#man...reminding me i gotta catch up on the new adventure time
aita for avoiding my foster father with memory issues?
for context, there was a while when i was a little kid where neither of my parents was around - my mom abandoned me (i'm pretty sure she's dead by now), and my relationship with my (bio) dad's been pretty on again-off again my whole life, even when i was a kid - he loves me and all but he's not the greatest dad, he's a dick to most people and he doesn't really GET me, i won't get into it. anyway, i was living in a really shitty environment even beyond that when i was little, and the man i described as my foster father took me in and basically adopted me for a while. he was a great dad in many ways, but he was already developing dementia when we met, and it eventually got bad enough that he put me back in my bio dad's custody.
now, years later, my foster dad keeps looking for, and finding, me even though he barely remembers me, and even though i love him i keep moving to avoid him because it just hurts too much to see him now. (he also hits on my ex all the time???? i know he's lonely and mentally ill, but she's not interested, man.)
it's been almost a thousand years - should i work on rebuilding my relationship with the ice king?
What are these acronyms?
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educatedinyellow · 7 months
People I Wanna Know Better
Thanks for thinking of me, @sanguinarysanguinity :)
Last song?
My son has been singing Tale As Old As Time from Beauty and the Beast all day. He's super adorable doing it, too, and you've gotta love a classic <3 We miss you, Angela Lansbury.
My funniest musical adventure from this week, though (as you know, Sang), was finding out that David McCallum -- who apparently played oboe and arranged orchestral scores, having studied music at first before switching to acting -- recorded a jazz number in the 1960s which then got sampled by Dr. Dre in the 1990s to create what, according to my brother, is 'definitely one of the most famous hip hop beats of all time' (warning: explicit language including the n word).
Who knew? Like a good secret agent, his influence pops up where least expected!
Favorite color?
Currently watching?
Not much of anything lately, to be honest. I just haven't found time to fit in a movie at the end of the day, and I don't have any new TV shows I'm currently following. But I'm sure I'll catch the Dr. Who specials when they come out in a month or two. I might watch Loki season 2. And I do still like to read and watch movie reviews and collect a 'to be watched' list for myself.
A couple films that came out this year that sound good & I would like to catch up with are Rye Lane ("Raine Allen-Miller reinvents the romantic-comedy genre utilizing vibrant colors, a fisheye lens, and British rap to present a truthful depiction of London that celebrates Black joy in Rye Lane." -Jillian Chilingerian; "Rye Lane is a shock to the system and the current landscape of romantic comedies. It’s loving, genuinely humorous, and an effortless crowd pleaser. A beautiful, energetic reminder that love is worth going after time and again." -Tina Kakadelis)
and Fancy Dance ("Cloaking a family drama in crime-film conventions, the plot of Native American filmmaker Erica Tremblay’s exceptional directorial debut concerns a young woman’s disappearance from an Oklahoma reservation and her family’s urgent attempts to locate her....not even halfway through the film, Tremblay (who is from the Seneca-Cayuga nation) and co-writer Miciana Alise’s keenly observant script has touched on a disconcertingly complex array of social issues, including endemic poverty, racism, foster care, and drug and alcohol abuse in Native communities. For the filmmakers, though, it’s the crisis of missing and murdered indigenous women and girls that provides the film’s thematic throughline. Handled with candor and grace, these concerns are well integrated into the narrative and dialogue (often in the Cayuga language) so that they’re recognizable, but not melodramatically manipulative." - The Hollywood Reporter)
I'd also like to rewatch some Man From UNCLE, catch up with Spielberg's West Side Story, watch the latest Indiana Jones movie (which despite all the negative press my brother says was good fun), and sometime maybe get around to the Sandman series from last year and Good Omens 2 from this year.
Last movie?
Uhhhhh, maybe Mission Impossible 7 back in July?
I dislike spicy. I like savory just fine. I like sweet best, but I have had to learn to seek it out in new forms this year. In January my blood test results indicated I was approaching the upper edge of what's considered pre-diabetic and edging close to full-on Type 2. I have been at high risk to develop it, not only due to family history, but also because I had gestational diabetes when I was pregnant a decade ago. I was told at that time that 1 in 2 women with gestational diabetes go on to develop type 2 within 10 years, and, ahaha, look at the time. So, this year I have been working much harder to reverse those trends and make healthy changes to my diet and get more active. I joined a Diabetes Prevention Class (there's a national program for this, by the way, though it's not well-advertised. My doctor didn't tell me about it, because they never told me anything, but I found a search engine online that helped me find classes locally. Mine is a free, virtual, 12-month program run out of a nearby hospital as a community health initiative and geared toward helping people make lasting lifestyle changes using a small support group style). All this is just to say that I am eating fewer sugars and carbs these days, but I can still get my sweet tooth fix enjoying my red peppers, honeycrisp apples, chocolate-dipped quinoa crisps, and coconut water :) I'm also happy to say that when I was retested in July my blood sugar was so far improved that I have almost dipped out of the pre-diabetic zone altogether and back into what's considered normal range. But of course, it's not something you can stop once you hit a certain number -- the goal is to keep doing this for the rest of my life. So far, it's been going fine and I'm figuring out what I like to eat that's within my new purview. I have to say that California Pizza Kitchen's cauliflower crust mushroom pizza makes me very happy <333333
Relationship status?
If my marriage were a person, it would be old enough to vote. Hurray!
Current obsessions?
My cousins introduced me to a spelling bee game this summer, and over the last week I've picked it back up and am finding it a bit addictive. The two of them regularly ace its highest levels, but I content myself with the goal of getting to the "Great" goalpost and then walking away :) It's fun, but the full word list is, to me, a bit frustrating because it's hard to guess what anachronistic spellings, odd plurals, or never-used permutations they will decide to count (you won't take 'glugging' one day, but you want me to try 'ufts' the next? bah humbug!!) *shrugs* If you're not a completist and would be happy just finding as many patterns as you can, it's a good little daily hamster run for the brain. The solutions to one day's challenge are posted on the following day.
Last thing you googled?
Glugging, LOL. I was, like, oh god, is it somehow not a real word? Better check before I post. But it is!! VINDICATION!!
I will say I also got miffed at the thing for wanting "annum" but not accepting "unum" (oh, we're accepting Latin if it's for accountants but not if it's for a national motto? FINE.) And I was denied "unarm," but that one I eventually had to concede -- you can be unarmed or you can disarm someone else, but 'unarm' by itself isn't actually a thing, okay. But neither is 'ufts', spellbee, GET OFF MY LAWN.
Anyhow, I argue with it and then come back the next day to play again :)
I tag anyone who wants to share, of course!
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burritello3000 · 2 months
Batman/TMNT Comics 2 Scene
You know that one scene in the Batman/TMNT 2 comics where Donnie is almost killed by that foot soldier and he starts doubting himself and that starts the whole thing off? Well, it’s that scene but Riseified. I couldn’t get this idea out of my head but I didn’t want to write a whole fic so I decided to just write this one scene. (PS: I apologize in advance if your name is are Daryl or Wilbur) This takes place during Season 1, after Turtle-dega Nights: The Ballad of Rat Man but while Baron Draxum has just taken control of the Foot Clan.
“Cowabunga!” Mikey yelled, as the turtles rode one of Donnie’s new inventions, the Sewer Slider, down the subway tunnel. The guy that had run away from them screamed and sprinted off into the darkness.
“I think we gave that guy a heart attack or something,” Leo called out from Donnie’s left. Wind whistled past the purple-masked turtle’s tympanum, whipping the slider’s words away immediately.
“It’s his own fault for walking through the subway with the lights out,” Raph pointed out. “And he should h— MIKEY IS THIS REALLY THE BEST TIME FOR A SNACK?!”
“You know what the ancient proverb says about pizza on a bagel,” Donatello’s little brother replied, snacking on said pizza bagel and pulling farther ahead of Leo and Donnie. 
“That’s from a commercial,” the snapper growled, his forehead creasing. “Remember, no eating on missions. We need to stay alert and vigi—”
“No fair,” Leo whined, interrupting him and pulling up alongside Mikey. “I want some! You gotta share little brother or I’ll take Raph’s side in the argument…”
The sharp wind carried Mikey’s response away as Donnie rolled his eyes. “Sigh, guys remember what I said about focusing when riding highly dangerous experimental machinery at eighty miles per hour?”
Only after Raph echoed Donnie did they quiet down. Dumb-dumbs, Donnie mentally grumbled. Why do they only listen to Raph? They should at least listen to me regarding my tech, right? … Right?
Donnie’s self doubt pity party was interrupted by a familiar raspy voice. “We agreed to leave! Why does Draxum want us dead?!” The far away conversation echoed down the tunnels, allowing the Mad Dogs to eavesdrop.
“You and Brute are not fit to lead us, Lieutenant,” an unfamiliar person responded. “In fact, you don’t even deserve those titles anymore, Daryl and Wilbur.”
“Daryl and Wilbur,” Leo snickered. “I would keep Lieutenant and Brute. Oh man, I’m totally going to tease them after we save their butts.”
A roar of rage echoed down the tunnel. “I think that we should hurry,” Donnie snapped, before more petty squabbling could break out between his brothers. 
“Donnie’s right!” Raph shouted, his bright red ninpo lighting up the dark tunnel. “Mad Dogs, ahoy!”
“I thought we agreed to save that for ship-based adventures, pal,” Donnie reminded his older brother. “Please don’t make me say that again; the viewers don’t like repetition.” ——————————————————————They were going so fast that tears stung at Leo’s eyes. They sped down the tunnel just in time to see some bulked up foot soldiers kick Lutentiant out of the ragged subway car. “No!” Brute yelled, just missing his friend’s out-stretched hand.
“Leo!” Raph barked.
“Already on it,” the slider said with a wink, picking up speed and catching Lutentiant on his Sewer Slider. “Hey, Wilbur!” He crowed smugly. “Need a lift?”
“YOU!” Lutentaint screeched, struggling out of Leo’s grip. “I had him! I do not need the help of children!” The flames on his head blazed with anger. “Also, how dare you suggest that my name is Wilbur, it is Daryl.”
Leo laughed, a smirk on his face. “Whoa, harsh, I thought we were pals. Well, not pals, but I thought that we were done trying to kill each other with this Baron Draxum thing happening. At least for now. Enemy of my enemy and all that jazz!”
Lutentiant finally freed himself from the blue-masked turtle’s hands and straightened, brushing himself off before pointing an accusing finger at Leo. “You turtles started this mess! It’s your fault that Draxum got the armor piece at the Botanical Gardens instead of us. Not to mention the fact that he is obsessed with you.”
Leo just rolled his eyes and surfed towards the subway car. “Whatever dude,” he called over his shoulder. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go save your boyfriend.”
The wind drowned out the former Lutentaint’s hoarse protests as he raced after his brothers. 
Leo arrived just in time to watch the show. “Hey losers!” Mikey called, jumping into the car, surprising and wrapping up the soldiers, paper and real, with his kusari-fundo. 
“I think this is your stop,” Raph finished, tearing up the paper soldiers. In the snapper’s haste, a few real foot soldiers broke out of the chain and fell out of the subway car.
“Hey, Raphie?” Leo called, joining them and dodging a hit. “I think one of the dudes that fell out of the car was the leader, the one with the freaky mask. Didn’t we leave Donnie back there?” He opened a portal, causing the paper soldiers that one of the human ones made teleport somewhere else. “Do you think…”
“Don’t worry, Leo!” The red-masked turtle responded, smashing a soldier into one of the walls and knocking her unconscious. “Donnie’s smarter than the rest of us put together. I’m sure he’s got something up his sleeve…” ——————————————————————Donnie equipped his newest invention to the train tracks, thrill at getting to test it out sparking through him. His weapon charged up as his quarry stumbled down the tunnel. “Y’know you guys should watch where you step down here,” he mused, his new invention making a buzzing noise and warming up in his hands. “The third rail can be quite deadly.”
He pointed the purple painted gun at them, artwork courtesy of Mikey, with a smug smile on his face. “And I only need a fraction of its power to charge this taser rifle I designed last night.” The tunnel lit up with electric green light, a sign that it was powered up and ready. “One hit, and you’ll be out for hours. Who wants to go first?”
His confidence vanished immediately as the ninja in the lead gave him a look of contempt that Donnie could see even through his weird mask. “Foolish child,” he spat, picking up his weapon and moving faster than the softshell could blink.
Donnie fired the taser, but it was too late. “You face ninja,” the foot leader sneered, nimbly leaping out of the way with his companion. They threw a couple of shuriken, one piercing Donnie’s shoulder and the other cutting through his power supply.
“Oh that’s not good,” the softshell yelped, trying to salvage his invention. “I can fix this! I can fix this! I CAN TOTALLY FIX THIS—” Donnie’s rambling was cut off as he took a blow to his plastron, flinging him across the tracks. “You know it turns out I cannot fix this…,” he finished weakly.
“You are not true ninja.” Pain ripped through his jaw as Mask Guy bashed his foot into his face. “You mask your deficiencies with cheap tricks. That is the way of the weak. You cannot best true strength and skill!”
“Scoff! I’m just smart enough to use every tool at my disposal,” Donnie retorted, pulling out his tech-bo. “Now eat plasma!”
The purple-masked turtle expected to use his battle shell to fly up into the air and blast the foot soldiers with his tech-bo. However, to his dismay, his battle shell gave a rumble and then fell off, exposing his vulnerable shell. His tech-bo short circuited and fell apart in his hands. “NO!”
“We have tools of our own,” Mask Guy continued triumphantly. His partner threw two more shurikens at the softshell. Donnie hissed in pain as one embedded itself in the edge of his shell. “Tools that our forebearers have mastered over centuries. Elevating the skill of their use into an art form. I can’t imagine what the great Lou Jitsu must think of you.”
Mask Guy’s words cut into Donatello’s heart, opening old wounds and bringing back long buried insecurities. His words hurt so much that the softshell didn’t see the chain that swept his legs out from under him. He let out a cry of pain as his shell hit the hard ground, gravel digging into it. The rail probably interfered with my tech! Donnie realized as he feebly attempted to block more shurikens as they cut into his arm.
He tried to activate his panic button, but Mask Guy knocked it out of his weak grip. Blood flew from his mouth as he took another hit to the face. “Perhaps this is mercy,” Mask Guy said maliciously, pointing his spear at Donnie’s throat. Panic clouded his senses as he stared at the sharp point as it lunged downwards…
His twin’s voice cut through his stupor. “GET AWAY FROM HIM!” Leo put Mask Guy in a headlock, his eyes narrowed with fury. 
Mask Guy grabbed the slider and threw him, smashing him into the opposite wall. “Don’t you see, boy? I am freeing you!” Fear sent Donnie’s heart racing as he turned back to him, his spear ready to strike again. “Imagine how strong you would be if you never had to protect the runt of your litter.”
Raph appeared out of the darkness, his face twisted with anger and fear. He punched Mask Guy in the face, so hard that he was sent flying farther down the dimly lit tunnel. “I’m plenty strong enough already,” he snarled, baring his teeth.
Leo helped Donnie up as Mikey turned towards the unconscious ninja, pure rage flashing across his face. “Just because Donnie’s as good a fighter as the rest of us, doesn’t mean that he’s not a million times better than bad guys like you!”
He then turned back to Donnie, his eyes wide with concern. “D, are you okay?! We totally thought you were a goner for a second there. Thank pizza supreme in the sky that we got down here in time!”
“Y-yeah,” Donnie stammered, shock still slowing his thoughts. “Thank pizza supreme in the sky…” ——————————————————————When they got back to the lair, Leo patched up his wounds as he and April chewed him out. “You’re lucky we got there,” Leo growled, not looking up from his wrapping. “You could have died, Donnie.”
“Ooooo I wish I was there,” April ranted. “I would have taught those jerks a lesson they would never forget! But seriously, D, you need to be more careful.”
“I know,” Donnie mumbled again, unable to meet his sister’s gaze. “I’m sorry.”
Her face softened. “We’re just worried about you, Donnie.”
“I know,” the softshell repeated, shifting around so his twin could treat his shell.
As April fell silent, the only noises for a few minutes were Raph and Mikey stuffing their faces with pizza. “Don’t listen to what that guy said,” Leo advised, putting the rest of the bandages away. “You don’t slow us down, Donnie. You’re all set, just no training for you for the next few days.”
As his twin and April retreated for pizza, Donnie was left alone with his thoughts. Leo might not believe it, he thought, shame burning a hole in his heart. But I do slow us down. He just doesn’t want to admit it. Dad probably is embarrassed by me, I bet all he said at that Demolition Derby was just another thing to get me to let him control the tank. Don’t worry, he comforted himself. That's all going to change soon, because I have a plan…
I thought about making this into a whole fic but I don’t want to. I feel like Donnie would try to become stronger by building a giant robot to help him fight. But the robot becomes sentient and almost destroys New York. Donnie would use more robot parts to try and stop the giant robot but the AI almost takes over his brain, forcing Donnie to believe in himself to break the control. He would also need the help of his brothers and FINALLY get even more approval from Splinter. Anyways, thanks for reading :)
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faroreswinds · 11 months
For some positive takes on Totk
Ganondorf’s design is just amazing. I kinda miss the Trident he has had for years, but damn, they just went hardcore on his design. It’s probably my favorite Ganondorf design of the bunch. 
The final fight with Ganondord was mechanically pretty fun. I liked the permanent loss of hearts. It kinda offsets the healing issue botw/totk has. And his flurry rush is so damn cool. 
The Horned Statue is freaking hilarious. It trying to make deals with a fish is funny imagery. 
The Bargainer Statues are fun lore additions which I appreciate. I keep calling them Poe Collectors, though. 
I really liked the Temple of Time in the sky is actually a temple that keeps track of time, like a big clock that tells everyone when to wake and when to sleep. It makes sense, honestly. Like yeah, a Temple of Time would do that. 
The Japanese/Mayan? blend of the Zonai makes for a very interesting, unique culture for this new race. It’s striking and distinct. I prefer it over the Sheikah tech. 
While I think the dungeon itself was very weak, the Wind Temple concept is amazing. The idea of an ark in the sky is very reminiscent of ancient Japanese lore, and reminds me of Okami’s ark in the end-game. The lead-up was also pretty great overall. The final leap into the air is something I will remember for a long time. 
The beginning of the Thunder Temple is also so good. The atmosphere! The descent into a dank dungeon! I wish it was a better dungeon, but to me, it was the best dungeon in the game. 
Tauro (I think that his name?) is very endearing. I can’t explain it. I think his goofy design and child-like joy over his research just puts a smile on my face. He just seems so genuine. 
I really liked the regional phenomenon for the Gorons and the Zora. For one, they are both unique ideas to the series. The Zora usually face freezing as their threat, but sludge is a new idea and it works really well. As for the Gorons, it was genuinely off putting and I liked that. 
You all are too hard on Sidon’s ability. It’s great! Boosts Zora weapons on the fly, gives you a water attack AND a temp shield? It’s more technical than Tulin’s, sure, but once you learn all the little secrets, Sidon’s ability goes really far. 
I gotta say, I like Link’s design. I still prefer my green-cladded, left-handed Peter Pan Link, but they truly found a great design for this Link too. It’s distinct, cool, and flexible with other looks. 
The story had some really great ideas in it. I always enjoy seeing eras without a hero. There is potential in those stories. The imagery of Link trying to catch Zelda at the start, and him finally catching her in the end, was great. Ganondorf already knowing them before the start of the adventure gets your heart pumping. Like man, what an entrance for the main bad guy. 
Master Kohga remains the best character in these games. I didn’t love him in BotW, but AoC changed my mind, and Totk cemented it. In fact, I love the glow-up the Yiga Clan gets overall. They are funny and interesting. I kinda wish they did just a little more with them, because each interaction was an enjoyable one in this game. 
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sunnyie-eve · 1 year
500-year-old mystery(Pt.25)
Series: Never Leave You | OBX
Paring: (JJ Maybank x OFC! Rafe Cameron x OFC!)
Word Count: 1664
Warnings: fluff, death, comforting
A/N: Last one till Season 4 comes out but I'm going to make a Rafe Cameron story next
"We're gonna be landing about a couple of hours out of Tres Rocas, at a farm. It's right here." JJ shows the girls on a map.
"A couple of hours?" Kiara looks at him.
"Yeah, but Barracuda Mike says there's a bus into town we should be able to catch, so..." JJ adds.
"What if they're not there?" Callie asks.
"If they're not there... free vacation. We're on an adventure, baby. Come on now."
When they land the three get on the bus to Tres Rocas and when they arrive JJ sees Pope and Cleo running, "You gotta be kidding me. We haven't been here for two minutes!" JJ laughs, "Como estas, amigos." JJ leans out the bus.
"What the..."Pope says then tells the three they gotta run already so they do going to hide. "By the way, Rafe says be safe." Pope looks over at Callie.
"He brought Ward hurt to the plane because he was spotted." Cleo adds.
"Ward is in South America?' Kiara looks at them. 
"Yes, back at the plane." Pope adds. 
JJ takes them back to Barracuda Mike to get a boat to go to where the others went with Big John. "Do you trust Ward?" Pope asks Callie as they follow the directions to El Tesoro.
"Hell, no. Just because I have this newly friendship with Rafe doesn't mean I suddenly like and trust Ward. And please don't think I forgot about what Rafe did to you because I don't. I give him shit still." Callie lets him know.
"Not to mention some of the money he got melting down the cross he gave to Tess to get the doctor Will bribed to tell the truth 
so Will gets not right to Callie." Kiara lets Pope know.
"Well, at least it's for a good cause."
When they get to the right place JJ and the other hide and see Singh and his men looking for John B so over night they come up with a plan to distract then men wait at the water with fireworks to make it seem like they were getting shot at.
"Wow, they're fast." Callie says out of breathe walking with Kie and JJ while Pope and Cleo were ahead of them.
"I hate this." Kie huffs as JJ uses his machete to whack at grass. 
