#food crew au
kaleis-kingdom · 1 year
AU Masterlist
(Will be updated as time goes on. Questions/Asks about AU's are welcomed!)
Five Nights at Freddy's
Mikedrop AU (Michael as Sun/Moon.)
Shadow!Michael AU (Michael is Shadow Foxy.)
Reincarnation AU (Michael is Gregory.)
Puppet!Mike AU (Michael is Glamrock Puppet.)
Mike-gomery AU (Michael is Montgomery Gator.)
Funtime!Mike AU (Michael is Funtime Foxy.)
Fourth Afton AU (Michael is the eldest sibling to Elizabeth, C.C, and Foxy Mask Bully.)
Replaced AU (Michael is adopted after Foxy Mask dies, people think he is Foxy Mask.)
OMC!Mike AU (Michael is Old Man Consequences.)
My Hero Academia
Food Crew AU (Midoriya is friends with Yagi, Yaoyurozu, and Sato. Quirkless Midoriya au.)
DT! Midoriya AU (Midoriya travels through alternate universes, going by Shi Jade. Quirkless Midoriya.)
OFA Son AU (Midoriya is the son of the First & Second users of One For All. Quirkless Midoriya AU.)
Quirk Status Swap AU [QSS] (Midoriya and Bakugou swap quirk statuses. BakuDeku friendship. Quirkless Bakugou.)
Ghost Midoriya AU (Dead Midoriya ends up befriending and following Shigaraki. He also befriends Oboro. Died 2 years before UA. Quirkless Midoriya AU.)
Cloudy Days AU (Midoriya is hit by a quirk and is sent back in time. Changes his name and hair color with Nezu's help, becoming Shirakumo Oboro.)
Loop It Around AU (Timeloop AU where Midoriya, Natsuo, and Shigaraki are in a time loop. This is a WIP currently so more people might be added.)
Fused Together AU (Fusion AU where when alongside quirks, people gained the ability to fuse. The more alike or close they are, the more stable.)
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freelanceplatypus · 2 months
Dungeon Meshi modern au where both Laois and Falin are food vloggers. Laois is always travelling to remote areas and cultures to try the most "extreme" foods and bring them to light. He's known as the guy who will drink blood and slam a still wriggling bug just to comment on it's nutty flavor. Meanwhile Falin is visiting long-standing eateries and sharing the stories behind local cuisine.
Nobody actually puts together they're siblings (in part due to wildly different viewerbases) until Falin in one video mentions how she enjoys eating insects and the comment section is full of folks asking her to "collab with the bug guy". Her very next video is her and Laois smiling infront of a mukbang style platter of insects and she introduces him as her brother.
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Today Zoro is: working the deep fryer at McDonalds!
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sincerely-sofie · 5 months
I just want to know, what do the Pokémon eat besides berries and bag goodies?
(Idk what the bag foods called HELP—)
Pokemon have a much wider variety of things they eat in The Present is a Gift than what we see in the games— though berries, apples, seeds, and gummies are still important foods! As a rule of thumb, I like to say that they can eat most IRL vegetarian dishes. There’s a plethora of things in the PMD world that replace most “animal” products— stuff like special plants, mushrooms, fruits, and vegetables— so they’re not limited strictly to vegan cuisine, but they’re not going to go around eating omelettes or anything like that. And there's no meat going into anyone's dinner because cannibalism is cringe, y'all.
For a fun bit of bonus info: Dusknoir is the best cook out of the crew, and Celebi is the absolute worst. Darkrai is pretty close to Dusknoir in skill once he learns how to cook, but he’s not comfortable without a recipe to follow, while Dusknoir is constantly tinkering with his favorites. Kip and Twig are next— Kip has a handful of basic recipes memorized, and Twig has a single recipe she came up with for spicy vegetable and berry skewers that she whips out whenever needed. Grovyle isn’t a skilled cook by any means, but he doesn’t put compost in dishes like Celebi does, at least, so he’s safe from being at the bottom of the tier list. For now.
Enjoy these two snippets of Celebi being chaotic in the kitchen:
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softquietsteadylove · 5 months
During the show the tightrope breaks and Thena falls. Luckily Gil catches her but gets injured. The whole crew protects both of them when kro is very angry that Gil touches Thena. Some drama for the circus one
It felt as if it happened in slow motion. Thena was in the middle of the routine as usual, and things were going well. She and Angus were both strong and ready for the show.
But something wasn't right. Gil had watched as Thena froze on the tightrope, her whole body locking up on the spot. He had looked to where her eyes were anchored, running out from behind the scenes. Something was wrong with the joint where the line was attached.
Then it snapped.
"Thena!" He ran as fast as he could. There were no nets, as per a certain ringleader's demand (because it didn't instill the right excitement in the crowds). There was no protecting Thena from a bone shattering fall.
He plowed into her, just barely managing to catch her as they both rolled and skidded from his momentum. He somehow managed to keep a hold of her within his arms. His shoulder was most certainly jostled from where it was supposed to be, and he wouldn't be surprised if he had a number of bruises along his ribs and arms.
The crowd was up on its feet, women and children screaming. Kro was already trying to assure them and tell them there was no need to panic (no need to ask for their money back).
He opened his eyes, scared to look at what happened. But he grunted as Thena leaned over him, her hair pooling on his chest as he lay on his back. Her hand trailed over his cheek. "Are you okay?"
"Oh Gil," she whispered, her hand sliding down his cheek and neck and over his chest.
Gil looked around them. It was chaos, and this was definitely a worst case scenario. At least Thena wasn't hurt, but the repercussions would ripple through the whole crew. They had to check the equipment, they would have a meeting with everyone from every department. And Kro would be furious.
Gil saw from somewhat upside down as Kro caught sight of them. He didn't know why the guy was anywhere but by his wife's side, but he was too tired to think about that now. He watched as Kro began the process of storming over to them.
"Get your filthy hands off of her!"
Oh, he was talking to him. Gil blinked, feeling as if he were hearing everything underwater, and his head hurt something fierce. But Thena was unharmed, that was all that mattered to him.
"Gil," Thena whispered to him. There was a flurry of motion around them, the crew rushing to talk to Kro about what to do about the broken highwire. They would serve as a barricade for them. "Can you see me?"
He could only ever see her. He nodded, groaning as he tried to sit up.
"It's okay, easy," she cooed to him as she helped pull him up. "We're going to get you some help."
Gil tried to hold himself up, but damn it felt hard. He didn't think he was really this heavy, but he couldn't keep his feet straight. He was like a newborn colt trying to walk for the first time.
"Come on, big fella," some of his friends from the crew got on either side of him. Of course Thena couldn't be the one to help try to walk him to the medical tent. But she smelled nicer than these guys.
"Gil," she called to him again, dragging his eyes up to hers. "Just look at me. You can't fall asleep."
Why not? He was dead tired and he felt like he'd been wrestling with the elephants.
"Just keep looking at me," she whispered, leading him with the sweet lyricism of her voice. Like a damn angel, that woman.
Gil sighed as they finally got him to the medical tent and seated on a bale of hay. He really was ready to lie down, but he let Thena drag his head upright again. Although he did whine a little as she shined some kinda light in his eyes.
