#best natural hair bundles
angelisverba · 7 months
in which y/n notices something isn't quite right with her professor, and harry loves chasing this little bunny
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word count: 5.5k
pairing: vamp!h and y/n (but really it's more like professor!h with a side of vampire)
warnings: this fic contains graphic depictions of sex and blood.
author's note: happy late halloween!
When y/n was little, her mother always told her to stay inside on Halloween.
She never got to go trick-o-treating like the other kids because of this, not until she was old enough to pay for her own costume, but by that time it was too late because trick-o-treating turned into bar hopping and candy turned into drinks. She took part in these activities for as long as it took for her to figure out that she didn't like alcohol or big crowds or dressing up.
Also by that time, many of the holidays took place around the time that she was stressing about papers and exams and midterms and other deadlines a college students faces around the end of the semester. She was a dedicated, busy little bee with few friends that knew her enough to know that when she's focused, theres no getting her to come out for anything, so they didn't even extend invites.
Which is why she finds herself inside, at the library, on Halloween night. She has a little ear worm of Linus writing his letter to the great pumpkin running around in her brain, but that's as far as her spooky spirit goes. The rest of it is consumed in her paper about sublime notions of nature in the latest gothic novel assigned by her literature professor, Mr. Styles.
Had it been any other teacher, she wouldn't have lingered so much on grammar, word choice, or reading her paper over and over again so that her ideas were clear and concise, but... but there was something about him. She can't really but her finger on it, but a big part of it is fear. Intimidation. He's so... commanding in the way that he carries himself. Almost menancing, his figure carrying the threat of punishment.
He walked into the lecture hall everyday dressed like a model from a vintage academia magazine. Tweed bottoms. Button up shirts. Loafers. Sleek black shoes. A pristine silver watch on his wrist. A golden chain that twinkled on his neck and disappeared into the collars of his shirts like a shooting star. Slicked back chocolate brown hair from which a single curl sometimes escaped and swayed on his forehead like the hooked tail of a monkey. Tailored pants that accentuated the litheness of his hips perfectly so, making her wonder if he had them altered to fit him exactly. A badge on a simple, black attachment pinned on his hip spelled his name underneath a coyly smirking ID picture of his face; Harry Styles. 
So y/n had a little crush.
A silly little bundle of love-misted roses perched in her heart with a ribbon and a name tag that had her English professor’s name on it. 
She tried to tell herself that it was a school girl’s crush (it literally was), but it was hard to keep her daydreams cemented underneath the rounded realm of reality when her heart kept reading into every single little interaction she had with him, knowing that all her fantasies would only ever exist in her dreams because he was an employee. He was older than her. He would never be interested in a girl, a student, like her. His serious disposition did nothing to quell her. 
In fact, it almost egged her on. The perfectionist in her wanted to be perfect for him, so be praised by him for her hard work. She wanted so badly to be his teacher's pet that it reflected in her work ethic. Every paper she turned in was better than her last, she paid rapt attention in class, took the most intricate care in her notes. She always looked her best on the days she had his class- black ballet flats with black skirts, frilly socks, cardigans and collared blouses- ever the neat student. She's every professor's wet dream, she knows this.
Yet, the approval and validation that she craved. No, needed. The validation she needed from him was never given to her, no matter how hard she worked. The notes on her paper were always asking for more, she could do better, she could be more clear, she wasn't quite*getting it. And he always left a note that she should see him in his office hours.
But she couldn't.
Y/n was sure that she would spontaneously combust is she was in an enclosed one-on-one space with him. Which was funny because many of the female students fought for that time with him. One time she heard a few girls in her class say that they tried to call him by his first name and he told them that "it was Professor Styles or Sir to them". Just listening to it second hand was enough to have her squirming. The though it, to have his striking green eyes on only her, his gravely, accented voice directed at her. It was an intoxicating though.
She could imagine it.
He would sit on the other side of his desk in that suave way of his, ankle crossed at his knee, one hand resting on the arm of his chair while the other props his chin up as his finger taps against his sharp cheekbone. He would watch her with an unwavering, predatory gaze, like he's waiting for her to make a mistake to step in and correct her. Y/n would sit in the seat across from him, her hands under her thighs to keep from fidgeting, her lips wet with her spit from how much she'd chew on them, her eyes unfocused and struggling to keep contact with him. The silence in the room would probably be filled with her 'umm's and 'like'. She'd be so nervous, and he would see right through her, and all her hard work would be diminished to nothing.
And then she would probably cry and Professor Styles doesn't really look like the type to console his students, so y/n would just embarrass herself.
So she settles for putting her all into her work, tweaking what he's made notes on from previous papers, and hoping that it's enough, that one of these days she'll she exclamation points at the end of praise instead of at the end of 'explain this'.
With a weepy, overwhelmed sigh, y/n rubbed her fists into her eyes and ran words over and over again in her head. She was the last one in the library, the light from the lamp at her desk was the only source of illumination in her little study corner. This late into the semester the school didn't close libraries, opting to not get in the way of students and their work. It was nearing midnight, and she was getting tired, but this paper was due in two days and she wanted at least one to edit it.
A little delirious from lack of sleep and anger from how difficult this was all turning out to be, y/n blinked back tears. She was a little cold and she was hungry. But she was not going to leave until this paper was finished.
She would however close her eyes, just for a little while. Y/n put her head down on the desk, telling herself that she would only rest her eyes for a few minutes, that she was not going to fall asleep.
But like every college student that snoozes their alarm twenty million times because they're just going to rest their eyes for a few more minutes, she falls asleep.
She startles awake in the dark at the sound of a chair scraping against the floor.
When she jerks upright, Professor Styles is sitting across from her, reading her paper.
Harry is so fucking hungry, and he's looking for a snack. Maybe even a meal if he can get away with it.
He hasn't fed in nearly a month, and normally even two weeks is pushing it. But it was the month of October, and as the holidays neared and the parties increased, so did security and people's guard. It was extra hard to find a bite now, not the kind he liked.
Sweet, pure, and innocent. Untainted flavor.
A few days ago he managed to snag a few blood bags from the campus' blood drive center, but it wasn't enough. He craved the puncture, the warmth of a body in his arms, the fresh throb of a pulse underneath his tongue. He wanted the erotic writhing of struggle and submission against his body. Many of his kind didn't share their fondness for this part, but he loved taking care of them afterwards. Making sure they were okay, steady. Sated in the same ways he was. Being a vampire came with the ability of glamour, a bit of mind influencing, so that he was able to make the situation a little more favorable on his end.
He had decided to go for a stroll, having been caught up late in his office grading papers, when he caught a hint of something sweet and familiar in the night air.
It reminded him of one his students, y/n.
She always sat in the middle of the third row with perfect posture, listened to his lectures as if he was God. Her eyes would get mooney, and if he listened hard enough (which to him wasn't really that hard because he was a vampire, he had super human hearing) he could hear her heart beat faster in the seconds that his eyes held contact with her as he talked, delicate and quick like the wings of a hummingbird. Everything she turned in was perfect. She was smart but not pretentious in her way of writing, and something about the way she wrote reminded him about the tender inside of a wrist. Her wrist.
But Harry was mean, and he liked to tease, and he could tell that y/n was waiting. She was sitting on a precipice, hanging on to his very word, her body strung taught and stressed. She was waiting on him. He was going to make her wait until he did as he asked. He wanted one on one time with her, and until then, he wouldn't give her what she wanted.
Whether she realized it or not, she was teasing him, too. In ways that y/n probably wasn't even aware of. The way she bit her lips so they were bright with her blood right underneath the surface, the promise of her heat with every exaggerated sigh she let out as she walked out of his lecture hall. Her clothes, god they killed him.
She wore these black kitten heels once, and they drove him crazy.
Now, he knows his place as Professor, and he didn't just get this job to fuck around. He enjoyed teaching and knowing secretly that he knew first had about the things he was talking about. He loved seeing how his life was absorbed by the younger faces (not that he looked old, he would forever appear to be 23). He respected others, their will, their purpose, and only went as far as his moral compass would let him to take care of his needs.
But he was a man, and he could be brought to his knees by a pretty thing like y/n.
Harry remembers that day, how his trousers were uncomfortable and he had to spend the whole time behind his podium. How he needed to slyly inch a calculating hand to the ever-growing uncomfortable center of his groin and tug the snug fabric away from their vacuum-sealed hold on his hips. It was maddening for him, but uncomfortable for her (he thinks). She never wore them again, and he suspects they may have hurt her delicate feet if the way she kept shifting was anything to go by. 
Not that he noticed.
Harry most definitely did not notice that the tip of her toes kept tittering tenderly up and around in slow, hypnotizing circles, meant to relieve pent up tension. He most definitely did not notice that the way her frilly white socks kept sliding down the slope of her ankle with every movement. Or the tantalizing trekk of her delicate fingers against the curve of her thigh, behind her knee, and a little further where the pads of her lucky fingers dug into the soft, aching- he assumed- flesh of her calves. He didn’t fucking hold his breath and become stiller than a statue to try and to hear the sweet, breathy sighs of relief that left her parted lips. No, he did not. That would be a violation of the contract he signed upon assuming his position. It would be betraying the trust of the snarky, reluctant, port-belly head of academics that judged his ambiguous resume with reluctance.
Of course he didn’t. And he wasn’t the slightest bit disappointed that he never saw them again. 
This student of his had captured his attention this semester, almost distracting him. Her smell, from what he knows the few times he caught a whiff of it amongst all the others, was sweet, yet not overwhelmingly so. It was mellowed out and warm, and the closest thing he could compare it to from the food he had as a human, was apple pie. She was warm, sweet, honeyed, with the zest of cinnamon.
He wanted to taste her so fucking badly.
Harry doesn't know if it's because he's so hungry that he's smelling her now.
Trailing after the scent with his nose leading the way like a drooling dog, he wonders- no, he knows that he won't be able to fight the urge to taste her if it's really her he finds at the end of the line.
It gets stronger in the library, but from the looks of it, it's dark and empty. From the looks of it, but Harry knows better. He can hear better and smells better, and he knows she's in here. The swift intake of her breath rings in the silence, his ears picking up on the only human sound in the buildings. The near-silent whines that sit at the base of her throat and die before they exit through her nose.
Her hearbeat.
Calm. Steady. Alive.
It sounds like a drum, low and pounding and it thrills him.
He wants to hear it beat faster and faster, like a bunny when it's being chased. He wants to hear the even paced breaths become rapid and disorganized with heightened emotion.
He can smell her, too, the delightful aroma making his fangs itch and his loins ache. Walking further into the library, the stacks of books growing dense with sharp corners and cozy study nooks, he can trace the direct path she took to her spot- the table in the corner with the lamp still on. She has her head resting on her arms, hair haphazardly strewn across the wooden table and some papers, a pencil between her fingers still.
She probably set her head down after saying she was only gong to rest her eyes. She's probably been here for a really long time, he can hear her stomach growling. Shaking his head in disbelief, he pulls the chair back with a motion that's sure to wake her up at the same time that he pinches the paper with two fingers and begins to read.
Waking with a little gasp, y/n straightened. He could pinpoint the exact moment she became fully cognizant of what was happening because her heartbeat picked up in a way that concerned him, and she became utterly still. From the corner of his eye (Harry was reading her paper, a really good paper, and hadn't looked at her. Not even once) he could see her mouth open and close a few times, words escaping her. Y/n rolled the pencil between hands that had begin to perspire and began to chew on her bottom lip.
Internally, Harry groaned. He needed to get her to stop doing that because he was imagining things that no person is his position of power needed to be imagining and his cock was fattening against his thigh. He was hungry in more ways than one for her. A part of him wanted to mark her up like he was a dog and she was his chew toy, licking and sucking and biting on the sweetest parts of her to suckle on her blood; everywhere. The other wanted to do all of those things, and not just for her blood.
He had to get her to speak.
The paper that he held in his hands was probably the best that he was going to get from her class, or maybe all of them put together. The ideas were fresh with just the perfect amount of information from his lectured tossed in for a response to the prompt on the book they were currently discussing. But he had to keep playing his game with her, he had to see her fold like a ragdoll. He wasn't going to tell her what he truly thought about it, how it was so good, how she was such a good student, how she made him so proud. How she was a good girl.
Instead he put the paper down in front of her, crossed his arms and spread his legs in the chair to give his swollen dick some room and said, "you should go home. Have a meal. Go to sleep.”
At this her shoulders sagged, and it was like watching dominoes fall against each other to release different triggers, Her lips crumpled, her chin wobbled, and her eyes blinked away a sea of crystalline tears.
Y/n stared at him, a wet look that punched his gut at the same time that it made his gums salivate and his hips itch to thrust up against the desk like a thing in heat. He looked back at her, his head tipping slowly to the side to track her gaze as it dropped. Like a predatory, he observed her with the kind of stillness that promised a charge of action. That promised death in the maw of a killer.
Her mouth did that thing where it opened and closed again, sounds that came before actual words coming out of her, but never intelligible sentences. Her heart was racing, but her lungs were doing a weird thing. Like they weren't getting enough oxygen.
"Why don't you take a deep breath , hmm? And we can talk about what's going on here," he got up from his chair and stood at the side of his desk, arms crossed and feet spread shoulder width apart, formidable. If she looked closely enough, she would be able to see a thick bulge at his crotch.
But she didn't have a reason to look. He wasn't adjusting himself. He didn't even look like it bothered him.
In fact, he looked almost... mad.
Y/n looked at him straight in the eyes, and her's went doe-like, everything in her stilling like the fawn-like creature in the way of an oncoming vehicle.
