time. He doesn't really know what to say, he's not good with these things, and often he's acting without really thinking too much about it. He won't usually strike up a conversation, he just... is there. Watches. May awkwardly ask a question or make a passing comment.
One scenario I imagine is you jokingly picking up one of his swords and wielding it around giggling and he just flips out, takes it from you and yells at you not to do that, are you an idiot? Do you want to trip and fall and have that impale you? Do you realize how easy it would be for you to slice your arm open by accident? It's startling to both you and anyone watching -- even for someone who gets yell-y as easily as him, it seems like an overreaction. He'll apologize but insist it's a safety thing, really.
And he really tries to hide his more... aggressive nature, because he thinks it will drive you away -- he's a blunt, tough guy with a short-fused temper, and he thinks that's definitely not something women like very much. He tries not to yell at you, not get mad so easy, keep his calm better around you, and might even be nicer to others so that you don't think he's mean. And for the most part, he can manage that. Except when it comes to a very specific, very problematic blonde crew member. His little conflicts with Sanji get worse, to even a point that he's snapping at him so frequently that even Sanji himself is a bit bewildered and caught off guard by it. The others notice they fight a lot more often... and Zoro always seems to instigate it, picking quarrels over the littlest things. In reality, he's afraid of the other's... sleazy nature. He can't have you falling for that bastard. He even starts to get jittery when you're in the presence of Franky, Usopp, hell even Luffy of all people. It's noticeable, and everyone kinda worries for him.
He kicks himself for it as soon as he does it, but he finds himself insulting you nonetheless. It's a terrible habit. He gets so awkward and flustered that it's second nature for him to say something snarky or even rude when you talk to him, and he immediately is just mentally screaming at himself for doing so. This will get a bit better with time, though, if you two talk more often.
Now, even if you can fight, you're never gonna really get the opportunity. In battle, he's clinging to you and protecting you at every moment, even if it costs the others some unnecessary wounds. It's highly uncharacteristic of him, and they notice. He won't leave your side, insisting that you're a weak fighter and that he has to take care of you. You just don't get it, you overestimate yourself, you underestimate your enemies, you're a girl. What, Nami and Robin? Well, they've been at this much longer than you, and they had rough upbringings. You're different. You're soft... fragile. You just can't see it. You're lucky he's here to protect your dumbass.
Due to your setup, well, he can't really kidnap you per se. He undoubtedly would if you two were somewhere else, in another life or another setting, but that's not really an option, and even as a yandere, he would never go so far as to kill or abandon his crew. So, he's stuck with just... slowly, slowly mentally deteriorating.
Now, he's not capable of kidnapping, he's not smart enough to really manipulate you into anything (although he WILL tell you that some of the other guys are out to use you), so, he's left to be the guard dog he inevitably becomes to you. If you avoid him, he'll just follow you. If you don't talk to him, that's ok. If you confront him, he'll just insist he has no idea what you're talking about, and you'll start to feel like maybe you're just paranoid. The others... don't really know what to do, to be honest. I can see Nami/Robin potentially confronting him, but in the end, they can't force him to change his behaviors, and they can't afford to lose him. This results in, gradually, everyone slowly kind of accepting your dynamic onboard. They feel bad for you, really, but... in the end, Zoro's just more valuable to the crew. Sorry. They're not gonna get rid of him, but they don't want to get rid of you either.
If you leave? It may just be one of the very very few things that could ever cause him to leave the Strawhats. It would tear him up, really, it goes against his dreams, his pride, his loyalty, but in the end... his loyalty is first and foremost to you. He'll follow you if you leave. It's a bad move on your part, because this gets rid of the only thing standing between you and kidnapping. Which, at that point, surely will happen. Like his other behaviors, he'll feel bad, he'll try and stop himself, tell himself it's wrong, but you'll end up bound in some dark basement nonetheless. He's one to take a very simple approach. Find you alone, sling you up and over his shoulder and carry you off before anyone can come.
Rejection doesn't faze him. No matter what, he'll remain by your side. Even if you never love him in return. It's just his nature, he's a guardian through and through.
In the end, he'll be right there by your side, scaring off any competitors, clinging to you like glue, ever in your presence like a shadow, forever. Whether you want him to or not. He's just an inescapable force, an unmovable object, and you're wasting your time trying to change your fate.
Now, he's very flustered with anything sexual. Highly embarrassed, lots of shame, and doesn't talk much about it. It just kind of happens. He doesn't talk much during, mostly grunts and the occasional fuck when you clamp down, occasionally asking you if you're ok, if it hurts, if it feels good. It's one of the only very soft sides of him. In the end, he really, truly loves you, and doesn't want to hurt you, he wants you to feel good and just love him. It's a very different side to him, one no one else has ever really seen, it's the most vulnerable he himself has ever been with another person.
He feels shame for it, but initially he'll definitely be one to steal your things, sit outside of your room at night, listening to you through the wall, try and get glimpses of you bathing or dressing. He really, really feels guilty, and he's one that will, once you're comfortably restrained and never going anywhere, just sit down and list out every nasty little thing he's ever done regarding you, just to get it off his chest. He understands if you react badly, and he'll apologize, which is a bit ironic considering how much worse kidnapping you is.
He'll apologize for that, too. He's actually one to do so a lot. He's normally a proud guy, but with this? He knows it's wrong, he knows it's fucked up. He knows he can't stop. And he'll be sorry to the moon and back. Just never sorry enough to stop.
He's actually a pretty vanilla guy. Hand-holding missionary type. And, despite being so embarrassed over it all, oddly romantic about it. It's one of the only things he's ever soft and gentle about, it's almost unbelievable to you that he's capable of being so gentle and slow with anything. But he'll kiss your forehead, really take his time with it all, make you cum on his fingers before ever actually fucking you. Hold your hand, look into your eyes. It would be honestly incredibly sweet if it weren't... you know, taking place in some dark sealed off room after dragging you there against your will.
If he's particularly mad, he can get rougher, but he'll apologize after. It's a lot of harsh grabbing, biting, it leaves bruises that he'll rub over softly, whispering an apology, even if a little part of him likes the way it looks on you.
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dark128 · 4 years
“Do you want me to?” 
Bo nods down at the condom Harry’s stiffly holding onto. He’s coiled up so tight that it would be a bad idea to let her undress him. He’s having a difficult enough time as it is just toying with the inevitable of her touching him, let alone below the waist. 
Bo had watched in fondness from her spot lounging on the bed as Harry moved from candle to candle, lighting as many as he could before the flame on the match got too low. She’d laughed at his explanation for not striking a second match, claiming there was a fine line between romantic and sacrificial. 
But now in this soft, flickering room, she smiles at him and he almost loses his nerve. 
“No, it’s alright, I’ve got it.” Kneeing closer to her across the mattress, “just lay back,” Harry encourages softly.
On second thought, that’s probably the worst thing he could of suggested because now Bo’s laid beneath him and he’s acquired an audience to a process that makes his hands shake. Hair splays on his pillows and it’s been so long since he’s had something so pretty occupy his bed. 
She’ll linger on his sheets. The smell of her perfume and the fleeting heat of her body which escapes once the covers are peeled back, both temporary, both are not enough. He craves so much more. But the memory will be permanent. 
Harry doesn’t think he’ll ever forget the way she’s looking at him now, like he hung the moon and every star in the sky. 
He swallows before going through the motions of unbuttoning his jeans and sliding the zip. The full weight of her gaze lands on his stomach as the bottom of his t-shirt is taken between his teeth to hold it up and out of the way. Fingertips unwittingly tickle as Bo traces his hip and on towards his belly button. And he sort of hopes she misses the goosebumps it raises on his skin.
As Harry gently presses to widen her legs, the winsome charm she led with earlier seems to escape her. He’s left feeling fully endeared by her absent fiddling of his belt loop.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong.”
There’s a smile but it lacks prowess and so Harry removes himself from looming over her and comes to lay beside her. Bo shifts into him.
“We’ve had sex before.”
It’s quiet because he doesn’t want to disturb the delicacy they’ve slipped into. Facing each other, it’s still a little difficult to comprehend that he’s with her now. She’s in his tiny basement flat where the hot water is temperamental and the floorboards creak in odd places along the hall. 
“I know. But it feels new,” she softly smiles, thumb lightly rubbing at the tattoo on his hip. 
Her beauty has become more refined in the five years they’ve known each other, more of a classic look that has Harry pinned every time she holds his eye contact. Despite her wishes for a growth spurt, Bo stands at the same height against Harry’s shoulder. But now there’s a confidence in the way she holds herself, filled with achievements and future aspirations. 
He can’t really imagine what she’s seeing. He’s been greeted by this image of tattoos and damaged eye every morning for years whilst he brushes his teeth in the bathroom mirror. So perhaps this intimacy does feel new to her now. 
He’s pliantly patient as he waits for Bo to initiate further contact between them. They talk quietly, muffling laughter into the pillow as Harry recounts one of his mishaps in the kitchen. It’s not long before she’s bashfully rubbing her nose to his and Harry’s sighing into the sweet kiss they share. 
He welcomes the palm warming his side and it’s when she gets a little more handsy that Harry encourages Bo to seat herself upon his lap. Sat with his back to the coolness of the wall, there’s a heavy clash in temperature between the brickwork and the woman he holds close. And whether wilfully calculated or involuntary, Bo’s hip movements are progressing the thoughts in Harry’s one-track mind. The longing of experiencing another person so intimately is finally being quelled, soft mouths and testing fingertips reaffirming to the both of them. 
But it’s the tug to Bo’s hair that sharply clears the heavenly ascent, lacking in any sort of lustful passion and is instead leaning more towards unintentional pain. She breaks the kiss, fingers wrapping Harry’s wrist.
“AaaaAA,” Bo’s pitch escalates as he attempts to remove the hand riddled with silver rings from her hair. 
“Shit, I’m sorry,” Harry fusses. 
She’s instructed to hold still, huffing out a sigh, whilst Harry sorts the situation out with a commentary of swears. Looking like she’s sucking on a lemon, Bo obediently follows Harry’s lead as he adjusts so he’s not working in his own shadow. Once she's free, her hair is tangled enough to make drawing her fingers through it bit of a pain. 
Harry twists the rings off his fingers, throwing them in irritation to the bedside. Another colourful curse falls from his mouth as he shuffles them both down the bed before flopping backwards onto the mattress. Bo watches as he rubs his eyes with tightly clenched fists. 
“I’m sorry,” Harry sighs through his hands that are currently covering his face.
“Don’t be silly.”
“I cocked that up.”
Still currently residing in Harry’s lap, she’s not quite sure if she should remove herself given that the mood has taken bit of a nosedive. Bo’s answer is given moments later as Harry’s knees come up behind her and palms splay out on her thighs.
“Don’t. Feels good.”
“You ok?” 
“I’m fine, are you alright?” he tightly replies. 
“You just seem a little tense,” she warily suggests. 
“It hasn’t exactly gone as smoothly as I’d hoped.”
He doesn’t quite meet her eyes, the action weighing heavy on her chest. 
“You been thinking about this a lot then?” Bo teases, eyebrows suggestively raising as she tries to lighten the tone. 
“‘Bout what?” he fires back, palms softly squeezing where they’ve remained. 
Harry loves the flirting, and is more than thrilled to have it reciprocated, to have her play with him in this back and forth. Suggestive tones that are made even more fun because he knows there’s a depth to it. 
But he sort of also wants to hear her explain their situation. Explicitly. 
“What do you think?”
“Couldn’t say,” he goads. 
“About having me under you,” Bo simply replies, not missing a beat. 
Prayers answers. 
“Maybe, but it’s mostly been about the cuddling and kisses on the cheek.” 
“Liar,” she accuses, lightly pinching at his side. 
“Ok, ok!” he jostles her as Bo’s fingers find a particularly ticklish spot under his arm. “I might have thought once or twice about getting you in that window seat.”
“You said you were kidding about that,” she implores, batting him across the arm.
“A guy can dream.”
“Well, you’ll be dreaming for an eternity.”
“Shame, any thoughts about the same activity in the shower?”
Bo laughs, rearranging herself out of Harry’s lap.
“Maybe we should concentrate on the current situation,” she motions, “lay back."
Harry’s on his back and he feels like a fucking lemon because his hands don’t know how to play it cool and his heart is hammering like it’s his first time. He can’t be sure what Bo is doing until she appears with her hair tied back from her face. She’s assumed the odd position of straddling his knees. And Harry watches her crawl up his body before a kiss between them only has four inches to make contact. 
“Hey,” Bo hushes with a smile. “How ya doing?”
“Just fine?” Bo lightly tests, her fingernails running across his stomach.
Harry lays with his brain between his legs and his bottom lip between his teeth. He enjoys the lingering tingle as nails drag just that little bit too deep; done it to himself when the occasion arises and he’s in the mood to get off. But this is different because for the first time in a while it’s not Harry’s own hand palming over the seam of his jeans. And it’s the partially choked sound he makes that sets her smile. 
Her touch is gentle, easing his jeans down until another tattoo is uncovered. She gives it some consideration, thumbing over the patch of inked skin. 
“Is this a tiger?” she asks, grinning up at Harry.
Bo snorts before clamping her hand to his thigh to lean in for a kiss, which ends up being a clumsy kiss to his chin when Harry moves his head at the last second. They laugh again. 
“Please tell me you didn’t just get that tattoo so you could make that joke,” she scorns him whilst edging his underwear down. 
“It did make you laugh thou-“
The sentence is choked off as Bo takes him into her mouth. All thoughts evaporate from his mind, only ones of pleasure and utter desperation remain as she licks around the tip.
“You’re gunna have to bear with me, it’s a steep learning curve.”
And Harry thinks she almost looks smug as her index traces the curve of him from base to head. Even more so as his cock is laden with chaste kisses, an innocent gesture for such an erotic setting. And apparently mirroring his dilemma between either wanting to take Bo sweetly or just nail her into the mattress. 
He only realises how pent up he is when his fists loosen in the sheets once she’s finished with her little display. He’s hardened fully and he’s having trouble with digesting the image of her laid between his legs. 
Even with a mouth full of cock she’s trying hard not to smile. 
“You’re gunna kill me,” he pants, eyes rolling back.
She huffs a laugh around him which proves to visibly tighten the muscles in his thighs. And it’s only now that Harry thinks, she tied her hair back to suck me off. He may have transcended to a higher plain of existence as her hand begins to work him over - deliberate with her strokes and squeezing just slightly to keep him coiled up.
Harry’s own hands have returned to the sheets, balling them in fists as he endures what’s panning out to be the most long-awaited oral of his life. He’s a little embarrassed to say that he can already feel the muscles in his stomach tightening. It’s a hot clench that only burns warmer by the second. Harry’s approach is a little haphazard, but the hand he brushes to Bo’s cheek hurriedly catches her shoulder to encourage her away. 
“I-I think I’ll be alright now.”
Or maybe not, Harry swallows as Bo passes the back of her hand over the corner of her mouth. 
“Spoilsport,” she teases.
“I always loved your thighs,” Harry comments, warming his palms to the inside of Bo’s legs. 
He’s going to satisfy that heavy ache she feels low in her belly. It only intensifies as Harry looks up at her through his eyelashes. He’s going to bewitch her senses and leave her wanting him again and again. It’s been so long, Bo would forgo sleep and forfeit any sort of productiveness the next day just roll in the serenity of candlelight and a lover’s warmth. 
She’s still sporting her bee-saving t shirt as she watches the muscles in his chest and shoulders transform with his movement. An ungainly squeak is produced on account of Harry sharply dragging her a little further down the mattress. Something which he finds highly amusing judging by the crinkle to his nose. 
Harry laughs. 
He murmurs a quick apology, brushing his fingers to her cheek before retrieving a condom. The process is smoother as his hands refuse to quake and now Bo’s onlooking makes his blood rush in electric excitement. He’s practically thrumming with it as his touch leisurely slips between the apex of her thighs. She clamps his hand there with the forgotten feeling of someone else’s kind fingers. Harry’s treated to a series of spectacular little sounds, whisperings and then small startles that are muffled into Bo’s arm as she hides her face. He’s being brazen with it, not just the fact that his fingers play but knowing that this is what she wants, she wants him. 
