#i didn't even get into the whole dynamic with peter
goldeneyedgirl · 8 months
Loving all the ATBT snippets so far (I think I'm all caught up) 😥 Would you be willing to share more headcanons about Jasper's side of things? Especially Jasper/Tanya vs Jasper/Alice--how/when did both hookups start and why house vs woods?
Hi! Of course! Thank you so much for reading it, I know it's depressing!
Jasper in ATBT is a bit of a lost soul, who covers up a lot of his problems and issues by constantly reminding himself that he should be grateful for what he has. That living with crippling depression is his penance for everything that he did in the south. Any suffering is his own fault, and he needs to man up and live with it.
At one point, there was going to be two separate fics - one for Alice (ATBT) and one for Jasper (I think it was called All the Lies I Never Told? I honestly can't remember) to better explain that he had his own problems and he wasn't just being a jerk as a plot device. I'll probably just combine them into ATBT as Part 1 and Part 2.
It took decades for Jasper to consider the Cullens friends, let alone agree to stay with them 'temporarily' because he truly believed that he deserved to be alone. It took longer still for him to become part of the family - he definitely cared and liked the Cullens, but he didn't feel deserving of any kindness or affection they offered him.
Edward and Carlisle tag-teamed for many years to try and get Jasper into a healthier mindset, and one less prone to picking fights or starving himself in penance (basically the one time Edward is allowed to speak about someone's private thoughts is when they turn to violent or harmful intentions. This rule was introduced after Rosalie dealt with Royce, even though Edward has clearly stated he didn't stop her then and he wouldn't stop her now.)
And before Bella and James and Alice, Jasper was doing pretty well within the family; he got on with them all, he had enough control over his bloodlust to attend school, and he wasn't spending his spare time contemplating various forms of self-harm. Esme and Carlisle did watch over him from a distance to make sure that he was traveling okay, checking in with each other that he was socializing and hunting enough, that he wasn't isolating himself from the family, and that his mood seemed neutral-positive. Basically the same rough set of guidelines they used for Rosalie at the end of her newborn year.
And then Bella arrives, and she's Edward's singer. That causes some drama, especially since Jasper has to be convinced not to eliminated Bella because of the risk to the family and it takes a lot more effort in this universe.
Then James arrives with Alice in tow and shit hits the fan even more.
Jasper is suddenly faced with this terrified, vulnerable girl who constantly emits all the emotions he's spent years overcoming. She never feels safe, she's constantly afraid or worried, and she's almost always hungry. And to make it even worse for him, she seems to focus on him and he's terrified that this girl has decided since all the other men in the family are taken, he's being cast as her savior and the one who can offer her the Cullen dream. He can't do that, in his mind he's barely a Cullen, and absolutely incapable and unfit to be a husband.
And he's so goddamn lonely; something that has become extremely obvious to him since Edward met Bella. Suddenly, he's the one left out; the spare. He doesn't deserve a wife, he won't ever have a wife, but that doesn't mean he doesn't secretly want someone.
And he figures that he and Alice can be lonely together. She seems interested and it's all consensual, and maybe he's a little less lonely. It starts around the beginning of summer after Twilight.
At no time in the canon-arc does Alice share her visions of the family with them, or her visions of Jasper. So Jasper has no context for why she likes him.
Then he starts to catch feelings. At first, it's a lot sympathy and horror as more of her story comes out, and a feeling of over-protectiveness - she's so small and breakable, and she's here to stay so she's one of them. She's always so happy when he spends any kind of time with her, and she's never said anything about his scars or acted repulsed by them. Alice might shy away from Carlisle and Emmett, but she's never acted like that to him.
And if the birthday party had gone differently, it might have been more simple for them to fall in love. But he was blindsided by everything, and can only focus on the fact that Alice knew something was going to happen. She left him vulnerable, she let him slip. And he was furious because Cullens don't do that. The Cullens have always had each other's back. So he lashes out at her and breaks whatever tentative thing they have between them, and really never acknowledges how damaging that night was to both of them.
Post Volterra, Jasper's in a place where Alice is less clingy to him, and where a lot of the family focus is on Victoria, the wolves, and keeping Bella safe. Bella is extremely vulnerable in this situation, and takes up focus that Esme and Carlisle would normally direct towards Alice or towards Jasper. With Victoria back in the picture, Alice becomes more out of sorts and reaches out to Jasper who decides that she's crossed his invisible boundary and needs to be reminded of the role he's mentally assigned her. Enter Tanya.
To start off, I hate Tanya being cast as a villain because she had the audacity to have romantic or sexual inclinations towards Edward in canon. I think it's cheap and lazy, especially when Tanya et al are considered so close to Carlisle and the Cullens in general. In ATBT, Tanya had no idea that Jasper and Alice had some ambiguous 'thing' going on and she's genuinely embarrassed - and pissed - that Jasper orchestrated that moment of getting caught, especially since it was clearly about making Alice feel bad. There will be a confrontation about that at some point.
Tanya is very old and has seen and done things - especially in the years before Kate and Irina were changed - that were fairly horrific. Add in Sasha's death, and she knows what survivor's guilt feels like. She and Jasper hit it off as friends decades ago; she appealed to him because she was so friendly and intelligent, she had a certain amount of empathy towards his ugly past, and didn't seem to be all that cautious of him. Their 'friends with benefits' is something that just kind of happened in the late 70s, continued off and on, and other than a couple of jokes from Emmett, is very much considered something between Jasper and Tanya, and doesn't need to be acknowledged by either family.
Edward's mostly grateful, because he feels like he's got a solid defense against Tanya's pursuit. It's not something that Jasper and Tanya talk about it or have particular guidelines for; it's just one of the things they can do when they're together. (Esme was very disappointed that it wasn't a romantic connection because she thought it would be a beautiful love story.)
The house vs the forest is pretty straightforward - Jasper wanted privacy, didn't want to risk anyone interrupting him and Alice; and he noticed Alice was always more relaxed in the woods. They could also conceal their activities with the claims that they were going hunting - which worked up to a point, then Esme and Carlisle were kind of "we're both pretending not to believe them, right?"
By the time Tanya arrives to help with the wedding, there's no more 'Alice needs to hunt excessively' excuse; the family already know what he and Tanya get up to; and Jasper is actively trying to draw boundaries between him and Alice. In his mind, Jasper doesn't believe that the house is more respectable than the forest - his study was private, and he knew Alice would come looking for him there. He would be mortified that Alice assumed that he took her to the woods because she was embarrassing to be with.
So yeah, it's a very emotionally messy fic, and relies a lot upon both Alice and Jasper's willingness to reflect, heal, and communicate.
Okay, I think I rambled enough about this. Asking me about any of my fics is always going to inspire a long essay of information because I love to ramble.
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twost3ps · 1 month
Lucifur is gonna be in a pit of a pinch....
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A sneak peek into more of my Scott Pilgrim au!!!
Still tweaking their designs but this is what I've got so far!!! This is a sketch and not final >>>>:(
But let's goooo I just need to choose one more character >>:3 to make the 7
I've gotten a few suggestions so far:
Alastor- it would be funny. Just so funny. And it makes Lucfir question when and how. it's brilliant. Idk how their dynamic would work for this one. Or when really but I'd still consider it o3o
Alastors mom- same as alastor, it's funny. And then it also let's me make lucifur fight Alastor so instead of a 1v1 it's a 2v1. Alastors mom is super scary :)
Valentino- not a lot of history, but it makes the roster start off easy. Possible hilarious character interaction. For one, easy win and second, fast punching bag. Still thinking about the dynamic, but for sure Adam and him have a rocky relationship which let to him to further solidify his hate in sinners and how irredeemable they were also some platonic holydust excuse
Dumah -angel of vindication, and I'm making him Azraels twin brother. He and Azrael will have similar scenarios. When they picked up Adam from earth, he kinda found them kinda hot. Both are ruthless and do share a similar sentiment about sinner, Dumah more so because he's the one judging them. He def hates Luficur and thinks he's pathetic and is not taking his job- the one God so graciously gave him- seriously at all. Even after the fight, Dumah would still not respect Lucifur all that much
Satan- assuming that they meant Satan, as the sin of wrath, makes Luci question again how Adam was able to do this this whole time. Adam got with him, like Mammon, by chance during an extermination. I don't think any of the sins actually care for the exterminations- they're not their people. Why should they? It implied that Lucifur didn't either until Charlie expressed her desire for redemption. Satan liked Adam's wrath and fighting spirit. Thought his weapon was cool too. He could feel all the anger and hate in Adam and was intrigued. Adam thought Satan was really cool too. Also pretty hot and both kinda get off on how much rage they have and their destructiveness.
Still considering:
St. Peter- guys. It's funny. Promise. It's the 'he was a punk, he did ballet' and Lucifur is surprised how they even got together in the first place. He's watching them and wondering what pulled them together. Peter is just glad to see that Adam is actually alive and not dead once he's brought into fight. Lucifur thinks it's gonna be easy before St peter reveals that he's actually a UNIT. Adam and St Peter got together because Adam was sent to train him to gaurd the gate. Yes, Peter is there to let ppl in, but he was also placed there as a surprising first line of defense. They train and ig one thing led to another over time and they got together. So when Luci fight him, he's very shocked at how capable St peter is
Lute- again, I still think that they have a funny father and daughter dynamic but then a saw malaierba's tags and it opened my eyes a bit and made me reconsider putting her on the roster. Adam was Lute's experiment relationship. Dated for like a week, at best, before Lute said "nah I'm gay" and it felt weird for both of them cuz they really just saw eachother as family. Lute is mad protective toward Adam and the fuel of believing that Lucifur is the reason Adam is in hell makes her all just a bit (very) more feral
Depending who I choose will moved them up or down the roster but eyyeyey
Im still open to suggestions!! I might retract the limits I said before just in case.
If I still can't choose, I'll open a poll or something :p
Next post will prob be about the background of everyone else on the roster so far o3o
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angel-of-the-moons · 9 months
Miguel O'Hara x Spider-Woman!Reader
TW/Content Warnings: NSFW, Smut, PIV Sex, Heat/Rut Cycles, Territorial, bit of Feral!Miguel, improper use of webs, pheromones, hormones, predator/prey dynamic if you squint, Unprotected Sex, Biting, Scratching, Bondage(?), Breeding Kink (c'mon we all know Miguel has one), established relationship, boyfriend/girlfriend, rough sex, oral sex, blowjob
MINORS DNI: I am not responsible for the content that you are about to read/consume, if you are upset by the themes in this fic, do not read it and scroll on by!
A/N: For context, you are a Spider-Woman who is one of (maybe the only) the few Spiders who have similar powers to Miguel. This is my first Miguel x Reader fic I've ever written, and my first fic ever posted here on Tumblr! (Header does not indicate reader's race)
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Earth 7164. New York. Middle of summer.
The scent hit him the moment he tore through the portal. A heavy, sweet, earthy scent that flooded his whole body with a rush of adrenaline. Even the fat droplets of summer rain that fell from the dingy skyline did little to diminish that delicious, mouth watering scent.
Your scent.
His body was trembling as he rolled his shoulders in an attempt to rid himself of the tension that roped its way through his heavy muscles. His talons flexed as he gritted his teeth, each drag of his lungs pulling your scent into his body.
Miguel O'Hara was a man who would claim he had a good sense of control over his urges. He would also say he was a good boyfriend, attentive. A bit protective (some would say possessive).
But, he had been neglecting you as of late, his duties in the Spider Society and ensuring the safety of the universe had kept him away from you these past few weeks, and he almost lost track until he felt that familiar boiling of his blood, an itch that he knew could only be scratched by you.
And he knew that you would be experiencing a similar situation to him, almost parallel. In fact, he surmised you were probably the only Spider who had similar powers. The only difference was that whereas Miguel's powers were (sort of) intentional, and other Spiders were given to them after being bitten by radioactive spiders... You were born like this. They didn't know why. Hell, you didn't know why.
You had the venom (you could consciously control how much you pumped out in every bite), you had your own talons (although yours were a part of your nails, not in the pads of his fingers and toes), the wall crawling abilities, natural web-shooting...
And your cycle. At first having you around was torture on his senses when it would roll around. It would start with your scent changing; the dampness he picked up from between your legs making the blood rush straight to his dick. More often than he'd like he'd have to excuse himself to his private lab to jerk himself off until he felt some of his clarity return.
But it was always just a temporary relief. It only got worse when your breeding cycle and his rut cycle synced up, resulting in the two of you needing to almost be sedated and kept away from each other. (How Lyla kept that under wraps, Miguel never knew.)
