#holiday themed fanfic
seriouslycalamitous · 5 months
I’m kinda late, but I wrote a Christmas fic where Fit and Pac get snowed-in!!!!
Title: Hands Like Ice (AO3, ENG)
8.2K Words
Snowed-In AU, Hideduo
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all-the-things-2020 · 6 months
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Summary: When you land on a backwater planet for a routine job, your feelings for your bounty hunter boss are revealed, thanks to a local holiday tradition.
Rating: PG-13 (implied sexual activity but everything happens off screen)
Notes: This was written in 2020, before we knew Grogu’s name. I wrote it for the Pedros12DaysofChristmas gift exchange on tumblr as a gift for @djarinslover.
Word count: 3600+
Tags: @morallyinept Jett, please add to your Festive Fic Rec List 🎄❄️🎁
The wind whipped across the plain that lay outside the little town. You huddled into your coat, which was not thick enough for this weather. Din’s cape plastered itself to his back and the Child he carried whined at the cold. “It’s not far,” Din said. “I’ll keep you warm, kid.” The green child snuggled closer and made an inquiring noise. “And we’ll get something to eat. I promise.” The Child cooed and snuggled closer, his tiny clawed hand clutching at the smooth beskar of Din’s breastplate. You marveled at how well the two communicated, considering the Child couldn’t talk yet. Of course, you and Din were often able to communicate without words, even though his face was always hidden by his helmet.
The ramp rumbled closed behind you as the three of you made your way to the gate of the town. It was another nondescript settlement on a nondescript planet; somewhere that should have been a safe hiding place for a being on the run, but Din was a relentless hunter and very rarely failed to find his quarry. You were surprised that he hadn’t simply left you and the Child on board while he checked out this new lead, but you had learned not to question him when it came to bounty hunting. That was his area of expertise, not yours.
There was a gateway of sorts over the road into town, and it was bedecked with boughs of some evergreen plant that smelled spicy and stringent. Bunches of red and white berries were tied here and there with bright yellow ribbons.
You stepped a bit closer to Din as you entered the town. The houses looked empty, although some had colorful lights hanging in the windows, and most of them had boughs hanging over the door frame. “Where is everyone?” you asked, disconcerted by the lack of people and the empty echoes of your feet against the walls.
Din shifted the Child in his arms and grunted. “Must be in the center of town for the festival,” he said briefly.
He nodded, but kept walking. “It’s the Midyear Festival. Winter solstice or something like that. I thought the kid might enjoy seeing it.” He dug in his pocket and pulled out a small pouch of credits, which he handed to you. “There’s sure to be some food for sale. Maybe you can find him a toy or something, keep him from stealing the knob off my gearshift all the time.”
You hid your smile, knowing that Din would just get brusque and dismissive if he saw it. You took the pouch and slipped it into the inside pocket of your coat. “And it gives you a good excuse to be here, too,” you said. “Bringing the kid to see the festival. Who’d be suspicious of that?”
Din turned his helmeted head slightly and you just knew he was rolling his eyes at you; the man could convey a full range of emotions with just a tilt of the head or shift in body weight. You’d learned to read him well during your time aboard the Razor Crest. You just wondered what it would take to get him to express the emotions you were almost certain were lurking just underneath the surface of what he’d allow himself to feel.
The town square was packed with beings of all kinds, eating and drinking and shopping at the booths that had sprung up around the perimeter. They were all decked out with the same evergreen boughs and berries. Din handed the Child to you. “Here, find him something to eat and look around at the wares,” he said. “I’ll be back as soon as I can. It shouldn’t take me long to get the information I need and then we can move on.”
You held the Child close as the two of you watched Din walk away, his cape swaying behind him as he strode across the square. He didn’t have to weave his way through the crowd; they parted in front of him. You felt a swell of … not exactly pride, since it was mixed with a healthy dose of lust ...Din looked good as always, and you had to remind yourself that so far he’d treated you as no more than a crewmate.
“Come on, kiddo,” you said once Din had been swallowed up by the crowd. “Let’s get you something yummy to eat.”
The Child made it clear that he wanted one of the large, sugar dusted cookies that several children were carrying around, and you quickly found the booth that was selling them. You purchased two and found a place to sit down. You and the Child nibbled at your treats, watching everyone in their festival finery. “They sure are dressed up, aren’t they?” you said. The Child continued to munch on his cookie, but he pricked his ears up, so you knew he was listening. “Think we’ll ever have money to waste on fancy clothes like that? Yeah, probably not. Your dad’s pretty tight with the purse strings. And fuel and ship repairs are expensive.” You sighed. Life was better now that you were traveling with the Mandalorian and his strange little foundling, but it was never easy in this part of the galaxy.
Once the cookies were gone (and part of yours might have mysteriously found its way into the kid’s hands), you picked the Child up and wandered around the square, looking at the sights. At one booth, you found an assortment of wooden toys which you found charming but which barely got a glance from the Child. What he did like were the shiny ornaments that hung from a large bough in the next booth over.
“Those look awfully fragile, kiddo,” you said doubtfully.
“But you would be wrong,” said the young woman behind the counter at the booth. “They are made of durasteel, hand painted and beautiful, but guaranteed to withstand the wildest gaggle of children and/or beasts.” She took down the one that had caught the Child’s eye, a silvery globe just big enough for both of his little hands to grasp, painted all over with geometric shapes in a brilliant azure blue. As the Child reached desperately for it, you knew you’d never hear the end of it if you didn’t get it for him.
“How much?” you asked, sure it was going to be outrageously priced and Din would be mad at you for spending so much on a useless bauble.
“Five credits,” the woman said. She tilted her head, taking in your patched trousers and the raggedy hem on the Child’s robe. “Let’s say four. Can’t let a kid go without a Midyear present, can we?”
You would have gladly paid five, but bit your tongue. A credit saved was a credit earned, after all. You handed over the money and the Child cooed as he examined the beautiful ball in his hands.
“And what about for you?” the young woman asked. “Do you have your sprig of laramin yet?”
“My sprig of what?” you asked.
She nodded. “Figured you for an offworlder,” she said, reaching up to pull a bundle of blue and white leaves down from a rack at the back of the stall. “Laramin,” she said, holding it out to you. “Almost sold out, so you’re just in time.” She held it up above her head. “It’s a tradition. At midnight on Midyear Day, you try to get your sweetheart under the laramin. Legend has it, if you kiss them under the laramin leaves at midnight, they’ll love you forever.” She gave you an appraising look. “I saw you come into the square with that tall fellow in the shiny armor. I’ll bet you’d like to get him under the laramin.”
You laughed and rolled your eyes, but still asked the price of the bundle of leaves. One credit, and she threw in some silver ribbon to hang it from. “Little guy might want to play with it, after. Since it matches his ornament and all,” she said. You thanked her and tucked the sprig of laramin in your pocket next to the credit pouch.
You took another turn around the square, but the Child only had eyes for his ball, and soon you settled back down on a bench to wait for Din. You’d bought a couple more of those cookies, but hidden them away from the Child. You wanted to save at least one for Din, although who knew when he’d have a chance to eat it. He always snatched a bite here or there when you and the kid were asleep or busy.
Finally, you saw his shiny helmet weaving its way through the crowd, swiveling back and forth as he scanned the crowd for you. You suppressed the urge to stand up and wave; Din was a skilled hunter and he’d find you and the Child easily enough. Besides, you didn’t want to seem desperate or anything. You thought guiltily of the sprig of leaves in your pocket and your face got hot. It was ridiculous and a waste of money, but at least you’d saved the credit you spent on it when the vendor cut the price on the Child’s bauble.
Din reached you. “Come on,” he said, motioning for you to stand. He picked up the Child, who held out his new treasure for inspection. “Hmm … very nice, buddy. You do like shiny things, don’t you?” The Child chirped his agreement and returned to admiring the blue and silver ornament. Din turned to you. “Did you get yourself anything?”
You were flustered. “Um, I bought the kid and me each a cookie earlier, and I got a few more to take with us. So you can have one later. They’re pretty good.” You were rambling, but you didn’t want to admit you’d bought the laramin sprig. You’d toss it in the trash compactor when you got back to the ship.
Din simply nodded and began to walk. “We can stay overnight and head after the quarry in the morning,” he said as you followed him through the crowd. “I don’t think he’ll be on the move for a while, according to the intel I got.”
The ship was quiet and cold when you arrived, but that was normal. It just seemed darker than usual because you’d come from the brightly lit festival. Din closed up the ramp and busied himself with a check of his arsenal. “Keep an eye on the kid,” he said. “He’ll probably be busy with his new toy, but still, I don’t want him getting near the weapons.”
You nodded and took the Child into the tiny bunk where he and Din slept. The Child had a hammock strung from the ceiling; the sleeping area took up the entire bottom of the bunk, which you secretly thought looked more like a storage closet than a bedroom, but it wasn’t your ship. Your own sleeping area was a pile of blankets on top of a foam pad tucked behind some crates between the main hold and the carbonite freezer. It wasn’t fancy, but at least you had more room than Din and the kid had.
You sat with your back to the bunk entrance, with the Child in front of you, so he was blocked from getting out. The little womp rat was stealthy and you’d learned that unless you could see him at all times, he was capable of slipping past you and getting into trouble. Right now, though, he was enthralled with his new shiny toy and happy to sit and burble at it. You slid the packet of cookies out of your pocket, worried they would get crushed. The Child perked up at the sight of them, but you said, “Not right now. Wait until your dad’s done, then we’ll all have one, okay?” His ears drooped a bit, but he returned to the toy with only a tiny sigh.
You also pulled out the credit pouch. You would return it to Din when you gave him his cookie. The sprig of laramin came with it, the silver ribbon tangled around the pouch.
“What’s that?”
Din was almost as sneaky as his little green kid. “Oh, just a decoration,” you said, hiding your face by looking down at the Child. “The girl who sold us the ornament insisted I take one. No charge.” You dropped the laramin on the bed and held out the pouch. “Here’s what’s left of your credits.”
Din held out his gloved hand and took the pouch gently. He didn’t open it, or even test its weight, even though you knew he was always careful with his money. “Don’t lie to me,” he said firmly.
“I told you when you came aboard, I don’t tolerate lying,” he said, tucking the credit pouch back into a pocket. “I know what that is.” He pointed at the bedraggled bunch of laramin leaves. “It’s some sort of love charm or something, isn’t it?”
You took a deep breath before you spoke. “It’s a decoration,” you repeated. “You hang it up and if you can kiss your sweetheart under it at midnight on Midyear Day, then the legend says they’ll love you forever. It’s silly. I just took it because the girl insisted. We can throw it away.”
You reached for the leaves, ready to crumble them into a wad, but Din was faster. He picked up the bundle and dangled it over your head by the silver ribbon. “No, let’s hang it up,” he said. “We could use some decoration in this old bucket.” You turned around in the bunk, wondering what he was going to do.
He reached up and tied the ribbon over an exposed girder. “There,” he said. “Festive, don’t you think?” Then he turned abruptly and headed up the ladder to the cockpit.
“What was that all about?” you asked the Child, who had crept up beside you. He stared at you for a moment, then shrugged and went back to admiring his ball.
You could hear Din moving around up in the cockpit but he wasn’t planning to move the ship until morning. Had he gotten embarrassed by the laramin? Was he trying to pretend nothing had happened to spare your feelings? You’d tried your best to hide your attraction to him, but the man was a hunter; he noticed details. He was probably well aware of the way you watched him, the way your eyes lingered over certain parts of his anatomy as he moved. And you were sure he knew how you tensed up when he moved close to you, how hard you resisted leaning into his touch when he laid a hand on your shoulder. You looked up at the wilted sprig of laramin, just hanging there mocking you.
It was getting late, so you arranged your bed, which usually got messed up during the day, either from the movements of the ship as it flew, or the feet of the Child, who pattered around the hold when he got restless. The kid slowly followed you, his eyes starting to droop. When he yawned, you scooped him up and tucked him into his hammock. “Your dad will be down pretty soon,” you told him, even though you didn’t know what the hell Din was doing up there.
With the kid in bed, and Din busy, you pulled off your boots and got ready to crawl into your nest of blankets. You had just untied the string that held your hair back out of your face when you heard Din’s boots on the ladder. You looked up. He glanced briefly at you and then ducked into the bunk. Oh, well.
“Here,” Din said, suddenly looming over you. He was holding out a scrap of old blanket.
“What?” You took the piece of fabric, wondering what was going on.
“Put it on,” he said curtly, making a circling motion around his head. “Cover your eyes.”
“Um, okay,” you said, twisting the fabric and wrapping it around your face. You tied it behind your head. It was an effective blindfold; you couldn’t see a thing through it’s tight weave.
“Good,” Din said. He reached out and took your hand. “Stand up.” When you did, he moved his hand to your shoulder. “Over here.”
You shuffled after him in your stocking feet. The floor of the hold was cold and hard through your socks. Din carefully adjusted your position and then stood quietly. “What’s going on?” you asked, but he shushed you.
“Almost time,” he said. When the alarm on his chronometer beeped, you heard him take a deep breath, followed by the click and slight hiss of his helmet being detached. You held your breath. Was he … was he really …
A gloved hand stroked your cheek and slid behind your head, holding it steady. “I’m not sure how to do this,” Din said quietly. His voice wasn’t distorted by the vo-coder in the helmet and you heard a nervous quaver in it. “I’ve … I’ve never done this before,” he whispered.
Your heart was pounding. It was happening. “That’s okay,” you said softly. “Just do what feels right.” You lifted your hand to touch his face, the face you’d imagined so many times. You gently traced the curve of his cheek, the sharp ridge of his nose, the soft pillows of his lips. You felt his breath hitch as you slid your fingers back and forth against his lips. Then he brushed your hand out of the way and pressed those lips against yours.
It was everything you had imagined, and more. His lips were soft and clumsy as he kissed you, his fingers tightening in your hair as he held your head in place. You lifted your other hand to the back of his neck and ran your fingers through his hair, giving a gentle tug as he pulled back from the kiss. “How was that?” he asked breathlessly.
“Not bad,” you said. “But you definitely need practice.” You pulled him closer and kissed him harder, sliding your tongue along the seam between his lips, until he parted them and you were able to deepen the kiss. When your tongue darted into his mouth, he gasped and his free arm wrapped around your waist. You responded by pressing your body against his armored chest, wishing he’d shed more than his helmet.