There’s a look of wild revelation as his fingers dip into wet warmth. The couple hold eye contact, Harry’s movements gentle and without haste in the knowledge of acts to follow. There’s an actual throbbing between Bo’s thighs, making them shake in the effort to keep them from falling completely open. It’s barely a whisper, but Harry hears it, the “please” that tells him she’s barely keeping it together. 
She’s ethereal laying below him, all soft features and devout gaze as he lines up and finally pushes in. It’s almost jarring the way she feels around him again, giving him that pliant smile, the one he recognises, the one that means she’s not completely with him. That is until he starts to move and it’s like she’s a drowning woman breaching the surface. Her back arches from the bed, arms around his neck as she pants into his, clinging to him like he’s her saviour. 
His name is spoken in a raging half whisper. 
“I know,” he replies because he can feel it too.
Rapture. She’ll be his undoing and his sexual reawakening. Harry welcomes that warm pull in his belly as he angles his hips to draw new, breathy sounds from his lover’s lips. 
Bo’s an honest delight beneath him. The way he can feel her toes curling against his calf, her fingers gripping his nape to encourage him further on top. As if he could get any closer, they’re already sharing breath and fumbling kisses. 
Harry’s pretty sure a bottom corner of the fitted sheet has sprung loose with the way they’re contorting to keep damp skin close. His skimming hands have pushed her t shirt up, deft fingers hooking the right cup from her bra down so he can kiss at her breast.  
She’s more fussy than he remembers, especially when he leans away and takes a heady breather. Her huffing is a tad undue but Harry thrives in it, noting her disgruntled expression as he slips from her entirely. There’s a flash of an unpleasant second when Harry’s mind tells him he’s going to be booted in the face. 
But Bo’s brought her feet up to lightly drum against his chest and Harry can’t help but laugh at the playfulness, grabbing at her ankles before she has a chance patter against him again. 
“Come on,” she almost whines. 
His hands move of their own accord, sliding down her calfs to press his thumbs into the back of her knees. 
“Impatient little thing, aren’t you,” Harry replies, leaning into her whilst spreading and gently bearing down on the back of her thighs. 
There’s pink blooming on her cheeks, and Harry can’t be sure if it’s the temperature in their duvet fort, or the fact that Bo’s ankles are now resting on his shoulders. 
“You promised me a whole evening.”
Harry thinks her chide lacks the lustre needed to fully penalise him, especially when he can feel her wriggling to meet his hips. 
“And I wouldn’t want to go back on my promise.”
He lightly kisses at her ear, unworried about hiding his smile. 
“Because that would make you a shitty person.”
He’s not expecting the pinch to his hip, so the growl he produces in response is a surprise to both of them. 
“I don’t remember you being so boisterous.”
“Maybe it’s because you’re practically bending me in half.”
Harry lets Bo unfurl, her legs slipping down to rest beside his hips once more.
“You’ll have to forewarn me next time so I can stretch beforehand.”
“Next time?” Harry curiously enquires. 
“I’m not just having you once,” Bo breathily promises in his ear, the tone making it seem like that fact was obvious.
Harry plays along with their distracted conversation, leaning over her with an elbow propped and his thigh between hers. 
He’s not ready for the shove to his shoulder or the dominating role reversal, so when Bo’s sat astride him Harry’s sure she feels him twitch. She doesn’t play at coy, but there’s definitely something more bashful in her movements as she delights in the feel of him again.
That promise sets his heart soaring. 
She reaches behind for him, shuffling back to seat herself fully down with a flutter of eyelashes and somewhat of a startled whimper. And Harry can’t help but grunt at this all-consuming feeling; this time with the added pressure of hands splayed on his chest as he’s halfheartedly held down.
“Was that a bit cheesy?” Bo asks once she’s chased her breath. “It sounded romantic in my head.”
“A bit, but I think it worked in the moment.”
“Good, because I meant it."
He doesn’t want it to sound insincere whilst she’s riding him, so Harry bottles up the ‘I love you’, and saves it for when he can confess with a clearer mind. Instead, he grabs at her hips, eyes devouring the way her body moves against his and he’s delighted with the repeat image of her bouncing, slack jawed. And because he’s a tease, Harry delights further in the sounds she creates when his hips come up to meet hers. 
She wants him every way she can, but that wish may have to wait. 
“Lean forward,” he pleads.
Bo’s forehead comes to rest on Harry’s as his feet plant to the mattress and his knees come up behind her. With the strength of his tattooed hips, he meets hers at a toe-curling rate. Bo succumbs, allowing Harry to take the lead and guide them both, her face finding the crook of his neck and his arms wrapping around her back. He cradles her into completion, hearts hammering as Harry chases the rapture that Bo blissfully makes peace with. It’s only with the last few stuttering thrusts that Bo pushes up, taking his face between her hands to kiss away the curses that slip free from his smile. 
“I like them,” Bo admires, fingers running over twin inked dates on his shoulders. 
She shifts a little to sit back on his thighs, taking his forearm with her as she intently inspects all the splashes of black ink she’s unfamiliar with. It’s all Harry can do to give Bo a soppy smile whilst she carries on, giving each design her attention. They’re partially dressed again, Harry only decent enough to have taken delivery of their pizza before returning to the bedroom. 
“Who’s this?”
Harry’s arm is raised as Bo taps a finger to the tattoo in question. It’s a delicate gesture that challenges her comical disapproval. 
“My mermaid.”
“She’s cute,” Bo says, finger following the swish of dark hair. “Why’d you get her?”
“Dunno, I’ve always liked swimming.”
He’s met with a surprised laugh. 
“So, of course, logically you got a mermaid permanently tattooed on your body,” she chides, shaking her head. 
There’s a small “B” inked just below the inside crease of his elbow. She tilts her head, smoothing over the skin with her thumb.
“That one’s yours,” he says simply, like it couldn’t be anything else. 
“Mine?” she asks, eyebrows shooting up. 
Harry presses a kiss to her forehead. 
“Yep, “B” for Bo,” Harry tells her quietly. “Beautiful.”
She licks her thumb, rubbing at the letter.
“You really got it tattooed?”
“Yeah,” he laughs.
“That’s permanent.”
“I’m aware,” Harry smirks, biting at her neck. “Just like my mermaid.”
“Yeah, just like her,” Bo thoughtfully rephrases. 
It’s a few moments before she replies, still rubbing at the small letter. 
“Why’d you get it?”
“You’re important to me, you’ve helped me through so much, it just felt right.”
She doesn’t say anything in return, not sure that she actually can. Pouting in contemplation, Bo shifts a little in Harry’s lap. 
“Maybe I should get your name tattooed on me.”
“Oh, really?” Harry smirks. “Where? Hopefully somewhere only I get to see?”
“Hmmm, I was thinking more of a chest piece,” she leans away, gesturing to a band of skin above her breasts.
Harry appears a little horrified for a moment but his composure cracks before laughing and grabbing for her hands. 
“I’m not sure that’s your best idea.”
She slumps back to be cradled into Harry’s side. 
“Or maybe I’ll just get a ‘H’ here,” she hushes, voice more sincere as fingers point to the exact spot on her arm where he has her inked. “So we can match.”
Bo’s treated to a kiss to the tip of her nose. She sighs before further squirming away to continue the inspection of body art. 
“Roll over then.”
She makes herself comfortable, sitting astride his lower back as delicate fingers trace more tattoos curving around his side.
“Oh God, that one’s awful.”
Harry huffs a laugh into the pillow in response to her brash opinion and feathery touch. 
Harry wakes to the heart wrenching feeling of an empty bed. He sits up rather abruptly, hands skimming bed-warm sheets as the duvet slips to pool at his waist. He swallows twice, mind reeling to kickstart foggy memories from hours before. 
The bedroom door has been left ajar, just enough for a thin strip of light to hollow out the darkened room. Soft footsteps follow and Harry’s heart climbs back down his throat for it to thud against his ribcage.
His body flops back against the pillows before the door is nudged just enough for Bo to slip back through. She doesn’t think anything of Harry now sprawled out on his back, but she knows he’s awake because of the subtle inclination when she draws back the confusion of sheets. 
“Your hot tap is broken,” Bo hushes whilst climbing back into bed on the floor.
She receives a rough hum, Harry’s arm draping her waist.
“Did you hear me?”
Instead of moving himself closer, he opts for coercing Bo until the length of her body is flush to his, like he’s seeking the cool side of the pillow. 
“Broken,” he grunts.
“And you don’t have a bath mat, my feet got cold. I can go out and get you one tomorrow. Or today?” she adds, trying to lean over Harry to confirm the time on one of their phones.
He mumbles something incoherent into her shoulder, lips forming words like kisses upon her skin. With her on her back and Harry now on his side, he’s almost perfected the art of blurring the lines between them and creating one warm entity under the covers. 
“Repeat that.”
She gently catches under his chin with the tips of her fingers, prising him from the nook in her neck.
“Don’t need one.”
The raspy words catch in his throat. 
“Everyone needs a bathmat. Where will you dry your feet? You’ll just track wet footprints through your room.”
“I’ll think about it.”
No, he won’t. 
“Of course you won’t, I’ll just go and get you one,” she pauses. “It’ll be a fluffy orange monstrosity because you’re being difficult about it. Probably a matching toilet cover as well - if they still even sell those?”
The arm banding her middle squeezes tighter which Bo thinks is Harry’s silent way of getting her to hush..
“I love you.”
Bo stills in his arms.
It’s something she’d insinuated hours before. That she would still be his in the morning, and every other morning of her promised ‘forever’. But for him to utter the words into their lengthy, soft post-sex haze - Bo was just about ready to settle into the cradle of sleep. But now she’s fully awake. 
He’s still pressed against the length of her, his hair brushing her cheek as the urgency to gauge her reaction grows. 
“I’m in love with you - still.”
Still. Like he’d never stopped. And that’s a little terrifying to know, especially in the knowledge of their separation and the years between then and their reunion. 
“I’m still in love with you,” he rephrases. “Got there in the end.”
His lips catch a soft smile which diminishes as his words rest into silence. Harry feels Bo draw in a grounding breath as though she’s trying to compose herself. Unsure as to whether this conversation should be illuminated, Harry decides against turning on the lamp. Partly because he frightened to disturb her but mostly because he can’t bear the thought of seeing Bo’s face if it’s rejection that awaits him. 
“If you’re not ready then I - well, I understand -“
“I’d like to take you out,” Bo interrupts.
“Not fatally,” she hurriedly explains, “like on a date?”
“Oh - ok.”
“Yeah? We could go out to dinner or have cake at a cafe in one of the parks? Or there’s that cinema experience that looks quite fun.”
*** 4 Months Later ***
Harry can hear it in her voice, that she’s not prepared for his confession of undying love just yet and she certainly isn’t ready to say it back. But this is the start that they both deserve, a calm, normal beginning to their new relationship. It’s a chance to get to know each other again and to see where it progresses. And Harry’s happy with that as they lay and bounce date ideas between them, all the while Bo’s fingers have found his own. 
“Why must everything be so high up?” Bo grumbles. 
Her complaint is voiced to the glasses on the top shelf in Harry’s kitchen cupboard. Despite her irritation, he’s pleased to see her emerge minutes later with two drinks in hand and his socks pulled up nearly to her knees over leggings. 
“I see you were successful,” he grins as Bo sorts out coasters.
“Well, I did nearly pull everything off the worktop in my struggle, but it’s fine.” 
Her words are accompanied with a sugar-sweet smile that can only mean trouble for Harry. He hopes he’s forgiven with the choice of Tuesday night Bake-Off on the telly. And it’s as Bo’s laughing at some awful bread pun that the question just feels right. 
“Bo, do you wanna move in?”
She smiles, pressing into his side and rearranging his arm so it curls around her back.
“No,” he huffs a laugh, pressing a kiss to her hairline. “I mean move into the flat - with me.”
Bake-Off forgotten, Bo swivels to face him. There’s joy dancing in her eyes as the bun atop her head bobs with her excited wriggle to move closer. The TV is set on mute and Harry becomes confused at the sharpness in her eyes. 
“I want the left side of the bed, permanently,” she negotiates. 
“It’s yours. Even when you’re not here.”
“And you’ll leave space in the bathroom for my things?”
“I mean, there’s quite a lot of your stuff in there already - but of course.”
Bo kisses his cheek. 
“I just got my first pay from work,” Bo happily states. “I’m gunna buy some proper glasses, so we don’t have to drink wine out of mugs.”
“What’s the point?” Harry laughs. “The fact that you stick a straw in everything sort of lowers the tone of a proper wine glass anyway.’
The remark earns him a sore shoulder. 
“And we can always get you a step for the kitchen.”
She rounds on him so fast he nearly spills the drink he’s just picked up from the coffee table. 
“We will not be doing that. You’ll help me move everything down so I can reach it myself.”
“No problem.” 
“I’m gunna phone my mum,” she rambles, untangling from Harry and tripping over a charging cable. 
“Should I set up a direct debit? Or do you just want me to transfer my half to you each month? What would be easier?”
“Don’t worry,” he laughs. “We can sort it out later.”
“I love you!” she calls from where she’s peeking around the doorframe.
It’s such a casual gesture but Harry’s settling into the knowledge that the love he’s bursting with is reciprocated by the woman he adores. 
“I love you, too,” he smiles. 
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angelasscribbles · 3 years
Complicated Part 12: The Search Continues
Series: Complicated
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairings: Liam x Riley, Drake x Riley
Rating: M
Warnings: Language, adult themes
My other stuff: Master List.
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 Drake woke up, looked at his watch and groaned. Nine a.m. It was later than he was usually up, but it still felt too damned early. He had stayed up entirely too late. His mind ran back to the night before.
The official state dinner with members of the Italian government and the press had gone on forever. The dinner hadn’t even started until eight because Italians eat dinner late. Like really late, it was nothing for Italians to eat dinner at 10pm or later. The eight-p.m. start time had been an accommodation for the visiting Cordonian delegation, eight was considered early.
He had eaten before the official dinner, as usual, so he could spend his time circulating, watching people, looking for threats and generally anything suspicious. He didn’t attend these dinners to eat, he was there to work. He had planned to help flush out the report that had taken the pictures of Riley and Tariq but he’d been waylaid by Liam. He grunted at the memory and pulled a pillow over his face. By the time he’d come down off the roof, Riley and Maxwell had been gone.  
He’d made it back to the train around ten-thirty and waited, pacing impatiently outside the train, for Riley to return. He was not pleased with himself for losing track of her. She was his responsibility and she had been off running around a foreign country in the middle of the night with no one but Beaumont for protection.
He felt relief flood through him when they finally appeared. He was standing a good way back from the actual train carriages, concealed in the shadows, talking to one of the members of the security team. Before he could get to them, Riley exited the train and was greeted by a member of the king’s guard who ushered her into a black SUV. His steps slowed. She was obviously going to meet Liam. At least he knew she was safe. He pivoted back to the train and hurried to catch up with Maxwell.
“Max!” He called out as he hurried up the steps.
“Oh, hey Buddy!” Max turned and smiled at him, “What’s up?”
Drake caught up with him, clamping a hand down on his shoulder, “What’s up is I need to know what happened with the reporter. Did you find her? Where did you and Campbell disappear to?”
Max opened his mouth to answer but Drake shook his head as he pulled him along the aisle, “Not here, come on.”
Back in his room, one that he knew was swept for listening devices daily, he turned to the younger Beaumont brother and nodded, “Ok, now. Spill.”
Maxwell told him about how they had lured the reporter out by faking a proposal. He smiled to himself. Smart. Of course, it had been Riley’s idea. The girl never ceased to amaze him. He frowned at the thought of her running through the streets, nearly getting hit by a car, cornering a stranger that could have been hostile. Smart, funny, beautiful, and brave for sure. But also, reckless and at times impulsive.
“Give me the credit card info that you do have, and I’ll see what I can do.”