Everything, including her breathing.
He wasn't going to have her passed out before all the fun began. Needing to get a grip on her, he took a few heavy steps foward, and pinched her chin between his thumb and forefinger, the other hand tucking into his pocket to actually adjust himself this time because it was starting to get uncomfortable.
Tilting her face up and closer to him, he bent forward so that their noses were barely touching. Her warm breath huffed against his nose, and he had to fight the urge to roll his eyes into the back of his head.
"Breathe, y/n. You can do it," peering down at her with his jack slightly slack and his eyes at half mast, he imitated inhaling deeply, and she mimicked his motions. Her lungs expanded, and her heart slowed slightly. "That's it, darling. Again."
She gulped and her hands squeezed the fabric of the plaid tennis skirt she was wearing, bringing the hem up slightly so the thinner skin on the inside of her thighs gleamed at Harry.
Then he smelled it, and this time he didn't fight the shiver that ran through him. She was wetHis eyes closed, and a groan rolled deep in his chest. His body tensed and relaxed at the same time, like a transformation.
And when he opened his eyes, he was a different version of himself.
One that didn't give a fuck that he was a professor and she was his student.
This version only had one goal in mind: to consume her in every way he could until y/n went limp in his arms.
"Now what's the matter, little bunny?"
Y/n didn't know what was happening, only that something had... changed.
She might have been a quivering mess for him, but she felt the shift in him. The edge to him. The gleam in his eye. She had seen his body shiver at the same time she felt her pussy clench at his words. That's it, darling. Again. Little bunny.
He was encouraging her, not far off from what she wanted to hear from him. It stroked her muddled brain and made her feel fuzzy all over. Some of what he was saying was very inappropriate. But she could care less.
“W-what?” she mumbled, confused. She blinked so that a few tears ran down her face, and she couldn't even feel embarrassed about it.
“Y’heard me loud and clear, darling. Don’t make me repeat myself," her professor tutted.
"i'm sorry, sir. It's just that... I need to work on my paper." And she mumbled something afterwards. Low enough that he wouldn't have been able hear if he was a human. But he wasn't. That didn't mean he couldn't play with her.
"Speak up, y/n. Good girls don't mumble." His tongue was like a lashing, a reprimand, and she felt the scolding everywhere.
"It needs to be better for you, sir." Gulping, she rubbed her thighs together and shuffled in her seat. Y/n was finally one-on-one with him, and she thought she knew what it would feel like.
She was wrong.
Everything was sensitive. Hot. Cold. She was twitchy and there was this squirrley, jumpy feeling inside her. She wanted to run away like a little mouse, but she also wanted to be warmed in his hands. By his words. She wanted to hear the praise come from him so that she could stop feeling so desperate.
Y/n got like this sometimes. Whiny. Insatiable. But no one ever knew how to handle her, when to realize that she was finally full. So she was always... hungry. Like something inside her needed to be stuffed. Abused a little, maybe. She wanted to be handled and then petted. Fucked and kissed and then held. She wanted to be good.
And being like this with him, in a position that made it seem like that was possible, y/n thrummed.
Humming in realization, he stroked his knuckles down the side of her face in a caress, "and what makes you think it isn't already good?"
She leaned into his touch without realizing it, nuzzling into his hand. All she had to do now was purr. Y/n shut her eyes before speaking, "Y-you... you never-"
"Open your eyes and look at me when you're speaking, bunny." Again, the stern, scolding tone. This time it made her flinch and whimper. Her hips rocked in the chair, and he tracked the movement like a leopard in the trees ready to pounce. Y/n knew that he saw, and her face bloomed with heat.
In a breathy, chocked string of words, "you never leave nice notes on my papers, sir. All the others do, but there never any on mine and I just thought... that I n-needed to work harder to be b-better."
She shuffled again in her seat, and her professor's eyes pinched. His had trailed down to her throat, and he squeezed to hold her still.
“Stop squirming, y/n. You want to be better? Stop fucking squirming," and he released her with a small pulse at the base of her neck. He could feel his teeth bulging under his upper lip, the thrum of her life under his fingers enticing him further. Every bit of reason was escaping him. He was going to lose control. Decades of practice, of edging on months of hunger, were nothing to her allure.
He stepped back at the same time that he realized they weren't close enough.
"Stand up," he told her. He watched as she pushed the chair back and stood on wobbly knees, her gaze still searching for recognition that he had heard what she had said, that he had read between the lines and realized what she needed. "Sit on the edge of the table, facing me so we can speak properly."
When she was seated and her hands began to fiddle in her lap, he stepped close enough that her knees were almost touching his hips. And she couldn't miss it this time. The thick length of him, hard against his hip.
"S-sir?" she prompted meekly.
"You want me to leave nice notes on your papers, y/n?" He asked, settling his hands on either side of her and haunching over her so they were nose-to-nose. She could smell him, strong masculine scents of vintage leather and tobacco and bergamot.
Nodding eagerly like a dog, "mhm. Yes, sir."
"Then why didn't you come see me like I asked on every single one of those papers? You didn't listen to me, so why should I reward you?" He mouthed the words against her skin, trailing them down her jaw to her throat where he teased the skin with the tip of his nose.
The area around her neck felt scorching hot, his lips trailing searingly against her. She couldn't hide how desperate she was anymore. She arched, her body was taught, fighting the urge to wriggle because she couldn't decide if she wanted to get away from him or have more of him, and she needed to be good. He had told her to stop squirming.
"I'm sorry, Professor."
Y/n closed her eyes and tentatively braced herself against him. Trembling hands settled on his arms, thick with deceptive muscle. She could feel the strength hiding beneath the surface, tense like a snake preparing to strike. A strong hand settled at her waist, clamping like iron, and another on cupped her jaw tenderly. It was a dichotomy of treatment. Rough and tender at the same time.
"You were a bad girl, y/n."
Then she felt it, a sharp sting where her throat met her shoulder, where Harry was biting her, and licking her, and suckling at her all at the same time. A mixture of a squeal and a moan jumped out of her, and she dug her fingers into his arms, frozen. Whatever he was doing to her hurt. But it hurt in a good way. A way that made her ache with that need to be filled.
She cried out, "I'm sorry, sir." A wet apology that bared how anguished she was.
His hot tongue flattened against her, and she she vibrated in the place where he left his heavy pant, "are you going to be good for me, bunny?"
"Yes, sir. I wanna be good, please," her head was bobbing in that earnest way again, but with his head in the crook of her neck he could only feel the movement against his hair.
He suckled a little more at bite that was already beginning to close, kissing it tenderly, "gonna be my good little bunny?"
Y/n was huffing, not even bothering to hide that she was horny, “please, p-please- I need-”
“Tell me exactly what you need. C'mon, you can do it,” he coaxed her. The hand at her hip molded the flesh there, pulling her closer to him so she was sitting just at the edge, and her knees were pressed into his dick with the lightest pressure. He bucked against her, a slow roll of his groin against her delicate bare knee.
“I need to cum, sir. I need-” 
“Don’t-” he pinched her hip roughing, his thick eyebrows furowing in disapproval, “forget your manners, little bunny. Rude darlings don’t get to cum.”
"Please let me cum, Professor," she repeated, eyes glossy but no longer with tears. This was something else. Something needy. Y/n could feel her slick juices seeping through her panties and making the insides of her thighs sticker. The triangle of cloth was sticking to her, and the tight feeling of it against her clit made her want to scream. It was just barely pushing, a teasing sensation that was driving her crazy.
She wanted him to touch her. To rub her swollen clit until she drenched hand in her cum, and then to- to-
"I'm not sure I should, y/n. You didn't listen to me. Didn't come to my office. Instead I had to come find you here. What about me, hmm? What if I need something from you?" Harry leaned back, letting his hands run down so they rested on her knees and his fingers could play with the hem of her skirt.
"Whatever you need, sir. Please." Y/n was beginning to sound a little broken. Her hips struggled to stay planted on the desk and her knuckled turned white from how hard she gripped the edge of the wood. She would much rather touch him, but he was too far away and she didn't want to upset him. She stared at him, silently pleading for his hands to creep up and shove into her panties, to play with her hole.
"Right now I need to eat you, little bunny. Are you going to let me?" He tilted his head at her again, calculating. Waiting, observing.
"Yes!" Y/n shrieked, her thighs trembling.
"Spead these pretty thighs, darling. Let me have a taste," he crooned down at her as she opened up, her skirting riding so he could see her panties, how wet they were, nearly transparent with her arousal. With a deft finger, he pulled the gusset of her panties to the side and dropped to his knees.
Y/n whined at the look on his face. Mouth parted, eyes half-lidded and downturned. He looked hungry. Desperate.
Without warning he leaned forward and covered her with his mouth, his tongue licking her and then dipping into her pussy to collect what had pooled at her opening, his teeth lighting tapping against her clit. He thrusted his tongue into her once, twice, three times, and that was all it took. A gush of wetness coated his tongue, and her tremors pulsed against his lips.
He leaned back and slapped her cunt with an angry growl, and then shoved two fingers into her, fucking her roughly so his fingers got wet with her, "seriously, y/n? Did I give you permission to cum?"
"N-no, sir," as she sat hunched over his kneeling form still twitching, Harry shoved his fingers into his mouth to lick them clean of her, and then stood up, not even bothering to lay her panties right before yanking her to stand.
"Get up. We're going to walk to my rooms. Your'e doing to do so quietly, and when we get there, you're going to take your punishment like a good girl, do you understand me?" With a single finger pointed at her, y/n understand she was in for it. Her hands flew to pick up her things, showing her papers into her bag and looping it on her shoulder so she was ready to go.
"I understand, Professor"
He took the bag off her shoulder and laid a hand on her lower back, keeping her at his side as he led her out of the library and into the night, "that's better. Come this way. The night is still young, bunny, and we're both in for a treat."
happy halloweenie!! hoped u liked this heehee. missed mr. vamp. lmk ur thoughts!!!
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mistydeyes · 8 months
How would the 141 team react to reader to have a munchkin cat?
thank you so much for requesting! this was such a cute idea (and literally brought me so much joy as i'm studying for immunology and dosage forms HAHA). also the photo of ghost is absolutely amazing - thank you pinterest!
small bundle of joy and fur
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summary: When the 141 visits, you are sure to introduce them to your favorite furry companion :)
pairing: Taskforce 141 x gn!reader
warnings: swearing
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"What the fuck is that?" Ghost swore as your ball of fluff made its way around the corner and nuzzled against his leg. After months of trying to acclimate to your new flat, you finally had everything where it needed to be. You also had found that your neighbor was a natural cat sitter and could take care of Bones whenever you had to promptly leave for a mission. "This is Bones," you smiled as you picked him up, "I promise you he's the friendliest cat you'll ever meet." You held the white kitten in your hands as you carried him over to your new guests.
"Such a morbid name," Gaz laughed as Bones nuzzled into his touch. "He's the color of bones," you smiled, "plus the name just seemed to fit when I found him at a shelter." You put Bones down and allowed him to greet the other two men. Soap took an immediate liking to him, holding him in one hand and petting his long hair gently with the other. "What a good kitty," he mused as Bones purred at all the love he was receiving. You were surprised when Price rejected a turn at holding the small animal.
"I don't do well with them," he laughed as you saw Bones look at him pleadingly, "have always been more of a cat person." The group clamored as you encouraged him to just try to pet Bones. You put him on the couch and motioned Price over to sit. He gently took a seat on the plush seat, trying his best not to disturb the resting animal. "See," you instructed, "you just pet his little head and back." Price put a soft hand on the cat and slowly began to move his hands as Bones purred in response. "And please resist the urge to pat his belly like you do with the canine squadron."
By the end of the night, Soap's camera roll was filled with hundreds of pictures of Bones and the rest of the 141 interacting with them. He even managed to sneak a few pictures of a calm Simon with Bones resting on his large thighs. As they left your flat, you laughed as you heard Simon say, "If those go anywhere, you're a dead man, Soap."
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luxeslore · 2 months
DILF!simon is rotting my brain rn and i need more<3
consider this a follow-up to this post.
18+ CONTENT, MDNI -> themes & warnings: f!reader, heavier / plus sized!reader, mentions of weight gain, pregnancy + parenthood, simon is a handsy pervert (out of love) in every scenario, some sneaky bathroom sex.
many grueling months fly by and as expected, a baby is born. and yes— as cliché as it may sound, everyone and their literal mothers were right when they said all the discomfort and fussing would be worth it the second you see your pudgy, bundle of joy. a baby girl with wispy blonde hair and a scowl that could rival her father’s any day. she’s perfect. the spitting image of all the best parts of you and simon combined and oh, you’re crying again just thinking of it.
your shared world becomes a whirlwind of bottles and pacifiers and diapers, and neither of you would trade it for anything ever. not even simon who’s sure that your beautiful but screaming baby is definitely helping him go grey quicker as more time passes. until she’s eight months and mostly babbling instead of screeching— has rolls of fat on her arms and legs leading up to her tiny hands and feet, shiny eyes, and cheeks that make your hearts melt into puddles. again, she’s perfect. your whole family agrees, too.
as simon says, your whole entire fuckin’ family— he wasn’t too happy when they shared they’d be visiting. mostly because you already have too much to worry about and now being a pretty, little host is thrown into the mix. you don’t seem to mind much as you walk around the get together with the baby on your hip, checking on everyone to see if they’ve helped themselves to enough food while your baby giggles along. his two sweet girls.
