#i adore my ocs to pieces. they mean everything to me
starcrossedxwriter · 5 months
Wicked Fantasies Part 8 (MBJ x OC)
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A/N: This gif has nothing to do with anything other than I thought it was hot as fuck... and baby boy gets a little... rough and ruthless this chapter (in a good way LOL) Enjoy!
Michael’s hand lazily grazed the length of Raven’s spine as they laid in bed, limbs tangled and sheets disheveled from their wild night together. It was their first night back since their trip and jet lag spurred Michael to finally introduced ropes into their play and fuck, Raven had been in heaven. Of course, now her body was sore and aching from hanging from his set up and the only plans she had the next day were to sleep. But it was worth every ache and pain she felt and she would gladly sign up for it over and over and over again. 
“You ever think about marriage… kids?” Michael asked, knowing the question was random but it had been on his mind since before it was appropriate to envision that life with her. And with whatever Tasha had planned barreling down on him, something in him yearned to know that she saw a future with him, that she wanted a future with him. 
“Yea. I mean I didn’t think it would happen for me. I think about marriage a lot. Kids are… tough,” she muttered, her nails grazing against his skin, so lightly it made him feel almost ticklish. 
“You’re afraid of not being there for them?” 
Raven shifted uncomfortably on his chest. She rested her head against his heart, the soft thumps of his heartbeat soothing to the anxiety coursing through her. She had thought about all of these things with Michael but it was still impossible to believe she truly deserved them, that he truly wanted them with her. And she hated how easily he saw through her, saw her deepest fears and insecurities as if she had just spelled them out for him. 
“Yea, I guess… I wouldn't wish my life on any kid and there’s a lot of all this we have no control over. How much time… when yours is up. It’s always been hard to think about the future though… plan for it. I’ve just always felt like I was being chased and assumed that one day it would catch up to me? This is the first time in my life I don’t feel that… since I met you. So now I suppose I should think about the future.” She paused. “I think I’d like it… not sure how good I’d be at it. Being a mother. Your mom is the closest example I have of a good one. But the chance to build my own family? One with all the things I never had, all the things a child deserves? Yea, it would be nice.” 
“What do you think about building that family… with me?”
Raven perked up, shocked to hear those words come out of his mouth. She did not know why but she had not considered the conversation taking this turn for some reason. The idea of him wanting to marry her was about as foolish as wishing diamonds to cascade from the sky like rain. It just was not realistic. 
“In my wildest fantasies. But…” her voice trailed off.
“I love you… adore you. But I guess there’s still a piece of me that doesn’t believe this is real. That believes you’ll wake up one day and remember that I was the girl you paid to have sex with you. You know… can’t turn a whore into a housewife. And you wouldn’t be wrong, I’m not exactly wifey material. And hell, I’m probably the last person you should want raising your kids. Not a role model, nothing to aspire to. My life is a mess.” 
Michael knew a few months would not undo years of self deprecation but it felt like a physical wound to hear her count herself out like this. How could she not see how perfect she was? How amazing she was? 
“You shouldn’t talk about yourself like that, baby. And should give yourself more credit. You are one of the kindest people I’ve ever met, you’re a survivor, hardworking, gentle, nurturing. That’s everything I want in a wife… and a mother for my children. You’re so much more than whatever your dad or idiot sister convinced you were. You’re everythin’.” 
“You don’t mean that,” she whispered, turning away her head to face the opposite wall. She could not let herself believe that. They had not been together long and Raven was still waiting for the honeymoon phase to end and the other shoe to drop. She knew he would walk up one day and realize he could not build anything real with her. He would hurt her and disappoint her just like every other person in her life. She desperately desired to be wrong but she also refused to let herself have too much hope. Because of all the things and people she survived in her life, Michael was the one thing she knew had the power to actually destroy her. 
He pulled her deeper into his chest and kissed her forehead tenderly. “Aint ever told you shit I didn’t mean, baby girl. And I get why you don’t believe it or trust it. But I’ll do whatever it takes to prove it to you. I’m here for the long haul, we’re gonna build that life together, I promise.” 
Her response felt lodged in her throat, too painful to release into the space. She tried to get them out but saying them out loud would make them too real. So she just pressed her lips into his chest before turning over and closing her eyes. She knew she did not need to say anything for Michael to know how she felt. He always knew. 
As he watched her attempt to sleep, Michael thought about his meeting the next day with Alex. He had spent his entire trip and tonight so wrapped up in his girl that he almost forgot Tasha was threatening to destroy their bubble. He had to figure out what to do because he saw that future with Raven as clear as day and no one and nothing would stand in his way. 
“I can’t believe you,” Alex muttered to herself as she paced around her office. “You know… one day, I would just love it if you summoned me or came down here with good news. You saved a fuckin’ family of puppies from a would-be murderer, helped an old lady cross the road, saved someone from a burning building… solved fuckin’ world hunger and told someone. But nooooooooo. It’s never that. It’s always some problem because you literally can’t keep your fuckin’ dick to yourself. Have you ever heard of masturbation?? O-Or a fuckin’ fleshlight??” 
Michael groaned as she ranted about his recklessness and foolishness.
“So you gon’ keep yellin’ at me or tell me how to fix this?” 
Alex scoffed. “Fixing the fact that you got involved with, not one, but TWO prostitutes, proceeded to fall in love with one of them like this is some nigga’s version of Pretty Woman, causing the other prostitute to get so jealous, she is extorting you for money is so far above my pay grade, it isn’t even funny.” 
“The amount I pay you?? Ain’t shit above your pay grade,” Michael muttered under his breath. “Look, I don’t know why you’re mad at me! I’m the victim here. Blackmail is a crime!” 
Alex could not keep the shrill laughter that bubbled to her lips from spilling over. “Oh fuck off. ‘I’m the victim,’” she mimicked with a vicious glare. “You're not the victim. You’re the fuckin’ unserious superstar idiot I’ve saddled my entire career to. But you sure as fuck aren’t the victim. The only victim here will be Raven. And me when I die prematurely from dealing with your bullshit. But mainly Raven when this girl tells the entire world she made her living getting paid for sex. They’ll rip her to shreds. You wouldn’t understand it because you’re a man and your privilege insulates you. You’ll be a punchline on late night tv for a few weeks and move on but she won’t come back from this. The world won’t let her come back from it.” 
“Didn’t come for a feminism 101 lecture, Alex. I know this fucks her over more than me. How do we fix it??” 
Alex threw her hands up in the air. “Fuck if I know? This is why I don’t like PR relationships, Michael. It always falls apart eventually, secrets don’t last in our world. To be honest, if it’s gonna come out anyway, I'd just admit the truth about how you met before Tasha could. You could own the narrative that way at least. But Raven isn’t going to agree to that, no woman in her shoes would.”
“So aside from giving her more money, how can I stop this?” 
“Wait more money? You already gave her some?” 
Michael shrugged. “Yea like $10k. Why?” 
Alex shook her head. “Well she’s not gonna stop at $10k. Honestly, that’s light work for how much I would’ve demanded. Now we’re dealin’ with a fucking stupid extortionist too.” She threw her hands up in the air in exasperation. “Eventually, it won’t be money she wants, Mike. She wants you and if you don’t want her, then I don’t know how to fix this.” she paused. “What did Raven say about all this?” 
Michael grimaced. “I… haven’t told her.” 
Alex’s eyes grew wide. “Annndd that’s why you schlepped your stupid ass all the way down here instead of having me come to you. You can’t keep this from her. It’s her name and reputation that’ll get dragged to hell and back if Tamara or whatever this fuckin girl’s name is, decides to skip her happy criminal ass to Page 6. You have to tell her, Michael, and let her know that you’re still in contact with this woman. I can sell water to fish in the goddamn ocean, I can spin anything out there. But I won’t be able to mend your relationship if she gets upset that you lied. Tell her and get ahead of this.” 
“I need a plan first. Raven is the strongest person I know, don’t get me wrong. But she’s been through too much shit for me to dump a problem I created on her doorstep. No one… no one in her life protects her. Protects her feelings and body and…” he ran his hand over his face. “I tried countless times since we got back but she’s finally happy, Alex. Finally has some peace. Is it that wrong for me to just pay Tasha and keep it movin’? Raven never even needs to know.” 
“It’s not wrong… the instinct isn’t wrong but it’s not right either when that peace is fiction. It’s not real, Michael. She deserves to know something that affects her life as much, frankly more than yours. Your reputation will recover, it always does. I’m not sure hers will. And maybe she would… make a different choice about your relationship if she knew that.” 
“You want her to leave me?” 
Alex raised her hands in surrender at his sharp tone. “No. I don’t want her to leave you. I actually really like her, certainly more than the other idiot instagram girls you paraded around here as your girlfriends. She did what I thought nothing could… she turned you into a serious person. But… maybe you two do need a break until this Tasha person is willing to let you go. She might decide that protecting her name, her peace… her ability to move through life without a modern scarlet A on her chest is more important than whatever feelings, however strong, she has for you. And you… your directorial debut is out in March. We’re about to start a press run in a month. Award season starts next Sunday, for which you are a highly anticipated nominee. Any scandal detracts from the biggest moment of your career. Look, I’m not telling you to do anything. But I am saying, it’s the only path I see that doesn’t destroy you both. And if you love her as much as you say you do, you’d take the short term hit to save her. Or at least present it as an option.”  
Michael heard everything she said and in his heart, he knew she was right. But what she was asking? His heart and soul would not allow him to do it.
“I can’t lose her, Alex. She’s the best thing that ever happened to me. I won’t lose her. I know Tash… she’s all bark, no bite. I give her some attention and throw some cash her way and this’ll all blow over.” 
Alex sized him up for a few moments before shrugging. “Well I hope for Raven’s sake, and mine, you know what you’re doing.” 
“I know what I’m doin’, Alex. I promise.” Michael knocked his knuckles against her desk before standing up to leave. 
“Are you really that good at sex?” she mused, glancing at him up and down as if she was trying to imagine it for herself. “I just can’t imagine anyone, especially a man, is good enough in bed to warrant all this.” 
“I know it ain’t your cup of tea,” he offered with a wink. “But what can I say? I’m blessed with hella talents.” 
Alex rolled her eyes. “Alright, well get your hella talented ass outta my office.” However, before he left, she called out. “Oh! The Golden Globes… need to know if you’re taking Raven so they can finalize the sitting chart.” 
Michael rolled his eyes. His least favorite part about his job: award season. An unbearable time of year made worse by the fact that he was nominated at every single one save the Tonys this year. He did not have the energy or desire to sit for hours on end, starving and be forced to smile and wave and pretend to be happy if he lost. But he knew the unbearable practice would be made a bit more bearable if Raven was by his side while he did it. 
“Shit. All this shit goin’ on since New Years, forgot to ask her. Tell them she’s goin’. I just gotta get them to pull her a dress and shit. Thanks for the reminder.” 
And with that, he started to walk out. As he reached his car, he pulled out his phone and texted Tasha to meet him at the St. Regis tomorrow night at 10. He was going to end this as soon as possible. 
Michael paced the length of his hotel room, wearing a hole in the carpet as he went. 
“This is a bad idea,” he mumbled to himself a couple of times. But this was the least of about 100 bad ideas in his mind and it was the only bad idea that protected his girlfriend’s peace. He knew Alex was right and it was wrong but he was determined to keep Raven as far from this situation as possible. 
However, even he had to admit to himself that his reasoning was not just to protect her peace. He also did not want to admit that he had still had conversations with Tasha before they were official, that he had made promises to her and then broke them. Raven was one of the few people on this planet who saw him as a good person and he refused to ruin that image. Protecting Raven and, selfishly, how she looked at him was all that mattered to him. What people said about him in the media and on Twitter did not. 
A soft knock on his door jolted him out of his thoughts and his limbs to move. He felt uncomfortable even meeting Tasha here but she had demanded their first meeting be in person. So here he was. 
When he opened the door, Tasha leaned against the door frame with a triumphant smirk painted on her face. A year ago, he would have pulled her inside and tore her clothes off with lightning speed. But today? He had never been less attracted to someone in his life, less enthused to see someone.
“Hey baby.” 
Her arms snaked around his broad shoulders as she leaned in for a kiss. A kiss that Michael artfully and skillfully dodged. He twisted out of her embrace and pulled her into his hotel room, sparing a quick glance down the long hotel hallway to ensure no prying eyes lurked before slamming the door shut.
“You don’t seem happy to see me, baby.” 
Michael could hear the teasing in her voice, could tell she enjoyed whatever power trip she currently had over him. 
“Why would I be happy to see someone blackmailin’ and threatenin’ me?” he mumbled just loud enough for her to hear him. 
“Forcing you to follow through with the promises you made to me is hardly blackmail.” She sat down on the edge of the expansive bed and leaned back slightly on her hands. 
Michael had hoped to keep this “meeting” as brief as possible. He did not want to be in a room with her for any longer than he needed to. He walked over to the bed and grabbed two envelopes he had sat on the bedside table. He tossed the thicker one, filled with cash, at her before walking across the room and leaning on the desk to watch her. 
“Another $10k at your request. Now, tell me a number.”
“A number for what?” she asked innocently. 
“A number big enough to get you to sign this,” he tossed another envelope at her. “Standard NDA and an agreement not to contact me or Raven again.” 
Tasha let out a low humorless chuckle. “All this… for that basic nobody. You never did a fraction of this shit for me…” she mused as she unfolded the papers and read them silently. 
Michael scoffed. “I did everything we agreed to. Flew you out, bought you more shit than I could count. The only thing Raven got that you didn’t was my heart and I’m not apologizin’ for that. What we had was business, Tash. And our business needs to end now. So what’s the number?” 
Tasha stared at him for a few minutes before discarding them on the bed. “Fine. I’ll deal. $50k and one more night. The two of us. And I’ll sign them. That’s the price.” 
“Not happenin’, name a number.” 
Tasha merely shrugged. “Nope. You want me out of your life? That’s the price. Both things.” 
“Why? Let’s cut the bullshit, Tash. You don’t love me, you don’t want me. You want my money. So name a higher number.” 
“You’re absolutely right. I don’t love you… I’m not Raven, an idiot who falls for the first client I get. I love your money and the comfort it provides. But one thing I don’t like is disrespect. You dropped me out in the cold with no warning like two years of fucking you meant nothing. Like I meant nothing. So yea, maybe months ago, it would’ve just been about the money. But now, it’s about so much more than that.” 
“So what? You blackmail me into fuckin’ you one more time and it proves what?” 
Tasha laughed. “Doesn’t prove anything except that you ain’t shit, which I already knew. I don’t need proof of anything. See you and Raven were built on a lie and honestly, watching the two of you fall the fuck apart will bring me far more joy than a couple extra bucks. Fuck me and the guilt will eat that good boy you bury deep inside alive. Eventually, you’ll crack and Raven’ll find out. Or I dunno, maybe I’ll tell her. Either way, I could smell the insecurities on that girl from a mile away. She’ll never forgive you and your relationship falls apart. Don’t fuck me and I tell the world you did anyway and that she was a prostitute. And then your relationship definitely falls apart when her life gets ruined. Either way, I get cash, you end up alone and Raven learns what so many girls before also learned the hard way: don’t fuck with what’s mine. I was thinking of calling TMZ the week of the Oscars? That’ll sure spice up the biggest week of your career. Or maybe right before the Creed III premiere… any preference?” At his silence, she merely shrugged. “Well, just let me know. Feel free to keep booking this room for us until you decide. I always liked this view.” 
As Michael watched her, he quickly realized how he wholly underestimated her in every possible way. This was not a woman who was willing to let him go. Ever. And both of his “choices” were specifically designed to hurt Raven. There was no scenario where she came out of it unscathed. And it was really all his fault. Had he simply cut Tasha off at the onset or been smarter about how he handled her, they would not be in this mess. 
Michael stood and walked toward the door. 
“I’ll call you to book our time next week. Maybe you’ll change your mind. Or maybe I’ll change my mind and call TMZ before then,” she called after him as Michael slammed the door behind them. 
As he stood in the barren hotel hallway, he resisted the urge to punch a hole in the wall before his security whisked him away to the service elevator to take him outside to his car. He was thankful Alex had been willing to book the hotel under her name and credit card. He would not have considered it originally but after that conversation, he would not have put it past Tasha to add the hotel receipt to her arsenal of blackmail. 
He slammed the door of his jeep with such force even Allen jumped slightly at the sound. 
“My bad,” he mumbled as he slouched back into his seat. He could not remember the last time something had frustrated him to this degree. He was fucked. They were fucked. Tasha had him by the balls and he knew there was no move that would get him out of this mess without throwing Raven under the bus. 
He refused to cheat on Raven. Not just because he knew it would just give Tasha another thing to hold over him but because that was simply not him. He played the role of the bad boy, terrible guy but the one line he had never crossed with a girlfriend in his life was to cheat on her. He knew that pain intimately and he vowed to never inflict it on someone else. He had never even been tempted to cheat. And Raven would certainly not be the woman he broke that vow on. 
And because he knew he would never sleep with Tasha or any woman who was not Raven again, there was no end to this in sight. He would just have to sit and wait for her to lob a grenade and blow up his girlfriend’s life. And that made him feel like more of a failure than any flopped movie or failed deal ever had. He was supposed to be the one person in her life that protected her and he had failed her, just like everyone else. 
“Bad night, Mr. Jordan?” Allen called from the front seat. 
“Somethin’ like that.” He sighed. “Fucked up and not sure it’s fixable.” 
Allen glanced back in the rearview mirror and nodded. “Is it not fixable or do you just not like the consequences of fixing it?” 
Michael bowed his head. He adored Allen but lately, he hated him and his meddling, correct but unsolicited advice. However, he would never say that to him.
“Mixture of both. Really just no way to fix it that doesn’t hurt someone I love.”
“That transparent, huh?” 
Allen smiled to himself. “You always were, sir. If all the answers hurt her, then you have to decide which path causes the least harm to her. And then you just hope she forgives you when it’s over. That’s all you can do. Or you find another path that doesn’t.” 
Michael’s head thudded against his seat’s headrest. He knew Allen was right, just as Alex had been. There was no fixing this situation, no silver bullet that would solve all of their problems and save Raven’s reputation in the process. All roads led to the same destination: the world finding out he and Raven lied. But there was one path that bypassed Tasha, put more of the media focus on him and his terrible decisions, and allowed him to control the when, where, and how of it all. And it did not hurt that this particular path would also allow him to hold Tasha accountable for all her shit in the process. 
“Thanks, Allen.” 
He pulled his phone out of his pocket and found Alex’s number. It was late but she was, thankfully, just as much of a night owl as he was. 
“Finish your date with your favorite extortionist?” Alex joked as she picked up the phone. He could hear her munching on something as she spoke, likely popcorn. 
“You always got jokes. Listen… I think you were right earlier. Let’s control the narrative.” 
He could hear her shifting around as if she were sitting up at his words. “Ok, I’m intrigued. Raven? You gonna ask her what she thinks?” 
He shook his head. “Nah. If we do it right, she never needs to know.”
It was after midnight by the time Michael arrived back home. However, he and Alex had worked out a foolproof plan during the drive. A plan they felt would allow Michael to take the biggest hit while Raven’s name would be a mere footnote by any reporter who doesn’t want to be accused of misogyny. It did all hinge on Tasha dragging out her games for longer than a week. But Michael had a feeling she would. She clearly enjoyed watching him squirm. They’d get past the Golden Globes and then he would seek help from someone whose only motivation in this world was money, someone who - for the right price - would do exactly what he asked.  
He said a quick goodnight to Allen before running up the stairs to his master bedroom. He was surprised to find Raven curled up on his side of the bed, her face buried in his pillow. Her preferred sleeping position was literally on top of him and he knew, when he wasn’t home, this was the best she could get. 
He laughed lightly at her kindle which was half hanging out of her hand, the young woman clearly having fallen asleep reading. She had not even put her scarf on the giant pineapple of curls on her head or taken off her reading glasses, which told him she had tried her hardest to stay awake till he got home. He watched her, like a creep admittedly, for several minutes before he moved. 
He had never felt love like this a day in his life. He had always accepted that he would never find it, never find someone who could and would love him unconditionally. But she did, she loved him even though he was not sure he deserved it. And everytime she looked at him, touched him, curled into his side to sleep, he felt the depths of it in his very being. Their love was pure and he refused to let anyone taint it. 
He moved as quietly as possible to the bed and took the kindle out of her hand and slid her glasses off. Thankfully, she slept like a rock. However, she only stirred as he tried to gently tie her scarf around her edges to protect her hair. She stretched and let out a deep but insanely cute yawn as she blinked a few times. 
“H-Hey babe. S-sorry, I tried to wait for you.” 
Michael leaned forward and kissed her on the forehead. “Don’t apologize. I didn’t mean to wake you. Just knew you’d be pissed if you woke up with no scarf on.” 
She chuckled. “You’re right about that. H-How was your dinner meeting?” 
“Fine,” he waved his hand dismissively. He hated that he had lied to her but it was the only excuse he could think of that did not bring more questions. Raven was generally inquisitive but she tended to understand the often secret nature of some roles and Hollywood meetings so she did not often pry for information he did not offer up. “Might have a role for me but shit is still in flux. We’ll probably need to meet again to iron out some details.” 
