#because I couldn't resist making a sudden last-minute change
kuromiisanton · 5 months
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✩First kisses with RIIZE✩ genre. fluff / suggestive(?) warnings. kissing. can be suggestive at some parts. nothing else but if anyone thinks i should add something please let me know:) paring. riize x fem!reader (can be read as gn!reader) a/n. this is my first post so I'm a little nervous, but hope you all enjoy! _________________________________ Shotaro𐙚  It would be so gentle at first, maybe like a quick peck on the lips. Once he realizes that you didn’t pull back and looks happy about it, he goes back in but this time with a faster pace. It's the perfect first kiss. He was literally smiling so hard you feared it would get stuck like that(though you wouldn't complain because his smile is heaven sent). By the end of it shotaro can’t keep his lips to himself and is resisting the urge to keep you with him all day every day to kiss you over and over again. Eunseok𐙚  jaw grabber. It will be a strong and passionate kiss, eunseok is kissing you like if he stops you're gonna disappear. He's holding your jaw between his index finger and thumb, but it's so gentle. It's such a light hold you can barely feel it, but you know it's there. Eunseok is romantic and no one can change my mind about it. Sungchan𐙚 Okay hear me out... Very needy. Like it’s sloppy and fast,, but it’s so good too. He’s kissing you like he wants to inhale you lowkey but the kiss was not bad in any means. He was squeezing you into his body because he wanted to feel your warmth against him. If anything it will make you feel a lot more than you already were. He genuinely can't help himself… he just needed to kiss you so bad. Wonbin𐙚   It's such a soft and slow kiss. Even if you would try and get him to go a little faster, he won't. He is dead set on this pace and this pace only. Why? Because he wants to savor the way your mouth tastes and feels with his. He is also the biggest tease in the universe. Wonbin is going so slow because he wants to make you needier than he is.  Seunghan𐙚 He pecks you on the lips but is quick to pull away to see your reaction. It was so sudden that he worries he read the vibe wrong. You have a stunned look on your face so he instantly starts apologizing but then he gets stunned when you pull him back in for a deeper, longer lasting kiss. He was definitely giggling and kicking his feet later in bed that night… Sohee𐙚 The first kiss he did to you was to your forehead. In that moment he was just so happy to be with you and when he pulled away he stared at your face for a minute looking at how beautiful you are. He literally had stars in his eyes… After so long of looking at your face he just dived in and kissed you on the lips. It was so light at first then, he deepened it because of all the joy he was feeling of finally kissing you after so long. You didn't think his natural smile could get any bigger, but after that it was so wide and you never wanted to see it in a different way again. Anton𐙚  Would take months for this man to kiss you. He was just so shy about it and fearful he would scare you away. But one night after a date he just couldn't stop himself anymore and went for it. He was smiling the whole time while kissing you once he felt you kiss back. He felt like he was on top of the world and all he needed in life was you there with him. The kiss was so sweet and smiley, afterwards he was smiling so hard and hiding his face away; not from embarrassment, but from excitement of him finally working up the courage to kiss you.
a/n: requests are open
©kuromiisanton, all rights reserved.
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lorrainmorgan · 4 months
Serpent’s Desire
[ 𝐋𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐮 𝐦𝐲 🐍 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬 ]
Previous Chapter 2 Next
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Finally! This was the very first chapter I uploaded here ( Chapter 2, for some reason (?) ) . I wanted to edit it and write it again, because Merlin it was a MESS and was badly written 😖😫 ( not that I'm a pro now ) and here it is! enjoy!
🍯 much fluff ahead 🍯
Ominis, on the other hand, felt genuine remorse for bringing Lorrain into this situation. He wanted to apologize, but his body acted on its own accord as he leaned in to kiss her again, shutting her up.
The thought of Lorrain Morgana being his date for the Yule Ball consumed Ominis' mind all day. He couldn't bring himself to leave his room, preferring to stay in his safe heaven and daydream about the evening ahead. Lost in his thoughts, he even practiced some choreography in solitude.
But as the hours passed, the excited chatter and bustling noises of other students getting ready for the ball began to seep into Ominis' ears. He knew it was time to start preparing himself. Despite Sebastian's constant pestering about trying out a new hairstyle, young Gaunt found himself looking forward to the event with anticipation. What would Lorrain wear? Would she find him handsome enough? Would she actually show up? Or would she change her mind at the last minute?
"Ominis! Are you still among the living? I need help with my tie, would you mind?" Sebastian's voice pulled him back from his intrusive thoughts. As he helped his friend with the final touches of his attire, Ominis noticed a small smile forming on his own face for no apparent reason. The excitement and nervousness of the upcoming evening were getting the best of him. 
“You look absolutely stunning, Ominis. You deserve to have a great time tonight.” Sebastian said with a grin, eyeing his friend up and down. Ominis couldn't help but feel flattered by the compliment, despite Sebastian's usual teasing nature.
“Thank you, Sebastian. If only you weren't so annoying, I might have even considered asking you to the Ball” Ominis retorted playfully.
The two friends emerged from their dormitories to find the Slytherin common room lounge abuzz with excitement. The air was thick with the scent of expensive perfumes and the glint of jewels adorned each person's attire. It was clear that everyone was dressed to impress for this special occasion.
As they made their way through the crowd, Imelda Reyes appeared before them. They exchanged casual greetings before Imelda turned her attention to Ominis.
“Go on outside, Gaunt. She's waiting for you out there.” she nudged him gently.
Ominis felt his face flush with embarrassment at her not-so-subtle hinting. He resisted her push, trying to maintain some semblance of composure before making his way towards the exit of the common room.
“Why is she already outside?” Sebastian asked curiously.
Imelda rolled her eyes before responding, “Do you think Ominis is the only nervous one here? Men...” She punched Sebastian on the shoulder before heading off in another direction. 
As Ominis stepped out of his common room, his wand noticed a lone silhouette walking in circles near the entrance. The figure was shrouded in darkness, but as he drew closer, Ominis could see the outline of a person. As soon as he stepped out fully into the light, his emerald green gown caught Lorrain's eye. It was a striking color against the dark, stone walls of the corridor. 
They both stood there for a moment, their eyes locked on each other. Lorra felt her heart race with anticipation and with a sudden burst of energy, began to walk towards him, her feet nearly skipping as they echoed through the quiet corridor halls. Every step brought her closer to the person she had been longing to see, and she couldn't contain her excitement.
“Hello, Ominis Gaunt. ” she greeted him with a hint of shyness in her voice. Her cheeks flushed pink as she remembered their innocent but romantic encounter from the day before. 
“My fair lady,” he said smoothly, “I’m sure not even The Mirror of Erised itself could rival your beauty.” Ominis mentally kicked himself for the cheesy compliment, regretting it almost immediately, and wondered why he kept listening to Sebastian's advice when it came to flirting. 
But to his surprise, Lorra giggled and blushed even more. It seemed like his terrible attempt at charm had actually worked.
“How could you say such a thing if you don’t even know what I look like, silly”. Lorra reached out and took hold of both of his hands. The warmth and strength of her grip surprised Ominis as she gently drew him closer to her. One hand rested on her hip, the other on her shoulder.
As he held his breath in anticipation, Ominis was met with an array of textures that delighted his senses. The upper part of her dress was intricately laced with delicate crystals adorning the neckline and back. He ran his fingers over the smooth silk of her long gloves that covered her arms, and marveled at the soft and sparkly fabric of her dress, which felt rocky to the touch.
"May I?" he asked, unable to resist the temptation of seeing her face. 
"Of course, Gaunt," Lorra replied with a smile, granting him permission to explore. 
With the gentle touch of his fingers, he traced the contours of her chin, the curve of her lips, and the smoothness of her cheeks. It was like uncovering a beautiful masterpiece. Ominis felt Lorrain’s hair being carefully pulled up into a bun adorned with rhinestones, and a delicate diadem was placed atop it all as if crowning her beauty.
His words floated softly on the breeze as he whispered, "You are so beautiful..." There was no hint of flattery or pretense in his tone; his thoughts poured forth unfiltered from his mind. The weight of his admiration and adoration hung heavy in the air between them, tangible and raw.
"Thank you, Ominis. Y-You are too. I mean, handsome, you know? Oh Merlin, let’s just go please" she said shyly, taking his arm and laughing at their awkwardness.
He felt her body next to his, her soft warmth. If he could see her, he would have probably melted right then and there. They walked together through the halls, and Ominis took her hand into his, his fingers gently touching hers. 
As they stepped into the Great Hall, they were greeted by a winter wonderland, with snow and ice covering every surface. Candles flickered on most of the tables and floated above them, casting a warm glow throughout the Hall. The scent of delicious food filled the air, prepared by diligent house elves. Tables were laden with an array of dishes, tempting even the most discerning taste buds.
It was rare for students to dress up in such lavish and elegant attire, but that night was a special occasion for everyone. Even the teachers had shed their usual robes for more formal clothing.
"Are you alright?" Ominis asked with concern, his wand capturing her elevated pulse.
Lorrain smiled up at him. "I must admit, I am a bit overwhelmed by all the people here. I've never seen this many in the great hall before." She clung to his arm tightly with both hands, finding comfort and protection in his presence.
Ominis returned her smile, feeling a sense of pride that she chose to hold onto him so tightly. 
"Yes, it's quite a crowd. But it's quite nice to finally see everyone in proper attire for a change.”
She couldn't help but burst into laughter at his comment about everyone finally being at his level of elegance. "Oh Ominis Gaunt, don't be so rude," she scolded playfully.
After navigating through the crowded Hall, Lorrain and Ominis finally reached a small table tucked away in a corner. They sat down and enjoyed their dinner, chatting and laughing until the music started to play. Ominis' eyes lit up with excitement as he turned to Lorrain.
"Ah, my lady, I hope you haven't forgotten that I am quite the dancer," he said with a mischievous glint in his unseeing eyes. "I doubt you are ready to accept defeat."
Lorrain couldn't help but smile at his playful challenge.
“Well, I had a pretty good dance teacher, I’m sure I’ll be fine”. 
As they strolled hand in hand towards the dancefloor, their voices rang out in laughter and reminiscence. They recounted their first dance together, the day they first met, and how their nerves had fluttered like butterflies in their stomachs. The music pulsed through their bodies, drawing them closer together with every step.
As Ominis lightly brushed his fingers over the intricate textures of her dress again, he couldn't help but wonder if Lorrain had intentionally chosen it knowing his fondness for interesting tactile sensations. The thought filled him with warmth and a sense of closeness to her, concluding she had done it just for him.
But as the room grew crowded with dancing bodies, Lorrain's usually outgoing demeanor seemed to shrink away. Her social battery was running low, and Ominis could feel her anxiety rising.
In a sudden burst of clarity, Ominis came up with a solution that would not only ease Lorrain's anxiety but also involve himself. They continued to sway to the music for a few more moments before Ominis leaned in close and spoke softly into her ear.
"Would you like to escape somewhere with… fewer people?"
Feeling grateful for his constant attention and care, Lorra’s eyes lit up with delight as he asked her to join him at the Deathday Ballroom. It was a place they had talked about in their night meetings, full of mystique and intrigue, nestled in the depths of the castle. Lorra leaned in close to his ear, accepting eagerly as they made their way through the crowded room towards their destination.
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As they entered the dimly lit cold ballroom, the sound of hauntingly beautiful music filled the air. Ghosts swirled around in a never-ending dance, their ethereal forms gliding gracefully across the floor. Ominis took her hand and led her into the center of the room, their feet moving in perfect harmony with the music, as they began to dance again.
With each passing dance move, Lorrain could feel herself getting closer and closer to Ominis. Her heart pounded in her chest as he took the lead, their bodies pressed together as they moved seamlessly across the floor. The ghosts continued to dance around them, adding to the surreal atmosphere.
As their dance gained momentum, she felt an intense warmth spreading throughout her body. She couldn't believe how close she was to him, feeling every breath, every movement as if they were one.
The last notes of the song faded away, leaving behind a lingering sense of longing and love. Ominis and Lorra stood embracing in the classic finishing pose for ballads, his arms wrapped protectively around her from behind. Turning to face him, she placed her hands gently on his cheeks, feeling the warmth of his skin against her fingertips.
Without his wand by his side to guide him, Ominis closed his eyes, trying to concentrate and sense Lorra’s body language. 
“Are you okay?”
She gazed into his blue eyes with a soft smile before leaning in and capturing his lips with hers. Their kiss was slow and tender, filled with all the care and reverence one might have when handling delicate porcelain. As her hands caressed his cheeks, it felt like the gentlest touch from the purest clouds.
Lost in the moment, Lorra deepened the kiss, her lips moving against his with a passionate fire that had sparked within her since their previous encounter. Desperate for more of him. 
Ominis' hands pulled her in closer, his fingertips trailing over the soft curves of her body as if to memorize every inch. The touch of her skin against his ignited a fire in him that he had only ever imagined. He wrapped his arms around her, feeling the weight of her body against his own, and he gently ran his fingers through her red hair. 
Their kiss was unlike anything Ominis had ever experienced in his life. Every movement of their lips was a dance, a symphony of passion and desire. The taste of her lips was intoxicating to his senses, sweet and addictive.
Her hand went up through his well-combed hair, messing it just enough to show him a different level of ecstasy. Her touch sent shivers down his spine, making him crave more.
After parting the kiss, they were both left breathless and their noses were slightly touching. Their hot breath mingled together, creating a heady mix of scents - hers sweet and alluring, his filled with longing, with lips still parted, eagerly waiting to kiss her again if she chose to.
“ I-I'm so sorry Ominis.” Lorrain's apology was half-hearted, her mind racing with doubts and confusion. Kissing Ominis had felt so right, but now she wasn't sure if it was a mistake. What would he think of her now? 
Ominis, on the other hand, felt genuine remorse for bringing Lorrain into this situation. He wanted to apologize, but his body acted on its own accord as he leaned in to kiss her again, shutting her up. Part of him knew it was wrong, but the other part just wanted to give into the intense attraction between them, his lips demanding more from hers.
Lorra smiled while Ominis was kissing her, knowing he matched her feelings. The ghosts around them were dancing to a new song, the floating candles were surrounding them now while everything else was dark.
Her arms wrapped tightly around him, drawing in his familiar scent and the comforting warmth of his embrace. It felt as though she had known him all her life. Like two intricately crafted puzzle pieces, they fit together effortlessly.
"Perhaps we should take a moment to sit, Lorra," Ominis suggested, sensing the tension between them. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his wand, using it to guide them towards an elegant couch tucked away in a corner of the grand ballroom.
They settled on the plush couch, their bodies facing each other. Lorra could feel the gentle brush of his breath against her face, igniting a flutter in her heart and heightening her senses. “Tell me Ominis, do you think I'm mad for falling so deeply for you in such a short time?” she asked, her voice laced with shyness as she leaned in closer to him.
"You could not have fallen as hard for me as I did for you already," he replied, his eyes locked onto hers. "From the moment we first met, when we first danced, to the first time I heard your voice speak my name, I was hopelessly entranced by you. Your kiss was just the final confirmation of what I already knew deep down."
Even without seeing her, Ominis could sense where her gaze lingered: up at him, studying his features with curiosity and admiration. Lorrain started to trail her fingers delicately over his face, mirroring his own actions from days earlier. He closed his eyes, basking in the sensation of her cool touch against his skin. It felt like an extension of her very being. Her warm breath caressed his cheek as Ominis parted his lips to say something. 
“Is there something you'd like to share with me, Mr. Gaunt?” Her voice was filled with a hint of playfulness as she addressed him by his last name. He couldn't help but smile as she called him this.
As he looked at her, Ominis couldn't help but feel a warmth spread through his chest. Of all the titles she could have chosen, she went with that one. 
"There is something I've been meaning to tell you…" Ominis began, his voice gentle and earnest. His words were laced with vulnerability and emotion, conveying the depth of his feelings for her.
Read it on AO3
Chapter 0 - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8
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👉 I'm honestly humbled that people actually read Chapter 2 ... it is honestly so badly written I'm not even gonna delete it because it's a good reminder of the progress I've made so far, but DAMN it is so bad 😂
👉 Same thing with the "covers". I'm not going to delete them... I'll just post them separately.
👉 I'm still a coward with coloring. But my babies here deserved full color for their date.
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daesungindistress · 4 years
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Better late than never, right? Happy birthday, Daesung 🍀
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saltydumplings · 2 years
Snippet #5.1
Part 1
The supervillain stood seemingly perplexed, not knowing how such a thing could have happened. They released their grip on the hero's hair and stepped back a little, eyeing the other as if trying to determine if they were lying or not.
"I've seen those paychecks - I know how much you earn - how? How could you possibly be in debt?"
They noticed then how the hero's mouth started to tremble a little, tears starting to gather in their eyes as they began to explain in full:
"It just started off as a little, you know? I-If something got damaged then they'd take five percent. I thought it was fair - we all did - we never thought that..." The hero had to take a few steadying breaths before continuing. "Five became ten, and then ten became twenty. S-sometimes they'd take up to forty percent if they deemed the damage big enough, and even then we kind of understood but when...when they..."
The supervillain had never seen the hero look so distraught. They loosened their binds absentmindedly, continuing to listen closely as the other spoke.
"Last week a villain wrecked almost half the city. I led the the team that stopped them but when it came to the costs they - they said that--" The hero hiccupped a little as they started to cry properly, no longer able to hold back their tears. "They said it was all my fault - that I should have been able to stop them sooner and because I didn't that the cost laid solely on me. But I - I didn't have enough: they took everything I had and told me I had to find a way to pay the rest soon. I tried arguing back, saying it wasn't fair - I expected the other heroes to say something, to stand up for me at least but no one said a goddamn word. When the decision was made one of them even came up to me and simply said that someone had to take the fall and I just--"
The hero broke off, they couldn't bring themself to say any more. By now the supervillain had released them fully and had come to kneel opposite them, resting their hands upon the hero's shoulders as they cried. A deep anger grew inside them, the power coursing through their veins practically ready to burst but they held it back, instead guiding the hero's head to their chest and beginning to rub soothing circles into their back. The hero startled a little at the sudden comfort but was too far gone to resist it, soon clinging to the supervillain with all the strength they had, burying their face as much as they could into the other's shoulder.
They stayed like that for a long time. As much as the supervillain had insisted patience wasn't one of their virtues, the hero's grief seemed to be an exception. After a while, they decided a change of scenery was needed and scooped the hero up into their arms, the other letting out a small gasp and hanging onto the supervillain's shoulders tightly as they came to stand. The hero didn't make any move to resist though, simply burying their face in the supervillain's neck - their sobs reduced to silent tears and small sniffles.
The supervillain moved slowly down one corridor and another, soon coming out of the maze of hallways to a lounge. There was a large red couch at it's centre and they lowered themself onto it, carefully arranging the hero to sit in their lap so they could continue to hold them close. The hero blushed at the sudden change but simply let it be - in any other situation they'd have been too embarrassed to stay but right here, right now, they needed this. Needed them. And on top of it all, a part of them was afraid that if they let the supervillain go then they'd lose the only fragment of hope they had left.
Minutes passed and neither of them moved. A short while longer and the hero finally gained the courage to lift their head a little, still clinging to the supervillain tightly as they came to speak.
"You're not going to kill me for breaking into your house, are you?" they asked timidly.
