#I have loads of food that are scary but I still eat them
coqxettee · 4 months
How to romanticise January 🦢✩₊˚☁️⋆☾🌬₊✧
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Happy first week of January completed!
I know January can be one of the dullest & hardest months, especially because Christmas is over, it’s still wintery & cold and it’s back to “normality” but here are some things you can do to make January a beautiful and cozy month ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
Embrace the beauty of new beginning’s. Have an everything shower, create a new schedule, tidy your bedroom/space, organise your work, clean, plan a glow-up/plan for the new year. It’s a new year which means new beginnings so embrace these changes. Change can be scary but it is needed and can be beautiful ₊˚⊹♡
Invest in YOU. Save up money (or use money from Christmas) to get your hair done, a new manicure, buy a new item of clothing, invest in self care products i.e - A new robe/fluffy dressing gown, skincare products, new January pyjamas etc ₊˚⊹♡
Journal. Purchase a journal and practice journaling. You can do morning/night journalling, or write about what you did that day. There are loads of Journal prompts on Pinterest ₊˚⊹♡
Wear white’s, creams, beige’s, baby pink’s, grey’s & browns. Neutral colours look stunning this time of year, especially when there it’s frost on the ground or it’s raining outside. Perfect for outfit pictures ₊˚⊹♡
Bundle up in your nicest coat and scarf and go on a wintery walk. Take outfit pictures and listen to romantic music as you walk. Bring back dead leaves from the trees and press them to create a winter journal page ₊˚⊹♡
Bake - Bake anything. The new year is the perfect time to try new recipes, maybe try some healthy baking recipes. Take photos of them and write the recipes down in a notebook ₊˚⊹♡
Have cozy movie marathons, watch your favorite comfort films under huge blankets with hot cocoa, in a cute mug ₊˚⊹♡
Heal your inner child. Listen to classical music, ballet music and movie soundtracks, to take you far away to whimsical places. Light candles, watch nostalgic movies & tv shows, read your childhood favourite books ₊˚⊹♡
Eat warming, nourishing and comforting foods. January can be one of the coldest and hardest months for your body and mind, nourish your soul with warm soups, hot drinks etc ₊˚⊹♡
Start new habits/hobbies, Yoga, Pilates, (Working out in general) Painting, Crochet. Having a new hobby means you can always go back to it in the year ₊˚⊹♡
Read - Create a new TBR if you haven’t and start it at the top. Read new books and make your way through the list ₊˚⊹♡
Try frosty “Cold Girl” makeup with beige undertones for January. Try a new lip colour or put something shimmery on your eyelids. Also, give your makeup a clean (your brushes, palettes etc) ₊˚⊹♡
Take care of your skin babydoll. Use a moisturiser after showering, wear hand cream, use a good winter primer for your makeup, always take your makeup off in the evening and never miss a morning/evening of winter skincare. This is when your skin needs it the most ₊˚⊹♡
Get a new daily coffee order/go to coffee order at your local coffee shop. Try something new ₊˚⊹♡
Try going on daily walks ₊˚⊹♡
Self care nights at least once a week (working week) and set aside Sunday’s to have self care DAY’S ₊˚⊹♡
Start a new TV series ₊˚⊹♡
Limit screen time ₊˚⊹♡
Make lists of things you want to go that day ₊˚⊹♡
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sheeluvsme · 11 months
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Funny 141 + los vaqueros (and others) Headcannons!!
Ghost , soap , gaz , price , Valeria, Alejandro, Rudy , graves , alex , farah ,könig ( I think that’s all…)
no warnings!!!! Just funny shit I think they do LMAOO, contains some reader in here !! Also none of these are in order LOL I just started writing shit down , and not proof read ! BUT ENJOY <33
Soap. Dear lord we love soap but he is a MESSY EATER
You will be sitting 5 feet away from him and your still in the fucking splash zone 😭
He also eats in bed , gets food everywhere, then gets mad he can’t sleep because his bed is riddled with crumbs
Graves dead ass sleeps in a recliner like an old man. I’m so serious.
One time someone walked in on him sleeping leaned back in his office chair and they drew a dick on his face AND FLED.
He didn’t notice till he had a call with shepherd.
Valeria insults Alejandro about his forehead.
Soap dose too and Alejandro beats him
Rudy drinks orange juice with pulp.
Price unironicly says ‘ whoopsie daisy ‘
Alex grabs your waist when he’s scooting by you and is like “ exuse me just gonna scoot on right by you-“
Ghost one time was so tired he tried to drink through his mask. It was FUNNY ASF
you get to sit and watch Alex shameless flirt with farah , and farah is OBLIVIOUS.
König will strap in his groceries in the back seat and when he opens the door to take them out they all fall out and start rolling down the street so all you see is this tall as man chasing after his oranges .
Ugliest. Monopoly. Games. Ever.
Half way through the game if ends up with someone pulling out a gun and shooting the board  game.
Price is like “ fucking hell ! That’s the fith one !”
Farah doesn’t join but is so confused why they continue to play every couple of months if it just involves them fucking destroying the game
Soap literally eats almost anything you dare him too
Used to chew on bottle caps RELIGIOUSLY
ghost tried dip once. He swallowed it.
Price and laswell are goats at candy crush
Price is also super good at math????
Price called gaz son and gaz cried in his room for the rest of the day and didn’t talk to him for a week
Alex won’t stop getting asked if he’s prices son even if they definitely know the answer.
Farah can easily beat up Alex , and sometimes dose
Soap is a chronic “ Eats the last peice of food but leaves the empty package in the refrigerator “ type of guy
Ghost beats him up for eating the last toaster strudel
Alejandro loves putting hot sauce in there ketchup , watches soap slowly die from spice , even worse gives him sprite to wash down the spice.
You want to know who shot the monopoly board? Valeria.
Alejandro and Valeria almost end up in a fist fight over uno. Rudy was scared for his LIFE
Ghost high asf because soap gave him gummies to “ relax” but no one notices because his eyes are always so damn red
Gaz unironicly watches Freinds , like over and over and over
Price says “ oui “ when he eats a croissant
Soap has a “ smell test “ for his clothes when he dosnt feel like doing laundry.
Konig likes to quietly play roblox on long rides
Sometimes he’ll play a scary game and suddenly he just like yells and throws his phone LMAOO
Soap forces price and ghost to play Minecraft
Ghost is just blowing everything up
Soap plays in creative mode bc he’s a whimp and says survival is too hard
Price thinks the loading screen is the game.
Alejandro and soap get so serious when playing Just-dance Alejandro will loose grip of his remote and it will SHMACK soap in the face so HARD
Whenever Alejandro falls over he lays on the ground because Rudy always helps him up but this time he’s with ghost , ghost laughs at him and doesn’t help at all
Alejandro will doxx anyone who is mean to Rudy
Gaz is just confused. All the time.
Gaz sends random cat videos or pictures in the group chat they have
They go to add ghost to the group chat and he pulls out his jankie ass flip phone and everyone stares at him in horror.
Ghost mostly uses his computer but he’s like a grandma with it
Alejandro is a chronic Facebook user.
Soap has TikTok addiction and won’t stop shoving his phone in ghosts face when he sees something remotely funny
One time when gaz was a kid he found a unwrapped tootsie roll and thought it was a butterfly cocoon and put it in a jar and waited MONTHS for it to hatch
Price randomly says swag.
Ghost cried as a kid because he thought cracking open the egg ment it could no longer be a chick and hatch , he had no concept of process he was devastated
Alejandro and everyone looking at graves , grave “ welp , I’m glad he lived up to his name” and everyone just starts LAUGHING
He asks to touch her motorcycle likes it’s a cat “ can I touch it…?”
Alejandro eats unfrosted pop tarts.
Soap has snorted pixie stick dust , and will do it again
Gaz has neices that really like hello kitty so now he has this small hello kitty patch he Carry’s around that they gave him😭
Soap coughs loudly when price smokes anywhere near him , just to be dramatic
Price is sick of his bs
Königs feet always hang off his bed and is genuinely terrified of something grabbing his feet , one time a stray cat taped his foot , he jumped 5 feet in the fucking air SCREAMING
Ghost says “ at least I’m not Scottish “ and soap just says “ well your queens dead” and then the start wrestling in the back of the truck while price is yelling at the threatening not to take them to Wendy’s anymore
PSLKSEJEJW THESE ARE SO FUNNY I WAS GIGGLING WHILE WRITING THIS i HOPE YOU ENJOY :)) I’ll probably do a part 2 if this gets enough likes !
