#btob au
noceurkoi · 7 months
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you made this song who i am
Fleurmione Week 2023
Day 7: Free Day
Battle of the Bands AU
(Inspired by LOONA's 2022 season's greetings photoshoot. Title taken from the lyrics of ‘Rock with you’ by SEVENTEEN.)
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seawitch62 · 2 years
Birthday Cake
Birthday cake surprise, Huta/Minhyuk your present. 
Stripper AU. Suggestive. 
Word count 510
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Birthday cake.
The surprise birthday party is in full swing.
Alcohol flowing freely, food consumed at a fast pace.
Laughter and conversation light.
The mood is full on party mode.
The birthday girl received and opened her many gifts with delightful glee.
Her bestie who painstakingly organized the party has a secret she is about to reveal.
She motions with a wave of her hand.
A large tiered birthday cake is ushered in.
Everyone now has eyes on the cake.
Music filters through the speakers, lights shine on the cake.
♡Hot, burning, heat up the track
Take a easy step
Leave it to the rhythm
(Uh, uh, uh, uh)
Fell down naturally
I'm sorry, there's no way out
A big welcome, welcome
(Uh, uh, uh, uh)♡
The party guest look at the cake  with anticipation, the birthday girl looks at the scene and takes in the atmosphere, a feeling of nervousness and curiosity.
As the music plays the tiers of the cake, rumble.
The cake walls fall, to reveal a handsome, chiselled man wearing all black leather and cowboy hat.
Giggles fill the room.
Huta or Minhyuk if  you prefer, moves to the rhythm, every gesture seductive and dripping masculine sex appeal.
The female guests cheer and clap their eyes fixated on him.
Slowly with purposeful allure he removes his shirt revealing his well toned arms and abs.
Squeals of approval are his reward demanding more.
Turning his  back to the audience, revealing his shoulders and back, his defined form on show.
He dances to attract his body swaying.
Turning, he focuses on the birthday girl.
With a swiftness not expected, he is at her side.
Rubbing his body against hers.
He whispers in her ear,
 ♡Oh, baby, a'ight I'm worth it
It's okay, don't be shy
One more time, a'ight, just feel it
Oh, deep in my eyes
I'll give you all the thrill and sweetness
Everything is for you♡
Goosebumps cover her body, his face so close to hers.
Dancing his seduction, the birthday girl is captivated.
Placing the cowboy hat on her head, his arms surround her, consume her.
Gently he
 places her hands on his chest, as he stands behind her, his hips swaying left and right.
He navigates her hands with his, roaming and exploring his form.
Little by little they edge lower and lower.
Whispering in her ear.
♡Boom, shaka-laka
Boom, shaka-laka
I'm ready, you ready? Uh♡
Feeling immensely turned on, inhibitions gone. 
Her hands touch his crutch and she lets loose and explores. 
The guests are going wild, her friends jealous but enjoying the show.
He grinds his hips into her ass, turning her around, he proceeds to bump and grind.
With a wink, he unclasps his black leather pants, swinging them above his head.
Naked as the moment of his birth, masculine confidence oozing, he goes back to the cake.
A few final dance steps for the party guests.
The music stops.
Moans of regret fill the air.
With a smile and wink he departs.
Is the consensus.
"Just wow!".
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sunnyville36 · 2 years
hold me back, or tear the world down with me
character reveal four
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{series masterlist}
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misswoozi · 1 year
Btob Minhyuk is the president of the universities LGBT+ club. The club always raises the most money for charity every year mostly due to the success of their car wash. People turn up to gawk at Minhyuk in his Jean cut off shorts and soaked through white shirt. He knows he’s hot but pretends to be naive. What most people don’t know is that he has a huge crush on student library assistant Xiaojun. Xiaojun is in charge of locking up the library at night. Often he’ll sneak Minhyuk in after closing and the two of them fuck in between the book shelves.
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curiosrp-ads · 1 month
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Will you let curiosity kill you?
Be not afraid of the Chaos.
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iamacolor · 10 months
ah au fait, j'ai vu que tu postais parfois sur btob. j'aimerais avoir tes recommandations de chansons. j'aimerais bien écouter leur discographie mais je ne sais pas par où commencer ^^'
alors j'arrive (encore une fois) bien en retard pour répondre (t'as peut-être déjà commencer à te plonger dans leur musique lol) désolée désolée mais j'espère tout de même que ces recommandations te seront utiles!
tout d'abord il faut savoir que btob c'est un groupe assez "ancien" (en kpop) donc ils ont sortis beaucoup d'albums et je les ai pas encore tous écoutés ou alors pas en détail (souvent quand je découvre un groupe qui a déjà une discographie importante, je suis leurs nouveautés mais je prends pas toujours le temps d'écouter chacune de leurs chansons existantes) même si j'en ai écouté pas mal de leur musique. C'est aussi un groupe avec plusieurs sub-units et projets solos de qualité! Ils sont en général connus pour la qualité de leurs voix (pour de bonnes raisons! eunkwang est le main vocal mais changsubg et hyunsik sont des chanteurs de dingues et sungjae aussi enfin ils pourraient tous être main vocals d'autres groupes alors ensemble c'est un truc fou - même huta qui est pourtant un rappeur est un chanteur super fort), le fait que pas mal des membres participent à la création de la musique (principalement hyunsik et huta - et ilhoon quand il était encore dans le groupe) et pour être très drôles (tu sens que la musique et le travail c'est sérieux pour eux mais qu'ils ne se prennent vraiment pas au sérieux eux-même donc je te conseille vraiment de te plonger aussi dans leur contenu d'interview et de jeux télévisés etc - ils sont le premier boygroup à avoir participer à l'émission knowing bros par exemple)
Pour une première intro je te conseille de regarder leur vidéo killing voice où ils chantent un medley de plusieurs extraits de leurs chansons en live donc ça peut te faire un petit aperçu de ce qui t'attend!