"You can't sleep like this," she sighed, and then put something cold on the top of his head. His eyes naturally rolled upward, not that he could see whatever it was. She smiled, "it's just from the icebox. We have to keep the swelling down."
Oh, it was his head. That made sense why his ears were ringing, at least. "Are you okay?"
Thena looked at him in a way that made his heart melt. She sat beside him, even letting her knees in her sparkly stockings brush against his in his regular, ratty old trousers. "Thanks to you."
Gil looked at her, now that the chaos from the main tent was behind them. She did look fine, which was a relief. "Couldn't just let you fall."
It was almost not within his control, that was to say. But Thena took his hand in hers. "I know you couldn't. But I owe my life to you, all the same."
His mind was a few steps behind his mouth as he blurted out, "where's your husband?"
Normally he wouldn't bring him up, even just so as to not upset the lady.
But Thena didn't even blink, rubbing her thumb against his, "don't worry about him, for now."
"I wish you didn't have to worry about him," Gil mumbled out. He really was saying whatever was on his mind, huh?
Thena sighed, though, looking at him with those stunning green eyes. "I know. I wish so, too."
Gil closed his eyes as she adjusted the cloth bundle of ice on top of his head. It did feel nice, but it also gave him the chills. "He's gonna blow his top if we can't get the highwire restrung."
"That man would blow his top at the sky if it were the only thing around."
Gil chuckled, although it made his head hurt something awful. He groaned.
"Sorry." Thena brushed the backs of her knuckles over his temple, soothing the ache from the outside in.
Gil looked at the cloth walls of the tent. It was just some canvas, and it was far from impenetrable. But he looked at Thena, feeling like he really did have this moment to keep just to themselves. "Thena...if he ever hurts you, I swear-"
His eyes slid closed as she leaned forward to kiss him. Her lips were as soft as the light of first dawn. If he never believed in heaven before, maybe he did now.
Thena leaned back, her thumbs on his cheeks, "don't worry about me, Gil."
But he did. Every second of every day, he thought of her.
He was painfully in love with someone else's wife. "But-"
She kissed him again, more softly, and more chastely too, leaning back even quicker. "No buts, just try to rest. I can handle Kro."
Gil tried to protest again but Thena stood, leaving him alone on his little hay bale island. He blinked as she exited the tent, the warm glow inside contrasting the cold, blue light outside.
"Is he in there?"
"He's resting. Leave him be, Kro."
"Like hell I will. Bastard thinks he can put his hands on my wife?!"
Gil tried to get to his feet, stumbling to his knees at first. He tried again as the crack of a palm against a cheek sliced through the air. "Th-Thena?"
"He saved my life! More than you've ever done, and if I see you bothering him, I'll give the crowd something that will really scare them away and right out of your greedy hands."
He had never heard Thena raise her voice. He had seen her stand her ground with Kro, and he had no doubt she was as tough as a lady got, even with that brute of a husband. Maybe because of that brute of a husband.
"Ungrateful little whore."
"Call me whatever you want. Gilgamesh is not to leave his own sleeper car until he's healed."
She only ever called him Gil when they were alone.
"Fine, but the show goes on, even if the vet starts bleeding from the eyes."
Gil tried to stand again. He had to say that he would be fine. He couldn't let Thena be left alone with that devil. He groaned, managing to stand and take a few steps.
He only made it out of the tent in time to see Kro all but dragging Thena away, probably to berate her for talking back to him in front of the crew like that. But she turned and waved to him, assuring him of her well being.
Gil stood there, watching the woman he loved get dragged away by her husband. He couldn't make out any of the words his fellow crewmen and friends were chattering at him. All he was thinking about was how Thena had kissed him, and in such a way that could only mean that she loved him too.
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qtubbo · 7 months
Morning crew hg au was supposed to fully center morning crew and it does for the actual story, but now Ive thought of cellbits backstory and why he blames tazercraft so strongly for what happened.
His game was an literal play on “hunger” games and there were no edible plants in the arena so everyone had to hunt for food. Which was designed by Tazercraft but they actually had no control after that since the Feds went full advertisement on them. They were touring instead, because of this other gamemakers decided to add less creatures to hunt. Designed to make the players more desperate and focus on hunting each other. Problem being if there is no food to eat and its a killing game…people get a bit hungry.
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charkyzombicorn · 3 months
Halloween au
Sanji having a bareacdown because of how each of the crews diets vary
Nami and usopp strait up don’t eat
Luffy, franky, jibber and brook can eat regular food
Robin (depending on the lore) can only drink blood
Chopper and zoro can only eat human flesh
The things that hurts crew members include
Running water
Robin trained herself to down food to look normal but it does nothing for her and she ends up vomiting it back up later, Sanji promises she doesn't have to eat with them
Zoro can technically eat what he wants it's the getting him to eat enough and not poison that's a problem because he's basically keeping his mortal corpse like a 6 year old keeps a hamster. He and Sanji argue at least once a day over Zoro needing to eat because Zoro doesn't ever feel hungry, doesn't know what it's like to feel hungry, and likes doing his favorite human things which are exercising and sleeping and he doesn't like eating because it's a chore. He refuses to learn what on a plate you're not supposed to eat so he's not allowed utensils, bones, or pieces bigger than a person can swallow without chewing.
Chopper feels very bad abt having to eat human, but in a shocking twist of events Luffy can actually be emergency food for him - since he can regenerate whole arms or legs in a few days without a lot of consequence, and he's technically human enough for Chopper to eat. Luffy doesn't let Chopper see him cutting his arm off though, because he very much still feels it
So yeah Sanji is having an absolute Time Of It, luckily Nami and Usopp are there for moral support
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butmakeitgayblog · 2 years
CI Clexa would be angrier caught cuddling than having sex, it is known.
When I say they would be furious 😤
It's not like they're not demonstrative in public because they are, they're just a loving couple. But there's a huge difference for them between sharing a quick kiss and holding hands, and having your wife curled up in your lap like a purring cat while you pet and nibble on each other
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auggieblogs · 6 months
Secret Santa | f1 grid Instagram au
f1 grid x driver! reader
* ੈ✩‧₊˚ doing their first secret santa segment with the grid
Author's note: Hello, loves. Hope you all are doing good. Now that the Secret Santa video is out I can finally upload this fic. This didn't turn out the way I wanted it to, I was expecting it to be better but that's okay. I'm going to serve with my next fic, promise. Happy reading, everyone:))
―୨୧⋆ ˚masterlist
The winter air was filled with festive cheer as the Formula 1 paddock prepared for its annual Secret Santa exchange. As a rookie, it was your first time participating in this heartwarming tradition and you were excited, to say the least. The camera crew followed you, capturing every moment leading up to the big reveal of your Christmas gift.
The media team had already hinted that your gift was something extraordinary, a collective effort from the entire grid. The box was larger than expected, and you could feel the curiosity building up.
Lifting the lid, you were met with an array of dog toys, dog clothes, and even some dog food. A chuckle escaped your lips as you examined the peculiar assortment. "Interesting," you remarked, holding up a tiny doggie shirt to the camera. "I doubt that's going to fit me, but I really appreciate the thought, everyone."
