#i need to stop valuing my looks over everything else cause they don’t last forever
catboyllawliet · 1 year
got insomnia and am questioning my whole life<333
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dearsnow · 2 years
- the uncertainty that kept jon quiet and watchful is thrown for a loop when you suggest becoming kids again. (jon snow x gn!lannister!reader, part of the standstill collection)
word count: 644
STANDSTILL: The arrival of the Lannisters and Baratheons in Winterfell has caused the world to quiet for just a moment- a moment long enough to last lifetimes.
a/n - this fic and the last one are kind of just an introduction to jon and your dynamic, so they are a bit short. the next ones (whenever i get to writing them) will hopefully be much better :)
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“There’s really no need to follow me everywhere,” you protest, trying to close the door. Jon sticks his fur-laden arm through the gap and blocks you from all privacy.
“It’s my job.” He really isn’t going to leave you alone, is he?
“I know full well, but don’t you think it’s… I don’t know, an invasion of privacy? I’m just having a chat with my father.” There’s a fiery determination written on his face.
“You never know.” His reply is honest, as usual.
You open the door just enough so it won’t be crushing his arm, sighing deeply the whole time. “Alright. Fine.”
The talk goes how it normally does, with your father, Tyrion, pouring the three of you wine and telling you about the latest happenings in the kingdoms, along with things he plans to fix in the future. He values your input, not just as his offspring, but as a similarly inclined mind. He trusts you with far more than anyone else, and it makes you swell with pride. You notice that his words are measured in the presence of your bodyguard, and you mirror his carefulness.
He’s called out of his room soon enough, leaving just you and (what you think may be) the most stony man in the kingdoms.
“You don’t need to be so serious all the time. Let go a little, will you? At this point, it will make me feel better.” He has no answer to that. The rational part of you knows your words went in one ear and out the other, but the emotional side hopes he’s just too conflicted to answer. “I’m being serious. I have an idea-“ you grab his wrist lightly, though you know he’ll follow anyways, “why don’t we join your siblings in the courtyard? I’m sure they know how to put a smile on your face.”
At first, he just watches, despite how many times you try to pull him into playing. He watches as you and Arya team up to dump cold slush down Sansa’s coat, though you do apologize profusely afterwards. He watches Bran trying to teach you how to string a bow. He watches for about an hour before your wandering eyes glimpse a smile on his face. Then, he finally, finally joins you.
In the blink of an eye, you’re kids again. Laughing and playing and genuinely having the time of your lives. A smear of dirt has made its home on your left cheek and the cold afternoon has frozen your lips, but you can’t think of anything greater.
That simple, fleeting feeling of joy- that’s what you’ve been looking for. You never got it as a highborn only child. It warms you from top to bottom in spite of the aching wind.
You quite suddenly realize that you never want it to stop. You never want to see Jon’s warm smile disappear behind cold eyes and a flash of steel. You never want to see Arya’s spark fleeing from her grasp, Sansa’s wit going right along with it. There’s something that buries itself in between the fibers of your heart when you even imagine Bran losing his free spirit and Rickon his loyalty. You’ve known the Starks for a little over a few days, but you know deep in your soul that you wish to know them forever.
There’s no way Jon can ever go back to being “the watcher” now that you know he’s capable of smiling like a little boy with a mouth full of chocolate. For a second, you take a step back. You watch him ruffle Arya and Bran’s hair at the same time, one kiddo in each palm. Your mouth hurts from how long it has been stretched into the dopiest grin you can muster.
This visit has changed everything, you think, and it hasn’t even been a week.
Reblogs are greatly appreciated!!
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Home (Wanda Maximoff/ Reader)
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Umm... Surprise!
Double Lizzie! Here's a little something I don't think any of you expected. :)
There she was, smiling back at you. When she moved towards you, everything slowed down and when she pressed her lips to your it was like you had all the answers you ever needed to know. Forever.
Leigh pulled you closer and you wrapped your arms loosely around her, the feeling familiar.
When you pulled away you looked over Leigh’s shoulder to see Wanda smiling weakly back at you, her hand connected with someone else. Someone that wasn’t you.
Before you could look any longer, Leigh gently placed her hand on your cheek to get your attention. You smiled easily back at her. It was Leigh. It always was.
With a start, you shot up in bed, the images from your dream still flashing vividly in your mind. It was like your subconscious was telling you the path that you should take.
Suddenly, the tangled webs in your heart came undone because you knew. You knew. Even though it was going to break your heart, you knew what you had to do.
You would never forgive yourself if you didn’t.
With shaky hands, you scrambled for your phone. The simple action felt heavy as you blindly scrolled through your contacts until you landed on the familiar name. Your finger hovered over the contact, the weight of the action feeling almost impossible as your heart thrummed heavily against your ribcage. The phone rang steadily, and you were certain there would be no answer until-
“Y/n? Is everything okay?” The groggy voice floating softly into your ears. The sight of her face on your screen caused your heart rate to increase.
“Yes- No… I don’t know. I just- I needed to talk to someone and I realize how selfish it is of me to call and ask that of you, but I just-… I needed to hear your voice.”
Her voice interrupted your nervous ramblings as she sleepily rubbed her eyes. “Y/n. Breathe. It’s fine. Let’s talk.”
Hesitantly you laid back in your bed, the images from your dream still racing intensely in your mind. “Thank you, Wanda.” You mumbled, sheepishly rubbing the back of your neck. You quietly watched her yawn as she shifted the pillows around on her bed. “What are you doing?”
“It’s late. We can talk while I’m comfortable in bed.” She explained simply and you could see her smile slightly at your question.
All you could do was wish you were there. In her arms with your head on her chest. The study strum of her heartbeat under your ear. You held tightly to a pillow and pretended it was her instead.
For a moment silence settled into the air and you were almost certain Wanda had fallen back asleep until her voice broke up the silence. “What made you call at…” You could see her tilt her head to glance at the clock on her bedside table. “4 in the morning. Is everything okay?”
Her words were cautious. “I had a dream about you.” You eventually mumbled.
“What was it about?”
You swallowed thickly as you contemplated the answer. “In the dream, I was with Leigh and you… You were there with someone else.” You admitted. Honestly was something you valued with Wanda and she deserved to know.
There was disappointment in her voice and you could feel the distance between you grow. That was the last thing you wanted. You wanted her to pull you closer. Always closer.
Desperately you changed the subject after several minutes of unbearable silence. “Wanda?” She hummed in response. “Why do you love me?”
“Well… because you’re a bad dancer.” She began teasingly, her voice still thick with sleep. You huffed and opened your mouth to respond until she continued. “Because you’re an over-thinker… but not in a bad way. You over-think when you care... Because of how you repeat the words under your breath when you read… Because you’re complicated.”
A soft chuckle fell from your lips. “I think that’s an understatement.”
Her eyes fluttered slightly, and a small smile spread across her lips. The sight took your breath away. “And also… because I always thought I was impossible to love… Then you came around and made it look so… easy.”
You smiled slightly back at her, your heart thudding in your chest. “It is easy.”
The only response you received was a small smile in return as you watched her eyes slowly close through the screen. You still hadn’t said the words that were on the tip of your tongue. Even if you wanted to. You couldn’t. Not until you could tell her it was only her.
The steady rise and fall of her breathing slowly lulled you to sleep.
Maybe love wasn’t always lightning bolts. Maybe sometimes it was a blooming flower. Growing slowly and steadily until suddenly it was all there was in the world… And Wanda was.
She was all there was in your world.
When you opened your eyes the following morning, you were greeted by the sight of Wanda still on the screen before you. Her face was free from any tension as she continued to dream soundlessly. You didn’t have the heart to wake her.
Slowly picking up the phone, you whispered. “Sleep tight, Wanda.”
As you were preparing to hang up, a sleepy groan filled the serene morning air. “Where are you going?”
“There’s something I need to do.” You told her somberly.
Still half-asleep, Wanda turned and mumbled, “Hurry back to me.”
Your lips quirked up slightly at the familiar saying. “As fast as I can.” You whispered back to her before ending the call. There would be no more avoiding it. You knew what you needed to do.
With unsteady fingers you began to type the message that you dreaded. The unsteady path of your heart had never felt more treacherous.
The closer you got to the destination, the more your heart ached. You could feel it splintering with the loss of something you hadn’t even said goodbye to yet. The loss of something that had never been yours but had been all that you were for so long. The loss of the foundation that was all you loved and how you learned to love.
The chase and the ache.
With a heavy sigh, you opened the door. After you found a secluded table in the corner of the familiar café you were greeted by the sight of the woman you had spent the majority of your life thinking was the beginning and end of love for you.
You never would have thought that your heart was capable of more.
“Y/n.” She greeted with a hesitant smile. She was nervous. The sight alone made your stomach turn in agony. “I thought we would be meeting at the spot later today.”
There was hope in her voice and you hated that you might dimish that.
You licked your lips and pretended to not notice the way her eyes were drawn to the action. “Can we talk?”
Her smile fell, and she shut her eyes. “Do we really need to?”
“I think it’s best we do, Leigh.” Wordlessly, she gestured for you to go on. Your vision became blurry with unshed tears as you struggled to push through. “Leigh, I love you-”
“Then why are you doing this?” She asked quietly, tears glistening in her eyes.
Your heart thudded at the sight. You never wanted to hurt her. You came back to help her, not cause her more pain. There was no better way to do this though.
The truth would hurt but you knew lying would hurt her more.
With a shaky breath you continued. “I’m not in love with you anymore. I can’t-… I can’t let you wait around for something that I’m not capable of feeling again. It’s just… When I think of Wanda… I’m home.”
Her lip quivered. “Did you ever see that with me?” You bit your lip in hesitation. “It's okay... I want to know.”
A sigh fell from your lips as your gaze fell to the floor. “Even on our best days I couldn’t.” Leigh took a shaky breath. “I’d be lying if I said I didn’t still think about you. That your voice didn’t echo in my chest and your fingerprints weren’t stamped all over my heart… I just think we never got it right. And maybe that was the universe telling us that maybe it wasn’t us.”
“What if we ignore what the universe is saying? What if I want it to be us anyway?” Her words were small. A stark contrast to the self-reliant woman you knew she was. You hated that you reduced her to this.
Your eyes clenched shut in anguish. “Leigh… You deserve happiness. You deserve all the little moments of joy that life has to offer... You deserve everything you told yourself you didn’t deserve and so much more… I can’t give you that. Not when I’m in love with her.”
“Why her?” She asked, and you looked up to meet her pleading eyes.
The answer rolled off your tongue with ease. You didn’t need to think about why you loved Wanda when the list was endless. “I was running for so long that I never thought anyone would catch me. I never thought I’d even be able to catch myself again… Then I let her find me and it felt like everything fell into place with her. I stopped feeling so lost… It’s like the thing I didn’t know I was searching for found me and suddenly everything made sense again.”
“That’s how I feel about you.” You could hear her whisper brokenly over the heavy sound of silence. Sometimes silence was so much loud than any words could be.
Unsteadily you reached across the table and took her hands in your own, the feeling of her skin against yours was comforting, but it didn’t set you ablaze like it used to. “I’m always going to love you, Leigh, even if it’s not the way you want me to.” You began quietly, your thumb stroking a soothing pattern along the back of her hand. “We weren’t meant for each other and I think that was something we both knew… But that never stopped you from loving me and it sure as hell never stopped me from loving you.”
Tears fell down Leigh’s cheeks and you could feel a hot trail of tears on your own cheeks. “Kiss me.” She whispered.
Her lips turned up sadly. “Kiss me goodbye.”
“It doesn’t have to be goodbye.” You replied quietly, your mind flashing to the night of her wedding.
Your eyes fixated on the way her lower lips quivered as she worked desperately to maintain her smile. “It does. Kiss me goodbye.” She repeated. You stared back at her with parted lips, the words stolen from your chest because even though you knew it was going to hurt, you still couldn’t have prepared yourself. “Goodbye because I love you.”
Gently you released her hands and leaned across the table, your palms sliding against her cheeks until they rested on the back of her neck as you slowly pulled her closer. The pull was slow as you both waited with bated breath for your lips to connect.
When your lips finally met, you could feel Leigh tangle her hands into your hair and press herself as close as she possibly could with the table in between you. Your lips fell into a familiar dance as you allowed yourself to get lost in the moment. To get lost in one final embrace.
It was the end of something monumental but the start of something beautiful.
After several minutes you finally pulled away, you allowed your eyes to remain closed for a moment and relish the finality of it all. When your eyes opened once again, you were met with the sight of familiar green eyes turning away from you over Leigh’s shoulder. Your blood ran cold.
“Wanda.” You whispered as you saw her disappear around the corner.
Leigh’s hand on your face gently redirected your attention. “What?”
“Wanda saw.” You mumbled, already standing up to chase after her. “I have to explain.”
As you were leaving, Leigh caught your hand and you turned to face her. Meeting her heartbroken expression made your chest clench. “I'll still look for you. Even in places I know you’ve never been... And I’ll miss you without saying a word. Goodbye, Y/n.”
Your world slowed down as you watched her heartbreak in front of you. No words would suffice. No words could make the situation better as you slowly released her hand and let her walk away. Watching the way, she disappeared to the left of the café. In the opposite direction as Wanda. How poetic.
Though life was easier when you finally knew what you felt. You followed the path to the right. You followed the path of your heart.
Despite following after Wanda minutes after she left, the woman vanished without a trace. Quite literally vanished. Her phone went to voicemail and her apartment was vacant. The fear that bubbled in your chest made it almost impossible to function because all she had seen was you kissing Leigh. She didn’t hear you tell Leigh you were in love with her. She didn’t hear you tell Leigh goodbye. All she knew was that you kissed Leigh after dreaming of her the night before.
You knew there was one other place that she could be and that involved a trip across the country. Wanda was worth it though. She needed to know it was her. It would always be her.
With steely resolve, you drove to the airport and booked the first flight to New York, taking only the clothes on your back.
The sight of the Avengers tower looming over you was a daunting sight and it took all your willpower to step into the building and approach the front desk.
A large man dressed in all black was sat at the desk that was in front of the elevators. You hesitantly made your way over to him, trying not to wince at how much bigger the man was compared to you when you were face-to-face.
“Um. Hello.” The man continued looking at the screen of the computer before him as if you didn't exist. “I’m here to see Wanda Maximoff. Is she here?” The man grunted in amusement.
You shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot as the man continued to ignore your existence. “I’ll give you another thirty seconds before I forcibly remove you from my building.” He mumbled distractedly.
“I’m pretty sure the building belongs to Tony Stark.” You mumbled sarcastically, wincing when the man glared at you angrily. “I just need to see Wanda Maximoff.”
He stood up from behind the desk menacingly. “And I need you to get the hell out of my lobby.”
“I-I’m dating Wanda Maximoff!” You exclaimed. Were you? You hoped you could still say that at least.
He sneered down at you. “Yeah and I’m Natasha Romanoff’s husband. You’re not fooling anyone kid.”
When he made his way around the desk, he towered over you threateningly. “I just need to talk to her!” You explained anxiously.
“Yeah and I just need to take Black Widow on a date.” He began pushing you back by the shoulder, clenching his jaw when you refused to move. “Get the hell out of here!” He stated as he picked you up and began walking you towards the doors.
Out of desperation you began squirming in his arms, your hand slipping as you were desperately trying to slip out of his grasp. The slip caused you to punch the man in the lip.
Your eyes widened when you saw the blood trickle down from the split you had created. He dropped you and you sprawled out on the floor, glancing up at him fearfully. “Sir, I’m so sorry. I just need to-”
The man angrily wiped the blood from his lip with the back of his hand. “I don’t care what you need. I’ve lost my patience.” The man pinned your arm to your back and twisted, your face pressing into the floor from the force of it all. “All this could have been avoided if you just listened the first time.”
“What the hell are you doing?”
From your position on the floor, your eyes met Wanda’s whose eyes were practically glowing in fury. The eye contact was broken when the man twisted more and pressed your face further into the cool tile of the lobby. A small yelp of pain fell from your lips as you could feel the bone in your forearm bend in ways it shouldn’t.
“Just taking out the trash Miss. Maximoff.” The man said smugly, and you couldn’t even see her reaction from the tears that were clouding your vision from the physical pain.
“Let go of her.” Wanda warned darkly. The man just twisted more in response and you were sure you something was about to snap as you yelled out in pain. “I said let go of her!” Before you knew it the weight that was bending your arm was removed and you heard something crash into one of the walls.
You rolled over on your back, panting from the pain as you cradled your arm. Your vision was blurry as you blinked to attempt to focus on the world around you again and not on the pain in your arm.
Before you knew it, Wanda was swimming in your vision as she cupped your cheeks worriedly. “Are you okay?”
Suddenly the pain was the last thing on your mind as you looked up at her. “Wanda, I need to talk to you.” You huffed out through pained gasps.
“Y/n, your arm might be broken! That is not priority right now.”
You shook your head. “It is priority, Wanda! I don’t care about my arm! I just need to talk to you.”
Wanda sighed. “Okay. But only after you let Bruce tend to your arm.” You heaved out a defeated breath and nodded. Wanda carefully helped you up and your heart fluttered when she wrapped an arm protectively around you.
As she began leading you to the elevators, you heard the man groan in discomfort. Wanda’s eyes began to glow and your own widened slightly in surprise. You watched as red energy drifted from her fingers and wrapped around the man before she tossed him into the opposite wall.
“If you ever set foot in this building again I'll make sure it's the last step you take.” Wanda warned with a point of her finger, her accent thick. Your mouth went dry at the sight. Hot, you thought to yourself.
After an hour of being examined by Bruce Banner, your arm was wrapped in soft cast and you were sent off. You were still processing the fact that the Hulk just tended to you as Wanda led you to her room. The ride up the elevator was tense with silence. You just wanted to tell her everything, but you wanted to tell her the right way. Not blurt it out in an elevator.
When you finally made it to the safety of her room, you took her hand, frowning when she lightly took her hand back. “Wanda. What you saw…” Her gaze fell to the floor. “It wasn’t what it seemed.”
“It seemed like you were kissing Leigh.” She mumbled.
You began fidgeting with your fingers. “Okay, maybe it was what it seemed… But it wasn’t like that. I-I… With Leigh… It was…” The words tumbled from your lips awkwardly as you desperately tried to express the contents of your heart. You needed her to listen, but you couldn't seem to find the right words.
Wanda sighed. “You don’t have to explain to me, Y/n. And you certainly didn’t have to fly all the way to New York to do this. I get it.”
“I didn’t know that it was possible to survive a heartbreak like that… To move on.” You said suddenly, not even allowing your mind time to process anymore. Wanda's eyes widened in surprise at the shift. “And I think it echoed in my heart even when I didn’t want it to anymore... Making a full recovery was never in the plans, Wanda. Even if I never said it out loud.”
Wanda’s gaze fell again, the sleeves on her jacket stretched from the way she had been anxiously pulling on them. “Y/n, it’s okay.” She turned, and you could feel your heart break. The shattered pieces calling out to her. “Maybe you should go.”
Before she was out of reach you caught her hand, reveling in the feeling of love that burst in your chest from even the slightest contact. She turned back to you but refused to meet your eyes. You resented yourself for what you had done to her.
“I thought the ache would linger forever, Wanda.” You continued, taking a sharp breath. “I didn’t know I’d ever be capable of loving someone again… Only so much deeper. Deeper than I even thought possible.”
You could see the way she stopped breathing for a moment, as if she wasn’t sure how serious you were. “What does that-”
“It was that smile… The first time I saw it, I knew I wanted to see it for the rest of my life.” You softly tugged her closer. “It was never a question, Wanda… I was just too scared to let go. To step into the daylight when I had spent so long being comfortable in the dark.”
Her eyes watered, and you felt panic begin to rise in your throat because maybe you waited too long. Maybe she realized that it wasn’t worth waiting for you to finally see what she had known all along. Maybe she was tired of waiting for you to realize how stupid you would be to walk away from something so pure. To realize how stupid, you were to think even for a moment that she wasn’t the actual love of your-
Your brain short circuited when she placed her hands on the back of your neck and pulled you into her lips. You sighed contently against her as your mind finally slowed down enough to allow yourself to bask in the warmth of her love.
Your mind – your heart – seemed to only be capable of functioning around her.
Without hesitation, your arms wrapped around her waist tightly and pulled her as close as you possibly could. You gave yourself over to her entirely. You had never wanted anyone like this before.
All you wanted to know was Wanda. All you wanted to see was Wanda. All you wanted to love was Wanda. She was… everything.
With the fog finally lifted you could see that your heart had belonged to her since the moment she sat across from you in that café and there would have been no coming back. Letting her walk away would have been the greatest regret of your life.
Wanda was home.
When you finally pulled away you couldn’t help the goofy smile that spread across your lips. Wanda smiled back at you and your heart ached in the best way possible. “Why are you smiling at me like that?”
“It’s just all so clear now. You’re daylight. I don’t need anything else now that I have you.” The way her eyes twinkled made your smile widen. “I love you.”
Wanda just stared at you for a moment, her eyes shining so bright they rivaled the morning sun. The sight made your heart flutter happily against your rib cage. “You said it.” She breathed out quietly.
Your stomach flipped at her words. “It was long overdue.” Your palm raised to slid tenderly over her cheek. “I love you. I am so, so… so in love with you, Wanda Maximoff.”
The sound of her breath hitching filled the quiet room. “Say it again.”
You smiled. “I love you, I love you, I love y-”
As the phrase was falling from your lips, your words were interrupted by the woman before you. “I love you, too.” A breathless laugh fell from her lips. “I’ve been waiting to hear those words. To know that you love me back. To know that you feel the way I do.”
You lightly pressed your forehead against hers. “I may have gotten a little lost along the way, but I’ve found my way home.”
Wanda lips turned up slightly in a confused smirk. “You’ve been home.”
“No, I haven’t.” You licked your lips. “Home is your eyes looking back at me, home is the way your nose scrunches when you're happy, home is the way you laugh. Home is waking up in your arms every morning. Home is wherever you are… You are home to me, Wanda.”
“Y/n…” She whispered, her hands bunching into the front of your shirt.
You rested your forehead against hers. “Loving you was always easy. Even when it shouldn’t have been. And I know it will always be easy to love you, no matter what. You are my home, Wanda Maximoff. And you are my heart.”
Wanda leaped into your arms and you stumbled back slightly as she connected her lips to your and your heart exploded. The only life worth living would be a life you spent with Wanda.
Thankfully, that was exactly the life you ended up living.
Surprise, Team Wanda! An alternate ending to hopefully easy the damage I caused to your hearts last week. This was always in the plans because I knew I couldn't hurt you guys. I just wanted the true ending to have it's moment. So Leigh's ending is the ending, but if you're team Wanda... You can pretend it's this one instead. Huge shoutout to @mionemymind for helping me out of my writer's block and encouraging me! and @abimess for the constant motivation!
I hope you all enjoyed! Would love to hear your thoughts and comments as they are always welcome. :)
Tag List: @khiaraaa-in-spacee // @causeitswhatjesuswouldfreakingdo // @halobaby // @madamevirgo // @aimezvousbrahms // @trikruismybitch // @marvels-writings // @izalesbean // @imdreamingblo // @i-choose-you-cyndaquil // @helloalycia // @scarlets-maximoff // @cantcontroltheirfear // @women-am-i-right // @funnysoldier // @myfavoriteficss // @imapotatao // @imagine-reblog // @blackxwidowsxwife // @purplemeetsblue // @cristin-rjd // @ravens-ss // @legaypandaboi // @myperfectlovepoem // @diaryoflife // @stupidsapphicsstuff // @ouat2017 // @abimess // @wellsayhelloaagin
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13uswntimagines · 3 years
Our Song (Alyssa Naeher x Reader)
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Request: alyssa naehex reader thats set during quarantine w/ “Shy” by Alexander Stewart. I just kind of think it’s cute since she’s an introvert and that it would be fitting
Author’s Note: Speical Thanks To @literaryhedgehog​
Alyssa knew she should just say it, that admitting it out loud would finally put an end to this madness. She ran a soothing hand through your hair when you sniffled loudly into her chest. 
God, she should just tell you how she felt. But, she also didn’t want to overstep. That would make being roommates really awkward. Especially since neither of you were supposed to leave the apartment right now except for essential purchases. And she didn’t want to lose her best friend. That would really suck. 
But she wasn’t afraid to say what no one else would- you had a terrible taste when it came to partners. You chose people who didn’t value you, and you always ended up hurt. 
This time was no different, well, it was slightly different considering you couldn’t leave your shared apartment to cope like you normally would. Alyssa didn’t know if that was better or worse, considering that you had adapted your breakup routine to just be endless cuddles with her and your favorite stuffed animal.  
She had already spent the last hour making comforting noises. You had stopped shedding tears 15 minutes ago, so Alyssa decided it was time to go for some humor. “Hey, so now you and Taylor Swift have something in common!”
“Hmm” You hummed in acknowledgment, your eyes never leaving where Supergirl was playing on screen. 
“Well, she was broken up with over text. You were broken up with over text. I think this is the perfect opportunity to listen to her re-recording of Fearless, and really channel those emotions!”
“No, Joe broke up with her in a 27-second phone call,” You lifted your head up off of her very comfortable chest to raise your eyebrow at the woman. 
Alyssa was a great keeper, and amazing at crosswords, but she always needed your help when it came to Taylor trivia. 
“Then Joe showed more consideration as an 18-year-old child than your 32 year old wanna be soccer star. It doesn’t change the fact that I think listening to Mr Perfectly Fine would be cathartic.” 
“It’s kinda funny that she wrote Forever and Always, Mr. Perfectly fine, Better than Revenge and Holy Ground all about the same guy, they’re all so different from each other,” You mumbled, settling back down on her chest. At least she didn’t say that you had as many breakups as she did. That was a rude joke. (One Alyssa wouldn’t dare make. She was more cultured than the media asshats that chased your team around). 
“Woman’s efficient,” Alyssa shrugged. “No reason why you can't recycle the same emotion into a different song genre.” 
“At least she could make millions off her pain. All I seem to be able to do is kick the ball harder,” You grumbled. Your landlord complained about you practicing in the street because of how hard you sent the ball careening into his precious brick wall. It wasn’t your fault Alyssa was too slow to stop the PK. 
“Darling, considering you’re one of the strongest kickers on the east coast, I’d say that pain is going to a worthwhile cause. But you do kind of have the worst taste in relationships.” 
“Hey! Savannah wasn’t a bad choice, just bad timing,” You huffed indignantly. 
“So that would be one out of…. How many bad relationships?” 
“At least one for every Taylor Swift album,” 
“Okay, here’s a fun idea, choose an ex for each album,” Alyssa said brightly. Thinking about music would definitely cheer you up. “Wannabe soccer star is obviously your Joe, so represents the Fearless album. Which relationship is your… Drew?”
“You already know the answer to that question,” you said, already picking up your phone to add Teardrops on my Guitar to the music queue. You then quickly added Forever and Always and started scrolling through Speak Now for the next song inspiration. 
Alyssa nodded. It was a well-known fact that you had a massive crush on one Hope Solo growing up, and you had been absolutely enamored with her the second you set foot into camp. But Alyssa also knew that Hope was very faithful to a certain veteran. 
The veteran keeper had tried to let you down easy, and Kelley was still one of your best friends, but it had hurt in the moment.
“Kristie was my Haunted,” you said, smiling slightly. Dating her felt like a whirlwind, one that took your breath until you never thought it would end. She made butterflies flutter in your stomach, and you were so desperate to say the right thing, to be the perfect partner, that you always felt like you were walking a tightrope. Floating on air, but desperate to keep your balance. “At least she had the decency to wait until we were in the same city to end it.” 
“Aren’t the two of you friends now?” Alyssa looked down at you, watching as you scrolled through songs from your comfortable place on her chest. 
You nodded with a small smile. “Hmm, we are much better off that way anyway.” 
“I bet you I can guess who your We are Never Ever Getting Back Together person is,” Alyssa trilled, reaching down to take the phone. 
You playfully snatched it away from her. “Who’s to say I wasn’t going to choose I knew you were trouble?” You raised your eyebrow at the woman, who simply smirked in response. 
“I can tell you who that is too if you like,” Alyssa reached for her own phone and took over control of the speakers, adding both songs to the music queue. 
“Alright, I’ll bite. Who?” 
“You definitely knew Sam Kerr was trouble, and I think it took you 4 breakups with Leah to finally call it quits,” 
“I was going to say Leah for 1989, it took me forever to realize how fucked up our relationship was after we finally broke up,” 
“I’m sure the distance didn’t help.” With her in London and you in Chicago things just kind of fell apart. 
“Maybe,” you hummed, noncommittally. 
“Okay, so for Reputation. I’m thinking Don’t Blame Me,” 
“You did go a bit crazy for Jane…” Alyssa said with a roll of her eyes. You had almost moved to Houston for that girl, thank god you didn’t. You sunburned like nobody's business. 
“Oh come on. You just didn’t like the idea of me moving. And considering how long we had been dating at that point it did make sense!” You argued. 
“It was 3 months Y/n,” She deadpanned. 
“I was in a wlw relationship. That’s like practically three years, it’s not like I brought a u-haul to our first date.” 
Alyssa quirked an eyebrow up at you. “Didn’t you have one of those the first time we met?” 
“Yeah, because I wasn’t moving into my college apartment without any furniture!”
“Whatever you say, babe. Who's your Folklore?” She rolled her eyes goodnaturedly. 
“I think you skipped an album,” you said. This was weird because Lover was one of Alyssa’s favorite albums. “But, since you asked. I think Kelley is The 1.” 
“Ah, our favorite squirrel,” Alyssa’s lips ticked up. You and Kelley had dated in college (something that should have made her jealous), but Kelley was the one pushing her to admit her feelings now. 
“We were just too young and dumb,” you said, smiling. “We had a great time together, and it would have been fun if it worked out. But at some point we just realized, we were friends, but there wasn’t anything romantic there.”
“I’m sorry it didn’t work out,” Alyssa said, like a liar. 
“I’m not. Her and Emily are like made for each other,” You snorted with the shake of your head. “And at least she wasn’t afraid of the world knowing we were together,” 
“Well, yeah,” Alyssa smiled. She had loved seeing the way being publicly out with Kelley had brought out the best of you. “ Okay moving on! Next, we need to narrow down your No body, No Crime.” 