And once your dynamic shifted and you started seeing each other, and eventually getting intimate... well. He was positive that Jess or Peter suspected what was up... Especially when he would disappear to your universe for a week or so, only to come back in a slightly better mood, small dark patches peeking out from beneath the collar of his suit, or you would be walking funny or unable to sit comfortably.
Right now, though, those thoughts were shoved to the back of his mind. The only thing he could think of was you. He could smell you, taste you in the air. This was your territory, and he... Could be considered an intruder, depending on your mood.
A male spider waltzing into a pissed off and horny female spider's web during breeding season.
Shaking his head, he took another deep drag of the air around him, the smell of the city mixing with your earthy, almost fruity tones. Your scent was faded slightly, but he could still use it to track you beneath the smog, garbage, and vehicle exhaust.
It's not like he didn't know where your apartment was... But he knew during this period of time you'd be restless, irritable, angry.
And mind-numbingly horny.
Miguel launched himself up, slinging his wrist out and using his glowing webs to propel himself in between the buildings and skyscrapers; leaping, flipping, arching through the sky in a red-and-blue blur.
He knew he was closing in on you. Your scent was all but strangling him, choking the air and what little sanity he was clinging to right out of him.
He should have known you were waiting.
Miguel was rammed into with the speed of a runaway train, the oxygen he so desperately needed ripped from his lungs as he tumbled with a roll onto the rooftop below, landing on all fours as his talons dug into the concrete and tar, leaving deep grooves as he slowed himself.
He lifted his gaze to see you land in front of him, chest heaving, body trembling.
"I have been waiting for you, for almost two weeks." You wheezed out.
"Hell of a way to greet me, querida." Miguel grunted, pulling himself to his feet.
Beneath your mask, he knew your eyes immediately dragged down to the hard bulge pressing against his suit, the hard outline of it sending a fresh throb of arousal straight to your core.
"The kick was a bit much." He said, trying to maintain a professional composure.
But his control was quickly slipping.
"Shut the fuck up."
The short rebuke didn't surprise him.
"Should have been here days ago." Miguel said, swallowing hard at the lump in his throat. "I know that. But--"
You cut him off by lunging at him, hurling your full weight onto him and pinning him down beneath you.
The heat between your legs felt like it melted through his suit, burning the skin beneath and causing a fever to spread.
You raised your fist to bring it down on his face but his reflexes allow him to catch it, gripping you like a steel vice. His other hand gripped your thigh as he planted his feet on the rooftop, rolling to pin you beneath him, his massive frame caging you in.
He squeezed your hips between his thighs, muscles tensing and twitching, breathing heavy. Your free hand reached out and clawed at him, tearing at his suit, leaving a rainbow of glitched out fabric behind, small droplets of blood rushing forth to drip down his tanned skin.
He gritted his teeth at the sensation, the sweet burn sending another wave of heat through his body that made his cock twitch.
You were past talking, past negotiating and being civil. You knew what you wanted, and you wanted it now.
You breathed heavily, gritting your teeth as Miguel gripped your thigh and forced your knee by your head, squeezing the plushest part as his face dragged down to the dark patch soaking through the fabric of your suit.
Using this new position, you kicked at him square in his chest and threw him off of you.
Before he could right himself, you rolled to your feet and jumped off the roof, shooting a web to sling you away from him.
Sure, you were horny and wanted to ride his cock til he couldn't see straight for a month. But he had been gone for weeks and you had been struggling with your own self-care, your measley silicone toys and vibrators barely able to compare with that womb-punching length that Miguel crammed into you, or his skillful and knowledgeable hands rubbing you until your eyes rolled back. But right now, you were pissed.
He wanted your pussy? He was going to have to work for it.
And if that meant playing your cat and mouse game for an hour, building the anticipation and making his cock leak; aching, desperate for a taste of you? So be it.
You played this game for a while, teasing him, getting within arms reach before yanking yourself away at the last possible second, thwarting his attempts to catch you.
Sometimes you liked to play with your food.
But all games come to an end. And this one had an abrupt ending when Miguel headed you off, tackling you to the roof of some abandoned warehouse, pinning you down on your belly, hands above your head.
"Bout fucking time I caught you. Tu pequeño bromista.." (You little tease.) He snarled, leaning down to your ear as his mask dissipated from his head, letting his wavy chocolate hair fall free, damp strands plastering themselves to his forehead.
His eyes were wild, red and glowing; pupils blown wide.
"Fuck you." You hiss, squirming under him.
"Oh, sucederá en, no te preocupes." (Oh, don't worry, it will happen.)
Miguel raised his free hand and brought it down hard on your ass, making you bite your lip to contain the mewl that tried to claw its way out of your throat.
"Look at you, now, hermosa." He sneered, his chest huffing in a small, humorless laugh. "I can fucking smell you from a mile off."
He reached down and cupped your mound, his fingers squishing slightly in the damp fabric of your suit; but once again you deny him a moan, instead biting into your lip, fangs threatening to puncture your lip.
You squirm an arm free and go to elbow him in the face, get him off of you. (Or under you.)
But he predicted that. That's what always got you going when you were in the middle of your cycle. You liked it rough.
His large hand completely encircled your elbow and forced your arm back down. Quickly, he used his glowing, laser-webs to secure your wrists together before he gripped the fabric of your suit with his talons, shredding it as he yanked you over so you were on your back.
Miguel smiled and yanked your mask off of your head, tossing it to the side before gripping your chin with his fingers, putting enough pressure to keep your eyes on his.
"Now... What should I do with you?" He said contemplatively, tapping your cheek with his index finger, making a show of thinking, his eyes dragging over the flushed features on your face, your tongue darting out to wet your dry lips.
"Ah. That's it." He grinned, his slightly askew teeth gleaming in the dark. He grips you by the front of your torn suit and pulls you to your knees as he stands.
He grips the crotch of his suit, and rips at it with his talons, the torn edges doing that kaleidoscopic glitch of colors as his cock springs free from its confines; large, twitching, angry red tip leaking in excitement.
You have to bite your tongue to keep in your little groan, your heart soaking through and dripping out through your suit.
"Hmh." He grunted, annoyed. "I'll loosen your fucking mouth. I've been keeping myself under control this whole time. But now? I'm not going to be gentle."
He gripped your hair, just shy of painful as he dragged your head to his crotch, the tip of his cock smearing his precum across your cheek.
"Chúpalo." (Suck it.)
You finally give in, your hands bound in your lap as you drag your tongue along a prominent vein in the velvety skin of his shaft, earning a deep, rumbling groan from him that you swore sent vibrations straight to your cunt, making you flutter around nothing.
You pull your head back and swirl your tongue around the tip, pulling and tugging as you lap at his slit, eagerly tasting every drop of pre he was giving you before diving in and taking the rest of his tip in your mouth, bobbing your head in a steady rhythm.
He massaged your scalp, his talons tickling the skin under your hair as he encouraged you to continue.
But you knew his calm demeanor wasn't going to last. It wasn't long before he grabbed at your hair with both hands, forcing you to choke down on his length, just shy of blocking off your airway as he fucked your face, the tension and stress from your cat and mouse game coming out as his tip kept shoving at your throat, your nose brushing the dark curly hairs at the base, his balls slapping your chin with every thrust; saliva pooling around his length as you keep your fangs pulled back as you let him use your throat like a fleshlight.
You close your jaw microscopically, fangs grazing the flesh.
"Míralo!" (Watch it!) He reprimanded, pulling your hair roughly to pull you back, his cock springing out of your lips with a wet pop, saliva connecting the tip with the soft pink muscle in your mouth like a weak bridge.
"Be a good girl." He snarled, pulling you back down on his length, barely letting you catch your breath before forcing you all the way down, tears welling up in your eyes and falling down your cheeks as you choked and gagged.
You knew exactly how to lick, suck, and tug at his cock to get the best reactions, the most delicious sounds from him.
You snuck a glance up at him, watching as he tipped his head back with a throaty groan as you greedily swallowed him down.
You moaned around him; his cock throbbed.
You felt him twitch, felt his hips sputter as he gritted his teeth.
"Fuckin' close." He snarled, looking down at you as your eyes connected with his feral ones.
You rocked your clothed cunt on your heel, trying desperately to get some friction to your aching clit. Miguel caught this motion, and held you down on his cock, choking you from not letting you ease off.
"You're not allowed to touch yourself." He said through gritted teeth, pulling your head back with a harsh tug, letting you get a gulp of air before voraciously fucking your mouth again. You obeyed his command, sitting in your slick that was dripping down and out of you, your folds puffy and neglected.
"Fuck..." He breathed heavily, he could feel that burn, that coil about to snap, his blood boiling and rushing straight to the tip of his dick as he felt his balls draw tight.
You moaned softly around him, gagging slightly before that rush of heat flooded your mouth as you worked your throat to swallow every last drop of the load he was feeding you.
Miguel panted, dragging some much needed air in his lungs as he let you pull back, hacking and coughing as your airways flooded with oxygen again. You grin maliciously and bite down on his thigh. No venom of course, but just enough to remind him you were there, earning you a sharp glare and a slap to the back of your head as you licked your lips.
He ran a hand through his hair, and it wasn't but a moment later before he yanked you to your feet, and shoved his tongue past your lips to overpower yours, tasting his cum lingering on your breath as his heavy rut-scent flooded your nose. You moaned shamelessly into the kiss, biting and tugging at each others lips until a burst of cooper flooded your mouth.
Miguel pulled away and licked at his bloody lip, before his mouth twisted into a snarl. He barreled into you, forcing you against a rooftop air-conditioning unit.
His hand reached down as he ripped at your suit, your breasts bouncing free.
Of course you weren't wearing a fucking bra. Probably no panties either. Because you were just that fucking horny and desperate.
He leaned down and took one of your pebbling nipples in his mouth, biting and sucking roughly as you push your head back against the unit, the metal bumping as you do, a strangled cry coming from you.
He pulled back, before delving back down and putting the same torture on your other tit. This time however he pulled back, biting down on the marshmallowy flesh, making you mewl out as his tongue laves over the mark he made.
"Miguel!" You snarl, thrashing your leg to kick at him, your frustration and neglect finally getting to you.
Miguel caught your flailing lim and forced it up, pinning it against the air-conditioning unit with another shot of his webs, before securing your already bound hands with more, above your head.
He pressed his forehead against yours, his hot and heavy breath ghosting over your sweaty skin, before his hands once again swiped and gripped at your cunt, pawing at it like a cat kneading a blanket.
Miguel lazily dragged two fingers torturously slow up your slit, before punching your clit hard through the fabric.
"You've been misbehaving... But I know you're just going to keep acting out until I give you what you want." Miguel sneered into your ear.
You whimpered, arching into his touch as he pulled away, making a frustrated sob at the lack of contact.
You nearly had the air punched out of your lungs when Miguel dropped to his knees, inhaling the scent of your soaked pussy like it was a drug he needed a hit of. He opened his mouth and dragged his tongue up the soaked fabric, before latching on and sucking.
Now this was new. Getting eaten out through the fabric of your clothes. There was too much contact but somehow not enough as he rutted his nose at your clit, sucking more at your folds drawing more of your slick through the fabric.
You thrashed against his webs, trying so hard to roll your hips and fuck his face, but with the way you were pinned, you were at his mercy, especially when he hoisted your free leg over his shoulder. He pressed two fingers against your covered hole as he furiously suckled your clit.
Your orgasm crashed into you so hard you couldn't even manage a scream, your mouth just hung open on a silent cry, eyes rolling back as a fresh gush of slick leaked through your suit.
Miguel smiled against you and tore your suit's crotch open, and you shivered as the humid, summer air made contact with your slick and creamy folds. You barely had a second to realize what was happening before Miguel plunged back in, his nose rutting your clit once more as I sucked at your cream, your slick covering his chin.
Miguel was the best sexual partner you ever had, he knew exactly how to eat you out to the point you lost your voice without even using it.
Just as your second orgasm was creeping up on you, he pulled his mouth away, wiping his face clean with the back of his hand and licking his chops like a dog eyeing a juicy stake.
His cock bobbed against his stomach as he stood, a steady stream of precum dribbling out of the tip and to the ground below.
He pulled your free leg to wrap around his waist as he slid the underside of his cock against your puffy cunt.
Miguel bit down on your shoulder, hard as he forced himself into you with one brutal thrust, pushing the air out of your lungs as he punched your guts through your womb with his cock, spearing you wide as he set a rapid, relentless pace for the both of you.
