#buddy probably thought he just watched a magic trick or something
snowyfrostshadows · 1 year
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Random New Yorker who straight up watches two guys get isekai'd and whose only response to that is to leave a five star review on their website is my new favorite 'background character who will literally never appear in anything. Ever.'
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astaroth1357 · 3 years
Demigod MC Series: Hades
Demigod MC Series: Intro, Aphrodite, Hermes, Hades
Well… this is awkward…
He’s actually met Hades multiple times for business reasons (Underworld-Devildom relations are amiable if not a little odd. Hades was something of an uncle figure to Diavolo as a wee demon lad, which should speak for itself really). He’s a gloomy fellow and not much for chit-chat, but he never thought they’d end up taking one of his kids by accident…
He had to send a formal apology letter to the Lord of the Underworld immediately, but thankfully he didn’t seem very concerned for his offspring - if anything he appeared to think the Devildom would suit them nicely which was… concerning.
And he was not wrong. The darkness, demons, ghouls, and frights of the Devildom hardly seemed to faze the MC, if anything they fit right in. He’d dare say they were thriving if not for one thing…
They were So. Damn. Bleak.
Getting a smile out of this one AT ALL was rare. For once he felt the need to check up on someone constantly just to be sure they were alright... They’d keep assuring the House that they’re not actually as sad as they look but it’s hard not to assume…
He was a little mortified at first when they first met Cerberus cause… well they called him “Cerbi” and the massive demonic guard dog rolled over for them like a Golden Retriever! 
Apparently he and the Cerberus that they knew are from the same litter and they must have smelt familiar... He would have probably limited their interactions just to keep his dog on his side but after seeing the MC smile for once while they played with the big oaf well…
Cerberus got a new playmate and the MC got a massive, three-headed therapy animal. Win-win. 😌
Do ya really gotta be such a downer all the time, MC…? 😔
He thinks they’re nice, like really nice. They’re always super concerned when his brothers attack him or when he gets injured, but he’s pretty sure it’s because they’ve seen people die before so…
At first, he had no idea why he had to be saddled with this depressing wisp of mortal but over time he started to understand that they weren’t all that sad. They had… Resting Gloom Face? Is that a thing? 
They also had a different way of seeing things. He could win the lottery and they’d tell him to stay inside so he wouldn’t get hit by lightning or if he pissed off the wrong people, they’d joke about him keeping his fingers and toes. Dark stuff, but not intended to be so… well morbid.
However, what he eventually found out that the REAL advantage to having a Hades kid in the Devildom was that nothing scared them. Literally nothing. Not even the ghosts - which to reiterate, are terrifying!
Cue Mammon getting dragged to horror movies nights with his brothers and pulling the MC along to be his personal security blanket. He’ll hold onto them for dear life as they just pat his head or something, watching and not even flinching at the jumpscares.
The first time the House had an unexpected power outage he clung onto the back of their shirt like a lost child while they calmly looked for the circuit-breaker...
If he could jump into their arms every time something scary happened like Scooby-Doo, he absolutely would. His brothers make fun of him, but after seeing the MC handle Cerberus like a puppy any time something frightens them they hide behind the mortal as well…
In some ways, he totally relates to their moodiness but come on! Who can still look so sad when watching The Magical Ruri Hanai: Demon Girl?? Ruri-chan can make anyone smile! 😠
When he first met the MC, he was a little confused about why they didn't find him intimidating at all. He even reverted to his demon form and showed his fangs but no dice! All they said was, "I've walked along the edge of Tartarus. You're gonna have to try a lot harder than that, buddy…" 
That was probably his first sign that the "human" wasn't normal…
After Mammon told him who their Dad was, things made a lot more sense. A child of Hades in the Devildom? That's ironic enough to be its own anime plot!! They certainly felt like an angsty protagonist at times. 🤷‍♀️
Truth be told, they could relate to each other in a lot of ways. You wouldn't think that an offspring of the Underworld and a demonic shut-in would have much in common but the one thing they share between them is that sense of never really fitting in.
Turns out that Hades kids are black sheep, even among other demigods, and Levi? Well, he's had trouble relating to others since his angel days. He and the mortal were like off-beat kindred spirits!
Which, I mean, you wouldn't get just by looking at them together. Levi being the impassioned super-otaku rambling their ear off while his somber companion would just go along with him quietly, but hey, there's more beneath the surface. Probably. 
Now if he could just get them to cosplay as the Lord of Emptiness with him… They'd be perfect! Perfect he says!!
Highly considered drugging their food with antidepressants for a while… 
This was before getting to know them better, of course, but for the first couple months he honestly couldn't shake the feeling that the mortal looked miserable! 
Now, he's one to particularly care for the comfort of strangers, but just looking at them like that every day would sour his own mood quite considerably. It was very irritating...
It was only on closer inspection that he realized there was something else at play, though.
The mortal was different - even for a demigod he imagined. They took to the Devildom easily and the realm almost accepted them right back!
The flora looked better in their presence, the hellish beasts that roamed the wilds would roll over for them, and they even seemed to be welcomed in by the never-ending shadows… 
It was fascinating. Like the effects of the Underworld were baked into their DNA and mingled with the environment around them… Two layers of darkness coexisting within one person.
I mean, what other creature - other than Lucifer - could ride Cerberus around like a pony??
Had they not been so kind, they'd probably scare him shit-less... Their potential power was too great to ignore. But after getting used to their gloom, at least they made for pleasant company. 🤷‍♀️
Satan likes them well enough, but even still he has to wonder just what they were capable of… you know?
Oh. My. WORD. What a buzzkill!!!
Really, the new mortal was no good at parties or pictures for that matter!
Not because they looked bad, or even because he couldn't get them to smile, but because GHOSTS would always photobomb any pictures they were in!! 😫
One time he got a selfie with them on the couch and a creepy ghost child could be seen hiding behind the cushions so NOPE. No more photos with the mortal around!!
Aside from that, he couldn't say the mortal was all bad or anything…They were pretty friendly, despite their general look and feel. 
Though, personally, he thought they wore far too much black... Even in the Devildom, there's normally a pop of color, you know? Was that just the Hades dress code?
And you want to know the weirdest thing? Despite everything about them screaming "Doom and Gloom," they're straaaangely popular among the RAD dating scene…
Like. Not as some heartthrob, "Love'em and Leave'em"-type, but he's found that there's a LOT of his demonic classmates who think they're cute or have a crush on them in some way…
Naturally, he can see the appeal of the mysterious, moody demigod with a dark, troubled past. It's just the demigod in question is completely oblivious to it! 🤷‍♀️
He tried to give them dating tips or play matchmaker from time to time but eventually gave up when it was clear they weren't interested. Alas, students of RAD, this is one forbidden fruit that refuses to be shared…! Such a tragedy… 😔
They remind him of Belphie… like. A lot.
The similarities were obvious. They had a similar feel, made similar jokes, and even the same somewhat dreary attitude about them...
If he were being honest, at the beginning there were times when he'd open up to them a lot more than he intended because he'd forget that he wasn't actually talking to Belphie…
Thankfully, he knew better than to try and treat them like his replacement or anything. They were two different people after all. But it didn't stop him from feeling extra protective around them for a while.
Besides, there was ONE thing that set them leagues apart from Belphie and that was the fact they were a shit cook. Not quite as bad as Solomon but uh… Actually no, that's a closer call than it has any right to be...
Apparently, Hades kids don't need to eat as much and when you hang out with shades and skeletons for most of your life, you don’t really worry about making food that's any better than… "Well, technically it's edible." 🤷‍♀️
Their food won't kill a person like Solomon's, but you WILL start seeing stuff you probably shouldn't. He tried their "soup" once and swore he saw the ghost of his mother… and he doesn't even have a mother!!!
He swears that if he ever sees the MC and Solomon working together in the same kitchen he's skipping town… Whatever culinary abomination the two of them could create would probably gain sentience and eat HIM instead. He's always figured he'd go out with Death by Food, but not like that!! 😫
Ever meet someone who’s like looking in a mirror? Yeah, he’s getting those vibes…
He never expected the "human" to be so similar to him, it was kind of uncanny.
Upon first laying eyes on each other there was a pause… then a squint… and then… a nod.
Honestly, their combined dry wit, dark humor, and pessimistic outlook played off of each other surprisingly well. Too well for him to hate, really.
Not that it mattered because they didn’t believe him for a second when he tried to trick them (they had dealt with loads of lying monsters before). He hated to admit it, but they had a good head on their shoulders and knew better than to trust a locked up demon…
And yet, they seemed to stick around with him anyway. Because of the good conversation or just empathizing with his loneliness was anyone's guess. 🤷‍♀️
Sometimes they'd come up and sit outside the door in comfortable silence… Or they'd talk about whatever:
MC: *sitting out by the attic with their back against the door* So what happens to demons when they die…?
Belphie: *laying on the floor on the other side, staring at the ceiling* Depends on the kind. If I die, I'll just reform later.
MC: Like a reincarnation?
Belphie: Eh. *shrugs* Maybe. Haven't died yet.
MC: You could die in there, you know.
Belphie: *throws a side glare* Well thanks for bringing that up…
MC: *shrugs* What? It's true. But don't worry, I won't let you. *small-ish smile*
Belphie: *stares at them wide-eyed and pink-cheeked before turning on his side quickly* Ugh… whatever…
They did their word, somehow. They eventually got the door open and let him out, but by that time the anger was gone and he was just happy to finally talk to them face-to-face...
And good thing too, because apparently it's not smart to fight a death-child in what is essentially their element - as he saw when they summoned an army of skeletons to kick Levi's ass when he cheated them in Devil Cart...
He would not have lasted in that fight... Dodged a bullet there. 
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ballorawan740 · 3 years
SCP Scenarios: When they get scared by the reader (REQUESTED)
Main Masterlist | SCP Scenarios Masterlist | My Works Masterlist | Rules | Request | Socials | My Original Post
Requested by: @_Milla_7849_
SCP 073 (Cain)
I feel like Cain normally wouldn't be scared
Like if you made him watch a horror movie, he might flinch slightly but wouldn't be terrified of it
So when you try to scare him like a prank sort of way, he would flinch a little more than usual but would recover seconds later
Like that one time when he was alone walking down the hallway looking zoned out since he was thinking of something
And you just crept up to him like the sneaky little child you are and jumped onto his back
He did get a load yelp but realised it was you
Luckily for you, Cain didn't give you a lecture like before and actually laughed with you
However, if you were kidnapped or taken hostage or used for an experiment, it would obviously frighten him and he wouldn't forgive himself
So to prevent this, he would keep you within his line of sight at all times
Anyways, as I've mentioned before, Cain would probably also give you a tight hug after your little stunt and unbeknownst to him, the researchers recorded it for a laugh
Cain did give you a lecture but forgave you since you were so young and he couldn't resist those eyes
And the researchers did give you some sweets
SCP 076-2 (Abel)
Now, a warrior like Abel wouldn't be so easily frightened
Especially if it was a child, even more so if it's you since he knows you too well and has personally trained you from the age of 5
Basically, Abel would notice your movement and body language well since you're both stuck together
So you have devices a plan with your scientist friends to try and scare him
And yes, it's working
Because Abel got extremely distracted by Iris
Iris basically got yahooted into this mess and was told to wear a lingerie
Yes, you did scare him by shoving him into Iris
I wouldn't say he got a scare, but more like a surprise
Poor girl she just wanted to sleep
SCP 999 (Tickle Monster) 999 would most likely be scared the easiest out of everyone on this list
Aside from Glass
He's like a close second
Back to 999, you both were just chilling and wandering around the facility aimlessly
Because yall are boring (TBF you're both trapped in this giant mf blop of a building)
Anyways, let's just say that it was Bright and Clef who introduced you to the world of pranks and you guys thought it would be funny to scare our 999 here
Basically, yall decided to play dead and then pretend to turn into zombies with some makeup
Yes, it did work since you've managed to scare the living daylights out of 999
And he was about to have a cardiac arrest (if he even has a biological heart)
And yes, it almost ended in another breach
And 999 did give you a lecture on how to not scare people like that
He does sound like a grandpa though XD
SCP 682 (Hard to Destroy Reptile)
I would say that scaring 682 would be difficult, but I won't since he's already terrified of that rabbit
You, along with the other researchers, thought it'll be fun to pull a prank on 682 in form of a magic trick
It's a classic rabbit in the hat trick and yes, you did pull SCP 524 out of the hat
But, little did your tiny brain know, that rabbit basically eats everything, including itself
So you just watched 524 approaches the already terrified 682 and nibble on his feet
And yes, you and the other researchers laughed hard since he crawled up the wall to get away from the rabbit (I'm now officially adopting 524 as my other pet)
Sadly, 524 didn't stay for long since another doctor needed him for a test with Josie (yes, the cat)
682 basically shouted at you for doing such a thing on him, your dad
But you ignored him anyways since you knew he never meant what he said and he wouldn't be mad at you for long
SCP 049 (Plague Doctor)
Our bird boy here is pretty much neutral when it comes to being scared
Like, he can be quite unfazed by many things, so it's no surprise if you or any other SCPs tried to jump on him
So as part of an experiment, you and your friends had decided that you would try to play dead and see if 049 would be terrified
Well, 049 was somewhat concerned and when you carried on playing dead, he became scared since you weren't so conscious, or so he thought
Since you played dead extremely well for such a young child, he tried to see if he could fix you
And before he could do anything, you jumped up at him like Bonnie from FNAF
Yes, he looked like he jumped out of his skin and was so stunned that he just sat in the corner with his head down for an hour
You all had to check up on him and he said he was 'fine'
He wasn't
049 gave you a lecture about playing dead like that unless there's a dangerous SCP
SCP 035 (Possessive Mask)
Now, since 035 is a mask and is very much a master manipulator and an award-winning actor/actress, you would most likely be able to take on those traits from him
When you were younger, you were eager to learn from 035, who you see as not only your best friend but also an idol, so he taught you everything he could
As you got older, you've gotten better at manipulation and acting, so much so that even 035 couldn't tell if you were just being you from time to time
So one day, you've decided to prank your dad because you were hella bored (like you always are :((( cuz yall never be productive and just sit on your flat bum all day and watch YouTube, Netflix or play games then sleep)
You basically produced a fake body of yourself and wrapped it in a black bag and sent it to 035's cell
Then, you've got one of your researcher buddies to write a note of your passing and that you do love him very much
035 did receive the message and made sure that there was a dead body in the package
He was pretty much convinced that it was you since you were able to disguise the fake body like bone and flesh
Which of course scared him to death because he was about to attack everyone on site
Luckily you got there on time to stop him which freaked him out and yes, you've gotten a lecture about being such a prankster (You got grounded for life but that didn't stop a rebellious child like you)
At least everyone at the facility has gotten a laugh about it for the next 3 months
SCP 105 (Iris)
Pranking Iris wouldn't be hard, but that doesn't mean she's fazed, but not in a sense like 049 who wouldn't get a good scare from some SCPs which could do him harm
Iris is very much a self-aware and open-minded individual who has common sense (unlike you, who don't even move out of your bed or even use your non-existent brain cells)
She's very much like every other person you'll meet on the streets who wouldn't just believe the first thing that she hears since she is very much a rational person
So, if you want to devise a plan to scare her, it'll have to blend in with everything or be quiet out there with realistic effects
You'll have to use your head to think of a good prank to scare her, which you did since you've inherited her intelligence (that's a lie because you don't have any intelligence left in you)
As her child, you have decided to prank her by making her a fake copy of her camera but instead of her being able to control objects within the photo, she would end up destroying it
You gave it to her as a gift and she accepted it with suspicion since you don't normally get her anything and encouraged her to try it (you're such an ungrateful child)
Cain, Dr Glass, Dr Kondraki and a couple of others wanted to see as well, so they stayed and watch
Much to everyone's horror, the illusion camera did exactly how you designed it to and Iris was furious and saddened
Later on, you told her about the prank since you feel bad and she was extremely mad
So instead of grounding or lecturing you, she decided to have revenge
SCP 106 (Old Man)
Now, scaring this old man would be rather interesting because he doesn't seem too fazed by the other, more dangerous and unpredictable, SCPs
But, you can still scare him to a certain degree
I mean, he is an old man after all, so scaring him would be fun
As long as you don't give him a heart attack then it's fine I guess (cuz yall be evil for scaring such an old man)
So, you have decided to scare 106 by giving off little bits of harmless pranks at first so 106 would let his guard down for a moment
Like, giving him a box full of spiders (he's quite disgusted by them just like how he sees your face every time) and popping an air-filled bag (Don't lie, you've all done it and it's hella fun)
Later on, you would gradually move to play with the more dangerous things, such as getting him to look at a picture of 096's face (Probs ugly like yo-)
As time moved on, 106 seemed to be relaxed and expected you to bring him random things and soon realised that there was something off
You didn't show up to him for almost a week and he was ready to get his dad mode on
Luckily, some of the guards caught you with Abel and got 106 involved since they were afraid of causing a massive breach
106 panicked and picked you up, giving you a lecture on how you shouldn't be with other SCPs like Abel
You managed to tell him that you've befriended Abel and he was stunned and gave him the dad glare (you know the one where dads would give to warn others to not hurt their kids right?)
And because it's Abel, he would even make sure to be with you whenever you were with him which made it difficult for you to play with Abel because he might steal you away (Yes I'm looking at you right now kiddo, don't play with Abel)
So in conclusion, if the prank involves you being in a dangerous position, he wouldn't necessarily be scared but would start to panic about your safety
SCP 096 (Shy Guy)
I think 096 would be similar to 106 in a sense but less logical and unfazed
It's more like he would be pretty panicky every time you weren't there with him and his anxiety would act up (like you every time you're preparing for your exams where you didn't even revise)
Like if you were with Safe class SCPs, he would be more relaxed than you being with a Euclid class, but it kinda depends on who it is
If it was Cain then it would be fine, but if you were to be with 173, he would be quite wary at first and would tell you to try and avoid being with that peanut
So if you wanted to scare him, it wouldn't be too hard
All you had to do was to be with another Keter class SCPs and play with them
He would be extremely cautious and terrified if you were with one and knowing this, you've decided that playing with 682 instead of playing with Walter the rabbit (SCP 524 | He's my other pet), you've decided to go up and pet 682
When 096 got a hold on the commission on you being with that lizard, he ran out of his cell, causing a huge containment breach on the way like he's bulletproof, and went yeehaw with 682
All you did was sit there in confusion as they entertained you with some pole dancing
Basically, if you scare 096, he would go from anxious to paranoid to berserk then to we're all going down to hell and back again
Dr Jack bright
This mf right here is unpredictable af
Like in his own body, he would remain unfazed and would even go as far as pranking you back
I mean he still would act all fun and games but since he can possess multiple bodies, the outcome of him being scared would vary which would surprise him too since he wouldn't know
Unless he decided to possess someone he knows well, but he knows better than to do that
Dr Bright would most notably be scared, like everybody else on the list, if you were to put yourself in immediate danger, but since you were just as crazy as your dad, he would most likely go along with it until you deliver your prank
Like, you could be juggling knives while standing on top of 682's head while singing 'Painted Smile' by Madam Macabre (If you haven't heard it, you should, it's amazing)
Also, he would sometimes find you having your back faced towards peanut and still be fine after having your neck being snapped (Yall be like surprise mf)
Anyways, one time Jack had made a promise to you to meet you at a certain place and he was late
So you stormed into his office (like the entitled little nugget you are) and went 'tick-tock mf' to your dad
Well it worked and you showed him your trick with the Keter classes
By causing a containment breach and somehow you managed to bribe the Keter classes to perform with you
Let's just say that just because you've inherited his craziness doesn't mean that you could go as far as doing this prank
Bright was about to drop dead from a heart attack and he banned you from doing such things in the future
Dr Simon Glass
With Simon Glass, you could give him a fright relatively easily
Just because he's a psychologist and can read people rather well, he still would be terrified and paranoid about whatever you were planning on doing
Even if he told you not to
Like that time when you were told to not make toast because you can't cook and you almost burnt the whole facility and Glass stood there and said "I told you so" (he did ask for toast, as in toasted bread, not toasted humans)
Anyways, being the child of Simon Glass meant that you would learn a lot about the human mind and behaviour
He would teach you everything you were curious about and would sometimes ask Diogenes, Light, Kondraki, Cain and Iris to help teach you the things he wouldn't have much knowledge on
And sometimes Clef and Bright would appear and spoil you (not that Glass doesn't, he's just busy and trying to be the best dad he could by being anxious about you being alone in the facility with so many dangerous SCPs)
So this often meant that you, Bright and Clef would pull pranks on each other, usually on Kondraki and Iris
Except for this time, you've decided to pull a prank on your dad, Dr Glass
You've handed him over a realistic model of SCP 058 and he freaked out and called the MTFs
They've checked the model and realised that it was all fake and poor Simon had a heart attack from you
Simon was about to yeet that spider looking thing but it was able to move so he planned to carry you and yeet you both out
He did give you a lecture on doing that stunt and you did shed a few crocodile tears
And yes, Glass gave in and comforted you
He then went to grab Clef and Bright's ears and lectured them about helping you make the prank
Dr Alto Clef
I feel like Clef would be similar to Bright but without the whole process of changing bodies because of some curse
Like Clef wouldn't be all that scared since he's dealt with SCPsbefore and dies an extremely good job at it
So for Clef to be scarred for life, it'll either be an extremely dangerous SCP, he's drunk and/or high, he must care about you a lot and you must've been out of your mind to do something seriously stupid or you're evil enough to piss off a Simon Glass (Or all of the above if you're evil enough)
You would most likely want to take the easier and quicker route out of all the ones mentioned on the list which is to put yourself in an immediate danger
So you had asked Dr Bright for some help and so he did
Moments later, midway through preparing your prank, Clef came to Bright asking if he saw you and he did
However, they heard a familiar scream from down the hallway and they both rushed to your aid and soon realised that it's you
You were about to get eaten by 939 and they had to signal for the MTFs to help (Because you mfs didn't ask me for permission when you wanted to pet 939 D:<)
Clef gave you a big lecture and comforted you after he cooled down
Bright on the other hand wasn't so lucky as Clef wanted to murder him (But in his defence, you didn't tell Bright how dangerous the prank was cuz yall are as stubborn as a rock)
Dr Benjamin Kondraki
Kondraki would be pretty much average when it comes to being scared but with a little more logical since he works with the Foundation
He's that type of dad who would let you go to sleepovers every now and again as long as they weren't of the opposite gender (Unless yall are Bi, Gay, Lesbian, Pan, Alien, Basketball etc then he's screwed)
We support BLM and LGBTQ+ in this community and anyone who says otherwise must leave now
Heck, even our friends here, especially Kondraki, Glass, Bright, 999, Cain, Iris and Josie (SCP 529, my new pet) supports them
Anyways, back to the main plot
Depending on what age you're at and whether you were planning to prank him with the Foundation staff or SCPs will lead to a different outcome
Like if you told him you were dating someone he would've died right there and then
No dating until you're 50
Anyhow, you've decided that it'll be funny to scare your dad with Clef and Bright by getting his Bootyflies to shapeshift into various Keter class SCPs and acting like it
And yes, you somehow managed to persuade the Bootiflies to do just that
And no, Kondraki didn't know about this even though he found it odd that his bootiflies didn't obey him that day
You got Kondraki to sit down in a room with Clef while you and Bright was setting up everything
The bootyflies shifted into the Scarlet King and boy sis Kondraki called the MTFs and was boutta shoot him
Everyone in the room had to get him to stop and that it was just a prank (And by everyone I mean just you, Bright and Clef)
Kondraki did manage to stop and was boutta drag you out for a big girl/boy lecture
Well, he did but not before kicked Bright and Clef in their privates first
Needless to say, nobody wanted to prank Kondraki again (Shush, no you don't, yes I'm looking at you from behind the screen and I know that you'll do it again)
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dulcesiabits · 4 years
dorm leaders + s/o going between worlds
request: im not the person who requested the twins s/o going between worlds but 💗💘💓💕💖💝💞❤ that was perfection i tell you do you mind if i could request that but with the dorm leaders? ignore the request if you dont want too!!
Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle has the days you’ll visit NRC marked everywhere: on his calendar, in his planner, and he’s prepared several alarms on his phone, just in case. He’ll arrive at the mirror chamber ten minutes early, so he can pace around and anxiously wait until the exact time you’re supposed to step through. If you’re even a minute late, he’ll be worried.
He’ll never admit it, but Riddle misses you terribly. His mood is a lot worse when you’re gone, and Trey will often find him sighing and staring into space instead of doing his homework. Sometimes he wonders if he can convince you to stay with him forever, but he respects your decision to go between worlds too much. Besides, Riddle isn’t sure he could ever find the words to tell you how he feels.
Riddle enjoys whatever sweets or baked goods you bring back with you! Dollar store candy, or a homemade pie, he doesn’t mind whatsoever what it is as long as it’s sweet. You get bonus points if it’s something he’s never eaten before. He’ll also enjoy studying the various histories and laws of your world-- Riddle wants to know about where you came from, and maybe one day he can apply that knowledge in person...