“I take offense. Alex is still alive, so that doesn’t count,” You huffed. 
“I’m kidding! I’m kidding. I know you didn’t kill any of your significant others,” Alyssa said, laughing. “Though if you listened to the song you would know that’s my job… ”
“Alex was my Champagne Problems,” You mumbled sadly. That relationship had been the hardest for you, as had the breakup. She was terrified of the world even suspecting she wasn’t straight. 
You had everything, except the freedom to be yourself, and In the end, you couldn’t take the hiding anymore. 
“You did your best, love. But people come out at their own pace. And it was before Obergfell v. Hodges was decided. Being queer was still more likely to be presented as a scandal in the media then.”
“She cheated on me with Serv. She doesn’t get a pass,” You grumbled, crossing your arms. 
“I’m pretty sure you were on a break dear,” Alyssa said, though she was inclined to agree with you. Being on a ‘break’ but not officially breaking up didn’t seem like a reason to start dating other people. Still getting over some of the semantics might theoretically help you move on. “BUT maybe we should move on. Who is your Lover?”
Your eyes squinted thoughtfully, a light pink shading your cheeks. “The only person who hasn’t ever left me is you. You let me leave the Christmas lights up until May and dance around the kitchen when you cook.” 
Alyssa looked away, not able to meet your eyes. ”I mean, the lights can change color, so they can be thematic all year. And you’re the one who chooses the music to listen to while I cook. I can’t help it if they’re all great for dancing.”
“You can dance to anything. I’m pretty sure you turned a Hosier song into a salsa dance last week.” You giggled. 
“The only person I dance with is you, Y/n,” Alyssa said, finally meeting your eyes. She could feel her body start shaking slightly, as the adrenaline kicked in. She was going to do it. She was going to tell you. “I don’t want to dance if I’m not dancing with you.” 
“I’d dance with you in a storm in my best dress,” 
“I have tried so hard to be supportive about your last several relationships. But seeing you dancing to your favorite song with anyone else… I’ve loved you for three years now and I couldn’t bear it.” 
The air was suddenly charged between you, and you realized your faces were just inches apart. It was hard to breathe. You never dreamed your best friend would return your feelings (maybe that’s why you had so many bad relationships). 
“Kiss me,” you breathed, slowly moving around so your heads were at the same level. 
“That’s not a Taylor swift Lyric,” Alyssa said. In her brain, there was a loading sign currently whirring in little circles, as she attempted to process what you just said. Did you mean what she thought you said?
“Baby just say yes,” You said, feeling so happy that tears were coming to your eyes. You leaned forward getting inches from her face, so close you could feel her breath hitch. “Please kiss me.”
“Yes,” was all Alyssa had time to say before she closed the distance and kissed you. 
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effeminateboyninja · 3 years
I had a dream last night that I had an unrequited crush on Shikamaru since forever but he and Temari had started dating.
(In the dream I had me and Shiki we’re walking and joking then Temari came over and then they went for dinner together. As Shikamaru’s friend I was like -arm punch- go on bro, have fun. And they walked away together leaving me feeling heartbroken, inadequate and inferior.)
You can do any scenario you want. I literally have an unrequited love playlist lol 😂❤️
oh anon, i've been there 😭 let us wallow in our unrequited love for Shikamaru together
~ Almost enough ~
(Shikamaru x fem!reader) angst // 1.7k words
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Ten years. An entire decade with Shikamaru by your side, getting into the carefree mischief that defined such childhood friendships and growing so close people were surprised to see one of you without the other. More than half of it spent trying to ignore the butterflies and daydreams that would force you to admit you wanted him to be more. In hindsight it seemed inevitable, the way he’d snuck into your heart before you could even notice. With his striking intelligence and those penetrating eyes, the way he so readily discarded his lazy demeanor and replaced it with hardened determination when his friends needed him — how could you not love him?
You accepted it too late though, spent too many months agonizing over how to tell your best friend that you were head over heels for him, and by the time you were finally brave enough to take the plunge and make your confession he had one of his own. That day was cemented in your mind now, a stinging reminder of your own inaction. Against your better judgement you drifted back into the memory...
It was beautiful out, the warm air offset by a gentle breeze that carried the spring blossoms through the wind as he sat across the shogi board from you, his sharp brow furrowed in concentration as he analyzed the pieces to determine his next move. One of the petals caught in his dark hair and your hand moved to brush it away, but before you could he sat back with a sigh, “Do you wanna do something else? I’m not really into the game.”
“Why? Because I’m winning?” you teased.
He rolled his eyes and cracked a small grin. “You’re only winning because I’m not giving it my all,” he objected.
“Sure, sure,” you threw a light punch at his shoulder and you both laughed. He looked so pretty when he laughed. Not the snarky chuckle he used so often in public, but this unapologetically cheerful one accompanied by a toothy smile that was so carefree and genuine it transformed his serious face into something softer, more innocent. The words never seemed easier to say than it that moment, and without your permission they slipped through your lips as the laughter died out.
“I love you.”
He didn’t even skip a beat, returning your confession with an eye roll and a gentle shove. “Shut up dude, I love you too. You’re my best friend, I don’t know what I would do without you.”
Your heart sunk a bit at his misinterpretation and you parted your lips to explain that yes, he’s your best friend too but he’s also so much more, but before you could he went on, “Speaking of love, I wanted to ask for some advice... about Temari.”
His eyes darted to his hands and a soft blush crept across his cheeks. You’d have thought he punched you in the stomach, not timidly asked for your help by the way your body tensed at his words. You didn’t know disappointment could feel so tangible until that moment, the way your stomach dropped to your feet and your hands went cold. “Temari?” you questioned, clearing your throat to rid it of the lump that had formed, “you love her?”
He jolted up and the red in his cheeks deepened. “Nono of course not!” he stammered, “I just… I like her a lot and like, you’re a girl right? How do I win her over?”
For the first time in your life you regretted being so close to him. Couldn’t he have gone to literally anyone else for help with this? Why did it have to be you? To him you were the only one he could approach about such an important topic. It wasn’t just because you were a girl that he asked, but because he valued your opinion above anyone else's. It was because even if it wasn’t the way you wanted, he wasn’t lying when he said he loved you too. So you pushed it all aside — all the heartbreak and sadness that threatened to overwhelm you — you buried it deep down inside for the sake of your friend, looking so nervous and vulnerable as he sat in front of you and put on a fake smile as you did your best to be what he needed in that moment.
“Well you’re a catch so it should be easy, but if you really want to impress her you should…”
“Hey! Are you even listening to me?” Shikamaru waved his hand in front of your eyes, pulling you out of your recollection and back to the present where you walked easily beside him through the streets, no real destination in mind.
You blinked a few times to reorient yourself and apologized with what you hoped was a reassuring smile, “Sorry, I’m just a little distracted today.”
He snickered, “Who has their head in the clouds now, huh?”
“You’ve been a bad influence on me,” you retorted with a smirk and he laughed.
“You’re probably right,” he conceded. “Hey, do you remember when we were kids and we would skip class to go cloud watching?”
He wore a thoughtful smile as he posed the question, his eyes lost in a content nostalgia. God, why did he have to look so damn perfect when he smiled?
You cleared your head and scoffed, “Of course. I still get grief from my mother about all the absence notes Iruka sensei sent home.”
He snorted, “You actually gave her those?! I always ripped mine up before she could see them,” his sentence trailed off into a laugh, one of those real ones that you lived for the sound of and you joined him, forgetting momentarily about your unrequited feelings.
But of course the moment ended much too soon. You noticed her at the same time he did, and you were glad the Nara man’s intense gaze was so singularly focused on the blonde woman ahead that he wouldn’t notice the way your face fell as your laughter cut off abruptly. She waved excitedly from her position a few blocks down and rushed towards you guys, her short pigtails bouncing behind her as she ran.
“Hey you guys!” she greeted the two of you excitedly as she arrived, giving Shikamaru a quick peck on the cheek, causing a small wince you hoped went unnoticed. “Ready for our date?”
“Shit! I almost forgot,” he palmed his forehead and turned to you apologetically, “we’re supposed to get dinner tonight, we have a reservation and everything. Sorry to leave you like this but we’ve gotta go.”
“No worries!” you flashed them a bright smile, one that was uncharacteristically wide in an attempt to compensate for your disappointment. “Go on and take your girl out. Have fun.”
You shoved him towards her lightly and Temari smiled, “Yeah! Listen to (y/n), she’s got the right idea.”
He looked at her the way you’d dreamed he would look at you and laced his fingers through hers, moving to lead her away in the direction of the restaurant. He looked over his shoulder and called back, “See ya tomorrow!” They both waved before turning back ahead, swaying gently as they matched each other’s steps.
“See ya…” you whispered to yourself, their shared giggles echoing off the buildings as they turned the corner and disappeared from your sight.
Nowhere else to go and not wanting to return to your empty apartment you turned to continue walking the sandy streets of the village and ponder. After a while you found yourself at a small pond, where you sat at the edge and peered into the calm water that reflected the crescent of the rising moon in it’s glossy reflection.
What was it about her? Why her and not you? Maybe it’s because she’s so beautiful, you thought forlornly as you traced the lines of your own plain features in the watery mirror below. You hit your hand over the surface to disturb the picture of yourself, water splashing back and mixing with tears that had started to fall on your cheeks.
That wasn’t it and you knew it. Shikamaru wasn’t that shallow. If he was this might be easier. He was with her and not you because she was perfect for him. Even you could admit that in spite of your own feelings she was his ideal match. He just lit up around her in a way that he never did when you were together, and as painful as that was there was an unselfish part of you that appreciated her for it.
You’d spent a lot of time trying to hate her. Trying to find a reason, any reason that they shouldn’t be together to justify telling him your truth and ruining it all — but you couldn’t bring yourself to do it. Underneath the hard exterior she really was kind, extremely so. She was more perceptive about matters of the heart than he was, and you suspected she knew of your true feelings for her boyfriend… but she never once made you feel bad about it or told him. Not that she needed to try to make you feel guilty, the feeling overwhelmed you everytime they were around, and even more so when it was just the two of you.
The small part that was left of you still concerned with self-preservation told you to cut them both off. To just stop answering his calls and disappear from their lives before you could slip up and lean in for the kiss you imagined millions of times. But he was addicting. No one else made you feel so at ease, made you laugh so joyfully except him. So you’d wade through the guilt and the knowledge that you were only hurting yourself just to spend a few minutes with him whenever you could, even if it meant watching him fall in love with someone else. Being his friend was enough. Almost.
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zevlors-tail · 4 years
Hi I feel really bad for sending in an emergency request but bakugou, deku, or kaminari comforting and helping a reader who is going through a major depressive episode with suicidal thoughts. I’m so sorry I feel really bad for asking
A/N: I could not have gotten this at a more convenient time. I just want to say thank you for requesting this, and please don’t be sorry for asking about this. If you want to talk my dms are open, but I hope this helps! This was extremely cathartic for me to write. I only did Bakugou for the moment, but I fully plan on coming back at some point to at least add Denki (and also Deku eventually). Bakugou as a secret comfort character for me? It’s more likely than you think.
TW: Suicidal ideation, suicidal thoughts, suicidal reader, depression. PLEASE DO NOT READ if these things trigger you. It’s extremely descriptive and emotional!
Bakugou Katsuki
“Hey...are you okay?” 
You barely snapped out of your foggy trance as you slowly blinked, your coworker’s face coming into focus eventually as you gathered your surroundings you had long since forgotten about. Your response was immediate, familiar words strung together with little effort after saying them over and over again. No longer did they drag you down and taste like lies in your mouth; now they were just the ghost of a feeling you struggled to remember, an empty shell with hollowed out meaning. 
“Oh, yeah...just tired,” you drawled. And you were.
There weren’t too many days anymore that you didn’t feel drained, didn’t feel like the weight of the world was sitting on your shoulders. You felt heavy- both mentally and physically, like there were weights tethered to your arms and legs. It made you feel utterly exhausted at the end of every day and stole your motivation to get up in the morning. Your bed never seemed more comfortable, and your sheets never seemed so warm. If you had the choice, you would allow yourself to lie there forever, to skip work in favor of sleeping through the whole day, because what good was there in being awake, anyway? Lately it just seemed like everything was a waste.
“Are you sure? You just seem...down.” Your coworker gave you a concerned look, and you thought it ironic that the day you felt you might snap was the day everyone chose to finally ask if you were alright. Maybe she could see it on your face, or maybe you finally looked how you felt inside. Whatever the case, you didn’t care. In fact, you hardly cared about anything; it was hard to care about your life when you felt there was no value to it.
“I’m fine! Just really tired,” you repeated without hesitation.
“Okay, if you’re sure.” She seemed to take the explanation without any further question, shrugging and turning around to get back to what she had been doing before. “Just make sure management doesn’t catch you staring off like that; I think they’re in a bad mood today.”
Logically, you knew you were dealing with depression. Depression was not something new to you; this had happened before, and you had managed to dig yourself out of your own hole each time, but this time was...different. Logic didn’t stop the thoughts rampaging through your mind, didn’t quiet the voices that told you others would be better off without you. You felt like a burden to everyone, a walking problem that caused trouble everywhere you went. Just this morning at work you had dropped something accidentally, and it had spilled all over the floor and under the tables, the mess reaching into the cracks and crevices of the tiles where it would be harder to get to. You had done the best you could to clean it up, but in the end, the janitor had to step in and clean up the mess that you made. Maybe it was just an accident, and maybe you didn’t mean to spill your food, but you couldn’t see past the fact that you were always like this. Always spilling things, always causing problems for others, always inconveniencing everyone you came into contact with. Maybe...it would be better if you had stayed in bed all day instead of coming to work.
Maybe it would be better if you had never woke up in the first place.
You shook the thought from your head, doing your best to ignore it and focus on something else. Come on, you told yourself, focus on your job. But your mind remained hazy as you continued on with work, and it only served to cause more problems for you. By the end of the day, you had accidentally dropped a couple more items, slipped on some water and fell face first to the ground, and towards the end of your shift, just as you were clocking out, you bumped into an unruly customer who was clearly having none of it today. Hands reached out to shove you away and you stumbled, tripping over your own feet as you tried to get a grip and regain your balance.
“Watch where you’re going, god! Are you blind or something!? Jesus!”
For any other person, it might have just made them upset or angry, but it would have been passed off as a bad day, a bad moment in the grand scheme of things that would go away with time. But for you? For you it was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Whatever motivation and will to live you had left, it was gone within the instant, replaced with a numb, empty feeling. What was the point in all of this? If this was life, if you were constantly going to cause problems and get in people’s way, what was your purpose here?
If nothing was enjoyable anymore...you just wanted it to end. It was too late for you anyways; you felt too far gone to be saved. And honestly...what was even left to save? You felt like a shell of your former self.
And that was how you left the store, feet dragging against the ground as you numbly walked to your car to go home. It took you a while to collect yourself, so you sat there for a few minutes in the parking lot, keys stuck in the ignition and hands resting loosely on the steering wheel. Finally, you worked up the will to actually start the car, and then you were on your way home. Home...where you would probably just lie through your teeth again and go lay in bed for the rest of the night.
Bakugou was in the kitchen making dinner when you padded through the foyer and announced your arrival, the smell of spices overwhelming rather than inviting or enticing. But then again, you didn’t have much of an appetite lately, and you found the thought of sleep to be more appealing than the thought of food anyways.
“I’m home.” Your voice was quieter than usual, your tone flat and monotonous. Bakugou didn’t respond for a minute, and you wondered if he had even heard you over the sound of something sizzling in a pan.
“Y/N, that you?” A head poked out from around the corner, red eyes meeting E/C. “How was work?”
“It was work.” You blinked and kicked your shoes off haphazardly, your body already caving in on itself as you made your way to the bedroom. If Bakugou noticed the change from your usual demeanor, he said nothing about it, only going back to what he was doing in the kitchen when you retreated to your sanctuary for the night.
Finally alone with your thoughts, you crawled under the soft sheets with your work clothes still on and curled up, eyes already shutting even before your head hit the pillow. At some point you must have managed to fall asleep, because the next thing you knew you were being shaken awake by Katsuki, a sweet and savory smell drifting through the air. Your stomach rumbled, and though it felt empty, you still didn’t feel like eating emotionally. The only thing you seemed to feel now was a heaviness settling on your soul.
“Y/N, come eat.” Either you were imagining things or Bakugou’s normally gruff voice was more gentle and relaxed as he woke you from your slumber.
You protested with a whine, your face scrunching up in annoyance from being woken up. “Tired...” you mumbled.
“Yeah, yeah, I know. But you haven’t had anything since you came home from work, babe.”
“That was only an hour ago...” you started, your voice still thick from sleep. But as you looked towards your alarm clock on the nightstand next to the bed, you were surprised to find that the little digital numbers read 11:58 pm. You’d slept for a little over five hours since you had arrived home. “Shit-!”
That seemed to do the trick, and you were scrambling up and out of bed in no time, panic and confusion washing over you from your prolonged nap. Had you really slept so long? You hadn’t meant to, but it did feel nice to have a small break from everything you felt when you were awake. And again, you caught yourself wondering if maybe the world would be better off if you never woke up. Eventually the haziness of your dream state faded, leaving you with the same reality you had been facing earlier in the day. You wanted nothing more than to go back to bed and curl up in your state of melancholy, but you were up now, and Katsuki would worry if you didn’t eat anything.
The two of you made your way to the dinning room table where a plate of reheated leftovers sat along with some silver cutlery, a cute little holiday napkin leftover from Halloween resting next to it. You stared at the pumpkin covered paper for a while before picking up your fork and stabbing at whatever dish Bakugou had decided on for dinner. Lately he seemed to be on a vegetable kick, though a healthy dose of fruits and meats were also thrown into the mix for balance. You mindlessly chewed, not really paying attention to the flavor if there was any at all. In fact, it felt like you were chewing cardboard. You didn’t enjoy the taste or feel; you only ate purely out of habit and need to.
“Do you not like it?” Bakugou pulled you from your reverie of thoughts, your head snapping up in his direction when he spoke.
“The food. You’ve barely touched it in the last ten minutes.”
Ten minutes? Since when had that much time passed? Looking down at your plate, you realized he was correct. Over half of your food remained untouched, bits and pieces of it spread around from your fork and pushed to the side as if it was your least favorite meal. You hadn’t even noticed you were playing with it, and you wondered how long you had been just sitting there scooting food around with a blank look on your face.
“No, it was good.” Liar. You’d hardly been able to taste it. But it wasn’t just food that had lost it’s merit to you, if you really thought about it. The world just didn’t seem as lively; colors seemed washed out and faded, food held no taste, and music just didn’t sound the same. Nothing was enjoyable for you anymore.
“Y/N. You know you can tell me if there’s something going on, right?” Bakugou’s eyes bored into you while you just stared at the brightly colored napkin.
“Yeah, I know!” you chirped back, eyes briefly flickering up to meet his gaze before returning to orange pumpkins.
“Is there anything you want to talk about?” It sounded like a question, but really it was an invite. He knew there was something going on with you. Asking you was his way of giving you room to explain yourself before he decided to pry. Usually he was mindful of any boundaries you might have had, but Katsuki was never a fool, and you tended not to open up easily. Sometimes a little pushing and prodding on his part was necessary.
“Not really? Just work, but it was the usual. I’m just tired.” Even as you tried to pass your unusual behaviors off as a bad day at work and exhaustion, you couldn’t hide the sour note that slipped into your voice along with the visible scowl you made. But the emotions were short lived, and you were back to feeling defeated and down within mere seconds.
“Hey...” You felt compelled to look up at him when he softened his voice even more, but everything in you told you to hold back and keep staring at those damn balls of orange on the napkin. Why, you weren’t sure- maybe it was to keep from crying, or maybe it was to suppress the feelings that were slowly surfacing within you, or maybe it was just because you no longer cared. “Are you alright?”
You visibly winced when he asked. Suddenly everything hurt; everything was a mess, it was all wrong, all of it, and you just wanted it to stop. The pain, the numbness, the thoughts- everything. It felt like you hadn’t been able to catch a break since the day you were born. Day in and day out you lived like that, and no one would ever ask if you were okay. No one took the time to check on you properly; no one seemed to notice when you felt like you were at your worst. Well...no one except Bakugou. He’d been your rock for a long time now, but lately everything had gotten much worse, and you had kept certain things from him so as not to burden him with your troubles. In your eyes, he had enough of his own problems; hero work was already rough on him as it was, so you kept things to yourself so he wouldn’t feel overwhelmed. 
“Why does everyone always ask that when it’s already too late?”
The words tumbled uncontrollably from your mouth as your brows furrowed, a pained look clouding your dull eyes. Bakugou took a moment to process what you said before responding, eyes still locked onto you.
“What does that mean?” He already knew. You could hear it through the apprehensiveness in his voice, see it in the way he gritted his teeth anxiously. “Y/N, what does that mean?”
You glared at the blurry orange shape below you (were you crying...?), refusing to look Katsuki in the eyes. You were afraid of what might happen if you did. “I’m just...a waste of space.” There was a strange conviction to your voice, as if you’d made up your mind about something. Bakugou did not miss this. You, however, did miss the flash of fear in his ruby eyes as you spoke. “I cause problems for everyone I meet. I’m just a giant inconvenience to the world, and everyone would be better off without me. I don’t matter.”
“Would anybody even care if I was gone? I mean really, what difference am I making here?”
“Y/N, look at me.”
“It would be better that way. People wouldn’t have to deal with me anymore, and I don’t have to deal with all of...this.” You made some sort of gesture with your hands, your voice cracking as you held back hot tears. “Life. It’s just...it’s so exhausting. I’m so, so tired of having to wake up every day and drag myself out of bed and live. Nothing is fun anymore, and it’s hard just to breathe. I mean, seriously!? Come on, ya know? I didn’t ask for this, I don’t want to live like thi-!” You choked up, silent sobs wracking your shoulders as you buried your faced in your hands. 
Across the table, Bakugou slid from his chair and made his way to you, feet thudding against the floor as he quickly closed the distance and kneeled down to your level. “I knew something was wrong, but...” He gently cupped your face in his hands, palms warm against your tear stained cheeks. “How long have you been feeling like this?”
You struggled to remember when this all started. Minutes turned to hours, hours to days, and days to weeks that blurred into months eventually. Time blended together, and you couldn’t recall the last time you felt able to get up in the morning without feeling like it was a chore. “I don’t know...” you answered honestly.
Bakugou rubbed his thumbs against your face carefully, a soft sigh leaving his lips as he brought you into an embrace against his chest. You didn’t fight it, instead leaning into his touch while crying, and the two of you stayed there for quite some time before Katsuki spoke up about how he was feeling.
“You may think that you don’t make much of a difference here on this earth, but that’s just utter bullshit, Y/N. You make a hell of a big difference to me and everyone else around you, and you would be sorely missed and grieved over. Don’t you dare for one second think that you’re not important or loved, because you are; you are so, so loved.”
“It doesn’t feel that way,” you cried.
“I know, babe. It’s hard to see it right now, I know. Your mind is telling you the opposite. But believe me when I say you are the most loving and caring person I know. You’re always reaching out to others, maybe even a little too much, and you’re always checking on them. You’ve made a world of difference to everyone. Your friends need you, your family needs you, and I need you here. And I would be devastated if anything were to happen to you.” It was hard to believe anything he said. You wanted to, you wanted to so desperately. But you weren’t sure of anything anymore, and the most you could do was cling to him like a koala and hope that what he said was true. “Let me in. Let me be there for you. Trust me, please.” You’d never heard those words from Katsuki before. They sounded odd coming from his mouth, like they didn’t really belong on his tongue. But you listened because it was Bakugou, and you wanted to trust him. You wanted to be able to feel okay, and he’d always been there no matter how much you’d tried to push him away.
“Okay,” you murmured against his chest, your tired eyes drooping shut in exhaustion. Your shoulders followed suit as they slumped downwards, and you gave in and crumbled into his arms. 
“You’re not a waste of space. You’re extremely important to me, and I don’t tell you that enough. Every day when you leave for work, I miss you. I love when you come home and greet me, and I’m a better person because of you. Y/N, you’ve gotten me through shit I didn’t think I was going to make it out of. And you know what? We can do this. We can do it together, and it’s going to take a lot of work, but we will do it. You’re not getting rid of me that easy.” You couldn’t help but to smile at that. “And I know you feel like a burden, but you’re not. Your problems are never a bother. People are here for you, they want to help support you and listen to you. I want to support you. I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere. Everything’s gonna be okay. I love you.” 
You couldn’t stop the fresh tears from falling, quiet hiccups taking over you as you cried into his shirt. “I love you too,” you managed somehow.
Bakugou rubbed a hand over your back, his chin coming to rest on your head as he sighed. “I’m not going to let you give up on yourself, no matter what.”
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isthisthingeven0n · 3 years
your favourite girl : d.d
brief summary: as well as being one of davids friends, you’re also his fwb. but as time passes by, you can’t help but allow your feelings for him to develop, even if they’ll never be reciprocated. (1.9k)
requested: yes by the sweetest anon, i needed the angst so thank you love! warnings: none that i’m aware of
all my links
(everything on my blog is my own writing. if it is shared on another page or website know it hasn’t been approved me unless specified. all rights reserved. - i have to start doing this as I had some shit on my other blog with plagiarism)
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“So, David’s gone for the night then?” Your roommate, Gee, stands in your doorway as you exit your bathroom after cleaning yourself up and changing into fresh PJs.
“Yeah,” You breathe out as you tug on your duvet, seeing the indent from where he was less than an hour ago, by your side. “sorry, did I wake you?” You ask, turning your attention back to her as a frown etches heavily in her eyes.
“Y/n,” Gee starts, stepping across the threshold into your bedroom and hovers beside you. “how much longer can you kid yourself with this?” She sighs as you collapse down onto your bed with a heavy heart.
“It’s fine, really.” You lie. “We made this arrangement ages ago, and it works for us.” Another lie, it might work for him, but you couldn’t deny the attachment that was forming in your heart for his.
“Remember who you’re talking to here,” Gee chuckles as she sits down on your bed and you lean against her, resting your head on her shoulder. “just don’t let yourself get hurt, okay? Promise me that at least.”
Gee holds her hand up, sticking her pinky finger out as you loop yours around hers. “I promise.” You mutter, hoping this was a promise you could keep to.
“And boom, there she was on the ground cradling her knee!” David laughs, looking through the footage on his laptop whilst Jason and Natalie sit either side of him, you across the room with Ilya.
“It wasn’t my fault, you should’ve warned me you had decided to prank Ilya.” You roll your eyes, catching David’s bright smile briefly directed your way. “Honestly that’s the last time I try and offer my services, David.”
“Come on, Y/n, you love me really.” David jokes, unaware of how heavy those words dig into your heart.
Silence falls for a second as David’s words linger and everyone's attention falls to you. You force a soft laugh from your lips, which seems to please David as he carries on editing, but Natalie remains unconvinced as she keeps an eye on you whilst you scroll through Instagram.
“You wish, Dobrik.” You retort, glancing up from your phone to see him looking back at you with a goofy grin, one reserved for these situations only.
After a while, Ilya shuffles on the other end of the sofa, kicking his feet out and jabs your side unintentionally. “Ow.” You mumble, catching Ilya off guard as he sits upright, rubbing his eyes.
“Shit, did I hit you?” Sleep remains heavy in Ilya’s voice as he reaches out, resting his hand on your arm.
“It’s okay, Ilya, just my side.” You smile, rubbing your side, unaware of the daggers from David being sent in Ilya’s direction.
“Sorry, I’m a wriggler when I sleep.” He winks, and you laugh lightly.
“I’ve had worse, trust me.” You joke with him, nudging his arm away as he lies back down whilst you return to your phone, catching sight of the time. “Oh god, I gotta go.” You quickly rise to your feet, David now averting his focus to you.
“Where you going?” David asks, his eyes refusing to leave you as you gather your things.
“An appointment, but I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” You wave to the others, but David stands up and follows you to the front door.
Holding it open for you, David hovers in the doorway as you take your car keys from your bag. “Wanna come over tonight?” He asks, licking his lips.
“Erm, I can’t tonight, maybe tomorrow?” You suggest instead, and David simply nods.
“Okay,” He comments. “good luck with your appointment.” He waves you off as you get into your car and as you go to reverse out, Taylor appears by the gates.
You wait for Taylor to pass you by with her bright smile as she almost skips over to David.
He always looks so happy to see her as he brings her into a tight hug, forgetting anyone else exists. Taylor walks into the house, and David doesn’t even spare you a glance as he closes the front door, slamming it shut.
“Y/n, that you?” Gee calls out as you close the front door.
“Who else would it be? A polite burglar?” You joke back as you kick your shoes off, walking past her room toward your own, but before you reach your bedroom door, you feel a tug on your arm.
Without a moment to react, Gee pulls you into her bedroom, closing the door behind her. “Okay, hi, sorry,” Gee mutters, a wild look of panic in her eyes as she begins to pace around the same ten steps.
“Gee can you stop moving, you’re making me feel motion sick.” You step forward, taking hold of her arms so she finally stands still and faces you. “What on earth is going on?”
“Well, someone knocked earlier and I thought you just forgot your key again, and I answered it and now David is sat in your room waiting for you to come home.” Gee quickly rambles, exhaling deeply as she finishes. “Please don’t be mad at me.”
“I’m not mad.” You tell her as hundreds of thoughts rush through your mind. “I just, I told him tonights not good for me, god, why can’t he get the message.” You groan, wishing you could slam your head against the door in peace without stirring David across the hall.
“What happened earlier today?” Gee asks, now crossing her arms as you sigh under your breath. “Because clearly, something did, based on how both of you are acting.”
You quirk a brow at her remark, how was David acting?
“Nothing really, I just told him tonights not good, and I had an appointment this afternoon.” You explain, and Gee chuckles under her breath.
“Maybe he thought you had an ‘appointment’ if you know what I mean.” She nudges you.
“What? No way.” You scoff. “If I met someone else I’d tell him.” You state, knowing you value his friendship above all else, even if he seems to forget that sometimes.
“Well, you can’t leave him waiting forever in there I’m afraid.” Gee reminds you as she stands aside, allowing you to reach for the doorknob.
