#Ma And Pa Kent
suzukiblu · 9 months
excerpt from a "Kara actually got to Earth on-schedule and now she's got a baby cousin to raise" AU:
Kara doesn’t understand the aliens’ language, which is fine. She didn’t expect to. She watches them interact and listens as they speak, familiarizing herself with the cadence and pitch and rhythm of their voices and doing her best to pick out individual sounds and patterns. She likes languages well enough. She did pretty well with Daxamite dialects in school last year, anyway. 
The aliens are kind, at least so far. They found her and Kal curled up in the remains of their smashed-up ships in their ruined field and brought them into their home despite the mess. Kara thinks they’re farmers, probably? So probably Laborer Guild, or whatever this planet has instead of Laborers. The House of El is mostly Thinkers, but Kara isn’t worried about that. She’ll figure something out, as soon as she figures out how to communicate with the aliens. Pantomime has not been all that helpful, at least not so far. 
They gave her a warm, unusually sweet drink that might have some kind of milk in it, with soft white pellets in it that are even sweeter. It’s not quite like anything she’s ever tasted before, but she likes it. Kal really liked it, though the aliens seemed to think he shouldn't have too much and gave her a little cup of just milk alone for him instead. Or she thinks it's milk, anyway. 
It's white. And very thick, and almost creamy? Though it tasted good too, when Kara stole a sip to make sure it wouldn’t upset Kal’s stomach if she gave it to him. 
"Pye," the alien that Kara is assuming is female announces in their weirdly simple-sounding language, putting a round plate with a slice of something on it on the table in front of her. Kal reaches for it from her lap with a burble. Kara peers at it too. The slice is triangular, with a crisp crust and an oozy red filling. She wonders why the plate is round, if the "pye" is meant to be sliced and served triangularly. It seems a little disrespectful to the cook–or baker? Or at least the artisan who made the plate, which was clearly painted with very dedicated care–painted by hand, even, not a pre-programmed design reproduced by a machine. That’s very luxurious for Laborers to be offering unexpected guests who just destroyed their field. 
Maybe they’re overcompensating, Kara thinks. Or maybe the aliens are really just that kind. 
She thinks they’re little flowers, the designs around the edges of the plate. Or at least they look like they could be flowers. They’re flower-like, if nothing else, and all the weird colors of them might just be a stylistic choice. 
They’re pretty. 
She wishes she could show her mother. 
Kara crushes down the grief for the thousandth time and smiles at the aliens. They smile back. 
It helps, almost. 
The “pye” tastes very good.
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shyjusticewarrior · 2 months
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Dp x dc prompt
In a fight, skulker accidentally throws Danny through a natural portal, and now Danny is stuck at Pluto, what the hell you bony bastard?! So now he has to fly all the way back to earth and hope the satellites don’t pick him up, but it’s actually Hal Jordan who sees him, and when later telling the justice league about a glowing boy in space who doesn’t need to breath and definitely wasn’t a lantern, zatanna cuts him off to mention the urgent need of addressing the insane amounts of dead following what feels like an insanely powerful god of death that definitely wasn’t in this dimension the day before. Bats is obviously the first one to notice they’re talking about the same person.
Back with Danny, he can’t seem to find his way around the states with how tired that flight made him, so he crashed down onto a farm on accident, while two sweet parents see this glowing boy fall from the sky and decided yeah. Might as well have another.
Clark, meanwhile, has no clue that the god of death sending the league into chaos is the same kid his parents have been wanting him to meet back at the farm.
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pika-girl1 · 1 year
So we’ve got Danny being the child/relative/clone of; Bruce, Clark, Ma and Pa Kent, Jason, Dick, Diana, Harley, Ivy, Constantine, Martian Manhunter, The Penguin, Selina, I think I saw one with either Scarecrow or Two-Face.
So lemme throw in a few DC characters I haven’t seen as Danny’s parent/guardian/sibling/whatever:
Hal Jordan
Killer Croc
Captain Cold
That’s all I got. Do with this what you will.
