#and iwachan obviously
nothatsmi · 1 month
Haikyuu S1 screenshot redraw doodle dump! (part 1)
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These were so fun to make. I'll upload more.
I do this thing where I screenshot quite literally everything in this, which is both very useful and fun - and a bit creepy cause my screenshot gallery has like a thousand screenshots of volleyball dudes, but I'm having a hell of a good time for sure.
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kings-highway · 2 months
Do you trust your Captain? - a trust-fall exercise
Suga: Absolutely! Daichi's great, he'd catch any one of us.
*the most boring successful trust fall exercise in the world*
Iwaizumi: Mmmm.... Well.... I don't know....
Oikawa: Oh my god Iwachan just fall I'll catch you.
Iwaizumi: .... ngnnnn...
*Genuine shock that Oikawa catches him, like actual, genuine "oh my god you caught me?????"*
Tendou: Yeah? Of course? This is such a stupid prompt I mean watch this-
*literally doesn't even look behind him to check and falls way too early, forcing Ushijima to leap across the room to catch him, they both end up on the floor.*
Tendou: See? Easy.
Ushijima: Please do not do that again.
Kenma: Yeah? This is so lame. I dont need a trust exercise to prove I trust you.
Kuroo: Just fall, I'll catch you.
Kenma: Yeah I know, which is why it's not an exercise. You should be doing this with Yaku, I don't think he trusts you.
Kuroo: ... hey Yaku-
Yaku: Absolutely not you bastard you'll drop me on purpose.
Kuroo: ... he's not gonna do it. Come on, Kenma, just do it. Karasuno did it just fine I don't want to lose to them.
Kenma: Fine...
*Another extremely boring and predictably successful fall.*
Akaashi: It's not that I don't trust Bokuto, just that... well... I don't know, he can be a little...
Bokuto: I'd never let you get hurt! I'll catch you, I promise, no problem at all!
Akaashi: ... okay. I trust you.
*Akaashi goes to fall and Bokuto immediately gets distracted in the .2 seconds he had to be paying attention - Akaashi hits the ground.*
Bokuto: I am so sorry!!! I promise it won't happen again, let's try again.
*Crushes Futakuchi (in his defense, he did catch him)*
Terushima: Wait... nobody?
Terushima: Not a single one of you will do this stupid exercise with me???
Hana: I think... I think they're just being precautious, given your tendency to...
Terushima: to what?
Hana: you know, just... you.
Kazuma: I'm sorry man, but you literally encourage us to trick the refs I wouldn't trust you with anything.
Daishou: But... but Nekoma did the challenge...
Isumi: Yeah.... sorry...
Kazuma: It's just not gonna work...
Daishou: ...
Mika: I'll trust fall with you...
Daishou: that's very nice but unfortunately I'm not your captain so it won't count.
Mika: Can we do it anyway...?
*The most adorable little trust fall that ends with Daishou giving everyone the middle finger.*
Atsumu: Hah! Obviously. Trusting Kita is like being asked if you trust that the sun is going to rise.
Osamu: Yeah that's barely a question. Kita's the ultimate reliable captain.
Aran: Yep. I'd do a trust fall with him.
Atsumu: I wanna go first, though.
Osamu: Oh, well, too bad, I was already here.
Atsumu: I'm the older twin, so I should get first go.
Aran: Well... I've known him longer!
Atsumu: I'm his favourite!
Osamu: You're not even mum's favourite, how could you be his?
Aran: Wait, guys - where is Kita?
Suna: Practice ended ten minutes ago? He left. Probably cleaning the locker room as usual.
Aran: We should probably go help him.
Osamu: I'm getting the strangest feeling that Kita wouldn't trust fall us.
Suna: You think?
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yaomomvs · 3 years
seijoh, aoba johsai x reader | slight oikawa, iwaizumi and kunimi x reader.
a/n: ugh! i just love my seijoh boys so much! and so, i decided to make one more headcanons for them, tysm! hopefully i’ll do inarizaki next or maybe karasuno.
a bit long but i just love them,and i will do a part two mainly focusing on while they do volleyball this is more of random things
other seijoh!manager works: one | two
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the volume in this bus is ASTRONOMICAL
you actually never thought of joining a club, specially a sports one.
but you needed it, so while looking at the board of the school’s options you were unsure.
“i just really need something not that complicated, and that helps me helping others” you muttered to yourself
little did you know the coach of the volleyball team was there, this nice man turned to you and offered you a place in the team.
“but please if you are one of oikawa’s fangirls dont-” “who now?” you genuinely asked. seeing that you didn’t had a clue of who he was talking about he immediately handed the application for to you.
it was first day and you were already late, but you managed to enter the gym half way practice.
you guys remember that tanaka and kiyoko scene in s4? well it was the same
“sorry for being late coach!” your voice sounded all over the place since someone was serving and it was pretty quiet.
the serve even hit yahaba’s face because everyone got distracted by your beauty
“i- did i do something?” “existing omg”
the coach lined up everyone and they greeted you welcoming you to the team.
you were flustered because it was like you never had a lot of guys around you and now you had to take care of all of them and also
aoba johsai’s team had one of the most attractive boys around likeeee
now, a year later, the energy is purely chaotic.
and i mean like
kindaichi and kunimi are lowkey the ones who respect you the most
not only because you, even if it was for only a year, you were their upperclassman but also you had presence
when karasuno came to the practice andy oh catched both of them after talking to kageyama in the bathroom, you pinched their ears and scolded them
“you both do that again and i’m not being compassionate” “SORRY Y/N”
but also lowkey your admirers
kunimi literally only showed strong emotions around you
“i brought you some sweets” he regularly says
“oh you are great! thank you kunimi!”you appreciated this guys little details with you
“so you have a favoritism with our manager huh?”
“y/n permission to hit kindaichi”
“permission conceded”
kindaichi also respected you because you, when he entered seijoh months ago, were one of the ones who made him believe and helped getting over that anger he had with his ex teammates and you even assured that kageyama was the reason he got better, even if he wouldn’t accept it
the second years, your literal followers
like seriously yahaba watori were always around you.
being in the same grade and class as both dod not helped a lot.
they are like puppies with anxiety separation
because you are the reason they feel loved and cared for
they always sit next to you in class, and they make sure you are comfortable with it.
you need help with hw? watori always is there
yahaba lets you paint his nails every time you got bored in class
you were such a powerful trio
they always bring your favorite drink in the mornin
you even developed this sixth sense where if you just look at each other you know exactly who are you making fun of without even speaking
you always make fun of the shit way of yahaba to flirt oml
and you even advice him on what should he do or not when meeting someone new.
istg if it was not bc of you he would have never got his first date with his crush
kyoutani later joined you, but he had trouble on trusting you
but seeing all the team laying on you he actually let himself rely on another person for the first time
he was the one who scared those stupid volleyball boys fan girls (oikawa’s or the other guys ones) away from you
he also thinks that you are not bad physically talking and he actually says it but privately
he also whenever he is mad or just frustrated comes to you and what he likes is that you don’t go in deep of the details but instead you try to distract him with random thing you say.
