#but i'm on my way and kim is very forgiving. i like that about him
townofcrosshollow · 2 years
Been playing Disco Elysium. Good for the soul to take a break from creating and learn from what other people create.
Also, I like picking up bottles in a little bag to put in the machine for money, and all the French words make me happy. I am a feminist and sort of a communist. Kim is a good man. I am apologizing whenever I can. And they use a lot of lovely long words in nice ways.
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personasdestinyy · 2 months
Next time | Kim Namjoon drabble
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↳ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬; It was quite unexpected when a heavenly stranger joined you at the club's roof, just when you were feeling all alone.
⇢ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: smut(li8), dark(a little bit), fluff, strangers to??
⇢ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: namjoon x reader y/n
⇢ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: making out, heavy(sexual) tension in the air, nipple sucking, dry humping, calling reader princesse
⇢ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 3.9k+
a/n: Namjoon wearing glasses is my weakness ;-) and I'm not very knowledgeable about clubs. Well, Please forgive any errors if I may have made, but if you happen to spot any, kindly point them out to me.
© 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐬𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐲𝐲 [𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐝]
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The vibrant lights, booming music, and the overpowering scent of sweat from the crowd - it's all a nightmare for you. You're not one for clubs, but your best friend insisted. And by insisted, you mean she practically started a quarrel and argued with you until you gave in. She even went as far as choosing a black tight thigh-length V-neck dress for you, accentuating your cleavage. The makeup she applied was equally extravagant - a smokey eye look with a shimmery red lipstick. She may be a baby, but you nearly broke down in tears when you caught a glimpse of your own reflection in the full-length mirror. You've never worn that much makeup in your entire life, but her stubbornness won this time.
You've been sitting at the bar, your face buried in your hands, elbows resting on the glass counter, for about 15 minutes now. When you both entered the club, she tried to convince you to dance, but you had already done enough for the day and didn't want to be surrounded by sweaty bodies. So you told her to enjoy herself and even asked her to leave you alone. Little did you know, that wasn't such a great idea.
As you sit there, lost in your thoughts, the bartender suddenly comes into your line of vision. Your tired eyes gaze up at him, as he takes in your appearance - his eyes naturally drifting from your hidden cleavage to your face. Oddly enough, he doesn't appear interested at all. You sit up straighter, removing your face from your palms. Just as he turns away to walk off, not bothering to ask if you'd like to order something.
"Hey! Can I get a glass of orange juice?" you call out to him before he can take another step. He comes to a halt, turning around to face you once more. His expression remains as uninteresting as ever. You study him for a moment, your eyes landing on the name badge pinned to his white bartender suit, which reads 'Yoongi'. He simply nods and walks away.
After about five minutes, he returned with your drink and a bill, placing them in front of you on the counter. You thanked him, but he didn't reply. He was really starting to get on your nerves, but you still managed to smile as you took out the cash from your purse and handed it to him. He casually grabbed the bill from the counter and walked away, leaving you alone.
Sitting here has become quite challenging after that peculiar encounter with him. You had desperately craved some fresh air, so you tightly held onto your glass, rose from the stool, and made your way up to the roof.
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The breeze up here is refreshing, causing a slight shiver to run down your spine. It's a welcome change from the lingering scent of sweaty bodies that had been assaulting your nostrils while you were perched on that fancy stool. Leaning on the railing, your elbows find support as you tightly grip your glass. You bite your lower lip, moistening it with your tongue before bringing the glass to your lips. In one swift motion, you gulp down the orange juice and carefully place the glass on the floor, ensuring it's far enough from anyone's step to avoid any accidents.
With your chin resting on your bent elbows, you find yourself captivated by the view of the streets below. The towering buildings resemble giant pencils, and the wind playfully tousles your wavy hair as it dances around you.
Suddenly, the sound of someone clearing their throat interrupts your reverie. You turn your head to the left and there stands a breathtakingly beautiful being, almost ethereal in nature. Your mind momentarily stops functioning, and your heart seems to follow suit. While your head remains nestled in your arms on the railing, your focus shifts from the cityscape to this angelic presence before you.
He gazes back at you, his eyes shining through the transparent frames of his glasses, captivating you with their beauty. His petite nose adds to his overall charm, and his perfectly styled blonde hair, revealing his forehead completely, leaves you in awe. Dressed impeccably in a plain black pant, white button-up shirt, and waistcoat, his hands casually tucked into his pockets, he exudes an air of effortless style. And those lips, naturally pink and enticing, prompt you to moisten your own with your tongue. You find yourself not just staring, but thoroughly checking out this stranger. A small gulp escapes your throat as you straighten your posture, lifting your chin from your arms and smoothing your hands over your dress. The fabric clings to your body curves, accentuating your cleavage and bare legs, but you try to ignore it as best as you can.
"Why are you up here?" his voice breaks the silence, sending shivers down your spine. It's deep, rough, and undeniably captivating. Glancing up towards him, you're met with a sight that leaves you breathless. His muscular physique is accentuated by the fabric that wraps around him perfectly, and every defined muscle is visible beneath the surface.
In an attempt to steady your voice, you clear your throat, not wanting it to waver in front of him.
"Not a party person," you reply, shrugging your shoulders slightly. A small smile tugs at the corners of his lips as he shifts his gaze away from your face, focusing on the front. However, your attention is momentarily diverted by the beautiful dimple that forms on his cheeks when he smiles. You quickly avert your gaze as well and focus on your ahead.
"I'm not much of a party person either," he says, still looking straight ahead. Curiosity sparks inside your mind, and you can't help but wonder why he's here.
"Then why are you here?" The words slip out of your mouth before you can stop them, hanging in the air as you realize you haven't received an answer. Embarrassment floods your stomach, and your face flushes with heat. You quickly clear your throat, ready to apologize for the intrusive question. When you look at him, you're taken aback to find him already staring at you. Your lips part slightly, and a breath escapes, unable to contain your surprise. His gaze lingers on your red-painted lips before meeting your eyes once again.
"I had a meeting with the club's owner," he replies, his gaze still locked with yours. As his words reach your ears, it feels like a wave of relief washes over you, momentarily dissipating your embarrassment. You break the eye contact first, not daring to delve deeper into his captivating gaze. You know that his looks, his voice, everything about him is melting you from the inside out.
Yet, you can still feel his eyes on you, studying your every move and posture.
"Want to know the same thing" he inquired, you bite your lower lip between you teeth. His curiosity about why you're here piques your interest, making your heart do a little flip in your chest. Your eyes meet his once more, you averted your gaze for a moment, trying to gather your thoughts, before meeting his intense gaze once again.
"Well," you began, your voice slightly shaky, "Lila, my best friend, practically dragged me here. She insisted that I needed a change of scenery, a break from my monotonous routine. And, well, I couldn't say no to her."
A small smile played on your lips as you reminisced about all the crazy adventures you and Lila had shared. The late-night phone calls, the impromptu road trips, and yes, even the times when you had to rescue her from her drunken escapades. You had always been there for her, like a protective elder sister.
As you spoke, you noticed a flicker of amusement in his eyes, and a mischievous dimple appeared on his cheek. It was a sight that made your heart flutter uncontrollably again. Your smile transformed into something more than just friendly, something that revealed your growing attraction towards this handsome stranger standing before you.
His gaze changed, turning darker as he observed the sudden shift in your expression. He took a step closer, until you were almost chest to chest. The sudden proximity sent a shiver down your spine, and you couldn't help but gulp nervously, feeling the tension thickening in the air. The chilly wind only seemed to enhance the heat radiating from your body.
His intense eyes bore into yours, as if he could devour you whole with just one bite. You feel a gentle touch on your face, his long fingers delicately brushing with a strand of hair that had fallen in front of your left eye. He twists it between his fingers before tucking it behind your ear. The simple gesture sends shivers down your spine, and your body instinctively reacts, leaning into his touch. Your eyes flutter closed, surrendering to the sensation. His hand on your jaw caused you to lean in even closer, but the subtle touch of his thumb on your lower lip, causing your eyes to flutter open. You meet his gaze from beneath your long lashes, feeling a magnetic pull between you. In that moment, all other thoughts fade away, leaving only one desire lingering in your mind - to kiss him.
His thumb continues to brush against your bottom lip, its feather-light touch sending tingles through your body. He leans in closer, his warm breath caressing your ear, causing you to shiver even more. Your thighs clench involuntarily, a physical response to the overwhelming sensations coursing through you.
"You're so beautiful. What's your name?" In a low, husky voice, he breaks the silence, his words dripping with admiration, his voice is like a sweet melody mixed with a hint of spice, intoxicating and irresistible. As he pulls away slightly, you already feel the absence of his warm breath on your ear. His hand remains on your jaw, and you nervously nibble on your bottom lip, unsure how to handle this enchanting stranger.
His gaze fixates on your lips, and he gently removes your bottom lip from between your teeth with his thumb. He resumes rubbing it with his thumb pad, sending a jolt of electricity through you. You know you have to answer, or else your legs might give out beneath you.
"Y/N," you whisper your name, your voice barely audible. You can feel yourself losing control, your senses overwhelmed by his presence. You're certain that your panties are clinging to your core, a testament to the desire he has ignited within you. He hums, his eyes locked onto yours, then your lips, and back to your eyes again.
"Namjoon" He introduced himself, even though you didn't inquire. You repeat his name in a hushed tone, and it flows from your mouth as if it was meant to be. It sounds perfect.
His eyes were also fixed on you from the moment he saw you standing alone, observing every little movement of your body, the way your features seemed to effortlessly fit into his hand, and how smoothly his name rolled off your tongue.
Your heart began to race, the desire to kiss him overwhelming you as soon as he entered your line of sight. You tried to control yourself, but now when he shared his name with you, all you wanted to do was utter it over and over again.
But then, just as quickly as he came close, he pulled away, taking a step back. Your eyes widened in disbelief, confused by his actions after making you feel so hot with his touch. His expression remains dark, but there's a hint of something different in his eyes now. It's as if he's about to do something he'll regret, or perhaps something you can't even fathom. Your heart feels heavy all of a sudden, and he gives you an inscrutable look, your brows pinched together. Then, he turned to his left and headed towards the rooftop exit.
'No, no.'
He's about to leave you, and you know you have to act.
Remembering Lila's advice about seizing the moment when something felt right, your mind urged you to stop him, and you made up your mind to do just that. Stepping towards him, you caught his muscular wrist in your small hand before he could take another step. He halts in his tracks, tilting his head to look back at you. Without hesitation, you stand on your tiptoes, even though you were wearing heels, you still stand much shorter than him. You press your lips against his without hesitation, eyes closed. His lips feel like soft cotton, so plump and different from what you had imagined.
You pulled away from the kiss, feeling a sense of unease when you realized his lips weren't responding. Guilt flooded your heart as you reluctantly opened your eyes to meet his gaze, which seemed to have been fixed on you the entire time. Nervously, you released his wrist from your grasp and took a cautious step back. Your eyes start to sting, but you hold back the tears, directing your gaze downward to your heels. Massaging your temple, you clear your throat, preparing yourself to apologize for crossing a line.
The weight of your mistake settled heavily on your shoulders, filling you with a sense of regret that seemed to stretch into eternity.
However, before you can utter a single word of apology, he closes the distance between you in a single stride. Without hesitation, without warning, he cups your face with his large hands and in an instant, his lips crash against yours in an intense and passionate kiss. Your feet stumbled backward until your back met the railing, and you instinctively clutched onto his shoulder for support. The pounding of your heart resonates so loudly within your chest that you can hardly hear anything else. He begins to suck and nibble on your bottom lip, causing a low moan to escape from deep within your throat.
He breaks the kiss with a soft pop, the sound lingering in the air as your breaths synchronize. Both of you are panting heavily, the intensity of the moment leaving you both gasping for air. He takes off his glasses, revealing his perfect face, and tucks them away in his pants pocket. Without breaking eye contact, he leans in for another kiss, his desire evident in his eyes.
Once again, his lips capture yours, but this time the kiss is different. It's sloppy, hungry, filled with a raw passion that consumes you both. You try to match his movements, but his lips are dominant, taking control of the kiss. He slips his tongue into your mouth, exploring every inch with a fervor that leaves you weak in the knees.
"Stick your tongue out, y/n," he orders, his voice husky and filled with desire. His hands roam from your neck to your waist, then down to your hips, pulling you closer to him. You obey without hesitation, your body responding to his command like a well-trained child. He wastes no time and starts sucking on your tongue, teasing and biting it gently.
Your eyes shut tightly as pleasure courses through your body, making you wet with anticipation. Your hands wander from his shoulders to his perfectly styled blonde locks, gripping it tightly as the sensations overwhelm you. Your knees begin to wobble, making it difficult to stand, but you can't bring yourself to break the kiss just yet.
After felt like eternity, desperate for air, you try to withdraw your tongue, a silent plea for him to stop. He senses your need and releases you, both of you gasping for breath. As you open your eyes, you're met with the sight of his face so close to yours, causing your heart to race even faster. His lips are swollen, his eyes hooded, his jaw clenching and unclenching with desire. He looks ethereal, a perfect blend of beauty and handsomeness that leaves you craving for more.
Your body aches for him, your wet core yearning for his touch. Unable to resist, you grind against his clothed, hard erection, feeling a surge of pleasure shoot through you. A gasp escapes your lips as you realize just how big he is, and his own groan echoes in the air as your hips move against him once again. The desire between you both is palpable, and you know that you want more.
"Please, I.." you try to convey your request to him, to convey your desires to him.
He suddenly takes action by firmly grabbing your buttocks, causing you to let out a surprised gasp. The sensation makes you momentarily forget what you were about to say, and in the blink of an eye, he effortlessly lifts you up by your hips. Your legs instinctively wrap around his well-defined torso, while your arms find their way around his neck.
You can feel his sweaty hair brushing against your arms.
"You're going to lose yourself entirely, princesse," he murmurs in that seductive accent of his, using the endearing nickname he uses for you. Just as you plan to respond, he silences you by placing his mouth on your neck. First, he nibbles, then sucks, and licks at the same spot, causing you to whimper. Your back arches automatically, and your head falls back, granting him even greater access to your neck. Suddenly, your eyes snap open when you feel an absence behind your head. You realize you're leaning over the railing, with only the lower half of your body supported by him. Your survival now depends on clinging tightly to him, preventing you from falling off the rooftop.
"Mhm, listen..." you try to get his attention by tapping his shoulder, signaling that you are in a precarious situation. But he doesn't stop; instead, you can sense his smirk against your neck as he continues to shower you with affectionate kisses. Your mind is in a whirlwind, torn between the arousal coursing through your body and the danger of your current position.
'Fuck, this is what he meant,'
He began thrusting his cock through the thick fabric of his pants, instantly blocking out all other thoughts. The rush of adrenaline from being on the edge of the roof and the powerful movements of his hips consumed your mind completely.
"Namjoon, oh fuck Joon.." you couldn't help but moan his name over and over again as he intensified his grinding, simultaneously sucking harder on your neck. Your stomach twisted with desire, and you instinctively clutched onto his blonde hair. His wet kisses trailed downwards, and then his sinful lips makes contact with your nipple, which was concealed beneath the fabric of your dress and his wet tongue playfully swirled around the sensitive bud. The pleasure was so intense that it forced a high-pitched moan to escape from deep within your throat.
Your mind felt numb, overwhelmed by the delicious stimulation. Each rhythmic thrust, his hard cock through his pants teasing your clothed core, and the skillful touch of his lips on your clothed nipple was an intoxicating combination. The fear of falling added an extra layer of excitement to the already electrifying atmosphere.
A distant ringing sound reached your ears, but you were too consumed by the moment to pay it any attention. You assumed it was just your ears playing tricks on you. However, the sound seemed oddly familiar. His lips and grinding abruptly stopped, causing you to whimper in disbelief. Your brow furrowed, eyes still closed, as his lips broke contact with your breast. Confusion washed over you as you tried to comprehend what was happening. The ringing sound persisted, growing louder, but it felt as if it was coming from a distance.
You opened your eyes, breathing heavily, desperate to understand why everything had suddenly come to a halt. The ringing continued to echo in your ears, resembling the buzzing of bees. And then, your gaze met his dark eyes.
"Your phone," he said, his voice deep and rough. But you couldn't comprehend his words. Confusion etched across your face, your eyebrow shooting up to touch your hairline.
"Huh?" you managed to utter, still lost in the haze of the moment.
"Someone's calling you," he repeated, directing his gaze towards your purse on the floor. And then it hit you, why the ringing had sounded so familiar. Your face flushed an even deeper shade of red, your cheeks feeling as if they were on fire.
He gently places you down, and your heels wobble beneath you, but you manage to grab onto his shirt just in time to prevent yourself from falling to the ground. You glance at him apologetically, but he simply nods his head slightly, a faint smile forming on his lips, revealing the same dimple as before.
Releasing your grip on his shirt, you turn around and bend down to retrieve your purse from the floor.
You straighten up abruptly, when you sense him taking a deep breath. You run your hands over your dress, smoothing out any wrinkles. You reach for your phone, and notice that the screen is still illuminated with Lila's name. You choose not to answer the call, knowing that she's probably completely intoxicated. She has never called you this many times in her entire life, except when she's drunk.
You turn back to face him, and there he stands, looking like a model with his hands tucked into his pockets and a few strands of his blonde hair falling onto his forehead. You swallow nervously before offering him a cautious smile.
"My friend needs me," you inform him, raising your phone in the air to show him the screen, even though he didn't ask. He hums in response and retrieves his glasses from his pocket, placing them back on his face. You can see the muscles beneath his thick shirt flexing with each movement.
"I should go," you speak up when he remains silent, feeling the awkwardness fill the air. With your legs still feeling a bit unsteady, you begin to take slow steps towards the exit to the rooftop.
As you reached the door, a wave of sadness filled your heart knowing that he didn't try to stop you. But just as you were about to leave, he suddenly grabs your wrist, causing you to turn around in surprise. A wave of relief washes over you.