Pour ce qui est de leur titres principaux, mes préfs sont (sans ordre particulier sauf pour la première) les suivantes (et je te recommande de regarder les clips vidéos parce qu'ils en ont souvent avec des histoires assez poussés ou bien cinématographiques!):
I'll be your man (je te conseille vraiment la vidéo de celle-ci, la chanson en elle-même est très dramatique avec un très bon mélange de chant et de rap mais le clip rajoute un niveau de drama supérieur lol c'est vraiment le genre de refrain que je me verrai bien chanter à tue-tête pour me défouler si je savais chanter comme eux et que j'avais pas peur de déranger mes voisins)
outsider (celle-ci n'est chantée que par 4 membres puisque les autres étaient dans l'armée à ce moment là et elle est super entrainante et fun avec un côté jazzy qui va très bien avec leurs voix)
missing you (c'est LE gros hit de leur carrière qui a fait un vrai buzz en corée et qui leur a permis de sortir d'une carrière un peu stagnante sans grand succès et qui est toujours un classique - ils font pas mal de chansons mélancoliques pour mettre en avant la voix de leurs chanteurs même s'ils ont de très bons rappeurs - enfin un de moins maintenant que ilhoon est parti et j'avoue que le style de peniel est pas mon préféré mais huta reste là pour sauver le style lol bref c'est une sorte de ballad contemporaine très réussie et entrainante et c'est juste le bon niveau de mélancolie et de chant je trouve, enfin je comprend bien pourquoi elle a bien marché et pourquoi je peux pas la skippé sur spotify quand elle vient dans mon mix)
beautiful pain (dans celle-ci il manque eunkwang le leader qui était à l'armée et elle est un peu dans le même style que missing you ce côté très mélancolique, à vif avec une très bonne maitrise de la voix, de l'émotion dans la musique etc - la vidéo de celle-ci m'a particulièrement émue)
it's okay (les harmonies sont vraiment super belles sur cette chanson - une de leurs plus anciennes avec soit un clip version dance - sachant qu'ils sont pas connus pour être des danceurs extra forts donc leur choréo sont assez en retenue par rapport à ce qu'on a l'habitude voir dans les groupes masculins mais bon vu le type de musique et ce qu'ils donnent en vocalisations ça serait un peut bizarre de les voir faire du breakdance en même temps! mais j'aime beaucoup celle-ci qui utilise une disposition sympa avec des chaises et un côté un peu intimiste - soit un clip version mini film qui n'a pas de sous-titres mais que je te conseille quand même de regarder - ils sont franchement tous assez bons acteurs et d'ailleurs plusieurs d'entre eux ont des très bonnes carrières à la télé ou dans des comédies musicales sur le côté)
the song (c'est leur première chanson après le retour de tous les membres suite à leur service militaire - sauf ilhoon qui a dû quitter le groupe pendant son service - et j'aime tout particulièrement le début et la partie de rap de huta, la chanson est assez douce avant de s'envoler un peu avec leur voix, mais il y a ce côté assez intime et dans les paroles ils font pas mal références à leurs anciennes chansons)
movie (celle ci est un peu plus fun et énergétique et entrainante avec un style un peu funk qui met de bonne humeur et le clip est bien divertissant avec toutes les références cinématographiques)
wow (c'est leur premier comeback après leur début et c'est très marrant de voir le concept qui leur avait été attribué complétement différent du style plutôt mélancolique qui a vraiment fait leur succès mais c'est une chanson elle aussi assez funk que je trouve super sympa dans son énergie un peu exagérée - la phrase de l'intro c'est un peu devenu une blague mais la chanson te rentre vraiment en tête et tu vois aussi que dés leur début ils avaient un super niveau vocal et le style change de ce qu'on entend dans les boygroups aujourd'hui)
en dehors de leurs singles, mes b-sides préférées ce sont:
blue moon de l'album this is us (c'est un chef d'oeuvre cette chanson)
rock & hip hop de l'album feel'em
your love de l'album wind and wish (c'est leur dernier album et je suis malheureusement très partagée sur le single principal j'aime beaucoup les parties un peu rock mais par contre le refrain pas du tout mdr)
complete (intro) de l'album complete (petite intro accapella pour bien faire comprendre qu'ils sont là pour chanter et bien!)
can't breathe de l'album 4U: outside
finale (our concert) de l'album brother act (c'est LA chanson de fin de concert où ils y vont à fond niveau voix et force)
running into breakup de l'album brother act
nanana de l'album brother act (tout l'album brother act en fait lol c'est aussi celui qui a missing you)
higher, whiskey et my way de l'album be together et aussi la chanson be together (principalement pour une phrase que j'adore absolument dans cette chanson pour la manière dont ils chantent 'ouri storyyy' en changeant de registre de voix - un petit délice audio)
je te recommande aussi vraiment de regarder leurs prestations lors de l'émission kingdom (qu'ils ont fait à 4 seulement en reprenant leurs chansons avec des nouveaux styles mais t'aurai jamais cru qu'il leur manquait ne serait-ce qu'un seul membre alors qu'il leur en manquait 3 et huta a démontré qu'il était un super chanteur et pas seulement un rappeur- ils ont beaucoup joué sur leur côté thétrale/comédie musicale pour vraiment donner vie aux chansons et ce sont ces prestations qui m'ont un peu replongé dans leur musique) et c'est pour cette émission qu'ils ont créée la chanson finale (show and prove) que je te recommande aussi (ils étaient que 4 mais vraiment ils ont trop montré que c'est un groupe qui aiment être sur scène, qui ont de l'xpérience et qui connaissent leurs forces, qui aiment s'amuser et se donner à fond pour le public et pour que celui-ci passe un super moment - l'intro de chansung et eunkwangs me donnent toujours des frissons quand je la regarde):
beautiful pain version chorale
missing you version théâtre traditionnel
blue moon version cinéma
cover de back door
finale (show and prove)
Après j'aime aussi beaucoup le travail solo de ilhoon (surtout she's gone qui est tellement catchy, j'adore le refrain, j'adore sa voix, j'adore son rythme, je sais pas s'il refera de la musique un jour mais je l'espère vraiment parce qu'il est trés fort - j'aime aussi always et big wave ), huta (surtout ya, boom et shadow) et hyunsik - je te recommande tout son mini album rendez-vous avec son single dear love (et je te recommande vraiment la vidéo de cette chanson c'est une drame romantique de sf à elle toute seule en 5 minutes quoi) et ma chanson préférée rendez-vous, c'est juste un chef d'oeuvre de soft rock mélancolique cet album avec une voix de dingue, je l'ai écouté en boucle pendant des mois, la version live de l'album m'a fait pleurer aussi enfin bref je suis tout à fait normal par rapport à cet album - aussi écoute rainy apugjeon, swimming (un autre chef d'oeuvre - au cas où tu n'aurais pas deviné c'est mon préféré, j'adore sa voix et sa musique) et if I hug you (il a officiellement sorti cette chanson en 2020 mais en fait il l'a écrit beaucoup plus tôt lors d'un programme télé que je te recommande si tu veux en découvrir un peu plus sur le processus d'écriture d'une chanson et la dynamique du groupe (Hyena on the keyboard: playliste de clips avec aussi l'épisode complet avec les autres invités) - changsub est surtout connu pour ses apparitions comiques dans divers programmes tv (dont plusieurs avec eunkwang) et pour son émission actuelle sur youtube où il teste toutes sortes de formations universitaires coréennes (que je te recommande franchement c'est super intéressant et marrant) mais il fait aussi beaucoup de comédies musicales et il a une voix de dingue alors je te conseille de regarder son apparition sur l'émission lee mujin service et une de ses chansons solo, gone
pour les autres membres j'avoue que je connais/j'aime moins leur style mais je tiens à souligner que sungjae (qui a été le premier des membres à devenir vraiment célébre grâce à ses rôles dans des dramas et sa participation à we got married avec joy de red velvet) a sorti une chanson intitulée i want to be a chicken (quand je te disais qu'ils ne se prenaient pas trop au sérieux lol)!
