#because yuta is stubborn
chuluoyi · 6 months
✎ daddy-to-be
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- gojo satoru x reader
in which you're worried about how he'd react to you carrying his baby
genre: fluff and comfort, mentions of pregnancy and dizzy spells
note: i feel soooo warm writing this *sigh* thank u anon who asked this!
a part of gojo's love entries
series masterlist | oneshot masterlist
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"Gojo-sensei! Must we do this?"
"For real?!"
"Yoohoo! Hehehehe~"
You sighed at the sight of your tall paintbrush of a husband. Satoru was supposedly teaching his first years—Maki, Panda and Inumaki—and yet, from where you were standing, it looked more like he was bullying them into following his whims more than anything.
A kind reminder that… this silly man is the father of your unborn child.
He didn't know that you were pregnant yet, because you had discovered it just a few days ago and chosen to keep it a secret for the time being.
In theory, this was normal. You two were married and engaged in a high level of sexual activity—something Satoru made sure of—and therefore, conceiving a child was bound to happen sooner or later.
Admittedly, accepting the fact that you were carrying his baby wasn't as easy as you thought, even knowing that. You hadn't seriously talked about having kids, and sure, your husband might have just taken a young cursed boy Yuta into his care—and way before that, Megumi, but it wasn't the same with your own child. It can't be the same.
And not to mention that you two were jujutsu sorcerers. Where would raising a baby fit in this bloody, cursed world you lived in?
...and above all, as things stand now, does Satoru even want a baby?
You released another sigh as you walked away, but then your vision tipped and you had to grab the wall for support. Right, you hadn't even been feeling well these past few days. You got queasy easily, and you experienced sporadic bouts of vertigo too.
"Sensei?" Yuta's worried voice greeted you, and you forced yourself to remain upright. "Are you okay?"
"Ah, yes, I'm fine," you assured him with a smile.
"Should I get Gojo-sensei? You seem pale..."
"No, no, that's—"
"Ooh~ Wifey!"
You cursed his impeccable timing as the striking white hair of your husband came to view. A mischievous grin adorned his face, a bundle of sunshine and trouble as always, as he wrapped an arm around you.
"Don't you have to teach the second years? My pretty wife, you can't be slacking—"
His smile abruptly fell when you subconsciously leaned on him and he noticed your shallow breaths. Satoru promptly tightened his grip on you.
"Yuta," his tone had taken a sharper turn. "Go to the training grounds and train with the others. Class ends after that."
As Yuta nodded and proceeded on his way, he immediately turned to face you. "What's wrong?" he asked with genuine concern. "Are you not feeling well? Can you walk?"
"I'm fine," you insisted, even though the edges of your vision started to blur.
Satoru pursed his lips, and you could tell even with his blindfold on, he was staring at you hard. "Don't be stubborn. Come on, let's get you home."
In an instant, he teleported you back to your shared home, his arms securely under your knees. You didn't know when the dizziness started to ramp up, but you were sure to fall if he didn't have a secure grip on you.
"How long have you been feeling unwell?" he inquired as he carefully lowered you onto your bed.
Realizing there was no point in hiding it any longer, you squeezed your eyes shut as your head rested on the soft pillow. "...since this morning."
Satoru expressed his dissatisfaction with a grunt. "In that case, you shouldn't have gone to school. From now on, you're on leave."
He fussed over you—removing your shoes, fine-tuning the air conditioner, and ensuring you were snug in bed. "What is causing you to feel this bad? Is it something you ate? We had dinner together, and I feel perfectly fine..."
You raised your gaze to him just as he tore off his blindfold, his eyes locking with yours. The blue of his eyes scrutinizing and assessing you, and suddenly, you felt insecure as he quirked an eyebrow, seemingly suspecting something. “Is there something you aren't telling me?”
This is it. You couldn't keep this from him any longer. This was his child as much as yours, he had to know for you to be able to decide on the next steps.
You exhaled. "I'm… pregnant."
Silence. For the next five seconds, you could've sworn that Satoru held his own breath.
"Pregnant?" he repeated, stunned, widened cerulean marbles blinking several times. "You...?"
You sat up, reaching for your nightstand and retrieving the five pregnancy tests you had stashed in the drawer, handing them to him.
Satoru fixed his gaze onto the two red lines on the sticks, examining them and then shifting his eyes between you and them several times. You didn't dare to look at him, feeling your hands starting to shake and your gut twisting.
But contrary to your dread, before you could blink, he pulled you into his embrace. Your heart melted as he softly murmured, "Dummy, why didn't you tell me sooner?"
"I... I was worried. I didn't think I..."
He nuzzled into your neck, breathing in deeply. "Silly... I'm supposed to be your safe space. You can and absolutely should tell me these kind of things..."
A lingering fear persisted in your gut as you croaked out, "Are you... okay with it?"
Satoru snapped his head so quickly, his brow furrowed. "What do you mean—of course I am! Why wouldn't I be?"
You didn't know why, but his impromptu and steadfast declaration brought tears to your eyes.
"Stupid," he chided, his voice tinged with slight giddiness and overflowing fondness, and doubled with the wide grin on his face, you were starstruck. Holding your hand, he pressed a tender kiss on your knuckles, and then on the wedding band resting on your ring finger.
His sincere, warm eyes spoke volumes as he said, "You are my beautiful, lovely, and amazing wife. And now you're about to make me a daddy. Why wouldn't I be thrilled about that?"
You had given him love that saved him in countless ways, some of which you might not even realize. And now, you were about to gift him another piece of you to love—his own family to cherish. Satoru was convinced he couldn't love you more than he did in this moment.
You cried even harder, wiping your face sloppily as you pouted at him, voice clogged with tears, a mixture of relief and happiness overwhelming you. "Why are you so s-sweet? You're u-usually... such a menace..."
"Hey! That's slander! I'm always nice to you!" he protested with a mock frown, trying to lighten the mood.
Satoru brought you into his arms again, affectionately stroking your hair. His excitement was palpable as he chuckled gleefully at the very idea of becoming a father to a mini-him or you in a not-so-distant future.
With that sentiment in mind, he genuinely meant every word of what he softly uttered in your ear:
"I love you, sweetheart. And mark my words—with everything I have, I won't let anything happen to you or our baby… I swear it."
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lowkeyremi · 5 months
jjk men and aftercare pt 2 ft. Yuji, Megumi, Sukuna, Yuta, and Toge.
a/n: part 2 babyyy hope u guys enjoy, everyone (except sukuna + megumi) are more on the softer side in this i think (here's part 1)
cw: slightly suggestive, how they are after sex basically :) (all characters are aged up!!)
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Yuji Itadori
He's kind of clueless at first. No doubt he's heard about it because he was nervous about his first time and called up his long time best friend Megumi to ask about.
Of course he told him to look it up himself, which he did but he wasn't patient enough to read through it thoroughly, so he scanned through the article to get the basic idea.
"Ummm, do you want snacks? Water... uhhhhh... um.." he struggles to remember what he'd read.
"Some water would be nice to start out." To start out? What does he have to do next?
Instead of stressing though, he hops up off the bed (naked), "Okay! I'll go get you some water!!" He's quick to leave the room and retrieve a nice, cold bottle of water.
As he's about to hand it to you he snatches it back and cracks it open, "Don't want you to strain anything."
"Yuji, baby, I can open a water bottle." You giggle at how cute and careful he is.
"Oh, right! Here you go." Your fingers touch his as he hands you the bottled beverage. A small smile rises on your face and his smile widens when he sees you smiling.
You gulp down the water quickly which was a terrible idea. Small sips is always the way to go, but sex has left you parched for some odd reason.
"Do you wanna hop in the bath?" His head perks at your questions.
"Oh yeah! You probably wanna get clean, right? I'll give you a massage too if you'd like!" Who are you to tell this beautiful man, "no"?
"Of course, Yuji. Thank you for taking care of me." Pride swells inside of him at the thought of taking care of you.
Megumi Fushiguro
Sigh. Like father, like son. He's not as bad as Toji, but when you guys first slept together he rolled over and fell asleep once you came.
When you told him why you were upset his response was "at least you came, right?"
Which he admits now that that was NOT the best thing to say. He's changed since then, though.
"Here," he throws pain killers and your favorite snack at you. You'd just finished showering about twenty minutes ago. Yes, you invited your boyfriend to join you but he had to resist your offer. He knew he wouldn't be able to keep his hands off of you and you already expressed your tiredness.
Anyone else would probably be offended if their partner threw stuff at them, but this is Megumi's way of expressing his love.
"You good?" He asks when you don't move to pick up your snack.
"Mhm, but you know it's best for me to take pain killers before sex. They're useless now." He dodges the pill bottle when you throw it at him.
"They won't reduce the after sex pain? Thought they did. Well anyway, you wanna watch something? I actually started getting into that one show you like."
The way your heart fluttered at his question left you all sappy and excited.
"Yeah get over here."
He's not perfect at aftercare but he's yours and he makes sure to tend to your needs in his own way.
Sukuna Ryomen
Honestly I don't even think I need to write anything for him but ima try my best!
He was confused about the way you stared at him when you joined him in the bathroom. He was brushing his teeth.
"What brat?" He asks staring at you through the mirror.
"You literally split me in half and didn't even bother to take care of me afterward.." You state awkwardly as you sit on the covered toilet seat.
"Eh? What happened to all that independent woman shit? Can't ya do it yourself?" He asks, the toothpaste and toothbrush in his mouth made his words a little bit hard to understand, but you get the gist.
"I mean I can do it myself, but it's more intimate when you do it with your partner!" Honestly it was useless trying to explain yourself because Sukuna is stubborn as hell.
"We had plenty'a intimacy when I was eatin' your pussy like less than ten minutes ago." There's sass in his voice and he rolls his eyes.
It was best to give up, because he wasn't going to listen. The walk of shame was super embarrassing and you made yourself a little spot on the couch to sleep on for the night.
Fifteen minutes later Sukuna's stomping into the living room.
"What're ya doing out here on the couch when we have a whole bed?" It's obviously a rhetorical question, he has a good idea of what you're mad about.
"You know why I'm pissed. You're an asshole, Ryomen. I don't even want to talk to you right now, so go away." The malice in your tone was evident and he switched up upon hearing you call him his full first name rather than that dumb nickname he will never admit that he likes.
"Ugh... so whiny. If I take care of ya, all the domestic shit. Will ya bring your ass back to bed?" He asks, a hand on his slutty waist.
"Yes." You quip quickly.
"Fine. Come on."
That was the start of the aftercare you deserved, and surprisingly he was good at it. When you asked him where he got all this experience from he said, "I was a human with feeling at some point. I know how to care for people, when I want."
Yuta Okkotsu
He didn't want to fuck up so he researched any and everything. From hydration to what foods are good to eat afterwards and so on.
"Thank you Yuta, this is delicious." It really is good, his cooking is phenomenal. It always warms your heart. You'd started on dinner but Yuta distracted you which led to having your legs spread on the counter for him.
"It's the least I can do for you for treating me so well." He says with a suggestive smirk and you know exactly what what he's implying.
"Also food is important to build your stamina back up after sex. Did bathing with those bath salts help any?" He's read that they're supposed to relax and calm the body. He made you soak for twenty minutes.
"It did, I don't feel as sore as I did earlier." And it's true, Yuta knew more about how to care for yourself better than you did which surprised you to some extent. Sometimes it felt more like a nagging parent than helpful advice but he usually doesn't get to that point.
"Make sure you're taking care of yourself too, babe. It's not all about me." You remind him.
He nods while chewing. "I always take care of myself after you. I'll wash up after we tackle the dishes."
Toge Inumaki
Toge is a worrier when it comes to aftercare. He wants you to be satisfied with his efforts.
Never again did you fall asleep without cleaning yourself up or letting Toge help you do it. Last time you did he commanded you to get in the tub so he could scrub you clean.
He wrote an apology on a piece of paper afterward. He just wanted you to get clean.
He cares a lot about you and your emotions, and obviously it's hard for him to do that in words, so he tries his best to do it through his actions.
Tonight is no different, he's washing your hair in the shower. The water is the perfect temperature and you can feel Toge pressed up against you. The way his finger tips graze your scalp are just right/ You about fall asleep.
"Mustard Leaf." He says in worry. He doesn't want a repeat of last week, when you fell asleep in the shower and you slipped almost causing a concussion if he hadn't caught you last second.
"I.. I'm awake. I won't fall asleep again, promise." You yawn and the worry dissipates for the most part. He trusts your words.
"Salmon." He responds and you smile lazily.
Your most earnest moments are when the two of you are in the shower. You feel the need to rid yourself of anything from the day so you tell him everything. He nods along and gives you comforting touches to assure you.
"I love you so much, Toge. Thank you for cleaning me up."
Your white haired boyfriend nods his head at you with a smile. Your eyes follow his hand as he writes " I ♡ YOU" with his finger, on the glass door of the shower.
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rosietaeyongswife · 11 days
mission: prom | jung jaehyun
genre: fluff, angst, teenage romance paring: jaehyun x reader synopsis: what happenes when prom is in a month, and you haven't been asked out yet? wc: 7k tw: curses
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Your father was looking at TV, when he realized you didn't come down for dinner. It's been already 30 minutes, since he have asked you downstairs. A little bit concerned, he went upstairs to check on you and boy, he didn't expect to find you sitting on the bed crying with your earphones in.
"Y/N?" He asked, but you couldn't hear him. He came closer and tap you on your shoulder. "Are you alright?"
"Oh, yes. Sorry, dad. I got caught up."
"Why you're crying?" Your eyes drifted away from his, to hide embarrassment. "C'mon, you know you can tell me."
For a moment, you held back, because your father might not care, but it's better to let go of negative energy.
"I haven't been asked out to prom, yet." Trying to hold tears in wasn't easy. "It might be silly, but I wish I could go with someone. All my friends are going with their partners, and here I am. Don't worry, I just needed to cry and I'll be fine."
"Y/N, don't be silly. It's still a lot of time, and I assure you, there is a gentleman who is going to ask you out. I promise." He hugged you. "You're pretty, smart and funny girl. Who wouldn't want to go with you? Crazy. Don't stress about it, love." He got up and smiled at you. "Mum made pasta, your favortie one."
There was an ache in your father's heart. Did he feel heartbroken? Yes, probably yes. His little daughter was crying alone in her bedroom, because no boy asked her to prom. He wants only the best for you and wishes you happiness, and there's no way, you're going alone.
He never said anything, but he was thinking about it all night. What to do? And after a while, realization hit him. Your dad is a football couch at Seoul's University, so he's facing a bunch of boys only year older than you, daily. One of them could be good for you. Here come a list in his mind.
Yuta Nakamoto? He's Japanese, and he's just a year older, studying business at University. He's really respectful, smart and funny but he found him annoying. A lot of rumours say, he's a playboy and he doesn't look for anything special yet. Out.
Kim Jungwoo? He's tall, handsome, funny guy of the team. Jungwoo never fails to make anyone smile, and he's engineerer student so it makes him perfect canditate. But. He's shy, and boys were talking about him and some girl. Out.
Kim Mingyu? He's also very tall, handsome and mysterious. A lot of girls have a crush on him, but he's not the smartest among the team, and he has a temper. Sometimes he's too stubborn and it's not cool. Out.
As your dad was thinking about it, his hopes went down. Is there anyone, who isn't douchebag or dumb? He isn't going to set up his precious girl with some jerk. And then an idea popped.
Jung Jaehyun. Tall, handsome, funny and respectful student. He's studying business with Yuta, and a lot of girls have a crush on him and teachers love him. He's most polite person, your dad has ever met. Professors always praise him, because he always gets high marks and he's the best football player in the team. On top of that, his father was an old friend of your father. He helped Jungs in the past, making Jaehyun's dad, a professor in United States some time ago. Bingo.
On your way to classes, all you could hear was your friends bragging about their prom dates. It was annoying you, because you still don't have any date. Jealousy was getting over you, but you hide it as much as you could.
"Doyoung came with a big sign and flowers in his hand." Sohyeon said with a proud smile, showing you picture of her boyfriend. "I was stunned. Imagine, Kim Doyoung showing up with these things to ask me out, crazy."
"Jungwoo wasn't original." Jimin said with a pout. "We were hanging out at his dorm, and he turned the TV off. I looked at him, and he asked if I wanted to go with him."
"I mean, it's Jungwoo, we're talking about." You pointed out. "At least, he did ask."
"What about you, Y/N?" Sohyeon smiled at you widely. "I bet there must be some hottie. Tell us."
"Actually, nope."
Girls tried to comfort you, but you were aware of reality. Majority of people had already dates, and this wouldn't change much.
"I bet someone will ask you out." Jimin hugged you. "Look, I had no idea few months ago, I'd be dating Doyoung. I used to stay at home 24/7. And look, I'm dating him."
"For real, you can't stress about it. I mean, going alone isn't the worst. Many people go alone. It's fine."
"Yes, I bet it is. It'd just be nice to have a date."
"Imagine if someone like, oh." Jimin pouted. "Jung Jaehyun asked you out. Do you remember him? A year ago, everyone and their moms had a crush on him. He's literally the most handsome man I've ever seen. Besides, Jungwoo right."
"Oh fuck." Sohyeon nodded with a laughter. "He once asked me about a teacher, and I could fall because of his beauty."
"I've heard, he asked Chaeyoung out by getting on his knees with her favorite flowers in hand and sang her a song. Isn't it romantic?" Jimin and Sohyeon both were daydreaming about Jaehyun. "He never sings for anyone, so she must've been special."
"Wow, that's awesome." You nodded. "Do you think they're still dating?"
"Maybe? I have no idea, but Park Chaeyoung is studying law, and he's doing business at different universities. I hope they broke up."
"Why? You can't say that."
"C'mon, Y/N. He deserves better."
Park Chaeyoung was known pretty and popular girl among your year, just a year ago. At first, everyone thought she's nice and polite, but then it turned out she's the most fake person, that school has ever seen. If she didn't like someone, she'd turn their life into hell. People got to know, few weeks after prom and since then she left school to write SATS in another school.
The weather outside was sunny and warm, which resulted on bunch of men being sweaty and greasy. They've been running nonstop for past half an hour, and it was just a beginning of practice.
Your father was thinking what is he supposed to say to Jaehyun to make him agree.
"Jaehyun." Younger man turned around to check what's going on. "Can I talk to you?"
"Of course, couch. What's up?"
"Listen, I have an odd question." He nodded. "You know my daughter, Y/N, right? She used to come here with me some time ago."
"Oh, Y/N. Yes, I know her. Not really know, but I know who she is. Why?"
"What I'm about to say may be crazy for you, and I understand if you wouldn't like to agree, but I'm desperate." Jaehyun was confused. What do you have to do with him? "She hasn't been asked out to Prom, and she probably won't be. I love her, and I can't bear the pain to see her heartbroken. Would you ask my daughter out to Prom?"
Jaehyun was stunned and he had no words. What was he supposed to say? He doesn't even know you. At all.
"I like you couch, and I respect you, but I don't really know her. I don't think it's a great idea, maybe you should've asked Yuta-"
"No. You're most normal guy here. Jaehyun, please. Think about it. I'll let you play in the main squad in semi finals. I promise."
"I'll think about it, couch."
Jaehyun wasn't sure what to do. At first, he was certain to say no, but your dad promised him place in the main squad on semi finals. It's his big chance right there.
After the practice, he went straight home and wanted nothing else but sleep. As he was about to shower, his father called him.
"Jaehyun, did Mr. Y/L/N asked you?"
