#Finance Roadmap
kajmasterclass · 4 days
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signode-blog · 3 months
Inside Ethereum: Unlocking the Potential of Decentralized Finance (DeFi)
The story of Ethereum begins with a young programmer and entrepreneur named Vitalik Buterin. Buterin became interested in cryptocurrency and blockchain technology after learning about Bitcoin in 2011. He soon became one of the co-founders of Bitcoin Magazine, where he wrote extensively about cryptocurrencies and related technologies. However, Buterin saw limitations in Bitcoin’s functionality.…
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planassis · 3 months
Financial Roadmap: A Clear Guideline For Your Financial Goals
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A financial roadmap is a plan that can help an individual's or a family's financial goals and strategies to achieve them.At Planassist we makrcomprehensive guide that helps people navigate through their financial journey, from managing their daily expenses to investing for their future. It is essential for anyone who wants to take control of their finances and build a secure financial future.
Creating a financial analyst roadmap involves:
Assessing one's current financial situation.
Setting realistic financial goals.
Developing a plan to achieve them.
It requires careful consideration of one's income, expenses, debts and asset allocation model. A well-designed financial roadmap can help individuals prioritize their spending, reduce debt, and increase savings. It can also help them plan for significant life events such as buying a house, starting a family, or retiring comfortably. In short, a financial plan is a valuable tool that could help a person to achieve financial solidity and security.
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borngeniusworld · 3 months
A healthy relationship with money
Healthy relationship with money Maintaining a healthy and positive relationship with money involves a combination of mindset, behaviors, and practical strategies. Here are key aspects to consider:1. Mindset Shift: – Abundance vs. Scarcity: Adopt an abundance mindset, focusing on opportunities and possibilities rather than a scarcity mindset centered on limitations. – Gratitude: Acknowledge and…
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reallytoosublime · 7 months
Cybersecurity in financial services is of paramount importance due to the sensitive nature of the data and the potential financial and reputational risks associated with breaches. Financial institutions, including banks, insurance companies, investment firms, and payment processors, are prime targets for cyberattacks.
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youtubemarketing1234 · 7 months
Cybersecurity in financial services is of paramount importance due to the sensitive nature of the data and the potential financial and reputational risks associated with breaches. Financial institutions, including banks, insurance companies, investment firms, and payment processors, are prime targets for cyberattacks.
Financial institutions deal with vast amounts of sensitive customer data, including personal information, financial records, and transaction details. Protecting this data from unauthorized access or theft is a top priority. Encryption, access controls, and data masking are common strategies.
Regularly assessing cybersecurity risks is crucial. This involves identifying vulnerabilities, evaluating their potential impact, and prioritizing them for mitigation. Risk assessments help allocate resources effectively.
Financial institutions must secure all endpoints, including desktops, laptops, mobile devices, and even IoT devices. Endpoint protection solutions help detect and prevent malware and other threats.
Secure networks are vital to prevent unauthorized access and data breaches. Firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and network monitoring tools are used to protect against threats.
Strong authentication methods, such as multi-factor authentication, are essential to ensure that only authorized users can access critical systems. Access controls limit what users can do within these systems.
Cybersecurity in financial services is an ongoing and evolving challenge. Financial institutions must invest in technology, processes, and education to protect themselves and their customers from the ever-growing threat landscape. Staying up-to-date with the latest cybersecurity trends and best practices is crucial to maintaining a strong defense against cyberattacks.
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Femme Fatale Guide: How To Gain Motivation & Get Out of A Rut
Spontaneous motivation is possible but rare. However, learning how to jumpstart this valuable energy to gain the initial momentum you need to create consistent habits and routines necessary to help you achieve your goals. Here are some tips and tricks to get out of a rut and jumpstart motivation.
Create specific goals: Use qualifying and quantifying details (e.g. I intend to stay at the Ritz Paris hotel; I will save $50K by the end of this year, etc.; I'm cultivating a Scandinavian aesthetic; I will eat 3 healthy meals daily during the workweek, etc.)
Organize your goals into different areas of life: Try not to have more than 1-2 goals per life arena at a time (career, finances, health, relationships, self-development, etc.)
Write a short list of 3-5 things you can do to get closer to each of your goals: These can be habits or one-time tasks (e.g. take a walk every day, automate "X" amount of my paycheck into my investment accounts, etc.). Consider this bullet-point list as your high-level action plan. It gives you a roadmap that's simple enough to help you get started without overwhelming your mind with details or complexities. Success is born from simple, consistent habits.