“guys i told you several times” you laughed “i do have other thing to do! it not like i can attend every night out with you! i have other friends too!”
“so, we are not watching cartoons tonight?”
“i hate you all so much” you surrendered “see you at 8 pm”
you became the second years core four
and also they looked up to you a lot, why? because you are the only people who always deals with the third years shit
god i think your connection with the third years was only a bit more noticeable than the second years
why? you were not afraid to mess up with them
to be real iwaizumi as oikawa caught your eye since moment one, they were naturally attractive and talented but you made a promise to not fall for anyone
omg you were so wrong
if it was iwaizumi, he always made sure you felt comfortable around
you were no vb genius so he took the time to explain you a bunch of things you did not know 🥺
also, he’s the kind of guy to stop everyone spiking because you were crossing through the gym so no ball gets you
he is the one who always search for you in school, asked about your day, and stuff that might seem basic but it was really meaningful
like he is the kind of guy who memorizes all your favorite places, treats, music anything and actually tries to get you to talk about it
oikawa on the other hand was the one who actually made you feel like part of them
he is so sweet!
oikawa only starts practice when you are there
like bold of someone to start hitting a ball without you there, he considered you part of the team, so he always waited for you
he walked you home or nearby every time he could he wanted you safe
his eyes always always instantly light up and screams “y/n-chan!” and immediately runs to you
but also he is the one who search you the most around
if it was lunch time he went to your home room and literally lunches with you no matter what or who
he never lets anyone lend you their hoodie, it always has to be his that you are wearing
he self crowned himself as your favorite
he hugs you out of nowhere istg is the best feeling ever
hanamaki also also also considers you priority
he is kinda more of the lowkey one, he is mainly the one who checks up on you
he once spotted a bruise in your arm and he immediately freaked out
“DO I HAVE TO FIGHT SOMEONE” “god no! i just dropped a huge book there!”
hanamaki is the one who waits for you in the entrance of the gym to walk with you to practice
he also is the first one to notice if something is wrong with you along with iwachan
they both unintentionally pay attention to you a lot and if you do something out of the common they just approach you
and they are always right
“what’s wrong y/n?” hanamaki says
“yeah, is everything okay you need anything?” iwaizumi continues.
“what do you mean guys? i’m okay” you obviously try to lie.
“no you are not, you are acting different”
“yea iwachan is right you always change yous t shirt before practice and the way you are ordering the volleyballs is off”
“why do know me so well” you indeed had a terrible day, so you almost tear up bb of that and be of how amazing your boys were to you sometimes”
“come here little one”
you heard a pout
“i see you oikawa, you can get a hug too. matsu come here”
matsukawa is your hype man
he loves messing with you like in the big brother sister way
like if a guy asked you out he’d be like “sis you can do so much better”
you are always being salty whether it’s between you or other ones
besides if you do have a crush on anyone on the team matsu is the only one to know
and he’d constantly blackmail you with that
“if you don’t buy me anything from the vending machine i will tell oikawa you actually swoon for him” “OKAY FINE”
“tell the coach that we do not need laps or iwaizumi is gonna knowwwww about” “i hate you so much”
but returning to the point you always messed with them specially the four third years
and you were so good at it
one day, you ‘innocently’ mentioned to the boys “i’m just telling you! i’ve never seen two pretty best friends, one of them always gotta be ugly”
your third years never made you feel insecure
like if you think idk listening to btr was weird because someone in the past made you feel like it be sure the next day they WILL PLAY FUCKING BIG TIME RUSH IN PRACTICE ONLY FOR YOU TO VIBE WITH THEM
also they all four have this little thought that they have to be the ones who protect you
in the court you looked out for them, outside of it they were the ones who did that
if you were teased or someone even had the audacity to make fun of you it could go three ways
you stoping kyoutani and yahaba because they were so ready to throw hands
matsukawa, hanamaki and kunimi just taking you out of there and rather say positive thinks about you
or oikawa and iwaizumi behind you giving the saltiest and meanest glares to whoever dared talking you that way and saying “and you still wonder why people don’t like you?, ” then iwaizumi says “you are right oikawa, you piece of crap have your entire life to be a jerk. take a day off your stupidity won’t left anyways”
god you sure loved those guys
as it can be really useful sometimes there were other times were they become so annoying
specially when it’s about someone liking you.
like romantic styles
i live for the idea that the vb team had obviously fangirls, oikawa mostly. but you also did
like yeah the fangirls of oikawa and the boys envied you
but the guys in aoba johsai high envied the volleyball team even more
god bless the poor guy or girl who DARES to ask you out
like please someone stop them 😭
on valentine’s day you came to practice a bit late just because you needed to figure it out how to organize all the fucking love letters and the chocolates and flowers that you got over the day.
oikawa was already worried as he always waited for you to start, and so were the guys so they decided to warm up a bit more to wait.
you crossed the door with thousands of gifts and all of that barely catching the ones which you dropped. because at this point you did not even try to hide it from the boys, you just wanted them to start practice.
he looked at you and knew exactly what that meant. he received this every once in a while, but god what was that feeling in his chest when some other people like you?
iwaizumi felt that too, that weird feeling not wanting anyone to think about you that wayyyyy
the rest of the boys had divided opinions but still you were their manager.
“so did all this came from...”
“yes matsu...”
“okay but for scientific purposes we need the names”
poor boys, they just are all scared that you’ll leave them because of someone
what a dramatic queens they are all
some of them didn’t like it bc they also had a big crush on you
so what they do is that they gatekeep anyone from you
like oml if they ever catched you and a girl or guy and they knew they liked you they constantly beg for your attention.
and it’s not only because they are being dramatic but also because they remember last year when you went out with some random dude and broke your heart like
they almost killed that guy
so they wanted you to feel happy and safe
to them? honestly you are the light of their life.
they dedicate every game to you, they take care of you, they listen to you, they brag about you, they love you
because honestly you did all that for them first
and ever since then they made sure to return that to you.
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akascow · 2 years
lil iwaizumi and oikawa who always had their plans of going to argentina or studying in california then returning to japan
since they were kids wondering how they were going to communicate so they set up this pact at a young age to write letters as often as they could when separated. seems a little clingy but they were two 7 year old best friends whatd you expect ?
they practiced sending nightly letters to each other despite only being a couple houses away. just little things like iwachan today i volleyed by myself 23 times in a row its a new record or lamekawa stop snoring i can hear you all the way in here and its keeping me up (meanie no you cannot ‘can to’ not ‘to’ n-)
it started to feel like a game, information that could easily be told seeing each other everyday at school or in their respective yards but they were gonna make these letters part of their routine or so help them-
come middle school the letters stopped their freqency but the dreams still lay dormant in their minds as volleyball slowly took over their everythings
high school introduced not only the popularity of smart phones which they both got as a middle school graduation present but also a brand new way to communicate.
replacing the letters pact for a bit
but there was still plenty of time to figure that out right ?
right ?
phones were obviously already a thing growing up but there was never really a need, everyone they needed was always just a few blocks (or houses) away
their final match. their final loss. their final high school days together. they go their separate ways. countries apart and theyve never felt so lonely
so so lonely
something clicks. something thats been collecting dust in the dark corners of their brains for half their lives
they seemed to have the same idea; unprompted, they walk past their phone pick up a pen and paper and start writing
any detail they could come up with anything they saw or smiled at or did that day
because sure, texting is faster, but theres just something so nostalgic in writing those letters that made them feel closer than ever despite being thousand of miles apart
and shuffling through their mail (which lets be real were just taxes and ads bc who sends mail anymore) to see the familiar scribbly handwriting of their best friend’s that theyve grown to memorize in the past 18 years on an envelope brings instant comfort and joy to their now easing minds
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hitozy · 3 years
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twin stars ‹ masterlist › have you ever
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𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢
Iwaizumi had forgotten how rowdy his friends are, and one isn't physically present.