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“thought i’d never catch up t’you,” he gruffs behind you.
you hear the sound of him placing his can of beer down on the kitchen counter and before you can move on your feet to grab another out of fridge for him, he stops you.
“enough,” it’s not harsh. it’s breathy and amused— “just relax for a second, mumma. everyone’s fine, babygirl’s with your mum. breathe.”
breathe. maybe you forgot how to do that today.
at that, you melt against simon. you rest your dewy forehead against the stone wall of his chest and he’s quick to pat your head, to trail a hand down your back in a soothing caress. he doesn’t mean to reach the hem of your sundress. just happens naturally, and so does the way he grabs up your thighs that have gotten deliciously plump under the stresses of motherhood. filled you out in all the right places that he already loved so much. he could haul you up and have you right there— “simon, we can’t.”
“think we can do whatever we want in our house, dollie.”
you hate when he’s right, and you hate how you let him yank you into the bathroom down the hall of all places. the click of the lock makes whatever anxiety hanging around in your chest finally dissipate. you’re hoisted up onto the sink before you can bat your lashes at simon, and the next second you’re wrapped up in a nasty kiss he places on your lips. it’s nearly all tongue as you whimper into his mouth, tugging at his shirt while his own hands make quick work of your dress.
the material becomes bunched up around your squeezable waist, exposing your comfy panties to simon and leaving you half bare— “we’ve gotten too comfortable with quickies,” you cant help but whine the words out.
you miss the days of him laying you down and making you cum until you just can’t take it anymore, and vice versa.
“i know, i know,” he attempts to soothe you through sweet, rough kisses. “gonna take good care of you soon, promise.”
you nod along to his words. only to softly gasp when he finally pulls your undies to the side.
simon always takes a second to play with your pretty cunt, rubbing a thumb through your messy folds and circling your clit how you like it. loves to watch your thighs lock up and hear you squeal his name like you used to when you first started dating— some things will never change no matter how settled down you two are. his cock aches in his jeans as you pussy drools around nothing. you’re about to open your mouth, about to tell him you both need to hurry.
but he’s already unbuckling his belt, eager to make you forget that there’s other people in the house aside from you two for even a few minutes.
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utterlyotterlyx · 3 months
When I Met The Devil
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Azriel x Fem!Reader
Part Two to When I Kissed The Teacher which you can read here.
Summary - Azriel adored everything about you, but there was still certain information that you were keeping from him. Azriel finds out exactly what you've been hiding thanks to a particularly unfortunate visit.
Warnings - mentions of sexual abuse and neglect, angst, mentions of trauma
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It had been three months since Azriel had taken you on your first (of many) dates. Azriel had been so nervous, not sure where to take you that would be able to live up to your expectations, even Nyx had given him some ideas by babbling on about what made you smile in the classroom.
Apparently you loved nature, of course you did, you were from the Spring Court. So Azriel had packed up a picnic and taken you to a garden of wildflowers away from the city to watch the sunset and gaze at the stars. You had taken his breath away when you had opened the door to him, you had dressed in a loose fitting pale blue dress with white flowers embellished into the bodice, the sleeves hung off of your shoulders and your hair lay unbound down your back.
That day had been one of the best days of his life, he had gotten to know you beyond your profession and learnt so much about you, but the nagging feeling that you were omitting some truth tugged at him, but not enough for him to make a deal about it. Azriel had kissed you under the stars, he had run his fingers through your hair and kissed you so passionately that you swore the world had stopped moving just so it could watch you
Since then, you had been inseparable.
Azriel showed up at the school each day after that, sometimes in the morning at drop off or in the evening at pick up, sometimes both, and he always brought you flowers or chocolates or anything he could think of that would bring a smile to those lips. He would walk you home, but more often than not he would pull you inside the River House and force you to have dinner with them.
You never objected to his wishes, you enjoyed his hands on you far too much to say no.
Azriel was happy to take things slow with you, you were so gentle and pure, if you wanted to wait years to share a bed with him then he was okay with that. You were worth any wait.
One morning you had opened the door to the school, frowning slightly when you couldn't see Azriel or Feyre and Rhys with little Nyx waiting on the grass. They would have told you if Nyx wasn't well and needed to take the day off unless it was serious, but even then, Azriel still would have showed up on the grass with our without Nyx just to see you.
It plagued your mind all day, and you did your best to conceal your worry from the children and continue as normal, but when it came to home time and none of them were there, you knew something wasn't right.
You had locked the room up quickly and stopped by a healer to pick up some infant friendly tonics just in case Nyx needed anything, bundling the vials in your hands as you rushed down the winding streets of Velaris, allowing your feet to take you where you needed to go whilst your mind reeled with endless possibility.
Lifting the hem of your skirt as you ascended the steps of the River House, you completely missed the scent that haunted your nightmares, too frantic with worry to notice it curling around you like chains. Then you saw the back of his head, shoulder length blonde hair and broad shoulders, and then the scent hit you, one of Spring rain and lifeful earth, and you dropped the vials in your hands onto the floor, not even flinching when they broke and cut through your skin.
The thing in question turned his head to the side and sniffed, smirking with feral delight before he fully turned to you, and you saw nothing else but him and those eyes that had made you do things you didn't want to too many times, they were dark and honed in on their prey. His lips tilted upward and he rose to his feet, and you didn't hear anything anyone else was saying or commanding as he strode across the room and stopped right in front of you. You didn't dare look up, you couldn't, and then his fingers gripped your chin harshly and forced your gaze upward.
"I've been looking for you," the room held a collective breath, his shoes crunched down on the broken glass and the liquid parted under his weight.
You knew that they were all watching you, waiting for you to say something, you averted your gaze to Azriel who was on his feet, fists clenched and glowering at the male who dared to touch you, "Nyx didn't show up to school, I thought he was sick, I was bringing tonics."
Feyre rose to her feet beside Rhys, "It's okay, Y/N," her eyes were soft, she could feel your terror, they all could, and then it seemed like your secret and finally been released from the depths of your shame, "Let go of her, Tamlin."
Tamlin chuckled but didn't take his eyes off of you, he cocked his head to the side and breathed you in, "Don't tell me to take my hands off what is mine," his voice was dangerously low, possession had taken over every part of him and the wolf was coming out to play, "Isn't that right, fiancé?"
"I'm not your fiancé," tears bubbled at the corners of your eyes and Azriel saw how small Tamlin made you feel, your shoulders had curled inward, your entire body was preparing to protect itself against the male who held your head in his hands. You looked to Azriel then, "I ran. I couldn't do it," you blinked hard and your tears flowed down your cheeks.
"Just because you ran doesn't mean that the agreement is void, Flower," you cringed, you felt helpless in his grip, like all of the independence you had worked for was nothing but dust dancing in the breeze, "The Tithe has been particularly awful without you."
Azriel lost it then, he grabbed Tamlin by the shoulder and forced him round, the action making his hand jolt away from your face, and Azriel landed a sickening blow to the side of his face.
"This is not a battle you want to fight, Tamlin," Rhys stood beside Azriel who was panting with fury, he knew what the Tithe was, they all did, and the thought of Tamlin using your unwilling body as a vessel for his sickening ritual was enough to send Azriel into a blind rage.
Azriel bent down to Tamlin's level, noticing Feyre rush to your side as he did to comfort you, and growled, "Touch her again and it won't be a battle, Tamlin. It will be a war."
Tamlin had the gall to grin, "She's my fiancé, Shadowsinger. Not even you can get between that."
"No, but I can," Cassian grabbed Tamlin by the neck of his coat, hauling him to his feet in front of Rhys, "Y/N is a member of the Night Court, she is a cherished member of my family. She is not your mate, so you have no claim on her and you know it. Now, leave my city before I cut your head from your shoulders and leave Spring lordless."
Knowing he wouldn't win on Night Court soil, Tamlin scoffed and headed for the door, not before stopping at your side and letting his gaze roam your figure, "They can't watch you forever. I'll see you soon, Flower."
Then he left.
And you stood standing in Feyre's arms pale and frozen, looking at the broken glass on the floor and shaking your head, "I have to go," you announced, peeling yourself out of Feyre's embrace and feeling like a completely awful friend to her, "I'm sorry."
You couldn't stick around and listen to her call your name, you couldn't stay there and witness Azriel looking at you like a stranger. So you ran. You ran all the way home, you didn't stop for a single moment until you closed the door behind you and slid down the wood, bursting into chest wrecking sobs.
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If anyone would know who you were, it would be Lucien Vanserra, he was Tamlin's friend after all.
The red haired male found himself dragged before the Inner Circle by Elain, a thing he detested, he had just returned from the human realm and wanted nothing more than to be wrapped up with his mate, sitting in front of them was something he wanted to be rid of and fast.
"What do you know about Y/N? She came from the Spring Court," Lucien's eyes widened in saddening alarm at Feyre's question, he looked about the room as if you'd pop out from a corner at any given second.
"She's here?" Feyre nodded, "How is she?"
The question took them by surprise, and confirmed what they already knew, that you certainly we no double agent, but they had to know your story, it was a matter of protecting you, "She could be better. Tamlin was here."
Lucien's eyes darkened into molten lava pools and his nostrils flared, "Did he see her?" the silence confirmed his own query and he looked deflated, his shoulder fell and sadness floated over his face, enough sadness that Elain had moved to his side and wrapped his hand in her own.
"We need to know everything," Rhys ordered, moving his gaze to Azriel who was itching to leave the house and go to you, but even he had to know what had happened.
The Autumn male sighed, feeling conflicted, not wanting to tell your story for you but knowing he had no choice, "Y/N belongs to a very powerful Spring Court family, her father wanted a direct line to Tamlin so offered up his eldest daughter, Y/N, for marriage. Her father was a prick, no doubt still is. He sold Y/N to Tamlin like she was worth nothing more than what she could breed. She tried so hard to put off marrying him, she wanted a long engagement so that she could get to know Tamlin but everyone knew she just wanted more time to find a way out. Then the Tithe came and even I couldn't stop him from taking her into that cave," Lucien looked to Feyre who knew Tamlin all too well to know that what he was saying was nothing but the truth.
"Each year after that first Tithe, he sought her out against her will, you could hear her crying bouncing off of the walls. I couldn't watch it anymore so I helped her escape, I gave her enough money to be able to travel the continent and never heard from her again. I just did all I could to throw him off, to keep him away from her. Y/N was the happiest person in Spring, everyone loved her so much, and Tamlin ruined her."
"Seems like a pattern," Feyre cleared her throat and settled into Rhys' warmth that had wrapped around her like a blanket. She felt horrible, she thought she had it bad, but at least Tamlin never took her against her will like he had done to you repeatedly.
"Feyre I don't want to compare, but you have to understand that what he did to you was not nearly as bad as what he did to her. He took her light away, he forced her into a darkness I've never seen before or seen since, the neglection was sickening, she would cry for days on end, she'd mourn the life she dreamed of. It was unbearable."
A ghost of a smile appeared on his lips, "She made it here though, I knew she'd find where she belonged in the end."
"Why didn't she tell me? I would have understood."
Rhys shushed his mate, he knew how much Feyre loved you, they all did, "Sometimes you don't want to talk about what others made you do," his mind drifted and eyes glazed over as he remembered his own story for a moment, the painful memories tugging at his heartstrings.
Rhys knew how it felt to be used against your own will, he knew how it felt to lie there each night and feel like a worthless pawn in someone else's game. He knew how it felt to work yourself into exhaustion trying to forget the terrors others had willingly inflicted on you.
If anyone could truly understand you, then it would be him. And there was no way he was going to let you lock yourself away and perish with shame when you had a family and life awaiting you.
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sassypossumm · 3 months
More Than A Good Shag...
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"And if I want you to bend me over the counter and fuck me senseless before those waffles?"
Nothing but fluffy smut with dadbod!Miguel, MDNI 18+
That simple conversation had led to you leaning over Miguel's kitchen counter, drooling into the grout as his cock all but split you in two from behind.
"So tight..." He whined, tightening his grip on your hips as he pulled your hips back to meet his thrusts. His heart melted at your breathless murmurings, and he slowed his thrusts to sensually roll his hips into yours. Leaning over your back, he laced his fingers through yours and pressed open mouth kisses down your neck.
Driving his cock deeper, he groaned at the way your walls clamped around him, fighting to keep him trapped as he pulled out slowly, only to slide back in at an agonizingly slow pace.
You gripped his hands and moaned as the veins along his cock grazed your sensitive walls. With the way he was grinding slowly into you, the base of his cock ground into your overstimulated bundle of nerves with delicious friction. A tingle slithered down your spine and tightened in your pelvic floor.
"Miggy..." You whimpered, burying your face in the crook of your arm.
"Shh, hermosa, I've got you." Miguel murmured in your ear, picking up his pace again and freed one of his hands to grope at your breast through his shirt. Burying his face in your hair, he breathed deeply, relishing the way the scents of your arousal and his own natural musk blended so harmoniously.
Cupping your breast through the fabric, he growled low in his throat as he plucked at your nipple, and drove into you with renewed vigor. His soft belly brushed your lower back with every thrust as he leaned back to grip your hips, determined to drive you both to completion.
You tried to reach between your legs to rub at your clit, but Miguel bat your hand away with a grunt. You opened your mouth to whine, but cried out when his rough fingers began massaging to small nub expertly. Your murmurings devolved into inarticulate mewling.
Feeling his balls tighten and his cock twitch, Miguel leaned over you again as his pace slowed and he nipped at your ear.