Create a vision board for each goal: Envisioning yourself achieving the goal can spark some initial excitement and motivation. Everything gets clearer when you can see the end in sight.
Write out a "pros" and "cons" list for each goal: Consider the benefits of working towards each goal vs. the downsides. A little fear-based motivation can be healthy as a catalyst to gain some inspiration and momentum.
Get mapping & mathing: Create a mockup of your ideal wardrobe, healthy meals you want to eat, design a mockup of your dream project live on a billboard, all of the places you want to visit in a foreign country, every aspect of your dream date night, etc. Do some quick projections on how much you could be saving with your budgeting goals, and entrepreneurial pursuits, or run the numbers regarding health goals you can work towards (whether it's weight or strength related)
Create a weekly self-accountability goal: Choose one task per goal that you want to accomplish each day (or a few times a week) to get you moving in the direction you desire. Keeping promises to yourself is the simplest way to stay on track.
Track your progress: Make a log of your hours spent reading, working out, check off the days you've had a healthy meal, how many pitch emails you've sent out, any additions or removals from your current wardrobe and environment, etc.
Give yourself a rewarding incentive: Be enough of an adult to use your childlike tendencies to your advantage. Create "if-then" compromises with yourself to ensure you stay on track. E.g: If I make a healthy meal at home for dinner during the week then, I can eat it while watching an episode of my favorite show. If I order-in an unhealthy meal, then I cannot watch my favorite show that night. Savage, I know!
Join supportive online communities & spaces: Find communities on Tumblr, TikTok, Instagram, Reddit, Facebook groups, etc. to find people with similar goals and life outlooks. Read books by authors who have achieved your desired goal, and listen to podcasts on your same wavelength. Find digital ways to cultivate a tribe.
Keep a "Winning" Journal: A notebook that you can write in daily, a few times a week, or weekly to share all of your accomplishments. This method allows you to feel like you can brag and show off a bit, so you get the social validation (even if done in private) while still moving in silence and refraining from appearing arrogant.
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cacodaemonia · 23 days
Heeeeeey artists who post work on AO3! I know this is an absolute shot in the dark, but since the OTW says they're purchasing new servers and doing server upgrades, maybe we could all leave supportive and respectful requests for image hosting on the post I linked to above?
I know that image hosting is much more expensive than hosting text, and I'm sure the servers they've allocated funds for will be put to good use regardless. But with more and more image hosting sites purging/banning anything remotely nsfw, we have fewer and fewer places to host our work (and no, Discord links will not work long-term, as they can change over time and that will break the links).
Back in 2013, AO3 updated their roadmap to include (emphasis mine):
[for version 0.9] The refactoring of the work model is an essential part of one of our major priorities: moving towards true support for visual art as well as fannish audio and video on the Archive. Hosting different media types (e.g. enabling image or audio file uploads to our servers) is still some way in the future, but version 0.9 will include a number of enhancements aimed at making the site more suitable for diverse types of fanworks, including better search and posting tools for non text-based media.
Our goal for Release 1.0 is to have a stable package with all core features working well, and a full testing suite. This will provide a good foundation for the move to hosting fanwork files on our own servers, which will be a core goal for our post 1.0 development.
AO3 (which is currently in version 0.9.366.2 afaik) is intended to eventually be a fan works archive, not just a fan fiction archive. As long as fan artists have to rely on outside, for-profit companies to maintain the integrity of our image links, then none of our images are truly archived, and huge swathes of fandom history can be wiped out any time—as they have been before.
I know AO3 and OTW volunteers always have a lot on their hands, and image hosting is already part of their long-term plans, but maybe some friendly reminders from those of us who post our images on the archive could help nudge things along.
@transformativeworks <3
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ros3ybabe · 28 days
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Daily Check-in: April 2nd, 2024 🎀
Hello lovelies!
I am back with my daily check-ins, so i thought I'd start with April 2nd (even tho I know today is currently April 3rd)! I look forward to regularly posting again!
Tuesday was a rough day for me near the end of the day. I pretty much had an emotional stress-induced breakdown in front of my manager and director, but they were very kind and understanding, and I called my dad, who also was awesome, and helped calm me down. It's sage to say that a packed schedule and lack of sleep definitely don't mix well together!