After a few minutes, you came up for air. “Happy Midyear,” Din said, his voice raspy.
You laughed and pressed your head against his shoulder pauldron. “Was that my present?” you teased.
“The first of many, I hope,” Din said hesitantly. “I … I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time. I wasn’t sure if you felt the same way about me, but when I saw the laramin sprig, I thought, what the hell.” His arms tightened around you and pulled you closer to him, squishing you against his armored body.
“Is the kid asleep?” you asked.
“I think so,” he replied. “I closed the door to the bunk.”
You chuckled. “Good idea. He doesn’t need to see this.” You pulled Din’s head down for another kiss, and started backing toward where you thought your bed was. Din steered you by the shoulders until you felt the edge of your foam pad under your feet.
“Are you sure about this?” he asked.
“Yes,” you said. “I’ve been dying to find out what’s under all that beskar.” He laughed and kissed you again.
When you woke the next morning, you were alone. Your blindfold was gone. Your clothes were folded neatly on a crate next to your bed. You could hear Din talking softly to the Child in the cockpit.
You got up carefully, stiff and sore in places that hadn’t seen much activity recently. You got dressed and made your way to the ‘fresher. After you’d splashed a little water on your face, you climbed the ladder to the cockpit.
“Good morning,” Din said quietly. He was in the pilot’s seat, the Child perched on his lap, watching as he entered coordinates and ran through the pre-launch sequence. The new durasteel ball was clutched in the Child’s hand and the knob had been returned to the lever where it belonged.
“Good morning,” you replied. Din waved you closer and as you came alongside the chair, he slid his hand to the small of your back. You leaned down to greet the Child, who babbled to you about something.
Din sat back in the pilot’s seat. He gently placed the Child on the floor. “Get in your chair and buckle in,” he told the small creature. As the kid toddled toward his seat, Din tilted his helmet up to look at you. His hand returned to your waist. “Last night …,” he began.
You cut him off. “It’s okay if it was just the holiday,” you said. “It’s okay if it never happens again.”
He shook his head. “No, it … it wasn’t just the holiday. I’d like it to happen again. It’s just … I can’t let you see my face. It will have to be like that.” His hand slid gently up and down against your back.
You leaned over him and pressed a kiss against the cold beskar of his helmet. “It’s fine,” you said. “I know how important The Way is to you. I would never ask you to abandon it.”
Din was silent for a long moment, then nodded his head. He pulled away from you. “Okay, then. You’d better get buckled in. We’re taking off in two minutes.”
You took your seat next to the Child. Din finished the last few checks and pressed a button to ignite the engines. As the ship began to lift off the surface, you noticed something dangling above the control panel, jiggling with the vibrations of the ship. A bedraggled sprig of blue and white leaves, tied tightly with a silver ribbon.
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Wrote a fic. it's about kris realizing they're enby and subsequently coming out to the Holiday sisters and Azzy. naturally, they do not know they're enby beforehand, so there will be misgendering and their name will be spelled differently, but their internal monologue still uses they/them, so don't worry too much.
fuckin,,, enjoy ig
oh also it's on ao3. I made a whole ass custom work skin for it, so now if you don't like the deadnames you can just turn them off
Chris reached up to adjust their horns, having knocked them on a tree limb on accident. They were beginning to regret taking a walk with Azzy and their Holiday friends, they'd had to finangle with their accessories constantly, even unhook their shirt a handful of times.
"Eeek! My skirt!"
They were faring better than Noelle, though. Maybe it just came with having long, flowy clothing, but she just about managed to get tangled up in every stray branch imaginable.
"Shoot, and that one's brand new, too," Dess lamented, feeling the newly-torn hole in the skirt area of Noelle's outfit. "That's what you get when you ask for a long dress despite knowing you trek around in the forest all day."
Noelle whined. "But I liiiike this one!! Long skirts feel nice and I don't have to worry about being immodest around Mom!"
"Oooo, does it spin?" Chris leaned in with a grin. Hehe, that rhymed.
Noelle giggled, twirling in place once they reached their clearing. The skirt billowed outwards, and she squeaked as she stumbled on her hoof from the spinning. Dess caught her in time, fortunately, but Noelle was still laughing dizzily in her arms.
Chris flapped their hands with fervor, enraptured. "That's so cool!! Why don't I have any skirts, Azzy?"
Azzy frowned down at them. "Well, for one, you'll trip like Noelle just did, no doubt. But also, skirts are girl clothes, and you're not a girl."
Dess elbowed him. "Hey, he can wear whatever he wants! Just 'cuz skirts aren't really guy clothes doesn't mean he can't wear 'em."
"Well, yeah," Azzy argued, "but it'd be kind of weird, yeah? He's little, I don't think he really knows what boyhood entails."
"Well, Noelle knew, and she's only a year or so older than him. Most trans kids'll know something's up at that age."
"But Chris isn't trans!"
"You don't know that!"
Both Chris and Noelle looked up at the bickering teens with wide eyes. After a moment, Chris leaned over. "What are they talking about?"
"Oh, uh. I guess you didn't know me then, did you, faha. You know how I have antlers right now even though Dess doesn't?" After a nod from Chris, Noelle kept going. "That's because I wasn't born a girl. When I was younger, people thought I was a boy, like you, but it felt wrong, and when I told people, they started talking like I was a girl, and that felt much better. So I'm a girl now!"
Chris blinked. "Huh? Did they just get it wrong at first, or...?"
Noelle shook her head. "No, they got it right. It's just... Hm. Okay. I know what you look like, but mentally, in your SOUL or whatever, you just... you FEEL like a boy, right?"
Chris just stared at her for a substantial amount of time. "No? Isn't it just my genitals?"
Jumping, Noelle blushed furiously and covered their mouth. Chris pouted under her fingers, giving her the most wet cat expression they could muster, but she shook her head again. "Shhhhhh!! Don't say that so loud!" she whispered loudly. "That's inappropriate! But no, there's a mental part too. If you were in a body with... The other... parts, would you feel weird about it?"
"Nnnooooooo??" They tilted their head at her. "Not any weirder than it normally is."
She paused. "Huh?"
"I don't know, I just kinda wish I didn't have any of that. It's weird, people put me in all these weird boxes. I don't like it, I'm just a person."
Noelle looked down, thinking, before turning to Dess and tugging her arm to get her attention. "Dess? What's it called when you don't wanna have a gender?"
The argument between the teenagers was put on hold for a moment as Dess glanced at her. "Don't wanna...? Well, anyone can not want their gender, mostly because of how people think of said gender, but people who don't have a gender at all are nonbinary. Or, agender, but that's just a kind of nonbinary. Why?"
Chris craned their head to look at her before pointing at themself. Noelle followed suit, pointing at them too. Their neck hurt from looking up. Everything hurt all the time, it was annoying.
"You're saying that describes you?" Asriel piped in. Chris nodded at him.
After a moment of silence, Dess spasmed and whirled toward Azzy, pointing. "I KNEW it! I TOLD you! HA!!! TWENTY BUCKS!"
"Titan damn it- You sure you're getting this right? Would you want us to use neutral pronouns for you? Do you want to be a they?"
"I don't really... What?"
"I don't wanna give Dess twenty dollars."
Chris looked over at Dess, who was still celebrating with herself, and grinned. "Then yes."
"TITAN DAMN IT." Azzy fished out his wallet, sifted through it for a moment, then slapped down a twenty into Dess' waiting hand with a sigh. She cheered, making Chris giggle. "Don't tell me we're changing your name, too, you liked this one."
"No promises," they jeered. To be honest, they didn't really care all that much. But they're glad they they could be out of the obligation that was "boyhood", that was nice. And maybe they'd always thought of themself with the neutral words that they use for people they don't know. And maybe they wanted to mix things up with their name a little, too.
But it's just one more weird thing about them, and they're a weird person. And they like that, they think. Noelle was weird, even weirder than they realized, and Dess and Azzy were weird too. And they were pretty cool, so maybe Chris was too. They could get behind that.
"This is my friend, Chris Dreemurr. They're nonbinary, and they like chocolate. My little sister is good friends with them. Oh my god, I get to call you an enby, that's adorable. This is the best. Your queer is infectious, Azzy, they're not even related to you and they're enby. This is the best."
They smiled. This felt right. In a multitude of wrong-ness that surrounded them, covering their skin instead of fur, this was the one thing that felt correct.
Maybe they could be Kris Dreemurr this time.
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[ID: a digital illustration of Luz and Hunter from the owl house. Luz sits on the right with her hand on hunter's shoulder. Hunter sits on the left facing Luz. They're both in their designs from the end of Thanks to Them. Hunter has his eyes closed and is crying with a pained expression, while Luz looks on with tears in her eyes. The background is dark and the scene is dimly lit. The second image is a variation on the first image where a spectral version of flapjack sits on hunter's shoulder and Manny's hand in on Luz's shoulder. End ID]
Felt like posting something devious today. Do you think they'll ever talk about what they've lost? Bond over it? Mourn??? Grieve????
#the owl house#toh#hunter toh#luz noceda#hunter noceda#flapjack toh#(BARELY i did not put the effort into that bird that i should've)#manny noceda#(also barely but I feel like it's more obvious here)#i sketched this out months ago when TTT first aired but the lines were giving me trouble and i shelved it#until now when i really just wanted to finish something but wasn't happy with any of my sketches#it was inspired by the interview dana did where she said grief would be a major theme of season 3#both bc it scared me and also bc it made me start thinking ''hm okay. which characters are grieving rn and how might they interact?''#my money's still on darius if hunter does get to talk through some of his grief in the next few eps#(just to tie a nice bow on their relationship and maybe dicuss the previous gg a bit more and flesh darius' motives out)#but like. luz is his sister. grief is sooo central to her arc as well it's like. even if they don't get time in canon#(which is understandable. they do not have a lot of time rn for extended fanfic-esque character exploration conversations)#but that doesn't mean i can't rotate the idea in my mind at terminal velocity until i get sick#i would apologize for not posting festive art at this time of year rn BUT YKNOW WHAT. I'VE HAD A ROUGH COUPLE OF HOLIDAY SEASONS#THIS COUNTS AS FESTIVE FOR ME!#it's getting better this year though. slowly#anyway this piece isn't perfect and there's a few bits I'm not happy w/ that i could've spent more time on#but to my own credit i pushed myself to use reference and do a (albeit simple) pose I don't normally do!#so props to me in that sense#anyway happy holidays! think abt these devastatingly sad children with me please!
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bicyclepainting · 1 year
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
Part One- Milo
Sweetheart is getting ready for their first dinner with Milo's parents and they are nervous.
also available to read on ao3
“Are you sure this is all we need to bring?”
“Yes, Sweetheart,” Milo reassures. “This will be plenty.”
The couple glance over a few dishes wrapped up and ready to go on their counter, ready to take over to Colm and Marie’s house. It was the first time they would sit down for dinner with his parents. Sure, they’d met and talked with them before– but only for a little bit at a time. This kind of thing could take hours and they were nervous.
“It’s kind of hard to fuck up mashed potatoes, isn’t it?” They scratch the back of their neck, unable to keep their hands still.
“They’re perfect, you didn’t fuck ‘em up.” He wraps an arm around them, rubbing their shoulder calmingly. 
“What if they don’t like them, though? And then we don’t have a side for dinner and they never invite me over again and tell you to break up with–”
“Hold on, hold on,” Milo interrupts. He turns them to face him dead on. “That’s not going to happen. None of that is going to happen.” They look at him, doubt filling their expression, chewing on their bottom lip. “They already love you! You get along great with them, it’s going to be perfect, I know it.”
“How do you know?”
“Because even if– for some unknown, godforsaken reason– they hate your mashed potatoes, they’re not going to fault you as a person for that! You’ve already met and talked with them several times. If you can talk to them for twenty minutes after a pack meeting, you can survive a dinner with them. And I’ll be there. I won’t let it go terribly.”
“You won’t?” they half heartedly tease.
It makes him laugh a little, so they count it as a win. “No, I won’t.
“And you can talk with my dad about Department shit, being an investigator. He always loves talkin’ about that stuff with you.”
“He said that?” He could tell they were calming down now, it made his own heartbeat steadier.
“He told me himself.” He puts one hand up and one hand on his heart to show he was telling the truth. 
They nod to themselves, turning to look over the dishes once more. 
“It’ll be good,” they say to themselves more than him.
“It’ll be great,” he returns, leaning to give them a kiss on the cheek.
They catch him by the back of the neck, not letting him move too far away from them.
“Thank you,” they say softly, giving him a kiss. “I really appreciate you.”
Milo’s mouth twists into a crooked smile as he settles his hands on their waist. “Of course, Sweetheart.” 
He leans in for another kiss, but they stop him with a hand to the chest. Their suddenly stern expression met his slightly confused one.
“And, please no PDA in front of your parents this time. I just about died when they saw your hand on my ass at the last pack meeting.”
He rolls his eyes playfully, moving his hands further down and pulling them close at the mention of the action. “Oh come on, there’s no way they saw!”
Sweetheart’s eyes widen, “Your mother winked at me!”
“Did she really?” he laughs.
He leans in to kiss them again, a smiley kiss that made even Sweetheart laugh a bit.
“No PDA,” he says with a grin. “Scout’s honor.”
They glare at him, “You were not a fucking scout.”
He kisses their glare away with an ardent kiss and says, “Thank god for that.”
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waty-art · 1 year
Stranger Danger
Before you read this I would just like to let you know that this more of a modern au fanfic. Also small disclaimer, this contains a scene with attempted kidnapping just in case you are uncomfortable with that, but please know this is entirely fictional! thank you so much.
Halloween was always a holiday that the brothers looked forward to, but as they got older of course the idea of ​​​​walking around a dark neighborhood on a night where no one could tell who was who, became less exciting.
An incident happened on this holiday night that made the Hardy boy's not look forward for the next time Halloween came around. Joe was only 10 years old and Frank was 12, and the two were currently walking down their neighborhood's street with their father Fenton Hardy.
It was a chilly night in Bay port, but it wasn't too cold. The Boys had refused to wear a jacket, too determined to show off their costumes.