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definitelynotshouting · 9 months
hihiiiiii looking at the quality/length difference between my last two anon asks and giggling but if you want an excuse to talk about the pearl-grian convo in more depth i’d love to hear about your thought process :D
HELLO ANON as i am typing this while on a trip to the coast so forgive me if this is a little disjointed!!!! Also ur so right the difference was very funny i was giggling too dkejdjejdjd
I'll shove most of this under a readmore, because this is BOUND to get long
Okay so-- play by play time :]
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These lines of dialogue start out fairly simply, but it's already loaded with unspoken things. Pearl has kinda been haunting the narrative so far, avoiding Grian and flitting around the edges of his periphery; her comment about the animals is a hint at how she's been coping behind the scenes. Pearl has been obsessively caring for the animals they've rounded together, because it's something concrete she can focus on instead of Grian's incredibly frail position.
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Ahhhh the couch and cows conversation. This was honestly one of my favorite moments to write; there's SO MUCH packed in these few lines. Something I wanted to really reference-- and what becomes more apparent later on in the scene-- is that Pearl has not processed any of her trauma from the life games (Double Life especially). She is so full of distrust for the people around her; she was fully ready to believe that Tango was spreading rumors about her the way everyone spoke about her in Double Life, hence her reaction to Grian here. You can see here that when Grian reveals it was a joke, she processes it and then replies as if she had known it was a joke all along.
On a more meta level, this is me trying to show how much of a hair trigger she's on. Pearl is so so tense around everyone, especially former life members, and my gods she has some grudges-- something that will become very plot relevant later, although maybe not in the way everyone might expect.
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There's a dual meaning here that I think a lot of people picked up on the first part of, but not the second-- Pearl here is both referring to the life members and their relationship with Grian as a predator (the concept of Grian only befriending them for his benefit/amusement), and how Grian clearly views himself (a monster only good for being slaughtered). The others have been talking behind the scenes this entire time; it's pretty well known by now that Grian is still extremely suicidal, and as much as Pearl is digging at him for what he did to them in the games, she still cares about him and has some Feelings™ about him wanting to die.
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HERE is where Pearl fully transitions over to digging at Grian for the life games. She's also making some pretty educated guesses here; at this point in time, everyone's information on WHY Grian made the life games is pretty spotty. She's fishing for information while poking him with the metaphorical cattle prod, in a way that sorta obfuscates her actual intentions.
On a meta level, this is also a callback to Tango's previous question of whether or not Grian can still eat normal food (he can, it just doesn't do anything for him nutritionally)!!
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My gods this line...... Grian is realizing just how fucked up Pearl still is from Double Life. She's wearing her heart on her sleeve here, changing her eye colour to match how they looked at the end of DL. She's forcing everyone around her to see what they did to her, to look at the damage they caused through the isolation and the rumors and the fear, and not giving them the option of turning away. There's a certain aggression there, a need to be recognized and validated, that Grian is suddenly seeing first hand. And its scary!!!!
Then, of course, the lead in to Pearl finally getting to the point-- she has questions, she wants answers, she's not taking "no" for one of them. Her final line in this snippet is also a callback to the beginning of the chapter, where Grian talks about how they just... never asked questions of each other. And now she is, and Grian isn't prepared for it.
Skipping ahead a bit now, because the rest of the conversation up to this point is fairly straightforward, but this line-- this line was the one that made me feel like i was taking 10000 volts to the fucking chest.
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This is absolutely shameless projection on Pearl's part. She remembers being alone and scared; now she sees Grian alone and scared. And to her, it's the same thing, even though their circumstances were and are drastically different. It's easy to see him as herself, in this moment, and this is one of Pearl's major points: she isn't going to leave him. Yes, she's angry; yes, she's traumatized; yes, it's ultimately because of him.
But right now, he needs a friend. And she remembers when needed one of those, and how hard it was when she only had her dog to help her.
She's not going to let that happen to Grian.
That's more or less the behind the scenes of that conversation-- there were three main points i wanted to hit, which were:
She has questions, she wants answers (why did you do it? why did you hurt us? why are you trying to kill yourself?)
She sees herself in him
She isn't going to abandon him, she isn't going to leave, and things are never going to go back to the way they were.
Honestly the response to this chapter has been incredible, so i like to think i mostly nailed the intentions here, and im really REALLY grateful that everyone has enjoyed it so much :] idk when the next chapter is going to come out, but i do have maybe.... about half??? maybe a third??? of it finished. Hopefully its just as good as this one did, because my gods i packed a lot in here 😂😂😂😂😂
Hope you enjoyed the little behind the scenes analysis!!!! Here's a little bonus ocean pic for getting to the very end:
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attadale · 1 year
Spiritually burnt out reader + sweet caring John :( <3
Spoiler for the chosen2, fem!reader, worried John, maybe not canonically accurate (??), def should count my writing as a warning💀, english is not my first language, not proofread!!
Note: It is hard (specially as we start to believe and live for Christ) to not have at least one burn out when we (for example) feel like we cannot accomplish God's commandments; making us feel like a dissapointment to him. When he is more than faithful and willing to forgive us ♡
Your flesh is completely dried out in these terms; your spirit willing to fight contrary to a body where you remain, in which you live everyday, with it's great and not so great feelings.
Your spirit so burnt out it manifests through the low energy John watches you walk with, the one you speak with and it's an endless worry to watch your eyebags turn your eyes so dull. To not be able to hug this broken spirit you carry; the load is such that it looks heavy on your back even though this is beyond physical.
The worry threads through his hands when he puts them over your pale skin. He prays with you, unable to not keep eyes open when he is aware yours are closing sadly. You look so softly tired; but actually too tired. Your faith remains in a string and he reminds himself to strengthen it before it's too late. Because it's a scary thought that somehow brings him hope. Because it does mean hope.
You have faith.
“I chopped too many slices,” you look up at him, eyes droopy and heavy. Putting a stop to the previous task.
“It's ok, love, I would eat them all if it's you who cooked.”
You laugh at his loveliness. John would eat food made ashes if it's you who cooked them. If it meant something to his lovely wife; even though you always cleared up how bad your cooking might be.
“John, I never cook. I don't know how to,” you admit childishly, actually lamenting not knowing how to.
He picks up on your dissapointing tone just as soon as he wraps his arm around you, pulling you closer by the hip. It is pleasurable; to know John supports your body, as much as your mind, and your mind as much as your spirit, your center.
You lean even more into him, subconsciously seeking his warmth. You feel how you can't sink further and disappear in him as desperately as you want to. Your head is buried on his chest, and he melts, cheek comically pressing against the crown of your head.
Both of you stay like this for a while. He swings you back and forth and recalls the times you did so. A very sudden heaviness on his heart as he acknowledged how many times you held him like this; when James was gone; Sometimes John wouldn't shower, he wouldn't eat, wouldn't move.
You inhale and exhale exhaustingly, the puff of breath warming John's heart, resting in the depths of his chest. And in the silence comes up the presence of a third among the household; among you and John.
Your breaths take away all recordable sound, and your spirit takes in all non tangible presence. He is here, I am here, this is healing, you think to yourself. You get lost between John and His warmth. Then your mind races back to what you call reason, awakening in a peace that is aware of the issues you need to address, but is faithful; He is faithful.
John is muttering words you then comprehend as praying. Your hands find purchase on his shoulders with your body still trapped in the hug, some circles soothed over the fabric of his tunic with your palms, faintly massaging the skin underneath it.
John smiles relieved, eyes lovely as you state “amen” after the prayer ends.
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leaderoffestivals · 3 months
Poltergeist Chapter 10
Tsumugi: Fufu! I’m such a lucky fellow to have such a devoted and diligent wife ♪ Natsume: B̵̚͜u̶͓͑r̷̦͠n̷͍͠ ̵̞͊í̵̝n̶̮͛ ̴͇̑f̵̤̀l̶̹̆ȃ̴̡m̴̯͒è̷͔š̴̭
Scenario Writer: Akira Season: Winter Characters: Mikejima Madara, Narukami Arashi, Sakasaki Natsume, Aoba Tsumugi
< About an hour later… … >
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Arashi: Fufu~. Ahh~, I’m recharged and full of energy, now that I’ve eaten my fill. Humans are creatures who really can't live without eating after all, huh? 