j'espère que tu vas apprécier ces découvertes, n'hésite pas à me faire part de tes préférées! tout ça me donne envie de me replonger dans leur discographie et de redécouvrir les chansons que j'ai pas écouté depuis longtemps ou celles que j'ai encore jamais écouté 😊
j'espère que tu vas bien et que tu passes un bel été 💜💜💜
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insidious-rp · 2 years
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「 ͏ Inspired by The Vampire Diaries, The Originals, The Legacies, American Horror Story ͏ 」
OC roleplay // Literate // 19+ mun & muse // Supernatural City AU // All Orientations // Based on Mewe // Modern Setting in New Orleans // Welcomes Asian descents & Internationals // Black Market System
❛ welcome to new orleans! ❜ ─ We’ve been awaiting your presence. Glad you found your way home, Halcyon Lionne.
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chans-room · 8 months
Welcome to SPOOKYFEST 2023 🦇
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Because it’s my favourite time of year, I decided I want to commit to writing and posting spooky flavoured content until Halloween! I already started working on some things, but I really want this to be as interactive as possible!
I’m going to be doing headcanons, rankings, moodboards, fake texts, reactions, and drabbles (sfw and nsfw) and I’m willing to do multiple groups for the same concept. Y’all will just have to tell me who you wanna see where 🖤
My requests will also be open for autumn/Halloween ideas/thots/prompts and I’m going to try to keep everything under 1k but I know who I am so no promises.
Rules for requesting: Anything goes! Dead dove, dark content, yandere, murder, smut, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, AUs, etc! I’ll try to do as many as I can. I don’t have many hard limits as to what I’ll write; my only hard no’s are parent fics and pregnancy fics. Otherwise, feel free to send in whatever you desire!
Requests are open for the following groups: Stray Kids, Ateez, Seventeen, SHINee, KARD, Block B, BTOB, Got7, EXO, Monsta X, and NCT.
However!! I will be mostly offline from October 13-27th so anything I have to post during that time will be thrown in the queue and I’ll be back to finish out whatever requests I hopefully have after the 27th.
Happy haunting!
I’m just gonna tag some moots who might be interested: @kiestrokes @minttangerines @minisugakoobies @j-a-nuary @bibbykins @eureka-its-zico @sailoryooons @gimmethatagustd @chimivx @skyys-universe
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feelbokkie · 10 months
Don’t Let Me Love You | Playlists
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pairing:  Felix x fem reader; Chan x fem reader
genre: smau, fake dating, crack, angst, fluff, non!idol au
warnings: Possible spoilers?? Or maybe just misdirection
summary: With the upcoming wedding of her cousin and her ex, Y/n is in desperate need of a date for the wedding that will show the happy couple that she moved on.
©feelbokkie (2023) — all rights reserved. reposting/modification of any kind is not tolerated.
The firsts two songs in Chan's playlists aren't going to show up because I had to download them from my iTunes BUT I will link them right here if you want to listen to them
무단횡단 (Jaywalking) by Sung Joon
Wake Up by Sung Joon
*There are some repeated songs between the playlists. Interpret that how you will*
DLMLU Series Playlist (Spotify Link)
DLMLU by Stray Kids
Can't Stop by Stray Kids (Seungmin, I.N)
Heartbreak by Christian Leave
Careful What You Wish For by Bad Omens
Quite Miss Home by James Arthur
Hug All Ur Friends by Cavetown
I Hate Myself for Loving You by Joan Jett & the Blackhearts
Not Falling Apart by Maroon 5
Sorry, I Love You by Stray Kids
Silent Cry by Stray Kids
The Kids Aren't Alright by Fall Out Boy
Look After You by The Fray
Catching Feelings by Justin Bieber
Lover of Mine by 5 Seconds of Summer
Can't Take My Eyes off You by Frankie Valli
Temporary Bliss by The Cab
Why Won't You Love Me by 5 Seconds of Summer
Lonely Hearts by 5 Seconds of Summer
Lie to Me by 5 Seconds of Summer
This is Gospel by Panic! At the Disco
Cuz I Love You by Lizzo
Paper Houses by Niall Horan
If I Could Fly by One Direction
Monet Issues by Chase Petra
Not in the Same Way by 5 Seconds of Summer
July by Noah Cyrus
A Soulmate Who Wasn't Meant to Be by Jess Benko
To Be So Lonely by Harry Styles
Truly Madly Deeply by One Direction
Y/n's Playlist (Spotify Link)
Can't Take My Eyes off You by Frankie Valli
Everybody Hurts by Avril Lavigne
To Build A Home by The Cinematic Orchestra
Superficial Love by Ruth B.