"Oh, God. You too?" He hissed. "It's crazy dad. I literally don't know her at all. Am I supposed to show up at her door tommorow with a flower in a hand and as if she wants to be my prom date? Please. It's ridiculous."
"I know how it sounds, but you need to agree." He sighed and Jaehyun once again, was confused. "Her father used to help me to get a place in professor staff. Thanks to him, I could work at Harvard. He helped me, and it's time to return a favor. I'm not asking you to date her, son. Just one night."
Only two weeks until prom, and here you are with your mother and Jimin in a shop with all the beautiful dresses. The longer you were in there, the more mad you were. All the dresses you tried on, were either ugly or not flattering.
"Baby, I think you need to make your mind. There's plenty of choice. Pick something."
"I'll just get something black." You said with a grin. "Nothing else looks good on me, black is classic. And heels. Whatever."
Jimin felt bad, because you were excited just a ten minutes ago, but now you're tired. After picking a dress, three of you came to your home. Your mother was busy with conversation with your father, while you and Jimin were looking for makeup inspirations on Pinterest.
"I think I'm doing glam." Jimin showed you a picture of glam makeup on some girl. "I need to go extra hard, you know."
"Well, you should. I bet you're going to look amazing, Jimin."
"You too. Find yourself a good inspo, and we'll be slaying the shit out of that place."
After few minutes, Jungwoo came to pick Jimin up. Both of them are supposed to have a dinner date tonight. You waved them goodbye, but you noticed how Jungwoo was looking at you and whispered something to Jimin. She seems to be excited, but she played it off and left. Weird.
As you were packing your stuff for school, a door bell rang in the whole house.
"Y/N, open the door." Your father ordered you to do it.
It annoyed you. Both of your parents were sitting downstairs in the living room, yet they called you to open the door.
"Hi, who-" You stopped mid sentence. "Jung Jaehyun? What are you doing here?"
You got outside and closed the door after you. Jaehyun was wearing a black suit and he was looking really fine in it. In his hands were small boquete of rosses, and you were real confused at the moment.
"I came, because I want to take you to Prom together." He smiled and showed you his dimples. He also gave you the rosses. "Y/N, will you be my prom date?"
He was smiling at you, looking adorable and all you could do was sigh.
Jaehyun was baffled. He didn't expect such an outcome. You were supposed to be extra excited, say yes and hug him, thanking for saving you, and he was supposed to play in semi finals. And you have audacity to say no?
"What do you mean no?"
"No, I won't let you be my date, Jaehyun." You were smilling, and it didn't help Jaehyun to realize what's going on. "I guess my father must've asked you to do it. Damn, he really pitties me."
"It's not like that, I mean, I mea-" He was at loss of words. "You were supposed to say yes. I thought you still don't have a date."
"That's true, I don't."
Jaehyun was laughing ironically.
"Then what's the issue? Agree and you will have a cute date, and best time of your life with me."
"You don't even know me, Jaehyun. We were friends when we were, like, 5?" You laughed at Jaehyun expression, handing him the flowers. "I appreciate your efforts, but I don't want to go with someone who pity me."
Before Jaehyun could speak, you left. He was baffled on the sport in front of your door. He was theoritically dumped. His pride got hurt a bit, since no one has ever told him "no" until today. Not only pride got hurt, but his hope also died. He can't let go. He needs sport in main squad, it's his chance to become someone big.
"Y/N you're going with me wheter you like it or not."
And with that he left. He promised to himself, he's going to make you change your mind and secure a spot in main team.
It's been five days since Jaehyun has showed up at your door with rosess in his hand. You didn't tell anything about it to your friends, becasue they would get worked out over nothing. Sohyeon and Jimin were busy with their love lives, while you kinda stuck with them to kill boredroom.
"Wait." Jimin stopped on her track. "Isn't it Jung Jaehyun's car?"
"What do you mean?"
Three of you turned your gaze towards black Mercedes, that was parked in front of your school. Plates said exact numbers, Jaehyun owns.
"That's weird." Sohyeon chuckled. "What does he need from here?"
Before anyone could answer, tall male got out the car and was making his way towards you and your friends. Your hearbeat got faster, and you were about to faint.
"Is he coming towards us?"
"I guess."
You had internal battle with yourself, wheter to run away or stay still and die of embarrassment.
"Y/N." The way his voice sounds, made you even more nervous than you already were. "I came by, and I'd like to give you ride home."
Witnesses of this scene were baffled. It was some fanfiction shit in real life, because how the hell, is Jaehyun picking you up from school?
"I don't think it's necessary."
"C'mon. Don't be so lame, let's go."
"I can handle myself." You hissed. "Thank you, but nope."
"I won't ask twice. You're either coming with me or I'm tell-"
"Fine." You didn't give him a chance to speak. "I'll go with you."
You waved your friends goodbye and left with a weird stranger, who doesn't seem to let go.
"Why you're so cold, huh?" He smiled at himself, while he was turning on engine. "I know we don't know each other, but what's stopping us from getting to know each other? Nothing."
"Listen, I don't want to get to know you, alright? You're so annoying, I told you no. What part of my decline you didn't understand?"
Jaehyun was smilling at himself, because of how adorable you were. Annoyed and angry because of him.
"Because I want to be your prom date, how simple is that?" He teased with his eyes focused on the road. "I see no cons of that situation."
Listening to him was getting on your nerves. The next thing you're about to do, was to have a talk with your father. It was all his fault. You being in that car was his fault. Jaehyun getting on your neveres, was, also, his fault.
"We don't know each other, I won't go with a stranger."
"Then we'll get to know each other, simple."
As you were about to protest, you saw how he turned in the wrong way. It wasn't the road towards your home.
"I think you turned in the wrong direction."
"C'mon, did you really think we're going home so soon?"
"I want to go home, Jaehyun." You rolled your eyes. "I appreciate your effort, but it's nonsense."
Jaehyun didn't answer, but kept his smile on his lips. This whole time feels like an illusion. You're in Jaehyun's car, going God knows where. What if he's a psycho, who's about to kill you?
"Easy, I'm not going to kidnap or kill you."
"What the fuck?" Now you were scared. "How did you-"
"I can see it in your facial expressions. Believe me or not, I'm not into killing pretty girls."
"So cliche."
"And funny."
After ten minutes, both of you get out the car. The sight in front of you was quite mesmerizing. It was a lake with woods around. The views was impressing, but you had no intentions to say it out loud.
"How do you like it?"
"It's cool." You shrugged. "It's the place where you take all your girls, right? I guess it's a nice location."
"Don't be so mean. I don't take anyone here." He replied, going towars small bridge. "I am here once every few weeks. I like it here. Peace and sound."
"So.. Why are we here?"
"To spend some time together?" He was sarcastic, which made you even more annoyed than you already were. "You said, you're not going to prom with a stranger, then I'll stop being a stranger."
"Jaehyun, I wasn't joking-"
"What's your favorite color then?"
"Really?" You couldn't believe your ears. "You're asking me about my favorite color, God."
"Just answer me."
"I don't know. Red probably?"
"Red. Sounds good. Mine's black, since you haven't bothered to ask."
"It's because I don't care?" You tried to keep your cool, but Jaehyun made you nervous. "Geez."
"Another question."
"I feel like I'm taking a pop quiz."
"Good, that's the point." He leaned by the bench. "Why you're always wearing your earphones in? Ever since I can remember, you were wearing them since the beginning of the high school."
"I like music, isn't it obvious? I just prefer to listen to music to talking with people."
"So you're an introvert."
"And you're an extrovert, I suppose."
"Opposites attract, you know."
"Stop with this cheesy lines, Jaehyun. God."
"I like how you say my name. Cute." He smiled at you, and you tried to hide your smile. He wasn't that bad. "Do you have any questions?"
"Why business? I thought you're into different things."
"Oh. Well, my father made me do it. My plan A is to become a football star." He chuckled with you at your reaction. "My plan B, made by my father, was to become CEO and open own company."
"Sounds secure. Cool."
"I don't know. Economics and business is so fucked ubp. I baerly can do basic math and it's driving me crazy. College is a real deal, Y/N." You smiled at his words. He must've meant it. "And you? Your plans for future?"
"I'm not sure yet." You sat down on a small bench. "I'm thinking about either psychology or criminology. Both are interesting, but it's dificult. I don't think I'm ready for an adult life."
Jaehyun could only nod at your words. It was true, it is scary, but it can be overcomed.
"You're going to figure it out. I bet you're going to be good at whatever you're going to pick."
"Oh, thank you. How cute." You said with a sarcasm. "I appreciate your piece of advice, but it was shitty one."
"C'mon, don't be so negative Miss."
"Don't call me miss, that sounds weird." You made disgusted face. "I think you should drive me back home, my father is probably wondering where am I."
"Oh shit, for sure."
Ride back home was rather fun. Jaehyun was talking about all the times he had embarrased himself or fun stories he and his friends had. It seems like Jaehyun is really cool guy.
"Thank you, uhm, for the ride."
"You're welcome, see you around Y/N."
A little smile crept on your lips, he isn't that bad. Your father was doing dinner for both of you, when he noticed you.
"Was it Jung Jaehyun's car or am I wrong?"
"Indeed. He insisted, dad."
"Do you like him?"
"I bearly know him, please. He's not that bad, but he's still a stranger."
"Cool." He hummed. "Dinner will be ready in a few."
After small talk with your dad, you came into your room and finally checked all the messages from your friends. As you were about to reply, an outcoming call came.
"Why the fuck did Jung Jaehyun came for you?"
"Exactly, mind explaining?"
"I don't know, he just came by, I guess."
"Came by? Y/N Y/L/N, be for real. Why didn't you tell us both of you are talking?"
"Because we aren't. He's just an old friend."
"Doesn't make sense at all. Girl, we should've known before. Now, tell us everything."
You cooked your brows, because you didn't feel like telling your friends about Jaehyun.
"There's nothing to talk about. We met few times, and that's all. I swear." You tried to keep it cool. "I'm sorry but I have to go, my father calls me."
Sometimes Jimin and Sohyeon get out of hand. They're really annoying with your business, and you don't really like it. Relationship with Jaehyun could only mess up your and your friends.
Past week was really exciting for you. All the time, you had spent with Jaehyun. He literally made you laugh so much, and you had really time of your life. Your friends didn't ask much, they just let you do your thing. For the first time in a long time, you felt happy. Jaehyun brought so much joy into your life, which was cool.
"So." Jaehyun looked up from his cup of tea. "I was wondering, if I can be your prom date?"
You almost choked on your tea. The first time Jaehyun has asked you out, it was weird and funny to you, but right now it made you nervous to speak.
"I guess you can."
Jaehyun chuckled a bit and hugged you. You felt redness spread across your cheeks because of that small gesture. There's no way you're falling for him, right?
"See you on friday then. Make yourself look pretty, Y/N."
"I'm always pretty, dork."
"I never said you weren't."
Humming in response, you laughed at Jaehyun. Both of you were about to head home, he's living just five minutes away from you. When you opened the door to your house, you could hear your mother voice.
"But you can't just ask somebody to do it, Jezus."
"Please, calm down it's not like-" He noticed you. "Y/N, hi. You're finally home."
"What were you arguing about?" You chuckled a bit, but you still were concerned. "Both of you look weird, is everything fine?"
Your father took a quick glance at your mother, and then sit down on the counter.
"Not really, we were arguing about my managment of my football team, nothing serious."
"Okay then."
"Honey, are you ready for prom?" Your mother stopped you from going away. "I mean, it's this friday and I want you to feel special."
"Not really."
The next day, your mother took you out on a shopping spree. This day was all about you. Your mother was really happy that both of you could spend a day together after a long time of not doing so. Walking through shops was making you a bit dizzy. Dresses were elegant and beuatiful, so the choice was hard.
"What about this one, Y/N?"
You turned around to see a green mini dress, and you were certain it's not it.
"I don't think green is my colour, mom."
This went on and on, and what supposed to be a nice afternoon turned into a nightmare real quick. Your mother was annoyed with your choices, and the fact you haven't found any of the dresses cute.
"Sorry to interrupt, but I think I can help." A woman with a precious smile on came by. "My name is Jennie, and I've been working here for three years, so I have some experience."
"Thank God, I can't do it anymore." Your mother rolled her eyes. "Y/N be quick."
She then left to sit on the couch and check her phone, while you were on your way with Jennie. She seems to be a nice girl and she was really cool with you.
"I'm sorry for my mother, she's like this sometimes."
"Don't worry, things like this happens here daily, believe me. I know how to deal with it."
"Must be harsh."
"I got used to it by now." She smiled at you. "Here, elegant dress. Black and maxi, what do you think?"
"They're amazing. Wow, I've never seen anything prettier."
"I know right? Well, here's all the dresses available in black. I think black is everyone's go to. So let's take a look."
After ten minutes of going through, what seems like a hundred, dresses, Jennie picked one.
"Is beautiful, I know." She ended your sentance. "Try it on."
It was black, elegant and slevless dress with a square neck. The dress made you pop and look like a princess. Looking at your reflection, you felt beautiful for the first time since forever. You felt like you, but more confident and cooler.
"Excuse me, Mam." Jennie approached your mother. "Your daughter was wondering if you might want to take a look at the dress we choose."
"Finally, okay."
Facial expression your mother had, was spechless. It was a moment where both of you went silent and just looked at each other.
"So, what do you think?"
"You look perfect, Y/N. This is the one, honey." She turned her back and looked at Jennie. "Can we get shoes too?"
D-day, here's your prom night. Jaehyun felt comfortable around you, so were you. Both of you have been texting each other about most casual stuff, as if you had known each other for years. Also, he was annoying you, because he wanted to see the dress, but you told him no. It's supposed to be a surprise.
A bell rang. It must've been him.
"Y/N, someoen's for you." Your dad called you, and suddenly you felt anxious. What if he doesn't like what you wear? "Y/N, c'mon."
Making your way down the stairs, you prayed in your mind for him to like it a lot. On the other hand, Jaehyun was mesmerized by your beauty. He couldn't take his eyes off of you.
"Y/N, you look gorgeous." Jaehyun couldn't take his eyess off of you, which made you blush. "You're killing it."
"Thank you." You tried to hide your face. "Stop looking at me like that!"
"Sorry, my bad."
Ride towars the place of the prom wasn't silent at all. Jaehyun was talking with you about everything like usually. He also couldn't stop looking at you. For the first time in a long time, you felt appreciated by someone else than your parents.
Dance. Everyone who had a pair had to dance. Jaehyun learnt the steps in a day thanks to you. You couldn't tell who was more excited: you or Jaehyun. Whole school had eyes on you and your partner for tonight, but you couldn't care less. Tonight feels like a dream. It was all thanks to God. If it wasn't for him, you would spend the worst night of your life alone, but here you are with Jung Jaehyun.
"Are you ready?"
"Yes, I am."
"Video Games" instrumentall started playing. Your steps were graceful, smooth and pretty. Jaehyun was watching your every move almost hipnotised. At this very moment, he realized how much he does actually like you. Jaehyun got attached to you by last weeks. To be fair, he was mad at himself that he hadn't had a chance to get to know you before.
"I'm one lucky man to be here with you."
"Didn't you tell the same thing to Chaeyoung?" You laughed, while Jaehyun silenced for a minute and let out a small giggle. "I'm lucky one. I don't know how did it happen, but I'm happy nevertheless."
Jaehyun eyes widened. For a qucik second, he remembered conversation with your father. He felt awful for a second, but then he let go. It doesn't matter. What matters is the fact he likes you.
"No, I told her something different. I guees." Both of you giggled, as you were making your way towards the tables. "I'm glad that Doyoung and Jungwoo will be here. I feel like I'm grandma among teenagers."
"You're just a year older, idiot."
"Still. Year may be a lot."
Sohyeon and Jimin were really excited for you. They had never seen you happier than tonight. Ever since you've been hanging out with Jaehyun something changed in you. Like a small sparkle in you woke up. None of them knew the real reason why did Jaehyun asked you out. Their boyfriends told them, he was intrested in her for a while since Chaeyoung left the school. It was really believable, because you were one of the prettiest girl in the High School.
"So, Jaehyun and Y/N, are you dating?"
Jungwoo asked all of sudden, and for a moment you forgot how to breathe.
"Dude, I swear to God." Jaehyun rolled his eyes at his best friend. "Leave us alone. Are you alright, Y/N?"
"Yes, I am."
"So? What's the answer?"
Before Jaehyun could answer, you were faster to reply.
"No. We're friends."
Jaehyun couldn't explain why, but he felt an ache in his heart at your words. It was an honest true, why would he feel hurt? He brushed it off, and just nodded at your words.
Jimin punched Jungwoo playfully, and changed the topic.
"What about we dance? I hear Rihanna, and everyone is sitting down. C'mon! Let's dance!"
Circle of your friends got up on the dance floor staying there for almost hour. All the 2000s hits were blasting through the speakers, and you really were happy. Nothing could ruin your night. It's the best day of your life.
"I need to rest." You said, and sat down with Doyoung while the rest went for the drinks.
"Wow, I haven't seen Jaehyun so happy and chill for a while now. Did you do something to him, Y/N?" He chuckled.
"Nope, haha. What are you talking about?" You laughed at him, and took a sip of juice you had. "I thought he was always this happy."
"He had a rough time lately, and now he's dancing on the dance floor with us. Believe me, he would never do it unless he was drunk."
Doyoung's words warmed up your heart. The thought of Jaehyun being happier just because both of you hangs out made you smile. He isn't such an asshole as you thought for some time.
An hour passed, and everyone had a great time. Girls were dancing with you, boys would come to dance too. It's an unforgetable night for you.
"I need to smoke. Anyone?"
Jaehyun, Doyoung, Jungwoo, Jimin all got up and left. Jimin had to call her mother, while you stayed with Sohyeon. Your friend was really drunk, close to passing out.
"Are you alright, Sohyeonah?"
"Yes, yes hell I am." She was chuckling. "I feel great." She was stuttering, and you felt bad for her. "I want more."
As when she was going for another drink, you took it from her.
"Girl, do you want to throw up? Leave it alone." You were laughing at her failed attempts to get the drink from you. "Stop it."
It's been five minutes, and you wasn't laughing at all. Sohyeon wasn't chuckling or saying anything, she was almost passed out.
"I need to go to toilet."
Her voice was shaky, so you were fast to react and go with her. She was on her knees throwing up, as you were holding her hair.
"Who-" Jimin voice stopped. "Oh my God, is she so drunk?" She got on her knees, and took a look at her friend.
"Yes, she looks like a ghost. I don't think staying here more, would make it better."
"God." Jimin rolled her eyes. "Can you go for Doyoung? He should take her home or something. I'll stay with her. I know what to do, but she should rest."
"Of course."
You felt bad for Sohyeon, she has always been a lighthead. Jimin knew what to do with her, but you had no clue. You went by your table, but there was no one there so boys were still outside. Many people were going in and out, so it was hard for you to notice them in the crowd. Finally, you saw familiar sillhouete. As you got closer you've heard Jungwoo's voice.
"Are you still going to keep in touch with her? I mean, you already did what you've been asked to." Jungwoo was chuckling. "She's great girl, but do you want to?"
Been asked to? You felt as if your heart was breaking in two. What does it mean?
"I don't know. Depends."
"Ya, really?" Doyoung was laughing. "You got your spot in a team, and you says depends. Coach isn't going to be the happiest with such an answer."
"I mean, that's true. I like her but.." Jaehyun wasn't able to end. "I don't know how to explain this. I would -"
He couldn't end, because Jungwoo shook his head in your direction. Here you were standing with makeup running down your face. Crying so hard, you almost forgot how to breathe.
