#but like oh my god its just so clear how willing these women are to fuck over other women even cis ones
hobbinch · 11 months
Note how the terf in the last reblog talks about narcissists/sociopaths. Trauma recovery isn't learning how to identify the baddest ones and keep them away from you or lock them away forever. That attitude is a direct descendent of the asylum system and an arm of white supremacy. You might feel like you're keeping yourself safe, but your fear is being used as a justification to commit human rights abuses.
If you think you're one of the good guys in that paradigm, please understand the difference between you and a Covert Narcissist™️ is someone willing to interpret your behavior in the worst possible faith.
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yourtouchismidas · 1 year
Can you write smth about Matty shutting down sexist comments about his family? Like men will be praised for doing the bare minimum with their family while women are expected to do everything as their “job”?
yes ofc i love this idea.
so i think matty walks a line with how much he talks about his children, and you, in interviews. obviously there is a large part of him that wants to keep your privacy locked down, barely any details out there about you, to never be asked. but then there is another part, which wants to tell the whole world about you. to boast. to wax on. to tell funny stories about shay's games, or brag about valley's test scores, or post pictures of the twins chubby cheeks, or to talk about gigi starting a band with her friends. he picks and chooses very carefully and on top of that it is always a family decision. increasingly though, its been hard to keep you all under wraps, because of the sheer size of the family. fans bump into him in the street when he has a baby strapped to both sides of him. shay waves at people and chatters their ears off about "daddys band" until matty has to playfully put his hand over her mouth while the fans all coo at her. names are kept secret, full names at least, but the size of his family and the little army of mattys that follows him around now is a pretty well known fact. you also run a popular book shop in london, where the band have been known to play some secret pop up sessions, and have signed the doors in the toilets which you've then framed, so fans pilgrimage there and take photos with you too, if you're willing.
so when the radio interviewer asks matty, "you've just had some new additions to the family, haven't you?" he is comfortable enough to say, "yes. i have. my twins."
"big family now huh? was that always the plan?"
"oh god no," matty chuckles. "i always wanted kids. but the how and the when and the erm volume of them just kind of happened. love them. they're the best. hi girls if you're listening. they aren't. by the way. they've got better things to do apparently."
the dj laughs. "i'm sure you're a great father. and having a dad in a band that must be pretty cool."
"erm, again, i dont think they really care. like i know to you lot, i mean to some people, im like matty healy oh my god, matty healy from the 1975 but to my daughter's i'm just dad. or if you're my eldest, you call me matty as well."
"does she really?"
"uh huh," he says, "or matthew. dead cute. it's dead cute."
"and how are you finding being on tour without them? does it get hard?"
"of course," matty smiles, starting to get nervous about how long he is lingering on the girls. he knows jamie has briefed them, but maybe not hammered it home enough. "we make it work though."
"must be hard for them to be away from you. and for your wife too."
matty clears his throat, "like i said, we make it work. everyone has a different life. this is ours. wouldn't change it."
"and is your song true?" the interviewer asks, "do you do the nappies?"
matty laughs again, more comfortable. music. talking about music.
"yeah," he says, "of course i do."
"your wife is a lucky woman. to have a hands on dad like you then. she must love it when you're home to babysit."
"babysit?" matty says, his voice hardening.
"well you know, with you being away..."
"i dont babysit, mate. they're my children. i brought them into the world too. they're just as much my responsibility as hers."
"i know i was just...."
"well dont just mate. okay. think about what you're saying. isnt it sad?"
"I mean yeah..."
"isnt it sad that you think she is lucky? she shouldn't have to be called lucky. equal parenting should be the norm. she's not lucky. you shouldnt be... no one should be batting an eyelid."
"i'm sorry matty, i didnt mean to upset you."
"i know you didn't. but think of the women you might have upset. i dont want my daughter raised in a world like that. i think you should apologize to my wife."
"i will."
"no time like the present."
"you want me to.... you want me to. on air?"
"may as well. right your wrongs now. if my girls listen back, which they wont, i need to them to know that you can hold people accountable"
"okay," the interviewer says, his voice small, "i'm sorry."
"and you're sorry to all women?"
"yeah," he says, "i am really sorry. i shouldn't have put it like that."
"by the way, for the record, my wife runs a really successful book shop as well as being a mum. we're both working parents and we both rock it. shout out to heartbeat books, soho. go buy a book everyone. they also have good coffee. love you darling!"
they cut to a song. jamie shrugs at the dj. he must have hammered it home. when they come back they talk about matty's music.
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featherdawn · 2 months
overall thoughts on the book: it was mid at best. frustrating at worst.
things I liked:
- sunbeam. I love u sunbeam my girlie my sweet cheese. I don't even have much to say I just. really like reading about her
- splashtail. he's trying so hard and barely succeeding. he reads like he's so out of his depth. it's so funny. he's intimidating, I guess, in that he killed harelight without hesitation or remorse, but like. he should've killed wasp too if they really wanted me to fear him. this is all going to crumble beneath his feet just u watch
- podlight. it was also kinda funny to see him be a massive cunt to frostpaw, in a fucked up kinda way. evil medicine cat if u squint
- the way it feels like the plot is moving. we saw frostpaw gather support and evidence of splashtails bullshit. it's an incredibly low bar but this is warrior cats
- breezepelts tiny tiny appearance in the beginning
- appleshine and woodsong being cunts. I support women's wrongs
- Squirrelstar. I love u bbg
- edit: oh my god I forgot curlfeather in the prologue. she's so good. i love u queen u are so right about everything.
things I didn't like:
- motives for driving splashtail out. I do not care that he doesn't respect starclan, starclan has given me no reason to respect them either. I care that he is willing to kill his clanmates.
- nightheart. he's not as bad as he used to be in terms of the misogyny and such, but now that his arc is over its clear how fucking useless his pov is to this arc. we gain nothing from it. not only in this book, either; the whole arc. he's an accessory to sunbeam and frostpaw in my mind, and it doesn't help that only 1 chapter involves something that neither of them could witness. get him outta here
- the unwillingness to fight. this is WARRIOR CATS god damn it! I didn't come here for this "I don't wanna spill blood :(" bullshit! if this was the first arc splashtail would've been ripped a new asshole by now!!!
- the unwillingness of the authors to kill. I've mentioned already wasp should've died; we gain nothing from him living. he leaves anyway. use this to show splashtails brutality! have whoever bring his body back as a warning! there was no reason to keep him alive. also leafkit could've died but that one I'm more indifferent to.
- how the berryheart plot line progressed. it felt forgotten about in the second half, only to come back full swing. she's suddenly riverclans deputy??? huh??? why are u there berryheart this isn't like you
- I have an incling fear they're setting up nightheart to be deputy and I do not like it. it should be sunbeam. not just bc I like her but bc she shows more signs of leadership; 2 of her tasks involved leading, the way she went in for leafkit, the way that she will do what's right regardless of the morals (yes, I know they say nightheart will do that too, but recently he only seems to do it when someone else is already doing it too. accessory character.) at the very least she should've gotten to be a mentor. grr
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away-ward · 11 months
Yea sure i dont mind you posting my ask on your page. Adding to my post before, i think its also interesting how rika's response to willalex was THAT, because its true, no one really knows will bcs 1. Will himself never really opened up to anyone everything about himself except for emmy, 2. They just never cared enough to get to know him above whatever shallow perception of him that he put in front of them. I still cant stand the fact that they didnt expect will to pull that blackchurch move bcs huhhh?? Why couldnt he? Was i shocked when i read that scene? Sure, but not bcs i thought he was incompetent like how his friends thought him yk. So i dont think its really fair to blame rika or any of his friends either for the way they saw him, bcs will was also an active willing participant in these scenarios and his personality in front of them. His friends shouldnt be heavylifting his place in the family iykwim. They all should work together, not against each other (*cough* ofc they wouldnt understand shit like this in the earlier books *cough* lmaooo).
I also hate the fact that will is so babied by their friends and the dn fandom as if he wasnt one of the most white privileged guy in the town, terrorising people just bcs he was privileged enough to do so. Like this man be doing weirdest shit, recording them, and he be having EVERYTHING in this world BUT EMMY, yet people always wanna act like he was this poor victim just because in the monologue he kept on simping over em. There was really no ounce of responsibility and accountability in that man's thoughts. He kept on blaming EVERYONE (and himself to a certain extent) for all bad things happening to him, AS IF HE WASNT A WILLING PARTICIPANT HIMSELF. GOD!!!! GROW UP!!!!!!!!!!!! fuck im so mad, sorry 🤣 and the fandom, with their two misagonistic braincells ofc be siding with will and be excusing him, as if for the past three books, he wasnt busy being shit to women and men around him just bcs his monologue was about how much he loves em 🤢 like bffr!!! And they hate em too, and be simping over damon, just bcs 1. She was mean to will, 2. She never came back for will. You understand what i mean with double stanrds and purity culture applied to women here? They speak AS IF will spent his time since he left her in that hallway 1. Not being mean to her, 2. Finding ways to be by her side and not fucking around girls in town right 🤣 they be saying this as if he was the poorest man in the world, when emmy was the one living opposite life of him. Even after knowing some shady shit happened to her, he STILL EXPECTED HER TO BE ACCOMMODATING TO HIM! God, name a more selfish bastard than will grayson!! Oh yeah, damon torrance, lmfaooooo!
And the fact that the horsemen and alex couldnt understand that just bcs will was a nice friend to them, doesnt mean he was a nice guy to em?! Stupid as fuck!! God! Will was there for each one of his friend, but was he ever there for em? No! So ofc they were in his life, not em (Understandable tho that he left bcs em rejected him in a degrading way) And he regretted that shit! He regretted leaving her even if she made it clear he didnt owe her anything (unlike will who was entitled to her and essily blamed her because "love" and now he can put a label and resentment to her rejection). His regret was Even mentioned during the michael's bridegroom prep, with kai offering him alcohol.
And on this note, if em can understand that just bcs aydin wasnt as shitty to em as he was to alex, then why cant alex understand that it goes the same for will to em? Alex was a hypocrite for that. Will even obvious bcs he can fuck around town (alex too), but god forbid some other men looked like they were into em, oooohhhh shes the selfish bitch? Wow! Amazing! Im glad that em called out alex every time bcs she needed that after getting her ass fanned by the cowgirls every time. We're told that alex is this girls supporting girls, but she suddenly became early hideaway banks/ corrupt rika in blackchurch? The fuck? Jealousy really changes people! Its not even ems fault, it was on aydin, she just wanted to use em as a punching bag. Coward. Em never once did that to her even after everything will said about will alex. Fuck these guys honestly. Emory scott always deserve better.
Unpopular opinion, i like aydin in blackchurch. Em needed someone like aydin at that stage of life so that mfs like will alex dont cross her boundaries too much. Em can stand for herself but sometimes her personality can blindside her and let others treat her like dogshit just because she doesnt have much love for herself yet, and she prefrrd to avoid confrontation bcs of her ptsd with martin. Im glad aydin, even in his own selfish agenda against alex, took ems side and helped her many times there, even in his own twisted ways. Ngl, if damon saw will alex be treating em like this, he wouldnt let it slide either. He wouldve beat them up and told them off so 🤷‍♀️ the horsemen and alex's fans are not gonna like what i said, but i said what i said. Im well aware of emmy's flaws and ive accepted that shes not this mary sue character a while ago, but i cant stand this fandom who always act as if shes the top 3 worst characters among them just bcs she was busy dealing with life all on her own. Were the cowgirls annoying sometimes? Sure? Was alex sometimes? Sure. But i cannot imagine disliking the girls, even alex, more than the horsemen. Like even after the girls fucked up, they always made up. yea thats all for the addition. Thank you so much for listening! Sorry thats its so long
Pt 2
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nyctospoilers · 2 years
KHDR Reactions
Episode 7: Reason for Disappearance
WHY would you take him through the CORRIDORS of DARKNESS, XEHANORT??? He’s not even fucking reacting to the “pushes” of darkness because his heart just got shattered, that poor boy.
okay 65 years later…
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“My mentor taught me the one inscribed in the book, chosen to be a dark vessel, can connect their heart to others and feel what the feel” okay 1. “Omg he’s such an empath” but seriously 2. I wonder if this connects to what Darkness said about Ventus, and how through him all of them can like… regain themselves?? I think it said. Either their wills or their forms, I can’t remember. But interesting…
“I must embrace these emotions. Let them flow into my heart” oh lmao I thought Xehanort was referring to Ventus, is he talking about himself?? Or a combination of the two because in the BBS reports, Xehanort wanted Ventus to be his vessel at first, but decided he was too weak so he changed his mind to Terra.
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Eraqus “Better late than never” that says so much LOL
“Water under the bridge” Xehanort 🥺 Eraqus is so fucking gay 4 U
Xehanort “I took him under my wing this past year” okay noted 
“He might be the one” “Are you sure?” 👀 yes computer enhance
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^ okay this is fucking funny
Reason for Disappearance
Okay, I’ll just say it. I can’t tell if Eraqus and Vor are just friends (because I fucking love platonic relationships between men and women), or if this is a developer’s decision to make us acknowledge that no, Eraqus and Xehanort are not gay lmao. Shipping mindset and “okay what’s really going on at this Disney ruled IP team” are two different mindsets for me. That being said, I really do like the friendship between Eraqus and Vor LOL
“How do we defeat something like that?” okay that lingering into a scene transition is so sexy
Odin calling the vessels for darkness “A necessary sacrifice” oh boy here we go
Okay so I feeeeel like everything Odin said here, we already knew. 7 hearts of light. summoning KH and using it’s power affects the entire world– so is it worth using KH if just to save the few “vessels of darkness” who are sacrifices?
“The dark seeker will finally be upon us” yeeess yesssssss
Aww Hermod!
THE UNDERWORLLDDDD (((also damn… does that mean the other classmates really did die…)))
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^ THIS IS SO FUCKING FUNNYYYYYYY. I swear to god if I un-blacklist this game, and nobody else thinks this game is funny, I will be so mad LOL
Awwww Hoder…. :(
God Hoder’s dress is so pretty
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Daaaaaaamn dudeeeee fuckkkkkkk
God am I going to get Phil talking to Xehanort…..
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^ Dumbass shdkdhkdjd
Bragi “if I choose Eraqus, you’ll tag along, right Xehanort?” HA!
Jesus christ they are fucking DIGGING at eraqus asdlkfjasdf
Yesss I looove the underworld music, its one of my favorite world themes LOL
Hades “Disappeared? Oh right, Mortals. Always have to sugarcoat everything. Personally, I prefer ‘dead.’” STOP LMAAAOOOO
Ugh cerberus is going to be so hard I know it… I’m going to use so many revives… JUST KIDDING I only needed 1 lmao
The hand grab 💞⭐🤸💫 You fucking know xehanort was doing some Mr. Darcy-hand-stretch after that
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^ Damn the upper classmates really did die… NOOOOO NOT THE SIDE PONYTAIL GIRRRLLLL 😭😭😭
“We discovered an evil fairy that put a curse on a princess” so when the FUCK. do these disney worlds take place!!!!! Cause Aurora was during BbS!!! Wtf!!!!
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u tellin’ me a 14 year old noob defeated maleficent when 4 trained students could not…
OOOHHHH So the Underworld IS connected to the final world. Okay, I’m glad that’s cleared up for me now.
Damn c’mon, philosophy!
Hades “pfft like I can tell who’s who” LMAO
Wtf is this light… OH ITS ODIN. that is so gandalf of him to glow like that LOL. c'mon, light of earendil!
“So only you remain…” damn… so did.. Baldr and Bragi die off screen???
65 years later
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Xehanort “I did this for him, not you.” oh dayumn
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^ Why does vanitas stand like 🧍‍♂️
Godddd I am DYING to know why Ventus has a heart of pure light (like PURE pure light) if he isnt a Princess of Heart!!!
He DOES remember ventus. Then Xehanort WTF!!! Why did you like.. Practically torture him asdlfkjsdf
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widowbitessting · 2 years
I will 100% NOT apologize for how you've slutted me out for the Sugar Mommies series. 😇
With that being said I wonder how Natasha and Carol would react to coming home from a business trip to walking in and seeing Wanda and Y/N having an intense drunken game of Twister or Mario Cart. Being unaware of the two women and the pair slipping up and having a cursing fit. Then Carol or Nat clearing their throat and well...the rest of the night Carol/Nat switch off disciplining their Brats! But first they have to catch them as they drunkenly run off from the two older women 😂😂 like Phoebe Buffay type of running off haha
💋 💋 💋 💋 I won’t apologise either babe! 
Hope this is okay for you. Sorry if its a little rough, I’m not having a great time with my mental health. It’s been like this in my drafts for weeks now so I thought I’ll post this now and pray I can finish it later this week *sigh*
Love you guys, hope you enjoy! 
The One With the Phoebe Buffay Run
They could hear the screaming from the elevator. Or to be more specific, they could hear you and Wanda shouting from about two floors down and Carol swears she isn’t exaggerating. 
As one, Carol and Natasha look at each other. 
“They’re either arguing or being brutally murdered.” Natasha says as the doors to their apartment open; just as you let out a very loud: “FOR FUCK SAKE!” 
Your sudden outburst has both women smirking, momentarily forgetting their no swearing rule. 
“This is why we can’t both leave for the same business trip,” Carol sighs as they both ascend the stairs. “We leave these two alone to their own devices and look what happens.” 
“They become naughty, that’s what.” Natasha says, nudging Carol with her shoulder. “Ready to discipline our girls, my love?” 
They walk into the lounge area and Carol silently puts their bags down on the floor before rolling up the sleeves of her jacket to her elbows. 
“I never been more ready in my life, love.” 
They mutually decide to wait; to hold off a little bit longer just to see how far you’re both willing to go with breaking the rules. It seems quite far already. You’re both, to no real surprise, completely oblivious to the looming doom behind you. Not only are there empty bottles of wine and take out containers litter the floor, but it seems that you are playing an adult version of Mario Kart as well. You’re standing there in just a bra and a pair of Natasha’s shorts and fluffy socks; Wanda fairing slightly better in just one of Carol’s over sized t-shirts that goes down to her upper thigh.
You’re both completely absorbed by the game. 
“Get out of the fucking way!” Wanda shouts, turning with her Switch controller in an effort to make her car turn further left. “Mario move!” 
“Who shot the red shell at me!” You yell. “Wands was that you?”
“How? I’m 5th!” 
You let out a snicker. “Oh yeah. Loser.”
“Suck it.”
You risk a quick glance at her. 
“Tempting.” You say. “When you lose this race, you’re losing those undies too.”
“Who says I’m gonna lose, detka? I can make a come back...especially with the blue shell.”
“Fuck off. You wouldn’t dare.”
“Wouldn’t I?” 
It all happens together: just as Wanda clicks the blue shell to be sent off, she’s hit by a red shell and then everyone except Bowser - because fuck Bowser as you would often say - are shocked by lightning, losing whatever is in your pockets, before shrinking down into miniatures. 
“Fuck off!” 
“I fucking hate that stupid thing! God dammit!” You stomp your foot. “And now I’ve got the blue shell you absolute twat, Wanda; NO!” 
Your character is exploded, mere inches from the finish line and you can only watch in horror as your First Place is taken from you. As well as second, and third until you can put yourself out of your misery and cross the line, taking fourth. 
Wanda, to your complete horror, finished before you. 
“How did you do that?!” 
Wanda can only look at you smugly, polishing her nails on her t-shirt. 
“Skills, detka. Skills.” 
You all but launch your controller on the sofa with a frustrated exhale, Wanda laughing at you. She moves over to you and engulfs your mouth with hers. 
“Do I have you take your shorts off or your bra...?” 
You tap your chin, pretending to think. 
“How about you take one for the team and take your knickers off for me instead?” You ask, reaching down for your wine glass. You’re about to take a swig, finish the glass in one large gulp, when Natasha clears her throat. The sudden sound causes you drop your wine glass, a startled shriek leaving you as Wanda visibly jerks. You both turn to the source of the sound and immediately meet the intimidating eyes of Natasha and Carol. 
Your drink being forgotten as the wine soaks into the carpet; mercifully the glass itself didn’t shatter.
“Are we interrupting something, ladies?” Carol asks.
“Because it sure does look like it to me.” Natasha adds, taking a ferocious step towards you both. You stupidly stand your ground while Wanda shuffles back.
“I-I...” You lick your suddenly very dry lips. 
“I-I..” Natasha mocks harshly, standing before you with only the sofa to separate you. “Trying to to become a pirate are we?”
You stare dumbfounded at her.
“Where’s that fiery spirit gone that we just witnessed, hmm?” 