He had not seen any of his friends since the wedding and even then he didn't get to see and chat with them very long, he was out of it that day. But here he is on a Friday night, with YN sitting beside him per request of the three dumbasses sitting across from them; Maki and Mattsun with Oikawa on their phone screen, demanding attention like the needy shit he has always been.
He feels you more than he hears you laugh at whatever the others are telling you and he takes a chance to take a peek, as if he hasn't been doing that since you walked out of the room to go out with him.
Your short black skirt that he had already thought was short when you were standing is even shorter now as you sat, it barely covered your ass, leaving your beautiful legs on display for all the perverts. On top of that you wore a skin tight shirt that had a boob window and he has been wanting to punch every creep that keeps on looking at it. He wants to snarl at every single person that makes a double take on her, of course she's beautiful.
She's also too good for anyone out there.
He relaxes as he watches her laugh freely, her cheeks tinted pink, her eyelashes wet from laughing so hard at his friends antics. He decided he should bring her to these reunions from now on, take her out more, she must feel lonely just doing school work and being at home since most of her friends are to engrossed on their future or on their relationships.
"Earth to Iwachan!" He felt someone smack his head, finding the culprit to be a smirking Mattsun, "We get it! You're married and happy, I mean..." Mattsun, Maki and Oikawa all turn to look at YN, "I can blame you, YN has always been the most beautiful woman in our life."
YN, used to their flirty but harmless antics snorts at it, "That's not what I heard when Hajime and I walked in as you fucked that 2nd year cheerleader. What has her name again? Mina?" She smirked at it, making Iwaizumi laugh at the memory. He had been horrified and had accidentally pulled you into the bathroom instead of running outside. Both stuffed uncomfortably in there while hearing Mattsun pound (roughly) into the poor girl until the cheerleader moaned out a 'Daddy' to Mattsun, making you both laugh and interrupted them.
Mattsun laughed at it, "I can still hear you both laughing about it! What's so wrong about having a Daddy kink, huh? YOU KINK SHAMERS!"
"You weren't even close to daddy age, Mattsun!" YN joined Iwaizumi's laughter, leaning against him for support, "You were only 18, what's so 'daddy' about that!?"
Mattsun only huffed at that and Iwaizumi thought that maybe he was angry, the slight scowl on his face as he watched YN grip his bicep as she hid behind him from laughter remained there for a long time afterwards.
YN had just gotten up for the bathroom when his friends sharp glances turned to him. Usually, he would ignore it since it really wasn't their business, but he know from experience that if he keeps on avoiding it, they'll get worse.
Taking a sip from his beer and without sparing a glance to any of them, he gives. "Just spit it out."
It wasn't a surprise that shittykawa was the one to initiate it, "I can't believe YN took your stupid ass in marriage."
He turned to glare at his friend on the screen, "What is that supposed to mean?"
"It means that she could've and SHOULD HAVE gone for someone who is emotionally available and isn't still chasing after his ex."
"I- this marriage is just - it's-"
"It's what?" Mattsun interrupts him, "Convenience? Because she's your friend, so its comfortable? You think that's fair?" He scoffs at Iwaizumi and it makes him feel small, "She's so in love with you and you don't even see it," he points at his, harshly poking his chest, "its so infuriating seeing you chasing after that other bitch when YN has always been right there!" He takes a swing of his drink, obviously irritated with his wedded friend.
"I- its-... she isn't in love with me, we're friends, best friends." What the hell is wrong with his friends? "What the hell is this? Why do any of you care about me and yn? You guys said you were happy about me marrying her!"
"We were, until we saw that you aren't in love with her."
Iwaizumi feels his heart drop at his friends deadpanned expressions. He doesn't regret marrying YN, he just wishes he had done it under normal circumstances.
"I'm trying."
"We know Iwachan," he looks up to see Oikawa giving him a pained smile, "But you need to cut off Jae for good. YN deserves at least that."
"Speaking of the queen of Rome... someone is following her."
Iwaizumi feels his body tense at Mattsun's words, someone is following you? He turns a bit to catch you fast walking towards their table, a worried expression on your face. He can also see the creep walking behind you, eyeing you hungrily.
He doesn't like it.
Once she makes it to the table, all of the boys can see how out of breath she is and wonder just how long she's been trying to avoid him. She sits beside Iwaizumi, meeting no one's eye and soon enough the guy is there with a smirk, "Hey baby, why did you runaway? Come on, ditch these losers and come with me instead."
He has no right, Iwaizumi knows that he has no right to get so mad at this perverts words but he can't help the possessiveness that is pouring out of himself, blinded by rage, he acts on impulse.
Iwaizumi pulls her close to him, seating her casually on his lap and looking square at this randos eye, says, "She's taken, beat it."
When he notices that the other one is about to open his mouth, he cuts him off by kissing her instead.
The last time he had kissed her was while she was drunk and it hadn't felt right to return it since she was very out of it. Now though? Now, they're both pretty sober and in public. His friends are at arms length and he can't find it in himself to give a damn when your lips feel like the softest pillows ever.
He gripped the back of her neck to angle her face and kiss her deeply, he was surprised to feel her kissing him back with the same fervor. She took the hand he had on her knee up to her thigh, which he gripped on immediately and pressed her chest against his, her small hands clutching his shoulders as if her life depended on it.
At the back of his mind, he could hear his friends wolf whistles and a couple of others exclaiming at the way they were making out, but he couldn't find it in himself to care. She was here, she was present and so warm underneath his fingers, her lips following his, her tongue exploring his mouth just as he was with her.
He didn't know for how long they had been kissing, but when he slightly pulled apart, her lips were red and swollen, her eyes sparkled and shined like diamonds underneath the sunlight. She looked adorable and he felt his heart throb painfully in his chest.
"Well... I guess I'm not the only exhibitionist anymore, huh?"
His friends laughed when YN started to blush and the implication that was made. With Iwaizumi still feeling a bit high from what had happened, he pulled her against him close, his grip tight and barked, "Leave her alone, you pervs."
After a few jabs directed to him, they continued as if nothing had happened, though he did catch them stealing glances at him with raised eyebrows, questioning his actions at the passionate kiss he shared with her.
I don't know what's happening either, he thought as he peered down to look at her face, feeling himself blush at how small and comfortable she looked in this lap, in his arms, but I know I'm in trouble.