Laughter echoed around you, and you took the lighthearted gift in stride, knowing the Secret Santa segment was known for its humorous nature.
Behind the scenes, someone from the camera crew spoke up, letting you know that this was only half of your present. Perplexed, you turned toward the camera, curiosity etched across your face. Then, from behind you, emerged a crew member carrying a small, fluffy golden retriever puppy in his arms.
Your eyes widened in disbelief, and a hushed "no, no, no" escaped your lips as you connected the dots. The reality sunk in, and you moved back, your hand covering your mouth in sheer disbelief. "Say sike right now," you pleaded, almost unable to comprehend what was in front of you. The response was a firm denial, confirming that the puppy was indeed your Secret Santa gift from the entire grid.
You gingerly accepted the puppy into your arms, cradling it close to your chest. "Oh, you're so small," you cooed, a mixture of laughter and happy tears streaming down your face. The puppy reciprocated with wet kisses, and you couldn't help but snuggle into the warmth of this unexpected gift.
As you revel in the joy of the moment, a voice from behind the camera interrupted, "Do you like your gift?" You nodded vigorously, still cradling the puppy in your arms. "I love him so, so much," you replied, sniffling.
Finally, you noticed a note nestled among the dog toys. With the puppy still in your arms, you delicately unfolded the note, "Happy Christmas, Y/N. You are collectively everyone's favourite on the grid. Hope you like the puppy, he's just like you," the note read and was signed by all the drivers.
Tears continued to stream down your cheeks as you looked into the camera. "Thank you, everyone. I love all of you. This is the best Christmas ever." You lifted the puppy so that he could face the camera too, and the collective "awws" echoed around the paddock.
The person behind the camera couldn't resist asking, "What are you going to name him?" You pondered for a moment before deciding, "He looks like a Lenny, no?"
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≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
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liked by f1, landonorris and 287,120 others
yourusername Lenny SnoopDawg Y/L in da house😎
username lmao he's so silly
username kissies on da face!!!!
username can't believe the drivers gifted a golden retriever, an actual golden retriever smh
landonorris I CALL GODFATHER
charles_leclerc Uh back the fuck up. I am the godfather
landonorris You didn't call it though, snoozers losers😘
logansargeant Sorry to break it to you guys but Y/N said her favourite gets to be the godfather, so it's actually me
oscarpiastri Mate, do you ever get tired of being wrong? I'm obviously her favourite
landonorris sources: trust me bro
carlossainz55 I just feel like someone who's actually experienced with dogs should get to be the godfather
mickschumacher So you mean, me? Awh Carlos, thank you
carlossainz55 No.
landonorris I'm real experienced with dogs
yourusername yes, we all remember Uno
albon_pets not to be bias or anything but @alex_albon is great with pets
charles_leclerc That is in fact very bias
albon_pets we are not talking to you dude😠
maxverstappen1 Can I be the father?
logansargeant PAUSE
georgerussell63 Hold up, HOLD THE FUCK UP
yourusername I-is that a flirtation?????
username what the dog doin
username bet lenny is a better driver than me
f1 You should never let your dog drive a car. Soon they'll get better than you and start competing in formula 1😟
username happened to my buddy eric once
oscarpiastri that's my car he's driving btw
username Lenny is the goddest boy☹️
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bidisastersanji · 4 months
Canon-ish AU where by some weird misalignment of stars Sanji is the only one on the crew who doesn’t know the ship cat that he can’t always find is actually Zoro who sometimes shapeshifts into that form.
From Zoro’s perspective the cook is really weird because sometimes he’ll feed him some nice fish cuts and cuddle and pet him and let him nap on/near him, tell him about his day in a soft, pleasant voice- and then the next moment (he doesn’t have enough brain cells to réalise the difference in treatment is linked to what form he’s in) he’s being kicked and he’s « in the way » for napping in the galley and stealing food from the kitchen and called a « shitty marimo ».
Make up your fucking mind curly 😤( He must be some kind of tsundere or something, he thinks. Well, he’ll come around someday. Zoro is a patient man)
So Zoro is annoyed at Sanji for his hot and cold treatment and Sanji doesn’t understand why Zoro just doesn’t ever learn not to do certain things and sometimes acts weird and a bit affectionate, gets more tactile (and also wonders where the cute little kitty disappears to)
Meanwhile Nami, Robin and Usopp figured out that Sanji for some goddamn reason doesn’t know the cat is also Zoro and are biding their time and giggling whenever they see Sanji pet Zoro on his lap, giving each other knowing smiles.
More and more quid pro quos about Zoro and his cat form pile up- making it funnier and funnier that Sanji hasn’t made the connection, until one day Zoro turns into his human form in the middle of a nap on Sanji’s lap and Sanji suddenly has a lap full of swordsman with his head nestled in his neck.
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kaleis-kingdom · 1 year
Food Crew AU
Yagi and Midoriya are friends.
Midoriya doesn't know that Yagi is All Might.
Quirkless Midoriya AU, so no OFA for him.
No Slime Villain meeting here.
During UA, and whenever they could meet up before, Midoriya has lunch with Yagi.
He makes lunch for the both of them, trying to get Yagi to eat more often.
Midoriya had a partial gastrectomy (lower part of stomach is surgically removed) as a kid, so his diet is similar to Yagi's.
Quirk discussions with each other!
They disagree on if people without quirks can become a hero.
Midoriya's main goal is to still save people with a smile. But he has a secondary goal, that's still important to him, on helping other quirkless people.
And he hopes that proving that quirkless people are able to become heroes will help them be treated better.
Midoriya is in 1A.
Momo, Sato, and Midoriya friendship!