You uttered breathless pleas, praises, and incoherent mumblings with each thrust; the two of you grunting and moaning in each others ears like rabid animals, Miguel's cock slamming home into your pussy, squelching, dripping, the slap of skin and hips colliding filling the very atoms around you.
Your body screamed, cried, ached for him to fuck you, fill you up to the brim.
Miguel's tip crammed against your cervix in such a brutal way that you swore he bullied himself into your womb with every thrust. It was a blossoming pain that bled into pleasure, quickly bringing you back to the edge of your second orgasm that he had denied you.
"That's it, baby." Miguel snarled in your ear. "Ah... So tight for me. You want me?"
You nodded, whimpering and sobbing into his shoulder.
"Want me to fuck you til you can't walk for a week? Stretch you til all you can think of is my cock?" He said, his voice edging on a gleeful tone as he pants, turning his head and licking at the sweat on your neck.
"Want me to fucking breed you?"
You bite into his shoulder at that, whimpering as his suit glitches around your fangs and you lick at the blood welling up.
He hissed, and his pace became frantic, almost angry as he reaches down and pinches your clit like before, and your orgasm comes flooding through every blood vessel in your body as you jerk mindlessly against him, your pussy crushing down on him, milking him for everything he can give you.
He moans loudly in your ear, snapping his hips up into yours, balls slapping your ass as you cry out, sobs wracking your chest as your vision blurs and the tension rips out of you.
You whimper, and hiccup against him when he forces himself into you one last time, his tip kissing that oh so lovely spot inside as he pumps his heavy and sticky load deep inside your pussy, dripping out of you with each jagged thrust as he fucks you through his orgasm.
When Miguel's hips still, his hand pets at your hair as he kisses your jaw, nipping the skin there as he slices the webs holding your legs and hands up.
"Mmmmh. I needed that." Miguel sighed into your hair.
You grunted in response, your fists gripping at his suit as you pull him down for a hungry and toothy kiss.
"Take me home and fuck me." You demanded.
All Miguel could do was smile, and carry you back to your apartment. The real trick was keeping his cock sheathed inside of you as he swung from building to building, trying to avoid anybody who may have a camera phone...
But honestly? You didn't care.
The two of you did care, a few weeks later.
When two little pink lines appeared on the stick in your hand.
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wolfstarshipping · 6 months
wolfstar wips
So I'm using the @hprecfest day 12 prompt "a WIP you're following" to post a short rec list of WIPs that has been sitting in my drafts for so long now I even had to remove a fic that had been finished in the meanwhile!
Something rotten in Grimmauld Place by @plecotusauritus (8,802 words, Hamlet AU) This is a wolfstar Hamlet AU, need I say more?? I've never much cared or thought about Hamlet since I read it in school but this fic (almost) makes me want to reread Hamlet and I can't wait to see where the story goes next, I love the atmosphere this fic captures, the lovely writing style and just seeing all these characters we know so well fit into the plot of Hamlet is so, so cool!!
the oldest recipe for parsnip soup by @eyra (10.639 words, modern AU, christmas fic) Getting another fic by eyra for the holidays has been such a wonderful treat! I love the whole setting and the characters of this fic so much already, especially Sirius!! And the writing and all the descriptions are so, so beautiful, as always, highly recommend checking it out!!
Welcome to Aphrodite by @de-sire-blog & @rhabarberjunge (18.957 words, magical AU, secret identities) this is one of those fics I've read a while ago, but I keep thinking about it because I loved it so much. I don't want to give away too much of the plot, but the premise is Sirius finding a hidden, adults-only club that makes people's secret desires come true, and of course Sirius's secret desire is Remus... It's hot, it's fun, and it's incredibly angsty, I love it.
Stitched into My Skin by @squintclover (19.297 words, canon divergent AU, memory loss) I love the heartache and all the bittersweetness that comes with memory loss fics so much already, and I am so obsessed with the way it's been done in this fic. The premise of the fic is Peter casting a memory loss charm on Sirius on October 31st 1981, which leads to Remus raising Harry and randomly coming across Sirius years later, only Sirius doesn't remember him. I'm so intrigued by the first few chapters already and can't wait to see where the story goes next!
Marauder FM by @hollyivydruzy (26.402 words, modern AU, radio AU, enemies to friends to lovers) I know I've recced this fic before but I will never shut up about it because I love it, and especially this fic's Remus so, so much! It's an iconic, funny radio AU set in London, and I wish the radio shows from this fic were real because I would listen to Sirius's radio show every morning if I could. I just love the vibe of all of them working at the radio station together and the slow burn enemies to friends (to lovers) is so delicious!
The Patchwork of Us by @tracingpatternswrites (27.502 words, modern AU, enemies to lovers, co-parenting Teddy) This is such a lovely fic about Sirius and Remus navigating the difficult situation of co-parenting Teddy after Tonks dies, I love the domesticity and the enemies to lovers vibe of this fic so much!
The Picture of Sirius Black by @lynxindisguise (30.049 words, Dorian Gray AU) okay anyone who has ever seen my blog knows how much I love lynx's writing, which is why I am also obsessed with this fic, even though it's a genre I'm usually not that familiar with. It's a Dorian Gray AU, it's gothic horror but especially the first few chapters are also giving victorian romcom with murder sideplot vibes (and I mean this as the biggest compliment), this fic will make you laugh and cry and want to murder some of these characters yourself maybe.
Only Fools Are Satisfied by grumposaur (@pancakehouse) (38.353 words, modern AU, tennis AU). I really love the exploration of Sirius's family dynamics in the context of him being a professional athlete in this fic, and Remus with his tanlines and freckles is everything!!
Neon Moon by @krethes (47.698 words, modern AU, cowboy stripper Remus AU, Las Vegas) I didn't know how much I needed Remus to be a stripper and a cowboy before I read this fic, but now I do and I love him!! The whole premise of them meeting at a strip club while Sirius is out on James's bachelor party is so iconic, and the vibes of the fic are just overall excellent, highly recommend checking it out!
on another ocean by @colgatebluemintygel (118.148 words, modern AU, backpacking/interrail, friends with benefits) Where do I even start? This is an incredible fic, one of my all time faves, I've reread some of the chapters several times now and am so obsessed with this fic's Remus in his socks and sandals, driving Sirius crazy with lust. Also I will not spoil it for anyone who hasn't read it, but the scene in the budapest chapter in the club bathroom features one of my favorite Sirius moments of all time, across all universes haha.
marginalia by @spindrifters (266.547 words, magical AU, canon divergent AU - Grindelwald won, slavery AU) I'm having a hard time trying to put my love for this fic into words in just a short paragraph. This fic is so unique in its setting, and it's so beautifully written and asks & answers the question "what if Grindelwald had won?" in such an incredible, highly political and also very immersive way, if you haven't read it already I really recommend checking it out (as well as the already complete Tedromeda spinoff set in the same world, history books!!!).
Staying Strangers by 3amAndCounting (319,368 words, modern AU, texting fic, university AU). This is one of my comfort fics, I love a good texting AU, this is quite a popular fic anyways but if you haven't read it and like modern AUs & texting fics (though it isn't all just texting) go check it out!
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buckybarnesss · 9 months
The idea of Derek being present in season 5 and being supportive of Stiles intrigues me because of the potential contrast to Stiles & Malia. Malia knew about Donovan but didn't care in the way that Stiles needed her to when he was struggling. Which isn't her fault - she's not human, didn't grow up human, and thus has no understanding of WHY Stiles would be upset.
Malia is definitely one of the characters I think JD mishandled the most.
The potential Scott vs Derek is delicious, because they both went through the Nogitsune ordeal, and because Derek also trusts Stiles implicitly, whereas that trust between Scott and Stiles is frayed.
Derek and the sheriff would 100% destroy any and all evidence against Stiles. It wouldn't even be a question in their minds.
do not get me started on malia tate and how badly she was mishandled. i know she isn't the most popular character but i love her and she deserved so much better than what they gave her.
derek in s5 would've been so intriguing. i was actually making a list of why derek couldn't be in s5 because it'd just break everything.
he'd take one look at theo and called him a great value version of peter and theo would have to no choice but to die of shame
would help and support malia with killing corrine because corrine is trying to kill her.
also it'd be really interesting for derek to have to confront the idea that talia hale forced someone to carry a pregnancy they didn't want in addition to removing peter's memories of it which removed peter's agency in the situation.
he would definitely been able to help liam with his control and be someone liam could actually turn to for advice and help when he felt like scott wasn't listening.
if liam bonded with and grew to trust derek it would've been a great echo of the situation with isaac back in s3. scott could've felt jealous and threatened over it.
he also probably could've been useful with helping kira find control over her fox thereby rendering the skin walker plot useless.
derek would've figured out jordan was a hellhound.
the scott and derek dynamic would've been interesting as fuck because scott was failing as an alpha in the way derek did and scott wasn't very understanding of derek's failures and short comings.
he would've been such a great support system for stiles which would've undermined theo's entire agenda. derek would've never doubted stiles not after everything they'd been through together.
i would've loved to hear his thoughts about the whole le bête situation and how he would've handled that with the argents. like fuck off and die already gerard.
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kairiscorner · 11 months
mgee this anon request was overwhelming at first bc I WANT THIS SHIT TO BE AMAZING OKKKK i hope it's any good <:')
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
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you will never know just how much love and relief you give peter. even if you two were technically strangers, not knowing a single thing about him, save from the fact that you knew he was spider man, that he was always saving you from grave perils--and that he liked you a whole lot.
whenever you were coming home from work, you always saw him above a rooftop near by or standing by a rogue alleyway. you could say he always waited for you, and you'd be right. he was a sweet man, very caring, and very protective over those he loves, you being a prime example of just how far he'd go to ensure the safety of his loved ones, even at a distance to protect them all the while. but whatever he did for you... he only ever did for you.
you wished you knew the man behind that mask, what beautiful, thoughtful eyes might be hidden underneath that dark fabric; what a sweet smile lay beneath that mask that obscured who he really was.
you loved him, you knew it; even if all you could see at face value wasn't even a face, but a mask to protect his identity, your heart beat for him and him alone. you respected his wishes to keep himself at a distance from you, but he'd always show you, in the smallest ways, that he loved you more than anyone he had ever loved before.
when night fell and you'd be on your way to grab dinner, he'd meet with you, even in his spider man attire. he didn't care if there were stares from other people at how covered up he appeared, how... intimidating the attire seemed in the dark; if they even knew he was spider man or not, he didn't care. all that mattered was that he could see you again, hear your voice, your laugh, see your smile, get lost in your glistening eyes that shine whenever you angle your head up just right to look him in the eyes--those eyes he wished he could show you without fearing you would... be scared of him.
he asked you once, "do you mind hanging out with me?" in a genuinely concerned voice, almost as if he were grasping at straws when it came to your comfort around him, if he ever came off as intimidating or scary, or... disgusting to you.
you chuckled. "why'd you ever worry about that? of course i don't mind." you replied as your lips curved into a smile. he couldn't believe it, such simple words, such a brief answer--but it pierced his heart as though an arrow was shot through the vessel. he was surprised, how could you mean that? how could you possibly be okay with this dynamic you two had?
he knew you, but he wasn't anything more than a stranger to you... you didn't know his real name, you didn't know the color of his eyes, the style of his hair, the way his lips curved into a smile, stretched out into a frown, how his eyes shut a little when he'd chuckle, how the pink and red of his cheeks mixed to form a blush that'd extend up to his ears... you were hidden from that side of him, that intimacy he wished, he yearned, to give you one day.
as you two sat down that evening to have some dinner at a local diner you frequented, he extended his hand to gently grasp yours. he has held you multiple times in the past, be it saving you from another big bad villain, or just casually holding you because you needed him, but he had never held your hand before; he believed it was a little too intimate.
it wasn't that he hated intimacy, he longed for it; but he was ashamed, ashamed of himself and his insecurities. he wanted to hold you without worrying about you never being able to hold him when he's not clad in this suit that hid everything about him from the world--from you.
you noticed his hand moving closer to yours, and without hesitation, you gently held his hand back, wrapping your fingers around the back of his gloved hand. he shivered a little at the touch, he has never experienced closeness like this, dreamed of it, yes, but this is the first time in a long while that the universe had answered his dreams.
a warmth filled his cheeks, extending all the way up to the tips of his ears, making them tingle. he looked at you, lucky this mask could hide how red and pink he looked; because goodness, the effect you had on him was maddening. "your hands, um... they're very warm." he complimented them quite awkwardly as he looked away out of embarrassment.
you smiled. "thank you." you muttered as you ran your fingers over the back of his hand. "this hand's dealt some major blows, fought a lot of evil people, and yet... i can feel the gentle touch coming from it. it's so comfy." you whispered as you looked at him, who was still looking away from you out of embarrassment.