She nodded as she forced herself into a seated position. “I’ll never understand you Hollywood types. Who wants to have a dinner meeting at 10 pm?” 
“Logistics are easier for later dinners. It’s a whole thing.” He rolled his shoulders a bit, the tension of the day making his entire body ache. 
“You ok? You seem so tense, baby.” 
He studied her for a moment, taking in the genuine care on her face. So few people looked at him like that, like a human with needs and feelings. They just saw him as a product to sell or an ATM to get their needs met. But not Raven, never Raven. Even when he was quite literally paying her to be there. She saw him for him. And in that moment, he realized how close he was to losing that, how at risk this precious peace they both had found was. And that terrified him. Losing her terrified him. And he knew that whatever path he chose, that was the risk. And that filled him with such an overwhelming sense of dread. 
He rarely felt overwhelmed by his own feelings. But right then, he felt like he could not even think straight enough to answer that simple question. And he knew that simple question was his out, his chance to tell her the truth about what tension he was feeling and why.  
So instead of speaking, he used his impeccable strength to pull her into his lap. Her fingers played in the coarse hair of his beard as he stared at her, concern filling her eyes as she took in the solemn and stressed look in his.  
“Hey… baby… what’s wrong?” 
“N-Nothin’. Nothin’,” he lied, his courage deflating like a popped balloon. As soon as the words left his mouth, his lips crashed into hers, stealing her breath right out of her mouth. He could not talk, could not have a conversation. He just needed to feel her, all of her. 
He could not bring himself to do it, to ask her for her permission to do what he knew had to be done. All roads led to the same destination and this was the only one he could see that left them with the least amount of bruises. He did not have the heart to tell her that the only path forward for them was to destroy her reputation now or have Tasha do it later. He did not have the heart to tell her he failed her, that he could not protect her from this. 
Raven could feel everything in that kiss, his own stress and tension and pain. She wondered if more had gone on tonight at his meeting than he was willing to let on. Typically, Michael was the emotional rock, holding her up and giving her space to fall apart. But tonight, she was reminded that sometimes the strong ones need that too. 
She broke off their kiss to catch her breath before whispering, “Take what you need.” 
Michael rested his forehead against hers. “You sure?” 
“Consider me your stress ball,” she joked with a half smile. “Do your worst. I trust you.”
Trust you don’t deserve, a cold voice inside hurled at him. 
Michael said nothing as he flipped Raven over onto her stomach. There was no love or sweetness in the way he handled her as he arranged her lethargic limbs in the position he desired, ass high and face pressed into his comforter. He did not give her any warning as he sheathed himself inside her with one thrust, Raven squealing at the sudden and rough intrusion. 
“Fuckkkkkkkk,” she moaned as he bottomed out inside her. She did not understand how his size and girth still managed to leave her breathless. 
“You always this wet for me, baby?” 
“Y-Yes,” she whimpered as he gave her a brief moment to adjust to him. 
“Yes what?” he demanded with a sharp and painful slap against her plump ass. “Yes daddy,” she amended quickly. She could already tell she would be bruised and sore by the time he was done with her. But she could not hope to care. Whatever he needed, she would gladly give. 
They rarely did quickies, Michael enjoyed the warm up far too much to skip it. But tonight, he needed the adrenaline of rough, uninhibited fucking. He needed to hear her screams, the slaps of his hips against her ass. Needed to feel the soft skin of her hips beneath his hand as he rammed into her. He needed to let go of the stress of the last 48 hours with the woman he loved, let go of the feelings of objective failure he felt. He needed to get lost in her. 
Raven was in pure bliss as Michael fucked her at a pace and intensity she had rarely seen from him. She could not even keep up with him to match his thrusts into her. All she could do was lay there and scream out as he took her. 
“Shit, shit. J-just like that,” she moaned as his hands dug into her skin. Her fingers curled around the softness of his comforter as she used it to muffle the screams of her orgasm.  
“Fuck, this pussy feels so good gripping my dick, baby. That’s right, cum for daddy.” 
Her body instinctively shied away from the overwhelming feelings of pleasure and pain he provided, causing his grip to only grow tighter so she could not escape him, as if she would disappear right before his eyes if he loosened his grip on her at all. 
“The fuck you runnin’ for?? You said do my worst right? So take this dick!” His voice was commanding as he spanked her, the sound reverberating around his bedroom. 
“I-It’s too m-much,” she moaned out as she felt another orgasm start to build. 
“You can take it. I know you can. Be a good girl for me.” 
Hearing the words “good girl” on his lips were almost enough to make her orgasm right then on the spot. 
Her upper body collapsed as another orgasm hit her like a train of endless ecstasy. Only Michael’s brute strength held her up as he chased his own release. Her body felt like putty in his hands, completely pliant and under his control. 
“You gonna cum again for me, baby?” he demanded. 
Raven felt as if he was fucking her into another dimension, was she even on Earth anymore? She could barely form thoughts let alone words to answer his questions. And as the silence stretched on and only her moans and squeals punctuated the sound of his thrusts, Michael knew she needed an incentive to remember the rules. 
He wrapped his fist in her hair, which had unceremoniously fallen out of her scarf and pulled her up so her back was flush against his body. He wrapped his hand around her throat and squeezed lightly, loving how Raven’s eyes rolled back into her head and a long moan escaped her. He noticed the tear tracks on her cheeks and almost wondered if he was pushing her too far. 
“Need me to stop?” he asked quietly, not slowing down his pace or movement as he asked. 
Despite how overwhelmed and exhausted she felt, Raven could not comprehend the idea of him stopping. She had offered him this and she wanted it too. “D-don’t stop… p-please don’t stop.” 
“Ok then. When daddy asks you somethin’, you fuckin’ answer!” 
He let her body fall forward before he started spanking her with every ounce of strength he had. The pain radiated through her entire body but it was a delicious hurt, one she wished she could have all the time. Michael’s spankings were one of her favorite parts of their sex life. But now she knew that he was holding back some of his strength on her account. And she did not want that ever again. If this was him totally uninhibited and unrestrained, she would be his stress ball every day of the week.
She shook her head as tears slowly trekked down her face. “I-I c-can’t…” 
Whether that was to convey that she could not speak or couldn’t come again, Michael did not know nor did not care. Until he heard a safeword cross her lips, he would drain them both of everything they collectively had. 
“Yea, you can. Cause daddy demands it.” 
His fingers found their way to her clit and roughly circled it, Raven’s entire body tensing as she reached her peak for the third time. He thanked the good lord he had had the forethought to soundproof his bedroom when he built this house years ago. That way he nor his parents had to be scarred for life. But even he wondered if her screams of pleasure would test the limits of that particular design feature. 
However, they were the perfect symphony that pushed him right over the edge. He increased his pace, as if that were possible, hammering into her before he pressed her hips tightly against his form as he came inside her with a loud moan of his own. He collapsed next to her prone form for a moment as he tried to catch his breath. 
He ran his hand through her hair, the young woman letting out a soft, appreciative whimper that acknowledged his touch and gentleness but let him know she was utterly spent.
He pushed himself out of bed and started a bath, adding some epsom salt to the water in hopes that would soothe whatever aches he caused. He returned to his bed and rubbed her back to get her attention. 
“Bath,” he whispered, before he scooped her up into his arms as if she were a small child. He carried her into the bathroom and quickly redid her hair and scarf before settling her into the tub.
A moan slipped past her lips as the hot water surrounded her limbs. Michael positioned himself behind her, his arm pressed into her breasts to keep her flush to his chest.  
“Was I too rough?” 
Her heart warmed at the question. She would not have offered her body to him if she had not wanted rough but she appreciated that he still cared enough about her to check in, during and after. 
“No, I love it when you get lost in it. But you’re sure you’re ok?” 
“Yea… think the stress of the awards and the press tour next month are just getting to me. I’m good, babe.” A cop out but it was all he could offer. 
Though it was difficult to get her limbs to move properly, she shifted so she could turn around and look at him. She chewed on her lip for a moment before saying, “You’d tell me if… something was wrong, right? Like you’re always there for me and my problems, listening and fixing. A-and well… I know I can’t like fix whatever it is or anything or probably even understand it. But I hope you know you can trust me with stuff. I just d-don’t want you to think you can’t… if you ever need to o-or - ” 
Michael leaned forward and captured her lips, silencing the sweet ramblings his girl was known for. 
“Yea I know, baby.”
He felt her entire body sort of deflate with relief before she settled back against his chest. 
“Good. I’m glad.” 
They sat in silence as Michael’s hands slowly and methodically massaged her body, starting at her shoulders and working their way down at a deliciously slow but tantalizing pace. He took his time, kneading each of her muscles until the ache she felt subsided. His hands were massaging her thighs, which was doing more to work her up than calm her down, when Michael 
“Be my date on Sunday.” He kissed her on the neck. 
“Sunday? What’s on Sunday?” she asked, not even opening her eyes as she enjoyed the work of the Lord Almighty he was doing on her thighs. 
“The Globes.” 
Raven immediately pushed off of his chest in shock. An award show? Those glittery and glamorous programs she had watched as a kid? 
What’s my fucking life right now?? She asked herself as it hit her, for the first time, that things like this would be a regular occurrence now that she and Michael were serious. This was the big leagues and she was going to be standing right beside him. 
“The Globes… as in THE Golden Globes?? You’re kidding right?” 
He laughed at the look of utter shock on her face. “Yes, those Globes. And nah, why would I joke about that shit? I want the sexiest woman in the world on my arm when I win.” 
Michael did not want to be ruled by fear of when Tasha would lob her grenade at them, if she even had the chance. They deserved to just have a fun and extravagant night out together. This would be the biggest night of his career and if their names were going to be thrown into a scandal either way, he could at least enjoy a night out with Raven before it does. 
Raven shook her head, though her heart and childish brain screamed at her for doing so. Why was she pushing back? Every fiber of her being just wanted her to yell “YES, YES, YES!” 
“B-But what about your parents?? Maybe you should take one of them o-or your siblings? I mean I’d love to go. Like seriously THE Golden Globes with like every entertainer I adore and love? But this is such a big moment in your career. Don’t you want to spend it with… I dunno, the people who’ve been there for the ride? I just got here,” she chuckled. “Don’t ask me out of some obligation. If there’s someone else you’d prefer, I won’t be offended. I didn’t expect an invite to all these anyway, you know? Figured you take family or your friends or someone more important to you… What if you look back and regret not taking one of them? You should -” 
“Babe!” he cut her off, his palm cradling her cheek to keep her gaze on him.. “You said all that in one breath. Breathe for me, baby girl.” Raven appreciated that he could always see when she was spiraling and stop it. She forced air into her lungs before nodding for him to speak. “My family’s been to hella award shows, they’ve seen as many of them as a single person could ever want to. But even if they hadn’t, you’re the most important person to me right now. So I want to look out if I win and see you there. You are the most important person in my life.” 
“You’re sure?” 
“Wouldn’t have asked if I wasn’t, promise.” 
“Then yes. I’d love to.” She turned fully and straddled his hips, kissing him deeply. Her hips instinctively grinded against him, a smile gracing her features as she felt his cock start to grow hard beneath him. She did not care that he fucked her into near oblivion a mere 10 minutes ago. Just him offering to take her to the biggest award show of his career to date filled her with such joy and happiness. And now, she had no interest in going to sleep. Now? She just needed more. More of him and his love, attention, and care. 
“Not too sore, baby girl?” he asked as he pulled one of her nipples in between his lips and sucked gently before biting the swell of her breast, Raven’s head falling back with a small cry. 
“Never… I need you,” she whispered in his ear as she sucked on the soft skin of his neck. “Please.” 
“Get up here and ride daddy’s dick.” 
Raven did not need to be told twice as she positioned herself over him and slid down. 
“Enjoy it cause then it’s my turn again.” He winked at her with the most wicked glint in his eyes that let Raven know she would not sleep for hours. 
“So how does it feel? Mr. Golden Globe winner??” Raven asked for the 100th time as she and Michael walked back into the condo. The condo was really only used now when they were at events super late. And staying out until 3 am meant neither of them were all too interested in making the trek back to his home. 
Michael chuckled, “The same way it felt 10 minutes ago, Rae.” 
She gave herself a playful facepalm. “I’m sorry, I’m being annoying. I’m just so excited for you! I mean tonight was amazing and magical and you were amazing and everyone was literally singing your praises. And I’m just…” she turned and wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders. “I’m really proud of you. No one deserves this moment more.” 
“Thank you. It was even better with you by my side.” 
Raven let out a childlike squeal as Michael picked her up in his arms, her after party dress bunched up in his hands. However, before she could tell him to be careful of the fabric, he merely smirked. “It’ll be on the floor in a minute. Don’t worry bout that shit.” 
She merely rolled her eyes as he playfully tossed her onto his bed and launched himself on top of her. She let out a loud oof as his weight pushed her deeper into the bed and laughed. 
She moaned as he kissed her before she had to stop him for a brief moment. As much as she loved being glammed up by his team, she could not deny that the full glam and fake lashes they put on her were not as comfortable almost 10 hours later. 
“Let me hang up the dress and wash my face before you ravish me? These lashes are killing me and it’s gonna take me a few minutes to peel these spanx off.” 
He seemed wholly uninterested in letting her do any of those things until the phone in his pants started to ring. He knew only one person who dared to call him this late. The disgruntled huff he pushed out made her cackle but he rolled off of her, allowing her to get up. 
“Fine, I’ll allow it. But only cause Alex would only call this late if it was important.” 
As he answered the phone, she disappeared into the guest room where all of her clothes were stored. She made quick work of stripping down to her panties and ensuring her dress was stowed properly in its garment bag. It had been a delicate yet gorgeous gown and she had not trusted Michael not to accidentally destroy it in his quest to get it off her. She knew he could afford to pay for it but she did not even want to know how much a Valentino dress would set him back.  
She joyfully ripped the fake lashes on her eyes off before washing her face several times to get off all the makeup she had on. She looked stunning, as she always did when his glam team got a hold of her. But she also would rather do this tedious task now than in a few hours when Michael was done with her. 
She thought about slipping into some lingerie as she pulled off her nipple covers. But she figured it would take more time than necessary to put any of it on and Michael would likely just rip it off her within seconds. So she made her way back to his room nearly naked with just her thong on. 
However, when she returned, Michael’s mood was far more subdued than when she left. She raised an eyebrow as she straddled his hips, his hands barely touching her hips, a departure from his usual grip on her. 
“Everything ok?” 
“That was Alex. We… got a problem.” 
He rubbed her lower back as he spoke as if that would calm her for whatever was about to come out of his mouth. “She got a call from TMZ that they have a source… that told them about us. How we met and… that we lied to everyone about it. And they are gonna run it sometime tomorrow.” 
Raven scratched her forehead, the joy she felt moments ago dissipating almost immediately. 
This can’t be happening… 
 “W-what?? B-But… N-No, no. She’s… I-is she sure?” 
“Baby, calm down. It’s gonna be ok. Apparently, the angle he took was favorable to you? It doesn’t shame you or anything. It’s just honest about the circumstances of how we met.” 
Raven felt as if her whole world had just come falling down around her as she leapt off his lap. “It’s favorable to me?? That’s a super small comfort w-when you just told me that the entire world is about to find out I was a prostitute, Michael! C-Cause no one’s gonna care that you were date number like 3 in a series of failed dates o-or that you were the first guy to even pay me for sex. They’re just gonna care that I did it. This reporter doesn’t need to shame me when the whole fucking world will.” She paced up and down beside his bed as she tried to will her panic to subside. “I-Is there anyway to stop it?? W-why is this even happening?? I mean it’s been months. Who would even care enough to c-come out and say something now??” 
Michael stood and grabbed her by the arm, he pulled her into his embrace but he knew it would do little to soothe her. “It could’ve been anyone? Employee at the hotel, someone who works for Helen. Alex is trying to find out who and more about the story so we can figure out what to do. And this person probably realized that now, with award season and Creed, would be the most profitable time to release shit about me. I’m sorry, Rae. I should’ve seen this comin’. It’s my fault.” 
The clear guilt in his voice cut through the haze of panic she felt and caused her to stop thinking about herself for a moment. 
Fuck, how selfish are you? A story like this could potentially ruin his career and all she could think about was how it affected her. Michael could lose work and deals and prestige because of a story like this. What did she have to lose? A family that already hated her and she had  cut off? A reputation that, at least in the industry she was once in, was already tarnished? 
“No, d-don’t apologize. I'm sorry. I’m over here freaking out and you’re the one with an actual career to lose. I just… I guess when it didn’t come out initially, I assumed it wouldn’t? A-and I just… freaked out. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t make it all about me.” 
“It’s cool. And ok to be upset. I’m used to shit like this… you aren’t. Good thing is, shit like this stays in the news for a few days and then it passes. Alex and I’ll work on a plan tomorrow once it’s out and fix this shit. I promise.” 
All Raven could make herself do was nod as she let her forehead fall onto his bare chest, a sudden wave of exhaustion hitting her. Even with Michael, there was always something. There was no true peace in her life, or least, none that lasted long enough for her to enjoy it. 
An uncomfortable tightness grew in her chest as she realized what was barreling toward them both. And for the first time in a long time, Michael’s arms did not bring her the comfort she needed. In fact, they only added to her stress. She wanted to be with him but she also knew that her presence would be a distraction. He had to figure out the best response for his career without feeling the need to cater to her emotions and she wanted to break down and cry and scream without being worried he would feel guilty. 
Which meant she could not be there with him when this story broke. She needed space and alone time to process this. 
“Do you think Allen could take me home?” she whispered. “I n-need to be alone.” 
“Rae, stay. We should talk about this.” 
She could see the panic bloom in his eyes and it made her adjust her statement. “I’m not m-mad at you, baby.  You don’t have control over who talks to the media and when. I know you would stop it if you could. I just… knowing it’s coming out is a lot to process and I need to do that alone in my own space. And you need to be focused on your career, not me and my feelings. I’ll check in with you tomorrow but I d-don’t want to talk tonight. I just want to be alone.” 
Michael pressed his lips to her forehead before walking over to his dresser and pulling out a pair of leggings and a sweatshirt that she had stored there. He helped her get dressed before calling Allen to come back to take her home. He knew she was not upset with him but he could not help but feel disheartened at how she retreated into herself. He could see all the emotions she felt painted on her face and that made him want to demand she stay so he could help her through it. 
But he knew that was not fair. If she said she needed space, he had to respect that. The reason she was feeling this way was his fault anyway.
“You’re sure you’re gonna be ok? I can come with you?” He tried one last time when Allen texted that he was downstairs. 
“Positive. Just need a couple hours to myself to get my head around everything. I’ll come to the house tomorrow evening after it's out and we can talk. Just give me a few hours, please.” 
He nodded, silently acquiescing to her wishes, despite every piece of him wanting to protest. 
Raven offered him a peck on the lips before heading down in the elevator, desperate to scream or yell or throw something across the room. She supposed she always knew there was a chance it could come out. After all, there were a handful of people that knew the truth. But she had just lulled herself into believing it wouldn’t, that their peace would be safe. 
Her head felt like it was spinning when she finally laid down an hour later in her own bed. She had only taken the time to switch into one of Michael’s sweatshirts that she had commandeered from his house so she could curl up in his scent. She wrapped herself tightly in her blanket and let out a shuddering and shaky breath. 
He’s gonna leave you. A voice finally said the fear that gripped her since he told her the news. She had not wanted to admit it but she knew it was coming. He was going to leave her. 
How could he possibly stay? Why would he want to stay? His entire team would demand he cut ties with her. There was no other option. She knew it and he likely knew it too. His safest bet was likely to paint her as a woman who manipulated him or a gold digger after his money. She spent enough time on social media to know what the media and everyday people would say about her. They’d call her a slut and a whore, never mind that she was only doing what she had to do to survive. That would not matter to them. And then the dogpilling would begin. Some internet detective would find out she was also a stripper and this would give her sister the perfect chance to shame her like she always wanted to. 
‘There are always other options than selling yourself’ they’d say. They’d question his manhood for even wanting to be with her in the first place. And it would not matter that prostitution was the oldest profession in civilization or that Michael was her first real customer. Her doing it with him would be enough for them to brand her with every terrible name women avoid being labeled. 
She hastily wiped away the few tears that fell as she stared at her ceiling. These would be her last few moments of peace in her life and she realized that tonight was likely her last night with Michael. She felt her heart break at the idea. However, she would walk away, she realized. If that was what it took to save him and his career and this moment in his life, she would walk away from him. It would cut her deeper than any wound but she would do it for him if he asked. 
And now, every second felt like a countdown to that moment. When she would arrive at his house tomorrow afternoon and be greeted with the cold slap of rejection. She would just have to prepare herself. 
She reached into her nightstand and pulled out a bottle of old sleeping pills she used to use when she first lost her writing contract. She had struggled so much that her doctor prescribed them. It had been almost a year since she needed them but tonight was an exception. She just wanted to fall into the deep, dreamless sleep they provided so she would not have to sit awake and think about how everything in this world was designed to destroy her. She popped one in her mouth and snuggled up with her pillow while her tears fell, the protective blanket of sleep covering her within minutes. 