🩷 What I Accomplished Today:
made some actionable steps for improving my health (sleep, nutrition, and fitness areas)
completed Chapter 9 of Spanish Busuu + made flashcards for it
attended my psyc class
completed the assignment for my Friday restaurant class
completed the take home questions for a quiz for psyc
Sent my academic advisor a filled out roadmap
🩷 Good Things That Happened:
one of my accountability buddies sent me a pdf of a Spanish textbook that I was able to download to my goodnotes, which is exciting!
I tried a restaurant on campus that I had never had before, and it was absolutely so delicious
my coworker is going to cover my shift on Friday evening, so I'll have time to relax/catch up on things
Got good advice from my supervisor about life stuff
💕 What Could've Been Better:
I need to reevaluate who I call my "friends" at work after a couple of interactions I've had with people I had considered my friends
Learned that over crowding my plate when already not sleeping well is not a good life combination and will send me to burnout a lot faster
On that same note, I do feel like I still need to learn to manage my time effectively. It's a hard skill to master but I did it before
my professor for psyc was 15 minutes late to class and then proceeded to continue lecturing 5+ minutes after. I felt bad leaving but I had a study room to go to
So that was my April 2nd! Today, I also have a busy schedule. I have an early morning in person meeting with an advisor for Finance majors (I may be adding a finance 2nd major....stay tuned), and then less then 2 hours later i have a meeting with my advisor for my current major. I know she's not going to be happy about me adding a 2nd major but ehh, if it'll benefit my future, then I want to do it.
til next time lovelies 🩷
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rainydetectiveglitter · 9 months
A General Guide to Harnessing the Energy of the Part of Fortune in Each Sign 🌟
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Part Two
♎ Libra: The Part of Fortune in Libra highlights partnerships and diplomacy as keys to financial success. Collaborative ventures, negotiations, and ventures that promote harmony and balance can lead to prosperity. Use your charm and social skills to create lucrative connections. 💼🤝
♏ Scorpio: The Part of Fortune in Scorpio suggests delving into deep, transformative fields. Investments, research, psychology, or anything involving uncovering hidden truths can yield financial rewards. Embrace your intensity and tap into your ability to navigate complex situations. 💰🔍
♐ Sagittarius: The Part of Fortune in Sagittarius encourages expansion and exploration. Ventures related to travel, education, publishing, or cultural exchange can bring financial gains. Embrace your adventurous spirit and share your wisdom to attract abundance. ✈️📚
♑ Capricorn: The Part of Fortune in Capricorn emphasizes ambition, discipline, and strategic planning. Aim for long-term goals, leadership positions, or ventures in finance, management, or traditional industries. Your determination and commitment can pave the way to financial stability. 🏦📈
♒ Aquarius: The Part of Fortune in Aquarius thrives on innovation and humanitarian efforts. Ventures involving technology, social causes, or unconventional ideas can lead to financial success. Embrace your visionary thinking and embrace change for prosperity. 🌐💡
♓ Pisces: The Part of Fortune in Pisces highlights creativity, intuition, and spirituality. Pursue ventures in the arts, healing, or helping professions. Trust your instincts and tap into your compassionate nature to attract financial abundance. 🎨🌊
Remember that while the Part of Fortune provides insights, it's just one factor in your astrological chart. It's essential to consider your entire birth chart, including other relevant factors like planetary placements, aspects, and transits, when making financial decisions. Consulting with a professional astrologer can offer a more personalized and comprehensive analysis of your financial potential based on your birth chart. 🔮🌟 Your birth chart is like a cosmic roadmap, guiding you through the journey of life. Each sign and planetary placement offers a unique set of energies to harness, and understanding how they intersect can help you unlock your financial potential. 🌠💰A General Guide to Harnessing the Energy of the Part of Fortune in Each Sign 🌟
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sunshinesmebdy · 3 months
January 18 Astro Vibe Check
The moon's luxurious dance in Taurus harmonizes with both Mercury and Mars in Capricorn, sharpening your communication and igniting your drive with practical focus. Meanwhile, a moon-Jupiter conjunction amplifies your ability to manifest desires and bask in pleasure. Finally, the moon sextiles Saturn in Pisces, encouraging compassionate boundaries and creative problem-solving. It's time to set achievable goals with laser-sharp focus, unleash your sensuality without guilt, and watch your dreams blossom into fulfilling reality.