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saerotonins · 7 months
actor!kento headcanons
ft. nanami kento x reader
content warnings: fluff, general actor headcanons, implied nanami x reader
wc: 749
note: i really have fun doing this, let me know if you guys want more for other characters! 🫶🏻
jjk actor au masterlist
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 as an actor:
i feel like he would be more humorous and laid back than his character
usually the one who starts teasing his closest castmates (probably haibara and gojo)
treats the 1st and 2nd year casts as his kids
especially the twins, yuuji and sukuna
acts like a father figure to them on set and takes care of them whenever they had a very exhausting scene to film (like fight scenes and such)
he's also the one who breaks the twins up whenever they have playful banter with each other
puts up with gojo more outside their characters and is actually tolerating his antics on set 
will sometimes have a giggle fit whenever someone makes a light mistake during filming like voice cracks and stumbling during fight scenes
believe it or not, he's really the type to join gojo and geto in creating light pranks to the other casts
when a scene needs to be filmed before the sun even goes up, he pulls up to the shoot with coffee and the casts' (even the crew!) favorite drinks
knows their coffee and drink orders BY HEART
the producers love him because he's such a sweetheart
whenever he smiles (an example is during that mahito scene where he was trapped in his domain expansion and in the restaurant with ino), the crew is literally the definition of "got me kicking my feet, giggling, and twirling my hair" LOL literally big fans of him
speaking of mahito, people are surprised to know that they're very good friends and actually went to the same middle school
he is usually the one that he practices his lines with aside from his spouse
he CANNOT for the life of him practice his lines with gojo and geto alone because they will have a giggle fit every time 😭 they can't take it seriously pls
also shares his bentos made by you to his co-stars which they really REALLY love
he also takes his physic very very seriously and works out on a daily basis but it doesn't mean he won't enjoy a good cheat meal (which is also very often because whenever filming gets busy, they resort to take outs) hence he compensates by working out more
gojo really likes to touch and squish his biceps from time to time istg this man
believe it or not, he has an instagram, but his face is barely posted unless it's a promotion or magazine shoot
most of his posts includes foods, behind the scenes of some shoots, and his spouse, you
fans are raving and gushing about it
he also has highlights that are just food, travels, behind the scenes on the shows he is in
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as a husband: 
unlike his character, he stays to work overtime most of the time (not that he wants to, it's just he NEEDS to) which you understood head on before you married him and before his stardom 
you usually prepare his bentos before he goes to work 
which is most the time also appreciated by his workmates so you make more portions to satisfy their stomachs as well
but whenever his hectic schedule and yours clash that you don't have the time to prepare him one, he settles with takeouts and convenient store foods which is enough to fill him up but it just does not hit the same :((
he practices his lines with you as a form pf quality time, his schedule is so packed that he takes every single free moment with you as a bonding experience
but sometimes he doesn't because he hates giving you spoilers and wants his scenes to be a surprise for you (*wink wink* hair grab scene *wink wink*)
the kids, the 1st and 2nd year casts (and maybe even gojo), goes to your shared home to crash if they're too tired to go home from the shooting site if your house is the closest
the 1st year trio, especially yuuji, goes by your home often whenever he gets easily bored 
even though you're not the part of the crew, for how often they go to your home, you also treat them as your kids (yes, including gojo)
whenever they're around, it's always so loud and lively but both you and nanami are not complaining 
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garfunklefield · 19 days
i've been asking this a lot and no one do it😞😞
May you write a fic about Pirate sukuna X Mermaid reader??
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18+ viewer discretion is advised
mermaid!fem!reader/pirate!Ryomen Sukuna Warnings: pirate AU, dub-con, love at first sight, imprinting, sukunas personality is V complex here, soft sukuna, pining, kind of slow burn not really, drinking, masturbation, voyeurism, exhibitionism, slight humiliation kink, ass job, cumshot [back] backshots? mermaid sex sort of, idk man I'm making this up as we go SORRY Word count: 4936 DESC: Ryomen Sukuna never believed in mermaids, until he met you
NOW WHY WOULD NO ONE DO THIS!?!? I had so much fun writing this omg I LOVE THIS
Fair warning: this is kinda shit IM SORRY I have a HEADACHE
Sun blessed Ryomen’s features, kissing against his brow and creating a tan he could never escape from. The waves crashed against his ship and made it rock ever so slowly, back and forth, as he walked across the deck. He wasn’t sure how long he had been at sea, maybe a month or so, but he wasn’t getting any closer to his goal. The wood made a faint clicking sound under his heel as he paced, waiting for something. There was an island his crew had been in search of for months, but it was becoming a distant dream. There was no evidence it truly existed other than a map he had found in the depths of a library. The paper crinkled against his pant pocket, always reminding the captain it was there. There was never a moment where it wasn’t on his person. He didn’t trust anyone but his younger brother, Yuji, and his half-brother Choso. The two made for adequate help on board, but they weren’t serious. They enjoyed drinking into the night and regaling stories of mermaids. Psh, like those existed. Ryomen knew that tall tales existed, but he didn’t believe anyone thought they were still true. 
Mermaids were the stuff of fiction. Although he had seen his fair share of weird shit, he drew the line at mermaids. Sirens too.
Yuji was leaning against the railing of the tip of the boat, staring off into the distance with squinted eyes. A small bandana wrapped around his forehead to stop more sunburns from creasing his skin, and to keep his hair clean from the sky. He was superstitious like that, always fearing too much sun could ruin his naturally pink locks. His brother was somewhat right, Ryomen’s hair was more washed out from sun exposure than Yuji’s. Choso was different, choosing to stay inside and tending to the food. His aura was melancholy and it reflected in how he walked, with a limp. 
The rest of the crew were either downstairs or tending to their duties, keeping a watchful eye on their captain. Sukuna was a scary man when angered, but docile all the rest of the time. Most days he rarely spoke a word, unless it was to his brothers. His voice never raised above a mutter, unless he was angered. If he was upset, the whole ocean could hear him. And if he was intoxicated. But he didn’t drink anymore. Someone had to watch over the boat and make sure looters stayed clear of it. 
Ryomen took this life very seriously, never straying from getting what he set out for. So it puzzled him as to why the island hadn’t appeared. They were in the right direction, they did everything right! So why was it so hard to find this treasure? It could buy him a new life, and his brothers a better life. That’s all he wanted. All the other men would rave about the riches and the women, but he didn’t care for that. Women never caught his eye, he instead cared for his family. Or, surprisingly, the misfortuned. His crew was made up of people who needed a second chance at life, people who wanted to start over. He never judged anyone’s past. He had no right to. He was just a lost soul floating on Earth as well. 
“Ryomen,” Yuji’s voice broke through his thoughts, stopping his footsteps against the sun-washed wood. He raised his head and stared at his brother, waiting for him to continue, “Do you think we should anchor for the night?” 
“Anchor?” One of his eyebrows quirked, “Now why would we do that?” It was rather odd to suggest such a thing. But the more the captain thought about it, the more it made sense. The wind wasn’t very strong today, making the ship keep at an almost standstill for the majority of the day. Anchoring could let everyone get a good night's rest for a longer journey the next day. Although Ryomen didn’t typically sleep at night. Someone had to keep watch, and he wanted his crew to be awake in the morning than at night. He didn’t mind losing out on some daylight hours if it meant keeping up productivity. The only reason he was awake now, was because it was an hour and a half until sunset, when his job began. 
“Well,” his brother tilted his head to the side, pressing his lips together hesitantly. He had a stupid idea, “I was thinking we could have a bit of a party! Raise morale and make everyone a little less … depressed!” 
Ryomen raised his hand and waved it in the air dismissively, “No one’s depressed. I’d know if they were, brat.” 
He frowned, “They so are. Everyones been sluggish for days. Just one night of partying should reset us!” The boy perked up and waved his hands in the air, trying to convince his older brother, “C’mon! Ask Choso, I’m right.” 
“Choso would only agree with you to spite me,” the man grumbled, looking away for a moment. Something caught his eye and made him stop. It was something shiny bobbing in the water, a few yards from the boat. A bright color, flowing across the sea in an almost blob-like fashion. Like… hair. Ryomen didn’t hear Yuji’s further protests, boots squeaking on the deck as he marched over to the side of the boat. He placed two of his rough hands on the railing and peered down, astonished when the blob was gone. It was weird. Just … disappeared into thin air as if it hadn’t been there just seconds before. 
Yuji tapped his brother's shoulder, groaning into his ear, “C’monnnnn Ryommennnnnnnnnnn! Just one party!!” Like an incessant child who wanted a toy at the grocery store, he wasn’t going to stop until he got what he wanted. 