Tag List: @readinghere2023 @blackerthings @prettyisasprettydoes1306 @physicxal @purplehairgawdess @miyuhpapayuh @rueruesclues @geemamii @certifiedlesbianbaddie @pipsqueak-98 @nyifly22 @destinio1 @twocentaur @gopaperless @musicisme333 @roguekiki @majesticbrownjawn @taurusqueen83 @mysteryuz @miamormilan @itsknor-thedeep @naj-ay444 @mads-grace4 @nayaesworld @kholdkill @msniaimani @nccu-rnc @apenasumlug4r
A/N: Welp... Michael's keeping secrets, Tasha is smarter (kinda, maybe?) than Michael thought and poor Raven's completely in the dark. Drop a comment and let me know who you think this "source" is and how you think these two are going to react to the article! And so exciting - chapter 9 is like 1/3 done lol so it'll be out in the next two weeks. Would be sooner but I'm on vacation next week. Thanks for reading, commenting, liking... all the things! :)
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misc-obeyme · 4 months
Hello my beloved CC I’d love to hear about how Mephistopheles would react to MC giving him conversation hearts?
Dearest Violet, I hope you're having a fabulous Valentine's Day!
I really thought I wouldn't have time to do all the other characters today, but the stars have aligned and gave me some unexpected extra hours! So I went ahead and did everybody, including of course our man Mephisto! I also did my OC Arsenios because I was curious about what his reaction would be lol.
Thank you for asking! 💕
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XOXO Part Two - GN!MC x side characters & OC Arsenios
Warnings: none!
Part One
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Absolutely thrilled, of course. Tell him everything you know about conversation hearts, even if it's just that they exist and are sold every year. Watch his eyes get all shiny as he looks at them because he thinks they're so adorable.
He will eat them, but he will read every single one in the box out loud to you first. And he'll want you to eat them with him, so he's going to deliberately give you the ones that he would actually like to say to you. This means you end up eating most of them because he can't help himself.
Give him the one that says MY HERO and watch him blush. He tries to keep his cool, but you can see how much it means to him. He's happy you gave him these, MC. Thank you for sharing a piece of your world with him.
Now you're the one blushing. Diavolo gives you his signature laugh and pulls you into his arms. Gives you the last one that just says KISS before doing exactly that.
He's surprised, but quite happy because it turns out he actually made his own version to give to you. He thought you might like a little piece of home, but he never expected you to share that same thing with him. He's touched that you thought of him, MC.
He is aware of them because of his tendency to learn about human world desserts and candies. The ones he made for you are beyond delicious. You insist he share them with you because they taste better than the normal chalk version. Barbatos is happy to, but he finds the regular human world variety quite charming as well.
His hearts have a lot of the usual cute sayings, but a couple of them have more elaborate decorations such as a little bouquet of flowers or an elegant lace pattern. You can't help but blush when you find one that just says your name.
He finds the same message in both sets of hearts and gives them to you. They say BE MINE. Give him one back that says I'M YOURS and all the sweet candies are forgotten because he needs you in his arms that very second.
Oh these are incredibly cute. He's so happy that you've given him some! If the box happens to have any texting acronyms, though, he will be baffled. Holds one up for you that says TTYL with a question in his eyes. Explain to him what they all mean and that it's only something they include because they're short enough to fit on the hearts.
Simeon finds them delightful. He'll be especially pleased if you give him an extra box for Luke. He thinks Luke would love to decorate a cake with some of these!
But he has to admit that the messages are a little too short to truly encompass how he feels about you. He shifts some of them around to from little sentences, eventually landing on REAL LOVE, PEACE, FOREVER. Do you understand what he's trying to say, MC?
Maybe you form your own sentence in hopes that he'll see you do understand. Something like ONLY YOU, ANGEL. Watch him blush and smile. Then he's kissing you and it's far sweeter than anything a conversation heart has to offer.
Of course he's already familiar with this particular item from your shared human experience. He was probably alive when they first came on the scene and he might tell you about it if you prod him enough. He might not have been paying much attention, though, so likely his memory on this just that they showed up at some point.
He's really quite happy that you gave him some. His instinct is to wow you by using magic to alter them. He turns them different colors and changes the words on them. He makes one spell out a whole Shakespeare sonnet one or two words at a time.
You can't help but laugh at that, but you tell him it's cheating. If he really wants to let you know how he feels, he has to use what's already in the box. He accepts your challenge. Have you forgotten who you're dealing with, MC?
Surprises you by not giving you a whole stack of them. He only hands you a single heart. It says, boldly and clearly, I LOVE YOU. He's smiling his mischievous smile, but there's a slight blush there, too. Your answer is a kiss.
At first he's somewhat confused. Why are you giving him a box full of chalk, MC? He's not exactly familiar with human world stuff, so he doesn't realize it's candy at first. Explain it to him and he's surprisingly appreciative. He wasn't expecting you to think of him.
Really knock his socks off by giving him a few extra boxes for his little brother. The fact that you remembered he has one really makes him soft. It also gives him the opportunity to ask about your own family. He wants to know about them, if you want to talk about them.
Now you're having a whole conversation that goes far beyond the hearts, but you're both enjoying them together. He might not even like them all that much, but he seems to be content to eat them with you.
Deliberately give him one that says FIRST KISS and watch him get flustered. Acts like it wasn't an invitation on your part, so you'll have to be a little more blatant if you actually want him to kiss you. Eventually he gets the message and it turns out he's wanted to kiss you all along. You can tell by how hungry his lips are and the way he wraps his arms so tightly around you.
Surprises you by actually knowing about them. Seems confused by your surprise. Surely you've heard about Michael's preference for sweet things. That extends to human world items like this, too. He doesn't really get the appeal, but he is happy that you thought of him.
He actually likes the brevity of the messages. They're short and efficient, communicating a single sentiment quickly and clearly. Nobody could misinterpret something that says CALL ME. That's pretty straightforward, don't you think, MC?
This argument is all well and good until you give him one that says XOXO. He has no idea what that means. Perhaps it's in a human world language he's not familiar with? He takes back everything he said about clear communication.
Once you explain what they mean, he gets a little flustered. Hugs and kisses? Why not just say that? Distract him by pulling him in for a simultaneous hug and kiss. He's blushing for real now. He understands the essence of XOXO a little better, but he wouldn't mind if you showed him again.
Wow, humans do some really adorable things, don't they? Look at these tiny hearts with cheesy words on them! They look like chalk, but she finds them endearing. And of course she's trying to hide how pleased she is that you gave her something. It's really cute of you.
She's already coming up with ways to use them for traps. Put a spell on one and leave it somewhere an immortal sorcerer just might happen to find it. She might do it, too, if you don't distract her a bit.
Find one that says MY GIRL to give to her. She smiles and blushes just a little, but leans in to ask if you think she belongs to you. Maybe you tell her that you'd like that. A direct response such as that flusters her and now she's not sure how to react.
Searches through the hearts, but she can't seem to find one that says what she wants, so she just shoves the first one she picks up toward you. It says LOL. You actually do laugh because it's pretty cute how flustered she is. She decides to clear things up by kissing you. You get a little dizzy at how quickly she goes from shy to bold. It's some time before she lets you go.
The minute you put the box in his hand, he's fighting down a blush because wow, you are really cute, MC. A sweet little human like you actually taking the time to give him these candies stamped with lovey phrases really surprises him.
He takes them all out of the box and lines them up in the way that makes the most sense. You're a little confused about why he's doing it until he takes out his guitar. A few chords later and he's singing you a song using every phrase from the box. You're both laughing pretty quickly because the words are mostly nonsense.
But Arsenios deliberately left the best group for last and his voice becomes sweet when he sings you the final line. ONLY YOU, MY LOVE, BE TRUE. It's still only a fragment of a sentence at best, but the sentiment rings through the notes and you can see it in his eyes.
He smiles at you as the notes fade away because he's pleased at your reaction. But it isn't enough, so he takes your hands and asks if he can kiss you. If you say yes, you'll find yourself so distracted in his embrace that you don't notice that he never actually ate any of the candy hearts.
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xoxo part one with the brothers
masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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bellaireland1981 · 1 year
Starting Over | 1
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Summary: You come home to work to find your husband of three years in bed with your supposed best friend. It’s the wake up call you finally needed to take your two year old daughter and get the hell out of Texas. With nowhere to go you head to your big brother in San Diego. The sagger squad takes you under their wings, and shows you what having a family means. You get a fresh start... will you find your happily ever after?
Characters:  Jake “hangman” Seresin x Sister! Reader, Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x Seresin! Reader (Eventually), Hangman x Phoenix (eventually) , Adorable OC Gracie!   The Dagger squad
Word Count: 9457 ( I have zero chill)
Warnings: Angst, cheating husband, emotional abuse, eventual fluff, smut in later chapters, Sweet uncle Jake, Adorable Rooster with a toddler... if I miss any please let me know.
A/N: This will be another series. I don’t own the characters or storyline for Top Gun Maverick. All OC’s are mine. I DO NOT GIVE PERMISSION FOR ANYONE TO COPY OR REPOST MY WORK TO ANY OTHER PLATFORM! DON’T STEAL! Reblogs, likes and comments ALWAYS welcomed. THANK YOU @waywardodysseys​ as always for reading over my work and helping me flush out ideas!! 
Taglist is open!
Your marriage was over. You’d come home early from work to find that your husband of three years had been cheating on you with the person you thought was your best friend. They didn’t even try to defend themselves, or cover up what they’d done. No excuses were made. Without even stopping to think, or to call anyone you’d simply walked out of the room, headed to your daughter’s room and an autopilot started shoving clothes and other necessities into a bag. While you packed your husband managed to pull his pants up long enough to come into your daughter’s room and make sure to let you know every way in which the affair was your fault, not his. He made sure to drill it home that you were inadequate and had you been enough he wouldn’t have had to step out. You paused to stare at him blankly. His words sinking in.
“Well then, I’ll make it easy for you, you piece of shit.” You said, firmly, finally finding your voice, “Consider the marriage over.You are now free to fuck whatever whore you want to. Not that being married actually meant anything to you. You won’t have to worry about being a father either, not that you were much of one anyway. Gracie and I will be just fine on our own.”
“You know I never wanted a kid anyway, Y/N.” He spat, “Only knocked you up to shut you up.”
“Thank you for making this so much easier.” You said. You hurried to grab the rest of what you thought Gracie would need. Your sweet little girl was at the sitter’s, blissfully unaware that her whole world was about to explode. At two you knew she wouldn’t remember any of this when she got bigger. You would do whatever you had to do in the divorce to ensure you got full and sole custody of your child. You wouldn’t allow her to be tainted by your soon to be ex husband.
Not even caring about any of your own belongings, nothing seeming important enough to go back into your shared bedroom, you gathered your purse and Gracie’s belongings, and slammed out of the house. After throwing everything into the trunk of your late model Toyota Camry you jumped into the driver’s side and backed out of the drive. You knew it would all hit you once the numbness wore off and that you’d probably be an emotional mess but all you prayed it wouldn’t be until you were as far from your hometown as possible.
You knew your parents would be of no help or comfort. Your dad was an asshole and your mom drank to numb the pain of being married to said asshole. Your only other family was your big brother, who was currently stationed in San Diego at Top Gun. With no other options or ideas, you knew that once you’d picked up Gracie, that’s where the two of you would head.
It was the middle of the night the next day by the time you pulled into your brother’s driveway. You hadn’t called to let him know you were coming, simply wanting to keep driving, putting as much distance between you and your hometown and broken marriage as you could. The further you got from Texas the lighter you felt, the easier you could breathe. Gracie had been  amazing on the trip, seeming to know that her momma needed to get them to a better place.
Turning off the car, you quietly unbuckled and got out, stretching your stiff muscles. Knowing your brother it was a distinct possibility he had company spending the night, and you hoped he wouldn’t be mad by the sudden appearance of his little sister and niece on his doorstep. The two of you had always been close growing up, just you against the world. It sucked when he’d left for the Academy and then flight school, but he’d made sure to always make sure you had a way to contact him and he was there whenever he could be.
You carefully got Gracie out of the car, cradling her sleeping form as you made your way up the steps to the door. Juggling her in your arms to free a hand, you knocked as loudly as you dared so as not to wake the sleeping toddler.
The front porch light flipped on and you could hear the lock click before the front door opened and your brother was in front of you, hair disheveled from sleep, eyes squinting against the light of the porch.
“Y/N?” He said, voice rough from sleep, “Tulip, what are you doin’ here? Is everything ok? Is Gracie ok?”
“Jakey…” You choked out, all of the emotions from the last 24 hours bubbling over, tears starting to spill down your cheeks.
Jake carefully pulled you and Gracie into his arms, embracing you carefully, concern etched on his face. He didn’t know what had caused his baby sister to show up on his doorstep, but he knew whatever it was, wasn’t good.
He gently pulled you into the house, closing the door quietly behind you, locking it once more and shutting off the porch light.
“Here, let me take Gracie” He said gently, “I’ll lay her in the guest room and put pillows between her and the floor. Grab a drink or whatever you need or want from the kitchen and I’ll be right back.”
You blindly walked to the kitchen pulling out a bottle of water from the fridge for yourself and one for Jake, not knowing if he’d be thirsty. You walked back to the living room and melted down onto the couch, pulling your knees up and resting your head on them, your arms wrapped around yourself. You heard Jake come back into the living room shortly after, carefully sitting down on the couch next to you and pulling you close so you were resting against his side.
“What happened, Sweetheart?” he asked, “Where’s Trent?”
“I wasn’t sure where else to go…” You whispered, “I’m sorry for just showing up on your doorstep in the middle of the night.”
“Tulip, you can show up on my doorstep anytime, day or night.” Jake said, pulling you tighter against him. “But I’m not going to lie, you’ve got me pretty worried right now.”
“I’m sorry, Jakey.” You said, tears running down your cheeks again, unable to keep them in check.
“Sweetheart, stop apologizing.” He said, gently. “Talk to me. What happened?”
“I came home from work early yesterday… “ You started, staring straight ahead at the wall. “Trent had apparently also gotten done with work early as he was already home… in bed… with Stephanie.”
“Fuck.” Jake said, “I’m so sorry, Tulip.” He wasn’t sure what else to say, if there was anything to say. He knew that you knew he’d never liked Trent. Didn’t think he was good enough for his baby sister. Not many would be considered good enough…if anyone at all. “What happened when you found him?”
“They didn’t even try to hide it or apologize or offer any fake excuses.” You said, numbly adding  “Trent said it’s my fault… I wasn’t enough to keep him happy. He said he never even wanted Gracie and that he just got me pregnant to shut me up.”
“I’m gonna fucking kill him.” Jake said coldly, “He doesn’t deserve you or Gracie. I’ll make sure he never sees either of you again. Nobody hurts my girls.”  
“I didn’t figure mom or dad would be of any help.” You whispered, all energy and fight completely drained from you. You were with your big brother and knew you were safe to fall apart. “Can Gracie and I stay with you until I get on my feet again? I can’t go back. There’s nothing left there for us.”
“You don’t even have to ask, Sweetheart.” He replied, “You both have a home with me whenever you need it, however long you need it and wherever I am. Go on up and crawl in with Gracie. Get some sleep. We will sort everything out in the morning. I can run out and get whatever we need.”
“I only grabbed stuff for Gracie.” You admitted, “I couldn’t bring myself to step foot into my bedroom with her  still in my bed. In hindsight, leaving all of my clothes was probably stupid.”
“Nope.” He replied, “Gives me all the more reason to spoil my baby sister. I’ve got tomorrow off anyway. I’ll call in some help and we’ll get it sorted.”
Jake stood up and pulled you up, leading you to the room he’d put Gracie to bed in and hugged you goodnight. He made mental notes of everything you’d need and decided he’d need to enlist some help tomorrow as he made his way back to his own room and fell back into bed. One thing he knew for certain, he’d do whatever he could to make sure nobody hurt his baby sister or sweet niece ever again.
The next morning you woke up to the smell of coffee and food wafting into the room, and the sound of your daughter giggling. You smiled, rubbing your eyes. Every opportunity Jake had over the last two years he’d spent with you and Gracie either visiting in Texas or flying you both out to see him. Gracie thought Uncle Jake hung the moon and stars and had him wrapped around her tiny pinky. You knew he’d already hatched a plan to start spoiling your daughter.
You quickly used the bathroom next to the guest room, before heading to the kitchen. Jake had Gracie sitting on the counter playing with measuring cups while he made breakfast. There was a plate of pancakes already made and he had moved onto eggs and bacon.
“Morning Tulip.” He greeted you with a bright smile, his dimples on full display. “Coffee is in the pot. There’s creamer and sugar if you want it. Breakfast is almost ready. My favorite little princess here has been keeping me company.”
“Hi Mommy!” Gracie beamed, happy and oblivious to the upheaval.
“I see that. Hi Baby Girl!” You replied, kissing her head before pulling a mug out of the cupboard and heading to the coffee pot. Jake had given you one of his old Navy shirts and a pair of cotton shorts to wear to sleep in. You had to roll the waistband over several times in order to make them fit without falling to your knees. Clothes and essentials were your top priority today.  “Thank you, Jakey.”
“Sweetheart you’ve got to stop thanking me.” He replied, “We’re family. As far as I’m concerned you and Princess Gracie are the only real family I’ve got. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you two.”
You offered him a small smile, returning your attention to making your coffee. When he’d finished making breakfast he made a plate of food and pulled Gracie from the counter to sit on his lap and eat breakfast with him, sharing his food with the toddler.
“She can sit with me, Jake.” You offered, “You cooked, you should get to enjoy your breakfast.”
“I am enjoying my breakfast.” He answered, blowing a raspberry on Gracie’s cheek and making her erupt in belly giggles. “The circumstances for y’all being here suck, but I’ve missed my two favorite girls. I’m really happy you’re here.”
“Despite everything that’s happened, I’m happy we’re too, Bubs.” You replied, offering him the first real smile since arriving. “We’ve missed you too, haven’t we Gracie Girl?”
“Wuv Unko Jakey!” Gracie exclaimed, squirming around to plan a very sticky kiss on her favorite uncle’s cheek. You laughed, getting up to grab a wet napkin so he could wipe the syrup from his face.
“Unko Jakey loves you too Princess G!” Jake replied not minding the sticky kiss from his favorite little girl.
As you finished breakfast, you cleared the table. You got Gracie occupied playing with some clean pots on the floor while you tackle the dishes and kitchen clean up. You sent Jake off to the shower, not letting him argue about who got clean up duties.
Once the kitchen was set to rights again, and all the dishes were done, you scooped up Gracie and headed to the guestroom to dig through the bag Jake had already brought in and got her changed. You dreaded putting on the dirty clothes from traveling but it was literally all you had.  
Jake, finished in the shower, and fully dressed, reclaimed Gracie from you, telling you to jump in the shower and get ready. He’d snuck your clothes to the wash last night after sending you to bed and got up to put them in the dryer earlier that morning. You had never been more grateful for being blessed with an amazing brother.
When you emerged from the bathroom, showered, hair down and clean clothes on, you almost felt like a new person.
“It’s amazing what a shower can do for someone’s spirit and mental well being.” You said, walking into the living room.  
Jake had Gracie on the couch with him watching cartoons while he’d been on his phone texting his adopted family, the Daggers, for reinforcements. He knew the two of you would need help getting furniture and supplies, getting everything set up, and supervising a very active toddler. Rooster had surprisingly been the first to reply, saying he’d be there in twenty minutes. Mav replied back saying to let him know when you need help with getting stuff set up and he’d come over. Phoenix immediately had offered babysitting duties, saying the other guys couldn’t be trusted. Coyote and Payback replied they’d be over to help assemble and move stuff and would bring pizza and beer for everyone.  
You and Gracie were his only blood family, but he had secured a spot in a bigger family that he knew would always have his back. Despite the rocky start, he hoped they knew he’d always have their back too.
“I’m glad you’re energized again, Tulip!” Jake replied, “Because we’ve got our work cut out for us today. I’ve called in help.”
As if on cue, there was a knock at the door, and two more car doors slamming. Jake jumped up to open the door.
“Thanks for coming.” Jake said, opening the door wide to allow his friends into the house.
“Of course, man.” A very tall, attractive man with a mustache replied, stepping in. He smiled at Gracie who was now peaking over the side of the couch, curious about the new people. Her green eyes that matched your and Jake’s watchful eyes.  “You must be Princess Gracie.”
“The one and only!” Jake confirms, beaming like the proud uncle he is. “Gracie, this is my friend Rooster. Can you come say hi?”
Gracie, who was normally very shy, carefully crawled down off the couch and walked over to her uncle. She peaked her head around his leg, staring up at Rooster.
He crouched down closer to your daughter’s level, giving her time to warm up to him.
“Hi, Sweetheart.” He said, gently, a warm smile on his face. “I’m Bradley, or Rooster, you pick. Can I help you and your Uncle Jake set you up a princess room?
“Hi Woosta” Gracie greeted him, a smile on her face. “Pwincess Woom Pwease.”
“You got it, sweetheart!” He promised, winking at her before standing back up.
“Rooster, this is my baby sister Y/N” Jake said making the introductions, “Tulip, this is Bradley Bradshaw, or Rooster.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Y/N” Bradley said, “I feel like we all already know you though from the amount Jake talks about you.”
“Uh oh.” You replied, cringing, “Maybe don’t believe everything he says. It’s nice to meet you too, Bradley.”
“Hey, I only ever talk about how amazingly wonderful my baby sister is.” Jake argues in mock indignation. “And how adorable and smart my little Princess G is!”