*Sigh* I’m the type who turns everything I eat straight into body fat, though. I’m supposed to be keeping to a strict diet these days because I don't wanna gain weight over the New Year period. 
Tsumugi: You're doing fine when you consider how active you’ve been lately, right? In fact, if you don’t load up on the calories, you’d probably wind up with anemia!
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Natsume: YeS… … Now that we’re done eatiNG, let me collect the dishes and return them to the staFF, alrigHT?
Madara: Oh myyy. Why’re you cleaning up with so much initiative, Natsume-san? It’s like you’re one of the staff who work here.
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Natsume: HonestLY? If I don’t take care of iT, Senpai will never lift a finger to deal with it on his oWN.
Tsumugi: Fufu! I’m such a lucky fellow to have such a devoted and diligent wife ♪
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Natsume: B̵̚͜u̶͓͑r̷̦͠n̷͍͠ ̵̞͊í̵̝n̶̮͛ ̴͇̑f̵̤̀l̶̹̆ȃ̴̡m̴̯͒è̷͔š̴̭
Tsumugi: Eeek! So scary, why so scary!? That was just a harmless joke, wasn’t it~? 
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Arashi: Seriously, though? You’d better not be making statements like “Housework is for women'' in front of the cameras. 
And Anzu-chan, just leave this kind of work to the energetic ones and take it easy, okay? 
Madara: Hahaha! Anzu-san, you’re as slow at eating as alwayyys! If you’re not gonna eat this piece of meat, I’m gonna take it~ ♪
Natsume: HeY, stop thAT. Don’t be taking food from other people’s platES. If you’re still hungRY, just order moRE. 
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Madara: Fufu~n! Food tastes the best when it’s stolen off someone else’s plate, don’t you knowww?
Natsume: HuH. How is it that you’re so twistED?
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Arashi: Oh, come on! Stop that~. Cut it out with the non-stop squabbling already, it’s after nursery-school hours, you know? I don’t wanna have to take care of ill-disciplined bratty kids anymore, okay?
At the very least, I need to be paid for that or I’m not gonna do it. 
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Tsumugi: Oh, yes. By the way, other than the fees paid to us for appearing in the programme, we’re paid part-time wages for working at Dancing Cranes Home too. 
Madara: Ahaha. The money juuust keeps rolling in, huh?
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Tsumugi: Indeed. It’s hard to believe we’d been struggling desperately to make ends meet before this. 
Natsume: Of courSE, we’ll have to carry out our jobs as nursery school teachers diligently since we’re receiving paymeNT. 
Tsumugi: That goes without saying. How about it, everyone? Will you be able to carry on working at Dancing Cranes Home after today?
Natsume: I have absolutely no problem with thAT. I’m the homeroom teacher of the “Rabbit Group”, the most manageable group of boYS, and I’m used to dealing with childrEN. 
Tsumugi: Ahaha. Natsume-kun does have experience counselling high-school kids about their troubles in his role of fortune-teller after all. 
Natsume: YeaH. The children of Dancing Cranes Home aren’t affected by the nonsensical feelings that come with puberTY, so they’re much more manageable than the kids at Yumenosaki. 
Tsumugi: Is that so~? I’m used to this line of work too, and the children in the “Lion Group” I’m overseeing are more well-behaved than not, so I haven’t faced any problems so far. However—
How are things going for you, Mikejima-kun? It must be tough being the teacher of the “Kaijuu Group”, right? 
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Madara: Hm~, I can’t say much at this stage. Today, all I managed to do was to capture everyone for face-to-face introductions before I had to call it a day. 
However, I’ve gotten a good grasp of their personalities, thought processes and abilities. I should be able to manage our next confrontation more effectively from tomorrow on. 
I’ve identified all their weaknesses, too. As adversaries, they simply aren't a match for me. 
Tsumugi: No, no, they aren't supposed to be your adversaries, are they? They’re children who need to be raised with love and care. 
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Natsume: SeriousLY, Mikejima-senpai? Your mindset and way of doing things simply aren’t aligned to that of a nursery school teacher at aLL. You’re the only one speaking as if you’re in the middle of a wAR, you knOW?
Madara: Umu! It’s practically a state of war with them right nowww. I’d like to establish peaceful relations swiftly too, but dealing with kids is a real pain because I can’t use my super-duper sure-win strategy against them—
Tsumugi: Hmm? Super-duper sure-win strategy?
Madara: Yup. Violence. 
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Natsume: Don’t you think it’s better to fire Mikejima-senpai now before he causes any troubLE?
Madara: Hahaha! Surely, you jest~! I’m the star of this show, you knowww?
By the way, how about you, Arashi-san? You’re in charge of the most challenging group of girls, the “Rafflesia Group”, aren’t you?
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Arashi:  I’m doing quite well, surprisingly.
There was a pretty unusual incident which threw me off for a moment, but maintaining my composure in any situation, no matter how awkward, is a strength of mine. 
If you don’t believe me, feel free to check out this recorded footage. See? I asked the staff for a copy of today’s recording—
—so I can analyse it objectively and make improvements to my performance in the coming days. 
Madara: Hoho! That’s reeeally diligent of you. Or I should say, your behaviour is unexpectedly very much like an idol!
Tsumugi: Yes. We often do that during song and dance practice, don't we? Reviewing one’s live footage to ensure there aren’t any strange habits creeping in?
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Arashi: Yes. I guess I’ve unconsciously developed the habit of thinking that way, huh~?
Come on, take a look! I’m about to stream the data I received on my smartphone—
—which is titled, “A Magnificent Day in the Life of Nursery Teacher Narukami Arashi-san” ♪
—————-To be continued——————-
Chapter 9 / Chapter 11
Translator’s Notes: 
This isn't proofed, so please DM me if you spot mistakes.
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Date night with Ateez
Hongjoong: I seen Hongjoong setting up the most beautiful picnic, all of your favourite foods in one place. He’d take you to a nice open spot in the park so you can watch the stars while you eat and chat all while surrounded by the candles he brought with him. At some point he’d pull out his guitar or play a little instrumental on his phone that he worked on for you and sing you a song writen for you and only you.
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Seonghwa: Seonghwa would love to treat you to a fancy dinner that he had to plan weeks of not months in advance, this would give you guys an excuse to dress up really fancy. He’d have requested one of the restaurant’s most private areas just to be that extra bit romantic. Soft music playing in the background while you both sat enjoying each others company in the dim candle lit restaurant.
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Yunho: Movie dates would be the best with Yunho, he’d buy the biggest popcorn they sell (even though you both know you wouldn’t be able to finish it) The movie choice would either be a superhero film or something scary. If it was a superhero film he’d love glancing over at you to see you staring at the screen in awe as to what was happening, but if it was a scary movie he’d love being your source of comfort, holding your hand or wrapping his arm around your shoulder. After the movie you’d both go to a take out restaurant where you’d sit with some good food to have an in depth discussion about the movie.
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Yeosang: He’d love a chill date at the arcade, you’d both feel so comfortable having fun playing games all night, but he could get a little competitive with you. He’d make it a mission to win you something from a claw machine, even though those things are rigged to hell and back he’d try his hardest to get you something. He’d also love to win prizes for you on other games even if you’re competing against each other and he wins he’d still give you the prize.
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San: I see San enjoying a cosy night in, loads of snacks and drinks. He’d love to build a blanket fort with you, he’d make sure to grab every pillow and blanket he could find and make it extra cosy setting up a bed inside so you can both cuddle together and watch a movie on a laptop (or use a projector if either of you had one.) He would have bought you both matching pyjamas specially for this date.
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Mingi: Mingi is another one who would like a simple laid back date, he just loves being in your presence. He’d love to take you around different street food carts treating you to anything you wanted. Once you’d both had your fill of street food he’d take you for a walk around the park, admiring the scenery and how different it looks at night even though he full well isn’t paying attention to anything around him as he has his eye firmly glued on you.
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Wooyoung: Woo would love a date full of adventure. He’d be dragging you to either an amusement park or exploring the city at night. I feel he’d also be the type of person to not plan it with you before hand and just turn up at your place out of nowhere. On the date he’d take so many pictures, most of them without you knowing, he loved how natural you looked in those and he’d definitely keep his favourite one in his phone case. 