Moon enters Taurus: Time to Ground Yourself and Indulge. As the gentle Moon enters the sign of the earthy Bull, Taurus,, it's time to slow down, reconnect with your senses, and savor the simple pleasures in life. Taurus energy is all about stability, comfort, and sensuality, so it's the perfect time to indulge in self-care, pamper yourself, and enjoy the finer things.
Tips for this Transit:
Get in touch with nature
Treat yourself
Surround yourself with beauty and comfort
Practice gratitude
Connect with loved ones
Moon in Taurus trine Mercury in Capricorn: This transit brings a potent blend of grounded communication and practical magic to our lives. This is an excellent time for important conversations, negotiations, or presentations. The Taurus moon amplifies your ability to turn your desires into reality, while Capricorn's influence adds structure and discipline to your manifestation practices. Visualize your goals, write them down, and take concrete steps towards achieving them. Take advantage of this transit to review your finances, make wise decisions, and attract abundance. Remember, slow and steady wins the race!
Tips for this Transit:
Create a vision board
Get practical about your goals
Start a gratitude journal
Have a self-care day
Connect with nature
Moon in Taurus trine Mars in Capricorn: This a satisfying blend of grounded passion and achievable ambition. It’s like the universe is handing us a blueprint for turning our daydreams into concrete reality. Don't be afraid to pursue your goals with passion, but remember to keep it grounded in practicality. Invest in your future, negotiate for what you deserve, and watch your abundance grow.
Tips for this Transit:
Set ambitious but realistic goals
Create a financial plan
Turn your workspace into a sanctuary
Practice self-compassion
Moon in Taurus conjunct Jupiter in Taurus: This combination creates a powerhouse transit of abundance, pleasure, and potent manifestation energy. Take time to express your gratitude verbally, in writing, or through creative expression. The more grateful you are, the more abundance you attract. With Jupiter's luck and Taurus's focus on material security, this transit can bring financial blessings your way. Stay open to unexpected opportunities, explore new income streams, and invest in your future wisely.
Tips for this Transit:
Create a vision board
Start a gratitude journal
Plant seeds of prosperity
Share your gifts
Moon in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces: This drives the creation of grounded compassion, realistic dreams, and gentle but firm boundaries. You can process emotions without getting overwhelmed, allowing you to make decisions from a place of strength rather than reactivity. With Saturn's guidance, your dreams become more anchored in practicality. You can still hold onto your big goals, but you'll also develop a realistic roadmap for achieving them. This transit encourages you to establish healthy boundaries in your relationships, both personal and professional.
Tips for this Transit:
More SMART Goals
Practice saying no
Engage in mindful self-care
Start a creative project
Create that vision board
Mercury in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces: This create a blend of sharp thinking, focused communication, and creative problem-solving. Capricorn's discipline and Saturn's meticulousness combine to give you an unbeatable ability to concentrate on the task at hand. Tackle complex projects, study for exams, or finally finish that writing assignment with laser focus. Express yourself with clarity and purpose. This transit is ideal for setting realistic goals and creating strategies to achieve them.
Tips for this Transit:
Create a detailed to-do list
Practice active listening
Brainstorm freely
Set SMART Goals
Start a learning project
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slasheru · 5 months
Slasher U Update Roadmap: End of 2023!
Holy crap, it's been a hell of year, hasn't it?! Slasher U Act 1 came out at the end of April 2023 and there's been SO MUCH that's changed!
Things that were added in post-launch Slasher U Act 1 updates:
Sawyer's entire romance arc, storyline, and hookup/makeout games
The ability to talk to Dark Tate post-coitally
Butterflies and crows (fighting crows used to crash your game)
The entire good UI
Characters including Cliff, Stitcherella, Jennykind, Paisleigh, Tanya, and I'm pretty sure Kennedy was a very early addition, too
And that's not counting the tweaks, fixes, and content! In the interest of continuing to Ship of Theseus this game into the best dating sim ever (no biggie, right?), I have the following updates planned before the end of 2023 for Act 1!
Accessibility settings: A way to opt out of minigames with a random roll based on your personality stats (different stat per minigame as appropriate!)
Refining the places you can get personality points in Act 1
Customization: Cane accessories! These will run on a different band than outfits so you can mix and match them/equip them alongside outfits!