“It’s left through my ass that’s where.” You mutter, casting a not-so-subtle glance back at Wanda. Her eyes are wide and terrified as she stares at Carol facing her.
“What was that?”
“Nothing! Nothing!”
“Hmm. That’s what I thought.”
Carol says something to Wanda that you miss and you risk another glance back.
“Don’t look at her, baby.” And God the way she growls your nickname at you literally nearly turns your legs to jelly. “Look at me. Now.”
You do as you’re told, meekly looking at Natasha who seems to have gotten taller. 
“...how long were you guys standing there...?” 
“Long enough to know you both are gonna struggle to walk tomorrow.” Carol replies, shooting you a glance. 
You purse your lip before nodding slowly. 
“How badly in trouble are we?” Wanda asks, shuffling her way towards you. You’ve still not moved from your original place, standing like a deer in headlights in front of Natasha; the sofa mercifully sparing you from her wrath. For now. 
“On a scale of 1-10, bunny?” Natasha asks, briefly taking Wanda in. The other woman can only nod as she slips her hand into yours.
Carol advances on the two of you quickly and you both practically trip over one another in haste to keep the safe distance. 
“A solid 10.” Carol growls out. 
“Ah shit.” 
Both Carol and Natasha look at you with matching expressions of outrage and you can’t help but shrug at them.
“What? We’re already in trouble...may as well go down blazing, right?” 
Natasha purses her lips as she looks at you, her brain calculating. 
It happens when you risk another glance at the blonde, who is looking at you both hungrily. You look at Natasha who is now smirking. Smirking at you and Wanda with eyes dilated so much that you can barley see the green. You’re completely hypnotised by her and find yourself moving without thinking first. 
It’s Wanda who stops you, her hand gripping onto yours tightly. 
“Come here for a second baby? Daddy hasn’t seen you all week and I’d like a hug. I’ve missed you.”
You go to move again but Wanda stops you.
“Don’t. It’s a trap. I’ve been there plenty of times.”
“A trap?”
“Yeah.” Wanda says. “To get you close enough.”
Is it wrong that that turns you on?
“What? To lunge?” Like a lion hunting a zebra?
“Why don’t you come closer and find out?” Natasha asks.
Oh, how you want to. But considering you’re already in trouble, why not make Natasha and Carol work for their prize?
“Why don’t you?”
The way Natasha’s left eye twitches that makes it clear to you that you know she’s accepted the challenge. The corner of her lip quirks.
“I can’t wait to have that cocky mouth put to better use.”
“You’ll have to catch us first!” Wanda says, and in a fit of giggles, the two of you dart forwards. You jump on the sofa clumsily and while Wanda skilfully - so fucking skilfully, as if she’s done this plenty of times - jumps over the back of the sofa, you not so gracefully end up flying head first over it, an incoherent outburst passing your lips as you land with a loud thud on the floor; lying in a heap as Wanda bursts out into a fit of laughter before moving to help you up.
Both Natasha and Carol have to pause to asses you’re okay and when you let out a hiccup followed by, “I’m fine!”, they’re quick to move, urging you and Wanda to run as your laughter bubbles out of you.
“Go go go!”
It’s almost like your arms and legs are not connected to your body and they flail about you in such a way you can only describe as you mimicking Phoebe Buffay from Friends. Only worse. 
Despite your current situation, you can hear Carol and Natasha laughing behind you, but when you reach the stairs; you feel the ghost of a hand tickle the back of your neck, and it makes your adrenaline spike. You and Wanda shoot up the stairs, Natasha and Carol right behind you. At the top of the stairs, how, you don’t even know - but one second you and Wanda are together and then suddenly the other two women have split you up, standing in between you and driving you further apart. 
You’re breathing heavily, staring at Natasha as she slowly stalks towards you and you find that courage you had before starting to fade. Natasha can sense it too as she cocks her head to the side and pouts mockingly at you. 
“Not so brave without Wanda are we?” 
“I mean…” You glance at Wanda who is being cornered by Carol. She sends you a wink before darting off with the blonde hot on her heels; leaving you to the mercy of Natasha. The red head snaps her fingers, quickly capturing your attention once again. 
Carol returns in record time with Wanda lifted over one of her shoulders. She makes it look effortless and you can’t help but watch her arm muscles strain as she holds Wanda up. Natasha takes a menacing step for you and she is rewarded with your full attention. 
“Nu-uh, Car. She’s mine.” Natasha growls, actually growls those words at you and you swallow thickly. 
“Enjoy babe.” Carol says, leaning down to kiss her beloved’s cheek. “I’ll be in the bedroom with this one. Good luck, Y/N.”
You feign confidence. “I don’t need it but thanks.” 
Carol snorts out a laugh. 
“Oh baby girl,” She begins to walk away, swatting Wanda’s ass as she goes. “Wanda’s got off easy; I’m the lenient one. You’re in for it, princess.” 
Before Wanda has gone from your view completely, she manages to squeak out: “Run fast!” 
But you can’t. You’re frozen where you are and Natasha smugly saunters towards you. 
“I’m feeling lenient right now, kotenok.” She says. “How’s a five second head start sound to you?”
“Bloody hell.” 
You flee quickly, beelining for the first door you can get too just as Natasha counts to five as is right behind you. You’re in the spare bedroom with only one other exit besides the one that will deliver you to Natasha. You glance at the bathroom door where you’re 90% sure that there is another door leading to freedom. 
Only. You’re wrong, that 10% chance comes to bite you on the ass when you slam the bathroom door shut and find yourself stuck in there.
“Fuck, shit, fuck!”
There’s a loud thud on the door, rattling it in its frame and you can’t help the small yelp of fear.
“Come out, come out where ever you are…”
You mercifully locked the door when you ran in but you know it won’t hold her for long. You all but dive into the bathtub and whip the shower curtain to cover you; wincing when you realised that you’re -
“…hiding in the fucking tub.”
The door squeaks open and you cover your mouth to try and quieten your, despite your hunch that Natasha knows exactly where you are.
“There aren’t many hiding places in here, malishka.”
The shower curtain is torn away to reveal you in your pitiful hiding place and before you can react, Natasha has a grip in your hair and yanks you towards her. You teeter uncomfortably, feet struggling to find their place in the slippery tub as you rely entirely on the red head to keep you up right.
“There she is.”
“Oh hey Nat.”
She grins and shakes her head.
“You’re in so much trouble.”
Just like the sofa, you not so gracefully depart the bathtub, tripping over yourself as you land on your knees on the tiled flooring. Her hand moves from your hair to wrap around your neck where she looks down at you.
“There, baby. A much better position don’t you think? You belong on your knees for me, don’t you?”
You’re struggling to think of a reply and clearly it takes too long for Natasha’s liking as she slaps your cheek just shy of being too hard. It stings, rightfully so and you can feel the exact location where her fingers connected with your skin.
Is it bad that you feel yourself growing wetter from it?
“Stop being an ungrateful bitch and answer me.”
“Yes, Daddy. This is where I belong. On my knees for you.”
She smiles.
“I’ve been thinking about your punishment, baby.” She says. “About whether to make it hurt or just deny what that stupid, dumb brain wants.”
You whine, struggling against the hand on your neck.
“I think I know what I want to do.”
Part Two Coming Soon 
Tag List: 
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xiaq · 3 years
Hi, I have a question re:sex and Christianity. Small background: I still go to church, and I still live with my parents even though I'm not much younger than you, because housing is very very expensive where I live (pretty common here, I would say about 2/3 of my friends live with their parents and we are decently privileged kids)
Anyway. How does one get over purity culture? To be clear, I've never been told in church not to have sex, I've never gotten the gendered lessons that you got. But I am terrified of having sex. My first real, multi-year relationship just ended and while there was hand stuff etc, there was never any p in v sex (lol I feel 12). But I still had insane anxiety about being pregnant despite being on bc. And I think its because I know my parents would be so disappointed if I had sex. And if I was pregnant I could imagine all the gossip. And honestly I think im from a pretty open church, b/c one of our previous ministers kids recently got married at 8 months pregnant and lots of church people were at the wedding and supportive and her parents were there and everything.
I dont even think I particularly like sex, i might be on the ace spectrum, but how do I remove it from all the anxiety that's tied to it so I can even give myself the chance to find out???
(Asking because it seems like you've been pretty open about purity culture/removing yourself from it)
CW for sex talk (again)
How does one get over purity culture?
Oh man. That really is the million-dollar question, huh? Obviously, I can only answer re my personal experiences, and this is something you should talk to a therapist about, but I can tell you how I’ve tackled it with my therapist at least.
Purity culture is, at its core, an ideology that is perpetuated by shame. If you’re indoctrinated into purity culture when you’re a kid, the concepts become baked into the way you construct your identity, your perception of self, and your perception of your sexuality. It’s practically intrinsic, by the time you’re an adult, to feel shame any time you’re reminded you have a body, much less a sexuality.
According to the chapels I sat through every week as a kid, a girl's body could be 3 things: an intentional stumbling block for men, an accidental stumbling block for men, or unnoticeable. Women were to strive for the third option so as to keep their (and their male friends/authority figures) purity intact. After all, if a boy, or even your male teacher, had impure thoughts about you, it was your fault for tempting them (which, holy shit. I still can’t believe that was a thing I bought into for so long. If my 45 yr old grown-ass teacher had impure thoughts because he could see my 12 yr old collarbone, that sure as hell wasn’t my fault. But I digress.) The Only time a woman’s body can be something else, is when she gives it to her husband, at which point she must suddenly flip the switch in her brain that she is now allowed to be a Sexual Being and she must perform Sexual Duties despite living in outright fear of her own body and sexuality for years (decades?) up until this point. Jesus take the wheel.
Purity culture isn’t a thing you can just decide to walk away from if you’ve grown up in it. Because its ideology is insidious and internalized. So first you need to submit to the fact that you’re going to be fucked up about sex. It sounds like you’re there. Second, you need to interrogate what you believe. If you’re leaving religion behind entirely, you’ll approach removing yourself from purity culture differently than if you still identify as a Christian. It sounds like you might be the latter, which meant, for me, separating what’s actually biblical and what’s shitty, contrived, doctrine that I was told is biblical but is actually more political than spiritual. This helps you address the shame issue.
You need to throw away I Kissed Dating Goodbye and Lady in Waiting and all those ridiculous books you read and reread in the hopes of somehow obtaining impossible marriage perfection and look into actual scripture interpreted within its historical context. I could write a book on this, but the TL;DR is that the text of the Bible was written, translated, curated, and changed multiple times over thousands of years by human beings with human biases and, often, personal and/or political agendas. It contradicts itself! Reading it as it is—a flawed historical document—rather than some sort of God-breathed perfect document—is incredibly freeing. When you do, you’ll probably realize that purity culture is bullshit on a spiritual level. Which is a good start, if that matters to you. Because any time you start to feel shame or guilt you can ask yourself: does God actually care if I wear a bikini or touch a dick I’m not married to? Probably not. Wear the bikini. Touch the dick.
The most important therapy session for me was when my therapist asked what I would do if I got to heaven and God was actually the God I’d been raised to fear. What would I do if he condemned me for being bisexual and having premarital sex and becoming educated, for arguing with men, and failing to isolate while menstruating, and wearing mixed fabrics? If Montero had come out at the point, I probably would have said I’d pole dance down to hell. Instead, I said I would spit on heaven’s gates. If a god that cruel and that pointlessly demeaning really exists—a god who would create in me condemned desire—I won't worship him. The good news is, I’m 99% sure he doesn’t exist. At the very least, he isn’t supported by scripture.
Okay. The final thing you need to do is figure out what you actually want, sexually speaking. This bit is probably the hardest. I’m still in the early stages of this myself. You say: “I dont even think I particularly like sex, i might be on the ace spectrum, but how do I remove it from all the anxiety that's tied to it so I can even give myself the chance to find out???” Bro, I wish I had an easy answer for you. For me, whenever I’m feeling anxious about Sex Things, I tell myself: 1. My God does not equate my worth to my sexual habits. 2. My partner does not equate my worth to my sexual habits. 3. I do not equate my worth to my sexual habits. It seems silly, but reminding myself of those three things is massively helpful. If, after I’ve sorted through those, I’m still anxious or uncomfortable, I stop doing the thing. I evaluate. Am I overwhelmed and I need to try again some other time? Do I just not like the thing? Sometimes it’s hard to tell. Sometimes you change your mind. Sometimes you just don’t know. That’s why having a partner who you trust and who’s willing to patiently explore your interests (and respect your disinterests) is so important. Half the battle, for me, was having a partner who told me they’d be ok with no sex at all. Because that took the pressure off me. If the bare minimum they need is nothing, then anything more than that is a bonus! Hooray! This is maybe TMI, but let me tell you. I thought I was asexual* right up until I was able to have moderately non-anxious sex. Never in my life did I think I would initiate a sexual situation but… I do now. It’s a fun thing to do with a person I love and, holy shit. I am furious that I nearly missed out on it.
Finally, re birth control: I don’t know how you can approach that fear in a way that works for you. If you don’t want to ever have penetrative sex, that’s fine! If that’s a point of anxiety you can’t get rid of, then don't push yourself to do it. If you find out you like other sex things, do the other sex things! If you don't like doing any sex things, don't do any sex things! Also, have you considered sleeping with people who can’t get you pregnant? Always an option if it’s an option you want to consider. ;)
Okay. I hope this was even a little bit helpful. Sorry if it’s a little convoluted, I typed it up in bursts during my work breaks.
*This is not at all to say that asexuality can be “fixed." Rather, it’s to say that things like purity culture can drastically confuse your sexuality in general. If you’re asexual, then this process is still important to discover what you like/dislike. Then you can be explicit about those necesities and find a partner who’s a good fit (if you want a partner at all, that is).
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littlefreya · 3 years
Velvet Chains
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Summary: For a generous fee, August Walker is yours. A man devout to pleasure, who will worship you for an entire night and make sure your first time is more than memorable. 
 A thought - August as a gigolo who specializes in deflowering. 👌
Pairing: Soft! August Walker x Virgin Reader.  
Word count: 1.6K
Warnings: 18+. August Walker as a sex-worker, sexual intercourse, unprotected sex, loss of virginity, a depiction of bodily fluids, soft!August themes, a tinge of angst and August’s monster c... 
A/N: When I received this prompt, I didn’t think I can actually do it justice, but it was 3am and I started dabbling around. Then in the morning, I took another look at it, and this little drabble turned into a one-shot. I hope you’ll like it, I hope I did well. Many thanks to @agniavateira​ my muse who beta’d my story. 
Please give feedback and reblog if you enjoyed reading. 🖤 DM if you want to be added to my tag squad. 
Title: Velvet Chains
They were all little flowers to him, fresh peonies and flushed roses. Young or mature, it never mattered as long as they were still oh so pure. Undefiled, succulent flesh. Kissed by dew and wrapped by the last remaining petals of their innocence.
All for him to willfully pluck.
Sprayed with notes of tobacco, and boozy fragrance of rum - August Walker was the top-tier kind of service, a man to die for with his three-piece suits and shiny leather shoes. At one point he didn’t even need to self-promote; they came to him, all doe-eyed and coy, willing to pay as much as it takes to have him breach through the sealed gates of their garden.   
The rules were quite simple: Cash in advance and always wear protection; other than that anything goes. August liked to see himself as a procurer of fantasies rather than a male prostitute. For a generous fee of $1500, his girls earned themselves a night they never forgot. Whether it began with a dinner at the most outrageous restaurant, a masked ball at a billionaire’s mansion, or an intimate evening with his homemade cooking at a cosy sublet. 
It was up to him to choose the experience for the ladies after thoroughly assessing and profiling each client. He was never wrong; after all, it was his job to study women, both mentally and physically. 
“I know what you need,” he would murmur as he kissed down their navel and swept between their shaky thighs. And in his grip they indeed laughed, cried, and came undone so many times over, reaching out to grasp heaven around his unapologetically huge cock.  
Until you changed everything. 
August couldn’t quite crack you; while he enjoyed, savoured, and conquered every woman he had, it was you who seemed to have more power over him than he did over you. The quiet abyss in your eyes reeled him in like an unfortunate, foolish fish teetering on a hook. Whatever mysteries that mind of yours held, he wanted to pry it open with his fingers and brush them through the parchments of your soul. 
He desired you more than just the flesh; he wanted to be deeper in you than he ever was in any other woman. 
‘Who are you?’
Shivering in his presence, it was crystal clear that you weren’t immune to his spells; yet you didn’t seem impressed by the theatrics or his suave appearance. As if you saw right through him, and knew it was all but a spectacle.  
Wanting everyone to witness your ‘claiming’, he took you to the dimly-lit roof of his private apartment and laid you on a blanket beneath the beaming stars. When his lips touched yours while slowly ridding himself of his clothes, August felt like he could tell you his most kept secrets though he didn’t want to. 
This is not how it worked. Not for him. 
Sorrounded by the fairy tea-lights that adorned the intimate rooftope, you flinched as he began undressing you, and trembled so vehemently once completely bare that all he wanted was to embrace you in his big arms. And he did so, collecting you against the dark fur of his chest, the heat of his body provided shelter from the cold October breeze.
“Beautiful,” he whispered sincerely and allowed his hands to roam the tender map of your body. Likely, he would never see you again, so he wanted to remember every curve, dimple, and scar; he needed your moans imprinted in the museum of his mind. 
The same desperate, breathless pleas only a virgin would make, purer than pure.
Breathing in shudders, you laid down beneath him with your legs spread out. Your little untouched slit displayed to his hungering gaze, asking to be reshaped by his intrustment. August was never one to lose control, but your entire existence has made him question every decision and in a moment of frivolousity, he lost himself completely and broke the most forbidden rule: 
He entered you bare. 
Painfully large and hot as flaming iron, his rigid cock tore through your maidenhood and delved into your velvety pit, desperately searching for the engulfing shelter that was your womb. Weeps of pain rained down your lips; he was too big, and he didn’t slow down. He unwrapped you, tearing your rose petals one by one, sinking in until you could have sworn he was infused between your lungs. 
Overwhelmed by the raw sensation of your wet flesh engulfing him, August raked his arm around the small of your back and held your body against his, forcing you to spread wider, to grant him the infinite access he demanded.
“Look at me kitten,” he murmured in a half-breathless, half-soothing voice and showered hasty butterfly kisses across your forehead, “I’m inside you. It’s done, now let me please you.”
He seared your body, your sensitive entrance pulsating with a twinge of grieving anger around his veiny cock, your walls squeezing, fighting off his lewd intrusion. While you anticipated the pain, the initial shock was too much to bear. 
“I don’t think I can take you,” you retorted and swallowed hard, trying not to cry as he swelled and flinched inside you further more.
August reached a hand to your jaw and caged it between his strong fingers. Not saying a word, he stared intensely into your eyes. Smoke and broken mirrors shadowed his glare. In your daze, you swore you could see his reveries and hear him whisper without moving his lips. 
The barriers of your guarded castle were in ruins, and so was your self-preservation. Fully submitting, you allowed him to take you beneath the shimmering, black silks of midnight. 
August was both gentle and rough as he rode between your thighs, his heavy body surrounding you completely. His entity seeped through your lungs and pores, his bewhiskered mouth left sloppy, ticklish kisses and chanted a hymn of pleasure against your neck. 
For a slight moment, you wondered if he was this passionate with all of his customers. But all thoughts died at the moment his crown slammed into the wall of your womb, and the entirety of your existence was flooded with both the tremors of sudden pleasure and satisfying pain. 
You wanted more, you wanted to be complete. To be completely his.
“Oh god, yes!” You cried for him, clawing your nails at the taut muscles of his back.
Grunting, he plunged into you, harder with every pull and deeper with every thrust. He sought for heaven between your legs and as inexperienced and naive as you were, you followed your instincts and complied to his arousal. Bucking your hips, you yielded to meet the jerk of his hips - your rhythm a savage mess, your demeanour that of a virgin-whore. 
“Good girl, my good girl,” August praised, thrilled of the shift in you, and by the helpless, glossy gaze and gaping mouth as you moaned and begged. Your freshly open cunt clung to his invasion with its growing tightness. Holding onto him the way the moon is bound to earth.
Control was gradually lost over your own bodies, enslaved to something stronger than your wills and wits. It was as if you became vessels to haunting spirits that made you slam into one another, lost in a sweaty, carnal trance until a flush of sudden rapture broke between your legs the way raging waves break upon a ship lost at sea, consuming it completely.
Like a dauntless sailor, August followed you into the depths of euphoria. Jumping to his knees, he hauled you by the waist and slammed you against him, needing to be balls-deep within you. With a loud shout, he came undone, astonished by the raw, unbridled sensation of releasing himself inside another person.