When they got home later that night, he feels himself feeling hot and bothered by every move you make. You way your hanged your purse at the entrance, the way you shook your hair out of its up do, the way you leaned forward to take of your heels.
He followed you down the hall to your shared room, watching the way your hips moved side to side tantalizingly. His hand itched, he wanted to move closer and glue himself to your back, to hold your waist in one hand as the other guided your head to kiss him, to have the hand on your waist dip down and shove his digits in your panties to find them soaking wet, to hear you sigh out his name "Hajime, please."
Your solid voice pulled him out of his trance, a blush adorning his face in shame. I need to snap out of it, its too late to be so horny about my best friend. "Yeah mochi?"
"I um..." He noticed they way she was twirling her hair around, a nervous habit she's had since they were kids and wondered what could have her in such a state. "I- urgh, there's no easy way to say it."
She smacked herself in that moment. "Mochi?!"
He would've moved forward, if it wasn't for the solid gaze she had, her shoulders pulled back, full of intent.
"Hajime, I want you to take my virginity."
... What
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When words run dry, he does not try, nor do I.
We are on par.
He just is, I just am
and we just are.
He and I - Lang Leav
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taglist ! @daphnxy @zukoslosthishonor​ @i-am-a-hoe-for-shinya @mrsdoradominguez-barnes @anejuuuuoy
a/n! went on vacation and forgot to queue the post for this chapter, im so sorry, my bad D:
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sharkiethrts · 4 years
Heyy!! I saw your post on Kenma's birthday requests. I wanna see how dad!Kenma would react from a birthday surprise from his wifey (reader) and mini him after a long day at work. 😍 either in a form of hc or scenario is fine. 😃
Happy Kenma Birthday Yuumin! Friday will be your lucky day! Angst if you squint, ONLY if you squint.
I scheduled this directly on his birthday, 12:00 Am, 16th October 2020 MYT!
the header isn’t mine! I got it from Pinterest,  @iwachan on Pinterest!
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- he was so tired at work.
- a CEO of overworking himself. 
- as his very loving wife, you decided to set a birthday surprise for him
- your plan was to send him a message, with a writing of--
“don’t come home, thanks.”
- When you sent that, you didn't realise how suspicious it would’ve sounded to him if you were the person receiving this message from the other line.
- You received a reply in two seconds.
- He has always been quick to reply to your message.
“Don’t you want to go on a date?”
- You gulped the guilt that built itself slowly into your heart.
“What? What special day is it today? just come home after seven, I have friends over rn <3″
- You could almost feel him frowning like a betrayed kitten at your reply.
- Since you were extremely hyped to finish your work of birthday surprise, you have completely forgotten to send him an “I love you”, that you usually send-- Instead, you logged off discord and decided to start baking. My dumbass thought that kenma may use discord to communicate with all his friends. 
- that made him worry more.
-so he decided to initiate the first contact first.
“love you, honey”
It was not replied to. 
- It didn’t help that discord didn't have a feature to show whether you had seen the message or not. (another feature that I dislike)
- on the other side, you were struggling trying to read the recipe as you slowly got everything ready.
- but on his side, he unmuted his notification and waited for your reply.
- you didn’t reply.
- when it was eight, he decided to drive home.
- hoping that you’d be at home.
- but when he saw the lights switched off (obviously you hoping that he’d turn on the lights so you could surprise him), he thought you were not at home.
- he sighed quietly before unlocking the door.
- he was hoping to cuddle with you for the night, as he just had a bad day from your texts and from all the stress he had usually received whenever advertisement offers were given to him.
- he took a deep breath before opening the door, on the verge of tears.
- but when he turned on the lights, he felt all of the thoughts fall off his shoulders, 
- that night, you finally saw your usually disengaged husband cry in your arms.
‘I thought you didn’t want me anymore. I thought you had run away.”
Tag #kenmabirthdayspecial or go to my blog for more Kenma Specials.
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itsmattsunshinehere · 4 years
hey!!! can i request some iwaizumi hcs??? he pinning over his crush like,,, just that iwa pinning 😳😳 -🤠anon
Thanks for your request, hope you like it! 😘💞
Iwaizumi Hajime x reader
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Iwa would never admit it but he's THE SUPREME SIMP
Alexa play King by Years & Years.
literally blushes just by seing you only 10 meters far from him!!
you = a divine creature, one of the purest souls walking on Earth, an angel who came down from heaven.
he = vice captain of the volleyball team.
he has this stupid feeling that he has no chance with you bc you know, his best friend is Oikawa and of course between the two, you would definitely choose him.
but ahem well boy YOU WRONG—
cause,, dada!! you have a crush on him too :)
before he spoke to you it was exactly 24 days since your first meeting (yep he counted them) and only to ask you what time was it without even doing it on purpose!
He had to deliver some sheets to one of his teachers, but he didn't know if he'd make it to practice on time, so instead he asked you the time cause he mistook you for a rando student lol
you were so glad he spoke to you! You were convinced that he hated you lmao
but that's not true cause iwa hates only himself for not having enough balls to come and confess his feelings (and Shiratorizawa).
from that day you started talking to him by taking the first step, assuming that he was just shy (and definitely not because he had a super duper crush on you).
every time you don't understand an exercise, he always explain it to you four times.
he's always patient with you and above all he's always up to your jokes.
when he sees you coming to class all sleepy, he always goes out to get you a coffee at the vending machines.
forgot your lunch at home? Don't worry, iwa's already gone to buy you something or he's splitting his to give you the other half.
and you're not even a couple !!
He's always ready to cheer you up, he always makes you laugh and when you need someone he's always there to listen to you.
Of course, he's also trying to send you signals:
"Y/N yesterday I made a playlist on spotify, do you want to listen to it?"
"Sure, let me hear!"
* Everything About You by One Direction playing in the background *
"Aww Iwa you're so cute, are you in love with someone?"
"Pftt noooo what are you talking about? Meee? In LoVe? I don't have time for this shit."
third years bullying him for not having enough courage? WE SAY HELL YEAH.
Makki and Mattsun imitate him by stammering some shitty pick up lines (I stan matsuhana and you can do nothing about it).
Oikawa just teases him whenever you're around.
once they even invited you to one of their practices and obviously iwaizumi didn’t know anything.
aka when you showed up he literally froze (you too cause WE'RE FUCKING TALKING ABOUT IWAIZUMI ARMS AND THIGHS AND OMG ILL DO A LIST OF THINGS I LIKE ABOUT HIM OKAY LET ME KNOW IF YOU WANT TO BE ADDED CAUSE WE GONNA SIMP SISTER) and received an Oikawa’s service directly with his face.
Spoiler: nosebleed iwa.
When he came back from the infirmary you rushed to him to know if he was okay (cause repeat with me: you have a crush on him too and everyone knows it except for iwa lol) and beefy boy was going to faint causes AHEM TOO CLOSE GIRL YOU WANT HIM DEAD?!