As much as they were seeking comfort from them, the hero couldn't forget exactly who they were cuddling with in that moment. The supervillain was feared for a reason: no one that crossed them got away lightly, and the hero had not only tried to steal from them but had also broken down crying in their arms - something they suspected was quite the inconvenience for the other. But, to their surprise, the supervillain merely huffed a laugh at their question, one of their hands coming up to stroke through the hero's hair.
"No, darling, I won't kill you," the supervillain said. The hero relaxed instantly, allowing themself to lean into the other's touch. "But that doesn't mean I won't still punish you."
The supervillain smiled as they watched the hero register their words, their eyes widening slightly.
"Indeed," they continued, "I can't simply let you go: if I did people would get the wrong impression - think I've gone soft." Their hands moved down to the hero's waist, their thumbs tracing small circles in an almost contemplative manner. "Your punishment, Hero, is that you must stay here, for as long as I please."
For the first time since the supervillain had embraced them, the hero came to look upon their captor, pulling back a little as their mind fell into a strange mix of relief and worry.
"B-but I can't," the hero said. "I can't stay I - I have to--"
"You don't have to do anything."
"No, but, I-I owe them: if I don't pay then--"
"You owe them nothing," the supervillain insisted, voice suddenly sharp with rage. And the hero could see it then - see the anger burning behind their eyes, all that power right on the verge of lashing out. "They stole from you. If anyone owes anything it's them."
"But my--"
The supervillain pressed a finger to the hero's lips, silencing any argument they could make. "You don't need your license anymore. As long as you are under this roof you will not do a single thing for those bastards. They don't deserve you and, until they realise that, they can't have you."
Part 3
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evita-shelby · 2 years
There was only one bed
(I couldn't resist sorry)
Prompt comes from this post: only one bed prompts
You Read Me Poetry While I Wash the Dishes
Taglist: @joossieisdabomb @kissmyquill
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“I paid for the room, least you can do is offer me the bed.” He is joking, trying to lighten up her mood, but she groans and rolls her eyes.
Leave it old woman running the bed and breakfast to the to think they’re here together in that way. One fucking bed, to make this worse it was one of those rooms made for couples given by the not very subtle romantic décor.
Tommy had offered to take her home ---the word still felt foreign on her tongue when it meant Small Heath--- but the winters here made it impossible for them to reach Birmingham safely. It was a three-hour drive, but his motorcar refused to move after he had it refueled. Roads had also been closed by the sudden snow. Where the hell does it snow in fucking February?
“Two rooms, make sure you have your knife with you and, for the love of all things holy, keep away from that boy, sweetheart.” Her uncle had told her before kissing her forehead goodbye and giving the shovel talk to the handsome gypsy gangster, he himself tried to set her up with.
“For the record, I didn’t plan this.” He tells her and she knows he’s only partially lying. “Fine, I didn’t tell Polly I was coming to fetch you, but I swear to you that I asked for two rooms.”
“I know, Tom.” Eva believes him…for now. He’s gotten it in his head that she is the woman he needs to get over Grace. And while many women would kill to be his rebound, Eva wants the man to want her because he wants her and not because he wants to keep the pain of heartbreak away.
She undoes her coat, hangs it where his is hanging by the door. It was made for her, Mrs. Changretta had told her when she gave it to her a year ago. It was thick and warm and her dress underneath has baby blue lace cuffs and collar. He notices the splash of color, but wisely keeps his mouth shut.
Half-mourning, in July it will almost a year in Birmingham, almost a year since she was smuggled out of Mexico because of her smart mouth.
“I’ll sleep on the floor if you don’t mind.” He says this while his back is turned and she quickly changes into a cotton nightgown someone left in a drawer. There is one bathroom in the modest house and she’s not going to risk it just to change.
How chivalrous, Grace got last minute change of heart about pimping her out and Eva gets him willing to sleep on the floor while she takes the soft bed. It’s sweet how proper he is with her; she thinks to herself.
“You can sleep on the bed with me, just remember I am armed.” Eva takes off her garters and stockings, just as he removes his sleeve garters across the bed and his shirt. She’s seen him half naked, but seeing and knowing he’s just a mere foot away is an entirely different thing.
Men were lucky that they didn’t wear so many underpinnings. She can remove her corseted girdle herself, but if it comes off, chances are her resolve to keep him at arm’s length will fall away with it. Eva keeps it on, and keeps the knife unsheathed under the pillow.
“I promise I won’t try anything, Evie.” He says taking the side closest to the door, gun on the nightstand ready for something that won’t happen.
There are not enough pillows to put between them and as stupid as it sounds, Eva trusts him not to take advantage of her unconsciousness.
Her back is to him and she lies on her side, but she can feel the intensity of his stare and his refusal to give into the temptation of touching her. If only he knew she was struggling with the same thing.
She wasn’t in the front lines during the war, she was always safe in camp as a nurse under Captain Nonaka or undercover in a city they were planning on taking. But occasionally she would get stuck inside a village where the fighting would break out.
Zacatecas was one of them. Villa had no mercy for federalists and with the artillery coming in strong there was no way of getting out quickly.
Alan had died there. A combination of bullet wounds, shrapnel from a nearby shell and an infection thanks to the bad conditions of a field hospital. Jose Genaro Kingo Nonaka may have been the closest thing to a proper doctor and maybe a healing God, but even he couldn’t do much except ease his passing.
A thing people don’t seem to learn fast enough is that you do not try to wake up someone grappling with their night terrors. If it wasn’t the battle of Zacatecas, it was the third battle of Torreon and if it wasn’t either two, it was Veracruz.
She comes to and she’s holding her knife to his neck while he’s effectively pinned under her. One hand wrapped around his neck and her knees on either side of his hips. Her braid had fallen apart making here hair fall in thick waves behind her and the white nightdress showed off her slightly tanned skin. Eva had always been told she had a wild sort of beauty, but she must look absolutely feral right now.
“I tried to wake you up, I’m sorry, Evie.” He says as if her knife wasn’t at his throat. Even worse than that, Thomas Shelby seemed to be thrilled at the prospect of her on top.
She looks outside, it's still night or maybe it's before dawn and she can’t see well because of the lousy weather. Eva should’ve gotten off him by now, but as Tommy helps her regain her senses she can't do much except let him help her slow down her breathing.
It's too intimate, worse than him comforting her when he discovered her inability to handle the sound of bullets being fired. Right now, he is sitting up, holding her, foreheads touching as he rubs circles on her arms.
“I have them too. Shovels, I hear them get closer until I either wake up or the Germans get me.” he tells her, they unconsciously lean closer until the second her brain reminds her, they can’t do this. Eva can see it in his eyes when she pulls away from the kiss that would have her resolve crumbling like the walls of Jericho. “I’m sorry, Evie.”
This Thomas Shelby is a gentleman who respects her wishes, but doesn’t really bother to hide his longing for a woman who truly gets him. Its criminal that they couldn’t have met before, maybe then she wouldn’t be torturing the both of them.
“I should be the one apologizing, I did try to kill you.” she moves off him and he tries to shield her from seeing what she definitely felt seconds ago. Eva keeps her distance, but remains sitting up with him. It wasn’t like she’d get any sleep now anyways. “I’m sorry, Tom.”
“I know you didn’t mean it, Eva.” he reaches out for her hand and she lets him hold it.
“Do you want to talk about it?” he asks and se shakes her head.
“No, not yet, anyways.” She lets go of his hand and turns her back to him once again and tries to sleep.
When she wakes up again, they act ---well, she acts and Tommy plays along for her sake--- like last night didn’t happen. She may have woken up warm and safe in his arms, but Eva needed to remember how much worse heartbreak is.
Notes:the Battle/taking of Zacatecas in June 23, 1914 was considered the bloodiest of the battles of the second Mexican revolution. The city is protected by hills and the federalist general went all out with the artillery unaware the rebels under Pancho Villa and another general were taking the city from all sides. Around 6000 enemy soldiers died(both in battle and the many executions after)
*Jose Genaro Kingo Nonaka (1889-1977) was a Japanese immigrant who served as a combat medic under Villa. Also a documentary photographer and the reason the City of Tijuana really took off.
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devotion · 3 years
say it right → t.h
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summary: you show a little contempt towards something tom loves. maybe somehow coaxing you into liking it will change your mind. in other words, he fucks you.
prompts: college (uni), porn without plot (?), small town.
warnings: fluff? + smut 18+ minors dni!! extended warnings below the cut.
notes: this ticks my boxes for the prompts on @rosyparkers’s fic bingo! also, no hate towards anyone studying history (i love it) just !! got stumped a bit with the plot but you'll see ;)
word count: 3.2k+ | masterlist
ex. warnings: mentions of alcohol, dom!tom, bratty behaviour, a bit of ice play, fingering, slight degradation, dirty talk, kitchen (unprotected) sex (be safe!), one orgasm denial, pussy slapping, creampie.
"fucking finally."
tom groans, tossing his backpack to the side after greeting you in the kitchen. settling back into the sofa, he exhales loudly; 'mentally drained' would be putting it lightly and the only reason to explain his pain is because university is stabbing him in the gut lately. however, it's fortunate that it was his last day of term; almost a month of no classes to deal with. and the smell of food wafting in the air is enough for him to forget his worries for a while.
luckily, you took your time walking back from the same uni an hour or two ago, having finished class earlier. tom was at a trip at the time you told him, the slightest bit of upset now that you couldn't get ice-cream on the way back home; only a little custom you both arrange at the last day, and to start the break on a high note.
with a text saying he was almost home, you prepared him some tea─just the way he fancies it. he'd be lying if he said he didn't notice the littlest things, one of them right now being the frequent clink of your ring when you pick your cup of tea. being married and in a six-year long relationship does that. and it subtly makes him smile at the thought of how far you've come. together.
after placing the mug in front of him, you see tom extending an arm around your midriff and before you know it, you're on his lap, his mouth brushing your hairline. then, your lips─meeting them in a sweet kiss. his grip on your bare leg tightens only focussing on how soft he feels against your mouth, how addictively you invade all his senses. like every other time, that same carefree warmth permeates his senses as you're within his hold.
once you hear the timer go off, you pull away, pecking him on the nose. tom releases you, nose ticklish and feeling almost intoxicated after such a short kiss.
"did you have wine?" tom asks you, tongue swiping his lip, savouring the flavour, "can taste it."
you wink in response. "m' mate gave it. left some for you if you want." at that, you head into the kitchen.
"what you making?"
"you know that extra pizza you made a few days ago?" he inclines his head in understanding at your reply as he gets up. "got it out the freezer and popped it in the oven. and can i just tell ya, smells fucking amazing."
he chuckles. the cooking class as an extra-curricular activity works then.
tom tags along behind you, shrugging his blazer off on the way there and hooking it on the coat hanger. he rolls up his polo shirt too and disregards it, the material making him feel stuffy. he feels under-dressed anyway, with you in just a silk robe and no bra─which is normal.
switching the oven off, you spin to see tom only in his slacks and black vest─a perfect fit, for sure. though you don't see a difference if he went shirtless; it's been a while where all of his tank tops, shirts included, have just been showing every crevice and defined structure of his abs and chest.
every time he comes in the room shirtless─now because of weeks of training with his mate, harrison─you've been left in somewhat of a dizzy state. he looks far more than sexy when he arrives home from the gym, in a way you can't particularly describe. you haven't mentioned it in fear of slacking due to the exams you had these past two weeks, knowing full well what would happen if you did. though, you admit it would've helped if you pointed it out, instead of him coming in front of you every now and again like... this. it's like he just wants you to say it.
as if his ego isn't inflated enough.
you roll your eyes at the thought. unbeknownst to you, he catches it, smirking.
it's working, he thinks.
but immediately the buzz of his phone effaces the thought of prompting you further. he'd have to leave flexing his biceps later in the evening.
tom gets distracted by the photos he's taken earlier on in the day, rather than harrison's text. you're taking the pizza out of the oven when tom asks you, making you whip your head around, "wanna see where i went to today?"
tom raises an eyebrow at you, waiting for an answer.
you hum, knowing briefly what he's talking about. he had mentioned it a week ago saying he was to go to a place nearby─somewhere in cirencester─as a treat from the history department and studying your market town.
"c'mere, look," his eyes light up, phone in front of your face as he explains, "this building, right, is the 'cirencester lock-up' where the criminals were kept back in the day."
you sit atop the table as he moves to come stand in front of you, examining the pictures-- for almost a minute. then, compelled to do anything but frown, with both your hands, you tilt his head with your forefinger so he could look at you. mindful of his love for the subject, you question him, "this... is the place you went to on your trip, is it?"
"yeah," his ruffled eyebrow furrows, "why? is it not what you expected?"
"well... thought it would be more... grand is all. looks a bit, dunno... shabby─"
you hear him gasp before you have the chance to continue. "─this is history!" he exclaims, before shaking his head at you; he couldn't believe his ears. "big or small... it means so much to this area. sure, it looks old, but they're literal gems of time's past."
the distress on his face is evident - that you can see. it's beyond him why you feel like this. but then again─the drama gcse he took in secondary school offered him the ability to stress a light situation far too much. up till the point, it looks a bit silly when he's being dramatic. to you, this was one of those times.
meanwhile, when you stare tom down, eyebrow raised, the brief aspect swims in the forefront of his mind─that being, you have a tendency to become a puddle whenever he hopes to cajole you into anything, regardless of what he wants. right now, either due to his boredom or you underrating history, it doesn't matter. tonight he decides that it's just going to be about you and him. with a little fun twist.
"i'll just pretend you didn't say anything for my sanity..." he trails off, a slight teasing tone present in his voice, "for now."
"thank god," you mutter. the light of the sun outside reflects on tom's rolex, the same one you gifted him on your anniversary, almost blinding you as its redirecting near your eyes; it's dusk, and the blinds aren't closed yet─also revealing a really beautiful sunset outside which you haven't had time to admire yet because of him. "can you also not blind me? much appreciated."
advancing towards you, he laughs dryly, head coming in level with your own. his happy demeanour from the moment he came home has changed: he's biting his lip, gaze boring into your own with his jaw tight shut.
but then, what really gets to you, the most poignant sound that makes your heart drop is that... he tuts.
you swallow; knowing tom, you feel like it's not really the end. with that in mind, you're not prepared for what's to come. yet immediately, your thighs squeeze together because of the electrical-like current that passes through your body─all the way to where you want him.
in short, you know you're his. heart, pussy and soul - his. and he certainly acknowledges that. your legs slightly go apart at the thought, ready to give any indication for him to bury his head where it rightfully belongs. it's hard not to - especially with the warmth that's radiating from him, his breath hot as he's a few centimetres away, as if luring you already.
the sudden change in atmosphere brings a chill to your spine. the control within his hands is powerful. and you're his victim.
tom gets the message. yet, he doesn't give in all at once. he wants to enjoy you, savour you, adore you. to simply rush would ruin doing all of those things.
"let's focus on how good you've been for me these past few weeks, yeah?" he starts, retreating back to the freezer. he dives in and then, shuts it, an ice cube at hand.
the confusion on your face doesn't go unnoticed; firstly, only one? second, he doesn't use ice except with gin. and there's none of that in the house. unless...
placing the ice cube on the table next to you to stop it from melting, he continues, "maybe after, i can fuck that attitude out of you."
it takes seconds for you to remark, "just because of history? seriously?" you resist the urge to roll your eyes, turning your head to the side, "for the love of fuck."
he shrugs his shoulders, "yep, that's me. i love to fuck," his arms come on either side of you, "any excuse to fuck you."
"so you're basically admitting that you're being a dramatic bi-"
at once, your bottom lip is captured with tom's, swallowing your words altogether when you deepen the kiss yourself. pulling away a little, his voice is raspy when he speaks, "my girl is always so ready for anything."
he knows you're wet, you suppose. it only burns the fire within you moreso at your implication. just as the belt of your robe is untied, your breasts are being caressed by tom's large and callous hands.
tom moves to kiss the underside of your neck, "my woman," a nip at your sweet spot, "my wife," another kiss at your clavicle, "my everything." the primal desire in his kisses grows with each kiss and the affection in his words is sufficient for you to bring him closer, crying out to him for more.
you plead, "tommy-"
"always ready for my cock," he starts again, making your breath hitch in an instant. you bite back a moan at his brazen choice of wording.
"what was that?" he presses, "you can't take it can you? my pretty girl can't take it."
"'course i fuckin' can't."
tom brings the ice cube from earlier over your clothed pussy, grateful for the cold weather. the extreme difference in temperature makes you hiss in delight, body quivering. already, water drips from tom's hands, and it's hard to tell whether it's your arousal or the melting ice.
after moving your navy blue panties to the side, he swirls it around your bundle of nerves again, hips jerking upwards. not only do you notice the cheeky glint in your husband's eyes, but the absence of the ice cube too as his own thumb replaces it.
"already melted?" tom chuckles, "this─" his middle and forefinger slaps your clit with a slight force that makes you yelp, "─warm for me, yeah?"
he doesn't give you a chance to respond, a finger entering your wetness in a heartbeat. whilst his thumb circles your clit, he adds another digit, starting to move in and out in a slow manner─watching you unravel before him.
"you feel so good for me, princess," he coos, leaving a sloppy kiss on your cheek.
darkness soon prevails the room, though not fully, as the street lamp outside only grants tom the pleasant view of your yearning state. a few minutes go by with your chest heaving─letting out aching breaths of air that sears the walls of your lungs. the only thing that treat tom's ears is the squelching sound your cunt produces. his cock twitches at the noise, feeling it pulsing the more the seconds tick by. he feels restrained in his boxers; it's a shame you're not witnessing how hard he is as your eyes are shut tight.
but it's not too long when he feels you convulse around him, because he starts going on a pace that would be considered merciless at this point. whines turn into loud moans, the pressure building up.
owing to this, your legs are shaking, unable to lay off the climax that's approaching. instantly, when at the same moment you become so close, the coil inside you on the borderline of snapping, your attention is averted towards tom's ridiculous belief. again.
"history is what makes us today, don't you believe that?" he pants.
you knit your eyebrows together, trying to focus on cumming first. yet, you snap your eyes open, to see him licking his lips, "t-tom, please─" you falter, chest heaving.
"no," tom responds bluntly, ceasing his movements then and there. his fingers─wedged deep inside your pussy─tense as you somehow suck them in further at his disapproval. you were so near to what you wanted. he goes on, "say it─"
"─gosh, you're insufferable, tom."
he responds by pressing his thumb harshly on your throbbing clit, making you whimper.
"i said say it," tom repeats, "say it right so you get what you think you deserve."
"say what, tom, huh?" you snap through gritted teeth, "history is great?"
"yes, for crying out loud."
"do i get bonus points if i act like i care?" you prompt, seeking to provoke him further; if irritating him will get him to fuck you, then so be it.
he flares his nose, reluctantly pulling his fingers out your dripping cunt. you gulp as you see him remove his trousers as well as his boxers, his cock springing out bold and unbound. you're enticed at his length, no matter how many times you've seen it─stiff and thick and his tip leaking pre-cum. tom catches you licking your lips and you're now more aware than ever of the hunger that lingers in his gaze.
as he strokes his cock, tom's eyes darken as he scans your figure. your body yearns for more, and it shows; the way your body arches up, the way your hands clutch the edge of the counter so tightly─you look so beautiful under his torture.
"just have to prove it to me, darling," he draws closer, "scream my name," he growls, his tip prodding your entrance to which you shakily gasp at the familiar sensation, "when i stretch your walls, i fucking want people to know that i make you feel good,"
"you gonna do that for me, princess?"
his free hand grips your hip, sliding behind to your ass to bring you closer towards the edge of the surface. after squeezing your bum, he slaps it─evoking a sharp jolt of your hips to move forward. the abrupt action causes the aching tip of his cock to slip inside your warm hole whereupon you both groan at the contact.