Leona Kingscholar
To the casual observer, it looks like Leona doesn’t miss you whatsoever. He acts the same as ever, but he’s a lot more irritable without his favorite cuddle buddy. Ruggie wishes you would visit more often, if only so Leona would be easier to deal with. The days you visit NRC are the only days you can see Leona exert any effort. Even if he’s a few minutes late to your meeting, he still drags himself out of bed, unprompted by Ruggie, to come pick you up.
Leona knows your travelling unavoidable. This isn’t your world, and you have a whole life in some other place he doesn’t know about. Besides, he’s much too prideful to come out and tell you that he wishes you wouldn’t leave him. Whenever you do visit, Leona is basically attached to you at the hip: he’s holding your hand, or lets you cling to his arm, or ruffles your hair.
Leona isn’t that interested in your world, but he is interested in your life in it. Do you have any other friends? What’s your family like? How different is your world from his, anyways? You don’t have to answer his questions if you don’t want to; he’s perfectly content with just holding you. Leona has always been more interested in you than anything else.
Azul Ashengrotto
Everyone knows when you’re coming to visit, because Azul will begin humming as he works. Also, people tend to seek contracts from him more often on those days, in the hope that he’ll be in a good enough mood not to scam them too harshly. The knowledge that you’re coming to visit makes it easier to relax for Azul. He’s done his best to keep busy, so he can forget that you’re not with him.
Azul loves you, but he has toyed with the idea of getting you to sign a contract with him, with the catch being you have to stay forever. At the end of the day, he couldn’t bear to see you unhappy, and tricking you to do something leaves a sour taste in his mouth. You’re different from everyone else. If you were to stay, he wants you to stay on your own violation. Besides, he’d probably end up helping you for the price of a few kisses.
Much like Riddle, Azul is fascinated by your world. He wants to know everything about it, so bring him a lot of books, from history to fiction to research dissertations, because he reads fast. Maybe he can borrow a few business ideas from your world to apply to the Mostro Lounge, or add a new menu item that utilizes food exclusively from your world.
Kalim Al Asim
Kalim’s mood is written all over his face. He’s just not as energetic or happy when you aren’t around, and his parties aren’t as grand as they used to be. If someone mentions your name, he’ll immediately whip his head around, only to sigh forlornly when he remembers you aren’t there. 
In all honesty, Jamil is driven crazy. Kalim mopes all the time, and he unintentionally uses his unique magic to make it rain in Scarabia, to match his mood. Kalim counts down the days until he sees you again, and he is running to the mirror chamber as soon as class is over so he can launch himself into your arms. Please pat his head and tell him that you missed him! He is not going to let go for a long time. Kalim will also give you a bunch of presents so you don’t forget him when you’re gone, and this boy has no idea what the word “excessive” means.
Kalim enjoys the different sorts of food and games you bring from your world, but he’d honestly be happy with anything you give to him. He just wants to spend time with you, and make you happy. He’s excited the day you bring back some matching bracelets. Kalim treasures it, even if he owns far more expensive things. Whenever he’s lonely, it’ll remind him of you.
Vil Schonheit
Ah, Vil. He’s cold, beautiful and perfectly unflappable, if you ignore the fact that he scowls a lot more and takes out his frustrations by viciously polishing his potato underclassmen into perfection. It’s a lot easier to focus on his maintaining his appearance and managing his dorm instead of the fact the person he loves the most won’t come to visit for another 6 days, 13 hours, and 27 minutes.
For some reason, Vil finds the way you call him beautiful more appealing than when anyone else does it. It’s frustrating that he doesn’t feel like his best when you’re not around, and you can bet he also spoils you silly when he sees you again. He’d even let you ruin his lipstick by kissing him, which is a privilege no one else is allowed.
Vil is the most interested in the trends in your world, and the movies. Maybe he’ll start a similar trend in his world, just so he can be reminded of you. In fact, if you have social media, he’d probably fuss over it, offering to help you curate an account that attracts millions of followers. In regards to movies, Vil is a part of the movie appreciation club. He’s curious to see how movies might have developed differently in your world. If you give him your favorite ones, he’ll treasure them, and watch them when he’s in a bad mood.
Idia Shroud
Idia buries himself in video games and projects to forget the fact you’re gone. He’s used to being alone, but he’s not used to feeling this lonely. No picture or video of you makes up for the real thing. He’s hoping he can invent a device that lets you communicate between worlds, so that even if he can’t see you in person, he can still chat with you 24/7.
The only time you will see Idia out of his room is when you’re visiting. With his hoodie pulled over his head in terror, he’s trembling as he heads to the mirror chamber, so he can throw himself into your arms. He’s always a few minutes late so he doesn’t have to spend too much time outside of his room. Please help guide him back there, actually. Idia will also require a lot of cuddles and kisses to recharge, too, even if he’s blushing the whole time.
It’s obvious that Idia is fascinated by the technology in your world. Show him your phone, your video game consoles, or any other electronics you have lying around. Idia will definitely tinker with them a little bit, giving them new features and helping them run more smoothly. He’d be happy exchanging game consoles, so he can play your favorite games, while you play his, when you’re apart. That way, it feels like you’re connected.
Malleus Draconia
It’s astonishing for Malleus that one human can make a few days seem like a few years. Normally, he doesn’t feel the passage of time quite so acutely, but he can feel every hour, every minute, every second, that you aren’t with him. He’s lonely, because you’re one of his only people he can talk to freely. Things aren’t the same without you, and he thought he was used to being lonely.
The mirror chamber is always empty when you arrive, if only because no one wants to be in the same room with Malleus for too long. As soon as you arrive, he kisses your hand, and whisks you away. He has so many things he wants to talk about with you, and there’s never enough time. He wonders if he can convince you to stay in his world, but he knows it’s a cruel thing to do, when you’ll die long before he will. As it is, he is satisfied with these small moments, where you can still smile at him.
He is floored by the Tamagotchi you bring him from your world. If you have your own, Malleus will hope your Tamagotchi and his can become friends, and he’ll insist on them having a playdate while he talks to you. Malleus also enjoys photography of your world, and when you present to him an entire portfolio of gargoyles, he gives you a hug in excitement. What would he do without you?
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razzle-zazzle · 3 years
Five times others noticed something off about Cole + one time it was explained
3083 Words; Coleverlord
Something was wrong with her son.
Lilly couldn’t pinpoint the exact moment she realized it, but something had changed since that disaster of a boating trip. Cole had been more quiet, lately, had been listless and almost eerily pensive at times.
Lilly didn’t like it. It was unnerving.
They never should have gone. It was supposed to be a fun outing for the three of them, a four-hour tour off the west coast alongside some other passengers.
It ended up being a ten-day stay on an uncharted island. It ended up being Lilly in charge of a group of people not quite accustomed to wilderness survival as they waited for rescue to stumble upon them. It ended up being exhausting, and draining, and the exact opposite of a fun outing.
And then they’d finally been found, and finally arrived home—
And now something was wrong with Cole.
It wasn’t what one would expect in this situation, either. Cole wasn’t sick, wasn’t running a fever, nor was he injured—no, it was none of that.
But there had been a drastic change in his behavior, and Lilly didn’t like it. It felt like there was something in her home, something that never should have been let in but had come in anyway, and that something was pitter-patting down the halls with steps eerily similar to her son but just so slightly off.
Lilly jumped at her son's voice, caught off guard. She was in the kitchen getting herself water and trying to sort through this awful feeling she had. Her seven year old son was standing in the doorway, hand gripping the frame.
Despite the moonlight streaming in through the window onto his face—or maybe because of it—he didn’t seem quite real. Something about the way Cole was holding himself was just… off.
“Yeah?” Lilly shifted uncomfortably under her son’s stare. Something was definitely wrong with this child. Just him standing there in the doorway had the hairs on the back of her neck standing up.
Cole took a step forward. “Had a bad dream.” He murmured.
Lilly set her water on the counter and crossed the kitchen, wrapping her arms around her son despite her instincts telling her to be wary. “Oh, baby, it’s okay,” she lifted him up, bracing him against her hip to hold him more easily. “Do you wanna tell me about it?”
Cole buried his face in Lilly’s shoulder. “Don’t remember.” He mumbled.
Lilly hated that her first instinct here was to set Cole back down again. Hated that, for all that her son was right here and seeking comfort, part of her was convinced it wasn’t him.
Cole was still clinging to her, though, so she returned to the counter to finish her water, holding him close the entire time.
She’d have to tell Wu about all of this, about this unsettled feeling she had, but—
That could wait until the morning.
Cole had a really weird presence.
Jay didn’t really mind that Cole could sometimes be a little… off. Cole was Cole. Besides, Zane was also weird, but he was no less their brother; the same applied to Cole.
But for how sweet Cole could be, there was still something… unsettling about him. Something that had Jay’s arms erupt into goosebumps whenever Cole was around. And that was after several months of knowing the guy—when they’d first met, Jay couldn’t even look at Cole without his stomach tying up in knots.
It probably wasn’t really anything to worry about, but Jay couldn’t help but wonder why Cole had such disconcerting vibes. And it wasn’t the same as Zane’s uncanniness, because at least when Zane acted uncanny it didn’t put Jay on edge the way Cole sometimes did.
Jay knew Cole… or maybe he only thought he knew Cole. He was probably just being paranoid, but he couldn’t help but wonder sometimes.
He really hoped he was just being paranoid.
Cole was certainly… odd.
But that was fine. Zane was odd, too. They were both a little odd, but their family still loved them for it.
Sure, Cole’s tendency to occasionally stare westward was unusual, but Cole was Cole. It was when Zane started keeping track of it that things got… interesting.
As they traveled around searching for the Fang Blades, Zane noticed that Cole didn’t stare exactly westward. Rather, it seemed that the angle changed depending on the latitude, as though Cole was looking towards a certain location in particular rather than just out west in general.
So Zane conducted an experiment. Whenever he noticed Cole zoning out to stare west, he tracked the location and angle as best as he could.
Zane collected this data over the course of several days. When he was finally satisfied and had the free time to do so, he found himself a map, a ruler, a marker, and a compass.
It was time to record the data.
“Hey, Zane,” Jay greeted as he came into the room, “Watcha doing?”
“Recording data.” Zane responded, another crisp line appearing under his steady hand.
Jay came over to look at the map over Zane’s shoulder. “Kinda looks like you’re just drawing lines on a map, buddy.”
“That is what I am doing, yes.” Zane drew another line, extending it out until it intersected with the first. Since Jay was still watching, Zane elaborated, “I am marking down the directions of Cole’s… ‘trances’, as it were.”
Jay hummed consideringly. “Looks like they all converge at a certain point.”
Zane nodded. “Yes, it seems they do.” He added the final line, then capped the marker and set it and the ruler aside to survey his work.
Ten lines, crisp and neat, from ten different starting positions. Ten lines that all converged on the same point off the west coast.
There was nothing at those coordinates other than ocean, at least, there was nothing on the map. It was very puzzling.
“Wait.” Jay pointed at a small island just a few degrees north of the intersection. “What’s that?”
It was the only charted island for miles. Small, nondescript, and uninhabited. But it was also the closest thing to the intersection, and probably their best bet for answers outside of directly asking Cole.
“I’ll have to look into it.” Zane made a mental note to do just that as he stood up and began to fold the map.
Jay grabbed everything else. “Here, I’ll help.”
Zane nodded. “Thank you.”
Nya liked to think she was good at noticing the little details.
And she was! Whether it be the small details of her mech’s innards or the little things her brother did when he was stressed, Nya was really good at noticing small details.
Which was probably why she had noticed so many odd things about Cole. To be fair, a lot of things Cole did or said were just plain odd—and there was nothing wrong with that—but there were some things he did that just… felt off, sometimes.
So yeah. Nya noticed the small things, paid close attention to the boys and their habits and their moods. Paid attention to the small details of their faces, like the way Jay’d stick out his tongue when he was concentrating, or how Zane’s brow would furrow when he was deep in thought; how Kai’s eyes crinkled when he smiled—
And how Cole’s eyes seemingly changed color every so often, for seemingly no reason. How that dusty, tawny brown that looked so much like the sunbaked earth around the shop could suddenly shift into a deep violet. How sometimes it almost looked like his eyes were glowing in certain lighting. How it definitely wasn’t a trick of the light, no, his eyes definitely changed color.
Which was probably not normal.
Then again, their sensei was technically part dragon and had slitted pupils, so maybe Cole’s magical color-changing eyes weren’t that out there.
It was just a little unnerving, to look at Cole expecting those gentle eyes and see foreboding violet. Almost like there was something else there, something lurking behind those eyes. Something that shouldn’t be trusted.
But Nya didn’t like to think that way about Cole, so she just noted that his eyes changed color sometimes and moved on with her day.
She had more important things to stress about.
Kai didn’t like this.
There were a lot of things about this island that Kai didn’t like, but the way Cole had been acting since it rose was most definitely on the top of the list.
Cole was always pretty weird. And that was fine! What was unsettling was that he was acting differently from how he usually did.
First, they sail out to this random little island in the middle of the ocean because Garmadon somehow managed to get himself marooned out here, and was demanding they come and pick him up. Then, Cole disappears into the jungle with Jay and they trigger something that makes the island rise, revealing it to be some big evil mega island from Misako’s old texts. It didn’t help that Cole didn’t seem at all bothered by this.
Ever since then, Misako and Wu and Garmadon had been furiously discussing whether to stay and explore or leave immediately, and Kai was pretty sure Misako still had her weird grudge against Cole because he’d overheard her calling him a “problem” again, so Kai was staying away from that argument.
And so the ninja were cautiously poking around the edges of the jungle after having moved the Bounty back out to the new coast, and Cole—
He wasn’t acting like Cole.
He’d been muttering, too quiet to make out any of the words, and he’d go silent if you came closer. He stared into the jungle a lot, sometimes zoning out so bad that not even Jay’s bad jokes could snap him out of it.
All in all, Kai was very unnerved. And an unnerved Kai was an angry one, snapping at anyone who came near.
His stress levels weren’t helped by the fact that last he’d seen Cole, he and Lloyd had been wandering into the jungle. Kai had followed, but he’d lost track of them what seemed like hours ago.
So now the whole group was on an island Misako didn’t want to be anywhere near, Cole was acting like he was possessed and had disappeared with Lloyd for unknown reasons, and Kai was lost in the jungle.
“Amazing! Incredible!” Kai kicked at the dirt at his feet, “Oh, this is just perfect!” He had no idea how to get back. Great. Fucking wonderful.
The jungle had no response for his tantrum, just a few faint bird calls and wind rustling the leaves.
Kai huffed. He wasn’t going to be finding Cole and Lloyd anytime soon, so he should probably try to get back to the beach and tell everyone else what he knew. Of course, being lost would put a damper on it, but Kai was reasonably sure he could figure out where he was.
He looked at the trees surrounding him.
He just needed a little more height.
Lloyd was pretty sure they were lost.
When he voiced this concern, however, Cole just replied with a chipper “oh no, we’re definitely getting closer!” that wasn’t reassuring in the least. So Lloyd continued to trudge through the jungle after Cole, hoping he’d at least get an explanation for why Cole felt the need to drag him along to… wherever they were heading.
Another leaf smacked Lloyd in the face. “Are you certain we’re not lost?” He asked once more. “Because I’m pretty sure I’ve seen the same tree more than four times already.”
Cole didn’t say anything, just took Lloyd’s hand to help him up a small ledge. They continued their little trek, the jungle slowly thinning out and becoming a mountain.
“It’s just up here.” Cole said. He’d been unusually quiet up until this point.
Lloyd looked up at the rock face that Cole was suggesting he climb and groaned. But Cole was already ascending, so Lloyd swallowed his complaints and got to climbing. It was strenuous and sweaty and exhausting and if Cole was only dragging him up here to show him a killer view or some shit then Lloyd was going to scream, but he’d let himself be led out this far so he was going to climb all the way to the top, dammit.
Gasping and aching in ways that shouldn’t be possible, Lloyd hauled himself up onto the top, flopping over onto his back to catch his breath. Why did killer views have to be so hard to get to?
Cole was already moving, striding towards whatever he’d wanted to show Lloyd. Lloyd blearily turned his head towards Cole, not prepared to see anything in particular—
That was definitely… something.
A big metal… thing sat proudly atop the stone, with a whole bunch of gears and rings and big metal balls on the end of rods like some mad scientist’s evil machine or something.
Lloyd pushed himself up into a sitting position while Cole approached the metal abomination. “Am I gonna get an explanation, or… ?”
Cole stopped, still facing towards the Big Metal Thing. “It’s the Celestial Clock.” He said quietly. “It’s supposed to count down to the final battle.” Now that he said it, Lloyd could see something that looked vaguely clock-like near the center of the rings.
Lloyd frowned. “It doesn’t seem to be doing a whole lot of counting down.” Which was a relief. Lloyd would like the final battle to maybe just not happen, please and thanks.
“Yeah.” Cole stepped forwards, tracing his hand gently along one of the rings as he moved towards the center of it. “Because it hasn’t been activated yet.” He stopped at the center and put his hands on a helmet Lloyd hadn’t noticed before. “But if you remove the Helmet of Shadows…”
Lloyd stood up very fast. “Uh, Cole, what—”
“Do you trust me?” Cole’s voice cut through the air like a knife. Lloyd stopped where he stood.
“Lloyd.” Cole still didn’t turn around, “Do you trust me?”
“I—” What was the right answer here? What was Lloyd supposed to do?
“Yeah, I—I trust you.”
Cole picked up the helmet and stepped back, his back still to Lloyd. With a grind and a groan, the clock started moving. “Then you won’t worry about this.”
“But the final battle—”
“Isn’t happening.” Cole snarled. “The clock is going to run down and nothing will happen because there isn’t going to be a final battle. We are not fighting.”
Lloyd took a step back. Okay, this was definitely starting to cross the line into Not Okay. “Cole?”
All the tenseness in Cole’s shoulders dissolved. “I’m sorry.” He murmured. “You’re not talking to Cole right now.”
At that, Cole—or rather, Not-Cole?—turned around, helmet still cradled in his hands. His eyes were a brilliant, glowing violet—no iris, no pupil, just pure, deep violet that had Lloyd’s instincts screaming at him to flee from.
Immediately, Lloyd assumed a defensive stance. “What are you? What did you do to Cole?” He demanded, green lighting in his hands.
Not-Cole laughed, an eerie, broken sound. “Relax, Lloyd, I don’t intend to hurt you.” It took a step forward, but stopped when Lloyd stepped back. “Or did you not hear me when I declared that there would be no final battle?”
“You better start explaining,” Lloyd snarled, “Right now.”
Not-Cole nodded. “That is why I brought you up here, yes.” He sat down, helmet still in his lap, and gestured for Lloyd to do the same.
Lloyd dropped the stance, but stayed standing.
Not-Cole sighed. “Alright, let’s start with an introduction. I am the being known as the Overlord. I came about not long after the First Master created Ninjago, as a counterbalance to his light and order.”
Lloyd processed this, turning it over in his head. “Okay.”
The Overlord nodded, then continued. “The First Master and I engaged in a battle for control of Ninjago. What was going to be a stalemate turned in my favor when I created the Stone Army, so the First Master split Ninjago in half and sunk my half, leaving me bound to it.” It traced Cole’s hands along the edges of the helmet, gaze fixed on Lloyd.
Lloyd frowned. “So, what, you possessed Cole when we got here? Is that it?”
It chuckled. “You’re correct, but your timing is off. My vessel first arrived on this island years and years ago, when a freak stroke of luck resulted in a ship washing up here.” Cole—no, the Overlord—sighed wistfully. “I wanted off this island. My vessel was sympathetic enough to let me in.”
Lloyd tensed. “So you’ve been controlling Cole for years, then.”
“No.” Cole said, eyes suddenly back to their normal brown. “We share this body.”
“Cole.” Lloyd put his hands on Cole’s shoulders. “Are you really, truly okay with this?”
Cole nodded, sincerity in his eyes. “Made It promise not to fight you.” He muttered.
And then his eyes were violet, though not the fully obvious, solid violet of moments before. Just the irises.
“There won’t be a final battle.” It said, “That clock will count down to nothing.” It stood up, still holding the helmet. “And nothing will happen.”
Lloyd walked over, standing beside It. “How can you be so sure?”
“My vessel was never supposed to end up on this island. I was never supposed to leave it. And look at us now, sharing a single body.” It strode forwards, Cole’s arms spreading out to the sides in an sweeping gesture as It stared out into the landscape below them. “Destiny has been defied once.” It turned towards Lloyd, extending a hand. “So why bow to such a shitty destiny if you don’t have to? Why submit yourself to a fight none of us want when it’s not even necessary?”
It gestured towards the clock, which was still ticking down. “Just wait. Nothing will happen when the clock hits zero, because there won’t be a final battle. Destiny has no power over us.”
Lloyd watched the clock tick down for a moment, processing what the Overlord was telling him. Could he really trust it?
But then he remembered his father telling him that he was proud of Lloyd, as well as all the things his dad tried in order to stop the prophecy from coming true.
“Alright.” Lloyd made his decision.
“Let’s defy destiny.”
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impalas-r-important · 3 years
Love of my Life - (2) New Guy
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Summary: Bobby brings home an injured hunter. Dean's not so fond of him.
Warnings: None that I can think of.
Word Count: 3429
Series Masterlist
“Hello?” You could hear Sam answer his phone from the living room. You were in the kitchen cleaning up. You, Sam and Bobby had a deal that whoever didn’t cook meals had to clean up after. Sam had made the both of you grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup for a warm lunch on a chilly January afternoon. “Oh, hey Bobby, how did your hunt go?” A few seconds passed and then you heard Sam mutter, “Yeah, sure. We’ll be ready when you get here. How far away are you?” He walked into the kitchen, still on the phone, with a concerned look on his face. You gave him the what’s going on look and he held up his finger and said his goodbyes to Bobby.
“What happened, is Bobby okay?” You pressed.
“Yeah, he’s fine. He said that he met another hunter who was working the case, so they teamed up. I guess the new guy saved Bobby’s bacon and got pretty beat up. Bobby’s bringing him back here to get him all healed up. He said it was the least he could do. He asked if we could get the spare room cleaned out and ready.”
After days of researching for Bobby’s case, you had discovered it was yet another Greek god with another vendetta or unfinished business or whatever. Blah, blah, blah. It was getting repetitive at this point, but gods were always tricky to deal with. You were just glad to hear Bobby was okay and that someone was there to help him out.
“What happened? Do we know if he’s badly hurt?” You wondered.
“All Bobby said was that he doctored him up as much as he could. They aren’t far from here now.”
“Okay, I’ll go get the room ready.” You wiped your hands off on a dish towel and headed upstairs. You stripped the sheets off the bed and threw them in the washer, putting a set of new ones on. The room hadn’t been used in a long time. You and Sam were crashing there in 2 of the other spare bedrooms, but this one was pretty dusty from sitting idle all this time. After clearing out boxes of old books from the closet, you grabbed a duster and went over everything.
“They’re here!” Sam yelled from downstairs. “I’m gonna go help him inside.”
You ungracefully shoved your cleaning stuff into a bucket, then quickly sprayed a little air freshener to try and mask the smell you could only describe as “old”. You could hear voices coming closer down the hall. You grabbed your supplies and walked them to the bathroom to put them away. Their conversation was easily heard through the thin walls.
“Alright, here’s where you can crash.” Sam said as he helped the new guy into the room and sat him down on a chair in the corner. “You really took a beating, huh?” Sam gave him a sympathetic smile. “I don’t think I caught your name, by the way.”
“I’m Nick.” He reached his hand out to shake Sam’s but didn’t make it all the way before he winced and grabbed his ribs.
“Well Nick, thanks for saving Bobby back there. He said he wouldn’t have made it out of that one if it weren’t for you. I’m Sam.”
“Sam, like as in Sam Winchester?” Nick raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah, you’ve heard of me?”
“Buddy, I wasn’t born yesterday. Every hunter who knows what they’re doing has heard of you and your brother.” You heard Nick say as you walked into the room and leaned against the door frame. He turned to look at you and straightened his posture in the chair as much as he could. He gave you a little half smile and blinked a few times as he managed to say, “Wow, uh, hey, hi…”
His stammering made you laugh a little. “I overheard you boys talking. You’re Nick, right?” He nodded. “Well, anyone who saves Bobby Singer is a friend of ours. I’m Y/N.”
“Beautiful name for a beautiful girl.” Nick winked and gave you a cheeky grin which quickly turned into a grimace. He was definitely in pain. He was covered in mud stains and blood. His ankle was bent the wrong way and he had bloodied bandages wrapped around his bicep and thigh. But through all that, you couldn’t help but notice that he was surprisingly handsome. He had sandy blonde hair and striking blue eyes. Most of the hunters you met looked like truckers or smelled like dumpsters.