"I can't believe I'm saying this but I want to go back to the OBX." JJ sighs. 
"Same." The girls say.
Catching up to Pope and Cleo, who found a path, they all walk together again following. Finally after some time the group find the other three at gun point with Ward so they pull out their machetes running at Ward.
"You're out numbered Ward. What are you gonna do shoot us all?" Callie tells him. 
Ward still points the gun at John B so Sarah steps in front of him placing the gun at her chests knowing her father wouldn't pull the trigger. One of Carlos' men shows up trying to shoot Sarah but Ward jumps in front of her and gets shot in the chest. As he falls, he tackles one of Carlos' men and they fall off a cliff.
They all look over to see the two dead on the ground. Callie felt sorry for Sarah as she cried and knew Rafe was going to be upset at the news as well. Which Big John hurting from his wound he got they head back to the boat. Sadly Big John  dies from the wound on the boat with the group. The group makes a spot for a reminder for Big John even for Ward too.
When they get back to the OBX Tess did get the doctor to confess Will paid him to lie so Callie was free from Will and had a restraining order against him. At the moment Callie was on her way to Tannyhill to see Rafe. As soon as he opened the door seeing her he pulls her into a hug.
"I have some news to share with you." She pulls out of the hug walling inside. 
"What is it?" He asks worried she choose JJ instead of taking time.
"It's about Ward..." She turn to face him.
"What happened?"
"He's dead...for real this time." She watches him sit down, "One of Carlos' men was going to shoot Sarah but he jumped in front of her to save her. He tackled the man off the cliff. He died being a good father." Callie's eyes get glassy, "I'm sorry, Rafe. I even helped Sarah put up a cross for him." Rafe stands up pulling her into a hug to cry so she comforts him.
"He said I was a good boy... I'm in control now. I'm the man. All of it is mine, everything here. That I proved myself... He loves me. He knows I'm a good boy because you see something in me and care for me."
"He's right and I do. At least your last conversion was good. He was finally proud of you. You got what you wanted from him. And thank you for giving my aunt money." Callie rubs his back.
"Of course."
"Tess is still on her vacation?" JJ walks into Callie's place.
"She comes back in a few days so I'm stuck running the gift shop for a little longer. I mean Rafe helps at times and you but still." Callie walks into the room looking a mess.
"What the hell are you doing in there?" JJ laughs at her.
"Trying to bake stupid snacks we sell at the shop. I don't understand how she does this." Callie walks back into the kitchen. 
It's been 18 months since everything and Callie was just being friends with JJ and Rafe. For ten months Callie actually went away with her aunt just to be alone on a family vacation going around the world. When she got back there was no more little hookups between Rafe and her. Rafe still had feelings for her but her was fine as long as he still had her around. JJ still loved her but lowered his flirting down some not wanting to push her.  She still cared for both boys but JJ still had her heart.
"I thought women knew how to bake." JJ laughs looking at everything so she throws flower at his face. He just stands there before wiping his face, "You wanna play like that?" He does the same to her so they run around the kitchen making a bigger mess.
Callie slips falling down onto her back making JJ laugh so she trips him making him fall next to her, "How does that fell? Hurts, huh?" She groans in pain looking at him. 
"You gotta little something in your hair." JJ leans over her pulling out a pretzel stick.
Callie just stares at him before pulling him down so his lips will met her then starts kissing him, very slowly, very softly.
JJ moved his lips just the way she was doing it, like he was following her moves. On the inside he was dying missing her lips. Callie pulls away, making it a short kiss. It was their first kiss in 18 months after all. JJ opened his eyes and looked at her.
Suddenly, they were brought back from their own little world when they heard Tess enter the room, "I come home earlier to this! Really guys." 
They both get up from the floor looking around the room, "JJ started it."
"You threw the flower first!" JJ lightly shoves her.
"Just clean this up while I settle in then clean yourselves up." Tess shakes her head leaving the room.
The two start cleaning up the kitchen in silence not talking about what just happened between them. When they were finished they go take showers to clean themselves up. Afterwards JJ walks into Callie's room as she combs her hair.
"Are we gonna talk about it or act like it never happened?" 
"No, we should talk." She looks over at him so he goes in shutting the door behind him.
"Why'd you do it?"
"My heart told me too. The entire time we were gone for those ten months I thought long and hard. I'll never not love you. I care about Rafe but I think it's impossible for him to steal my heart like you have." She explains to him.
"Can you kiss me again?" JJ smiles so Callie leans over kissing him.
"Let's not rush and enjoy being together." 
JJ takes his necklace off putting it back onto her, "You look better with this on." He kisses her forehead. "Now I gotta go check on my boat. I'll be back for dinner." He kissed her quickly before leaving.
Callie heads off to her gift shop to open it and first was Rafe to walk in to help, "Right on time." He smiles then sees the necklace, "You're back with JJ?" 
She looks down at it, "We're going slow this time so it's not a wedding ring anymore." 
"If he hurts you..." Rafe walks up to her, "I will jump him and you can't stop me. Got it?" He looks down at her so she pulls him into a hug.
"You're still stuck with me though. I'm not going anywhere." She lets him know.
"Fine by me princess." He goes to organize the store. 
"An expedition of one man, John Routledge, and a group of teenagers, who are with us today. Locals, who grew up here and who succeeded where centuries of conquistadors, explorers, and admirals failed. Today, we come together to celebrate theses teens, friends from both sides of the island who came together to solve this 500-year-old mystery. Let's here it for them." The group stands as everyone cheers for them.
The way the group celebrates was to smoke one of being recognized. As they stand around they see a man walk over to Sarah and John B so they go over to see what's it about. He complimenting their discovery of El Dorado and everything. He then asks them to look at something of his. He has a proposition for them to help him find Blackbeard's treasure.
They all just look at each other, "God damn." John B smiles.
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rqnvindr · 3 years
pairing: baker!childe x gn!reader
genre: fluff, modern bakery!au, suggestive 
w.c: 1.5k
warnings: making out lol
synopsis: moving to a new country was quite the adventure. and you found new areas to travel further within the cute boy right down the road’s ocean eyes.
it had been a total of two weeks since you arrived in italy. getting settled was your top priority, but now that you’ve got your place set up and are getting used to college life in a new country, it was about time you started checking off some of the more leisurely activities on your checklist.
the streets were clearer, less busy than usual, on the weekend you enter the bakery. it seemed like an unpretentious, small business, with the simple, yet homely, beige walls and the old vinyl in the corner playing soft tunes. the bell rings when you enter, but no one seems to be behind the counter when you examine the array of cakes in the front display.
“welcome! i can help you when you’re ready to order!” a perky male voice interrupts you in the middle of eyeing a slice of strawberry cake. you look up to see a ginger with a warm smile, the crinkles around his blue eyes genuine. 
“hello! i was hoping to get this slice of cake right here.” you point to said strawberry treat.
“ah yes. my older brother has been WAITING for someone to try his new signature strawberry cake. but there honestly can’t be anything special about something that tastes the same no matter what.” you can practically hear the way he rolls his eyes as he takes the cake out to put it in a box. 
you raise an eyebrow. “complaining about your own products? that doesn’t seem like a very good marketing strategy, but i suppose reverse psychology will do its job.” 
“you sound like you know about sales quite a bit.” he smiles wryly. “are you a business major?”
“yup! i actually just moved here to study at the local university for an overseas program.” you only knew this guy for a maximum of 30 seconds, and he had already seemed so open and was able to read you like a book. it made you want to know more about him in exchange. 
“so your family bakes everything here?” you ask. 
“yes we do! my parents usually do the baking while my siblings and i work varying shifts here up front or stocking up the inventory. but we too, also experiment with different recipes to sell new things.” 
you hum in response. “you must have a lot of siblings then.”
the boy chuckles in response. “i do. i don’t know what i’d do without them.” he sounded so happy while talking about his family and it made you feel warm just hearing about how they worked together. 
“is this a competition for how much we can learn about each other within a span of a few minutes.” he smirks. “when we haven’t even learnt each others names yet?”
you inspect his attire, pausing at a name tag pinned to his shirt pocket. “ajax? nice to meet you, i’m (y/n).”
“well, (y/n), hope to see you again after trying my brother’s cake. hope it makes you realize that you gotta go for the chocolate or vanilla, not something that wasn’t meant to be a dessert in the first place.”
“i mean it was good so i came back for another one?” you can’t help but laugh when the same boy you met at the counter last week shakes his head.
“and you came to order right around closing time too, huh? guess this makes you a new challenge for me.” you avert your gaze to the ground, suddenly feeling nervous from his chastising. 
“fine, you can lose the pouty face. i’ll accept your questionable taste just this one last time.” he pushes his hair back with a sigh after packing up your order and you catch yourself staring. 
and of course, just when you allow yourself to indulge in the sight of a mysterious sea of unanswered questions in his blue eyes, he locks eyes with you. he knows you’re checking him out, causing him to smirk coyly. 
“ajax,” you begin, preventing the atmosphere from heading somewhere more tense. “have you lived here all of your life?” 
“as a matter of fact, no i haven’t. my family has been around, but i think we’ve finally found where we’re supposed to belong here. i’ve been living here long enough for people to start calling me by two different names too. ‘tartaglia’ and also ‘childe’.”
hm. so he was attractive and went by multiple names....
“‘tartaglia’? interesting, sounds like you’ve even earned yourself a name amongst the locals here.”
“i don’t know why they named me after the guy from that one play, though. maybe it’s because i leave a little bit of a stutter in people’s lives.” childe winks.
stutter, huh.
you thought he was just being a boastful young man. until you found yourself just happening to visit the bakery during times you predicted he’d be there. 
childe was like a peacock strutting his stuff out in the open, captivating, and divine. you had never met someone so adventurous yet down to earth at the same time. one moment he’d be bragging about his ventures with his friends, and then next thing you knew he’d do a 180 if his little brother called in the middle of your conversation. 
it wasn’t just his actions. he grew more bold with his words too. eyes shooting stars as he looked you up and down, noticing the new outfit you wore just for him when he purred about how good you looked and how it was always a treat to have someone as sweet as you visit after a long day at work. 
he was always full of surprises. you’re reminded of that when you find him standing behind the counter in a hoodie and jeans instead of his usual work attire.
“what’s up? disappointed that i’m not wearing the apron?” childe exits the space separating you two, and stands dangerously close to you. “don’t worry, i can put it back on when i show you the new frosting i’m working on.” he chuckles and rubs your shoulder, the small exchange of body heat making you feel warm all over.
“a new product, huh? is this to help your family business or to compete with your siblings?” you watch him count the cash at the register with your hands tucked underneath your chin. 
“sweetheart, even a guy like me can take on baking as a hobby rather than just a way to make ends meet or pick fights.” with that, he slides the cash register drawer closed. “come on, it should be processed by now.”
you slowly follow childe into the back. as promised, he puts the apron over his casual clothes, the sight rather domestic. 
he dips his finger into the light pink frosting after giving it one last stir and licks it off. the sight makes you shiver and lick your own lips.
“mmm. so i guess strawberry does taste pretty good. if done right of course.”
“what made you change your mind, mr.strawberry-anti?” you smirk.
“baking is a delicacy. i was never a ‘strawberry-anti’, just wary of how it’s supposed to mesh with desserts for the sake of compliancy. i made this frosting to test it out some more, and as a special treat. for you.”
before you can receive his gesture to claim your treat, childe gives you the same glimmering look that he always uses before pulling at your heartstrings even further. 
and it becomes way too much for you to handle when he leans his face closer to yours.
“here, have a taste.” childe teasingly presses a kiss to the corner of your mouth. he continues to leave gentle pecks on your lips, and you let out shaky breaths every time he pulls away.
“why did you stop?” you whine and he hovers over your entire body this time, pushing your hips onto the counter.
“hm, not enough? come closer then.” you wrap your arms around his neck, this time, getting a real taste of his creation when he claims your mouth whole. 
you grip onto his hair when he adds more pressure into the kiss, pulling especially harder when he nibbles on your bottom lip. as if having unlocked the key to your greatest depths, he effortlessly slides his tongue into your mouth, and you moan upon tasting the lingering strawberry flavor mixed with the feeling of your tongues connecting.
much to your dismay, you both pull away for air. your breaths mingle hotly before he coaxes you into taking a bit more for yourself. not long after you savor the sweetness, childe’s lips are back on yours. the way he sucks the cream off your lips makes your head spin, making you forget about everything else but this one boy in front of you, the mystery boy in a foreign country who sent you through a rollercoaster during only your first month of living here. 
“ajax...” you breathe out his name when he lets go of your now swollen and red lips. the boy proceeds to kiss your cheek and jawline gently, laughing softly against your skin.
“i can’t help it, baby. it tastes even better on you.”
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nevenabadr · 3 years
It's a Twin Thing: Part 1. Bucky Barnes & Sebastian Stan x Female!Reader
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Note: English is not my first language or Romanian. Also, this was written in a hurry as I was babysitting.
Y/A: your name
The story is in second-person, thus, the reader is the main character.
Inspiration: this is inspired by:
My Sebastian Stan’s fan chats on WhatsApp; we support Supernatural too, that’s why the Winchester are mentioned.
Word count: 2568
Warnings: Smut–this is +21 and not for everyone.
Enjoy reading and please comment with your feedback, please. 🖤…
It was a hot summer's day when you came home early to surprise your boyfriend, who is finally off from his duties as an actor and having a little time off for a holiday. You and Sebbie, your boyfriend of a year, now decided to stay in New York, as he missed being in his favourite place on earth.
You were early, holding lots of bags that were blocking your sight to the door. All worth it, because you will be able to cook him a homemade meal and show him that new lingerie you have got. If he forgot, you will remind him where home is.
You put everything down and took off your shoes; you started unbuttoning your blouse and taking off your pants. You were eager to take a shower and start cook for him.
You opened the bathroom door, and he was standing there fixing his hair in front of the mirror, yet he turned to face you. Before he spills a word.
You muttered, "Hey, I did not know you will be early."
You narrowed the gap between the two of you and taking his lips to meet yours in an intense kiss.
You missed him, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him closer to you, making the kiss sensual and he had no problem putting his hands on the curves of your waist pulling you closer to him.
When you broke the kiss, you took a moment to look into his eyes “Bebelus, there is something different about you."
He was blushing and puzzled "Yes!" He sighed, "you have mistaken me for Seabase, did not you."
You jumped a step forward in panic "James? Oh, my God! I am so sorry."
You were trying to cover your body and confusion took over you.
"But you kissed me back." You were angry that almost slapped him, but he dodged your hand.
"Easy doll, I am sorry?" He came off guilty.
"I heard things about you. I did not know you would be your e." You spoke while your eyes gazed upon the floor.
"My plane arrived this morning. I am so sorry that Seabass did not tell you." He kept fixing his hair, which is identical to Sebastian.
"We got on the wrong foot your e, but can you please give me a moment?" You pointed at your body as you were wearing nothing but your undergarments.
"Oh! I will be outside." He shut the door behind him as he left.
You turned on the water and let it run, washing away your impressment.
James is Sebastian's identical twin. James Buchanan Barns and Sebastian Stan Barnes. Stan was Sebastian's middle name, something related to his mother's Romanian roots.
James has a military classified job, while his brother made a career for himself in acting.
Not even their mother could tell them apart, except that Sebastian is a dork and James, as they call him Bucky, is an easy-going ladies-man.
When you finished showing and dressing up. The sound from the kitchen seemed as if your boyfriend was having a loud conversation with himself.
They even sound identical, you thought to yourself, gathered your strength and stepped into the kitchen.
"Hey, guys," you waved for both of them.
"Oh, baby! Bucky told me about the incident" the twin with jogging clothes came and wrapped his arms around you.
You almost stopped him "Sebbie, baby, is that you?"
Yes, Y/N." He kissed your forehead and then your lips.
"I am so sorry, that I forgot to mention that Bucky was coming." He soothed you with another sweet kiss.
"We were not introduced properly," Bucky said playfully
"This is Y/A, my girlfriend and lady of the house." He said, then pointed at Bucky, "this is the famous, James Buchanan, Bucky, my mysterious brother."
"Seabase told poems of you. I am sorry that we have that incident," he implied the earlier kiss.
"No, worries" you am smiled and extend a hand "Welcome to our home, Bucky" he took your hand and smiled calmly.
At the dinner table, Sebastian and Bucky were laughing and catching up. You were calm and just appreciating the home-cooked dinner by Bucky.
"You are talented at cooking." You were enjoying the cuisine.
"I, the chief, and Seabase were the tidy one." He looked at his brother, "we are a team of cooking and cleaning."
Except that, I don't cook," Sebastian said joked
“Bucky, you know it is today?” Sebastien was busy eating.
Bucky was stunned “a family and friends gathering!” “You are going to see the gang.” Sebastien was rather excited about this more than anything you have seen before.
Georgeta Orlovschi, or as her official name now, Georgetta Stan was a lovely woman, a Romanian immigrant who fell in love with an American to a marriage that brought the best thing in her to the world, the twins; James and Sebastian.
As a violinist and part of the New York Opera House, she met their father, Mr William Barnes, a well-known handsome conductor who made her world perfect.
The world was perfect until she had to change diapers and stay up with William by her side.
William was of a well-known wealthy family, but Mrs Barnes was an Eastern European woman. She wanted to have deities by herself and not to have servants to do all the work.
Her friend Mary Winchester, the wife of William's closest friend, John — was the nicest woman you can meet, a Taxes woman. Mary was like Mrs Barnes. She did not like servants to do the job; she took upon duties of her firstborn, Dean, and later she had Sam, a few years before the Twins.
The boys grow up together.
Dean took the eldest brother's duties to the bone. Even when the new kid, Steve Rogers, became best friends with Bucky; he took him under his wing.
The gang, no one could touch his brother or their friends.
Soon after they entered Middle School and Dean was a senior, Steve got into a fight. Dean came close to the boys to find Bucky just leaving his book aside and taking the ground by his friend.
Sebastian was the one in front of both. No one hurt Steve.
Sam hurried to Dean for safety. Dean arrived and tried to calm everyone down "Steve said he was sorry." He smirked at the boy, who was angry and demanded to bully Steve.
While Sebastian and Sam were trying to hold Steve back, "I can do this all day."
Bucky did not give anyone else a chance to speak as he bunched the bully right in the nose, which got everyone in trouble, which Dean wanted to take the responsibility for. Detention and forever to be recorded in his file.
Dean Winchester did not care for his record, just the young boys to be well.
But finally, the boys came clean to their father; Bucky was homeschooled for the rest of the year and Sebastian refused to go back to school until his brother joined him back.
They were all a mischievous gang with Dean Winchester as the head.
Days passed, and each got into their ways; Dean with Harvard school as his father pulled a connection to forget the file problem. Dean was already qualified enough.
Sam went to Stanford, Bucky and Steve picked a military life, and Sebastian was all about acting.
It was his first time alone overseas, the Shakespeare's Globe yet had another surprise for him, a friend; Anthony Mackie, an American talent who became Sebastian's best friend.
The gang was getting bigger and louder.
Mrs Barnes had the entire gang and their families for a gathering. James, Bucky, as he liked to be called, is finally back after an entire year in God-knows-what military work.
After dinner, the gang was laughing and drinking.
Dean smirked at Sebastian "You got a good girl over here."
"A great kisser too." Bucky teased.
"What do you have in mind, Dean?" Sam teased Dean because he knows what he will spill next.
"You gotta do the twin thing." Dean raised his bottle of beer.
Steve's eyes widened "what twin thing, exactly"
"My man, Dean wants Seabase to go wild." Anthony laughed at the idea.
Dean explained, "a sandwich with her in the middle and the outer layers are twins."
Sam tried to elaborate "if the middle was a girl unless other preferences and so."
Steve was blushing at the idea while Bucky and Sebastian were looking at each other.
"Don't scrunch your nose" Sebastian looked at Bucky.
Bucky tilted his head and give him the puppy eyes "adventures, please."
Then Dean joined him for bagging "please."
"Alright, Alright." Sebastian took a sip of his beer "only with consent.
At that moment Anthony gives Dean ten "You won."
Steve was just irritated at the idea and he kept eyeing his bottle "I can't believe you, guys"
"Dean always wins," Sam shrugged.
You were heading closer to the boys, who were laughing.
"Are not we going home?" You asked Sebastian.
"Yes, babe."
He excused the gang and Bucky followed with the boys waving and clapping.
"They seem happy and excited. Are not they." You waved at them while speaking to Sebastian, but the reply came from Bucky "they should be. And hopefully, will be,"
Back in the car, Sebastian hesitated, but he told you why they were laughing.
“Dean wants you to try what?” You were completely shocked.
“The twin-thing.” Bucky sounded excited.
Sebastian took your hand in his, “baby, it’s a silly boys’ bet.”
You looked at him, “are you going to let Dean win?” and you smirked.
Bucky explained the rules. It has to be a sex sandwich with both of them, but no sex while they are in their mum's house.
“God only knows how she might react to this.” Sebastiana sighed.
Bucky laughed and explained, “an eastern European woman, she might get them a priest to perform an exorcism on us.”
“Or sanctify the house.” Sebastien completed his twin’s explanation.
They agreed Bucky will stay at Sebastian’s house for the night until they plan the twins’ thing.
The next morning, after you all had eaten breakfast together, you were cleaning the table. You will keep bumping into Bucky.
His torso to your back, kissing the exposed parts of your skin. You titled your head on your back to give him room.
His hands will travel under your clothes. His girl was wearing nothing but your skill PJ of pair of shorts and a top.
Dean's words have got straight to Bucky’s head, that he has been imagining having the twin-thing with his brother’s girlfriend.
Bucky reached the kitchen, and he almost dropped the plates.
His brother was kissing Y/N, who closed his eyes completely as Sebastian was squeezing your butt with a hand and they together are caressing your nipple about the silk.
You moaned; Bucky felt himself getting hard.