Why Won't You Love Me by 5 Seconds of Summer
Pleaser by Wallows
Stay by Post Malone
The Harold Song by Kesha
Mr. Brightside by The Killers
i love you by Billie Eilish
Unloveable by The Smiths
All I Want by Kodaline
Therapy by All Time Low
Please Never Fall in Love Again by Ollie MN
Leave Your Lover by Sam Smith
You Belong With Me (Taylor's Version) by Taylor Swift
Falling Out of Love With You by Rome Hero Foxes
Hard to Love by ONE OK ROCK
Still into You by Paramore
Before He Cheats by Carrie Underwood
Please Don't Leave Me by P!nk
In Luv With U by Finn
Hopelessly Devoted To You by Olivia Newton-John
Schizophrenic Playboy by The Crabnerries
Die In Your Arms by Justin Bieber
I Loved You by DAY6
Cough Syrup (Glee Cast Version) by Glee Cast
Temporary Bliss by The Cab
Fuck You by CeeLo Green
Amnesia by 5 Seconds of Summer
Felix's Playlist (Spotify Link)
Deep end by Stray Kids (Felix)
Please by Chelsea Cutler, Jeremy Zucker
In Too Deep by Why Don't We
Sunflower by Rex Orange County
I Can't Make You Love Me by Dave Thomas Junior
Therapy by All Time Low
Mr. Loverman by Rick Montgomery
Fergalicious by Fergie, will.i.am
Sweet Creature by Harry Styles
Somewhere Only We Know by Keane
Dirty Little Secret by The All-American Rejects
Gives You Hell by The All-American Rejects
fOoL fOr YoU by ZAYN
All I Wanted by Paramore
I Hear a Symphony by Cody Fry
Heartbreak by Christian Leave
Complicated by Avril Lavigne
It's U by Cavetown
Talking to the Moon by Bruno Mars
Yellow by Coldplay
Pushin' Me Away by Jonas Brothers
Die In Your Arms by Justin Bieber
I Need Somebody by DAY6
She Will Be Loved by Maroon 5
Can't Help Falling in Love by Christian Leave
She Is the Sunlight by Trading Yesterday
I Don't Love You by My Chemical Romance
Temporary Bliss by The Cab
Can't Stop by Stray Kids (Seungmin, I.N)
Pray (I'll Be Your Man) by BTOB
Chan's Playlist (Spotify Link)
무단횡단 (Jaywalking) by Sung Joon
Wake Up by Sung Joon
i hate to admit by Stray Kids (Bang Chan)
Can't Take My Eyes off You by Frankie Valli
And I Love Her by Kurt Cobain
Bad Diary Days by Pedro The Lion
Love is Dead by Tokio Hotel
Mr. Brightside by The Killers
She Doesn't Love Me by Billy Cobb
I'm a Mess by Ed Sheeran
Breakeven by The Script
Your Song by Elton John
I Hate That You're Happy by Tiny Little Houses
I Miss You by blink-182
Can't Have You by Jonas Brothers
Love Unfinished by Christian Leave
The Truth Untold by BTS, Steve Aoki
Don't Wanna Cry by SEVENTEEN
It's Definitely You by V, JIN
Missing You by BTOB
Ex by Stray Kids
i love you more than you will ever know by Never Shout Never
The One That Got Away - Acoustic Version by Katy Perry
I'm Lost Without You by blink-182
Lover, Please Stay by Nothing But Thieves
hell is where i dreamt of u and woke up alone by blackbear
i'm in love with u, sorry by j'san
DLMLU by Stray Kids
When I Was Your Man by BTOB
Buy me a coffee?
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seawitch62 · 2 years
Fanfiction Masterlist
Delusional Woods - Multiple (Seonghwa) - Suggestive
Shoo Fly! - Hongjoong - 3rd POV
Worst Date Scenario - Yeosang x OC
The Orchard - Jongho x reader 
Stay or Go - Mingi x reader
The Lighthouse - Yunho x reader - suggestive 
Metamorphosis - Yeosang x reader - yandere 
Genie - Wooyoung x  Hongjoong x reader - yandere
The Convention - Seonghwa x reader 
Unfriended - San x reader - yandere
AOMG/ h1ghrmusic/MoreVision
The Trolls - Jay Park - Poem
Worst Date Scenario - Jay Park - Fluff
The Collector _ Jay Park - Humour 
Backstreet Boys Party - Jay Park x Backstreet Boys - Horror 
Altar - Moonbin x reader- Horror yandere
Big Bang 
Cursed! - Jiyong x reader 
Birthday Cake - Minhyuk x Reader - Suggestive
Dean - Kwon Hyuk
Torment of the Demon -Dean   x reader - yandere
The P.I - Yunho x OC - Detective AU
The P.I (2) - Yunho - Detective AU
Forget Me Not - Jaejoong x OC
Once Upon A Time - Jaejoong x OC
No Exit - Junsu x OC x Jaejoong - Suggestive
The Boss - Junsu x OC
Linked by Ink - Jaejoong x reader - fluff - fantasy 
The Rooms - Changmin x Minho x reader 
Season of the Witch - Junsu x reader -yandere
Carnival of Fright -  Heeseung - Horror 
Worst Date Scenario - Kyungsoo x Reader
Delusional Woods - Multiple (Sehun) - Suggestive
The Honey Trap - Lay x reader - Suggestive  
Flight 472 - Kai x reader - fluff
Office Dalliance - Suho x reader - smut 
The Satyr - Xuimin - humour 
Imprint -  Baekhyun x reader - yandere smut 
Truth best told cold - Suho x reader - yandere 
Re-Run? - OT7 x OC 
Re-Run, Re-Run - OT7 x OC
The Maintence Guy - Junhoe x reader 
Monsta X
Truth Captured - Kihyun
Romantic getaway in October -  Hyungwon x reader -  horror 
Night Terrors - Minhyuk x reader - yandere
Here Kitty, Kitty! - Joohoney x reader - yandere horror 
Revenge is best served in high heels - Yandere Johnny
The Purple - Taeyong x OC - Implied Smut
The Purple (2) - Taeyong x OC 
Worst Date Scenario - Yuta
Aliens Are Here! - Mark x OC - X-Files AU
Baby Doll - Doyoung x reader - Yandere
I Wonder - Haechan x reader - yandere
Mark and the guys in black -  Mark x reader
Green Tea Fangs - Jaehyun x reader - suggestive- horror
The Mechanic - Taeil l x reader - yandere 
The Tribe - Leedo x OC - Fluff
The Sculptor - Wooseok x reader - yandere 
The Rose
The Garden - Woosung x reader - yandere 
Catnip Man Series - Jeonghan x OC - Fluff
Worst Date Scenario - Mingyu x OC
Roadside Service - Seungkwan x reader - fluff
The Shortcut - Joshua x reader
Mountain Laurel (Kalmia latifolia) -  Jeonghan x reader - Yandere 
Party -  Minghao x reader 
Autons. - Vernon x reader - sci fi - horror
Home - Kibum (Key) x reader 
The Rooms - Minho x Changmin x reader 
The Tribe (2) - Multiple x OC
Cancelled Flight - SF9 x OC
The 10 O’Clock - Rowoon x reader - smut
Chapstick Caper - Jaeyoon x reader 
Narcissus - Hwiyoung x reader - Suggestive - yandere 
Friends with Benefits - Jaeyoon x reader 
Stray Kids
The Arena - Bang Chan - King of Hell
Munchausen syndrome by proxy. -  Hyunjin x reader - yandere
Drenched payback - Minho x reader 
The Interrogation. - Christopher x reader - horror 
Super Junior 
Bus Ride - Donghae x reader 
Welcome To Reality - Jinhyuk x Reader - Yandere
Compiler -  Gyehyeon x reader - horror 
Timemaster - Seungsik x Reader
Replacement - Leo x OC - Yandere
Wanna One 
Sneakers - Sungwoon x reader - fluff
The Changeling - Kang Daniel x reader 
Worst Date Scenario - Jay Park x OC
The Collector - Jay
Delusional Woods - Multiple (Wooyoung) - Suggestive
Stress Relief - Junho x reader - smut 
Fragrant Obsession - Jun.k x reader - yandere
Kdrama Actor
Mr. S - Lee Dong Wook x OC - Suggestive
The Marionettist.- Lee Dong Wook x reader - yandere
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misswoozi · 2 years
Steve wasn't intending to choke kink Hongjoong. He was teaching him how to fight and Hongjoong just couldn't help his erection when Steve's hand tightened around his throat.
first and foremost: I am having an asthma attack and I do not even have asthma
anyway what's funny about this is I headcanon Steve and Hongjoong the same way in this one specific instance -- I think they're both IMPATIENT when they're horny. Steve would notice the bulge in Hongjoong's fight shorts and his blushing cheeks IMMEDIATELY and that would be it.