You both shuddered in shock as his thick cum bathed your womb in three, warm gushes. 
‘Oh, August, what have you done?’
Spent, he nearly collapsed on top of you, holding his hands flat to the side of your head. He took a deep breath before pulling out from your hurting hole and moving to lie by your side. The pink mixture of your essence trickled between your simmering lips just the way it coated his still-swollen cock. Glancing down upon it he felt an odd notion of triumph, more than the usual complacent feeling usually evoked with his clientele. 
“Don’t worry, I am clean.” He promised. 
In a way, you were his first as well.
Pulling you against him, he nuzzled your neck and hummed lowly, “I don’t imagine you could give me anything.”
Still trying to land back on solid ground, you said nothing. Words didn’t make it, not through your chest nor your head. You basked within the moment, trying to memorise every vibration that flowed through your veins as the glow became dimmer with every passing minute.
Limbs entangled, he decorated your shoulder-blade with honey-sweet kisses while your spine attached to his hairy chest. He watched you quietly, admiring you completely until the two of you fell into a dreamless sleep under the guarding sky. 
Come morning, August was awakened by the sounds of the raging street below. The scent of toxic vapours hung heavy in the air and his face curled at the sounds of the beeping horns. For a moment, he forgot where he was but then you were the first thing on his mind. Even though he knew the deal was for one night only, something in him itched for a generous ‘on-the-house’ lazy morning sex.
As he rolled to lie on top of you, his chest felt abruptly empty. He was met with nothing but the defiled blanket.
You were gone.   
Though the scent of your body, your sweat, and viscous fluids were still stuck to his skin, your memory a sheer piece of silk carried away by the cruel wind. The weight of a thousand stones dropped in August’s gut and he flipped onto his back once more and stared at the cloudy sky. 
It resonated in him that this was all that it was, and he would never find a girl like you again.     
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*No permission is given for reposting my work, copying it, ideas or parts it and claiming it as your own
*I don’t own August Walker or the Mission: Impossible Franchise
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I wanna talk about Janet Drake
I’m not against exaggeratedly evil versions of Tim’s parents, tbh. It’s fanfiction, if we can depict an Exaggeratedly Good version of Bruce (which we can, and I do, and I love) then we can depict the Drakes as Exaggeratedly Bad. As someone who personally identifies with Tim, and his brand of complicated parental abuse in particular, I find it cathartic to uncomplicate that abuse and rescue him from the Obviously Evil Bad People. 
That said, since much of comics lore is passed down word of mouth, the oral tradition surrounding Tim has developed this idea of Janet as The Worse Parent between her and Jack that was never really present in the comics. We see much LESS of Janet, and we have 20 years worth of comics depicting Jack as a neglectful hotheaded idiot who ultimate does love his son. More importantly, Jack isn’t very much LIKE Tim, so there is a habit to attribute Tim’s traits to his mother... and, as someone who really really identifies with Tim, Tim has... some negative traits. Tim can be a bitch sometimes. He’s fiercely intelligent and sweet and kind, with a strong sense of justice, but he can be cold and judgmental and unthinking - he fights those traits, but he does have them. 
And it is perfectly fine to depict Janet that way. I’ve enjoyed depictions of Cold Calculating Janet Drake, but it’s not the ONLY option, and I want to challenge fans to consider different avenues. Tim could pick up these traits from anywhere: a nanny, Mrs. Mc Ilvaine (”Mrs. Mac”), a teacher, tv, Sherlock Holmes novels, Bruce Wayne himself. Tim is capable of not being like EITHER parent. 
So, what do we KNOW about Janet? (I’ll also touch on Jack, but only in scenes he appears with Janet.) 
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When Janet was first introduced she was depicted as a gentle but “modern” woman. This was written in 1989, told by a 13 year old Tim, so this theoretically was meant to take place in 1979. I’m not here to give a lecture on the history of sex discrimination in the united states, but much of the legislation protecting women in the workforce or surrounding women’s bodily autonomy would have been very very new in this initial depiction. 
Here, Janet is shown to be encouraging, emotional, maternal, and projects her own feelings onto Tim. Jack is shown to be slightly sexist, possibly discouraging, but not overbearing. And the artist is shown not to know how to draw children. 
To insert some speculation, I think it’s important to note all the Drakes witnessed a terrible murder/accident that day. I point this out, because this is the last time Jack and Janet are depicted this way. It’s possible they changed as a result of this event specifically. 
However, this is also a story being told by Tim. It’s also possible these events aren’t really “real” at all, and Tim is misremembering what his parents were like as a three-year-old, possibly projecting a more palatable version of his parents into the narrative. This is entirely up to personal interpretation. 
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In fact, the Drakes are shown in Legend of the Dark Knight attending Haly’s Circus, and the artist knows what a toddler looks like and they’re depicted as already having a slightly strained relationship. Jack is clearly on the defensive, and Janet seems to be passive-aggressive, though she could just be attempting to explain the situation to her toddler honestly. The intended tone isn’t especially clear. 
I do want to point out, in this depiction, Tim isn’t being carried like he was in the previous one. He’s walking ahead of his parents, which isn’t a terrible horrible crime, but could be dangerous in a crowded place like the circus. Might be a subtle hint to his parents overall neglect. 
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Back to A Lonely Place of Dying, in Tim’s memories of the night he discovered Robin and Dick Grayson were the same person at nine-years-old, his parents are home, and watching TV together while Tim played... trucks, idk, in the living room with them. (This is semi-interesting, because you could say “oh, Tim liked vehicle toys as a kid” or you could extrapolate that this is another subtle indication of Jack’s sexism, providing Tim with appropriately “boy toys.” Either interpretation is valid. If Tim was assigned female at birth, would they have been given “girl toys,” or allowed to play with whatever they wanted?) 
This is, to my knowledge, the only panel of the Drakes when Tim is between ages 3 and 13. They’re all together, which might indicate that the Drakes were home more often when Tim was 9, only later going on business trips when Tim was “old enough” but... 
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This is Tim’s boarding school when he’s 13. While most boarding schools in the US are for grades 9-12, Tim is clearly not a freshman at age 13; look how much younger the other kids in this panel are. In the US, the youngest you can attend most boarding schools is 7. 
That means Tim could have begun going to boarding school anytime between 7 and 13. He most likely spent all of middle school in boarding school, at least. There are an almost infinite number of possible ways the Drakes handled having a business that required lots of international travel, an archeology hobby, AND a very young child. Janet staying home until Tim was 7, 11, 13, is equally possible as the Drakes having a nanny until 7, 11, 13. Tim just doesn’t talk about that period of his life very much.
(”What about Mrs. Mac?” - it is unclear when Mrs. Mac begins working for the Drakes. We only see her when Jack comes out of his coma. She could either be a long standing staff member, or a recent hire.) 
Note: I’ve seen it said that it’s canon that “According to Tim, when his parents were home, they made a point to try and include him in their activities, bringing him along to events that were normally adults only.” I have never seen this panel, or I don’t remember it, so I cannot confirm, but I also cannot debunk this because... comics. 
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By the time Tim is 13, Jack and Janet are away on business trips a lot, with limited communication, and no firm return date. If I’m feeling generous, I’d say it was harder to communicate internationally in 1990 than it is today. If I’m not feeling generous, I’d say the Drakes are extremely wealthy, and international communication was easier than ever before in the 80s and 90s. They’re not even going home to see Tim in a week or two, they’re going home and calling Tim at boarding school in a week or two. 
Even Bruce thinks its weird, though he doesn’t say so to Tim’s face. It’s written almost as if Tim’s parents’ neglect was meant to be a plot point that just got forgotten about. 
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Tim’s parents are fighting at this point (their poor assistant), but Janet still goes with Jack on these business trips. And she’s clearly involved in the business, somehow, but the comics never SAY what Janet’s JOB is. We’re told Jack is the exec, but Janet is ONLY ever referred to as Jack’s wife, though they’re later described as the “heads” of the company, plural. 
Just to be clear, this is Jack’s business. There’s a perception that Jack is a bad business man because he and Janet fight over company decisions, and Jack looses the business after Janet dies, but Jack looses the company YEARS after Janet dies, and maintains it for about a year after No Man’s Land at that. We’re not told how Jack looses the business, but he’s got to be doing something right. Janet isn’t necessarily the “real brains” of Drake Industries. 
And I’m not... gonna... touch the... exploitation and racism because... I’m not qualified to do that. But, here’s the panel. The Drakes sure seem exploitative and racist in their business decisions. Someone else can... analyze that with more nuance. 
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Regardless how how long they’ve been fighting, when their lives are in danger, the Drakes fall back into a loving husband and wife. Their marriage may be falling apart, but they do care about each other. 
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I want to show these panels because it shows that Tim and Jack do have things in common. They’re both level headed in a crisis and can be somewhat cold in their practicality. Janet meanwhile and silent. Jack is later willing rant and rave at their captors, but Janet remains silent. 
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That is, until they’re alone, and she finally lets herself fall apart. 
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God, Jack can be obnoxious. Janet just looks miserable and resigned. I actually think Tim takes after his parents in this respect in equal measure. Tim can have a temper, but he can also be fairly melancholy and defeatist. 
Jack keeps reminding Janet to be strong and in control, which could be period typical sexism? But Jack seems so practiced and ready with the words of encouragement, and with Tim’s history with depression, I wonder if Janet has an inclination towards it as well. 
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As the end approaches, when Jack brings up Tim, Janet seems to have a lot of regret. She talks about “wasting” the good things, and I don’t think it’s too big of a stretch to assume she’s talking about time spent with her only child. 
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From this point on, Janet is at times spoken of, but not seen. Like here, when Jack says Janet wouldn’t approve of him and Tim being so “far apart.” He says this after he tells him he takes back his threat to send him back to boarding school, which might imply Janet was against the idea of boarding school? Though she obviously lost that argument when she was alive. 
Jack will of course renege on this later, but that’s Jack Drake for you. 
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Or here in Tim’s illness induced dream, where he gets everything he wants. Though, since this is a fantasy of Tim’s, where his father and girlfriend are both more accepting and understanding than they are in real life, I would take this depiction of Janet with a grain of salt. 
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After loosing Drake Industries, Jack thinks about Janet (though, they call her Catherine/Cathy for some fucking reason) during his depressive episode. And... uh... 
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Hallucinates a Valkyrie???? Is this symbolic of suicidal thoughts, or is she... real? Or is he seriously hallucinating? 
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Anyway, we’re not here to discuss Jack’s mental state, the fact that he forgot Tim’s birthday, or that concerning “I was going to knock some sense into you but you’re still bigger than me” statement from Tim, we’re here to talk about Janet. And even though this entire arc is about Jack mourning his first wife, they don’t SAY anything about Janet herself at all. I mean, they don’t even get her name right, so I guess what was I expecting. 
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Then there’s Origins and Omens, which also doesn’t say anything about Janet, except that Tim’s memory of her is faulty - Janet was poisoned, her assistant Jeremy’s throat was slit on television, but Tim seems to have conflated the death he did see with the death he didn’t. 
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The only piece of canon to suggest that Janet might be cold, is Tim compares her to Thalia. And even then, he’s really just saying Janet was protective of him. It’s kind of a scary look to make at your kid, but Bruce does the same thing, so. 
I do want to say... it’s not 100% clear if Tim is even talking about Janet. He could be talking about Dana. Dana was observably protective of Tim, though I don’t think he’s ever called her mom. He PROBABLY means Janet. 
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And finally we have Tim visiting his mother’s grave (in a duel Christian/Jewish cemetery, make of that what you will), where Tim says she was “a little religious.”
And that’s it! That is all we know about Janet Drake in New Earth. Hardly the Mom From Hell, but she isn’t perfect. I’d be interested in seeing some alternate depictions of her within the fandom. 
I’m still gonna eat up Terrible Parents From Hell like a starving puppy dog, though. Just some food for creative thought. 
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sif-the-tsunami · 3 years
Ok prompt! Sy is teaching you how to cook and maybe things get frisky ? 😁
Oooo I like this. Its not 100% on the nose but this is where the muse took me.
Did you want a novel? Because, I hope you like novels.
Warnings: chili with beans, sweet cornbread, swearing, smut
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"Listen hear, you chicken fried fuck. If you don't like my cooking, you are welcome to eat something else at the damn pot luck!" I snap at a grumpy retired soldier who was talking trash about my chili recipe. Like always. Whenever we have a party, he has to say something about how I'm dressed, what I brought, or the beer I was drinking.
"All I'm saying here, California, is that where I'm from we don't put beans in our chili. And don't get me started on this abomination you call cornbread. Why is it sweet, why are there vegetables in my bread?" He says in his drawl.
"Because honey and roasted jalapenos taste good together!"
"I guess. You don't need to fuss so much Princess, I'll gladly show you how to make real Texan food. Make some wife material out of you." He smirked. I think he knew he was getting under my skin.
"Come on, Sy, give her a break. Take a bite of her cornbread with the chili, they are delicious together." One of our mutual friends told him when he could see that I was not having any more of his attitude.
I walked away from the conversation, feeling incredibly salty. The man was Syverson, we had been in the same group of friends for the past couple years and honestly he was usually at least cordial with me, but the sheer audacity of his tone today. The rest of the party was really fun, at least. Occasionally, I would catch eyes the color of the ocean after a storm staring me down. He kept looking like he wanted to say something to me but I would find reasons to leave the room. Fortunately there was always a way to get out and around.
Towards the end of the evening, I go outside to enjoy the cooling air and watch the stars, listen to a couple of the guys from inside sit on the tailgate of a truck and talk about football or something. The breeze would kick up occasionally and I could smell an orange tree blooming in the distance.
"Hey, oh shit, I didn't mean to startle you." I jumped damn near out of my skin when the grump showed up out of nowhere. "I actually really wanted to say that I'm sorry, I can be a real asshole sometimes. You are usually more aware of it than others. I'm used to giving people a hard time. Your food was delicious. I just don't know how to talk to you sometimes."
I looked at the large man skeptically. I'm not used to people going from snarky to nice to me. "Thank you for apologizing. Glad you liked it, Chicken Fried. You can just talk to me like anyone else, I don't mind some teasing, but you just know how to push my buttons."
Sy looked at his feet for a moment. "I will be nicer to you, I promise."
"I'm sure." I had heard that before.
"I still think mines better," back to sounding arrogant already, "I am willing to bet that it would blow your mind."
"Do you really want to bet?"
"Yeah... sure. I'll bet you. If my chili it better than yours.... you have to go on a date with me."
"Is that how you get most of your dates these days? Tinder just isn't cutting it anymore?" I tease. He is actually kind of good looking. Sort of. If you are into that hand crafted by the gods kind of look. I'm not saying I am, but I could get the appeal.
"You'd be surprised. Most of the women I meet want to figure out what's wrong with me. Almost 40, never married, I have a job I like. They keep waiting for my skeletons to come out of the closet. Like shit, girl, I just don't like olives or sweet relish. I think I'm pretty cool otherwise." He said talking with his hands out stretched. I think he might have been being earnest with me, but his tone is almost always sarcastic.
"You were in the military, right?"
"That's what's wrong with you." The big man started laughing harder than I thought he would.
"Well, California. You up for it?"
"I don't know Chicken Fried, I don't like dating, I would really just like something casual, low maintenance. What happens when I win?"
"When?" He chuckles. "If you are looking for something casual and low maintenance, baby, there is a reason when I was still in the Army they called me Captain Cunnilingus."
"It sounds like either way you win." I smirk, "I would need a real incentive to try to beat you."
"How about bragging rights?"
"If I win... you shave your beard. Then I get to use your face as a chair." He looked shocked.
"Fine, when I win, you have to wear a dress on our date, and heels. Maybe even some of that shit you all put on your lips with the glitter and fruity flavors."
"Ok, now that's unreasonable. I don't even own heels."
"I'll buy you some." Well color me impressed. We decide on the terms of the bet. We would invite a couple of friends over to his place next Sunday and they would pick a winner with a blind taste test. We would also have one canned chili and one restaurant chili to make it a little more interesting.
Sunday came, and we all gathered in his house. This was the best batch of chili I have ever made. Fresh peppers, bacon, beer and some good quality beef all swam together in a symphony of flavors. When I walked into his house, the smell was... pungent. I could smell cooking vinegar. It wasn't bad but there was something just a little off putting.
"Glad you showed up, Princess." He looked me up and down. to surprise him just a little, I did show up in a dress. I figured a special occasion needed a special outfit.
I looked over at the big man as he took my slow cooker from my hands and plugged it in for me. To be fair to both of us, we had enough time to set up sides and toppings. I even baked more cornbread. Sy made his own savory cornbread that he pulled out of the oven in a cast iron skillet.
"It was my mama's." He told me when I asked about it.
"You bake also?"
"Sometimes, if the mood hits me. I like making peach cobbler too. If you are lucky, I'll make you some. Maybe after our date."
"So sure of yourself, Chicken Fried. I hope you got some good shaving cream and a new razor, you'll need it." In his kitchen, I lifted the hem of my sundress clear up to my naked hip showing him that I was ready to win this bet of ours. His pupils blew out with lust as he stepped up to me.
"Princess, you are a hell of a tease. I have wanted you so badly ever since the first time we met." He breathed, lusty and hot. He pinned me to the counter, radiating his desire. He bit his lip, looking me up and down, he looked like he wanted to kiss me or maybe consume me whole. Suddenly he pulls away, leaving me breathless. "We will have company soon. I need to walk this off, but I really do want to continue this conversation when we don't have to risk being interrupted."
Before anyone could walk in on us, Syverson rushed up to me and kissed me more passionately. My knees buckle for a second and its like I've been set on fire.
When our friends came into his house, he set up bowls, spoons, Fritos and cheese. He set up blind tastings for the guests, only he and I knew what everyone was eating.
The canned chili was a flop. The restaurant chili was a better batch but it wasn't as good. When our friends tasted my chili, they all keep saying how wonderful it was.
Then we tried Sy's. Everyone was quiet for a moment and then the group started to try to figure out what it was about the chili that we didn't like. It was too sweet as far as I was concerned and there was a weird aftertaste. It was an overwhelming agreement that Sy's chili was terrible. After we cleaned up his kitchen, Sy was pouting about having lost.
"So, when would you like for me to shave my beard?"
"Maybe later tonight. I think we have to finish that conversation we started earlier."
"Oh yeah, California?" He said, standing close to me. He grabbed me by my hips and lifted me to the counter top. I lace my fingers through his beard hair and pull him closer so I can finally kiss him again. He broke away from the kiss and then started nibbling on my neck. His hand found the seem of my dress and he slid his hand up my thigh. When my skirt was pushed up to my hips exposing my sex to him, he leaned me back. I watched him look at my core and lick his lips like a man starved.
"Wait a second. Before you start, what was going on with your chili? Did you throw the bet?"
"No, not at all." He looked at me confused. "I don't know what happened, I've made this a bunch of times and its always been good. This was terrible."
"Did you do anything different?"
"Well. I was out of tomato paste, so I used ketchup. A buddy of mine suggested it."
"Oh my god, Sy. No wonder! Thank god you are pretty, my guy." I tease.
"Your guy? I like the way that sounds. Now lean back, Princess. I'm going to try to convince you to let me not shave."
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queenshelby · 3 years
Roommates – Part Two
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Words: 2,363
Warning: Smut
Note: This plays in 2020.
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Three days had passed and your new little toy had become your new lockdown obsession. You never had an orgasm so strong and your two best female friends thought that it was rather amusing when you told them about it over a glass of wine.
Every Tuesday evening, you skyped with Laura and Elenore in your room for at least an hour while enjoying some alcoholic beverages and tonight was no different.
But, since living with Cillian and following his breakup with Laura, you had to be careful about what you were saying as you didn’t want to upset either of them.
Laura clearly wasn’t over the breakup and continuously asked you about Cillian, finding it somewhat strange that you were living together and, whilst you assured her that you were not interested in Cillian, she struggled to believe you.
You hadn’t told Laura about Cillian’s hook ups with Lindsay and made it clear to both of her and Cillian that you weren’t going to discuss their respective private lives with the other and would appreciate if they were going to accept your position in this regard.
Whilst Cillian did, Laura sometimes couldn’t help herself and dwelled on about how she missed Cillian. Clearly, she was still in love with him and, whilst you reminded her that you aren’t a messenger between him and her, you were quite willing to listen to her and provide emotional support as a friend.
When, however, the topic of intimacy came up in your conversations, you couldn’t help but cringe.
According to Laura, he was quite a devil in the bedroom department and you felt as though your wanted your ears to explode every time Laura brought up specifics.
This, again, happened tonight when your sex toy recommendation turned into something else entirely and you learned that you missed out on so many things with James.