“He’s telling the truth.” A new, female voice added, stepping into the house. Followed by another man.
“Phoenix” Jake said, smiling brightly at her, “You’re a lifesaver, Darlin’”
“Hey! I made it over here first, am I just chopped liver now?” Bradley pouted, playfully. You could already see you’d like these people a lot. Something in the way your brother looked and talked to Phoenix intrigued you too. His whole demeanor changed when she’d walked in…he became lighter…almost brighter as soon as she’d stepped foot inside the house. It was making sense now too why she was the only one you’d ever heard a lot about from your brother. You made a mental note to investigate that further later.
“We all know this mission would be a disaster if you two are in charge.” Phoenix laughed, then turned towards you “I’m Natasha Trace, or Phoenix.”
“Nice to meet you, Natasha.” You replied, smiling, “I’ve actually heard a lot about you too.”  Pink creeped over Jake’s ears and cheeks when you busted him out.
“And this is Bob.” Jake said, diverting attention, “He’s Phoenix’s backseater, and generally the one that keeps the rest of us out of too much trouble.”
“Well that’s got to be a full time job, Bob.” You laughed, “Just keeping Jake out of trouble would be a lot of work.”
“They have their moments.” Bob laughed, “It’s nice to meet you, Y.N.”
Gracie tugged at Jake’s pant leg, looking up at her uncle. Jake swung her up into his arms, holding her close. Gracie leaned into whisper loudly, in his ear.
“She pwetty, Unco Jakey.” She said, peaking at Phoenix from under her very long lashes.
Jake smiled widely, turning his face to whisper back in Gracie’s ear, “She sure is, Princess G.”
Phoenix smiled at your daughter, blushing at the interaction. She didn’t quite know how to handle Jake’s response.
“Ok, so we need a game plan.” Bob said, “We’ve got a room to make over, furniture to buy, and let’s be honest, we probably need to childproof this house.”
“And Y/N needs a new wardrobe.” Jake added, “And my Princess G probably needs some clothes too.”
“Jake.” You piped up, “You're not remodeling or making over your house to accommodate us. We just need a few things. Gracie and I are fine sharing a bed.”
“Nope. I said what I said.” He replied stubbornly, “The small room next to the guest room acting as an office right now is getting moved to the garage. Princess G will get that as her princess room. You can change, add to, or take out anything from the guest room to make it your own. We need a high chair, or booster at least, I need an extra car seat for my truck, we need a stroller…preferably a jogger so my favorite girl can go running with me… what am I missing?”
“TOYS!” Bradley said looking around at the room, “Princess Gracie needs toys!”
“Yes!” Jake said, smacking his head, “We need toys.”
“Jacob!” You said, eyes wide, exasperated with your brother.
“Y/N!” He tossed back, eyes stubbornly locking on your own before softening, “Tulip, y’all have been through hell. You’re getting a fresh start here. I wasn’t there when it all went to hell. Let me do this.”
“Fine.” You relented, shoulders sagging, “You win.”
“OK! So…a plan.” Phoenix said, “How about Y/N and I take Gracie and go get clothes and all of that kinda stuff. Then we can take Gracie to my apartment to nap  while you all go get paint and furniture and that kind of stuff and start the room makeover.”
“You ok with that, Tulip?” Jake asked, making sure you were comfortable.
“Yeah, as long as you’re all ok with giving up your day off for us?” You replied, glancing at your brother’s friends.
“Absolutely” Bradley assured, his warm smile and honey gaze making warmth rush over you. “We take family pretty seriously in this squad, Y/N.”
“Rooster’s right.” Phoenix replied, stepping closer Gracie in Jake’s arms, tapping her playfully on her button nose and making her giggle, “and this cutie just inherited a whole lot of uncles and an aunt to spoil her rotten.”
Tears burned behind your eyes, suddenly overcome with emotions. The last three years of your marriage the only friend that your douchebag husband had allowed you to have was Stephanie, isolating you from everyone else. You now understood how she had made the cut. He’d even tried to drive you apart from your brother but was satisfied in just knowing he was stationed away from you so wasn’t a threat. Looking back, you should have seen the red flags, realized what his plan had been. Hindsight really was a bitch.
Phoenix sensed you were on the verge of breaking down. She turned, taking Gracie from Jake’s arms, your daughter going straight to her.
“Let’s go shopping and get you and Mommy some new princess clothes ok?” She said, “Uncle Jake will get your room all pretty for you and find you some new toys!”
“Yay! Toys!” Gracie cheered, “Mommy! We go bye bye!”
You laughed, blinking back the tears, choking down the emotions and memories.
“Ok, Baby Girl.” You said, “Let’s go bye bye.”
“Bye bye Unco Jakey, Woosta, and BOB” Gracie said, waving.
“Bye Princess G!” Jake said, blowing her a kiss. “Be good for Mommy and Nix ok”?
“Ok!” She agreed, “Wuv you!”
“Love you too!” He smiled at her, “Have fun, Tulip. No worries today, ok? We’ll work it all out.”
“Thank you.” You said, “All of you. Jakey please don’t go overboard, I love you.”
“Love you too, Tulip.” He replied, not promising to not go overboard.
“Let’s go get supplies and call in the rest of the Daggers.” Bradley suggested, “We’re gonna needs all hands on deck to get this done today.”
You opted to take your car since the car seat was already in the back. You quickly buckled Gracie in before getting into the driver’s side. Phoenix gave you directions to the nearest mall that would have the best options for clothing and stuff for Gracie. You’d hit up a Target on the way back to get the rest of the stuff you’d need.
Once at the mall, you rented one of the strollers since you’d left Gracie’s back in Texas. You were actually surprised your phone hadn’t been blowing up with calls or texts from Trent since you’d been gone almost 48 hours by this point. You knew it was only a matter of time.
“Let’s start with finding stuff for you.” Phoenix suggested. “I think you deserve a bit of a pick me up, Y/N/”
“It’s been one hell of a couple of days.” You acknowledged. “Shit, I no called no showed at work… won’t be getting a positive referral from them I suppose.”
“I’m sure we can find you something here without any reference from them.” She replied “and besides, most would be understanding under the circumstances.”
“Probably.” You agreed. “So… are you and Jake close? He’s talked briefly about the team, but really has talked about you the most.”
“We’re… complicated.” She replied, “I’ve known him since the Academy. We’ve always been competitive with one another. He pushes me to be the best pilot I can be… I’ve seen a few sides to Hangman, but I honestly can’t figure out which is the real him.”
“My brother is complicated.” You agreed, “He’s always been guarded with people…we kinda had to be growing up in our house.  He is fiercely loyal to those who make it past the outer shell. I know my brother can be… a lot. He can be cocky and sometimes comes across as arrogant. I imagine that’s more in line with the “Hangman” you guys tend to see. Inside though… Jake…. He’s the guy you saw at the house today. He’s an amazing Uncle, protector, and fun loving guy. He is the best brother I could have ever asked for. He’s the guy who would do anything for his family…for his friends. He’s the one that would disobey orders and fly off a carrier to save his friends. He’s the Jake that lit up as soon as you walked into the house today. Happy that you came, happy that you were there.”
“The more I see of Jake… outside of work… and when he drops the front of Hangman…the more I genuinely like him.” She admitted, “Your brother is beyond good looking…more good looking that he has a right to be… he’s got lots of women turning their heads for him when we’re at the Hard Deck, Y/N, women a whole lot prettier than me…I don’t think he’d ever see me like that.”
“I thought you had to have pretty decent vision to be an aviator” You asked.
“I mean, mostly, yes… glasses are allowed… why?” She replied, confused.
“I just didn’t realize they let you fly if you were clearly blind.” You shrugged, smirking at her. “Because, you, Natasha… are blind.”
She laughed, ducking her head, before looking back up, “Let’s get you outfitted with some new clothes.”
Several stores and more money than you’d spent on clothing in probably your lifetime later, you had enough clothes to get you started. Phoenix had talked you into a few cute sundresses, saying you never knew when you’d need them. You’d also gotten several pairs of jeans and shorts, tops, bras, panties, a swimsuit and shoes. With your wardrobe squared away, you’d moved onto finding a few more outfits for Gracie and sandals before leaving the mall.
You decided to stop for a quick lunch before heading to Target to get toiletries, diapers, booster seat, new car seat, stroller and toys. Jake had texted while you were out telling you not to buy a bed for Gracie because he’d already found one.
Gracie ended up passing out in the car seat while you drove to Phoenix’s apartment. Thankfully hers was on the first floor so no carrying a sleeping toddler up stairs. She unlocked her door and led you to the bedroom where you laid your daughter on the bed, placing pillows around her in case she rolled.
After getting Gracie settled the two of you sat down on the couch with glasses of iced tea. Your phone dinged with an incoming message. Assuming it was Jake you pulled your phone out, opening your message.
Trent: You’ve had your tantrum. Get your ass home.
You had to fight down the bile rising in your throat while reading the text.
“Everything ok, Y/N?” Phoenix asked, seeing all the color drain from your face.
“It’s Trent.” You admitted.
“You don’t have to respond to him until you’re ready.” She said, “Hell you can ignore his ass completely and direct all communication through lawyers.”
“I can’t afford a lawyer, Nat.” You whispered, tears springing to your eyes. “What am I going to do?”
“Hey,” She said gently, grasping your hand in comfort, “Between all of us, we’ll get it figured out. There are lots of options. In the meantime, don’t engage with him… save any and all texts and voicemails.”
“Can I tell you something I haven’t admitted to anyone else?” You asked, knowing you could trust her.
“Of course, Y/N.” She assured you, “You can talk to me about anything. Whatever it is will stay between us.”
“It’s pathetic that after everything else that happened the last three years, it was him cheating with someone I thought was my best friend that woke me up and fueled me to leave.” You said, “But in reality it should have been the times he called me worthless, told me that I was lucky he felt sorry for me and married me because nobody else would want me…. Told me I was useless as a wife and mother. Isolated me from all my friends… made me dependent upon him. Convinced me on some level that Jake left because he didn’t want to be bothered with me…that he was lucky to be away from me.”
“Fuck.” She said, blowing out a breath. “There’s a lot to unpack there… Most importantly though, he was wrong. So. Fucking. Wrong… about all of it. You cannot blame yourself for anything he did or said. I know it’s harder said than done. If nothing else, you owe it to Gracie to show her that her mom is a badass, strong woman who knows her worth. Trent.. That his name? He is a spineless worthless piece of crap who doesn’t deserve to lick the dirt from your boots…if you had any… and he sure as shit doesn't deserve to be a dad to that sweet girl in there.”
“Thank you, Nat.” You said, tears streaming down your face. It felt really good to confide in someone. You knew if you told Jake he’d probably fly his f-18 to Texas and kill Trent. You also knew though that you would have to talk to your brother at some point because you had a feeling the divorce would be ugly.  “I guess maybe I’m just meant to be single… I kinda suck at choosing the right man.”
“How about this…” She said, “When the time comes, you’re ready to get back out there and date… you let me and maybe Jake weed out the losers and help you find a good one.”
“If it were up to Jake, I’d remain single for life.” You said, chuckling. “He’s always been a little overprotective… I actually didn’t get to really date or get serious with a guy until he’d left for the Academy… hence Trent.”
“Let’s not tell him that.” Phoenix said, “One thing I do know about your brother is that he takes on guilt very easily when he shouldn’t. Blames himself for stuff that is absolutely not in his control.”
“Yeah…” You agree, he definitely did blame himself for things he had no blame in.
Your phone dinged again, several times in succession.
Trent: Grow the fuck up, Y/N. Bring the brat and your ass home.
Trent: You will regret running off. I’ll make sure you and the brat don’t see your precious brother again.
Trent: Are you fucking someone else? Did you run off to whore yourself to someone stupid enough to take you in?
Having not gotten a response, your phone suddenly started ringing. Seeing it was Trent you immediately sent it to voicemail.
“Jesus” Phoenix said, “I’m going to text Jake and tell him to text or call me if they need anything. Turn your phone off, Y/N. You don’t need that stress.”
Knowing she was probably right you went ahead and turned off your phone and tucked it into your back pocket. You sighed, head falling back against the couch in utter defeat. Everything was catching up to you, and you were exhausted. Deciding to take a breather while you could, you closed your eyes, telling yourself it was just for a moment.  Your body took advantage of you letting your guard down and you drifted off to sleep.
Phoenix called Jake, getting up to move to the kitchen where she hopefully wouldn’t wake you up.
“Hey, Nix” Jake said, “You ladies have fun shopping?”
“Yeah” She replied, “Gracie and Y/N are actually sleeping right now. Gracie passed out in the car and Y/N just fell asleep on the couch… Jake, I had her turn her phone off. You might want to take her and get her added to your plan and change her number. That douchebag sent her a lot of nasty texts then started calling her. She got really pale and had a broken look in her eyes.”
“FUCK!” He yelled, “I swear, I’m gonna kill that guy, Nix. I’ve always fucking hated him but I love my sister more and didn’t want to lose her.”
“She’s scared she doesn’t have options.” She said, “I told her we’d figure it out together. I’ll start searching for lawyers and stuff while she is sleeping. We will head back that way when they wake up.”
“I won’t let anything else happen to them.” Jake promised, “Did she say if he physically hurt her or Gracie?”
“I know your sister enough just in the little time I’ve spent with her to know that had he laid a finger on Gracie Y/N would have killed him.” Phoenix said, “I don’t know if he got physical with her though. Talk to her… she’s gonna need you.”
“She’ll always have me, Nix.” He said, “My sister and Gracie have always and will always come first.”
“You’re a good guy, Jake.” Phoenix admitted. “We should be back soon. Do we need to get food or drinks or anything on the way?”
“No, Coyote and Payback are bringing pizzas and beer. I already have juice and milk for Gracie, and sodas for everyone too.” Jake said.
“OK. See you soon.” She said.
“Thanks Nix.” He said before hanging up.
Phoenix grabbed her laptop and started to look for lawyers in the area that specialize in family law.
Jake’s POV
He had to take several deep breaths after hanging up with Phoenix to get himself back in check. It really was taking everything in him not to fly back to Texas and beat the living tar out of Trent. The fact that his sister and niece needed him was the only thing keeping him there.
“Everything ok, man?” Bradley asked, see how upset Jake was. “Did something happen while the girls were shopping?”
“Phoenix said Trent started sending harassing texts and calls to Y/N.” Jake replied, “Said she was visibly shaken by them. I swear to God if I ever find out he laid a finger on my sister I will make him wish he’d never been born.”
“What’s important now is that Y/N and Gracie are here, Jake.” Bradley said, “They’ve got you… and all of us to protect them now. He can’t touch them again.”
“I never liked him. He was too smarmy. Too smooth.” Jake said, “Y/N just said I was being overprotective when I told her I didn’t think he was good for her. I should have pushed harder… tried harder to protect her.”
“Jake.” Bradley said, putting his hand on Jake’s shoulder, “Had you pushed harder you might have pushed her away completely and then she wouldn’t have had you to come to now. You can’t change or fix the past. You can be there for her now and help her get back on her feet…. Help her to feel like she’s in control again.”
“Thanks Rooster.” Jake said, sighing. He knew his friend was right. All he could do now was help his sister get her footing back. “You’re right… My sister is stubborn as hell. She’s also the strongest woman I’ve ever known. She just needs help remembering she’s a badass Seresin.”
“There ya go.” Bradley laughed, “Now, come on… let’s finish Princess G’s room. Mav and Penny are on their way with the decor. Paint should be dry with all the fans we have going, and Bob said that the rest of the reinforcements just showed up to help assemble some furniture.”
“I don’t know how I’ll ever be able to repay you all for this.” Jake said, “Seriously, this means the world to me…to my sister.”
“Hangman…we’re a family now, Man, remember?” Bradley asked, “It’s what we do.”
“Alright!” Bob said, coming back into the house, trailed by the rest of the team “Reinforcements. Operation Build a Princess room is a go!”
With Bob taking over, directing everyone, they managed to get all of the bedroom furniture assembled for Gracie, complete with the canopy bed Jake found at the local furniture store, in no time. They just finished moving it all into the room and setting it up when Mav and Penny arrived with the bedding, curtains, a few wall hangings and a princess lamp.
“Wow.” Jake said taking in everything they picked up, “You guys were thorough.”
“Amelia went through a princess stage when she was little so I’ve had practice.” Penny said, “It was nice shopping for a little girl again. It’s been awhile.”
“I was just along to carry bags and keep her company.” Mav admitted laughing, “Everything going ok? I can get you a few more days off if you need them, Jake.”
“Thanks Mav.” He replied, “I might need a couple of days to help her get the divorce going…and get her a new fucking phone number.”
“Consider it done.” Mav replied, “And let us know if there is anything we can do to help.”
“You’ve all already done so much.” Jake replied, “I’m really grateful for all of you.”
“Go get the living room cleared of the boxes and tools.” Penny said, “I’ll finish this room for Gracie.”
Your POV
After waking up on Phoenix’s couch you apologized for falling asleep. She quickly reassured you it was completely fine. Not long after, Gracie woke from her nap too. You changed her diaper before you filled a sippy cup with watered down juice, handing it to her as you put her shoes back on.
“I called Jake while you were sleeping and just let him know your phone was off and why. I didn’t share anything else with him though.” Phoenix assured you. “I told him we’d come back as soon as you and Gracie woke up.”
“Thanks, Nat.” You smiled, “I promise, as soon as I have a chance, I’ll talk to Jake. I don’t want you to have to keep secrets. It’s not fair to you. I haven’t been able to have friends for awhile and apparently the one I did have wasn’t really a friend… I could really use a friend.”
“You’ve got one.” She promised, hugging you tightly.
“Thank you” You said, hugging her back. “We should probably go make sure they’re not going completely overboard.”
“I’m gonna go ahead and guess it’s already too late for that.” She replied, laughing, “None of the guys on the squad are known for restraint… it usually takes Bob and me both to keep them in line.”
“Great.” You said, rolling your eyes. “Let’s go see your new kingdom, Princess Gracie.”
“Yay!” She replied, only understanding you were going bye bye again.
When you pulled back up at Jake’s there were considerably more cars than before. Thankfully though, they’d left the spot open next to Jake’s truck. You pulled in and turned the car off. The front door opened and Jake, Bradley and someone you’d not yet met came out.
“Princess G!” Jake said, making grabby hands towards you when you pulled her out of the car seat. There were bags piled in the backseat and in the trunk from your shopping spree.
“Unco Jakey!” Gracie squealed, reaching for Jake.
“I missed you my beautiful Princess!” He said, “Uncle Jake has a surprise for you!”
“Pwise?” She asked, eyes growing wide. Jake winked at you before carrying your daughter into the house.
“Here let us help Y/N” Bradley said, stepping towards you, smiling. His smile was starting to do things to you.
“I can get these bags, if you guys want to grab the bigger stuff in the trunk?” You said, returning his smile.
“We’re on it, Sweetheart.” He replied, walking around to the trunk and starting to pull out everything you’d gotten for Gracie.
Once inside, you took the bags to the bedroom to be sorted, while the guys stacked all of the bigger purchases in the living room.
You went to the room next to the guest room that had been designated as the princess room and peaked your head in the door.
“Mommy!” Gracie squealed, happily. “Pwincess Woom!”
“Yes, Gracie” You smiled in amazement, walking into the room. “You do have a princess room. Did you tell everyone thank you?”
‘Fank You!” She parroted, running over to hug Jake.
“You’re very welcome, Princess G.” Jake said, picking up the toddler. “What do you think, Tulip?”
“It’s amazing, Jake.” You said, once more overcome with emotion. “You did not have to do all of this.”
“Oh, we definitely did.” He assured you, “Come on, let me introduce you to the rest of the crew. “
You followed him out to the other room where there was an assembly line happening with some on setting up the food and the rest unboxing toys, the stroller, and the booster seat.
“Gracie girl! Wanna see your new toys?” Bradley asked, pulling one of the baby dolls from a box.
“Woosta!” She said, squirming until Jake put her down, running as fast as her little leg would carry her to Bradley. “Toys pwease!”
“Here you go, Sweetpea.” He said, handing her the doll. To his shock and delight, Gracie crawled into his lap and sat happily playing with her new doll. You melted at the sight of this sweet man being so good to your daughter. All of the men here had already treated her better and shown her more love than her own father had in her entire life.
To keep from breaking down in tears, for what felt like the millionth time in two days, you hurried over to help get plates and drinks ready for everyone so they could eat.
“Y/N, this is Penny” Phoenix said introducing you, “She came in clutch with the decor! Couldn’t leave that to the men. She also owns the Hard Deck, where we seem to congregate when we’re not in the skies or on missions.”
“It’s so nice to meet you.” You replied, smiling, “Thank you so much for making my daughter’s room so beautiful. It means so much to us.”
“Of course!” She replied, “I’ve got a soft spot for Jake. I’ve also done the single parent thing with a deadbeat ex. I get it. If you need anything, I am just a phone call away.”
“Thank you” You said again, taking a deep breath. “You’ve all been amazing… I can never repay the kindness.”
“That’s the beauty of family, Y/N.” Phoenix said, “Repayment isn’t expected. We take care of each other.”
“I’m starting to see that.” You replied.
“Hey Tulip,” Jake said, coming up behind you, his arm dropping over your shoulder. He dropped a kiss on top of your head, “You doing ok? Did you get everything you needed for you?”