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taramist · 7 months
Alien adoption is a lifestyle choice and by god they are committed
I want to see an AU where there's no Superman (Krypton is still fine so they never have to send their baby away) but Clockwork sees how well they do with Clark in most worlds and man, wouldn't that be a convenient place to stash a de-aged Danny?
So we get a world where the Kents find a ship in their cornfield filled with a precious little toddler. He looks human but unlike canon supes... he has clear powers, even as a kid. Not full-bloom, but he's very hard to track, too cold, slowed heartbeat and every once in a while he'll get exuberant and whoops, that jump was way too high.
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browsethestacks · 25 days
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Art by Chris Weston
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
Summer Kent lore dump
Ages ago @mik3stuff asked me to tell him about my DC self-insert because he wants to make one too and the ask he sent me got lost in my drafts and i FINALLY remembered and got the motivation to make this!It's long and i do mean LOOOONG because they've existed since 2019 + I tagged canon characters for personal organization and i'm very sorry if that annoys anyone!! /gen /srs
Summer Kent was born Frankie Garcia,in Metropolis,to Mayerlin and Sebastián Garcia.His parents divorced when he was a baby with his mom getting custody of him and his dad neglecting him and they were abusive to him in the classic 'neurotypical cishet parents with a queer neurodivergent kid' way along with some racism on his mom's part since she was white and he grew up getting bullied at school and with no friends too.One of his first memory's is seeing Superman for the first time and being a huge fan of his ever since so when he realized how awfully his parents treated him,he started dreaming Clark would save him
On his 10th birthday,Lex did a rampage across the city in a Lexcorp robot and killed his parents by throwing them onto a building so hard they died on impact,immediately kidnapping Summer to experiment on him afterwards.The experiment in question was to inject him with the dna of the last Kryptofang,a kryptonian species that were basically Krypton's equivalent to dragons but with the addition of telepathy,as an attempt to train him to kill Clark.He was encloused to a Lexcorp lab for 3 days until Clark found him thanks to his and Lois' investigations on Lex's plans.Since Frankie wanted nothing to do with his birth parents,he told Clark his name was Summer when asked since that was the season where he discovered Superman
Summer and Clark instantly bonded so he had no hesitation when he found out about them wanting him to adopt them and this also made Lois his adoptive mom and baby Jon his little brother,along with Jimmy and Lana being his(nonromantically involved)honorary uncle and aunt.They became his sidekick under 'Sparks',both because of his pyrokenisis and his new family being sparks of hope in his life,and him and Lois pulled them out of school so they wouldn't get bullied anymore and Lana was their teacher thanks to her children's education degree she'd previously given up on using.Lex did a smear campaign against Sparks/Summer to detract suspicioun on himself and that made them become more angry and violent and pessimistic than ever combined with their fresh trauma(Clark,Lois and Jimmy did their best to spread good word of them ofc)
A year into his sidekick career,they met Jason due to Clark bringing him on a Justice League mission the same day Bruce did him and they butted heads because of their opposite personalities but were best friends by the end of the day,calling eachother 'Basket Case and Bird Boy' as insults turned affectionate nicknames.Through him,Summer also befriended Eddie and Jason dubbed them 'The Magic Trio' due to his belief that being Robin gave him magic,Eddie's demon theme and Summer's powers.Jason was a positive influence on Summer with his optimistic and peppy attitude and genuine belief in him and made him become more of an 'ideal' hero.Ironically,Bruce disliked him because he thought it would be the other way around
Sparks eventually gained the nickname 'Superpunk',much to his dismay because the Metropolis media meant it as an insult and he was also a goth tomboy both in and out of costume
