#and @ everyone else i’ve tagged: i adore you guys and i hope you have a wonderful day 💌
evergardenwall · 2 years
what i would ideally do on a friend outing with my different mutuals — tagged by @icemaiden 💌
• @nose-bl 🍄 : nose !! my beloved friend ! i think i would go to a botanical garden, or a nature museum, or an aquarium... or simply mushroom picking in the woods with you. 💕 regardless of the place we would be in, i like to think that we will always end up sitting somewhere to draw together in our little sketchbooks and talk about our lives.
• @reloaderror ☕️ : hans >:) i would crash at your greenhouse of a campus, and we’d have coffee together before you head to work on your master’s — kind of in the same energy as our past discord chats while you were at uni, but in person. then, later that day, when you are finished, we would sit at a table to draw, each of us focused on our respective pieces (parallel play ! 💕), and i’ll let you look at my sketchbooks.
• @sleepcities ❣️ : yves, my dear ! because you are an ancient and powerful being in need of as ancient and powerful trinkets, i would take you to secondhand, antique and thrift shops, looking for heart shaped items, daggers, shirts ... then we’d have a fresh drink in a cosy café, before going to take a walk in an art museum.
• @gods-nico 🦈 : nico !! hanging out in person with you would literally be so cool <3 i would be very happy to have ice cream and walk sasha with you at a park, and talk about heroes of olympus for hours. also, we’d figure out a way to see sharks (in an aquarium — do they have sharks in aquariums ? — or a documentary).
• @hammyletto 🐈 : okay, so, letto, i need you to know that if we ever get to meet in person, i would ask to see mushroom (the cat) 😌 but most importantly, i would love to stroll through the streets of some irish, english or french town, visiting bookstores, board games shops, and talking about north. and once we sit somewhere calm, i would ask you if we can listen to the first episode of the magnus archives together, sharing a earphones or something. [ note: this was written before we made plans to actually hang out together ASJDJS ]
• @spoopy-sloth🌵 : i can see us going to a library, getting street food, and drawing together at the same table :} 💕 i also would love to listen to you telling me about your projects and original characters !! also. your cats. i need to meet them.
• @teawiththespleen ☀️ : jay !! :D i would invite you at my place to meet the kitkats and see the garden...and we’d probably end up in the treehouse or on the swings. when we get to my room, i imagine you checking my books out and starting to read one that you would have picked randomly.
• @nejihguyas ✨ : we would go on a walk by the ocean, on a rocky path alongside a forest of pine trees, and if i could invite you at my place, we would sit at my back garden’s terrace, chatting until the middle of the night and looking at stars that appear in the sky one by one, or watching anime on the living room’s couch while eating slices of watermelon (do you like watermelon?) instead. i would love to discover the first episodes of naruto or princess tutu with you ! 💕
• and, on a final note, the cherished mutual who tagged me : @icemaiden 🐇 !! 💌 kaaju... i would invite you to have tea at my place; then we’d go on a walk outside during which i’d show you the little hidden alleys and public gardens in my town. sometimes we will remain silent, appreciating the environment and each other’s presence, listening to the wind in the trees, and other times we’ll rant enthusiastically about our interests. also i like to think that we would occasionally stop to pick some of the flowers that grow in the cracks of the sidewalk’s concrete :-)
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nereidprinc3ss · 3 days
slumber party
in which there's only one bed. fem bau!reader x spencer reid
fluff! warnings/tags: dark humor, (the word molest is used jokingly once but in my defense your honor its completely on brand for early seasons cm humor, if u cancel me u have to cancel the whole cast those are the rules, its just a joke cause reader always flirts w him aggressively, pls don't come for me i have a wife and children and three boyfriends to take care of,) mutual pining, bullying and death threats as flirting, they love each other so much and bicker like children, glasses spencer, (moans), emily and rossi are mentioned bc canon means fuck all to me, i think thats it but this is my most out of pocket duo so if i'm wrong lmk a/n: just a silly little thing that i cooked up, not a masterpiece but i think its cute!! I hope u enjoy!! lmk what you think!! looooveee youuuu
“Oh, there is no way.”
Your duffel bag hits the dingy carpet as Spencer is still closing the door behind you. 
“What? Is it—”
You give him a look over your shoulder, eyebrows raised as if to say, what are you going to do about this?
But he only manages to meet your eyes for a split second before they’re back to the singular queen bed, darting over the white sheets and pillows like he might find another mattress if he looks hard enough. 
Sharing a room with Spencer, you can handle. You've done it before. Whenever the team has to pair up at a hotel, you two are an obvious choice. And while you occasionally butt heads, mostly you adore each other and it's great.
But sharing a bed is a whole other situation.
One you were not prepared for. And evidently, neither is he.
Watching his big anxious eyes flit around the room nervously, you feel sort of bad for your reaction. You know you can be a bit… abrasive, sometimes. 
“It’s fine, I’ll just—I’ll see if I can share a bed with Emily or JJ in their room—”
Just then there’s a knock at the door. Spencer looks relieved to have something else to focus on, turning back around and quickly undoing the latch again before opening the door to reveal your favorite raven-haired SSA. Emily leans past the doorjamb, eyes immediately honing in on the awkward sleeping arrangement. 
“Oh my god! You guys too?”
“What?” You and Spencer ask at the same time. Emily raises her eyebrows at this and glances between you, but otherwise doesn’t comment. 
“Me and JJ only have the one bed. I thought it might just have been us.”
You frown. There goes your plan of sharing a room with them. 
“What about Morgan and Garcia?”
Spencer snorts.
“Something tells me Penelope wouldn’t be too torn up about it if that's the case.”
“Hotch and Rossi?”
The room goes quiet and a little chilly as the thought disturbs everyone equally. Emily frowns deeply.
“I don’t even… I can’t picture that.”
“Can we please not try to picture it?”
“Great. Okay, well. I just wanted to make sure everyone is suffering equally. Good luck, champs.”
“Thanks,” Spencer mutters dryly. Emily smiles, eyes darting between the two of you for just a moment too long, before pushing off the door frame and disappearing from sight. Once the door is closed again, a heavy silence ensues. “I’ll… I can take the floor—”
“It’s fine, Spencer. I’m not going to make you sleep on the floor. We’re both grown-ups. Besides, we like each other, right? It’ll be like a slumber party.”
“I’ve never had one,” he admits. His glasses slip further down his nose as he frowns. Your fingers itch to push them back up. 
“Then I’m happy to be your first,” you tease, facing him fully with your hand on your hip and barely resisting the urge to add, I’ll be gentle. “Do you want the shower first or can I?”
Spencer has a habit of looking you up and down like he doesn’t realize he’s doing it. Some might find it odd, but his utter lack of social graces is, lucky for him, incredibly endearing to you. 
“You can have it first,” he says, meeting your eyes again. “Just don’t do that thing where you get the entire bathroom soaking wet.”
“Aw. But I love doing that. It’s my favorite part,” you tease, scooping up your bag once more.
Twenty minutes later you’re emerging from the bathroom with damp hair, clad in loose shorts and a college hoodie. 
“Nice outfit,” Spencer says from the spinny-chair at the desk, examining your outfit choice with a scrutiny you wish you’d been prepared for. Really, you wish you’d known ahead of time you’d have a roommate and brought some alternate sleeping clothes. “I had no idea you felt so passionately about… Scooby Doo?”
“Shut up right now,” you grit, tossing your bag into the corner of the room and tugging your hoodie down over your cartoon-patterned shorts as far as you can. 
“What?” He’s laughing as he brushes past you on his way into the bathroom, bearing his own bag. “It’s a good look for you.”
Your face is burning as you choose the side of the bed furthest from the door. Springs creak underneath your weight as you sink down, sitting with your legs hanging off the side for a moment before swinging them up onto the mattress, leaning against the headboard and side-eyeing the empty space next to you. There’s really not very much of it. The bed feels even smaller than it looks. 
From the bathroom you hear the sound of the shower squeaking and starting up again—a cacophony of droplets against tile on the other side of the wall. You try not to be nervous as you imagine Spencer filling the space beside you in just a few minutes, hair wet and in pajamas. And yet you spend each second wondering if he’s almost done, wondering if the shower will finally sputter to a halt, and once it does, wondering how long it’ll be before he’s out again. It’s ridiculous how impatient you're getting—and by the time you finally watch the door knob twist you feel crazy. 
“I think that was your longest shower yet, Dr. Reid.”
The teasing affords you a moment to ogle him head to toe, taking in his choice of pajamas—tonight, familiar plaid pants and an MIT crewneck—as well as his hair which has already begun to dry. Briefly you wonder if he does that thing guys do, where they lean down and haphazardly dry their hair with a towel because they have no concern for its texture whatsoever. But you kind of doubt it, because his hair always looks so soft. 
“You were sitting here waiting for me?” He chuckles, and honestly you’d been expecting a shyer response. But you adapt quickly. 
“Maybe I was. Big spoon or little spoon?”
“Ha-ha.” He opens a drawer in the dresser and begins unpacking his clothes into it. It's a funny habit of his. You never unpack your duffel. “You took the better side of the bed.”
“Uh, yeah. I’m the woman. I get to do that.”
“Well you should know that if an intruder breaks in, I’m not fighting him off. You’d probably have a better chance than me.”
“And my chances will be even better if he’s distracted with you first.”
“So I’m just bait?” He scoffs, looking back at you. Strands of wet hair hang so prettily around his face, like the perfect frame around a work of art. You smile sweetly from your spot on the bed before playfully biting at the air in his direction. The message goes unspoken but reads loud and clear. Of course you are. You make such good bait. 
That gets a blush out of him and he has nothing else to say as he turns back to his drawer. Happily you lean back against the headboard, stretching your legs out and bouncing slightly in place. Beneath you the mattress springs groan and squeak in protest. 
“I hope you're not going to be this irritating all night.”
It's clearly lighthearted, but you promptly stop and frown at his back. 
“Call me irritating again and see where you end up sleeping tonight.”
“I just don’t see how you’re even more hyperactive than usual right now. Has anybody ever told you that you’re crepuscular?” Spencer asks, finally sliding the drawer shut and going to shut the overhead light off. Your eyes narrow. 
“Obviously nobody has told me that.”
“It means y—”
“I’m most energetic within the few hours around dusk and dawn. Contrary to your belief, Dr. Reid, other people are also capable of looking up words in a dictionary and remembering what they mean. Are you going to stand in the corner all night or are you gonna come to bed?”
“I am,” he scoffs, clearly embarrassed and shy and embarrassed of being shy. “I’m just… you look like you kick in your sleep. And hog the blankets.”
You shrug, folding your knees to your chest and hugging them quaintly. 
“I’ve never had any complaints. In fact, you should be so lucky to share a bed with me. All five star reviews, baby.” 
You toss a suggestive wink in at the end, which seems garish enough to break the tension so that Spencer can stop lingering in the corner like a sleep-paralysis demon and move to carefully take his place next to you. He almost mirrors your position, but his legs are too long to quite manage your level of compactness and so they simply fold underneath him. A few silent moments go by, in which you have the dumbest smile on your face and you keep glancing over to the side, waiting for him to be looking back at you. 
“This is already the least relaxed I have ever been in a bed.”
“Good thing we’re not going to sleep yet.”
Finally he looks at you, a casual mix of hesitance, concern, and moderate curiosity coloring his features. 
“We’re not?”
“Oh, my god, Spencer,” you snort. “I’m not gonna molest you. We have to do slumber party stuff, remember?”
He flushes again, glancing at the digital clock in his bedside table. 
“But it’s late. We should go to sleep.”
“At slumber parties you have to stay up until you literally can’t keep your eyes open anymore. Those are the rules. I don’t make them.”
Still, your insistence that you follow the international code of sleepover law goes unabided by Spencer. He simply leans over to flick off his lamp, bathing the room in darkness. 
“I appreciate the effort,” he says, and your eyes haven’t adjusted but you can hear the rustle of sheets and blankets as he gets under them, “but unfortunately we have to be awake and alert in five hours.”
“You’re no fun,” you huff, but climb under your own side of the cover and scoot down until you’re flat on your back, covered in blanket and hands folded on your sternum. 
Spencer doesn’t respond. 
It’s silent for maybe five minutes, during which your brain doesn’t slow down at all. Maybe you are crepuscular. Or slightly nocturnal. You have nothing but energy. 
In an attempt to get comfortable, you try adjusting your position.
The mattress squeaks. 
You do it again. 
Another squeak. 
A second goes by, and now you’re intentionally jostling about, squeaking the mattress as much as you can. 
“Would you stop that?” Spencer says, voice already gravelly with sleep. You manage, but you’re already devolving into a fit of giggles. “I’m going to smother you with this pillow,” he threatens, but you hear the disgruntled smile curling his words. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I’m just not in the mood to rest.”
Another moment passes. He sighs deeply. You smile into the dark. 
“What are you in the mood for?” He asks flatly, and you’ve won. 
“Tell me a secret,” you immediately demand in a hushed tone, flipping on your side to face his back. “Something you’ve never told anyone else.”
“I don’t—”
“Shh! You have to whisper it. Those are the slumber party rules.”
“I don’t have any secrets,” he whispers, clearly flustered, and to your delight, rolling to face the ceiling. “None that you’d want to hear.”
“Oh, now that’s just not true. You’re an enigma, Spencer Reid. You fascinate me.”
You’re only sort of kidding. 
“I… fascinate you?”
“Completely. You know, ever since you moved your desk across from mine I get distracted just staring at you and wondering what you’re thinking about. But you’re very… hard to read, sometimes. I think it’s because you’re a Scorpio.”
“The position of the stars at the time I was born has no bearing on my personality.”
“Fine,” you concede, still in a glorified stage whisper. “But that doesn’t mean you don’t display the archetypal Scorpio traits. You’re all brooding, mysterious. Kinda, I don't know... intense and sexy and unknowable…”
“Sexy?” He laughs, breaking the whisper rule. You grin and let it slide. You’d hoped he would catch that one. 
“Hey,” you snap, losing the smile immediately and lightly shoving against what you hope is his shoulder. “You’re supposed to be telling me a secret, damnit. I won’t let your wiles and charm distract me from getting what I want.”
“When have you ever let anything stop you from getting what you want?”
Truly, your cheeks are going to start aching with this constant back and forth between poker-faced and huge Cheshire smile. 
“Stop flirting and answer my question, Reid.”
With the amount of times you’ve made him sigh tonight he must be dizzy. You chew your lip apprehensively in the silence, picking a loose thread on your pillow. It’s so pitch black in the room, you can’t see him where he lies only a few meager inches from you. But you can feel his presence. You can feel the unexpected bass to his voice when he’s tired and speaking this lowly, which you’ve never heard before.
“All the secrets I’ve never told anyone are just… depressing.”
Your heart sinks a little at the way he swallows between words, like that in and of itself was hard to admit. Unthinkingly your hand slides into the small gap of white cotton between the two of you. 
“Not very good slumber party material, I think,” he laughs self-consciously. 
“You’d be surprised.” 
The sentiment comes quieter and more serious than you’ve been all night. If only you had the words to tell him that he can tell you anything. That you want to hold his secrets for him under lock and key. That you would never, ever do anything less than offer him kindness and support—even if it doesn’t always seem that way when you’re teasing him. 
“Do you have any secrets you’ve never told anyone else?” He murmurs eventually, so soft it could kill you. 
And you do. There are plenty of dark ones, probably not all dissimilar from those he’d elected not to share only a moment ago. 
But you don’t bring those up. 
Instead, you decide to admit to something silly. Still, it makes you nervous as you feel it coming loose in your chest. You’ve really never told anyone this, and it’s perhaps more vulnerable than you’d realized before the words were already leaving your mouth. 
“I, have…” You pause to laugh at yourself, and continue on. “I have a stuffed dragon that I take with me on every single case.”
“You do?” Spencer laughs, so loud and unexpected it almost hurts your ears, angling his head toward you. Blood rushes to your face. 
“Yes. He usually sleeps in bed with me. He’s an excellent listener and has been the origin of several of my most genius breakthroughs. You remember Gibson Cooper?”
“Family annihilator from Houston?” 
“Correct. He’s in prison because Oscar helped me make the Cook Creek Campground connection between the O’Hara and Diangelo families.”
“You have a stuffed profiler dragon named Oscar? Is he here?”
“He’s—I mean, I wasn’t expecting to share a room with someone.”
“So he’s in your bag.”
“Yes,” you seethe, “and I will not be introducing you to him. He doesn’t do well with men.”
“You are genuinely psychotic.”
You huff.
“Fine. I’m sorry I told you anything.”
You’re about to roll over onto your other side—but Spencer surprises you by catching the hand that had been outstretched in his direction. He carefully intertwines your fingers and squeezes gently. 