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Jongho: Karaoke would be the go to date with Jongho, you know this boy loves to sing any time and anywhere he can, this date will give him the opportunity to show and impress you but also to be so sweet and dedicate a song to you. There would also be times where you both just want to really let go and have a lot of fun with it picking some up beat songs or try to mimic the original artists voices making you both cry with laughter. 
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Prompt List               MasterList         Buy me a Coffee
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chickenwaffles17 · 2 days
the MINTerview (an interview with Miles "Tails" Prower)
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Q: Hello Tails, how are you today?
A: I'm good Mint.
Q: You know why you're here, yes?
A: You're gonna interview me.
Q: I've got some questions here that are fairly generic and some that are more specific, feel free to, you know, not answer anything you're not comfortable with answering. That okay?
A: Yup!
Q: Great! Wanna introduce yourself?
A: My name is Miles Prower, but my friends call me Tails.
Q: Wait, you have a surname?
A: Amy has a surname too.
Q: That's true. Sorry, I didn't realise you had like, a legal name. Everyone else here is just "Blank the Species". Uh- sorry, continue please!
A: Okay! I'm 8, I'm a fox and I really like fixing things.
Q: What kind of things do you like to fix?
A: Um, the other day I fixed a coffee machine, and then I fixed a car... I also got a new tool box, which is really nice, cause' my other one was getting full.
Q: What's your favourite colour and why?
A: Blue! It's just- really cool.
Q: Oh, that's my favourite colour too! Nice taste. What's your favourite food and why?
A: Those Mint Candies you find lying around.
Q: Oh, you eat candy you find on the ground?
A: Um, well only the Mint ones.
Q: What if they're drugged?
A: They're not, they make me go faster! And if I don't eat any then I'll fall out of the sky!
Q: The candies you eat off the ground-
A: I pick them up first-
Q: The candies you find lying on the ground make you go fast, and if you don't eat one every few minutes you'll experience a crash?
A: Yeah.
Q: ...Who do you consider your friends?
A: Oh, Sonic, Knuckles, Amy, maybe you?
Q: *laughing* Oh, I'm maybe?
A: Um...
Q: Where were you born? If you can remember, of course.
A: West Side Island.
Q: Oh, I've heard of that place. Is it as beautiful as they say?
A: Probably even nicer, the trees are really pretty, and the grass is soft. It's a shame that so many of its zones are really industrial now.
Q: I'm so sorry, Tails.
A: That's fine. Next question please?
Q: How did you obtain your abilities? In your case the ability to fly, and I guess building things.
A: Uh, well I've always had my tails. I guess when I was around 4 it became a habit to just spin them when I wasn't doing anything, and one day I was like; "Hey, how fast could I do this?" So I just kept spinning and spinning and spinning, and I found out I could go really fast, and at that point I actually got off the ground, which was really scary the first time, but it was so tiring. I had to practise until I could do it without getting tired.
Q: Wow. What about your love for technology? When did that first come into play?
A: Um, I think I found a ratchet on the ground one day, and I realised it could probably fit over those nuts and bolts you see on Badniks and things, so I went over to one of those abandoned robots lying on the ground and opened up its chest.
Q: Wow, quite the clever little guy, aren't you?
A: Well- no, I flipped a switch and it came to life and tried to kill me, but you know, I banged it over the head with the ratchet and it broke again. I really liked it.
Q: Liked what?
A: The ratchet.
Q: Oh, cool. You still have it?
A: No. I accidentally dropped it somewhere.
Q: Oh no, that's terrible!
A: It's fine, I've got loads now. Your timer is running out.
Q: Oh crap! Sorry, we might have to rush these next few questions. What was your first impression of me?
A: Um, I didn't think much of you until you actually tried to fight Shadow. At that point I didn't really know what to think other than "Oh no, what's gonna happen"
Q: What's your nicest memory?
A: Meeting Sonic, definitely. Or maybe one of the flights I took with him on the Tornado.
Q: Would you describe yourself as introverted or extroverted?
A: Introverted.
Q: Why's that?
A: I like my friends, but I think anyone else makes me feel a little anxious.
Q: What's the best thing someone could compliment you on?
A: Um, well anything, I think.
Q: Oh?
A: Yeah, I like feeling like I can do things. I don't really have anything besides my technology that anyone acknowledges, so it's nice to, you know, be complimented on things as well as that.
Q: Well, you're a very lovely fox, Tails. I'll buy you candy sometime, stop picking it up off the ground.
A: Okay!
Q: I think just one more question and then you can leave.
A: Uhuh?
Q: Is a hot dog a sandwich?
A: Yes.
Q: Oh, no hesitation, why?
A: Well, what defines a sandwich? It's a filling in between two or more pieces of bread, or a filling in the middle of one long sliced piece of bread.
Q: Very smart. Thanks Tails, see you around!
A: See you Mint!
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mysteryshoptls · 2 years
SSR Jack Howl Port Wear Personal Story: Part 1
"I gotta get over there, fast!"
Part 1 (Part 2) (Part 3)
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[Crane Port – Whistle Park]
Customer A: One waffle, please!
Epel: Coming right up. What toppings would you like?
Customer A: Hmmm… There's so many, I can't decide.
Epel: Then, I recommend the apple compote! It really goes well with the waffles, and you can taste the different textures.
Customer A: Sounds good! Then, I'll go with your recommendation.
Epel: Alright! Please wait one moment.
Jack: I'll take the next customer here.
Customer B: Ah, right… …I'd like one waffle.
Jack: Please pick a topping.
Customer B: Oh, there's a lot to choose from. I didn't even realize when I was lined up. Which should I choose…?
Customer B: Maybe I'll go for the usual whipped cream and chocolate. Oh, but the compote looks good too…
Jack: …......
Customer B: I want to try everything, but… ACK, ARE YOU MAD AT ME!?
Jack: Eh!?
Customer B: I-I think I'm good, nevermind…
Cater: Ah, don't worry, don't be scared of him! This big guy's just a little bit shy ♪
Customer B: Shy…?
Cater: Jack-kun, It's almost time for you to do your committee work, I think.
Cater: I'll take over helping the customers. Can you go help Idia-kun before heading out?
Jack: Yessir.
Cater: Thanks―! Looks like we're about to run out of batter, so he wants us to bring over the stuff we've already prepped.
Cater: The waffle batter container's super heavy, so this would help a ton. Thanks a bunch― ♪
Jack: Right.
Cater: Thank you for waiting, sir! If you're still trying to figure out the toppings, you can always just throw everything you want on it.
Cater: If you load it up with the whipped cream, chocolate and pear compote, it'll totally be super Magicammable ☆
Cater: You can eat it all combined together, or, you could eat it with just the compote. According to the big guy over there, it's a super refreshing flavor.
Customer B: Oooh, is that so? Then, I'll have that topping please!
Cater: Okaay, please wait a moment ♪
Jack: That customer just now was like a completely different person.  His expression was brighter, and his voice was stronger.
Jack: He was so fidgety when he was standing in front of me… Does it have something to do with my customer service?
Cater/Epel: Thank you very much!
Jack: Tch, there's no way I can serve the customers with a smile like them. …I guess I should quickly go do what I was asked to do.
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Jack: Idia-senpai, I brought the waffle batter.  Should I just place it near the opening of the machine?
Idia: Eek, Jack-shi!? I asked Cater-shi to bring this… Tho, that outgoing type is just as scary too!
Jack: I got my committee work to do soon, so can you just tell me what to do already?
Idia: Ah, right! Sorry!!!! L-Like you said, you can place it near the opening…
Jack: Got it. Hup…
Jack: Is there anything else you need from me?
Idia: No, nothing… If you could just head out to your committee work now…
Jack: …I understand. Then, I'll be off.
Jack: Guess I should head towards the committee headquarters.
Jack: …As part of my position on the committee, I need to help guide visitors, and care for any lost children, I think.
Jack: Idia-senpai pretty much jumps at everyone, so I probably shouldn't think too much about him, but…
Jack: Based off of the way the customer was at the food stand, I'm pretty sure he found me scary.
Jack: …I guess I definitely need to learn how to be more sociable like Epel or Cater-senpai, huh…?
Jack: Sigh. If I knew it'd be like this, I probably shoulda practiced how to serve customers during my part-time stint at the restaurant.
Part 1 (Part 2) (Part 3)
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Requested by Anonymous.