"You looked so pretty last night with your lips around my cock, hermosa." Your breath caught as he sucked at your thrumming pulse. "Then when you came... mierda... pure rapture." Your brain scrambled into static at the words rolling off his tongue, and your body trembled at his deep husky tone.
Who'd have guessed this high-school football coach would be not only the best shag youd had in a long time, but also the sexiest dirtiest talker you'd encountered.
"Gonna cum for me again, hermosa?" His honeyed tone, and the way his tongue darted out to tease your jawline tipped you over the edge, warmth overwhelmed you as you groaned and gripped his hand for all you were worth. Miguel followed not long after, biting your shoulder lightly as his cock twitched and rope after rope of his seed painted your fluttering walls.
Coming down from your high, you were vaguely aware of Miguel pulling out of you, followed by the sensation of a damp cloth between your legs.
"You did so well, Y/N." Miguel murmured, nuzzling your ear and kissing your neck as he gently cleaned your folds. Leaning back into him you rested against his solid body and looked up into his warm dark eye. He smiled softly, eyes creasing at the corners and leaned down to kiss your nose. "Ready for those waffles?"
In that moment you knew, Miguel O'Hara was going to be so much more than a good shag.
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justauthoring · 6 months
naturally [3].
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you fit into their little family perfectly - naturally → in which you meet satoru gojo
a/n: yall this one was a blast to write.
pairing: nanami kento x f!reader, yuji itadori x f!reader (platonic), satosugu as well!
want to support your local writer? send me a coffee!
I won’t be able to pick up Yuji today from daycare, do you mind heading there alone?
No worries at all, Kento. You know I don’t mind. Is everything okay?
Yes. My boss is being particularly pushy about getting this project done by today. I’m sorry to leave you alone.
I’ll be fine. But please don’t push yourself too hard, love. 
Thank you, Y/N. I’ll try not to.
I’ll make your favourite for dinner, okay? Love you.
That would be wonderful, dear. I love you too.
When you’d received the text from Nanami, you hadn’t thought anything of it. This wasn’t the first time he’d asked you to pick up Yuji, and that was way before the two of you ever were in a relationship. It hadn’t been much of a hassle then, given that you lived next door to him but it was even less of a worry now since you’d moved in with Nanami and Yuji into their apartment. Often, the two of you would pick up Yuji together and since you’d started joining Nanami, Yuji had been ecstatic about the whole thing that you made it a goal to go every day.
You’d already been out doing some errands, just about to make your way to the school with the assumption that Nanami would meet you there, when you’d gotten his text. You’d shrugged the whole situation off, mentally thankful you’d gotten all the necessary ingredients for Nanami’s favourite dinner when you’d grabbed groceries with a light frown at the realization of how hard Nanami’s office had been pushing him recently. Luckily it was the end of the week and you could spend the weekend making sure he got the rest he definitely deserved.
Your walk to Yuji’s daycare isn’t long at all and your thoughts are filled with the wonderful and loving family you’ve found yourself. None of it was in your plans for your life but you couldn’t deny how incredibly happy you were. Yuji was an absolute bundle of joy that you loved like your own son, and Nanami was the best boyfriend you could ask for – understanding, loyal, and loving. He checked off any and all boxes that may exist and made you incredibly happy.
You wouldn’t trade any of it.
You’re pulled from your thoughts at the familiar sound of Yuji’s voice. You blink, not having even realized you’d reached the daycare until a blob of pink comes crashing towards you, slamming right into your legs as Yuji hugs you as best he can with his small arms, peering up at you with bright, shining eyes. You smile at the sight, crouching down to his level as you distantly catch his teacher’s eye and offer a smile when she waves at you, before putting your full attention on Yuji.
“Hi, Yuji-kun,” you giggle, ruffling his hair. You notice his eyes drift past you, and are quick to explain. “Your father is stuck at work for a bit but I was thinking me and you could make his favourite dinner together, how does that sound?” 
Yuji beams; “perfect!”
You let out a laugh, nodding your head. “How was your day?”
“Amazing!” Yuji practically cheers, and you blink slightly at the pure excitement in his voice. Suddenly, he’s letting go of your leg to take your hand in his own, his grip quite tight for such a small child as he starts pulling. “I want you to meet my friend, Y/N/N. His name is Megumi!”
You internally laugh at Yuji’s short-attention span. You’d thought he’d be more disappointed about Nanami not being able to show up, but as usual, the boy was effortlessly positive and didn’t seem to let himself get phased by many things.
That, or he was just happy as long as one of you came.
“Okay–just, slow down a little, Yuji, I–”
Your lips part as Yuji practically bellows the name, eyes drifting ahead of yourself to the direction Yuji’s yanking you towards. You see a small boy, just slightly taller than Yuji, with black, spiky hair (it’s quite amazing actually), in a similar uniform as Yuji but he looks a lot more neat and put-together than Yuji does–even though every morning, you make sure Yuji leaves with his buttons all done and his collar straight, something or another is amiss every time you come to pick him up.
The boy glances back at the call of his name, seemingly unphased by how loud Yuji was, and it’s then you notice the man standing next to him.
He’s tall. Very tall. He’s got startlingly white hair that falls effortlessly around his head, shaping his face perfectly and he’s wearing a pair of black sunglasses but yet as his eyes drift in the direction of you and Yuji, it still feels like he’s staring directly into you.
“Y/N/N! Y/N/N! This is Megumi,” Yuji tugs at your hands and you pull your eyes away from the man, moving to smile down at Megumi. “Megumi, this is Y/N/N. The one I was talking about.”
“It’s lovely to meet you, Megumi,” you offer gently, smiling softly down at the boy.
Meeting your eyes, you’re shocked as Megumi bows, offering a small ‘nice to meet you’. You don’t think you’ve met such a polite young boy, even if he was a little quiet. It’s funny, you think, how Yuji could’ve made such a friend–someone so quiet and calm compared to your loud and boisterous boy. But then again, didn’t they say opposites attract?
“I certainly don’t know where he got that from.”
You glance up as the man with white-hair speaks up, grinning at you as he steps forward, ruffling Megumi’s hair. The boy instantly frowns as he does, batting the man’s hands away as he he grumbles to himself all whilst Yuji giggles, moving to point out Megumi’s frown and the two of them fall into a chatter amongst themselves as the man with white-hair sticks his own out towards you.
“Satoru Gojo,” the man introduces, “and you must be the famous Y/N Yuji keeps telling me about.”
Slowly, you let your hand fall in his, nodding. “Yes, I, um… I’m Kento’s–”
“Wife,” Gojo cuts off, smirking. “Yes, I actually work with your husband.”
Your eyes widen, cheeks burning red; “oh… oh no! We’re just dating, not… we’re not married, Gojo-san.”
“Ah, please, call me Satoru,” he brushes off, “and sorry. I just assumed Nanami would’ve put a ring on you already with the way he talks about you. He’s absolutely smitten.”
Your cheeks stay flushed, glancing at your feet. “Ah, well… you know…” desperate for the conversation to change, you glance back up at him. “Are you Megumi’s father?” You only ask because the two of them don’t really look all that related–of course, that didn’t mean much.
Still, it was a shift in conversation.
“Not biologically, no,” Gojo nods, “but I do take care of him.”
“Barely.” Megumi cuts in, glowering at the man.
You press a hand to your mouth to stifle your laughter–for such a young boy, he was rather quick-witted.
Gojo sticks his tongue out at the boy, and you find yourself unable to stop the giggle that leaves your lips at the sight. They were a rather odd pair, weren’t they? 
Gojo glances at you as you giggle and your eyes widen.
“Oh, my apologies, Satoru-san! It’s just–”
“No need to apologize,” he waves you off, stepping towards you. “Now, where is Nanami?”
“Oh, he had to stay at work to finish something up. Speaking of, Yuji and I should be heading home. We’ve got to start making dinner. But it was lovely–”
A huge gasp cuts you off. You blink, glancing down at Yuji who stares up at you with an expression like he’s come up with the best thing in the entire world.
“Y/N/N! Can Megumi and Gojo-san stay for dinner?”
After a long and grueling day, Nanami is more than excited to come home to you and his son and have a nice, quiet, relaxing evening.
At least, that was the plan.
Until he sees Gojo Satoru standing in his living room.
“What the hell are you doing here.”
He ignores his rather sharp language in front of the children. Never, ever has he ever wanted to see Gojo standing in his apartment, in his living room and least of all, has he ever wanted Gojo to be anywhere near you–talking with you, making you laugh, offering to help you with dinner–any of it.
Your wide eyes fall on Nanami the second you hear his voice, and Nanami feels a flash of guilt when he sees the panicked look in your eyes.
Gojo just beams. “Nanami! You’re just in time for dinner.”
Yuji comes bounding towards Nanami, hugging his father tightly and Nanami, despite the annoyance standing in front of him, of course returns the hug to his son, as Yuji beams up at him; “I asked Y/N/N if Megumi and Gojo-san could come for dinner and she said yes!”
Nanami’s eyes drift to you then, noticing the way you step towards him nervously. “I hope that’s okay,” you offer quietly and Nanami frowns at the look in your eyes. You look positively worried, and he curses himself silently when he realizes it’s because you think you’ve upset him. “Satoru-san said he was a friend from work and Yuji seemed super excited, so–”
Stepping towards you, Nanami gently pulls himself from Yuji, wrapping his arm around your waist to lean forward and press a kiss against your forehead. “It’s no worries, love. It’s not you I’m annoyed by,” he assures you, smiling down at you before his gaze hardens and he faces Gojo who continues to stand smugly in the living room. “It’s him.”
It’s then you learn that while Gojo may consider them friends, Nanami certainly doesn’t.
At least, not outwardly. You can tell Gojo definitely annoys your boyfriend, but Nanami still tolerates him nonetheless and it’s proven in the way he doesn’t immediately kick Gojo out. 
You also notice how Nanami is particularly clingy the entire night – he sticks by you, as if attached to your hip, constantly offering to help, barely allowing Gojo to step within a few feet of you. Gojo notices, of course, and he uses it to his advantage to constantly tease Nanami but you find you hardly care – Nanami was hardly ever possessive and it made you feel giddy that he was so desperate to make sure Gojo didn’t flirt with you all whilst making sure not to be too overbearing on you or do anything you weren’t comfortable with.
It was a feeling that had you tingling all night.
“The dinner was fantastic, Y/N/N.”
Nanami grunts at the nickname Gojo had decidedly started calling you halfway through dinner, a name he’d picked up from Yuji, but you just smile at the man. Gojo is standing by the door to the apartment, a passed out Megumi in his hands. Yuji’s already been tucked into bed by Nanami twenty minutes ago when the two boys had promptly passed out on the couch together. Gojo had moved to excuse himself shortly after, of course with slight pressure from Nanami, who continued to have his arm around your waist, you tucked into his side as the both of you stood across from Gojo, seeing him and Megumi off.
“I’m glad you enjoyed it,” you smile, leaning into Nanami. “I’m sorry we kept Megumi up so late.”
Gojo shrugs, “nah, it’s fine. Suguru might be a bit upset, but…”
Your brows furrow, “whose Suguru?”
Gojo grins. “My husband.”
Your eyes widen and Nanami shakes his head from next to you; “yet you continue to flirt with my girlfriend.”
“Kento,” you mumble, turning to him embarrassed.
Gojo just laughs; “your girlfriend is very beautiful,” he grins over at you, and you glance down at your feet in embarrassment. “Besides, Suguru knows I love him.” Gojo rolls his eyes at Nanami, before turning back to you. “He’s actually out on a trip with the girls for the weekend. Left yesterday.”
Your lips part; “girls?”
“Yes, Megumi’s sister, Tsumiko, and two other girls, Mimiko and Nanako that we adopted.”
You let out a gasp, “oh my! That’s so wonderful,” you beam up at the man. “The six of you must be so happy.”
Gojo laughs; “I wonder about Megumi sometimes… He didn’t wanna go on the trip, said it would be boring but I think it was because he didn’t wanna miss seeing Yuji at daycare. The two of them are like two peas in a pod.”
Truly, you feel like your heart could melt. Turning to Nanami, you beam at him; “we’ll have to have Megumi over more often then.” Then, turning back to Gojo, you add; “and of course Suguru-san and the girls!”
Nanami frowns, but you don’t see it as Gojo grins back at you; “I’ll make sure to let Suguru know.” He assures, “now, I should go. I think I might’ve overstayed my welcome.”
You glance over at Nanami at that, noticing the frown on his lips and let out a light giggle as you nod at Gojo. With one final goodbye, Nanami opens the door for him, before shutting it the second he’s sure he’s gone. You watch as the man’s shoulders instantly sag the second Gojo’s gone and tilt your head.
“Do you really not like Satoru-san that much?”
His eyes widened; “no… no, it’s not that. I’ve known Gojo for a long time. He’s annoying, but he’s a… friend.” Then, stepping towards you, he shakes his head. “I’m sorry, love. I’m just tired.”
His hands fall on your waist, tugging you towards him and you fall into him with ease, letting your head fall on his chest as you hum out softly. “I know. Don’t worry about cleaning up, I’ve got it.” Leaning back slightly, you press a kiss to his jaw. “Just get some rest.”
Nanami shakes his head; “no, you already made dinner for me tonight. I can help clean.”
“No buts,” he smirks down at you. “I want to help.”
With a moment more of hesitance, you nod. And the two of you fall into a comfortable silence as you work to tidy up from dinner. With the two of you, it’s cleaned a lot faster and before you know it, the two of you are already tucked into bed, kitchen clean, clothes swapped for more comfortable attire and feeling ready to pass out completely.