"Here, take this. Let's meet next time," he says softly, placing a card in your hand.
Leaning in close, his warm breath tickles your ear as he adds, "And then we'll continue our remainder session." His voice husky, barely audible, causing a shiver of excitement run through your whole body.
With that, he releases your wrist, and you hold onto the card tightly, a smile playing on your lips. Your once heavy heart now feels light and free.
You nod as he takes a step back, revealing a perfect dimple on his cheek. With admiration in your eyes, you take one last look at him before exiting the roof.
As you made your way off the roof, the sound of your footsteps echoed in your ears, matching the rhythm of your racing heart. The card in your hand felt like a precious treasure, a tangible reminder of the connection you had just shared.
As you descended the stairs, your mind began to wander, replaying the encounter over and over again. His words echoed in your mind, each syllable carrying a promise of something more. The thought of meeting again, of continuing the session that had been interrupted, filled you with a mix of excitement and nervousness.
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horanghaeluvsinniehae · 5 months
Disclaimer: the end is a bit bad im sorry
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Hyunjin said he’d come over in half an hour, so you started to mentally prepare yourself for what’s about to come.
You really liked him and have for a while now. When he texted you last night you were shocked, you never expected him to like you - if he actually does…- and to confess through a drunk text. Maybe it was a dare that’s why he was very apologetic now, maybe he wanted to text it to someone else. You sighed and started to make your apartment look presentable, trying to make these thoughts go away.
Soon there was a knock on your door. Your heart jumped out of your ribs at the sound and went to the door to let Hyunjin in.
You opened the door and there he was…holding your favourite chocolate in his hand like it was a precious treasure.
“I bought it for you because I know when you’re stressed you like to eat this…” he stated and held it up for you to take it.
Your heart was melting at his gesture. How can someone be this sweet?
“Thank you Hyune, you're so nice!” You looked at him and smiled. “Come in please!” You told him and walked inside with him.
While he took off his shoes while you went to fetch him some water. But before you could reach for a glass, someone spun you around and hugged you tightly. You instantly melted into his arms before you could process what was happening. He held you close to his chest and bowed his head so it was sitting between your shoulder and neck.
“Y/nah…I’m doing it like this so I won't chicken out” he mumbled into your skin and held you close. “I really really like you and I honestly meant what I said yesterday…even if I was drunk I spoke the truth. I hope you can forgive me for my actions and it won’t ruin our friendship. Don’t want to lose you…” his voice faded away. You could hear every emotion in his voice.
You lifted his head up so you could look at him and he can see that you’re serious too. “Hyune, I like you so much I can't even explain!! When you texted me last night I thought it was a mistake or a dare but I'm very happy that you meant what you said and I feel the same way!” You smiled at him and caressed his cheek softly.
At that moment you wished you could take a photo because the way his whole face lit up was just so beautiful and cute.
Suddenly he picked you up and spun you around while happily cheering. You shrieked but soon he put you down then shyly gave a quick kiss on your forehead.
“Sooo y/nah would you be mine?” He asked and gave you the biggest puppy eyes he could make. “Of course Hyune!! I’d love to be!!” You chuckled.
He gave you a big big smile again and hugged you tightly. He then picked you up and brought you to the couch and put you down.
“Now we’re gonna cuddle and watch something!” He said cheekily.
This man means so much to you and you still can’t comprehend that you’re dating.You happily cuddled into his side and just listened to him while smiling.
A/N: hi guys! I hope you liked it! I think this one came out so soft and i really like it but tell me your opinions!! Also do you want me to make a taglist or it’s not necessary? If you want to be on it either comment or text me in the request! Have a great day, be safe and take care of yourself please!!❤️‍🩹
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blueteller · 4 months
TCF Theory: What If God of Death Had a Reason for Kidnapping Minors?
(Hey, @murasaki-cha, I might have a theory that could sorta maybe redeem your pathetic little meow meow! 😂)
[Also: SPOILER WARNING for... basically everything in TCF?]
So, here's the thing:
It's no secret I always had… issues with the God of Death for kidnapping the Chois.
Let me clarify a bit.
What he did to Kim Rok Soo, aka. Cale, was not okay either – however! I can see it justified somewhat by circumstances: he was cursed, his life was generally depressing and terrible, and there was a world in need of saving. Honestly, the deal with the Original Cale Henituse to switch the two of them was best for all parties involved. (I'm still angry he did not ask Cale himself for permission, though! All the God of Death needed to do was tell him: "Look, this is the world where your BFF Lee Soo Hyuk reincarnated into. And the world is going to be destroyed in about 20 years if nothing is done about it. Would you mind cleaning that up for me?" You bet your butt Cale would have agreed fair and square, even if he were EXTREMELY miffed about the deal. But it's so much easier to simply hide your involvement in the transmigration, so that Cale doesn't have a personal vendetta against you once he gets OP, right…? Not that it succeeded, lol. Cale still ended up cursing the God of Death a lot)
However – all of what I just said? NONE of it applied for the Choi family member.
First, we have Choi Jung Gun, aka. Nelan Barrow. Let me remind you, the kid was FIFTEEN. Freaking 15!!!! The God of Death kidnapped a literal CHILD with no combat experience, and dropped him in the middle of an active war zone! Sure, technically Super Rock was there and presumably took care of him – but still, that was an objectively a terrible thing to do, God of Death! Bad boy!! 🧹🧹🧹
Then we have Choi Han, and ohhh boy, he had even worse somehow! Even though he was 2 years older than Choi Jung Gun when he got transported, he still ended up in the freaking FOREST OF DARKNESS. Weaponless, isolated, under constant threat of death. It's a miracle Choi Han did not die or completely lose his mind – and in a sense he did – but he was still able to retain a piece of himself, NO THANKS TO YOU GOD OF DEATH. My goodness! What a way to treat your "chosen hero ", mister!
...as you can probably tell, I was pissed enough at the God of Death for kidnapping poor Choi Jung Gun, but I am NEVER forgiving him for what Choi Han went thought. Should have given him something! A letter, a sword, or at the very least – A FREAKING MAP!!!
Aaaand finally we have Choi Jung Soo. Which was a bizarre case in comparison to the previous two. Even the God of Death remarked how unusual it was.
First of all, consent was asked – WHAT A TWIST! 🤣
Secondly, Choi Jung Soo was already an adult, and experienced fighter. He'd have a much better time in Nameless 1 world than any of his predecessors (excluding the fact that he'd have a TERRIBLE time trying to fight the White Star; who may I remind you possessed Kim Rok Soo's face... Also, did he even get to read "The Birth of a Hero"...?). He was also on the verge of death. AND he allowed to say no!! It was much more fair than what happened to the other two.
...But why though? Why the special treatment, God of Death? Why not kidnap Choi Jung Soo as a kid as well? The timing was kind of strange.
So here my theory comes in.
What if, it wasn't the God of Death who determined the timing of the transportation? What if there was an outside factor involved? Just because there seemingly wasn't a strict pattern to WHEN the Chois got transported, that doesn't mean there couldn't be one.
An outside factor like, let's say.... the Hunters? 🤔
From his behaviour in the Sloth Test, we know that Choi Jung Gun absolutely hates the Hunters. And it seemed very personal too. Even if we take it for granted that the Hunters were responsible for the existence of the Original White Star and the war and all that... It was still VERY personal. Like, "I will tear you to bloody pieces with my bare hands and chew on them with my teeth" level of personal. So, what gives?
Then it hit me.
The Five Colored Bloods Hunters are Wanderers who can freely travel across dimensions. They targeted young Kim Rok Soo, because he had a "mark" of the God of Death on. They assumed it could be a sign of a Single Lifer, and it did not matter to them if it necessary to kill him just to "check". The only reason why Kim Rok Soo survived was because Choi Jung Gun was there (even though I have issues about his execution – using a minor as BAIT?! Not cool man! Almost as bad as the God of Death!). Without him, young Kim Rok Soo absolutely would have been killed. And the way Choi Jung Gun was acting in the Sloth Test made it seem like it wasn't the first time something like this happened either.
Meaning: the Hunters were already on Earth 1. They have been there.
So, what if... the Hunters had already targeted the Chois in the past? Including Choi Jung Gun himself?
Think about it. If the Hunters had any clue that this particular lineage could produce Single Lifers... they'd certainly keep an eye on the Choi family, right? There would be no need to directly interfere. Just, watching them from the sidelines and let them produce next generations. Spying on their kids – like the total creeps they are.
And perhaps, there was a particular sign of a potential Single Lifer to watch out for, that could manifest around adolescence? What if Choi Jung Gun showed such a sign at the age of 15?
Instead of simply using him as a weapon to save another world... was the God of Death actually trying to save Choi Jung Gun? By transporting him into another dimension??
It would... kinda make sense, right? By transporting Choi Jung Gun, his "Single Lifer power" activated. His lifespan became much longer, he developed an Ancient Power too. He was initially weak, but he grew stronger overtime. Strong enough to stand up to the Hunters and protect himself; and also taking him away from their immediate reach.
...What if the same happened with Choi Han? What if Choi Han became a target at the age of 17? And the only way to save him was to transport him as well? I mean it worked with Choi Jung Gun, why not try it a second time? If the first one became a powerful ally who could fight the Hunters, the God of Death would certainly like another one on his payroll, right?
And then there's Choi Jung Soo, of course. Maybe he escaped the scrutiny of the Hunters? Or maybe because he developed powers which made him a harder target? Why would the Hunters bother with difficult opponents when they can always play dirty and go after literal children, instead? There is also the issue of the Monster Apocalypse, as Cale suspects the Hunters were behind it as well. Maybe the Hunters had a different plan for Earth 1, and so they had to stop using it as hunting grounds for Single Lifers?
If I'm right about this, then the God of Death's actions became a liiiiitle bit more understandable.
I will forever criticize the man for not asking at least three of his victims (and don't try to give me some bull about him being "unable to", God of Death used various means to communicate through the story; Choi Jung Gun even freaking wrote "The Birth of a Hero" books for the sole purpose of giving necessary exposition to a transmigrator – more than that, if he had enough space to simp for Whales and provide Harol's backstory for no reason! He could have included ANY type of message in there, to ANYONE!), but if Choi Jung Gun were to literally die if he did not get kidnapped and transported into a war-torn dimension in need of saving... Well? Saving someone's life via transmigration might be unconventional, but I've seen it happen a lot in many isekai. I can roll with this.
...But seriously tho, I hope Choi Jung Gun makes that broom beating a regular thing. The God of Death certainly can use it. You know – for emotional intelligence improvement! 😏
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hiya we stoked for ateez comeback yesss! can I make request pretty please! yander ateez caring for their sick darling? 💌
ATEEZ caring for a sick darling
Yandere ATEEZ(separately) x gn reader
a/n: how did i miss this ask ???? i'm so sorry anon 🥲 the comeback has come out and i'm beyond hyped LMAO stream bouncy . shoutout to my gf for helping me with mingi and jongho🤍
♡´・ᴗ・`♡ genre: yandere, headcanon drabbles
ಠ_ಠwarnings/content: mentions of; throwing up, doctors and hospitals, sickness(headaches and colds), poisoning, captivity, none of these are healthy relationships
if you or a loved one is in an unhealthy or controlling relationship- there is help and there is ways out. know that you deserve better and don't be afraid to reach out
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Hongjoong has severe trust issues. The amount of times you've attempted to leave him has him on high alert for every little detail that may mean you're tricking him. So at first, when he hears you dry-heaving behind the closed bathroom door, his brain immediately says that you're tricking him. You're trying to pull the sick card? Really, Darling? He doesn't do anything at first, he sits down on the couch with his arms crossed and waits for you to give up your game of charades. But when you come out of the bathroom pouring sweat and pale as a ghost? He drops the idea that your tricking him when you collapse.
After his initial denial and suspicion, Hongjoong will be the most attentive of his darling, only rivaled by Hwa and San. He will treat you like a porcelain doll and give into your every need, no matter how demanding you get. Too hot? He gathers every fan in the apartment to wherever it is you are. Too cold? Welcome to the Kim Blanket Fort™️. Hungry for something he'll never usually give you? Eat uuuuup Darling.
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Seonghwa almost breaks the door off of the hinges when he hears you crying. He won't leave or shut up until you've opened the door and are secure in his arms. Poor Darling, was it something you ate? Is your stomach upset? Are you running a fever? He bombards you to figure out just what's wrong so he can fix it for you. If you're sick enough by his standards, you'll be at the doctor in ten minutes flat.
Hwa is the yandere you want if you get sick easily. He isn't suspicious or overly possessive. He will take you to the doctor without a fight and babys you until he's certain that you are in good health. If anything, he is overbearing. He just loves his Darling so much, he'd just never forgive himself if something were to happen.
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Yunho is a big baby. When he sees you trying to sneak some medicine from the cabinet, he snatches it up and starts crying as he pours it for you instead. Why didn't you come to him immediately? When did this start? Isn't he good enough to take care of you? In all honesty, he is. He takes great care of you but he is also such.a.bummer. He blames himself for letting you get sick in the first place and will be even more strict about going out or even opening windows. Say goodbye to Friday date nights for months- at the very least.
If you can handle a debby downer, Yunho isn't such a bad option. He rubs your back if you're aching and holds you warmly if you have the shivers. But he will cry and whine more than you will. One major problem if you get sick with a yandere Yuyu on your hip is that you will never go to the doctor. He believes that they are a breeding ground for diseases, all of the sick people in one building? Yeah, not happening. He can do anything a doctor can with the help of a little Googling.
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Yeosang is similar to Hwa in the way that he will drop everything to take care of his Darling. When he's about to walk out the door for practice and hears you sneeze for the tenth time in an hour, his shoes are off and he's back in bed with you. Oh, don't worry Darling, Sangie will take good care of you. No matter how little sick you are, if you have symptoms he will be right by your side to make sure he can take care of you if they get worse.
And they will get worse. Because he will make you feel sicker than you are with a little dollop of his stash. He needs you to need him. You will never catch on because he only does it when you're beginning to get sick anyways. He doesn't see the harm in it. Yeosang loves to take care of his Darling and will make sure you always end up curled up to him begging him to make it better.
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San learned everything he knows from Joong and Seonghwa. That includes the way he treats his Darling. That's why at first, he's suspicious when you start whining and curl up on your side of the bed while clutching your head. Do you really think that's gonna work? Hongjoong has taught him better than to fall for that act. But when your tears won't stop and you start to snap at him, he knows it's for real because he's taught you better than to yell like you are. Oh, sweet Darling, you must really hurt. Is it too bright? Is the show too loud? Do you need water? After he clears his mind and realizes the truth, he's even more doting than Seonghwa.
San won't take you to a doctor unless it's life threatening, but that doesn't mean he won't treat you like you're dying if you have the smallest of colds. He will bathe you and feed you and cuddle you to no end. And he'll do so until he's sure you're better. After your initial roadblocks of getting him to believe you, you won't have to lift a finger.
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Poor Mingi. He has no idea what to do when you wake him up in the middle of the night as you shiver in your sleep. He's immediately turned to his best friend(Google) and looking for solutions to make you feel better. Will a hot rag make you feel better? Oh- but you have a fever! Maybe just the blanket- why are you still shivering? Before you came along Mingi never had anyone to take care of him when he was sick or vice versa so he's lost.
With a bit of your own guidance on your needs, Mingi will help you get better however he possibly can so that he makes sure you know he can take care of you better than anyone else. He'll get all the medicines you recommended and be at your beck and call, all while taking down mental notes for when you get sick in the future.
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With Wooyoung, it's business as usual with a bit more caring actions or a little more leniency with you. He knows your sick when you ask for the first shower in the morning, he always gets the first shower but he lets it slide because he can tell how nasty you feel with the sickness on you. Of course, Darling. Do you want some hot tea when you get out? He isn't overbearing in any aspect.
Woo will let a lot of things slide when you're sick that he usually won't but that doesn't mean he won't catch on if your trying to draw it out. He will be nice for a few weeks before he gets tired of it and takes you to a doctor. If the doctor says you aren't sick? Good luck, Darling. Nice Woo's stay is over.
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Jongho to the rescue. He is very obsessive observant when it comes to his Darlings health. He and you both take vitamins and supplements religiously, and have regular check-ups. Health is one thing you can always count on him to take care of, so it isn't a shock to him when you come to him right away when you feel sick. Oh, Darling...how did this happen? Come and have some medicine, let him give you a little check up. You'll still have to go about your life regardless, the world doesn't stop like it may with other members.
Jongho has a list of things to make sure you do to feel better while you both go about your regular life. He fits in a nap for you, along with extra veggies, and a longer daily walk for fresh air and sunlight. He doesn't leave you to the wolves, but he won't coddle you either. Unless you go and stray from his checklist. Then he'll take a few days off and watch you like a hawk, force feeding you your medicine if he has to. He won't let his Darling be sick.
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For Orufrey: "They're tragic wlw who have devoted their lives to each other since they were kids. They live together, they cook together, they're raising four girls together and they're doing the best they can. Olruggio would do anything for Qifrey if Qifrey would just Let Him 😭 but Qifrey is dead-set on protecting Olruggio and keeping him safe and in the dark no matter what it costs... i cant 😭..."
"Man I don't know they just have the vibes. They have toxic yuri energy but they are two grown men. They've known each other since their apprentice days and have stuck together ever since. Qifrey's main magic type was something he took up because Olruggio proposed that he learned to control the water he feared. They live together away from most of society with Qifrey's four apprentices, living the sapphic cottagecore (ateliercore???) dream. Qifrey, due to the fact that his eyesight is very much failing, something which is very problematic when it comes to witches, who need their eyesight more than most, is getting very desperate to get all he lost to the Brimhats, the witches who took one of his eyes and his memories, and Olruggio ends up noticing this pursuit and is implied to have done this more than once. Qifrey does not want Olruggio to know about both his failing eyesight and his goals, so he ends up completely wiping Olruggio's memory of those things, and laments that Olruggio is a kind person, and one who would most likely forgive him again, but also one who would try to save him, even when he didn't want to be saved. He also apologized right up until the moment Olruggio's memories of his secret were gone. In general I think chapter 40 is the somewhat toxic guy yuri chapter ever. I'm very tired so I do not know how to explain any of this, I just thought "wow Orufrey reminds me of this one poll I saw on Tumblr" and then spent three days straight hunting for your blog before completely forgetting my reasoning for Orufrey being yuri right before I submitted this."