I see Steve as being bisexual with a preference for men and an oral fixation so he'd waste no time dropping to his knees. but he wouldn't let Hongjoong finish without fucking his brains out (with his hand on HJ's throat because now this is a very fun new element to their previously professional relationship.)
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oraclekleo · 2 years
Master Post - List of Completed Readings and Works in Progress (WIP)
I strongly urge you to take all the tarot readings on this account lightly. All the posts are intended to have an entertaining nature, they are pure speculations and completely made up by me. I can never ever guarantee any of it and you should never take any of the tarot readings for granted. I would like to stress that I know no idol nor actor personally, I never met any of them and all those readings are fictional, imagins, make believe and hypothetical scenarios. Do not base any of your life decisions on a tarot reading only, always use your common sense. If you have issues with tarot cards for religious or other reasons, do not engage in reading my posts.
When you make a request take my life into consideration and be patient. I’m a responsible adult with a full time job, dog, family, friends, duties, house chores and requests from other sources. All these take my time. Also reading tarot cards requires a certain mood, vibe and concentration, it can’t be done just anytime. Count on the time delays, please. I will do my best to complete your requests.
I’m always willing to help out if you yourself consider taking on tarot cards as a hobby. Feel free to ask if you have any inquiries about it, no question is dumb. I don’t know everything but will try to help the best I can.
Tip me for my readings on ko-fi! Purely optional! All readings are for free now!
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LINK: https://ko-fi.com/oraclekleo
Requests status:
K-Pop Readings - CLOSED
Tarot Readings
Monsta X
NCT (All sub-units)
Omega X
Solo Artists
Stray Kids
Super Junior
The Boyz
The Rose
(only Yunho and Changmin, see the former members among solo artists)
US, UK, CA, AUS Actors
Xdinary Heroes
*(WIP) = works in progress
Tip me for my readings on ko-fi! Purely optional! All readings are for free now!
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flurrys-creativity · 5 months
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Pairing: Minhyuk (BTOB) x GN!Reader; Genre: Mafia AU, Arranged Marriage AU; Rating: sfw, PG-13; Warnings: none; Wordcount: 555
Summary: After a long day of work and not having seen you at all, Minhyuk calls out for you.
A/N: Sooo when this man posted these pictures on his instagram, I overthrew all my original tipsy drabble ideas and decided I had to write something based on this picture.
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Minhyuk rubbed over his face tiredly as he poured the last alcoholic liquid into his drink. Having a peace treaty scheduled at his own place truly took a toll on him. While it had to be done for a beneficial future, he couldn’t help himself but to be on edge throughout the whole time.
It wasn’t unusual for a lot of men to go in and out of his home, most of his members were men after all. But having men from rivalling clans in his house became a different level of nerve wracking. 
Minhyuk placed the bottle of alcohol on his office desk and grabbed the glass as he turned around and leant against the wooden surface. He took a few sips while his eyes stared unfocused into the distance.
He hadn’t seen you - his spouse - throughout the whole day. Normally you’d at least wander around the ground level or through the gardens every now and then but today you hadn't left the upper floor at all. 
Minhyuk pushed himself away from the desk and strutted towards the entrance hall. His dark velvet robe flowed behind him from the brisk pace. Once all the men had left, Minhyuk had changed out of his suit jacket, tie and shirt, leaving him in his slacks and the robe he chose to put on.
Minhyuk stopped in the middle of the hallway, staring up to the top of the stairs and waiting for you. He was about to call your name again, when he heard the click of a door opening and closing.
Soon enough he heard your soft steps approaching the staircase. His breath caught in his lungs when you appeared, stunning and ethereal. Your cold and calculating eyes zoned in on his body and hadn’t he already stared at you, he wouldn’t have noticed how you faltered in your steps.
“You called”, you said after clearing your throat, slowly descending the stairs while one of your hands glided over the handrail. Your eyes never left his body, feeling how your heart thumbed loudly against your ribcage upon seeing his toned upper body.
Even though you sort of avoided your husband, still salty you never had a say in who’d you marry, you couldn’t deny the attraction you felt towards him.
“I didn’t see you today.”
“Then I was more successful than the other days”, you commented snarkily once you finally reached him. You grabbed the glass out of his hand, swirling the liquid and taking a short swig of it. You barely contained your neutral expression upon tasting the drink. “What is this?” You asked and handed the glass back to Minhyuk.
“Bijou”, he answered you and stepped closer. Minyhuk raised his hand and brushed a strand of hair behind your ear. “It means jewel or small and elegant.” His voice was barely a whisper, his breath caressing the skin on your face. Minhyuk placed a finger under your chin and lifted it, so you would look at him. “Just like you’re my bijou.”
Your breath hitched and your eyes naturally fluttered close right before Minhyuk crossed the space between you and his lips pressed against yours.
While you would have loved to choose him as your husband yourself, you didn’t necessarily mind being stuck with him for the rest of your life.
© all rights reserved
Taglist: @xavi-in-kpopland​ 
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eternalmingki · 2 years
After All This Time (c.jh)
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❊ Pairing: choi jongho x gn!reader
❊ Genre: fluff, long distance relationship, non-idol!au
❊ Warnings: fluff
❊ Wc: 1.8k
❊ Featuring: Eunkwang|BTOB, Seungmin|Stray Kids
❊ Summary: you and jongho met when you were visiting South Korea on vacation. you both decided to exchange numbers to keep in contact. you both ended up dating after texting and face timing for months on end. now, two years later, you were surprising him with something special.
❊a/n: Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated since that’s how the algorithm here works. So if you could reblog my works or leave a comment that would be greatly appreciated!
You smiled as you were continuing your packing. You had gotten the official documents for your visa today as well as the official transfer for your job and you were beyond excited. At the end of the week, you were planning on flying out to Korea as a surprise to your boyfriend.