According to your friends, what you and him used to get up to was quite ordinary and you learned that your best friend and roommate was much more adventurous than your ex-fiancé.
‘You did not have sex at the theatre…oh my god’ you said in disbelieve when Laura told you one of the many stories in which you learned that Cillian had quite a thing for risky public relations with his female partners.
‘Who would have thought huh? He seems all so quiet and shy, but he really isn’t’ Laura confirmed, making you to take a rather large sip from your glass of wine.
‘Apparently so’ you then giggled before you also learned that your new house mate was hiding some things in the basement.  
‘Common, you’ve been living there for three months now and you never wondered what the hooks in the ceiling of the basement are for?’ Laura then asked and you couldn’t help but choke on your wine. A sex swing perhaps, you now wondered?
‘I think I have heard enough, thanks. Can we please change the topic?’ you asked somewhat embarrassed but, it wasn’t the fact that you learned these kinky facts about Cillian which embarrassed you. Rather, it was the fact that you got aroused by the thought of him doing those things. This, in turn, made you uncomfortable and you didn’t like that you were fantasising about him in any way at all.
You even had started to have dreams about Cillian over the past few days, causing you to wake up aroused and wet and forcing you to seek relief. You never felt like this about him before and you wondered why this was happening now.
Was it the fact that you saw him every day, sometimes even half naked as he carelessly moved through the house? Was it because you were bored and sex deprived? Or was it because your bond had become stronger after he helped you and supported you through your break up?
You didn’t know what it was that caused you to have these thoughts about him but you noticed that they had become more prominent and you found yourself looking at his body more frequently when you were around each other.
But you weren’t the only one checking out their roommate. Cillian quite obviously did the same.
It was Wednesday morning that he came back from doing the grocery shopping as you were in the kitchen, dancing and making pizza dough.
You didn’t even notice Cillian walking in as you shook your booty to some loud music while giving the dough a good workout.
Wearing nothing but a cotton singlet and cotton briefs, you were twirling around the kitchen just you twirled around the dough. Your top wad covered in flour and so was your hair and face.
Cillian’s chin dropped and inhaled sharply before putting down the shopping bags.
‘Having fun there?’ he asked, startling you and making you drop one of the empty plastic bowls.
‘Absolutely’ you smiled before bending down in front of him and he couldn’t help but wonder how far your tattoo on your right thigh extended upwards.
Whilst Cillian put away the groceries, you finished preparing the dough and set aside to rise before cleaning the mess you had made.
‘I am going out with the dog shortly, do you want to come?’ you asked but Cillian declined your offer.
There was something else he needed to do.
Knowing that you had left the house, Cillian made his way to the basement.
‘This is ridiculous’ he said to himself as, once again, his erect cock was straining against his tight jeans after he saw you dancing around in the kitchen.
There was something about you like this, in your black cotton panties and your black singlet, messy hair and your top covered with white dust from the flour moving to the beat of “Touched” by Part Human. Your nipple piercings were clearly visible through the thin top and the tattoo on your upper thigh was barely covered.
It wasn’t even the kind of music he liked, nor did he like tattoos or piercings on women. He didn’t want you. Or did he? He wasn’t so sure anymore but, what he did know, was that he needed to get off yet again.
Opening up his laptop he was quick to flash up the internet, but it wasn’t a porn website which he decided to visit. To the contrary, Cillian felt the need to listen to this very same song again, picturing you in his head, dancing and slowly loosing the little amount of clothes you were wearing.
He placed a towel onto the large office chair in front of his desk and, after sitting down, Cillian unzipped his jeans and pulled them down slightly, releasing his raging erection. He leaned back against the chair comfortably, closed his eyes and caressed his shaft gently.
Using an open hand, he massaged his cock and balls at the same time while imaging you, dancing for him. There was no time for guilt as every stroke of his hand sent a shiver down his spine and every exhalation released tension from his already throbbing cock.
Cillian then used his other hand to move upwards and with a lick of the forefinger, massaged the back of his bulging head, much like the way you tease a wooden clit.
But it was no longer his hands he imagined stroking him, it were yours instead and he squirmed under the overwhelming pressure of anticipation. Panting and short of breath, Cillian opened his eyes like one waking from a nightmare.
It didn’t quite feel right just yet and he quickly reached into one of the draws in his study desk and retrieved a tube of cherry flavoured lube which Laura had bought back in time. Cillian squirted the lube directly down his pulsing shaft and some of it ran over his tight balls and down into his clenching ass. The lube was cold but soothing and the scent of cherry-scented lube filled the room.
Cillian spread the lube all over his shaft with his right hand and began stroking, up and down, slowly at first and then increasing in speed. The sensation of it trickling down his ass arched his back, making his breath seize up.
The thought of you stroking him occupied his mind as he continued to stroke. He was sweating now, panting and wanting more. He could feel the surge through his testicles as he continued to rub his shaft and tease his balls.
His body lurched. Mouth open. Eyes closed. There was a surge of pre-cum, running across his thumb and, in his mind, he imagined you licking it off with your pierced tongue.
Then, finally, the roll of cum began as he continued to stroke his cock hard and fast. The orgasm was building, muscles contracting. Cillian’s cock was hard as a rock. One frantic gasp for air and release.
With a loud groan, Cillian came hard and his seed landed all over his upper thighs and the towel beneath him while his cock continued to throb and pulse in his hand. Cillian squeezed the last of his cum from his shaft with a final groan and, just as he did, he heard a voice in the doorway.
‘Oh my god, fuck’ you said with total embarrassment as you quickly turned around when you realised what you had just witnessed.
‘Fuck, Y/N, Jesus’ Cillian shouted out, cheeks flushing red.
‘I am so sorry Cillian. Please tell me when you are decent, alright’ you chuckled while Cillian quickly wiped his cum off his thighs with the towel and pulled up his jeans.
‘I am decent’ Cillian huffed out rather embarrassed and you turned around with a wide grin on your face.
‘Listen Y/N, this…’ Cillian began to say but you immediately interrupted him.
‘Cilly, there is no need to explain, really. We all have needs and its not that I haven’t seen your manhood before. In fact, most of the world has, although maybe not in an erect state’ you chuckled, thinking back at 28 Days Later.
‘I thought you were out with the dog, so, uhm…you know…’ Cillian barely managed to say.
‘I forgot the doggy bags and came down here to ask you where they were’ you eventually said and Cillian got up and showed you where he had put them.
‘Right, thanks, I am going now, see you later’ you then said before commenting on his choice of music to masturbate to which, of course, embarrassed Cillian even more.
For the remainder of the day, you couldn’t get Cillian out of your mind. The picture of him masturbating was stuck in your mind and so was the picture of his hard cock and cum covered thighs.
There was no way you could go to sleep like this and you pondered on about what Laura told you and how dirty minded this man really was.
From light BDSM to anal sex, you were certainly turned on and you were feeling ashamed about it. He was your best friend for god sake and yet all you could think about was his hard cock.
With those thoughts running through your mind, you reached for your other more conventional vibrator and lay back and open your legs as wide as they will go before placing the tip of your vibrator at the entrance to your dripping pussy.
Whilst you felt guilty about it, you imagined it be Cillian’s hard and glistening cock instead of your vibrator, pausing for just a moment before gliding it home.
‘Fuck’ you whispered, unable to keep completely silent, and began sliding the vibrator in and out of you. The fullness felt amazing and you loved it but you couldn’t get enough. You were aching for more, for Cillian’s warm skin on yours instead of the hollow air and the cold vibrator in between your legs.
But your mind went even further than that, imagining the cum you had seen on Cillian’s thighs inside of your pussy, filling you and dripping out of you slowly. You even wondered what his cum would taste like and feel like in your mouth as you began pleasuring yourself harder and faster.
You were desperate now, your eyes closed, picturing your best friend making love to you. Imaging that this is him slamming himself into you over and over as he tells you that you are his. It's almost too much, but at the same time not enough.
You stopped for a moment and pull the toy out suddenly, almost cumming as you did. Quickly you reached down with your left hand and used your fingers to dip them inside, soaking them in your juices. You began pumping the vibrator into you slipping and sliding over and over in a constant motion. Fucking yourself faster, harder in desperate need.
Your left hand had also increased in speed, furiously drawing circles around your twitching swollen clit and, after only a few seconds you explode without making a sound.
The explosion was overpowering from waves of pleasure from inside you coming out and along every inch of your skin. They started before the last one ended, rippling forever upwards throughout your whole body.
Your clit suddenly too sensitive that you had to remove your fingers gently and bask in the glory of it. But, it only took a moment for the guilt to set in.
You knew you had to do something about this but, with new COVID restrictions having been introduced, you knew that you were stuck for now. You wouldn’t be going anywhere and all you could do is distract yourself from your filthy thoughts about your closest friend.
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jujutsu-headcanons · 4 years
Gojo Satoru general headcanons
Let's get one thing clear: this man is absolutely chaotic. He is always full of energy. His energy levels never reach below 50%. He is loud and proud, always running, and never takes a minute to relax.
Do not give him Monster. Shoko did that once and it took her forever to get him off the ceiling. Also, avoid caffeine. Shoko replaces his normal coffee with decaf and he still hasn't noticed the difference. Keep it that way.
He was the class clown when he was younger. He wasn't exactly a trouble maker, but he may as well be. I cannot word that sentence and I am sorry. Next.
All of his teachers assumed he never listened in class, so they always called in him when they thought he wasn't paying attention. It still shocked them every time he rattled off the correct answer.
Not only did he answer the question correctly, but he could also explain his reasoning behind the answer, and if it was multiple choice, explain why the other answers were wrong. 
This tall man child would march up to the board and absolutely fill it to the brim with work, turn around, drop the chalk-like a mic drop and walk back to his desk with the smuggest look on his face.
That doesn't mean he did the work tho
Idk how schools in japan work but we all know schools in America only care about the amount of work you do and not what you actually know so we'll use that for the sake of the headcanon: he had straight D's bc he never turned in his work
Despite not doing the work snd goofing off, teachers actually really liked him
A lot of people liked him and he was super popular, but he still felt alone
Fake friends, you know how that works, he didn't meet any real friends until he became a shaman
Clean freak. This dude actually makes his bed. He scrubs his bathroom twice a week. His desk can get cluttered but he straightens up once a week. He's not exactly a germaphobe because
He cannot respect your personal space and that's actually canon but let me take it a step further 
He's a slapper. Especially when he laughs. It doesn't hurt, it's playful dw. He hugs you from behind especially when he's cold. He picks you up and carries you around. He will grab your wrist, arm, or hand and lead you around even if you're following him. He lays his legs across you or lays across your lap. Puts his head on your shoulder. Platonic cuddling between friends is mandatory. He's just so hands-on it's ridiculous.
Unless you explicitly tell him you're uncomfortable he won't stop
Don't worry, if you aren't in that type of relationship, your no-no square is safe. Except, if you seem chill, he will slap your ass regardless of friendship status. His ass is also slappable. You can't tell me Geto and Gojo didn't run around slapping each other asses, okay
He was weird and scrawny as a child. He didn't start beefing out until he started training to be a shaman and he's still kinda smaller than most beefy boys
He can pick you up and throw you around easily. He carried around a 170 pound Yuji like a sack of potatoes and can easily carry around three times that weight
It's amazing he's so tiny because you remember 2014 Shane Dawson making all of those wack ass desserts that was just s pile of chaos wrapped in chocolate?
He can eat every last bite of one of those monstrosities without getting a stomach ache, gaining weight, or dying basically
He knows bc Yuji dared him to do it
He has really cold hands and feet
He sounds old. Let me elaborate. He's constantly cracking his joints. They also creak when he moves. He complains about body pains like he's 80 y/o
He also shares wisdom with the kids as if he's actually 80 y/o
It's irrelevant advice that doesn't make sense but is also useful. Megumi can't count the number of times he's asked Gojo for feedback on his technique but had been told to remember to chew 40 times or never go to bed angry
Starts off sentences with "now son" and "when I was your age"
He uses his blindfold as a headband when he wants his hair out of his face. He also uses headbands as... Headbands... When he wants to wear sunglasses but get his hair out of his face
He owns so many pairs of sunglasses but he always wears the same pair
He's only bought a handful of them himself, most of them are gifts
No one knows what to get him for Christmas or his birthday bc he has everything, so they resort to sunglasses
His favorite pair is a pair that Shoko and Geto bought him as a gag. He thought they were dead serious, though, so he wore them around for a month
They were heart-shaped, rose-tinted glasses
Can you believe this man doesn't use any gel or anything to keep his hair spiky with the blindfold on? It just naturally defies gravity when the blindfold is on
Tell this man he's pretty because he already knows. He's narcissistic but not the cringy kind
Photogenic as hell. Takes great pictures from any angle. 
He gives everyone a different story as to why he covers his eyes. Sometimes he says it's because his eyes are too pretty and are a distraction. Sometimes he says it's because the sunglasses/bandages/blindfold look cooler than his eyes. Sometimes he says it's to protect the six eyes from seeing things he doesn't want to see. The world may never know
He's tried covering his whole face before, but he thinks he's too pretty for that. He at least wants one of his many amazing features to be shown at all times.
So about his driver's license;
He knows how to drive. He can be a good driver. When he wants to be. He just doesn't have a driver's license.
Now he TELLS people he just never got around to getting one, however, there's a rumor he lost it due to too many parking tickets
It's amazing the only tickets he's ever gotten have been from that and once he got caught without a seatbelt; he would have gotten out of that one if he hadn't been flirting with the police officer so bad
This doesn't stop Gojo from driving places though
He steals Ijichi's car a LOT and Ijichi DOESN'T KNOW HOW like??? The windows are never broken and it doesn't look hotwired-
Gojo has a key
You're not even supposed to be able to duplicate car keys but Gojo did 
Also; none of the first-year trio knows he doesn't have a driver's license, though that much should be painfully obvious
He whips around corners, speeds up at yellow lights, goes "watch this" and does a donut, it's just a mess
The poor students have to sit in the backseat too. Just imagine Megumi with all three seatbelts around him like that one meme.
He thrives off of Nobara and Yuji screaming from the backseat, and he can see Megumi being smooshed because he thought the middle seat was the safest through the rearview mirror
Which he doesn't even need because of the six eyes
Despite being such a reckless driver, he knows when danger will happen, so he's never once gotten in a wreck
He blasts the radio, which makes up for the driving.
Has a habit of getting in a car and ending up in the McDonalds drive-thru
Steals other people's fries and keeps the fullest one for himself.
He was rebellious as a kid and teenager, but hey, at least his juvie record is sealed 
He's been detained and in the back of a cop car many times, but the reason was never really bad enough for him to be arrested. Mostly he's just being mouthy. And the time he got caught spray painting on the side of a building. And that one time he and Getou hopped the fence to get into the local pool. And that other time-
It got worse after Getou wasn't around to get him out of trouble. Suddenly, breaking the rules wasn't fun anymore and he mellowed out. 
Tried alcohol and cigarettes before he was legal. Decided neither was his thing, however, he did start drinking occasionally when he was legal.
He's a fucking chaotic drunk. Oh my god he's absolutely feral
Most bars in the vicinity know him by name and they sigh whenever he walks in
Shoko is his emergency contact. She hates it
Shoko has to drag drunk Gojo home at least twice a month and is not happy about it
Once she left him in an alley. He made it home okay so she guesses it's fine
Once he got so drunk he spilled beer on his sock. The thought the fastest way to dry them was by sticking them in the microwave. Forgot about it until someone asked, "Who the fuck is cooking socks???"
I feel it important he was in the break room of the local grocery store and no one knows how he got there
As he was escorted out he stole a grocery cart and rode away in it while singing Don't Threaten Me (With A Good Time) by Panic! At The Disco
He has no alcohol tolerance at all what so ever
He will literally just stare at you and giggle
It's funny he's really flirty but also doesn't seal the deal. Literally, every woman in that bar is willing to get in his bed but he declines every offer. No one knows why
Its because he respects women
He helps his students break the rules as long as they're within reason. Once night Yuji was really hungry and after having a temper tantrum he couldn't order Uber eats bc the school is supposed to be secret Gojo helped sneak him out to get food. Who needs curfew anyway.
The shirts in his closet range from like twenty bucks to the iconic rich bitch shirt the kids ruined in that one chapter we all know the one 
He still wears that by the way, he calls it "art" 
When he was younger, Megumi drew a picture of Gojo being eaten by his shadow dogs. Gojo found it and now it's framed in his room.
He keeps up with current trends and memes like no one's business. This is how he bonds with his kids.
Don't call him old, but also, he'll tell you to respect your elders it's a mess
He has a lot of games on his phone. You can usually find him holding his phone sideways playing some RPG game he probably spent too much money on 
He did hop on the Pokemon Go hype train but after becoming overpowered he got bored
This happens to a lot of games. He pays way too much money, gets to be the strongest in the server, and gets bored
He likes games where you can kill other people's troops and likes to watch as they lose all their power
I canon him as being borderline sadistic
This is why he's Sakata Gintoki reincarnated
White hair, sweet tooth, black leather clothes, dad vibes, never takes anything seriously bc when he does he's scary as fuck, the works.
He is Sakata Gintoki
He liked Gintama growing up. He watched a lot of iconic shows as they aired. He considers himself an og
He's hella bilingual
Because he's the strongest he goes overseas for missions a lot. Because of this he speaks a lot of languages and knows a lot about international cuisine 
He takes pictures of himself eating disgusting foods like snails. He never likes them but he loves the idea of Nobara gagging back in japan
Has paperwork sitting untouched on his desk from three months ago that he will not touch for at least another three months
Does the crossword puzzles in the newspaper every week
Uses humor as a coping mechanism and it honestly just became a personality
Constantly popping his joints. I'm sorry if you find this gross I too find it gross.
Probably brought home every stray animal he ever met ever until he was at least like 22 y/o
Tags: @wasabito @kittaliapenn
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lubdubsworld · 3 years
Insatiable ( Jungkook x OC) Chapter 2
Pairing : Jeon Jungkook x OC
Rating 18+
Genre : Vampire Au!!!! , DILF! Jungkook ! Bodyguard AU! Babysitter OC!   Age difference!!! [ bet you’ve never seen all of this in one fic before? ]
[ Some notes : Born Vampires stop aging when they turn twenty five.  Turned vampires stop aging when they’re turned. ]
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
“You alright?” Somi asked gently, watching me fling  my backpack into the corner of the room with enough force to dislodge one of the wooden panels on the wall, the shelf crashing and bringing down the two potted plants on it. The sound of ceramic shattering made me wince, regret churning in my stomach. 
“Yeah...yeah. Oh, God. I’m so sorry, Somi.. I broke your pots-”
“Never mind the pots...why do you look so upset? Have you been crying?” She demanded , reaching for me, hands curling around my wrists and drawing me into a hug and I swallowed, my throat dry and eyes swollen from all the tears that I’d wrung out of them. 
Outside the room, Namjoon stood guard, at the door and I felt guilty remembering how the past three hours had gone. 
After confronting Jungkook, I’d stormed off in righteous indignation and poor Namjoon had been forced to follow. 
He had kept a discreet distance as I climbed to the tallest ridge on the roof, scaling the gables with ease and I knew he had been terrified at the prospect of me falling. 
Immortal or not a three hundred foot drop to the ground would be something that would hurt.
And it was my bodyguard’s job to make sure I did not get hurt. 
When he wasn’t busy fucking other women that is. 
I gripped my sister harder, fingers curling into the fir of her coat as I tried to catch my bearing. 
“Do you know Helena?” I whispered, pulling away to look at her. Somi’s face fell,eyes filling with sympathy.
“Oh, no. Was she here?” She asked gently, reaching out and cupping my cheeks and my lips wobbled. 
“Why didn’t you warn me that he was in a relationship?” my voice shook and Somi shook her head. 
“He’s not!! God, Helena doesn’t do relationships. Jungkook and her.... well, I’m not sure but they’re just fuck buddies..... barely that. You know she’s from the Kim clan right? Those bloodsuckers never settle for one partner. “ She muttered. 
I stared at her.
“He called me a child and then told me he’ll tell dad if i try to make a move on him.” I whispered. 
Somi flinched.
“It was humiliating and painful and I don’t ever want to think about it, ever again.” I muttered. 
She sighed. 
“It’s not like you don’t have men dying for a glance from you, Sera. You forget that you’re literally the most beautiful woman in the clan. If he rejects you, you’re definitely not the one missing out in that equation.” 
I nodded, misery seeping into me. My sob-fest on the roof hadn’t been wasted. I was angry at first but now, a sort of resigned acceptance had taken the place of my anger. 