“You’re right. That was mean. Thank you for telling me about Oscar.” His tone is surprisingly teasing, and you’re so uncharacteristically flustered by this rare show of physicality and affection that you can’t muster an adequate comeback. Spencer doesn’t seem to mind filling your silence, though, sounding a little more solemn now. “I’m sorry I don’t have any secrets for you.”
The way his voice gets all thin and scratchy sometimes—it’s like the earnest sincerity just pours out of him. He can’t control it. He can’t be anyone other than who he is. Maybe that’s a part of why you love him so much. You wonder if he knows how much you love him. It’s not exactly a secret—anyone on the team would be able to tell as much. You’ve been relentlessly teased for the way you are with him. For your batting lashes and your lingering touches and your unabashed flirting. But beneath it all is true affection, and nobody doubts that. 
“It’s okay,” you decide with a squeeze of your own, after a moment of deliberation. “You’ll think of something. ’Cause, y’know—you’re stuck with me for at least a few more days.”
“Oh, god,” he laughs, and releases your hand, rolling over to face away from you. But you don’t mind. You’ll get lots more time to invade his personal space over the coming week or so. “Goodnight.”
“Sweet dreams,” you sing-song, turning away to face the wall with what is perhaps your biggest, stupidest smile yet.
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mountttmase · 4 months
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Winter Sun - Chapter 5
Note - lil early treat as the game is on tomorrow. this is probably one of my favourites so I’m super excited for you guys to read it. Once again thank you sm for being so lovely I just adore you guys 🥺 also I added in a anons suggestion last minute I hope you like it 🤭 and feedback is appreciated as always 🩷
Pairing - Mason Mount × Reader
Word count - 6.1k
Warnings - series will contain fluff, smut & angst
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You didn’t know if the heat was getting to Mason, but he could barely keep his hands off of you as the week went on.
Every night the pair of you ended up in one of the others room to let off some steam and you were beginning to wonder how you’d survive without him when the holiday finished. Even during the day he’d try and sneak you off if he could. Pretending you’d gone for a nap or to make a call so he could quickly make the pair of you cum and you couldn’t lie, you were having the time of your life.
It wasn’t just the sex though. He was right, you were his for the week and no matter where you were or what you were doing he was practically glued to your side. You were having the best week with him and all your friends and the little arrangement only made it even better.
You kept to your side of the deal too, making him breakfast and lunch if he wanted it. Treating him to ice cream when you were out even when he refused and making sure he always had his sun cream on but you knew he was secretly loving being taken care of in this way. Often finding him staring at you longingly as you made him something to eat like he wanted to pull you in and not let you go.
You felt good. Better than good, you felt wanted and needed and even though you both promised that the friendship came first and no feelings would be involved you noticed you’d started to slip.
You thought about him constantly when he wasn’t around, only feeling truly content when he was next to you and you felt yourself becoming in tune with the way he acted towards you. One misplaced glance or change in the tone of his voice had you spiralling but you were too afraid to say anything to him in case you made a fool of yourself so you kept it in. Trying to be as relaxed as possible around him.
You’d had a great week by all accounts though, getting drunk in the evening and soaking up the sun in the day and before you knew it there were only a few days left. Today was a little different though as you were meant to be having a girls day and Carly had arranged for the four of you to go pottery painting whilst the boys had their own thing going on but when you left you realised they were coming with you. Ben explaining that due to the weather their speedboat experience had been cancelled so they were tagging along to paint with you.
‘I’ve never done pottery painting, I don’t think I’ll be any good’ you told Mason as you all approached the building. Him holding the door open for you and you smiled as you walked passed him.
‘You decorate your cakes all fancy though, surely you can’t be too bad’
‘I guess we’ll have to wait and see’ you winked. Joining everyone else as a sweet older lady explained what you had to do.
Once she was done you were all allowed to go and pick your pottery, and once again you felt Mason brush up besides you as you looked for something to paint.
‘What are you thinking of painting?’ You asked him, eyes scanning the shelves for something exciting and you watched as he picked up a small stubby sort of vase before sending you a wink.
‘Wouldn’t you like to know’ he laughed before turning on his heel and making his way over to sit with the rest of the boys. Leaving you stumped before turning back to your only other hope.
‘Carly? Whar are you painting?’
‘Gonna paint Ben a mug I think, and maybe a little bowl for my cereal’ she mused, grabbing the biggest bowl she could see before taking it back to the girls table. You watched with a smile, knowing how much she loved her cookie crisp but your eyes were soon wandering over to Mason like they always did.
In the end you picked up a mug, wanting to paint Mason something too and then a mug for yourself before joining the girls. Sitting and gossiping as you let your creative juices flow and even though you were trying your hardest to paint something nice for Mason your lines were all wobbly and you thought it looked silly but you hoped it liked it.
For your own mug you decorated it with little strawberries and daisies, this coming out a little better than Masons but you were clearly taking too long as the girl’s had gone to join the boys to show off what they’d made as you were finishing up.
‘That's pretty’ Mason smiled, taking up the seat next to you. ‘The mugs not too bad either’
‘Oh hush it you’ you laughed. Secretly enjoying his compliments and you knew you were blushing as much as you tried to hide it.
‘Sorry, but it’s true, I am a bit concerned though. Please don’t tell me you’ve spent this whole time doing that’
‘Of course not’ you laughed, nodding your head to the side and you watched his eyes light up at the Spider-Man mug you’d painted for him. ‘I know it’s not great but I thought it might look good on your mug tree I got you’ you laughed, referring to the one you’d got him as a house warming gift and you watched his eyes soften as they flickered back between you and the mug.
‘You painted that for me?’
‘Of course. Just another little thank you of mine’ you teased but you could tell he was touched that you’d made something for him.
‘I guess I should show you what I did’ he laughed, a nervous expression on his face as he went to retrieve his item but you were more than confused when he set it down in front of you.
This looked nothing like the vase he’d picked up before. It was covered in little hearts of all shapes and sizes, pretty flowers and a few cupcakes hidden in here and there plus a slightly bigger pink heart that had gwen Stacey’s pink mask inside. Making you smile as you recalled all the times you’d spent watching it together and you loved the way both of yours tied in together without you meaning it too.
You were just about to ask what it was when you noticed the word tips carefully written in a fancy font on the front and your eyes shot up to his nervous ones.
‘It’s for your bakery. Thought it might look nicer than the coffee jar you’ve got sat by the till’ he laughed and your heart melted instantly.
‘Oh Mase’ you laughed. Dropping your brush and pulling him in for a hug and he held you back just as tightly. Tucking his head into your neck as he was a little shy and your heart thumped at how lovely he had been.
‘Bit of luck I painted something for you now huh?’ You laughed. Pulling back to look at his flushed face before his eyes darted to the Spider-Man mug in between you.
‘I’ll treasure it forever’ he laughed before helping you pick everything up and take it over to where everyone else’s were. The lady let you know they’d take around a week to be finished and you all wrote your addresses down for each piece before going to grab a quick lunch so you could get back to the villa. The weather now changing and after your busy morning and early afternoon, all you could think about was heading over to your chair and blocking out the rest of the world.
Well everyone but Mason at least.
He was still in the kitchen grabbing himself a drink, promising to follow you outside shortly to join you and with a quick, sneaky pinch to his bum you took the few steps from the kitchen to outside.
‘You coming in, y/n?’ Ben called, motioning his head into the pool as you walked around the edge towards you but you shook your head. Heading straight for the lounge chair you’d claimed as your own so you could get set up with your book however Ben seemed to be having different ideas. Stopping you in your tracks with his hands on your shoulders and the cheeky smile on his face unnerved you. ‘Come on, I haven’t seen you in there once this week’
‘So? I don’t want to’
‘But you have to, it’s the rules’ he laughed, turning you so you were now facing away from him, his chest pressed against your back as he bent slightly before lifting you from the floor.
‘Chilly I swear to god, put me down’ you shrieked, voice full of fear but you could tell he thought it was all hilarious. Swinging you from side to side as you thrashed and kicked your legs, your breaths short and sharp like you couldn’t take enough air in and as your eyes began to sting from fear you couldn’t help but let out a frightened whimper.
‘No can do, everyone needs to go for a swim or you can’t say you’ve had a proper holiday’ he laughed, swinging you back one final time before launching you into the water.
Everyone’s laughter and cheering was suddenly silenced, all you could hear was a rushing noise as you tried to fight your way to safety. You didn’t know what way was up and what was down and the more you struggled the more lost you became. Your lungs burning as you resisted the urge to open your mouth and scream but you were so frightened you didn’t know what else to do.
I’m gonna die, the only thought that was rushing through your head but the sudden feeling of someone’s arms around your waist as they dragged you up and back to the real world knocked the wind out of you.
You were gasping for breath instantly, your hands gripping onto someone’s strong shoulders as you tried to calm your aching lungs before you felt their hand on you back so they could pull you into them. Your arms snaked around their neck as you hid your head into them and they rubbed up and down soothingly to try and relax you before pulling you flush against them with their lips to your ear.
‘It’s okay, you’re safe now. I’ve got you, yeah? I promise it’s alright’
‘Mase’ you whimpered, booming coughs erupting from you as you clung to him even tighter. Wrapping your legs around his waist as he held you to his chest tightly and you knew you were going to be fine.
‘I know, Muffin. I promise I’ve got you’ he told you gently as he slowly walked you to the steps of the pool, gently walking you out whilst you clung to him like a koala and once you were up the steps and on the side you let yourself slide down his body so you could stand on your own. You could feel him start to pull back, probably wanting to check you were okay but you were having none of it. Small sobs now poring from you as you realised you were okay, the shock of it all finally hitting you and the embarrassment of everyone having seen you flapping about like a wet fish made you hold him even tighter as you cried into his neck.
‘Y/n I-‘ Ben started from behind you but Mason was quick to cut him off for you.
‘Don’t, Ben. Just don’t’
‘I didn’t-‘
‘Ben I swear to god if you don’t fuck off right now’ Mason growled, his body going stuff as he pulled you impossibly closer to his body. ‘I mean what the fuck were you thinking?’ He roared, but you didn’t want to start and argument so you pulled back in the hopes he’d look at you. He looked furious, cheeks flushed as his brows pitched together and you could feel the anger pouring from him but you watched his expression soften at the sight of you.
‘Can we just go inside’ you whispered through your tears and without so much a look in Bens direction, Mason lead you into the kitchen and away from everyone else before picking you up by your thighs and placing you on the counter.
‘Are you okay?’ He whispered, holding you by the jaw so she could get a good look at you and even though you were still crying and taking in strangled breaths you nodded your head. ‘What happened?’
‘H-he threw me I-in. I p-panicked’ you stuttered out before he pulled you back into his chest so you could calm down. You knew you were fine but your heart was still beating out of your chest and you were thankful you had Mason to grip onto.
Once you were calm again you pulled back to look at him, a soft concerned expression on his face as he placed a soft kiss to your forehead and you couldn’t ignore the goosebumps that traveled over your arms at the gesture. His touch was grounding you more than you thought it would but the feel of his lips on your skin made you feel even better.
‘You really don’t like the water do you?’ He asked softly, a small smile on his lips and you shook your head softly as you rubbed at your eyes. ‘Can you swim?’ He questioned gently and you took a nervous gulp before answering.
‘No’ you whispered, wanting to look away out of embarrassment but his non judgemental stare settled you and your carried on looking into his gentle eyes.
‘Y/n’ he sighed, but you could tell there was smile behind his voice as he slightly scolded you. ‘You need to tell me things like that. How am I supposed to look after you if I don’t know?’
‘Sorry’ you chuckled but he just shook his head before pulling you back into his embrace.
‘It’s alright. Just as long as you’re okay’ he mumbled, pulling back to look at you and you sent him a reassuring smile.
‘I’ll be fine’
‘Good’ he laughed before dropping his head to press a light kiss to your lips.
You froze, that’s against the rules being your first thought but he didn’t seem to be reacting in any way so you kept your cool and acted like what he’d just done was normal even though it was anything but.
‘Do you fancy going out for a bit? We can head to the beach rather than hanging here, I just know if I see Ben I’m likely to throttle him’ he joked, squeezing your waist lightly and you agreed, still a little embarrassed about the whole thing so you let him help you down so you could quickly leave.
You tried to be quick, drying yourself off and changing into a new bikini and a pair of shorts before chucking on an over shirt and trainers snd meeting Mason in the hall outside your rooms.
He was dressed in shorts and a tank, clearly throwing his own outfit together pretty hastily but looking at him still made your knees weak. The fact he’d have his tattoos on show for you today too made your tummy flip so when he held out his hand you took it straight away before he led you outside and thankfully you didn’t see anyone on the way out. Following Mason with your head down and once you were out he steered you towards the main town.
‘Thought we could have a walk on the beach maybe? Or look round some shops?’
‘Sounds perfect’ you smiled, squeezing his hand gently as you followed him down.
You arrived at the shops first, the pair of you looking at all the trinkets and souvenirs before Mason asked if you’d like to play a game and you looked up at Mason with a confused expression.
‘Whenever me and my family go away we get each other a magnet’ he told you, head motioning inside one of the tourist shops at a giant wall of magnets. ‘You go in here, I’ll go into the shop opposite and we can buy each other one. You know, one that reminds us of the other’ he explained but your silence made his face falter. ‘Or if that’s weird we can just-‘
‘No Mason I love it’ you giggled, squeezing his hand before letting go. ‘I’ll meet you out here in a sec yeah?’
‘Okay’ he nodded shyly before you both went in separate directions. There were a few you were considering but in the end you picked up one that looked like a rooster as it reminded you of Nando’s and you’d seen them everywhere this week and once you’d picked up a few more things for people back home, you felt your phone buzz in your pocket. Carly’s name flashing up on your screen and you felt nervous instantly. She wasn’t around when the pool fiasco happened and you knew she was probably worrying where you were.
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You met him outside where he was looking at you with a cheeky smile before quickly swapping the little paper bags they were hidden in, both bursting into fits of giggles when you saw you’d bought each other the same one.
‘You fancy a walk on the beach? We can stay away from the water if you want’ he smiled but you just laughed and took his outstretched hand. Walking along the shore as he intwinted his fingers with yours.
It all felt so surreal, getting caught up in the moment even though you know you shouldn’t have, but the way he was acting so soft and caring with you made your heart flutter and you had to remind yourself often that he was still just your friend.
He stopped suddenly, pulling his phone out his his pocket before seemingly trying to take a picture of the sand in front of you and you were confused as to what he was doing until he threw a peace sign up in the air, looking down to see his shadow on the sand so you joined in as he took a few more. Both giggling away until he placed his arm around your waist and pulled you flush against his side before popping a kiss on your forehead and snapping a picture.
You looked up at him carefully, his bright eyes looking down into yours and the urge to kiss him was stronger than ever. He beat you to it though, planting another illegal kiss on your lips softly before taking your hand again so you could carry on walking.
‘You feeling better now, Muffin?’ He asked quietly, a hint of worry still in his eyes but it needn’t be there.
‘Much better. Thank you for looking after me Mase’ you told him sincerely, wrapping your arms around his waist so you could hold him close. ‘Sorry for ruining your peaceful afternoon’
‘Don’t be silly, I’d rather hang out with you anyway. I was thinking, maybe we could grab some dinner out? Unless you wanna go back, we can do that too’ he told you, rushing at the end like he thought he’d overstepped but you were enjoying your alone time with him so you sent him a reassuring smile.
‘No I like the sound of that. Maybe we could have a little picnic on the beach? I don’t think I’m looking too presentable to be sitting in somewhere’ you laughed, looking down and your thrown together outfit and still damp hair but the soft smile on his face relaxed you.
‘I mean I think you look great but whatever you want’ he winked, squeezing your sides playfully.
After another quick walk around the town, Mason pointed out a take away pizza place and put your order in before you popped into the small supermarket opposite to grab some drinks and sweet treats before taking your food back to the beach so you could eat and watch the sunset.
Even though you didn’t like the water, there was something about sitting by the sea and the sound of the waves that made you feel at peace. And sitting with Mason as you spoke casually about future plans and how he was looking forward to the rest of the season made your heart sing.
‘I know we haven’t known each other too long in the grand scheme of things, but you know I’m really proud of you, don’t you?’ You told him softly, watching the most heartwarming smile stretch across his face before he patted the space in front of him so you’d sit in between his legs. Once you were comfortable his arms snaked around your waist and you placed yours on top of his as he pulled you as close as he could to him. His lips by your ear so he could speak to you quietly.
‘I’m proud of you too, Muffin’ he whispered, the smile in his voice evident but you both started giggling as he kissed the side of your head. ‘I’m serious. You’ve got your own thing going on and you’re so successful and like I’m just so happy for you, you know? No one deserves to be happy more than you’
‘You deserve to be happy too’ you told him, moving your shoulders round slightly so you could look at him and you almost melted when his hand came to rest on your cheek so he could stroke it gently.