Clark got Dick and Kory to mentor Summer and this led to them becoming Summer first crushes,with him being aware of the Dick one and throughly embarrased by how obvious they were with it against their will and confusing their's on Kory for jealousy over her being Dick's soulmate(but there was no pick me-ness on his part and instead they were always kind and supportive to eachother).His bi awakening happened when he was 14 and slightly unrelated but in this verse,Eddie was Jason's.An unofficial mentor and moreso intergenerational friend was Selina,who he gained his love of cats from
When Jason was 15,he realized he'd fallen in love with Summer and Dick convinced him to ask him out to a Gotham Academy dance as a confession but then Ditf happened and Summer shut down so hard he had to put the sidekick mantle on hold.On june 1st,he flew to Gotham to visit Jason's grave and got into a fight with Mr Freeze,who accidentally killed him via hypothermia and that made the ghost of the last Kryptofang manifest in his headspace along with his own ghost.They had a conversation that ended with him naming it 'Fantasma' and it convincing him to live again.Clark ressurected him with the Kryptonian Regeneration Matrix using a piece of his hair,Summer having lost three fingers by the time he came back to life and now living with prosthetics.Clark and Lois sent him to live with Jonathan and Martha in hopes of helping him cope and it worked as he learned how to do farmwork,diy and bake,was showered in kindness by his abuelos and got close to Fantasma who taught him Kryptofang things(which Clark also had with the info in the Fortress of Solitude but it had even better knowledge on them than him for obvious reasons)
A while later,Summer moved back to Metropolis after demanding to when he saw Superboy(Kon)and Supergirl(Cindy)on TV,wondering what the fuck was going on.Their relathionship had a rocky start to say the least but Summer still tried to be the best older sibling he could be to them once he saw how poorly the adults in their lives treated them and this led to them having a healthy if very weird dynamic and Summer himself got a new pseudo father-son relathionship in John while they worked on fixing the broken KRM.Jon had developed a love of video games while he was gone and got Summer into them too and over the course of these runs is when we get the arrivals of 4/8 the remaining Superkids:Mia,Chris,Laney and Match and since this was at the same time as Stephanie's and Cass' Robin and Batgirl eras,he teams up with them and they become a trio with Summer taking Babs place as their third while Babs is allowed to truly stay Oracle like she deserves-He was also much kinder to Stephanie than almost everyone else and this made it so they're the closest out of all the platonic World's Finest duos
The combo of his character development and constantly being around Kon and Stephanie who're both gnc trans people in their own ways made Summer's egg as a bigender and genderfluid transmasc crack and he got a new costume and official hero identity under 'Superpunk' for reclamation that only lasted 3 months until he switched to newER one under 'Ember' as he realized he's actually a pastl femme now,Kory and Dick helping him make the second costume.As Ember,he became second only to Clark on the beloved Metropolitan hero list thanks to how many feats he accomplished and his bubbly sweetness and humility and told his Papí he wanted a boy middle name so he gave him two:Valentino and 'Va-El',a kryptonian one to show him he saw him as much his son as he does his bio kids.While all this was going down over the years including the above part,he also had his first relathionship in Rose,dated Kyle(who is only a bit older than 90s YJ like him to avoid creepiness)and had a short thing with Eddie and befriended Natasha,Helena,Cassie,Bart,@insomniac-jay's Dahlia,Solana,Lilith and Daisy,@honeypotsworld's Onya and Lucille,@theautisticcentre's Mathew and Jennifer and @refrigeratedboombursts's Kahali.Kara,Mae,Karen and Krypto come in here too
In Utrh,Bruce calls him to Gotham because he has a feeling Red Hood is Jason but dosen't tell him that's why.Summer still resents him for not killing the Joker but Dick convinces him to agree and him and Jason get into a one on one fight where Jason recognizes him and unmasks himself.Summer is nearly shellshocked because they recognize him too now and he tries to go in for a hug while talking about how much he missed them and makes a joke phrased compliment on their current look and attitude but they fly off in heartbreak at their childhood best friend coming back only for him to be evil.Fantasma forms a mindlink between the two since it's tired of Summer's constant thoughts of him yet refusal to talk to him and this leads to them reconnecting and reforming their bond that was never really lost,including Jason coming to visit him in Metropolis,over the course of a whole year.He also regains his confidence in his love for them and starts shamelessly flirting with them and they're very flustered by it and pretend to hate it but they're secretly loving every second of it,as well as being convinced he's just messing with them instead of having actual feelings for them