He looked over at the boy with a muddled expression. Eyebrows furrowed together, he found himself searching his memories for an answer. Ryomen had seen unusual things before on the ocean, but never like that. Were his eyes playing tricks with him? Deceiving and pulling him from reality? Or were those tall tales really true? Nonsense, he shook his head, there wasn’t any reason to think that. His eyes were playing tricks on him, that had to be it. The pirate looked over at his brother once again, seeing his pleading expression, and nodded. 
There would be a party. 
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Just because you were a mermaid didn’t mean you were a special one. You considered yourself normal, in every sense of the word. A regular mermaid with a regular life, who went to work and came home at the same time every day. Swam the same channels and hung out with her friends on the weekend. You didn’t find yourself longing for more or wishing you were special. You were content. That was until you noticed the shadow. You had heard of humans before and been told the same story. Don’t go up to the surface, they could spot you and kill you. Humans feared the unknown and mermaids were exactly that. You followed and respected the rules, so your curiosity never got the better of you, until you noticed the shadow. 
It was a large shadow cast over your coral reef home, making it almost impossible to see. At first, you thought they were building a new mall overhead or perhaps a new traveling show in town. But as you swam closer to the surface, with the cooler water brushing against your fins, you realized it was human. A ship. You had heard of ships before yet you had never seen one this close to your home. Housing closer to the surface was cheaper for being more dangerous, but you didn’t think you were that close.
The boat was brown, and covered in wood panels. Something came over your brain as you swam closer and closer, taking in the bottom side. One of your hands reached out before you and touched the cold wood, brushing against the edge with your fingertips. It was foreign to you. You had never let yourself explore before. You had never let yourself be curious before. It was an addicting feeling. Your eyes glazed over as your tail propelled you further up until your head was bobbing out of the water. Long hairs, of different colors spread out across you, hiding your form in a cave of strands. You watched with interest at the top of the boat, your eyes catching on one man in particular. 
He was gorgeous. Pink hair, pushed up in a spikey fashion, with the under part shaved and a dark brown color. His cheekbones were high and hollow, signaling he hadn’t had a good meal in months. But his body showed otherwise. The constant running, walking, and standing, meant he was built. Arms, covered in black ink, broke out from his sleeveless shirt and flexed in the sunlight. Ink covered his neck, lightly stopping by his jaw. It dipped into his front, and you just knew there was more. He hadn’t noticed you yet, staring at a boy who looked similar to him. They were talking about something you couldn’t hear, but from reading their lips, you deciphered his name. 
Ryomen. It was an ancient name, something you hadn’t heard before. You wanted to think about it more and admire him from afar, but he turned his head and spotted you. He didn’t see you, but your hair flowed before you in the water. It made your heart drop to see his face contort. It wasn’t hatred, but a look of shock, followed by disbelief. As he walked closer to the edge of the boat, you made your decision and dove back under the water, floating backward to hide yourself in the depths of the waves. 
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The night rolled around faster than the pirate captain had anticipated. Stars lit up the sky and illuminated the ship, although most of the light came from the lanterns strung across columns. He didn’t drink but opted to sit on a barrel and watch as his shipmates did. They all danced around and sang as if there wasn’t a care in the world. He would’ve danced with them, or done something lively, but he couldn’t get that image out of his head. He had seen something in the water, something alive. It watched him through a veil of thick-colored hair, that bobbed in the ocean’s water. And it ran away the moment it realized he had seen it.
“Ryomen,” a voice behind the man made him jump. He looked over and saw his half-brother, with a tired look across his features, staring back at him, “You should dance.” 
“I’m tired.” 
“Ryomen,” he said knowingly, “stop worrying and enjoy yourself.” 
“I said I’m-” but he was cut off again by a pointed look from Choso. He was hot-headed, sure, but Choso was another level if angered. Ryomen let out a breath and got up, slipping off his jacket. Yuji had brought his fiddle, playing some tune everyone had heard of. It was simple but drowned out by the voices of their laughter and singing. It was a cheery moment, filled with more screams once their captain got up and bowed dramatically. 
“Captain!” A crewmate, Nobara, chided. She strolled over to him and took his hand, “Dance with me, will ya?” She was about Yuji’s age, which made her almost a younger sister in his eyes. He took her hand and put another on her shoulder. With one movement he picked the younger girl up and set her feet atop her shoes, striding around the deck with a small smile. She giggled and laughed, holding onto him so she wouldn’t fall. It even made him smile wider, which was strange considering he used to never smile until he met his crew. They all … softened him. Showed Ryomen a side of himself he hadn’t known before. 
The captain didn’t notice, in fact, no one noticed they had a guest. From a gap in the railing, a small hole, you watched. You never left. Your curiosity was starting to get you into more dangerous situations, hanging off the edge of the boat all to see a man who didn’t know you existed. You watched him as his face contorted into a smile, echoing laughter radiating from his chest. It calmed you, to see this side of him. Watching him dance and have an amazing time, all without realizing someone was watching. 
They danced for another hour and drank for several. But you never left. You ducked your head when the crewmates got close and peeked up to meet Ryomen’s rugged face. He didn’t notice you, no one else did. They were lost in their own world and you were more thankful than ever. His eyes had softened and his smile was radiating, so you were surprised when everyone had left that it… disappeared. The captain put his coat back on and looked around. He didn’t do much to the bottles lying across the deck, or the garbage, opting to kick it with his shoe. There was a hollow look on his face and you desperately wanted to know why. What changed him from turning so happy and charismatic into… that? You had to admit, it was hot. And you had to admit, you were beginning to feel a way about this man you had never felt about anyone before. A loud heartbeat thumped in your ears and made the world slightly fog over, in a daze. 
You had imprinted on him. 
It’s a bit self-explanatory, but I’ll explain it for a bit. Seeing someone, the someone in mermaids sets off a biological code. They can tell from the moment they meet that person that that’s their lover, their someone, for the rest of their lives. It was complex, seeing as you were two different species. And, seeing as he didn’t even know your existence. You couldn’t get the feeling out of your head that he was meant to be yours, in some universe or lifetime.
You didn’t realize it, from all this info dumping, but being out of the water for so long had dried up your tail, causing you to transform. A bit more lore, if you will. Mermaids, in any body of water, will form a tail around their legs as a protective barrier. Although, out of the water their legs are shown and they can use them, it’s illegal and forbidden to even go above the water and test this theory out. Many mermaids who've tried to live undercover as humans always get outed in some way or another, so after so many terrible disastrous stories, the king outlawed it. You always followed the rules, but you knew it would happen. Looking down, you gasped and stared for a moment before warmth spread across your inner legs. 