“What do I say, Gee?” Your voice softens as you look up to her, pleading for some advice.
Lifting her hand up, Gee sticks out her pinky finger. “You made a promise to me last week, don’t let yourself get hurt.”
“I did, didn’t I?” You sigh, lifting your pinky up and looping it around hers. “Okay, I can do this.”
Opening the door, you close it behind you and take a brief moment as you stand in front of your own door, wondering what will happen the next time you exit it.
Pushing back your worries, you open your door and David rises to his feet, rubbing his hands across his jeans.
“Hey,” He speaks up. “how, how was your appointment?” His voice is soft, almost caring as you quietly sigh, removing your jacket and throwing it on your chair.
“Yeah, it was fine.” You brush it off. “Why are you here, David?” You don’t want to waste any time, and clearly, he’s taken aback by your question as his eyes widen for a second as he composes himself.
“Well, I just wanted to make sure you’re okay. Seemed a little off when you left earlier.” He shrugs it off uncertainly.
“It’s nothing really. But I told you I was busy tonight, so why are you here?” You ask, crossing your arms over your chest as you catch David’s eyes darting to the bed for a fraction of a second. “Course, that’s why.” You scoff. “Well, I hate to say you’ve had a wasted journey, Dave. I’m not in the mood.” You move forward, opening your bedroom door, but David remains still, frozen on the spot.
“That’s not why I’m here, Y/n.” David comments. “Do you really think that’s all I wanna see you for?” He almost sounds hurt as you lower your gaze to your carpet. “You’re my friend Y/n, before all of this,” Stepping forward, David rests his hand on your forearm and pulls you away from your door and over to your bed. “and I just wanna hang out with you, like old times.”
Looking up, you see his classic smile, the one you’ve genuinely missed that causes butterflies to flutter in your stomach and bees to swarm your mind.
“So, you wanna watch a movie with me?” You suggest, and David nods, taking his usual spot beside you on your bed whilst you search through Netflix.
As you pick a movie to watch, David’s phone pings and he picks it up, smiling down at it. You can’t help but sneak a glance, and the bees swarming your mind become reckless as the butterflies begin to fall into the pit at the bottom of your stomach; it’s Taylor.
“Sorry,” David mutters, unable to wipe the smile from his face as he glances up to you.
“I get it, don’t worry.” You whisper as you curl up under a blanket whilst David remains on top of it as you watch the movie together.
Slowly but surely, David begins to nod off, his head dipping away from yours.
You watch as he turns his back to you, lying on his side as the credits play and you’re left alone once more. “Goodnight, David.” You mutter, hearing a mumble from him in response as you lean over and kiss his cheek, brushing his hair out of his face.
Turning your TV off, you creep out from your bed, leaving David fast asleep as you tiptoe over to Gee’s room.
“Y/n?” Gee whispers as you open her bedroom door, thankful she’s still awake as you rush over to her, unable to stop the tears falling from your eyes. “Oh, Y/n.” She sighs, holding you close in her arms as you sob into her chest.
“I just wish I could be his favourite girl, Gee.” You manage to say through hiccups as you lift your head up and Gee wipes your eyes, a sad smile on her face. “But I made a promise,” You remind yourself. “and it’s about time I stuck to it.”
“You’ll be okay, Y/n.” Gee tells you, knowing it’s true. “Just gotta let your heart heal.” You can feel the pit at the bottom of your stomach starting to close up once again, no longer dragging your heart toward it.
“Yeah,” You breathe out. “thanks Gee.”
As you rise to your feet, you look over your shoulder to Gee’s doorway, swearing you heard a floorboard creak. But as you walk out from her room, nothing is out of place, and your door is as you left it.
Creeping back into your room, you close your door behind you, unaware that David is wide awake with a thousand thoughts rushing through his mind.
“Hey, Y/n?” David whispers as you tug on your duvet, curling up into it.
“Sorry, did I wake you up?” You ask softly, thankful for the darkness disguising your puffy complexion.
David shuffles to turn and face you, his hand hesitantly rises and he rests it on your cheek, stroking away stray tears. “It’s okay,” He chuckles. “I just want you to know something, okay?”
“Okay,” You whisper, almost seeing his eyes searching for yours as he shuffles closer, his breath now on your lips.
“You’ll always be my favourite girl, Y/n. Always have been, always will be.” 
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sunmoontruth-stiles · 3 years
Ok this is gonna be long. I’ve literally been slowly working on this for… too long. I’m just in a mood to have a long discussion about ships. I’ll be looking at canon and not, so bare with me. I don’t ship all of these personally. I’m mostly just picking the most popular ones. I chose to leave out a few that I just don’t want to talk about. I tried to keep this loosely chronological, but that quickly went to hell. None of this is meant to be hate towards anyone’s ship, just my personal opinions on each of them.
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Scott x Allison: True Classic
Scallison is so sweet as it is truly the epitome of young love. Romeo and Juliet, except Romeo is even more of an idiot and Juliet is a badass who dies for a cause. They’re moral and ethical codes are both highly valued by themselves, even if they don’t align with others very often. They loved with everything they had. They were beautiful. We’re they soulmates in the end, or just the first love who will always hold a special place in your heart? Who knows, but I’ll always love these immature kids who thought their love could change everything.
Stiles x Lydia: The Long Awaited
Stydia is as slow burn as you can get. Unfortunately their actual getting together was slightly rushed in my opinion. They didn’t have time to find their own as a couple because Stiles just wasn’t in the show enough at that point. I know the reasons behind it, but it did leave this couple at an awkward stage of official-but-not-shown. The idea that Stiles loved her as a kid, immature and infatuated, and he saw her for who she really was, will always be cute. Then they grew, changed, became friends, and found other people. Them finding each other later on, having real love that’s developed slowly, is a wonderful arc. Though, a part of me will always believe they should have pursued other story lines in the wake of Stiles’ absence from the plot. They’re finally together! …but we don’t get to see it.
Jackson x Lydia: The Image
Oh Jackson and Lydia. Honestly, I love them. Their connection at a time in their lives when they couldn’t open up to anyone else, just hits me right in the feels. I mean, god that HUG. You know the one. Always brings me to tears. I’m so sad their relationship was almost entirely depicted during Jackson’s kanima time when he couldn’t think nor truly act for himself. Those small moments of scared vulnerability when he wanted to protect her from himself… I’ll miss these two. They deserved to find other people and remain life-long friends. I loved their moment in the last episode. I wish they’d gotten to see each other grow. Also they had such bixbi solidarity vibes, and I’ll die on that hill.
Scott x Lydia: Leaders
Ok, I’m gonna be honest here. I ship it. The power couple they would have been?? Also them coming together after they lost Allison would have actually made sense. A part of me kinda wishes the writers had moved on from Stydia as a romantic relationship and leaned into them growing as friends and Stiles moving on from his childhood crush. Scott and Lydia actually would have had good chemistry. They were both very headstrong heroic types, but Lydia would have balanced Scott out well intellectually. They had the history, and I think it could had worked if they wrote it right. Plus, Scott and Lydia would have been a better endgame that Scalia.
Scott x Kira: New Beginnings
These two were adorable. Kira was a badass, don’t get me wrong, but she let herself be soft in a way Allison was always afraid to. This couple was truly Baby. Absolute dorks. I can definitely see the lasting quality between the two of them. They saw things very similarly, and had a ton in common. I do think Kira deserves more characterization outside of their relationship, like more of her friendship with Malia. Overall, her departure from the show will always be sad to me. It was bad writing. Scott was over her far too quickly.
Aiden x Lydia: Pretty People Herd
I honestly didn’t see much between these two other than mutual attraction. The best thing to come out of this relationship was Lydia’s line, “You’re not just a bad boy, Aiden. You’re a bad guy. And I don’t want to be with the bad guys.” Good character development moment.
Ethan x Danny: Step to Redemption
Danny really was the thing that made Ethan look outside of the pack for what he really wanted out of life. They had a few cute scenes. Gotta love Danny’s final remarks, “Dude, it’s Beacon Hills.”
Allison x Isaac: Unexpected Rebound
Ok, I like these two. Isaac could match Allison’s snark in a way Scott couldn’t. They both fought the progression of the relationship slightly. They didn’t expect to fall for each other. They were less willing to let someone in close. I’d love to have seen more… but unfortunately their time was limited. On a side note, sometimes their relationship did feel like ‘we both are in love with the same guy, let’s cope with each other’, but I find that completely valid. I’ll talk about Scallisaac later though.
Stiles x Malia: Anchors
Ok but, them <3 I love what they did for each other. Stiles was able to help Malia connect to her humanity and other people. He never tried to isolate her in their relationship and encouraged her growth. Malia offered Stiles the emotional support he never asked for. She defended him, fought for him, and loved him fiercely. Stiles needed that so much after season 3. I think they were a love that wasn’t meant to last, but the impact of it was forever. I wish we’d gotten to see a real end for them where they agreed that they needed to grow as individuals but would always still care.
Liam x Hayden: Three’s a Pattern
These two’s characterization stopped whenever they had storylines together. Their relationship was built on Scallison references. Hayden’s character could have been interesting, but they never really gave her a moment to shine. Liam has the worst plots when they revolved around her. Cute couple, poor writing.
Derek x Braeden: Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girl Boss
Derek deserves to be happy so much. Kate and Jennifer were just... jeez. Him and Braeden were cute and deserved more screen time. I think her intensity allowed for Derek to let go of control a bit more comfortably. Let Derek Be Soft. Anyway, love them.
Corey x Mason: Gotta Have That Rep TM
These two could have been cute if they were shown for more than two seconds at a time. I highkey forget Corey even existed all the time. Kinda just felt like a relationship to fill TW’s gay quota.
Jackson x Ethan: The Callback
Honestly? Loved them. Loved the chemistry. Loved the dynamic. Best twist. I know it was probably written in like that because Colton came out during his time away from the show, but it absolutely fit his character. Jethan is top tier.
Melissa x Chris: BAMF Parent Duo
Ok, so like, Melissa deserved this plot. She deserved someone to care about her. However... what the hell? Chris? In canon, his wife died like 2-ish years prior? His daughter died 1 year prior?? Is Chris really in a position to pursue a new relationship?? Also, like, Scott and Allison dated and loved each other up to her death. Kinda weird to have their parents hook up. I don’t hate it, but I don’t ship it…?
Scott x Malia: Lead up? What’s lead up?
These two came out of nowhere I stg. Like, 6B really tried to tell us this was something that had been slowly developing in the background? Also, I understand that they are their own people, adults, and completely in charge of their own romantic pursuits: but did Scott seriously never call Stiles? Like, Malia wasn’t just his first girlfriend. She was his first. Like, dude that’s your best friend?? Not even a head’s up? No, ‘hey would this bother you?’ Oof. Plus Malia was way too chaotic for Scott. She existed in gray morality that always prioritized her immediate circle, and Scott was a very black/white type of heroism. I just didn’t feel like they fit.
Scott x Stiles: Childhood Best Friends
Ya, sorry, I don’t ship Sciles at all. I get it. Like, I totally understand the ship, and I mean no judgment at all. I just see them as friends. I really value good male friendships in media because I feel like we don’t get enough, and I always liked these two.
Stiles x Derek: Enemies to Lovers. 100k. Angst. Hurt/Comfort.
God these two really are what fanfiction was made for. I could write a much longer discussion about Sterek, and I probably will eventually. I’ll try to keep this brief. These two weren’t always on the same side, but their approach was the same. They were very similar at their core. Plus, wow the chemistry. This should have been canon. Jeff’s a coward.
Allison x Lydia: Powerful.
This ship is so great. They really had a great dynamic, and a romantic plot would have easily fit the established narrative. Lydia’s confidence in herself and Allison’s confidence in her own abilities crossing over to each other because that’s what the other lacked? Iconic.
Danny x Jackson: He Gets Him
Danny really saw Jackson for everything he was and still cared. I wished we’d gotten to see more of them. I  want more background with Jackson’s eventual coming out and his friendship with Danny. Like, they ended up dating the same guy. What did Ethan have to say about that??
Stiles x Jackson: Bastards
Ok these two had a super fun dynamic. The asshole-energy between them was, great. The snark was always so entertaining.
Melissa x Noah: Family
How were these two not endgame? Their sons were practically brothers already. They had amazing chemistry. The flirting? Not to mention, their timeline would have made way more sense. Missed opportunity.
Chris x Peter: The Opposite of Love is Indifference, Not Hate
Ok so like, this was definitely one of those ships that I had absolutely no knowledge of before I was pretty into the fandom. Like, this was not something I would have guessed just after watching the show. That being said; my god the chaos alone…
Scott x Isaac: The Disaster Duo
Okay ya I love these two. Two dumb asses who act like idiot puppies. Such a fun dynamic. Plus?? Chemistry??? Hellooo
Scott x Allison x Isaac: Three Heads Are Better Than One
This ship is definitely one of my personal favorites. I very rarely poly-ship. I just feel like most of them are just love triangles with an ‘easy solution’, when two of them have no real connection. That is so not the case here. I feel like all of them have such great chemistry with each other. They also have a great dynamic as a group. Season 3A was really just Scallisaac rights.
Stiles x Isaac: I Hate You, jk…Not Really
Ok I loved their banter, but I really just don’t see this ship. Idk, I don’t personally ship it. Would have loved to see their friendship develop more tho.
Erica x Allison: Duo that would stab you with a stiletto
I don’t ship it, but I do wish we’d seen them become friends. I feel like they had a very artificial ‘girls fighting over a boy’ dynamic? They could have been such a badass duo.
Stiles x Erica: Batman x Catwoman
Ok I’m not sure exactly how to express my feelings for these two so bare with me. OMG I love their dynamic so much, and they are sooo cute. Their energy? Amazing. Chemistry? Great. History? It’s there and has so much potential. 10/10. Love them. But, no, I don’t ship it lol. Just really love their friendship, but with the underlying history of crushes.
Boyd x Erica: Was This Not Canon?
How can anyone not love Berica? Ugh they are adorable. These two deserved so much better.
Boyd x Cora: Survivors
Honestly I don’t really see it? Like they definitely had a connection, but it never felt romantic. I really feel like they just had to lean on each other and bond to make it through captivity, and it just lasted.
Boyd x Erica x Cora: The Pack
I literally learned this was a ship a couple days ago. Similar feelings towards this as Bora, but with the added hesitancy of we never actually saw Erica and Cora interact.
Cora x Stiles: Slow Build Up
These two were clearing being lined up to be a thing before Cora ended up leaving. I can’t say I’m disappointed they never happened. Kinda felt like they just wanted to straight-code Sterek.
Cora x Lydia: Mean Lesbians
Not much interaction to actually go off of, but yes I 100% support. They have very different approaches to problems, which is fun. Very ‘opposites attract’.
Malia x Kira: “Maybe you could date the coyote?”
Another one of my favorites!! They really complimented each other. Also, how full circle would they have been? They were introduced in back-to-back episodes. Malia stalking her as a coyote? The line from Kira’s dad about dating it? It would have been so funny if that ended up happening.
Malia x Lydia: Beauty and the Beast, but make it wlw
These two were fun. I liked their friendship, but I don’t really ship it. Though, rip Stiles that would have been hilarious.
Parrish x Lydia: The Cop and The Minor
Must I say more? Like, Parrish’s character, so sweet and big rule follower, did not make sense for what went down with Lydia. I love Parrish, but the dynamic just felt off. It didn’t feel consistent with the rest of his characterization.
Parrish x Stiles: The Cop and The Minor, but gay?
Ok, same reasoning as above, but also they had absolutely no connection romantically.
Scott x Theo / Stiles x Theo: Sometimes The Villain is Hot
Ok I’ve put these together because I have the same opinion for both. I don’t ship it. Neither had any rebuilding of trust, and Theo really hurt both of them. I just don’t really think they work.
Mason x Liam: Sciles Puppy Pack Edition
Similar to my feeling about Sciles, I just don’t ship these two. They had a good friendship, from the little we saw of it.
Theo x Liam: Anchors 2: Electric Boogaloo
Another personal favorite! I really don’t even understand why this didn’t go canon?? The elevator scene was just, so intense. They helped each other grow in 6B, and I really loved their dynamic. They should have hooked up.
Honorable Mention?: 
Parrish x Laura: What’s canon?
I’ve seen this in fanfic a lot, and I actually really like it lol. I thought I’d add it in here because I do love the creativity of fandoms.
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mi6-cafe · 3 years
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Our writers did an excellent job. All of them wrote 100-word drabbles  based on this picture:
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But how do?
anyone can vote (read the fics, pick your top 3 favourites and put that in the google form)
yes, even the writers can vote (they should, however, vote for someone other than themselves)
please, while you vote: also give anonymous feedback to the drabbles. we will send this to the writers after voting ends
why you should give feedback to the writers: we and they will love you forever but it won’t be creepy because you’ll be anonymous
Now, here are the drabbles!
Title: Arson Author: artsytarts / Misha Warnings: None
Summary: If there is one talent James Bond has, it’s to give his Quartermaster a headache.
“Can I ask you a question, 007?”
“Not like you’d respect my wishes if I said no, Q. Go ahead.”
“Why is it that you always, without fail, find some way to cause an explosion? I’m starting to believe you have an arsonist streak.”
“I don’t do it on purpose, it just… happens.”
“You do know that you’re supposed to keep things quiet, right? ‘Secret’. It’s in the job description.”
“Not my fault their base lay beneath a firework factory.”
“Wouldn’t have been a problem if you didn’t blow it up!”
“I’m sure you mean ‘yes, Q’.”
“Yes, Q.”
Title: Occupational Hazards Author: storm-of-sharp-things Warnings: none Summary: Q would willingly pay extra for the option to have a boring vacation…
Q sat back against James in the little rowboat and stared across the lake as bright jets of sparks shot up from the island. The fiery glow amid the trees was beautiful in the reflection of the dark water. James settled the blanket more comfortably around them, keeping the chill off their bare skin.
“I liked that cabin,” Q finally said.
James sighed. “What’s the probability that our rental cabin would be a hidden entrance to a secret arsenal of explosives?”
With a splash, Alec finally surfaced next to the boat, grinning wickedly.
Q scowled. “One hundred percent, I’d say.”
Title: Postcard Author: sunaddicted Warnings: none Summary: Bond stops in the middle of a mission for a view Q shouldn’t absolutely miss.
“Bond, stop dallying”
“Look, Q”
He sighed, squinting at the screen broadcasting the grainy images coming from the small camera that he had managed to disguise as a lapel pin “What exactly am I looking at?”
“Wait for it”
“Bond, need I to remind you that you’re on- Oh”
“Beautiful, isn’t it?”
Q was enraptured in the blue fire shooting up towards the dark of night: he couldn’t remember the last time he had looked up at the sky, eyes full of awe “Yes, it really is” he admitted “Thank you, James. Move along now: your contact is waiting”
Title:Flare Author: Hexiva Warnings: Angst Summary: Alec and James on a stakeout. One moment of hope.
What James remembers from that night in Canada is the fireworks. Fireworks reflecting off the lake as he sat in the dark waiting for morning when their target would walk by. Fireworks reflecting in Alec’s eyes, a manic gleam as he leaned in to adjust Bond’s hand on his rifle. And in the darkness between displays, they looked at each other, the instruments of their bloody work forgotten.
Years later, after everything, after the betrayal, James doesn’t remember who reached out first. All he remembers is the sound of fireworks as they kissed, clinging to each other in the darkness.
Title: Rest & Relaxation Author: SouffleGirl91 Warnings: None Summary: James and Q kiss goodbye to yet another security deposit.
“This was fun. We should do it more often.”
James watched an explosion illuminate the sky, showering white sparks on the carnage below.
“Did you hit your head?”
“What?” Q frowned. “No! Why?”
“You want to do this-” James gestured at the flames, “more often?”
Another loud crack, and the cabin roof collapsed, sending up a plume of smoke.
“Well, maybe not the part where your ex-boyfriend tries to burn us to death in our sleep…”
“So just the murder, then?”
James laughed. “If this is what holidays with you are like, I’d love to do it more often.”
Title: Efficiency Author: Anyawen Warnings: None Summary: Bond appreciates competence, whatever it wears.
James ignores the cold of the Canadian spring night, attention focused on the far side of the lake.
“I can get closer,” he offers quietly over comms.
“Stay where you are, Bond. I’ve got this,” Q answers.
Q’s frenzied typing stills, and James hears satisfaction in the silence a moment before an explosion rocks the lodge. He watches, bemused, as stray fireworks streak into the sky.
“The security on their firework storage facility needs work,” Q remarks dryly before utterly failing to stifle a yawn.
Another firework explodes, illuminating James’ fond smile.
“Not bad for a man in his pyjamas.”
Title: Isle of Bond Author: Warnings: none Summary: No man is an island.
They say, “no man is an island,” and they’re right.
Bond would disagree; would claim the title for himself.
He would say that he is a man for himself, as he trusts his life in the hands of friends. He would build a fortress of solitude, only to fly from it in a blaze of glory. He would fence his heart with spikes, spark, smirks, and sex. Until someone is unafraid to get stung.
Bond would lay life, death, heart, and gun at the feet of true love.
“They say, no man is an island, and they’re right,” Bond says.
Title: forget the past Author: scarytheory Warnings: none Summary: In the woods, in the middle of the night, two friends are trying to make peace with everything.
“This is ridiculous,” says Q, looking at Moneypenny. “It’s not New Year’s. Also, do you know how harmful it is to animals?”
She gives him the side-eye: “Your complaining already scared everything within ten miles of here. And it’s symbolic, actually. Because he’s not coming back, not to me, not to you. We need to start over, with a bang. Help me set this off.”
With a sigh, he does.
And here they are, watching fireworks in the middle of March, both feeling lost.
But as she slips her hand in his, he thinks that maybe they will be alright.
Title: Inferno Author: oldestcharm Warnings: fire Summary: Q appreciates the scenery. Bond isn’t pleased.
Q’s eyes are glued to the live feed from the helicopter. “This is very scenic,” he comments. Bond huffs. “Are you talking about the forest fire, the flare guns, or the volcano that’s about to burst now that I obliterated this guy’s lair?” Q hums, considering. “All of the above.” “I’m pleased to know you care so much for my safety.” “You’re just fine, 007,” Q assures him. “I’m standing in the middle of burning debris,” Bond points out. “There is a lake right beside you. Grab a bucket.” “You didn’t equip me with a bucket.” “Maybe next time then.”
Title: Birthday Celebration Author: Nana-41175 Warnings: n/a Summary: Q is gifted with spectacular fireworks for his birthday by Bond
Q was sure he would dislike camping. He did not feel kindly toward the idea of a million insects descending upon him while they roughed it out in the woods. Plus, no internet. Hideous.
But he liked fireworks at dusk, especially when viewed over water. He was touched that Bond wanted him to see this: the lake, the dark circle of trees surrounding the warm, cheery glow of a campfire, the slender strands of bright light as they shot up toward the night sky.
Most of all he adored being in Bond’s arms as his boyfriend whispered, “Happy birthday, darling.”
Title: In the End Author: Venstar Warnings: none Summary: One last goodbye.
Bond stared as the island of Mr. White burned away in a final fiery glow. So many things had been set in place there. Thoughts of Vesper slid through his mind, like a dark oil slick on water. Never to truly be erased. He felt something slide into his hand. A weapon. Something strong and flexible. He squeezed and felt bones move. Q. Something else that had been set in place. A gift, from one madman to another. Silva’s little cogwheel in the bigger scheme of things had inadvertently delivered Q to MI6…and James. He kissed those fingers. His weapon.
Title: Miscalculation Author: Merc/moon_of_mercury Warnings: none Summary: Bond makes a strategic mistake. Q improvises to save the day.
“Gorgeous, aren’t they?”
“No, not really. They’re an unnecessary waste of money, spread heavy metals and other contaminants in the environment, cause noise pollution, not to mention the stress to animals and people who don’t like them–”
“Alright! Fine. I should have asked you first.”
“Or used your head for once. I told you; the cats and I are a package deal. If you plan for me you plan for them. I’m not having fun when my darlings are terrified.”
Before the mood sours, Q pulls James into a kiss.
“But we can always stay in. I’ll show you fireworks.”
Title: How Does He Do That? Author: IrishWitch58 Warnings: Things blowing up, Canon typical violence, 006 and explody stuff Summary: Bond and Q watching the end of a 006 mission
Bond watched intently as Q focused on the terse commentary from the extraction team. Trust 006 to find one of the few primary forests left in Europe to play hide and seek with terrorists. Injured, bleeding but in possession of valued intel he’d been sent after, Trevelyan was being sought by both sides. One of the drone cameras blazed with light, flaring streamers rising from a central explosion. Q blinked, eyes watering before the screen dimmed.
“How does he do that every bloody time? I never issued him any explosives.”
Bond just shrugged, grinning. “When has that ever stopped Alec?”
Title: Beacon Author: solarmorrigan Warnings: None Summary: Q is very good at reading even the smallest signs.
“Come on,” Q murmured.
Images flashed by on his screens: satellite feeds, CCTV stills, personal security system hacks, social media posts – anything he could think of. Windows overlapped, flashed, jockeyed for space and called for attention as new information poured in. Then, at last, a filter-covered photograph from one website or another, a tiny island lit up by a few explosive columns of light, drew Q’s notice.
Unexpected fireworks off the coast, the caption read.
Q checked the location. He checked the time. He smiled.
“There you are,” he sighed, and began the work of piecing together Bond’s trail.
Title: We Don’t Need Fireworks Author: MrKsan / starrboned Warnings: Canon-Typical Violence Summary: Bond makes things explode. Q watches from afar.
The skies were ablaze with stardust and fire. It could’ve been beautiful, Q thought, had it not been his job to clean up the mess after.
Damn Bond and his dramatics.
Footsteps approached from behind, and Q couldn’t help but smile as an arm looped around his waist.
“007,” Gareth sighed. Q snorted, leaning into the warmth. Something exploded in the distance.
“Wish you could join him?” Gareth asked. “Share the action?”
Q turned his head, watching the fireworks reflect in his eyes.
“I got all the fire I need right here,” Q smiled, and leaned in for a kiss.
Go vote!
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seventfics · 4 years
Love your writing. Prompt: Jaskier has abandonment issues, which he tries and fails to hide. Angsty shenanigans ensue
[Thank you! ☺️ I normally don’t do prompt requests but this is right up my alley of emotional suffering, so,]—x
So it’s true that Jaskier has everything anyone could ever want in life. He was born into comfort, held status and name, and had the fortune of education, though that last one was beaten into him mercilessly because he was not an easy child. He had it all—
He still has it all, if he wants it. Nothing stops him from returning to teach in Oxenfurt. No one will deny him his family title, of properties or inheritance. On the contrary, he’s earned even more renown by his lyrics and poetry and Continental ballads, his name known to every court and tavern. People flock to him for his tales of the White Wolf—and that too is part of his renown, for he turned the Butcher into a hero at no cost of his own but a few sore throats after eveningfuls of encores—
They invite him for festivals, banquets, courtly affairs. They propose to him, bed him, threaten him out of towns for having bed the wrong person. He is famous. He is the bard Jaskier. And when his fame and his charm are no longer a novelty, people are quick to move on. 
In Lettenhove, in his early years, there was a tutor who praised him for his sharp musical ear. The old man spent many hours of the day showing him the value of the arts, something that left an imprint in his very soul. Not a year later, his parents sent him to temple school to learn his letters. He never saw the old tutor again—
In Oxenfurt, there was a girl who loved him for his voice. She was beautiful and sweet, her laughter like winter bells. By Summer’s end, she found a painter who worshipped at her feet like a dutiful priest at the altar of the gods. He doesn’t remember her name—
There were many like that girl since, and every time, he learned to accommodate a little better to keep them longer, to no avail—
In Posada, there was a witcher who huffed and groused at his company, and yet allowed him to come along on his journey. He was kind in a guarded way, a way familiar to Jaskier—the echoes of someone who has given himself up many times, only to suffer loss and rejection. Heartbreak hangs about him like a cape. And it takes Jaskier some time but he accommodates, learning the witcher’s limits, his preferences, what’s a jest and what’s a jab at old wounds—
 “What’s this, you’re going to hunt the drowners now?”
The witcher is packing his bags neatly by the door. He offers a brief nod. “It’s early. They’ll be sluggish.”
“Give me a moment, I’ll come with.”
He’s given a strange look that says nothing of the sort will be happening. “No you’re not, bard. You’ll get yourself killed.”
Jaskier takes the threat of life in stride. “I’ll hang back, I swear, who wouldn’t want to see the great White Wolf in action!”
Sometimes the witcher huffs, indulging him. Other times, dreadful times, he orders him to stay put. So Jaskier waits in taverns, sitting on his hands. It’s the hardest thing for him to do. To wait. He does not sing, not while his gut twists and his fingers flutter nervously on wood. He simply waits and thinks about all the reasons why his company is but a burden on coin and travel, the witcher so used to traveling alone.
And every time Geralt comes barreling through the front door wet with gore, his mind and his chest empty of all aches.
“Oh thank the gods, you’re—still in one piece,” he says, because shouting you’re back, you’re alive, you didn’t die and leave me behind is far too much of a weight to throw on Geralt’s shoulders, he knows. 
Geralt merely grunts, shaking off some of the grime. “Of course I am.”
 It’s like that. The witcher leaves on a hunt, and on the times Jaskier cannot follow, he waits. Geralt always comes back—if not for him, then at least for the reward. It’s at the end of every crossway where they part face to face, never knowing if they’ll meet again.
And Jaskier continues his own journey, in search not of home, but its opposite. Of a place that will forever change to the years and the seasons and never bore him. Never bore of him. No one should know him any more than he is allowed to know another, except—
Except the witcher Geralt of Rivia who he meets again and again. Knowing him more with every meeting—
—A noise in the forest, distant, and Geralt gets up with his swords from camp.
Jaskier just fumbles, “You’re not just going to leave me here twiddling my thumbs in the dark, are you?”
“I’ll be right back, bard. I have to check—”
—A shared room on low coin, and never a problem between them. Jaskier stirs awake to the bed moving. 
“Sum’thing up? Y’have to go?” He tries to mumble through a dry mouth. Geralt nudges his head down.
“No, I just need to eat. You keep sleeping, Jaskier—”
—A storm, and they’re both holed in a damp cave. Geralt looks ready to throw himself out in the rain and hunt for the Kikimore queen anyway.