Finally with the help of Oikawa, Matsukawa and Hanamaki you showed up at a practice match with his jacket.
he was so happy that you came but also so flustered cause you were wearing his jacket daaamn~~
after the win you went to congratulate him and give him back his jacket,
but when he came out of the locker room and saw you waiting for him,,,
he! thought! you! were! so! cute!
good job: now you broke Iwa 👏🏻👏🏻
his brain went blackout.
he came to you and “Y/N I really like you would you like going out with me one of these days?”
you were shOoKEd causes you didn't think he liked you and so you stayed silent for something like two minutes.
“You don’t have to answer now, it’s okay for me to be just friends-”
“Wtf no???? Can’t you see I like you too???”
lol he did not see :)
he kinda freaked out a bit but then you kissed him and he went silent in two seconds.
Then Oikawa came along with Mattsun and Makki and basically you decided all the details of your date with the three of them.
“Hey you do your business! Im the one dating y/n!”
you laughed and then took his hands and Iwa smiled you while blushing and hsfviugislkoghidshi HE’S! SO! FUCKING! CUTE! DO WE AGREE? YES WE DO.
and yeah thats how you started dating :)
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bluealmondpie · 4 years
hi it's me with the rarepairs
omg give me. iwasuga fluff
* suga's adorable laugh and iwaizumi just being shot thru the heart cos it's so fucking cute
* like look at that smile iwaizumi cannot. he just can't it's so blinding
* no words
* basically iwaizumi simps for suga SO MUCH
* suga could ask him to walk into hell and bring back the heads of cerberus and iwaizumi would do it no questions asked.
* on the other hand
* suga was caught by the unconditional acceptance that iwaizumi has towards oikawa
* like. he's comparing with daichi, yanno? daichi outright stops him from doing everything all the time. daichi doesn't let him do anything fun at all ("suga your definition of fun is... different. and it can be dangerous. so no") so suga keeps suggesting increasingly outrageous stuff. daichi is a no-negotiation, boring man. it's no fun :(
* even asahi's no fun either. he gets too worried and then chickens out. poor suga. no one gets it
* but iwaizumi doesn't stop oikawa all the time. sometimes he just watches oikawa fail LMAO and what suga is really jealous about is how iwaizumi lets oikawa do stuff but doesn't let him go overboard. to suga, thats love (♡-♡)
* overprotective iwachan and chaotic suga
* basically iwaizumi needs to put suga on a leash ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) get your heads out of the gutter, he just makes sure suga doesn't cross too many lines.
* iwaizumi usually modifies the action so that it's more socially acceptable. i mean. look at that face, how can he say no? daichi is emotionless
* so anyway yes. give me all the iwasuga fluff
* first date: iwaizumi thought suga would like sweets. like desserts and the such. suga takes him to a chinese place and iwaizumi promptly burns off the top layer of cells in his mouth (and probably stomach). oikawa is very amused the next day when iwaizumi can't speak. oikawa got hit a lot that day.
* somewhere else in karasuno: suga is in an amazing mood post date and is extra chaotic. daichi and asahi have no idea wtf has gotten into suga. suga keeps his relationships secret (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
* actually both of them are the type to not say a thing about being in a relationship
* iwaizumi thinks it's his personal life so there's no need for anyone to butt in, and he doesn't like people asking questions. (with friends like oikawa and matsuhana. can u really blame him) he won't lie if you ask him outright tho.
* suga doesn't kiss and tell (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
* anyway. secret dates! suga is very excited about these. c h a o s
* who gives more surprise kisses? suga, obviously.
* who pays on dates? iwaizumi. even at that one chinese place
* who asked who out? suga made a lot of hints and blushy iwaizumi wishes he could sink into the ground. eventually suga teases him "do you like me?" and because the answer is obviously yes suga goes "okay! then let's date" and it wasn't a question it was a declaration.
* oh they do talk about their teams. iwaizumi mostly complains or tells funny stories (like that time kindaichi thought that kunimi had fainted and tried to carry him bridal style to the sick bay. kunimi was just taking a nap in a strange position. or that time when matsuhana convinced watari to dress up as a girl to seduce oikawa. didn't work).
* suga is a great listener. he also really likes how iwaizumi has this soft light in his eyes when he's trash talking oikawa, and the bright sparkle when he talks about the team shenanigans.
* on the other hand, suga gossips. about kageyama's crush on tsukishima. how it's mostly likely a lost cause since "tsukki likes yamaguchi, but then, yamaguchi only has eyes for yacchan, so can you guess how it's gonna turn out babe i really don't know! it's so exciting! maybe i should slip fake notes to them." "baby, please don't do that. just ask them about it like a nice senpai would." or on the progress between tanaka and kiyoko, or daichi and michimiya (the latter is... not working out so well). suga also talks a lot about hinata. his crow baby (♡-♡)
* so obviously bc my blog is pushing the oihina agenda, imagine oikawa getting tgt with hinata. hell breaks loose in karasuno.
* chaotic suga being held back/protected by responsible iwachan
* probably bc suga is the captain of the Protect Hinata Shouyou Squad and so he is always over-protective over his (yes his) baby crow. iwaizumi also loves hinata but... "baby let's not bring a firethrower to meet his boyfriend when he comes back from rio yeah? i don't... appreciate my best friend being burnt into a crisp. just lightly toast him"
* and for once daichi does not stop suga from bringing the flamethrower. it's too late daichi. suga is already iwaizumi's now.
requests are open!~
masterlist here (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
come scream at me about haikyuu in my inbox
also i have some kny and knb hcs that need a home. should i put them up here or keep this a purely hq!! writing blog?
omg the link keeps disappearing AGAIN tumblr u need to get your shit tgt
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aarcanechaoss · 3 years
Dare Ya
Tatsu meets Tsukishima: angry big sister
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There are some things older siblings can do that other can’t. First of all older siblings get to take care of their younger siblings. The older gets to watch them grow up. The older gets to tease the ever loving shit out of their younger sibling.
That’s their job and hearing someone else do it will send their blood boiling- that’s if they are a good sibling at least.
“Hey Tobio.” A voice called from the doors of the gym. The Karasuno volleyball team swung their heads towards the voice.
“What?” Her younger brother asked with a blink.
“You left your lunch at home Iwachan had to drive me so I could get here early for you.” Tatsu responded walking in to pass the box of food to her younger brother.
“Oh. Thank-you Tatsu.”
“Who’s that?” Yamaguchi asked quietly to the third years who simply shrugged. “Kageyama?”
“What?” Both responded. Tastu laughed.
“This is my sister who else would it be?” Tobio asked curiously.
“YOU HAVE A SISTER?” Tanaka and Nishinoya yelled quickly followed by a loud “Huh” From everyone else.
“So the king has a sister wonderful.” Tsukishima muttered. Tatsu’s head snapped towards him eyes now cold and hardened.
“What did you say?” She asked coldly.
“Tatsu don’t.” Tobio pleaded quietly.
“I said the king of the court has a sister... wonderful.” Tsukishima repeated loudly.
A grin slowly formed on Tatsu’s face, the similarities between both Kageyama’s showing very evidently in her evil gleam.
“Say it again. I dare ya.” She took a step forward, the tall first year looked down at the girl who was less than ten centimetres shorter than him. Her fist began to clench slowly. Tobio’s hand gripped her wrist.