Masturbating as a mermaid was always kind of a chore, finding the sensitive spot over your tail and rubbing until you got somewhere took forever. But you always heard stories from your more adventurous friends that masturbation with legs was heavenly. Your eyes glanced from your bare legs back to Ryomen who was seated on another barrel and staring at the open ocean. It was so wrong, to touch yourself in front of someone who had no idea, but you couldn’t help yourself. You grabbed onto the ledge and slid one of your hands in between your legs, spreading apart your foreign folds. It was wet and slippery, but a different kind of wetness. Not from water, but natural lubrication. Your teeth found your bottom lip, biting down to suppress a noise when your fingers brushed over a sensitive spot. Was this the clit? It felt so good, that you started to focus solely on it. Rubbing small circles over your clit and praying you wouldn’t be too loud. 
It felt like you were on fire, watching the captain and imagining what he would do to you. His cock, because human cocks were much better than mermaid cocks, you’ve heard, would feel so good in your wet pussy. You could imagine him stretching you out and fucking into you with such sheer force it would hurt. It would be different from the sex you’ve had before, no more men laying eggs in you. But instead, pumping bucket loads of sperm inside your tight hole. Your fingers slipped into your cunt, three at a time. Small noises escaped from your mouth and before long you began to unravel. You could see it on the horizon, and feel the orgasm building in your stomach. It was so good, it was so hot. You tried your hardest not to moan too loud, but you did. It was a small noise that could have been passed off as a grunt or perhaps a pained noise. But he knew. 
Ryomen’s head snapped in your direction and he saw your face contorted in some kind of pleasure. You pressed your lips together and widened your eyes, thinking of something to do. But in that moment, you were frozen. It was fear, but it was excitement. You had been caught and humiliated, and it felt so hot. Your fingers trailed up from your pussy and to the ledge, glistening in the light. The captain just stared at you for a moment, trying to wrap his head around what exactly to do next. He was face to face with a mermaid of some sort, who he had just heard moan. He stood up and slowly made his way over to you, boots squeaking. 
“You,” he gruffed, kneeling to look you over. You stared up at him with wide eyes. He was gorgeous up close too, something out of a fairytale. You wanted to extend your hand and reach out for him, let him pull you up and into his embrace. 
“Me,” you repeated sheepishly, a hazy blush forming at your temple. Ryomen reached for your hand and took it, looking over your delicate skin. You went to continue, but he pulled you up. You gasped and let go of the ledge, then found yourself being thrown backward into the water. When your frame hit the water, a shriek escaped your lips and was cut short. 
“You!” You gasped, breaking the surface tension and appearing back from the waves, “What the hell was that for?!?” He raised a calculated eyebrow and nodded, standing up. The captain's body shifted from side to side as he debated a response. You could see the wheels turning in his head as he decided if he should even respond to you, or leave you to drown. Of course, you wouldn’t drown, but it was the thought behind it that left a sour taste in your mouth. 
“You’re a siren. Some kind of temptress trying to infiltrate my crew,” he spoke proudly as if he had come to the right conclusion. You stared up at him with a dumbfounded expression. How could he be so far from the truth? You weren’t there to tempt him into diving in and drowning, that was an outdated stereotype. The majority of the mermaids and sirens you knew didn’t want anything to do with humans. Why would he think that? In all honesty, you just wanted to feel his skin again. When he grabbed you, you had a chance to feel his rough calloused hands against yours. He was strong and warm—a warmth you had never experienced before. 
“I wasn’t gonna-” A frown pulled at your lips, swimming forward to the base of the ship. With force and a lot of groaning, you made your way back up to the ledge with arm strength alone. The man watched you without a caring look in his eye. To him you were here to ruin his mission, the quest he had taken so long for. You were … his enemy. You weren’t sure how to make him see you didn’t want any harm, but rather him. In those few hours of just watching Ryomen and seeing him operate, you had begun to fall for him, even imprinting on his being. It was a tale as old as time, a creature falling in love with a human who couldn’t want anything to do with them. You had heard it play out before, but you wanted to try. Something about him felt different, even if his initial reaction was the same.
“I don’t want to hurt you,” the words flowed out of your mouth gently, taking the captain by surprise. You saw it in the way his eyebrow twitched, and the corners of his mouth pulled down into a frown, “I’ve been watching you all today. You intrigue me, Ryomen.” 
“How do you know my name, wench?” He sneered back at you, a cold wall in place of the warm exterior you had seen moments prior with his crew. 
“I heard it. I heard a lot.. I don’t want to hurt you,” you looked down at your hands, then to your tail that flowed in the small breeze, “I don’t want to hurt you or your crew.” 
He was silent for a moment, lips pressed into a line. He stared at you with an expression that was hard to read. Thinking, calculating, and figuring out his next move. Ryomen was truly stunned. He had never expected a siren to be real and approaching him. And he had never expected one to be so … beautiful. The captain had to admit, he was captivated by your beauty from the moment he saw your orgasm face. Yeah, he knew what you were doing. He didn’t want to think about how it turned him on to be watched like that, hear your sweet moans fill the salty air.
Sukuna knew the tale, a beautiful siren would take in a captain and make him jump. He knew it all too well, so he couldn’t trust you, not even if he wanted to. A part of him did want to. He noticed the fact you grew legs, followed by a tail in their place. He could see the appeal of drying you off and fucking a baby into you, then throwing you overboard and leaving. But something was different. There was a genuine tone in your voice and there was a genuine flutter in his heart. He would never admit this, or show you his warmth as he did his crew. You were a stranger who deserved nothing but a cold exterior and a cold heart. 
“Then what do you want?” He asked, quirking an eyebrow. You let a moment pass, silence falling all around you. You didn’t want to say it because the answer would make you completely and utterly vulnerable. But you had to, you had to say something.
“You.” The words rang in Ryomen’s ears for a few moments as he stared at you with incredulous eyes. You wanted him? Even after he threw you into the ocean for dead, you wanted him? You wanted this man when he showed you nothing, not kindness, not hatred, just nothing? He didn’t want to believe he had just accidentally captivated you so much that you’d fall for him, in hours no less. The captain stood and watched you, taking in your form. Your hair was covering bits of your face, and blue scales covering bits of your skin. It didn’t cover your breasts, exposing your perked nipples to the cold wind. It didn’t cover the skin of your stomach, how your rolls were accentuated in the light. 
He couldn’t deny he was a little bit curious, and the curiosity was turning into a perverted lust building in his abdomen. He had a mermaid at his will, a pretty one too, willing to do anything for him. The man could tell, from how you stared at him. So in love. It was cute, it made even his heart flutter just a bit. But it was still Ryomen, as warm as he was to his crew he was still a cold-hearted man. And he was a man. A lonely man, who hadn’t seen someone look at him with such love in his whole life. It was intoxicating, how you devoted yourself without thinking. Imprinting. He had read about it but never seen it in person. Hell, he had never seen a mermaid in person before. It was all new to Ryomen. There were mixtures of love, lust, warmth, coldness, confusion, love- love? He didn’t know you! How could he love you? But… it wasn’t natural. There was a pull, different from his other thoughts. It took over his thoughts and made him forget those perversions. It made him want to kneel and take your hand, pulling you from the water and holding you close. Was this the effect of your imprinting somehow rubbing off of him? Or was it… being shown unbridled love and affection that made Ryomen crumble?