‘I am happy’
‘Yeah, I know it was a big choice to go up there and have everything change. And yeah maybe there are certain things I would of liked to of kept the same but I think it’s worked out pretty well’
‘I think so too’ you whispered, your smile mirroring his as he continued to gently stroke your cheek. ‘Though I miss having you around’
‘I miss you too’ he smiled
‘Hmmm me or my cakes?’
‘Your cake’s obviously’ he laughed, making you roll your eyes playfully as you looked away from him but he was quick to hold you closer and scatter kisses on top of your head until you looked back. ‘I’m kidding. It’s mostly you’
There was that feeling again, wanting to kiss him more than anything and you knew he felt the same because his eyes kept flashing down to your lips as they flickered all over your face. You figured you’d just take the plunge, he’d kissed you twice already today so you reached up and thankfully he caught on and met you in the middle.
Kissing Mason like this made you feel giddy. You were breaking every rule in the book but there was no intent behind it, just two people showing the other how they felt and you hope Mason could tell how much you appreciated him for everything
‘Thank you for this week, Mase, I was really worried about coming but I’m so glad I did. I’ll never be able to repay you’
‘You don’t have to thank me or repay me’
‘But I do. I really appreciate everything you do for me’
‘Well do you send me cakes a lot’ he winked, ‘and you're always there for my games, good times and bad you're by my side so I appreciate you too. More than you know’ he told you softly. A warm fuzzy feeling spreading over your skin and you didn’t have the confidence to look at him anymore so you faced forward as the pair of you snuggled closer and listened to the sound of the waves crashing on the shore.
‘Shall we head back? You’re starting to get cold and I don’t have anything for you’ Mason asked after a little while and even though you were content in his arms you knew it was getting late and you’d have to head back soon so you begrudgingly nodded.
‘Okay’ you whispered, taking a slow walk back with his hand in yours the whole way. When you got back, the house was silent and you weren’t even sure if anyone was in so you made your way down to your rooms after putting your leftovers in the fridge. Standing awkwardly outside your doors as he scratched the back of his neck.
‘You wanna come in here for a bit?’ He asked, making you raise your brows at him suggestively but he was quick to settle you. ‘Nothing like that, I just thought we could hang out for a bit. Watch a movie before bed?’
‘You sure?’
‘Yeah I just… I don’t wanna leave you yet like it feels weird to me’
‘It feels weird to me too’ you admitted shyly and your heart stuttered at his soft smile. ‘Listen, I’m just gonna have a quick shower, get changed and run upstairs for a water. You want me to get you anything?’
‘Why don’t you get us some snacks, I’ll let you pick’ he told you and with a final kiss to your forehead he let you go.
After your shower you found one of your nicer sets of pjs and you made your way upstairs but the sight in front of you made guilt rush through you. There was Ben, his face sat propped up on his fists as he leant against the counter and you could see how miserable he looked just from a glance.
You felt awful, you knew he hadn’t meant anything in a mean way earlier and when his eyes flickered over to yours you sent him a sympathetic smile.
‘You’re back’
‘Yeah we got back about fifteen minutes ago’ you told him as he sat up but he kept his eyes glued to the counter as he nodded his head and chewed on the inside of his cheek.
Without another word you made your way over to him, touching his shoulder so he’d turn a bit before pulling him into your arms. You felt him relax immediately as he held you tightly and you rubbed his back gently hoping to let him know everything was fine between you.
‘I’m so fucking sorry, y/n’ he told you quietly but you could hear the emotion in his voice and it was breaking your heart. ‘I honestly had no idea, I was just trying to have a bit of fun’
‘I know Ben. I know you didn’t mean it horribly and I’m fine I promise. I don’t tell people I can’t swim cause it’s a bit embarrassing but you didn’t know that’ you reassured him as you pulled away but kept your hands on his shoulders. ‘As for Mase I think he just got a bit scared but I’ve had a word with him. There wasn’t any need for him to speak to you like that’
‘It’s fine I deserved a telling off’ he smiled shyly and you couldn’t help but let out a small laugh. ‘You promise you’re alright?’
‘Fit as a fiddle’ you winked before walking over to the fridge. ‘I was more embarrassed than anything else. Like me, a full grown woman who can’t swim?’
‘Well if you fancy a lesson I can try and teach you. We can call it part of my apology’ he offered and even though you were petrified you wanted to do something to make him feel better.
‘You know what, I’ll take you up on that’ you laughed, shutting the fridge as you gathered your haul in your hands. ‘Let’s start in the morning’
‘It’s a deal’ he winked, a bright smile on his face and you felt better than you had all afternoon knowing you were fine.
‘I better take these down to his majesty’ you joked, motioning towards your full arms. ‘I’ll see you in the morning though, yeah?’
‘Course. Have a good night y/n’
‘You too’ you smiled and with a quick kiss to your cheek you both made your separate ways to your rooms. You didn’t bother knocking when you got to Mason's room, walking in so you could drop the snacks and drinks straight onto the bed but after you’d shut the door and finally caught sight of him, your mouth went dry.
He was lying horizontally across the bed on his side, flicking through the channels to find something to watch clad only in a pair of tight black Calvin’s. As soon as you made eye contact he sent you a sweet smile, shuffling up a bit straighter before patting the space in front of him and it felt like your heart was going a mile a minute as he helped you get settled. His warm skin pressed fully against yours as he tangled your legs together and wrapped his arm around your middle, but it was the light kiss pressed against your temple that made you blush harder than anything.
‘Comfy?’ He asked softly, lips right by your ear casing goosebumps to erupt all over your skin, you just hoped he wouldn't notice and when he didn’t say anything you just nodded and let him hit play.
It was a comfortable silence, but then again you were always comfortable around Mason. The pair of you munching your way through your snacks as you absentmindedly watched the film that was on until you felt him reach for his phone. Tapping away for a few minutes before he placed it back on the bed until you felt your own phone buzz on the side table.
‘I’d get that if I were you’ he told you quietly. Eyes not leaving the tv and you thought it was a bit weird of him but you didn’t question it. Reaching for it to see who it could be but you were surprised to find it was Mason trying to airdrop you something. The first thing looked like a picture of you taken from behind at a beach bar the other day and you felt your heart race as you pressed accept.
You weren’t prepared for what was coming through to you though. A full album of candid shots of yourself from nights out and day trips that Mason must have taken sneakily and you felt your whole body flush as you flicked through them. Seeing yourself through his eyes a little and you’d sworn you’d never felt more beautiful than right now.
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‘Mason? What the hell is all this?’ You asked, looking up at him with a wide smile and you watched his cheeks turn the same shade of pink yours probably were.
‘Just some pictures I’ve taken this week that I thought you might like’ he told you. Trying to shrug it off but you knew he knew what he’d done was special to you. ‘I thought maybe you could use some for your daily instagram dumps you seem to love. Do you like them?’
‘I love them, thank you’ you told him. Pulling him towards you tighter and you shivered as he kissed your shoulder.
‘That's okay. I know the others were constantly asking the boys to take pictures and I didn’t want you left out. I’ve kept a few for myself though’ he teased. Making you laugh as you looked back up at him.
‘I suppose I’ll allow it’ you smiled. Reaching up to kiss his jaw before your eyes went back to your phone so you could look through them again and try and find your favourite but it didn’t take long for your eyes to go heavy. It had been a long and slightly stressful day and the warmth of Mason's body and the calmness that you felt about being around him was sending you to sleep quicker than anything. He must have felt it, moving you round so your front was now pressed against his chest with your head in his neck but you knew you couldn’t get too comfortable. Sleeping in the same bed was against the rules.
Not that you’d stuck to the rules at all today.
‘Just gimme five minutes and I’ll go to my room’ you told him quietly, the rumbling of his chest as he laughed waking you slightly but not too much.
‘Don’t be silly, stay here tonight’
‘But Mase-‘
‘But nothing. Just go to sleep, Muffin’ he whispered into your hair and you knew your skin was covered in goosebumps.
You didn’t say another word, just snuggled down further into him as he held you even closer. His hands absentmindedly stroking over your skin and lulling you further into sleep, the last thing you remember being his lips on your forehead as he pressed feather light kisses to your hairline.
When you woke up, you knew it wasn’t morning yet. The sky was a little lighter than when you went to sleep but your thoughts were confirmed when you quickly checked your phone and the time read 03:47am. You weren’t sure why you were awake but you quickly dashed to the loo, carefully untangling yourself from Mason as to not wake him but you saw his eyes open when you returned. You had been contemplating going back to your room but he opened his arms for you as you stood awkwardly and you couldn’t deny him.
‘Sorry, Mase. I didn’t mean to wake you’ you whispered, crawling back into his arms but you let him spoon you this time, smiling at the feel of his arms around you and his lips pressed to the base of your neck.
‘S’okay’ he whispered back, continuing to press small kisses over the bottom of your neck whilst he let his hands wander your body carefully and before long you could feel yourself getting turned on.
You weren’t sure if this was his intention or if he just wanted to feel you but you knew your breathing had gotten deeper as he began to massage over you waist and hips before finally taking your bum in his hands and you couldn't help but moan a little bit. Yes the pair of you had been touchy all day but you’d missed his hands on you like this and once he could hear how he was making you feel he started taking things to the next level.
It was your thighs next, hands reaching forward to massage them softly whilst he littered your neck with kisses and it wasn’t long before you felt him prodding you in the back which caused you to let out a little chuckle. ‘Shhhh’ he laughed, letting his hands travel inward to part them before hooking one up and over his body. Leaving you open for him to do as he pleased.
You felt you hips moving before you’d even realised, grinding your bum down onto him and the chuckle that left his lips would have almost left you embarrassed but you didn’t care. You just wanted to feel him again.
‘You just can’t wait can’t you, baby? So needy for me’
‘Please Mase’ you whimpered. Your spine tingling at him calling you baby but thankfully he didn’t want to make you work for it. Just as needy as you it seemed as he pulled your shorts from you and freed himself just enough to be able push himself into you. One arm wrapped around you to hold you close as the other hooked under your thigh to hold it up as he bucked his hips into you from behind and the kisses he was pressing to the back of your neck were driving you wild.
It was lazy and delicious, the pair of you taking it as slow as you could so you could just feel each other rather than chase your highs. Not having sex for the aim of getting off but just because it felt good to be pressed up against each other, to feel him rock his hips in and out of you just like he knew you loved whilst whispering the most heavenly praise in your ear.
You look so fucking beautiful
Feels like you were made for me, you know that?
Let me hear all those pretty noises you make. I don’t care if anyone hears us I wanna know how good you feel
You’re doing so well for me sweetheart
I’ve got you, let go for me gorgeous
When you’d finally come down from your high, you could still feel him pressing the most delicate kisses to the back of your neck until he was burying his face in there. Taking a huge breath like he was absorbing you in and couldn’t wipe the smile off your face.
The pair of you didn’t move, Mason just feeling heavier and heavier as he sunk into you even more. Falling straight back to sleep so you joined him knowing you’d hadn’t felt this content in the longest time.
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liked by masonmount, carlywlms_, benchilwell and others
Y/n a day well spent 🩷
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masonmount ✌🏻
y/n ✌🏻
declanrice that pizza look insane
y/n It was 👩🏻‍🍳😘 there’s a few slices in the fridge if you want some
carlywlms_ missed you this afternoon 💜
y/n I’ll be there to annoy you tomorrow 💜
okaylaaa omg the magnets 😩 @woody_ we need to get some before we go
y/n they had so many, it’s hard to choose 😭
woody_ I’ll take you tomorrow 😉
benchilwell 💛
y/n 💛
laurenfryer_ you didn’t want to show everyone your Spider-Man mug, no?
y/n I didn’t want to embarrass everyone else with my skills
lukeshaw23 tell Mase that’s not part of his meal plan
y/n It’s a one off treat 😉
masonmount let me tell you, I’ve had many treats this week 😌
__nads hope you’re having the best time 🩷 everyone’s asking after you 🥺
y/n thank you, i hope it’s okay going okay 😂
__nads sugar mumma is still standing 😉
masonmount can you post me up some brownies for when I get home please? Or just whatever’s left over tomorrow, I’m not fussy
y/n @__nads ignore him please 🙄
masonmount no no, she owes me
__nads I’m not getting involved in your domestic 😭
Tagged: @footiehoemcfc @prideofpd @yoursselo @chelseachilly @willow-writer-ivy @mm-vii @katharinanadiaa @mmountseb @carlottawllms @saltyheartnightmare @masonmtxo @harvestmount @chillymountsjess @treblebluesblog @pulisicsgirl @bluesswift @feelinglikeineedlotsofnaps
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zepskies · 7 months
Hey, I’ve really enjoyed reading your imagines. Would you be up for writing one where either Dean / Solider Boy / Beau, I don’t mind, has done something to upset/piss off the reader and goes out his way to make it up to her and then it’s all fluffy? I’m definitely in the readers position right now and hoping that’s what’s happening! Thank you.
Hey lovely anon!
Ooh this is interesting. So you didn't exactly ask for this, but this is where my mind went. I really enjoyed doing an imagine called "How Dean, Beau, and Ben would react to seeing your breast reduction scars."
So I'm going to do this one in that style...
Pairings: Dean Winchester x F. Reader, Beau Arlen x F. Reader, Soldier Boy/Ben x F. Reader
Tags/Warnings: Angst, arguments, hurt/comfort, fluff
Headcanon: How Dean, Beau, and Ben would make up for pissing you off.
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Dean Winchester
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Readers of Devour Me will recognize this scenario...
Dean can be an asshole sometimes. He knows it, but that side of him tends to come out along with his protective side.
He gave you...what you would consider a "firm suggestion" on a hunt. In his mind, it was a warning you were meant to follow: hang back.
The vampire nest was bigger than you guys expected.
You jumped in to save the woman they were keeping chained...but she was already drained dry. A vamp caught you, but before you could swing your knife, hot teeth sank into your neck.
Your scream rang through the air, tearing from your throat.
Dean's machete soon followed, killing the vampire and saving you in the process. He hid the depths of his worry. His fear, when he heard your scream, saw the monster bearing on you.
He buried the true depths of that turmoil and later holds you while Cas heals you. You thank him with a sigh and look up at Dean. Before you can apologize for ignoring his warning, his words simultaneously cut you to the bone and spark a blaze:
"I hope you learned your damn lesson," he says.
"Excuse me?" you hotly reply.
"You fucking heard me! When I say 'hang back,' I mean it. Hang the hell back."
"I've been hunting long before I met you, Dean."
"Yeah, well. Color me surprised that you've made it this long."
And that sparks the knock-down drag-out fight you and Dean have in the dirty, blood-splattered barn in the middle of nowhere. Even Sam and Cas are uncomfortable in the midst of you and Dean as they deal with the bodies of the vamps.
You don't let Dean touch you that night, even though you two still share the same bed. You sleep turned away from him, curled in on yourself.
He doesn't know how to make you understand. The sight of you with blood covering your neck and shoulder, running down over and under your shirt...
He hates it more than anything.
Even in the morning, the memory of your scream rings in his ears.
You've woken up before him, leaving your side of the bed empty. He wanders into the kitchen and finds you with your cup of coffee, stirring the creamer in for far too long. He watches you for a moment. He sees you're lost in thought. Maybe your eyes are a bit haunted.
He hates that too.
"Hey, sweetheart," he greets. His voice is still a deep rumble, but his gentleness is an olive branch.
You recognize that, and your own features soften. The truth is, you're too upset and spent to be angry anymore. You really just need him back.
He guides you into his arms, presses a kiss to your forehead, and sighs.
"...Look, I'm sorry," he says. He's grateful, even for this moment. Because it means you're safe, with him.
"I'm sorry too," you reply. You squeeze him tighter and bury your face in his chest. "I love you."
Dean hesitates. His heart clenches, both with warmth and the fear of what could have been. He lets out another deep breath as his fingers soothe through your hair.
"Love you too."
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Beau Arlen
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Don't let that adorable scruff fool you. Beau has his moments, just like everyone else...
You don't want to feel like the jealous "other woman." Because that certainly isn't what you are.
You and Beau have been dating for a while now. You know this is something special. He is special. A big-hearted man who leads by example, and makes his daughter a priority in his life.
You admire that more than anything. You've come to love Emily as well...
However, he's been consistently cancelling on you. Dates you'd planned, dinners you'd made, "office picnics" at the precinct that got rain-checked more than the goddamn weather channel.
It seems like any time you and Beau try to carve out a moment for each other, it gets waylaid by something that "just can't wait."
Sometimes it's due to the demands of his job (which you understand).