“Tatsu don’t.” He said with a harsh tone. “Please sis he’s not worth it he’s just stupid.”
“I can tell.. what’s your name beanpole?”
“Tsukishima Kei.”
“Well Tsukishima Kei, if I ever hear that you called him that again I’ll remind you that I’m the mother fucking queen and I will beat. your. ass.”
“Sure sure.”
Tatsu snarled and turned away giving her bother a sweet grin before ruffling his hair and making her way to leave.
“Let me know at lunch if you want me to wait for you today.” Tatsu said with a wave as she went out the door.
“So um. You have a sister?” Yachi started.
“Two both older. Miwa she’s a hair and make up artist and Tatsu is a third year here.” Kageyama replied.
“You and Tatsu could be twins man.” Tanaka yelled.
“We get that a lot.”
“She’s tall, does she play any sports?” Daichi.
“Figure skating and dancing mainly. Used to play Volleyball.”
“What position?” Hinata gleamed.
“Setter obviously. Why are you all suddenly interested?”
“It’s just odd is all we didn’t know you had a sister and a scary one at that.” Noya admitted.
“Scary?” Tobio’s head tilted to the side wanting him to explain.
“Well she did just threaten Tsukishima.” Yamaguchi said.
“Do anger issues run in the Kageyama family?” Ennoshita said.
“She’s protective of me. Always has been.” Was all Tobio said before leaving to get ready for classes.
“She’s quite pretty.” Asahi admitted.
“Kageyama is a mirror image for her does that not throw you off?” Noya joked.
“Now it does.” The third years laughed.
“For the record Tsukishima maybe watch your mouth in case Tatsu beats you up... for some reason I think she would.” Suga said shakily.
“The high and mighty king has a body guard now.”
A distant boom sounded.
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a-decent-writer · 4 years
Sick-fic headcanons
idk if this appropriate for this time but... 
Kuroo X Kenma
- Kuroo is surprisingly whiny when he’s sick and absolutely despises getting sick.
- He’d be the type of person to ignore it until he has like a raging 103° F (39° C) fever and someone forces him to go home.
- “i promise i’m not sick it’s just a head ache”
- insists on working through a fever and Kenma has to be like “get into bed idiot” 
- “if you wanted to get me into bed all you had to do was ask kitten” 
- “I will let you die”
- Secretly enjoys getting parts of sick because he can get Kenma to dote on him. 
- Kenma has gotten better at taking care of himself but still has a relatively weak immune system
- has headaches because he’s super busy and almost always looks at the screen
- wears a-lot of masks because he coughs a lot but has the added bonus of pretty good at hiding his identity
- when they first start dating he kinda has to fight Kuroo off and Kuroo eventually gets it and understands when it’s not that bad.
- But when it does get really bad Kuroo is the best at making him feel better
Bokuto x Akaashi
- Bokuto Has like one errant sniffle or cough and Akaashi is like “Bokuto-san, you are a professional and you have practice tomorrow you cannot afford to get sick. Wear your scarf, take my hat, are you going to take your thick jacket? here are some hand-warmers.” and Bokuto thinks this is adorable.
- This is because Boktuo doesn’t really get sick 
- When he does get sick it’s annoying to others because he seems to get better over night. 
- “It’s because of my great sleep regimen and great metabolism”
- “i’m too annoyed to tell you that’s not how it works Kou-chan”
- Whenever Bokuto gets really sick everyone panics and Akaashi is always this close to calling Urgent Care 
- “Keji, i promise you don’t need to call the hospital”
-  Akaashi literally stops being able to function, sleeps for like twenty hours straight 
- Bokuto is a very doting boyfriend he brings Akaashi soup and masked cheek kisses until Akaashi feels better.
- all Akaashi wants to do is cuddle until he feels better and bokuto is only too happy to oblige
- Usually takes a long time to get better but doesn’t get sick often either. 
- Like with a cold it can take him weeks to stop coughing.
Iwaizumi x Oikawa
- another one of those “lol what, i’m not sick, its only allergies”
- “iwachan, you’re pale and wobbled as you got out of bed this morning”
- hates being sick 
- Oikawa dosen’t really know how to take care of sick person so he just buys like eight types of medicine and a bunch of things he hopes will make a person feel better 
-  Has to fight Oikawa off because the idiot is always insisting on kisses “ Oi, i don’t want you getting sick”
_ functions surprisingly well when sick 
- Oikawa is the whiny, demanding sick person
- Iwaizumi grumbles the entire time taking care of him but obviously he loves the attention 
- like many, he enjoys cuddles 
- his voice gets more nasally than usual when he’s congested and Iwaizumi thinks its the funniest things in the world. 
Daichi X Suga
- Suga does not like getting sick so he will legit do anything to avoid it.
- like you get sick and he’s like “nope get you and your pathogens the fuck away from me” 
- “you’s sick, you’s on your own honey”
- eats a lot of oranges 
- Daichi takes care of himself like a good person 
- Daichi makes great chicken soup because his little siblings get sick all the time. 
- They don’t really have cold medication in their house so when they have to go and buy some they always overbuy and it expires. 
Also, Send Prompts and Ships i wanna see what my Haikyuu brain is made of 
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oneofoikawassimps · 4 years
Chapter One
“Iwachan... why?” stuttered Toruu Oikawa, obviously biting back sobs, “Am I not good enough?” 
“Oikawa, it’s not working. It hasn’t for a while. All we do is fight-”
“That’s not true… Iwa-chan!”
“Don’t call me that.”
Oikawa flinched back, “Fine, Iwaizumi, why? Why do you wanna break up?”
“We’re fighting all the time. I can’t…”
Toruu rolled his eyes, “And you say I’m the selfish one.” 
“I… I-”
“Whatever, bye Iwa-chan. I hope you’re happy.” 
Toruu wasn’t really sure how he felt. He was mostly numb. He wasn’t sure if he felt any true sadness because he was still in denial because this had happened so many times. Iwaizumi and Toruu had been on and off for years, ever since their second year of high school. He was numb after their hundredth breakup. So, where better to go than to the club~ Toruu walked up to the club and walked in nervously, the sadness crashed down on him and he rolled his eyes at his emotions he was feeling. He went up to the entrance and handed his ID to the person and they nodded, allowing him to enter. He walked in with an annoyed expression on his face and he felt eyes land on the tall male he had seen on TV once… or twice… 
It was Bokuto Kotaro. Toruu had never felt any form of attraction for anyone other than Iwachan. Though, his type has always been beefy. 
However, he wasn’t expecting the sadness glazing the pretty boys’ eyes. Perhaps something had happened? He wondered as he walked up to him and plopped down next to him. The other looked up ay him, two golden eyes shining as he stared at the brunette in front of him. Toruu gave him a flirty smile and a light sparked behind the others. 
“Yahoo, you looked lonely and I’m lonely. Wanna hang out?” asked Toruu with a smile, his eyes betraying him once again, showing the deep sadness under his charismatic expression. The other let out a dry laugh. 
“Sure, Oikawa Toruu. Aren’t you in a relationship?”