"you're... much nicer than everyone believes you to be. i just really wish i could convince the world spider man's not a vigilante, he's... he's just human. and all humans are capable of love." you went on as he slowly came back to looking at you.
"and humans are, you know... we can't function without some form of love, some form of connection. i hope you're loved enough, and even if you feel like you need more sometimes..." you trailed off as you placed a hand underneath his jawline, moving his head slightly for him to face your blushing face, a shy hue forming on your cheeks as you grinned at him.
"i'll be right here waiting for you, like you're always waiting for me." you tell him in a whisper, meaning every word, every syllable of it.
peter's eyes widen from underneath the mask, his lenses follow suit as they show you the extent of his surprise at your words. "oh, why, thank you." he mumbles out as he looks into your eyes, which are looking up into the lenses that sheath his eyes.
he suddenly feels... brave. he feels like tonight, anything can happen; anything can happen, and so... he chooses to see this through. he chooses for this to happen.
"i'm sorry it took me so long to show you this side of me." he began as he took your hand in his own and gently brought them up to the end of his mask. you widened your eyes at the contact, taken aback by how warm he felt.
"i was... so scared you wouldn't like what you'd see." he continued as he led your hand across his cheek, you felt scarred tissue underneath, bumps and lines of scars and scabs, wounds that healed but never disappeared.
"and i'm still scared. still so, so very scared." he said with a light chuckle as he let go of your hand, slowly. he sighed. "i want you to be the first one to know who's underneath this mask." he whispered as he leaned into your touch. "because... i love you." he said simply as he looked at you again. "i wouldn't blame you if you'd be scared, i sometimes scare myself when i look at myself in the mirror. but if you... if you want to stay with me, regardless of what i look like, i--" and before he could even continue, you swiftly took the mask off him.
he was talking mid-sentence when you took the mask off him, he had a crooked smile on his face; and adorning him were a myriad of slashes and scars, some were old, others were new and on top of the old ones.
his eyes were big, they started off gray and became brown at the bottom. they were beautiful, alluring, and they looked only at you. his lips, despite being ran over by scars and cuts, had a charming smile that had sadness yet relief and joy mixed into it. he was a flurry of happiness yet fright, he was tough, it seemed--but deep down, incredibly vulnerable.
"oh..." you uttered involuntarily as you held his mask in your hand. his black, originally slicked back hair, was tousled and messy underneath it. he ran a hand through his hair, and realized, you saw him. you saw him.
"you're..." you began, he tried to hide his face from you again by covering it with his hand, but you cupped his face in your own hands. "you're perfect." you finished. "of course i'd want to stay with you, no matter what your face looks like. it's just a face, if anything, your heart is all i want. your face was just the cherry on top, dear. even if you're scarred... i'd kiss you like this every day if you'd let me." you said, and before he could ask what you meant, you leaned in closer to his face and kissed over his scars; the old and healed ones, even the new and healing ones, you were determined to prove every scar of his was lovable, was worthy of being loved.
"i... oh..." he said as he let you kiss him, his ears tingling as he blushed again. you giggled. "so your ears go red when you blush? you're right, you should've let me love this beautiful man earlier." you told him as he chuckled and leaned in to kiss your lips, closing the distance between you two.
"how did i get so lucky?" he simply asked as he pulled away and leaned his forehead against yours, his eyes staring into yours. "well... maybe i was meant for you." you replied. "and i like the sound of that." he said as he leaned in again to kiss you, envelop you in his love. dinner was soon forgotten as you two exchanged kisses in that long night, him relishing how beautiful you were, and you relishing how beautiful he was, even with scars.
he wears them as badges of honor, as a sign that he'd take every hit, every blow dealt to him and not be scared of what he looks like, because you, the sole person to really know him inside out and not reject him... you see him for who really was at heart. the universe finally granted peter parker his dream, and he'd gladly live that dream with you forever.
tags !! @thecoolerdor @miguelswifey04 @fictarian @zalayni @pixqlsin
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sciderman · 3 months
this might be an unpopular opinion but actually i think that in homecoming mcu peter was very well characterized? i thought he brought the sass and was very headstrong and i think that's why that film is my favorite out of his, he was throwing himself into situations without deliberation with just a very restless and agitated feel to him at points, and actively driving the plot forward in a way that to me felt very baby peter. i think that fanon (like irondad, woobifying him in fics etc) has contributed to a perception of him that isn't super strong in actual canon. i also think the writers would benefit from reading your tags on that post lol, cause mcu spidey is at his best when HIS choices are actively driving the plot, and at its weakest when hes reacting to things happening to him like in far from home. there's potential for spidey 4, there's a lot of room for angry, broken, but hopeful peter, and i'm sure the mcu will disappoint me but i am a fool and live in hope :')
i guess you have some kind of a point there, and i can see the point you're making - but – i think where it doesn't work is that we never actually get an inkling as to why peter's restless and agitated. why he cares so much about being a hero. why he wants to. when like, in civil war he actually kind of didn't want to get involved with the avengers. he was blackmailed into it. so why that 180?
no consistency in the mcu. no consistency at all. i hear that writers don't even consult each other between movies, and i believe it ,, considering how much whiplash i consistently get from mcu character motivations. (constantly thinking of civil war where hawkeye tells scott "you might go to jail for this", and scott says "yeah well what else is new" nonchalantly, like he didn't just fucking have an entire movie where is whole motivation was "i do not want to go to jail because i want to be with my daughter." what the fuck?? what the fuck mcu??? what the fuck?????????? the mcu does this with literally every character too. tony destroying all his armor in one movie and the next one making ARMOR FOR THE WORLD??????????????? 180s just across the board. we're gonna do a thing and then 3 seconds later we're gonna do the exact opposite thing. i hate the mcu.)
in the comics we entirely understand why peter is agitated and restless. we've seen it. we see his justification literally on the front page of his first appearance in amazing fantasy #15.
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the world mocked timid teenager peter parker. so peter wants the world to see the awesome might of spider-man. there you go. that's why he put on the stupid tights. we get it. two sentences and we get the whole schtick.
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we pointedly do NOT get to see what kind of kid mcu peter parker was before the spider-bite. we never get to know. we do not know what changed. he doesn't even talk about it. not even freaking once. he never laments that he used to be weak. he never expresses the sentiment that his life has improved now that he has powers, or even what having powers really means to him. just a "i've got powers now. guess i have to become a hero. i guess." there's no motivation for him at ALL. power doesn't mean a thing to him. he's just some kid who has powers i guess and who else is kind of super? uh? tony stark?? yeah okay i wanna be tony stark i guess.
IT ALL MEAAAANS nothing!! ! ! ! ! ! nothing fucking at all!!!!!! it's actually SO SO missing the point of spider-man entirely to not pay any mention at all to who peter parker was before the spider-bite. that lives in him every day. it's an ANXIETY that lives in him every day of his life. it's something really important for you to know about peter. in every issue spider-man is IN, this anxiety manifests in some kind of way, in everything he does.
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we never see what's changed for him, how it affects his dynamic with his friends, with aunt may, with anyone. it's barely a source of tension for him because actually, his secret identity is thrown around like it's a joke. it baffles my mind how much the mcu misses the mark with spider-man, actually. whenever i think about mcu spider-man i discover some new way they misunderstood spider-man. i didn't even think about how much is missing from just the omission of pre-spider-bite peter parker. it's such a vital part of spider-man's motivation that's been wiped. his motivation in the mcu is so, so vague. his motivation is the same as any kid who has seen an iron man movie. "hey that guy can fly. i want to fly too. and i want to buy iron man action figures and i want a cool suit too." uhh?? yeah?? what kid doesn't?? lame. lame and weak. mcu peter parker doesn't have a unique personality trait to differentiate him from any 10 year old who's watching these movies. weak and lame.
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gffa · 3 months
Ok over on the discord we're invested in your 9-1-1 journey and agree 100% with your assessments, but we NEED to hear your thoughts on Mr. Eddie Diaz, esp his introduction, like I still cackle that this weewoo show actually introduced a new character half-naked in slow-mo with "Whatta Man" playing in the background (and I'm sure you've figured this out but it's him and Buck that's the giant ship).
I have struggled to put my 911 thoughts into coherence because there are two giant blaring sirens going off in my brain whenever I think about this series: 1) 🚨 🚨 🚨 🚨 🚨 ANGELA BASSETT🚨 🚨 🚨 🚨 🚨 🚨 How am I supposed to care about anything else on this show when Angela Bassett is there, being stunning and delivering a performance that's top tier every single time??? Okay, I'm being tongue-in-cheek about it, but genuinely Athena is my favorite character and the one I'm most emotionally invested in, the one that it's hard for me to look away from. It helps that I'm also deeply fond of Peter Krause because I watched Sports Night and loved him in that a lot, so connecting Bobby to Athena's story has been a double shot of my faves. 2) I AM LAUGHING SO HARD BECAUSE I'M SURE THEY DON'T MEAN IT BUT WHAT IS UP WITH THE WAY THEY ARE STRUCTURING THE BUDDIE DYNAMIC? Introducing a character with "Whatta Man" playing is hilarious, but even more hilarious to me is the way their arcs are kind of thematically running parallel to each other. Buck's whole character arc is about him feeling finally ready to grow up, to take on the scary parts of relationships that include responsibilities towards other people and being genuinely emotionally available, that was the entire point of getting close to Abby, who came with her sick mother that was always going to be part of her life. So, Abby leaves, then along comes Eddie who has a kid that he takes his responsibilities for very seriously, where it's not intentional to intersect with Buck's arc, but then they have them immediately interacting in a way that neither character does as much with any other character, conflicting at first, but then opening up and being real with each other and I'm sitting here going, "If one of these dudes was a lady, the way Buck just stared at Eddie with his kid, they would 100% be signally that this was building subtext." I can't say I'm deeply emotionally invested in them yet (see my Angela Bassett Problem), but it's been a wild ride watching them interact and going, wow, are they doing this on purpose? Because they sure clicked really fast. *eyebrow raise* Bonus thoughts: I knew Chimney/Maddie was going to be a thing beforehand, so do I like them because they're cute or because I was primed for them? Who knows, but they're cute! I love that they brought back Tatiana and I have to say, maybe she was kinda cold, but I was 100% on her side, because she was right. She didn't love him and if she'd gotten pulled into that, she'd have been expected to drop her entire life to be at his bedside and that's not what she wanted, I love that the show was so gentle with her and Chimney's reunion and realization that they sparked each other into realizing they each needed to get on a new path. I love that Hen got to be complicated and almost left her ex to die because it would have saved her a lot of hassle and she really hated her, but ultimately was a hero, yesssss, let queer women be complicated, messy, and ultimately heroic!
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punch-love · 10 months
Could you give us some of your fic recs as well? 🙏🏼
I've been waiting for this ask. * is for all time favorites.
Classics/Required Reading:
Between Apollo and Arachne. / He is Soundless From Afar. / Blood Sickness. by elastic honey (infernoconcealed)
I got into this fandom specifically because of this author. I think all of their work is incredible but, these three are my favorites and also the first bookmarks I ever made. I like the ways they explore their dynamic, and they often explore darker scenarios between the two of them with a lot of heart and nuance.
How To Get Physical by Wilt
I like their writing as much as I like their art, but this one in particular is a consistent re-read for me. It's a trans Peter written by a clearly trans writer, and it's soft and kind and good-hearted in a way that really, really sells the history between them.
Up to the Sun (Full Speed Ahead, Mr. Parker) by SleepsWithCoyotes
The first AU I really enjoyed and also one of the best. Eldritch horror Wade that goes from a massive tentacle creature to an off-putting mercenary that gets attached to Spider-Man. It's great. The whole verse is great.
for the wrong reasons by orphan_account
This is one of my favorite Wade character studies of all time. He gets hit with a truth serum and ends up at Peter's apartment. It's sad and complicated and perfect, and I've read it more than a few times.
gunpowder and firewood / steel and flint * by periodically_puzzled
This is forever one of my favorites. It's the best first-person POV in the fandom hands down and is just so fucking good. It's got everything, idenity porn, grindr, complicated explorations of emotional manipulation, bromance, and it's so very funny.
Snake Oil by BunsofHoney
This was so good that my writing group chat temporarily re-named our chat after it. Peter is a preacher and Wade is a possessed snake oil salesman. It's very good, and also you will learn something about the 20s as it is immensely well researched.