Frank's costume resembled a doctor with his oversized lab coat, and he even had a fake stethoscope to make it more realistic.
Joe's costume was bound to be one of his favorite things from him to watch on tv, a cowboy. He had the signature hat for all western heroes, a brown leather vest and a plastic gun hanging on his hip, which did not come out of its holster, due to it being one piece.
“I bet I can get more candy than you can tonight!” Joe challenged cheerfully as he swung his candy bag and strode down the sidewalk with his brother and father. "Why does everything have to be a competition with you?" Frank sighed.
“Because, I'm good at winning!” Joe shot back with a teasing grin.
Frank only frowned at him in response. The first house they went to was their friend Chet Morton's house.
Chet's father opened the door to find the three Hardys and laughed.
“Your costumes suit you.” Chet's father chuckled as he held out a bowl of candy to the brothers.
Frank and Joe's eyes sparkled when they looked into the bowl, but their awe ended when Chet's father stated they could only take one.
Fenton laughed heartily as he conversed with Chet's father, the two were just as good friends as their boy's were with each other.
While they conversed tricker treaters came and passed, but Frank and Joe were stuck listening to the two men jaw away. The two tried to ask their father to leave without being rude but whenever Joe would tap his father, Fenton would tell him to be patient and polite.
“We're never gonna get out of here!” Joe exclaimed under his breath. “It'll be our bedtime and we'll only have one measly piece of candy to show for it!”
Frank was just as disappointed, but he remained quiet. “C'mon, we're getting outta here.” Joe ordered as he grabbed his brother's hand and began to sneakily drag him away from the front porch.
Frank suddenly protested once they reached the sidewalk. “Wait! Aren't we not supposed to go out alone?“ Frank asked hesitantly.
Joe only rolled his eyes and retorted. “We aren't toddlers any more, and I'm pretty sure we'll be fine. Plus if dad gets mad I'll take all the blame.”
“you better.” Frank warned seriously.
Joe laughed and pulled his brother with him to go to the next house
“Trick or treat!” Frank and Joe said in unison as the door to the house opened slowly.
There stood a man in his early 40s with messy brownish-grey hair and stubble on his face. He stood there for a few seconds, just staring at the two boys, causing Frank to drop his small smile in confusion. Joe on the other hand narrowed his eyes, looking the man up in down with suspicion.
“Ah- hello boys, don’t you two look nice tonight.” The man complimented, but it somehow sounded off to the brothers. “Um, my candy is in the kitchen, why don’t you come inside and get it?”
Now, that was a big red flag. Frank’s eyes widened, while Joe glared at the man.
The middle aged man suddenly realized the kids were a lot smarter than they looked.
“Damn it!” The man growled under his breath, his expression changing in an instant into anger and desperation.
Joe quickly grasped Frank’s hand in his and tried to race down the porch steps, but it was too late. The man held Frank’s arm in a death grip, pulling him towards the open door.
Joe was screaming and panicking, trying to think what his father would do in this situation. That’s when he just decided to just do something, anything! Joe screamed and shouted at the top of his lungs for help while he and Frank were being dragged into the man’s house.
Joe and Frank fought, kicking, biting, and screaming, but the man would not let go. Joe and Frank knew the second the door to this house closed, they would never be found again. This is why when The man kicked the door shut, tears were forming in Frank’s and Joe’s frightened eyes, but both refused to let them spill. Joe couldn’t take it anymore, he had to find a way out of here!
“Let us go you bastard!” Joe spat vehemently. If they weren’t in the situation they were in Frank would’ve scolded Joe for his vocabulary, but instead Frank was determined to pull himself free from the man’s grasp.
“Neither of you are leaving this place!” The man shot back, yanking the boys towards what Joe assumed was the basement door.
Frank was on the verge of sobbing and Joe was panicking like crazy, as the two to struggled in vain. Suddenly someone was pounding rapidly on the front door. “Bam, bam, bam!” Everyone in the room froze.
“Open up you damned bastard! If you so much as touch my boys I’ll-“ came a furious and familiar voice from behind the door, it was muffled, but they still heard it.
The boys began screaming for their father, knowing he was on the other side of the door, but unfortunately this caused the man to snap. He impulsively smacked a screaming Frank in the face hard.
Joe stopped struggling and stared at his brother’s now red cheek, the tears in Frank’s eyes finally spilling down his face as he tried to hold back a choked sob. Joe saw red, and lost it. The blonde lunged at the man scratching hand biting the arm that held him in an iron grip.
The man let out shouts of pain as he tried to shake a feral Joe off, completely letting go of Frank in the process. Frank took this opportunity to rush to the front door of the house and yank it open, while Joe raised his leg and kicked the man where it hurts.
The man let out a gasp of pain and fell to the floor, only to have a fist smash into his face roughly. There stood Fenton Hardy, who had just given him a black eye that would definitely form on his face soon.
Fenton pierced the man with a murderous glare as he gripped the messy-haired man by the collar of his shirt. “I will kill you you son of a bitch!” Fenton growled, raising his fist to strike the man in the face again, but just then, a hand tugged violently on his trench coat.
It was Joe, who stood next to him with a furious expression, and what he said surprised Fenton.
“Dad, not now!” Joe demanded angrily. Fenton looked behind him to see Frank staring at the scene in fright, his tear stained face etched with horror. Fenton suddenly realized that Frank was not able to handle much more. Just then four officers came rushing into the house, squad car blaring it’s sirens loudly outside.
“Hardy! We’re here! Is everyone ok?” One officer asked in concern, while the others raced towards Fenton and the man in pain.
Fenton let go of the man, letting him fall to the floor and allowing the cops to drag the man out of the house to the awaiting squad car. Fenton then looked down to say something to Joe, but he was missing from where he was a second ago. Fenton turned around to find Joe hugging Frank tightly in his arms, and Frank trying his best not to let anyone see that he was crying. Frank had always been more sensitive than his younger sibling, but hated to show it.
Of course Joe knew this, so Fenton watched as Joe took off his cowboy hat, which had by now fallen off his head and only stayed on him because of the draw string, and placed it on Franks head.
Joe pulled it down enough to hide his brother’s face, and once he was satisfied he looked to Fenton. “Dad, when can we go home?” Fenton was shocked first of all that Joe was acting so calm for what had just happened, but he knew that his youngest was most likely shaken to his core and refused to show it. Unfortunately, Fenton was so overcome with emotions that he decided to scold his children before anything else.
“What on earth were you two thinking? How could you two just leave? Of all the horrible ideas!” Fenton ranted, his voice growing in volume as he made his way over to the boys. “Frank! What is wrong with you? You should know better, you’re the oldest! I’m holding you responsible for this!” Fenton hadn’t noticed, but he directed his shouting at Frank, who was most likely already blaming himself for the whole thing. Fenton then reached his hands out to grab Frank in frustration, overtaken by the anxiety and fear he had felt when he heard their screams before they were pulled in the house.
Instantly Joe stepped in between his father and brother, stretching his arms out on either side to let Fenton know that he wasn’t going to let his father get any closer to Frank.
Fenton stared incredulously at Joe who only glowered angrily up at his dad, keeping his protective stance in front of his brother who was looking at his father with a terrified expression.
“Leave him alone dad, it’s not Frank’s fault!” Joe yelled harshly. “It was my fault, I told him it was ok to leave! Yell at me. Punish me!”
Frank could only look up at his father in fear from behind his brother, which is when Fenton noticed the large red mark on Frank’s face that was beginning to swell.
Fenton Hardy suddenly realized he had frightened his already traumatized child and knelt down to Frank and Joe’s level with a remorseful expression.
“I-I’m sorry boys, I wasn’t thinking straight…” Fenton apologized, but didn’t try and push his luck by trying to reach for Frank again, even though he was going to do it in a more gentle way.
The anger in Joe’s face didn’t leave when Fenton apologized, but he relaxed his stance, turning to look at Frank, his eyes slightly softening. “It’s ok Frank, we’re safe now.” Joe smiled softly as he patted his brother’s head, being more gentle than Fenton had ever seen Joe.
Frank only nodded firmly in response, quickly drying the tears he had shed so he could regain some dignity. Fenton quietly ushered the boys out of the house that they might not have ever left, and was met with a couple of police officers for questioning. Fenton answered questions as well as Frank and Joe while the black-haired Hardy was getting checked over by the EMT “Lastly, which one of you, um gave the attacker the injuries?” The Officer questioned Fenton who stood next to his boys.
Frank sat on the edge of the back of the ambulance with Joe watching over the way the EMT examined Frank’s cheek which had now swelled a bit. “Well I gave him a solid punch but…” Fenton started, but was interrupted by the youngest Hardy.
“I did.” Joe admitted seriously, then turned to stare at the officer. “was that man in a lot of pain?”
“Yes, why do you ask?” The officer replied in confusion.
“I just wanted to make sure I really hurt him.” Joe spat sharply, then turned back to watching over Frank.
Fenton stared at his son, a little stunned and still not able to believe how protective Joe had become despite being the younger sibling.
“I’m sorry, is that all?” Fenton asked the officer politely, but he couldn’t bring himself to add a smile, not after what had happened.
The officer excused himself and Fenton knew it was time to bring the boys home.
Once Fenton and the boy’s arrived at their home, their mother came bounding out the door. Apparently the officers had let her know by phone what had happened. The boys were fussed over by their mother who cried as she held them close to her.
Finally, the boys were in their bedroom as the parents talked about the night’s happenings. Fenton explained the situation to Laura, while Joe and Frank were supposed to be asleep.
Joe lay wide awake, laying on his side and watching his brother who was turned away from him on his own bed. Joe couldn’t go to sleep like his father ordered, so he quietly slipped out from under his covers , let his feet hit the floor gently, and stealthily crossed the space between him and his brother who faced away from him laying on his side.
“Frank…” Joe called softly.
Frank didn’t answer, so Joe climbed into his brother’s bed. Once he was settled under the covers, he laid down and turned to wrap his arm around Frank. Joe felt Frank relax into the hold, until Frank turned onto his other side to face Joe. Frank’s face was tear stained and held sadness in its features as he looked at Joe with big brown eyes that made the blonde’s heart ache. “Joe…” Frank spoke, his voice a little groggy from crying so much.
“I-I’m so sorry!” Frank cried in a whisper, latching onto Joe, hugging his brother as if he would float away if he let go.
Joe’s eyes widened for a second, then he relaxed and hugged his brother back.
“Don’t apologize you idiot, you did nothing wrong. It was my fault.” Joe scolded softly, but Frank wasn’t convinced. “B-but I’m supposed to be responsible because I’m the oldest, and I couldn’t do anythi-!” Frank countered woefully, but Joe was having none of it.
“Frank, is this because of what dad said? Because if it is than you should just forget about it. Dad didn’t realize what he was doing.” Joe stated while rolling his eyes.
Frank nodded and Joe sighed.
“Listen Frank, not all siblings are the same. We don’t always follow the “big brother little brother” stereotype that people expect. Some are different, because…well that’s just how it is. You’re definitely taller and bigger than I am, but you’re way more sensitive.” Joe explained, trying to sound as smart as he could so he could convince his brother.
“What?” Frank suddenly interjected indignantly, pushing himself up on his elbow. “I am not sensitive!”
Joe tried hard to hold in his laughter, he really did, but it all came tumbling out when Frank gave him a look that Frank had thought was intimidating. Joe giggled and wheezed at Frank who kept trying to prove that he wasn’t sensitive only to shut up when he couldn’t find any evidence in his own head.
Fenton and Laura had finally finished their loud “discussion” and went upstairs to check on the boys. When Fenton opened the door to the Boys’ shared bedroom, and saw the two cuddled against each other with Joe’s arm thrown over his brother’s side, he smiled. He knew the two of them were close ever since they were little toddlers, but it really hit him that night that the two were attached to one another and weren’t like other siblings…that’s because they were his sons, the Hardy boys.
There is a second part which is in the future, and I might post it if this one does well.
thank you all so much for reading! So sorry if this was confusing or just plain bad. This is my first time posting a fic🥲
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tcvsfiredemon · 6 months
Narumayo Week Day 6: Domestic/Intimacy
Trucy wanted to stay up to see the ball drop, and she wasn’t going to take no for an answer. As many times as Phoenix tried to explain that it wasn’t healthy for a nine-year-old to be staying up, she’d always have the perfect response about cultural experiences being good for her mental health. Maya had no idea where Trucy had learned these terms or if she actually understood what they meant, but she couldn’t help but snicker at Phoenix being out-lawyered by his own daughter.
Eventually, after much back and forth and reassurances from Maya that they’d get the girls to sleep as soon as they hit the New Year, Phoenix relented. Now, several hours and a few Disney movies later, it was less than ten minutes to midnight. She and Phoenix sat next to each other on their newly christened couch(and newly stained with the evening’s pasta sauce), with Pearl and Trucy on their laps, both desperately straining to keep awake.
“How much longer, Mystic Maya?” Pearl yawned. She’d been especially excited for tonight, having spent all her previous New Year’s Eves in Kurain, far away from the fireworks displays of the city.
“Just a few minutes, Pearly,” Maya responded, stroking her cousin’s hair. She glanced over at Phoenix, who gave her a warm smile. Trucy was sitting on his leg, trapped in a constant cycle of nodding off and snapping away. On the TV the usual ballyhoo on the other side of the country was unfolding, although they’d turned the volume way down to just enjoy each other’s presence.
Maya loved this, she really did. Growing up, it had really just been her and Mia, two sisters against the world, off in their far away mountain kingdom. She’d always dreamed about living like the big, happy families in her picture books. And now here she was, without even planning it, smack dab in the middle of a beautiful family, experiencing their first New Year as a foursome.
There was some selfish part of her that wished that the girls could have already been asleep, though. That it could just be her and Phoenix snuggling on the couch, drinking lots of champagne, sharing that first New Year’s kiss that romcoms had drilled into her head was of vital importance to a young relationship.
Pearl and Trucy didn’t even know that they were together yet, and she and Phoenix had been having a tough time deciding when and how to let them know. Honestly, Maya felt like the hardest part would be preparing their eardrums for the high-pitched squeals that were sure to come out of the girls’ mouths when they found out. She felt a big smile growing on her face just thinking about it.