Yet, you felt Sebastian's hard length against your butt. You turned to kiss him with parted lips, looking to consume him.
Their tongue met and the sounds of their kissing made Bucky, who was at the edge and impulsively tried to hide his aroused length.
Sebastian opened his eyes as he parted from the kiss. Y/A twirled to meet Bucky's eyes and peeking at his lower body.
"Poor Bucky." You stepped closer to him, you kissed him first, yet he opened his eyes, waiting for Sebastian's approval, who gave him a wave to go ahead.
You kissed Bucky and slides your hand to stock his length above the sweat pants he was wearing.
Bucky moaned against your lips and wrapped his arms around you for a moment to deepen the kiss.
At that same time, Sebastian paced to lay kisses on your shoulder and squeeze your butt.
You started moaning, parted from Bucky, to meet Sebastian at a kiss
"Better take it to the bedroom." You said in between your moaning and breath.
You walked with the twin brothers to the bedroom, yet could not take off their hands off your body.
In the bedroom, Sebastian pulled down your shorts, and Bucky took off your top.
"Bucky, you are beautiful, Y/A," he said as he keeps kissing the soft spot under your ears and lowers down your breast.
"You better underdress to boys," you ordered and both of them took off their clothes at once.
Before starting anything, Bucky looked at Sebastien, who understood his brother immediately.
“Second drawer in the nightstand near his bed.” Sebastian pointed to Bucky, who was full of condoms, lubricant, and some toys.
You twirled around Bucky for a moment "nothing I have not seen before" you
Ran your fingers on his skin till touching his length and teasing his slit that was dripping pre-cum.
Yet, before Bucky put the condom on his length, you got down and tasted him, “tasty,” you whipped your lips and helped him to wear the condom
Then moved to Sebastian and kissed him "oh, that chest is getting rough again." You kissed his lips and lower to his jaw and neck.
Then you winked at Sebastian playfully to drop on four to take his full length between your lips.
You sucked him slowly. Bucky was watching your butt against him and your inviting lady delicate area was pumping with a need that he could not keep himself from entering you all at once.
You clenched him inside you, milking him and you were bobbing your head, milking Sebastian with your mouth as squeezing his balls.
Sebastian gripped your hair and Bucky put his hands on your hips, entering you, as you were getting tighter and closer.
"I am closed," Sebastian muttered breathlessly as he came inside your mouth. You swallowed him whole.
On the other hand, Bucky was close, Sebastian took a step back to let you rest on four, you were moaning and Bucky banging himself harder against you. The voice of their skin clashing and moaning were loud that the rest Sebastian was getting harder again.
Bucky wanted you closer to him, he pulled you up and rested your head on his chest and squeezed your breasts "cum for me now doll," he ordered as biting the side of your neck and squeezing your breasts and you were so tight that Sebastian came close and stocked your clitoris to give you more pleasure. You were standing between the skin of the two brothers.
With almost shut eyes, looking at Sebastian who was stocking your clitoris, then he kissed you down till his tongue reached your soft part. After two strokes with his tongue on your clitoris. You were so tight around Bucky that he could not see in front of him as he cum hard at the same time you felt the shaking electric power of your orgasm.
You were about to collapse that Sebastian carried you to the bed. You laid together between the two brothers.
"That was wow," Bucky muttered breathlessly.
Sebastian asserted playfully, "round two"
"Maybe later tonight?" You rolled and kissed Sebastian.
The three of you were laughing and Bucky closed his eyes to rest.
You put a leg on Sebastian's tights, getting closer to his body, feeling Bucky's chest hugging you from behind.
The head of their bodies calmed that the three of you slept in harmony.
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Letter 29: ♥️ Heart to Heart ♥️
A letter arrives in the mail. It is written entirely in red ink—as though a red pen was the first, or the only, writing utensil avaliable. The words are scribbled down hastily, as though the sender was in a rush—or perhaps emboldened.
When you remove the letter from its envelope, a playing card flutters out—the Ace of Hearts. It’s nothing fancy in terms of design, but there is a strange mystique to the lone Ace of Hearts--almost like a phantom thief’s calling card, whispering of adventure and untold tales.
***Spoilers for the main story!***
Oi, Prefect!
Alright, I’ll be real with you. I may or may not have messed up and eaten another tart that was supposed to be for an Unbirthday Party. Riddle’s making me write this letter “to repent, reflect, and learn to be thankful for what I have” or whatever... (Like, he’s literally staring over my shoulder as I’m writing this junk) So just bear with it, alright? I’ll just scribble down whatever comes to mind.
Err, let’s see. Now that I look back on it, it’s been a while since we’ve been at NRC. We had a couple of close calls in the beginning. Grim set the statues of the Great Seven on fire, and then that chandelier with the fancy crystals went bust cuz of Deuce... Geez, you guys are dumb! You got us this close to expulsion, you know? You’ve gotta be more careful than that—
(Okay, Riddle’s nagging me again... Crap, I’m not good at this sentimental heart-to-heart stuff) Fine, fine, I guess I also played a part in it, since I teased you guys and skipped cleaning duty. But hey, it all worked out in the end, right? We went to those creepy mines and found replacements for that chandelier that broke. See? We’re good, diligent students that can do no wrong!
(Aaaaah, the dorm leader just bonked me on the head with his staff and said to stop wasting ink and space rambling about nothing—)
Anyway! How is it my fault that I ate the tarts? No one bothered to mark them or anything; they were just sitting out in the open, just begging to be eaten! It was like that the first time I ate the tarts, too. Riddle’s temper was super bad back then (yikes, he’s glaring), so he kicked me out of the dorm. I crashed at Ramshackle since I had no other place to go.
I guess you’ve got that going for you: you’re stupid soft when it comes to other people.
When Ruggie-senpai was hurting Magift players, and when Deuce, Grim, and I got anemone’d I really needed to pass that class, so cut me some slack... You helped us out.
In a way, that kind of reminds me of my older brother. He gave me his hand when I needed to pull myself together again. You’ve got that same kindness, the same dumb smile.
I’ve mentioned my bro a few times to you before, haven’t I? He used to be in Heartslabyul, too. Now he’s all graduated and off working. My bro is a really great magician, and a pretty cool guy, even if he teases me sometimes and calls me a kid—he’s the one that taught me card tricks, too! He always has my back. I really look up to my bro, and I wanna be just like him one day!
Ah, but... I don’t get to see him much these days. He has his own life and a job keeping him busy. I guess my bro has moved on—and I should, too! So I can keep up with him.
But... Looking back on it, I guess I haven’t really been that reliable.
I mean... I tried, so you can’t blame me for that! By the time Deuce and I made it all the way to Scarabia by public transportation, the battle was already over. You were just partying and splashing around in some oasis. (Man, I can’t believe I went all the way to the desert for nothing.)
I thought I could show off my skills during VDC. I’ve got pretty good muscle memory, and I can pretty much copy anything after seeing it once especially homework answers! That’d definitely put me ahead of Deuce, who’s only good for summoning cauldrons and being clumsy and dumb.
Well, that’s what I thought.
“I won’t lose to you!” he told me. Deuce looked different when he said that. More sure of himself. More determined. I didn’t understand what he meant back then—not until Vil-senpai was this close to finishing us off.
I was tired. Beaten up. My wind magic wouldn’t answer my call. And suddenly, I felt small again, just some dumb kid getting in way over his head with something way bigger than him.
I seriously thought we were done for, right then and there. Then along came Deuce—Deuce, and his flashy new Unique Magic. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Him, getting his Unique Magic before me? Him, being the one to look cool and save the day? Deuce, of all people?
The guy that gets grades just as bad or worse than me? The guy that cries over shattered eggs? That Deuce?
... Damn it.
Damn it all.
I’m... falling. Losing my footing, Tripping over myself—just like Deuce was when we practiced our dance routine. He’s way ahead of me. Changing, growing up. Leaving me in his dust.
You and Grim, too. You’ve changed a lot since day 1. You’re both stronger than you were when that tanuki Grim set the Great Seven statues up in flames uh-oh, Riddle looks like he’s about to pop a blood vessel. How many Overblots have you survived by now, even though you have no magic? How powerful has Grim’s fire magic become?
... You’re all idiots. If you run that fast... I won’t be able to catch up. You’ll move on with your lives, just like my bro did. And I’ll be left behind.
I don’t want that.
I don’t want to be the only one that hasn’t changed.
... Aaaah, geez!! I get it, already! I just gotta work harder, right?! I can’t let you guys keep showing me up like that. Me, too... I can do it, too! I can be better—no, the best!! I can change.
I’ll catch up to you guys. I have to.
The shape of my soul... I’ll find it for sure.
Just you watch me, Prefect. Blink, and you’ll miss it—the cards dancing, the birth of a new Unique Magic: mine.
Look forward to it, cuz I bet you it’s gonna blow Deuce’s out of the water!
Take it easy,
♥️ Ace Trappola ♥️
P.S. Be sure to let the dorm leader know that you got my gratitude, ‘kay? That’s the only way he’ll give my head back. Sprint all the way to Heartslabyul right now if you have to. This collar’s really chaufing my neck.
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baepsaesbae · 3 years
Masked Windfall
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Pairing— Park Jimin x reader x Jeon Jungkook
Genre— SMUT, strangers to lovers au
Warnings— Switch!Jimin, Dom!Jungkook, Switch!reader, threesome, explicit unprotected and somewhat rough sex (stay safe my friends), double penetration (but like a bj and in your business at the same time? I’m bad with terminology I’m sorry), brief handjob, fingering, multiple orgasms, a booty slap, praise kink, slight derogatory kink, brief guy on guy action, nipple play, hair pulling, lots of kissing, teasing, swearing, PHEW I think that’s all? Please let me know if I forgot something
Word Count— 6k                                                                                         
Win(d)fôl: a piece of unexpected good fortune || After a bad breakup, you’ve given up on the prospect of a relationship, and on romance in general. Things take a turn once you get dragged to a mysterious party an encounter an alluring stranger. 
A/N— Happy 2021~ I hope you guys enjoy this sinful fic! This was the first fic I ever wrote a threesome scene for and I was quite happy with how it turned out. Reviews and reblogs are greatly appreciated <3
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Ever since your breakup, it was as if love was in the air for everyone but you. Seeing happy couples everywhere served as a constant reminder of your bitter split with your longtime boyfriend. Your jerk ex-boyfriend dumped you right before the holiday season, even after you had planned to spend Christmas and New Years’ with him. Left dejected and inconsolable, you gave up on the idea of romance.
“You gotta stop moping around,” your friend, Chungha, tried to cheer you up.
Chungha was single too, but by choice. Boys (and girls) were constantly flinging themselves at her. She didn’t care for a relationship at this time, and would rather opt for meaningless one night stands.
“Come with me tonight!” she excitedly shoved a flyer in your face.
“Love is Out, Lust is In! An exciting one night event dedicated to adventurous singles who just want to have fun…” you read the flyer aloud, “Yeah, I don’t know about that.”
“Girl, you gotta stop feeling sorry for yourself! It’s not your fault that that idiot dumped you. To be honest, I always thought you could do so much better,” Chungha rubbed your back, “I’m not gonna force you to meet anyone new, but one night out can’t hurt. You might even have a serendipitous encounter!”
“Fine, I’ll go. But just to watch over you, I don’t want some creep to follow you around all night,” you caved in.
“I love my little knight in shining armor! This’ll be so fun,” she excitedly clung onto your arm, “I’ll pick you up tonight. Wear something sexy! I think the motif is black? Something appropriate for an anti-lovey dovey stuff.”
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It was nearly time for Chungha to pick you up. You concluded that dressing up for the first time in ages was the right move. Maybe it was about damn time to move on from your past.
“Ohhh girl you look amazing!” Chungha praised as you stepped outside, “There’s no way you WON’T be getting dicked down tonight.”
“Oh hush, before I change my mind. I haven’t worn anything this revealing in forever,” you tried to hide your embarrassment.
You were wearing a black mesh top that revealed your bra (the one that makes your boobs look the best of course) paired with a flattering skirt. You felt sexy, but you didn’t have the confidence that you used to. Chungha also looked amazing, but that was a given.
“Where did you learn about this event?” you asked as she drove.
“My friends in the cabaret club told me about it,” she answered.
“You have friends who work in a cabaret club? That’s cool,” you mused as you gazed out the window.
“Not exactly. It’s just called that; it’s really just a group of girls who like to brunch on the weekends. The place we’re going to is known for being a bit secretive,” she smiled.
“What does that mean?” you start to get anxious.
“You’ll see!” she said gleefully.
The venue looked more like some millionaire’s mansion. The property was stowed away at the end of a sketchy road that was more akin to a beaten up dirt path. However, you saw that the lot in front of the house was littered with fancy cars; from G Wagons to Bugattis. The guests emerging from the vehicles all looked like celebrities.
“Where the hell are we?” you asked Chungha.
���Not quite sure, but I can’t wait to find out,” she was also awestruck.
Upon arrival, a gentleman stationed at the entrance requested for your invitation. Chungha pulled out a fancy envelope and casually handed it to him. It looked far more formal than the flyer she showed you earlier.
“Is this your plus one?” he gruffly asked.
“Yep,” Chungha linked her arm in yours.
“Very well. Here are your masks. Enjoy your stay,” he responded curtly.
“Masks? Chungha, seriously. Where the hell are we? I was picturing some dingy club based off of the flyer you showed me. Not to mention that I am drastically underdressed,” you admitted as you helped her put on her mask.
Chungha took the sparkly white mask that was adorned with feathers, which was fitting since it made her look even more angelic. Your mask was matte black accented with gold trimmings. It was far more elegant than the outfit you were wearing.
“Okay, I confess. I made the flyer. I knew you’d decline if I told you it was actually a swanky invite only shindig. I’m sorry for lying! I just really wanted to take you out,” she pouted.
Her puppy dog eyes worked on you every time.
“I forgive you. I don’t know if I’d ever get to experience something like this without you anyway,” you pulled her in for a hug.
“Aw yay! Alright, we’re gonna have a bunch of fun tonight! Also, you look hot. Don’t worry about what you look like. Plus, I have a feeling that people aren’t gonna care,” she says as soon as you both enter the foyer.
Your jaw dropped as soon as you saw the most sumptuous house imaginable. The foyer opened the house up to two grand staircases. The baroque decor screamed nothing but lavish expectations for the rest of the house. Chungha led the way into the large room past the staircases. The room was even more magnificent than the entrance, with white marble pillars creating the doorways.
The place was bustling with activity. Once you finished admiring the place, your attention turned to the guests. Some women were wearing seductive gowns, while others were only wearing beautiful (and probably extremely expensive) lingerie. All of the men were wearing suits or tuxedos. With the motley of outfits you observed, you figured what you were wearing really wasn’t that strange.
“Drinks ladies?” a waitress materialized from thin air.
“Yes please! Thanks,” Chungha quickly grabbed two glasses.
Your eyes widened as the waitress walked away. She was wearing a thin white sheet that was completely see through, and she wasn’t wearing anything underneath.
You realized that this must have been their uniform, as the rest of the servers were dressed the same way. Both males and females.
“CHUNGHA!” a shrill voice cut through the air.
“Ah hey! Thank you so much for inviting me!” Chungha greeted the girl who called out to her.
“Of course! I live for these parties! I’ve never seen hotter men anywhere else,” the girl winked, “My uncle wants the guests to know that all of the servers are available. All the rooms upstairs are unlocked, unless they’re being used of course. I hope you ladies get a good catch tonight!” the girl quickly hugged both of you before scampering away.
“The servers are all available…? For what?” you shot a confused look to Chungha.
“I think you can figure that out,” she smiled sheepishly.
“Chungha, did you invite me to a freaking orgy!?” you cried out.
“You said you wanted to watch over me!” she playfully argued, “You’re already here, ___. You might as well try to enjoy yourself.”
“I guess I’ll settle for people watching,” you sighed.
“Oh! I see someone I know, I’ll be right back,” Chungha squeezed your arm before disappearing into the crowd.
After snatching another drink from a scandalously clad waiter, you retreated to an empty corner. You hoped to observe the guests unnoticed and unbothered. After about half an hour, you noticed an odd pattern. People would woo their target, disappear for a bit, and then return to continue the hunt. Their clothing was often disheveled once they resurfaced, but it didn’t really matter when they were bound to be torn off again.
“Bored?” an unfamiliar voice asked.
“I’m thoroughly entertained,” you answered without taking your eyes off of the party.
“I think I could bring you more entertainment,” the man suggested as he gripped your hips.
“Get your hands off of me!” you push him off.
The assailant was an older man, at least 30 years older than you, and he seemed bewildered that you turned him down. His breath reeked of alcohol, and the dilation of his eyes alluded to his other indulgences of the night.
“I was promised that everyone at this party wanted to have some fun,” he angrily grasped your arm.
You cried out in pain. You were about to punch him in the face until someone else beat you to it. The man crumpled to the ground clutching his bloody nose.
“You little shit! I’ll find out who you are and ruin your life!” the man threatened.
“Mind your tone, worm. Or do I need to beat you senseless to remind you of your place?” your savior shot a baleful glare at the pathetic man who now cowered in fear.
“Are you okay?” your rescuer asked in a soft tone after the man was out of sight.
“Much better now, thank you. That guy was crazy. I’m ___,” you raised your hand for a handshake.
“I’m Jimin. Pleasure to meet you,” he delicately kissed your hand.
His intricate silver mask matched his hair. Even with his face half covered, you could tell that he was remarkably handsome. His dark suit made him look professional yet charming. You felt out of place standing beside him.
“Have you found a partner yet?” he asked bluntly.
“I’m not looking for one; I’m just here to take care of my friend. I don’t think I belong here,” you admitted.
“Why not? I know half of your face is hidden, but I’m willing to bet that you’re more gorgeous than half the people here. I like your style, it shows that you don’t really care for the norm,” Jimin gave you a thumbs up.
Even though it was meant as a compliment, it was off putting to know that you really did stick out like a sore thumb.
“Thanks,” you replied softly, “Have you found yours?”
“Nah, I hate big parties like this. Especially this one,” he shrugged.
“Then why are you here?” you figured that he’d have a line of women begging to sleep with him.
“Much like you, I’m watching over a friend. However, I have lost track of him. Where’s your friend?”
“I lost track of her too,” you laughed.
“If you don’t mind, could we go somewhere quieter? I’d love to get to know you better. Wait, not like that. I genuinely mean I’d like to have a conversation with you,” his flushed cheeks made him even cuter.
“Sure, lead the way, my noble hero,” you took his hand in yours.
It was a bold move, and you usually preferred to play it safe. Tonight was different. You’ll probably never see this guy again. Where’s the harm in flirting a little?
“Of course, my lady,” he played along.
He led you outside to the gardens. Fairy lights were strung up everywhere, giving the gardens an inviting aura. Tall shrubbery caught your eye. Jimin’s eyes followed your gaze.
“It’s a maze,” he said, observing your curiosity.
“This place has an actual labyrinth?” your eyes widened in disbelief.
“Wanna go explore it? I can’t guarantee you that we won’t get lost,” he offered.
“Yes please!” your eyes lit up.
Jimin couldn’t help but smile at your ebullience. How did someone so sweet end up in a twisted place like this?
“Can we take off these silly masks now? I hate wearing mine,” Jimin squeezed your hand.
“Sure, I don’t care. I apologize in advance if you go blind after seeing my face,” you jested.
You both took a moment to soak in each other’s true appearances. Jimin was more handsome than you could’ve dreamt. His individually delicate features attributed to an overall godly image that you had a hard time believing was real.
“Even more beautiful than I imagined,” Jimin acknowledged you with an approving smile, “Let’s ditch this stupid soiree,” he held out his arm for you.
Abandoning the masks on the ground, you practically dragged Jimin into the labyrinth. Corn mazes at Fall Festivals were fun, but this was the real deal. The hedges were at least 3 meters tall. No one would be able to find you if you actually got lost here.
“I think I heard that the trick is to keep to the right wall,” Jimin explained.
“Why don’t we take turns choosing which way to go? Unless you’re scared of getting lost,” you teased.
“Don’t get mad at me when we’ve been stuck in here for days,” he laughed.
You traversed the maze hand in hand with Jimin. The conversation began to flow naturally. Jimin listened to you intently and replied thoughtfully.
The night darkened as the party was left further behind. Normally, this eerie setting would frighten you, but your company made it bearable. Nothing but the moonlight lit your path now. You were too busy enjoying yourself to realize that you both were hopelessly lost.
“I hope you don’t mind me pointing out that this is the third dead end we’ve encountered in the past two minutes,” Jimin elucidated once you found yourselves staring at a green barrier yet again.
“Do you think someone will come to rescue us?” you started to panic.
“Definitely not tonight. Probably not tomorrow either,” Jimin answered brusquely.
“Let’s retrace our steps again. I might end up eating you if we really do get stuck out here,” you tried to joke.
“Eat me?” Jimin chuckled, “My dear, what if I end up eating you?”
“Sorry pretty boy, but I feel like I could easily beat your ass in hand to hand combat,” you laugh as you turn to leave.
Suddenly, your back was being pinned against a hedge. Jimin placed one of his hands on your shoulder and the other one on your waist.
“Let me rephrase that. What if I end up eating you out?” he raised an eyebrow suggestively.
“I might enjoy that. However,” you quickly hook your leg around his knee to dead leg him.
Jimin’s surprise gave you the opportunity to knock him to the ground. You wrapped your right arm around his left arm, effectively pinning him down. You firmly gripped his left wrist with the same arm, rendering both of his arms useless.
“I don’t think you’re capable of doing that right now,” you fake a pout as your free hand wanders from his chest down to his crotch.
He was already somewhat hard when you began to palm him through his pants. You planted a soft kiss on his neck, sucking slightly before breaking contact. Jimin moaned at the sensation, his hips bucking up into your hand.
“What do you want, pretty boy?” you whispered in his ear as you cupped his length in your hand.
“Oh my god I want to fuck you,” he pleaded.