You and Jongho met 2 and a half years ago when you were vacationing. And you had fallen head over heels for the man when you had run into him at a market. He felt bad for bumping into you and decided to buy you something to make up for it. Specifically, food, which you were greatly appreciative for. You told him you were visiting on vacation and he offered to show you around a little, to places most people didn’t know about unless they knew the area.
And after that initial interaction, you asked for his number, flustering the boy before he agreed. And over your time there, you continuously met up. He showed you around, showed you amazing places to eat. You both had an amazing time.
Now, two and a half years later, you were dating. After talking about him for the millionth time to your friends, one of them said something about it. Asked you why you two weren’t dating yet. You brushed it off, your face bright pink. But that comment got you thinking. So that very night you had called him.
“Hey! You caught me at a good time! I’m headed off to lunch with Eunkwang Hyung and Seungmin Hyung!” you recalled those names being a couple of people from Jongho’s job.
“Oh..! I can call you back if you’d like.” you quickly said, embarrassed about what you were going to bring up to him.
“No, no! You're okay! I'm on my way now. What's up?” he asked. You were so nervous, where did you even begin? Did you try to give this long explanation? No, that would be too embarrassing.
“There’s something I needed to tell you,” you said and he waited for you to continue. “So. I’ve been thinking recently. We’ve been talking for, what, six months now?” you asked.
You could hear the smile in his voice. “Yeah! It definitely doesn’t feel like it’s been that long at all,” he said sweetly.
You smiled. God, he was so cute. “Well, I know we live in entirely different parts of the world and we can only call one another. But I wanted to tell you that I really like you. You’re very sweet to me and I’ve been feeling this way I think for a little while now. I understand if you don’t want to try because of the distance. But I thought it would be better if I told you rather than holding it in.” you ranted, cheeks pink. And when you were met with silence from his end, you got even more flustered. “Sorry. It was stupid to bring up. I’ll leave you to your day.”
“No!” He quickly said and you had to pull the phone away from your ear from how loud he said that. You then heard him clear his throat. “I mean, I just never thought you’d like me back. I was worried you wouldn’t want to try because of our distance.”
And just like that, you two started dating. And one day, you got something in the mail, just after your and Jongho’s first year anniversary. It was a promise ring with his and your initials engraved on the inside of it. And a note from Jongho.
You read through it and had immediately called him afterward, in tears from how sweet it was. He was confessing his love to you in this letter, promising himself to you.
And here you were in the present day, having finished packing you played with the ring and smiled as you picked up your phone and face timed him. He picked up the phone and you couldn’t help but get shy. It was the morning for him, so he must have just woken. He was laying in bed, the top part of his chest being exposed from under the blanket. “Hey, sunshine. What’s up?” he asked in his morning voice.
“Hi, baby. I just wanted to call and tell you some amazing news,” you said happily.
“Did you get a promotion at work?” he asked.
“Not exactly. Something even better,” you said, smiling happily. He looked confused as he tried to wrack his brain.
“I got nothing. What’s this exciting news you have for me then?” he asked.
“Well. My work approved a transfer for me,” you said. Having just woken up, he wasn’t catching on. “Jongho. My transfer is to Korea. I’m gonna be living there now.” his eyes slowly lit up as he realized and he bolted up, making sure to keep the blanket over his chest.
“Oh my god, are you serious?” he asked quickly, and you smiled happily and nodded. “When?”
“The end of the week. That’s when my flight is.” you said, watching as he went to grab a shirt before picking his phone back up.
“Oh jeez. I have to clean and get this place ready if you’re gonna live here.” he said and you flushed.
“With you? I mean, are we ready for that?” you asked.
“y/n. We’ve been dating for two years. Granted, we haven’t been together physically at all those two years, but I think we’re ready for that. I’m just ready to be able to hold you every day.” Jongho said and you smiled. 
“Well, my flight is just before 5 am from here on friday. So if things hold true, I should be getting there around 9 am your time on Saturday.” you said and he ran a hand through his hair. Gosh he was just too pretty.
“Then I will make sure this place is perfect for you. I can’t wait to see you again.” he said softly, smiling at the camera.
“And I can’t wait to see you, Jongho.”
The next week, you were so antsy. You were leaving your life behind here, but it meant that you got to see your boyfriend every day now. You said goodbye to your friends the evening before, all of you going out to dinner before you spent your last night in your apartment. That morning, you woke up at three o’clock in the morning and got ready. You got plenty of sleep and just wouldn’t be able to sleep on that flight to Korea. You were too excited. So you styled your hair and made sure you looked presentable. You smiled at yourself and gave a soft sigh.
“You’ve got this, y/n.” and with that, you grabbed the two suitcases and carryon bag you were taking over for the time before the rest of your things were going to be coming. You drove to the airport and went through baggage check and security. And before you knew it, you were seated on your airplane. You texted Jongho to let him know you had just boarded. And you told him to get plenty of sleep.
He responded with the heart eyes emojis and all caps about how excited he was to be able to hold you in his arms. Your heart swelled as you settled in, looking out the window you were seated next to as your flight took off. 
It felt so long yet so short when you finally landed at the airport in Seoul, where your boyfriend lived and worked. The plan had arrived at 9:30 in the morning and you and the other passengers exited the plan together with your luggage. You went to baggage claim and grabbed your suitcases before you started walking. You were headed down an escalator when your eyes widened.
There he was. Dressed in blue jeans and a orange and white shirt, one that you had found and sent to Jongho as one of the many christmas presents you had gotten him. His brown hair was styled in a messy way but it suited him. Next to him was an older male, dressed in jeans and a sweater. You recognized him as Eunkwang, someone that Jongho worked with and greatly admired. You felt tears well as you stood there. After two long years of longing and lonely nights, there he was.
You saw Eunkwang elbow him a little and gesture towards you, you saw him look and do a double take. He seemingly stumbled, as if he couldn’t believe it. You barely could yourself. As soon as you got on solid ground, you ran towards him. When you got closer, you dropped your bag and suitcases and ran right into his arms. His strong arms around around your waist and lifted you up, spinning you a bit and causing you to giggle. He set you back down on your feet and looked at you. He had tears in his eyes as he cupped your cheeks in his hands.
“You’re here. This has felt like a dream.” he said through tears. You were already fully crying now as you held onto him.
“Trust me. This hasn’t felt real to me until this moment right now. Even now, it doesn’f feel real.” you said with a small laugh.
He smiled and brushed some of your hair back, just gazing at you. You saw him hesitated before he just went for it. And he kissed you. In front of Eunkwang, who had picked up your bags for you, and in front of all these different people. You felt your heart skip a beat. This was the first kiss you were able to share with Jongho. And by god, you hoped there were many more to come. He pulled away and smiled, resting his forehead against yours.