But more often, it's because he seems to drop everything to heed his ex-wife's requests, large and small. From moving boxes in downsizing her house, to picking up her dry cleaning.
Carla always laces her requests (demands) with something understandable, like dropping off Emily at school. As a lawyer, she's smart like that.
But you're smart too, and you see her game.
She's slowly but surely wrapping Beau around her finger, and it's driving you insane.
"Can't you see she's manipulating you?!" you finally ask him. Your hands gesture widely, your brows are knitted together, and so are Beau's. His mouth is pressed in a line.
"The hell do you mean?" he asks.
"Exactly what I'm saying," you retort. "She asks you to jump, and you say, How high, darlin'?"
Part of him wants to smile at your exaggerated Texan approximation of him. But mostly, he's irritated.
"That's not true! I'm just trying to do right by her. She's the mother of my kid--"
Your hand presses against your forehead.
"I know that, Beau. Of course I do," you say. Against your will, your deepest fears take hold. They make you feel ugly inside for thinking them, let alone saying them.
"But...either she wants you back, or maybe you want her."
Beau's frown deepens. "What? What're you talkin' about."
He tries to grab your hand, but you evade him. You cross your arms to give you the excuse you need to hold yourself together.
He blows out a frustrated breath and shakes his head. "She left me, remember?"
"Things change. Feelings change," you say hotly. Your eyes run over his face, as if trying to search his heart.
Beau finally understands just what you're thinking. He softens.
And then his expression firms.
"Not for me," he says.
He reaches for you. You allow him to grasp your elbows. He steps closer into your line of vision until his broad frame is all you can see, but you refuse to look up at him. Not until his curled finger prods under your chin, raising your face up to his.
His face lacks the jovial nature he usually carries, with a side of teasing that usually drives you crazy and lightens your heart in equal measure.
No. Right now, he's serious. His thumb grazes your cheek.
"Sweetheart, I'm not going anywhere. I'm sorry if I made you think otherwise."
Your eyes are lowered, with unshed tears swimming in them. Until Beau presses his lips to your cheek. Your eyes close, and you take in the tenderness of his touch. The smell of his cologne.
When you next open your eyes, he's smiling softly down at you. It leads you to smile a little.
"It'd be nice if you didn't cancel on me so much then," you can't help but mutter, a bit petulantly.
Beau's smile slips a bit. "I sure am sorry about that. And I'll talk to Carla. But uh..."
The rest of his good humor fades. "She mentioned something about taking Emily back to Houston."
Your eyes widen. Your hand moves to grip his wrist. "What?"
"I guess I was just...tryin' to butter her up a bit. If she settled in that new house, had everything she needed, maybe she'd stop thinking about leaving," he admits. "I want her to do what's best for Emily, but...I don't know if I can take it if she's in a whole other state."
You bite your lip. You try to soothe him with your fingers carding through his hair. You pull him into your embrace, and the roles of comfort reverse.
"You do need to talk to Carla," you say. "But I want to help, in whatever way I can. You just let me know."
You can't see it, but Beau smiles as he holds you a fraction tighter.
"You already are."
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Soldier Boy (Ben)
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Ugh, this (lovable) bastard...
There are a lot of opportunities to piss you off, and Ben has a habit of taking them.
He's protective, misogynistic (though you're surely trying with him), and doesn't give two shits about modern social protocols like tolerance and respect.
Nor does he give a fuck about being "nice" or "pleasant" if he doesn't want to. (And he never wants to.)
When he pisses you off, however, you have to pick your battles.
You're as patient as you can be with him, knowing all of his idiosyncrasies and foibles as well as you've come to learn them.
But when he nearly snaps a man's arm off for grabbing your ass in a musky club, you have to draw the line.
(Ben settled for jabbing the man in the face, hard enough to toss him back into an entire row of glasses. You'd winced at the man's scream of pain as glass shattered into his back.)
When you send your boyfriend a look, he's both unfazed and unapologetic.
"What, would you rather have that greasy fuck pawing all over you? No one's gonna have the balls to cop a feel right in front of me, unless they want 'em shoved up their ass."
You make a face of disgust, roll your eyes, and angrily storm out of the club. Ben follows you, now getting just as irritated. He grabs your arm and turns you around.
"What the fuck is your problem?" he demands. You raise a brow.
"Not everything is an affront to your manhood," you reply testily. "Are you really protecting me, or is it just your petty pride that another man would dare touch what's 'yours?'"
You turn to walk away from him, but he grabs you again. This time by the hand. He barely resists the urge to yank you back.
No, Ben waits for you to choose. To turn back to him. You're frowning in your anger, but even he can see the thread of hurt deep down. The fear that his motivations are only selfish.
His jaw ticks. But he sighs through his nose. "Come 'ere."
Reluctant though you seem, you take a chance in drawing back into him. His arms circle around you, with those heavy hands splaying across your lower back. He cages you securely against him and looks down you. His eyes are a fraction softer.
"You are mine," he says. "I'm not gonna let these cocksuckers forget it. Because I've got plenty of enemies who'd do more than just touch you."
It sucks to be reminded of that fact, but it's the cold reality. Still, you soften, seeing the sincerity in his eyes.
He's trying to send the world a clear message: he won't tolerate bullshit, of any kind. Least of all with you.
That, you can appreciate.
And you lean up to press a sweet kiss to his lips.
Knowing Ben, it doesn't stay sweet for long.
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AN: Whew! 😮‍💨 Lots of angst diverted into hurt/comfort and fluff, there.
Do you guys like these Dean/Beau/Ben "reacts?" Let me know! 😉
Dean Winchester Imagines
Dean Winchester Masterlist
Big Sky Masterlist
Soldier Boy Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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DW, BA & SB Tag List (Part 1):
@melancholictearz @katherineann83 @sleepyqueerenergy @wayward-lost-and-never-found @thewritersaddictions @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @deanwanddamons @antisocialcorrupt @adoringanakin @theonlymaninthesky @teehxk @midnightmadwoman
@iprobablyshipit91 @agalliasi @venicesem @deans-spinster-witch @chriszgirl92 @lyarr24 @ladysparkles78 @solariklees @xsophianicolex @deansbbyx @mimaria420 @candy-coated-misery0731 @curlycarley @sarahgracej @bagpussjocken @ultrahviolentart @skyesthebomb @this-is-me19 @kazsrm67 @letheatheodore
@agothwithheavysetmakeup @jacklesbrainworms @foxyjwls007 @wincastifer @emily-winchester @tearsfortheyouth @solo-pitstop-vibes @dope-trope-105 @liuope @beautyvaliant @xxlaynaxx @beskarfilms @tmb510 @iamsapphine @vanillawhiskeyflavoredkisses @roseblue373 @lacilou
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chalametsimp · 1 year
Maybe I don’t hate you 18+
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**reupload because I’ve been gone so long I f*cked up the tags last time**
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader
Summary: You and Regulus have never gotten along, but this time he really pissed you off.
Word Count: 3.9k
Authors Note: I haven’t proofread this yet, i’m sorry this took so long. i love you guys. I hope this doesn’t feel rushed, I worked really hard on it. If there are errors or inconsistencies pls feel free to reach out. I know I haven’t added taglist yet i am sorry i will soon !
Warnings: unprotected sex, hate-fuck, enemies to lovers, not proofread , cheerleader and athlete trope
taglist: @misswestfall @chal-latte @timmymyluv @haylee-e -e @timotheel0ver @dayafied @softhecreator
Your heart was frozen in your chest, your breath was stuck in your throat. You could hardly hear anything due to the screams of quidditch fans. You knew it didn’t matter, no words were shared, but you had a persistent, primal need to hear the sound of his heartbeat as he gazed back at you, eyes supercilious. You wished they would just shut up, even for one second. The thought of wanting to hear it was something you didn’t understand. You hate him, and he hates you. You felt your cheeks heat up and you almost lost your footing. If it could be considered footing when you have other squad members holding the bottoms of your shoe. A mistake could be big time and could send you tumbling to the grass below. You both knew this. He smirked, a very sly at that, as he watched you fluster and almost fall, all because of him. Almost was the keyword. You quickly averted your gaze from him to anything else. Your eyes landed on the crowd and you smiled wide, continuing as if he weren’t even there. As you were being brought down, he flew from where he was positioned almost in your line of vision, nearly 50 feet away. Cheeky bastard. Had he wanted to rile you up just to watch you falter? No, the truth was that he just loved the way you looked when you got mad at him. He loved and hated the way his heart would clench in his chest when you furrowed your eyebrows and your nose crinkled just enough to be the most adorable sight in the entire world. You made him feel so many things, and they made him uncomfortable. So his whole life he tried his best to silently compete with you and make you angry, pushing you away from him. He wasn’t sure how else he was supposed to handle those feelings.
You continued the rest of the game, doing your best to avoid looking at him. You did really well, you managed to not even peek at him once. Usually, you couldn’t help yourself and you would occasionally sneak glances at him. You could sometimes admit that you thought he was handsome. You usually just pushed them down, because you knew it was a lost cause. You figured he hated you just as much as you hate him.
This time you were very upset with him. Occasionally sabotaging you in potions and being a general ass was one thing, but distracting you while you were up in the air like that? That was a new low. He did feel bad about that, he hadn’t meant to make you mess up. Regulus didn’t think he would be that distracting.
It was more than apparent that you were mad at him. You didn’t look at him once, not even while you were on your way to the locker room when the game was finished. Slytherin won, so you didn’t want to see the cocky look on his face. You might have thrown a pom in his face if he had gotten close to you. So you chose simply not to look at him. It was better for everyone that way. You tried to forget his existence completely and you did a pretty good job at it. You took your time getting ready to leave, trying to avoid him altogether. Well, at least until you were forced to see him in class. By then you would probably have calmed down enough not to react.
You weren’t really paying attention to the conversations in the locker room but you tried your best to seem like you were actively engaging in the team gossip. Nodding your head here, throwing in an “mhm” there. You swiped a makeup-removing wipe across your cheek absentmindedly. Sure there were spells for that, but sometimes it’s fun to do girly things just because. It was one of the things about you that actually irritated Regulus. The muggle things, the muggle practices. What was so wrong with just using magic? That’s what his family always did. Worked out fine for them.
Pulling out your pony holder, your attention was brought back to the conversation when it was directed toward you. “Huh?” You questioned, “Sorry, I was distracted by my thoughts.”
One of your teammates piped up “Yeah, distracted by thoughts of Regulus, why don’t you two just fuck already? It’s pretty obvious there’s some heavy sexual tension happening there.” She could barely get the sentence out before she was laughing and the whole group was erupting into a fit of giggles. Immediately you felt your cheeks heat up and hid your face in your hands, waving the wipe like a white flag. This made everyone laugh even harder, you’d hoped that would satisfy them and they would move on to something else.
“So you agree?” The girl who was your base spoke up. “It would probably be safer for you and everyone else, considering what happened tonight.” More giggles.
You winced and your eyes fluttered away from everyone’s eyes, to now look at the wall. Your hands came down to your lap and you fidgeted with them nervously. Because you knew they were right but you couldn’t admit that to them. Or to yourself. “That was by pure accident!” You stammered, “Besides, I would never fuck him. He might be cute. But we hate each other. Not happening.”
“Hate each other.” Another girl said, using air quotes.
“Never gonna happen.” You replied, finally, trying to end the conversation. It seemed to suffice until someone had something else to go on about.
You didn’t bother to change out of your uniform, you would be taking it off to take a shower when you got to the dormitory anyways. However, it was turning into a brisk night so you decided to throw on a sweater. You waited until it had been a good few minutes since the last footsteps you heard out in the corridor. You couldn’t leave when all the other girl’s left. If they had seen you and Regulus in the same room it was sure to be mortifying. Finally, you held your breath and stepped through the threshold, trying to make your way to the dormitories.
You didn’t make it far before you heard an all too familiar voice. One that made you huff and clutch onto your bag in anger, knuckles almost turning white. “You were secretly hoping that I would be out here, that’s why you kept the skirt on, huh?” The sound came from behind you but you didn’t want to turn to face him. He didn’t mean to say something so smug but he didn’t know how to convey many other feelings to you.
“I don’t wish to speak with you right now, Black. Please just leave me alone.” Annoyance rang deep in your voice, your hand swatting towards him without even looking. Almost as if to shoo him away like a bothersome animal. He grimaced and the tips of his ears grew pink with shame. Then you did something that surely vexed him, you just kept walking. His brows furrowed like a toddler on the verge of a tantrum and he took a step forward to follow you, his voice trailing behind his movements.
Words you had never heard from him. Not spoken to you. Not spoken to anyone else. “I’m sorry.” The two words alone stopped your feet in their tracks and your breath in your throat. It wasn’t enough to make you turn around but now he had your attention. What was he going to do with it? You waited for him to follow that up with something, anything. For a while, he didn’t. Regulus himself was frozen with surprise at his own words. “I’m sorry,” he repeated “I wanted to tell you that I’m sorry. I didn’t want you to get hurt, I don’t know why I do the things I do sometimes. I didn’t mean for t-that to happen.” For the first time in his life, he was tripping over his own tongue. Was it a ruse? Was he just making fun? Waiting for you to say something embarrassing? You had to know for sure. Expecting to see a smirk, or for him to burst out into a fit of laughter. Neither of those things happened. You rolled your eyes at him, hands clenched together tightly and you all at once turned to face him, sneering, anger still in your voice. “We all know that’s bullshit! You did mean for that to happen, you jerk!” You swallowed hard and your lips pursed together as you tried to think of what to say. But before you could say anything, he was speaking up for you. His gaze was downturned and his expression was tense. Tense like his hands that were held together tightly.
Regulus’ voice nearly shook with anger “Actually I didn’t mean for that to happen, but now I am NOT sorry!” His eyes rose to shoot you an icy glare “You can’t say I didn’t try. I was sorry, but you don’t care, so now I’m not sorry! I wish you had fallen!” His words were venom and his jaw was clenched tightly.
Tears welled up in your eyes and you sneered at him “You were never sorry asshole!” Finally, you had the courage to take a couple of steps closer to him and bit the inside of your cheek in a futile attempt to stop the words that were rising in your throat like sick “Fuck you!” You punctated the insult with a sharp poke to his chest.
He promptly shoved your hand away from him and took a step closer to you. “You know what?” Veins in his temples pulsated with anger “Fuck you too!”
You were almost shaking with anger, you averted your eyes to your feet that were almost touching his and then back to his face. “No, Regulus, fuck you!”
“Actually,” he started with bared teeth and a glance sideways before he took yet another step closer to you, forcing you to back up to avoid crashing into each other. Your head cocked to the side in confusion before he continued, forcing you to back up even more. When your back hit the stone wall he continued, “Fuck you.” His voice was quieter now but the tone of his voice was nearly the same. However it didn’t reach his eyes, they were filled with something else now. Something that you had never seen inside of him. You couldn’t pinpoint what it was right away. At first you refused to believe that it was lust that you had seen flashed in his eyes. You were shocked that he had pushed himself this close to you and for once you couldn’t think of what to say to him at all. It didn’t seem to be a problem to him. In fact, he relished in the fact that he had pulled all of the words out of your throat before you could even think of them. “Hm,” Regulus taunted, his expression changing from petulance to something completely different. “You seem to be pretty quiet now.” He teased.
You had never seen him like this before. Eyes wide, you tried to speak, “I-I.. W..” Your words were cut off by your own confusion.
“What?” He snickered, head held high as he traced a finger down your jawline, “Cat got your tongue?” A gasp was the only thing that could leave your lips and your eyes were wide as the moon. What was he trying to do?
In a sudden moment of irritation and bravery, you decided you weren’t going to let him have the upper hand. He didn’t get to have the slick last word. Not this time. “Just shut up, Black.” You didn’t even allow him the opportunity to get another word in because before he could even open his pretty mouth you were shoving yours against it. It didn’t seem to be a problem to him because immediately his hands were cupping your cheeks and his body was pressing against yours. You could feel every curve of the stones behind you but you didn’t care, all you cared about was slipping your tongue into his warm mouth. The action elicited a sigh from his lips directly into your mouth and you loved the sensation, your hips bucked upwards against his. His thumb brushed against your cheek in a soothing motion, goosebumps rising on your shoulders. Soon he was fighting your tongue back into your mouth and you allowed him to, making him think he was in total control. An illusion you would keep in your back pocket for later when you needed it more. His tongue grazed against yours and you reached for his robe, silk soft like butter in your fingers. Regulus pulled away after what felt like a lifetime had passed. He didn’t move far from you, his lips routing from yours to just next to them, then to your jaw. Languidly, he continued his journey, pressing wet kisses down your neck until he hit your collarbone. Where he settled, tongue circling the spot he had chosen for purchase. He suckled on the soft skin until a bruise had formed in succession of his efforts, his hands treading down to pop the button of his slacks and let them fall to the ground. You mewled quietly and he dared to allow his fingers to slip underneath your skirt to rub against you, fabric rubbing against your clit deliciously. You rutted your hips against his fingers, urging him silently for more. Regulus picked up on this and slid his fingers in past your panties and circled a finger around your entrance. “Tsk, so wet. For me?” He gloated, slowly pushing his middle finger inside of you. He pumped it gentle and slow at first, curling his finger right where you needed him. Soon enough you were putty in his hands, writhing and whining for more. Regulus obliged and slid another one inside of you, gauging your reaction with half lidded, lust filled eyes. Listening to the noises you made was enough to make him go feral but he did his best to restrain himself.
