#geralt x female oc
cardierreh15 · 11 months
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Knight in Shining Leather
I do not give anyone permission to repost or copy my work!!!
Warning 18+: Violence , Cursing , Attempted SA , Blood , Gore .
Pairing: Geralt Of Rivia(modern) x Nessa (Black!Plus Size Female)
Description: Geralt being a knight in shining armor.
Word Count: 2.2K
One shot
It was a beautiful autumn night. The night’s air smelled of cinnamon and pumpkin. With it being just cool enough for her to wear a cardigan over her shoulders. Pretty soon, she would get too warm to even rock it.
It was roughly 9:45pm and she had come from a night out with the girls. Her best friend insisted that she drive her home since she stayed so close by. But Nessa was too hardheaded to let her do that. Besides, the walk wasn’t even 20 minutes away.
But a lot can happen in 20 minutes can it?
Her thick heeled boots clicked loudly on the asphalt, echoing throughout the street and bouncing off of the other buildings. She lived in a small town, so it was no surprise that almost everyone was in the house by now.
Nessa had her hands tucked in her pockets, at this point walking absentmindedly. She didn’t even realize there were two men walking about a few yards behind her. She didn’t think much of it, perhaps they were trying to make it to their destination too.
But their footsteps grew a little impatient.
This caused her to take further strides; holding her purse tightly in her arm as she tried to sneak her hand into it to retrieve her pepper spray.
‘Get her!’ One of the males exclaimed.
A panicked gasp escaped her lips as she did her best to take off but they were close enough to snatch her up by her cardigan. ‘HELP!’ She exclaimed before a man placed his large hand over her mouth and held a butterfly blade against her face. ‘Shhhh, shhh. Now, just be a good girl.’ He whispered against her ear.
She then bit down into his fingers and stepped on his foot. The criminal yelped out in agonizing pain.
‘Fuck you!’ She exclaimed before she was instantly grabbed by another male.
‘Get the bitch into the alley!’
‘No! No! Stop!’ Nessa begged and pleaded as she tried her best to fight back. But they weren’t having it.
They slammed her against the wall and she whimpered out in pain. ‘Urgh!’ She fell to her hands and knees. ‘Please— take whatever I have… it’s all material— I don’t want it! Please.’ She insisted, sobbing as she held her chest.
The bald headed guy began to dump out all of the contents in her purse and searched through it. ‘Awww, the bitch ain’t got nothin’. Lipstick, tampons, some other make up, — a wallet…’ he then looked at her name and then started going through her wallet where he snatched out $500. ‘I found a jackpot…’ then he walked over to the the ginger haired gentleman who towered above her.
‘How much ya find?’
‘$500. And It’s a Chanel wallet, taking that too.’ The male chuckled.
Nessa was on her knees before them as if she were praying to her God. Her hands shook as if her bones were chilling in the Arctic.
‘Nice,’ the ginger chuckled as the bald guy passed him some cash. ‘Now, the question is… what do we do with you?’
‘Hmmm. She’s pretty cute. She’s thicker than the rest of em. And you know I looove when they fight.’ He said as he shoved the wallet and the cash in his back pocket.
She instantly knew what baldy meant, and it caused her to panic a bit more. Until suddenly, the ginger just happened to step out of the way, and the bright LED street light caused a thick shard of glass to glisten in her eye.
Carefully leaning down as the two men bickered about who were going to have their turn with her first, she then grabbed the glass in her hand and waited.
The ginger sighed and rolled his eyes, ‘whatever. Fuck it. I’ll hold her still.’ He then squat down before her, ‘Alright sweet heart, you’re gonna—‘
Nessa instantly swiped the glass upward, aiming to stab him beneath his chin but instead, slicing his cheek.
‘AUGH!’ He practically jumped back; feeling the stinging pain at his cheek. Ginger grabbed the gasp and looked at the bright red blood in his palm. ‘You fucking bitch!’
His partner instantly brought her up to her feet, disarmed her and slapped her across her face so hard, he split the inside of her cheek.
She fell to the ground, her mind spinning as if she had swallowed a whole bottle of tequila. She could only hear the sound of their voices. They were so loud in her ears.
‘Kill that bitch! Kill her!’
She didn’t even know who was saying, all she knew was that she was pretty sure she was going to die in this filthy ass alley. And it would probably take her loved ones days to find her knowing these fools.
The ginger some how had the strength to pull her up to her feet. ‘You fucking— BITCH!’ And he kneed her in the stomach before she fell back down to the ground again. He kicked her, several times in the ribs.
Nessa whimpered out, choking on the air that was fighting so hard to come into her lungs. She lifted her hand up, in a “I surrender” kind of way, ‘please. Stop.’ She was too weak to scream for hell at this point.
‘Stop? Haha… oh wait til we’re done with you… get her up.’ Ginger said to Baldy.
Suddenly, everything felt like it was moving much slower than she was. Between the two antagonists, was a pair of bright golden eyes that reflected in the shadows. She thought she was hallucinating so she just laid there, accepting her fate that was to come.
When Baldy lifted her up to her feet, her head rest back against the brick wall. ‘Come on… make it quick.’ She breathed out tiredly.
Ginger chuckled and then Baldy chimed in. ‘Suit yourself.’
Suddenly, a bright flash whipped through the air like something out of a supernatural movie.
Nessa felt Baldy’s grip on her grow weaker and she noticed a thin line across his neck. A dribble of blood came leaking from his lips and his nose. She then noticed the sunken glare in his eyes.
His neck became a waterfall of his blood and a millisecond later, his head fell to wet the concrete and his body followed.
Nessa felt her stomach turn at the sight. She stumbled backwards in fear; immediately covering her lips to hold back the throw up that tried to fight its way out.
Ginger let out a scream as he saw his buddy’s head roll at his feet.
She felt too damn sick and scared to move really. Also, she couldn’t get over — how could someone be that talented with a blade that:
A.) No blood had spilled on her.
B.) None of them were able to see or hear him coming.
Ginger instantly pulled his gun out and walked over towards Nessa. ‘Whose there!? Come out!’ He snatched her up and pointed the gun at her head. ‘Come out! Or I swear to God, I will blow this bitch’s brains out!’
‘Please—‘ she started as she held her hands up.
‘SHUT UP!’ Ginger yelled as he looked all around. ‘Alright,’ he then clicked off the safety, ‘I’ll give you to the count of 3… come out— with your hands up… and I won’t kill her…’
‘Why would you think they’d come out for me?! I-I don’t even know what’s going on!’ She said out as she wiped her bloodied nose.
‘Shut. The fuck. Up. I swear you’re making this so much easier!’ He said as he continued to look around, ‘ONE! …. TWO!….’ He pressed the barrel against the back of her skull.
On three, a white haired male stepped from out of the shadows; those damn golden eyes making an appearance before he did. He wore black leather, and held a huge sword in his right hand. He had a scowl on his face that could kill instantly.
Ginger’s mouth fell slightly as he watched the tall, unearthly being approach the both of them. He stepped back, ‘Y—you… it can’t be. B-BACK UP!’
He just kept walking towards them. The sound of metal clinked with each step.
Ginger had finally hit the wall and Nessa looked back at the both of them.
‘Y—you’re dead! Y-you’re suppose to be dead!’
‘Says who?’ The white haired male asked, ‘You?’ His head fell to the side. Then he looked behind him, noticing the women who still stood there. He then looked back towards Ginger, ‘Go ahead… shoot her.’
Nessa’s eyebrows tugged into one in confusion. She wanted to impose on this reunion but she was hurting too bad to talk.
Ginger’s bottom lip trembled as much as his wrist did when he held that gun.
‘Go ahead…’
Ginger swallowed his spit, glancing over at the beautiful woman. He just didn’t have the guts.
The white haired male let out a sigh, ‘I knew it,’ and stabbed Ginger in his abdomen with the shiny sword.
Ginger began to choke. Wheezing as if he’d punctured his lung.
Nessa let out a harsh gasp and covered her lips in shock.
‘You’re… a coward.’ He twisted the blade to open the gaping wound more, ‘You pray on the weak… women and children… you and your friend don’t deserve to breathe for another second.’
He then snatched out the sword from Ginger’s abdomen and the male fell forward.
Nessa just stood in her spot, watching the man who just tried to kill her moments before, choke on his own blood and eventually took his last breath as the rest of him seeped into the cracks and crannies of the destroyed asphalt.
She was too frightened to scream, to run but also… her body was riddled with pain. Anything extreme would’ve probably caused her to pass out. So instead she asked, ‘A-are you gonna kill me next?’
The being then pulled out a dark cloth and wiped his shiny sword off in one swipe, ‘If I wanted … you’d be dead already.’
Well that was quite evident. She took in a deep breath as she just watched him sheath his sword and bend down to go in Ginger’s pocket.
She peaked over, ‘… he-he said you were suppose to be dead… are you like someone important?’
He didn’t say anything, instead he retrieved her money from the corpse and then ventured to the next.
‘Could I at least— know your name?’ She asked as she began to pick up her purse and the rest of her belongings. ‘You did save me after all, I would like to know who you are… In case I don’t ever see you again.’
He smirked as he grabbed her wallet out of the headless corpse and looked at her ID. She had a glorious smile. A smile that could turn any rainy day into sunshine.