"reckon i could make you cum in five minutes?"
you shake your head, smirking, "two."
he grins, shutting his eyes and sinking in ever so slowly. he breathes out, "fuckin' ell."
your head falls back, moaning in agreement. fucking hell, indeed; he feels so snug, your pussy accustomed to his size easily as he reaches further. like it was made for him.
whilst your fingers claw into his shoulders, tom moves down to kiss you, mouth hot and wet as it explores every inch of your own and tongues moulding each other repeatedly. you take the chance to clamp around his hips, placing your foot below his ass─allowing him to drive into you deeper.
tom recedes, grunting, "oh."
forget seeing stars─you feel like you can picture planets as he rocks into you. it goes to show how long you've gone without fucking. long enough for your orgasm to be building so soon. two minutes it is. or maybe tom understands your body too well, bottoming out as soon as he sees your jaw going slack. the angle that he's pounding in at is beyond perfect.
soon enough, the shockwaves that edges nearer in your stomach compels you to shove your hips, meeting his strong thrusts without thought. tom's name rolls off your tongue over and over again, the volume of your voice amplifying the more he hits that spot deep inside you─up till the point you're screaming. just like he asked you to before. and there you are, cumming, clenching around his dick as you fail to remember your surroundings. and unfortunately, your neighbours, too.
it's rather quick when you hear tom crying out your name into your neck after you. his thrusts become sloppy, given that he's draining as much of his cum inside you─spending of what he has in him. eventually, he comes to a stop, as well as the harsh bite of his teeth below your jaw. you feel turned on again but not adequate enough for your body to want to come again; you're absolutely spent.
"were you teasing me the whole time?" he mumbles into your chest a minute or two later, still inside you, creating circles with the pads of his fingers on your waist.
the answer you give him lies in the glimmer of your eyes when he looks up at you. "of course i love history, babe," you tease, "glad i pissed you off, though."
"this is why we can't have nice things," he whines, "you're always fucking my feelings over."
"awh no," you murmur, "you know i love you and your inner-nerd of history."
a blush appears on his cheeks. "forget it, now the pizza's cold," he pouts, head resting onto your shoulder.
"your fucking fault, babe," you remark, palms smoothing over the sides of his head, "now eat it."
he has different plans. "wouldn't mind eating you out actually. much better," he murmurs, hands coming to sit on the inside of your thighs. he stretches them again, cock slipping out of your cunt. the whimper you let out is because you feel empty.
you crave to feel stuffed again.
"you really know how to change the mood very quickly. innit, tom?" you ask.
he ignores you; once he's in line with your core, his eyes lock with yours, your breath hitching at the prospect of him giving you head. even after fucking you senseless, you feel like you won't be able to take it.
tom's tongue is already prepared to dive into your hole─some of his cum he's dumped inside moments before decorates your thighs and dribbles onto the floor, though more of his seed seems to still be confined inside you.
it looks heavenly. all his.
"may i?"
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wlwmarvelenthusiast · 3 years
Just Doin’ My Job, Darlin’
Summary: Your job as a Ravager gets you into trouble with the intergalactic hero known as Captain Marvel.
Pairing: Reader x Carol Danvers
Warnings: some blood, light violence
Words: 3,547
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"Uh... hey," you practically stuttered out, startled to find someone behind you.
You were a ravager, and you were damn good at your job. That meant knowing your surroundings, especially when you were on a job. Yet, somehow, she'd managed to sneak up on you. If you hadn't been quick enough to shove the ring deep into your pocket, you'd have been caught red-handed.
You were damn good at your job, and you composed yourself in seconds. The ring slipped out from where it was clutched between your fingers and you withdrew your hands from within your pockets. You plastered a confident smile on your face as you crossed your arms across your chest.
"Hey there," the blonde offered, an equally confident smile on her face. "What's up?"
"Nothin'," you shrugged, uncrossing your arms and looping your thumbs through the belt loops on your pants. "Taking a walk. Beautiful night, isn't it, Beautiful?"
The blonde's eyes sparkled in amusement. She took a few steps closer. Confidence still coursing through your veins, you let her. You didn't make any move to back down. She noticed that. When she stopped, she was only a few feet away from you. Another step and she could have reached out and touched you.
The blonde's lips crept into a cocky expression. "Beautiful night indeed."
You didn't dare make it obvious how you were checking out the area for the second time. When you'd entered, you'd made note of every entrance and exit to the area. The blonde was blocking the one that lay directly ahead, but not the one behind you. That was free for you to turn and run to. You just needed to wait. If you went now, she'd be right behind you and able to catch up to you in mere seconds.
"Headed somewhere? I could walk you?" She offered. "You know, Fennal isn't always safe at night."
"I'm just going up the street. I'm good thanks."
You could feel the ring pressed against your leg in your pocket. You knew she knew you were up to no good. You also knew that she knew you knew she knew. Neither of you would say that aloud, though. It was a bit of a game, at this point. She wanted that little piece of jewelry in your pocket. You wanted it too. No, you wanted the pay you were promised for stealing it.
"You sure? I'm probably headed in the same direction."
"I doubt it," you laughed.
The blonde smirked a little. You kept your eyes with hers, unable to ignore just how beautiful her light brown irises really were. But you wouldn't tell her that. You wouldn't tell her jack shit. You were waiting for her to get distracted for one brief moment so that you could turn and sprint down that alley. It seemed your wishes were heard.
"Hey, Carol!" A voice called.
The blonde, Carol, let her gaze flicker toward the voice for a mere millisecond and you took the opportunity to turn and dart as fast as you could down the alley behind you. Your ears strained to hear over the sound of your own shoes hitting the gravel beneath your feet. Unmistakably, though, you heard the set of footsteps chasing after you. You pushed even harder.
You ducked through a backyard, pushing out of your way a jacket that was hanging on a clothesline. At the other side of the yard, you hopped over the fence and landed smoothly on the ground on the other side. But now, you didn't hear Carol's steps. You didn't risk slowing down. You kept onward in the direction of your pod.
As you ran, you became aware of your shadow growing in front of you. It was surrounded by a glowing orange light. Even as your lungs struggled to get enough oxygen, your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. When your shadow began to spin around your body until it was behind you, you realized why. You could have huffed aloud at the complete unfairness of the situation.
Carol was fifteen feet off the ground, surrounded by a bright orange glow. She still had that same smirk on her face as she looked down on you. You were hesitating in your step, now, not sure you could outrun her. You knew one thing, though. Despite these powers the blonde had, you weren't about to give up. You turned on your heel.
You watched your own shadow to keep track of Carol. She was following you. Your shadow shrunk and indicated she was getting closer. When your shadow began to shrink faster, you made a sharp turn to the left. The shadow grew a little as she fell behind a few feet, not prepared for the sudden change in direction. Your chest was rising and falling rapidly, but you weren't a stranger to chases. You'd had more than a few run-ins with guards from many planets throughout the galaxy.
You smirked at the sight in front of you. One of the planet's natives had just inserted the keys into a hover bike but hadn't yet gotten on. You struggled to go faster than you thought you could. You pushed him to the ground, hopped on, and immediately pushed the bike as fast as it would go. You had to grip the handles tight as your inertia tried to hold you back.
The bike seemed to rival Carol's speed. The size of your shadow in front of you stayed constant and you managed to take a quick glance behind you. Carol was high in the air, hands down by her hips, moving more quickly than a person should be able to in order to keep up with the bike you were on. Then your pod came into view and you let a small smirk come over your face. You turned to the bike made to move past the ship, then jumped off.
Pain raced through your body. You ignored it, rolling a couple times to take the impact, racing up the ramp as quick as you possibly could, and slamming your hand down on the red button to shut the hatch. Carol wasn't thirty feet away. You took the last of your energy to roll onto your back.
"Athena, max speed!" You shouted.
The AI heard. She ignored every protocol about seatbelts and closed doors as the captain's voice override her programming. The pod had a max speed of 50,000 kilometers per hour. It was nothing compared to the main ship, but it was sure faster than Carol. The ship's acceleration got the best of her, and soon enough you were barreling through space and leaving her far behind.
As it had sped up faster than physics should have allowed, though, your body had slammed into the wall behind you. You groaned as you rolled away from it, every bone, organ, and tissue in your body aching from the speed. Your organs seemed to have caught up to the ship, finally. You resisted the urge to puke as you pulled yourself to your feet, rubbing a sore shoulder and swiping your fingers over the blood dripping down your forehead.
"Thanks, Athena. Take us home."
"Roger that, Boss."
You let yourself drop into your chair. You took the black mask off from where it had rested over the top half of your face, rubbing the pad of your index finger over the spot where it had pushed into the bridge of your nose, grumbling in frustration. You could feel the indent in your skin.
"Twenty-seven minutes."
Those twenty-seven minutes seemed to take forever. The pod was small. There wasn't anywhere you could lay your head back. There wasn't a damn bathroom, a fact you couldn't seem to get your mind off. When the pod had secured itself to the mothership, you practically sprinted out and to the nearest toilet.
Your red jacket was undone as you stepped onto the bridge of The Athena. It was the middle of the night based on your home planet, the time that you and your crew followed to at least keep a semblance of a schedule. Because of the time, though, most of the crew had retreated to their quarters for the night and were fast asleep.  
"Hey, Cap."
The greeting caught your attention. You turned toward the voice, smiling when you met the gaze of your first mate. He wasn't much younger than you were. He was from a planet called Dervius, having retreated from the planet to live a life with the Ravagers after living a life of poverty there for ten years, having been cast out by his family at only eight. It was your third day as the leader of your clan when you picked him up and took him in, giving him a spot in your crew. That was already five years ago and the Dervion had worked his way all the way up to first mate.
"Vyn," you greeted.
"How'd it go?"
You pulled the sparkling ring from your pocket. Vyn grinned at the sight of it. He pulled a device out of his pocket, tapping on the screen a few times and then humming quietly as he scrolled. He let out a soft exclamation of victory as he found what he had been searching for.
"Three hundred thousand. Damn, Cap. That thing can't be worth 100k."
"Well, we charge for the stealing part too, Vyn."
Vyn shrugged. "Fair enough. Why don't you go catch some shuteye? We should be back to the buyer in a few hours. Who's doing the delivery?"
"I will," you said, sticking the ring back into your pocket.
Vyn chuckled. "You know, Cap, that most clan leaders aren't so hands on with the dirty work."
"I'm not most clan leaders, Vyn," you winked. "I'm heading down to my quarters. Call for me when we get there."
You straightened out your red jacket as you stepped out of your pod. You nodded at the landing strip attendant as you ventured onto the familiar planet. You whistled merrily on your way, flashing wide smiles at whoever you happened to make eye contact with. You glanced at your phone as it directed you where to go. You could have caught a ride, but you were up for a bit of a walk.
It was a half hour walk to the place you were looking for. You stepped in quietly. It was a bar, and not exactly a very nice looking one. You wouldn't be surprised if half the people in there were criminals. In fact, you wouldn't be surprised if you weren't the only Ravager in there. When you entered you pulled the mask over your face again, clipping the flames of the Ravagers over your chest.
You stepped up to the bar and ordered a drink. You took it when it came and slid into one of the booths. You'd arrived early, and knew it'd be a while before the client arrived. You scanned the area as you waited, sipping quietly as you watched the planet natives, finding entertainment in two particularly large guys fighting over who had made the illegal move in a game of darts.
"Captain Red?"
Of course, that wasn't your real name. You'd never give your real name to a client. You only nodded, gesturing to the seat across from you. He sat down and fumbled with his hands a little, clearly nervous. It wasn't an uncommon reaction. He was meeting with a thief for hire and paying a good sum of money for stolen goods.
"I have the money."
"Straight to business, I see," you hummed, sipping from your glass. "That's alright with me."
You reached into your pocket, pulling out the ring. His eyes immediately locked to it. He reached out and you pulled away, keeping the piece out of his reach. You raised a single eyebrow as his eyes moved back up to yours. You clicked your tongue as a small smile of amusement played over your lips.
"Units first."
He nodded. He pulled out a device from his pocket, pressing some buttons on it. Yours, which sat out on the table in front of you, beeped. You glanced at it to find the transfer complete. Then you nodded, placing the ring flat in your palm, and holding it out in front of you.
"Pleasure doing business with you, sir."
He grabbed the ring, nodded, and scampered out without another word. You chuckled lightly to yourself, draining what was left in your glass. You pulled the mask off again and took the pin off your chest. Everyone else in the room was too drunk to notice the change. You stepped up to the bar once more.
"I'll take another."
The bartender nodded. He filled your glass as you put a finger to the comm in your ear and let Vyn know you were going to stick around for a little fun, should anyone want to join. But the Ravagers had made their own fun the previous night and were far too hungover to think of joining you in the bar. You rolled her eyes as you lowered your hand.
"Prettiest girl in the bar, aren't ya?" A voice slurred to your left.
You turned just in time to see the man flashed you a wide grin. You nodded and tilted your head a little. "I'd expect."
"So why don't ya come sit a little closer?"
You laughed. "I'm alright just where I am."
He sneered. "Listen here-"
But a shadow appeared between you and he, cast upon the bar top. It distracted the both of you. You turned to see who had stepped up to the two of you, and your jaw could have hit the ground. But your face stayed blank as the blonde's gaze met you for just a brief second before turning back to the man who had been hitting on you. She raised an eyebrow at him.
"Everything alright here?"
"I'd hope," she hummed. "Because I seem to remember you and I having a nice, long talk about good manners."
"We did," he coughed. He stood up, nodding at you and retreating back across the room to where his friends were all jesting and shouting, spilling their drinks on the tabletops, the floor, and themselves.
You turned your attention back to the woman who had stepped up next to you. She was taking the seat beside yours, ordering a drink for herself and another for you. You smirked a little when she turned to you. Despite your lack of a mask and the absence of the flames upon your chest, she recognized you immediately.
"Long time no see," she offered.
You chuckled. "Very. What's a Fenarian guard like you hangin' out in a place like this for, Carol?"
"Caught my name, I see," she said, accepting the drink that was slid toward her. "But the guard thing isn't quite accurate."
"Oh, no?"
That didn't get a reply. You sipped your drink, watching her the entire time. She only shrugged her shoulders, drinking from her own glass. It stayed like that for a long while. Your egos were both too big to dare be the one to break the silence that had fallen upon you. So, you drank in silence. In fact, you'd both drained your glasses before Carol finally took it upon herself to be the one to speak the first words.
"You know my name, and I don't know yours."
"That's intentional," you told her. "But if you must call me something, I usually just go by Captain. Cap works."
"That's a title, not a name."
"A fact I am well aware of, Carol."
When she didn't reply, you smirked a little. You weren't shy about the way you were eyeing her up and down. She was, to be frank, one of the most attractive women you'd ever met. She was smirking too, once your eyes had finally made their way back up to hers. You only offered a small tilt of your head in acknowledgement.
Carol stood. She placed a few coins down on the bar, enough to cover her own tab, yours, and a little more. She offered you a hand. You were confident, cocky even. You weren't one bit afraid of this woman. You put your hand into hers and let her pull you to your feet. She led you away from your stool, out the door, and into the bright sunlight of the planet. Then she kept going, moving away from the bar and leading you down the streets. At some point your fingers had intertwined with hers and now you were walking hand in hand down the streets.
"You know I didn't need anyone to save me from that guy, right?"
"A thanks might have sufficed," she replied.
"It might have," you agreed.
Finally, you both arrived back at the landing strips. She led you right back to your own pod. You hadn't yet paid the fee for having kept it parked there for the last hour and a half but, judging from the look on Carol's face, you weren't going anywhere just yet. This time it was you leading as you pulled her on board, closing the hatch behind you. Once it was closed you moved.
Your hands moved and took Carol's waist, pulling her close to you. Her body was flush against yours, her hands in your hair, as she kissed you back. She let out a soft noise as you pushed her against the wall behind her. You smirked against her lips. It was a long moment before Carol pushed you away breathlessly. But you weren't done.
Your lips moved down to her neck, bringing the skin between your lips as you sucked roughly at it. It was a full moan that tumbled from her lips this time. You wanted to laugh in victory, but instead you released the skin, running your tongue softly over the mark you'd left on her. You moved back up to her lips and pecked them once, pulling back to glance into those light brown irises.
"That all you got then, Y/N?"
"I thought you didn't know my name."
Carol rolled her eyes. "Sorry, love. I could call you Captain if you wanted."
You put a hand against her cheek. "That would be extraordinarily hot."
Carol laughed. She put her lips against yours again, kissing you once more. She spun the both of you so that you traded places. This time it was your back against the wall. You leaned into it without much fight, letting her take her turn controlling the pace of the kiss. When you finally separated, she rest her forehead against yours.
"I love you."
You laughed. "We just met."
"Oh, fuck off," she laughed too.
You brought her hand into yours, thumb gliding across the ring you'd put on her finger five years ago. Her eyes darted to the identical one on yours. Her smirk faded into a smile and she brought you hand up to her lips, kissing your knuckles softly. You leaned a little further into her touch, pecking her lips once more.
"I love you, too," you muttered against her.
She laughed. She put two fingers beneath your chin, tilting your gaze up to meet hers. You loved those eyes with that cunning sparkle in light brown irises that you'd fallen so hard for all those years ago. Just as she was about to kiss you once again, there was a banging on the outside of the pod. You huffed in frustration.
You didn't even bother going out. You quickly transferred the fee you owed electronically. The banging stopped, and so you assumed everything had gone through without a problem. You shoved the small device back into your pocket and then turned your attention back to Carol. She was watching you with amusement sparking in her eyes.
"You're cute when you're angry," she commented.
"Yeah, yeah," you rolled your eyes. "We should get out of here before someone, you know, chases me off the planet."
Carol laughed, she put her arms around your waist. "I'm Captain Marvel. I can't let some thief get away with stealing valuables. Maybe they shouldn't have run."
"Just doin' my job, darlin'," you chuckled, arms resting on her shoulders and hands linking loosely behind her neck.
She hummed softly at that, kissing you again. It had been five years and her touch still made you melt. You were sure another five years could pass and that still wouldn't have changed. Your eyes fluttered shut and your lips moved with hers and the world could have disappeared around you and you wouldn't have noticed. But it didn't. There was banging on the door again.
"I need this spot!" The attendant shouted from the other side of the door.
You huffed. You forced yourself to peel away from Carol's body. You took a seat in front of the controls, and Carol took the one next to you. You started everything up, checking that they'd recharged the battery while you'd been there. Once you were sure of everything, you lay a hand on Carol's thigh and glanced out the front window.
"Take us away, Athena," you said.
"Roger that, Captain Danvers." 
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imma-queencard · 3 years
You,Him & The Piano.
Lee Taemin / SHINee / SuperM
Pairing- Taemin X Reader
Requested by anon [Ask box status: Open]
Ratings/Warnings: Demon,Magic, Assault,Injury,Blood
Rated! [There is no adult scene but some scenes may be inappropriate to some readers specially the minor one. I suggest you to be 18+ for reading this. Thanks for reading]
A/N: I tried to write it on based of advice with a slight yandere effect. I tried my best to portray the art of taemin's advice mv but maybe I failed. And pardon the mistakes please!happy reading~
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You changed your side on the bed, desperate to sleep. You knew you had to submerge yourself in a deep slumber before the clock hit 12.