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prt-razorfuck · 8 months
To: Piggot_BigBossLady_Real
From: MissBoomstick (written down by the lovely Intern #682 with complete and total accuracy, no liberties were taken with the scary gun ladies words ;)
Director Piggot,
Ma'am, here is the report on the Ward's conduct today. I am just as displeased as you are that this has to be a daily thing. No, the department of Legal Cut-throats and Miscreants still has not cleared corporal punishment, nor would my administration have the effect you intend ma'am. Especially on some of the more... spirited wards.
Ahem. Returning to the subject at hand, the usual problem children (Shadow Stalker and Clockblocker) are both still on console duty due to the "flying desk chair and buzzsaw throwing" incident they pulled. We are still investigating just why Shadow Stalker was attacking the Hebert family porch, but rest assured we expect to sweep ot under the rug vis threat of lawsuit soon enough.
A surprise issue this morning (which you are of course already aware of but we must be formal about these things) was Aegis deciding he wanted to know what the fuel oil Armsmaster's suits use taste like. It took Panacea a full hour to fix him, and he wanted to have another taste afterwards, I had to personally confoam him. Armsmaster has been ordered to rework the formula to be less "horrifically acidic and addictive, a hundred thousand times worse than opium, what the fuck, Armsmaster" end quote. I also took the liberty of telling Dragon what he'd been up to, ma'am. Both men are quite cowed by their house arrest. I was nice enough to let the four play Monopoly, though it quickly turned violent.
She isn't a ward just yet, but Glory Girl was found high and raiding a grocery store around 1pm today. Luckily, her mother was around and could handle it. She's currently getting the grandmother of all lectures while she nurses the food coma resulting from a Brute refueling.
Vista... Well, I'm very proud of her, for one. She knew exactly what to do and did it perfectly, textbook example of pistol marksmanship. She fucking shot Kaiser in the balls. He didn't notice, thank God, and I got her disarmed and out of there, but we need to give her another "reasonable force" talk. Not me, you know I think it's a load of crap. I make all of the guns, it's my literal god given ri- excuse me. I get... Testy about the full use of my power and it's origin. Vista did keep the glock, for the record. We now have a spacetime breaking middle schooler with a gun on our hands.
Panacea: got caught cackling and watching zombie movies while doing something ghastly with frozen beef. Not anything Nilbog-like, cause I'd have capped the bitch right then and there, law bedamned. She likes to play with her food and shape her beef into dinosaurs and play with them like dolls. Ma'am, we desperately need a way to get that kid therapy. (AN: it's an AU Pan-Pan can work with dead material to a limited extent by puppetting it with growths of bacteria. Which she then eats. God, and I thought the goblin cum was bad)
Kid Win: is still not winning at life. Turned a toothbrush into a confoam grenade and "forgot" it in Calvert's office bathroom. He actually forgot it, I watched the security footage. It was stuck to his back when he helped Calvert carry some boxes into his office, but wasn't when he left after borrowing the bathroom. Still technically had to punish him by making him clean and sort his workshop. I gave Vista a power washer set on low to watch him and make sure it gets done.
The others were pretty bland. Gallant is still a rotting corpse that we apparently pay Panacea to puppet to bolster our ranks after the poor idiot met a grisly end. I'm not going to think about why the corpse is still dating Glory Girl. I'm not... Ma'am, we may need more than therapy for Panacea and Gallant. Am I still not allowed a flamethrower indoors?
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This is dumb, and I don’t know why I feel the need to share this, but for some reason, I just cannot stop thinking of the first time I really advocated for myself against a position of authority and the pride I have for younger me for finally saying enough. Like I was a shy, anxious, people pleaser who avoided conflict like crazy, and I had a high school counselor tell me I was going to wreck my future by not picking up an elective, and in a moment of sleep-deprived clarity, I argued back.
Granted, this stream of consciousness was brought on by remembering childhood movies which led me to remembering childhood bullshit which then led to me remembering a post about how the great thing about being out of high school and an adult is that you can just leave social situations that you don’t want to be a part of and no one can force you to stay. You can just go, and it’s freeing.
I had a couple of classes in college where I literally looked at the syllabus, looked at the clock, looked back at the syllabus, and immediately after class ended, I dropped the course and replaced it with another one. There was one class in college back during the lockdown where I was like, ma’am, the government is still telling us to only leave the house for food and a walk around the park and you want me to find someone to shadow? And I dropped the class before the time ended.
I mean, I sent a boilerplate email stating that I was regretfully dropping their class because I couldn’t give it the dedication it deserves, but still. My one sister was in high school and her counselor gave her crap about wanting to switch an elective to a different one in the same period during the add/drop period because she “made a commitment.” Fuck you and your scary words, Mrs. Guidance Counselor.
We had the same guidance counselor which made me remember this moment. I was a senior in high school, with more than enough elective credits to graduate. I was an honor roll student throughout high school. I had passed 3 AP classes and their exams with flying colors. I was currently taking 3 AP classes, one of them was chemistry, and 2 honors classes. I had a CAD elective first period where I was supposed to learn how engineers design things or some shit like that. Somehow, the school didn’t give me a lunch period. I had to eat lunch in my one class where my teacher kindly allowed me to eat so long as I didn’t leave a mess. Now I’m tired, anxious, and don’t want to be in that elective class because I no longer wanted to study engineering and I was the only girl in a class of mostly 14-15 year old boys. Seniors, if they had first period free, could come in late. I took my ass down to the guidance counselor during a study hall to drop the class and sign up for late arrival.
The counselor proceeds to tell me that she will not let me drop the class because I clearly didn’t give this enough thought and she had plenty of kids with more pressing issues about their schedules (kids being put in the wrong level classes), can I wait one more week until things settle down? I say fine. I wait a week. I come back. She starts suggesting classes I can take to fill up that first period block. I ask for the late arrival. She asks me to think about it and give it a few days. I wait a couple days and come back with my drop slip. I am getting this goddamn late arrival.
She tells me that I’m not thinking about this clearly. I resist the urge to snap and tell her that I have given this serious thought. She says I have not. I point out that my course load is already heavy. She counters that the electives she offered to enroll me in are easy. And I get even more annoyed. I point out that outside of school, I play a team sport and work part time. I have enough on my plate. I need some R&R. She then proceeds to tell me that if I don’t take an elective, colleges will reject me and think I’m lazy.
I then proceed to tell her that if a college rejects me over a half credit elective course, then I want no part of that college anyway. I want my late arrival. I am getting this late arrival. I did not leave until she gave in. Late arrival gave me another 1-1.5 hrs of sleep that my poor soul needed desperately. It definitely kept me from killing my poor lab partner in AP Chemistry.
The joke is on her, because I proceeded to get my Bachelor’s of Science from a good university with “Magna Cum Laude” stamped in fancy script.
I honestly don’t know why there had to be so much back and forth. I hadn’t even had that much of a stubborn argument with my own parents. There’s not really a point to this story other than I’m proud of my younger self growing a spine and not just accepting what someone in charge told me as fact. I guess, maybe it doesn’t have to be a big thing for you to be proud over it. This was a really stupid game of chicken that I got into and won. And for that, I’m happy, because starting small makes it easier to take bigger steps.
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strwbrrypoundcake · 1 year
Haven't done a safe food recap in a while so here we go (tw food + cals in Ed context)
Iced coffee: 9/10 still prefer energy drinks but it's been better since I got my coffee syrup
Salad: 9/10 got bored of it and it goes bad really quickly
Rice cakes: 7/10 rediscovered my love for the caramel ones but still a lil boring
Baked potato: 12/10 a little scary with the oil but I only use a little and load on the seasonings. It's so filling and tastes so good, I also use fat free low calorie sour cream
Baked chicken breast: 12/10 goes with the potato, it's an amazing meal, the chicken is so juicy and of course I use loads of seasoning but I get the pre-marinaded ones so they taste good on their own
Cauliflower: 6.5/10 great snacky snack but a lil bland
Diet Dr. Pepper: 8/10 still my baby but sometimes a gurl just wants diet coke
Diet coke: 8/10 Ed staple, it's great to switch up my soda
Frozen meals: 4/10 I still eat them but the sodium content has me gagging fr
Soup: 4.5/10 see reason above
Strawberry swirl bread: 7/10 absolutely adore this shit 100 cals for a piece and tastes like pink clouds
Spaghetti-os: 5.5/10 eh, it's good for really high res days
Fat free yogurt: 13/10 my baby, I have it every morning with some spices
Boiled egg: 10/10 also love this have it in the morning with yogurt
Fried egg: 5.9/10 I like it but because I don't use oil it never cooks quite right
My recipe breakfast sandwich: 7.5/10 I haven't made this in a while but I loved it, it was so yummy and very filling
Well that concludes my safe food list, bye for now
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argumentl · 2 years
The Freedom of Expression Vol:9 - Looking back at the Phalaris tour
Part 2 (To part 1)
J: Well, you toured nationwide, so im sure there are many stories to be told of your travels. So Leader, what have you brought for us...some photos from your trip? You've brought some photos to show, especially for Niconama.