“Geralt, please don’t leave in—in this storm.”
Geralt does listen, perhaps because he sounds a bit more shaken than usual. They’ve already gone low on provisions because the rain soaked through their bags. They need the coin. And it would have been fine, if Jaskier hadn’t insisted they go through this town—
Foolishly, dangerously, he becomes attached. Years go by. A decade. Two. There is no one else Jaskier knows more in his life. Geralt’s mannerisms, his expressions, his disquiet. He knows them all in the silence across a campfire, and he hopes he is known in return. 
He hoped at the banquet in Cintra, barely whispering of a need that he dared not tell anyone else. 
He hoped in the chaos of Rinde, of the djinn and the witch, begging for the witcher to choose him first. 
And he hoped in the mountains of King Niedamir. 
And his hope is not enough.
Jaskier knows to bear smiles and jokes for the right crowds, and he knows how to be serious in certain company. He learned to accommodate a little better to keep people longer, of course, to no avail. Even with Geralt—
He should never have grown complacent, believing that things would be different this once. He became attached—beyond attached, beyond need, beyond affection—
“I'll go get the rest of the story from the others,” Jaskier says in parting on that mountain, because if he makes light of it, then it will sluice off his frame like water, undamaging. He can pick himself up to keep searching for that place—of that someone that will never bore of him, that will never forget him and throw him aside.
Despite his efforts, there’s a chasm in his chest. A breathlessness like a wound that doesn’t want to heal. And he lingers at the foot of the mountain when he sees Roach nibbling on dry grass, tethered by the inn’s poor stable poles. 
He doesn’t know how long he stays with her, petting her coat. She indulges him, preferring his company over the stablehand’s. There’s a joke there somewhere, about her being as obstinate as her rider, but he can’t bear to say it. Can’t bear to speak through the stone lodged in his throat—
And he shouldn’t be with her, not if he wants to avoid the witcher who so clearly and plainly told him to take off for good. But Roach is sweet. For once, she doesn’t bite his wrists. Instead she nickers, snuffling his dusty doublet. Maybe she’s learned to accommodate for heartbreak too, as it seems to follow where Geralt goes, whether caused by his hand or brought upon him—
He freezes in place. He cannot turn. To see his blazing expression would be too much—
“Sorry. I won’t be staying. I’m just,” his voice fades as it starts to shake. How can he explain why he’s touching the witcher’s mare, for the simple comfort that she offers in not shying away from his touch?
It is a demand for him to turn. He recognizes it in Geralt’s voice. Jaskier clenches his hands on Roach’s mane—
Refusing doesn’t work, as the witcher takes his shoulder to pull him back—
There are no fixed smiles left in him. No jest, no shrug. He hurts too deeply to put forth the effort. He is the bard Jaskier, but in front of Geralt of Rivia, he’s just alone. He has everything anyone could ever want in life, and not a lick of it matters with no one to stay for him, no one to call a friend—
But Geralt is not angry. He doesn’t quite look like anything except intense, keeping his wide yellow eyes on Jaskier’s own as he grips his shoulder tight. 
“Let me go,” Jaskier says because he cannot take being seen so deeply, so closely, and not being wanted—
“No.” Geralt’s grip turns painful. “You—don’t want me to.”
Something breaks in him at the words—the truth in them—and it burns in his eyes and it burns his throat—and burns to tears shed pressed to black leather, his hands scrambling at the hard surface of Geralt’s armor. 
He doesn’t want to be let go. Geralt holds him to his chest and he feels like stone cracking under pressure. Like gravel being crushed—
“I was angry,” the witcher says, swallowing against Jaskier’s ear, “I didn’t mean it,” tucking his face into Jaskier’s hair, “I don’t want you to go.”
And maybe it’s cruel or greedy but he wants for Geralt to ache like he does. To feel terror at being left behind. At it being Jaskier who walked away—hurting, choked by his own surging feelings—from the mountain first, by his offense—
Another part is relieved. Because Geralt does know him, after everything, after Jaskier’s efforts to know the witcher. He knows him well to strike where it hurts the most. He knew where to tear into with harsh words—
And that by doing so he went too far and tore into Jaskier’s heart too—
There are no apologies, but there are amends. There is a wavering conversation and one more stay at the inn.
At the crossroads they’ll part again, but not with goodbye. Not with tears or screams or hidden fears. They’ll meet again, like they always have. Better than they always have—
Because this time, and every time since, they part with a promise to see each other again.
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amindofstone · 3 years
Match up, No. 9
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@starlightbydaybright hat gefragt:
Hello! Saw you were taking match-ups and I was wondering if I could request one. Only done one before for another fandom, and I was wondering who I’d align with for One Piece ^^
I'm an INFP and generally an introvert, finding it difficult to express myself when I'm around people I'm unfamiliar with or just not close to. I can be both quiet and shy; quiet when I have no interest in making good impression on that person (a stranger I'll see once and never again) and shy when I'm genuinely trying to make myself acceptable to them. But, I do trust easily, so it's not hard to get close enough with me that I'll open up about almost everything, so long as they understand have my boundaries (that'll shift depending on how close). I'm also very affectionate with people I'm close with, particularly through physical touch, since I've been pretty touch starved. If you're close friends with me, you can find me constantly looking for a hug, but I can respect boundaries since not everyone enjoys contact.
The situation would be a bit different romance wise, since I’d revert a bit back to my introverted side, but also very affection-seeking at the same time. I say affection seeking as in I’d crave time and activities spent together with them, but I’d be afraid to ask/initiate, at least during the early beginnings of the relationship. I’d be constantly seeking affirmation of their love, and since I’ve never been in a relationship before (but desperately wanted one), they’d be constantly receiving my love too ❤️
While being an introvert in reality, I find it much easier to speak with confidence online. as I actually have time to contemplate what I can say. It's when I'm either with close friends or on the internet, that I can go on passionate endless rants or show my passive aggressive side. I'm usually pacifist, but if something irks me enough, I can and will pitch in snide/sarcastic remark or two, or if it's more serious; I will write out whole sophisticated and well worded paragraph that'd sound all polite with a hidden snarky tone.
I'm pretty much a hopeless romantic, so there's lot of couple things I want to try when I find someone. Back hugs, bridal carry, tickle fights, you name it. While I do enjoy these displays of affection (comes with the happy kind of embarrassment aka. I feel embarrassed that others sees it but I’m happy because I know they’re not doing it out of maliciousness and because they truly love me), small gestures are appreciated too; a gentle squeeze of the hand, a passing smile, etc.
As for hobbies, I enjoy reading, writing, (occasionally) drawing, but most of all; probably singing. I enjoy a wide variety of songs, depending on what mood I'm in, but I particularly like songs about love. Looking for someone to sing the duet love songs with me, doesn't matter how good or bad they are at singing. They can be tone deaf for all I care, it's the thought that matters 😊
I'm very emotionally sensitive, and can both laugh and cry easily. A random stranger online wished me good day? I'll be in good mood for awhile. Watched a 'mildly' sad movie? (Extra emphasis on mildly) I better have new box of tissue on the side just in case. It'd be nice to have someone that can either comfort me or at least tolerate my emotions, so I wouldn't be irking them 😞
I don't really have a type when looking for significant other but being an INFP does make the romance thing complicated. It'd be nice to have someone that's far along on the extroverted side (just not happy go lucky and can be serious) since, despite being introverted, I like to experience new things. I'm just too afraid to try alone and prefer it if someone else recommends it first. Someone to prompt me and nudge me to do something, but won’t take it too far if I really looked uncomfortable. (I’m also a procrastinator so they gotta find out the right ratio between pushing vs. taking it too far 😅) In relationship, I'd value trust and loyalty the most, since both are important in keeping the healthy relationship. If both sides could equally trust and be trusted, then there wouldn't be place for insecurity or fear. This ties in with another part of me being an INFP; I want a relationship that lasts forever. While it's weird to decide how long lasting the love will be early in the relationship, I don't think I can fully commit myself to someone, knowing that it'll end (through the other side falling out of love with me, finding interest in someone else, etc.) (natural causes like death are fine, even though I will still be sad 🥲)
As for appearance, I’m a 5”4 female with slightly wavy black hair that reach nearly to my waist. I don’t think I’m particularly short, but then again, every anime character seems to be straight up giants XD (Man, I was born with the wrong genes) I’m overall very plain, with black hair, brown eyes, but I’ve always been told I had pretty long eyelashes and big bright eyes. Average weight for my height, and flat chested :’)
As for the preference for gender, I’m mainly attracted to guys. I had some (very few) crushes on a small selection of female anime characters, but that were very rare, like 3, compared to my (insert large number) male crushes
Thank you in advance and sorry for how long this is 😔
P.s. I feel like I need to emphasize I’m still an introvert, since the personality I described is only limited to my very small friend group
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Hey there? How are you doing? Thank you so much for requesting. First off I should be apologizing for making you wait so long. I hope you´re not mad at me but lately there is a lot happening in my life. In my private life but also in my college life. But let´s put that aside and get to your request.
I have to thank you for the detailed info about you because that helped me to choose a match up for you so much. Like I instantly could think of someone. Not only did it help me to match you up with someone but also to come up with a plot. So I came up with this little imagine/hedcanon… I really don´t know what to call my work for the imaginies so I go with work. XD Anyways I really don´t know what to do at this point. Your request and your personality gave me such a good idea for a plot that I tried my best to keep it short because I decided to turn this request and my ideas and thoughts that are flying around in my mind to an actual FANFICTION! AHHHHHHHH. I can´t stop thinking about it. The idea sounds so damn good in my head that it makes me smile like an idiot right now! Uff I can´t wait to find time writing it down. AHAHH, but I fear that I already gave aways so much with this!!!! *pouts Doesn´t matter I´ll do it anyways. AHHHHHHHHHHH Thank you so damn much for requesting!
Anyways! Back to my work now. If there is anything that bothers you or you simply hate please make sure to tell me so I can change it and give you whatever you´d like. Other than that happy reading my dear!
Match up rules can be found HERE.
Warning(s): Maybe grammatical or spelling mistakes since English is my third language and I´m still improving in every aspect (Please have mercy on that.)
!!! Please do not steal my idea or work. Credit me if this is shared or published in any other platform or any other way. Please respect me as the writer and my work. Picture is not mine. Credits to: I sadly don't know. Please tell me of you know so I can give credits. Thank you in advance. !!!
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· I decided to pair you up with KILLER
· Like am I the only person that thinks that he is not getting the screen time and appreciation he deserves? Because that is the damn case! ODA GIVE THIS MAN THE LOVE AND APPRECIATION HE DESERVES. And while we´re at it I wouldn´t mind if I would get a bit more of Eustass Kid too… Thank you in advance. <3
· But that’s not the point. Please dear requesting beautiful human being give this man and me, your hopelessly dreamy author a chance. Thank you, I really appreciate. <3
· aNyWaYssssS.
· “y/n? Are you still awake?”, asked the blond man softly. “No worries I won´t make you carry me to bed again.”, you said with a giggle. You couldn´t see his face but you knew that he was smiling. “I don´t mind that you know? I like having you close to me without having to fear to see you hid under the blanket for who knows how long.”, you rolled you eyes and hit his arms. “That only happened because that idiot captain of yours annoyed the hell out of me. That was embarrassing Killer.”, you slowly put one leg over the railing and then the next one. Making sure you don´t fall down the ship. “What happened? Didn´t you drag me out our cabin to watch the stars?”, asked the muscular man who held you close to him while making sure you didn´t fell. “I did but now I´d like to look at something different. Something even more beautiful. Something that gives me warmth and happiness. Something that keeps me alive and always makes sure I am doing fine.”, talking to the blond pirate while sitting at the railing was one of the rare moments you were close to an eye level with him. “You mean my mask?”, asked the man with a tiled head that got you to roll your eyes and hit his chest. “Great you destroyed the sweet moment. I hate you. Make a step back so I can get down. I want to go back to bed and drown in regret of dating you.”, you tried to push him away but he was obviously stronger and threw you over his shoulder. “Of course you hate me. That was also the exact same thing you were moaning a while ago. Let´s go back to bed nerd.”
· As sweet and loving your relationship was now with the pirate it also started like that. Wanna know how? Alright let me get comfortable in my bed and get started. Story TIIMMMEEEE!!!
· An island well known for their universities and scientist. An island full of top ranked doctors.
· Physics, chemistry, biology, astrology was well thaught in the schools of the island. An island well known around the world. An island ruled by a powerful devil fruit user.
· An island in which every civilian had a talent in another field. And you? You sadly had an impressive talent for languages.
· Why sadly you wonder? Well the amount of times you had to run for your dear life because some pirates could come and kidnap you and make you read the poneglyphs is immense.
· Once even the infamous Red haired Shanks came and asked you with the hope to have someone who could read them. But sadly you couldn´t. You told him that you were done with pirates coming for you or your best friends. You regretted learning all of that and hated yourself for that. Shanks and Beckman to whom your were talking to really felt bad for you and claimed the island as their territory after they had a chat with ruler and made a deal.
· That was that saved you and your friends for years and made you happy. You were thankful to the red hair pirates and always treated them with meals and drinks when they came visiting the island. You were happy for 5 years. 5 years until these stupid reckless pirates came.
· And now? Now you hated yourself all over again
· You knew that not every pirate was like the red hair pirates. Nice and respectful. They didn´t kill innocent people and destroyed civilizations only to get some gold and diamonds. But these? These were horrible. Cold and cruel.
· “Someone make this btch talk otherwise I´ll do it by cutting her into pieces only stropping when IT actually starts to answer my god damn questions!”, screamed a tall and guy with red hair.
· You were scared. Tied on a mast on their ship, you feared for your life. Screaming for help was not an option since you were already on the sea since a while now.
· The man that was yelling at you none stop was now holding a blond man with a mask at his collar and growling at him. The man might have a mask on but you somehow had the feeling that he was talking to the man with the red fur coat. “Clear the deck! NOW!!”; yelled the man before he left inside the ship. Slowly every man on deck was leaving you alone. You wanted to ask them were or why the left but you knew that they wouldn´t give you an answer. You were a prisoner. A captive. A pathetic human they took on board. With the last pirate leaving you behind, a door that was located behind the mast you were tied on closed while the need to cry grew inside of you. How long am I here by now? One hour? Two or three? Was anyone missing me back at home? Were they already looking for me? Thoughts that occupied your mind were blurring your vision. You were looking right in front of you but also not. Your eyes were wide open but your vision was back at home. Home were you belonged.
· “Hey. Hey can you hear me? Hey you alright, woman? Hello?”, a man was squatting in front of you and waving with his hands in front of your face. You were deeply lost in your thoughts that you neither heard him coming nor saw him sitting right in front of you.
· But the moment he touched you tight you screamed and got back to reality. “Please don´t touch me. Please don´t hurt me. Please I beg you. Please.”, fear was written all over your face. You saw yourself death with a huge puddle of your blood. “Alright I won´t touch you. It´s just that I´ve been sitting in front of you for 5 minutes now and the only thing you did was breath and say no. Anyways here is something to drink. You´ve been her for four hours now. Half of the time unconscious and the other one either basically mute or in a trance.”, the guy in front of you was the same one who got the mad man to leave and clear the deck. It made you wonder who he was that he had such a power but you didn´t dare to ask. “Here I hold it for you and you drink.”, the glass was put on your lips and you drank. You didn´t knew how thirsty you were until your lungs were wetted by the water. Finished drinking he put a blanket over your legs since the position your were in didn´t allow you to cover yourself properly. And the fact that you were wearing a dress wasn´t helping at all.
· “Alright. You had something to drink I got you a blanket now tell me are you able to talk to me and answer my questions?”, you nodded. “Good. Now listen to me. There is this language that is called Krisanasy. As far as I know there is a tiny amount of people who are able to speak that and you are one of these. Am I right?”, you nodded. “How well are you in it?”, you gulped and looked at the man with the mask “I know the most important basics. I remember basic grammar rules and a good amount of vocabulary but I´m not that good in it. I didn´t worked with anything that included this language since years now.”, the masked man nodded and fully sat down now. “Would you be able to get back in it if you had some books and scripts to work with?”, slowly you understood where this was supposed to lead. You knew that if you said yes they would keep you as their prisoner and make your work for them. And if they had everything they would kill you because there would be no more use for you. But if you said no now and refused to talk to him he would probably also kill you. You were in a dilemma. You didn´t wanted to die but also didn´t wanted to die after you helped them. They were criminals. Feared and hated by the government and any human around the world. You looked down on your lap and let your head fall forward so your long black hair covered your face. “Hey I asked you something. Would you be able to do that?”, his voice was deep and rough but in the same time soft and gentle. That irritated you. it make you realize that him being nice to you now was just a way to get under your skin and make you do whatever they wanted. And then they simply would kill you in the most brutal and cruel way. “Hey, woman. Are you listening?”, you felt helpless. “I don´t want to die. Please let me go. Please. I beg you. Please.”, tears were streaming down you cheeks you couldn´t hold back anymore. He came closer and lifted you face. “Listen here you are a smart woman. Stop crying for fcks sake. If I would be you I would have made these pirates work for me. Use your damn brain and stop crying. Do you really think anyone in here would kill you? Heck no! They need your help. They need your brain because all of them are basically stupid. Like damn I need you to answer all of my questions before my captain with anger issues comes and beats the sht out of me. Now answer me woman. Are you able to get back in it if we got you some scripts to work on?”, you nodded while more tears streamed down you cheeks. You felt pathetic. You felt worthless and used. Helping them would turn you into a criminal too and ruin everything you worked on. Everything the emperor did for you and the island would be wasted. “See wasn’t that hard to answer.”
· The questioning went on for a while you didn´t know for how long but you knew that a long time passed since the sun stared to set. “Alright. Now I give you two options. One, stay here. Tied up on the mast no matter what kind of weather we face. Two you swear to obey me no matter what kind of order I give you and you will be able to sleep on a bed. You will get food and tomorrow you will start working on the scripts we give you. You choose.”, with your head hung lowly you said number two and instantly got released from the chains and handcuffs. He helped you stand up and covered you in the blanket before he led you into his cabin. “Wait here. Sit there and don´t do anything stupid as long as I´m not here. If you do anything stupid I won´t be able to help you. Got it?”, he didn´t even wait until you answered or gave any reaction he simply left and closed the door after him. So you waited while sitting with a lowly hung head. Minutes passed and he came back. “Your clothes are dirty. The bathroom is empty so you can take a bath or shower. Anything you want but I´ll be in the room with you. Because of one I have to make sure no one is coming in and secondly to watch over you and make sure you don´t do anything stupid. Got it. Fine. Take this towel and these clothes. We don´t have any female crewmates so you have to be wearing with my clothes until we dock on another island and you get to buy clothes.”
· The man with the mask took care of you for the rest of the day. He took you to shower and gave you fresh clothes. You had dinner with him alone in the kitchen when no one was around and got back to sleep. And no matter what you did he made sure to keep a respectful distance towards you. Whenever he had to come closer or touch you to take care of your wounds he would warn you. The day kept going like that. Nothing else was said about the following days and the thing they wanted you for. Only necessary things were said that were needed at the moment. And you only gave short replays or only answered with a head movement.
· Slowly the day passed by and the night took over with the moon putting the world alight. You were back in his cabin with him sitting on an armchair and you lying in bed sleeping with one hand tied up on the bed.
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c0ffeebee · 4 years
you got any rare kliego fic recs? i’ve probably read the first five pages of most kudos’d results but i know there are a ton that slip thru the cracks
ok, i'm sorry for replying so late, nonny, but i guess looking at the list you'll understand why ❤
i'll be honest with you once i've gotten into kliego i read through their entire tag of ao3 [at least those fics where i was ok with the tags and summary felt intriguing] so now i literally went through it again and picked those of the fics the names of which i remembered, and there's A LOT 😀 some of those are really popular, some not at all, but i remember loving those ❤
at first i thought i would tell you a bit about every fic on the list, but it would take me forever, so i will just give you titles/links, authors and summaries, hope it's fine ❤ look out for the tags tho, to know if you’re fine with everything! and some of those are benkliego ❤
i'm sure i forgot or missed something, but i did my best, trust me ❤
so without further ado i present to you: 
bee's big kliego rec list (in no particular order)
till you can breathe on your own by iwishii
Diego has never been more frightened than he is now, trying to help his brother reach the surface in time.
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practice makes perfect by iwishii
Klaus doesn't want to show up to parties totally inexperienced and virginal, so he asks Diego to help him get some practice in.
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master of my domain by achilleees
“You’re asking five 13-year-old boys not to jerk off for – it can’t be done,” Luther says. “Now that we’re older, it would be different, but back then –”
“Excuse me, I could do it,” Five says. “I could certainly outlast all of you.”
They all look at each other.
“Oh, no,” says Allison.
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the year that wasn't by achilleees
Diego turned to Five. “I’ve already, uh, lived today. This has already happened.”
Everyone went still.
“Ooh, that’s a mind-fuck,” said Klaus.
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The Weight of Himself by sarkywoman
If he could, Diego would unfurl his middle finger.
For the 'can only move the eyes' square at badthingshappenbingo. Reginald's experiments have devastating consequences on Diego, but both he and Klaus refuse to let that be the end.
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Laid Bare by MilenaDaniels
“So,” Five continued matter-of-factly, “you’re in a cramped, human sized box, in a graveyard where you can’t see light or hear sounds. What are the odds that you’re above ground?”
Diego blinked. He thought he’d been smelling the iron of his blood pooling and drying under his head but it was humid in here, and musty.
“Fuck,” Diego said.
Diego and Klaus are buried alive together.
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Flies in the Kitchen by yourfearlessleader
Klaus is sixteen and love is a rot.
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Before, During, and After by yourfearlessleader
Before the apocalypse, life was making the best of a bad situation, and Klaus found that he grew up to be very good at it.
During is, for lack of a better word, hard.
After they try to kill Vanya, after the apocalypse, after they jump through time to avoid it, after they survive and make up and a million and one other things, here they are.
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break it like you're breaking a code by findyourfortunefalling
"Are you planning to sit in a chair like a person today, or are we all eating our breakfast off of you this morning?"
"Kinky," Klaus purrs, but he rolls off the table anyway, and piles himself into a seat near the head of the table. Diego puts the plate of pancakes in front of him; he's put blueberries in them today. "Thank you, chef."
"Eat," says Diego. "Quietly."
Instead of replying, Klaus picks up a pancake with his fingers, stuffs the entire thing into his mouth at once, and chews noisily.
Diego sighs, and goes back to the stove. "Man, I remember a time when you were house trained."
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two boys emerging from shadowed hallways by spikeymarshmallows
After Ben dies, Diego drags a broken Klaus out of the Academy. They're both determined to never return, to find their own way out in the world.
Things are not as easy as they would like.
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the things i can't say by  spikeymarshmallows
"Diego, wait!" Klaus shouted, clutching Diego's arm.
"You look like Antonio Banderas with long hair," he choked.
Five times Klaus doesn't say 'I love you'.
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Into the Night by  spikeymarshmallows
"Hey," Klaus whispered, "hey, Diego, wake up." Diego grumbled, dragging his blanket higher up his body before settling again. "Hey." Klaus tried again, voice a little louder. "Hey, wake up." He poked at Diego's arm insistently.
The Hargreeves siblings go on late night adventure to get doughnuts
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all tangled close by spikeymarshmallows
They were all going to have to deal with the pheromones for however long Klaus' first heat lasted.
Diego was, in a word, screwed.
Five times Diego and Klaus have heat sex; and one time they don't.
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the kliego genderswap/sexswap by spikeymarshmallows
The name speaks for itself.
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The Fools' Journey by sweetstuff
After his release from prison on a manslaughter charge, Diego tries to leave behind the life he adapted to survive on the inside. He finds himself drawn to a beautiful and peculiar sex worker named Klaus in a local bar, and when danger strikes Diego makes a decision that will have them both running for their lives.
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and death i think is no parenthesis by laiqualaurelote
“You guys seem really chill about all this,” observed Ben. “By this point most people are running around screaming.”
“Occupational hazard,” said Klaus.
“I’ve lost a lot of blood,” said Diego. “I’m just accepting everything at face value right now.”
Allison is the best damn realtor in the business, and she is going to sell the Hargreeves Mansion if it kills her. Never mind that it’s packed to the rafters with the ghastly relics of grisly murders, or that there’s a vampire in the basement who looks like a 13-year-old, or that the medium she hired to exorcise its inhabitants keeps flirting with some of them, i.e. the one with the knives and the one with the tentacles. Or that if they all spend enough time together, they just might cause the apocalypse.
NotSiblings!AU that is basically The Umbrella Academy as American Horror Story: Murder House, though you need not have seen any AHS to read this.
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i got troubles (they won't let me be) by antipathy
“I don’t understand why you’re hung up on this.” Five didn’t bother to mask his scowl. “Let me spell it out for you: either you two fuck, or we all die.”
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Eye Of The Storm by shadowhive
Diego decides to surprises Klaus by taking them on a weekend trip, but it doesn’t go as planned.
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Mine, All Mine by Electra_XT
“No!” Klaus said. “Move the other way.”
“What are you trying to get a good look at, exactly?” Diego said.
Klaus blinked at him. His eyes were wide and kohl-rimmed, as fetching and alluring as the rest of him. “Why, your ass,” he said. “That thing is fine.”
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On Sight by Electra_XT
“Oh,” Klaus said, stopping in his tracks with his hand on the mouse.
Ben leaned over his shoulder. “‘Cute Latino camboy gives a show’?”
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Practice Makes Perfect Sense by punk_rock_yuppie
“Practice… kissing?” Diego asks.
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Aftershocks by punk_rock_yuppie
Saving the world is hard work, is Klaus’ last thought before succumbing to the heat of the puppy pile he and his other siblings have formed.
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Passenger by Cunninglinguist
“And you’re sure that’s okay?”
“I mean, yeah. It’s fine with me. All we have to do is ask Diego.”
“And you think he’ll be...cool with it?”
“Dunno.” Klaus shrugs and stirs his smoothie with his straw. “But I’m on board with it, and he usually gets on board with whatever I’m on board with, so. I’d say it’s at least worth an ask.”
Klaus feels Ben’s eyes burning into him as he sips his beverage. Sure, the idea of Ben possessing him had initially been about as appealing as a coffee enema, and the first few times in practice had been more than slightly traumatizing. But once they’d established ground rules and worked to get more in tune with one another, Klaus had come to find the experience to be...interesting. It could be pleasant, almost zen—there is no sensation in the world quite like being a passenger in one's own body. And to be privy to both his own sensations as well as Ben’s? Well, that’s something else entirely.
Which is why the idea of Ben possessing his body during sex both freaks him out and turns him on in equal measure.
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i am a dark and wicked thing by Cunninglinguist
Klaus is staring at Diego with hollow eyes, straw still perched between his lips. No reaction, not even a spark of joy or schadenfreude as he watches Diego disrupt breakfast. Diego shifts. He’s seen corpses before, and were Klaus not sitting close enough to touch, chest rising and falling visibly with his breath, Diego could easily mistake him for one.
Vampire!Klaus AU
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The Diamond Sinners by Cunninglinguist
Another drink and a half later, he’s finally back on the right side of numb. The house lights dim and a new dancer is announced. He’s gazing across the club, eyeing the buffet with semi-tipsy hunger, thinking that it’s probably time to call it a night, when suddenly, his heart stops dead in his chest.
There, onstage, rolling his lithe body sensuously against the pole like he was summoned out of one of Diego’s wet dreams, is Klaus.
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Broken Like Me by Starrstruck_64
“This s-s-stuff will kill you,” he says plucking the cigarette out of Klaus’ fingers, delighting slightly in the fact that he’d only partially stumbled through the sentence.
Klaus smirks and it’s such a far cry from his fun loving brother he had two weeks ago that Diego nearly flinches.
“Ever stop and think that’s the plan,” Klaus says moving to stand and reaching to snag the cigarette back.
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sing it out, hard as you can by plingo_kat
The first time it happens, Klaus doesn’t notice.
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Soft by Dirty_Corza
Sometimes, between the boxing matches and vigilante business, Diego likes to be soft.
Klaus and Ben surprise him by liking the softer side of him, too.
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Wait for it by nishiki
A mission gone wrong, a dream shattered.
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all that i have to lose by UnrememberedSkies
Diego does some good, and Klaus pays the price. 
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wasp by Chelseylovesllamas
Diego is scared of bugs, Klaus saves the day.
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Friday at Four by Kliegology
Diego's life takes a nosedive when he's forced out of work and into an art therapy class. He's clinging to his last shred of normality when he meets Klaus, who takes one look at him and threatens to tear it away.
“I think you’ll find you have a lot in common with the other people there,” The Therapist said, watching him shrewdly.
Diego was vividly reminded of the jittery, barefoot man in the pink fluffy cardigan. He snorted. “I don’t think so.”
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sassyduckqueen · 4 years
The Traitor Card (Ace of Spades Bonus Scene)- ML Requests and One shots 7
So in the original story, Alix showed anger towards Lila. Well, here's why. For the record, the Jass card is a real card. It's usually used in a game of trump and is considered the highest trump card. It is usually a jack card and is worth 20 points in the game, which is the highest value. Anyway, I thought it would be the perfect title for the traitor card. Hope you guys enjoy this is little snippet from my Ace of Spades AU. This is explains how he got all those cards :D
In a game of cards, a player always has a trump card up their sleeves. Luka had his royal flush but he also had a hidden card. One he only ever brought out when a true enemy needed to be taken down. Known to the members of the Royal Flush as the Traitor card, the role of the Jass is a special player he brings into the game as his high trump card. Given to a person who loyalties are switched, the Jass acts as the Ace's spy and is key to his enemy's defeat.
"Alix..." Nathaniel's voice made the skater turn around and face him. He looked fuming and she knew why. She helped destroy Marinette's sketchpad. Marinette had grabbed it and run, tears rolling down her face as she did. Alix felt bad but Alya insisted that she needed to be taught a lesson. Kim and Ivan had held back Nathaniel and Adrien who tried to stop it and everyone else ignored their pleas, including her. She hadn't done as much damage as Alya did. She only splattered paint on some of the papers but Alya and Lila completely blacked them out. Lila wrote horrible words and Alya poured an acid she stole from the Science Lab on the cover. They had laughed at Marinette's tears but that had passed and now it was just her and Nathaniel, who looked so disappointed and angry at her. "How could you?"