Blazed (Smoking Weed is Gay) * by GreendaleHumanBeing
This is one of my all-time favorites. Peter is coping with his midlife crisis by being a huge stoner, and Wade has mellowed out and joins him for long smoke sessions. It's very slice of life, intimate, slow burn friends to lovers. It's one of those reads that just feels really, really good and relatable.
Paradise (spread out with a butter knife) by Sarah_Sandwich
A soulmate/slice of life work that really will make you feel something profound by the end of it. I read this one at four in the morning and didn't sleep until I was finished with it. It made me feel something big.
Dog Years by androgynousdouche
This is the only unfinished work on this list but man, is it a hidden treasure. They really build a foundation for the relationship and the intimacy between these two is so....it's really good. I wish it was finished, but even though it's not, I still think it's worth the read.
Tip of the Tongue * by TimidTurnip
I think this is probably the work I go back and re-read the most. It's got everything. Peter Parker's insane oral fixation, his inability to come to terms with his own bi-sexuality, homies who are mean to each other dynamics, and worship based blow jobs. It's great. You should read it.
i could show you and stop (don't stop) by jilliancares
I think this is probably two of the most infamous smut works in the fandom but they both really, really deserve the hype. The first is the eating out fic of all time specifically for me but also for a lot of other people and the second is my favorite situational porn.
Meeting Minutes */ Pitter Patter by WhoopsOK
These are hands down the best watersports fics in the entire fandom. I've read the entire tag, I would know. The first has Peter being hit by a truth serum and telling his fantasies to Wade who intentionally does not sleep with him, and it's hot and good dynamic wise. The second is just a very hot scenario where Peter pisses in Wade's mouth while he works behind the counter. Great stuff.
a luxury few can afford by three-fingered (calciseptine)
I love the way this author writes them so much. It's fun and fresh and so good at building up some good old-fashioned tension. It also has some great character study moments inbetween blow jobs (my beloved)
Fucked Up Shit:
she's not going to die today / Songs for the Zombie Apocalypse / Need You Like A Gun To The Head * by (zerospoons_onlyknives)oprime
I also consider these classics/required reading but they are all very dark and go places that fans of the classic dynamic might be surprised by. SNGTDT is the best and darkest soulmate AU you'll ever read. SftZA is not only an incredible zombie AU but also one of my personal favorite pieces of zombie fiction period. NYLaGttH is one of my favorite smut fics of all time and one I often re-read (the title should be taken literally)
twisted, baby by jilliancares
The Peter "adrenaline kink" Parker work. It's dubious and intimate and exhilarating in a way that never gets old.
tap out whenever by periodically_puzzled
also known as "the fic that triggers me so bad that I've never commented on it despite reading it eight times" this is like. One of the darkest works in the fandom, hands down and if you can relate at all with the content, will put you in some sort of headspace. It's excellent. It's horrifying.
Because You're Mine *- WaterMe
I absolutely love this one. It's a sex-pollen turned non-con work that is very dark (mind the tags) but if you want to go there, this is the place to go. I always come back to it and find something new to appreciate. Also the only second person work I've ever enjoyed/felt affected by in the way I think second person is supposed to do. (honorary mention by this author: their Arbor day fic)
Sinking by coveryourheads
This one is hard to describe, but if you're interested in some really nuanced work on sexuality, this one will sit with you for a while. Peter and Wade are in an intense D/s relationship that is both abstract and personal in ways I've never really read about before.
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butchdykekondraki · 4 months
hey. heres a lectures worth of writing about the relationship between jack kennedy and dave miller. enjoy ^_^
i think jack and daves relationship is so so so interesting because like. at their core they are both opposites and exactly the same, in the sense that if dave had grown up like jack she would've done the same thing jack had and if jack had grown up like dave it would've done the same thing she did, but also they just fundamentally are such different people that it's hard to imagine how they ever would be friends. i think it mostly comes down to a matter of balancing eachother out, dave is able to make jack come out of its shell, while jack is able to reel her in (<- this is also akin to dave and henry's relationship, which is interesting for other reasons, but this specifically indicates that this is probably why dave connected to heavily to jack). this also leads into the greater dynamics of dave's relationships with the kennedy family as a whole, seeing how each of them have a very specific dynamic with him.
jack and peter grew up in a relatively loving family, where they were forced into positions of pseudo-fatherhood after the death of their parents. after dee's death it all just kind of fell apart, with peter being killed and turned into a phone guy, and jack being killed but escaping to live with peter and caroline (immediately before peter's death, after which he took his house).
on the other side of things, dave grew up primarily on the streets after running away from his orphanage (similarly to how henry ran away from home at a young age, but henry took up learning and schooling, along with a brief stint in the military), in which he had to beg and barter for scraps and basically only survived by giving up any sense of security or self-worth he had because, in his words, ''people got tired of hearing about the poor children''. this led to her being isolated most of her life, and not developing any social skills (as is to why she later goes on to be so clingy and not know social ettiquette). the reason she then clung so hard onto henry's circus is because she simply didn't have a childhood. she was so enamored by it because it was the first thing that brought her actual joy. the circus is something that delighted her, and its why she followed it throught the states. she even believed henry when he said the lion tamer was the one killing children, even after she knew he was a child murderer, because she couldn't eve consider the fact that he was evil because he he was the first one who showed her that life could have meaning. she attatched to him so quick because he actually acted like he cared about her, even though he didn't, it's why she stole his dead son's name after he learned it. dave, at a fundamental level, was living through the childhood that she never had through henry, the diner, and then henry's son. the second dave meets jack, she almost immediately imprints on her because of just how alike it is to henry. jack is a super interesting character in and of themself, but especially in terms of how they interact with dave. everytime they interact, she either boosts him up and plays into his jokes, or is cold and ever-so-slightly distant to her. towards the end, she seems to even get paranoid at just being around her. i think a lot of his fear stems from how dave gets incredibly attached incredibly quick, whereas jack tends to stay distant to the best of its ability. even blackjack, someone who's supposed to represent the very being of jack, is cold and outwardly mean to people it doesn't like, especially jack and dave. jacks relationship with dave is inherently codependent, as both have to harbour the weight of being the only survivors of their various antics. dave, in and of herself, basically ruined jack's life, whether she knows it or not. it's why jack is so furious with him in the flipside, because at that point it'd already become distant with her (even trying to kill her when she burned down fazbender's frights), and he didn't want to have to associate with him any more than he already had. it only makes dave cling harder to her though, and as such it just has to kind of relent and let him do his thing. even if jack is outwardly cold, he still seems to at least pity him, seeing as he very easily could've ran away during the confrontation where he found davetrap. the fact he stayed and actively heard her out, especially when he didn't have to, speaks volumes to the fact that, despite everything, dave was still very much someone that he cared about, even if his care was out of nothing but pity. despite all of this, i think their relationship can best be defined with whatever the fuck dogman meant by ''..they were partners in every conceivable way..'' :-]
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Things that I noticed in the first vol.: (Mainly Roquill)
in the beginning of Vol 1, in the Kyln, whenever Peter's getting shocked the shit outta him, Rocket looks on with sympathy, and interest. Genuine concern. (Gamora looks amused and interested I fucking love her my God, lmao.) He looks to be staring at Peter on the floor in understanding sadness, and also slight confusion. (He doesn't know why this song means so much to Peter.)
when Rocket gets sprayed down and he walks into that room where Peter was, and Peter gives him his concerned expression. His pure empathy. His understanding and feeling for Rocket is so sweet.
Whenever Rocket hears Quill simply move and is already up to get him. Chasing after him with concern and care, touching his leg and, basically, asking him to stop. THE CONCERN IN HIS VOICE. Makes my heart melt. The lilt of a question on his voice, like, 'what are we planning to do here? What're you planning to do here that I'm sticking around for because I care about you.'
I just realized that Peter and Rocket had an almost instaneous bond.
The subsequent 'oh crap' Rocket says after is SUCH a 'look at what my idiot boyfriend is up to again.' seconds after meeting him, lmfaoo.
Rocket holding a hand over his eyes, but not leaving. Showing his concern but also, like, God, what has my boyfriend gotten us into? MOMENTS after meeting him. Reminds me of when a spouse is watching their spouse do some dumb shit they can't stop but they also can't leave because they're concerned.
Whenever Peter convinces Drax to drop Gamora, Rocket looks proud and...slightly shocked. His expression is like, 'damn! He did that?! Awesome!'
PETER CALLING ROCKET MY FRIEND AND SMILING AT HIM SO FONDLY MY GOD. Peter looks at Rocket so proud, like a spouse when their partner accomplishes something, when they're in the hall discussing units and the escape plan.
The mirroring in this scene. The way that both their arms are in front of their bodies, their eyes meeting each other, feet turned toward one another. Rocket being cocky and confident and Peter just smiling at him. Their matching expressions and actions when Gamora reveals the units for the ball (infinity stone but they didn't know). They're just...so cute.
Rocket still placed in between Peter and Gamora.
Peter from day one has just been going along with what makes Rocket happy while motivating him to be better, while Rocket has been doing the same thing. They're just so cute and good to one another.
When Rocket says that he needs the guys leg, and really, throughout the whole explanation, Peter looks amazed and shocked and slightly confused, but still goes along with it. Such couple vibes already.
Whenever they're sitting at the table, Rocket leans more towards Peter and looks more into Peter's eyes, while Peter leans closer to Rocket, which shows how they want to be closer to each other.
Rocket shouts at Peter to figure out how to get the battery and Peter looks away like a scolded husband. I can imagine in his head, he's thinking like, 'that did not hurt, nope. Nope it did not.'
Throughout most of the conversation Rocket is leaning towards Peter, he even moves his tray out of the way, to lean in closer to Peter.
Throughout most of the conversation, they look at each other.
I FUCKIN LOVE GAMORA OH MY . The way she jumps and then kicks that guy in the face to then land on top of him??? How swiftly she took down all those guys???? Are you kidding me????
How quickly Drax protected Rocket from getting harmed, showing how he valued his life, already , to get him out of there, and tossed Rocket the gun.
Drax really has been everyone's best friend, huh?
How Rocket HUMS when he gets the device ready for them to be able to break out.
(another reason why they have the best dynamic, both music lovers from the start)
Gamoras and Rockets friendship is severely underrated and for what? For what? She helped him up from Groot, she's thoroughly impressed whenever he turns off the artificial gravity. Are you kidding? Friend goals. Love them.
Rocket's knee up on the dash so he can reach the controls? Are you kidding? Too cute. I love him. Star-Lord, species fucker extraordinaire, definitely would've thought the escape plan was hot, just saying. He would've thought the knee was cute.
The dialogue between them like they've known each other for ever. 'they crumpled my clothes up into a ball. That's rude! They folded yours!' too cute. Most of their dialogue, it feels like they've known each other for years. Instant connection loves. The whole bomb discussion.
'whats a box gonna do?' Peter sounding exasperated but fond, entertained and amused. Rocket being genuinely hurt by the 'shut up.'
My God, Rocket pointing his gun absent mindedly at the girl when she enters to beckon them to the Collector. Funny as hell. Peter seeing exactly what it takes to calm Rocket down.
Cosmo! Rocket growling at Cosmo!
Peter quickly shaking his head no whenever The Collector asks if Rocket is Groot's pet. I love how mindful he is of Rocket.
I FUCKING love how Peter's still somewhat sides with Rockets way of thinking. Not all the way, he still challenges his way of thinking, but he agrees still. Like with the handing off the ball infinity stone thing, he's like...let's just hand it off to someone who won't arrest us for money. Him and Rocket are just... Perfect for one another.
They also mirror each other through that entire interaction.
PETER QUILL IS SMART, STOP SAYING HES STUPID. He's the one who informed Rocket to use the pods as weapons. He's the one who highjacked an enemy aircraft to shoot Necroblasts. He's the one who got Yondu to help him save Gamora.
Also, Rocket begging Peter to stay in his pod, come back with him, not to die. The concern in his voice, my God. Pleading with Quill, 'You'll die in seconds!' his heartbroken expression! Lost and helpless.
He definitely had a crush on Quill. He definitely felt something for Quill.
Groot knew Rocket wouldn't feel good about abandoning them, 'I know they're the only friends we've ever had!', so he had to say something. But the way Rocket acquiesced so quickly, tells me he was already leaning that way, just needed some encouragement.
Our companions Rocket is so soft.