 The look on Jungkook’s face had been too real, the emotion behind his rejection too potent for me to get over. I wasn’t sure I could change his mind.
Wasn’t even sure if I wanted to. 
“Was he very hurtful ? You know, if you tell dad, he’ll hire someone else and-”
“No.” I said immediately. “ I won’t do that. It’s not his fault, it’s minge. I acted out like a...well a child to be honest. He doesn’t owe me anything and he’s always been obvious in his disinterest. I was just too blinded my own attraction to consider that it wasn’t reciprocated.” I grimaced. 
God, I’d been an idiot and Jungkook’s words had knocked some good sense into my head. But I did care for him and his son and they needed this job. I wouldn’t put his job in jeopardy just because I didn’t get my way. 
I was better than that.
“Alright... Dad wanted to meet you for breakfast tomorrow.... He sounded serious. Do you know what that’s about?”
I groaned, when I remembered the reason my dad wanted to see me these days. 
“Dad wants me to start meeting men now. He thinks I’m old enough now that i’ve turned 21. He’s been badgering me for a whole entire month but I kept putting him off because of...well, because of Jungkook.” I admitted. 
Somi looked worried.
“You want to ? If you don’t we can talk to dad and-”
“No-” I shook my head.” I’m just gonna agree.” 
Somi looked surprised.
“Are you sure? Sera you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to-”
I smiled weakly. 
“I’m not going to be allowed to stay single forever Somi. Especially not when the entirety of dad’s day is spent trying to chase suitors away from the door. Do you know the Count from Jeju Do...dude’s a whole seven centuries old and he looks like a toad. He apparently tried to ask about me and Dad’s been freaking out.  “ I shuddered. 
Somi laughed.
“ That’s what you get for being you. But dad’s right. Keeping you away from everyone is only inviting more interest. And we don’t want you to be with someone insufferable.” She ruffled my hair and I hugged her again sighing into her shoulders.
No I didn’t want to be with someone who just saw me as some kind of a possession to be owned. I wanted someone nice and kind. A handsome man who did the right thing .  Someone who maybe, worked hard to give his kid a safe and protected life, someone who didn’t shun away from hard work and was a gentleman as well. 
Someone like-
“Someone other than Jungkook.” Somi said gently reading my mind. 
“I really liked him.” I whispered softly, feeling tears spring again. 
God, I thought I was all out of tears for Jeon Jung Kook but apparently I was wrong. 
I took extra care with my makeup the next morning, because my father usually had a ton of business meetings during his breakfast. I didn’t usually bother but , I was going to agree to his suggestions today and well, nothing wrong in delighting my father. And nothing made him happier than seeing me prance about  with pretty feminine clothes . 
My dad, for all his jovial cheerful air, loved his position as the head of the Hwang clan. And as his most prized possession , I was the apple of his eye. And while he didn’t treat me as an object or anything ( my dad loved me deeply and his affection was always evident. ) , there was no mistaking the fact that my dad enjoyed the power that came with being my guardian. Powerful men were willing to bend to his will, just for a chance to be with me. 
I sound insufferable, don’t I?
Trust me I’m not. 
The vampires that court me are usually assholes. Entitled, brain dead assholes .  When I opened the door in the morning, dressed in a short summer dress and ready to meet my dad, I was surprised to see Jungkook standing guard outside. He straightened away from the wall where he was fiddling with his phone, his gaze flitting to me, eyes cold and blank. 
I bowed lightly, not smiling.
“Mr. Jeon. I have a breakfast date with my father and then I’ll be heading to the cottage. I’m also meeting a friend of mine at the Art Museum in the evening so i’ll need the Mercedes brought around to pick me up maybe at 5.00PM.” I said briskly, glancing at him. 
My face flamed red when I noticed his gaze, fixed steadily on my ass. I cleared my throat angrily and his eyes met mine, a slow lazy grin playing around his mouth. 
“You look different.” He commented , shamelessly giving me another once over. 
The nerve. 
I swallowed, willing myself not to blush harder.
“I’m sure I don’t know what you mean.” 
He chuckled.
“That dress barely covers your butt, angel. You sure you want to head to daddy dearest, dressed like that?” The way he said daddy made my skin heat up. 
I felt my jaw come unhinged. 
“That’s...that is none of your damn business.” I said shrilly.
He gave me another once over.
“Okay, then. If that’s what you’re into...fine. Let’s go.” 
Gritting my teeth, i tried to keep my face neutral. I would not give him the satisfaction of knowing that he got to me. I would not. 
I walked ahead of him , my fists clenched and my jaw tight and I felt incredibly upset because the day had barely begun and I was already wound tight. I was supposed to be relaxed and clear headed while talking to my father but Jeon Jungkook had muddled my brains as usual. 
I took deep breaths, trying to calm myself down. 
“Sera, wait.” His voice made me pause and I stopped, turning around to glare at him.
“What?” I snapped. 
He sighed, deeply. I watched as he ran his hands through his hair, tongue pressing into his cheek the way it did when he was upset. 
“About last night-”
I felt my pulse quicken. 
“I don’t wanna talk about it!” I said quickly, turning back around to leave but his fingers came around my arm, gripping hard . 
“Well tough luck. Because I do!” He said sharply. 
I whimpered, pain blooming up my arm and he swore, loosening his grip.
“I keep forgetting you’re human.” He muttered, “ I’m sorry... I just... I wanted to apologize for how i handled things last night. I was twenty once and I should have been more understanding.”
I closed my eyes. Oh, God no. Please, please for the love of God, let me hate you in peace. Don’t apologize and make me fall in love all over again.
“Its fine.” I choked out. “ You were right. I was out of line.”
“You deserve better.” He said quickly, eyes flitting away from my face and I felt a sharp pang in my heart. God , this was agonizing. 
“It’s just that you’re...well you know who you are. You can’t be with ...someone like me and trust me you don’t want to be with someone like me either. I know its appealing, the whole illusion of stability. older man, has a kid, has his life together .....but that’s not all it means .” He gave me a tired smile.
I bit my lips, ot replying and he went on. 
 “ I have baggage, a shit ton of it and I would have to be especially cruel to unload something like that on a girl barely out of her teens. I’ve done shit I’m not proud of ,....but ruining your life, I’m gonna draw the line there.” He smiled , looking a whole decade younger and I closed my eyes.
I was back to square one, I thought miserably. He had my whole heart. 
“ So we’re good right?” He prompted and I exhaled, giving him a smile.
“We’re good.”
“That’s good. Because my son loves you and I would rather we be friends. You’re just like a daughter to me. ” He touched my face gently, pulling away at once, the small contact leaving fire in its wake and I had to clench my fists . 
A daughter?!! Is he out of his damned mind? 
“Let’s go then.”
“Jungkook, please sit down. You’re like my son and I don’t want you hovering like you’re part of the backdrop. I’ve trusted you with my entire life.” My father beamed, pointing at me and i laughed. 
Jungkook bowed respectfully, taking the chair next to me. 
“How are you , my buttercup?” My father asked softly, fingers gripping mine and I smiled.
“I’m well, father. Do you like my dress?” 
Next to me Jungkook coughed and I shot him a dirty look. 
“It looks ravishing on you. The prettiest flower in my estate is my daughter, do you agree Jungkook?” My father prompted and I swallowed the smirk that threatened. 
Poor Jungkook was going to learn that being my bodyguard meant singing my praises twenty four seven or at least anytime my father was in hearing distance. 
“Uh..” Jungkook’s eyes flitted between the two of us, “ Yes sir. Your daughter is quite lovely.” 
I beamed at him and he looked away quickly. 
Turning back to my dad I held my hand out. 
“DAd, you wanted to see me about something?”
“Yes dearest. You know the Kim clan’s matriarch has been after me. Three of her great great great grandsons have come of age recently. And all three of them are set to take over some very lucrative businesses. They are good men and apparently they’re quite smitten with you. They say you know of them from school?”
I sighed.
“Do you know their names?” I prompted.
“Mingyu, Minjae and Yugyeom.” My father said briskly. 
 “ They’ve asked me out before, yes.” 
“Uh..Excuse me.. Could I get a refill?” Jungkook said quietly next to me and i turned, watching him wave to one of the footmen. 
“Jungkook, are you thirsty?” My father asked brightly. 
An idea formed in my head, wicked and dangerous. 
“Perhaps, he should get a taste of the Hwang Elixir?” I said innocently. 
My father’s gaze snapped to mine. 
A small frown made its way to his face. 
“Are you sure? I’m not sure if Jungkook would be comfortable-”
I turned to him, purposely flipping my long hair off my shoulders exposing my throat . Jungkook’s eyes went to the curve of my neck at once and i felt a sick sort of triumph when his eyes flashed red.
“Oh, no no...” I crooned, leaning in closer. “ I’m sure you aren’t uncomfortable , are you Jungkook ssi? After all, I am just like a daughter to you , aren’t I?” I stared right at him, fluttering my lashes and I saw his jaw clench. 
“Of course, Ms. Hwang.” He said briskly, glaring at me. I played with the small gold chain around my neck, letting my fingers flutter over my pulse , drawing his gaze there.
“Well, that is true ...” My father looked uncertain, but I gave him a gentle nod and a smile. 
“Well, as a special guest, I suppose you can enjoy our hospitality , Jeon. Why don’t you take a drink from -”
I moved closer, pressing up against him and Jungkook sighed, lips closing over my neck, and I felt my eyes flutter shut at the wet warmth of his mouth . 
It was intoxicating, the way he used one hand to grip my neck gently, the other on my waist to steady me and when his fangs pierced through, I could sense the warm liquid flood his mouth and Jungkook’s entire body relaxed, a strangled moan escaping him. 
“---my daughter’s wrist.” My father finished and I felt Jungkook stiffen next to me. 
This time I couldn’t stop the grin that bloomed on my face. 
My eyes dropped to his lap and yup, his pants definitely looked a tad tighter. 
“Did I do good, Mr Jeon? Or should I call you daddy? ” I whispered quietly , fluttering my lashes at him and his fangs retracted and he pulled away from me, shoving me back into my own chair quickly. 
My father was slightly slack jawed. 
“I’m sorry, Mr. Hwang. “ Jungkook muttered and I laughed.
“I do believe it is I whom you should be apologizing to. It is  my  neck you just mauled. ” I smiled brightly staring at Jungkook and if looks could kill, I would have a thousand wooden stakes through my heart right about now. ‘
Take that Mr. Jeon. 
Daughter, my ass. 
“My apologies , Sera.” He said stiffly. 
My father laughed raucously.
“Ahh, you must be used to the neck, my dear boy. understandable understandable. it is how we used to do it in the old days, after all . These younglings with all their etiquette and feminism and what not....it’s hard to keep up..... But now you must tell me? Is my daughter not the sweetest you’ve ever had?” 
I choked, coughing. Oh God, sometimes my 900 year old father had no idea how he sounded. 
Jungkook looked like he had swallowed a lemon. 
“She’s certainly ...” He stopped, probably realizing that any adjective at the end of that sentence would sound entirely wrong. 
“Delicious?” I prompted, blinking innocently and Jungkook shot me another glare. 
“Well, nevermind nevermind. .... So, tell me dearest, will you be willing to meet the Kim boys?”
I sighed.
“I like Yugyeom. I cannot stand Minjae. I don’t know enough about Mingyu to make any judgement. How about I meet Mingyu and if I don’t hit it off with him, I will allow Yugyeom to court me....” I said softly.
I glanced at Jungkook but he was studiously looking away. 
“Very well my dear. Do you have any plans today?”
“I’m meeting a friend at the museum.”
My father’s eyes widened.
“Well isn’t that a wonderful coincidence. Mingyu's law firm is just a block away if I’m not mistaken. I’ll ask the boy to pick you up afterwards. Have dinner with him and you can tell me tonight of your choice.” My father smiled briskly.
“Yes, father.” 
“Jungkook..” My father prompted and the vampire glanced up.
“Yes, sir?”
“Take good care of her. At the restaurant, make sure you stay at hearing distance. “ 
“Yes sir.” Jungkook bowed and I groaned. 
In other words, let my father know if I behaved appropriately. 
i pouted and my father waggled his finger at me.
“No, no no.. Missy. I’m going to make sure you keep your end of the bargain . You need to give these men a proper chance before you reject them. “ 
I nodded.
“And you must ask Either Somi or Seolhyun to dress you. No jeans or one of those ridiculous gowns that make you look like a pastry.”
There was no mistaking the snort that came from my right and i glared at Jungkook before turning to my dad.
“Yes, father.” 
“Good, now run along the pair of you. “
I stood up, kissing my father fondly on his forehead.
“I love you.” I whispered. 
“You are my whole entire joy, dearest. “ He kissed my hand gently, eyes warm and soft.
As we left the room, Jungkook let out a sigh.
“I am never having a meal with you two again.” He ground out and I laughed. 
“Anything you say, daddy.” I grinned. 
Jungkook groaned. 
As luck would have it,  my friend cancelled . 
So at six the evening, I finished locking up the cottage as the last of the kids left, fumbling with the lock while a tired Joo Won napped in his father’s arms, head resting on Jungkook’s shoulders. I felt myself soften at the picture they made, Jungkook singing softly , fingers brushing his son’s hair back as he rocked him gently. 
“I’ll be a while... I needed to get ready. Why don’t you put him to bed? Who’s watching him tonight?”
“Hwasa and Moonbyul offered. I’ll drop you off in your room and head to the north wing. What time are you meeting the jerkwad?” He said casually.
I blinked rapidly, confused.
“I’m sorry... the jerkwad?” 
Jungkook shrugged.
“It’ just a fact. Most men are absolute jerks at twenty one.” He shrugged. 
i felt myself bristling on behalf of the unknown Mingyu.
“That is absolutely unfair. My brothers were incredibly kind and good.”
“To you perhaps. Because they don’t have to impress you. But men act differently when they’re trying to get between a woman’s thighs. They’re jerks when they want to get laid...” He grinned.
“Is that why you act like a jerk to me? ” I smiled evilly and he rolled his eyes.
“Oh, darling we both know I don’t have to act in any different way to get you into my bed . I just have to do this.” He smirked, curling his finger in a come hither gesture.  
I felt my pulse pound and I tried not to let his words get to my head. He was flirting , yes but it was a joke. He was joking with me because the very idea of being with me was a joke to him. 
And I couldn’t forget that. 
Rolling my eyes, I pulled on the lock a couple more times to make sure the door was well locked. 
“Shall we leave?” He prompted watching me wrestle the backpack onto my shoulders. I grunted under the weight. 
“Of course. Let’s go.” 
We walked in silence for a few seconds.
“So, how’s he doing? With stuff?” Jungkook asked gently and I felt warmth bloom in my chest. 
“He’s very advanced for his age Jungkook. You’ve done a wonderful job with him. He’s able to read and he has a beautiful l writing hand. He’s learned his multiplication tables all the way up to seven and he has the voice of an angel. Which I think he gets from you. ” I smiled, reaching out to brush the back of Joowon’s head. 
Jungkook smiled softly, the late evening sun painting his perfect features in a soft golden glow. 
“Your father was kind enough to support me the first few years when i had him. I didn’t trust anyone enough to leave him with them and well... i needed to put a roof over our head.” He sighed . 
I touched his arm, giving it a small squeeze.
“I understand. I’m glad you’re here. He’ll grow up well in our clan.   “
“And he has a lot of excellent men to look up to here...He needs a good role model, someone kind and amazing who can inspire him to be hardworking and fair. ” He smiled.
I bit my lips.
“I think he’s had that all along. ” I said quietly.
Jungkook’s breath caught for a second and the air between us changed. I licked my lips. 
“Jungkook you’re a good father. You know that right?” I said after a few more seconds of silence. 
He laughed.
“Am I really? I wonder.” 
“He loves you.” I breathed , “  You’re all he talks about.... Today, one of the other kids tried to say that his father was brave because he helped someone who was stuck in an elevator. you know what Joowon did? He listed some twenty different incidents where you’ve helped people out....And he looked so proud.”
Jungkook’s ear looked red in the brightly lit garden. 
“i was just doing my job. Most of those times, I was in danger.” He grunted. 
“And yet, you did the right thing. “ I whispered. “ And your son was watching. And he’s learned the importance of doing the right thing even when you’re scared. That’s a life lesson that isn’t easy to learn.”
“Can’t disagree with that.” He chuckled. I grabbed his arm forcing him to stop. 
I had to tell him this. 
 “ Jungkook, when immortality is on the plate, people don’t give much value to morals. They don’t always care about doing the right thing.... . Its how our kind functions. Consequences don’t mean much when you have a whole eternity to fix your mistakes.....So I always admire vampires who value morals. “ I smiled, “ To see a five year old with such a well formed moral compass... it tells me that you’re an amazing father. Possibly the best I’ve ever met. “ I reached out, to hold his hand, wanting to touch him in some way, to make him believe that I was completely honest. 
“Sera!!!!!!” My sister’s voice made me jump and Jungkook stepped away as well. 
“Dad told me you’re going on a date? I’ve picked out an outfit for you!! But you need to take a shower! You cannot show up smelling like diapers and spit-up.” She called. 
I groaned. 
“Time for the ugly duckling to transform into a swan, I see?” He said gently. 
“Your son’s favorite fairytale.” I whispered.
“He makes me read it every night.” 
“I would like to sit in on that someday.” I laughed.
His eyes met mine. 
“You’re always welcome, Ms Hwang,” He smiled politely. “ Someday soon maybe your kids and my son would be friends.” 
And just like that the wall grew between us. 
His kids and my kids. 
Not our kids because he wasn’t for me. 
He would never be for me. 
I felt the sudden inexplicable urge to cry. 
Turning away, I began following my sister as she waved to me. . 
“I’ll be at your door at seven.” He called out behind me. 
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bbrandy2002 · 3 years
Fool’s Rush In
Chapter 18
Tumblr media
Pairing: Liam x Riley
Book: TRR AU
Warnings: Language, crude talk, and the usual bad writing.
I had planned from the beginning to end this series after the next chapter and an epilogue, but call me crazy, I love it too much. So while this part of the story will end, I still plan to update with one-shots or stories from time to time. If you’re just done with it, let me know.
Also, this chapter felt a little off to me, so I apologize if it's terrible, but I think I ended on a good note.
Thanks @burnsoslow for prereading.and usage of your girl, who finally got to make her debut.
"Damn it, Riley! Pick up!" Liam grumbled as he lowered the cell phone from his ear and tossed it in the seat beside him. The royal jet had been in the air for a little over four hours already, and he'd grown frustrated at getting her voice mail each time. Surely, she was home by now. 
Even though it was the middle of the night in Las Vegas, it was worth interrupting her. He had tried unsuccessfully to contact Riley since he packed his bags earlier and hastily headed for the airstrip. By this point, there must have been a dozen or so messages left on her phone without so much as a hint she'd gotten them. 
While time wasn't an issue -- he'd get to Las Vegas one way or the other -- it was the desperation to hear from his new wife and tell her he knew precisely why she left. 
And that he loved her.
Tilting his head back against the headrest, he swiveled side-to-side in his luxury chair while tightly clutching his freshly poured scotch. The security footage he watched earlier that morning replayed in his mind again. There were no doubts about what it showed: Madeleine confronted Riley outside their quarters just minutes after leaving the ball. Without sound, however, no one could ascertain specifically what was said among the two women. It was clear though,  Riley was not a willing participant in that conversation. When they saw the disk held up in the Countess' hands, and the look of sheer horror on his pussycat's face, that told Liam all he needed to know. This was a blackmail situation, plain and simple, that included assault; those flowers he found scattered on the ground when he returned to his quarters last night all made sense now. This act was deliberate and treasonous, and Liam would ensure his ex-fiancee paid handsomely for it. 
After they viewed the footage several more times, the Royal Guard was immediately summoned to Krona to find Madeleine and take her into custody. Liam knew it was a long shot whether his guards could pull that sting off, but he was working with what he had at the moment.
Despite whatever happened next, there was one thing the King was confident of: He was prepared to give up his entire Kingdom to get his girl back. Returning to Cordonia without her was not an option.
Shaking his tumbler of partially melted ice cubes, Liam leaned forward and steadily poured another bottle of scotch into his glass. As soon as he sat back and raised the fresh beverage to his lips, he was startled by the ringing of his cell phone. In a rush to answer, he hastily set the drink aside and snatched his phone up from where he tossed it earlier. 
"Hello! Love?" He answered, hopeful it was her.
"Hey, little brother. Love you too ... Say, do you know if the palace has a Spanish tickler or a breast ripper? Asking for a friend."