Just as Nanami presses a final kiss to your cheek, arm wrapped around your waist with your back pressed to his chest, you can't help but ask; “were you really jealous of a married man? Married to another man, no less?”
There’s a pause. Then, “...maybe.”
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marybrownnaturals · 2 years
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blackbleedingrose · 4 months
Long Lost Morningstar - Part One
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Pairing(s): Lucifer x daughter! reader x Lilith
Genre: Fluff/Angst
Warnings: Forced child abandonment
Notes: This is my first Hazbin mini fic. This will be a mini series, so there will be a part two but it may take a little while as I tend to get busy with work and school - so please, bare with me.
Words: 880
"No! No! Please!"
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It's no surprise Lucifer and Lilith fooled around a bit during their days in the Garden of Eden.
What was surprising was the moment Lilith discovered she was pregnant.
Despite the shock and slight fear of being new parents, Lucifer and Lilith were overjoyed at the news.
When they found out the baby was going to be a girl, the two cried in pure happiness.
Lucifer became adamant, and a little overbearing, about doing everything for Lilith not wanting her to overwork herself or the baby. This did annoy Lilith (being the independent woman she was), but she knew he just wanted to make sure she and the baby were safe.
When Lilith went into labor, Lucifer went into full panic mode (imagine that one scene from The Office)
Lucifer: *freaking out* "OMG! IT'S HAPPENING! DON'T PANIC, HONEY!
Lilith: *calmly packing the hospital bags*
Lucifer may have passed out during the delivery when his curiosity got the best of him and decided to see what was going on down there (I imagine seraphim's or angels born in Heaven aren't born the natural way and instead created through magic).
Lucifer woke up from the sounds of crying and when he came to he saw a tiny body being carried by one of the nurses.
After rejoining Lilith's side (and making sure she was okay while profusely apologizing for passing out) they waited for the nurses to clean up the baby.
The moment the two saw one of the nurses bring over a pink bundle, their hearts filled with unbridled love and joy.
She was so small and had tuffs of blonde hair. She had Lucifer's red cheek circle's and Lilith's eyes.
Lucifer's eyes welled up with tears as he lovingly gazed down at the tiny person in his lover's arms. "She's perfect, Lily".
Lilith agreed with happy tears as she laid a gentle kiss on their daughter's head.
The two named her (Y/N) - (Y/N) Morningstar.
(Y/N) was a lively baby who adopted her father's bubbly and curious personality, as well as his love for ducks.
Her first toy was a duck plushie Lucifer had made himself.
However, despite having everything they could want in the Garden, Heaven, and now their new baby - they wanted something more.
They wanted to share free will with humanity in hopes that Heaven would finally see Lucifer's ideas and change their suffocating rules so (Y/N) could live in a world that wouldn't stifle any of her future dreams.
This lead them to tempt Eve with the apple, causing the unfortunate chain of events that lead to Lucifer and Lilith's trial.
The two were found guilty of bringing evil into humanity and as punishment they would be sent down into Hell.
However, before they sent the family into eternal damnation Heaven decided (Y/N) was innocent as she was only a baby who knew not what her parents had done.
Being a child of a seraphim and one of humanities first human's, they saw potential in her for Heaven's future - so they decided (Y/N) would stay in Heaven while Lucifer and Lilith would go down to Hell.
"Take the child," Sera ordered one of the court angels. "No! No! Please!" Lucifer and Lilith begged with tears falling down their faces as they held (Y/N) closer to them. The court angels forced the wailing (Y/N) out of her crying parents arms.
That was the last time Lucifer and Lilith saw their daugther before being banished to Hell for all eternity.
To keep (Y/N) from discovering her true lineage, Heaven decided that Lucifer's twin brother, Michael, would claim to be her father and raise her as a role model seraphim - one that follows Heaven's rules.
As (Y/N) grew up it became increasingly obvious how much she took after her parents. She had Lucifer's curious and cheerful nature, and Lilith's eyes, long blonde hair, and grace - both her parents beauty present in her features. The perfect combination of the two.
She especially adopted Lucifer's six large wings, only they had a pink under surface and gold tips.
To bypass any questions of her mother, Michael told her that he had created her from stardust with both his and Lilith's likeness - only using Lilith as a reference for a female.
Michael made sure her curious nature didn't go as far as Lucifer's, keeping her busy with her education and where he can keep an eye on her.
To keep her in check he told her about Lucifer and Lilith, but that they were her uncle and aunt who had lost their way and fallen from grace.
When she entered into adulthood, Heaven decided it was time for her to bear more serious responsibilities.
That's how (Y/N) Morningstar Demiurgos became one of Heaven's trial record keepers/recorders (she sometimes sits in trials and writes what's being said for the records).
It was mainly because Michael wanted to her to have a busy office job and away from exploring and getting too curious (he hoped being in trials would satisfy her curiosity, but made sure to keep her from asking too many questions).
And for awhile everything was perfect and in Heaven's favor. . .
. . .Until a certain Princess of Hell came to Heaven with a dream.
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packing-n-punching · 11 months
Clit Warming with Abby
Length: 850-ish words
Synopsis: Abby helps you relax in a new way after a hard shift in the med bay. It’s pretty much just fluffy clit warming drabble…
CWs: Oral (R! Receiving), No use of Y/N, Cute Nicknames (sweetheart, sweet girl, baby), Spooning, Slight Somnophilia, Consent checks
*requests are open atm*
(This is to keep anyone waiting on the next Chapter of the Twilight AU sedated while I do some extra editing and get stuff beta read.)
You come into your room at the stadium after a long shift on medical watch and Abby is cleaning her boots at your table, her eyes meet yours and she's instantly at your side holding you into her chest with firm arms holding you so tight. Little 'oh baby's and 'easy, sweetheart's come flooding from her mouth as she carries you move to the bed set up in the corner of your studio apartment.
She holds you so tight, the best big spoon with her strong arms around you, her body heat pushing you toward a sleepy half-wakened state. As you relax she moves you so that you're laying on your back with her leaving soft open mouth kisses as she moves down your body.
She unbuttons your jeans and moves the denim down your thighs, scraping her short nails down the soft skin as she does, your skin becoming rough with goosebumps as the cool air meets the newly revealed flesh. A single thick finger travels over your underwear tracing the outline of your labia, Abby pulls away from kissing your chest and leans into your shoulder and whispers, "Can I taste you, baby?" You nod. She prompts you again. "Words, baby. Use your words."
"Please Abs, I want you to touch me."
And she does.
Swift movements that send your head reeling, your legs are lifted up and thighs now lay spread across broad freckled shoulders. A hand instinctively goes to the roots of Abby's braid, you can feel each little bump that makes up your woman's signature hairstyle, you count them ‘one, two, three, looped. One, two, three, looped...' the counting keeps you grounded.
"Abby- wait!" You pull the rope-like hair, snatching her away from your soaked center. “Yeah, baby? What's wrong?” Her panicked eyes instantly cause you to smile, she cares so much for you and that's evident by her expression, ever so evident.
"I don't want... you to go inside right now?"
"Oh? Do you want me to stop?" Her head rests against your thigh, as blue eyes look longing into what feels like your soul.
"No!" A smirk comes to her lips as the refusal rushes from your mouth. "I want something, but I don't know what exactly... is that weird?"
"Not at all... how about we try something different?"
"Different how?" Your eyes sharpen and eye her with suspicion.
"Different as in, you just put your clit in my mouth."
"We do that anyways?"
"No it's more like, I hold it in my mouth and just keep it there, keep pressure on it and keep it warm and cozy for you?”
The idea is... odd to say the least. "It sounds-"
"You don't have to say yes if you don't wanna try," she interrupts you, almost as if it's natural instinct to reassure you, "I read it in a book a couple weeks back and I thought that maybe-"
“Abigail.” She comes to a screeching halt. “I would like to try, if you'd like to as well?"
A happy little smile graces her face as she nuzzles into your thigh, dropping back down to her previous position Abby settles between your legs properly.
Thick fingers spread your lips with gentle, loving care and she leans in, her nose bumps up against your clit and the scorching heat of her mouth meets the bundle of nerves and she sucks in. The pressure that she applies to your clit is strange, you keep waiting for her to flick her tongue to tease you, but it never comes. Abby stays perfectly still.
As strange as the sensation is, that feeling of softly applied pressure with no movement or other variation, you find the intimacy nearly overwhelming. Blue eyes are meeting your gaze as you try to stop your eyes from closing. Abby can feel herself getting wetter and wetter as she sees how relaxed you’re becoming, all because of her and that lesbian porno novel she found.
With your clit held safe and tight in her warm wet mouth, a wave of heated drowsiness hits you as you jolt up a few times catching yourself before you fall asleep. But in spite of your best efforts, sleep eventually comes upon you.
Abby doesn’t notice initially that your breathing has evened out in your sleep, so wrapped up in keeping you and your sweet bundle of nerves content. When she feels the hand on her head go slack, freeing her braid from your grasp, she pulls away. A long string of saliva attaches the two of you as it stretches between her lips and your lower ones. She breaks the string and sits back up on her haunches before slipping her way up to be your big spoon once again. With an arm around your waist and the other supporting her head, Abby leans into your ear. With a quick chaste kiss to the skin behind your ear, she whispers, “thank you sweet girl.” She settles behind you and quickly follows your lead and joins you in peaceful, content dreaming.
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stevebabey · 1 year
question on my lips
kia ora my loves, i'm stuck with writers block on another piece and this is hopefully the cure <3 its all sweetness as usual [established relationship + fluff + 2k words] mucho mwahs as ALWAYS <3!
Steve’s in a bad mood.
Which might be very fair considering the state of the weather outside. Flurries of snow batter against the windows and a hair-raising chill leaks into the panes, painting them in condensation. It’s cold. You don’t want to be caught outside on a night like tonight.
But, somewhere across town, there’s a reservation under Steve’s name that is being wasted. At a pretty restaurant, with 2 too many forks for your taste — but Steve had insisted. Even put on a suit.
And even though Steve has told you he prefers the quieter nights in with just the two of you, he seems quite… miffed that you can’t go anymore.
Maybe not quite a bad mood but… well, it’s a hell of a pout he’s wearing.
Amber drenches the wall of the room, lit by your bedside table lamps — a cozy cocoon that feels worlds away from the blizzard coming down outside. You’re actually quite excited; there’s seldom a comfort like being in Steve’s arms when it’s cold like this. Tangled together in your bed, letting his perpetually blazing heart heat the both of you.
But… he’s still pouting. You’re both unwinding a bit, taking off what you’d managed to put on before the weather took a turn for the worse — but Steve’s stuck, hands in his pockets. He seems to be fumbling with something.
His silence worries you more. Maybe you hadn’t realised how actually upset he was that your plans were cancelled.
He had been mentioning it all week, all month actually- since he’d first made the booking. Some claim that you’d love the food and he loved any occasion to see you all dressed up and drool-worthy— (“Not that that’s not all the time, babe.”)
“Steve?” You say. His head jumps up, hands in his pockets going still. “C’mon, come to bed.”
He softens at your coaxing words. Like the very sound of them, the sweet nature of your words, melts his hardened edges. He nods, tugging off his tie and beginning to work on his belt.
In the meantime, you creep into the bed. It smells like a smattering of something sweet that you know to be Steve’s hairspray, fabric softener, and maybe what you think love might smell like if it had a scent. You sink into it lovingly. Warm. Safe.
Your eyes find him instinctively. Watching, observing, drinking in the sight of your lover soothes you like nothing else. Love spools messily in your chest, like a knotted ball of yarn strewn through your ribs. It aches sweetly. Steve catches you as he’s pulling a pair of sweatpants up his calf.
“You’re staring,” He states plainly, but he’s smiling a bit, lips turned up in the corners. He jumps, hiking his pants up over his hips, and wanders closer.
You nod, hair scrunching against the pillow. Your voice comes out a bit muffled when you speak. “That a crime?”
Steve grins this time. He pushes the covers back, kneeling on the mattress beside you — pausing to push back the hair covering your eyes. He smiles down at you, eyes fond. “If it is, lock me up, baby.”
He pauses, thumb drifting over cheekbone lightly. “I could look at ya all day.”
Something delightful purrs behind your ribs, warm and all-encompassing. Where you would’ve once hidden your face away, this time you just let your glee wash over your face — and let Steve see every second of it. You’re happy. Steve makes you happy.
Steve gives an awed exhale and flops, bouncing down on the mattress beside you. He works the duvet around, bundling up as best he can before his hands begin to search for you. Traversing across the sheets, seeking, til they meet skin. He hums happily. Pulls you into his chest and lets you figure out how you want to wrap around him, like unkempt ivy. He’s warm, as always.
You’re not even trying to sleep yet, either of you, just having a moment huddled up in each other's embrace. The wind whirls loudly outside. You wonder what you’d be doing if your plans had gone through.
“M’sorry,” you say into his chest. It rises and falls with his breath, soothing and constant. “That we couldn’t do dinner. Y’seemed really excited.”
Steve makes a little noise, saying that he agrees. For a moment, your words hang in the air and then he clears his throat, pulling you closer.
“S’okay, not like you can control the weather.” He murmurs his reply. He pulls back to peer down at you with suspicious eyes, a tease on his tongue. “Can you? Because as your boyfriend, I should totally know that, and considering what we’ve seen—“
“Shut up,” you giggle. You poke him in the ribs because you can’t think of a good jibe back.
“Shutting up,” Steve says, before snuggling back closer. There’s another moment of quiet. The window rattles in the absence of words. Steve sighs.