Duke is the 5th Robin in this verse instead of Damian and We Are Robin still existed but like him they're elementary and middle school ages instead of high schoolers and Summer is an older sister figure to him,Mar'i is also canon here and two years younger than Lian and they grow up to date and Talia gets herself out of the man-driven narratives DC refuses to free her from by taking over Lexcorp and turning into a force for good by completely rehauling it and is a comphet lesbian happily in love with Selina
Summer becomes Damian's first real friend in their miniseries that takes place slightly before SOB which is about him befriending people his age specifically and regularly appears on Stephanie's Batgirl(60 issues here),Duke's Robin,Cassie's Wonder Girl and all the other Superkids' runs(Kon upgrades to Power Boy instead of the T-Shirt bullshit)and @jellyjays 's Blitz Cross,one of Summer's many found siblings,makes it's debut inbetween these time frames
Jason is an influence on him once again but this time in the opposite direction,making him become more sardonic and brutal as Ember and this causes the Metropolis media to frame him as 'evil all along' which hurts him so much he decides to finally join The Outlaws.The original trinity is Jason himself,Eddie and Rose and once Summer joins as 'Ignite' with a new suit he made and an additional black domino mask gifted to him by Jason to match him,they're 'The Dark Core Four' and @moonage-gaydream's Pepper is their Greta in the sense that she joined because of her crush on one of them-Summer,who she befriended before he ditched Metropolis and who liked her back.Thaddeus(who's a trans girl)is added to the team after they accidentally save her life and then come in order Kahali,Kyle,Artemis,Imani,Mathew,Lilith and Daisy simaultanously,Duke,Azriel(Created by Jay once again),Venus and finally Jennifer.Jaysumm are the Team Mom and Dad from the start AKA Dadhood and Supermom but Thaddeus legitimately views Summer as her mother
Their base is an old abandoned but still functional mansion of Bruce's that they call 'The Fortress',Rhato is 104 issues lasting 3 years in-universe,the Outlaws are a crazy ass and morally gray found family,Mathew is the token cis and Pepper is the token allistic and they've disbanded by the end but on good terms and keep in touch.During it,Jason Summer and Mathew are briefly Lanterns(Star Sapphire/Violet,Black and Green respectively),Rose leaves back Ravager to become Willow,Kyle upgrades to White Lantern,Thad realizes she's a girl mid-way through,Kahali gets killed and ressurected just like his didi Summer and Duke gains reality warping in addition to light and darkness powers.He's actually the reason the N52 exists so he's God actually.Summer takes some detours later on in the run as Outlaw bussiness gets him tangled up with the Gotham Academy kids and starring in the Lumberjanes crossover
Canon couples other than Jason and Summer are Eddie/Lilith,Rose/Imani or Rose/Pepper,Tim/Kahali,Kyle/Venus,Artemis/Daisy,Mathew/Jennifer,Duke/Luna(my Aquafam oc i made to be his love interest)and Thad/Azriel.There's also some mix and match verse's in there,including an adult Outlaws polycule
Jaysumm is finally canonized in this series via Summer one day being especially stressed out and missing the Superfam to boot and Jason comforting him which turns into a makeout session and them sleeping together and agreeing to be fwb because Summer somehow STILL dosen't realize Jason is literally in love with him and they're now a couple in every way but going on dates until Summer has another intense missing of the Superfam day on halloween when he wants to take Jon trick or treating so Jason and him sneak out in a werewolf and fairy costume respectively to do it together,with Jon wearing an Ember costume because he missed his first brother just as much.They have a great night and Jon and Jason still get along like they did when he used to babysit him as Robin and after they drop him at home when they finish,they stop by the fast food restaurant Summer used to work at for late dinner and that's when he finally has his Jason love epiphany.He goes through several stages of emotion over the next hours and blurts out a confession when they make it back to the Fortress because it's killing him and Jason confesses back and they have a long session of different kinds of kisses as they go to Summer's room to sleep