Liam furrowed his brows in confusion before rising from his seat, plopping a knee down on its cushioned bottom, and glancing to the back of the plane. "Leo? Why are you calling me? We're on the same damn plane. I'm looking right at you."
"Nevermind that. Listen, I figured out a way to take care of Madeleine once and for all. Behold ..." Leo held up a leather-bound book and waved it over his head while Liam squinted from the front of the plane to get a better look. "... The King Constantine Guide To Fucking Torture In The 21st Century; Father gave it to me after my investiture ceremony. The way I see it, there really is no other option here than to tie her to a tree in front of the palace, invite the public to watch for a modest fee, and do some cool shit with iron rods and spikes. I got dibs on the knee-splitter, though."
"Leo ..." Liam began to warn his brother how ridiculous that plan was before stopping himself and staring off into the distance for a moment in thought. "Wait ... is there anything about flaying in that book?"
"Hell yeah there is! And if you're interested in thumbscrews, my buddy, Pete, has a trunk full of them. He uses them for ass play, but I'm sure he wouldn't mind letting us borrow them to split Maddie's thumbs in half." Leo let out a maniacal laugh.
Liam chuckled, despite the peculiarity of the conversation. "I'm not going to lie and tell you I'm not interested -- to the contrary, actually. And while I appreciate your help in seeing that Madeleine is brought to justice, I think we better stick to more lawful means."
"Boo, you whore!" The line went dead with a click. 
Liam held the phone away from his ear, watching Leo sink down into his chair in a huff. "Really?" He called back in agitation. Met with the silent treatment and a middle finger from his disgruntled brother, Liam rolled his eyes, then slumped back down into his seat. Maybe he'd try to call Riley again.
The phone on Riley's nightstand buzzed again. She knew it was another call from Liam, and while she felt remorseful for ignoring all of his calls and texts, she couldn't bring herself to look at or answer them quite yet. The sooner all ties between them were broken, she believed, the quicker he could forget all about her and the mess she made of everything. 
But even her willpower was slipping. Riley slid her hand out from under the pillow and reached over to pick up her phone. Holding it to her chest, she contemplated for a second just reading his texts and returning his calls, but Madeleine had warned to end all contact with him. Obviously, she was curious about what he had to say, but it was too risky. I'm so sorry, Liam. 
Hitting the power button on her cell, the light on the device faded to black before she tossed it in the nightstand drawer.
Early the next morning, Riley's eyes flickered open to the sound of a banging on her front door, followed by the incessant ringing of her doorbell. Feeling exhausted from a lack of sleep, mainly because of crying and unable to think about anything other than how she hurt Liam, Riley decided to ignore it. She just wanted to be left alone, and eventually, they'd give up and leave, right?
Except they didn't.
Annoyed, she let out a sigh and then eased herself up out of bed; the pain in her back was still a problem. Tossing a robe over her body, she slowly made her way down the stairs of her townhome -- each step excruciating -- until she finally made it to the door.
Twisting the lock, she opened the entry door, before letting out a sudden gasp at the tearful person standing on the other side. 
"Oh my God, Riley! Y-You're alive! You're really alive!"
"Alyssa?" Riley's best friend from New York pulled her into a relieved hug, nearly sobbing at that point. "What're you doing here?"
"I thought something terrible happened to you, but now that I can see you're still among the living ..." she sniffled before pulling back and narrowing her blazing blue eyes at her friend. "Where have you been? I've been trying to get ahold of you ever since you texted me that you were boarding a plane in Cordonia, and that something serious happened involving Tyler. You promised me you'd call as soon as you landed--"
"I know. I'm so sorry. It was late ..."
 " -- and you didn't. Then I worried, even more, when you didn't answer any of my calls back. I had to book the first red-eye flight here to make sure you were all right." Finished with her rant, a huffing Alyssa's jaw immediately clenched. "Now, what did that shithead ex of yours do? I'll kill him if he hurt you, Ri. I might be small, but I'm scrappy like an alleycat. You know I'll claw his eyes out."
Riley let out a light chuckle; Alyssa was always overprotective of her and had a clever way with words, but quickly, that chuckle faded into a teary frown. "Oh, Lyss," she whimpered as her face fell into her hands.
Alyssa quickly wrapped her arms around Riley and pulled her into a warm embrace. "Aww, Riley. Sweetie, it's going to be okay," she soothed. 
Stepping inside, Alyssa kicked the door shut and led them both over to the sofa. Sensing Riley was in pain -- and not just emotional -- she helped lower her troubled best friend onto the couch. "I want you to start from the beginning and tell me everything that happened."
The best friends had remained in contact over the last several weeks. It was Alyssa's frantic morning phone call over a month ago that alerted Riley to the news coverage of her impromptu marriage to Liam, having saw it on the news. 
And while Alyssa was aware of everything about Cordonia and Liam, and how Riley fit into all that from their prior conversations, she listened intently while it was revealed to her the details of the incident with Madeleine and the video her ex-husband gave to the Countess.  
Grabbing a tissue from the end table, Alyssa handed it to Riley. "So this cow confronted you with that disgusting video and basically blackmailed you into leaving, or she would release it to the press?" Riley nodded somberly.."Ugh, I want this treasonous bitch thrown in the dungeon, subjected to live-streamed daily anal fistings with giant Hulk gloves ... And Tyler, I want to break every bone in his rotten body, one at a time. And I want to leave him there afterwards, dripping just enough water on his lips, so he doesn't die of dehydration, screaming in agony for the weeks it will take to die of starvation."
 Riley's face scrunched up. "God, Alyssa."
Alyssa shrugged. "What? I don't care; it's what they deserve for hurting you. Did you at least tell Liam what happened?"
This time, Riley shook her head. "No. Madeleine warned me if I told him, she would release the video, and then the council would likely force him to step down. I won't allow him to lose everything for someone like me." 
Irritated, Alyssa pressed a palm to her forehead. "Why are you like this?"
"Like, what?" Riley asked in exasperation.
"That whole, 'someone like me,' part. He wanted to stay married to you. He made you the queen of his country. You've said he couldn't keep his goddamn hands off you for two seconds. And more importantly, you told me you have never felt more loved in your life, than you do when you're with him. The fact that you still question your worthiness to him blows my mind." 
Alyssa reached for Riley's shaky hand, able to tell by the tears sliding down her cheeks and the soft whimpers that she'd touched on something. "You're his pussycat, Riley. Liam already lost everything when you left him. Tell me you know that."
Riley wiped at her face., her voice stifled, "I just wanted to protect him."
"I know." Alyssa smiled softly. "But you needed to give him the chance to decide what he wanted. You made it for him because you know he'd choose you, regardless if he lost everything else; that's how much he loves you, Ri. You can't protect someone who loves you by hurting them. Besides, he's the King; he can simply execute the council if he wants to -- Liam’s not going anywhere."
"You just HAD to add that last part in, didn't you?" Riley laughed, feeling a sense of ease as her mood lightened. It felt good to talk to someone who could help her make sense of everything and realize she hadn’t exactly made the best call by leaving and not telling Liam what happened. "But what do I do about this video? What if Madeleine releases it to the public?"
"Yeah, a video of a married woman having sex with her husband -- Oh, the shame!" she retorted. "Look, you'll be famous on Pornhub for a few weeks, and it'll fizzle out. I know that doesn't make it all better, but you have a lot of people who love you ... we'll be there for you if that happens. Besides, it's Gonzo Dick; I doubt anyone will wanna watch anyway."
Riley snorted out at the nickname she gave her ex-husband. "Stop making me laugh." 
Alyssa cracked a grin. "Nah. If I can make you laugh at that asshole's expense and his crooked dick, then it's worth it."
"Well,” she breathed, “ I suppose I should get dressed and call Liam. Tell him what happened, and hopefully, he'll … forgive .." her voice trailed off at tasting an increasing collection of bile in her throat and a familiar rumble in her stomach. 
“What’s wrong?”
Riley frowned. "Damn it, why do I keep getting sick?"  
After rushing to the bathroom with Alyssa's help, Riley came out moments later, flushed and perspiring. Alyssa, who waited outside the door to make sure she was all right, eyed her friend with grave concern. "Ri, are you sure you don't have a concussion? You said that Madeleine caused you to fall, and you complained you’ve been getting sick a lot. Is there any chance you hit your head too?"
Riley considered for a moment before shaking her head. "I don't think so. I mean, it all happened so fast I don't really remember, but my head doesn't hurt."
"OH NO! You have memory loss too, on top of the vomiting and a hurt back? Riley, you need to go to the hospital now. This is serious."
"Alyssa, I'm fine. I don't need to go to the hospital," Riley dismissed and hobbled past her friend toward the kitchen. "You always worry too much."
Alyssa followed behind her, brows bumped together in a scowl. "Because you're a stubborn ass who never listens, that's why. You need to get checked out," she insisted. Riley paid no attention as made her way to the fridge; that reaction only served to piss Alyssa off. "You can ignore me all you want, but you know as well as I do, I'll just keep annoying the hell out of you until you do it … I'll sing every Dave Matthews song ever written -- On repeat." 
Riley shut the fridge door and turned at the threat, giving her a dismayed glare. "You wouldn't." 
Alyssa tilted her chin. "You know damn well I would. I have... so much to say, so much to say, so much --"
"Please stop! I'm going."
At Valley Hospital and Medical Center, Drake sat slumped down in the waiting room of the E.R;  a thawed ice pack covered his crotch. His increasingly irritated self caught sight of a nurse escorting yet another patient back for examination. "You've got to be fucking kidding me."
Tired of waiting, he cast the ice pack aside and marched straddle-legged to the triage desk where a beefy nurse with a scowl sat filing her nails. "How much longer is this gonna take?" He demanded bitterly.
The nurse remained focused on her nails and answered in a careless fashion. "You'll get called back when it's your turn, Mr. Walker."
"My turn? MY TURN? I've been here for 15 fucking hours waiting for my turn. I've watched one person after the next walk right in, get treated, and leave. Whose ass do I actually have to lick to get treatment around here?"
Unimpressed with his theatrics, she folded her arms on the desk and looked up at Drake with a glower. "Look. You got kicked in the wang by a hooker. Shit happens. It's not the end of the world. Go home, have a beer, and a good laugh. You'll live." She resumed her filing.
Drake ran both hands through his rumpled hair, letting out a sardonic laugh. "I cannot fucking believe you just said that to me. I suffer trauma on my transplanted dick, and the greatest healthcare minds in the world tell me to have a beer and laugh about it?" his voice shrieked.
The nurse blew on her nails. "That's what I said."
That snarky remark sent him even further over the edge. A red-faced Drake pounded two white-knuckled fists on the desk and leaned down into her space. "Now you listen here, lady. I demand to be seen right now, or so help me, I'll tear this whole goddamn place apart brick-by-fucking-brick! Do you understand me?"
Having none of that, the nurse, who was several inches taller than a startled Drake expected, sprung for her chair and loomed over him menacingly. Drake flinched when she rammed the nail file at him and threatened, "Now, you listen.You can either sit your ass down, or I will sit you down. Do you understand me?"
He didn't understand. He would never understand.
A security guard who heard the commotion casually approached the agitated pair and placed a firm hold on Drake's elbow. "Do we have a problem here, Betty Lou?"
She shook her head, sizing Drake up. "No, just some whiny-ass Karen griping about his dick."
Several moments later, Alyssa and Riley exited an Uber and wandered into the waiting area, making their way up to the triage line -- or what they thought was a line. It was actually Drake still standing there, continuing to protest his case to anyone who would listen and demanding to speak to someone in charge.
While Riley dug through her purse to retrieve her health insurance card, Alyssa couldn't help but be taken in by the fiery debacle taking place in front of them. She inched a little closer, unable to help herself; it was good drama and sucked her right in. 
Catching a glimpse of Drake’s sour face, she cocked her head introspectively; there was something oddly familiar about the man in the denim shirt going off. Alyssa tapped her chin. Where have I seen him before?  
Before long, the realization set in, and her eyes snapped wide open. She nudged Riley with an elbow and leaned over, whispering, "Hey, isn't that the guy from the news who had the penis transplant? It looks just like him."
Knowing precisely who that was by the description, Riley popped her head up to look. She hadn't known Drake well, only that he was Liam's best friend, and after having spent time together on the plane ride to Cordonia with him, that her maid-of-honor had given him several venereal diseases. "Drake?" she called out.
While Alyssa zoned in on his groin, curious as to what was in there, Drake broke away from the dispute and turned his focus toward the familiar-sounding voice. She was a connection to home and a long-sought-after friendly face. "Riley? Liam's insta-bride, Riley?" 
She let out a light chuckle and nodded. "Yeah, I suppose that's how you would know me ... What are you doing at the hospital? Is your body rejecting the ..." Her embarrassed gaze dropped lower with a gulp. " ... thing?"
"No!" he barked. "I just got attacked by that ... uh, someone."
"You got attacked?" Shocked, Riley placed a hand over her chest. "Why would someone attack you? Are you okay?"
Feeling incensed by the memory, Drake shook his head and muttered. "It's a long story ... What about you? What are you doing here? Thought you were in Cordonia with Liam?"
She inhaled a deep breath through her nostrils and forced a smile. "It's a long story too."
Drake peeked over his shoulder at Nurse Ratchet, giving him a gimlet-eyed stare from behind her computer screen. He groused and turned to face Riley again. "I've got time."
Nearly 12 hours after takeoff, the royal jet touched down in sunny Las Vegas, an hour ahead of schedule. Liam and Leo stepped off the plane and strolled across the tarmac to the awaiting vehicle, where a smiling man held the rear passenger door open.
"Bastien," Liam greeted as he approached. "Good to see you again."
"Your Majesty." He bowed. "Likewise ... I have the rental car you requested, and the Queen's address is already programmed into the GPS. Should take no more than 30 minutes to get there."
"Perfect,” he replied, clapping Bastien’s shoulder.“Thanks for having everything ready to go."
Liam had contacted the head guard -- who was still jailed for non-support -- and gained him a day-long pass to provide security detail. Bastien was also to stay in contact with his guards to oversee the capture and detainment of Madeleine.
Bastien took their bags, and the brothers hopped into the back of the Escalade. Once they pulled away from the airport, the directions led the group west. The head guard glanced briefly in the rearview mirror as he drove on. “I want to thank you for giving me a second chance. It’s nice to be out of that place, even if just for the day.”
Liam smiled back. “Not a problem, good man. I can’t think of anyone else I trust more for the job than you … though I’m not sure why. Anyway, do you have any updates on the Madeleine situation?”
“Yes, sir. I contacted my colleagues again just before you arrived. Countess Madeleine was taken by surprise when our guards arrived at her family estate in Krona. Once in custody, she was immediately transported to Valtoria for detention, exactly as you requested.”
"That's terrific news ... Wait ...Did you say, Valtoria?" Liam asked with puzzlement in his tone. 
"Yes, sir. As you requested." 
"Man, please tell me Mads tried to fight them off, and they had to use the taser on her," Leo insisted as he held his crossed fingers in the air. "A billy club ... a rubber hose ... something."
"There may have been a brief verbal exchange and some threats, but the Countess promised if they permitted access to her computer to send a quick email, she would go with them peacefully and without further protest. There didn't seem to be any harm in doing so, and she followed through with her word. Sorry to break it to you, Prince Leo, but no tasers were harmed in her capture."
"Well, fiddle shit." Leo glanced over at his brother --who was still scratching his head -- in disappointment. "If only I'd been able to get that shock collar on her while I was engaged to her, you wouldn't be in this mess right now. She just squirmed too much. I’m sorry I let you down, little brother."
"It's fine, Leo; it's not the first time,”  Liam said dryly before turning his head away from Leo to face the front again. "Can we get back to Madeleine being taken to Valtoria? I never requested that. An accused of the Crown is always placed in the palace dungeon. There aren't even cells in Valtoria to hold her in. What am I missing here?"
Approaching a stoplight, Bastien lightly pressed the brakes, then met Liam’s gaze in the mirror. “The orders I was given to pass along to the guards from you earlier were clear in your text: Once she’s taken into custody, she is to be sent to Valtoria and placed in the cage with the monkey until further notice. That’s what they --”
“Mongo! They put her in the cage with Mongo?” Liam exploded before pinching the bridge of his nose, knowing there was no point in asking how that message got mixed up. “Goddamn it, Leo! Why are you, you, sometimes?” He ran a swift hand down his face and turned to glare at his brother. “Do you realize they consider that cruel and unusual punishment? Did you ever stop to consider how much shit I'm going to hear over this if this gets out?" He let out a sharp breath and threw his hands in the air."How? How did you do it?"
"It's simple pimple, Liam. When you went to the bathroom, I grabbed your phone," he replied bluntly with a shrug. "And according to page 24 of Father's torture book: It's not considered cruel and unusual punishment, as long as she has food, water, and clean shelter -- which she does. Or ... if she's housed with a member of the royal family -- which she is. Mongo is the heir to the throne, so we've got that covered too. So just relax, little bro; Leo’s got it all taken care of for you."
Liam dropped his chin to his chest, then let out a weary breath. “Bastien, call the guards and have them move her to the palace at once.” 
As Bastien placed the call, Liam shifted in his seat so that he was staring out the window. He put a palm over his mouth to conceal the curved lips that formed a devilish grin, trying to contain the unbearable urge to bust out laughing. Oh, Maddie ... I hope you and Mongo had one hell of a time together.
Back at the hospital, Riley situated herself on the gurney while a nurse prepared to check her vitals and ask general health questions. 
In the next bay over, separated by a thin sliding curtain, Drake was finally attended to after Riley reluctantly, but willfully, played up her celebrity status. Once she threatened to have the hospital shut down -- which she doubted was even possible on her end -- the proverbial red carpet was rolled out for both of them; she was still a queen, afterall. 
Steps were then taken to ensure they both received the royal treatment, so to speak. That wasn’t typically how Riley preferred to handle situations; she hated big fusses over her. But in the end, she did help one of Liam’s oldest friends finally get the medical attention he needed, so it was worth trying. 
The blood pressure cuff on Riley’s arm squeezed tighter just as one of the doctors stepped inside and slid the curtain all the way closed. His cheerful greeting drew Riley's fixed gaze away from the changing numbers on the monitor beside her bed, and she smiled up at him.
The doctor was tall and thin, with thick spectacles perched near the tip of his nose. He gave a brief nod to Alyssa, who was sitting in a chair at Riley’s bedside, rubbing her shoulder. Scanning the patient chart, he spoke without looking up, "Queen Riley, it says here you suffered a fall?"
"I'm just Riley,  please," she requested.
The doctor looked up from the paperwork and nodded with an understanding smile. "Of course." 
After the initial exam concluded, Alyssa remained behind after the doctor ordered x-rays and transport had wheeled Riley down to radiology. 
Bouncing her crossed leg as she scrolled through her phone, Alyssa tried to bide her time until Riley returned. An air conditioning vent overhead that she didn’t realize drowned out so much noise around her, suddenly flipped off. Able to catch the conversation on the other side of the curtain better, she listened with a broken heart as Drake reluctantly described to an attending, the worst days of his life. Alyssa shuddered as he recalled the moment his penis fell off, rolled across the bed, and dropped onto Ethan Ramsey’s leather shoe during an exam. “That poor man. I just want to hug him,” she muttered.
Her little ears perked when the doctor mentioned he was “going to have a look at it.” In her curious mind, there were no doubts that she was too. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take a peek at the first transplant of its kind; no way was she going to miss out on that. 
Alyssa slid to the edge of her seat and raised her hand to up to the curtain, easing a tiny portion of it aside. Her blue eyes crinkled with frustration at a nurse who was blocking her view. “Move your ass,” she whispered to herself.
Unable to get a good view, she gave up that spot and eyed the other opening in the curtain at the far end of the room. Sliding off her chair to a crouching position on the floor, Alyssa crab-walked as fast as she could without falling off balance until she made it to the other side. Crooking a stealthy finger along the seam of the curtain, she hoped and prayed Drake’s genital exam wasn’t through yet. What her eyes saw on that gurney when she pulled the fabric aside caused her heart to jolt out of her chest. 
Alyssa cupped a hand over her gaping mouth before stepping back and letting the curtain fall loosely shut again.  Dropping her hand limply at her side, staring blankly at nothing, she mouthed, “Oh. My. God.”
Down in the radiology department, Riley sat patiently in her wheelchair, waiting for the tech to return to take the x-rays. Enjoying the lighter feeling of having an empty bladder again, she let out a contented sigh; she was about to bust earlier. That mandatory urine sample couldn’t have come at a more opportune time. 
Left alone to ruminate in her thoughts, Riley wondered about those phone calls she ignored last night from Liam. The regret she felt over her actions the last 26 hours continued to mount up. And it took a heart-to-heart with her best friend to really put things into perspective. Her decisions weren’t the best course to take, even if they were done with the most loving of intentions. 