“I’m ok, Jakey” You replied, “I think I got everything I needed.”
“Good.” He replied, “Mav said he’d help me get the next couple of days off too so we’ll tackle the other problems then ok? Try to relax and just enjoy tonight.”
“Jake.” You replied, “I feel bad enough for crashing your bachelor pad, interrupting your life… I don’t want to interfere with your career too!”
“His career is just fine,” A new, gentle voice added. “He’s earned a few days off… we normally have to force him to take some R&R anyway.”
“Y/N, this is Captain Pete Mitchell, or Maverick.” Jake said introducing you. Jake had a lot of respect for Maverick. He often talked about him when the two of you caught up. He’d become more than just a commanding officer to Jake, he was his mentor and almost a father-figure.
“It’s so nice to meet you, Sir.” You replied, “Jake has told me a lot about you. It’s nice to have a face to go with the stories.”
“No need for formality, Y/N” He laughed, “Pete or Maverick is fine. It’s nice to meet you too. Your brother is quite proud of his little sister and niece. He’s talked about the two of you as well.”
“We’re pretty damn proud of him too.” You said, smiling lovingly at your big brother.
“Mommy, I hungwy” Gracie said, tugging at your shorts. “I eat pwease.”
“Of course, Baby Girl!” you said picking her up, “Let’s get you some dinner.”
Later that night once everyone had cleared out and Gracie was bathed and sound asleep in your new room, you sat down on the couch with Jake.
“Starting over is exhausting.” You sighed, “Thank you, Jakey. I know you told me to stop thanking you, but I can’t. You are quite literally saving us. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“You’ll never have to find out, Tulip.” He said, wrapping his arm around you and tucking you into his side. “It’s you and me against the world, remember?”
“We seem to have picked up a few more people since we were kids, hiding in the treehouse out back.” You replied, “You’ve found a great group, Jakey. A great family.”
“Yeah they are.” He agreed, “Getting called back to Top Gun for that mission… The Daggers forming… is probably the best thing that’s happened to me. I found a purpose finally. I don’t feel the need to always have to prove myself…I don’t always have to be Hangman, I can just be… Jake.”
“You should let them see Jake more often.” You replied, nudging him.  “I know a certain female pilot that would probably love to see the softer Jake more often.”
“Staaaahhp” He groaned, “I already have Coyote and Rooster up my ass about Phoenix. It’s… complicated, Tulip.”
“The best things in life usually are.” You pointed out.
“Anyway… “ He said, his green eyes playfully glaring at you, “First thing tomorrow we’ll go get you a new phone number and I’ll add you to my line. Actually… it’s better if we get you a whole new phone and number… then we can keep this one and keep saving texts and voicemails.”
“I don’t even want to know how many messages have come through since I turned it off.” You groaned, “Jakey, this is all becoming too much. You shouldn’t have to add me to your line or be spending so much money. I don’t want to be a burden.”
“Y/N Y/M/N Seresin.” He growled, “I am your big brother. I will always be here to catch you when you need it. I don’t give a flying fuck about money, in fact, I like getting to spoil my baby sister and niece. You and Gracie will never be a burden to me. Do you understand? You. Are. My. Family. Now, hand over the phone, Tulip. I want to see what we’re dealing with.”
“I want to be a Seresin again.” You replied quietly, you hated that you carried that asshole’s name. You’d actually never wanted to take his name, but he’d insisted. “I want Gracie to be a Seresin too.”
“Then we’ll make it happen, Sweetheart.” He smiled gently, then held his hand out, making ‘gimme’ fingers. “Phone.”
You reached into your back pocket and pulled out the phone, handing it over to him. Jake turned it on, and waited for it to power up. Not surprisingly your phone started to ding with notifications in rapid succession. You felt your stomach knot instantly.
“I don’t suppose you know any amazing lawyers that would work for next to nothing do you?” You asked, “All of my money went to the joint account… and I don’t have access to it.”
“What do you mean you don’t have access?” Jake asked,“Like…you left the debit card back in Texas?”
“Trent took care of all of the bills and said I didn’t need to have access. I gave up fighting with him about it. He gave me cash to go get groceries and stuff that Gracie needed.” You replied, ducking your head, unable to make eye contact with your brother.
“Tulip.” He said gently, tucking his hand under your chin to pull your head back up. “Baby girl, why didn’t you tell me things weren’t good? I would have gotten you out of there… long before this.”
“I don’t know.” You whispered. You knew now was probably the time to tell him everything you’d told Phoenix earlier. “I guess I felt stupid. I let myself get backed into a corner and was too helpless to get out of it.”
“You are not stupid, Y/N.” Jake said firmly, “You aren’t helpless either. Anyone can find themselves backed into a corner, Tulip. In the end, you did leave. You got yourself and Gracie out. I need to know, Y/N… I need you to be honest with me.. Did he hurt you? Did he put hands on you? On Gracie? Judging from some of these texts I’ve read, I wouldn’t put it past him. It’s taking everything in me not to fly to Texas tonight.”
“No…never physically hurt me.” You confirmed, “And I’d have killed him had he laid hands on Gracie.”
“That’s one less crime against him I guess.” Jake said, his eyes an eerie cold green. You knew his anger wasn’t directed at you, but it was slightly intimidating nonetheless. “I’m guessing the same isn’t true about emotionally hurting you…”
And there was your opening. You unloaded the three years of emotional pain and turmoil right there on your brother. You told him about everything Trent had done and said, every negative belief he’d tried to engrain in you, the feelings of inadequacy, worthlessness, hopelessness. By the time you finished, Jake’s fists were clenched so hard his knuckles were completely white. Anger rolled off of him in waves. You’d never seen Jake this upset before…this angry. You knew that vast majority of the anger was solely placed at Trent’s feet. But you knew your brother too… you knew he was now blaming himself. Which, honestly, was why you’d never told him what was happening.
“Jakey.” You said, putting your hand on his clenched fist, pulling him from his head. “I can read the thoughts rolling over in your head. I need you to hear me right now… are you listening?”
He looked up at you, his eyes finding your own. You could still see the anger, but you caught a glimpse of pure anguish in his eyes. It nearly broke you.
“I’m listening, Tulip.” He acknowledged, his voice thick with emotion.
“I need you to really hear me.” You repeated, “You. Are. Not. in any way shape or form to blame for anything that has happened in my life. NOTHING has ever been your fault Jake. You protected me and took care of me when our parents didn’t. You were my biggest cheerleader, giving me the courage to try new things. You had every right to go live your dreams, to escape what would have been a dead end life in Texas. You are not allowed to regret that. I am SO proud of you. You turned into an incredible man, Jake… DESPITE the example set for you from our father. You  rose above all that and are such a sweet and caring soul. I am responsible for the choices I made and kept making. Trent is responsible for being a horrible human being and a piece of shit husband and father. YOU were here to catch me, Jake. Do you understand me? Please… do not place the blame for any of this anywhere but on Trent and me.”
“Tulip.” Jake said, his voice rough, tears falling down his cheeks. “I hear you… But, I’m your big brother. It’s always been my responsibility to keep you safe and protect you. I feel like I failed miserably at that job. I didn’t see through a situation I should have seen through. I should have picked up on the warning signs. I can’t promise to not blame myself for not getting you out sooner. I can promise to place the blame for the situation 100 percent at that rat bastard’s feet though. YOU, my sweet baby sister are not to blame either… Do you hear me? You are a victim here. Gracie is a victim. I will promise you though, and promise on my life… I will do everything in my power to get you and Gracie free from him. And no matter where I get sent in the future, I will always make sure you’re taken care of and have a safe place to land whenever you need it.”
“I love you Jake.” You said, tears falling down your own cheeks now. “I am the luckiest girl in the world to have you as my big brother.”
“I love you too, Y/N.” Jake said, pulling you over into a tight hug. “I’m the lucky one, Tulip.”
“I didn’t have being a divorced, jobless, single mom at 26 on my BINGO card.” You remarked dryly.
“Nothing wrong with being divorced,” Jake said, “Our lives would have been better had our parents split. The rest is easy enough to fix. We find you a job you like, get you set up with a bank account and as for being a single mom… you’re young, Tulip. You will meet someone great that loves you and Gracie. I’ll be vetting them this time… sorry, not sorry.”
“I don’t think that’ll be a problem, Jakey.” You replied, “I think I’m just going to focus on being a mom to Gracie and providing a great life for her. I’m a little gun shy with relationships. Not the best track record…”
“Give it time, Sweetheart.” He cautioned, “Don’t be too quick to slam doors. One step at a time though. I’m gonna wade through these messages. You go get some sleep.”
“Don’t engage with him though Jake.” You pleaded.
“Not planning on replying to anything, Tulip.” He said, “I promise.”
“Ok. Goodnight, Jakey.” You said getting up. You turned and dropped a kiss on his head, “I love you.”
“Love you too, Sweetheart.” He smiled, “Sweet Dreams.”
After you went towards your room, Jake spent a half hour going through all the messages, forwarding them to his own phone as back up. The more he read, the angrier he became. He got up to grab a beer from the fridge to take the edge off. Since he had the next day off, he didn’t feel guilty drinking.
Sitting back down on the couch, he pulled out his own phone and called Bradley.
“Everything alright?” Bradley asked as soon as he’d answered.
“I’ve been looking at the texts and listening to messages that Y/N’s soon to be EX husband is sending her and I’m so beyond angry, I just needed to be talked down.” Jake replied, “I sent her off to bed to get some sleep.”
“I don’t know how good I’ll be at talking you down from that man,” Bradley admitted, “Just spending the little time with her today that I did, I’d be right behind you in line to beat the shit of out of him.”
“Well shit, man, we can’t both end up in jail.” Jake laughed, “I just feel like I should have picked up on this much sooner and gotten her the fuck out.”
“You know it’s not your fault, Jake.” Bradley said, “The only person to blame in the entire scenario is that piece of shit.”
“That’s what Y/N said too” Jake admitted, “But I’m her big brother and have always been her protector.”
“She’s a smart woman. You should listen to her.” Bradley replied, “She also seems to be pretty damn tough so don’t discredit that. It sucks when you can’t protect the people you love from life. I get it. But you’re here now, you can protect them now. Plus you have a whole squad ready to throw down.”
“Thanks, Rooster,” Jake said. “She is tough… sometimes too tough. I’ll definitely make sure they’re protected at all costs now.”
“Your niece is probably the cutest kid I’ve ever met.” Bradley said, “Did she love her Princess room?”
“She is so perfect.” Jake gushed, “She went right to sleep, all snuggled into the blankets.”
“You should take her to the zoo while you’re off.” Bradley suggested, “I bet she’d absolutely adore that.”
“Good idea, man.” He said, “She would love it. So would Y/N. She’s always been crazy about animals. Would take her mind off things too.”
“No doubt about that.” Bradley agreed. “You good now?”
“Yeah.” Jake said, “Thank you. I might bring the girls by the base tomorrow, show them around.”
“Sounds good.” Bradley said, “Call me if you do, I’ll make sure everyone is available and we can show them all the planes.”
“Perfect. Goodnight Rooster.” Jake said.
“Goodnight, Hangman.” Bradley replied before hanging up.
Jake quickly finished his beer then headed to bed. He wanted to get as much accomplished tomorrow as possible and now he needed to plan a zoo trip.
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ofallthingsnasty · 4 months
Darling who doesn’t speak their yandere’s language…oh the possibilities
Yandere can say anything and their darling wouldn’t understand. They’d probably tell darling the most depraved and lewd things and darling would be like “Hm? What does that mean?” and yandere would tell them “It means ‘Have a good day’!” ☺️
Or if a darling escapes and tries to go to the authorities for help. They won’t understand what darling is saying and yandere will swoop in and tell them “oh this is my friend visiting from another country. They must have gotten lost, poor thing, thank you for keeping them safe for me!”
The possibilities, indeed…
tags: yandere, minors dni, starts out with general yandere tropes, then shifts to One Piece and then to one of my OCs (Evan), just silly ramblings, really wc: 0.8k
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From the malicious ones who pick a foreign darling on purpose - one, because it makes it harder for you to leave and two, because you’ll be more difficult to find by your own country’s police force, just because of the sheer amount of bureaucracy. You’re just so dependent on them. If they drag you out into the country (and out of the city, where you will find way more speakers of your language), change up your appearance and introduce you as their spouse - they could keep you for years, probably. Even have you around in the public, if they’re cocky. And if they just stuff you in the basement… No one will ever find you. So, even if you aren’t their little secret - you still need them for everything. From doctor’s appointments to simple shopping trips, to conversations with the neighbors… They’ll keep you dumb and complacent, translate what others say to you and you to them however it fits their own interests. And if you are just the little basement spouse, well… Have fun trying to break out of your confines and then running to the next house where you’ll be regarded as nothing but some crazy person hurriedly gesturing and trying to scream at anyone you can lay an eye on. They can’t understand you - and there are all sorts of scams out there today, who knows what your real motive is? No, no, that door is closing even before you can finish your first sentence. What a bleak fate. Then there are the egoistic ones - the ones who can communicate with you, but you can’t do the same with your environment. They want to be the center of your universe, their everything, the only way you experience life - not out of malice, but out of sheer obsession. I don’t think such a type would pick a foreign darling on purpose, but it’s a massive plus for them. It’s going to be just you and them, in your own little world, where they might as well be your god with how much power they hold over you. I could also see a spouse-turned-captor type go this route - just in reverse. They’d probably get you to move somewhere you’re a fish out of water and they very much aren’t - just to make it almost impossible for you to leave them. Because not only do they manage everything for you now, no, there is a financial aspect to this… Do you even have the money to move back? Or are you stuck in a foreign place, strapped for cash and without any helping hands? Goodness, you better think twice about breaking up with them, hm?
Also, I have to bring my fandom du jour into this - but this makes me think of Sanji, at least in a roundabout way. If we’re talking about a modern AU, I think he would immensely enjoy a foreign darling. In general, I see him not as a classic yandere, but more as someone who slowly morphs into one because he loves you so deeply, is so dependent on you. And you know what he’d adore? If you had to communicate with the rest of the world through him. He’d do anything for you - and I really mean anything. That man hangs on every word that falls from your lips, knows how to interpret every little twitch of your eyebrow, would crawl into your skin if he could - the thought of you having to lean on him in such a way, to give back even a fraction of that love and need he has for you… He’s obsessed with it. Not only can he truly and fully keep you to himself if you two were to move out of the country, you’d need him for everything. On the surface, he’s such a sweet, adoring husband but deep, deep down he’s a total creep. You’ll probably never see it coming, just take that little idea of his to move as something that would benefit you, first and foremost - because to you, Sanji never thinks about his own well-being, only yours. Aren’t you so lucky? And you know who would love a foreigner darling as well? One of my werewolf boys, Evan. Not necessarily because it makes things easier (it’s certainly a plus, just not intentional), but because he gets incredibly sentimental over the fact that he can teach you English. He views himself as your knight in shining armor, your husband, the love of your life - and god, wouldn’t it be so cute, such an amazing bonding experience to teach you his language? Once he sees you, he’s already dreaming of long nights spent pouring over books, of you clumsily parroting whatever he tells you to say. You’re going to be so grateful for all his work, too, he just knows it! Honestly, the moment the idea pops into his head, he’s immediately making a wishlist for all sorts of books and learning material one could feed an English second language learner.
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celandeline · 4 months
Summer of Like // Farleigh Start x OC (19)
It’s well past midnight when the party is over, and even later than that when I retreat upstairs, following after a drunk Venetia to make sure she doesn’t fall on the steps. My feet hurt from my borrowed heels, and the thin straps of the blue cocktail dress Venetia gave me are beginning to cut into the skin of my shoulders. 
“You’re sure you don’t need help getting out of your dress?” I ask as Venetia opens the door of her room. 
“You just want to see me naked.” She teases, leaning so that her nose almost brushes mine. 
“And what if I do?” I tease back. 
Venetia giggles. “Goodnight Evie.”
“Night V.” I return, heading into my own room. 
This time, when I see Farleigh sprawled over my bed, I’m not as surprised. He grins, tilting his head. “Do you need any help getting out of your dress?” He drawls. 
I shrug out of the straps, wincing as the elastic scrapes across my tender shoulders. “No, but if you wanted to rub the red marks out of my shoulders, I wouldn’t say no.”
He rolls his eyes, but sits up, gesturing for me to sit on the floor in front of him between his knees. The straps of the dress dangling from my shoulders, I sit down, tipping my head back against the edge of the bed so that I can look up at him while he kneads at my shoulders. 
“So.” I ask. 
“So.” He replies, eyes flicking between where his hands work against the indents left from the straps and my eyes. 
“What brings you to my bedroom?” I ask, grinning. “Besides the obvious things.”
“The obvious things being..?” He asks, the look in his eyes telling me that he knows exactly what I’m implying. He’ll never say it though, not unless I make him. 
“That you’re madly in love with me.” I say.
He laughs, just a little breathy thing, and rolls his eyes again, but notably doesn’t deny it, only - “That seems a bit dramatic.” He says. “But - if you must know, Oliver said some… things.”
“I see.” I say. “You’ve come to complain.”
He digs his fingers into a particularly sore part of my shoulders, and I sigh, melting further against the bed. “I’ll leave, if you want.” His tone is teasing, and his eyes twinkle.
“No, no.” I say. The thought of him taking his hands away from my shoulders seems like the worst thing in the world right now. “Keep going. Tell me about Oliver.”
He continues his massaging. “When you and Felix and V got up to get drinks, I asked him, fuck, chuck or marry - Richard III, Henry VII, or Henry XIII?”
“Fuck Richard III, marry Henry XIII, chuck Henry VII.”
Farleigh hums. “Interesting. I also said fuck Richard III, but I would have switched the other two. Not the point - he, first, outright says that I could just fuck him instead, which, what the hell does that mean? And then, second, tries to talk to me about how he understands what it's like to come from an unstable home and how humiliating it must be for me to have to ask James and Elspeth for everything, which is such bullshit coming from him. I swear, he gets off on having to ask Felix for help.”
“Mm.” I say. From what I know about Farleigh - from what Venetia has told me and what I can piece together from the way the rest of the family talks about him when he’s not around - it’s something of a sore spot, how his mother is running on fumes and how he has to beg for James and Elspeth’s kindness. From what I know about Oliver, he’s been riding on Felix’s coattails since they became friends, and happily. I’ve seen it myself, the adoring way that he looks at Felix, and how he devours even the smallest kindnesses with such vigor it’s almost disturbing. It’s a little offensive, that Oliver would pretend to understand how Farleigh feels when he so clearly doesn’t mind having to beg at all. 
“He knows that I don’t like him. I don’t hate him, obviously, but I don’t-” He pauses. “He just gets under my skin. I mean, he would lick the dirt out from between Felix’s toes if he asked him to, and he would smile about it. It’s pathetic, but it’s exactly the sort of shit that makes these people go wild, and I can’t-” He stops, and lets his hands slide from my shoulders. “Sorry.”
I turn in my spot on the floor so that I can look at him. “Sorry for what?”
He waves a hand through the air, dismissive. “It’s stupid, really. Felix’ll get tired of Oliver by the end of the summer and that’ll be that.”
“Sure.” I say, standing up from the floor. “But it seemed like, and you can correct me if I’m wrong here, you were going to say that you can’t grovel like Oliver does. And I don’t think that’s stupid to be mad about. You shouldn’t have to grovel, I mean, these people are your family.”
Farleigh sighs, turning his head to look out the window, out over the pitch blackness of the grounds. “Yeah.”
“Sucks.” I say, sitting on the bed beside him. 
He turns to look at me as I do, his eyes searching mine. I let him, and after a moment he groans, and flops back onto my mattress. I follow him back with a grin, propping myself up on my side so that I can look down at him. For a minute, we just look at each other, before he breaks the silence. 
“You’re a pretty good singer.” He says. 
“So are you.” I return easily, my free hand moving to brush through his curls, playing with the coarse strands, pulling at the little ringlets. 
His eyes flutter shut as my fingernails scratch against his scalp. I take the opportunity to let my eyes wander over his face. I could stare at him for hours and be content the whole time. If I were a painter, he would be my favorite subject. A modern reimagining of Apollo. 
“You’re just looking at me.” He says, eyes still closed. 
Even though he can’t see my face, I smile. “I’m always looking at you.” I say, dropping my voice in the same way that he did that night on the roof. 
He opens his eyes to meet mine. He almost looks helpless, looking up at me with wide eyes while I play with his hair. 
I lean down, slowly, stopping when the barest hint of our lips brush together. I can feel his sharp intake of breath against my cheek, and before he can say anything, I ask, “Will you unzip my dress?”
He swallows. “Sure.”
Backing away, I slip off the bed, and turn so that my back is toward him. I feel him stand up behind me, and I pull my hair over my shoulder, exposing the zipper. His slender fingers tug at the zip until the dress falls open. I don’t bother holding it up, letting it fall to the floor and leaving me in my underwear. 
I turn back around. There’s a needy look in his eye, and for a moment, I’m tempted, but there’s still a good month of the summer left. Better to stretch it out, I think. “I’m going to go to bed.”
“Okay. Yeah.” He says, sliding past me to head towards the door. Once he reaches it, he lingers, one hand on the doorknob. “Thanks for letting me vent.”