Post-Rhato,Summer goes back to Metropolis with Jason in toe due to their dating status at the same time Clark ends up in a coma thanks to saving Jon from Ultraman so Summer takes up the Superman mantle in the meantime since he's the eldest Kent sibling.Kenan,Carol,Jane,Laura and Lucy are Superfam members by now and Summer,Lois,Martha,Kara and John make his Superman suit together as a bonding activity and his hero work is better than ever,the effort he puts into it being to redeem himself from what he did as vigilante.Also,Talia makes him his own Krypto equivalent with kryptonian technology named 'Kryptona',a robotic female supercat who can speak english,spanish,arabic and kryptonian and has pink hearts for pupils
He also mentors Damian's team,the All New Teen Titans,because Jon is a part of it and so do Jason,a newly Batwoman Stephanie,Duke codenamed 'Eris' and Cassie who's now 'Wonder'.The members other than Damian(Shadowbird)and Jon(Superboy)are Maps(Robin),Maya(Nobody),Suren(Fang),Kathy(Beacon),Colin(Abuse),Irey(Thunderheart),Bobby(Wonder Boy),Nell(Batgirl),Keli(Teen Lantern)and Laurel(Supergirl + A trans girl variant of Jon instead of a genderswap and Earth 11 is generally very different here).75 issues,their Titans Tower is in Brooklyn and the ships are Damimaps,Jonay,Mayakathy and Surnell but only Mayakathy is explicit and the rest are just implied since they're all so young.Stephcass and Cassiegeorgia are canon too
Two years pass until Clark wakes up and by then,Metropolis loves Summer so much that when he announces he's been Ember,son and daughter of Superman,the whole time and is going back to it they do multiple kinds of grand apologies to him for their mistreatment and Jason also gave him a domino mask again but this time a baby pink one to symbolize him finally embracing all parts of himself and Summer adds on a pastel trans flag colors Superfamilia battle jacket and pink demonias for the final touch.Them and Jason have officially settled down together as they buy a house and have Metropolitan and occasionally Gothamite adventures and end up having four kids:October,Gus and Zane(identical twins)and Thea.Summer opens up his own bakery called 'Summer's Desserts' but stays Ember and Jason becomes a librarian when he's not Red Hood
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mad-i-moody · 11 months
Alfred is a badass but he kind of has a blind spot for Bruce's wrongs. So when the bat kids really need Bruce in trouble, the tell Ma and Pa Kent.
(Or they tell their nearest Super and let Ma and PA hear about it in the Super Family groupchat)
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yeetus-feetus · 6 months
Because the foster system is absolute shit, and I'd imagine Gotham's foster system is probs 10x worse, I've had an idea.
We know Stephanie's baby is not Tim's. But we also know Tim was willing to step up and help with the baby regardless, we know he was there for the baby's delivery too.
We also know Stephanie is not ready for a child, and that's okay. She was still basically a child herself at the time and she also feared for her babies safety if she ever was to keep it. It's okay for her to choose to give it up.
But I propose maybe Tim is the one who gets too attached here. And he's confused with himself because this child isn't even his. But he loved Stephanie, he still does though it's platonic now, and I just think he'd see that baby and immediately love it just as much.
And Tim knows he could never take this baby on just by himself, and Stephanie would never let him because again, their jobs are too dangerous.
Tim is also aware of how trash the foster system is, especially in Gotham.
So I'm imagining Tim somehow convinces Ma and Pa Kent to raise this little girl, because he can't imagine anyone else more trustworthy and qualified.
They're always down for a new kid. Ma had wanted a large family all her life, but unfortunately she was never able to have kids of her own. Clark was a miracle sent to her from above and Kon was a blessing in disguise, Ma thanks the powers that be for the chance to raise both boys.