Max gave him a quizzical look, “I mean, what are you gonna be able-“
“Just give me the numbers Max. Trust me, I have more resources than you might think.”
Max regarded him for a moment then nodded. What could it hurt? The more people trying to help her the better, he realized. He knew he could trust him. Not just because of his loyalty and friendship to Liam either. He was aware of Drake’s feelings for Riley. He didn’t hide them nearly as well as he thought he did. He scribbled down the information on a pad of paper Drake thrust at him and made an amused snorting noise as he handed it back.
“What?” Drake eyed him warily.
Maxwell shook his head, “Nothing man. Just funny how quickly she got so deep under everyone’s skin.”
Several emotions slid across Drake’s face in rapid succession. Surprise, annoyance, maybe a bit of fear, then finally, amusement.
“Heh.” He gave a short laugh and a curt nod of acknowledgement. Max wasn’t wrong. Out of the four men that had been present in that bar in New York all those months ago, three of them would now take a bullet for her. While the fourth…… His demeanor shifted again at the thought of Tariq. When he got his hands on him, he might not be able to restrain himself.
As if reading his thoughts, Maxwell reached out and clapped him on the shoulder, “We’ll find him buddy.”
Drake nodded again. Maybe Max wasn’t as clueless as everyone made him out to be. Maybe he acted the way he did because nothing was ever expected of him. He had to admit that Max had really stepped up for Riley, he’d been there for her, not just coaching her through the court stuff, but being a shoulder to cry on, a friend, helping her with her wardrobe choices, running interference with the other ladies, helping her in the quest to clear her name, chasing reporters through the streets of Italy in the middle of the night, making sure she made it back to the train safely.
“You’re a good friend Max.” He told him as he ushered him out the door.
Not trusting even the kings guard secure coms, he made his way to the car that housed the main detachment of security. He nodded to several members of the guard as he made his way through the car. Not all of them knew about his position, but they knew about his relationship with Bastien and so his coming and going was largely ignored as a common occurrence. He knew it wouldn’t raise any red flags.
“Evening Nico.” He greeted the guard on duty at the desk, “Have you seen Jason tonight?”
Nico jerked his head toward the rear of the car, “Second door on the left”.
Jason had been one of Drake’s recruits, they had served in the Cordonian armed forces together, and Drake trusted him with his life.  He knocked on the door then entered without waiting for a response.
Jason was seated at a table in front of multiple computer monitors and other equipment. His blonde hair was shorn in a military style buzz, his profile still showed a soldier’s body despite his hours spent at a desk. Gym time was a requirement for all members of the guard regardless of their duty assignments. So was time on the gun range. No one ever knew when they might be thrown into a combat situation on a moment’s notice. Ongoing training was required to keep reflexes sharp.
“Hey Walker! What are you doing here? Thought you’d be too busy schmoozing with the nobility to hang out with grunts like me.”
“Stuff it, Toussaint. You know I’d rather be digging trenches than dealing with court and all their bullshit.”
Jason threw his head back and laughed, he did know that. He leaned back in his chair, lacing his hands behind his head and regarded his superior officer curiously, “Seriously though. What brings you here? I know you don’t miss our gym time. I think I handed you your ass at our last sparring session.”
Drake snorted, “You did not, Pierson distracted me, and you got in a lucky shot.”
“Someone once told me that there’s no such thing as luck and that letting yourself get distracted during a fight is just sloppy soldiering.”
“And I stand by that. Case in point, I let myself get distracted and you got in a lucky shot. Thought we covered this, Toussaint.”
He plopped down in the chair on the other side of the table and glanced around, “We alone?”
Jason nodded and leaned forward, sensing the shift in Drake’s demeanor to deadly serious, “Yeah boss, what’s up?”
“I need you to track down some information for me.” Drake gave him the information from the credit card receipt and the reporters name. “Whatever you find, give it to me and only me.”
“You got it, boss. Anything else?”
“Yeah, any luck on that special project you’ve been working on for the king?”
Jason shook his head, “Not much. Duke Lambros withdrew a large sum of money, moved even more to some Cayman Islands accounts and booked a private jet to France. From there he took a puddle jumper to England and the trail goes cold. If he booked a flight out of England, he paid in cash and used an assumed name.”
“Pull a list of every airline ticket that was bought with cash from the day he landed there to the present and the destinations. Run a trace on every name until we find the bastard.”
“Already on it. But there are 40 airports in the UK and there are over a thousand flights out of Heathrow alone every day. Even counting out the tickets paid for by credit cards, it’s still a lot. We started weeks ago, when we first got the order and have been keeping up since. The biggest issue is tracking down every person named on cash tickets. We were going to eliminate tickets purchased under women’s names, but we can’t be certain he didn’t have someone buy a ticket for him.”
Drake let out a frustrated sigh. There had to be another angle, one he was missing. They had already tracked down all his known associates, relatives, friends, business associates. Everything had come up empty so far. “Well, keep it up and let me know the second you find anything.”
Drake walked back to the train stewing in frustration and lost in thought. Back in his room, he realized his stomach was growling in protest. He glanced at the clock. One a.m. He hadn’t eaten since seven, before the dinner. It had been ten-thirty when he got back to the train, almost 11 when Riley had made it back, and left again. Good thing many restaurants in Italy stayed open all night. He grabbed his jacket and headed for the exit.
He saw her coming before she saw him. He was pretty sure she didn’t see him at all until she was wrapped in his arms. He could guess where her mind was at. Her usual scent of lilac and lavender was mixed with sea salt and sand. The beach, at night, under the stars. Pretty romantic, he had to admit. Liam was obviously trying to undo whatever perceived damage was done to his relationship with Riley. Drake couldn’t say he blamed him. If she was his, he would move heaven and earth to keep her.
He knew better than to invite her to go with him, but he had done it anyway. She needed to eat too, right? He hadn’t planned on ending the night blurting out his feelings to her…again. He couldn’t seem to help himself when it came to her. It was a real problem.
A banging at his door brought him back to the present. He sat up, rubbing his face as he squinted against the sunlight streaming through the window. “Who is it?”
“It’s Jason.”
Drake felt his heart leap, he knew Jason wouldn’t be banging on his door if he didn’t have information.
Ten minutes later Drake was heading towards Liam’s private car with the information Jason had dug up.
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claybrownie7566 · 3 years
Hidden Skies
I was thinking about some fears Sky might have, and I remembered my playthrough of Skyward Sword and how stressful the underground bits were. You had to sneak around and try not to get killed by big scary centipedes, and it's a crawl space, which is terrifying. So anyways I hope you enjoy!
(TW: panic, tight spaces, darkness)
Sky can't go underground, not anymore. When the group is forced into a catacomb of caves, they come to realize that Sky has kept some of the more fearsome pieces of his adventure to himself.
It was still so foreign to Sky. The endless expanse of dirt and rock left him speechless. He remembered the first time he laid eyes on it. Trees, hills, ponds and fields as far as the eye could see. He loved it. He poured over the colors and textures around him, his lips unable to conjure words to describe it's beauty.
This was to be their home. This was where it was all going to change.
His quest was difficult to say the least. Constantly, heavy tasks were placed before him, and he accepted and completed them without complaint. Always pushing ahead in hopes of reuniting with Zelda.
And then one day something changed. He remembered it clearly. How the digging claws felt awkward, unnatural and heavy in his hands...
But he had dug none the less. It was the next step in his journey, and he didn't think much of it.
It was so cold.
So dark.
Nightmares lurked in that darkness. Centipedes with explosive ends and cutting, biting, shredding mandibles and beady black eyes.
And then he was trapped. The way in and out blocked and sealed until he had conquered the monstrosities.
He had been buried alive. The suffocating weight and chill of the underground never left him, and he refused to go anywhere he couldn't see the sky or feel the air.
His new adventure proved, so far, to be one of open lands and roaming freely across them. The monster attacks were never welcome, nor the shadow they were chasing, but Sky would be fine as long as they stayed on the surface.
So, he never complained. He never felt the need to. There was no reason for that fear to return.
And then they reached Hyrule's goddess forsaken kingdom, and every courageous painting Sky had conjured up for himself dissolved into pure ashen terror.
Rain poured from the sky, cold and wet and gray. Twilight held his lantern aloft as they all looked for shelter.
"Rule? Are you sure there's somewhere nearby? We've been walking for almost an hour" the rancher asked.
Hyrule's eyes were focused on a shape in the distance, his arm raises to shield his eyes from the pelting rain.
"Up ahead" he said with a nod, "there are some caves and a path through the mountain."
Sky swallowed down his mild panic.
It's ok. It's just a cave. It'll be just fine.
The closer they got to the mountain, the worse it looked. The mass of rock and dirt ahead was more of a hill than a mountain, especially compared to Wild's ranges. Lightning flashed overhead and thunder made the ground tremble beneath their boots.
The mouth of the cave was a sight for sore eyes. At least, that's what everyone else saw. Twilight forged ahead, leading their tired troop out of the cold.
This isn't so bad, Sky thought as he followed the warm glow of the lantern inside. This is just another shelter. Nothing at all to be-
"We could make it through the mountain by nightfall if we want somewhere better to stay tonight" Hyrule said.
Time thought for a moment, and Sky prayed to the goddess he wouldn't say yes.
"How far is it to the other side?"
Hyrule tilted his head, tracing a finger in the air like he was drawing a map in it.
"it's about a two hour walk" he said finally.
There was a splash as Legend emptied the water from his boots, "are there monsters along the way?"
"There shouldn't be" Hyrule replied, "I go through here a lot, and I've never seen more than a stray bokoblin or two. It is a bit of a sketchy path though. The tunnels don't go straight through, they're twisty. I'd have to remember the way."
"Are you confident you could do that?" Warriors asked.
"Course I can! What do you take me for?" the traveler replied, crossing his arms.
Wild snorted.
"It's settled then. Let's get a move on" Four said, "I want to be somewhere that isn't here."
Busy chatter filled the small cave opening, and Sky felt his heart stop. Dread rose up from his toes, filling his entire body and traveling up to the top of his head. He felt sick looking at the dark tunnel in front of him.
And he was back in those crawl spaces all over again.
Hot, blinding flashes burned his eyes, the intense darkness that once filled his vision was painfully blasted away. Serrated mandibles sliced and bit at his flesh as he crawled away desperately searching for a way out.
Sky tried to keep his breaths shallow, his lungs drawing in the stale air, suffocating him further.
A hand landed on his shoulder, and his eyes snapped up, locking with Twilight's.
"Sky? You've been awfully quiet and you just got really pale. We are about to head into the tunnels, are you alright?"
The rancher's voice was kind and full of thought, like he was deciding how to proceed with the conversation.
Sky shook his head, his voice small.
"I-I can't go in there....I can't."
The others began walking ahead, leaving Sky and Twilight in the pale lantern light.
"it'll be ok. I've got plenty of lantern oil, and it's not too long of a walk through. Come on, let's walk together." Twilight smiled, and Sky felt the panic in his bones lift ever so slightly. With one last deep breath, he followed his friend into the darkness.
They had been walking for over an hour. Sky stayed close to Twilight and his lantern, trying not to let the others see his heart fail him.
There was quiet chatter across the group. Nothing special, just light easy-coming conversation. An occasional detour from Hyrule allowed them all to stop and rest while he checked various paths and dead ends.
Sky didn't like it. He didn't like it one bit. They should nearly be to the other side shouldn't they? Were they lost?
Sky's thoughts were cut short as rapid footsteps neared. Hyrule bolted around the corner out of nowhere, slamming directly into Twilight.
Sky heard glass shatter, then was blind.
The darkness was so intense he thought he would suffocate right then and there. All the panic and terror he had been repressing broke free and he gasped.
His eyes widened and he began to stumble toward the wall of the tunnel, feeling it and running his hands over it, searching for an invisible door to the outside.
His breaths came in ragged gasps, as he dug his fingers into the dirt, scratching at the surface trying in vain to escape.
"No" he muttered, "no no NO! NOT AGAIN! NOT AGAIN!"
There were worried voices near him, but he couldn't hear them. He banged his fists against the dirt until they were raw, and when he couldn't get through he started to run.
More voices called to him in the dark, but he didn't care. He was going to die. His eyes, still unadjusted to the fresh darkness burned with hot, terrified tears.
He ran, tripping blindly across the tunnel, his heart screaming for a way out, any way it could find. When his search proved to be in vain, Sky fell to his knees. He clamped a hand over his mouth to constrict his airflow. Conserving oxygen was the only thing that mattered now.
The sky...the light...I can't find it.
Small, rough hands gripped his wrists, and Sky cried out, nearly falling backwards.
"Sky! Sky it's me!" Wind spoke with firmness, but gentleness also, beckoning Sky to focus on him.
Another pair of hands wrapped around him from behind. Soft fur brushed the back of Sky's neck.
The sailor kept his hold on the Sky's wrists, and continued to speak.
"Sky, the lantern was dropped. That's all. You're safe. You're safe and we've got you."
He nearly stopped breathing entirely. There were nine of them trapped in here. There wouldn't be enough air. They would all suffocate. His body shook violently, his breaths barely entering his lungs.
Wind's young, familiar voice spoke again, jarring Sky back to reality.
"Hey, take a deep breath and listen to me."
"Can't" Sky breathed, "no air....suffocate....suffocate."
The arms around his loosed ever so slightly, allowing his chest to rise and fall more easily. It took every ounce of control Sky had to keep his breaths shallow.
"Sky, there is plenty of air. We are in a tunnel, and there is a big opening behind us, and one not too far ahead. Do you feel the air?"
Sky focused on the air around him, a light current swept across his cheek. Relieved beyond belief, he filled his lungs, and sank into the arms around him.
"I know it's dark, but we have other lanterns. It'll be light, and then we will get out of here okay?" Wind kept his voice steady, running his thumbs across the inside of Sky's wrists reassuringly.
Twilight's arms tightened around him, and began lifting him to his feet. He stood, though his body protested. Once on his feet he tried to catch his breath. He took it slow, listening to Wind and taking in huge lungfulls of air at a time.
Twilight released his hold on their friend, keeping a hand supportively on his shoulder.
A small scraping sound came from their left, followed by the growing light of a new lantern. Sky took in the sights around him, relieved to be able to see again. Eight compassionate faces lit up around him.
Sky felt heat rise to his cheeks. He didn't like showing fear, even in a group full of people just like him.
The hero turned, meeting Hyrule's kind eyes.
"I'm sorry I broke the lantern. I was just trying to hurry. The way out isn't much farther, we can be out soon if we hurry."
Sky nodded, rubbing his tired eyes.
There was a groan behind him and everyone turned.
"Hylia above I hate the underground. I think I speak for everyone on that. It's always the worst, let's get out of here" Legend said.
Everyone nodded in agreement, and Sky could feel his fear dissipate instantly. He was with his friends, and they were going to get out together.
Hyrule led the way, and everyone walked with purpose, trying to leave the tunnels behind them as fast as possible.
Wind slipped his hand into Sky's in the dull light, leaving the latter feeling safe and comfortable in a place he never thought he could be.
When the end finally came, the heroes sprinted out the other side. The sky was on fire with the glowing sun after a storm. Sky smiled as Time and Four lifted their faces to the sky, taking in big fresh breaths of clean Spring air. The others did the same, basking in the freedom of the open World.
Wind leaned against Sky's side. The little sailor looked much more grown up to him in that moment.
"I feel the same way about underground you know" Wind whispered, "I've never been trapped there, but I need somewhere open. Somewhere I can see the sky and feel the wind."
Sky's heart burst, and he smiled fondly at his companion. He wrapped and arm across Wind's shoulders and pulled him into a side hug.
"Thank you for lending me your bravery back there. And for the record, I don't think we are the only ones that love being free."
Wind laughed as they watched Warriors and Wild sprawl out on the grass.
"No we are not."
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blackicephantom · 3 years
Xiao/Aether - Just a nightmare
It was dark, cold and very uncomfortable. He doesn't know where he is or how he got here but something told him that it's not real.  The best indicator would be the blurry silhouette of Lumine, and second the faint pulse of his divine power that should be sealed. 