Another spousal moment, instant connection, been around each other for years: 'Rocket, for god's sakes, we figured it out, we're fine.' 'Oh hey, Quill' literally gonna kill people, an entire ship full of people, for Quill and could only be dissuaded by Peter's own voice. Rocket is soft.
Bickering married couple from Vol 1. Jesus . The entire conversation from 'Oh, hey Quill' to the 12 percent plan. They bicker like old married couple. Bicker flirting! 'You're just copying when I said I had a plan.' Rocket's flirting hardcore.
Whenever Rocket takes a stand, Peter, again, looks like a proud boyfriend. Fond, and so admiring.
I love that their dynamic is: mischievous boyfriend who does mischievous things and the one who has to (willingly) deal with it. It changes. Sometimes Rocket's mischievous, sometimes Peter, sometimes both.
I love the Starmora moments too, like how in the beginning when they're all at the table in the Kyln, Peter looks at her nervously for a moment. Cute.
Rocket's victorious face whenever he crashes the aircraft into Ronan.
Peter's concerned face when he instantly goes to check on Rocket! When he checks out his entire body for wounds while he's holding unconscious Rocket in his arms. Rocket nuzzling into Peter's chest! Peter looking into Rocket's face with consideration and worry.
Groot really saw these people treating Rocket, and him, but especially Rocket, with care and consideration, and noticed that his friend now had a huge crush, and was like...yep, now we are Groot. I'm keeping your crush and found family alive, buddy.
Peter's always smiling so softly at Rocket, especially when Rocket's teasing. Whenever the Nova Corps, Denarian Day, is escorting them, he starts saying what they can't do. Peter looks at Rocket the entire time. He smiles fondly when Rocket says the stealing line.
It seems like Peter checks Rocket out as he walks away too.
I also love how it's implied that Drax and Rocket went searching for a pot for Groot and that's why they were late to the meeting. I love their best friendship.
Anyways, huge post, things that I noticed in vol 1. Lemme know if you'd like me to do vol 2 and the other movies. If you have any thoughts or questions, feel free to state them in the notes!
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miela · 8 months
Shattered Memories • Chapter VI: Two Spiders, One Sorceress • {Peter Parker x Stark!Reader}
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Chapter Genre: Fluff Chapter Warnings: I know i said updates on Fridays but I'm clearly not a truther / pov is so ambiguous in here I'm so sorry Extra: Make sure to check out the Playlist and Pin Board!
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↪ divider by firefly-graphics
The rest of the car ride was small talk and life updates to each other. You talked about your days at work and your lack of a social life and Peter talked about his days at school, work, and the shit he sees on patrols. Once you guys got to the place you both sat down at a booth. It was a small sandwich shop that Peter recognized but had never been inside of. 
You took off your jacket and folded it next to you. Peter looked at the tattoos on your inner forearm that caught his attention. Three arc reactors inked down your arm with the words "Proof that Tony Stark has a Heart". There were words with each arc reactor and blue roses blooming around them. You noticed Peter studying the tattoo.
"It gives me strength," you smiled and extended your arm to show him more of the unique tattoo. They were the three different arc reactors that Tony had made, each with different designs but all correlating together in a perfect trifecta. 
“It’s pretty,” Peter smiled. 
“Thanks,” you smiled back and moved your arm back to its place on the table. “What about you? Any ink?”
“Nah,” he responded. “Not yet anyways,”
“Have any ideas of what you want?” 
“I have some but nothing really hashed out just yet. I’m kinda worried about getting one. It’ll be easier to identify me that way,” he explained.
“Huh,” you had an expression of realization and deep thought. “That’s actually a really good concern.”
After ordering your food you guys talk a little bit to get to know each other better. You found out about his favorite movies and that he likes skateboarding sometimes. He learned that you still play guitar, you picked up on lyrical and contemporary dance, and that Morgan liked to bully you. It was a sweet conversation of you relearning about him and him learning more about you.
Peter felt like it was a strange power dynamic where he had to upper hand, and he didn't like it. But it balances out with you knowing so much information about him from your month-long deep dive.
“I noticed that your style is different than before,” Peter commented. “You got this whole badass leading lady movie character thing going on.”
You chuckled in response and sipped your lemonade. “Some of it is from Natasha, others from Wanda, and most from my friend Celina’s ThredUp,” you explained. “Secretly though. If she knew I bought the stuff she would be like ‘I could’ve just given it to you!’ even though I can very much afford it.”
Peter perked up at Celina’s name. It's been a while since he last saw her due to her being at the Sanctum Sanctorum. You noticed how Peter reacted to hearing her name. 
“She needed money for equipment and I couldn’t just let her give me her things that she was trying to sell to get the money for it," you continued.
“Equipment?” Peter asked.
“Mhm,” you hummed. “She’s got a YouTube Channel and a Podcast about Mythology and Folklore and stuff like that.”
Peter looked at you confused. YouTube is one thing but a Podcast? Did she work with someone else who does the talking?
“What?” You asked before realizing it with wide eyes. “Oh, shit! You have no idea, do you? She can talk now.”
Peter’s heart nearly stopped.
“She…can speak?” 
“Yeah! She’s a chatterbox and can talk to you for hours. She’s great company. She's also the kind to have life-changing conversations.”
Peter thought back on how he remembered Celina. A quiet girl with a personality loud enough to brighten a room. Her straight forehead bangs never blocked out the shine in her eyes when she was excited about something and her usual academic style of black turtlenecks, sweater vests, and plaid pleated tennis skirts contrasted her bright persona. Although she was a stellar student herself, she was also very creative and loved creating artful things. 
She knew sign language. Peter learned it with her so she could better communicate with him. Uncle Ben and Aunt May had done the same so they could understand her. Ned, Michelle, and you had eventually learned it too so Peter didn't always have to worry about translating if he wasn't around. 
He remembers when people actually thought Celina was deaf, and a group of kids were making fun of her. You stepped in and told them all to go fuck themselves. That is actually how you and Celina met and became friends.
“Do you wanna go see her?” you asked knocking Peter from his thoughts.
He blinked. “Like…right now?” 
“Yeah!" You chirped, took out your phone, and started typing. "I can ask her if she’s home.” you chewed your lip. "How do you feel about getting a reading?"
"A reading?" Peter asked a bit confused.
"Like fortune telling, tarot reading, all that," you explained. "Celina does all that."
Peter shrugged. "Sure."
Hey (Y/N/N)! What’s up?
Are you busy?
No not at all, I’m just kinda hanging out with the furbabies~
I want you to meet a friend of mine who needs a reading.
Oh? Does it happen to be complicated guy?
You note that Peter has several different nicknames from people.
Yes, but things are…less complicated now.
OMG, that’s good to hear! Okay yeah! I’ll get set up! See you soon! 
“She’s down,” you smiled. 
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Once you guys arrive you park outside of her apartment building and wait for her to text you when she’s ready for you to come up. The top is up on your convertible giving you and Peter more privacy. You had the music on low and the windows tinted. 
“So since I don’t remember jack shit,” you began. “How do you know Celina?”
Peter took a deep breath and turned to you slightly.
“Both of our parents were killed at the Stark Expo. We were stranded together when it happened and when they found us standing over the bodies of our dead parents…it was like so weird trauma bond that we had at the moment and she took my hand. We were put in a daycare for lost children until Uncle Ben and Aunt May came to get me...and I couldn’t just leave her there, she didn’t have any other family. They were kind enough to take her in as well and we were raised as cousins or siblings.”
You nod listening. “I’m sorry about your parents." You look down at your hands in your lap. "That’s really heartbreaking.”
“It’s okay. I’ve made peace with it.”
You both sat in a peaceful silence for a moment before Peter spoke again.
“You mentioned earlier that Celina can have life-changing conversations," Peter stated. "After all the shit we've seen as Avengers, I'm curious to know what you mean."
You smiled and leaned your head on your hand as your elbow sat on the steering wheel. "She got me to stop hating magic."
"What?!" Peter asked in a high-pitched voice. "Bullshit."
"I'm serious!"
"Okay, who are you and what did you do with (Y/N) Stark?" Peter chuckled softly. "Miss (Y/N) 'magic has limitations, science has solutions' Stark?"
You laughed. "No seriously hear me out."
"I'm all ears."
"Alright, check this out, you ready?"
"I swear to god if you conjure something up or have a sling ring, I'm gonna believe you're not really who you say you are," Peter laughed.
"Fuck no," you exclaimed. "Never."
"Okay, okay," Peter sat back and crossed his arms giving you his full attention. 
"Magic is just undiscovered or misunderstood science," You stated. "Celina's words."
Peter thought on the words for a second and let the words bounce around in his head. "Okay, I can see that, yeah," he looks at you with squinted eyes.  "But has she ever met Wanda?" 
You both laughed. 
"No, but she trained with Sorcerers." 
"Okay, fair point."
Peter thought about how that conversation went down with you and Celina. Celina has always been interested in Magic, Occult, and Mythological things. It was a hobby of hers and she loved watching Movies and shows that surrounded those things. He remembered when she showed Him and Ned someone on YouTube who talks about conspiracy theories.
Speaking of…
"Did she and Ned ever get together?"
"Yep, four years now."
“Really?” Peter chuckled. "Finally. They liked each other since the 3rd grade."
“I know right?” You replied. "Oh yeah, they're engaged as of recently too"
"Huh?!" Peter squeaked. 
"Jeez, I missed so much." 
“You have no idea,” you gave him a lopsided grin.
He smiled and looked up at the apartment building for a moment. This all seemed like some weird dream. It was as if this day wasn’t real. You guys went out and spent time together, sang to your love song, and now he’s here ready to remeet Celina after five years of not seeing her. You must have noticed him staring or sensed his emotions.
"If it's too much too soon we can wait," you said. "I know it's a lot at once."
Peter sighed still looking at the building and shook his head. " It's been 5 years and it's long overdue." He looked at you and smiled softly. "I'll be fine"
Celina then texted you and told you that she was ready for you guys to go up, and so you did. The only issue is that she lived on the 11th floor and the elevator was broken. She could’ve easily sling ring portal you guys in, but considering you both are web slingers, you would do just fine. 
“Man, I haven’t swung in a while,” You say to yourself looking up.
Peter’s mouth spoke before his brain made a thought. “I could web us up there,”
“Y-You sure?” you asked a little sheepishly.
Peter nodded with a smile. “We’ve done it before.”
“Okay, Parker,” you bounced on your feet a little like you were preparing yourself for high-intensity movement. Peter found it cute. 
You walked over to him and clasped your hands around his neck. Your senses were buzzing at the closeness of you two. Peter’s mind was buzzing just as much. 
“Here let me just…” he trailed off as he lifted you off the ground and your legs around his torso. 
You yelped softly at his actions. You looked down at him with wide eyes and a face on fire. You could feel his muscles through his shirt and it was messing with your head. And you were so close to his face. His extremely cute and handsome face. You could smell his body spray. Sandalwood and Vanilla. You decided it was your favorite scent. He was warm and you couldn’t tell if it was from the fact that men are naturally warmer or the fact that he was blushing profusely. He looked at you gingerly as he wrapped an arm around you. You could feel his biceps and you had to shut your mind up before you drove yourself insane. You smiled softly in response and nodded.
 “I’m ready,” you said softly.
“O-okay,” He squeaked. God, he’s so cute.
Next thing you know you’re both being lifted off the ground. You hang onto him tightly and lean your head on the side of his as you close your eyes. You could feel his silky curls on your cheek and you were beaming at how soft they were. You wanted to shove your whole face in his hair. 
Peter decided that he liked you holding on to him like this because of how close you both were. 
He landed on the 11th floor gracefully to his surprise because of how his mind was racing with you being wrapped around him and in his arm. You looked at each other longingly for a moment as your eyes shifted down to his soft pink lips and his shifted down to your lipstick-stained ones a few times. 
You were knocked out of your moment when you heard the door next to you open and you reflex and jumped from his hold with ease. You both acted awkwardly and naturally as two children ran out of the doorway and down the hall giggling, not caring about your or Peter’s presence there. You guys stood in silence for a moment processing what just happened. 
“We should…you know.” You began with an awkward smile.
“No, yeah, yeah, we should…you know,” Peter responded in the same manner as he rubbed the back of his neck. 
And with that, you walked towards Celina’s door quickly and ahead of Peter as your face burned and a big grin appeared on your face. Little did you know that Peter was also smiling from behind you. 
Once you reached the door, you rang the doorbell.
“Um…” You looked at him. “Are you ready?”
“I-I think so,” He smiled softly at you. “Don’t really have a choice now.” 
And with that, Celina answered the door all excitedly and hugged you happily. 