Vanessa Hodge, December 18th, 1997, Address…
He took a mental note of her address before slowly rising to his feet and walked over to her.
She looked from his hands to his chest, that donned a silver necklace with a wolf engraved in it. She wondered what that meant.
‘Here,’ His voice brought her out of her thinking trance, ‘Your things.’ He looked down at her as she rose to her feet and threw her purse over her shoulder.
‘Thank you.’ She said softly before wincing at the pain in her cheek.
He lifted her chin to examine her.
Nessa hissed at the sudden, searing pain.
‘They most certainly did a number on you…’ he said as he looked at her split eyebrow. ‘Come. Let’s get you fixed up.’
‘Alright… only— if you do me a tiny favor?’
‘Hmm.’ A mere stranger, asking him for favors? He wasn’t the type to be handing those out. Especially without pay.
Yeah, she had no idea who he was.
‘You tell me your name…’
Was that it? She wanted to know his name? She almost got taken advantage of, got her shit pushed in and almost got her brains blown out but — she wanted to know his name?
‘I-I think it’s fair… I’d like to know who my knight in … shiny leather is.’
It grew quiet once more before he rested his hand on the handle of his sword and lifted his head with a gentle smirk.
‘I mean I think it’s also fair because you’re still a complete stranger and—‘
‘For someone who is in a lot of pain, you sure do talk a lot.’ He said as he shifted his weight and folded his massive arms across his chest.
Nessa felt the heat rise to her neck, her cheeks and then her ears. She looked off to the side, trying to avoid eye contact for a moment.
God you’re gonna blow this.
‘My name is Geralt. Now, if that is all you request, we should leave now.’
She let out a gentle puff of air and quickly walked towards him, ‘Lead the way.’ She shrugged.
Geralt swiftly turned around and they headed in the direction Nessa was heading.
‘So, you’re gonna tell me what you do and why you walk around with those things?’ She asked; swiping her dainty manicured finger at his silver handle.
‘No.’ He mused
‘And— Please don’t touch the swords.’ He said, hearing the cling that she left behind with her touch.
‘Oh— sorry.’
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parttimesinnerslutt · 2 years
Hello!! I love your writings of geralt of rivia and i have a request!
Dom!Geralt x fem!reader
Geralt and reader fall asleep in the same bed because she couldnt sleep alone and they both wake up to geralt's morning wood and they have morning sex?
(If kink request are okay can i req Praise kink- idk what other kinks to put, i just love praises-you can come up with other kinks of corse)
You dont have to do this req if you dont want to!:)
Hehe I love this.
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Pairning - Dom!Geralt x sub!reader (female)
Warnings - Degradation. Dumbification. Size kink (It's Henry. If you love this dude you have a size kink). Orgasm denial. Overstimulation. Spanking. Boobies spanking. Choking.
Summary - After a night of celebration in Cintra, you and Geralt retire in chambers across from one another. In the middle of the night, nightmares grasp your mind but a good thing that a Witcher is close. He keeps you safe during the night but as the morning comes...The Witcher has different things on his mind.
This is NOT edited.
This one is going to be a little...rough. So yeah, keep that in mind.
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The banquet was in full swing. People spun around, smiling and laughing as if it was the last time they'd do it. You sat at a corner, watching the view of the celebration, wondering when would you be able to join such...life. The nightmares of your past ate at you, taking away everything you held dear.
Then there he was. The Witcher. Geralt of Rivia, someone had called him. He sat beside the Queen of Cintra, looking no less than a King. He was handsome, you realized as your eyes caressed every inch of that hardened face. He was really handsome in sort of a rugged way which told you that those hands did not know gentleness.
"That is my friend." Jaskier smiled, handing you a mug of ale. You took a sniff of the drink, scrunching your nose. Your old friend laughed. "He kills. I write songs about it."
"Seems interesting."
"It is," he agreed. "Do you plan on fucking him?"
If you had been drinking the ale, you would have spat it out. "Jaskier-"
Your friend grinned. "He will gladly take up the offer." With a wink, the bard walked away, eyeing a few ladies. He walked up to Geralt and curses sat right on the tip of your tongue as the man whispered something to the witcher which made Geralt look right at you.
The side of his lips twisted up in a smirk which sent a zap of heat through you. He took a sip of his drink, eyes not moving from you. Your cheeks heated and you turned your gaze away. Yet, you could feel the weight of his gaze on you.
You looked at Jaskier. "I will kill you," you mouthed. The bard grinned, unapologetic as ever.
. . .
Geralt, much to your disappointment, didn't approach you and you, much to your disappointment, couldn't gather enough guts to approach him so you found yourself laying on a bed in the castle of Cintra, cursing yourself out repeatedly. You could have had him on top of you right now, touching and caressing you.
Fucking you.
You sighed. Soon the sleep came and so did the shadows.
The creature was a large one. It attacked, retracted, and attacked again. It played with you, laughing when you struggled. It didn't touch. It taunted. It spat. It chuckled.
"Y/N" You heard someone say. It was the monster but no...no the voice was too deep. "Y/N."
It was someone else. It's a dream, a part of you sighed in relief. It's just a dream. Your eyes opened and the witcher was crouched next to your bed, his great sword in his hand. His eyes, golden and beautiful and unnatural, flickered over your face.
"I..." You whispered. "Bad dream," you finally said, knowing it was a pathetic explanation. You must have been screaming and even through the walls of the castle were the thickest you had seen, witchers had amplified hearing.
"Hm." That was so deep. Your thighs clenched. He noticed and somehow his already shining eyes shone brighter.
He stood. "Will you be alright?" His voice. His damned voice. Your thighs clenched together again, warmth pooling out of you. You had not expected him to sound like that.
He watched you, golden eyes taking in your reaction. "You're vulnerable," he said. "You do not want me like this, y/n."
"I do," you rushed out quickly, sitting up. "Please, Geralt..."
He shook his head. "Not when you are like this." He walked to the door.
You gulped. "Stay," you whispered. "I-I mean just stay. The bed is big enough. I don't get nightmares when there's someone close."
Just when you were convinced he'd say no, he nodded and walked closer. He kept his sword on a nightstand, within arm's reach. His fingers tugged at the buttons of his shirt and you watched, trying to keep your mouth shut as it threatened to fall open at the perfect...perfect man Geralt was.
He shrugged his shirt off and threw it somewhere. He lay in the bed, pulling the covers over him. You pulled half of them over you and blew at the candle, washing the room in darkness.
His presence could not be ignored. He smelled good, you couldn't pinpoint what it was, but it suited him. Not a single part of you was touching him. You wanted to be closer.
You laid on your side, facing him. You couldn't see him in the intense darkness, but you could feel him. His warmth. His strength.
"Do you want to be closer?" He asked. His voice...You held back a whimper. You had not felt this needy for ages.
"Can I?"
His large arm wrapped around you and before you knew it, you were on his chest, your head laying on his heart.
He kept one arm around your waist. Now, having all of his hard body pressed to yours, your whole body throbbed with need for pleasure but you wouldn't ask when you had been denied already. No matter how good you knew he'd feel.
You fell asleep listening to the slow heartbeat of the Witcher.
. . .
His breath was on your ear, his oversized hands on your waist, holding you to him.
"Now," he whispered. "Do you want it?'
"Yes, Geralt." The answer was quick.
The sunrays whispered on his pale skin as his mouth came on yours and his hands shifted under the nightie, grabbing your ass as if it belonged to him. He squeezed, kissing you harder. You whimpered in his mouth, loving the harsh treatment.
He flipped, pinning you under his great body, and kissed you deeply as if unable to get enough of your mouth. Your arms wrapped around his head, feeling the softness of his hair, as he tugged your nightie up till it was gathered above your breasts.
He pulled back, looking into your eyes. "Such a good girl," he whispered. Your core throbbed. His voice had been enough to make you lose your mind, now his words seemed to break you.
"Geralt," you whispered, swiping your thumb on his bottom lip while a golden storm brewed in his eyes.
"How do you want it?" he asked. "How do you want it, y/n? I don't want to hurt you but give me the permission..." His hands whispered on your breast. "And I'll make these red, along with your whole body."
"Do it," you whispered. "Take me how you want."
"You will say stop if it gets too much," he said firmly. "What will you say when it gets too much?"
"That's a good fucking girl." His eyes finally left yours and travelled down at your breasts then down to your cunt which laid bare, without any covering. Something which sounded like a growl left his lips. Your eyes fell on the hardness between his legs. Wetness leaked out of you. Just when you were about to clench your thighs, he grabbed your knees and pushed you open like a book.
"Delicious," he said, watching your wetness. His one hand whispered on your thigh. You gulped as you noticed how big his hand looked, even though you were in no way small. He was just too big. "I will break you." His lips fluttered on your breasts. He took one nipple between his teeth, pulling gently. "And I will enjoy it."
You gasped at the gentle pain. His one hand grabbed both of your wrists, easily pinning you down to the bed as he sucked at your nipples. He pulled and bit into the soft flesh, creating marks while all you could do was gasp and whimper and whine for more. No one in your twenty years had made you feel like this. "So fucking soft," he growled.