“You’re in no position to fuck anyone,” you reminded him, tightening your grip on his arms.
“I want you to fuck me, ___,” Jimin’s whines grew desperate.
“Is that so?” you say as you unzip his pants, “Here outside? On the ground? That’s a bit improper for a prince like you, don’t you think?”
His erection was fully exposed now. You slowly pumped him, pleased with his length. It took every bit of self-control to not immediately pounce on his dick. You traced your thumb around the soft tip, causing him to moan again.
“I don’t care. I just need my cock buried in you,” Jimin replied between moans.
“You’re so needy. I guess I could help you out,” you release him from your clutches.
Jimin instantly knocked you onto your back as soon as he was freed. He pinned you the same way you pinned him. You were both impressed and shocked that he learned how to do it already.
“That was a cheeky display. Very hot. I admit that I’ve never begged for pussy before, so props to you,” Jimin awarded you plaudits.
His free hand snaked its way down to your clothed pussy, pleased to find that you were already wet. He toyed with your clit through the fabric of your panties. He relished watching your squirm beneath him.
“It’s not so fun being pinned down, huh?” he kissed your neck in a similar fashion, except he ended his kiss with forceful suckling that was sure to leave a mark.
“I don’t know, it’s kind of fun,” you tried to keep your cool, but were failing miserably.
“Do you want me to touch you, my dear ___?” Jimin asked sweetly.
“Please do,” you exhaled with exasperation.
“You can beg better than that,” he admonished.
“Jimin, fuck me until I forget my own name,” you begged.
“You’ll only know my name by the end of tonight,” Jimin promised as he pulled your panties aside.
He slid in a finger to test how wet you were. You squealed with delight as he easily stuck in two fingers. He expertly curled them in you, grazing your g-spot. Your body tried to move to cope with the pleasure, but Jimin refused to let you go.
“You’re staying right here until I say so. I enjoyed going along with your power play, but you have to learn that I’m the one in charge,” he smirked.
His thumb circled your clit as he mercilessly fingered you. Your legs spasmed as your orgasm led a wave of euphoria across your body.
“Jimin, I’m--oh fuck, I’m cumming,” you cried out.
Jimin helped you ride it out, not slowing down his pace. However, he still didn’t slow down afterward. Your clit was oversensitive and tears began to well in your eyes.
“You’re beautiful when you cum, I want to see it again,” he praised as his pace quickened yet again.
It wasn’t long before your second orgasm hit. The bliss was more intense this time, causing you to cry out even louder. Jimin finally pulled his fingers out of you, then promptly popped them into his mouth.
“You taste like a delicacy,” he said after licking his lips, “You ready to take this cock?”
You nodded silently, as you were attempting to catch your breath.
Jimin aligned his hips with yours. He tantalizingly ran his dick along your wet folds. His tip eventually teased your entrance by barely entering before he took it out again. He loved watching your body beg to be fucked; your hips seemed to move by themselves as they tried to buck into him.
“Jimin, I can’t take this anymore. Stick it in already!” you yelled.
“So impatient,” Jimin chuckled, “Ready?”
Jimin slowly inserted himself in you. You groaned at the feeling of finally being stretched out by his cock. His tip was fully inside you when a commotion interrupted him.
“We’re fucking lost bro,” a guy said.
“We wouldn’t be in this mess if you listened to me in the first place!” his companion retorted.
Jimin immediately pulled out and helped you up. He shoved his erection into his pants before leaning against a hedge to blend into the shadow.
“You’re the one who said you wanted to go in!” the first man bickered back.
“I said ‘I bet no one else is in there, let’s check it out’”, his companion explained.
“Okay, well now we’re lost. We haven’t even seen a single person since we’ve entered.”
Jimin took you by the hand and quietly led you out of the dead end. He didn’t know where the interrupters were, but he simply went in the opposite direction of their voices.
“We’re all alone now. Pull down your pants, Hobi,” you heard one of the guys say.
“Make me, Yoongi,” the other guy challenged.
“You won’t be so cheeky when my balls are in your mouth,” Yoongi replied, his voice suddenly lower and domineering.
The sound of clothes being ripped off mixed with passionate groans and wet noises grew further away as Jimin navigated through the maze.
“They sound like they’re having fun,” you broke the silence.
“That should have been us,” Jimin was obviously annoyed, “I’m gonna get us the fuck out of this goddamn maze. I swear to god, I’m going to dick you down properly tonight.”
You didn’t know which was more impressive: sheer luck or Jimin’s determination. Either way, one of those things (or maybe some of both) allowed both of you to finally emerge from the maze’s clutches.
Jimin dragged you back to the mansion while completely ignoring everyone who called out to him. You’re not surprised by his popularity; this man looks like he was carved by God himself.
The party had only escalated inside the mansion. Guests had started to forgo public decency altogether. You saw at least three explicit acts of fornication on your way up to the private rooms.
Once upstairs, you heard nothing but people deep in the throes of passion on the other side of just about every door. Jimin led you past them all, not even stopping in front of the ones indicated as ‘vacant’. At the end of the neverending hall was a large ornate wooden door. Its style clashed with the sleek marble that decorated the rest of the mansion.
Jimin whipped out a key from his pocket and unlocked the door. You weren’t prepared for what was on the other side. Unlike the modern style that fitted the rest of the house, this room was decorated with wood.
The carved wooden furniture gleamed brightly due to their polish. The room itself was huge. A king sized bed awaited you at the opposite wall. Elegant curtains draped around the bed, reminding you of the beds royalty would use in movies. Even though the room gave off a cozy aura, it still boasted opulence.
“You like it?” Jimin asked once he saw you gazing around the room in awe.
“It’s beautiful. It feels like I’m in some Elvish Woodland King’s room or something,” you spoke honestly.
“That’s high praise,” he chuckled, “C’mon. I believe we have some unfinished business,” he pulled you onto the bed.
Jimin kissed your neck, peppering in nibbles that made you shudder. You slipped off your skirt and panties as he fondled your breasts. You helped him undress as you threw off his suit jacket and unbuttoned his shirt. You held back a gasp when his abs and toned chest were revealed. You figured he was fit, but you didn’t realize how fit.
His fingers found their way back into your pussy. Jimin sucked on your neck as his nimble fingers made you wetter by the second. Your back arched as your moaned in pleasure when his thumb played with your clit.
“I’m so fucking wet, Jimin,” you breathed into his ear.
“All for me, baby?” he cooed.
“Who else? Honestly, I’ve never been this aroused in my life,” you admitted.
“I’m happy I could change that for you. If you liked my fingers that much, let’s see what my cock can do for you,” he winked as he tugged off his pants.
Jimin spread your legs open as far as they could go. He didn’t have the patience to tease you this time. He filled your pussy up with the entirety of his cock. You relished the stretch; you’ve been waiting all night for this the moment you laid eyes on him.
Jimin began vigorously thrusting into you. The sound of his hips slamming into you coupled with the wet noises of your sopping pussy were drowned out by moans from both parties. Hearing Jimin’s grunts only turned you on more, and the same could be said whenever Jimin heard your melodic moans.
Jimin leaned over to makeout with you, his tongue dipping between your parted lips. You clawed at his back while you kissed him back with ferocious reciprocity. You were getting close to climaxing yet again.
“Jimin, I’m so--”
“Missionary? I know you can do better than that,” an unfamiliar voice interrupted you.
“Fuck off, can’t you see that I’m busy?” Jimin replied angrily, yet he never stopped fucking you.
You were so embarrassed that you grabbed a pillow to hide your face. One person seeing you like this was already flustering enough, but two? Although your mind immediately went to shaming you for being in such a compromising position, it was also kind of a turn on.
“Aw, is she shy? That’s cute,” the unfamiliar boy said.
“What do you want?” Jimin finally pulled out to actually hold a conversation with the intruder.
“I got bored. I figured I’d come in here and jack off or something. I didn’t think you’d be using it,” the voice got closer.
“Well, I am. So get lost,” Jimin growled.
Suddenly, the pillow that covered your face was yanked off. Looking down at you was a man whose beauty rivaled Jimin’s (though you didn’t think that was possible). The man had more of a boyish devil-may-care look. His long dark hair framed his face perfectly, as it showed off his sharp jawline. He traced a finger from your cheek down to your chin.
“She’s cute,” he gave Jimin an approving nod.
“Yeah, and she’s mine. Go away, Jungkook,” Jimin was getting more frustrated by the second.
“Yours? Are you guys dating already?” Jungkook raised his eyebrows in amusement.
“No, but--”
“Then it should be fine if I did this,” Jungkook cupped your face with one hand as he bent down to kiss you.
“Jungkook!” Jimin threw a pillow at him.
Jungkook chuckled as the pillow harmlessly bounced off of him. He deepened the kiss, and soon your tongues were swirling over each other. One of his hands wandered over to your breasts. He pinched your nipple, causing you to gasp into his mouth.
“Oh, she’s so sensitive,” Jungkook smirked, “Let me play with her after you.”
“She’s not a toy,” Jimin defended you.
“It’s okay,” you said softly.
“What?” both of the boys asked in unison.
“You can both use me...however you like,” you looked away shyly, bewildered at what you had just said.
“Fuck, that’s hot,” Jungkook grinned.
“You’re too sweet for your own good, ___. Are you sure?” Jimin asked.
You simply nodded, not able to make eye contact with either of them.
“Alright, baby. Let me take care of you first. Jungkook, you can watch how a man properly fucks a lady,” Jimin glared at Jungkook.
Jungkook stripped down to his underwear as Jimin flipped you onto your knees. You moaned loudly as he started hitting it from the back. This position allowed him to penetrate you even deeper. You buried your face in the sheets in an attempt to muffle your whines.
“Nuh uh,” Jimin tsked as he grabbed a fistful of your hair.
He pulled your head up, exposing your lustful moans. He thrusted harder when he heard you. You opened your eyes to find Jungkook intently staring at you. Feeling cheeky, you made a ‘come here’ motion with one of your pointer fingers.
Jungkook happily obliged. Instead of directly kissing you, he licked up your neck, causing you to shudder. He sucked lightly on your neck as he once again played with your boobs.
“You’re not mad, Jimin?” he was surprised.
“She got wetter. Keep doing whatever you’re doing,” Jimin was lost in pure bliss.
Jungkook pulled you into another heated makeout session. You periodically moaned into his mouth whenever he tugged at your nipples. You whined as he broke the kiss.
“Such a good girl,” Jungkook stroked your cheek, “Wanna try something?” he asked.
You eagerly nodded. It was hard to think when one gorgeous man was making out with you and pinching your nipples, while another gorgeous man was roughly fucking you from behind.
“Open your mouth and stick your tongue out,” Jungkook ordered.
You complied, opening as wide as you could. You watched Jungkook reveal his hard cock, which made your mouth water. His dick was bigger than Jimin’s, but less girthy. It had a little curve that made it look prettier for some reason.
“Want me to put it in? I’d love to see how deep you can take it,” Jungkook stroked his cock.
“I’ll take it all,” you said confidently.
Jungkook smiled at your determination. He lightly placed the tip onto your tongue. You twirled your tongue around it, making Jungkook moan with surprise.
“Maybe she’s not as shy as I thought,” he said to Jimin.
Jimin harshly spanked your ass, causing you to jerk forward. You heard him chuckle behind you.
“I love it when good girls go bad. They’re always the most fun,” Jimin reached his hand around you to play with your clit.
You almost lost control in your arms and fell forward when Jungkook grabbed you.
“You have to be a good girl and hold yourself up. We can fuck you from both sides if you do that, babygirl,” Jungkook ran his thumb along your drooly lips.
You propped yourself back up on your arms and opened your mouth again for Jungkook. He patted your head in approval before placing his dick back onto your tongue. He began pushing himself into your mouth, his eyes never leaving yours.
“Blink twice if it’s too much,” Jungkook instructed.
To his surprise, you managed to take in his full length. You kept gagging since Jimin was thrusting you forward, but that just made it feel better for Jungkook. Jungkook let you know that he was going to start face fucking you, to which you nodded in response. Well, as much as you could nod while his penis was in your mouth.
It didn’t take long for both of the both to boys to fuck you in unison. They rhythmically pulled out and thrusted into you at the exact same time. The intensity of everything turned you on so much, you could feel your juices running down your legs.
Your climax hit you like a truck. Your legs spasmed under you as you cried and gagged on Jungkook’s dick. The feeling of you cumming on Jimin’s cock brought him to the edge. Almost immediately after, Jimin pulled out and came all over your ass.
“Switch places with me,” Jungkook instructed Jimin, “You didn’t think you were done yet, did you?” he winked at you before pulling his dick out of your mouth.
Your sensitivity was through the roof. Jungkook didn’t give you any warning before he inserted himself in you. Jungkook went even deeper than Jimin, and your legs were on the verge of giving out.
“It looks like she can’t hold herself anymore,” Jimin observed with a sly smile.
“I guess I have to do all the work. Stupid slut,” Jungkook groaned, abruptly snatching your arms.
He chuckled when you momentarily fell forward onto your face, but he easily lifted you back up by pulling back on your wrists. You’ve never been roughly restrained like that before, but you wouldn’t complain. Jungkook’s powerful thighs slammed into you repeatedly.
You couldn’t begin to comprehend how sinful you looked: titties bouncing, messy hair, and a lustful expression that rivaled that of succubi themselves. Not to mention you were practically glowing from the film of sweat that developed over the night.
“I’m jealous that he’s kissed you more than I have,” Jimin pouted before he cupped your face.
Wriggling underneath you, Jimin made it easier for you to kiss him. His pillowy lips felt heavenly as he playfully fondled your breasts. He didn’t twist or pinch your nipples like Jungkook did. Instead, he massaged them in a way that still felt delightful.
“Dude, your junk is really close to mine,” Jungkook complained.
“I don’t give a fuck,” Jimin responded between your kisses.
Jungkook’s pace started getting sloppy. You could tell he was close just by his irregular breaths. The room was filled with lewd sounds. Jungkook’s grunts, Jimin’s moans, and your mewls all blended into a chorus of carnal pleasure.
“Fuck, you’re so hot,” Jungkook stuttered before pulling out.
You felt his hot juices splatter across your backside. You toppled onto Jimin when Jungkook let go of your wrists. Jimin just chuckled and held you in a warm embrace.
“You did so well, ___,” he praised before kissing your forehead.
“Was that your first threesome? If so, I’m impressed,” Jungkook cleaned you up with a warm washcloth.
“Mhm,” was all you could muster up to answer his question.
“She’s pretty out of it. Should she stay here for the night?” Jimin asked Jungkook.
“You’re offering to house her? You must have really loved her pussy,” Jungkook laughed.
“Shut up, I’m being serious. I don’t want to let her go back out there to those animals,” Jimin disclosed.
“Did she come alone?” Jungkook sat at the foot of the bed.
“She said she was watching a friend...I don’t think she mentioned who though. Hey, ___, darling, who did you come with?” Jimin gently questioned.
“Chungha,” you said meekly.
“Holy shit. Everyone has been trying to get with her all night,” Jungkook was shocked, “Yeah, I think her friend will be fine on her own. I can watch after her if you want.”
“By watch you mean fuck?” Jimin rolled his eyes.
“Who’s to say I haven’t already?” Jungkook replied cheekily, “You’ve been the most fun I’ve had in a while though,” Jungkook affectionately began scratching your back.
Your eyelids were getting heavier with each passing moment. You instinctively clutched onto Jimin tighter. You’ve always been a cuddler when it was time to sleep.
“I’m gonna go, want me to lock the door?” you heard Jungkook say.
“Yes please. I’ll see you tomorrow,” Jimin sent him off.
“Are you sleepy?” he asked while stroking your hair.
“Mhm. And hungry,” you said half asleep.
“What would you like to eat?” Jimin inquired.
“Grilled cheese,” you said without skipping a beat.
“Just grilled cheese? I could get you anything you want. Lobster, caviar, takoyaki, or maybe even steak?” Jimin was eager to take care of you.
“What time is it?” you asked groggily.
“Uh, a little past 1am.”
“It’s time for a midnight snack. And grilled cheese is the perfect midnight snack,” you nodded your head to confirm your reasoning.
“God, you’re adorable. Alright, a grilled cheese will be here soon,” he kissed your forehead again.
“You go make it?” you pouted, not wanting him to leave your side.
“No, I just texted one of the chefs,” he answered.
“Oh, you’re friends with a chef? That’s nice.”
“Somewhat? They work for my father.”
“Is your father the head chef?”
“No, he’s a businessman,” Jimin chuckled.
“Do you like business? Like your father?”
“No, I actually detest it. My father’s riches mean nothing if he can’t even love his family. He does ridiculous things to showcase his ‘love’ but I don’t buy it. Like this stupid fucking party that he throws every year. His excuse is that he’s providing any luxury money can buy. It’s all just bullshit,” Jimin sounded upset.
“This party? Your dad hosted it?” intrigue stirred you from your sleepy state.
“Yeah, this is the house I grew up in. This is my room,” Jimin admitted.
You were silent for a bit before responding, “I’m sorry your dad is a dick.”
“Don’t worry about it, it’s not your fault. At least one good thing came out of tonight,” he squeezed you tighter.
A knock at the door interrupted your thoughts. Jimin retrieved the delivery. Never in a million years would you have thought that you’d be eating grilled cheese off of a silver platter. Jimin ate quietly beside you.
“I don’t know if this is too forward, but would you like to go on a date with me sometime?” he finally piped up.
“I literally can’t think of anyone that has seen me more intimately than you. Well, besides Jungkook. Of course, I’ll go on a date with you,” you leaned over to kiss Jimin’s nose.
“I guess the dating timeline is a little off since you’re spending the night here too,” Jimin laughed before stopping himself, “Wait, you are spending the night, right?”
“I have no idea where Chungha is, and she’s my ride,” you shrugged.
“You’re welcome to say here if you’d like,” he offered.
“I suppose I can clear my schedule for you,” you teased.
With a tummy full of grilled cheese, it didn’t take long for you to fall sound asleep in Jimin’s arms.
[9:24am from Chungha] BITCH! I heard rumors you slept with THE Park Jimin?! A different rumor said you slept with Jeon Jungkook??? Explain please???
[10:19am] What if I slept with both?
[10:20am from Chungha] NO WAY! Tell me all about it asap
“You good?” Jimin nuzzled your neck.
“Never better,” you smiled.
Published January 7, 2021. No editing, copying, translating, or reposting allowed. All Rights Reserved © 2020-2021 Baepsaesbae
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donald-is-my-man · 2 years
I’ve realized a thing about Ressler.
Disclaimer: I’ll interpret the shit out of it the way I please, so don’t swing your canon bat at me.
I'm on the app, so no spoiler thingy. Gotta ruin your dash, ig.
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Special Agent Donald Ressler is an imposter.
A sum of choices which were never his own in the first place.
Caged in the cell of what-ifs, doubts, self-loathing, and, most importantly, of unfulfilled dreams and desires.
The cracks in his facade of a justice crusader are beginning to show.
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Donald-not-the-Agent is a good man. An honest man. A caring man.
An idealist. A believer. A man of honor and a man of his word.
Donald is led by revenge when he’s applying for the FBI. “Fueled by inner rage.”
His desire to avenge his father isn’t exactly what you'd call “honoring one's memory”.
One can't uphold the law and have their revenge.
Donald is trying to fix something which can be never fixed. Refuses to acknowledge that no amount of saved lives can change it. I'm not even sure he's allowed himself to grief properly.
Reddington—another Tommy Markin Ressler couldn’t have caught in time, a physical manifestation of Ressler’s hate and guilt. Ressler projects his rage onto Reddington, convincing himself that if he catches him, he'll make it right.
The truth is, Reddington isn't the solution. The issue lies much, much deeper.
I stand by my opinion that Don wouldn’t have killed Markin. Markin escaping justice, his dirty deeds covered by the mafia or the mobsters taking him out to cover loose ends make more sense for Ressler’s character. Forever haunted by the missed opportunity, by the guilt of not being able to save his father, by the injustice, and by the fact that he’s too weak to serve the justice himself, adds the depth Ressler lacks on the show. On the show, Ress kills Markin and it straightens him out, and that makes him just another good guy occasionally getting into trouble.
Red once said that revenge is a disease. Well, with Ressler it’s a pathology.
His father. Audrey. Meera.
For some reason, the writers didn't go through with Liz which is shame—she could've been the trigger to unhinge him and embrace the darkness in his heart. And the fact that he brings death to everyone around him could be a powerful cathartic element and a natural conclusion he'd have come to. I once have touched upon the death theme in Red's and Don's lives, and the fact that they both are lethal to their loved ones is another common thing they share but that's another conversation for another day :)
His father’s death has ruined his life, shattered his dreams. It had set him on another path, different from what he wanted.
And what he wanted, exactly?
An outsider, a looser growing up in a rough neighborhood, possibly bullied because of his looks and his dad's occupation. A boy who's trying to be a good son but sometimes fails, a boy who can't understand why dad's job is more important than their family. A boy who's dreaming of escaping all this, do something adventurous.
Just anything else, away from all this. Away from constant hardships. Away from expectations. Away from the place reminding him how weak, how incapable he is. Away from the rot, corruption, dirt.
He’s grown into an ambitious young man, a proud man, a patriot. But he’s never meant to become an agent. Not like that, at least.
A sailor? A navy seal? A soldier? Or maybe a sportsman?
I tend to think Don actually hated his father’s job because he was never around. And he might have sworn to never become like him.
His father’s death is his point of no return. He buries his aspirations and becomes a hunter—because he can’t afford being a prey. Forsakes his old self to build a new persona—endurable, courageous, invincible. Erects the bulletproof wall around him so no one can get through it. Puts on the armor, the “Family, God, Homeland” engraved on his shield.
But it’s not who he is.
He is humanistic—he values an innocent life so much he’s ready to sacrifice himself. He values the sacred integrity of a human's life.