“Well, since you’re so worried, no. Iwachan dumped me for the millionth time. He’s such a toxic mess but I can’t seem to stay away,” he sighed, leaning on his hand, “How about you, Bo-chan? Aren’t you dating that pretty setter?”
“You say that you’re not a pretty setter, Oikawa, but… I’m in the same situation. Or, not really. But I was dumped and Akaashi grew tired of me, I guess… I can’t really blame him…”
“Oh, Don’t say that Bo-chan. I’m sure you’re a good person. Also, do you really wanna talk about trauma in the club? Wanna head out? Get a hotel, it doesn’t have to be weird or whatever, if you don’t want… we could get ice cream and shit.” 
  “I mean sure, Oikawa. But you’re paying.”
“I was broken up with too. Let’s both pay.”
“Alright, alright.” 
The two decided to leave the club and head to the store. Oikawa was deemed the some-what responsible one, however, both were heartbroken and shit so walking down the streets was a problem.
Once they got there, they grabbed snacks, drinks, and other stuff filling up a couple of bags full of junk food and comfort food, spending all of Oikawa’s & Bokuto’s paycheck for the week. But they were excited, walking to the nearest hotel and asking for a room. They asked if they were together, commenting about how cute they are. Toruu and Kotarou laugh it off, admitting they’re both getting over a breakup. 
A break-up they desperately wishing they could avoid. 
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blushbi · 3 years
not me gasping when oikawa showed up at the end of ep 6 looking ugly as shit bc the art was weird even tho i knew he was coming obviously 🤣🤣 also iwachan teases in this ep too
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gallickingun · 4 years
hmmm ushiwaka vs sakusa and iwa vs mattsun
obviously sakusa bc ushiwaka has NO FLAVOR and kiyoomi is pretty 🥺 and definitely iwachan bc like
honestly until @karasunosimp talked my ear off about mattsun i genuinely thought he and hanamakki were the same person and mattsukawa was someone else, and i did not know who issei was (i am completely aware now who is who and what is a ship name and what is a real person but like before i knew NO THINGS)
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sadwentz · 4 years
self ship hc challenge
thank you for tagging me bAbey @yakuyakult n @softkatsuki !!!
rules: make hcs of you and your fave and tag some people
tagging: WELL??? @kingtamakimurder and??? @gulfwanq ???? @miyuswriting ??? anyone???
pairing: yes baby,,, iwaizumi hajime x ARI 😳😳😳
so i decided to do this with iwachan because i can’t see me dating bokuto TO BE HONEST sadly,,, and i cant do ukai because all i would do is talk about pegging ,,, SO iwaizumi x ari ,,, iwari? nice.
im so sorry for this KJAKJSJKASJK
kinda nsfw at the end because i’m horny on main and i deserve it 👁👁
ok so i’m a third year on the aoba johsai and it’s a fact i can’t do any sport because i’m LAZY
but i still like going to the games because,,, 1) i’m the loudest mf on the grades and 2) mattsun and makki are my platonic lovers,,, yes,,, my boys,,, that are dating,,, without me,,,
my friends told me that iwachan has ari vibes and i agree,,,
let me tell you why doe
the aggressiveness iwaizumi possesses it’s just like mines,,, surprisingly i’m very aggressive ,,, stubborn as fuck and your number one supporter JSKAKDKSK ok but i swear me and iwa we istp gang so stop judging me
SO YEAH makki and mattsun r actually my baby boys and i love them so much so i go to every game possible
only if it’s not early because i ,, i’m sleeping,,,
so obviously i know iwa,,, we are on the same year but in diff classes bc i’m w the boys
makki rants about how he wishes to someday beat iwaizumi on arm wrestle and i’m looking directly to iwa’a arms after that,,,
like BITCH??? have you seen that mf w a tank shirt?
so yeah i’m not that subtle because he’s staring back sometimes,,, and i’m like 😳
we met bc makki, that mf noticed my unrequited pinning over iwaizumi and he decided to play matchmaker,,,
im very embarrassed on our first meeting,,, bc i think im the shit but i get speechless if a cute boy even talks to me,,,, AJKSJKAJK
makki and mattsun are obviously laughing behind me and im like, “hi iwa,,,, your arms r really hot,,, can you crush me with them?” i say this and then i would fucking run for my life,,,
iwa be like??? what ?? the ??? fuck??? kinda flustered bc its me obvs,,, OBVS,,
im a very awkward being so everytime he tries to talk to me im like,,,, yeah pegging,,
finally i get less nervous around him and we start hanging out more,,,, and im scared because my last bf was,,, trash,,, and lasted 1 minute doing intercourse,,, so i dont want that in my life again,,,
iwa is very understading w my lack of commitetmen but he needs reasurance,,, and i too,,, ngl
so we fuck before dating,,, to test the waters y’know
i state that ,,, yeah ,, he doesnt need to hold back,,, and he DELIVERS
we date because i cant let him go after that fuck Y’KNOW AHSJKHAJHFVFBHDJHFJH
i love him doe,,, hes so cute and attentive and knows when i need my own space,,, the best of the best
oikawa its my third wheel bc i cant let him aside ,,, baby
maybe a threesome
who knows
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akascow · 3 years
during oikawas last weeks in japan iwa didnt call him and idiot and didnt aggressively care for him, he genuinely cared for him and showed it very obviously and oikawa just "dude you ok-" "yeah i just want to let you know i love you more genuinely while youre here" "i know you love me chill" "whatever, just let me be the nice one for once" "does that mean im usually the nice one" "yes, youre the nicest" "i hate when youre genuine and are not yelling" ":)"
lol oikawa just like are you sure youre okay this is kinda scaring me
and iwas like omg enjoy it while it lasts im *this* close to throwing my backpack at your head
ahhh theres the iwachan i know and love
you didnt tell me not to call you iwachan are you SURE youre okay
(cue iwa internally crying bc sad boy hours and oiks is leaving) ...yeah im...fine (a lie)
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faveanimeships · 5 years
hi!! i saw your thing about sending you ship requests, so here's mine! i'm 5' 4", korean, and i have shoulder-length dark hair. i wear circle glasses, and i have a terrible prescription. i love to read, listen to classical music, and i'm a foodie! i eat when i'm sad. i'm blunt and direct, along with rather reserved, and i have a hard time letting people get close to me. but, once i do, i love and care for them to no end!!!! i like to dress comfortably (ex. leggings and sweatshirt).
i’m so sorry i just read your rules for your ships and i sent in the description about the korean girl w circle glasses please forgive me … this is for haikyuu, i am infp-t, ravenclaw, and i am bisexual (i use she/her pronouns). i’m so sorry for not reading the rules before!!
Henlo okay so im sorry this was super late I have no excuse to give bcs I procrastinate so much anyways youre super cute yeet plz don’t apologise hahahahha I totes relate sad eat, angry eat, happy eat, depressed eat and stress eat yeet omG CLASSICAL MUSIC WATAFAK I IIIIIII REALLY REALLY REALLY LIKE CHOPIN MY FAVE IS HIS NOCTURNE OP.9 NO.2 OR FANTAISIE IMPROMPTU (I know like theyre so different idk im super bipolar aahahah) WHOS YOUR FAVE !!!! l also like Mozart and some Vivaldi hahahaha dw I also wear prescription and its getting worse everyday yeet I should stop looking at screens
Ps we are super similar like im an INFJ
Anyways lets get to your ships
I SHIP YOU WITH Tooru Oikawa !!