“Hey Maya, don’t you think we should start pouring the grape juice for the New Year?” Phoenix said to her with a twinkle in his eye. Trucy and Pearl perked right up at the notion of juice.
“You mean the juice in the kitchen?” Maya asked, starting to catch on to what he was saying.
“Yeah, do you think you can give me a hand pouring it while the girls wait patiently in the living room?"
“Sure, Nick,” she looked down at Pearl and Trucy, “Do you girls think you can hold down the fort while we’re in there?”
Pearl nodded and Trucy gave a big salute, which made Maya laugh. Carefully, she and Phoenix took the girls off their laps and got up, with him turning the TV volume up just a bit.
“Remember to let us know when the countdown gets close to zero, okay?”
“You got it, Daddy!”
With that, the adults fled into the office apartment’s cramped little kitchen. It wasn’t the most intimate space, but it at least gave them a little time alone. Maya glomped right onto Phoenix as he brought two bottles down and four glasses down from the cupboard.
“That’s my Nick, grabbing stuff from the top shelf like a pro.”
“You know that’s not that much of a feat for most people, right?”
“Shut it, dummy. I’m normal sized, it’s the world that’s freakishly tall.”
Phoenix chuckled, and leaned down to give her a kiss, emphasizing the height difference. He handed her a bottle, getting to work on pouring champagne for the two of them with the other.
“It doesn’t bother you that you’re serving alcohol to minors?” she said as she eyeballed the glasses to make sure the amount in each was even.
“What do you mean? The kids are getting sparkling grape juice.”
“Uh, Nick, you know I don’t turn 21 until April right? I know I seem so elegant and mature that it’s hard to tell.”
“Huh, you know, I honestly completely forgot.”
“Well, unfortunately for you you’re a criminal now. Hope you know a good lawyer.”
The pouring done, Phoenix grabbed her around the waist and gave her a big kiss. Maya found herself unconsciously lifting her leg behind her.
“I still can’t believe we waited so long,” she breathed out after they finished.
“I still can’t believe we haven’t told Trucy and Pearl yet.”
“We’ll let them know. Soon. Let’s have this night for ourselves, though.”
“I’d rather have the whole next year.”
Maya stood there, savoring this moment in which all that seemed to exist in the world were his big blue eyes. She bit her lip and stood up on her tiptoes to reach his lips again. None of this leaning over stuff for her.
Suddenly, a shriek rang out, so high that Maya wasn’t sure Phoenix’s old man ears would even be able to pick up on it. They turned to see Pearl standing in the doorway, a look of pure delight on her face.
“I knew it! I knew it I knew it I knew it!” she screamed, jumping up and down so fast that she threatened to rock the whole building. Trucy soon came up behind her, a big smile on her face as well.
Maya turned back to Phoenix, a look of amused acceptance on his face.
“You were right all along, Pearls,” he said warmly, “We really are special someones.”
In the other room Maya could hear the TV host du jour counting down more and more excitedly. She closed her eyes for a second, thinking about all that had happened over the past year, all the triumphs and all the tragedies, all the memories they’d shared as the growing family they were. And most of all she thought of what Mia might think if she saw them now, her kid sister and her dopey protege, soulmates all along.
As the big crowd on the TV screamed “one” in unison, and as the sound of fireworks began to shriek through the skies of Los Angeles, Maya closed the gap between her lips and Phoenix’s.
She would make sure they had the whole next year.
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nope-ropes-eah-ocs · 2 years
EAH Holidays: The Shapeshifter Festival
I’ve been working on some certain kinds of lore stuff lately, mainly holidays, and I decided I’m gonna make some posts for some of those holidays! The first one is a post on an autumn holiday (like Halloween but also not at all like Halloween). The Shapeshifter Festival!
The Shapeshifter Festival is a six day "week" in which communities will hold large festivals, each day with a different major festivity. 
On the first day, there will usually be a kickoff ceremony and performance, and each varies from place to place, but they often have a speech at some point. Then everyone just parties, but like it's a backyard barbecue (a surprising number of shapeshifter cultures love barbecues). 
On the second day, there are lots of different plays and such that often tell stories from different shapeshifter cultures or at least parts of their history. Everyone loves these, even if they've seen some of the shows many times over. 
On the third day, shapeshifter activist groups will hold events to help with shapeshifter rights, whether it be for those in their own town, or those in other nations. They will do things to raise awareness for certain issues as well, whether it be shapeshifter discrimination or the destruction of native shapeshifter lands (such as wolf-folk habitats, which have been in danger recently). 
On the fourth day, shapeshifters will set up stalls showing off different parts of their cultures as well as promote their personal businesses if they own any. It's like the shops at a Renaissance fair, but it's for shapeshifter themed stuff with shapeshifter owned businesses. 
The fifth day is one of the best days for everyone: the food fest, which is a bit like the fourth day, but can involve anyone and is solely focused on food. It's amazing, and in the evening, there's a scavanger hunt! You know, for fun. 
And finally, the last day of the festival, there is a giant parade, known for their colorful costumes, beautiful music, and elaborate dance performances. These parades outwardly appear somewhat similar to the real world carnivals in Rio, but they have different purposes. 
Many of the costumes are reminiscent of different shapeshifter, but with a more abstract form. All these performers are actual shapeshifters who are dressing in their own alternate forms, though some will actually come in their alternate forms wearing outfits that exaggerate their features. Some will occasionally shift back and forth between forms depending on the dance and whether or not they have multiple forms. 
These parades are generally designed to show the beauty of shapeshifters and shapeshifter culture, and be a form of solidarity. One of the other most major features of this is the fact that everyone attending the parade will dress up like something or someone they are not (without culturally appropriating anything, obviously), so basically a Halloween costume. 
That is the final day of the Shapeshifter Festival, not counting the other festivities that certain specific locations have, like the city of Von, which has a mascarade ball in the palace, or villages on the outskirts of Ever After, which have basically Halloween, or some cities in Aldwenhurts which, instead of a parade, have children and teens run across the rooftops at night, singing songs and playing (before they all start howling at the moon at midnight). 
The day after all festivities are over, people will help clean everything up.
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phoenixcatch7 · 2 years
That time of year again folks... U-U fic update rates drop like flies.
You know, it always amazes me just how many fic authors are beholden to school schedules. Like 90% of us are still in schooling, really??
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A Christmas fluff gift for @delphic-warrior00
Generator Rex
Holix (Rebecca Holiday/Agent Six)
Rated G
Christmas themed.
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multi-kpop-fanfics · 10 days
more than i can handle
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pairing: wonwoo x seungcheol x fem!reader
genre: smut, fluff, poly!au, non-idol!au - minors dni.
warnings: dirty talk, dildo play, heavy degradation (whore, slut etc), use of petnames (sunshine, princess, baby boy, pretty boy), dom!wonwoo, switch!reader, sub!seungcheol, kissing, makeout session, anal sex, oral sex (m rec), heavy mxm action, unprotected sex (pls stay safe), creampies, voyeurism, masturbation, hair pulling, sir kink, ass slapping, aftercare
word count: 5,517
summary: the abundance of snow outside won't stop you and wonwoo from restocking your fridge. and it certainly won't stop seungcheol from getting what he wants from his girlfriend and boyfriend - their undivided attention.
Disclaimer: Both Seungcheol and Wonwoo are depicted as bisexual in the fic, which is used only for the purposes of fanfiction and it is not an assumption of the members' sexual orientation in real life. If you're not comfortable with these themes, then this fic isn't for you.
Author's note: your favorite poly is back and better than ever hehe - big thanks to @wongyuseokie, @gyuwoncheol, @highvern, @ourdawnishotterthanourday and @wonuvs for beta reading this fic!
p.s.: if you read about snow and holidays pls ignore, it was in the works since december😭
©multi-kpop-fanfics, 2024. No reposting allowed. No translations without permission allowed.
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“...Thank you, Sir. I really appreciate the understanding. Have a nice day.”
Wonwoo ends the phone call with a satisfied hum and he slouches back on his chair, returning to his work at hand.
“So, what’s the verdict?” You ask him, sitting on your own chair.
“Work from home. There was absolutely no way I’d be able to move the car with so much snow outside.” Wonwoo replies.
“Does that mean we get to be with you all day long?” 
“That’s right, sunshine.” He smiles sweetly and you get up and hug him excitedly, pressing your lips on his cheek.
“What’s the plan for today? Aside from working, of course.” 
“I was thinking of just being cozy with the two of you, y’know? Like those cliché Pinterest aesthetic winter routines.”
“I thought you weren’t the hot cocoa type.” You raise your brow playfully as you go back to your laptop.
“Just because I’m a coffee addict doesn’t mean I hate everything else.” Wonwoo defends himself while fixing his glasses.
“Well you definitely hate my protein shakes!” Seungcheol butts into the conversation from afar.
“That’s because your protein shakes are atrocious.” Wonwoo deadpans, “No sane person puts chicken breast in a glass.”
“Ew, that does sound atrocious.” You grimace in disgust.
“This is why you’re still lanky and not buff, Jeon.” Seungcheol scoffs as he downs the rest of his shake. 
“Maybe not everyone wants to be a muscle monster like you, Choi.” The younger man sighs and goes back to his task at hand.
“Oh wow, thanks for paying so much attention to me.” 
“Don’t take it the wrong way, Cheollie. He has a lot of work to do, despite staying home.” You try to reassure your other boyfriend.
“Does that mean you’re willing to make up for lost attention?”
“I’m sorry, but I need to catch up with my assignments….” You rub the back of your head apologetically.
“In the middle of the holidays?!” Seungcheol looks at you baffled.
“But my exams start two weeks after the holiday break! There’s not a lot, I promise.” You cup his cheeks.
“Whatever.” He rolls his eyes at you with a huff.
You watch him walk towards the bedroom with heavy steps and guilt settles in your gut.
“I think I was insensitive…” You plop down on the armchair.
“No, he’s being dramatic.” Wonwoo replies without breaking contact with his computer screen.
“But he got a leave from his job just to spend it with us and we’re ignoring him!” 
“Y/N, he’s doing it on purpose.”
“How can you be so sure?”
“Wait a couple of minutes and you’ll see.” 
You look at Wonwoo with a puzzled expression and return to your laptop.
Shortly after, you notice Seungcheol coming into the living room, clad in nothing but a pair of shorts and a tight muscle tee. He’s sporting his earphones, as if he was going to the gym for his daily work out session.
Except he starts working out right in the middle of the room, without giving a single fuck.
He starts by stretching out his legs and arms and then proceeds to put music in his ears, switching into the more intense part of his workout. It doesn’t take long for him to start grunting and moaning as he does series after series of exercises, the sweat accumulated on his body staining the fabric of his muscle tee.
“Cheollie?” You peek your head from behind your laptop. “Do you need some water?”
“No worries, princess. I don’t want to distract you from your assignment.” He gives you a quick peck on the corner of your lips.
In true Choi Seungcheol fashion, he does his best to actually distract you from your work by taking off his muscle tee and continuing his work out shirtless.
Wonwoo turns around and takes a look at his boyfriend, mouthing a “told you so” when he turns his gaze to you.
It takes all of his willpower to not bodyslam Seungcheol on the floor and fuck the living daylights out of him with the grunts and moans he’s letting out. He swears there’s a tent forming in his black sweats and he’s quite certain there will be wet spots on the fabric pretty soon. He puts on his noise canceling headphones to focus on his work and get it done as soon as possible.
You, on the other hand, are the epitome of distractedness and all you’ve written in your essay is utter gibberish, rubbing your thighs together to provide some relief to your aching core. Right now, all you can think of is being underneath Seungcheol and getting fucked into next week.
You get up from the couch and walk over to the fridge to grab some ice cold water. As soon as you open it, your eyes widen in horror when you see the lack of basic groceries and dairy products.
“Um, guys? We have a problem.” You shout at them, but none of them lift their heads.
You get back to them and tap their shoulders to get their attention. 
“What’s up, princess?” Seungcheol removes his earbuds and pushes his hair back.
“Our fridge is empty. Like, the basics are missing.”
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” He rubs his palms over his face.
“Are the stores even open right now?” Wonwoo asks.
“It has stopped snowing for now and there are probably tons of people who didn’t anticipate this weather. Some stores have to be open, even for emergency situations!” You rest your hands on your waist.
“Give me a second.” Wonwoo goes back to his laptop and with a few rapid clicks on his keyboard, he searches for nearby stores.
“There is one, about six hundred meters away from here.” He turns his screen to the both of you to see.
“It won’t be an ordeal to get there. All we need is sturdy shoes and warm clothes.” You shrug and move towards the bedroom.
“Where are you going?” Seungcheol asks you.
“To get dressed and go get groceries. The fridge won’t get full on its own.”
“Hold on , I’m coming with you.”
“You aren’t going anywhere.” Wonwoo gets up.
“I thought you were really fucking busy with work?” The blond man asks with irony laced in his words.
“I still am, but if you go out all sweaty, you’ll be bedridden for the rest of the holidays and none of us want that.”
“You’re not my mom, Wonwoo.”
“No, but I’m your boyfriend and I still care about your health. Now please go take a fucking shower, you’re all sweaty and gross.” He walks past the shirtless man, but Seungcheol stops him by putting his hand on Wonwoo’s chest.
“You better not think I haven’t noticed that little tent of yours, pretty boy. Two people can play a game.” 
“Too bad there’s three of us in this relationship. And I won’t be the outnumbered one.” Wonwoo bites back and pushes his arm away to join you in the bedroom.
Seungcheol scoffs and pokes his cheek with his tongue. 
Fine by me, he thinks, already thinking of the next step he’s gonna take.
A few minutes later, you and Wonwoo leave the apartment to go buy the much needed groceries and Seungcheol is left alone, an almost childish grin plastered all over his face.
He skips over to the bathroom, stripping himself naked and throwing the dirty clothes in the laundry basket. He jumps in the shower and lets the warm water run over his body, washing away the sweat from his work out session. He pours a generous amount of shower gel over his body and spreads it thoroughly over his skin, the cherry scent enveloping the small room. Even if the shower itself is relaxing, Seungcheol himself is way too worked up -  and it’s not just because of the post workout adrenaline. The blatant ignorance he experiences from you and Wonwoo annoys him and turns him on to the point of lunacy. 