"Hey! It's good to see you, girlie!" She chimed with a soft and welcoming voice.
“Hey, Celina,” You replied and hugged back. 
“It’s about time you come and visit me,” she giggled pulling back. “Ned is at school late today.”
As you guys did a bit of small talk a wave of emotions hit Peter like a hurricane as his eyes glossed over threatening waterfalls to fall from his soft and dark orbs.
He was hearing Celina speak for the first time.
He sniffled and you both looked at him with concern. He turned his head away and then turned his entire body. 
"Ahh you said he needs guidance,” Celina concluded.  “Let me go get my stuff. Come on in when you guys are ready." Celina smiled and walked inside leaving the door open. 
You turned to him and walked over by him. “Peter?”
He turned to look at you with watery eyes and his lips pressed together. He was holding back from just bursting into sobs.  It broke your heart.
You laid a hand on his cheek and he closed his eyes with a sigh of relief and leaned into it. You stroke your thumb over the apples of his cheeks gently with a concerned expression. The feeling of your hand on his face, helped him calm down slightly. Like ice to a wound.
"What's wrong, Peter?" You asked with a soft voice. “Are you okay?”
"Y-yeah," he sniffled. "It's just that growing up I've been helping Celina with talking and when everyone gave up on her I never did. And hearing her talk just triggered something…like…. right in my heart, y’know? And I couldn't help myself." 
You pouted slightly and wrapped your arms around him. He hugged back as you swayed him from side to side comfortingly. You echoed a string of "it's okay" and other encouraging words as he softly cried. He nuzzled his face into your neck and took a deep breath at your warmth and scent, just like he used to do after a hard mission years ago. 
He wanted to stay like this forever.
After a moment you pull back slightly and give him a soft kiss on the cheek. His eyes shot open as he looked at your equally shocked expression. He could still feel the linger of the peck on his cheek and he wanted to grab your face in his hands and kiss you.  But you both were frozen in place and looked at each other for a long moment. Then tension was high, the senses were racing as you had a silent conversation with your eyes. Before you knew it, you both leaned in. 
But before you could you felt a soft feeling against your leg and heard a tiny meow and purring coming from below. You both Look down to see a big fluffy orange cat with big round blue eyes looking up at the both of you.
"Thor!" Celina exclaimed, “Just because the door is open doesn’t mean you can walk out!” She ran out she ran out and saw both of you super close to each other. “Oop-...I’m sorry.” she said before she outburst into exclamation again with, “Loki!”
Peter felt something climbing his leg, shirt, and shoulder. A trill and purrs rang in his ear and he felt a weighted fur on his shoulder. He looked over to see black paws on his shoulder. He concluded it was another cat.
“Awww he likes you,” You smiled. “Lokitty approved already, that’s a record.”
“Does he not like other people?” Peter asked raising an arm and petting the cat.
The dark cat rubbed it’s face on Peter’s hand causing more purring.
“No, he only likes me Ned and (Y/N) and now you.” Celina explained taking the cat off of Peter’s shoulder.”Thor here loves everybody though.”
You picked up the fluffy orange cat and scratched under his chin with your painted nails. “Thor’s a big baby. Loki is a grumpy old man.”
Peter smiled and petted the orange bundle of fluff in your arms. 
“I’m ready when you guys are,” Celina smiled.
You looked up at Peter and he nodded in response. You both followed Celina into her apartment and she closed the door so you could set the cats down. As you took off your jacket, Peter took the time to glance over the apartment. It looked like a Dungeons and Dragons themed home. There were shelves filled with books about myths around the world, spellbooks, and tomes. There were plants in almost every corner and vintage decor everywhere. Peter smiled at the glass case full of Lego builds that he remembers building with Ned and his eyes focused on the death star with the missing Darth Vader that’s supposed by on top but instead is sitting on Peter’s desk in his apartment. The place was very Celina with touches of Ned which Peter found amusing. 
“I baked some cookies,” Celina started. “Feel free to make yourselves at home.”
“Thanks, Celi,” You smiled and hung your jacket by the door. 
“Can I use your bathroom?” Peter asked. 
“Sure!” Celina chimed as she pointed to a hallway behind him. “It’s over there, last door on your left.”
“Thank you,” and he goes to the bathroom to wash his face off from the seven different emotions he felt in less than fifteen minutes. 
He sighed before his superhearing picked up on the conversation you and Celina were having.
 "He's a cutie!" He could hear the smirk in her voice. 
You hum a giggle. “He is, isn’t he?” 
It was Peter’s turn to smirk with a blush added to his face. He then crossed his arms and leaned against the wall to listen. He knew it was wrong but it wasn’t his fault that he was a spider mutant with enhanced senses.
“How long have you guys been together, together?”
“Hm? Oh, we….we aren’t-” 
“Oh, please, I saw you two out there. I thought you said it wasn’t complicated anymore?”
“I said, it was less complicated.”
You were talking to her about him.
“Well, how about making it not complicated and making a move or something.”
“Celina, There’s such thing as taking things slow.”
“I dunno,” Celina sang. “You two have magnetic energy. I say act on it.”
"Ask him to the gala. You need a plus one, no? Take him!"
"...I was gonna ask him actually."
"Really? What changed your mind?"
"He's…a busy guy."
"He won't be once he sees that dress you're wearing. He'll be busy with you…hopefully taking it off."
Peter blinked rapidly at Celina’s response. I mean, she’s not wrong. Only if you consented of course. 
"What? That's what you want right?"
You went silent and that was all the answer Peter needed to know to solidify your feelings for him. His mind was wandering to places it shouldn’t.
You sighed. "Nika will give me shit for it." You whined.
"Well tell Nika to remove the giant stick from her ass because it's true love. I can feel it."
“Like actually, or…?”
“I don’t need magic to feel the crazy tension between you two.”
Peter smiled and splashed his face with water and decided it was a good time to walk out with a newfound confidence. You were sitting at the kitchen table on the bench with one leg folded under the other and leaning your face on your hand with your elbow propped up on the table. Your eyes shifted to Peter as you swung your unfolded leg back and forth. You smiled at him and he smiled back as he sat next to you. 
“Hey,” You greeted. 
“Hi,” He responded as he met your eyes. 
“Feeling better?”
“Much better,” his voice was soft as he got lost in your (e/c) eyes for a moment. 
The only thing that got you both the break the gaze was Celina putting a plate of chocolate chip cookies, a porcelain teapot filled with tea, and different things to put in the tea like sugar cubes, a saucer with milk, lemon, and honey. She sure knew how to romanticize her life. Even her outfit made up of a black ruffle off-the-shoulder top and a long, flowy, floral, maroon, maxi skirt, made her look like she was a witch in a Ghibli movie.
“So what kind of reading would you like….uh…” She looked up in thought. “I didn’t catch your name.”
“Oh, fuck,” you cursed under your breath. “Peter. Peter Parker.”
“Oh!” Celina beamed as if his name rang a bell. “So you’re the guy she asked us about. Nice to meet you! I’m Celina.”
“Why does everyone remember? I asked you guys once like a month ago.”
“Because your lone wolf ass hasn’t talked about a boy in like three years unless it’s your dream boyfriend.” Celina retorted while picking up the pot of tea. “So when you bring up a guy we all get a little curious, y’ know?”
You rolled your eyes and waved your hand at her mirroring your father a lot and she hummed in amusement. 
“So Peter,” Celina began. “I have several options. I have Tarot cards, tea reading, and palmistry. I could do all three but it’s gonna cost you.”
“Oh?” Peter asked with a playful smirk. “How much?”
“Mmm, take (Y/N) on a date.”
“Oh my fucking god,” You hid your face. 
Peter snorted. “I don’t need to be bribed to do that.”
You looked at him flabbergasted. He only smiled at you before looking back at Celina who was eating all of this up with excited eyes. 
“I think I’ll do the Tarot.”
“Nuh-uh,” Celina responded. “You’re getting all three.”
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“Thank you for everything today,” Peter smiled. “I didn’t know I needed all of that.”
You both were standing outside of his apartment building. After Celina did the full reading session on Peter, which he found insightful enough, she talked his ear off for three hours about anything and everything. It gave him nothing but happiness and he savored every word. You mostly just sat there and enjoyed the entire moment. You were leaning back against the wall with your hands in your jacket pocket and one leg crossed over the other.
“Anytime,” You smiled back.
You stood up straight and checked your phone before you tapped your phone on your hand nervously and looked like you were hesitating to say something. Peter could sense your nervousness.
“I…uh…also wanted to ask, if you would be my plus one for my charity gala? All your friends are gonna be there, I checked the list so I think it’s only fair that you’re there too especially because of your internship. Not that I’m only inviting you because of those things! I want you to be there and I want you to go with me…if you want. Don't feel obligated or anything. Yeah. You don't have to answer right away either, It’s like three weeks away and I’m babbling oh my god shut up (Y/N) please shut the fuck up.” 
You turned and leaned on the railing that was next to you both to catch your composure. Peter smiled big and chuckled softly. You reminded him of teenage Peter trying to ask out a teenage you. It was like you guys switched places and he was going to have his fun with it. Especially now that he knows for sure that you feel something for him. 
“You were holding that in all day weren’t you?” 
“...Yeah. I wanted to ask you when I first saw you today but I psyched myself out. You’re a busy guy and everything so I wasn’t sure if-”
He stepped closer to you, leaned his hand on the railing causing the muscles in his arm to flex, and smiled tilting his head slightly. Your noses are centimeters apart and he’s looking into your eyes deeply like he’s searching for something. Your breath hitched slightly at the closeness and it took everything in you to not let your senses take over and pounce on him. You weren’t sure if you were unseriously offended, turned on, or both.
Peter fucking Parker, you thought.
Peter fucking me. Your senses hummed at that.
“I would love to be your plus one,” He replied lowly. “But I’ll let you know for sure by tomorrow. Work schedule and everything.” 
“Y-yeah, yeah. Work schedule. “You pressed your lips together still looking into his eyes. Peter could tell you were holding back. 
“I’ll message you.” He finally had your number, that you gave to him at lunch. 
“G-great, I’ll let you know the time and everything when you do.”
“Okay,” He replied as he glanced down at your lips and stepped back slightly. “I should go inside now, and you should get going before it gets too late.”
“Peter?” you asked, almost desperately.
“What you said earlier. Were we…” you started still trying to gain your composure. “Were we…you know more than friends…?”
He looks at you silently for a moment before opening his mouth to respond.
“You know what, never mind, ignore that.” You chuckled softly, shaking your head rapidly. “I shouldn’t think about these things or my brain might try to split in half again.”
Good point. He smiled. “Goodnight, Stark.”
“Goodnight, Parker.”
He walked backwards towards the door taking in your form before running back first into it and cursing under his breath. He then leaned back against the door with his arms crossed as if to play it off.
You giggled watching him. Such a dork. 
He blushed looking at you and smiled giving you a salute. You saluted back and walked to your car while he watched you to make sure you got in safely. Once you got into the car and drove off. Peter walked inside and leaned on the door with a happy sigh.
@chrisevans-realwife @riordanness @peterdarlingg @thecrystalclarity @brckenmemories @paleprincesssxo @blackcanary130 @kindlover
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sebstan2020 · 4 months
New World Order
Chapter 8
Summary: In this world you were one of three things. A submissive, a switch or a dominant. The state of New York was run by council members, Steve Rogers, James Barnes and Tony Stark, leading the world run by rules and laws ensuring everything was in its rightful place. Violet had been a submissive her whole life. but when a chance arises to add control and freedom into her life, she takes a risk and embarks on a wild ride.
Warnings: Violence, Dystopian themes, Submissive, Switch, Dominant, BDSM, Drug Use, Control, Dark Themes, Slavery, Prisoners, Power Dynamics, Alternative Universe, Sadistic Themes
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The door shut, and Natasha finally relaxed. All night, she was tense and wasn’t going to release it until the three of them had left. Peter didn’t count because he was only an apprentice, but the council members sure knew how to make one feel intimidated. Natasha stormed into the kitchen where Violet was, washing the dishes, and she snatched the tee towel from the side and began drying. She didn't say a word to Violet and kept a scowl on her face while she dried. Violet looked over to her and instantly knew she was pissed.
"Oh, come on, you can't still be mad at me,” she said, and Natasha answered with an annoyed grunt.
"Yes, I’m mad at you... Why the hell would you think it’s a good idea to say you’re a switch to the council members when you’re a submissive?” She snapped, and Violet rolled her eyes.
“Maybe because I am one,” she answered back.