For Joongdok: "Well first of all Yoo Joonghyuk has a whole arc that is transfem coded as hell (has a power/technique that can technically only be used by women but somehow he can also use it, for a time he even turns into a woman to wield it and it's. Actually just let me get the quote "The ines of the face had changed but it was clearly Yoo Joonghyuk. No, it was even more than before.") that just kinda happens,, and doesn't get brought up again but anyway. Second of all just look at them. You see the vision. Also a bonus observation is that these two often get shipped in a poly ship with Han Sooyoung and whenever I see people make a "regular couple, yaoi couple, yuri couple, I see no difference love is love" meme with them the combination of which pair among these three is which of the categories is always different"
Note: This submission also mentions Han Sooyoung, but I decided to count this polyship submission as guy yuri as well.
"They love each other, they pretend they don't care for each other but all their actions prove they care too much, if you remove someone from the trio then the resulting duo is extremely dysfunctional, as evidenced by more than a million words of canon. Is it technically guy yuri? Well, Han Sooyoung is a woman, but in a way she's one of the guys. Kim Dokja and Yoo Joonghyuk are men, but the text heavily hints that Yoo Joonghyuk is a trans woman who's just too busy and stressed out to transition yet, and Kim Dokja has just never thought about his own gender a single day in his life. They made the world for each other, they went back in time countless times and waged countless wars for each other, they wrote and read and lived a story, their story, for each other and that's what saved them all. The way Han Sooyoung writes Yoo Joonghyuk's story to save Kim Dokja and loses herself in the process, the way Yoo Joonghyuk voluntarily lives the story to the point of losing himself too and even forgetting why he originally decided to do it, the way Kim Dokja read Han Sooyoung's story which was Yoo Joonghyuk's life and that's how he found himself, they all took so much from each other and gave so much of themselves to each other, this is all very yuri."
"they're so yuri you have no idea. they have every staple of a yuri ship. unwavering devotion. waiting dozens or thousands of years for each other. dooming themselves and the world for each other. so much yearning. i also see them genderbent a lot (including inn canon in the case of yjh) and they're right both of these people are women. i genuinely can't even see them strictly as men at this point they're just yjh and kdj and they are yuri do you understand."
"they're so yuri. the abscense of yuri is the presence of yuri etc etc. these two guys are all ABOUT abscenses. also one of them is a part time woman. the other guy is a guy but like in the same way a square is a rectangle. anyway they're so guyyuri to me. bonus points also because they have a mutual girlfriend and when she's present they're girlyaoi but that's not relevant to this specifically"
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txtmetonight · 19 days
Recordings of the Clock ✆
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call summary ⋆ ★ The wallows of slipping time are hidden behind a camera that Kim Seungmin wishes to stop.
pairing *. * Kim Seungmin x Fem! Reader
genre⋆ ★ Angst, fluff
warnings *. Mentions of dying, mentions of a disease, bad grammar
call duration⋆ ★ 5.6k
a/n*. * something short I conjured up during finals season, forgive me for not being active uhuhuhuh i think i'm gonna fail my math final...oh well. ermmm i also got a bit lazy at the end but whatevs we ball.
taglist ⋆ ★ @kflixnet
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25th of March 
The camcorder starts to whir alive for the first time, much to Seungmin’s delight. It’s quite big and sturdy and he struggles to hold it a bit from its awkward grip adjusting his fingers from time to time, yet he is very proud of his purchase–you could see it on his face. The lens of the device sits in front of a cake which is right behind it is you, gleaming in excitement at the curiously situated camera.  
You both don’t know it yet for Seungmin is still figuring out how to control the camcorder but it’s recording with the lens still unfocused.  
“Minnie... are you sure you actually know how to use that. You look like you’re struggling.”  
Seungmin scoffs at your comment but doesn’t say anything. The pads of his fingers play around with the various buttons and his brows furrow to your amusement and impatience. The candles are starting to drip onto the light-blue icing.��
“We could do it later y’kno–” 
“Oh, I got it!” Your husband cheers and suddenly the camera is pointed at you, running quite well in its glory. You smile cheeses at the lens and your husband tries to zoom in and out of your face, softly chuckling when you stick your tongue out at him.
He would say more, but you told him to play nice today since it was your first anniversary with each other and that he wouldn’t have married you if not for this day. He decides to comply with a small grumble.  
“Can I blow out the candles now?” You ask but before he can say yes, you do it anyway, laughing loudly at his expression, which is contorted into a faux annoyance.  
“Why would you ask, just to do it anyway?” He zooms into the cake with a little smile. He got the cake along with the camera just hours before as a surprise for you.  
You shrug, your voice becoming a little muffled through the audio. “Aren’t you gonna sing us a happy anniversary song?”  
But his actions defy his words as he carefully sets the camcorder down in a position where it could still capture the both of you as he rounds the table towards you. He takes a small swipe at the cake to smear your nose when he sits down next to you, but you do nothing in retaliation.
You just grin and lean a bit closer and that’s when he finally sings to you, and you start to fluster underneath his gaze. It’s loving and deep when his hands trail to your jaw and cup your face. He kisses your cheeks.  
“Happy anniversary lovely.”  
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11th of April 
“Seungmin, look over here!”  
The passing wind whips your husband’s hair into his face as he tries to face you with a broad smile. You laugh at his misery as the camera subtly shakes in your hold, trembling at the skittering steps you take to meet a huffing Seungmin.  
The sun glares at the ground as people ranging from young to old scattered the small park on its threshold. The camcorder picks up the jovial energy through the recording and you’re satisfied with the clarity of it all. But your partner isn’t too ideal with your whole attention on this mere device. 
“Just marry the camera at this point. You look like you’re about to kiss it.” 
“Oh hush.”  
You roll your eyes and switch the camera over to face it towards you both. You’re squinting into the lens, but Seungmin looks down at you, pressing a softening smooch to your hair, just before he grabs the camcorder out of your hands. 
“Wait–give it back!”  
The sky is a bright blue, and it practically blinds the glass especially at the way that Seungmin points the camera up.  
“No way! We’re on a date! Your eyes should be on me. On your husband.”  
You snort but ultimately give up your fruitless attempts, knowing him very well enough that he wasn’t going to succumb to your requests with the mind that he was indeed right in his reasoning. You instead punch him in the gut, which he hunches over for in pain before you sit down on the picnic blanket laid out on the ground.
He follows soon after and the grass folds underneath the camera’s weight–just a bit out of reach from your fingertips, pushing it away just slightly when you make a lunge for it.  
Seungmin smiles smugly at your expense.  
“You’re so mean to me,” You whine pulling your hand away from his sneaky fingers, but his reflexes are faster (or rather you were just slower of purpose), but he catches your arm and intertwines your pinkie with his. It catches you warm and tingly inside at his affection, yet you refuse to show him that in the amidst of your (fake) vexation.  
Seungmin knows truly that you’re acting inside and so he lets himself open the small picnic basket he prepared for both of you and serves himself a sandwich...a sandwich that was supposed to be for you.  
“Wow, this looks so good right now. Maybe I’ll eat this one today.” Seungmin brings the food up to his lips, just hovering over his teeth with a smile that grows even bigger when you don’t even spare him a glance. You instead choose to stare at his own meal that he packed for himself. When you see him take a small nibble from the corner of your eye, you let a disheartened sigh leave your lips.  
You don’t see it immediately, but the man clicks his tongue and nudges himself a little closer to you, holding the sandwich up to your mouth now. You bite the inside of your cheeks to stop yourself from giggling at his antics. He’s cute–really and every moment you spend with him, you’re reminded why you decided to marry him. Your fingers seem to clutch your hands a little tighter, overwhelmed with the amount of love that thrives through your veins.  
“C’mon, I was just joking. Take a bite, I worked so hard on this!”  
“Hmmm fine. If only you buy me ice cream later.” 
He rolls his eyes but nonetheless agrees with your deal and with that, you take a bite out of the bread, taking it out of his hands with a meek chuckle. You find his beam that follows gorgeous.  
The silence that consumes the area is peaceful and serene, yet you're soaking in the pure warmth that your lover radiates. The trees that provide the shade sway back and forth and the distinct laughter of children from a nearby pair of swings entrances your attention.  
You’re stunning like this–Seungmin knows, has known for the first time he’d ever met you. But he’s still taken aback every single time, with a great surprise. The ring on your finger glimmers in his eyes. 
“We need to start packing to go to your parent’s house on Sunday.” Seungmin groans taking the empty plastic plate away from you and replacing it with a small bowl of strawberries. You gratefully take them but your face cocks to the side with confusion. 
“We’re going...to my parent’s house?”  
Seungmin snorts, “Yeah stupid. It was your idea remember.” He pauses for a second and then continues, “Or actually my idea because I’m such a great son-in-law.” 
“Yeah right. You argued with my dad over which baseball team was better. You really hurt his feelings that night.” You snort, slapping his arm.  
“Because it was a serious matter!” 
“Of course. I could never doubt you, Minnie.”  
He manages to shove the red fruit down your mouth to shut you up. 
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29th of April 
“Say hi.” 
You roll your eyes and focus once more on the stack of papers on your desk. But you certainly don’t ignore his chuckles, a soft grin blooming on your face when he suddenly slams his hands on the documents. 
“Minnie don’t disturb me. I need to submit this by tomorrow.” 
“Why what happened?” He questions, looking closely at the random words that litter the page before he deems it too incomprehensible for his understanding. When you grumble, he innocently smiles at you.  
“I accidentally arrived at the meeting a little too late...and mixed up some of the forms, and you know how Mr. Cheong is.” You ruffle your hair in your hands in exasperation. “He got pissed and decided to punish me for my ‘unresponsible behavior!’. Can you believe that?!”  
Seungmin nods solemnly before he takes what he’s sure is the third cup of coffee that night. “Well, he’s an asshole...but I’ll leave you to it, I guess. Have fun!”  
You groan. “Seungminnn!”  
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1st of June 
The loud humming of a commercial is loud in the background, but Seungmin pays no mind to it, not when his loud chuckling overpowers it with you standing in front of him in a grimace. You’re sporting an apron that’s covered in a multitude of stains that you reject to get rid of simply because it is one of Seungmin’s first gifts to you after he found out about your dear fondness to cook.  
Yet that sentiment to the pots and pans has brought you down for the first time in a while and you’re severely disappointed, to say the least. At least Seungmin’s having his fun and he’s talking to the camera as he’s at it, showing the lens the failed stew. 
“You don’t have to be recording this...” You say, glaring at the bowl in front of him. He shrugs his shoulders and says, “It’s one in a chance lifetime moment.” 
You’re not sure if you are offended or moved by his comment. 
“Seriously, I don’t know what I did wrong! I swear I did exactly what I usually do!’ You stress, going back to where all the spices lay near the stove, checking every single one of them. Seungmin who usually expressed his delight for your food, scrunched his nose right as the spoon touched his tongue, pushing you into a mess. 
“Lovely, which container did you use for salt?” He asks, looking over your shoulder, pressing a chaste kiss to your cheek to calm you down a bit. It helps a little, and you answer his question by picking up a fairly large pink container that was filled with salt. Or so you thought. 
“That’s...the sugar box. That’s why it was so sweet.” He takes the container out from your hands as you furrow your eyebrows, sighing deeply at your idiotic mistake. 
“Has it always been that box?” You weakly ask. You feel his nod and your lips tremble before you awkwardly squirm out of his grasp. As of recently, work has been cutting off your sleep and you find yourself more muddled than ever. You plan to call off work for the next two days and get your well-deserved rest. 
But right now, you need to find the spoons and taste the stew yourself–except you forgot where they’ve gone! 
“Where did we put the utensils again?!” You cry, frustration ripping you apart.  
“Hey, hey, calm down a little. It’s gonna be okay.” Grabbing your hand, he bends down and kisses you softly against the counter, slowly wiping away the tears that roll down your face. You can’t help but feel horrible though. 
“Oh, I’m so sorry. I–I just messed up dinner and–” 
Seungmin kisses you again and softly hugs you against his chest where you melt. His fingers thread through your hair and you can’t help releasing another choked sob. Everything has been so stressful recently and it feels nice in his arms. 
“And it’s not the end of the world, is it? We can still order something nice. How does pizza sound for tonight?”   
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15th of June 
“Where are we at Mrs. Kim?” Seungmin queries, zooming into your face as you swat your hand at him. Your cheeks redden when a couple of onlookers shoot their gazes your way, but you sigh and stare up at your husband.  
“In the parking lot. Of a hospital.”  
“Because why?”  
You give him a look. “Because I haven’t been taking care of myself and got sick.” 
He nods and pinches your cheek. He supposes that you both look odd with a big camera in his hands, but he doesn’t find it in himself to care. He rather would watch these old videos with his future family with you, laughing at all the stupidity.  
“Minnie I’m not even that sick though–really! Maybe you’re overreacting a little.”  
“I’m not going to listen to a physically ill person.” He sings.  
You cross your arms and look away in annoyance. Sometimes your fingers itched to wrap around his throat to strangle him, and that tingle was very apparent now as his arms brushed alongside yours. 
“And that physically ill person is also your wife, who knows her body better than you do. You know this will just be another unnecessary bill added to our insurance.” 
“Yep. And I don’t care.... 'cause we’re already here. Say bye to our baby.” He lets you take the camera for now as you raise eyebrows at his claims, softly chuckling to yourself about his ridiculousness.  
“Our baby? Really?”  
He nods. “Yeah of course. Now say bye, and we’ll see him later after the appointment.”  
“Wait. Why is it a bo–” 
The damned camera now focuses on a small bird in her nest before it flips back to Seungmin’s face. 
“Alright, we’re back baby. Do you wanna tell our daughter how the meeting with the doctor went.” Seungmin coos at you to rile you up. And it works well because you’re especially snappy today when you twist the skin of his waist, making him yelp in pain. 
“Horrible. They took my blood. And Kim Seungmin, if you make me anymore angry than I am right now, I swear to fucking god, I will snap your head in half.”  
“Yikes we can’t have that now, can we?” He shakes his head and before he can get another word out, you (softly) slam the camcorder shut. 
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19th of June 
“Hellooo! We are playing Uno and our dear Seungmin is biting the curb. He fucking sucks at the game!” Felix exclaims into the camera, his endearing freckles up close and personal to the camera. He pulls out his own cards and shows them secretly to Lens–his deck consisting of three two-pluses and two other random cards of blue and yellow.
He has the least number of cards out of the whole group playing and it’s evidently shown when he turns his hands around. And just as he said, Seungmin truly is horrible because he now holds what looks like half of the deck in his hands.  
Right next to him is you though who thought that it would be better not to play as you started to mess up whatever the hell you were doing with your cards. You blamed it on the influx of alcohol in your system as to why you were acting so dozy.  
“I’m so sorry Seungmin. But this is the only card I have!” Jisung apologizes (though you could all tell he definitely wasn’t feeling sorry) and proceeds to place a four plus in the growing stack of discard. It’s funny to see the man rage. 
“Fuck you.” He seethes but nevertheless succumbs to his defeat grabbing another four cards to add to between his fingers which causes a robust found of laughter from your group, Chan practically turning red at the face from the amusement. Minho laughs softly then turns towards you and offers another drink that you refuse with shaking hands and a gentle smile, pressing a kiss to your husband’s shoulder when he releases another fit of anger. His friends were certainly not playing nicely tonight. But it’s all fun and loud.  
“Hey guys...say cheese!” Felix shrieks when he finally places his last card down–a yellow six and Changbin gets berated by Jeongin after he promised him that Felix doesn’t have any yellow cards.   
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20th of June 
You’re sitting alone on the couch curiously watching your husband busy himself making tea. It’s “teatime” he had told you after randomly watching a rather boring movie on TV that was for some reason making a delectable scene of tea making. You both decided to turn off that awful show and converse yourself into a debate about how to properly eat Bungeo-pang while drinking a nice cup of warm infusion.  
He’s fairly quick with his brewery skills and is out by you in no time, handing your mug to you (but not before he took a small sip out of it) and crouches down right in front of the camcorder. 
“What’s the proper way to eat Bungeo-pang–from the tail or from the head? Start!” He claps his hands loudly and you in turn laugh at his dorkiness but settle yourself comfortably to absolutely destroy your husband with your reasoning. Who in the world eats fish bread from the tail anyway? 
“Obviously the right way to eat Bungeo-ppang from the head. It’s just morally correct!” You argue, taking a sip of the drink in your hands. Your husband who couldn’t disagree more scoffs and rolls his eyes. 
“How is eating the head more ‘morally’ correct than eating from the tail. That just seems cruel!”  
“Because if you eat the head first, then the fish would already be dead and wouldn’t experience the pain of being eaten alive! If you start from the tail, then it’ll slowly die out!” 
“It’s not even alive, lovely. Eating from the tail is just more satisfying! It’s less messy too.”  
You tilt your head and raise an eyebrow. “But what if it was alive? Then what would you do then? Also, how is it ‘less’ messy than starting from the head, Minnie?” 
“Because–” He groans before the phone cuts him off. It’s shrill and it catches you off guard for a second as you jump in your place on the couch. You both let the phone ring for a second only to have Seungmin get up to his feet and take the call after a recent event where you were hit with severe disorientation after taking a random call from a wrong number. You just remember rambling to the phone...even though the call had been cut. It was awkwardly weird. 
“I’ll be back. And then I’ll show you exactly why eating from the tail is better.” 