But the Kent's have never had a daughter, and I feel like they would welcome this baby in with open arms. A little girl for them raise and dress up, and Ma's already started crocheting her a cute little cardigan.
And I think Stephanie was more worried than her child's safety than anything else too, so I think she would feel a lot less anxious handing the baby over to the Kents.
Like think of the story potential of the Kent's raising this little girl. She's safe away from all the vigilantism, and she has a normal childhood with two stable parents, just like her mother wanted for her. And then the heartbreak of that vigilante lifestyle still finding this girl despite all this anyways.
Just imagine how devestating a storyline that could be. You sacrifice a relationship with this child so she can have a better life, and it's all for nothing, because there's your little girl in a Kevlar suit swinging from the rooftops.
It was inevitable really, vigilantism is in her blood. Gotham is in her blood.
It doesn't matter that all she's known are the rolling fields of farmland, the soft embrace of a small country town, Gotham is still something living and breathing inside of her, and no one from Gotham can ever truly leave.
And you can't even be mad at the people who raised her, you can't fault them for this because they have done everything within their power, they've been good parents.
All Stephanie can do is despair. Because Tim promised her, he promised this child would never have to know the struggles of their own lives.
Her daughter will never be safe on the crumbling rooftops of this cursed city.
But here she is anyways, despite all efforts and sacrifice.
Also I feel like, if this girl is raised by the Kent's, when she does eventually come back it will be much easier for her to build up a real relationship with her mother when they reconnect. Because as someone with complicated family, I feel like it's very common for a child to want to seek out their bio-parents even if the parents who raised them were super loving and caring.
Sometimes you find your bio-parent/s and you regret ever looking for them, regret ever asking the people who raised you to help you find them. But other times you get welcomed back with open arms, wet apologies, and a good reason for why they gave you away.
I just think it'd be something nice to explore. More representation ig. Like all of Bruce's kids have known their parents before being adopted. But we've never gotten to explore what it's like for a lot of people who never even knew their bio-parents.
I mean sure, we got a glimpse of that desperation to fill the feeling of a missing piece with Jason, but we all know how that ended for him. His mother was a really bad person, and she's the reason he ends up 6feet under.
But I really want representation that shows not all parents who give up their kids are bad people. Some of them are actually doing what's best for that child because they have the maturity to understand that they wouldn't be able to provide a safe and stable environment for a kid. They're puting the child's needs first.
And I'd really like to see the struggle of a child who's only known the people raising her as her parents and despite how good they are, still feel like something is missing.
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notrandtumblin · 2 months
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suzukiblu · 9 months
updated/expanded "Kara gets to Earth on-time with baby Kal" AU excerpt:
Kara doesn’t understand the aliens’ language, which is fine. She didn’t expect to. She watches them interact and listens as they speak, familiarizing herself with the cadence and pitch and rhythm of their voices and doing her best to pick out individual sounds and patterns. She likes languages well enough. She did pretty well with Daxamite dialects in school last year, anyway. 
The aliens are kind, at least so far. They found her and Kal curled up in the remains of their smashed-up ships in their ruined field and brought them into their home despite the mess. Kara thinks they’re farmers, probably? So probably Laborer Guild, or whatever this planet has instead of Laborers. The House of El is mostly Thinkers, but Kara isn’t worried about that. She’ll figure something out, as soon as she figures out how to communicate with the aliens. Pantomime has not been all that helpful, at least not so far. 
They gave her a warm, unusually sweet drink that might have some kind of milk in it, with soft white pellets in it that are even sweeter. It’s not quite like anything she’s ever tasted before, but she likes it. Kal really liked it, though the aliens seemed to think he shouldn't have too much and gave her a little cup of just milk alone for him instead. Or she thinks it's milk, anyway. 
It's white. And very thick, and almost creamy? Though it tasted good too, when Kara stole a sip to make sure it wouldn’t upset Kal’s stomach if she gave it to him. 