"D-Doyoung, Sohyeon is throwing up in the toilets. Take her home." IT was all you could say.
Three of them were shocked to see you. You've heard the conversation out of context. It seems like Jaeyun used you for his spot, but he didn't get to finish his true feelings about you.
"Fuck! Y/N stop!"
Jungwoo went together with Doyoung, leaving two of you alone.
"Leave me the fuck alone, Jaehyun!" You screamed on top of your lungs. "I knew my father must have asked you for it. I knew it. How could I be so stupid to think you did it by yourself! I'm such an idiot."
"It's not like that! I really like you, please. Hear me out!"
"No, I don't want to talk." You wiped away your tears. "I'm coming home. I don't want to see you anymore."
"Wait, Y/N."
Jaehyun was about to chase you, when he realized it's done. You overheard him and his friends in a wrong timing. He was about to say how much he does adore you, and how it depends on you and how you see him. Now it's fuckin done, because you know it was your dad favor.
Prom was supposed to be your dream come true, and it turned into a nightmare quickly. It's been almost a month, and you're still with your thoughts in that night. Your father apologized to you about thousand times.
"I told you to leave her alone! She could've gone by herself. Happens. It would be better than going with your boy. Gosh, what have you done?" Your mother was annoyed. "Now she doesn't talk to you and I support her."
"I only wants the best for her! That's it! I couldn't look at her being hurt. I wanted my little girl to have her moment, is it so bad?"
Jaehyun called you and texted you, but you didn't read nor respond to these messages.
On the other hand, Jaehyun was upset. Heartbroken. Depressed. He wasn't sure why did he take it so personal. He was sure he couldn't get you out of his head. Jung Jaehyun understood you and wasn't surprised by your behaviour, but he was selfish. He wanted you to text him back, to say you missed him. His friends were surprised by his acts, because he never was such a wreck because of a girl.
"Y/N." Your dad got into your room. "I may sound selfish, but I want you to talk with Jaehyun. Semi finals are this weekend, yet he's really not himself. We need to win and I know to you I'm an asshole but please."
"Do you really expect me to talk with him?"
"At least show up on our match. He would be better if he could see you. Please. It's important for boys and for me."
"I'll think about it."
Your dad nodded and left. Of course, it was obvious that semi finals are important for your father as a couch. But you were still hurt. It wasn't even because of your father and Jaehyun, but by you. How could you believe Jaehyun would liked you? It was eating you alive. Everyone knew you went to prom together, yet he wasn't feeling you. That's what you supposed.
The door bell rung. You were alone, so you had to open the door and you saw two men. Jungwoo and Doyoung.
"I don't want to talk to you." As when you almost closed the door, Jungwoo stopped you.
"Y/N, why can't you talk with him?" Doyoung asked desperatly. "He's a wreck. I've never seen him like this before. I swear to God, it was out of context. It was bad timing."
"Look, it must be hard, but the coach wanted the best for you, and Jaehyun? He caught feelings! Can't you see?" Jungwoo hissed. "All he could talk about is you and how much he regrets not going after you."
"We understand if you don't want to know him anymore. Okay. But please, Y/N, come on the weekend for semi finals. He has to give his best, but he's not able to do so."
Doyoung really was desperate for you. The look in their eyes could tell it was truth.
"I can come, but." Their eyes lighten up. "I don't want to talk to him. I'm doing that, so you can leave me alone."
Two guys hugged you and left. They were thankful for you.
Semi finals were about to start. Seouls University, coached by your father vs. Yonsei University. It's a big event among students. There were about thousand people at least. Whole area was occupied. Jimin and Sohyeon reserveted places for you three.
"Hello, finally."
"Here I am. Where's the guys?"
"They're going up."
You looked over at the field and there they were. Your eyes couldn't help but lend on Jaehyun. He wasn't able to see you. Deep down, you prayed for his best performance.
After first half it was 2:0 for Yonsei. Boys were throwing curses and were mad. Jaehyun couldn't score a goal at all. He was furious, and got yellow card for bad behaviour.
It was a break in between.
"You should go there, Y/N." Jimin said. "Jaehyun isn't going to score these goals, because he is still focused on you and he had no idea you came for him."
"I came because they all asked me-"
"Don't lie. We know deep down, you couldn't not come."
"Go, you have less than five minutes."
In your mind there was no other choice. You were running for your life to get down there for them. Jaehyun had to see you. You had to tell him to get it together. Tell him you forgive him, even though you don't want to.
"Guys, please! Focus! Jaehyun you are so close to score a goal, yet you miss every single time!"
"I'm sorry coach, I really try to."
At this moment you walked in. Boys turned their heads at you and decided to leave you alone with Jaehyun for a minute.
"Minute and I see you back."
"You really came." Jaehyun came and hugged you. "I'm sorry for everything, I miss you so fuckin much!"
"Jaehyun, get it together. You are supposed to be MVP. Please, it's important."
"I try to do my best but I can't focus."
"I forgive you. I forgave you long ago. I'm not mad about it anymore, so please. We're fine. Do your best."
"Thank you." Jaehyun wanted to kiss you. He needed that but your time was out. He had to go play.
The other half was different. Seoul University had ball longer than Yonsei. There was 15 minutes left and the score was 2:1. Yuta managed to score a goal few minutes ago. The longer you were watching, the more stressed you were.
"Ladies and gentlemen, Jung Jaehyun and Kim Jungwoo are running towards Yonsei. Wait, Jungwoo passed the ball to Jaehyun. He's close to scoring. Wait! Jung Jaehyun scored another goal! It's 2:2. One of the team needs to score another goal to win and to go to half finals."
Jaehyun did it. Just one more goal. Boys were faster, while Yonsei boys were already tired. They thought that your father's team would let go.
"I'm stressed. I hope they win."
Last 5 minutes. Jaehyun needs to score another goal. You were watching him closely. Mingyu was trying to pass ball to him, but he was blocked by the opponents. Yuta was trying his best to block other team, but it was hard.
Finally, Jaehyun was running as if he wasn't human. His speed was so fast, people didn't get what was going on. All of a sudden, Mingyu managed to pass to Jungwoo and he passed to Jaehyun.
Goal. Jaehyun did it. Time is over and Seoul University won 3:2. They're going towards finals!
Everyone was screaming and jumping. Boys were hugging each other and were about to give speeches through the microphones.
"I'm proud of my boys." Your dad appeared on the big screen. "I taught them well and now they won again. I love them as if they're mine kids. Congratulations boys, we got it!"
"Yuta Nakamoto, how do you feel after this win? You scored first goal for your team, you must be proud!"
"Fuck yeah! We did it! Again!" He was screaming. "We're not stopping anytime soon! We're not afraid of anyone, I'm sure we're going to win South Korea Football Competition. I know it!"
Few boys gave intervies until it was turn for Jaehyun. Your hearbeat was as fast as Jaehyun during the match.
"Jaehyun you won MVP today! You scored two goals giving your team to chance to move forward. What's your thoughts?"
"It's not thanks to me but thanks to the whole team. Our teamwork is amazing and we did it. We really are the best! I love my boys! I'm grateful I can do it with them and celebrate!" He took a microphone from a journalist hands. "Excuse me, but I have to say something to someone I hurt really badly. Y/N." Your heart stopped for a second. "I meant to say it long time ago. I think I'm in love with you. I know I was an asshole and now you're propably embarrassed as fuck, but please. I love you. I miss you everyday. I miss those little dates. When Jungwoo had asked us if we were dating, I'd like to answer yes. I wished to. I wasn't sure of your feelings. I know I fucked up big time, but please. Can you forgive me for real and talk to me?"
"Yes, Y/N, wherever you are, please come down to us and get your man!" Journalist shouts to the mic.
Your friends pushed you to make you move. You ran towards Jaehyun. It was crazy. Jaehyun loved you. He really did. You ran towards his arms and hugged him.
"I forgave you. I think I love you too."
"Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?"
Instead of answering you kissed him. Everyone was cheering for you, but both of you were too busy with each other.
"Yes. Of course, yes!"
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slayfics · 7 months
(I am so in love with Yuta he just- stolen my heart fr 🥹💖) Hi, I’m back after like months of requesting (I think-) so how about scenario of Yuta who has a crush on the reader, however he always gets too nervous to approach them. He was scared to fall in love again due to what happened to Rika (just like you said! :D) so he just admire them from afar, until he get caught…he was pretty obvious about it- but his crush let it slide for now.
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(Get prepared with so much Yuta request in the future, I just love him so much AAAAAA)
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Yuta watches you train.
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Yuta watched from the bleachers as you continued your spar with Maki. You had been training hard and as a result, have been able to best Maki in three spars yet. Continuing to be stubborn Maki demanded you spar with her again determined to get a defeat on you.
"Wow they have really improved, hu?" Yuta said to Panda and Toge.
"They sure have!" Panda agreed.
"Salmon" Toge exclaimed.
"Hmm," Panda hummed scanning his eyes from Yuta to you. "You sure are watching them closely today," Panda teased.
"What?!" Yuta exclaimed jumping a bit in his seat. "No, I- I'm watching the same as you two!" He yelped nervously.
"Oh come on, you know you don't have to lie to us," Panda said thumping Yuta on the back.
"Bento flakes," Toge agreed.
Yuta looked down at his shoes, unsure how to respond to his friends. The truth was he had been admiring you for some time now. However, he was haunted by flashbacks of Rika whenever he considered approaching you.
The last person he fell in love with met an awful fate due to him being unable to control his cursed energy. Unknowingly, he cursed Rika, causing her to turn into a cursed spirit instead of passing on after being fatally injured.
Anytime he daydreamed about you or spoke to you for too long, worst-case scenarios flash over his eyes. What if something ever happened to you because of his inability to control his cured energy just like Rika?
Yuta let out a heavy sigh looking back up at you and Maki sparring for a fifth time.
"What's that sigh for? You know I think they kind of have the hots for you too you know," Panda said.
"Hu?" Yuta exclaimed looking at Panda.
Panda laughed, "You humans are complex creatures but sometimes you get so wrapped up in yourselves you miss obvious signs from each other."
"Like um- what kind of signs?" Yuta asked shyly unable to control his curiously.
"You really haven't noticed?" Panda asked. Even Toge looked confused and curious to hear Panada's observations of you. "Well for starters even when you're taking way too long to pack your stuff up after class they always wait for you. They suddenly mix up words anytime they are in a conversation with you, and not to mention anytime you go out on a mission they pace around restlessly until you come back safe."
Yuta felt his face get hot at Panda's observations. Did you really like him back? Yuta looked back to you and Maki just as you spun around landing a final blow on Maki, winning the fourth spar. Landing the blow and throwing Maki to the floor you looked up at the bleachers making eye contact with Yuta. His face was completely flushed and he immediately looked away.
You felt your own face flush at realizing he was blushing from watching you.
"Just say something to him already," Maki said irritated.
Maki was right, Yuta was very timid and if you took the lead it would drastically speed your relationships up. However, you wanted to be mindful of his past. It couldn't have been easy for him to live with his deceased girlfriend as a curse all through his childhood.
You let out a heavy sigh, "No, I'll wait till he's ready."
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I haven’t read the manga only caught up on the anime- so I hope this is still pretty accurate for Yuta! Thank you for my first JJK request 🤭!
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satoruluvies · 2 months
to die by your side is such a heavenly way to die
being with suguru in his final moments. satoru cameo because satosugu <//3
can you tell i love angst lol
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“at least curse me at the very end” you'd heard suguru's meek voice say. this was it. this was the end.
suguru had made sure his family could escape no matter what, you included. he'd told you beforehand that this could result in two extremes.
one, he would be able to acquire rika, the special grade curse that was bound to a young student, yuta and continue with his plan to annihilate all non sorcerers.
the other being him failing to do so. in which case, he had planned a perfect escape route for all of you. unfortunately, the latter happened and you had to run away.
but no way in hell would you leave suguru behind. he was the closest to home you had. you made your decision ten years ago when you decided to follow him when he betrayed the jujutsu society.
he'd tried stopping you at first but eventually gave in seeing how persistent you were to stay by his side. although his methods were nothing short of horrifying, it was suguru. your suguru.
so you didn't regret your decision in the slightest.
“are you here to try and help or die alongside him?” satoru had noticed your presence as you stood not far from the both of them.
suguru's eyes widened as he saw you. he was weakly leaning against the wall, one of his arms gone and his body bloodied. the sight was hard to take in.
“y/n. what are you doing here?” suguru's voice was firm. you walked up to them as you heard suguru's breath hitch.
“leave.” suguru's voice was desperate now. but that won't stop you.
you crouch down to him and brought your hands upto his face, wiping off the small bloodstains as you could feel your heart visibly break.
“you know i can't do that” you smile. suguru turned away trying to blink back his tears and silence enveloped you.
“please.” his voice shook as he swallowed the lump in his throat.
“suguru i’m not leaving you. you can't get rid of me that easily”
he turned to you now, the tears he fought so hard to keep at bay were now streaming down his majestic face. you marvelled at the sight. how could someone be this beautiful.
“you were always so stubborn” he chuckled through his tears, you did too.
“still am. always will be.”
you pulled him into your chest, holding him tightly as his remaining arm wrapped around you. it's ironic to say how safe you felt now.
you turned to satoru as you nod, giving him the go to do whatever he was supposed to. suguru held your hand and smiled.
“what a way to go huh?” you laugh and nod. feeling content.
“i love you” you whisper as his eyes momentarily widened before his gaze turned so soft you could melt.
“i love you too”
and when satoru had done his duty, both the lifeless bodies of his best friends lie unmoving next to each other, their hands intertwined.
he sighs to himself with a heavy heart.
“maybe love isn't always such a twisted curse after all.”
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megumisgirl · 11 months
coming home injured and worrying the fuck out of you, but he says it's nothing, but the truth is that it's far from nothing. bruises, bad cuts that probably need stitches, scratches, clothes covered in blood. in the dimly lit room, you carefully tend to his wounds. he ocasionally hisses when the anti-septic hits his open cuts. "i'm sorry, but this will hurt a bit, baby." you whispered, this time barely grazing over the cuts. "you don't have to do this, y'know?" he grunted as you bandaged him up. tapping him in the arm so you could clean up his bruised and red knuckles. this time he's too distracted to react to the pain, his eyes just stay focused on you— how you, so gently, wiped his knuckles, your fingertips grazing against his rough calloused skin, he just watches you. how much you care for him, how stubborn you are to take care of him. furstrates him and makes him happy at the same time. "i love you," he whispered, barely audible to you. "yeah?" you sighed, "next time don't get so badly beaten up because it's hard to love you then." you mumbled, he frowned at you, making you look at him with a weird look. "i love you, too, baby." he grinned widely, before hissing again when you accidentally pressed the anti-septic cotton pad on his wound again. "I SWEAR TO GOD-" "I'm sorry!"
𖦹°‧★ —— megumi fushiguro, gojo satoru, simon ghost riley, daisuke kambe, dante russo, aaron warner, jameson hawthorne, aki hayakawa, kaz brekker, yuta okkutsu, john soap mactavish, jacen solo, your man.
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babbymochiiii · 4 months
How They React When You’re Sick: NCT 127 EDITION
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꒰ ͜͡➸ trope: established relationships
꒰ ͜͡➸ nct! boyfriends x non gender specific! reader
this was born because of the sheer fact i’m under the weather a bit so…here they are 💆🏻
dividers credit @horangipilled 🖤
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ೃ⁀➷ Taeil
I feel like Taeil would be making sure you don’t lift a finger around him.
Like you try to get up to go grab some water…he’s right there gently pushing you back into bed and scolding you a bit about how he’s your boyfriend and you shouldn’t be afraid to call for him.
“Baby no— stop moving and stay in bed! I got this. It’s my turn to take care of you.”
You’re pretty stubborn when sick with him cause you’re used to dealing it by yourself
“Tsk! I told you babe!”
He’s not afraid to scold you (gotta repeat this cause it’s a big one here) 💀
If he’s on live and you’re sick best believe he’s giving you a glare even though he’s all smiley with everyone, they literally question who’s he’s staring at like that 😭
ೃ⁀➷ Johnny
Honestly with Johnny he would be near you but at the same time give you space just cause he knows you might throw hands with him…💀
You’re both a bit stubborn ngl so as long as you don’t ask or call for him he ain’t coming towards you
IDK I feel like at the same time he’s still keeping an eye from you just from afar so you don’t get upset 🤷🏼
“Why aren’t you coming near me? 🥺”
“Cause you tried hitting me with your sandal—“
Yeah you’re feisty when you’re sick 💅🏼
Sometimes I think Johnny does it more so you’re at peace cause that’s just how you are but he’s literally worried sick internally cause you tend to get sick a bit too often sometimes
“You’re so careless, can’t you be more careful so you don’t get sick Angel? 😭”
ೃ⁀➷ Taeyong
Oh my god the poor man 😭 he’s literally suffering with you
Like he’s literally just embodying 🥺 the whole time
“Are you sure you don’t need my help baby? 🥺👉🏼👈🏼”
You feel bad that he feels bad that you’re sick, but you’re always reassuring him that it’s just a small cold and nothing more
Until you do get a bit worse
THEN is taeyong running around like crazy trying to find good remedies to help with your sore throat and cough.
As you get better, poor baby will be the one getting sick now (even when you warned him)
“I told you worrying the way you were and being near me would get you sick :(“
“It was worth it 🥴👍🏼”
ೃ⁀➷ Yuta
Y’all…as a fellow Scorpio this could honestly go both ways
He could dot on you and make sure you’re okay by giving you the needed vitamins and medications you need to feel better
OR he would literally tell you to get away from him cause he doesn’t want to get sick 💀
It all depends on his mood, or how important of a schedule is coming up and can’t afford to get sick
There’s no in between…✋🏼💀
“Awe baby lemme help you out.”
“No — nO — NO—“
“Baby you know I can’t get sick 😭”
He will whine about it if you’re close to him and will make a finger cross towards you 😭😂
Sometimes he ends up being sick or he just gets a sneezing fit
ೃ⁀➷ Doyoung
He acts like he doesn’t care
Will honestly make you believe it at one point
“Just don’t come near me yeah? I can’t get sick.”
Will make a BIG ASS deal about how he can’t come near you because you’re sick and he can’t get sick cause it will ruin the whole schedule that’s been planned out
But he sends you vitamin replenishment drinks, snacks, you name it to your door step with a note
“Please get well baby :(❤️ I’m sorry for being a grouch 😔🫶🏼”
Sometimes, and rarely even sometimes it’s always when you’re sick, you wanna deck tf out of him just because he’s being sour and all you have is a runny nose.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about 🤷🏼” (red ass fucking ears giving him away)
But ofc you got the members and receipts to back you up 😎💅🏼
He ends up cuddling you all night long after you call him out
You can’t really be that mad at him (though you really are) cause you get where he’s coming from just as long as he makes up for it when you’re better
ೃ⁀➷ Jaehyun
My man is dotting on you!!!
Just like taeil, he doesn’t want you moving at all. He prefers making sure you’re well rested, hydrated, and overall content
Honestly you try to get up and do your own things but he has this 6th sense where he just knows and he would be so gentle when questioning you
“Where you going baby?”
“I gotta pee 🧍🏼”
“Need any help?”
Just stands there for a moment contemplating whether or not should he be by your side
With a quiet sigh he always gives to a gently smile
“Okay baby. Call me if you need anything.”