You shrug your shoulders and shoo him off (he didn’t exactly like that because he stuck his tongue out) but you hear his footsteps stumble at a loose floorboard. You huff at his clumsiness and turn to stare at the window, formulating more quarrels to use against your lover in a light-hearted discussion.  
Yet you forget them all when Seungmin comes back with a sour look on his face and his mood tense. He doesn’t say anything as he stalks over to you slowly, but his eyes climb through your features with such desperation that you have a sudden pain of ache in your heart and your fingers quiver on your thighs.  
“Who...who was that on the phone?” You poke, taking his sweet hands into yours. 
“Ah, it was the doctor. They got your tests back.” He sighs looking down at his cup on the table. 
“I see. What did Doctor Jung say?”   
Seungmin stiffly clears his throat and plays with your fingers–a habit that he enforces when he finds himself under stress. “Er–he said that you had some inflammation in your blood tests that were causing your...symptoms.” He winces right after though.  
You go quiet at his words. "Is the inflammation serious?”  
“I’m dunno.  Something about your immune system attacking your own tissues–I think.” Seungmin moves in a little closer and kisses the corner of your lips. “He said that you should go ahead and see a neurologist, lovely.” His pout deepens with the passing moment.  
Exhaling deeply, you take your husband off guard when you punch his chest hard. The way he was acting, you thought that you were going to die! But you would be lying that his solemness for your health didn’t make you feel a little warm inside.  
“I thought it was something much more serious!” 
“But it is serious!” He defends, hiding in the crook of your neck. “I suppose, but I promise you I’ll be fine!” You hold at your pinky for him to take, squirming at the way that he nuzzles his nose. 
Looking at your finger, he glances at you once more before he pretends to bite pinky off. But then he seals the promise off while grumbling about how you two weren't babies anymore. 
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22nd of January 
“Lovely, here’s your medicine for today,” Seungmin says and you mourn miserably and take down the sickly-flavored treatment. Your husband brushes his fingers over your cheeks as the heavy weight of the camera settles into a familiar grip now that he points it in your direction.
Whereas he used to film with it every day, this is the first time in months since he picked it up after having to take care of you after you got diagnosed with Autoimmune Encephalitis which severely affected your brain. Worst of his fears–honestly when you both found out.   
Going to cognitive therapy back home then to a hospital and then back home again on repeat has unquestionably taken up both of your time. 
“Minnie, I hate this so much,” You whine before you look up at the camera and tap it lightly on the lens. “Where did you get this from?” 
He hums and brushes a stray strand of hair from your face, “Hmm a while ago.” 
“Oh. Why’d you bring it out now?”  
“Because I want to try something really quick” Seungmin painfully chuckles, pressing his lips on yours for a second before he grabs the remote next to you and changes the channel. 
“Hey! I was watching that!”  
“Sorry lovely.” He places another kiss that you chase after when he pulls apart. “But don’t you want to dance to our wedding song?” 
“Our...wedding song?” You quietly whisper, hesitantly taking his hand. The doubt in your voice breaks his heart, a sound that has slowly become habitual in his ears. It’s saddening but he can’t stop hurting himself for you.  
“I don’t know if I remember the steps.” 
He grabs your waist pulls you into him and softly sways the both of you. It’s tender and sweet with a note of bittersweetness as you stare at him, carefully watching his pupils tremble and his lips pressing together when he looks down at you. “That’s okay. Just follow me.”  
He clicks play on the remote and throws the device down onto the table, letting the faint melody play out from the speakers. You’re not sure if it’s familiar–you haven’t felt anything so intimate anymore as you dwindle into a tunnel of lost memories. But with your husband right near you, your body sinks into his. Horribly astray from the path of your past, you wonder how to stop your lover from hurting as his eyes brim with unspoken tears that you kiss away. 
The audio is faint through the camera even as the TV picks up its volume and leads into a stunning piece that you wobble and spin to with unsteady feet filled with calluses that you couldn’t recognize.
You want to imagine yourself in that white dress with heels that dig into your skin, with a veil that rocks to the wind as you both recite loving vows. You really do–but it’s opaque in your head even as hard you try to paint an image with colors. Any image that would fill that gap in your brain.  
It’s antagonizing as the camcorder records the melancholy of the dance, of what was supposed to be happy now turned depressing as Seungmin recites his promises of that fateful night and the tears he shed over in a beautiful you while he picks you and twirls you around.  
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7th of Feburary 
The night sky is seemingly apparent filled with stars and the sounds of croaking frogs and chirping crickets are loud and echoing. It’s tranquil yet the moon cries. The camera shows its pearly tears that are luminescent with the glowing sky.  
“I love you,” Seungmin mumbles.  
“I love you too, Minnie...” 
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15th of March 
The doorbell rings and from where you sit at the dining table, you perk up at it as you try to mouth some of the memory exercises that your therapist had given you to practice. Seungmin who was right next to you, helping you along with a small smile, immediately gets up to go answer the door. 
“Hey lovely, there’s someone here to meet you.”  
It takes you a second to register his words, but you curiously look up to find a nervous-looking man standing in the middle of your entryway, staring at you with wide eyes. Seungmin who stands next to him, pushes him along, chastising him for being so bizarre like he’s seeing you for the first time. But the man cannot stop ogling at you with a nostalgic look. 
You wave at him and accidentally nudge the device that was by your arms, which breaks him at of his daze.  
“It’s been a while huh?” Minho trails off and his stomach turns at the way that you glance over at your husband in a feverish glance. He doesn’t think you remember him, remember one of your best friends from high school and it casts a shadow over his eyes that you seem to notice and sigh throbbingly.  
“Uhhh um, I’m so–sorry. I don’t really...I suppose you’re...one of my friends?”  
Minho chuckles and puts down one of your favorite desserts (double chocolate chip cookies) in front of you. “Yeah. I am.” 
“You feel fam–familiar to me? Sorry, I don’t know your name?” You breathe, swallowing deeply when the man looks away at you. You hear his chest stutter, and you feel bad, but you try to listen closely to him when he utters his name. Your husband watches wistfully as you parrot it back to him carefully.
You’re not sure if it’s foreign on your tongue but it brings you great sadness that stabs into your heart with an ever-growing puncture.  
Minho chokes on his stammer at the way that your eyes pool with tears and the wails that you cry in misery.  
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22nd of March 
“Do you wanna tell the camera what we’re dressed up as today?” Seungmin asks, rubbing your hair and cheeks with his thumbs. He’s gentle as he does it and waits patiently for you to answer. You’re blinking up at him slowly as you nod your head and ruffle that animal onesie that you both match in.  
“Uhhh a d–dog?” You say, sweetly grinning up at him when he places a tender kiss on your forehead, staying there and soaking in the moment of it all. His warmth is radiating, and you wrap your hands around him. Your husband then presses his lips to your ring finger where your ring lays, the same ring that you watch glinting in the sunlight as it shimmers at the love that he has for you.  
Your heart seems to beat faster, and you feel yourself dust in a sheet of red that Seungmin makes fun of you of, and he falls back into those mindless squabbles that you both used to share. The ones that he reminiscences of, late at night and beer in hand, flipping through a scrapbook that you made for him for his birthday a long time ago.  
And when you laugh at him, his heart swells at the way that your entertainment hasn’t changed one bit. That you still let your eyes crinkle even though your body was slowly killing you–the truth of it all. And that you’re still yourself, the same person that Seungmin fell in love with all of those years ago when you bumped into him at a small get-together. You’re still his lovely.  
He still loves you with the same amount that he’d always had. In sickness and in health. 
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24th of May 
“Hey, Minnie. Should...should I change out of this?” You’re still in your sweatpants and black top after coming back from the hospital while holding the camcorder in your hand, following your husband’s frantic movement all over the kitchen with a giggle. He emits excitement and happiness, that oozes from the tips of his fingers, akin to a little child. But you can’t exactly blame him for the same feeling of frenzy that runs through your back, making you shiver. 
“Nope! It’s fine! Just hold on a second–oh there it is!”  His hands held a metal knife while half of the cutlery drawer was out on the counter from his search.  
His voice is giddy and strains his throat a little but truly his happiness seems to explode inside of him. A wish that he’d been praying for has finally come true, after being watered with desperate tears and sounds of silent sobs, your body was able to take in the medication without rejecting it.  
It’s a special day as you both elate inside with hope, so much of it that he had an impulse drive to the nearest bakery to buy a big, large cake and to cut it at home with you to celebrate. You both noticed that you were slightly getting better over the past few months and specialists were able to confirm that indeed you were slowly recovering.  
“I’m so proud of you.” He litters your face with butterfly kisses that murmur all what he wanted to say to you and more. It’s needed you realize, and it’s at the way that your skin burns with a mushy feel that melts your guts. And it’s all so much, so warm that you cry into his chest as he holds the trembling knife in your hands, half-way through the cake. 
“Thank you...I love you so much.”  
Your husband doesn’t say anything but move apart just a little and grab a piece of cake, a small piece to shove into your mouth. He then swipes the blue frosting and rubs it on your cheeks, cooling down the red that covers them, flushed at how heavy you blubber nonsensically. You’re so grateful to him and you hope that he knows that.  
“Yeah? Well guess what? I love you more.”   
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18th of August 
The dull lights of the hospital are blurring and depressing as soft murmurs of voices from outside cascade past the room. Seungmin doesn’t know how it’s been since he’s been stuck in this same position, but he doesn’t dare to get up. Earlier your parents were here, and he was in a spot to comfort them over their dear daughter, but he now wonders who is here for him now. He closes his eyes in torturous agony. 
It used to be you who would sit next to him and hold your husband next to your heart, but he supposes that he doesn’t have you anymore. His arms try to cover for yours, but they could never compare to your comfort. What he considered a daydream is now a reality as he watches your chest rise and go down, figure linked up to a bunch of machines monitoring your vitals. You were doing so fine until your body decided to give up again and you both find yourself at step one–all over again. Perhaps even worse.  
Seungmin doesn’t know why he’s recording your sleep and maybe it’s a little creepy, but he just wishes that he could stop time. Just for a second.  
You look peaceful and so, so stunning that it physically rips him apart. The eyebags that crease your eyes are nothing in his eyes and the way that you appear is painless and he knows that this is better for you. An endless sleep. He figures that’s what you deserve. 
He scooches himself a little closer to plant what seems to be one final kiss, right on the corner of your lips. You’re so beautiful. And all fate wanted was to tear you away from his arms. Even though you promised that you would be fine.
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Seungmin thinks that he might have run out of tears as he packs away the last of your stuff in boxes. His fingertips brush over the old recordings in nostalgia and he wishes that he took more videos of you. He feels cold as the last one plays out fully in a loop, and he cannot find it in himself to detach himself away from you. Yet his hand gusts over another tape he doesn’t remember about. He curiously pulls it out to check what it is.  
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Love notes to my Husband <3333 
Soft whispering is in the background before you move into frame, your eyes squint as you stare at the device with a big smile.
“Oh, is this on? Hi Minnie!” You laugh and twinkle your fingers at the camera with eagerness before you cinch your eyebrows together. “Wait if you’re not my husband then don’t watch this...but if you actually are then um...I love you?” Hands tapping on your thighs, you look up at the ceiling to gather your thoughts before you gaze into the camera's lens with a sigh. 
“So actually. I just want to say that I love you Minnie so so so much and that I’m so happy that you actually married me. To be honest, I think that we were soulmates in our past lives and hopefully, we will meet again in our next ones. I am so thankful for you and all you have done for me, Minnie. I really love youuuuuu” You stretch the last syllable out and walk back to the camera, now just crouching in front of it.  
“And remember to keep on smiling!”  
You kiss the side of the camcorder before turning it off.  
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spindlewoed · 1 year
["Homo-sexual underground" internalized]
NEW TASK: Talk to the smoker again (optional)
SMOKER ON THE BALCONY — “Hello there, Gendarme.” The man offers you another one of his honeyed smiles, “I have to say, something feels different about you. Are you done with your twenty-hour mind project?”
As a matter of fact, I am.
Not really, I’d like to talk about something else.
SMOKER ON THE BALCONY — His eyebrows rise minutely, “*Beautiful*. And what was your conclusion, if I may ask?”
EMPATHY [Trivial: Success] — He’s genuinely curious. 
It helped me have a little bonding moment with my case partner over here (point to Kim).
A waste of eight hours of my time. Don't think I gained anything from it. On multiple levels.
It was a very immersive thought process, very educational. I feel closer to the plight of the underground community now. I think you guys should form some sort of union.
I’m really not sure…
KIM KITSURAGI — The lieutenant gives you a stern look before you can say more.
AUTHORITY [Easy: Success] — It is not your place to disclose my personal information, *officer*.
YOU — shut your mouth instantly.
It helped me have a little bonding moment with my case partner over here (point to Kim).
A waste of eight hours of my time. Don't think I gained anything from it. On multiple levels.
It was a very immersive thought process, very educational. I feel closer to the plight of the underground community now. I think you should form some sort of union.
I’m really not sure…
SMOKER ON THE BALCONY — He hums, contemplative. “Well of course. A measly day wouldn’t be enough time to comprehend the scope and grandeur of the *homo-sexual underground*, obviously.” He smiles again, his heart shaped lips almost breaking into a grin.
“But do tell, Gendarme. Indulge me. Have you thought about where you stand on the matter?” 
Couldn’t be me. I'm not one of those.
I’ve stopped obsessing over my sexuality, I’m afraid there’s no going back to thinking about it. That would be another eight hour project. Twelve if I’m honest.
[Electrochemistry - Heoric 15] Look for clues in your past. Try to remember.
ELECTROCHEMISTRY — Looking like a dust covered film, your memory slowly unravels in your mind. A young man, just like yourself. He’s taller than you by an inch or so. Slightly muscular, round figure. Kind eyes. An explosion of electricity travels all over your body as he places a casual hand on your lower back. No one else in the room seems to notice. Later, you’re in the janitor's closet, and small talk concerning your shared students turns into hit after hit of oxytocin as he kisses you. You don’t remember his name.
YOU — “Does it count if it was once, in a closet?”
SMOKER ON THE BALCONY — His eyes widen then he laughs, suddenly and openly.
DRAMA [Medium: Success] — He’s only making fun of you a *little* this time, sire. He's positively *delighted*.
SMOKER ON THE BALCONY — “Forgive me, gendarme. It’s always a pleasure talking to you." He composes himself, leaning back against the bricks. "But to answer your question - yes. I believe it counts.”
No, there’s no way. Forget I said anything.
SMOKER IN THE BALCONY — He nods, waiting for you to reach a conclusion.
YOU — "Ok. But that was the past. How do I know that this is me, now?"
SMOKER ON THE BALCONY — He takes a drag of his cigarette while studying your face. As he exhales, his smile returns to his face like it never left.
ELECTROCHEMISTRY [Trivial: Success] — He smiles a lot when you're talking to him. It’s a warm, smooth shot of dopamine every time.
SMOKER ON THE BALCONY — “That’s up to you to figure out." He flicks the ash off his cigarette with his slender fingers. He adds, lightly: “But feel free to give me a call once you do, officer.” He winks.
[Savoir Faire - Godly 16] Try to come up with something a little bit more eloquent.
YOU — (whisper) "Awooga…"
KIM KITSURAGI — "Detective," the lieutenant interjects mercifully, "perhaps it's best we get back to the case, yes?"
YOU — "Yeah, I gotta go. See you. I mean, yeah. Bye."
SMOKER ON THE BALCONY — He chuckles, waving his fingers goodbye. “See you around, Gendarmerie.”
548 notes · View notes
alessiamalfoyzabini · 2 months
Dark Moon | Chapter Fourteen
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Pairing | yandere!Jimin x Reader
Word Count | 4,5k
Warnings | +18, yandere themes, Stockholm syndrome, fluff, smut, slight panic attack at first, body worship, pussy worship, pussy eating, face riding, fingering, nipples licking, couch fucking, vaginal sex, intense orgasms and devastating emotions, soft yandere Jimin, mentions of ruined childhood
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This fanfiction is yandere, if you don't like the genre, don't read and if you are not of age, don't read.
I don't want to hear any complaints in the comments, thank you.
This does not reflect my way of thinking or living at all, it is just a work of fiction, it is like watching a horror movie, many of us love horror movies, but we would never dream of what we see in those movies happening in reality as well.
Simply put, this story was written for entertainment purposes, it should not be seen as a reflection of my values, opinions or morals. I absolutely do not condone such acts.
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⤷ Summary | She just wanted to escape her past, take charge of her life and break out of her steel cage, praying in God for a miracle that could change her life for good.
And her prayers were heard, but it was not the Divine that answered her.
That was certainly the devil in the guise of an angel, she thought as those corrupted and empty eyes searched her soul with extreme voracity.
He turned a sweet, false smile on her, before pushing her into the abyss.
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➢ Author's Note | Hi, guys! 🥰❤️
Hope you are happy with this update! This one is a bit longer than the others! Always let me know your thoughts, you make me very happy ❤️
PS: Forgive me for the mistakes, it was not an easy week for me and I did not have much time 😭❤️
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"I finally found you," huffed Seokjin in front of Choi Minhoo, the man had been tied to a wooden chair, only Minho, Seokjin, Jungkook and Namjoon were present in that warehouse. The latter were just waiting for Jin's order to act; they were vibrating with fury.
"Be careful, Jin! My family members won't be happy about this!" he ranted with foam at his mouth, as frightened and rabid as a rat in a trap, Jungkook growled at those words, put his hand to his gun that he faithfully kept in his pocket, but a glance from Seokjin froze him in place.
"Uh, that's scary," put on a fake pout Jin with those beautiful rosy lips of his, "Now I'm going to shit my pants, look."
"Take the piss out of me, they're going to destroy you anyway," he growled, but that only made the man in charge of the Bangtans smile more broadly.