Ryomen didn’t say anything, leaning down and taking your hand. His eyes intimately met with yours, as his hand enveloped yours. You looked down at him and a small gasp escaped your lips when he lifted you, without breaking a sweat. His arm flexed in the dull light, and you collapsed against his chest. Wet, you clung to him and rested your face against his pectorals. 
“You… want me?” You murmured, not bothering to look up at him. 
“I don’t know. I’m drawn, I’ll say that.” his breath was warm against your ear, making the hairs on your neck stand up. He was holding you up, so your tail didn’t drag on the ground. It wasn’t long or big, so it didn’t make a loud commotion as he set you down on the deck, “You.. need to dry off, huh?” 
Your head nodded, thinking that would be that. You didn’t expect him to pick you up again, laying you on your stomach. A moan-like breath escaped from your lips, “Ryomen?” You turned slightly to watch, but something stopped you in your tracks. He was drawn to you, in more ways than one. It was your imprinting, rubbing off on him, making you drunk on his scent. Yes, Sukuna had his own will, but he couldn’t help but be drawn to you. Your eyes, maybe that’s what it was? Those tales of sirens were right, except it wasn’t just lust he was feeling. Maybe he was imprinting as well? If humans ever could. Love at first sight, which caused massive arousal on his part. 
The entire point I’m trying to drill home is, that the captain was (whether he liked it or not) stuck with you, and he did like it. You couldn’t control your desires for him as much as he could. You knew he was the one and that aura surrounding yourself brought him in, making him feel safe. But onto the matter at hand? His erection was out, glistening in the pale light. You bit your bottom lip as you saw it bob from his left hand slowly stroking up his shaft. He didn’t know how mermaids consummated, because your penetration hole was not behind you, so you weren’t entirely sure what he was doing. 
Then you felt it, he pressed his length against your asscheeks, frotting it back and forth to create stimulation. A small whine came falling from your bite-swollen lips, feeling the foreign sensation, “I think… we’re going to have to get to know each other,” Ryomen breathed out between his thrusts in between your asscheeks. 
You said your name lowly, giving a brief description of your life. It was boring, with no parents and no siblings. So you had no qualms about leaving and starting over with this hot sailor. He nodded to your story and asked questions about different aspects. For him rutting into your behind, it was oddly casual. As if the two of you had silently agreed, this was normal, and you were now committed. Then he narrated his tale, growing up an orphan with two younger brothers to take care of. How he wanted a better life for his siblings and by doing this exploration, he’d get that. At points, the two of you forgot he was even humping your ass to begin with. It was so intimate, that detail slipped your mind. 
It didn’t though, when his grip on your hips tightened, sharp nails digging into your scaled skin. He gaped and groaned, throwing his head back. You felt so good, different than the women he had fucked before. You were good and quiet, letting him hump you until he was about to cum. Then Ryomen leaned back and stroked himself to completion, spilling all on your pretty little back. You gasped and shuddered at the cold sperm, dripping onto your lower back. 
“Warning, next time,” you breathed out, looking back at him. 
Ryomen smiled and nodded, “Of course. Are you dry yet?” 
You looked down at your still very mermaid bottom half and glanced back at him, “Do I look dry?” A hearty laugh escaped his mouth and he shook his head as you continued, “Just a few more minutes. Am I officially coming home with you? I mean, I’d like to, if you’re offering.” 
“I don’t think I have a choice. I just came on your…” He trailed off, “I don’t even know why I,” another laugh, “Did that. I think you imprinted- or maybe I imprinted? I just… feel something for you I’ve never felt for anyone else before.” 
“You mean it?”
“Mean it.”
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weathertheraine · 8 months
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Pirate AU!! Thank you @stringofturtles for watching OFMD S1 with me and re-igniting my Pirate Emotions so I had the motivation to finish this. The first sketches have been sitting in my files for months so please forgive the fact that they look different skdfjh.
More fleshed out AU details under the cut !! :D
- The kids are a little older than canon - the third years in their early 20s - but the story still starts with the second and third years as an established crew who then pick up the first years and the coaches.
- Daichi as a Captain is of course very much like he is in canon. He works very hard to take care of his crew and takes on a huge responsibility for providing for them (as well as making sure they don’t die in idiotic ways). Suga is First Mate so it’s his job to make sure DAICHI is okay and not worrying himself to death. He also has a good handle on morale/the emotional state of the crew.
- Asahi is the first line of offence when dealing with other ships. He doesn’t like actually hurting people, but he’s good at breaking ranks and barrelling through defences to get hold of whatever Karasuno needs. He was ‘off the team’ and out of commission for a little while after he lost his hand (not seeing combat while he was in recovery, and needing to build up his courage again). Noya played a huge part in helping him back onto his feet, and has been kind of protective ever since.
- Noya’s job is to make sure the ship isn’t boarded, so he very rarely leaves it.
- Ennoshita and Kiyoko work together as navigators and managing the little money the crew has. Ennoshita is the only crew member in the beginning who can kind-of read (Kiyoko can only read a little), and they work a lot with maps and planning out journeys.
- Tanaka is great at intimidating opponents. His eyepatch is totally for show - he thinks it makes him look cooler and scarier. His parrot doesn’t often co-operate with him.
- Narita and Kinoshita take care of maintenance and supplies and making sure there isn’t gunpowder anywhere there shouldn’t be, as well as things like fraying rigging and rotting boards/canons secure and the like. Of course, things like that are everyone’s responsibility, but these two consider is theirs particularly. It’s thankless work but the boat would definitely have burned down by now if not for them.
- Enter the first years!
- Kageyama is a prodigy swordsman with a huge reputation as a lethal pirate, although most people who spread those rumours don’t realise he’s as young as he is. He was marooned by his previous crew for being a controlling Captain (who should never have been captain in the first place, having only his fighting talent as the real reason).
- Hinata recently ran away from home to “become a pirate” without much of an idea what that actually entailed, and ran into Kageyama without knowing his reputation. All he knew was that this guy was incredible fighter, and he demanded that he teach him to fight! He now won’t leave him alone.
- Tsukishima ran away as a very young child in an attempt to find Akiteru, whose sailing ship was attacked and lost at sea. He fell in with pirates along with Yamaguchi (who was picked up after surviving a shipwreck), and the pair ended up sticking together as they bounced from ship to ship, ready to run whenever it seemed like tensions were getting high. They (read: tsukki) are going to need to break this habit, if they’re going to be a real part of this new crew.
- Tsukishima and Yamaguchi can’t sleep if they’re not in the same hammock. Embarrassing. The reason Yamaguchi was so tiny as a little kid is that he didn’t get enough food. Tsukishima still tries to sneak him extra (and gets in trouble with Daichi).
- Tadashi ends up as a sharpshooter, one of the few kids who’s confident using a pistol
- Hinata and Kageyama spar together all the time. It’s GOING to end in a make-out the first time Hinata successfully beats him.
- Neither of them have noticed that Tanaka’s eyepatch switches sides.
- Yachi is picked up when the crew stop in a bar in her town. She’s a better-off girl, about to be talked into an politically advantageous marriage, and desperately wants to get out of her situation. “Running away with pirates” was admittedly pretty drastic, but anything sounds like a good idea when Hinata suggests it so sincerely!!