ೃ⁀➷ Jungwoo
Just like Taeyong he’s embodying 🥺 around you
He doesn’t know what personal space is
he doesn’t care if he gets sick or not he’s on you
25/8 Jungwoo is on you, cuddling you, kissing you,dotting on you
Sick? Doesn’t give a fuck 🤷🏼
“We’re in love! No sickness will separate us! 😤”
“Jungwoo please I feel like ima puke.”
“Then puke on me 😍”
You have to literally pry him off of you
Had to bring Taeyong and Johnny one time to help you get him off 😭
“Jungwoo I’m literally going to puke! Let me do it with some privacy!”
“But I’m supposed to be with you!”
Man is sulking like a scolded puppy 😭 pouty lips and everything
Honestly feel bad for him 🥹🙏🏼
ೃ⁀➷ Mark
This man doesn’t know what to do to make you feel better 😭
Is literally calling Johnny and asks what he gives his partner to make them feel better
“Do you seriously not know what to give to them?”
“N-no! I mean…taeyong hyung is always the one giving me the medications :(“
Poor baby is suffering and google isn’t helping him 😭
But you are!
You calmly (bc we know he’s panicking) tell him which medications work best for you and don’t and always give him a visual aid on said medications.
“Babe I feel bad :( like I’m not being helpful at all…”
“Mark, baby, you’re doing great!”
(You’re always reassuring him)
ೃ⁀➷ Haechan
It’s either he’s doesn’t get sick or he is sick with you
(he’s the one that got you sick)
Literally whining the whole time 😭
“Why do I gotta be sick! This sucks I can’t even get head from you cause you can’t even breathe properly 😭😭😭😭”
Forgot to mention….he’s usually 24/7 horny-ness is 100x worse than it usually is
“Haechan I literally feel like I’m dying right now”
“So we die together 😍🙏🏼”
“Haechan fuck off im not doing this with you 😭”
WILL AND SHOVE IT IN YOUR FACE just how sulky he got 💀
Then you threaten to call Taeyong on him then he’s gonna act like he did nothing wrong
“What? 😁 I didn’t do anything 😁”
Will be side eyeing him the whole night because you know he’s up to no good 💀
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literally was giggling the whole time writing this cause of how much fun it is !!! haven’t done it in a while (I was writing this first before my valentine post 😭👍🏼)
But I hope you guys enjoyed it!! Lemme know if I should do different scenarios and with the other members too!
remember my asks are open! and if you wish to join my taglist make sure to comment/message me !! :)) ❤️
Much love MWAH MWAH 🥰
— mochi 🖤
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queenendless · 7 months
👻🦇🎃 Spooky Lovin' (Various JJK ft Adult!SatoSugu x Adult!Female!Reader) 🎃🦇👻
A/N: Just my headcannon on an imagined scenario with the JJK cast celebrating Halloween together and they're all A-OK and happy and 😭🤧❤️‍🩹 There are ships/pairings in this here and there plus the costumes I thought of for them all that took forever to think of! Spooky romantic fluff. Cause writing that vampire AU 18+ piece is ... hard.
Pairings: Yuji x Megumi, Nobara x Maki, Yuta x Rika with hints of Yuta x Toge, Kokichi x Miwa, Shoko x Utahime, Nanami x Haibara, Mai x Momo, Yuki x Choso, and Satoru x Suguru x Fem!Reader at the end.
All credit for JJK cast goes to Gege.
* Please DON'T plagarize, translate, or repost my FANFIC content. Reblog, like, and follow instead.
I hope you enjoy. And —
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🎃Yuji in a tiger onsie and his usual sneakers with black face paint on for the whiskers and the nose.
🎃Megumi as wolf boi with just a wolf ears headband on … he was willing to put those on for his Yuji bae and that's all you're getting.
🎃Nobara as OUAT Aurora with a sword because she is a cute badass.
🎃Maki as OUAT Mulan because I like her warrior armored suit. Blame the fanarts I've seen.
*Plus seeing fanart of those OUAT girls together made something click.
🎃Toge as the Mummy. Better that than automatically putting him in a sushi roll suit.
🎃Panda as Frankenstein's Monster. In the torn up black Frankenstein jacket, stitches painted on, Frankenstein bowler head wig, and bolts in the neck. It was either this or Killer bear.
🎃Yaga as Dr Frankenstein. Labcoat, gloves but with his shades still on. Makes perfect sense.
🎃Yuta as Bendy the Dancing Demon.
🎃Rika as Alice Angel
*They both start off cute then become quite terrifying but in the best way.
🎃Kokichi as Victor from The Corpse Bride.
🎃Miwa as Emily THE Corpse Bride.
🎃Nanami as Captain America cause I got the idea from @TimieTate on twitter. But he keeps said cap off. He'll keep the shield just to see the fanboy within faces Yu, Yuji and Ino come to life.
🎃Yu Haibara as Iron Man cause I like Stony and it all fits now. Also he used face paint to add in the beard goatee combo.
🎃Ino as a zombie with the usual horror makeup with green skin, bloody cuts, and he's a cutie wanting brains~
🎃Shoko as Sally
🎃Utahime as Genderbent Jack Skellington with a Zero plushie.
🎃Momo as Sabrina the Teenage Witch. Just the poofy velvety black dress, witch's hat, It was the broom's fault.
🎃Mai as Salem Saberhagen/Cat. It's just in a velour jumpsuit with an attached tail, layered choker necklace, cat ear headband, and ankle boots.
🎃Todo as a crossdressed Takada … cause why not.
🎃Choso as Netflix's Castlevania Dracula, with his hair loose to match. Also because of the whole blood thing.
🎃Yuki as Lisa Tepes also from Netflix's Castlevania cause they're both independent and stubborn and it just made sense to have them pair up.
🎃Riko as Wednesday Adams
🎃Kuroi as Morticia Adams
🎃Toji and Shiu as Sam and Dean Winchester. Just wearing leather jackets, rustic shirts, torn jeans and boots for the rugged look. Doesn't matter who's dressed as who. They can both make either roles work.
🎃Noritoshi Kamo as Hellsing's Alucard
🎃Junpei as Ash Williams. OG Classic. With detachable chainsaw toy hand.
🎃Nanako as Mitsuri Kanroji
🎃Mimiko as Nezuko
🎃Tsumiki as Shinobu
*They all got the wigs and custom made toy Nichirin swords. Also because Tsumiki and Shinobu share the same seiyuu. It was either her or Yor from SPY X FAMILY. Lord knows Gojo, Geto and Megumi would never want to see this girl in that kinda getup; overprotective they are.
🎃Mei as Disney OG Ursula. They both have white hair and do business with high rewarding profits. I had trouble figuring out a costume for Mei, okay!?
🎃Ui as a Flotsam Jetsam Mashup. Devoted brother/minion, so be it.
🎃Kusakabe as a Scarecrow. Apparently he's a fearful man that is courageous when it counts. It all fits.
🎃Akari Nitta as OG Disney Cinderella. Cause why not? It's cute!
🎃Ijichi as Zorro. Be a brave badass, my man!
*Those two are doing a callback to A Cinderella Story; the OG one, where Sam is Cindy and Carter is Zorro. Ergo, neither pair are couples.
🎃Arata Nitta as just a bedsheet ghost. He's timid as hell according to his wiki so there.
🎃Satoru as Wassup Ghostface
🎃Suguru as Viper Ghostface
🎃You as OG Ghostface
*Cause I gotta put my favorite horror character of all time in this and seeing fanart of them as Ghostface is a big turn on~! Plus Gojo gives Wassup vibes. And Viper looked so cool for Geto. And yes you be representing the OG!
🎃👻🦇 🎃 👻🦇🎃 👻🦇🎃👻🦇🎃👻🦇🎃
Fall has come.
Warm colored leaves whisking in the cold blowing winds.
And so much rambunctious chatter teemed the atmosphere.
The annual Halloween carnival fair has arrived.
"Fushiguro! Let's go on that ride next!" Yuji cheered enthusiastically as the pair rode the flaming pumpkin head shaped go bumper car.
"Fine fine! Just keep your eyes on the – ACK!" Megumi grabbed those mochi cheeks of Yuji's to make him face forward, both jerking forward as they got slammed in up front by another go cart.
"Itadori-kun! Eyes on the road!" Junpei laughed.
"You two can get it on later, ya know~" Ino teased, grinning, innuendo jokes going hard.
"Ino-san, please don't egg him on." Megumi grumbled, bashfully avoiding eye contact.
"If he wants to, sure." Yuji made it all seem so simple.
"WHAT!?" All three exclaimed in shock, startling the other drivers and passerby, earning him a hard yank on his tiger hood.
Mingling outside a food booth
"Mmm, umai~!" Nobara's eyes lit up with actual stars in them as she eyed her crepe with bat and spider sprinkles paired with chocolate sauce. "Delicious and Insta-worthy~! Maki-san, what do you think?"
She smacked her lips in afterthought, eyeing the"With the black and orange dyed cone, matching sherbert ice cream gave off that spooky pizzazz to put one in the festive mood "Not bad. Too much though."
"Hmm … then finding the best cammable sweets for Maki-san is our goal for this all Hallows Night!"
"Don't go overboard, baka." Maki bopped her on her crowned head, endearingly smiling. "Cause we're burning all this sugar in our workout tomorrow."
Nobara saluted. "Yes ma'am!"
From down the road, sitting at a mini table set up outside another food both, Mai scoffs at the sight. "Maki, what do you see in that girl?"
Giving heated glares to some passerby that were giving cat calls to Mai, Momo "Your envy is warranted but not tonight. Now have a spooky berry." Momo plopped a bloody frosted one from her decorated strawberry coffin into her partner's mouth.
"Out of all the people, she chose to date … her." Mai muffled through her full mouth.
"I heard that, you know." The Kyoto pair looked up to see Mai's twin and her bae standing there; Maki a bit facially irked whereas –
"We BOTH heard!" Nobara's seething face was too close for Mai's comfort; Maki restraining her from going feral, though Mai looked undisturbed.
Oh? I didn't see you there." Mai's false smile had Nobara shooting steam out of her nostrils.
"She means well." Momo; understanding Mai's protectiveness over her twin, just sat there and ate those berries away.
The baseball struck gold as the bottle tower collapsed with ease.
"Alright Nanami-san! Perfect aim as always!" Haibara cheered, clapping before pointing at the prize he wanted hanging above their heads. "How many prize booths does that make now?" Haibara beamed, arms full of stuffed toy prizes.
"This would be the fifth one. I believe we've reached a moderate amount at this point." Nanami stated, adjusting the strap keeping the star spangled shield on his back, as they walked off with their reward.
"Yeah. This is more than enough for my sister. Thank you. So here." Picking up his latest prize, he handed the Iron Man chibi doll to his beau. "As a token to remember this night."
Nanami was so taken back by the gesture. "Then you keeping this one would even things up." He plopped that Cap chibi plush right on Haibara's face.
Haibara nuzzled the Cap plush with his cheek. "I'll follow you to the ends of the Earth … Kento."
God, Nanami's heart was getting ready to burst right outta him! "Yu …" Looking straight ahead, he shyly blushed as he kept a hand on Yu's back just in case. "I'll never forget."
On a park bench, viewing the fair from across the way, the two ruggedly dressed drinking buddies were hogging the bench.
"You know spying is a bad look for you, Zen'in."
"Shut it. It's Fushiguro now, remember?" And yet, propped against the back of the bench, Toji kept glancing at his wolf eared teen son walking with his fellow sorcerer buddies through the festive grounds evidently content regardless if he was smiling or not.
"Just go say to your kids already, you big old wuss."
Downing some booze, Toji sighed. "Nah. It's better this way. Besides, his two new papas would kill me in cold blood if I got even close."
"You're actually pissed you didn't get invited to their group gathering." Shiu drolled, getting bonked in the back of the head by Toji's half empty bottle.
"Still though, nothing like a drink and a smoke outside to spend the night away." Shiu mused, smoke slipping through his lips.
Toji's semi bored eyes suddenly became focused as they trained on a former target that now alluded to his sights after slipping inside one of the many houses of horrors littered around the fair grounds.
Holding hands tightly, Riko and Kuroi jolted and squeaked among the many other costumed attendees from every jump scare triggered by the gory horrifying figures coming every which way.
"Riko-sama, it's okay if you don't want to keep going."
"No! I can be brave through this! Just to rub it in those two's smug ass faces! I can do this – mmph!" She bumped into someone's back amiss her self encouragement. Looking up into the blackest eyes of Count Choso who bluntly uttered.
Riko's terrified screams didn't startle Choso in the slightest as she flailed, losing balance, and falling into Kuroi's arms.
"Sorry about him, Amanai-chan. Just trying to get him in the spooky spirit is all." Yuki's head popped out from behind him, apologetically smiling.
"An incarnated object … in the flesh!" She was as terrified as she was astounded at being in his presence, especially when he punched a screeching animatronic that got too close for comfort.
"Another former Star Plasma Vessel." Choso pointed out dryly.
"I chose my own path going forward of my own free will, same as you. No need to be so blunt about it." Riko stuck her tongue out at the somewhat irked hybrid man.
"Riko-sama, let's get going. We're holding up the others behind us." Kuroi cautioned.
"Yes yes, we're wasting precious time here! The night is still young after all!~!" Not wanting to get kicked out and sued by those running the house, Yuki dragged those three out to the exit, barreling through puzzled exclaiming normies.
In a mock up Haunted Mansion ride, Kokichi stayed stiff but flustered as Miwa held his hand, hugged his arm, and cuddled up next to him in their automatic carriage seat for two.
"Are you enjoying yourself?" She curiously wanted to know.
He nods, fidgeting a bit. "And you?"
"Yes … I'm with you, after all." Miwa's genuine smile spoke volumes to how true she meant it.
"Good." He kissed her cheek all feather-like, earning a glow from her face before she peppered his face all with lipstick kisses, to his dopey smiling face.
"Oh my precious students!" That alerted the two as they spotted their sensei tearing up, to which her date used her Zero plush to pat away those tears.
"Just ignore us. We'll keep mingling with our brethren, that's all." Shoko waved to them, lounging in the fake graveyard setting.
"Not if we get kicked out over it!" Utahime panicked.
"Eh, no big deal." Shoko's usual apathetic shrug.
"You promised me you wouldn't act like THOSE TWO – MMPH!" Utahime got shushed by a smooch. Zero's nose lit up red, smooshed in between them, pouting as they parted. "You don't play fair."
Shoko rubbed her nose against Utahime's, mixing her faded blue powder with her white face powder, smiling proudly. "You make it too easy."
Outside, in a corn maze, Toge was looking ahead over the tops, carried on Panda's shoulders,
"Tsuna Tsuna."
"Go right?"
"Got it. Oh, Yuta, why must you leave us in your wake!? We barely see him anymore! Now he left us behind in this maze!" Panda dramatically tearfully shouted to the heavens.
Turning this and that way, they finally found Yuta. On the hay covered ground. With Rika laying atop him.
"T–Toge! Panda! Uh … I can explain everything! I – It was just a slip –!" Yuta sweated bullets.
"He still cushioned my fall. You're always looking out for me, Yuta, my love~!" Rika gushed.
While he remained calm on the surface; that and his mouth was covered in wraps, Toge was irked at seeing his close friend being smothered by his lifelong love.
"If you two wanted to be alone, all you had to do was say so." Panda suggestively said.
"Uh, that's not – AH!" Getting pulled up to their feet, Yuta blushed at how intense Inumaki's gaze held him with such devotion. Ruffling his hair, Toge was now turning red from what those wraps didn't hide, Yuta laughed a bit at the cute sight, before Panda bear hugged them all. "I – I missed you all too!"
Leaning against the fenced borders of the exit, Kusakabe-sensei stood beside his fellow Scarecrow; a display maybe but still, staying steer clear of any unwarranted hassle.
"Kids … naively enjoying normalcy despite our true reality. As long as I don't get screwed over in the long run, I'm –!"
A clown faced balloon got thrusted in his face.
"Take one. Enjoy yourself. I mean it."
Principal Yaga, handing out spooky themed balloons to adorably costumed kids passing by with their parents, still noticed the somber fear in his eyes. Speaking of kids –
"Come on, uncle! Mom is waiting for us!"
Yaga smiled at seeing Atsuya being dragged off by his Batman dressed nephew, willing to let his guard down for the little guy, a bat shaped balloon in his small gloved hand.
Mei cackling as money rained the sky. "Thinking you can trick me out of my wits," Men with wounded pride crumbled around her. "Only to be treated to my heart's content." They should never have bet straight outta their wallets. "Now that's what I call the best treat ever~!" She was that good at the shooting ranges. And darts. And slamming the hammer to ring the bell.
"Nee-sama, on top, as always~! Perfection~!" Ui applauded in his own odd unsettling way that only his elder sister enjoyed as she laughed madly.
Noritoshi hoped Miwa and the girls' choice of costume for him wouldn't make him feel so … out of his comfort zone. And yet, the various fangirls that adored the character he portrayed had them taking him up on both sides, hugging him arms and giggling nonstop at how fine he looked. Guess letting his hair down and loose made the look really sell. Still …
"I cannot tell if this is better than dealing with curses … or worse."
Getting dragged off to God knows where, an overwhelmed Noritoshi passed the masked Ijichi-san who was mesmerized by Nitta-san as the princess she is inside and out, twirling on the bridge. "I'll make sure not to lose my glass slipper~!" She cheekily jokes.
"I'd gladly carry you should you ever lose them." Ijicji bravely offered.
"Oh thank you Ichiji-san, but I'll manage. Right, Anata?"
All she got from the tarp draped ghost of her teen brother was jerky nodding and an "Eep!"
"He's really shy. But that makes him that much more precious to me~!" She hugged her startled embarrassed tarp brother.
It brought tears to Ichiji's eyes, sniffling. "Ah sibling love … so pure!"
And for Todo. Yeah, a Takada-chan Halloween themed concert was happening nearby. And yes he got tickets to see her. Cross dressed as his #1. The man will wear it with the utmost unbridled pride and joy for his Takada-Chan. And he'd lose it seeing her dressed as the best half angel half devil in history. "Pure and forbidden to all … the perfect balance … that's my Takada-chan~" He'd be on Cloud 9 yall!
"Ooh, another one!" Nanko cheered.
"New pose time." Mimiko softly suggested.
"Okay, one more!" Tsumiki added.
Posing and taking photos with cosplayers of their fave online idols in their demon slayer outfits was too much fun for all those involved.
A Wassup Ghostface popped up above Nanako's head. Followed by a Viper one appearing between Mimiko and Tsumiki's faces. Startling away their cosplaying acquaintances.
"Our own papas giving us heart attacks, unbelievable!" Nanako complained.
"It was a good scare, though." Mimiko clapped a bit.
"It made my heart jolt right out of my chest!" Tsumiki exclaimed.
"Huh? Where's Mama, though?" Nanako asked.
"She's missing." Mimiko noted.
"I thought you three would all arrive together." Tsumiki reminded them.
Gojo pulled up his mask to beam at them. "Not to worry, girls. The Mrs is fine. Quite fine, actually~" Gojo's purring tone at how fine you looked in your costume did not go unnoticed as the girls mock gagging into their hands.
Geto also pulled his mask up to peck their foreheads. "You girls keep having fun…not too much, though." Geto wanted the best for his girls too, but not around unsavory company.
"Yes, Geto-sama." The twins kissed his cheeks before dragging Tsumiki off to rendezvous with Megumi's group.
The big question.
Where are you in all this?
Photographing the moments, of course.
Entrapping these precious once in a lifetime memories.
Looking over them all from afar, your tender smile gave way to a wave of attachment as tears pricked your vision behind that mask.
This fragile tender peace amiss this cursed world was what you sought-after.