"That slut of a cousin of yours hurt Jimin when he was just a little boy, the result was that her body was dismembered by my dogs, and she was still alive while they ate her, you kidnapped and raped his woman, which amounts to another member of my family now," he began as he walked toward Minho, before grabbing the collar of his torn jacket, "I'm tired of having to pick up the pieces of what you and your damn family break, I will kill you all, child or adult, I will eradicate you from this world as the haughty and arrogant scum that you fucking are," he hissed, tightening his grip so tightly that the tendons in his wrists trembled before he pulled away.
Inhaling before recomposing himself, Namjoon and Jungkook looked at each other with a smirk-that was Jin.
"Jin! Jin! Kim Seokjin, stop!" shouted Minho after him as the man walked away, giving way to his bodyguards, "You said you were interested in politics, right! I can introduce you to the prime minister!" he finally shouted desperately, but Seokjin ignored him expressionlessly.
Neither he nor Jimin would have soiled themselves for such a being. He had deliberately decided not to tell Jimin about Minho's capture, knowing him he would have wanted to kill him with his own hands, but he wanted him to spend more time with Y/N.
He knew that sooner or later Jimin would fall into the arms of a woman he would love with sincere passion, that was what was needed for a troubled soul like his.
They needed to be done with the Choi family forever, all of them.
For days there had been a tense air in the house, Jimin was not there-according to him he had vital research to do-and in his place Taehyung had arrived to keep her company. He did not even use the guest room, preferring the living room sofa to Y/N's dismay.
The living room was her favorite place to read and eat, with Taehyung having conquered that piece of the apartment by now she could always be found hanging around it and disappearing.
Taehyung on his part tiptoed around when she was present, feeling uncomfortable.
He had endangered her with his indifference, plus he had also seen her in an extremely delicate moment, where she was weak and naked in every way.
He always peered at the girl with a pout, undecided how to start a possible conversation, she was not helping him at all in this, she was always so quiet and on her own....
With a snort he saw her head for the kitchen for a snack. He had to do it now.
"Y/N" when he reached her the woman gasped slightly, she had not expected him to come and talk to her, they had ignored each other so peacefully until now, inside she regretted leaving her room.
"Yes?" she huffed slightly, turning away.
At first glance Taehyung looked like a man of integrity, serious and good at his job, but at that moment he was showing his face full of emotion. He seemed nervous about something.
"I ... would like to apologize to you," he said with a note of embarrassment, the girl's eyes widened.
"To me?"
"Yes, it was my fault that they managed to catch you that day. It was my responsibility to control and protect you, I broke my word and for that I apologize" Taehyung bowed respectfully, Y/N was simply stunned.
They had never treated her with that much respect, why now?
Something told her that Jimin's hand was present.
"It's not totally your fault, I attacked your friend and you were reasonably pissed off, I apologize for making you worry about Jimin's condition.... I lost my mind in that instant, I did the only thing I thought was right so I wouldn't suffer anymore," she explained with regret.
"You did what anyone would have done," Taehyung replied, "My anger aside, Jimin was not behaving well with you and you did what you thought was right, that doesn't mean I would allow you to do it again, but I can still understand and yes, it remains my responsibility what happened to you, there won't be a next time."
Y/N nodded a little embarrassed, the determined expression in those languidly slitted eyes put her slightly in awe.
"Um... would you like some strawberry tea? I've made too much for myself," she said turning slightly toward the full teapot, with a small smile Taehyung agreed.
"I love strawberries."
Jimin came home with such a serious look on his face that it made Y/N guess that it was better to turn away from him.
Taehyung had left ten minutes earlier and the idea of being alone with a Jimin in that state unnerved her, she did not want to think that the boy would attack her again for his frustrations, so it was best not to pull the cat's tail too much.
The boy in question noticed the girl's strange attitude, she was moving in a hurry to wash her dishes, she wanted to run to her room and this would have been clear even to the least empathetic person in the world.
"Y/N" the sound of his voice uttering her name so quietly made her freeze suddenly, the water continued to flow in the sink without any more purpose and she did not move to stop it, "Can you come here please?"
She closed her eyes with a soft, inaudible sigh, counted to three before turning away with a slight smile.
She left everything in the sink and turned off the water, then walked over to him who sat at the table staring at her with predatory, glittering eyes, one rings-decorated hand tapped on his thick, muscular thigh, the elastic fabric of his pants wrapped around it beautifully and she found herself swallowing, "Sit here."
She did as she was told and the boy's arms soon wrapped around her at hip level, Jimin buried his head between her neck and shoulder, inhaling her sweet scent.
Y/N felt herself flaring up, the sensation of Jimin's warm breath warmly caressing her made her heart, already swollen with unexpressed emotions, throb.
"I've missed you," he repeated the words with which he had returned her the day he found her, Y/N instantly relaxed noticing that Jimin did not mean to hurt her in any way.
"I missed you too," she returned the hug, sinking her face into the soft locks of the man who smiled broadly in response.
"It's been especially stressful to handle things today."
"Are you looking for Minho?"
She asked quietly, not giving away how much even mentioning his name destabilized her, but Jimin knew her well by now; in fact, he sent her a reproachful look.
"Don't ask things you don't want to know, baby," he softly stroked one cheek still marked by a light bruise.
"I just wish you would confide in me, you keep everything inside and then you get sick."
"I won't be sick if you're with me," he replied seriously, peering longingly at her, his eyes lowered to her sugary lips and he closed his eyes, trying to hold himself back.
"Y/N." he stopped her by pronouncing her name firmly, "I want to make love to you."
A delicious twinge of pleasure made her intimacy throb, the arms she held tightly around the boy's neck trembled, "Jimin, I don't know if..." she felt so confused.
Fuck, she wanted him. She wanted him with all her heart, but she didn't want to be reminded of Minho, or his henchman hitting her repeatedly as she and Jimin lost themselves in their moment.
"Let's try it," she narrowed her eyes at the man's pleading tone, it was a new side of Jimin she never thought she would see, perhaps he had never begged any woman to fuck, the idea that she was the first one he begged even for a kiss appealed to her, "If anything happens I will stop immediately."
After that reassurance she found herself nodding with soft legs, Jimin kissed her with transport, savoring those sweet lips that tasted of tea and strawberries, fuck, it could become his new favorite taste.
Y/N reciprocated more calmly, trying to keep up with the man's voraciousness that did not just stop at her lips, but sank into her mouth languidly seeking the woman's tongue, gently intertwining in a perfect dance for them.
In a way she found it touching how tender Jimin was in squeezing her hips without hurting her, she had never experienced such intimacy with a man before, she liked it, and she did not want it all to end and go back to the dry old normal.
When they parted a few tears escaped from the young woman's eyes, Jimin stepped back slightly wiping the path they traced along her tender cheeks.
"Should we stop?" he asked sympathetically, but Y/N denied it immediately.
"No, it's just... I liked it, I've never done it like that," she said.
"Like that?"
"So intimate, with someone who loves me" she pulled up with her nose crinkling her eyes.
Jimin's blood froze in his veins, not that he had been a saint, but those words punctuated how much the childhood of the girl he was holding in his arms had sucked.
He kissed her again, feeling in his mouth the salty, lukewarm taste of her small tears that broke his heart, yes, Park Jimin now felt sorry for a past that did not belong to him, but love did that and more, it changed people and Jimin fit perfectly into that category.
He loved her and would get anything that made her sad out of the way, he slid into the neckline of her blouse, kissing every available flap of skin before he himself pulled off every single button that separated him from that body that drove him crazy. From the first time he had seen her, he knew he would desire her every hour of every day, sometimes it hurt so much it was unbearable.
When he freed her from that restraint he found himself face to face with the young woman's bare breasts, he inhaled wordlessly at the sight, god how much he had missed this, even as Minho's now superficial footprints on that divine temple made him growl.
Then he frowned, "Were you bra-less the whole time with Taehyung around?"
Y/N shrugged her shoulders, "It hurt..." she mumbled embarrassedly, referring to the bruises clearly, the bra pressed painfully against them.
Jimin inhaled softly, again bridging the distance between the two of them with yet another kiss of the evening, lulling her gently with his breath, his hand slipped over a rosy little button, teasing its tip, which rose turgidly under Jimin's expert touch, which descended to gently lick the areola before gently biting the tip of the sensitive nipple.
Y/N in response pushed her chest into Jimin's mouth, sighing in sweet waves of desire.
The man pulled away only long enough to effortlessly pick her up and carry her to the sofa in the living room, Y/N held back a surprised sob, and she watched the man's playful smile.
"Will we do it here?" she asked curiously, Jimin chuckled.
"We'll do it everywhere, sweetheart," he sighed, attaching himself to the girl's neck with his mouth, sucking and kissing her soft neck to leave his personal mark; he wanted to remove Minho's presence everywhere from her, "And I'll make you feel sensations you never had a chance to experience."
"Mh..." she squeezed her eyes shut under the weight of Jimin descending lower and lower, marking a glowing trail of wet kisses and bites all along her belly, with his hand he passed the barrier of her panties and barely grazing her pubis he sank his hand into her intimacy, gathering between his fingers a large amount of transparent essence that had already left her throbbing slit. It was the first time he had felt her so soaked for him; it felt like a dream.
"Fuck," he cursed excitedly, quickly slipping off his pants with his free hand, giving his big, hard cock some relief.
He went back to sucking one of her turgid nipples as his fingers began to play between her folds, Y/N moved her hips willingly against his hand, in her mind the only thing present was the idea of Jimin taking her on that couch.
"How do you feel?" he asked blowing hot air on one nipple, Y/N's clit twitched seeking attention.
"It feels good... so good," she whimpered, her thighs trembling, "And I want to feel you inside me, Jimin."
The latter smiled, amazed at the woman's stance, before a more wicked grin furrowed his cheeks.
He leaned closer to the girl's ear before murmuring, "And I'm going to come inside you with my cock and my fingers, soon my cock will be the only thing you'll feel between now and tomorrow, baby doll," he ignored the girl's faster breathing and continued licking her earlobe between his lips, "But first I want you to feel what my tongue can do, I'm going to lick your pussy so well that you'll cry for it," he took off his shirt as well, showing off his well-delineated and strong abs, a deep V went down to below the layer of his boxers that he hastened to carelessly throw on the floor, the sight of his swollen cock already moist with precum made her swallow without any more saliva.
She simply spread her legs for Jimin, but the position reminded her of the one they had forced her into and she stiffened.
"Jimin..." she closed her legs again shaking her head, Jimin immediately reached for her.
"Hey, hey...what's going on, baby?"
"I can't do it like this, I'm sorry" she still couldn't get over her trauma, she was about to have a panic attack and didn't want to disappoint Jimin, but the boy hugged her again.
"There are many ways to do it," he chuckled lightly trying to make her calm down, "Don't feel wrong, you're not."
"R-Really?" she looked at him curiously, wanting to have sex with him, but other than missionary and doggy style she had not tried anything else, ever.
The man nodded, "Give me some space, love."
She did as she was told and saw Jimin lie down in her place, she stood looking at him confused.
"What should I do now?" she asked innocently, Jimin gave her a smug look.
"Sit on my face."
The woman widened her eyes, what was she to do?
"I ... are you serious?"
"Trust me, we'll both like it," he replied biting his full lips, making Y/N's legs tighten.
She sighed slightly and listened to the boy, with some difficulty due to her inexperience she found herself with Jimin's face at the height of her soggy core, she found it incredibly awkward, but that feeling of imprisonment was gone.
From his side Jimin gazed in ecstasy at her wet intimacy, licking his lips he opened her folds with a gentle thrust of his fingers, before leaving a long, slow streak of saliva with his tongue, until he stopped at her swollen and needy clitoris, Y/N widened her eyes and collapsed onto the man who did not complain.
With her nose pressed against the young woman's pubis, she sucked conspicuously on that sweet trembling pearl, Y/N cried out in shock at those strange sensations she had never experienced before, Jimin's soft tongue enveloped her softly, but the pleasure was intense, it was all so terribly beautiful and hard at the same time that she began to shake her hips trying to escape from the continuous strokes of Jimin's fast tongue. The boy seemed to love eating her.
"Fuck, oh... oh! Jimin!" she shrieked breathlessly, the man held her thighs tightly preventing her from escaping, sinking his tongue into her hot and wet entrance, Jimin's eyes rolled back at that sweet taste, he could drink Y/N's essence all his life, she would never be enough for him, his cock trembled releasing thick whitish liquid, he could have easily come that way, his balls throbbing painfully with every moan or scream the girl let out without any more reins.
"Please, please stop!" she cried as she felt something coming, something powerful and devastating.
With the tip of his tongue Jimin again played with the shiny, quivering clitoris, finishing with a light bite that made the young woman stiffen, locking her in the grip of a powerful and strong orgasm, breathtaking in places, her first fucking orgasm.
She began to tremble and weep, no longer even able to bear the gentle caresses of the man adoringly wiping away all her pleasure that had soiled the inside of her thighs down to Jimin's chin.
She rolled to the side clutching her legs and wincing again, Jimin lying on his side wrapped his arms around her, kissing her neck and shoulders, gently brushed one thigh and invited her to raise one leg, "That's it, baby girl... let me feel how good I did," he chuckled as he aligned himself with her entrance, lightly pushed the massive tip of his cock already lubricated with his own cum against her ultra-sensitive slit, Y/N gasped slightly with blurred vision, but let him.
Jimin pushed himself into the sublime depths of her pussy with a delighted sigh, tried to be gentle and delicate, but her almost impossible to groove intimacy soon made him lose his mind, the girl's previous orgasm had made her walls more perceptive and consequently also tighter, each thrust was an immense rush of pleasure and stun for the boy, who pounded hard until his swollen balls popped against the girl's sweaty skin, who opened her mouth wide, feeling a stunning mix of enjoyment with a hint of pain that made her lose her mind, pressed her mouth against the back of the couch to keep from screaming, Jimin gasped against her ear.
It was different from all the other times, she was experiencing pleasure, those thrusts were delicious, not painful, Y/N was simply happy.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck! You hold me so tight, my love," he sang lost in his daze, his swollen shaft began to quiver and tremble over and over again, he was coming, "Aaahh... Oh, my-! Fuck, Y/N!" he growled her name like a prayer, quickly sank his cock deeper, touching her cervix again and again, causing the woman to tremble wordlessly as she reached for the man's hand to clasp it between hers.
"I'm coming!" he exclaimed without now a breath, the girl nodded.
"Me too, oh God, me too," she replied without any more concern for her moans, Jimin smiled proudly and taking the young woman's chin in his hands he forced her to look at him.
"Open your mouth" he grunted with dark eyes, Y/N obeyed already knowing what was about to happen and accepting it with pleasure, Jimin spit into her oral cavity and before giving her time to swallow he kissed her, mixing their flavors and tongues, that was enough to make the young man's cock throb, whose pleasure exploded in violent spurts of white liquid in the girl's lap, over and over again he pumped himself into her, who came in an orgasm more intense than the previous one, she could not even find the strength to scream, she just stood there taking the man's seed in spasms.
Jimin waited for her to calm down before leaving her with his now soft and satisfied cock, he lay down beside her more comfortably and kissed her many times, wiping her face of tears with his lips and and gifting her affectionate gestures that even he did not know he was capable of.
He was fucking in love with her.
"I have a surprise for you," he murmured in her ear.
Y/N turned to him with a joyful smile, it had been two weeks since that intense and wonderful evening, Jimin had woken her up the next morning with a series of sweet kisses and breakfast in bed, he was so different from the man who had kidnapped her and that helped her fall in love with the boy even more.
"Really?" she asked trying not to appear too excited, Jimin nodded softly.
"Close your eyes," he said, but the girl looked at him suspiciously.
"Is this perhaps another one of your wild sessions that see your mouth eating me, Park Jimin?" she said with a raised eyebrow, Jimin at first had spent so much time telling her that he would never give her pleasure with his mouth, she still could not believe how much the boy liked to use his tongue to fuck her over and over again, he seemed almost obsessed. She obviously did not complain.
Jimin grinned slyly, "That one later, love," he chuckled, confirming the girl's thoughts, but Y/N stopped at that affectionate nickname, he always called her "love".
She smiled with a warmed heart once again and closed her eyes, when Jimin was satisfied he moved on to the next step.
"Now open your hands."
Y/N puffed slightly, but listened to him once more, something very light and rectangular was placed on her palms.
"Open your eyes."
When she opened her eyes again, she found herself in front of an emerald-colored letter. It was beautiful, little gold leaves were drawn around the edge, intertwining, but still she did not understand what the boy was getting at.
"You wrote me a letter?" she laughed softly, but Jimin shook his head.
"Open it..." he said simply, and there Y/N could see all his nervousness.
She looked at it again, opening it slowly and pulling out a parchment-colored wrapper, she unwrapped it too and her breath caught.
She brought a hand to her mouth and sobs immediately escaped her control, Jimin held her by the shoulders to prevent her from falling.
In her hands were two photographs, the first depicted her sister smiling in the arms of a man with western features, it had been taken at a park well lit by green trees and sunlight, she looked so happy and healthy.
In the second she always had a big smile on her face, but in her arms she held a small bundle that she looked at with eyes full of love.
"She's alive," she sobbed against the chest of Jimin, who nodded relieved to have seen no negative reaction.
"Yes, she ... was bought by a wealthy american, he wanted to give her to his son as a birthday present, but he didn't expect that his son would fall in love with her and decide to marry her, she is fine and lacks absolutely nothing, Y/N."
Y/N lifted his flushed gaze into that of the boy, "Thank you, Jimin.... I know you shouldn't have investigated a client, but you did and I thank you," she hugged him as if he was her only pillar of support, which he really was.
But the boy did not look happy, shortly afterwards he sighed.
"There is also another thing in truth."
Y/N broke away slightly.
"I know everything, I know why you ran away from your family, I know why you changed your name, everything."
The woman froze.
She began to shake her head, trying to pull away, but Jimin held her back, "How did you… no, why?" she was lost, why would Jimin do such a thing? She wanted to forget her past!
"How long have you known?"
"Since you disappeared, the last words you said to me… I had to understand, Y/N."