He’ll shoot only as a last resort, in case of imminent danger or a threat to an innocent.
Did you notice how he reacts to his own kills on the job? He’s glad that the criminal is gone but he actually wishes for another outcome—the jury and the judge, and a proper sentence.
He doesn’t consider himself an executioner. His job is to uphold the law, to make sure that justice is served.
Death from a bullet isn’t justice, it’s an easy escape.
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Ressler is a classic tragic hero.
Aristotle defined a tragic hero rather strictly as a man of noble birth with heroic qualities whose fortunes change due to a tragic flaw or mistake (often emerging from the character's own heroic qualities) that ultimately brings about the tragic hero's terrible, excessive downfall
He has many flaws—pride, selfishness, stubbornness.
He's angry, too—at his father. At the world. At himself. Mostly at himself because he thinks he should've been there for his father.
But his most prominent flaw is self-doubt.
I also think that most of the time Donald doubts himself as worthy of existing—that's why he risks his life without hesitation.
He toys with death not because he's suicidal, but because he wants to prove to himself he is worthy of living.
Red, whether consciously or not, has prompted Ressler to doubt himself even further.
Which, ultimately, leads to his downfall.
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An idealist by nature, Donald is constantly torn between the flaws of the world and his own. Every day he sees the imperfections of the world, the true nature of all those people, and yet he still hopes to make it better.
He cares about the fate of the world more than anyone else on the TF. Of course, he'll never admit it, but if you remember all those moments when he's escorting the victims to ambulances or rescues trapped kids, you realize that this man cares.
Started as a way of sublimating his pain and the desire to avenge his father, this job had given him a purpose. That's why he's holding onto it throughout the series. You take it from him, you take his purpose away.
A soldier with no purpose is doomed.
And if damaged enough, he'll seek for that purpose somewhere else.
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Anslo Garrick episode is an episode where his black-and-white world is torn into shreds.
He looks at Red and sees himself in a distorted mirror. I assume it's the same way for Red, hence his fondness for him. And I'm guessing, the fact that Reddington seems to have this human side too, terrifies Ressler a great deal.
Imagine what Ressler goes through when he realizes that Reddington does everything to save him. The man he’s hating with all his core, whom he tried to kill (not once, a couple of times), who reminds him of his father’s demise. This man is determined to save his life and he's not asking anything in return.
It's absolutely incomprehensible for Ressler.
That's when the shift in his personality starts, and the saint and sinner in him begin to compete.
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On Mako Tanida, the peak Ressler's personal tragedy episode, Doanld, led by desire of vengeance once again, leaves Jonica alive although he’s the real reason Audrey is gone. Mako has pulled the trigger but Jonica is responsible for Audrey’s death.
But Donald doesn’t kill him. He wants to. God, he wants nothing else but to empty the mag into his face.
I think it's Donald first time realizing he has darkness within him. It almost costs him his job. His emotions cost him his whole life, really. Because his job now is his life.
He repeats the same scenario with Audrey as with his father, only that Audrey's death is more complicated because of pregnancy and the level of connection they shared.
Revenge is his coping mechanism [once again]—he couldn't avenge his father, couldn't catch Red, and now he's after Tanida. Another attempt to fix things, to make it right. He is well aware it won't bring Audrey back, but he does it anyway.
The only person Donald turns for help (out of necessity) is Red. And Red is actually the only person (except Jonica) who realizes Don's plan (ofc, Don doesn't share it directly, but it's obvious for Red since he knows Donald well enough, and he's been in the same situation).
Like no other, Red understands Donald. He understands him because Donald has the same issue he, Red, once had—the problems of the human heart in conflict with itself.
The darkness in Donald’s heart. His determination to do the right thing. And his desire for vengeance.
Red also knows the price one is paying once crossing the line. And he's aware, I'm sure of it, that Donald has never wanted any of this. Don's sense of what's right is pulling one over him, and he's not ready for what's coming after.
Red never regrets what he's done to the person who's hurt someone close to him. He's comfortable with it, and his conscience doesn't bother him.“...deep in his heart, he knows—he must pay.”
For such a person like Ressler, taking someone's life, even if it's justified, has consequences. Not disastrous as taking someone's life in the line of Don's work, but no less dangerous in the long term.
There's no logical explanation to this, but for some reason known only to him, Red doesn't want Ressler to pay that price.
“He has a good soul.”
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When Meera dies, we see Donald act differently in the interrogation room. He doesn't kill the guy but he is actually considering such possibility even though there's no evidence he's the murderer. But Ressler's gut tells him he is. They—the murderer and Don—both know what he did.
Don blames himself for Meera' death. It's the rinse and repeat scenario of him being helpless and incapable when his dad and Audrey die.
So he yields to his emotions and betrays his own principles—treating every suspect as innocent until the evidence proves so.
Sure, most would say this makes him a hypocrite. Maybe he is. We all are, probably. Some more than others.
However, each time Donald goes against the book and lets his emotions steer him while advocating for reason and cold-blooded attitude when on the job, he does so not to exercise his authority but to do what's right because he sees the flaw in the system.
He—again—hopes to bypass that flaw and actually make the system work. He refuses to believe that something designed to do good, to bring justice, does the opposite.
One can't break the system while considering himself a part of it.
He's not ready to cut himself off from it.
Not yet.
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Even being this close to crossing over, Donald still can't accept his dark impulses within—he thinks that by accepting this side of himself, he'll taint his father's sacrifice.
He does accept now—thanks to Red—the nuances of existing in the world. It's no longer black-and-white for him. Dubious and ambiguous.
And yet, after all this time, and, especially, after escaping prison, he is sure, more than ever, about one thing.
He's unworthy of the sacrifice his dad had done—because there were the times those impulses had taken over him.
Mako/Jonica; being somewhat sympathetic to Reddington; Prescott.
With Prescott he's actually finalized his presence on the other side—he can't go back from what he's done.
“I didn’t want Prescott’s real name so that I could kill him. I wanted it so I could arrest him.”
“He goes to prison, so will you.”
“I know, but I’m in the darkness, and doing the right thing is the only way I’ll ever feel the light again.”
He can't forgive himself.
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“Sins should be buried like the dead.”
“Not that they may be forgotten, but that we may remember them and find our way forward nonetheless.”
We, the audience, know Ressler belongs in a jail. Ressler knows it too—that's why he's angry at Red. He was ready to be punished. Because he deserves that. He doesn't think he's above the law.
We also know that Red has been dancing long enough beyond any lines of what's good and what's evil, and he is hardly the one who can give Ressler patronizing speeches. And by saving him, in Donald’s eyes, Red evens him to other scumbags who cover up their crimes.
But that's not what Red has done for Donald.
He's given him an absolution. Forgiveness from his sins.
Red does it unconditionally—again—for the reasons known only to him.
I'm not gonna dive into the problematic content of Red actually knowing the whole Prescott issue and watching Donald do all those things because... It will take me another couple of pages lol. But surely, you can't deny how messed up Red's behavior is in that case. Tough [father's] love, I guess.
He wants Donald to forgive himself. Acknowledge—to himself—that he shouldn't be ashamed of the guilt he's carrying, and of darkness in his heart.
If Donald wants to move forward, he has to acknowledge this:
we are all sinners, one way or the other. We all make mistakes. And those mistakes don't define us if we're willing to make up for them, if we're willing to change, to redeem ourselves.
What happens next, whatever choice he makes, it doesn't define him as tainted, unworthy, irredeemable.
Accepting your own self has never been easy. And the fight between two wolves is never over in Donald's heart.
But there's always a new day. Another chance to do what's right.
There's always hope.
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Reluctant Vacation // Charlie Gillespie
Summary: The niece of the infamous Kenny Ortega had its advantages and disadvantages, you received insight on his projects but felt guilty saying no. Kenny seeing the exhaustion pulling you down invites to the set of Julie and the Phantoms where you rediscover your love with the field.
Warning: Swearing and fluff.
 Words 2.2k
A/N: I do take requests. It may take a bit to get to them but I’ll post some.
Please ask to be tagged in my inbox because I can’t promise you will be through commenting on the posts!
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The sigh came from deep in your chest wanting to drop to the floor for an exhaustion induced nap, but an airport wasn’t the best place. Large sunglasses obscured people from seeing the deep bags under your eyes on the way to the film lot. It was coming full circle, the change different from the frantic schedule you had had recently. When Kenny called you hadn’t hesitated in packing and buying a ticket.
“Miss Y/L/N?” The voice pulled you from your thoughts as a man holding a card with your name displayed. He was of Puerto Rican descendent with a young girl beside him with similar features, “I’m Ricardo. This is my daughter Madison.”
“It’s nice to meet you. I’m-“
“Y/N Y/L/N.” Madison supplied with a beaming grin on her face having recognized you from your role as Sabrina in The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina along with movies.
All you could do was send a fragile smile in response after a long sleepless flight to Canada.
Madison’s eyes saddened at the exhaustion you carried, “I can fangirl later. You looked really tired.”
“Kenny saw and asked me to come over the guise of help, but he knows I need a break. He’s lucky I don’t need to be on set for a few weeks.” You replied, covering a yawn as you found yourself at a car, the walk a blur.
Unintentionally you found yourself asleep in the backseat the moment you settled back there for the drive. You had filmed in Vancouver before, so it wasn’t a huge deal, and the Reyes’ duo didn’t have the heart to wake you up.
“We’re here,” Madison whispered with the back-car door opened. Your eyelids fluttering at her voice, giving Madison a closer look at your face.
Walking on set, you saw Kenny giving one of his pep talks before he cut himself off at the sight of you. The actors surrounding him furrowed their brows as the legendary director power walked to a person concealed behind Mads.
“Sweetheart.” Kenny beamed, pulling his niece in for a hug before leaning back to scan her features, “You need a nap.”
“I need to meet your new cast.” You snickered stepping around the man to the three actors he had abandoned to see you. You found amusement in their widening eyes at the sight of the Y/N walking to them.
“Oh, my shit.” Owen gasped freaking out as the actress co-starring in the new Spider-Man trilogy came closer.
Last night Owen, Charlie and Jeremy had hosted a movie night in the rented apartment the first two rented. They had quickly made their way through Captain America: Civil War before watching the following movies with Spider-Man. You had a cameo in Captain America: Civil War before becoming a star in Homecoming and Far From Home.
“We manifested her.” Charlie hissed frantically fixing his set costume growing a blush at the smile you wore. He could feel the hair stylist on standby glaring at his tousled locks.
The girl in question came to a stop before the three guys portraying the phantoms of the show in the second season. You couldn’t help but chuckle at the expressions each one of them had.
“Hello.” You greeted flattered when the tall blonde one turned a blossom pink at the voice of an angel. Charlie and Owen had developed celebrity crushes on you.
In revenge, Tori, a returning choreographer and background character, saw Charlie’s expression along with a familiar girl. After filming season one ended the previous year you had stopped by during the filming process of CAOS to catch up with Kenny. Tori had been there and you two became friends.
“Hey!” Tori grinned, pulling you into a hug, “These three binged your MCU movies last night, and Charlie’s wallpaper is you.”
“This is what you get for telling Booboo about the poster!” Tori called to the Canadian boy jogging out his area. Charlie’s cheek darkened more than Owen’s as your smile grew bigger.
“No worries Ghost. Luke definitely my favourite character and gotta say you should have been on Charmed more than two episodes.” You supplied walking backwards to Kenny once more yearning for a night’s rest after the flight.
“Holy shit.” Charlie choked smacking Jeremy’s arm repeatedly, “She knows me. Oh, oh, OH. She’s seen me-“
 “-Getting it on for a scene.” Jeremy snickered as his friend grew more and more flustered, “That was tame compared to her and Tom going at it.”
Charlie’s face dropped being reminded of the explicit scene you had done with Tom Holland in the movie that came out near the end of 2020. The Devil All the Time was the only film out of the MCU you had done with Tom. You had played the promiscuous daughter of a devout, loyal churchgoer and close friend of the preacher.
“Didn’t they date for a few months?” Owen questioned thinking back to the media mayhem during the virtual press for the film.
Owen was correct with the chemistry between you and Tom it was natural you would do interviews together via shared video chats. Charlie watched every single one that came out with interest. He hadn’t even expected the film to do so dark and explicit, but you had a natural talent.
“English, handsome, actor-“ Charlie started to list off on the English actor with a far more extensive list of credits. Charlie felt like a Canadian child in the city of Los Angeles compared to your leading man.
“-runs a charity with his family.” Jeremy continued raising one eyebrow, “At least he isn’t tall. You’d be fully screwed.”
Charlie shoved his teasing friends away with a smirk of his own as the trio continued on to the film. Charlie put his feelings on the back burner to focus on the storyline and emotions of the scene.
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“Spider-Man Three baby!” The English accent shouted from the phone with only an ocean separating the two actors. Tom hadn’t even greeted you before screaming at the news you both received; despite the scripts from a few weeks prior the sequel had fully been greenlighted
Your head tossed back at the childlike glee on the older adult, clearly displaying the two years really mean he was two years old. After meeting on the set of Civil War along with Harrison, you had become friends. Followed with the following MCU appearances, it had been a surprise to be cast in Devil All the Time.
“Insane.” You started making your way through the set to where Kenny had texted you from. It was closing to the end of your vacation.
In the few weeks, you had reconnected with Tori on her breaks along with becoming good friends with the cast members. Something clicked between you and the core four of the show even if Madison sometimes still got starstruck.
“Did you read the script?” Tom questioned quirking his infamous eyebrow his fans wholly adored. You found it amusing, to be honest, that every character he portrayed had the same eyebrow.
“Not fully. I’m surrounded by people, and unlike you, I prefer not to jeopardize my career with marvel.” You teased glancing up as Charlie and Owen made their way over, “I’ll be flying out in a few days for filming.”
Tom nodded his head, “I got get back. Jacob and Haz are visiting. Remember to film the announcement! Bye Love!”
You gave a thumbs up before Tom ended the facetime glancing up at the duo who each raised their eyebrows. Charlie’s mask nearly breaking at Tom’s goodbye. Charlie could feel the cover of his feelings falling more and more each day.
“Announcement?” Owen questioned, slipping his jacket on over his shoulders having changed from his Alex outfit.
“Nothing.” You waved it off, starting to walk backwards with a smile that Charlie thought made your eyes shine brighter than stars.
The boys followed behind on the walk to the house Jeremy and Carolynn had decided to rent during filming. You had been crashing there as Jeremy didn’t want Carolynn to be alone with his filming schedule. It also gave the perfect place for your plan. Last few nights you had binged the marvel movies again ending with Far From Home.
The living room was decked out by Carolynn with your help from earlier as she was the only know that knew. Everyone settled in the living room with Mr Reyes there as well who had quickly become a father figure to you.
“So, I wanted everyone here for a reason. I’m sure you’ve noticed I’ve been reading a script and I have something to open.” You started thanking Jeremy as he brought in the package, he had no clue of the contents, “Now nobody says any spoilers for season two.”
You turned on the camera Paul Becker had supplied with a small smile having already filmed the opening sequence. You sat on the floor in the camera shot, opening the big box to hand out the smaller boxes to your friends. Charlie, Owen, Jeremy, Madison, Savannah, Booboo and every else glanced at the non-descript red box.
“Open them.” You urged grinning as the room went silent except for the tape ripping off the packages.
In each individual box was marvel themed candy, a plushie of Spider-Man along with signed cards from the Avengers actors and the MCU Spider-Man cast. At the very bottom, all it said was to look up at you. Instead of facing them with their looks of shock, you addressed the camera.
“Tom and I are so incredibly happy to announce that Spider-Man 3 is in the beginning process of filming.” You beamed at the camera listening to the intense noise of your friends screaming, “we can’t reveal anything else about the film, but the script is immaculate as usual. You’ll get to see Harper on the screen once more.”
“WHAT!” The collective scream behind you came as you waited a second before ending the video. You’d have to replay it before sending to marvel for the finishing touches with Tom’s version and then you could post it on Instagram.
“Surprise!” You spoke to the group behind you all in states of excitement, “You don’t know how much I’ve wanted to tell you guys! I got the script a few days before I came.”
“Holy shit.” Owen spoke, laughing at he shook his head, “You managed to get autographs from fucking Iron Man himself.”
“I got connections.” You snorted meeting the gaze of Charlie, “Nah, Downey’s kids came for a visit, and I kept them company. Downey offered to do anything, and I took the favour.”
The surprise wore off as the group mingled, but Charlie’s eyes stayed pinned to your form as you sent a message to Tom. Locking your phone to noticed his eyes.
“Hey Charlie.” You smiled, sitting on the couch next to him. His expressive eyes showing a silver screen of emotions you couldn’t quite decipher.
The corner of his mouth tilted up in response to the way his name rolled off your tongue, sending his heart stuttering. A cold sweat appearing when you grasped his hand in yours in a confident manner.
“So, you leave soon?” Charlie murmured moving closer to hear you among the chatter of the group. Your lips turned down for a split second as you felt the sadness of leaving.
It was refreshing to be on set without the demands of makeup, costumes, filming and choreography. To see the action and magic but not be part of it was a definite change you had needed desperately. But to leave Charlie hurt.
“My call time is in three days. Need to get ready to bring Harper Osbourne back to the big screen.” You replied, loosening your grip on his hand, “I don’t really want to go back. I’m gonna miss you…and everyone else of course.”
Unaware to the eyes watching in anticipation you and Charlie conversed further on the upcoming months. To the great disappointment of the house began to clear out, Owen for an early call time. Savannah was meeting with her brother, and Mr Reyes was taking Madison home.
It left Jeremy and Carolynn to retire to their bedroom while you stayed on the couch with Charlie for longer. The emotions building from the prior weeks, bubbling to the surface. Hearts thudding in their chest Charlie leaned in glancing at your lips; yours glancing at his.
Who moved first couldn’t be known, but as your lips brushed together just barely you felt grounded and peaceful. If he leaned closer, you wonder what the kiss would make you feel.
“I’d like to kiss you.” Charlie murmured startled at the confidence he had gained, “But before I do. Do you have something with Tom?”
“Other than onscreen chemistry? Absolutely nothing.” You spoke barely louder than a whisper to the boy that had become so much more than some actor.
He was Charlie. The goofy boy that put a smile on anyone’s face with an impromptu concert in the middle of a crowded street. He lived life to the fullest without any regrets. He was passionate about his work, music and the environment.
Those thoughts evaporated when lips met another pair of lips in what might be described as the best kiss ever. No fireworks felt as Wattpad would say, but instead, it was the heady warmth of hot chocolate on a cold day; a warm shower after a long stressful day. It was home and perfect.
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lightsovermonaco · 3 years
His Good Sweater: Chapter 4
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Thank you as always to my best friend and Beta reader @acollectionofficsandshit​ for putting up with me and my ramblings ♥
Word Count: 3.8k
Recommended song: "ily (I love you baby)" by Surf Mesa and Emilee
You'd never been more thankful that you kept a change of clothes in your car than you were after the race at Silverstone. You'd showered again, changing back into the sweaty tee and leggings. The clean emergency hoodie and jeans were a blessing, and casual enough for a night on the town.
Most of the crew had left, only a few poor souls pouring over race data or packing up essentials. James let you into the trailer yard this time without hesitation. "We really should just get you a key," He teases, "Sure would make my life easier."
Rolling your eyes, you give the tower of muscle a pitiful shove. He doesn't move an inch. "Thanks James. I'll ask Pierre to look into it."
A sudden wave of tiredness washes over you when you make it back to the trailer. You flip through the channels on the tiny television, settling on an analysis of the day’s race.
“And a brilliant drive from young Pierre Gasly, wasn’t it John?”
“I completely agree Martin. Gasly took advantage of every slip up by Mercedes and Red Bull and he has to be commended for that. Max made some rare mistakes and…”
You smile to yourself, their praise washing over you. Yawning, you curl up on Pierre's bed, the familiar smell of cedar lulling you into a light sleep in minutes.
A gentle touch to your cheek wakes you some hours later. You crack your eyes open, greeted by a smile brighter than the stars in the night sky. You taste eternal sunshine on his lips when you kiss him, your soul sparking in response to his light.
"Good morning," He murmurs, thumb rubbing along your jaw. "Sleep well?"
You snuggle closer to him, eyes closing once more as you soak up the warmth. "Is it time to go out already?"
"It is. But we can stay here if you want to." He brushes a stray hair off your face. The gesture is so tender, if you didn’t know any better you’d never guess he could turn into the seasoned, take-no-shit racer you’d seen hours before. 
You shake your head. You couldn't let him miss out on celebrating his victory with his closest friends. Besides, you hadn't seen any of them for a span of time longer than a few minutes in months, and truth be told, you missed them all. 
Those boys had a knack for turning the simplest of outings into unforgettable adventures. You had been sworn to secrecy on numerous occasions after Pierre recounted drunken escapades that usually ended with Max sleeping somewhere preposterous, like a claw-footed bathtub in a fancy suite.
“Where are we going?” You ask sleepily. “Somewhere nearby?”
Pierre tugs you up until you’re sitting. He pulls you back against his chest, arms wrapping around you as he sets his chin on your shoulder. “Yeah. Maybe ten minutes away.”
You lean your full weight against him, admiring how perfectly your bodies slot together. “Can I leave my car here?”
“As long as you’re okay with it staying here until tomorrow, that’s fine.” He coaxes you to stand and presses a kiss to your temple as a reward. Your limbs are still heavy and uncooperative. Pierre winds an arm around your waist, supporting you and assuming the position of your rock as he always did.
"You don't sleep here," You state simply, looking at him for confirmation. He shakes his head.
"Wouldn't be enough room for two anyway." He gestures to the tiny twin sized bed and shrugs.
Your brow furrows. “Am I staying with you tonight?” You honestly had not considered it. The jet usually left early and you had assumed he would want to get as much rest as possible. But now that you had experienced waking up next to him, you realize how much you want his face to be the first thing you see when you open your eyes each morning.