His sister came closer, steps slow and filled with some kind of purpose and a dreadful feeling filled his stomach. Her face was shrouded in shadows, her usually white dress looked dull and her sword had specks of old dried blood on its blade. In that moment he realized that he was kneeling on something wet…. And he wasn't brave enough to look down, to confirm or deny his own suspicion. 
The sound of steel sliding along the ground was heard and gold eyes slowly looked up only to see….. nothing. In his sister's usually sweet face was nothing but blackness, more than a shadow but still not enough for individual features. The…. The creature that looked like Lumine came closer and Aether wanted to get up, get away. But his limbs felt like lead. It came closer and closer until it stood right in front of him. There was no breath, yet Aether felt a chill crawl over his spine. Then there was a short white flash and an eerie voice spoke to him. "Your fault." It lifted the bloodied sword "All this…. is your fault!"
The blonde saw the blade come down and ducked to the side and it felt as if some kind of invisible restraint was cut. He rolled to the side and jumped to his feet in mere seconds but his opponent was already close again. He summoned his own blade and hoped against hope that this would be over soon. 
The fight took just a few minutes but felt like they had fought for days. Different cuts and bruises littered his face and body and he was tired. So he switched tactics: instead of deflecting the incoming hits he evaded them and tried to put some distance between the creature and himself. And for a few moments it really looked like it worked but then he stepped on something solid that gave a disgusting crunch beneath his weight. Startled, he looked down, only to be met with the disfigured face of Amber. Her face was pale, eyes wide with fear. Right beside Amber lies Lisa. His subconsciousness told him 'Don't look around. Don't look around!' But he couldn't help it. He let his eyes wander and saw many of his friends, dead at his feet. 
Aether felt sick and barely resisted the urge to vomit. In his moment of weakness he totally forgot his enemy, that still lurked right behind him. The silver blade cut through the darkness and right into his shoulder. His scream was short lived though, as one of its hands clamped down on his mouth, muting him, while the other pulled the sword back and drove it through his right side. "It's all…. your fault!" it repeated. The words stung, because they fed right into his own insecurities. He wanted to deny them but right in that moment the sword was pulled out again and this imposter just stabbed him, repeatedly, while chanting the same thing over and over again. "Your fault. Your fault. YOUR Fault. YOUR FAULT!!" 
The blood loss slowly got to much for his system. His sight grew fuzzy and his head felt like cotton. His arms were trembling and his throat was sore. With every new stab wound or cut another wimper left him. The next thing he knew, he was thrown across the bloodied floor, hitting some kind of wall on the far end. 
Everything hurt. Everything was burning. He wanted to curl up, hide away, and forget everything that happened here. He was sure that THIS was nothing more than a nightmare but it just felt so damn real. Tears gathered in his usually bright eyes and he turned over to spit out a mouthful of blood. The creature, imposter, whatever it was called came closer again, raising its sword high above its head. The tip of the blade was pointed right over his heart, ready to end his life. In this moment he remembered something that Xiao told him. 'If you die in your dream, you also die in the real world.' 
Alerted by this thought Aether tried to crawl away, to somehow get away but he just doesn't have the strength anymore. He felt the coldness, heard the clicking of the heels and felt so defeated. Cold steel kissed his skin. Desperate beyond belief he whispered a single name. "Xiao….!" 
Then everything happened in slow motion. 
Just as the creature was ready to strike a bright green light lit up the sky and something plunged down right beside them. Aether couldn't believe his eyes as tears slowly slid down his battered cheek. 
Right there was none other than the Yaksha himself! His enemy just turned around with it's featureless face, just to have the glowing tip of Xiaos spear at its throat. "This is enough demon." Xiao's voice was stern and cold and didn't leave any room to refuse. But said demon doesn't seem fazed and just chuckled. "You may save him now. But I will come back. I will come back and haunt him." 
Enough was seemingly enough. The teal haired Adeptus stood up and looked his sister's imposter straight in the eye, spear ready to kill the enemy standing in front of him. Now, the demon looked uncertain. It raised its sword but Xiao was just too fast. In the blink of an eye he kicked it away only to jump right after it. Then the Yaksha jumped high into the air, donned his mask and readied his attack. His only last words were an aggressively growled "Be gone!" 
His plunge was way too fast for this strange creature, the Primordial Jade Winged Spear running through it without any problem or resistance. 
Only when even the last remains or it had faded away, Xiao turned to him. Aether knew he was still crying, but he didn't care. With the teal haired Adeptus here this nightmare was finally over. He was still hiccuping when the other male joined his side and gently turned him onto his back. Aether just hissed, as the movement aggregated his wounds. Gloved hands softly wiped away his tears and some of the blood. Amber eyes watched him intently, but the blonde couldn't do anything but nuzzle into the tender touch. 
Then he cradled his face just as gently "Come on. It's time to wake up Aether."
Feeling Xiao's forehead meeting his, Aether slowly closed his eyes. 
When he opened them again he was back at the Inn, breath coming in short and forceful puffs, tears and sweat wetting his face and body. The nightmare was still fresh in his mind, the memories still too new. That's when he noticed the second body on the bed.  Right beside him laid Xiao, who was watching him closely, waiting for his reaction. And Aether? Aether turned right into his arms and did what he wanted to do in this dream. He hid himself away in the arms of the Vigilant Yaksha and cried to his heart's content. All the while now bare hands slid through his undone hair and soothing words were whispered into his ear. Strong arms pulled him even closer and that deep voice was all the reassurance he needed. Before he fell asleep again, he heard one last sentence. "It's ok Aether. It was just a nightmare." 
- - - - -
Edit: I just realized that one paragraph was missing ^.^"
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Humans are Space Orcs, “Infiltration.”
Sorry guys about my weird schedule,  I know I am posting a little early. Hope you like it :)
“No, this this doesn’t make sense. “Krill’s voice echoed about the room, carried on a loud and startled whisper up into the massive atrium.
Sunny placed a hand over his mouth stifling his shock as she stared on with wide eyes having come to the same conclusion as Krill, “I think it makes perfect sense.”
“No, they wouldn’t.”
“I think they would.” 
Before them, four large words stared at them from the darkness like the looming eye of some great beast, all powerful, and all knowing.
Bureau of Intergalactic Relations.
Department of Diplomacy
Department of Trade
Department of planetary security 
Department of Foreign policy 
Before Krill could say anything further, Sunny clamped a hand over his mouth and pulled them back into the darkness of the maintenance corridor.
Krill cursed and Sunny growled a warning for him to shut up, “They probably have security all over this place, and it will be more than a miracle if we didn’t already trip it.” She whispered. Just as she spoke, the two of them froze at the sound of approaching feet. Sunny grabbed Krill around the middle and retreated further into the darkness as voices approached.
Krill half assumed that sunny would conceal herself and wait for an opportunity to ambus, but instead, she dragged him further into the darkness of the maintenance corridor. The echoing voices faded behind them as she took a sharp corner and moved downward.
“What are you doing!” Krill hissed 
Sunny mostly ignored him as she moved on lower and lower until his struggling became so annoying she finally explained in a harsh whisper, “Tesraki have never had to worry about physical spies or assassins, so we can assume their security system will be relatively easy to breach. We know that you don’t want to try to hack the tesraki….. But sneaking into a government facility might be easier.”
“How exactly do you plan on doing that.”
It was then that Sunny let of a huff of pleasure, stopping in a small- dark room where all the building’s power outlets converged.
“I am an engineer, so I am going to…. Un-engineer This power, and cut feed to their cameras and security systems.”
“Isn’t that just the stupid way of saying break all their shit?”
“Ok yeah, go ahead and make it sound less cool.”
“You sound like Adam.”
Sunny stopped in her tracks and shrugged a bit, head down, “Well, he isn’t here so…. So someone has to say stupid stuff.”
The silence continued on for a long moment before a quiet hiss of pleasure, and with a loud THUD, the lights went out, and they were plunged into total darkness.
Krill blinked and immediately turned on his thermal vision, though the only thing visible in the space was Sunny’s heat signature.
“Good work, just, one question. How are we going to find them!”
“SHHH would you.” There was a sharp click, and a light flicked on somewhere in the darkness momentarily blinding him. Sunny’s face was suddenly lit by a soft beam of yellow light. She huffed, “I may sound like Adam a little bit, but at least I think ahead.”
“Hmm, so opposites do attract. You are the brains, and he is a complete idiot>’
Sunny frowned in the half light, the illuminating casting strange shadows over her face, “He isn’t an idiot…”
Krill gave her a look and she huffed, “Fine he is an idiot, but that isn’t to be confused with stupid. He’s smart, and you and I both know it.”
Krill held up his four hands, “No need to get defensive, I like The Admiral as much as you do.” He paused to think about that as she tilted her head at him, “Ok well actually no i don’t like him THAT much, but you get my point. Now let’s go.”
Krill inflamed his helium sack and floated up to grab ont the back of Sunny’s carapace as she started down the hall keeping her light shielded from any potential attackers as the moved further into the darkened building which housed the Tesraki government offices.
Adam stood, eyes wide, mouth agape at the bloody body before him. In the partial darkness he could see a line of blood, black in the dimness trailing down the side of the detective’s face like tar oozing out from his skin. Hesitantly, he moved forward, dropping to one knee as he reached out to feel for a pulse. 
He didn’t like the man, but he had never wished him dead.
It took a second, and for a moment he thought the man was dead, but after a few seconds he felt the soft fleeting beat of the man’s heart. It was weak, but the pulse was there. A sudden soft flutter to his left, had him turning on a dime hands raised as he stared into the dark. There was a soft thud, and another body hit the floor, this one also unconscious, though he could tell from the moving of his chest that the man was still alive.
He didn’t advance, staying where he was as the quiet movement walked forward from the darkness.
His eyes widened, surprised to find a familiar figure standing before him.
The Tesraki detective, holding a metal pipe in both of his hands and breathing heavily.
“He took a step back in shock, and worry.”
“Please.” THe Tesraki whispered, “You have to go, before they kill you.”
His mouth opened and closed in confusion, “I, w-what.” 
“Please, you must go. I have held them off this long, but I can no longer protect you from what is going to happen.” he pointed down at the floor where the detective lay, “Take him and leave as fast as you can out the back entrance. I will stay behind and make sure the security feed stays safe and is sent to the right people.” His head reeled in confusion, and the only words he managed to conjure were, “But… it’s dangerous.”
The Tesraki detective shook his head, “Humans do not have the monopoly on bravery. Yes it will be dangerous, and Yes I will likely come to regret my decision, but this is about the fate of the GA, now GO.”
Adam paused and then nodded, reaching down and hauling the unconscious detective onto his back in a fireman carry.
Footsteps echoed in the hallway.
“GO!” The Tesraki urged scuttling off into the darkness.
Adam followed his lead, hurrying off through a small open door he had not noticed before and down a narrow back hallway. There were a few times he nearly dropped the detective with how small the hallway was, and there were a few times he considered doing it on purpose just out of spite, but, thinking of what his mother would have wanted from him-- he avoided dropping the man flat on his head, dong his best to support the dead weight as he hurried out the back.
He was almost free when the voices started up behind him, growing closer.
WIth a curse, he broke into a light jog and lunged out into the pouring rain. Red neon still glittered off the streets as he ran, skidding through puddles and ducking through allies. Advertisements glowed down at him everywhere he looked, and he felt as if he was being watched by a thousand eyes from all directions. His feet dashed through a puddle that seemed to glow blue from the reflection above, it’s surface being broken by great drops of rain.
He could hear voices in the distance, though they seemed meandering and confused.
There was nowhere to go.
He continued his jog, breaking into a half run as he raced through the streets losing the voices in the pounding rain. He was soaked to the skin now, and so was the detective whose dead weight was growing even deader. The cold rain seemed to be reviving the man, who groaned in pain.
Adam ignored it and kept going moving through the night for what seemed like hours before coming to a nondescript building and an even more nondescript door. He paused there, and raising his hand, he pounded three times against the metal. He had to wait for what felt like a good five minutes, knocking three more times till the door opened, and he came face to face with a man and a Finnari, the man with a bright green mohawk one hand held protectively in front of the finnari.
“Admiral!” The man exclaimed.
He nodded to an old friend, “You have to help us.”
Eyes still wide with shock, the man opened the door to let them inside without hesitation, “What is going on.”
Adam made it onto the floor of the deserted club, tossing the detective like a sack of potatoes onto the floor before turning to look at the LFIL couple they had met on Noctopolis not so many months ago, “I’m being framed, and there are men trying to kill us. I need help.”
It was a testament to how poor tesraki physical security was that Sunny and Krill managed to sneak their way up through the building. There were a few close calls and more than one reroute, but at some point they found themselves at the top of the stairs next to the elevator and one big long hallway, which was even more grand than the entrance hall with an arching vaulted ceiling, chandeliers, in the human style, which were unlit as of that moment.
The water from the rolling pools on either side of the hallway had gone still, their power cut with everything else in the building. Exotic lush plants, also from earth, lined the hallways looking rather worse for ware as, whoever had bought them, was likely more interested in their aesthetic appeal than they were about their actual botanical function.
Voices emanate up the hallway, and Sunny and krill moved further inward. Krill was, of course, silent, floating as he was, and Sunny was nearly so as the rain drumming against the large glass skylights in the vaulted ceiling overhead concealed her footsteps.
“What do you mean he is MISSING!” The voice was recognizable as tesraki almost Immediately, “How hard is it to keep tabs on ONE measly human!”
“I told you he was dangerous.” Came the second voice, one Krill and Sunny recognized immediately as Kree.
Sunny turned to glance at Krill, and in the darkness, she could just barely make out the movement of his mouth as he mouthed the word “Adam”.
“We did what you asked! We put him away, we did everything we could, and yet you STILL cant get it to work.” Paused by the doorway, they could see the shadow of the Tesraki as they stood from their seat pacing back and forth before the window, “We should have known. You failed the burg, and look what happened to them, practically castrated by their love of humans.”
Another figure darkened the doorway, stepping into their path of site, “The burg failed because the burg did not listen. They simply tried to get rid of him, turning him into a martyr in the process, and dooming their species. I thought you Tesraki would be smart enough to proactively follow my instruction and DISCREDIT him, not let him GO. Now we have no idea where he is, and no idea what sort of allies he might have.:
The Tesraki snarled and threw his hands up in the air, “The better question is what allies DOESNT he have. I did what you asked, I brought the evidence forward before the GA council, and NONE of them believed me, well, none of them other than the Bran of course, but they have always had a thing against humans, so it wasn’t hard to convince.” The Tesraki snarled, “and what happened to the lights.”
The Kree ignored the Tesraki’s complaints, “Calm yourself, delegate, and be patient. With someone as well established as the Admiral, it will be difficult to discredit him. Humanity, the GA loves him, and they will not be so willing to cast off that love.”
The Tesraki snorted, “That is the truth. The chairwoman is wrapped around his finger, Lord Celzex practically threatened to destroy me for even suggesting that his dear admiral is something other than a friend, and the Drev counselor was prepared to challenge me to a duel.”
Sunny shifted in her place, but Krill barely noticed as he was fixated on the conversation.
“Can you believe it. The man has the most political power in the galaxy and he has no clue. Imagine having that much power and just…. Not caring.”
“That is probably why the people like him so much.”
“Don't sound so impressed!” The Tesraki growled, “Because of that one, single human, our economic power is failing. Humanity has booked the monopoly on some of the most important trade agreements in the galaxy. Human products are the HEIGHT of status, and that is only making their products more desirable. Their tourism is practically feeding our economy now, and if they ever decided to pull it away, we would be left helpless. Since the humans showed up we have lost 41% of our economic power 20% of our commissions, and I estimate my power in the GA has never been lower.
The kree churred deep in it’s chest almost in amusement, “yet your city is prospering because of them.”
“Whose side are you on.”
“Whoever pays more, though I am coming to think that might just be the humans.”
The Tesraki GA delegate turned around, his face coalescing into sharp relief in the dim light from the street, “Get out there, FIND HIM and make sure he doesn’t ruin this for me. If this all works out, by the end of the month I will be chairman of the GA, and the humans will simply be an afterthought.”