- Ukai is a washed up older pirate, without a crew. Takeda is a very unlucky literature teacher who just happened to be on a sea voyage. They both ended up taken as hostages by the same (meaner) pirate crew, who were then stolen by the Karasuno kids. Although, it’s kind of unclear at this point whether they’re actually prisoners… They’re being treated very nicely (especially Sensei) and are in danger of getting attached…
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 3 months
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and it's the chaggie ladyhawke AU with the steel chair!!!!!
A knight by day and beast by knight, a hawk who's lady only in moonlight: two lovers cursed to be always parted even when when they're never apart-
-and the quest to undo this curse before it, and their separation, becomes permanent >:)
Extra twists I'd add to the original film canon:
Ironic Curses - Charlie, who never wanted to hurt anyone and used her noble title to speak up for the downtrodden, turns into a monstrous wolf creature filled with bloodlust that goes on the rampage every night (except for the hour directly after sunset and before sunrise, when she is tame around Vaggie) - Vaggie, ex-guard who was more loyal to Charlie than to the corrupt officials who paid her enforce their cruel laws, each day turns into a wild hawk desperate to escape (except for the hour right after sunrise and before sunset, when she is fiercely protective of Charlie and refuses to fly out of sight from her)
Extra Suffering - Hawk!Vaggie won't take food from people, or leave long enough to hunt when she's more herself at dawn and dusk, so Charlie has to repeatedly risk losing her forever by taking off her hood and setting her loose- then desperately chasing after her- trying keep track of her long enough for the sun to start setting again ---- Sometimes Charlie can't find her before nightfall and Vaggie wakes up alone in the woods to the sound of a distant inhuman howl of despair (not fun, but, it makes it easier to get back to Beast! Charlie) - Beast!Charlie spends most of the night trying to kill everyone and everything around her- so if she wasn't able to lock herself away before sundown, Vaggie has to grab her spear and do her best to keep Charlie from doing murder- by fighting her, leading her on long chases until sunrise, or trapping her ---- Sometimes Charlie wakes up at dawn to find Hawk!Vaggie crumpled next to her in a nest of bloody rag bandages, and the first thing she does before anything else is try her best to at least rebandage the wounds she gave her
They Go Around Rescuing People (against the law) - Vaggie mainly does this by not letting Beast!Charlie eat people as midnight snacks - During the day, a guilt wracked Charlie goes out of her way to free imprisoned people, save them from punishments, and fight Vaggie's former fellow guards every chance she gets ---- she gets this chance A Lot, since the reason they have to keep traveling is there's a warrant out for her head and the dead body of her hawk
The Other Roles Go To - Evil Bishop Guy: split between Adam and Lute, with Adam pissed that one of HIS guards got with the daughter of the woman who turned him down, and Lute wanting Vaggie to suffer and die for leaving the exorcist guards - Nice Monk: Emily is the one who accidently let slip about chaggie to Sera, who told Adam, who did the curse thing on them. After that all happened, Emily left her comfy position and locked herself up with all the old texts she could find, searching for a cure to the curse. She finds one, yay! - Loveable Rouge Who Helps: All the hotel crew. Charlie rescues / helps them each in turn, and they tag along with her for protection (meaning Vaggie then has to protect THEM from HER)
after the gang is assemble, the film plot plays out as expected
blah blah blah, holy shit the bird just got hit by an arrow, what the fuck the knight lady is REALLY freaking out about that, oh no it's almost sunset- uhhh lady knight says leave her here take her horse and the hawk and ride to the nearby abandoned tower where someone named Emily should be, because Emily can help the hawk.
AHHH the bird turned into a woman!!! A woman with the same injury as the hawk?
AAAAH that monster thing from before is outside howling and screaming, kill it-! Nope, never mind, the injured lady says she'll stab us if we hurt the big scary monster thing, and Emily says to leave it alone it'll be gone by sunrise.
blah blah blah, during the next eclipse, if chaggie can make Adam and Lute look at them standing together as themselves during the few moments they'll both be human at the same time, the curse will be broken! If this fails, they both stay in their cursed forms forever! Great!
.... how are we getting inside the castle for that? Oh right. Chaggie has been adopted by a rag tag band of criminals. This should be fun.
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salaciousdoll · 8 months
Thrills, Chills, and Whores, Let’s Explore The Haunted Lore Here With Salaciousdoll
Before you take the tour with me, here’s what to expect: reader is Fem and a bit of an airhead in like two fics. You can continue to the Taglist if you are 18+ and have your ages in your bio’s.
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Oct. 4
Mirrors featuring Risotto Nero
Tags: body worship, size kink, hardcore, dirty talking, voice kink, invisibility, mirror sex, etc.
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Oct. 9
His messy dolly featuring Jugram Haschwalth
Tags: Royal au, spitting, impact play, temperature play, praise/ degradation, dom. Jugram, etc.
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Girl Ride featuring Shinichiro Sano
Tags: body worship, spitting, biting, heavy impact play, breeding kink, etc.
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Writing Helper featuring Kenpachi Zaraki
Tags: spit, daddy kink, size kink, talk through it, full Nelson, cockwarming, dirty talking, groping, etc.
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Oct. 21
Break The Rules featuring Kenny Ackerman
Tags: Big exhibition, law breaking sex, marking, sir kink, teasing, vibrator, etc.
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Oct. 25th-31st
Tear You Apart
Geto Suguru, Nanami Kento, Gojo Satoru, Hiromi Higuruma, Shiu Kong, Toji Fushiguro, Atsuya Kukasabe, and Choso Kamo
Please be advised to the warnings of Smut, blind fold sex, a bit of cuckolding here for Geto, Groupsex, double penetration in one and two holes, food play, spitting, fluids( squirting, cum.), marking with a permanent marker, body worship, chubby reader implied but everyone can read, voyeurism, impact play, guessing game, spooky sex, reader is wearing a bunny girl costume, knife play, Shibari play in the first half( kinda like a warm up)
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Nov. 6th/11th (CANCELED)
The Suite Life of Older Men and Women
Erwin Smith, Levi Ackerman, Miche Zacharias, Onyankopon, Hange Zoe, Nanaba, Zeke Yeager, and Nile Dok
Please be advised to the warning of Smut, group sex, double penetration in both holes, handjobs, breeding kink, edging, cunnilingus, creampies, overstimulation, body fluids( spit, squirting, etc.), dirty talking, praise/ degradation, hard fuck, pussy eating, sloppy top, impact play( pussy slaps, slapping as and chest, etc.)
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Nov. 16th/21st
Want The Whole Crew
Eren Yeager, Armin Arlert, Jean Kirstein, Reiner Braun, Connie Springer, Floch Foster, Colt Grice, and Porco Galliard
Please be advised to the warnings of smut, groupsex/gangbang, double penetration in both holes and one hood, triple penetration attempt, spitting, squirting, a bit of cnc( consensual non-consent), masked men fucking you, voyeurism, voice kink, marking with marker, tit fucking, heavy degradtion and a bit of praise, pet names, recording( consensual)
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Tags: @chosoist @simpingfor-wakasa @honeybleed @mastermindenoshimaalicia @happygoluckyalexis
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