He washes the suds from his hands and brings two fingers in his mouth, spitting on them and rubbing them over the rim of his ass experimentally.
He moans heavily when he pushes the fingers inside, cock twitching with need. He puts his free hand on the wall of the shower to support himself while stretching out his hole. He works his thick digits in and out of his ass, eyes scrunched shut and thighs flexing with each thrust. Every time he bites his bottom lip to suppress his moans, he fails miserably and moans even louder - he’s home alone, after all.
His cock is rock hard by now, the tip flushed an angry red and veins bulging over his shaft. He can almost feel the precum starting to build up and ready to leak all over, but he doesn’t want to cum yet and definitely not like this. He removes his fingers from his ass, satisfied with the stretch and washes away the rest of the suds, turning off the shower.
He fastens his bathrobe around his waist and goes into the bedroom, opening his side of the closet to search for his sex toy stash. He giggles when he finds the familiar box and opens it hastily, taking out his favorite knotted dildo. He grabs the lube from the nightstand drawer and looks around the bedroom to see where he’ll place the toy.
His gaze falls on the full bodied mirror next to the closet and an idea pops up in his head as he fiddles with the dildo in his hands. He removes his bathrobe and throws it on the bed, walking to the living room to get his phone. Once he returns to the bedroom, he kneels in front of the mirror and grabs his cock, slowly pumping it with his fist. He pulls up the phone camera and snaps a handful of pictures, flexing his biceps and thighs on purpose to make them look even more attractive.
“Damn, I don’t even have to filter them.” He checks them one by one, absolutely satisfied with the results.
He sends them to the group chat with a quick text, waiting for the two of you to open them and lose your minds. 
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“Are we missing anything else?” Wonwoo asks you while pushing the shopping cart down the aisle.
“Maybe some bathroom supplies? Just to be sure, in case it snows again.” 
“I swear, if it weren’t for you, we would have died a long time ago.” Your boyfriend applauds you for your organizing skills.
Both of your phones go off at the same time and you fish your phone out of the pocket of your parka.
“What’s up?” He asks you while putting two ramen cups in the cart.
“Cheol texted the group chat.”
“He probably wants us to buy chicken breast for his godforsaken shakes.” Wonwoo rolls his eyes.
You open the messaging app and you let out a loud gasp, covering your mouth after being heard by other customers, instantly closing the screen of your phone.
“What happened, sunshine?” The tall man asks you with worry written all over his face.
“Um….How do I put this….” You scratch your heated cheek.
“Y/N, what did he send you?”
“See for yourself.” You point to his pocket and Wonwoo impatiently unlocks his phone
He clenches his jaw tight when he opens Seungcheol’s messages, the previous hard-on he was sporting now threatening to get bigger.
cheollie has sent three photos.
cheollie: it could be your hands but you’re working instead
“This motherfucker.” He pokes his cheek with his tongue and types back a quick reply. He puts his phone back in his pocket and pushes the cart towards the cashiers with quicker steps.
“Hey, what about the rest of the supplies?!” You tug at the sleeve of his parka.
“We’ll get them, sunshine. We just need to be quick about it.” He almost grits his teeth.
“You’re not the only one who’s hot and bothered because of Seungcheol.” You step in front of the cart.
“So you admit that you were having a hard time with your essay.”
“I never said I didn’t! Do you know how difficult it was to type on my laptop while he was groaning and moaning-”
“Like a bitch in heat?” Wonwoo completes your sentence with a lopsided smirk.
“Exactly! And he looks so beefy and thick and-”
“And unbearably hot, yeah I know. And God, it drives me insane.” He lets out a shaky breath.
“Wonu?” You ask him with a lowered voice.
“Can we get out of here? Like, real soon?”
“I thought you wanted to shop some more stuff?” Wonwoo chuckles at your sudden burst of impatience.
“I still do, but I also have a hot boyfriend at home who could be doing God knows what.” 
“Your other boyfriend is still here with you, though.” He pushes his glasses on the bridge of his nose.
“My other boyfriend wants to fuck the boyfriend at home too.” You grin and pull on the other end of the cart. “Come on, time is of the essence.”
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As soon as you step foot into the apartment, you are greeted by absolute silence. You opt to call out Seungcheol’s name, but Wonwoo covers your mouth with his hand. He tells you to keep quiet by mouthing the words. He nods towards the fridge and you take off your shoes, tiptoeing your way to the kitchen and place the bags on the counter as stealthily as possible. He takes off his shoes and parka, taking careful steps towards the bedroom.
The closer he gets, the louder he can hear noises coming from the secluded space. He notices the door being cracked open just enough to get a good view of what is happening inside and he takes the initiative of pushing it wide open to rest his body on the door frame and watch the show in front of him.
Seungcheol is bouncing his ass on the knotted dildo like his life depends on it, the muscles on his thighs and back rippling with every motion. His moans are airy, almost whiny and it makes Wonwoo’s cock drip in his boxers, his self control starting to run thin. 
A small creaking noise on the doorframe alerts Seungcheol and he turns his head around, scanning his boyfriend up and down.
“Oh, don’t mind me, you can keep going.” Wonwoo waves his hand in dismissal.
“I wasn’t planning on stopping for your sake.” Seungcheol scoffs and keeps fucking himself on the toy, as if the younger man doesn’t exist in the room.
“If you want to grab my attention for real, you can try taking the knot in your ass and stay there.” 
“Are you challenging me?”
“You’re the one who said your ass can handle a lot.”
“Hmph. Whatever.” Seungcheol scoffs as lifts himself off the dildo to grab the lube and pour some more over the toy, climbing back on it again to ease himself on the bulbous knot. 
The initial stretch is always intimidating, but as soon as the knot disappears inside him, his body shudders and his nails scratch the wooden floor, bottom lip caught between his teeth.
He wants to move so bad, so fucking bad-
“Don’t you dare move.” Wonwoo’s voice is rough and demanding.
“You don’t get to tell me what to do.” The blond man bites back and raises his hips ever so slightly, never breaking eye contact with his boyfriend.
“I don’t think you want to do this. Am I right, baby boy?”
Seungcheol freezes in his spot, thighs going weak at the pet name. His mouth quivers, the knot stretching him open and he struggles to keep himself in check.
Wonwoo walks with slow steps towards his boyfriend, kneeling next to him. 
“What’s wrong? You went pretty docile just now, didn’t you?” He smirks.
“Fuck you.” Seungcheol grits his teeth.
“What did you say?” Wonwoo grips his jaw tight.
“I said fuck you, pretty boy.” Seungcheol sports a shit-eating grin and it earns him a harsh slap on the ass, making him whine pathetically.
“I prefer it when you make pretty sounds like the one you made just now.” Wonwoo runs his thumb over the pretty pink bottom lip and the naked man sucks the digit.
“That thing where you two start without me is getting annoying.” You shake your head in disapproval, stepping into the bedroom impatiently.
“Sorry sunshine, but baby boy is being a little impatient slut today.” 
“Yeah, I noticed. I bet he thought of walking around the apartment completely naked just to get our attention.” You take off your clothes in a hurry, remaining only in your underwear set. 
“Ooh, she has the lace on.” Wonwoo whistles in a flirty way as he takes his thumb away.
“I always like to be prepared for any case.”
“Could you please p-pay some attention to me?” Seungcheol asks through gritted teeth, struggling with the toy inside him.
“Hm? What was that, Cheollie?” You kneel right next to him, “I didn’t quite hear you.”
“Please pay some attention to me.” He repeats his sentence a bit louder.
“We are right here, baby boy.” Wonwoo cups his neck lovingly, “Just tell us what you want and we’ll give it to you.”
“I need you, both, please.” The blond man exhales shakily.
Wonwoo and you look at each other, sharing impish glances, as if your brains thought of the same thing at the same time. He then gets up and takes off his long sleeved shirt and sweats, dropping the clothes right in front of Seungcheol. He then sits on the bed, patting his lap for you to join him.
You climb on the bed and in your boyfriend’s lap, leaving your other boyfriend shocked and visibly upset.
“You- I hate you both.” He grumbles while clenching his fists on the floor.
“If you want to join, then don’t cum.” Wonwoo looks him straight in the eyes while groping your ass. “Perhaps then we’ll consider it.”
“Wonu? I am right here, baby.” You get his attention by putting your hands on his broad shoulders and you rub yourself on his boxers to rile him up. And it works like a fucking charm, because he’s shoving his tongue down your throat like a man who hasn’t kissed someone in an entire lifetime. 
His kisses are usually softer and more calculated, but not today - Wonwoo is far too riled up to care about details and the only thing he wants is to ravish you. He pushes you on the mattress and climbs over you, ruthlessly attacking your lips and neck with his mouth. He uses both teeth and tongue to abuse your skin, deliberately targeting your weak spots to elicit sweet noises from you.
He steals a few side glances towards Seungcheol, who is on the brink of tears from being edged for so long, droplets of sweat running down his flushed skin. The irrational, needy part of his brain wants to jump on the bed and kick Wonwoo outside, while keeping you all to himself. But he knows better than disobeying a pissed off Wonwoo.
Wonwoo pulls you by the arms and makes you sit on your knees facing Seungcheol, while he sits behind you, chest touching your back.
“Let’s give our baby boy a show, shall we?” He whispers in your ear and you nod, biting your bottom lip.
Wonwoo caresses your body with his hands, over your stomach and reaches your covered breasts. He hooks his fingers in the lace of your bra, tugging it harshly to let your mounds bounce out of the undergarment, a small ripping sound reaching your ears. 
“Ease off the lace!” You whine, but he grabs your chin with his hand, the other glued on your chest.
“Act up and I’ll make sure you won’t cum at all, sunshine. Am I clear?”
“...yes Sir.” You sigh, 
“Good girl.” Wonwoo kisses your cheek and relaxes his grip on your chin. “Good girls always get rewarded.” He murmurs in your ear, his hand descending lower and lower.
You let out a small moan when your boyfriend’s hand palms over your clothed pussy, slowly rubbing the lace hiding your clit.
“I can already tell you’re excited about this, sunshine. Soaking through your underwear like the needy little thing you are.” Wonwoo’s lips are glued on your ear.
“Please touch me more, Sir.” You whine, looking right into Seungcheol’s eyes.
“I didn’t hear you well, darling.” The dark haired man chuckles.
“Just touch her, you asshole.” Seungcheol groans, his cock twitching like crazy again.
“You don’t get to speak a damn word.” Wonwoo grits his teeth.
“Wonu, please!” You cry out, “I need you so bad, I’m gonna lose it!”
“You goddamn little shits.” He pushes you on the bed and gets up, standing next to Seungcheol.
“You want to get fucked? Now’s your chance.” He grips the blond man’s hair and lifts him off the knotted toy, practically throwing him on the bed like a ragdoll.
“Ouch, that hurt, you fucker!” Seungcheol snarls at Wonwoo, but the younger man pins him down on the mattress, despite being less muscular.
“Playtime’s over, baby boy. My turn now.” He discards his boxers, cock slapping against his stomach, bright red and leaking.
“Funny how you’re trying to act all dominant yet you’re leaking more than a broken faucet.” Seungcheol snickers, spreading his legs apart.
Wonwoo glances at you and offers you his hand to help you get up. You take it with a smirk and he positions you right between Seungcheol’s legs.
“You know what to do. And remember - don’t let him have his way with you.”
“Gotcha.” You grin devilishly.
“Princess, do you seriously think you can dom me? Please be real now.” Seungcheol laughs, but his laughter is cut short when he sees Wonwoo hovering right above his face.
“No. But we can dom you.”
You put your hands under Seungcheol’s knees and push his thighs apart to make room for yourself, putting him in a mating press instead of the opposite that usually happens in the bedroom. You position yourself right over his tip and slowly slide your pussy down his length, until it has completely disappeared inside you.
“O-Oh….Fuck, Princess, didn’t see that coming.” The blond man’s mouth goes slack from the novel sensation.
“God, no wonder you like this position so much.” You moan and start moving your hips the same way one of your boyfriends usually fuck you stupid.
Seungcheol throws his head back and grins when he sees Wonwoo pumping his cock with his hand, the tip dangerously close to his cheek.
“What are you waiting for, Wonu?” The older man snickers and moves his hand to touch his boyfriend’s shaft, but Wonwoo pins his wrists down and lets his cock rub the plush lips.
“For the right moment to shut you up.”
Wonwoo slides his cock inside and starts fucking Seungcheol’s throat harshly, finally letting out his pent up frustrations. 
“Don’t be so h-harsh on him, Wonu, he might choke.” You point out the gagging, sloppy noises coming from above.
“Don’t worry, he can take it. Isn’t that right, baby boy?” Wonwoo takes off his cock for a few seconds.
“Yeah,” Seungcheol coughs a bit, but regains his breath like a pro, “Just make sure to fuck me like you both mean it, you weaklings.”
The comment makes you and Wonwoo’s blood boil like molten lava and you climb over Seungcheol’s body to push his thighs further apart and fuck him like a bitch in heat.
“That’s it, sunshine. Fuck him like the whore he is.” Wonwoo grunts as he facefucks your (and his) boyfriend, putting one hand on his throat to squeeze it ever so slightly.
“Shit, this feels so damn great,” you moan out loud as you ride his cock, “I can feel him twitching inside me, he’s close.”
“Of course he is,” Wonwoo leans closer and gives you a quick kiss, “Nobody could ever resist your beautiful pussy, sunshine. Especially us.”
Seungcheol starts moaning around the shaft bullying his mouth and he wraps his thick thighs around your waist, pulling you closer to him.
“Oof- God, he’s so damn desperate to cum.” You chuckle and run your hands over his torso to rile him up even further.
“Don’t stop until you are fully satisfied, Y/N. Baby boy is here to take whatever we’re going to give him.”  
Your pussy stays glued on Seungcheol’s cock, rubbing it like a tight fleshlight until it starts milking him dry, sucking globs after globs of cum. The muscles of his thighs twitch behind your waist and his fists clench on the mattress, the shocks of his orgasm torturing his body.
Wonwoo detaches his hips away from Seungcheol’s mouth, letting the man breathe and spew a string of moans and curses.
“Princess, please, s-slow down! You’re- ah, fuck!” He whines loudly, tears stinging his eyes.