Finance: I made everything in the game on the pricey/"realistic" side and the money you get from gigs relatively low because A) college and B) i kind of thought it would both be funny/reflective of shitty college jobs AND a nice incentive to grind some minigames but. I think the economy needs a bit of a fix, right? ;) (in the meantime, try typing InfiniteMoneyVent with the caps correct in the Cheat Codes menu when you're in-game! Your wallet will be a little fuller!)
There are 27 major bugs left in the list for me to tackle as of now, most of them are routine but there are 3 or 4 harder ones to tackle (naming save files is being a beeeetch specifically because afaik Wolf wipes any additional system string variables even if you specify a larger variable count list? My engine just is like "naw actually I'm not saving that"?)
Prior Planned Quality of Life Stuff: Either a way to name your save files OR a way to make your character name appear under your save file (this used to happen but there was a bug where all names would default to your last used character name)
WHITE WHALE HOLY GRAIL I'm still trying to fix the text box bug! This actually isn't borked in the vanilla version of the WRPG engine but I can't fucking figure out how to fix it with the way I've set up the UI (I think? I THINK?!). This is realistically the last bug to get fixed due to my own ineptitude, so I'm hoping to A) make autosaves automatically turned on and B) making Data 1's save slot unusable so it's reserved for autosaves!
There's ALSO a couple content updates for Act 1 still (nothing major, except for, uh, ONE MAJOR THING, haha):
The Truth or Dare minigame/scenario is now going to be included in the Act 1 game, but take place after the Act 2 bumper (post-murder-attempt)
This is already in there but the preamble for Dark Tate's continuing storyline, and Laila's Act 2, activates after the murder attempt
I'll be adding Hex, Juno, and Sawyer's Act 2 lead-ins, plus regular Tate's lead-in, as I work on Act 2
Resolving the storylines (or, if you're being a Chaotic Evil type of player, ruining everyone's life) with story choices/quests for non-dateables: Act 2 will include more Sawyer/Horsemike story, and personal quests for Melyssa, Professor Plutonium, and partially Veronika/Archibald (theirs will continue into Act 3)
Maybe I'll let you fight crows again. MAYBE.
I'm ALSO working on Act 2, which has a lot of new features (notably permanent cosmetic upgrades like a piercing system and tattoos) as well as new content (obvi lmao), but I really want to find a way to offer early access passes to folks who didn't make it to the Crowdfundr (maybe via Patreon)?
Here are some Act 2 features that I'm excited to include/are already being worked on (you'll recognize a lot of these from fanvotes!)
Piercing/Tattoo Parlor
Headless Horsemike one-off hookup minigame
Tate's movie date (yes it's scripted and implemented, it'll be in the next Act 2 update lol. I KNOW I KNOW :D )
Being able to run the speakeasy/sex dungeon as a little moneymaking game in and of itself (well. More for the speakeasy. The sex dungeon is mostly for sex. You're welcome, Sawyer Enjoyers)
Being able to gift outfits to dateables
I'm personally super hype for Tate's storyline (which also involves some other students?? ooo????) and how that's going to mechanically shake out, PLUS, tattoos. Oh my god. TATTOOS GUYS. Plus, the piercing system works like IRL-style - you have to get pierced, then buy jewelry for your piercing if you want to replace your starter/healer gear! I'm a big fan of body mods IRL and having a more realistic piercing/tattoo system was important to me!
Can't wait for next year AND to bring y'all more Slasher U!!!!!!!!! Making video games is literally my favorite thing to do in the whole wide world and I can't imagine doing anything else with my life :')))) (one day I'll be able to do this FULL-full time instead of on top of reviewing medical documents and drawing IP comics for Big Corpo)
xoxooxoxoxoxox, Professor Plutonium
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kp777 · 5 months
By Olivia Rosane
Common Dreams
Nov. 22, 2023
Recommendations include tripling renewable energy capacity by 2030, phasing out fossil fuels by 2050, and providing the Global South with the means to fund its energy transition.
As world leaders prepare to gather at the COP28 global climate talks next week in Dubai, 350.org published a report Wednesday detailing how negotiators can draft a just and effective global transition to renewable energy.
One of the main agenda items at COP28 will be a worldwide target for renewable energy. Yet this target must be accompanied by a 2050 phaseout of fossil fuels and funds to speed the transition in the Global South, 350.org concluded.