"No! You shouldn't have done-"
"Your uncle met the end he deserved to meet," he said suddenly.
The implication was there, heavy in both their minds.
They looked at each other a few moments, then Jimin hugged her out of the blue.
"I love you, I love you, I love you," he began to repeat like a mantra with his lips pressed to her temple, "He won't hurt you anymore, baby," he whispered, Y/N snuggled softly against him.
"Never again?" she made in a tiny little voice, as if the child self was asking for reassurance from the man who had become the center of her world.
"Y/N, I haven't changed," he said, the steel in his eyes confirmed to the girl what she had suspected. Jimin had not changed, he loved her and treated her well, but the killer behind those half-moon eyes that smiled at her was always there, ready to snap at Kim Seokjin's every command, and to tell the truth that realization calmed her, "I made him pay for every single disgusting thing he did to you and I made sure he will never do anything like that to anyone else ever again," he concluded, returning his mind to the moment of capture.
It had not been easy to track him down, it had turned out that he was a loan shark under the command of another Korean Mafia family, that was what got him a lot of money unlike his brother and sister-in-law.
"He played us, he said he was going to help our family," she trembled with her eyes glazed over and grainy, looking at Jimin with sadness and sorrow, "Instead it was just an excuse to..." a gasp of vomit blocked the words in her throat, Jimin brushed a light kiss against her forehead.
"That bastard got the punishment he deserved, now you're with me, that's what's important, okay?" Y/N nodded quickly, seeking comfort in his arms. Little Y/N cried bitterly in the mind of the now adult girl, seeing her mother giving in under her father's pressure, the man feared losing her brother's favor and ending up on the street.
"Do you really love me?"
"More than my own life," Jimin replied immediately, Y/N licked her lips.
"Good, because I love you too, Jimin," she whispered dimly, but the boy heard her anyway, smiling relieved he still cradled her with his chin resting on her head.
"I'll take care of you, I won't let you lack anything," he promised, Y/N closed her eyes letting him carry her to bed like a cute little doll.
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bluewhitehues · 4 months
Hug | Kim Mingyu
Summary: You secretly like your bestfriend chan,he has no idea and sets you up on a blind date with his friend and hyung Mingyu.
Genre: Angst? (Little bit), comfort, strangers to lovers, fluff
Pairing : Idol Kim Mingyu × (f) reader
Part 4
It was Sunday. The boys have their practice today that means mingyu and chan are going to meet. As soon as Mingyu goes to the practice room he spots chan but chan tries to avoid him lingering by seokmins side.
"YOU you fuvker come here right now-"
Mingyu tries to grab him while Chan's shoving a confused seokmin in between them he's asking what's this about ,what happened.
"This bastard told me he'd set me up on a date with y/n, turns out he told her it's a blind date instead of telling her it's a date with me"
"Ah hyuuung.. come on I tried my best for you two I had no other way i thought this would be the best option" chan whined
"Yah dino-ya that isn't nice, think about how he must've felt he was so excited to go" Seokmin scolds chan.
"Exactly my point ...what best option chan, did you even think about me? I thought she agreed on a date because she likes me as well ..did you think my feelings were a joke? Or am I that desperate that you'd have to lie to her for a date ? If I had known I'd find some other way to do it myself do you think I couldn't ask her myself? " Mingyu asks.. there's hurt clear in his eyes.
Chan feels terrible now his voice gets small when he speaks ,"hyung I'm so sorry...I should have thought about you more I didn't think that far, trust me I just wanted you two to get along and may be like each other cause you both are so precious to me and you both are one of the most amazing people I know ...I swear I just thought about your happiness."
Mingyu sighs," you shouldn't have done that but it's ok I forgive you."
He can't stay mad at his little brother for long anyway.
Chan hugs him suddenly, he really does feel very bad, "I'm sorry again hyungg you know I love you right?"
Mingyu pats his back while rolling his eyes, but he's smiling, "yeah yeah I love you too but never pull such stunts again."
Meanwhile there's jeonghan, hoshi and basically all the boys staring at them, they heard everything obviously.
"so you went on a date? That too with y/n ? And you didn't tell us?" Seungkwan speaks for everyone while they are nodding along with him waiting for mingyu to answer.
"It was a first date I didn't know what will happen ofcourse I was going to tell you all if it all worked out-" chan cuts him off, talking with his eyes widened, "wait a minute..it didn't go well?"
"I didn't say that."
"Then? " Chan asks again.
"I mean uh she was pretty shocked ..she didn't think it'd be me , so I didn't want to make her anymore uncomfortable, so we just talked normally, we went out for a walk then I dropped her off ."
"THAT'S IT??" Chan asked his eyes comically wide.
"uh yeah like I didn't want to burden her so I said we can be friends."
At this, they all collectively facepalm themselves.
"Seriously mingyu??? FRIENDS???" hoshi says looking at mingyu like he's ridiculous.
Jeonghan also steps in, "yeah like it was a date right? no romantic lovey dovey thing happened? Instead of asking her for another date you asked her to be friends?"
"You didn't even try to flirt with her or something? " Says Seungcheol.
"I did all this for nothing then" chan says in disbelief.
Mingyu closes his eyes, rubbing his hand on his forehead frustratingly at their questions. "Can you all just drop it please? I'll manage by myself thank you."
"yeah just lets get back to practice." Wonwoo says rubbing mingyu's back comfortingly.
Then they go on with their day.
And you, You're enjoying your weekend resting at home. When you get Chan's text.
Dinosaur 🦖: So you frienzoned mingyu hyung??
You: WHAT??? He said that??
You're confused Mingyu wouldn't do that, would he?
Dinosaur 🦖: No he said you were shocked,he didn't want to make you uncomfortable so he suggested you can be just friends.
Dinosaur 🦖: But hello I'm disappointed?? I even planned your wedding in my head and what did you do? You frienzoned each other 🤐🤐👏🏻👏🏻just great
You: woah woah no one told you to get that excited buddy and definitely not on a date which you planned by lying
Dinosaur 🦖: Pleaseee I said I'm sorry and don't make me feel more guilty I was already about to cry if mingyu hyung didn't forgive me...I don't think I can ever trouble him again even jokingly
You: was it that bad? Is he ok?
You can't help but feel bad thinking about him.
Dinosaur 🦖: well it's all my fault.. but girl atleast now you take some effort 🙄 I've found you such a great match and you're gonna keep him as your friend??
Dinosaur 🦖: God y/n even god wouldn't forgive such a thing.. I hate to say it but girls would die to be at your place right now.. GAME UPPPP I will even give you tips on how to flirt if you want
You roll your eyes at that.
You: Oh please I'm great at flirting you're the last person I'd take help from, you've done enough just go and focus on your practice for now..byeee
Dinosaur 🦖: BYE🙄🤐
Your thoughts take you to Mingyu again, "he must be hurt", "should I talk to him?", "what if he thinks I'm pitying him."
Your train of thoughts get interrupted by another ping of your phone , you pick it up to see mingyu's name on it.
On the other hand, Mingyu promises himself that he won't be sad anymore cause what is there to be sad about right? He's always the one who thinks about the brighter side of the situation, everyone says he's just too positive and hopeful even in the worst situations but Mingyu takes pride in that .. cause not many people have it, it takes a lot to be that positive,that courageous, that happy. So he's just gonna be himself.
Cause before yesterday, First- he didn't have your number, Second-you weren't on talking basis/you had zero connection, Three- He didn't have you even as a friend.. so for him it's win is a win kind of situation.
You read his text.
Mingyu : Heyy ..so chan asked me something about your purse??
You: oh shitt I forgot to tell you ..I lied about that to get your number from him 🫢
Mingyu: well don't worry I covered for you, you owe me something now👀 ..also should've asked me for my number directly, I'm more than willing to give it to you.
ONE THING ABOUT MINGYU IS HE WILL FLIRT, and your heart will suffer . Well in his defence he said you will be friends...there was no part where he mentioned he won't flirt or he won't try to woo you. So it seems you just gotta prepare yourself.
You huff at his reply, you started talking to him just from yesterday but you already got to know that this boy was a flirt ..a smooth one at that.
And were you feeling giddy, were you blushing? Well may be
You: Oh I'd have definately..asked it by myself. But you see it was an eventful day so kind of forgot to ask ...also yes I do owe you a big one, for yesterday as well ..tell me what I can do ? How about a meal?
Mingyu: Wouldn't that be a date?
You: it'd be whatever we will treat it as ..we said we'd be friends so it'll be us trying to build our friendship may be? Come on friends go to eat together all the time
Mingyu: Fair enough then, when will we go ?
You: Um I've work from tomorrow i'd be only free at dinner time 😕 is next week ok? If yes let me know when you're available
Mingyu: oh that's sad:( .. okay will go next week I'll let you know the time.
You: okayy cool ..see you then :)
Mingyu: Yes take care :))
You don't know but he's smiling at his phone right now, just as you are :)
In evening you meet chan he had promised you a meal so he's here at your apartment with lots of take out food and cake and muffins.
His practice was almost a day long so you had told him to just go home and take rest you'll plan to meet some another time . But he improvised the plan and came here.
You take all the food from him happily smiling looking at it..."Woahh you brought so much food"
He gives a toothy grin to you, "well I know you, I knew it'd keep you occupied "
You instantly stopped smiling and blinked at him ,"oh damn you almost had me distracted" you blink at him again.
He knows something is going to happen now, he is on alert..Then you're placing all the food down on the table, going to the couch grabbing a pillow andddddd he is running then, you run behind him.
"You asshole I promised myself i'd beat you up stop right there you bratttt"
He's screaming when you reach him and hit him with the pillow, "Ahhhhh this feels like some deja vu" he's running again and then going behind couch, giving those puppy eyes ..."I'm hungry" blink blink "I'm so tired and I was dancing the whole day, I'm so exhausted already and you're not even letting me eat I said sorry now stopp"
Your mouth hangs open at his antics..you huff..."Should learn emotional blackmailing from you ,go and wash your hands I'll get the plates"
He gives you a big big bright smile and runs to give you a quick hug before going to wash his hands.
You smile at him shaking your head.
You guys eat your food while talking.
He keeps asking about the date, so you tell him that it kinda got ruined because you were nervous so to make it up to Mingyu you decide to take him out for a meal .. he's teasing you about how it's a date when you keep denying it isn't.
"I don't know about you but on our planet here we humans call it a date" he says smugly.
You roll your eyes at him "whatever chan it's a friendly date then."
He shakes his head at you, saying you're impossible.
"Btw do you remember yunjin?"
"yeah the girl you're currently seeing ?"
"Yeah her...I think it's going to work out for me this time." He's smiling softly at his plate like he's thinking about her..."She's nice".
"woah woah look at you all blushing Lee chan"
He laughs," I just- I really hope it works out this time .. I've always wanted a serious relationship and this time it seems like it'd work ...I'm serious and I feel she is too." He says while smiling looking at you.
And honestly you want that for him as well.Cause he looks so happy just talking about her so sincerely. Whatever you thought about him you were never that childish to be jealous and think I wish I was the girl. No , you can't force someone's feelings. If he feels that for someone you'd always root for him. You always pray for your close people's happiness and he's one of them so why wouldn't you want that.
You coo at him.."Aww, I'm really rooting for you Chan you deserve it you deserve every happiness in this world."
He smiles at you, "thank you y/n, I'm also rooting for you" and then he dramatically winks at you. You know exactly what he's saying so you groan and threaten him to stab him with the fork if he doesn't shut up. He laughs at you.
Part 5
A/n:Hey lovely readers, this is it for today hope you enjoy it💗
Also the female reader isn't someone too deeply hurt or too deeply in love (about chan) she is not the jealous type, she has made her peace with everything so you won't see her feeling all these emotions deeply.
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0423s-archived · 2 years
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PAIRING. boyfriend!enhypen x gn!reader
GENRE. fluff, headcanons
WORDS. 865
WARNINGS. none really (let me know if there should be!)
A/N. yes i'm writing during my trip, pls ignore what i said about not doing that 😬. feedback and reblogs are always appreciated <3 requests are open if you'd like to read something similar (or different). thanks for taking the time to read this!!
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lee heeseung — a lover of cuddles. he will never pass up on the opportunity. he's got a garden of pillows and blankets on his couch. people often assume they're there because he tends to crash out on his couch (hence why his back is always aching) and while that may be true in part, the actual reason is so that he can cuddle with you as comfortably as possible. sometimes he even hugs his blankets and pillows, pretending that it's you instead. cuddling is such a habitual activity for you both. you go from sitting side by side to laying down together in the blink of an eye, regardless of the time. heeseung just loves holding you close, being able to smell your hair and feel your heartbeat synch with his own. SMALL SPOON.
park jongseong — he doesn't mind cuddles. if you wanna cuddle, he'll “agree” to it. but when he's feeling affectionate and wants to cuddle, he'll play it off as wanting a long hug in bed. it's not because he's embarrassed or anything like that. he's just shy and for some reason admitting he wants to cuddle out loud is impossible for him. i feel like jay fosters this eternal warmth. he's comfy and cozy 24/7. he doesn't need any blankets or pillows, nothing. this guy could cuddle you on the floor and you'd still enjoy it, no doubts whatsoever. he always tucks your head under his chin and he constantly has this peaceful, unbothered, blissful smile on his face whenever you're in his embrace. BIG SPOON.
sim jaeyun — the literal definition of a cuddle bug. jake believes the solution to everything is cuddles. dude will literally step away mid fight and tell you that he's too tired to keep bickering with you so if you're ready to calm down just meet him in bed (that sounds so suggestive but he always means it innocently). jake is definitely very good at conveying his thoughts verbally, but sometimes its best to just let your actions take the stand. and it just so turns out that how he feels is very clear from the way he cuddles with you. if he's facing away from you, maybe he's a little cross, if he's the small spoon, he's feeling apologetic, and if he's the big spoon, he's forgiving you. cuddling’s a love language with him. BIG AND SMALL SPOON.
park sunghoon — groans and complains when you force him to cuddle with you but everyone and their mom knows that he loves it so much (perhaps even more than you). physical affection really isn’t his strong suit. especially when he's the one who's supposed to be giving it. and cuddling’s a two party task so he freaks out a little. but like, compared to when you first even proposed the idea of cuddling to now, he's definitely warmed up a lot. he doesn't shy away from your embrace anymore and he always cuddles you back. sunghoon likes that he can be close to you without having intrusive thoughts eating away at him subconsciously. BIG SPOON.
kim sunoo — cuddling with sunoo would literally be so heavenly, i cannot tell you enough. he's so warm and bubbly and affectionate. of course he gives great cuddles. he hugs you tight, he warms you up from the inside and the outside. neither of you can stop smiling. cuddling with him is so fun you don't even require the accompaniment of other entertainment like a favorite movie or tv show. after a long day, when he's way too tired to be himself, he'll cuddle with you so that you know he's doing alright. often wordless, your embrace declares enough. BIG SPOON.
yang jungwon — a shy cuddler. he gets so flustered whenever you link your arms around his waist or rest your head on his chest. he knows you can feel how significantly his skin has heated up and how fast his heart is thundering, and that only embarrasses him more because why is he so shy around his significant other? it did take him some time to feel confident about initiating and providing physical intimacy. but now he knows that if he feels comfortable, you're comfortable as well. and oh, the giggles. both of you are in such a sweet and fluffy mood that some cheesy lines slip and you both just can't stop laughing about it. SMALL SPOON. 
nishimura riki — annoys the shit out of you. he'll squeeze you super tight and act all innocent when you complain. you're the one who wants to cuddle so you have to take what he's giving you, no objections whatsoever. but when he wants cuddles, he expects to be treated like a little prince. play with his hair and tell him everything you love about him. but don't you dare coddle him like a baby. if you do he'll get all sad and blue and it'll ruin his mood (yes he's a drama queen and yes he's a big baby). cuddles are like a last resort to boredom. if there's nothing else to do, he'll come and cuddle with you. 9/10 times he falls asleep in your embrace. SMALL SPOON. 
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taeraeszn · 1 year
Hi love 😋 Can I please request ZB1's reactions to their jealous s/o. I love your way of writing so much /actually. Have a good day and always rest bby 🤟🏻
how would zb1 react to their jealous s/o?
hi luv! thank you for the request and the kind comment! it really made my day :) i hope this fulfills your request! i was actually really excited to write this since i had lots of ideas in my mind that i could use for each member hehe
these scenarios are a bit longer than my usual ones so enjoy <3
warnings: mentions of food, lmk if there's any more!
kim jiwoong
jiwoong decided to bring over one of his friend's who you weren't a huge fan of, they were often rude to you and didn't bother to speak to you whenever they visited. but today you got even more pissed when they kept clinging onto jiwoong as if he was their boyfriend, worst was that jiwoong did absolutely nothing to stop them!
you could only sigh as you watched on. seeing how close they were really made you feel jealous when you were aware that jiwoong only loved you.
your heart couldn't handle the hurt inside, especially since jiwoong barely paid attention to you despite asking you to come over that day. in the end, your inside feelings won you over and you decided to leave early than you were planning on.
"babe? i'm leaving." you abruptly announced, rushing to the front door to put your shoes on
jiwoong quickly ran over, "why? did something happen?" he asked in a concerned tone. you tried to play it off like you weren't jealous a minute ago.
"oh nothing happened, i have something to do." it seemed to work and jiwoong kissed you goodbye. just as you shut his apartment door, you suddenly felt your heart ache
fast forward a few hours later, you were in your bedroom when you suddenly got a call from your boyfriend. you were hesitant to answer but nonetheless swiped to accept the call
"hello?" you heard shuffling on the other end
"babe be honest with me, you left because of my friend right?"