“She won’t stop until she has had her fill, baby boy.” Wonwoo digs his nails in Seungcheol’s wrists, “And don’t even try to stop her. Am I clear?”
“Shit- Yes, Sir.”
You rhythmically bounce your hips on top of his dick, your inner thighs beginning to burn from exhaustion and a thick, milky ring forms around your entrance. You can feel your own climax inch closer and closer, the pattern of your movements growing sloppier by the second.
“S-Sir I’m gonna cum, God I’m so close!” You cry out and plant your palms on the toned pair of pecs underneath you.
“Go on, sunshine. You earned this orgasm all on your own, you and your capable pussy.” Wonwoo stares at you with hungry eyes, watching you fall apart on the blond man’s cock.
Your eyes nearly roll in the back of your skull when you finally cum and you would be lying if you said it isn’t one of the best orgasms you’ve ever had. You’re certain your brain has stopped working and you probably look like a lust-crazed animal.
“That’s it, sunshine. Ride it all out.” The dark haired man presses a kiss on the column of your neck, while Seungcheol is writhing and shaking under the two of you.
“I’m so….full.” You sigh in satisfaction and you feel the meaty legs around your lower back relaxing around you and plopping down on the bed. You carefully lift yourself off his lap and let out a long drawn moan when a sticky trail of cum runs down your thigh.
“God, I’m so spent.” Seungcheol groans, wiping the sweat on his forehead with the back of his hand.
“Already? That’s too bad.” Wonwoo scoffs and flips his boyfriend face down on the sheets. “Because I’m nowhere near done with you.”
“And I thought you had completely forgotten.” Seungcheol grins and bumps his ass directly on Wonwoo’s hardened dick. “Come on, don’t you want to fuck my ass already?”
You sit back on the headboard, your fingers ghosting over your chest and clit, your gaze entirely focused on your boyfriends.
“We even have an audience, pretty boy. I think you should hurry up and stick it in.”
Wonwoo chuckles as he lines up his cock and slowly pushes in, until he’s balls deep.
“Enjoy the show, sunshine.”
The tall man grips Seungcheol’s waist and begins thrusting slowly inside him, grunting at the tight sensation around his cock. 
“How are you still tight after sitting on that monstrosity for so long?”
“Can’t betray my secrets like that.” The blond man sends a wink towards you.
“Wonu, go faster.” You say with a demanding tone, your fingers working circles on your clit.
“You heard the princess - Put your back into it, pretty boy.” 
“Damn you both, fucking brats.” Wonwoo uses one hand to fist Seungcheol’s hair and keep his head down, now towering over him. He pistons his hips against his boyfriend’s ass hard enough to make it bounce repeatedly, smacking noises filling the room.
“Fuck - That’s what I’m t-talking about.” Seungcheol grips the sheets, lips parted open and moans spilling freely.
Your whines match your boyfriend’s moans, your hands working out your pussy at the same speed Wonwoo is thrusting. Two of your digits are covered in the cum left inside you from previously riding Seungcheol, acting as the perfect lube.
“Ass made in Heaven, damnit,” Wonwoo catches his bottom lip with his teeth, “Made to be railed by none other than me.”
“My toys would like to disagree.” Seungcheol half moans and the snarky comment earns him a slap on the ass, forcing him to whimper.
“The only noises I want to hear from you are whimpers and moans, you whore.” 
Wonwoo gets rougher with his thrusts, his hand pulling Seungcheol’s hair by the roots, lifting his head to make him face you. “Now, I want you to look at her while I’m fucking you stupid and give her the most cunt-watering expression you have.”
“Y-Yes, Sir.” Seungcheol breathes out, a fresh layer of sweat adorning his body.
Wonwoo delivers full-bodied thrusts, pulling and pushing his cock until the tip is barely inside and then fully sheathed again, knocking the air out of Seungcheol’s lungs. Salty tears cascade his cheeks, his body jerking forward with each movement.
“W-Wonu, you’re being too r-rough with him.” You comment shakily, two of your fingers rapidly plunging into your weeping cunt
“Rough, you say? Do you want me to slow down, baby boy?” Wonwoo asks his boyfriend, halting his hips.
“N-No, please don’t, please don’t stop, fuck!” Seungcheol pushes his ass back, chasing the stimulation.
“See, sunshine? Baby boy likes it rough and sloppy - and so do you.”
“Keep your beautiful pussy stuffed until we’re done, will you?”
“Yes, yes Sir.” You nod furiously as you try to push back your orgasm.
“W-Won’t be too long until then,” Wonwoo groans loudly, “I’m almost there, fuck.”
“Please do it inside, please!” Seungcheol begs loudly, his body nearly giving out.
“Fuck, take it all, slut, all yours.” Wonwoo curses in his ear and finally topples over the edge, dumping a part of his load in his boyfriend’s hole. He takes out his cock, giving it a few more pumps to splatter the remnants of his climax all over Seungcheol’s ass. 
The sight before you makes your head spin with more arousal and your walls clench around your fingers, your own orgasm washing over you and sending you to cloud nine.
For a good few minutes, mixed heavy breaths are all the three of you can hear. It’s clear as daylight that all three of you are beyond tired and barely able to move.
“My body hurts everywhere.” Seungcheol whines in defeat.
“Mine too.” You agree.
“I’m afraid both of you need to get up,” Wonwoo stretches his back, “We need to change the sheets, they’re fucked.”
“So are we, dumbass.” The blond man grimaces in pain.
“I am fully aware,” Wonwoo tries to lift Seungcheol up and you right after, “Now get up, we need to get you cleaned up.”
“You haven’t even prepared a bath!” You pout your lips in protest.
“Really going through the princess act, don’t you?” He lifts you in bridal style and carries you to the bathroom, gently placing you on the edge of the tub. 
“As if you don’t like treating me like one.” You grin playfully.
“I would say this is Cheol’s duty, but I love you a little too much to not treat you like a princess.” He presses a kiss on your cheek and lets the water run. “Mind checking the water until I’m back with him?”
“Not at all.” You reply with a smile and he leaves the bathroom to return to the crime scene.
To his surprise, Wonwoo finds Seungcheol standing up and removing the dirty sheets, the skin on his ass and thighs stained from cum streaks.
“What are you doing?”
“Can’t let you do all the work now.” The blond man picks up the sheets and the used toy from the floor. As soon as he takes a couple more steps towards the door, he can feel his legs screaming in pain.
“Ow fuck!”
“Whoa, careful!” Wonwoo sweeps at the right moment and catches him before falling, “Can you please not be so fucking stubborn?”
“No buts.” He throws Seungcheol’s arm over his shoulder, “I need to get your ass to the bathroom.”
“What are you doing? The bath is ready!” You yell from the corridor.
“Coming!” Wonwoo yells back.
“Well, at least now we’re even, right?” Seungcheol gives a silly wink towards the dark haired man.
“You’re so fucking stupid.” Wonwoo snorts as he helps the older man out of the bedroom.
“After being fucked like this? Definitely.”
“Stupid and incorrigible.”
“And hot and rich and-”
Wonwoo cuts him off with a quick kiss on the lips, catching him off guard.
“Can you please shut the fuck up?”
Seungcheol flashes a toothy grin and runs his tongue over his bottom lip.
“Yes, Sir.”
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nottheweirdest · 2 years
Fanfic Writer Emoji Ask
😅 What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
✍ Do you have a beta reader?
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
💋 First kiss fics. Love em or hate em?
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
🛠What tools/programs/apps do you use to write?
⛔ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
🙋‍♀️ Do any irl people know you write fanfic?
🍦 What's the sweetest fic you've created so far?
🍷 Do you drink and write?
🍆 Do you write the spicy stuffs? If so, what's your most popular nsfw fic?
🌞 Do you have a preferred time of day to write?
💖 What made you start writing?
💌 How do you feel about comments and feedback?
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
💲 Would you ever open commissions?
🧐 Do you spend much time researching for your stories?
🏆 What's your most popular fic?
🎃 Do you write fics for certain holidays? Which is your favorite holiday inspired fic?
🎯 Have any of your readers accurately guessed major plot points? Care to share which?
🎨 How do you feel about fan art of your stories?
📈 How many fics do you have?
🦅 Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants?
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
💞 Who's your comfort character?
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them.
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
😬 Which of your fics would you be most horrified for friends, family, or coworkers to stumble upon?
🎉 What leads you to consider a fic a success?
✅ What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?
📚 Would you ever want to turn writing into a career?
⌛ How long does it take you to write a fic, or a chapter?
🤯 What's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
💥 How do you feel about criticism?
🤭 Do you have a favorite tag to use when posting your works?
🥰 How do you feel about reader interaction? Are you open to receiving questions about your fics?
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luveline · 5 months
hi jade! :) i wanted to potentially request anything with poly!marauders x reader? maybe winter themed since its december now?
you write remus, james, & sirius x reader so well that i started reading fanfic for them because of you! i love your style, keep it up lovely! <3 sending you all my love
thank you, ily!! ♡ fem!reader
James’ car idles outside of your work. 
You rush down the frosted steps despite the danger, and open the passenger door with a, “Hello,” that can't be dimmed. You could not be happier to see him in his dark-haired, light-eyed glory. Your hands shake at the sight of him alone. 
“Hello,” he says keenly. 
You climb across the handbrake to kiss him. He takes your face into two big hands, expectant, waiting for you and twice as eager. “Oh, shit, I missed you,” you say, smashed into his lips and leaning further still, “Did you have a good time? Did–” 
James rubs your cheek with his thumb, silently asking for you to slow down, and kisses you again. His lips are soft as anything, his hands a little less so, rough of his palms sliding up your cheeks to just behind your ears. He's quick and rather aggressive about it considering you're only a couple of yards from your place of work, but you don't care. 
Clearly, he missed you too. 
James breaks the kiss to hug you to him, nosing at the side of your head as he says, “I missed you too. And I had a great time. Next year, you'll come with me.” 
Your heart skips at the thought. Going home with James to visit his parents would be a dream, if only so you don't have to miss him for three weeks at a time. 
He gives you a last quick kiss and drives you home. With his suitcase still in the car and his rucksack in the footwell, you realise he's picked you up before going home, and you rub it in Sirius’ face as soon as you can. 
“He picked me,” you say, climbing out of the car, cheeks flush with the heat of having James’ hand on your thighs the entire way home. 
Sirius doesn't seem too bothered. Remus worms around him, doesn't even wait for James to get out of the car, ducking in for an awkwardly skewed but achingly affectionate hug. It's not like Remus to show his emotions in any way that could be held against him, but it's clear he trusts the three of you to never do such a thing. You wouldn't. 
“You okay?” James asks him quietly. You nearly miss it, apprehended and forced into a headlock by Sirius Black and his bad attitude. 
“No more holidays,” Remus says. 
“You look handsome anyways,” James says, “what's that about? Thriving in my absence or something?” 
Remus flushes at the suggestion —you can see it, having breathlessly escaped Sirius' cruel grasp to stand watching their reunion. He mumbles a denial and burrows deeper into James’ arms. 
Sirius is much less emotional than you or Remus, but he's in a good mood. You can tell, tucked under his happy touch. (You weren't rubbing it in that James picked you up first to be cruel, the opposite —you and Sirius love to argue. And the cool, mildly intimidating stare down thing he does gives you chills, so that's a bonus.) 
“Alright!” James says, hand on Remus’ shoulder, rucksack on his arm as he shuts and locks the driver's side door. “Let's see how you idiots have done with the decorations.” 
“Not nice,” you say. 
“But accurate,” Sirius says. 
The truth is that without James’ direction, the Christmas decorations have barely been put up. You had the common sense to erect the Christmas tree and it’s adorned with carefully draped tinsel and polished baubles, but the rest of the home is lacklustre, to say the least. You've no stockings for the electric fire, no banners, no foiled hangings or silver trappings. 
“Jesus,” James says, dropping his rucksack on the sofa. “This is sad. Where's the wooden bits? My white wooden Christmas tree? Absolutely minimal effort. I'm appalled.” 
You and Remus look at one another and shrug. “We searched. Pulled out the airing cupboard and everything, it took ages, and we still didn't find them.” 
“That's because it's up in the attic,” James says, chuckling to himself. “Idiots. Where's the stepladder?” 
And this is where Sirius’ love rears its head, his arms wrapped around James’ legs as he climbs the ladder positioned dangerously on the landing by the open stairwell. “You can't be real,” James says, swaying dangerously as he pokes around up there with a torch. “You're worried about me? You were on the roof of the shed a month ago—” 
“To get a fucking football for next door–” 
“Oh, fuck this,” James says with a sigh. Before any of you can stop him, he's leveraging himself into the attic using his upper body strength. 
You cross your arms over your chest with a smile. “That was fit.” 
“Right?” Remus murmurs. 
“Where's the fucking– Ah-hah! Alright, sweethearts, one of you come and grab this from me.” 
Sirius looks up at the creaking attic above, frowning, his eyes narrowed. “I don't trust the floor.” 
“Siri, just come and get them.” 
You build a procession line and slowly unearth the three boxes of Christmas decorations, and a box of festive linens. Sirius helps James safely down onto stable footing, while you and Remus ferry the decorations downstairs. James is the Christmas nut of the lot of you, but Remus likes what James likes, especially now he's been missing him, and so they set about decorating your home while you and Sirius argue over who's making what for dinner. James’ favourite, since he's been away so long, you argue. Pizza, Sirius decides. “Look at the state of him. You know he goes home and Euphemia spoils him half to death.” 
“Fully to death,” James says, dotting a kiss into your cheek as he passes with a sheet of snowflake window stickers. “But I was revived.” 
Sirius kisses your other cheek, and Remus shouts for you to come and see the lights, lovely!
It's nice to have everyone home. 
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jeonride · 11 months
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welcome to my reading list of minghao ficts!i'm actually so sad that i can't find more...