"A renewable energy target at COP28 will only constitute a meaningful step towards climate justice if it is accompanied by a clear roadmap for implementation that includes equitable mechanisms and commitments in the financial and policy realms, as well as an urgent and equitable phaseout of fossil fuels," Andreas Sieber, 350.org associate director of global policy, said in a statement. "Without these, any agreement would represent a hollow, 'easy win' for the COP28 President Al Jaber, and risk allowing polluting countries to hide behind a renewables goal while continuing to emit fossil fuels."
"To achieve the proposed global renewable energy target by 2030, massive growth in financial investment into renewable energy is required in the Global South outside China, from both private and public sources."
The report, fully titled Power Up for Climate Justice: Financing and Implementing a 1.5°C-Aligned Global Renewables Target, also details how the target itself can be meaningful.
"For the global renewable energy target at COP28 to address global energy needs and redress fossil fuel dependency, it must include commitments to triple fair, safe, and clean renewable energy capacity by 2030 and deploy 1.5 terawatts per year thereafter, double energy efficiency by 2030, and completely phaseout of fossil fuels by 2050," said 350.org executive director May Boeve.
The report further argues that the target should be based on demonstrably effective technologies like wind and solar power.
"There is no room for dangerous distractions and unproven technologies such as Carbon Capture and Storage, nuclear energy, ammonia co-firing, which do not address the root causes of the climate crisis, and often cannot be implemented at scale," the report authors wrote.
They also emphasized the importance of providing poorer nations with the funds to scale up their renewable energy buildouts.
"To achieve the proposed global renewable energy target by 2030, massive growth in financial investment into renewable energy is required in the Global South outside China, from both private and public sources," Sieber said. "Barriers such as debt and the inequitable cost of capital in the Global South, significantly hinder investment in renewable energy."
Only $260 billion was invested in the Global South in 2022, the report notes, even though the International Energy Agency has said that $1.9 trillion is needed per year by 2030 in order to limit global heating to 1.5°C while providing energy to around 5 billion people—an amount of finance seven times 2022 levels.
The report offers several suggestions for how that funding can be realized, including canceling debt; sending the Global South $100 billion a year in concessional finance, providing it with $200 billion a year in grants; and channeling money away from fossil fuels by taxing profits, shifting subsidies and investments from fossil fuel projects to renewables, taxing wealth, issuing more Special Drawing Rights from the IMF, and using existing infrastructure funds.
The report comes at a crucial time for climate action. This year, 2023, is likely to be the hottest year in 125,000 years, and the U.N. concluded this week that current pledges put the world on course for 2.9°C of warming beyond preindustrial levels. But 350.org argues it's not too late to limit warming with ambitious action.
"The Paris Agreement is the landmark multilateral framework to stop climate change, and COP28—which includes the Global Stocktake of whether the world is on track to meet this target—is a pivotal moment to achieve its intended goal: limiting global heating to no more than 1.5°C," the report authors said.
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vonnieonthesolodolo · 3 months
🚀 Top 10 Transformative Strategies to Elevate Your Year 🌟
Set Clear Goals 🎯: Define your aspirations and break them down into achievable milestones. Clarity in your objectives will provide a roadmap for success and keep you motivated throughout the year.
Establish Healthy Habits 🏋️‍♂️: Cultivate a routine that supports your physical and mental well-being. Whether it's regular exercise, mindful eating, or sufficient sleep, prioritizing health can significantly enhance your overall quality of life.
Learn Something New 📚: Stimulate your mind by acquiring new skills or knowledge. This could be through formal education, online courses, or even self-directed learning. The joy of growth and discovery can bring a fresh perspective to your year.
Embrace Positivity 😊: Surround yourself with positivity and gratitude. Practice mindfulness, express appreciation, and let go of negativity. A positive mindset can significantly impact your outlook on life and help you navigate challenges more effectively.
Expand Your Network 🤝: Cultivate meaningful relationships both personally and professionally. Networking opens doors to opportunities, introduces diverse perspectives, and provides a support system for personal and career growth.
Manage Finances Wisely 💰: Create a budget, save strategically, and invest wisely. Financial stability contributes to peace of mind and allows you to pursue your goals without unnecessary stress.
Prioritize Self-Care 🌿: Allocate time for self-care activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Whether it's a hobby, reading, or spending time in nature, taking care of yourself is essential for maintaining balance and resilience.
Give Back to Others 🤲: Volunteer or engage in acts of kindness. Contributing to your community fosters a sense of purpose and fulfillment. It also creates positive ripples that can impact both you and those around you.