"shit!" You sat up on the bed to look at the wall clock hung on the white wall by your study table.
11.00 p.m.
You took a breath of relief. You still had some time to fall asleep. You laid down the bed again in an attempt to sleep and soon by the mercy of God you fell into a slumber.
Your leg tangled unconsciously with the plushie you had held closer to your body before sleeping. Your eyebrows knitted together as you continually changed the position of your face. Your ears jerked up listening to the faint music of piano. Eyes still shut. Your left hand gripped the bed sheet tighter as the tone started reaching it's peak. You moved your face to the right side panting. Sweats started dripping down your wide forehead. Your brain was protesting against the music that was being played on piano. You felt something grabbed your right ankle ,giving few rough tugs. Your brain had had enough. So with one adequate stimulus ,your brain initiated the most powerful reflex ever making your eyes shot wide opened jerking your body up.
You started panting heavily. Before your brain could adjust your surroundings,you felt someone pulling you by the ankle trying to throw you off the bed. You screamed and tried to kick the thing away with your free leg. But nothing came in contact with your free leg. However, you felt the grip around your ankle started becoming cold. You screamed harder but the hardest when the grip became strongest pulling you towards it. You did gripped the sheets with both of your hands to give one last try but all your hard work went in vain as you were thrown out of your bed by an invisible force and your elbow smashed at the cold marble floor. You winced in pain rubbing your injured elbow. You saw a cut separating your once delicate skin into a bruised one. You whimpered.
No sooner had you wiped your tears, the tone started to be played again making your ears almost bleed.
"stop!please stop!fucking stop it!" You tried to cover your ears with both of your hand as best as you could. The melodious tone was piercing your ears and you were afraid your ears would bleed. But the tone was again reaching it's high notes striking your brain with a hammer.
You walked clumsily towards the sound holding your both ears. You dropped one vase which was placed on one corner stuttering it into thousand pieces. You were feeling so dizzy to walk in a straight line. But you managed to reach the room. You saw a man's naked back who was playing the ancient piano which was given to you by your grandparents in inheritance. You blinked a couple of times to adjust your vision. You leaned on the door frame.
"ple-please stop.." you murmured almost unconsciously and to your surprise,the man's fingers stopped on the keys before turning his head towards you. You saw the man's face was covered in a black cloth. Only his eyes were visible. And they were cold running a shiver down your spine. His upper body was naked but covered in various tattoos and scratches whereas his jeans ripped over knee was covering his lower body.
"who-who are you... " You asked looking at anywhere but his eyes. You felt the man's eyes darkened before answering, "I am your imagination Y/N..."
Your eyes shot up to him, "wha-what are you talking about?" He didn't reply instead turned to the piano settling his lean fingers over the keys. You gulped and almost ran towards him to stop playing that melodious yet eye piercing tone again. You couldn't even reach him when his fingers started moving over the piano wildly.
"aaah!" You screamed frozen at the spot, trying to cover you ears. You looked at the man's back helplessly. But the man was too engrossed to pay a look at you. His head was moving side to side rhythmically along the tone he was playing.
"stop that!" You screamed but he didn't listen. Rather he started singing in a honey like voice,
" Yeah, no matter what anyone says,
my way nothing to tell from my face
The blurted out words without a filter, no, oh, oh, oh"
"shut it uppp!" You ran towards him like a maniac and stood in front of him ready to fight whoever this was.
"do you even listen?Are you deaf!" You shouted but stopped abruptly feeling red liquid coming out from your left ear. Your fingers instinctively reached there and took some blood stains. Your eyes widened in fear seeing blood.
"Do you like that?" He asked suddenly pausing his fingers in the keys just when you were about to cry.
"the music...." He said taking his time to look at you. "I played...on your piano..."
"No!I hate it! i hate it!" You screamed at top of your lungs moving away from the piano with clumsy steps.
"But- I made it with love....." He whispered looking down. "But - you don't like it .... " He said in a sad tone.
"your tone pierces my ear! That fucking bleed! What the fuck ar-" you lost your words seeing the sudden change of atmosphere around you.
"what the!" You screamed in horror as you saw your drawing room started freezing. The once marble floor was turning into one of ice. You tried to move away when the ice of the floor crept towards you fast. But all your try went in vain as every inch of the floor turned into an ice rink,dropping the temperature maybe below the -10° celsius.
"stop!" You tried to shout but it came out as a moan.
"Why dont you like my music?..I made it for you..I summonded my soul into this piano..it sings my heart out...." He kept saying to himself looking at the piano thinking whether he should start playing it again or not.
"pleas-" your throat died up seeing icebergs forming on your floor as well as on the ceiling. How can this be possible! You thought. You pinched your arm roughly to check whether you were dreaming or not.
"Even the veil that hides the smile
inside the glass mask is
Lost oh oh oh"
You heard him singing and playing the piano with passion. You could sense the passion and affection radiating from the tone and the song. But your hands instinctively reached your ears. However, your ears didn’t bleed this time. Your eyes widened. Your fingers double checked your ear touching it to make sure no blood coming out again.
"What!how..." you murmured looking at him shivering due to sudden drop in the atmosphere.
"Wait..it-it didn’t bleed this time..." you found yourself informing him. But he didn’t reply,instead continued singing while making the tone in the piano.
"Why do you visit me...at night?" you asked. Gathering your courage,you moved closer to him hugging both your hands together. You saw his fingers paused on the piano.
"The more you deny,the more your body resists.. We have one soul.one passion" His eyes darkened whilst continuing,"I come to you because your soul calls me every night...your soul needs me....Taemin needs you the way you need him" You furrowed. He wasn't joking,was he?
"Stop making up things,Taemin!" you managed to shout making him risen up from the seat. You watched him taking steady steps towards you. You backed up before hitting a cold surface against your back.
"Ouch!" you muttered as the coldness made your skin almost burnt. But there were no cold things behind you!You looked back immediately to find an iceberg appeared out of nowhere. You felt your limbs going numb due to the cold and your brain stopped working seeing all those odd things in few minutes. You watched the man stopped in front of you. His eyes were cold as ice.
"I-who who are you!" you shouted mortified.
"I am Taemin, your imagination, Y/N... I told you...Your soul calls me every night. " he spoke running his cold finger in your messy hair.
"Dont!" you growled battling in your head whether you should push the man away or not. The question was if he truly were a human.
"Dont deny me love.. I came to sing for you. I love you..." he said to you still running his finger into your hair. "See,I get scars everytime when I descend to the earth from hell..I break myself everyday for you...my soul reaches to yours.." he whispered.
"No!" you shook your head bewilded.
"Yes,love,yes! I am here to take your soul with me..we are meant to be together,love!only one soul!one body!" his fingers tightened in your hair pulling your face dangerously close to his. You screamed in horror,tears started running down your cheeks. You tried to push him with your weak and trembling hands. You screamed in pain when you saw your palm burn touching his cold body.
"This world is not for you. Come with me,love. I will sing for you. I will sing away all of your pain, all your sorrow. I will melt our hearts together.." he kept saying as if trying to convince you.
"I don't want to go with you,taemin!" you screamed and tried to get out of his strong grip on your hair. His eyes turned colder and his scars started glowing.
"Surrender yourself,love!give your soul to me!" he pleaded as the icebergs started to vibrate and ready to collasp soon. You kept screaming as your piano started playing automatically and blood coming out of your ear.
"No!please-taemin!I said No!"
"Don't fight me,love. Please come with me" he said before colliding your body into his cold one. You screamed in pain as your body started burning due to excessive cold. You felt his hand snaked around your waist to hold you in place. You tried to kick him but he was too strong for you. You found yourself slowly vanishing into air with him. You kept kicking him continually while screaming. You saw everything of your room evaporating into air as the sudden rise of temparature in your drawing room. Giving the vibes of dessert. You looked into the man's eyes to find his eyes smiling to you. You cursed him knowing it was the last day of yours. You were going to die soon in the hands of an magician. Was he even a magician? You sobbed waiting for vanishing your whole body into air.
"Dont cry,love. We will be happier there"
You looked up to him with hatred radiating from your pair of eyes. You saw his fingers gripped the mask to tear the thing away from his face revealing his beautiful face. You found yourself hypnotized into his godly beauty as your vision started being blurry.
"Pleas-" you murmured unconsciously looking at the most beautiful face and the most beautiful facial structures ever made by God before your eyes gave in, your body into his embrace.
"You are mine and I am yours Y/N.." he murmured kissing your forehead while vanishing from the earth with your unconscious state to his own realm,own world where there would be only three things forever.
You,him and the piano.
Check out the masterlist for more! Thank you for reading!
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Fic part#3 Shura's speed dating event
So, I kept spinning my wheels trying to figure out what Mephisto could say to Shura to change her mind. She wants to find a life partner and possibly leave the order. But Mephisto needs her close to him and take over once he's shot. Plus he needs her to have that drunken conversation about Yuri to Rin and Yukio after the Christmas party. So, I tried to make sense of it and made a fic about it.
"Yer down to eight minutes." Shura crossed her arms. "I'd get talkin' if I were you."
"Only eight minutes? Not for me, I can make a workaround."
Mephisto snapped his fingers.
"I've frozen time for 20 minutes." He took a seat in the wooden chair across from her.
"This was supposed to be a speed dating event, not an interrogation."
"Well, I'm here to stop you from making a huge mistake." He stated matter-of-factly. "We need a long honest conversation and clear the air between us."
Shura sighed with growing exasperation. "As if you could ever be honest."
"Perhaps if you took a moment to listen," Mephisto grumbled. "Instead of trying to maim me, you'd be privy to my plans. But as of now, I can't quite trust you."
"You think I'm the untrustworthy one?" Shura countered with an incredulous laugh. "The order thinks you're a traitor."
"Yes, that's well established." Mephisto mused. "But they also said Fujimoto was a traitor. Do you still believe that?"
"Look, I know that Rin and Yukio were like sons to him."
"They were sons to him." Mephisto corrected.
"--And Shiro was trying to prepare them to survive an attack from Satan. But you wanted them to be weapons."
"We're all weapons, Shura." Mephisto rested his chin thoughtfully on his hand. "There are many ways in which a person can weaponize themselves. It is not always about physically hurting things. You know that."
"Are you trying to school me on "feelings" again, Mephisto? As if you'd ever understand--"
"Demon do experience emotions, despite what the academy textbooks say," Mephisto replied. "The range is nowhere near that of humans, but we do have the ability to feel. I have chosen not to."
"Convenient, for all the times you do evil shit."
"If one wishes to destroy the world, all they need is a jealous demon and explosive power. I tramp down my emotions with every ounce of my being. And yes, I've done some decidedly evil things to save Assiah. But we all must make sacrifices to survive." Mephisto explained. "To protect his children, Shiro sacrificed his body, and Yuri sacrificed her heart to stop Satan."
Shura winced at the mention of Yuri Egin.
"I can't believe she got into bed with a demon." Shura's voice was laden with disgust. "I couldn't fucking imagine."
The usually calm facade briefly slid from Mephisto's face, replaced with a look of dismay.
"Yuri gave Satan her love and was almost victorious in taming him. The woman was an unsung hero. I'm hoping her boys attempt the same method. Shiro's mission was to teach Rin and Yukio empathy and to understand demons on a deeper level."
"He must have seen three spirits because I never got an ounce of empathy from him."
"Shiro changed after she died," Mephisto answered. "He finally understood that Yuri had been right, and fighting wasn't the answer. Once Shiro held her children in his arms, he knew the truth."
"He got soft and weak." Shura resisted.
"No, you only think that way because you've sealed your emotions." Mephisto's voice had a sudden sympathetic edge. "Demons have hurt you terribly. But not all of us are like that."
"Okay, fine," Shura growled. "You're a fucking saint in a demon skin suit. Why the hell are you here."
"I'm here to honour the last dying wish of Shiro Fujimoto." Mephisto gestured grandly.
"What!?" Shura leaned back in her chair, face riddled with confusion.
"Shiro wanted me to protect you." Mephisto smiled. "He felt terrible about abandoning you as a child. I made a solemn promise that you would live a long and good life."
"You broke the curse with Hachiro..." She whispered. "For Shiro?"
"No, I did it for you." Mephisto winked. "Now, on to my second gift! Those other pathetic suitors have nothing but cheap flowers. I'd never dream of bringing a knife to a sword fight."
The demon snapped his fingers, producing a large package wrapped in pink silk. With a flourish, he swooshed the fabric away, revealing Fang in all of its glory. The sword, highly polished, rested within a finely carved sheath made from a lightweight quartz-like material. The artistry of the scabbard was beyond compare, with an intricately carved scene of a hydra in a mystic garden, its long sinuous body entwined around an apple tree. The many eyes of the sword shone through matching eyelets, winking with untold secrets. Shura tentatively picked up the weapon studying it with awe.
"I made it from the horn of the water demon Khnum." Mephisto grinned with delight at her reaction. "He was significantly upper level. I worked with precision; Fang is hardly a run-of-the-mill Katana and certainly not a standard size." His chest swelled with pride. "It will offer you protection in battle, creating a barrier to Lucifer's power. The Seraphim will never harm you again."
"You made this?" Shura couldn't believe it.
"I am a master bladesmith, but I only cater to gifted warriors. The weapons I've made can either cause irreparable harm or good to Assiah and are only given to those I trust. The swords wielded by the greatest paladins were all my creations, as is the Koma sword."
"You made the Koma sword!?" Shura practically shouted.
"I did, and it saved Rin's human heart." Mephisto's eyes twinkled. "Now ask yourself, Shura, why would a heartless demon care about such things?"
Shura furrowed her brows deep in thought.
"As gorgeous as this is," Shura countered, running her fingers over the meticulous carvings. "My sword is empty. I don't deserve to be an exorcist anymore. I can't accept such a gift."
"To have a demon possess that sword is simple, plus Rin and Yukio still need your guidance. Shiro asked you to protect the twins and asked me to protect you."
"But Shiro also told me to have a family and grow old."
"So, you want a normal life?" Mephisto shook his head with amusement. "If you left the Order, you can't return. You signed a contract of Mornath. It would be quite a waste, hiding your bravery, skills and knowledge. Why would you choose to limit yourself?"
"But what if I'm happy?"
"I assure you, it's a lonely and empty dream. You have never had a life without supernatural abilities, so much so, that you are practically a demon yourself. You have no equal partner in that "muggle" world."
"I can pretend," Shura remarked stubbornly. "I want to fall in love and not put my future children in danger..."
"You assume that your offspring will be powerless?" Mephisto was genuinely amused. "I'm positive they'd take after their mother and be the baba yaga."
"Listen! The Order is fucked up!" Shura snarled. "I don't want my family working for them!"
"Fine." Mephisto narrowed his eyes with a challenge. "Come work for me instead. I can have the paperwork drawn up. You will no longer be a trained assassin for the Order, answering only to me. I'll pay you handsomely and I promise to protect your future family from harm."
"What!? Work for you!?" Shura was shocked.
"It would be a perfect fit. After all, be both despise the Order, and I need a personal bodyguard." The demon rolled up his sleeve showing Shura a long mottled bruise creeping along his wrist. "I'm sure you know what this means...."
"Jesus, fuck." Shura gasped. "That's impossible!"
"Unfortunately not," Mephisto shrugged wistfully. "It's the truth, and I need your help. I can't hang onto the Gehenna gate and protect my well-being at the same time. It's possible that I will fail."
"But you can't die!" Shura hissed. "We can't defend ourselves against Satan!"
"We all need to make sacrifices, Shura, and soon I may join Yuri and Shiro. If you help me, this can be averted."
Mephisto stood, preparing to leave--"What happens to Rin, Yukio and me. That's entirely up to you. But I wouldn't dilly-dally. Time is running out."
He pushed aside the beaded curtain, walking out the door.
"Mephisto! Wait!" Shura growled. "I'll do it."
The demon stopped and smiled knowingly. Snapping his fingers a flash of white light lit up the scabbard, activating it.
"What happens now?" Shura sighed in defeat.
"You will pack your things and move out of the dorm. Belial has set up an apartment for you in my palace. You will be given a uniform and will shadow me on my daily activities."
Shura nodded solemnly.
"Don't look so forlorn, rotten princess. We're partners now! It's time to celebrate! The children are having a Christmas party, let's go crash it."
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ethanharli · 4 years
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Pairing(s): Oikawa Tooru x Top Male Reader
Warning(s): NSFW (SMUT), Cursing, Bottom Oikawa, etc etc all that good stuff.
DNI; if you use she/her pronouns.
I pray that my ears have deceived me, but from the apologetic look on my teachers face I know I heard it correctly. "[Y/n] you'll be working with Oikawa on this project" The pencil in my hand almost snapped when he spoke, so I took a deep breath and tried to calm my nerves. It's not like I have anything personal against the male but he surely does for me, only because his annoying ass fan-girls decided to make me their new target, causing the dumbass to lose some of his popularity amongst the females. Standing from my seat I moved towards the male, plopping down in the seat beside him since the teacher gave us the rest of class to start working on this three fucking week project. "We're working on this at your house" I stated bluntly, causing the shorter male to wince at my harsh tone.
"Eh? Why mine?!" He huffed while glaring at me through narrowed eyes, I merely shrugged and pulled out our text book, starting to flip through the pages. Not bothering to speak to the male anymore then I have to, however he didn't seem to take kindly to that and kept pestering me the whole damn class period, until finally the last bell rang, signaling for us to head home. Well not really since I have to head off with Oikawa, which wouldn't be too bad if it weren't for his squealing fan-girls that literally popped out of no where. "Oikawa!" A chorus of feminine voices sang aloud, running up to the setter besides me until their eyes turned towards me, "And [Y/n] too!" They screeched, but before Oikawa could make any advance in talking to them, I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him back, glaring at the girls through narrowed eyes.
"Fuck off" I growled, dragging Oikawa off the school grounds while also trying to ignore the way the girls swooned after. "Y'know you're really mean" The setter pouted as he crossed his arms over his chest, glaring at me out the corner of his eye. With a quick roll of my eyes I stuffed my hands in my pockets, letting out a heavy sigh knowing it's going to be a very a long three weeks, and by the sudden glimmer in his eye I knew I was right. "Keep looking at me like that and I'll push you in the mud" I muttered out, getting a bit annoyed from the way he stared at me. "Do you have any other setting other than jerk?" Oikawa huffed, leading me up to his front door before letting me inside.
"For pretty boy's like you? No" I shot back, scratching at the back of my head before following him up to his room. A teasing smile was quickly brought to his lips as we stepped into his room, gazing into my eyes with a playful look, "You think I'm pretty?" His smile never faltered as he stepped closer to me, nearly brushing up against me. And I immediately saw the game he was trying to play, so with a quick glance I let my eyes wander over his face, taking in the way his eyes nearly shimmered a golden color under the light, then traveled them down his form, almost having to force my gaze away from the way he arched his back, "Maybe" I smirked, drawing my tongue over my upper lip before going back to my cold expression. Watching the way his face flushed slightly with widened eyes, before taking a seat on his floor.
Cause I don't plan to lose at a game that I know how to win.
It's only been a week into the project and Oikawa's been ruthless with his flirting, he even went as far as too see me during lunch and after the classes we didn't have together just to put a word or two in with a teasing smirk. However as the days went by something seemed a little off, I'd always notice that his gaze would linger on me a lot longer than it used too, his face would heat up whenever we talked and he'd actually show more of his calmer side, then there's the fact that even though he's been more ruthless with the flirting, it slowly stopped making me feel like I was some kind of goal he wished to accomplish, and the thought of that.. Kind of worried me.