“Don’t even try man, she could kick your ass 3 different ways before you knew what hit you.” Sam joked. “I’m going to let Y/N take it from here. She’s better at the doctor thing than I am. I’ll go grab your bags and bring them up.”
“Why don’t we see what we can do about some of that bleeding.” You grabbed the first aid kit from on top of the dresser and walked over to him. “Can I?” You motioned to the bandage on his arm, and he nodded. You peeled away the layers to find a nasty looking gash. “Geez…” You whispered. “So, I can stitch you up, but it’s going to hurt pretty bad.”
“I’m no wussy. Do what you gotta do.” Nick looked up at you and for half a second you caught yourself studying his ocean eyes, but you looked away quickly and grabbed the sanitizing alcohol. “This will probably hurt the most. Sorry.” You dumped some on his wound and he clenched in pain and closed his eyes, letting a big exhale escape through his nose. You threaded your needle and began to stitch his cut closed. You had done this many times before and with Sam and Dean and liked to think you were decent. But you knew the key was distraction.
“So, where are you from?” You asked.
“Not really from anywhere. I grew up like a lot of hunters did. On the road with my dad and uncle, learning tricks of the trade as we went. What about you?”
“Well, I was born in Arizona, but my family was killed when I was six. I spent my life bouncing between hunters until I could drive. Then I went out on my own.”
“I’m sorry about your family.” His sympathy caught you off guard. Most hunters couldn’t care less about others.
“Thank you, but we all have our sob story. No one chooses to be a hunter just for kicks and giggles”
“Man, I’ve heard some crazy stories about those Winchester brothers.” Nick gave a small laugh. “It’s weird to actually meet one of them in person. What happened to Dean? I thought he and Sam were inseparable.”
You sighed and your heart dropped like it always did when his name was mentioned. “He actually got out of the hunting life. He lives close to here, stops by to check on us every once in a while.”
“I’d love to meet him. All I’ve heard is how badass he is. Like the ultimate hunting machine.”
“Well, you call him badass, I call him dumbass.”
“Hah! You guys close?”
“Not as close as we used to be. Sam and I try to keep him out of the hunting life as much as we can. He helps with research every now and then but hasn’t been out on a case in a while.” You finished your last stitch. “Your arm is all done but looks like we need to take care of this one as well.” You pointed down to his leg. “Do you care if I just cut your pant leg off? This pair looks like a goner anyway.”
“You can take my pants off anytime you want.” Nick smirked at you.
“I’m going to chalk that up to the loss of blood and pretend you didn’t say that. Keep in mind, I’m the one with the needle here.” You held up the long needle as you threaded it with a clean suture and gave him your best don’t go there face.
Nick reminded you a strange amount of the Dean of old. Handsome, but in a different way, snarky, and seemed like the kind of guy who flirted with any and every girl he could find. You couldn’t lie to yourself and say you didn’t like the attention he was giving you. Part of you still wished it were Dean giving you that attention though.
You finished up and started to pick up the bloody bandages off the floor. “I’m going to go get Sam and he can help you get into the shower. I think we need to take you to the doctor for your ankle though. Looks broken to me.”
“Damn, I was hoping to avoid the hospital. I don’t suppose you know how to set a broken ankle?” He looked at you hopefully.
“You’re outta luck, sorry.” You shrugged and began to head out the door.
“Y/N?” Nick stopped you before you left, and you turned to face him. “Thank you.” You shot him a smile and a nod before heading downstairs to find Sam.
After Sam had helped Nick wash all the blood off of himself, you two had taken him to the hospital where they set his ankle and gave him some pain killers for the broken ribs. Sam had gotten him upstairs and into bed and you brought some food up for him.
“Here you go, a Singer specialty.” You placed a tray with Bobby’s chili on his lap and handed him the remote to the ancient box tv.
“What makes it so special?” Nick asked, stirring the chili skeptically.
“If you ask Bobby, he’ll say it’s a secret family recipe, but I’ve been around long enough to know that the real magic happens when he dumps it from the can into the pot.” Nick laughs as you get his food situated so it won’t spill. “I brought you in some movies if you want to watch them. Mostly Dean’s old western tapes. We’re in short supply of variety.”
“Thank you. But I do have to say, I feel a little uncomfortable having you guys help me this much. I’m usually a strictly independent person…”
“We all need a little help sometimes.” You were actually glad that Nick was here. It gave you something to keep your mind off of Dean. “I’m in the room next to yours, just bang on the wall if you need anything.”
“Goodnight, Y/N. I owe you one.” He flashed his tired smile at you, and you returned the gesture.
“Night, Nick.”
You woke the next morning to find Sam’s car gone. You figured he was at the gym or swung by Dean’s house for something. You headed into the kitchen and started on making breakfast. The cupboards were pretty empty, but you knew there was always pancake mix around somewhere. You whipped up a few cakes with a side of scrambled eggs. When you were done, you headed up to Nick’s room to see how he was doing. You knocked softly, careful not to wake him if he was still sleeping. A few seconds passed with no response, so you cracked the door open and saw him dead asleep with the half-eaten bowl of chili still on his lap and the tv crackling with black and white static. This made you chuckle a little. You tiptoed over to him and gently lifted the tray off his lap to take with you downstairs and turned off the television.
The rest of the morning was spent looking for cases in the papers and online, but you didn’t have much luck. You gave up after a while when you heard a boot clomping down the stairs, letting you know that Nick was on his way.
“Morning, sunshine!” Nick pronounced and winked at you as he walked in the room.
“It’s 2 in the afternoon, lazy bones.” He laughed a little and sat down in the chair across from you. “How are you feeling?”
“Better than I was yesterday, that’s for sure.”
“I bet you’re hungry.”
“Starved, actually.” He placed a hand on his stomach.
“Do you feel up for going out and grabbing a bite? We’re short on supplies here, but I know a great little diner just a few miles into town. Mel’s.”
“That sounds amazing! I could really go for a great big cheeseburger right now.” Look at that, yet another similarity to Dean. You could swear this was the universe playing a cruel joke on you.
“Sam’s not here and Bobby’s holed up in his room, so it’s just you and me. Hope that’s ok.”
“More than fine with me.” He flirted. “Our first date!”
“Whatever. Come on, gimpy.” You helped him up out of the chair and led him out the door and towards your car.
You had actually really enjoyed your late lunch with Nick. It was nice to get to know someone new and you were surprised at how well the two of you got along. You usually butted heads with other hunters, but Nick was pretty easy going and had a good sense of humor.
A little while later, you pulled back into the driveway of Bobby’s house to see both Sam and Dean’s cars in the driveway.
“Wow, that’s a beauty of a car.” Nick remarked as the two of you walked past the Impala.
“Don’t touch it. That’s Dean’s baby. He’ll kill you if you scratch it.” You warned as you walked into the house.
Dean quickly rushed at you as soon as you opened the door and pulled you into a bear hug. “Y/N where the hell have you been?! I’ve been calling you over and over! No one knew where you were! Don’t scare me like that!”
“What? We were just in town. We haven’t even been gone 2 hours…” You pulled out your phone to check for his missed calls but found it to be dead.
“We?” Dean interrogated. Nick walked in a few steps behind you and Dean glared at him. “Who the hell are you?” He instinctively pulled you behind him.
"Whoa, whoa easy there tiger." You put your hand on Dean's arm and he looked at you, with questioning eyes. "That's Nick. Didn’t Sam tell you? He saved Bobby's ass on their last hunt and got pretty beat up in the process. Bobby brought him back here to heal up a bit."
"And you're what, just hanging out with some hunter you barely know? He could be a psychopath! You know better than this!"
You couldn't help but roll your eyes and feel annoyed at Dean’s over-protectiveness. "He's got a broken ankle, bruised ribs, and massive gashes on his arm and leg. You really think I couldn't handle him if I needed to?"
Dean kept his eyes on Nick the whole time, looking him up and down, trying to get a read on him. Bobby slammed the door of his room and walked out to the commotion. "Would you idjits keep it down out here? I could hear every word of this stupid conversation!" Bobby looked to Dean who was clearly still in defense mode. "Oh, pull the stick out, Dean. The kid literally saved my life. He's harmless."
It took Nick a few seconds to process the situation. He walked over to Dean and reached his hand out. "It's an honor to meet you, Dean. I look up to you a lot. You’ve got some great people here; they’ve been nothing but nice to me and I’d never do anything to hurt them.”
Dean was clearly expecting him to say anything but that, and reluctantly shook his hand. You wished you had a camera to take a picture of look on Dean's face. Priceless.
"I hate to break up the fan fest, but what are you doing here, boy?" Bobby questioned Dean. "Not that I ain't happy to see you, but you haven't been around here much lately."
“I, uh, was going to see if Y/N wanted to hit up Mel’s. I’m starved.” Dean looked at you for an answer.
“Nick and I were actually just there…” You felt a bit guilty, but you didn’t know that Dean was even planning on coming over today. “I’m sure Sam would go with you. I haven’t seen him yet today, but it sounds like he’s up in his room.”
“Oh, okay.” Dean looked dejected but nodded and headed towards the staircase.
Dean kind of knocked on Sam’s door as he walked in.
“Uh, sure, come on in.” Sam gave Dean a glare as he folded clothes and organized them neatly on his bed.
“I knocked. You want to go grab some food, Sammy?”
“Yeah, sure. I’m almost done here.”
Dean walked further inside and over to the dresser to fiddle with some things sitting on top of it. “Why didn’t you tell me about the new guy?”
“I doubt he’s sticking around. I didn’t think there was anything to tell.” Sam shrugged.
“Yeah, but you shouldn’t let Y/N just hang around some stranger all day. We don’t know anything about him.”
“Dean, he seems like a teddy bear. We’ve been doing this for long enough to know when someone is a piece of crap. Nick seems genuine.” Sam let out a small laugh. “You know, he’s actually a lot like you. I think you’d really get along with him if you were still hunting.”
“Yeah whatever.” Dean grumbled as he played with a knife he had picked up.
“What crawled up your butt?” Sam shot him a sideways glace. Dean didn’t respond. “Oh, I see. You just don’t like him hanging around Y/N.”
Dean clenched his jaw. “Well, I’m so sorry if I just want to make sure she’s safe. I didn’t realize I wasn’t allowed to look out for her. Someone’s gotta do it if you aren’t.”
Sam scoffed. “Hey, I am looking out for her, Dean. But she doesn’t need me to. She is way more than capable of handling herself and honestly, it’s none of your business who she decides to spend her time with. She’s not your girl anymore.” Sam knew it was a touchy subject, but he didn’t care. He hated to see how much Y/N was hurting because of Dean.
Dean slammed the knife into the top of the dresser. He shook his head and turned to leave. “I’m outta here.” He walked down the hall but stopped at the top of the stairs as he watched you grab a soda from the fridge and a bottle of pain pills which you then took over to Nick. He hated the way that Nick looked at you. He hated that you sat down next to him and smiled your perfect smile at someone other than himself. Dean ran his hand along the railing and subconsciously made his way back to his brother’s room.
“Does she like him?” Dean asked in a broken voice as he leaned against the doorframe, looking at the ground.
“I don’t know.” Sam could easily see that his brother was genuinely hurting. “But I meant what I said, Dean. She’s not your girl anymore. You chose Lisa over her.”
Dean didn’t have words to describe the heartache he was feeling. “I didn’t… I… I don’t know…” Was all he managed to get out.
“Dean, Y/N is still like a sister to me even though you two aren’t together anymore. We’ve gotten a lot closer since we both died and came back, and honestly, I’m happy to see that a guy is making her smile. She was really heartbroken over you. She still is. So maybe it sucks for you to see her with a guy that’s not you, but now you know how she feels every time she sees you with Lisa.”
Dean slid down the wall until he was sitting on the ground, with his head hanging in his lap and his hands on the back of his neck. Sam sat down next to him.
“Dean, I’m not trying to be harsh on you.”
“I know. You’re right though.”
“Maybe it’s none of my business, but why?”
“Why what?”
“Why did you move in with Lisa so soon after we died?”
Dean cleared his throat. “I don’t know Sam. I guess, she was there, and Y/N wasn’t. There’s just a lot to it and I don’t expect you to understand.” Dean got up, regained his composure and left swiftly. Making sure Y/N and Nick were out of sight before he left.
Chapter 3
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recurring-polynya · 3 years
In tHiaM, Renji mentioned a fictional fateful encounter in which he and Rukia met in the circus. I can picture this deeply. The Rukon has circuses. It has gritty knife throwers, it has scrappy beast tamers, it has a lovely doe-eyed tightrope walker who does stunts so dangerous your hair'd turn white just watching her. It is for Renji's birthday so he should get Rukia being extremely badass and saving his life from a rampaging circus bear. Ideally, Kenpachi is there.
A lot of times, I’ll have some idea for a story, and I’ll do a bit of research and find out that the thing I wanted to do absolutely does not exist in Japanese culture, and I was completely sure that when I dug into it, Japanese circuses would not be a thing, or they would be extremely different from Western circuses, but as it turns out, circuses were absolutely a thing in the Edo era, and they had acrobats and strongmen and horseriding and more. I had so many tabs open about circuses, and almost none of it actually made it into this fanfic.
Anyway, THANK YOU ALOPEX, you know what I like to write, and what I like to write is Renji telling rambling stories of questionable veracity. I put in some lifting for good measure. This might be the most perfect Renji birthday story.
If it isn’t immediately evident, this takes place in the middle of the Advance Team Arc, or more specifically, in the middle of my Advance Team Arc story, See You on the Other Side, where Renji tells Chad a different RenRuki origin story that’s basically the desert bandit subplot from Crouching Tiger, and also a story about bees.
Read on ao3 | ff.net
🏋️‍♂️   💪   🤡    🎪    🐻
Renji hefted the last bumper plate onto the end of the barbell and tightened the collar. Chad watched him with narrowed eyes.
“You sure you want to try this?” Renji asked. “One thousand pounds. It’s the weight limit for this bar. Once you beat this, we gotta go back to Urahara’s place and pick up big rocks.”
Apparently, Chad worked part time at his gym, which meant he had a key, which meant that he and Renji could go in at two a.m. so that Renji could teach him how to lift absurd amounts of weight with his reiatsu. It was pretty convenient, as long as you didn’t mind lifting weights at two a.m. Renji loved lifting weights at two a.m.
“You just don’t want to tell me another story,” Chad replied, flexing his shoulders in anticipation.
“Whatever, I got a million of them.” Renji took a few steps backward.
Chad flared his nostrils and stepped up to the barbell. He squatted down and curled his fingers around the grip. He took three deep breaths as he stared straight again. Leading with his hips, he straightened up in a smooth, textbook perfect movement, the sinews in his neck popping out, the air around him boiling with power.
Renji wished he could drag Chad over to Squad Six, so those spoiled weenies could see what hard work actually looked like.
Chad dropped the weight and a huge breath burst out of him, his eyes widening in relief. “I did it,” he gasped.
“You did it, buddy!” Renji shouted, pointing at the barbell. “You’re a machine! You didn’t even make it look hard!”
“It was hard,” Chad managed.
“I don’t believe it!” Renji continued. “One thousand pounds! You’re incredible, dude!”
“What do you mean, you don’t believe it? You told me to do it.”
“I mean, when I told you we were gonna work for the big one-kay, it was, you know, a stretch goal. I didn’t expect you to get there so fast!”
“You said you would tell me another story when I hit it! I assumed it was a reasonable goal.”
“I keep making unreasonable goals and you keep hitting them, so I’m just sort of winging it, now, t’be honest! I’m actually really bothered how much you are motivated by my dumb stories. If I had any human money, I would just offer to buy you tacos or something.”
“I can make my own tacos. I like the stories.”
Renji sighed. They didn’t have tacos in Soul Society and he was determined to eat as many tacos as he possibly could while he was stationed in the Living World. “Go get cleaned up, and I’ll put the weights away and try to decide which story to tell you this time. I did bring us some protein shakes. I can’t vouch for them, because they’re made out of stuff I found in the Shouten, but it’s important to get some calories in you after lifting. ”
“I’m sure they’re fine. I like your protein shakes. Oh, and I know which story I want to hear--how you met Rukia.”
Of course he did.
Renji was a man of many stories. He had so many good stories. He had Inuzuri stories that were full of mischief and dirtbaggery. He had Squad 11 stories that were full of headbutting and idiocy. He had interesting stories about his clever friends Izuru and Momo and funny stories about his goofy friend Shuuhei and horrible stories about his horrible friends Iba and Madarame. But Chad had asked him once how he met their mutual friend Kuchiki Rukia, a very reasonable and natural thing to ask, and Renji had responded with a ridiculous story that was very obviously not true. Now, all Chad wanted to hear was ostentatious lies about how he, Abarai Renji, had met the incomparable Kuchiki Rukia.
Renji racked his brain as he racked Chad’s weights. This would probably make the eighth or ninth Renji-Rukia origin story, he’d honestly lost count. He was running out of material. There was a bulletin board next to the weight storage rack, covered with flyers for a weightlifting tournament in Naruki City, the Karakura High kendo team, tumbling lessons. Renji stared at the picture of the girl in the sparkly leotard on the last one. He thought about how he and the gang used to make up stories of how they were gonna make it out of Inuzuri some day. He thought about Rukia’s absolute favorite, the one she told over and over, the way it got bigger and sparklier every time she told it.
Chad returned, a tracksuit zipped overtop his workout clothes. “Need help?” he asked.
“This is the last one,” Renji replied, hefting it up onto the shelf. “You can put the bar away, though.”
Chad did.
It was kinda nice, Renji thought, being in a gym in the middle of the night with Chad. It reminded him of hunching over his dorm room desk across from Izuru, cramming for written exams. It reminded him of achy muscles in a dim Fifth Company dojo, trying to figure out the mechanics of Zabimaru’s shikai deep into the wee hours. It reminded him of long runs with Ikkaku as the sun was just peaking over the city walls. The hours between dusk and dawn were a pretty good time for doing things, in Renji’s opinion.
“So, did you remember? How you met her?”
“Of course I remember!” Renji protested. “You think I would forget something like that?”
“You do get hit on the head a lot,” Chad rumbled gently and it took Renji a moment to realize he just got dragged. Chad was actually a really funny guy, you just had to pay attention.
Renji plopped down on a pile of mats and started rummaging around in his backpack for the two bottles of questionable nutritional substance he had mixed up earlier. “Well, I certainly remember the time I ran away from home and joined the circus, I’ll tell you that.” It was a good opening line, and he paused a few seconds to get the full effect.
“The circus?” Chad echoed skeptically, sitting down next to Renji and accepting his smoothie.
“The circus,” Renji replied after taking a long swig. It was very, very strawberry flavored. “So. I think I mentioned once that when I died I got sent to the shit-end of Rukongai. District 78 of the Southern Quadrant, where your best hope is to die soon and catch an express trip back to the Living World. I was too dumb and stubborn for that, though, so I was always on the lookout for a way out. Now, it’s pretty hard to move between districts in Rukongai-- it’s illegal without a special permit, see, and special permits get harder to get the further out you go. But there are a few kinds of permits that allow you to travel all up and down Soul Society, and one of those is for entertainers.”
This was more-or-less true. It was true in theory, but travelling shows never made it out to the deep Rukon-- there was no profit in it. Rukia used to swear up and down that a circus had made it to Inuzuri once, basically just passing through on their way to capture wild animals from the magical wilderness past the end of District 80, but she had seen it. Rukia was older than the rest of them, and she used to talk about it in such nauseating detail that they had no choice but to believe her.
“When I saw the posters plastered up all over town, my first thought was that it was an opportunity to pick up some quick kan as temporary labor. My primary job skill at the time was picking up heavy objects, you see, perhaps moving them from place to place. Circuses always need help with set up and tear down. I mean, do I look like a theater kid?”
Chad stared at him pointedly.
“I don’t know why I asked that,” Renji quickly corrected, “but also, keep in mind that I am Like This because I was in the circus, not the other way around. Anyway, my instincts were correct, and I found myself gainfully employed, carting crates and also tying and untying knots, another of my many talents. But then two things, or rather two someones made me decide that I needed to hitch my star to this ridiculous pageant. The first, I will admit, was a complete castle in the sky, but what is being an adolescent boy about if not chasing after hopeless dreams?”
Chad frowned. “Well. There’s school.”
“There is no school in Inuzuri, actually, and perhaps that would have kept me out of trouble, but instead, I became absolutely entranced by the glittering star of the show-- a tightrope walker of exceptional agility, grace, and beauty. Her most defining characteristic, though, was her audacity. There was no trick too dangerous for her. She somersaulted through hoops of fire. She juggled daggers. She’d stop halfway across the tightrope, pull out a tokkari, and pour herself a saucer of sake and drink it, while the audience gasped.”
“It was Kuchiki,” Chad guessed, the corner of his mouth tipping up into his shy grin.
“It was Rukia,” Renji agreed, “but imagine Rukia in head-to-toe spangles, with bells in her hair and glitter painted around her eyes, 20 feet in the air. She was unreal. She was an apparition, a spirit. I was desperate to meet her.”
“Did you?” asked Chad.
“Chad,” said Renji.
“Did you just… did you just ask me if I ever managed to meet Rukia? Your friend and mine, Kuchiki Rukia? In the middle of this story about how I met Rukia?”
Chad thought for a moment. “It’s two a.m. and I just deadlifted a thousand pounds.”
“That’s fair, and the answer is yes, eventually, I did meet Rukia and she saved me from being eaten by a bear, but we’ll get to that. Are you drinking that protein shake?”
“Oh, sorry! It’s really good, I just keep forgetting because this story is a good one.” Chad took a long sip. “Hey, Abarai?”
“Sorry to interrupt again, but I have a question about the bear.”
“The bear is later.”
“Yeah, I realize that, but does the bear die?”
“I’m just asking up front, because I don’t like stories where animals die, and if the bear gets hurt or dies, maybe could you skip over that part?”
“Oh! No, the bear is fine. Well, he’s probably reincarnated back into a living bear by now, he was pretty old even then. I exaggerated a little to make it sound dramatic, he probably wouldn’t have eaten me in any case.”
“Okay, you can go back to the story now, I just wanted to make sure. Thank you.”
“No, no, it’s cool. I’m glad you checked in.” Renji took a deep breath through his nose and mentally rearranged his story so that Rukia no longer defeated the beast in a dramatic knife fight. “Right. So, as I said, there was a second person at the circus who influenced me greatly and that was the most famous strongman in the entire Rukon, Zaraki Kenpachi--”
“Wait, Captain Zaraki? Big guy? With the bells in his hair?”
Oh, shit. “Uh, yeah. That’s a circus thing, you know. Hair bells. You, uh, know Captain Zaraki?”
“Yeah, Orihime made friends with him, and he broke us out of prison, but then we split up because there was someone he wanted to fight.”
“That sounds like him. Anyway, yeah, he’s in this story, too. I used to be in his squad, you know?”
“I gathered that from the way Madarame and Ayasegawa talk to you.”
“He helped me get in the Gotei, you see. Because of our time together in the circus. That’s a different story, though, we’re focusing on circus times, here. He wasn’t even the Kenpachi, yet, actually. One of the reasons he’s so strong is because before he was a fighter, he lifted things, heavy things. He did all the typical strongman stuff-- bending iron bars, biting through teacups, tearing packs of cards in half, but his most famous trick was balancing bamboo poles on his shoulders and then various acrobats and other performers would scramble up on them and do tricks from on top of him. He was wildly popular, pictured on all the posters. People would come to the circus just to see him. I did not have a lot going for me at this point of my life, but I was strong, and when I saw this guy, it occurred to me that if I could get him to take me on as some sort of apprentice, I might finally be able to use my strength to get out of that shitty town.”
“Seems like a good plan.”
“It did. It seemed like a good plan, except that Zaraki had a very busy schedule of getting drunk and napping when he wasn’t lifting things, and he was absolutely not interested in Inuzuri punks who had been hired to move crates around.”
“So, what did you do?”
“Well, speaking of Inuzuri punks, I may have been a fairly honest and hardworking fellow, but one day, a couple of my reprobate neighbors decided to sneak in and try to get a glimpse of some of the wild animals. The fellow who looked after the menagerie was a little guy by the name of Mameji. Very kind and loved the animals deeply, but not very good at standing up for himself. I barely knew him, but I don’t like bullies, and I owed most of those guys a punch in the nose anyway. Mameji was pretty grateful for the solid I did him and asked if there was any favor he could do me in return. Naturally, I asked if he knew Zaraki, but unfortunately, he was terrified of the guy, so I told him I was just happy to do a good deed and make a friend.”
“You should have asked him if he knew Rukia. Rukia likes animals.”
“You’re very smart, Sado, but remember that this story is about me, not you. It didn’t matter anyway, because the next day, he comes to find me and says there’s someone who wants to talk to me. I can’t imagine who he means, aside from holding out hope that maybe he did know Zaraki after all and was just slow-rolling me.”
“But it was Rukia.”