“‘Course.” I say, following him over to the door. “I always like talking to you.”
Farleigh laughs, disbelieving. “Sure.”
“No, really.” I say, winding a hand into his shirt. Gently, I pull him down until we are face to face. I watch his eyes search mine, still just as helpless and needy as before. I let my gaze drop to his lips so he knows what’s coming. 
I tilt my head to close the gap between us, and he meets me halfway, our lips meeting in a warm embrace. Using the hand I have wound into his shirt, I pull him flush to me, and his hands settle on the small of my back. His hands are warm, and he kisses like he’s hungry for it, like he’s been waiting. And I know he has. 
Just when things are getting really hot and heavy, and his hands have started to wander, I pull back, gently sinking my teeth into his bottom lip. 
He groans, low and whiny in the back of his throat. “Fuck.”
I slide out of his hold, and step back into my room. “Goodnight Farleigh.”
He grins, and opens the door. “‘Night Eves.”
I watch him slip out into the hall, and wait until the door’s fully shut behind him to giggle, and flop back down on my bed. 
< previous part | next part >
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quinloki · 4 months
Art of Quill
Not Quin's art! Comms I've collected of my OC Quill.
In my ever increasing journey to get more comfy with my OC and my eventual OC/insert Story project, I've been getting art of Quill.
This is going to be a LONG LONG post cause I'm including art and tagging who I can tag.
Most of said art is by @yamiyamiart and as delightful as it is, it's not something I can post to tumblr XD
But I can share the Rayleigh x Quill one since it's merely suggestive xD 😇❤️ (And a Kid x Quill that I am pretty sure was the first thing I comm'd from Yami when I was still hesitant to throw my smutty ideas at someone)
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Today I go an adorable piece by @aholepeach (who is that on bluesky and a_hole_peach on Twit). He pulled me in with his comics, and I love the kind of grimy soft vibe of his art.
(It's beautiful and skrunky - it has a weight to it that's present both in the body and the emotions, and I just really love it.)
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Just look at it \o/ ❤️
@magnuspool also helped me out back before I even knew Quill was going to be named Quill. I had naught to give this art goddess by a handful of words and a very very smol idea.
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I love everything about Mags, and the amount of nervousness I had approaching her for art would probably surprise a lot of you. She's super cool though, and a delight to work with. If you catch her comms open, don't be shy!
Polizon from twitter did a really great job with the composition on the request I had - aside from some direction on Quill I didn't provide any other references ^_^
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I just love that they're both very much capable fighters AND researchers. (What can I say, Fullmetal Alchemist was one of my first absolute favorite animes and you have to train the body AND mind.)
Last, but by no means least, is @stevienix - who took a waist up Pic crew for reference and gave me a nice full body for Quill ^_^ (I cannot overstate how much I need those boots in my life.)
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She's an IRL friend, we've broke bread together so show her some love, and be nice while you're there too.
@mew-ya was the first person to draw me Boy Mode Quill, and gods I love how it came out
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rileyglas · 16 days
Demonic Convergence - Pt. 2 - A Cold Welcome
Hazbin Hotel OC Story x Alastor
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@laudrawin did another uh-mazing piece for Part Two! This story is slowly building and I'm so excited to be building it with you!!! Althea and Vexel cross paths once again. In an intense conversation, they learn more about each other and find they are slowly obtaining a common enemy. Story below the cut!
Meet the OCs Pt. 1 First Impressions
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Vexel sat in his chair mulling over the events of Cannibal town. ~Those damn cannibals had some senseless resistance, I need to know more about it. They seemed to obey that woman. Atletha? Altaria? It started with an A. ~ 
He takes some time to note everything down in his journal, including the never ending list of questions. Who is this Vox man? How could Alastor be so arrogant yet so weak? Why did that woman want to keep her power a secret? The last one did have a pretty obvious answer, it was probably the same reason that he kept to himself. Stay unnoticed and keep ahold of whatever freewill this Hell allows. 
Too many questions and not enough answers. He needed to know more. Grabbing a loose piece of paper he jots down a letter and seals it with his magic. Now to get it to Althea. “Heniffer, come here please.” 
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Althea sits sipping her tea next to the wooded bayou in her and Alastor's room. The peaceful quiet is abruptly interrupted by a sudden thud on the bed. The same bird seen with Vexel the other day now screeches in a panic, entwined in the sheets. 
"Oh hey woah! Chill, I got you." she coos, unraveling the bird from its binds. In her attempts to free it, she doesn't notice Vexel's note fly off the bed. 
Looking up, she sees a portal still open as the bird jumps in vain attempting to get back where it came from. "Would you like a hand dear?" she asks. The bird squawks in response. 
Althea picks her up and climbs through the portal into what appears to be a study or library. Books filled every wall with more stacked in piles scattered around the dimly lit room. She takes a moment to look around, amazed by the ancient scripts around her. The hotel had a library but nothing like this. She'd kill for even ten minutes with some of these books. 
Heniffer flies out of Althea’s arms, clumsily bonking the back of Vexel’s head. He turns around and his veins run cold. ~What is she doing here?~ 
He takes a seat at his desk, "You're not meant to be here. Try not coming through next time." His eyes glow as a portal opens under her feet in an attempt to send her back. Althea jumps onto a stack of books nearby to evade it, "Excuse me! Need you be reminded you intruded on me first? What's the deal?" she snaps, annoyed by his less than warm welcome.
He shrugs in response, "Sent a letter, had no pigeons." He lifts an eyebrow and rises from his chair. His eyes bounce between the portal and Althea, who was still in awe over the tomes around her. The portal closes, "Unless it's healing them, don't touch my books. Why staying?"
A smirk crosses her face. "Didn't see letter. Your “not pigeon” sucks. Give summary." she returns in the same cadence he gave her. Heniffer's skull turns 180 degrees, hissing disapprovingly at Althea’s comment. She looks at the chicken, "Oh calm down, you're adorable. You just suck as a messenger." she says coolly, trying to smooth over her words. 
"In summary?" Vexel’s voice drops to a more serious tone, "Screen man has contacted me. And he was very much interested in you and your pup. And the control I had over him."
Her eyes move to Vexel, chest tightening at the thought he might have given Vox exactly what he asked for, "First of all...Alastor isn't my dog. He's my - something...Doesn't matter. What did you tell him!? I need to know so I can prepare for that asshole to attack us again."
"Something meaning you’re imbeciles in love? No offense of course. And Vox wants my help in getting control over your dog. Curious, why did he let me take control? Is he that arrogant or was he testing me back...? " His mind wanders in theories for a moment. He returns to his chair behind the desk, "The coward TV didn't dare to speak to me face to face, just in case I controlled him too."
She scoffs at his arrogance and naivety, "From the sounds of it you and my dog...which again he's not...are more alike than you think. Both cocky, powerful, unamused by the idea of love..." she pauses with a slight laugh, trying to find the right words.
"I owed you a favor and now it's paid." his voice returns to its chilly tone. 
Althea realizes she must speak carefully in order to maintain what little face she has with this man. "Look, you didn't owe me in the first place, however you've far from done any favors." She steps off the book pile and walks towards his desk in the middle of the room, "If anything your little show only puts you and Alastor in more danger. Vox is a part of the Vee's. Him and his little posse aren't ones to be fucked with....”
She rubs the back of her neck uncomfortably, “Speaking of, what WAS that demonstration?"
He lifts his chin in a show of superiority. "You healed me without a reason, passing some information seemed fair enough." He closes his book and slides it across the desk to her. Looking closer she sees it’s a necromancy book. Her hand runs over the cover, "Fascinating..." she breathes.
An unamused snort comes from Vexel, "So the idea of me? In danger? All Vox was shouting about was destroying your sinner-boy! I'm in no danger, unless you put me in it." He tilts his head, tapping the book, "I'm a necromancer. I brought the dead back to serve me when I was alive. Now everybody here is technically dead. Who knows, with enough power I could rule over Hell. From the shadows of course." 
Her eyes stay locked on the book as she mulls over his words. He was cocky, maybe even more so than Alastor. He can control the dead, which is powerful indeed. But here in Hell there is always a limit. 
"Foolishness will only get you killed. Fuck with the wrong people and they will destroy your soul. No more fun, no more power." she says, frustration rising in her voice. "As for ruling over Hell....I have a hard time believing someone who couldn't even hold their own against a few lowly Cannibals would last five minutes against Vox, let alone take over anything."
She locks eyes with the necromancer, "I wouldn't put you between anything, but it's too late now. You're on his radar. You either join him or..." she shoves the book back towards him, "...you're only good to him dead."
"I could have killed those cannibals, but that wasn't my plan... Learning from mistakes, however, is a great skill." He stares at the book, then takes a deep breath as he stretches his back, a loud crack echoing through the room. "My theory is that souls get judged and sent back to hell when they die. However it would be a pity to lose all of my... potential." He stands up, now stretching his arms, maintaining an unphased expression, "I start with a V too, what's the problem? They're clearly the winning side, we had a favor for a favor, Atlantis. Why should I not join them? What knowledge can you offer me?"
An uncontrollable laugh bubbles out of Althea, "You know what - go ahead. Go meet the V's. Enjoy their little fuckfests they have with each other. You aren't one who strikes me as a porn fan but hey I've been wrong before. I'm sure you'd be a wonderful power bottom in their freaky little love triangle. While you're at it, ask them what happened the last time they tried to fuck with Alastor and I." She turns her back to him, hiding how much she would love to teach this arrogant son of a bitch a lesson in humility, "Last I checked the 'winning side' doesn't beg for others to help them control their opponent."
Vexel picks up a book from a nearby shelf, mumbling under his breath, "Let's see... I bet I can fully control your Alastor in a matter of weeks." His head remains buried in the book, pretending to read as his irises glow with power. Althea begins to feel the tip of her fingers going numb, magic threads trying to embrace her body.
She keeps her back to Vexel, knowing he is attempting to take control. Chess has always been her favorite game. She allows the threads to tighten and the numbness to travel up her arms. ~You always have to sacrifice a few pawns to get where you need to be. Come on, take the bait.~ 
"Just like that?" He whispers to himself, seeing how easily she allows him into her mind. The handcuffs that so easily contained Alastor were no more than weak threads on her, ones she could break anytime. ~ I can't look for a crack if she just allows me in like this.~ 
"You apparently haven't learned from your mistakes," she says quietly, feeling his control starting to fade, "You have a terrible habit of underestimating people. Having too much pride is quite unbecoming."
She frees her hands with a swift jerking motion but doesn't turn to face him yet. Anxiously, she rubs her hands together trying to shake the feeling of him, "Things work differently here. Try this shit on the wrong person and that's it. You need a safer way of testing your abilities and their limits."
He tilts his head with curiosity, "The cannibals resisted better than your deer boy somehow. The only limit I’ve seen is that my abilities only work on sinners, no hellborns. And seems like the more recent arrivals are the easier they are to control. Regardless, I remain confident in my skills." He lifts his chin, eyes glowing for a moment.
Althea takes in his words. ~The longer someone is here, the less power he holds. Looks like he starts fizzling out around 120 years if the cannibals gave him a hard time.~
She scoffs and shakes her head, "Yeah...looked real confident with your back against the wall, cowering away from a small woman's touch - " a needle appears in her hand. She swiftly turns around, holding it close to his throat. " - and you'll be even more useless against the Exorcists." She says through a smirk. 
"I was beaten down! You felt my pain, didn't you? Would you have been able to cast a thing in that state?" He grunts defensively. "A simple touch could be deadly here. Being cautious doesn't equal being a coward" He stands still for a moment, lifting an eyebrow to the sharp point she holds to him, "Threatening me in my own place? How stupid of you. Is that what you call yourself? An exorcist?" His cold stare matches his gesture, with the back of two fingers he moves away the needle, delivering a warning whip of his necromancy and slashing through her own magic. 
Althea can't fight the smile stretching across her face in pure amusement. Her cool tone reflects how relaxed she suddenly feels, "Relax Gene Simmons...I'm not trying to bash your obviously fragile ego. I understand being cautious, I just wish you would at least try to hear me out on how things work here." She steps around him, keeping a comfortable distance. Making her way to his desk, she delicately moves aside some books before sitting herself on top and crossing her legs. 
"You say you can't control hellborns...I'd imagine Angels would be just as impossible. Every year, self proclaimed Exorcists come down from Heaven and brutally attack the sinners that run the streets. They show no mercy, no grace. Last time they took out nearly twenty percent of the population." she shuffles uncomfortably at the idea of losing so many. She knows she can't save everyone but it still bothers her when she speaks about it. 
"It's Vexel" He grunts, not catching the name reference. He glares disapprovingly at her blatant disrespect of climbing on his desk. 
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Back at the hotel, Alastor walks into the empty room. As he makes his way towards the table his brows furrow. A half full cup of tea remained along with Althea's book thrown to the floor. His eyes are pulled to the side of the disheveled bed to a small rolled up piece of paper. He cautiously unravels the note: 
Greetings, Althea. In doing the simplest of research I found your residence in that Hotel. Since we met last week, I didn’t have the need to contact you until now. Remember that flying machine that saw me getting control of your deer pup? It seems like it belongs to someone named Vox who is a part of "The Vs". I found it curious that their little group started with V! I could only assume that's why they invited me in. Or maybe because I managed to take control of your pocket sinner. Apparently they are deadly enemies of some sort, I could believe the screened face man has some sort of fetish over him, he was awfully obsessed with Alasturd.  Take this as my repayment for the help you offered. Vox is looking for someone more powerful than that overconfident static voice guy. Someone who can beat him down and I would assume kill him as well.  Have a nice day, and don't get too anxious about it. Vox sounded like he got hammered by him before.  Note: If Heniffer couldn't reach the portal, help her out.
Alastor growls through gritted teeth. He crumples the note, irritated by Vox's need to put his nose where it doesn't belong and by Vexel's sheer audacity to undermine him. "Pocket sinner!? What in Hell's name is a 'Heniffer'?" he sneers under his breath. Though seething, the real problem weighed heavy on his chest - where was Althea now and was she safe. 
He paces his bedroom trying to concentrate, trying to see if he could sense her anywhere within the city. ~At least I can tell she isn't near Vox right now~ Pausing for a moment, he nods to his shadow, sending it out in search of her while he continues pacing, trying to feel her presence.
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"If those exorcists are dead human souls, I should be able to control them all the same. Perhaps they work differently, I'd need three to five test subjects to make sure.” he returns to sit behind his desk, taking the space furthest from Althea to place his notebook.
“If time works the same as here, which I assume it does since you spoke about a year, it should be as easy as with sinners. If they are heaven born though, I can only assume I wouldn’t be able to do much." A necromantic orb spawns on his hand. He sends it into a wall that lights up and changes to reveal a lab of sorts. Corpses of imps and other different hellborns float there, preserved. He sees the horror across Althea’s face, "Relax, I’m not a killer. It’s easy to acquire corpses around here with the daily assaults between demons." 
The necromancer's eyes shine, empowering the corpses to come back to life. They pass through the crystal-like wall. "Ask them anything, they keep their memory, but their souls were released long ago." 
"Wow..." Althea breathes, bringing her legs up in a crisscross position on the desk and ignoring Vexel's space.  Resting her chin on her hands, her eyes light up like a child. She ignores the grunts of annoyance behind her to admire the power he has over the corpses. 
In front of her stood four very different bodies. A jackal-like hellhound, a small male imp with white hair and a crooked horn, an incubus lacking an eye, and a huge baphomet. "Incredible. Truly..." her amazement slowly fades to sadness, realizing his comment on souls and, much to his dismay, recognizing one of them. 
"Unfortunately I haven't gathered an overlord just yet. Nor a deadly sin, an owl man or a fallen angel.” Vexels chimes from behind the desk. 
She looks over her shoulder to him, trying to hide the pang that hits her chest.  "So they're just....empty? Nothing but...flesh puppets under your command?" The soul is a powerful thing, something she always considered sacred. It has always been part of her motivation in helping sinners survive and, now with Charlie, possibly find redemption for their souls.
"These are but husks of what they once were. Puppets indeed." He walks over to them, studying each one. "If they're dead, the soul doesn't usually stick around. The longer they've been dead, the less soul. Heniffer in an exception to the rule." He turns to look at her, his eyes lit again. "It works slightly differently with those who are still alive here. If I take control of your pet, he'll recover his senses as soon as I release him, just like how it happened in Cannibal Town. I push his soul to take place of it, but it still watches and feels"
Althea lets out the breath she didn't realize she was holding, finding some comfort in his words. Pushing herself off his desk she can't help feel a pull to help Vexel expand his knowledge. With his power stopping short of Hellborns and older souls, there isn't a worry for him to take over any time soon. 
Stepping towards him, she tries to don a soft voice, "The Exorcists are different. Older. Adam chooses only the best from the oldest of the Angels. I fear you won't have much pull with them. And I don't know if it's worth the risk to try for any 'test subjects'." 
She looks to Heniffer and smiles, the little skeleton already growing on her. "Look I can tell you're about as dry as week old toast, but humor me for a moment - what exactly do you want Vexel? To team up with a bunch of self serving, less than prestige Overlords? Or do you want an opportunity to learn and study alongside someone who has already proven they are more than willing to help you? And don't give me that 'all knowing, I can do it myself' shit because you obviously have a lot you don't know about Hell." 
He taps his finger to his chin, "So Adam was real? Curious, I've always believed in evolution. I have the feeling it's pretty hard to kill an angel, I haven't seen anything after the last extermination. Not a single feather."
His pulls his eyes back to her, forcing the corpses  to do the same, "Now we seem to be on the same page." He tilts his head a bit, the slightest of the smirks on his face. "Am I not helping you already? Telling you about Vox's intentions?" His smirk grows. "I already picked a side, you and your pup are more... interesting. And if my tests go wrong I’d benefit greatly from having my own personal healer." 
Her arms cross confidently in front of her chest, moving forward in a test of his boundaries, "I should note Alastor and myself are Overlords as well...and I'd be willing to allow you to use him as a 'test'." her voice moves up an octave, almost teasing the idea like candy to a child. He steps backwards, crossing his arms in defense. His eyes narrow towards her, "What's this trick?" 
A smug grin tugs at the corners of her mouth and she raises an eyebrow, "You only prove my point in how much you need to learn. You've told us nothing we didn't already know about Vox. He's more of a thorn in our side than an actual 'enemy'." She closes the gap again, taking another step towards him, "And I wouldn't say the same page, but at least we are finally reading the same book. You'll find I'm far from a trickster or a liar. I'd say you'll learn to trust me but....I'm starting to think that word exists in your vocabulary." she says coyly. 
His eyes remain on her as he moves back around to his desk, regaining some space and petting the hen's skull. "It does exist, I trust Heniffer." 
Althea rolls her eyes with a quick look to the hen, "Yeeeeah not helping your image of 'trust' there buddy. You know if you gave Alastor a chance, you'd find you and him are more alike than you'd like to believe. He's been here longer than me. Rose to power quicker than anyone. You'd benefit greatly from learning a few things from him. And he'd benefit from being taken down a notch every now and then." she leans to one side, kicking her hip out as she mumbles the last sentence with some annoyance in her voice.
Something like a laugh escapes the necromancer's chest. "So you offer me the knowledge of two overlords and all I have to do is use your guardian angel as a training dummy, is that so?" He moves back in his chair, arms and legs crossed.
In one swift movement Althea is back at the desk, hoisting herself on top to sit criss cross. She stares face to face with the man in his chair, "You speak as though you've never been shown kindness or been offered anything without some backhanded motivation." 
She cocks her head and rests it on her arm propped on her knee, "Does my offer intimidate you, sir? Should I be worried you'd betray the same person who helped when she didn't need to?"
"I'm selfish indeed, but if you can't respect my boundaries now, what makes me think you will later?" His voice is sharp and cold. His eyes begin to glow, forcing a portal to appear on the desk under her.
"Easy!" she yells rolling backwards off the desk, catching herself on her feet and glaring angrily, "Other than breathing your air, I've shown no reason for you to be so cold towards me when I've given you nothing but an extended hand in growing your knowledge!" her fist pounds the desk next to the portal, losing some control of her frustration. Looking down she sees Alastor, frozen, staring at her from their hotel room. 
"Just a moment dear." she throws to him before returning daggers to Vexel, "Close it! We're not done here!" she commands. The necromancer peaks over to the portal, giving a brief wave before closing the portal. He stands eyes aglow, commanding the corpses back to their resting place behind the wall.
"Trying to force me to trust you isn't helping, Althea. And you showing aggression to my lack of trust doesn't help either. Like you, I must remain cautious and careful with my contacts. We should make a deal to preserve our own safety"
She cards her hands through her hair, trying to regain her composure and pacing in front of the desk. "You've been here long enough to know things are...tense. I'm not....I'm not trying to force anything. I just - " 
A long sigh leaves her throat as she collects her thoughts, "I've spent my afterlife making a point to protect the sinners of the city. Most hardly deserve to be here. Others - " she looks down at her shaking hands, " -others I should have let die. I’ve learned how shit demons can be, how ruthless." her head shakes, bringing herself out of her own thoughts, "I don't think a deal is something you want from me. We'd be tied to each other in one way or another and that requires some form of trust. I do not desire a deal where I have to watch my back every minute of the day. I think you of all people would understand that." She keeps her head down, leaning her hands against the desk.