He ignored all your noises, putting all his attention on your breasts, worshipping and hurting them, making them red as he had promised he would. When you were convinced you could no longer take the teasing, he lifted his mouth and looked into your blurry eyes.
His lip lifted up in a smirk.
"Am I being mean, pretty girl?"
You struggled in his powerful hold, desperate for some kind of attention where you needed it the most.
"Geralt...please. You've made me wait so much."
He tilted his head. "Poor little girl, hm?" His eyes lowered to your cunt. "You slept on me the whole night not even fucking wearing your panties, humping on me in your sleep, letting out pretty moans." His hand slapped at your right breast.
You cried, thighs flexing in a desperate attempt to get some relief. "Look at those pretty tears." He slapped your left breast, reddening the already red skin.
His hand finally slid down to your belly and then between your thighs. He cupped you, keeping his hand there. Your hips jerked, unable to resist his rough hand. Your cunt humped his large hand. Your eyes closed. This felt so good. Cries left your lips, quiet and small. You had been waiting for this since you had seen him.
He took his hand away.
He needed to stop torturing you like this.
Geralt parted your cunt with his two fingers and spat down right on your clit. You gasped at the shameless action. His eyes held yours as he lowered his mouth and feasted. "Such a pretty little cunt you have, y/n." He chuckled. "I wonder how pretty it will look after a good fucking."
Your hands scratched on the bed, and tugged at his hair, as your back arched with the insane pleasure his mouth was. You tried to grab something, ending up with a silk pillow cuddled to your chest as the witcher ate you as if starved. He lapped at the wetness, tugged at your clit, and pushed his tongue inside you till your legs shook. "Hm," he growled against your heated flesh and chuckled as more wetness came out. That chuckle made you clench.
"I thought you were a good little girl," he said, his voice sending vibrations through your body as he lazily licked around your cunt. You whimpered into the pillow. "When I saw you walking around in that red dress of yours. I thought I'd need to be gentle." He licked your clit. You were so close. "I thought I'd need to make sure I didn't bruise this precious little body of yours too much." He stuffed two fingers inside of you. You gasped at the unexpected stretch.
He pounded in and out of you. You hid your face in the pillow, letting out muffled whimpers as the witcher played with you. "But you're just a little whore, aren't you, y/n?" He stilled his fingers deep inside of you, curling them. You let out a cry as he touched a spot no one ever had.
His fingers fucked you faster. "Let go of the fucking pillow and look at me."
Letting out a cry, you threw the pillow away, forcing yourself to look at the witcher through teary eyes.
He grabbed your throat and increased the speed of his two fingers, hitting that spot which made you twitch. Your mouth opened. He kissed your mouth, swallowing the cries. Just when you knew you were about to cum, his fingers disappeared.
You cried in his mouth, trying to reach down to finish yourself off but with one large hand, he grabbed both of your wrists and kissed you till your cries turned into soft sniffles.
He pulled away, wiping the tears off your face, tugging at your quivering bottom lip. "Already crying, whore?" He mocked. You whimpered again, his harsh words making your oversensitive cunt throb. "I haven't even started making you cry yet."
He let go of you, letting you fall on the bed. Your thighs were glued together, you were on the brink of insanity. The witcher looked completely in control.
"Get off the bed and stand with your hands on the wall, ass facing me."
You let out a breath. You had always only heard of the men who were dominant in bed. You never dared to seek one out.
You got off the bed and stood as you were told, body trembling with need so deep it hurt.
You heard him take his breeches off and then he was behind you, big and powerful. He pulled at your hips and parted your thighs.
"Be a good girl," he said to you. "And take all of it."
He pushed and your eyes almost popped out of your skull at how big he felt. He put a hand around your throat, set his chin on your head, and pushed.
"Geralt...Geralt!" He stuffed you full, leaving no space inside of you when he was completely in.
"Shh," he hushed you softly, hand tightening around your throat. You gasped. He gently pulled out and pushed in. Your thighs shook more than ever. "Shh," he whispered again when you continued whimpering. He pressed his lips on your ear. "Am I too big, sweetheart?"
You furiously nodded, nails digging into the smooth walls. "T-Too much."
He chuckled. "Do you want me to stop?"
"No," you whispered.
"That's my good girl. Now brace yourself."
The question was cut off by him grabbing your hip in one hand, putting his hand on your mouth, and fucking you harder than you had ever been fucked.
His cock slammed in and out, denting something deep inside of you that shook your legs.
"Look at that," he said. "Taking it so well. My brave little girl." He moved you till you were on your knees, torso on the bed and he was behind you, fucking your cunt so roughly you saw stars.
You screamed into the mattress, hands grabbing a pillow again. Geralt's hand came down on your ass, bruising it. "Dumb little whore." His hand tugged at your nipples, abusing the little buds till you screamed, cumming over his cock before you even realized what you were doing.
He stopped after fucking you through your orgasm. He kept his cock inside of you, all of it. "You know," he whispered, gently rubbing your breasts while you quivered. "When Jaskier pointed you out to me, I knew I was going to get into this little cunt sooner or later."
He spanked your ass.
He twisted a nipple. Your cunt tightened over his cock. "You had your fun," he said. "Now I will have mine."
He fucked you for what felt like hours, pounding your cunt in a frenzy. His hand came down on your ass several times, making the skin hurt as he fucked you. You cried and sobbed into the covers, cumming more than you ever had. He degraded you, praised you, mocked you, laughed at you, as you struggled around his cock.
When be came inside of you, you were nothing but a mess of tears and cum. You felt it drip out of you as the witcher dressed.
He picked you up, golden eyes looking all over your face. "Best I've ever had, Y/n."
. . .
This one was looonnngg
(That's what she said.)
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rileytwenty · 10 months
Fandom: The Witcher   Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Geralt of Rivia / OC Characters: Geralt of Rivia, Eskel, Triss Merigold, Vesemir, Original Female Character(s), Coën, Lambert
Summary: Geralt finds Calypso unconscious outside of Kaer Morhen. Calypso is from our universe, which quickly presents a problem: how she will return home? Geralt must take her with him on the journey to search for a way to transport her back to her own world. Though, in the end, will she want to return home? Will he be able to let her leave?
Repost cause I had to fix a bunch of things!!
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someheckingreatdogs · 2 years
Her Protector Masterlist
Summary: When destiny quite literally drops a child into Jaskier's lap he's forced to navigate the challenges of parenthood with the help of his friends
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Chapter 1
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atlasthegreatest · 10 months
- Atlas Masterlist - [Requests are open]
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▪️Male reader
▫️Female reader
🔲 Gender neutral
🔳 Male/ Female Oc
Avatar: The Legend Of Korra:
Asami Sato:
🔳 - War of Hearts- I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, XI, X
Avatar Korra
Lin Beifong
Iron II
Suyin Beifong
Percy Jackson:
Annabeth Chase
Percy Jackson
Jason Grace
Thalia Grace
Piper McLean
Leo Vasquez
Hazel Levesque
Nico DiAngelo
Sally Jackson
Silena Beauregard
Drew Tanaka
Harry Potter :
Hermione Granger
Harry Potter
Narcissa Black
Lily Evans
Bellatrix Black
Narcissa Black
Ginny Weasley
Fleur Delacour
Penny Haywood :
- Baby Problems
James Potter
Cassandra Vole:
▪️- Unexpected Surprises
Sirius Black
Sidney Prescott :
- ▪️ Flight or Figth
Tara Carpenter
Gale Weathers
Sam Carpenter
Fairy Tail:
Erza Scarlet
Natsu Dragneel
Grey Fullbuster
Lucy Heartfilia :
🔲 - Friends…? Friends.
Mirajane Strauss
Laxus Dreyar
Juvia Lockser
Irene Belserion
Attack On Titan:
Mikasa Ackerman:
-▫️ Fake It ‘Till You Break It - I
Eren Yeager
Historia Reiss
Annie Leonheart
Pieck Finger
Jean Kriestean
Sasha Broast
Hange Zoe
Marvel Universe:
Natasha Romanoff
Laura Kinney
Jean Grey
Emma Frost
Wanda Maximoff
Maria Hill
Cindy Moon:
▪️ The Bat, The Spider, and The Mutant
Gwen Stacy
Felicia Hardy
DC Universe:
Cassandra Cain:
▪️The Bat, The Spider, and The Mutant
Helena Bertinelli
Barbara Gordon
Dick Grayson
Poison Ivy
Kara Zor-El
Wonder Woman
Cassandra Sandsmark
The Vampire Diaries/ The Originals:
Caroline Forbes
Katherine Pierce
Rebekah Mikaelson
Hayley Marshal
Bonnie Bennett
Hope Mikaelson
Davina Clare
Freya Mikaelson
The Witcher:
Cirilla of Cintra
Geralt of Rivia
Yennefer of Vengerberg
Feyre Archeron
Nesta Archeron
Elain Archeron
Throne of Glass:
Aelin Galathynius :
- 🔳 In Each Others Arms
Rowan Whitethorne
Manon Blackbeack
Elide Lorchan
Navier Trovi :
- 🔳 Honor me of this dance
Penelope Eckart
Samantha Wilkins/ Atom Eve
Mark Grayson /Invincible
Fate: The Winx Saga
Choi Namra
Daphne Blake
Iori Utahime
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lancedoncrimsonwings · 3 months
This blog is 50% Daniel Sharman 50% Whump
Hi! I'm Tavo! I guess I should probably do one of those "hi this is me welcome to my crib" posts?