T: Oh, exciting!
J: Ok, lets have a look at the photos that Leader took for us. Here they are! These look interesting. Shall we go through them one by one? Here is the first one. 
*photo shows some old gacha mahines*
T: Whats this? "Jyan jyan no anaba"?
K: This was in Shinsekai, in Osaka...near Tsūtenkaku and stuff. 
T: Its old fashioned. 
K: Yeah, this type of stuff is still around there. 
J: Its has a very Shōwa feel. 
K: The next photo is of the shopping arcade where this is...is arcade the right word? *next photo appears* There, look, you can see the machines at the side. 
J: Oh yeh! A lot of the shops are shut, aren't they?
K: Well, this was about 10:00 or 10:30 at night. 
J: I see. This has character, doesn't it?!
T: Yeah, it does.
K: The thing was, our manager said he wanted to eat kushi katsu, so we came down here to get some. He nearly ate himself to death. 
J, T: haha 
J: Ate himself to death? haha. This street looks kinda scary to walk down, was it ok?
J: Isn't Shinsekai a bit scary?
K: Well, some of the outer areas might be a bit dubious, but its mainly a tourist area, so its totally fine. 
T: Everyone, do you know the guy eating loads...its Fujieda, right? Fuji fuji. 
J: Does he really eat that much?
K: He eats a tonne. 
J: Its like what is he doing there, eating that much??
K: Well, he said he wanted to eat, so its ok, haha. 
J: Ok, next photo please. *photo shows a buffet table* Oh, more food. 
K: This was in the venue in Osaka. At long last, we had a buffet put out. Its usually only been bentos during covid. We couldn't just walk over and get something to eat. 
T: What is that?
J: It looks like rice crackers pilled up.
K: Its katayakisoba, noodles. 
T: noodles?? 
J: Interesting!
K: And you put sauce and stuff on them. 
J: Did the members request those?
K: No...
J: But how did they taste?
K: They were good. 
J: Thats the first time Ive seen katayakisoba in a buffet. 
K: Yeah, same. 
J: When I worked for Rolling Stone, where was it that I came to see you?
K: Osaka, this venue. 
J: Ahh, I remember the buffet. It was so nice!
K: Uh, this was the 20th anniversary for this venue, Namba Hatch. And you know, recently, we played our last live at Shinkiba Studio Coast, that was our 74th live at that venue. Well, on this day at Namba Hatch, it was our 75th time to play there. This is our most played venue. 
J: Oh, amazing! Ok, lets see the next photo. 
*photo of lots of whisky bottles*
J: Oh, again, all of a sudden...
K: This was Kyoto. 
J: Kyoto??
K: I went to the Yamazaki Whisky distillery. You know our manager Fujieda, he loves whisky, well..I drink it too. So, we had a free day in Kyoto, so he said, 'Lets get tickets to tour the facility'. 
T: Haha, he loves it that much. How was it?
K: Well, it was the type of thing you can't usually do, you know, seeing inside the distillery. 
T: Did you see the barrels and stuff?
K: Yeah. 
J: Can you do tastings too?
K: Yeah, you can. 
J: Someone commentd "I wanna drink Hakushu!!" haha. But taking a break during the tour is really important. 
T: Did you get drunk? 
K: Well, I posted this on my blog, I did a little video, well not of the inside. No filming inside. *photo changes to a 25yr old bottle of Macallan* Yeah, they have Macallan in there too. 
T: 25 years old. 
J: I bet thats expensive. 
K: This wasn't for sale. Im not quite sure what it was doing there. 
J: Someone asked, did you buy any whisky for yourself?
K: I bought a bottle of non-aged. You can but that there. 
J: You havn't drunk it yet, have you?
K: No, not yet. Its the type that you wont be able to buy there for much longer.  People keep reselling it. They sell it for three times the price. 
J: Really?? Well, maybe if Hanshin win, we should open it. 
K: No, we need something better than that if Hanshin win. 
J: Ok, lets go for Champagne!
K: Nah, I don't really like Champagne, haha. 
J: Ah, thats a shame...Ok, next photo. 
*photo shows a red carpet leading up the wing to the stage*
K:This is the stage wing. 
T: Ehh? Where? 
K: Well, in the tour venues. Our stage director came up with this idea for our 25th anniversary. He put a red carpet leading up to the stage for us, for when we enter. 
T: Cool!
K: This was for all the venues. 
J: Ah, such a happy thing. The audience can't see this though. Its a gesture of love towards the members. 
K: Yeah, I think so. 
J: So great, a red carpet. Ok, next photo. Oh, its him! You know who this is straight away, right?
K: Who?
J: Haha, its Shinya.
K: This was probably when he was taking the photo to upload to his Instagram. He's needs the light to make it Insta worthy. 
T: You took a photo of that moment?
J: From behind! His most embarrassing moment. You've been caught, Shinya!
K: Hahaha. 
J: Shinya wears white a lot, doesn't he?
K: Yeah, he does. 
J: Have you got any recent stories about Shinya?
K: Stories?
J: There's usually something about the members doing something to him right?
K: Yeh, its only stuff I can't say. 
J: Hahaha 
T: Stuff you can't say?
J: Haha, I feel like I need to hear this now. 
T: Uh, we have some mesages from viewers here, can I just read some of them? 
J: Oh, thank you! Die did this part last time, didn't he?
T: Yeah. Uh, From Yuko san, "How do you feel when you see Shinya playing the drums like crazy during The Perfume of Sins?
K: During lives? I don't have time to look at him. 
T: Haha. There you go!
J: Any more messages? We've been asking for communications from you all. Im not sure about using the word 'communications' these days though. 
T: Ok, this one is about Hotarubi, which we mentioned earlier...from Imo san? "Good evening, Kaoru, Joe, and Tasai. Kaoru, well done on the tour. When I heard Hotarubi on the first date of the tour, I got goosebumps, it was so cool. My question is, is there any reason why you chose Hotarubi for the first day? I love this song, so I was so happy to hear  it. Im looking foward to the next tour!"
K: Well, yeh, it was because it was a fanclub live, we did Hotarubi for that. We usually do this, like, do one irregular song for the fanclub live. 
J: Ahh. Ok, one more please. 
T: Ok, this is from Nanatsu san. "Hi Kaoru. Ive been excited to hear the new songs on tour, but which is the most difficult song to play live on Phalaris? Also, please tell us what to look out for in the 25th anniversary tour. Im also looking forward to Phalaris Vol:2". Please tell Nanatsu san which is the most difficult song to play, or any other difficult parts, if there are any.
K: Well, im always nervous at the start. But on the otherhand, this time, no one knew the songs at first, so they wouldnt know if we messed them up. 
J: Ah, before the release?
K: Like, even if it was awful, they dont know, so...haha. 
J: Well, yeah, but thats part of the enjoyment of watching the first song. 
K: Hm, yeh, I think so. But yeh, the hardest song was probably Schadenfreude. 
J: And being the first song too...You must have been nervous. The audience would enjoy it though. 
K: You know that song starts with Die's acoustic guitar. Its a fade in effect. So with the fade in, you have to start playing first, and then fade in, right? When we first played it, it seemed like some people thought his guitar wasnt working, haha. 
J: Really?? You had that kind of trouble?
K: No, it wasnt trouble. The sound doesnt come out at first, it fades in. So, he's playing with no sound to start. But the audience dont know the song, so some people apparently though the sound was broken, haha. 
J: Ahhh, I see, because of the fade in, f couse. Do you have any other stories, or mishaps to tell us about from this tour?
K: Mishaps?