There was a lot to make up to Liam, and she only hoped that it wasn’t too late. Could he even forgive her for all of it?
She wished he was there with her right now. If she knew him the way she thought she did, he’d be standing around telling inappropriate jokes to make her laugh or embarrass her with his silly antics. It was like Liam could be two different people sometimes: Kingly and stoic around everyone else, but the second it was just him alone with her, he was such a big kid. Somehow, she could bring out his true self; the one where he felt comfortable enough to be silly and playful. And as much as she tried to play them off, those little pet names he gave her -- she chuckled to herself as they popped into her head -- were funny. What the hell even was a knucklehead mcspazzatron? 
“Miss Brooks” Riley shook herself of her thoughts as the x-ray tech returned and made her way over. “I apologize that took so long.”
Riley smiled up at her. “No need to apologize… Are you ready for me now?”
“Not exactly,” she teased in such a cheery tone, Riley slightly lowered her eyelids, holding her gaze. “You most likely won’t be getting x-rays today, sweetie.” She held a fisted hand out to Riley and opened her palm to reveal the small object inside. “You’re pregnant.”
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palaceofpassion · 3 years
Tempverse: Episode 2: Camping Time!
Here is episode 2, which I had to cut down cause going past 5k is starting to drive me insane!  Also my finger has been locking up.
Pyrrha Nikos was a lot of things, she was a champion, a S Grade Fighter, someone who always thought about doing the right thing.  Someone who believed her destiny would be to save as many as she could, even if it were to cost her life.  She was many things, and one thing that many forgot or didn’t realize, was that chiefly among everything else she was still a young woman.  Another thing very few knew was that she was an actor, a person who could put on a front when pressured by others and who could mask how she really felt.  And finally something that no one knew, because of the former reasons, was that she was a Grade A pervert.  Though really, could you blame the young woman?  As previously stated she WAS a young woman, one who was currently blossoming into her full youth, one who had urges and desires.  One who was currently in a field filled with health… strong… robust young individuals who were practically spewing out sexual pheromones.  
In fact, she had been invited to no less than 4 orgies in her past!  So yes she was a bit of a pervert, often having wild fantasies about her competition together, or them alone, or other women and men it really didn’t matter to her.  But one thing she was, something that oftentimes got her called a stiff, was someone who was devoted to the idea of destiny and love.  Despite her… growing lust, she was strong willed so much so that she really never saw the point in participating in sexually charged campaigns.  So despite the invitations she declined, albeit a small part of her HAD regretted that decision a few times.  Though when ‘accidents’ happened and said competitors ended up in quite the pickle, well she was most grateful to have stuck to her guns.  
Still to sate her urges she fantasized, which wasn’t too difficult when shower rooms were all unisex.  Despite her attempts to keep her eyes low she HAD seen quite a few individuals in their bare and well… she may have had some seriously twisted thoughts.  Like that one time, her old classmate and rival Arslan was actually the sweetest of girls!  Pyrrha wasn’t sure if she was like her or not, hiding her devious desires, or was simply naive enough to not care… but there had been times where Pyrrha had thought about her rival being pinned. The very thought of various men and women taking their turns with the gorgeous dark skinned muscular fighter had seen her through SEVERAL heated nights.  
So yes… Pyrrha Nikos was in fact a pervert… one who may or may not have had several metal piercings at various peculiar places… ones that she made SURE to keep hidden.  She was fine with being called prudish, fine with no one knowing her secrets or her desires.  It was easier that way, easier to be seen as abstinent, clean, pure.  So she made a vow to herself, never to display herself in public, to hide her dirty little secrets taking them to the grave.  She’d always been good at it, she never thought it would change.  
Yet, as she rested beneath the cold droplets of a running shower head, she found herself unable to concentrate.  Her thoughts laying back to the night before, the soft husky moans reverberating from within arms reach, or… or her own lack of inhibitions.  She could still feel the sensation of her fingers running through her soft soaking pussy, her digits roaming across the plump lips squeezing and grinding against her needy flesh.  Her new friends lusty moans still filled her ears, the wild scent of… of Jaune’s seed still clung to her nose.  Every breath was filled with a deep murky aroma.  Everytime she closed her eyes she could still envision the bag shifting as they… as they… as they plunged themselves into one another.  
She could only imagine, only DREAM about what was happening beneath those sheets, what they were doing to one another.  Pyrrha was an observant woman, always keeping an eye out for competition… always watching for an opportunity to imagine.  And… while others had ‘chosen’ to mock Jaune in his surprisingly adorable onesie… in her perverse and twisted little thoughts had chosen to take a peak downstairs.  Oh how easy it was to see, she was surprised at the lack of attention his lower region had received, perhaps the only other person to notice was the woman who had struck first?  
As thoughts of the night before continued to flutter through her thoughts, her hands began to slowly descend down her tight finely fit stomach.  Fingers, sliding between the curvature and creases of her abs roaming lower beneath her pelvis and finding themselves sinking between her drenched lips.  
Yet as her hands began to seep into her flesh, her thoughts fell back to their conversation.  Her eyes shut tightly as she bit her lip, everything coming back to her as clear as day.  
The young Nikos had never been so far away from home, even in her old school she was still within walking distance of her family house.  Even as she closed her eyes to try to lul herself into a comfortable rest she  found herself unable to.  She wondered, as her heart paced quickly within her breasts, if her new friends, oh a word she’d so adored to use, were already fast asleep.  Perhaps they were not?  Mayhaps she would be able to start a brief conversation with them.  And yet, as she willed herself to fumble around, she heard them speak.  Their voices but a soft whisper, almost drowned out by the snoring in the distance.  
The young woman’s heart began to race, the sound of the two laying just within arms reach whisked its way towards her.  “I don’t belong here…”  She stilled, her thoughts running rampant at what Jaune meant.  He was approved, he must have belonged here, right?  “I… I faked my transcripts.”  Quickly her hands wrapped around her lips forcing down the gasp that nearly escaped.  She… she shouldn’t be hearing this!  But… he DIDN’T belong here!  Her heart began to crack, she’d just made a friend, and now she would have to part.  She WOULD tell the Headmaster, even… even if she destroyed their new friendship she couldn’t let him get hurt, couldn’t let him hurt anyone else.  She knew… knew that… there was a selfish part of her that didn’t want to.  
Despite her reservations, they continued to talk, her thoughts in shambles as they came upon May’s response.  She heard them shift around, nearly drowning out May’s soft, “I’ll protect you.”  Pyrrha wondered, was that what friends did?  Did a good friend still let something dangerous happen to their new companions?  She didn’t know, she’d never been close to anyone before… but… but… then they got to the conversation about her.  She hadn’t meant to eavesdrop, hadn’t meant to… but now she found herself completely enraptured by their muted musings.  “She’s really pretty…”  “She’s apparently famous…”  “Doesn’t matter…”  “She just wants friends…” 
She bit upon her lips, fighting back the choking sobs that were sure to follow.  Her heart swelled and body trembled.  She’d never had anyone talk about her that way, they… their voices were genuinely concerned.  They wanted to be around her, they really didn’t know who she was, yet they wanted to be with her.  She heard the Schnee’s name brought up, but mostly in jest, though she too had noticed the lustful glances that the young Heiress had passed her way.  Despite herself, despite the previous thoughts of turning Jaune in… she decided that maybe it would be okay to be a bit selfish this time around?  
Then something she wasn’t EVEN sure wasn't part of one of her fantasies happened.   
Even as Pyrrha’s legs trembled beneath her, her painted breath washed out by the hot flooding water above her and her toes curling into the hard tile floor, she found the events of last night to be too outrageous.  Her fingers curled within her quivering hole, grasping at the soft edge of her lips and plunging deeper into her depths. Squelch her ears were surrounded by the soft sound of liquid and air passing between her fingers and her pussy.  Her soft vulva folded beneath her tight white knuckles as she squeezed around her digits.  Her tongue whisked around her free hand, flicking between her fingers as she squeezed upon the strong pink muscle. 
She could only imagine what they were doing, and oh how it delighted her!  Just the thought of May’s small short stacked body being penetrated by that ridiculous monster between Jaune’s legs set her off!  Oh Brothers’ she wished she could have seen it, just… oh just watching them mate would have been so very delightful~  Would her little stomach bulge as his member punched into her?  Would those huge, delicious wobbly tits jiggle and bounce with every thrust?  She felt something shake inside of her while she pushed her head against the hot tile bracing herself for what was to come.
“Oh gods oh gods!”  She couldn’t stop herself any further, pinning her head against the tile, her ass wiggled expectantly.  Her mind was cracking, turning hazy as she continued to think about what she’d experienced yesterday.  She’d seen so many, seen a ton of things, but never that close, or!  Or that BIG, THAT HUGE!  Jaune’s massive cock hidden and tucked away, May’s massive bouncing soft breasts hidden away by her thick jacket.  How either of them moved was beyond her, but she couldn’t get the image out of her mind!  She wanted to touch them!  To suck on them, to feel both of them!  
Her eyes shut tight as she imagined herself, pinned between both Jaune and May, her face buried between May’s massive breasts rubbing herself back and forth as her fingers squeezed into those plump swells.  She imagined Jaune behind her, his massive GIANT FUCKING COCK, Piercing her insides pushing all the way into her depths burying himself into her.  She couldn’t stop herself as her fingers  grew faster and faster.  Her body quaked as her nails curved into her soaked pussy.  
She wanted something else, something bigger, harder, something to fill her with thick hot seed!  She wanted Jaune to bury into her, to breed her and pin her!  Despite her lustful experiences in the past, she’d NEVER felt the desire to be bred.  To have someone pump all their baby batter inside of her oven.  She’d never wanted to motorboat someone so badly before, to bury her face into a woman’s breasts, to suck and pinch them as much as she wanted now!  Her body was on the edge, her womb quivered in hope and anticipation.  She knew it was something more, something far deeper than a physical attraction.  They had treated her differently, had ignored her status that… that had turned her on far more than it should have!  And… and they both had a scent to them, an intoxicating aroma that she oh gods!  Just thinking about the smell coming off of their bodies that morning!  It was still trapped in her nose, her thoughts befuddled as she was getting to the edge.  “DICK DICK COCK!  TITS BREASTS MILKBAGS!  BREED ME BREED ME BREED ME!  FUCK ME FUCK ME FUCK ME FUCK ME FUCK ME FUCK ME!  COCK COCK COCK COCK COCK DICK DICK DICK!  CUM CUM CUM CUM! INSIDE INSIDE INSIDE!”  SHE WANTED SO BAD!  SO BAD!  “SUCK IT! SUCK DICK!  SWALLOW!  DRINK!”  She tried as she might to stifle those last words, thanking the brothers she was alone.
Her lips sucked on her plunged digits as she tried to muffle her coming orgasm.  With a silent scream she fell to her knees.  Her core tightening inside, no one would notice the sticky clear fluids being washed away by the falling faucet water.  Her chest heaved as she let her mind clear of the thoughts of last night.  “How are those two doing?”  
By the time Jaune had woken, May and Pyrrha had already gone off, obviously starting their day.  Fighting back the residual grogginess he began to shift, slowly sitting up.  Slowly he began to clench his hand into a grip and then release it, repeating it a few times to make sure that he wasn’t dreaming.  After a few cycles, he felt his blood warm inside his body at the realization and dawning of what had happened last night.  He could still feel May’s body pressed against his, the phantom warmth of their embracing forms floated within his thoughts.  “So it wasn’t a dream…”  
While he wanted to relish in satisfaction, the sound of a bell chiming above stripped him from his thoughts.  “Right… I have a lot to do today.”  Though as he stared down, the sticky feeling between his thighs was still ever present, he knew the first thing he would have to do was take a shower…
Thankfully it didn’t take too long to shower, and it had been a rather uneventful affair, well minus a few of the stares he’d been getting as he made his way over.  Perhaps it was because of his close proximity to Pyrrha?  Or maybe they’d caught notice of his and May’s little endeavors last night?  He wasn’t really sure… and honestly he had more important things to think about, like surviving today.  He couldn’t shake the feeling of how out of his depths he was.  Everywhere he looked he was met with confident grins, robust bodies, people who KNEW they had this… people who knew they belonged here.  
While he, Jaune Arc, truly didn’t belong here, he wasn’t stupid… well okay he probably wasn’t what one would call street smart, it was kind of hard to be with how much time he spent in bed.  But!  But, he’d been given the best education that his parents could afford, and thankfully that was quite a bit!  He’d also had his sisters help him out from time to time, they’d all been such wonderful supporters.  Also being bedridden had given him a lot of free time!  So he’d read, and no not just comics though he really did enjoy those, no he’d gone out of his way on reading about the outside.  Reading about Grimm, reading about how to survive, not once had he ever given up hope on being a huntsman.  So even though he’d honestly felt like he’d never get the chance, he’d still sworn to try.
So yeah he wasn’t stupid, he knew oh how he absolutely knew that au… that Headmistress Glynda and Headmaster Ozpin knew his transcripts were fake.  Which made it all the more shocking when they’d accepted him in.  His parents hadn’t taken it well at first, but they’d relented when he talked it out with them.  His family had their reservations about him coming to Beacon, so they did their best to try to get him ready in the short amount of time that they’d had left.  He knew that none of them expected him to pass, they were banking on him flunking out during initiation.  He knew… or at least he felt that Un… that Headmaster Ozpin was just humoring him.  He knew that of course but… but he had to take the chance!  
And yet, he knew how right they were, how he didn’t even believe in himself.  You know, if he was being honest with himself right now, he’d say he was scared.  Because he was he was honestly doing everything in his power to keep from shaking.  He was terrified, terrified that he was putting his life on the line for something that he had no right of doing.  He didn’t belong here, he was just some kid whose head had been filled with fantasy after fantasy.  From the stories of his parents, to his older sister.  He’d always wanted to see the world, wanted to experience what was behind his walls.  So… even with how terrified he was, even ignoring the terrible shakes running through his body, he decided not just then but long ago.  That no matter what, he’d do what he had to do.  And, even has he knew that he could be facing his death at any moment, he decided that dying while doing something he wanted to do was far better than not doing anything at all.  
Besides it wasn’t all that bad, he’d actually gotten to make friends!  Him!  Jaune Arc, quite possibly the most socially inept person in existence!  Heck it wasn’t even just Pyrrha or May, there was that gi- “Jaune!”  
At the call of his voice he was suddenly pulled from his thoughts.  His head snapped to his right, as his gaze fell upon a small girl within a redhood.   “Jaune!”  She called out once again, a smile spread across his face.  Yeah, this wasn’t all that bad.  
“Hey Ruby.”  
“Jaune! Jaune!  It’s good to see you!”  
How could he not feel better as he watched one of his new friends practically bounce on over to him, though the girl tagging along behind her seemed far less amused.  “So sis, this is the boyfriend you were talking about.”  He felt his cheeks flash hot for a moment, though only for a moment as he realized the sisterly tone coming from the girl.  And as someone who had to endure CONSTANT teasing from seven sisters, he’d grown a resistance to it.  
Ruby however, seemed to still lack that natural but very important defense.  “What?!  NO!”  The young hooded girl floundered around trying to think of an excuse without also insulting her new friend at the same time.  “I’m not looking for anyone!  Evenifhewasreallyniceandhelpedmeout!”  
There was a moment of silence between the three of them, however only for a moment as both Jaune and Yang began to burst out in a cacophonic laughter.  “Oh Rubes, never change.”  
And just like a kicked puppy, the young girl eyed her sister and pouted.  Something that was giving Jaune serious deja vu vibes from his own little sisters.  He wondered if it was just a universal sister thing or if perhaps he just didn’t have enough data.  “That was mean Yang!”  
The elder sister pulled the younger into a tight hug rubbing her face against her, “Oh Rubes, it's fine!  So.”  Jaune blinked as she brought her attention towards him, “No bunny pajamas today?”  This time, however, he felt his face grow a small tinge of red as he scratched the back of his head.  
“Uhm haha, no not right now at least.  Though they’re honestly really comfortable.”  
“And stylish too.”  
Ah, thank goodness he’d had all that sister training or he may have thought that was a real compliment.  He wasn’t exactly the best at picking out sarcasm, but that definitely was one.  “I mean, I like them enough, and they were a gift from one of my little sisters.”  
That had the unexpected effect of pulling the grin off her face and bringing her to a more serious look.  It was like she was pondering something for a moment before she started talking, “Family gifts ARE important.”  The blonde woman began to gently rub her hands through Ruby’s hair, running her fingers through the dark locks and pulling her close.  “Okay, you got me there then.”  
Jaune smiled at the small victory.  “Oh uhm, I’m Jaune, Jaune Arc.”  Reaching out his hand for a shake, which the girl replicated though she may have squeezed a bit too tight as he had to fight back a yelp.  
“Yang, Yang Xiao Long, Ruby’s big sister.”  When she released his hand he felt it pulse, “She has a seriously strong grip!”   “So you on your way to get your gear then?”    
“Yeah, it's almost time I think, and I don’t wanna be late.”  “I’d rather be there early, otherwise I’m going to fret all day.”   
Finally Ruby chimed back in, “Then we can all go together!”  The excitable girl hopped around the taller blondes with a bright smile on her face.  He couldn’t help but feel a bit of a confidence boost after witnessing Ruby’s own confidence.  She must believe that she had this in the bag, and if someone as young as her could do it?  Then well he could at the very least try,  even if he failed at the end of the day he could say he at least made an attempt.  And honestly, that's all he could ever ask of himself at this point.  
“Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.”  He could at the very least give it his all.  And who knows, maybe things will turn out better than he’d expected.  
May found that she was practically floating!  Even the little part of her that screamed and chided her for last night’s acts was quashed down by how overall delighted she was.  She’d done it!  She’d practically confessed to her long time crush, and they’d almost gone all the way.  It had been an absolutely fantastic experience, one that she could only HOPE would get outdone when they finally DID have their first time together.  And as she all but glided across the Beacon grounds, she found herself still soaking in the memories of his touch.  She could practically still feel his body around hers, his big round cock sliding between her plump thighs, or his hands grasping onto her bare bottom.  Or oh how could she forget, the feeling his hot white seed soaking in her panties, foaming around the curves of her pussy.  
Just the thought of it sent shivers running up her spine and making her core clench in joy.  Though, and as much as she wanted to keep on with the memory, she had things to do.  So, she’d left her friend behind that morning, wanting to let him get as much sleep as he could before they HAD to get up.  She knew things were going to be rough for him, there was no way that whatever training his parents had given him was going to be enough.  She highly doubted he’d had any official training either, so she would make due on her promise.  She would protect him, and watch out for him.  But first thing first she needed to get herself in the mood.  
She’d spent a lot of time cleaning out her gear, her sniper though on the simpler side of things required a lot of attention and maintenance.  Something she went through on a daily basis to make sure that it was still functioning properly.  She would much rather be over prepared rather than not prepared, if things went bad after all.  This of course meant that she was the first one in the locker rooms.  It also meant that she was there when other people started to come in.  She heard a few passing remarks about her getting close to Pyrrha, or how she had gotten along with the scraggly looking blonde, but she ignored them.  Thankfully, and perhaps part of the reason WHY she put so much attention into her maintenance was because of how it let her wash out her normal shyness.  
She was able to ignore the dreadful thoughts of dealing with others, of having to face other people.  It let her simply concentrate on something that wouldn’t judge her, or talk about her behind her back.  She could just put her all into making sure that the very thing keeping her alive was working.  And that was something she could get behind, something she truly enjoyed.  So she ignored the conversations going on around her, and gratefully so.  Though, there was one conversation she found herself almost completely unable to ignore.  Thankfully she’d finished her preparations by that point.  
“So Pyrrha, have you thought about whose team you would want to be on.”
“I’m not quite sure.  I was planning on letting the chips fall where they may.”  
“Uhm, excuse me?”  
Okay, that was enough familiar voices to grab her attention, though as she finally snapped out of her own little world she realized how very few people were in the locker room now.  As far as she could see it was only herself, the Schnee, Jaune, Pyrrha, and two girls off in the distance.  “Oh, it's a good thing I finished.”   She wouldn’t want to be late after all.  
Though, she felt a chill run down her spine as she began to watch the rather painful event in front of her unfold.  
“What do you want?”  She flinched, if looks could kill she was sure that the Schnee would be charged with murder.  
Poor Jaune didn’t seem to notice though, “I’m sorry I was just wondering if you two could move please?  My stu-”  
“How dare you!  Do you not know who this is?!”  Oh she wasn’t going to let him finish.  She wasn’t sure she should join in, but… Jaune would have done it for her.  Letting out a sigh she walked up to the group.  Though by this point the Schnee had begun to make Pyrrha quite uncomfortable if the pained expression she had on her face was anything to go by.  