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clonecaptains · 4 years
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HIGH DOSAGE - a first order!poe dameron x reader fic
rating: m - smut, sexual themes, sex pollen. 
word count: 2.8k
summary: Captain Dameron needs the location of the Resistance base, and you’re going to tell him. You’ve been given truth serum to tell the truth - or is it really truth serum?
a/n: finally it’s done!!! i struggled with this one! i’m newish to the poe fic side of the fandom so i’m sure something like this has been done before but i wanted to take a stab at it! this is a sex pollen fic and it IS consensual~. and was like 95% inspired after i watched ticky tacky and sucker punch. also i’m planning on adding more parts to this! there will for sure be a part 2. and as always feedback is appreciated!!
The cuffs and bindings around your wrists and ankles are beginning to hurt. You’ve been in this room for hours. There’s fear and adrenaline pumping through your veins, you’re on edge. Your mouth is dry, your forehead is covered by a sheen of sweat, and there’s a weird scent in the air. Is it supposed to be this hot in here? The air is thick. Is this an interrogation tactic?
If it is, you don’t know anything.
Truly you don’t.
Your uncle is part of the Resistance. He’d come to get you and was taking you to their base when the ship was intercepted by the First Order. Stormtroopers shot you and your uncle with a stun gun, and that’s the last thing you remember.
Now you’re here, alone, in this dark room strapped to a table. At least the table is tilted upright and facing the door, so you can see who comes in. At the moment, two Stormtroopers are guarding the door. They’ve been standing for hours, only rotating shifts once.
You don’t dare ask what’s going to happen to you, or your uncle. You know better than that. This is why you weren’t told the location of the base. Though you suppose now if something happens to your uncle you won’t have a way to find the Resistance if you don’t know. And what if they torture you anyways? Did they intentionally turn off the air-cooling units for this room? It’s so hot! And what is that smell?
Being alone isn’t even what’s bothering you. You’ve spent most of your life alone. You’ve only just recently found your uncle. You’ve lived a solitary life, not having much interaction with anyone. Strange as it sounds, having the Stormtroopers stand guard doesn’t bother you. It’s not exactly good company, but at least you’re not alone.
The quiet doesn’t bother you either, except when the main door hisses open. You jolt violently, the cuffs digging into your skin further from the harsh movement. It takes a moment for your heart to calm down from the scare, but when you see a uniformed officer in the doorway, nerves turn into fear.
Then…is that…arousal you feel?
You can’t get a good look at him yet, but you can see that with a flick of his hand he sends your company of Stormtroopers away.
He takes a step closer to you and removes his hat. The brim had been shadowing his face and now you can get a good look at him.
Is it fear or attraction running through your veins now? Because he is one of the most attractive men you’ve ever seen in your life. The crisp clean black uniform accentuates his broad shoulders. His jaw is sharp and clean shaven; there’s a light grey tint to his skin indicating he shaves often. Dark curls are on his head, they’re slicked back with gel – not a hair out of place. His face looks like it’s been carved from stone. His eyes are cold; his mouth drawn in a thin line, surrounded by soft plush lips. He still hasn’t spoken. He seems to be watching you look at him.
He waits for a beat longer before he begins to speak.
“I’m Captain Poe Dameron,” he says adjusting his black leather glove on his left hand. He gives you a look, raising an eyebrow – as if he’s waiting for you to acknowledge who he is. But you have no idea who he is, you’ve never even heard his name. “Does this not bother you?” he asks, he’s walking around the room.
“Am I supposed to know who you are?” you challenge back. “Because, I don’t.”  
“No?” his voice is cold, and somewhere behind you now. “Are you not with the Resistance?”
He’s standing in front of you again. He really is so handsome. What is wrong with you? He’s waiting for an answer, and you have no idea what to say.
He cocks his head, “not yet? Either you are or you aren’t, sweetheart.” He steps up close to you, his face inches from yours. You can smell him, he’s smells clean. His aftershave is strong in your nose. His breath is warm fanning on your cheek.
“I-“ the temperature has only seemed to increase, and he smells so good. It’s making your head spin.
“What?” he tuts and runs a gloved finger along your cheek and jawline. You shudder and feel flushed. You can’t tell him anything, because you don’t know it.
“I’m not scared of you.”
“No?” he cups your jaw with his hand and forces your mouth open. “That blush on your cheeks says you’ve got something else in mind.” His voice is right by your ear and you shiver. “Do you like this?”
Do you? Do you like this? He seems to get more attractive by the second.
“What are you going to do to me?”
“Whatever you want,” he purrs, he licks his teeth and it makes a slight smack sound. Now it’s your turn to cock your head. Whatever you want?
His body is so close you can feel the heat from him. His stare is ice cold, but there’s somehow a heat hidden in his eyes.
“It should be getting stronger,” he tells you.
“It?” your head hurts now. Pulsing. What is he talking about?
“Do you not know?” he whispers in your ear.
Like shock to your core, you feel it then. A sharp pang of arousal, low in your belly. You try to shift to relieve the pressure building at your core, but you can’t. Your legs are spread and strapped down.
“What did you do to me?” you grunt.
“I didn’t do a thing,” he steps back, watching you squirm. He explains to you then that upon your arrival, after you were rendered unconscious and brought into this room – you were given a truth serum.
“But I don’t know anything!” you interject. He holds his hand up to your lips to stop you from speaking. The touch of him against you has your skin feeling hot again.
“You were given the wrong vial by mistake.” His lip snarls for a beat. A flash of frustration crosses his face. Not at you, but at someone else.
“What was I given?”
“Can you not feel it? Coursing through your veins?”
And you do feel it. Feel something. It feels like you’re on the edge of a high, but not quite there. It’s building, and as he steps closer, it burns hotter.
“What did you give me?” you shift. That pressure is building.
“One of my troopers was to give you the serum on my desk,” his fingers curls into a tight fist. You can hear the leather rub together. “Instead he gave you the pollen vial.”
If your brain wasn’t so clouded with the thought of how badly you need him to touch you, you’d notice his anger at those under his command not following orders.
“Pollen?” your blood is pounding; you need him to step closer.
“It’s from the outer rim,” he explains. “Used mostly for,” he pauses, “recreation. The high it gives during more intimate activities is said to be unparalleled.” He’s drawn closer to you again, and you swear you’ll die if you can’t touch him.
You’re visibly wriggling, trying to relieve the tension but it’s only making it worse.
“The dose they gave was too strong,” he says pulling back. “There’s only one remedy for what you’re feeling.”
Ah. You get it now. Whatever you want, he’d said.
“Let me guess,” you sigh, your frustration only growing. “To give me…what I want, I have to give you something in return?”
“That’s usually how these things work,” he flashes a grin. Even his teeth are perfect. You’d like to feel those teeth clamp down on your-
“Who says I even want you?” you shake your head trying to rattle these thoughts loose.
“I’d say you did,” he purrs.
What is happening?
Maybe if you close your eyes it’ll go away. Right? Just close your eyes and don’t look at his face – at that gorgeous face.
“That won’t work,” he chuckles darkly. “I’ve tried.”
You open your eyes back up to see him facing you with a brow raised.
“You’ve tried?” you scoff.
“My troopers took this from my desk, this was my personal stash,” he shakes his head. “They used the last of it on you.”
The more he talks, the less relief you feel and the hungrier you become for him. Arousal is pooling from your sex; your nipples are stiff. And your neck feels hot when you see his eyes flick down to your breasts. Any other time, you’d be horrified, but right now your desire for him is so strong. It’s all that’s in your head.
“Ok,” you wince, “what do you want? Just please, touch me.” You don’t care how you sound, begging for him. This ache between your legs is stronger than you’ve ever felt.
“Alright then,” he grins and takes a step forward, he’s so close you can feel his body heat. But he’s not quite touching you. “Where’s the base?” His gloved finger traces along your neck. Your shudder is violent. You think even if you did know you wouldn’t be able to tell him.
“I don’t know, I swear I don’t know.”
“You have to give me something,” he tuts. He’s standing so close, this is torture. You fully expected to be tortured but not like this. You’d rather the other kind of torture right now than the ache you feel that’s white hot.
“I don’t know,” you cry. “Please. They didn’t tell me on purpose.”
Your uncle. You can’t sell him out, though you imagine he’s being tortured too.
You can’t imagine why someone would willingly use this. You’re in agony. Your skin feels hot. Your blood is boiling. It’s as if all your senses on are high alert. Your breasts ache, needing to be touched. Your ears ring from the blood pounding in your skull. Your clit is throbbing, needing a release. You’re soaking wet between your legs; the desire is painful.
And he’s just standing there, he has you right where he wants you. He didn’t have to use a truth serum; this is the truth serum.
Are you really going to give up your uncle for an orgasm? How long will this last?
A tear falls from your cheek. You’d rather deal with this pain then risk the life of anyone else. Even though the very smell of Captain Dameron in front of you is making you tremble.
“You really don’t know do you?” he asks. He’s done this enough to tell when someone doesn’t know.
“I swear, I don’t know.”
You look up at him and you see his face change. The face of stone has softened. Is that pity?
Without a word, his gloved hand cups your clothed sex. Your gasp is loud, finally some relief. You start to buck against his hand, chasing the high. But he won’t let you.
He presses his other hand against your stomach, keeping you still.
Are you really about to let a captain of the First Order finger you?
“Yes,” you cry, “please, right there.” You whimper as his hand slides down your front and into your underwear. You cry out loudly when the smooth leather touches your clit. He presses down and you scream. Every nerve in your body is on fire, and it feels so good.
His finger is steady in its rubbing. Precise comes to mind, or at least if would if you were coherent. This is without a doubt the best feeling of relief you’ve ever experienced.
Your orgasm builds quickly, and you come with a strangled cry in his ear. You imagine if someone heard you, they’d think you were being tortured.
“You’ll want another one,” he tells you, working you through this high. And he’s right, you still have an ache.
“I want to feel your skin,” you whimper, hanging your head with a sharp gasp.
He pulls his hand from your pants, and you already mourn the loss. Your eyes follow his hand as he puts his middle finger in his mouth – tasting you. He bites the glove and pulls his hand from it. He flexes his fingers and slides them back down your pants.
The first touch of his warm finger has tears falling from your eyes.
“It feels so good,” you cry. You can’t even be bothered to care how badly you need him. And he seems to be happy to give you what you want. In fact, he’s a little jealous you’re getting this high he was planning on having.
He dips a finger in your heat, and you come faster this time than the last. You know this is stroking his ego. You can see the pride in his eyes, but right now it’s the sexiest thing you’ve ever seen.
“More?” he asks, cocking his head. He’s greatly amused.
Your eyes flick down to his crotch, that’s what you want. And though his uniform is black, it does little to hide the desire he has coursing through his veins.
He pauses, he huffs out air from his nose. He’s thinking.
He surprises you then by releasing both your hands from your restraints.
“Why did you do that?”
He doesn’t answer, he avoids your gaze. You smile to yourself. It’s a small gesture, but it speaks volumes. He’s not interested in taking advantage of you.
“You sure you want this?” he asks, his hand on his belt. There’s no going back from this.
You nod and place your hands on his broad shoulders.
“The pollen will wear off as soon as you’ve finished, you’ll go right back to hating me after.”
Oh right. You forgot you’re suppose to hate him.
“I need this,” you tell him. You’re still in this pleasurable pained state.
He nods and unzips his pants. He reaches for your hips and tugs your pants down around your thighs. He pulls himself out of his pants and steps up to you, pushing your underwear aside, his tip touches your entrance, and your head falls on his shoulder.
When his cock fills your slick heat, you gasp and unable to control yourself – you grasp for his hair. That perfectly gelled hair is now a mess between your fingers. He grunts thrusting up into you, his teeth dig into your neck.
This is the high, now you get it. Now you know why this is used recreationally. You’ve never felt a high like this, or such a strong feeling of pleasure. Every nerve is on fire. You’re pulsing around him and your moans join together. You’re not sure if it’s the pollen or him, but he’s good. He knows exactly what he’s doing.
You’re close to your end, and you almost don’t want it to stop. You look at his face, his lips. You want to kiss him.
So, you ask.
“Can I kiss you?” you whisper.
“No,” he turns his head so you can’t reach his lips. He gives a deep thrust inside you and that’s the final push to send you in the strongest rush of a release. Your vision is clouded, and you feel like you might explode from your pores, pleasure seeping from your skin.
You shout then, and he grunts following behind.
He’d said it would wear off after you’d finished, but when he pulls out of you and steps back adjusting himself, you still think he’s handsome. Your vision clears, and you feel better. You feel good, really good.
But he was wrong.
Because when he pulls a rag from you don’t know where, and cleans your thighs, your heart skips a beat. He straightens up and your face warms – hot under his gaze. He’s quiet, you can tell he’s thinking again.
“They will have killed your uncle,” he avoids your eye contact again, pulling your pants back up covering you. “I’m sorry.”
You sniffle, but you aren’t shocked. What shocks you is his next move.
He kneels and unbinds your ankle restraints. You step down slowly, unsure if this is what he’d like for you to do. You look at him when you take your first step, and he takes a step back.
Facing him now you have the strong desire to kiss him. Is the pollen still in your system? Maybe it’s lingering in your bloodstream. While he adjusts his gloves back on his hands, you run up to him and grab his head. You pull him in for a kiss, and he doesn’t even move – but he lets you kiss him. You distinctly notice he doesn’t kiss you back – until you start to pull away.
When you do pull back, his eyes flick down to your lips and you see a sadness in his eyes. A guilt.
He smooths back his disheveled curls and puts his hat back on his head. Then reaches for your hand.
“Follow me,” he says, “I’m going to get you somewhere safe.”
i didn’t do a tag list for this one but im tagging: @pascalispedro, @damndamer0n, @tintinwrites, @poeticandors, @vintagemichelle91, @huliabitch, @himbopoes, @tarrevizslas
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bonniebird · 4 years
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Sweet Pea x Reader
Requested by Anon
Halloween 2020 Masterlist
Halloween 2020 event rules
Halloween Prompt list
Several loud thuds woke you. Rubbing your eyes you tried to figure out if something dangerous had broken into your house, or if the usual southsiders had cut through the garden and knocked a decoration over outside.
When nothing else happened you decided at least, you should heave yourself up to your window and see what was happening. Your house was built at an odd angle, meaning half of the house was on the Northside and half on the Southside. The only downside to the odd placement of the house was, on the rare occasion, a few serpents who knew you from school would hide in the garden shed.
Shed was an unforgiving term for the hellish dump where all the rejected furniture and old paint cans went. Seeing the light was on you decided to see what was going on. When you reached your back door and pulled it open you froze stiff. The cold whistled around and clawed at you so viciously that you almost considered not going outside. Fumbling for a coat that was on the hook and slipping on a pair of shoes you shuffled through the damp grass to the shed.
Pushing in through the cracked door you saw a familiar figure hulked over in one of the old chairs. One of its legs was broken but if you were tall enough you could sit in the chair and stop it wobbling.
“Sweet Pea?” You asked nervously. Usually you were a last chance hideout when the cops were looking for them. But this time he was alone. He was also sniffling to himself and had swiped his hands over his eyes before turning to glare at you. “Why do you have my pumpkin?” You asked when you stepped closer and saw he had it balanced in one hand.
“All the kids are gone, no one needed it and the candle went out.” He answered quickly.
“Are you eating raw pumpkin with a spoon?” You asked him, frowning when you realised he had a spoon in the other hand.
“So what if I am! You gonna ditch me for Reggie too?” He snapped and jabbed the spoon towards you viciously.
“No? But… there are pumpkin cookies inside…” You offered wearily he gave you a hard stare from his seat. The wind whipped around the shed, making you jump when the door banged causing the small light in the shed to flicker. “Did Fangs and Jughead ditch you?”
“Yeah.” Sweet Pea answered. He still sounded as if he had a sharp bite to his tone but it had softened reluctantly. “Me and Fangs watch horror movies with Toni after we go trick or treating with Jughead. They’re off with their Northsider friends. Girlfriends. No one cares about tradition!”