“It was. Mameji leads me over to the area where the animals are kept, and there, in a blue kimono embroidered with silver stars and crystals in her hair, was The Fearless Rukia.” Rukia’s circus stories were usually at least seventy-five percent descriptions of her outfits, and Renji felt obligated to keep up that detail. “‘You helped my friend out,’ she says to me. ‘I appreciate that.’ And I replied something very smooth and suave, like, ‘I like the way you do cartwheels’ or possibly just “Guuuuuuh.’ And then she says, ‘I hear you’re interested in Zaraki, what’s up with that?’ and as you know, I’m much better at talking about muscle stuff, so I explain about picking up heavy things and Inuzuri and my ambition to join the circus and she just listens carefully, nodding from time to time. She makes me pick up a few barrels and then Mameji, for good measure, and finally, she nods and says, ‘You’re pretty strong and I like your hair. Come back here tomorrow. I’m going to help you impress Zaraki.’”
Chad’s eyes sparkled with anticipation.
“So, the next day, I came back, like she said, and Mameji was there, too and they’ve got this big sack of yams. I’ve told you before about eatin’ in Soul Society, right?”
Chad nodded and belatedly took another gulp of his shake.
“My initial thought was that they were gonna try to bulk me up. Raw yams may not sound very exciting to you, but after years of living on near-moldy rice and the occasional sad vegetable or bony fish, I was watering at the mouth. ‘You’re gonna feed these yams to Sunny,’ says Rukia. ‘Who?’ says I. ‘His stage name is Brawler,’ says Rukia, ‘But he’s a good boy so Mameji and I call him Sunny. It’s a joke. Because he’s a moon bear.’ Brawler, you see, was the second scariest thing in the circus, right after Zaraki-- the biggest, ugliest moon bear you can possibly imagine, probably 200 kilograms. A lot of circus bears do tricks-- balance on balls or some shit, but Brawler’s only trick was looking mean as Hell. Sometimes they’d throw him a deer haunch and he’d eat it in a real gross way, I guess people like seeing stuff like that. I, like most people growing up on the southern border of the Rukon, had a healthy fear of large carnivores, but I had a much larger fear of looking like a weenie in front of Rukia, and I was determined I was gonna do whatever she told me to. The first time wasn’t so bad-- I just tossed the yams in and he snuffled over and gave me the hairy eyeball before snorfling them up. We did that the next day, too, but the day after that, Mameji took me into his enclosure to give him his yams. I was a little surprised, you see, because I would have expected a bear like that to eat meat or something like that, but he sure did like those yams.”
“Moon bears are omnivores,” Chad supplied. “They like sweet things.”
“You’re right, and I later found out that Sunny did get meat and other stuff at other times of day, but yams were his absolute favorite thing. Again, Rukia did not tell me this, because Rukia often neglects to tell me important things. I found all of this to be absolutely terrifying, and I probably would have given up and stuck to my crate moving, except that Rukia and Mameji were just about the nicest and amazing people I had ever met. They let me hang out with them for a bit and they told me stories about traveling with the circus and I told them about Inuzuri. They introduced me to their other friends, Fujimaru, who could do all sorts of knife throwing tricks, and Kosaburou, who had the most beautiful singing voice you could possibly imagine. By the time Rukia asked me to give Sunny the yams right out of my hand, I was doin’ it, not because I was desperate to get out of Inuzuri, but because I was desperate to do anything to stay with my new friends.”
Renji paused and pretended to be interested in his protein shake. Usually, he tried to fill these stories with a lot of daring-do and badassery, but he’d gotten a little off-track when had to junk his big exciting Rukia versus Bear fight scene. All he could think of was lying around the squat on miserable rainy days, one-upping each other with stories about their ridiculous circus acts. He hadn’t thought about those days-- hadn’t let himself think about those days-- in years. What a sap he was turning into. Maybe it was because Rukia was back in his life. Maybe it was because there was a war coming, a war he might not make it through. Maybe it was because it was two a.m.
“I know how that feels,” Chad said very quietly, so quietly that Renji almost didn’t catch it, and it occurred to Renji that maybe sometimes it helped to hear a sappy story at 2 a.m.
Renji snorted softly. “So, the day before the circus was set to pack up, Rukia explains her big plan to me. Up until now, I’ve sort of been assuming that this is all an exercise in building courage or some gonzo shit like that, but it turns out it’s very straightforward. Zaraki’s dream the whole time he’s been in the circus is to pick up Sunny as part of his act, except that Sunny has zero interest in being picked up and ends up chewing on Zaraki’s head every time he tries. If Zaraki had ever bothered asking Mameji for help, maybe he could have tried the old yam trick himself, but then this wouldn’t be much of a story.
“I wait ‘til the big guy is done with his nap and is prepping for the night’s performance, inventorying his lead pipes and such, and I go up to him and I say, ‘Zaraki the Great, I am very strong, you should take me on as your apprentice!’ Now, Rukia had seen people do this to him before, and she knew that he always came back with ‘Oh, yeah? Do something to impress me, then.’ Of course, I was prepared, and I said, ‘I am going to pick up Brawler, would that do it?’ and Zaraki laughs in my face and says ‘If you can do that, I will definitely take you on, kid.’”
Chad’s face had split into a huge grin and he leaned forward in anticipation.
“We go over to Sunny’s pen, and of course, Mameji’s already given him his dinner and he’s feelin’ real fat and happy when he sees his old yam buddy Renji coming. I slip him a yam that I had tucked in my sleeve and I start rubbin’ his side, which is a thing we’d been practicin’. He leans into it, ‘cause he was a big, itchy boy, and I just… flipped him and picked him up like a baby.” Renji made a scooping motion to demonstrate. Chad’s face absolutely lit up. “He was incredibly heavy and also he did not really like that,” Renji continued, “but I put him down right away and gave him another yam and he forgave me. Zaraki was laughin’ his ass off, but he kept his word and got me signed on as a Strongman-in-Training. We went on to have many more adventures, both me an’ Zaraki and me an’ Rukia an’ Mameji an’ Kosaburou and Mameji.”
“And Sunny.”
“Sunny continued to be a hideous, angry bear for the crowds, but I kept giving him yams and never picked him up again and we were great friends for the time we spent together in the circus.”
Chad sat back, smiling his usual inscrutable smile. “Thank you, Abarai. That was a really good one.”
Renji cocked an eyebrow at him. “Was it?”
“Yes. It had friendships and a nice bear and I felt like Rukia would really appreciate the effort you put into describing all her outfits. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t true, but it was a good story.”
Renji heaved a big sigh, as though he’d honestly thought Chad was gonna buy it this time. He stretched his arms and legs out in front of him. “Let’s go home. I could go for a few hours of sleep before the Shouten Shouting starts. You’re taking a rest day tomorrow, but don’t forget to stretch.”
“The last time I had a rest day, you came over and you taught me some stuff about reiryouku.”
“Did I?” Renji frowned.
“Can we do that again? You said you would try to explain how flash step works.”
Shit, he did remember promising that. He’d just gotten overenthusiastic because it was nice to be the guy who knew things for a change. On the other hand, he also remembered the enthusiasm of going to school for the first time and wanting to know everything, and could hardly fault Chad for the same. “Sure,” he agreed. “After noon.”
“Let’s make it noon,” Chad amended. “I’ll make you tacos.”
“That,” replied Renji, “is a deal.”
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roseworth · 3 years
Risk It All (cause i’ll catch you if you fall)
word count: 4430
description: Rapunzel's memories since she left the tower are completely wiped. She doesn't recognize her friends (besides Eugene) and Eugene needs to keep her calm and secure until they can find a way to regain her memories. At the same time, Rapunzel starts connecting some dots as to what really happened to her. (takes place during Season 2)
(title inspired by If My Heart Was a House by Owl City)
for New Dream Appreciation Week Day 7- Memories @autumn-ravenclaw @gleamful-lanterns
“Eugene, if you don’t stop that pacing, I’m going to break your legs,” Cass growled.
“Sorry,” he said, opting to sit down in a nearby chair instead, but he couldn’t stop his leg from bouncing nervously.
A merchant in town had been showing off her potions, and one of them had rendered Rapunzel unconscious. The merchant swore to them that she would wake up naturally, but that honestly hadn’t calmed Eugene down at all. He had made a mental note of her face so he could find her and kill her if Rapunzel didn’t wake up.
Eugene, Cassandra, and Lance had brought Rapunzel to lie in a bed in the caravan as they watched over her. She had been unconscious for a while, with no clear sign that she was going to wake up, which was driving him crazy.
He leaned over and checked her pulse for the 50th time in the past hour. It was still normal, which only made him feel slightly better for about 10 seconds.
“How long has she been out?” he asked.
“About 5 minutes longer than the last time you asked,” Cass mumbled. She was stressed too, but was clearly dealing with it very differently than him. He had been full of nervous energy ever since she went down, while Cassandra had just slowly gotten increasingly aggressive.
“Eugene, buddy, why don’t you go take a walk to clear your-” Lance started to suggest.
“No, I’m staying here,” he interrupted. He glanced at Rapunzel, still out cold. He internally cursed himself for not doing more to keep her safe. He should have steered them all away from the merchant as soon as she started dealing with her weird magic stuff. He should have made sure she never got hurt.
As he mentally berated himself, he realized she was starting to stir. His heartbeat quickened as she took a breath and slowly started to lift herself up.
“Blondie!” he exclaimed, engulfing her in a hug. He squeezed her tightly, relief washing over him. She’s okay, nothing happened, it’s fine, he told himself as he held his love.
“Flynn… what’s going on?” she asked, slightly struggling away from him.
Everything froze for a moment. Did she just call me…
He let her go and pulled away to look at her confused face, then glanced over to Cassandra and Lance. They looked as shocked and scared as he was feeling. “What did you say?”
“I asked what’s going on,” she answered, straightening her back. She looked over to the others. “And who are they?”
Cass’s eyes widened as she tried to understand what her friend was saying. “Rapunzel, what’s the last thing you remember before you woke up?” she asked, as calmly as she could.
Rapunzel’s brow furrowed. “Um… Flynn and I were just about to leave my home to go to the kingdom,” she answered, unsure of whether or not she should be telling them.
Eugene’s stomach twisted. She hadn't called him "Flynn" since he first told her his real name. Hearing her use that name felt like nails on a chalkboard. He had been Flynn for almost half his life, but Rapunzel calling him Flynn again put a bitter taste in his mouth.
The potion must have erased all her memories since leaving the tower. That was almost a year and a half of memories. She didn’t remember him or her friends or her parents or anything. His thoughts started to spiral. Would they be able to restore her memories? Could she really just forget everything that has happened? Would she have to relearn everything after she had spent so long getting used to the world?
“Flynn, can we talk?” Cass said, grabbing him by the ear and dragging him outside. “You too, Lance.”
When the three of them had left the caravan, Eugene automatically started pacing nervously again. “What are we gonna do? Are her memories going to be gone forever?”
“Don’t worry, we’ll find a way to get them back. I’ll bet that merchant has some kind of reverse potion we can get,” Lance reassured him, not entirely believing his own words.
“What if she won’t give it to us?” he asked, speeding up his pacing back and forth.
“I have multiple weapons on me, I think I can persuade her,” Cass said shortly. “Lance and I will go find the merchant. In the meantime, you watch Rapunzel and keep her out of trouble.”
“Why me?”
“She knows you, and at least kind of trusts you. And we can’t just leave fresh-out-of-the-tower Rapunzel on her own.”
Eugene scoffed. “You’re really not giving her enough credit. Even right out of the tower, she was pretty capable of handling herself.”
Cass raised an eyebrow. “She told me she nearly had a heart attack over a bunny in a bush.”
“That’s… out of context. But fine, I’ll make sure she doesn’t get hurt,” he agreed. “But be quick finding the antidote.”
“Great, we’ll be back as soon as possible,” she said. “Also, make sure not to tell her too much.”
Eugene looked at her like she had just told him to cut both his arms off. “Are you serious? Why?”
“First of all, we don’t know if whatever antidote we find will regenerate her memories correctly if we tell her everything. Second, a lot has happened over the past year. It would scare her.”
He wanted to argue more, but instead just sighed. The longer they had this conversation, the longer Rapunzel had to stay without her memories. “Fine, fine, I’ll keep details to a minimum.”
“Good luck,” Lance chimed in, patting his friend’s shoulder in an effort to comfort him. “We’ll go as fast as we can.”
Eugene smiled in thanks as the two of them walked away. He sighed, getting ready to go back inside to talk to Rapunzel. He took a deep breath, trying to quell his nerves. Cass and Lance are getting a cure, it’s gonna be okay. She’ll be okay. There’s absolutely no reason to be nervous. He pushed open the door to see Rapunzel still sitting up on the bed they had left her in, her knees tucked to her chest.
“Where’d your friends go?” she asked.
“Theyyyyy..., well, see, you, uh… you kind of lost some of your memories. They’re trying to see if they can find a way to get them back,” he explained. Way to act natural, Fitzherbert.
The look on her face made Eugene understand why Cass said that too much information would be an overload. She looked shocked just knowing she had lost memories in the first place, he couldn’t imagine how she would feel knowing all the memories she had lost.
“I lost my memories? How long has it been?”
He cringed a little bit. There was no way he could lie to her, but he didn’t know how she would react to finding out just how much she had forgotten.
“A little over a year,” he told her. Her eyes widened even more.
“A year? And I’ve forgotten all of it? What happened?”
“We’re not entirely sure, but like I said, my friends are working on getting them back,” he insisted, trying to reassure not just her, but himself too. He stuck out a thumbs up for good measure, which didn’t seem to convince her very much. “So I guess we just... wait for them to come back.”
She nodded as they fell into silence. He sat down to keep himself from pacing again. He didn’t want her to see that he was nervous or she would get nervous, and he was trying to keep her as steady as he could. She must already be on edge from finding out about her lost memories, plus she didn’t really know him. Not like she should.
He wanted to scream thinking about what she must think of him right now. She only knew Flynn Rider. The guy that had only agreed to help her after she forced him to. The guy that was trying to trick her into giving him the crown back. Great.
He looked over at her, watching her brush her fingers through her hair awkwardly from where she was seated. For the first time ever, he had no idea how to talk to her. He wasn’t sure he could hold a whole conversation with her without either revealing everything or lying, and both of those options weren’t exactly ideal.
So they sat in silence.
The silence was killing her. She could tell there was something Flynn wasn’t telling her, but she couldn’t figure out what it could be. She had lost over a year of her memories. She didn’t know where she was, or who those people in the room when she woke up were. She didn’t even recognize the dress she was wearing.
Not to mention, Flynn was acting strange. From the short interaction she had had with him before (well, that she remembered, that is), she knew that he was very outspoken. Now, he was acting nervous and quiet, fidgeting uncomfortably from across the room.
“So, Flynn,” she piped up. “Did we get to see the lanterns?”
She noticed the way he smiled a bit as he answered, “Yeah. Trust me, it was just as magical as you dreamed.”
“So why are you still with me?”
His head shot up, his face filled with a mix of shock and concern. “What?”
She shrugged. “I was going to keep up my end of the deal and give your satchel back once we saw the lanterns. Why didn’t you leave after you got it back?”
He hesitated, then smiled again and answered, “I found something worth a lot more to me than that crown.”
She waited for him to continue, but it was clear that he wasn’t going to explain further. That was… cryptic, she thought. She didn’t know how much that crown was worth, but given how badly he wanted it, it was probably a lot. What did he find that was worth more than that?
She still needed answers to what was going on. A lot must have changed in the past year. “Does Mother know where I am?” That question had been in the back of her head since Flynn told her that she lost a year of memories, but she was almost scared of the answer. Surely Mother would be worried that she wasn’t in her tower. Or maybe Mother had found out that she had left, and saw that Rapunzel really was ready for the world. That must be it, right?
“Your Mother isn’t really concerned about where you are anymore,” Flynn said quietly.
Rapunzel was conflicted with this answer. That must mean that Mother had let her out to see the world! And the scary girl and tall man that had been in the room when she woke up were her new friends!
But why wouldn’t he tell her that? What was he hiding?
The most concerning part of his answer was the fact that he had added “anymore” onto the end. Did he say that because something had happened to Mother? Was she hurt?
And why isn’t he giving me any straight answers?
Something was clearly wrong. Flynn was watching over her instead of leaving like he had been trying to before. And he wouldn’t tell her anything about what was really going on.
Slowly, the pieces started to fall into place.
He had done something to Mother. He must have hurt her to keep her away. Mother would never leave Rapunzel on her own in the world, she was always concerned with her safety. Plus, Flynn said he found something worth more than the crown. He must have found out about her hair, and wanted to keep it for himself.
Mother had always told her that people would only want her for her hair, and she was right. Flynn was trying to use her hair for himself, and his ruffian friends, too.
One thing was clear. She had to get out and get away from him. Maybe she could find Mother, and heal her from whatever Flynn did to her.
She started to hatch a plan. She couldn’t just run away now, or else he’d be able to catch her before she got far enough. He might hurt her and Mother even more than he already must have.
She had to find a way to get out of this room so she could find a way away from him. Sometimes she could get what she wanted from Mother when she tried to gain sympathy, so she could try it on Flynn, too. Maybe she could find some kindness from him if he didn’t suspect anything?
“I guess I don’t have any memories of being outside the tower,” Rapunzel said. “What’s it like?” Eugene felt his heart sink. Not only was he giving incredibly vague responses whenever she tried to talk to him, he was actively keeping her trapped in this room.
He really wasn’t any better than Gothel.
She couldn’t remember any of the world. She loved the world, even if she didn’t know it at the moment. And now he was the one keeping her away from it.
So, screw what CassANdra would say, he was going to help Rapunzel experience the world for the first time again. “You know what, Blondie, maybe we should get some fresh air.”
Her face lit up in the way that always made his heart melt. Knowing she didn’t remember their relationship at all was eating him up inside, since all he wanted to do was sweep her up in his arms and kiss her.
He’d make sure to do that once Cass and Lance found a way to restore her memories.
The first part of her plan had worked. He had agreed to let her go outside. She was coming up with her plan on the fly, but she was confident that she could figure it out. All she had to do was find a way to get away from Flynn. From there, she just needed to find out how far she was from the Tower, and figure out how to get back. Once the sun went down, she might be able to use the stars to find her way.
Right now, though, she had to focus on getting Flynn off her trail. Which would be hard, since he was right next to her, watching as she was leaving the caravan.
As she took her first step outside the door, she realized this really would be her first memory of being outside. The last thing she remembered was right before her foot hit the grass, so she had no recollection of how it felt.
Forgetting the situation at hand for just a moment, she couldn’t help but smile as she looked around, feeling the soft ground beneath her feet and the light breeze on her face. She shuffled her feet as the grass brushed against her skin. The sun looked different from on the ground, too. Somehow, it looked much brighter and happier. She ran her hand over a tree next to her, feeling how rough the bark was. Despite her fears, she laughed brightly. Maybe Mother really was wrong about the world, she couldn’t understand how anything this beautiful could be as terrible as Mother said.
Mother. Right, she needed to get away from Flynn and find Mother. She looked around, looking for some kind of escape. She knew that Flynn was watching her. She wasn’t sure how she could get away. From what Mother told her, she was weak and slow compared to the people out in the world, which probably meant that he could catch her and overpower her if she tried to get away.
But she didn’t exactly have another option, she just hoped she would have an advantage since he didn’t know she was trying to get away.
So she sprinted away as fast as her legs would take her.
In hindsight, Eugene should have seen this coming.
Gothel had told her not to trust anyone, and he was definitely not acting trustworthy. If he had been thinking at all, he would’ve been prepared for this.
Before he could fully process what he was doing, he took off after her, trying to make sure she didn’t leave his sight. In all honesty, he wasn’t really sure what he would do once he caught up to her. It’s not like he was going to tackle her or physically stop her, so he wasn’t really sure if he had a plan at all. He would just figure it out as he went along. Maybe eventually she’d just get tired and stop running.
Yeah, that wasn’t exactly a promising plan.
Flynn was getting closer. She desperately searched for the next step of her getaway plan, but was coming up empty. He was about to catch up to her, and she wasn’t sure if she would be able to fight him off. If only she had looked for a frying pan to defend herself before running away, then she might have a chance.
But the fastest her legs could take her wasn’t proving to be fast enough, not to mention she had no idea where she was going. Flynn probably knows these woods better than her, so maybe she wouldn’t have even been able to get away in the first place.
She let out a yelp as something pulled her back. She lost her footing and fell face first onto the ground. At first, she thought he had grabbed her, but as she looked behind her she realized that her hair got caught on a tree branch. Oh no. She desperately tried to yank it away, but it was stuck.
She watched him draw near, and she couldn’t help but realize that Mother had been right all along.
The world is dark and cruel, and she hadn’t been ready for it.
He let out a sigh of relief after seeing that she had stopped running, making it easier for him to get to her.
“Rapunzel,” he breathed out, stopping in front of her. He almost smiled as he tried to catch his breath. It was still hard keeping up with her when she was out in the world (but the fact that she was trying to get away from him honestly kind of put a damper on the feeling).
“Get away,” she demanded, her voice small. She was slightly trembling, trying to back away from him. She had tripped and was lying on the ground, her hair stuck on a stray branch.
That was when he realized how threatening he must seem. She was told her whole life that everyone was out to hurt her, and he had just chased her down until she couldn't get away. And now he was towering over her in a place she didn’t recognize. 
He cursed at himself under his breath, then knelt down at a safe distance from her so she wouldn’t feel intimidated. “Blondie, I’m not going to hurt you, I promise.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“I know, and I’m sorry. But trust me, I would never want to do anything to harm you.”
“Why won’t you explain what’s going on?”
He sighed. “Rapunzel, a lot has happened since you left your tower for the first time. After we saw the lanterns, you found out you were the Lost Princess, and your Mother was lying to you your whole life. Once your hair was cut, you went to the castle to be with your real parents. And you met Cass and Lance, who are the people you saw earlier. And you touched a black rock that made you grow all your hair back, and now we’re following the trail that these rocks are making.”
Talk about an information overload. He really should have been easing her into all that information instead of spewing everything at her all at once, but it’s too late now.
Her expression had gone from terrified to confused, like she was trying to decide whether or not to believe him. A flurry of emotions flickered across her face as she tried to process everything.
“But you didn’t explain why you’re here,” she said after a beat of silence. “What was worth more to you than the crown?”
“You are! You are worth more to me than any crown ever could be,” he exclaimed. “I fell in love with you, Rapunzel. I fell in love with you the minute I saw you for the first time, and I fell in love with you again at the campfire, then again when we watched the lantern festival together. I fall in love with you again and again every day, and there is nothing worth more to me than you. That’s why I’m here. Because I love you.”
If he hadn’t already scared her, he definitely had now. Eugene wanted to kick himself for confessing his undying love while she barely remembered him at all, but it all just came pouring out. He had to pretend to not be in love with her for only an hour and it was too much for him. He hoped she wasn’t completely scared of him, though he figured he had probably already freaked her out.
Her eyes widened as she thought about everything he said. At least it seemed like she knew he was telling the truth. He was about to apologize for dumping all that on her at once when started to move towards him.
His heart fluttered as he looked into her eyes. He hadn’t told her his name. She knew him, at least a little bit. A soft smile broke out across his face. “Hey Sunshine.”
Before he knew what was happening, she ran up to him and pressed their lips together.
As she kissed Eugene, all her memories slowly made their way back. She was starting to see clear pictures of everything she had forgotten. The lanterns, of course, were sticking out in the front of her mind. That moment meant everything to her, and all her memories truly center around it.
She wrapped her arms around Eugene’s neck and pulled him closer, deeper into their kiss. Memories continued to pop up. Her family, her friends, her kingdom. She had only been without those memories for a short amount of time, but gaining them back was so relieving.
“Well, I was going to come back with bad news, but it looks like you’ve got it handled.”
They broke apart to see Cass and Lance standing a few meters back. “Hey, Cass,” Rapunzel greeted brightly. “No antidote?”
“No, but I did make sure to turn that merchant in for drugging you.”
Lance ran up to her and scooped her up into a hug. “Aw, I’m so glad you’re okay, Princess!” he gushed. She giggled and returned his embrace.
“I’m glad to be back,” she responded.
“Alright, sorry for interrupting the moment, you two go ahead and go back to making out,” Lance declared as he set Rapunzel down. She felt her face warm and she glanced over to Eugene, who rolled his eyes.
“Well, when you set the mood like that,” Eugene snorted. He grabbed Rapunzel’s hand and grinned at her. “Y’know, I’d hate to inflate my own ego, but it is a fact that our kiss was so spectacular it brought all your memories back.”
Cass groaned in annoyance. Rapunzel laughed and lifted herself onto her toes to kiss his cheek. “It was pretty magical,” she agreed between giggles.
That night, Rapunzel had insisted on sleeping in the same bed as Eugene, saying that being with him was helping her memories. He knew that was true, although he was pretty sure she mostly just wanted to spend the night with him. Not that he was complaining about it.