 "Marinette was bullying Lila," She stated but to her surprise, it felt wrong. 
 "Lila is a liar," He stated, shaking his head. "She lied about Marinette and she stole Marc's work. She threatened him into staying quiet,"
 "Then how do you know?" Alix retorted.
 "Because I found him crying over his destroyed notepad," He stated. "I pressed him until he relented and told me what happened. Alix... I can't be friends with you..."
 "What?!" She gasped, shocked. It had been her and Nathaniel against the world for ages. "But... you're my best friend..."
 "Not after what you helped do," He stated, shaking his head. "You need to realize what you and the rest of the class did was wrong and make it up to Marinette-"
 "But she's a bully!"
 "Even if she is, harassing her isn't going to help!" He shouted back, pinching his nose. "And it makes you a bully too! I'm sorry, Alix but we are not friends,"
 She went to argue but he turned on his heel and left the classroom, making her frown. She shook her head and continued with her art piece. If Nathaniel didn't want to be her friend and wanted to take a side of a bully then that was fine by her. She didn't need him anyway. She had more friends then she ever had before.
 "Have you heard?" Alix frowned as a girl leaned over to her friend and whispered as they walked past her in the corridor. She was on her way to lunch but she stopped to listen into this conversation.
 "Heard what?" Her friend replied.
 "The Ace is back," The original girl replied, making Alix's eyes widen.
 "The Ace? I thought he retired,"
 "He did but somehow he's back," She hissed back. "Apparently, he named Adrien Agreste as his king. Naturally, Lie-La is claiming that he's her boyfriend,"
 "Well, we all know that's a lie," The second girl laughed. "The Ace wouldn't touch her with a ten foot pole,"
 "Yeah, he actually has standards," They both laughed as Alix frowned before she walked off and headed into the locker room. Nino was getting his bag and Ivan was talking to Mylene. Naturally, Kim was goofing around with Max. She walked over to them, causing them to look at her.
 "Alix?" Max asked, making her sigh.
 "Have you heard the new rumor going around the school?" She asked, making him frown and shake his head. Kim stopped goofing and the others looked at her as well. "The Ace... apparently, he's back,"
"I calculate the chance of that been true at roughly 20%,"
 "Yeah but if it is true, why would he make a return?" Mylene asked, getting a nod of Ivan.
 "Who cares why?" Kim grinned. "I wanna know who's gonna be in the royal flush this year. Hey, Alix think you'll get the jack's chair back?"
 "Maybe," She smiled but she had a terrible feeling that this had something to do with Marinette and how they had been treating her. If her feeling was right then nothing good could come from this. She followed the rest of the class into the canteen, feeling bile rise from her throat as she noticed the royal table. Sabrina was stood there, glaring at Alya and Lila as Luka sat at the front. On his left was Marinette, Marc and Nathaniel and on his right was Adrien, Chloe and Kagami. He looked up with a bored expression as they took their seats and said something to Lila and Alya before Sabrina cleared her throat.
 "Can I have everyone's attention please?" She stated, getting the entire place to look at her. Kim grinned excitedly as he looked towards the Royal table. "A new royal flush has been formed,"
 People whispered and muttered as Sabrina paused. Max pushed his glasses up as Alix frowned. If she had the Jack's chair again, she would already be up there with her card. She knew how Luka worked. He had given her the Jack of Diamonds when he last ruled but it seems he had a different line up this year.
 "This year, we have the Ace of spades, the King of Diamonds, the Queen of Spades, the Jack of Hearts, the Ten of clubs and two Jokers," Sabrina stated, reading from a scroll. "The royal flush member are as follows. Ace's chair: Luka Couffaine, King's chair: Adrien Agreste, Queen's chair: Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Jack's chair: Chloe Bourgeois, Ten's Chair: Marc Anciel, Joker's chair Alpha: Kagami Tsurugi and Joker's chair Beta: Nathaniel Kurtzberg. This is the royal flush. Anyone who goes against them will be considered traitors. You all have your cards as well. If you have a card that is a 6 or higher then you may talk to the Ace and his subjects but if you have a card with a value of 5 or less then you are peasants and are not worth of talking to any of the royal flush! His highness has some words to say,"
 At that point, Luka stood up and looked around as the students gasped and whispered. He narrowed his eyes, causing everyone to go quiet. They lingered on Alix for a few seconds and she looked down as she saw betrayal in them but it disappeared as quickly as it came.
 "Firstly, I want to say why I decided to retire and why I have come back," He stated, placing his hand on the tables. "I wanted to experience life the way other people did so I stepped down from my throne and joined the common rubble. I got to experience life as a normal student or as normal as I could. As you recall, I asked everyone to treat me normally. Not to show fear or to ask permission to speak to me. While this was enjoyable, I officially retract that statement. As of now, I am no longer part of the common rabble. I take my throne back and you will treat me as royalty as well as my royal flush. Anyone who does not do that will be punished. Now for the reason, I have come back. It has been brought to my attention that there is a liar among my people, who has corrupted a number of students and have been tormenting my loved ones. I will not stand for it so I will say this once. This Liar and their followers have one week to retract all of their lies, remedy their wrong doings and apologize to their victims. If they do this by the end of the week, all will be forgiven but if they don't, I will unleash a fury like nothing they had ever seen on them and anyone who allies with them,"
 All of the students gulped and whispered as Luka glared at all of them but her class felt especially scared. Alix knew it had to do with Marinette and her sketchpad.
 "Now as I have taken rule again, I will reinstate the rules I expect you to follow," He stated. "Respect each other and no bullying are the most important but I expect you to follow the others too. If you don't know what those rules are, ask Sabrina or Aurora, who I name as the royal advisers. If you want to arrange anything, talk to them and they will arrange a meeting with myself and the royal flush and finally to the liar, I'd appreciate if you didn't spread rumors about me or my friends. I am not dating anyone right now and I have no intention of 'bringing you under my wing'. That's all,"
 Alix instantly got up and left as she felt sick. She quickly went to the bathroom and gasped. She should have known better. She should have just been a neutral party. In the back of her mind, she knew hurting Marinette was bad but she never expected Luka to come out of retirement but it made sense. Everyone knew that Luka and Marinette had been friends forever and they knew he would do anything to help or protect her. Marinette could take a lot but destroying her sketchpad must have been the final straw. She must of have gone to Luka and told him everything. Alix felt sick again. Hell hath no fury like a Couffaine. He had told her that way back and now he was going to destroy them. Taking a deep breathe, she made her way back to the locker room and opened her locker. She took out the card tucked into her locker and looked at it. A frown crawled onto her face. Two of Diamond. A mockery of the card she once held. She pocketed it and walked to class. Marinette was sat next to Adrien and Chloe but she wasn't looking for them. She walked over to Sabrina and cleared her throat.
 "Yes?" She asked, making Alix a little nervous.
 "I need to speak with the Ace,"
 "Two of Diamonds," She sighed, making Sabrina look at her with a look of disbelief. "But I invoke the right of Honor as a previous member of the royal flush,"
 "You understand that Honor only grants you audience with his highness once?" Sabrina asked, getting a nod of Alix. "Very well, I shall ask him if he will honor it,"
 "Thank you," She mumbled, sitting back down as Sabrina took out her phone and began to text Luka as Lila and Alya came in. Lila tried to point out to Miss Bustier that Sabrina shouldn't be on her phone but Miss Bustier completely ignored her and continued with the lesson. Her fear of Luka's wrath was much greater then anything Lila could provide. Kim leaned over to Alix as she took notes.
 "Do you think he'll agree to see you?" He whispered, making her frown but nod. Luka was many things but he placed honor above all else. The least he would do is see her even if it was only for a few minutes. However, she couldn't be certain that he would see her today. In fact, she suspected that he would be busy for the rest of the day, given that today was his official return. She remembered how busy it was when she was by his side. Everyone constantly going to him for approval. Students, the class representatives, the art group, the science club, the teachers and even the principle. As the Ace, Luka controlled the whole school so it made sense that he would be busy.
 ~Three Days Later~
 Alix frowned as she sat in the classroom, next to Kim and Max. Alya was chatting with Nino while Juleka and Rose were acting all loved up. Marinette had her phone out and was texting someone as Adrien smiled and laughed with Chloe. Alix had noticed that he seemed happier, despite been away from Lila. Chloe, Sabrina and Marinette had took it upon themselves to keep him away from her. Earlier, Alya had tried to confront Marinette about been a bully, only to be brutally shot down in true royal style. The real shocker was the words that came from Adrien. He had questioned if been friends with Marinette and Chloe made him a bully too. When Alya tried to argue, he shot her down and told her that it didn't matter what she thought. Alix couldn't help but feel a little proud of him as he stood up to Alya. He had even quit been a model as well. That had an annoying effect as Lila cried all lunch, claiming that Marinette had stolen Adrien away from her but if Adrien was with Lila, why did he look so much happier been away from her? Alix frowned but before she could come to any conclusion, the door to the classroom slammed open and Lila stormed in. She took her seat next to Alya and sniffed to herself, making Alya gravitate towards her.
 "Hey, girl... are you ok?" She asked, gently placing her arm around her shoulders for comfort. Lila sniffed and wiped the tears from her eyes. 
 "Oh, Alya... it's awful..." She sniffed dramatically as Nino handed her a tissue. "I just tried to talk to Luka about Marinette's true nature-"
 "Ahem," Sabrina cleared her throat, making everyone look at her before she slammed down a detention slip, causing Lila and Alya to gasp as she walked away.
 "What the hell, Sabrina?" Alya gasped, making the red haired girl look back at her.
 "Miss Rossi had an unauthorized meeting with the Ace. She singled him out to have a 'chat' with him. This chat took up his time and the time of other students, therefore Miss Rossi is to be punished as it states clearly in the rules that you need a card with a value of six or above to gain his audience and as par his instructions, Miss Rossi did not receive a card as and I quote he 'does not care to entertain an audience with a liar'... his words, not mine," Sabrina stated before looking directly at Miss Rossi. "The detention is with Mrs Mendeleiev so I highly suggest you do not skip. She has already been informed that you are to attend and to ignore any argument or suggestion you might try,"
 "B-But I'm not a liar," Lila gasped, tears in her eyes. Alix frowned as Sabrina looked over at her coldly.
 "Maybe you are, maybe you aren't," She stated in a professional manner. "That doesn't change the fact that you met with the Ace without a card and his permission. Now if you excuse me, I have notes to take,"
 She sat down and began talking to the other royals, who looked over at Lila and smirked at her. Marinette in particular was smirking more then the rest, causing Lila to want to strangle her until she noticed the phone in her hand. Lila went to open her mouth but decided to close it as Kim shook his head and mouthed 'leave it'. Alix frowned as Alya moved closer to Lila.
 "So what did you tell him?" Alya asked, wanting to get the scope. 
 "I tried to warn him that Marinette was only using him to get his power," Lila gasped, sniffing again. Alix frowned even more as she listened. "But he didn't believe me. In fact, he threatened me to stay quiet but I just-"
 "My brother would never do that," Juleka suddenly stated, making everyone look at her as Rose nodded in agreement, causing Lila to frown but to Alix's surprise, it wasn't one of fear but one of annoyance, like she wasn't expecting anyone to question her.
 "Yeah, Luka is kind and fair. He may rule the school but he is a kind ruler," Rose piped in but Lila sniffed.
 "But he threatened me..." She gasped. "He's a bully... just like Marinette,"
 "It's one thing saying Marinette is a bully but Luka isn't," Juleka added before lowering her voice. "But even if they are, they're royalty and you can't do anything about it,"
 "What do you mean she can't do anything about it?" Alya gasped, outraged. "We can take this to Mr Damocles and the school board. Once they hear-"
 "They'll do nothing, Alya. Luka practically knows everyone in Paris because of his job. He works part time as a delivery boy for the Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie, which has some of the most famous clients. He also works with Jagged Stone and the Kids+ studio. You guys have heard of Bob Roth right?" Ivan stated, making everyone look at him.
 "Yeah, wasn't he a music producer who got sued and charged with Thief and Copyright infringement?" Alya asked, frowning. Alix frowned too as she remembered that. "Last I heard his record company went bankrupted as he couldn't get anyone to work with him,"
 "Yeah, that was because he stole one of our songs. Luka sued him for the thief but he dug up every bit of dirt he could on him and used it to destroy him. Bob Roth is currently serving a sentence for Fraud and was sued by six other artists. Seven if you include Luka," Juleka gulped as Lila listened. How the hell did he have the very connections she lied about?! "Luka is a kind soul until you hurt him or someone he loves then he'll destroy you, regardless of who you are,"
 "Surely, he can't be that powerful," Lila stated, making everyone look at her as they frown at her. "And it doesn't change that he threatened me,"
 "But there is nothing you can do about it," Ivan stated, making Lila frown but again, it didn't look like sorrow. It looked like she was annoyed. Alix frowned even more but again before she could think about it, someone knocked on the door.
 "Come in," Miss Bustier called out, causing the door to open. Aurora walked in and smiled brightly at her.
 "Can I borrow Miss Kubdel please? The Ace wishes to see her," She stated, making everyone but the royal flush whisper. Miss Bustier nodded, allowing Alix to get up from her seat and grab her bag. The lesson was nearly over anyway. She walked over to Aurora and followed her out but she didn't miss the glare from Lila as she did. Aurora didn't speak to her as she walked over to the art room and stopped outside of the door. "The Ace is in there. Please be respectful while talking to him,"
 "Of course," Alix replied before opening the door and walking inside. To her surprise, Luka wasn't alone. She had noticed that Nathaniel hadn't been in class earlier but she didn't expect to find him in the art room with Luka, who was playing a song on his guitar as Nathaniel was drawing and Marc was reading out a new script for the latest comic. The three of them stopped when Alix closed the door and cleared her throat. To her surprise, Nathaniel and Marc were glaring daggers at her but Luka put down his guitar and walked over to her. "Ace,"
 "Miss Kubdel," He stated before pulling a chair out and sitting down. She played with her hands as she wasn't sure where to begin. "Miss Kubdel, you were the one who invoked the right of Honor and yet you don't say a thing. You, of all people, should know not to waste my time,"
 "R-right..." She mumbled before looking at him. "I think you should reconsider your royal flush, especially the knave,"
 "Really?" He asked, amused by her boldness. "And why would I do that? And more importantly, who would I replace with whom?"
 "Well... most of your royal flush can't be trusted... obviously, Adrien and Nathaniel are trustworthy but the rest aren't..." She mumbled, feeling small as he continued to walk her. She noticed Marc crushing his pen. "I would suggest replacing Chloe with myself as I have served as your knave before. Marc could be replaced by Nino or Max and Marinette... I would suggest your sister or even Lila... she has a lot of connections and Kagami isn't a good wild card.... Alya would be a good replacement,"
 "You're boldness amuses me," He stated as she licks her lip. "But allow me to explain why those who you have suggested are far from worthy to be by my side. Let's start with Ten... you suggested Nino or Max as a replacement for Marc. Now I chose Marc for his gift and his kind heart. He is a wonderful writer and very talented with words,"
 Marc's face flushed with red at the compliments.
 "And he is extremely compassionate. Nino, on the other hand, is a weak, spineless fool who can't even stand up for him to his control freak of a girlfriend. As for Max, he has no common sense nor real compassion for people. Sure, he has talents but he is not suited to be given a card higher then a four. Anyone who believes a napkin is a threat to their eyes, especially when they wear glasses can only be described as a fool," Luka stated, making Alix frown. "Let's move onto Kagami. Kagami has a strong sense of justice and is skilled with combat. She also had access to resources and certain celebrities. Why would I replace her with Alya, who is nothing more then tabloid trash and a gullible idiot,"
 "Alya has a strong sense of justice and is tr-"
 "No, Alya's sense of justice is warped. She believes that 'revenge' and justice are the same things when they are not. She is pushy and obsessive to the point where she puts herself and in turn, others, in order to get the 'scope'.  She posted Lila's interview, despite the fact that it could have put a target on Lila and her family's back but Alya doesn't care about that. She only cares about the views. She has obsessively bothered Ladybug about her identity, despite Ladybug stating that she can't tell her and she puts targets on people's back. She never fact checks and she is arrogant, refusing to admit when she is wrong. After all, in the name of 'justice', she became the very thing she was trying to fight against. She became a bully," He pointed out, making Alix frown. "Regarding my choice for Jack, I chose Chloe because she's actually trying to be a better person, unlike you. You once held my confidence but that changed the moment you turned on Marinette. You know Marinette would never hurt or threat anyone but you didn't listen to her. The role of the Knave is to protect but you lost that role the moment you began to bully Marinette,"
 "But Marinette was bullying Lila?!"
 "So that makes it ok to become a bully as well?!" He shouted, making her step back in fear. "No, it doesn't and where was your proof? Did you see Marinette steal her designs or push her down the stairs?! Where were her injuries huh? You should have known that no one could fall down the stairs without been hurt and why would Marinette even have her number? Did you even try to compare it to the one in your phone?"
 "N-No..." She mumbled, looking down.
 "You knew Marinette for so much longer then Lila. She is the kindest, most selfless person and you tormented her, along with most of your class because some new girl told you that the girl who you had known for years and who wouldn't even retaliate to the likes of Chloe was a bully. I saw the texts and the bruises. I saw her shatter into pieces and I was the one who picked them up, Alix. That's why I chose her to be my queen. This way I can protect her and let her know she is important. She was always going to be my queen if I decided to return. As for your 'choices', Juleka has become someone I barely recognize. My sister is caring and gentle, not someone who joins in with bullying and as for Rossi, I have no time for a liar,"
 "Lila isn't a liar," Alix argued but Luka didn't try to argue back. Instead, he took out his phone and pressed play.
 "You can't prove it," Lila's voice stated in a manner that made Alix's blood run cold. "People just love hearing what they want to hear. It's not my fault they're too dumb to question my stories. Anyway, it's not like anyone will believe you if you claim that I'm lying. I have everyone wrapped around my little finger and there is nothing you or your stupid royal flush can do about it. This school is mine! Now I was hoping you could come willingly with me. Clearly you're not as smart as you think but since you're not as dumb as the rest of this useless school so I'll give you one more chance. You're either with me or you're against me but mark my words, Ace, if you're against me, I will destroy you. A few well placed bruises, a few tears and some ripped clothes and everyone will think you're the bad guy and I'm the poor innocent victim. So you better what do what I say,"
 Luka stopped the recording and looked up at Alix, who looked like her whole entire world was crushed.
 "Lila tried to confront me, Alix and I knew she would try and spin it to make me the bad guy so I recorded the talk," He stated, making her look at him. "Marinette isn't the bully. She is the victim, along with Adrien and Marc. She's been sexually harassing Adrien for months,"
 "B-But she said he was dating her," She gasped.
 "And how many times did he tell her to stop and she didn't? How many times did he look uncomfortable or told you guys that he wasn't dating her?" Luka asked, making her mind flash back. She saw him push her away from him. She had commented how how cute they were together and he told her they weren't dating but Lila said he couldn't tell anyone. She saw Lila grabbing him arm and him flinching. She covered her mouth as she realized. Luka didn't look at her with sympathy though. His eyes were cold and his expression was harsh. "And how many times did you brush off his concerns or ignore his discomfort?"
 "I didn't know..."
 "No, you didn't want to know. You saw it and you chose to ignore it," He stated, making her frown. "And Marc... you've been friends with him for two years yet you believed Lila over him, despite the fact that he had the original manuscript. You even read it before Lila even mentioned it but No, instead of believing your friend, you helped burn it because Lila cried wolf and claimed he was stealing from her,"
 "Marc stealing someone else's work is ridiculous and you know it," Nathaniel piped in. Tears rolled down her face as she felt to her knees, the truth finally getting through to her. She had betrayed her friends for nothing more then a liar, who had shiny but empty promises. Luka walked in front of her and looked down at her as she sobbed.
 "W-What can I do to make this right?" She gasped, looking up at him. To her surprise, he took out a card and handed it to her. She took it and looked at it. "J-Jack of Diamonds... but you already have a Knave?"
 "You're not the Knave, Alix," He stated, making her frown. "I'm giving you the role of Jass,"
 "T-The Traitor Card?" She gasped, looking at the card before looking up at Luka. "As you wish, my lord,"
 "Good," He stated. "Your instructions are as follow. Act like you still believe Rossi and continue with the act but when you get a chance, sown seeds of doubt about her. You will also report anything she said about me or the others to Sabrina. I will contact you when I need you. I believe it goes unsaid that what you learnt here today stays between us or you will pay a penalty. Understood?"
 "Yes, your highness,"
 ~The Night Before Lila's take down~
 Alix's phone vibrated, making her frown as she picked it up. She saw it was a message from Luka. She had wondered when he would get in contact with her but she had played her part perfectly. She pretended to believe Lila but whispered seeds of doubt in the others' ears. She also reported the rumors and claims she made against Luka and the royal flush. She provided them with a link to Alya's interview as soon as it was released. She unlocked her phone and checked the message.
 From Unknown Number:
The time has come.
Go to the school asap.
I've arranged for it to be unlocked.
You will find your instructions there.
Follow them exactly.
 Alix got up and climbed out of her window before making her way to the school. It didn't take her long to get there. She tried the door and found it unlocked. She slid inside and walked over to the courtyard. To her surprise, Sabrina and Chloe were there with a box. She had been expecting Luka to be there himself but it seemed he chose not to come. She couldn't help but wonder why. Chloe had her arms folded and looked bored while Sabrina was tapping her foot. Alix walked up to them.
 "Jass, excellent timing," Chloe smirked. "Sabrina, bring the little traitor up to date,"
 "Yes, your highness," She smiled before turning to Alix. "The Ace has a plan that he intended to put into action tomorrow but for it to be successful, he requires the help of the Jass. As you know, he has a flare for the dramatic so he has provided you with two spray paints. One red and one black,"
 Alix nodded as she took them from her before checking them. They were good quality spray paints.
 "He wants you to use those on Alya's and Lila's lockers," Sabrina explained before gesturing to the box. Alix looked over and saw it was filled to the brim with the same card. The Ace of Spades. It was different designs as well. Some look handmade and others looked like they were from a normal pack. "The Royal flush have provided you with these. You are to put these in their lockers,"
 She handed her a handful of Ace cards and a list.
 "These are the Aces for the rest of your class. You will place them in the lockers of Nino, Kim, Mylene, Ivan, Max and of course your own locker. Not only will that keep your role as our Jass uncovered but you still must pay the penalty for betraying your friends. Understood?"
 "Yes, Miss Sabrina but what do you want me to spray onto Lila's and Alya's lockers?" She asked. "And what about Rose's and Juleka's?"
 "We've taken a much more personal take for those two," Chloe replied, looking at her nails as Sabrina took out a piece of paper. Alix took it and looked at it. It had a riddle on it, completely with a message and a diagram of the two lockers that explained what he wanted her to do. On the inside of both Lockers, she was to spray paint an ace of spade and write the message. On the outside, she was to spray paint a huge spade across both lockers before writing 'tabloid trash' in red on Alya's locker and 'liar' on Lila's. She put the picture in her rucksack and put it back on her back before taking the box with the cards. She headed into the locker and found the lockers she needed. She opened Lila's first and began to work on that then moved onto Alya's. While she let them dry, she placed the other aces in the rest of the lockers before returning to Alya's locker. She filled it with half of the cards and slammed it close before repeating her action with Lila's. Finally, she completed the task by adding the spade and the writing. She took a step back and nodded before packing the paints away and grabbing the box. She walked outside back to Chloe and Sabrina. 
 "All done," She stated as Sabrina took back the paints. "Gotta ask though. How did you get some many cards?"
 "Nathaniel and Marinette made some, Marc ordered a couple of packs, along with Luka and me, Adrien and Kagami provided the rest," Chloe stated. "Now your job is done. Head home and get some rest. Tomorrow, you have one last role to play. Lila will more then likely try and make out that she's a victim in this. Your job is to make everyone question it. Got it?"
 "Yes, your highness," She bowed, making Chloe smile.
 "Excellent," She smirked. "The Ace will be happy,"
 ~The Next Day~
 Alix had to hide her smirk as she walked into the locker room along with everyone else. Lila was near the door and was pretending to sob. She had been trying to spread a rumor that Luka had threatened her again but hardly anyone believed her. In fact, Alix was certain that only Alya did. Kim and Max had been questioning it, along with Nino and Ivan. Not that they showed it though. Alya rushed over to her, along with the rest of the class but no one else made a move. Alix could feel the rest of the room glaring at all of them. 
 "Hey, are you ok?" Alya asked, gently placing her hand on her shoulder. Lila did a dramatic flinch.
 "Oh, I'm still frightened," She gasped, wiping her eyes. "I'm scare he'll come and threaten me again,"
 "Don't worry. I'll protect you. Come on, let's head to our lockers," Alya smiled, getting a smile of Lila but as soon as they walked over two girls stopped and stared at their lockers in surprise as did everyone else. Everyone instantly began to whisper as both girls stared at their lockers. Alix clenched her fist. It took a lot of willpower not to smirk at her handiwork. Someone had sprayed painted an spade sign across both of them. The words 'tabloid trash' was sprayed in red across Alya's locker, making her growl and the word 'Liar' was sprayed across Lila's in the same paint. Of course, that someone had been herself. She was proud of her work but knowing she still had a role to play, she tried not to let it show. Her heart came to a stop as she saw Lila looking at her but thankfully, she didn't question her. Instead, she began to sob a little as Alya frowned at the vandalism before glaring at Marinette and Chloe. Alix had noticed them and wanted to say hi but again, she couldn't reveal herself. Not yet. Both girls were grabbing their stuff, along with Nathaniel.
 "Should we ask them if they did it?" Mylene suggested but Alya shook her head.
 "No, we'll confront them about it in front of Miss Bustier. That way they'll be forced to tell the truth," She declared as she unlocked her locker but stepped back as a number of cards poured out of them. "What the hell?!"
 She frowned and leaned down as she picked up one of the cards. She turned it over and frowned as she saw it was the ace of spades. She picked another card and turned it over. The Ace of Spades again. Frowning to herself, she turned over several, revealing them to be all the Ace of Spades. Once again, Alix had to resist smirking.
 "A-Alya..." Nino whispered, looking at her with horror before he backed away from her and Lila's lockers as he pointed at them. The two girls looked at where he was pointing and gasped. An ace of spades had been sprayed painted on the insides of their locker doors, along with a riddle. Alya frowned as she looked at it.
 "Kings and Queens can cling to their powers and the Jokers have their call but as you will soon discover, the common one outranks them all. I hope you enjoyed the peace I gave you. It's over now and I'm coming for you both... sighed Ace..." She read out loud as everyone backed away from her and Lila. "What the hell does that mean?"
 "He's given you the ace of spades..." Nino whispered as if someone had died. Alya and Lila looked at him confused as Ivan opened his own locker. He jumped back as a card fell out of his. The class looked at him as he picked it up. Alix moved across to hers. She would have to act surprised to get one as well.
 "Ivan?" Mylene asked as he shook. He looked at them and showed them as Alix unlocked hers and took out the card. "Oh no..."
 "It's just the ace of clubs!" Alya gasped, confused as Lila frowned but the others checked their lockers. Mylene let out a sob as she held another ace of clubs in her hand, Alix shook as she also held an ace of clubs, along with Max, who also got the ace of clubs. Nino and Kim didn't receive the Ace of clubs but instead got the ace of hearts and the ace of diamonds. "What the hell does all this mean? And why did we get the Ace of Spades?!"
 "It means he's coming for us...." Mylene muttered as tears rolled down her face as Ivan held her. Nino clearly his throat.
 "The Ace of clubs means you broke someone's trust, the ace of diamonds means you broke a promise and the ace of hearts means you broke a heart... if anyone gets any of these three aces, it is a warning to change your ways or he will come to punish you..." Nino muttered, making everyone frown deeply. Of course, Alya had no idea what they meant. She wasn't here when he ruled.
 "And the Ace of Spades?" Alya asked. "What does that mean?"
 "It means you've done all three of those things or worst and unlike the others, it is not a warning. It is a promise," Nino frowned, deeply as Alya gave him a confused look. "It's basically a death sentence... but why would he give it to you two?"
 "Because he hates us," Lila gasped, tears rolling down her cheeks. Alix bit her tongue but she knew it was her time to shine so to speak. Chloe's instruction was make them question her claims of been a victim. She knew exactly how to do that. "This is because I rejected him and tried to stand up to Marinette..."
 "Then why hasn't she got an ace?" Alix asked, making everyone look at her. Everyone here, apart from Alya and Lila, knew how Luka worked so she could easily make them question Lila. "Everyone knows he only ever gives the ace of spades to bullies,"
 Lila frowned deeply as people were muttered and beginning to question why she got it. Alix held back a smirk at the look of panic on her face but before either could do any more, Juleka entered the room, looking extremely pissed off and followed by an equally pissed Rose. Her eyes moved across the room looking for something. Lila gulped in fear as Juleka looked fierce. Alix couldn't help but think to herself what Luka had told her before. Hell hath no fury like A Couffaine.  As soon as Juleka's eyes landed on Lila, she stormed over to the girl and slapped her across the face.
 "What the hell, Juleka?!" Alya shouted as everyone else, including Alix was too shocked. Juleka never got violent with anyone.
 "Stay the hell away from my brother!" She screamed, shocking everyone. Alix felt her blood boil. What had Lila done to get such a reaction from Juleka? Is that why Luka had sent Chloe in his place?
 "W-What?" She gasped, fake tears in her eyes but she did seem genuinely surprised by Juleka's reaction. "W-what did I do?"
 "You fucking assaulted him, you bitch!!" Juleka screamed as Rose held her hand. Alix gripped her hand into a fist.
 "How could you?!" Rose gasped, looking betrayed. Alix noticed Lila looking around, panic clear in her eyes. She was obviously trying to think how to get around this, especially since Alya was actually glaring at her. "Because of you and your lies, both me and Juleka were given an ace card each!! I broke my promise because of you and Juleka, she became the very thing she hated and it broke Luka's heart!! How... how could you lie?!"