J: Or like, interesting stories involving the members backstage?.....Oh, we'll save that for the second half. Our producer knows how this is done! Ok, so after this we are gonna dive into the second, but like I just said, we'll have more stories from the tour then. And like we said at the start, we have various ways to pamper, and reward Kaoru, which you can look forward to. Now, how to watch this. The second part of this show is for members only, so you need to subscribe in order to watch to the end. If you subscribe, you can watch this broadcast in the archived for one year, and there will be member only videos to be released later. We have a lot of plans in store for them, so please sign up to watch them. Ok, how to subscribe. Can you all see the blue link at the top of the screen? Leader is pointing to it. If you click this, you will be asked to choose your preferred payment method. Choose your method, and click proceed. Then you can input your details. If you havnt already joined, please do so to enjoy the rest of the show. Ok, we'll leave you for a breif monent while we change over into the second half. A changeover screen will appear, so if you are a member, please wait a moment. If you are not a member, please subscribe to enjoy more tour stories, and our pamperIng of Kaoru.
K: The members only video that we filmed recently was fun, wasn't it?
J: Very fun. 
K: It was wild, haha *snorts while laughing*
J: You just snorted! It was so much fun, Leader snorted! You need to watch this everyone!
K: No, they'll wonder what the hell we are doing. 
J: No, its artistic...artistic! I think the viewers will enjoy it. So, everyone, please look forward to this members only video too! Ok, Leader, a final word from you. 
K: Yep, See you in a min. 
*Info which I gathered from the comments during the paid contents, which are publicly viewable. 
They mention the towel incident at Namba Hatch. 
They talk about underpants preference, with reference to boxer style or otherwise, ck, tiger pattern, fuji patern (Kaoru got given Fuji Q underpants froma fan???).
Talk about tour goods from the last tour.
Kaoru was eating potato salad, but he wanted beer with it.
Then he was talking about all the different veggies he likes to add to it.
They were then trying out a few massage devices. Joe had one of those vibrating massage wands, and was using it in dubuios ways, causing the viewers to scream in the comments. Kaoru had a try with a face massage roller, apprently resembling a cat.
They talk about the upcoming tour, and mention some of the venues. 
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pbandjesse · 11 months
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The air hurt my chest today. When we went to bed last night the air quality was 158. Not good but not horrible. When we woke up it was 258. What the hell. The apartment seemed pretty good compared to outside. There was a noticable difference.
I didn't sleep great though. I had a lot of pain in my chest and the back of my throat and woke up every couple hours. So when my alarm went off I wasn't thrilled. But there were things to do.
James was getting ready to go. Came and gave me a hug and made the bed and waited to leave until I was done getting dressed. So they could give me another hug before they left.
They would wear a mask and I would as well. It was scary how smokey the outside world was. It was horrible and it's not even like it is in New York. It's not as orange. It is for sure noticably hazy. And the shadows were casting a bit red. But man. Not comfortable.
I would head to camp and the whole ride I was like. I bet this group is going to cancel. The kids should not be in this apocalypse air. And if they do come I hope they have masks.
But less then 5 minutes before I got there Heather texted me and Elizabeth that all city schools canceled outdoor programs and feildtrips.
I was not shocked. I was a little annoyed but it's fine. I would have had to come and clean up the program anyway but it was just a little. Sad. It's just another thing that had its last one for the season, like me doing BMI trips, that went past without me knowing it was the last one.
But it's fine. I got to camp and got to work putting things away. I wouldn't rush. No need.i would head to the Hogan and and dump the water from the cooler and packed everything up over in the woodlands.
Once I put that that all away in the art building I would drive over to the office and chatted with Heather and Elizabeth. Brought the cornbread to share since there weren't any kids to have it. Asked how their apocalypse was going. And then headed to the lodge.
The kitchen staff was over there getting their first food delivery. So maybe good the bus wasn't there because that would have been a bit of a traffic jam.
I would pack up all my stuff but had to wait for the truck to move to finish. I would chat with the guys and would just enjoy how nice it felt out even if the air hurt my eyes. I was still masked though and that helped a lot. The guys did not know anything was happening and said they were all smokers so they would be fine. I disagree but they are adults.
Once the truck was gone I finished loading my car and went back to the art building. I tried to get everything put away as nice as possible. And then went back to the office.
Heather asked if I could try tidying up the attic like I had in the fall. It looked very bad but actually was mostly just empty boxes and some misplaced stuff. Took me less then an hour to put it back together.
I would go up the the art building after Heather printed me my lessons for the summer. And I would make notes about what would need to get done. Examples, boxes, materials. And then I started working on my posters. I got half of them done and I'm very pleased. I also started working on some examples. I got a stick loom made and start figuring out how to weave on a rock. Which took me a minute but looked pretty cool!!
I worked until 1230. And then headed to the office to heat up my lunch. The air was much better. Back down to 160. Still bad but I could comfortably lose the mask to eat on the porch.
And when I was done I checked in with Heather and she said I should make a document for my workshop for specialty staff. So I would work on that on my phone and for a first draft James said it was really good and doesn't need much change. Pretty proud of myself.
There wasn't much else to do inside. And my chest still hurt. So I would say goodbye and headed home.
I thought about stopping at the thrift store but went straight home instead. My head was very itchy and I felt gross from being in the smokey air.
When I got back here it was more hazy then camp had been. I got inside and showered basically right away. Washed my hair with a clarifying shampoo. My hair is grown out weird and I have been a bit self conscious about it. I'm trying to leave it alone. But at least it was clean.
I decided it would be fun to play animal crossing. The first time in a year and a half!! It was fun to say hi to my villagers. And give gifts. But I was there to build a room. I have been watching a lot of Sims builds.
And I wasn't as good as I had been before! But I was having fun! The second one went better then the first. And it was a really good time.
James got home while I was doing that. They told me about their day. And made me nachos because they love me. And soon they would get on their podcast and I went to lay down and watch video.
Eventually I would move to the living room and start working on a small knitting project. I want to use the tiny loom to make a bunch of squares. See how it goes. It was nice to just have a little thing to work on.
James came and joined me once their podcast was done. Someone messaged me on Instagram and I'm mostly sure they are a catfish but it was fun talking to them for a bit.
I am tired and dehydrated though. Despite drinking so much water. Apparently the smoke makes you dryer. My skin is very dry. So it's a battle for sure.
I am going to work on some computer stuff here tomorrow. I may go somewhere but will mostly stay home. I hope it's a good day. I hope you are all having a great night and are breathing well. I love you all. Goodnight!!
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invisibleraven · 1 year
Phantom Carols
For the @jatp-adventevent prompt Do they believe in elves or Yetis?
Day Nine: Couple of Misfits <-AO3!
When Carlos is young, his parents assure him that he can be anything he wants to be when he grows up. “You could even become a dentist!” Ray jokes, though Carlos isn’t exactly laughing.
Being an elf in the North Pole leaves the job opportunities rather slim, you see. His mom works in the letter department, composing replies to every child that writes to Santa on a yearly basis. Dad works with the reindeer, keeping them happy and healthy before they start training for sleigh duty. Even his sister Julie is involved, working as an apprentice in the wrapping department, and the things she can do with a roll of tape are frankly, downright scary.
But as much as Carlos loves Christmas, loves everything that Santa does and stands for, he has no wish to work for him. He’s tried interning in every department, and nothing seems to be a right fit for him.
In the toy making department, all his train wheels turned square and his cowboys ended up riding ostriches. He ended up wrapping himself more than the presents when working with Julie. The reindeer seem to dislike him for some reason, maybe because he made one too many jokes about Rudolph when he was little, and nobody bad mouths Rudolph. His mom even tries to get him to help with letters, but all that does is confirm his dyslexia and explains a whole lot about his grades in elf school.
Carlos is flipping through the books in the library when he comes across the historical version of Rudolph. He had been forced to read it and write a sensitivity essay after Blitzen VII almost gored him after an insensitive comment, but that had been ages ago. There’s pictures of Rudolph’s adventures, the famous elf dentist Hermie, the prospector Yukon Cornelius, the Island of Misfit Toys, now long defunct since Santa gathers them up each year.
Then there’s the character that fascinated him the most-the Bumble. The tamed Abominable Snowman who had once tried to eat the heroes, only to have all his teeth removed, and prove useful to Christmastown. There was supposedly a statue of him somewhere near his old cave, a memorial to mark his final resting place. There had been no sightings of more monsters since then.