“Are you doing alright?” he asked.
She nodded. “I think almost all my memories are back now.”
“How are you feeling, though?”
She paused for a few seconds before answering. “I don’t know,” she said honestly. “It was… strange to go back to thinking the world was out to get me. And I was so worried about Moth- about Gothel and what she would think. I guess sometimes I still think about what Gothel would think of me now.”
Eugene grabbed her hand and gently brought it to his lips. He knew that she still thought about Gothel. That wasn’t her fault, that woman had raised her for 18 years, and manipulated her every thought all the while. But it still hurt that she felt like that (and it made him a little upset that the frog was the one that got to trip that witch out of the window and not him).
“I’m sorry for running away from you,” she said as she turned to face him.
“You don’t need to apologize for that, I should have been telling you the truth from the beginning. You had every right to run away from the creepy guy that refused to give an actual answer.”
She smiled softly and rested her forehead against his. “Also, thank you for helping me discover the world again. There’s no one else I’d rather have by my side when I see the world for the first time for the second time.”
He laughed. “That was all you, both times. All I did was stand aside so you could be a part of the world like you were meant to.”
Her eyelids started to droop as she snuggled up closer to him. He smiled as her eyes drifted shut, and he assumed she had fallen asleep until she spoke up once last time.
“I feel the same way about you, you know. What you said about falling in love every day. I do, too, and I wouldn’t have it any other way,” she mumbled.
He was almost glad her eyes were shut, otherwise she would have seen the way he smiled like an idiot hearing her say that. He knew she loved him, but it still caught him a bit off guard every time he heard her say it.
He kissed her forehead and rested his head down on her pillow. “I love you, Sunshine.”
He only received a snore in response, but he didn’t mind. Getting to hold her in his arms was more than enough as he drifted off to sleep himself, replaying all his memories with her in his head, and thinking about all the new memories they would make.
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ato-matsuri · 3 years
On Agartha
Been a while since I’ve written a long text post, most of all one about Fate. It honestly inspires a lot of rambling in me, after all. But I don’t think, this time, it’s due to its good writing, the emotions it makes me feel, or anything good. This, my friend, is about Agartha. I should probably prelude that this contains a metric shit ton of Agartha spoilers. If you haven’t seen Agartha, and you’re actually wanting to see the story -- scroll past. But, having played through Agartha completely and rested on the story for a bit, I think I want to repeat what everyone else has for ages lol.
Agartha, on paper, is incredible. A subterranean world built off fantastical story off fantastical story, made by a woman known for her ability to weave story after story, within stories, on the fly, and from a database of every possible Arabian Nights tale. Where the fear Scheherazade has due to Shahryar's endless abuse and fearmongering has stretched even to men as a whole due to literal years of having to survive Shahryar. Where the only leaders were queens, where the only rebellion force was a man so horrifically corrupt that he'd easily fall for the tricks she played. Her intent -- to reveal magecraft forever, removing any power magecraft has, saving her from ever having to fight and face kings -- and die -- ever again. That... sounds pretty good when I describe it that way, huh? Now if only it were executed with any modicum of sense.
From the beginning, Agartha's writing struck me as remarkably odd. It was like I was watching someone desperately try to emulate Nasu's writing style -- but had absolutely no idea what made Nasu's writing so good. Its exposition dumps, rather than being interesting, ended up being thoroughly boring -- as they focused on the mundane, like the fact that moss glows to light up the landscape -- instead of the magical implications of a world like Agartha even existing to begin with. Albeit, with the mystery of Agartha at that time, we can safely assume that there wasn't much to focus on, but then why spend so damned long talking about this stuff?
The worldbuilding, while passable, feels fairly flawed in execution. The idea of a world made the way Agartha was could've made for some interesting commentary about the way men treated (and still do treat) women in modern society, but Agartha not only misses the point, but tumbles head-over-ass into the uncanny valley and makes the whole thing sound like a continent-wide BDSM session. There's barely any actual subtle or well-done symbolism to showcase misogyny in this way -- and while hyperbole can serve a good point at times, the hyperbole combined with the strangely sexual writing of these segments makes it feel less like commentary and more like a badly-done doujin.
For example -- El Dorado was as simple as it gets. Men are slaves/breeding machines/whatever. The whole 'breeding machine' thing is played off extensively, even with Penth -- a minor at this stage, mind you -- comments on using the protagonists as such breeding machines. I'll come back to this later, because this serves as another point.
Ys was a fucking cool concept -- a world ruled entirely by rampant consumerism and chaos. Men, in this world, are still second-class citizens, pretty much the playthings of the women around them. I say that Ys is the best kingdom comparatively, as it was at least more bearable than its other kingdoms, but it still felt weirdly sexual in its writing tone. Of course, following tone, Dahut (who I'll get back to later) smashes men constantly, and is very keen on fucking Guda as well, following a trend. It's played for comedy, mostly, but it's still uncomfortable as all hell. Even so, I note it's more bearable because it's a very slightly more subtle take on the whole 'misogyny' allegory -- these people are using men for basically whatever they want, and tossing them away after. I'd compare it to a few true crime cases of people who murdered, or assaulted women for no good reason at all, purely out of a want that was either denied (for good reason), or that the want itself was to inflict harm. While the allegory still does feel unintentional here, it's at least slightly less unintentional. It was probably mostly just by accident due to Agartha's generally uncomfortable writing style, but the allegory here feels a little more potent when it's not so blatantly a BDSM fic.
I hate the Nightless City, despite it again being a cool concept. A 'utopia' where speaking out at all means death -- where men are in concept free citizens, but in practice fall victim to the law if they look at someone funny. Again, in concept, great allegory. The law does not treat men and women the same -- and while it differs depending on the case which is preferred, the vast majority of the time, women are pretty much shafted by the legal system (see Brock Turner), especially in very conservative areas. Cases can be made for both genders being shafted, of course -- but for the purpose of this allegory, picking out the prejudices of the legal system against gender is a fair critique. But, like everything else Agartha does, these neat ideas fall flat in practice.
They barely touch at all on the allegory, and nobody seems to even realize it in the cast, making me further believe the allegories aren't intentional at all. In due fact, it's as if the writer didn't even realize that this could be read as an allegory. The men's plights make some sense, as they were yoinked out of nowhere into a world that hates them. But the Servants and Guda don't think about it at all past the 'wow men are slaves that sucks' -- barely even considering that this could be an allegory the world's creator made due to their own horrific circumstances. They do point this out, but to my knowledge, it's very late -- when Scheherazade's called on her bluff, only then is it ever mentioned, and only in passing at that. If anything, the fact they point this out so close to the ending makes the ending itself that much more insulting. But before I get to the ending, I think there's something else about Agartha that sets the scene for just how awful it is -- and that's the way the characters are written, and the dialogue that comes of it. For this, I'll split it up into the characters who portray this the most. I'll even describe their personalities in Agartha's context.
Guda: Crouching pervert, hidden Mash stan. A few non-sequiturs of Guda complimenting Mash despite the mood being completely broken by it. Guda's incapable of taking a situation seriously in Agartha, even when the world's basically due to be changed forever. They keep cracking jokes, creeping on Astolfo/d'Eon, and other such things even when people are literally dying all around him. For that matter, I clearly recall the scene where -- for no real reason -- Guda just changes gears with Mash in tow, and starts trying to decipher d'Eon's gender. There's absolutely no real context to this, nor any reason for Guda to do this. Further noted is the fact Guda has worked with d'Eon before, and should've probably realized d'Eon's situation by this point. The Nasuverse has always been a bit, er, behind on gender norms and such, but it's so prevalent in any scene with d'Eon it hurts -- especially in that particular scene.
Astolfo: Oddly enough, the most tolerable person here (sans one other person). Agartha's refusal to take itself seriously works remarkably well for Astolfo. And while Astolfo isn't exactly written well here either, the fact that Astolfo's always been a bit loopy makes them seem, well, more in character. They're responsible for some of the funnier moments in Agartha, with their input composing approximately 3/4 of the, like, seven or eight funny moments in Agartha proper. Even so, Astolfo's appearance sometimes hurts Agartha as much as they help it, probably since Astolfo is a bit of the reason Agartha won't take itself seriously.
d'Eon: Deserved fucking better. The previously mentioned scene was the worst offender by far in my eyes, with it coming out of fucking nowhere. d'Eon's paired with Astolfo as a buddy and fighting partner, which itself could've made for good material -- instead, d'Eon is constantly dragged into Astolfo's fanservice-y gimmicks, and d'Eon themselves are pretty often creeped on by Guda. I'd go out on a limb to say that d'Eon's implied dislike of gendered clothing (see the maid outfit) made their scenes wearing such outfits far more uncomfortable, especially with how distinctly sexual the Agartha humour is. I just hated it.
Columbus: I can't fucking believe I'm saying this, but Columbus was the funniest character in Agartha. And I don't even think that was intentional. Something about how unabashedly horrible he was caught me completely off guard -- I thought he'd end up sort of like Napoleon at a glance, someone whose Spirit Origin was completely changed due to Europe's collective worship of the dude -- but holy FUCK was I wrong. Something about the hilariously cursed faces Columbus pulls, combined with his loud-and-proud irredeemable evilness, made him a blast to watch -- and an even bigger blast to beat the shit out of. His, uh, toothy grin still cracks me up even a few weeks after playing it.
Penthesilea: One of a very large amount of people who really deserved better. She barely ever shows up -- and when she does, she voices her desire to turn Guda and co. into a breeding machine/slave (recall she's like. 16?), and pretty much throws the whole 'reasonable-ish zerk' thing out the window instantly, because Agartha decided to forego decent writing in favour of 'funny berserker hates achilles haha brrrrrr,' therefore losing pretty much all the characterization they could've given her. The lack of 'alternate views' that show her in greater detail make this far worse, which I'll go into later.
Dahut: God, wasted potential out the asshole! A woman who made an entire world that fucked around and needlessly consumed stuff, she's the epitome of such a belief. But that's all she is. I'd be able to forgive this awful writing if Scheherazade, who 'implanted' Drake onto Dahut, was a bad writer -- but she's fucking Scheherazade! Dahut's a completely flat character, who constantly tries to bed (and kill) Guda, and generally likes the idea of needless consumption. That's literally it. Again, could be explained if Dahut had difficulty keeping control of Drake's body and conscience -- but this isn't explored either! She's just a walking, talking missed opportunity.
Wu: God, look at her design. Do I even need to say more?! She falls under the same problem that the other rulers do -- shallow characterization, no opportunities to flesh them out, etc.
Scheherazade: She could've been so fucking amazing. Scheherazade's story is one ripe with interpretations the Fate series so loves to utilize -- and on paper, her character is amazing. It'd only be natural for someone like Schez to be this deeply traumatized after so many days on death's door -- not many could really get through that okay. The incredible storyteller who fears death, kings, and unconsciously, men as a whole -- creating Agartha as a subtle way of ensuring none of them harm her while she prepares her ultimate plan of revealing magecraft to the entire world. However, as with the other Agartha characters, she becomes cripplingly one-note. Bringing her fear of death above all else, she comes off as an unreasonable asshole, constantly freaking out about death and preserving exclusively herself to a fault. While one could argue it's partially due to a Pillar's influence, Phenex doesn't seem to have a hold on her at all -- it's a basic alliance, and nothing more, as the ending shows us. It just leaves her as a one-note death avoider, with no other character traits at all. I'd go into further detail, but I'm saving that for later.
Fergus: God fucking damnit, man. A literal child version of Fergus, who the entire cast constantly expects to sexually harass every woman in sight. He's a one-note flanderization of Fergus, just without the one character trait Agartha gave Fergus. It just makes him... boring, a character whose only character trait is his refusal to hit a woman. Like... Come on. The fact the entire team is so sure this literal child will start trying to hit on women is just uncomfortable to witness, and the fact he slowly starts gaining these traits feels less like him 'meeting his fate' as Fergus, and more like Agartha wants an excuse to sexually harass more of the cast.
The Fucking Ending I'm giving this its own category, because of just how much of a punch to the face it was. In short -- the plan to reveal magecraft is revealed, more jokes are made, bla bla bla. Agartha can't keep a serious mood at all. ...But the final few scenes take it to a whole other extreme.
Wu Zetian comes out of nowhere despite being squashed by Megalos earlier, stuffing Phenex into a pit of her weird water shit, placing Phenex in a state of 'life and death.' Child Fergus then sac's his own Spirit Origin to summon Fergus inside himself(???), thus gaining the power of Caladbolg to weaken Phenex enough for the player to destroy. ...However, Child Fergus just summoned Fergus inside his own body. So, what happens when you put Agartha!Fergus, a one-note sexual harasser, into the body of a child? You get the final scene of Agartha. For some reason, I guess you need more help from others to take out Phenex. To this end, Fergus decides to convince Schez to join their side. I'd like you to recall that FGO!Scheherazade is implied to have the trauma of Shahryar's abuse, sexual and physical, burned into her memory -- not just the whole death thing. In every form of the story, Shahryar abuses her in such a fashion almost nightly. It's to the point where Schez' first line of defence, and much of her skills, are as much oriented around storytelling as they are charm and seduction (moreso the former than the latter, albeit), because her defence mechanism was that as much as it was storytelling, to keep her abuser happy. This is a part of why Agartha is the way it is -- to keep such men away from her. Hell, there's not a single King in sight, save technically Fergus, and Chaldea's d'Eon and Astolfo. Fergus knows this. Hell, he heard this being called out. He's well aware how terrified she is. So, what does he do?
SEXUALLY HARASS HER. He claims she has to live to have kids. That men and women have to live to have kids. He claims that she should live, because he'd smash her. ...Now, that's insulting enough -- moreso, that it's played dead serious. Nobody even as much as calls him on such a shitty persuasion tactic, and nobody even mentions how awful it is to sexually harass a woman who'd been sexually assaulted at best for the better part of almost three straight years. AND IT. FUCKING. WORKS.
And because of this, she's swayed to join the heroes and seal Phenex away for good -- giggling about how Fergus' worldview was partially correct even as she fades away. The epilogue features Fergus, sexually harassing Scheherazade ON SIGHT -- calling out 'tits on my 12:00' or whatever, as Scheherazade darts off. However, Schez isn't avoiding him due to trauma. She's avoiding it because, while she's into it, she doesn't want to 'die' so fast. This fucking ending highlights among the biggest issues with this damned Singularity. Even Blavatsky coming out of fucking nowhere to Deus Ex Machina a grail and help into Guda's hands -- despite seemingly being slaughtered by Columbus in a (admittedly a bit funny) way to get the base of the Resistance -- means nothing to me compared to the blatant slaughter of two characters at once. Fergus is a total horndog even outside of Agartha's reach, but he even notes he respects his partners' consent, and doesn't overstep his bounds if he makes them uncomfortable. Scheherazade isn't exactly trusting in the slightest, least of all in Agartha - she barely even begins trusting Guda due to Guda treating her with actual respect. Even then, she isn't actively prostrating herself for Guda in that sense, very likely due to the fact that's more of a defence mechanism to her rather than something she'd enjoy, due to extreme trauma. Albeit, Fate writing does leave the possibility in the air for Guda specifically, but that's very likely just due to Guda being Guda and being careful to treat her properly and help her than anything else (and also the whole 'self insert harem' thing, I guess, but that's a hell of a lot easier to ignore esp in contrast to Agartha) And yet, we see that epilogue, that butchers both of them in one fell swoop so badly that I almost ended up hating both of them. Agartha's biggest problem is that it tried to be deep and intriguing, while having the writing quality of the goddamned Valentine's events. It picked all the right characters to have an incredibly intriguing storyline, and fell flat because the author decided that playing sexual harassment, d'Eon's everything, and even the most serious scenes for comedy was more important than telling a story even half as meaningful as the chapters before it. Lo and behold -- to my knowledge, Minase wrote it. Of course he did. He chose the best, the most interesting characters he could find, and made them so fucking one-note that the story lost all its charm in moments. He chose to emulate Nasu without understanding what made Nasu's writing so good. He chose to make Agartha a laugh fest despite simultaneously trying to make it 'deep.' He chose to fall head-over-ass over a possibly interesting allegory into misogyny and fall right into sexualizing it to the point of feeling like a femdom BDSM fic. And go figure the only character he did decently was Christopher fucking Columbus. I have a hatred for Agartha I can't reasonably place anywhere else. Prillya was just as shitty, but I ignored it, because Prillya itself wasn't great, so of course the crossover sucks too. Valentine's events written by him weren't great, but whatever, it's a Valentine's event. Septem, written by someone else, was similarly not great. But it wasn't insulting. It simply wasn't great, and had a lot of wasted potential. But its ending wasn't out of character to the point of being insulting. Its story didn't make incredible mythological and historical figures too infuriating to like anymore. It didn't almost ruin entire Fate characters for me. Not the way Agartha did. I should probably contextualize that Scheherazade is among my favourite mythological figures. I introduced myself to her through Magi (lmao) due to further research into the base stories -- as well as a favourite Magic: The Gathering card, Shahrazad, which forced you to play a game within your game, like how Arabian Nights featured stories within stories.
Even in Fate outside of Agartha, I liked her. Her design didn't make much sense to me considering her character, but whatever, I didn't need to think too hard of it. It's just a design, and despite my hatred of Penth's design, I still love Penth as a character, so I can handle Schez. But Agartha painted her in such a way that all the subtlety and interesting parts of Schez went completely out the window. No longer was there any hidden references to the aftereffects of her life beyond 'i dun wan die,' and there was hardly an ounce of sympathy or kindness in her bones at all. While her being an anti-hero made some sense, especially as she was only a normal person with far above-average storytelling prowess, there was a point when she stopped being a 'good, but terrified person' and started being a complete asshole. And Agartha was that time. If it weren't for her Interlude, which redeemed her considerably, and Ooku, which did wonders for her character despite being written by Minase (as I believe Nasu was overseeing him at that point), I very likely would've never gone for her at all, despite my love of the myth. In Conclusion This rant is just to say that Agartha is bad. Horrific. Insulting, even. At every step where it could've been good, it tumbled head-over-ass into the most insulting, uncomfortable shit you could imagine. It failed to take itself seriously, and paced itself like a comedy event, but simultaneously acted as if it expected its audience to take it seriously. Like a clown brigade deciding to take on Les Mis, it loses all of its punch when every few lines is interrupted by a jab at Fergus, sexual harassment, or something that comes close to being cool before suddenly turning into a badly-timed joke, or suddenly becoming laden with dialogue so sexual it feels straight out of a porno. It's aggravating, awful, and with only brief reprieves of bareable comedy in between long, long lengths of hellish text and awful characterization. The only good part was the gameplay -- which, laden with interesting mechanics not seen elsewhere, was legitimately fun. My take? Avoid all Agartha cutscenes and plot, and just play the gameplay. The gameplay's fun, and if enjoyed on its own, would probably make for a far better experience than observing the story surrounding it. But good gameplay doesn't make up for a horrible story, especially in a game where plot is as important as it is in F/GO. Agartha's a pile of shit in my eyes, but that's ultimately only my opinion, and nothing more. If others have an opinion counter to mine, that's completely fine -- and don't let this analysis ruin your fun with Agartha if you enjoyed its plot. To be frank, I'd be happy if you enjoyed it where I could not. And if you think my takes are misinformed, or if I missed a spot (or overreacted to a spot), that's what the reblogs and comments are for! I'm definitely not the kind of dude who has the final say in matters like this -- this is only what I picked up. Thank you for reading!
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mynumberfivethings · 3 years
Little!five and separation anxiety??
“Hey, I’m headed out, does anybody need anything from the store? I’ll stop by on my way back home tonight.” Vanya announces to the room at large. 
Five peeks up from his morning newspaper with a raised brow. “You’re leaving?” he asks. Allison is in California for the next two weeks with Klaus, who convinced her he’d behave if she let him tag along. Diego’s consulting on a case with the PD at the moment, so he hasn’t been home much the last few days. And Luther is working a double today at the local boxing gym-he left early in the morning after making some elaborate protein shake Five poked fun at him for. 
Vanya nods, “New client downtown and then I’ve got practice with the orchestra-I’ll be home in time for dinner though.” she throws her bag over her shoulder and then straps her violin case across her chest. “So, anything from the store?” 
Ben hums. “Can you get more of those vanilla cookies for the pantry? I think we’re almost out.” 
“Gotcha. Alright, see you guys tonight.” she waves goodbye and strolls out of the room, leaving Ben and Five to their own devices for the rest of the day. 
After a few minutes of silence Ben pushes his chair back and puts his plate in the sink to soak. “Five, I think I’m gonna visit the library today,” he decides. “Need anything?” 
Five sits up straight and puts his newspaper down fully. “Why? We have a library here.” he furrows his brows in confusion, frowning. 
Ben chuckles. “Well, Dads library isn’t exactly full of books for leisurely reading.” 
Five would beg to differ-”Cosmological Inflation and Large-Scale Structure” was a rather leisurely read, in his opinion. But he knows Ben’s recently gotten a taste for comic books and there’s absolutely no way in hell Reginald would have ever allowed such childish things in his library. “Right.” Five scratches the back of his head anxiously. He’s not sure exactly why he’s suddenly got this weird tightening in his chest, but he does. 
“When will you be back?” 
Ben shrugs. “Not sure. Probably before dinner, though.” 
“Do you mind if I come with you?” Five blurts out. “I-” he clears his throat. “There’s a book I’ve been looking for but I don’t think we have it here.” 
Ben tilts his head. Five is a homebody, Ben’s discovered, in the last few months since he was brought back to life. He enjoys sitting at home and reading books, occasionally he’ll watch Jeopardy and put the contestants on the show to shame with the odd amount of trivia he actually knows, but mostly he really only goes out if it’s necessary or if Allison plans a fun family outing and Five is in his little headspace.  
“Sure, I don’t mind. You wanna drive?” 
Five rolls his eyes. “I can just blink us over there.” 
Ben sighs, “Fine, but try to teleport us somewhere at least kind of inconspicuous?” The last time Five agreed to bring him somewhere Ben got an earful from a woman they scared half to death by suddenly appearing out of seemingly thin air not two feet away from her in the bread aisle of the grocery mart. 
The library is quiet today, which isn’t too surprising considering it’s before noon on a Wednesday. 
“I’m gonna go check out the upstairs.” Ben half whispers, already going towards the stairwell. 
Five watches Ben walk away with a longing he can’t quite place. He rests his palm against his chest-there’s an ache there he can’t identify. All he knows is that he wants to follow his brother, but he also knows what odd behavior that is. He’s not in his little headspace right now, after all. He doesn’t need to be chaperoned like a child, despite the body he’s in. 
Instead, Five decides to roam about the History section a bit. 
There’s a giggling that calls his attention about fifteen minutes into his browsing; he looks up to find across the library in the Childrens Books section a young mother and her toddler. She’s shushing the child, but there’s a smile on her face and she’s holding up a Dr. Seuss hardcover and pointing out the silly rhymes and the even sillier made up creatures. She’s sitting down with the boy in her lap and he’s curled up against her looking the picture of warm and snug and...happy. 
“Shit.” Five gulps. He can feel it coming on, can feel his control coming apart at the seams. Not here, he thinks, not now. But the tears prickling at the edges of his eyes tell him he’s got little say in the matter. 
Ben thought Five might join him upstairs after a while but it’s been about a half hour now and his brother’s nowhere to be seen. Curious to see what’s gotten Fives attention, he heads back downstairs. 
Ben looks practically everywhere-first in the sections where he thinks Five would most be drawn to-when he’s had no luck he starts to worry. Five knows better than to teleport without letting one of them know if he’s going elsewhere. It took him a while to learn that, in fact. 
“Um, excuse me, sorry to bother you,” he begins, speaking to the woman at the front desk, “But is there a chance you saw where my brother might’ve gone? I can’t find him anywhere. He’s thirteen, about this tall, black hair-” 
Thankfully there are so few people in the library at the moment that it doesn’t take much for the librarian to recognize who he’s talking about. “Oh, I think I saw him head for the restroom, right that way, to your left.” 
Ben thanks her profusely before heading in that direction. He steps foot inside and he can see Five’s shoes peeking out from under the one stall that’s not empty. “I’m gonna check out a couple of books and head to the Starbucks across the street, so meet me there when you’re done here, ok?” he calls out. 
He’s expecting an annoyed. “Fine.”-no one, Five most of all, likes to be interrupted while in the bathroom, after all. 
But instead he’s surprised to hear a stifled sob and a small, nearly inaudible. “Kay.” 
Ben immediately marches up to the stall, his concern coming back tenfold. “Five? Hey, you ok? What’s wrong? Did something happen?” 
Another stifled sob. “N-no.” 
That’s definitely little Five in there, no doubt about it, Ben confirms in his head. “Five, can you open the door for me, please? I just wanna make sure you’re ok.” 
It takes a second and some fumbling with the latch but when Five does open it, it’s only to reveal a splotchy red face streaked with tears and a runny nose. 