 "L-Lie?" Lila gasped, panic settling in. "I didn't lie!! H-he... he's the one who lying! He assaulted me and is trying to make me look like the bad guy when I'm the victim!!"
 "Liar!!" Juleka growled, shoving Lila who looked surprised by the sudden attack. "He was absolutely terrified when he came home yesterday!! He told me about how you assaulted and threatened him twice!! Fucking twice, Lila!! He didn't want to tell me about the first time as he was too afraid to do so!! It was only because Mum pushed him to tell us if it had happened before!!"
 "N-no, you've got it all wrong!!" She gasped, tears in her eyes as Rose glared at her. Alix wondered what had occurred. Was Lila really stupid enough to assault Luka? "H-he assaulted me, Juleka. I swear!! I didn't want to say anything because I was scared"
 "Really?!" Juleka growled, not buying a single word. "Then explain to me why the fuck there were fucking claws marks on his arms and on his face as well as bruises marks on his stomach and his shirt was torn?!"
 "It was self defense I swear!" She gasped. "H-he tried to assault me and I hit him in self defense!"
 Juleka and Rose weren't buying it and Alix couldn't blame them. Luka was many things but he would never hurt a woman, even in self defense but it seemed Alya and the others were looking doubtful. Lila smirked when she thought no one was looking but Alix saw it. However, she knew Luka wasn't stupid and she was certain now that Lila had confronted him. However, last time he had recorded her and he was definitely not going to talk to her without a back up plan. Chances are he did the same thing with this 'talk'.
 "He showed us the fucking recording of you threatening to scream rape if he didn't do what you wanted!!" Juleka screamed, making go Lila go pale. Alix wanted to laugh as Juleka confirmed her theory. Of course, he had fucking record it, the smart bastard. Alix smirked a little before morphing her face into a look of horror as Lila quickly looked around. Everyone else looked at her with horror. Almost instantly, she began to cry.
 "H-he faked it to make me look like a bad guy," She cried but Juleka was having none of it. She punched her again. "I swear, Juleka, I didn't assault him!!"
 "You fucking liar!!" She screamed, tears roll down her face. "I can't believe that I actually believed you!!"
 "I'm t-telling the truth!!"
 "Then where's your injuries!?!" Juleka screamed again. "If he assaulted you, why aren't you hurt?!"
 Lila couldn't answer that. Alix knew it and so did Juleka. She gulped as Alix glared at her, along with the others.
 "It... it was Alya's idea!" She gasped, tears in her eyes. Alix almost broke character. Lila had literally just dug her own grave.
 "What?!" Alya screamed. "I didn't tell you to do that!!"
 "Y-you told me to try and prove that Luka wasn't who he claimed to be..." She sniffed.
 "So you tried to accuse him of sexual assault?!" Alya screamed. "And then try to blame me when you get uncovered!!"
 "Not cool, dudette!!" Nino gasped.
 "Nino, Alya is the one in the wrong here!!" Mylene scolded but frowned when Alix snorted.
 "Alya would never do that!! This is Lila's fault!!" Rose gasped, tears in her eyes.
 "No way, Lila was just following her terrible advice!!" Ivan gasped, clearly still believing Lila.
 "I never gave her that advice!! She's lying!!" Alya growled, clearly pissed off.
 "I'm not lying about that, I swear!!" Lila sobbed.
 "You also swore my brother assaulted you!!" Juleka growled, making everyone look at her. Alix saw the perfect chance to make them fully doubt her.
 "Guys!!" She shouted, getting everyone's attention. They all looked at her. "If Lila lied about Luka and Alya's advice, what else did she lie about?!"
 ~After the Take Down~
 "S-She lied about everything..." Mylene gasped as tears rolled down her face. Despite knowing that she had been lying, Alix was shocked at how bad it really had been. What kind of psycho tried to get Ladybug killed or drove people to have mental breakdowns. She felt guilty as they had put Marinette through that but now most of the class was trying to apology to her. Alix was leaning against the wall as Kim gasped for forgiveness while he was on his knees. Nino had taken off his hat and bowed his head low. Rose and Mylene were crying and Ivan was looking guilty. Marinette had her arms crossed but said nothing until Luka walked over. He gently placed his arm around her and led her towards Chloe before the two girls left. He turned to the rest of the class and narrowed his eyes. They all went silence as they waited for him to speak. He looked at Rose, Mylene, Ivan, Kim, Nino and Alix.
 "You all have one more chance. If you step even a toe out of line, I will personally destroy you," He stated, making them gulp. "You will be suspended for three weeks and I expect you to treat Marinette and the rest of my royal flush with the fear and respect they deserve. If I think you have earnt your right, I will grant you a new card. It will not be a court card but it will be a value higher then 6. I also expect you to pay back Marinette every single penny you owe her. Anything she made you, anything food brought from the bakery, anytime you convinced her to be babysit for free. Is that understood?"
 "Y-Yes, your highness," The students whispered, shaking with fear. He dismissed them, expect for Juleka, who was playing with her hands and Alix. Alix felt bad for her. She gulped as he looked at her.
 "Alix, you will face the same penalty as the rest of the class but I want to thank you for your help. However, I revoke the role of Jass for you as it is no longer needed. Like the rest of your class, you will gain a new card but given your current action, you will probably be the first to get yours. Now, you're dismissed. I need to talk to my sister," He stated, turning to Juleka. Alix nodded and left but decided to wait for Juleka. She hid beneath a pillar and looked over. Luka had his arms crossed but he didn't look angry. He looked hurt and disappointed. Juleka looked up at him.
 "Lu, I'm sorry... I-" She started but he held up his hand.
 "I'm not going to lie to you, Jules. I'm extremely disappointed in you," He sighed, making her frown. "You have known Marinette as long as I have. You have seen what she is like with people and how she is. Hell, we both have met Ladybug and we personally know Jagged. And you know how I feel about bullies. You know what it is like to be bullied. Remember Xavier?"
 She flinched at the name.
 "So I'm going to ask you one time and I expect you to answer me honestly. Why did you believe Lila when literally everything you know could tell you she was a liar?"
 "S-She... I...." She gasped, looking down. For a minute, she was silence. She felt tears form in her eyes because when she really thought about it, nothing Lila said made sense. Marinette was like her. She knew what it was like to be bullied. She had put up with Chloe for years and other bullies. Luka had done his best to protect her from the mayor's daughter but she was clever and never went as far as Lila did. Juleka hung her head in shame. "I don't know..."
 "Allow me to enlightened you then," He stated, making her frown. "You believed her because she promised you the world. I know how she offered to get you to meet Gabriel Agreste and Audrey Bourgeois. I know that she promised to get Kitty Section a record deal and tried to pass the songs you gave her as her own work. What I don't know is why you didn't question her and you followed her like a blind idiot. You became a bully because of her!"
 "I didn't mean to..." She gasped, looking down. "I thought she was telling the truth,"
 "Have I taught you nothing, Juleka? If it sounds too good to be true or it sounds out of character for someone then it probably is,"
 "But... she was so nice..."
 "And so was Dad!" He snapped, making her flinch before he pinched his nose. "You will have the same punishment as the rest of your class. You're also grounded until Mum says otherwise and Kitty Section is disbanded until I say so. I expect you to learn from this, Juleka. I know that you're better then this but you're gonna have to prove it,"
 "I will, Luka..." Juleka muttered. "I promise,"
 "Good," Luka muttered as Juleka walked away. However, he sighed and leaned against the wall, finally dropping his guard. Alix frowned as she had never seen him look the way he did. He looked hurt and that's when she realized a damage that no one saw and the final straw that caused Luka to destroy Lila the way he did. Sure, Luka had a flare for the dramatic but looking at him now, she realized this had hurt him. Lila hadn't just isolated his best friend and almost destroyed her. She had poisoned the mind of his sister and tore apart his life. In one simple move against Marinette, she had awoke a monster that he had been fighting all his life. Alix stepped out from her hiding, making him look at her with a harsh look. "You better have a damn good reason to be spying on me!"
 "I... I wanted to say I'm sorry..." She muttered, making him frown.
 "You should give your apologies to Marinette,"
 "I know but I also think you deserve one," She stated, making him narrow his eyes. "Lila may have been trying to hurt Marinette but she ended up causing you pain and I never realized it. Your sister became the very thing you hate and your best friend could have been pushed over the edge. God knows what it must of been like for you seeing her broken or watching your sister turning into a monster. I can't even imagine it so I'm sorry. You're right. If it's too good to be true then it probably is... but I've got to ask... what if Lila comes back or gets away with this?"
 "Alix, I promise Lila will never be coming back," He stated before turning on his heel and walking off. She stood there for a second before she smiled and went back to her class. She knew now that Lila would never be back in their lives. After all, the Ace always kept his promises. 
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renegadeontherunn · 3 years
happiness by taylor swift is a disaster lineage song, sorry I don’t make the rules
okay so yes I should be writing or doing homework instead of making this extremely rambly, slightly incoherent post but it’s friday so I’m vibing and you lovely people get to join me!
this is the ultimate star wars grief song for our tcw trio and I see it in three different contexts:
Ahsoka’s POV to Anakin, Obi-Wan, and the Order after she leaves in the season 5 finale
Ahsoka & Rex during/after Order 66
Obi-Wan & Ahsoka to Vader (Obi-Wan on Tatooine and (REBELS SPOILERS) Ahsoka after her duel with him in The Twilight of the Apprentice—for reference, I’ve only seen parts of Rebels so if some of that stuff is inaccurate, let me know!)
so we go . . .
honey when I’m above the trees / I see this for what it is
on a ship, in the Force, in hindsight
but now I’m right down in it / all the years I’ve given / is just shit we’re dividing up / showed you all of my hiding spots
#1: Ahsoka’s years learning in the Order, being a Padawan, her dedication to the Jedi and her faith to their teachings (”the values of the Jedi are sacred to me”), all the years she’s given are just completely thrown away as soon as there’s suspicion against her (in the unfinished episodes, Anakin says “well what choice did we give her? the moment there were any suspicions about her loyalty the Council turned their back on her.”) they both share this anger about her expulsion, and Ahsoka brings it up later during the Siege of Mandalore when she says “and what? defend the Council’s actions? I hardly think I’m the best person for that.” 
#2: again, Ahsoka’s years fighting alongside the 501st, growing close with Rex and Jesse and everyone else to suddenly find them turning on her (this is before she knows about the chips, of course). she could also be feeling this in tandem with Rex—“those soldiers, my brothers, are willing to die and take you and me along with them!” all the years Rex has given in the 501st, with his brothers, fighting for the Republic, having to watch his brothers be killed and not be able to do anything, all his hardship just means nothing. their attempts to be themselves, to be unique, to not just be “another number,” were useless in the end. the “showed you all of my hiding spots” line points to the closeness and friendship that they had with each other
#3: again again, pretty self-explanatory, all the years Ahsoka and Obi-Wan have given to teaching and learning from and loving Anakin are just completely thrown away by his fall to the Dark Side and him ultimately trying to kill them. the same for the last line applies here, they were brothers, they were sister and brother, they were a family and then it was all ruined.
I was dancing when the music stopped
In each of the scenarios, they were preoccupied, in the middle of something else (the war, capturing Maul, defeating Grievous, helping Ezra, etc.) when everything stopped and collapsed. each situation was completely unexpected and each time, their worlds fell apart.
and in the disbelief / I can’t face reinvention
#1: all Ahsoka’s ever known is the Jedi, and now without them (without anyone to help her or any connections or support), she has to completely change her way of life, as well as lie or invent a new background for herself (”Skywalker Academy,” “my older brother taught me,” “I used to live on the upper levels of Coruscant,” etc.)
also—Ahsoka becomes Ashla, and then Fulcrum (reinventing herself over and over again) and Obi-Wan becomes Ben. obviously, they don’t want to have to change, and again with “in the disbelief,” each of these events was unexpected and a complete gut punch.
there’ll be happiness after you / but there was happiness because of you / both of these things can be true there is happiness / past the blood and bruise / past the curses and cries / beyond the terror in the nightfall
I don’t think this line needs any explanation, but I’ll give some anyway! In a meta-sense, the audience started Star Wars with the happiness after all three events, but especially Vader. the Original Trilogy showed the end of the Empire, the Rebellion, the happy endings of Luke, Leia, Han, etc. in-universe, both Ahsoka and Obi-Wan hold this sense of bittersweet nostalgia (because how can you not?), both with Obi-Wan training/looking after Luke and Ahsoka joining the Rebellion and helping the characters in Rebels. they’re both trying to ensure happiness after Anakin. 
but, of course, of course there was happiness because of Anakin, that’s what The Clone Wars shows us! we see them happy (or, at least, somewhat) in tcw, which obviously makes everything much sadder, but still. they were happy. and Obi-Wan and Ahsoka both know it—we see it explicitly with Ahsoka meditating to Anakin’s holo and reminiscing in Rebels. they found happiness and love and family in the war, where there was so much death, so much destruction, so much darkness and terror. they found each other, they found happiness anyway. this can also apply to the OT, since that trio also found family and happiness in the midst of the Empire.
it’s this inherent optimism that both Ahsoka and Obi-Wan share that Anakin doesn’t (or didn’t) that’s keeping them afloat. it’s the adherence to the light, to kindness, to compassion. 
haunted by the look in my eyes
#1: going back to our three scenarios, you could say Ahsoka was probably haunted by the look in the Council members’ eyes—especially Yoda, Plo, Obi-Wan—when they expelled her. as well as, of course, the look in Anakin’s eyes when he begs her to stay and she says no. the ending image of season 5, the last image we ever saw of tcw for years—with Anakin’s sad, wide eyes—yeah. that look.
#2: overall, this context has less to it, but I’ll still argue that the look in Rex’s eyes, in the clones’ eyes haunted both Ahsoka and Rex, probably especially Rex. or even, not seeing his brothers’ eyes and instead seeing their blasters pointed at him. their final scene, with the eyes of the helmets (Ahsoka’s eyes painted on) stuck on sticks. yeah, that definitely haunted them both.
#3: Obi-Wan and Ahsoka both get horrifyingly clear images of Anakin’s gold eyes. Anakin’s look when he shouts “I hate you!” surely haunted Obi-Wan, as well as Anakin saying “Ahsoka” and “then you will die” with a very clear, obvious image of Anakin’s gold, scarred eye through his mask. 
that would’ve loved you for a lifetime
#1: Ahsoka was prepared to be a Jedi forever, for a lifetime
#2: Rex, more in this case, but both he and Ahsoka did and would’ve loved the clones forever. those were Rex’s brothers and it’s so clear, especially with the scene of him crying in the hangar bay, that this is killing him
#3: Obi-Wan and Ahsoka would’ve loved Anakin for a lifetime—and I’d argue they did, despite everything (”you were my brother, Anakin! I loved you!” and “my Master could never be as vile as you” and “to the best of us”)
leave it all behind
#1: sorry if this is getting repetitive, but yeah, Ahsoka left everything, her entire life, everything and everyone she’s ever known behind
#2: Rex and Ahsoka leave everything on that moon, including her lightsabers that she just got back and then had to give up a second time
#3: Obi-Wan leaves everything behind and flees to Tatooine. Ahsoka tells Ezra this—to let Kanan go, essentially leave the past behind him. And she can’t “save her Master” either. she too must let him go. 
tell me when did your winning smile / begin to look like a smirk?
this is just so Anakin slowly falling to madness and the Dark Side. Ahsoka and Obi-Wan thinking about the signs they’d missed, if there was some way they could’ve stopped it, if just one thing had been different, if they’d just noticed. trying to figure out where it all went wrong. 
when did all our lessons start to look like weapons pointed at my deepest hurt?
#1: “the values of the Jedi are sacred to me”—and then she’s expelled and told that it was part of her great trial in becoming a Knight. a foundation of the Jedi Order and its process gets turned against her.
#3: this line becomes literal—Padawan lessons, sparring, suddenly became dueling Anakin to death, for both Obi-Wan and Ahsoka
no I didn’t mean that / sorry, I can’t see facts through all of my fury
#1: you could argue that Obi-Wan is right when he said Ahsoka let her feelings cloud her judgement in leaving; that she couldn’t see the facts through the pain of being betrayed by the Council. and then, when she comes back in the Siege of Mandalore, immediately, she and Obi-Wan start arguing, and then both of them are clouded by their feelings, both feeling hurt by the other and lashing out.
#3: again, this is just so Anakin turning to the Dark Side. he obviously doesn’t realize that he’s being blinded by fury (or maybe he does and just doesn’t care, or probably, thinks that is the only way). but he is. he’s completely blinded to logic, to reality by the fury that Sidious has spent years amping up and harvesting and Anakin himself has spent years bottling.
you haven’t met the new me yet
this line is really painful if you view it from Anakin’s perspective. they both believed he was dead, but no, turns out he’s a Sith Lord, in fact the Sith Lord that’s been the Emperor’s tool in causing immense pain and destruction across the galaxy. it’s this evil, excited little line from his POV (think that ROTS comic: “please say it’s Kenobi. Lord Vader gets such a thrill from killing people who care for him”)
there’ll be happiness after me / but there was happiness because of me / both of these things I believe
again, there’s that optimism, that desire to help people, to do good in the world, and this faith that Obi-Wan and Ahsoka both have. that’s why Obi-Wan helps Luke, that’s why Ahsoka joins the Rebellion. it’s all to ensure that there will be some happiness, some light after them (and maybe a little because of them. again, see the first chorus. they were happy once, and they both know it. “we’ll be fine, as long as we stay together.”)
there is happiness / in our history / across our great divide
I see this mostly as Ahsoka and Anakin (and Obi-Wan) during season 7. there’s still a connection, of course, love and happiness between them, despite the ending that’s right on their heels, as well as the great divide of Ahsoka leaving the Order.
there is a glorious sunrise / dappled with the flickers of light
Anakin does end up returning to the Light Side and his reunion with Obi-Wan is surely like a “glorious sunrise” that ended the darkness of the past twenty+ years. the second part I just see as a fun, literal line—flickers of light are lightsabers, blaster fire, the Light Side
I can’t make it go away by making you a villain
in short, Obi-Wan and Ahsoka can’t make the pain or the past happiness go away because Anakin’s now Vader. they still both remember Anakin fondly and with love, despite his fall. they loved him, still. in ROTS, when Anakin says “from my point of view, the Jedi are evil!” Obi-Wan doesn’t say “then you are evil,” or even “you are wrong,” he says “then you are lost.” lost. as in, can be found again. not evil, not unworthy, not wrong. just lost. there’s this goodness that Anakin has that he is ignoring and straying from (”there is good in him”). and in the context of Order 66, Ahsoka can’t and doesn’t make the clones villains because she knows they’re actually the victims. as much pain as it causes, they’re not the villains and she can’t act like they are. 
so I know there’s a lot of discourse about Anakin apologists or whatever, so all I’ll say is that George Lucas has said that the prequels are to show how a “nice little kind kid, who has good intentions” turns into Darth Vader. the whole point of the PT is this line—while Anakin/Vader is no doubt the villain in the OT and in ROTS to a degree, that doesn’t make everything else go away. the other stuff doesn’t excuse what he did, all the pain he caused, but we can’t make it go away, just because he’s a villain. that’s one of the beauties of the prequels, that we get this extremely fleshed out, torn and struggling kid who ends up making all the wrong choices and becoming the terrible villain we see in the OT. 
I guess it’s the price I pay for seven years in heaven
while none of these scenarios is seven years exactly, it does continue to drive the point of “all the years I’ve given is just shit we’re dividing up.” everything these characters had, individually and with each other, just gets utterly, completely ruined. 
in a more meta-sense, the ending of The Clone Wars is the price we, the fans, pay for seven seasons of the show. 
no one teaches you what to do / when a good man hurts you / and you know you hurt him too
this could point again to Ahsoka and Anakin, but also Ahsoka and Obi-Wan after she leaves the Order. when she comes back, none of them really know what to say, what to do, how to act around each other. this obviously comes out as arguments and words that are so close to what they really want to say, but just short. they’ve all been hurt and none of them know what to do about it. 
and, of course, Obi-Wan and Anakin in ROTS. Obi-Wan doesn’t want to believe that Anakin’s fallen to the Dark Side, and later on Tatooine, knowing he’s hurt and been hurt by Anakin, doesn’t know what to do
after giving you the best I had / tell me what to give after that
again again, all the years they’ve given. all the love they had. everyone they knew & loved. gone. 
leave it all behind / and there is happiness
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moondustaeil · 4 years
anaphora ⧜ nakamoto yuta
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⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ✧☾.·:·. a n a p h o r a   
⠀ ⠀⠀ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ  
⁖ genre : royalty au - fluff , angst , very light suggestive content
⁖ pairing : yuta x reader (both royals)
⁖ word count : 15k
⁖ warning : badmouthing , light suggestive content , attempted thievery , family drama , mentions of a forbidden relationship , broken kingdoms , character deaths , poisoning , toxic plants , based on oneus’ performance of “be mine” in road to kingdom
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀
⠀ ⠀⠀ ꜱʏɴᴏᴘꜱɪꜱ
⁖ Rather than living without your love, Yuta would prefer to die out of hatred. Once at a banquet the man you were willing to devote yourself to but due the split of the kingdoms, you can no longer promise forever to him like you did that night under the moonlight in the conservatory.
〚 I ; ūnus 〛
"This might be the death of fashion diplomacy, look at that attire," A woman of somewhere at the end of her forties interrupts Yuta's path. It isn't physically that she interrupts him, but his footsteps halt as soon as he hears the words. The two silver chains that circle from his left shoulder to the right side of his waist soundlessly move along as he turns his body back.
He looks straight into her eyes, his head cocking to the side as he wants to confront her in the sweetest way possible. Revenge is on the tip of his tongue but the guard could be quick to snatch the symbolic entrance ticket from between his fingers if he caused a stir.
"Are you talking about me?" He decides to ask her, letting go of his lower lip to flash her a smile. His smile nearly shines as bright as the glittering silver parallel-running lines upon his black blazer. But his smile doesn't catch as much attention as his outfit does, and yet, he doesn't feel ashamed about his attire.
"If you feel addressed then it must be about you, right?" She asks in return, her lips curling until she's able to imitate his smile. While he looks for revenge, she just tries to overpower him with the sugary sweet and yet snarky comments. Yuta can't help but hum in approval "I guess that's accurate, you have a point there."
He isn't afraid to show how she has a point because after all, he feels like he won even though the minuscule passage of words wasn't part of a contest. "Now, I would like to talk about having an excellent sense of fashion all night but seems like I should not waste time on people who don't have such things from the start," he shrugs his shoulders to hide the prideful words that slip from his lips. After giving her attire one last shameless glance, he turns on his heel and walks away from her.
Somewhere in the distance people are either way spreading their half-opinionated gossip or looking at him like he just killed an evil authority. Whether it's a good or bad thing isn't something that bothers Yuta, his footsteps don't get any heavier as he steps between the crowd on his own.
The potion has been stirred but not enough for his entrance ticket to be snatched away, yet enough for his father to walk up to him with disappointed eyes.
"What was that about?" His father asks in a quiet shout, pulling Yuta by the tight cupp of his puffed blazer. Merely by the button as the fabric is tightly resting around his wrist, too tight for his father to hook his fingers on the inside of it. "Nothing, she was just inquiring about my outfit," Yuta answers simply.
It's not hard to pull from the barely-existing grip, the undamaged button rests against the cupp again. "You know these sorts of people, you are supposed to nod your head and agree to all they want you to agree on, understood?" His father starts the real lecture in the middle of the crowd-filled room. Watched or not watched, Yuta has no care for it, and apparently, his father doesn't mind giving free lectures.
"Said no one, father. Jaehyun, Mark, or any of the others don't want to be treated like this either and they are in a way higher position than that twat," He tells his father but is aware of the answer that he will receive to his words, of course, he will get the response that he's not supposed to involve his stupid friends in serious matters like this. "Do I need to remind you that Jaehyun, or Yoonoh as you should say, nearly lost his position when he shared the sheets with a lady he had never seen before?"
Yuta clenches his thumb between his balled fist, creating the cracking sound as he only grows more assertive when hearing the words. "Oh father, please stop believing human newspapers, they're no good ass wipers," he mentions lightly but the consequences aren't as smooth as his words are.
He's willing to get scolded for protecting one of his friends: yes Jeong Jaehyun nearly lost his position when he shared the sheets with a woman. But added to the false story should be the truth, that Jaehyun had been sharing a secret life with the woman for more than half a year. The scandal was only a scandal because the woman was just an inhabitant who didn't occupy herself with kingdoms, authorities or wealthy cowards.
"This is the first and last thing I am hearing from you today, Yuta, if I hear one more thing, you can forget coming to events like this."
Yuta just carelessly nods his head before he walks away from his father, not caring whether the words would come true or not. He doesn't see why he would need to attend banquets, balls or any other formalities: it only cost him time and money as his outfits weren't exactly bought on a weekly market, neither were his exact body sizes measured by a randomly generated number.
"As if I care," he mumbles as soon as he is far enough from his father, he wouldn't have minded if his father heard the words but still protected the last bit of image that he had left. His footsteps were slow but not slow enough to match the still ones of everyone around him: curious ladies that were staring at him with either distrust or lust, men that tried to keep their wives from starting a vicious circle of rumours. Yuta pushes his body through the empty space that everyone left for him until he is standing near one of the large windows.
⋅ ⋅ ⋅
Yuta grasps his cake fork between his thumb and index finger as soon as a plate with a large piece of cake is presented to him. He's about to dig in and scoop the point of the cake onto his fork but the voice of the person next to him momentarily stops him from doing so.
"Did any of you hear something about marriage already?" Mark Lee asks out loud to everyone who is sitting on the same part of the table as him, obviously, he only finds himself around people of the same age with a few years minus or plus that is. Yuta expects Jaehyun to let out a quiet huff but realises his friend isn't there to complain about the matter of a wedding. Yet, enough people around him are willing to take over.
"My parents are trying to find me a partner, it almost seems like one of those contests of who the most beautiful person is but only if they're rich enough," Mark answers his own question before anyone else can, clearly he just needs someone to listen to him even though no one can fix his situation.
Opposite of Yuta is the eldest of the group, Moon Taeil. As relaxed as Taeil is, there is also a part of him that values tradition and rules over anything else. Perhaps he doesn't follow them as much as Doyoung does, but as he's the eldest, people are more likely to listen to him than to Doyoung. "It's the way it is, we all have to get married someday soon."
"Well it's you who should go first then, you're the oldest here," Yuta says in a teasing way to rub the fact in a little more, he knows it wouldn't affect Taeil because Taeil follows his tradition and has been preparing himself for the important moment to come. "I will," Taeil answers simply, it's simple but seemingly a hidden message hides behind the words.
Yuta glances at Mark who started the talk about marriage but didn't find relief as no one really picked up on his words with a sense of empathy. He doesn't really feel bad for his friend, with the simple reason that he has to undergo the same, and probably even earlier than Mark does.
"What about you y/n?" Taeil asks you as he drifts away from his group of friends for a little moment, not that you're not a part of his friend group, you simply never informally met Yuta or Mark which was why he decided to try and involve you in their conversation right now. You were listening anyway so it might be a good moment to bring you into his group of friends.
"My parents truly organised this for me to possibly find a fiance but instead of allowing me to talk to possible candidates, they claim me," you explained to Taeil with a soft sigh leaving your lips. You had no idea whether you sighed because you were forced to find a future husband or because your parents had claimed you until the moment you were seated at the table.
Taeil nods in response as he is actively listening to what you're saying, yet, Yuta can't help but let out a soft snort as he is amused by your story. Not because you're the starring role in the confusing wishes of your parents, but because parents will always be parents. "That's what all parents do. If you didn't see earlier, my father still tries to grab me by the sleeve like I'm a little boy who is about to cross a busy street," he tells you and the rest of the group.
The words make everyone want to change the subject to what happened earlier, a little moment everyone had seen: Taeil had seen it even if he only made his entrance at that moment, Mark had been able to see it whilst conversing with some wealthy people and you had seen it from your position as your parents lectured you about who was going to be present at the banquet.
"Yeah that was a wild scenario, man," Mark says as he can't help but think back, it's nothing unfamiliar as he had seen Yuta with his father before. Yuta was just too free-spirited to always listen and obey to everything that others tell him and he's not afraid to make a scene out of it.
"All because some lady made fun of my attire. She called it the death of fashion or something," Yuta says as he once again snorts at the short memory of the gossip he heard barely a couple of minutes after making his entrance. He would admit he was salty about it but didn't think about it longer than five seconds as it wasn't important.
You can't help but look at Yuta as he's saying the words: first you start at the features of his face but the moment he mentions his attire, you can't help but stare at his upper body. The black blazer has puffed sleeves that tighten around his wrist and is decorated with parallel silver glittering lines, then there is a chain that splits in two as it goes from his shoulder to his waist, to finish the outfit there are some silver bands that coat his left upper arm and shoulder. It's more than a handful and you're sure that there is more that you're not seeing.
"It looks very unique," you say about his outfit and smile slightly at your own words, you're being genuine as his outfit looks like something you never saw before. Even though he got bashed for the attire he's wearing, it makes him look more expensive than anyone else in the big room. The lace on the long dresses, the fake fur on the men's clothing, they don't compare to glittering lines on Yuta's blazer.
⋅ ⋅ ⋅
"Get home well"
You wave your hand to Taeil as he leaves the location, you're aware that he can't see what you're doing because it's too dark outside, but you still feel like saying goodbye to him in some way. Next to you is Yuta who made the excuse that he needed some fresh air just so that he could say goodbye to his friends and stay around you for a little bit longer. It didn't look like his father was leaving anytime soon which is why he took the chance to escape for as long as he could.
"So have you found your future husband?" Yuta inquires curiously as he stands next to you, waving his hand at Taeil just like you did despite also realising it wouldn't be shown in the dark. Soon his eyes go to you as he sees you shaking your head from the corner of his eye "I don't think I did. I'm not planning on marrying Taeil, I've known him for so long," you say honestly.
"What about Mark?" Yuta asks, giving you the option to admit if you found someone to your liking. Even though you said you didn't but Yuta just wants to know for sure before he continues to talk to you and perhaps flirt with you a little bit more than he did already.
"Nice but not as my brother, he seems like a little brother."