He stands up, towering over at her. "Don't give me a reason to stab you in the back and I won't. That's the word I can give you." He walks next to her, opening a portal once more to the hotel in front of them. Defeated, Althea waves off the more than confused Alastor. She looks up to Vexel, voice unwavering. "The only thing I'm trying to force is how much good I'm trying to see in you. Collect your thoughts, questions, whatever. You know where to find me." 
She goes to step through the portal but pauses for a moment. A solemn look in her eyes as she approaches Vexel one last time, "Not that you care, but Michael was his name. Your little Imp 'test subject'.  He ran a tailor shop.  Worked hard, kept his nose down. Saved him a few years back but lost contact. Guess I have my answer as to why." she turns and enters through the portal, yelling a quick "Goodbye Vexel."
"I'll be in touch, Althea!" With an approving smirk he waves goodbye, "I'll kidnap you if in need, and I'll take special care of Michael." With a flick of his hand, the portal closes.
Alastor’s hands grasp onto Althea’s shoulders, "Care to share what the HELL you think you were doing? Why were you with him? What did he mean by kidnapping!? Is he working for Vox? HELLO!?" 
She ignores his million questions, shaking off his hands and walking out of the room, "Not right now Al - I need a drink. Or six." she hollers over her shoulder before closing the door, leaving the Radio Demon to simmer in his own rage. 
Within a minute, a small portal opens in front of Alastor. Something flies through and hits him in the face. He unfolds the small note: 
I'm on your team, Guardian Angel.  Vexel, your personal necromancer.
Alastor's lip curls into a snarl. The note goes up in a green flame in his hand, "A fucking necromancer..." he growls under his breath. The last "self proclaimed" necromancer he encountered was back when he was alive. Plenty supposedly lived in the bayous near his home, and Satan knows they were nothing but sneaky, conniving fools. 
~He might have Althea fooled, poor girl is so much like Charlie when it comes to seeing the best in everyone, but I will be keeping an extremely close eye on this Vexel.~
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tacomanarrows · 3 months
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4 Year Shepiversary!!
Today, March 24th 2024, marks four years since I first made Shep!!
In that time, he really has evolved so much both as a character in his own right and as my main sona. It’s kind of ridiculous for me to look back at some of the first pieces I made of him and see how far both he and I have come since then <33
More ramblies abt what/how much he means to me below the cut :]
Shep was my first ever furry character and that was a big milestone for me, especially looking back on it now lol. I remember being nervous about taking that first step into having an anthro character because I had been in a lot of online spaces that had really negative views of the furry community (I would not wish being on iFunny upon anyone). Plus just branching away from WoF at the time, which my online presence had basically been built upon up to that point, also felt daunting.
But opening myself up to the furry community is something I’m so glad that I did and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Without taking that first step with making Shep, who knows, I might’ve never made things like Let’s Get Back! or gotten/made characters I so adore like PB, Starburst or Luau. I've met so many amazing people through this community and that's something I am so incredibly grateful for.
And then of course, Shep himself has really helped me in ways that no other OC of mine has. Given how I made him in March of 2020, that was right before the hardest stretch of my life so far, from early/mid 2020 through 2021. Having Shep as a way to express myself and channel the things I was feeling into a character really did help so much. I know I said this in my Shep post last year but it bears repeating, it really does feel like Shep and I have grown up together in the last four years. I don’t know how else to put it.
But 4 years and 232 toyhouse gallery images later, he’s still here with me. Despite everything, he's still me <33
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barbatosconsort · 3 months
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" Under the moonlight, here with you."
Short Cutted Story: Under the Moonlight.
(Hana/Cecilily: is my oc! More pieces of information will be uploaded soon!!)
Y/n(Hana,Cecilily) - A divine goddess of grace who descends in Teyvat, at the Mondstadt region, with Venti after he'd assigned himself to spend time with the both of you together.
Venti/Lord Barbatos - He who'd planned for their "special occasions" at the Starsnatch Cliff to have alone time with just the both of them.
[ You wonder what Venti had planned to surprise you known as a "special occasion" at the Starsnatch Cliff. You were never familiar with his place/region, even though you'd been there long ago.. But that was only the beginning before the dawn of the Old Mondstadt. ]
[ Could it be something... special? ]
You and Venti stood on the edge of the Starsnatch Cliff, gazing at the night sky. Venti and you had been spending more time together lately, and had felt a special bond between the both of you.
Venti couldn't take his eyes off you. He was mesmerized by your [color] hair, the way it flowed in the breeze. He leaned closer to you and whispered, "Beautiful..."
You felt his breath on your ear and turned to him. You saw his eyes sparkling with admiration. "Venti..?" You asked, your voice trembling. "Why.. are you looking at me like that?" You felt a surge of heat in your cheeks, a sensation you had never experienced before.
He chuckled and gently brushed his thumb over your cheek. "Windblume," he said, using his nickname for you.
"Yes?" You answered, following his finger as he pointed at the moon. It was bright and majestic, outshining all the stars around it. It was the center of attention.
"Isn't the moon beautiful?" Venti asked.
"Very beautiful..." You agreed.
"That's adorable. The way you look at the moon, admiring its presence of attention regardless of the stars behind it, hm?" He said, his words carrying a deeper meaning.
What was he trying to say?
"Well, why would I look at the stars when the moon shines so brightly with ecstasy it brings me to?" You said, smiling back at him.
Venti was stunned by your response. Did you really feel the same way he did?
He smiled softly and pulled you closer to him.
He held your hand and felt your pulse racing. "Huh?" (You gasped, as you saw his face inches away from yours. You looked into his eyes, spotting a mix of emotions, and felt a knot in your stomach as your cheeks started to burn.
What was happening?
As if reading your mind, he closed the gap between the both of you and kissed you gently. His lips were soft and sweet, and you felt a wave of bliss wash over you.
It was just a peck, but it meant everything.
'I love you.'
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"No words can describe how much I love you."
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caxycreations · 11 months
Who is Caxy Creations?
Caxy Creations, simply put, is my brand. So to really explain who Caxy Creations is, let's cover who I am.
My name is Davina. I also answer to: David, Caxy, or "Hey bitch~!" (/pos)
Some quick facts about me:
Labels are weird to me, transgender/genderfluid/agender and other things like that just...idk, they don't fit. I answer to she/her most comfortably, but I don't feel inherently she/her or he/him or they/them or anything else. I'm just...Me. So call me whatever pronouns you want, I'm a little of everything.
I'm an artist AND a writer, but far more a writer than an artist.
I stream on Twitch whenever I can, and whenever I have excuse/reason to. Can find my Twitch by clicking HERE.
I absolutely adore interaction of all kinds, but reciprocal interaction is my favorite: if you comment or ask a question, I absolutely will answer because I adore conversation.
I am single, and not looking for a relationship. This does not mean I won't flirt with you, especially if you're down to flirt back for the fun of it and understand it won't go any further.
I take tips/donations wherever I can get them. Anything to help me stay afloat while struggling with getting my job to start paying me. You can donate at my Ko-Fi by clicking HERE.
I'm a system. Alters have their own blogs @kittycaxcare and @guardiangreatwolf
This is my writing blog. For my others, see:
@caxyadrp (18+ RP account, Minors DNI)
@caxycreationsvrc (VRChat Photography and Videography account)
@yappincaxy (Voice Acting blog)
@caxyanalysis (Nerd snipe blog, analyzing theories, power scaling, hypotheticals, etc of real world and fictional topics/concepts)
@caxyafterdark (Fully NSFW 18+ writing/musings account, Minors DNI)
@classpectingcaxy (homestuck fanblog where I analyze and assign classes, aspects, and lunar sways)
@thebrokenrubber (Another 18+ RP account with a unique system)
@lustycaisupervised (an 18+ Lackadaisy-based Mordecai RP blog)
This blog is going to serve as two things: a compendium of all knowledge relating to Relan, a planet of my own design with its own history, religions, sciences, magics, and more, as well as a collection of stories about the people living on Relan. Some quick things to cover about Relan, for those interested:
I am 100% okay with OCs. If someone likes my world enough to make a character to throw into it, that is, to me, the ultimate compliment.
If you need/want help integrating your OCs into Relan, I am absolutely down to help with all the resources I have on the world.
Don't know if a species exists on Relan? Well, every single animal species on Earth exists on Relan, and every mythical being exists as well in some form or another, there's even a few internet-designed species and some entirely original species of my own design! So have fun with it!
Relan is a fantasy world. Ancient times have high fantasy themes and forms, modern times have modern fantasy themes and forms, and future eras have a distinctly science-fiction feel with a hint of magic to them. As such, my stories will usually have these themes and/or forms!
Character Cast
These characters are the most prominent in my stories, and I've linked to their introductory posts for easy access to information about them:
David Seltz
Moss Seltz
Davina Seltz
Trace Parker
Ryder Trayson
Luka Mikaelson
Olivia Bo
Kaleb Killian
Devon Masters
Other Resources
Tylvinian Tales: The Wolf's Den, Chapter One
Tylvinian Tales: The Wolf's Den, Latest Chapter
Tylvinian Tales: The Wolf's Den, Chapter Master Post
Full list of all my WIPS - The titles of every single book planned within the world of Relan.
Tylvinian Tales on Wattpad
Tylvinian Tales on AO3
Short Stories on Wattpad
Short Stories on AO3
Smut stories on Wattpad (18+ only!!!!)
Smut stories on AO3 (18+ only!!!!)
Worldbuilding Masterpost - A post with links to every worldbuilding piece I've uploaded so far.
How You Can Support Me - A post detailing ways to help me make a life for myself and avoid financial issues.
I also do VRChat Avatar commissions, click to be taken to my Trello.
With that out of the way, if you're curious about the tags, this little guide should help:
I also do writing commissions! I'm still new to doing them so I'm not sure what to price it at, but I was thinking something like this was reasonable:
$5 for 1,000 words
$10 for 2,500 words
$20 for 6,000 words
$30 for 10,000 words
$40 for 15,000 words
$50 for 25,000 words
+$10 for NSFW
+$10 for extreme gore
Under 1,000 words is free
With that out of the way I think this blog intro is long enough, ha. So...hang out, enjoy the blog, feel free to chat with me or comment on my posts, and I hope you have a wonderful day/night/whatever it is in your part of the world! <3
Some other wonderful blogs to check out are in the tag list below!
Tag List
@theathenverse @moremysteriesthantragedies @thetruearchmagos @a-scaly-troublemaker @that-one-enby-onyx @snakelovingnerd @eldritchx @leisoree @amerylise @profoundlyhauntedclaws @thefinalgoat @leisurelywingedlemon
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Userboxes by @lackauserboxes <3/p
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starsh0cked · 4 months
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okay so. two things!! first of all, over the course of january (and the beginning of february) i participated in the kirby oc secret santa, which was wonderfully hosted by @/moonverc3x. i was lucky enough to be the santa for @/starflungwaddledee, and ended up with two of my best pieces so far!!
these were CHALLENGING, though. which is where the second thing comes in!! under the cut, i'll be going over some of the sketches, drafts and phases of either piece! there's also a speedpaint. exciting!!
i'll be starting with my starstruck piece! the theme here was wanderlust - literally one of the most whimsical words i know - and generally anything to do with the stars. i had a few things in mind, but considering how long it sometimes takes to make artwork, i decided to roll with what inspired me the most.
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this is the final sketch compared to the final artwork. certainly one of the crazier transformations i've done. i had a mental image of most parts of the artwork, from the material of starstruck's bow to the lighting cast by the stars. everything except for the grass (i hate grass!!) i ended up rendering the grass and background first, anyway.
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doing the background before the rest of the artwork helps define the lighting and shadows! if i decided to draw starstruck before the background, i'd have to draw it according to the lighting.
weird explanation, but in summary: background before character helps the character look like a part of the environment! character before background means extra steps need to be taken before the character fits in the environment!
starstruck's bow was also a decent challenge! i'm a fan of bows and satin, so a satin bow sounded like a good idea. it was, but i've never drawn satin before. the workaround was an active satin study! i stared at a satin bow i found on pinterest and tried to understand how light spread over the material. it's quite interesting!!
you might notice that i flipped the direction of the shooting stars. this is for composition reasons!! i wanted to make starstruck the obvious focus, and while the contrast between her warmer palette and the background's cooler palette easily achieve that, i wanted to cement it. i also added little hand drawn sparklies everywhere. because i like it.
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of course, i have to talk about the eyes!! if anything, i noticed that in all of starflung's drawings of starstruck, she had really glittery eyes. literally adorable. so i made it my mission to capture her feelings in her eyes!! i had a lot of fun making them super shiny and adding little stars in there. i also needed to pay attention to the subtle gradient, though - they fade from blue to pink if you zoom into starflung's artworks - and decided to keep it vibrant.
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okay. thats all for this one!! i'd like to mention that in the original sketch for this specific pose, bandee was in the background. i really regret scrapping that now. oh, well!
time for morpho dee! i'll be starting for with the speedpaint for this one, mainly because it sort of explains some of the process by itself.
i restarted the shading... three or four times at least? so yeah. i was losing it on this piece. i'll be completely honest, i contemplated dropping it for the sake of meeting the deadline. it wasn't stressing me out, but i had studies to worry about too, and i was worried that it wouldn't be of great quality? but after some advice from my beloved older sister, i managed to turn the tide!!
this is a first for me, but everything here was a challenge. if you scroll through my account and the few artworks i've posted, you'll notice that i draw gijinkas far more than orbs. now, you may be wondering why this didn't pose so much of an issue for my starstruck piece! it's mainly because i chose a far simpler pose for her than i did for morpho over here.
for morpho, the artwork needed to be dramatic. i draw cutesy things - while i've always wanted to draw something dramatic, i've never pushed myself to do it. until this artwork! i went for a dynamic pose which would (hopefully) pull the viewer's eye towards morpho dee. that's what's up with the foreshortned spear! i also realised that the plcement of his feet would be quite significant to the artwork. you might not know this, but feet are my greatest enemy. i'm still trying to figure out how best to draw them for people or orbs, but i'm getting there.
after 'lineart' (which really ended up being a cleaned sketch - this was supposed to be linelessly rendered, but i gave up on that) the pose was no longer a problem. because the shading was! hooray!!
nothing has quite bewildered me like metal shading has. i've shaded gold. satin. cotton, fluffy scarves, shiny things, grass. yet metal shading continues to elude me! this was, hands down, the most difficult part of this artwork. i struggled to make sense of how the lighting was supposed to work, even with references. and every time i thought it made sense, i ended up with something i didn't like the look of. the solution? long breaks, more references and pinterest tutorials. i have no clue how i managed this, but we got here anyways. i finished it off by colouring the lineart according to the shading.
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i have experience with drawing fire, at least! it was three or four years ago in an old artwork, but i have experience! i simply had to figure out how to work it into the atmosphere. for the glow, i duplicated the layer, gaussian blurred it and used a slight glow layer! i did something similar for the durst particles, but i used motion blur instead.
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i also want to talk about the spear a little bit. you might notice that i added a bit of ambient glow around the blue gem. that was with the light intensity in mind, but also for a sense of realism! i also had to keep the pink light in mind, though. so i ended up using an airbrush to create a base for the lighting and i continued from there. i added a few scratches on the handle just to give it a bit more life, too.
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and, finally, a one-to-one comparison between the sketch and the final! i have literally no idea how i pulled either of these pieces off, but i'm quite proud of them.
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i recommend you drop by @/kirbyoc-secretsanta for other artworks! a total of 75 artists participated, so there are plenty of super cool ocs to adore over there and new artists to find!! this was my first secret santa experience, and @/moonverc3x made an amazing host (thank you for hosting, by the way!!) bye bye!!
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starrysharks · 7 months
(positive) thoughts on black madoka
-the contrast with homuras pale skin means they'd look really good as a pair, imagery like them holding hands and the such would look so nice
-as an artist that often has thoughts on making characters black solely through a color scheme angle, if anything I'd say make her darker so you can get more contrast with her bright light pink hair
-YOUR COLORS ARE SOOOO GOOD just so cute and bright and fun and candy like and harmonious
-lastly as a white person I'm wondering if you'd have any advice or if you have any pet peeves with darkerskined character designs, I choose my ocs skin tone solely based on the color scheme (and whenever i draw canon characters with darker skin i tend to do so based on their pallette and to get more variety in the cast) and sometimes I get worried I could accidentally be making 'poor representation' sense I'm not considering they're race at all. (like I don't even decide if they're black or like, Indian or some other race/ethnicity with darker complexions) and so many 'guide on drawing black characters' focus on more like, realistic stuff (like don't de-saturate the skin tone[what if the color scheme calls for it???]) and honestly most of them make me scared to draw black characters at all because i'm scared I'll do it wrong, i want to play around with stylizing fun hair styles but I don't because I'm worried I'm not 'allowed' to as a white person
-anyway have a good day your art is top tier, like i've spent time studying how you use shapes and colors to improve my own art level top tier (i also have aheavy focus on shapes in my art :3)
firstly, thank you for the compliments on my madoka design!! i did also draw her with contrast and pallete in mind. when it comes to my own designs, usually it's a mix of what aids the color pallete and representation, i guess - i want to make fun, diverse casts, so i make sure to put a lot of variety in character races and ethnicities. sometimes it's also because i think a black character would be awesome in a pre-existing trope that's usually only delegated to white characters - such as the cute and confident girl-next-door mallow, or the badass gunslinger lunette! that's also another reason why i wanted to draw mado black, as there is an obvious shortage of adorable "moe" black girls in general media, let alone anime.
when it comes to learning how to draw non-white people for white artists, i would say one thing - talk to the demographic you are drawing! many black artists are open to questions, and there's even a trend going on twitter where black artists are drawing curly and coily hairstyles in their own styles. feel free to experiment with stylisation, but i would really recommend both directly taking from real life references and talking to black people for advice and critique! and when it comes to different lighting, there's a world of guides and references to black skin in all styles from realistic to cartoony. also about desaturation to fit a piece's pallete - it's fine (for me), so long as it fits the rest of the piece's saturation levels. think of it as the 'rule of thumb' for lightening dark skin in pastel art - when everything including the skin is lightened, we can tell what the original tone of the skin is. of course i am just one black guy and am not the spokesperson, so please talk to other black artists (and other non-white artists) for advice if you feel you need to!
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bratshaws · 1 year
through the hourglass 175. brb x oc
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a/n: im posting early cause my connection is oscillating like a mf and i can't risk it! Also, no rooster...and well,I'm gonna try something new next chapter so wish me luck??? (comments and reblogs are super welcome and encouraged!! they make my nights they really do<3)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: slight angst???
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @novastories @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @booklover2sblog @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @fanboyswhore9 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23 @gh0stsgoodgirl @mygyn @chavivaelisheva @kmc1989
Beatrice was having fun, honestly knowing she wouldn’t be able to work for a few months this was more than welcome.
She was also enjoying the snacks, what were they? She brings one close to her eyes while she chews the very same thing, Nicole looking up at her in question, “...I think…this has pepperoni, hmmm,it’s so good.” she is sitting in the shade, right next to Evelyn’s seat but she’s busy talking to her relatives right now.
Nicole tries to reach for her mother’s hand, trying to snag a bite “Okay, here,” she shoves her finger inside before pulling out a piece of cheese, small enough for Nicole to chew on it. She’s careful while doing so, but Nicole has proven she’s a Schiavoni because she adores cheese, “Nice,right? Hold on,Shells- oh.” the blonde comes back with a cheese platter, holding it up to Beatrice’s face “Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it.” and she shoves another snack into her mouth, ‘Hm, this is so good. Evelyn is great with party foods.” she sits down next to Beatrice and Nicole, flicking her eyes when she sees the phone resting on Beatrice’s thigh, “You talked to Rooster?’
“I sent him a message, since we know that Ev will have a boy,I thought he’d like to know about that.” she smiles, “And because Hangman wouldn’t shut up about it, so.”
“Of course.” Shells mutters as she chews “Fuckin’ weird.”
The blonde shrugs while crossing her legs by the knee, “I don’t know, you two are with kids, married - well, Ev will get married when Jake comes back,I think…and I don’t know, it feels like a lot more time passed than just four years.” she chuckles, “I mean, the second you and Rooster met, it was like this whole spiral of new shit came along too, not that I’m complaining,after all I got Bob. But…you know, it started with the two of you.”
Beatrice smiles, nodding in agreement. "You're right, it does feel like a lot has happened in such a short amount of time. Meeting Rooster definitely brought a whirlwind of change into my life, and I never expected to end up where I am now. But I wouldn't trade it for anything."
She takes a moment to reflect on their journey, her eyes softening with fondness. "From that first encounter in the bar…everything just fell into place. It was meant to be." Shels clears her throat quiet loudly, arching her brows so the brunette continues, “...and yes, you helped, a lot.”
“Thank you.I sure did. Because if I didn’t make you move, you’d both die pining one another.” she shakes her head as she leans back on her seat, “And hey, I just gave the first push, you did everything else and hooked him in.”
Beatrice  rolled her eyes but she was grateful for Shells' bluntness. "You did give us that push, and I'll always be thankful for that.” ‘you are welcome’ Shells says, dipping her head forward “Sometimes, all it takes is a little nudge to set things in motion."
Nicole, who has been quietly snacking on another piece of cheese, looks up at Shells and Beatrice with an innocent expression. "Mama dada?” she questions as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, making Beatrice smile and kiss her temple.
