#Bunni’s life
bunni-bunny · 3 months
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thatsbelievable · 2 months
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briviting · 2 years
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womp womp
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bubblegumcutiee · 10 months
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chibird · 1 month
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Don’t feel bad if you have to leave an environment that wasn’t good for you! It takes courage and strength to choose your health and search for a better life.
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dreamlifebunny · 8 months
how to script your dream life and use it with any method!
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hello friends! today i want to share with you how i personally script my dream life, and how this script is both my void list, states list, and precursor to almost every manifestation method i've ever used. i love scripting because it is not only a method in and of itself but it is also a simple list of everything you desire that you can now manifest using any method you love!
check back later for a link to my scripting templates. in the meantime, here are the steps to creating your perfect script from scratch with examples! all you need is a place to write it down.
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step one:
time to brain dump! at the top of your page, write out every desire that comes to your head in list format. don't overthink it and don't worry if they sound silly or unrealistic; remember, absolutely anything is possible! you can write out a few desires to start or go hardcore and write out hundreds, whatever you feel inspired by. you can always come back to this step later. here is my example:
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step two:
now its time to get organized! look at the desires you've written and figure out what subcategories they fall under. for example, "my eyes are light blue and gorgeous" could fall under the category of "appearance," and "i have $100,000 in my bank account" could fall under the category of "wealth and items." feel free to use any category name that makes sense to you.
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step three:
now that you have a couple of categories written out and understand the structure of the script, your mind might start to have even more ideas. "ooh, now that i see revision is a category, there are a couple more things i'd like to revise..." or "why stop at one SP when i could have everyone chasing after me?" for step three, we go a little deeper into these categories and add more details of what our dream life will look like. you can also add new categories that pop into your head - in the example below, i've added "the world and society" and "skills and abilities."
note: the reason why i broke this up into multiple steps instead of just writing "write out all your desires at once" is because our brains can be mean to us and make us procrastinate if something isn't done "perfectly," so that's why adding an extra step is important to bypass the perfectionism.
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optional steps:
because scripting is such a creative and expansive process, we might think of ideas we'd like to manifest in the future but not right now/not instantly. i like to organize my script further by adding another category: "future manifestations." these are ideas that i would love to manifest at some point later on but not necessarily while my dream life is manifesting right now.
another idea is separating categories even further into "instant manifestations" (manifestations that happen right now without things needing to unfold) or "perfect timing manifestations" (manifestations that slowly unfold naturally and linearly), if you want to get specific about how they show up in your life! however, these steps are completely optional and just fun details for specificity, and i can make a more detailed post on this later.
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how you can use your script with any method:
scripting has been used as a successful manifesting and shifting method on its own forever because it specifically addresses one of the most important steps in the manifesting process - deciding what you want! by writing out what you want in your dream life, you can now decide that your script will manifest on its own or you can use any method under the sun to fulfill yourself within:
the void state: if you enter the void state to manifest, you could affirm "i have everything in my dream life script"
affirming: you can affirm "everything in my dream life script has come true"
visualization: you could create an imaginative scene where all of your desires from your script are fulfilled, or you can imagine looking at your script and smiling because everything came true
subliminals: you can create a very simple subliminal where all of your desires are included, or even a sub where the only affirmation is "i have everything in my dream life script"
the possibilities with scripting are absolutely endless. i hope that this guide has given you the inspiration and direction to write your own wonderful and unique script. now, go and get your dream life!
have fun! bunny 💕
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zhongrin · 8 months
i feel like zhongli would be the type to be absolutely and utterly horrified when he knows you've skipped a meal.
he understands that your job make you busy and sometimes it's best to not break your focus from the task you're currently doing. and he understands that most of the time, when you miss your mealtime, there are lots of factors that makes it hard to leave your post just to shove some nutrients into your stomach.
still, he thinks you being in a hungry state for an extended period of time is a crime. it's simply unacceptable.
so he tries hard to always make sure you always have a snack with you. maybe a thermos full of tea to go with it too. and of course he'd also try to get you to eat a whole meal.
if you work from home, be prepared to be hounded by a worried husband who would literally spoon-feed you your lunch while you're working. if you're really not in the situation which would allow you to eat, rest assured that he'll go as far as putting milk into your tea or get a boba delivered right onto your shared abode's doorstep. if push comes to shove, he'd walk in with a tray of food while you're on an internal video call and gently reminds everyone in the room that you're going to eat lunch first and that's final.
if you work from the office, sure, it would be harder for him to dote on you. but he's not above subtly messaging you to indirectly ask/remind you to eat. expect pictures of the lunch he's having along with messages like "i had a nice lunch. what did you have for lunch, my love? may i see it?" and if, god forbid, you continue with the habit of eating lunch late, don't be surprised if he pops into your office and smiles warmly at the receptionist as he declares that he's there to pick you up for lunch.
all in all, 10/10 husband who feeds you as an act of love.