I am new to tumblr (well, new ish, but its been like 10 years since I was here last...) so I have no clue if I'm doing this shit right. Also new to the term Whump and the Whump Community, but I have been a whumper for as long as I can remember.
Basically all of my fave characters look better beaten up
Fair warning, this blog has WHUMPY and potentially NSFW content! TWs will be added sporadically, please interact at your own risk!
About me;
For *reasons* I'm not going to share my name, but as mentioned, you can call me Tavo!
26, She/They pronouns (but I'm not opening the gender can of worms aaaaaannnyy time soon so lets say female and be done with it)
I'm a chronically ill/disabled, neurodivergent disaster from the UK. Bi, Grey-Ace and Polyamorous.
I am a tattoo artist, reptile (mainly snakes) keeper, and whump enthusiast. I'm currently a little (lot) obsessed with Baldur's Gate 3, the talented beauty that is Daniel Sharman, and my favorite Whumpee to write for is The Weeping Monk/Lancelot from Cursed (Netflix)
... saying that, when I say "write", I mean "Plan a ridiculously massive Weeping Monk x Green Knight fanfic in my notes app on my phone, daydream plot and various scenarios mainly whump and silently hope my phone storage doesn't run out before I post ANY of it".
I'm an artist by trade, tattooing aside, I have a side hobby making chainmail jewellery, and I cosplay/build cosplays.
I am OnCrimsonWings on Ao3.
- Cursed (Netflix)
- Medici
- Baldur's Gate 3
- The Witcher
- Game of Thrones
- Vikings
- The Lord of The Rings
- Merlin (BBC)
Fave Whumpees;
- The Weeping Monk/Lancelot* - Cursed (Netflix)
- Gawain*/The Green Knight - Cursed (Netflix)
- Morgana - Merlin
- Lancelot* - Merlin
- Gwaine* - Merlin
*yes I ship them in two fandoms, and in general Authurian lore, like come ON this shit is canon
- Bucky Barnes - Marvel
- Dante - Devil May Cry
- Geralt - The Witcher
- Jaskier - The Witcher
- Yennifer - The Witcher
- Halsin - Baldur's Gate 3
- Astarion - Baldur's Gate 3
- Shadowheart - Baldur's Gate 3
- Karlach - Baldur's Gate 3
- Morpheus/Sandman/Dream of the Endless - Sandman (Netflix)
Fave Whump tropes;
- Defiant whumpee
- Spitting blood
- Scars- new and healed, especially if they're found by accident by a caretaker
- Drugged/poisoned
- Broken ribs and internal injuries
- Hiding the pain badly
- Desperation in general
- Unwilling Living Weapon "Ready to comply"
- Choking/restricted breathing/drowning
- "Oops, we ran out of painkillers, bite down on this belt whilst we engage in rudimentary field surgery/painful first aid"
- Whumpee hiding how injured they are until they collapse/cough up blood/etc
- Werewolf whumpees, just, in general 10/10
- Veteran Whumpees getting broken all over again. Baby Whumpee seeing this and knowing they're fucked
- Several NSFWhump tropes, which I won't list here;
And probably a whole bunch I've forgotten. I love to talk whump, so drop me a message if you want to too!
(Intros to be added- likely to link to a masterpost at a later date)
- Talon He/Him, Human Lycanthrope/Werewolf
- Zaurelien He/They, Winged Fey/Avian
- Sarabi She/They, Half Elf/Half Fey
- Kali She/Her, Elf/Fey
- Shado She/Her, Tiefling/Demon/Fey
- Eris She/Her, Elf/Fey
- Tavo, They/Them, Tiefling/Demon/Fey
- Asja She/Her, Tiefling/Demon/Fey
Terfs, Bigots and Antis DNI.
(Yes, I voted on my own poll. No, it was not intentional, this poll is mocking me, and I want to cry)
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myers-meadow · 2 years
Meadow's Masterlist
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My list of works is growing and growing, so here is a masterlist. Last updated on 18-04-2023. All my writing, even the shorter pieces that don't go onto AO3, are reblogged over at @myers-meadow-archive for ease of keeping track and archival purposes.
The links are in order of fandom, the newest writings are at the top.
Reblogging my writing is very much appreciated, but reposting it, on any site, is plagiarism.
My AO3
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Otis B. Driftwood
A muse for him and him alone (heed warnings, multichap)
Gn reader: Knocking on a stranger's door (sfw, alternate beginning to Sweet thing)
Fem reader: Sweet thing/forgotten hot cocoa (mild smut, oneshot)
New Year's (drabble, sfw)
Gn reader: Late Night Visit (to the Firefly House), (sfw, oneshot).
Dating headcanons
Slow burn Otis Driftwood x OC in an AU shared with @immortal-velociraptor and @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better. Chapter one, chapter two, chapter three, chapter four, chapter five, chapter 6.1, chapter 6.2.
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Moon Boys/Arthur Harrow
Moon boys and Arthur Harrow x OCs: Chapter one.
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The Grabber
Eggs for breakfast (request)
The Grabber x Max's girlfriend: The rhythm of life (heed warnings, one-shot).
Punishment (18 +, heed warnings, drabble)
Birthday headcanons
Male reader headcanons (request, sfw)
Request masochist reader (18 +, heed warnings, oneshot)
Helpful people get rewarded (18 +, heed warnings, oneshot)
Request for apprentice reader (sfw)
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Sinclair brothers
Bo Sinclair x reader: Planetarium. (angst, comfort, sfw, oneshot)
Multi-chapter fic Vincent x OC x Bo/Poly Sinclairs. The Ambrose Summer Vacation. Chapter 1. Chapter 2. Chapter 3. Chapter 4. (ongoing, 18 +)
Vincent Sinclair x gn reader: art and comfort request.
Bo Sinclair x fem OC: Sweet treat. (18 +, oneshot)
Ambrose Boba Tea Shop AU Vincent/Mango boba; Lester/Black milk tea
Vincent x you/female reader x Bo Drabble
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Michael Myers
Feeding him by accident (sfw, oneshot)
Sunday roast (sfw, oneshot)
With s/o who likes being picked up (request, headcanons)
RZ Michael Myers x female therapist: New urge (heed warnings, oneshot, 18 +)
Wrapped with a ribbon (18 +, heed warnings, oneshot)
Through lace curtains. (18 +, drabble)
Valentine's Day in Smiths Grove (sfw, oneshot)
Care for me, 18 +, heed the warnings for each chapter. part 1. part 2. part 3. part 4. part 5 (final)
Stargazing (fluff, sfw, oneshot)
Untitled fluff (sfw, oneshot)
Shapes on his skin (fluff, sfw, oneshot)
Floral and fading (smut, oneshot)
Priest! Michael Myers (RZ) 18 + heed warnings
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Thomas Hewitt
Letter by letter (sfw, oneshot)
Musings of Luda Mae (Sfw)
Kiss your boyfriend (dark, oneshot)
Safe with him (dark, spiritual sequel to Kiss Your Boyfriend, drabble)
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Other horror characters/Multiple fandoms
Valak x reader, Ed Warren x reader: Serpent Tongue (dark, 18 + heed warnings, oneshot)
Jason Voorhees x reader: A Strawberry Summer (fluff, sfw, oneshot).
Slashers and their favourite flowers headcannon list
Notes from your slasher S/O
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Other fandoms
Gaunter O'Dimm from The Witcher 3 - multichapter (completed), oneshots
Nuada Silverlance from Hellboy 2 - multichapter (completed)
King Radovid and Geralt of Rivia oneshots
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Dividers by @/firefly-graphics
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taleswrittena · 1 year
Ship Wishlist. These are ships I want in no particular order, under the cut for length. hmu if you're interested in these!
Geralt x Jaskier (The Witcher)
Geralt x anyone, male or female, canon or oc idc just ship with him pls
Delena (TVD)
Stelena (TVD)
Datherine (TVD)
Katherine/Stefan (TVD)
Hizzie (Legacies)
Cloud Strife x anyone
Johnlock (BBC Sherlock)
Bangel (BTVS)
Buffy/Spike (BTVS)
Cordelia x Angel (ATS)
Matt Murdock x literally anyone (Daredevil)
Sara Lance x literally anyone (DCTV)
Daenerys/Jon (game of thrones)
Hannigram (Hannibal)
Connor Walsh x any male (HTGAWM)
Olivia/Elliot (SVU)
Olivia x anyone, she deserves love (SVU)
Bo Dennis x anyone (Lost Girl)
Angel Evanglista x anyone (Pose)
Dean Winchester x anyone (supernatural)
Wincest (yes i'm going there, fight me. SPN)
Sookie Stackhouse x Eric Northman (true blood)
Tara Thorton x Pam (True Blood)
Sookie x anyone
Tara x anyone
Joe Goldberg x anyone, idc just let me write his creepy ass in ships
Johnny Silverhand x Kerry (cyberpunk)
Johnny x V (cyberpunk)
Johnny x anyone (cyberpunk)
Lara Croft x anyone (Tomb Raider)
Nathan Drake x anyone (Uncharted. Games, not movie)
Jason Kolchek x anyone (house of ashes)
Louis x anyone (ITWV, show verse)
Deacon St. John x anyone (days gone)
Sebastian x Joseph (the evil within)
Sebastian x anyone (the evil within)
Lucifer Morningstar x anyone (lucifer)
Deckerstar (lucifer)
Dexter Morgan x anyone (keep in mind he's hard to ship with)
Carina/Maya (grey's anatomy/station 19)
Choni (riverdale)
Bughead (riverdale)
Barchie (riverdale)
Archie/Jughead (riverdale)
Klaus Hargeeves/John Constantine (i just think this would be a neat crossover ship)
Klaus Hargreeves/Diego (fite me.)