Reflect and Adjust 🔍: Regularly assess your progress and adjust your strategies accordingly. Flexibility and adaptability are key to overcoming challenges and staying on course towards your goals.
Celebrate Achievements 🎉: Acknowledge and celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small. Recognizing your successes boosts confidence and encourages continued effort toward personal and professional growth.
Embark on this journey with intention and dedication, and watch as these transformative strategies elevate your year to new heights! 🌈✨
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answersinthesky · 2 months
Congrats to the winner of yesterday's free reading. This will hopefully give some insights into my process and how all rhe information from a #natalchart flows together.
The winner was born on December 12, 1986 at 2:20 AM. To respect her privacy, her location is not included in this post.
And here is her reading. Which is similar to the readings I offer.
You can reach me for readings at [email protected]
Born on December 12, 1986, at 2:20 AM in (REDACTED), your natal chart unfolds like a cosmic tapestry, revealing the unique dance of planets and stars at the moment of your birth
**Sun in Sagittarius:** Your soul radiates with the expansive energy of Sagittarius, fueling a perpetual quest for knowledge, wisdom, and a spirited sense of adventure. The cosmos bestows upon you a boundless curiosity that propels your journey through life.
**Moon in Virgo:** Nestled in the analytical embrace of Virgo, your emotional landscape is marked by discernment and precision. You find comfort in order and efficiency, and your nurturing instincts are grounded in practicality.
**Ascendant in Gemini:** Your outer self is adorned with the versatile cloak of Gemini, endowing you with adaptability and effective communication. Your ability to navigate diverse realms of thought and articulate ideas makes you a natural connector.
**Jupiter conjunct Uranus:** The celestial dance between Jupiter and Uranus at the time of your birth promises a life filled with innovation, unpredictability, and a constant thirst for progress. Embrace the unexpected, for it is the catalyst for your growth.
**Saturn in Capricorn:** Positioned in the steadfast sign of Capricorn, Saturn guides your journey with discipline and determination. It encourages you to build lasting structures, teaching valuable lessons in responsibility and endurance.
As we explore the planetary placements in each house, we uncover the cosmic architecture that shapes different facets of your life, from self-image to relationships, career, and spirituality. Your birth chart is a guide, a roadmap to understanding your strengths, challenges, and the unique melody only you can play in the grand cosmic composition of life. Embrace the celestial wisdom as you navigate the intricacies of your existence.
Now let's explore the astrological houses of your natal chart, each influencing specific aspects of life:
1. **First House (Ascendant in Gemini):** This house signifies self-image, appearance, and the initial approach to life. With Gemini on the ascendant, adaptability and effective communication become integral components of her public persona.
2. **Second House (Cusp in Cancer):** Focused on finances, possessions, and values. Cancer's influence suggests a strong connection to home and family, influencing financial decisions with a sense of emotional security.
3. **Third House (Cusp in Leo):** Governs communication, intellect, and short journeys. Leo's influence adds a creative and expressive flair to interactions, contributing to eloquence and leadership in communication.
4. **Fourth House (Cusp in Virgo):** Associated with home, family, and roots. Virgo's influence emphasizes practicality and attention to detail in personal life and domestic affairs.
5. **Fifth House (Cusp in Libra):** Centers around creativity, romance, and self-expression. Libra's influence suggests a diplomatic and harmonious approach to matters of the heart and creative pursuits.
6. **Sixth House (Cusp in Scorpio):** Pertains to health, work, and service. Scorpio's influence brings intensity to her work ethic, fostering a transformative and strategic approach to responsibilities.
7. **Seventh House (Cusp in Sagittarius):** Focuses on relationships and partnerships. Sagittarius' influence encourages growth through diverse connections and a spirit of adventure in alliances.
8. **Eighth House (Cusp in Capricorn):** Governs transformation, shared resources, and intimate bonds. Capricorn's influence emphasizes discipline and practicality in joint ventures and deep connections.
9. **Ninth House (Cusp in Aquarius):** Relates to exploration, higher education, and philosophy. Aquarius' influence fosters a visionary and open-minded approach to expanding horizons.
10. **Tenth House (Midheaven in Pisces):** The house of career and public image. Pisces' influence suggests a compassionate and imaginative leadership style, blending pragmatism with a visionary outlook.
11. **Eleventh House (Cusp in Aries):** Concerns social connections, friendships, and aspirations. Aries' influence adds a dynamic and pioneering spirit to involvement in groups and pursuit of long-term goals.