"how did you expect me to feel when they were all over you? the worst was that you didn't even stop them and let them touch you like that.." your voice cracked at the end
he sighed, "you know i don't love them like that. you are always the person that i love and want to be with. i'm sorry for not paying attention to you and your feelings. please forgive me (name). i love you."
rest of the members are under the cut!
zhang hao
you were able to find a day that accommodated the both of you despite hao's schedule as a member of zb1 and took that day to go shopping together and just spend time together as a couple
well that was what you were expecting to happen until one of hao's friend was also at the mall. his friend spoke mandarin so you had no idea what they were talking about
"hao? it's been so long!" they exclaimed. hao seemed surprised and greeted them
"it really has! how come your in seoul?" and before you knew it they began conversing in mandarin leaving you confused on what else that they were saying
hao then turned to face you, "babe, is it ok if i hang out with them? it's been a while since i've seen them and i want to catch up."
it would be a lie to say that you were happy with this, but even still you allowed him and they left together
all your planning went to waste as it was thrown away that quickly. you were so thrilled to meet up with your boyfriend and find a date that both of you were free on. you knew it would be even more harder to find another day since he had a comeback and a tour approaching
you shut off your phone for the day and headed home on the bus with mixed emotions, mostly jealousy
at around night time you were sitting in your living room when the doorbell suddenly rang, you were surprised that someone was here this late but when you opened it, it was hao!
"uh, hi?" he showed you his recent calls that you missed
"i called you four times today, how come you didn't pick up?" his voice sounding very firm
"oh i thought that you were busy with your friend.." you didn't even mean to say that but it slipped out, hao raised his brow at this
"what?" you shrugged replying, "i don't know. i was excited to hang out with you today knowing it'll be hard to do this again only for you to leave me stranded to hang out with someone else."
hao's frown slowly disappeared as he cupped your cheeks, kissing you gently. "i'm sorry baby. i didn't know you were this hurt over the situation. i promise we can find another day to meet up, i'll make it up to you."
sung hanbin
you decided to stop by the wakeone building to deliver the food you brought for the members after a long day of practice that burnt out the boys
hanbin had also personally asked for you to visit since he missed you, and of course you listened and did exactly that!
you were holding two bags of food in your hand and headed up to the practice room
just as you opened the door, everyone gasped at the food and ran towards you, hanbin being especially excited to see you more than the food
"you guys must've been hungry..." you said, watching as everyone stuffed their faces with the food you bought. gyuvin nodded, "yeah we barely had anything today!"
you then felt a hand touch your shoulder, as you turned to your side, hanbin was right there
"thank you love." he said, pecking your temple.
"of course! you all deserve it after working so hard!"
as they finished eating, they returned to practicing again. you were about to leave when hanbin stopped you at the door
"don't go yet!" he pouted, "at least watch our new choreography!"
you couldn't resist your hamcat boyfriend and decided to stay for a little longer than planned
but what you weren't expecting was a backup dancer that arrived. the music played and one of hanbin's part involved a solo dance with them. his hands were all over them and you could only watch in shock
it was as if you paused in real life, did you actually witness that? you couldn't help but feel jealousy seeping through you
as the music finished, everyone gave hanbin and the dancer compliments and cheers. hanbin then approached you where you were feeling less cheerful than before
"hey what's wrong?" he asked. you shook your head, "nothing. it's just...i wasn't expecting your solo dance to be with someone else."
he then chuckled, showing off his cat whiskers, "don't worry babe. it's just a dance. i don't have any actual feelings for them when i have you."
seok matthew
you've been noticing that matthew has been in the wakeone building more often than usual. he would usually be able to hang out with you but it had been nearly three weeks since you last saw each other
you didn't think you did anything wrong so you were puzzled as to why matthew hadn't proposed a date to go on. you've also been noticing that matthew was sending you lots of voice chats of him singing, sharing how well he was doing
so one day you decided to reach out to one of his members and see what was going on
the contact you called the most was taerae, matthew's 02 friend. you pressed the call button and waited
about 5 seconds later, taerae picked up and gave you a cheerful hello
"hey taerae! i was just wondering, what has matthew been up to recently?"
"matthew? i thought you would know since you two are dating."
"yeah but the past few weeks he's barely texted me and when he does their just voice chats sharing some songs he sang." you heard taerae chuckling on the other end
"oh he must've done that after meeting with that new vocal trainer." new vocal trainer?!
"huh?" taerae once again laughed, "he didn't tell you? he hired his own vocal trainer, they've apparently worked with huge artists."
you understood that it was his job to sing but he wasn't meeting up because of this? you didn't know why but your heart starting beating quickly, worried over matthew losing interest in you
"oh...okay. thanks for telling me taerae." you hung up.
the next hour you got a call from matthew, you were thrilled but still side eyeing him
"hey matt." you said, he noticed your lack of enthusiasm right away. "what's wrong?"
you sighed, "i heard you were getting trained by a new vocal trainer, is that why you've haven't asked to go on any dates?"
"i know and i'm sorry we haven't honey. i'll cancel my training tomorrow to make time for you. your always my first priority and i'm sorry for neglecting you."
kim taerae
you and taerae were walking in the park together, promotions had just wrapped up and the first he thing was call you to ask if you wanted to meet up, of course you agreed!
he was telling you about all the new friends he recently made while at the music shows, it made you proud to see taerae living out his long time dream of becoming a singer
but just as you were about to speak, someone else called out taerae's name from afar
you noticed that taerae smiled at his name being called. his cute dimples popping out right away
"taerae! it's such a coincidence that were both at the park!" the person exclaimed, taerae giggled, "right?"
as they continued talking, you felt as if you were absent since he didn't even say anything to you, it wasn't until you introduced yourself as taerae's partner that the person acknowledged your existence
"oh. hi." was all they said to you before returning to their conversation with taerae
and after that it became a date with those two with you as the third wheel, just trailing behind them as if this wasn't your date with taerae
taerae seemed really happy to talk with them so you didn't want to barge into their conversation, but it still hurt you how taerae was ignoring you
you couldn't take it anymore and tapped your boyfriend's shoulder. he turned and faced you
"i'm heading home, something urgent happened to my sister." you lied, taerae tried to stop you but you were already far gone
you began walking to the nearby station to head home. just as you were about to enter the train, you heard someone shouting at you from behind
"(name)! (name)!" you could immediately recognize the voice to be taerae's. you were hesitant to speak to him
"please don't go, i know nothing happened to your sister. i'm sorry for ignoring you, i admit it's my fault." he said
"i understand that taerae but you barely spoke to me after your friend noticed you. i was really looking forward to spend some time together."
"i know, please tell me whatever i can do make up for this. i love you so much, i can't imagine a life without you."
shen ricky
you were hanging out at the dorms with the members, ricky had invited you since he wanted you to be there as they were going to watch that reality show you've been telling him all about
the lights dimmed and the show played on the screen, everyone was coddled up in blankets with you cuddled up next to ricky
but you noticed that ricky's phone would continuously brighten as he received a notification on wechat. you didn't think too much of it at first but it got to the point where every second it would occur
even gyuvin began to yell at ricky to get his phone or leave it in his shared bedroom
eventually ricky checked it, a smile tugged at his lips reading the notification
curiousity got the best of you as you couldn't even focus on the show playing, your mind filled with thoughts of the worst. you knew ricky would never do anything like cheating but your naturally an overthinker
just then, ricky got up to pick up a call. making the members sigh in relief that they wouldn't have to deal with the notifications during the show
instead of staying in your spot you went to investigate and caught ricky speaking to someone in mandarin. you heard him chuckling and pacing around his dorm room
but before you could return to your spot, the door swung open and you were met with a confused ricky
"what are you doing here?" he asked
"who were you speaking to?" you replied, completely ignoring his question
"oh it was just a friend! they arrived back to shanghai and wanted me to know."
you were still unsure, "but they were texting you a lot when we were watching the show."
"they were telling me every detail of their trip but then decided to call me instead." the way ricky calmly explained the situation made you feel much more at ease. he even showed you their conversation and translated everything
"oh..i was just overthinking the situation." you shyly responded. he ruffled your hair and chuckled
"we tell each other everything right? i don't want you to think that something has come between us."
kim gyuvin
you've noticed that gyuvin was posting on his story a lot, most of them including someone you've never seen before. most of their stories consisted of their hangouts and selfies of them together
at first you didn't mind it but gyuvin gradually began replying slower to your texts or taking hours to even read them, sometimes he'd even read them but not reply. but whenever he did read them, you'd see that he posted on his story with that same person
jealousy got the best of you, how come he couldn't make time to message you but hang out with this person nearly everyday?
not to mention that gyuvin has never acted like this before. he always replies to your messages quickly and didn't just leave you on seen for hours on end
in response to this behaviour, you just stopped messaging him or even contacting him. it was totally out of character for you to do this but this was what you thought was the best decision
and before you knew it, you were getting bombarded with texts from your boyfriend, continuously asking why you haven't texted him and what you were up to, it made you smile
but you weren't responding to them like he did. you thought that was the end and shut your phone off, not even an hour later he called you. you couldn't decline it and picked it up
"hey, why haven't you responding to my text messages? i miss youuuu."
"why haven't YOU been messaging me as often?" you replied
"what do you mean?" is he trying to act like this past week hasn't been him ignoring you for something else?
"don't act coy, i saw the stories you posted with someone else when we've haven't seen each other in so long. have you been purposely not replying to my texts?"
"of course not! they were studying abroad in australia and recently returned to korea so i've been wanting to catch up with them. i'm sorry if you got the wrong idea though babe. if you want, i can cancel all my plans next week to dedicate it for you, and only you."
"i would love that."
park gunwook
at lunch time you were planning on heading to gunwook's homeroom to see if he was available, but he unexpectedly wasn't there
you approached one of his friends and asked but they informed you that gunwook had actually left early
you did a whole circle around the school but still couldn't find your boyfriend. this was odd since gunwook was always waiting for you in his homeroom so you two could eat lunch together and just spend time together
you thought he was busy playing soccer in the field so you went outside, but to your surprise, gunwook was with someone else
as you got a bit closer you saw that they were sitting on a bench, giggling with one another. you noticed how the other person nudged gunwook's shoulder as they were laughing at something
it made your heart sting for no reason, gunwook always dedicated his lunch time to you, he would've told you beforehand if he was going to be with someone else
the only thing you could do was watch from afar, you weren't being replaced, right?
but just as you were going to head back inside, you heard gunwook call your name
"oh great.." you whispered. he began running after you and catched up to you in a few seconds, soccer really does help with his fast pace
"what are you doing here?" his adorable grinned showed
"uh, nothing really, i was just looking for you."
"ah, i see! i was showing around my friend who recently transferred to our school. we went to middle school together and haven't seen each other in a while."
suddenly all the jealousy you had evaporated as you worried over nothing
"oh okay! i'm glad you two met again!"
"me too! but i promise tomorrow we can spend lunch time together. i'm sorry for not telling you beforehand." gunwook could never fail to make you smile
han yujin
you and yujin were in the same homeroom class which meant you could see your boyfriend more often in school, so you thought that when you had a project to do in class, yujin would choose you as his partner. but that wasn't the case at all
he ended up working with someone who you had a bad past with, that person was never nice to you and had a crush on yujin for a while before you two began dating. they got even more angry when they found out about your relationship
after that day, each time you would ask to walk home together or head out to get food at lunch, he would decline to be with them and work on the project
before you knew it, jealousy began brewing inside of you. you understood that there was a project they had to complete but even after the project was completed, they continued to hang out.
it got to the point where yujin would stop walking home with you and instead with them. they were enjoying it too, giving you smirks whenever they left together. you felt neglected by your own boyfriend
after that you gave up on trying to get your boyfriend's attention. you stopped messaging, calling or speaking to him in school.
yujin noticed this and tried multiple times to talk to you but you would leave class early and head to the academy instead of straight home
one day yujin couldn't handle it and approached you before you could leave.
"can we talk?" he asked. his tone sounded serious so you agreed, he took you out to the hallway where it became a ghost town
"why have you stopped speaking to me? do you know how much i missed seeing you?"
you sighed, "i don't know, it seemed that you were pretty happy speaking with them instead and going home with them."
yujin then realized what you were talking about. you were jealous, he giggled and held your hand
"i'm sorry for ignoring you. they kept asking if we could go places together but i didn't know how you felt."
"so will you walk home with me today instead?" you crossed your arms playfully. he looked down and smiled, then nodding
"yes. from now on."
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hahafixon · 2 months
An Exceptional Asset ~ *Choi Jongho*
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Summary: You've only been working at this company for a couple months but you enjoy your time at the office and you're proud of the work you've done. And it seems your boss has taken notice of your hard work as well...
Pairing: Choi Jongho X Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluff Oneshot
Word Count: 2369
Warning: Wooyoung being obnoxious like always
Taglist: @samepoisonsamevine @maeleelee @mxnsxngie @kpop-will-kill-me
Good things aren't meant to last. You probably knew that better than anyone. That's just because you've been in at least three different marketing jobs in the last two years. Nothing lasts and nobody wants to keep you on longer than a few months. That is, until you found yourself employed at Nimbus Hotels. It was a temporary position, but your boss informed you that there was a strong chance of being able to extend your contract into a more permanent position.
So far, in the three months you've worked at this job, it wasn't all that bad. Actually, you found it far more enjoyable than your last three jobs combined. But you were still unsure about the stability of this position. It felt like the rug was about to be pulled out from under your feet and you would soon find yourself back where you started: job hunting. This just meant you were ever so careful with every move you made and every job you handled. The slightest mistake could be your career's very undoing and you were not about to let that happen, not now, not ever.
The silver lining was your hard work did not go unnoticed by your boss, who made it a point every day to come by your cubicle and tell you what a great job you were doing.
"I swear, you are one of the hardest working members on our team." Seonghwa shook his head with a smile. 
You blushed at his compliment. "It's nothing, sir. I just want to show my gratitude for this position through my work."
"And you're doing a wonderful job at it, I assure you." He sighed. "Sometimes I wish others would follow your lead. Like Wooyoung. Perhaps someday you could give him some pointers?"
You bit your lip at the thought. It wasn't that you didn't like working with Wooyoung. On the contrary, the two of you became fast friends and he was determined to take you out drinking every night to get you to loosen up after working so hard. However, you were already busy enough as it is with your own workload. You didn't think you had time to train another colleague. Not only that, but Wooyoung has been here longer than you. It didn't seem right to have you, someone who was still relatively new to the business, to train your senior.
Of course, speak of the devil, another head popped up from the cubicle next to yours. "Seonghwa, don't you trust me? I am an excellent sales associate!"
Seonghwa sighed. "Wooyoung, you're nothing but a headache and a pain in the ass. Also you're overly familiar with your superiors, which would look very bad on your employee review."
Wooyoung pouted. "Why do you always have to lord my employee review over me? I thought my superior would be above such dirty tricks such as blackmail."
You covered your mouth to suppress your laugh at their antics. It was never a dull day between the sales associates when Wooyoung and Seonghwa had the misfortune of interacting. That's what made this job so entertaining. 
However, you knew better than to let them keep going. Standing up, you intervened on Wooyoung's behalf. "Forgive me, sir. But I think Wooyoung is very capable. I think he can figure things out for himself. Consider it as a way of teaching him to sink or swim in business."
"I'm not sure if I should be offended or not." Wooyoung continued to pout, though there was still a twinkle of mischief in his eye.
Before you could speak again, the hotel's Vice President, Kim Hongjoong, appeared before the three of you. Seonghwa and you quieted down in a respectful manner and bowed to greet him. Wooyoung, on the other hand, simply graced him with a head nod, which made him scowl.
"I hope you three are staying out of trouble." He said, his voice as sharp as always. "You know that they're looking to let some workers go."
Wooyoung instantly straightened up at his words and you had to suppress a wince. Despite Seonghwa's words about being one of the hardest workers here, you couldn't help but feel like you were on the chopping block. You just hope that the President would do it as swiftly and painlessly as possible.
"Of course, sir. We're always on our best behavior." The teasing lilt in Wooyoung's voice did not go unnoticed by you. If you weren't up to be terminated before, your senior's teasing would certainly push you over the edge.
Hongjoong rolled his eyes before looking back at you. "The reason I'm here is because the President wants to see you."
Your eyes widened and you pointed to yourself. "Me?"
"Yes, you. I'm supposed to escort you to his office. Now follow me, and keep up, please."
And with that, he turned on his heel and headed for the President's office. You gave a panicked glance to your colleagues, who tried to offer you encouraging smiles, but they were definitely fake. With a deep breath to steel your nerves, you followed the Vice President. He kept a quick pace that was a bit difficult in your heels, but you managed. 
As you walk together, you let your mind wander to all of the worst case scenarios collecting in your brain. The biggest thought that stuck out to you was you were definitely getting fired. The only question now was what for? You hoped you weren't taking the fall for another colleague, but you wouldn't put it past some of your co-workers to save their asses and throw you under the bus. Again, you prayed your termination was swift and painless.
When you arrived at his office, you wished you could have had some time to stop and look around. It was so spacious and tastefully decorated. The large windows had a perfect view of Seoul and it made you wonder how beautiful it looked at night. But despite your desire to stop and look at all the art on the walls, your eyes found their way to the President, who was currently filling out documents on his desk. You tried to swallow the growing lump in your throat, but to no avail.
Hongjoong knocked on the open door and gave him a professional smile. "Miss Y/n is here to see you, sir."
President Choi Jongho looked up and you swore you almost melted upon locking with his chocolate brown eyes. He nodded to his Vice President and said, "Thank you, Mr. Kim. You may go now."
"Of course, sir."
Hongjoong didn't spare you a second glance as he quickly exited, shutting the door behind him. Now you were alone with the President of Nimbus Hotels. Your fate in this company and your dream of working in marketing rested in his hands. It almost made you puke all over what you were sure was a very expensive carpet.
"Please, have a seat." He gestured to the pair of chairs in front of his desk. "I just need to finish these last couple documents and then I will be right with you. Can I get you anything? Water? Coffee?"
You shook your head and he returned to reading and signing the documents before him. So much of a quick and painless termination, although you were a little touched he was being so accommodating by offering you something. Still, as much as you tried to not let your nerves show, you couldn't stop yourself from shifting in your seat. You weren't an impatient person, it's just you were dying to know why he called you into his office.