“Please, Reggie, Please.” You pleaded, tears of distress in your eyes, clutching his perfectly pristine robe in tight, desperate fists.
“Would you look at that?” He teased, roughly turning you around to face the wall, giving you just enough time to grab onto it before he hastily pushed your robe up your back. His lips pressed against the soft spot on your neck behind your ear, “Begging for me. How cute. Is this what you want?” Regulus cooed, leaning forward to press a kiss to your shoulder before he was shoving your panties down your thighs. You watched them cascade downwards to your ankles and the sight made you shiver.
You didn’t want to answer, you didn’t want him to win, but it’s what you had to do if you wanted this. You wanted him so bad, but this would be silent admittance of where your hatred really stemmed from. Regulus figured he would help you decide your next choice of words by pulling out his arousal that was flushed and achingly stiff. He shifted your panties to the side and rubbed the tip against your wet heat. He stroked it up and down against you, merely coating the swollen skin. You responded just how he wanted you to, rubbing your hips back against him. Finally, you answered him, the final go-ahead. “Yes,” You pressed further “I want you. Please give it t-” Your voice feverish.
He didn’t need any other confirmation besides that and he gave you no time to finish your sentence before he was sinking himself into you, ripping the words right out of your chest. He was promptly moving at a desirable pace. You were happy to vocalize this to him in every way besides using your words. Gasps and whimpers ruptured from your lips, one strung after the other in a waterfall of pleasure. “You feel incredible.” He thrust into your core, head falling forward to rest against your shoulder. His fingers wandered from your thigh to your honeypot, gliding over the most sensitive area. Small circles sent your eyes rolling backward for a moment.
His hips never ceased, his length plunging into you at a reckless pace. He moved his fingers from your clit to hold your hips back against his, moving deeper inside of you than before. Lascivious moans filled the hall but neither of you cared. Regulus’ freehand came up to tangle in your hair, he grabbed a fistful at the base of your head and pulled gently at first to test the waters. Your heat constricted tightly around him involuntarily at the feeling of his rough hands gripping your hair and he grunted coarsely, slowing down for just a moment. “Careful, careful. You’re going to make me cum if you keep that up.” His voice was rough and needy. You attempted to relax but it was difficult even when his thrusts were slow and gentle. He kept the same steady pace for what felt like a long time. You were desperate for him to speed up so you pushed back against him, quickly moving your hips, hoping he would get the hint. And he did.
Soon he was plunging into you urgently. You attempted to grasp at the wall, at anything you could, to stabilize yourself so you didn’t collapse onto the ground. The pleasure was so much you could barely even stand on your own two feet anymore. He tried the best he could to help you keep upright, his nails digging into your flesh. The sting of pain was a perfect mix, intoxicating all of your senses. Nearly drooling as saliva pooled in your mouth. You pushed back against him demandingly, meeting his hips every time. The thought of the two of you intwined perfectly in this dark hallway sent a shiver down his spine. Regulus’ fingers trailed from your hips, up to your neck where he gently grabbed hold of your throat, pulling you back, flush against his torso. He gripped gently, where he knew not to hurt you. Choked mewls escaped you and he grunted deeply, eyes closed tightly as he continued to ravage you, lips pressed to your neck.
The sounds and heat of his ragged breath in your ear made your arousal grow so far until you were nearly ready to pop, you clenched around him tightly, almost at the edge. “Please, I can’t hold on any longer, Reggie.” He smirked proudly and grasped your neck harder, his pace increasing.
“Aw, don’t be shy,” he whispered “Cum for me.”
That’s all it took for the precipice to break and you were cumming hard, your hips trembling as he never slowed down. You went to cry out but Regulus quickly pushed his hand against your lips, muffling your sweet noises. Tears started to bubble from your eyes and streak down his fingers as he fucked you relentlessly.
He wouldn’t last long with the way you gripped around him. You once again tried to hold yourself back against the wall as his thrusts became sloppier. Idly, your rocked your hips against his.
“Fuck, I can’t.” He couldn’t even finish his sentence. Regulus’ hips stirred finally and he came with a long and low whine that reverberated through your chest, all the way down to your uncurling toes. For a while neither of you spoke, he simply rested his head against your back. His chest rising and falling quickly, trying to regain his normal breathing.
“Why give yourself to me?” He finally asked, voice still shaky and low. His fingers caressed your thigh and in one motion he swiped your panties back in an attempt to cover you up. You turned to face the Slytherin boy. His face perplexed, hand moving to rub the back of his neck absentmindedly.
“Don’t you see?” You rolled your eyes, and for the first time it was accompanied by a warm smile. You hit him playfully in the chest. “It was always going to be you., I think. Everyone says so. ” His head cocked to the side.
Something interrupted your juncture and your movements stilled. “Who’s over there?” The voice bellowed and your eyes widened in sync, cheeks flushing as you stared at each other in exasperation. You didn’t realize how close it was until the sound of footsteps followed, and not far. A sudden realization hit the both of you and you were scrambling to make yourselves decent. Regulus rushed to pull his pants up from his ankles, fingers fumbling to re-button.
“What are we gonna do? You whispered frantically, adjusting your skirt. Your eyebrows were furrowed nervously and you looked to him for a solution. A strange turn of events that you didn’t see happening when the day had started.
“There’s nothing we can do. We have to make a run for it.” He laughed and tugged on your hand, starting to pull you through the corridor. Your legs were shaky but it was easier when he was guiding your steps. You could hear the shouts of who you can only assume is your potions professor, based on the sound.
“I hear you two, get back here!” The voice yelled but you ignored them. You ran off into the night together. Your feet pounded on the pavement, hearts beating fast in your chests. You were both such good students, it wouldn’t be a good look for the two of you to be caught like that.
It was impossibly dark except for the dim lights in the halls, you’re not sure if you would have made it that quick without him. You made it back to the dormitories and Regulus walked you to your door, like a gentleman. You wanted to have him come spend the night with you, but you hesitated. You would never hear the end of it if anyone saw the two of you together. Especially at this time of night. You reached for the door handle but stopped before your fingertips reached it. You turned to face him. Your cheeks heated up and you looked to him, then to the floor, to him, to the wall, to him awkwardly.
As much as he loved to hear the sound of his name coming from your mouth, he cut you off before you could finish. “Listen, I’m sorry. I really am.” He said quietly “The only lie I told was that I wish you had fallen. I don’t really think that.” He looked really remorseful. His chin trembled lightly and he turned his head downwards, ashamed.
You reached forward and took one of his hands in yours, smiling softly. “It’s okay. I know you’re sorry. I forgive you, really.”
This seemed to appease him and he was looking back up again, tears in the brims of his eyes. “Really? You mean that?” His voice was hopeful like a child.
“Yes, I mean that.” You started “But now that I’m thinking about it, maybe dinner would help.” A smirk rose on your lips and he grinned, nodding wildly.
“Okay. Like a date?” Regulus questioned. Footsteps approached in the background.
“Yes,” You said hurriedly, “Like a date, now go.” You urged him to leave, so he wouldn’t get in trouble. He stepped forward and pressed a chaste kiss to your lips before leaving without a word.
Quickly, you entered into your dorm room and you immediately had eyes on you. The room erupted into whistles and laughter. You didn’t understand until you caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror hoisted in the living space. Your hair looked wild, it definitely gave away what you were just up to.
“Oh! I so knew it! How was it?” Someone asked loudly. You just ignored them all and gave a big middle finger as you disappeared into your own room, one arm holding your robe closed tightly. No way they were going to catch sight of what was trickling down your thighs.
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michellemisfit · 7 months
Shameless Fandom Questionnaire
Thanks for the tag my love @darlingian 💚
What’s a fic you’ve read more than once?
What haven’t I read more than once? I have 350+ open tabs and yet, here I am, re-reading @loftec’s None The Wiser. AGAIN. Because it makes me happy, and what is fandom about, if not making you happy? Other things that make me happy: Two of Your Earth Minutes by @the-rat-wins, The Menagerie & Twenty Strangers & On Top by @crossmydna, Cooperative Gameplay & Like Real People Do by Gray, An Exception to the Rule by @gallawitchxx, Weaver of Fate by Ravenheart, Life or Something by @palepinkgoat, The Garden Song duology by @gardenerian, Ristretto by @howlinchickhowl, let the bodies do the talking by @captainjowl, basically anything that @sam-loves-seb has ever written!!! Also anything by @crestfallercanyon who has been completely blowing me away. And like, a million more!!!
I also still merrily re-read stuff from the Merlin fandom and the Shadowhunters fandom, so if that’s of interest to you, hit me up and I will link you to several excessively long rec lists on the @f-f-podcast website, complete with accompanying podcasts!
All I’m saying is: RE-READING IS LOVE!!!
(Also I formatted this on my phone so hopes and prayers that all of these links are correct!!)
What’s a gifset you always have to reblog?
‘Kiss me and I’ll cut your fucking tongue out’ into Club Kiss. It is genuinely one of the cleverest things I’ve ever seen!!
What’s a headcanon you can’t stop thinking about?
Mickey going along to Ian’s therapy session, on Ian’s request, and eventually deciding that he’s going to give this therapy thing a go himself.
What’s a fanart you love looking at?
I am utterly in love with @deedala’s style and Smokey Mickey and Gardening Joy always make me smile. I also absolutely adore @gallawitchxx’s style and wish I could be that bold and succinct in my own art.
What’s an idea you’d love to create if you had the time/inspiration?
I’ve been thinking about Ian & Mickey shot gunning for like… a year now 🤦
What’s something you’ve discovered since entering this fandom? A new trope you love? A different analysis of the show? Something else?
Currently discussing every episode of Shameless over on @f-f-podcast so basically discovering new things every week! Check it out if podcasts are your jam <3
What’s an underrated trope or concept you’d like to see more of?
There can never be too many coffee shop AUs, right? Not an underrated trope, but surprisingly underrepresented in this fandom 😭
What’s your favourite season?
Autumn! haha
Honestly, I’ll tell you when we’re done with South Side Rules, as we’re rating every episode, but we’re also rating each season overall so… watch this space in 2025!
What’s a plot hole you wish had been answered or resolved?
Urgh. Don’t. Yikes… Yevgeny. Mandy. Fiona. Everyone else on Shameless who disappeared and then was never spoken of again. Like… what the heck? You don’t need to get the actors back. Just get the other characters to mention them, so I don’t feel like the writers forgot they existed! Also don’t give me Dichen Lichman and then just take her away!!! 😭
What scene or moment do you feel isn’t discussed enough?
Every time Mickey has to say the end of his sentence directly into Ian’s mouth because Ian can’t wait the extra 3 seconds to let him finish, he needs his lips on that boy’s mouth NOW! They’re so precious and horny and I love that for them!
What line/dialogue/description from something else do you feel describes Ian and Mickey’s relationship?
90% of Richard Siken’s poems
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What do you think is next for Ian and Mickey post-finale?
They’ll be deliriously happy forever and ever and nothing bad is ever going to happen to them. It’s terribly simple. The good guys are always stalwart and true, the bad guys are easily distinguished by their pointy horns or black hats, and we always defeat them and save the day.
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melodygatesauthor · 1 year
Fool Me Twice
Steven Grant X f!Reader
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Part 10 of 28 in the February Fluff and Fuck 2023 Challenge
Day 10 Prompt - Second Chances
Summary: You are a tour guide, and he's a gift shoppist. Steven Grant stood you up on your first date. Now it's Valentine's Day, and he has come back after being gone for three days. You may find it within yourself to forgive him, but what happens when you discover the reason he stood you up in the first place?
Tags/Warnings: SFW, violence, canon divergence, second chances, mentions of Marc but no Marc appearance, Steven's a little pathetic (ofc), cute, fluffy, this is my first time writing moon knight canon stuff so please be gentle
Word Count: 3.5k
“Does anyone have any questions?” You asked, looking around at the kids in front of you. You wished you hadn’t noticed the one picking his nose and immediately felt your stomach turn.
It was a hit or miss whether or not kids would ask questions. This crowd seemed like they would rather be anywhere else than there at that moment, but when you started directing them to the gift shop, they lost their minds and started running for the door. Everyone loved the gift shop. You sighed when you followed them inside, looking to your left and seeing that Steven, the guy who worked the register, was ringing up a customer.
He hadn’t been to work since asking you out a few days ago. You remembered it clearly.
He was sitting in the employee room eating what looked like a vegan burrito. You were having your lunch at the table across from him. The two of you were chatting about common inconsistencies in the marketing department and how he tried to tell Donna they’d messed up the posters for the event the museum was having later that week.
“I’ve tried telling her that you should at least get to cover tours when other people are sick or something. Like per diem. You know so much.” You’d said, taking a bite of your food. “I mean, you know more than I do about some things.”
“Yeah well, she doesn’t seem to like the thought. Can’t even get my name right, ‘course she can’t get a poster right.” The two of you chuckled.
“You’re funny.” You said, feeling the heat rising to your cheeks.
“Erm, thank you.” He blushed, “I…I’m sure you know about that new restaurant on High street?”
“Yeah, the vegan place?” You took a swig of your water bottle.
“Yeah, that’s the one. I’ve been meanin’ to check it out.” He was shifting uncomfortably. You had a feeling you knew where this was going so you thought you’d help him get there.
“Oh I would love to go there, I just don’t like going places alone.” You looked at him in a way that you hoped urged him to invite you out.
“Yeah, I don’t either.” The awkward silence had you internally groaning.
One of the things you liked about Steven was how shy he could be. Not all the time, you’d seen him when he was intrigued about something, or when he’d stand up for himself to Donna. He wasn’t a pushover. When it came to something like dates though, and asking you out, he seemed to get anxious, like all the confidence fell from his body. You found it adorable.
“Steven…” You touched your fingertips to his on the table.
His lips parted slightly, “what?”
You smiled, “I said, I don’t like going places alone.”
You watched him suck in a breath and a smile played over his lips. He had such a nice smile, it was bright and had a way of making butterflies go crazy in your stomach. He wrapped his hand around your fingers and rubbed them with his thumb softly.
“Would you…” He was speaking slowly, as if doing so would allow him to retract the words if he got too nervous mid sentence, “would you like to come with me to dinner tomorrow night?”
Dinner was supposed to be three nights ago. Three nights ago you stood in front of your mirror adjusting your breasts in the tight black dress you’d picked out. You wore a complementary necklace and touched up your makeup quickly. You looked down at your phone.
Steven: I’m still surprised that you said yes. I’ll be there at 7 :)
You: I practically BEGGED you to ask me haha. See you in a bit.
Steven: :D
You’d never thought about Steven using emojis, but you found it endearing. It was 6:30pm when you left your house, and 6:55pm when you got to the restaurant. Steven wasn’t there yet, but you’d assumed he would be right along. You got a table and ordered a drink while you waited. Steven had been late to the gift shop a few times, but you were genuinely surprised when 7:10pm hit and he didn’t show. You’d thought he would be too excited to miss out on a date with you. You looked at your phone again.
You: Guess traffic must be giving you trouble?
You waited some more, sipping at your drink. By the time you were finished, and the server had come to your table asking if you were ready to order something for the third time, you checked your phone again…nothing, and it was 7:25pm.
You: I don’t want to sound rude, but are you standing me up?
You: It’s just almost been 30 minutes and I thought you were excited…
You: I never really thought you were the type, Steven. It’s too bad, truly.
You ordered a meal to-go. You hoped that by the time your box of food came out that he would’ve come through the door, but he never did. That night, you went home alone, toed off your shoes, crawled into bed, and cried for a bit before finally drifting off. Steven always seemed like such a nice guy, so when someone like him turned out to be a jerk, you wondered if there was even any point in dating.
Now it was Tuesday, Valentine’s Day, and the man who stood you up was smiling away, friendly as always. You couldn’t understand how he could be so chipper after what he’d done. Didn’t he know that he’d see you at some point and he would have to answer for what he did? Didn’t he know that he’d have to face you again?