Ben pulls him into his arms without a second thought and squeezes. “What’s the matter?” Five melts into him, his little hiccups turning to sobs. 
“Don’t leave.” Five cries. “Don’t wanna be alone anymore. Please.” 
Ben’s heart shatters and he holds his baby brother all the tighter. Five has been acting a bit out of sorts since Allison and Klaus left, and then with everyone else in the house so busy lately that they’re barely ever there during waking hours-well, Ben can see now why Five’s been extra attentive when his few remaining siblings decide to leave the house. 
“I’m not going anywhere, I promise. I’m sorry I didn’t realize you were feeling this way sooner.” He manages to pick Five up pretty easily-the kid, unfortunately, doesn’t weigh much-and Five latches on instantly, his legs wrapping around Bens waist and his arms around his neck. 
He tucks his face against Ben’s neck and huffs out another sob. “Wanna go home.” 
Ben rocks him gently back and forth, rubbing a hand up and down his back comfortingly. “Of course.” They’re going to have to take the bus, seeing that they didn’t bring the car, Ben is thinking, just as suddenly they’re transported from the library mens room to Ben’s bedroom back at the Umbrella Academy. 
Ben blinks. Five doesn’t often use his powers when he’s in his little headspace-big Five has explained it to them before that when he does, it’s more of a reflex than anything, and oftentimes he ends up three feet to the left of where he’d intended to land, which doesn’t seem like too bad of a miscalculation, until it is. 
Ben sets Five down on his bed, intending to go into the kitchen and prepare him a nice warm bottle, but that’s a mistake, if the look of absolute devastation on Fives face has anything to say about it. Ben holds out a hand. “C’mere buddy, we can go downstairs together, ok?” 
Five takes the offered hand with both of his, gripping on like it’s a lifeline. 
Ben gives in once they’re in the kitchen and picks a sniffling Five up and props him up on his hip while he goes about heating up the milk. “You know,” Ben says quietly. “You can tell us if you’re ever feeling lonely or scared or...anything, really. I know you were alone for a really long time.” 
He can feel Five stiffen up in his arms. “Scary.” he mutters. And that’s all he has to say to that. The milk boils and Ben does some kind of magic trick in order to fill the bottle up while also holding onto a little. They end up back in Ben’s room and this time he sits down on the bed with Five on his lap. “Don’t wanna nap.” he whines softly, even though his eyes are already fluttering as Ben rocks him gently. 
“But you’re so sleepy already.” Ben chuckles at the yawn Five tries to stifle. 
Five shakes his head stubbornly. “Don’t want you to go.” 
Ben tugs Five in closer to his chest and leans down to kiss him on his forehead. “I won’t. I swear I’ll be right here when you wake up, ok?” 
Five looks up at him with big, teary eyes. “Ok.” 
Ben decides the milk is just at the right temperature now for Five to drink and so he places the bottle at Fives lips and sure enough the little opens up and sucks on the teat hungrily. The milk they feed Five is a special milk full of proteins and a decent amount of calories-it’s honestly the only way to get their brother to eat most days. So Ben is relieved when Five ends up drinking the entire thing instead of leaving it half full, as he’s prone to doing. 
Five is clearly drowsy, his eyes closing and then opening abruptly as he forces himself to stay awake. “Here, let’s try this.” Ben says, adjusting them so that they’re both laying down on the bed. He pulls Five in towards his chest and Five goes willingly, more than happy to be engulfed in Bens warmth. 
Vanya finds her two brothers sleeping in exactly that position a couple of hours later-her practice having been postponed for a later date. She grins and takes her phones out to snap a photo-ok, several photos-and sends them to the family group chat. 
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hockeyboysiguess · 4 years
a/n: what’s up everyone? i’m new in town because i found one stupid hockey boy which led me to another and you know how it goes. let me know if you want me to continue writing!
warnings: some swearing, a little bit of drinking.
Your feet were killing you, and you’d definitely had a couple more than you set out to have when the night started, but it was New Year’s Eve, you told yourself. It was the kind of night you could have a little too much. You rocked a little forward on your heels, trying to relieve some of the pressure on the arches of your feet, but it threw you off balance. Luckily, Mat was there with a steady arm to keep you to your feet. You could’ve done without the chirping that immediately followed the incident.
“You know, you could just take the shoes off if they’re bothering you that much,” he said, with a laugh edging at each word as he spoke.
“I’ve definitely explained this to you before,” you sighed. “You look at the shoe, you look at your feet, you tell yourself that your shoes and your feet are married tonight and nothing in the world will separate you. You can’t get divorced after two hours, would look bad for my next husband.”
“You are more committed to those shoes than you were with your last boyfriend,” Mat retorts, never the one to stop the banter first.
“He couldn’t support me like these babies can.” You point your toes and jut one foot out for emphasis, “He didn’t make my legs look this killer either.”
Mat rolled his eyes at you and laughed, a constant combination in your friendship that had become one of the most crucial in your life this past year. You’d met him towards the beginning of the year, and you got along instantly due to your identical senses of humor. Your friendship solidified with his willingness to try practically every restaurant in New York City with you and the fact that you always let him be the DJ whenever you were together. You tried to go through the timeline of your friendship, trying to find the moment something shifted and he stopped being your friend Mat and started being the reason you said no to dates with other guys when they approached you and why you refused to let any of you other friends set you up with anyone. You glanced over at the clock to distract yourself from your thoughts, 11:50pm. Ten minutes to midnight.
“Hey, I was just thinking about the day we met,” Mat told you, a smile on his face carrying over to yours as you remembered the first time you met him.
- Months ago, you were at a party pretty similar to this where everyone was a little less dressed up and the alcohol was a lot worse. You were standing with two of your friends, debating on if you wanted to stay longer or head out to the bars when a ping pong ball landed in your cup.
“Hey! My buddy needs a partner for pong. Can you play? Doesn’t matter if you’re shit; he’s probably worse.”
You shrugged, said, “Why not?” and stepped up to the table next to him. You set your cup down on the table and turned to your new partner for the evening, “If I have to carry this team, now’s the time to let me know that you’re dead weight.”
His face was a little taken aback for a second, but then a wide smile formed across his face. He nodded softly.
“I like you,” he said. “You’re right, I am totally about to be dead weight. My name’s Mat by the way.”
You introduced yourself to him and proceeded to win the next two rounds of beer pong with Mat making three cups the entire time. You made fun of his accent. He pretended to be upset that you got away with breaking the elbows rule because you had boobs and they distracted Tito, but the distraction was to his advantage so he said he’d let the rule breaking slide as long as you promised to be his pong partner for the night. You agreed to take him on as charity case for the night if he tried a Thai-Greek fusion brunch with you tomorrow morning that none of your other friends we’re willing to go it. He took the deal and your friendship began.
“– seasons of How I Met Your Mother? Jesus, is this even going to be worth it?” Mat complained
“Get the popcorn, sit down, and shut up,” you told him. “I cannot believe you haven’t seen this before. It’s a classic.
“Friends is a classic,” he sighs as he sits down on the couch, dropping the popcorn bowl between you. “This is a cheap imitation. Besides, I thought you would hate this. Isn’t Barney like very anti your whole super feminist thing or something and doesn’t Ted just suck?”
“If you don’t realize you have to take everything in this world with a grain of salt yet, then you are beyond help, Barzy.”
You binged it in under three weeks. While you’d lived the last episode premiering live with your family, you didn’t think you’d ever seen anyone as pissed off at the ending of the show than Mat was. Your sides hurt from laughing so much at his insane ranting about how they could have possibly done that to him, with all of the time he invested in this show. He took it personally and swore he’d never watch another episode again. You still couldn’t bring it up without making him start a whole diatribe. It was your party trick together even though Mat wasn’t quite in on the joke.
- Days in Spain in June. Mat insisted on you joining him on his post season tour of Europe. By tour he meant never leaving Spain but going on a lot of wine tours and pretending he knew a lot about wine even though he couldn’t tell the difference between a three-hundred-dollar bottle of age merlot and a bottle of Barefoot if his life depended on it.
“Oh, isn’t this a fabulous red vintage?” Mat said to you, doing an impossibly bad British accent in an attempt to sound fancy. “I can taste floral,” he sipped the wine again, smacking his tongue against his lips loudly, “and citrus notes in this one. You’ll quite like it, madam.”
“You’re gonna get us kicked out,” you sang softly to him as you noticed the daggers he was getting from your tour guide.
Mat slung his arm around your shoulders, pulling you in tight to him. You could feel his muscles tense under his thin t-shirt, and your breath caught in your throat. Some part of you had known he was attractive this whole time; you’d just never been forced to pay attention until this exact moment when you were pressed up against him. You pushed the thoughts to a far corner of your mind. This was your friend Mat and you didn’t need anything more than that from him. You didn’t want it, you told yourself.
- Seconds left on the clock. You were pretty sure you hadn’t breathed for the last 5 minutes of the game and you were gripping your seat so hard that your knuckles were starting to go numb. The Islanders were down by one going into the last two minutes against Tampa Bay. Tito had scored to create a 3-3 game with just over a minute on the clock to play. You didn’t want this to go into overtime and neither did the guys. They wanted to complete the comeback win here and now.
You watched as Mat shifted the puck side to side on the ice. You saw him glance up at the clock for a brief second, then he looked back towards the net and he saw his shot. He took it without any hesitation. You were on your feet before the puck hit the back of the net. Mat was immediately engulfed by his teammates, swallowed up in a sea of blue and orange jerseys. His games practically gave you a heart attack, but you’d never turn him down if he asked you to come and he asked you to come a lot.
“Hey there, superstar,” you said, the smile in your voice obvious as you met Mat in the tunnel after he’d finished up his interviews and changed.
“Hey there,” he laughed, giving your shoulder a little shove
You looked around as you walked out with him. He was walking you through that final shot, second by second, but you couldn’t focus on his story. You saw the girlfriends, fiancées, and wives of the other players greeting their respective partners and for a split second you let yourself imagine that with Mat. You hadn’t really thought about it before, but as soon as let that wall down and the flood gates opened, and your feelings for Mat hit you square in the stomach. You wanted to be like them, have what they have, and for a split second, you let yourself want that with him. You wanted him to look at you like the other guys looked at their girlfriends and wives.
“Um, hello?” Mat’s large hang waving in front of your face pulled you out of your moment.
“Oh, sorry. Can you start over? I got a little sidetracked.”
“You okay?” he asked, concern coating the words and his brows furrowing.
“Super-duper, superstar. Try me again.”  
“-Entrées is way too many. Look, I know you’re practically a championship level competitive eater for fun, but this feels like an exercise of your skills we don’t need to practice.”
“Two things. One, calling pancakes an entrée is a little much. It’s just pancakes,” you retorted, “and two, they serve six different kinds of pancakes here, so I’m getting six kinds of pancakes. Join me or get the hell out.”
Mat’s nose scrunched up as he laughed at your response. God, you loved his laugh. You loved it most when you were responsible for it, not the girl he met at the bar last night who was definitely responsible for the marks peeking out from under his shirt. Seeing those when he sat down made you felt like all the air had left the room. You shrugged off your thoughts as best as you could. Mat wasn’t yours to be possessive of, but that didn’t make the pit in your stomach settle either. You took a sip of your orange juice as Mat’s laughter slowed.
“God, how do I still think you’re cool even though that was super lame?” he asked you, stealing your water since his hungover self practically chugged his when he arrived
“Barzy, some things in the world are magical and they’re better left unexplored and unexplained.”
“Like all women,” he said proudly, like he’d discovered something profound.
You rolled your eyes at him. Even when he was an idiot, you still wished he was your idiot and not some girl at the bar’s idiot, but you wouldn’t risk this. This friendship was too important to you to jeopardize for your stupid middle school girl pinning. You put your feelings back in the box they’d let themselves out of just as the pancakes arrived.
“You think you’d had five drinks tonight?” Your eyebrow is arched as you look back at an incredibly hammered Barzy. You knew he had to be at least eight deep, more like ten, but instead you said, “Are you sure it’s five?”
Mat nodded profusely, looking more like his bobblehead then himself in that moment. You turned your palms up at him and shrugged a bit, giving him a look of complete disbelief. He proudly put down his beer and yanked his sleeve up to show you his wrist. On his wrist were five incredibly smudged tally marks of various lengths. He hadn’t even managed to realize you were supposed to cross the last one across the other four for every set of five, so there were just five incredibly crooked lines drawn on his wrist in Sharpie.
“See? Five tally marks, five drinks,” he told you, like you were the idiot in this situation.
You nodded in fake understanding as an incredible drunk Mat reached for you. He was significantly touchier with you when he was drunk, his large hands always finding your skin and making a series of thoughts you shouldn’t have run through your brain as your heartbeat picked up in your chest. His hands rested on your upper arms this time as he lined himself up with you, forcing you to make eye contact.
“I’m fine. Don’t you worry about ol’ Barzy here,” he slurred.
“You’re twenty-two,” you laughed. “Hardly makes you an old man, my friend. Come on, I called an Uber. Let’s go.”
You took on of his hands from your arm and held it, dragging him slowly out of the party. He had the attention span of a golden retriever puppy when he was drunk, so it was a good thing you had some practice with this and started your journey to the car ten minutes before your Uber was supposed to arrive. By the time you made it outside, it was already waiting for you. You gave him one small shove and he practically fell right into the car.
“You know,” Mat told you as the car started to roll away from the party, “you’re a really good friend, ya know.”  
You smiled at him but turned your face away quickly as you felt the tears start to sting in your eyes. Maybe it’s the few drinks you’d had yourself, but Mat calling you a good friend was definitely supposed to feel good, but all it was make your heart clench inside your chest. It confirmed everything you were feeling. You and Mat were friends, good to great friends even, but that’s how he saw you, his friend. You never wanted to be the kind of person that complained about someone not liking them back, but you finally understood where everyone else was coming from. This feeling was awful in a way you couldn’t quite describe. It was like a hand had reached into you, found the place where your feelings for Mat where, and squeezed hard, except that hand wasn’t actually all too careful to target that one spot and instead squeezed everything inside your chest until you could barely catch your breath and the tears were rolling down your cheeks. Thank god that Mat had way more than five drinks and was already asleep against the opposite window because you couldn’t keep it together the entire ride home.
“You really want four dogs at once?” The disagreement coated Mat’s voice. “That’s a lot of dogs at once. I think you need to reconsider this part of your life plan.”
“Four is a very reasonable number,” you replied, not even bothering to look up from your phone. “And this is my twenty-year plan here, Mat, not yours. You don’t get a say.”
“I’m your best friend. I deserve a say here if I think you’re going to screw up part of your life,” he countered. “You’re going to be beholden to these creatures. And you’re gonna have four of them! They’re going to need you constantly. You’re not going to have time for anything else.”
“I do plan on like, having someone around at some point,” you reminded him. “Step nine of this plan was to find that man, finally, and one of the key criteria is that is likes dogs, so he’ll help share the workload.”
“And then you really only have two dogs,” Mat mumbles under his breath as he start to nod in understanding. “Okay, okay, I concede. You’re right, four is the correct number of dogs.”
You laughed in response to his agreement, “Now I’ve just got to find a man and convince him like I convinced you.”
“Took you all of a minute to get me on board with your plan here. I’d sign up to co-parent four dogs with you. You’re gonna be a killer pet parent. I’m sure you can get some other schmuck to agree with you. He’s not going to be as hot as me though, so that’s going to be a downgrade for you right there.” You didn’t let his words sink in. You let them flow right out of your head as soon as they came in. It was for the best, you told yourself.
- Hours into your co-worker’s engagement party and you were about ready to scream. If one more platter of engagement cookies with their initials and faces came past you, you were going to explode. The only reason you’d make it this long was Mat and the fact he tipped the bartender big time when you got your first drink, so he was making you doubles and triples when he was only supposed to pour singles at the open bar.
“This sucks,” you sighed to him, taking a swig of your drink.
“This party is fucking pathetic,” he said to you. “How are people this boring before they’re thirty? I just don’t understand. If I ever get engaged to someone who wants to have cookies with our faces on them at our engagement party, please shoot me.”
“I expect you to do the same if I ever think that’s a good idea,” you laughed as your spoke.
“You know what,” Mat paused only to down the remaining third of his drink in one go, “it’s time to blow this popsicle stand.”
“Jesus, Mat, they haven’t even made a toast yet or anything. We can’t leave yet,” you tried to remind him, even though it was completely half-assed since you might have been more miserable than him.
“Oh, come on, be irresponsible. Let’s go do something actually fun,” Mat said, leaning into you as he spoke. “You’re in a killer dress. You look incredible. There’s this cool bar down the road I’ve been wanting to try, and we’re dressed for the occasion.”
You scrunched up your nose as you thought. You wanted out, but you also really didn’t want to be rude since you’d have to show up to work on Monday regardless. Mat took your drink from you as you thought, taking care of the rest of your glass with ease even though the bottom quarter was definitely straight vodka due to how slow you’d been drinking. He looked at you, his eyes softly begging for you to get the hell out of here with him. You sighed and grabbed one of his hands, making your way towards the back exit. You couldn’t see the smile on his face, but you felt his fingers slide between yours as he gave your hand an appreciative squeeze.
- Times that you’ve almost told him how you feel in the last month. The holiday season had you feeling particularly emotional in general due to a combination of Hallmark movies and the holiday parties’ people were having were giving you a few too many opportunities to be drunk around Mat. Drunk you was a little looser lipped than sober you. Both times started and ended the same way.
“Hey, Mat, can I talk to you for a quick sec?”
You placed your hand on his shoulder as he spoke, pulling him slightly so he’d turn to face you. Each time he agreed and followed you away from the crowd, tucked away in a less traffic area of the party.
“What’s up? Are you too drunk? Do you need to head out? I can call an Uber. Or should I call a Lyft?” he asked in rapid succession.
“No, no,” you shook your head. “I, uh, I wanted to tell you something actually.”
“Okay, shoot,” he replied instantly. “You know you can tell me anything.”
Your mouth went dry as the desert and your carefully rehearsed speech dissolved in your mind. You looked at him, his eyes dark as his traced over your face, trying to figure out what could have been important enough for you to pull him away from the party. Your eyes danced across his face, his strong jawline, his kind eyes, his soft lips. You wanted him. You wanted him so badly it hurt, but the idea of losing him from your life kept your mouth shut both times.
“You know what. Actually, it’s nothing. I figured it out myself. Let’s go get another drink.”
You snapped back to the current moment, pulling your head out of the past. You watched the clock turn to 11:59pm.
“Sorry, I zoned out there,” you told him.
“It’s alright. Tito dropped in when you faded off, so no hard feelings,” he laughed as he spoke, “Um, actually, there’s something I’ve been wanting to talk to you about and I guess, why not start the new year off with a bang?”
You took a deep breath in as you looked over Mat’s face curiously. He was nervous. His hands were fidgeting with his cup. He was shuffling from side to side, foot to foot, transferring his weight with each movement. He looked down at the ground, unable to meet your eyes and mumbled something you couldn’t hear. The countdown for the last twenty seconds had already started, so there was too much background noise to catch his words.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t hear you?” You had to shout to make sure he heard you.
“I like you!” he screamed back. “Fuck that, I’m in love you with and I really, really fucking don’t want to see you kiss anyone else at ten seconds because I’m pretty sure it’ll break me at this point.”
Ten. Your mind was racing. Nine. Mat wanted to kiss you. Eight. Mat liked you like you liked him. Seven. No, Mat loved you. Six. He took a step closer to you. Five. He was so nervous, nervous he’d just ruined everything because you still hadn’t said anything. Four. Your feelings burst out from the box you’d put them in, running through your body, making your heart rate kick up in your chest. Three. Mat leaned his face closer to yours. Two. Your eyes locked with his. One. You rocked up on your toes and pressed your lips against his.
His hands found your hips, pulling you desperately closer to him, practically crushing you against his chest, but his lips were soft and gentle against yours. The room exploded into cheers around you, everyone celebrating the ball drop and the new year, but you barely noticed them, until you pulled back from Mat. His eyes scanned your face, trying to figure out exactly what you were feeling.
“I love you too, Mat.”
“Thank God,” he chuckled to himself as he leaned down to kiss you again, “and happy fucking New Year to me.”
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ptersparkers · 4 years
hell froze over
summary: it’s a thursday afternoon and caliban’s taken you by surprise when he teleports to earth and asks you out on a date. not that you’d ever say no.
warnings: mentions of religion and typos, probably.
a/n: lol i can hear my parents sh*uting so i’m gonna write instead because!! we love distractions!! 
add yourself to my taglist!
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Sabrina Spellman swore that Hell would have to freeze over the second she saw Caliban get “soft” and care for mortals.
That day was today. 
Greendale, being the small town that it was, housed many local favorites which included Dr. Cerberus’ diner, also dubbed as the local hangout of the Fright Club. There wasn’t much to say about the whole situation about who was running Hell with Sabrina’s clone down under and the Sabrina you knew alive and well, talking your ear off about Nick this, Harvey that, and Caliban this and that. 
If you were being completely honest, you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
So when Caliban teleported back up to Earth’s surface and caught you off guard leaving school grounds, you let out the loudest yell imaginable and dropped all of the books and stray pieces of paper you were carrying. 
“Jesus Christ,” you said, clutching your heart. You bent down and started to pick up what you had dropped. 
Caliban chuckled. “Not quite. Doubt he’s ever going to come to Earth.” 
You didn’t pay much attention to his comment in favor of gathering everything that was on the concrete and Caliban frowned, bending down to help you pick up some notebooks that were closer to him than you. When you finally stood up, you moved strange of hair out from your face and huffed, annoyed. 
“If you’re going to scare me, at least do it where people won’t see because I’m pretty sure I’ve embarrassed myself enough for this entire school year.” The corner of Caliban’s mouth lifted into a smirk when he saw you try to reassure your schoolmates and tugged on your backpack strap to get your attention.
“It’s a Thursday afternoon,” he stated. 
“Do you have any plans?”
You were taken off guard. 
“What are you planning?” you asked with a raised brow. 
“Nothing bad,” he promised. “Since Sabrina number two is down in Hell dealing with things for the weekend, I figured why not come up here and spend the day with my favorite mortal.” You laughed at the sentiment and fixed your backpack to keep the straps from falling. 
“Well, I’m headed to the diner to study for a little bit before I head to cheerleading practice,” you explained. “I have about two hours before I have to be there so might as well eat and study. You know, kill two birds with one stone.” 
“Mind if I join you?” he asked. 
“You want to watch me study for two hours? It’a gonna be kind of boring,” you explained. 
“Think of me as your study-buddy.”
“Where did you even learn that phrase?”
“Sabrina’s rubbing off on me,” Caliban said with a low laugh. He gestured away from you. “Lead the way.” 
The diner wasn’t too packed when you arrived and you chose a table big enough to let you put your laptop and notebooks on while having a plate of food beside you. Your water bottle sat proudly in Caliban’s hands as he looked at the various stickers stuck to it. 
“This is quite peculiar,” he said.
“It’s a bunch of memories,” you explained. “This one’s from the camp grounds Harvey and I used to go to when we were younger. The orange one is from when Sabrina and I first became friends and that red one is the first sticker I saw with the world ‘Hell’ on it after coming back from, you know, Hell.” 
Caliban smiled at that one. “You’re odd.” 
You tilted your head and chuckled, not knowing how to respond to such a comment. You turned your attention to the screen in front of you, reading online articles assigned to you for your AP World History class. 
“What is ‘AP’?” Caliban asked, looking at the textbook that sat beside your computer. 
“It stands for advanced placement. It’s basically a college course for high schoolers so we don’t have to take it when we get to college and it gives us school credit.” 
“Sounds complicated.”
“It is,” you said, clicking out of the article you had finished taking notes on. “I think this while ‘Hell’ ordeal set me back because I haven’t been studying as much as I used to. At the end of the school year, everyone who takes AP classes has the chance to take a test that determines a score, which determines college credit.”
“You humans are so overachieving,” he commented, stealing a fry from your plate. “But I suppose being knowledgable isn’t bad.”
“Sometimes I feel like I put too much pressure on myself,” you confessed, your gaze back on the man sitting in front of you. “Like, does this really matter? Whether I ace or fail my AP tests won’t matter in the long run and it’s not like I can avoid going to Heaven or Hell.”
Caliban quirked an eyebrow, realizing that discovering the secrets of witches, Hell, and Heaven had left you in a turmoil that no one bothered to discuss. Sabrina was a witch and had accepted her fate on her sixteenth birthday. As for the other three mortals, they had some sort of lineage in magic that offered them solace. You did not. 
“Going to Hell really messed with you, didn’t it?” You didn’t want to say anything in fear of offending Caliban. When he wasn’t trying to steal the throne from Sabrina, he was a decent person, you thought. 
“Um,” you said, pausing, “I think it made me realize some things. I think those things are making me confused about the next step in my life and if what I’m doing is worth finishing.” 