Cause I know I'm starting to feel something for the male, even if he can be annoying as hell. Under all that he's really not a bad guy, he has his moments of serenity and the happy glimmer in his eyes when he's playing volleyball is something that makes me my heart flutter, but the real choice is should I actually follow this feeling or drop it here? I know Oikawa's continuous flirting was merely him trying to win me over, he was trying to play his cards right and if I'm being honest, he did well. He beat me at my own game and I damn well knew it, but would I admit it? Not in a million years.
"[Y/n]! Thanks for waiting" Oikawa panted as sweat slowly ran down his face and neck, quickly forcing my gaze away before any thoughts could come to mind. "Don't have much of a choice" I stated bluntly, starting to walk out the school gates I didn't brother waiting for Oikawa as I headed in the direction of his home leaving the screeching male to try and catch up with me. We walked in silence for a bit, but my attention was caught by the way a slow heat crept up Oikawa's neck, causing his cheeks and ears to burn a pretty pink while he chewed on his lower lip, nearly forcing my heart to stop from the sight. However the male suddenly stopped in his tracks, looking up at me with a small smile that I haven't seen before, "[Y/n] I need to tell you something" His tone was soft as he crossed his arms, taking a deep breath before looking me in the eye.
"I like you!" My eyes widened a bit at his words, but a tight feeling in my gut made me second guess his confession. I know his type, the playboy that can get anyone he wants, I only know because I was like that once back in junior high, I could've had anyone I wanted but, it got boring after a while and I realized I wanted something real not just that one week lover bullshit, I want someone to spend my life with, "No offense Oikawa but how am I supposed to believe that?" I knew my words would hurt him, and I immediately regretted it when his chocolate colored eyes shined from the thin layer of tears threatening to spill. "You flirt with every one of your fan girls, hell I saw you flirting with them at lunch yesterday and don't think I didn't know what you were trying to do when you started flirting with me."
Oikawa flinched at my words, slowly averting his gaze towards the ground and I had to resist the urge to pull him towards me, "Fine.. then I'll just have to make you believe me!" His lips curled into a small smile as his eyes filled with determination, shocking me a bit.
"We'll see."
It was a bit surprising to see that Oikawa had stopped flirting with his fangirls, taking any minute of the day he could just to spend time with me. He drags me to each of his volleyball practices, grinning at me with a hopeful gaze whenever he sets or serves, it was kind of cute how he always looking for me after doing so. That much I couldn't deny, but it finally hit the last week of our project with only the weekend to finish it, so sitting on his bed I finished gluing the pictures to the small board since we left the easy stuff for last, however Oikawa went to go change so it was just me in the room, until someones arms wrapped around my neck, resting their chest against my back. "[Y/n]" Oikawa muttered into my ear with a low whine that caused me to stop what I was doing, feeling his warmth slowly flood over me in a soothing way.
"What are you doing Oikawa?" I breathed out, moving my hands to his arms with a gentle but firm grip, looking back at him through the corner of my eye, only to see the beautiful chocolate brown I've come to adore. "C'mon! We've gotten to know each other well enough and I even confessed to you! So call me Tooru" He whined, shifting around so that he was sitting in front of me, giving me a full view of the baggy t-shirt he wore and simple dark blue boxers underneath. It was nearly impossible to tare my gaze away and that was obviously his intention when he moved the project to the floor, climbing into my lap with a teasing smirk that I've seen plenty of times before. Running his fingers through my hair he bit his bottom lip, tugging it between his teeth in a slow motion that kept my eyes on the movement.
It was a simple trick that had all my attention, pulling me in until I let out a soft groan from the sudden ghost-like touch on my cock that had forced a shudder through Oikawa's body. "Tooru-" I muttered subconsciously, moving my hands to thighs that I gripped tightly when he started to palm me through my pants, "Ngh.." The moan that slipped past his lips sounded like music to my ears, and I just had to hear more. The corner of my lips curved into a sly smirk as I moved my hands up his thighs, pressing my thumbs to the soft inner part of them before pressing my lips to the base of his neck, dragging my teeth up the soft skin, biting down when he let out a breathy moan along with a sudden shiver that ran down his spine. "[Y-Y/n].." He whimpered softly, moving his hands under my shirt to pull it off, which I gladly allowed, loving the way his hands explored my upper body as I pushed up his shirt, practically yanking it off of him when he smirked up at me, face flushed in the brightest red I've seen it.
After pressing his back into the bed he took my hand with his as he shamelessly brought it to his lips, curling his tongue around my middle finger in a slow motion that made my pants tighten uncomfortably, and I couldn't help but notice he was in the same pain I'm in. I happily pressed the pad of my finger against the back of his tongue, taking note of the fact he didn't gag from the action, useful information for later. With that thought out the way I tugged at the waistband of his boxers, pulling them down and off his smooth legs, taking in the sight of his messy form beneath me. I pulled my hand from his grasp, quickly capturing his lips with my own in a slow motion in order to savour the taste of his mouth when he shyly brushed his tongue with my own, desperately gripping onto my hair as I pressed my middle finger to his entrance, hoping that the kiss would help distract him from the sudden feeling when I slowly pushed it in.
"Hah! [Y-Y/n]!" He gasped out, moving his fingers from my hair to rake down my back in a painful motion that forced a groan from my throat. "Keep going-" His words caused my eyes to widen a bit until I realized something that I couldn't help but smirk at, "Did you already prep yourself?" I asked, nipping at his ear afterwards, loving the way his body trembled from my touch. All I got in response was a quick shameless nod, bucking his hips in an attempt to get more friction from my fingers, "Well if that's the case" I hummed, pulling away from the male in order to take off my pants, letting them fall to the ground. "On your hands and knee's, now" I demanded in my usual cold tone that forced a shiver down his spine, but I could tell it aroused him even more by the way his cock twitched and the whimper that escaped his throat as he spun around, lifting his ass in the air while pressing his face into his pillow, looking back at me with pleading eyes.
With a quick nod I took his hips in my hands, lining my cock up to his entrance before slowly pushing in, still giving him time to adjust even if he'd already prepped himself. The way his back arched when I pushed all the way in caught my attention along with the way he dug his nails into the sheets beneath him, letting out heavy pants into the pillow. "M-Move" He whimpered out, while my grip tightens on his hips, pulling out just to the tip before snapping my hips back, immediately feeling his walls clench around me as I rocked my hips in a fast pace, simply wanting to hear the way his voices hitches everytime I thrust back in, "[Y/N] THERE! P-lease! Please.." The pleading tone in voice caused my core to tighten, so pulling out I flipped Oikawa on his back, thrusting back in without warning, adoring the way his mouth hung open, panting heavily, pupils blown with a lustful desire I wouldn't want to see from anyone else.
Adjusting slightly I aimed at the spot from before, hitting it straight on while wrapping my hand around his cock, pumping it with quick motions that caused him to scream my name, "C-Cumming! I'm cumming!" Oikawa's body quaked under me as he released onto his chest, letting his eyes flutter shut with heavy breaths as I kissed his forehead, "Just a little longer Tooru" I whispered, brushing my fingers against his cheek as I tried to pull out, only for Oikawa to pull me back with his legs forcing me to cum inside him, which earned me a small hiss of pleasure. Panting heavily I moved to lay besides him on my back, not minding when he cuddled up under my arm, "Are you feeling okay?" I asked in a throaty tone, only getting a weak nod in reply.
"Does this mean.. You accept my confession?" Oikawa chuckled softly, pulling the blanket over us in a slow motion and I couldn't hold back the smile forming on my face, looking down at the brunette with a soft expression.
"Of course you idiot."
"Mm, well now I'm your idiot now!"
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allegra-writes · 4 years
"The stray"
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Tom Holland x Reader
General audiences
Warnings: None.
Hey, guys! This is actually a repost of an old story I took down before my hiatus because toxic stans made me feel uncomfortable about RPF. But I decided they can go fuck themselves😊
So, I will be slowly but surely reposting all my Tom fics here again, except for the smuts because... Well, several reasons that would make this too long. So without further ado, here's my dearest and favorite Tom fic:
"Oh, no. No way. Forget it, y/n, it's not happening"
"Tommy, please" You begged, lips in a pout and eyes big and supplicating. Your boyfriend sighed, he could never say no to you. Especially when you gave him that look, you could give his own puppy eyes a run for their money anyday. He lowered his gaze from your way-too-adorable face to the grey tomcat in your arms, but that wasn't any better: the thing looked pathetic, sad eyed and dirty and soaked to the bone.
... Very prominent bones under too little flesh, half starved to death. 
"Please, babe, just for tonight. Tomorrow I promise I will take him to the shelter myself. But we can't leave him out here in the storm, he won't survive the night" 
Tom had no doubt you were right, the way the cat wasn't even fighting your hold proof that it was too weak, too tired. 
"Please, Tommy, say yes" You tried one last time, "do it for me"
That was it. If he couldn't say no to you before, there was absolutely no way in hell he was going to be able to deny your request now. It was clear manipulation and he knew it but for the life of him he couldn't ever get himself to resist you. As it was, he didn't really want to, not when he knew you would probably find some very creative ways to make it up to him later in the bedroom. 
"Fine. But we're taking it to the shelter first thing in the morning…"
Your replying smile was blinding, knocking his breath away completely. God, he was so whipped. Fuck his distaste, fuck his allergies, fuck everything, he would foster every cat in the world if it meant seeing that smile on your pretty face all the time. 
That was how Tom found himself replaced by a four legged sack of fleas. Ignored and neglected in his own house. Ok, maybe he was being a little dramatic, but it was his first free weekend in weeks and instead of paying attention to him, you were spoiling, cuddling and even making dinner to a stray. 
"I don't get what she sees in you, you're not even cute" he grumbled at the scrawny feline sitting beside him on the couch, "You're just a dusty, smelly, walking ball of dirty fur… and toxoplasmosis" 
The thing just stared, big green eyes blinking slowly at him. You had told him what that meant but he hadn't been really listening. He blinked back just as slow, pretty sure that that was what you had told him to do. 
"Woah, mate! What are you doing? Get away!" Tom did not screech when the cat walked closer. He did not. Unphased by the decidedly not high pitched noise, the grey furball climbed onto his lap.
"Oh… ok. This is… kind of nice actually" The cat snuggled closer into him, no doubt seeking the heat of Tom's body, before yawning big and closing his eyes, tiny head resting on Tom's abs. 
"Fine" Your boyfriend mumbled, before bringing his hand up to softly stroke the cat's fur, "but I'm still cuter than you!"
Tom laid back on the couch, getting more comfortable. All of a sudden, he had a feeling he was going to be staying like that for a while…
"... Are you vibrating ?"
The house was quiet as you took off your AirPods and lowered your wooden spoon. A little too quiet, in fact. Tom had said he was going to be in the living room 'watching some telly' but the TV was off. 
Curious, you left the kitchen to investigate, but you didn't have to go very far: There, sprawled on the couch, was your boyfriend, soundly asleep with the very same cat not even fifteen minutes before he had sworn he hated, now snuggled firmly to his chest.  
You covered your mouth to stop the giggle that wanted to escape so as not to wake him. Taking out your phone, you snapped a few quick pictures, before going to him.
"Tom, love?" You kneeled beside him, placing a soft kiss on his lips, "dinners ready. Both your dinners" you added as the cat stretched, still perched on your boyfriend's chest. 
"Hmmm? Oh… yeah, ok… we're going" He replied, sleepily sitting up, still embracing the cat to stop it from falling to the ground.
"Don't get too attached, babe" You called back, making your way to the kitchen, "we're taking him to the shelter in the morning, remember?"
"Actually, I was thinking" He started, scrambling to follow you, "if Dusty gets along with the chickens… we could, you know... Keep him" 
"Dusty, huh?" You turned, trying to hide your smirk.
"Well, I mean, we can change it to Dustin… after a bath" he raised the still purring cat until their faces were pressed against each other, "What do you say? Pleaseee?"
This time, it was him the one giving you the puppy dog eyes. 
Your smile finally broke free, as you stepped close to him,
"You are the best boyfriend ever, did you know that?" 
"I might have heard some rumors, yeah…" He whispered, before crossing the last inches separating you to capture your lips in an earth shattering kiss.
The end.
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niawritess · 3 years
The Lovestruck~Chapter 25
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Coming days were nothing but a bundle of joy and moments, where you wanted time to stop or just capture those moments. After Baekhyun's first visit, he kept visiting your family and has gotten close to them.
Sometimes, you will find him in the kitchen with your mom helping her or with your dad having some discussion where you could hear them laughing about something. Baekhyun was already close with Daniel but by coming often, they became more close and not to mention, He and Jae have become best buddies.
Chanyeol and Ria's relationship was going stronger with the time whereas, Sehun was trying hard to impress Park Sooyoung and it was going well for now.
Mark finally had the courage to ask his crush out on a date while you and Ria being his friends were the most happiest ones. One thing definitely came a surprise to you when Lauren apologized to you and the boys.
You all did forgive her as there's nothing good in holding grudge for a long time and you could notice her change of character as she was also trying to do everything for Rowoon to forgive her.
It was an usual day where you were gathered in the cafeteria, eating and talking with your seniors about the exams which were aproaching soon as everyone continued their lunch before leaving to study.
Coincidentally, yours and Baekhyun's exams were starting after two weeks. Ria and Chanyeol went to a Café to study there, while you and Baekhyun headed towards your locker to get your bag.
You were shoving your things in your bag while Baekhyun just stood there leaning his shoulder against the locker and watching you doing it where both of you unaware of the dreamy stares of some girls in the hallway.
"Ugh, I still have two chapters to finish." You groaned, zipping your bag and Baekhyun looked at you confused. "Weren't you studying last night?"
"I wanted to but thanks to someone, I couldn't because they wanted to talk for fifteen minutes and I didn't knew that fifteen minutes would be that long enough to make me sleep." You flashed him a sarcastic smile and he bit his lower lip nodding.
"And that someone is me?"
"Glad, you know that."
He chuckled taking your bag in one hand before grasping your hand and walked out heading to the library.
As you both entered in the library, you found your seats beside eachother and began to study. After some time, your eyelids went heavy and before you know it, your head was on the book and drifted in your dreamland.
Baekhyun who was busy typing on his laptop, took a brief glance at you to see you sleeping peacefully with your cheek squished on the book. He smiled as how adorable you looked before taking his phone and opened the camera to capture your sleeping face.
He slightly smiled at the taken picture and put it back before taking closing your other notebooks.
"She sleeps like a baby." He mused tucking hair behind your ear and stared at you with a dreamy smile on his lips before continuing his work while glancing at you time to time.
You stirred feeling uncomfortable and opened your eyes to see your boyfriend's focused in his work and you took the chance to stare at his face which looked nothing but attractive.
"Rise and shine sleepyhead." He spoke without looking at you and you snapped out sitting up straight before stretching your body.
"How long I was sleeping?" You rubbed your eyes and leaned back to look at him.
"Barely 20 minutes." He said closing his laptop and turned to you. "You slept well, thanks to someone."
You pressed your lips together trying not to grin at his remark but all in vain when you saw him smiling while packing up his things. You grabbed his wrist to check time and it was time to go to the Café before packing your things and left with him.
You both started working where Baekhyun informed Rose that he won't be able to work at the Café after his graduation which was too close for your liking. Rose was a little upset but she couldn't do anything about it too and you also were a little sad thinking about it.
Then someone's presence surprised you at the Café who was none other than Somi herself. She came to meet Baekhyun and you as she was moving to abroad for her further studies.
You both understood and as the closing time approached, Rose and you were seated on the table chatting with Somi where you forgot that your boyfriend was present too.
Baekhyun standing at the counter watching those three women busy laughing at something and to his girlfriend who seemed to be forgetting about him. Aproaching your table, he sat beside you but to his surprise, you didn't look at him.
Baekhyun began to sulk and took a sip from your orange juice but pouted when you didn't glance at him then sighing, he just played with the tip of your open hair but little did he knew, you were secretly glancing and smiling at him.
Not long after, Somi went home and Rose also closed the Café where Jack came to pick her up and both left leaving you and your sulky boyfriend behind.
"Hey!" You bumped your shoulder to his to get his attention and he rolled his eyes slightly pouting.
"You finally remember that you have a boyfriend." He remarked sarcastically and you stiffed your laugh.
"Eyy! What are you talking about? I'd never forget about you."
He lowly scoffed. "Didn't seem like that earlier."
You bit your lip. "That was because I wouldn't see Somi again but you have me for lifetime."
He turned his head away from you as he tried not smile at your words and stick to his sulking mission which was getting hard now.
You chuckled as you saw him smiling. "Geez, this sulky baby."
He whipped his head towards you surprised. "Did you just say baby?"
Your eyes enlarged and you coughed out. "I said sulky too."
"I only hear good things." He stated before turning away his head again.
"Come on!" You held his hand swaying it lightly. "Stop being mad, How about I treat you something?"
He looked down at your swaying hands and then you frowning. "Excuse me? Your bribe won't work on me."
"But I think it's working." You smiled trying peek at his face and he couldn't resist but smile at your cute grin.
"Gosh, I can't even stay mad at you." He muttered making you giggle and you pecked his cheek before dragging him towards his car.
"Let's go have ice-cream!"
Baekhyun frowned. "Wait.. Wasn't it me getting something?"
You nodded. "Yeah but we'll have ice-cream too."
"No, young lady. You already had that cold orange juice and now cold ice-cream? You'll get sick." He opened the door and you sat in the front seat before he walked towards the other.
"But I'm craving for ice-cream!" You whined buckling your seatbelt and he sighed too hard to even say no to you before started driving while just hoping for you not to get sick.
(12 May)
10:23 am
Eyes wanting to be closed as the burning sensation rushed into your whole body making you lose your concentration in the class and needless to say, your head was aching so much like someone was banging it with a hammer.
You actually woke up with a slight headache but shrugged it off thinking it would go away but the opposite happened.
As the class was over, you instantly put your head on desk and closed your eyes where Ria sitting beside you came to check you up as she couldn't in the middle of the class.
"Y/n, You're burning up." She gasped placing her hand on your forehead and eyed your face turning pale worringly.
Meanwhile, Baekhyun was standing against the wall, hands tucked into his pockets outside of your classroom. The minute he saw you in the morning looking pale, he was sure you weren't well and hence he came here worried.
He instantly straightened himself when students began coming outside and they were shook to see him there. Not long before, the professor walked out and Baekhyun greeted him before walking inside.
As soon as he entered inside, his eyes spotted you sitting with your head on the desk and Ria by your side checking up on you. Ria looked up and felt relieved seeing Baekhyun coming towards them and stepped aside to let him see you.
You flinched feeling a cold hand on your forehead and opened your lazy eyes to see Baekhyun before sitting up.
"You have fever." He spoke calmly and you nodded slowly too lazy to speak.
"Let's go to infirmary, can you stand up?" He asked and you nodded.
He held your hand and you slowly stood up but a sudden pain hit your head making your vision blurry and you tried to hold something for you to hold you up but then you felt a hand on your back making you sit back.
"Sorry.. I-"
"It's okay." His arm slide around your waist and other under your knees before he picked you up. "It's okay, I've got you."
You nodded wounding your arms around his neck and your head in the crook of his neck where he felt your burning forehead making him sigh.
He looked back at Ria who was watching you worringly before he gestured her to get your stuffs and She nodded picking your stuff while walking outside with her internally squealing at the scene.