There it was, the stupid face that lit up every time he saw you. The face that melted your insides with hot molten lava every time you saw it. He looked so damn happy to see you, like he hadn’t skipped a beat. You gulped, letting out the breath you didn’t realize you were holding.
“Hey…!” He said your name from across the gift shop.
You turned your head away and walked off, and Steven stood there, feeling a pit forming in his gut as his lips curled back downward. What had he done now? When he’d seen you yesterday at lunch, you’d touched his hand and practically asked him out yourself. It didn’t make sense, now you looked at him with so much disdain, he wondered if he should even approach you. Weren’t you still looking forward to that date with him tonight?
He waited until later to talk to you.
“Hey…” He said your name softly in the employee lounge later that day at lunch.
You let out a heavy sigh, “hey.”
You didn’t want to talk to him, but there he was, not letting you get out of it easily.
“You seem upset, was it Greg? That guy is always…” He stopped. He could tell by your expression that it was, in fact, not Greg that had you upset. “What is it?”
“You’re really going to come in here and act like nothing happened?” You scoffed, shaking your head. “You know I expect this from some of the dead beat losers out there but I really thought you were better than them, Steven.” You got up from the table.
“Wha-what do you mean?” His face was distraught. “I haven’t even…we haven’t even been out yet. Aren’t we still on for the vegan place?”
Your jaw dropped, “yeah…we were on for the vegan place…three nights ago.”
Steven’s mind went blank and the panic set it. It happened again. He had lost track of time, and this time he’d missed out on a date with you. Marc must’ve taken over. He ran his hands through his hair. He and Marc had talked about this, he couldn’t just do that without warning, unless something big had happened, and he wasn’t telling Steven about it.
His palms started sweating while he was trying to think about what to say to get you to forgive him, but instead he felt his eyes welling. He couldn’t very well tell you so early on that he was an alter for a man with dissociative identity disorder who also happened to be the Moon Knight for the Egyptian God Khonshu. He couldn’t tell you that Marc Spector had taken over the body that they shared and in doing so Steven had lost track of days while Marc, no doubt, rescued someone, or several someones. Hell, Marc might’ve even saved the world. What was most troubling, was that he hadn’t said a word to Steven.
You saw this, his defeated expression, and realized that something was very wrong.
“You…you never showed up. I sat there until eight.” You explained with a softer tone now.
He wasn’t even looking at you. His hand was over his mouth and he was looking down at the ground.
“You’re sure it’s not still Saturday?” He asked.
“Yep, sat there for an hour, got a drink and had the black bean burrito to go.” You pressed your lips together.
Steven had to think about how he was going to make this up to you, right now. You were standing there with your arms crossed over your chest, and though your expression was softening, it was clear that you were still irritated. If Marc had messed this up for him, he was going to be upset.
“Can I take you out tonight? I know it’s a longshot, but…I really didn’t stand you up on purpose. I have a…sleepwalking problem.” He was desperate, brows turned up and knitted together pathetically.
He reminded you of a dog begging for treats, not a man asking for a second chance. You’d never heard of a sleepwalking problem that made someone lose days of their life, but you sensed he was being genuine. You groaned and rolled your eyes. You had a soft spot for him, and you figured that if he really did try to stand you up, he wouldn’t be asking for a second shot.
“I don’t know what it is about you, but…yeah, yeah sure.” You dropped your arms and grabbed your lanyard from the table before replacing it on your neck.
You watched Steven’s entire body sigh with relief, “oh thank goodness, I won’t make you regret it.”
You started to walk out of the employee lounge, “yeah, we’ll see.” You said.
Part of your agreeing to let him make it up to you was purely out of your own feelings toward the gift shop clerk. You’d always liked going to the gift shop at the end of the tours, mostly because you got to see the cute and quirky guy ringing up customers and passing glances at you from across the stuffed Taweret plushies. He always had this look on his face when he saw you walk in, as if he were standing dormant until you came into view. As soon as you were in his vicinity, he came to life, color went back to his cheeks, and his smile formed.
The truth was that he had fallen for you the second he first laid eyes on you. You were new there, just starting your first day as a tour guide, and he happened to be walking in while you were explaining the symbols on a stone tablet. He saw you as he was walking by on his way to the lockers, and he thought you were the most beautiful person he’d ever laid eyes on. Your confidence, your brilliant smile, everything about you took his breath away.
“Hi.” You said, noticing the awkward man standing there, staring at you.
He jumped, “oh, hi, sorry I was just erm…heading to the lockers.”
He scurried off, and you shook your head before returning to the tour. You thought he was a weirdo at first, but over time he went out of his way to converse with you more and more. It started with little compliments in the lounge. He’d say things like…
“You really know a lot. Sometimes I think the tour guides don’t really know anything, they just learn a script but you…you’re brilliant.”
“Wow, today you really had those kids hangin’ on to your every word. You’re a brilliant storyteller.” He said.
Then he started doing other things like, if you mentioned liking the way his lunch looked, he would bring in a second helping the next time so you could try it. There was even one day where you didn’t show up for work because you had a cold and when you came in the next day you found a “get well soon” card in your locker along with a basket that had tea and other sick supplies to help you feel better. These things were the reason that you said yes to a second chance. These things are the reason that you were standing in front of your mirror again after work, in that little black dress you’d worn just a few nights ago.
This time, before you left, you sent him a text.
You: Are we still on?
His lack of response was worrying, but you went anyway. Once again, you arrived at 6:55pm, and once again, Steven wasn’t around. He has five more minutes, you reminded yourself, five more minutes.
You walked inside and got yourself a table and a drink. Your palms were sweating and you started to feel like an idiot when 7:05 rolled around. You let out a heavy sigh. You weren’t going to do this again. When the server came back you ordered another meal to go. Steven had one shot to get this right, and he blew it.
If only you could see him though, frantically running down the street as though his life depended on it, and to him it did. Losing you would cripple him, losing you would be one of the worst failures of his life, so he had to get there. He looked at his watch, 7:07pm. He cursed under his breath as he closed in on the restaurant. Surely you were fuming. Surely you were already gone, but you weren’t. You were sitting there, he could see you through the window in a beautiful dress that fit your body perfectly. He could also see your slumped figure, clearly upset by his absence. He wasted no more time rushing through the door to see you.
Steven’s hair was stuck to his forehead. He looked like he’d run the entire way there. He sat down and held a finger up to you, trying desperately to catch his breath. The server came back to the table.
“Can we maybe get a water please and some napkins?” You smiled. “Oh, and please put in my order for here, to go with his order when he gets himself sorted.”
“I’ll just have whatever you’re having.” He managed to choke out.
The server nodded in understanding and disappeared behind a set of double doors. You crossed your arms over your chest and leaned back, waiting for him to catch his breath. It took him a minute, and when the server came back with napkins and water, Steven gulped down the entire glass and set it down on the table a little too harshly. He gasped and pointed to the glass.
The server complied and then stepped away quickly. The restaurant was a little busy for Valentine’s Day, so you were sure he had other things to do instead of sitting there filling Steven’s glass endlessly. You laced your fingers together and rested your arms on the table. Finally, Steven was able to talk to you.
“I am so sorry, I was trying to leave and I had…I had an episode and…and…” He shook his head, eyes landing on the glass of the window.
You saw him make a face at the window, the same face a mother would make when trying to tell her child to shush without making a scene.
“Steven.” You said coldly. His head snapped to face you. “What is going on? I know I’ve only known you for a couple of months but…that’s long enough to know that you haven’t been acting yourself lately.”
“I’m not even so sure I know, love.” He said, looking pathetically at the flower in his hand. He’d squeezed the life out of it and it held no petals. “Got this for you, but I guess that’s a mess now too, innit?”
You were, truth be told, just glad he’d actually shown up. You thought for sure you were going to be spending Valentine’s Day alone when the clock rolled by and he hadn’t arrived, but then he ran through the door. Whatever his reason for being late, you were willing to forgive it, even if you shouldn’t. If he was any other guy, you would’ve told him to hit the road, but it was Steven, and he was different.
When you reached out your hand and touched Steven’s fingers, he could’ve fallen into tears. Not only did a woman like you say yes to a date with him, but you’d agreed to a second date after he bailed on the first one, and you were still there when he was late to said second date. He didn’t deserve you, he didn’t deserve you at all, but he was grateful for you to the moon and back.
“The least you can do is tell me why you were late, yeah?” You asked, sipping your drink.
“Darling, you wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” He said.
“Try me.” You leaned back in your seat.
The truth was that Steven was secretly grateful for the well timed attack that took place right by the restaurant the two of you were sat in. He was racking his brain trying to figure out ways to tell you that he was the Moon Knight. How could he tell you that there were two others in his head, and that was why he’d been missing for three days? How could he tell you that there was a colossal and skeletal bird that gave him his power? The only way would be to show you.
A woman outside screamed and you jumped, looking through the window. It was dark, but you could see her running by the light of the streetlamps. You couldn’t see what she was running from though, and wondered if she might be insane.
“Stay here.” Steven said, jumping out of his seat.
“Steven, what are you-”
“Stay inside.” He ordered.
Steven being demanding was out of character for him. You’d never heard him talk quite like that to anyone, and especially not you. He held out his arms and you watched in awe as his entire outfit changed before your very eyes. The new fit was sharp, stark white, and actually looked quite remarkable on his body. His beautiful face was hidden with a mask now, and his eyes were glowing like the stars.
“Steven?” You asked, looking at him in complete shock.
“That’s me, love. I’ve gotta go save the town now, but you just stay in here, yeah?”
He left without waiting for your response, and you were just standing there, completely dumbfounded. He had told you to stay put, but of course after he left you had to follow, at least to the curb. You saw him, fighting what looked like an extraordinarily strong man. This was it. This explained everything. Why he always looked like he hadn’t slept in days, why he went missing sometimes, and why he stood you up on Friday night. He was a superhero, like the Avengers. You’d been fortunate to never see any of these types of things in person, yet here you were, witnessing it first hand.
“That’s the girl!” You heard someone yell behind you.
You turned, seeing two men walking toward you quickly. You thought for sure they couldn’t be coming after you, but they were. Damn the heels you’d decided to wear. If not for the clumsy shoes that made you look a little taller and dressier, you might’ve been able to fight, or get away. Instead you stumbled, falling to your hands and knees with a gasp.
One of them grabbed one arm, and the other grabbed your shoulder.
“No! Get off of me!” You yelled, trying to pull away unsuccessfully. “S-Steven!” You screamed.
The last thing you saw was Steven turning to face you, and then it all went dark.
To be continued… (not sure when tho, but it will be continued after Feb is over)
TAGLIST (please let me know if you would like to be added or removed): @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction, @my-secret-shame, @thatmomwitchfriend, @alexxavicry, @welcometostayingawake, @jake-g-lockley, @campingwiththecharmings, @steven-grants-world, @lia275, @ninebluehearts
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jazzajazzjazz · 14 hours
I just wanted to say thank you.
Thank you to everyone who has recently commissioned me, followed me, liked/reblogged my work and left encouraging and kind comments in the tags.
Those who know me a bit more personally know that that last year and a half has been the most difficult and scary of my life. I’ve had to be extremely brave in ways I didn’t know I could be. I’ve been severely struggling both financially and mentally and while it occasionally gets better, I’m very aware that my struggle is not over yet.
I’m currently trying very, very hard to make it as a full time artist and illustrator and am currently seeking an agent. It’s proving to be trying (I’ve had 20+ rejections already), but I know I can’t give up.
But a big part of why I know I can’t give up is you guys. Your kindness, support, understanding, and patience has helped me immeasurably and I don’t know how to properly thank you for it. There have been days where I felt like giving up, packing it all in, just calling it quits on art and everything else. But then I see some of the comments left in the tags on my art and they make my damn heart soar.
You help remind me why I do what I do. Why I love what I do. I hope beyond hope that I make it full time, that I make a living doing what I adore. Then when I’m secure I can use my time to give back to a community that’s been so kind to me.
Thank you 💕
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hobistyles · 1 year
Forbidden Love (Part Two)
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Pairing: Taehyung x Reader
Warnings/Tags: Cussing, cheating (please don't ever do this), flashbacks, slight smut (but not descriptive), Tae is an asshole, y/n is annoying. *I want to remind everyone that this writing involves infidelity and can make several people uncomfortable, which is never my intention! Please do not read if it makes you uncomfortable*
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3
A/N: Sorry, it took me a while to post this since I've been super busy. Part three is already in the works, and hopefully posted soon! Thank you to everyone who has been patient! Also, a big thank you for supporting and following my blog!
“Listen, you either go talk to him and end things now or he’ll find out everything that we’ve been doing behind his back! I’m tired of this back and forth with you, Y/N! I’ve given you multiple chances to go talk to him!”
“Taehyung…please don’t do this to me! You know how hard it is. I just can’t bring myself to do it!” Tears form down your face, feeling anxious about the whole thing. You knew this was wrong and you couldn’t ever forgive yourself for cheating on a guy like Jungkook. Cheating was never taught to you, in fact, you never agreed with it. It was just something that happened out of nowhere. It was worse knowing how Jungkook was towards you. He adored you, treated you like an absolute queen, spoiled you, gave you everything and more than you could ever ask for. That’s why it broke your heart that you were doing this and you never understood why, but you just couldn’t stop. Taehyung was like a drug to you.
“Tsk, tsk, tsk,” Taehyung puts his finger on your chin, pulling your head up to face him. “It’s too late to cry, princess. You weren’t crying when all of this had started…or when I had you screaming my name for hours.”
“Fuck you! I’m not telling Jungkook anything. I don’t want to be with you anymore, Tae. I can’t do this to him!”
Taehyung swallows harshly. He bawls his fist up and slams it against the wall next to you, making you jump.
“I…I don’t love you.” You look deeply into his eyes.
Before you can add anything else, he stops you mid way. “You don’t mean it. I know what we both feel.”
“Alright, just know that this is what you asked for!” He walks away, furious that you couldn’t build the courage to leave his best friend. He slams the door shut and you immediately start to panic. Is he going to tell him? You rush towards the door, but no signs of Taehyung in the hallway. You want to go after him, but maybe it’s the best for him to let Jungkook know. You were ready to face the consequences of your actions and you just hoped that your boyfriend would forgive you. No, that’s not what you wanted. You didn’t want to lose him, so you were going to make sure that Jungkook would never find out. Even if that meant going back and forth with Taehyung.
“The spark isn’t there and I feel him so distant. It makes me feel like he doesn’t care about me anymore.” Tears stream down your face as you look into Taehyung’s eyes. All he could do was feel sympathy. He didn’t like seeing you so vulnerable—so destroyed. Throughout the years of being with Jungkook, it made you build a strong relationship with Taehyung. However, when your relationship with Jungkook was starting to fall off, Taehyung was your shoulder to cry on.
“What if he has someone else?” You cry, pouring yourself another glass of wine.
“He’s not, and hey! You’re on your third bottle Y/N. Drinking is not good for you and it’s not going to solve anything!”
“I don’t care! Tonight it will and as my best friend, you should have a glass with me. You’ve only had a couple.”
“I’ve had enough Y/N…I’m feeling it right now as we speak.”
You look over at Taehyung as he slumps himself on your couch. Eyes closed, hair messy, cheeks flustered by the alcohol he had consumed.
“T…are you even listening to me?”
“Hmm? I am, I am, I’m up,” he chuckles as he looks into your eyes.
Your gaze falls on his plump, perfectly shaped lips. “I just. I just want to be loved Taehyung.” You whisper as you slowly lean closer to him. “It’s been a while since Jungkook has made me feel that way. I want to be able to know I’m desired by my man.” You didn’t give Taehyung a chance to speak as your lips crash into his. You quickly pull away, realizing your mistake.
“Taehyung! I—I’m sorr-” He cuts you off mid sentence and pulls your face to his, kissing you passionately. Before you know it, Taehyung is in between your legs pumping himself in and out of you. Each thrust was full of love, affection, something you hadn’t felt in a long time.
“Baby? You alright?” Jungkook laughs as he waved his hand in front of your face before pulling you closer to him. The two of you cuddled in the couch.
“Yeah, I’m sorry. Babe, have you spoken to Taehyung?”
“Not recently, he’s been busy or so he says. I think he may have someone he’s seeing. He talks about her all the time with the rest of the hyungs. But, what’s the sudden question for?”
You shrug, “No reason at all, just—” your words are cut off by a quiet knock at the door. “I’ll get it,” you smile at Jungkook as he releases his grip on you. You turn the knob and there he was…Kim Taehyung. “W-what are you doing here?”
“Is Jungkook here? I need to talk to him,”
“No,” you put your hands on his chest, trying to stop him from coming inside.
“I’m telling him everything we’ve done and you’re packing your shit and coming with me!”