Klaus Hargreeves x anyone (TUA)
Harley x anyone (DCU)
Eddie/Venom x anyone really (MCU, keep in mind ships with eddie will always be a thurple with venom)
Billy x Steve
Billy x Eddie
Billy x Nancy
Billy x anybody tbh
and literally any of my canons vs ocs or crossover ships because I love me some ocs and crossover ships.
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rpersearch · 3 months
I am a 30yrld female with 10+ years experience looking for FxF fandom games. Cannon X Canon characters preferred. But sometimes open to Canon x OC. I am literate and write novella length.
Age range: 21-38+ years old partners.
I don’t have a preference for my partners gender. Just looking for someone 20+ years old willing to play FxF fandom games.
Really looking for femslash games. I’m open to Omegaverse and soulmate tropes/themes.
I play romance and dark story themes.
Couples in red are cravings. The ideas listed are just SAMPLES! Not exclusive to the storylines I’d like to play.
Fall of the House of Usher (Camille/OFC)
- What if an Angel was protecting a woman who crossed paths with Camille and the angels protection kept Camille safe from her family’s curse. But only so long as this OFC loved Camille. Would Camille be able to ensure she did not lose that protection and be the type of woman worth loving?
Game of Thrones (Sansa / Daenerys with optional + Canon male character, Brienne/Sansa)
* Sansa and Daenerys are forced to marry to avoid war between the North and the United southern kingdoms under Daenerys’ banner.
* Sansa escapes Kings Landing with Ser Barristan and meets Daenerys in Mereen.
* Drogon flies all the way to Westeros after he leaves Danserys in the Dothraki Sea, and meets an ice Queen in need of saving.
The Witcher (Tissaia / Yennefer)
1. Ciri is Tissaia’s child of surprise, not Geralt’s. When it comes time for her to accept this, she seeks out assistance from the only powerful mage she knows that wants children, Yennefer.
2. Tissaia comes back to speak with Yennefer while she is still in Rhinde. She has found a possible cure for Yennefer’s barrenness.
3. Yennefer is the daughter of a king at of the Northen Kingdoms, that falls in love with her father’s mage, Tissaia de Vries.
4. Yennefer is doused with a lust potion gone wrong by the older classmates at Aretuza. She will lose her mind unless she sleeps with someone, but the idiots that doused her didn’t take her elven blood into account, and instead of a lust spell, she can only be satisfied by her truest match—her soul mate. Tissaia does not sleep with students. Even ones she’s fated to. But to save Yennefer’s life she will. But only if she and Yennefer never remember what’s happened.
5. Time travel write up for season 4. Yennefer goes back in time with the help of the monolith book to save Tissaia. But it’s like the butterfly effect. And Tissaia keeps dying.
Harry Potter (Hermione/Fleur, female!Harry/Hermione, Hermione/Pansy, Hermione/Bellatrix, Hermione/Ginny, Hermione/Minerva, Minerva/Bellatrix)
* Hermione Granger and Fleur Delacour found family. After the war, Bill dies in an accident, and Hermione and Ron have divorced. Two single mothers come together to lament their troubles and losses.
* Fleur realizes that Hermione is her true mate when she arrives hurt at the cottage after Malfoy Manner or being mates.
* Forced Marriage trope - repopulating wizarding England stipulates that all eligible and child baring women must marry. Except, it seems, Hermione Granger, who is protected under French Ministry law as she is the Delacour heir’s fated mate.
Twilight (Tanya/Leah, Bella/Rosalie, Bella/Tanya, Bella/Alice, Bella/Leah, Rosalie/Leah, Alice/Leah)
* Tanya has been looking for her mate for over a thousand years. She’s finally found them.
House of Dragons (Alicent / Rhaenyra)
* Rhaenyra runs away with Alicent
* Rhaenyra kills her father to ensure she is the one to marry Alicent
* Rhaenyra captures Alicent during the war and they reminisce on all that was—and could have been.
Like this post or message me and I’ll get in touch.
I prefer to play through discord but am open to email or google docs.
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cardierreh15 · 9 months
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The Stranger
A lil’ sumn, sumn just in time for spooky szn my dears 😩🧡 enjoy.
**I do not give anyone permission to repost and/or copy my work!!!
Warnings 18+: Cursing , Blood , Cutting & Stabbing with claws , Non-Con Sex , Full Nelson Position?? (I think lol) , Biting , Oral (Female Recieving) , Praising Kink , Breeding , Kidnapping .
Pairing: Vampire!August x Maria(Black!Plus Size Female)
Description: August has a lil fun with his food. 😋
Word Count: 2.9K
Song: Eat Your Young by Hozier
They’re having sex in a graveyard. Thought I’d make that clear. Basically: Dead Dove Do Not Eat
The woman wheezed as she rested her hands on her knees; trying her damnedest to breathe, but the cold air burned in her chest. Doubled over, she coughed hard before slowly inhaling through her nose and then out through her mouth. Standing up straight, her lips trembled as the winter’s air embraced her in a deadly hold.
‘Home, just— try to get home.’ she muttered to herself as she wrapped her torso up in her own arms. It had seemed as if she were walking for ages now, but at least she caught her breath. ‘Home… just…almost there.’ she shivered.
Run, girl, run. A dark essence whispered through a cool breeze, heart sinking into the pit of her gut as a familiar dark laughter followed suit.
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‘Stop!’ she cried out, placing both hands over her ears as she started running again. She closed her eyes tightly, trying to focus on pure thoughts. ‘This— *huff* has to be— *huff huff* a nightmare!’ Suddenly, she tripped over a branch, tumbling and rolling until her weight betrayed her; head colliding with something cool and hard. Vision blurred and disoriented, she let out a pained groan as she weakly reached out, ‘Mmmmhhhff.’
Whimpering out, she felt something wet and warm trickling down the side of her face. Dragging her weight across the cool, dewy dirt and grass. ‘Please… please,’ she begged; placing her hands on the tombstone while struggling to pull herself to her feet. ‘Please just— leave me alone!’ she called out, her knees buckling as she stood up straight.
‘Hahah, and what’s the fun in that?!’
Heart ramming in her chest, her breathing had become shallow, the lump in her throat growing painful. ‘Who— why do you follow me?! Why can’t you just leave me alone?!’ she broke out in a hysterical sob, words inaudible. ‘Please! I have nothing to offer you— I can’t— I can’t…’
It grew quiet for a moment. Only the sound of the wind dancing through the trees and the dead leaves scraping against the ground filled the air. Suddenly, when safety seemed sure, she got wrapped up in a tight embrace. A cold hand covered her lips as she began squeal into the stranger’s flesh. The stranger grinned darkly as the woman flayed her arms and legs around.
‘Tag. I've got you now!’
He snickered, turning her around to get a good look at her. She was ravishing! Full puckered lips, gray eyes that made her tears resemble a rainy day. Her skin, soft and silky like raw honey. She was almost too pretty to eat. But he’d always been the type to play with his food.
Grabbing her jaw, his pointy nails gently stabbed at her flesh. She tried to let out a shriek but he placed his index finger against her full lips, ‘aht, Aht, — that’s not a smart idea sweet pea. He grinned, ‘Scream, and I’ll slit your throat ok? Give me a nod if you understand.’
The woman’s frightened eyes stared up into his bright blue irises that shone in the darkness, resembling that of the deepest depths of the ocean. She nodded hesitantly, never taking her eyes off of him.
‘Mmm, that’s a good girl. You are awfully pretty.’ He cooed, dragging his claw down the side of her face. ‘I would have hated to kill you before I've had my fun.’ he grinned; salivating at the thought of her being his personal blood bag.
‘Now, you’re going to do whatever I say… alright?’
The woman nodded again, a single tear falling down her face. She was freezing! It wouldn’t have been a shock if her tears turned into icicles at this point.
He brought her head towards him, gently sniffing at the open wound she’d created from her dance with the ground earlier. ‘Mmm,’ he hummed in delight. ‘So sweet,’he said, before licking up the blood that dripped down the side of her face.
She was stiff as a board, unable to move from the shock that coursed through her body. There was no way this was truly happening. No, no this had to be some kind of nightmare. Shutting her eyes tightly, whispering, ‘it’s just a dream, wake up Maria, it’s just a dream—‘
His thunderous laugh ripped through the air. ‘Are you sure about that princess? Seems real enough to me.’ He cooed in her ear as he pushed her thick hair behind her ear and ran his claw down her cheek, leaving behind a simple cut. She started to cry once again.