“Well, you could finish off the Halloween candy, watch a movie inside?” You offered and he gave you a funny look.
“You’re actually inviting me inside?” He asked and started to grin.
“You’ve been inside before!” 
“I’d been attacked and we needed you to call FP.”
“Oh… yeah… you bled all over that rug. FP had to make up this big whole story with the serpent's dog… My parents were not happy.” You trailed off as he stood up and handed you what was left of your neatly carved pumpkin.
“So what movie are we watching?” He asked, strolling towards your house as he spoke. You hurried after him and watched as he let himself in like he owned the place, looking around before he nodded approvingly. By the time you’d set the pumpkin down on the back porch and hurried over to him he was rummaging through your fridge.
“Nothing too scary! My parents are out with FP doing that whole neighbourhood patrol, keep the town safe this Halloween for the kids thing. They said to him that they could be out all night. They even booked tomorrow off work.”
“So we’re home alone. All night. You know what that means!” He said as he grinned. He pulled a punnet of grapes from your fridge and leant against the kitchen counter, eyeing the pile of Halloween candy that was left.
“We’re definitely going to be those two lone kids that gets murdered first and Betty will figure out who it was a no one will believe her but Jughead and FP and then the bad guy murders FP and gets Betty but in a crazy house and Jughead goes crazy finding them and then he has to murder the murdere to avenbged all the people they killed.” You said quickly. Your breath had been rapid as you spoke and your eyes seemed to get wider and wider as you stared at a spot on one of his boots. You were still breathing a little heavily as you spoke and Sweet Pea paused mid way through popping a grape in his mouth to give you a weirded out look.
“Ok crazy pants. I’m gonna get FP to check on us in a little while and urm… Here you have a cookie. Let’s get you a blanket and some cartoons.” Sweet Pea dumped the grapes on the side, handing you the plate of cookies and led you into your living room, which he vaguely remembered Jughead dragging him into.
“There you go you sit down here.” He said and patted you on the head when he wasn’t sure how to comfort you. “I guess even the well adjusted can’t handle the fourth serial killer this year.” He muttered as he headed to the house phone to call FP. He groaned when he realised the phone wasn’t working. FP had said some phone lines on the Northside were downed because of the storm the morning before. He hadn’t figured your house would have been one affected. “Can I borrow your phone?” He asked and you pointed to the house phone in his hand. “Yeah… like your mobile the house phone is…”
“The lines have been cut. We’re going to be murdered Sweet Pea, that's what they do!” You said, starting to panic again.
“Cause storms that damage phone lines?” he asked sarcastically.
“They get rid of the phones and then they come up behind you and attack.” You said firmly.
“Honestly. I feel like you’re a little on edge. Ok, you came out of the shed just fine. It’s a spooky night, you’re thinking about horror movies and yes, there is a dangerous guy out there but why would he want to kill us?” As he spoke you started to calm down, unitil thunder clapped overhead and the lights went out.
“Well fuck.” Sweet Pea grumbled when you clamped yourself onto his side and squeezed.
“I don’t want to get murdered.” You whispered.
“Neither do I. Will you let go so I can find my torch.”
“Torch! Betty says not to upset you because you have a knife and you get real stabby why can’t you use that!” You whispered as something creaked.
“Or I could get the torch in my pocket and find your fuse box.” He said as if you’d offended him a little. You squeezed harder when a distinct shadow moved across the doorway that led to the kitchen.
“Sweet Pea!” You whispered in a strangled squeak.
“Yeah I saw it too, try and get to the window.” He muttered, pulling you so that you would duck down and blend in a little better with the darkness that filled the room.
“Found them.” Someone said as something grabbed your shoulder. You squealed and tried to yank yourself away, knocking Sweet Pea off his feet and landing on one of his legs.
“Are you guys ok?” Jughead asked as he shone a torch on your both.
“Jones. What’re you doing breaking into (Y/N)’s house!?” Sweet Pea said with a grunt as he shoved you off him and got to his feet.
“We were looking for you guys. The storm got really bad.” Toni said as she turned on her own torch, revealing Cheryl who had grabbed you. The lights flickered on as Betty hurried into the room.
“The power surge tripped the wires but it’s fixed.” She said to Jughead who nodded. “Your parents said it’s ok to evacuate any southsiders away from the river up to your house. The river is flooding and a lot of the roads are blocked off… also the Riverdale strangler hit again. FP and your parents are up at the hospital with the victim.”
“Don’t freak out!” Sweet Pea said quickly as you started to get the panicky look in your eyes again. “It’s just these guys, they wound’t murder us.”
You jumped when the front door opened and Kevin hurried in with armfuls of belingins and Fangs followed behind with Reggie and Veronica all carrying boxes of food with Pop’s written on the side.
“Tell you what, I’ll take (Y/N) with me to gather supplies with V. Is it ok if we set up for the main group to sleep in your room?” She directed the last part to you and you nodded. Toni and Cheryl hurried up to set out air beds on the floor while Betty led you out to Archies van. “Are you ok? Your parents said you were fine when they left you.”
“I guess I’m a little more freaked out than I thought. It’s kind of scary being alone.” You admitted and she hugged you. You felt Veronica join the hug.
“Well, you’re not alone in the house anymore. Serpents are outside, we have a huge tent and outdoor heaters just for tonight. A lot of the trailers flooded so we’ll all be here for a while.” Betty assured you.
“Plus, Pop will be staying too. Milkshakes on tap.” Veronica joked as you climbed in the back of Archies van with them. He had a list of people to check in on ready for when Betty came back. He started the truck but paused as he saw Jughead on the porch throw his hands up as Sweet Pea hurried over.
“You guys are checking in on people, picking up supplies and stuff right?” He asked.
“Yeah, so.” Archie asked dubiously. Betty and Veronica shared a look with each other when Sweet Pea glanced at you, then got in the truck.
“I’ll help. Like these guys will lug the heavy stuff in the back.” He glanced at you in the rear-view mirror before frowning at Betty who caught his eye and smirked knowingly at him, putting her arm around you as Archie pulled away from your house that now had a trail of people coming in and out, ordered around by Jughead.
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crystalrose555 · 4 years
Don’t make me slap you! Pt. 3
Reblog if you want more!!
Leviathan released a heavy sigh as he entered the House of Lamentation. He just wanted to go back to his room and curl up in his tub, playing mobile games till his next raid but now his perfect afternoon was crumbling away with the sound of his resistant ward. He glimpsed over his shoulder as he watched Beel struggle against the slippery Mochi who thrashed back and forth vigorously in his grip. He grunted, his arms slipping against the smooth fur and his appetite rearing its head from the extra effort of the reluctant Mochi. She kept whipping around her head in an attempt to headbutt the irritated Beelzebub but he held her high enough that it was not an option. Thankfully, Lucifer clamped her muzzle shut with a quick hex to avoid any unwanted injury. Lucifer, on the other hand, had refused to release his face from his grasp until they were all in the foyer and Satan closed the front door behind them.
“Ok, Beelzebub, you can put her down now.” He groaned. With a hardy grunt, Mochi was plopped on the smooth tile where she tried to slide away from the demons. However, Beel circled around her and cut off her escape route. Asmo gasped as he looked at Beelzebub. “Oh no, Beel, you’re all scratched up.”
Beel looked nonchalantly at his forearms that were covered in scratches from her sharp claws.
“It’s fine, I had worst from practice. I’m just really hungry.” He frowned while looking at the fidgety Mochi.
“Don’t even think about it, Beel. She’s off-limits, try to eat her and Lucifer will string you up from the chandelier.” Asmo advised as he went to get bandages. Beel pouted to himself as Satan finally addressed Lucifer over their new ordeal.
“This isn’t really happening, is it?” “Unfortunately, it is. This creature is the exchange student for this year.” “Her name is Mochi.” Lucifer gave an unamused glare as Satan painted a smirk on his face. “Anyhow, this must be serious since Diavolo looked depressed when Barbatos insisted that she should stay here instead of the castle.” “Of course, if Mochi stayed there, the paperwork would be even more backed up than before. Regardless, this isn’t a major concern, we just have to prove that this is an ordinary animal.” Satan raised his eyebrow and glanced over to Mochi who was giving Beelzebub the stink eye from her balled up form. 
“Hmm, well, how do you plan on proving it? You can’t exactly give her a pencil and an IQ test.” “I’ll think of something, I’m just too tired to think of anything for now. Just toss her into Levi’s aquarium.” Levi jolted quickly in response. “You can’t put her in there, she’ll eat Henry! Put her in Asmo’s bathroom, there’s enough room in there!” Asmo rushed in with the first aid kit and a fire in his eyes. “Don’t you dare put that stinking beast in my personal haven!” Mammon chuckled underneath his hand and gave Asmo a shrewd glance. “Aww, what happened to the generous Asmodeus? And here I thought I was the selfish one~” He mocked.
Asmo shot him a glare which caused Mammon to turn his head sheepishly.
“Well we can’t put her in Beel’s room for obvious reasons or Mammon’s room since he would most likely try to sell her.” “Hey-” “And my room is out of the question since I have a bunch of valuable and dangerous books. So the only ones left are Levi, Asmo and Lucifer.” The remaining brothers look at each other in nervous anticipation, mostly because Asmo and Levi didn’t have the brass to stare down the irritated Lucifer. While Mammon and Satan snickered at the staring contest, Beel pulled his eyes away from them to see Mochi scooting away from them. He watched for a moment to see her move over to the stair railing and scratch her snout against it. Once that didn’t work, she then scratched her muzzle with her front flipper. After a few swipes, she snorted out air in frustration and looked around for something else. His expression softened before addressing Lucifer.
“Umm, Lucifer?” “Beel, I already told you, you can’t eat her.” “No not that, I think your hex is bothering her.” The quarrel ceased as all of them turned to stare at the frustrated seal. Asmo and Levi’s expressions softened while the others remained neutral.
“Aww, poor thing~” Asmo whined. “Yeah, reminds me of those videos with animals trapped by trash.” Levi frowned. “Hmph, serves her right for trying to bite me!” “Mammon, you called her a dummy after you threatened to sell her as a coat, of course, she would attack you!” “Why are you yelling at me! You also wanted her to be a coat, Asmo!” “I only said that when Beel was going to eat her.” “...You’re really ugly when you’re two-faced.”
Asmo’s horns popped out in pure anger while Mammon’s wings flared up in retaliation. Lucifer took a moment before a sly smile crawled across his face. “Maybe we should turn her into a coat.” He claimed. “Wait what? Lucifer, have you lost it!?” Levi asked. “I mean why not? If push comes to shove, we can just tell Diavolo that she had an unfortunate accident.” “Hmm, all that fat and meat might keep Beel tied over till dinner.” Satan claimed. “And I could sell the fur to Asmo at a premium rate~” Mammon gleamed. Levi and Asmo looked on horrified by the shift attitude of their brothers while Beel looked on in confusion. “Ok, I’m confused-” Beel stopped mid-sentence as he watched his breath escape his mouth in a cloudy fog. Seeing this, each of the brothers noticed their own smoky breaths as the room grew colder. While the others looked around for the source, Satan and Lucifer stared at the cause of the frigid air. Soon all of the brothers were looking at the growling Mochi who sat upon a patch of thin ice, with white puffs being snorted for her nostrils. “Well, well, I call that killing two birds with one stone.” Lucifer smirked. “Hold on, what’s happenin’?” Mammon questioned. “I had a feeling that something was amiss when Mochi slid across the floor of the summoning room. It’s polished but not the point of Beelzebub falling on his own and her speedy escape.” “Not to mention  how she reacted when you, Diavolo and Barbatos were talking about her.” Satan added. Mochi stiffened up as all the brothers’ stare intensified with the idea of being deceived. She squished herself back into a ball as she tried to bare her fangs at the demons, the ice underneath her crawling further from her body. At this point, the brothers were on their toes, their demonic forms flickering in their shadows, preparing for a possible fight. However, a chuckle from their eldest brother disrupted the cold air into a wave of uncertainty. “At ease everyone, it’s like Diavolo said, we should be gentle with our new housemate.” With a wave of his hand, a faint red aura radiated from Mochi’s muzzle and disappeared into the air. She twitched her nose as Mammon gave a look of disbelief to Lucifer. “Is your head cracked!? You just unleashed the beast!” “Don’t be daft, Mammon. It’s clear as day this seal is a familiar. The ice abilities and the ability to understand us is a dead giveaway. Now the question is, will ‘Mochi’ be willing to talk to us?” “How the hell is she suppose to talk, with growls and barking?” Lucifer ignored Mammon’s whining and looked directly to Mochi with a cold smile and even colder eyes.
“Alright, Mochi, I released my hex from you to make it a more even playing field. Answer my question or Beel is going to have a human realm delicacy. Do you understand me, one for yes, two for no.” Seconds felt like minutes as Mochi and Lucifer stared each other down. One had a smile on their face while the other squinted their eyes in disapproval. The brothers watched the two of them, waiting to see which one would break first. Unfortunately, waiting want not Mammon’s strongest skill.
“Well this was a load of bull-” Suddenly, a hard slap filled the foyer causing everyone to whip their head back to the angry seal. Lucifer’s smile grew wider as his superiority began to leak out. “I’m sorry, I need you to repeat that just to make sure that wasn’t a fluke. Answer my question, do you want to be eaten?” Two slaps. “Do you want to be made into a coat?” Two slaps. Lucifer chuckled as Mammon’s mouth hanged open. “Well, welcome to the House of Lamentation, Mochi. I hope we can get along from now on.” Lucifer smirked.
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wordynerdygurl · 4 years
Skin Deep - Part 3
Author’s Note:  The story continues!  I appreciate everyone’s patience as I got this third piece of our tale completed.  I hope the wait will be worth for all of you! As always, please re-blog, share, comment and so on!  I’m accepting tags, so let me know if you want to be a Minx! I am also getting ready to celebrate a milestone here on Tumblr, so stay tuned for details!! I wanted to take a moment and send some specific love to two of my followers who, just by doing what great fan-fiction readers should, made my little life complete.  First, @iluvsumbucky​ ... this one, she read every chapter of “The Testing Kind” over 5 days and left the most meaningful, heartfelt reviews.  I can’t tell you how much it meant to me to see those comments and know that you loved my story as much as I loved writing it. Which brings us to @iamverity​ ... perhaps the single most thing a writer can hope for is someone to tell you that their work makes you feel.  I was paid this compliment and swear to strive for that in all my output going forward. Also, always, much thanks to @sammy-jo1977​ who had to listent o me whine while this one came together. Skin Deep Part 1 Skin Deep Part 2 Pairing:  Loki x Reader, Steve x Reader, Natasha and Bucky are around Summary:  Picking up where part 2 ended, Loki’s back... What will Steve do to keep you as his own?  How far will you go to find the truth? Warnings:  Angry, yelling, darker Steve.  Mentions of smut, property destruction, confrontations galore.
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“PET!”  Watching you crumble, Loki was a blur of manic motion, moving with speed spurned by fear.  Knees scraping the antique rug, those long fingered hands cupped your head, keeping it from hitting the floor as Loki managed to catch you just in time. Malice, so foreign on his tongue, dripped from Steve as he rushed forward, “She’s not your pet, Loki.  Not anymore.” Crouched over you, protecting you in your delicate state, Loki stared down America's Man with a Plan.  Long hair swinging wildly, “Well, she’s certainly not your doll, Captain.”  Jostling for position, pushing close to you, Steve elbowed Loki harshly, “Like Hell!” With a flash, fully armored, Loki stood with you draped limply in his arms.  “Out of the way, Avenger.  You don’t want to fight me, not right now.”
Moving, keeping Steve in his sights, Loki stepped backwards, making his way toward the open door.  Steve, stomping forward slowly, intending to close the distance and eager to have you back in his arms, “Let me have the girl, Loki.” Growling a warning, Loki snarled, “Absolutely not.” “Loki, just walk away.  Leave her, just like you did before.”