Baekhyun noticed the whispers and gasps as he walked down the hallway but he couldn't careless about it and pulled you closer hiding your face in his neck and headed outside.
Your eyes flutter opened and you were greeted by a white ceiling before sighing getting the attention of your bestfriend sitting on the chair beside you.
"Y/n, how are you?" She stood up and made you sit on the bed before you eyed the room and realized you were at the infirmary of your college.
"I'm feeling better." You weakly smiled at her before looking around for Baekhyun and Ria seemed to notice it. "Baekhyun Sunbae went to get your things."
You nodded. "But don't you have classes to attend?"
"Yeah I will, once Baekhyun Sunbae comes. I can't leave you alone here."
You chuckled. "I'm fine, go before you get late."
She was about to protest but Baekhyun walked inside with your bag in his hand and saw you sitting, he paced towards you faster and that's when Ria left leaving you both alone.
"You still have fever." He placed the back of his hand on your forehead and you leaned into his touch. "Rest some more."
You scrunched your nose shaking your head. "I want to go home."
He nodded making you stand up. "How are you feeling?"
"I feel like if I take one more step, my head will fall off."
He snorted slinging your bag over his shoulder and you frowned. "You weren't supposed to laugh, I was expressing myself."
"Sorry, your way of expressing was a little funny."
You rolled your eyes too lazy to snap back while he wrapped his arm around your shoulder helping you walk outside and the nurse smiled at two sweetly.
Walking to his car, he placed your bag in the back seat with his bag before opening the front seat door and you sat in. He buckled your seatbelt and kissed the back of your hand as he closed the door leaving you smiling.
He started driving and kept glancing at you who's eyes were closed making him grab your hand gently as he caressed it slowly.
"Someone really didn't listened to me yesterday." He spoke and you bit your lip tightening your grip on his hand.
"No lectures please." You unconsciously pouted and he chuckled before pulling the car over to your house.
You both stood infront of your front door and he fished out keys from your bag before opening it. Your parents went to a wedding and Daniel was on his school trip while Jae was at his workplace.
You already told Baekhyun about it and hence he followed you till your room until he made you sit on the bed. He made you eat your medicine which you swallowed without whining leaving Baekhyun surprise.
"I'm okay now." You said as he placed the glass on the nightstand and looked at you. "You must be busy so you-"
"I'm not that busy." He cut you off. "And I can just bring my laptop here so don't feel bothered and just rest."
You nodded as you lay down and he wrapped the duvet over you before kissing your forehead he gave you a smile and left your room.
You stirred in your sleep and woke up hearing noises from downstairs and sat up thinking your parents are back before checking the time to see it was 4 in the evening.
Getting off the bed, you washed up and changed into your pajamas as always before heading downstairs. Reaching down, you spotted Baekhyun with your mom in the kitchen while eyeing something intently of what she was cooking.
You sighed not really surprised at the view infront of you and settled yourself on the dining table. You flinched by your dad's presence beside you and looked at him confusingly.
"Open your mouth." You frowned but then saw a thermometer in his hand and open it up as he placed it inside before taking it out after seconds.
He nodded. "Your fever is down now."
He walked in the kitchen and they began to talk about something making you smile at the sight before Baekhyun glanced at you and smiled. Soon, they were done with their things and turns out, your mom was cooking a soup for you and Baekhyun was learning it for some reason.
After a while, Jae came back from work and Baekhyun got busy with him. As the time went by, he was going home but your parents stopped him insisting him to have dinner here and he couldn't refuse them hence, he stayed for dinner.
Walking in hands in hands together as you were walking him out, even though he insisted not to but you were feeling bad about it and he couldn't win over your stubbornness.
"I told you not to walk me out." He trailed off, as he leaned his back against the car before placing the back of his hand on your forehead. "Your fever is gone but still, make sure to take medicine before sleeping."
You constantly nodded at his nagging tone before feeling his intent eyes causing you to frown. "What are you looking at?"
You." He blurted out but then laughed at your surprised face. "This is the first time, I'm seeing you in pajamas."
You cheeks heat up as you palmed your cheek feeling the warmth. "I think my fever is coming back."
Baekhyun hummed, nodding as he tilted his head leaning in. "Not like you're blushing right now."
You bit your lip slapping his arm making him chuckle. "Oh, wow, you've still got the strength."
"Of course!"
He smiled but then chuckled deeply before holding your wrist gently and eyed it curiously. "I really wonder, how this small hand can be this strong?"
You rolled your eyes. "Want a demo then?"
He smiled innocently shaking his head. "No, I don't want to ruin my handsome face."
You scoffed. "And my hands are not that small."
"Oh yeah?" He opened your hand before leaning his palm against yours and giggled. "Look, they are so small."
You looked away unconsciously pouting before feeling him interlocking his fingers with yours. "But just perfect for me."
You smiled shyly before he spun you around and pulled you close making your back lean against his chest. He moved your hair from your shoulder to the back causing his fingers brush against your neck sending chills down your spine and placed his chin on your shoulder.
"You're so small, I wish... I could just put you in my pocket and steal you away but your dad would probably kill me." He pouted and you laughed before playing with his hands as he pressed his lips on your cheek.
Sighing, he turned you around as he took your arms, wrapping around his waist with his arms circled around your torso as he pulled you closer. "Do you know how scared and worried I was, when you literally passed out in my arms?"
You stared at his concerned face with a guilty expression and sighed. "Were you really worried? I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been stubborn."
"Glad you know that." He smiled, playfully making you roll your eyes before he reached out, cupping your jaw slightly squishing your cheeks as your lips turned into a pout. "Do me a favor and take care of yourself, hm?"
You grabbed his both wrist, nodding as you whined attempting to let go but your breath hitched, when he kissed your lips suddenly leaving you surprised. Your eyes enlarged which you instantly closed in the moment giving in with your heart pounding loudly behind your chest and your cheeks flushed.
"I didn't wanted to say it like this but.." He trailed off smiling while scrunching his button nose cutely before kissing your forehead. "I think I really love you."
Your heart stopped for a moment as you stared in his sparkling eyes and wide smile, making you smile back joyfully. "Feeling is mutual."
He chuckled at your reply but it was worth it for now before he nodded pinching your nose and drove away.
You watched his car disappearing from your sight and you sighed smiling while remembering the moment just happened as your fingers went to your lips while a shy smile broke out on your lips as you hid your face in your palms.
Giggling to yourself, you turned around. "Ahh!"
There stood, your little brother, Daniel with his hands shoved in his hoodie pockets and a cheeky grin playing on his lips and you palmed your chest. "You scared me! What are you doing there?"
He wriggled his eyebrows, teasingly. "I saw it."
You blinked, clearing your throat as you stood straight. "Saw what?"
"That you and Baekhyunee Hyung were doing..," He trailed off puckering his lips and your jaw dropped as you gasped. "Don't you dare, Dan."
"Deal, if you give me half of your pocket money." He smiled and you scoffed. "As if."
"Then, I'm going to tell everyone inside." He stuck out his tongue before running inside with you chasing and yelling. "You better stop being I kill you!"
"Mom! Potato is on killing mood again!"
(15 May)
It's been three days to that day and you were all better now and currently were sitting on a bench while tying your skating shoes. Well, not you but your boyfriend helping you do it as he was kneeling down infront of you.
Boys suddenly wanted to go skating surprising you as yesterday they were busy studying and now this. Nevertheless, you agreed to go and were present with everyone.
"Do you know how to skate?" Baekhyun asked as he sat down beside you while tying his shoes and you nodded.
"But I don't." He pouted and you chuckled patting his back. "It's okay, I'll teach you."
Everyone walked towards the big ground where lots of people were enjoying and soon, Ria and Chanyeol began skating smoothly hand in hand leaving you smiling but someone was being grumpy.
You laughed looking at Baekhyun. "Why?"
"I want to do it like that." He replied pointing towards the couple infront of you and you sighed shaking your head before a thud sound caught your attention.
There they were, Sehun and Jongin on the ground grunting and laughing while clutching to Kyungsoo who shrugged them away making you both laugh.
Minseok and Jongdae went to them while skating and made them stand up before guiding them and Yixing behind them with his hand on both of their backs while Junmyeon was just giving them a done face as they kept falling.
"Let's go." You held Baekhyun's hand and guided him to the ground while going backwards and giggled at him struggling cutely.
"Don't let go of my hand." He tightened his grip on your hand and you smiled pulling him with you carefully. "Never."
And after few attempts of falling and trying, he finally balanced skating freely and it was obvious since he always have been a quick learner.
"Oh, you're doing great." You looked at him amazed and he grinned shyly.
"Well, I learned from the best." He raised his and now it was your turn to smile shyly.
"I have to tell you something." He suddenly said and you nodded indicating him to continue while walking backwards. "My family wants to meet you."
Your foot slipped and you gasped falling backwards leaving the latter shook and he instantly held you by your waist but it was too late as you both fell down with him on top of you.
You opened your eyes to see his face close to you making you widen your eyes and his hand under your head.
He leaned back a little to check you and giggled. "Are you okay?"
"Apart from my boyfriend telling me that his family wants to me and leaving me shook, I'm absolutely fine."
Your sarcastic answer left him laughing and you rolled you eyes before realizing you position and your cheeks heat up.
"Oh, it's blushing time." He poked your cheek and you realized that people were staring at you both.
"How many times I have told you to get a room?" You both turned to the voice which belonged to Jongin who was shaking his head and Baekhyun slapped his legs making him fall on the ground.
You both laughed and he glared at Baekhyun before you pushed him gently. "Aren't you gonna get up?"
"I don't really want to though."
You rolled your eyes. "Shut up and get up."
He chuckled getting up and helping you up on your feet and you both walked towards the resting area and stood against the railing where Ria was already standing.
"I saw what you did there." She wriggled her eyebrows teasingly and Baekhyun looked at her with exact expression while you rolled your eyes before sitting on a bench beside the railing.
"I'm gonna go compete with him and win." Baekhyun sat beside you pointing at Chanyeol who was currently making faces at him purposely provoking him which was working.
"I doubt it." Ria spoke admiring her boyfriend while you and Baekhyun shot a look at her.
"Are you challenging me?" Baekhyun put his chin on your shoulder looking over her and she shrugged smugly.
"Coffee bean, cheer for me." He looked at you and you nodded chuckling before he looked at Ria challenging. "I'm gonna win."
"Wait." You stopped him as he was about to stand up and bent down a little to tie his shoelace which was loosen.
"What are you-"
"Done." You looked up at him smiling and he sighed before flashing you his lovely smile.
"I could have done that."
You just shrugged grinning before shooed him away and he walked away not before leaving a peck on your cheek.
Your eyes enlarged and you extended your arm towards him to smack him but he ran away giggling before you looked back at your bestfriend staring at you with a smirk.
You raised your eyebrows. "What?"
"Nothing, just watching my bestie growing up. " She grinned mischievously nodding towards your side and you just rolled your eyes as she wasn't wrong too.
She giggled. "No but seriously, do you actually remember that couple of months ago, we were just sitting on the bleachers watching their game and not having a slightest idea of dating one of them?"
You giggled nodding. "Life really is unexpected."
"Right." She nodded. "But we haven't been spending time lately. Let's have a girls night tonight."
"Let's do it." You smiled before watching the boys pushing and pulling eachother jokingly making you two laugh at them. That's when Baekhyun was running behind Chanyeol and tackled him down with him falling down too.
"Careful!" You exclaimed but then shook your head seeing the Boys jumping over them playfully while laughing making you both girls smile.
Indeed life was unexpected yet beautiful.
@wooya1224 @buttercupbbh @jddcfc-blog @usernameloaa @gominieni
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mimisempai · 3 years
Wait for me on the other side 6/8
Mobius must face both his past and a brutal news. He opens his heart to Loki. Loki wonders about what connects them...
Prepare some tissues...
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House on the cliff - 2019
Mobius returned home, patiently awaited by Croki. While he was feeding him, he noticed that he had a message on his answering machine.
"Mobius, pick up, I have something to tell you. It's about Ravonna."
Forty-five minutes after Casey's call, Mobius rushed into the hospital.
He headed to the admissions office and spoke to the first person who came in.
"Hello, I'm looking for Ravonna Renslayer. I'm Mr. Mobius."
"Hold on a moment."
The young woman consulted her computer and looked up.
"Yes. Mr. Mobius. You are expected in Doctor Cho's general medicine department."
She pointed in the right direction.
When he arrived at the ward, he asked for Dr. Cho.
He waited a few minutes and a woman approached him, holding out her hand.
"Hello Mr. Mobius, I am Dr. Cho, I am the one who takes care of Mrs. Renslayer. Since you were the person to notify in case of an emergency, we called you."
"What happened? Is she okay?"
Dr. Cho motioned for him to follow her, "She's fine. She had a relatively minor collapse, but we'll have to keep her for a day or two, wait for the results of the tests we did. Since you are her only family according to her file, even for something minor we had to call you. I'll take you to her room."
Casey was waiting outside Ravonna's room when Mobius arrived with Dr. Cho. They embraced.
"How is she?" Mobius asked.
"You know her..." replied Casey, shaking his head. "I had to bring her some work, the latest reports from the financial department."
Mobius looked disbelieving and laughed, "Of course. The last thing we would want to do is let a little collapse endanger the company."
Mobius entered the room quietly. Ravonna laid on her bed, connected to monitoring devices, reading her reports and making annotations, papers scattered around her on her bed. She didn't hear him right away, and when she raised her head, she lowered the report but didn't put it down.
"Hi.", Mobius whispered.
Ravonna did not smile, simply nodded and continued to work on her files as if Mobius were not there.
After a while, she said, "I don't need you."'
Mobius simply replied, "I'm going to stay until your exam results come in."
"That's not until tomorrow morning."
"I'm not going to drive all the way home that late. I'm staying."
Ravonna shrugged and returned to her reading. The silence was deafening.
After a moment, Mobius picked up one of the magazines about expensive watches that was on the table and asked, "Do you mind if I..."
Ravonna shook her head, "Go ahead. If you're still interested in that kind of thing."
Mobius didn't look up and began flipping through the magazine.
When he looked up about ten minutes later, Ravonna was asleep. Mobius watched her breathe in the dimly lit room, the monitoring devices flashing silently. He picked up the papers scattered on the bed and stacked them neatly on the nightstand.
Then he sat down, trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in the hospital room chair. Since this was impossible, he picked up a piece of paper and began to write to Loki.
I know I haven't written in a while.
But I need to... I wanted to tell you about someone who is very close to me. We are not related by blood, but I consider her to be family to me, like a big sister.
We grew up together in the orphanage.
She is well-known. You know her work... Ravonna Renslayer, the CEO of Time Keepers, the famous watch brand.
I always liked to put watches together and take them apart and Ravonna was good at putting things in the right light.
We decided to create Timekeepers when we were fourteen years old. We wanted to sell quality luxury watches that everyone could afford.
A dream of two orphans.
We promised ourselves that when we would be rich we would buy the house on the hill.
But Ravonna lost sight of our dreams and always wanted more. More money, more fame.
Mass production, overpriced watches, I had no pleasure in creating anymore.
Every meeting became a war zone.
Someone had to surrender. I did.  I quit. Without notice.
That's when I started Miss Minutes, my little store and got back to my roots.
Mobius must have fallen asleep because when he opened his eyes, he was aching from his position in the chair.
Seeing that Ravonna was still asleep, he went to the hospital cafeteria to get a cup of coffee, and when he came back up fifteen minutes later, he saw Dr. Cho.
"Ah, Mr. Mobius, we just reviewed her results with Mrs. Renslayer. Unfortunately, she has forbidden me to talk to you about them and does not want you to visit her anymore."
Mobius was hurt of course, but not surprised either, given their tense relationship.
Dr. Cho, however, took pity on him. "I can't go into detail, but regrettably, you'll have to prepare for the worst."
Mobius' heart leapt in his chest and with a tight throat, he asked, "How long?"
Dr; Cho put her hand on his shoulder and said, " At any moment. I'm sorry."
Mobius left the hospital in a daze and drove to the house on the cliff. As soon as he arrived, he fed Croki, sat down in his chair and continued the letter to Loki. At this time, it was his only source of comfort.
Loki's apartment - 2021
Loki, in casual attire with Croki by his side, was sitting on his couch reading the letter from Mobius. He was very moved by the way Mobius opened up to him.
His heart cried at the sadness he felt in the letter. Obviously Ravonna was someone dear to his heart.
Once again, Loki was frustrated by the barrier of years between them. He wanted so much to be with Mobius, to support him. He sighed as he continued to read the letter.
I don't know what I expected.
Part of me thought that given her condition, I would get more than a "She doesn't want to see you anymore."
But of course, that's not how things work. When I left TK, I rejected everything she stood for.
That's how she saw it.
I think the fact that I bought the house cemented our disagreement for her and it's too late to change things now.
One thing is for sure: if I was really hoping for a tearful little bedside meeting, I'm as stupid as she thinks I am.
Well, good. I seem to have poured my little heart out here. I'm sorry.
Thanks for reading.
I want to tell you things I've never told anyone.
Things I didn't know myself until I wrote them down to send to you.
Maybe that's the strangest part of it all.
Love, Mobius.
Loki lingered on this letter, and especially on the last word, "LOVE". He patted Croki's head, thoughtful.
He had so many questions.
Love, Mobius.
Was it casual? Mobius was the kind of person who knew exactly what he was saying. Every word was important.
So the next question was, did Loki feel the same way?
Loki didn't need to reflect, he knew what he felt.
The question that remained was, did they have a future...?
Mobius' house - 2019
Croki trotted over to Mobius' bed. Mobius was lying down, unable to sleep, but it was too early to get up. He felt like picking up the phone but resisted.
Loki's apartment - 2021
Loki couldn't sleep anymore, something was disturbing him since he had read Mobius' letter.
He got up and went to his computer, he had to check one thing about Ravonna Renslayer.
Two minutes later he rushed out of his apartment and drove to the house on the cliff.
Mobius House - 2019
Mobius après s’être préparé pour aller au travail, sortit de sa maison et se dirigea vers son pickup.
Mobius House - 2021
Loki braked hard and ran to the mailbox. He put a piece of paper in it and raised the flag with a sudden movement.
Mobius House - 2019
Mobius drove away from the house without seeing the flag that was rising behind him. A few minutes later, his phone on the passenger seat began to ring.
Glancing down, he saw that it was Dr. Cho.
He pulled over to the side of the road and with a lump in his throat, took the call.
-Mr. Mobius, this is Dr. Cho. I'm afraid I have some difficult news for you.
A few minutes later, in a daze, he parked in front of his house. On his way to his house. He saw that the flag was up.
He opened it, took the note, read it and then let his arm fall back, the paper flew away before landing further.
You need to go back to the hospital right away! Ravonna Renslayer died on-
A few days later, Mobius sat in the back of the church while the pastor preached to a crowd that Mobius knew was there more for Ravonna's fame than for their connection to her.
He didn't listen to the sermon and, clutching Loki's last letter in his pocket, he thought about what he had written.
Mobius, I'm so sorry about Ravonna.
Even though every pain is different, I know what it's like to lose the little family we have left.
I knew I had to at least try to warn you. I thought I could do it in time.
I hoped we could change what happened. I was wrong.
I guess these things can't be changed.
What I do know is that the shock is still fresh for me, even though it happened two years ago, so I can't imagine what it's like for you.
These things just happen...sometimes. I know.