“After all this time, I finally got to give you our first kiss. I hope you don’t mind.” he said in a gentle voice. One that had lulled you to sleep many nights before.
“I don’t mind at all.” you said with a small smile, playing with his hair.
“Believe me. Don’t get used to that with him in public.” Eunkwang piped up cheerily, causing you and Jongho to pull apart and blush. “Jongho isn’t much of one for pda.”
“I don’t mind. I’m just glad we got to do that.” you said softly.
Jongho smiled and held out his hand to you. “Shall we?” he asked softly.
Without any hesitation, you grabbed his hand and intertwined your finger with his, pulling yourself closer to him. You took your carryon bag from Eunkwang and nodded. You were ready. You were starting a new chapter of your life. And it was with Jongho. “Yeah. Let’s go.” You were happy.
taglist: @jasirii @nateezfics @releasethypen​ @shysakuno​ 
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sunnyville36 · 2 years
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Pairing: Bang Chan x fem reader
Series themes: mafia au, arranged marriage, strangers to enemies to lovers, slow burn, featuring members of multiple groups including Stray Kids, BTS, Ateez, Itzy, BTOB
Series warnings: violence, misogyny, heavy swearing, illegal activity, major character injuries, eventual explicit content, *allusions to harmful and abusive family dynamics 18+ minors dni
Word count: 2.5k
A/N: y'all it has been a minute 😅 but I'm excited to be back with the next part and hopefully be writing/posting this more consistently in the near future! as always, let me know what you think! 💕
need to catch up? {series masterlist}
*** Part 4 ***
How hard could it be?
Turns out… pretty fucking hard.
First, there was the sheer amount of watchful eyes on your husband-turned-target.  Tensions were high in the compound after Chan’s capture and the apparent nonchalance of his former top advisors in assuring his safe release, so heavy security was placed on the gang leader around the clock.  Then there was the fact that you’d revealed some of the cards you’d been holding close to your chest before the incident. You were essentially an operative across enemy lines, and, while people hardly paid any attention to you beforehand, after the little stunt you pulled with the old traditions, you felt like there was someone intent on exposing you lurking around every corner.
And finally, there was the small matter of you not actually wanting him dead.  Chan was never supposed to suffer in this.  Sure, he would have had to submit to the Kims once you had him under your control, but he would have been perfectly welcome to go on living his puppet-like life under your direction, something you were relying on the pretense of your marriage to facilitate.  
It wasn’t even that you were particularly fond of the man causing all this trouble.  He seemed fine, certainly far better than your father and older brothers, and honestly almost any other man you could recall meeting in this business. Still, you’d barely had any kind of real relationship.  Your “engagement,” if you could even call it that, was fast and clearly business-driven for both of you (even more than he was aware of for obvious reasons). You didn’t usually exchange more than a few pleasantries, and the fact that you shared the same bed seemed to do very little in the way of igniting intimacy between the two of you, a brief kiss on the cheek or hand on the waist covered the extent to which you’d touched one another. It was a bit sobering that his newfound interest in you after his rescue was the most you'd ever interacted.
You’d been willing to sacrifice your romantic freedom to get you into this strategic position; power was more important than that anyway.  At least, that had been your plan, but now it was your fault he was going to die.  All because you chose the one mafia boss who didn’t have an iron grip on his underlings. 
In fact, you were kind of pissed off about that if you were being honest. You thought that by trusting you with spearheading this mission, your father was finally willing to hand over the reins for one of his major areas of influence to you. But you’d clearly fucked it up, if the way things went the other day was anything to go off of. If only Chan had done what you’d wanted him to do, you could have had the position you’d been fighting your whole life for. 
But maybe your father was right. How could you expect to gain any respect when you couldn’t even pick a proper mark? 
You didn’t really put your heart into the first attempt, just paying off a couple of hired guns to run his car off the road on the way to a benefit you knew he was attending. His security dealt with it easily enough, which you knew they would, and it was more of an attempt to buy you some time with your family more than anything. Your father was sure to move up his timetable if he figured out you were having second thoughts. 
On the second attempt, you really did try, insisting on visiting his office with a pair of drinks and going so far as to slip the ricin into his mug yourself on the way to him. But your conscience got the better of you at the last minute, and you switched your tea with his when he wasn’t looking and chucked the tainted liquid into the bushes when you left. 
The following morning, with only 2 days to go until your deadline, you flop dejectedly onto your friend’s bed before screaming into her pillow.
“Well, good morning to you too, I guess,” Yeji laughs, walking out of her adjoining bathroom with a towel wrapped around her head. You roll over onto your back, an arm covering your eyes while the other reaches for her hand. 
“Why can’t I do it, Yeji?” you ask, eyes peeking out at her from your elbow-blindfold when you feel her hand squeeze yours. Your friend’s normally sharp eyes soften in sympathy as she sits down next to you, letting you rest your head in her lap as you continue. “It’s literally what I’ve been trained to do my entire life, and the first chance I have to prove myself, I chicken out like a little bitch.”
“You don’t mean that,” Yeji replies softly. “I know you don’t mean that and you know you don’t mean that.”
“That’s the problem though,” you insist, pushing yourself up gruffly and shaking your head. “I wish I did mean it. If I don’t do this we’re as good as ruined, and I can’t even get over myself to to-”
Yeji pulls you into a hug as the tears welling up in your eyes threaten to fall, smoothing her hand over your hair. “You always told me you didn’t want to be like them, remember?” You nod, sniffling slightly as she pulls away, grabbing you by the shoulders and looking directly into your eyes, her gaze impressing upon you the seriousness of what she’s about to say. “This is you proving that you aren’t. We said we would figure out how to get out of this life one day. Maybe today is the day we start.”
You raise an eyebrow at her, feeling a smile creep onto your lips. “We’ve only got two days.”
“We’ve done more in less.”
“You think Hyunjin is up for it?”
“I know Hyunjin is up for it.”
Right as she says it, the door slams open and a frazzled looking Hyunjin bursts into the room.
“Speak of the devil.”
“Hyun, we were just-”
The man cuts his sister off, eyes in a panic. “We need to go. Now.”
“Why?” you ask cautiously, both you and Yeji staring at her brother in concern. 
“Just come on,” he says, pulling his sister up and yanking the towel off her hair, “I don’t have time to explain, we just need to get out of here.”
“Wait, stop, Hyunjin calm down, Y/n and I were just talking about how we need to make a total extraction plan and then you come barging in here like-”
“Shhh!” you hiss, raising your hand to quiet Yeji. You hear shouts coming from downstairs and, as you walk closer to the window, you make out what sounds like gunfire in the garden outside. 