Swaying from the overflow of sentiment, empathy and affection you felt for this found family had you shaking in your actual costumed boots.
"Tell me …" You felt his cursed energy appear immediately, hovering right behind you. "What's your favorite scary movie?"
You felt giddy, butterflies flocking your nerves, smiling nervously underneath your mask. "This one." You pointed at yourself. "Duh." You giggled as he glomped you from behind, lifting your mask off to see your red cheeked beauty. "Lord forbid I wanna remember this night, digitally and soulfully. Doing group hangouts takes lots of planning, coordination and effort – AAH~!"
You squealed as Satoru lifted you up bridal style, spinning you around, marveling at your form highlighted by the moon while the fair lights made your e/c eyes sparkle like the universe laid in your gaze. Matching his Six Eyes perfectly, hypnotized by them as ever, as he kissed you openly.
"Heaven sent … you truly are." Tuffs of his snony bangs tickled your forehead and nose as his face beamed with pride and joy, unbridled love stretched from both ends of his wide smile, all for you.
"An angel for our depraved souls," Feeling those giant clothes hands cup your cheeks from behind, your toothy smile looked up to see Suguru sharing the same twitterpated expression.
"Ghosts having guardian angels … huh. Who'd have thought?" Your attempt at joking only made them give loud, slobbering, open mouthed smooches all over your face as you became a flailing giggling mess.
"Selfie time~!" Satoru chirped as he took tons of them with his phone, lots of laughs and kisses exchanged amongst the many goofy, creepy, and ecstatic faces you three made.
When midnight would soon be upon you all.
"Looks like we're right on schedule." Suguru mused as you three saw everyone that you personally invited eventually convening where the end of the fair grounds and the park meet, fairy lights hanging among, between, and around the tall hanging trees, various spooky tune favorites playing in the background to set the mood.
"Precisely." You threw the heavy ginormous bag you brought with you.
You popped it with the signature cursed energized finger gun.
It rained candy for all assembled.
While some – Yuji, Panda, Toge, Yuta, Rika, Junpei, Ino, Nobara, Miwa, Riko, Yu, Todo cause his lovely Takada-chan's concert had ended early, Nanako, Mimiko, Tsumiki, Satoru who yes scrambled over to get some too – clamored for every piece they could get their hands on.
Others – the adults at least – had restraint or not much interest.
As the fireworks went off to signal the end of the night, so much lively chatter bounced off everyone in animated mayhem, and you could only stand there and watch in amusement, content, and peace.
You wanted to freeze this moment. As well as many others. From back then to going forward.
This world – this reality – was something else.
You found more meaning, a sense of belonging, and heart in being here.
You would shape, bend and change it all to make it the kind of world you wanted it to be.
One where you could protect the smiles of those you feel attached to. Keeping this little slice of semi-normalcy intact, this somewhat safe haven of a life.
And should any curses wreak havoc upon the city – they will be most active on this night after all – this league of sorcerers would exorcise the hell outta them.
Sitting down on the grassy grounds, you were lost in the glowing sight that you got startled as Suguru slung an arm around your shoulders, nuzzling your humming self with his own.
"Truly a memorable night. Well done, love~"
You two jumped as Satoru collapsed before you two, candy stains smearing his lips, but smiling too much to care. "Best Halloween thus far! But next year we gotta top it! We should throw a bash! At our place!" Satoru's eyes were crazed and high at that point.
"Satoru, no more sugar for you tonight." Suguru lightly scolded.
"But Suguru, I feel so good right now~!" You and Sugu sucked the sweetness right off Toru's lips. "Like that but more~! Please love~?" Those puppy dog eyes and pouty lips have you kissing his lips. "Thanks you two~"
Helping Satoru sit up enough to rest on his elbows, you three spent the moment relishing the youthful scenery. Satoru's head rested on your left shoulder, Suguru's head rested on your right shoulder, and you hummed at how warm and cozy and right it all felt.
Calling out to everyone assembled to do at least one group cheer before the clock struck twelve.
Finishing the night off with one last –
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soxcietyy · 8 months
Yuta Okkotsu x fem reader
Tw: spanking, brat taming
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After so long of getting ready you step out of your bedroom to find Yuta siting on the couch. He rested on it with his head thrown back, legs man spreading, and his hand holding an empty glass. He had gotten home from work while you were in the shower. He must of gotten tired of waiting and fallen asleep on the couch. Approaching him you sit the empty spot on the right. Removing the glass you grab his arm and wrap it around your waist.
"Yu, Im leaving soon and I want you to see my outfit." You whisper into his ear causing him to wake up. He rubs his eyes as he turn to look at you. His once tired look turning into a baffled one. He scanned you up and down not wanting to miss any detail. Tonight you dressed as a Playboy Bunny. You had on a red suit, ears, a colar bow tie, stockings and a white tail on the back.
"Where are you going dresses like that exactly?" He asks grabbing the material of the suit.
"I already told you me and the girls are dressing as Playboy Bunnies for the Halloween party. We even convinced Maki to do it … kinda." You say standing up. You didn’t actually convince her to wear the costume but she was coming dressed as a bodyguard. She really didn’t want to leave Nobara alone like that.
"Absolutely not, do the other guys know about this? What would they think?" He says grabbing your hand so you wouldn’t leave. Obviously they didn’t know about this. Thought you doubt they would care.
"Don’t wory Yu, Maki is going to be there to watch over us." You say resting your other hand on his. Still his grip hadn’t loosened on your hand. Maybe waking him up was a bad idea. You had no clue he was going to be stubborn.
Yuta pulled you down towards him onto the couch. Making you sit in between his legs. Your back resting on his left arm and your legs on his right one. Giving you pecks on the face before laying his head on yours. "Stay with me, you’re too cute to be letting out like that." He said.
Obviously he was playing the cute card where he tried to convince you to do things by acting very affectionate. You had to resist though, you had already planned this with the girl since September. Nobara would be furious to find out you canceled just because Yuta decided to be clingy. You told him that you already decided you where leaving so you are. Attempting to get out of his grasp was hard. He held you tight refusing to let you go.
You tried jumping out of his arms, wiggling your way out, kicking, pushing and biting. "What are you a wild rabbit?" He asks as he feels you sink your teeth into his arm again. You roll your eyes as you fail to kick him again.
"Yuta I really need to get going I have to be there by nine." You say. The both of you avert your attention to the clock that said 7pm.
"What’s the rush? Anyways fine I’ll let you go but I can’t just let a wild bunny run around. I need to tame it so it can know who’s it’s owner is."
Turning you around he laid you on your stomach onto his thighs. Your feet touched the floor as you head hung down. Grabbing your arms he pulled them both together on your back. You retaliate by telling him off. Complaining to him that he never lets you do what you want. Always setting conditions and rules down taking the fun out of everything. He was always serious and couldn’t learn to have fun.
Before you could say anything you felt a hard, hot sting on your behind as he spanked you. Your eyes widen in shock, realizing what just happened. "I just told you that you can go and your still going to complain?" He questions you.
"Obviously bec-" before you could continue talking he stopped you with another hard smack.
"No talking back, just stay still and take your punishment for being such a mean bunny." He said giving you another one. This making you jolt at the touch. Who did he think he was to be treating you like a misbehaving child? He obviously needed to be taught a lesson on how to treat a girl.
You felt as his hand rubbed the spot he hit you as if it was going to take the pain away. His warm, callous hand leaving your body to come right back with another spank. You curled your toes trying to hold in a cry. Your body felt like it was burning hot especially in the outfit you were in. He told you to count each one when they landed. If you didn’t he was going to continue until you did. You laid their for a few seconds before the next few spanking came back to back. You moaned out each number, voice quivering. They weren’t any soft kind spankings either. You could hear the loudness of it and feel your behind bounce up with the impact.
You didn’t think you could take anymore of it. If he continued it would make you cry like an actual child.
"Yuta," you blurt out before he continued. "No more, I-Im sorry for being mean." You panted out. Chest rising up and down heavy. It did hurt your ego to say that to him but you doubted it would hurt more than his spankings.
"You said sorry? That’s all Iv been eating to hear. For a second I thought you were into getting spanked. Thought your body says otherwise." He said making you turn to look at him confused.
His hand moved the body suit to the side. Wiping his index and middle finger on your soaking cunt. Bringing it towards your eyes you could see how it oozed with your wetness. How could that be possible? Where you turned on without knowing? Bringing his fingers into his mouth he sucked them clean. His eyes not breaking eye contact with you.
"Since you took it so well how about a reward?" He says using the both on his hands to rip your stockings around your crotch
"Yuta! Im going to be wearing these at the party." You groan.
"You’ll be fine drama queen Iv seen you have tons of these in your drawer." While saying that he shoved his middle finger in you.
You could feel how his long thick fingers moved inside of you. Pressing against your walls to get a reaction out of you. You moan as he increased his speed pumping his finger inside of you. When he decided that was enough he inserted two more fingers. You moan feeling your count being filled up more. Starting off slowly so you could get used to how many fingers you had inside of you now.
Your feet pushed against the floor to create more movement. Rocking your body to create more friction. You rolled your hips at a steady pace feeling the pleasure increase. When he went faster you could hear the sloppy mess your cunt was. It sounded so wet and good to your ears.
Eyes rolling up you felt dazed. Only thinking about how he had you bent over with his fingers pounding your cunt. You could hear him chuckle at the moaning mess you were.
"Go faster please I’m going to come." You moan
He complied and continued going faster until you let out a cry. Your body stiffened, you tightened around his fingers, and your eyes squeezed shut at you orgasmed.
"Atta girl" he said as he slowly pumped out the white cream out. Before any of you could say anything a knock was heard at the door. Both of you look at each other shocked before you ran off his lap and he stood up to get the door.
Opening it he saw Maki and Nobara standing there.
"She’s on her way, she takes her time getting dolled up."
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sh0ek0 · 8 months
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midnight love (part 4)
please find the other parts via my masterlist in the pinned post on my blog!
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pairing: megumi x f!reader summary: after surprising you on your 21st birthday, you ditch your friends to be with Megumi and finally talk. How will things be between the two of you, after everything that happened? genre: angst, but there's smut in the end heh content warning: !aged up characters!, college au, abusive/toxic relationship and dynamics, dark content, euphoria inspired dialogue (the part in the car is heavily inspired but I just love that conversation), mentions of alcohol consumption, mentions of smoking/cigarettes, explicit smut I guess lol word count: 6.7k
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a/n: honestly, even if one person likes and comments on my writing it motivates me to keep going so thank you @denkisupremacist ily. also thanks to everyone else that commented/liked/reblogged the other parts. if u want to be tagged just dm me <3
recommended songs: midnight love - girl in red / I THINK - Tyler, The Creator / Altitude - Montell Fish / Exscape - Montell Fish
It wasn't that you liked lying to your friends. But as soon as you stepped back into the bar and slipped the necklace Megumi had just given you into your pocket, you knew you had to come up with an excuse to get out of here as quickly as possible.
"There you are!"
Yuji and Yuta were standing in front of you. They had both put on their jackets and looked at you with relief as you walked through the door.
"We came to check on you, you've been gone for almost half an hour," Yuji says, and you see Yuta's eyes follow your hand as you stuff the necklace into your pocket, but he says nothing.
"Uh—sorry, guys I could’ve texted one of you," you mumble, "my mum, she, uh, just had a lot to talk about." 
Yuji’s is about to return to the others and take you with him to complete his mission as you link arms with him, when suddenly you both hear Yuta clear his throat. You spin around, feeling caught as you see the tall boy still standing there, frozen in place, his expression telling you that he didn't buy your story. 
You hesitate for a moment, but then you give Yuta a questioning look.
"Really? Did something happen? I mean, it's late, why didn't she call you earlier if she wanted to talk?", Yuta asks and you let go of Yuji's arm, who oblivious to the suggestiveness in Yuta's voice. You watch him make his way back to your table before turning back to Yuta.
"No, everything's fine," you start as Yuta avoids your gaze and looks outside through the large windows in the entrance, as if he expected someone to be waiting there, "I guess my mum just misses me.
"Are you waiting for someone or shall we go back?" you finally ask him with a smile on your lips as he turns back to you.
"The texts that popped up on your phone earlier weren't from your mum, y/n." 
You flinch, barely noticeable, as you hear what Yuta says to you. You had already turned away from him to join the others, deciding that if he wanted to investigate any further, he could do so on his own.
"Yuta, please…", you groan and look at him, rolling your eyes.
Now you really wanted to avoid him, so instead of going back to the others, you made your way through the people towards the bar in the back.
"No, stop avoiding me, I know he texted you." You heard his voice from right behind you. Great, he followed you.
"What do you want to hear now?", you ask him, turning to look him straight in the eye. He holds your gaze, towering over you as he takes off his jacket. You climb onto one of the stools by the bar and cross your arms like a stubborn child.
"I want to hear that you're not only getting older but also more mature, y/n," Yuta sighs, plopping down on the bar stool right next to you.
"How long have we known each other now? Three years? Four years? You were already Maki's best friend when I met you two."
"What’s you point, Yuta? Is it because of Maki? I don't think he'll do anything to her, I can assure you..."
"No, y/n, he won't do anything to her, but he will do something to you, and you don't want to realize that."
"Yuta, he said he’s sorry, he was drunk and he saw me with Choso, that was kind of my fault, I-", you protest, "I triggered that reaction." 
You could see the spark of desperation flash across Yuta's face. It wasn't your fault, you didn't provoke him, you didn't trigger his reaction - but you weren't ready to admit that. 
"He would never hurt me on purpose, I think he just needs... help," you added, "I can help him."
Yuta pressed his lips together and closed his eyes for a tiny moment. His sigh was clearly audible, he rubbed his temples as if his head hurt. 
"None of us can protect you," he admitted, before taking a deep breath, "and I can't bear to hold my girlfriend in my arms over and over again while she cries because her best friend wakes up next to her from a panic attack five nights in a row, because she was assaulted and almost strangled by a guy she thinks loves her."
His words force you to look up at him and your eyes widen as you realize what he had just said. Maki has always been so strong for you, you don't remember when you last saw her crying, and now you realize how selfish you have been. You were only able to put up with everything Megumi had done to you because your friends were there to catch you.
"And I'm afraid of the day I'll find out that this guy has gone too far and I'll never be able to see my friend again." Yuta takes one of the two beers he ordered for both of you and takes a sip.
You swallow, amazed at how quickly this conversation had turned.
"Yuta, you know Megumi, you know what his problems are, I can't leave him, I love him," you blurt out, "I can't leave him."
"I haven't really known him for a while now, and I think he needs therapy before he's allowed to ever come near you again."
"You're not his personal punching bag, fuck, y/n, I've seen that before with my mum and my - my dad." 
Your heart starts beating faster as you listen to what he reveals. He's never told you that before.
"He won't change," he mumbles, taking another sip, his gaze averted from you.
"That," his eyes were on your neck now, making you want to turn away from him, "you can still cover up. Next will be the black eye and the broken nose."
"If you’re lucky," he adds quietly. You feel the tears welling up in your eyes.
It was just like the conversation with Yuji, you just couldn't argue, you had no arguments. You could justify everything to yourself, but to Yuta? To Yuji? To Maki? Of course they were right, but you didn't want to hear it. You didn't believe that you could be alone and you didn't believe that you could ever love another person the way you loved Megumi. What could you say to your friends, your friends who had been worried from the beginning? 
Megumi had once belonged to this group, until he changed more and more and your relationship grew more difficult. 
So you wondered what you should tell your friends in the future. Right in this moment, you couldn't even look Yuta in the eye, especially him, he had been the first to notice…
"Let me go, Megumi, you’re hurting me," you begged, pressed up against the wall. It was dark, of course it was, you went out tonight with all of your friends and you were far away from the dance floors upstairs. It was so dark that you could barely make out his face, only occasionally did a few lights flash across his features.
He had one hand on your hip, his fingers digging into your bare skin, while the other had a firm grip on your jaw, forcing you to look at him. 
"What was that, huh?", he spat at you, he was nearly fuming, his body pressed up against yours in an attempt to keep you in place, "Were you flirting with him? I saw the looks you gave him."
"'Gumi he’s in one of my seminars, it was noth—ow!" You grimace in pain as his hand leaves your hip and grabs your upper arm instead, pulling you along with him. He walks a few steps until you are at the foot of the stairs leading up. Megumi rears up in front of you, towering over you as he forces you a few more steps backwards into the cramped space between the stairs and the wall.
"No, stop, what are you doing, I don’t-", you protest, but you have no chance to escape, "Stop this nonsense, Megumi, nothing happened, let me..."
"You’re dressed like a fucking hooker for what, hmm? For him?", he growled, the tone of his voice silencing you in an instant, "Wanna show me what you wanted to do to him?" He pushed you against the wall. You groaned as you lost your balance for a second and hit the back of your head.
"Come on, don’t be so shy now." 
You stared up at your boyfriend, trapped between him and the wall behind you. His hands were groping all over your body, and you felt his right hand move up to grab your chin again, but this time it didn't stay there. Instead, his fingers wrapped around your neck, squeezing lightly, but none of that seemed familiar. He had done this before, in another setting, he knew you liked it, but this time was different. Even though it was dark, you could see the lust in his eyes, but there was none in yours. And you could feel how upset he was, he was angry and rough and you knew that he didn't care what you wanted at the moment.
"Stop, I—I don’t want this, let me go," you sobbed and tried to wriggle out of his grip, "Megumi, please, let me go…"
"What the fuck, man, leave her alone."
You looked up to see Yuta rushing down the stairs, grabbing Megumi by the shoulders and pulling him back without waiting for any more context. He read the situation right, so he didn't need you to confirm anything for him. 
He heard you the first time.
"Fuck, man, what was that supposed to be? What's wrong with you?", he shouted at him, pushing him back, further down the hall. Yuta actually was a bit taller than Megumi and was able to keep him in check, even if he fought back. You had probably never seen Yuta this upset and Megumi seemed to think the same, but you had no intention of staying to see what they would make of it. 
As soon as Megumi was busy with Yuta, you gave him a thankful look and hurried up the stairs, right into Maki’s arms. She quickly realised what was going on and sent Yuji to separate the two. 
After that, you left with her and Nobara and that was the first of many nights you spent in Maki's bed, instead of your own.
"Hey, guys, there you are," Maki interrupts the two of you as she walks over to her boyfriend and puts her arm around his waist.
Noticing that the others have also gathered around you, obviously ready to leave, you look in the other direction and wipe the tears from the corners of your eyes. 
"We've decided to move on," Yuji says excitedly, "we'll either go to another bar or back to our apartment, what do you think?"
"That's actually a good idea," Yuta chimes in, standing up and grabbing his jacket before taking Maki's hand, "let's go."
You stand up as well and take your chance while you can.
"Guys, I would love to come with you, but I have to retake an exam on Monday and I think I really need to catch up on some sleep," you explain, and you're not even lying, "Shoko offered to drive me home, she's already waiting for me outside, so I think I should go."
Well, that was a lie.
Your friends protest, but you ignored them - you had already put on your jacket and were about to give each of them a big hug.
"Thank you for the surprise," you say and wave goodbye, "Honestly guys, it was so much fun with you, thank you."
You smile and did your best to avoid their glances, trying not to look at Yuta, Choso or Maki, who had probably already seen through you as well.
"See you," you mumble and turn around, taking your phone out of your purse to text Megumi before you had even left the bar.
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You grin to yourself, eyes glued to you phone as you push open the door, your other hand fishing the necklace out of the pocket of your jeans. You put your phone back in your purse before you put your necklace back on when you hear another notification.