‘Awww, shhhh —don’t cry princess,’ he said as he wiped her tears away with the pad of his thumbs. ‘Everything will be over soon. And, if you behave, I might just let you go. All you have to do… is be a good girl.’
Maria swallowed her sticky spit and nodded once again, letting out a shaky sigh. She was willing to do anything if it meant for her to live.
‘Wh— what will you have me do?’
He smirked as his eyes flickered from her face to her breasts. ‘Well,’ with just a quick swipe of his finger, he tore the fabric of her shirt with his pointy nail. His eyes immediately landing on her silky brown skin, his fangs tingling at the thought of sinking them in that supple flesh.
‘Ah!’ she gasped, instantly wrapping her own arms around her body to conceal it. ‘Wh—‘ she backed up slowly until she tripped and fell back against a stone. ‘Oof!’ she whimpered, looking up at him. ‘H-here?! Now?’ she looked around as she quivered. ‘It’s cold! And we’re in a graveyard! Have you no respect for the dead?!’
‘Oh honey… haven’t your parents taught you not to assume?’ his smirk never faltered as he stood above her, glaring down at her like a hawk stalking its prey. ‘I am… the dead.’ His fangs seemed to appear out of nowhere! They were massive, frightening and white. Very distinguishable even with nights as dark as these. She stared up at him in fear as he reached down and lended her his hand.
‘Up…’ he commanded.
Maria swallowed her spit once again and placed her hand in his before he whisked her up to her feet in a fast motion. He pressed her against his chest, listening as her heart hadn’t ceased to keep its fast pace. ‘Why were you hiding that pretty body from me huh?’ he said, running his tongue over his fangs.
‘B-because I don’t know you! You’re a stranger! A monster!’
The stranger chuckled and backed her up against a tall tombstone. Her back was pressed flush against the coolness. ‘Alright,’ he placed his hand against the stone, ‘My name is August… there, am I still a stranger?’ He drug his pointy nail down the hill and the valley of her breasts, down her tummy until he rested it beneath her button to pop it.
‘I mean… no… I guess. B-but you’re still a monster!’ She bit back.
‘Oh really? Why… that’s not very nice.’ he chuckled, ‘You’re scared of me… aren’t you princess?’ he asked, popping the button to bring the zipper down. She jumped at the sudden flick before giving him a hesitant nod.
‘Good, you should be.’ he said before grabbing her wrist and swiftly turning her around and pinning her against the stone. ‘I’m not gonna hurt you… yet,’ he whispered softly in her ear. Something so sweet, like a lullaby. ‘Just—want a little taste,’ August added as he got down on his knees and pulled her jeans down to her ankles.
‘Wha—?!’ Her panties followed soon after.
‘What are you doing?! Stop!’ She tried to move but he grabbed her thighs and held it in a tight grip. ‘Aah!’ she yelped out at the sudden pain. His claws dug into her cool flesh. ‘I told you to be a good girl! Move again, and I will crush your femur!’
‘Ughh,’ she cried out in pain. ‘Please! Just let me go! I promise I won’t tell anyone!’
‘Well you may not make it out of here to tell anyone sweetheart. We might as well have a little fun huh?’
Maria’s bottom lip trembled before she sucked it between her teeth to keep from wailing like a wraith. But instead, she utter a sound.
‘Attagirl,’ he grinned as he released his grip on her skin, ‘Now… sit still,’ he said before inhaling the scent of her core. ‘Mmmm,’ he let out a guttural growl, stretching his neck and pressing the flattened tongue against her womanhood.
‘Ooh!’ Maria’s mouth fell open as a chill slid down her spine. She could feel her knees growing numb as his tongue assaulted her clit with a vengeance. If she were going to die, at least her last few moments would be of her experiencing a one in a lifetime moment. Fucking a monster.
August lifted her thigh as he flicked his tongue over her glorious abyss and her sensitive nub. ‘Mmmm,’ he hummed before pulling away for a second. ‘Fuuuuck, you’re delicious,’ he pressed a kiss on her inner thigh before he sank his teeth into her soft flesh.
‘AAAAAAH!’ she yelped out, startled by him biting into her. Maria looked down between her legs. ‘You said you weren’t going to hurt me!!!’ she whined out.
August licked at her punctured, swollen skin before placing a kiss on it, ‘Oh relax, baby girl. It’s just a love bite. You’ll be fine.’ He chuckled before his tongue was met with her pussy once again. Such a hungry lover he was.
‘Ooooh! Dear God! That feels sooo fucking good!’ Her head fell back as her fingers gripped at the tombstone. She subconsciously began to grind her hips against his face and reached behind her to grab a hand full of his thick dark hair. His face was just a seat for her at this point. And he didn’t mind it either.
A gasp ripped through her chest as her groin began to tighten as she grew closer to her orgasm. ‘Aaah! FUCK!’ She felt as if the world were crumbling beneath her feet.
August smiled softly as she came in his mouth unreluctantly. She was so warm on his tongue. He could stay here forever if she allowed it. Pulling away from her pussy, he bit into her other thigh. Hissing at the sudden pain, Maria gritted her teeth together and just bore it.
He bit her thighs, over and over again, as if trying to mark his territory. He stood up, peppering sweet kisses against her shoulder, and then her neck. ‘My, my— you are so delicious.’
Maria was lost in a world of pure bliss. The way he touched her, the way his cool lips danced across her now burning flesh— she felt like she was in heaven; or perhaps, hell.
‘How do you feel?’ August asked as his nose nuzzled comfortably behind her ear, in her braids.
‘Am I— am I dead?’ She whispered.
He chuckled darkly before grabbing her face once again as he leaned in for a kiss. ‘Not yet princess.’
Her now hooded, lust ridden eyes stared up at him as her lips parted gently, ready to embrace his frost bitten lips in a warm kiss. Once their lips met, it was as if she’d taken ecstasy. She never felt like this before on behalf of the lips of a man. Could it be the venom on this tongue?
The more her lips indulged on his taste, the more hooked she became. Plus, she kind of liked being able to taste herself on his tongue.
He broke the kiss and looked down at her with a twinkle in his eye. Hmm, he might need her after all. But he immediately pushed those thoughts to the side and walked over to a gravestone. August unzipped his pants and pushed them down along with his boxers.
Maria’s mouth fell open in shock and partly in fear when she saw that monster spring free from the prison of his pants. How was that thing going to fit inside of her?! She’s probably had sex only a handful of times in her life. It wasn’t at the top of her To-Do list either. So it was safe to say, she was scared.
‘Don’t be afraid princess. I promise I’ll be gentle,’ he gave her a devious smirk as he motioned his sharp claw towards himself. Her head fell forward, ashamed. Once in his grasp, he spun her around so her ass was facing him. August scooped her up effortlessly with a carnivorous grin on his face.
‘Whoa—‘ she gasped as she wrapped one arm around his neck for stability as he sat down on the destroyed grave.
August lowered her down on his dick. Thanks to the blood intake, he was standing at full attention and was ready to take advantage of this moment with her.
Maria hissed, digging her nails into his shoulder as the intrusive member basically split her in half. But the pain was blissful. He was filling her out the way she deserved, the way she needed.
‘Uhhh. Damn baby girl. You are so fucking tight.’ He lifted her thigh, hooking his arm beneath her knee and using his right knee to keep her leg up. He dug his sharp claws into her flesh. His other arm lay draped across her belly in a tight hold. This way, he was able to move her body up and down just the way he wanted.
The curvaceous woman threw her head back as he took full control of her body. And the way that he used her felt so good.
‘August! Please!’ she begged before she grit her teeth together, ‘Augh!! Fuck yes!’
‘That’s good baby? Damn, you take this dick so fucking well. Such a good girl for me!’ He let out an animalistic grunt, still bouncing her body but now adding in his own thrusts.
With the two frictions coming together to make one, Maria could feel her fragile human body begin to betray her. She breathed in short breaths, the cold air burning at her chest as she did so.
‘Ooh!’ With August’s fleeting movements, Maria thought she was seeing stars. The grip she had on the upright headstone was so tight, she split her nails.
August howled as his grip on her thigh grew a bit tighter. His nails finally pierced the skin and he drew a little bit of blood. But Maria was far too gone to even pay attention to the pain. August landed multiple slaps on her inner thigh as he reached between her thighs with his free hand and began to rub at her erected clit. He picked up his thrusts, ‘Fuuu—‘
Maria’s head fell forward, her mouth falling open in a big “O” as she watched his strong hand go to work on her clit. ‘Ohhh shit!’ Her bite ridden thighs began to shake as he handled her like a $2 whore.
‘Yeaaaah? You’re gonna cum aren’t you? I can feel it. I can feel you throbbing… that pretty pussy just begging for a release.’
‘Uh huuuuh!’ She whimpered out.
He thrusted harder, faster. Her cries grew louder as he abused her pussy with purpose. With the way she was wailing, someone would say this graveyard was haunted! ‘C’mon princess,’ he gritted his teeth, ‘Come on! Give it to me!’
Maria’s toes curled in her shoes as he plowed into her as if he were trying to explore new realms. She felt the numbness creep up her neck, and now she felt like she couldn’t breathe. This didn’t feel like a common orgasm. It felt euphoric but she felt as if he’d snatched her soul.