“And do you think you deserve to be on the same team as her?!”  
“I uhm…”  
“He… he didn’t… say anything about that though?”  May despite her normal meekness decided to chime in.  This of course had the unwanted but expected effect of earning her the Schnee’s wrath.  
“And WHO are you?”  Oh jeez, how could a girl just a bit smaller than her be so frightening?  It was like dealing with an angry chihuahua.  
Though, thankfully before May had to respond, Pyrrha decided to comment.  “Ms. Schnee, that’s enough.”  May was quite surprised at Pyrrha’s hardened voice as she gazed down upon the little Snow White.  “I believe that you’ve been rude enough as it was, Jaune here wasn’t even asking to be on a team.”  She turned her attention to Jaune, “But I would be delighted to be.”  
May smiled as Pyrrha gave Jaune a reassuring grin, the young boy’s face turning a deep crimson as he sputtered out a few nonsensical words.  
“Now that's most un…”  
“I believe he was simply asking us if we could move.  Isn’t that right Jaune?”  
“Yes please, you’re uh, in front of my locker.”  
The Schnee blinked as she turned towards the number in Jaune’s hand, and then the locker behind her.  Thankfully she had enough and stayed silently shortly after, huffing as she decided to take her leave.  
Frankly Jaune had no idea what to do in this situation, it had been awkward enough with the girl who’d already probably didn’t like him, just kind of threatening him.  “Well… that was interesting.”  
Pyrrha simply smiled his way, something that caught both May and Jaune’s attention as they felt a small warm feeling churn inside of them.  “I hope neither of you are bothered by any of what she said.”  
“None here.”  Jaune shook his head, he didn’t really get famous people.  
“That’s the same for me.”  May found herself stating what she felt was obvious.  Despite her shyness, she liked to be upfront about things.  
A warm cozy feeling fell upon the trio, only to be interrupted by the other two students still in the room.  “THAT WAS AWESOME!”  Ruby’s sudden appearance between the three caused the trio to suddenly jump back in surprise.  The young redhead turned her attention towards Pyrrha, a gleam in her eye that Pyrrha had seen all too often, however what came next wasn’t exactly what she expected.  “The way you shut her down!  Ms Snooty never saw it coming!”  This officially caught Pyrrha off guard, maybe coming here wasn’t such a bad idea after all.
“Well now, I see why you weren’t instantly smitten by my adorable little sister lover boy.”  
Jaune nearly jumped out of his pants as Yang suddenly appeared by his side, her arm resting on his shoulder, “You’ve got these two beauties fighting over!  Heck one of them’s even a champion!”  
Pyrrha couldn’t help but flinch at being called champion, even if this woman, she didn’t know their names, said it only in jest towards Jaune.  For now she’d let it slide, though she did take note of the way Jaune’s demeanor flattened.  Regardless, now wasn’t the time for that, they would all need to be at their utmost best if they wished to survive.
“Well uuuuh!  We should get going!”  
The younger girl, Ruby she believed her name was, decided to break the awkwardness.  
Pyrrha nodded, “I agree.”  The sooner she got her partner, the better things would turn out.  And hopefully, peering over to Jaune and May, she would end up on a team with these two splendid individuals.  
Jaune wasn’t ready for this!  He’d already been prepared for what was to come, but actually standing on a launchpad without any real plan other than “Use your Aura.” was not something that he felt comfortable with.  
“Today will be the day that you decide not only your partners, but your teams.”  
“Oh man!” 
“I knew it!”  
Jaune’s face scrunched as he heard two different voices in the background.  One he recognized as Ruby, and the other he didn’t.  
He couldn’t really argue with Ruby’s dismay, finding their partners in the middle of a forest was going to be awfully troublesome, it didn’t help that it was simply adding more pressure onto him, something he REALLY didn’t need right now.
“Oh gods I hope I don’t hurl.”
That had been another thing he’d been worried about when his elder sister had informed him that they’d be flying over the valley.
“The first person you make contact with will be your new partner.”  
“Oh that's… that doesn’t seem like a good way to build partnerships!”  
“As for teams?”  
Ozpin took a sip of his ‘coffee’.  Of course Jaune knew it wasn’t actually coffee, if he had to guess it was either tea or hot chocolate.  The man couldn’t handle anything bitter on his tongue.  He had a serious sweet tooth about it.  
“Well, that’s a secret.”  
Even in this rather unfortunate situation, Jaune found the time to roll his eyes.  
“Now then, Professor Goodwitch?”  
Jaune’s attention fell upon the disciplinarian and vice headmistress of Beacon Academy.  Probably the only real reason he’d actually made it in.  Even as he took the time to scan her cold demeanor, he couldn’t help but smile.  As scary as she was when she was stern and in her working mood, he’d always see her as nothing more than his loving aunt.  
“You will be launched one at a time into the Emerald Forest.”  
This he knew, “And when you touch down you will make an attempt to route with your fellow students.  The first individuals you make eye contact with will become your partner.”  He caught note of the s at the end of individuals, and that confused him slightly.  Had she miss-spoken?  
“From there, you have 48 hours to survive.”  
He blinked, this was different from what Rua had told him it would be!  But… survival?  He could make do with that!  Surviving off the land was probably the ONLY thing he was good at.
One nasally redhead decided to speak up, “What?  What does that have to do with being a huntsman!?”  
He was dutifully ignored. 
“We have provided all of you with a starter pack.”  
“Oh, that's what this is!”  
He heard Yang call out this time.  
“In it you will find various items, such as rope, a flint and steel, and most importantly a flare.  If ever you feel that you are unable to continue you and your teammates must decide on withdrawing.  Do note, there ARE Grimm in the forest.  You will have to learn to balance your survival instincts as well as your combat.  Being a Huntsman will often leave you in situations where you are low on supplies, or have to forage to survive.  This will be a good deciding factor on if any of you actually have what it means.”  
And with that she fell silent, pushing up her glasses as she took her place behind Ozpin. 
“Well then, any questions?”  
Jaune didn’t say anything, for the first time since he got here, he was feeling confident… except there was one thing he wanted to ask.  Raising his hand he was also ignored.  
“Good, I wish you the best of luck.”  
He couldn’t help but frown, catching the smile on Ozpin’s face as he was suddenly shot into the air, “I HAD A QUESTION!”  
Glynda watched as her nephew was suddenly launched into the air, having not noticed that several other students had already been sent off before him, “You know, Dana’s probably going to hear about that.”  
“Oh… hmm…”  
Ozpin frowned, that wasn’t good.  
“Well… he should be fine, he always did enjoy reading survival guides.”  
Glynda simply shook her head and sighed, this was going to be a very long initiation.  And, while she was supposed to be impartial, she did hope her nephew ended up on a good team.  
“So… has everyone already placed their bets onto the betting pool yet?”  
Glynda frowned, “You know how I feel about betting…”  
“Ugh… yes.”
“Oobleck believes that at least a few students will get frisky during the initiation.  He stated that Winchester is definitely going to try something.”  
She glowered at the thought, “I don’t blame him… god I hope no woman ends up on his team.”  
“Peach thinks that Lie, Valkyrie, and Sustrai will be up to some form of mischief and hanky panky.”  
“And I believe that Zedong and Arc will push their relationship a little further.”
“Oh come now, that’s an easy bet.  We all could practically hear them last night.”  He took a sip of his drink once more, “I’m betting that Nikos snaps, you can smell the repression on the girl a mile away, your nephew is in danger.”  
“I swear, he’s just like his mom…”  
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illyaana · 3 years
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Cursive Ink - Yamaguchi Tadashi
Collab: Pain Tolerance by @haikyutiehoe
Thanks for making this collab, hun! the idea of pierced and/or tatted anime characters got me squealing~! Do check out the other works involved in the collab in the link up there~
Tags: Yamaguchi's POV, Angst, Fluff, Yamaguchi x Tattoo Artist! Reader, Binaural
Synopsis: Love never really goes the way we plan it to be - and Yamaguchi was no exception. His failed confession to his former best friend left him heartbroken. However, his decision to go to a tattoo parlour may have been the best (and craziest) choice he's ever made in his life. (I also believe Yamaguchi is pansexual, so don't get so confused XD)
Word Count: 2552
A bit of context: In Japanese, 'Yama' means mountain, 'Tsuki' means the Moon
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Want to get a personalized drabble about your love life with an anime character you like? Check out my 50 followers event's post here! You can choose any character from BNHA, Haikyu!!, AOT, JJK and Kuroko no Basketball <3
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“Yamaguchi, no,” Tsukishima said, pulling his hand away from my hand.
“Why are you lying to yourself? I know you feel the same way, Tsuki - don’t lie to yourself.”
“I don’t, Yamaguchi,” Tsukishima said, eyes turning cold, “I am not gay - I am a straight, heterosexual male. I love women and women only.”
You are lying to me.
You are in love with me.
You are already mine, Tsuki - just wake up and see it.
I know you can.
what was that kiss under the tree when we were kids?” I whispered, not wanting my voice to break, “If you never loved me, why kiss me, Tsuki?”
“We both agreed that it was a mistake, didn’t we?” The blonde male said, anger rising, “We both agreed - not just me.”
I said yes - I know I did.
That doesn’t mean I meant it.
You know me, Tsuki - I’ll agree to everything you’ll say.
Why aren’t you realising it?
I’ve waited for so many years for you to ask me out, but you never did.
I’m here, right in front of you, asking you to be mine - just say yes.
I don’t want to wait anymore - it’s too painful.
“I lied, okay?!” I scream, “I loved you ever since we were kids, Tsuki. I want to be the one you come back to when you leave, the only one you kiss, the only one you hug, the only one you dream about - I want to be that to you. Is that so hard to believe?!”
I hugged myself, not wanting to break down anymore.
That small hug was the only thing stopping me from letting all hell break loose.
I had kept this in ever since I knew Tsuki - ever since he saw him in that park.
I knew everything about the tall male. The way he smiles, the way he hides his anger when he wants to be respectful, his secret love for dinosaurs, his soft side, his small quirks - I knew it all like the back of his hand.
I knew what he needed to be the middle blocker’s lover, and I was willing to sacrifice myself to be the best thing for Tsuki.
One thing was clear in my head; Tsuki felt the exact same way.
“Yamaguchi, I’m sorry. I don’t love you the way you want me to,” Tsukishima said, kneeling beside the green-haired male.
“I don’t believe that.”
I forced his lips on Tsukishima’s.
I closed my eyes, trying to memorise how the lines of his soft and pale lips felt on his - how it softly caressed my lips without even responding to the intimate kiss I was trying to initiate.
I felt Tsukishima trying to push me away, but I didn’t let go of the male’s collar.
He already took my first kiss - what is the difference if I took another?
The second our lips left each other’s, Tsukishima punched my nose.
Blood dripped from my nose, but I couldn’t care less.
“Don’t you fucking call me Tsuki ever again, dumbass. Better yet, don’t call me.”
My last day of high school ended with blood and tears, but the pain in my heart from losing my best friend hurt more.
I stared at the stars, lying down in the little treehouse we made as kids in my backyard.
I tried to cry it all out, but I couldn’t.
I feel cheated by you, Tsukishima Kei.
You made me make you my everything.
My voice was tuned to calm you down.
My hands we moulded to keep you warm.
My life was made to keep you safe, but you don’t need me to be you.
But I do - I need you to be me.
One-sided crushes are the worst form of love, aren’t they?
You give it all for that one person - to please and cherish them.
They just think it’s just a form of showing how strong your friendship is, but you want more.
You are the only one who wants more.
You are the one crying at night about how you wished they were by your side.
You are the one craving for their touch.
You want them, but they don’t want you.
I don’t care about you bruising my face, Tsukishima-san.
I care about you fucking me up like this.
I will no longer wait for your messages.
I will no longer look at your tweets and be the only one giving reactions.
I will erase you from my narrative, Tsukishima-san.
You can wonder about how much you’ve hurt me when I have reached somewhere you can’t even touch me.
“You are absolutely sure about this, right?” Hinata said, worry laced in his words.
I open the doors to the tattoo parlour and I was instantly mesmerized. The walls were filled with such intricate designs - sizes ranging from as small as a finger to as big as my whole body. The smell of fresh ink slowly hit me, reminding me of my schooling years.
“I am sure, Hinata. I was planning to do this ever since I was small, either way. I just wished it was under better circumstances,” I reply, eyes locked on all the flower motifs.
I always wanted a tattoo - it didn’t matter how big or small it was. I always thought of how beautiful the idea was - to have something permanently inked on your skin to remind you of who you were. Flowers drew with such hidden meaning, curved lines speaking words of poetry, ideas brought into life - tattoos are an artist’s masterpiece meant to paint on my skin as a canvas.
“Do you want me to stay? I don’t mind waiting here with you - “
“Weren’t you supposed to meet up with Kageyama later today?” I remind him, chuckling.
“That man is late for everything. I think he can handle me coming late for once.”
“I’m seriously okay, Hinata! Go get ready, I’ll send a picture when it’s done,” I say as I push him out of the shop.
“Okay, okay - make sure to send me that picture!” He said as he ran out of the shop.
Why follow me if you’re itching to leave?
“That friend of yours has really bright orange hair - is it dyed or natural?” I hear someone say.
Holy shit, you’re hot.
“Oh - uh- um- It’s natural,” I say, forming some space between us.
Holy shit, you’re hot.
You tied half of your hair in a small bun, showing me the small, intricate designs on your neck. Flowers decorated your soft skin, moving down under your shirt’s sleeve. Small golden piercings decorated your ears. They were encrusted with gems of various colours that shifted under the soft lighting gracing your skin.
You looked so beautiful I couldn’t stop staring.
“So, do you have an appointment?” You asked, breaking my train of thought.
“N- no.”
Stop stuttering, Yamaguchi Tadashi.
“First time, huh?” you smiled, “Don’t worry, you’ll be fine. The pain is different for everyone, but I think you can handle it.”
God, stop stuttering.
“God, you’re cute,” you laughed while looking at my frazzled face, “Don’t worry, my dearest client - you’re in capable hands. Come - let’s discuss your design, shall we?”
You grabbed my wrist and brought me to your corner, leaving me blushed mess.
They called me cute.
I’m breathing, right?
Okay, I’m breathing.
As we were walking, I got to see the back of your neck - more specifically, a part of your tattoo.
It was a blossoming rose - a huge one. It had vines that grew from it, encircling your whole neck, moving down your shirt and reaching the tips of your fingers. Smaller roses grew from it, branching even smaller vines surrounded by leaves.
I wanted to know the story behind that tattoo. It looked so beautiful yet so dark. The thorns that came from certain vines alarmed me, but I kept my thoughts to myself. My attention was brought to your piercings - more specifically, the design of the encrusted jewels. They were flowers, as well. In the middle of each jewel held a line of gold that branched out, just like the vines of your tattoo.
“Oh, you’re looking at my tattoo and piercings, aren’t you?” You ask, eyebrow raised.
“Is it okay if I am?” I ask, worried.
You laughed.
“Of course it’s fine. Who would get a tattoo and not prepare for all the staring? Not going to lie, here - these piercings and that tattoo help me fuel my ego. After all, everyone’s staring at them,” you joke, playing with your hair.
You sit on your chair, pointing at the one opposite you.
“What are you waiting for? Sit.”
“So, you want some small vines surrounding a moon, right?” You ask as you brought out your tablet.
“Yeah, on my middle finger.”
I had enough of his little orders - I’ll twist his words into something much more meaningful. If the Moon isn’t willing to dance with the mountains, let the vines make the Moon feel the mountain’s pain from its rejection.
“That sounds really pretty,” you say, smiling at me, “Give me a minute - I’ll do a rough sketch and you can tell me if it’s to your liking.”
You took out the tablet’s pen tool and began to sketch. I eyed your eyes as you continued to sketch what would be my tattoo.
Thanks to the light from the tablet, I could see a part of another tattoo hidden under your shirt.
It was multiple birds flying across your collarbones, but there was one bird that moved to your neck. It was a smaller bird - much, much smaller. However, its wings were bigger - bigger than the other birds’.
“My family isn’t very appreciative of my more artistic side,” you began, knowing I wanted to know the story behind it.
“I love art - all types of art. Writing, drawing, painting - I loved how you could make a whole new world just with a few lines. My family…” you paused, “As much as they loved me, they couldn’t see a world where I could make a living from it. They tried to throw away this side of me, but the more they pushed it away, the more I needed it.”
You raised your tablet, showing me your sketch.
I loved it.
It was a crescent moon, wrapped in vines. Vines grew both upwards and below, accompanied by stars. Small buds were growing from the ends of the vines, leaves surrounding them.
I don’t know how you did it, but you captured all I felt about him in a few minutes - it astounded me.
“I took a few creative liberties, but-”
“It’s amazing - don’t change it.”
You’re amazing.
You smiled, getting off your chair.
“Head to that room,” you pointed to the smaller room right beside us, “I’ll get all the tools ready.”
“You ready?” you said, placing the pen right above my middle finger.
Why did I choose my middle finger for my first tattoo? It’s literally right on a bone, it’s going to hurt like hell.
“I guess…” I whisper.
“It won’t be that painful - trust me. People overexaggerate,” you say, trying to calm me down.
People weren’t overexaggerating - it hurt.
It hurt a lot.
I bit my lip, holding back the scream on the end of my lips.
“Hold on,” you said, removing the pen.
You soon came back with candy and began to unwrap it.
“Open your mouth, my liege.”
After chuckling, I opened my mouth and you plopped the sweet in my mouth.
Ooh, mango.
“Focus on the sweet, okay?” You said, patting my back.
It felt less painful, surprisingly. Focusing on the sweet rolling in my mouth helped reduce the pain significantly.
I raised my head slightly so that I could see your intense focus on my finger. You were biting on your lower lip as you slowly moved the pen on my finger, following the temporary tattoo you made earlier as a guide. You were annoyed by a strand of your hair that refused to stay behind on your ear - your anger-filled expression said it all.
Using my other hand, I pushed it behind your ear to help you focus.
A soft thank you came from you as you continued.
Blood rushed to my cheeks the minute those words left your lips.
So cute.
“You didn’t finish your story…” I asked, trying to end the awkward silence.
“It was that interesting to you?” you smiled.
You’re interesting, Y/N.
I nod.
“I asked them if I could draw again. I didn’t want to lose that skill I finetuned all my life - it felt so wrong. They thought I’d never succeed in life if I focused on ‘these useless hobbies’ and shouted at me. I remember crying for hours, but they didn’t care,” you say as you turn off the pen, wiping the tip.
“I began to spend more hours in school just so that I could scribble and draw. They’d never know what I did there - all the drawings I did, all the stories I wrote, all the songs I sang. I am not like my parents. I strayed from the thought of ‘art is useless’- I am the bird moving away from the flock,” you said, turning your chair towards me.
“Why did they hate art? It’s something that makes you happy - If it’s something you like, you should do it,” I said, slightly pissed.
Thank God they didn’t listen to them.
“Best part - they have paintings all over the house,” you snickered.
You sighed, stretching your arms in the process.
“I don’t really care about their opinion about it, anyway. I’m no longer under their wing - I’m my own person. I get money by doing the thing I love, and that’s so fulfilling. The only thing they’re paying for right now is my college education - that’s it,” you said as you pressed a wet cloth to my new tattoo.
“Wait - we’re the same age?”
“Yeah, we are,” you smiled.
“I expected you to be way older,” I say, embarrassed.
“I am utterly offended, sir,” you say, feigning sadness.
“Come on!” I say, laughing.
“I am expecting a tip,” you say, walking towards the door.
You’re amazing, Y/N. I just wish I met you earlier…
“Well, it was nice meeting you, Yamaguchi Tadashi,” you say, closing the cash register in front of you.
“And I you, my friend.”
I walk to the door, gripping on the door handle.
I want you in my life, Y/N. Even if we spent just a few hours together, you’ve made me so happy. If you are open to the idea, I want to be friends with you - and who knows? We might become something…
I walk back to the cashier.
“Oh, did I forget something?” You ask, worried.
“No, no…”
Come on, say it.
“Hey, wanna exchange numbers? I wanna hang out with you - of course, only if you want to,” you say smiling.
Holy shit.
“Yes, please.”
You held back your laugh the minute you saw my face.
How many times have I made you laugh just by you looking at my face?
“Here’s my number,” you passed me your card, “Message me so that I get your number, too!”
“Okay!” I smile.
Holy shit. I did it.
“See you again, ‘guchi.”
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