“Captain-”  A sharp shock rocked through Loki’s back forcing his body to lock up.  Almost frozen from the burning heat blasting through him, his arms grew heavy, beyond his control.  There was no scream, only the perfectly round “O” of his mouth as the pain clamped onto each of his muscles.  Unable to support you any longer, Loki felt himself tipping forward, Steve stealing you to safety and out of his grasp.  Loki’s world went black as his arms were emptied of your weight. Gently, sweetly, your passed out figure is laid on your soft bed.  Straightening, Steve tucked the blanket under your arms, “Thanks for the assist.” “Sorry I’m late.” 
“Still, thank you.”  Natasha holstered her weapon, a strong taser with tech from Tony modified to take down an Asgardian, and cuffed the wrists of unconscious Loki.  “Think you can help me get him out of here?  Steve?”  “Hmm?  Oh, yea.  Sure.”  Distracted, Steve was looking down at you, grazing a hand over your cheek, tucking hair behind your ear.  It looked loving and tender to Natasha. “She’ll be fine, Rogers.  It won’t take us long to-” “He was me.”  
Softly spoken, Natasha barely heard the words, her head bent towards the alien god at her feet.  But something about his tone had her chin lifting.  “What do you mean, Steve?” “Shape shifted.  Glamoured.  However he did it...  Loki looked like me, sounded like me, was… me.” Natasha had an idea of where this was headed.  Bed sheets were rumpled, you were in a robe, your hair askew.  The unmistakable smell of sex filled the space.  Almost unrecognizable, Steve’s voice echoed a hurt that she had never heard before.  Not when he’d woken up, a man out of time and out of friends.  Not when Bucky was found, brain washed but alive.  No, this Steve sounded broken.  Wounded.  And wasting precious time. 
“Steve, let’s talk about this later.  Help me move Loki.  Fury will be here to collect him tomorrow at first light.” “She loves him, Nat.  Even as me.  She and Loki… they just…”  Looking back at you, tracing the swollen curve of your hard kissed lips, “They are perfect for each other.” “What are you saying, Rogers?” His sigh was a heavy, cumbersome thing.  “I’m saying… Let's get Loki secure.”
Fluttering open, you took in the lengthening shadows across the ceiling of the room you and Steve called your own.  The room where Steve had coaxed you away from your physical dependence on Loki’s love.  The room where Loki, appearing as Steve, forced you to reacquaint yourself with his addicting abilities.  Hearing Steve’s even tread on the stairs, you sat up just as he cleared the door.  Meeting Steve’s concerned gaze with your own, a gentle smile playing on his full lips, “Hey doll!  Welcome back!” 
Crossing to your side, long strides bringing him near, Steve lowered himself onto the bed.  Taking you in, Steve clasped one of your hands in his own, his fingers locking on yours.  Soothing, smoothing the damp hair off your cheek, “You fainted.” Your mouth was dry.  Unable to trust your rusty throat, nodding, you acknowledged his statement.  Fainting wasn’t something you did, but under the circumstances, you gave your strained mind a break.  With a cracking whisper you asked, “Loki?”  Steve’s look clouded at the name, as if he’d swallowed something disgusting, “He’s gone.”
Struggling, your loose robe falling open, a shrill tone that you didn’t recognize coming out of you, “Gone?  Loki just left?” Steve won’t look at you.  Maybe he can’t, but that doesn’t stop his words from sounding so strange.  You ask again, not understanding, “Loki’s gone?” With that, Steve focuses solely on your tear filled eyes, not the reddened skin of your clavicle or the indigo fingerprints rising on the surface of your breast.  Pulling your robe over you, covering the marks of passion on your shoulder for your sake, Steve shrugged, “Yes.”
Shaking Steve off, hands waving him away, “But that doesn’t make sense.” Scooting back, surveying you darkly, “It doesn’t?” “No.  I mean-”  Swinging your legs over the edge of the bed, a guilty look on your face at the appearance of purple on your inner thigh, “Why would he show up… and do what he did?” This type of behavior wasn’t like him.  This wasn’t Loki’s style.  He calculated, maneuvered, contemplated.  Risk over reward, pros and cons.  
No, he had come back with a plan.  Loki had come back for you.  As he’d promised you years ago, Loki was back and you had betrayed him.  You had betrayed him by falling into Steve’s bed.  You had let Loki down.  Would he be able to forgive you?  Could you forgive yourself? Fingers laying over your own, Steve squeezed them tight, misunderstanding the tears in your eyes.  “I’m sorry he hurt you, doll.  I should have been here sooner.” “He didn’t hurt me, Steve.  I mean, not physically…”, jerking your hand free, standing on wobbly legs, your sadness flashed into anger.  As you paced the room, Steve was forced to keep calm, even as he wanted to explode.  The marks of Loki’s love making were still fresh and just knowing that someone else had put them on your body made Steve’s pulse pound.  What’s more, you didn’t seem to care that you looked like a well used harlot, parading around, shoving Loki’s prowess down his throat.  With a raised tone, unfamiliar to you, Steve groaned in frustration, “Doll, look what Loki did to you!  He took advantage!”
That made you pause.  Did Loki cross a line?  Yes.  Coming to you as Steve, taking you to bed, making you feel all those delicious, dirty things… Things that Steve would never consider doing.  Things Steve wouldn’t be capable of doing, not to you, his perfect doll.  You should have known something was different about your stand-in Captain.  But, hadn’t it been a perfect combination of the two men?  Remembering it made your head swim, “I don’t know why Loki did this.  I don’t know why Loki… wasn’t himself.” “He’s not the only one.” scoffed Steve.
“What the hell does that mean?” Sighing heavily, resigning himself to the unspoken resentment he felt, “Nothing… I… Nothing.  Forget about it.  Let’s focus on tonight, ok?” Moody and on edge, you didn’t want to let it go, “Oh no.  You said it.  I want to know what you meant.”  Your hands found your hips, arms out like chicken wings, the air around you snapping with unchecked energy.
“Doll, let’s not.  Not right now.” “No.  Let’s hear it.  You clearly have something to say.  Say it.  Use your words, Steve.”  It was a phrase Steve loved to use on you when he felt like his sexual endeavors deserved more praise.  Now, you used it to goad him. "You let him-" Steve looked anywhere but at you, the memory of your body tight against his own, as a spectator, not participant made him bristle, “-have his way with you.”
Opening and closing your mouth, unable to find the words, shaking in your own unchecked fury and frustration.  "I thought it was you!"
"Did you really?", gravel filled and low, Steve’s anger simmered just under the surface of his perfect pout.  
You had a flashback, Steve stalking towards you, an almost predatory look on his handsome face.  He called you “pet”, pulled you to him with hungry hands, touched you in more than three places.  What you thought was, No, no I didn’t really think it was you.  But what you said was, "Y...yes.  Why?" 
"You've never been like that with me… so loose, so playful.  Loki could have asked you for anything.  Anything and you'd have done it."
It was a stinging truth, it’s acid filled tentacles wrapping around your heart, squeezing tightly because you definitely would have done anything that fake Steve had wanted.  Real Steve was right about that.  Dragging in a deep breath, almost afraid to ask, but needing to know, "How long were you watching, Steve?"
"Long enough.”
Searching his brooding eyes, you looked for the familiar light of the sensitive Steve you’d so recently grown to enjoy.  He was nowhere to be found.  Adding a pleading note to your voice, almost contrite, "It was you as far as I was concerned.  He tricked me, ya know?"
"You weren't complaining, in fact, it was the exact opposite.”  Rage snapped in Steve’s frosty glare as he finally lost the iron grip of his emotions, “You came for him!  Twice!" Matching his volume, “I came for you!” Mocking you, your breathless words of passion, “I won’t break Steve!  Please, Steve!  Don’t Stop!” “Steve!  Not Loki!  Steve!!  You said it yourself!” On his feet now, crowding you closer to the wall, his voice continued to rise. “You knew it wasn’t me.  Don’t lie!  You knew.  And… and you fucked him anyway!  Ah!”  Spinning, Steve yelled as his fist went through the door of your armoire, wood splinters and paint flying every which way. Ducking, you jumped out of the way, shouting too, "Jesus, Steve!  What are you doing?!” But Steve was on you in a heartbeat, using his super size to his advantage, “When did you know?  When did you know it was him?  When did you realize you weren’t fucking me?”
And there was the real issue, the thought hitting you like a freight train.  Cold, pea green, you touched my toy, jealousy.  
“Steve…”, his grip on your upper arms was vice tight, the vibration of his furious frenzy frizzling your confidence.  Your voice sounded so small, but it somehow reached through his envious green fog, “Stop, baby… please?” Deflating before you, Steve’s chest rose and fell as his breath evened out,  “Answer me.  Did you know it was Loki?” Catching your bottom lip between your teeth you nodded, whispering, lying, “No… I really believed it was you.” And that was the right answer, because Steve pulled you to him then, his mouth no longer spouting spite.  “Doll… I love you.  Seeing you with… anyone else, I just couldn’t…”  You heard him trail off, his grasp of you tighter than needed, but you didn’t dare move.  “I know honey.  I know.”  Feeling him press a kiss to your temple, Steve’s lips moved over your cheek before capturing your mouth with his.  You let him kiss you, kissing him back, eager to end the hostilities without any more destruction.  Placated, Steve’s chin rested on your head, “People are still coming over tonight.  It’s too late to cancel.  Will you be up for that?” Easy now, sweetly you responded, “Everything is pretty much done.  You just have to start the grill, babe.”  Laughing low, “Ok.  I’m going to get cleaned up and head out there.” Stepping out of his arms, looking up at him demurely, “Sounds good.”  Somehow you even managed a smile, normal and light, as if the afternoon hadn’t been filled with shrieks and shouts. Hugging you snuggly once more, Steve reached the door before turning back to you, “You need to shower.  You smell like him.  And, doll?” Frozen in place, you risked a glance at Steve, “Yes?” “Please keep yourself covered up.  You’ve got bruises everywhere.” Once Steve was gone, your resolve eroded completely.  Loki had disappeared again, Steve had lost his damn mind, and you had the nagging suspicion that everything was wrong.  Under the surface of all of these events, these wild happenings, was a connection that you couldn’t see.  Tears fell, hot and hard, scalding your cheeks. Over your sniffling you heard Steve’s steps on the stairs, thumping him towards the back yard.  Pushing yourself up off the floor, you saw the super soldier making his way to the shed, the little storage area seated between the house and the tree line.  Swiveling his head, checking for onlookers, Steve entered the security code, your first date, and stepped inside. Now, it wasn’t weird that Steve went to shed, per se.  It was his, on his property, and full of his stuff.  What made it weird was the glowing green light that flashed quickly through the windows after he was inside. Keeping vigil over that little shed for more than twenty minutes, eager to see Steve step out of that small space, your mind races.  What was going on in there?  What could he possibly be doing that would take so much time? Again, the windows glowed green and suddenly Steve was outside, shutting the door soundly.  He looked towards you, to the window you were gawking out of, but the sheer curtain hid you.  Satisfied, Steve moved to the patio, setting up the grill for his guests. Shivering through your shower, you quickly cleaned up, your hands running over the tender skin where Loki left reminders.  Steve wasn’t wrong.  You were covered from neck to knee with bruises and bites, stings and smacks. But how delicious it had been earning each and everyone of them.  
He felt the familiar strain of shackles before opening his eyes.  Hands behind his back, some sort of water fed device from the feel of it, kept him from full use of his magic.  Loki knew then that Thor had provided inspiration for his current condition, even if it was unintentional.
Another set of cuffs.  Another version of prison.  Passing through his brain was a floating thought, What did I do this time?
Unable to dissect his predicament further, Loki heard the thumping steps of a visitor coming his way.  "Agent Romanoff… always a pleasure.  Are you the one responsible for my current-" shifting in his bonds, "-state?"
"You brought this on yourself, Loki."
Tilting his head, dark hair cascading downward, "Really?  And exactly how did I accomplish that?"
Natasha spread her feet, toeing the edge of Loki's cell, "I told you there was an easy way to do this.  Seems like you enjoy doing things the hard way."
Chuckling, if only she knew the truth of her words, "I do like it hard.  And rough.  And wild.  Just ask Rogers' woman.  Isn't that right, Captain?"
"Shut up, Loki."
"Why should I?  You have me here, trussed up like a stuck pig, bound and helpless.  What more can I do?"  His tone reflecting false innocence that neither agent believed, Loki smiled widely, seeming almost content in his confinement.
Steve ignored the rising ire Loki provoked.  Turning to Natasha, "Can you go and check on her?  She should be showering… getting dressed.  Make sure she…"  Now he glowered in Loki's direction, "Make sure she doesn't look like a whore."
Loki's answer was a raised eyebrow.
"You boys play nice until I get back.", her last words before retreating up the stairs, leaving Loki and Steve to stare at each other.
For a long moment neither spoke.  There was a lot to say, maybe too much, but both warriors were willing to wait the other out.  It was the equivalent of circling an opponent, only no one was moving, there was no parry, no thrust.
Loki, seemingly at ease, knew he could wait out the Super Soldier.  Roger’s approach was so utterly American, so typical of Midgard, Earthy.  No, it was clear that Steve didn't understand about patience.  Timing.  Not like Loki did anyway.
For his part, Steve was already battling a fierce fighter… himself.  When he told Nat that you and Loki had something special, something other, that wasn't a lie.  Steve would have to be blind or stupid not to realize the depth of feelings the two of you shared.
So the question circling his star spangled brain was this:  did loving you mean letting you go, even if that meant Loki won?  Or lying to keep you as Steve's own?
No answers came.  And that, the inability to settle his feelings once and for all, made Steve vibrate with uncontrollable anger.  Mad at himself for letting Loki get under his skin, under your skin, had Steve clenching his fists at his sides.
Furious at Fury for forcing him to use you, trading your broken heart for weapons technology, had Steve's toes tapping.  That he knew in his heart what he had to do, what the right thing was, even though Steve would lose everything… well that was the last straw.
As the electric bars Loki was kept behind fell, the deity couldn't help taunting, "Interrogation time, is it?"
Steve's answer was more feral grunt than words.  Loki followed him with his gaze until Steve crossed behind his broad back and out of sight, “You really think you love her.”  
Loki's single syllable stalled Steve.  Had he heard the fallen God right?  Was it this easy to win you away from Loki?  Steve faced his captive, forcing Loki to look up at him, practically sneering, "No?"
“Love is too small a word.”
Shaking his head at the sweet sentiment, Steve's voice laced with unshed emotions, “I love her, Loki.”  Pounding on the skin over his heart, voice lifting with his bubbling anger, “Me.  I love her!"
Looking ahead, shrugging, Loki focused on the man before him, clearly in crisis.  Anyone else might empathize with the dear old Captain.  Not Loki.  What did Steve's feelings matter to a God like him?  
"Why couldn’t you just stay away?”  Questioning Loki, Steve wasn’t sure he wanted an answer, or, more precisely, wasn’t sure he could handle it.
Twisting now, coolly appraising your conflicted consort, Loki snorted, “You know why.  Why couldn’t you find your own girl, Captain?  What right do you have to take what is mine?”
“She’s not yours, Loki.  Not anymore.”  Bristling, Steve's words were steel, biting, brittle but it was a shallow shield.  Closing his eyes he saw it all play out again.  A loop of you, lusty eyes half closed, legs spread, lips parted as his body double brought you to paradise.  
As if he knew where Steve's mind had drifted, his half smirking smile rising, Loki cocked his head.  “Oh, I don't know about that.  She didn’t feel like yours when I had her cumming on my cock.”
Rocking on his heels as if he'd been struck, Steve challenged, “Do you have to be so crude?”
“Does that offend you?  I’m terribly sorry that my honesty is so odious.  Shall I lie to you instead?”
“I’m going to enjoy watching Fury dissect you.”  It was a threat, plain and simple.  Still, Loki wasn't convinced of its authenticity, no matter how much Rogers wanted him to cower.  