“Yes,mama and dada.”
“That kid is going to be a menace when she’s older.”
“Hey,’ Bea narrows her eyes playfully, “It’s my daughter, excuse me?”
“She’s already talking, she's going to learn how to get your car keys at eleven. Just you wait.”
Beatrice blinked, staring at Shells as the party continued around them, “...did you steal a car at eleven?” Shells doesn’t reply, but she does drink her non-alcoholic punch while looking away. Honestly there were things in Shells’ life that Beatrice decides it’d be better to wonder than to think about. As she was about to question her again, she saw Evelyn approaching with a glass of water in her hand, “Hey, are you done socializing?”
“For now.” she sighs, flopping in the seat that’s between the two women, leaning back and kicking her shoes off, ‘Jesus, I can’t remember who was the last person I talked to. And they are all family.”
 "Well, it's a big family gathering, Ev. It's hard to keep track of everyone. But hey, at least you got a break from the relatives for a moment. I know how bad it was when they found out about Nikki.”
Evelyn takes a long sip of her water and lets out a content sigh. "True, true. As much as I love them, it can be a bit overwhelming at times.” she looks over to where her uncle Tom was, currently trying to show her younger cousins - and Jake’s young relatives- how to throw a baseball over the fence, “Mom!Uncle Tom has a baseball!” 
Vivian’s smile drops, “He what-THOMAS! WHERE DID YOU GET THAT!”
The three of them just watch as Evelyn’s mother walks over to her brother and yanks it out of his hand, “...where did he get that anyway?” Bea asks quietly, “Did he bring it with him?”
“Most likely.” Evelyn mutters, “His favorite story is how he almost went to the big leagues but he chose to get married instead. Which my aunt say never happened. He is a lawyer through and through. Runs in the family.” she explains, “On my mom’s side at least…anyway are you okay?”
Beatrice looks up from Nicole to meet Evelyn’s brown eyes “Me?” her friend nods while still drinking water, “I’m okay! Why are you asking?”
“Because while we are both pregnant you are the one carrying two and a baby.” she smiles down at Nicole who just babbles something in reply, “You need anything? A better chair? Something comfier?”
“Oh,no,no,I’m fine.” Beatrice smiles, “Honestly I’m okay. This party is really helping me get my mind at ease, Rooster’s deployment has been a bit hard lately but…you know,” she plays with Nicole’s hand for a few seconds as her daughter enjoys her tiny piece of cheese before she looks ahead, ‘It’s manageable. I just want him to come back safe and it’s been only a few weeks apart?” she didn’t want to explain how anxious she was feeling even before the deployment, they didn’t need to worry about her like that.
Evelyn reaches out and places a comforting hand on Beatrice's arm, patting it twice. "I understand, Bea. Deployments are always tough,and honestly I’ve been feeling kinda iffy about Jake too." she mutters, ‘Mainly because he’s not here to know that the baby pumpkin will be a boy…well, as long as they decide to be, but I wish he was here.”
“How have you been handling it?”
Evelyn’s laugh is dry and a bit humorless, “Well…you know, this really helped. I was angry about changing the dates but I think it was better if I did this.” she smiles at a few family members, especially from Jake’s side, before letting her smile drop, “I do think we’ve been going good. Even my dad is helping.” she waves at her father, who smiles and waves back, before turning his attention to his brothers-in-law, “I know he’s been trying to…be more present. He’s going to be a grandpa now…speaking of which, how did your family react when you told them about the twins?”
“Yeah!” Shells says, “You never told us!”
Beatrice inhales softly, her mouth parting as she’s violently reminded of that day. She wanted to wait until her father was out of the hospital, and her siblings were all at home with them…she did fear making her father feel worse but it wasn’t that bad.
“...my mom fainted.” she mutters, ‘Um…Sabrina fainted,Leonardo fainted.” she frowns a bit, chewing her lower lip “But e-everyone else took really nicely and um, once my mom recovered she cried. A lot. A whole lot, oh wow she cried even more than in my wedding! Hah…um…” she does think it was a lot more dramatic than what she was telling her friends, but she was too traumatized to say it outloud.
Evelyn's eyes widen in surprise as Beatrice recounts her family's reaction. "Wow, that sounds intense. I mean, I knew having twins would be a big deal, but fainting and crying? That's... quite the response."
Shells leans forward, her curiosity piqued. "What about your dad? How did he take the news?"
Beatrice's expression softens as she thinks about her father's reaction. "Well, my dad wasn’t in the hospital at the time, which made it a lot easier. When I told him about the twins, his eyes filled with tears, and he just hugged me tightly. He kept saying how happy he was. It was such a beautiful moment… and my mom cried again. She cried um…a lot."
Evelyn smiles warmly, holding her head up with a hand and propping her elbow on her knee. "I met your mom, she's just really emotional when it comes to these things. And I’m glad your dad was happy too…and your siblings?"
“Oh they are all the same. Except Michael,I think he knew from the spot.” she shrugged, leaning back on her seat and holding Nicole on her chest, being mindful of her growing bump, “It was…nice? They are checking on me too,and I forgot to tell Roos about it damn.”
“W-no! Nikki that’s a bad word!” Beatrice’s panicked stare was only broken when her daughter covered her mouth to giggle, “Oh god,I can’t even imagine once she starts repeating Rooster’s words.” she sighs, looking down at her diaper “I need to change her,” she’s already standing up and stares at Evelyn because she has no idea where the bathroom is at her parents’ house, “Ev, can you um–”
“No worries.” her friend stands up with a grunt, squinting her eyes while setting her empty glass aside, “Follow me.”
Evelyn leads the way, guiding Beatrice through the bustling party towards the bathroom. It does take a while to get there since some of the party goers now paid attention to Beatrice and Nicole. Nikki, of course, loved the attention and just cooed and gurgled at everyone who smiled at her. Luckily it doesn’t take long for them to leave the commotion, with  Beatrice following closely behind, cradling Nicole in her arms and grateful for Evelyn's assistance.
As they walk, Evelyn looks over her shoulder and smiles reassuringly at Beatrice. "Does she need anything?"
Beatrice returns the smile, feeling a sense of relief wash over her, shaking her head. "Thank you, Ev.But no, I got everything in here." she lifts the shoulder that holds the bag strap, “I just need a clean space to do it.”
Evelyn reaches the bathroom door and holds it open for Beatrice. "Alright,I might stay here…I kinda need a break for everyone else if that’s okay?"
Beatrice nods understandingly. "Of course, Ev. Take all the time you need.It won’t be a bother."
Evelyn smiles gratefully and steps aside, letting Beatrice enter the bathroom with Nicole in her arms. "Thanks, Bea. I'll be right outside if you need anything. Just give me a shout."
With that, Evelyn closes the door behind Beatrice, leaving her to tend to Nicole in privacy. Beatrice finds a clean, spacious area to lay down a changing mat and gently places Nicole on it. She takes a moment to take a deep breath, appreciating the quietness of the bathroom compared to the lively party outside. Not that she’s complaining, I mean, she could handle her own family, but with her mind going so fast it was better to focus.
As she carefully removes Nicole's diaper and begins the process of changing her, Beatrice reflects on the events of the day. It's been a good day so far, she talked to Rooster and now she’s enjoying a party! It could be much worse.
Nicole babbles happily, seemingly unaware of the commotion happening beyond the bathroom door. Beatrice smiles at her daughter, taking her time, ensuring that Nicole is clean and comfortable before carefully securing a fresh diaper in place. Nicole babbles some more, kicking her little legs so much Beatrice has to hold one of them, “Nikki, just let me fix your skirt at least.”
Nicole just moved her legs even more,giggling and loving how her mother’s face went from calm to exasperatedly amused until she couldn’t help but laugh, “You, are terrible.” and she tickles the baby’s tummy, “You are just like your father. You two have a way to making me laugh and forget every bad thing that goes on in my brain.” she whispers, knowing Evelyn was right outside.
Beatrice’s smile drops and she sighs, the anxiety was still there, gnawing at her spine, whispering things she didn’t want to hear nor think about. “It’s fine. It’s all fine.” she whispers, closing her eyes and clenching her jaw, quickly meeting her reflection and smiling - the best she could- “It’s all good. I talked to him today so it’s fine…anyway.”
Beatrice scoops Nicole up into her arms, cradling her close, burying her nose in her daughter’s hair and closing her eyes again, “It’s fine.” she bounces on the spot a bit, trying to get rid of the nerves, “God,it’s fine. Why am I like this?”. She pulls back and takes a moment to admire her daughter's tiny features, feeling a surge of love and protectiveness wash over her. "You're such a precious little girl, Nicole.” her daughter blinks up at her, “Yes you are.” she feels the sting of tears but holds it back the best way that she can.
As Beatrice holds Nicole in her arms, she finds solace in the unconditional love that emanates from her daughter. Nicole's innocent gaze and infectious smile bring a sense of joy and peace to Beatrice's heart, even in moments of doubt and anxiety. 
Like right now.
Gently swaying back and forth, Beatrice takes a deep breath, willing herself to find calm amidst the storm of emotions. She reminds herself that she has a support system in place, both with Rooster and her friends like Evelyn and Shells, who are there for her during this challenging time. “Oh boy, okay.” she turns on her heel to walk out of the bathroom, once she feels she’s okay enough and meets Evelyn there.
Her friend was leaning against the wall, this time with her arms crossed and eyes distant, “Um,Ev?” she snaps the tall woman out of her thoughts because she physically jumped, “Sorry,I uh,we’re finished.”
Evelyn blinks, momentarily caught off guard by Beatrice's voice. She quickly regains her composure and pushes herself away from the wall, offering Beatrice a warm smile. "Oh, sorry about that. Lost in my thoughts for a moment. How's everything with Nicole?"
Beatrice returns the smile, her own expression a bit confused. "She's doing great. Just a little rebel, this one." She holds Nicole up for Evelyn to see, who immediately breaks into a grin while kicking her small legs, “Look at that.”.
"She takes after her parents, I see," Evelyn chuckles. "Well, I'm glad everything went smoothly. Are you feeling alright?"
Beatrice nods, her voice steady but her eyes are still on Nicole and she takes the time to adjust the bag strap on her shoulder "Anxiety acting up, nothing more."
“...can I ask you something?”
“Yeah, sure!”
Evelyn chews the inside of her cheek, going back to crossing her arms, “...how do you feel about this deployment?” she questions quietly, “I want to ask Shells but you know how she’ll be,” and she makes a movement with her hand, something akin to ‘what the hell’ and rolling her eyes, “She won’t give me a straight answer…but you will. I am anxious as well,Bea…and I’ve handled deployment a lot.” she flicks her gaze to Cyclone’s picture on the wall, the crisp white uniform appearing even brighter under the light, “But this one…I don’t know, something feels off.”
And Beatrice hated it because it feels like it.
“Listen,ugh,’ Evelyn rubbed the bridge of her nose, “Sorry, sorry,I don’t want to add to it. I’m just…I don’t have anyone to share my worries with. My mom…she’s more used to it than I am but–” and Evelyn goes back to leaning on the wall, this time Beatrice joins her, with Nicole still babbling happily with her head on Bea’s shoulder, “...feels off doesn’t it?”
She didn’t want to admit it, “...it does.”
“They’ll be okay.”
“I know. They will.”
‘Then why,” Evelyn begins, throwing her hands up, “Why are we nervous like this?”
“Well,I don’t know about you but my anxiety never really left…I think it’s worse because of the pregnancy.” she suggests, clearly not knowing it either, “But…we are still talking to them, you know? And…and knowing more about what’s been going on, within the rules of course, so…maybe it’s the hormones.”
“...makes sense.”
“Yeah! They are good at what they do.” Was she really comforting Evelyn and not vice-versa? Is this an alternative universe??? “And I know they’ll be okay…especially now.” she inhales softly, then shakes her head, “Anyway, let’s go back to the party, yeah?I’m sure your family is worried sick about you now.” she places a hand on Evelyn’s shoulder, this time leading her back instead. “I think we’ll both need this more than we know”
She does wait for Evelyn to walk out first, taking a few minutes to breathe and close her eyes, only opening when she feels good enough. She knows they’ll be alright, but she doesn’t really mind when she pulls out her phone to write him a message.
I love you. I know you’ll do good. Stay safe Roos.
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pink-and-pearls · 1 year
Hey, i'm new to Tumblr so i don't know how things work. But, do you do requests of OC's and characters from Anime? I have a suggestion,but you don't have to do it if you don't want to.
My OC Kabae x Hisoka being bf and gf, no smut please.
A/N: Helloo, I love your request 🥰 Hisoka is such a well-developed character! Also, sorry for the delay : ) I'm not really familiar with working with OC's, I hope you don't mind it, but I mostly work with Y/n. Therefore, this post is going to headcanons about Hisoka and mentioning indirectly y/n.
Disclaimer : English isn't my first language, please be indulgent with me.
Hisoka Morrow as a boyfriend (Headcanons)
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Hisoka is difficult to understand since he never show who he truly is or what he truly feel, but with time you might see more about him. Though, you're probably the only one to see that since he doesn't show his true facade to anybody. In fact, you're the only one that managed to make the magician feel like human again.
Although this could be contradictory, Hisoka isn't the kind to have short term relationships. To be clear, yes might have played around here and there, but once he finds a true partners they're in for a long while. He can't just let anyone get close to him and expect them to leave easily. If you manage to be his, you're most likely to stay his.
Hisoka LOVES to spoil you, whatever you want he'll get it. This man is so ready to swipe his card he doesn't care at all. Makeup, clothes, shoes, purses, jewelry, nails, he's paying. You're his darling and he wants to show you how much he adores you. He also loves to match outfits and pieces of jewelry with you.
He likes to take you to fancy dinners on top of towers and stuff. He would you gift you a dress for the date and would leave a note like: "Wear this tonight my sweet angel ⭐-.-💧 xoxo ♡"
He calls you all the time and texts you a lot, because he wants to make sure you're doing well, that you have ate and to reminds you how much he loves you.
He is very protective and possessive, he doesn't like people staring at you or talking to you a lot. He wants you all by himself and desire your all of your attention.
God forbid anyone bothers you, this man has absolutely no patience for rude and mean people, especially if they're rude to you. Card will be flying and heads will be missing, he'll try not to hurt them for you, but won't hesitate to stand up for you (and maybe make them regret the day they were born.)
Hisoka loves to cuddle you, he likes the feeling of having you in his arms and whispering sweet things to you. Which often leads you to sleep on his chest and he doesn't mind it at all. In fact, he tries not to move too much in he sleeps to keep you comfy. He plants soft kisses in your cheeks and caresses you delicatly.
When you're in a sad mood he tries to cheer you up by showing you magic tricks or cooking your favorite meal. He doesn't show it, but it really riles him up to see you upset. You're his sweet girlfriend and your smile is something he values deeply. He'd do anything to hear you laugh again.
Hisoka is extremely romantic, he talks to you sweetly swaying with your feelings with his words "My sweet little girl, you know how much I love you right? Hm?" He runs you a bath with flowers and candles decorated meticulously around. He ties your shoes, gives you piggyback rides when you're tired or picks you up bridal style. He kisses you passionately shaking your very soul and call you by all sort of endearing nicknames.
He won't say it but when you listen to him and take intrest in what he's talking about he falls in love with you all over again. He rarely gets to actually have conversations with people since they fear him, but when you just sit there laughing and smiling at whatever he's saying, he feels lucky to have someone like you. Someone who's just like rays of sun illuminating everything around providing a comforting warmth. Not so long ago he would find this pathetic, but he didn't know how much he craved this connection until he met you. He cherishes every moment with you.
Above all Hisoka is a very passionate boyfriend and he knows how to make you feel loved. Under his mischievous demeanor, he deeply cares about you and wants to make you happy. He's happy to have found you and appreciates all of the small gestures you do for him. Nobody has ever taken time to show this man a bit of compassion, but there you were making him feel things he never felt.
Being Hisoka's girlfriend means that every day is an adventure...
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arcielee · 9 months
Yo Kalki here 👋
I absolutely adore your writing - they are soo well-crafted and I love that you have a certain style which is quite rare to find in fan-fiction writings that tends to mimic the style of its own source material. Personally, I too find that extremely hard to capture, and for most of us, we rely on books and TV shows to mimic a narrative style for our own stories.
My ask is regarding the 'writing' and 'editing' stages - so, usually for someone like me whose first language is not English, I tend to plan out a plot and just write the outline (a skeleton of a plot, essentially) without the dialogues. I then go and 'fill in' the rest depending on the style and theme I am hoping to aim there. Honestly, I am still very bad at dialogues and usually rely on existing phrases (from shows or books) to go by. Here, I wanted to ask if you have any advice for making sure that one's writing has a consistent tone and point of view, while still being a cohesive narrative? If it is not too much trouble, could you explain the process you follow when writing and editing your own work? You are under no obligation to answer this question; I understand if it sounds too convoluted.
Also, I was wondering if you write professionally? In addition to fanfiction, I mean. You're truly in a league of your own!! There is another author I greatly enjoy who has their own unique voice in their fanfic writings - @elleinmotion. Their Aemond/OC story is amazing, and one of my favorite WIPs to keep up with.
Hello Kalki 💜 This was so lovely of you to send. I am doing a Read More so I can give you the response you absolutely deserve.
First of all, I just want to say thank you. I pour my heart into every piece I post here or on ao3, and knowing you enjoy reading what I create... my heart is just overflowing.
Also, I was a grinning fool when you said I have a certain style. I just love that. So again, thank you. 💜
For my writing and editing process:
This is cliché, and he is not an influence of mine, but Mark Twain once said it best: to write what you know.
I apply this to my fictional crushes 😂 I research them, study them, pay attention from their mannerisms down to their diction, until I have an understanding [or believe I have an understanding] of them.
Then I daydream dialogues to try and get a feel for how they would react or what they would say in response to my made up scenarios.
For me, daydreaming is probably one of my best tools, but I now make sure I have a pen and pad of paper, a notepad on my phone, so I can write down a conversation that comes to me, whenever inspiration strikes.
Here is some of the random snippets I take down for stories I have posted and stories I am working on. I try to get out everything so it can trigger the memory whenever I sit down to write:
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Now, whenever I am struggling with how someone would say something, or if the conversation is stilted, not flowing like I need it to, I will reach out for help, asking my specialist, my beta readers to brainstorm an idea or have them read over whatever monstrosity I wrote.
A writing community is wonderful to have and I have been fortunate to collect these talented souls from the amazing pieces I come across this hellsite. When I reblog, my brain will tuck them away with the thought: "This fic was nifty, they are my Aegon Specialist™."
I have no shame to reach out and see if they would not mind me bothering them with a question about whatever I am struggling to put together. 😂
And whenever I edit, I find that taking a day or two away from a piece, returning to it and reading it out loud is the best way to catch any grammatical mistakes. For example, I read all my stories to my editor, Jaxy:
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A beta reader can also be wonderful help, but make sure you let them know what you need when they read it over. And when you find one that is just brilliant, make sure to cherish them, shower them with compliments, get them snacks, etc. They are truly doing the work of the gods [the old, not the new].
For you last question, I do not write professionally. I actually started writing fanfiction around 13 or 14, though I daydreamed about being a published author.
I did do some technical writing and editing for a few years, and then transitioned over to coding, so now I do dev work for an app + their website.
But who knows what's next? Maybe one day I will write a book 😊
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thefablefoxart · 2 years
I thought, since I have so many WIPs I may as well share them. I don’t know what it is about the end of summer but I always want to do everything and nothing when it come to the last week of the holidays.
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Firstly, the Vega and Warden piece! I will finish this one…at some point…hopefully this weekend 😐 I think I’ve decided to go with Warden in their demon form but I guess we’ll see if that sticks…
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Next is my initial design for Scorpius :D Looking back at it now I realise he kinda looks like my version of David…When I say initial design I mean, I literally drew this while listening to the audio for the first time. I need to go back and probably change some stuff but I definitely think Scorpius has sort of an intimidating vibe but he’s a real one for helping Elliott, love him for that
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I believe in ‘Darlin’ and Lovely as besties’ supremacy 🧎‍♀️They’re having a sleepover and sending Vince and Sam photos!!! Lovely and Vincent strike me as the type of couple that don’t stop messaging each other whilst their apart. And Sam probably appreciates knowing their both safe and not out almost getting themselves killed 🙄 Can I just point out how FRICKING CUTE LOVELY LOOKS IN THIS OMG!!!!
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Again Lovely looking fine af 😩 This is just a little snippet of something I’ll probably…maybe…finish. I want to have one big post with very short little bios for all of my listener OCs so I can pin it to my profile as a guide but it’s gonna take so long and I don’t really have the time 😢
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Well…I started a comic based on a little headcanon I have that Milo had a teeny tiny little crush on Tank back when they first joined the pack (Milo definitely has a thing for strong and intimidating people, lets be real 🙄😏) The pink sketched are from the first draft and Milo’s little pout is so adorable 🥰 There are about 5 pages all together but like with the listener OC bios I just don’t have time to finish it right now…
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And finally there’s the iconic D.AM.N squad game night drawing that everyone and their nan’s great uncle’s dog has done… I am so mad that i have to cover up Freelancer’s gorgeous loveheart sofa but the boys are worth it!
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