“Just…” He starts. You can already tell he’s got his thinking face on, a little furrow between his brows. “Had some good plans for tonight, is all. Not a big deal.”
“A plan within a plan,” you muse thoughtfully. Steve chuckles. “How layered this night could of been!”
“And instead, you just have to have this, huh?” Steve murmurs, dejection creeping into his voice. Your heart twists. He must’ve planned a lot just to watch it go down the drain.
You pull back from his embrace and catch his eyes, searching his face. Disappointment lingers in his expression and it pushes a pout onto your lips.
“Well, is there anything we can do? That was like your plans?” You ask.
Steve breaks into a grin, giving a chuckle — but a glint in his eyes says he’s grinning for another reason. He stares at you lovingly, eyes dragging up and down your face as he seemingly thinks of his answer. He shakes his head.
“Nuh uh. Nothing we can do tonight.” He says, a tad forlorn. His hand on your back sketches a soft stroke up your spine. You shiver in a good way and Steve speaks again, eyes searching somewhere behind you, imagining something. “Well, not— not the way I want to do this.”
There’s a long pause. At the same moment a soft realisation blooms in your chest and on your face, Steve seems to realise he’s said too much. His eyes widen, the apples of his cheeks turning scarlet.
“Were you gonna—?”
You push back from him, suddenly sitting up in the bed. Your heart thuds loudly in your chest, risking bruising the inside of your ribs with each resounding thud. You don’t even mind because… because…
Steve sits up too, wide-eyed expression still on his face. He looks flushed, taken off guard — he clearly hadn’t meant to tell you today. Well, he had meant to tell you today but he wanted to ask you at dinner, on one knee, and then the storm—
“You were gonna ask?” You squeak. A smile wobbles on your face as you try to rein in your reaction, even as joy floods every nerve. “Tonight?”
Steve seems unsure of the right way to answer. “Yes,” He stammers. Then crushes his eyes closed, dropping his eyes closed to curse. “Shit, I wasn’t supposed— I had it all planned! This isn’t—“
Steve pushes his palms into his eyes for a moment, dragging his hands down his face. You feel a pang of remorse for ruining your own surprise but it’s completely overshadowed by the rampant happiness. You can’t help yourself for what you say next.
Steve blinks. “What?” A grin grows on his face, like your own is contagious even as he shakes his head. “I haven’t even asked you yet!”
He’s laughing, a glorious sound, and so are you. You're so full of love you feel stuffed like you’ve just eaten, it fills every crevice of your body. You nod. You think your teeth might be aching with how sweet the boy before you is— pouting and giving away his own surprises.
“I know,” you breathe. “But if- when you do, it’s a yes.”
And you’ve known it before. You have known it long before tonight that yours and Steve’s futures are knitted together so intricately that where one goes, the other follows. Still, knowing it and saying it— the difference steals your breath. You feel like a teenage fool again, back to the first time Steve ever asked you, ‘Be mine?’
Steve sinks into the pillows, deflating into them with a blinding grin. Like he hadn’t been sure up until right then. He giggles. Another awed sound, like he can’t quite believe what’s happening.
“Okay,” he breathes. You sink down too, curling up into him. His warmth feels burning hot now as he pulls you back into his arms, the same as he had a minute ago; this time, you swear your hearts are an inch closer.
“I gotta come up with a whole new plan now, don’t I?” Steve asks, eyes shining as he peers down at you.
You laugh a little bit, delirious, and shake your head. Gathering courage, even as your stomach twists up in the best way.
“Nope. You can… you can ask now, if you really want.”
You hope your voice betrays everything you mean; that he could ask anywhere and you would say still say yes. That it didn’t need to be somewhere fancy, didn’t need to be a big spectacle, he didn’t even need to get on one knee and you would still say yes.
Steve stares down at you, drinking in the sincerity of your expression and he softens impossibly more. Smile lines you adore get scrunched up as he gives a shuddering breathy laugh, punched out of him by his own enormous affection. Christ, he loves you.
His hand raises, cupping your jaw sweetly and he tugs you closer to meet him in the middle. You come home to him, lips meeting lips as he kisses you deeply and maddeningly. There are a thousand sentiments in his kiss, I want to marry you and I love you among them.
He pulls back and rests his forehead against your own. His hand on your jaw rubs soothing, fingers tucking some stray hair behind your ear.
“Got a plan.” He murmurs, a wickedly handsome smile on his face as he taps his temple.
You’ll have to wait, it seems. You think you can stretch your patience a little longer, especially for this. Your cheeks are beginning to ache from your smile.
Another quiet moment. Then, your eyes light up with the recollection of an earlier memory. They skirt across the room and land on their target, Steve’s crumpled pair of slacks on the ground. You recall his fumbling with his hand deep in his pocket.
Steve follows your eye-line and the moment he spots what you’re looking his head whips back.
Steve fixes you with a stern look, a warning that says don’t. You move an inch, more to tease than anything — you don’t want to see anything til he’s the one giving it to you — but you don’t get very far anyway.
“Oh no, you don’t—” Steve’s arms around your middle tighten, pulling you closer as you pretend to reach off into the distance.
He shifts you easily, setting you down into the pillows and then squishing himself atop you. You let out a strange noise, a surprised yelp as Steve lightly crushes you beneath him, a slightly maniacal grin on his pretty mouth. His hair is a mess, cheeks still glowing, and he looks utterly in love.
You wiggle a bit, seeing if you can free a limb. Maybe to pretend to escape, maybe to dig your fingers in and hold him closer. Either way, it’s fruitless.
Somehow, you’re not all the mad with the situation; squished lovingly beneath your hunk of a boyfriend so you don’t go scampering around searching for a- for your engagement ring.
“Can I at least get a kiss?” You ask, knowing he’ll say yes. If there’s one thing, it’s that Steve never denies you a kiss if you ask. His eyes look a tad misty as he looks down at you so so fondly, eyes drawing down to your lips.
He doesn’t disappoint.
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artethyst · 2 months
~ Leaves In A Sky Full Of Stars ~
Eris Vanserra x Rhysand’s Sister!OC/Reader
“Enjoying fatherhood Brother?” Came Lucien’s sarcastic voice at the sight of Eris- High Lord of Autumn, nothing less than dishevelled.
Eris offered him no response, the circles beneath his eyes telling his brother enough before you swanned in with a fluffy bundle secure in your arms.
If his son were not so cute, he might have cursed the boy for robbing him of sleep for the past week, a new habit he had seemed to adopt whenever he was left alone in his cot at night.
Despite the Healer’s advising against it, saying it was very much normal and the boy would only grow needier, Eris couldn’t stand to hear his child’s pained cries.
He knew how it felt to feel abandoned.
His son would never feel the same.
Even if his Mate berated him for turning soft or some of the more traditional- slowly withering branches of Beron’s Advisory circle scathingly judged him for it.
Motherhood looked good on you- a warm glow to your unblemished skin and new life within those once lifeless cheeks that had struck Eris with horror as he had been forced to watch you- lying there, bleeding out.
The Healers telling him neither you nor your babe would survive.
And whilst he did not tell you, the memory of it, even now, months later, left him sleepless. And despite trying his very best never to think of how you looked- the thought of you ever being taken from him, he still felt sick at the thought.
He might have envied how naturally parenthood had come to you- how beautiful you still were despite it all, but he loved you too much to ever care about his own troubles in comparison.
As you approached, Eris instinctively wrapped a strong arm around your waist, if he had been protective before and especially during your pregnancy, it was nothing compared to now.
It was as though he still needed visceral proof- feel the warmth of your beating heart next to his to remind himself you were well.
Well and alive.
Lucien didn’t have the heart to tease his brother about it.
Baby Silas began to stir against your chest, his wide amber eyes curiously blinking as his little fist moved to his yawning lips, slobbering over his knuckles with a guiltless, dimpled smile.
He made little cooing noises, small tufts of red hair delicate and curled atop his head as he snuggled further into the winter fur blanket Kallias and Viviane had so generously gifted him.
You couldn’t help but press a kiss to his rosy cheek, wishing you could stay clasping him close forever.
“He is a curious child,” you began, passing over the bundle to your brother-in-law who had come to visit his nephew, “though, grumpy like his father,” and as if on cue, Silas’ small brow furrowed and pink lips pouted when he felt himself being jostled from the warmth of his mother’s arms.
The pair of them ignored Eris’ scowl as Silas wiggled in his Uncle’s arms, the Emissary chuckling as the boy began chewing on a strand of his long hair, face determined as he dribbled.
“Brainless, just like his father too.”
You laughed as Lucien bounced the boy, pressing yourself into your Mate’s side further, placing a light kiss to the underside of his jaw.
You noticed his withdrawal, and whilst it was not unusual for him to be detached, it was not like him to be so solemn.
Especially with you around.
“Er, are you alright?” He tilted his head down to face you, your twinkling violet eyes marred with concern and was forced to bury the thought of the Mother snatching his happiness from him along with his childhood traumas.
“I am fine, My Love.” He mused pressing a gentle kiss to the crown of your head, you weren’t convinced but did not push him. “Are you?”
“How could I not be?” You teased, fondly watching as Lucien spoke animatedly to Silas, grimacing as the child tugged on his hair in excitement as the man he viewed nothing more than the tall person with the same hair as his daddy and with funny deep voice spoke to him. “I have all I could ever want.”
Eris smiled- a real smile.
He couldn’t help but chuckle watching his brother and his son, heart overflowing with love as his wife stood beside him, flooding their bond with the same mirth.
Everything he had gone through- all that he had fought had been worth it.
For this.
And watching his baby- a near copy of him with the woman he loved most’s infectious smile, bringing a childish peace to his brother’s all so often annoyingly smug face reminded him of all his sacrifices.
And he knew he would do it all again.
With Lucien cutting his trip short, having felt a desperate tug on the bond from a freshly Mated Elain, the three of you were left alone.
You were absentmindedly sprawled over Eris, lulled into a light sleep by the warmth he emitted.
He didn’t have the heart to wake you.
Silas too was asleep against his chest, his little soft snores almost comically in sync with his mother’s.
Eris let his fingers run comfortingly along the back of his son’s head, relishing in the soft tufts whilst supporting his small neck with the other.
The babe whined contently in response, his drool pooling against his father’s tunic as the older male could only trace the boy’s perfect face with a calloused fingertip. Silas’ soft flesh a welcome sensation against his scarred skin.
The High Lord took a deep breath of his own, relishing in the scent of his beloved-a fresh jasmine and amber, and his son’s- a light cinnamon with hints of a fresh bloom.
A subtle mix of both of his parents’.
And with the two of you by his side, there was no longer a heaviness in his heart, but one in his throat as tears of relief and pure love gathered in his sharp eye.
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pochipop · 7 months
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#. synopsis! — sometimes it feels like mike may never escape the past, but he hears the future in the beat of your heart (nightmare reverse comfort) .
#. characters! — mike schmidt .
#. warnings! — vague references to past traumatic events (canon compliant) .
#. word count! — 1.1k .
#. alt accounts! — @ddollipop (nsfw) @hhoneypop (moodboards) .
#. others! — navigation & masterlist .
#. a/n! — i got an autism diagnosis today lmao, makes sense tho.
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The house is dark and shrouded in silence, broken only by Mike’s uneasy groans and his occasional writhing in his sleep. What seemed peaceful at the get-go has become something less content, leaving him entangled in the sheets and pulling most of the shared blanket to his side of the bed. The late autumn chill hanging thick in the air has you shivering, casting a tired, half-lidded gaze to the digital clock resting on the nightstand. It’s four minutes past three thirty in the morning, displayed in vivid, neon green digits that prompt a slight scrunch of displeasure from your face at the glaring brightness.
You remind yourself that this really has gotten better. It’s been weeks since the last time, and he’s been going to therapy like you suggested, even if he was a little unsettled by the idea at first. His new job cleaning up after club-goers at a nearby joint pays pretty well, all things considered, and with your income added to the mix, money is still tight at times, —but he’d decided after the first few sessions that you pressured him into that it was worth the trouble.
Still, that doesn’t negate the obvious. Mike has suffered a lot in his lifetime, and that’s hardly lent itself to consistency or stability. Some of it has been his own doing, while other parts have been far too out of his control, and he’s been learning how to maneavour his way around that misty grey area in between to the best of his ability. But he’s not ineffable, and sometimes, especially on nights like this, the cards fall where they may. At least this time he’s not waking up in a cold sweat, halfway to a panic attack, sweat drenching the mattress beneath him. At least this time he isn’t gasping for breath, clawing at something unseen in the shadows of the bedroom, jerking away like a rodeo bull the moment you reach out to ease him down. 
He mumbles something that sounds like a plea in his sleep, but it’s muffled by the pillow his face is squished against. If he weren’t obviously disgruntled, you might have been tempted to admire how cute he looked for a little while longer.
“Mike,” you say softly, reaching out to rest a gentle hand on his bare shoulder, “hey.”
He reacts slightly to the touch, but isn’t fully awake, so you try again.
“Mike,” you repeat, fingers curling around the curve.
This time, it’s enough. His eyes shoot open, taking a moment to adjust to the darkness, then locking on your face. He sits up slightly, perching on his elbows. The breath he lets out in the aftermath is sobering.
“Sorry,” he utters, letting his head hit the pillow unceremoniously.
You ignore the unnecessary apology in lieu of brushing some loose strands of brown hair away from his forehead.
“You alright?”