Megumi had sent you his location, so you followed the map on your phone screen without looking back. You were already quite far away and out of sight, but if you had turned around, you would have seen how your friends left the bar. And then you would have seen how Gojo and Getou were standing outside with them, with Shoko in their middle, waiting for the others. 
Shoko, who, as you told them earlier, was supposed to drive you home.
You are just about to get into his car as a call from Maki appears on your screen. Instead of answering it, you reject the call, and you lean over to Megumi to kiss him. Then you turn off your phone.
I know I don’t want to Be the one that you run to When you got nowhere else to go When you need some love
You watched as Megumi tapped his fingers on the steering wheel, while you were silently listening to the music playing in the car. He had one hand on your thigh and while he was driving the two of you sat in comfortable silence. The setting was much too familiar for you to be nervous around him.
"Why did you not even hesitate for a second when I texted you earlier?"
I know I’m the last one You try to call but I always give in To give  you  it  all
"What?", you ask after a moment. You understood what he said, but still.
"I know I hurt you, I mean-" He looked over to you, before turning back to the street.
"I mean, not only physically but also.. emotionally." 
The images of him being all over her came back flooding to your brain and you just shook your head as if you were trying to get those thoughts out of your mind. 
"Can we not talk about that?", you ask and try to smile at him, while you feel his hand squeezing your thigh.
I can’t be your midnight love When your silver is my gold
Megumi stays quiet after that. You sink deeper into the seat and think about the last time you sat here, think about what you said to him.
"Sometimes I feel like you've ruined me forever," you say after a while, staring out of the windshield in front of you. You let your head fall back against the headrest, before turning to look at him.
In this light, I swear I’m blind In this light, I swear you’re mine
"Well, it does sound romantic when you say it like that," Megumi replies after thinking about your words for a little while.
"I still love you, you know that?" He looks at you.
"Yeah, you said that, after kissing me goodbye earlier," you mumble, not taking your eyes off him,
"But why, though? Why do you love me, when you do all this?"
You can see that he thinks about your question for a moment, and when he speaks, it’s probably not quite what you wanted to hear. Rather, you wanted to hear why he hurt you so much, again and again, when he said he loved you.
"'Cause you’re smart. And cruel, in a way, but not really. You’re so beautiful I don’t ever get tired of looking at you."
"Not really smart?", you ask.
"Not really cruel," Megumi says.
You nod and you don’t say anything after that, at least not for little while. Instead, you watch the lights go by as the car pulls off the highway and slows down after another few minutes, eventually coming to a stop and you realize you're in the parking lot in front of Megumis dorm building. 
You look over at him, once again.
"You know, it’s funny that you say that," you observe, "it’s funny because that’s something I didn’t really realize until after you broke up with me."
"That you’re the cruel one, and not me."
You swallow and feel his hand leaving your thigh to turn off the car.
"Did you know that I loved you?", you ask, without taking your eyes off of him, "Of course you know that, I’ve told you often enough."
You told him right in this car, a few weeks ago. The exact same thing.
"I’ll probably sound like a broken record but I’m not talking about obsessing over you, or fighting or fucking," you declare and your hands start trembling, "I’m talking about love."
"Did you feel loved by me?" The question rolls of your tongue so easily but the minute you asked, you were afraid of the answer.
"I don’t know." He says, almost to quiet for you to hear him. That’s what you were afraid of.
"I don’t know if I feel anything, really," he adds,
"I just know that I love you. And I haven’t stopped, ever, since the moment I first saw you."
I hope that the right time one day arrives So I’ll be willing to let this die Able to look you right in the eyes Say I’m not your consolation prize
"You wanna stay the night?", he then asks, one hand still on the steering wheel, as if he needs to hold on to something. 
"I’d love to," you reply immediately.
You hadn't even made it into his dorm room as you were already pressed up against him, the two of you tightly entwined, one of his hands roaming your body while the other one was trying to unlock the door. As soon as you stepped into the building together you'd closed the distance between you, pressed your lips so gently to his, and he didn't stop kissing or touching you since, the way up to the second floor taking longer than expected.
You couldn't even begin to describe how good it was to feel him, to taste him, to smell him, to be pressed up against his body, to feel his breath on your skin as you heard the small pants he released into your mouth.
When Megumi finally manages to open the door, you almost lose your balance and you interrupt the kiss to catch yourself from stumbling. Thanks to his quick reflexes, he was able to catch you, his arms already wrapped around your body anyway. You noticed how content he looked, his eyes never once leaving yours, instead he seemed to get lost in them as he maneuvered you backwards into his apartment.
"What abou—mhmm," you try to ask, but you're quickly interrupted by Megumi pressing his lips to yours again as he closes the door behind you. 
"What about Noritoshi?", you try again as he pulls away.
"Hmm?", he asks, and you can almost see the question marks popping up above his head. 
Not a second later it dawns on him. 
"Ohh, no, he's still out of the country," he says, kicking off his shoes, before locking his lips with yours again.
Right, his roommate's semester abroad, you almost forgot that he’s living alone at the moment.
"Thank God," you murmur against his lips as you slip your hands under his hoodie and t-shirt, pushing them both up and feeling the goosebumps on his skin as you touch him. He grins at your words and you help him out of his clothes, which he tosses carelessly to the side.
Standing with your back to the door, you had already slipped out of your jacket, it had found its place on the floor next to his clothes. Your noses bump together in the heat of the moment as Megumi pulls your shirt over your head, his lips so desperate to find yours again after being separated for a moment. 
It causes both of you to giggle.
You look at him in awe, and even though you noticed earlier tonight that he must have lost some weight, he still looked so good. You reach out to him and touch his chest, your fingertips ghosting over his skin, tracing the outline of his abs down his stomach until you hook a finger into the waistband of his jeans, and you manage to open them up with the help of your other hand. 
You don't get much further than that, as Megumi presses you up against the door slightly, his hands roaming your body before opening up your bra in a swift motion, tossing it to the side just like he did with your other clothes. His lips were on yours again and he relaxes into the kiss, supporting himself with his left hand next to your face, while his right caressed your waist, squeezing the flesh of your hips and tapping your thigh once, then twice, signaling you to wrap your hands around his neck, so you did. He picked you up with ease, his lips never leaving yours even for a second while your legs wrapped around his waist and he carries you through the room, over to his bed.
Megumi sets you down carefully on the mattress, pulling back for a moment to get rid of his jeans and pulling yours down as well before crawling after you. He hovers over you, supporting himself with both hands next to your face, taking a good look at your body before pressing his mouth to yours and forcing his tongue inside, making you moan against his lips.
His lips trail up your jaw, then down your neck to suck on your sensitive skin. You were lost in thought and the sensation made you flinch for a split second as you were still afraid of any kind of touch to your neck. You did your best not to show it, but of course he noticed.
"'m sorry, baby," Megumi mumbles against your skin, kissing up to the corner of your mouth, while you assure him that everything's alright. 
"It’s okay," you breathe, cupping his face with one hand as you look into his eyes. He hesitates for a moment, but you can see a smile tugging at his lips.
"What?", you ask, brushing a black strand of hair out of his face.
"You look so pretty," he sighs. After all, he was the only one that was able to make you blush like that.
"Oh, stop it." You loved it when he talked like this.
"No, I missed your pretty face," he insists.
"Missed those two pretty girls," he continues, as his lips trail down your chest, kissing your soft skin and latching his mouth onto your hardened nipple, while his hand began to play with the other bud. He drew a few soft moans from you, your fingertips grabbing at his messy hair. 
After giving some attention to them, he released your already swollen nipple with a lewd pop! to move his lips further down your body, peppering your stomach with kisses, his nose brushing over your skin and the cold air hitting your wet buds sent shivers down your spine.
You couldn’t help but whine as he kissed down the inside of your thighs, spreading them apart with his large hands while his fingertips were digging into you skin, revealing the damp fabric of your panties. As he kissed the wet patch that was already starting to form you had no other response for him than the needy moan that escaped your lips, and when you felt his teeth grazing at the seam of your underwear, you grew impatient.
"'Gumi, please," you whimper, your fingers still buried in his dark hair, now slightly tugging at the ends.
"Missed my pretty pussy," he groans, before pulling your wet panties to the side, making you shiver once again as the cold air met your slick. 
"Fuck, you’re so wet for me," Megumi hisses, swiping his thumb over your clit and through your folds, gathering your juices.
"All for me," he muses, looking up at you as you lie there, looking so pretty for him, with flushed cheeks and those lewd moans that you couldn’t stop from escaping your throat.
"Megumi, please," you plead, again, wriggling your hips downwards in his direction, "n-need you, now."
But he ignored your begging, savoured this moment to the fullest while he inspected your pussy, admiring how wet you were just from making out with him.
"Stop being such a fucking tease," you whimper and close your eyes, throwing your head back in a stubborn attempt to grasp a single, clear thought, while your mind was already growing so dizzy with him taking his time.
"Mhm, won’t let me enjoy the view for a moment, huh? So needy already", Megumi groans with a sly grin on his lips. He pulls down your panties in an agonizingly slow motion, keeping them in his hands before coming back up to press a kiss to your lips, which you return hungrily, causing him to chuckle. 
He pulls away, while staring deep into your eyes.
"Open your mouth," he orders while you just stare at him through glassy eyes. You’re perplexed for a second, looking at your panties in his hand.
"I said," he coos, lowering himself down to your ear, "open your mouth."
You finally obey, parting your lips and showing your tongue. Without another word he stuffs your dampened panties into your mouth, the sensation of your own taste on your tongue drawing a muffled moan from you. 
"Next time think twice before giving me orders," he growls into your ear, his low voice making you rub your thighs together in anticipation. You nod, moaning against the fabric as Megumi returns to his original position, and hooks his arms around your legs. Without another warning he licks a thick stripe along your dripping cunt, swirling his tongue through your wet folds, but never quite hitting your clit. He was still teasing you, not giving you what you wanted just because you acted up.
You let out a desperate moan, even though it’s muffled by the soft fabric stuffed into your mouth. A fat tear rolls down your cheek while you’re squirming beneath him, desperate for some attention on your swollen bud. 
His tongue circles your entrance, licking through your folds while he’s eager on not giving your clit too much attention. You whimper and whine, your body trembling underneath him as your hands let go of his hair, moving up your thighs towards your core when you couldn’t wait any longer for him to finally give you what you wanted.
The vibrations of Megumi humming against your slick left you wanting for more, and just as you were about to let your own fingers dive in, giving yourself some kind of release and rubbing at your clit, he grabs both of your wrists with one of his large hands and holds them tightly while he continued to lap at your sweet pussy. You’re left whining and begging, most of your sounds being inaudible, but he could hear how desperate you were. 
You almost choke on your own spit as you suddenly feel him sucking hard on your neglected clit, your hips bucking up towards him made him release your wrists from his tight grip. He dug his fingers into the plush of your thighs to force them back open and keep you from suffocating him between your legs, after they clamped down around his head at the unexpected sensation.
Those deep groans he was releasing into your sopping pussy made you even wetter, and it felt like Megumi wanted to drown in you, his tongue pushing in and out of your hole, circling your clit and sucking on it, while you were only able to roll your eyes back and whine in desperation, your moans getting swallowed as your mouth was stuffed full. 
You throw your head back again, breathing hard through your nose, while hot tears kept flowing down your cheeks, you couldn’t take it, it was just too much for you. 
Megumi glances up at you, watching you squirm and wriggle under his grip, enjoying every second of your struggle, while you felt your core tighten with every swipe of his tongue against your cunt. 
"Oh, I really fucking missed this pussy," he growls, with a grin on his lips, while all you could do was moan so desperately in return.
Your body tenses up as he flicks his tongue against your clit, and just when you thought that you were about to lose your mind, he brings a hand up to push a long digit inside of your clenching hole, sliding in a second as a response to your loud moans right after, pumping them in and out of you slowly, and stretching you out as your walls squeeze down on him. 
"Hnnngh," you whimper, everything else getting swallowed by your soaked panties. You were so close and he knew that, picking up the pace at which he was pumping his digits in and out of you, curling his fingers into your core, while his tongue was relentlessly drawing circles on your sensitive bud. 
"What was that?", he asks, a teasing smirk on his lips, "Speak up." 
You whine and squeeze your thighs together, when finally he pulls the fabric out of your mouth, a string of saliva still clinging to it as drool trickles down the corner of your mouth. 
"So nasty," he grunts, tossing your panties aside, "you’re close?" 
You nod with your eyes closed. "Mhmm," you whine, "’Gonna cum, please, make me cum." 
"Fuck, you look so hot," he groans lowly, "gonna cum for me? Go ahead, baby."
"I’ve got you, cum on my tongue." 
And just as he pushes a third finger inside you, tongue still relentlessly lapping at your wet folds, you let out a loud cry and your head falls back against the mattress. You can feel your cunt squeezing down against his fingers as your orgasm washes over you and your thighs start to shake as he pulls his fingers out, lazily rubbing your throbbing clit through your high, leaving you shuddering while seeing only stars behind your closed eyes.
It takes a while for you to come down again and you peel your eyes open to see Megumi hovering over your body, admiring the fucked out expression on your face. He kisses you, letting you taste yourself on his lips, a small whimper falling from your mouth in return. You cup his face, almost too weak to reach your arm out for him, while he soothingly brushes his thumb over your cheek.
"Did so, so good for me, baby," he coos, you enjoy his praise, and having his warm body pressed up against you felt so familiar.
You’re too overwhelmed as you watch him pull off his briefs, the sight of his cock making you dizzy once again. It’s not like it’s the first time you see him, but every time he manages to make your mouth water just at the sight of how big he his, so big that you can already feel the sting he would cause while stretching you out.
"Tired?", he asks with a smirk on his face, and without waiting for an answer he grabs you by your hips and pulls you towards him. 
"Let me take care of that," he groans, helping you up to place a pillow underneath your hips, "Just relax for me, baby." 
Your face was still so hot, and your cheeks still flushed a deep shade of pink. Your head lolls to the side, exhaustion pulling at your heavy eyelids, as Megumi grabs your chin and turns your face towards him.
"Hey, look at me, babygirl," he chuckles, "'Wanna see your pretty face when my dick’s buried deep inside of you." 
Megumi wastes no time, smearing pre-cum that leaked from his tip along your still completely soaked cunt, and lining himself up with your entrance. You can’t do anything else than let out a helpless gasp as he presses the head of his dick into you.
"Fuck," he hisses, "'Been thinking about this since the last time I’ve got to fuck you." 
He pushes himself in slowly, the stretch of his girth still giving you a stinging sensation, even though his fingers were already trying to prepare you earlier. You can hear your own desperate whines bouncing off the walls of his bedroom, and as he grabs both of your legs to throw them over his shoulder to bottom out completely, a high-pitched moan escapes your throat.
"Fuck, y’feel so good, 'Gumi," you whine, "S-so big, stretching me out so well."
"You’re still so fucking tight," Megumi huffs, kissing your ankles while his hands grab onto your legs for support, "I won’t last long if you’re squeezing me like that, fuck."
All you could hear was the sound of his wet skin, coated in your juices, slapping against your ass, while he pushed into you, increasing his pace with every thrust, fucking you senseless. There was nothing there to muffle the lewd moans that left your lips and you were so fucked out that you didn’t care about his neighbors anymore, you weren’t even able to hold back your sounds.
He hit your cervix a few times in a row, causing you to see stars and desperately search for anything to hold on to. Those whimpers and whines that fell from your lips were in sync with his thrusts, and soon you were nothing but a crying mess beneath him.
"F-fuck, M-megumi," you sob, trying to catch your breath, your fingers digging into the sheets, "S-slow down, it’s too—nnghh." 
"Slow down?", a low groan escapes him as he rolls his hips into yours at a steady pace, "already got lost in this pussy, you better hold on tight." You look up at him, your eyebrows drawn together, and you see sweat trickling down his temples.
"Oh god," you moan out, your eyes rolling to the back of your head, while he fills you all the way up with every snap of his hips against yours. You feel like losing your mind for the second time tonight, your walls clenching and throbbing around him, sucking him in so deep that you’re wondering how he’s even able to thrust in and out of you at that pace. 
"Shit," Megumi curses, and you’re so close that you nearly cum again with one harsh brush of his pelvis against your swollen clit. He had already fucked you dumb, tears stinging in your eyes and when he leaned down, pushing your legs up to your chest, you knew that he was close too. The feeling of your pussy clenching around him made him falter and he had to support himself by clutching onto the headboard, to not completely crush you while leaning onto your body. 
You can feel how your walls tighten around his length and hearing his low, breathy moans against your ear made your second orgasm approach embarrassingly fast. Megumi notices how you grab tighter onto the sheets, so he moves the angle of his hips just a bit to hit your sweet spot and it immediately does it’s magic, you’re left sobbing when you feel the knot in your stomach tightening.
"You gonna cum with me, baby?", Megumi pants and while you’re unable to form any logical sentence, all you’re able to reply is a drawn-out moan as he pushes you over the edge a second time tonight. You feel his thrusts getting sloppier with every stroke while your second high washes over you and then he practically collapses on top of your body. His body is trembling as he releases thick ropes of his load deep into your abused pussy, and you hold him while he curses and whines 'Fuck, you feel so good' and 'Shit, I was so afraid I lost you for good this time' 
and also 'I love you so much'.
He almost crushes you with his weight as he leans down and presses his lips to yours, drowning in that afterglow. You're too exhausted to say anything, so you’re just stroking his back soothingly, listening to your heart beating in sync, while you’re coming down from your high.
After a while he slides off you, not without planting another kiss on your temple, and grabs the blanket at the foot of his bed to pull it over you both, his body pressed up against yours behind you, one arm draped over your waist. You both lie in silence for a while, just enjoying each others warmth.
"I didn’t hesitate because I missed you so much I couldn’t even think straight," you mumble, answering the question he asked you in the car earlier.
"The moment you left the room, I knew I wouldn't see you again for a while."
"You do this every time, do you know that?", you swallow when you feel him pulling you in against his chest, "You treat me like shit, then we make up and you say you’ll stay, and then you're gone."
"Y/n…" You hear his raspy voice against your hair.
"No, we have to work on this," you insist and turn around to face him, your hand placed flat against his bare chest, "I don’t wanna lose you." Your voice sounded brittle, almost fragile.
Megumi sits up again, resting his back against the headboard, while you stay in your position, scooting over to him a little bit to lean your head against his side. "I promise you we’ll work this out, y/n." You were naive enough that this was sufficient for you. After all, you had no other choice but to rely on his words.
You climb out of his bed to put on your t-shirt and search for your underwear until you remember what happened to it. How convenient that you left some clothes at his place a while ago, so you go over to his wardrobe to find something suitable. You cringe a little at the sight of the white thong embroidered with the words 'Lucky You'. 
You bought it when you were like eighteen and you have to chuckle while putting it on. Well, you weren’t so wrong back then.
Megumi looks up after hearing you giggle and you throw him a pair of grey sweatpants and his black hoodie, which he puts on, but not without taking another look at you.
"Mhmm—guess I am," he rasps, lifting the covers to motion for you to come back to him, "Come here."
You grab your phone and walk over to him, cuddling up to his warm body while turning your phone back on. You wanted to know what time it was, and you remembered turning it off earlier when Maki tried to call you. 
Your phone screen turns white before you see your lock screen, a picture of you, Maki and Nobara, and as soon as it gets a signal, several notifications pop up all at once. You had about six missed calls from Maki and Yuta, even Shoko had texted you and right at the bottom of the screen were three messages from Choso.
'Are you with him?'