"Pye," the alien that Kara is assuming is female announces in their weirdly simple-sounding language, putting a round plate with a slice of something on it on the table in front of her. Kal reaches for it from her lap with a burble. Kara peers at it too. The slice is triangular, with a crisp crust and an oozy red filling. She wonders why the plate is round, if the "pye" is meant to be sliced and served triangularly. It seems a little disrespectful to the cook–or baker? Or at least the artisan who made the plate, which was clearly painted with very dedicated care. Painted by hand, even, not a pre-programmed design reproduced by a machine. That’s very luxurious for Laborers to be offering unexpected guests who just destroyed their field, even being the wrong shape for the "pye". 
Maybe they’re overcompensating, Kara thinks. Or maybe the aliens are really just that kind. 
She thinks they’re little flowers, the designs around the edges of the plate. Or at least they look like they could be flowers. They’re flower-<i>like</i>, if nothing else, and all the weird colors of them might just be a stylistic choice. 
They’re pretty. 
She wishes she could show her mother. 
Kara crushes down the grief for the thousandth time and smiles at the aliens. They smile back. 
It helps, almost. 
The “pye” tastes very good. 
It takes some effort, but Kara learns the aliens’ names after she and Kal finish their “pye” and she cleans up his sticky little face. The possibly female one is “Ma Mar-Tha”, and the possibly male one is “Pa Jona-Than”. So . . . maybe they're both female, actually? Going by their names, anyway. They both identify themselves as “Kent”, too, though she’s not sure if that’s another name and they’re either married or related, or if it’s the local word for “farmer” or “Laborer”. It’s unclear. 
They don’t look related, but she doesn’t really know how “related” this species would look to her eyes anyway. The colors of their skins are close, although their hair, though similarly textured, doesn’t really match–Ma Mar-Tha’s is an oddly neutral brown, and Pa Jona-Than’s is an even more oddly dull blond. Kara’s never seen hair in such faded colors. Her own is as bright as this planet’s strange sun, and Kal’s is as black as the space between stars. And both of their eyes are the El blue, of course. 
Pa Jona-Than’s eyes are blue too, but a washed-out shade of it. And Ma Mar-Tha’s are brown, which is so exotic and unusual that Kara has a little bit of trouble not staring too much. They’re very warm and very soft, though, and she likes how they look. 
They’re both middle-aged, she thinks, or at least strongly resemble the Kryptonian version of it. Their clothes are soft and shapeless, with very little structure or sign of formality to the garments, though Kara supposes they might be some sort of sleepwear? She and Kal did crash very early in this planet’s morning, from what she can tell. 
She tells them her name and Kal’s, though they pronounce them a bit oddly. She’s sure she’s pronouncing theirs oddly too, so it’s not as if it’s an insult. They say their names all at once, though, as if they’re singular words–"Karazorel” and “Kalel”, almost. She manages to get them both down to “Kara” and “Kal”, and they get her down to “Ma” and “Pa”, so she supposes “Mar-Tha” and “Jona-Than” are their surnames, and “Kent” does mean “Laborer”. Kal isn’t verbal enough to get to any of it, of course, but laughs sweetly and claps as he listens to them all exchanging names and sounds back and forth. 
Kara crushes down the grief again and wonders how long it’ll be until he cries for Aunt Lara and Uncle Jor. He’ll miss them soon, she’s sure. He’s a sweet, good-natured little thing, but he’s not even old enough to walk properly yet. And they’re his parents. 
She only hasn’t cried for her own because she doesn’t have the room to. Not until she’s sure they’re somewhere safe, and that Kal is going to be alright. That she can take care of him here, however she has to. 
Who knows, maybe this farm needs some more “Kents” on it. 
Ma gives Kara clothes: a strangely soft knee-length dress patterned with more pretty alien flowers and clunky, heavy boots with actual laces in them and a sturdy blue jacket with a surprising amount of pockets and a thick, warm, fleece-like lining, accented with flat metal studs and an odd metal trim with a tag hanging from one side of it. It takes Kara a moment, but then she realizes the trim actually seems to be some sort of fastener. 