He gazes up at you with those sweet, puppy-dog eyes that he doesn’t even have to try to put on. They’re just his natural state, and heaven knows you could spend a few lifetimes gazing into them if it were possible.
“Yeah, yeah,” he huffs a little, reaching up to grab your hand and hold it in his own.
His touch is so soft and tender, albeit calloused and a little clammy from the leftover adrenaline of his nightmare. He’s really come a long way, and you hope he knows that. You wouldn’t mind saying it, but he’d definitely get embarrassed by it, so you avoid laying verbal praise on too thick when you can help it. This time three months ago, he’d have been jumping out of bed to rush down the hall into Abby’s room, only letting himself relax upon seeing her sleeping form bundled up beneath her covers. Now, he takes a deep breath, exhales it slowly, and kisses your wrist.
“Nothing to worry about,” he assures you.
“I always worry about you,” you answer, offering him a lopsided smile.
He gives you a knowing look and replies: “That’s exactly the problem.”
You roll your eyes playfully and watch as he fiddles with your fingers for a bit before glancing in the direction of the clock.
“What time is it?” He asks.
“Too early for you to be awake,” you respond lightly. “You can sleep for a few more hours at least. You’ll need it.”
Mike nods, letting his heavy eyelids close again.
“Bit of an understatement,” he jokes.
It really is though. If anyone knows about hard work, especially hard work for the sake of anyone but himself, —it’s him. The least he deserves is a proper night’s sleep. You figure that’s why it’s so hard for you to see him like this, even when it’s getting better. You’d trade your dreams for his in a heartbeat if it meant he could be less haunted at night.
“C’mere,” he murmurs, voice laden with drowsiness.
He drops your hand only to open his arms, encouraging you to take your place on his chest. It’s comfortable and intimate all the same as you nestle against him, seeking comfort and closeness, and hoping with every fiber of your being that you can offer the same to him. Mike tugs the comforter up to your neck, one arm folding around your shoulders, thumb caressing the fabric of your pajama shirt. For a moment, you find yourself wishing you’d gone to sleep without it, just so he could rub against your skin directly.
You relish in his warmth, body molding to the contours of his own, —finding the closest thing you’ve ever known to heaven on Earth. Quiet connection simmers in the surrounding air, sparking like static electricity, and you let your eyes close.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” You ask quietly.
He probably won’t, but it’s always better to ask, if for nothing else than to let him know that the option is available.
“Not right now,” he replies, and though he’s turning your offer away, there’s an undeniable softness threaded amidst it all.
“Later, then?”
He hums, and you feel it ripple through his chest.
Later might never come, but that’s okay. As long as he knows that you’re a safe haven to seek refuge in, then that’s enough for you.
“Just get some sleep for now,” he continues, craning his neck forward to ghost his lips against your forehead, his stubble scratching your skin in a way that makes you smile on command.
“Night,” you mutter quietly, snuggling further into his chest.
“Night, baby,” he returns, smoothing a hand along your hair.
It’s quiet for a moment or two, and then he sheepishly adds: “I love you.”
No matter how many times you hear it, it still gives you butterflies.
“I love you too.”
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chuunai · 6 months
boyfriend sigma ! who wakes up to bloodied sheets in your shared bed. whoo-hoo, it’s his girlfriend’s time of the month. he gently shakes you awake, mumbles shyly about your period before bundling up the stained sheets and putting them in the laundry machine. next, a nice cup of tea. something to relax you. you’re always miserable and moody, and he hates that.
boyfriend sigma ! who gets his assistants to re-organize his schedule a bit so he can check-up on you and offer you short massages for your cramps. sadly, your cramps are the bitch who decides that medication doesn’t work easily. thankfully, his fingers are there to knead at your lower abdomen while you sit in his lap like a princess munching on chocolate and braiding his hair. he wears the braid back to work too—you’d kill him if he ruined it.
boyfriend sigma ! who tries to make your life more bearable for the week of ‘fucking hell’ (as you like to say) you go through. giving you longer breaks when you’re not dealing to customers at the casino. making sure you have all the easy stations and areas that normally newbies would have. also having his female custodians make sure there’s pads and tampons in the bathrooms.
boyfriend sigma ! who honestly is kind of awkward about it. he’s only been here for three years, and you’re his first romantic relationship. the first time he saw blood between your legs he was panicking and asking if he should call an ambulance. he was confused when you said no, it was just your period. after you got a tampon, you had to explain your cycle and the hellish pain that a uterus gives a person because there’s no baby. and yes, he DID think about offering to give you a baby so you wouldn’t have your period for nine months.
boyfriend sigma ! who bathes you in compliments because you think you’re gross and icky. you’re his one and only love, a bit of natural blood won’t faze him. if you wear sweatpants and a hoodie at home, so does he. you can’t be ugly if he’s wearing the exact same thing. of course, you make the argument that he’s ‘a fucking angel’ so he pulls it off and you don’t. poor baby just shuts up and cuddles you.
boyfriend sigma ! who tries to be his best for you during this time. you’re his home, so he’s trying his best to be home for you too. home is safe and reassuring, a place of comfort. he wants to be that for you—especially during your miserable moments like this. there’s no tolerance for mistakes, and he’s going to make sure you’re comfy and happy. periods are no exception.
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rudspankow · 4 months
this was smth i wrote when i was bored, don’t hate me if it’s shitty, just wanted to post it for funsies ..
MDNI 18+
perv!!jj , smut
Context -
Your bestfriend is a sick perv who’s obsessed with you
He’s a perv, and you knew it the moment you found his eyes darting upon your cleavage longer than a friendly gaze should’ve. His greedy hands always finding a way to smush against the flesh of your hips or lace into the belt hooks of your shorts before ripping you into his harsh frame. Cuddling up to you in the Château and purposely crushing your body with his, in hopes to feel every ridge, curve, and pulse that you could grant. Feeling the blood rush straight to his cock that swelled between your legs from his perverted positioning.
Everybody saw JJ’s intentions, continuously telling him to leave your little innocent self alone. But he just couldn’t, not when you sat perked up like a pretty princess. Teasing the mutt he was with your small sundresses, hiding barely anything as your tits pooled out of the top, catching his attention every minute of everyday.
It’d take less than 40 minutes for him to rush off for a ‘leak’, ending up in the bathroom abusing his cock with his hand. Fastening his pace torturously as he imagined your silky pussy swallowing him whole, a bundle of whimpers he was. Submissive to his imagination as you ruled his entire fantasy.
JJ loved being a perv, it was his second nature.
“Jayj, you’re suffocating me. .” You choked up, slipping a small chuckle as he trapped you beneath his broad body. A grunt left his lips as he positioned himself between your legs, left cheek resting above your swollen tits. His cock began to expand, feeling the warmth that radiated between your legs as he sunk into your embrace. Completely subsiding the fact you were lacking oxygen and needed a breather.
“So comfy Y/N, can’t help it.”
You always loved helping JJ, heck. He was your best friend for crying out loud. There wasn’t a single thing you wouldn’t do for him, no matter the cost or consequence.
But nothing prepared you for the moment you stood in his room shutting the door behind you, eyes wide and pupils blown as JJ trembled before you. An aching pain of lust consuming his body as he held himself through his shorts, fighting the urge to breakdown from the intense pressure his member caused.
He was an idiot, and he knew the results when it came to taking something like E. So where did he go when he needed a quick fix, a sexual reliever?
The person he could always count on, his forever wet dream. You.
After 5 minutes of absolute blabber and begs, you sighed heavily with a silly feeling in your chest. Standing before JJ and giving him everything he’s wanted the moment you hit puberty, finally awarding the boy with the scene of your body on full display.
It was awkward, invading in a way. But nothing felt more right once his fingertips danced upon your burning skin. Letting his lips latch onto you and taste the desire that layered on your skin. JJ Maybank had officially sweet talked your pants off, caving into his puppy dog eyes and tearful pleas as he watched your body shudder with fear. Afraid this would falter your friendship heavily.
But none of that mattered after he had the privilege to slaver his pallet with your taste, ignoring every thought that urged him to step away. Guilt vanishing as you became everything he needed, suddenly his body was going through drought and famine until you rocked up, sitting pretty on a silver platter as he couldn’t wait to dig in.
“This won’t affect anything right?” You whimpered, feeling his hips buck into you fast and rough. Harsh thrusts connecting with the bruised flesh of your ass as you bent lower, feeling his fingers thread into your hair before pulling you up.
“Shh. . So sweet for helping me out Y/N—Shit! Yeah, always there for me.” He moaned, shoving you back down before hovering above you, drilling you into the bed. Your eyes rolled back as he impaled you with his cock, his hips never stuttering as he felt you flutter around him, motivating his body to impossibly fasten as you cried out his name.
The feeling of your velvety walls sucking him deeper managed to throw him off the deep end, driven to the hardest release he’s ever had once your pussy leaked cum and smoothened every thrust. His girth soaked in your white sticky bliss as he fucked his salty seed into your cunt with no mercy, never stopping as he felt his greedy heart tempt him for another round.
Urging to feel your pussy pulse around his cock again and absolutely coat him in your cum.
“Such a princess for this, Y’know? Lettin’ your bestfriend stuff you with his cock because he needed help. Perfect little thing, can’t take you for granted.”
After that night you were sure things would continue forward, attempting to brush it aside and forget about the please he exhilarated through your body.
But it was so hard when all he did was watch, beg and act.
Act on every sexual desire once you entered the room.
“W-What’re you doing Jayj. .” You whispered, feeling your cheeks burn pink as your best-friend humped you under the covers. His hips rutting into your clothed core as he found home inside your arms once again, this time, you were surrounded by all the Pogues. Gathering together to watch a movie Sarah suggested.
When you pulled up in nothing but your skimpy pajamas, JJ felt every gear in his head turn as he bolted to cradle you towards the couch. Gently pushing you down before sinking between your legs and nestling his cock inside the gap ontop of your sweet, warm pussy.
“I’m gonna cum, just let me. .” He whispered into your ear, letting his head fall into the crook of your neck as he drowned his sounds with a chaste kiss across your skin. You bit your lip feeling his length rub against your core, the friction he caused turning you on crazily as you listened to his quiet sinful songs.
“So pretty Y/N, jus’ need you so bad.” He whimpered before releasing into his boxers, stuttering his hips as he came hard and fast. The wet patch seeping through his fabric and all over your clothed heat, you fought the urge to groan in annoyance. Having to stay seated with the remnants of his cum splattered on both of your crotches.
He made sure you would stay there for the rest of the night, knowing how dirty it was for you to sit there covered in his cum. It made him almost want to coat you in another load.
It was the weirdest thing, realising the boy who you’ve known since third grade desired you everyday. JJ was always attractive in your eyes, but you never seemed to step over that best-friend boundary in worry he’d reject you, or that your friendship would crumble to pieces once you squeezed it with hope for friendly affection replaced by love.
But he looked past all problems aside, just following the pathway of lust and determination as he made it his every mission to feel, touch, and talk to you. He was obsessed, crazed at himself for waiting so long.
He enjoyed knowing you flustered at his gazes, following your train of thought to the night he fucked your brains out, or the hours before where you’d let him eat your pussy. You wanted to help him, always needing to reassure JJ you were forever there.
Understanding his current home situation, you became his outlet the moment he realised how shitty his life was. Breaking down in tears and sobbing inside your embrace.
So, the boy took it one step further than just a place to stay or eating food you prepared. You became everything he needed, everything.
Eventually, one night turned into many, and friendly hugs turned into stolen gropes and whispered temptations.
“You need me to do what?” You repeated, feeling embarrassment flourish your blossoming cheeks as he stood in front of you, all teary eye’d. The scene of his sadness made you want to help him further, to draw him away from whatever bothered him so harshly. Knowing it was his piece of shit father who neglected his kindness, painting your perfect boy’s skin black and blue.
JJ sniffled, wiping his nose with his wrist before shrugging. As much as the interaction with his dad affected him, he knew he was putting on a more ruthless production, all in hopes you’d let him fall into you once more.
“JJ, i don’t know. I want to help you but, that just seems—,”
“I know, i know. I jus’ really want to feel you Y/N.” His voice croaked, and it sent a pang to your heart. Watching his lips quiver as he sat in front of you all weary and burdened, a sigh left your lips as you pulled him in. Closing a gap between the two of you as your arms wrapped around his shuddering frame.
His eyes widened as you agreed, pulling away from the hug and peeling off every piece of clothing you wore. His cock jolted to life as he pushed himself against your head board, your body walking towards him seductively as you unzipped his shorts.
“This what you want J? My lips around your dick?” You murmured, mouth watering at the sight of his thick cock pulsing after your smooth mouth. He nodded vigorously as your mouth gathered his leaking tip, sucking on it gently before taking his entire length.
He was a mess before you, hands tangled into your hair as he moaned and fucked your mouth. Salvia trailing down your chin as his force picked up nailing into your raw throat.
“Just a blessing aren’t you? Gonna cum princess, keep doing that. .Shit!”
JJ breathed heavily, his body sizzling and mindset foggy as he released his hot white ropes of cum inside your mouth. Sliding across your tastebuds and falling deeper down your throat. You gagged as he shoved you lower, spilling every last drop into your mouth and keeping you there to watch you swallow his filth.
JJ made it very clear he was into you, publicly voicing his opinions whenever you were close. To your face or even just with Pope, wearing a large prideful smirk trying so hard not to spill your secret meet ups.
“Dude, you’re such a pervert.” Pope chuckled shaking his head slowly, JJ’s grin only widened as he watched you laugh alongside Sarah. Laid out on the beach towel soaking in the sun, glistened in tanning oil that ran down the valley between your tits.