You are reserved, shy, blunt, comfortable, open minded and prefer to trust your gut feeling; you’re also thirsty for knowledge and love to learn. Your ability to have an open mind will only lead you to pursue new interests and new genres. When you’re looking for a partner you would probably look for someone accepting or equally open-minded, and probably someone empathetic. I’m not sure bur your reserved personality may bring you lots of outgoing friends, and maybe when you’re looking for a partner, you’d be the listener in the relationship. You’d be great at giving empathetic advices, especially emotional ones since you know, you’d get a feeling of what and what not to say, which IMO is amazing. Looking at your description, you’d be the calm person in the relationship due to your reserved and caring nature, and so you’d probably prefer a louder partner?
Oikawa is flirty, childish, smug, intelligent, slightly ambitious and cunning. But at the same time, he doesn’t have much self-confidence and is quick to defend himself if he thinks he will get hurt. He’s also a very careless person, as Iwa-chan mentioned, he’d push himself to practice because of he felt as if he was inferior to tobio or ushiwaka. THEREFORE I ship you with him, both of you can form a very strong bond. Oikawa hates relying on people but if you successfully assure him that he can always come to you when he’s feeling under the weather, he would try to rely on you and thus, a supportive relationship is born!!!! I feel like due to your calm and empathetic nature, you can soothe poor Tooru, give him great advice when he’s pushing himself too hard/ feeling inferior. You’d be his ‘rock’ and stabilise him. You’d pull him out if he’s stressed out or overthinking, or even stop him from making childish or rash decisions that he will come to regret later. Of course, Oikawa is still stubborn to a degree, hence you will improve your reasoning skills, and he will eventually come to understand that it’s because you love and care for him and that’s why you’re stopping him from making regretful decisions. (To add on to this: you’re blunt but and you won’t sugar coat words, but Tooru needs to listen to the truth behind his actions, so your blunt and direct way of speaking would be very beneficial to him) You’re caring so you’d try to understand him and then help him out. You’d be am amazing listener.
ALSO Oikawa loves to talk about his day, and you’d probably love to listen to him talk, he loves cuddling and stroking your hair, he’s a big fan of PDA and he would always try to make time for you but volleyball, sadly is his priority. It would be great if you supported him wholeheartedly and encouraged him. Obviously, Oikawa loves to spoil and care for you!! He’s very observant and he knows how to utilise everyone’s skillset and talents, and obviously, he would keep a close eye on you and would probably suggest that you try new things/ comment on how he thinks you’re particularly good at something.  He would also recommend that you try new things if he thinks you are suitable for it, for example, he may think you have great flexibility and will suggest you take up a sport that will improve your flexibility and also potentially become something you enjoy. He’s also great at encouraging you and will definitely eat with you when you’re sad, he would probably bring you to his favourite ramen place and say that he’s buying you food instead, hoping to see you smile uwu
Anyways Oikawa is also really smart (class 6!!!!!), both of you can study together and become the unbeatable smart couple (yeet), revision sessions include weird puns yall make up from the revision material, helping each other out with tricky questions or solving tricky questions together. Tooru is a fun partner and he would be amazing to be around. When you’re stressed out he’d suggest yall take a break and give you an amazing massage.
Things he likes:
1.     Cuddling
2.     You TALKING!!!
3.     PDA PDA
4.     Cute pecks
5.     You coming to his games and cheering him on
6.     Mutual trust
7.     Meeting each other despite your hectic schedules (even for 5 minutes)
8.     Meeting at least once a week
9.     Spending time with you
10.  Eating milk bread with you
(A/N: IDK WHY BUT I FEEL LIKE you and iwachan are probs siblings with very similar personalities yeet ???)
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I also ship you with (under the cut)!!!
Issei Matsukawa
Matssun looks intimidating but he’s really just an idiot + funny person!! He would be a big tease, will initiate PDA but will get really bashful when you try to do it. Matssun is funny and will always pull pranks on you with Makki, and you could turn into a prankster yourself (heh) Although Matssun isn’t big fan of reading or classical music and it shows, maybe it’s good to date your polar opposite (he’d be a Gryffindor) he’s not loud but he can be if he wants. Occasionally you may find him being loud around you (he likes attention from his S/O) but you will grow to love that side of him! Matssun usually shows that he cares by joking around (he just wants you to smile) but he’s quite the observant one so he wouldn’t go too far with his jokes. He’s very clear about boundaries. Matssun is generally a very good natured and fun person to be around, he’s great at supporting people, he knows how to pull your confidence levels up, and will give amazing advice. He’s also amazing at encouragement (although he shows it in his own unique way). Plus, he’s also very good at dealing with blunt comments so he won’t be offended easily, would probably know how to talk back when you offer him a blunt statement. He’s also very keen on eating, he loves to eat, so he’s always down for some good food! At some point, he will probably attempt to cook for you, but yea I’ll leave that up to your imagination.
ALSO Matssun also appreciates the fact that you love to dress comfortably, so he wouldn’t need to worry about you not dressing warm and catching a cold during winter, he can be a worrywart at times, so he loves it when you dress comfortably ++ he loves your style!!!!! ALSO you’re quiet and reserved, Matssun is chill and laid back, so I would say it’s a pretty calm and laid back relationship!
Matssun would absolutely love it if you would attend his volleyball matches and support him, Oikawa has too many fangirls, he would love it if you waved at him = he would be super energised hahahaha
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Yukie Shirofuku
Yukie is an amazing person tbh she’s super underrated, this queen can eat 4 onigiris at the same time yeet anyways, Yukie is a polite, mature and laid back person, she’s also great at studying and probably likes books?? Both of you can geek out together and discuss about different books ++ she also likes napping but like imagine this you reading while she naps next to you TUT so cute besides She would probably be interested in classical music if you introduced it to her, if you told her about your favourite pieces, she would add it to her usual playlist if it fits her mood  uwu also she would also be down for concerts, and would defs love it if you asked her to go with you!!! ALSO YUKIE IS A BIG PHAT FOODIE. You would go on dates to different restaurants/ cafes to eat, pig out together and watch a movie, café hopping dates, its just too cute!!! She would also make cute lunch boxes for you when you’re sad because she loves you and wants you to be happy!!
Yukie is also a very supportive person (I mean she has to deal with bokuto’s emo mood)  and would provide amazing encouragement!! I think she’d be okay with your bluntness, she’s not a sensitive person and knows how to react when you’re blunt with her!!!
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Yachi Hitoka
-       Awkward mess
-       Teeny bit sensitive, but appreciates your bluntness bcs sometimes blunt is what she needs (like hinata haha)
-       Super fun to be around, would draw you
-       Artsy movie dates
-       Café dates !!!
-       Great listener, doesn’t really know what to say but will always give you a hug
-       Supportive baby, loves to hold your hand when you’re alone
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Thank you for your patience !! hope you like it !!!
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