FICTS ! ✧*。
Avant-Garde (fluff, college au, painter!hao) by @hoyoungy
Glacial Pace (smut, friends to lovers) by @wonusite
Home Yet? (smut, established relationship) by @idyllicdeco
Felix Felicis (fluff, slytherin!minghao) by @blue-jisungs
Rush Hour (smut, enemies to lovers) by @lovelyhan
Attracted to You (smut) by @cheolhub
All Mine (smut) by @cheolhub
F* Me, Emo Boy (smut) @sunnylovespickles
Chèrie (smut, duke!minghao) by @venerex
Art Project (smut, fluff) by @1-800-hwahui
Monitor Me (smut, camboy!minghao) by @sunnylovespickles
Deadly Sin (smut, horror, demon!minghao) by @onlymingyus
Longing of a Noble's Daughter (smut, angst, royal au) by @sunnylovespickles
Oh, My! (smut) by @toruro
Now or Never The Series (smut) @heartkyeom
Bloody Kisses (smut, vampire!minghao) by @duhnova
Once Bitten (smut, contains blood) by @sluttywonwoo
Blocked Contacts (fluff, jealous hao) by @jae-bummer
Kiss Me Thru The Phone (smut) by @number1mingyustan
Wild With You (smut) by @beahae
Dress, Preview (smut) by @ally-127
Erotic Humiliation (smut) by @bitchlessdino
Wildest Dreams (smut, angst, moviestar!hao) by @rubyreduji
Zen (fluff, smut) by @playmetheclassics
Coffee at Christmas (fluff, smut) by @sluttyminghao
Playing Cupid (smut) by @sluttywonwoo
04.18 am (fluff, smut, pianist!minghao) by @number1mingyustan
Fixer Upper (smut, friends to lovers) by @seungkwansphd
Tamed Studies (minghao x male!reader) @flwrboi
Paint Me in Gold (fluff, semi royal, ghost au) by @starryse
Take it Like a Good Girl (smut, ft.mingyu) by @pussy-potions
Home for The Holidays (fluff, smut) by @bangchanswolfpelt
Wrong Turn (smut, vampire!minghao) by @meltwonu
Leave it On The Runway (smut, model!hao) by @kpop-hive
Galaxies Away (romance, angst, nerd!hao) by @dianalikecats
A Thousand Words Left Unsaid (angst, heartbreak) by @twogyuu
The Party Chronicles (smut) by @bitchlessdino
Thank You (smut, ft.jun) by @peachybun-bun
just minghao's hands appreciation (posted by @uremoangel)
minghao de-stress you with oral (fluff, smut) by @nsfwhao
soft sex (fluff, smut) by @toruro
please (smut) by @pussy-potions
kinktober drabble (smut, minghao is a sex store worker) by @sluttyminghao
fucking + praising (fluff, smut) by @gfcheol
aftercare (nsfw-ish, soft) by @gfcheol
flying & fucking (smut) by @toruro
minghao as pussy slapper (smut) by @toruro
hard dom!hao + spanking (smut) by @onlyhuis
accidental stimulation (fluff, smut) by @wildfluwer
one more time (fluff, smut) by @onlymingyus
hao kissing your tears during sex (fluff) by @toruro
light-feather praises (nsfw) by @venerex
bedtime tea (fluff, comfort) by @venerex
how i'd do? (smut) by @onlymingyus
[20:13] (filthy, iykyk) by @trash-hours
on your knees (smut) by @multi-kpop-fanfics
passionate sex (smut) by @sluttywonwoo
slow down, look at me (smut) by @jeongwife
freakily good with his hands (smut)
corruption kink (smut) 2nd ver
fingering (smut, fluff tho)
you have to be quiet (smut)
when it's cold outside (fluff)
that's sick ! (fluff)
fucking with your hands tied (smut)
want to see cherry blossoms (fluff)
let me take care of you (fluff, comfort)
hurry up (smut, sub!minghao)
jealous sex (smut)
minghao's kinks headcanon (nsfw)
horny dom!hao (nsfw)
fucking with racer!minghao (smut)
art exhibition (smut)
a-z nsfw with minghao
drawing body paint on your thighs (nsfw)
sucking his on kitchen counter (nsfw)
daddy sugar!minghao (smut)
my muse (smut, sub!minghao)
paparazzi!minghao (smut)
smut, 3.5k- yeah, that's it.
wake up early (very fluff, also smut)
blade of hearts (smut)
butterfly (fluff, smut)
sir!minghao (smut)
last (implied mature themes)
maniac (smut)
wanna hold your hand (smut, fluff)
1K notes · View notes
greensagephase · 3 months
Valentine's Day (Nonviolent Communication One-Shot)
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Pairing: Miguel O'Hara x SpiderFemaleReader (colleagues to friends to lovers; they're currently in their friendship era, so no romance but we still have soft Miguel!) Summary: Just a rainy Valentine's Day surprising your friends with baked sweets because Valentine's doesn't have to be only about romance. Word Count: 4,311 Short A/N: This is a one-shot for my Nonviolent Communication fanfic but can be read as a standalone. As I mentioned above, they're in their friendship era, so there's no romance, but Miguel lowkey got me blushing anyway soo! Warnings: None. Just reader and Miguel being their usual sweet and caring selves to each other. Masterlist Songs inspo: "Just the Two of Us" - Grover Washington, Jr., Bill Withers (I don't know why but this song just came to mind while writing this, so just look at it as a platonic song for now :) ) Fanfic's official music playlist:
Spider webs shaped like hearts decorate corners. Holographic hearts are displayed at the cafeteria. Even some of the tables have little decorations, more than likely set up by a small group of Spider members that usually take time of their day to do things like holiday decorating within the Spider Society to make the workplace “fun.” As to the holographic hearts out and about, you imagine those have to do with Lyla, who has been all too excited about Valentine's because of her heart-shaped glasses.
You walk through the cafeteria, past occupied tables where fellow Spider members sit. A reusable bag hangs from your shoulder in which you carry baked treats. You've successfully handed out containers filled with them to the majority of your friends, with the exception of Peter B. and MJ, and Miguel. You continue to search for Peter B., certain that you’ll find him here. As you walk, your gaze turns to the windows. It’s a cold and rainy day in Nueva York, and it’s also Valentine’s Day, which prompts a memory to flash through your mind, one that you put away for now. You focus on your goal: find Peter B. and then Miguel.
You slow down as you hear Peter's voice from somewhere, so you look around until you spot him talking with another member, carrying Mayday like always.
“Alright, pal, I'll see you around,” he says with his signature smile, giving the other member a pat on the back before they part ways.
Mayday sees you first and immediately begins to wiggle around, making Peter notice you. He grins and the two of you meet halfway, Mayday already reaching for you. You smile and upon meeting them, you accept one of her hands and play with it.
“Good morning, Mayday,” you say, greeting her. She squeals in delight before repeating “morning” now that she’s speaking two-word sentences. It’s amazing how much time has passed, how much she has grown, which you don’t let yourself think too much about. Instead, you focus on her attire for the day. She's wearing pants and tiny boots, and best of all, a cute pink sweater with red hearts printed all over it, showcasing Peter's spider symbol in the center of them.
It's no longer surprising. Mayday's closet is filled with spider-theme clothes, which has made you wonder if Peter has his own merchandise creator. You feel like it would be a thing Peter B. would definitely have.
“Hey, you heard that? She said ‘morning’ - that’s another word!” Peter says happily. “Daddy is so proud of you, honey! Wait till MJ hears about this!”
You chuckle. “It’s amazing. Before we know it she’ll be speaking full sentences.”
“Okay, that just made me, like, really sad. She’s growing up too fast,” Peter says quietly, holding his daughter close to his chest. His gaze is gentle as he stares at her. “It’s part of life, I know, but…”
“I’m sorry to have brought it up,” you say gently as you give him a gentle pat on his arm. “Would some baked treats make it better?”
That seems to get Peter and Mayday’s attention. “Baked treats?”
“Brownies. For Valentine’s,” you say, pulling out a container and offering it to him. “I baked some brownies for everyone.”
“Totally feel better now,” Peter says with a grin, accepting the box.
”For you and MJ, and maybe Mayday if she can eat them,” you say. “Happy Valentine’s Day!”
“Happy Valentine’s! Hey, they’re even heart-shaped! MJ is gonna be so happy. You know we all love your baking,” Peter says as he gets one out and eats it. Once he finishes eating, he says, “So amazing!”
“Glad you like them! Make sure to save some for MJ, though,” you reply with a smile. “Have you seen Miguel?”
Peter looks around, closing the box of treats. “I saw him earlier. He was going to the Go Home Machine room to check something but he might be back at his lab already,” he responds. His gaze flickers to your bag, taking notice of at least two boxes left in there, though he doesn’t ask anything.
“Alright, I’ll go check if he’s there. I’ll see you in a bit,” you say, saying goodbye to Peter and Mayday for now.
“See ya!”
You walk out of the cafeteria and head to Miguel’s lab, reaching it in no time. You stop at the entrance and as always, you call for Lyla to have her ask Miguel if you can enter. You never walk in unannounced out of respect, even though Lyla has told you that you should stop. Even Miguel has hinted at it, at the fact that you can just walk in, yet, you do it anyway out of respect.
“Y/N! Miguel isn’t here. He’s at the Go Home Machine room. Something’s up with the machine but he should be done in a few minutes. He said you can go in,” Lyla says, appearing suddenly and floating in midair.
“You asked him already?” you ask, amused.
“Yep. I think he’s even going to send you a message because he thinks you might not believe me when I tell you he says to go in.”
And of course, right after she says that you receive a notification from your gizmo, alerting you of a new message. A message from Miguel.
“I’ll be back in a few minutes. Please wait for me * inside *** the lab.”
You smile softly at his emphasis to wait inside. He knows you too well.
“See?” Lyla says with a soft smirk. “So, come on in! I see you have the goods.”
You laugh softly as you enter the lab, carrying your bag with the last two heart-shaped containers you bought a few days ago to package the baked treats. The containers were easy to hide in Gabriel’s old bedroom, the same one that’s your current temporary room since your building caught on fire a few weeks ago. Luckily, your floor was spared but lower floors did not have the same luck. Now, the building is under cleaning and reconstruction, a process that will take at least two months to finish. Or at least that’s what your landlord said. You’ve been staying in Nueva York with Miguel in his penthouse after he offered his place countless times. He assured you that you were welcomed to stay for however long you needed to, whether that was days, weeks, or months. There was even a moment you swear he almost said years, before he stopped himself.
So, you’ve been staying at Miguel’s penthouse in Gabriel’s, a man that you never met and unfortunately will never have the opportunity to due to his passing, old bedroom. You’ve made his room yours for the time being, even encouraged by Miguel to decorate it as you wish to make it feel like home because as he said, “my home is your home.”
And so, currently living with Miguel meant that you needed to find a way to hide your little Valentine’s surprise. You thought about baking treats for your group of friends, including Miguel, last week, but you knew that you’d need to come up with a way to have Miguel out of his own penthouse in order to truly surprise him as well. You quickly came up with a plan and even got a little help from a certain AI assistant, who was all too happy keeping Miguel busy here at HQ last night while you baked. You thought about your plan well, so much that you even baked a cake and cookies as an excuse, so that whenever Miguel got home, he wouldn’t wonder why it smelled like baked treats when there were none in sight, since you planned on hiding the Valentine’s treats in your room, packaged and ready to go for today. And, it has been a success. You’ve surprised all your friends with a little something, as a gesture of how much you care about them. The only one left now is Miguel. You briefly wonder why you didn’t just give them to him at the penthouse this morning when the two of you were having breakfast. For some reason it felt right to leave his delivery for last.
You walk through Miguel’s lab, heading straight to his platform, deciding that you’ll wait for him there until he comes back. You take a seat on it and gaze around. Even from here you can hear the sound of rain, which sounds very peaceful. The silence and the pockets of darkness brings you comfort. You can’t help but find it amusing that over time, you’ve spent more and more time in Miguel’s lab. You recall the days when you hardly came in here. Those were days when Jess and Miguel called you in, usually whenever Jess was delivering a report to Miguel about a mission you and others had been on with her, asking you to go since you were her pupil. Now, you’re here every day, and not just once but multiple times throughout. You can easily spend two or three hours here while Miguel and you work on your own thing.
You smile to yourself. Life can really change.
The rain continues to go strong outside. You let it distract your thoughts for a few seconds, which reminds you yet again of a memory. Of a Valentine’s Day with your Peter.
It was the second before last Valentine’s Day you spent with him. It was also a rainy day in your universe. As always, you baked something for Peter since he loved your baking and cooking. You knew you could never go wrong with baked treats since they were his weakness. He, on the other hand, had a few plans up his sleeve. He always did.
You smile at the memory. He had planned a whole evening that included a restaurant reservation, but the day was cold and a rainy one, being February. It started raining at some point in the night and the rain didn’t stop throughout the day. There was so much rain that the restaurant had to cancel dinners due to flooding two hours before your scheduled reservation. It didn’t matter to Peter though. He asked you to get ready regardless, to take your time.
An hour and a half later, there was a knock on your bedroom door from Peter. As if he didn’t live there, or as if you didn’t share that bedroom, but you opened the door regardless with a smile.
And there was Peter, dashing as always. His eyes lit up at the sight of you, as if he hadn’t seen you a million times before, as if he was falling in love with you for the first time all over again.
“So, we had a little change of plans,” he said with a sweet smile. “But rain or no rain, we’re having a romantic dinner.”
“Don’t we always have a romantic dinner?” you asked softly.
“An extra romantic dinner, darling,” he replied, taking your hand and kissing the back of it with one of his hands.
You smile softly now as you remember that evening.
He held your hand and instead of leading you to the dining area, he led you to the small living room section of your apartment. The overhead lights were off. The only light in the area came from lamps and lit candles spread around the space. The scent of food filled the air, a sign that Peter had cooked. Soft music played in the background from Peter’s record player and of course, his choice was a vinyl of romantic songs. You had a feeling that the night would end with a dance in the living room. Your suspicions only grew as you both stepped onto a picnic blanket and found couch pillows placed around so that the two of you could sit comfortably. There was a vase in the middle with flowers and around it were things like linen napkins and utensils, two glasses for drinks, and everything else needed for a dinner.
Then, there was Peter, serving you a drink and dinner with flickering candles all around, soft music in the back as you talked. You remember telling him that his idea was lovely and sweet, that it would be unforgettable. The night did end with a dance, with your arms wrapped around his neck and his around your waist. You even remember the pit pat of rain against your apartment’s windows and how you could see the flash of lightning even through the curtains. You recall what it was like to dance with Peter. It wasn’t the first nor last time. There were times before and times after that night, all in your small apartment, the one that was supposed to be temporary after graduating from college. The two of you talked about moving to a bigger apartment, one that would be comfortable for a family, for children. Neither of you minded your apartment in the moment though.