“Can’t tell me you haven’t thought about hitting that, like really man! She’s a fucking sex dream, i mean look at her.”
His lips reddened from the way he bit it religiously, shifting in his position as he felt his cock swell at the sight of your half naked body. Pope grimaced at his comments, shaking his head at the boy again.
“Of course Y/N is attractive, but don’t you think you’re being a bit weird? That’s your best friend, y’know?”
“I’m not a child Pope, i’m simply appreciating her beauty—,”
“With a weird sex craze to it.”
JJ rolled his eyes.
“So what, i’m not gonna sit here and deny what i’m feeling. I’m as honest as they come Pope, who cares if i lust after my best friend. Can’t help she’s everything i want.”
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hyukalyptus · 8 months
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pussy hair hcs <3
cw. reader has a vagina with pubic hair, hair pulling, fingering, cunnilingus, reader wears a bikini in soob's, tae has a noona thing, established relationship in kai's, reader referred to her/woman, pet names (baby). notes. happy kinktober! i know this may be a lil ~different~ but i wanted to show hairy pussies some love. this talks a lot about hair and i know some people don't like hair and that's ok! its totally fine if you like to shave, but pubic hair is completely normal, natural, and healthy!! so do whatever YOU wanna do. smut(?) under cut.
yeonjun would be SO into it pls. slipping his hand under your panties for the first time and welcomed by a glorious lil tuft of hair. it immediately warms him up, breath rattling in his chest as he deepens the kiss, already tugging at your pants. and when they're finally off, he thinks you look so pretty. he loves it fr. uses his fingertips to scratch your skin playfully. bundles up the longer bits and yanks at it hard, making you moan as if he were doing this to the hair on your head.
soobin is so fkn sweet w your hairs. he loves playing with them, twirling them around his finger. he first noticed your hair when you went to the beach together. when you sat crisscross to read your book on the lounge chair, a few stray hairs poked out from the sides of ur bikini nd he couldn't keep his eyes off you. he couldn't explain it really. but as soon as he saw them, he wanted to feel you, taste you. and as soon as you got back to your place, he was on his knees.
beomgyu loves it best when its not completely shaven, but not completely grown out imo. like..u haven't shaved in a while but there's still a good amount of hair there. i feel like he's the kinda guy to just play w his partner's body mindlessly while doing something on his phone, reading, playing video games, that kinda thing. and one of his favorite things to do is to brush his fingers through ur little hairs :3 and whenever you are completely shaven and his hand wanders down there, he's all confused and pouty like why'd you shave, baby?
taehyun truly, truly, truly loves the looks of ur hairy pussy. he thinks it just makes you look so woman. i mean we all know tae loves noonas, so it adds that much more to how he sees you. i can practically hear his begging noona~ please...lemme taste you. you taste so fucking good. saying no because you haven't shaved but you think that's gonna turn me off? you know how much i love your hairy pussy, noona :(
hueningkai loves the feeling of your hair on his face while he eats u out. ur already at the point in ur relationship where y'all walk around the apartment naked sometimes and just catching a glimpse of ur hair has his brain all fuzzy. changing as soon as you get home while he watches you, getting ready for a shower, whatever, he's just lookin for ur hairy pussy.
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piratefishmama · 10 months
Nest | Part 9
Eddie, for all his talk the night before, kept his hands to himself. There were risks to pushing his luck, they didn’t have to let Steve stay. They could have just delivered his food to him and left him to manage on his own like some kind of prison.
He was technically one more snap away from being institutionalised as a violent omega.
He’d managed for the majority of his life though, as long as they could provide him with something an alpha had scented, he’d probably be OK, they didn’t have to let Steve keep tending to him.
Pushing his luck, no matter how much he’d push and push authority figures outside of the clinic, wouldn’t help him there.
It’d only lose him Steve. He couldn’t lose Steve now that he had him, so he’d behaved. Teased a little, let his scent thicken like honey to tempt like an idiot, but he’d behaved other than that.
He’d flopped down into his nest, semi-expecting Steve to try and bundle him up into his arms which would be a big nope, no matter how nice those arms were, he ran hot and he hated sweating in his sleep because his hair would stick to him so he was not a little spoon, but when Steve looked at him with hesitation he’d opened his arms instead, he’d hoped for the best case scenario, and—
Steve had brightened up.
Like a golden retriever that’d just been told it was going to the dog park, not the vet. If he’d had a tail it’d probably have been wagging.
He’d dropped to his knees and crawled his way into Eddie’s arms, rested his head there on Eddie's bare chest and was out in minutes, allowing Eddie to bask in his warmth, his scent, his weight so comfortably rested across his body. Grounding him, weighing him down with a delightful pressure that eased so many of his building aches.
Not completely ache free, but enough to find himself drifting with his hands carding through those luscious once thought to be untouchable locks. He was out shortly after, more comfortable and feeling luckier than he’d ever been in his life.
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He was warm. That was what Steve registered when he first woke up the morning after. Not uncommon for him, or for many Alphas, they did tend to run a little warmer, mainly because Omegas found the warmth soothing to burrow into, like their blankets and soft things.
It was a comfort thing for them.
But there was also the weight. Not a lot of weight by any means, a sliver of weight resting around his shoulders, an arm, and its attached fingers splayed into the hairs at the nape of his neck. And his pillow was moving. Gently rising and falling, it smelled like home and from it came the most beautiful of sounds. A soft purr that rolled so freely from his pillow, he’d have slipped right back into blissful slumber had the rumble of a hungry stomach not snapped him back to reality.
Steve had always slept on his front. He couldn’t sleep any other way. His partners usually just assumed he didn’t want anything to do with them after sex, or didn’t want to sleep cuddled up together, but that couldn’t have been further from the truth. He just… hadn’t found a partner who preferred being the pillow yet.
He wanted to be the one wrapped up, he couldn’t handle weight on his body during the night, he’d always somehow wind up having moved them in his sleep, always somehow wind up on his front facing away from whomever he’d taken to bed that night. An accidental cold shoulder. He just… didn’t want to be the pillow.
He didn’t like being the pillow. He liked resting his head on a warm chest, feeling the gentle rise and fall of a chest beneath his face, hearing the soft thump of a steady heartbeat, it was the most soothing experience in the world. That, plus the frankly mind-melty scent Eddie seemed to naturally give off… he’d have absolutely just gone right back to sleep, had Eddie’s stomach not rumbled.
Had his alpha instincts not immediately had him wide awake ready to provide for his hungry Omega.
His omega still being asleep meant nothing. He needed to do something, maybe wake Eddie up with breakfast in bed. That meant leaving him though, which wasn’t acceptable, but Eddie had eaten everything he’d brought the day before already, the cafeteria wasn’t far but the chances of him waking up before Steve got back were just so high, he couldn’t risk it.
Couldn’t risk his omega feeling alone even for one second. Which was why he owed Robin his entire existence when she gently knocked on the door bearing breakfast and supplies.
She was there five minutes into his internal battle, a basket in hand and a bag hanging from the crook of her elbow. Steve kept checking back over his shoulder for any sign of Eddie waking up as she very quietly passed the basket through, then the bag, communicating through his eyes alone
‘Thank you so much’
And her ‘you’re welcome’ and when he’d gotten everything, she grabbed his elbow before he could retreat back inside and pointed at a covered with cling film plate in the basket mouthing ‘this is yours. Eat it or else.’ Because she knew, she knew that he’d only eaten the things Eddie hadn’t wanted the day before, he’d not gotten a solid dinner or supper and she wasn’t having that happen again.
Some Alphas, in Steve’s opinion, the good ones, too often wound up a little malnourished after their Omegas heat, too focused on providing everything their mates needed to remember their own needs.
He smiled in thanks before she quietly shooed him back inside where he placed his own meal down on the unused bed, and then returned to the nest, settling himself down beside his snoozing Omega, those little rumbly tummy noises becoming more and more prominent.
He’d be insufferably hungry for the next day or so if things went the normal way, but… given how quickly he’d progressed… Eddie was going to lose himself within a day, a day and a half at most with no way to know just how long that period would last. It could be just as quick as the others, but it could also last for the entirety of the rest of the week which would be… not good.
He wouldn’t have enough energy for the whole week. He’d wind up hurting himself.
He couldn’t assume anything though, couldn’t just plan for an issue that may or may not happen, he’d have to play it by ear. He didn’t like it, he didn’t like not being confident in his ability to take care of his Omega, so he focused entirely on what he could do.
He placed the basket of goodies down beside him in the nest.
He leaned down, and pressed a kiss to the omega’s warm forehead. In the softest voice he could manage, he whispered “Eddieee… my Omega, wakey wakey” gently crooning “Eddie, my sleepy, hungry little devil, wakey wake-up~” to slowly rouse him from his slumber.
It helped no-one when Eddie decided he would reposition himself to curl himself in and rest his head directly in Steve’s lap, but Steve didn’t overreact, he simply took to gently stroking his fingers through the Omegas hair, carefully working out the tangles that’d gathered in his sleep as he stroked. “Eddiiiee, I’ve got fooood” and there was one eye open. Peeking through his dark lashes, he was only feigning sleep.
Steve greeted him with a smile, fingers gently ruffling his bangs, receiving the softest little mrrp of a sound from Eddie in return as he closed his eye again “too bright” the Omega murmured “your smile, too bright, like sunshine, turn it off” Steve laughed, such a melodic sound Eddie found himself opening both eyes just to see Steve’s laughter face.
Bask in the sunshine that was his smile, the crinkle at the corners of his eyes from laughing and smiling too much, god he was beautiful. Such a beautiful alpha. “So sorry sleepy head” Steve cooed after his laughter had died down, a warm smile settling on his face after it that sunshine couldn’t even compete with.
Eddie wanted to wake up to that smile every day for the rest of his life. His stomach rumbled again, louder this time, angrier for his stark ignorance of its empty state. Those crinkles came back as Steve’s smile widened, god he really was the most beautiful man, wasn’t he?
“I’ll forgive you, if you keep smiling at me like that.”
“Didn’t you just say to turn the smile off?” He hadn’t turned it off yet thank god.
“Ignore sleepy Eddie, he’s a monster hell bent on my destruction. I need it to continue my existence in this world.” Another rumble “I also need food.” Another laugh, god was there anything he owned, that he would not give away to keep that laugh in his life? Maybe his guitar but that was it. “Specifically, chips and peanut butter.” He didn’t care what flavour chips they might be, he wanted chips, and he wanted peanut butter, preferably together.
“Good job I have a few goodies then hm?” A quick rummage later and he procured two bags of cheese and chive chips and a jar of peanut butter.
“When did you have time to go get these?” Eddie made grabby hands as he spoke, happily pulling them into his chest and beginning his feast loudly and unashamedly.
“I didn’t, Robin brought them for me, along with the supplies I asked for”
“…When did you start befriending ex-band geeks?”
“The summer after I graduated, we were working the saaaaame shit job at the mall? Then we worked the same shit job at the video store, then we worked the same shit job at that haunted house that pops up every Halloween? Y’know, the one in the creepy as shit murder house?” Eddie nodded, he knew the one, kids would often dare each other to go in, supposedly there’d been some gruesome murders in it once upon a time but… ancient history now. “We just kinda… followed each other from job to job until we landed here, y’know?”
“An… an you’re sure you both arent—”
“I mean yeah, once upon a time, I may have had a crush. She’s really cool, and funny, and smart, an it’s very easy to develop crush on her, but… once I got past that, and trust me, that’s been gone for years, it’s been very much platonic with a capital P. I love her, but like a sister. People say we share a braincell sometimes.” Eddie snorted a little laugh, although he could have easily found himself jealous, could have easily found himself irritable, Steve was just so damn sincere about Robin.
He was just… he loved his sister. Even if she wasn’t blood related, she was his sister in every other way that mattered.
He stuffed a peanut butter slathered chip into his mouth and chewed in silent thought.
“—Is that okay?” He’d been quiet for too long, Steve was looking at him, hesitant, Robin was non-negotiable. He’d choose Robin over anyone, even if it meant he’d be single forever, he’d have Robin there with him.
“Have some people made you think that it’s not?”
“I’ve had a few Omegas try and demand I stop talking to her…” those relationships ended immediately.
“Then I hope you told them to take a hike, family comes first, especially the family you choose. I think it’s real cute that you love your sister, Stevie” And just like that, all the weight and uncertainty just kind of melted from Steve’s shoulders, he relaxed, he smiled again, and god he was just so pretty from that angle. Eddie could look up at him forever, the view only being improved by Steve feeding him grapes like in one of those paintings. Chips and peanut butter would have to do for the time being. “Same as I think it’s real cute that you like being the little spoon.” The laugh was better though.
His beautiful laugh, the way it lit up his face, it made him all warm and cosy inside. Like being bundled up in the comfiest of sweaters in front of a log fire on a winters night with a good book and a cup of hot cocoa.
“And you prefer being the big spoon?”
“That I do, big boy, that I do… guess we were made for each other, huh? Do you think they’ll let us kiss if you tell them we’re sleep position compatible?”
“No, they won’t.” He didn’t even need to ask, but he was at least a little impressed at how Eddie had swerved right back to trying his luck regardless of the expected outcome. So tenacious of him.
It sort of reminded Steve of how many times the guy had attempted senior year before he'd eventually cracked it. Determined to graduate regardless of how many people doubted him.
“Worth a shot.” Something told Steve that it wouldnt be the last shot he'd take.
Part 11
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