August let out a sinister laugh. ‘Oh you sweet thing. You don’t even know what to do with yourself!,’ he cooed teasingly before he grabbed her face. He opened his mouth to welcome her in another kiss. He allowed her tongue to slither between his teeth. And with just a gentle bite, he pierced the muscle.
She whined out in pain, squirming in his embrace as she bled into his mouth. Once he broke the kiss, she laid her head back lazily against him as he had his way with her. She’d lost a lot of blood now because of him. Her body felt completely numb and at this point, he was just using her like a doll. She couldn’t feel much anymore. All she could taste was iron, and hear his desperate grunts over the sounds of the night. Her eyes filled with tears as she knew what was to come of her.
‘Ugh. Fuck, you’d be the perfect mother for my children,’ he snarled out, his teeth clenched as he felt his member throb within her. ‘Sooo, fucking warm princess.’
Maria’s eyes grew wide as a tear slid down the side of her face. She couldn’t find the strength to speak! It was a miracle she was even alive! So she just laid limply on him.
His hand cupped at her bruised up thigh as he rammed his hips faster, coaxing and milking his own nut out of him, ‘Aaah. Fuuuck!’ His balls squeezed as he shoved his member deep inside of her, kissing at her warm cervix.
Used like a whore, Maria just laid there in his hold. Just waiting for her demise. She barely blinked as she felt it would be her last.
August let out a sigh before he laid her on top of the flat gravestone. He stood up, putting himself together. ‘Aww don’t play dead on me baby girl. You’ve proved to be a lot more useful than I thought.’ With the “warmth” of his embrace gone, she laid curled up on that cold stone shivering. She was mute.
‘You’re gonna be staying with me for awhile,’ he said before effortlessly scooping her up in his arms before he began to walk into the darkness of the night.
Her eyes were heavy… and she was growing cold by what had seemed to be the minute. ‘Sl—sleeep,’ she muttered out in pain.
Sleep my princess… for you will be my Queen once you’ve awakened.
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corruptedmaiawrites · 2 months
Requests Open
I wanna write more fics, so I’m opening requests in case anyone has ideas they wanna see written.
I mainly write character x reader fics, but I can do character x oc fics too.
I write for female and gender neutral readers, but as I’m AFAB myself I don’t feel knowledgeable enough to write male readers.
I can write either platonic or romantic fics.
I will write SFW and NSFW, but I won’t write anything that I feel uncomfortable with, such as inc*st, non-con, etc. Please message me if you’re not sure about something you want to request.
Here are the fandoms and characters I write for:
Star Wars
Any Clones (including OCs). My favourite clones to write are Wolffe, Rex, Gregor, Fives, Echo, Howzer, and Crosshair.
Maul and Savage
Cyberpunk 2077
Johnny Silverhand
River Ward
The Witcher (games)
Geralt of Rivia
Vernon Roche
Morvran Moorhis
Jujutsu Kaisen
Sukuna - true form and possession forms
Nanami Kento
Shunsui Kyōraku
Kenpachi Zaraki
Kensei Muguruma
Renji Abarai
Ikkaku Madarame
Mayuri Kurotsuchi
Ghost (the band)
Papa Emeritus III
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creativeroleplay-ads · 11 months
Hello! 🍄 I am 21+ female! I am looking for people who would be interested in the following:
Genshin Impact
Honkai Star Rail
MXTX (I love all three series!)
Witcher (still pretty new to the show but I love it!)
Nimona (the movie, though I am beginning the graphic novel!)
Lord of the rings/the hobbit
My muses/who I would prefer to write:
Genshin: Aether, Yoimiya, Lisa, KAVEH!!, Bennett, Venti, Amber, Thoma!
Honkai Star Rail: Bronya, Sampo, March 7th
MXTX: Shang Qinghua, Xie Lian, Wei Wuxian
Witcher: Jaskier
Nimona: Ballistar BlackHeart
LOTR/The hobbit: Bilbo, Pippin, Frodo, OC! (Lord of the rings is one of the fandom that I really enjoy doing OC’s from!)
Who I am looking for:
Genshin: Alhaitham, Xiao, Ayato, Ayaka, Jean, Razor, Eula!
Honkai Star Rail: Steele, Gepard, Stelle
MXTX: Mobie Jun, Shen Qingqui, Hua Cheng, Lan Wanji
Witcher: Geralt or Yennifer
Nimona: Nimona (platonic/familial ONLY!!), Ambrosius
LOTR/The hobbit: any of the thirteen hobbits (especially Thorin and Bofur), any of the fellowship (especially any of the hobbits!) and OC’s
Fandomless options:
So basically I’ve got this Fantasy world that I have a couple different basic plots for that I would love to do as well! I am also totally up for coming up with our own plots! I’ll list a couple of the basic ones I have in case anyone is interested! I’m a sucker for fantasy!!
Option 1: so I am a sucker for the fairytale the wild swans and would love to do something somewhat inspired by that story, like my characters family have been cursed to and somehow our characters come together to try and break the curse before time runs out!
Option 2: pirates! I don’t have much else here except pirates are cool!
Option 3: So basically my character is the child of a corrupt king who escapes the kingdom to look for help saving their kingdom. Your character can be just about anyone here; someone who worked in the kingdom and escaped as well, someone who has been personally hurt by the king, a sell sword, someone from a neighboring kingdom with either good intentions, or looking to take advantage of the situation! Honestly open to anything!
Writing style: I prefer a literate writing style, at least 1 paragraph though I typically write at least 1-3! I can do Novella length if you prefer!
Fandom: I am good with just about anything! Mxm, fxf, mxf, nbxnb, nbxf, nbxm! Also while I do tend to prefer canon x canon characters in fandoms, I am willing to try oc x oc and oc x canon!
Fandomless: obviously these would be oc x oc! Here the characters ideas I have written for the plots above are female so I would prefer either F x F, NB x F or M x F, but if we are coming up with a new plot I’m not against playing a male or non-binary character!
Genres: Fantasy and Adventure! I love the romance aspect and have a lot of fun rping it, but I also love things being platonic so that’s not something that will make me not what to RP!
Platforms: discord preferably, but I’m also good with tumblr if you prefer and I’m willing to try other platforms if you have a different suggestion!
RP partner preferences: I mainly just ask that you be over 18! I am over 21 so please keep that in mind for your own comfort level!
Extra info: I do doubles, all I ask is that if it is for a fandom rp, if it’s not one of the ones I have listed above you may have to give me some time to do some research, as I may not know much about it. If I do great but if I don’t I may ask some questions and stuff so I can rp whomever you want to the best of my ability! I also am in EST so you know for timing!
Please like this post and I will reach out!
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rp-partnerfinder · 3 months
I am a 30yrld female with 10+ years experience looking for FxF fandom games. Cannon X Canon characters preferred. But sometimes open to Canon x OC. I am literate and write novella length. 📚
Age range: 21-38+ years old partners.
I don’t have a preference for my partners gender. Just looking for someone 20+ years old willing to play FxF fandom games.
Really looking for femslash games. I’m open to Omegaverse and soulmate tropes/themes.
I play romance and dark story themes.
Couples in red are cravings. The ideas listed are just SAMPLES! Not exclusive to the storylines I’d like to play.
Fall of the House of Usher (Camille/OFC) —
What if an Angel was protecting a woman who crossed paths with Camille and the angels protection kept Camille safe from her family’s curse. But only so long as this OFC loved Camille. Would Camille be able to ensure she did not lose that protection and be the type of woman worth loving?
Game of Thrones (Sansa / Daenerys with optional + Canon male character, Brienne/Sansa)
Sansa and Daenerys are forced to marry to avoid war between the North and the United southern kingdoms under Daenerys’ banner.
Sansa escapes Kings Landing with Ser Barristan and meets Daenerys in Mereen.
Drogon flies all the way to Westeros after he leaves Danserys in the Dothraki Sea, and meets an ice Queen in need of saving.
The Witcher (Tissaia / Yennefer)
1. Ciri is Tissaia’s child of surprise, not Geralt’s. When it comes time for her to accept this, she seeks out assistance from the only powerful mage she knows that wants children, Yennefer.
2. Tissaia comes back to speak with Yennefer while she is still in Rhinde. She has found a possible cure for Yennefer’s barrenness.
3. Yennefer is the daughter of a king at of the Northen Kingdoms, that falls in love with her father’s mage, Tissaia de Vries.
4. Yennefer is doused with a lust potion gone wrong by the older classmates at Aretuza. She will lose her mind unless she sleeps with someone, but the idiots that doused her didn’t take her elven blood into account, and instead of a lust spell, she can only be satisfied by her truest match—her soul mate. Tissaia does not sleep with students. Even ones she’s fated to. But to save Yennefer’s life she will. But only if she and Yennefer never remember what’s happened.
5. Time travel write up for season 4. Yennefer goes back in time with the help of the monolith book to save Tissaia. But it’s like the butterfly effect. And Tissaia keeps dying.
Harry Potter (Hermione/Fleur, female!Harry/Hermione, Hermione/Pansy, Hermione/Bellatrix, Hermione/Ginny, Hermione/Minerva, Minerva/Bellatrix)
Hermione Granger and Fleur Delacour found family. After the war, Bill dies in an accident, and Hermione and Ron have divorced. Two single mothers come together to lament their troubles and losses.