“Is that the plan then?  Cut me up, figure out ways to use me?”  Now, that was a troubling thought.  Torture was not something Loki enjoyed, having been on the receiving end of its hellish torments a time or two, and he had no plans to return to a testing chamber, thank you very much.
Nodding negative, Steve smiled back coldly, “There’s also all those Asgardian weapons, Loki.”
“Ah!  That sounds more like your Mr. Fury!  Drain my brain for technology that no one on the planet could hope to control.  Great idea.”
It was then, without real consideration, that Steve drove his fist into Loki's jaw knocking the once King of Asgard onto his side.  Loki, powerless to stop the sucker punch, had no choice but to accept the blow and allow momentum and gravity to do their best work.  His lip, exploding in a spray of blood, filled his mouth with warm copper, staining his leather doublet.
Spitting a wad of torn tissue and clotting red onto the cellar dust, "You son of a whore!  I thought we were doing so well!"
Steve, kneeling in the dirt, squeezed Loki's shoulder, pulling him upright.  Seeing the broken skin on his foe's face made him feel better.  Drawing back, Steve watched as Loki raised his chin, offering it up to the serum soaked soldier as a target.  Happily, Captain Rogers obliged him. Swinging his left arm, connecting with the sharp cut of Loki's right cheek, Steve felt the bone break under his hand.  Knuckles met nose as blood gushed over Loki's handsome face in a macabre cascade.  Still, Loki made no cry, offered no pleas.  Wordlessly he allowed Steve to pummel him, absorbing the blows of bitterness, stoking Steve's anger.
After a punishing pop that made Loki's ears ring, taunting, Steve offered, “I can do this all day.”
Wheezing through his broken nose, gurgling through the fountain that was one his face, “It takes a God, Rogers.  You’re still a skinny boy from Brooklyn compared to the cosmic forces at play here."
Pushing Loki flat to his back, towering over him, Rogers's own breath coming in pants of exertion.  "I could kill you.  For what you did today.  For what you've done."
"Is it your sense of misguided morality that stays your hand, Captain?"  Loki slurred through his split lip, one irritated eye swelling, as Steve flexed his rapidly healing fingers.
"No.  I told you, Nick wants you… alive."
"And you're always the good soldier aren't you?  Doing as you're told, no matter what you know is right?"
Turning his head away, Steve didn't want to see the consequences of his actions etched on Loki's face, "You don't know what you're talking about."
"Then let me go."
Slowly closing his eyes, Steve sighed, "Right.  Ya know, I'd have to be insane.  After what you did today?"  
"I came back for my lady."
Another flare of furious feeling flowed through Steve, instinct making him kick into Loki's ribs.  "She's not your lady!  God damn it!"
Curling into the new wave of pain inflicted on his person, “Oof!  Do what you want to me, Captain, you and Fury won't be the first.  Just-"  Loki, hiccuping softly as a lone tear tracked over his mottled skin, "-just, please.  Don’t hurt her.  It’s not her fault.”
Cold blood, coursing through his veins, pounded in Steve's ears at the idea that he might harm you.  “I would never!  I could never!  She thinks you’re already gone.  Left her behind like before.  And I’ll pick up the pieces... again."
Turning to leave, Steve's final blow, the most crushing, "She’ll never even know you’re down here, Loki.”
Digging through your shattered chest, towel clutched around you, desperately you searched for something to wear that hid as much of you as possible.  There was no sense in upsetting Steve further.  You weren’t entirely sure what he might do, not anymore. Mind whirling a mile a minute, your head was at war, silently cursing Loki and Steve equally for their behavior throughout the day.  Who was the more infuriating?  Right now you couldn’t decide between Loki’s cruel but carnal return, and Steve’s super soldier psychosis.
"Hey lady!"  
Snapping your head up with a shriek, "Damn it, Nat! You scared the shit out of me!"
Laughing lightly, stepping into the messy room, Natasha kept her eyes on you.  "Everything ok?  You seem… tense?"
Feeling your lower lip wobble, "Oh?  Do I seem that way?  And no.  Nothing's ok." 
"Tell me.  What happened?"
Flopping down to the bed, a dress clutched in your hand, you turned your filling eyes to your best friend.  Gulping quickly you started retelling the events of the last couple of hours.  Loki’s disguised return and almost immediate departure.  Steve’s over sized, out of character outburst, and the visible wreckage it had left behind.
Natasha let you prattle, bobbing her head and offering "No!" and "Oh my god!" and "What?" at the appropriate moments in your story.  Where the hell was Fury?  It was dangerous keeping Loki so close to you, didn't he realize that?  There was no telling what lengths he would go to in his quest to reclaim you.
When you had finished, finally reaching the moment she had found you, she was a million miles away.  "Natasha?  Earth to Nat?" 
Blinking herself back into the moment, "I'm just speechless.  Like, wow."
“I know, Right?”  Expecting some sort of response or advice, you scanned your friend’s face but something felt off.  Natasha’s eyes kept drifting toward the window, keeping the shed in sight, waiting for something.
And suddenly a thought popped into your head.  Something you didn’t want to ask, something you were afraid to answer.  Steve’s shindig was still an hour away from beginning, everyone was supposed to come up from the city together.  So, why was she already here? Feeling you shift away from her, just an inch or two of distance on the bedspread, Natash knew you were putting pieces together.  It was something she had seen before.  The moment a captive subject realized she wasn’t the good cop or the bad cop.  
“I’m going to need my sandals.  I think they’re in the room across the hall.  Hang here a minute, ok?”  Sounding bright and breezy, you went to stand, stopping with Natasha’s forceful tug on your wrist. “No.” “No? Come on, Nat…”  Pulling free of her grip, well trying to, your false smile slipping as you took a step backwards. Shaking her head, the woman who was your best friend swung you back towards the mattress, “Put on your dress.  Do your makeup. Finish getting yourself ready.” You were meeting the Black Widow for the first time.  Calculating, poisonous and cold.  Shivering at Natasha’s icy tone,  “Are you asking me or telling me?” Cocking her head, sending her blunt bob swinging, the look she gave you was answer enough.  “You’re going to sit here until Steve comes to get you.”
“Can you… will you at least give me the room?”  Natasha gave you a half nod before exiting, shutting the door behind her.  Waiting to hear her footsteps, a sign that she had drifted downstairs, you were disappointed to learn she was standing guard.  Of course it wouldn’t look that way to anyone but you.  No, to everyone else it would seem like your bestie was waiting for you to finish up, eager to get the party started. Pacing to the window, looking down like a princess trapped in a tower, you saw Steve chatting with Bucky the unsurprising first to arrive.  Your gaze kept drifting to that shed, more than certain that it contained the answers you needed, and that somehow, someway, you had to get into that space.  But first you had to get dressed.  
Drawing panties up your legs, you started getting yourself put together.  Next came the matching bra, the cups covering the fingerprints Loki left behind.  Shrugging into your maxi length wrap dress, the emerald green one with a sash belt that felt like a soft tee shirt, you at least felt pretty even if your heart was heavy. Willing yourself not to cry, you swiped eye shadow over your lids just like you’ve done countless times before.  Mascara, a pop of red lipstick, but no blush.  You didn’t need it.   
As you push your earring into place the door creaks open.  Steve, looking sheepish, rests a hip against your dresser watching you do all the little things that complete your look for the night.  He’s smiling sweetly, adoringly, in a way that’s meant to prove that he’s ready to put the day’s events behind you both. “You look… beautiful, doll.” “Thank you.”  Keeping it simple, you don’t let your stare linger on him, instead you sink down to buckle your strappy sandals in place.  Kneeling down at your feet, Steve lifts the second shoe, Prince Charming style.  And if today hadn’t been today, you might have felt moved by his gesture.  Now, more than ever, if solidified the idea that you were a kept thing, the princess, locked in a castle tower to be hidden away from the rest of the world. 
Only Steve wasn’t your prince.  He was the Lord of the Manner, to be obeyed in all things, keeping you behind closed doors.  Natasha, she was his enforcer, the knight guarding his treasure.  Oh, how you wanted to be rescued. Mortified and hurt, feeling trapped like a pent up tiger in a cage, you turn towards the door, "Where do you think you're going?" At Steve’s words you pause.  Worry must show on your face because he leans into you, brushing a kiss across your temple, wrapping your hand in his.  “You can’t go anywhere without me.” And it’s meant to reassure you.  That’s what Steve’s body language wants to convey.  Protector, defender, keeping you safe and secure.  On the landing you’re flanked by Natasha, pinned between them both, as you make your way down to the small gathering of guests already sipping sangria under the pretty lights you put out.
Pepper is the first to grab you and for a beat Steve doesn’t let go of your fingers, instead pressing a possessive kiss to the back of your hand.  “Don’t you look beautiful!  Captain, you can’t keep her all to yourself, you know!”, gathering you to her in a tight hug is almost enough to make you cry.  It’s the love you had expected from your best friend but been denied. Warily, watchfully, Steve works the crowd.  He’s poured beers for the boys and slapped steaks on the grill.  Natasha is chatting with Clint, but you feel her eyes on you just the same.  No one else is aware of the scrutiny you’re under and you realize that you’re dealing with two super spies who are great at what they do for a living.  Getting to the shed unnoticed is going to be difficult, but you’re going to make it happen even if it kills you, and it just might. Soft music is playing, the air is honeysuckle scented and in some other dimension, tonight is perfect.  Still, you can’t keep your thoughts on the party.  You’re waiting for a chance to sneak away, even as you make small talk with Wanda, “Oh, thank you!  I’m glad you like them, it’s a family recipe.” “Doll?  Got a second?”  You’d hardly have thought that Bucky Barnes would be your salvation, and yet, it’s his soft voice that pulls you away from the group in a way that doesn’t arouse suspicion.  Setting down your own glass, you tilt your head to Bucky, flashing Steve a small smile.  He returns it with a little nod, giving you the go ahead before you follow Bucky into the kitchen.   Reaching into the cabinet, you grab two shot glasses and the bottle from the freezer, “I kept the good stuff for us!” Bucky, chuckling low, pours out two icy vodkas.  Clinking your glass to his, you tip the alcohol down your throat, enjoying the white hot burn as it hits your belly.  Holding your cup out, Bucky refills it, “You ok, doll?” “Yea?  Why?” Raising his dark eyebrows, “You’re quiet.” “So?”  Defensiveness laced your response.
“Um… that’s just not like you.  I thought that tonight you’d be… relaxed.” Twirling your recently emptied shot glass, purposefully not looking into the brilliant blue eyes in front of you, “I’ve just got a lot on my mind today.” “I can imagine.  Steve told me about… Loki.” “He did?  What did he say?” Another heavy pour, another downed shot, and Bucky answered, “That he had come to see you.  Riled you up.” “That’s it?”
Bucky, catching your gaze held it, “No.  He’s afraid of losing you.  He loves you so much, you know?” “Ha!”  It burst out of you, unrestrained, and once the uncomfortable bubble popped it couldn’t be stopped.  Laughing uncontrollably now, you clutched the counter, knees buckling as you tried to stifle the giggles.  Hearing Bucky join you, that chortle of his gaining strength as the vodka took hold, only kept your own laughter going. “Bucky!  I’m gonna pee my pants!  Oh god!”  
Keeping your knees locked, scuttling to the bathroom, you ducked inside.  You heard the Winter Soldier fix himself another drink and shut the freezer door, “Doll, I’ll see you outside!”
Letting yourself out the front door, you snuck around the side of the house, entering again through the wide gate.  From this side, the shed was easy to access, and just far enough away from the noise of the party to keep you hidden from view.  You were also trusting Bucky to report your need for the bathroom, buying you a few minutes of snooping time, before you’d need to be back under the watchful eyes of Steve. Punching in the security code, the lock clicking gently, you pushed into the small room where all the landscaping and hand tools lived.  Smelling of gasoline and mold, the place was neat, but dirty, built solely for storage.  You were ready to give up your searching when you noticed footprints in the dust.  
Not just Steve’s boots either.  No, there was Natasha’s feminine foot shape as well as the long tapered outline of a third person’s shoe.  But that didn’t add up.  Following the tracks around a small work table you noticed a rug, still kicked up at the corner, where the footprints stopped.  Now, you were no Nancy Drew, out there solving the case of the extra footsteps in the shed.  It just all was too perfect, the clues matching up too well to be an accident. Rolling up the carpet revealed a small latch that sprung free with little effort.  In the gloom below, glowing faintly, was the same green light you remembered from Steve’s visit here.  Something about that light was familiar to your person.  It called to you and after swallowing a small wave of fear you used the narrow ladder like steps to descend into the murky space below. You didn’t need a flashlight.  What was in front of you illuminated the whole cellar with ghastly green light.  Narrow columns of light stretched from floor to ceiling, crackling with power, keeping you away from the shadowed prisoner on the other side. Realization, hitting you like a brick, brought burning bile to your throat.  You recognized the figure on the floor in front you, even with his purpled face and swollen eye, “LOKI!” “Oh, hello pet.” Getting as close to the shimmering bars as you safely could, “Oh god, Loki!  What’s happened?  I thought you left?  Steve told me you left!” “You thought I left?  That’s ludicrous.  I just got back.”, voice still rasping, Loki surveyed you from his good eye.
“What’s happening here?  I… I just don’t understand.” Sighing deeply, Loki rolled his still visible eye, “Can you turn off these ridiculous bars?  I can’t use my magic with all this… interference.” Spying the control panel across the room, you studied it for a moment before entering a set of numbers.  It wasn’t difficult to crack Steve’s code.  This one was your birthday.  Instantly the laser grid dropped, giving you access to the battered man cuffed on the dirt floor.  Wasting no time, you flung yourself towards Loki, your arms circling his neck as you kissed his split lips.  Falling into the dirt beside him, you clung to Loki, squeezing him until he begged to be let go. “Pet!  Please!  The cuffs, if you can release them I can heal myself.” Looking at the fancy restraint holding Loki’s wrists tightly, you didn’t find a keyhole, but rather a complex latch mechanism.  Pulling your earring free, you used the post to push open the catch, a whirring sound rising as the metal and liquid let go.  Laughing, “That should not have worked.” “It was created by men who don’t take women into account.  Of course your female magic would best them, darling.”
Loki turned your face to his, cupping your cheek, “Oh gods, I missed you.” Scalding tears began to flow, “I’m so sorry Loki.  I knew you were coming back.  I knew it… and still…” “Hush.  Hush now.  You were purposely misled, pet.  Rogers, Romanoff, Fury.  I was communicating with them the entire time.  And for their own reasons they kept you in the dark.”  Rocking together in the dank gloom of the shed, you let Loki hold you which is exactly what he had wanted to do for years now.
“Buck?  Where’s our girl?”  Trying to keep his voice light, Steve was battling internally, feeling that familiar pulse of anger start to throb. “Bathroom.  Give her a minute, we were hitting the Goose pretty hard.” Natasha was already on the move, pushing through the screen door, stomping through the kitchen.  Finding the bathroom empty, like she knew she would, Nat stopped for a second.  Where would you go? Steve was already moving towards the shed, knowing, somehow that you’d find your way there eventually.  “Just going to grab more champagne!  Hang tight!  Bucky, don’t let that chicken burn!” Meeting Natasha at the door, the two Avengers wordlessly agreeing to a covert attack plan, Steve entering the pin code.  Soundless, they sweep the space, finding it empty.  Steve, stopping short at the edge of the carpet, the cellar door still open to the darkness below.    
Lifting his wide eyes to Natasha, “They’re gone.” 
~ Part Four Coming Soon~ My Like Minded Minxes:  @sammy-jo1977 @vodka-and-some-sass @just-random-obsessions @brokenthelovely @lots-of-loki @thefallenbibliophilequote @iamverity @iluvsumbucky @unadulteratedwizardlove @wolfsmom1 @procrastinatinglikeabitch @mizfit2 @shxdowofdarkness @nonsensicalobsessions @ahintofkiwistrawberry @alexakeyloveloki @jessiejunebug @rorybutnotgilmore @crystalizedcaramel @lokislittlecorner @scrumptious-finicky-illusion @capcapcapsicle @jamielea81 @caffiend-queen @thenatalie 
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