Last February, I remember it was Valentine's Day, but it was really hot for a day in February.
I was at the fountain in Valhalheim Square.
And something happened. I won't bore you with the details now, but it was hard. Not like what you're going through, but it bothered me a lot.
And a friend gave me some good advice.
She told me to go to a place that would bring me peace.
That's what I did. I drove to the house on the cliff.
And that was the day I got your first letter.
It's a place we both love, a place that has a huge meaning for both of us, I hope you can find some solace there.
And I hope that what has kept you and Ravonna apart will eventually seem less important, and perhaps, in time, disappear.
YOURS, Loki.
Loki's words echoing in his head, Mobius was anxious to get to the house, to seek and perhaps find the solace that Loki spoke of.
When he arrived, he saw the flag raised. He opened the box, and took out not a note, but a book.
When he turned it over, his heart stopped for a moment.
For all times - Always by R.RENSLAYER
He returned home and sitting down in his chair, he opened it and saw first a small note from Loki's hand.
The book won't be published for a year.
or two, so don't show it to anyone. But I thought you should see it.
He turned the first page and could not stop the tears from flowing.
To Mobius
This is the story of a dream.
The story of a brother and sister bound by an ideal
But like all true stories, it doesn't always end well.
They chose a different path.
They drifted apart and never found each other again.
But without the presence of one in the life of the other, neither of them would have become what they are.
A story of two lives, a story of two successes, a story of two paths.
Underneath was a photo, Ravonna and him in front of the house on the cliff.
He continued to flip through the book, his eyes blurry with tears, and felt as if he was going through pieces of his life.
Pictures of TK's creation, of Mobius' workshop, of their first offices.
The day of the first opening.
Then the various collections of watches over the years, from the first one designed by Mobius to the latest luxury watches. Created after his departure.
Pictures of the rise of TK.
Photos taken after Mobius' time.
Until the last photo.
It was the front of Miss Minutes, of his shop.
A single sentence underneath.
We have taken different paths, our views have drifted apart, but you will always be my brother. For All time. Always.
Mobius wept for a long time over Ravonna, over the lost years, over what could have been. Then when the tears had dried, he closed the book and placed it neatly on the shelf. His hand lingered on the title for a moment.
Then, looking determined, he took his old sketchbook, sat outside the house and began to draw.
Loki's apartment - 2021
Loki, looking bewildered, was contemplating a sketch of the house on the hill.
At the bottom of the house, written in charcoal, it read:
As a reader, I hate cliffhangers... I apologize in advance for being so cruel, I hope you will forgive me 😭
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 (End)
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vkluvrr · 3 years
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For the past couple months Talia has been hiding from her family that she has a boyfriend, Sehun wasn't a stranger to them since he has been her best friend for years now, it wasn't a no brainer that she and him liked each other more than friends yet when it came time for her to tell her family that he is in fact her boyfriend, she backed out of the plan last minute and it put her in a tough spot when her dad invited Sehun on vacation. The whole thing left her l hesitant on the whole trip but she knew that her dad liked having him around since he had only daughters and not one son.
Now it was going to be Sehun, Talia and her entire family under one roof for a week. What could possibly go wrong?
Talia stood next to her boyfriend Sehun taking in the house they'd be staying in for the next couple of days. The home is a beautiful two story home with five bedrooms and three and half bathrooms for everyone to use and she was lucky enough to have a room for herself since she is old enough. Since becoming twenty one years old her parents gave her more freedom yet her dad still isn't too keen on her having a boyfriend.
Talia turns to face Sehun with a frown, "are you positive that you are okay with this?"
He raises an eyebrow in a funny matter making her drop her serious demeanor for a warm smile, "Of course. This is like the one time we went on vacation in Aspen," he pauses leaning more towards her ear "expect this time, I can't fuck you when I want to."
Her eyes widen at his vulgarities, pushing him away from her playfully. "Stop it! My dad is literally right behind us."
Sehun looks over his shoulder to see her dad talking on the phone and chuckles at how paranoid she is being. "Like he can hear anything, that man is glued to his phone."
"Anyways, I am okay with being under the same roof as your family." Sehun adds.
Taking in a deep breath of air, Talia listened to her mother from the car about her bag, pinching the bridge of her nose. "This is going to be a long week," She grabbed her bags from the ground and followed the pathway to the front door of the house with Sehun right behind her humming a tune.
Trudging her way up the stairs to put her things up in the room. As soon as her and Sehun were on the second floor of the house, he took the opportunity to grab a handful of her butt and giving it a good squeeze that made her let out a gasp. He is fond of her butt and couldn't resist touching it whenever he had a chance. He smirked when she turned around with flushed cheeks, he continues to play innocent and gestures to the door across the hallway that was labeled with his name in bubble letters. As he walked away he reached back and grabbed her ass one more time.
Talia stood there for a moment to gather herself together, going in her assigned room which reminded her of her room back at her parent's house and it felt like home to her.
Running a hand across the silk blanket that put a little smile on her face, it reminded her of the first time with Sehun, although it happened months ago it was still fresh in her mind.
Taking a seat on the bed, taking in what the room had to offer and she noticed a picture on the night stand beside the bed that took her by surprise. It was a picture of when she was in middle school, she stood in between her dad and Sehun with a smile so bright that made her do the same at the old picture.
Those were the two important men in Talia's life and it upset her to know she couldn't tell her dad how happy she is. One day.
Closing the door on her way out, bumping into someone with a larger mass, at first she assumed it was Sehun but she was greeted by her uncle Ray whom he looks exactly like her dad. She apologizes for bumping into him and he simply waved her off.
"I was just downstairs and that friend of yours, Sehun is quite the charmer. Why haven't I met him before, niece?" Her uncle crosses his arms with a smug expression decorating his face.
"Uncle Ray I know you. I was afraid you would steal my best friend from me ." He looked at you with amusement
"Or should I say your boyfriend," He winks causing her to hands to fly for his mouth and looking around the empty hallway hoping no one heard him.
If anyone were to figure it out, it would be him. It's always him.
Removing your hand from his mouth and clearing your throat before speaking, "Sehun is my boyfriend. Dad, is still hell bent on me dating. I know I should tell him but I don't want to disappoint him."
"Oh, honey. It's best to tell him before he finds out himself. Don't worry about your dad I can deal with him for the time being." Her uncle understood where she were coming from.
"Thank you, Uncle Ray." She nudge him with your shoulder as a playful gesture, "He is good looking right?"
"Yes be very much is."
the conversation was cut short when everyone got called for to meet in the front room and she became confused as to why they got called.
When Talia entered the living room , she noticed Sehun sitting by himself furtherest to the left of her and he gestured for her to sit next to him on the couch. Taking the spot next to him, looking around the room and rolling her eyes because she knew her father was going to make a speech.
Adverting her attention Sehun, he scrolled through his Instagram feed which consisted of his friends who were also on vacation. Before she could say something to him, her dad stood in front of everyone and started talking about the whole trip.
The whole speak made her cringe because he does this every year and it deeply annoyed her how extra he was. She zoned out for a moment not caring for what was being said and she snapped out of her trance like stare when she felt Sehun's fingers tracing circles on the exposed skin from the rip in her jeans.
Pushing away Sehun's hand in fear that someone saw, he kept his attention on what her father was saying and she scooted away from him. The whole bit of him touching her didn't bother her any other time but right now wasn't the best time.
As her father ended his whole speech, he then said that he would be going to check out the downtown area until it came time for dinner later tonight. The idea wasn't so bad but Talia preferred to stay in. Instead of joining the family downtown she opted to stay behind, to her luck her dad didn't put up much of a fight and allowed her to stay at the house.
Taking it upon herself to set up the living room to watch something on Netflix to pass the time until everyone got back. She decided to put on the show that everyone has been telling you to check out and apparently people assumed she'd like so she had to check it out. After the first two episodes she got joined on the couch by Sehun and she noticed he changed out from his clothes from earlier into sweats and a shirt.
"What are you watching?" He wraps his arm around her shoulder and letting lay her head on his shoulder and taking in his warmth since the AC is blowing cold air.
"Day Break. You haven't missed much, though." She reaches for a remote that control the lights in said room.
"Ah, I see." Sehun slowly spoke as the scene ensued across the television screen. it  took you by surprise that he was actually watching the show since he had a short attention span when it came to certain things.
Although he was into the show, she wasn't and constantly keep staring at him instead.
Without any hesitation she moves a hand from his chest slowly to his sweatpants, she gently ghosted her palm over his manhood before softly massaging him through the fine material of his pants. Her eyes flicked to his face, hoping he'd to notice that you were down there and he didn't seem to be phased by the sudden contact as he kept his eyes on the flat screen that was the only source of light. Messing around with the hem of his sweatpants and boxers before sliding her hand under both of the materials to gain access of his member that got semi hard.
A smirk spread across her face when Sehun's closed his eyes slightly and groaned gently when you began pulling him softly from his base to the tip. Suddenly his hand went to your hand, pulling it away from his erect member and he swallowed hard, completely stunned.
"Stop doing that, Talia." He pressed his lips together.
"Doing what?" She played the innocent facade that soon ended when Sehun pushed her back onto the couch completely pinning her down the soft surface of the couch.
Her eyes widen at him as he became the dominant one in the situation. Whenever he showed this side it surprised her more than it should yet she loves this side of him.
"Stop playing all innocent. You knew what you were doing."
His voice dropped down an octave that left her frozen underneath his body, he gripped onto her tighter when she squirmed underneath him to escape. He then dipped his head down, his lips brushed against her catching her by surprise yet again. Pressing her lips against him kissing him back with the same force as him and racking your fingers through his soft, black hair. As she tugged on his hair, he let out a groan against her lips and pressing his bottom half more down on her.
Snaking her arms around his waistline, reaching for his sweatpants to remove them from his body, she didn't care that they were on the couch. Right as her hands were close, the voices of her family could be heard from outside. It happened all fast before she knew she pushed Sehun off her body causing him to fall onto the floor with a groan escaping his plump, reddened lips that indicated he'd been kissing.
Mouthing a quick sorry to him as she tried to fixing yourself up, and he took his time getting back on the other side of the couch and covering his lap with a throw pillow.
A few eyes fell on them as they watched the show in complete silence. Talia could feel Sehun burning holes at the side of her head, leaving her feeling bad for pushing him off like that and the possibilities of a argument occurring when nobody was around.
Dinner was quite the hassle seeing as Sehun was still upset with Talia. He didn't talk to her at all leaving her desperately wanting to pull him to the side and figure out what to do about the whole situation. Eventually she had to excuse herself from the table and head upstairs to clear her head. She felt like shit.
Turning over to her side to face the picture from before, she still felt bad for what happened earlier but she couldn't bring herself to say anything to him. Sitting in the room for the past hour made Talia feel the need to get a drink of water from downstairs and she got up from the bed to head downstairs to ease your nerves.
Right as she stepped the room she casted your eyes up to find Sehun walking down the hallway with a towel wrapped around his torso with water droplets cascading down his toned chest. She awkwardly waved at him and he returned the gesture with a smile that reminded her why she fell for someone quite like him.
Once getting her glass of water she headed back upstairs, and she glanced towards Sehun room. She wanted to talk to him but she feared that someone would see her go into his room and she didn't want to deal with it.
With hesitation she turned the knob of her room's door knob and went back into the comfort of her room. Shutting the door behind her gently before plopping onto the bed with a saddened expression. The whole trip wasn't supposed to be like this and now she got more upset with yourself.
Her phone dinged letting her know some had texted her and she picks up her phone to see a message from Sehun, "Baby it's okay, you don't have to act like this"
Not too long after there was a soft knock on her door, getting up from her spot on your bed and opening the door to and Sehun stood on the other side. It took her by surprise he'd come see her considering how late it became but soon made sense since everyone were in their rooms by now.
Sehun steps into the room wrapping his arms around her body and holding him in his embrace and she laid on his chest. Slowly separating himself from her and turning to the door to lock it behind him in case some were to walk in. He wasn't taking any chances of being caught.
Sehun bends his knees to cusp the back of her thighs. He straightens his posture whilst bringing her up with him, a gasp slipping past her plump lips at the sudden action. She encased her legs around his waist out of instinct as he proceeds to carry her over to the bed. She took the time to analyze his God-given features and the small details that made her attracted to him even more. The way his nose slightly flares every time he takes in a breath. The way his eyes roam aimlessly when his mind is clouded with thoughts.
Her trance is broken when he swiftly turns around, the back of his knees coming into contact with the side of her bed. He sits down slowly, later scooting to a more comfortable position. His back against the headboard and her frame straddling him. Sehun's lips fall open after his eyes graze over her expression. She was clearly in deep thought, as well. His honey-like voice breaks the silence that lingered between the two of them, "What's on your mind?"
"I..." Talia's sentence trails off as she deciphers through the thoughts in her mind, "There's a lot."
"Like?" Sehun's lifts his hand, his fingers playing with the charm that hung from the sliver necklace she wore. "Tell me everything."
Talia takes in a deep breath, her eyes closing as age did do. She'd had a quick debate within herself. One side of her not wanting her worries to come to light, while the other side of her wanted to spill out everything that came across her mind. Eyes fluttering open, she lifts her hands and place them on either side of Sehun's face, her thumbs lightly stroking his cheeks. "I've been thinking about us. About my family. And if I should tell them about us."
Sehun's free hand comes up the trace circles on her thigh, his other hand that had been fondling her necklace coming down to rest at her waist. "Us...what's been on your mind about us?"
She let out a chuckle. "What hasn't been on my mind about us? Our relationship is surreal to me. It's everything that I've ever wanted. I just can't believe it's happening, you know?"
Then her hands travel down Sehun's neck and over his collarbones before halting at his chest. She felt his index finger cuff her chin raising her head. His dark eyes are staring deeply at her. "It's happening. And I want you to know that I'm glad it's happening with you. You mean a lot to me."
"You mean a lot to me too. As much as I like what we have. I'm still scared because I don't know how my family will react to us being together."
Talia looks off to the side as negative thoughts about her family's response begin to haunt her. She began to circle her index fingers around one another, it being a habit she'd picked up when she become nervous.
"Look at me," The slight sternness in Sehun's voice causes her to hesitantly place her attention back on him, "I know that you're worried. And I want you to know that whenever you decide to tell them, I'll be there for you."
A smile etches itself onto her features at his reassurance. Knowing that Sehun will be by her side during a challenging time for her, warmed her. It made her feel safe. Her hands reclaimed the spot on his cheeks, her palms pushing inward. This action caused his face to be squished and his lips to pucker. She giggled at how cute it made him look before leaning in to place her lips on his. She felt Sehun chuckle before his hands come in to push her body flush against his.
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nuoyipeach · 3 years
May 21st 2021
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4 years later...
“Arin, bring your brother down. We’re about to leave.” Taeyong shouted from the hallway downstairs for the children upstairs to hear. He Just finished putting on his coat then looked at his wife going through her bag one last time, confirming that she had packed everything. He smiled at the sight of her before moving next to her giving her a kiss on the cheek.
“What?” Seulgi chuckled and he shook his head. The couple turned to the stairs hearing footsteps running down, each child carrying their own backpack. Seulgi looked at them and smiled before carrying up the younger. “So I guess we’re all ready to go.”
“Yes mum!” Arin exclaimed as she hugged her father’s arm. “I’ve never been to Japan, I’m so excited! And we're meeting uncle Yuta too!”
Taeyong laughed as he locked up the house and went to the car where Seulgi had just buckled up three year old Hajun, then turned to help Arin in her seat. He went ahead and checked the last bag before closing the trunk and sat in the driver's seat.
The way to the airport was filled with music (mostly Hajun’s songs) and twelve year old Arin helping her younger brother sing the words clearly, followed by Seulgi leading them, and Taeyong's smile never left.
Three months after Hajun's birth, Arin was finally awake after almost two years. She didn't lose her memory, but it seemed the young girl didn't at all care about the sudden change in her life. From having a new father, to a baby brother, nothing made her question what happened while she was asleep. She was surprised at first, no doubt, but she had no hesitation accepting it.
While Seulgi was busy with the baby, Taeyong did everything to help Arin catch up on school and attend rehabilitation classes with her. As always Seulgi was worried if Taeyong felt it as a burden, however he kept reassuring her every day that Arin was his child now too and he loves her.
Of course at some point Arin had to know the truth, and oddly yet not surspisingly enough, it was Taeyong who ended up telling her.
"He didn't want to stay, he..."
"He didn't like us anymore, didn't he? He left us for other people?" the nine year old asked straight away, not wanting her father to beat around the bush. Taeyong sighed and pulled her to his chest, combing her hair.
"I'm sorry Arin."
"Why dad?" she looked up with a sudden but sincere smile. "You don't have to say sorry. You're my dad now, and I'm happy. You're the best dad anyone could ever ask for." she exclaimed hugging him tighter.
On the plane, Arin sat with her father while Hajun with his mother since he still needed extra care from her. It wasn't too long, but the children fell into naps the moment they took off. Both parents lifted off the middle arm rest and let them lay on their laps, Hajun having his milk bottle still in his mouth.
Once landed Arin was quick to wake up and help her mother while Seulgi strapped up a still sleeping Hajun to Taeyong's front. They went across the airport until they came to the baggage claim.
"Mum, can I go to the toilet real quick?" Arin suddenly asked, to which Seulgi nodded directing her to the nearest restroom. Knowing her child, she wasn't too afraid of her getting lost so she allowed her to go on her own.
After finishing up and washing her hands, Arin was just about to leave the restroom when she bumped into a man coming out the of the male one next to her. "Oh, sorry. Are you OK?" the man spoke and crouched down patting her head. Arin rubbed her nose and smiled at him reassuringly.
Only for her smile to drop in an instant.
She stared at the man, but she knew she had to be quick. "I'm fine. Sorry. Bye." she spoke quickly before running away towards wherever.
Why's he here... I can't tell mum and dad...
"Hey hey hey." she stopped at a halt when she felt a hand grab her shirt from behind. "Where are you running off to young lady?" she turned on her tiptoes and faced her father before squirming out if his grip and suddenly hugging his torso tight. Taeyong stood flustered by her actions before crouching to hug her back, her face in his shoulder as he heard her uneven breaths and knew for sure something wasn't right.
After a minute she seemed to have calmed, his hand combing through her hair and another now pulling her up to carry her away with him. As he neared where his wife sat with their luggage, he stopped and instead sat a little further away, out of her sight.
"Arin." he called calmly and pulled her out of his shoulder, cupping her face in one hand gently. He waited, for her to pick up enough strength to look up at him, which took a minute for her to do. He smiled at her and brushed her hair back. "Tell me. What happened?"
Arin bit her lip, not wanting to ruin their trip on the first day itself. But if there was one person she'd never lie to, it was Taeyong. She took a deep breath, before leaning against her father's chest. "Daddy..." she spoke softly, voice breaking in fear. "I love you."
"I love you too Arin." Taeyong replied softly, petting her back.
"You're my only daddy."
"Yes Arin. I'm your only dad."
"Even if I run into him, I'd choose you any day."
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The father and daughter kept it a secret, knowing the last thing Seulgi would want to hear on their family trip is her ex husband's presence in the same town as them. It was already their second day and they were visiting the Universal Studios theme park in Osaka with the Nakamoto family. Taeyong took note of Arin’s emotions, so far seeming overjoyed. He didn’t tell Seulgi this either, but the past two nights they were here, Arin had cried in her sleep, and when he asked why all she could say was seeing her biological father’s face in her dreams.