Carlos kind of wondered why. Surely there couldn’t have just been one Bumble right? Did he have a family in some far off reaches? Was he related to the Yetis that are in the Arctic mountains? A distant relation to the Sasquatch that supposedly roamed the forests of the Americas?
Carlos wanted to find out, (he also really wanted to see a Bumble bounce) and that’s when he realized this is what he wanted to do. Find all the mysteries of the world, and maybe help them find a place in it. Not taming them, but making them feel useful. Discover their secrets, maybe write a guide to them to help others, so that they weren’t driven to extinction or forced back into hiding.
So Carlos resolved to go, and though his parents worried, they wished him luck. Loaded him up with supplies, and even Julie gave him a roll of tape, “Because you never know when you might need it.”
It turned out that the tape proved quite useful for restraining a nasty drude, a bat-like creature that’s bite gave intense nightmares. Carlos brought him to the Sandman, hoping that the master of dreams could rehabilitate him. From there he met other legends and creatures, making notes, taking pictures, befriending those he could, avoiding those he couldn’t.
Eventually he came back to the North Pole, a few years older, a lot wiser. “I still never found another Bumble,” he lamented.
“I truly do think that the original was the last mijo,” Rose said as she forced some food to him, complaining that he had grown far too skinny during his travels.
“Maybe,” Carlos replied, sipping his hot chocolate. “But I want to check out his cave, just in case.”
The cave was deserted, as he knew it would be. But he did manage to find one of the teeth that Hermie had pulled out, which was a pretty sweet souvenir.
And that Christmas, Santa, always the joker, gifted him a plushy Bumble, which Carlos scowled at, but held tight. He might never find the real thing, but he'll treasure this version of the Abominable Snowman for the rest of his days.
Only… the next year, when Snowman Sam comes back around, strumming his banjo and singing about the tales of Rudolph, Carlos has to ask. Sam has been around since Santa first took up the mantle, he must have some idea about the Abominable right?
Sam does, though he’s reluctant to tell Carlos much, but eventually relents, and Carlos heads even further north. Up to were the aurora is shining constantly, and it’s there that he finds the cave; dark and foreboding.
He comes out with the tiny baby Bumble, obviously abandoned, and brings it home. He’s the size of Carlos, but seems tame enough, and with some love, he becomes a part of the Christmastown family. Helps out as much as he can, when he’s not accompanying Carlos on adventures to find more misunderstood creatures.
And yes, it turns out, Bumbles do bounce.
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mo-yin · 2 years
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Haikyuu Boys at a Nigerian Wedding. (Karasuno)
Ever been to an Owambe? No? Eh it’s fine. You’ll learn about em right here.
Mini scenarios included
Daichi Sawamura
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- Have you seen this boy?? Radiates fatherly energy. He doesn’t know how but he found himself on the adults table.
-He’s very respectful towards elders and got all the aunties asking him to marry their daughters.
-Too scared to decline.
-“You’re such a good boy! I’m sure your parents are very proud of you”
-“Thank you ma’am, just doing my best” he’d smile as all the women showered him with compliments.
-“ehn…how old are you again?” One of the ladies asked.
-“oh. I’m-“
“My daughter Dami should be the same age as you. In fact, let me get her for you. DAMI!! Come and meet this boy!!!” She yelled, rushing to get her daughter.
“Don’t listen to her, Her daughter is very wayward, doesn’t even show up to church unless it’s to collect free food on thanksgiving day” another Aunty hissed as the ladies beside her nodded.
“That’s right. But my youngest cousin is-“
Koushi Sugawara
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One of Koushi’s super skills is his charisma, it didn’t even take him long to get all the aunties on his side.
He complimented a few women’s Gele (Hair tie) and was immediately brought to the Aunty’s table.
-Sits in silence as the older women spit venom about the younger generation.
-Definitely didn’t expect this. Wants to leave but too scared to get up.
“Look at that woman, isn’t that the same Dress she wore for my Uncle’s Burial last year?” One of the women snickered.
“Forget her, look at Amara’s son, isn’t he 32 and still unmarried?” Another pointed at the poor guy just having fun on the dance floor.
“Don’t mind him. He thinks he’s getting younger. I heard he even got a Tatoo!” Someone else added.
“Ah! JESUS!”
“Koushi. Make sure you don’t talk to that girl right there, her mother is a witch” yet another lady pointed.
-Koushi wants to leave.
Asahi Azumane
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-Harassed by two old women because of his long hair.
-Was told to shave off all his hair and facial hair so he’d look like a respectable fellow😭
One thing about Nigerian weddings is the DRINKS. There’s always gotta be a surplus of drinks, I’m talking 6 drinks per guest, it’s very important to have extra drinks for the guests to take home as well.
-Being the big and scary-looking boy he is, the bride’s mom pulled him to the drinks corner and asked him to ‘guard the drinks’
-Asahi was confused but could not refuse. He thought It wouldn’t be so hard “DO NOT GIVE OUT ANY DRINKS UNLESS ITS TO THE SERVICE STAFF” he was told.
-It was all going fine till 2 thugs came over demanding another 4 cans of beer.
-Politely declines.
-Scared as hell because one of them just started cussing him out in Yoruba.
Yū Nishinoya & Ryūnosuke Tanaka
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-in Heaven.
-multitude of girls walking around, looking very pretty.
-Tanaka says he wants to stay faithful to his Goddess but decides to help be his Buddy’s Wingman.
-Tanaka got a pat on the back from two uncles because of his hair.
“Now that’s a real man” they’d nod at him.
-Noya got turned down by most women because he wa considered too short
-Noya gets mistaken for a kid and was asked to Go help the other kids pick money off the dance-floor.
-Tanaka and Noya had unlimited plates of Suya and Barbecue fish.
-They were having the time of their lives
Shoyo Hinata & Tobio Kageyama
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-Turned everything into competitions
-Eating contest, Water chugging, Money picking.
- somehow found themselves on the dance floor and the MC made them have a dance off.
-Kags declined. Lmao. You can’t do that at a Nigerian wedding.
-Hinata wins the dance off and they’re both sprayed loads of cash
After the wedding they were both taught how to do legwork and Hinata began brainstorming ways to incorporate it into their quick attack.
Tsukishima Kei
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-Having the worst time of his life
-got scolded 3 times for making snarky comments.
-likes the food though
-is being force-fed right next to Tadashi because the Aunties believe he “looks too thin for his age”
-somehow getting marriage proposals left and right because he gets good grades and “would make a good engineer” as the uncles said.
“Tsuku- Tsumu- what’s that your name again? Eat more! I have more Pounded yam for you coming out. Make sure you eat everything on that plate.”
Kei felt like if he took another bite he’d exploded, looked to this friends for help but saw Yamaguchi being force-fed as well.
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Focusing on my health
Yesterday I took a bigger dose of a muscle relaxer than I usually do, and boy, I had such a scary side effect...I wasn't producing pretty much any saliva, I had a swallow reflex but there was nothing to swallow and I couldn't properly breathe, it felt like the walls of my throat were sticking together. For several hours at night I had to be constantly taking sips of water because my throat hurt so much and I couldn't swallow.
If you think that a dry mouth cannot be scary...think again. It's not the first time I get a dry mouth while taking this medicine, but it has never been this bad. It was horrible being sleepy as another side effect, really wanting to sleep and not being able to because I had to constantly be taking sips of water. At least all that water helped me pee out some of the medicine. It's early morning and I still have dryness and my throat hurts, but no nearly as bad as last night.
As I said, it was quite a scary experience, especially because it felt like a couldn't breathe. I kept on thinking that I wouldn't want to die like this where I am now...as suicidal as I am. This really reinforced my will to take care of my body and health again. Definitely a reason to keep on staying sober (I think I will probably drink something for New Year but I will keep it moderate) and somehow increase my daily movement and eat healthy.
The food topic is still an issue. I had made soup and a good loaded salad for dinner and this guy asked me if I wanted French fries. Even though I love fries, I politely declined and said I was on a diet. He went ahead and made fries from scratch only for me, a big overflowing plate. I said no anyway. He insisted that I had to eat them (this really reinforces my theory of a feeding k*nk) . I ate like three fries and left the rest. He wouldn't take the plate away...so at some point I just went ahead and put the fries in the fridge. It's hard to stand the pressure, but I decided that I really won't eat things that are not healthy for me unless absolutely necessary, especially in huge quantities. Same goes for alcohol.
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