“Of course you’re staying with me. I’m taking every second of your time that I can get.”
You bite your lip and lay your head on his shoulder. The idea of falling asleep in his arms was enough to shake any lingering sleepiness. “Okay.” Confident that you could hold yourself up, you step out of his grasp. “Ready.”
The few mechanics roaming about the grounds are enough to keep you cautious. You walk through the paddock a hair's breadth apart, although every nerve screams for you to touch him. Every time your arm grazes his, electricity ripples across your skin. All you want to do is hold his hand, but there’s enough prying eyes that you restrain the impulse.
You can tell he feels it too by the way his fingers curl and uncurl at his sides. And he's biting his cheek, you notice. A nervous habit of his and a clear indicator that he'd retreated inside his own head, likely contemplating if he'd truly deserved to win today or not.
Every few months his doubts crept in, the devil on his shoulder reminding him that Horner hadn't deemed him good enough to keep his seat at Red Bull after only a handful of races.
You'll never be as talented as them, is what you'd imagined it whispered. They're only here because they pity you. What makes you think you deserve a seat?
It couldn't be farther from the truth. Deep down, Pierre knew that. Driving in Formula 1 meant being under constant scrutiny from the public and sportscasters. Making an error meant debates about whether you were good enough and rumors about seat security.
There were no such errors today. You'd heard the commentary after the race; everyone was raving about his performance. Not one person had dared say he didn't deserve it.
Not wanting him to suffer alone, you subtly wrap your pinky finger around his. "You're okay," You say softly, his head whipping to you. "You deserved that trophy today. It was some of the best driving I've ever seen, everyone agrees. You deserve a trophy every time you get in that car. You'll always be my champion, even if the world tells you otherwise."
It takes a moment for it to sink in, but he nods and releases your pinkie. "You're my grounding rod," He says, lips curling in a knowing smile, and you can't hold back your laugh.
"Leave it to you to turn a romantic moment into a cheesy one." Instead of saying you're my rock like any normal person, he had to bring up the time you'd embarrassed yourself at the bar a year or so ago. He'd let you prattle on to poor Dan about building grounding rods of all things, and how you'd thought your professor's way of designing such a system was flawed. Pierre would never let you live that down, it seemed.
Max spots the two of you first, waving from where the boys had gathered outside Red Bull. “About time you showed up! We’ve been waiting for ten minutes!”
“She fell asleep,” Pierre says simply, his confidence back. “Takes her awhile to wake up.”
“Whatever, I’m just glad you’re here,” Daniel says, throwing an arm around your shoulders and tucking you tight to his side. You couldn’t help the broad smile creeping onto your face, twin to the aussie’s as you hug him back. 
“We missed you,” Charles says, falling into step beside you. “I never hear from you anymore!”
You grimace. It was true, while the three boys had texted you quite frequently the past few months, you had barely responded to them. You felt guilty about it, knowing they were taking time out of their packed schedules to catch up. But uni had been kicking your ass and the only one you’d found time for was Pierre. Looking back, you were glad he had been the exception.
“Yeah, sorry about that,” You say. “Lots of projects.”
“And that new internship,” Max points out. Your eyebrows flick up, gaze flicking to Pierre. You had been awarded an internship a month or so ago at a local engineering firm in London. It was only part time work, a few hours a week, but it was enough. The only one you had told was Pierre.
Pierre grins, the gesture a silent apology. “I may have spilled the beans.” 
You cut him a glare, the others laughing at your attempt at being intimidating. But you couldn’t turn away from him, not when he was looking at you with the same pride you had felt when he’d won earlier that day. 
“Uber’s here,” Charles announces, checking his phone.
“Where?” Daniel asks, and Charles indicates a black SUV parked at the curb. Daniel and Max exchange a look, shouting “Shotgun!” at the same time. Both boys break into a full sprint, feet pounding on the pavement. Daniel wins - barely, leaving Max and Charles to squeeze into the back seat.
Pierre follows you into the third row of seats, his hand immediately engulfing yours. Your stomach flips, glancing up to find a reassuring smile on his face. You could barely focus on what was said for the first half of the ride, hyperaware of the callouses rubbing your skin. The world around you erupts into color at the touch, completing the part of you that you’d never realized was missing. 
The remainder of the drive is filled with laughter, jokes, and plenty of selfies with the driver. It wasn’t every day one could brag about having four world class drivers in your car; you couldn’t blame the man for being excited.
By the time you arrive at the bar, your sides are already splitting with laughter. “First round is on you, Ricciardo,” Charles says, wagging a finger at him. “Punishment for bringing up the Abu Dhabi incident again!”
“Jokes on you, I was already planning on it!” He glances at you and winks. “Gotta congratulate the winner somehow, right?” Little did the Australian know, you had already congratulated Pierre a few hours ago, and you doubted that a few shots would outshine that performance. You hope the pink tinge that rises to your cheeks with the memory isn't obvious and you duck your head just in case.
A blast of air conditioning hits you as you all stumble into the bar. All eyes fell to you and the ragtag group of drivers when you entered, silence blanketing the patrons. The bartender slams a fist on the wooden bartop, rattling glasses and making you flinch.
“Been wonderin’ when you lot were gonna show your ugly mugs!”
Daniel, Max and Charles erupt into friendly laughter, shaking the man’s hand and making small talk. You look to Pierre for an explanation.
“Tradition,” He murmurs. The noise returned to a normal level around you, though you could feel the glances thrown your way. “We come here every year, but only if one of us wins at Silverstone. Been awhile since that happened.”
"Ah," You say, nodding dramatically. "Yes, very long time." Pierre grins, shaking his head.
"Who won this year?" The man - William, Pierre informs you- asks. He towered over you when you sat on the sticky bar stool, tall and lanky but well muscled and certainly not someone you would expect patrons to try disrespecting. He was already pouring five shots of a fine Irish Whiskey, waving Daniel off when he tried to start a tab. “My treat.”
Max claps a hand on Pierre's shoulder. "This one claimed the crown, for once!"
"Wey hey!" William says, passing out the shots. "Everyone else crash out or what?"
"You should watch the replay," You say, knocking Pierre's shoulder with your own. "It was amazing. The move he used to get past Max-" you bring your pinched fingers to your lips in a chef's kiss. "Gorgeous."
"Much to Max's despair," Charles adds, raising his shot. "To the underdog!"
You all echo the sentiment, the boys knocking back the strong alcohol with practiced ease. It didn't go down as smooth for you, burning your throat and making you wince.
Daniel laughs. "Not used to drinking with us anymore, huh?"
"Must have lost my edge," You say, the woody taste lingering in your mouth. "I'm sure it'll hit me hard in a half hour or so, too."
Well, you weren't wrong about the alcohol hitting you like a punch to the gut. Two shots later and you were swaying like a sailor on his first excursion out to sea, Pierre's shoulder the only thing keeping you from toppling off the bar stool. 
Pierre's eyes were bright as the others poked fun at him, William joining in with a witty remark now and then. His laugh wrapped around you like a warm blanket, keeping you content and grounded.
"Hey Pierre," Daniel says at one point, "Don't look now but that table of girls has been obsessed with you all night."
Pierre, blitzed as he was, pays no attention to Dan's warning and turns around. A loopy grin was plastered on his face, turning back and shaking his head.
You may not have been able to think straight, but your stomach lurches. Instantly sobering slightly, you follow Dan's gaze to the indicated table to your left. Three beautiful women sat there, whispering behind their hands and clearly speaking about Pierre. One bit her lip and caught your eye, giggling. Her looks were universally attractive enough that she would be anyone’s type, Pierre included. The possessiveness in the gaze she raked over his body set your blood boiling. 
This… was not a scenario you wanted to play out. You didn't know if Pierre was ready to tell his friends about your relationship yet. You knew he wouldn't let any of those girls have the light of day, but he might let them fawn over him a little, just to protect your secret. And it would kill you, but you would have no choice but to let it happen.
"I'm good," Pierre says, sipping the beer he had been nursing all night.
"Come on mate," Max pushes, a wicked grin on his flushed face, "That blonde is so your type."
No she isn't.
You’re already staring up at Pierre when he turns to you. You have always worn your emotions on your sleeve for anyone to see, and it only got worse when mixed with alcohol. Pierre smiles softly, taking mercy on you. Slowly, he takes your hand and threads your fingers together before turning back to the boys.
"One of you can tell them I’m not interested. I already have my girl." 
Heart beating wildly, you scan your friends faces. They were all wide eyed and slack jawed, staring at your joined hands. Pierre gives your hand a gentle squeeze, reminding you to breathe. He read you like an open book, offering reassurance when you needed it most.
"It's about fucking time!" Daniel roars, breaking the tense silence. Your shoulders relax, grinning along with the others. Pierre beams at you, knocking your shoulder to say I told you so. 
"Does this mean I get a break from listening to you obsess over her every weekend?" Max asks, giving you a meaningful look. 
"Likely not," Pierre answers. "I'm still just as obsessed as before. Maybe more." Max pretends to gag, earning him a playful punch from Charles. God, it was so freeing for your relationship to be more open, even if it was just between your closest friends. 
"I'd just like to point out that I told you two this would happen years ago," Charles says matter of factly, pointing at Max and Dan. "Should've taken you up on that bet."
Your mouth hung open. "You were going to bet on us being a couple?"
"Oh come on," Max says, rolling his eyes. "We all knew it was coming eventually. We just didn't know when!"
Pink stains your cheeks, but Pierre laughs and leans in to kiss you. Remembering the girls behind you, you press a little closer to him. Under the guise of placing a kiss to his cheek, you meet the blonde's eyes and smile sweetly.
The woman preens, mouth twisting. Good. Pierre was yours, and now that he'd admitted it, you could let those girls know it. His hand slips to your thigh, squeezing hard. A clear warning that you were venturing into dangerous territory. You didn't care.
The alcohol in your veins makes you bold, and you want to drive your point home. They could look all they wanted, but he was coming home with you. You push the boundary farther and bite the soft skin of his neck just hard enough to leave a mark. Pierre's hiss finally makes you pull back and look up at him innocently.
"Get a room," Daniel teases with a wink. You smile at him, mumbling an insincere apology. Your point had been made. The arrogant smirk had been wiped from the woman’s face, replaced with a grimace. 
"I think it is time for us to get going," Pierre says, annoyance flashing across his face. Oh, you had stoked the fire and now you would have to face the consequences. 
"We're just getting started," Charles complains. Pierre slaps a few bills on the counter and gets up without responding. 
"Bye guys!" You call over your shoulder as Pierre drags you towards the door. They all wave back, Max's lower lip jutting out in a pout. Your eyes slid one more time to the blonde, who had her arms crossed over her chest. You give her a wicked, taunting grin and return her earlier wink.
Pierre halts so quickly that you run into him. “Why are we leaving?”
“You know why,” He growls, flagging down a cab. “You didn't like how she was looking at me, so you did something about it. You might not have noticed, but every man in that bar had their eyes on you. So I’m following your example and doing something about it.”
Your brow furrows. Pierre won’t meet your gaze, and your eyes fall to the purple mark on his neck. You didn’t like his tone; it bordered dangerously on anger. “Are you… Are you mad that I did that?”
Tears threaten to spill when he finally looks at you. God, you were a blubbering drunk.  When your lip wobbles, his anger fades and he sighs. “I’m not mad. I just… I didn’t think you’d want me flaunting our relationship yet. When you did this-” He gestures to his neck- “I could barely keep my hands off you. Not when I saw the guy walking up to you.”
You sniff, trying to conjure the image of the bar. “I didn’t notice anyone.”
“Yeah, cause I dragged you out here before he could say anything.” Pierre pulls his hood up and sighs. “Trying to catch a cab here is harder than overtaking Hamilton.”
You laugh harder than you should at the off-hand remark, following after him as he trudges down the sidewalk. “Why are you not drunk? I feel like you should be drunk. You won a race. They were feeding you shots one after another.”
“One of us had to be responsible and make sure we got home okay.” He smiles over his shoulder at you. “And I knew as soon as you had that first shot it would have to be me. Didn’t you notice me handing the shots to the other guys?”
“No,” You say, rubbing your eyes. “What about the boys? How are they gonna get home?” Pierre stops, forcing you to do the same. He tugs your hood up, makes sure his is secure enough to hide his face, and grabs your hand.
“I already told Seb to come round them up in an hour or so. They’ll be fine.”
You don’t respond, too busy trying to put one foot in front of the other and not fall on your face. It doesn’t help that your vision is a tad blurry. Finally you give up and whine, “How much further?”
“It’s right there,” He says, pointing at a towering glass building just across the street. “In five minutes, you can be tucked into a cozy, fluffy suite and you can rest all you want, my love.”
You hum at the words, warmth flooding your veins from more than the liquor. “I like that.”
“What, the building?” He asks, amused. He helps you cross the empty street, making sure you’re paying attention to where you’re going.
“Noooo, what you said,” You clarify, leaning on him as you try to navigate the handful of steps leading to the hotel.
He’s quiet until you reach the elevator. “My love,” He murmurs, and you grin up at him.
“Mon… mon coeur,” You manage to say, somehow pulling the French phrase out of the dregs of your memory. The words are slurred and you know that you absolutely botch the pronunciation, but the intent is clear. You may have lived in France since you were 18, but learning the language wasn’t a requirement when almost everyone knew english as well. But the two of you had spent many hours watching Pierre’s favorite french films over the years; some of it must have unintentionally rubbed off on you.
A disbelieving smile tugs at his lips. “How do you even know what that means?”
You shrug. “Just do.” The elevator doors open and you step out, Pierre following. You halt, not knowing which hall to take. You glance up at your companion for help, only to find him staring back at you. “What?”
He shakes his head and leads you down the corridor to his room. It's a spacious corner suite, with huge windows facing Silverstone that give him a perfect view of the track. You make for the window but Pierre’s hand on your wrist stops you.
“I don’t think so, it’s time for you to sleep.”
“But I just wanna see,” You protest weakly.
“Nice try. I know you. You’ll sit in front of that window for hours if I let you.”
You give in only because he was right. Cityscapes of any kind drew your attention like a moth to a flame. You pouted anyway, but let him take you to the bedroom. Gentle pressure on your shoulders had you sinking into the plush mattress, groaning at the luxurious softness. Pierre laughs as he helps you out of your shoes and jeans, leaving the hoodie.
Eyelids drooping, you climb under the covers Pierre had pulled back for you. He tucks you in and kisses your temple. You grab for him, tugging on his shirt until he stoops down and gives you a proper kiss. When he steps out of your grasp, you panic.
“Stay,” You mumble, fear bubbling in your chest. He had to stay, he couldn’t leave, not when you only had this one night left-
“I’m just taking off my shoes,” He assures you, his weight sliding in behind you to settle against your back. You sigh, moulding yourself to him as best you could. Being in his arms was somehow familiar, even if he’d never held you like this. It felt like home.
“I love you.”
Pillowy soft lips press to the nape of your neck. “I love you too, mon coeur.”
Tagging: @flashcal
129 notes · View notes
Miles of Memories- 1
We’ve Got Tonight- Bob Seger
Miles of Memories Masterlist CarryOnCap’s Masterlist
Dean x reader Best Friends to Lovers AU
Summary: Feeling anxious about heading off to college, you make the most of your last night in town with the help of your best friend, Dean.
Warnings: fluffy, adorable Dean and fun banter. Slight angst (goodbyes are hard). Minor mentions of childhood trauma
WC: 2,900
A/N: This part is like a “prelude” to give you a glimpse of Y/N and Dean’s relationship (5 years before the main storyline). I hope you stay tuned for the slowest of Dean x fem!reader slowburns. I’m so excited to share this story, so please let me know what you think! MASSIVE thanks to my spectacular and badass beta crew—@christopher-evxns @deanwinchesterswitch @ezilyamuzed & @wonder-cole—for all of their help and input!! I edited even after their feedback, so all mistakes are my own.  Credit to Bob Seger for the song :) 
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Zipping your suitcase closed with a heavy sigh, you worked through your mental checklist for the hundredth time to make sure you hadn’t forgotten to pack anything.
“Jeez, you act like it’s the last time you’ll ever see this place or something.” With a smile and a roll of your eyes, you turned to see Dean leaning casually against your doorframe. “Y’know, I figured I’d talk to Bobby about renting this space out anyway. Save you the stress of missing it while you’re gone because it’ll look completely different the next time you come back.”
“I’m not too worried. I think you’re the last person Bobby would trust with anything—let alone a space in his house.”
Dean grinned, pushing off the doorframe to mosey into your room. “See, normally I’d agree with you. But it just so happens that he gave me my very own key to the garage, so I think he’s coming around. This ready?” He pointed at the suitcase on your bed, and you nodded. 
“Riiight. I’m supposed to believe that Bobby would actually give you a key to come and go at the shop anytime you want.”
Dean shrugged, spinning on his heel with your bag in hand. “Guess he’s looking for a new favorite since you’re skipping town to go be successful out in the real world.”
You snorted and shook your head, silently following him to the door. He stepped out of the way, placing his free hand on the doorknob as you scanned the bedroom one last time. Gnawing your bottom lip, you sucked in a deep breath and tried to alleviate some of the tightness in your chest.
This room had been a safe haven for most of your life, and it was hard to remember the days before you called it “home.” Your mother had passed away when you were a toddler, and your father was a drunk, in and out of jail and your life until one day he didn’t come back. Bobby had often been the one who took care of you when your father needed to pass you off onto someone else. 
You didn’t remember much about the “Travelin’ Man” (as Bobby not-so-lovingly referred to him on the rare occasions he was mentioned), but you could easily recall the night Bobby told you this would be your room for good. The relief and excitement you’d felt upon learning you’d have a space of your own were still vivid. Knowing you had a place you could always return to provided a sense of stability and consistency you’d never known.
Bobby may not have been your father by blood, but he was your dad in every sense of the word. Sure, he was a little rough around the edges and tended to be a hermit, but he also had a heart of gold, and not once had he ever made you question whether he cared about you.
A few weeks after settling into your new home, you had met Jessica and Sam during recess at your new elementary school. Although they were a grade younger, you’d instantly hit it off with them. Jess and Sam had always been there for you over the years, too, willing to lend an ear or make time for movie nights and spontaneous trips to the diner. Eventually, Sam had introduced you to Dean, and the two of you had been inseparable ever since. Each and every memory you had growing up involved at least one (if not all three) of them. But while it was difficult saying goodbye to everyone in general...you still hadn’t been able to grasp the idea of saying goodbye to Dean.
Dean was the one who had been by your side through everything. From heartfelt life chats and your deepest moments of self-doubt to car ride sing-alongs and your loudest belly laughs. He was always there to comfort you, remind you not to take things so seriously, and even drag you into trouble once in a while. 
The thought of leaving him and your safe, familiar home brought yet another wave of apprehension and doubt. What if you were making a huge mistake?
“Y/N...” Dean’s gentle voice coaxed you back to reality. “We’ve still got a lot to pack into our night, so don’t go checking out on me yet.”
Without looking back, you slipped past Dean and heard him shut the door as you made your way downstairs. 
“You know, this wouldn’t be so hard if you would’ve just applied like I told you to. Then we could both be going off to college together, and you’d find out what an honor it would be to have me as a roomie.”
“Okay, well, let me remind you that you’re the one who decided to go ‘see what’s out there’ and get a fancy college degree under her belt. And, even if we did survive being roommates without making the other want to pull their hair out, there’s no way in hell that town would be able to handle both of us.”
“That’s fair.”
“Besides, I won’t have much of a chance to miss you. You’ll probably flunk out and be back here by the end of the semester anyway.”
“Also fair,” you laughed. “Taking a year off to work at The Roadhouse and pretend to get my life together seemed like a good idea at the time, but I’m a little worried about getting into the groove of studying and all that crap again.”
“You know, if you need help, all you gotta do is pick up the phone. I mean, Sammy’s a real bookworm, and he’s only a phone call away.” Dean winked as he held the front door open and motioned for you to lead the way. 
Sticking your tongue in your cheek, you fought to hide your amusement at the way he threw his brother under the bus. Before you made it through the door, you whirled around toward the stairs again. “Dang it. I forgot my bathroom bag. Do you mind tossing that one in the car? I’ll be right back!”
“Another bag? Where are you gonna put all this crap?” he muttered.
After retrieving the pouch from the bathroom upstairs and making sure you hadn’t left any necessary items in the drawers and cabinets, you hurried outside to find Dean patiently waiting beside your car. You tossed the small bag and he caught it with ease, pitching it in the backseat before closing the door.
“And done. Any last-minute stops to make along the way?” he asked.
“Nope. I caught Ellen, Jo, and Jody at the end of my shift yesterday, and Charlie was over for a bit this morning. And, you know, Sam and Jess ditched us for California last weekend. That means you and Bobby are the only two left to put up with me until I leave in the morning.”
When your voice cracked unexpectedly, you cleared your throat and surveyed the scrapyard until the faint prick in the corners of your eyes faded. As your departure drew near and you considered everything you were leaving behind, venturing out into the world was quickly beginning to feel more daunting than exciting. 
“Hey…” Dean gripped the tops of your arms, stirring you from your thoughts. “We’ve got tonight. Who needs tomorrow? We’ve got tonight...babe. Why don’t you staaaaaaaayy—”
You had thought he was going to say something sweet and comforting, but you playfully shoved him in the chest when you realized he was speaking in Bob Seger lyrics. He stumbled back a step, laughing as he walked around the front of the impala and climbed inside.
There was an old park on the outskirts of town where Bobby and John would occasionally drop you both off when they had errands to run. As the years passed, you began riding your bikes the few miles across town, taking turns balancing Sam on your handlebars until Dean was old enough to drive. Eventually, Sam stopped tagging along, but somewhere along the way the park became a place you and Dean cherished. 
A large pond stretched across most of the area, and there was a stately willow tree near the water’s edge that served as your designated “spot.” It was a hideaway often overlooked by others, but it was the perfect escape when the two of you needed a place that was all your own. 