Caliban looked at you and the various books, notebooks, and writing utensils sprawled out on the table. He saw your color-coded planner, binders that kept your articles and paperwork in place, and the dark tint underneath your eyes. That was all he needed to know. 
“I think you’re on the right path. From the looks of it,” he said, gesturing to the messy table in front of you, “you are so passionate and dedicated about learning and doing something with your life. Not many people can say the same. You have the advantage of knowing Hell exists and the second layer to humanity while others wonder about religion and faith. Use it to your advantage.”
“If I hear this correctly, it seems like you don’t want me to give up.” 
“I don’t,” he said, almost too quickly. “Your ambition to do well on your tests resembles my quest to become King of Hell. As I have found out another way to rule Hell alongside Sabrina, I think you’re going to find out what you’re meant to do in life.” 
“You’re starting to sound like someone who believes in God.” 
He chuckled. “God and angels exist. You know that now. I suppose you’ll have to continue praying to find out what He has in store for you.” 
You sat there, dumbfounded. It wasn’t too long ago that Caliban had been in the grand room, cursing angels and Heaven above out of frustration and anger. You and Sabrina had been waiting for him to finish throwing his tantrum before she could engage in business with him, so hearing Caliban talk about having faith in something that even he didn’t believe him gave you a glimmer of motivation. 
“I don’t even know what to say,” you said softly, fiddling with a pen. 
“Go out with me,” Caliban said. “To that drive in theater across town. You mentioned once that you like to go there when you’re stressed. We could forget about Heaven and Hell for one night.” 
“Okay,” you said quietly, earning a gigantic grin from Caliban.
As you were about to pack up your belongings, you heard a “Oh for Satan’s sake” from behind you and turned to see Sabrina rolling her eyes, already dressed in her cheer uniform. 
“Caliban, my clone and I are going to beat your ass if you hurt Y/N in any way,” she said in a sickly sweet tone. Caliban nodded, heading the message without much argument. You packed up your belongings and ran to use the restroom, leaving the two mystical beings alone. 
“I really like her,” Caliban said after a brief pause. “And I know you don’t agree wholeheartedly but I intend to prove otherwise.” 
“Y/N’s smart and won’t take anything from a boy if she’s not comfortable with it,” said Sabrina. “All I’m saying is you should watch you back should you ever hurt her in any way because it’s not just the Fright Club that’s gonna come after you.” 
Caliban gulped and watched as you emerged, putting your hair in a low bun before walking outside to go to cheerleading practice. 
“How does tomorrow night sound?” Caliban asked before you entered Harvey’s truck.
“Pick me up at six,” you said, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek. “And this time, please don’t teleport and scare me.” 
The boy made of clay laughed and promised not to, watching as you climbed into the truck and waved goodbye. He saw Sabrina give him an all-knowing look, but he was determined to befriend your friends if it was the last thing he did. 
Hell, he had an entire lifetime to get to know you. 
“Why are you looking at me like that?” you asked as Harvey and Sabrina looked at you. The keys were in the engine but Harvey didn’t bother moving, opting to look between you and the spot where Caliban had teleported to Hell. 
“I know he’s kind of a good guy now, but are you serious?” Harvey asked. 
“What?” you asked, provoking him. “Am I not allowed to be in relationships like you two?”
“I’m just surprised, is all,” said Sabrina. “I mean, you did hate him when we first met him.”
“Absolutely nobody messes with my best friend,” you said. “You two, well, the other you, is ruling with him peacefully.”
“What is he tries to pull a trick?” Harvey asked. 
You had to admit, that was a fair concern. 
“I don’t think it’ll come to that, but if it does, there’s no way in Hell, literally, I’m choosing a boy over my best friends. Who, by the way, I’ve been friends longer with.” 
Harvey seemed to like this answer and started the engine, driving back to the school grounds with you in between him and Sabrina. 
“I guess Hell really did freeze over.” 
@princessdolan @ashyramblings-ficrecs. 
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fishylife · 3 years
Street Dance of China, Season 4, Episode 7
- The figures make a return!!! I love them, they are so cute.
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- Anyway, it’s cute that each of the teams have kind of a common room to chill. Helps with the team atmosphere, I think.
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- Yixing playing the flute/pipe that has a gourd at the top. I recall seeing a video where he’s played it before, so the production crew probably got it so that he could show off a bit.
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- The fact that Han Geng’s having a cooking class is just reaffirming my beliefs that Han Geng would be the best captain to have if I was a contestant. They have the most fun.
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- Yibo is so super serious though. While the other teams are chilling, he’s already thinking of his redemption plan. I’ll be honest, it feels....a little too tense. As a captain, I think he needs to take time for his team to relax and regroup.
- My boy Yixing recruited my boy MT-Pop T_T He gave him the Baymax to accompany when he’s feeling lonely because apparently MT-Pop said that he missed home often T_T Also Yixing was watching for MT-Pop’s expression except he was emotionless and Poppin’C was like no, don’t worry, he’s always like this XD I thought that Baymax suited MT-Pop too because he likes monsters so I think it’s not a reach to guess that he likes superheroes and comics and cool characters. Also, like Baymax, MT-Pop is also friend-shaped. Anyway, I wonder if he was feeling emotional here because he missed home ;_;
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- Yixing gave Momo the CUTEST cat lamp T_T
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- In the captain interview, Momo asked Yixing if his stomach was alright. I saw in some behind-the-scenes photos that Yixing had a bad stomach that day, so I guess that was why he was so disappointed with his performance. I’d initially thought it was his back problems (because he was shown getting some back massages/chiropractic stuff done to his waist in other behind-the-scenes footage), but I think the back/waist stuff is something that’s been going on for a longer time.
- Lmao Nelson being like “I know girls, they love that cute stuff” XD And he noted how Momo seemed more comfortable with Yixing. To be fair, he’s onto something, I am girl and I love cute stuff and dudes that make me smile. (Though in the end, Momo chose Yibo)
- I thought it was cute that Momo was talking through the wall to MT-Pop, asking if he’d already chosen his team. I love the friendships between the dancer contestants v.v
- Yixing gave copies of his Lit physical album to the Gogo Brothers...all of the fans who couldn’t get their hands on a copy are gonna be mad haha.
- Yixing’s team tried to surprise Gogo Brothers when they joined their team ^^;;
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- This is as wild as Yixing is going to go lol. He was waving the scarves being all “WOOHOO!!”
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- Yixing and Han Geng’s teams shouting for Bozi across however many rooms made me laugh XD Especially because Bozi is such a stoic dude.
- Yixing’s relief at having recruited Bozi. As we know, he doesn’t have much confidence in recruiting dancers.
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- When Bunta and Henry had their interview they were being all “HEYYY MY GUY!!!!” Very buddy-buddy. And then Henry to his team was like “I’ve never talked to Bunta.” The art of faking it gets you far.
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- For the contestants who get to choose between two or more captains, they get an extra blind box with a little doll in it. I wonder what that is. It’s so cute, I want one v.v (I love dolls)
- The rejection on Han Geng’s face XD Is this the first time he’s been outplayed?
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- In addition to getting everyone on his team to sign the card, Yixing also asked Rei from Gogo Brothers to come with him to recruit Bunta, and it worked in the end.
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- Yixing turning the party into a concert being like “MAKE SOME NOISE!!!”
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- Not gonna lie, the performances aren’t the best, probably because they’re just for funsies anyway. It doesn’t bother me that much though, at least they look like they’re having fun. As a wise man once said, fun must be always.
- OMG YES YIXING. He went full memery on this XD
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- There’s so much going on here. The song they danced to was a famous song by Xiaohudui (a Taiwanese boyband). When questioned about their choice of music, Yixing was like “yeah, we’re an international boyband!” We know Yixing is super serious so the fact that they did this cheesy stuff is supremely surprising but also SUPER AWESOME. The other captains were like “you were too serious!” but the reason why this worked was because they were serious tbh. As Psy once said, dress classy, dance cheesy. Anyway, I’m a fan. Look at how fabulous they are.
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- Yibo’s team danced to the Huluwa song. Look at Liangliang’s hair lol.
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- You can’t see this very well but Bouboo carried Yibo away in a fireman’s hold.
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- So this is how Han Geng’s gonna play it, huh
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- There’s just A LOT going on here
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- Henry getting lessons from Xiaoji on how to have swag (ft. Xiao Jie as the teaching assistant).
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- Yixing kept being like “ge, watch the expression!!”
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- You can tell who did and didn’t get their hair done just by looking at who is wearing the headphones properly. Also, I used to be super whatever about cat ear headphones, but now I am so down for them. I want a pair of cat ear headphones even though I never use headphones (prefer earphones).
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- Ok this is cute. Xiao Jie is trying to explain the passage to Bouboo in English, but Xiao Jie’s English is a bit limited. At this part he was trying to explain a watermelon to Bouboo and was like “it’s an apple but it’s bigger and it’s green.” Han Geng and Yibo are just having a ball. Look at how big Yibo is laughing? Boy never laughs like that.
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- Somehow Bouboo understood Xiao Jie’s English, and then Bouboo was like “your English is very Chinese” which prompted another round of laughs. He would know, he’s probably been around a lot of Chinese people trying to speak English to him.
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- Yo, Rochka’s Mandarin pronunciation is REALLY good. He’s really good at replicating the tones.
- Henry, San’er, and Rochka turned their final answer into a song XD
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- Yixing tried to game the system lol. Instead of reciting the whole passage, he picked the easiest words. It wasn’t totally perfect, but his method allowed the players to focus on key words instead of memorizing the small details and preposition words. Smartest catboi (y)
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- We already knew Henry was good at piano (I know he has at least RCM Level 10, probably has his ARCT too), but he’s also appropriately showy about it.
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- OMG ROCHKA SINGING 月亮代表我的心 (ft. Henry harmonizing)
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- Now Boris!
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- Of course this mf had to whip out the violin.
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- Okay so I kept seeing that clip of Yixing dancing to the sexy dance with Ibuki and Qiao Zhi and I had no idea what it was from. NOW I KNOW.
- Henry is SO MEAN he keeps bullying C-Lil and telling him that if he doesn’t do well he has to go home. STOP BULLYING HIM!!!
- The captains keep roping in team members to do the dances with them haha.
- Waiwai was saying how she’s never seen Bozi and Qiao Zhi smile while breaking and yet they look like they’re having a ball learning the sexy dance.
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- Yibo did some magic tricks. Something I’ve noticed is that Yibo is actually quite good at public speaking. He makes very few mistakes, barely uses any filler words. Anyway, his first magic trick didn’t quite work, but the rest of them did (y) 
- Han Geng performed a dance that he said he learned when he was very young. I remember when he was still doing stuff regularly with Super Junior, people would ask him to show off the ethnic dances that he’d studied. This performance was exactly that, plus some added shenaniganery at the end.
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- I really liked Ma Xiaolong and Rochka’s performances. Ma Xiaolong is such a good singer? Like it’s not just the skill, but he has creativity when he sings. As for Rochka, his performance was just so much fun. He was a good singer too but he also brings such charisma.
- Really sorry to hear about Zyko’s sister :( I can’t be mad, he needs to go home. He looked so down too when he was calling Han Geng. All the best to his family :(  I did really love Zyko on the show. He was so open minded and so easygoing. All the best v.v
- I’m glad that the other contestants got to see him off (AC, Ibuki, Rochka, Ma Xiaolong). Rochka looked so sad. He strikes me as a sympathetic guy, so I don’t doubt that he was troubled by the news too.
- Not gonna lie, the news about Zyko kind of brought my mood down. It’s not that the show is “ruined,” it’s just the idea of his sister being so seriously hurt that’s hard swallow for me. I can’t believe how Zyko must be feeling. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still going to watch the rest of the show, I guess the news was just a stark reminder that we live in the real world. 
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Glass Hearts (Part 1)
Glass Hearts
Note: this story is set a few decades before the canon’s present day
In which Farina Baker, prodigal daughter of a long line of witches, unwillingly reunites with her sister and meets a mysterious man. What is her sister scheming, and what is this stranger’s deal?
Table of Contents | Next
Part 1
Word count: 1,079
Content warning: toxic family members, minor verbal abuse
Farina could tell Jen was angry when she walked back into the kitchen, though she tried to hide it. Farina took a moment to fold and plate the omelet she was working on, then asked her coworker, “What’s wrong?”
“Corner table didn’t tip.” Jen put the bills, carefully counted, one by one into the till. Farina swore when she finally quit she was going to hex that till. It was probably cursed already; once money went in, nobody but the diner’s owner ever saw it again.
She put the last garnishes on the omelet, then turned with a wide smile. “I’ll go talk to ‘em. Watch my station.”
“You don’t have to,” Jen said. She said that every time. She never meant it. None of the staff could afford a lost tip, and Farina was good at making assholes pay up. You could say...she had a gift.
Just a little magical humor there for ya.
Corner table hadn’t left just yet. He was folding up the rest of his sausages into a handkerchief. Did people still carry those around?
“You know,” Farina said as she neared the table, “it is customary to tip.”
The man looked up, blinked. “Ah, shit. I can never keep track.”
Farina hid a frown. Her magical ability to read people’s emotions was not as fine-tuned as a true empath, but it usually helped identify what buttons she could push to make a stingy tipper cough up. This man’s emotions felt--muted, in a way. Like trying to read through a pane of foggy glass. She couldn’t make out any sense of guilt; that was, unfortunately, not unusual. But the average asshole felt at least a little embarrassment over getting called out in public.
“How much is customary?” he asked, perfectly placid.
It was disconcerting, if Farina was being perfectly honest. She decided to take a risk. “Forty percent.”
She didn’t need empathy to notice the way his brows climbed at that, but there was no anger Farina could feel. He didn’t even seem to disbelieve her wild statement. “Yikes,” was all he said, reaching into just about every pocket in his outfit. “Give me a minute, then.”
Speaking of his outfit--it wasn’t so dirty as to draw attention, but the pants were worn and his shirt frayed at the seams. The beat-up backpack at his feet showed clear signs of thorough use. “How much money do you actually have?” she asked. She wasn’t going to push if he couldn’t spare the change.
The man clearly followed her train of thought, because he said, “A perfectly ordinary amount for this setting. Ah, here we go.” He put the last of the tip on the table, and finished packing up his food. “My apologies to the chef.”
She watched as the stranger left the diner, as if that would explain his behavior somehow. It was an irrational thought. Then again, she’d been raised in a household that trusted intuition. Farina must have gotten more of it than she’d thought, because if she hadn’t been watching she never would have spotted the moment when something in his backpack lit up in a brilliant flash of color. A blink, and it was gone, an ordinary, beat-up backpack once again. A normal person would have dismissed it as a trick of the light--a glint of sun off a metal zipper angled just right to fool the eye. But Farina Baker was the scion of a long line of witches. She cast spells through her cooking and could feel people’s hearts. She knew magic when she saw it.
That was some questions answered, at least. She walked back into the kitchen jingling Jen’s new tip, and put it out of her mind. She’d probably never see him again anyways.
-Months Later-
The smell of smoke. Again. She’d burned the hash browns. Again.
“I’m sorry,” Jen said the second she entered the kitchen. “I’ve tried everything, she keeps ordering and hasn’t touched the bill. If she ditches at this point we’re hosed.”
Farina let out a deep sigh and started scraping off the pan. “I know.”
“I told her you quit. I told her you were off shift. I told her you were dead!”
That got a snort. “Oh, don’t tell her that, she’ll think she’s won.”
“Seriously, I’m sorry,” Jen said with a guilty wince. “I don’t know her like you do, but she--”
“She’s a real bitch, yeah.” Farina set the pan down. “And she’ll stay out there until closing if we let her. Might as well see what she wants.”
Farina did not like this. She did not like this. But unfortunately, it was hard to dodge an emotionally-manipulative all-knowing seer-ess. Farina supposed it was a good thing Mercy hadn’t chosen to scry her sublet.
“Why are you here?”
Her older sister smiled thinly and took another sip of tea. “Polite as always, Farina.”
“Meddlesome as ever, Mercy. Answer the question.”
She tsk-ed. “Really, I thought you were supposed to be the, what was it? ‘People person’ of the family? I can’t imagine you get many tips that way.”
“I’m a chef, not a waitress. I earn my way with my craft.”
Mercy glanced up at the diner, running a finger along the edge of the table. “A place like this doesn’t have chefs, sweetheart. You’re a line cook at best. But we’ll leave that sort of sniping to Mother. That’s not why I’m here.”
That was...interesting. Mercy and Mother usually acted in perfect concert, at least when it came to criticizing her. “Elaborate.”   
“I just wanted to let you know to pick up that double shift on Thursday. Your boy toy will be dropping by.”
Farina blinked. “My what?”
“Your boy toy,” she repeated.
“If you’re trying to set me up with your buddy Hackerman again--”
“Oh no, Hackerman is old news. It wouldn’t have worked out between the two of you, I’m afraid.” Mercy said this as if it were a magnanimous pronouncement, and Farina was about to commit murder in the middle of her afternoon shift. “I’m talking about your new man. You know who I mean.”
She really didn’t. “Not that it’s any of your business, but I’m single, Mercy.”
Mercy hummed. “You can deny it. But you will pick up that double shift.” Her trimmed fingernails made their way to the bill. “Now, can someone run my card already? I’ve been waiting for hours. The service here is just dreadful, honestly.”
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tarysande · 4 years
Follow the...
wardrobe department?
A tale of dissecting the chronology of a trailer (in which chronology is made up and the voiceover definitely matters—but doesn’t always align).
Me: I avoid spoilers!! Don’t spoil me!!
Also Me: Hark! Is that a trailer I see before me?? Better analyze it frame by frame!
So, the truth is, I don’t know most of the other BTS stuff and I really don’t want to. I haven't seen the episode titles. I do know Neil Gaiman’s not ... reprising his role. I’m going on ONLY what’s in the trailer, so some of this speculation may already be wrong.
First: a moment of AWWWWWWW YEAAAAAHHHHH because I’ve wanted Twin!Michael for years.
Okay. Moving on.
Trailers are not chronological. They are magic tricks, designed to manipulate their audience.
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Now, chronologically, the crime scene with Ella is at (or very near) the beginning because I’m preeetty sure the victim is Mr. Said Out Bitch (RIP; obviously they did not think they were getting a S6!). It’s hard to make out exactly what Chloe is wearing. Dark jacket, dark shirt with a t-shirt-like collar.
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Okay, we know this is Lucifer; we know this is what he was wearing when he went to Hell. Very, very, glowing in the black light white shirt. This could be at the beginning? We assume it is because of how it’s placed right after the goodbye from s4, anyway.
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Look how haggard he looks. Like, Lucifer. You need some sleep, buddy. Those dark circles have dark circles. My heart hurts.
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Okay wtf, my heart hurts here, too. We assume that Chloe’s pajama(?) stakeout and drinking/dancing and her looking up (and looking super sad on what I think is Lucifer’s balcony) are part of the “since you’ve been gone (everything sucks)” montage. 
I will say it’s very possible that “shots at the bar” happens after “crime scene with Ella.” Chloe’s wearing a black jacket and Maze’s arm is bare. Perhaps this night of drowning sorrows (again) is what leads to the conversation (the next day, I think) between Chloe and Maze (“We don’t need him”). In that scene with Maze, Chloe’s wearing a pinstripe blazer and grey t-shirt. Which is important, because that’s the outfit she’s wearing here (in what I would guess is Mr. Said Out Bitch’s home):
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I know the assumption is that this is Michael. Although, I wonder how Michael knows the crime-solving Devil song, and the mannerisms (tugging on the sleeves, “Hello, bad guys” as he strolls in) are definitely Lucifer’s. As is the outfit, which is a perfect mirror of the one Lucifer wears in Hell: black suit, white shirt with texture, red pocket square. (Also, no evidence of Michael’s injury.)
Other questions: If he’s so good at playing Lucifer here, why isn’t anyone taken in by him when the grey sateen shirt (hold that thought) appears? Where has Michael been? Why is he here now?
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So, I think it’s the combination of his non(?)-reaction to Chloe kissing him and the expression on his face that Michael this up, right? That it’s shown while Michael is voiceover monologuing is also an indicator (but could just as easily be a misdirect because Michael’s not speaking in the image in front of us, and it’s not like we’ve never seen Lucifer make this kind of face before).
(Incidentally, the non-reaction to the kiss could also be seen as in-character for Lucifer; he can’t be sure of his reception, which also plays well with his hello-bad-guys/cocky-to-cover-insecure entrance.)
If it is Michael in the shooting/hug scene, he may START by playing Lucifer perfectly, but that degenerates.
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We know this is Michael. There’s some evidence of Michael’s injury in the unevenness of the shoulders. It is NOT a white shirt. It is a grey shirt with a bit of shine; sateen, if you will. We’re going to see a lot of this shirt.
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Michael: grey sateen shirt. Also, Chloe’s wearing the white and black striped (VERY FUNNY, COSTUMING DEPT.) shirt she’s wearing when she tells Linda that Lucifer is acting different—so we assume this is the day(?) after Michael shows up. (There’s also a slight possibility that his Lucifer 2.0 bit is his introduction.)
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Michael. Black wings. TINY STRIP OF GREY SHIRT at the wrist. So, we assume this happens right after the previous Chloe-with-Gun moment. Michael might want to mess with his brother, but he doesn’t want Chloe to die—there’s even some protective head cradling. So. There’s that.
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Michael. Lux. Still the grey sateen shirt. Important: Amenadiel is wearing a shirt and tie. 
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In the bit where he’s (presumably) talking to Lucifer in Hell (“He’s stronger than you think.”), he’s wearing the same Lux-grey-sateen-shirt-Michael suit and tie. I’m guessing Amenadiel was like “Do not pass Go, do not collect $200″ and pops down to Hell ASAP.
The “He is stronger than you think” line also makes me wonder if Lucifer hasn’t worried—or even thought—about Michael because he believed his twin was broken beyond the possibility of being a threat (presumably by Lucifer; I think there’s a Rebellion-related, bad-blood, mutually-assured-destruction story behind Michael’s injuries). That hubris/pride is pretty much what gets Lucifer into 925% of his problems, after all, so it would be in character. 
Oh, Luci. Why do you assume you’re the smartest in the room? Soon that attitude may be your doom. 
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Michael is ALSO wearing the grey sateen shirt when Maze shows up and he admits he’s not Lucifer. A lot happens on the day of the grey sateen shirt. To me, this means everyone’s onto him right from the beginning. Also, it means the trailer is pulling pretty heavily from just this one out of the eight episodes. The first episode, unless I miss my guess.
Now, going by wardrobe, we enter a very jumbled section. We’ll call this the Dark Days of the Turtleneck.
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During the Dark Days of the Turtleneck, we see Michael fight with Amenadiel in the time-stopped precinct. One assumes Michael’s not even pretending to be Lucifer anymore because ... turtleneck? Bloody hell, might as well be board shorts and Crocs. Note: Michael is NOT wearing (Lucifer’s) ring, here.
Again, the voiceover is misleading because suit-and-tie Amenadiel in Lux and Hell wouldn’t have had a chance to fight (wearing a red jacket) with Turtleneck Michael yet.
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At yet another point, we see grey-knit Amenadiel fight with zip-up-halter Maze. Whatever’s going on, Amenadiel is getting around (on different days). And apparently everyone is mad at him.
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Okay, so this happens after Michael’s had time to “make a mess.” Of what sort, though? I mean, the penthouse looks fine, so ... what haven’t we seen? What has happened between grey sateen shirt Michael and brown blazer turtleneck Michael? Note: Michael’s also not wearing (Lucifer’s) ring, here. I think Michael’s true lack of fashion sense is turtlenecks and roomy blazers. Yikes.
Well, we assume it’s a mess of Lucifer’s life on earth ... but is that possible? All the evidence points to pretty much everyone knowing sateen-shirt Michael isn’t Lucifer right away, so how could he have had the time or the leverage to make a mess that involves them? 
And if Michael doesn’t mean he made a mess of Lucifer’s life on earth, does he mean a more far-reaching mess? A much older mess? Something celestial? Something involving Hell? Something involving the Rebellion (have they seen each other since?)? Something involving God? Something involving whatever or whoever the REAL Big Bad of the season is (because I really doubt it’s Michael)?
How long has Michael been ... watching? stalking? Lucifer? Has he been involved in any of the other stuff that’s happened over the years? Was he the one who let Mum out of her cell?
But MOST IMPORTANT: How does he know the crime-fighting-devil song????
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Well, whatever that mess is, Lucifer’s pretty pissed off about it. 
White shirt, white wings is Lucifer (he was also wearing his black jacket, but not a red pocket square. Note: he has had time to remove his jacket and put his wings away before throwing a punch!). TRAGIC turtleneck under a blazer (with different-colored trousers) and the obvious injury is Michael. But it’s not grey-turtleneck Michael—more than one turtleneck, how dare—so we’re at a different time, chronologically speaking. Could be before Michael’s precinct-fight with Amenadiel, even; we don’t know the chronology of those turtlenecks. We just know Michael, for some unknown reason, chooses them. 