“Be quiet, please!” You cover his mouth, “Jungkook is inside! Look, listen…if you leave, I’ll go see you right now!” There was nothing that came to mind to stop Taehyung from causing a scene, so that was the only thing that you could come up with.
“You promise?” He grabs you by the waist and pulls you close to him.
You nod, causing him to sigh.
“Give me a kiss, Y/N.”
“I—I can’t…not right now.”
“Fine,” he grips your jaw to face him, “but you’re going to spend the night with me,” and with that, he walked away.
Shivers ran down your spine, thinking of how could you possibly tell Jungkook that you were leaving for the night. How you were abandoning him to be with another man, that man being his best friend. All the lies made your adrenaline ruin through your veins. Another reason why you couldn’t leave Taehyung alone.
“Kook…” You whisper.
“Hm?” He hums.
“Something came up and I need to go. Don’t wait up on me, I probably won’t come back till tomorrow morning.”
“What? Who was that? Why do you have to go so suddenly? Please don’t leave me. It’s been hard to take off from work so we can spend time together, Y/N.”
“I know, I know, but my friend really needs me. She had this big fight with her boyfriend and she just needs my support. I promise as soon as she calms down, I’ll come back and we can spend the night together. Does that sound good?” You kiss his lips, trying to bring him some sort of comfort.
“Yeah, just come back, please.” He smiles and kisses your hand, letting you go.
It took everything in you not to fall apart in front of him. His words stabbed your heart a million times. Was it possible that maybe you were in love with Taehyung that you were willing to break Jungkook’s heart? You grab your keys, trying to keep yourself together in front of your boyfriend. The car starts, tears rolling down your face as you drive to go see Taehyung once again. You couldn’t wait to be in his arms, smell him, touch him…so many thoughts came to your head, but one thing you were certain of was that you wanted to be with your lover tonight.
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brasideios · 7 months
10 Characters/10 Fandoms/10 Tags
Thank you for thinking of me my dears @krankittoeleven & @ainulindaelynn
Lemme see. This is long, sorry about that. I’m in a rambling mood. These are just the characters that came wandering into my noodle in no order - at least, that was intended.
1. Dorothea from Middlemarch (by George Eliot). She’s probably my fave character ever. I think in a mostly abstract way, she’s come nearest to mapping out how I perceive the feminine part of myself. She starts out so so idealistic - wanting to do something to change the world, to matter, but society has its own rules that eventually beats her down, but she’s so stoic, enduring, and self-denying, that her happy ending is earned… but then the epilogue is so melancholy so was it happy? and… I don’t know. There’s something in it all that I’ve never found a better version of.
2. My brain is on D names now lol so Daphnae from AC Odyssey. The more I think about her story, as little as we’re given of it, the more I find something tragic and fated in it, and then there’s the possibility of changing that fate, or embracing it. Something, something doomed by the narrative, unless…?
3. Demosthenes from my pdfs lol listen - ancient history RPF is a fandom (apparently) so this is valid. I have been down some serious rabbit holes with this man of late - I won’t even start on why or this will be an essay. I could also have put Thucydides in this position - but I’m on D names.
4. Daria. No seriously. I loved this show when I was a teen, and she’s honestly my spirit animal. It was my nickname because I was unfortunately very much like that. I adore her deadpan, acerbic remarks and many of them will live on in my brain forevermore. I wasn’t as witty btw - but the vibes were the same.
5. Hedwyn from the vg Pyre (woot! My brain releases me from the letter D!). I’ve played it several times now, and he’s my fave. Just a sweet guy - so sweet, you always want to free him first, but then you also very much wanna keep him with you - and sometimes I’ve been selfish enough to send everyone else instead. I also like Volfred a lot but that has everything up do with the VA 🙈
6. Alfie from Peaky Blinders. I have no excuses - the character is an unhinged maniac but Tom Hardy just brought something (a twinkling eye) to the role that makes him a very likeable, back-stabbing psychopath.
7. Caesar from HBO Rome. Ciaran Hinds has been a fave of mine since Persuasion - and I liked how he acted this part / how he was written. That’s all I’ll ever say about Caesar - character or historical figure. There are at least another half a dozen characters in this series I might’ve mentioned too. I must rewatch it one of these days.
8. Gannicus from Starz Spartacus. Dustin Clare is an old time favourite from waaaay back when I was persuaded to watch McLeod’s Daughters - really bingeable but quite trashy Aussie TV - sorry to any fans - but it really is. I so enjoyed his vibes and he brings all of that to Gannicus and it just works so well for the character. Pure cheekiness, and when he does this face 🥺 chefs kiss. Side note - I will pretty regularly say some variation of ‘my cock rages on’ about the most random stuff so - thanks to this character for that gem lol.
9. Johnny Spit from the movie Gettin Square. Yeah this is left field and I seriously doubt there’s a fandom for it - but what a character - quintessentially Australian deadbeat, (played by David Wenham). There’s a courtroom scene that kills me every time. I hope he got square, for good this time.
10. Kenny from Mad Men. I don’t even know how to explain it, I just want to protect him and he doesn’t even deserve it, and he wouldn’t have thanked me for it - maybe it was just the way everyone else was just an asshole about his writing. I want to know more about the short story about the egg. I could’ve picked almost any other character from this show though. They’re all so good/bad for their own reasons.
I made it! Haha! I have no idea who to tag - I think the only people who usually join in have already been tagged - so I’ll just add a few and call it ten. Sorry for any double ups.
No pressure at all - @nemo-of-house-frye @theinkandthesea @liminalspacecowboah @cyrus-the-younger @myriath
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sarahrogersevans · 1 year
Nothing To Worry About- Sebastian Stan xreader fan fic
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Summary: Reader and Sebastian are dating and one night reader has a dream where Seb leaves and she’s scared Seb will leave but he reassures her there’s nothing to worry about
Warnings: angst, fluff, shy reader, soft Seb, comfort fluff, mentions of anxiety, mentions of self doubt, let me know if I miss anything
(Y/N’s POV)
You know? If you would have told me a few years back that I was gonna end up dating Sebastian Stan I wouldn’t have believed it but he is the most gentle person I’ve ever met in my life and we’ve been together for a year now. No one has ever treated me so well as Sebastian has. Sebastian and I were on the couch watching Lion King my favorite Disney movie and I was cuddled up next to Seb and he had his arm around me and I fell asleep for a bit after having a long day at work. I started having a nightmare that Seb was flirting with another girl and left me and I woke up crying and Seb paused the movie and noticed I was upset and said “hey Y/N shhh it’s ok did you have a bad dream?” I nodded and looked at him in his eyes and said “Seb?.. you’re here?” He smiled at me holding me close and said “of course doll I’m right here I promise, I wouldn’t wanna be anywhere else, do you wanna talk about your nightmare doll? You don’t have to if you don’t want to it’s ok sweet heart.” I wanted to tell him but I worried and was overthinking that he wouldn’t believe that I trust him, I’m this shy girl that didn’t ever think someone like him would love someone like me.
—————- Sebastian’s POV———-
Poor Y/N she’s really shaken up and I can see her nightmare really affected her, I just wanna hold her and let her know that I love her no matter what and that everything is ok. I rub her arm gently and say “hey pretty girl you know I love you right? It’s me darling, I love you so much ok? Are you worried about losing me doll?” She leans into me more with her arms around me and says “yes.. I’m worried you’ll.. leave me for someone prettier or someone better.. I don’t know why I’m worried about this but sometimes.. I can’t help but overthink this.” Hearing my baby worry like this breaks my heart I love this woman so much she’s an Angel and the light of my days and I wanna prove to her that I’m not like all those other guys out there and that I can love her right. I cup my hands on her cheeks and look at Y/N in her beautiful blue eyes and say “Y/N, baby I promise you ok? That I will never want anyone else ever, you are beautiful, sweet, selfless, the most amazing woman I know and I adore you ok? I promise when I’m gone that you will never have anything to worry about ok? I love you with all my heart and I promise you are good enough ok baby? I love you I swear to you.” Y/N smiles and says “I love you too Sebastian I really do you make me so happy and I trust you I mean that I’m sorry.” I shake my head and say “hey hey no don’t be sorry I’m glad you told me how you feel that way I know how to help make my girl smile again.” I lean in and kiss Y/N and hug her close and whisper in her ear “I love you doll you have nothing to worry about, I’m here.”
We finished watching the movie and then I helped Y/N walk into our shared bedroom and Y/N got into bed and I followed laying next to her pulling her towards me gently and kissed her forehead and said “goodnight my dear sweet dreams get some rest I’ll be right here.” Y/N smiled while nodding and closed her eyes and laid her head more on my shoulder and I smiled at her adoring my girl and then relaxed and closed my eyes to rest after making sure Y/N was ok first knowing my girl was feeling better again makes me happy.
Hey everyone!! I’m back! 😊♥️ ok so I thought the idea for this fic was really cute 🥹😊 hope you all like it xx
If I forget to tag anyone please let me know xx
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alto-tenure · 2 years
Klapollo Fic Reclist
I should really do these more often.
In advance of the Klapollo Minibang dropping a bunch of reading material for Klapollo fans (which I'm participating in!), I've decided to compile a reclist. All of these fics are SFW, hosted on AO3, and complete. I've done my best to source the authors' Tumblrs, if they have one.
A lot of my bookmarks with Klapollo are all really popular fics, so I decided to go through the tag picking for some less popular fics. The results are a mix of fics you've probably heard of and/or read, and some you probably haven't.
Without further ado, let's get into it.
Perception by @queenitsy | T | 3.6k
Author's Summary: Everyone has a public persona, a way they'd like the world to see them. Apollo's perception lets him see through it all to the truths people try to keep hidden.
My Notes: This fic is more about how Apollo sees the world around him, and the people in it. Includes the things they lie about -- and the things they don't. It's a fascinating lens for a fic.
Things Are As They Are by @hechiima | T | 34.5k
Author's Summary: Klapollo cabin fic. That's really all this is.
Based on the events of "You Ever Been In Love?", in which Edgeworth gets drunk and rents a romantic cabin for Klavier and Apollo in Joshua Tree. Things go about as well as one could expect.
My Notes: You can, imo, read this without having read the Narumitsu-centric prequel (but you should read that anyways!). This fic can stand alone. I love the general laid-back atmosphere in this work -- even at its most tense, they're still on vacation. Almost all the stakes are emotional.
Turnabout Electric by HopeStoryteller | T | 87.9k
Author's Summary: You know, Apollo had high hopes for 2028. He and Klavier were actually kind of friends now, there were no impending disasters for once, and things were looking up. And then, literally on the first day of the new year... this happens.
Some cosmic force somewhere has got to be laughing at him. Some cosmic force somewhere definitely has it out for him, that's for sure. But the joke's on them, whoever they are, because his name is Apollo Justice, he's fine, and he is not losing anyone else... even if Klavier has already confessed to the murder Apollo can't believe he committed. And why does Mr. Wright keep muttering about this entire scenario being so familiar?
Or, Turnabout Goodbyes 2: Klapollo Boogaloo.
My Notes: I really enjoy the look into Gavin Law Offices pre-Turnabout Trump. All the OCs slot into the Ace Attorney universe well, and the way the author formats the cross-examinations is truly excellent.
(they long to be) close to you by @bevioletskies | T | 23.1k
Author's Summary: All Apollo wanted to do during his last summer before starting law school was relax, play video games, and flirt with the boy next door. He never expected to become a small-time Internet celebrity after his mother's YouTube channel for her animal therapy foundation turned into a cat rescue livestream. Things only get more complicated when everyone in the chat is interested in the cute guy who keeps coming around with his guitar and his dog.
My Notes: A sweet slice-of-life-y AU. The cats are all adorable for a bunch of plot devices.
just finally say you love me by ahmackalak | T | 20.4k
Author's Summary: “Backpacking through Europe?”
“Ja! I’ve wanted to go for ages – it’s been so long since I’ve been back home, I figure I might as well make it a whole journey.” Klavier’s smile is as easy and agreeable as always, but Apollo isn’t buying it.
Barcelona, Paris, Geneva, Rome, Vienna, Prague, Berlin, Copenhagen.
A trip to Europe with Klavier Gavin...this’ll be fine, right?
My Notes: Written for last year's Klapollo Minibang. Heartfelt. The travel feels very well-grounded in reality.
Words Come Fluently by @queenitsy | T | 50.8k
Author's Summary: Klavier Gavin is the most famous rockstar in the world. Guilty Love is about to go platinum and the tour sold out fourteen stadiums. So there's really, really no reason why one anonymous music critic on Youtube who hates him should get under his skin. And yet somehow he'd do just about anything to convince MikekoMusic to like him.
Apollo has been doing Youtube as a fun side hustle while he tries to break into the talent management industry, and he's just landed an assistant gig working for Kristoph Gavin. Whose main client is his golden boy younger brother. Whose music Apollo has been anonymously trashing for years.
Yeah, this is all going to go fine.
(No lawyers, no murders, just shenanigans. And Clay Terran lives.)
My Notes: I liked this fic so much I drew fanart for it. Identity shenanigans, and a fun Kristoph-Phoenix-Apollo dynamic.
fame vs infamy (the price of writing fanfic out of spite) by @letapollojusticesayfuck | T | 12.1k
Author's Summary: In which Apollo Justice becomes the most popular fic-writer in the Gavinners fandom.
(and, along the way, realizes his Big Gay Crush on Klavier Gavin might not be as hopeless as he thought)
My Notes: I always love a fic with CSS. In-universe RPF can sometimes hit a little too close to home for me, as someone who used to be involved in RPF-dom but got out of it. This fic treats the subject seriously, but still has fun with it, which I like.
despite everything, it’s still you by griffinhawk | G | 8.7k
Author’s Summary: “He’s probably not home, Trucy.” There was his voice, clipped at the edges, yet unease sparking around the edges like his guitar only a few weeks ago.
The same one that pointed, the one that objected, the only voice that had kept him steady throughout the courtroom today. The one that Klavier had learnt onto. The one that would spin Klavier onto the truth, whether he would want it to or not.
The one Klavier had trusted in that moment. The moment where he realized that - like his best friend Daryan - Kristoph had also been a murderer.
One who had manipulated others for their own self control. The one who desired the control so deeply. Having all the puppet strings cut loose after seven years of lies and deceit in three days time.
(or, Klavier, despite all the truths that were unshed during the Misham Tiral - has a few more truths to unlock - with himself and a certain defense attroney.)
My Notes: Klavier recovery fic, spurred by Apollo. Trucy and Apollo’s siblinghood is great, and I love the general softness of this work.
Apollo Justice, Magic Rabbit by EmpireofSocks | T | 9.5k
My Notes: I never realized “Turning Catworth” had a sequel until I read this lmao. Animal transformation is a funny trope, and I love this fic’s expansion of the Gramarye lore. They are literally magic!
Author’s Summary: Trucy accidentally turns Apollo into a rabbit. Chaos ensues.
lose your reputation by @littlethief | T | 8k
Author’s Summary: “Klavier never bothers to clean his office, and last week was no exception. Though everything had changed, the room would look exactly the same as he’d left it; blueprints of Sunshine Coliseum open on his monitor, the charred remains of his favorite acoustic guitar on the desk, and an open file folder, page turned to Daryan’s police department ID photo.”
in which klavier gavin releases his first solo album
My Notes: I love this look into Klavier’s second job -- the musicians he collaborates with, the people managing his career as an artist. Both the law and the music are integral parts of Klavier, and this fic negotiates the balance.
sleep is getting hard to get by @baratrongirl | T | 6.8k
Author’s Summary: The first of four stories about Klavier and Apollo's relationship with each other and with sleep.
December 2026. Klavier has had a difficult Christmas with his family. He invites himself round to Apollo's apartment for dinner and drinks because he's desperately lonely. He ends up staying over, and has nightmares. Apollo has to comfort him in the night.
Also features Apollo's cat, Mikeko, as a major character.
My Notes: Some nice hurt/comfort. Glasses!Klavier is a nice headcanon that I enjoy. 
can i go where you go by parchmints | T | 40.5k
Author’s Summary: Apollo Justice has rotten luck: he actually wins the grand prize for a mail-in contest, but It's a couple's getaway to a fancy ski lodge in the mountains and Apollo is aggressively single. With no one to go with, Apollo offers them to Klavier since surely, a rockstar would be able to find a date before then, but Klavier has a better idea—they go together and pretend they're a couple. That way, they both get a vacation, plus free food and wine.
And well, Apollo's never been one to pass up free food.
My Notes: A very good fake dating fic. I loved every bit of this.
Signed, St. Nostalgia by Synthpop | T | 26.5k
Author’s Summary: The Wright Anything Agency has earned itself an award for outstanding achievement, courtesy of one of the most renowned criminal attorney conferences in the country. Apollo has been tasked with accepting the award on everyone's behalf—problem is, the conference is in Chicago, and he doesn't have any means of getting there. Luckily for him, though, a certain prosecutor is more than happy to give him a ride.