“Alright.” Dean plopped down beside you on the blanket. “You’ve got your grub, an amazing view, and the best company you could ever ask for. What else could you possibly want?”
“You’re right. Baby’s good company and all, but she’s not much of a conversationalist.”
Dean grimaced. “Just for that, I might eat your food.”
“Depending on what it is, I might let you.”
He smirked and unrolled the brown paper sack in his hand. “PB&J’s, just like Mom used to make! I asked if she could whip up a few before she flew out to make sure Sam got all settled at Stanford. She said to tell you she’s sorry she couldn’t catch you and to wish you good luck. This seemed like a, uh, better idea at the time...now that it’s been a couple of days, these might taste like shit.”
You couldn’t help but laugh as you took the sandwich Dean offered. “We’ve probably eaten worse, but I appreciate the sentimental twist. Seeing as how you’re in your 20’s and you had your mom make us sandwiches.”
“Hey, I was going for authenticity! Trying to help you feel like a kid again before you start adulting or whatever and—you know what? Just shut up and eat your food.”
The two of you unwrapped your sandwiches and continued bantering back and forth between bites. Even though the bread was soggy from marinating in jelly for a few days, and it certainly wasn’t the best thing you’d ever eaten, it brought back a flood of nostalgia. 
When a comfortable silence fell over the two of you, your thoughts began to drift to dozens of adventures you and Dean had had here. You gazed out over the water, watching the willow branches graze the surface as they gently swayed in the breeze. You tried to commit every detail to memory as you soaked in the peaceful atmosphere, not knowing how long it would be until you returned.
After a while, Dean chuckled under his breath, and you looked at him curiously.
“You remember that day we were pretending to be pirates, and Dad ended up coming to pick us up early?”
“Of course.”
“Man, he was so pissed when he saw us standing on top of that picnic table we managed to drag out and ‘sail’ into the middle of the pond. Sure made an awesome ship, though.”
You smiled at the memory, though it was anything but funny at the time. “I think he was a little more pissed at the fact that we left Sam playing alone in the gazebo. And obviously what made the ‘ship’ great was the pirate flag I made.”
“Uh-huh,” Dean snorted. “You mean the crappy skull you drew on our lunch bag and stuck on the end of a stick? Pretty sure we were having a blast with the ship because it was my brilliant idea in the first place.”
“I was like 8, and it was still better than anything you could’ve drawn.” You crumpled up your trash and threw it at him. “And I was having fun--right up until you pushed me off anyway. I nearly choked to death on all that nasty water I sucked in.”
“Okay, well, you shouldn’t have been trying to be Captain when I’m the oldest, and it was clearly my title to begin with. There was no plank to walk, but obviously, you had to go overboard.” 
He grinned, keeping his gaze fixed on the water. As you studied his face and noticed the faraway look in his eye, his smile faded. You figured his thoughts had drifted back to his dad, who had passed away a couple of years later. 
“I felt so damn bad, though. I really was afraid you were gonna drown. And Bobby was ready to kill me when he found out.”
“Lucky for you, you can’t get rid of me that easily.”
The two of you joked and reminisced for several more hours, eventually watching the sun set over the water until it sank below the horizon. When it was time to head back to Bobby’s, Dean took the long way home so you could crank the radio and sing along with your hand hanging lazily out the open window. Back at the house, you sat on the kitchen counter and talked with both men until Bobby finally bid you goodnight--but you still weren’t ready to call it a night, knowing morning would come soon and it would be time for you to leave. 
After convincing Dean to stay a little longer, you grabbed a couple of old blankets and spread them in the bed of one of the pickup trucks near the house. With your head on his chest and your body tucked comfortably against his side, you chatted beneath the stars until you drifted off to sleep.
“Got everything all packed up?” Bobby asked.
“I think so,” you answered.
“Better double-check because I’m not driving a few hours just to bring you a lost shoe or something.” 
“Is that a challenge?” you teased, seeing right through his gruff quip. “Because I bet I could talk you into it. We both know you’re not gonna know what to do without me.”
He frowned a little before smiling fondly, and you could’ve sworn there was a misty glaze in his eyes.
“Yeah. I s’pose you’re right.”
“Oh, don’t get all sentimental on me now. You could probably use a little break. Besides, I’ll be back so often you’ll just get sick of me all over again.”
“C’mere, kid.” 
Bobby reached out and pulled you into a hug. Much too soon, he let go and stepped aside so you could say goodbye to Dean. His soft green eyes had been fixed on you, but he glanced away and clenched his jaw when you took a step toward him. 
“So, uh...don’t forget about us when you make it big out there in the real world—catch a break as an artist or an author or some music critic.”
“Yeah, okay,” you scoffed. “I haven’t even picked out a major yet, but I think I have an advisor who can help me figure out a good fit...eventually. Maybe I’ll be a doctor—or follow in Sam’s footsteps and be a lawyer!”
“There you go. Why not just do it all while you’re at it? Jack of all trades, master of none. Whatever you end up doing, you better come back to visit soon.”
“You got it. Try not to turn into a grumpy old man while I’m gone.”
He shook his head, cracking a smile as he met your eyes. “Only a couple years older than you, brat. Anyway, I didn’t get a whole lot of sleep last night, so I made you a playlist for the drive. Figured I might as well do something useful while I was awake. I sent it to you while you were getting ready.”
Pulling out your phone, you found a message already waiting with a link to the playlist. 
“This is awesome, Dean, thank you. But if it ends up being six hours of nothing but Zeppelin, I’m gonna be pissed.”
He tossed his head back and laughed, making the knot in your throat grow once again at the thought of not seeing him almost every day. You couldn’t help but wonder if he���d miss you as much as you were going to miss him.
“Don’t worry; I think it ended up being a decent mix. Not too many classics and not too much of the more modern crap. There was, uh... a certain thought process behind each song, let’s just say that.”
“We all know some of that modern crap is a guilty pleasure of yours. I mean, Taylor Swift?”
“Yeah…” His gaze lingered until his grin faded to a sad smile. “Yeah, you’re right.”
Pressing your lips into a thin line, you leaned forward and threw an arm around each man. Squeezing your eyes closed, you hugged them tight.
“All joking aside...you got nothing to worry about. You’re gonna kick this college thing in the ass,” Dean murmured.
“Thank you.”
Clearing your throat, you slipped out of their embrace and quickly made your way to the car. 
“Drive safe--and call when you get there!” Bobby hollered.
Stealing one last glimpse over your shoulder, you waved and slid behind the wheel. You hit shuffle on the playlist, letting the music fill the vehicle while you fasten your seatbelt.
I know it’s late
I know you’re weary
I know your plans don’t include me...
You shook your head and smiled, blinking back tears at the irony of the song—the lyrics perfectly encapsulating your night with Dean.
Look at the stars so far away
We’ve got tonight
Who needs tomorrow?
We’ve got tonight, babe
Why don’t you stay?
As you started the car and drove away, seeing him and Bobby grow smaller in the rearview mirror, you finally began to cry.
Part 2
CarryOnCap Crew (Forevers):
@abswritesfandoms  @amanda-teaches  @cosicas-cuquis  @crist1216  @droidyouseek  @emoryhemsworth  @ericaprice2008  @flawless-disaster  @janeyboo  @jenn0755  @ksgeekgirl  @maresmiley  @memyselfandmaddox  @notyourtypicalrose  @randomparanoid  @rynabarnesrogers  @sandlee44  @scarletsoldierrr  @shann-the-artist-moon  @sheerioasteroidpanda  @shynara51  @someday-when-you-leave-me @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan  @thisismysecrethappyplace  @torntaltos  @waywardbaby  @waywardrose13  @weebid  @whimsicalrobots  @wintersoldierbaby  @yesfanficsaremylife
Cap’s SPN Crew:
@adoptdontshoppets  @akshi8278 @alexwinchester23  @chevyharvelle  @deangirl7695  @dean-winchesters-bacon  @fandomoniumflurry  @pisces-cutie  @supernaturalenchanted  @superromijn  @thoughts-and-funnies  @waywardnerd67  @x-waywardaf-x
Miles of Mems Tags:
@bobbie3939  @jerkbitchidjitassbutt  @mlovesstories  @onethirstyunicorn  @peridottea91  @valsworldofcreativity
Also tagging those of you who seemed interested when I posted the masterlist. I don’t want to pester you, so I probably won’t tag you in future parts unless you let me know that you’d like to be tagged!
@badlittlehabit99  @cajunquandary  @devvoon  @flamencodiva  @hybrid-in-the-making  @impalackless  @janicho88  @themoonblooms
183 notes · View notes
isaacthedruid · 3 years
I used to be really into writing at the start of quarantine and I wanted to get back into it, so have a little ✨ ✨ (platonic) Foolish and Eret, eternal duo, drabble✨ ✨  of my interpretation of the first little bit of lore they had together, cleaning up the red vines. 
TW// Swearing and brief mention of intoxication (one sentence)
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Foolish dumped the last of the vines from his inventory into the blue flames, “You know what all this egg cleaning kind of reminds me of, Eret?” 
“It kind of reminds me of me and you back in the day. Like, cleaning up that mess from the Wither cult.” Foolish smiled at the memory. 
“What?” Eret asked softly. 
“What do you mean?” 
Foolish clapped his hands together, watching red powder fall. His pants and palms were coated in fine red dust from the blood vines. It burned slightly as the egg slowly sunk its teeth in, despite being a god, the man still felt pain. It felt sharp and prickly, the Egg’s strength danced across his hands, stinging through the fabric and staining his golden skin with a soft red blush. 
Eret froze, also wiping at the red dust that bled into their blood-red cloak.
“I-” Eret stuttered, “Are you thinking of a different person, or-”
“Nope, you, Eret. The one with the glasses and the one with the netherite armour.” 
The god gave the king a quick look over; glasses, armour, red cloak and--a crown. That was Eret, well it was Eret with a few additions but it was still Eret. 
Foolish was confident in that fact. 
“Uh,” Eret didn’t speak, allowing the god to continue. 
Foolish stammered, “It was- It was a- I mean, I guess time’s a little. It’s was a while ago,” the god fell into a back and forth pace as he finally spoke freely. 
“It was a while ago, I suppose. I’m surprised--” the god looked at the king with a slight pain in his gemstone eyes, “--You don’t know what I’m talking about?”
“I- I’m sorry, I have no idea, I-” the king trailed off. 
“Really, doesn’t ring a bell? Wither cult?” 
“I-I’m pretty sure I’d remember something called a Wither cult.” Eret spoke back.
“Okay, uh, okay. That’s weird. Okay, you don’t remember that. What about uh,” the god paused, trying to pick just a single memory from his hundreds of years of life.
“Okay, that’s weird. Well, there was that time we went on that little adventure like, in the mountains, and we fought off those trolls. And I don’t mean like, big green ones-” 
Eret cut him off, “You have to be talking about something-- someone else, man. I-I’ve been here for months-” 
“Oh yeah! I do agree you’ve been here for months. You’ve been elsewhere, Eret.”
The king’s heart dropped, they froze again. The amount of power in just one sentence, he had to be messing with them. Eret opened their mouth to reply but any words were trapped in their throat. 
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
The god looked at the king closely, “No, no, it’s Eret. You’re the guy,” as a friendly smile spread across his golden face. 
“Okay,” the king paused, “Have I shown you my eyes before?” 
Foolish came in closer to peer through their sunglasses, the glow from his netherite helmet sent moving highlights across Foolish’s metallic face, he meant well.
“Trust me, I know what your eyes look like, Eret. Feel free though.”
“Okay, just to double-check, you know, y-you’re talking about the right person, right? So of course, sunglasses. I wear them to hide-” 
“I was gonna say. The sunglasses are actually a bit of a new look for you, I feel like.” 
Carefully, Eret removed their sunglasses, the frames slipping down their nose to reveal their pearl-white eyes. That was the Eret he knew. 
That was Eret that fought giant trolls and armies of monsters by his side. That was the Eret he called a friend. That was the Eret he had danced with drunkenly at many parties and galas. That was the Eret he’d make sure that got home safely after a night out. That was the Eret who would smile when he’d make the thunder roar out just for them. That was the Eret he called his. 
“Yeah!” Foolish smiled bigger, his face glowing at the familiar sight in front of him. 
“You’re not scared?” they spoke carefully, the arms of the frames clutched tightly in their thin fingers with a bit of shake.
Philza yelled. Ranboo screamed. Tommy was nearly in tears. 
And Foolish, he smiled. 
“No, that’s the Eret I’m thinking of, actually.” 
Eret carefully placed the glasses back over their eyes, obscuring the pearls with a dark tone.
“Foolish, I know nothing,” the king took a moment to find their words, “I know absolutely nothing. I am so lost. There’s- There’s- I’m sorry.”
“Now I’m lost too!” 
“If there’s something you know that I don’t, I-” 
“You know, maybe this is the Egg, maybe it’s the Egg messing with your head. Maybe-- I don’t know.”
Foolish didn’t want to admit that it hurt but god did it hurt. It pained him to think that Eret, one of his oldest friends, had no memory of their past adventures.
Their time together, wearing ancient clothes and fighting various mobs.
“Y-you just get some sleep.” 
An attempt to make himself feel better, put it up to be the king being tried or that the Egg was affecting them. 
“We can talk about this another time. We’ll catch up, old pal.” the god turned on his heels, playfully hitting Eret on the shoulder.
A soft wack between two friends but it was a lot more forceful than the god intended it to be, “That was a shoulder punch, by the way. It wasn’t me like, smacking you.” 
“It’s all good. Yeah,” the king trailed off again. 
Shit, this was awkward. Foolish needed to get out of here, he needed to get out of here now. 
“Nothing?” the god asked, once more. 
Foolish’s hands were about to shake as an ache grew in the deity’s chest.
“I- Nothing. Maybe there’s a reason why I hit it off with you so quick. I don’t know,” Foolish started to walk away at this point, “I feel like there’s stuff I need to learn about myself as well. Uh-” 
“Yeah, uh. Apparently- Apparently, it’s a lot. Okay, you get some sleep or something.” 
“We’ll- We’ll, I-” the god quickly stuttered out, “There’s some other matters I’ve got to attend to, you know? Kingdoms rising and stuff.” 
You’ve gotta get out of here, man. This hurts you just as much as it’s hurting them. 
The pair mumbled their goodbyes, promising a fight against the monstrous egg that attacks their lands and wishes for others to get rest. 
And with that Foolish ran, he didn’t know how long he’d been running for. Down the path, through portal and the Nether, through another portal and into the desert. His legs burned as they pushed his body forwards, faster and faster towards the temple.  
A series of the same four words fell from his lips, over and over again.
“He doesn’t remember me.” 
“He doesn’t remember me.” 
“He doesn’t remember me.” 
Somehow and in someway, Eret had forgotten him. 
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So I haven’t written in a really long time and I’m quite out of practice but what did you think? I kind of what to write about the red banquet next if people enjoyed this :) 
Any constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated. 
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Dear Heart - Chapter 8
Dick Winters x Melanie Davis
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Summary: Melanie Davis is a nurse from North Carolina who has lived a sheltered life since her father died. Her father’s best friend, Colonel Sink, invites her to experience more as a regimental nurse for the 506th PIR of the 101st Airborne. She embarks on the adventure of a lifetime.
Tag list: @thoughpoppiesblow​​ If you’d like to be added, let me know!
Word Count: 4.5k
A/N: I hope y’all enjoy this update! Sorry I left on the cliffhanger for so long!
Warning(s): stuff that resembles domestic violence at the end
Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 3  Chapter 4  Chapter 5  Chapter 6  Chapter 7
Chapter 8 here we go!!!
Mentally, Dick was kicking himself. He closed his eyes and tried to forget, but the image of Melanie being pulled from beneath the rubble was all he could see. Her watery eyes as she blinked them open, the soft way she said his name, and how he became absolutely helpless. Somehow, both relief and worry swirled around inside him. He was grateful she was alive but the blood oozing from her hairline couldn’t be good. He was filled with remorse as he recalled how it was Dr. Clarke - he’d learned the man’s name later - who leapt into action and began looking over Melanie. And Dick watched, frozen with the shock of it all. 
He opened his eyes again. The sight of the Bois Jacques replaced his shameful memory. Melanie was safe now, which was what he tried to remind himself. They had gotten her to battalion HQ, where Colonel Sink had given up his own billet so Melanie could have a bed. Another man who could do more for her than Dick could. 
Dr. Clarke determined that Melanie had gotten miraculously lucky. While the blow to her head looked bad considering how much she bled, she only had a concussion. And it was fairly mild. The rest of her body had come through with only scrapes and bruises. Dick was thankful, but still felt an inadequacy about the whole thing. With nothing to do for her, he returned to the line. It had been two days since he’d left her there. Two days of feeling like he failed her somehow. 
Dick turned his head at the sound of his name. He knew already that it was Lewis’s voice, so he did his best to appear somewhat content. Difficult in this kind of cold, but Lewis was unlikely to pry regardless. 
“Hey, Lew,” he said. 
“You alright?” Lewis asked. 
“Yeah, I’m fine,” Dick returned. “How’s everything back at battalion?”
Lewis almost smirked. Dick didn’t want to seem like he was asking about Melanie, but Lewis knew he was asking about Melanie. 
“About the same, as far as the war’s going,” Lewis told him. “At some point, we gotta take Foy, but who knows when we’ll get it together?” When Dick only nodded, Lew continued. “Melanie’s awake now. Properly awake. She was sitting up and eating when I left there.”
That piqued Dick’s interest. He faced his friend and tried not to sound too eager. “She was?”
Lew nodded. “She asked about you.”
Dick might have laughed if he weren’t feeling so torn. Of course Melanie didn’t care a thing for herself. But he hardly felt he deserved her concern.
“Did she?” he asked. 
Lew nodded again. “I think you should go see her.”
Dick wanted to see her. Desperately. He just couldn’t bear the thought of facing her when he felt like such a let-down. Then again, she had forgiven him for worse. 
“I probably shouldn’t leave the men,” Dick said, and it was partly true. He also harbored guilt for abandoning them for the sake of Melanie, something he recalled swearing back in Toccoa would never happen. But Melanie meant more to him now than she did back then. 
He realized just how much she meant when a future he had barely hoped to dream of seemed lost. When he thought she was dead, all those visions he had of a pretty white house with his beautiful wife and their children had been obliterated. He knew he loved Melanie back in Paris. Now he realized just how deep that love went. And all his inaction once again haunted him. 
“Go see her, Dick,” Lewis said. “The men will survive without you for a couple hours. Even if they are relying on Dike.”
Dick grimaced at that. He agreed with the sentiment, but he didn’t like to think about Easy in the hands of yet another incompetent CO. While Dike was a step up from Sobel, the improvement was meager.
“There’s a jeep back in the woods,” Lewis said. “It’s waiting for you.”
“Thanks, Nix,” Dick replied, clapping his friend on the shoulder. 
With that, Dick climbed out of his foxhole and made his way to the jeep. It was manned by Sink’s personal driver, which told Dick that Lewis was not the only one eager for Melanie to see the man she asked for. With a sigh, Dick took the passenger’s seat and prepared himself. 
When they arrived at HQ, Dick took a deep breath. The last time he’d been this nervous was when he asked Melanie to walk with him after what took place in Eindhoven. He wondered if she was upset with him. How much had Dr. Clarke told her about what happened, if anything? Her father’s pocket watch suddenly felt like it was lead in his breast pocket. 
HQ was relatively quiet. Dick nodded to the officers he recognized, but didn’t stop to say hello. Now that he was here, he only had Melanie on his mind. He needed to see her. His feet felt heavy as he climbed the stairs to her room. As he approached her door, through the wood, he heard her voice. It was sweeter than any music he’d ever heard in his life. It meant she was really there, alive and well, and his hopes for the future were not dashed. He knocked. 
“Come in!” she called. 
He opened the door to reveal her sitting up in bed, a tray of food on her lap, and - to Dick’s disgust - Dr. Clarke sitting beside her on the bed. Thankfully, her smile was enough to melt any bitterness. And she beamed at him. 
“Dick, hello!” she said. “I’m so glad to see you! Have you met Terry?”
She nodded at the doctor. Dick smiled at her. 
“Yeah, we’ve met,” he said. “How are you, Mel?”
He registered now the bandage on her head, and the other, smaller ones on her arms. She reached out a hand toward him, and his heart ached at the scabs he saw forming on her knuckles. He took her hand and let her pull him closer so that he stood beside the bed. 
“I’m alright,” she said. “You really are a darling to come and see me.”
It warmed him to hear her say it. She was happy to see him. Not disappointed at all. Hopefully, her forgiveness would help him forgive himself. 
“Melanie,” Terry interjected. “The check up.”
“Oh, yes, sorry,” she returned. “Is it alright if Dick stays?”
“Sure,” Terry allowed, looking at Dick. “Have a seat.”
There was a chair behind him, and Dick took it without releasing Melanie’s hand. Terry scooted closer to her, cradled her face in his hands, and looked her in the eyes. 
“Eyes are still lovely,” he said, and before she could offer any sort of rebuff, he continued. “And seem fairly focused. No glassiness, pupils are the same size, all good signs.”
He started to move his hand away, and Dick watched uncomfortably as the doctor slid his hand down her neck, briefly stroking her skin with his thumb before letting go. He glanced over at Dick for a fleeting second, meeting his eye. Dick swallowed every possessive impulse that was churning inside him. 
“Really, I’ve just got a terrible headache,” she said. 
“That’s to be expected,” he said. “Do you remember the accident or the events before?”
“Not really,” she said. “The last thing I remember clearly is…” She trailed off. This was her first significant stint of time awake since the collapse of the hospital. The last thing she could recall was her rejection of Terry on the steps. “Well, when you and I spotted the planes coming. Everything after is a blur.”
“Alright, so there is some amnesia, but it seems like it’s pretty minor,” he told her. “You really are lucky. Best to stay off your feet, relax, and come back to work in a couple weeks.”