You turn back to Hyunjin. “It’s them, isn’t it?” He nods, lips pressed into a grave, straight line. “How did you,” you start to ask, but then you realize. “Seungmin. Seungmin told you?” It’s phrased as a question, but you already know the answer, and Hyunjin’s lowered gaze tells you you’re right. “When?”
“Like five minutes ago. Told me it was an 'early surprise.' I threw some essentials in a bag and came to find you both. We need to move, like, yesterday.”
A single shiver of paralyzing fear runs down your spine, but you shake yourself out of it. You’d made up your mind a long time ago about what you would do in this situation, even if you didn’t want to admit it.
“Yeji, I need you to get Jeongin and head to the garage. I’ll get Chan and meet you there. Hyunjin, you’re with me.”
“But we-”
“No arguing,” Yeji admonishes her brother, already finished tying her hair up and unlocking her safe. She throws you both a pistol and tucks her own into the back of her jeans. “We’ll have a car running when you get there.”
You place a hand on her shoulder. “Be safe.” She nods, and takes off down the north stairway while you and Hyunjin head inwards towards Chan’s office where he’s supposed to be meeting with a new client.
“You didn’t tell us you were still in contact with him,” you say pointedly as you check around the bend for any coming intruders.
“I wouldn’t exactly say I was ‘in contact’ with him,” Hyunjin responds, defensiveness clear in his tone. “He contacted me, usually when he was drunk so he could mock me by telling me about all the strippers he let give him head at the club.” 
You wince, knowing that was just the kind of thing Seungmin would do to get at your friend. “Still, you should have said something, Hyun. We could have gotten him to stop.”
“Kind of a good thing we didn’t though.”
You make it to Chan’s office without running into trouble, but the sound of conflict is slowly encroaching on your position. You put your hand holding the gun behind your back, morphing your face into a sweet smile as you open the door. “Chris, I need to talk to you,” you say, entering the office with Hyunjin at your back. 
Your husband looks like he’s about to protest, but with the door now open both he and the other men inside hear the gunfire and glimpse a couple of Chan’s men running towards the sounds. “I believe we’ll have to resume this discussion another time, gentlemen,” Chan says, and the others immediately agree. Hyunjin watches from the doorway as their own security detail escorts them down the hall while you pull Chan aside. 
“What the hell’s going on? Is the compound under attack? Why didn’t anyone call me?”
You wave off his questions. “Don’t have time to explain. Listen, if you had to leave here right now, who would you need with you?”
Chan looks annoyed, but answers quickly. “Jeongin.”
“Just him? No one else?”
“Just him.”
“Good. Get anything you need from in here. We won’t be coming back.” Despite his confusion, Chan seems to be taking you seriously. He grabs his laptop, a hard drive, and a set of keys and meets you at the door. You take his hand and head back in the direction you came from, trying to remember the quickest way to the garage. 
“Okay, is anyone going to tell me what’s going on?” 
You put your arm out, blocking Chan and Hyunjin from walking past you. “Remember that car you told me about the other day? It was a hit put out on you by the Kims. Looks like they got tired of outsourcing and are here to take you out themselves.”
“How do you know that?”
“Doesn’t matter. We just need to keep moving.”
“Wait, what about Jeongin?” Chan asks worriedly. 
“Yeji’s getting him. She’ll meet us in the garage,” you answer, pulling him around another corner. 
“If we’re going to the garage we need to go this-” You put your hand up, silencing your partner, and hear Hyunjin, who’s still out of sight behind the wall, suck in a breath. 
You both would know the sound of those shoes anywhere.  
Seungmin walks casually into view at the other end of the hallway, his favorite rifle resting on his shoulder. “Hey Sis… miss me?” You glare back at him, wishing you could wipe the ugly sneer off his face. “I can see whose side you’ve chosen on this one.”
“Hey, you know me, just the problematic child always getting in your way, right?”
Two more men join your brother, guns pointed at you and Chan. “Please, it gives me no pleasure to do this to you,” he says, shrugging while playing up his fake puppy-dog eyes, “but you’ve forced my hand.”
You brace yourself for the impact of the bullets, but before either gunman can get off a shot, Hyunjin jumps in front of you and Chan from behind the wall. “Stop!”
Seungmin’s face loses its veneer of disgust, eyes widening. “No wait!” he yells as you hear a trigger get pulled, pushing the arm of his gunman and ricocheting the bullet above their heads. All three men duck and you take the distraction for all it’s worth, bolting the other direction with your two companions close behind you.  
Chan’s face is incredulous as you drag him down the corridor, Hyunjin covering you from the rear. “Wait, wasn't that Kim Seungmin? Wha- what… why the hell was he calling you ‘sis?’”
“Doesn’t matter,” you answer again, finally turning the corner that leads to the garage. Hyunjin runs ahead but Chan stops in his tracks. 
“It fucking does matter.”
“I’ll explain everything later; I promise,” you say, eyes pleading with him as the sound of running approaches. “We just need to get out of here.” Chan’s head whips back and forth between you and the hallway you just came from, eyeing you with suspicion. “Please, trust me,” you beg. Finally, he gives in, grabbing your hand and running the rest of the way.
You reach the garage and see Jeongin in the driver’s seat of a large service van. Scanning the passenger side, you don’t see any sign of Yeji until a desperate wail comes from the open sliding door, a distraught Hyunjin ripping the sleeves of his shirt to wrap around his sister’s waist where a pool of blood is forming. A dreadful pit forms in your stomach as your husband now pulls your shocked form forward and jumps you both into the back of the waiting vehicle. “Drive!” Chan yells, just as a barrage of bullets hit the side of the van. You sit up just enough to see through the window, glimpsing a disappointed Seokjin slowly walking to stand beside your maniacal looking other brother, who’s already barking orders for the men to follow you. But you can’t worry about them now; you have a bigger problem on your hands. 
Hyunjin is screaming at Jeongin as the van peels out of the driveway, demanding to know how Yeji got shot. You’re trying to block out the noise, taking her hand and squeezing it tightly. “You’re gonna be okay, yeah? We’re gonna take you to a hospital.”
“No!” she and Chan yell in unison, the latter’s hand coming to your shoulder to brace his kneeling form. “We can’t take her there; we’ll be too exposed.” You snap your head towards him, about to throw him from the car for suggesting you shouldn’t help your friend, but he continues. “I know a place we can go. We’ll be safe, and there’s a medic there who can patch her up.”
He looks at you expectantly, and you turn to Yeji, letting her nod in agreement for the both of you.
Chan nods back, turning towards the driver's seat. “Jeongin, take us to the Lee’s.”
{check out the fourth character reveal}
{series masterlist}
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kiestrokes · 8 months
Shuttle Guide
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