#learn from my mistakes
starlithunter · 1 year
If you are in the US and do your taxes, use the official IRS site for free filing!
Many companies will advertise free filing and then claim you have deductions or needs that require their paid solutions, and they will not tell you until the end of the process when you are exhausted and want it to be over. These ones are fully free and approved by the IRS!
Save yourself money and stress.
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the-spooky-arts · 24 days
I listened to the entire hour long April 1st episode just because I thought there was going to be a hidden message. I was wrong.
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jengrayart · 4 months
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Blue Mermaid 3.0. Or 4.0!
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saltpixiefibercraft · 4 months
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Okay, when i mentioned in a recent post that you should keep notes on your weaving I said I would share some of my notebook pages because, and I cannot stress this enough,,,, notes about your projects is So So Important in weaving. At least for me, if I want to recreate a certain fabric and I haven't done the due diligence in notes, it has ALWAYS come back to bite me. "But I'll remember later-" no you will not that is the devils voice whispering sonorous lies into your ear. Take. Notes.
Take these really cool red/white/grey/black dishtowels. They came out So Freaking Excellent. I was on the tail end of not having written down Anything for a previous project and being mad about it + i was in a hyperfocus mood, so so many notes got taken.
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These purple/green dishtowels were pretty cool, I did end up changing the plan halfway through, as you can see pffttt
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And here's a few more examples of some projects and their notes, plus a page of me workshopping possible warp combos. Having written down The Striped Dishtowel Template has literally saved my ass so many times, I make so many of these darned things for craft shows and they SELL OUT.
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I'm excited to start my 2024 Weaving Notebook!
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nanaslutt · 5 months
writing the main smut for the geto fic rn and a specific part in the scene reminded me of something… you’ll know what i’m talking about when you read it LMAOOO, BUTT
i had this guy ova, we’re uhhh… idk but we be fuckin right, and he was sleeping over, he sat down and we were talking like normal
then he said something about me saying i said i missed him or smthn, n then he reachs under him AND PULLS OUT MY VIBRATOR N JUST HOLDS IT OUT IN FRONT OF ME
he was all “do you cuddle with it too?” i have never been more mortified in my life. we had a laugh about it but just a reminder to always put your toys away after use or you might get caught red handed!!! (this keeps me up at night)
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sillygoose0-0 · 3 months
Being ace spec In a relationship with an allo person is something that can be so fulfilling and wonderful but ONLY and I repeat ONLY if you are good at setting and working with boundaries, and only if your partner is willing to help. Trust me!!
To all ace specs who want to get into relationships it is totally attainable but make sure you know what you want before you get into the relationship because there's nothing worse than breaking your own boundaries and then feeling upset or unhappy!
Your needs are valid babes!! Never forget that ❤️❤️❤️
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poisonnxkki · 1 year
Mistakes I Made In The Beginning Of My Practice🦋
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What Makes Something a Mistake?
How do we define a mistake? How do we know when we've messed up? These were questions that haunted me in the beginning of my practice. I was overly worried about doing things wrong and having to pay the price for those mess ups. The uncertainty of it all made me really hesitant to start experimenting in my craft. I would later come to terms with the fact that mistakes are inevitable, but as a beginner I was definitely intimidated.
The truth is, I'm not really sure there's a surefire way to know if something is a mistake until we've messed up. Spell work can be tricky in the sense that we often define our own parameters of success. This means that a spell can be failure to one person and a success to another based on their personal views of what success means. If a spell has consequences that we don't intend it to have or manifests in a way we weren't expecting, does that constitute as a failure? Sometimes yes and sometimes no. In my opinion the best way to determine if something's a mistake is to mess up. You won't know until things go wrong.
How I Rectify Mistakes:
To start, remember mistakes are inevitable. We can't avoid them and we shouldn't try to. Sometimes spell work isn't going to manifest in the way we were expecting. Sometimes our spells are going to force us to confront uncomfortable truths or set boundaries in order to get what we want, and there may be no other way around that. This is a reality that we should strive to accept rather than avoid.