“Weeks?!” she protested, and Dick gave her hand a supportive squeeze, which she returned. 
“That’s being generous,” Terry said firmly. “I’d like to have you resting for a month just to be safe, but I know how much you’re needed.”
He placed a hand on her leg, just above her knee, casting another superior look at Dick. To Dick’s immense pleasure she drew her knees in toward her chest, forcing Terry’s hand off. Terry frowned and cleared his throat. 
“Sure you can’t eat anymore, Melanie?” he asked. 
She shook her head. “I couldn’t eat another bite.”
“Here, I’ll take the tray for you,” he offered. 
Dick watched her hand over the tray, the food on it barely touched. He looked over Melanie again, and once more something new struck him. She was thinner than he remembered. Her cheekbones were more prominent in her usually round face. Her collar bones stuck out too from beneath the neckline of her shirt. 
Terry excused himself and left. Melanie turned her full attention on Dick, meeting his eyes. It felt like coming home. It had been far too long since they had seen each other and they were both eager to catch up. 
 “How are you, Dick?” she asked kindly. “And the boys?”
“We’re hanging in there,” he said. “The line is still spread too thin and we don’t have enough…” he trailed off. “Never mind. I don’t wanna burden you with all this right now.”
He wanted to apologize as well, but he knew she’d never understand what for. Nor would she blame him if he tried to explain himself. He held her hand a little tighter. Her brow furrowed with concern. 
“Are you alright?” she wondered. 
For some reason he was disappointed to not hear an endearment at the end of that question. He liked “darling” from the way she said it a moment ago. And now that she was in front of him, talking and holding his hand, those pictures of a post-war life returned to him. 
“Yeah,” he said. “Yeah, I’m okay. Just glad you’re safe.”
“Me too,” she half-joked. “When those bombs started coming down I was so afraid I might not -”
Her pale cheeks flushed and she looked away. He swore to himself he’d never take that sight for granted again. 
“You might not what?” he pressed gently. 
“I might not ever see you again,” she blurted out. 
For a fleeting moment, he considered telling her everything - that he loved her, that he saw a life with her, and that he wanted to protect her until the last breath left his body. But he didn’t. He couldn’t overwhelm her just now, and besides, the war was not over. The argument he always had came up again - he could get killed, and where would that leave Melanie?
“I was afraid of the same thing,” he admitted. That much, he would allow himself to say. And the way she smiled at him told him she got his message. Loud and clear. 
“You’ve got no business worrying about me,” she said. “You’re running a battalion.”
None of them are what you are to me. More words he couldn’t speak. 
“Well, they mostly look after themselves,” he replied, forcing his tone to be light. “Y’know, with NCOs like ours.”
She smiled. “Very true.”
A beat passed and he decided to ask one more question on his mind. “Why aren’t you eating?”
“Well, I’m afraid this bump on my head is making me pretty nauseated,” she said. 
“This kind of change didn’t happen in a few days, Mel,” he insisted. 
“Is it bad?” she asked. “I haven’t properly looked at myself in a while.”
“You’re just awfully thin, that’s all,” he said. “Didn’t they feed you at the hospital?”
“Oh, that,” she said dismissively. “Well, I gave away a lot of my meals. I didn’t need it as bad as the wounded did. And we were so limited.” 
He resisted the urge to roll his eyes. “Mel, you gotta eat.”
“I will when I’m feeling better, I promise,” she assured him. “But please don’t fuss over me. I’ll be just fine.”
“Alright, I won’t fuss,” he returned. “Just look after yourself. For me, if not for you.”
“How the tables have turned,” she remarked with a smile. “It wasn’t too long ago I was telling you the same thing.”
He smiled back at her, remembering fondly how she tended to him. How could it be that Carentan felt like it was both years ago and only yesterday? 
“I’m just asking you to return the favor,” he said. 
“I will,” she said. 
He could see that her eyelids were getting heavy, but she fought to keep them open. He wanted her to rest if that was what the doctor ordered.
“Want me to let you sleep?” he asked. 
She met his gaze again. “Are you going to leave if I do?”
He nodded sadly. “I’ve gotta get back to the line.”
Her mouth turned down in almost a pout. She moved her free hand then to cover his, sandwiching it between her palms. 
“Just one more moment, please,” she said, and he was surprised to see tears welling up in her eyes. “Being away from you has been more difficult than I imagined and I can’t bear the thought of it happening again.”
He wondered what was drawing all this brutal honesty from her - the concussion or almost losing her life. Whichever it was, he was moved with sympathy. 
“Alright,” he said. “I’ll stay right here.”
She blinked when she smiled, and a single tear fell down her cheek. She brushed it away as she settled back into her pillows. And Dick remained there with her until she could fight it no longer and she fell asleep. Her eyes closed, her breathing evened out, and she was peaceful. Dick almost wished he could join her. He was exhausted as well. With everything happening on the front and his worry about Melanie, he felt he’d aged about ten years. 
He stood up, slipping his hands carefully from hers, before pulling the blanket over her shoulders. She snuggled down further and let out a deep sigh. He allowed himself to stroke her hair, moving it off her forehead, before leaving. After one last look at her serene face, he closed the door. He was back out in the hall and dreading his next steps. Back outside into the cold, back to the line, back to his worry. 
Before he could make it out, he was stopped. Dr. Clarke stood in the hall, blocking Dick’s path. The doctor looked even less friendly than he did in the room with Melanie, so Dick braced himself for whatever this could mean. Clarke approached.
“Look, I don’t really know you, but I have to say something,” he began. “I think what you’re doing to Melanie is horrible.”
Dick’s brow furrowed. “What am I doing to her?”
“Leading her on,” Clarke explained. “You’ve known her two years now and you haven’t committed to her. Which tells me you’re not interested, but you don’t want her to lose interest.”
Dick was shocked by what he was hearing. It was the first time since knowing Melanie that someone was telling him he didn’t have feelings for her. 
“Doctor, I don’t know what Melanie’s told you, but -”
“It’s not hard to put it together,” Clarke interrupted. “You’ve somehow convinced her you’re worth waiting for. At the expense of people who really care about her. So what is it? Have you...made love to her or something?”
Dick blinked. Several emotions happened to him at once. Further shock at the forwardness of the question. Anger at the suggestion that Dick was that sort of man. And annoyance. He was so tired. Why did he have to deal with this sort of juvenile jealousy when there was a war on? He took a breath to collect himself. Squaring his shoulders, he looked Clarke in the eye, fed up before he even started speaking.
“First of all, anything that’s happened between Melanie and myself is our business,” he began. “Second of all, Melanie doesn’t belong to me. She’s free to pursue any sort of relationship she likes. If she’s chosen not to be with you, that’s not my doing. If I had to guess, it’s because she sees through your bravado. And so do I.”
Clarke huffed. “What the hell does that mean?”
“You march up here and accost me about a situation you’re only guessing at, putting on airs about protecting her,” Dick shot back. “When you were the one who put your hands all over her under the pretense of doing your job. This isn’t about Melanie, it’s about you.” 
“I love that girl,” Clarke insisted, and he took a step toward Dick, who did not step away.
“You’ve got a funny way of showing it,” Dick said. “But if that’s how you feel, take it up with her.”
“You really are a coward,” Clarke scoffed. “You won’t even fight for her.”
“Is that what you’re after?” Dick challenged. “Do you honestly think the two of us duking it out is going to make her love you?”
“She needs to know she has options!” Clarke insisted. 
“She knows,” Dick said levelly. “You’re just upset because she’s made a choice you’re unhappy with.” He was getting impatient now. This sort of thing was for little boys on a playground, not two officers in the US Army. Then, he said something that even surprised him. “I’m not going to fight you for something I already have.”
Clarke flared up at that, but he said nothing. Somehow, Dick defending himself made him realize the truth - that he did have Melanie’s affection, and he felt more deserving of it than before. He was annoyed by Clarke not out of jealousy, but because the man saw himself as more of a threat than he really was. And Dick truly, honestly did not have time or energy to entertain something of so little consequence. 
“And by the way, Lieutenant,” Dick said. “I’m a senior officer. The next time you address me, you will say ‘sir.’”
“Well, fuck you,” Clarke seethed. “Sir.”
Dick chuckled, clapped him on the shoulder, and pushed past him without another word. 
Melanie healed up nicely in the two weeks she was out of work. She slept and ate as if she were making up for all the sleep and meals she’d missed out on the last month or so. Unfortunately, she didn’t get another visit from Dick. The death toll in the Bois Jacques was rising, and he couldn’t leave the men now. 
On January 9th, Melanie was finally free from her bedrest sentence. She had been issued new uniforms since the belongings she’d had with her at the hospital in Bastogne were lost to the destruction. Luckily, she’d thought to leave her valuables - including the dress from Dick - in Colonel Sink’s care, and they were safely in his billet. The fresh fatigues were surprisingly comforting to her. She preferred the dresses and heels, but they were no good in the cold and snow. She was getting ready to put up her hair when there was a knock on her door. 
“Who is it?” she called. 
“It’s Terry!”
“Come in!”
The door squeaked open and Terry stepped through, closing it behind him. She abandoned her hair and turned on her stool to face him. 
“I’m glad you stopped by,” she said. “I wanted to thank you again for taking such wonderful care of me. With all the wounded, I know it couldn’t have been easy.” 
“Nonsense, I was glad to do it,” he replied. 
He paused a long moment and looked at his feet, which caused him to sway a little, but he didn’t fall. Her brow furrowed as she stood up and went to steady him. 
“Are you alright, Terry?” she asked. 
He looked at her again and she realized right away what the problem was from the smell of bourbon on his breath. 
“I’m fine,” he replied, waving a dismissive hand in her face. “Look, Melanie, before Bastogne got bombed to hell, you and I were talking about something.”
She held back a sigh. She had hoped that he’d gotten the message back then that there was someone she loved. But clearly he wasn’t letting it go. 
“Terry, I’m sorry,” she said. “But there’s no use in discussing that any further.”
“No, listen to me,” he said sternly. “I’m telling you, love is wasted on a man like Dick Winters. Especially your love. You deserve someone who is ready for you - right here and now. Someone who wouldn’t let something like a war stand in the way of loving you.”
She frowned, stung and affronted. “That’s a cruel thing to say. You don’t even know him.”
“I know you,” he returned. “And I know that he’s breaking your heart. That’s enough not to like him.”
“You’re sadly misinformed if you think -”
“I love you!” he cried. “And I could give you the life of your dreams after the war if you’d only give me a chance!”
She blinked. Such a confession should have been flattering, but the feeling she got from him made her hair stand on end. He was not saying it out of genuine feeling, he was saying it to win an argument. And that didn’t feel very much like love. 
“Terry, what you want from me are words I can’t say,” she replied gently. “Would you really have me accept you and live a lie?”
“You’d learn to love me, I know it,” he said. “I just want you for myself.”
There was a dangerous gleam in his eye at those words that made her take a step back from him. He stepped closer. Her stomach turned. 
“I think you should go now,” she said timidly. “You’re upset, you’ve been drinking -”
“Give the diplomacy a rest, Melanie,” he spat. “I’m going to say what I feel and you are going to listen!”
She sighed. “It won’t do any good, Terry. I can’t change how I feel.”
“God-DAMMIT!” he bellowed, shoving the dresser beside him so hard several of the knick knacks toppled off of it. Melanie gasped and jumped back, breathing heavily. “Do you see what you do to me, Melanie?”
“I - I haven’t done -” she stammered, but he cut her off. 
“Just the thought of you with him!” he growled. “With ANY MAN!”
To emphasize that point, he snatched a framed photograph off the same dresser and hurled it across the room, right over her head. The glass shattered against the opposite wall, drowning out Melanie’s yelp of surprise. She covered her face with her hands to protect herself from the shards. Before she could say anything in return, he picked up a small globe and threw that at her as well. She ducked to avoid it, and the base snapped against the wall. The globe rolled under the bed. 
“Terry, stop it!” she cried. 
He moved even closer to her. She tried to recoil, but he snatched her by the wrist and yanked her towards him. With his free hand, he took hold of her face, his fingers digging painfully into her cheeks as he pulled her within inches of him. She could feel his breath on her skin. A whimper escaped her at the pain of his grip, but she couldn’t look away. She was frozen, trembling at the thought of what he might do next. 
“I could crush your skull, you know,” he warned. “Right against that vanity. Would that get Dick Winters out of your mind?”
Her eyes went wide, but because of his hand, she couldn’t answer him. His palm covered her mouth. She couldn’t even call for help. She could only shake her head and plead with her eyes. He moved his hand and she drew breath to scream, but he was too quick. He grabbed her by the throat and slammed her into the wall. She winced and prayed for someone to hear the commotion and put a stop to this. 
For a brief moment, she remembered when Corporal Biding tackled her that night in Toccoa. She recalled how frightened she’d been before she realized he was no real threat, he had just made a drunken mistake. Nothing like now. While Terry had been drinking, he was far from drunk. And she was so much more afraid. This was an intentionally vicious attack. She saw in his eyes something sinister and heartless. And of course now, Dick and Easy Company were not going to come to her rescue. 
Her vision got blurry as he cut off her air. She thought of Dick and how much she’d relied on him after the Corporal Biding incident. She wished he was here to help her again. But he wasn’t. And she was not that scared little girl she was in Toccoa. She had survived D-Day, Market Garden, the bombing of Bastogne, and she’d be damned if she let this pathetic excuse for a man get the best of her. 
With all her might, Melanie shoved her knee between Terry’s legs. He groaned at the impact and released her as he doubled over. She took a moment to gulp in fresh air before she reared back and slapped him hard across the face. The sound cracked like a whip. His head lurched back, throwing him off balance enough to stumble. Melanie, adrenaline coursing through her, wasn’t satisfied, so she shoved him, which made him fall to the floor, landing on his rear with a grunt.
“Don’t you ever put your hands on me again!” she yelled.
While he licked his wounds - and his pride - Melanie gathered the last of her things in silence. Rage compelled her every move as she shoved her belongings into her bag. He was still on the floor when she marched for the door. She opened it to reveal Colonel Sink behind it, fist raised, about to knock. He shot her a confused glance as he took in the scene - Melanie, stormy and furious, and Terry in the fetal position on the floor of her room. He noticed as well, the broken trinkets from the unfortunate family who lived here previously. Sink’s eyes flicked between Melanie and Terry. 
“Everything alright up here?” Sink asked. 
“It’s fine,” Melanie said shortly. “Get me out of here, please.”
“Certainly,” he assured her. 
He put a protective arm around her shoulder and led her away. When they made it down the stairs, she stopped him, turned into his chest, and burst into tears. He held her close, patted her on the head, and let her cry. He didn’t ask her what happened, and she was grateful. She never wanted to relive that scene if she could help it. She looked up at Sink with desperate eyes.
“Please don’t make me go back to the hospital, Colonel,” she pleaded. “I’ll do anything else, but I can’t work with him again.”
“Actually, I was about to offer you a change of scenery,” he said. 
“Like what?” she sniffled.
He sighed and looked away, which told her she wouldn’t like it. “The Bois Jacques.”
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heximagines · 3 years
Ambrose | Choose Your Own Adventure | 1A
As you retreat back into your cab to grab a pair of boots and pull them on over your bare feet you eye your gun. Part of you wants to keep it close by just in case but you’d scared the poor guy enough already. After a moment you decide to keep the gun, he’ll just have to understand. You grab your backpack and shove your phone, charger, extra bullets, and a fresh bag of jerky in there. You think you’re all set so you grab your keys to lock up, but just as you���re about to leave one last item catches your eye. You grab it to shove into your bag before clicking the lock and slamming the door shut. You jog up to the strange man’s truck, when you climb in you can tell he’s a bit alarmed by the gun still being in your possession however he seems to brush it off well enough. “It should only take about 10 er 15 minutes to get there.” “Okay sounds good.” You’re a bit nervous to be alone with him but your hand tightened on your weapon and you remind yourself that he seems friendly. “I’m Lester, by the way.” “Oh! Yeah. Sorry, I swear I’m usually not this rude. I’m y/n.” Lester shrugs to himself. “No worries. I met much ruder people out here before.” He throws the truck in drive and sets off back up the road you’d been going down earlier. Your eyes peer out into the dark of the surrounding woods and you struggle to see anything past the tree line. Meanwhile Lester chews his lip nervously and begins to fiddle with the radio trying to get a signal to come in, finally the staticky signal clears up just enough to hear the twang of a country artist. “Oh!” Lester cranks it up. “Ya like Hank Williams Jr?” You give a half smile and shrug, “Can’t say I’ve heard him before.” Lester balks at you, “You ain’t never heard this song?” You lean in and attempt to decipher the crackly words. ‘Hey good lookin’, whatcha got cookin’? How’s about cookin’ somethin’ up with me.’  It sounds maybe a little familiar but nothing you can pinpoint. Lester looks a little disappointed but doesn’t push. Instead he turns it back down a pinch and continues on driving into the night. He drives for what felt almost like too long until the signal cuts out completely. As it does the glimmer of a street light lit up the road making you sit up in your seat. As the truck passes under it the cab is illuminated for just a moment and you turn to look at Lester. He seems much less scary now that you know there is something out here. Finally you roll past a big sign. ‘Welcome to Ambrose, Visit Trudy’s World Famous House of Wax!’ “World famous House of Wax huh?” Lester shifts uncomfortably and he gets an odd look on his face. “Yeah, nothin’ too special.” You giggle to yourself. “Not too special? It’s world famous!” At that Lester gives a little grin.
Once you drive a bit into town you’re greeted by a small gas station with a garage attached. Lester puts the truck in park before checking the time on the stereo. It’s 4:30am. You both shift awkwardly. Lester was pleasant enough to ride with and all but you just want your truck fixed and to get the hell out of there. You both climb out and Lester goes about lowering your truck off of the tow. You wrap your arms around yourself as you watch, trying to keep the now early morning chill from your skin when suddenly you’re startled by a loud voice just behind you. “Lester! What do ya think yer doin’ lettin’ yer friend freeze out here without a jacket?” Lester’s head shoots up and you turn around to see a handsome tall man approaching, you grip your gun just a little tighter as you size the man up. He’s dressed casually in jeans, a T-shirt, and a thick flannel. A faded blue cap covers his head of thick wavy brown hair. There’s a bit of stubble across his sharp jaw. “Oh, hey Bo. I wasn’t expectin’ ya to be up this early.” The man, Bo, pays Lester no mind as he approaches you, taking off his flannel he holds it out to you. You eye him warily and his eyes move down to your weapon. “Seems like you’ve had quite the night. No more need to worry now. Here.” He presses the flannel into your free hand and finally you slip the warm material over your shoulders and pull it around yourself. “Thanks. I appreciate it.” The man grinned down at you. “No problem at all.” He gestures towards your truck which Lester was still unhooking. “What seems to be the problem?” A sour look twists your face as you think back. “The fucking starter is shot. I ripped it out of a junk truck before I came out here and well, you know you get what you pay for.” Bo snorts and nods in agreement. “Well, shouldn’t be too hard to get fixed up. You just let me take a look at it.” Lester finally came to join the two of you with a smile. The men shake hands and Bo claps Lester on the shoulder. “You should go home and get some rest. I got this from here. Your friend is in good hands.” “Sounds good to me. Y/n, hope you make it to New Orleans safe.” Lester did turn out to be a pretty nice guy after all. “I think I’ll be good, thank you.” You give him a little wave as he makes his way back to the tow truck and pulls out of the gas station. Bo turns to you. “Y/n huh? That’s a fine name, I like it. Come with me.” He motions towards the gas station before walking ahead, leaving you to sling your bag over your shoulder and follow after him.
He unlocks the door and holds it open for you to enter. As you slip past you catch a whiff of his cologne, the same spicy scent that clung to his flannel, tinged with motor oil and something metallic that made your skin prickle. You glance at him to see he’s smiling at you, the corners of his eyes crinkling. He seems nice but something in your gut is telling you to keep your guard up. Just because a guy is good looking didn’t mean he was trustworthy. As you enter your eyes sweep across the fully stocked shelves. “Not a lot of business?” You look back at the man, he only shrugs at you. “It’s a small town, ain’t too hard to stay stocked.” You watch as he moves to lock the door and your nerves flair. “What are you doing?” His hand pauses and he looks over at you with that same friendly smile. “We don’t open until 7:30. Still a lil early.” You shift uncomfortably. “Well I’ll wait outside then.” Bo shakes his head. “You don’t gotta do that. Tell ya what. I’ll work on your truck with the garage open if it makes ya feel better.” You chew on that thought for a second before finally nodding. “Cool, I’ll wait out there while you open the garage then.” You slip past him and out the door, going to stand by your truck Lester had parked just outside the garage. Quietly Bo chuckles to himself and locks the door, you were going to be fun for him.
You’re still standing in place when Bo opens up the garage, a lit cigarette now dangling from his lips. “It’s gonna take some time, you wanna grab a seat?” Your eyes shift between Bo and the clock. The time was now 6am. With your sleep having been interrupted you wouldn’t mind a moment to rest. But you also had to leave as soon as your truck was done and you were afraid that if you slept now you’d be too groggy to drive later. “When does that wax museum open?” Bo perks up a bit at that. “Depends. The guy who makes all the figures keeps odd hours, so your guess is good as mine. You could go check it out if ya wanted. If it ain’t open now it probably will be soon. Doubt you’re allowed to bring that in though.” He gestures vaguely to your weapon with his cigarette. You give a short laugh and your face flushes a bit. “Can’t be too cautious these days.” Bo seems to nod in understanding. “Well it’s up to you, if you wanna stay then stay. You wanna go, museum is just up that way.” He points up the road. “Can’t miss it.” With that he sets off to get working on swapping out your starter. Your eyes rove over Bo’s broad shoulders before darting to the road just outside the shop.
Sounds like a good way to kill time
Get some rest and talk with Bo    
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