'Text me if you’re alright'
'I swear to god, y/n, if he hurts you, I’m gon…'
You weren’t fast enough to hide the texts from Megumi.
I can’t be your second best Close but not your favorite I keep going back for more Where there’s nothing from before
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taem-min-archived2 · 1 year
code love || j.jh
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PAIRING || Jaehyun x Female Reader
GENRES || Best Friends to Lovers AU, Medical AU, Fluff
SUMMARY || In which, Jaehyun wished there was an emergency code that warned him not to fall for his best friend.
EVENT || The Exchange Event by @kflixnet​ Thank you to all the wonderful admins out there for organising this event!
WORD COUNT || 0.7k
A/N || To @chocojae​ I really hope you like this short piece! I did send another ask in response to your question but i guess it didn’t go :( sorry that its so short my college exams have been super stressing but i really hope you like this one and that we can be friends!
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“What are you studying?” You asked as you crawled onto your best friend’s bed, getting comfortable as you slipped underneath his blanket to peer over his shoulder. Jaehyun just grunted, turning away from you so that you couldn’t see, but that didn’t stop you from resting your chin over his shoulder.
“What do you want?” Was the only response you got as he continued to ignore you. You pouted, even though you knew he couldn’t see your face. 
“I just asked what you were studying…if you don’t want to talk to me, it’s fine.” You muttered, throwing the sheet over your head as you turned away from him. You heard Jaehyun sigh from behind you but you ignored him, pretending to sleep as you shut your eyes.
“Why aren’t you sleeping in your room?”
“The air conditioner is too cold.”
He snorted at your lame excuse. “So that’s why you are here? You’ve been complaining about it for the past week!”
“Says the boy who chooses to drink water from wine glasses because he’s too lazy to do the dishes.”
“That was only when I was living with Yuta-” He sighed, pinching his nose bridge when he realised there was no use of arguing with you; you were stubborn and if you had decided to sleep on his bed then the only way to get you out would be by dragging you out by your leg.
Which he would never, of course.
There was no way in hell Jaehyun would even think of hurting you, even when he would engulf you into his warmest hug, he would make sure that he wasn’t squeezing you too much out of greed.
Because he was in love with you.
He was in love with you, his best friend and how much ever cliche it sounded, he couldn’t help it. Loving you was so easy, and just so, so natural like it was beyond his control to stop himself from doing so. Jaehyun wasn’t even sure when or how he had fallen for you; he just knew that one day when you were running downhill into his arms, he was knocked by this overwhelming sensation on seeing your laughing face.
And that sensation grew, now accompanied by the fluttering of his heart and in some extreme cases even feeling his stomach whoop as though he was on a roller coaster ride. It took him sometime but soon he realised he was in love with you.
So here he was now, in your shared apartment, with you snuggling to his side in an attempt to get him to sleep. Even though he was pretending to read, all the words were a blur in front of his eyes. He was too busy concentrating on the feeling of your hand on his arm as you tugged it, the warmth of your hand setting his heart on fire.
“What happens if I switch on my air conditioner too?” He asked.
You pretended to think (which he found really cute; you in fact was probably the cutest person he had ever laid his eyes on) and then spoke. “Well, since you are my human heater, I don’t think it should be a problem?”
Jaehyun faked a scandalous gasp as he wriggled away from you, but in reality he loved the way you chased after him. He ran out of the bedroom with his blanket, you close behind him screaming something about him being the most selfish human on earth.
But he didn’t care. Not when you were laughing as you dodged his cushion attacks, sending his heart into a frenzy. The two of you were now in the living room, and Jaehyun saw that he was concerned between the sofa and you. He tried darting beside you, but you were quicker and pounced on him, tumbling with him onto the sofa.
You let out a peal of laughter but he saw your smile falter when you saw what position the two of you were in. You were over Jaehyun, faces just inches apart with his arm wrapped around your waist. 
Immediately you rolled off him, looking flustered as you fiddled with the hem of your shirt. Almost instantaneously he missed the feeling of your warmth against his skin but brushed off the feelings.
“It’s fine. I’ll sleep in my room.” You muttered as you got up, still unable to meet his eyes. 
Jaehyun caught your wrist before you could leave, causing you to look at him in surprise. “It’s fine. You can sleep with me. I’ll be your heater forever.”
He felt his heart flutter when you smiled at him excitedly, practically skipping into his bedroom. 
One day, maybe one day he would be able to finally confess to you.
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A/N: Please do tell me what you think about this story!! I worked really hard on it and I would love to know everyone’s thoughts on it~ Comments and reblogs are appreciated!
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sehunniepotwrites · 1 year
kiss me, kiss me | jh.s
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SYNOPSIS. Of course, the one time you decide to put yourself out there you end up with a creep for a date. Your older brother, Yuta, is out of town so his overprotective self can’t get your out of this mess. Jeno, your roommate, can’t either since he’s working a late shift. And to be honest, your best friend, Mark, looks far from intimidating. This all leaves you no choice but to rely on your brother’s best friend and your crush since the beginning of time, Johnny Suh. Great. 
PAIRING. older brother’s best friend!Johnny x (fem) Yuta’s little sister!reader GENRE. brother’s best friend!au, slightly suggestive, fluff (?) WORD COUNT. 3.8k+ WARNINGS. alcohol consumption, creepy date doesn’t understand that no means no, unsollicited touching, a lot of nicknames (johnny calls her “bunny” lol), making out (?), allusions to sex (no explicit content)
DISCLAIMER. This is work of fiction. I do not own the people/characters and concepts I have written about. You cannot translate or copy my work. 
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You should’ve listened to your gut in the first place. Your gut never lied. And of course, the one time your stubborn self refused to listen to your gut, you ended up in an unfortunate situation. 
To be fair, the only reason you pushed yourself to go on dating apps was because you were the only one out of your friend group without a partner. For heaven’s sake, even Mark--your pathetic best friend who had almost zero game--had a girlfriend just in time for cuffing season. Your older brother, Yuta, had a partner as well. All bullshit aside, you were lonely. So fucking lonely. And it killed you.
To combat the emptiness you felt, you decided to put yourself out there. Find and catch one of the many fish in the sea. Sadly, out of all the reels you threw with your best pictures as bait, you swiped and caught one of the worst ones. The man sitting across from you was attractive, sure, that’s why you swiped right on him. But as you got to know him under the dim bar lighting, every little thing that came out of his mouth turned you off. 
His advances were downright sleazy. His eyes just lingered on certain body parts with no shame. A dry hand that scratched you grazed your bare skin before he threw his arm over your shoulder not even ten minutes into your first meeting. Even as you tried to create some space and voiced out how uncomfortable you were, your date ignored your concerns and kept you as close as humanly possible. His fingers hovered right next to your chest and you swore he would twitch his digits on purpose just to cop a feel. 
Thirty minutes into the date, you figured enough was enough. Shuffling underneath his hold, you shrugged the heavy weight of his arm off your body and blindly searched your purse for your cell phone. 
“What’s wrong, baby?” he asked, reaching over to pull you into his arms again.
You laughed nervously and backed away. Scared of how he would react, you didn’t want to provoke the drunk man. “My name’s Y/N,” you answered back.
“Sure, babe,” he clearly dismissed you. “You headed somewhere?”
With your cell phone in your hand, you did your best to smile. “Yeah, I’m just going to the bathroom real quick. Fix my lipstick.” Turning on your heel, you didn’t bother waiting for a reply and headed straight towards the back. Once you turned the corner into a narrow hallway, your cell phone was already unlocked and your fingers were scrolling through your contacts.
Mind reeling with who your options were, you began to cross people out of your mental list. Out of all the times your older brother had to be out of town, it had to be when you had a shitty creeper for a date so he was out. Mark was nowhere near intimidating--the boy couldn’t even hurt a fly--so he was out of the running as well. Your roommate, Jeno, could probably beat this guy to a pulp but he was working late that night. 
Fuck. Who else could help you out? You were running out of time. 
And just like magic, your phone’s screen blew up with an Instagram notification from an account you spent a little too much time on--johnnyjsuh. This was not a coincidence. This was a sign from a higher power. 
The man behind the account had been your not-so-secret crush since the beginning of time. With Johnny as your brother’s best friend since they were in middle school, he watched you grow up throughout the years and vice versa. You were close, not as thick as thieves close like he was with your brother, but Johnny saw you through your good and your bad. If Yuta wasn’t there to hold your hand, Johnny was and because of his kindness, you fell. Hard.
Generally, harboring feelings for your brother’s best friend was breaking an unspoken rule. You knew that. That’s why you never shared your feelings out loud. But some people were better at reading the room more than others. Yuta might be oblivious to your crush on Johnny or at least, he appeared to be. However, you were pretty sure the man himself had caught on one way or another. And there were times--like this one-- you thought he might’ve shared the same sentiment. You were just never one hundred percent sure because he never made an outright move. You assumed it was because he respected you and your brother too much.
Clicking on the banner, the screen shifted to Johnny’s DM. He replied to your latest story--a mirror picture of your outfit. A tight white bodysuit that hugged your body paired with flared leather pants and black heels. This look was a classic that never failed to turn heads. Unfortunately, it worked a little too well tonight because your date was not able to take his nasty hands off of you. 
johnnyjsuh: you look all dressed up. little bunny’s not so little anymore, huh? 
If you weren’t so crunched on time, you would’ve taken the time to let his flirty words fully sink in. 
you: john, how fast can you get to cherry bomb? please. 
As soon as you sent the text, you rushed into the women’s restroom and anxiously tapped your foot against the sticky floor. Your eyes remained on your bright screen as the line moved along. Johnny saw your message and the three little dots appeared at the speed of light. The flirty atmosphere shifted with his reply. 
johnnyjsuh: i’m at home so about 15 min. everything okay, y/n? need me to come and get you? you: please. i’m on a date and he’s giving me the creeps. he keeps touching me even though i keep backing away. sorry to bother you but you’re the only one i could think of.  yuta’s still out of town and jeno’s working late. i let the bartenders know but i don’t know what else to do. i just want to go home. i can only hide out in the bathroom for so long.  johnnyjsuh: fuck. make that ten. i’m coming, okay, bunny? don’t worry. just stay in the bathroom a little longer.  you: hurry.  johnnyjsuh: see your pretty lil face soon.
A sigh of relief escaped your lips once you secured a way out. You waited in the bathroom for seven more minutes, taking your sweet time in the small space. Damp paper towels were used to wipe off all the cold sweat that accumulated on your skin. You touched up your makeup, cleaning up the smudged corners of your liner and reapplying lipstick. The kind girls in line before you noticed your uncomfortable situation as they were close to where you were seated and offered their company as another way to make you feel safe. You thanked them for their kindness and you walked out all together with linked arms.
“What took you so long?” Your date grumbled as you arrived back at the bar. His grip reached out for you again and the girls you befriended stealthily pulled you back to their area.
“I ran into some of my friends in the bathroom and we were just catching up,” you lied through your teeth. The room seemed hot all of a sudden and sweat began to form once more. Gaze drifting to the entrance, you wondered when Johnny would arrive. You were the world’s worst liar. You could only hold up for so long.
“Yeah, it’s been so long since we’ve seen Y/N, we just couldn’t stop talking,” one of the girls, Sooyoung, said as she squeezed your arm in reassurance. 
“I think it’s been since last semester in that English class, right? God, remember that final project we had to do? Ugh, it was the worst thing ever,” Yerim continued on, not giving your date the time of day to reply. Her mouth kept running, spitting anything and everything she could possibly think of while swiftly shifting ever so slightly to grab your jacket and purse hanging on the hook below the bartop. While still talking, she made her way back to you and handed off your belongings behind your backs. A seamless transition. “And then you accidentally deleted the whole damn file and we had to do it over again!”
“That was one hell of a finals week,” you added, thankful that the two girls you met in the bathroom were going above and beyond to keep you safe. 
Your asshole of a date rolled his eyes and reached for you again. “Yeah that’s great and all but can I get my date back now? We were having a good time before you two showed up. You were interrupting something.” 
“How about no?” Sooyoung replied with the same amount of attitude, her tall body stepping in front to cover yours. She stood taller than your date and her brown eyes burned lasers into his skin. “I think it’s better if she stays with us.”
“Oh but you want to stay with me, don’t you, baby?”
“No, actually I don’t, and my name is Y/N not baby.”
“Aww, you don’t mean that, do you, sweetheart?” Your date reached around Sooyoung fast enough to grab hold of your wrist. His pull was strong enough to make you stumble forward no matter how hard you resisted. It grew tighter and tighter with every passing second. You could feel heat pooling in the area he held you and you willed your tears back. “We were just having fun.”
In your struggle to get out of the creeper’s grip, you failed to notice Johnny entering the bar, hardened eyes scanning the entire room until he found you. His towering figure stomped his way to right where you are, placing himself between you and your date. With an unexpected shove to the chest, your date yelped and fell back, releasing you from his hold in the process. “Bro, who the fuck are you? What’s your problem?”
“No, who the fuck are you to put your hands on her like that when she’s clearly saying no?” Johnny hissed, shielding you and your new friends behind his build. 
“I’m her date!”
“Not anymore, you’re not.” Despite the rage stemmed by his overprotectiveness, Johnny turned his body to face you and gave you a gentle smile. His large hand rose up to cup your cheek. “Hi, bunny.”
“You came,” you said, tilting your head to rest against his warm palm.
Johnny chuckled softly, swiping his thumb across your soft skin. “You called. Ready to go?” 
You nodded in reply. Johnny’s hand slid from your face and down your arm to tightly clutch onto your hand. All of a sudden, the tension that ran through your entire body dissipated. You uncurled your fist, releasing your dented palms from the tips of your nails, and wrapped your digits around the back of his hand. Releasing the breath you were holding, you fell into step with him, much like you had done all of your life. This time, though, it was a lot easier because Johnny deliberately slowed the pace of his stride to keep in time with you. His grip around you was reassuring. It was right.
Not even five steps into your escape, you were harshly yanked back towards the bar. “Now, where do you think you’re going, sweetheart?”
“I’m going home,” you fought back. “Let me go, creep!”
“You’re going home with this guy instead of me? C’mon, I’m so much better than him,” your date tried to convince you, his nails digging into your wrist.
“What the fuck? Let me go! You’re hurting me!” you screamed, gaining the attention of everyone in the room. Eyes from all around the bar tuned into the situation. 
Your struggle ceased the moment Johnny stepped forward to grip the man’s shirt collar. Fire in his eyes and an uncontrollable rage unfurling within him, he lifted your date up with ease. The look in his usually soft brown eyes could cut like a knife. It was almost murderous. You knew Johnny was intimidating but you didn’t know how far the intimidation went. The fact that he was dressed in black leather from his head to his feet didn’t help either. In his haste, a sleeve of his motor jacket slipped from his shoulders, showing his angry biceps that would have anyone running for the hills. 
Now trapped in Johnny’s grip, the man you began to hate let go in order to reach for his neck. 
“Touch--no, talk to Y/N again--and I will end you. Got it?” Johnny whispered harshly. The man could only nod back. “Good.”
Like he was nothing, Johnny dropped your date. The pathetic man dropped to the floor and scrambled to get up before running out of sight. A beat later and the bar’s volume increased again, the customers most likely gossiping about what had just occurred.
Johnny’s harsh glare melted into a more concerned one. The rough hands that scared away the predator were so soft with you. He smoothed down your hair before resting his palms on your bare shoulders. Unlike your date’s touch, Johnny’s hands spread warmth throughout your body. Although there were cartwheels in your stomach, you were still at ease. He began to scan your entire body for injuries and the love you had for him increased by tenfold. “Bunny, did he do anything to you? Are you hurt?” 
“No, no. I’m a little shaken up but I’m okay, I promise. The girls helped me before it escalated.  I just want to get out of here,” you reassured him, your hands reaching up to cup his own. You scaled your thumbs over his knuckles. “Can we go?”
“Of course, whatever you want, bun.” Johnny slipped his jacket off his shoulders to drape the piece over your body. A woody scent with the hint of leather hit your senses as you put your arms through the sleeves. Hugging the fabric closed, you were surrounded by his scent and it was as if you were sheathed in a blanket of security. As Johnny enveloped you in his arms, he  looked past you to speak to the girls that came to your aid. “Yeri, Soo,  thanks for helping my bunny out.”
“Always here to help a girlie out, John,” Yeri grinned, her gaze locked on the way he held you close. “So this is Bunny, huh?” She wiggled her brows in a teasing way. Johnny flicked her on the forehead in retaliation. That action alone was enough to shut her up.
“Wait, you know them?” you questioned.
“That’s a story for another time,” Johnny sighed. “Let’s get you outta here.”
Your brother’s best friend steered you out the door in a flash and straight to the motorcycle parked haphazardly in the lot. It wasn’t the best parking job, you’d seen him do way better, but you supposed he was in a rush to get to you. That sent a different sort of rush through your veins. Johnny took the better helmet dangling off his handlebars and crouched down to your level. With the softest touch possible, he sank the helmet down onto your head. He affectionately knocked on the top of it twice. “Feel alright to you?”
“It feels perfect.”
Johnny wasted no time fetching the spare helmet from his seat compartment and slipping it over his head. Even with a bulky helmet over his head, your crush was still as handsome as ever. His warm eyes, highlighted by the cut out of his flipped up shade, bled through yours. You almost melted like honey at his almost loving gaze.
He swung his long legs around to straddle the seat and you followed suit, scooting all the way forward so your front depressed against his sculpted back. Looking back at you, he grinned and said, “Hold on tight, bun,” before slamming his shade down to protect his eyes. 
The engine came alive, revving in the quiet of the night, as the bike sped off into the empty streets. Circling both arms around his waist, you rested your head against his shoulder blades. A gloved hand reached behind to press the top of your covered head more into his back for just a moment--a second long enough to make your heart jump--before it found its path back to the handlebar. Hugging him tighter, you closed your eyes and let the sound of the rushing wind fill your ears. 
Johnny pulled into your parking lot ten minutes later, twisting the key to turn off the engine. He took your helmet off before he ripped his own off his head, ruffling his hands through his messy strands. With the intention of seeing you home safely, he walked you right to your door on the third floor of the building. 
From what you were able to see when you first arrived, the lights were still off, meaning that Jeno still wasn’t home. He must’ve been forced to extend his shift. You guessed you were riding solo that night. After an eventful night such as the one you had, you were hoping your roommate was home. Having someone home with you would bring you another layer of comfort that you needed. 
You inserted your house key into the lock, slowly turning it until the door clicked. Pivoting on the ball of your foot, you smiled at Johnny. “Thanks again for coming to get me, Johnny.”
“Of course, bunny, I came because you called,” Johnny put your mind at ease. His fingers came up to the crown of your head to fix your helmet hair. They traced a line down the side of your face and landed under your jaw. Lifting your chin, he made sure to retain eye contact with you. His words were genuine when he said, “Anytime you need me, call me and I’ll come running.”
Johnny was so close to you now. So close you could almost taste him. It was impossible to keep his stare without you falling back. The only solution to not losing your balance was to place your hand against his solid chest to steady yourself. Your palm rested right over his rapidly beating heart. Was he as nervous as you were at that moment?
Your gaze shifted from his left eye, down to his pretty lips, and back up to his right eye.“Promise?” 
You could’ve sworn Johnny moved even closer to you when he muttered softly, “Cross my heart and hope to die.” 
You giggled, “I wouldn’t want you to die.”
“Well, what would you want me to do then? What do you need?”
Gathering up all the courage you could muster, you gulped. You asked Johnny to do it in the past, years ago, and he gave in to your wishes. Would he give in a second time? “Kiss me.”
“Kiss you?”