Yuta can't help but laugh out loud to your words because he felt the exact way. He wasn't ever going to marry Mark but did see Mark as his little brother more than anything else: there was just something about him that made him the perfect little brother compared to real little siblings.
"Sounds like I'm the last candidate then," he says in a joking tone as the two of you start taking awfully slow steps in no particular direction. It's automatically that your feet take steps without your mind wondering where your feet are wandering off to.
You softly laugh along to his words for a few seconds, letting your laugh fade out when your mind tries to see an image of you getting married to Nakamoto Yuta. He's attractive and perhaps he's from a family that your family would appreciate, but the man himself is something people would be against.
"Sounds like it," you respond finally as you stare ahead and notice the conservatory coming into view. It's not an unfamiliar place but it's not like you find yourself there on a daily basis. Still, right now it seems like a fitting space to walk to together with Yuta.
Yuta can't help but smile at your words even if he doesn't see himself getting married anytime soon, perhaps in a few years when he feels ready to settle down, especially knowing marriage must also mean starting a family. "Did you expect to find a future husband tonight?" he asks curiously as he sees where you're going and mindlessly allows his footsteps to imitate yours.
"Far from yes," you answer his question as honest as you can, still staring ahead of you towards the conservatory. It's not a long walk but you're anticipating the moment you can open the door and explore the greenery in the darkness together with Yuta. Both of you seem to need some minutes away from the heavily decorated banquet, and now that dessert had been eaten, there were plenty of chances to sneak away. "How about you? Your parents must be looking to find you a spouse too?"
Yuta hums in approval, signalling that you're absolutely right when you assume that. "They don't force me but obviously try to stimulate me into finding someone to marry but how will I ever love someone that only meets up to their requirements but not mine?"
"You don't. We don't marry out of love, my parents were kind enough to at least tell me the truth about that"
Your words open a new dimension for Yuta, just like the door to the greenhouse is opened before the two of you walk inside. It's pure darkness and yet your eyes can easily recognise the different shades of green and the forms of leaves and other plants.
"Your parents might be right about that," Yuta admits as he walks behind you, giving the greenery a brief look before he tries to follow your figure with his eyes. He is very interested in nature and would love to go on endless walks and hikes in unexplored green masterpieces, but right now, his attention shifts to you.
Minding your steps to not accidentally step on a plant, you make your path through the greenhouse to the place where you usually take a seat to be away from everyone and everything. But being in the darkness, the path doesn't seem clear enough to walk on without accidentally hurting a fallen leaf.
The sound your feet make when they come in contact with greenery is the only thing that keeps the silence from comfortably walking between the two of you, there's distance enough for it to sneak in and almost third-wheel unnoticed.
Your steps align once you see the carved marble bench right in front of you, empty like each time you come to this place, though this time both spots on it will be occupied. On the seat of the bench is a carved satyr but you can't make out the little details since only darkness flows through the glass roofing.
"Let's sit for a bit," you suggest as you sit on the side that you automatically always take, leaving the other spot free for your companion, Yuta. Yuta does as you suggest and immediately plants himself on the cold bench next to you, his eyes staring at the window that can only show him the darkness of the outside world.
"Is this where you take party victims?" He playfully asks you as he turns his gaze to you instead, watching as your eyes are on the same spot that he was looking at seconds ago, not that there is much to see as the night seems close to an unrecognisable shade of black. Before you laugh, he observes how your mouth lightly parts before the sound escapes.
"If I can be a victim as well then you could say I take party victims here," you tell him after your soft laugh dies down against the air. Yuta's own laugh of slight amusement dies soon after yours even if it threatens to stay for a bit longer because of your confession.
It's not funny but without laughter, the oxygen-filled air would feel as heavy as it was in reality and right now both of you prefer to keep it light in the greenery-filled glasshouse.
"I'll be one of your victims, you should invite me more."
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〚 II ; duo 〛
Yuta's boot-clad feet skillfully avoid the fallen leaves on the ground as he walks into the greenhouse, even though it's his third or even fourth time, he's not accustomed to the path he has to follow just yet. Luckily the ground already drew out the path by decarmating the stones that led him towards the bench.
The bench is still empty when he arrives and he takes that as an opportunity to explore a little further in the maze of greenery. Even though he follows the laid out ground, he doesn't exactly follow any path, his eyes are fixated on his surroundings as he walks.
Even though the endless windows lock him up in the glasshouse, he feels like he is taking a stroll in nature. A place that is yet to be discovered by some, a place where he doesn't have to remind himself of his manners towards the wealthy and treasured of the country.
The greenery greets him without words which is quite something else compared to the endless badmouthing that ordinarily happens when he walks into the ballroom of an overly decorated event. The plants don't have critical feedback on his attire, his manners, his slightly longer hair, his personality or his wealth. Yet, the plants are alive and growing, just like most humans.
Some more living examples of people that do not badmouth are you and his small group of close friends. His friends for starters don't act as wealthy as they truly are and he's grateful that they don't act like that, they are just normal like any human that walks through the streets. Then there is you, who never judges him and listens to the many things he wants to tell while also trying to have a good time at the same time. Does that mean he appreciates you more than just an acquaintance?
The answer to the question he speechlessly asks himself is probably yes, you would use the words 'far from no' to answer the question because you seem to like giving that response more than just a yes or no. Perhaps he sees you as more than an acquaintance, even more than friends: his feelings for you are in bloom just like some of the flowers in this greenhouse.
Having those feelings means that he no longer wants you to find a spouse, neither does he want his parents to find one for him. Independency led to this moment, where he can make his own choices in his lifeline and end up with the one he might just truly love. Yet, what holds him back is that he has never been in love before, doesn't have any knowledge as he never saw the genuine love between two people, and he simply has no faint idea of what he wants to achieve in the future.
"I'm sorry I kept you waiting so long, my parents suddenly decided it was a good idea if they educated me on trading materials."
Your voice makes Yuta look up from the point that he was staring at, he doesn't have a clue what point he's exactly staring at and before he's about to find out, his body is already spun towards you.
"Hello," He greets you with a smile, ignoring your previous words because he simply did not hear them while being one with his thoughts. His eyes greet you as well: without judging going from your facial features to the outfit that you're wearing to cover your skin. The colour of your attire compliments you: midnight blue might just become his new preferred colour if you continue to look as magical in it.
"You didn't get lost whilst waiting for me right?" you ask with a smile on your lips as you let your eyes move in the same circle that a clock makes, just to get familiar with the greenery around both of you, perhaps it could explain what Yuta was staring at for as long as you had been watching him from a not-so-far distance.
Yuta shakes his head in response and slowly walks up to you "no, of course not. I stopped by the bench not long ago but seeing you were not there yet, I decided to explore a little," he explains even though there is no need for him to do so. You don't seem enraged by his exploration so you probably don't mind it when he lets his eyes wander and his feet explore.
"We can walk around here some more if you would like, there is much more greenery than you see now. Perhaps we could even water some of the plants together, even if it's unexciting," you suggest and smile at your own idea. It reminds you of a date even though it's not much different from sitting on the bench: after all, it's the same location and there hasn't been a confirmation that this was a date. "I would really like that," Yuta answers.
Before you are able to take off on your own, Yuta takes initiative to link your arms together as you walk. You're surprised by the sudden display of affection as you are aware that only those who are lovers are known to hold one another like that. It's a large step in the outing of affection but neither of you try to separate your arms from one another.
"So I assume you enjoy nature," You say to Yuta, not using a questioning tone despite your will to find out if he actually enjoys nature as much as he seems to, after all, who would agree to meet up in a greenhouse time after time without complaining about the green-coloured surroundings or scent of blooming flowers. Yuta briefly nods in response to your words, a smile coating his lips but you're too busy staring ahead of you to notice. "I love nature, nature compares to freedom for me. No one judges but everyone listens."
His explanation is what makes you look at him, there is no questioning look in your eyes as you seem to understand without further explanation. "Because nature is alive too," you say as you partially agree to his words. There aren't many opportunities for you to discover nature unless it's in the greenhouse, but you can imagine the feeling of walking on an undiscovered land, only filled with grass and large trees of which leaves slowly dwindle to the ground.
⋅ ⋅ ⋅
The quiet whispers of the wind easily dwindle down the glass walls that kept you from truly experiencing freedom. Despite not being able to feel an unlimited amount of freedom: the wind wasn't present to disturb the small stream of water that collapsed on the tightly-patted loam.
"Do you ever receive flower bouquets?"
It is a question that should not make you flabbergasted because the never-ending supply of flower bouquets that you're given are no longer gifts that take you by surprise. Yet, rather than to be given a bouquet, Yuta is thoughtful enough to ask whether you ever receive them before he sets up his plan.
"I do," you answer his question simply. You don't say it to brag or for his plans to fall in the pond, but for the reason that you do get a lot of them. Every person that visits the gigantic place you call home takes at least one flower along, handing it over to you whilst pride reflects from their eyes onto yours. But your eyes don't resemble a mirror: they shine with a dull glow as you thank them for the friendly gesture but internally scold them.
"And?" Yuta asks as he looks over at you whilst you water the following plant, his grip tightening around the gardening tool that you pushed into his hand before starting to do a task that wasn't yours. "And that is it. Why would I need a bouquet of flowers that will wither merely a week after its been given?" You reason.
"As well as how this conservatory consisting mostly of flowers and other sorts of greenery? Because they don't wither as rapidly as the ones you receive?"
The questioning undertone in Yuta's voice momentarily makes you suspect if you are obligated to answer with yes or no to either of the times he used it. Momentarily truly lasts momentarily, the moment you find out he has been looking at you, you realise he was only trying to complete the answer to your question before you had to do the effort.
You smile once the word leaves your lips, even if you contemplated him just a few seconds ago, you can't help but think of yourself as an idiot who nearly misinterpreted the words. Luckily you watered the symbolic flower before its petals started to dwindle down from the disk.
"But you still enjoy flowers?" Yuta asks curiously as he watches how you finish off watering every plant that comes in your reach. The endless refills of water make it possible for the flowers to bloom or for Yuta to stay by your side a little longer.
You nod your head in confirmation before giving him a brief but suitable statement. "I do, I just dislike like receiving them as a gift. Specifically when they are just an excuse to not come empty-handed."
Yuta senses how honest you are when you say the words, it's not only that as he understands what you mean from experience. It was impolite to request someone's company and not have anything in return, to the most when it was about a possible romantic encounter.
"Now I know that I should not bring flowers with me next time," he eventually answers but the smile is evident in his voice, but even more on his lips. They're curved upwards from nerves as he awaits your response.
"I won't accept any gifts from you, Yuta. I have warned you and I expect you to remember for as long as you're able to," you order Yuta in a rather playful manner. You meant the words, they were genuine despite the playful hue in them but you weren't able to give him a scolding for something that didn't occur yet.
"What if I accidentally forget?" He asks you in the same playful way, wanting to continue the conversation so that he could see your reaction. He didn't know what reaction to expect, there was a wide variety of emotions you could display in response. Soon it was proven to be his lucky day when a smile made its way onto your lips at his words. You shook your head in disbelief "perhaps it is time for me to find a new love interest in that case, and my mother will have a lovely flower bouquet to make my father jealous with."
"Love interest?"
Yuta's lips can't take control, allow him to slip out the words that laid on the tip of his tongue. By the way his eyes are widened, you can see that he is astonished. "Love interest," he repeats again: this time not to question you but to test how the words sound when he's saying them out loud.
You love the way the mixture of letters leaves his lips, you love the two words that you have been able to use for personal preference for the first time in your life. The way Yuta says them only makes them sound better, when he says them, it almost makes you believe he feels the same way about you without officially confessing.
"In that case, I shall not forget, you will not be receiving any flower bouquets from me," Yuta finally answers even though it should have been you who completed the cycle of feedback. Your first – and genuine – reaction is a smile that graces your lips from one minute into the other. From his words, you could dissect that he would have a fancy for being your love interest, or so you thought that was what he meant.
Briefly, you glance at Yuta before looking towards the large windows that lock you up in the glasshouse. Yuta is quick to follow your gaze towards the outside world: his eyes following the direction of the tree twigs that get swayed along with the wind. "Is there something else you could offer me, you know, to compensate for the flowers?"
Your words make Yuta laugh soft, his breath almost simultaneously blowing like the wind does outside the window. "What would you fancy?" He asks you even though he knows you are kidding. It became clear before that you don't waste words on people who bring you gifts in return for a bit of your attention.
"Anything you are willing to offer," you begin as you bend down to put down the watering can, leaving it on the ground before you stand up to face Yuta again. The smile that you carry on your lips the moment you look at Yuta gets reflected to his. "What do you think about love?" He asks you as the smile minimizes a little bit when his lips move to speak but that doesn't make it less impactful.
You freeze momentarily when you hear the suggestion, along with your body, your mind also takes a halt for a couple of seconds. Your ears correctly heard the question, as did your mind process the words before going in short lockdown. "I would enjoy that," you murmur whilst slowly dragging yourself back into reality.
A soft embrace around your hand instantly pulls you back into the real world, the hand closes around yours and keeps a gentle grip on it. "I will be looking forward to it," Yuta says as he gives your hand a little squeeze, immediately gaining your nod-filled reaction.
"Me too, Yuta."
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〚 III ; trēs 〛
Hundreds of questions collect on your tongue as tastebuds: when one disappears, it simply gets replaced by a new one. Their flavours are dissimilar: some taste bitter, others taste free, and on the tip are many fear-tasting buds.
"How do you know they will walk by without seeing us?"
Yuta can only let out a soft laugh at the sixth question that slips from your tastebuds onto your moving lips. It's an adorable and wholesome sight to see so you worried, he misses the realisation how either of you two must be aware of the risks this takes along.
"It is very early, y/n. Most people out on this hour are on their way for duties and the children won't be able to catch who we are," Yuta tries to ease your uneasiness. The fine line between freedom and getting caught is what your feet seem to be walking on rather than the neatly stoned ground.
In response to his words, you nod, but the anxiety only grows with every step taken towards the civil world. "People on their way might still see us," you say in a complaining tone even though you only try to make Yuta see it in the way you see it. He has done this countless times whilst you rarely came here, and if you did, then it was not supposed to be a casual stroll with your love interest. "They are always rushing, they don't have time to look for people like us before they have to do their daily tasks."
You believe his words as this time, the little bundle of nerves in your stomach disappears but another knot is waiting in queue to get untied. "That must be true," you admit silently before staring at the barely-filled street in front of you. People like you and Yuta aren't as customised to a regular life, hence the reason why you still fear running into people at 7 am. But Yuta seems to know the case well and you can only make up from that, that he does these things more often than you know.
"How often do you come here?" You ask him upon realising how he also seems to know which way he has to take. It's obviously something people habituated here should know but you are still unfamiliar with the little alleys between buildings, unlike Yuta who took your hand and pulled you along, reaching the destination in a shorter amount of time than you estimated. "Maybe weekly, usually I come here at night to take a stroll. People sometimes get drunk so there will not be evidence if they catch me walking," he reasons.
Before a soft response in the shape of a sigh escapes your lips, you purse them together and opt to consider your words. The way Yuta mentions people and getting caught brings a high wave of anxiety to your stomach: the wild sea almost reaching to your heart. "So you did get caught?" your question stays unanswered for the first few seconds and once you look over at Yuta, you notice that he seems to be heavily considering his next move. "Someone saw me but as there has been so much gossip and the man was drunk, no one really believed his story."
This time you opt to not respond at all, you don't even have to purse your lips in order to stay quiet. You try to understand the prequel of the situation you find yourself in: allowing your love to bloom in another place than the greenhouse but the unwritten sequel might not be filled with blooming or freedom. You have to do things differently in the present in order to change the future but you don't take that opportunity. You only hold Yuta's hand tighter as your feet are aligned with his with each step you take further into the homeworld of humanity.
"It is a good thing to escape from the greenhouse for a bit. It doesn't give you the freedom you need even if you think it does," Yuta says. He notices you've gone completely mute by now, purposely not speaking because you are distrustful towards him or the surroundings. You nod your head as you're aware: you act like the greenhouse gives you an immeasurable amount of freedom but still, you find yourself between four walls that keep you secured in place.
"I am aware," you tell Yuta. Subjectively, it sounds like a way to make him stop talking because you're only getting more stressed but from the objective perspective, you're only answering to his previous words. Just like roses naturally grow thorns, you naturally grew the thought that you will never experience true freedom because even in this situation, you feel far from free.
"Shall we continue our walk? It looks beautiful so far."
⋅ ⋅ ⋅
Inquisitive thinking such as exploration, investigation, and learning. It can be observed by anyone who is able to keep an eye on you despite Yuta making it clear that you were safe from the eye of the public. Your urge to explore and investigate could easily be called: curiosity. It's not something you can be blamed for because even Yuta is still curious about the real outside world after coming here on a weekly basis. You are not only curious about what the eye meets but also things you cannot observe: like the inhabitants that must lead their lives in this area or how it must feel to be able to lead a life in this context. Houses aren't overly large and there seems to be a lack of space due to the buildings not having gaps between one another.
Every couple of minutes you have been able to quietly observe as people passed by. You stared at them and wondered what it was like to randomly walk over the street and not tease a future drama about it. Luckily for you, you don't think people saw you staring at them which hopefully also meant that they didn't see you at all.
"Are you hungry? You must be, we left so early you probably didn't get breakfast served yet. Am I right?" Yuta asks you as soon as the street once again is empty enough for his regular voice to come through. Normally he could not care less about it but knowing you are a bit uneasy with the entire situation, he pours some water into the wine to make it taste less bitter.
Your eyes scan around before you choose to reply to his words with a small hum. You are quite hopeful to think that the end of your adventure is near but that story seems to unfold itself differently. "We should get some bread by the bakery," he carelessly suggests. With those words being said, you're left more than speechless. Do you want to decline? Yes, you do, but you dismiss the words and your heap of thoughts. Perhaps if you don't respond, you won't get food and Yuta will take the hint.
"How about that, y/n?"
Internally you use foul language to express your feelings but those words don't come to an official outing because it would be highly impolite. "How about what?" you ask him even though you know what he is asking you about, and acting like you didn't hear what he said might just give you an extra few seconds to decide whether that's a good idea or not. "How about getting bread at the bakery?" he repeats his words from before in a slightly different hue but they still mean the same.
"We can't do that, Yuta," you tell him before you're able to stop your mouth from opening. The sigh that leaves your lips once the words had escaped was one you had been keeping in for a couple of minutes too long: it's a long one that draws out the feelings you've been silently experiencing.
"Why not?" Yuta asks as he tries to discreetly point towards one of the buildings that you already passed by, a bakery where you could smell fresh bread and other related pastries but had passed by without giving it a glance as the owner stood outside of his shop to promote mouth-to-mouth. "The bakery is right there, we can just get some bread and eat it before I bring you home again."
"For starters, we did not bring any money to hand the man and I would still like to keep it quiet that we are here," you tell Yuta just in case he forgot the obvious. There are some extra excuses you could come up with but that would make things only less believable when the truth already escaped from your parted lips. "How did you want to get bread?" You ask as you await to hear his plan. With that, you only confuse yourself more: first, you decline his idea before you ask how he was planning on doing it. Were you just tolerable because Yuta and you shared a little more than just hand-holding?
"Either of us can distract him," Yuta simply stated, his fabric-covered shoulders moving up and down in a matter of seconds as he shrugged. The plan was clear in his head but the words made you only more confused. He noticed the look on your face and leaned closer to your face, his face tilting as he moved forward a bit more to speak to you. "And the other one can just take the bread."
Two reactions occur at the same time: either way you widen your eyes and at the same time, you shake your head rapidly. The ridiculous idea leaves you to have a moment of distrust in Yuta.
"Absolutely not, we're not going to steal. You can eat along with us tonight," you say instantly before you are able to process that it is not close to dinnertime. Though they would still serve you food if you asked for it. "Where did you even get that idea?" you ask as you stop your feet abruptly and turn your body towards Yuta.
Even though the regret kicks in, he doesn't back away and turns his body towards yours. A scolding is what he expects, perhaps because his parents would even be capable of killing him if they knew he suggested stealing from a baker.
He sighs and brings his left hand up to rub over his face, his fingertips harshly pressing against his skin and cheekbones. "Sorry," he apologises to you, wrapping his mind around the reality of the situation. He never stole anything before and suddenly he suggests stealing some fresh bread, something he did with a blank mind despite the setup he made a few seconds prior to telling you.
"It should be time to head back," you change the subject in order to once more buy more time for yourself. You try not to be judgemental because you know Yuta well enough by now: he's not the average wealthy man that you meet at a banquet. He's the rebellious young man that intrigues you and pulls you into his world. There don't seem to be risks in his life and if there are then he simply ignores the possible consequences: it doesn't give a great first impression but is like the sweetest song, sung by angels and it only pulls you in more.
The way back is filled with silence even though the surroundings seem extra loud, it's just the silence that makes the rest increase in volume. There's only one commonly shared word now that you're on the way back: it's Yuta who has his one-end conversation of saying "sorry." but you opt to give a soft breath and silence as a response.
Instead of Yuta dragging you along like earlier in the morning, it's you who marches towards your home. Yuta follows behind you, his fingers twitching now that he's unable to hold onto your hand. His eyes meet with the ground many times as he fears to see you going up the steps and inside without saying your goodbye to him.
Upon the ground and through the grass, his feet walk on the exact same spots that you walk but in relay. One little glance up and he notices that your property is already under his feet but you're not marching towards the home, instead, you're leading him towards the greenhouse. It makes him want to smile but he's unable to, his lips form in a thin line as he perplexes himself with the many different emotions.
⋅ ⋅ ⋅
"Why did you suggest stealing the bread?"
The question doesn't catch Yuta off guard as he expected it sooner or later but at the same time, he's at a loss for words and doesn't know which excuse would be accepted. No excuse should be accepted and he's aware of that: which is why he stays silent and considers his words for a decent amount of time. You're not impatient, even kind enough to give him time to reflect on himself. In the meantime, you keep yourself busy organising some of the gardening tools: that way the workers don't have to put effort into it and you have some wasted time that goes by just a little faster than when you're not doing anything.
"I don't know, I really don't know. But I regret even thinking about it or imagining it," Yuta tells you as an answer, you could tell he genuinely thought but ended up concluding nothing because it perhaps was something that happened without him realising. His fingertips trace over the carved Satyr on the bench, it feels empty enough without you sitting next to him.
He eyes you as you are busy organising different tools, it's no use but you still do so. "I hope you are being truthful," you mumble as you drop the pair of gardening gloves next to the other materials before looking at him. Still, you don't look with judging eyes but you try to look through the facade to see whether he is truthful. You ask yourself whether you doubt him or not: you didn't doubt his truthfulness but his intention of stealing the bread. A selfish thought in your head tells you he wanted to steal it so that you could be fed, and it's a good assumption but you try not to fall for your misleading mind.
"I mean it y/n, I truly don't know"
There's no such thing as a correct answer in this given context but you're willing to take the answer because you trust Yuta and he sounds genuine when he says that he doesn't know. You wish you could hear a proper set of words but you could also wish that the situation hadn't occurred at all: that would be a much better wish to make. But there was no genie to grant your wishes, especially not when the situation already passed by.
"I'm sorry," Yuta says when he thinks you're not going to grant him forgiveness. You are so quiet that Yuta can't help but drown in guilt whilst you are watching from afar.
The seconds continue to tick by, they seem to get lengthier as you don't immediately respond to the apology. Eventually, you have no other option than to give him an honest response. "It's not me that deserves an apology."
Yuta nods as a signal he understands what you mean, he should be apologising to the baker for the things that almost happened. "I know," he murmurs in an almost inaudible tone, his eyes on the bench on which his fingertips endlessly trace over the carved figures.
After letting out a sigh that withheld mixed emotions, you sat down on the bench next to Yuta. In the end, you decide to forgive him because you can't blame him for things that didn't happen yet. "We should indeed buy some bread there next time, the scent was heavenly," you say with a small smile on your lips as you rest your hand upon Yuta's shoulder. Slowly, you let that hand creep up to his hair to gently comb through the locks.
"It did and I knew we were both hungry," he starts his reply, relaxation slowly dawns on him as he feels your gentle touch through his hair. It nearly makes him miss the moral of your words, nearly. "Did you say next time? Do you want to go there again?"
You smile once his realisation comes, or perhaps because you think back about the good time you had despite the anxious feeling and Yuta's dumb mistake. "I do, I enjoyed it. Not weekly but perhaps every once in a while," you say honestly.
The freedom you felt outside seemed unreal: there had been moments where anxiety filled your body to the brim but at the same time, looking at the world whilst walking around in it was positively different from looking at it through large windows.
Your hand slips from Yuta's brown locks when he turns his head towards you. "I think I am in love," he whispers a second after you look back at him, your head tilted to see his healing smile from a different point of view.
"With me?" You question hopefully as you feel bumblebees buzzing in your stomach, the sweet honey nearly edible on the tip of your tongue. A laugh falls from Yuta's lips but he rapidly reacts by nodding his head "of course with you, there has been one person that makes my heart swell. And that person is you," he explains, his eyes widening slightly as he confesses his romantic attachment to you.
There is a quiet second, interrupted by a sound of surprise aligned with Yuta's laughter. By your reaction, Yuta senses that you feel the same and is quick to make his next move. He inches himself closer to you before placing an unexpected and soft peck against your lips. Before you have the opportunity to return the kiss, your lips are distanced and smiles are unconsciously appearing.
"I might just be in love with you too."
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〚 IV ; quattuor 〛
"Were you aware that the moonlight changes every day?"
Your head that has been tilted upwards towards the glass roofing slowly lowers itself for you to properly look at Yuta as he speaks. In response, you shake your head and twitch your fingers subconsciously as a sign for him to explain his random particle of information.
"The intensity of moonlight varies greatly, as stated, it depends on the lunar phase," Yuta explains to you as he notices your light motion and the interest on your face. You continue to look at him as he speaks, together with nodding, those two things make it obvious that you are listening actively to every word he says.
"Does it not depend on our eyes as well?" You ask as you silently wondered about it when he was speaking. You think your eyes are not always prepared to see the same amounts of light: especially not very bright hues. Yuta shows the same interest that you showed him not long ago and nods his head when you finish your question "hm, I think it does."
After that, a moment of silence settles down. Both of you occupied by the subject of moonlight and its daily-changing intensity. To speak honestly, there is no need to ponder about it for much longer, and yet, you two seem silently captivated by the subject. Perhaps because the moonlight is currently bringing a hint of its brightness into the nightfall.
You are the first one to break the silence because you feel how your head automatically moves upwards to look at the source of light and the acquaintance of darkness in the sky. "The moon is so beautiful," is what you tell Yuta who can't help but hum in agreement. His mind is only partially on the moon, as are his eyes because other things steal his attention.
"It is, sometimes I watch the moon from my room but watching it here makes it so much more pleasant," he answers as he not-so-gently throws his head back to look through the glass roof. The moon might be pulchritudinous but the true beauty comes from you. Yet, his words aren't complete nonsense. He watches the moon when he is alone in his room but while doing so, he thinks about you which makes him stare without being able to see much.
You smile at the words, your fingertips running over the back of his hand in a relaxed manner. "Me too," you say simply, your lower lip painlessly tucked between your teeth before you decide on confessing the other half of the story. "When I do, I think about you. That you must be in your room: asleep or watching the moon too."
It's awfully cliché but that is a side effect of lovers who have not been sharing a romance for longer than six months. Yuta doesn't show a negative reaction, he thinks it's wholesome that you feel that way, he feels the same way but does not admit it yet because he loves imagining that you think about him at night.
"Is that why we are here together tonight? For you to secretly stare at me instead of the moon?" Yuta playfully asks you as he inches closer to you, it's a playful moment even if he's guilty to the things he is teasing you with. "That was the plan, but I got caught," you answer with a smile as your own body moves closer.
"You know what happens to those who sin," Yuta mentions with a small smirk, his hands moving away from yours to instead embrace your waist. It's an easy way to pull you closer and have some physical contact at the same time, and he takes advantage of the moment do to both of those. His fingertips press against your covered skin as he runs slow and steady circles in an attempt to explore more of you.
You hum soft, an act that you do not care about the consequences of those who sin. In reality, you do care because the consequences are far from pleasant. Being in the contextual element, you know this is not about the harsh punishments people receive upon committing a true sin. Both of you are young enough to modernise the meaning of sin.
"Tell me what happens to those who sin?" You ask as your head wants to lower once more, but Yuta's lips press against the side of your neck, requiring you to keep your head upwards for a little longer.
Yuta's teeth gently nip at your skin when he hears your question, soothing the gnaw with the tip of his tongue. "Why should I explain, it seems like you're about to find out for yourself," he says before he clicks his tongue in a cocky way. Confidence and pride fight for the lead in his heart but lust takes the crown mercilessly.
The first sigh of pleasure leaves your lips after a soft hiss does, but the slight pain of his teeth brings you towards an unexpected amount of pleasure.
"Be mine," Yuta mumbles, the words not far from inaudible because his lips are hastily pressing kisses against your neck while he speaks. "I will be the one who loves you," he continues as now, between every word, the kisses seem to increase their lustful intentions.
You want to respond to the words, tell him you're his and his only but the forming drive to pleasure prevents you from wasting time on explanations. As if his kisses are not satisfying enough, his fingertips go underneath the attire that covers your bare skin. Due to the warmth of your clothing and the coldness of his fingertips, you shiver when his fingertips patch over your thighs.
"Yuta," the way you breathe out his name signals that you're asking for his attention. Your body is fighting against it and wants to beg for more but those words do not articulate on your lips, something holds you back from asking for more intimacy. "This is not right, imagine what would happen if they found out," you reason despite your body urging you to get closer so that his fingertips trail to more sensitive spots. The consequences wouldn't be mild if anyone found out, it's not Yuta who makes the situation problematic, but the authorities and religion that decides that the closest form of intimacy should not occur until marriage.
"Hence why I said I would make you mine, y/n, and trust me…," Yuta starts as his lips trace upwards, leaving the trail of hot kisses to go from the side of your neck towards your ear. His breathing is deep, driven by lust as even your scent is enough to make him want more. "…I will make you mine," he whispers.
The decisive whisper is answered by a solemn nod from you: you trust Yuta but it's mostly your own senses that tell you to stop protesting against it. Yuta's eyes let you undergo an examination, just to check whether you were okay with this. "I'm yours," you whisper as you connect your lips with his for a heated kiss.