But what happens when we actually do mess up? How do we go about fixing what we've done? I follow a few guidelines which help me determine what my next steps should be and hopefully these are helpful for you too.
Determine what has happened and if the spell is influencing the situation- the effects of some spells are relatively short lived so if the spell isn't currently influencing the situation then you're on damage control (and a good cleansing should be enough). However, some spells (often spells that are contained within a vessel or are tethered to you) need to be undone first.
Cleanse or banish- depending on the type of spell you may feel like cleansing just isn't enough. If that's the case, doing a banishment of the effects/energy of your previous spell should do the trick.
Mundane over magical- the effects of spell work often show up in our daily lives so taking the time to fix/heal from life events is super important.
Reflect- it's important to try and understand exactly what went wrong. Were you specific enough? What ingredients did you use? What order? What did your petition say (if you used one)? Where was your mind when you were casting? Going over how you did the spell can be helpful when determining what went wrong. It's important to reiterate that sometimes our spells are going to force us to confront uncomfortable truths or set boundaries in order to get what we want. Something that feels like a mistake now, could play an important role in you getting what you want later on so keep that in mind.
Mistakes I've Made:
I've talked about this before but I once did self-love spell for myself and a group of friends. This was fine, my mistake was trying to do them at the same time. I ended up accidentally binding myself to all of them. Months later we had a major falling out, which inevitably ended our friendship and was especially difficult on me. I was sick for several days and ended up doing several chord cutting spells to rectify the situation.
I was struggling with severe anxiety a few years ago and decided to do a spell to help with it. The problem was that I didn't define what I wanted from the spell. I kinda just said "no more anxiety" and lit the flame. When doing this spell, social situations had been the driving force behind my anxiety. However, it became health related after this spell. I should have been more clear in my intention when doing that spell but more importantly, I should have known that there is no "easy" fix for anxiety.
My first baneful protection was a blunder because it didn't work. I was nervous about messing up, which caused me to. Something I find influences baneful protections are boundaries (and our ability to set them). If you can't set boundaries in the physical world, then you aren't going to be able to set them energetically (in my personal opinion). I was an absolute pushover in relationships. I let people take advantage of my kindness and had trouble putting my foot down. My energy reflected that and the baneful protection did absolutely nothing, it was both a waste of ingredients and time.
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🖤*All images are from Pinterest*
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Be guided by the Soul and not driven by ego.
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braisedhoney · 1 year
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been in denial about it for a bit, but i'm... not feeling well, hah. so i'm going to take a little break for a while to recharge and hopefully regain my footing again now that the poll brackets are moving on! i'll still reblog stuff now and then, but no art for a bit. sit tight everyone, i'll be back in shape soon i hope o7 beware burnout!
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fly-the-pattern · 18 days
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writingandmybrain · 5 months
“I must study politics and war, that our sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. Our sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history and naval architecture, navigation, commerce and agriculture in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry and porcelain.”
John Adams, Letters of John Adams, Addressed to His Wife
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arinisburning · 3 months
in hindsight, every single knitting problem i've ever encountered could have been solved by making a goddamn swatch
i will learn nothing from this
swatches are for the reasonable and intelligent and i am a fool full of hubris
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hooliganarachnid · 5 months
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A Loki sketch
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wetbananapeel · 1 year
There is no greater tragedy than your vibrator dying in the middle of a session.
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sweetfirebird · 2 months
Naming a character Fox means typing Dox a dozen times a day and having to go back to correct it because spellcheck is not going to flag it. sigh.
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marveltournaments · 3 months
Is there a place to see the brackets in tree form at all, for those who came across this late? (Also just cause one character might get more votes doesn’t mean they’re all not queer lolol people need to chill, thank you for this game it’s been fun!)
Not for this one because I. I made a dummy. And accepted all the nominations. So round one was too big for any bracket creator :(((
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