He didn’t understand why it was taking such an effect on her. Did she actually miss him but didn’t want to say so? Did he do something wrong back then? Did they talk at the airport?
Tonight as they returned, he decided he needed to talk to Arin. He needed her to come clear about this, because that was the only way he could help. As Seulgi washed up and tucked in Hajun, he excused himself to go check on Arin who slept in the room next to them in the hotel suite.
Looking into the room, he saw Arin just getting into bed and stared smiling at her. "How was it today?" he asked taking seat right next to her as she tucked herself in. The young girl smiled wide.
"It was great! I loved the minions!" she exclaimed. Taeyong chuckled combing her hair, his mind however filled with thoughts on how to speak about the topic.
And he decided the best way was to be straight forward. "Arin, be honest with me."
"Yes daddy?"
"Did something happen between you and, uhm... your ex dad?" he realised how badly he worded it, but nothing was coming to his mind. "You've been acting strange since you bumped into him..."
Arin bit her lips, her heart hurting. In all honesty she had no ounce of affection, she never missed him. But seeing him after so many years, especially after coma, it hurt her.
"I really don't know daddy..." she teared up. Taeyong got in under the cover next to her and pulled her to his chest, the young girl letting go of her tears immediately into her father's shirt. "I just, it hurts. I don't know why... When I saw him, he looks so normal, he didn't even recognise me. I don't even miss him, but it hurts..."
He shushed her, making white noise as he combed her hair when she suddenly pulled out and looked at him. "Please don't take it the wrong way." she quickly said before hugging him tight. "I love you daddy, I hate that man. I'm sorry he's making me cry. I know I promised I wouldn't cry over guys, but I can't help it..."
Taeyong chuckled sadly, shifting in his place so that she laid on his chest, head on his shoulder. "I'm not mad Arin. I'm worried about you. You're my daughter, I don't like seeing you sad." he let out a sigh and kissed her hair. "Let's try to forget that from now on, OK. I'll help you."
Taeyong knew that he couldn't just force her to erase the memory of her biological father just like that, no matter how much they love each other. Arin didn't lose her memory, she was a smart child even back then when she knew her father's love was absent. She knew, the moment she woke up and accepted her new reality, that he left them even before Taeyong told her anything. And no matter how much she despised him, it was no surprise that it broke her heart when he really didn't recognise her after all these years, and if Seulgi found out, it would've broke her heart too.
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On their last day, they stayed at Yuta's house as Sooyoung was persistent to have them overnight for one day at least. The children played out in the backyard while the dads started the barbeque, and inside the mothers cooked up some ramen and sides. Not too long after they heard an ice cream truck, and soon enough the kids were at the dads feet begging to go.
Yuta wasn't one to resist and took out some money, handing it to Arin who's the eldest among both family's children. "Knock yourselves out. Don't eat too much though, your mums will kill us." he winked.
Arin led the three younger out to the front road where more neighbourhood children lined up. She stood holding her brother's hand while her two friends conversed in Japanese with their friends. She didn't speak much, but could understand.
"Who are they Nako?" a kid asked Yuta's older girl, a year younger than Arin.
"Our friends from Korea. Remember, my mum's Korean."
When it was their turn, Nako helped choose while Arin payed, stuffing the change in her pocket. Yuta's kids were now playing hopscotch on the pavement with the other kids, Nako tugging her and Hajun to join them, though the three year old was mostly running across the lines.
“You are Nako’s friend?” a young boy, seemingly five or six, suddenly spoke to Arin as she stood aside to finish her ice cream. Arin was shocked to hear him speak korean but nodded in response. “That’s cool! I’m half korean too just like her.” he smiled raising his hand for a high five to which Arin responded smiling back.
“How?” she asked curiously.
“My dad’s Korean. My name is Akito, I’m five.”
“I’m Arin, twelve.” she looked away after responding, turning her attention to Hajun to make sure he wouldn’t get hurt. Nako suddenly called her to go back home and she grabbed her brother. “Bye Akito.”
As the children entered the backyard they heard Nako’s mother yelling. “I swear to God Nakamoto if you send them out alone again I will have your head on the barbeque instead!”
“Arin was with them...”
“She’s new here you idiot!” Seulgi yelled along. “What if they were lost! What if they were kidnapped!”
The kids quickly ran away to the living room, trying not to laugh at both mothers yelling at Yuta and finishing off the last of their ice cream before they were caught. Taeyong soon came in and sighed shaking his head, helping Hajun wipe his face to get rid of the evidence. “Please not one word about the ice cream.” he whispered, knowing Hajun was still too young to understand the concept of keeping secrets.
Luckily the young boy’s attention was taken away by the other kids playing with toys, and Taeyong returned outside to see the others were back to normal, except for Yuta’s slightly sulking face. They finished up with the barbeque and set it on the picnic table they had, the mothers bringing in the ramen and sides. The kids were called to eat, and surprisingly enough they ate more than expected despite the ice cream. Soon Arin and Nako helped clean up, while Yuta pulled out the mini pool for the kids.
While he filled it up, Arin was the first to come out in her swimsuit and helped throw some toys in, when she heard a familiar voice.
“Hi Arin!” she looked to see the young boy from earlier, Akito, waving. She waved back, when her face lost all colour. “Look dad, she’s the girl I told you about.”
Yuta knew all too well, and looked at Arin to see her completely still. He then looked back at the child who’s father now stood beside him, but he could tell he didn’t recognise her. “So she’s your new friend? Isn’t she much older than you?” he joked with his son.
“Arin noona is really nice.”
“Arin?” the man raised a brow once hearing the name, looking back at Arin then smiled.
Yuta could tell Arin’s discomfort, so he dropped the hose and went to her, crouching to her ear. “Go inside. Don’t tell your mother, go straight to your dad .” he whispered to which she nodded and quickly ran inside, not stopping until she reached her father. Taeyong had just finished helping Hajun into his swimsuit and let him run out, when Arin’s body came crashing into him and held him tight.
“He’s here...” she spoke softly, fear in her voice. “He’s outside.”
Taeyong pulled her out and looked at her shocked. “Are you sure?” she nodded.
“Uncle Yuta saw him too, he sent me inside... Dad, what if he takes me from you? I don’t want to go...” tears welled up in her eyes and Taeyong wiped them off and hugged her tight, holding in his own.
“No one will take you from us Arin, not as long as your mother and I are alive.”
Taking her hand, Taeyong walked out to see what was going on so far. He peeked out the main door and saw the kids already in the pool, Yuta and Sooyoung attending them. But his wife was no where to be seen, and upon noticing his presence, Sooyoung ran to him. “Taeyong, he was here. When Arin ran in she saw and came outside to check. They’re talking outside the gate...”
Taeyong let go of Arin and quickly went to the gate and, as bad as he felt, eavesdropped over their conversation.
“Well, I married and moved here now. It is my wife’s hometown.”
“I see...”
“Arin grew a lot.” his muscles tensed hearing her name from the man. “Glad to see her up and healthy. How long did it take?”
“Two years.”
“Does she remember me?”
The question made both the couple tense up even more. If Seulgi said yes there’s a chance he’d ask to see her, and if she said no he’d be sceptical about it and still ask to see her.
Hearing his wife silent for a minute, Taeyong decided it was time for him to step in. “Seulgi come, Hajun’s looking for you.” he walked out as if he heard nothing, pretending to be surprised by her ex’s presence. “Oh, hello. Long time no see.” he said extending his hand to shake. The man nodded with a smile taking his hand.
“You too. I see you two married, Hajun must be your child. Glad you moved on quick.” he chuckled. Seulgi nodded, still a little uncomfortable, before Taeyong took her hand and held it reassuringly. She looked back up at the man and sighed.
“He’s also Arin’s father now, I asked him to adopt.”
“That’s good.” the man replied, his face seemingly without much care. “Well I best be off, don’t want to ruin your party. Bye.” he bowed before walking to where his son was, and the couple watched him take his hand and head back home.
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The rest of the barbeque went on as if nothing happened before. Arin seemed to have enjoyed herself to her parents relief, and they themselves stayed optimistic not wanting to ruin the mood. As night fell, the kids were all sent to bed. Taeyong tucked in both his children into bed and noticed Seulgi standing next to Arin, the mother daughter simply exchanging gazes. He could see both love and hurt in their eyes and moved to their side of the bed. Taking Seulgi’s hand he gave it a chaste kiss before bending to Arin and kissing her forehead.
“Sleep well. We’re going back to Korea tomorrow, and to your grandparent’s house after so it’ll be tiring.” Arin smiled at her father as he did so after whispering, before he got up and walked out the room with his wife. Once in the other guest room where they were sleeping in, the two sat on the bed sighing.
“Why here...” Seulgi mumbled. “Everything was going great, and he just had to appear...”
Taeyong turned to his wife and moved closer, holding her hand in both his. “Nothing happened Seulgi... Honestly I don’t know why we were so scared? It’s not like he would actually want to take you or Arin back right?”
“You’re right...” she sighed again before hugging Taeyong, cuddling up into his chest. “He’s moved on even before everything happened. I have no reason to think about it like that. I have you and Arin and Hajun, and that’s all I’ll need for the rest of my life.”
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“You should visit us next time. Will you be coming fo Chuseok this year?” Seulgi asked her friend as they stood outside the Nakamoto house, Taeyong putting their lugguage into the back of Yuta’s car.
“Maybe, my parents have been missing the kids a lot.” Sooyoung replied. The women hugged before Sooyoung went back inside after the children said their goodbyes too. Yuta got into the driver’s seat and started the car while Taeyong closed up the back.
“Hey.” he looked behind, freezing for a bit at the presence of Seulgi’s ex again. “I know you probably hate to see me, but I just have something.”
Biting his lip, Taeyong made sure Seulgi and the kids were already in the car before nodding to him. “What is it?”
He suddenly pulled out a bag from behind him and handed it to him. “When you reach home, give this to Arin please.” Taeyong looked at the bag, then back at him and the man noticed the fear before he chuckled.
“I’m not taking her away from you if that’s what you’re thinking. I don’t plan on ruining your lives, I’ve done enough of that I believe. But... one thing I do regret was hurting Arin. I did fall out of love with Seulgi, I won’t lie about that, but I genuinely loved Arin. It was just hard for me to be a good father when I wasn’t in the relationship I wanted to be in. I probably sound like an asshole right now, but I was so caught up avoiding Seulgi and wanting to be with my current wife, I neglected Arin too when I really had no intention to. Then with how you were always around with her, it made me realise that you deserve them more than me. That’s why I was easy admit everything and let Arin go after the divorce. I loved her but I knew I couldn’t make up for what I failed to give her. I knew you were a better father to her than I ever could be, and I was right.”
The man's words didn't leave Taeyong's mind even as they went to bed. After reaching Korea they drove straight to his parents' house to visit and decided to stay the night before going home the next day. What he said in the end was what stuck to his mind the most.
"If possible I'd like to see her again sometime. My family don't know and I don't want them to get involved, I just hope to see her again after all these years. I know I was absent as a father, I just want to see how she feels about me."
He didn't tell Seulgi but he knew without her permission he had no right to decide on this. Arin was still her child, and this case involved the man who stepped out of their life. As he laid in bed staring at the ceiling, his worried face didn't go unnoticed by his wife as she got under the covers next to him. She moved closer and cuddled up to him taking his attention.
"What's bothering you? Looks like something has been in you mind all day."
Taeyong sighed and turned on his side to face her, thinking of a way to tell her everything. "So, you know when I was loading our bags into Yuta's trunk when we were leaving?" she nodded confused. "Well, Jongin came to me, with a gift for Arin I still have on my bag. He told me how much he actually missed her, and regrets ignoring her just because he was with someone else behind your back. He said despite what he felt with you, he still loved her as his child."
Seulgi looked down to his chest biting her lip, fingers playing with the buttons of his pyjama top. He caressed her hair soothingly before he continued. "He said, if it's alright, he'd like to meet her again, properly. He won't take her away, his current family doesn't know about him finding us. He just wants to see her again."
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looks like a part 3 needs to happen😅 this is what happens when I write unplanned😐
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castielista · 4 years
Lasers and distractions
A Cherik laser tag AU
So, this little fic is the first one I ever write, and it has encouraged me to keep writing. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it, and please, feel free to leave your opinion or criticism, I’d adore that. <3.
Prompt: the old but gold "take me laser tagging and then push me into a corner and kiss me. Then shoot me and walk away"
Words: 1508
Read it on Ao3
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Charles, Erik and their colleagues go laser tagging, a game in which Charles has always excelled. But Erik turns out to be much better than him, and Charles is very distracted by that fact.
“Fuck." Sean fell awkwardly on the ground.
By the time he lifted his head up to identify his shooter, Erik had put his gun aside and was already far away, moving silently, searching for his next victim.
Charles watched it from a safe distance.
The afternoon the group decided going laser tagging, mainly at Hank and Raven's insistence, every single one of them had bragged about how skilled they were at this kind of games. And Charles, maybe more than anyone else, had boasted about his rather excellent aim, and his top-notch ability to sense enemies at a considerable distance.
"Darlings, you really believe you stand the slightest of chances?" he had said solemnly, his finger pointed towards them. "You'll witness what a telepath is capable of," he threatened, knowing that, as always, he would suppress his powers.
Since he was a child, Charles had thought that using his powers to get ahead was unfair, so in those games, he lowered them to a minimum. Erik, of course, couldn't disagree more on this choice. Nevertheless, now that his rivals were fellow mutants, Charles considered loosening up his powers a bit, and either way, he had already enjoyed himself terrorizing his colleagues, who knew deep down that Charles was far more powerful than he deliberately appeared.
But then there was Erik. He hadn't said a word in the whole afternoon until he directed a sly look towards Charles, insinuated a smile, and with the most innocent of voices he said something that no one really understood, "I will love seeing you do that, Charles.”
Now Charles understood what that had been all about. He most certainly did. By the end of the first fifteen minutes, more than a half of them were out of the game, and those left had been intelligent enough to stay as far away from Erik as possible.
And from his hiding place, Charles watched him in genuine awe.
He was dangerous (worryingly so, taking into account that they were only playing with harmless guns), but he couldn't possibly get his eyes off him. Erik didn't give away the slightest sign of unrest, and looked as if he was having a real blast of his own massacre. His gestures were subtle, deadly-aimed, as he got close, fired and vanished again. Never hesitated. His body always delicate as a feather and precise as a fine watch.
He looked like a dancer.
Charles thought that had to be the most erotic thing he had seen in his life. They had been together for more than eight years, and one would think that by that time they would have got used to each other’s quirks, but he kept finding it mesmerizing whenever he caught these glimpses of Erik being so... Erik.
He was so absorbed by it that if it wasn't for the skills that he had previously bragged about (and that he did possess), he was sure he would've been knocked out at the very beginning.
After a while, he shook his head. Enough was enough, he decided. It was time he took action. Erik could be an unstoppable force of nature (and an absolute delight to watch), but until that moment, Charles had been unbeatable. He prepared his gun and targeted Erik, trusting his brilliant aim.
But he blinked and his prey was gone.
Well, he thought, he should have seen it coming. It would’ve been too easy. Charles grunted as he lowered his gun and turned around to take a quick look. Maybe Raven wa-
It took him a millisecond longer than usual to pull the trigger, and when he tried, Erik had already taken his gun away from him with insulting ease.
How could he..? How in hell did he manage to get there so easily?
Now Erik stood still in front of him. God, damn him and his natural elegance. Charles' eyes wandered mindlessly over his figure and for a moment he felt as if Erik had done the same, but he was too distracted to know it for sure.
"Charles, love, I can protect you. We could form an alliance, if you wanted."
An alliance? He sounded perfectly calm as he looked around. He was telling the truth, Charles told himself, brushing the very surface of Erik's mind and checking his words.
"You... you are amazing at this. Where did you... how did you find me?" Charles tried forcing his voice to sound even. He failed.
"I’ve been feeling watched for a while now." Charles could almost see himself blushing. Erik seemed incredibly serious, but there was a suspicious twinkle in his eyes. "Come on, Emma must be close," he said, returning Charles his gun and moving in front of him in order to protect him. "Follow me."
Charles hesitated. He would've sworn that Emma was already out.
But Erik's hand settled on his shoulder wanting to guide him, and instinctively, he followed him. Of course he did. He would've followed him to the ends of the earth. Even if in this game he was not completely sure of his intentions, Charles knew Erik wouldn't let anyone shoot him. At least, he thought, any other that Erik himself. No one trusted him as deeply as Charles, and they were both well aware that this utter faith was entirely mutual.
At that moment, more than anything else, Charles wanted to play Erik's game. He wanted to stop reading his thoughts and let Erik guide his curious mind, so that's what he did. They walked through halls and walls for a couple of minutes, ready to fire, guiding, protecting and trusting each other.
Suddenly, Erik turned abruptly towards a hidden corner, grabbing Charles from the collar and dragging him along. As they turned around, with his usual finesse Erik used the motion to place the telepath's back against the wall, while he kept a hand on his shoulder and trapped Charles with his weight.
They locked eyes for a moment, expectant, restless.
It was Erik who, after making sure there was no one near them, finally made the last inches that kept them apart disappear, kissing Charles fiercely, as if that would be the goal of the game.
Charles offered resistance for less than a second, before he helplessly let himself go into Erik's lure. Immediately, he moved one arm over his shoulders, and began petting Erik’s hair, which had been perfectly combed until that moment. Erik did the same with Charles, digging his fingertips into his much messier hair, toying with brown strands. As he did that, Erik's mouth started wandering around the side of Charles' neck, and left a handful of kisses there.
Charles let out a soft moan and felt its impact on Erik's mind, who felt encouraged and began biting the skin between neck and collarbone.
In the midst of that cloud of love, arousal and desire, Charles realized that he could easily reach for his gun. It only required a simple gesture, and he would most certainly win.
He didn't do it.
"I- I love you... Erik," Charles murmured.
He couldn't help it. Charles tended to be excessively verbal when they made love, or when he simply felt overwhelmed by Erik, and damn it, he was feeling overwhelmed by him at the moment. Though he often complained about his inability to shut up, Charles knew for a fact that Erik actually loved when he did that.
So maybe it was that what changed Erik's expression. The sheer desire in his eyes became a much more affectionate stare, and he slowed down the rhythm, as if he wanted to take a moment between kisses to study Charles carefully. Then he placed a hand on his cheek and brushed his thumb over Charles' lower lip. And he let out a sincere smile.
Surprised, or maybe just fascinated by Erik's last reaction, the telepath gave into the more languid pace, and he returned the smile. Because he felt, indeed, happy. Because with Erik, the complex and dazzling Erik, he felt at home.
By now, the kisses had stopped. They pressed their foreheads together, both seized by a soft feeling of euphoria, filling silence with their shallow breathing. And Charles knew, he was willing to make that little moment last forever.
A noise. Sudden. Metallic.
Charles' eyes opened in an almost comical way. “Erik?” he wanted to say, but his throat had stopped working.
Did he just...? Now, Erik couldn't stop grinning, satisfied. Without getting his eyes off Charles', he tenderly dragged a lock of brown hair away from his face, and put aside his gun as silently as he had pulled it out. There was a red light on Charles' vest. Of course he did.
For the last time, Erik crossed the little distance that was left between them, and pressed his lips lightly on Charles', "We can continue this later. I wanted to take care of you personally.” Then, he drew back, looked at Charles tenderly, and just before turning away and leaving, he said, "I love you, Charles."
Thank you so so much for reading <3
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