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Okay, I think these two scenes happen in the same episode; Chloe’s outfit is the same. And I think that episode happens a bit later in the chronology. Why?
‘Cause Chloe doesn’t have bangs, yo. And anyone who’s tried to grow out bangs can tell you IT DOESN’T HAPPEN OVERNIGHT.
Head-scratching brown suit aside, that’s Lucifer and not Michael. Because this has to be after Michael has shown his true turtleneck colors. Lucifer also seems to have trimmed down his post-hell angst-beard. 
Chloe’s hand-injury is probably from that explosion. Her heart-wrenching anguish, though? I don’t know what caused it, but my hurt/comfort-loving little heart wants it now.
We have no idea what Michael’s doing at this point: we don’t see Michael with no-bangs Chloe.
Which leaves the scenes that have had Twitter freaking out for most of the day:
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This might be after black-shirt-Chloe-anguish-explosion. I know it looks like bangs, but I think it could also be hair-pushed-behind ears; in the shot where you see her standing in front of the elevator, her “bangs” look long enough to be tamed into a no-bang ponytail. But then ... no hand injury. 
It could also be a dream (looking at you “Love Handles”) or a Hell-torment. 
In any case, it is 1000% Lucifer and not Michael. Every single moment of every single micro-expression is entirely That Look Lucifer Only Gives To Chloe Decker (I wrote a thread about this on Twitter today), and Michael is just NOT that good an actor.
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I actually find this shot more baffling. It’s Lucifer’s shirt; it has men’s-shirt buttons. Is it a morning after? (But not the morning after the wall scene, because Lucifer was wearing a black shirt there.)
Is this a dream?? A HELL TORMENT?? Look, I just do not trust anything that looks like something the fans have wanted so badly. We were all there for elevator dream sex and Lucifer wing dream reveal. We know how these people work!
(Granted, they also sometimes give us axe scenes and beach kisses, but...)
I have about 32634 things to say about LIGHT AND DARK TWIN BROTHERS IS EVERYTHING and also FURTHER EVIDENCE OF QUESTIONABLE CREATION/PARENTING, but I’ve already been working on this for hours, and that screaming is, I think, best reserved for another post. 
In conclusion, ahh the sweet, sweet song of hyperfixation. I missed you, buddy. You and your neurotransmitters. Welcome back.
For now, I’m just gonna tricycle off to hell in anticipation of August 21st.
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Guys, seriously, how the hell does Michael know the crime-solving-devil song???????
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maluminspace · 4 years
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Genre: Fluff
Pairings: Calum Hood/Female Reader
Word Count: 4.7k
Requested by: anon x 2
Yule Ball, best friend to lovers, Ravenclaw reader, Calum (your house choice). Murder me please*
hi love could i still request? slytherin calum and ravenclaw reader, best friends to lovers, yule ball. im a hoe for hogwarts au and i hope u can still do my request. thank you 💗 (requested by anon)*
Trigger Warnings: strong language
A/N: this came out longer than I expected. I hope you all enjoy it. Thank you as always to @h0tsos and @5-secondsofcolor for all the help pulling this together!
Having built up a solid sporting reputation during your six years at Hogwarts, this is proving to be as far from your comfort zone as possible. 
The Triwizard Tournament as a whole, is right up your alley, of course. Especially since the type of dangerous tasks that it used to consist of had long since been discontinued. These days the tournament was basically a huge sports festival, whereby the three school champions, from Hogwarts, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, would take part in events such as magical assault courses, spectacular broomstick flying demonstrations and other athletic exercises. Therefore you’ve been excited to watch it for longer than you care to admit. You only wish that it’d been scheduled for next year instead of this one, so that you could actually put your name forward to be the Hogwarts champion. Unfortunately, only students over the age of seventeen have that potential honour open to them and you’ve only just turned sixteen.
Despite all of that, you’re excited for the contest to begin. Before you can enjoy all of the sporting festivities, however, you have the not-so-small formal tradition of the Yule Ball to contend with.
You smooth down the front of your dress robes nervously. Staring at yourself in the full length mirror doubtfully, wondering whatever possessed you to think that this particular shade of periwinkle blue, is one you could pull off. Before your inner jock can convince you to simply attend the ball in your quidditch robes, muffled voices from the Ravenclaw common room beneath your dormitory alert you to the fact that you’re running late. Most of the other girls have already headed down to the Great Hall, leaving only you and your best friends, most of whom belong to other houses, in the whole of Ravenclaw Tower.
Finally convincing yourself that you look decent enough for the formal occasion at hand, you quickly slip a glittery hair slide into your neatly curled hair, Hoping it will distract people from the fact that you look incredibly uncomfortable.
As you head downstairs to your common room, the previously muffled voices you’d heard a moment ago slowly become more distinct. 
“Does anyone know who Ashton’s date is?” 
Michael’s curious tone carries through the mostly empty space just as you reach the halfway point of the spiralling staircase. 
The mention of the Hogwarts Champion causes your insides to squirm uncomfortably and you have to stop for a moment to compose yourself.  Your last interaction with Ashton Irwin, your long-term friend and the celebrated Gryffindor Quidditch captain, isn’t one that you really want to relive, especially not right now, moments before having to endure this stupid fucking ball. 
“No idea…” Calum replies, his voice suggesting that he’s only mildly interested in the answer anyway. “He hasn’t mentioned any names to me.”
The sound of your second friend’s voice brings a subconscious smile to your face, you notice it in the dark window you’d stopped in front of but you quickly shake it off and continue down the stairs.
“Well, I guess we’ll find out if we ever get downstairs!” Luke huffs, raising his voice for the last few words to express his impatience at having to wait for you. 
“There’s no need to yell, Hemmings.” You scowl, trying to act as casual as possible when you reach the last few steps. 
All three of your friends turn to look at you as you enter the room, each of them with expressions of  varying degrees of shock on their faces. 
Michael seems to be the least affected by your somewhat unusual appearance. His look of mild surprise gives way almost instantly to a cheeky grin. “Wow, didn’t know you could scrub up this well.” He smirks, already turning towards the door, too impatient to tuck into the buffet that is waiting in the Great Hall, no doubt. It makes you smile, his love of food is rivalled only by his love for his friends but seeing as he’s eaten nothing since lunch time, you’re unsurprised that his first love is winning out.
“He’s right!” Luke grins, his pretty blue eyes drifting over your outfit as though he’s struggling to take in the sight of you in an outfit that’s so uncharacteristic for you. “I never thought I’d live to see the day where you wore anything other than your uniform, quidditch robes or those ratty old muggle music t-shirts!”
You want to argue with him and explain for the millionth time that those shirts you love to wear, are meant to have holes in them, but he’ll never understand the concept of distressed clothing, he’s a spoiled little pureblood and that’s not likely to change anytime soon. Besides, how can you focus on a mundane argument with Luke when Calum, AKA the most beautiful boy in existence is staring at you as though he might actually be seeing you as someone other than his quidditch training buddy for the first time ever.
“You look incredible.” The Slytherin gasps, his chocolate brown eyes locking onto yours as a faint smile curls the corners of his lips. He nervously runs his hand over his short hair. His fairly recent buzzcut is rapidly growing out but you’re happy to see that he’s decided to keep it blue for the time being. He’d surprised you with the daring dye job a couple of weeks ago, insisting that he’d tried to turn it green as an outward display of his loyalty to Slytherin, but something had gone wrong and it had turned a shade of blue that shockingly resembles the Ravenclaw colour instead. 
You feel the blood in your cheeks rise to the surface of your skin. He’s never complimented you like that before and your heartbeat quickens at the words. It’s ridiculous, you know that. He’s probably never going to see you as anything more than a friend but there’s a tiny bit of hope left, if the sparkle in his eyes right now is anything to go by.
“You don’t look so bad yourself” you manage to giggle, trying not to let the way Calum is looking at you trick you into thinking that the crush you have on him is in any way reciprocated. He’s probably just shocked that you even own something like this to wear. 
Calum smiles at your half-hearted compliment and gestures towards the door. “We better get going before Michael gets too hangry. I’d rather avoid a repeat of breakfastgate, if we can!”
You laugh at the memory of Michael hexing some unsuspecting third year Slytherins a couple of weeks ago. They’d wrongly assumed that their whole house had already finished breakfast, and tried to take the last remaining pastries. Michael, who’d been delayed getting to the Great Hall due to helping Calum with a homework emergency, had been devoid of patience when he aimed a nasty hex at his fellow Slytherins, that caused all four of their faces to break out in a terrible itchy rash. He’d earned himself a week’s detention for his rash actions, but he still maintains that those pastries were worth it.
“Yeah, if we keep him from food for much longer, he might even start breaking out the unforgivable curses!” Luke huffs dryly.
Calum and Luke continue to tease Michael about his irrational anger when it comes to food, all the way down to the main lobby of the castle. You join in a little bit, but ensure that you stand up for Michael too, after all you’ve never taken too kindly to being kept away from your food either. 
It’s only when your group reaches the entrance to the Great Hall that you all fall silent. The large room has been transformed into nothing short of a winter wonderland. Large, ice sculptures shaped like animals line the two longest walls. Each frozen statue is as intricate as the last and all of them have been charmed to move their limbs or revolve on their individual platforms like giant versions of the ballerinas in those little music boxes your muggle mother used to buy for you when you were a little girl.
The usual Christmas tree that sat in the corner of the room at this time of year, had been decorated particularly extravagantly for this occasion. All of its branches are covered in glittering snow whilst real candles burn prettily in fancy spiralling patterns.
A small stage has replaced the spot where the teachers table is usually situated and it’s occupied by a band playing a song you vaguely recognise from the wizarding radio show that Luke forces you to listen to every Friday night when you hang out in his dorm whilst Michael and Calum attend their gobstones club.
“Wow, look at the floor!” Michael exclaims, gesturing at the exquisite frosty patterns etched into the wooden floorboards. 
“And the roof!” Calum gasps, pointing up at the enchanted ceiling.
You take a moment to admire the wonder on your friend’s face, adoring his soft smile and the way the light reflects in his eyes, before following his gaze to the enchanted ceiling where rows of snowflake shaped fairy lights have been hung beneath the clear starry night sky.
“They’ve really gone all out, haven’t they?”
The familiar voice causes a jolt in your stomach and you curse yourself for letting down your guard so easily and so quickly. You’d hoped to avoid Ashton for much longer than this.
Calum nods in response to the older boy’s question. “It looks so beautiful! I can’t believe they did all this in just one afternoon!”
Ashton doesn’t reply, his hazel eyes move from Calum, to Luke, to Michael before settling on you. His expression is somehow thoughtful and confused all at once. You know what’s going through his mind, though and you can’t allow him to voice it.
“Yeah, it looks amazing.” You interject quickly. “Hey Cal, why don’t you go and get us all a pumpkin juice?”
“Sure.” The blue-haired boy agrees easily. “Do you want one, Ash?” He adds, turning to the Hogwarts champion with a beaming smile.
Ashton shakes his head. “My date’s just gone to get me one, thanks.” He replies, his gaze never drifting from yours.
“Oh yeah, who’d you pick in the end?” Michael questions, his tone inquisitive enough to make him appear interested in the answer. “I bet you had hundreds of offers.”
Luckily, Calum doesn’t hang around for Ashton's response, apparently too eager to get the juice you asked him for.
The raven-haired boy’s eyes never leave yours as he answers. “I chose to bring Arielle Lamer, one of the girls from Beauxbatons.” His gaze drifts over to the long row of buffet tables against one of the walls. “She was my second choice.” He looks back at you, his displaying the same hurt they had done when you’d refused his invitation to the ball a few weeks back. 
“Why did you have to go to your second choice?” Michael asks, his face twisted into a confused expression. “You’re the Hogwarts champion, who in their right mind would have turned you down?”
“Never mind that!” Luke gasps, “why the fuck would she be anyone’s second choice? She’s the hottest girl I’ve ever seen.”
Ashton doesn’t offer a verbal response to either of the confused boys, but his gaze is still locked on you, which unintentionally tells Luke and Michael the truth. 
Your friends stand silently beside you, their mouths agape as they stare between you and Ashton, trying to wrap their heads around the unspoken but incredibly obvious situation.
“I thought you turned me down because you had a better offer.” Ashton frowns, “but it looks like you’ve just come here with our friends, I’m confused…”
Your guilt at having refused Ashton’s offer gnaws away at your insides as your shoulders twitch in a vacant shrug. “I never said there was anyone else, Ash I just…”
“You just didn’t want to come here with me.” Ashton interrupts, the sad realisation in his eyes and voice almost breaking your heart. “I get it.”
“I didn’t think anyone had asked you to the dance.” Calum’s voice is almost too quiet to hear over the music but his shocked tone just about reaches your ears nevertheless. 
You turn to face your secret crush, your heart pounding in your chest. Calum is literally the last person on earth you would want to overhear this conversation. “I never lied to you, Cal… if you’d asked I’d have told you.”
“That’s not the point.” Calum shrugs. “You got asked to the Yule Ball by Ashton fucking Irwin and you turned him down, just to hang out with three dateless losers. Why would you do that?”
The truth almost slips past your lips, but you manage to replace it with a vaguer response before you embarrass yourself even further. “Because I just don’t see Ashton that way.” 
“But he’s the fucking Hogwarts champion and probably the hottest guy in the whole school.” Calum insists, gesturing a little too wildly with his full hands and sloshing pumpkin juice over the floor.
Before Calum can make any more mess, Luke steps forward and takes the drinks from him before shuffling back to his spot next to Michael. 
Despite your initial urge to tell Calum the truth about why you’d refused to come to the dance with Ashton, your anger at his persistence is starting to override it. “Well why didn’t you ask him to the dance if you love him so much?” You counter, trying not to raise your voice too much. 
Calum frowns, glancing over to Ashton for a second before returning his attention to you. “Stop trying to deflect, I’m asking you a simple white question here!”
“I just wanted to come here with you, okay?” You reply snappily, gesturing at Luke and Michael faintly with one hand but never taking your eyes away from Calum’s. You can only hope that your weak attempt at trying to imply that your other friends are included in the ‘you’ that you’d just spat out, was enough.
Calum opens and closes his mouth a few times like he’s trying to speak but his vocal chords are refusing to comply.
Taking advantage of the continued silence from your friends, you continue your reply to Calum’s initial question. “Not that I really owe you an explanation, but; I love Ashton as a friend and the thought of coming here with him as more than that just didn’t feel right.” You turn to Ashton, the guilt that had been laying heavily in your chest since your conversation with him a few weeks ago, finally giving way to a sense of acceptance that you’d done the right thing. “I’m sorry, Ash. You know I never meant to hurt your feelings.”
Ashton nods in recognition of your apology. “I know. I think I understand why you had to say no to me.”
There’s a sickening theory in your mind that Ashton’s realised that you have feelings for Calum. That’s something that you’re just not ready to be proven right about. Knowing that there’s no way to shut Ashton down without inadvertently giving away your own secret, you take the easy option and turn on your heel before making a run for it, heading straight out of the great hall towards the open doors of the castle.
You barely notice the cold night air biting at every inch of the exposed skin on your arms and face as you stumble out of the entrance hall. Stragglers from the visiting schools were still filtering into the castle but most of them spared you nothing but sideways glances before disappearing inside.
Deciding to hide in a quiet corner until you can gather your thoughts properly, you head down the stone steps and drift across one of the front lawns. Luckily the grass is frosty and your high heels don’t sink into it very much.
You haven’t made it very far before a familiar voice yells your name, stopping you in your tracks. Part of you doesn’t really want to turn around but it’s not like you could outrun the Hogwarts champion in these heels anyway. 
“You’ll catch your death out here.” Ashton pants as he jogs to a stop beside you. “It’s freezing!”
Now that you’ve stopped walking and your initial anger is wearing off, you really start to notice the chill in the air and wrap your arms around yourself as an ill attempt to protect the bare skin of your arms from it. “You sound like my grandma.” You huff, your voice already betraying a slight tremor. 
“She sounds like a smart woman.” Ashton shrugs. “I’m sure she’d think you storming out here without a coat on was a stupid idea.”
You let out a defeated huff, sparing a glance at the warm castle, wishing you’d thought to storm back to your dormitory instead. “She would have thought what I said in there was stupid, too!” You reply, dropping your gaze to the frosty grass at your feet. “I should have been more honest with you and…”
“And Calum?” Ashton interjects, his tone solemn but not at all angry like you’d have expected if he ever found out about your feelings for your Slytherin friend. “I think he’s the one you need to talk to the most. At the very least you need to tell him how you feel.”
The very thought of confessing your feelings for Calum to anyone, especially the Slytherin captain himself, sends a stab of fear through your chest. “I can’t do that…”
“If it helps at all, I think he’s been struggling with similar feelings for you for a while.” Ashton admits, his tone hesitant to and cautious. “If I think back, there’s been plenty of signs there that I should have noticed. The way you two act around each other should have tipped me off a long time ago.”
As much as you want to believe that Ashton’s telling you the truth, you can’t really bring yourself to believe that Calum likes you back. In the back of your mind, you think that Ashton must simply just be doing what he thinks is best. 
“I never should have asked you to come to the ball with me.” The raven-haired boy sighs thoughtfully, “regardless of whether I should have seen whatever it is between you and Calum, I’ve always known that you don’t really feel that way for me.”
That guilt in your chest seems to grow even more. You can’t take the sadness in Ashton’s voice anymore. “I’ve always loved you as a friend, Ash. I just…”
“You only have romantic feelings for Calum, I get that.” Ashton smiles glumly, reaching out to stroke your arm in a comforting gesture. “I hope the two of you can work something out.”
“Me too.”
Calum’s voice takes you by surprise for the second time in just a few minutes. Your face automatically snaps towards him as panic starts to flood your brain.
“I’m gonna leave you two to talk things out.” Ashton announces before you can even begin to form any words. He flashes you one last smile and claps Calum on the shoulder reassuringly before heading back the castle.
Part of you wants to follow Ashton, but your legs refuse to move. “Look Cal, I don’t really know what to say to you right now.”
Calum simply stares at you for a moment as though he’s struggling with the same predicament. 
“Maybe we should just head back…”  You shrug, forcing yourself to take a step past him.
You’ve barely taken a second stride before Calum’s strong hand closes gently around your upper arm. “Please don’t take off again.” He pleads. “We need to talk.”
“About what?” You ask, shivering a little at the prolonged physical contact with your crush.
Calum apparently misinterprets your slight trembling and instantly shrugs off the outermost layer of his dress robes and hands it to you. “About how I’ve been a huge wuss for the past year or so…” He suggests timidly.
You silently accept his jacket-equivalent and drape it over your shoulders. The confusion you feel must show on your face because Calum lets out a humourless laugh. “Okay.” He breathes deeply, dripping his gaze to the floor. “God, I hope you’re not gonna hate me after I tell you this…”
“Calum.” You whisper softly, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. “I’m starting to get worried, what is it?”
Sucking in another deep breath, Calum composes himself before summoning the courage to meet your gaze again. “At the very start of our fifth year, you waited for me on platform 9 ¾ so that we could sit together on the train, remember? Just like you always have done, since our second year.”
You nod, the memory of the bright September morning still clear in your mind, although you have no idea of its significance to Calum’s story. 
“You were wearing those tight jeans and an oversized t-shirt. Your hair was scraped back into a loose bun and your face was twisted into an anxious expression because I was a bit late and you were worried that there wouldn’t be any empty compartments left for us.” Calum explains, a slightly dreamy expression on his face. “Just as you caught sight of me trying to work my way through the crowd towards you, some clumsy seventh year knocked into you. One of your suitcases toppled off your luggage trolley and burst open, a bunch of your books and stuff spilled all over the ground and you looked so fucking pissed off…” he chuckles, subconsciously reaching for hand as he continues. “I know it sounds weird but, that’s the moment that I knew I loved you. The way your cheeks went all flushed when you grumpily threw all your shit back into your suitcase and muttered about how much you wanted to push that dickhead onto the train tracks. Like, I’d had feelings for you before that, but I’d put it down to a silly crush because you're one of my closest friends and we have so much in common. In that moment, though, I just fucking knew that you had my entire heart.”
Your brain struggles to process everything that Calum has just told you as he runs his fingers down your arm in order to wrap them around your hand. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t talk to you about this sooner and I completely understand if you think I’m weird and creepy and don’t want to be my friend anymore…” Calum rambles.
“You were sitting at the Slytherin table, eating jam on toast, laughing at something Michael had just told you.” The words spill from your mouth almost of their own accord. “It was the morning of your first quidditch game as the Slytherin seeker, so you were a bit nervous. I could tell because your smile didn’t reach your eyes and you only nibbled at your toast. That’s the moment that I knew I loved you as more than a friend.”
A shocked expression colours Calum’s face in the seconds before he gasps out his response. “But that was like… four years ago.”
You can feel the blood rising to the surface of your cheeks as you nod, dropping your gaze to try and hide your embarrassment. Before you’ve recovered enough to meet his gaze again, soft fingers rise to cup your face tenderly and you automatically lean into the touch. 
“How the hell did we both miss each other’s feelings like that?” Calum asks, a sigh escaping him as his lips brush your forehead. “I’m sorry I was so oblivious and that I was too scared to tell you about my own.”
Savouring the softness of Calum’s lips on your head, you wrap your arms around his waist, curling into his strong, warm body.
“Shit, sweetheart, you’re trembling.” The Slytherin whispers winding his arms around you to keep you close to him. “Let’s get inside so we can talk more without the fear of freezing to death, yeah?”
As much as you want to take Calum up on his offer before you become an icicle, the thought of breaking away from the hold he has on you is the last thing on earth you’re contemplating at the moment and you tighten your hold on him to express your utter reluctance to let him go.
Calum giggles, stroking your back soothingly before pulling away a little. “I promise I’ll cuddle you as you much as you want once we’re inside.”
The slight shiver that runs through the Slytherin, helps your rational side to win out. “Fine…” You pout, “but you’d better deliver on that promise when we get back to the castle.”
You allow Calum to lead you back across the lawn and up the stone steps to the front doors of the castle. The fact that he keeps one arm around you the whole time, makes your heart flutter in your chest, making you feel very much like a lovesick little puppy.
Just as you enter the warmth of the entrance hall, Calum takes your hand and instead of leading you into the great hall like you’re expecting him to, he guides you to the bottom of the staircase instead.
A confused expression takes over your face before he takes your hands and swallows thickly as though he’s trying to voice something that is incredibly difficult for him to say.
In an attempt to comfort him, you cradle his cheek gently, just as he’d held yours a few moments ago outside. “Is everything okay, Cal?”
Nodding, Calum reaches up to press your hand harder against his face as he meets your gaze. “I just wanted to ask you something before we go back to our friends.” He explains, a light blush rising in his cheeks. “But I’m worried it’s gonna sound stupid now that we’re already here and…”
“You can ask me anything, Cal.” You reassure him.
Before he responds he pulls his wand from his dress robes, pointing it at the ground near your feet and quietly utters a spell. A moment later, a beautiful exotic blue flower sprouts from the floor. Calum leans down to pick it up before handing it to you. “Will you go to the dance with me, like as my date?” He asks nervously
A giant smile bursts across your face as you take the flower and slide it into your hair. “One one condition.” You smirk cheekily, a sudden burst of confidence extinguishing the last of your lingering doubt about how Calum feels about you.
Your date raises a questioning eyebrow, silently urging you to elaborate.
“Well I’m a strong believer in that whole, ‘try before you buy’ thing.” You chuckle when Calum still appears to be utterly confused. “I need to know if you're a good kisser before I agree to be your date to the Yule Ball, Calum.” You clarify, hoping that you’re not going to scare him off by coming on too strong.
Calum mirrors your delighted grin before pulling you closer to him again. His beautiful brown eyes are sparkling joyfully as he allows them to drift down to your lips. He takes a moment to build up the confidence, but when he finally leans forward and kisses you, it’s more than worth the wait. His lips are soft and he kisses with a tenderness that you weren’t sure he was capable of. All-in-all, you’re incredibly impressed and you cling onto the tail end of the kiss for as long as possible before answering your date’s silent question when he meets your gaze again. “That wasn’t bad at all, Hood. If you dance half as well as that, I think tonight will be the perfect first date!”
Tag list: @cherrycolamike @byxthexway @afuckingunicornn @painkillerash @moonchildsblack @calumbbyyy @h0tsos @loveroflrh @sexgodashton @megz1985 @myfalsedevotion @aulxna @honeyedlashton @tea4sykes @ghostofmashton @fairyintheglass @cashworthy @cashtonasfuck @opheliaaurora23 @5sosnsfw @wildmichaelflower @wildfl0wer-meg @irwinkitten @cxddlyash @wildmalumflower @cashtonasff5sos @iovehemmings @lowpowermodex @pinkbubbles-and-bigtroubles​ @celticclifford @5-secondsofcolor @queer-5sos @babylon-corgis
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