The words "I'm yours," seem to split in two as both of you take the words in a different way, and you are yet to find out Yuta's true meaning behind the words. In your eyes, you had been his the second you went from acquaintances to love interests and it still was now that you officially were hidden lovers.
“Only the united beat of sex and heart together can create ecstasy.”
⋅ ⋅ ⋅
Dawn. The first appearance of light in the sky before sunrise.
Dawn. The beginning of a phenomenon or period of time, especially one considered favourable.
Three minutes before there were only ten minutes left until the clock pointed its smallest hand at five. That was dawn. The way you silently laid against Yuta's side on a marble bench, your head resting against the area where you could listen to his heartbeat. That was dawn.
Moonlight chased away the shadows of the night and replaced it with the first light of a new day.
Your eyes are closed but that doesn't mean that you're asleep, for a few hours you have been dozing in and out of catnaps. None of the short amounts of time long enough for a dream, but you feel like you're living in one, so it's not needed to live in a visual world with your eyes closed.
Yuta seems asleep, you can hear by the way he breathes and you can feel by the slow beat of his heart. Sixty-one beats per minute is what you observed on a moment that you were sure he was in dreamland, but keeping track of the number of heartbeats and seconds was a difficult combination. Thus, it could have been a little bit more or some less.
After letting out a soft sound of tiredness, you open your eyes and greet the greenery with a small smile. Though it's mostly the memories that make you smile: memories of the nightfall and its nocturnal ventures. Your mind still holds on to the momentum: the patches of Yuta's fingertips on your skin, the whispers of naughty and nice, the swelling of your heart out of love and the ecstasy that mixed itself due to the heart and sex combining.
A red-pink-coloured flower greets you in its full bloom, it stands out next to the few pastel purple flowers. You can imagine the scent, or you think you can, but you realise you are lying between nothing but greenery and flowers that bloom.
The peaceful moment gets interrupted by deafening noises outside the glasshouse, they aren't extremely loud but the many different audible triggers are blaring. Yet, you're too far away from the window to properly look through it and the bloomed red roses are in front of the nearest window. It's not unusual for these noises to be heard, the time is what makes it strange. But you don't pay attention to it, not more than needed, or so you like to think.
"What are those noises?"
Your eyes shift from the red roses that cover the window towards your lover, it means that you have to turn your body slightly so that you can comfortably look at him. Once you're in a comfortable position, you smile at the sight.
Yuta looks tired and well-rested at the same time, his smile is small but the corners of his lips are twitched upwards the moment he sees your face. "I think someone just left or arrived, usually it is when they are looking for something or about transport," you answer his question so that you have more time to look at him without having to interrupt the moment.
His tired lips press a soft kiss on the corner of your mouth before he draws your body closer to his. "Good morning, by the way," he whispers as he distances his lips from yours properly. "Good morning."
Momentarily, you see Yuta disappearing from the real world and towards his own forest of thoughts. The thought about the shared intimacy come back to life there together with each minuscule aspect that he was able to observe with his five basic senses.
"I meant it yesterday."
You look at him while confusion is written on your face, rather than it's written on your features, there's a ceramic stamp all over your face. "You meant what," you ask and once more turn yourself more towards him so that it's easier to communicate. Before he speaks up, you try to recall everything that has been said yesterday but only two kinds of words come to mind: the sinful words and the outings of genuine love.
"I will make you mine," Yuta answers, quoting them as he said them yesterday. Yesterday or today, the words were still confusing. You already considered yourself as his, but he seemed to wander on a different part there.
Due to the sweetness of the words, you display a small smile but it doesn't fully replace the confusion that primarily outed itself. "I'm yours, Yuta," you tell him in case he suspects you might think otherwise. Perhaps he only saw you as a love interest until now, or perhaps he thinks you see him as nothing but a love interest.
"I mean, truly make you mine. I will love you, worry about you, and be responsible for you," he starts explaining before he stops talking, something rests on the tip of his tongue and he's not going to withhold himself from saying it. The set of critical words are more grand and they leave his mouth once his lips part.
"I want to marry you."
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〚 V ; quīnque 〛
Yuta's fingertips are circled up against the palm of his hand, clenched in an angry fist. His footsteps are quick as he makes his way through the formation - that just like him is on the move - , harshly speaking he seems like a soldier marching towards the enemy with a loaded gun between his fingers. He doesn't get distracted by the walking of the people that try to hold him back without using the direct signals that they are trying to stop him.
Perhaps if his wardrobe would have allowed it, he would have been able to fit in with the crowd without getting caught in the act. But his clothes were surprisingly different from their attire: his black coat draped over his shoulders and the gold-coloured details on each visible border are shaped as non-existent flowers.
In his brain, he can clearly recall when you said a situation like this was not completely unusual. Still, the situation was unexplainable to him. It seemed like they were after him: not to chase him and get him off the property but almost leading him inside your home. The place where he had only been once to attend the banquet. Fairly speaking, he did not want to go inside because he would probably see your parents but if he wanted to find you, he would have to go inside
"Would you let my son in without those bastards circling him like he is a prey."
Yuta slowly looks up when he hears the familiar voice saying the words that only make his suspicion turn into facts. His eyes fall on his own father standing next to yours: while your father looks overly satisfied with his arrival, his own father looks slightly disappointed and his pokerface shows a lot more emotion than it should.
"What is going on?" Yuta asks as he glances between the two men for an answer, he knows he's being led by an army of people around him but he wants a clear answer of the things that are going on. When your father only motions for him to follow inside, he roughly marches forward, perhaps a little bit too unrestrained as people are no longer forcing him in direction of the door. "You may come in, Yuta."
Doing as he's asked, Yuta starts to walk up the steps towards the door before following his and your father further inside the place. With each step, he feels a heavy weight being added onto his shoulder and it is almost as if he left his courage at the lowest step of the stairs. Despite already feeling anxious, he makes it worse by starting to look around: not to claim furniture that your father would gift when feeling generous but to check if he could see any traces of you.
Whilst observing he can almost say that he doesn't know whether this family has children, there are no traces of you or something that reminds him of you. It's not even the lack of cohort portraits, it is the lack of personality that this place holds.
"Why don't you sit here with us?" Your father suggests as he walks into the room where he had been with Yuta's father minutes earlier, discussing merely one subject with a filled liquor glass in their hands. The seat where his father sat was still pulled out, signalling it had not been time to bid each other farewell yet. Once his own father takes a seat and your father does too, he sits on the leftover seat.
"I would like to ask why you came here? Or why you have been here almost every day for the past time…" Your father asks but the words suggest for Yuta to speak up so that they don't have to pull the words out of his lips. He doesn't feel like they just caught him in the act but manages to feel the astonishment.
Yuta clears his throat, swallowing the saliva-filled nerves before he speaks up. "I come here for y/n, we enjoy spending time together," the word he tells don't lie but he keeps all of the details behind for as long as he can. Not because he's ashamed or doesn't want to admit to your relationship, but because he feels the urge to protect you.
"And you lure y/n with you into town?"
That is the moment where he feels like he got caught, simply because of you, who had been so scared to get caught whilst walking on the most regular streets in town. He wonders how they found out he took you to town but also considered inhabitants possibly recognising him or you.
"For a simple walk, I had no intention of luring her to town with bad consequences," Yuta explains. But by the expression on your father's face, he can recognise that his explanation didn't add much positivity to the story.
"That is what they all claim, young man. But I hope you realise that y/n will not be at hand to marry you," your father says and before he can comment, saying that that will happen even if your father says no, his father takes the wheel. "If you do not allow my son to marry y/n, I demand us to nullify our exchanges."
The protection from his father gives him courage, he had never expected his father to give protection in this context but misses the clue that his father is only trying to protect future exchanges and deals. Perhaps he misses the clue because they say love makes people blind and he is deeply in love with you. Without suspecting the next step, he waits for your father to give his comment.
"Consider them nullified."
Yuta's father raises from his chair soon after the words are spoken out loud. "I suggest we return homewards, Yuta," he says to his son as he clears his throat uncomfortably. Yuta is unable to perform anything, staring at your father but he is left speechless and frozen in his spot. "Yuta," his father calls out for him again, this time successfully receiving Yuta's attention.
"I will not leave, not until you give me a fair chance to marry y/n. We have a lot in common and both of us want to take the following step," Yuta claims, his voice getting louder as he feels misunderstood. He wasn't just a young man who lured you into town for his own pleasure, he was a young man who wanted to spend the rest of his life together with you. "y/n and I are in love."
Your father is the second one to raise from his chair, marching the short distance between his and Yuta's chair. "Listen to me, Nakamoto Yuta," he starts before he presses his hand against Yuta's shoulder blade. It's not a light touch but Yuta is too stubborn to show his usual strong reactions. "We do not marry out of love, we marry for money and profit. But I require my son in law to have manners, and that is something your parents never taught you."
"I love y/n, and you cannot stop me from doing so," Yuta says as he pushes away your father's hand from his shoulder, he stands up from his chair and turns towards your father. Due to the height difference, it seems like Yuta is in charge but that's only an illusion.
"You are right, I can't stop you from loving y/n," your father admits. Once again Yuta fails to see a detail, this time blinded by his pride when he hears the words. It's a calm moment before the storm, and the storm is only a few seconds away. "Too bad I can stop you from getting married to y/n, and I will do anything. Even if it costs you your life."
Minutes later, the three of them are walking the large hallway in order to get Yuta and his father out of the building. Yuta's fists are clenched as he only states in front of him while walking: angry with the world, disappointed in himself.
An employé opens the large front door for Yuta and his father to for the last time leave this place without ever returning. Exchanges and money-related deals are officially unchained the moment his father walks out of the door. "I suggest you leave now," your father says as he motions his hand towards the outside world, an impolite gesture in Yuta's eyes.
"Allow me to do one more thing before I leave," Yuta says as his feet step closer to the wall, plucking the only decoration from its designated location. The flag's fabric is rich in texture and feels soft under his rough fingerprints, but the feeling in Yuta's hands is too bitter to botire the softness. "As a last gift to you."
A smirk displays on his lips as he glances between his own father and your father. He knows he will get scolded by his own father for playing a dirty trick like this, but he cannot care less about that. His pride and love are on the line and he will not allow anyone to touch either of the two.
"You see this flag right?" Yuta asks as his hand smoothes over the details of the flag before he grips the flag at two of the corners with his hands. The flag is fully stretched between his hands: showing the coat of arms to who he now considered as the enemy. One harsh movement and the flag showed its first rip: the start of something grander than separation. "I would be careful with your words, my life could be spared but yours not," he says to your father before he ceremonially rips the flag in two separate pieces.
The two pieces sadly dwindle onto the ground but Yuta is the only one looking at them with a proud smile on his lips. He momentarily doesn't think of the consequences this has for you: pride takes over his senses. He steps over the piece that holds the coat of arms of your family while he steps out of the door.
"Farewell for now."
⋅ ⋅ ⋅
Unlike Yuta is told, he doesn't exactly leave the property. Told his father that he was going to walk home because he was in need of time alone to reflect on himself. Walked towards the greenhouse in order to meet you.
Seeing you in the greenhouse had been his intention from the moment he arrived but without a chance had lost his non-physical fight against the people that worked for your father. Now he probably was over an hour late to see you, perhaps you even left because you thought he tricked you.
There is a lump in his throat as he walks into the greenhouse and immediately closes the glass door behind him. The greenery doesn't tell him whether you are still here waiting for him but he doesn't ask about it either. His footsteps are quick and headed towards the bench where the two of you usually sit. More than just sitting had happened on the bench but lustful thoughts are not priority.
"y/n?" He calls out your name through the greenhouse but in the meanwhile doesn't stop his footsteps towards the familiar bench. His eyes are busy, wandering around the available space with the hope of you still being here. Soon enough his eyes meet with the red roses that cover the glass window, a sign that he is close to the bench. His body turns, almost dramatically as he knows he will, either way, see you or the empty bench now.
Despite the situation, a smile appears on his lips as he sees you sitting on the bench. "I missed you," he says as he walks towards you and plops himself down on the other side of the bench.
His words are left unanswered and after glancing at you, Yuta realises you look far from happy. "Is something wrong?" He asks you, his hand moving to your thigh, softly stroking over the fabric-covered skin. Deep inside, he knows why you stay quiet but he tries to convince himself that his thoughts are incorrect. "I bet you already know," you whisper.
Your whisper allows Yuta to let out a breath, his nostrils moving as the air is blown out. Momentarily, he doesn't know what to say because what he's supposed to say conflicts with what he wants to say. He needs to say that he is not allowed to marry you but he wants to tell you to run away with him and marry in secret.
"I am not allowed to wed you," you say softly. The heartbreak when you say those words intensifies: first it seemed mere cracks but now that you say the words, your heart is ripped in two pieces. Yuta nods his head, silencing himself by tugging his lip between his teeth. Yet, he can't help but speak "flee. We can do it together and marry without anyone finding out who we are and where we are."
The tempting words are like poison: appealing to you but there is no way back once you took a sip. "What will happen to us? We have nowhere to go, we won't have anyone but each other," you clarify as you once again are afraid to get caught like the time in town. At first, it seemed like no one found out, until today when your father stated the facts.
"Having each other is plenty. I will make up a plan and then we can run together," Yuta says as he takes both of your hands in his. The moment is intense because you're expected to say yes or no: you would say no because of your families and not having anything when you flee, but yes because you promised forever to Yuta and you don't want anything more than having that forever.
Without waiting for your answer, Yuta stands up and pulls you up on your feet gently. "Five days, we leave in exactly five days. Midnight and I will pick you up here, on the bench, in the glasshouse," he clearly states the words so that you'll remember them. You rest your hand against his chest, gripping the expensive fabric of his blazer before your grip loosens.
"I will be waiting for you,"
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〚 VI ; sex 〛
Five days consisting of one hundred twenty hours.
One hundred twenty hours consisting of seven thousand two hundred minutes.
Seven thousand two hundred minutes consisting of four hundred thirty-two thousand seconds.
For you, time delays more than normal. Over recent days, you had a speed course on levelling up your provisional skills: lying to your father that you ground yourself in your room because you're heartbroken while you're plotting freedom with the love of your life. It's not an easy task but your father allows it, as long as he can lodge a complaint about Yuta and his family during dinner. You don't talk back to your father because you don't want him to suspect a thing: you simply listen and fraud your tears once or twice.
Yuta journals time in a different way. The hours tick by without difficulty even though he mainly stays in his bedchamber as well: he quietly coats his walls with removable ink that he's been given and draws shapes of patches of land or writes possible destinations as well as a list of things that need to be purchased in advance. Each dinner he will show up for a short amount of time, aside from the day that he stays in the common room until his father goes to bed, that night he lets his hand wander to a treasure of capital and hastily hides it in his blazer's pocket. Stolen money that he wordlessly promises to return one day, but the day would never come.
Whenever the nightfall takes place, both you and Yuta look out of the window: greeting the darkness as you wordlessly wish for one another: thoughts of the night where forever has been a given and received promise tend to come back. It's a coincidence that your desire of Yuta doing the same comes true, but he's simply so in love with you and can't stop himself from thinking about you.
With a little less than four hours to go, Yuta permanently leaves his room. His clothes are deftly hanging in his wardrobe and there's no doubt that dust will coat the exorbitant fabrics. The walls that had been scribbled full are now empty, not a trace of the plans revealed upon the wall. Just like they creatively appeared, they disappeared when Yuta washed them off. Something he takes along with him, is, money and the outfit that is wrapped around his body right now: primarily he is only in need of you and the rest belongs to an unnecessary subordinate.
Once his bedroom has been left, the rest follows minutes after. His father is left the moment Yuta soundlessly passes by his office. His entire home is left behind the moment he steps outside and pulls the door shut. Naturally, those things happen and he doesn't feel any remorse for doing so, he is willing to do anything for the person he loves.
From his property, his first destination is the town. If there is something that might make the flight more serene, it's food to keep both of you alive in the first days of survival. He goes to the bakery that he almost stole from once: a memory he can't help but relive because, despite its negative undertone, the memory consists of you.
The queue at the bakery is not overly long, a handful of people seem willing to buy the fresh-smelling bread. Just as willing as he is, perhaps they need it for survival purposes as well. Two women are in front of him and either of them is accompanied by a child that doesn't look older than five: it's not their turn yet hence why they spent their time being a human newspaper. "Did you hear? Apparently, y/n has been found dead," the words flow from her mouth.
For the first time, Yuta heard what they are talking about. Normally he isn't interested in news brought by human newspapers: what they tell us usually something sugar-coated or filled with a spoonful of sea salt. Your name is the trigger for him to listen, but what follows after, completely triggers him.
"When?" The other woman asks to keep the conversation running and Yuta can't help but allow all of his senses to work together. His ears have to listen as he tries to use his eyes for their body language, on the tip of his tongue is a bitter taste and he can feel tears forming in his eyes. "Last night they say, she was caught and murdered by someone that works for their family."
The words leave Yuta frozen in his spot, the coins that were resting in the palm of his hand are clenched between his fingertips as they form into a tight but sad fist. "Excuse me," he quickly mutters after his body is turned towards the exit, pushing through the few people that are lined up behind him.
Without bread, he leaves the bakery. His footsteps don't match up with the pace he wants to reach: sloppily walking as his mind is as mushy as porridge even though in his mind, he is running as fast as he can towards you.
"I need to get there," he ends up muttering to himself. Realisation of his hindered pace comes after he realises that the past ten steps didn't take him further than to the corner of the street. In that critical moment, his feet finally set off to a faster running pace.
Even if the past five days had gone by rapidly, time now went slower than it ever did before. His footsteps didn't change the pace of time, because no matter how fast he went, it seemed like he didn't reach much further. Tirelessly, his feet continued to run until the first changes in scenery were noticeable.
The streets from town slowly started to disappear, replaced by an uncountable amount of greenery. The only real street was in the form of a path that led him only further into the greenery.
Due to the fast running, his feet tend to oversee the details of the greenery underneath. The first time he stumbles it's over his own clumsy feet. The second time he stumbles and falls it's due to the roots of the tree that cross his path. His black-clothed pants are dirt covered when he sits up on his knees before standing up on his feet again.
"I will take responsibility for you till the end"
⋅ ⋅ ⋅
The rose as red as blood is the only visible factor as he glances through the window of the greenhouse. His hands are pressed on the glass for a direct look upon the bench that's inside: but the red flower prevents him from seeing anything. Now that he thinks about it, he remembers how the roses shielded anyone from seeing the pureness of your bodies as you made love underneath the light of the moon.
Silence drapes a symbolic flag over the property. It's eerily quiet for a long time but Yuta is too busy to notice the silence until finally, a sound drags him out of his observation process. In surprise due to the sound, his hand flatly places against the glass before his body wildly spins around. The large doors are opened and less than a dozen men walk out: dressed formally as they carry outside a variety of objects that Yuta can't make out in of the near distance.
He can recognise the colours printed on the flag, by the things he's been taught, he concludes that this will be the raised flag for the upcoming time. A time of mourning hence the monochrome colour of the flag. He thickly swallows before letting out a cough when the saliva collects at the back of his throat.
Unable to withhold himself from performing sentiments, he screams out of wretchedness. Knees colliding with the ground for the fifth time that day, but the pain is zilch compared to the heartache that burns through his shirt. When he thought his heart would no longer beat, the pace quickened due to one of the men signalling another by pointing near the source of sound. On his knees, Yuta crawled to the large door, letting himself in after he reached up to pull the handle.
⋅ ⋅ ⋅
"J'aime tes pleurs. C'est la rosée qui sied aux fleurs"
Rather than the passionate red roses, blue colourized roses are plucked by Yuta's fingertips. Like you once tutored him: red roses symbolise passionate love and blue roses symbolise unrequited and unreachable love. His promise of never giving you flowers is disintegrated.
In front of Yuta's blurry vision are continuous drips. One drop, two drops and still going. His teardrops landing on top of the sadly fallen flower petals, withering together as a sign of grief.
Memories fall like rain at dawn with each blue rose that Yuta plucks: one for the banquet where you two met for the first time, one for your first shared kiss, one for the endless talks in this greenhouse, one for the intimacy under the moonlight, and the last one for forever that will never come but always be yours.
Five roses are clenched between his fingertips, strongly held as the thorns press into the thin skin. The spring shower of memories stops the moment he spins his body towards he bench, a loud sob wrecking his vocal cords.
"y/n," he calls out to you as he walks up to the bench, his knees willingly giving out right in front of the bench. The place where your body was laid to rest until further notice: the place where you would be at peace, the place where love bloomed much like flowers. Your parted lips almost indicate you want to call out to him too, but your body is still and so are your non-existing words.
"I brought you these flowers," Yuta says softly as he places the five bundled flowers between your folded hands, the coldness of your fingers lingering against his skin until he backs away. "I know you explicitly told me to not gift you flowers but these will not wither, they will bloom," he whispers as his twitching fingertips ache to touch you, but out of fear, he can only let them caress over the rose petals.
His head comes to rest against the edge of the bench. "I hope you like them," he whispers as he can only look at the ground in sadness, shame, heartbreak. His blurry vision detects coral beads on the floor next to something that looks like a brown bean.
Abrus precatorius.
From another memory together with you he remembers the flowering plan out of the bean family. The plant is best known for its seeds, or better said beads that are toxic due to the presence of abrin. Ingestion of a single seed can be fatal to both adults and children.
An old symbol of love in China, which they call "相思豆" or "mutual love bean". A deadly love bean is what humans would tend to call it within the town, simply because they had no idea of official wordings or the dangers of the plant.
Yuta swallows thickly, almost like one of the seeds is on the tip of his tongue and he needs to swallow it. But the bitter feeling on his tongue is due to the realisation of what truly happened.
"I understand y/n. Even if fate separates us, all your tear-drenched memories will die in my embrace," He whispers. The fingertips of his right hand move towards your cheek, stroking over the skin daintily. The tender touch is cold but the warmth of love fills his blind heart. Beneath the bench, his left hand clutches a handful of coral beads.
The decorational plant beads rest in his hand as he brings them up to his mouth. A mutual love bean: cause of death for the love of his life, and soon to be his own as well.
Well-chewed, he swallows the seeds all at once. A breath escapes from his lips as he soon allows his head to lay against your shoulder, your stiff and cold body, pillowed by a thin layer of white lace that covers your skin.
His brown eyes eternally stare towards the love of his life. His broken heart swallows the tears for the deep pierced scars to get healed by the droplets, as a consequence, death starts blooming from the cracks of his heart. Before nightfall spreads over the glasshouse, his solitary serenade is heard.
"Rather than living without your love, I'll die with hatred. When we meet again, I hope we bloom as flowers."
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hopelikethemoon · 4 years
Bleed (Javier x Reader) {MTMF}
Title: Bleed Rating: PG-13 Length: 1400 Warnings: Violence (mentions of gun violence, bullet wounds, blood, and medical procedures) Notes: You can find everything about Maybe Today, Maybe Forever here. Set in late November 1991. I’m going to do a follow up chapter in a few days, I do believe.  Summary: Reader is shot. 
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From where you were laying, you could see a body laying on the opposite side of the Jeep. There was shattered glass on the ground from the busted out car window. 
And there was blood — your blood. Your arm wasn’t even the worst of it. A few spots were bleeding from slamming your arm into the broken glass on the way down…
But the main concern was the wet sensation pooling under your leg. 
The world was swimming around you. The pain had shifted into a numb throb, a tingling sensation radiating up your thigh, into your hip, before fanning out. 
Your cheeks felt simultaneously hot and cold — and there was sweat clinging to your brows. 
Everything felt far away. 
You closed your eyes slowly, your eyelids feeling weighed down. Something touched you and you jerked, eyes going wide as you focused on Javier who was kneeling beside you. 
“Baby, baby… you’ve got to stay with me okay.” Javier urged as you watched his hands go to his belt. 
“I’m honored,” You said wryly. “But I’ve been shot.”
A faint smirk played over his lips, “Yet your wit hasn’t been affected.” He quipped as he slid his belt from the loops. “I need to cut these off.” He told you, “Shit, that’s a lot of blood.”
You shook your head, “You should see the other guy.” You turned your head, looked across the broken glass to the body of the man you’d shot. 
He had been aiming at Javier. You hadn’t even thought twice about pulling the trigger. You hadn’t even seen the second gunman. 
A soft cry tore from your lips as Javier used his pocket knife to cut your jeans off. The motion caused more blood to gush from your wound and you felt a fresh wave of dizzying nausea take over. Fuck.
This wasn’t good. 
“Keep talking,” Javier told you as he rubbed the back of his hand over his forehead, causing blood to smear there. Yours. That was your blood. “Baby, keep talking.”
“Buy me a drink first,” You hissed out as Javier tossed your ruined jeans aside. 
“That an offer?”
“Maybe.” You could be dying. There was a lot of blood and you felt… off. Was this what dying felt like? 
You’d seen death before. 
Death was a slow creeping shadow. 
One second, a person could be laughing at your kitchen table… and the next minute they could be dead behind the eyes. 
“Hey, hey.” Javier patted your cheek. “Eyes open.”
“Trying.” You mumbled, tilting your head to watch as he wrapped his belt around your thigh and pulled it taut to stop the blood flow. It hurt like a son of a bitch, your skin pinched under the leather. 
But the gaping bullet hole hurt worse. 
“Where the fuck is the ambulance?” Javier seethed as he reached for your hand, giving it a squeeze. “Hey, you’ve got to keep talking.”
“Did they hit you?”
“Baby, I’m fine. I’ll be better if we can get this bleeding stopped.” Javier squeezed your hand again, before shifting to examine the wound. “I think we’ve got it slowed. Goddammit where’s the ambulance?” He looked around frantically. 
“I’m glad you’re here.” You whispered, your eyes falling closed as you let yourself sink into the strange tingling sensation that seemed to envelop you. “I don’t want to die…” 
“No one’s dying.” Javier leaned over you, patting your cheek. “Come on. Open your eyes. Let me see your eyes, baby.”
“I can’t…” 
“Fuck.” Javier rubbed his hand over your cheek, “Come on. I can’t fucking lose you. You can’t do this to me. Come on.” 
You heard a car door slam shut.
“Holy shit—“ Steve swore. “The ambulance was behind me. Fuck. That looks bad. Is she—“
“Still… kicking.” You mumbled, though you weren’t sure how loud your voice was because Steve didn’t even acknowledge you. Javier, on the other hand, squeezed your hand hard enough to hurt. 
“She’s lost a lot of blood and I can’t…” Javier sounded like he was crying. 
You tried to open your eyes, but even that little gesture felt like it was taking too much of your energy. 
“Javier—“ You whispered, weakly squeezing his hand. “It’s okay.”
“Stay with me, okay? You’ve got to stay with me.”
“Peña, you’ve got to let go.” Steve urged, and you felt Javier’s hand jerked out of your grip. 
There were other voices — new ones. You were too tired to translate the Spanish they spoke, your brain catching one or two words as they shifted you from the ground to a stretcher. 
When had the ambulance shown up?
“Javier?” You questioned as someone peeled your eye open and shined a light into it. It wasn’t Javier. 
Someone else had your arm and you flinched as you felt a needle jab into your arm. After that, everything got a lot more confusing. Your thoughts swirled in your head, just out of reach of making coherent sense. You dipped in and out of consciousness, easily drawn into the dark nothingness of whatever shit they had pumping through your IV.
You hated this shit. 
Yet, in this situation you didn’t have much of a choice. 
 Javier was sitting by your bedside when you woke up. He was sound asleep, resting on his folded arms that he had propped up on your bed about halfway down. His face was turned towards yours — like he had fallen asleep waiting for you to wake up. 
It probably meant something that in what might have been your final moments, he was all you could think of. 
You knew he’d been the one to find his mother and you didn’t want to add to the tragedy in his life. Hell, you knew how he acted when things went wrong for his informants — that guilt he carried with him. 
You had been afraid that you’d be someone else he felt responsible for. Someone else he’d lost. And maybe you were putting more value on yourself, than you actually held in his life. But then again, he was sitting by your bedside and no one else was. 
“Javi,” You whispered as you reached out and touched his cheek, before you stroked your fingers over the hair that fell against his forehead. 
“Morning.” He grumbled, stretching just arms out in front of him before he froze. His eyes snapped open and he jerked upright. “You’re awake.”
You laughed quietly, “Unless heaven is a hospital, yeah.” 
“You scared the fuck out of me.” Javier reached for your hand and gave it a squeeze. “Do I still have a leg?”
He nodded, squeezing your hand back. “They, uh… they said it was close to an artery. A little to the left and you’d be—“
“Yeah.” You lifted your hand and rubbed at your face. “And to think that handsome face of yours would’ve been the last thing I saw.”
“I suppose that’s why you were spared, baby.” Javier snorted, rubbing his thumb over the back of your hand. “They should be releasing you in a day or two. Steve’s settled all the bullshit at the office.”
You smiled at him, “Tell him ‘thank you’ for me.” You stretched a little, rolling your shoulders back against the mattress. “I don’t think I can handle getting desked, Javi. You’ve gotta get me back in the field.”
Javier pressed his tongue to the inside of his cheek, “I’ll see what I can do for you.” He winked. “But first, we’ve got to get you out of here.” He gestured around the hospital room. 
“Are you going to get me out of here?”
“Wish I could.” He shrugged. “Office won’t be the same while you’re laid up.”
“I expect you to call me at least three times a day to let me know what’s going on.” 
He cracked a grin, “I’ll see what can be arranged.” Javier dragged his hands over his face. “You’re gonna get to catch up on all the good novellas.”
You rolled your eyes. “Which is why you’ll have to call for updates.”
Javier nodded, “Wouldn’t miss it.” 
“There goes our New Years plans.” You remarked as you rubbed at your eyes. “Shit, I don’t like whatever they’ve got me on. I feel like I’ve got cotton in my eyes.”
“You need rest.”
“I don’t need this shit to sleep.” You groused, “Are you staying?”
“As long as they’ll let me.”
You ran your finger along the side of his hand. “I don’t want you to go, Javi.” You let your eyes flicker closed, “I never do.”
Javier stood up, leaning over the bed to press a kiss to your forehead. “Sleep.” He told you softly. “I’m just glad you’re still here.”
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