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black-salt-cage · 5 months
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ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚
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starleska · 1 month
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i am astonished that Tumblr hasn't immediately jumped on Nordic Bunny from Shred Force - look at his design!!!! the guitar-body-head, the lipstick, the cat eyes and tail, the tattered cape and platform boots...serving so much cunt that Disney couldn't even greenlight it 😭🤘
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vampirekittn · 1 year
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pink and black sea bunny
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celesse · 1 year
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Just hangin' around 🐰🌿💕
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chrissy-kaos · 9 months
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Hey, guess what! I don't have to sleep alone tonight!!! I get all the cuddles 🥰😍
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critter-catcher · 2 months
I'd like to introduce everyone to this little fella!
This is most likely an eastern cottontail, though there is some debate that it may be a new england cottontail but that's unlikely.
Now normally I am very against feeding/interacting with wildlife on regular occasions but this guy is a special case.
See I'd been going out to put seed out for wild birds for a few months now, sitting nearby to take pictures of them to the point that they'll land around me, fly over when they hear my footsteps and just have a general understanding that I'm not going to hurt them.
Then I notice a little bunny hop out from under the brush a bit wary, but I stay still so I don't scare it and can hopefully get some pictures. He ended up, over a few days getting more familiar and eventually tipping over the scoop I use for the bird feed while being less than a foot away.
It really is a neat thing for wild animals to come to the understanding that you aren't going to hurt them, just enough trust to hang around you.
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He's absolutely adorable and I love this little fella
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spaciebabie · 2 months
Springtrap but he carries me bridle style into bed with him and showers me with kisses
you're onto something.....
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life could be dream
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chibird · 11 months
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I know life gets busy and full (whether we want it to or not), but whatever we can do to live a little slower, a little simpler, makes a difference! Even if it's just keeping a weekend free of plans, or deciding to go on a walk with no end time. It's okay to slow down.
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dreamlifebunny · 7 months
dream life daydreams: being with your sp!
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an “imaginal act” is a scene you play out in your imagination that implies your wish has been fulfilled. the scene can use any of the five senses, and can be as long or as short as you want; what matters is the feeling that it evokes in you! i like to refer to my imaginal acts as “daydreams,” because the word reminds me of when i was a creative child who’s imagination was limitless.
instructions: take these imaginal acts and put yourself there in imagination! tweak the details to match your desires, personal details, and preferences, and use the senses that you have in your imagination to fully immerse yourself.
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imagine picking up your phone like you always do throughout the day and seeing your background light up; it's a picture of you and your sp holding hands that you took last month on a date. your sp has the biggest grin you've ever seen, and is looking at you with eyes filled with love and adoration for you!
or, the inverse: imagine your sp passing you their phone to take a picture of them or to show you a text they got, and seeing their background is an adorable picture of you that they absolutely love looking at every day!
imagine you and your sp are out with friends at a party or event. both of you are doing your own thing, talking to friends and making the rounds, but both of you are still in the same room and nearby. while you go to the entrance of the room to get a drink, you overhear your sp's voice as they talk to one of their friends: "seriously, being with (your name) has been the best thing to have ever happened to me. they make my life so much better, it's seriously crazy for me to believe that they wanted to be with me when i've been pining after them for so long." you can hear their friend congratulate them, telling your sp, "i haven't seen you this happy in forever!"
imagine your sp sitting next to you and reaching down to intertwine their fingers with your own. their thumb traces back and forth over your thumb, slowly and thoughtfully. notice how their hand feels; are their hands soft or calloused? are their fingers warm or cold? do they hold your hand tightly, or in a soft and gentle grip?
imagine your sp going in to hug you, and their soft and familiar scent fills the air and warms your heart! what do they smell like?
imagine your sp cooking your favourite food and eating it together; do they do the recipe justice and impress you? is it the most disgusting thing you've ever eaten, but was made with love?
try picking one of these scenes and incorporate all five senses instead of just the one mentioned! does it feel immersive?
try imagining these scenes with your comfort characters instead of your sp! you can manifest fictional characters the same way that you'd manifest any sp; give it a try and have fun!
love, bunny 💕
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