"I can’t believe this... You don’t get how serious this could be for you if they find out.".
"Well, they won’t find out, Tash... Besides, the drugs have settled in now; I display all the signs of a switch; they won’t even know,” Violet groaned.
“They aren’t just any people, Violet; they know when someone is lying... If they find out you took illegal classification-changing drugs, they will send you to that facility, and let me tell you, James is not someone to mess with. He won’t care that you’re my sister; he will do whatever he likes to change you back to a submissive, and I’ve heard some rotten things that go on in there.”.
“Thanks for trying to scare me,” Violet huffed, shaking her head and returning to the washing.
"Well, you should be... And now they want you to work for them. Do you really think that’s a good idea?”.
"Look, I haven't had a decent job for ages; this might be the only chance I get; besides, submissives never get a good job, so maybe it’s for the better that I’m a switch.”.
"What are you talking about? There are plenty of good jobs out there for submissives," Natasha argued.
“Like what?” She wasn’t wrong; there was no way a submissive could have any sort of hierarchy job like a CEO or lawyer, something that fit a dominant personality more than hers. Her sweet personality only allowed her jobs that meant hard work and barely any money.
"Besides, it's not like I’m going to be their PA or something; I’ll probably be working in the storeroom or something. and if you’re there, you can keep an eye on me.” She rolled her eyes at that thought, even though it was probably a good thing. At least Natasha could make sure she didn’t do anything else that was stupid and cause her to spill the beans on her illegal doings. There was a tense silence between them, and Natasha sighed, throwing the tee towel on the side and padding over to her sister.
"Look, you’re my baby sister, and it’s my job to look after you. I just don’t want anything bad to happen to you; I just wish you would have told me about all this first.”.
"Why, so you could change my mind?” Violet sassed back.
“No, so I could help you. I didn’t realise this was something that really bugged you,” Natasha said softly, and Violet relaxed, letting out a soft sigh through her nose. It was something that bugged her, and she never expected Natasha to understand. But maybe talking to her before hand would have helped.
"Look, you don’t understand what being a submissive is like, and trying to find a Dom that isn’t just a lazy, controlling freak is hard. I dare say I was jealous of you and your life,” she scoffed, and Natasha smirked.
“But maybe I should have spoken to you first,” she admitted, and Natasha pulled her in for a hug, squeezing her tightly. Violet settled into her arms and smiled softly. Natasha was a hard cookie, but when it came to her sister, the softer side of her came out.
"Okay, but listen, when we are at work, you need to listen to me and do what I say because if you even slip up once, they will arrest you at the first signs," Natasha warned, poking a hard finger at Violet, who rolled her eyes.
"Yes, okay, I'll listen to you," she groaned, returning to the dishes. Violet would be lying if she said she wasn't a little nervous now. It was going to be hard not to mention anything about being submissive. She just hoped that she wouldn't be in the presence of the council members all day.
Correctional Facility, Brooklyn
The quiet sobs and whimpers echoed in the large room, bouncing off the walls. The deadly click of dress shoes on the cold stone floor made her heart beat faster. The clink of chains rattling against each other as she gripped onto the cuffs around her ankles and wrists, suspending her high above the ground, showed how much fear she had inside. how long she had been like this, she wasn't sure, but her arms were starting to ache and her neck was straining to lift her head up as it fell backwards.
Leila. She was only a young girl. pretty blonde hair with dazzling blue eyes and perky lips. a submissive by birth, but for the last six months she has been dominant. Curtosy of some classification-changing drugs she brought from the black market. The dealer gave her a good deal for three pills, and she and two others decided they were done with the submissive life. She wanted control, to be in charge, and to have that fiery spark in her.
After the first month of paranioa, she finally realised she had gotten away with it and lived her life as if she hadn't broken the law. but only a few weeks ago did that all change. It started off with a date with this boy she met at a bar—a submissive lad with dark hair; he looked to be young himself. A few drinks down, and she let her hair loose. She decided to bring him back to her place for some more fun, but it was unknown to her that the boy she brought back was an undercover agent for the council. It only took ten minutes in her house for him to realise she was really submissive and that she had changed her classification to dominant.
Seconds later, she was in handcuffs and brought straight to the correctional facility. And that's how she ended up like this. The first week was okay. The process of being admitted to the correctional facility was simple. A doctor administers a drug to remove the classification-changing drugs from their system, and they are given a pair of white clothes consisting of a t-shirt and white pants with sneakers, much like a prison. 
Each inmate is given their own cell, consisting of a small room with a bed, a window, a table, and a bathroom. It's much nicer than a prison, but more like an asylum, only cleaner and brighter. But it's not all cushty. A contract is given stating that once admitted, you are under the care of the correctional facility until deemed fit to enter the city, and you only leave once you are fully turned back to your birth classification.
Once signed, you're no longer in control. That's when training begins.
Leila had not expected her training to be under the supervision of James Barnes himself. It wasn't unknown that James got himself involved with inmates and their training, and it was rumoured he only took on the ones he wanted to suffer or would enjoy retraining himself.
So here she was, suspended in the middle of the room, her ankles and wrists chained to a ring hanging from a chain, with not an inch of clothing on her. Her long blonde hair dangled, and small beads of sweat dripped from her temples. A single tear ran down her cheek and dripped to the floor, leaving a tiny puddle of water.
The click of a cabinet opening caught Leila's attention, and she lifted her head as much as possible, looking down the gap between her legs. There he was, his back towards her, his tall frame covering whatever he was retreiving from the cabinet, most likely some torture device or implement. A soft whimper escaped, and she dropped her head from the strain of having to hold it up.
James turned, a smirk on his face and a hum in his voice as he slowly padded over, the long riding crop gripped gently by his hand at his side. His all-black suit added to the darkness around him.
"Tell me, Leila, why did you think you could get away with illegally changing your classification?" He spoke softly in a tone that was patronising and dominating. Leila swallowed hard, not sure what to answer with.
"I don't know," she whimpered.
"You do know that's a serious crime, don't you?" He asked, narrowing his eyes as he circled around her, the whip coming into her eyeline, and she tensed up, the chains slightly rattling.
"Yes," she answered. She was now wishing she had never done it in the first place. It was all well and good when she was getting away with it, and now she was here, having to endure whatever kind of training this was.
"You're a submissive, not a dominant, not a switch, a submissive. You were born a submissive and will remain a submissive for the rest of your life, and until I see that you are fit to remain in society, you will be under my supervision. Do I make myself clear?" James stopped at her head, staring down at her, and Leila swallowed again.
"Yes," she murmured, and a sharp slap to her thigh made her jolt and squrim in the chains. The slap echoed in the room, loud and vicious.
"Yes, what?" he ordered.
"Yes, sir," she answered with a whimper, and a smirk appeared on his lips. He slowly leaned down, his face inches from hers, his dark eyes staring into hers.
"Because you do know, I can easily have you entered into slavery. You don't want that, do you?" He whispered, and she shook her head fast.
"No," she squeaked. Never had she been more scared in her life. She was at the mercy of James Barnes and the rumours of which his sadistic methods were true.
"Good girl, first things first, a submissive will always address their dominant by sir or mistress if you have a female dominant. You will only address me as Sir, or you will be punished. Do I make myself clear?" he said as he started walking around her again.
"Yes, sir," she squeaked, and James smirked.
"Good, we'll get started then."
Hey I hope you like this chapter, let me know what you think in the comments
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
"The Atsv fandom is so obsessed with Spiderdads because they didn't give us a canon queer relathionship!!!"Yes they did.They literally fucking did,Gwen's finally a canon trans girl after decades of accidental subtext that slowly escalated into equally accidental coding so the writers did research to canonize her and do it respectfully and realistically and they also adapted Hobie as a gnc character basing his style and presentation off irl genderqueer black punks and their dynamic is that he's a slightly older non-cis person with way more experience that took her in after her abusive dad that only pretended to fully support her kicked her out so they became best friends and love eachother with their whole hearts and have a lot in common but also a few differences and act super protective of eachother,that's queer,that's the t in lgbt,it happens irl,it happened IN CANON but none of you talking skidmarks care about trans girls and black trans people and the almost inherent solidarity between us we cherish so dearly so much none of you care about Gwen and Hobie either because Gwen's a cute lil pastel punk trans girl who hasn't finished transitioning and does her best to be nice despite all the trauma fuckery she goes through and probably loves actual indie stuff instead of Taylor Swift or some other poser shit and Hobie's an extremely strongfeatured and by extension equally cute black punk who does actual activism and direct action and his blackness is extremely important both in a meta sense and to him personally and Gwen treats Hobie like a person instead of a pet or an abuser and Hobie treats Gwen like a person too instead of a sex object or a monster so y'all 'just can't relate' since you only care about your white boys who aren't even canon trans because they speak fluid sarcasm and dress like geeks and that's why you'd rather turn Peter B into a sexual harraser WHEN HE'S CANONICALLY A CSA SURVIVOR IN THE COMICS and Miguel into a latin lover who also gets animalized.Leave the fandom i'm so serious,Gwen and Hobie don't deserve to have their beautiful relathionship ignored in favor of.......ALL THIS.I don't even know what to call it,it's just fucking disgusting and i wish y'all had never known Miguel and my mans since 2018 exist ong
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ursafootprints · 1 month
22. What is it about watching the same two idiots falling in love over and over again?
(lol this felt like an attack)
~variety is the spice of life~
Less glibly, I think as fanfiction readers/writers we're all inherently drawn to the concept of "what ifs," and especially when you're dealing with non-canon ships there are just endless what-ifs to explore! For Starker especially one of my favorite things is that even before you go into the realm of full-on AUs, there's sooo much potential to dive into just with scenarios that are based somewhat on canon.
Like, CW~HC-adjacent Starker? Juicy unethical sneaking around. IW~EG-adjacent Starker? Big angst, "let's go for it because it might be the last chance we get" vibes, "I didn't realize what I wanted until it was too late" vibes, "I just got you back and I'm not letting you go again" vibes; this one is a super rich vein. NWH-adjacent Starker? All the pain and hurt/comfort of a resurrected-Tony plotline with the twists of whether he remembers Peter or not! And then all of those can come in so many different shades even with the same storyline depending on how far you dial the morality/tone slider and aaaaa.
Add in the more-divergent storylines and the outright AUs and it's just a smorgasbord! I think that's part of why Starker has kept my attention for so long as a ship-- there are just a million different ways to approach the relationship and they're all loaded with such interesting dynamics due to the whole age gap/finance gap/mentor-mentee dynamic/superhero complications pieces. There's always something new to write and read and it's fabulous 🥰
Thank you for playing! 💖
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sciderman · 10 months
can I just say i love all your fics with the boys in their poly era (either with Nathan or Johnny) nearly choked from laughing at Peter and Nathan's interactions they're just so *cradles gently*
bless you anon!! i really, really am obsessed with peter and wade's polyam era - i think it's just - kind of really fun, the unapologetic dynamic they have with this sort of thing - where they can be frank and honest about their previous relationships and it not be a point of jealousy or inadequacy - but like, a way they can learn about each other and grounds to make their own relationship stronger.
i love wade kind of being obsessed with peter's conquests. his weird feeling of "what the fuck. peter is a snack. how has he not bedded everyone in the marvel universe yet. how does he not know how much power he holds. i need peter to enter his slut era immediately. i need this for him. i need to make all his wildest dreams come true."
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wade is kind of obsessed with getting peter to Obliterate All Of His Shame. to unwrap him entirely, and get him to unleash everything he holds back on. for better or for worse (but most of the time better.) wade's - wade's not hung-up on sex, at all. sex can be entirely casual for wade. he kind of just sees it as a fun activity and doesn't get why it should be balled up with shame.
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of course wade's fine about all the sex, but love is something a little more complicated for wade - and i think throughout it all he'll need to constantly reaffirm that's he's peter's number one, and peter is his number one.
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numero uno. they are each others. he needs this out in the open, all the time.
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and i think in the polyam setting, wade's even more forward about this. he's more romantic. he's more possessive. he's more vocal about the "i want this to happen because i love you. i want you to have a good time because i love you. i want you to live your best life. i want all your dreams to come true. remember that i love you."
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i think wade wilson is fine with casual sex, but he needs companionship. he needs to know peter is his. he loves the stability and reassurance of his partner always being there. that's why his whole thing with nate didn't work. the sex was great, but it wasn't what wade needed.
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wade is possessive over peter, but in terms of love and companionship. but in all other things, wade wants peter to have a good time and not let his dreams be dreams. god bless you, wade wilson.
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