Fleur realizes that Hermione is her true mate when she arrives hurt at the cottage after Malfoy Manner or being mates.
Forced Marriage trope - repopulating wizarding England stipulates that all eligible and child baring women must marry. Except, it seems, Hermione Granger, who is protected under French Ministry law as she is the Delacour heir’s fated mate.
Twilight (Tanya/Leah, Tanya/OFC, Bella/Rosalie, Bella/Tanya, Bella/Alice, Bella/Leah, Rosalie/Leah, Alice/Leah)
Tanya has been looking for her mate for over a thousand years. She’s finally found them.
House of Dragons (Alicent / Rhaenyra)
Rhaenyra runs away with Alicent
Rhaenyra kills her father to ensure she is the one to marry Alicent
Rhaenyra captures Alicent during the war and they reminisce on all that was—and could have been.
Like this post or message me and I’ll get in touch. Let me know which fandom and couple and possible idea caught your attention.
I prefer to play through discord but am open to email or google docs.
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hottpinkpenguin · 1 year
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updated as of: September 2023 | main navigation
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fandoms and characters
Characters in italics are the ones I'm most excited to write for, but you're welcome to request for anyone on this list. I'm also open to character requests outside of this list (although if I'm not familiar with the fandom I most likely won't be able to write for them).
Last of Us: Joel Miller, Tommy Miller
Marvel: Bucky Barnes, Steven Grant/Marc Spector, Loki, Druig, Ikaris, Dr. Strange
Star Wars: Galen Erso, Din Djarin, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Cassian Andor, Qui-Gon Jinn, Orson Krennic
Lord of the Rings/Middle Earth: Elendil, Aragorn, Boromir, Haldir, Eomer, Legolas, Thranduil, Elrond (either LOTR or ROP)
The Witcher: Geralt of Rivia, Eskel, Cahir
Shadow and Bone/Six of Crows: Darkling, Matthias, Kaz Brekker
Twilight: Carlisle Cullen, Jasper Cullen, Aro
ACOTAR: Rhysand, Azriel, Cassian, Tamlin, King of Hybern, Eris Vanserra
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works in progress
These are the WIP's that I'm actively working on.
Star Wars Reasons, Cassian Andor X Female Reader series - read here
Last of Us Way Of Winter, Joel Miller X Female Reader series - read here
Twilight Cold As Iron, Book 2 of the Cold trilogy, Carlisle Cullen X Female OC X Aro - coming soon! Read book 1 (Cold as Ice) here
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Below is a list of tropes I love writing for. Where you see "@", sub in the character you're requesting for. Feel free to mix and match, add in a quote or two, or come up with your own!
established romance
enemies to lovers
protective @ / protective reader
tragic reunion
wartime relationship
unexpected happy ending
unexpected tragic ending
main character death / reader death
regretting a breakup
forbidden romance
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Disclaimer: Some of these quotes are shamelessly borrowed from or based on song lyrics
"Nothing's going to happen to you." "How do you know?" "Because I won't let it."
"Did I miss the part where you suddenly turned likeable?"
"Why are you looking at me like that?" "I like to look at beautiful things."
"I don't think you're going to like me very much after I tell you this." "Who said I liked you in the first place?"
"We make a good team." "No, I'm just a good actor."
"She/He/They really broke your heart, didn't they?" "You have no idea."
"Please tell me she's/he's/they're not real."
"Why don't you ever listen?" "Because you tell me everything I need to know with your eyes."
"This won't hurt." "Like hell it won't."
"I couldn't remember if we actually said goodbye."
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vivalarevolution · 1 year
𝐈 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬.
𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐬𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐚𝐬:
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐦 𝐈 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠?
𝐖𝐡𝐨 𝐚𝐦 𝐈 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫?
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐝𝐨 𝐈 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 / 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐝𝐨 𝐈 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞?
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐦 𝐈 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫?
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐈 𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐞𝐩𝐭/𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞?
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐦 𝐈 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠?
𝐖𝐡𝐨 𝐚𝐦 𝐈 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫?
Jake Sully
Recom Miles Quaritch
House of the Dragon:
Daemon Targaryen
Aegon Targaryen
Aemond Targaryen
Jacaerys Velaryon
Harwin Strong
Cregan Stark
Game of Thrones:
Oberyn Martell
Robb Stark
Jon Snow
Jaime Lannister
Rhaegar Targaryen
Daenerys Targaryen
Viserys III Targaryen
The Witcher
Geralt of Rivia
The Vampire Diaries:
Klaus Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
Stefan Salvatore
Damon Salvatore
Paul Lahote
Jasper Hale
Edward Cullen
Feyd Rautha
Paul Atreides
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐝𝐨 𝐈 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 / 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐝𝐨 𝐈 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞?
When it comes to this question, I can't answer it with 100% certainty because I hasn't written everything yet.
However, from my experience, there are things that I do not write, for example:
heavy angst
character x character
character x oc (I prefer to have the last word in creating oc's in my works)
humiliation situations
Maybe the list will be longer in the future, but for now, that's all. I am an open and tolerant person by nature, so I approach most things with curiosity rather than with immediate disgust.
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐦 𝐈 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫?
I hope you understood this point and that I formulated it well. But all I mean is that I won't be writing for any perspective other than a female one. I'm a woman myself, so I write best from this perspective , I feel most comfortable in it when it comes to writing.
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐈 𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐞𝐩𝐭/𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞?
As always, feel free to contact me and send me your requests. However, please don't send me a message with just a character (e.g. Daemon Targaryen x reader) because it's hard to work with. I may have a sudden burst of inspiration but I can't do a lot with it because I don't know what the sender wants, I don't know if they will like it. Thats why pointing to the right plot/storyline is greatly appreciated.
𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐬. 𝐀 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮.
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findyourrp · 11 months
Hello! 🍄 I am 21+ female! I am looking for people who would be interested in the following:
Genshin Impact
Honkai Star Rail
MXTX (I love all three series!)
Witcher (still pretty new to the show but I love it!)
Nimona (the movie, though I am beginning the graphic novel!)
Lord of the rings/the hobbit
My muses/who I would prefer to write:
Genshin: Aether, Yoimiya, Lisa, KAVEH!!, Bennett, Venti, Amber, Thoma!
Honkai Star Rail: Bronya, Sampo, March 7th
MXTX: Shang Qinghua, Xie Lian, Wei Wuxian
Witcher: Jaskier
Nimona: Ballistar BlackHeart
LOTR/The hobbit: Bilbo, Pippin, Frodo, OC! (Lord of the rings is one of the fandom that I really enjoy doing OC’s from!)
Who I am looking for:
Genshin: Alhaitham, Xiao, Ayato, Ayaka, Jean, Razor, Eula!
Honkai Star Rail: Steele, Gepard, Stelle
MXTX: Mobie Jun, Shen Qingqui, Hua Cheng, Lan Wanji
Witcher: Geralt or Yennifer (though I am good with other characters, I’m still just relatively new to the show!)
Nimona: Nimona (platonic/familial ONLY!!), Ambrosius
LOTR/The hobbit: any of the thirteen hobbits (especially Thorin and Bofur), any of the fellowship (especially any of the hobbits!) and OC’s
Fandomless options:
So basically I’ve got this Fantasy world that I have a couple different basic plots for that I would love to do as well! I am also totally up for coming up with our own plots! I’ll list a couple of the basic ones I have in case anyone is interested! I’m a sucker for fantasy!!
Option 1: so I am a sucker for the fairytale the wild swans and would love to do something somewhat inspired by that story, like my characters family have been cursed to and somehow our characters come together to try and break the curse before time runs out!
Option 2: pirates! I don’t have much else here except pirates are cool!
Option 3: So basically my character is the child of a corrupt king who escapes the kingdom to look for help saving their kingdom. Your character can be just about anyone here; someone who worked in the kingdom and escaped as well, someone who has been personally hurt by the king, a sell sword, someone from a neighboring kingdom with either good intentions, or looking to take advantage of the situation! Honestly open to anything!
Writing style: I prefer a literate writing style, at least 1 paragraph though I typically write at least 1-3! I can do Novella length if you prefer!
Fandom: I am good with just about anything! Mxm, fxf, mxf, nbxnb, nbxf, nbxm! Also while I do tend to prefer canon x canon characters in fandoms, I am willing to try oc x oc and oc x canon!
Fandomless: obviously these would be oc x oc! Here the characters ideas I have written for the plots above are female so I would prefer either F x F, NB x F or M x F, but if we are coming up with a new plot I’m not against playing a male or non-binary character!
Genres: Fantasy and Adventure! I love the romance aspect and have a lot of fun rping it, but I also love things being platonic so that’s not something that will make me not what to RP!
Platforms: discord preferably, but I’m also good with tumblr if you prefer and I’m willing to try other platforms if you have a different suggestion!
RP partner preferences: I mainly just ask that you be over 18! I am over 21 so please keep that in mind for your own comfort level!
Extra info: I do doubles, all I ask is that if it is for a fandom rp, if it’s not one of the ones I have listed above you may have to give me some time to do some research, as I may not know much about it. If I do great but if I don’t I may ask some questions and stuff so I can rp whomever you want to the best of my ability! I also am in EST so you know for timing!
Please like this post and I will reach out!
like & asker will find you!
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