My Notes: Roadtrip fics are always fun, and this is no exception. Written for last year’s Klapollo Minibang.
undeniable you (the currents pulling me onward) by @letapollojusticesayfuck | T | 59.1k
Author’s Summary: Kristoph Gavin is found dead in his prison cell, and Klavier Gavin is the prime suspect.
With nobody else available to defend him, Apollo Justice flies in from Khura'in to take the case--but during the course of the trial and its aftermath, long-hidden secrets come to light.
My Notes: Love the development of Kristoph's world and his complex relationship with Klavier.
it’s all that i am, and it’s all that i have by @x-eternalmagic | T | 58.4k
Author’s Summary: Apollo sucks in a breath, attempting to steel his nerves. Should he honestly send this...? He doesn't even know who this man is. This is a huge, huge mistake. But, even so, he hits send before he can remind himself of how awful an idea this is. 
Dear You,
I think I love you. Just wanted you to know.
Klavier's phone pings with an email notification, and the moment he reads it, the smile fades from his face. God, this was so much easier when he didn't know that the sender hated him in real life.
[ or, the you've got mail au. ]
My Notes: I love a good enemies-to-lovers story, and while I’m unfamiliar with You’ve Got Mail, this fic is impeccable. I love the lowered-stakes of the music store business.
Hot for Justice by indirectkissesiniceland | T | 43.4k
Author’s Summary: After the events of State v. Misham, Klavier finds himself in a slump, stressed at the prosecutor's office and unable to pen new songs. To his surprise, he finds creative inspiration—and unexpected feelings—spending time with Apollo. Now if only he could release the new tracks without raising any suspicion as to whom his love songs are for.
My Notes: A humorous and light-hearted fic. Love Klavier finding inspiration in his pining for Apollo. Some parts of this might trigger second-hand embarrassment for those that easily get that.
the streak of green in sunset skies by @crowned-ladybug | T | 18.6k
Author’s Summary: “I guess I needed a moment when I was just...Klavier,” he laughs at the absurdity of it, but saying it out loud hurts more than he'd expected. It’s been so long since he'd existed without doing it for other people that he's not sure where the expectations end and he begins anymore. He's not sure there's even a him left under everything.
Mia nods, and when Klavier looks over she’s smiling, and he doesn't understand how. “Klavier, who pretends really badly to know nothing about coffee so that Diego will get to talk his ear off about it.”
For seven years, Klavier searches for answers. Along the way, he finds a family.
My Notes: A canon divergence AU featuring found family as the primary theme. Love the slow reconciliation and bridge-building between Klavier and the others.
amor meus, pondus meum by vnjc | T | 3.2k
Author’s Summary: It’s not like their separation agreement had a ‘The parties agree to never sleep together again’ clause, but as far as Apollo knows, the point of separation is, well, separation. Not this. At least that’s what he remembers from law school.
On reconciliation, loss, and awkward conversations. Not in that order.
My Notes: Love the usage of history here and the general structure & vibe of this fic.
if it’s really me you seek by @hychlorions | T | 83.3k
Author’s Summary: “Anyway,” Ema keeps going, fully ignoring his sarcasm in favor of staring at a neat corner where the walls meet the ceiling. “I asked if he wanted to go to your party together, but he said he wasn’t going.”
“What?” Apollo suddenly finds it very hard to breathe. “Why?”
“Hell if I know,” Ema says nonchalantly, but then she turns to him with a smirk. “See if you can figure it out: I believe he told me, and I quote—ahem—'Ach, I would, Fräulein, but I believe Herr Justice would be more comfortable without me there.’”
Or, when Apollo comes home from Khura'in only to learn that Prosecutor Gavin is avoiding him, the last thing he expected was for Gavin to offer to let Apollo stay at his house while he looks for a new apartment.
My Notes: It’s been a while since I last read this fic, but I love the progression of the relationship in this fic.
This list is not a comprehensive list of every single Klapollo fic I think people should read. You can check out my AO3 Bookmarks for more recs, if you so wish.
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yinyuedijun · 1 month
mao, hi! i feel like my tags under “translation” weren’t enough hehe so i’m sliding into your inbox rn with some bonus thoughts and compliments <3
you’re the “wise” mutual in my eyes and adore reading your posts — i feel like i can gain a better perspective on so many things (putting aside omegaverse /j !!! the lore bits were intriguing). english isn’t my first language so i was surprised that you use many specific phrases that only someone deeply interested in some topics would use, so it’s like +++extra wise because i’ve never used these words (i know the meaning, but that’s all).
and it’s so visible in your fic with aventurine. to write about certain situations with such detail, i don’t think i could come up with ideas like that. after reading “translation” my brain expanded lol especially since your take on cultural loss isn’t something i can relate to or find in my daily life, so it’s really interesting to learn more about it.
i hope you don’t mind me being so attentive to your blog lately — i’m here to absorb knowledge and appreciate your (online) persona <3
OH MANU!!!! T_T you are so sweet i cannot describe how this ask makes me feel. it's very funny that i am the wise mutual to you because i just feel like a silly little guy yapping into the void haha. but! i am also very happy to hear that i am able to provide some interesting perspectives for you, that you might not otherwise think about! thank you for engaging with my thoughts !!
i do have to say though, as one writer to another - i think the secret trick to writing very specific narratives has a lot to do with reflecting on your own experiences or perhaps special interests, and coming up with a story that is thematically shaped by those self-reflections. (at least for me it works like that idk i do feel like a very uncreative person....catfishing everyone into thinking i'm creative when really i am just writing stuff that is familiar to me LMFAO.) there will always be narratives that you can write that no one else will be able to, because the only person with your specific set of lived experiences is you!
and omg please don't apologize for all the interaction - i love being able to vibe with you and chat with you!!!! i am looking forward to chatting more with you in the future beloved <333
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astrobei · 1 year
The end of the year is near. Give a shout-out to your favorite mutuals and tag them to spread love before the year ends! (from: a secret anon)
ohhhh my god ok ok i wish i could tag every single person i am technically mutuals with because i adore every single one of you and your blogs so much !! unfortunately if i did that you’d probably be here scrolling through this post well into the new year, so. this is by no means an exhaustive list!!
@elekinetic ELLA !! you were one of the first blogs i ever followed on st tumblr when i joined and i immediately. IMMEDIATELY. fell so in love with your scripts and your writing! you so are so insanely talented and such a backbone of byler tumblr and i can’t believe we get all of ur content for free. for FREE!! and not only are u insanely talented but somehow u are also so funny and one of the sweetest people i’ve ever and ur taste in everything from music to books is so immaculate. will never get over u dming me just to scream at me ABOUT me which seriously makes my day every time it happens and i’ll never EVER get sick of talking to you! ella i love you so much and i’m so glad we started talking this year!! i hope 2022 has nothing but the best of the best in store for you <3
abby @strangeswift HELLO ! every time i see ur url in my notifs i visibly light up i stg you are so precious to me <3 ur love for not all the prayers is singlehandedly sustaining me, and i’m so touched that long car rides have unofficially been dedicated to reading my fics. you are such a breath of fresh air and getting an ask from you is always the highlight of my day. you make me laugh you make me smile like an idiot at the tumblr app on my phone you are just so!!! PRECIOUS 2 ME!! i love your blog so much and i can’t wait to bother u so much in the new year !!
sierra aka THE @finalgirlbyers aka THE byler blog of all time !! sierra there’s just something in ur posts that’s like straight crack i stg i just need more and more and more and more every time! in my mind u will always be sierra loveqbrl madcleradin finalgirlbyers ft that one period of 15 minutes where u had ur secret username that just so happened to coincide with me running my tumblr stats website thing and u being immortalized as that forever in my phone. because apparently i reblog from u more than anyone else which YEAH. AS I SHOULD. as everyone should!!! sierra u are so fucking funny and your urls are just one of those that are so comforting to see in my notifs. one day we will have an actual conversation because i am so bad at dms but i could try and make an exception for u <3 love u so much sierra love bbq i hope 2023 is so good to u !!
@toystoryfan HI TOY! u are so important to me i hope u know that omg u are so sweet and so uplifting and i can’t believe i wasn’t following u before but i love your blog so much ! u have such a comforting presence and i love reading through ur tags and every time i get an ask or a reply from you i get so excited! thank u for being such a positive shining force, with me and all of my mutuals too, it’s so so so appreciated <3 i adore you so much and i hope the new year has nothing but good things to offer u !!
@wibble-wobbegong hiiiii wibble ! i hope u know that every time i see ur blog i am just picking it up and holding it so carefully in my hands. i think i also followed u pretty early on into my tumblr adventures (or at least i saw ur url everywhere bc everyone i followed rb’d from u !) so in my head ur like. an og byler tumblr blog. u are so so sweet and i will never forget u referring to me (in the context of how intimidating i am) as “just some guy” because it’s SO TRUE!! i AM just some guy! anyways. just know that i adore you and your blog is so so incredibly precious to me ! love reading ur tags love reading ur posts u are so correct all the time and ur icon is. well. iconic. love u wibble i hope u get one million followers in 2023 bc u deserve it fr
last but certainly not least— irene aka THE @byeler hello !! i know we haven’t spoken one on one all that much and i’m terrible with responding to dms anyway but . ohhhh my god i have been a little obsessed with you ever since i got twitter sjdksjf in a very normal and sane way i promise ! irene you are so sweet and kind and supportive and so insanely down to earth for literally being THE beansie! i’m so in love with your writing and it’s no secret how much i yelled and screamed into the pillow when i read i’ll find myself in the moonlight 😭 had to sit down and just. Think. i just started heavy hopes and. god. GOD!! I LOVE IT SO MUCH. !!!!!! anyways i freak out a little every time i see ur name in the notifs but u are so lovely and approachable u make everyone feel so at ease and i treasure every interaction we have! thank u for ur mile long list of reddie fic recs, i’ve been making my way through them for the past week and ur taste in fics is just as incredible as ur writing <3 hope u have a wonderful new year irene i love u much !!
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noonaishere · 2 years
Ateez - Newark, Nov 27
Part 2
[Part 1 here]
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(Again, trying to crop someone’s arm out. He literally just had his arm up in the most awkward-looking position, I’m not sure how his shoulder didn’t give out halfway through. What exercises do you do sir? Stop it. Stop doing them.)
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Everyone else: *looking up at the camera like normal* San: Normalcy? Aniyo.
Before they came back out - and probably because this costume change was a bit more complicated - we were all just hanging out waiting for them to come back, so whoever’s in charge of the board for the Lightinys was making the colors change as a wave across the stadium. First it was blue and then red and then green and then white, and every time the color came up everyone went “Woooo~” softly and raised their Lightiny, like a spoke in a turning wheel.
There was something really wholesome about a bunch of (mostly) adults just having fun playing as the lights changed; no one had to say “let’s do the wave as the lights change!” we all just started doing it because we all found it fun. Truly a pure experience to share with others.
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Turbulence 😭😭😭 (Normally this song makes me cry, but I think I was just SO in awe of their collective singing ability that I couldn’t even process it)
Cake time!
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The face you make when you’ve dug your own grave and you have to accept it (but don’t want to).
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Mingi: “Do you want to do it or do you want us to do it?”
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He tried and failed.
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Brace thyself.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRTMb1Ofogc&t=1s Someone’s video of the whole thing.
And here, KQ staff, I’ll help you out for next time (not that any of you are going to see this). The problem with the cake was that it was fondant (though, they were also saying it was “bread” “a rock” so I wonder if the cake itself was either too dense or maybe old or something), you’re not going to get good icing face coverage with fondant, it’s basically sugar clay. What you NEED to order is a “smash cake.” A smash cake is a cake that people with 1- or 2-year olds buy for their birthday, so the baby can smash their hands into it to their heart’s delight (and get a good photo op). That’s the kind of cake you need. Then these babies can smash each other’s faces into the cakes all they like (and get a good photo op).
You’re welcome, KQ staff. (I take Paypal.)
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(I don’t know why I didn’t get a pic of Yeosang for Celebrate, so have an extra Yunho instead.)
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Woosan moment feat. Lightiny. (This was the guy whose arm it was! I still don’t forgive him for ruining 90% of my pictures through. Get bent like I wish your elbow would have bent, thus removing your be-lightstick-ed hand from all my pictures.)
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Afterwards, Jongho said that on another day he went back to find a flag and there weren’t any, but this time when he went back they had one ready for him.
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Ending ments. No one got weepy like I’ve normally seen them do, but Yunho said he was our “friendly neighborhood [Yunho]” so that was cute.
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The Real! (Instead of any of the Satoori lines, they all yelled “Happy Birthday Wooyoung!”)
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Silly microphone hold
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Playing the flute suddenly
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Hugs for BBT (🖤 you BBT)
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Truly the end :’)
So yeah. Standing out in the rain sucked, but being there was incredible. I definitely want to go next time they come around (and maybe try to get closer seats, or maybe buy a better camera and bring that lol). My sister also enjoyed herself and said she’d start listening to them (New World was her favorite). I hope you liked this trip down Memory Lane (memories of five days ago, so, so long ago).
One more San for the road, since he (and all of them, really) was so talented and funny and charming and cute and handsome the whole night. I adore him.
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What a man 🖤
Tagging some peeps: @sayaramarz, @hecalledhimhyung​, @moonbinnie0983​, @ositoblancito​, @goldenchunkycat​, @leagreenly​
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kimievii · 2 years
tagged by @highstrionics thank you so much!! ♥ and sorry, it took me quite some time to do this ;;
fave colour: I don’t think I have one favorite colour actually. But I tend to love shades of purple, blue, pink, grey and green a lot.
currently reading: Not reading any novel at the moment (even though I have many (way too many) in my to-read list. But right now all I can read is fanfiction. Pretty obsessed with this svsss fanfic (bingyuan, magical boys au) Balala Like Magic, You Transform My Heart by Kuku88 at the moment!)
last song: I’ve been listening to nothing but lofi hip-hop for the past two weeks. I don’t know why I kept denying myself this for such a long time because turns out it one of my favorite things to listen to and it’s been doing wonders to help me motivate myself into writing. I’ve been listening mostly the classic Lofi girl, but also found this band and especially this video from them, which I’ve been listening in repeat lately!
last series: First Kill. Watched it with a friend when he was over at my place because we didn’t know what else to watch but it was... disappointing tbh ;;;
last movie: It’s been so long since I last watched a movie that I don’t... even remember what it was, huh. I think it was Encanto? God, it’s been a while...
currently working on: Working on a SVSSS fanfic at the moment. I wrote 4 chapters so far and still have a lot to do. I just hope I’ll manage to finish that one (I have a bad habit of dropping wips, reasons why I no longer publish anything...) SVSSS is a fanfom that inspires me so much, though, it’s crazy. Like, I have a good dozens of fic ideas and parts of me really hope I’ll manage to write them all.
share 10 different favorite characters from ten different pieces of media in no particular order, then tag 10 people 🎥🎬📺
(this part took me forever tbh 10 different pieces of media is a lot for me, and having to pick just 1 for each piece was also super hard ;;;
1. Shen Qingqiu (SVSSS) - God SQQ, what a dork. I love him. I love him SO MUCH. So much. He’s my everything.
2. Cloud Strife (FFVII) - I cannot make a list of character and not mention him. He’s been a fave for roughly 20 years, after all.
3.  Lan Wangji (MDZS) - What to say, he’s a dear, I adore him ;v;
4. Crowley (Good Omens) - Favorite fallen angel~
5. Axel/Lea (kingdom hearts series) - By far my favorite character in the KH series. 
6. Atem (Yu-Gi-Oh! DM & Season 0) -  Possibly one of my very first fictional “crushes”.
7. Frodo Baggins (LOTR) - Kinda like Cloud Strife, he’s been a fave for so long. I adore him.
8. Thanatos (Hades by Supergiant Games) - As far as I can tell, everyone loves Thanatos in Hades, and for very good reasons. I think me saying “He’s a dear, he’s a dork, I adore him” is valid for literally every single characters in this list =‘D
9. Ja’far (Magi The Labyrinth of Magic) - You know, it’s funny because I don’t actually like Magi all that much, and dropped the manga fairly early on and yet Ja’far remains one of my favorite characters. I loved him then, I love him still. 
10. Mabudachi trio (Ayame, Shigure and Hatori Sohma - Fruits Basket) - Can’t mention one without the other two so I made an exception here and picked all three. Teenage me adored them so much aah 
Tagging 10 people is just too much, I never know who to tag ;;; But feel free to do this even if I’m not tagging you!
Tagging @oddishblossom ; @demoiselledefortune ; @spacedoutpup ; @xkilluas(only if you guys want to!)
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