“Yeah,” you said breathlessly, “Kiss me.”
Johnny was the one to close the distance, pressing his lips lightly against yours. His touch tilted your chin up even more to meet him in the middle. The contact between your lips gave you an overwhelming feeling, a rushing tingle that ran from your heart all the way to the buzzing tips of your fingers and toes. You released a sigh, relaxing in his hold as a strong arm coiled around your waist. The sweet kiss deepened the second your fingers gripped onto the collar of his sleeveless shirt, bringing him nearer to you. Although there was barely any space between your two bodies, there was this need to fit against him like pieces of a puzzle that belonged together. Your sharp nails indented his skin as you refused to let him go, testing how far you could go without coming for air.
Johnny was the first to break away with you blindly following his lips. Although separated, his lips still grazed against your own as he let out a deep chuckle. “I should let you go inside. You need to get some rest, bunny.”
“Yeah, you probably should.” Reluctantly, you let go of his shirt and the death grip you had on his arm. Reaching behind you, you found the knob and pushed the door open. God, you didn’t want him to go. “Umm, let me know when you get home?”
“It’ll be the first thing I do.” He placed a tender kiss on your forehead. “Text or call me if you need anything.”
“Go in and lock the door now,” Johnny reminded you. As soon as you did what he was told, he grinned to himself before making his way down the steps. 
Hurrying to the window of your apartment, you watched as Johnny made his way to his motorcycle. There was a little ache in your heart without him beside you. You played with a thought in your head as Johnny warmed up the engine. Your brother’s best friend didn’t even notice you watching him from your windowsill with his large jacket still embracing your frame. 
“Fuck it,” you said to yourself. Fiddling around the jacket pocket to find your phone, you quickly tapped on his name and placed a call. You observed him as he dived into his pants for the vibrating device and caught his huge smile upon seeing your face pop up on his screen.
“Hey, did you forget something?” 
“Yeah, I think I did.”
 It was then Johnny looked up from where he was standing to see you by your window, peering down at him with a shy sort of grin. “What is it?”
“There’s something else I needed.”
Johnny leaned his back against his bike, one leg crossed over the other and a hand pressed against the cushion, just to look up at you. “And what’s that?”
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you: don’t hate me brobro: i mean i already do but what’s up? you: i kissed someone you: well not just anyone, he’s an important someone and idk how to tell you brobro: oh my god, you’re so dramatic, it’s like you think i’m going to kick his ass or something you: you’ve done that before, yuta brobro: not the point brobro: now who’s the guy you: fuck okay okay  you: it’s um brobro: spit it out, woman, so i can decided whether i want to beat his ass or not you: for the love of god pls dont you: fuck okay it’s johnny brobro: WTF?? JOHNNY??! you: yes. brobro: as in MY JOHNNY??! you: please don’t kill him omg i wanted it too brobro: AS IN MY BEST FRIEND JOHNNY? JOHNNY SUH??? you: are there any other johnny’s we know? brobro: FUCKING FINALLY you: wait what brobro: do you know how hard it was to see you two go around in circles for years? FUCK MAN. i’m happy for you guys. you: really? brobro: really. you: oh thank god i thought you were gonna freak the fuck out because we slept together brobro: YOU DID WHAT???!  brobro: I’M GONNA KILL THAT BASTARD WHEN I GET HOME you: YUTA NO
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AUTHOR’S NOTE. hi, friends! i am officially on break from grad school! i have one more week until my students go on break too but with my grad school trimester out of the way, i have so much more time to write <3 this little one was based on a tiktok i saw (can’t find it tho). i’ve always wanted to write the brother’s best friend trope but never had a good enough plotline for it haha. this came out of nowhere but hope y’all like it! (also, consider this my annual birthday release hehehe)
taglist. (tagging my general + people i think would enjoy this <3) @keemburley​ @johtenrecs​ @bat-shark-repellant​ @kaepop-trash​ @bebsky​ @donutswithjaminthemiddle​ @suhnnyskhies​ @baekhyuns-lipchain​ @emmybyeakitty​ @smileysuh​ @moonctzeny​ @sokkigarden @inlovergirlsworld @iwishiwasthemoontonight​ @stvrrynight​ @loeycity​ @itsapapisongo​​
networks. @czennienet @neowritingsnet @ankathi-a
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© sehunniepotwrites, 2022 — all rights reserved. reposting, editing/modifying, translating of any piece of work (fic, original writing) posted on this blog is not allowed. 
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yongislong · 2 years
tiktok prank + 127.
genre: illichil tries to open a jar that you glued shut! lol! fluff, crack, humor, nonidol!127 but its not specified, i hope my humor comes across through this...
cw/note: none but lmk! omg this request was so fun to do, ty anon and sorry it took so long! i've never done like... a typical reaction type of writing style before so it was kinda funny, these are a lot shorter than what i usually write, but yeah! send reqs if you have them! i will always get to them even if it takes me a minute. lmk if you want dreamies or wayv version! not proofread lol
taeil... i can't get it off. depends on the day actually, but i feel like he'd kinda give up LMAO. would be like mf i cant open it :-| or would probably get some pink rubber gloves to try and pull it off and it looks SO ridiculous that you have to break it to him that you glued it shut because you're convinced he's gonna break his hand before he even opens it. he is embarrassed LMFAO
johnny... there you go babe! the biggest dorkiest, most annoying smile on his face because he genuinely didn't notice anything different about the jar and you are... shell shocked. once you tell him you glued it shut his eyes almost pop out of his head because he actually didn't realize he was that strong... it kinda makes your head spin how innocent and cute he is about it, he knows how hot it was though
taeyong... GAHHHH. grunting loud as hell as he's gripping and twisting that thing for DEAR LIFE oh my god. his mom cooks so i'm sure he has some tips and tricks up his sleeve that'd he'd try and oh, oh boy, would he try all of them. eventually you have to tell him to stop after he lays down on the floor with various can openers, towels, rubber grippers, etc scattered all over the place, trying to catch his breath
yuta... silent smirk. he would struggle for a couple tries but gets a grip on it that pops it open. your eyes pop out of your head and you stumble over your words as he wordlessly smirks and hands you the jar back with a kiss to your temple. you chase after him and tell him the jar was glued shut and he literally won't stop flexing. would take this to the grave. when you watch superhero movies he always refers back to this moment and how he could beat them in any fight because cmon, he's the yuta nakamoto
doyoung... what the fuck. incoherent mumbles. is too prideful to give up and you almost want to not tell him simply because you just wanna let his stubbornness take over, its the funniest thing. he's sitting on the couch, laptop and phone open, both playing different videos on how to open jars that are too tight. eventually gets it open and it so cocky about it, he's pretty though so you allow his smile to get wider once you tell him you glued it shut
jaehyun... huffing an puffing. literally breathing so hard, you know he's strong so you're honestly shocked its so hard for him. he puffs out his cheeks as he presses his lips into a thin line, looking like that smiling bread meme lol. his dimples poke out sm. he eventually gets it open with a loud pop, pats you on the shoulder and asks you to never ask him to do anything for you again LMAO. you tell him the jar was actually glued shut and he feels a lot better about himself pft
jungwoo... confusion. would asses the situation LMFAO. literally so shocked like damn, what the fuck is this. asks you to forget whatever you were cooking because at this point its not worth it. flips and rotates the jar a thousand times to understand how something could be shut this tight. is convinced its a manufacturing error jdsjk. you tell him its glued shut and gets so ??? because damn it was a prank that backfired on you as well now and you have to eat buttered noodles for dinner!
mark... WOAH dude. shocked pikachu face. tries to open it through giggles but to be honest he gives me sweaty hand energy and he's so annoyed that the jar keeps slipping from his fingers but his reflexes are good so its ok. i have a feeling mark is hiding small yet insanely strong biceps under all his clothes so he gets it off once he wipes his hands on his shorts a couple times. tells you to not buy those brand of pickles again but kisses your temple as he leaves. you honestly don't tell him you glued it shut because you can tell how confused he is about the whole situation as he slightly tilts his head with a pensive face once hes sat at dinner
haechan... AHHGGHGHHAAAaaaa. squealing. screaming. his eyes are shut so hard. neck craned all the way back as he lets out all his frustrations. you tell him to shut up because you live in a complex lol. in the midst of all your playful arguing he pops the jar open and in the process spills half the bottle on your matching pj set. speechless for about 45 seconds. you both look at each other wide eyed as you finamly tell him shyly it was supposed to be a prank and he is fully straight faced LMFAO you both agree to never speak of this
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multifandombxxch · 1 year
saw your requests were open, YUTA JEALOUS FICTION COME ONNNNNNNN
“Strip” Yuta said after a long period of silence.
You had no idea that the night would end up like this.
You had left the house with a smile and carefree attitude but later returned with an extremely angry boyfriend and sexual tension hanging in the air.
“Yuta, I’m sorry you know I would never allow anybody to touch me like that I was just taken aback.” you pleaded
He said nothing for a couple seconds then all of sudden he looked up at you and scoffed.
He started to close the distance between you two with each word
“How.” Step
“Many” another step
“Times” his final step.
He was directly in-front of you now. Both of you breathing so hard and fast knowing this was only going to end one way.
“Do I have to tell you…” his hand found their way to your jaw and started to caress you before gripping your jaw so hard your lips puckered
“You are fucking mine.” he stared at you with both his eyes and dick hard.
You concluded that he really was pissed.
Fuck. You knew you wouldn’t be able to walk for a couple of days.
“Now strip and get on the fucking bed” he released your face but still maintained eye contact.
You started to peel your clothes off your body while internally sighing.
‘If I had just kept myself quiet’ you thought
3 hours earlier
The Nct boys were having a house party and wanted to invite you.
So here you were currently in their living room sitting beside a friend of the boys named Eunwoo.
You were already here for a couple hours but still couldn’t find your boyfriend
The boy had told you he went out earlier for a schedule.
So naturally you stroked up a conversation with Eunwoo as the other boys were…busy in more ways than one.
“So y/n do you have boyfriend? I’m only asking because it’s kind of unbelievable that someone as pretty as you would come here alone.” Eunwoo asked as he scooted closer to you.
You furrowed your brows in confusion. Why was he trying to get close to you all of a sudden
“I’m taking your silence as a no. So no boyfriend right? How about we leave this party and get to know each other better” Eunwoo said as he began to snake his arm around your waist.
“If you get what I’m implying. I promise I can show you a good time” he smirked.
You we’re about to push him off and let him know that you were taken.
You wanted to let him know that your boyfriend was very possessive and he wouldn’t stand a chance against him but before you could say anything a chill went down your spine.
The hair on the back of your neck stood up.
Someone was looking at you and you had an idea of who it was.
Your eyes searched the room for him and eventually you found him.
He was at the door…dressed head to toe in black.
And even though the living room was dimly lit you could see the dark and jealous look in his eyes.
“Shit” you cursed
“You need to get off me man” you said to Eunwoo
“My boyfriend is here and he looks like he’s gonna kill you” you mumbled
Eunwoo grinned “so you do have a boyfriend. No biggie I can take him”
Your eyes widened when you realized yuta was walking towards you.
He wasn’t walking at a normal pace either he was walking slower than usual. His body language was a bit too relaxed.
But his eyes…
His fucking eyes were fixed on Eunwoo’s arm around your waist
You shot up out of the couch…Eunwoo’s hand dropping after the sudden movement.
Eunwoo was a bout to protest but before he could a chilling voice spoke beside you
“I thought I told you to stay home y/n” his voice was calm and held no hostility to it but you knew better.
Yuta had told you to stay home and not come to the party but you had decided to be stubborn and stupid enough to disobey him.
You looked down at the floor in shame and embarrassment.
Maybe when you got home you could talk your way out of this.
“She’s mine. Don’t push your fucking luck” he was addressing Eunwoo
“Sorry bout that man…” Eunwoo said raising his hands in surrender before getting up and walking to the kitchen.
“Let’s go.” Yuta said after Eunwoo left
You both walked out of the party without saying anything to each other.
You decided to break the silence
“Please don’t be an-“
“Shut your fucking mouth I don’t want to hear anything until we get home so I can fuck some sense into you.” He said cutting you off.
You both walked silently but you could feel his anger radiating off him in waves.
And that’s how you ended up here.
Your clothes were all gone now and you were laying on the bed
“I’m going to fuck you so hard you’ll forget that fucker even approached you” Yuta spoke out
“You are mine as I am yours. Mind, body and soul.”
He started to spread your legs .
“ I’ll make sure you remember that tonight and forever.”
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awarmcupofmilk · 2 years
✨ JJK Men ✨ and things they do that give you the ick 🤢
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Includes: Gojo, Geto, Nanami, Megumi, Yuuji, and Okkotsu (mention of alcohol in Okkotsu's)
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Gojo Satoru
Yawns so hard like mouth WIDE open, nostrils flaring, eyes tearing up, sneezes really loudly too
Will open his camera just to check himself out
Will be clumsy and knock things over but then catches them and is SO smug about it
Is ridiculously stubborn about everyday things (“This parking spot is not too tight I can make it I’m telling you” *has been trying for 30 mins*)
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Geto Suguru
Mansplainer and doesn’t realize it 😫
“Did we lock the door?”
Nags SO MUCH, even on dates and totally ruins the mood but he still does it every time
Will sometimes suddenly burst out laughing and it is BOOMING (very inconsistent and even if it was at a joke the conversation stops for a second because what 😀)
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Nanami Kento
Won’t argue over little things but will patronizingly look at you and you KNOW he still thinks you’re wrong 🙄
Doesn’t believe in horoscopes but if you mention it he will use it against you (“Didn’t the horoscope say be careful? Let’s stay at home”)
Uses those pen styluses and wipes his phone screen obsessively (always complaining about the screen getting greasy)
WON’T wear wrinkled clothing and is so persistent about it, will literally pull out the ironing board/steamer and everything or will insist on wearing something else (always nags about your clothes being wrinkled too)
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Fushiguro Megumi
ROAD RAGE then feels bad about it
Asks you "What do you mean" even when there is only one possible meaning, it's just his default response ("Hey babe do you wanna get lunch?" "What do you mean" like ???)
Usually fine with you teasing but will literally get mad sometimes and you’re just like 😶
REALLY petty when upset like you CANNOT communicate because he’s just pouting
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Itadori Yuuji
Apologizes PROFUSELY like you’re not even upset anymore and he won’t stop, he’ll literally chase after you to apologize
Doesn’t usually pick up on your hints, esp if you’re being passive aggressive, he literally won’t realize something is wrong
Messy eater, will chew with his mouth open if he’s talking with you 😓
If his hands are greasy from eating chips or something he’ll still touch you with them (and not even maliciously he just doesn’t realize)
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Yuta Okkotsu
Will sometimes not give a straight answer just because (“I don’t know, would I?” 😏)
INDECISIVE, will ask your opinion on every little thing but then even after deciding he’ll repeatedly ask you to confirm if that was the right choice 😭
Very doom and gloom when drunk (in an aged-up scenario) (not necessarily even crying but just has a quarterlife crisis every time), bars are not a good idea for date night
Cringes every time the spine of a book gets cracked
✧ Masterlist ✧
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newtthetranswriter · 10 months
hii can u write a cuddle session with yuuta?
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Summary: Just a lazy day cuddling and watching The Dragon Prince.
Paring: Yuta x gn!Reader
Word Count: 874
A/N: Thank you for requesting this. I love cuddles with Yuta, he’s just so sweet. I couldn’t help but use the dragon prince as the show they watch while cuddling because it’s one of my favorites right now and if you’ve watched you should understand my comparisons, if you haven’t watched it I highly recommend, it has such diversity and has the same feel as Avatar the Last Airbender, plus there are a bunch of easter eggs for atla because one of the creators was also a writer and producer on Avatar. Anyway, enjoy this lovely piece and let me know what you think. MINORS AND AGELESS BLOGS DO NOT INTERACT
Dating Yuta has been a dream come true. He is the sweetest guy I have ever met and it feels like he understands me better than anyone. It’s almost like he can sense when I’m having a bad day because today he suggested that we skip hanging out with our friends to just stay in and watch one of my favorite shows. So, that's exactly what we are doing right now, we’er cuddled up on my bed with a bowl of skittles on my lap watching The Dragon Prince on netflix.
I just really enjoy laying with him and commenting on the little jokes each character makes or judging Viren for being a horrible father. We also like to try and figure out which character reminds us of each other and our friends, that’s the current debate we are having.
“There is no way Toge is Claudia, if anything he’s Zym. Because one, he can’t talk, and two he likes to cause trouble. I don’t think any of our friends are evil enough to be Claudia.” I said completely flabbergasted that he would insinuate that our best friend would be able to do such horrid things to people and animals.
He laughed and said “I wasn’t saying that because I think he’s evil or something, I was saying it because in the first few seasons Claudia is a complete dork, yeah she sucks for doing dark magic but she does dumb stuff as well. Anyway, now that we have Inumaki picked, who would Maki be? I personally think Rayla is an exact copy of her; they would both roll their eyes and slap someone for being an idiot.”
I chuckled at his defense, “I completely agree. Maki is also too stubborn to ask for help when she really needs it. Panda is Ezran, I will not accept any argument, he understands Toge and encourages his dumb behaviors.” I started with no room for argument.  “Also you are Soren, don't try to fight it, that's my final decision and I'm sticking to it.”
“W-what how am I Soren?” My boyfriend looked at me obviously confused by my statement. “I’m not disagreeing, I’m just curious why you think that.”
“Well for one you both use swords to fight. But most importantly, you are both extremely kind in spite of the fact you have both been through a lot. Soren spent years being gaslite by his father into doing horrible things, and when he tried to make his sister see it she also tried to gaslight him. Once he finally realized his family was doing horrible things he made the hard choice to leave them and change for the better. Now I’m not saying you have the same past but I know you struggled and suffered for a while. Having Rika lash out everytime something even came close to threatening you and not understanding it had to have been difficult, but instead of giving up, you decided to keep fighting and try and make it so no one else has to go through what you did.” I pointed out the major similarities between the two swordsmen. “Also I think you are both adorable.”
He just watched amazed by my reasoning, thinking I was just gonna say it was because they both use swords and are dorks, but no it was like I had thought about this alot. “I-i- Wow, you’ve thought about that a lot haven’t you?” he asked with a light blush.
I smiled up at him. “ Yeah I have, you have been through a lot and I'm proud of you for it. Now the most important question, what character am I?” I asked, trying to see his brain work.
“Oh definitely Bait.” He said confidently as I looked at him in shock.
“Excuse me, I just gave a college dissertation level speech on why I think you are a handsome swordsman, and all I get is a toad.” I said sitting up and turning to fully face him.
“Well yeah you are both adorable when you’re grumpy, both love shiny things, and you have a massive sweet tooth.” He said, defending his choice, reaching to try and pull back to lay with him. I begrudgingly layed back down resting my head on his chest, I felt his arm wrap around my shoulders as he placed a kiss to the top of my head. “Now shush, one of your favorite moments is coming up.”
I just nodded and snuggled closer to his side as I turned to watch as general Amya accidentally ruined her own engagement. I always find it funny, like yeah I get wanting to propose in a flashy way but seriously. Amya is a high ranked general who doesn't seem like someone who enjoys random surprises, what else would you expect to happen ambushing her with what look like flaming whips. I chuckled at the scene before closing my eyes, just enjoying the time I get to spend cuddling Yuta. I whispered a quiet “I Love you” as I drifted off to sleep.
Right as I let sleep take over, I heard Yuta respond with his “I love you too” before we both feel asleep to the sounds of dragons, elves, and magic.
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