You still don’t. Even if you’re alone now. Even if Peter has been gone for so many years.
“Happy Valentine’s,” Peter whispered that night as he held you close to his chest. His arms were warm and protectively wrapped around you, your back to his chest.
“Happy Valentine’s,” you say now.
“Happy… Valentine’s.”
You look up as you hear the voice, finding Miguel standing a few feet away from you at last. His gaze meets yours and you notice his head is tilted to the side slightly, watching you curiously. You blink, pulling yourself out of your memory and offer Miguel a small grin, one he returns instantly.
“You keep asking for permission to come into the lab. You don’t have to ask,” Miguel says as he steps closer, breaking the short silence.
“It’s out of respect. Besides, I see the way you get annoyed when members just walk in,” you reply, amused.
Miguel looks down at you with a soft frown, his lips in a small pout as if silently asking, ‘Really?’
“Yes, but -” Miguel pauses and sighs. It’s different. You’re different. You’re not just any member. You’re his friend. His close friend. His… Miguel clears his throat. “You… Are different. You know why.”
Yes, you know why. You’re friends. Close friends. He’s your… “Right, but I still like to ask. Just to make sure.”
Miguel’s frown deepens, he raises an eyebrow almost in annoyance, yet he can never be annoyed with you. Ever. “Right, just to make sure,” he repeats, raising his hands in surrender, giving up and realizing there’s no changing your mind about this. At least not now, Miguel thinks to himself.
“Anyway, I brought you something,” you say, standing up at last from his platform. His crimson eyes immediately fall upon your bag. He’s been too busy thinking about how you always ask for permission to walk into the lab that he failed to see the reusable bag near you. You close the distance between the two of you, stopping just a few feet.
Miguel wonders what exactly you’ve brought him but he doesn’t have to wonder for long when you pull out two small containers, pink and heart-shaped. You hand them to him with a warm smile.
“I baked a few treats for everyone. Happy Valentine’s Day!”
Looking at the small containers, Miguel accepts them. He can’t help but feel a little awestruck for a few seconds. When was the last time someone gave him anything on this day? He hasn’t celebrated in years. It was so long ago.
“I hope you like them. I baked a little special thing for you. It was my first time baking them but I think they turned out well,” you say, bringing Miguel back to the present. “Go on,” you tell him gently, excited to see his reaction to the second box’s contents specifically.
He nods and opens the first one. Heart-shaped brownies in the size of your palm greet his eyes. He can’t help but admire how you arranged them with cute baking parchment paper, going the extra mile to make him and your other friends feel special today. His lips curl into a soft smile and he feels a wave of heat rush to his cheeks. You baked brownies for everyone and you included him. A warmth spreads through his chest at the thought, the realization.
You stare at Miguel, his smile and blush not going unnoticed. The sight makes you smile.
“Thank you,” Miguel says as he keeps looking at them, the amazing smell reaching his nose. He already knows everything you baked will be amazing. It always is. His mouth waters just at the sight.
“Check the other box!”
Miguel grins at you and nods, closing the first book even though he wishes he could go ahead and eat one of the brownies, but your excitement over the other box deters him. He wants to see what has you so happy and anxious for him to see, so he opens the next box. His lips part and eyebrows raise in surprise for a few seconds when he sees the contents before he happily smiles at you.
“You made conchas! Heart-shaped conchas! You… I’ve never seen conchas shaped like this before, not even at the panaderia. When did you even bake them?” Miguel asks, staring at you with amazement before he lifts the box to his face, inhaling the sweet scent of fresh conchas. His mouth waters even more, thinking about how good these will go with a mug of café de olla.
You chuckle softly, pleased with Miguel’s reaction. “Last night. Before you arrived from HQ. The cake and cookies were just a distraction so you wouldn’t see them and the brownies. I wanted to surprise everyone, including you. So, I recruited someone’s help,” you say with a soft shrug of your shoulders, prompting Lyla to appear.
“That would be me,” Lyla says with a soft grin, arms crossed over her chest. “I had to keep you busy, Miguel.”
Miguel scoffs playfully as he realizes and remembers the previous night. “That’s why you kept messing up the anomaly datasheet.”
“And why I kept moving your tabs around,” she replies, which makes Miguel frown for a few seconds.
“That, too. Not appreciated,” he mumbles.
“I had to do what I had to do, to ensure Y/N’s mission was a success, which it was,” Lyla says smiling.
Miguel shakes his head at her but he’s not even slightly upset. Instead, he’s highly amused that you recruited Lyla’s help to keep him occupied at HQ, all to surprise him with these lovely and delicious baked treats. His cheeks feel even more hot now.
“They smell amazing. I’m not even going to lie, my mouth is watering,” Miguel admits quietly as he nods to the conchas. “Thank you.”
“Always,” you reply softly. “I bet… They’d be really good with café de olla.”
Miguel grins. “Is this your subtle way of saying you’d like café de olla?”
You shrug. “I’m just saying, heart-shaped conchas and café de olla sound like a good combination to me. I think, it would be quite an experience. I mean, you’re saying you’ve never seen heart-shaped conchas before so… I was just thinking, you know?”
“Oh, yeah, right.” Miguel gives you a soft smirk before he grabs one of the conchas. You can’t help but notice how small it looks in his hand as he holds it up, as if showing it to you. “You were just thinking,” he says, still smirking, raising his eyebrow as he looks at you.
“It’s just a thought,” you reply, smiling softly. “Something to think about.”
“Definitely something to think about… which means you have more at home, yes?”
“There might be more conchas at the penthouse, yes.”
“I see,” he replies. “I guess cafeteria coffee will do for now.”
You tilt your head to the side in curiosity. “For now?”
“There might be café de olla in the evening.”
“I see,” you reply with a smile.
“I hear it might be quite an experience.”
“I have to agree with whoever said that,” you say.
“You know, I do, too,” Miguel responds, still smirking softly at you.
Lyla hovers between the two of you, glancing from you to Miguel. “Great, so there’s gonna be conchas and café de olla,” she says.
You both turn to look at her. Right, Lyla is there.
“I’ll go get some coffee,” Miguel says as he places the concha back in the box, making sure to close it correctly.
“Alright. I’m going to go ahead and start on the report. There’s still so much to do,” you reply heading to the desk you always work on, the one that Miguel set up for you many months ago once you started helping him with the weekly reports.
“Sounds good. I’ll be back,” Miguel responds, placing his baked treats on his platform.
“Don’t worry Miguel, I’ll look after them,” Lyla jokes seeing how careful he has been with the boxes, as if they are precious to him. The teasing tone makes Miguel frown but he doesn’t respond as he heads out of the lab to grab coffee for the two of you.
You sit in Miguel’s living room many hours later. The time on your tablet reads 7:16pm. Lamps lit up his space and the fireplace is on, warming the entire penthouse. Soft music coming from Miguel’s record player, the one you gifted him for Christmas several weeks ago, plays in the background.
You sit on one of the couches, a blanket over your legs as you work on the report from your tablet, the same one that Miguel gifted you for Christmas. You sit alone now since Miguel excused himself about twenty-five minutes ago, saying he needed to get something done. You didn’t ask what he had to do, not wanting to intrude on his privacy. You told him that you’d be in the living room. You only realized he was in the kitchen because you heard the opening and closing of drawers, but other than that, you have no idea what Miguel has been up to. Besides, you’ve been caught up working on the report, trying to finish it so it’s ready for scheduled meetings later this week.
You move your pen around your tablet’s screen, fixing something with a frown. Your concentration comes to a halt as a shadow covers the lighting. You look up, only to find Miguel carrying a tray that he sets on the console table that’s placed between the two long couches. It doesn’t take long before the lovely scent reaches you. Café de olla.
You glance at Miguel as soon as you recognize the scent, his crimson eyes meet yours and there’s a soft smile on his face.
“How about a break from the report?” he asks, taking a seat on the floor, clad in his lounge clothes.
You smile softly and nod, quickly placing the tablet away and joining him on the floor. It’s then that you see everything that’s on the tray.
He sets out the mugs with the hot and rich liquid, careful not to burn himself or you. He places three dessert plates out. One with brownies, another with conchas, and finally one with bimbuñuelos, a sugary pastry similar to the buñuelos you’ve had before, his personal addition to the sweets. You realize he bought them earlier when he arrived with a pastry box an hour later after you. You smile softly as you look at the sweets, finding it cute that everything is heart-shaped.
“So, there was café de olla,” you say, looking at him, still smiling.
“And there were more conchas,” Miguel replies as he hands you a clean plate to eat, smiling.
You chuckle softly before the two of you dig in, savoring the freshly made coffee and baked sweets in his dimly lit living room. Outside, Nueva York continues to have rain. Flashes of white lit up the sky every now and then due to lightning.
The two of you engage in conversation as you eat, enjoying each other’s company. And while you reply to something he said, a brief thought crosses his mind. This has turned out to be “quite an experience” as you said, but it isn’t because of café de olla or even the delicious heart-shaped conchas you baked that make him want to sigh in delight with each bite he takes. No, this evening has been “quite an experience” because of you alone. His close friend. His best…
Miguel grins at you as he focuses on your response, always wishing to give you his full attention, before he replies, continuing the conversation.
You take a drink from your mug, noticing a gentle but sudden flush on Miguel’s cheeks. Your gaze flickers to the fireplace for a second, unbeknownst to you that a certain realization of Miguel’s is the true culprit for the rosiness that now cover his cheeks.
♡-♡-♡-♡-♡-♡-♡-♡-♡-♡-♡ Translation for Spanish words: Conchas - Mexican pan dulce, pastry; word translates to "seashell" because the pastry is kind of shaped like one Panaderia - bakery Café de olla - coffee made in a pot Bimbuñuelos - fried dough sprinkled with sugar; similar to buñuelos Buñuelos - fried dough fritter: typically a Christmas dessert _____ A/N: Happy Valentine's Day! Miguel got me giggling and kicking my feet here! Why is he not real? Anyway, I had this little idea earlier in January and then @heyohalie asked me a while back how reader and Miguel from "Nonviolent Communication" would celebrate Valentine's (if they even did celebrate, since they're currently just friends), and I decided I needed to write it! So, here it is :) Thank you for reading this far and I hope you enjoyed it!!
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eddiediaaz · 5 months
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hellooooo! i read a lot of buck/eddie fics, literally everyday, and earlier this december i thought "why not share some of my favorites that i have read this month?" so here we are! i couldn't include everything i've read and enjoyed, the list would be really long. but i've picked a few fanfics that i've read (for the first time) in december that were really huge favorites and stayed with me for a little while these past days/weeks. i will try to make these on a monthly basis, because fanfic authors deserve all of the recognition! oh, and happy new year!
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both blades and branch by @cal-daisies-and-briars 62k | mature | canon divergence | completed: december 2023
The chances of being struck by lightning twice are incredibly minute, but Buck still manages to pull it off. During a double date with Marisol and Natalia, nonetheless. Eddie manages to resuscitate him, but as Buck recovers from yet another trauma, Eddie can’t help but notice there’s something very different about him. He’s not quite sure what version of Buck he got back.
this fic is absolutely incredible. i couldn't put it down once i started. it's extremely well written and brilliantly planned out. the angst is heavy but so is the reward: this is an amazing story. easily an all-time favorite!
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my blood on your skin (my rose on your snow) by @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels 80k | explicit | alternate universe | posted: october 2023
When Eddie needs cash and fast to take care of Christopher, his LAFD Academy buddy suggests a job as a bouncer at Elysium - an exclusive sex club in downtown Los Angeles. Eddie doesn't care what goes on there, so long as he's paid, but he finds he cares a lot bout the club's enigmatic owner, Evan Buckley, and it's not long before the two of them are violating every boss-employee rule in the book. But there's something different about Buck and the club, something not quite... human. If Eddie wants to keep Buck, he's going to have to delve into the world of immortals, and all the risks that implies.
another exquisite fic from this author. they never miss!! this one explores a dynamic i don't read that often (sub eddie) but it works SO well here. extremely well done, as usual. i also absolutely love this buck here.
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burn a bridge, learn how to swim [series] by watermelonshorts 34k | mature/explicit | canon verse | completed: july 2021
In which there is some unexpected making out, some pining, one third of an existential crisis and a lot of unhelpful advice. Not necessarily in that order.
they are GIANT disasters in here! really loved the humoristic tone of this whole thing. i just wanna shake them and yell learn how to communicate properly damn it!
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dead reckoning by euadnes 28k | mature | canon verse | posted: december 2022
In which a tragedy on the edge of a firestorm leaves part of the 118 stranded and struggling to survive in the wilderness. Left entirely to their own devices, the survivors fight to come home, alive.
buck, eddie, and ravi survive a plane crash, and it's amazing. incredibly well written, i was hooked from the very start and couldn't put it down until i was done.
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here comes the jackpot question in advance by @lamardeuse 4k | teen+ | canon verse | posted: december 2023
Buck is determined to start the new year right.
this is very very very cute!!! i always love a cute holiday themed get together story. as always, this author nailed the characterization!
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being eddie by @cal-daisies-and-briars 79k | teen+ | canon divergence | completed: august 2023
When Eddie starts seeing a new therapist, he’s presented with the opportunity to revisit several days from his past and right regrets that still bother him. OR: Eddie goes through the time travel therapy process of the 2009 Canadian TV show Being Erica
incredible concept!!! all the moments chosen for eddie to revisit are perfect and make so much sense for his character. this was such a great read and an absolutely amazing character exploration fic.
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a blaze in the dark by @woodchoc-magnum 117k | explicit | canon verse | published: december 2023
Set post-Season 6, where Buck has inadvertently sacrificed his friendship with Eddie in order to focus on his new relationship with Natalia, and is shocked when Eddie comes out to the team and subsequently reveals that he is dating a guy.
okay so i literally read this in one sitting and went to bed at 7am to finish it. i couldn't put it down. the angst is SO good and frustrating and delicious and painful. but the payoff is so worth it!! this is really really really good. i loved all the dynamics, especially eddie and karen's friendship.
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