12. **Twelfth House (Cusp in Taurus):** Associated with the subconscious, hidden matters, and spiritual growth. Taurus' influence suggests a grounded and enduring approach to matters of the inner self and spirituality.
These placements, combined with the planetary influences, create a comprehensive astrological profile, offering insights into the diverse facets of your life journey.
Keep in mind that in addition to the Sun sign, Moon sign, ascendant, and planetary positions in each house, there are some additional details that might be valuable for the to know about a birth chart:
1. **Aspects Between Planets:** Understanding the relationships or aspects between planets in the birth chart can provide insights into how different areas of her life interact. For example, a harmonious aspect (such as a trine or sextile) may indicate areas where talents and opportunities naturally flow, while challenging aspects (like squares or oppositions) might highlight potential areas of tension or growth.
2. **Retrograde Planets:** If any planets were retrograde at the time of her birth, it could influence how she expresses certain qualities. Retrograde planets often indicate a more internalized or reflective approach to the energies they represent.
3. **Dominant Elements and Modalities:** Examining the dominant elements (fire, earth, air, water) and modalities (cardinal, fixed, mutable) in her chart provides a broader understanding of her overall temperament and preferred ways of approaching life situations.
4. **Lunar Nodes:** The positions of the North and South Nodes in her birth chart reveal insights into her life path and karmic lessons. The North Node points to qualities she is meant to develop, while the South Node indicates patterns from the past that she may need to release.
5. **Progressions and Transits:** Exploring current or upcoming planetary movements and progressions in relation to her natal chart can offer guidance on significant periods of change, growth, or challenges in different areas of her life.
6. **Chiron Placement:** The position of Chiron, known as the "wounded healer," can provide insights into areas where she may experience healing and growth. Understanding Chiron's placement can offer valuable guidance on turning challenges into sources of strength.
7. **Chart Patterns:** Identifying any chart patterns, such as stelliums (concentrations of planets in one sign or house) or grand trines, can offer a more holistic view of her unique strengths and challenges.
You are never alone -AB
Remember, the birth chart is a comprehensive tool for self-discovery, and the more details explored, the richer the insights become. Consulting with an experienced astrologer for a personalized interpretation can also provide a deeper understanding of the nuances in her birth chart.
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leqclerc · 3 months
idk if you follow juve (elkann's football team) but they tried a similar poaching a superstar move with ronaldo to finally get them the champions league and...they failed. utterly. dybala (whom they were supposed to build around) left in bad circumstances and they shifted everything around ronaldo. arguably the ronaldo move destroyed their finances and delayed a much needed rebuild.
anyway, i'm not saying the project is doomed to failure and that charles and ferrari are going to have a bad breakup but. i'm not holding my breath.
I personally don't, but I kind of heard the story from reputable sources (Italian bestie ajsdkfg). Who, funnily enough, often drew comparisons between Dybala and Charles. She generally has a poor opinion of Elkann, saying he doesn't really understand the sport/s he's involved, that he's more interested in the business side of things (see: how the stocks shot up at the rumours/announcement) rather than actually finding sensible solutions to solve the issues at these teams.
Apparently Elkann's had his sights set on Lewis for a while now and dropped everything as soon as he learned he could become available. So in that sense it feels like a fantasy league signing, like idk him making his own personal dreams come true because, frankly, he can.
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The thing is there's just no logical pattern, no clear roadmap, just them taking some meandering side paths hoping that one of them leads to their destination. So something sours between Elkann and Seb, he's underperfoming in their eyes, they don't want two drivers with big ambitions to get in each other's way; they make it clear that they're going to build their future around only one of them and the choice seems obvious. They sign on Carlos. We're in a new era where we're not banking so much on experience anymore, but we're building something completely new with a young dynamic duo; they can learn as they go along. Charles's position within the team is questioned; things aren't quite as straightforward as they initially appeared to be. But okay, Binotto failed (and one of the main misgivings was his failure to prioritize Charles in the chaos of 2022), they get Fred in for a reset and try to build back trust and morale and it seems we're finally heading towards that promised Charles-centric Ferrari... Until now?
Was Lewis the endgame all along then? Idk it just feels like they're walking back the reason (or at least the partial reason) why they dismissed Seb in the first place years ago. Do they really have the confidence that they can offer them both what they want with minimal internal upset? They're not making them both WDC at the same time, someone's going to lose out on this deal.
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