The clothes don't fit quite right–Kara thinks the dress is probably meant to be a little longer, from the cut of it, and the jacket is a bit too big and the boots are a little loose too–but she does appreciate them. She's been in her own clothes since . . . 
Krypton died while she was in these clothes. 
Everyone she's ever loved, everyone she's ever known, everyone she's ever seen . . . 
Kara appreciates the new ones. 
. . . although, do clothes on this planet just not have house crests? Or are Ma and Pa just not from families that have house crests? 
She supposes they might not be. They are Laborers, so . . . maybe. But they also served her on a hand-painted plate, if with strange manners, so she's not sure what to think. 
Maybe she just doesn't understand the specific signifiers in their clothing, or maybe their house signifiers are just in their jewelry. Ma is wearing tiny gold hoops in her(?) ears and a thin gold necklace and Pa is wearing a thick leather bracelet with a glass and metal circle in the center of it, and they're both wearing gold rings on the third fingers of their left hands. Pa's is just a single plain band, but Ma has two–one just plain like his(?), but thinner, and one with a trio of little clear gemstones set in it. Diamonds, maybe? That would make sense, for a Laborer's jewelry. Diamonds are pretty, but they're both reasonably common in nature and simple enough to recreate under laboratory conditions, so they're certainly affordable enough for a farmer to wear even day-to-day. And they're sturdy, too. Gold less so, obviously, but maybe the rings are just gold-plated or an alloy.
It's something to think about besides the end of the world. 
. . . their world, anyway. 
As far as clothes go there's nothing that'll fit Kal at all, so Kara just keeps him wrapped up safe and secure in the bright red El crest blanket Jor and Lara sent him here in. Though she knows he'll need more diapers soon, obviously, and something he can actually crawl around in too. He can't stay in her lap forever. 
She wishes he could, right now. Even letting Ma hold him while she changed was . . . stressful. 
A little too stressful, maybe, but Kara tries not to think about it. Not right now, at least. 
She needs to protect him. Needs to take care of him. Needs to–
Kara exhales. Wraps Kal up in his El crest blanket and her borrowed jacket, and smiles at Ma and Pa. They smile back at her. 
Well, that's a start. 
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Also... literally in love with the version of Martha and Jonathan from Superman: The Harvests of Youth.
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in love with these designs
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johnny-boy-17 · 2 years
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Actual Children
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silveragelovechild · 2 months
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bat-besties · 5 months
I just know Pa Kent's top surgery scars are all stretched out because he was too tempted to lift Baby Clark and pull out a chair for Ma and move just that one haybale-
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thattimdrakeguy · 21 days
CHEER! It's the Super-Family in Sims 4! - Mostly--I don't know where Supergirl lives yet. I don't really read Supergirl. Someone please help me on that. I want to add her really really badly.
(wait 'til the end to actually see the supers. see i'm doing a very funny, clever bit where i act like they aren't the same people. it's insanely witty)
On the Clark Kent farm we have the man himself.
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Now he's not so super--
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Slouches a bit...
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For his gorgeous wife, is not only darling, but also daring as an investigative reporter!
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Dressed in more practical attire this evening. Spending more of her days at her family farm helping raise teenage--
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Jon Kent!
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But these Kent's...one farm...is NOT enough for them.
SO THERE'S TWO, one for Clark and his gang, and for--
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Brother of Clark and Cousin of Jon: Conner Kent!! (is that their relation?? like when they're undercove--)
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Seems he needed only a little more time to clean up, folks. Sorry about that. Nothing suspicious at all to worry.
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Pa is after all on the look out!
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Who's weight fluctuates so badly I'm not sure what to make out of it.
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No matter her lack of style --
Now there are all these odd sighting around the Kent Farms of what seems to be Superman and his Superboys...
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Now that's a man.
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Strong broad shoulders--
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Not a slouch either! Unlike that Kent fellow...
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Let's hope his boys follow suit, and show us Truth and Justice Forever!
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Even you...you freaking PUNK!
Got my eye on that one.
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