Putting his pen away, Jongho finally looked up at you. "First, I want to thank you for meeting with me right away. Although, knowing my Vice President, he didn't give you much of a choice. He doesn't like it when he has to play secretary, but Solbi was sick today."
You nod, discreetly wiping your sweaty hands on your skirt. "It's quite alright, sir. I don't mind."
He smiled and you internally gave a sigh of relief. Your response seemed to have earned you a point in your favor. "I also wanted to inform you that I'm very pleased with your work as of late. I understand you haven't been here long, but you've been a very admirable worker. You complete all of your assignments on time, you're a great team player, and you're good at keeping morale up in the office. I want you to know it does not go unnoticed."
Here it was. You've been through this type of meeting three times before. He was buttering you up before informing you he was "regrettably" letting you go. You took another deep breath to keep your nerve up for a little while longer. Then when you make it back to your apartment this evening, you can drown your sorrows with ice cream and cheesy movies.
"It is because of your good work and good nature, I would like to send you to a conference in two weeks to represent the hotel."
He's not firing you?
But you thought... didn't these conversations always go that way?
"Pardon me, sir?" You exclaim, completely flabbergasted.
His polite smile only widened. "The hotel has been invited to a conference and I'm hand selecting a team I would like to represent us. I decided on you to represent the marketing department of the hotel, that is if you accept the offer."
"I..." You trailed off, still completely confused with what exactly he was offering you. "I'm not being fired?"
He quickly shook his head. "No! Not at all! I wouldn't dream of firing you! You are an exceptional asset to the marketing team, which is all the more reason you are being considered for this spot on the team."
It was hard not to feel flattered from the complement of being considered an asset, so you let a small blush grace your cheeks. "I'm honored, sir, truly."
"That's good to hear." He nodded before his voice got quiet. "So, are you accepting the offer?"
You nod. "Yes, sir. I would be more than happy to represent the hotel at this conference!"
Jongho smiled so bright it almost blinded you, but it was an absolutely beautiful smile. "Wonderful! I will email you the conference's welcome packet and the itinerary for the event. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me! I want to make sure everyone on the team is prepared for anything."
"Yes, of course, sir." You bow your head as you stand. "I promise, I won't let you down."
He shook his head, still smiling. "You won't let me down. I know you won't. I have all the faith in the world that you will be perfect like always."
Again, you blushed at his compliment and bowed your head once more. "Thank you, sir."
"Oh, and one more thing," he adds, "if this conference goes well, which I'm sure it will, I would like to offer you the spot on the next advertising conference in a few months. I think you are the perfect candidate to help advertise the hotel."
"Of course, sir! I would love to!" You bow one final time before excusing yourself.
Hongjoong is waiting near the door to escort you back down to your desk. He has a pleasant smile on his face. "I'm impressed. The President doesn't usually doesn't send rookies to conferences. He's very particular about cultivating the perfect image for the hotel. You must have really impressed him. That or he has a soft spot for you."
"Pardon?" You ask. This had to be the second most surprising thing you heard all day.
He chuckled. "Forgive me, I'm speaking out of turn. But I wouldn't be surprised. He's not very subtle when it comes to showing his affection, though he believes he is."
You want to ask him more about what he means, but you find yourself at your desk. As soon as Hongjoong left the marketing department, Seonghwa and Wooyoung descended upon you with hundreds of questions. You explain to them that you're not getting fired and that you've actually been selected to go to a conference in two weeks to represent the hotel.
"You mean the big hotelier conference that only the best hotels in the world are invited to?" Seonghwa shakes his head. "You are so insanely lucky, you have no idea. Not just anyone can go to that conference. And you'll be representing the entire marketing department as well as the hotel as a whole. That's quite the honor!"
"How did you even get selected?" Wooyoung asked, a pout tugging at his lips. "I should be the one to go!"
"Believe me, Wooyoung, you'll be the last one to be invited." Seonghwa shook his head.
You shrug and shake your head in disbelief. "President Choi called me an exceptional asset and said that's why I was chosen. Although..."
"Although?" Wooyoung perked up as he always does when gossip is being spilled.
You bit your lip before spilling what you heard. "According to Vice President Kim, he might have a soft spot for me. But that would just be ridiculous right?"
Wooyoung and Seonghwa looked at each other before turning back to you. Seonghwa said, "Maybe he does, maybe he doesn't. But I wouldn't think too much into it."
"Oh he is so in love with you! Now the question is how do we exploit it?" Wooyoung replied on top of him.
You winced at their words before holding up your hands to stop them. "Look, whether he likes me or not, it's not important. What is important is making sure this conference goes off without a hitch and that's what I plan to do. I'm not even going to consider any sort of romantic feelings until afterwards."
"Smart." Seonghwa nodded. 
Wooyoung smirked. "Just don't be surprised if he does try to make a move on you at the conference when you both are alone."
You groaned and buried your face in your hands. In your mind you just hoped nothing crazy would take place at the conference in two weeks.
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kangmoon27 · 11 months
Lick Frick | Jungkook ff oneshot
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You aren't a tough girl.
You're just a weak little villager girl who do and follows everything they says, you've always dream about being strong and powerful but it's very impossible to happen.
Mens are the powerful, at least that's what they believe but you believe that everyone is equal, woman can be men and even better than men but if you would say something like that Infront of everyone they would think you're crazy cause in this current time, mans   are the one who's in power and woman's only servers for them and satisfied their needs.
As much as you wanted to prove them wrong the destiny wasn't on your side. You wanted to grow, be a strong and respected knight but that will never happen cause someone is already waiting for you.
Your parents agree for you to marry one of the council's son and all you could do is to agree, your family needed the money that they offered so without thinking twice or even asking you, they've already signed a contract saying you will be the wife of the counselor's son.
The wedding was over, the two newly married couples are laying on the bed, you sigh and turn to face him, mesmerizing his face while watching him just staring at the blank ceiling.
"What are you thinking Tae?, You don't seems happy that we're married" you said.
The man turn around and slightly smiled at you, he caresses your cheek and peck your lips. You don't know if you should be happy that you're married to a handsome and one of the best knight of the kingdom or not.
"Of course I'm happy that I'm married to a wonderful woman like you, a pretty woman like you just deserves more than this, like a castle, a kingdom that you will rule.
You just laugh at him, he chuckles while looking at you, how could he say something like that, you aren't even well educated, well mannered and he thinks you deserve to rule a kingdom?.
"Hey come on take me seriously, I promise you. You will be a queen and be a powerful woman that you've always wanted." He said while caressing your cheek.
"I'll only agree to be the queen if you will be my king, let's rule that imaginary castle that you're talking about." As soon as you said that you ruffles his hair and giggle.
"You're so cute, I'm pretty sure I'll enjoy this marriage with you." You smile at him while he just did the same. Closing your eyes preparing to sleep, the man sigh.
He's scared of his life, he should be running away now but he just had to accept his faith. He loves you so much he's been inlove with you for so long without you knowing and as much as he wanted to keep you safe by staying away from you the destiny is the one who made a way for both of you to be put you together and because of that it's game over for him.
He kissed your lips before closing his eyes and whispered "I love you, and I'm sorry that you will go through so much because of me"
One of the king's best and favorite knight was late making the king more mad then he's already is. Soon Taehyung arrived riding his horse, he bow down to the king with respect and immediately ask for forgiveness.
"I'm really sorry your majesty, I woke up late" Taehyung look up only to see the king already glancing at him as if he's ready to throw a blade at him.
"Why did you had so much fun with your new wife?" Tae gulps, he knew something was up with just those stared and now the way that the king is talking so cold to him is terrifying him.
"We made an agreement right Knight Kim? Do you still remember that?" The king ask making Taehyung wishes for the ground to open up and eat him. He slowly nod his head and closed his eyes tight as soon as a cold sharp metallic is placed next to his neck.
"If you remember then state what we have agreed. I commanded it." The king said.
"I agree to not be her husband cause she belongs to you your highness." Taehyung said.
"And what did you do? You betrayed your own king, don't you think you deserve a punishment?"
Taehyung knew exactly what the king wanted to do. He wanted tae to disappear from this world and take you, he also wouldn't stop till he made all of his families and relatives suffer.
"N-no Your highness, I promise to take her with you, she belongs to you so I'll taking her right where she belongs just please spare my life." The man begin to beg making the king satisfied.
The next thing you new was that you're getting married to the king and made you his queen. Taehyung was right, he will make you a queen that will rule a kingdom.
He lied to you, he's a big liar, he made you believe that he's happy in your marriage but turned out he only used you to higher his position in the palace.
He became the chef knight after he surrendered you to the king, you're so mad at him but at least he didn't let anything between the two of you deepen more and the way the king is treating you is way better, he nice, and very sweet. Well at least that's what he shows you at first.
You couldn't do it anymore, you couldn't even feel your legs as they because numb but he didn't care even if you passed out he just keeps on thr"sting deep inside you while looking at you in anger.
His eyes are red, they are burning in anger, he couldn't understand what does Taehyung have that he doesn't for you to keep on chasing after him.
After he saw you staring at Taehyung he got made and started forcing himself to you.
Right now he's on his knees l"cking you out while all you did was to stare at the ceiling, you couldn't feel your body anymore, you're already filled with bruises and wounds.
While he's l"cking you, he also slide his fingers inside you and started moving and didn't even care if his fingers are already covered with blood after being so harsh on you, he just keep on going till he's satisfied, he pulled his fingers and s"ck it getting the taste of your c"m and blood mixed together then he starts l"cking you p"ssy and slide his tongue in and out.
He's like a hungry beast that is eating you up, he climbed the bed and stared at you, caressing your cheek before kissing you, you stared at him blankly.
"You know this wouldn't happen if you only keep your eyes on me right." The king said.
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sunilys2 · 6 months
"THE PROPHECY" Kim Sunoo [ Chapter 3 ]
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Pairing: cursed!Sunoo × godness!reader
Synopsis: On a birthbed, a second-born baby of the cis male gender is cursed according to his village's beliefs. A pact is made by his parents in search of prosperity and glory, they believed that the divine goddess would bring to the baby the end of the catastrophes caused by the curse, good omen and carnal luxuries from the reaching of age, condemning his son to a wonderful life until the inevitable destiny, a peaceful end on his deathbed. However, in every agreement there are two sides and some consequences.
Genre: fantasy, strangers to lovers, romance.
Warnings: mention of religion and beliefs, pacts, curses, angst.
Note: grammatical errors, english is not my native language.
As stunned as Sunoo's parents were, they couldn't do anything about it. The boy's coming of age birthday is today, there's no way to change that.
After the appearance of the goddess, they accepted their fate and decided to enjoy the last moments with their beloved son, pretending that nothing had changed in their lives, as if he wouldn't leave soon.
The birthday would be celebrated in the Kim family's humble home, everything was ready and beautiful. The boy was as excited as ever, happy to be able to celebrate another year of life, he helped with the decoration and preparation of the special meal that he would enjoy with his family on this important day.
- looks delicious! - he laughed sweetly, sitting at the table, admiring his small feast.
His parents smiled slightly, his sister was happy, his grandparents too. And especially Sunoo, he was radiant tonight.
- my beloved grandson is becoming a handsome adult. -His grandmother said proudly and the boy laughed.
- everything looks so good, thank you for waiting for me for dinner, I think I was late. - a vibrant and unfamiliar female voice was heard, everyone looked towards her, a pretty girl who was standing in front of the wide-open entrance door.
Everyone was silent, Mrs. Kim remained static, with wide eyes and a cold body, yet the unknown woman sating in an empty chair.
- who are you? - asked Sunoo, he was really curious. Why was this beautiful woman, whom he had never seen before, there to celebrate his birthday?
- my name is ___, it's a pleasure, sweet Sunoo. Congratulations, happy birthday. - you smiled sweetly.
- thank you very much... - his voice came out as a whisper, his cheeks pink like flowers in spring.
Silence takes over again, smiling, you stare at the boy hungrily, without looking away or feeling embarrassed about it. You make him really nervous.
- I thought you would come later...you know, we are celebrating now. - began the mother.
- I decided to join this celebration, after all it is a special date, sweet Sunoo is coming of age. - you decided to look her in the eyes. - I'm not welcome?
- no, it's okay, forgive my wife. - the father interfered.
You stood up, walking slowly around the table, calmly analyzing the expressions of everyone there. You stood behind the boy, smiling at him when he decided to look at you over his shoulder. You touched his silky hair.
- I didn't come to disturb this special moment, I'm also not a monster that will harm Sunoo. - you started.
- I came so that he could get to know me, so that you would know that I am not an evil being, I am not a threat, let that tension go away.
The boy didn't understand, but remained silent as he felt the soft touch of your fingers in his hair.
- look Sunoo, from today onwards you will leave with me, can you understand? I will give you everything you deserve, you will live with me and you will have something completely different from what you have today.
- what do you mean by that...? - he hesitated, a little scared and confused.
- I happen to be in love with you. - you smiled sweetly, when he fell silent, trying to absorb the information. - You were born mine, did you know that? If you don't know, your parents certainly know.
You lowered Sunoo's upper robes, just revealing his shoulder.
- do you know why it has this brand? Because you are sealed with the mark of a covenant. You understand? You were born and soon became my boy, this brand says so.
- how could I be yours...? I am not an object. - he pulled his shirt back, hiding his shoulders, with a nervous look on his face.
- no, it is not an object. You are the sweetest boy I have ever seen in all the millennia I have lived, you are a person, even though you sometimes seem like a treasure... - you calmed him.
- there is a very old prophecy, a pact made by your ancestors, it is something much bigger than you can imagine. Calmly you will be able to understand everything, but peacefully I ask you please, please come with me. Above all, Sunoo family members, let me lead you to happiness. -His eyes shone as you explained yourself.
Everyone was shocked, but they were softened by the brief explanation.
The night seemed to be long, but everything went well.
Right after all this speech, you were able to celebrate the boy's party with his family, you ate and congratulated him.
Her presence there was enough to be strange, but as the minutes passed everything seemed to fall into place. Despite not understanding everything perfectly, Sunoo included you in his celebration as if he already knew you before, he could feel that no matter how strange you were, you were good.
He could tell by looking into your eyes that you were there for something very serious, and also that you wouldn't hurt him.
Sunoo just decided to accept you there, he made you feel that his presence was pleasant and satisfying for him. Something you didn't expect, since you thought it would be completely the opposite.
The celebration was cozy for you, but soon everyone retired and everything was tidy, the end of this day was approaching, after all it was already late at night.
Sunoo's parents hesitated, but they understood that this is what he wanted, he wanted to be able to be alone with you, so they decided to withdraw and let the two of you talk.
- you said you're going to take me away - he starts, looking at you, as you sit in the living room.
- Why would I go with you? And if I went, where would I go? It's suffocating to think that I will have to leave my home.
- I know it seemed scary with the words I used, I apologize. I am a goddess, as I said, and we would go to my divine realm. I need you Sunoo, I've waited so long for this day...
- What do you need me for? I can not understand. - you sigh, blinking your eyes precisely and opening them again.
- to quench my thirst, my desire to have you, to make you mine. I am a hungry and ambitious entity, I recognize. But know that nothing will be bad for you, because I am nothing more than your slave... - you sigh - my love for you only grows, you would be such a good boy for me.
- you want me...? But why? I don't understand!
- I don't understand either, I just feel this way, let me make you my perfect boy, let me fulfill all your desires, you will have everything you want.
- okay, I'm not going to oppose something that's sealed. Just give me time to say goodbye and I'll come with you soon. I really don't like seeing you begging, a goddess shouldn't...
- thank you for accepting - you interrupt him - that makes me very happy. It will be as you wish, you have a working day, now I need to go, good night sweet boy.
You smile sweetly at him, disappearing in the blink of an eye, leaving him alone.
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snickerdoodlles · 27 days
for the wip game: timeloop 👀
ajkfjd so to my great shame, i have like. 3 asks in my inbox for this fic that i forgot to answer and then felt weird about answering, so here's to finally talking about this AU i dearly love in public 😂❤
(i will probably respond to the other asks...eventually, i'm determined to, just. sorry friends, time doesn't exist at snickerdoodlles (dot) tunglr (dot) com)
OKAY SO. timeloop 👀
as usual, my victim is Kim ❤ it happens...very, very vaguely, sometime after ep7 but before any of the Tawan stuff occurs, so Kim's still deep in his snooping era. so when Kim wakes up and realizes he's in a timeloop, his first thought isn't "how the fuck do i get out of this?!" it's "oh fuck yes, no consequences!"
and so begins Kim's consequence free snooping era! who needs awkward flirting when he can just ask Chay any question he wants? who needs caution when trashing Korn's study it won't stick past today? who needs to care what anyone thinks of him when everything but his memories are reset?
except he pushes too many questions on Chay one loop and Chay looks so confused and upset and hurt the guilt lingers and festers far beyond any loop reset. it doesn't matter Chay doesn't remember, Kim mistreated his friend. Kim knows what it's like to hurt Chay, knows he can hurt Chay, knows just how easy it is to do. knows he can't make up for the pain because Chay doesn't remember, because there's nothing to forgive except the hurt only he knows.
it's not just his personal relationships either. Kim pushes too far with Korn and Big takes a bullet for him. and. the thing is. it's one thing to know there are people paid to die for you. it's one thing to know Big specifically will die for him. it's even one thing to accept the people who have died for him, to shrug off those deaths the way he's had no choice but to learn. but it's very different to know someone who has died for you, to watch them bleed out for you, and then face them alive and whole again the next day. to suddenly reconcile just what and how much your choices can strip away from someone else. to have killed someone with your own recklessness and have to face them, fine and oblivious, again and again thereafter.
turns out, timeloops have every consequence and more when you're a constantly guilt-stricken ball of angst, and Kim is going to cry so! much!
[ WIP game ]
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